Re: LILO y la int 13 extendida.

1999-07-04 Thread Netman
On Sat, Jul 03, 1999 at 06:17:31PM +0200, budgy wrote:

 Saludos, esta es otra pregunta sobre LILO y los discos duros, windows9x usa la
 Int 13 extendida, la cual no tiene problemas con mas de 1024 cilindros (en 
 modernas), Linux no usa la BIOS, así que no hay problema alguno, pero LILO si
 usa la BIOS con la Int 13 de toda la vida, así que tiene que estar colocado
 por debajo del cilindro 1024, mi pregunta es, ¿usará LILO algún dia la Int13
 extendida y nos olvidaremos por completo del tema del cilindro 1024?, 

LILO tiene que bailar al son de la BIOS. Fíjate que el código que mete LILO
al principio del disco o partción es mínimo (512 bytes), y en ése espacio
tiene que apañárselas para acceder al kernel que se haya grabado en el disco.
Implementar algo parecido a la int13 extendida que usa Windows tiene que
ocupar mucho más de esos 512 bytes, ¿no te parece?

¿no es
 posible usarla?, 

Si la arquitectura de LILO cambiara para usar 1 megabyte - al estilo del
Boot Manager del OS/2 - en vez de esos 512 bytes, no creo que hubiera ningún
problema para arreglarlo.

¿estoy equivocado en algo?.

En resumen, tal como está diseñado LILO, sólo puede acceder a los discos a
través de la BIOS; las limitaciones de la BIOS condicionan pues a LILO.

Salu2, Netman.

 Gracias de antemano por vuestra ayuda.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Tal vez no estemos aquí para alabar a dios, sino para crearlo
   A. C. Clarke
Powered by Debian/GNU Linux 2.2 - Kernel 2.2.10

Description: PGP signature


1999-07-04 Thread Barbwired
Manuel Trujillo escribió:
 Pues según me han dicho en la propia editorial, saldrá a finales de ésta
 semana o, más probablemente, durante la semana que viene.

Si estáis hablando de Linux Journal yo ya la he comprado. 

No puedo valorar el contenido porque no he podido más que hojearla, 
pero parece una traducción íntegra de la edidición americana. Con las
ventajas/inconvenientes que ello implica.

El aspecto gráfico es penoso. El papel parece papel higiénico (no sé si
habréis apreciado que Linux Actual tb ha adoptado este papel feo en un
(parece) desesperado intento de abaratar gastos), y comparada con la revista
americana es muy cutre. Ésa es la palabra.
(Y perdón por la dureza de la crítica). 

   Una vez me obligué a tragar sin pensar si mi alma se iba a olvidar -Sôber-
   Barbwired (The TranslatriX) - Filología Inglesa - U. Complutense de Madrid 
   Proudly using Debian GNU/Linux (2.3.6) - PGP ID-0x03C87C81
   Web personal (aenima y linux):

Re: Manual de Instalação em Portugues - Andamento

1999-07-04 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
Em Sat, 03 Jul 1999 21:55:44 -0300 Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira 

  O manual de instalação da Debian (pelo menos os arquivos básicos) já
  estão prontos e convertidos para SGML...

 Seria bom voce passar algumas dicas para a lista sobre SGML e como
 documentar a Debian...
Ola Paulo e todos das lista,

Achei importante sua sugestão por isso estou trazendo a lista.

Estou pensando sim em fazer um guia explicando o funcionamento do DTD 
debiandoc (e dos principios da linguagem SGML) para todos conhecerem as 
vantagens e funcionalidades deste DTD. Não existe nenhuma documentação 
do DebianDoc em Português, pelo que conheço.

Sinceramente não gostava do DebianDoc eu utilizava muito o linuxdoc, mas 
após a conversão do manual de instalação da Debian observei que existem 
muitas características que ajudam no desenvolvimento do documento que 
não existem em outros DTD's.

Sobre a documentação da Debian, não é obrigatório utilizar o DebianDoc 
para escrever a documentação isolada (ou traduzir um documento). 

Gostei de sua sugestão sim, após adicionar o suporte do idioma português 
ao DebianDoc, vou começar a escrever este guia sobre o DebianDoc (e se 
possível colocar em sua página para melhor acesso a todos). Isto vai 
ajudar ao pessoal da lista documentar os projetos e conhecer este 
maravilhoso formato de DTD.

