dselect deja de funcionar

1998-10-12 Thread Antonio Castro
Bueno pues estoy actualizando la versión de Debian.
Dispongo de los CD's de Datom y los de Linux Actual.
Parece que el contenido original de los CD's de Debian
no lo respeta nadie. Intentando actualizar con apt me
daba un problema.

# apt-get -f dist-upgrade
Updating package status cache...E: Can't open 
/var/cache/apt/srcpkgcache.bin - open (2 No such file or directory)
E: The previous errors apply to a Package Cache File 
E: You should probably re-run apt-get update

Decido entonces probar con 'cd_autup.sh'
Tambien me da problemas pero veo que se deben a los cambios
introducidos en el CD. Copio el CD de Datom al disco duro y
cambio unos links por aqui y por alla hasta que el script
encuantra todo lo que necesita. Parece que fué bien pero
ahora el dselect no funciona bien. El mensaje que da al intentar
instalar es el siguiente. 

perl: warning: Setting locale failed for the categories:
perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
LC_ALL = es_ES,
LC_CTYPE = ISO_8859_1,
LANG = es_ES
are supported and installed on your system.
perl: warning: Falling back to the C locale.
internal error - no filename at -e line 12, P chunk 15.

installation script returned error exit status 1.
Press RETURN to continue.

Sabe alguien como arreglarlo.

En caso de contestar a la lista mandame copia personal.

/\ /\  Los mas importantes desarrolladores de Bases de datos 
  \\W//están portando sus productos a Linux. Porque crees tu
 _|0 0|_   que será ?Yo creo que Linux es el futuro.
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher |  
| http://slug.ctv.es/~acastro.[EMAIL PROTECTED] |

Re: permisos para correo

1998-10-12 Thread Horacio Menezo Ganau
echo Reply-To: Horacio [EMAIL PROTECTED]X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4ME+ PL39 
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UNKNOWN-8BIT
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Length: 1241  

Ugo Enrico Albarello dixit:
[Charset iso-8859-1 unsupported, filtering to ASCII...]
 On Sun, Oct 11, 1998 at 07:09:10PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Respecto a lo de ppp, tengo un pequeno programa que te env_o para que
 cualquier usuario ejecute una conexi_n ppp. No puede seleccionar entre
 varios ISPs pero (como solo tengo uno) funciona a las mil maravillas.
 Mira el c_digo fuente para mas detalles, no es muy complicado. Adem_s
 solo le tienes que aplicar restricciones al ejecutable y no andar
 cambiando de grupos.

Bueno, tarde o temprano tendr=E9 que aprender a usar los permisos, crear
grupos, cambiar permisos,...  El script que me has enviado... =BFen qu=E9
formato est=E1?  Al intentar leerlo como texto me ha llenado de caracteres
extra=F1os toda la pantalla, y he tenido que reiniciar... =BFpodr=EDas envi=
de nuevo en formato de texto?  IMPORTANTE: no contestes a la direcci=F3n que
aparece en este mensaje ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), es err=F3nea, hazlo a

 Ugo Enrico Albarello L_pez de Mesa

[Attachment, skipping...]

Un saludo,



Re: permisos para correo (y II)

1998-10-12 Thread Horacio Menezo Ganau
echo Reply-To: Horacio [EMAIL PROTECTED]X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4ME+ PL39 
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UNKNOWN-8BIT
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Length: 2029  

Ugo Enrico Albarello dixit:
[Charset iso-8859-1 unsupported, filtering to ASCII...]
 Para bajar el correo, tengo lo siguiente en mi .fetchmailrc:
   poll correo.javeriana.edu.co
   protocol pop3
   username ugo_albarello
   password mi_clave_secreta
   mda /usr/bin/procmail -d %s

Bien distinto, yo lo que tengo es:

server pop.vlc.servicom.es protocol pop3 password mi_clave fetchall

 Y para bajar el correo, ejecuto 'fetchmail' o 'fetchmail -v -a' para
 asegurarme de que me baje todos los mensajes y ver lo que est_ pasando.

Con el .fetchmailrc de arriba y ejecutando:
fetchmail -v -u usuario pop.vlc.servicom.es
me baja el correo perfectamente...
s=F3lo que:  a) lo hago todo desde root;  b) lo leo con elm desde el usuario
horacio;  c) para componer mensajes, lo hago desde el reci=E9n creado usuar=
homega.  As=ED que para esto, estoy usando tres usuarios.

=BFC=F3mo se hace para que los mensajes entrantes que leo desde horacio, los
pueda leer desde homega?  La raz=F3n por la que cre=E9 el usuario homega fue
porque era la =FAnica manera de que en la parte anterior a la @ me aparecie=
mi aut=E9ntico nombre de usuario de correo ([EMAIL PROTECTED], en lugar
de [EMAIL PROTECTED], o [EMAIL PROTECTED], seg=FAn usara elm desde
el usuario horacio o root).

 Con lo del smail, tengo configurado el smart_host en /etc/smail/routers y
 el correo se env_a inmediatamente.
 Espero que te sirva...

No, el problema es no puedo ejecutar smail desde un usuario que no sea root:
$ smail -q -v
bash: smail: command not found

Tampoco puedo ejecutar fetchmail desde un usuario que no sea root.

 P.D: Hora de crear HOWTO-Internet-98. Alguien se apunta?
  Solo me falta procmail para organizar el correo por carpetas...

S=ED, se podr=EDa crear un C=D3MO-Conexi=F3n-Smail(o Sendmail)-Fetchmail(-P=
en un lenguaje que podamos entender los mortales.

Un saludo,



mutt-i, configuracion y saber version de distribucion.

1998-10-12 Thread Alvaro Alea

Antes de nada me presento a la lista, al la que hace unos dias me suscribi.

Me he instalado la version non-us del mutt, ( pakete debian 2.0) y hay cosas 
que no me van ( uso el mismo ~/.muttrc de la version US ), en concreto ignora 
siguientes lineas:

bind pager up   previous-line
bind pager down next-line

¿Le ha pasado a alguien?, me incomoda ahora que podia ver los acentos y usar el 
pgp, que no pueda cambiar la teclas.

el resto de las definiciones del ~/.muttrc si funcionan.
Tras revisar por encima los doc, no parece que haya cambiado la sintaxis ni 
nada similar.

La otra pregunta es que estoy haciendo un shellscript que necesita saber que 
distribucion y version de Linux usa.

¿ Es buen metodo comprobar la existencia de /etc/debian-version para determinar 
si es una d. Debian ? ¿ y coger el contenido para saber la version ?

Mam , pq pap  se pone verde cuando ve esos coches con gancho y rampa??
Gretting  /\ __\ \ \  _\ __\[EMAIL PROTECTED] - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   of \ \   \ \_\ \=\   \  www.geocities.com/siliconvalley/peaks/5222
Saludos\ \_\_\___\___\_\_\ ** PGP Key avalible in WEB page **
   de   \/___/___/___/_/_/ Asturnet: 98:98/1.10  ICQ#17770744
PGP Fingerprints:  3853 1613 5BEC 5455 AFB9  EAA2 7978 8ED8 3493 94E9

Re: dselect deja de funcionar

1998-10-12 Thread Enrique Zanardi
On Mon, Oct 12, 1998 at 02:08:12PM +0200, Antonio Castro wrote:
 Bueno pues estoy actualizando la versión de Debian.
 Dispongo de los CD's de Datom y los de Linux Actual.
 Parece que el contenido original de los CD's de Debian
 no lo respeta nadie. Intentando actualizar con apt me
 daba un problema.
 # apt-get -f dist-upgrade
 Updating package status cache...E: Can't open 
 /var/cache/apt/srcpkgcache.bin - open (2 No such file or directory)
 E: The previous errors apply to a Package Cache File 
 E: You should probably re-run apt-get update

¿Has ejecutado apt-get update previamente, como dice en las

 Decido entonces probar con 'cd_autup.sh'
 ahora el dselect no funciona bien. El mensaje que da al intentar
 instalar es el siguiente. 
 perl: warning: Setting locale failed for the categories:
 perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
 LC_ALL = es_ES,
 LC_CTYPE = ISO_8859_1,
 LANG = es_ES
 are supported and installed on your system.
 perl: warning: Falling back to the C locale.

Hasta aquí debe ser debido a que no encuentra los locales para es_ES.
¿Instalaste el paquete locales? (ojo a la s final)

 internal error - no filename at -e line 12, P chunk 15.

Este sí que es raro. ¿Qué método del dselect estás usando?
Enrique Zanardi[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Amistosidad en Debian

1998-10-12 Thread Andres Herrera

On Sat, Oct 10, 1998 at 03:25:05PM -0600, Marcelo E. Magallon wrote:
 On Wed, Oct 07, 1998 at 03:48:28PM +0200, Andres Herrera wrote:
   Solo tiene una pega: Son demasiados programas, deberia haber menos
   paquetes ;-)
  Oops. Creo que no estoy colaborando en ese sentido entonces... en los
-- cortado, sorry --

Tranqui, era broma. Es que siempre he visto argumentaciones sobre la falta de 
claridad del dselect, que tampoco creo que sea para tanto, y ya puestos pues 
se me ocurrio que la peor pega de Debian era que al tener tantos paquetes uno 
no sabe con cual quedarse.

He probado RedHat y ahi no hay ese problema: si te gusta sendmail te lo pones, 
y si no tambien (ok, siempre puedes bajarte otro), si te gusta inn te lo pones, 
y si no tambien.

Personalmente me encanta que mi distribucion traiga mogollon de paquetes y ser 
yo el que elija, aun sabiendo que por Inet se pueden encontrar muchos mas. Me 
encanta que en debian siempre haya varias alternativas a cada programa. Quizas 
por eso yo uso Smail y Leafnode en lugar del clasico sendmail-inn.

El dia que Debian deje de traer tantos paquetes, y sobre todo tantas 
alternativas, me la corto (del ordenador, malpensados ;-)))

El dia que RedHat traiga todas esas alternativas, empezare a considerarla 
una distribucion seria.

POWERED BY Linux. Debian 2.0 - Kernel 2.0.35 - User reg. 66054
Andres Herrera [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Antequera (Malaga) - Spain

Re: permisos para correo

1998-10-12 Thread Iron
On Sun, Oct 11, 1998 at 07:09:10PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Como mi dirección de correo siempre aparecía con el nombre del usuario en la
 primera parte ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), y no pude cambiar esto, creé otro
 usuario, homega, con el nombre de la dirección ([EMAIL PROTECTED])...
 ¿existe otro modo de hacer esto?

Supongo que esto es por que al configurar smail, le has indicado como
'visible name' para tu host vlc.servicom.es. Lo puedes ver en /etc/mailname.
Con esto consigues que el correo enviado por usuario tenga en el campo
from la dirección usuario@vlc.servicom.es en lugar de usuario@localhost.

A mí configurarlo así me parece un inconveniente, por lo siguiente:

1.- Necesitas crearte un usuario (en tu caso homega) con el nombre correcto
según la dirección que te da tu proveedor, y sobre todo...

2.- Todo el correo que envíes a direcciones del dominio vlc.servicom.es se
reparte localmente. Imagina que quieres enviar una queja al postmaster de
servicom, en [EMAIL PROTECTED], ¡pues el mensaje se reparte
localmente a [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Yo cambiaría, con (como root) smailconfig --force para que no utilice ningún
'visible name' adicional aparte de 'localhost' (o 'debian', o como hayas
llamado a tu máquina) y configuraría mi cliente de correo para que incluya
en los mensajes el campo from correcto.

