Re: Xlib6g y perdida de configuracion teclado (XKB).

1999-06-20 Thread Cosme Perea Cuevas
El Fri, Jun 18, 1999,
Agustín Martín Domingo...

 Pues reinstalo  la Xlib6g de Hamm  y Xlib6, pero ahora  me doy
 cuenta  que la  tecla  borrar hacia  atr´as  no funciona  en
 Xwindow, y veo que los acentos tampoco, ;-)
Agustín La libX11 vieja, ¿era la parcheada de Thomas Quinot
Agustín y el  netscape un libc5? Si  es así, puedes  hacer lo
Agustín siguiente.

Bueno,  lo  he   solucionada  desinstalando  `xfree86-common',
paquete del  que dependía `xlib6g'  y reinstalando
`xbase' de Hamm. Aunque,  no sé porqué, pasava  de instalar el
archivo  `/etc/X11/Xsession',  y  he  tenido  que  extraer  el
paquete en `/tmp' y copiarlo manualmente, :-?

Ahora Xwindow  vuelve a funcionar  bien en lo que  respecta al
teclado, aunque sigo con el servidor vga16 por culpa de mi AGP
S3 Trio 3D2X, ;-)


 -=-=-  A través de Debian GNU/Linux  -=-=-
 -=-=- Software Libre -=-=- S.O. Multi-[plataforma, tarea, usuario]  Free Software Foundation   Documentación en Castellano   Revista Open Resources   LinuxFocus


1999-06-20 Thread Ely J. Alvarado

Ha algunas personas nos parece desagradable el ver como otras violan
todas las reglas de netiquette, simplemente te podrias haber ahorrado la
respuesta de miquel si al menos hubieras explicado el problema con tu
teclado, como no lo hiciste no entiendo porque te molestas.

Ely Alvarado

On 19 Jun 1999, ZUMBIJUNIOR wrote:

 Miquel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Tampoco hace falta gritar tanto, hombre!

 Te voy a aclarar algunas cosas que parece que no entendiste:
 1. No escribo en esta lista para que personas como tú me critiquen si escribí
 de una u otra manera. Escribo para solicitar ayuda respecto a un problema que
 tengo, asi que si no te sabes ninguna solución, ahorra tiempo, recursos y
 cerebro y mantente en el anonimato.
 2. En el momento que escribí tenía problemas con mi teclado y no voy a dejar
 de plantear una duda y esperar una solución sólo porque debería escribir en
 minúsculas. Creo que me interesa más el contenido que la forma misma.


1999-06-20 Thread Xose Manoel Ramos

Hoy en Freshmeat ha aparecido esto. No tengo muy claro lo que es,
pero lo que me extraña es que no esté incluido en el servidor Debian.
Por tanto imagino que no es un proyecto Debian.

¿Alguien conocía este programa y sabe porque lo han creado si ya
tenemos el Dpkg?

  subject: swim 0.3.0
 added by: Jonathan Rosenbaum on Jun 15th 1999, 20:25
  license: GPL
 category: Console/Packaging


swim is a powerful command-line RPM-like Debian package
manager written in Perl. Databases are made from the Berkeley
Database Libraries using DB_File. It isn't necessary to run this
program from a Debian installation. Optionally, apt, Net::FTP, or
Term::ReadLine can be used for enhanced capabilities with the
built-in search/query features.

New updating and history features, important bug fixes.  Users of
earlier versions should rebuild
+their databases.



ose[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Vigo/Galicia/España)


1999-06-20 Thread Andres Herrera

On Sat, Jun 19, 1999 at 03:12:40PM -0500, ZUMBIJUNIOR wrote:
 Te voy a aclarar algunas cosas que parece que no entendiste:
 1. No escribo en esta lista para que personas como tú me critiquen si
 escribí de una u otra manera. Escribo para solicitar ayuda respecto a un
 problema que tengo, asi que si no te sabes ninguna solución, ahorra
 tiempo, recursos y cerebro y mantente en el anonimato.

Sin comentarios.

 2. En el momento que escribí tenía problemas con mi teclado y no voy a
 dejar de plantear una duda y esperar una solución sólo porque debería
 escribir en minúsculas. 

Para eso se inventaron las notas, los avisos, y mas teniendo en cuenta que
escribir en mayusculas es toda una falta de educacion.

 Creo que me interesa más el contenido que la forma misma.

De nuevo, sin comentarios.

   QQ   | N.66054
  Q  Q  | POWERED BY Debian 2.0 - Kernel 2.2.10| Andres Herrera
  QQ Q!! Yo EXIJO drivers para Linux !!| Grupo LIMA
 QQ   Q |

[IDEA] Perfil para usuarios hispanoparlantes

1999-06-20 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a
Se me ha ocurrido que quizás sería buena idea que dentro 
de los perfiles de la instalación de Debian se incluyera uno para
usuarios hispanoparlantes. Creo que hay una seria de paquetes que
los usuarios hispanoparlantes se instalarían siempre, a saber:

- FAQ-es
- doc-linux-es
- manpages-es
- ispanish

Y seguro que hay más que serían interesantes (el control de 
gasto de timofónica :), mi paquete user-es, si lo aceptan).

¿Qué os parece la idea?
Si os parece buena podríais mandarme una lista de paquetes
que creais de interés para los hispanoparlantes (relacionados con
la diferenciación ideomática o particulares para los diferentes paises..)

Un saludo



1999-06-20 Thread ZUMBIJUNIOR

El día de ayer envié un e-mail a las listas con el mismo subject que tiene
este, infortunadamente tuve que violar una norma de netiquette, debido a una
emergencia y no simplemente porque se me vino en gana hacerlo.

Hasta el momento he recibido cerca de diez respuestas, pero ninguna trae la
solución que necesito; en todas he recibido críticas acerca de la manera como
fue escrito dicho mensaje. En mi país la intolerancia y la incomprensión son
cosas que campean en nuestras calles y se incuban en el seno de nuestras
familias, pensé que en que la Red Internet las cosas podrían ser a otro
precio. Lamento decirles que me he decepcionado.

Explicación para los incomprensivos que se molestaron por mi mensaje:

Soy ingeniero de sistemas (o informática, según lo conozcan en sus respectivos
países), conozco perfectamente las reglas de la Red Internet y los manejos de
e-mail; cuando escribía el e-mail (molesto) que recibieron completaba 72 horas
de investigación acerca del manual para la mainboard que solicité ayuda y
otras cosillas. Como podrán comprender estaba exhausto, en el momento en que
ingresé a escribir el e-mail se me presentó un problema en mi teclado lo que
hizo que quedara todo escrito en mayúscula; estaba demasiado cansado para
dedicarme a solucionar ese problema y debía entregar el turno e irme a casa,
desafortunadamente olvidé dar una nota donde explicarles el porqué de las
mayúsculas, pero supuse que comprenderían.

En vista de las circunstancias y con miras a prevenir futuros eventos de este
tipo, presento a todas aquellas personas que se hayan molestado por mi
violación a las reglas, mis más sinceras disculpas no sin antes solicitar a
todos los colisteros un poco más de comprensión en estos casos que he de
suponer son esporádicos. De igual manera, les recuerdo que sigo esperando una
respuesta a mi e-mail, que agradecería inmensamente. (Si alguien ha perdido
los datos y desea ayudarme, comuniquese conmigo nuevamente y se los enviaré
con gusto).


ICQ UIN # 39552908

Get free e-mail and a permanent address at

Re: [IDEA] Perfil para usuarios hispanoparlantes

1999-06-20 Thread Paco Brufal
On Sun, 20 Jun 1999, Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a wrote:

 - FAQ-es
 - doc-linux-es
 - manpages-es
 - ispanish


Fidonet 2:346/3.68

Si quieres saber cómo pertenecer a
Fidonet, la red de correo con más
preguntame como.

...Once Again. Toni Salmonelli. 1995
--- Pine 4.10 + Sendmail 8.9.3
 * Origin: FAQ de R34.LINUX: (2:346/3.68)

Re: Debian-br?

