Re: A nebulous system registry ...

1998-11-17 Thread Csaba Csoma - sysadm
> Greetings from down unda ...
> I am aware that this message sort of veers away from the current
> thread of discussion but Ive got an itch I have to share 
> One of the things I noted earlier in this list is the lack of a
> standard registry . It was pointed
> out that the job of the lsb was not to define an implementation of a
> registry . It has occurred [...]

 From Freshmeat list:

 subject: 0.1
added by: Cris Daniluk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
time: 07:55
category: Software is a Perl library which allows you to create, manipulate, and
manage Windows 95 style registries (path/key/value based) as a
replacement to .conf files. It is quick and is entirely text based to allow
for manual editting.

o Download (
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   Csoma, Csaba

Re: Future of Linux (.so contracts)

1998-11-17 Thread Davide Bolcioni
Bruce Stephens wrote:
> Davide Bolcioni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > If we say a library is a collection of functions which have a
> > signature and an implementation, the notion of change becomes: 1 -
> > an implementation change which preserves the signature; 2 - a
> > signature change (which may be construed as a deletion followed by
> > an addition, so anybody expecting to find the old function should
> > not find it) which almost always implies an implementation change;
> >
> > The problem, of course, is that we check the signature but care
> > about the implementation (in the sense that we call a function for
> > what it does, although we should not rely on the exact means it uses
> > to get the job done). The implementation includes considerations
> > such as efficiency, i.e. application chose a function with more
> > limited functionality because it was more efficient, so
> > implementation goes into the contract in multiple ways (which is
> > inconvenient).
> I'm probably going off at a bit of a tangent, but it strikes me that a
> potentially useful tool is parts of TenDRA
>>.  TenDRA as a practical compiler
> probably isn't interesting---I suspect egcs beats it (although
> compiling with more than one compiler is useful for checking
> portability beyond gcc, of course)---from the point of view of
> checking portability, or checking signature of APIs, TenDRA provides
> some features which look nice, however.
> With the TenDRA compiler, I can compile the etags.c from XEmacs, and
> be pretty sure that it requires only features (as in headers, types,
> macros, functions) provided by ISO C and POSIX:
> % tcc -Yposix -c etags.c
> Even if the compiler itself is ignored, TenDRA provides a language a
> little more subtle than C header files for specifying what an API
> provides.  For example, you can specify that a struct typedef has
> certain elements, but does not say which order they'll come in (and
> the compiler can check that a program does not try to assume an
> ordering).
> In a sense, perhaps this is too much subtlety for programs to be
> shipped in binary: if my glibc implements some important struct
> differently to yours, then no amount of fiddling is going to get your
> binary to work on my machine.  But for checking (syntactic
> only---there's nothing about semantics involved) portability of
> source, this strikes me as useful.
> Indeed, just writing down (in this already defined language) suitable
> definitions of APIs would surely be handy for a number of uses.  The
> formalism strikes me as a little clearer to read than header files, in
> that it strips out implementation details, making the interface that
> I'm supposed to use more visible.
> Here's a few excerpts for apis/ansi/stdio.h, the definition of what
> ANSI C stdio.h provides:
> +SUBSET "file" := { +TYPE FILE ; } ;
> +EXP FILE *stdin, *stdout, *stderr ;
> +SUBSET "eof" := { +CONST int EOF ; } ;
> This says that FILE is a type, but says nothing else about it.
> Similarly, EOF is a constant int.  The SUBSET things indicate that
> other APIs and other header files may reference these subsets of
> stdio.h without importing the whole lot, I think.
> +TYPE fpos_t ;
> +FUNC int fgetpos ( FILE *, fpos_t * ) ;
> +FUNC int fsetpos ( FILE *, const fpos_t * ) ;
> +FUNC int setvbuf ( FILE *, char *, int, size_t ) ;
> +FUNC int vfprintf ( FILE *, const char *, ~va_list ) ;
> +FUNC int vprintf ( const char *, ~va_list ) ;
> +FUNC int vsprintf ( char *, const char *, ~va_list ) ;
> Declarations of functions.  Fairly obvious, I suspect.  (~va_list is
> declared elsewhere.)
> Does this kind of writing down of APIs strike anybody else as useful,
> or am I just insane?

The concept seems very interesting to me, although I wonder if it is
within the scope of LSB; I had the notion that its effort was concerned
with standardizing existing development approaches.
  On the other hand, however, the above approach as far as I can see
does not address one of my major concerns, namely the fact that in a
library function there is more than the signature. In my experience, the
function semantics is the main source of binary incompatibilities
(scenario: the documentation does not tell me enough for what I want to
do, I make tests or look at the source and develop assumptions about how
it works, write my code in a hurry, then at next release of the library
my assumptions break).
  Does anybody know of attempts to address the semantics of APIs, as
opposed to the syntax ?


Davide Bolcioni
#include  // Standard disclaimer applies
Version 3.1
GE/IT d+ s:+ a C+++$ UL$ P>++ L++@ E@ W+ N++@ o? K? w O- M+ V?
PS PE@ V+ PGP>+ t++ 5? X R+ tv- b+++ DI? D G e

Re: Future of Linux (.so contracts)

1998-11-17 Thread Davide Bolcioni
Christopher Hassell wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 12, 1998 at 10:11:31AM +0100, Davide Bolcioni wrote:
> ]
> ] > ...
> ] > This is so that every app doesnt install their own version of python
> ] > "just in case". That could be extended to all interpreters and some
> ] > libraries probably and a farmed out approach would IMHO be good.
> ] This is a notion of "software contract", if I understand correctly: a
> ] tool intended to be used by other programs (interpreter, library) needs
> ] a specification which should be adhered to in releases after the one I
> ] built my application against (CORBA or Eiffel experts might have more to
> ] say about this).
> Also known as the "*.DLLs that you shouldn't have uninstall'ed!" problem.
> (If software has its own version of Common-Use stuff, should it overwrite?
> If it is un-installed, should it delete its own stuff?  Should it squirrel
> away a copy of the old stuff?  Should it ask you arcane questions like "Do
> you want gtk-1.5 or gtk-1.6.1?").  All of those go along with the "software
> contract" or a platform query.
> I am in favor of RPM as a common-use package system if maybe *ONLY* because
> it promotes a widely-accepted versioning scheme and even pretty reliable
> distributions.  Sending along "stock" rpms with your package would be a
> *very* nice and simple deal.  Relocatible packages would allow use of your own
> dirs if you must use an old/too-new version.

I wonder if the following approach would be acceptable: instead of the
foo package depending on libbar, depend on foo-provided libfoobar and
provide two conflicting libfoobar packages, one which just symlinks with
the existing libbar and one which squirrels away its own copy somewhere
and symlinks there. Some care may be needed for filesystems which are
partitioned (e.g. I personally have /boot, /tmp, /usr and a couple
others all on different partitions, some with md, and experienced minor
glitches with some packages, especially at boot time).

> Right now our CDE sends along a *lot* of common/free shared libs.  It is not
> clear (at least not until we get our new RPM deliverables out) whether we
> should just assume a NewerVersion is better or not.  Also, should we set
> aside the libraries we find or should we wipe 'em out (because we've tested
> against our own compilations).

IMHO, you should leave that decision to the package manager (the "rpm"
program in case of RedHat); if you "set aside" (?) or wipe out newer
libraries installed on the system, an existing application relying on
these libraries might fail (a Windowish behavior which, as a sysadm, I
personally would not appreciate). Replacing an older version is more
acceptable because it is the standard behavior everybody is used to,
given user confirmation.

> Any comments on freeish library/script-language package compatibility?
> I think that's the main issue to conquer: tests for determining if a working
> version of XYZ script or a valid version of are out there.
I believe that developers of both interpreters and libraries would
welcome test suites or additions to such, especially from a third party
which might point out something they did not think about, and would be
happy to include them in subsequent releases. I thought LSB had
something like this in mind for libc.
> ] In order to attract ISVs, I think such a scheme needs to work very well
> ] especially in the case of libraries, as it is quite easy to link
> ] statically, disk space is cheap and resource consumption is not my
> ] application's problem (this "single application" mentality is something
> ] which might need consideration). Interpreters typically are (and are
> ] perceived as) system-wide entities.
> Libraries are also system-wide.  Some features appear *because* of new
> libraries (jpeg/tiff/png/gtk/imlib) and updating a shared library might be
> *the* one way to make it more stable.  Note also that LGPL requires that any
> recipient be able to  *re-link* against newer LGPLed libraries if
> proprietary code uses one in the first place.  If not, then you're not
> making an LGPL-compliant link and -all- the source code should then be GPL.
> If you want an example of *very* important libs, take the hybrid: tk and tcl.
> They are both libraries and a scripting language.
> (deleted segment...)
> ... (standardized library names, interpreter names) ...
> ... (quantifying changes (improvements/alterations) to an API ...
> Services offered by a lib should be compat-backwards and changes orthogonal
> IFF the version number is within a linkable distance... tho I don't know about
> trying a two-tiered link version system.  (i.e. link against
> and try to load (a different linknamed library)) dynamically
> via symlink.
Agreed, the GCC-HOWTO says that current practice is to link with, which actually becomes a link against
because that's what's on the system the link occurs in (following

Re: Registries and such ..

1998-11-17 Thread Michael H. Voase

Greetings again from down unda ...

The segestion of the perl based Windows style registry was
interesting but I think you
have missed my point a little . The idea that Im trying to get across
isnt  related to the
individual configurations of each package . That is , the  individual
configurations for each
package are in well defined places ( ie /etc , /usr/etc and  such as
perscribed by fsstd 2.0 ) .
I agree that there are  many useable configuration tools  available (
such as
and Linuxconf ) to assist the user / sysadmin in configuring the
individual  programs with
the results usually residing in .conf and rc files . No point in
defining what is already defined .

To this end I  have attatched a bad description by using the word
'registry' . The
concept of a registry in Windows more refers to the configured state of
the individual
programs installed on a given PC . For a correspondence of what I am
trying to get at ,
think of the add/remove programs section of the Windows configuration
panel , as
a somewhat simple example .

However what does not seem to be defined is a general consensus on
where and in what
format to place the information on what is actually installed on a given
machine , what those
packages depend on and what state the build environment of the machine
is in . Since the two
main methods of package distribution comes down to pre-compiled packages
of various flavours
and   the humble source  tree  , what I am segesting is that  an
agreement should be reached as to
where such overall  system  information could be stored . Possibly in
the hope that maybe , for
example , when a configure script goes to generate a makefile for
building a program , it could
refer to a given place where information such as what Libs are present ,
what compilers / makers
are present , is the make program broken ,  is the compiler POSIX
compiant and so on is stored .
When the makefile actually installs the program , it could  then add its
own record to the
'state archive' to simply indicate that it is  present and that it
depends on libs / programs x,y, and z
for  its correct function  .   Extending  the concept , the  makefile
could even leave an uninstall
script lying  around that removes said package along with its 'state
archive' entry to indicate
that it is no  longer present on the  machine .

If the pre-compiled package formats can agree on a single place to
put such info , then
they can utilize this information and update it as  necesary as well .

Of course when a package is installed that affects the build environment
of a given machine
(such as a new compiler or make program ) it would need to run a
conformance script  ( such
as the configure scripts created by autoconf ) to establish the nature
of the compiler / make
program and then store the results . It is something that is done
already when a program is built
from source . The difference is that instead of running the conformance
sections for every
program built on a machine , it only needs to be run once when a new
compiler or maker is
installed on a machine .

Something like this would  have to be the result of all parties involved
agreeing on a standard
place to put such info so that all packaging  methods can call on such
info and update as
needed . The end result would be that no matter wether one installs a
package from a deb file ,
an rpm file  a tar.gz file or from source , the results of that
installation can be recorded used
for future reference . Especially noting that software writers  would
like this since a
consistent  archive can be called upon to assess the state of a machine
that is about to
have software installed upon it and that adequate steps can be taken to
ensure smooth
installation and successfull operation .

From this point , then a linuxconf style program or Registry program
can go to work to
actually configure the individual package to suit its new
responsibilities .

Clear as mud now ??

Cheers Mik Voase .

( Last time , Im running away and hiding under my rock now ... bye )

Re: The Future of Linux: 'real' Locale support from X libs or no?

1998-11-17 Thread Christopher Hassell
At the risk of reviving a very quickly-quiet thread...  I've still an 
interest and have acquired some opinions around our software house.

On Thu, Nov 12, 1998 at 01:37:05PM +, Alan Cox wrote:
]>Glibc is good, but what about wide char, unicode etc.. etc.. etc.. ad biggum.

] Glibc does wide char, ncurses seems to imply it does (I've not 
] checked yet). 

Wide Char is good for Motif and several other apps.  The main things I've heard
are that 

1) We haven't tested against a widechar which solves all our problems
2) *MOST* of what's needed has to do with Unicode, Multibyte or other
Asian-font/encodings, ones outside standard ISO8859.

