Re: Floppy from sparc on x86

2000-12-20 Thread ferret

On Wed, 20 Dec 2000, Rafael E. Herrera wrote:

 I have tried before to use the one from an IPC without success. The last
 responses I got
 Matthew Haas wrote:
  On Sat, 25 Nov 2000, Rafael E. Herrera wrote:
   Perhaps I didn't phrase the question right. How do I get the floppy to
   work on a PC? I know of the 'eject' and 'floppycontrol'. Any comments?
  I heard from somewhere that Sun machines use the alternate ID (ie B:
  instead of A:--- they don't use the twist in the cable) and that you must
  plug the drive in before the twist in order to get it recognized as A:
  (I've never personally tried it, but I have heard that people have had
 Alain Knaff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I pulled a floppy drive from an old SUN IPC box and I'm trying to use it
  in my PC. It has a motor that ejects the floppy and I'd like to use that
  feature. I've tried to get info from the web about it, but have had no
  luck. I also installed the fdutils package to use the floppycontrol
  I've tried several setting in the BIOS and in the floppy to get it to
  work, no dice. If you have any pointers I'd be grateful.
  For the moment, this feature is only supported for Linux on Sparc
  (Sparcstation usually come with floppy drives with an autoeject
  mechanism). Do you have any documentation with your drive, the name or
  number of the wire used to trigger the eject might be useful
 I think the last one was from the author of floppycontrol. If you get
 it to work let me know and Alain, too.
 I got the IPC for $12 at the GoodWill. The funny thing is that the floppy 
 (Sony MFD-17W-P1) sale for $85 refurbished at, isn't it

HEH! I got my IPX probably from the exact same Goodwill last october. Was
over there visiting a friend at CMU. (noting your deleted SIG) Bought it
for $10 (there was a guy who was going to buy it just for the hard drive -
until I told him I could put Linux on it), took it to CMU with my friend,
and loaded it up. I'm using it as a testbed DHCP server right now.

My floppy drive just died a few weeks ago; OpenPROM floppy diagnostics
fail, won't boot, etc.

I've been unable to get it working on a peeci either.
I'm also considering sticking in a SCSI-interface LS-120. You can get them
from Winstation ( I hear), and they're using some kind
of low-profile SCSI-ATAPI protocol converter retrofitted onto the
existing ATAPI drives. Also, they're supposed to be coming out with a
240MB model, so the 120's are at End of Life.

I'm wondering if the IPX would be able to boot off a 1.44MB floppy in it
as a SCSI device.

partial success with external modem on IPX

2000-12-02 Thread ferret

I'm using it right now with serial ports jumpered to RS232, 38400N81, Mac
modem cable, AND modem handshaking disabled.

It's a bit slow, but -test11 eats filesystems on my normal gateway under
high ethernet load. :/

Does anyone have the kernel patch to drive the Zilog 8530 at 64k? I have
been historically unable to locate it.

cross-compiler mini-HOWTO 0.0.1

2000-11-26 Thread ferret

Finally I have my mental notes into a somewhat coherant form. I welcome
any suggestions, pointers, etc. This is my first time writing an HOWTO.

I had planned to write a little script to perform the steps described
here, but I ran into a little policy-esque technical snag that I needed
some expert advice on. However, it's been about a week with not even a
reply to the questions I asked on debian-devel. Perhaps I could find the
advice I seek here?

HOWTO is attached.

[document 0.0.1]
[copyright 2000, Beiad Ian Q. Dalton. Permission to distribute and
maintain this document in the same manner as the HOWTO collections is
hereby given.]

This HOWTO describes a quick and dirty way to produce a minimal
cross-compiling system. A cross-compiler is used to compile software on
a fast machine of one archetecture for a slower machine of a different
archetecture. A good example of this is compiling for a 68k Mac or a
Sparc IPX or SS10 on a recent Pentium II system.

This HOWTO currently assumes that you will be performing all the steps
as root.

You need:

A fairly fast computer with Woody installed on it. Potato should
work as well, but I don't have a system I can test for it.

Access to Woody's source package archive.

It's probably a good idea to do all this under /usr/local/tmp or
/var/tmp, or a scratch partition, if you don't already have your own
set-up to compile local packages.

Download and unpack the following source archives: (apt-get source is
best if you have an Internet connection)

binutils 2.10
gcc-m68k-linux 2.8.1

If you're going to build for a Sparc target, you may also want to get
the sparc-utils package for the elftoaout converter and the tftpboot

Now download 'lsdo', 'libc6', and 'libc6-dev' binary debs for your
target archetecture and distribution.

Now, install dpkg-cross, if you don't have it already. You will must to
edit /etc/dpkg/cross-compile and change 'crossbase' to be '/usr' instead
of '/usr/local'. gcc 2.8.1 will not build successfully if you do not do

Use dpkg-cross to install the ldso, libc6, and libc6-dev packages that
you download, one package per invocation.

Now, cd into the binutils source directory and type
'debian/rules TARGETS=dest arch binary'

When the build has completed successfully, you should have 'binutils',
'binutils-dev', 'binutils-doc', 'binutils-multiarch', and 
'binutils-dest arch'. At a minimum you should install the 'binutils',
'binutils-dev', 'binutils-multiarch' and 'binutils-dest arch'

Now, you should be ready to build gcc.

IFF your target arch is not m68k:
cp -a gcc-m68k-linux-2.8.1 gcc-target arch-linux-2.8.1
With a text editor (sed should work fine here) change all instances
of 'm68k' to 'target arch' in all files in the 
gcc-target arch-linux-2.8.1/debian/ directory.

Now, cd into gcc-target arch-linux-2.8.1 and run 
'debian/rules binary'.

Assuming this compile succeeds, install the gcc-target arch-linux deb.

Known problems:

You need gcc 2.91 in order to compile the 2.4.0 test kernels. If the gcc
source package could be extended in the same way that binutils was, we
could obsolesce the gcc 2.8.1 package and Be Happy.

Currently, if you don't have 'crossbase = /usr' it will Fail To
Build. This is because the Makefile in gcc 2.8.1 isn't smart enough to
consider that the header files and the binutils might not be in the same
superdir, and I'm just not up to trying to Make It Work. Besides, making
2.91 work would be a better use of effort.

; It also doesn't appear possible to make a script that could be packaged
; and added to Debian, currently. The sticking point is the issue with
; dpkg-cross. In order to work, the script basically has to make the admin
; change the value of crossbase, or be allowed to override it on the
; dpkg-cross commandline. I asked about this on debian-policy, also
; asked the binutils maintainer in private email, but have heard
; nothing.
; Personally, I think overriding the admin's decision isn't the best
; idea, but it is the best thing to make the script do what it's
; supposed to, given the current state of the packages it needs.

Re: Question about a Sony MFD-17W-P1 floppy disk drive.

2000-11-25 Thread ferret

I don't think you can, actually, but I'm not an authorative source.

On Sat, 25 Nov 2000, Rafael E. Herrera wrote:

 Perhaps I didn't phrase the question right. How do I get the floppy to
 work on a PC? I know of the 'eject' and 'floppycontrol'. Any comments?
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: sunlance.c - network driver for sun4m

2000-11-21 Thread ferret

Yah. Say, I'm working on a little HOWTO and hopefully an automated build
script for cross-compiling kernels. I go Intel-Sparc. I'll make another
post when I get the basic instructions complete.

On Tue, 21 Nov 2000, Ian Chilton wrote:

  and an other faq tells that i have to convert an elf kernel to aout with
  the elf2aout tool. but the tool tells me that it is not an elf file.
 Yes, I had this toodo this:
 mv vmlinuz vmlinux-elf.gz
 gzip -d vmlinux-elf.gz
 elf2out -o vmlinux vmlinux-elf
 Then use vmlinux to boot from..
 Bye for Now,
 (o o)
  |  Ian Chilton(IRC Nick - GadgetMan) ICQ #: 16007717  |
  |  E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Web:  |
  |   I used up all my sick days, so I'm calling in dead.   |
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cross-compiler update

2000-11-13 Thread ferret

(can't sleep. Clowns will eat me)

Need to compile and install binutils-sparc (is not built from the binutils
package for some reason unknown to me right now). Then install dpkg-cross,
and import ldso, libc6, and libc6-dev debs from Sparc. Then symlink
/usr/local/sparc-linux/[include|lib] into /usr/sparc-linux/. Then tweak
gcc-m68k-linux into building for sparc and depending on binutils-sparc
instead of binutils-sparc-linux.

Assuming this works, we would somehow need a libc6-dev crosscompile
package built for each supported arch and a few other minor package fixes.
I think I'm starting to drift off-topic..

Sometime tomorrow I'll post a compressed log of kernel-source-2.2.17
compiling for people to look at. I'm on a dialup connection for the time
being though.
Then I have a question of testing the kernel. How should I write a boot
floppy with the kernel, assuming it builds?

Sparc cross-compiler update

2000-11-13 Thread ferret

Looks like my FDD is bad. I test it in prom (test floppy) and it reports
it's unable to read the first sector. So, I need to learn how to build or
edit a tftpboot image.

Still trying to build an i386-sparc cross-compiler

2000-10-16 Thread ferret

I have been having an extremely bad time with this. I can't even get the
i386-m68k cross-compiler (gcc-m68k-linux) to compile. If it did compile,
I could just edit the control and rules files to make it build to sparc.
I believe I've had two open bugs against the package so far. And I'm very
interested in how the heck it compiles in the Potato or Woody autobuilder,
or if it even has been. MD5sums for the Slink and the Woody version match,
so I'm betting the Woody and Potato versions were built on Slink.

Meanwhile, would someone who has built and uses a cross-compiler be
willing to help me build one from scratch?

Re: modem weirdness was: minor error in ppp chatscript

2000-08-07 Thread ferret

Hrmmm. I must have been more asleep than I thought.. :/

I am dialing out to my secondary ISP.

When modem is connected to the i386 box, I connect to the ISP, press
'enter' and get a login prompt.
When modem is connected to the IPX, I connect to the ISP, press 'enter'
and fail to get a login prompt.

In both cases I am dialing out with the modem command ATDTphone #

On the i386 I am using a Belkin serial modem cable. On the IPX I am using
a (I THINK Interex) Mac modem cable.

