Status of wide character support in Linux

1997-09-07 Thread David B. Teague

I'm curious if anyone knows the status of wide character support under
Linux, and under gcc/g++ in particular. 

I know its coming, but I hope for a 2, 5, or 10 year availbility
estimate, and a remark on 'whatz happening.'


David B Teague | Ask me how user interface copyrights  software patents
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | make programing a dangerous business.

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read-only root and usr partitions

1997-09-07 Thread Paul J. Thompson

i don't have a ups but i do leave my linux system up all the time.  it
occurred to me that it might be a good idea to mount my root and usr
filesystems read-only, so that if the power cut out, they would be as

what do i need to do in order to mount these in such a manner?

i know of only one file specifically that is written to on those two
partitions: /etc/mtab.  is this the only one?  if not, what are the
others?  if so, where is the proper place to repartition it so i can
mount root and usr read-only?


paul j. thompson

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Re: read-only root and usr partitions

1997-09-07 Thread Jean Pierre LeJacq
On Sat, 6 Sep 1997, Paul J. Thompson wrote:

 i know of only one file specifically that is written to on those two
 partitions: /etc/mtab.  is this the only one?  if not, what are the
 others?  if so, where is the proper place to repartition it so i can
 mount root and usr read-only?

I'm going through the process of configuring tripwire on one of my
systems and am exploring this issue as well.  I have a stripped
down system so there may be more files that are mutable.  Here's what
I've found so far:

  /etc/amandates From amanda which is a backup system
  /etc/adjtime   From clock
  /etc/dumpdates From dump
  /etc/ioctl.saveFrom init
  /etc/mtab  From mount
  /etc/wtmplock  From login

  /dev/log   Created by sysklogd but can configure to another
  /dev/tty[0-9]  Changes ownership
  /dev/ttyS[0-9] Changes ownership 
 Other terminal devices

I sure there are more files modified in the /dev directory.

I find it unfortunate that /etc cannot be mount read-only.  Will the
FHS address this problem?

Jean Pierre

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Re: read-only root and usr partitions

1997-09-07 Thread Paul J. Thompson

Jean Pierre,

thanks for the response.  it seems like quite an undertaking, however
-- a lot more files then i expected.  maybe it really isn't a reality
to mount root read-only but a better idea to simply keep it very
regularly backed up.  maybe, however, usr can still be mounted
read-only.  do you know of any files there which would prohibit this?

 I find it unfortunate that /etc cannot be mount read-only.  Will the
 FHS address this problem?

what is the FHS?

paul j. thompson

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Increasing DOS partition

1997-09-07 Thread Bill Wohler
  I just performed some fall cleaning by running a fresh install (like
  the one-disk install, thanks!).  All went relatively smoothly except
  on the DOS side.

  I totally repartitioned the disks although I left /dev/sda1 as the
  DOS partition, only bigger.  cfdisk in Linux showed the increased
  partition size, fdisk on a DOS boot floppy was also happy, but a
  dir in DOS showed the old size, and a format /s also formatted
  based upon the old size.  One other hint: when I mount the partition
  from Linux, it also shows the old size.

  Any tips as to how I can format (or whatever) the DOS partition so
  that the OSs recognize the entire partition?  And hopefully do this
  without destroying all my work on the other partitions.

Say it with MIME.  Maintainer of and FAQs.
If you're passed on the right, you're in the wrong lane.

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boa under hamm is catching SIGBUS

1997-09-07 Thread Douglas Bates
I am running the boa Web server on a Debian (hamm) system.
 Package: boa
 Status: install ok installed
 Section: web
 Maintainer: Jon Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Version: 0.92-5

The server is dying, usually within a day of being restarted.  The
last parts of the access and error logs are reproduced below.  I would
welcome suggestions of what might be going wrong.