The general idea (I'm representiong our CDE developer here) is that widechar is
an internalized format, one made for keeping some *specific* language data
encoded for internal ("strlen, strcmp" etc..) use.  It is *not* however an
actually international solution.

Now one can easily look at the widely international nature of Linux and see
that ISO8859 (ASCII+european-accented-roman+updowncases-of-3-new) has done
almost all the work.

Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Arabic, Israeli, Indian people simply use English,
or a rather unhelpful bastardization of simple ASCII (Some Chinese put "1-4" 
to indicate tonality of their roman-spelled syllables).  Even Greek isn't
supported except with a font-replacing-ASCII-chars.

The question is, therefore, whether work is being done to get a good
standardized mapping from any of the above sets into a narrower widechar.
Jon Trulson, the CDE man in our office, says that he only wants certain 
specific calls that allow quick manipulation of multibyte.  Even a 
reasonable mapping system may start to qualify Linux as an Earth OS. |->

] > toward.  Is there any interest in what we have thus far at Xi?

] Well I know the currnt KDE doesnt handle 16bit Glyphs, Im not sure about
] the Gtk toolkit on that.

No idea, myself.

] > (hint to some: code pages work only for vts)

] Depends on your Xterminal and fonts ;)

I will say this: maintaining an 8bit string system makes a bleeping lot of 
sense.  All that's needed is mapping at any user interface.  Presenting easy 
ways to 1) get the right glyphs to your display and 2) input horridly 
obscure ideograms via simple means and 3) get them changed into a unicode or 
other highly-interchangible sequence of bytes... would make developers sigh
with relief.

Now, again, X is the one environment which is really able to do 1) and 
handles 3) for us within our (recently obsoleted) "Xintl" library.  The 
ability to present all three would be very very attractive and could keep 
Linux as the "sensible" alternative instead of the 
syrupy-sweet-costly-kludge of MS.

] The kernel itself uses UTF8 for file names so you can reasonably keep
] a Klingon ext2fs if you wish.

8-o.  You are a sick man.  :-B.  That makes an interesting mental picture:
"Ka'plach% bash -xv MyEnemiesHead | ./meatGrinder > aStakeOfVictory &"
"Ka'plach% kill %1 "
"Ka'plach% kill -9 %1 "
"Ka'plach% kill -WithExtremeViolence %1 "
"Ka'plach% shutdown -r now 'I must crush this defiant process'"
"Ka'plach% @[EMAIL PROTECTED]()*$&@)( "
"Ka'plach% sync ; sync ; sync"

Okay... Oracle humor over.

Re: The Future of Linux: 'real' Locale support from X libs or no?

1998-11-17 Thread Christopher Hassell
Okay, I just got a bit more info from our main locale-issues developer 
(Jon Trulson):

   The multi-byte functions *are* there in glibc.  He knows they are there.
   They just are not reliable enough, powerful enough, to stick with in our 
   new products.  (i.e. setlocale() doesn't apparently do all that's needed).

   All he wants is *those* (the ideal is UnixWare) and everything else 
   (related to catgets for example) he's willing to handle internally.

   I'll try to get more specifics nailed down and then take discussion to 
   another list if anything is left to discuss.

I suppose after this is solved, the questions become these:

1) deadkey ("compose") support ala Solaris, 

This is almost precisely related to a "standardized" core xterm/cxterm... 
outside of
the code page support that exists for VTs.  The UNIX standard environment is 
pretty much dependent on that face of a system.

2) noting the standard X fonts (like the API) for languages

3) determining widget support standards ala Motif/gtk.
4) determining WP/editor support standards ala Motif/gtk.

I'll attempt to look into gtk, myself, and see what may be needed.

RE: Stable GUI Web Browser

1998-11-17 Thread Eric House
On Mon, 16 Nov 1998, Shaleh wrote:

> in your bash startup file place: 
> This kills the "dns helper".  See if that helps any.

You don't want the '$' there, do you?

--Eric House

Re: Stable GUI Web Browser

1998-11-17 Thread servis
*- Remco van de Meent wrote about "Re: Stable GUI Web Browser"
> On Mon, Nov 16, 1998 at 03:48:43PM -0500, Jeff Miller wrote:
>  : Maybe you should call Microsoft and see if they're porting Internet
>  : Explorer to Linux anytime soon!
> Don't be too surprised if they're already doing so..
> bye,
>  -Remco (who wonders what the M$PL will be)

Well they have/are trying to port it to Solaris and HP-UX so a leap to
Linux is not to hard to imagine. I am scared, very scared!

"Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes." 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

#9 Revolution 3D AGP card

1998-11-17 Thread Mike Chovan

Does anyone know if this card with the T2R chipset works with xfree86??
I've checked the xfree86 site.  They state they now support the chipset,
but I can't find much else on it.  The #9 Revolution 3D card doesn't
up the the Cards database. Is "Ticket to Ride" a company alias for some

Mike Chovan
Systems Software Specialist
CSGnet, Teale Data Center

RE: #9 Revolution 3D AGP card

1998-11-17 Thread Christian Lavoie
> Hi,
> Does anyone know if this card with the T2R chipset works with xfree86??
> I've checked the xfree86 site.  They state they now support the chipset,
> but I can't find much else on it.  The #9 Revolution 3D card doesn't
> show
> up the the Cards database. Is "Ticket to Ride" a company alias for some
> other
> chipset?

I think the Ticket To Ride is what you're looking for... Give a try to this
server, shoudn't hurt.

Christian Lavoie
UIN: 947212

Re: Stable GUI Web Browser

1998-11-17 Thread Martin Bialasinski

>> "s" == servis  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

s> Well they have/are trying to port it to Solaris and HP-UX so a leap to
s> Linux is not to hard to imagine. I am scared, very scared!

Hmm, it eats all your memory, takes all colortable entries and bails
very often.

Obviuosly, they nearly finished the port. It already behaves like
equivalently to the windows counterpart.

Last time I heared something about this port, it was M$ saying "We do
lack experiance in X programming"

I a scared too :-)

Anyway. Nobody would ever use this thing. Or do you think anyone will
ever dare to ask a question like "I use Internet Explorer on
Linux. Now Outlook Express always send messages multiple times. Can
anybody help me?" ?


Re: Stable GUI Web Browser

1998-11-17 Thread Keith Beattie
David Warnock wrote:
> PS I am British and I am always sarcastic, I have been warned that US citizens
> are unable to recognise sarcasm -  I guess thats why so many Americans use M$
> software.

Hey, maybe that's what M$ software *is*: American sarcasm! :)


Re: 96M RAM, but free only shows 64M!!!

1998-11-17 Thread Laurent PICOULEAU
On Mon, Nov 16, 1998 at 08:48:40PM +, Rich Harran. wrote:
> Not very enlightening: I cut and pasted:
> dmesg | grep Memory
> into an xterm, and it just did a linefeed.
> non the wiser
> Rich

Arghh ! Silly me : I've tried it on a computer which was on since a few
hours and it works. After reading your mail, I've tried on a computer
with an uptime of more than 3 weeks and I too get a linefeed.

So, here's the explanations : free and /proc/meminfo reports the total
memory AFTER the loading of the kernel which take an amount of one to
two Meg on typical computers.

Next time you'll reboot your computers you'll can tried this or you can
try "grep Memory | /var/log/syslog" as root but it probably won't work

could you avoid including the whole mail to wich you reply, quoting the
relevant passage is far more small and more practical with some MUA


Re: Debian Crash

1998-11-17 Thread Raymond A. Ingles
On Mon, 16 Nov 1998, Rob Collins wrote:

> On the same topic, I've recently had a crash in debian
> 1. boot with xdm.  Log in.
> 2.  to switch to a different terminal.
> 3. Log in, do my stuff, log out.
> 4.  to either return to X or look at the console log...
> it will never get to X (or the console log)... the video freezes blank and
> that's that.
> I doubt anyone could tell, just by description, what that problem is

 There can be a problem with switching into and out of X.

 Unfortunately, almost all PC video hardware is really, really stupid.
There's no way to read the card and figure out what video mode it's in.
You can't just reset it, either. If you don't know what mode it's in, you
can't safely change it. If you try to change the mode and you're wrong
about what mode it's currently in, you'll probably lock up the card. And
only powering down will get you out of it.

 What this means is you can get into race conditions when you switch video
modes. Switching from X to VC and back again can trigger it. The VC code
starts running before X has finished letting go of the card, or vice
versa, and blammo, your display is locked until you power down.

 These races cannot be eliminated, I'm told, given the current design of
Linux and X. There are developments in progress to change this, notably
the kernel framebuffer idea, where the kernel controls all access to the
video card and presents a virtual interface to other programs. (This would
actually help security since X wouldn't have to run as root... but might
hurt performance.)

 What I'd suggest is making sure you're running absolutely the latest X
server for your video card. Some of these races have been at least
minimized (though as I said, not eliminated)in later version of the X


 Ray Ingles  (248) 377-7735  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Anagrams of "FANUC Robotics North America":

 bun of characteristic maroon omaha reconstruction fabric
 a cubic transformation chore cherub fractionation macros
  cube of anachronistic mortar

Re: HELP slink upgrade: netscape: locale `C' not supported (fwd)

1998-11-17 Thread Tamas Nyitrai
Hi Rene!

I hope the following mail (posted to debian-user as some time earlier)
answers your question.

Basically you need to remove your old local directory (from
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/locale) and reinstall xlib6g. Also be sure that the
package named motifnls is installed correctly and you have set the
XNLSPATH enviromental variable in your profile.

Also, since I presume you are using a full latin1 character set, put the
following line into /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/nls/nls.dir:

br_BR   lt_LN.bit8

And do not forget to replace the number '6' to '7' in the first line.

Hope this helps.


-- Forwarded message --
Date: 16 Nov 1998 21:21:52 GMT
From: Rene Hojbjerg Larsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: HELP slink upgrade: netscape: locale `C' not supported
Resent-Date: 16 Nov 1998 22:12:44 -
Resent-cc: recipient list not shown: ;

Jeff Noxon wrote:
> Re-install xlib6g and it should work.  Now if only I could get Acrobat
> working again...

Removing /usr/i486-linuxlibc1/lib/X11/locale (empty dir) and linking it to
/usr/lib/X11/locale instead worked for me.  A small glitch in the upgrade
process, I presume.
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Re: Slink broke after upgrade (Thank's it's working!)

1998-11-17 Thread Mario Bertrand

On 17-Nov-98 Ed Cogburn wrote:
> Mario Bertrand wrote:
>> >   With my experience, I don't believe the latest X11 stuff in slink is
>> > broken anymore, but its been broken down into a bunch of smaller debs.
>> > I scrubbed my system free of all the old X11 stuff (except config files)
>> > and loaded the slink X11 suff, and everything is now working.
>> >
>> >
>> > --
>> > Ed C.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> Hi,
>> What do you mean by old X11 stuff? How do we know wich packages to delete?
>> It
>> is those obsoletes packages in dselect menu when we update?
>   The old X11 packaging included a 2meg 'xbase' deb file.  This package
> has been split into smaller packages.  xterm, for example, is in its own
> package.  The font packages changed their name to 'xfonts-###' instead
> of 'xfnt###'.
>   When I originally went to dselect after the download, the new X11
> packages were at the top of the display in the new packages section. 
> This was how I could tell them apart from the ones already installed
> (plus the version number).  Since there didn't seem to be any dependency
> conflicts, ie, 'xfntbase' didn't conflict with 'xfonts-base'*, I decided
> to scroll down and purge my system of all the old packages that I could,
> except for the /etc/X11 config files.  This probably wasn't necessary.
>   I don't know if they will show up in the obsolete section, I never
> checked this.  I suspect dpkg would have deleted the old ones first.
>   *  A dependency conflict should of happened according to the package
> info (Conflicts: xfntbase), but I seem to remember dselect allowing me
> to select the new files without popping up a dependency conflict
> screen.  My memory has deteriorated, however, so I may be remembering
> wrong.
> -- 
> Ed C.
> -- 
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] <
> /dev/null

Thanks Ed, 

I have an almost working slink. At least I have Xwindows working
properly for the moment :-). Let's have a bit of sleep now...

Message envoyé le 16-Nov-98 à 23:27:30
Par Mario Bertrand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Debian Crash

1998-11-17 Thread Michael Beattie
On Tue, 17 Nov 1998, Ed Cogburn wrote:

> Rob Collins wrote:
> > 
> > On Wed, 11 Nov 1998, Geoffrey L. Brimhall wrote:
> > 
> > > what version of Netscape were you using ? The latest 4.5 or the older 4.0.
> > >
> > > I recently installed the 4.5 on my SMP system and have been having system
> > > freezes happening at least once a day.
> > 
> > Jeezus, system crashes once a day!  Uninstall that puppy!
> > 
> > And I thought Netscape 4 was iffy in UNIX.  :)
> > 
>   I had repeated crashes with NS 4.5; eventually went back to 4.07.