On Mon, 7 Aug 2000, Leonardo Rochael Almeida wrote:

 It is not clear what your problem is. Where are you connecting? (i.e.:
 what is on the other side of the phone line?) Are you trying to dial into
 your IPX or out of it? Whose minicom seems locked? the one on the IPX
 dialing out or the one on the machine you are trying to dial into your
 In order to dial into your IPX you have to have a getty of sorts listening
 on the serial port. Debian's /etc/inittab usually has an example of how to
 do that, but it is usually commented out.
 As for the alarm problem, I have no clue.
 Regards, Leo
 On Sat, 5 Aug 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm having a different but certainly related problem now.
  I can talk to the modem fine from within minicom, but my terminal session
  appears to lock after the modem negotiates connection to the remote and
  returns the CONNECT string. After connecting I press enter and nothing
  at all happens until I'm disconnected a minute or so later.
  However, I connect the modem to my intel box and dial in, I press enter
  and am greeted with a login prompt.
  I don't understand what's happening here. Could the cable be bad in some
  subtle way, or do I need some special init string? I'm just lost right
  On Fri, 4 Aug 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I'm curious why I would be getting a timeout and alarm at this point of
   chat. The modem is an external USR Sportster X2 flashed to v.90 code, and
   the cable is a mac serial crossover cable. I can talk to the modem through
   minicom and do not see any problems there. The port settings is 38400N81
   with hardware flow control. The computer is a Sparc IPX running Potato.
   Aug  4 22:02:16 runescribe chat[27627]: abort on (BUSY)
   Aug  4 22:02:16 runescribe chat[27627]: abort on (NO CARRIER)
   Aug  4 22:02:16 runescribe chat[27627]: abort on (VOICE)
   Aug  4 22:02:16 runescribe chat[27627]: abort on (NO DIALTONE)
   Aug  4 22:02:16 runescribe chat[27627]: abort on (NO DIAL TONE)
   Aug  4 22:02:16 runescribe chat[27627]: abort on (NO ANSWER)
   Aug  4 22:02:16 runescribe chat[27627]: send (ATZ^M)
   Aug  4 22:02:16 runescribe chat[27627]: expect (OK)
   Aug  4 22:03:01 runescribe chat[27627]: alarm
   Aug  4 22:03:01 runescribe chat[27627]: send (AT^M)
   Aug  4 22:03:01 runescribe chat[27627]: expect (OK)
   Aug  4 22:03:01 runescribe chat[27627]: AT^M^M
   Aug  4 22:03:01 runescribe chat[27627]: OK
   Aug  4 22:03:01 runescribe chat[27627]:  -- got it
   Aug  4 22:03:01 runescribe chat[27627]: send (ATX4DT4286535^M)
   Aug  4 22:03:01 runescribe chat[27627]: expect (CONNECT)
   Aug  4 22:03:01 runescribe chat[27627]: ^M
   Aug  4 22:03:03 runescribe chat[27627]: ATX4DT4286535^M^M
   Aug  4 22:03:03 runescribe chat[27627]: NO DIAL TONE
   Aug  4 22:03:03 runescribe chat[27627]:  -- failed
   Aug  4 22:03:03 runescribe chat[27627]: Failed (NO DIAL TONE)
   Aug  4 22:03:03 runescribe pppd[27620]: Connect script failed

minor error in ppp chatscript

2000-08-05 Thread ferret

I'm curious why I would be getting a timeout and alarm at this point of
chat. The modem is an external USR Sportster X2 flashed to v.90 code, and
the cable is a mac serial crossover cable. I can talk to the modem through
minicom and do not see any problems there. The port settings is 38400N81
with hardware flow control. The computer is a Sparc IPX running Potato.

Aug  4 22:02:16 runescribe chat[27627]: abort on (BUSY)
Aug  4 22:02:16 runescribe chat[27627]: abort on (NO CARRIER)
Aug  4 22:02:16 runescribe chat[27627]: abort on (VOICE)
Aug  4 22:02:16 runescribe chat[27627]: abort on (NO DIALTONE)
Aug  4 22:02:16 runescribe chat[27627]: abort on (NO DIAL TONE)
Aug  4 22:02:16 runescribe chat[27627]: abort on (NO ANSWER)
Aug  4 22:02:16 runescribe chat[27627]: send (ATZ^M)
Aug  4 22:02:16 runescribe chat[27627]: expect (OK)
Aug  4 22:03:01 runescribe chat[27627]: alarm
Aug  4 22:03:01 runescribe chat[27627]: send (AT^M)
Aug  4 22:03:01 runescribe chat[27627]: expect (OK)
Aug  4 22:03:01 runescribe chat[27627]: AT^M^M
Aug  4 22:03:01 runescribe chat[27627]: OK
Aug  4 22:03:01 runescribe chat[27627]:  -- got it
Aug  4 22:03:01 runescribe chat[27627]: send (ATX4DT4286535^M)
Aug  4 22:03:01 runescribe chat[27627]: expect (CONNECT)
Aug  4 22:03:01 runescribe chat[27627]: ^M
Aug  4 22:03:03 runescribe chat[27627]: ATX4DT4286535^M^M
Aug  4 22:03:03 runescribe chat[27627]: NO DIAL TONE
Aug  4 22:03:03 runescribe chat[27627]:  -- failed
Aug  4 22:03:03 runescribe chat[27627]: Failed (NO DIAL TONE)
Aug  4 22:03:03 runescribe pppd[27620]: Connect script failed

modem weirdness was: minor error in ppp chatscript

2000-08-05 Thread ferret

I'm having a different but certainly related problem now.
I can talk to the modem fine from within minicom, but my terminal session
appears to lock after the modem negotiates connection to the remote and
returns the CONNECT string. After connecting I press enter and nothing
at all happens until I'm disconnected a minute or so later.
However, I connect the modem to my intel box and dial in, I press enter
and am greeted with a login prompt.

I don't understand what's happening here. Could the cable be bad in some
subtle way, or do I need some special init string? I'm just lost right

On Fri, 4 Aug 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm curious why I would be getting a timeout and alarm at this point of
 chat. The modem is an external USR Sportster X2 flashed to v.90 code, and
 the cable is a mac serial crossover cable. I can talk to the modem through
 minicom and do not see any problems there. The port settings is 38400N81
 with hardware flow control. The computer is a Sparc IPX running Potato.
 Aug  4 22:02:16 runescribe chat[27627]: abort on (BUSY)
 Aug  4 22:02:16 runescribe chat[27627]: abort on (NO CARRIER)
 Aug  4 22:02:16 runescribe chat[27627]: abort on (VOICE)
 Aug  4 22:02:16 runescribe chat[27627]: abort on (NO DIALTONE)
 Aug  4 22:02:16 runescribe chat[27627]: abort on (NO DIAL TONE)
 Aug  4 22:02:16 runescribe chat[27627]: abort on (NO ANSWER)
 Aug  4 22:02:16 runescribe chat[27627]: send (ATZ^M)
 Aug  4 22:02:16 runescribe chat[27627]: expect (OK)
 Aug  4 22:03:01 runescribe chat[27627]: alarm
 Aug  4 22:03:01 runescribe chat[27627]: send (AT^M)
 Aug  4 22:03:01 runescribe chat[27627]: expect (OK)
 Aug  4 22:03:01 runescribe chat[27627]: AT^M^M
 Aug  4 22:03:01 runescribe chat[27627]: OK
 Aug  4 22:03:01 runescribe chat[27627]:  -- got it
 Aug  4 22:03:01 runescribe chat[27627]: send (ATX4DT4286535^M)
 Aug  4 22:03:01 runescribe chat[27627]: expect (CONNECT)
 Aug  4 22:03:01 runescribe chat[27627]: ^M
 Aug  4 22:03:03 runescribe chat[27627]: ATX4DT4286535^M^M
 Aug  4 22:03:03 runescribe chat[27627]: NO DIAL TONE
 Aug  4 22:03:03 runescribe chat[27627]:  -- failed
 Aug  4 22:03:03 runescribe chat[27627]: Failed (NO DIAL TONE)
 Aug  4 22:03:03 runescribe pppd[27620]: Connect script failed
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: serial console problem

2000-06-18 Thread ferret

I have the same problem when I boot my serial console. I just have to
remember to umplug the cable until after I start minicom.

BTW, 'minicom -o' will skip the modem init for you, if you someday switch
to Linux on your x86 box.

On Sun, 18 Jun 2000, Ben Collins wrote:

 On Sat, Jun 17, 2000 at 08:59:39PM -0700, Moe wrote:
  Hello all
 I have a debian 2.2 installed on a sparc 1+.  I
  connect via the serial port from my windows machine. 
  When I shutdown my windows box, then restart it I go
  to the windows serial console and I see the ''
  meaning that the sparc has crashed or windows
  console(hyperterm) sends a break signal to my sparc.
 When the PC boots (powercycle) it inits the serial port, and sends a
 break, IIRC. Expect it. You can disable this on the sparc with:
 echo 0  /proc/sys/kernel/stop-a
 But that means you have to revert that with a 1 when you want it to work
 /  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux   \
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Unable to compile; sys/io.h not found (fwd)

2000-06-07 Thread ferret

I'm going to be recompiling libc6 as a verification pass. The powertweak
people are saying we should have a sys/io.h, but it looks like it's
something specific to arches that use ISA.

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 06 Jun 2000 17:28:18 -0700
From: Sudhakar Chandra [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Unable to compile; sys/io.h not found

Dave Jones proclaimed:
   My system doesn't seem to have a sys/io.h under /usr/include.
 Then it would appear to be borken.
   I'm running Debian potato prerelease. Kernel 2.2.15, libc6 2.1.3, with
   standard libc headers.
 Looks like a debian-specific problem.  Thaths?, Anyone ?
 If you've got the devel stuff installed, then it maybe that the
 packager screwed up, and missed a file ?

See if you sys/io.h is listed in /var/lib/dpkg/info/libc6-dev.list

It is is not, then the package maintainer messed up.  If it is, your system
has somehoe landed in an inconsistent state.  Download the libc6-dev deb
again and reinstall it.  Before reinstalling it do a 'dpkg --contents
libc6-dev*.deb | more' to see if sys/io.h is part of the package that you

 Now, let's all turn around and pay attention to me again.
-- Homer J. Simpson
Sudhakar C13n Indentured Slave

Re: Boot partitions

2000-05-31 Thread ferret

Yes, Potato install will be a lot less of an headache to get up and
running. And from memory (I have an IPX also, set up a /boot partition
since I replaced the OEM drive with a 9GB -- no idea if the later IPX prom
has the 1GB problem) you'll have to boot manually from silo the first
time, then edit /etc/silo.conf (And I probably should move mine to /boot

On Wed, 31 May 2000, Ben Collins wrote:

  I am a Primary School teacher whose school has inherited a SPARC IPX 
  running SunOS 4.1.3U.  I am new to SPARC's but not to Linux.  I've 
  installed the base package of SLINK 2.1 (kernel 2.0.35) in a '/boot' 
  partition '/sda1' (28MB).  I previously used to fire up the Sun with the 
  following from the new prompt:
 This is where the problem lies. Silo looks for the image on the boot
 partition (very unlike a PC, in which lilo references an disk block as
 opposed to being able to read the filesystem like silo can).
 You can either boot with init=/bin/bash and edit /etc/silo.conf manually,
 or do an install with just one partition (no need to seperate partitions
 if you don't have to).
 I also suggest going with a potato install as opposed to slink.

IPX and install to large hard drive

2000-05-14 Thread ferret

I remember hearing that some of the older Sun machines could only boot
from the first GB of the disk. Is there any need to have a separate
partition at the beginning of the disk for /boot with the kernels and silo
in it?

Installation was smooth. The only problem came when I was asked to choose
the hostname. ;)

I did make a 16MB partition starting at offset 0 for /boot, and silo
didn't want to find the kernel image on reboot.

Re: IPX and install to large hard drive

2000-05-14 Thread ferret

Question is, do I even NEED /boot to be seperate? ROM version is 2.6, disk
is a 9.1GB.

On Sun, 14 May 2000, Ben Collins wrote:

 On Sun, May 14, 2000 at 01:44:05AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I remember hearing that some of the older Sun machines could only boot
  from the first GB of the disk. Is there any need to have a separate
  partition at the beginning of the disk for /boot with the kernels and silo
  in it?
  Installation was smooth. The only problem came when I was asked to choose
  the hostname. ;)
  I did make a 16MB partition starting at offset 0 for /boot, and silo
  didn't want to find the kernel image on reboot.
 That's because silo has to know the full path of the kernel. If you put
 silo on part1 (/) and /boot on part2, then silo needs to look for:
 Where 2 is the partition number of the current drive and /vmlinuz-2.2.15
 is the path to the image relative to the partition it is on (in this case,
 it is not in /boot, since that is the partition we are looking on).
 I'm not sure there is a sane way to handle this in dbootstrap, but I'll
 take a look.

H. Need to change the 'partition' option in silo.conf, but then one
would need to mangle the 'vmlinuz' symlink into the root of whatever
partition that is. Ouch, definately not trivial.