1999-06-20 Thread Marcus Brito
On Tue, Jun 15, 1999 at 02:05:40PM -0300, Edson Lima Monteiro wrote:

Só pra adicionar um pouco de discórdia:

  O Debian porque tambem penso em O Linux Debian 
  O br e' obvio, nao se pode colocar  pt de portuguese em uma lista para
 brasileiros que falam em portugues.

Mas você pode também pensar em A distribuição Debian, e se lembre do
pequeno detalhe que esta lista é destinada a todos aqueles que falam a
língua portuguesa, nossos patrícios d'além mar inclusos. A participação
dos brasileiros de fato tem sido maior, mas isso não os exclui.

Ja ne,
   Marcus Brito
   mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   spamto: /dev/null

The smart guy dies and Tiax goes on to rule!

Description: PGP signature

Re: Mutt/Pine

1999-06-20 Thread Andre Leao Macedo
Olá Marcus,

Valeu pelas dicas. Eu não sabia que existia um pacote que chamava 
patch que servia para aplicar o diff...mas tudo bem, eu vou continuar com o 
mutt mesmo. Eu usei pouco o Pine (quando eu usava o Slackware), mas estou 
gostando muito mais o Mutt.
Estou usando o Alias para armazenar os emails e está atendendo 
muito bem também. De qualquer forma eu vou dar uma olhada no lbdb. Se eu não 
me engano o Slink tem ele no main...

André Leão Macedo

On Sat, Jun 19, 1999 at 10:24:40PM -0300, Marcus Brito wrote:
 Faltou instalar o pacote 'patch'. Ele é bem pequeno, e extremamente
 útil. Sem ele você não pode aplicar patches (.diff) nenhum.

| History teaches us that men and nations behave wisely once  |
|  they have exhausted all other alternatives.|
|-- Abba Eban  |
| Andre Leao Macedo  | |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  PGP Public Key in Home Page|

Re: lilo and win98

1999-06-20 Thread Hartmut Figge

 I have problems starting win98 on hdb1 with Lilo. When trying to start
 win (shift, dos), nothing happens. Linux (hda1) starts fine. my


a look at my lilo.conf reveals:


could it your missing ´table´? sorry, too much time has gone since i
wrote my .conf (:


Re: fetchmail problem

1999-06-20 Thread Bob Nielsen
Here's what I'm using in .fetchmailrc (it works for me, at least):

poll isp_adress proto pop3 user username password password mda 
/usr/bin/procmail -d%T limit 20

I've also gotten it to work with /usr/bin/formail as MDA.  exim and
smail are MTAs, not MDAs.



On Sat, Jun 19, 1999 at 04:22:52PM -0400, jason and jill wrote:
 On Sat, 19 Jun 1999, Bob Nielsen wrote:
  I had a similar problem with smail.  I got around it by using specifying
  a MDA in .fetchmailrc.  
 I tried replacing smail with exim, and got same error message.
 Tried to designate exim as MDA in fetchmailrc and got:
 ..exim: neither action flags nor mail addresses given
 ..fetchmail: terminated with signal 13
 Broken pipe
 Got pretty much the same thing last night when I tried designating smail
 in .fetchmailrc.
 fetchmail worked fine until I went to 2.1, dpkg'ed in the 2.0 versions
 of fetchmail and smail, same error messages.
 There must have been something outside of fetchmail and smail which got
 modofied, choking fetchmail, just wish I knew what the s_it it is.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

problems after compiling new kernel

1999-06-20 Thread Pollywog
After compiling kernel 2.2.10 and trying to install new software, I got:

make  all-recursive
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/pollywog/ksnuffle-0.2'
Making all in libpcap-0.4
make[2]: Entering directory `/home/pollywog/ksnuffle-0.2/libpcap-0.4'
gcc -g  -I.  -Ilinux-include -DHAVE_MALLOC_H=1 -DHAVE_ETHER_HOSTTON=1
-DHAVE_STRERROR=1 -DHAVE_NET_IF_ARP_H=1  -c ./pcap-linux.c
./pcap-linux.c:31: net/if.h: No such file or directory
./pcap-linux.c:33: net/if_arp.h: No such file or directory
make[2]: *** [pcap-linux.o] Error 1

Why does this happen?  Am I doing something wrong?  It seems I frequently
lose if.h


RealPlayer G2 + potato

1999-06-20 Thread Eric G . Miller
Yes, it works fine out the box on my system (is potato!). Perhaps it's 
requiring a library that it doesn't like the version of

On Sat, 19 Jun 1999 15:31:50 Oz Dror wrote:
 has anyone been able to succsefully run the G2 player on potato.
 Real G2 crash as soon as it starts playing.
 NAME   Oz Dror, Los Angeles, California   
 EMAIL  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Linux  since 8/15/94
 PHONE  Fax (310) 474-3126
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Eric G. Miller
Powered by the A HREF=;POTATO/A!

Re: lilo and win98

1999-06-20 Thread Sander Balkenende
  I have problems starting win98 on hdb1 with Lilo. When trying to start
  win (shift, dos), nothing happens. Linux (hda1) starts fine. my


 could it your missing ´table?'

I added the line


and after doing /sbin/lilo, no result. (message: loading dos, nothing
happens after that)


Re: lilo and win98

1999-06-20 Thread Hartmut Figge
Sander Balkenende wrote:


hm, hm, i try to remember and...
to boot dos (or win) this hd must be the first. how about the exchange
of the hd´s? or, maybe, if you make your hdb bootable...

good luck


Re: RealPlayer G2 + potato

1999-06-20 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Sat, Jun 19, 1999 at 03:31:50PM -0700, Oz Dror wrote:
 has anyone been able to succsefully run the G2 player on potato.
 Real G2 crash as soon as it starts playing.

No problems here, either with a direct install or using the Debian
installer.  Hopefully they'll get it past the beta stage soon.

Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: lilo and win98

1999-06-20 Thread Greg Starkes
 Sander Balkenende wrote:
 I have problems starting win98 on hdb1 with Lilo. When trying to start
 win (shift, dos), nothing happens. Linux (hda1) starts fine. my

I believe that Windows 98 (like DOS and Windows95) must be on the first
partition of the first hard drive.

Remember one of the Ten Commandments of Microsoft:
Thou shalt have no other operating systems before me.

So basically, put win98 on hda1 and linux on hdb1, with lilo on hda's

My lilo.conf is attached.

Greg Starkes, Computing  Communications, Memorial University of
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]www:

You can twist perceptions, reality won't budge.
-Neil Peart, Rush, Show Don't Tellboot=/dev/hda



Re: lilo and win98

1999-06-20 Thread Hartmut Figge
Hartmut Figge wrote:

 to boot dos (or win) this hd must be the first. how about the exchange
 of the hd´s? or, maybe, if you make your hdb bootable...

i just looked into /usr/doc/lilo/manual.txt.gz and found

MAP-DRIVE=bios_device_code  Instructs chain.b to installs a resident
  driver that re-maps the floppy or hard disk drives. This way, one can
  boot any operating system from a hard disk different from the first
  one, as long as that operating system uses _only_ the BIOS to access
  that hard disk.* This is known to work for PC/MS-DOS.

this option wasn`t available when i wrote my lilo.conf. irecommend that
you look into this file.


X-Windows running automatically and not working. :(

1999-06-20 Thread Revenant
I'm terribly new to Debian and Linux in general.  After a lot of
stuffing about (and some help - thanx John!) I got it installed.

But when I tried to configure X-Windows I get a mouse that doesn't
respond, a 320x200 resolution or so and can't seem to do anything with
the keyboard.  Ctrl-Alt-Backspace just flashes back to the shell for
a fraction of a second then back into X-Windows.

Worst of all, X-Windows runs automatically when I boot so I can't get
to the shell to do anything about it. :(

Does anyone have any ideas how to fix this please?

-- Revenant [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
Why use a keyboard layout deliberately designed to be slow and
awkward?  For a faster, more comfortable and free layout try Dvorak. for more information. for lotsa links.

Re: X-Windows running automatically and not working. :(

1999-06-20 Thread Hartmut Figge

 the keyboard.  Ctrl-Alt-Backspace just flashes back to the shell for
 a fraction of a second then back into X-Windows.
 Worst of all, X-Windows runs automatically when I boot so I can't get

have you tried ctrl-alt-f1? this should give you a textconsole.
then you should deinstall xdm.
then run XF86Setup.


kernel headers missing in 2.2.10 ?

