the format command for linux

1999-06-09 Thread Harold Hartley
I have decided to clean the intire drives off on my sparc and would like to
know the linux command for formatting a hard drive on my sparc 1+...
I decided its the only way I'll clean off the conflicts that are on the hard


kernel source, patches and headers...

1999-06-08 Thread Harold Hartley
Well, I now have a good question as I'm not readlly familiar with the
compiling and I want to do it right...
the big problem is I can not find a updated HOW-TO about it with the sparc..

I reinstalled my debian slink for sparc, and found in the /usr/src files and
first is kernel-source-2.0.35.tar.gz
and  /usr/src/kernel-patches/sparc/sparclinux-2.0.35-9800805.diff.gz
and in the above line there also is apply and unpatch

and /usr/src/kernel-headers-2.0.35/include/
and along with many asm-sparc and others...

Now I know I'm sounding pretty stupid now with this question on putting all
this together, but I've done all I know so far about linux on my own from
scratch and with questions
I just don't want to make any more mistakes as I'm getting tired of
reinstalling it so many times...
well, actually getting someone else to put the disk in for me as I'm a
quadraplegic, thats why I want to do it right even if I sound pretty stupid
about now...

I'm also doing this on a sparc 1+ also...
thanks for any help I get...


bootfloppies for sparc 1+

1999-06-07 Thread Harold Hartley
I am wondering if the newer bootfloppies for sparc has been released or
I have the ones when slink was released and wondering if there are newer
ones yet...

I'm also still having trouble trying to rid the old SunOS from my sparc 1+
drive as when I need to shutdown linux it falls into a loop with the
would I be better off if I just formatted(clean off the drive) and start
over from scratch...
I run a sparc 1+ (sun4c) and hope it will work better than it is now...

the SunOS is on the sd(0,0,0) and I had to start the linux(slink) at
and just seems to be a big pain...
the above are the way the Sun see's the Drive, and linux seems to see the
Drives as  sda and sdb...

hope someone has a solution


bootdisk for sparc 1+

1999-05-21 Thread Harold Hartley
Hi, I was wondering if the newer bootdisk for the sparc 1+ has had the bugs
worked out of it yet
I was wondering as I need to do a reinstall for mine as I need to do some
reconfiguration to my sparc and I might as well install the newer


web browser for sparc 1+

1999-04-19 Thread Harold Hartley
I am wondering if anyone can tell me what browser I can find to run on a
sparc 1+ that is stable.
I now have xwindow running fine, and what a difference it is after running
I have found running linux apps and stuff to be more injoyable than I have
been running on windows95...


xwindow on sparc 1+

1999-04-07 Thread Harold Hartley
hi, I am trying to setup the xwindow for sparc 1+ with slink...
I type startx and it starts, but it just sits there with a blank screen as
I'm not sure if I have all the files or not...
I have my xserver-xsun for my sparc and XFree86...
I'm new to linux but have learned alot so far...not to get xwindow working..


debian mirror

1999-04-02 Thread Harold Hartley
I was wondering if there is a alternative mirror site my sparc 1+ can go to
other than what is in the default site it goes to...
I installed from floppies and now trying to get the packages to choose from
list for my system...
the sites I am having with as I can see is the non-us site..
can anyone help me...


getting the list of packages for sparc 1+

1999-04-01 Thread Harold Hartley
Well, so far things are going good til it comes to getting the list of
when I run dselect to update to get the list of packages, I seem to see on
my screen Connection timed out and that is to the site for the files...

its to the non-us list of packages I get no where with...
can anyone help me on this so I can get all I need installed on my sparc 1+


getting pppconfig to work right

1999-03-31 Thread Harold Hartley
Hi, I'm sure others have had the same problem before...
I have installed the boot floppies and now trying to setup what I need to
dial into my isp to install the packages I need for my linux setup...
I am on a sparc 1+ with slink...
any help with scripts or something is most helpful..


slink installs on sparc1+, but

1999-03-28 Thread Harold Hartley
I have a sparc I had just installed slink on very nicely
but the thing I am having problem with is it still wants to boot up SunOS...
I thought linux wrote over that when I partitioned the drive...
but it seems like the slink is on drive 2 and not on drive 1...

I have tried what I can think of and I may have overlooked something...
I want to use both drives for my linux, so I don't really need to keep the
sunOS as it is setup for the old place the sparc1+ came from...
can anyone tell me how to rid the sunOS to put linux to use both drives
drive 1 is a 1.02 gig and drive 2 is a 1.5 gig


Re: which format label

1999-03-25 Thread Harold Hartley
It says on my sparc man:

By default, fdformat formats a high density diskette with a capability of
1.44 megabytes.
Use a the -d option to put MS-DOS file system on the diskette after format
is done. Otherwise the , the Sun-3/80 and Desktop SPARC systems version of
fdformat writes a SunOS label on the diskette in logical block 0 after it
has been formatted. The label is required on Sun-3/80 and desktop SPARC
systems if you intend to put a unix file system on the Floppy diskette.

