dftp 1.5 released

1996-05-01 Thread Brian C. White
The latest version of "dftp" should be appearing shortly in the
distribution as "/debian/contrib/tools/dftp-1.5".

  What's new in version v1.5

 ** Added architecture setting to select between several available in the
Debian distribution.

 ** Support for downloading "Packages.gz" files if 'gunzip' is available.

 ** Catches packages that don't have a "Section:" entry and appends them to
the list of available packages.  They don't get sorted into their proper
spot, but at least they are present.


In theory, theory and practice are the same.  In practice, they're not.

Re: strange message

1996-05-01 Thread Mark Eichin
It's a new log message (umm, why are you running 1.3.96 if you're not
reading [EMAIL PROTECTED] it's been hashed to death
there...) to catch a certain usage of flock in libc, which should have
been fixed around 1.3.10...  Apparently the 5.3.x libc has the fix
now, but you'll only get that message five times anyway (some systems
would get it fairly often, without it really being fixable.)

Re: smail append_header="..." problem

1996-05-01 Thread Scott Barker
Gerry Jensen said:
> What if the spammer faked his email address.  You could be bombing a 
> innocent person.

Ah! True enough. Guess it's best to just fire off a single warning to the
supposed offender, their postmaster, and the postmaster of their upstream site
(if applicable).

Scott Barker
Linux Consultant
http://www.cuug.ab.ca:8001/~barkers/   (under construction)

[ I try to reply to all e-mail within 5 days. If you don't  ]
[ get a response by then, I probably didn't get your e-mail ]
[ (we have a sometimes sporadic connection to the internet) ]

"Given the choice between the experience of pain and nothing, I would choose
   - William Faulkner

Re: smail append_header="..." problem

1996-05-01 Thread Gerry Jensen
On Wed, 1 May 1996, Scott Barker wrote:

> Lars Wirzenius said:
> > Don't do that.  Mail bombing is worse than junk mail.
> But it's not a bomb. You're just helping the spammer along by showing him a
> bunch of examples of other people's junk mail :) You're providing them a
> service, and should charge for it :)

What if the spammer faked his email address.  You could be bombing a 
innocent person.


Re: various boot errors and module problems!

1996-05-01 Thread Dale Scheetz
During make config (second or third line) there is a line about config mod
version or something to that effect. You want to choose no for this option
then the modules should load correctly.




aka   Dale Scheetz   Phone:   1 (904) 877-0257
  Flexible Software  Fax: NONE 
  Black Creek Critters   e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 If you don't see what you want, just ask --

Re: Is 1.1 instalable on a 4 Meg memory machine?

1996-05-01 Thread Bruce Perens

My test-bed for the 1.1 install is a slow 386 with 4MB + 640K . This
machine has Linux installed on it several times a week :-) . The RAM
disk implementation in the new kernels uses less memory (it used to
have a RAM cache of the RAM disk). The installation tools on 1.1 also
use less RAM than before. If you are concerned about low memory, make
your swap partition and activate it right away. That's why this step is
first in the 1.1 installation menu.



Re: smail append_header="..." problem

1996-05-01 Thread Lars Wirzenius
Scott Barker:
> But it's not a bomb. You're just helping the spammer along by showing him a
> bunch of examples of other people's junk mail :) You're providing them a
> service, and should charge for it :)

I see the smileys, but I still disagree.  There are people who don't
talk about mail bombs (and it is one) in jest.  They do it.  In doing so,
they cause trouble not for the spammer, but all users of all systems
and networks through which the bomb travels.

Mail bombing is easy.  Many people don't understand that it is wrong.  Or
why.  Jesting about it it doesn't discourage people from doing it.

Oops.  I'm beginning to sound as if I preach political correctness. 
Honest, I don't.  Cross my heart and hope to die.  I absolutely _revel_
in tasteless jokes.  Especially if they aren't funny.  But I've had just
about enough of mail bombing for this year, and it isn't even summer yet.
I haven't been mail bombed -- yet -- but I sometimes gets hundreds of
kilobytes of binaries in my comp.os.linux.announce moderator mailbox,
and I'm _not_ amused.

Lars Wirzenius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> PGP-key on servers
Don't Cc me on replies to mailing lists that I read, thank you.

Re: smail append_header="..." problem

1996-05-01 Thread Scott Barker
Lars Wirzenius said:
> Don't do that.  Mail bombing is worse than junk mail.

