Re: Sound suport on IPC

1998-08-01 Thread sjc
ok I am replying again now that I am home and have another fun "issue"

On Fri, Jul 31, 1998 at 10:25:36AM -0400, Tom Dyas wrote:
> On Fri, 31 Jul 1998, Stephen J. Carpenter wrote:
> > do I need any special packages or anything for sound?
> > I configd the kernel sources for a sound options in
> > there either...
> Answer Yes to the "Experimental drivers" question near the top of the
> kernel configuration.

ok...I tried...
I go into /usr/src/linux and type
make menuconfig (also tried make config and make xconfig with DISPLAY 
on another machine)...I NEVER see ANY "Experiemntal Drivers" prompt.
In fact...the number of catergories and questions looks really small
(bt wwith the SAME source set for i386 I DO get the prompt)

question: I got the source (2.0.35 from the offical tgz..and 2.0.34 from
the debian source package...tried both) I edited the toplevel Makefile and 
changed ARCH from i386 to sparc.

HWen I do this I get a menuconfig with some sparc specific questions but
it is missing all of thes ethings you mention.
am I doing something wrong? do I need to do more than just edit
the toplevel makefile?

hmm maybe I will try rolling back to a pre-34 kernel...maybe 2.0.29 (I have it 
on hand) or 33 (thats what I have it running now I think)

> Then answer Y or M to the SparcAudio driver and then Y or M to the AMD7930
> driver which is used in the sun4c.
> The audio questions should come after the frame buffer questions.
> For more information, look in arch/sparc/ for the call to "source
> drivers/sbus/audio/".
> Tom
> --  
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

** Stephen Carpenter ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** [EMAIL PROTECTED] **
"All authority is quite degrading."
-- Oscar Wilde

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sigh...strike that (dtmfdial)

1998-07-30 Thread sjc

I mentioned a bit ago that I was going to upload dtmfdial to in
my web space for people to wont work...
look slike I have somethin AFU cuz I can't ftp and put anywhere!
I tried and ...neither work...just hang at put
in any case..source should be in incomming...sigh...


** Stephen Carpenter ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** [EMAIL PROTECTED] **
"All authority is quite degrading."
-- Oscar Wilde

Description: PGP signature

help - Starting to port packages

1998-07-30 Thread sjc

[sorry this is a bit long...but I am anxious to get started]

Okj I got my IPC up and running pretty much. I did fall victum to the
messed up filesystem on (fristrating brining a CD image
of binary-sparc and finding its hardly a full system cuz of missing packages
...and no sym links to binary-all) 

anyway...I uploaded an i386 package a bit ago (new first "new" 
package). It generates dtmf tones through the sound card. I decided
to test the compiler and system by trying to compile it...

I thought it might not work (since it used sound and all)...but it compiled
with almost NO MODIFICATIONS. Unfortunaly my IPC seems to have no sound
capabilities...I get "/dev/dsp: Operation not supported by device"
would anyone like to test it for me? I will be putting it up
on a public server ok it is uploaded to:
If it works I will upload it

This brings my next problem...xfstt (my other package). I would like
to compile the newest version for sparc, but it wont compile
I get tehse errors:
c++  -O6 -fomit-frame-pointer -ffast-math -DMAGNIFY=0 -DNDEBUG -c xfstt.cpp 
In file included from /usr/include/sys/socket.h:37,
 from xfstt.cpp:36:
/usr/include/bits/sockunion.h:25: netatalk/at.h: No such file or directory
In file included from /usr/include/netrose/rose.h:23,
 from /usr/include/bits/sockunion.h:29,
 from /usr/include/sys/socket.h:37,
 from xfstt.cpp:36:
/usr/include/linux/rose.h:10: warning: `PF_ROSE' redefined
/usr/include/bits/socket.h:72: warning: this is the location of the previous 
make: *** [xfstt.o] Error 1

now.. /usr/include/linux is a sym link into the 2.0.35 kernel source...
I did this because the kernel-headers-2.0.33 package which is on my 
sparc CD doesn't have rose.h 

so...where are all the lib*-dev packages? I don't see libc6-dev 
anywhere (not even in binary-all)...but I seem to have
allot of .h files...also I thought that libc6-dev
was suposed to contain the kernel headers? (is this just
an older version? how hard woul dit be for me to build the
latest version and upload it?)

sorry for putting in allot of questions at once but... my IPC is
finnaly up and I am anxious to get started

** Stephen Carpenter ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** [EMAIL PROTECTED] **
"All authority is quite degrading."
-- Oscar Wilde