En mi caso, mi dirección de e-mail es [EMAIL PROTECTED], pero mi nombre de
usuario es ismael y mi máquina se llama bosshog. En /etc/mailname aparece


mientras que en /home/ismael/.muttrc aparece la línea (utilizo Mutt como
cliente de correo)

my_hdr From: Iron [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Si lo haces así, puedes utilizar tranquilamente el usuario horacio para enviar
correo electrónico.

 al principio me daba el siguiente mensaje:
 File /home/homega/.fetchmailrc must have no more than -rw-- (0600)
 y creo que tenía 0654, así que lo cambio:
 chmod 0600 .fetchmailrc
 y al volver a intentar bajar el correo:
 File /home/homega/.fetchmailrc must be owned by you.

Apuesto a que el fichero /home/homega/.fetchmail lo has creado con el
usuario horacio o con root. Entra como root y prueba de nuevo despues de

$ chown homega /home/homega/.fetchmailrc

 También, al intentar enviar el correo en cola:
 $ smail -v -q
 me da el error:
 bash: smail: command not found

smail está en /usr/sbin, el cual por defecto no está en el PATH más que para
el usuario root. Prueba con

$ /usr/sbin/smail -v -q

o incluye /usr/sbin en el PATH de horacio o homega.

Te recomiendo que, si lo tienes en un script, ejecutes en su lugar

/usr/sbin/sendmail -q

porque así te sirve de máquina en máquina. Si tienes sendmail instalado, pues
ejecuta sendmail. Si tienes smail, pues entonces /usr/sbin/sendmail es un
enlace simbólico a smail.

Er... pues nada más, espero haber sido de ayuda.
Ismael Valladolid ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ http://personales.mundivia.es/iron/

'I gotta tell you my tale, Of how I loved and how I failed
 I hope you understand, These feelings should not be in a man'

Re: mutt-i, configuracion y saber version de distribucion.

1998-10-12 Thread netman
On Fri, Oct 09, 1998 at 03:16:24AM +0200, Alvaro Alea wrote:
 Antes de nada me presento a la lista, al la que hace unos dias me suscribi.
 Me he instalado la version non-us del mutt, ( pakete debian 2.0) y hay cosas 
 que no me van ( uso el mismo ~/.muttrc de la version US ), en concreto ignora 
 siguientes lineas:
 bind pager up   previous-line
 bind pager down next-line
 ¿Le ha pasado a alguien?, me incomoda ahora que podia ver los acentos y usar 
 el pgp, que no pueda cambiar la teclas.
 el resto de las definiciones del ~/.muttrc si funcionan.

Pues a mí hostname no me va

 Tras revisar por encima los doc, no parece que haya cambiado la sintaxis ni 
 nada similar.
 La otra pregunta es que estoy haciendo un shellscript que necesita saber que 
 distribucion y version de Linux usa.
 ¿ Es buen metodo comprobar la existencia de /etc/debian-version para 
 determinar si es una d. Debian ? ¿ y coger el contenido para saber la version 
No sé, pero yo miraría en el /etc/issue
Salu2, netman.

Windows98: a 32 bit graphical front end to a 16 bit patch on an 8
bit operating system written for a 4 bit processor by a 2 bit company
without 1 bit of decency...

Powered by Debian/GNU Linux 2.0 - Kernel 2.0.35

Description: PGP signature

Múltiples proveedores

1998-10-12 Thread Juan Manuel Gimeno Illa
Hola a todos,

he estado configurando los scripts y demás para conectarme a
internet usando /etc/chatscripts/proveedor y /etc/ppp/peers/proveedor, y
todo funciona muy bien. El problema es que tengo diferentes proveedores y,
claro, 'pon proveedor' no me cambia el /etc/resolf.config dependiendo de a
cual me he conectado (y también ejecutar o no algunas cosas del ip-up.d e
ip-down.d dependiendo de él).

He pensado en hacerme un script que fuera como el pon, pero que
además arreglara algunas cosillas como por ejemplo tener resolv.conf por
proveedor y antes de la coneción, que resolv.conf se linkara al que toque
(y lo mismo con ip-up.d, ip-down.d). ¿Hay alguna solución mejor? 

Otra pregunta, ésta sobre permisos: para que el pon me funcionara
he hecho suid tanto el chat como el pppd. ¿Hay alguna solución mejor?

Por cierto, tengo Debian 2.0 

Muchísismas gracias

Juan Manuel

+ Babui | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.ctv.es/USERS/jmgimeno/home.htm +
+ But if the while I think on thee (dear friend)  William Shakespeare +
+ All losses are restored, and sorrows end.   Sonnets, XXX+

Re: dselect deja de funcionar

1998-10-12 Thread Iron
En el mensaje 10, Enrique Zanardi [EMAIL PROTECTED] dijo que
  perl: warning: Setting locale failed for the categories:
  perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
  LC_ALL = es_ES,
  LC_CTYPE = ISO_8859_1,
  LANG = es_ES
  are supported and installed on your system.
  perl: warning: Falling back to the C locale.
 Hasta aquí debe ser debido a que no encuentra los locales para es_ES.
 ¿Instalaste el paquete locales? (ojo a la s final)

Con permiso, debo recordar que, como se discutió largo y tenddo en
esta lista hace unas semanas, lo más apropiado para las variables de entorno
para las locales es definir únicamente


y dejar sin definir las LC_* a no ser que nos obligue alguna peculiaridad
idiomática muy concreta.

Un saludo.
Ismael Valladolid ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ http://personales.mundivia.es/iron/

'I gotta tell you my tale, Of how I loved and how I failed
 I hope you understand, These feelings should not be in a man'

Re: Amistosidad en Debian

1998-10-12 Thread Iron
On Sun, Oct 11, 1998 at 01:49:11PM +0200, Andres Herrera wrote:
 El dia que RedHat traiga todas esas alternativas, empezare a considerarla 
 una distribucion seria.

No puede traerlas. RedHat es una distribución comercial (no deja de ser
un GNU/Linux pero es comercial. Debian es 100% libre). Para ellos es más
dificil juntar en un CD todo el mogollón de paquetes que trae Debian
porque se les aplican más restricciones.

Un saludo.
Ismael Valladolid ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ http://personales.mundivia.es/iron/

'I gotta tell you my tale, Of how I loved and how I failed
 I hope you understand, These feelings should not be in a man'

Re: dselect deja de funcionar

1998-10-12 Thread Antonio Castro
On Mon, 12 Oct 1998, Enrique Zanardi wrote:

 On Mon, Oct 12, 1998 at 02:08:12PM +0200, Antonio Castro wrote:
  Bueno pues estoy actualizando la versión de Debian.
  Dispongo de los CD's de Datom y los de Linux Actual.
  Parece que el contenido original de los CD's de Debian
  no lo respeta nadie. Intentando actualizar con apt me
  daba un problema.
  # apt-get -f dist-upgrade
  Updating package status cache...E: Can't open 
  /var/cache/apt/srcpkgcache.bin - open (2 No such file or directory)
  E: The previous errors apply to a Package Cache File 
  E: You should probably re-run apt-get update
 ¿Has ejecutado apt-get update previamente, como dice en las

Estupendo !! 
Las lei tres veces, subraye lo que tenía que hacer, pero se me pasó.

Bueno pues aunque sea despues de 'cd_autoup.sh' lo acabo de hacer y ya
me funciona el dselect. Para probar instalo el gimp, el sane y otra cosilla
más que no me acuerdo pero ahora se queja de mi configuración.


Warning: Older releases of .bin/createlist used HARDlinks to link
files from the lists directories to the .etc directory. This was
not good, because updating the configuration files in .etc actually
would make these files not to be linked anymore. You might want
to stop here (by pressing Control-C, instead of pressing Enter)
and transform all those hardlinks into symlinks before upgrading.

Press Control-C now, or else press Enter to continue

Menuda advertencia.

Pues como siempre estoy a tiempo de volverlo a intentar doy
Control-C a la espera de noticias. No se cuales son los links 
que debo de cambiar.

  Decido entonces probar con 'cd_autup.sh'
  ahora el dselect no funciona bien. El mensaje que da al intentar
  instalar es el siguiente. 
  perl: warning: Setting locale failed for the categories:
  perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
  LC_ALL = es_ES,
  LC_CTYPE = ISO_8859_1,
  LANG = es_ES
  are supported and installed on your system.
  perl: warning: Falling back to the C locale.
 Hasta aquí debe ser debido a que no encuentra los locales para es_ES.
 ¿Instalaste el paquete locales? (ojo a la s final)

Pero para eso necesitaba apt y no me funcionaba.
Ahora ya esta arreglado.

Los discos de Datom y de Linux Actual son demasiado distintos
en cuanto a nombres de directorios, links, permisos, etc.
Yo estoy apostando por Datom pero se que algunas cosas no están
bien y el 'cd_autoup.sh' se quejaba por ello. (No existía ningún
camino '.../debian/hamm/...'

  internal error - no filename at -e line 12, P chunk 15.
 Este sí que es raro. ¿Qué método del dselect estás usando?

Pues el método que usé no es el normal.
El 'cd-autoup.sh' me fallaba así que copie el CD de Datom a disco duro
corregí la estructura de directorios y usé el dselect sobre disco
montado. En el de LinuxActual me venián menos cosas y quizas los 
comentarios recientes de la gente tampoco me han animado a considerarlo 

Bueno ahora que el apt me ha funcionado me olvido del dichoso 

El 'make zImage' continua quejandose de la desaparición de 'string.h'
aunque supongo que reinstalando las fuentes quedará solucionado.

Estuve tentado de empezar la instalación desde cero pero esto ya es
otra cosa. Parece que empiezan a verse los claros. 
Y todo por un maldito despiste.

Mil gracias.

 Enrique Zanardi  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

En caso de contestar a la lista mandame copia personal.

/\ /\  Los mas importantes desarrolladores de Bases de datos 
  \\W//están portando sus productos a Linux. Porque crees tu
 _|0 0|_   que será ?Yo creo que Linux es el futuro.
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher |  
| http://slug.ctv.es/~acastro.[EMAIL PROTECTED] |

Varias impresoras y LPRng

1998-10-12 Thread J . Parera
 que hat que hacer para que LPRng reconozca varias impresoras en el

Si yo meto en mi /etc/printcap lo que sigue la próxima vez que reinicio el
sistema no me reconoce ninguna impresora.

lp|dj|hpdj|HP DeskJet 690C:\
# HP DeskJet 690C (PostScript calidad borrador)
econofast|HP Deskjet 690C econofast:\
# HP DeskJet 690C (PostScript calidad normal)
normal|HP Deskjet 690C normal:\
# HP DeskJet 690C (PostScript calidad presentación)
optima|HP Deskjet 690C optima:\

Que posibilidades pueden influir en que no me funcione?

Un saludo,
  J. Parera

KDE ya no forma parte de hamm?

1998-10-12 Thread J . Parera
 he oido que KDE ya no forma parte de hamm ni de las siguientes versiones, es
eso cierto? En tal caso, alguien va ha continuar haciendo los debs?

Un saludo,
  J. Parera

Sobre el leafnode

1998-10-12 Thread J . Parera
 el leafnode solo me baja los grupos de noticias a los que estoy suscrito si
previamente yo envio una noticia. Es decir, solo me baja las news si antes el
leafnode tiene news para subir.