But it's not a bomb. You're just helping the spammer along by showing him a
bunch of examples of other people's junk mail :) You're providing them a
service, and should charge for it :)

Scott Barker
Linux Consultant
http://www.cuug.ab.ca:8001/~barkers/   (under construction)

[ I try to reply to all e-mail within 5 days. If you don't  ]
[ get a response by then, I probably didn't get your e-mail ]
[ (we have a sometimes sporadic connection to the internet) ]

"Animals have these advantages over man: they never hear the clock strike,
   they die without any idea of death, they have no theologians to instruct
   them, their last moments are not disturbed by unwelcome and unpleasant
   ceremonies, their funerals cost them nothing, and no one starts lawsuits
   over their wills."
   - Voltaire

logging dpkg/dselect activity [was Re: Mirrors et al. ]

1996-05-01 Thread Lukas Nellen
Until Ian has the spare time to include activity logging in
dpkg/dselect, I do the following:

I use dselect to decide which packages I want to install remove.

To do the actual installation and removal from the command line using
something like
dpgk -iGROEB development/binary non-free/binary contrib/binary \ 
| tee /root/update.log
dpkg --purge --pending

To skip the trivial info in my update.log file, I use
egrep -v 'deselected|already installed' /root/update.log

(All this comes with the usual warning: Typos not excluded... :-) )

   Dr. Lukas Nellen | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Depto. de Fisica Teorica, IFUNAM |
   Apdo. Postal 20-364  | Tel.:  +52 5 622 5014 ext. 218
   01000 Mexico D.F., MEXICO| Fax:   +52 5 622 5015

linux and PAP

1996-05-01 Thread Tim 'Death before Decaf' Sailer
The powers that be here at BNL just changed our dialin setup from a
NetBlazer, to a Cisco/USR managed modem bank, and it supports PAP.
Now, never having set Linux up as a client, just as a server, I've
stumbled my way around for a few hours, and can't seem to figure
out what I'm doing wrong. If anyone has done this, *please* let
me take a look at your ppp config..


 "Great successes are built on taking your negatives and turning them around."
-- Sumner Redstone
** Disclaimer: My views/comments/beliefs, as strange as they are, are my own.**

Re: Bug#2807: X <-> cpp dependency?

1996-05-01 Thread David Engel
>   Carlos> The problem is that the links /usr/bin/cpp and /lib/cpp don't
>   Carlos> come with gcc. If gcc really gives everything, it should give these
>   Carlos> symlinks as well.
> I think they now do in the very latest version, released yesterday.

That's right, though there is one scenario due to a bug in previous
versions where /lib/cpp may be deleted.  It is fixed by reinstalling.
I'm going to fix it in the next version.

David EngelOptical Data Systems, Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  1101 E. Arapaho Road
(214) 234-6400 Richardson, TX  75081

Re: smail append_header="..." problem

1996-05-01 Thread Lars Wirzenius
Scott Barker:
> You might want to consider saving some of the junkmail (perhaps a database
> holding about 5Meg worth of junkmail), and send each spammer a copy of each o
> f
> those junk mails, just so they know how it feels :) Preface each one with
> "Gee, your junk mail was really boring. Perhaps you could take some hints fro
> m
> this one..." That would also make it *very* hard for the spammer to ignore
> bounced-back mail.

Don't do that.  Mail bombing is worse than junk mail.

Re: nvi changes xterm settings...

1996-05-01 Thread Steven Bolt

On Tue, 30 Apr 1996, Dale Martin wrote:

> Anyone else notcied that nvi turns off "Enable Auto Wraparound" on
> xterms upon exiting.  It's been driving me carazy that that has
> "mysteriously" been happening for weeks - I finally made the
> assoication this morning.  Anyone have any ideas how to fix this
> "feature", or any recommendations for a better vi clone?

Try Vim!

 #  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #   Steven Bolt   #  popular science monthly KIJK  #

Re: Mirrors et al.

1996-05-01 Thread Rick Macdonald

> Is there a log of dselect/dpkg errors?  When I run a big install job,
> I see things like this:
>  xntp-doc not configured because it requires web browser
> go past on the screen.  I wish they were saved in a file somewhere
> so that I need not (try to) write them down as they pass.

I asked about this weeks ago. Uncharacteristicly if this list, the
query got no response. Hopefully this time...!


Re: Bug#2807: X <-> cpp dependency?

1996-05-01 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  Carlos> The problem is that the links /usr/bin/cpp and /lib/cpp don't
  Carlos> come with gcc. If gcc really gives everything, it should give these
  Carlos> symlinks as well.

I think they now do in the very latest version, released yesterday.

Dirk Eddelb"uttel  http://qed.econ.queensu.ca/~edd

Re: Mirrors et al.