 /  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux   \
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Success story: potato on Sparc Classic

2000-04-12 Thread ferret


I'm running two 36-bit and two 32-bit 16MB simms on my Sparc IPX,
aparantly without any problems. The 36-bit needs to be in the first bank,

On Tue, 11 Apr 2000, Phil Brutsche wrote:

 A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...
  Oh, something different: what kind of memory does a Classic need? It
  currently has 24MB installed, and I have a couple of 8MB 60 and 70 ns 72
  pins PC SIMMs, but I'm not sure if it needs fast page mode or EDO SIMMs.
  I'm also not sure if a Classic really needs parity memory.
 It's my understanding that late Sun4c's (IPX and maybe sparctation 2) and
 early Sun4m's (like your Classic) will take parity fast page mode 72 pin
 60 ns PC sims, but that PC simms can't be mixed with Sun simms (apparently
 Sun simms are 33 bit and PC simms are 36 bit)
 The people on the sunhelp mailing list ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) will be able
 to help you more than the ramblings of some college student :)
 Phil Brutsche [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 There are two things that are infinite; Human stupidity and the
 universe. And I'm not sure about the universe. - Albert Einstein
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: TFTPbooting potato?

2000-03-24 Thread ferret

On Thu, 23 Mar 2000, Jean-Paul Blaquiere wrote:

  On Mar 22, [EMAIL PROTECTED] scrawled :
  Would anyone have gotten a working i386-sparc cross-compiler that could
  fairly easily be packaged? If not, I'll look at modifying the m68k
  cross-compiler package in Potato, but last try on that (~4 weeks ago) it
  would not build.
 no.  I have tried to get gcc2.95-2 to compile as a 386i -- sparc x-compiler
 but it would not build.  If you get the m68k one working, I would love to
 hear from you.

gcc-m68k-linux still fails in the same place it was before, compiling

I'm personally wondering how the gcc-m68k-linux binary package gets built.
Am I missing something I should have installed?

 compiling on an ELC compared to a dual celery 450 is  marked.
 Jean-Paul Blaquiere   ||   Do not tempt the daemons
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  ||  -- Why? Can they hurt me?
   ||   No.  But it's ... tacky. --Adam, atsr
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: TFTPbooting potato?

2000-03-23 Thread ferret

Would anyone have gotten a working i386-sparc cross-compiler that could
fairly easily be packaged? If not, I'll look at modifying the m68k
cross-compiler package in Potato, but last try on that (~4 weeks ago) it
would not build.

Beiad Ian Q. Dalton

On Wed, 22 Mar 2000, Ari Heitner wrote:

 On Wed, 22 Mar 2000, Ben Collins wrote:
  Machine type would be helpful. Also, trying each of the boot types (tftp,
  floppy) and reporting success and failures is also helpful. You can also
  try building your own kernel and testing that with the floppy images (just
  mount them and replace linux with your kernel image).
 Could you post the .config you're using to build the c and cdm kernels?
 That way we could play around and see what works/doesn't. I'll be home on
 spring break this coming week, and my IPX will be up and idle, so I can do
 some toying around (well, I can reboot and hope it come up :)
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: sun4c floppy boot images status

2000-03-23 Thread ferret

On Wed, 22 Mar 2000, Ben Collins wrote:

 On Wed, Mar 22, 2000 at 11:42:29AM -0500, Ari Heitner wrote:
  On Tue, 21 Mar 2000, Ben Collins wrote:
   Well, I finally got ahold of a sparc 1+ sun4c to test the floppy boot
   images, and to my dismay, they worked perfectly (both the sun4c and
  Yeah, I think i said this (meant to if i didn't).
  I took the bootdisk I had been using for my 1+, tried it on my IPX, and it
  died with the funky read error.
  BTW i did use an i386 box to write the images
 Ok, then it sounds like we are having problems with only IPX and IPC. Does
 anyone know anything about the floppy on this architecture? Are there
 known issues? Note, that the sun4c images are using a non-compressed
 kernel, so it isn't a matter of CPU/Mem. Plus it never reads the entire
 image anyway.

I know I was never able to do anything with the floppy on my IPX (read
'cat /dev/fd0 | less', write 'cat /foo/bar  /dev/fd0', or format
'superformat') past performing the initial install (from Slink) and could
never figure out any answers or suggestions. I usually would get about a
screenful (~40 lines) of what I remember were mostly timing and sense key

Beiad Ian Q. Dalton

2.2.8 no go on Sparc IPX

2000-03-18 Thread ferret

Latest tests, Sparc IPX 64MB memory:

Booting from floppy: read error on block 73
Booting from net: TILO, then Booting Linux... then hangs.

Disk set 2.2.8-2000-03-09, rescue.bin from sun4cdm directory and

One of the older builds from two or three months ago boots, but of course
that one couldn't NFSmount anything.

Beiad Ian Q. Dalton

HELP: FTP through squid proxy wants to get ENTIRE area under /

2000-02-05 Thread ferret

It didn't do this to me with the previous set of images, but this go
around I'm getting stuff outside the tree I specify:

# wget -r

# du

912 ./
3   ./
4   ./
18  ./
48580   ./
2   ./
2   ./
2   ./

I did move my proxy and modem to a different machine, but I copied
/etc/squid.conf right over and initialised it, so that shouldn't be it.


-- Ferret

Re: sparc installation

2000-02-02 Thread ferret

On Tue, 1 Feb 2000, Anton Ivanov wrote:

  Looks like it. OH. Different problem, but it might have some bearing. I
  just switched my network from /etc/hosts to DNS zone, and now none of my
  clients have permission to mount my NFS exports.
 Have you removed the old /etc/hosts entries?
 If they stay and have shorthand aliases like
 X.X.X.X machine
 mount will fail with a forward/reverse mismatch

Huh. I'm getting no permission to mount UNLESS I have the above
X.X.X.X machine
line for the NFS client on the server. It doesn't seem to matter how the
client is configured in terms of name service. And the IP address appears
in the system logs too.

 Either remove the shorthand aliases (i.e. machine) and make sure hosts and dns
 match or remove all irrelevant /etc/hosts entires and rely on DNS only.
 - --
 Anton R. Ivanov
 IP Engineer Level3 Communications
 @*** Drucker's Dicta:  (No 8 of 15) ***
   Start with what is right rather than what is acceptable.
 - --
 Version: GnuPG v1.0.0 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: For info see

Re: sparc installation

2000-02-02 Thread ferret

Ooookay. I get home from work today, poke at NFS, and it lets me mount my
exports. I changed nothing from this morning, when it wasn't working at

/etc/hosts in the server only lists localhost and the server's IP and
hostname. The client lists localhost, the client, and the server.

I guess it's just one of those things, like when I had to reboot my
gateway after installing ipmasq before it would masq and not return
`sendto' errors. ARGH!

Thanks for the help anyway, guys. *takes a baseball bat to the cluster*

Re: sparc installation

2000-02-01 Thread ferret

On Tue, 1 Feb 2000, Eric Delaunay wrote:

 Ben Collins wrote:
  On Mon, Jan 31, 2000 at 10:01:06AM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Still no go..
   ok boot net nfsroot= ip=
   even specifying ALL the options to ip= and adding root=/dev/nfs to the
   boot paramaters.
   What else can I try?
  That's pretty much it. It works perfectly for me. I suspect there is an
  underlying thing that either you or I am missing :)
 just a thought:
 is the partition exported rw, no_root_squash ?
/mount/nfs/nfsroot/goober   *,no_root_squash)

Looks like it. OH. Different problem, but it might have some bearing. I
just switched my network from /etc/hosts to DNS zone, and now none of my
clients have permission to mount my NFS exports.
I've asked about it on debian-user, but would any of y'all happen to have
any suggestions? I can mount when the client is in the server's
/etc/hosts, and according to the DNS howto and nslookup, everything's

 are you sure you are using the right kernel ?
 I didn't read the start of this thread, but on which subarch are you 
 (sun4c, sun4m, sun4u).

Not sure, actually. The machine's a sun4c (IPX), and I'm booting both
Slink's 2.2.1 and the 2.2.14 from the last set of Potato floppies.

The system I installed to NFS is the year-old Slink set. I'm keeping the
hard drive clean for the next Potato install.

 Hope this helps.
  Eric Delaunay | La guerre justifie l'existence des 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | En les supprimant. Henri Jeanson (1900-1970)

Re: sparc installation

2000-01-31 Thread ferret

Maybe I got the boot args wrong. I was going by the diskless HOWTO, and I
had it working at one point in time.

RARP on boot server points to the uncompressed a.out kernel image
(compiled elf2aout on i386) and the kernels do boot to the point where
they can't mount root FS on 00.00

ok boot net nfsroot=
:VFS: Cannot open root device 00:00
:Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 00:00

As far as I can tell here, everything's set up as it should be.

I'm booting the 2.2.14 kernel from the last set of floppy images.

On Sun, 30 Jan 2000, Ben Collins wrote:

 On Sat, Jan 29, 2000 at 06:42:36PM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Do the 2.2.14 Sparc kernel images have root on NFS/IP PnP support?
 Yes, but the PnP RARP is disabled on all of them. It's just as simple to
 type it in once on the command line for install, and recompile for those
 few who RARP or BOOTP all the time for diskless clients. Even then, you
 can still put the command line stuff in the PROM boot args, if needed.
 /  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux   \

Re: sparc installation

2000-01-31 Thread ferret

Still no go..

ok boot net nfsroot= ip=

even specifying ALL the options to ip= and adding root=/dev/nfs to the
boot paramaters.

What else can I try?

On Mon, 31 Jan 2000, Ben Collins wrote:

 On Sun, Jan 30, 2000 at 09:33:58PM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Maybe I got the boot args wrong. I was going by the diskless HOWTO, and I
  had it working at one point in time.
  RARP on boot server points to the uncompressed a.out kernel image
  (compiled elf2aout on i386) and the kernels do boot to the point where
  they can't mount root FS on 00.00
  ok boot net nfsroot=
 ok boot net nfsroot=... ip=this systems ip:
 Read the nfsroot.txt in linux/Documentation from the kernel. That one
 extra ip addres is what the kernel needs (the original RARP that the PROM
 gets isn't used, maybe it should be, but that is a kernel bug).
 /  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux   \

Re: sparc installation

2000-01-30 Thread ferret


Do the 2.2.14 Sparc kernel images have root on NFS/IP PnP support?

On Sat, 29 Jan 2000, Ben Collins wrote:

 On Sat, Jan 29, 2000 at 06:58:53PM +0900, Ragga Muffin wrote:
[snip of installing Slink first]

 A) You can always upgrade the kernel first. I just uploaded 2.2.14 images
 B) This only affects sun4m systems (sparc 5, 10, 20, etc...). Sun4c and
Sun4u do not exhibit the problem and only require a = 2.2.0 kernel.

Still unable to fully install Slink or Potato yet. I'm keeping my Sparc's
hard drive clean until I can boot the Potato install images on it and
install there. And Slink won't let me boot my NFS-installed system. : 
Do you have an ETA for a new set of images to test?

-- Ferret

more problems netbooting

2000-01-23 Thread ferret

Basically I can't get a kernel to mount root NFS.

I converted the 2.2.1 kernel in the slink bootdisks to a.out and booted
that, then I tried the kernels in the 2000-01-15 potato floppy test, and
no go. AFAIK (and what I've been told previously on this list) my PROM
boot arguments are correct.

ok boot net boot=/dev/nfs nfsroot=

And I did install the slink base system into /mount/nfs/nfsroot/goober

Am I doing something wrong here, or do none of these kernel images have
nfsroot support? Could someone compile me a 2.2.1 or 2.2.14 kernel with
nfsroot enabled and send it to me in a.out format? It's a sun4c (IPX) with
serial console.


Re: Partitioning SparcStation

2000-01-17 Thread ferret

(I'm pointing you to debian-sparc here..)