Description: PGP signature

Still booting "blue" :(

1998-07-28 Thread sjc
sigh...I just don't get it...
ok here is my current setup:
Sun IPC with 1 hard drive (ID 3...the prom is set to look for ID 3 first)
I tftpboot'd and installed with the install disks, everything
worked fine. I didn't play with the kernel modules or anything
I have 3 partitions...
1 (950 MB) Linux native (/)
1 swap (the rest of the 1 gig drive)
1 "Sun Whole Disk" disk (this is NEW...I have had exactly
the same symptoms without this Sun Disklable partition)

The system comes up...and comes to SILO 
I hit enter...and get 
"Uncompressing Image" then takes abotu a minite...
then it stops and the screen clears to a solid blue screen.
After this just hangs forever (I have had it on now at this 
screen for over an hour)
any ideas on why? suugestions? need more info?
I know very little about these SUNs right now (tho I am learning
my way around the boot prom)

making progress...a week ago I wasn't even this far...soon...soon


** Stephen Carpenter ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** [EMAIL PROTECTED] **
"All authority is quite degrading."
-- Oscar Wilde

Description: PGP signature

Seen this (BSOD)

1998-07-26 Thread sjc

Ahh...I am getting closer every day to haveing Linux on my IPC...
I got the floppy wotking...I tftpboot'd and installed off from floppy.
It worked marvellous!

Then I tried to reboot...I came into the boot prom and typed:
boot sd(0,6,0) (it is drive SCSI ID 6...I am unsure which jumpers change it
and have no docs) I need to do this as teh SUN OS hard drive boots by default 
from ID 3 ( I think its 3)

anyway...I get the SILO prompt. I hit tab and see one image (linux)
I then hist enter (or type linux)
and I get to "Uncompressing image"..then the cursor spins fro a while
I wait..then the screen turns blue.
At this point it stops...I get no text no messages nothing
At thi spoint I can't even stop-a its completely frozen.

anyone seen this? any ideas?
(btw I tftpboot again..I can mount the system et problems)

** Stephen Carpenter ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** [EMAIL PROTECTED] **
"All authority is quite degrading."
-- Oscar Wilde

Description: PGP signature

Ack! tftpboot.img - Whats the point?

1998-07-24 Thread sjc
Ok...I am trying to install on an "effectivly diskless" Sun IPC...
as I said in an earlier message...I got it to boot with tftpboot.img.

I am very happy about this is kind of useless to boot
with tftpboot and then use floppies to install the kernel mods,
base ssyetm, etc. 

I noticed ifconfig exists and seems to work great (just ifconfig eth0 but...
there seesm to be NOTHING on the install image that uses the network!
I couldn't ftp, or even tftp...much less ping.

I really have no other way of getting these files onto the IPC...

Why doesn't tftpboot.img include ftp (or at least tftp)
since this is a netboot, it is not constrained by the size of a
why not allow it to get bigger and contain a few usefull utilities.
If I could ftp packages to the drive and then install I would be
all set.

Is there any way to build tftpboot on an i386? I could really use some
stuff like ftp on mine...maybe a few differnt tftpboot.img files for
differnt types of installs? 

maybe I missed something? can I nfsmount (I tried but...maybe I did it wrong)

** Stephen Carpenter ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** [EMAIL PROTECTED] **
"All authority is quite degrading."
-- Oscar Wilde

Description: PGP signature

It Worked!

1998-07-24 Thread sjc

Ok I have Sparcy booted through netboot (was easy once I figured it out
...many thanks to Adam Haberlach for his help)

There has been talk of a new web page for debian-sparc (I tried to view the 
URL but was given an error)...well...heres some notes of mine that should
be documented...

both rarp and arp must be setup with the IP and hardware adress of the 
sparc. I was told about rarp..and figured out arp too on my own (I love
tcpdump)...then I also found it in the mailing list archives.

on my system I had to start tftpd without tcpd first AND with -l to
work...I didn't try many combonations...but this si the configuration
which worked for me

ahem...all the docs I read said that Linux currently has no disk partitioning
utility (in fact it says that in a text file in the disks-sparc
directory) yet I was presented with a working fdisk during install (it is
running the install downstairs now)

um what have I forgot...oh yea...the zero padding tftpboot.img worked for me 
too ;)


** Stephen Carpenter ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** [EMAIL PROTECTED] **
"All authority is quite degrading."
-- Oscar Wilde

Description: PGP signature

Getting Started with SUNny

1998-07-09 Thread sjc
Well my SCSI hard drive came today, it is a Quantum 1.0 gig.
Unfortunatly I am having no is my situation (no tmuch
differnt from last time but...)