1996-05-01 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  Rick>  I asked about this weeks ago. Uncharacteristicly if this list, the
  Rick> query got no response. Hopefully this time...!

dpkg activity logging is on Ian J's wish list, but the poor fellow has quite
some things on his plate, so don't expect it before Debian 1.2 (ie roundabout

A very, very crude approximation can be had via
miles:~ [root] # dselect | tee logfile
but a lot of tr(1) or sed(1) filtering might be needed before that logfile
becomes useful.

Dirk Eddelb"uttel  http://qed.econ.queensu.ca/~edd

Re: Mirrors et al.

1996-05-01 Thread Christian Hudon
On Wed, 1 May 1996 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> One irritating feature of dselect as it is at the moment is this:
> if I start dselect and add only one or two packages, it prints the
> entire list of packages on my screen, one by one, along with the
> 'skipping deselected package foo', or 'package bar is already installed'
> messages.  I would like to see these messages omitted, at least by
> default.

Having dselect going through all the packages even when you're adding one
or two is especially annoying when you're getting Debian from a
CD-ROM. Because then it takes something like 2-3 mins even if you're adding
only one package. That's basically what made me stop using dselect.


what's /etc/psdevtab?

1996-05-01 Thread Carlos Carvalho
I found this in my machine, but couldn't trace it to any package...
It's also not in Contents for the stable/unstable tree, and a grep in
/var/lib/dpkg doesn't show anything.


various boot errors and module problems!

1996-05-01 Thread Brian K Servis

I could really use someones help.

When booting I get the following errors when calculating dependencies.

*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/1.2.13/net/3c501.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/1.2.13/net/3c509.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/1.2.13/net/8390.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/1.2.13/net/apricot.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/1.2.13/net/arcnet.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/1.2.13/net/bsd_comp.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/1.2.13/net/de4x5.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/1.2.13/net/de600.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/1.2.13/net/de620.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/1.2.13/net/depca.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/1.2.13/net/dummy.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/1.2.13/net/eexpress.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/1.2.13/net/ewrk3.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/1.2.13/net/plip.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/1.2.13/net/ppp.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/1.2.13/net/slip.o

Then when the network is initiated I get

socket: Invalid argument
socket: Invalid argument

This is from the network script in /etc/init.d.  I have not touched it 
since install.  The two command in the script are:

ifconfig lo
route add

Then after entering runlevel 2 I get the following error

starting /sbin/syslogd
starting /sbin/klogd
  syslogd: syslog: Unknown protocol, suspending inet service: Invalid argument

The only thing I have edited in the /etc/syslogd.conf file is to comment the
3 lines for the news.* log files, and the above command was happening before
I did that.

Then once booted if I try and load the PPP module using "modprobe ppp"
I get the following errors:

tty_register_ldisc: wrong version
dev_close: wrong version
slhc_free: wrong version
slhc_init: wrong version
slhc_toss: wrong version
alloc_skb: wrong version
netif_rx: wrong version
slhc_uncompress: wrong version
slhc_remember: wrong version
kill_fasync: wrong version
n_tty_ioctl: wrong version
slhc_compress: wrong version
dev_kfree_skb: wrong version
register_netdev: wrong version
unregister_netdev: wrong version
Failed to load module! The symbols from kernel 1.2.13 don't match 1.2.13

This all started after I recompiled the 1.2.13 kernel to set it up for
my tastes.  After make zImage and modifing /etc/lilo.conf and running
lilo, I rebooted and did make modules then make modules_install.  Does
anything look familiar?  If you need more info please ask and I will
get you what you need. I am running my linux box at home with no
"real" network connection but I am wanting to connect to a dial in
account running slirp.  I compiled in network support but no drivers
for any protocols, just load a module when I want to connect. 


Brian Servis
Mechanical Engineering
Purdue University

Re: status of dftp and dpkg-ftp

1996-05-01 Thread Brian C. White
> What's the current status of dftp and dpkg-ftp? Are either of them "official"
> debain tools? I'm looking for easier ways to upgrade my system than by
> mirroring the whole debian tree. (I just tried dftp-1.4 and had some trouble
> with the 'select' function -- the file produced for editing had a couple of
> bad entries, such as dosemu being listed twice, with the descriptions for
> ytalk and dosemu concatenated together after each of the listings).

The next release of 'dftp' (v1.5) has been ready for several weeks now, but
wanted to run at least one full test on it before releasing it.  I think I
finally got a full mirror of the system last night and am running the test
as I write this.

The bug you describe has been fixed.  The first one, at least...  I think
the second is just a symptom of the first.


In theory, theory and practice are the same.  In practice, they're not.