Que debo hacer?

Un saludo,
  J. Parera

  La versión de leafnode que tengo es la que trae la Debian 2.0

Fuentes TrueType con xfstt y GV

1998-10-12 Thread J . Parera
 uso el servidor xfstt para las fuentes TrueType. Tengo entendido que para poder
imprimir documentos que contengan fuentes TrueType antes devo indicarle al GV
las fuentes que tengo.

En que fichero debo indicarselo?
El servidor xfstt me crea el fichero de fuentes automáticamente, hay algún
programa que convierta el formato de dicho fichero al formato que usa el GV?

Hay alguna otra alternativa para la impresión de fuentes TrueType?

Un saludo,
  J. Parera


1998-10-12 Thread homega

Me he bajado el Kdeoffice...tar.gz, y la documentación dice que hay que
copiarlo al directorio de kde y desarchivarlo allí.  Según dice, el
directorio debería estar en /usr/local o /opt (en el primero no está, y el
segundo creo que no existe en Debian), y kde parece estar diseminado...
¿dónde está?
Otra cosa, ¿sería posible debianizarlo con alien?  Tal vez así no tendría
que preocuparme por el directorio de kde.


Un saludo,



Re: permisos para correo (y II)

1998-10-12 Thread Andres Herrera

On Mon, Oct 12, 1998 at 01:59:39PM +0200, Horacio Menezo Ganau wrote:
  Con lo del smail, tengo configurado el smart_host en /etc/smail/routers y
  el correo se env_a inmediatamente.
  Espero que te sirva...
 No, el problema es no puedo ejecutar smail desde un usuario que no sea root:
 $ smail -q -v
 bash: smail: command not found

Para enviar mensajes usa 'sendmail -q'. Smail crea un comando 'sendmail'.

POWERED BY Linux. Debian 2.0 - Kernel 2.0.35 - User reg. 66054
Andres Herrera [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Antequera (Malaga) - Spain

Re: your mail

1998-10-12 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
 ¿cuaderno de cabra? ¿qué es eso?
On Sun, Oct 11, 1998 at 03:25:16PM +0200, Víctor García Castelló wrote:

 sistema base, ya que me pide que inserte el CD y que le diga el nombre del
 First Device Block, y aparte de eso no puedo montar el cd porque en
 /etc/fstab/ no tengo el sistema de archivos de CD. ¡¡Estoy perdido!!

 ¿Sabes donde está colocado tu lector de cd?

 Para discos IDE:

 maestro en el primer canal - /dev/hda
 esclavo en el primer canal - /dev/hdb
 maestro en el segundo canal - /dev/hdc
 esclavo en el segundo canal - /dev/hdd

 si pones 'dmesg | more' en la línea de comandos vas a poder ver los
 mensajes del kernel. Hay uno que dira algo del CDROM, (ATAPI CDROM
 o algo así), y allí dice donde está el aparato.

 Para lectores SCSI, el cdrom es /dev/scd0

 Una vez que sepas donde está el cdrom, puedes hacer esto:

 $ ln -s {pon aquí lo que corresponda} /dev/cdrom

 'lo que corresponda' será probablemente hdb o hdc (lo que
 determinaste antes que correspondía al cdrom). Eso lo que hace es un
 enlace simbólico de /dev/cdrom hacia el fichero correspondiente al

 y luego:

 $ mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /cdrom -o ro,nojoliet

 Así ya puedes leer el disco. Si estás usando dselect y seleccionas el
 método por cdrom, lo que te está preguntando es eso. Si has hecho lo
 de ln -s ... le puedes contestar /dev/cdrom y debe funcionar.


Re: mutt-i, configuracion y saber version de distribucion.

1998-10-12 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
 Me he instalado la version non-us del mutt, ( pakete debian 2.0) y
 hay cosas que no me van ( uso el mismo ~/.muttrc de la version US
 ), en concreto ignora las siguientes lineas:

 Estás usando la versión 0.93i de mutt... es un poquito distinta a la
 que está en main
 bind pager up   previous-line
 bind pager down next-line

 bind pager up  previous-line
 bind pager down next-line

 Tras revisar por encima los doc, no parece que haya cambiado la
 sintaxis ni nada similar.

 Me pasó lo mismo, pero en mi caso era peor, porque yo tenía:

 bind index delete delete-message

 y el resultado es que cada vez que presionaba 'd' mutt se quedaba
 esperando (esperaba una 'e'); si le daba 'd' nuevamente borraba el
 mensaje... sabrá Linus por qué... si le daba 'c' (compose-message), y
 comenzaba a escribir 'debian-...', adivinen que tecla tenía que
 pulsar dos veces... ¡tardé como tres semanas y varias actualizaciones
 para darme cuenta que estaba pasando!


Re: several messages

1998-10-12 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Sun, Oct 11, 1998 at 01:10:36PM +0100, Tomás Bautista wrote:

 Ya... Tenía que haber insistido. Intentaba que funcionase con el ftp. La
 variable ftp_proxy no la tenía definida y, tras haberla definido como me
 dices, lo del wget sí que funciona. Pero el apt sigue sin funcionar. Me
 salen mensaje como

 Si funciona con wget es porque está bien, pero de cualquier forma,
 ¿estás seguro que el proxy para el ftp usa el protocolo ftp? (eso
 suena un poco tonto, ya sé) En algunos sitios el proxy de ftp
 funciona con el protocolo http, así:


 (el squid, por ejemplo, hace eso)

 En sources.list(5) dice que vea ftp.conf(5), ¡pero ftp.conf(5) no


compiling mod_perl

1998-10-12 Thread Christopher Fury
I'm trying to compile mod_perl and it doesn't seem to see my gdbm
in /usr/libs:

ip046:/usr/local/src/mod_perl-1.16# perl Makefile.PL EVERYTHING=1
Configure mod_perl with ../apache/src ? [y]
Shall I build httpd in ../apache/src for you? [y]
Appending mod_perl to src/Configuration
Using config file: /usr/local/src/mod_perl-1.16/src/Configuration
Creating Makefile
 + configured for Linux platform
 + setting C compiler to gcc
 + setting C pre-processor to gcc -E
 + checking for system header files
 + adding selected modules
 + doing sanity check on compiler and options
Note (probably harmless): No library found for -ldbm
ld: cannot open -lgdbm: No such file or directory
make: *** [dummy] Error 1
** A test compilation with your Makefile configuration
** failed. This is most likely because your C compiler
** is not ANSI. Apache requires an ANSI C Compiler, such
** as gcc. The above error message from your compiler
** will also provide a clue.

It goes on, of course, and says everything's okay, but I'm kind of
sketchy about this.  Does anybody out there have a clue to what's going
Christopher Fury
Aerosoft, Inc

... a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

Bind/Sendmail question

1998-10-12 Thread John Plate

My Debian system is connected to the outer world by uucp.
How can I tell Bind that there are no root servers - only the
computers on the local network.

I can configure Bind with no root server information, but then
Sendmail gets an error and holds the mail until I fix the problem. 

Thanks in advance

Re: masqdialer

1998-10-12 Thread john
Christopher J. Morrone writes:
 I don't want random packets causing my modem to dial out. :)

Then you'll like diald: it has elaborate, configurable filtering rules to
prevent just that. 
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Problems installing Debian (2)

1998-10-12 Thread Alexander Bugeja
Just to clarify my previous post, I'm installing on a desktop
not laptop, and in any case i tried the tecra rescue disk,
also without any luck. I've been going through this list's
mail archives and it seems other people managed to clear
up problems similar to mine using those disks, but not me

Re: Problems installing Debian

1998-10-12 Thread Michael B. Taylor
I have never seen this particular behavior before.  However, strange
problems during installation from floppys is often attributable to 
corupt floppys.  The rawwrite or dd process usually used to make installation
floppys from downloaded images does not tolerate bad media very well.

I suggest remaking your rescue disk on a different floppy.  But first, check
the floppy for bad sectors by formatting it under dos or whatever, or any
other method you find convienient.  Even better, use a new floppy, if you 
have one handy, checking it for bad sectors first.

Hope this helps


On Sun, Oct 11, 1998 at 02:59:21PM -0500, Alexander Bugeja wrote:
 I am trying to install Debian from floppy (I have the rescue, driver
 and 5 base floppies set up) on my AMD K6 machine. However
 when I try to start the installation, with the rescue disk, the
 machine just reboots. More specifically, I first get the
 following messages
 Loading root.bin...
 Loading Linux...
 Uncompressing Linux
  followed by a string of messages too fast to read, and then
 the machine reboots all over again, leaving me right where I started.

Re: Problems installing Debian

1998-10-12 Thread Alexander Bugeja
Thanks for your reply. However I tried 3 different floppies, all without
- none of them has bad sectors either. I really don't think this is a


 I have never seen this particular behavior before.  However, strange
 problems during installation from floppys is often attributable to 
 corupt floppys.  The rawwrite or dd process usually used to make
 floppys from downloaded images does not tolerate bad media very well.
 I suggest remaking your rescue disk on a different floppy.  But first,
 the floppy for bad sectors by formatting it under dos or whatever, or any
 other method you find convienient.  Even better, use a new floppy, if you

 have one handy, checking it for bad sectors first.
 Hope this helps

Solved [I'm an idiot] Re: compiling mod_perl

1998-10-12 Thread Christopher Fury
DOH!  I needed to install the libgdbm-dev package.  Stupid, stupid,
bangs head against desk

Christopher Fury wrote:
 I'm trying to compile mod_perl and it doesn't seem to see my gdbm
 in /usr/libs:
[... blah blah ...]

Christopher Fury
Aerosoft, Inc

... a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

Printer Problems

1998-10-12 Thread lanceh
I try and print and get an error

lp: Driver configured but no interfaces found

What does this mean and what do I need to do to print?



unattended ftp

1998-10-12 Thread Rahul Sood
Excuse if this is a FAQ, but how can I set up a shell script to ftp to a
host and retrieve a file?

-R. Sood

Re: worse off with debian 2.0?

1998-10-12 Thread W. Paul Mills

No answers, but I have noticed problems with huge load averages
when using suck with debian 2.0. Load averages 25  up!!

- -- 
/*** Running Debian Linux ***
*   For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son,  *
*   that whoever believes in Him should not perish...John 3:16  *
* W. Paul Mills  *  Topeka, Kansas, U.S.A.  *
* EMAIL= [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *  WWW= http://Mills-USA.com/  *
* Bill, I was there several years ago, why would I want to go back? *
 pgp public key emailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED] */

Version: 2.6.3a
Charset: noconv
Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.4, an Emacs/PGP interface


Re: network disconnect

1998-10-12 Thread W. Paul Mills

Sounds like an irq problem.

 X-Envelope-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Sat, 10 Oct 1998 11:14:17 -0700 (PDT)
 From: Zheng Wang [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
 Resent-From: debian-user@lists.debian.org
 X-Mailing-List: debian-user@lists.debian.org archive/latest/21434
 X-Loop: debian-user@lists.debian.org
 Precedence: list
 Resent-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 X-UIDL: 03a0a4e87fe9d857fd8dd623b3c9da57
 When I install the Debian base, the network is working. But when I choose
 to install all package from the CD. The network is disconnected. Could I
 get some help to solve this problem? Thanks.