I've had 4.5 crash on me, but never X as a result of such a crash. The
only real show stopper I have is with KDE's kscd. (CD Player) It has a
graphical light show, and when reading from my sound card's CD line, X
gets locked up tight. No telnetting in, no response on my Wyse terminal.
BAM. etc etc...

The problem is with those damned "Sound: Recording Overrun" errors.

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with "pgpkey" as subject.
   The best things in life are politically incorrect.
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

Re: Slink broke after upgrade (Thank's it's working!)

1998-11-17 Thread Zack Brown
> Thanks Ed, 
> I have an almost working slink. At least I have Xwindows working
> properly for the moment :-). Let's have a bit of sleep now...

Lucky you! I still have made no headway getting X to even start. I still get
these errors:

xauth: error in loading shared libraries cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
xauth: error in loading shared libraries cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
xinit: error in loading shared libraries cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

My packages are all uptodate as of this email, but I suspect a lot of
dependencies are broken, so I may be missing some packages that should be
installed. Currently, my installed .deb files (and md5sums) are:

f7a09bdcf85f2be3e6b2fe337fab506d  a2ps_4.10.4-2.deb
55f588dd858a6664ad722e43ba878e53  aalib1_1.2-7.deb
0f3891a512e42350f8a3aea3de73e99f  ace-of-penguins_1.0-3.deb
225324c89d859b1fb9e4744323b5fee5  acm_4.7-6.deb
05bdd0f786bd86f96b853b2338deaac9  alien_6.18.deb
326fbafde19f2a48e8fe8df46bb06d80  amaya_1.3-1.deb
a3c32d41a5e4cb200b11896c6bfcba41  apmd_3.0beta4-1.deb
fe1aee4c9f2a2c95e2b6ad1ca807b09d  apt_0.1.9_i386.deb
604952b0256fdbb5c513913c0acff8f5  asp_1.6-3.1.deb
3f3de407b910c1edad56bbdda4e5d2cb  astrolog_5.30-2.deb
89a8b9b550c10ecef110ca41414c7aaa  at_3.1.8-4.deb
c9c43cd9aacd32c120e630aa2e6132d0  autoconf_2.12-8.deb
808a2daaf65f1f04fe2ea219ddcdb29a  automake_1.3-1.deb
6b7d2a46825ef70d78b00d79e11efef8  aview_1.2-3.deb
458254dfc10e07a30ec2422c06bf3cff  base-files_2.0.3.deb
2968895b420d43ea57e20f6c148c6931  bash_2.01.1-4.1.deb
d49ac6a1b7b377c2c387a4cdfbbff6dd  bc_1.05a-3.deb
c7bb2ccaa7055af79860095c32557344  biff_0.10-1.deb
5a07dcc9f611cb50abcd6e0033c5a288  bigloo_1.9c-2.deb
6fc1be5ea5f17ebbe273b070f590130d  bin86_0.14.3-1.deb
49008db7f461700e35b05be06b89da4a  binutils_2.
4d2fd663e902ef1a530d9a9002b530fe  bison_1.25-12.deb
d93b4aa9e736d18a781c35091dbb3318  boa_0.93.14.2-4.deb
fa5dafed9d17f0fa847a148696a381df  bsdgames_2.5-3.deb
180035cc625d109c5f5747cccb833be2  bsdmainutils_4.3.deb
280b9249b690477d3636475d7853b2da  bsdutils_4.4.deb
8728eddb775a539122ba68567f0bdb72  bugsx_1.08-2.deb
5ee9c5b8a6ca6dfb2fcae362bb3be628  bzip2_0.9.0-1.deb
d8d9bf588157d674ac438c2f681a0798  bzip_0.21-3.1.deb
9c94284623f4e6ef12e92684cfdd9e6a  catdoc_0.90r-0.2.deb
8b306b3b784df9c09ecfc3358e317cbe  cbb_0.74-1.deb
a96a016144610ae3b936f9db1a871e1e  cdtool_2.1.5-2.deb
7cafc5f33efdb6f7a0e30141c46e47e5  cgi-scripts_1.0.9.deb
de8efb5f931aaafc5ce62032696ca0d9  cgic-capture_1.05-8.deb
fdf9a6ace4beb57538844ce35cf93c7a  cgiemail_1.5-2.deb
74ebd5f087ff840adbb45aa97d16d6e5  cgilib_0.4-3.deb
81cd1b3e32bd91fe07ba024420146173  cgiwrap_3.5-3.deb
a0cc8fcd35c8fea506b336377432f480  checker_0.8-21.deb
d5c3a8a1503de7fa6b4d1f9fd5c39c25  cil_19970608-2.deb
6950e7beb34314d33ad9422d89317226  cmucl_2.4.7.deb
4ee705114e9e4224120aaa5ba6da7821  communicator-base-45_4.5-1.deb
ef5b097666fd1c23c4f7a24743db65b6  communicator-nethelp-45_4.5-1.deb
e25a3abee8cdfb7574d5dfb8bcddff5d  communicator-smotif-45_4.5-1.deb
7952716d3566294b7593c42495d4a9ca  communicator-spellchk-45_4.5-1.deb
5c13358880820ce804ca0c685ab42e66  courtney_1.3-4.deb
2fe1e80896081e0f2bb223ee6859d84f  cpio_2.4.2-22.deb
554184bcc7cdb7f8cf10e037d7993cf0  cpp_2.7.2.3-4.8.deb
80a49dd508fba32c1be4fbe03cbaa942  cracklib-runtime_2.7-5.deb
611bf1433ef3ce121f56459360d17d6d  cracklib2_2.7-5.deb
ae981f6b613ffb4f6806e940ecc0c813  crafty_15.20-2.deb
619a097ef672e9ca5441f83c53512423  cron_3.0pl1-47.deb
2253a066d1cc47d760324e2c9eb430ec  cutils_1.5.2-3.deb
480564fa63e7e04c3849a0cb328de687  cweb_3.4g-15.deb
e964465dc3523093605a4eea0f06b270  dadadodo_1.03-1.deb
7df31d26b4ff71c6f4fae93539a538bc  data-dumper_2.09-1.deb
0db498c84bb85e8db8beb862e5c3a14b  dc_1.05a-3.deb
d491ffa235270a66581609a4e22428ba  debhelper_1.1.24.deb
8a7eb92d7703de55c888f1b21b5d5bcc  debian-policy_2.5.0.0.deb
e6e2846a1359235cefc179b9c80f5461  debian-test_0.0.2.deb
7126a126cc835551f2135ba6e1fb81ab  debiandoc-sgml_1.1.6.deb
e0fbd29f8ae7f58242700eb6eeb0fa49  debianutils_1.10.deb
187e7c2367220f98a7271f0560f7acd3  developers-reference_2.4.1.5.deb
7b88ac30735631bd4a5fa9d2da3f9601  dia_0.20-1.deb
4889cc64c147efc079788b80e4865c01  dialog_0.9a-14.deb
fe542fda3e819e7aa49aa37847dbc037  dict-elements_1.4-2.deb
4d15c60cfa89acb5483e3573c5f7d691  dict-foldoc_19980904-1.deb
16004533ad7afad089aa6efbe6814f73  dict-gazetteer_1.2-2.deb
3cef79668b3488217bb6ba8fc3ea4965  dict-hitchcock_1.4-2.deb
01599b35936b60c1835a6c65576e7f4c  dict-jargon_1.4-2.deb
0c43bb3389bce4fd98f7403521196667  dict-wn_1.5-2.deb
d7c15bda3b0bdd92bc867b458231d2cb  dict_1.4.8-2.deb
5cd8d2e1846bddc1b16d2410c9ea24fe  dictd_1.4.8-2.deb
79e3f6b9c745cd8aacae86dc4c3b783d  diction_0.7-1.deb
d89cceb9d0d1fc04d4f9a274131b8193  diff-doc_2.7-18.deb
16cbe1a57d2aef4f9a03c712f083b799  diff_2.7-18.deb
0a9bc913ea3581fdd90602661967fe89  diffstat_1.27-1.deb
51f5f895471e111503a1e08502ef4571  dip_3.3.7p-2.deb


1998-11-17 Thread Debian-User
I'm trying to get wmmail to work correctly but it doesn't seem to be 
recognizing the commands 
i put in .wmmailrc.  The Execute tkmail works, but the NewMailExecute and the 
don't work.  Anyone help?

Update 1
Execute "tkmail"
NewMailExecute "cat /usr/local/sounds/ > /dev/audio"
NumOfMsgMode 1

Which Xserver pkg for old Diamond Viper (VLB)

1998-11-17 Thread Jerry E. McGoveran
Which Xserver package do I need to use for this old graphics card?  It
has a Weitec P9000 accelerator chip.



Certus Consulting Group   | Specializing in Integrated Circuit
Antioch, CA 94509 | Design and Verification, Logic
(925)757-0685 | Synthesis, Fault Grading, and
   | Test Development

Re: Which Xserver pkg for old Diamond Viper (VLB)

1998-11-17 Thread Jason Lunz
On Mon, Nov 16, 1998 at 10:15PM -0800, Jerry E. McGoveran wrote:
> Which Xserver package do I need to use for this old graphics card?  It
> has a Weitec P9000 accelerator chip.

xserver-p9000 is what you want. (I've got the exact same graphics card).
When you select resolutions using xf86setup, it will let you choose
multiple resolutions, but you'll only get one.  The P9000 chip is unable to
use a virtual desktop, so you can only use a single resolution per bit


Re: Which Xserver pkg for old Diamond Viper (VLB)

1998-11-17 Thread Jerry E. McGoveran
Hmmm.  Found xserver-p9000 and tried to install it.  Get the same problem
as I did with xserver-vga16 and xserver-s3.  It asks to go into graphics
mode and goes to a grey screen.  There may be text I'm supposed to see,
but I can't.  The system hangs at that point.  What can I try next?


At 10:15 PM 11/16/98 -0800, Jerry E. McGoveran wrote:
>Which Xserver package do I need to use for this old graphics card?  It
>has a Weitec P9000 accelerator chip.
>Certus Consulting Group   | Specializing in Integrated Circuit
>Antioch, CA 94509 | Design and Verification, Logic
>(925)757-0685 | Synthesis, Fault Grading, and
>   | Test Development
>Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] <

Certus Consulting Group   | Specializing in Integrated Circuit
Antioch, CA 94509 | Design and Verification, Logic
(925)757-0685 | Synthesis, Fault Grading, and
   | Test Development

Re: StarOffice 5 - S3 fix available

1998-11-17 Thread Adam Shand

> Has anyone sucessfully gotten this patch?  If you visit the website,
> click "Support" and then "Download", you get a link for the patch to

nope i'm getting the same problem.  even tried their ftp site to no avail.
if anyone has this and could mail it to me it would be *much* appreciated.



 Internet Alaska 
 4050 Lake Otis Pkwy   Adam  Shand   (v) +1 907 562 4636
 Anchorage, AK 99508 Technical  Lead (f) +1 907 562 4807
- -

"Computers are useless.  They can only give you answers."
- Pablo Picasso -

Re: And what processor type for CeleronA ? was: AMD K6-2 kernel compile ?

1998-11-17 Thread Helge Hafting

As far as I know, the celeron is a pentium II with no cache.
The celeronAis a pentium II with some cache.  So compile
for pentium II if that is an option, or pentium pro if not.

Helge Hafting

Retract stupid question about linux-java - a permission issue

1998-11-17 Thread Chip Grandits
A.P. Bell wrote:

> Don't know much about Java.  You should temporarily change the permissions on
> /dev/audio and /dev/dsp to 666 and run your applet -- to ensure that your 
> setuid
> trick has worked.  Also, a method such as play() is likely overriden and so an
> alternative method like play(,...) will likely exist.
> Again, I don't know anything, just trying to give you some feedback because no
> one else has thus far.
> Regards,
> Andrew Bell

 I feel pretty stupid, your idea in fact worked!  I guess I've never been 
bitten by
a permission
snafu enough to go right to the beginning.  It's funny how people have to tell 
the obvious
routes to try.

To be honest  I must not really understand permission
the application appletviewer, which comes with a jdk is really a symlink to a 
# ls -l .java_wrapper
-r-sr-xr-x1rootroot3462Jun 19 01:36.java_wrapper
I assumed the 's' in the owner's 'x' spot meant that this executable would 
the owner's (i.e. root's) permission.  But this wouldn't work until I changed
/dev/audio to
chmod 666. (previously it was 660).  I guess I don't fully understand.
Maybe it's something like .java_wrapper invokes a library, and the library has 
have the
permission??  Or that 's' doesn't really mean what I think it means??

Much Thanks,
I guess until I figure it I'll live 'dangerously' with /dev/audio at chmod 666.
-Chip "confused about permission" Grandits

RE: How do you use su under X?

