LILO boot problem (still!)

1996-08-01 Thread Al Youngwerth
After trying  everything everyone suggested a couple of weeks ago I gave up and 
went on vacation. I've been back all week but now I have to deal with it.

My problem is this: when booting from the hard disk I get "LI" from LILO and 
nothing else. I thought that this problem was caused by the fact that I was 
using a large drive in a machine with an old BIOS.

Assuming that the problem was the large drive, the obvious suggestion that the 
LILO documentation (and several of you) made was to use the LINEAR option. That 
didn't seem to help.

So I found the LILO documentation (which btw is excellent!). It pointed me into 
running lilo with the following options:

lilo -v -v -v -t

which produced the following output:

LILO version 17, Copyright 1992-1995 Werner Almesberger

Reading boot sector from /dev/hda1
Device 0x0300: BIOS drive 0x80, 64 heads, 527 cylinders,
   63 sectors. Partition offset: 0 sectors.
Merging with /boot/boot.b
Device 0x0301: BIOS drive 0x80, 64 heads, 527 cylinders,
   63 sectors. Partition offset: 63 sectors.
Secondary loader: 7 sectors.
Device 0x0301: BIOS drive 0x80, 64 heads, 527 cylinders,
   63 sectors. Partition offset: 63 sectors.
Boot image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.0.0
Device 0x0301: BIOS drive 0x80, 64 heads, 527 cylinders,
   63 sectors. Partition offset: 63 sectors.
Setup length is 9 sectors.
Mapped 1008 sectors.
Added Linux *

"ro root=301"
Map file size: 8192 bytes.

I read further into the LILO technical documentation and it said the following 
about the "LILO" letters printing during startup:

The boot sector is loaded by the ROM-BIOS at address 0x07C00. It moves
itself to address 0x9A000, sets up the stack (growing downwards from
0x9B000 to 0x9A200), loads the secondary boot loader at address
0x9B000 and transfers control to it. It displays an ``L'' after moving
itself and an ``I'' before starting the secondary boot loader. If a read
error occurs when loading the secondary boot loader, a two-digit hex code
is displayed after the ``L''. This results in an endless stream of error
codes if the problem is permanent. Displaying these error codes is disabled
if the build-time option {NO1STDIAG} is set.
The secondary boot loader displays an ``L'' after being started and an ``O''
after loading the descriptor table and the default command line. Before
loading the descriptor table, it checks, whether it has been loaded at the
correct location and displays a question mark if it hasn't. If the
descriptor table has an incorrect checksum, a minus sign is displayed.

So my impression is that LILO is failing either during the load of the 
secondary boot loader or starting the secondary boot loader. In case it was the 
later (assuming a corrupted secondary boot loader) I downloaded a new lilo and 
installed (twice) with the same results.

So now I am assuming that the problem occurs during the loading of the 
secondary loader. But why? /dev/hda1 is the first partition on the drive and is 
only 200MB. It can't be crossing the 1024 sector limit. Why is lilo showing 
BIOS drive 0x80 as having 64 heads, 527 cylinders and 63 heads (this calculates 
out to the about the actual drive size using 512-byte sector size)? Is this the 
problem? The BIOS is actually set up as type 47 (user) with 16 heads, 2111 
Cylinders and 63 sectors.

Any hints on where to go from here would be greatly appreciated.


Al Youngwerth

Re: color ls

1996-08-01 Thread Michael Meskes
>   Michael>  I like to see that the standard ls is now colorized. But I wonder
>   Michael> why the old one isn't removed automatically? Is there a reason for
>   Michael> this?
> color-ls was removed here when I installed fileutils-3.13-1.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~> dpkg -l color-ls fileutils
> Desired=Unknown/Install/Remove/Purge
> | Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed
> |/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: 
> uppercase=bad)
> ||/ NameVersionDescription
> +++-===-==-
> pn  color-ls (no description available)
> ii  fileutils   3.13-2 GNU file management utilities.   

Strange. On my site it wasn't.