/*** Running Debian Linux ***
*   For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son,  *
*   that whoever believes in Him should not perish...John 3:16  *
* W. Paul Mills  *  Topeka, Kansas, U.S.A.  *
* EMAIL= [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *  WWW= http://Mills-USA.com/  *
* Bill, I was there several years ago, why would I want to go back? *
 pgp public key emailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED] */

Dosemu problems

1998-10-12 Thread lanceh
I have read the HOWTO and followed the instructions.  IN my /etc/dosemu.conf I 
have a line

disk {partition /dev/hda3}

and added a line 

lredir d: /linux/fs\dos in autoexec.bat both on my dos partition and in


When I go into dosemu and type d: I get a directory of approximately he right 
size but there
is a directory listed with unidentifiable characters.  What do I need to do to 
correct this
and get dosemu working properly?



Re: Problems installing Debian

1998-10-12 Thread PJBarbera
Had this problem with the Solaris 2.6, I ended up
with the memory timing settings, set them slower.
Just an idea...

Peter Barbera

Michael B. Taylor wrote:
 I have never seen this particular behavior before.  However, strange
 problems during installation from floppys is often attributable to
 corupt floppys.  The rawwrite or dd process usually used to make installation
 floppys from downloaded images does not tolerate bad media very well.
 I suggest remaking your rescue disk on a different floppy.  But first, check
 the floppy for bad sectors by formatting it under dos or whatever, or any
 other method you find convienient.  Even better, use a new floppy, if you
 have one handy, checking it for bad sectors first.
 Hope this helps
 On Sun, Oct 11, 1998 at 02:59:21PM -0500, Alexander Bugeja wrote:
  I am trying to install Debian from floppy (I have the rescue, driver
  and 5 base floppies set up) on my AMD K6 machine. However
  when I try to start the installation, with the rescue disk, the
  machine just reboots. More specifically, I first get the
  following messages
  Loading root.bin...
  Loading Linux...
  Uncompressing Linux
   followed by a string of messages too fast to read, and then
  the machine reboots all over again, leaving me right where I started.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


 Of course, there are degrees
of rottenness. Some bad
 error messages, Ezzell says,
are just placeholders that
 slip through. We've all been
there. Ezzell acknowledges
 he once wrote a message that
addressed the user as
 Dumbkopf and was mortified
when the dialog made its
 way into production. Thus, he
sympathized with Orem,
 Utah-based Viewpoint
DataLabs, which managed to
 include the following in its
LiveArt install: 

  Setup is unable to
locate a suitable
  version of DirectX on
your machine. You will need to install
  DirectX before you can
use LiveArt98, dumbass!

Re: Setting size that windows start as

1998-10-12 Thread W. Paul Mills

emacs -geometry 80x35

or add to your .Xresources file --
*Emacs.geometry: 80x35

this eliminates having to type the argument every time you use

 Dear debian people,
   When I launch emacs in X, it comes up just a little too big for my
 screen. Is there a command-line argument for setting the size of the
 window, please?

- -- 
/*** Running Debian Linux ***
*   For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son,  *
*   that whoever believes in Him should not perish...John 3:16  *
* W. Paul Mills  *  Topeka, Kansas, U.S.A.  *
* EMAIL= [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *  WWW= http://Mills-USA.com/  *
* Bill, I was there several years ago, why would I want to go back? *
 pgp public key emailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED] */

Version: 2.6.3a
Charset: noconv
Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.4, an Emacs/PGP interface


kernel manpages?

1998-10-12 Thread Paul McDermott
Hello everyone, does anyone know where the kernel manpages are.  they are
the ninth section. debian only supports the following:
 This package contains the Linux man pages for these sections:
  * 4 = Devices (e.g. hd, sd).
  * 5 = File formats and protocols, syntaxis of several system
files (e.g. wtmp, /etc/passwd, nfs).
  * 7 = Conventions and standards, macro packages, etc.
(e.g. nroff, ascii).
I went to get the manpages from sunsite and they had the rest 2, 3, 6, and
8.  Where is 9?  

Hello, problems with installing

1998-10-12 Thread Craig M. Kimmer


I am having problems installing the kernel images and source
from the CD-ROM.  The reason that I want this section, is due to the fact
that the present kernal from the intial install does NOT recongnize the
CD-ROM drive, thus I can not add or upgrade any of the packages that
reside on it.  I have tried copying the necessary parts on to the hard
drive and then install in from there, but I can not get it to accept most
of the packages with out the errorlevel 1 or 2 coming up.

The system specs are as follows:

CPU:Cyrix 5x86 100MHz   
Sound card: Sound Blaster Pro (compatible) a220 i5 d1 t4
Floppies:   3.5
Hard Drives: 1.2 Gb Bigfoot and 4.0 Gb Western Digital
root location:  hdc7 (on Western Digital)
DEbian Version: 2.0
Controler location: on motherboard
Memory: 24 Mb
Operating systems on machine:   MSDOS 7.0 and Win 95 version A
booting method:  floppy (3.5)


Craig Kimmer

Hello, problems with installing

1998-10-12 Thread Craig M. Kimmer


I am having problems installing the kernel images and source
from the CD-ROM.  The reason that I want this section, is due to the fact
that the present kernal from the intial install does NOT recongnize the
CD-ROM drive, thus I can not add or upgrade any of the packages that
reside on it.  I have tried copying the necessary parts on to the hard
drive and then install in from there, but I can not get it to accept most
of the packages with out the errorlevel 1 or 2 coming up.

The system specs are as follows:

CPU:Cyrix 5x86 100MHz   
Sound card: Sound Blaster Pro (compatible) a220 i5 d1 t4
Floppies:   3.5
Hard Drives: 1.2 Gb Bigfoot and 4.0 Gb Western Digital
root location:  hdc7 (on Western Digital)
DEbian Version: 2.0
Controler location: on motherboard
Memory: 24 Mb
Operating systems on machine:   MSDOS 7.0 and Win 95 version A
booting method:  floppy (3.5)


Craig Kimmer

Newbie: Excess Idle Time

1998-10-12 Thread zhaoway
On Mon, Oct 12, 1998 at 10:20:50AM +0800, root wrote:
 Logged off - excess idle time - zhaoway Mon Oct 12 10:20:50 1998
 tty = tty2

Please, what's the problem? How to avoid this?
Why I'm forced to log off when I'm just reading?
Please, please help!

zhaoway, confused newbie

Re: help(newbie): emacs20 install

1998-10-12 Thread zhaoway
On Sun, Oct 11, 1998 at 02:06:35PM +0100, M.C. Vernon wrote:
  MCV I think the problem is partly that you're trying to
  MCV install emacs19 and emacs20: this will make things unhappy.
  MCV Purge one or the other. Installing the emacs20-el package
  MCV should created those files your lacking.
  I've purged both emacs19 and emacs20 and corisponding -el's
  (Since xemacs20 works, I didn't touch it.)
  Then --install emacs20,
  again,  it  failed  at
  /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/debian-startup.el missing
  Then I tried --install emacs20-el,
  but this depends on emacs20, so have not been succeed, yet.
 Hmm... try --configure emacs20
 I seem to recall trying --configure on both emacs20, emacs20-el and gnus
 several times, and it all sorted itself out eventually. Inelegant, but
 there you go...

I got through! Thanks! Thanks for people answered me.
I purge everything related to emacs, and remove all of the directories
dpkg failed to delete during the purge, then installed again. Now, it
works fine. Thank you!


Re: ***HUGE*** security hole??!! (Re: Lost root passwd)

1998-10-12 Thread Helge Hafting
In [EMAIL PROTECTED], on 10/10/98 
   at 01:13 PM, Shaleh [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

But people can always yank the power cord.  Follow Paul's advice -- make
the machine physically in-accessible.  Lock it, fence it in, whatever. 
Locking racks is also nice.  That way people can't even see the machine,
just a big cabinet.

What if it is a workstation in a lab?  Then disable as much as you can. 
Make sure bios is safe if it is a x86 box.  This is why real workstations
are nice -- they are much more secure than x86 PC's.

Most x86 pc's can be set to boot from harddisk *only*, with a password-
protected bios.  This means the machine is safe as long as people don't
remove the cover.  (Resetting the bios password is then trivial by
removing the backup battery.  A floppy-less workstation may be useful
though, and nothing stops you from compiling a lilo that doesn't accept
any keyboard input.)

No workstation is safe if people can remove the cover.  Connecting a
carefully prepared scsi drive would be one way of circumventing  security
- on any platform.  (Lab people tend to know how to use a screwdriver. 
Keep the machine in a locked cabinet
or a safe if security is paramount.)

The ability to take control over an accessible machine is usually  useful. 
What if the password file get corrupted?  Or the system manager who knows
the password dies or goes on strike?  Sitting there with a lot of
important data that cannot be read from an encrypted drive isn't that

Helge Hafting


Re: Newbie: Excess Idle Time

1998-10-12 Thread Nikolai Andreyevich Luzan
On Mon, 12 Oct 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Please, what's the problem? How to avoid this?
 Why I'm forced to log off when I'm just reading?
 Please, please help!

This is not a problem it is a configureable behaviour.
Did you install idled? this would cause idle users to be logged off.
if you did then eithre stop it from running or remove it, you may even
be able to configure it to ignore certain users.


WP 7.0 on Db 2.0

1998-10-12 Thread Bostjan JERKO
Hello ! 

Thank all who responded to my mail about missing libraries for WP 7.0. I have 
different problem now.
At the end of installation of WP 7.0 I get message 
Segmentation fault  Idir/$SHBIN/$DSTEXC -f    (I don't remember the rest).
After installation I tried to start the program anyway, but I received message 
Segmentation fault.
Any ideas what is wrong ?


Re: ***HUGE*** security hole??!! (Re: Lost root passwd)

1998-10-12 Thread Helge Hafting
In [EMAIL PROTECTED], on 10/11/98 
   at 01:15 AM, Marcus Brinkmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]


However, I said that the power chord should be removed. the reason is
that I think you can get the monitor screen, user input etc from
radiation led through the power chord. This may be hard but possible,
someone else might know more.

No power cord is needed for this.  I can stand outside the building with
an antenna array and tune in to your screen.  The (S)VGA card is
basically a tv-transmitter with a non-standard signal.  Of course it isn't
really designed for transmission, but the card, cable and particularly the
monitor leak too much.  A big antenna and some sophisticated equipment
may be necessary, but it is possible. An antenna array can be used for
focusing on one particular monitor, so wa don't get confused by the 40
others in the building.

How to avoid this?  Shielded equipment, or simply a machine
without a video card.  Displaying only non-sensitive data
is safe too of course.

Helge Hafting

localhost and missing DNS

1998-10-12 Thread Remo Badii
Dear Debs,
I rarely use Netscape (4.06) on my Notebook, except when connected to
my institute's net via an ethernet card.
I tried to run dhelp while at home (i.e., standalone machine) and got
the error: localhost does not have a valid DNS entry (or similar).
This is certainly an easy thing to fix. Can anyone tell me how?
Thank you.
| Dr. Remo Badii | Paul Scherrer Institute   |
| Nonlinear Dynamics and | 5232 Villigen PSI |
| Stochastic Processes Group | Switzerland   |
| badii at psi.ch  | http://www1.psi.ch/~badii |

Re: Cannot run any executables under Debian2.0 - Help(newbie)

1998-10-12 Thread Helge Hafting
In [EMAIL PROTECTED], on 10/09/98
   at 07:48 PM, rathon [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:


let me explain this as best as I can -

I had installed Yggdrasil Linux long time ago and everything on that
setup worked ok.