 $ tail -3 /var/adm/boa/access_log - - [06/Sep/1997:03:49:13] GET /pub/R/doc/FAQ/R-FAQ.html 
HTTP/1.0 200 2888 - - [06/Sep/1997:03:50:02] GET /pub/R/src/base HTTP/1.0 302 0 - - [06/Sep/1997:03:50:32] GET /pub/R/doc HTTP/1.0 302 0
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/spare3/bates
 $ tail -2 /var/adm/boa/error_log 
 [05/Sep/1997:14:06:18] request from GET /pub/Sbook/VR2compl.pdf 
HTTP/1.0: write: Broken pipe
 [06/Sep/1997:03:50:32] caught SIGBUS, dumping core

Statistics Department608/262-2598
University of Wisconsin - Madison

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Re: Increasing DOS partition

1997-09-07 Thread Craig Sanders
On Sat, 6 Sep 1997, Bill Wohler wrote:

   I totally repartitioned the disks although I left /dev/sda1 as the
   DOS partition, only bigger. cfdisk in Linux showed the increased
   partition size, fdisk on a DOS boot floppy was also happy, but a
   dir in DOS showed the old size, and a format /s also formatted
   based upon the old size.  One other hint: when I mount the partition
   from Linux, it also shows the old size.

   Any tips as to how I can format (or whatever) the DOS partition so
   that the OSs recognize the entire partition?  And hopefully do this
   without destroying all my work on the other partitions.

is it a 12-bit FAT partition or 16-bit FAT partition?  12-bit FATs can't go
beyond 32MB in size (could be wrong on the 32mb, but it's around that).

try changing the partition type in linux fdisk to 16-bit FAT.  otherwise,
delete the partition with DOS FDISK and recreate it before formatting.

as with anything involving the partition table, it is a good idea to backup
your important data first.  this is especially true if you use MS code (like
DOS' FDISK.EXE) to do it.


craig sanders
networking consultant  Available for casual or contract
temporary autonomous zone  system administration tasks.

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Re: 2 CPU servers

1997-09-07 Thread Bdale Garbee
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] you wrote:

: I've seen some tape loaders change tape when sent mt offline, which 
: make them usable under linux. You might want to check first though.

I'm happily using an HP Surestore 12000e DDS autochanger with dump and amanda
to do backups on a set of systems, including various Debian platforms.  The
tape server is a Debian 1.3.1 system, with selected packages from unstable...
The amanda and dump filesets were still libc5 when I grabbed them...


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Re: read-only root and usr partitions

1997-09-07 Thread Carey Evans
Paul J. Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 thanks for the response.  it seems like quite an undertaking, however
 -- a lot more files then i expected.  maybe it really isn't a reality
 to mount root read-only but a better idea to simply keep it very
 regularly backed up.  maybe, however, usr can still be mounted
 read-only.  do you know of any files there which would prohibit this?

I keep /usr mounted read-only, and I remount it read-write before I
install a new package.  (OK, I remount it read-write _after_ dpkg
fails the first time.)  Nearly anything writing there is a bug.

There a two things I know of:

/usr/src/linux needs to be rw.  /usr/src should be a different
partition or, like I have here, a symlink to /var/src (or /home/src).

XFree86 3.3-3 has a bug where it needs to write to
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb/compiled.  This is symlinked to
../../../../../var/lib/xkb here as a temprorary measure.

  Carey Evans  *

kernel: Warning: possible SYN flooding. Sending cookies. 
kernel: validated probe(17f, 17f, 11557, 5010, -1645409555) 

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Re: read-only root and usr partitions

1997-09-07 Thread Jean Pierre LeJacq
No.  The FSSTND was designed to support a read-only /usr.

The FHS is the next iteration of FSSTND, the Linux file system

Jean Pierre

On Sat, 6 Sep 1997, Paul J. Thompson wrote:

 thanks for the response.  it seems like quite an undertaking, however
 -- a lot more files then i expected.  maybe it really isn't a reality
 to mount root read-only but a better idea to simply keep it very
 regularly backed up.  maybe, however, usr can still be mounted
 read-only.  do you know of any files there which would prohibit this?
  I find it unfortunate that /etc cannot be mount read-only.  Will the
  FHS address this problem?