On my IPX, there are some options in the PROM environment that have to do
with the boot process. Key in `printenv' at the PROM console prompt (ok)
and go from there. I'm afraid I can't step through my machine right now.

Hope this helps.

On Mon, 17 Jan 2000, Fraser Campbell wrote:

 I have a sun4m machine and Debian installed great on it with one
 exception.  It will not boot correctly (or at least the way I'd like it).
 The first hard drive has partition 3 labelled as type Whole Disk.  The
 hard drive is then partitioned with 500 MB for / and 500 MB for /tmp.
 When I reboot the computer waits at what seems to be a Sun boot prompt.  I
 need to manually type in boot disk1:1 to tell the machine to boot from
 the first partition of the first disk.  After doing that I proceed to the
 SILO prompt where the Linux boot procedure that I am familiar with
 I really need this machine to be remotely rebootable ... can it be done?

Re: New set of sparc boot disks

2000-01-16 Thread ferret

On Sun, 16 Jan 2000, Ben Collins wrote:

 On Sat, Jan 15, 2000 at 08:33:42PM -0800, John Chapman wrote:
  On Sat, 15 Jan 2000, Ben Collins wrote:
   The new set of disks are at:
 sun4c failures
tftpboot seems to hang on my IPX..

|ok boot net
|SPARCstation IPX, No Keyboard
|ROM Rev. 2.6, 64 MB memory installed, Serial #2165154.
|Ethernet address 8:0:20:c:dc:80, Host ID: 572109a2.
|Rebooting with command: net
|Boot device: /sbus/[EMAIL PROTECTED],c0   File and args:
|Booting Linux...

And stays there. (I powered down after 8 minutes)

Booting from floppy, I get the same `read error on block 73', sun4cdm boot
image. And the sun4c boot image does the same thing.

 This is truly odd since they are the exact same kernels as before.

Well, what else changed?

Re: ANN: initial sparc potato boot floppies ready for testing

2000-01-13 Thread ferret

On Wed, 12 Jan 2000, Eric Delaunay wrote:

  Can you make the images available by FTP as well, or tweak the http to
 You can connect ftp to xia01 with your developper's account.
 Look under /home/buildd/... or something like that.
 It was what I used the last time to download BF.

Er, IANADDY? : I don't have an account for FTP access.

Re: boot floppies and NFSroot?

2000-01-13 Thread ferret

On Wed, 12 Jan 2000, Ben Collins wrote:

 On Wed, Jan 12, 2000 at 08:48:38AM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm tftpbooting the sun4cdm/linux-a.out image, boot args at PROM:
 The disks on the site right now do not have this. The kernel images on
 that same URL do have this support, so you can extract one of those and
 run elftoaout if you want.

Two questions: Can I do this to a Sparc binary on an i386 system, and
where do I find this `elftoaout' utility? I currently do not have a
bootable Sparc system.

Re: ANN: new boot disks to test

2000-01-12 Thread ferret

New go with the boot disks, mostly the same problems.

I'm setting up an NFSroot with the old Slink disks, but I've forgotten how
to make it boot over NFS again. I copied the vmlinuz file from the install
into /tftpboot/HEX IP address.SUN4C and passed some boot paramaters.

|ok boot net root=/dev/nfs nfsroot=
|Boot device: /sbus/[EMAIL PROTECTED],c0   File and args: root=/dev/nfs
nfsroot= ip=
|The file just loaded does not appear to be executable.

Could someone get me quickly fixed here, then I'll print out the
instructions and try not to lose them this time?
Machine is a Sparc IPX with generic 4x16MB 36-bit SIMMS and OEM hard
drive on serial console.

2000-01-06 images.

Booted by TFTP, serial console supplied by minicom.

Rebooted and supplied `TERM=vt102' to netboot to get rid of the slower 
colour/hi-graphics stuff. Not too bad.

Cursor is one line above and one charcell behind the hilighted
selection. But it is hilighted. Buttons have the cursor immediately
after the button hilighted.

Wishlist: Change the wording about the new ext2 `features'.
Something like `do you wish to use these new features (not reccomended
if you're going to use a 2.0 kernel), then the `yes' option will enable
the features. The current wording smacks me like a double-negative.

Now I go on to install the kernel and modules from `network'. I
configure the network up.

I leave the `network' install site as the default, and after a few
minutes (with modem activity) get
|nf_http_fetchfile :: couldn't open file
|/target/tmp/sun4c/disks-1.44/rescue.bin for writing

|Download of file disks-1.44/rescue.bin failed

I'm still getting the `invalid argument' error when mounting by NFS.
Though my NFS server tells me the mount was successful.

I have a working floppy drive on my lintel again, so I'll try making
bootfloppies in a little while. Long download on a 19.2k connection.

Then I get this at the shell (with a typo):
|# ae /etc/resolv/conf
|S-Lang Error: Unknown Error Code
|SLcurses_initscr: init failed

And I'm locked except I can break to PROM.

AND I forgot how to nfsrootboot linux on this thing. :/

Re: ANN: initial sparc potato boot floppies ready for testing

2000-01-12 Thread ferret

Can you make the images available by FTP as well, or tweak the http to
make downloading more wget-friendly? Currently I'm using
|wget -r -c --follow-ftp \

But I find I have to manually get each directory under that because it
only downloads the index.html file. Or perhaps I'm using the wrong options
to wget (but those look right, according to the manual), and if so, what
options should I be using?

boot floppies and NFSroot?

2000-01-12 Thread ferret

I'm tftpbooting the sun4cdm/linux-a.out image, boot args at PROM:

|ok boot net root=/dev/nfs

|SPARCstation IPX, No Keyboard
|ROM Rev. 2.6, 64 MB memory installed, Serial #2165154.
|Ethernet address 8:0:20:c:dc:80, Host ID: 572109a2.

|Rebooting with command: net root=/dev/nfs
ip= device: /sbus/[EMAIL PROTECTED],c0   File and args:
|Booting Linux...
|PROMLIB: Sun Boot Prom Version 2 Revision 2
|Linux version 2.2.14 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc version 2.95.2 19991109 (Debian
|GNU/Linux)) #1 Thu Jan 6 15:02:08 EST 2000
|TYPE: Sun4c SparcStation IPX
|Ethernet address: 8:0:20:c:dc:80
|Loading sun4c MMU routines
|VFS: Cannot open root device 00:00
|Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 00:00
|Press L1-A to return to the boot prom

This is according to linux/Documentation/nfsroot.txt

sun4cdm/linux-a.out does have NFSroot support?

question about floppy drive support

2000-01-09 Thread ferret

I've been having bad troubles with the FDD on my Sparc IPX. Well, I booted
the 2.2.14 a.out kernel from the new testing run of install disks, and
after a fresh install with the old 2.2.1-based Slink disks I can access
the FDD. I slipped a floppy in and could cat it without any trouble.
Then I installed `fdutils' from potato. Accessing the same disk yields

|floppy0: sector not found: track 0, head 0, sector 1, size 2
|floppy0: sector not found: track 0, head 0, sector 1, size 2
|end_request: I/O error, dev 02:00 (floppy), sector 0
|cat: /dev/fd0: Input/output error

and of course superformat isn't working.

Still, it's working better than it was. is there something besides
superformat I can use on the Sparc, or do I just have a funky machine?

Re: ANN: initial sparc potato boot floppies ready for testing

2000-01-09 Thread ferret

On Sun, 9 Jan 2000, Eric Delaunay wrote:

  Machine is a Sparc IPX with generic 4x16MB 36-bit SIMMS and OEM hard
  drive on serial console.
  Booted by TFTP
  Console is `minicom' running on Slink i386. Noticed that dbootstrap is
  not drawing with the IBM `box' characters like 2.1 dbootstrap did.
 Pass TERM=vt100 or TERM=vt102 at boot time.  Current init process does not
 enforce TERM settings anymore ;((  I don't know wether I will enable it again
 or just let the user pass TERM=xxx at boot time.  Maybe a serial target for
 silo could also be helpful for floppy boot.
 On this topic, do you know about a way of identifying the type of console
 connected to the serial line ?  Is there an escape sequence that returns vt100
 or the like ?

There is such a beastie as far as I've heard, but I don't know what it
might be. You might check the `' file in the xterm source to see
what xterm uses, then check it against minicom. The file is 14k
compressed, in case anyone needs a copy.
I've read the thing, but I'm not even a novice at reading escape codes. ;

Re: ANN: initial sparc potato boot floppies ready for testing

2000-01-09 Thread ferret

On Sun, 9 Jan 2000, Michael Stone wrote:

 On Sun, Jan 09, 2000 at 04:29:40PM +0100, Eric Delaunay wrote:
  Pass TERM=vt100 or TERM=vt102 at boot time.  Current init process does not
  enforce TERM settings anymore ;((  I don't know wether I will enable it 
  or just let the user pass TERM=xxx at boot time.  Maybe a serial target for
  silo could also be helpful for floppy boot.
  On this topic, do you know about a way of identifying the type of console
  connected to the serial line ?  Is there an escape sequence that returns 
  or the like ?
 IMHO, it's safe enough to assume vt100 as long as there's a way to
 override that assumption if necessary. How many people actually use
 terminals that don't speak vt100?

I know of quite a few Wyse (50|60) terminals still alive and well being
used as serial terminals. Don't know of any being used on Sparcs right
now, but a colleague is using one on his i386. ;

Re: ANN: initial sparc potato boot floppies ready for testing

2000-01-07 Thread ferret

Summary: Can't do a network install with the bootdisks.
(And don't have a way of writing floppy disks for the moment)

Transcript of my install attempts attached.

Machine is a Sparc IPX with generic 4x16MB 36-bit SIMMS and OEM hard
drive on serial console.

Booted by TFTP

Console is `minicom' running on Slink i386. Noticed that dbootstrap is
not drawing with the IBM `box' characters like 2.1 dbootstrap did.

(I'm replacing a system that got a corrupted libc6, BTW)

Initialised and activated swap.
Initialised ext2 partition with the `new ext2 filesystem features'
(Just what are these new features?)

Did a `network' install and configured the network (very helpful to be
sent to the configuration option here) It would be helpful to be able to
specify a proxy server as part of the network configuration, though, and
have it default to the gateway just as DNS does.

Then I get a problem:
nf_http_fetchfile :: couldn't open file
/target/tmp/sun4c/disks-1.44/rescue.bin for writing
Download of file disks-1.44/rescue.bin failed

I'm trying the network install a second time to see if it works.
I enter my HTTP proxy information AGAIN (not helpful)
Same problem again.

I try to do an install from NFS, and it refuses to mount my server.
Error mounting NFS filesystem , please try

Then I try mounting NFS from the shell:
# mount -t nfs /mnt
Mounting on /mnt failed: Invalid argument
But my server says it has been successfully mounted(!)
Jan  7 13:31:22 playdough mountd[302]: NFS mount of / attempted from
Jan  7 13:31:22 playdough mountd[302]: / has been mounted by

# ifconfig
eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 08:00:20:0C:DC:80
  inet addr:  Bcast:
  RX packets:103 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:87 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
  Interrupt:5 Base address:0xb400

loLink encap:Local Loopback
  inet addr:  Mask:
  RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:0

# route
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse
Iface *   U 0  00
default UG1  00

After this I restarted dbootstrap, redid the network setup, then
something had indigestion when I went to a shell. Finally threw me back
into openprom.

Nxt boot through, get to installing from NFS:
Error mounting NFS filesystem , please try again.

Seems like NFS mounting is broken.

Next set perhaps?

Kernel stopped compiling after update to newest Potato..

1999-12-23 Thread ferret

Kernel compile that WAS working as of a week ago. I had to do a full
reinstall of the locak disk, but I have /usr/src/NFS-mounted, and the
kernel tree didn't change AFAICT.