Recently, I upgraded to Debian2.0 and none of my executables or Perl
scripts are working anymore. I get

bash: filename: command not found

Within Debian, I did not create a /home dir. I wanted to use my existing
Yggdrasil /home with all my files intact when I ran Debian.

So, within Debian /etc/fstab, I added the following:
/dev/hdc4   /home   ext2   defaults

Now, I could see all my files.

Since I was logged on with a different username, I did the
following to change file permissions:

chown -R rathon /home/guest (as root, username=rathon)

Now, I could open up any file and edit as I needed in my /home/guest dir.

As I mentioned earlier, Perl scripts that worked on Ygg do not work on
Debian. I get a 'command not found'

I did a env and got this:


I could do 'which Perl' and see the path being /usr/bin/perl. Same as my
Ygg path for Perl. So I was sure Perl got detected right.

So I wanted to do a test to see if this is Perl specific or not. I wrote
a 3 line 'C' code and compiled it using gcc. This gave me a 'a.out'
file(no error in compiling). When I run the file, I get:

bash:a.out:command not found
Note that your PATH does not contain the current directory (.) This is
default for Debian, and is considered a security feature. I believe you
can run standard executables like ls and such?

To run the a.out file, use ./a.out instead of only a.out
The same applies to anything else that isn't in your path.  Why is this a
security thing?  Because a nasty user on a multiuser system could create a
virus or something and name it ls
in his home directory.  Someone else might cd's into that
directory and run ls in order to get a directory list.
Not having the current dir in PATH is then useful.

So, my present setup(Debian)WILL NOT allow any executables to run!
If you are the only user (normal on a home machine) add . to your PATH.
Or you may put your private executables in ~/bin¨ and add  that to your
path.  Or get used to type ./executable

I checked my permission and that was ok. I even did a chmod 777 on my
file and that did not work.

Additional info:
I am giving some additional info in the hopes that someone can point me
in the right direction. I have a feeling that I did not move my /home dir
from Ygg to Debian properly.

If I do a ls -l:
-rw-r--r--   1  rathon  users  64   Oct12 10:44  test.c
-rwxrwxr-x   1  rathon  rathon 4157 Oct12 10:44 a.out

Notice that the gid changed when I compiled the file ? Is that normal to
get uid and gid the same ??
It didn't change when compiling.  The compiler simply creates a new file
(a.out) and it get the default uid/gid for files you create. Try compiling
someone else's source file - you'll be the owner of the executable because
*you* ran the compiler.

Helge Hafting

Re: Newbie: Excess Idle Time

1998-10-12 Thread M.C. Vernon

  Logged off - excess idle time - zhaoway Mon Oct 12 10:20:50 1998
  tty = tty2
 Please, what's the problem? How to avoid this?
 Why I'm forced to log off when I'm just reading?
 Please, please help!

There are various packages that log off idle sessions. YOu probably have
one installed. Depending on how many users you have, you can probably just
remove it.



Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Re: Issues in switching to Debian

1998-10-12 Thread Helge Hafting
In [EMAIL PROTECTED], on 10/09/98 
   at 01:16 PM,  Raymond A. Ingles [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

 No, a boot-sector virus essentially runs under the BIOS. This *can*
infect a Linux machine but I find it difficult to believe that Linux
would still boot in such a circumstance.

A boot virus could spread during boot (i.e. infect other partitions and
floppies) while LILO load the kernel.  The virus would end as soon as the
kernel loads, and would be unable to mess with linux executables.  Linux
might still boot if the virus doesn't try to mess with the kernel being

Helge Hafting

Re: Oracle

1998-10-12 Thread Helge Hafting
In [EMAIL PROTECTED], on 10/09/98 
   at 11:27 AM, Jeff Noxon [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

I wish decisions were made on technical merit alone, but this is the real
world.  For that reason, it would be nice if Debian had a marketing
interface to corporations like Sybase, Oracle, etc.  And we need to know
key things like how big our user base is.  The problem is that this is a
full-time job...  :-(

The situation is fortunately a little better than A good technician can
get any linux software running on Debian
Debian is redhat-compatible using the alien package.  If that is enough,
then try getting the www.debian.org people to put that statement somewhere
on their site, which is a sort of
marketing interface.

Helge Hafting

Re: Oracle

1998-10-12 Thread Helge Hafting
In [EMAIL PROTECTED], on 10/09/98 
   at 04:36 PM, Martin Oldfield [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

 Alex == Alex Yukhimets [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Alex Debian is not a company to sign up with. You can use
Alex Oracle on Debian with no problems whatsoever. It is even
Alex distributed in plain tarballs and not rpms. You can download
Alex it right now, if you want.

Personally I think that this misses the point. If Oracle support RedHat
and I can just get the software and install it then it's a much  more
attractive proposition than having to install tarballs on Debian. Is it
too much to hope that Debian's supposedly superior technology would
persuade Oracle to release their software in a .deb ?

And if they won't take the trouble of making a .deb, maybe
someone interested can offer to make the .deb for them?  Or
supply a script that does the job?


Re: Do I have a win-sound card?

1998-10-12 Thread Oleg E.Krivosheev

Hi, Paul

On Thu, 8 Oct 1998, Paul Rightley wrote:

 I just bought a new machine (at work) and it came with both video and
 sound on the motherboard.  

If it's SiS 5578, then you can check out SuSe
X server - www.suse.com

 I tried (briefly) to get XFree to work with
 the on-board video controller, but to no avail (other than at standard
 VGA resolutions).  

I was able to use it with standard X SVGA server - but with
soft cursor only...

 I used instead the video card from my 'old' machine.
 I did not have a sound card in the 'old' machine and I was interested
 in getting sound working.
 The motherboard is made by Amptron and is a PM-9100.  The description
 of the sound is SB 16/PRO compatible with DirectSound 3D support,
 HRTF 3D Positional Audio Technology with full duplex stereo,
 Supports 44.1K digital audio-in (SPDIF) and Windows NT/98/95/3.1 and
 MS-DOS supported by drivers
 This last statement makes me doubt that I will get it to work, however
 I though I would ask the list.  I compiled in sound (SB16 with appropriate
 addresses), but - so far - to no avail.
 Does anyone have any experience with such a motherboard?

i don't use sound, but you can try to set it as 
WSS (windows sound system), and check WSS driver...

 Thanks for any assistance,
 Paul Rightley



Re: unattended ftp

1998-10-12 Thread Ole J. Tetlie
| Excuse if this is a FAQ, but how can I set up a shell script to ftp to a
| host and retrieve a file?

If you install ncftp, you get a program called ncftpget that can be
used to get files non-interactively (eg in a script).

...Unix, MS-DOS, and MS Windows (also known as the Good, the Bad,
and the Ugly).   (Matt Welsh)

Re: Sound Card

1998-10-12 Thread Helge Hafting
In [EMAIL PROTECTED], on 10/10/98 
   at 09:46 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:


some generic modules could be included in the installation section, but
the module code would have to be adjusted so that io/irq info can be
passed as parameters.

I must be totally missing something. I use make menuconfig with the
kernel-package and have no option to set io/irq etc when making the sound
drivers as modules. Parms must be passed to the modular drivers when
calling unless I have missed some kind of hidden option in the make
menuconfig dialog.
The parameters can be set up in make menuconfig if you compile the
driver into ther kernel.  If using modules, put
them in /etc/conf.modules.  Read manpages,
/usr/src/Documentation/kmod.txt (for a 2.1 kernel) and 
files in /usr/src/Documentation/sound for details.

Helge Hafting

Re: Diamond Stealth 220 and (no) X

1998-10-12 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
 I got the Permedia2 server from there and I found that I had to
 link the 'X' file to the XFCom_3DLabs file myself before it would
 work for me.

You should not do this, since it destroys the debian X11 setup.  In
debian X is a suid wrapper program, not a link.  To understand how this
works read the file /usr/doc/xbase/debian.README.  I would advice you to
reinstall the xbase package, skip all the configuration (backup your
/etc/X11/XF86Config file), and put the full pathname of the server you
use on the first line of the file /etc/X11/Xserver.  If you used the
xf86config program from SUSE, also check if the XF86Config is in
/etc/X11/.  All other `copies' of this file should be symbolic links.
This setup is also different in debian than it is in other
distributions.  If you have written the XF86Config file to a different
location, you might get into trouble if you upgrade to a newer version
of debian that does include the server for your card.  If you then
reconfigure your card, the Xserver might still read the old XF86Config,
leaving you doubting your sanity (speaking from experience here :).

BTW, I did solve my problem with the Diamond Stealth II S220.  I think
the best procedure is to run the debian version of the xf86config
program, pretend to install some card that uses the svga-server, of
course not allow any probing or testing, and then change the first line
of /etc/X11/Xserver.

From all the debian installation process I think the X installation is
the most terrifying to the newbie (meaning: people who don't know the
particulars of the debian setup).  Maybe there should be some virtual
package that ensures that the right packages (i.e., the _right_ xserver,
the xserver-vga16 package, and xbase) are installed before any attempt is
made to start the setup program?


 E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | tel. office +31 40 2472189
 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax+31 40 2455054

Re: unattended ftp

1998-10-12 Thread A. M. Varon
On 12 Oct 1998, Ole J. Tetlie wrote:

  Excuse if this is a FAQ, but how can I set up a shell script to ftp to a
  host and retrieve a file?

wget. no shell script necessary to get a file. Handles anonymous and
password protected FTP sites.


== == Andre M. Varon  Lasaltech Incorporated
== == Technical Head  Fax-Tel: (034)435-0836
== = ==
==== ==   E-mail  : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==   WebPage : http://andre.lasaltech.com


1998-10-12 Thread Ruud de Bruin
I am trying to install some packages from the slink arcive with apt-get. I
receive an error message that python-examples is dependent on python-base.
But after installing python-base from slink, the message remains.
Installing python-base from stable gives me a more error messages. How can
I solve this?

Regards, Ruud.

ncurses segmentation fault

1998-10-12 Thread Ingo Brueckl
Package: ncurses3.4
Version: 1.9.9g-8.8

The following program, compiled with egcs 1.0.3, causes a segmentation
fault at the mvwinch statement:

#include curses.h
int main ()
  WINDOW *win;
  win = newwin(0, 0, 10, 10);
  chtype r = mvwinch(win, 1, 1);
return 0;

I'm using Debian 2.0.

Any ideas?


vnc x-windows server looking for xauth

1998-10-12 Thread David Karlin
I just installed the vnc x-windows server (.deb) and when I fire up
it says:

  vncserver: couldn't find xauth on your PATH.

First I checked my hard-drive for xauth (find / -name xauth); the file
does not exist on my drive.  Then I checked in packages.gz (from hamm),
and couldn't find it there either.

From what I've gathered, it's a file which controls who has access to the
vncserver, but that's about all I know.

Can anyone help figure out how to set this up?



xserver for Matrox Productiva?

1998-10-12 Thread Joachim Trinkwitz

my new PC has a Matrox Productiva AGP graphics card, and I'm
installing Debian on it. There doesn't seem to be a xserver in hamm or
slink by now -- or is anybody running X-win on such a beast?

I know that SuSe has developped a special server for the Productiva,
but how to install this one in a Debian system?

I would even be satisfied with an existing server with fewer
capabilities, it's only important that I can work in X-win with Xemacs
and some tcl-apps. I've tried with the VGA16-server, but it only
showed a black monitor.