1999-06-20 Thread Pollywog
I looked for some missing header files on Debian's website and there don't
seem to be any devel/kernel-headers-2.2.10 packages.  Any ideas as to why?
Perhaps I should backpedal to kernel 2.2.9


RE: kernel headers missing in 2.2.10 ?

1999-06-20 Thread Pollywog

On 20-Jun-99 Pollywog wrote:
 I looked for some missing header files on Debian's website and there don't
 seem to be any devel/kernel-headers-2.2.10 packages.  Any ideas as to why?
 Perhaps I should backpedal to kernel 2.2.9

Nevermind, I found the package; it just did not show up on one of the search


Re: X-Windows running automatically and not working. :(

1999-06-20 Thread Eric G. Miller
You might try Ctrl-Alt-F1 (or one other function key between 1 and 6).  This 
should get you to a terminal login if the runlevel is 2 (which is usually the 
default with debian). Then log in as root, type more /etc/inittab. You 
should see a line that say id:N:initdefault: where N is some number (that is 
the default runlevel). Remeber that number. Now type cd /etc/rcN.d where N 
is that runlevel number. Then type ls to get a directory listing.  There 
should be a file like S99xdm. Remove that file with rm S99xdm to stop X 
from automatically running when you boot up. Now try to fix the problem with 
X, testing it out with startx.  When you fix the problem, you can get X to 
start automatically again by typing ln -s /etc/init.d/xdm /etc/rcN.d/S99xdm, 
again where N is the target runlevel.

Hope that helps...

Eric G. Miller
Powered by the A HREF=;POTATO/A!

Re: Anyone had any success compiling Voodoo Tracker, Funk Tracker Gold, soundtracker, xsoundtrack?

1999-06-20 Thread Frankie
Stephen Pitts wrote:

 On Fri, Jun 18, 1999 at 02:16:35AM +0100, Frankie wrote:
  cos I haven't. I have got debian's latest gtk libraries etc, but each of
  these trackers refusers to compile for some reason or another. I just
  want to know if anyone has got any of these to work with debian (or for
  that matter any other linux)...

 Be more specific. What error messages? Do you have the libgtk1.2-dev
 stuff installed as well?


As far as I know I am using the latest version of the programs... (well when I 
tried them all originally a month ago)

In my original post I was loath to ask for specific compiling or package 
advice, as this being a list more to do with debian than a generic linux 
question. But anyway, here are the errrors...

Any suggestions?

$ cd soundtracker-0.1.4
$ ./configure
loading cache ./config.cache
checking for a BSD compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking whether make sets ${MAKE}... yes
checking for working aclocal... found
checking for working autoconf... found
checking for working automake... found
checking for working autoheader... found
checking for working makeinfo... found
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler (gcc  ) works... yes
checking whether the C compiler (gcc  ) is a cross-compiler... no
checking whether we are using GNU C... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for sed... /bin/sed
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E
checking for pthread.h... yes
checking for pthread_create in -lpthread... yes
checking for gtk-config... /usr/bin/gtk-config
checking for GTK - version = 1.2.0... yes
checking for gnome-config... /usr/bin/gnome-config
checking for Gnome compile flags... ok
checking for audiofile-config... /usr/bin/audiofile-config
checking for AUDIOFILE - version = 0.1.5... no
*** Could not run AUDIOFILE test program, checking why...
*** The test program failed to compile or link. See the file config.log for the
*** exact error that occured. This usually means AUDIOFILE was incorrectly 
*** or that you have moved AUDIOFILE since it was installed. In the latter 
case, you
*** may want to edit the audiofile-config script: /usr/bin/audiofile-config
configure: error: Cannot find AUDIOFILE: Is audiofile-config in path?

$ locate audiofile-config
$ ls -l /usr/bin/audiofile*
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root 1029 Mar 12 23:30 /usr/bin/audiofile-config

[installed are libaudiofile0 and libaudiofile-dev packages from slink - neither 
the slink nor the potato packages work.]

make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/frankie/src/VoodooTracker-0.2.0/app/mixers'
make[2]: *** No rule to make target `/usr/include/libgnome/gnome-dl.h', needed 
by `gui.o'.  Stop.
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/frankie/src/VoodooTracker-0.2.0/app'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/frankie/src/VoodooTracker-0.2.0'
make: *** [all-recursive-am] Error 2

I can probably fix this one...or wait for a new version.

$ make
make all-recursive
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/frankie/src/kt-0.4.4'
Making all in src
make[2]: Entering directory `/home/frankie/src/kt-0.4.4/src'
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I.. -I/usr/X11R6/include -I/usr/lib/glib/include  
-g -c ktspinbutton.c
ktspinbutton.c: In function `kt_spin_button_insert_text':
ktspinbutton.c:1177: warning: passing arg 1 of `strchr' from incompatible 
pointer type
ktspinbutton.c:1178: warning: passing arg 1 of `strchr' from incompatible 
pointer type
ktspinbutton.c:1183: warning: passing arg 1 of `strchr' from incompatible 
pointer type
ktspinbutton.c:1183: invalid operands to binary -
make[2]: *** [ktspinbutton.o] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/frankie/src/kt-0.4.4/src'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/frankie/src/kt-0.4.4'
make: *** [all-recursive-am] Error 2

$ cd Xsoundtrack-0.0.6
$ make
choose something to do :
make with-asm
  build the program with a mixer routine in assembler (requires nasm)
make with-asm-precompiled
  build with the mix_asm.o given in the distribution
  (you don't have nasm but you want the assembler mixer)
make without-asm
  if you want the C version of the mixer
$ make without-asm
(cd interface; make without-asm)
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/frankie/src/Xsoundtrack-0.0.6/interface'
(cd ../player; make -f Makefile.noasm)
make[2]: Entering directory `/home/frankie/src/Xsoundtrack-0.0.6/player'
make[2]: `player.a' is up to date.
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/frankie/src/Xsoundtrack-0.0.6/player'
gcc -o xsoundtrack main.o screen.o interface.o sub_interface.o 
keyboard_definition.o file_selector.o instrument.o 

xacc reports

1999-06-20 Thread Peter Ludwig
I was just wondering if anyone would be able to tell me why X-Accountant
will not produce reports?

I've currently got version 1.0.18-2 of xacc installed, and I remember when
I was running hamm that I could view the menu (but was unable to do
anything with it because I made a lot of mistakes with other things), but
now xacc refuses to even show me the sub-menu!

Anyone have any ideas?

I would check the website that's the home of xacc, but for some reason at
the moment, my ISP's proxy (which he redirects all out-going http requests
through) is refusing to allow me to connect to it... :(

Peter Ludwig

R: raid

1999-06-20 Thread Fabio Massimo Di Nitto

-Messaggio originale-
Da: Varga Robert [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Data: giovedì 17 giugno 1999 19.25
Oggetto: raid

I am using debian 2.1 on a Pentium II

I would like to set-up a RAID-1 array of 2 IDE drives (on separate

a raid software may be slow.hmmm especialy ide raid

it's not a good idea for system performance

I am currently using the 2.0.36 kernel on the distribution.

Can I continue using 2.0.36 or do I have to upgrade to 2.2.x?

yes you can.

  If I can: then what patches do I have to apply to it for using RAID-1?

include as module raid1 support in block device-- multiple devices driver

  In dmesg I find a line that says that the multiple device driver is
  already running, but I didn't put up any patches, however the raidtools
  package is installed from slink (0.42-16)

check if it is already compiled in the kernel.

If I cannot:

  What else do I have to download for using 2.2.x?

nothing else. raidtools are more than enoght

 I seem to remember having people mentioning me about bugs occuring to
 them with 2.2.x.  They told that upgrading to libc6.1 fixed the bugs
 but I cannot find the libc6.1 package neither in stable nor in

It was just a test because the raid you are mentioning was not working also
for other reason (an hardware update + an half software update)
and we were trying also other solutions.