What would be the most likely culprit?

BTW, I'm still trying to compile libc, and I found that I had to run with
64MB in order to do that. But bad memory would be much more likely to
produce SIGSEGV's, wouldn't it?

-- Ferret no baka

gcc -D__KERNEL__ -I/usr/src/linux-2.2.13/include -c -o btfix.o btfix.s
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-2.2.13/arch/sparc/boot'
ld -m elf32_sparc -T arch/sparc/ arch/sparc/kernel/head.o
arch/sparc/kernel/init_task.o init/main.o init/version.o \
--start-group \
arch/sparc/kernel/kernel.o arch/sparc/mm/mm.o kernel/kernel.o
mm/mm.o fs/fs.o ipc/ipc.o arch/sparc/math-emu/math-emu.o
arch/sparc/boot/btfix.o \
fs/filesystems.a \
net/network.a \
drivers/block/block.a drivers/char/char.a drivers/misc/misc.a
drivers/net/net.a drivers/scsi/scsi.a drivers/cdrom/cdrom.a
drivers/sbus/sbus.a drivers/video/video.a \
/usr/src/linux-2.2.13/lib/lib.a /usr/src/linux-2.2.13/lib/lib.a
/usr/src/linux-2.2.13/arch/sparc/lib/lib.a \
--end-group \
-o vmlinux
arch/sparc/kernel/kernel.o(__ex_table+0x46c): undefined reference to
arch/sparc/kernel/kernel.o(__ex_table+0x474): undefined reference to
arch/sparc/kernel/kernel.o(__ex_table+0x47c): undefined reference to
arch/sparc/kernel/kernel.o(__ex_table+0x484): undefined reference to
arch/sparc/kernel/kernel.o(__ex_table+0x48c): undefined reference to
arch/sparc/kernel/kernel.o(__ex_table+0x494): more undefined references to
`kernel_unaligned_trap_fault' follow
arch/sparc/kernel/kernel.o(__ex_table+0x544): undefined reference to
arch/sparc/kernel/kernel.o(__ex_table+0x54c): undefined reference to
arch/sparc/kernel/kernel.o(__ex_table+0x554): undefined reference to
arch/sparc/kernel/kernel.o(__ex_table+0x55c): undefined reference to
arch/sparc/kernel/kernel.o(__ex_table+0x564): undefined reference to
arch/sparc/kernel/kernel.o(__ex_table+0x56c): more undefined references to
`user_unaligned_trap_fault' follow
make[1]: *** [vmlinux] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-2.2.13'
make: *** [stamp-build] Error 2

weeeeeeird libc/ntpdate behaviour?

1999-12-21 Thread ferret

`ntpdate' is actually working, but only when I give it a DQ IP address.
Any time I give it an hostname it seems to get stuck in
:0xe0144c40 in __pthread_compare_and_swap () from /lib/
according to gdb.

ntpdate with debugging symbols:
Program received signal SIGINT, Interrupt.
0xe0144c40 in __pthread_compare_and_swap () from /lib/
(gdb) backtrace
#0  0xe0144c40 in __pthread_compare_and_swap () from /lib/
#1  0xe0144afc in __pthread_lock () from /lib/
#2  0xe0142aa0 in pthread_mutex_lock () from /lib/
#3  0xe00f7c1c in gethostbyname () from /lib/
#4  0x133ac in getnetnum (host=0xefffeea1 playdough, num=0xefffebe4) at
#5  0x12b9c in addserver (serv=0xefffeea1 playdough) at ntpdate.c:1294
#6  0x116ac in ntpdatemain (argc=3, argv=0xefffedb4) at ntpdate.c:484
#7  0x11254 in main (argc=3, argv=0xefffedb4) at ntpdate.c:295

I also tried compiling libc on my box. First problem: didn't have enough
swap, so I made and activated a 64MB swap file.

Second problem:
gcc nsswitch.c -c -O2 -Wall -Winline -Wstrict-prototypes -Wwrite-strings
-fstrict-aliasing -g   -fPIC-I../include -I.
-I/usr/local/packages/glibc-2.1.2/sparc-linux/obj/nss -I.. -I../libio
-I../sysdeps/sparc/sparc32/elf -I../crypt/sysdeps/unix
-I../linuxthreads/sysdeps/pthread -I../linuxthreads/sysdeps/unix/sysv
-I../linuxthreads/sysdeps/unix -I../linuxthreads/sysdeps/sparc/sparc32
-I../linuxthreads/sysdeps/sparc -I../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sparc/sparc32
-I../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sparc -I../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux
-I../sysdeps/gnu -I../sysdeps/unix/common -I../sysdeps/unix/mman
-I../sysdeps/unix/inet -I../sysdeps/unix/sysv -I../sysdeps/unix/sparc
-I../sysdeps/unix -I../sysdeps/posix -I../sysdeps/sparc/sparc32
-I../sysdeps/wordsize-32 -I../sysdeps/sparc/fpu -I../sysdeps/sparc
-I../sysdeps/ieee754 -I../sysdeps/libm-ieee754 -I../sysdeps/generic/elf
-I../sysdeps/generic  -nostdinc -isystem
/usr/lib/gcc-lib/sparc-linux/2.95.2/include -isystem
/usr/src/linux-2.2.13//include -D_LIBC_REENTRANT -include
../include/libc-symbols.h  -DPIC   -o
gcc: Internal compiler error: program cc1 got fatal signal 10
make[3]: ***
[/usr/local/packages/glibc-2.1.2/sparc-linux/obj/nss/nsswitch.os] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory
make[2]: *** [nss/subdir_lib] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/packages/glibc-2.1.2/glibc-2.1.2'
make[1]: *** [all] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory

signal 10==SIGBUS
What would have caused that?

Oh, same version of ntpdate compiled on i386 runs without any problem.

-- Ferret no baka

Re: 'console-tools' cannot find console

1999-12-15 Thread ferret

On Sun, 12 Dec 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sun, 12 Dec 1999, Ben Collins wrote:
  On Sun, Dec 12, 1999 at 09:31:05AM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On Sun, 12 Dec 1999, Ben Collins wrote:
On Sun, Dec 12, 1999 at 08:19:27AM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 `Couldnt get a file descriptor referring to the console'
 I get this message every time I boot my Sparc. Now 'console-tools' is
 erroring when dpkg tries to install it. What sould I look for?
 crw-r--r--1 root root   5,   1 Dec 11 18:36 /dev/console
 I have my /dev/console set up for 2.2.x kernels, and it seems to work
 perfectly fine.

IMO, it is a bug in console-tools, but I can't pinpoint the problem.
Should file a bug on that package marked important for severity.
   Would it matter that my console is on ttya?
  No, because mine isn't, yet I have the same problem.
 Actually, I think I had the same problem before installing console-tools
 (which the UTF-8 support needs)

I did an xtrace on console-tools' postint, and it looks like the offender
is actually debconf in this case.

::++ exec /usr/share/debconf/frontend ./console-tools.postinst configure
::Couldnt get a file descriptor referring to the console

Although... I just switched my development lintel to serial console and I
sometimes get the same error under other circumstances. I'm still working
on that one.

-- Ferret no baka

'console-tools' cannot find console

1999-12-12 Thread ferret

`Couldnt get a file descriptor referring to the console'

I get this message every time I boot my Sparc. Now 'console-tools' is
erroring when dpkg tries to install it. What sould I look for?

crw-r--r--1 root root   5,   1 Dec 11 18:36 /dev/console

I have my /dev/console set up for 2.2.x kernels, and it seems to work
perfectly fine.

-- Ferret no baka

Re: 'console-tools' cannot find console

1999-12-12 Thread ferret

On Sun, 12 Dec 1999, Ben Collins wrote:

 On Sun, Dec 12, 1999 at 08:19:27AM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  `Couldnt get a file descriptor referring to the console'
  I get this message every time I boot my Sparc. Now 'console-tools' is
  erroring when dpkg tries to install it. What sould I look for?
  crw-r--r--1 root root   5,   1 Dec 11 18:36 /dev/console
  I have my /dev/console set up for 2.2.x kernels, and it seems to work
  perfectly fine.
 IMO, it is a bug in console-tools, but I can't pinpoint the problem.
 Should file a bug on that package marked important for severity.

Would it matter that my console is on ttya?

Re: 'console-tools' cannot find console

1999-12-12 Thread ferret

On Sun, 12 Dec 1999, Ben Collins wrote:

 On Sun, Dec 12, 1999 at 09:31:05AM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Sun, 12 Dec 1999, Ben Collins wrote:
   On Sun, Dec 12, 1999 at 08:19:27AM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

`Couldnt get a file descriptor referring to the console'

I get this message every time I boot my Sparc. Now 'console-tools' is
erroring when dpkg tries to install it. What sould I look for?

crw-r--r--1 root root   5,   1 Dec 11 18:36 /dev/console

I have my /dev/console set up for 2.2.x kernels, and it seems to work
perfectly fine.
   IMO, it is a bug in console-tools, but I can't pinpoint the problem.
   Should file a bug on that package marked important for severity.
  Would it matter that my console is on ttya?
 No, because mine isn't, yet I have the same problem.

Actually, I think I had the same problem before installing console-tools
(which the UTF-8 support needs)

Re: Still probelms to boot from SD

1999-12-09 Thread ferret

On Wed, 8 Dec 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In a message dated 12/7/99 11:40:34 PM US Mountain Standard Time, 
  /dev/sda1 0  1100396000   83  Linux native
   /dev/sda2  u   1100  1151 18360   82  Linux swap
   /dev/sda3 0  11514143600  Empt
 So why is the swap partition marked as read only?  This is what the u flag 
 designates, I believe.  Swap seems to work if it is set as read only or 
 without the flag.  I have the swap flagless on a SPARC10.  Just for cleanness 
 and that Debian uses it anyway and ignores the read only flag?
 Just curious

I really don't know. That's how the Slink installer's fdisk set it up when
I did the partitioning. All I can say is that it works.

-- Ferret no baka (6/7th-clued Sparc newbie)

Re: Still probelms to boot from SD

1999-12-09 Thread ferret

On Thu, 9 Dec 1999, Sanjeev Gupta wrote:

 On Wed, 8 Dec 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  In a message dated 12/7/99 11:40:34 PM US Mountain Standard Time, 
   /dev/sda1 0  1100396000   83  Linux native
/dev/sda2  u   1100  1151 18360   82  Linux swap
/dev/sda3 0  11514143600  Empt
 The u is unmountable.  No idea why, but it exists, as a flag, on SunOS
 as well.
 To the original poster, are you sure that you are formatting the disk on a
 Sparc Linux box?

Yep. That Sparc was purchased second-hand with an unbootable Solaris/SunOS
system on it. After mounting the original partition and poking around I
removed all the partitions except sda3 and repartitioned it with fdisk
from the slink floppy install set.

-- Ferret no baka

Re: Still probelms to boot from SD

1999-12-08 Thread ferret

On Wed, 8 Dec 1999, Manfred Plagmann wrote:

 I still can't get my Sparc IPX booting Linux from the HD. 
 I have received some answers to this problem which gave me a better
 insight. As I understand the HD has to have a partition which spans the
 whole drive. I intent to have one Linux and one swap partition. I
 therefore set the partition table up to have one 83 (Linux native) and
 one 82 (Linux swap) the third partition should now span the whole disk
 and should have the type WHOLE DISK. But I don't see this type listed in
 fdisk. Someone wrote to use type 5 which is EXTENDED but this somehow
 didn't do it.
[Nifty: line-justify in pine 3.96 auto-quotes a quoted line]
 Any help is appreciated.