Michael Meskes   |_  __  
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |   / ___// / // / / __ \___  __
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |   \__ \/ /_  / // /_/ /_/ / _ \/ ___/ ___/
[EMAIL PROTECTED]|  ___/ / __/ /__  __/\__, /  __/ /  (__  )
Use Debian Linux!| //_/  /_/  //\___/_/  //


1996-08-01 Thread Tim O'Brien
I would like to make my Linux box appear to the network like a gateway, sort
of like Wingate running on a 95 box. I've tried IPFWADM and had no success. 
Any ideas? Here's the general scenario. is the linux box, named CURLEY is a win95 box named CADZILLA is a win95 box named BLOO

After Linux connects, a route for  is added in as 
the default gateway. At this point PPP works on the Linux box to the 

IPFWADM is started using 
ipfwadm -F -m -a accept -S -D

The 95 boxes are set up in the TCP/IP setup to use
(curley) as a gateway. 

On the 95 box, when I try to telnet to another known good host
on the 'net, I get a connection failed: timed out message. 

At this point, I think I'm more than a little confused. Anyone ever gotten
ipfwadm to work? If so, do you have any idea what I'm doing wrong? Any help
would be greatly appreciated. 


 < I am Pentium of Borg. Division is futile. You will be APPROXIMATED! > 

Re: color ls

1996-08-01 Thread Wichert Akkerman

> I like to see that the standard ls is now colorized. But I wonder why the
> old one isn't removed automatically? Is there a reason for this?

Some monitors make text unreadable (cheap laptops for example) when you use
colors. Maybe a postinst-script could ask if color-ls should be the new
default, move ls to ls-normal and make ls a link to color-ls.


Sicherheitsluecke bei rlogin auf Linux [LSF Update#11: Vulnerability of rlogin] (fwd)

1996-08-01 Thread Steffen Mueller

Here's what we got from CERT a few minutes ago.


  Linux Security FAQ Update
rlogin Vulnerability
Tue Jul 30 17:51:57 EDT 1996
  Copyright (C) 1995 Alexander O. Yuriev ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  CIS Laboratories

 This is an official update of the Linux security FAQ, and it is supposed to
be signed by one of the following PGP keys:

 pub  1024/9ED505C5 1995/12/06 Jeffrey A. Uphoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Jeffrey A. Uphoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
   1024/EFE347AD 1995/02/17 Olaf Kirch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 1024/ADF3EE95 1995/06/08 Linux Security FAQ Primary Key 

Unless you are able to verify at least one of signatures, please be very
careful when following instructions.

   Linux Security WWW:

 linux-security & linux-alert mailing list archives:



A vulnerability exists in the rlogin program of NetKitB-0.6
This vulnerability affects several widely used Linux
distributions, including RedHat Linux 2.0, 2.1 and derived
systems including Caldera Network Desktop, Slackware 3.0 and
others. This vulnerability is not limited to Linux or any
other free UNIX systems. Both the information about this
vulnerability and methods of its expolit were made available
on the Internet.


Local and remote users could gain super-user priviledges


Red Hat Commercial Linux

Red Hat Linux version 2.0 and 2.1 contains
vulnerable program unless NetKit-B-0.06-7.i386.rpm
was installed.

In order to fix the vulnerability install
NetKit-B-0.06-7 rpm available from

Please verify the MD5 signature of the RPM prior to
installing it.

 601c3f6137a6fb15ae61a6b817395040  NetKit-B-0.06-7.i386.rpm

Red Hat Linux version 3.0.3 (Picasso) does not
contain vulnerable rlogin program.

Caldera Network Desktop 

Version 1 of CND contains the vulnerable program
unless NetKit-B-0.06-4c1.i386.rpm was installed. 
This RPM is available from

Please verify the MD5 signature of RPM prior to
installing it.

aeb2da201477cd3280fdc09836395c35  NetKit-B-0.06-4c1.i386.rpm

Version 1 of CND upgraded to RedHat Linux 3.0.3
(Picasso) does not contain a vulnerable program.

Debian Project did not either confirm or deny the
vulnerability of Debian/GNU Linux 1.1.

Debian/GNU Linux systems may be vulnerable if
NetKit-B-0.6 is installed. Until the official
fix-kit is available for Debian/GNU Linux, system
administrators of Debian systems are advised to
follow guidelines under Other Linux Distributions


The Slackware Linux distribution Version 3.0 is
confirmed to be vulnerable unless a NetKit newer
than NetKit-B-0.6 is installed.