Please help,

here it is.!:)


Problem with dselect, dpkg

1999-06-20 Thread Constantine Karbaliotis
I am having a problem with dselect; the computer hung while installing
software, and would not respond to control-c, to trying to log in on
another console, nothing. I rebooted, and now dpkg, dselect and apt all
hang when trying to do anything. Is there a file I can edit/nuke to fix
this? I tried to recover by replacing /var/lib/dpkg/status with an
earlier stored file, but this does not seem to make any difference. I
could really use the help; thanks.

Re: lilo and win98

1999-06-20 Thread jello
 I have problems starting win98 on hdb1 with Lilo. When trying to start win 
 (shift, dos), nothing happens. Linux (hda1) starts fine. my lilo.conf:

 Change 'boot=/dev/hda1' to 'boot=/dev/hda'.

An eye for an eye will leave the whole world blind (Gandhi)

Re: Danger of software patents in Europe

1999-06-20 Thread Michael Talbot-Wilson

 Software patents are threating the freedom of programmers and users of
 free software in Europe alike. If this becomes a reality then the Free
 Software Community will suffer a hard blow to say the least. So if you
 live in Europe please take this seriously, make your voice heard and
 tell all other satisfied users of free software products about it!

The exploitive nature of software patents is shown pretty clearly by 
Microsoft's US patent on cascading style sheets, applied for in 1995 and 
granted this year.

It appears that a company can discover the Internet and then take out 
patents on the technology it finds there.

(You mentioned this in your mail but it was lost in the detail.)

But these are really ordinary patents.  If you invent a method of doing 
something it doesn't matter whether it is implemented in hardware or 

If the EU is legislating patents for software specifically, then (without 
knowing the details) it may be a good thing.

It could mean that software is being taken out of the scrum of patents in 
general, and that more appropriate rules will therefore be applied to it.

It may be that is will become extremely difficult to patent the solutions 
to software problems.  And that is what cascading style sheets are.

Rather than railing at software patents, maybe we should do just what the 
EU is doing, introduce patents for software, thereby making software 
unpatentable except under special rules that take account of the nature 
of software invention and development.

UIDs missing, I have no name!, etc

1999-06-20 Thread Kent West
Greetings all!

(Short story version in last paragraph below)

I forgot the root password on my mom's Debian box (she doesn't use it;
just Win3.x on the other side of the dual-boot). In trying to recover from
that (and not knowing what I was doing), I got the machine frozen and
couldn't recover control, (okay, I took a break from thinking and tried to
run a game that had graphic problems), so finally had to do a hard reset.

After reboot, (and e2fsck runs) I couldn't log in as anyone. Restarting in
single mode, I was able to log in as root (without remembering the
password? how? - I don't remember how I got to that point).

Looking at the /etc/passwd file, the first 15 or so lines were garbled
with what looked like the output of the mount command.

I found a file named /etc/passwd-  that looked like a functional copy of
the original, so I copied it to /etc/passwd and rebooted into normal mode.
Again, I couldn't log in, so I repeated the process and again found the
/etc/passwd file to be corrupt.

By tinkering I was able to get shadow passwords turned off and then get
the /etc/passwd file to stay uncorrupted and then turn shadow passwords
back on and reset passwords for the 4 or 5 users on this box (including
root), and everything seems to be doing pretty well.

The only problem is that if I'm logged in as anyone except root and set my
prompt to display my username, it displays instead I have no name! If I
do a whoami command, it returns cannot find username for UID 1000 (or
whatever the UID is supposed to be.

Anyone know the fix for this?


Kent West
KC5ENO - Amateur Radio: When all else fails.
Linux - Finally! A real OS for the Intel PC!
Life is an ongoing classroom. - Capt. James T. Kirk, Dreadnought

mount the iomega zip

1999-06-20 Thread DYang50492
I had trouble mounting the iomega zip. I tried to install module for iomega 
zip drive using modconf and it failed. Can someone help on the procedure of 
mounting zip? what is the device name for zip drive?

wished I found wish

1999-06-20 Thread Klaus Pieper
You need wish to make xconfig. What do I have to install for my wishes
to become true?

Re: lilo and win98

1999-06-20 Thread DYang50492
In a message dated 6/19/99 10:20:07 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

I don't know how lilo works exactly. but,the general rule is that the 
partition for win98 must be bootable itself. Then MBR is capable of switching 
to win98 booting area by looking at the partition table. 

Re: apt question

1999-06-20 Thread John Pearson
On Sat, Jun 19, 1999 at 04:42:45PM -0600, Omniflux wrote
 I'd like apt to look at my cd's before looking at the rest of the sites in
 my sorces.list, but while I can get it to look at one cd, I can't get it to
 look at the second (Official Debian CD's) If I use symlinks to repoint the
 Packages file to on the second CD, it will find the packages
 locally, but when I try to install, if they are on the first disk, it can't
 find them and errors there a way to get it to ask to switch cd's
 like the multicd access method does? a patch perhaps?

I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as I can tell the
Slink version of apt doesn't deal well with multi-CD sets (like the Official
Slink CDs).  I find that upgrading to apt_0.3.x is a good investment; I make
my own CDs, and include a version of apt_0.3.6 compiled for slink in the
'local' area.

With a recent version of apt, you can type
# apt-cdrom add
for each of your CDs, and apt will prompt you for the correct CD as and
when required.  Very neat.

Apt is not hard to build from source on slink (well, it worked for me),
but be sure to have 'yodl' installed or you won't get many manpages.

John P.
Oh - I - you know - my job is to fear everything. - Bill Gates in Denmark

re: ATI Rage Fury

1999-06-20 Thread Bill Wilson

 can it be done, has anyone? any pointers?

Did for a friend last weekend.  It is done with the XF86_FBDev X server and so
is rather slow - but better than nothing.

Look at the Framebuffer-HOWTO and go to:

At the bottom of that page is an addendum for RedHat 6.0 users saying you need
to add a Depth line to the Section Screen of your /etc/X11/XF86Config and you
do not need a Modeline.  Under Debian I had to add the Depth line also and
did not test whether we needed a Modeline, I left one in.

[SOLVED!]: UIDs missing, I have no name!, etc

1999-06-20 Thread Kent West
On Sat, 19 Jun 1999, Kent West wrote:


 The only problem is that if I'm logged in as anyone except root and set my
 prompt to display my username, it displays instead I have no name! If I
 do a whoami command, it returns cannot find username for UID 1000 (or
 whatever the UID is supposed to be.
 Anyone know the fix for this?

I did a chmod o+r /etc/passwd and this fixed it.

Kent West
KC5ENO - Amateur Radio: When all else fails.
Linux - Finally! A real OS for the Intel PC!
Life is an ongoing classroom. - Capt. James T. Kirk, Dreadnought


1999-06-20 Thread Humberto Pedraza Alvarez
Esto puede ser de interes PARA SU SALUD!!!


Con esto no va a ganar dinero, VA A VIVIR MEJOR. 

Lo invito a que lea estas preguntas y marque con una X en aquellas frases con 
las cuales se identifica y nos las envia con un Replay.

Dentro de las 48 hs. de recibido su E-mail le enviaremos totalmente gratis el 
METODO PARA DORMIR BIEN, con el cual comenzara a solucionar los problemas que 
le estan molestando

1. ¿Los problemas no lo dejan dormir de noche?

2. ¿Ve pasar las horas sin poder conciliar el suenio?

3. ¿Escucha el tic-tac del reloj a lo largo de toda la noche?

4. ¿Da vueltas y vueltas en la cama antes de dormir?

5. ¿Se levanta a la maniana con su cuerpo cansado?

6. ¿Se despierta y todo lo que escucha le molesta?

7. ¿Cuándo comienza el día lo ve todo negro y tenebroso?

8. ¿Se despierta durante la noche y no consigue conciliar el suenio nuevamente?

9. ¿Escucha los problemas ajenos y los pretende solucionar cuando se va a 

10. ¿Siente como si le hubieran dado una paliza durante la noche?

11. ¿Se despierta numerosas veces durante la noche?

12. ¿Durante el día siente que cuando llegue la noche no podra dormir? 