Here's the partitioning on my IPX's HD (The OEM hard drive AFAICT)

nasal:~# fdisk -l /dev/sda

Disk /dev/sda (Sun disk label): 9 heads, 80 sectors, 1151 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 720 * 512 bytes

   Device FlagStart   EndBlocks   Id  System
/dev/sda1 0  1100396000   83  Linux native
/dev/sda2  u   1100  1151 18360   82  Linux swap
/dev/sda3 0  11514143600  Empty

BTW, mine had a non-booting Solaris install on it when I got it, and I
just wiped the Solaris partition and installed Linux instead. /dev/sda3
was there from Solaris AFAICT.

-- Ferret no baka

Re: sd-partition

1999-11-28 Thread ferret

I'm also running an IPX, mine with a serial console. Running serial
console on one of these is really the best way of getting it working,
insofar as you can capture boot monitor output. I'd ask you to do
'printenv' from the openprom and post it.

On Mon, 29 Nov 1999, Manfred Plagmann wrote:

 I inherited a Sun IPX which did not start up. I down loaded Debian-sparc
 on the weekend and found that the machine was booting :)) I installed
 the  floppy disk base version and all seems OK the computer is however
 not booting by its own and needs a boot disk. What did I miss when I
 installed the system or is it not possible to have the IPX boot directly
 from the HD? I guess that I forgot something when I set the partitions
 of the primary disk. The installation manual on the debian server is
 unfortunately incomplete (at least on the Australian and the US server)
 as no text follows the  subsection heading Partitioning prior to
 installation.  At startup the loader complains that the magic word on
 the boot disk is missing. How can I set this word.
 Any help is appreciated.

Can't format floppies..

1999-11-27 Thread ferret

I captured everything I could think of. homebrewed 2.2.13 from source tarball, everything running potato.

Known problem?
Oh yeah, it's the IPX.

-- Ferret no baka

superformat /dev/fd0
Measuring drive 0's raw capacity
floppy0: Getstatus times out (10) on fdc 0

floppy driver state
now=15777840 last interrupt=15777840 diff=0 last called handler=f00c6f44
timeout_message=floppy start
last output bytes:
 8 80 15777834
 8 80 15777834
12 80 15777837
 0 90 15777837
13 80 15777837
 0 90 15777837
1a 90 15777837
 0 90 15777837
 3 80 15777837
c1 90 15777837
11 90 15777837
 7 80 15777837
 0 90 15777837
 8 81 15777837
4d 80 15777837
 0 90 15777837
 2 90 15777837
 1 90 15777837
ff 90 15777837
 3 90 15777837
last result at 15777837
last redo_fd_request at 15777834
20  0 

floppy0: get result error. Fdc=0 Last status= Read bytes=0

floppy driver state
now=15777840 last interrupt=15777840 diff=0 last called handler=f00c6f44
timeout_message=floppy start
last output bytes:
 8 80 15777834
 8 80 15777834
12 80 15777837
 0 90 15777837
13 80 15777837
 0 90 15777837
1a 90 15777837
 0 90 15777837
 3 80 15777837
c1 90 15777837
11 90 15777837
 7 80 15777837
 0 90 15777837
 8 81 15777837
4d 80 15777837
 0 90 15777837
 2 90 15777837
 1 90 15777837
ff 90 15777837
 3 90 15777837
last result at 15777837
last redo_fd_request at 15777834
20  0 

floppy0: unexpected interrupt repl[0]=0 repl[1]=0 repl[2]=0 repl[3]=ff 
repl[4]=4 repl[5]=1 repl[6]=2 
format: Input/output error
nasal:~# uname -a
Linux nasal 2.2.13 #1 Wed Nov 17 14:10:27 PST 1999 sparc unknown
nasal:~# cat /proc/devices 
Character devices:
  1 mem
  2 pty
  3 ttyp
  4 ttyS
  5 cua
  7 vcs
 10 misc
 29 fb
128 ptm
136 pts

Block devices:
  2 fd
  8 sd
nasal:~# cat /proc/ioports 
fe00-fe000fff : auxiliaryIO
fe001000-fe001fff : sun4c_interrupts
fe002000-fe002fff : clock
fe003000-fe003fff : timer
fe004000-fe004fff : dma
fe005000-fe005fff : floppy
fe006000-fe006fff : ESP Registers
fe007000-fe007fff : LANCE
fff0-ffff : ESP DVMA Cmd Block
fff01000-fff0d21b : LANCE DMA
nasal:~# cat /proc/interrupts 
  3: 401937Sparc ESP SCSI
 10:   15781426  + timer
 11: 21  + floppy
 12: 678008  + Zilog8530
nasal:~# c ls -l /dev/fd0*
brw-rw1 root floppy 2,   0 Nov 25 15:44 /dev/fd0
brw-rw1 root floppy 2,  24 Nov 25 15:44 /dev/fd0u1760
brw-rw1 root floppy 2,   8 Nov 25 15:44 /dev/fd0u2880
brw-rw1 root floppy 2,  28 Nov 25 15:44 /dev/fd0u3840
brw-rw1 root floppy 2,  12 Nov 25 15:44 /dev/fd0u410
brw-rw1 root floppy 2,  16 Nov 25 15:44 /dev/fd0u420
brw-rw1 root floppy 2,   4 Nov 25 15:44 /dev/fd0u720
brw-rw1 root floppy 2,  20 Nov 25 15:44 /dev/fd0u880
nasal:~# superformat /dev/fd0u720
Measuring drive 0's raw capacity
floppy0: Getstatus times out (10) on fdc 0

floppy driver state
now=15784467 last interrupt=15784467 diff=0 last called handler=f00c6f44
timeout_message=floppy start
last output bytes:
 8 80 15784461
 8 80 15784461
12 80 15784466
 0 90 15784466
13 80 15784466
 0 90 15784466
1a 90 15784466
 0 90 15784466
 3 80 15784466
e1 90 15784466
 9 90 15784466
 7 80 15784466
 0 90 15784466
 8 81 15784466
4d 80 15784466
 0 90 15784466
 2 90 15784466
 1 90 15784466
ff 90 15784466
 3 90 15784466
last result at 15784466
last redo_fd_request at 15784462
20  0 

floppy0: get result error. Fdc=0 Last status= Read bytes=0

floppy driver state
now=15784467 last interrupt=15784467 diff=0 last called handler=f00c6f44
timeout_message=floppy start
last output bytes:
 8 80 15784461
 8 80 15784461
12 80 15784466
 0 90 15784466
13 80 15784466
 0 90 15784466
1a 90 15784466
 0 90 15784466
 3 80 15784466
e1 90 15784466
 9 90 15784466
 7 80 15784466
 0 90 15784466
 8 81 15784466
4d 80 15784466
 0 90 15784466
 2 90 15784466
 1 90 15784466
ff 90 15784466
 3 90 15784466
last result at 15784466
last redo_fd_request at 15784462
20  0 

floppy0: unexpected interrupt repl[0]=0 repl[1]=0 repl[2]=0 repl[3]=ff 
repl[4]=4 repl[5]=1 repl[6]=2 
format: Input/output error

dynamic linker bug?

1999-11-25 Thread ferret

Just updated potato yesterday, now I'm getting
nasal:/usr/local/packages/modutils-2.3.6# debian/rules binary
BUG IN DYNAMIC LINKER dynamic-link.h: 57: elf_get_dynamic_info:
Assertion `! bad dynamic tag' failed!
Segmentation fault
--- Trying to self-compile modutils.

I downgraded ldso to 1.9.10-1 (slink) and get the same thing, so it
doesn't look like a problem with ldso. Is this known?

-- Ferret no baka

Re: dynamic linker bug?

1999-11-25 Thread ferret

On Thu, 25 Nov 1999, Ben Collins wrote:

 On Thu, Nov 25, 1999 at 09:46:08AM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Just updated potato yesterday, now I'm getting
  nasal:/usr/local/packages/modutils-2.3.6# debian/rules binary
  BUG IN DYNAMIC LINKER dynamic-link.h: 57: elf_get_dynamic_info:
  Assertion `! bad dynamic tag' failed!
  Segmentation fault
  --- Trying to self-compile modutils.
  I downgraded ldso to 1.9.10-1 (slink) and get the same thing, so it
  doesn't look like a problem with ldso. Is this known?
 A reboot should cure this. Just a note, in potato is supplied by
 libc6 (except for libc5 programs, which use the in the ldso
 package). No one has been able to track this down, but I suspect it's
 caused by the glibc-pre 2.0.105 - 2.1 upgrade.

Ah. No, unfortunately this is still happening after reboot. I had my Sparc
down overnight (didn't have a working console for it due to smacking
around a serial card with a clueby4 -- another story)
Oh, I had some MAJOR breakage during the last upgrade. nscd was somehow
getting respawned so I disabled it, then dselect crashed and dpkg was
still configuring things in the background.. Maybe I should
force-reinstall libc6?

-- Ferret no baka

'function not implemented' when upgrading to potato

1999-11-24 Thread ferret

I get errors similar to and including the following during dist-upgrade.
I'm running kernel 2.0.35 with Sparc patches and just hand-upgraded to

i mamually unpacked fileutils and used the ch* executables out of there,
so I know it's not a problem with fileutils. I suspect it's a problem with

:nasal:/usr/local/foo/baz/bin# apt-get install fileutils
:Reading Package Lists... Done
:Building Dependency Tree... Done
:1 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 132 not upgraded.
:1 packages not fully installed or removed.
:Need to get 0B/575kB of archives. After unpacking 897kB will be used.
:(Scanning database ... 13129 files and directories currently installed.)
:Preparing to replace fileutils 3.16-5.4 (using \
.../fileutils_4.0i-2_sparc.deb) ...
:Unpacking replacement fileutils ...
:dpkg: error processing \
/var/cache/apt/archives/fileutils_4.0i-2_sparc.deb (--unpack):
: error setting ownership of `./usr/share/info': Function not implemented
:dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)
:Errors were encountered while processing:
: /var/cache/apt/archives/fileutils_4.0i-2_sparc.deb
:E: Sub-process returned an error code (1)

-- Ferret no baka

More strange Sparc behaviour

1999-11-19 Thread ferret

Serial console goes offline at 'init 6', does not come back online.

Runlevel change does not seem to work when 'debug=1' is set in

It doesn't actually run the scripts. 'fixed' that behaviour though.

Why would the serial console go offline on reboot/halt?

-- Ferret no baka

(I can post a rather large console log if anyone wants to see it)

Re: Cross-compiling on Debian systems?

1999-11-18 Thread ferret

On Wed, 17 Nov 1999, Ben Collins wrote:

 On Wed, Nov 17, 1999 at 02:48:55PM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'd like to set up a cross-compiler on my Lintel (AMD 266) to compile
  packages for my Sparc IPX. I'd preferably like to package the
  cross-compiler so I can esaily remove it if I no longer need it.
  The only cross-compiler in the slink packages list is for m68k.
  What do I need to do to set one up?
 The last cross-compiler I built (for kernel compiles) was using the m68k
 cross-compiler package. I just changed the m68k references to sparc, and
 ran dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -rfakeroot (change all of the m68k
 references in debian/ to sparc).

I just did a 'debian/rules binary' in 'gcc-m68k-linux-2.8.1' after
changing 'm68k' to 'sparc', and I get a build error. Looks like the gcc
buildstrap isn't working.

./xgcc -B./ -DCROSS_COMPILE -DIN_GCC-O2 -I./include  -I. -I. \
-I./config  -g0 \
  -finhibit-size-directive -fno-inline-functions -fno-exceptions  \
  -c ./crtstuff.c -DCRT_BEGIN -o crtbegin.o
as: option `-s' is ambiguous
make[1]: *** [crtbegin.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `gcc-m68k-linux-2.8.1'
make: *** [build] Error 2

I get the exact same error if I use dpkg-buildpackage. I don't know enough
about building gcc to know what's wrong. And this is the source package
from ( not responding to me through lynx
for some reason)

I also found out I need the binutils-m68k-linux package, and that's being
downloaded as I type..