Until the official fix-kit is available for
Slackware 3.0, the system administrators are advised
to follow the guidelines under Other Linux
Distributions section.


Yggdrasil Computing's Plug & Play Linux Fall'95

Re: help getting X and openwin to work?

1996-08-01 Thread Wichert Akkerman
> > Linux openwin logo, but before the screen turns blue, the X-server
> > exits with the message
> > lwm: can't find library ''

[.. snap ..]

> This is a shared library and for libraries to be found you have to run
> ldconfig as root after moving or installing libraries.

Also make sure /usr/openwin/lib is mentioned in /etc/ldconfig.

Another option is to add /usr/openwin/lib to LD_LIBRARY_PATH using
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/openwin/lib
if you use bash, or
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/openwin/lib
if you use tcsh or csh.


Re: LILO and W95

1996-08-01 Thread Susan G. Kleinmann
Hi Nathan --

You said:
> - 95 will not 'recognize' LILO, and boots right into 95.  

If you installed win95 *after* you installed lilo) you have win95's mbr.

To boot Linux now you can either install LILO as the boot manager,
with advice from Randy Jones, or you can retain win95 as the boot 
manager, but allow yourself a back door to get to Linux:

There are several ways to do this:
   -- set BootMulti=1 in the [options] section of MSDOS.SYS
  Then, next time you boot, just after you see the signal
  "Starting Windows 95", hit the 'F8' key.  This puts you into
  a menu mode, from which you can choose DOS (either 7.0 or your
  previous DOS) and then from there you can execute the LOADLIN.EXE
  command.  For example, 
  C:\BIN\LOADLIN.EXE /vmlinuz root=/dev/hdb2 ro
  boots a linux system that has its root on hdb2.
   -- set BootWin=0 in your MSDOS.SYS file which will automatically
  bring up DOS 6.22.  Then run LOADLIN from there (from an AUTOEXEC.BAT
  file if you like).
   -- create a batch file containing the single line give above, then,
  on the win95 desktop, create a shortcut to the batch file, and type
  in the name of the batch file for the command line.  
  Then right click on it, select Properties, select the Program tab, 
  and the Advanced button.  Check the MS-DOS mode check box and 
  click OK.  Now Linux is just two clicks away.

Susan Kleinmann

Re: color ls

1996-08-01 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  Dirk> Oh yes, it was aliased to do that. Just start the dircolors (the old
  Dirk> one from the color-ls package, that is) from the shell and you'll
  Dirk> see.

  Michael>  I like to see that the standard ls is now colorized. But I wonder
  Michael> why the old one isn't removed automatically? Is there a reason for
  Michael> this?

color-ls was removed here when I installed fileutils-3.13-1.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~> dpkg -l color-ls fileutils
| Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed
|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ NameVersionDescription
pn  color-ls (no description available)
ii  fileutils   3.13-2 GNU file management utilities.   

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: color ls

1996-08-01 Thread Michael Meskes
> Erick, is there a way that you can persuade/hack dircolors to do what the old
> one did? Or put a note in the package to ease transition?

Not only that. Shouldn't we add /etc/DIR_COLORS into fileutils?


Michael Meskes   |_  __  
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |   / ___// / // / / __ \___  __
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |   \__ \/ /_  / // /_/ /_/ / _ \/ ___/ ___/
[EMAIL PROTECTED]|  ___/ / __/ /__  __/\__, /  __/ /  (__  )
Use Debian Linux!| //_/  /_/  //\___/_/  //

Re: help getting X and openwin to work?

1996-08-01 Thread Bill Woodall
>> I really prefer running openwin, so I created the directory
>> /usr/openwin and copied all the stuff from my Slackware system over
>> to there (bin, lib, etc.)  I can get openwin to start, display the
>As a Sun workstation user, I also prefer running openwin.  I was under the
>impression that this product was owned by Sun and not available for other
>platforms but I heard that some Linux distributions provided it (Redhat). 
>I've looked on the internet for openwin, but could never find anything. 
>Where can I find a version that will run under Debian? - something that is
>easily transportable.   Can we expect to see a Debian distribution of
>openwin anytime soon?