No site da Conectiva tem um documento escrito por Jorge Godoy que 
explicar as características básicas da linguagem SGML (usando o 
linuxdoc) é um bom ponto de partida para os usuários que já querem 
escrever documentos usando SGML. 

O endereço é:


MailBR - O e-mail do Brasil --
Faça já o seu. É gratuito!!!

Re: [SuSE Linux] What DO you lose with Linux ???

1999-07-04 Thread Mark Brown
On Sat, Jul 03, 1999 at 11:43:27PM +0200, Martin Bialasinski wrote:

 Sorry, but OE doesn't deserve to be called a email client. You can't
 quote quoted-printable encoded mails, you are placed on top on a reply 
 (thous encouraging the newbie to answer above the text and leave a
 full quote below), the signature is placed above the quoted text, you

Placing the cursor at the top of the message is the right thing to do -
you're only going to have to go back up deleting text otherwise.  There
is the potential to do the wrong thing even when the cursor is placed at
the end of the text and simply write a reply, not deleting anything.
Neither is very good.

 I have yet to see a program on any operating system that comes close
 to the power of gnus.

Which also starts you off at the top.

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

Description: PGP signature

Re: access ext2 partition from win9x

1999-07-04 Thread Dan Everton
On Sun, Jul 04, 1999 at 01:27:08AM +0700, Thanate Dhirasakdanon wrote:
   I'd like to know whether there is
   a program to allow me to access (mount)
   ext2 partition under win9x. 
   Please tell me if you know it.

There is a program called explore2fs that allows you to browse around any
ext2 filesystem on your harddrive in a Windows Explorer like fashion. It even
has write support. You can get it here:

Works fine on both Windows 9x and NT


Dan Everton [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Have you tried thinking like a shower?  | KBHR's Chris in the Morning

Re: port redirection

1999-07-04 Thread Dan Everton
On Fri, Jul 02, 1999 at 03:24:50PM -0400, Jonathan Lupa wrote:
 On Thursday, July 01, 1999 10:37 AM, Dan Everton
  On Thu, 1 Jul 1999, Ralf G. R. Bergs wrote:
  There is a patch available. You can find it here
  I think it's packaged somewhere in the Debian distribution... *checks
  package listing* yes it is. You can find it here:
 Wow. This opened some doors for me! But now, I get to flood with newbie
 questions. =)
 First of all, I have a 486-33dx4 acting as my masq-firewall. Its at Kernel
 2.0.36, has a ppp0 properly set up and masquerades to a small network of
 192.168.2.* addressed computers.  The firewall rules are below.
   ipfwadm -F -p deny
   ipfwadm -F -a m -S192.168.2.0/24 -D
   ipfwadm -I -p accept
   # the following line blocks incoming telnets since I use ssh to
   ipfwadm -I -a r -DXXX.XXX.XXX.XXX/32 23 # address removed to protect
 the ignorant (me).
 I compiled in port forwarding support and added the following lines to my
 setup which allowed quicktime streaming to work for my Wife's machine:
   ipportfw -A -tXXX.XXX.XXX.XXX/554 -R
   # and a WHOLE BUNCH of udp routing lines.
 Now, what I want to do, but haven't been able to get working is a forwarding
 scheme for CVS. I want to have my gateway XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX box redirect its
 port 6060 to my workstations ( cvspserver port (2401).
 To this affect I entered the following lines:
   ipportfw -A -tXXX.XXX.XXX.XXX/6060 -R
   ipportfw -A -uXXX.XXX.XXX.XXX/6060 -R
 Before I was doing portforwarding on 6060 when I telnet to that port on my
 box I get the message telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection
 refused.  AFTER I add port forwarding on 6060 I get telnet: Unable to
 connect to remote host: Connection timed out.
 The transactions are starting, they just aren't finishing.  My pet theory is
 that this port forwarding thing isn't dealing with masquerading of the
 returned packets, but like I said, I'm pretty clueless with this.
 Any help appreciated!
 Jonathan Lupa

Near as I can tell, that should work. I've only used the port forwarding
patches in a very limited fashion, but similar lines have worked for all
services I've tried.

One thing I can think of is (and this is based on a very hazy grasp of
what ipmasq and ipportfw are actually doing) is that that the cvspserver is
trying to create another connection channel back to the originating server and
that isn't working for some reason. Anybody know if cvspserver does that (like
the control and data ports in ftp)?