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Problem with dselect, apache mod_perl

1997-09-07 Thread Chew Keat Yeow

I installed Apache 1.2.4 recently. Initially there seem to be some problem
leading to number of packages being required or conflicting with
I finally get apache to install and along the way upgaded a number of
packages among them are perl and related packages, dpkg, libg++272,
libg++27, libc5 and libc6.

However I now find that I can't get mod_perl in Apache to work, the error
I get when running apacheconfig is 

Stopping Apache webserver...sleeping...starting again...[Mon Sep  8
13:43:09 1997] Can't locate in
 @INC at /usr/lib/perl5/Apache/ line 9.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/lib/perl5/Apache/
line 9.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/lib/perl5/ line 4.

Can't load Perl module `Apache', exiting...

I tried restalling perl but it doesn't help.

On top of that my dselect now can't work with the ftp method.
It give me the follow error

update available list script was terminated by a signal: Segmentation
(It left a coredump.)

I'm sure all these errors are the result of my upgrading. Can anyone give
me an idea of how to retify them. They are giving a good number of
sleepless night.

My sincere thanks in advance.

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Re: Prompt in Bash [fixed]

1997-09-07 Thread Rob Browning
Will Lowe [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Yup,  kill the eval and life is good.  Thanks,  Mr. Browning.

You're welcome, but sheesh, call me Rob :

One final word for those who were following this thread.


  if [ ${PS1:-UNSET} = UNSET ]

should have been

  if [ ${PS1:-UNSET} = UNSET ]

Without the quotes, you can get problems when you have a prompt with
escape characters.


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Re: Samba package

1997-09-07 Thread Eloy A. Paris
I know what's happening because I went throught this problem before:
the /var/lib/dpkg/info/samba.prerm script stops any nmbd and smbd
that could be running. It does this by calling start-stop-daemon
but the script does not consider the case of no daemons running.

To solve the problem just edit /var/lib/dpkg/info/samba.prerm and
add the option --oknodo to the invocation of start-stop-daemon.
This option makes start-stop-daemon return a succesful code even
in the case of no daemons running, so the prerm script does not

This is definitely a bug in the Samba package that the new
maintainer should take care of.


: I have the samba package installed but want to remove it, everytime i try I
: get the following:
:  Shadow:~# dpkg --remove samba
:  (Reading database ... 14226 files and directories currently installed.)
:  Removing samba ...
:  dpkg: error processing samba (--remove):
:   subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 1
:  Errors were encountered while processing:
:   samba


Eloy A. Paris
Information Technology Department
Rockwell Automation de Venezuela
Telephone: +58-2-9432311 Fax: +58-2-9431645

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Re: Who knows stuff about WAN cards?

1997-09-07 Thread Boris D. Beletsky
 On Fri, 5 Sep 1997, Amos wrote:

 Amos [ recommandations for SDL and Emerging Technologies deleted for
 Amos bravity ]
 Amos I know of at least 3 Sangoma 508 boards running at 64Kb
 Amos frame-relay, and about to install one in my home machine soon.
 Amos Their web site ( shows relatively new
 Amos boards with CSU/DSU included, but I was worried that the
 Amos standards here in Israel possibly being a little different and
 Amos so it isrisky to get this part integrated - you might want to
 Amos check the service in your area before ordering.
 Amos BTW, Sangoma are the people who donated (and apparently still
 Amos maintain) the WAN support to Linux.
 Amos (Debian related - two of the three running cards (and my home
 Amos machine) use it under Debian bo release, the other one runs
 Amos RedHat).
 Amos Hope this helps,

I would also recommend to look at the Incarda router card, it's about the
same price (if I am not mistaken) as Sangoma. The reason why I prefer to use
it is because it's completely independent router with hardware firewalls and
other Ip filters, and all the routing compatibilities are already in the card
so you don't have to waste computer resources on building firewalls and
running gated.