First, correct if I am wrong, Bruce, but the xview toolkit does not
currently have a maintainer and therefore no Debian packages as
of yet.
 (I have been thinking about since I have used xview for
 several years, but I have been swamp to give it what is due)

Second, Openwin is a desktop environment. The OpenLook (tm)
window manager is olwm or olvwm.

With the last release of xview (3.2p1) you roughly get the WM and


Re: color ls

1996-08-01 Thread Michael Meskes
> Oh yes, it was aliased to do that. Just start the dircolors (the old one from
> the color-ls package, that is) from the shell and you'll see.

I like to see that the standard ls is now colorized. But I wonder why the
old one isn't removed automatically? Is there a reason for this?

dpkg -L color-ls leaves me with:


Michael Meskes   |_  __  
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |   / ___// / // / / __ \___  __
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |   \__ \/ /_  / // /_/ /_/ / _ \/ ___/ ___/
[EMAIL PROTECTED]|  ___/ / __/ /__  __/\__, /  __/ /  (__  )
Use Debian Linux!| //_/  /_/  //\___/_/  //

Re: help getting X and openwin to work?

1996-08-01 Thread Sven Rudolph
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "Jim Worthington" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > I really prefer running openwin, so I created the directory
> > /usr/openwin and copied all the stuff from my Slackware system over
> > to there (bin, lib, etc.)  I can get openwin to start, display the
> As a Sun workstation user, I also prefer running openwin.  I was under the
> impression that this product was owned by Sun and not available for other
> platforms but I heard that some Linux distributions provided it
> (Redhat).

A long story ...

OpenLook is a user interface specification, looking like what Sun
offered years ago (pre-X11 times) as SunView.

XView is an implementation of the SunView API (with enhancements) and
looks very much like OpenLook. In order to say that it looks like
OpenLook you need a licence from Sun, this seems to cost money.

XView is available under a BSD-style licence. The XView distribution
includes the library and some client programs, the most advanced are
texttool and cmdtool.

OpenWindows is the whole toolset as offered by Sun. This includes
XView and more client programs (filetool, some calender and
others). It isn't freely available.

(Mistakes are mine ...)
> I've looked on the internet for openwin, but could never find
> anything. 

You should have looked for XView, since OpenWindows isn't freely

> Where can I find a version that will run under Debian?

On, but you have to wait some days. I will upload xview
including the XView-included client programs next week. 

Sven Rudolph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ; WWW :

Re: color ls

1996-08-01 Thread Adrenolin
On Thu, 1 Aug 1996, Michael Meskes wrote:

> > color-ls was removed here when I installed fileutils-3.13-1.
> Strange. On my site it wasn't.
> Michael
same here. i installed fileutils-3.12-4. the color-ls package still
remains and wasn't removed

|   Robert "Adrenolin" MacQuarrie |
| ProvisioNet Distributions at New Jersey Branch  |
|  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |

Re: color ls

1996-08-01 Thread Guy Maor
I will add that `--color' is equivalent to `--color=yes', which is
probably not what you want.  If you make any aliases, use
`--color=tty'.  You don't want nasty escape codes if it's not a tty.

Try `ls --color | less' to see what I mean.

And fileutils does have a bug with regards to color-ls.  It should
conflict and replace with it so that it will be removed automatically.
I'll file a report.


Re: color ls

1996-08-01 Thread David A. Morris
I have the same problem. I to have upgraded some packages, but I can't
remember which ones. I will try to look at my list and try to remember
which ones I did just before I noticed it. 

Mark Phillips <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


>Something has happened to stop ls giving color output.  I used to be
>able to just run:

>eval `dircolors`

>and ls would work in color - even without specifying the "--color"
>option.  (And no, ls was not aliased)

>Now it seems I need to type "ls --color" to get color?

>What is the problem?  I've changed a number of things of late - moved
>from tcsh to bash (but same thing happens in both shells), and
>upgraded a number of packages.  So I don't know what has caused the
>change.  Any ideas anyone?

>Mark Phillips.  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Problems with Maling List

1996-08-01 Thread Erik van der Meulen
Sorry all, I know this is not directly Debian-Linux related, but it does
seem the best place to turn to.