Usando este simple y practico: METODO PARA DORMIR BIEN, Ud. dormira en forma 
natural, tranquila y continuada, durante todas las horas que desee, se 
levantara todos los dias con su mente despejada y su cuerpo descansado.

Humberto M. Pedraza Alvarez


Tel-Fax (054-11) 4981-7901 / (054-11) 4958-2520

Bartolome Mitre 3743 - 1º - A 

1201 - Capital Federal – Argentina

Re: wished I found wish

1999-06-20 Thread Craig McPherson
On 20 Jun 99, at 6:45, Klaus Pieper wrote:
 You need wish to make xconfig. What do I have to install for my wishes
 to become true?

Tcl/Tk 8.0 includes the wish program, for starting Tcl/Tk programs.  I don't 
remember what it's called on the Debian list, but you should be able to find it.

Craig McPherson
The University of Arkansas, Fayetteville AR
Linux Registered User #128364
ICQ 10262746

This man walks into a bar... and it hurts!

Re: Emacs, Netscape and Apache - together?

1999-06-20 Thread Craig McPherson
Have you tried using a statically-linked version of Netscape?  I also 
have had problems with Netscape  libraries, but if you use 
something like the static Motif version of Netscape 4.6, there 
shouldn't BE any problems to worry about.  Problem is, I don't recall 
seeing any earlier versions of Netscape available as statically-linked 
binaries, and I think Netscape 4.6 requires a couple other packages 
that might very well not work under Hamm.

I really don't see why Emacs, Netscape, and Apache would conflict 
with each other, or even know about each other's existence.

[potato] Font servers broken?

1999-06-20 Thread Pierfrancesco Caci

I have some problems with font servers in potato: 
X sometimes refuses to start because it can't find the fixed
font. Commenting the lines that set xfs and xfstt as font servers in
XF86Config cures the problem, but I really would like to know what
happens to the servers. 

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~ $ ps -ax|grep xfs
Bad syntax, perhaps a bogus '-'?
 3551 ?S  0:00 /usr/X11R6/bin/xfstt --port 7101 --daemon --user nobo
 3610 ?S  0:00 /usr/bin/X11/xfs
15111 ?S  0:00 /usr/X11R6/bin/xfstt --port 7101 --daemon --user nobo
16900 pts/1S  0:00 grep xfs

They seem to be up and running but don't respond.

On a related issue, yesterday the X server suddenly lost all
authorizations and refused to open any other program beyond the three
xterm I had on the screen.

I really would like to be able to give you more informations but I'm clueless.



 Pierfrancesco Caci  | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] -
  Firenze - Italia   | Office for the Complication of Otherwise Simple Affairs 
 Linux penny 2.2.10 #1 Tue Jun 15 21:03:12 CEST 1999 i586 unknown

Re: mount the iomega zip

1999-06-20 Thread J.W. Jones

- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, June 19, 1999 9:36 PM
Subject: mount the iomega zip

 I had trouble mounting the iomega zip. I tried to install module for
 zip drive using modconf and it failed. Can someone help on the procedure
 mounting zip? what is the device name for zip drive?

I don't know if this applies to your system, as I have no idea wether or not
you have an IDE Zip drive, but on my Debian system, from kernel 2.0.31 on I
have been able to access my zip drive by compiling ATAPI FLOPPY support into
the kernel. My Zip is listed in the bootstrap as /dev/hdd and to mount a FAT
FS formatted Zip disk I use:

mount -t vfat /dev/hdd4 /dirname

(It seems that zip disks that are still using the original formatting use
multiple partitions). If you reformat, the multiple partitions go away and
you can just mount /dev/hdd1. I also have no idea if you have FAT FS support
built for your kernel, you may need to recompile with the ATAPI FLOPPY and
FAT and VFAT FS support to get everything to work. I personally haven't
tried the Iomega drive kernel module, so I have no idea how that works.

J.W. Jones

Re: fetchmail doesn't runq

1999-06-20 Thread Pierfrancesco Caci
:- Brian == Brian Servis [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 *- On 19 Jun, Pierfrancesco Caci wrote about fetchmail doesn't runq
 I've noticed that I have to manually execute runq after fetchmail
 finished getting mail. Prior version of fetchmail (the one in slink)
 did the delivery automatically at the end of the run.

 What is your mta?  Exim by default will stop delivering mail and hold
 it until the next queue run when it gets a flood of messages at once. 

I'm using smail. It used to wait for fetchmail to finish and then it
delivered all the messages (be it 1 or 1000) to the mailboxes

 Add the following to the end you your fetchmailrc file(if you are
 running it as root that is):

 postconnect runq

done. nothing changed


 Pierfrancesco Caci  | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] -
  Firenze - Italia   | Office for the Complication of Otherwise Simple Affairs 
 Linux penny 2.2.10 #1 Tue Jun 15 21:03:12 CEST 1999 i586 unknown

Re: fetchmail doesn't runq

1999-06-20 Thread Pierfrancesco Caci
:- Christian == Christian Dysthe [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I haven't had problems with my exim/fetchamil setup, even after moving 
 slink to potato. I do remember that I had to edit my fetchmailrc file at 
 point though becuase the syntax had changed. If you have an old 
 that is being loaded from some directory for instance because you start
 fetchmail with fetchmail -f /some/dir/.fetchmailrc, you may get into 
 like described.

I think the configuration change was from hamm to slink. I've
generated the present .fetchmailrc with fetchmailconf



 Pierfrancesco Caci  | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] -
  Firenze - Italia   | Office for the Complication of Otherwise Simple Affairs 
 Linux penny 2.2.10 #1 Tue Jun 15 21:03:12 CEST 1999 i586 unknown

configuring subdomains

1999-06-20 Thread kat
hello LIST !
  can someone help me as to how exactly do i do subdomains ?  i mean we're 
primary to this domain say but, in my dns config i can only do
  how do i do it so that if queries are made looking for, the querying machine will ask DNS server w/c resides in another machine and not my machine ...

Re: lilo and win98

1999-06-20 Thread Gertjan Klein
On Sat, 19 Jun 1999 21:23:38 -0230, Greg Starkes

I believe that Windows 98 (like DOS and Windows95) must be on the first
partition of the first hard drive.

  There is no requirement that W98 be on the first partition, but none
of DOS/W95/W98 directly support being booted from a second harddisk.
I've got it to work for DOS once, but it required patching the DOS
partition bootsector, and I don't know how to do that for W9x (the
bootsector is different).


The Boot Control home page:

Re: Hoping for some help with this kernel error

1999-06-20 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: Re: Hoping for some help with this kernel error
Date: Sat, Jun 19, 1999 at 01:54:56PM +0930

In reply to:John Pearson

Quoting John Pearson([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 On Fri, Jun 18, 1999 at 01:34:52AM +0100, Frankie wrote
  Incidentally, on the subject of kernel 2.2.10 and make-kpkg, has anyone had 
  a compile
  problem just after patching to 2.2.10?
  Normally when I install a patch, I use a modified version of the 
  patch-kernel script,
  and then I run make-kpkg kernel_image.

I have applied esch patch to the original 2.2.0 ource

  However, when I upgraded from 2.2.9 to 2.2.10, the compile stopped near the 
  end with an
  error which I can't remember, and to get it to compile I discovered I had 
  to make-kpkg
  clean, before runnning make-kpkg kernel-image.

I have yet to use make-kpkg on the 2.2x kernels.

  Is this just some freak error on my system? or has the makefile failed to 
  notice that
  its a later version of the kernel? or does make-kpkg not handle running 
  make clean etc
  if necessary?

Real computer scientists don't program in assembler.  They don't write
in anything less portable than a number two pencil.


1999-06-20 Thread Peter Makholm
People [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


Sorry but it seems like you caps lock i broken.

OPL3-SAx works almost perfect with the new 2.2.x kernels. Grab a
kernel source read the Documentation/sound/OPL3SAx, compile and be

I think you need the isapnp package.

 Content-Type: text/html;
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Please don't do that.

I congratulate you. Happy goldfish bowl to you, to me, to everyone,
and may each of you fry in hell forever. 
-- Isaac Asimov, The Dead Past


1999-06-20 Thread Paul Harris

does anyone know if the kernel supports this card? i only saw options for
the de-600 to de-620. 