Any help appreciated,

How to post with slrnpull and GNUS?

1998-10-12 Thread Joachim Trinkwitz

I get my news with slrnpull and read it with xemacs/GNUS, but don't
know how to post articles _offline_ with such a combination. When I
write an article and send it, xemacs says that all's okay, but the
article disappears without leaving a trace in the file
system. However, sending news online is no problem.

I suppose I should tell xemacs where the outgoing news spool is, but
have nowhere found a hint how to do that.

Any help appreciated.


Re: xserver for Matrox Productiva?

1998-10-12 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
 my new PC has a Matrox Productiva AGP graphics card, and I'm
 installing Debian on it. There doesn't seem to be a xserver in hamm or
 slink by now -- or is anybody running X-win on such a beast?
 I know that SuSe has developped a special server for the Productiva,
 but how to install this one in a Debian system?

I think the following procedure works:

- get the suse xserver
- use _debian's_ xf86config to configure for some card that uses the
  svga server (like the diamond viper 330) and your correct mouse and
  monitor settings (and video card memory), make sure not to probe or
  test anything
- change the first line of /etc/X11/Xserver into the path name of your
- run startx to see if it works

It might be a good idea to read /usr/doc/xbase/readme.README to
understand the debian X11 setup.  Do not use the SUSE xf86config, or if
you do, don't let it make /usr/bin/X11/X a link to the xserver and make
sure that the XF86Config file is written into /etc/X11 instead of
somewhere else.


 E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | tel. office +31 40 2472189
 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax+31 40 2455054


1998-10-12 Thread Kenneth Scharf

CompUSA has an Acer 2x6 CD-RW drive on sale for $199.99 after mail in
rebate.  If you buy this drive you can get an Acer 40X cd rom reader
for FREE (after mail in rebate).

Is there any possibility that this drive (probably ide,   model number
not given) supported by Linux?

Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

using apt with kde pkgs?

1998-10-12 Thread Vincent Murphy
does anybody have a line for /etc/apt/sources.list which allows one to
download the hamm kde packages from ftp.kde.org or one of its mirrors?


***HUGE*** security hole??!! (Re: Lost root passwd)

1998-10-12 Thread Kenneth Scharf
This is a security hole ONLY if someone has access to the machine
itself.  I bet many UNIX machines have a similar problem.  Thats why
I've seen PDP mini computers where the power switch was under lock and
key, and the front panel on these machines was also lockable.  Most
PC's used to have a keyboard lock switch on the box which will render
the machine safe from such an attack (but unless the power switch is
locked someone could at least bring the thing down!)  Don't bother
trying to fix this in software, to be secure from such an attack you
must secure the HARDWARE!
On Sat, 10 Oct 1998 10:42:52 +0100, Ralf G. R. Bergs wrote:

On Sat, 10 Oct 1998 00:52:49 -0700 (PDT), George Bonser wrote:

ALlow me to translate.  Boot the rescue disk as if you are installing,
[whole story deleted]

Hey guys, why so complicated???

What's wrong with giving LILO a kernel command line of init=/bin/sh?
This way 
you boot straight into sh, and you can then change the root password.

This is how I usually do it under Slackware, and even tho Debian uses
passwords it should work the same way.

Ouch, I tried it, it really works That means on a standard
Linux-machine, everybody could just switch off the power, give the
LILO-kernel option on reboot and be root??!! Why not simply drop the
need of a login password?

Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

ls-120 drives

1998-10-12 Thread Kenneth Scharf

Anyboy had any success installing an ls-120 drive into a debian system?

YES I have an ls-120.  Compile 'ide floppy support' into your kernel. 
My LS120 is the slave on the second IDE interface, so it is /dev/hdc.

I can boot from the LS120 (my bios is new enough) but only using the
debian boot/resuce disks.  I have not yet got my own kernel onto a
floppy and booted it from the ls120 (i have been told to try syslinux,
havn't done so yet).  I also have yet to find a way to format floppies
on the ls120 under linux (works under windows).  I am using the ls120
to sneaker net files from work to home.

Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

Re: ncurses segmentation fault

1998-10-12 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Mon, 12 Oct 1998, Ingo Brueckl wrote:

 Package: ncurses3.4
 Version: 1.9.9g-8.8
 The following program, compiled with egcs 1.0.3, causes a segmentation
 fault at the mvwinch statement:
 #include curses.h
 int main ()
   WINDOW *win;
   win = newwin(0, 0, 10, 10);
   chtype r = mvwinch(win, 1, 1);
 return 0;
 I'm using Debian 2.0.
 Any ideas?

Do you not need to include stdio.h for getch?


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Re: ***HUGE*** security hole??!! (Re: Lost root passwd)

1998-10-12 Thread Ralf G. R. Bergs
On Mon, 12 Oct 1998 05:21:25 -0700 (PDT), Kenneth Scharf wrote:

This is a security hole ONLY if someone has access to the machine

This is not exactly uncommon, especially in computer labs.

What's wrong with giving LILO a kernel command line of init=/bin/sh?
This way 
you boot straight into sh, and you can then change the root password.
Ouch, I tried it, it really works That means on a standard
Linux-machine, everybody could just switch off the power, give the
LILO-kernel option on reboot and be root??!! Why not simply drop the
need of a login password?

You can give LILO the password option in lilo.conf so that people must enter 
password when they try to specify different kernel options than the default 

Ralf G. R. Bergs * Welkenrather Str. 100/102 * 52074 Aachen * Germany
+49-241-876892, +49-241-86 (fax) * [EMAIL PROTECTED]  * PGP ok!

Re: unattended ftp

1998-10-12 Thread David S. Zelinsky
Rahul Sood [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Excuse if this is a FAQ, but how can I set up a shell script to ftp to a
 host and retrieve a file?

Some have suggested using ncftp or wget to do this.  That may be the best way
to go.

However, it is also possible to do it with plain-old ftp.  You have to specify
the login and password in a file called `.netrc' in your home directory.  Then
`ftp' to a host listed in that file can be invoked from a script.

See `man ftp' for details.

David Zelinsky

Re: ncurses segmentation fault

1998-10-12 Thread Michael Stone
Quoting M.C. Vernon ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Do you not need to include stdio.h for getch?

man getch. It's an ncurses function, not a std library function.

Mike Stone

Reading rtf

1998-10-12 Thread Ole J. Tetlie
I have unfortunately come into possession of some files in
the rtf format. Is there any way to read these on Linux, or
even better, is there a cleaner to just extract the text?

A mathematician is a machine for converting coffee to theorems
  (Martin Schulze)

Re: network disconnect

1998-10-12 Thread Zheng Wang
Thanks Paul,

Could you give me some clue to solve it?
Thanks again.

Zheng Wang, Ph. D
Department of Statistics and Applied Probability 
University of California, Santa Barbara
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; http://www.pstat.ucsb.edu/~zwang

On Sun, 11 Oct 1998, W. Paul Mills wrote:

 Sounds like an irq problem.
  X-Envelope-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: Sat, 10 Oct 1998 11:14:17 -0700 (PDT)
  From: Zheng Wang [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
  Resent-From: debian-user@lists.debian.org
  X-Mailing-List: debian-user@lists.debian.org archive/latest/21434
  X-Loop: debian-user@lists.debian.org
  Precedence: list
  Resent-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  X-UIDL: 03a0a4e87fe9d857fd8dd623b3c9da57
  When I install the Debian base, the network is working. But when I choose
  to install all package from the CD. The network is disconnected. Could I
  get some help to solve this problem? Thanks.
 /*** Running Debian Linux ***
 *   For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son,  *
 *   that whoever believes in Him should not perish...John 3:16  *
 * W. Paul Mills  *  Topeka, Kansas, U.S.A.  *
 * EMAIL= [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *  WWW= http://Mills-USA.com/  *
 * Bill, I was there several years ago, why would I want to go back? *
  pgp public key emailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED] */

Re: Cannot run any executables under Debian2.0 - Help(newbie)

1998-10-12 Thread tko
Helge Hafting writes:
 Note that your PATH does not contain the current directory (.) This is
 default for Debian, and is considered a security feature. I believe you
 can run standard executables like ls and such?
 To run the a.out file, use ./a.out instead of only a.out
 The same applies to anything else that isn't in your path.  Why is this a
 security thing?  Because a nasty user on a multiuser system could create a
 virus or something and name it ls
 in his home directory.  Someone else might cd's into that
 directory and run ls in order to get a directory list.
 Not having the current dir in PATH is then useful. 

Unnecessary, Just place the . at the end of the $PATH variable so that all
other directories are searched first before defaulting to the current
directory .  Thus, official binaries (like /usr/bin/*) are searched before
attempting the current directory.

-= Sent by Debian 1.3 Linux =-
Thomas Kocourek  KD4CIK 
@[EMAIL PROTECTED]@westgac3.dragon.com Remove @_@ for correct Email address
--... ...-- ...  -.. .  -.- -.. - -.-. .. -.-

look up process

1998-10-12 Thread tko
I was having trouble with diald bringing up the line. A dump of the
/var/log/ppp.log showed something connecting to local ( and
sending a DNS request (port 53 on destination IP). Is there a way to query a
connection to find out which process is doing the connection? I'd sure like to
know what was connecting thru local and requesting DNS.

-= Sent by Debian 1.3 Linux =-
Thomas Kocourek  KD4CIK 
@[EMAIL PROTECTED]@westgac3.dragon.com Remove @_@ for correct Email address
--... ...-- ...  -.. .  -.- -.. - -.-. .. -.-

Re: ncurses segmentation fault

1998-10-12 Thread Michael Stone
Quoting Ingo Brueckl ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Package: ncurses3.4
 Version: 1.9.9g-8.8
 The following program, compiled with egcs 1.0.3, causes a segmentation
 fault at the mvwinch statement:

Looks like an ncurses bug. Works fine with the libncurses4-dev package
from slink.

Mike Stone

Unidentified subject!

1998-10-12 Thread Bostjan JERKO

 Hello ! 
 Thank all who responded to my mail about missing libraries for WP 7.0. I 
 have different problem now.
 At the end of installation of WP 7.0 I get message 
 Segmentation fault  Idir/$SHBIN/$DSTEXC -f    (I don't remember the 
 After installation I tried to start the program anyway, but I received 
 message Segmentation fault.
 Any ideas what is wrong ?

Is it possible that you need the libc5 libraries?

I have libc5 libraries installed.


Re: unattended ftp

1998-10-12 Thread Vincent Murphy
I would definitely recommend wget for this. Excellent utility, with excellent
docs (use info). It'll work through http proxies and everything.