-- Ferret no baka

Re: Cross-compiling on Debian systems?

1999-11-18 Thread ferret

On Thu, 18 Nov 1999, Erik Mouw wrote:

 On Wed, 17 Nov 1999 19:52:42 -0800 (PST), [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Wed, 17 Nov 1999, Ben Collins wrote:
  On Wed, Nov 17, 1999 at 02:48:55PM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I'd like to set up a cross-compiler on my Lintel (AMD 266) to compile
   packages for my Sparc IPX. I'd preferably like to package the
   cross-compiler so I can esaily remove it if I no longer need it.
   The only cross-compiler in the slink packages list is for m68k.
   What do I need to do to set one up?
  The last cross-compiler I built (for kernel compiles) was using the m68k
  cross-compiler package. I just changed the m68k references to sparc, and
  ran dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -rfakeroot (change all of the m68k
  references in debian/ to sparc).
  I just did a 'debian/rules binary' in 'gcc-m68k-linux-2.8.1' after
  changing 'm68k' to 'sparc', and I get a build error. Looks like the gcc
  buildstrap isn't working.
 make bootstrap doesn't work for cross compilers, have a look at the
 cross gcc FAQ: .
How was the package suppsed to build itself then, by hand? *g*

  ./xgcc -B./ -DCROSS_COMPILE -DIN_GCC-O2 -I./include  -I. -I. \
  -I./config  -g0 \
-finhibit-size-directive -fno-inline-functions -fno-exceptions  \
-c ./crtstuff.c -DCRT_BEGIN -o crtbegin.o
  as: option `-s' is ambiguous
  make[1]: *** [crtbegin.o] Error 1
  make[1]: Leaving directory `gcc-m68k-linux-2.8.1'
  make: *** [build] Error 2
  I get the exact same error if I use dpkg-buildpackage. I don't know enough
  about building gcc to know what's wrong. And this is the source package
  from ( not responding to me through lynx
  for some reason)
 Looks like you're using the native binutils instead of cross binutils.
  I also found out I need the binutils-m68k-linux package, and that's being
  downloaded as I type..
I can't get the cross' binutils-sparc (package hacked from binutils-m68k)
to build.

dpkg-gencontrol -Pdebian/tmp/binutils -pbinutils-sparc-linux
dpkg-gencontrol: error: source package has two conflicting values -
binutils-sparc-linux and binutils-m68k-linux
make: *** [binary-arch] Error 29

I edited all the references in debian/* from m68k' to sparc', and I don't
know enough about the package to even guess what else might need to be

 You also need libc and kernel header files for the target system. The
 kernel has to be configured for the target system, but that can be done on
 the build host.
 J.A.K. (Erik) Mouw, Information and Communication Theory Group, Department
 of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Information Technology and Systems,
 Delft University of Technology, PO BOX 5031,  2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands
 Phone: +31-15-2785859  Fax: +31-15-2781843  Email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Cross-compiling on Debian systems?

1999-11-18 Thread ferret

On Thu, 18 Nov 1999, Ben Collins wrote:

 On Thu, Nov 18, 1999 at 02:38:26PM +0100, Erik Mouw wrote:
  On Wed, 17 Nov 1999 19:52:42 -0800 (PST), [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   ./xgcc -B./ -DCROSS_COMPILE -DIN_GCC-O2 -I./include  -I. -I. \
   -I./config  -g0 \
 -finhibit-size-directive -fno-inline-functions -fno-exceptions  \
 -c ./crtstuff.c -DCRT_BEGIN -o crtbegin.o
   as: option `-s' is ambiguous
   make[1]: *** [crtbegin.o] Error 1
   make[1]: Leaving directory `gcc-m68k-linux-2.8.1'
   make: *** [build] Error 2
   I get the exact same error if I use dpkg-buildpackage. I don't know enough
   about building gcc to know what's wrong. And this is the source package
   from ( not responding to me through lynx
   for some reason)
  Looks like you're using the native binutils instead of cross binutils.
 Installing binutils-multiarch and compiling a native gas handles this.
   I also found out I need the binutils-m68k-linux package, and that's being
   downloaded as I type..
  You also need libc and kernel header files for the target system. The
  kernel has to be configured for the target system, but that can be done on
  the build host.
 Install dpkg-cross and convert the native sparc libc6 and libc6-dev
 packages. This will install them into /usr/sparc-linux/{include,lib} for
 the cross-compile.

Installed dpkg-cross (isn't listed in the FTP site but a package search
brought it up. And the FTP archive doesn't have a source package)

:# dpkg-cross --install sysvinit_2.76-3.deb libc6_2.0.105-2.deb \
dpkg_1.4.0.34.deb mount_2.9g-6.deb ldso_1.9.10-1.deb
:Building sysvinit-sparc-cross_2.76-3_all.deb
:Building libc6-sparc-cross_2.0.105-2_all.deb
:Building dpkg-sparc-cross_1.4.0.34_all.deb
:dpkg-cross: package mount doesn't provide any useful files. Skipping.

This looks funny

:Building ldso-sparc-cross_1.9.10-1_all.deb
:Unpacking sysvinit-sparc-cross
:Unpacking libc6-sparc-cross
:Unpacking dpkg-sparc-cross
:Unpacking ldso-sparc-cross
:dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of sysvinit-sparc-cross:
: sysvinit-sparc-cross depends on mount-sparc-cross (= 2.7l-1); however:
:  Package mount-sparc-cross is not installed.
:dpkg: error processing sysvinit-sparc-cross (--install):
: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
:dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of libc6-sparc-cross:
: libc6-sparc-cross depends on sysvinit-sparc-cross (= 2.76-1); however:
:  Package sysvinit-sparc-cross is not configured yet.
:dpkg: error processing libc6-sparc-cross (--install):
: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
:dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of dpkg-sparc-cross:
: dpkg-sparc-cross depends on libc6-sparc-cross (= 2.0.99); however:
:  Package libc6-sparc-cross is not configured yet.
: dpkg-sparc-cross depends on libncurses4-sparc-cross; however:
:  Package libncurses4-sparc-cross is not installed.
: dpkg-sparc-cross depends on libstdc++2.9-sparc-cross; however:
:  Package libstdc++2.9-sparc-cross is not installed.
:dpkg: error processing dpkg-sparc-cross (--install):
: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
:Setting up ldso-sparc-cross (1.9.10-1) ...
:Errors were encountered while processing:
: sysvinit-sparc-cross
: libc6-sparc-cross
: dpkg-sparc-cross
:dpkg -i failed.

All the Sparc packages were moved using dpkg-move running on the Sparc.
I am doing this the right way?

-- Ferret no baka

Re: Cross-compiling on Debian systems?

1999-11-18 Thread ferret

On Thu, 18 Nov 1999, Ben Collins wrote:

 On Thu, Nov 18, 1999 at 09:37:00AM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  brought it up. And the FTP archive doesn't have a source package)
  :# dpkg-cross --install sysvinit_2.76-3.deb libc6_2.0.105-2.deb \
  dpkg_1.4.0.34.deb mount_2.9g-6.deb ldso_1.9.10-1.deb
  :Building sysvinit-sparc-cross_2.76-3_all.deb
  :Building libc6-sparc-cross_2.0.105-2_all.deb
  :Building dpkg-sparc-cross_1.4.0.34_all.deb
  :dpkg-cross: package mount doesn't provide any useful files. Skipping.
 1) Do this on the cross-compile system (ie. the i386)
 2) You only need libraries and -dev packages. So init, and mount are
somewhat irrelevant to compilation

:(i386)# dpkg-cross --install libc6_2.0.105-2.deb
:Building libc6-sparc-cross_2.0.105-2_all.deb
:Unpacking libc6-sparc-cross
:dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of libc6-sparc-cross:
: libc6-sparc-cross depends on sysvinit-sparc-cross (= 2.76-1); however:
:  Package sysvinit-sparc-cross is not configured yet.
:dpkg: error processing libc6-sparc-cross (--install):
: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
:Errors were encountered while processing:
: libc6-sparc-cross
:dpkg -i failed.

-- Ferret no baka

Major breakage in Slink..

1999-11-17 Thread ferret

I've just noticed a few things while installing Debian on my IPX.

debhelper is missing several files (dh_list and a couple others)

bug won't file bug reports

setserial crashes the console (bad if you're running a serial console)
setserial tries to initialise to Lintel IRQ settings on sparc

(on kernel 2.2.13) something causes a kernel panic/OOPS having to do with
the serial ports

(in potato) 'login' can't change tty permissions, and man can't change its
cat page permissions.

And probably others that I haven't yet noticed.

What needs to be done to fix stuff?

-- Ferret no baka

Re: Major breakage in Slink..

1999-11-17 Thread ferret

On Wed, 17 Nov 1999, Ben Collins wrote:

 On Tue, Nov 16, 1999 at 08:02:39PM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I've just noticed a few things while installing Debian on my IPX.
[snip] (upgrade stuff to potato's version)
apt-move wanted too much stuff upgraded (actually broke some things), so I
grabbed source and tweaked dependencies. Then I copied stuff from my
Lintel slink box to make debhelper work. :
  setserial crashes the console (bad if you're running a serial console)
  setserial tries to initialise to Lintel IRQ settings on sparc
 dpkg --purge setserial
 Setserial makes little sense on stock sparc systems.
Yeah. :
  (on kernel 2.2.13) something causes a kernel panic/OOPS having to do with
  the serial ports
 Haven't noticed this. Perhaps emailing would
 be of more help.
Mmmm. I have a full console log of one of the 'nice sessions'. Basically
go ahead and explain that I'm running a serial console, then send the
.config (if I can recreate it) and the console log as attachments?

  (in potato) 'login' can't change tty permissions, and man can't change its
  cat page permissions.
 Login does not change tty permissions for a very good reason, mainly
 security related. I'm not sure what you mean about man and it's cat pages,
 I haven't noticed any problems with man at all.
I'll check this if I ever to a full upgrade to potato again. Oh, now that
I'm actually AWAKE (g), it was saying 'function not implimented'.

Cross-compiling on Debian systems?

1999-11-17 Thread ferret

I'd like to set up a cross-compiler on my Lintel (AMD 266) to compile
packages for my Sparc IPX. I'd preferably like to package the
cross-compiler so I can esaily remove it if I no longer need it.

The only cross-compiler in the slink packages list is for m68k.

What do I need to do to set one up?

-- Ferret no baka

Re: 2.2.13 cannot load modules

1999-11-15 Thread ferret

On Mon, 15 Nov 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I just compiled and booted 2.2.13 (sun4c, Sparc IPX) on a BARE Slink
 system (base dbootstrap install plus potato's apt, plus
 kernel-package+gcc) and saw a couple interesting problems.
 Firstly when I booted the machine to 2.2.13 for the first time I got
 several hundred lines of errors saying something like 'operation not
 permitted on /dev/cua0' and then a panic in the swapper process. So far
 this problem hasn't been reproducable.
 I am booting with console on serial port A, so it would already be in use.
 The main problem is that insmod says for my modules 'ELF file not for this
 archetecture' and fails to load anything.
Update: I just installed and ran 'file' on my modules:
ELF 32-bit MSB relocatable, SPARC, version1, not stripped


 I did compile on the Sparc, but had the kernel source tree NFS-mounted.
 Any ideas?
 -- Ferret no baka
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Q: External modem on Sparc

1999-11-15 Thread ferret

I'd wanted to use my USR 56K external modem on my Sparc IPX and use it for
IP masquerading. Unfortunately the mac modem cable doesn't seem to work on
it. When I'm talking to the modem from minicom, both RX and TX lights
flash in unison and I don't get an OK or anything out of the modem.