Re: kernel panic after some days

1999-06-20 Thread Werner Reisberger
On Sat, Jun 19, 1999 at 10:57:33AM -0500, Stephen Pitts wrote:
  been written to a log file. Below is an excerpt which I found on the
   unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address e7fde95c

 You shouldn't be running 2.2.3, there are some filesystem corruption
 problems in the early 2.2.x releases. Upgrade to 2.2.10, that should
 be better.

I upgraded to 2.2.8 and found an interesting difference during start up.
My machine has 128 MB RAM. The 2.2.3 kernel issues the kernel message

  Memory 63528/... k available ...

The 2.2.8 kernel said

  Memory 128280/... k available ...

Though the 2.2.3 kernel obviously didn't recognize the memory during
startup properly, a top showed me the full amount of memory.

I guess that this difference between the two kernels is at least partially
responsibly for the kernel oops. Time will show :-/


X-Server for AGP-7410 (Intel740 chipset)?

1999-06-20 Thread Revenant
Well, after lengthy stuffing about I got X running.  Yay!

Unfortunately, I had to enter my VGA card as an unsupported VGA card
and it's not happy with higher than 640x480, 8-bit colour.

Does anyone know if there's an X-Server compatible with an AGP-7410
card (with Intel740 chipset) or conversely if there's another way to
improve my resolution?


-- Revenant [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
Why use a keyboard layout deliberately designed to be slow and
awkward?  For a faster, more comfortable and free layout try Dvorak. for more information. for lotsa links.

Re: problems after compiling new kernel

1999-06-20 Thread Remco van de Meent
Pollywog wrote:
 After compiling kernel 2.2.10 and trying to install new software, I got:
 ./pcap-linux.c:31: net/if.h: No such file or directory
 Why does this happen?  Am I doing something wrong?  It seems I frequently
 lose if.h

In the 2.2.x kernels, if.h is in include/linux/, so instead of #include
net/if.h, you should use #include linux/if.h.


Re: wished I found wish

1999-06-20 Thread Johann Spies
On Sun, 20 Jun 1999, Klaus Pieper wrote:

 You need wish to make xconfig. What do I have to install for my wishes
 to become true?

bash-2.01$ dpkg -S wish | grep /usr/bin/wish
tkstep4.2: /usr/bin/wishstep4.2
tk8.0: /usr/bin/wish8.0
tkstep8.0: /usr/bin/wishstep8.0

bash-2.01$ l /usr/bin/wish
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root   27 May 19 18:00 /usr/bin/wish -


| Johann Spies Windsorlaan 19  |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]3201 Pietermaritzburg |
| Tel/Faks Nr. +27 331-46-1310 Suid-Afrika (South Africa)  |

 There is therefore now no condemnation to them which 
  are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but
  after the Spirit.  Romans 8:1 

Re: wished I found wish

1999-06-20 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 20 Jun, Johann Spies wrote about Re: wished I found wish
 On Sun, 20 Jun 1999, Klaus Pieper wrote:
 You need wish to make xconfig. What do I have to install for my wishes
 to become true?
 bash-2.01$ dpkg -S wish | grep /usr/bin/wish
 tkstep4.2: /usr/bin/wishstep4.2
 tk8.0: /usr/bin/wish8.0
 tkstep8.0: /usr/bin/wishstep8.0

Better yet:

$ dpkg -S usr/bin/wish
tk4.2: /usr/bin/wish4.2
tk8.0: /usr/bin/wish8.0

 bash-2.01$ l /usr/bin/wish
 lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root   27 May 19 18:00 /usr/bin/wish -

You need to finish this out:

$ ls -l /etc/alternatives/wish
   0 lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root   16 Feb 12 20:44 
/etc/alternatives/wish - /usr/bin/wish8.0*

Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: UIDs missing, I have no name!, etc

1999-06-20 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 19 Jun, Kent West wrote about UIDs missing, I have no name!, etc

[tales of sorrow]
 The only problem is that if I'm logged in as anyone except root and set my
 prompt to display my username, it displays instead I have no name! If I
 do a whoami command, it returns cannot find username for UID 1000 (or
 whatever the UID is supposed to be.

The UID and GID are the 3rd and 4th fields in the password file.  What
are they set to for your accounts. Should look like:

user:x:1000:1000:Full Name:/home/user:/usr/bin/tcsh

Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

StarOffice 5 breaks with potato?

1999-06-20 Thread Pierfrancesco Caci

Are you able to use StarOffice with potato ?
I get a SIGSEGV, this is the last part of strace's output

open(/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/locale/locale.dir, O_RDONLY) = 7
fstat(7, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=4233, ...}) = 0
mmap(0, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x412110
read(7, #\t$TOG: locale.dir /main/13 1998..., 4096) = 4096
close(7)= 0
munmap(0x41211000, 4096)= 0
access(/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/locale/C/XLC_LOCALE, R_OK) = 0
open(/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/locale/C/XLC_LOCALE, O_RDONLY) = 7
fstat(7, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=598, ...}) = 0
mmap(0, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x412110
read(7, #  $XConsortium: C /main/8 1996/..., 4096) = 598
brk(0x809b000)  = 0x809b000
read(7, , 4096)   = 0
close(7)= 0
munmap(0x41211000, 4096)= 0
rt_sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, NULL, [RT_0], 8) = 0
write(5, \200\240\A\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0|6 A \237\t\10\0\0\0\200\0\0..., 148) = 14
rt_sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, NULL, [RT_0], 8) = 0
rt_sigsuspend([] unfinished ...
--- SIGRT_0 (Real-time signal 0) ---
... rt_sigsuspend resumed )   = -1 EINTR (Interrupted system call)
sigreturn() = ? (mask now [])
gettimeofday({929887948, 896554}, NULL) = 0
kill(9077, SIGRT_0) = 0
open(/usr/local/staroffice5/lib/, O_RDONLY) = 7
fstat(7, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0755, st_size=107204, ...}) = 0
read(7, \177ELF\1\1\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\3\0\3\0\1\0\0\0d\211\0..., 4096) = 409
brk(0x809c000)  = 0x809c000
brk(0x809d000)  = 0x809d000
mmap(0, 110212, PROT_READ|PROT_EXEC, MAP_PRIVATE, 7, 0) = 0x41d46000
mprotect(0x41d5b000, 24196, PROT_NONE)  = 0
mmap(0x41d5b000, 24576, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED, 7, 0x14000)
 = 0x41d5b000
close(7)= 0
--- SIGSEGV (Segmentation fault) ---
rt_sigaction(SIGABRT, {SIG_DFL}, NULL, 8) = 0
rt_sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, [ABRT], NULL, 8) = 0
kill(9066, SIGABRT) = 0
--- SIGABRT (Aborted) ---
+++ killed by SIGABRT +++



 Pierfrancesco Caci  | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] -
  Firenze - Italia   | Office for the Complication of Otherwise Simple Affairs 
 Linux penny 2.2.10 #1 Tue Jun 15 21:03:12 CEST 1999 i586 unknown

Re: kppp error - pppd dies unexpectedly

1999-06-20 Thread Eber de Castro Diniz

I've removed the entry from /etc/ppp/options, but it still no working...

Thorsten Manegold wrote:
 On 11-Jun-99 Micha Feigin wrote:
  when i try to connect to my internet provider with kppp i get a
  pppd died unexpectedly, and then it hangs up. Any solution to the
 This is caused by a bug in kppp. It requires that the entry lock in
 /etc/ppp/options to be removed.
 Thorsten Manegold
  ( o.o )
 E-Mail: Thorsten Manegold [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 11-Jun-99
 Time: 22:05:32 CET
 PGP Keys on public keyservers
   __/ /   \ \__
  (___| |___)
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

lpr -d problem

1999-06-20 Thread Richard Sevenich
I recently upgraded my debian box to kernel 2.2.9 taking some care to follow
the suggestions in Documentation/Changes. For example, when I found that
my parallel port printer no longer worked, changing from /dev/lp1 to /dev/lp0
and reading parport.txt for additions to /etc/conf.modules did the trick.