1998-11-17 Thread Moore, Paul
>Chip Grandits <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>| As has been strongly encouraged, I spend most of my time on my linux box as
>| mortal user.
>| Every once in a while I need to go 'root-in' around some system
>| files to set up 
>| a new application
>| that I've downloaded (or for whatever reason?).
>| Sure I can type
>| $ su root
>| at the promt and become root
>| but I cannot use the x-server - any attempts result in a message
>| Xlib: connection to :0.0 refused by server
>| Xlib: Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 key
>| ...
>| Also use xhost program...
>| Imagine my horror to find I have an invalid magic cookie!  Do I
>| really have to 
>| use xhost in order
>| to use an xwindows session started by another user?
>Yes, or you can use the authority file. Personally, what I do in this
>situation is:
>% su -
>Password: ***
>% cp ~user/.Xauthority ~/
>~/.Xauthority is the cookie file. I don't remember if you have to set
>the DISPLAY variable? If so I do
>% export DISPLAY=:0
>Replace "user" above with whatever user you log on as. Of course, if
>you have what is essentially a single user system
>xhost + localhost
>is much simpler.

I have noticed this, as well. I never had this sort of problem on Red
Hat or SuSE. I assume that it's something you can set (presumably a
security issue, where the other systems are more permissive). However,
as I'm most definitely not experienced in X admin, I've no idea what's
going on (to be honest, I don't even know what these cookie things are
supposed to be...)

Can anybody explain?

Actually, is there any good (beginner's) documentation on X (either
online or in book form)? The only books I've ever seen are the O'Reilly
ones, which seem to be out of print these days... Actually, good books
on X programming would be very helpful with all the widget sets, it
seems impossible to get any decent "beginner" level books (beginner in
the widest sense - I know Windows programming, so GUI stuff is not new
to me, but the differences are!).


Re: Is name server discovery possible?

1998-11-17 Thread Carey Evans

> I see no reason why it couldn't be implemented.  I don't know if this part
> of the IPCP negotiation is documented anywhere,


It's probably RFC 1877, "PPP IPCP Extensions for Name Server
Addresses", which was written by someone at Microsoft.

Once you've got the addresses, what do you plan to do with them?
In my case, I need to edit /etc/named.conf, although most people will
only need /etc/resolv.conf edited.

 Carey Evans

   Close your eyes.

Re: And what processor type for CeleronA ? was: AMD K6-2 kernel compile ?

1998-11-17 Thread Martin Bialasinski

>> "HH" == Helge Hafting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

HH> As far as I know, the celeron is a pentium II with no cache.  The
HH> celeronAis a pentium II with some cache.  So compile for pentium
HH> II if that is an option, or pentium pro if not.

OK, thanks. IIRC there is just Pentium Pro, so I stick with that.


Re: keyboard switchers

1998-11-17 Thread Hubert-jan Schaminee

> Van: Chris Evans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Aan:
> Onderwerp: keyboard switchers
> Datum: maandag 16 november 1998 12:30
> I have to run both an NT and my Debian box for some time at least 
> yet.  I'd like to use a switchboard switcher so I only have to have 
> one keyboard on the very crowded desk.  I have one and it used to 
> work fine for two NT systems and for Win95 systems though I gave 
> it up when someone told me NT tests to see if the keyboard is still 
> there from time to time behaves very badly if it's not (sounded 
> plausible M$ daftness but I wasn't actually convinced though I was 
> having keyboard lock ups - they continued after I ditched the 
> switcher.
> Anyone know if Linux/Debian (Hamm) gets irritated if it finds no 
> keyboard where one was a few minutes/hours before?

I use a switch (mechanical) to switch between my server (Linux with Samba
on a P133), my Win95 (AMD K6-200) and an old 486 computer with ISDN and
some firewalling. The only problem I have is with the 486. Sometimes (i
think when I switch very fast between those machines) the 486 doesn't
response to the keyboard anymore (and after the screensaver blanks the
screen it looks dead) but everything works normally over my network. I
suppose it's a mainboard flaw.

> Chris
> Chris Evans, R&D Consultant,
> Tavistock & Portman NHS Trust
> -- 
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] <


Hubert-Jan Schaminee

Re: Matlab 5.2 and Hamm

1998-11-17 Thread Robert King
   I saw your e-mail on the list.  I'm having problems with installing.
I'm getting the error message 
Regex Error: Memory exhausted
(which isn't particularly informative)

so if you get things working, I'd appreciate hearing what you did.

Robert King.

On Mon, 16 Nov 1998, Mark Phillips wrote:

> Hi,
> I want to install matlab 5.2 on a Hamm system.  I think I need to check
> that I have the correct libraries.  I've found a list at:
> But the other thing is: is matlab compiled under libc5 or libc6?  And how
> does this affect things? 
> I notice for example that there is
>   /usr/lib/libc5-compat/
> and
>   /usr/X11R6/lib/
> How does linux work out which library to use when running matlab?
> Any more hints greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Mark.
> _/\___/~~\
> /~~\_/~~\__/~~\__Mark_Phillips
> /~~\HE___/~~\__/~~\APTAIN_
> /~~\__/~~\
> __
> "They told me I was gullible ... and I believed them!" 

Robert King, Australian Environmental Studies, Griffith University, Australia
3875 6677   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

statistician (n.) someone who can draw a mathematically precise line
from an unwarranted assumption to a foregone conclusion.  [anon.]

Re: How to manually install minimal system

1998-11-17 Thread Carey Evans
Kent West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> What I want to do is basically have the same level of knowledge about the
> Linux boot process. The best way I know to do this is to do it manually.
> I've already fdisk'd and mkefs'd my hard drive (after booting off a
> floppy). Now I need to copy the Linux kernel to the hard drive in the
> proper place and see if I can boot off the hard drive (but can I use the
> floppy and tell it where to find the kernel?.


For the *bare minimum*, I think you would need to set up the following

/bin/sh  = /bin/sash from sash package
/vmlinuz = kernel with all your devices compiled in

A small /etc/passwd and /etc/group would probably help, but are not

You can use lilo on another partition to make that /vmlinuz bootable,
you could use a boot loader that reads ext2, or you could make a small 
FAT partition and use a boot loader (like syslinux?) that reads FAT.
To start with, `dd' the kernel to a floppy and use `rdev' to point it
at your hard drive.

You could then try installing pieces like libc6, then sysvinit or
simpleinit bit by bit.

If you want to get an in-depth knowledge of how a GNU/Linux system
works, get an old a.out (libc4) + kernel 1.2.13 Slackware and manually
upgrade it to kernel 2.1.128 and full libc6.  *evil grin*  It'll be
2.2.5 at least by the time you've finished, and you'll be a Linux GURU.

If you want to fiddle, use chroot to install parts of Linux in a new
directory on your running Debian.  You still need to be careful, but
you can observe what you're doing from "outside".  Eventually you
could even have some of your virtual consoles in the chroot

 Carey Evans

"these are not inherent flaws in [NT] -- they don't happen by accident.
 They are the result of deliberate and well-thought-out efforts." - MS

Re: wmmail

1998-11-17 Thread Nuno Carvalho
On Tue, 17 Nov 1998, Debian-User wrote:

> I'm trying to get wmmail to work correctly but it doesn't seem to be 
> recognizing the commands 
> i put in .wmmailrc.  The Execute tkmail works, but the NewMailExecute and the 
> AlwaysNewMailExecute
> don't work.  Anyone help?
> Update 1
> Execute "tkmail"
> NewMailExecute "cat /usr/local/sounds/ > /dev/audio"
> AlwaysNewMailExecute
> NumOfMsgMode 1

 It also happened to me ... I don't know why but the cat command doesn't
work! Try to execute something like: play /usr/local/sounds/
instead of cat command.

 Best regards,
   Nuno Carvalho

P.S. I don't remember very well if that's the sintax of play command but
you can't use cat command.

Re: Is name server discovery possible?

1998-11-17 Thread Marc Haber
On 17 Nov 1998 22:45:37 +1300, you wrote:
>Once you've got the addresses, what do you plan to do with them?

The canonical way would be to pass them to /etc/ppp/ip-up.


-- !! No courtesy copies, please !! -
Marc Haber  |   " Questions are the | Mailadresse im Header
Karlsruhe, Germany  | Beginning of Wisdom " | Fon: *49 721 966 32 15
Nordisch by Nature  | Lt. Worf, TNG "Rightful Heir" | Fax: *49 721 966 31 29

Re: Debian Crash

1998-11-17 Thread Eric G. Stern
This sounds like what happened to me when my X setup and gpm where
competing for the mouse.  If I switched between X and console and I
bumped the mouse, then bad things would happen.  I fixed this by using
the repeater option on gpm -R to write to /dev/gpmdata and set up
X to use that instead of /dev/psaux.

Eric Stern

Rob Collins wrote:
> On the same topic, I've recently had a crash in debian  -- one that I've
> had before in Redhat 4.  I've a very funky, self-built system... the crash
> is like this (and sometimes its like clockwork):
> 1. boot with xdm.  Log in.
> 2.  to switch to a different terminal.
> 3. Log in, do my stuff, log out.
> 4.  to either return to X or look at the console log...
> it will never get to X (or the console log)... the video freezes blank and
> that's that.
> I doubt anyone could tell, just by description, what that problem is, so
> I'm looking for a good way to try and trace it.  Trying to telnet in from
> a remote site is a good idea (it could mean the box is up, and something
> driving my screen died), I'll try.  I'm fishing for other possibilities.
> (??? Please)
> :)
> --
> quiet rob
> ---
> "Just keep telling yourself you are immortal"  --Albert Hofmann

Re: Slink broke after upgrade (Thank's it's working!)

1998-11-17 Thread Oliver Elphick
Zack Brown wrote:
  >Lucky you! I still have made no headway getting X to even start.
  >My packages are all uptodate as of this email, but I suspect a lot of
  >dependencies are broken, so I may be missing some packages that should be
  >installed. Currently, my installed .deb files (and md5sums) are:
  >fe1aee4c9f2a2c95e2b6ad1ca807b09d  apt_0.1.9_i386.deb

Since you have apt, use it to check all your dependencies:

  bash-2.01# apt-get check
  Updating package file cache...done
  Updating package status cache...done
  Checking system integrity...dependency error
  You might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these.
  Sorry, but the following packages are broken - this means they have unmet
gobjc: Depends:g++ Depends:egcc
libpgsql: Conflicts:gtksql Conflicts:mpsql
g++: Depends:libstdc++2.9-dev
g77: Depends:g++

Isle of Wight
   PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1
 "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not
  of yourselves. It is the gift of God; not of works, 
  lest any man should boast."Ephesians 2:8,9 

Re: Slink broke after upgrade (Thank's it's working!)

1998-11-17 Thread Trevor Glen
Hi Zack,

On 17-Nov-98 Zack Brown wrote:
> Lucky you! I still have made no headway getting X to even start. I still get
> these errors:
> xauth: error in loading shared libraries
> cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> xauth: error in loading shared libraries
> cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> xinit: error in loading shared libraries
> cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I had similar problems until a mate of mine (thanks Mark) suggested that I
check that I had the line:


in my /etc/ file.

You then have to do something with the ldconfig command ( I think :) ). Try the
man pages, sorry I can't help more!

Trevor Glen
E-Mail: Trevor Glen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 17-Nov-98
Time: 22:10:07

Scully to Mulder: "Why did you lie to that man?"
Mulder to Scully: "I merely participated in a campaign of mis-infomation"

how to create new console fonts?

1998-11-17 Thread Eugene Sevinian
Hi all, 
I need new fonts for console but I do not know how it is possible
to create them. I was unlucky and did not find any source of information
concerning this staff.My native language (Armenian) only supported under X
which is not enough for me. Unfortunatly I did not found any tips in the
debian-i18n list archive. Hope, someone will be able to help me.


Eugene Sevinian

CRD, YerPhI, 375036, Armenia
Phone: 374-2-344873

Re: how to create new console fonts?

1998-11-17 Thread J.H.M. Dassen \(Ray\)
On Tue, Nov 17, 1998 at 15:47:06 +0400, Eugene Sevinian wrote:
> I need new fonts for console but I do not know how it is possible to
> create them.

According to /usr/doc/kbd/README.consolefonts :
A DOS-hosted PSF font editor is available on

[no further details of it are provided]

The format of console font files (fairly simple) is documented in
/usr/doc/kbd/README.psf .

Probably your best bet is to write a converter from a standard X font format
to psf, and use "xmbdfed" to construct your fonts.

Another option might be to try to port the "fontedit" from FreeBSD

POPULATION EXPLOSION  Unique in human experience, an event which happened 
yesterday but which everyone swears won't happen until tomorrow.  
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan 

Re: Ptolemy in debian?

1998-11-17 Thread Bostjan JERKO
On 12.11.98 11:42:00 PM wzab wrote:

>I have downloaded it a few days ago, so I suppose it was the second
>After running pigi I get something like this:
>PI initialization error (I don't remember the exact message, because I've 
>purged the deb package and started to experiment with rebuilding from
>original sources)

Can you tell me if you get any error message with dpkg of Ptolemy packages ?