It is managed by telnet (the only thing that card takes
from the computer is power, it is not related to the software that runs
on the computer) or menu based dos program.

The site is 

There are also external models (same card just in small box and power
supply) which CSU/DSU support. (this product family is called InRoute)

Good Luck,
Boris D. Beletsky  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Network Administrator   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Institute of Computer Science,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hebrew University  Home: +972 2 6411880
Jerusalem Israel   Work: +972 2 6585690

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Re: xrsh?

1997-09-07 Thread joost witteveen
 On Sun, 7 Sep 1997, Heikki Vatiainen wrote:
  How about using ssh? Since I switched to ssh I have not had any need to 
  do those
  'xauth extract - $DISPLAY | rsh otherhost xauth merge -' tricks anymore.
  Ssh crypts the connection and as an extra bonus automagically sets 
  DISPLAY and xauth authorization records during the login process.
 Unfortunatelly I had trouble with ssh... the X connections are forwarded
 through the ssh channel, encrypted... and sometimes they get broken.
 For example I was unable to run an xv through an ssh connection, xv exited
 with server kill or something like that immediatelly :(

Then something must have been wrong. I run xv (and fvwm2, emacs, xterm,
whatever) regularly under ssh.

joost witteveen, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
#!/usr/bin/perl -sp0777iX+d*lMLa^*lN%0]dsXx++lMlN/dsM0j]dsj
$/=unpack('H*',$_);$_=`echo 16dio\U$kSK$/SM$n\EsN0p[lN*1
#what's this? see

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afterstep icons

1997-09-07 Thread David
i all.
I've just installed debian 1.3.1 on 2 seperate machines. On both machine
the icon on the top of the warf bar (afterstep and X windows) is missing.
The AFstep.xpm file exists and is viewable using xv, but it won't appear.
Also, xload won't run because it claims to ne libproc.?.11 and I have ?.12

Is this the type of thing one reports as a bug to the package maintainer?
Boy it would be an improvement on the redhat system if it were that easy!!



Binary Bar - Australia's first free access internet bar/cafe/gallery.
243 Brunswick Street, Fitzroy, Melbourne, Australia. 12:00pm - 11:00pm

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Re: fetchmail and smail

1997-09-07 Thread Jaakko Niemi
 I've run into a problem, I upgraded fetchmail and smail and my whole system
 actually, now using libc6, fetchmail is grabbing my mail and putting it
 somewhere but not in my local mail acocunt so I cna't read it once its
 fetched, any help would be appreciated

 With fetchmail the mail goes to /var/spool/mail/*username*, unless you have 
 otherwise in .fetchmailrc. Also check that your settings for procmail are OK, 
if you are
 using it. 

 I had a small problem with lost mail, when upgrading my system and fetching 
mail at the
 same time (forgot that I was connected talk about multitasking :)) and 
procmail dumped
 sorted mail into files in my homedir.


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Re: locales, msgfmt, and compiling KDE from source

1997-09-07 Thread Synergistic Effect
Hm.  I've looked in the old localebin and new locales packages and neither
of them contain msgfmt, so now I'm really stumped.  Where does msgfmt
come from?


On Sat, 6 Sep 1997, Synergistic Effect wrote:

