Re: New kernel images coming to unstable

2003-06-08 Thread Arthur van Dorp
Is it a good idea to use this kernel instead of the standard 2.4.18 in 
order to use RAID-1? Or are there more 'stable' prepacked kernels to use 
vor Sparc64?



OT, Sorry, wrong list. Re: 288-1: openssl and stunnel

2003-04-17 Thread Arthur van Dorp
Argh, that wasn't meant to go to this mailing list. I'm really sorry. 
Stupid me.


Arthur van Dorp wrote:
Todays security advisory about openssl speaks about possibly breaking 
existing applications:

Unfortunately, RSA blinding is not thread-safe and will cause failures
for programs that use threads and OpenSSL such as stunnel.  However,
since the proposed fix would change the binary interface (ABI),
programs that are dynamically linked against OpenSSL won't run
anymore.  This is a dilemma we can't solve.

As I use stunnel I wonder what these problems might be. I've updated my 
testing machine which is set up similar to my production server and 
didn't find a problem yet. But my testing possibilities are limited on 
this machine.

I haven't seen any warnings about breaking other applications in the 
advisories of SuSE, Mandrake and RedHat. Don't they tell people about 
the possible issues of this update or did they do something differently?



288-1: openssl and stunnel

2003-04-17 Thread Arthur van Dorp
Todays security advisory about openssl speaks about possibly breaking 
existing applications:

Unfortunately, RSA blinding is not thread-safe and will cause failures
for programs that use threads and OpenSSL such as stunnel.  However,
since the proposed fix would change the binary interface (ABI),
programs that are dynamically linked against OpenSSL won't run
anymore.  This is a dilemma we can't solve.

As I use stunnel I wonder what these problems might be. I've updated my 
testing machine which is set up similar to my production server and 
didn't find a problem yet. But my testing possibilities are limited on 
this machine.

I haven't seen any warnings about breaking other applications in the 
advisories of SuSE, Mandrake and RedHat. Don't they tell people about 
the possible issues of this update or did they do something differently?



Re: Ultra 5 SSH/Ethernet Lockup

2003-04-15 Thread Arthur van Dorp

fwiw, i haven't had any lockups, but ssh'ing from my 270mhz ultra5, it takes
much longer for the passwd prompt to appear than it does from even an old
166mhz pentium.

Same here, my Debian Ultra 60 has the slowest ssh-login on all the 
machines I can login to. I've had a look at the logfiles and made a 
verbose login but couldn't find anything. But the thing about not enough 
entropy is an interesting thought. The installation is very much 
stripped down with only the most necessary things running. No X, no 
mouse, no unnecessary daemons... Got to dig a bit deeper into that.


Re: DSA 282-1 and Bug #156937

2003-04-09 Thread Arthur van Dorp

Hm, due to the suggestions in this thread I tried:

dpkg --remove libgcc1
dpkg --remove libc6-sparc64
apt-get upgrade
apt-get install libc6-sparc64

It did the trick. Now I have the same libraries as before in an updated 
version. Why does apt-get choke when you try to update things in one go?


Arthur van Dorp wrote:

Uninstall libc6-sparc64. If you want working 64bit runtime+compiler,
upgrade to gcc-3.3 and libc6-sparc64 in sid/unstable.

Ugh, I'm caught in a dependency problem. apt-get doesn't want to 
uninstall libc6-sparc64 because it's needed but won't upgrade it either. 
dpkg doesn't want to remove it because libgcc1 depends on it. I don't 
know what libraries I need for a working system (non-developping and no 
solaris emulation). Any hints?


Re: DSA 282-1 and Bug #156937

2003-04-09 Thread Arthur van Dorp

Uninstall libc6-sparc64. If you want working 64bit runtime+compiler,
upgrade to gcc-3.3 and libc6-sparc64 in sid/unstable.

Ugh, I'm caught in a dependency problem. apt-get doesn't want to 
uninstall libc6-sparc64 because it's needed but won't upgrade it either. 
dpkg doesn't want to remove it because libgcc1 depends on it. I don't 
know what libraries I need for a working system (non-developping and no 
solaris emulation). Any hints?