Is 1.1 instalable on a 4 Meg memory machine?

1996-05-01 Thread R Chris Ross

 A while back I attempted to install Debain on a NEC Versa S 
laptop.  Since I only had 4 megs of ram the install wouldn't run.  
The install was for .93R6, but is the 1.1 install runable in low 
memory machines?  I had no problem loading Slackware so the thing 
runs Linux fine.  Any suggestions would be appriciated.

Re: Bug#2807: X <-> cpp dependency?

1996-05-01 Thread Carlos Carvalho
David Engel ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote on 30 April 1996 17:43:
 >> I'm somewhat confused.  What precisely do you want to do ?
 >> Are cpp and gcc independent alternative packages ?  If so then you
 >> should use Provides/Conflicts.
 >> If cpp is obsolete then you should use Replaces/Conflicts and perhaps
 >> Provides.
 >> What situation do you have ?
 >The former.  I used Replaces/Conflicts for cpp and Replaces/Conflicts/
 >Provides for gcc.

I understand they're alternative, but there's still a bug. I thought
that since I was going to install gcc, I didn't need cpp. The problem
is that the links /usr/bin/cpp and /lib/cpp don't come with gcc. If
gcc really gives everything, it should give these symlinks as well.


Re: Mirrors et al.

1996-05-01 Thread Erick Branderhorst
More info on dpkg / dselect install jobs can be found in /var/lib/dpkg
or by adding --debug  as an option.

please check dselect --help and / or dpkg --help
Perhaps more sofisticated ways to log exist but I don't know about them.

Erick [EMAIL PROTECTED] +31-10-4635142
Department of General Surgery (Intensive Care) University Hospital Rotterdam NL

Re: nvi changes xterm settings...

1996-05-01 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  Dale> Anyone have any ideas how to fix this "feature", or any
  Dale> recommendations for a better vi clone?

Emacs with the VIP vi-emulation. Once you drop the emulation, you get a real

Just kidding. I have been plagued by this line wrapping problem too. My
solution is to have lynx, ncftp, ... all pop-up from fvwm in their own
windows. Once the job is finished, the screwed-up window disappears.

I am eagerly awaiting Mike's new set of ncurses libs --- a new upstream
version that supposedly fixes this problem. Soon at a mirror new you...

Dirk Eddelb"uttel  http://qed.econ.queensu.ca/~edd

Re: 1.1 upgrade docco?

1996-05-01 Thread Dale Scheetz
On Tue, 30 Apr 1996, Zachary DeAquila wrote:

> where does the latest docco on what to and not to do to upgrade
> from .93r6 to 1.1 reside?
I am in the process of updating my notes on upgrading. RL has been real
intrusive lately but I should be able to get something back on the list by
the end of the week.




aka   Dale Scheetz   Phone:   1 (904) 877-0257
  Flexible Software  Fax: NONE 
  Black Creek Critters   e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 If you don't see what you want, just ask --

Re: nslookup

1996-05-01 Thread Michael Meskes
Jason Eggleston writes:
> Does the unstable release (or stable) have nslookup?  I have the 
> binary-i386 directory of unstable, and a dpkg -S nslookup shows up 
> nothing.  Is this in the works?

circe:meskes 104) dpkg -S nslookup
bind: /usr/man/man8/nslookup.8bind
dnsutils: /usr/bin/nslookup.sh
bind: /usr/lib/nslookup.help
bind: /usr/bin/nslookup


Michael Meskes   |_  __  
 |   / ___// / // / / __ \___  __
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |   \__ \/ /_  / // /_/ /_/ / _ \/ ___/ ___/
 |  ___/ / __/ /__  __/\__, /  __/ /  (__  )
Use Debian Linux!| //_/  /_/  //\___/_/  //

Re: what's module net-pf-3?

1996-05-01 Thread Michael Meskes
Michael Harnois writes:
> For no particular reason I ran ifconfig on ppp0. I received the console
> messages 
>   modprobe: can't locate module net-pf-3
>   modprobe: can't locate module net-pf-4
>   modprobe: can't locate module net-pf-5
> and then ifconfig completed apparently normally.
> Someone have a clue what's happening here?

ifconfig causes the kernel to load all network protocols that aren't
configured into the kernel as modules. However, these three are not even
available as modules. Since they aren't needed it doesn't have any influence
on the execution. I will upload a new modules package soon (hopefully
Thursday) and it will take care of this. If you wnat to get rid of these
messages just add the following lines to your /etc/conf.modules file:

alias net-pf-3 off
alias net-pf-4 off
alias net-pf-5 off


Michael Meskes   |_  __  
 |   / ___// / // / / __ \___  __
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |   \__ \/ /_  / // /_/ /_/ / _ \/ ___/ ___/
 |  ___/ / __/ /__  __/\__, /  __/ /  (__  )
Use Debian Linux!| //_/  /_/  //\___/_/  //

Re: Mirrors et al.