I'll try things as I can think of them, but does anyone have ideas?

-- Ferret no baka

Re: Update: serial console on Sparc IPX

1999-11-14 Thread ferret

On Sat, 13 Nov 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It turns out that the 'mac printer' cable does the crossover already. I
 connected a second null-modem adapter inline with my cable and did get
 serial output from the IPX.
 I'm posting the entire output below. Unfortunately at this point it
 doesn't seem to respond to input from the serial port (I'm running minicom
 on the Lintel end of things)
Found that turning off hardware flow control fixed this particular

 What keycode do I need to send to the IPX to get the openprom to break for
 me, being L1-S obviously can't be sent over?
Well, I had thought it was break, but that was crashing minicom. Turning
off hardware flow control fixed this too.

Silly ferret.

 Am I reading the selftest messages correctly and thinking it wants parity
 memory and it's erroring because it has non-parity?

-- Ferret no baka

Update: serial console on Sparc IPX

1999-11-13 Thread ferret

It turns out that the 'mac printer' cable does the crossover already. I
connected a second null-modem adapter inline with my cable and did get
serial output from the IPX.

I'm posting the entire output below. Unfortunately at this point it
doesn't seem to respond to input from the serial port (I'm running minicom
on the Lintel end of things)

What keycode do I need to send to the IPX to get the openprom to break for
me, being L1-S obviously can't be sent over?

Am I reading the selftest messages correctly and thinking it wants parity
memory and it's erroring because it has non-parity?

-- Ferret no baka

Power-Up State Test 
Context Register Bit Test 
Context Register Addressing Test 
Segment Map RAM MATS Pattern Test, Context  
Segment Map RAM MATS Pattern Test, Context 0001 
Segment Map RAM MATS Pattern Test, Context 0002 
Segment Map RAM MATS Pattern Test, Context 0003 
Segment Map RAM MATS Pattern Test, Context 0004 
Segment Map RAM MATS Pattern Test, Context 0005 
Segment Map RAM MATS Pattern Test, Context 0006 
Segment Map RAM MATS Pattern Test, Context 0007 
Page Map RAM MATS Pattern Test 
Limit 0 Register Test 
Counter Interrupt Level 10 Test 
Limit 1 Register Test 
Counter Interrupt Level 14 Test 
WARNING: Unable to determine keyboard type
Synchronous Error Reg Test 
Synchronous Error Virtual Address Reg Test 
Asynchronous Error Reg Test 
Asynchronous Error Virtual Address Reg Test 
Asynchronous Error Data Reg1 Test 
Asynchronous Error Data Reg2 Test 
System Enable Register Bit Test 
Cache Data RAM MATS Pattern Test 
Cache Tag RAM MATS Pattern Test 
PTE Access Bit Test 
PTE Modify Bit Test 
PTE Write-Protect Bit Test 
PTE Write-Invalid Bit Test 
PTE Read-Invalid Bit Test 
PTE Type 2 Space Bit Test 
PTE Type 3 Space Bit Test 
Synchronous Timeout Test 
Asynchronous Timeout Test 
 16 MegaBytes Found in Address Range 0x to 0x00ff 
DRAM Word MATS Pattern Test (0x00fe - 0x0100) 
Parity/Memory Control Registers Bit Test 
33-bit SIMM Parity Test 
FAILURE: No Trap Taken, Exp Trap Type = 0009
Setting Segment Map
Setting RAM Parity Mode
Mode set to 33-bit
Sizing Memory
Mapping ROM
Mapping RAM
Probing /[EMAIL PROTECTED],f800 at 0,0  dma esp sd st le 
Probing /[EMAIL PROTECTED],f800 at 1,0  Nothing there
Probing /[EMAIL PROTECTED],f800 at 2,0  Nothing there
Probing /[EMAIL PROTECTED],f800 at 3,0  cgsix 
Probing /[EMAIL PROTECTED],f800 at 0,0  dma esp sd st le 
Probing /[EMAIL PROTECTED],f800 at 1,0  Nothing there
Probing /[EMAIL PROTECTED],f800 at 2,0  Nothing there
Probing /[EMAIL PROTECTED],f800 at 3,0  cgsix 

SPARCstation IPX, No Keyboard
ROM Rev. 2.6, 16 MB memory installed, Serial #2165154.
Ethernet address 8:0:20:c:dc:80, Host ID: 572109a2.

Power-On SelfTest FAILED ... Replace CPU Board

Testing   16 megs of memory   16  15  14  13  12  11  
10   9   8   7   6   5   4   3   2   1  
SBus slot 0 le esp dma 
SBus slot 1 
SBus slot 2 
SBus slot 3 cgsix 

Initializing  16 megs of memory at addr 0  15  14  13  
12  11  10   9   8   7   6   5   4   3  
 2   1   0  

Type b (boot), c (continue), or n (new command mode)

Re: Serial console on IPX (Was: Sparc serial port pinout?)

1999-11-07 Thread ferret

Okay, following reccomendations and my own best guessing I went out and
purchased a 'Mac to serial printer' cable and a null-modem adapter. I plug
the cables in, fire up minicom on the Lintel (set to 9600N81 as I remember
seeing in the IPX firmware), and turn on the IPX. Power comes on, the
drive spins up, but I get nothing.

Now, what comes to mind is:

Wrong cabling.

Wrong serial port settings on the Lintel.

Bad serial ports on the IPX.

IPX not using serial console.

The null-modem adapter is a standard Laplink-comatible cable. The mac
cable is a Fellowes part # 99519 (no idea about the pinout on it)

I have no 'normal' console on the IPX so I can't change settings unless I
get serial console working at this point. If I can rule out the serial
cabling I'll probably go ahead and get the keyboard and video adapters

Oh yeah, I assume the serial cable should go in port 'A', but I tried it
in 'B' anyway and didn't get anything there either.

On Fri, 5 Nov 1999, Will Lowe wrote:

   One more question. If it doesn't have a keyboard and monitor plugged in,
   will it put the console out the serial port automagically?
  It should.  I know Suns do that automagically, and I know solaris does, and
  I know Debian is supposed to, but I haven't tried it yet, so I can't
  say for certain under Debian.
 yes,  this works.  It's a sun hardware thing,  rather than a software
 issue,  methinks.

Re: Serial console on IPX (Was: Sparc serial port pinout?)

1999-11-07 Thread ferret

I don't know of anyone at all in the town I live in who would have the
right equipment. I had access to a hard at the CMU campus at the time that
I picked up the machine. I live in a fairly small town, and the closest
city is about 75 miles away.

So, unless I can actually scare up a temporary head locally (perhaps at   
one of the local ISPs) 'borrowing' a head will not be an option.

On Sat, 6 Nov 1999, Walter Keeler wrote:

 Can a sysadmin friend take you into his jobsite some weekend? You don't
 necessarily need full-time access to monitor/keyboard/mouse, just long
 enough to be sure you're set up well enough to do further work headless.
 Also, having at least part-time access to a head makes recompiling
 kernels, etc., FAR less painful. (Believe me, I know!)
 On Sat, 6 Nov 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Sat, 6 Nov 1999, Walter Keeler wrote:
   Here's a basic question:
   What happens when you unplug the serial cable and then power up the IPX?
   Does it spin up and make disk access noises?
  Unplugged cable, powered on IPX. Disk spins up.
   If so, it sure sounds like a cabling issue of some sort.
   It would make the debugging job a whole lot easier to fire up the IPX with
   a head, if only to make sure it runs properly to begin with.
  Adding a head would put me back about $150 unless I could find a less
  expensive supplier for the keyboard and video converters, and then I
  wouldn't need serial console.
  Maybe that would be a better track?
  Sun sells a ps2 keyboard and mouse converter for $75, and Blackbox has a
  13W3/VGA converter for about $45. I would love a head on this thing if it
  wouldn't be quite so expensive.
  Oh, and I have no desk/counter/shelf space for a second keyboard and
  mouse at this time.
  However, I did finally chase up a pinout for the serial port, and I might
  have ended up with either the wrong cable (might need a modem cable
  instead of a printer cable) or I might need a straight instead of a null
  modem cable. Unfortunately I wont be able to test any of those for the
  next two or three days.

Re: Serial console on IPX (Was: Sparc serial port pinout?)

1999-11-07 Thread ferret

On Sun, 7 Nov 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Okay, following reccomendations and my own best guessing I went out and
  purchased a 'Mac to serial printer' cable and a null-modem adapter.
 Ooh, that sounds like a bad combo to me.  A null modem should twist the
 send and receive lines so that the send from one machine goes to the receive
 of the other.  If your Mac cable is designed to go to a printer with a
 standard RS232 port, then it probably already does that twist, and attaching
 another null modem adapter to it does a double twist, putting you back
 with send going to send, and receive going to receive.  That's a combination
 that's guaranteed to fail.
I'll try a straight-through as soon as I can get one. Either that or I'll
move the IPX closer to the Lintel and just use a sex changer.

 The simplest way to make sure you have the right cabling is to make your
 own cables!
I have a tendency to mess up my own cables, alas. :/

Re: [Nigel R. Armfield] Bug#49172: Boot problems

1999-11-06 Thread ferret

On 6 Nov 1999, Adam Di Carlo wrote:

 This sounds familiar -- anyone have a pointer here?

I'm not sure. I've successfully installed an IPX using floppy using the
2.0.3x sparc disk images.. If need be I could read my disks and let you
FTP them. I no longer have access to the machine I wrote them on, though,
or I could send them to you from there.

-- Ferret no baka

Re: Sparc serial port pinout?

1999-11-05 Thread ferret

On Thu, 4 Nov 1999, Kurt Mosiejczuk wrote:

 On Thu, 4 Nov 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I want to build a null-modem cable to go between my SparcStation and my
  Lintel box, and my Sparc has the round 8-pin mini-DINs. These wouldn't be
  signal-compatible with Mac serial ports, would they?
  Alternately, are there any companies besides Sun who make such a thing?
 Yes, they are signal-compatible.  Whether Mac cables will work for
 high speed modems is often debated, but I have been using a Mac cable
 for a while now and things seem fine.
 I do also have an acutal Sun cable too... and I haven't seen a difference,
 and I run it with a 33600 modem.

One more question. If it doesn't have a keyboard and monitor plugged in,
will it put the console out the serial port automagically?

-- Ferret no baka

Sparc serial port pinout?

1999-11-04 Thread ferret

I want to build a null-modem cable to go between my SparcStation and my
Lintel box, and my Sparc has the round 8-pin mini-DINs. These wouldn't be
signal-compatible with Mac serial ports, would they?

Alternately, are there any companies besides Sun who make such a thing?

-- Ferret no baka


1999-10-29 Thread ferret

On Sun, 24 Oct 1999, Jokker wrote:

 I remember awhile back there being problems with APT for sparc 
 getting stuck in infinite loops...has this been resolved? or should I 
 go for an older distrib?
 I am trying to do an ftp install  

I've had this exact same problem after updating my 'new' Sparc IPX to
Slink, and had to unpack the apt executables and one library from the
installation tarball to get apt working again.

Sparc Newbie looking for information...

1999-10-29 Thread ferret


I've recently picked up a used Sparc IPX machine and gotten Slink
installed on it.

I'm interested in any online information about the machine and what it's
capible of, hardware-wise. It has an sbus card in it that I haven't been
able to identify by FCC number, and I'd like to know how to find out what
it is. The boot rom identifies it as a sunw, bpp  sunw, lpvi

Also, the board selftest fails, and asks that the CPU board be removed.
Is there any diagnostic software available that could tell me where and
what the failure is, rather than just there is a failure?

And is there such a thing as a converter to use a PC keyboard and mouse on
an IPX workstation?