Re: WP 7.0 on Db 2.0

1998-10-12 Thread W. Paul Mills

Sounds like you are still missing some needed libs.

what is your output of ``ldd xwp''
mine shows --

/lib/nfslock.so.0 = /lib/nfslock.so.0 (0x4000c000)
libXt.so.6 = /usr/lib/libc5-compat/libXt.so.6 (0x4000e000)
libX11.so.6 = /usr/lib/libc5-compat/libX11.so.6 (0x4005)
libXpm.so.4 = /usr/lib/libc5-compat/libXpm.so.4 (0x400ee000)
libm.so.5 = /lib/libm.so.5 (0x400fc000)
libc.so.5 = /lib/libc.so.5 (0x40105000)
libSM.so.6 = /usr/lib/libc5-compat/libSM.so.6 (0x401c3000)
libICE.so.6 = /usr/lib/libc5-compat/libICE.so.6 (0x401cc000)

 Content-Type: text
 Resent-From: debian-user@lists.debian.org
 X-Mailing-List: debian-user@lists.debian.org archive/latest/21547
 X-Loop: debian-user@lists.debian.org
 Precedence: list
 Resent-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 X-UIDL: 2e7d4202a8c3a102d06b76451ea12b3e
 Hello ! 
 Thank all who responded to my mail about missing libraries for WP 7.0. I have 
 different problem now.
 At the end of installation of WP 7.0 I get message 
 Segmentation fault  Idir/$SHBIN/$DSTEXC -f    (I don't remember the 
 After installation I tried to start the program anyway, but I received 
 message Segmentation fault.
 Any ideas what is wrong ?

- -- 
/*** Running Debian Linux ***
*   For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son,  *
*   that whoever believes in Him should not perish...John 3:16  *
* W. Paul Mills  *  Topeka, Kansas, U.S.A.  *
* EMAIL= [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *  WWW= http://Mills-USA.com/  *
* Bill, I was there several years ago, why would I want to go back? *
 pgp public key emailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED] */

Version: 2.6.3a
Charset: noconv
Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.4, an Emacs/PGP interface


Re: vnc x-windows server looking for xauth

1998-10-12 Thread Immanuel Yap
David Karlin wrote:
 I just installed the vnc x-windows server (.deb) and when I fire up
 it says:
   vncserver: couldn't find xauth on your PATH.
 First I checked my hard-drive for xauth (find / -name xauth); the file
 does not exist on my drive.  Then I checked in packages.gz (from hamm),
 and couldn't find it there either.
 From what I've gathered, it's a file which controls who has access to the
 vncserver, but that's about all I know.
 Can anyone help figure out how to set this up?

Do you have X11 installed?

ascus:~ $ dpkg -S xauth
xbase: /usr/X11R6/bin/xauth
xbase: /usr/X11R6/man/man1/xauth.1x.gz


emacs20 woes

1998-10-12 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
Hi all,

I'm having trouble to get emacs 20 properly installed on a hamm
system.  If I try to (re-)install the emacs-package, I get:

pollux# dpkg --install emacs20_20.2-7.deb 
Selecting previously deselected package emacs20.
(Reading database ... 24424 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to replace emacs20 20.2-7 (using emacs20_20.2-7.deb) ...


Cannot open load file: debian-rundir
emacs-install: /usr/lib/emacsen-common/packages/install/emacsen-common
emacs20 failed at /usr/lib/emacsen-common/emacs-install line 26.
dpkg: error while cleaning up:
 subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 29
Errors were encountered while processing:

The perl-code in /usr/lib/emacsen-common/emacs-install around line 26
looks like

20: sub execute {
21:   my(@cmd) = @_;
22:   if($dry_run) {
23: print join( , @cmd) . \n;
24:   } else {
25: if(system(@cmd) != 0) {
26:   die emacs-$action:  . join( , @cmd) .  failed;
27: }
28:   }
29: }

My perl is rather, eh, non-existant, I couldn't tell if there was a bug
here.  I searched the list-archives for postings on problems with
emacs20, and I found people had success with removing the tm package.
However, the tm package was not installed in the first place, so I
cannot remove that.

I downloaded the emacs20 packages from slink to see if they would be any
better.  An attempt to install emacs20_20.3-1.deb however hangs on the
inability to remove the emacs20_20.2-7.deb package.  I cannot for the
life of me find the --force option to dpkg that will remove/purge the
emacs20 package, it keeps telling me:

dpkg: error processing emacs20 (--purge):
 Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should
 reinstall it before attempting a removal.
Errors were encountered while processing:

I'm out of ideas.  Any wise words of comfort around?


 E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | tel. office +31 40 2472189
 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax+31 40 2455054

Re: unattended ftp

1998-10-12 Thread aqy6633
 | Excuse if this is a FAQ, but how can I set up a shell script to ftp to a
 | host and retrieve a file?
 If you install ncftp, you get a program called ncftpget that can be
 used to get files non-interactively (eg in a script).

Not necessaraly with ncftp, plain fto will do. In a script:


ftp -i -n host EOI
user userid passwd
cd /some/dir
get somefile save/file/name

Alex Y.
 _( )_
( (o___   +---+
 |  _ 7   |Alexander Yukhimets|
  \()|   http://pages.nyu.edu/~aqy6633/  |
  / \ \   +---+

Re: LS-120

1998-10-12 Thread David Wright
On Fri, 2 Oct 1998, Kenneth Scharf wrote:

 Are there any utilities for formatting 1.44m floppies in an LS-120 (on

Dunno. Ironically, Windows NT SP3 can't format floppies in the LS-120
unless you downgrade ATAPI.SYS back to the SP2 version.

 Also I have a custom kernel, how can I create a boot diskette which
 will boot in the LS-120 drive? (my bios WILL boot a floppy in the
 LS-120 drive, the debian 2.0 boot/rescue disks do work in the
 LS-120...but how were these images created??)

The boot/rescue disk is just an ordinary floppy, so you can replace the
kernel with you own, in one of several ways. Sounds as if you have a
floppy drive so just use that. Otherwise you might go via any DOS medium
available to linux, and then boot a DOS floppy and complete the move.
You may have to rdev the kernel before you start moving it, though (or
use parameters when you boot).

If you're installing from a machine with an LS-120 and no floppy, it's
easy if you (again) have any DOS medium available where you can put
images of the rescue and drivers disks, and base2_0.tgz .

 If I can get these two questions answered I can 86 my floppy drive and
 use it's interrupt for something usefull (like a second network card,
 or a third serial port)


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

xfsft and Microsoft fonts

1998-10-12 Thread Simon Read

I'm keen on being able to use scalable fonts on my Linux box.  I have
a collection of fonts from Win95 (I dual boot sadly).  Unfortunately,
when I try to use these fonts only some of them appear.

The fonts.scale file I generate automatically doesn't contain them
either.  I've used both ttinst and ttmkfdir to try to get a full list.

Am I simply SOL using those other fonts?  Or is there a way to use
these fonts that I haven't tried?

I'd also like to understand the configuration files for xfsft better,
but there doesn't seem to be any documentation.

Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated.

Simon Read

2 Maryland Avenue, #36
MD 2401-1651, USA
1 410 280 2792


Re: Cannot run any executables under Debian2.0 - Help(newbie)

1998-10-12 Thread David Wright
On Mon, 12 Oct 1998, tko wrote:

 Helge Hafting writes:
  Note that your PATH does not contain the current directory (.) This is
  default for Debian, and is considered a security feature. I believe you
  can run standard executables like ls and such?
  To run the a.out file, use ./a.out instead of only a.out
  The same applies to anything else that isn't in your path.  Why is this a
  security thing?  Because a nasty user on a multiuser system could create a
  virus or something and name it ls
  in his home directory.  Someone else might cd's into that
  directory and run ls in order to get a directory list.
  Not having the current dir in PATH is then useful. 
 Unnecessary, Just place the . at the end of the $PATH variable so that all
 other directories are searched first before defaulting to the current
 directory .  Thus, official binaries (like /usr/bin/*) are searched before
 attempting the current directory.

He did say 'nasty' user. Nasty users don't just have trojan horses called
'ls', but common typos as well. These won't get caught by official binaries,
so typing 'emaca' will do its dirty work before benignly replying
bash: emaca: command not found .

It's not very difficult to get used to typing ./ when you need to.


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

lp in printer but no print!

1998-10-12 Thread Bob Barth

I have installed my Okidata OL-410e printer as 
an HP3 Laser Jet; both use the PCL5 printer language. 

It prints ASCII from the command line 'lp filename' 

From words in Applixware 4.4.1 I select 'lp' printer and PCL5 
class and the document goes to the printer, but is NOT PRINTED; it stays in the 
printer buffer until the next page is sent to it. It prints then, but the 
second page does not because it is waiting for the next page to be sent from the 
computer to printer. It prints the banner page AND the first page if I 
select the Banner Page option. Selecting the Print in Background option 
continues the problem.

Is there something in the printcap that should be 
changed to correct this problem?


Bob Barth[EMAIL PROTECTED]...Unix, 
MS-DOS, and MS WindowsThe Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

problems compiling the kernel after upgrade to 2.0

1998-10-12 Thread Pierfrancesco Caci

After I upgraded to Debian 2.0 I haven't been unable to compile the
linux kernel and also some other stuff (GIMP and related libraries are
an example)

Here's what I get:


[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/linux # make xconfig
rm -f include/asm
( cd include ; ln -sf asm-i386 asm)
make -C scripts kconfig.tk
make[1]: Entering directory `/scratch/usr/src/linux/scripts'
cat header.tk  ./kconfig.tk
./tkparse  ../arch/i386/config.in  kconfig.tk
make[1]: *** [kconfig.tk] Error 139
make[1]: Leaving directory `/scratch/usr/src/linux/scripts'
make: *** [xconfig] Error 2


I have similar results with menuconfig too, which complains about
multiple istances of ncurses:

There seems to be a problem with the lxdialog companion utility which is
built prior to running Menuconfig.  Usually this is an indicator that you
have upgraded/downgraded your ncurses libraries and did not remove the 
old ncurses header file(s) in /usr/include or /usr/include/ncurses.

It is VERY important that you have only one set of ncurses header files
and that those files are properly version matched to the ncurses libraries 
installed on your machine.

You may also need to rebuild lxdialog.  This can be done by moving to
the /usr/src/linux/scripts/lxdialog directory and issuing the 
make clean all command.

If you have verified that your ncurses install is correct, you may email
the maintainer [EMAIL PROTECTED] or post a message to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] for additional assistance. 

make: *** [menuconfig] Error 139
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/linux # 


I've double checked and the only ncurses in libpath is the one which
come with the debian cdroms

Any hints ?



 Pierfrancesco Caci  | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://gusp.infogroup.it
   ik5pvx| http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Lofts/8999
  Firenze - Italia   | Office for the Complication of Otherwise Simple Affairs 
 Linux penny 2.1.122 #7 Thu Sep 17 13:56:01 CEST 1998 i586 unknown

Re: Linux and AOL

1998-10-12 Thread David B. Teague
On Sun, 11 Oct 1998, Stephen Gore wrote:

 Is it possible to connect to the Internet through AOL?  I'm installing
 Debaian v2.0 via floppy and ftp, and need internet access to complete
 the installation. Any alternative suggestions welcome.  Thanx! 

Hi Stephen

My son is a programmer for AOL. He says that a lot of the 
AOL software people are Linux users, but none access AOL 
through Linux. He discourages me from trying. 

Maybe once WINE or WILLOWS is up we can use their software.

Eschew Microsoft, and eschew obsfuscation. But I repeat myself.
David B Teague | Ask me how user interface copyrights  software
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | patents make programming a dangerous business.

