Unstable upgrade

2001-02-04 Thread Shawn Boyette
Prior to selling my (x86) laptop, I had been running unstable on it since the
potato rollover with no problems.

Currently, my sparc workstation is running testing but I need newer gtk libs
and other things, so I was ready to upgrade to unstable on it.

However, 'apt-get dist-upgrade' announces that it will remove every single
xfonts package I have installed. This sounds like a *bad* thing, so I aborted
the upgrade. What's going on here?

Shawn Boyette :: [EMAIL PROTECTED] :: http://mdxi.collapsar.net/
He had reached the stage in a young man's life when the grimness of the
general human situation becomes clear; and the realization of this causes
the ambition to halt awhile.-- Thomas Hardy, Return of the Native

Apache problem in unstable

2001-02-04 Thread Andrew Herdman
Hey, I know it's unstable, but...

I had to upgrade my sparc5 to unstable to get debian to install php4.  
Everything works fine except apache which spouts out the following errors.  

[emerg] (11)Resource temporarily unavailable: fcntl: F_SETLKW: Error getting 
accept lock, exiting!  Perhaps you need to use the LockFile directive to place 
your lock file on a local disk!
[emerg] (11)Resource temporarily unavailable: fcntl: F_SETLKW: Error getting 
accept lock, exiting!  Perhaps you need to use the LockFile directive to place 
your lock file on a local disk!
[notice] Apache/1.3.14 (Unix) Debian/SPARC configured -- resuming normal 
[notice] suEXEC mechanism enabled (wrapper: /usr/lib/apache/suexec)
[alert] Child 245 returned a Fatal error...
Apache is exiting!

Now the lock file hasn't moved, it is still on the local disk.  I've done a 
google and debian lists search with mentions of the problem (not debian 
specicly), but no solutions to fix it.

Anyone know anything about it?