Well, almost. Now my printer will work for things like 'lpr whatever.txt'.
However, I've lost the ability to print postscript via things like
'lpr -d'.

I would appreciate hints/suggestions.

TIA, Richard

Re: Install Printer under Linux

1999-06-20 Thread Jaroslaw Berezowski
On Sat, 19 Jun 1999, you wrote:
 Dear Jaroslaw,
  many thanks for your interest. Actually debian system is new for me, 
 So could you please let me know step by step how can I install my printer 
 to my PC.
 First I have kernel with lpr support installed in my system also I 
 have lpr command what after that?.
 How can I adjustments GhostScript options for StylusColor device)?.
 early reply is better for me
Sorry, I was away few days, so the answer is a bit late.

 with my best regards

Ok, I assume you have the physical installation correct.

1. You have to have kernel with lp support (note that under 2.2.x kernels You
have a bucket of features related with lp: parport, parport_pc, parport_probe
etc, and under 2.2.x typical printer port is /dev/lp0 instead of /dev/lp1 under

2. You should install the printer daemon and utils package (lpd or recommended
lprng). This will provide the daemon and programs like lpr, lpc ,lpq, lprm.

3. Install gs and gsfonts packages (and gv if You want to have the viewer fo
*.ps files).

4. Install magicfilter and suggested packages (dselect will tell You about
suggested packages). These packages are user in input filters to convert some
formats onto PostScript. Then, You will be allowed to print files of many
formats, like $lpr foo2.pdf foo3.troff

5. Run #magicfilterconfig (#magicfilterconfig --force if it refuses to run
because of already configured printers). This utility will show a brief
example of values and ask You for some settings in loop for each printer:
a) the full printer name (done ends the loop).
b) short name (the spool dir will have this name).
c) device path (see the note 1.).
d) than magicfilterconfig prints the so-called input filters to be used -
choose for example stylus_color_360dpi. I will explain the setting below.

If You will follow these instructions, the magicfilterconfig will have filled
the /etc/printcap file with chosen settings and created the spool directory and
some control files inside for each printer. Now look into /etc/printcap. You
will see something like :
# Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California.
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
# provided that this notice is preserved and that due credit is given
# to the University of California at Berkeley. The name of the University
# may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
# software without specific prior written permission. This software
# is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty.
#   @(#)etc.printcap5.2 (Berkeley) 5/5/88
# This file was generated by /usr/sbin/magicfilterconfig.
sc400-360-mono|Epson SC 400 360 dpi Mono:\

sc400-360-color|Epson SC 400 360 dpi Color:\

sc400-720-color|Epson SC 400 720 dpi Color:\

I have 3 entries because I need different settings and this is IMHO the best
way to pass settings to print system (/dev/printer is symlink to /dev/lp0,
beacause I have 2.2.x kernels). Each virtual printer (their names are
self-explanatory) maps onto the same physical printer. You can create more than
one entry if You need different print settings and specify the -P printer_name
in lpr command.

So, You can see that the differences between virtual printers are the input
filters. With magicfilter come only basic filters. I have copied
stylus_color_360dpi-filter onto stylus_color_360dpi_mono-filter and
stylus_color_360dpi_mono-filter and made some modifications to each.

Each input filter is the set of converters' invocations like gs or enscript.
Every print job is processed to determine the data type (by using some magic
values - specific file content parts) and then the conversion is applied (one
or multiple stage pass - some formats need temporal another format storage like
temporal files or pipes). The ultimate result is the printer-specific data
stream sent to printer device. Jobs wich cannot be converted are not printed
and the mail with error message is sent back to user.

For Epson printers the ultimate stage is handled by GhostScript with
StylusColor device (ESC/P2 printers are fairly supported - my friends with
other printers' vendors have big problems with configuration of their
printers). Look into /etc/magicfilter/stylus_color_360dpi-filter. You will see
lines like:

Re: lpr -d problem

1999-06-20 Thread Richard Sevenich
Disregard my earlier posting. My /etc/printcap file got rewritten - a surprize
to me - and the df filter line was gone.
Thanks, Richard

Problems with HD Partitions During Slink Installation

1999-06-20 Thread Dan Hatton

I'm trying to install Slink from a bootable CDROM into my /dev/hda2
partition (which I'm intending to split into several partitions for
various bits of the installation at install-time.)  The dbootstrap program
gets as far as the `Partition a Hard Drive' stage, where it runs cfdisk,
which bombs out with a fatal error message claiming I have a `Bad
Partition Table.' It offers to delete the partition table and continue,
but warns that this will delete all data on the disc, so I'm rather
unwilling to do it (I have a Windows 98 filesystem on /dev/hda1, which I'd
like to keep.) 

The /dev/hda2 partition was created using fips, and is of size 4032MB (512
cylinders.)  On choosing the `View Partition Table' option in the
dbootstrap menu, both the partitions appear correctly except that
/dev/hda1 is not marked as active, when in fact it is active (bootable.)

Can anyone help me out, please?


Dan Hatton

Re: kppp error - pppd dies unexpectedly

1999-06-20 Thread Sergey V Kovalyov

 I've removed the entry from /etc/ppp/options, but it still no working...

Try making /etc/ppp/options empty, see if this helps. Also add a debug
option for ppp in kppp's ppp options tag, and look at /var/log/syslog, see
if there is anything interesting.


   when i try to connect to my internet provider with kppp i get a
   pppd died unexpectedly, and then it hangs up. Any solution to the
  This is caused by a bug in kppp. It requires that the entry lock in
  /etc/ppp/options to be removed.

possible star office memory leak

1999-06-20 Thread Kathy Miles
Has anyone noticed possible memory leaks running star office? I started
using it a few days ago and leave it running all of the time. I also run
the setiathome program at night and its been running fine for weeks. But
last night it crashed and gave me can't allocate memory error. I've also
noticed the processes are a bit higher than usual though I can't ascertain
what is going on from a top. All of this began happening when I started
using star office. Any ideas?

Installation Strategies...(was Emacs, Netscape...)

1999-06-20 Thread Chad C. Walstrom
Wyn Snow [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote,

I recently spent a day installing kernel 2.0.34 with full X-windows
and Emacs and web stuff, and configuring everything the way I want.  
I downloaded three different Netscape binaries off the Netscape site,
all for Linux, in various flavors (4.06 Navigator only, 4.06
Communicator, 4.5x can't-remember-if-it-was-just-Nav-or-Communicator).  
After gunzipping and de- tarring them and ns-installing them, and
trying to run them, they all said they could not load

Wyn, we've all run into similar problems.  You said you have been
learning how to use dpkg and dselect and that you've gotten fairly
proficient with them.  Great!  One bit of advice -- one I learned
after installing Debian on many-a-system -- DON'T USE DSELECT.  IMHO,
it simply sucks.  Oh, it's a great tool for the uninitiated, someone
who needs a template machine to work with, but for someone who wants
consistency and control over their system, it simply doesn't work
well.  I've tried to use it, but I end up having to unselect too
many packages to make it worth it's while.  The ONLY thing I use
dselect to do now-a-days is to browse through the package

Use 'apt'.  The command is actually 'apt-get', but it's an excellent
tool to use.  Once you configure the /etc/apt/sources.list file to
point at your desired source and run 'apt-get update', apt-get will
fetch all the required and dependent packages you need to install a
given package.  For example, if you want to install Netscape 4.05, the
package you'd want is most likely called navigator-smotif-405. The apt
command sequence would look like:

# apt-get update
# apt-get install navigator-smotif-405

You would be prompted for confirmation to download all the necessary
packages.  It would then perform the download and the necessary dpkg
instances in the correct order.  With that in mind, consider
installing your debian system without the use of dselect.  Go through
the standard debian installation, but skip the template computer
selection, and likewise quit out of 'dselect' when it comes up.  Then
rely on using apt-get.  You will ONLY get the packages you select and
the ones they're dependent upon.  This also makes it easier to do an
'apt-get dist-upgrade' when pointing to the 'potato' version on debian
(unstable).  You'll have less packages to upgrade, especially ones
that you don't need or care about.