Another possibility is that ipportfw doesn't like rewriting ports (although
I'm almost certain that does work). Have you tried just passing port 2401
one along as opposed to rewriting 6060 down to 2401?

Wish I could help you better.


Dan Everton [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Have you tried thinking like a shower?  | KBHR's Chris in the Morning

Re: [SuSE Linux] What DO you lose with Linux ???

1999-07-04 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 Mark == Mark Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I have yet to see a program on any operating system that comes close
 to the power of gnus.

Mark Which also starts you off at the top.

Not if you don't want this. It is a changeable, as everything

The problem is not the cursor at the top (I like to go down and replay
to sentences and delete unneded parts and proceed), but that OE also
places the signature at the top, which makes the beginner believe he
should place his answer between the top and the signature followed by
the original mail.


samba printing..oops

1999-07-04 Thread peter moody
Hi all, I have a question.
I'm trying to set up some linux folks at work (we are in the minority)
with the ability to print graphics (i'm not sure why, but the orders
came from above...)
I'm printing to an NT served hp laserjet 4. does pcl and all that.
i'v got magicfilter, but it's not configured properly.  some one told me
that I need to check out samba printing docs, but i can't find the
proper docs.
anyone have any suggestions?  I'm all ears.  I can include my printcap
if that's of any use to anyone, but i'm not sure why it would be.

Re: Brave New Perl

1999-07-04 Thread Brad
On Fri, 2 Jul 1999, Christian Dysthe wrote:

 I tried to do a dselect update on my potato box today. New Perl debs caused a
 lot of trouble.

Yeah, the dependancies aren't all worked out yet... That's why potato is
called 'unstable'.

 After dselect saw the new Perl's it wanted to remove A LOT of
 (important) packages so I had to say no to the upgrade. Then I tried
 to freeze the Perl upgrade to be able to do the other avaialble
 upgrades, but no go. whatever I do dselect wants to do major changes
 to my system. Some Perl packages described as fake confuse me, and I
 have given up using dselect at all right now since whatever I try to
 do means all these packages will be removed and I am not able to
 freeze the old Perl with ='s in a way that leaves my installation

What you have to do is look at the dependancies and find out which package
wants Perl 5.005. Then, put that package on hold until things become sane
again ;)

The best way to do this is to push 'R' right away on the conflict screen
to restore the old status, then go down to the perl-5.005 line and look
for the line foo depends on perl-5.005. Put package foo on hold (you
may have to do this two or three times, if there's more that one package
that needs 5.005 *sigh*)

At the moment, i have 4 on hold: libgtk-perl, perl-tk, perlmagick, and
pdl. There may be others that i don't have installed.

 Should I wait until other packages catch up with the new Perl

Good idea, some of the ones that would be removed are rather useful...

 If I have a lot of packages marked for removal right now. I guess I
 will have to go through it all and mark them installed again also?

If you go to the line --- Up to date installed packages --- and tell
dselect to install that, it will mark all of them at once, so you don't
have to go through manually and do it.

gnome session-panel X problems

1999-07-04 Thread Brendon Baumgartner
I installed gnome and e. The session panel doesn't seem to load up. All i
can do is right click and middle click.

Also, another problem i'm having with X:
When I Log out, the window manager closes, (the borders and such
disapear) but the system doesn't return to gdm. It sits in X till i press
ctrl-alt-bkspc. Anyone know why this might be? I can't figure it out.

I'm running the latest potato.


Re: [SuSE Linux] What DO you lose with Linux ???

1999-07-04 Thread Alisdair McDiarmid
On Sun, Jul 04, 1999 at 12:25:54AM +0100, Mark Brown wrote:
 On Sat, Jul 03, 1999 at 11:43:27PM +0200, Martin Bialasinski
  Sorry, but OE doesn't deserve to be called a email client. You
  can't quote quoted-printable encoded mails, you are placed on
  top on a reply (thous encouraging the newbie to answer above
  the text and leave a full quote below), the signature is
  placed above the quoted text, you
 Placing the cursor at the top of the message is the right thing
 to do - you're only going to have to go back up deleting text

Yes, but OE inserts a blank line at the top of the message, and
places only `-- ORIGINAL MESSAGE --' as the quote line. Then, to
compound things further, it puts your signature *above* the quoted

 Theee is the potential to do the wrong thing even when the
 cursor is placed at the end of the text and simply write a
 reply, not deleting anything.  Neither is very good.