Install KDE

1998-11-17 Thread Stephan Böni

I like 
to install KDE under Debian Linux 2.0, but after Installation, when I like to 
start KDE, the system will not find files like and All these files are on the system in the directory 
/usr/X11R6/lib, but with the extension What's 

Re: how to create new console fonts?

1998-11-17 Thread J.H.M. Dassen \(Ray\)
On Tue, Nov 17, 1998 at 13:52:06 +0100, I wrote:
[difficult approaches to create console fonts]

I just looked in the available packages list, and found
Package: fonter
Section: editors
Description: The new generation of font manipulation
 Fonter is an interactive console font (.fnt) manipulation tool. It's a
 linux-console-only program that displays all 256 characters of the font
 on screen and lets you edit them in realtime.

POPULATION EXPLOSION  Unique in human experience, an event which happened 
yesterday but which everyone swears won't happen until tomorrow.  
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan 

Re: Console mode with >80x24 possible?

1998-11-17 Thread ulisses
Hi eric!

On Mon, 16 Nov 1998, Eric House wrote:

> Can I rebuild the kernal to use my entire display?
you do not need to do that:

prior booting with lilo press shitft, so lilo will prompt what
image/options you want to use, use then [TAB] to show the available
images, then enter the following scring:


select & test the vga mode you prefer

You can do this in a default mode if you use the 'append vga=x'
in your /etc/lilo.conf where x is the mode you want

for more info check your /usr/doc/Manual.txt.gz

I hope this helps



"Computers are useless. They can only give answers."Pablo Picasso

Re: Stable GUI Web Browser

1998-11-17 Thread Harald Weidner
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
David Warnock  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Does anyone/everyone have problems with Netscape communicator?  I have had the
>same problem with 4.06, 4.07, 4.08 and the latest beta of 4.5
>After I have been browsing for a while it just suddenly crashes - no error
>message (well in the beta I get a talkback thing to report the error - but it
>tells me nothing).  

I have the same problem, but only with 4.5. It crashes unexpectedly,
cleans up it's lock file cleanly and leaves no error message or any
other traces.

[Linux-2.0.34, Debian-2.0, NS Communicator 4.5]

Harald Weidner

Install KDE

1998-11-17 Thread Stephan Böni

I like 
to install KDE under Debian Linux 2.0, but after Installation, when I like to 
start KDE, the system will not find files like and All these files are on the system in the directory 
/usr/X11R6/lib, but with the extension What's 

Re: Console mode with >80x24 possible?

1998-11-17 Thread Pierre-Antoine CHAMPIN
> Hi eric!
> On Mon, 16 Nov 1998, Eric House wrote:
> > Can I rebuild the kernal to use my entire display?
> you do not need to do that:
> prior booting with lilo press shitft, so lilo will prompt what
> image/options you want to use, use then [TAB] to show the available
> images, then enter the following scring:
>  vga=ask
> select & test the vga mode you prefer
> You can do this in a default mode if you use the 'append vga=x'
> in your /etc/lilo.conf where x is the mode you want
> for more info check your /usr/doc/Manual.txt.gz

Another way even more simple, if I'm not mistaking,
would be to use 'rdev' to modify the default vga mode of your kernel

try 'man rdev' - it's quite telling, I think


GTK problems

1998-11-17 Thread Klas Lindberg
I have installed the Debian libgtk1.1 package and all is fine. Almost. 
When trying to compile gtk dependent sources where a configure script is 
given, I always get the following error message on running configure:

*** The gtk-config script installed by GTK could not be found

Actually, this very script is nowere on my hard drive.
Also, it is not unusual that GTK is not found at all. Now I wonder if 
this is all due to distribution differences (let's say for instance that 
all sources I have tried to compile where developed on RedHat and that 
installation of GTK is radically different on RedHat (is it? I'm just 
speculating)) or are the Debian libgtk packages (I've tried stable 
versions with same result) actually broken???
Btw, I have no problems finding GTK when installing Debian packages with 
such dependencies.


WG: Install KDE

1998-11-17 Thread Stephan Böni

I like 
to install KDE under Debian Linux 2.0, but after Installation, when I like to 
start KDE, the system will not find files like and All these files are on the system in the directory 
/usr/X11R6/lib, but with the extension What's 

Problem with X

1998-11-17 Thread Pierre-Antoine CHAMPIN
Since yesterday, I can't run X anymore :
the graphical screen and mouse appear for one second, then X stops with
the message :

waiting for X server to shut down FreeFontPath: FPE
"/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc" refcount is 2, should be 1; fixing.

I can't remember of anything I did between the last time it ran and the
first time I got this.

Does anyone understands something to that more than I do ?

  Pierre-Antoine CHAMPIN

Re: SB Vibra PnP Sound Card

1998-11-17 Thread Christophe Broult
Vincent Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I would like to be able to use my Creative Labs ViBRA PnP Sound Card with
> hamm. How do I use isapnptools to install it? Redhat 5.0 detected it first
> time last year.

You should:

1 install the isapnptools package,
2 run the pnpdump command  and save its output in the
  /etc/isapnp.conf, ie 
  $ pnpdump >/etc/isapnp.conf

3 uncomment some of the lines in that file (I've included the one I
  use) as an example

4 try the parameters you have chosen by running
  $ isapnp /etc/isapnp.conf

4 load the sound module with the very same parameter values (irq, ...)
  you've selected in /etc/isapnp.conf.  Alternatively you may also try
  to compile the sound support in the kernel with those values.

  I compiled the sound support as a module for kernel 2.1.127 and I've
  added  with the following lines in /etc/conf.modules:
   alias sound sb
   options sb io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=0x0330
   options opl3 io=0x388

  and the sound modules are automatically loaded whenever they are
  needed. I'm no longer using the kernel 2.0 series but setting the sound
  module parameter should be something like:

  options sound io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 dma1=5 mpu_io=0x0330

I hope this help,


Looking for a cutting edge   | Christophe Broult
software validation technology?  | 
Check | ``Smile, chuckle, giggle''

Description: Binary data

Re: Stable GUI Web Browser

1998-11-17 Thread Kenneth Scharf

> Maybe you should call Microsoft and see if they're >porting
>to Linux anytime soon!


>Gee thanks.


>PS I am British and I am always sarcastic, I have been >warned that US
>are unable to recognise sarcasm -  I guess thats why >so many Americans
>use M$

After watching Monty Python's Flying Circus and Benny Hill thoughout
my college years, I have gotten used to British humor, it even makes
sense now.

Get your free address at

How big is my H/D ?

1998-11-17 Thread ivan

The reason I ask is because Linux reports:
Quantam Fireball SE2.1A, 2014MB w/80kB Cache, CHS=4092/16/63

which indicates a 2GB drive.  CFDisk agrees and will let me partition to 2GB.

DOS & BIOS on the other hand report only a 504MB H/D and so does the
Raneesh Partition Manager.

The machine is an old 486 with AMI BIOS 1992 - is this the problem and if
so, by replacing the BIOS will I have access to the whole of the drive or
is the drive in fact only 504MB and Linux lies ???

Thanks for helping me again as you have so often in the past.


Re: GTK problems

1998-11-17 Thread Remco van de Meent
On Tue, Nov 17, 1998 at 02:32:11PM +0100, Klas Lindberg wrote:

 : I have installed the Debian libgtk1.1 package and all is fine. Almost. 
 : When trying to compile gtk dependent sources where a configure script is
 : given, I always get the following error message on running configure:
 : *** The gtk-config script installed by GTK could not be found

You need to install the libgtk1.1-dev package; that one contains the
`/usr/bin/gtk-config' script.

GTK on Debian isn't very different to the one on RedHat, btw.


Re: How big is my H/D ?

1998-11-17 Thread Peter Kovacs
On 17 Nov, ivan wrote:

> The reason I ask is because Linux reports:
> Quantam Fireball SE2.1A, 2014MB w/80kB Cache, CHS=4092/16/63
> which indicates a 2GB drive.  CFDisk agrees and will let me partition to 2GB.
> DOS & BIOS on the other hand report only a 504MB H/D and so does the
> Raneesh Partition Manager.
> The machine is an old 486 with AMI BIOS 1992 - is this the problem and if
> so, by replacing the BIOS will I have access to the whole of the drive or
> is the drive in fact only 504MB and Linux lies ???

Did you put a 2 GB drive in your computer?  Most likely it's a 2GB but
DOS is so horribly broken that it only sees the first 504 MB of the
drive.  Just be glad Linux isn't and use the whole 2 gigs.  (No, you
don't need to upgrade your bios, unless it's giving you boot errors,
but there should be something in the bios that says "Ignore boot
errors" or something like that).


Peter D. Kovacs UIN: 241701
Operator, Perl Programmer, Computer Guy

Description: PGP signature

downloading kernel image

1998-11-17 Thread Mark
I downloaded all the files necessary (from debian homepage) to install
Linux on my computer, but when I tried to download the Linux kernel
image it first opens the file, which looks like machine code, then I did
a save as and my only choices are html or txt. How do I save the kernel
I'm using Netscape 4.0
Any help would be appreciated!
MK Smith

Re: How big is my H/D ?

1998-11-17 Thread ivan

>Did you put a 2 GB drive in your computer?  Most likely it's a 2GB but
>DOS is so horribly broken that it only sees the first 504 MB of the
>drive.  Just be glad Linux isn't and use the whole 2 gigs.  (No, you
>don't need to upgrade your bios, unless it's giving you boot errors,
>but there should be something in the bios that says "Ignore boot
>errors" or something like that).

Thanks for the help Peter - I have no idea what size the disk is - I bought
the computer from a charity shop for $5.00 !!!

Really I believe, as you obviously do, that DOS lies but wanted to be sure.
 Also the reading from both BIOS and Partition Manager cause me some


>Peter D. Kovacs UIN: 241701
>Operator, Perl Programmer, Computer Guy
>Attachment Converted: "c:\eudora\attach\Re How big is my HD 1"

Re: in which directory does lynx.cfg belong?

1998-11-17 Thread Joseph Hartmann
 Resent-Date: 16 Nov 1998 09:58:02 -
 Resent-Cc: recipient list not shown: ;
 X-Envelope-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 From: "David Karlin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Date: Mon, 16 Nov 1998 02:55:15 -0800
 MIME-Version: 1.0
 Content-Type: text/plain;
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
 X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
 X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
 X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook 8.5, Build 4.71.2173.0
 X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V4.72.2106.4
 Importance: Normal
 Resent-Message-ID: <"dmOG6.A.YNH.pc_T2"@murphy>
 X-Mailing-List:  archive/latest/25484
 Precedence: list
 Resent-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I'm attempting to get lynx to access the web via a proxy server on the 
 As I was reading the lynx documentation, I came across a sample 

 The sample file indicates that its default location should be
 /usr/local/lib/lynx.cfg, but since I installed from the .deb file in 
 I was wondering if the debianized version of lynx looks there, or in 

 Does it go in /usr/local/lib/lynx.cfg, or another location?



I have an old Redhat 3.1 system -- but my lynx.cfg is
in /usr/lib however you should get to know how to use "locate":

1st: execute the command updatedb -- this will cause all your
files to be entered in a database on your machine.  It will take
a minute or so to complete. [you should repeat this command
whenever your file structure changes (i.e. you add or delete an
appreciable number of programs]

2nd: execute the command "locate lynx.cfg" -- you will be told
where your lynx.cfg file is.  If you just did a "locate lynx" you
will get all the places where any file having to do with the name
'lynx' is located (including directory names).


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

Re: Install KDE

1998-11-17 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans

On Tue, 17 Nov 1998, [iso-8859-1] Stephan B?ni wrote:

> I like to install KDE under Debian Linux 2.0, but after Installation, when I
> like to start KDE, the system will not find files like and
> All these files are on the system in the directory
> /usr/X11R6/lib, but with the extension What's wrong?

Try running ldconfig as root.  Also install kdelibs0g-dev, which
erroneously contains some runtime files.  Post again if it still doesn't


  PGP public key available at
  or by 'finger -l [EMAIL PROTECTED]'

Version: 2.6.2


Re: Dj660c-filter and stepping

1998-11-17 Thread Joseph Hartmann
 Resent-Date: 16 Nov 1998 11:07:17 -
 Resent-Cc: recipient list not shown: ;
 X-Envelope-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Tue, 17 Nov 1998 00:08:27 +1200
 From: Alan Tam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.5 [en] (Win95; I)
 X-Accept-Language: en
 MIME-Version: 1.0
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
 Resent-Message-ID: <"jkGBjD.A.wlG.kdAU2"@murphy>
 X-Mailing-List:  archive/latest/25492
 Precedence: list
 Resent-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hi all,

 Is there a filter for HP Deskjet 660C 
in the Debian Packages ?
 So far I can get from magicfilter_1.2-24.deb is dj550c-filter.