1996-05-01 Thread LeBlanc
Steffen Mueller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That's true while I think IMHO the dpkg tool could be anhanced the way 
> it refuses to update a package when a required one is missing.

No, I think dpkg is fine the way it is; I would like to see dselect
enhanced.  Dpkg needs to be able to do something that appears wrong
when the system administrator wants to and knows what he's doing.
I think dselect is the program which should be doing most of the
sanity checking.

> dpkg should check the depandancies an required fields as it does already 
> but additionally should offer a selection for the packages required to 
> set up the updated package correctly. It should automatically go thru 
> this cycle until all required packages are updated and installed in the 
> correct order.

Reading dselect for dpkg, I think that it should automatically, that is,
without prompt or warning, select the additional packages required for
any selected package or packages.  The user should be warned and
required to intervene only if there are incompatible options, or if
there is no way of fulfilling the requirements.  It is a pain when
dselect goes into warning mode dozens of times in a single session.

One irritating feature of dselect as it is at the moment is this:
if I start dselect and add only one or two packages, it prints the
entire list of packages on my screen, one by one, along with the
'skipping deselected package foo', or 'package bar is already installed'
messages.  I would like to see these messages omitted, at least by

Is there a log of dselect/dpkg errors?  When I run a big install job,
I see things like this:

 xntp-doc not configured because it requires web browser

go past on the screen.  I wish they were saved in a file somewhere
so that I need not (try to) write them down as they pass.

 -- Owen

Re: status of dftp and dpkg-ftp

1996-05-01 Thread Kevin M Bealer
On Tue, 30 Apr 1996, Bruce Perens wrote:

> From: Scott Barker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > What's the current status of dftp and dpkg-ftp? Are either of them 
> > "official"
> I would like dpkg-ftp to become part of the "base system", which is the
> stuff that is a required part of Debian. It's necessary so that
> mostly-net installs would work. Dpkg-ftp has some bugs to be shaken out
> before that happens. Also, the installation menu in 1.1 doesn't set up
> PPP and SLIP for you, which is necessary for many network
> installations. So expect this in 1.2 .  The target date for that is 3
> months after 1.1 is released.
>   Thanks
>   Bruce

By way of a minor bug report.. when version numbers change, the files are
not always seen by dpkg to be newer, for example, I have a copy of lynx,
which is listed by dpkg -l as '2.4.2-2' but the version in /unstable/* is
listed as 'lynx-2.4-FM-960316-1.deb' ... now dpkg-ftp will fetch the file,
but dpkg thinks it is downgrading and balks...

I assume the lynx with the letters in the name is the newer... there have
been a few such packages in the past. '-force' usually works of course.

What about the idea of having an 'expert' option on dpkg that would prompt
you for 'y/n' if a particular force-option was necessary?

[EMAIL PROTECTED]/GNU__Linux__1.3.77___
"Love is a snowmobile racing across the tundra and then suddenly it
flips over, pinning you underneath.  At night, the ice weasels come."
-- Matt Groening

Re: what's module net-pf-3?

1996-05-01 Thread Gerry Jensen
On Tue, 30 Apr 1996, Michael Harnois wrote:

>   modprobe: can't locate module net-pf-3
>   modprobe: can't locate module net-pf-4
>   modprobe: can't locate module net-pf-5

I get this too but haven't a clue as to why.  I get this whenver I connect
with either SLIP or PPP.  I'm using kerneld and I thought that may have
something to do with it but I don't know.  Are you by chance running
kerneld too? 


Re: status of dftp and dpkg-ftp

1996-05-01 Thread Bruce Perens
From: Scott Barker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> What's the current status of dftp and dpkg-ftp? Are either of them "official"

I would like dpkg-ftp to become part of the "base system", which is the
stuff that is a required part of Debian. It's necessary so that
mostly-net installs would work. Dpkg-ftp has some bugs to be shaken out
before that happens. Also, the installation menu in 1.1 doesn't set up
PPP and SLIP for you, which is necessary for many network
installations. So expect this in 1.2 .  The target date for that is 3
months after 1.1 is released.



1.1 upgrade docco?

1996-05-01 Thread Zachary DeAquila

where does the latest docco on what to and not to do to upgrade
from .93r6 to 1.1 reside?