I keep getting thrown off the list because off 'excessive bounces'. This
seems odd. For if I subscribe my address: [EMAIL PROTECTED], I receive
the correct confirmation:

>You have added to the subscriber list of:
>the following mail address:

Next, after some time comes a message:

>Your mail address [EMAIL PROTECTED] has been removed
>from the mailinglist.
>It generated an excessive amount of bounced mails.

Quoting my bounce as follows:

>Hi. This is the qmail-send program at
>I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses.
>This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.
> does not like recipient.
>Remote host said: 553 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>... No such host

Note that my domain name has changed from 'avondel' to 'acondel'!

Same thing has happened twice now, I really have no clue as to what goes on.
I do not generate those messages, and other lists work well! Hope it's not
my ignorance.
I did send a message to the postmaster, but got no reply. Maybe the list
maintainer is out here?

Thanks a lot, and sorry to have been off-topick!

Erik van der Meulen

Re: Novell-Internet question

1996-08-01 Thread Gerry Jensen

On Wed, 31 Jul 1996, Michael Meskes wrote:

> Gerry Jensen writes:
> > This is a problem for your NT machine, not the Linux machine.  If you have
> > a valid Internet IP address for the Linux machine, then the NT machine
> > needs to be set up to act as a router for the rest of your LAN and then
> > the Linux machine would be on the Internet.  Or, if you don't have a valid
> > IP address for the Linux machine, then you need to set up the NT machine
> > to act as a firewall and a proxy server.  I'm not familiar at all with NT
> > to know what software is available or included with that OS to do either
> > of these.
> So it doesn't matter whether it's a Novell net or anything else?

Correct.  A Novell (IPX) network and a TCP/IP network can co-exist on the
same physical network.


Re: Samba and alternatives for Linux network printing

1996-08-01 Thread Don Gaffney
On Wed, 31 Jul 1996, Rick Macdonald wrote:

> I could run a 50-foot (15-metre) parallel cable from the Linux box to
> the room where the notebook is located. Then, the printer would be on
> the
> Linux box running Samba. I don't know what the limit is for parallel
> cable lengths though.

I think it is 15 feet (~5 meters) for parallel. To go the distance you
would need a parallel repeater or you could go serial with a drop in
throughput. The HPLJII does not resovle device contention on its ports
however, so you have to configure it for one port or the other (you can't
have some jobs comming in on serial and others on parallel and have the
printer switch automatically). To stick with parallel on the printer
end you could use a serial-to-parallel converter (cost ~$60 (US)). This
plus an auto parallel switch (cost ~$60 (US)) should do the trick and 
serial cable is cheap. The throughput would be limited to 19200 bits/second
however. To get parallel throughput (23 BYTES/second) you would
have to buy more expensive cable and a line extender (a.k.a. repeater)(cost 
~$90 (US)).

The external ethernet lpd servers start at around $250 (US). The 
throughput is 10 million bits/second to the server (shared across all
devices on the segment), but from the server to the printer it is a regular
parallel connection. Ethernet is probably the most flexible in terms or
wiring the system as well.

Don Gaffney (
Engineering, Mathematics & Business Administration Computer Facility
University of Vermont - 237 Votey Building - Burlington, VT  05405
(802) 656-8490 - Fax: (802) 656-8802

RE: help setting up X and openwin

1996-08-01 Thread Ken Gaugler
Last night I posted a request for help finishing the setup of X11R6,
and getting Openwin to work.

I want to sincerely thank the people who sent me email (you know who
you are).  The system is at home, so I cannot implement the fixes
that you people reccommended until tonight.  But I wanted to let you
know how much I appreciate the help.

Assuming all goes well with these fixes, I am going to be VERY happy
with my new Debian Linux system, and finally be able to start getting
some cockpit time!

>From an excited new Debian user...
also known as [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Key fingerprint =  D6 A7 D7 8C 92 CB 42 FD  60 D5 62 1C D7 B9 EA 8E 
Ken Gaugler  N6OSK Hybrid Networks, Inc.  Cupertino, Calif.
"The life of a Repo Man is ALWAYS INTENSE..."

Re: help getting X and openwin to work?