In fact, I just got done doing just that.  I installed the base
system from 2.1.  Installed the source package for the new kernel
(2.2.x) by pointing to the unstable package tree.  Installed all the
necessary tools to compile the kernel (via apt).  Etc...  One last
advantage to this method of install...  You know exactly what is on
your machine, and you are forced to take the time to learn about each
package you install.  Your overall knowledge of your system will grow
much quicker than installing via dselect.

(P.S. Wyn.  I'd get away from using the older kernel.  2.2.x is soo
much better. *grin*)

^chewie  --- Check it out!  I'm selling my truck!

Unidentified subject!

1999-06-20 Thread Chad C. Walstrom
Subject: Re: wished I found wish

On 20 Jun 99, at 6:45, Klaus Pieper wrote:

 You need wish to make xconfig. What do I have to install for my
 wishes to become true?


apt-get install -y tk8.0
apt-get install -y tcl8.0

There you go :)  (You may want to read the man files about apt-get to
learn how to set it up to point to your debian package tree -- i.e.
CDROM, http, ftp, etc...)

^chewie  --- Check it out!  I'm selling my truck!

libXt.a, libX11.a

1999-06-20 Thread Eric G . Miller
I'm trying to compile GRASS, but it wants these X libraries: libXt.a  
libX11.a.  Unfortunately, they don't exist.  I do have and  Question: Would rewriting the config script so it uses the Elf 
shared libraries as opposed to the ar type libraries work?  If not, where can 
I get the ar type libraries?

Thanks in advance

Eric G. Miller
Powered by the A HREF=;POTATO/A!

Re: libXt.a, libX11.a

1999-06-20 Thread Oliver Elphick
Eric G . Miller wrote:
   I'm trying to compile GRASS, but it wants these X libraries: libXt.a  
  libX11.a.  Unfortunately, they don't exist.  I do have and li  Question: Would rewriting the config script so it uses the Elf
   shared libraries as opposed to the ar type libraries work?  If not, w
  here can I get the ar type libraries?

They are in package xlib6g-static

  Vote against SPAM:
Isle of Wight
   PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1
 There is therefore now no condemnation to them which 
  are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but
  after the Spirit.  Romans 8:1 

Re: libXt.a, libX11.a

1999-06-20 Thread Mark Wagnon
Eric G . Miller wrote:
 I'm trying to compile GRASS, but it wants these X libraries:
 libXt.a  libX11.a.  Unfortunately, they don't exist.  I do
 have and  Question: Would rewriting 
 the config script so it uses the Elf shared libraries as
 opposed to the ar type libraries work?  If not, where can
 I get the ar type libraries?

Hi Eric,

Whenever I seem to be missing libraries or any file for that matter, I
always go to the Debian package search page. It's at the bottom of and there are two ways to search.
I always use the Search the Contents[...] method by just plugging in
the missing filename. 

For the libXt.a file, I got this result:

usr/X11R6/lib/libXt.a x11/xlib6g-static
usr/i486-linuxlibc1/lib/libXt.a   oldlibs/xlib6-static

and for libX11.a I got:

usr/i486-linuxlibc1/lib/libX11.a  oldlibs/xlib6-static

so you have two choices, but you probably want the current glibc

 __   _
Mark Wagnon Debian GNU/ -o) / /  (_)__  __   __
Chula Vista, CA /\\/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /   
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  _\_v/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\

Re: libXt.a, libX11.a

1999-06-20 Thread Eric G . Miller
Thanks to those that responded, I'm getting the package now...

   |  Eric G . Miller wrote:
   |   I'm trying to compile GRASS, but it wants these X libraries:
   |   libXt.a  libX11.a.  Unfortunately, they don't exist.  I do
   |   have and  Question: Would rewriting 
   |   the config script so it uses the Elf shared libraries as
   |   opposed to the ar type libraries work?  If not, where can
   |   I get the ar type libraries?

Eric G. Miller
Powered by the A HREF=;POTATO/A!

Network setup

1999-06-20 Thread Klaus Pieper
I have problems setting up my network with isdn, sync ppp, diald.
Debian is 2.1, kernel 2.2.5.

The first time I try to connect to the internet diald does not call;
after isdnctrl dial ippp0 anything is ok, diald redials if the connection
was interrupted because of timeouts.

I suspect problems with the initial routing setup.
I set up ppp with pppconfig; on startup I get error messages from the
route commands in /etc/init.d/network and /etc/device.ippp0 (the route
add -host command fails: Operation not supported by device).

The init scripts generate an ippp0 and a sl0 slip interface (??), both
are set as default gw.
I tried ifconfig sl0 down, but the same as before.


V. basic script question

1999-06-20 Thread J Horacio MG
I'm on a dial on demand connection and I have this script in
/etc/ppp/ip-up.d/ for having the mail fetched from my ISP everytime I
make a connection, and then sent locally:

- start script -

/usr/bin/fetchmail -f /etc/fetchmailrc -a -u a4608456

/usr/sbin/sendmail -q
- end script -

now, this works alright but I'd like to know when everything is over
with a message echoed on screen... how do I go about that?

Valencia - ESPAÑA

Alt+ArrowUp (inittab kbrequest)

1999-06-20 Thread J Horacio MG
I have already pressed by mistake the Alt+ArrowUp key combo, resulting
in a system shutdown (losing all work done!).

In my /etc/inittab I've got the Ctrl+Alt+End key combo configured for

kb:12345:kbrequest:/sbin/shutdown -t1 -a -h now

and some kbrequest for the Alt+ArrowUp which reads:

kb::kbrequest:/bin/echo Keyboard Request--edit /etc/inittab to let this

which says nothing about shutdown, so, why does Alt+ArrowUp perform a
system shutdown?  Can I safely comment the line?

Valencia - ESPAÑA

Re: Emacs, Netscape and Apache - together?

1999-06-20 Thread Jean-Philippe Guérard
On Sat, Jun 19, 1999 at 06:11:20PM -0700, Wyn Snow wrote:
 I have now become semi-experienced in installing Debian kernels,
 dselect and dpkg, and have successfully gotten X-windows, Emacs, and
 Apache working (and ppp, whew!).  However, Netscape Navigator is
 at me, saying it cannot load libraries.  I have twice reinstalled
 the library
 it most recently complains about, so the library is not corrupted.
 I recently spent a day installing kernel 2.0.34 with full X-windows
 Emacs and web stuff, and configuring everything the way I want.  I
 three different Netscape binaries off the Netscape site, all for
 Linux, in
 various flavors (4.06 Navigator only, 4.06 Communicator, 4.5x can't-
 remember-if-it-was-just-Nav-or-Communicator).  After gunzipping and
 tarring them and ns-installing them, and trying to run them,
 they all said they could not load (sigh).
 Previously, I had installed a smaller (basic) workstation
 and then added X-windows, and had a similar problem when I gunzipped
 and de-tarred (and feathered) and installed Netscape: when I tried
 run it, it complained it could not load ... durn.
 In both cases, a library of that name was there, so I suspect this
 some sort of version-compatibility problem.

Assuming you have Hamm installed, and you have downloaded the supported
version of Netscape for Linux from the Netscape web site (the supported
version being the libc5 version, I believe), you need to do the
following :

* Install the libc5 and xlib6 (and also probably xpm4.7) packages from
  Opt./oldlibs. (This should fix the complaints about librairies not

* Use the Netscape installer (from contrib) to install netscape. To do
  this, you need to copy you Netscape binary to /tmp/, and probably
  to rename it a bit for the installer to recognise it).

The first step should be enough to solve the issue. The second is the
clean recommended way to do the installation, but is not mandatory
(I believe).

Hope it helps.


-- Jean-Philippe Guérard -
|  « Attendre  espérer ! » -- Edmond Dantès, Comte de Monte-Cristo  |

Re: lilo and win98

1999-06-20 Thread Rui Zhu
Sander Balkenende [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I have problems starting win98 on hdb1 with Lilo. When trying to start win 
 (shift, dos), nothing happens. Linux (hda1) starts fine. my lilo.conf:
 can anyone help me?
 Thanx, Sander

I boot my win95 on hdb ok, here is my lilo.conf, you may get idea.