To format diskettes for under MS-DOS, use the MS-DOS FORMAT command in a dos


 -b  Put a MS-DOS label on the disk after formatting it, This option is
meaningful when -d is also set.

 -d  Install a MS-DOS file system and boot sector on the disk after
formatting. This is equivalent to the MS-DOS FORMAT command.

 -e  Eject the disk when done.

 -f  force. Do not ask for confirmation before starting format.

 -l  format a low density (720) diskette.

 -v  Verify the floppy diskette after formatting.

 A diskette formatted using the -d option won't have the necessary
system files, and is therefore not bootable. Trying to boot from it on a PC
will result in the following message:

  Non-System disk or disk error
  Replace and strike any key when ready

this is why I ask the question, I just want to know how to approach this so
I have no problems


- Original Message -
To: Jeffrey Ebert [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Harold Hartley [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 1999 4:17 AM
Subject: Re: which format label

 Jeffrey Ebert wrote:

  Harold Hartley wrote:
   I sent a message ealier and felt I didn't explain myself enough...
   I have fdformat some floppies and put the files for boot floppies on
   they also have a SunOS label to them
   As I read my man on my sparc 1+ about fdformat, I find it telling me
   fdformat -d for a MS-dos label...
   should I have my floppies with a MS-dos label for my bootfloppy to
   linux on a unix OS thats on there now...
  I don't think it matters since you are going to use rawrite or dd to put
  the boot floppy images onto the floppy. I think the only reason for
  formatting them before hand is to look for bad sectors. If you have any
  bad sectors, then you can't use the disk. There is no way to mark the
  bad sectors and avoid them when you are dd'ing a complete disk image.

 You can also check the low-level format, or whatever it's called, by
 formating the floppy. If you've been playing with superformat you might
 have some floppies lying around that have more than the standard number
 of sectors, which might cause problems for a different drive, or might

 Does Sun use the word label to mean both partition table and
 directory structure?


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which format label to use

1999-03-24 Thread Harold Hartley
Hi, I am formatting my floppies on a sparc 1+ to make my bootdisk..
which for mat should I use, the fdformat with a SunOS label or a MS-dos
the sparc 1+ can do both and didn't know which label it should be for

I am upgrading from unix to debian linux
waiting for reply

bootdisk for sparc

1999-03-12 Thread Harold Hartley
Just to make sure. I am FTPing the files to do a bootfloppy for the
sparc and wondring if I need to get all the files that is at the ftp
and also will the disk eject from the floppy drive on sparc
automatically since it doesn't have a drive like a regular pc does...

Thanks Harold

Re: newbie with sparc 1+

1999-03-10 Thread Harold Hartley
thank you for that tip, I never knew how to format a floppy on a sparc
I pretty much had to find the man on my own.
now that I will be able to format the floppies, I can ftp the files to my
other computer and then to my sparc and put them on the floppy...
I know this sounds like more work, but its the only way I know of...

I read these messages on here and see the names, slink, potato and hamm
I wonder which is the one I should be going with...
hey, I am so new to this its not funny...

so as I have figured out is I get the bootdisk and put on floppy, should get
me started...thats what I I right
then I can download the other needed files after that...

I'm sure I'll be asking more questions in due time...but any help to me is


Adam Di Carlo wrote:

  Harold == Harold Hartley [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Harold I am a new user with a sparc 1+ and have 1 floppy drive and 2
 Harold hard drives  I am currently runnning unix solaris 1 ver
 Harold 4.1.3 on it now...  I want to put linux on it

 Harold I guess I need to find out more about the whole process and
 Harold have been reading up all I can on it...  I read about the
 Harold bootfloppies and I have no idea about formating a floppy on
 Harold the sparc to get the files for sparc...

 Are you saying that you've read the newest installation manual
 (URL: and that you find the
 instructions for creating floppies in solaris inadequate?

 Try 'man fdformant'...


newbie with sparc 1+

1999-03-09 Thread Harold Hartley
I am a new user with a sparc 1+ and have 1 floppy drive and 2 hard
I am currently runnning unix solaris 1 ver 4.1.3 on it now...
I want to put linux on it

I guess I need to find out more about the whole process and have been
reading up all I can on it...
I read about the bootfloppies and I have no idea about formating a
floppy on the sparc to get the files for sparc...
also if I can get the linux install all on floppy would help me alot to
and then can use it over my network here...
for the routing and the other good stuff linux has to offer...

thanks for any help..