1996-08-01 Thread Erick Branderhorst

> So I went back and fixed that, and everything configured fine
> except the X server setup.  After fixing a problem with the
> mouse in XF86Config, I got X up and running fairly well.  I think it
> is giving me fvwm as the default window manager, and the middle mouse
> button doesn't work right ( the menu flashes a lot and I cannot select
> anything on that menu).

In /etc/X11 there are a few files and dirs which you might want to
modify a bit.

> I really prefer running openwin, so I created the directory
> /usr/openwin and copied all the stuff from my Slackware system over
> to there (bin, lib, etc.)  I can get openwin to start, display the
> Linux openwin logo, but before the screen turns blue, the X-server
> exits with the message
> lwm: can't find library ''
> That library exists in the openwin/lib hierarchy, so I think there must
> be a link missing somewhere, possibly between /usr/X11/lib and somewhere.
> Do you know anything about this, or can I give you any more information
> to help me solve this?

This is a shared library and for libraries to be found you have to run
ldconfig as root after moving or installing libraries.


LILO and W95

1996-08-01 Thread nathan work
ok, i just loaded linux after w95 for the first time.  i know very 
little about linux or unix for that matter and i'm having a real problem 
- 95 will not 'recognize' LILO, and boots right into 95.  i didn't have 
this problem with 3.1.  what i need is for someone to be gracious enough 
to take me by the hand and show me how to overcome this (to keep w95 
from controling what's booted). please email me if you'd like:

Re: Novell-Internet question

1996-08-01 Thread salwen
>Let's say I have a server with one of Micorsoft operating systems, let's say
>Windows NT, that is connected to the internet directly and a lot of other
>machines connected to this server via a Novell net. Now one of these
>machines is a Linux box. Is it possible to use the Linux box as if it were on
>the internet, too? That is can I e.g. telnet from this machine or send mail?
>If so what software do I need? The ipx package?

It seems to me the question you need to be asking is does the server
route IP frames.  You will not get to the internet by adding IPX to the
linux unless you do a remote login to the server.  (Which so far as I
know is not possible with Novell.)

Re: Samba and alternatives for Linux network printing

1996-08-01 Thread Don Gaffney
On Wed, 31 Jul 1996, Rick Macdonald wrote:

> But, since the Win95 system is a notebook that comes and goes, is there
> some device that could make the printer a network print server not
> attached to either
> PC? That way, I could print from Linux even when the notebook was
> detached.

Sounds like you can either (1) attach the printer to the linux server
or (2) purchase an external lpd print server for the HPLJII (the internal
card sold by HP would also work but requires more setup on the UNIX box and
may cost more). HP sells JetDirect EX units which act as lpd servers and 
there are others out there as well (e.g. milan).

If the 2 machines are close, you could also just use a parallel switch -
I know they're not very sexy anymore, but they do work.
Don Gaffney (
Engineering, Mathematics & Business Administration Computer Facility
University of Vermont - 237 Votey Building - Burlington, VT  05405
(802) 656-8490 - Fax: (802) 656-8802

Re: Xterm

1996-08-01 Thread Susan G. Kleinmann
Robert MacQuarrie writes:
> anyways i have the xserver_vga16 installed. when i ...login as root with 
> the passwd and it just freezes :
Sounds like a problem with your server.  
  Install either the xserver-mono_3.1.2-5.deb or xserver-svga_3.1.2-5.deb
  Then bring up Netscape.
  Then use the Usenet search tool
  to find out what kinds of experiences other people have had with X and
  setups like yours.

>( also i have no use of the mouse either. 
> my mouse is a Logitech but durring boot shows as ps/2. do i configure it
> to ps/2 or logitech?
Some Logitech (brand name) mice have PS/2 interfaces.  It sounds like yours
does.  You need to rebuild your kernel with PS/2 support in it.  You also
need to specify in your /etc/X11/XF86Config that your mouse is
a PS/2 mouse.