 I have a mixed libc5/libc6 system that is fairly up-to-date with unstable.
 I'm having trouble compiling KDE from source which I think relates to the
 fact that I don't have a locales package.  If I try selecting locales, I
 get the following: 
   _* Std adminlocales  Locale data files and utilities.
  **- Req base libc5The Linux C library version 5 (run-time 
  U*- Opt libs tcl76The Tool Command Language (TCL) v7.6 - libc5 
  U*- Opt libs tk42 The Tk toolkit for TCL and X11 v4.2 - libc5 
  **- Xtr non-free xsnowSnow in your X server
  **- Std mail biff a mail notification tool
  **- Opt contrib  gimp-plugins A set of fairly standard plug-ins for the 
  **- Req base sysklogd Kernel and system logging daemons
  **- Opt non-free pine An e-mail reader with MIME and IMAP support.
  **- Opt net  wu-ftpd  A powerful replacement for the standard ftpd
 locales  not installed;  install (was: purge).  Standard
 libc5 conflicts with locales (= 2.0.4-1)
 Without locales installed on my system, however, the make bombs out in
 the middle of building kdebase complaining that it can't find msgfmt,
 which I believe, from speaking with friends with RedHat, is part of
 locales support.
 What do I do here?  I'm too deeply into libc6 to back that out.  I can't
 live without the libc5 apps that locales disagrees with above.  Can I fall
 back to an older locales?  Can I install locales anyway?
 Finally, I had one other little snag with KDE.  I installed qt-dev in
 with a --force-depends in spite of the fact that it said it required
 libc5-dev.  I do have libc5-altdev on my system.  Is this OK?
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Re: read-only root and usr partitions

1997-09-07 Thread Bruce Perens
It's best for now to mount root for write and /usr read-only. Under
normal operations I think the files in /etc are only written at
system start-up and shut-down (and during backups) and it might be
possible to have root read-only at other times. The _dates_ in /dev
are changed but the actual files are not except for the case of named
pipes or unix-domain sockets that are created there by some daemons
(lpd?). I think that stuff belongs in /tmp, not /dev.

I think it's desirable to be able to run with a read-only root, especially
since we are so close to being able to do it now, but it's not my highest
priority. I'd be interested in seeing others work on it.


Can you get your operating system fixed when you need it?
Linux - the supportable operating system.
Bruce Perens K6BP   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   510-215-3502

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Re: read-only root and usr partitions

1997-09-07 Thread Jean Pierre LeJacq

On Sun, 7 Sep 1997, Bruce Perens wrote:

 It's best for now to mount root for write and /usr read-only. Under
 normal operations I think the files in /etc are only written at
 system start-up and shut-down (and during backups) and it might be
 possible to have root read-only at other times. The _dates_ in /dev
 are changed but the actual files are not except for the case of named
 pipes or unix-domain sockets that are created there by some daemons
 (lpd?). I think that stuff belongs in /tmp, not /dev.

There are a few other cases.  /etc/mtab for example is written
whenever mount is used.

 I think it's desirable to be able to run with a read-only root, especially
 since we are so close to being able to do it now, but it's not my highest
 priority. I'd be interested in seeing others work on it.

I agree.  However, it does cause problems when security is a priority.
I'm hoping that the FHS will address this issue.  When it is released,
we might want to focus on this.

Jean Pierre

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Fetchmail/smail [fixed]

1997-09-07 Thread kestrel
well I managed to fix my fetchmail problem by going back to the fetchmail
version in stable, not sure what the problem with the unstable version was
but at least now Im getting my mail again :)

G'razel the shifty kitty
found on Tapestries FurryMUCK

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Long FAT filenames and Linux ?

1997-09-07 Thread Michael Legart
Hi !

Just wondering if it is possible so make Linux read/write long 
filenames and a FAT partition ? (FAT16 - with 95win)
I have the VFAT module installed, but it doesn't seem to work...


badpixel of bad sector
michael legart
NEW icq uin - 2565176

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Re: Colors in the prompt like in slackware ?

1997-09-07 Thread Michael Legart
Hi !

 instead of using the $LS_OPTIONS environment variable, which by the way
 was quite different in that old Slackware:

Sorry ... I think you have misunderstud my question. I didn't mean 
that the colors should look exactly like they do is Slackware, but I 
just wantet some colors, so that I can see which of the objects are 
directories, and which are files.

But thanks anyway !


badpixel of bad sector
michael legart
NEW icq uin - 2565176

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Re: IP Masquerading

1997-09-07 Thread Michael Legart
Hi !