 I am trying to print the manual pages 
through my HP Deskjet
 660c. A
 question on how to eliminate the stepping effect when I issue the
 man printcap > /dev/lp1

 From the Printing-HowTo, there is an 
 #The above line should really have the whole path to perl
 #This script must be executable: chmod 755 filter
 while (){chop $_; print "$_\r\n";);
 #You might also want to end with a form feed: print "\f";

 Should I leave the STDIN as is or replace it with lp1 or something else

 Thank you.
 Alan Tam

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

One way to do this is to purchase the Technical Reference from
Hp.  I bought one for my Hp Inkjet 540 for $16.  In the manual it
explained to me how to stop the staircasing effect.


Re: downloading kernel image

1998-11-17 Thread joseph evan porter

This happens sometimes when Netscape doesn't recognize the extension of
the file your trying to get.  At the link (the one you clicked to get the
machine-code-like text), right click and choose Save Link As...  This can
also be accomplished by holding shift when you choose the link.  The
default filename should be right, so hit OK.  That should do it.

Hope that helps,

> I downloaded all the files necessary (from debian homepage) to install
> Linux on my computer, but when I tried to download the Linux kernel
> image it first opens the file, which looks like machine code, then I did
> a save as and my only choices are html or txt. How do I save the kernel
> image?
> I'm using Netscape 4.0

Re: Matlab 5.2 and Hamm

1998-11-17 Thread joseph evan porter
>I saw your e-mail on the list.  I'm having problems with installing.
> I'm getting the error message 
> Regex Error: Memory exhausted
> Abort
> (which isn't particularly informative)
> so if you get things working, I'd appreciate hearing what you did.
> > I want to install matlab 5.2 on a Hamm system.  I think I need to check
> > that I have the correct libraries.  I've found a list at:
> > 
> >
> > 
> > But the other thing is: is matlab compiled under libc5 or libc6?  And how
> > does this affect things? 
> > 
> > I notice for example that there is
> > /usr/lib/libc5-compat/
> > and
> > /usr/X11R6/lib/
> > 
> > How does linux work out which library to use when running matlab?
> > 

I've got Matlab 5.2 on my Hamm system.  The system administrator here
installed it for me, but I can tell you what they did.  Any incompatible
libraries (i.e. libraries that would make Matlab work, but might break
your Debian system) are installed local to Matlab.  That may be
complicated, but it works fine.

Hope that helps,

RE: [Fwd: H E L P !!!!]

1998-11-17 Thread Leandro Dutra
> Mr. Joey Hess suggested  I get on this mailing list !!

Send "subscribe" in the body of a message to

> I'm not too familiar with mailing list protocol

First thing: never send attachments to mailing lists!  Quote the
message instead, deleting all irrelevant lines.

> My problem is I'm loading the system using 1.44 floppies and everything

Do you know you can just boot the CD?  It's faster and far more

If you do not have access to the CD, please note that we can only
help if we know exactly what's happening.  So please send the error
messages, or prompts, you get verbatim.

Hope we can help!

Re: 2nd question of the day: Xsecurity

1998-11-17 Thread Jiri Baum
Hello Chris,

> like very secure access for any work I have to do on it.  I'd like to 
> use Emacs from within X on my home machine when I do have to 
> telnet in for work but I'm getting a refusal to give Emacs X client 
> access to the server on the remote machine (if I've got the 
> server/client naming the right way round). 

I'm not sure I understand here... I assume what you want is to run an X
program at work, to be displayed at home:

I use ssh rather than telnet, which has an in-built option for that, including
encrypting the X data. I'd suggest to use that. To turn it on, you simply put
"ForwardX11 yes" into the appropriate section of your .ssh/config file (it
sets up the DISPLAY variable for you and everything).

I've only used it once or twice, though, because I haven't found an X server
for a SiS 5598 chip yet :-(

To skip the encryption, you'd need to set the DISPLAY variable on your work
machine to point to your home machine, and either copy over the Xauthority
(perhaps using xauth) or xhost +. Either of those is likely to
be a security hole, the latter more so.

> 1) The remote machine isn't running X at the time, do I need to 
> leave it with X running or can I assume it will launch it?

Neither - you only need X on the machine that'll be displaying the program.

> 2) How do I set security in X so as minimise any possible holes but 
> to give me this access?

Probably ssh will give you the best, but I'm no security expert.

At home, you should use the Xauthority file thingy. Magic cookies.

> I have looked through the documentation 
> but can't see anything pertinent.  A man page suggests there is 
> another on "Xsecurity" and the Xhost man page suggests _that_ 
> isn't what I need.  Please will someone point me at the right 
> documentation?

In hamm (Debian 2.0), the Xsecurity page is in the package "xmanpages".

If you get a new .Xauthority in your home directory each time you start X, and
xhost doesn't allow anyone in, then I think it's set up OK (it must be,
otherwise it wouldn't let you in at all).


"... PERL ... incredibly primitive." --VinodV, 'Halloween II' memo.

Re: How big is my H/D ?

1998-11-17 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Tue, 17 Nov 1998, ivan wrote:

 : Hello,
 : The reason I ask is because Linux reports:
 : Quantam Fireball SE2.1A, 2014MB w/80kB Cache, CHS=4092/16/63

linux is almost always right.  But to check, just head over to the
Quantum web site and look up the part number.

 : DOS & BIOS on the other hand report only a 504MB H/D and so does the
 : Raneesh Partition Manager.

DOS is broken.  Most BIOS are broken.  Never heard of your partition
manager :)

 : The machine is an old 486 with AMI BIOS 1992 - is this the problem and if
 : so, by replacing the BIOS will I have access to the whole of the drive or
 : is the drive in fact only 504MB and Linux lies ???

If you need to use DOS you'll have to upgrade the BIOS, twiddle the BIOS
to work (try something like CHS=1023/64/63), or use a hack like Ontrack
Disk Manager.

On the other hand, Linux doesn't need the BIOS information at all (I
have a few machines where the BIOS has no idea I've even got IDE drives,
but Linux knows).  If you're only running Linux you're ok.

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)

Re: How do you use su under X?

1998-11-17 Thread Gary L. Hennigan
"Moore, Paul" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
| >| Imagine my horror to find I have an invalid magic cookie!  Do I
| >| really have to 
| >| use xhost in order
| >| to use an xwindows session started by another user?
| >
| >Yes, or you can use the authority file. Personally, what I do in this
| >situation is:
| >
| >% su -
| >Password: ***
| >% cp ~user/.Xauthority ~/
| >% 
| >
| >~/.Xauthority is the cookie file. I don't remember if you have to set
| >the DISPLAY variable? If so I do
| >
| >% export DISPLAY=:0
| >
| >Replace "user" above with whatever user you log on as. Of course, if
| >you have what is essentially a single user system
| >
| >xhost + localhost
| >
| >is much simpler.
| I have noticed this, as well. I never had this sort of problem on Red
| Hat or SuSE. I assume that it's something you can set (presumably a
| security issue, where the other systems are more permissive). However,
| as I'm most definitely not experienced in X admin, I've no idea what's
| going on (to be honest, I don't even know what these cookie things are
| supposed to be...)
| Can anybody explain?

Cookies are just random keys that are assigned to an X session (by
xdm) when you log in. In order to display anything in that session you
have to have that key.

RedHat and SuSE probably don't enable their use. Under Debian you can
disable them via the xdm configuration file in
/etc/X11/xdm/xdm-config. If you wanted to turn them off you'd set
DisplayManager._0.authorize to false.

The reason the cookies exist is because X is pretty insecure without
them. It's easy, for example, if you have "xhost + localhost" set for
someone on localhost to capture you're keystrokes in any of your
windows, or take snap shots of your screen.

As to programming, you'll have to rely on someone else for that one.



1998-11-17 Thread Robert Kerr
Hi all,
I am running Xemacs 20.4 and I can't figure out how to get my Alt key to
act as the meta key.  Any ideas?
I'm using hamm on a PC.


UNIX _IS_ user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are.
* Robert Kerr, The morphing guy.  *368 Clyde Building, BYU   *
* [EMAIL PROTECTED]   *Provo, Utah  84602*
* [EMAIL PROTECTED] *  Phone: (801) 378-2029   *
**  Fax: (801) 378-4449 *

Re: Xemacs

1998-11-17 Thread Hernan Joel Cervantes Rodriguez
Hi bob :
> Hi all,
> I am running Xemacs 20.4 and I can't figure out how to get my Alt key to
> act as the meta key.  Any ideas?
> I'm using hamm on a PC.
> -bob

1) create the file ~/.xmodmaprc containg the lines :

remove mod3 = Alt_L
keycode 113 = Alt_L
add mod4= Meta_L
add mod1= Alt_R

In this case the alt Left key is becoming the meta key. if you want use the alt 
right key just change L by R and R by L.

2) restart X-windows or do 

$ xmodmap ~/.xmodmaprc

3) You can test the new configuration using the program xkeycaps.

All the best.


   Hernán J Cervantes Rodríguez
   Instituto de Física da USP
   e-mail   : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   homepage :

Re: How to manually install minimal system

1998-11-17 Thread wtopa

Subject: Re: How to manually install minimal system
Date: Mon, Nov 16, 1998 at 10:31:22PM +

In reply to:Robert Wilderspin

Quoting Robert Wilderspin([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> On 16 Nov 98 21:40:30 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kent West) wrote:
> >Actually, that's not true. I want to eventually have a usable system, but
> >I want to build it myself, not let an install script do it for me. As part
> >of this process I'll also become somewhat familiar with compiling programs
> >and setting them up manually instead of using .deb files and dselect/apt,
> >etc.
> You sound like a man in need of Slackware.  You can do what you're


 Kent, I think that Rob has a good point.  I have been running
Slackware for 3 years now.  It not only taught me a lot, it _made_ me
learn to RTFM and how to search for answers.  If I wanted a new
program I had to learn how to get it, compile it and install it.  It
didn't help me to to that.  I haven't used its package tool since I
installed it.

  Slackware is a great learning tool.  Debian, RedHat, SUSE, etc have
all taken the track of making it easier to get a Linux system running.
In the process you end up learning how to do things ' the
distribution' way and  having to learn 'non-linux-specific' things in 
addition to Linux.

  I have run them all and still have a Slackware system for the pure
pleasure of 'doing it my way'.  Of the rest Debian has IMHO more
going for it, but still drives me nuts, on occasion.

BTW, I have no problem with Netscape on Slackware and don't need 2-3
other 'packages' to install & run it.

> Rob Wilderspin
> --
> "But I need it to crash once every few days - 
> reboots are the only chance I get to sleep..."
> --= (send replies to rob@)

C, n.:
  A programming language that is sort of like Pascal except more like assembly 
except that it isn't very much like either one, or anything else.  It is either 
the best language available to the art today, or it isn't.
-- Ray Simard

Re: GTK problems

1998-11-17 Thread aqy6633
> I have installed the Debian libgtk1.1 package and all is fine. Almost. 
> When trying to compile gtk dependent sources where a configure script is 
> given, I always get the following error message on running configure:
> *** The gtk-config script installed by GTK could not be found

Install libgtk1.1-dev package.

Alex Y.

 _( )_
( (o___   +---+
 |  _ 7   |Alexander Yukhimets|
  \(")|  |
  / \ \   +---+


1998-11-17 Thread alex_schwartz
After I upgraded to slink, my xconsole doesn't start automatically any
more (and doesn't appear on the xdm login either)

The only "trace" I found is the line "run-xconsole" in /etc/X11/config

I would like to my xconsole back -- so how do I do it?

Thanks, Alex.

Alexander Schwartz ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: Stable GUI Web Browser

1998-11-17 Thread Peter Rabenecker

Kenneth Scharf schrieb:

> > Maybe you should call Microsoft and see if they're >porting
> >InternetExplorer
> >to Linux anytime soon!
> >Gee thanks.
> >Dave
> >PS I am British and I am always sarcastic, I have been >warned that US
> >citizens
> >are unable to recognise sarcasm -  I guess thats why >so many Americans
> >use M$
> >software.
> After watching Monty Python's Flying Circus and Benny Hill

isn't Benny Hill (alias Andreas Mannkopf) australian? for something
completely different ;-)

> thoughout
> my college years, I have gotten used to British humor, it even makes
> sense now.
> _
> Get your free address at
> --
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

Peter Rabenecker

   one night is all that stands between them and freedom-
   but it's going to be one hell of a night

Re: Is name server discovery possible?

1998-11-17 Thread john
Carey Evans writes:
> It's probably RFC 1877, "PPP IPCP Extensions for Name Server
> Addresses", which was written by someone at Microsoft.

Thanks.  I don't know when I'll find time to do anything with the
information, though.

> Once you've got the addresses, what do you plan to do with them?  In my
> case, I need to edit /etc/named.conf, although most people will only need
> /etc/resolv.conf edited.

That's the question, isn't it?  And its the same one we never settled in
our discussion of multiple isp's.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: Is name server discovery possible?

