Greetings!  There appears to be nothing I can do to get blas to pass
its integrity tests on sparc (vore).  Tried 2.95 and 3.0, turning off
all optimizations, -Wall, even an ultrasparc ISA.  All fail in exactly
the same place.  Mips had a similar problem in this place until I used
gcc-3.0 there instead of the default. I know its not an error in the
code, as it passes on all other arches (except hppa for other
explainable reasons), and is a *very* well established standard

Anyway, the failures are in the single precision real and complex C
interface tests to dot, asum, and nrm2.  Here is a sample error file:

Could go through with gdb, but don't have time right now.

 Real CBLAS Test Program Results

 Test of subprogram number  1         CBLAS_SDOT     

 CASE  N INCX INCY MODE  I                             COMP(I)                  
           TRUE(I)  DIFFERENCE     SIZE(I)

    1  1    1    1 9999  1                      0.38146987E-06                  
    0.30000001E+00 -0.3000E+00  0.3000E+00
    1  2    1    1 9999  1                      0.21457691E-07                  
    0.20999999E+00 -0.2100E+00  0.1600E+01
    1  4    1    1 9999  1                      0.11718752E-03                  
    0.62000000E+00 -0.6199E+00  0.3200E+01
    1  1    2   -2 9999  1                      0.38146987E-06                  
    0.30000001E+00 -0.3000E+00  0.3000E+00
    1  2    2   -2 9999  1                     -0.35652176E-11                  
   -0.70000000E-01  0.7000E-01  0.1600E+01
    1  4    2   -2 9999  1                      0.15625017E-02                  
    0.85000002E+00 -0.8484E+00  0.3200E+01
    1  1   -2    1 9999  1                      0.38146987E-06                  
    0.30000001E+00 -0.3000E+00  0.3000E+00
    1  2   -2    1 9999  1                     -0.80078148E-03                  
   -0.79000002E+00  0.7892E+00  0.1600E+01
    1  4   -2    1 9999  1                     -0.44921864E-03                  
   -0.74000001E+00  0.7396E+00  0.3200E+01
    1  1   -1   -2 9999  1                      0.38146987E-06                  
    0.30000001E+00 -0.3000E+00  0.3000E+00
    1  2   -1   -2 9999  1                      0.74386634E-06                  
    0.33000001E+00 -0.3300E+00  0.1600E+01
    1  4   -1   -2 9999  1                      0.36250010E-01                  
    0.12700000E+01 -0.1234E+01  0.3200E+01

 Test of subprogram number  2         CBLAS_SAXPY    
                                    ----- PASS -----

 Test of subprogram number  3         CBLAS_SROTG    
                                    ----- PASS -----

 Test of subprogram number  4         CBLAS_SROT     
                                    ----- PASS -----

 Test of subprogram number  5         CBLAS_SCOPY    
                                    ----- PASS -----

 Test of subprogram number  6         CBLAS_SSWAP    
                                    ----- PASS -----

 Test of subprogram number  7         CBLAS_SNRM2    

 CASE  N INCX INCY MODE  I                             COMP(I)                  
           TRUE(I)  DIFFERENCE     SIZE(I)

    7  1    1 9999 9999  1                      0.38146987E-06                  
    0.30000001E+00 -0.3000E+00  0.3000E+00
    7  2    1 9999 9999  1                      0.30517578E-04                  
    0.50000000E+00 -0.5000E+00  0.5000E+00
    7  3    1 9999 9999  1                      0.29296879E-03                  
    0.69999999E+00 -0.6997E+00  0.7000E+00
    7  4    1 9999 9999  1                      0.97656222E-04                  
    0.60000002E+00 -0.5999E+00  0.6000E+00
    7  1    2 9999 9999  1                      0.38146987E-06                  
    0.30000001E+00 -0.3000E+00  0.3000E+00
    7  2    2 9999 9999  1                      0.30517578E-04                  
    0.50000000E+00 -0.5000E+00  0.5000E+00
    7  3    2 9999 9999  1                      0.29296879E-03                  
    0.69999999E+00 -0.6997E+00  0.7000E+00
    7  4    2 9999 9999  1                      0.97656222E-04                  
    0.60000002E+00 -0.5999E+00  0.6000E+00

 Test of subprogram number  8         CBLAS_SASUM    

 CASE  N INCX INCY MODE  I                             COMP(I)                  
           TRUE(I)  DIFFERENCE     SIZE(I)

    8  1    1 9999 9999  1                      0.38146987E-06                  
    0.30000001E+00 -0.3000E+00  0.3000E+00
    8  2    1 9999 9999  1                      0.29296905E-03                  
    0.69999999E+00 -0.6997E+00  0.7000E+00
    8  3    1 9999 9999  1                      0.14062506E-01                  
    0.11000000E+01 -0.1086E+01  0.1100E+01
    8  4    1 9999 9999  1                      0.78125000E-02                  
    0.10000000E+01 -0.9922E+00  0.1000E+01
    8  1    2 9999 9999  1                      0.38146987E-06                  
    0.30000001E+00 -0.3000E+00  0.3000E+00
    8  2    2 9999 9999  1                      0.29296905E-03                  
    0.69999999E+00 -0.6997E+00  0.7000E+00
    8  3    2 9999 9999  1                      0.14062506E-01                  
    0.11000000E+01 -0.1086E+01  0.1100E+01
    8  4    2 9999 9999  1                      0.78125000E-02                  
    0.10000000E+01 -0.9922E+00  0.1000E+01

 Test of subprogram number  9         CBLAS_SSCAL    
                                    ----- PASS -----

 Test of subprogram number 10         CBLAS_ISAMAX   
                                    ----- PASS -----

Any advice most appreciated!

Camm Maguire                                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens."  --  Baha'u'llah

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