 Now I'm working on IP Masquerading (finally!) and in the HOWTO, there is a 
 command called ipfwadm. I can't figure out what package it is under (and 
 it curently doesn't exist on my system)

A little question ... do you have to use ipfwadn to use ip 
masquerading ? - It is for use on a network, just for a weekend (at a 
little party)


badpixel of bad sector
michael legart
NEW icq uin - 2565176

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Building the Ultimate Linux NT System

1997-09-07 Thread butch

I have had a real nightmare trying to get linux up an running on my lowly
compaq presario.
It was a decent windows 3.1 machine and it has over 32mb of ram, but
mounting the scsi cdrom on the sb16 adaptec 1510/1522 combo is a real pain.

Therefor i have decided to go and start building a real killer machine, i
think i can build a unit
better and cheaper than what i can buy complete, anyway it could be
designed for compatibility.

let me have your ideas on the subject and your suggestions are greatly



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Building the Ultimate Linux NT System

1997-09-07 Thread butch

I have had a real nightmare trying to get linux up an running on my lowly
compaq presario.
It was a decent windows 3.1 machine and it has over 32mb of ram, but
mounting the scsi cdrom on the sb16 adaptec 1510/1522 combo is a real pain.

Therefor i have decided to go and start building a real killer machine, i
think i can build a unit
better and cheaper than what i can buy complete, anyway it could be
designed for compatibility.

let me have your ideas on the subject and your suggestions are greatly



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Re: Long FAT filenames and Linux ?

1997-09-07 Thread Syrus Nemat-Nasser
On Sun, 7 Sep 1997, Michael Legart wrote:

 Just wondering if it is possible so make Linux read/write long 
 filenames and a FAT partition ? (FAT16 - with 95win)
 I have the VFAT module installed, but it doesn't seem to work...

You probably also have msdos fs support which is operating by default.
Have you tried specifying the vfat type in your mount command?

mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /mnt

The above command should give you the behavior that you want.



Syrus Nemat-Nasser [EMAIL PROTECTED]UCSD Physics Dept.

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1997-09-07 Thread Jens Thordarson

 Was trying to compile a program with gcc and it gave me the error:
   gcc: installation problem, cannot exec 'cc1': No such file or directory
I installed it correctly..


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shadow password

1997-09-07 Thread Wiria Amadja Kusuma

what is the advantage comparing 
to dis in shadowing password?

Unable to open initial console

1997-09-07 Thread Jess Stryker
About every 1 out of 3 times my computer boots I get
a message that says something to the effect of:
Unable to open an initial console
and the boot process stops.  I'm not familiar enough
with the boot process to know what might be causing
this and was unable to find anything helpful in the
booting Howto.  Does anyone have any advice for me?
It's not a major problem, just annoying.

Information that may be related (?) or may indicate
a completely separate problem:

Two error messages always appear  in the kernels boot

Failed initialization of WD-7000 SCSI Card!   I don't
have any SCSI drives on this computer (to my knowledge!).

PPA: unable to initialise controller at 0x378, error 2
What is PPA?

Hardware is:
DFI G586-IPV motherboard with Intel 430VX 512K and
AMD-K5 PR90 CPU.  Award bios.
16 mb EDO 60ns
Very old Maxtor 213MD hard drive

Hopefully that's too much information, but better too
much than too little!!?

Thanks very much for your assistance!