1998-11-17 Thread john
Marc Haber writes:
> The canonical way would be to pass them to /etc/ppp/ip-up.

Yes, of course.  The questions is what to do with it after that.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

1743K rescue disk from slink.

1998-11-17 Thread C. R. Oldham

I sent this to the boot-floppies maintainer, but thought I might also
get a response here.

I'm trying to install slink from scratch on a machine here but rawrite
rawrite2 will not write the resc1743.bin disk image (Controller Failure,
they say).
I tried to make the disk on another machine with

superformat /dev/fd0u1743
dd if=/tmp/resc1743.bin of=/dev/fd0u1743 conv=sync

and it works fine until the very end, where it says

end_request: I/O error, dev 02:4c (floppy), sector 3402
dd: /dev/fd0u1743: Input/output error
3403+0 records in
3402+0 records out

Attempting to boot the target system with the disk fails with

SYSLINUX 1.40-2.1 (Debian, 1997-07-10) Boot failed

What can I do, anything?


| Charles R. (C. R.) Oldham | NCA Commission on Schools|
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]   | Arizona St. Univ., PO Box 873011,|
| V:602/965-8700 F:602/965-9423 | Tempe, AZ 85287-3011   _ |
| "I like it!"--Citizen G'Kar   | #includeX_>|

Re: How to manually install minimal system

1998-11-17 Thread Ole J. Tetlie
| I've spent the last couple of days searching the web for this, but no
| luck.
| Does anyone know where I can find info to manually build a linux system
| (software, not hw) from scratch? I want to do this for the learning, not
| for usability.

I think you'll find the Bootdisk HOWTO helpful. With some effort you
can also find much information in the scripts used to create the
Debian boot floppies (in package boot-floppies).

You got some advice to try slackware. Don't listen to it! ;-)

PS: Kent, you remind me of myself. I also did this when I was
"young"¹, and it taught me a lot. Go for it. As long as the
number of questions grows much faster than the number of
answers you are heading the right way.

¹Now I have reached the venerable age of 21 years. :-)
...Unix, MS-DOS, and MS Windows (also known as the Good, the Bad,
and the Ugly).   (Matt Welsh)

Re: Stable GUI Web Browser

1998-11-17 Thread David Warnock
** Reply to message from Kenneth Scharf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Tue, 17 Nov
1998 05:35:56 -0800 (PST)

> After watching Monty Python's Flying Circus and Benny Hill thoughout
> my college years, I have gotten used to British humor, it even makes
> sense now.

It's good that you started with our most subtle forms of British humour.


David Warnock
Sundayta Ltd

Re: keyboard switchers

1998-11-17 Thread Rainer Clasen

Chris Evans ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Anyone know if Linux/Debian (Hamm) gets irritated if it finds no 
> keyboard where one was a few minutes/hours before?

Uhhm, I don't think so. I'm playing the dangerous game of hot-plugging
keyboards for some years. I use one keyboard with 7 boxes. One of them used
to be NT. There was only *one* occurance I lost keyboard input with a Dell
desktop running Debian. I suppose it was the BIOS - not debian ignoring the
keyboard. Telnetting in and rebooting fixed it. The only annoyance of hot
plugging keyboards is the lossage of my faster typematic rate :-(


KeyID=58341901 fingerprint=A5 57 04 B3 69 88 A1 FB  78 1D B5 64 E0 BF 72 EB

Description: PGP signature

Re: lsof problem

1998-11-17 Thread Rainer Clasen

>   lsof does not work on my system:
> groumph:~# lsof /dev/audio
> lsof: WARNING: compiled for Linux release 2.0.35; this is 2.1.125.
Of course it doesnt't! Take a look at /usr/doc/lsof*/00FAQ.gz

You need to recompile lsof to use 2.1's proc-based interface. 
get the source (.dsc .orig.tar.gz .diff.gz) of your debian CD or favorite
mirror, extract it with "dpkg-source -x lsof*.dsc", (?modify debian/control,?)
and run "debian/rules binary"


KeyID=58341901 fingerprint=A5 57 04 B3 69 88 A1 FB  78 1D B5 64 E0 BF 72 EB

Description: PGP signature

Re: Pre beginner

1998-11-17 Thread Santiago Vila Doncel
On Fri, 13 Nov 1998, Rombalski, Emmanuel wrote:

> I am trying to install Debian Linux on a PC clone with a genuine Intel
> 166MMX processor, 64MB SDRAM, a Western Digital 2.5GB IDE hard drive, a
> Diamond Stealth 3D 2000 Pro PCI video card, and a generic NE2000 compatible
> NIC.  I created a 400 MB DOS 6.22 bootable partition and left the rest of
> the drive raw.  I downloaded all the files (via HTTP) from Debian that were
> specified in the download portion of the getting started guide.  When I run
> the install.bat from the DOS prompt Linux begins booting
> (uncompressing), flashes some unreadable messages and then my computer
> reboots.  What am I doing wrong?

Try not to load any DOS device driver before running install.bat.
If needed, modify your config.sys file.

Re: downloading kernel image

1998-11-17 Thread Peter Berlau
On Tue, Nov 17, 1998 at 06:09:10AM -0800, Mark wrote:
> I downloaded all the files necessary (from debian homepage) to install
> Linux on my computer, but when I tried to download the Linux kernel
> image it first opens the file, which looks like machine code, then I did
> a save as and my only choices are html or txt. How do I save the kernel
> image?
> I'm using Netscape 4.0
thats the problem,
if had this also, you can download files, if possible with
mc,  e.g. start mcthan simply cd
or try
both download files correctly


leased line problem again

1998-11-17 Thread fantomas

I have leased line to my home. I was connected to cisco (at work) now i try
to cvhange it to debian; at home and at work are both debian2.0

config at home:
asyncmap 0
mru 296
kdebug 0
mtu 296

- works OK with cisco;
config at work:

asyncmap 0
mru 296
kdebug 7
mtu 296

the only adds are:

kdebug 7

The logs are:

Nov 17 18:23:03 work pppd[955]: pppd 2.3.5 started by uhlar, uid 0
Nov 17 18:23:35 work pppd[955]: Using interface ppp0
Nov 17 18:23:35 work pppd[955]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyS1
Nov 17 18:23:35 work pppd[955]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x13 
Nov 17 18:23:35 work pppd[955]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 ]
Nov 17 18:23:35 work pppd[955]: sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x13 
Nov 17 18:23:35 work pppd[955]: rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x1 ]
Nov 17 18:23:35 work pppd[955]: sent [LCP TermReq id=0x2 "No network
protocols running"]
Nov 17 18:23:35 work pppd[955]: rcvd [LCP TermAck id=0x2]
Nov 17 18:23:35 work pppd[955]: Connection terminated.

why does my machine at work send "no network protocols running" ?

Thanks for reply
 Matus "fantomas" Uhlar, sysadmin at NETLAB+ Kosice, Slovakia
 BIC coord for *.sk; admin of; co-admin of

xbase (debain linux 2.0)

1998-11-17 Thread Stephan Böni

When I 
like to install KDE under Debian Linux 2.0 the package xlibs6g needs xbase 
>> Why that? On the Debain HomePage they say it's not needed. 
However, there is only the package xbase available. How can I install 
KDE properly?

Re: How to manually install minimal system

1998-11-17 Thread Kent West
On Tue, 17 Nov 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>   Subject: Re: How to manually install minimal system
>   Date: Mon, Nov 16, 1998 at 10:31:22PM +
> In reply to:Robert Wilderspin
> Quoting Robert Wilderspin([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > 
> > On 16 Nov 98 21:40:30 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kent West) wrote:
> > 
> > >Actually, that's not true. I want to eventually have a usable system, but
> > >I want to build it myself, not let an install script do it for me. As part
> > >of this process I'll also become somewhat familiar with compiling programs
> > >and setting them up manually instead of using .deb files and dselect/apt,
> > >etc.
> > ~~
> > You sound like a man in need of Slackware.  You can do what you're
>   [snip]
>  Kent, I think that Rob has a good point.  I have been running
> Slackware for 3 years now.  It not only taught me a lot, it _made_ me
> learn to RTFM and how to search for answers.  If I wanted a new
> program I had to learn how to get it, compile it and install it.  It
> didn't help me to to that.  I haven't used its package tool since I
> installed it.
>   Slackware is a great learning tool.  Debian, RedHat, SUSE, etc have
> all taken the track of making it easier to get a Linux system running.
> In the process you end up learning how to do things ' the
> distribution' way and  having to learn 'non-linux-specific' things in 
> addition to Linux.
>   I have run them all and still have a Slackware system for the pure
> pleasure of 'doing it my way'.  Of the rest Debian has IMHO more
> going for it, but still drives me nuts, on occasion.
> BTW, I have no problem with Netscape on Slackware and don't need 2-3
> other 'packages' to install & run it.
> > 
> > 
> > Rob Wilderspin
> > --
> > "But I need it to crash once every few days - 
> > reboots are the only chance I get to sleep..."
> > --= (send replies to rob@)

Actually, I had decided to use Slackware for this project even before
posting my original message. Problem is, I still haven't been able to find
the info I need to do the installation manually. Everything I've found
walks me through the manual fdisk and mke2fs steps, but then tells me to
run setup, which of course, I don't want to do.

I was hesitant to post this to a debian list (I still plan to use debian
everywhere else), but I didn't know where else to turn since my web
searches weren't doing me much good.

So, do you perhaps know of a good source of info for walking me through a
manual install of slackware? A previous answer to this post gave me some
good info, but I was hoping more for a specific, step-by-step tutorial,
perhaps akin to Our Man Pann's walk-through for normal installs.


Kent West
KC5ENO - Amateur Radio: When all else fails.
Linux - Finally! A real OS for the Intel PC!

TCP Wrappers

1998-11-17 Thread Dana M. Epp
Can anyone tell me how to get around the following problem:

I have tcp wrappers set up in inetd.conf.  When I try to telnet to the
server, it takes quite a long time before I get the prompt. In
hosts.allow I have set up ...

ALL: 192. 

... which should be allowing all internal hosts onto the machine without
having to do reverse resolution. However, it still is. If I add my ip to
the /etc/hosts file, then I get the login prompt IMMEDIATELY on connect.

What can I do to have the wrappers NOT do a reverse lookup. I am
thinking perhaps the tcpd maintainer may have compiled PARANOID into the
package, but I can not confirm that this may be the case. I definitely
do not wish to add each workstation in the /etc/hosts file, since having
several hundred entries is pretty ugly.

Any help would be really appreciated.

Dana M. Epp

NetMaster Networking Solutions, Inc.

"Connecting networks to the Internet"

Re: How big is my H/D ?

1998-11-17 Thread Carey Evans
Nathan E Norman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On the other hand, Linux doesn't need the BIOS information at all (I
> have a few machines where the BIOS has no idea I've even got IDE drives,
> but Linux knows).  If you're only running Linux you're ok.

Not quite.  If you're using LILO to boot off the drive, /boot/vmlinuz
has to be in a part of the disk that the BIOS sees.  The easiest way
to do this is to make a small /boot partition at the start of the drive.

 Carey Evans

"Is there anyone who actually believes that USAicans are so modest or
intellectually honest as to be unable to find someone to sue?" - Cameron Laird

Re: leased line problem again

1998-11-17 Thread Carey Evans
Matus "fantomas" Uhlar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

[Getting PPP working]

> why does my machine at work send "no network protocols running" ?

Presumably -ip disables TCP/IP over the PPP link.  If you don't have
IP networking going, there's not actually any way to send data over
the link (well, you could use IPX), so pppd drops the link.

BTW, do you really want to disable both PAP and CHAP authentication?

 Carey Evans

"Is there anyone who actually believes that USAicans are so modest or
intellectually honest as to be unable to find someone to sue?" - Cameron Laird

partition table on dos zip disks

1998-11-17 Thread Richard E. Hawkins Esq.

this may seem like an odd question, but could someone send me the 
partition table  for a dos zip, as shipped by iomega?

my backup of windows & dos for my laptop was on one when my zip drive 
died, killing the partition table.  

Now it seems that the ibm audio stuff doesn't like drdos, so i need to 
restore msdos (ugh) to the disk . . . 



Re: Can't start windowmaker

1998-11-17 Thread Mario Bertrand

On 14-Nov-98 Torsten Hilbrich wrote:
> On: Sat, 14 Nov 1998 01:24:36 -0500 Mario Bertrand writes:
>> Hi,
>> I can't start windowmaker from login with startx command, it open a
>> few seconds and then it crash. All other WM are ok. Is there
>> something missing?
> You should start a plain X11 (e.g., with a single xterm in .xinitrc)
> and call wmaker manually.  You will probably get an error message,
> please tell us this message including the output of "ldd
> /usr/X11R6/bin/wmaker" and "dpkg -l wmaker".
>   Torsten
> BTW: Current wmaker package is 0.20.2-1.
> -- 
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] <
> /dev/null

Here is the diagnostic:

wmaker = /etc/GNUstep/Defaults/WMState: No file ou directory of this type

/usr/X11R6/bin/wmaker""ldd = wmaker is not a.out or elf

"dpkg -l wmaker = rHR wmaker 0.14.1-7 (It's on hold because I can't install it
or delete it)


Message envoyé le 17-Nov-98 à 14:17:08
Par Mario Bertrand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: How do you use su under X?