Susan Kleinmann

X and mouse

1996-08-01 Thread Adrenolin
hiya all
i'm haveing trouble configureing my mouse for use in the
xf86config. i have a logitech 2 button mouse. in the boot process it saz
foud PS/2 mouse but nothing more. i have in the xf86config file:

Section "Pointer"
Protocal "PS/2"
Device   "/dev/mouse"

how can i set this correctly and/or check where/what the Device
should be. i use startx and use the fvwm window manager. it comes up but
no control over the mouse.


|   Robert "Adrenolin" MacQuarrie |
| ProvisioNet Distributions at New Jersey Branch  |
|  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |


1996-08-01 Thread Jim Gerace

I'm using the latest kernel-package to build a kernel.
I have the Debian 1.1.2 release, and kernel sources 2.0.6 installed in
default location.
Doing a 'make-kpkg kernel_image' errors out when it cannot
find kernel.rules in the /usr/src/kernel-source-2.0.6/debian
directory. .
I noticed in installing the kernel-package (via dselect) it put
itself at /usr/lib/kernel-package and the debian subdir has kernel.rules
in it. Before I haphazardly just copy that dir over, am I missing
something significantly here? I can make kernel the old debian way
using 'debian-rules kernel_image' w/out any prob. But I want to do it
the new proper way. 
Jim Gerace
Senior Systems Engineer

Re: "module not found"

1996-08-01 Thread Dale Scheetz
On Wed, 31 Jul 1996, Berntsen wrote:

> I've recompiled my kernel (and, yes, I've remembered to 'make modules'
> and 'make modules_install'), but when I boot now, I get an error message
> saying that it can't find the modules.
> I'm using Kernel 2.0.6 and modules 2.0.0
> Whats wrong?
I'm not sure, but here are a couple of things to check. First make sure
that there is a /lib/modules/2.0.6 directory, and that there is a link
called current that points to it. Assuming everything is there, run depmod
and try to reboot again.

Hope this helps,



aka   Dale Scheetz   Phone:   1 (904) 877-0257
  Flexible Software  Fax: NONE 
  Black Creek Critters   e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 If you don't see what you want, just ask --


1996-08-01 Thread Michael Meskes
Adrenolin writes:
> what package supplies this file? gopher requires it and i have looked
> everywhere to find the right .deb package that itis in :(

I just uploaded a new version of gopher in ELF. It fixes all bugs and is in


Michael Meskes   |_  __  
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |   / ___// / // / / __ \___  __
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |   \__ \/ /_  / // /_/ /_/ / _ \/ ___/ ___/
[EMAIL PROTECTED]|  ___/ / __/ /__  __/\__, /  __/ /  (__  )
Use Debian Linux!| //_/  /_/  //\___/_/  //

Re: SLIP not working?

1996-08-01 Thread Susan G. Kleinmann
Karl Ferguson asked:
> I've compiled SLIP into the kernel (2.0.10), however I get this following
> message in /var/log/daemon.log:
> Aug  1 10:30:49 orion /sliplogin[319]: attaching slip unit sl0 for karl
> Aug  1 10:30:49 orion /sliplogin[319]: /etc/slip.login sl0 9600 319
> compressed
> Aug  1 10:30:50 orion modprobe: Can't locate module net-pf-4
> Aug  1 10:20:51 orion modprobe: Can't locate module net-pf-5
> Of course, slip just doesn't seem to work at all.  My question is, where are
> these modules it can't locate - and if I can find them, will it fix this
> problem?

Andrew Howell's explanation was right.

A somewhat amplified answer was provided by Michael Meses in May.
Derek Lee had written"
> When I use ifconfig, I get the error messages:
>   May 22 01:18:19 boson modprobe: Can't locate module net-pf-4
>   May 22 01:18:19 boson modprobe: Can't locate module net-pf-3
>   May 22 01:18:20 boson modprobe: Can't locate module net-pf-5
> Is something missing? I have a PPP connection to the outside world,
> but no local network. 

Michael Meskes responded:
>This is not a bug at all. When calling ifconfig it tries quite a lot of
>possible network interfaces. net-pf-5 is appletalk, net-pf-4 is ipx and
>net-pf-3 is ax.25. If you don't use these add entries
>alias net-pf-3 off
>alias net-pf-4 off
>alias net-pf-5 off
>to your /etc/conf.modules file and the messages will disappear."

Susan Kleinmann

Re: color ls

1996-08-01 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  Michael> I like to see that the standard ls is now colorized. But I wonder
  Michael> why the old one isn't removed automatically? Is there a reason for
  Michael> this?