I have a SparcStation 1 It came with 2 hard drives (both 105 MB) 
one has SUNOS on it..the other is dead. WHen it boots it complains
that /var is missing...accoprding to /etc/fstab it is on the hard drive
that died :(
SunOS needless to say is not happy about this.

To add insult to injury...being all on 1 105 MB drive (some of which
is swap space)there are NO MAN PAGES and no other docs.
It is just me and my broken system.
from unsmae -a I get:
SunOS medusa 4.1.3_U1 1 SUN4C

It has 24 MB of onto the problems...
I type fdformat
it asks me to put a floppy in the drive...I do...
then it complains...errors... says something is wrong
if I halt the system and issue eject the disk ejects.

from the boot prom (same place that I eject the floppy) I can 
probe-scsi and see both the boot drive and my new 1 gig (boot drive
is ID drive is ID 6)

Back in SunOS I type says "searching for disks"
then comes up with only 1 disk...which is the one that was booted off from.

WHat do I need to do to use this disk? I was told i needed to partition it
what do I use to do that?

any ideas really new to Suns...I wanna get thi sup so badly


** Stephen Carpenter ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** [EMAIL PROTECTED] **
"All authority is quite degrading."
-- Oscar Wilde

Description: PGP signature

Re: i386 user entering sparc land

1998-06-22 Thread sjc
On Mon, Jun 22, 1998 at 11:25:38AM -0700, Kysh Dragon wrote:
> > assorted Items. I bought one of them for $ was a 
> > SUN Sparc 1+, 2 105 MB hard drives, a floppy, no video card.
> Congratz. I envy you the opportunity.

I envey me it tooI have wanted one for so long. yesterday was
my birthday and...I saw them atthe flea market...sorta became a birthday

hitting those milestones...20 years my first sparc...yes this
year is starting out much better than last year :)

> > can I use my i386 linux box to make up the base dist disks? 
> > Are there any common problems I should be aware of? 
> Lowlevel format the floppies on the sparc, stick 'em in the i386 and dd
> 'em. Then stick 'em back in the sparc and boot up. Voila.

ahh..and how do I go about doing that? hmm...I supose I could bother
ali again downstairs, he runs sloaris on a sparc 1...he would do it for me..
assuming I get it up and runnign with do I low-level format
a floppy? (I almost never use floppies these days...with TR-4 tape
drives and 3.2 gig hard drives...come a long way from my Apple II GS
with an 800 k floppy and no hard drive)

> > Any info will help..I have only seen SUNs before (I do have an account
> > on a Sun sparc 1 but..I only ever telnet to it..and its solaris)
> > I have no manuals and no idea where to get info.
> Hey, congratualtions on getting a sparc -- I'd sell my soul for one. :> 

well...dunno if I can let mine go for that but.. if you really want it that
 is a good place to start bargaining from :)
> > that 3/80 good for anything? what CAN i do with it...if not use 
> > linux
> > -Steve
> If you don't want it.. ;> 

lol didn't you say that last night on IRC? :) If I can't do anything
with it I would get rid of it...not quite ready to give up on it
just yetbut if I can't find a use for it...ill remember you asked ;)

PS I might be able to find some more such deals in the future
if yer interested

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

i386 user entering sparc land

1998-06-22 Thread sjc
Hi. I just subscribed to this list now, here goes:

Yesterday I was at the MIT flea market in boston, just minding my own
buisness when I saw 2 Pizza Boxes sitting on a table amongst other 
assorted Items. I bought one of them for $ was a 
SUN Sparc 1+, 2 105 MB hard drives, a floppy, no video card.

It has RedHat on it (suposedly...I need a video card as I have no
terminal to use on the serial port). Where do I start? I really
want to run debian-sparc and help out (ya know, compile packaages
for sparc when I have some free time and the very least
be able to compile MY package for the sparc)

I am going to get an s-bus vid card for it..have a monitor and a keyboard
(they came with a Sparc 3/80 whioch I also bought...and now hear is useless
:( ) and mouse. 
can I use my i386 linux box to make up the base dist disks? 
Are there any common problems I should be aware of? 

Any info will help..I have only seen SUNs before (I do have an account
on a Sun sparc 1 but..I only ever telnet to it..and its solaris)
I have no manuals and no idea where to get info. that 3/80 good for anything? what CAN i do with it...if not use linux

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]