1998-11-17 Thread Gary L. Hennigan
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Gary L. Hennigan) writes:
| | Can anybody explain?
| [snip]
| Cookies are just random keys that are assigned to an X session (by
| xdm) when you log in. In order to display anything in that session you
| have to have that key.
| RedHat and SuSE probably don't enable their use. Under Debian you can
| disable them via the xdm configuration file in
| /etc/X11/xdm/xdm-config. If you wanted to turn them off you'd set
| DisplayManager._0.authorize to false.
| The reason the cookies exist is because X is pretty insecure without
| them. It's easy, for example, if you have "xhost + localhost" set for
| someone on localhost to capture you're keystrokes in any of your
| windows, or take snap shots of your screen.

Sorry to followup to my own post, but I should have mentioned that you 
deal with cookies via the xauth command, e.g., to list the cookies you 
have you can do

xauth list

Do a "man xauth" for further options.


Re: Netscape 4.5 and "locale C not supported" (thank's it' working!)

1998-11-17 Thread Mario Bertrand

On 09-Nov-98 Stuart Marshall wrote:
> Hi,
> I found a temporary work around.
> There were some messages in the archives about the problem that
> indicated that /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/locale got wiped out by some
> X package.  A "dpkg -S /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/locale" indicated that
> it should have been installed by xlib6g so I downloaded and reinstalled
> xlib6g by hand: "dpkg --install xlib6g_3.3.2.3a-7.deb"
> This appears to have fixed the problem for now.
> good luck,
> Stuart
> Quoting Douglas Guptill ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
>> >>   I tried to export XNLSPATH and didn't work.
>> >>   I have the new X slink packages. Is this a problem?
>> >>   Have a nice day,Paulo Henrique
> -- 
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] <
> /dev/null

Thank's for your help, I had the same problem and now it's now working again :-)

Message envoyé le 17-Nov-98 à 14:34:36
Par Mario Bertrand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: How big is my H/D ?

1998-11-17 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Tue, 17 Nov 1998, ivan wrote:

> Hello,
> The reason I ask is because Linux reports:
> Quantam Fireball SE2.1A, 2014MB w/80kB Cache, CHS=4092/16/63
> which indicates a 2GB drive.  CFDisk agrees and will let me partition to 2GB.
> DOS & BIOS on the other hand report only a 504MB H/D and so does the
> Raneesh Partition Manager.
> The machine is an old 486 with AMI BIOS 1992 - is this the problem and if
> so, by replacing the BIOS will I have access to the whole of the drive or
> is the drive in fact only 504MB and Linux lies ???

Linux always tells the truth.  The problem is that DOS and older BIOSs can
only handle 1024 cylinders, which corresponds to 504MB.  Newer BIOSs
perform a translation, using a fictitious number of heads and sectors to
handle the full size, while appearing to have 1024 or fewer cylinders. 

Many drives come with OnTrack Disk Manager, or an equivalent program which
writes something into the master boot record to trick similarly trick DOS
into thinking there are fewer than 1024 cylinders.  You only need this if
you are using DOS or Windows, however.

Linux doesn't care, except in order to boot, the kernel must be within the
first 1024 cylinders in order for the BIOS and LILO to find it.  See the
Large-Disk mini-HOWTO for more information.


Re: downloading kernel image

1998-11-17 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Tue, 17 Nov 1998, Mark wrote:

> I downloaded all the files necessary (from debian homepage) to install
> Linux on my computer, but when I tried to download the Linux kernel
> image it first opens the file, which looks like machine code, then I did
> a save as and my only choices are html or txt. How do I save the kernel
> image?
> I'm using Netscape 4.0

Use shift-left click instead of just clicking on the file name.  Or use an
FTP client instead of Netscape to get the file(s). 


Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

where'd my cd go?

1998-11-17 Thread Richard E. Hawkins Esq.

Unless my memory has faded even more, a possibility I won't rule out, I 
used to be able to mount cd's with 

   mount /dev/hdc /cdrom -t iso9660

I now get, 

mount: block device /dev/hdc is write-protected, mounting read-only
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdc,
   or too many mounted file systems
eyry:/home/hawk# mount /dev/hdc /cdrom -t iso9660
mount: block device /dev/hdc is write-protected, mounting read-only
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdc,
   or too many mounted file systems

Have I forgotten something?  

I've tried this with my imsl documentation disk, and a couple of 
windows disks.

I just bought a gaggle of windows programs for the kids as the local 
dollar store had them for .99 and 1.99, and I need to get them off the 
cd's and onto the laptop.  Preferably to run under dosemu and windows . 
. .

(hey, my 7 year old can use linux.  And preferred linux games like 
xjewel to the fancy windows stuff.  I'm trying to keep her sheltered as 
long as possible, and not have to explain the ugly facts of the real 
world--like microsoft :)


Re: where'd my cd go?

1998-11-17 Thread Dana M. Epp
Isn't the mount parameters usually:

mount -t filetype device mntpoint?

In any case, if you have a whole bunch of windows cds, perhaps they are
joliet cds?

Have you tried just mounting it WITHOUT a file type, or using vfat?

mount -t vfat /dev/hdc /cdrom

"Richard E. Hawkins Esq." wrote:
> Unless my memory has faded even more, a possibility I won't rule out, I
> used to be able to mount cd's with
>mount /dev/hdc /cdrom -t iso9660
> I now get,
> mount: block device /dev/hdc is write-protected, mounting read-only
> mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdc,
>or too many mounted file systems
> eyry:/home/hawk# mount /dev/hdc /cdrom -t iso9660
> mount: block device /dev/hdc is write-protected, mounting read-only
> mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdc,
>or too many mounted file systems
> Have I forgotten something?
> I've tried this with my imsl documentation disk, and a couple of
> windows disks.
> I just bought a gaggle of windows programs for the kids as the local
> dollar store had them for .99 and 1.99, and I need to get them off the
> cd's and onto the laptop.  Preferably to run under dosemu and windows .
> . .
> (hey, my 7 year old can use linux.  And preferred linux games like
> xjewel to the fancy windows stuff.  I'm trying to keep her sheltered as
> long as possible, and not have to explain the ugly facts of the real
> world--like microsoft :)
> --
> --
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

Dana M. Epp

NetMaster Networking Solutions, Inc.

"Connecting networks to the Internet"

Re: Problem installing jdk1.1.6

1998-11-17 Thread Torsten Hilbrich
On: 16 Nov 1998 12:59:30 +0100 Joachim Trinkwitz writes:


>> update-alternatives: slave link name /usr/man/man1/java.1.gz duplicated
>> dpkg: error processing jdk1.1 (--install):
>> subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 2
>> Errors were encountered while processing:
>> jdk1.1
>> mother#
> I got the same error messages and had to re-install the old version
> (jdk1.1-runtime_1.1.5v5-2) -- very bad, because some other packages
> (e.g. the postgres pgjava module) depends on jdk1.1 ...   :^( 
> I've already posted it as a bug, but there was never a reaction
> besides the automatic bug tracking system reply.
> I have no idea how to do a workaround, too.

I remember getting the same error message.  IIRC, I deleted the files
in /var/lib/dpkg/available where the link (e.g., java.1.gz) where
mentioned (java and appletviewer at least).  Make sure the reinstall
the package to rerun the update-alternatives calls, if you don't want
to unpack all the files again you can also call
"/var/lib/dpkg/info/jdk1.1.postinst configure" or similiar for other


BTW: If you succeed in installing using this method you should send a
followup to your own bugreport ([EMAIL PROTECTED], replace bugid
by the number your bug was assigned to).  

Is the aladdin ghostscript 5.50 available as debian package?

1998-11-17 Thread Wojciech Zabolotny

I've just tested the aladdin ghostscript 5.50, and stated that it has
fixed some annoying bugs in pdfwrite driver.
I'm just wondering if it is available somewhere as the debian package?

Wojtek Zabolotny

Re: linux operating system

1998-11-17 Thread Joseph Hartmann
 Resent-Date: 16 Nov 1998 07:24:28 -
 Resent-Cc: recipient list not shown: ;
 X-Envelope-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Sun, 15 Nov 1998 23:26:54 -0800 (PST)
 From: wendy yap <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 MIME-Version: 1.0
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
 Resent-Message-ID: <"loD_oB.A.3qB.rM9T2"@murphy>
 X-Mailing-List:  archive/latest/25474
 Precedence: list
 Resent-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 We are a group of students doing an assignment on LINUX operating
 system.  We hope that you will be able to give us some information on
 the LINUX installation and comparison with windows or DOS.
 Mail us back as soon as possible.
 Thank you very much for your co-operation and kindness.

 Good day and smile  :)

go to to see the whole history of the thing.  In a
nutshell: Richard M. Stallman had the idea to create a free unix
clone. Others liked the idea and helped him.  Linux wrote the
first working kernel. The ESSENCE of the idea is computer code
that is totally open to examination and/or change.

It is all copyright under the GPL (General Public License) (also
invented by Richard M. Stallman).  Windows and DOS do not show
people the inner works.  You have no way to figure out how the
software works. In that way, it is the exact opposite of RMS's

Need any more info?


 Get your free address at

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

Re: where'd my cd go?

1998-11-17 Thread Richard E. Hawkins Esq.
> Isn't the mount parameters usually:
> mount -t filetype device mntpoint?

I think the -t can go before or after the locations.  I get the same 
response either way:

eyry:/home/hawk# mount -t iso9660 /dev/hdc /cdrom
mount: block device /dev/hdc is write-protected, mounting read-only
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdc,
   or too many mounted file systems

> In any case, if you have a whole bunch of windows cds, perhaps they are
> joliet cds?

This is also happening on a known iso9660, which has the linux 
documentation for isml.   I'm not familiar with joliet, though--do I 
need to redo the kernel?
> Have you tried just mounting it WITHOUT a file type, or using vfat?

without gives me (imsl disk) 

/dev/hdc: Input/output error
mount: block device /dev/hdc is write-protected, mounting read-only
/dev/hdc: Input/output error
mount: you must specify the filesystem type

> mount -t vfat /dev/hdc /cdrom

I'll try this, but I think i need to compile some more modules first.

hmm, i forgot to mention earlier:  I also tried booting under drdos, 
and it claims that drive d is an improper drive . . . I've checked the 
cable; it's in properly, and the bios & linux correctly identify the 



Re: where'd my cd go?

1998-11-17 Thread Richard E. Hawkins Esq.

Oh, vfat is w95.  Nope, these are all older than that :)  Some claim 
w95 compatibility, but they're all for 3.1 or dos.

I don't see joliet in the kernel config, either.  ISn't it another name 
for the iso9660?



Re: TCP Wrappers

1998-11-17 Thread Pere Camps

> ALL: 192. 
> ... which should be allowing all internal hosts onto the machine without
> having to do reverse resolution. However, it still is. If I add my ip to
> the /etc/hosts file, then I get the login prompt IMMEDIATELY on connect.

Have you checked your /etc/resolv.conf ? This looks life you have
a misconfigured DNS server.

Even if you do not want reverse resolution, the system will look
up the name of the machine for some loggin and it will wait for the
nslookup timeout before giving you a prompt.

Just check if what you have in resolv.conf is appropiate.

Hope I helped.

Salutacions, Pere     __oUltima Ratio Regum
  2:343/108.91   -  _`\<;_mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP key available ---  (_)/ (_)

Re: linux operating system

1998-11-17 Thread Ossama Othman
> go to to see the whole history of the thing.  In a
> nutshell: Richard M. Stallman had the idea to create a free unix
> clone. Others liked the idea and helped him.  Linux wrote the
> first working kernel. The ESSENCE of the idea is computer code
> that is totally open to examination and/or change.

You've got your facts confused.  Linux Torvald's created the Linux kernel.
Richard Stallman founded the Free Software Foundation that is responsible
for creating most of the GNU utilities that most, if not all, Linux
distributions use.  The Linux kernel basically runs an operating system
that is comprised predominantly of GNU utilities, in most cases.  Linus
Torvald's did not create "GNU" nor did GNU, i.e. the Free Software 
Foundation, create Linux.  Linux by itself is not an operating system.

It is for this reason that Debian refers to its Linux distribution as:

Debian GNU/Linux
   ^^^ ^

Here are some Linux related sites that might be of interest:

By the way, the FSF is working on their own kernel called the "Hurd."  The
Hurd will probably also run an operating system comprised mainly of GNU
utilities, just like most Linux distributions.  In fact, Debian is
developing its own Hurd distribution.

Ossama Othman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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