  Wichert>  Some monitors make text unreadable (cheap laptops for example)
  Wichert> when you use colors. Maybe a postinst-script could ask if color-ls
  Wichert> should be the new default, move ls to ls-normal and make ls a link
  Wichert> to color-ls.

Don't worry. It is one and the same binary, bin/ls, which has no color as the
default. You have use the --color option to enable color.

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: help getting X and openwin to work?

1996-08-01 Thread Jim Worthington
> I really prefer running openwin, so I created the directory
> /usr/openwin and copied all the stuff from my Slackware system over
> to there (bin, lib, etc.)  I can get openwin to start, display the

As a Sun workstation user, I also prefer running openwin.  I was under the
impression that this product was owned by Sun and not available for other
platforms but I heard that some Linux distributions provided it (Redhat). 
I've looked on the internet for openwin, but could never find anything. 
Where can I find a version that will run under Debian? - something that is
easily transportable.   Can we expect to see a Debian distribution of
openwin anytime soon?


Re: color ls

1996-08-01 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  Guy>  I will add that `--color' is equivalent to `--color=yes', which is
  Guy> probably not what you want.  If you make any aliases, use
  Guy> `--color=tty'.  You don't want nasty escape codes if it's not a tty.

Those are the old style options implemented by color-ls (which is a patched
version based on fileutils-3.12). The new form is, according to ls --help

  --color[=WHEN] control whether color is used to distinguish file
   types.  WHEN may be `never', `always', or `auto'
By default, color is not used to distinguish types of files.  That is
equivalent to using --color=none.  Using the --color option without the
optional WHEN argument is equivalent to using --color=always.  With
--color=auto, color codes are output only if standard output is connected
to a terminal (tty).   

By the way, the man page distributed with fileutils-3.13-2 still documents
the old form (ie --color={yes,tty})

  Guy> Try `ls --color | less' to see what I mean.

That would now be 'ls --color=always | less' and is why --color=auto is a
better choice.

  Guy> And fileutils does have a bug with regards to color-ls.  It should
  Guy> conflict and replace with it so that it will be removed automatically.
  Guy> I'll file a report.

Yes, please add that it has Pre-Depends: and not Depends:, and that the
manpage needs an update.

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: color ls

1996-08-01 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  Dirk> > color-ls was removed here when I installed fileutils-3.13-1.

  Michael> Strange. On my site it wasn't.

  Robert> same here. i installed fileutils-3.12-4. the color-ls package still
  Robert> remains and wasn't removed

Sure, 3.12-4 is not 3.13-{1,2}. Try a newer version of fileutils.

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: help getting X and openwin to work?

1996-08-01 Thread Sven Rudolph
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ken Gaugler) writes:

> I really prefer running openwin, so I created the directory
> /usr/openwin and copied all the stuff from my Slackware system over
> to there (bin, lib, etc.)  

FYI: I will upload a xview package including the openwin-like programs
next week.

Sven Rudolph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ; WWW :

Re: LILO and W95

1996-08-01 Thread Randall Jones
On Thu, 1 Aug 1996, nathan work wrote:

> ok, i just loaded linux after w95 for the first time.  i know very 
> little about linux or unix for that matter and i'm having a real problem 
> - 95 will not 'recognize' LILO, and boots right into 95.  i didn't have 
> this problem with 3.1.  what i need is for someone to be gracious enough 
> to take me by the hand and show me how to overcome this (to keep w95 
> from controling what's booted). please email me if you'd like:

what does your /etc/lilo.conf look like?  you should show include it here;
that would make things alot easier to diagnose.

Where did you load LILO?  what does the "boot=" line look like in your
It sounds like you have "boot=/dev/hdaN"  ( where N is you linux partition
number, assuming you're using the master primary IDE channel )

If you have "boot=/dev/hdaN" you can
- boot DOS ( I think you can use Win95 DOS, but reboot to DOS mode )
- run fdisk in DOS
- follow the menu/instructions to change the active partition to your
linux partition.
- exit fdisk
- reboot

If you have "boot=/dev/hdbN" you should
- boot linux (from a boot floppy)
- edit /etc/lilo.conf
change the boot value to "boot=/dev/hda"  (this is assuming that Win95
  is on the first partition of the primary master IDE drive (C:))
- reboot

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