Jess Stryker

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Re: read-only root and usr partitions

1997-09-07 Thread joost witteveen
 It's best for now to mount root for write and /usr read-only. Under
 normal operations I think the files in /etc are only written at
 system start-up and shut-down (and during backups) and it might be
 possible to have root read-only at other times. The _dates_ in /dev
 are changed but the actual files are not except for the case of named
 pipes or unix-domain sockets

... and the ownerships of /dev/tty*

joost witteveen, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
#!/usr/bin/perl -sp0777iX+d*lMLa^*lN%0]dsXx++lMlN/dsM0j]dsj
$/=unpack('H*',$_);$_=`echo 16dio\U$kSK$/SM$n\EsN0p[lN*1
#what's this? see

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Re: Unable to open initial console

1997-09-07 Thread joost witteveen
 About every 1 out of 3 times my computer boots I get
 a message that says something to the effect of:
 Unable to open an initial console
 and the boot process stops.  I'm not familiar enough
 with the boot process to know what might be causing

It's linux/init/main.c:1005

if ((open(/dev/tty1,O_RDWR,0)  0) 
(open(/dev/ttyS0,O_RDWR,0)  0))
printk(Unable to open an initial console.\n);

Thus, the kernel cannot find /dev/tty{1,S0}. Now, I doubt very much
that those files appear or reappear spontaniously, so I very much
suspect that you eighter mount a different partition as root once every
3 reboots (how do you do that?), or your hardisk isn't as
reliable as it should be.

BTW, the kernel apparently does go on forking init() etc. Do
you see anything in the system logs for those failed boots?
(I guess not).

 Failed initialization of WD-7000 SCSI Card!   I don't
 have any SCSI drives on this computer (to my knowledge!).

And that's where your root partition resides? seems like that
could be the source of your problems.

 PPA: unable to initialise controller at 0x378, error 2
 What is PPA?
 Hardware is:
 DFI G586-IPV motherboard with Intel 430VX 512K and
 AMD-K5 PR90 CPU.  Award bios.
 16 mb EDO 60ns
 Very old Maxtor 213MD hard drive

Maybe other people with Very Old Maxtor HD's will be able
to give you more info, but it seems to me that it's time
to by a new HD. (213M, how much are they, these days? $50?)

I strongly suspect that you'll see that 33% ratio go up
as time goes by, to suddenly go up to 100%. If I were you, I'd
make sure to make backups before it goes to 100%.

joost witteveen, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
#!/usr/bin/perl -sp0777iX+d*lMLa^*lN%0]dsXx++lMlN/dsM0j]dsj
$/=unpack('H*',$_);$_=`echo 16dio\U$kSK$/SM$n\EsN0p[lN*1
#what's this? see

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xemacs19 error

1997-09-07 Thread David Morris
I've just had to start from scratch on my debian install and I thought I
would cut to the chase and start with a hamm system. However, in trying to
get xemacs 19 running on the console I hit this error. I remember seeing
someone write about it earlier before I lost all my email in the crash.

The error:
xemacs: can't resolve symbol '__sigsetjmp'

What might I be missing? (I know it worked on the libc6 system I had
running last week)

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Re: xemacs19 error

1997-09-07 Thread Jean Pierre LeJacq
On Sun, 7 Sep 1997, David Morris wrote:

 get xemacs 19 running on the console I hit this error. I remember seeing
 someone write about it earlier before I lost all my email in the crash.
 The error:
 xemacs: can't resolve symbol '__sigsetjmp'

The problem is with the latest release of compfaces.  Downgrade to the
version in stable.

Jean Pierre

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Where should I install non debian software?

1997-09-07 Thread Richard Heestand
I remember reading guidlines for installing non debian software, but I can't 
seem to find them again.  Any pointers where to find them?  The software is 
WINE which doesn't seem to exist in package form.

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Re: afterstep icons

1997-09-07 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Sun, 7 Sep 1997, David wrote:

 I have had the same problem...but I have installed both Xload, and 
 Xproc.  I still am mising the top icon also.  Maybe we both have 
 something messed up?...or maybe it is a bug? I don't know.  If anyone 
 knows how to solve this problem, please help me out.

As I recall, when I switched to the reduced color icons, the top one
magically appeared (and Netscape had colors again).

Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Where should I install non debian software?

1997-09-07 Thread Shaleh
Debian ignores /usr/local.  Any non-package should go there.

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