Re: DSA 282-1 and Bug #156937

2003-04-09 Thread Arthur van Dorp

John Kuhn wrote:
> I just inherited a Debian SPARC box and the first thing I tried to do
> with it was install the new glibc packages for DSA 282.  I ran into
> bug #156937:
> libc6-sparc64 2.2.5-11 conflicts with gcc-3.0.  Running Woody.  Any
> suggestions?

I have difficulties installing libc6-sparc64_2.2.5-11.5 too. I've
removed gcc-x.x (it's a production server), so it's not an
incompatibilty with gcc. It's complaining when decompressing the package
or right after that:

> Entpacke Ersatz-libc6 ...
> Fehler traten auf beim Bearbeiten von:
>  /var/cache/apt/archives/libc6-sparc64_2.2.5-11.5_sparc.deb
> E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

Now apt-get upgrade gives:

> You might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these.
> Sorry, but the following packages have unmet dependencies:
>   libc6-sparc64: Depends: libc6 (= 2.2.5-11.2) but 2.2.5-11.5 is 

> E: Unmet dependencies. Try using -f.


Re: Umlauts in filenames not visible on Solaris7-Partition

2003-03-31 Thread Arthur van Dorp

That looks like some `DOS code page' encoding like cp437 or cp850.  If
you can determine which, you can use `recode' or `iconv' to convert
the files correctly (in case they contain other non-ASCII characters
than the German ones).

Wouldn't these tools change the files themselves and not their 
filenames? The files aren't corrupted, only very difficult to access and 
not being shared via samba because of the control characters.


Re: Umlauts in filenames not visible on Solaris7-Partition

2003-03-31 Thread Arthur van Dorp
Turned out that the umlauts got converted to \201 (ü) \204 (ä) and \224 
(ö) and I've finally found a solution in modifying the following script 
from the usenet. Be sure to make a testrun with the mv command commented 
out. The programm can have a few side-effects.

# written by Kaz Kylheku <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
# March 1996
# Vancouver, Canada
# requires GNU 'bash', GNU 'tr', and some sort of 'sed' program.
# Modified for the replacement of \224 \204 \201 characters in
# March 2003 by [EMAIL PROTECTED]

function processfile()

new_name="`echo -n $1 | tr '\224\204\201' 'oau'`"
if [ "$new_name" != "$1" ] ; then
while [ -e "$new_name" ] ; do
echo changing \"$1\" to \"$new_name\" in `pwd`
mv -- "$1" "$new_name"

function processdir()

set -f
local savepwd="$(pwd)"
if cd "$1" ; then
set +f
for file in * ; do
set -f
if [ "$file" != "." -a "$file" != ".." ] ; then
if [ -L "$file" ] ; then
echo "skipping symlink" $file in
elif [ -d "$file" ] ; then
processdir "$file"
elif [ -f "$file" ] ; then
processfile "$file"
cd "$savepwd"


if [ $# = 0 ] ; then
echo "$0: specify a list of directories"

while [ $# != 0 ] ; do
processdir "$1"

Ultra60 for production environment?

2003-03-11 Thread Arthur van Dorp

Hi all

I've got an Ultra60 with two 18GB SCSI-drives running under Solaris 7 as 
a mail, file and webserver with webmail and the usual things. It's 
getting pretty unmaintainable because it's been set up by my predecessor 
and most programms were compiled "by hand" with a lot of dependencies to 
GNU tools and the like. Updating one programm for security reasons 
always means resolving old and probably new dependencies (i.e. gettext 
for IMP, openssl for apache and sIMAP etc.).

I plan to use Debian with kernel 2.4 (I'm used to iptables), RAID 1 
(Soft- or Hardware?) and the usual software tools (apache, spamassassin, 
openLDAP...). I'd like to hear your unbiased (cough) opinions on 
stability of Debian for sun4u, the possible choice of the correct 
software tools etc.

Thanks a lot.
