
>You missed the important part: Manual kernel installation is no longer
>necessary, it's just silo that is missing now besides the partman bug.

And I can confirm that the automatic kernel selection works for single
CPU boxes like a SUN Ultra 60:

Sun Ultra 60 UPA/PCI (UltraSPARC-II 450MHz), No Keyboard
OpenBoot 3.27, 512 MB memory installed...

~> cat /proc/cpuinfo 
cpu             : TI UltraSparc II  (BlackBird)
fpu             : UltraSparc II integrated FPU
pmu             : ultra12
prom            : OBP 3.27.0 2000/08/23 15:39
type            : sun4u
ncpus probed    : 1
ncpus active    : 1
D$ parity tl1   : 0
I$ parity tl1   : 0
Cpu0ClkTck      : 000000001ad29277
cpucaps         : flush,stbar,swap,muldiv,v9,mul32,div32,v8plus,vis
MMU Type        : Spitfire
MMU PGSZs       : 8K,64K,512K,4MB

The installed kernel:

~> ls /boot/vmlinuz*
/boot/vmlinuz  /boot/vmlinuz-4.3.0-1-sparc64

Which is right, as there's only one CPU :-)

The install went exactly as for the other systems, but network and disk
were automatically found and configured, as it's PCI based,

Dipl. Inf. Ulrich Teichert|e-mail: ulrich.teich...@gmx.de | Listening to:
Stormweg 24               |Imperial State Electric, The Estranged,
24539 Neumuenster, Germany|The About Blanks, Cyanide Pills, Fu Manchu.

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