Installing drivers

1998-10-12 Thread Briede, Tony
I downloaded a driver for a Xircom card ( xirc2p~1.gz ) from the web site (
k.shuttle.de/isil/xircom/xirc2ps.html ). Unfortunately they don't show how
to load the driver onto the Linux system. Can you tell me the correct way to
copy the file off the floppy diskette and load the driver in the correct



Re: unattended ftp

1998-10-12 Thread Rob Collins
You could write a script like:

user foobar foobars_password
lcd /home/foobar
get filename

and then execute it whenyou want, or put it in cron... like this:

0 0 * * * ftp -n -i /home/foobar/ftp.script

quiet rob
Just keep telling yourself you are immortal  --Albert Hofmann

On Mon, 12 Oct 1998, A. M. Varon wrote:

 On 12 Oct 1998, Ole J. Tetlie wrote:
  *-Rahul Sood [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Excuse if this is a FAQ, but how can I set up a shell script to ftp to a
   host and retrieve a file?
 wget. no shell script necessary to get a file. Handles anonymous and
 password protected FTP sites.
 == == Andre M. Varon  Lasaltech Incorporated
 == == Technical Head  Fax-Tel: (034)435-0836
 == = ==
 ==== ==   E-mail  : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  ==   WebPage : http://andre.lasaltech.com
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Urgent Help needed please

1998-10-12 Thread Andy Spiegl

trying to install new packages I just noticed that I can't write to
/var/lib/dpkg anymore.  The error I get is:
No space left on device.

I took a look at /var/log/kern.log and found this:

... kernel: EXT2-fs error (device 08:07): ext2_new_block: Free blocks count \
 corrupted for block group 4 
... last message repeated 207 times
... last message repeated 133 times
and so on.

Help!  What can I do to resolve this without rebooting the machine?
Well, I guess I could reboot it, but it is very far away from me and if it
gets stuck during the reboot I'd have an even bigger problem.  Besides,
there are some users logged in and I'd hate to kick them out. :-(

Please send help soon!
Thanks so much in advance,

 Andy Spiegl, University of Technology, Muenchen, Germany
 E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] URL: http://www.spiegl.de
 Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for my PGP key
o  _ _ _
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  -- (_)/ (_)  (_)/ (_)  (_)(_)   (_)(_)'  _\o_

Re: ncurses segmentation fault

1998-10-12 Thread J.H.M. Dassen \(Ray\)
On Mon, Oct 12, 1998 at 11:54:14AM +0200, Ingo Brueckl wrote:
 The following program, compiled with egcs 1.0.3, causes a segmentation
 fault at the mvwinch statement:

Why are you rehashing this on -user? You've already reported this problem as
a bug, and as you can check in the bug log
(http://www.debian.org/Bugs/db/27/27657.html) this problem isn't
reproducable with the current unstable distribution, and thus will not be a
problem in Debian 2.1.

Tevens ben ik van mening dat Nederland overdekt dient te worden.

Re: Urgent Help needed please

1998-10-12 Thread Jim Foltz
It's hard to answer when you don't include any other information. The
obvious question is: Are you really out of disk space? and the answer is df.
What does the output from df say?

If you are out of disk space, do you have a spare partition available? If so
you may be ok. If not, you may be screwed. What does the output from
fdisk -l say?

On Mon, Oct 12, 1998 at 06:10:24PM +, Andy Spiegl wrote:
 trying to install new packages I just noticed that I can't write to
 /var/lib/dpkg anymore.  The error I get is:
 No space left on device.
 I took a look at /var/log/kern.log and found this:
 ... kernel: EXT2-fs error (device 08:07): ext2_new_block: Free blocks count \
  corrupted for block group 4 
 ... last message repeated 207 times
 ... last message repeated 133 times
 and so on.
 Help!  What can I do to resolve this without rebooting the machine?
 Well, I guess I could reboot it, but it is very far away from me and if it
 gets stuck during the reboot I'd have an even bigger problem.  Besides,
 there are some users logged in and I'd hate to kick them out. :-(
 Please send help soon!
 Thanks so much in advance,
  Andy Spiegl, University of Technology, Muenchen, Germany
  E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] URL: http://www.spiegl.de
  Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for my PGP key
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   -- (_)/ (_)  (_)/ (_)  (_)(_)   (_)(_)'  _\o_
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null



1998-10-12 Thread David Sherow
I need some help finding info on installing Debian on a IBM machine with
a MCA board.
Thank you much
Best regards

 /***/ David Sherow \**\
/*/ President,  Sherow Enterprises  \***\
 \*\ http://www.ourtownusa.net/~sherow /**/

Re: Urgent Help needed please

1998-10-12 Thread Andy Spiegl
Hi Jim,

first of all thanks for the fast answer!

 It's hard to answer when you don't include any other information.
You are right.  I am sorry.  I wanted to get my question out as fast as
possible and stopped thinking.

 The obvious question is: Are you really out of disk space? and the answer
 is df.
No, I am not.

 What does the output from df say?
2 GB free space:
/dev/sda1 194405   12675   171691  7%   /
/dev/sda6 497667  311861   160104 66%   /usr
/dev/sda73299939 1000232  2129018 32%   /var

 If not, you may be screwed.
Oh, uh.  I was afraid so.  If I reboot do you think the startup scripts
would run efsck automatically?

 What does the output from fdisk -l say?
Hm, why just a moment:

Disk /dev/sda: 255 heads, 63 sectors, 527 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 bytes

   Device Boot   BeginStart  End   Blocks   Id  System
/dev/sda1   *11   25   200781   83  Linux native
/dev/sda2   26   26  527  40323155  Extended
/dev/sda5   26   26   38   104391   82  Linux swap
/dev/sda6   39   39  102   514048+  83  Linux native
/dev/sda7  103  103  527  3413781   83  Linux native

Disk /dev/sdb: 64 heads, 32 sectors, 1021 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 2048 * 512 bytes

   Device Boot   BeginStart  End   Blocks   Id  System
/dev/sdb4   *11 1021  10454886  DOS 16-bit =32M


 Andy Spiegl, University of Technology, Muenchen, Germany
 E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] URL: http://www.spiegl.de
 Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for my PGP key
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  --- _`\,__`\,__(_) (_)/_\_| \   _|/' \/
  -- (_)/ (_)  (_)/ (_)  (_)(_)   (_)(_)'  _\o_


1998-10-12 Thread Phillip Neumann


I just install 3dfx drivers. Now i can run the mesa 3dfx demos as normal

So i want to use a 3dfx screensaver. Xscreensaver-gl does that isnit??

Well, how do i use it?? or test it??

I have gnome. But the gnome screen-propeties, only see the xlock
screensaver so i can not select any of the xscreensaver-gl.   Xlock, has
some nice 3d screensaver, but how do i make this use my 3dfx card ??

After 10 minutes, my screen goes black. So probably i should do 'setterm
-blank 0' to disable it isnit?


/ /
   /  Phillip  Neumann   /

Re: FYI: DMA/33 and kernels

1998-10-12 Thread Sean Johnson
I get the same exact results with my PPro system (Intel 440FX chipset) and
Maxtor 7.2GB UDMA drive.  This even happens under the developmental kernel
2.1.122 which I use for the better SMP handling.  I've asked questions
before on newsgroups and such as to what could be causing this behavior, or
if anybody else had even seen this kind of behavior, but never got any



WHat I mean to say is that if you install a DMA/33 drive that claimes to
be compatable with IDE, I get a ton of errors that look like this:

hdwhatever: multwrite_intr: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
hdwhatever: multwrite_intr: error=0x04 { DriveStatusError }
hdwhatever: status timeout: status=0xd0 { Busy }
hdwhatever: no DRQ after issuing WRITE
ide1: reset: success

I get MANY fewer with 2.0.32.  In fact, I get many per minute with
2.0.3(3-5) yet only a few per day with 2.0.32. This is with plain vanilla
hdparm settings (i.e. the defaults)

Also, with 2.0.35 I kept getting errors for illegal blocks, accesses
beyond the end of the device, fsck failures due to illegal blocks in
inodes requiring manual repair, etc.  None of these problems with 2.0.32.
I first noticed this earlier this year when I installed an 8G drive on a
2.0.33 box. I could not keep the bux running more than a day until I
reverted to 2.0.32 and put the large disk as the slave on the primary IDE.

These are two different brands of motherboards with two different chipsets
that show the same results.

SCSI controller and drive?

1998-10-12 Thread Mrpeabody
I'm looking to add a scsi hard drive and controller to my system which
currently uses an ide drive.  What is a good controller and drive to
buy?  Does only the controller matter or does the type of hard drive I
get matter to?

Re: Urgent Help needed please

1998-10-12 Thread Paul Crowley
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andy Spiegl) writes:
 I took a look at /var/log/kern.log and found this:
 ... kernel: EXT2-fs error (device 08:07): ext2_new_block: Free blocks count \
  corrupted for block group 4 
 ... last message repeated 207 times
 ... last message repeated 133 times
 and so on.

I'd be surprised if you had many other options besides rebooting with
your fingers crossed.  One thing that might be worth doing before
rebooting is editing /etc/defaults/rcS and changing




to force e2fsck to do whatever it thinks it has to do without any
questions.  If this fails, you really will have to get someone
physically close to the machine to help to make any more progress :-(

 o  _ _ _
   - __o   __o  /\_   _ \\o  (_)\__/o  (_)
   --- _`\,__`\,__(_) (_)/_\_| \   _|/' \/
   -- (_)/ (_)  (_)/ (_)  (_)(_)   (_)(_)'  _\o_

Nice .sig!

\/ o\ [EMAIL PROTECTED] Edinburgh fetish club Permission \ /
/\__/ Paul Crowley  Nov 8 http://www.hedonism.demon.co.uk/permission /~\

Re: Urgent Help needed please

1998-10-12 Thread Andy Spiegl
Hi Paul,

 editing /etc/defaults/rcS
Thanks.  Actually I did that last week, after some kind person in the
list gave this as an answer to another question of mine.

Well, I dared to do itandwas lucky!  The system is up and running
again.  And I don't see any dubious messages in the log files anymore.

But I can't tell whether fsck was called during bootup.  There are no
hints at all in /var/log/messages about this.  Is there any other way
to tell?

Thanks again to all of you,

 Andy Spiegl, University of Technology, Muenchen, Germany
 E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] URL: http://www.spiegl.de
 Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for my PGP key
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  --- _`\,__`\,__(_) (_)/_\_| \   _|/' \/
  -- (_)/ (_)  (_)/ (_)  (_)(_)   (_)(_)'  _\o_
 Linux vs. Windows is a no-Win situation

Re: ls-120 drives

1998-10-12 Thread Dave Swegen
On Mon, Oct 12, 1998 at 05:32 -0700, Kenneth Scharf wrote:
Stuff deleted
 havn't done so yet).  I also have yet to find a way to format floppies
 on the ls120 under linux (works under windows).  I am using the ls120

Umm, wouldn't a simple '/sbin/mkfs.ext2 /dev/hdc' do the trick (works for
floppies under /dev/fd0 as I recall)? Or does that just assume it's a 120M
disc? Oh, I don't know...


HELP!!!!! binaries not executed (fwd)

1998-10-12 Thread G. Kapetanios

I 'd like to thank you for all your help with my problem when the root
partition on my box was deleted. 

The current situatrion is that I managed to install 2.0 from the dos
partitiopn the system is minimally working. BUT i have no configuration 
files. No /lib libraries.  I could reinstall but I thought that it would
be easier if I retrieve staff from my backup. I use tob for my backups 
But of course tob does not work becasuse I have a generic kernel and the
modules needed for ftape do not have the hardware configuration of my
So the uestion is how do I pass on the memory adress irq and dma which I
know to the ftape module without recompilingthe ftape (which for some
reason I can'yt do anyway) 
Any help will be really appreciated

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW: http://garfield.chu.cam.ac.uk/~gk205/work_info.html

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