At least the reply would be in the correct place. Anyway, where
the editor's cursor is initially placed is indeed irrelevant - if
the user has too little Clue to correctly compose and format an
email or news message, they are unlikely to be able to communicate
anything useful.

  I have yet to see a program on any operating system that comes
  close to the power of gnus.
 Which also starts you off at the top.

I wouldn't know, I'm perfectly happy with mutt and vim (which also
starts off at the top).
alisdair mcdiarmid   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[your home may be at risk if you do not keep up repayments on
 your loan. any and all advice given is strictly confidential]

Re: [SuSE Linux] What DO you lose with Linux ???

1999-07-04 Thread Mark Brown
On Sun, Jul 04, 1999 at 02:35:54AM +0100, Alisdair McDiarmid wrote:
 On Sun, Jul 04, 1999 at 12:25:54AM +0100, Mark Brown wrote:
  On Sat, Jul 03, 1999 at 11:43:27PM +0200, Martin Bialasinski
   Sorry, but OE doesn't deserve to be called a email client. You

  Placing the cursor at the top of the message is the right thing
  to do - you're only going to have to go back up deleting text

 Yes, but OE inserts a blank line at the top of the message, and
 places only `-- ORIGINAL MESSAGE --' as the quote line. Then, to
 compound things further, it puts your signature *above* the quoted

Oh, indeed - the signature placement is just plain wrong, and the quote
line is bad too (although not insurmontable, and more informative than
some).  It just seems silly to pull it up for faults that don't exist
(and this cursor placment seems to be the favourite) when there are so
many real ones to complain about.

  Which also starts you off at the top.

 I wouldn't know, I'm perfectly happy with mutt and vim (which also
 starts off at the top).

How can you live without the wellspring of informed and reasoned
discussion that is Usenet?!

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

Description: PGP signature

Re: Networking help

1999-07-04 Thread John Pearson
On Sat, Jul 03, 1999 at 04:52:14PM -0500, Robert Rati wrote
 On Sat, 3 Jul 1999, John Pearson wrote:
  Your NIC driver is sending stuff to your NIC and expects to receive an
  interrupt down the track (probably to say that it has finished), but the
  interrupt never arrives.
  In approximately descending order of plausability, you either:
- Have configured the NIC driver to use the wrong IRQ; or
- Have a broken NIC; or
- Have configured the NIC driver to use the wrong I/O address; or
- Are using the wrong module for your NIC.
  If it's a PCI card, then settings probably *aren't* the problem.
 I know the nic works because I can still use it in winblows.  The card is
 detected when I give it an irq, or atleast it is said to be detected
 correctly.  The werid thing is, it stopped being detected when I just gave
 it the io port.  It used to just need the io port, and it would find the
 irq itself and work just fine.  Now I have to give it the irq also, and it
 says it finds it but it doesn't work.  My nic is an ISA Linksys and I just
 use the ne drive for it.  I've had it working before and it still works in
 winblows, so I don't think it's the settings or the card.  It's got an
 EEPROM on it, and the eeprom is set to use IRQ 10 and io 0x240.

A quick look at the kernel source shows some LinkSys cards use the Tulip
driver (likely not yours, as I thought these were all PCI cards) and some
use the Lance driver; have you tried using the Lance driver?  Also, is it a
combo card (twisted pair/coax)?  If it is you may need to set the media type
using the (with any luck) supplied utility rather than trusting in the media
autodetection logic.

John P.
Oh - I - you know - my job is to fear everything. - Bill Gates in Denmark

Re: [SuSE Linux] What DO you lose with Linux ???

1999-07-04 Thread Alisdair McDiarmid
On Sun, Jul 04, 1999 at 02:49:57AM +0100, Mark Brown wrote:
 Oh, indeed - the signature placement is just plain wrong,

I'm pretty sure it encourages no .sig delimiters too - you have to
insert your own, and even then it strips the trailing space.

 and the quote
 line is bad too (although not insurmontable, and more informative than


 It just seems silly to pull it up for faults that don't exist
 (and this cursor placment seems to be the favourite) when there are so
 many real ones to complain about.

The only problem I had with OU4 was instability. OU5 was still
more unstable, and forced me to work out how to configure exim,
mutt and vim (for which I'm grateful :-).

   Which also starts you off at the top.
  I wouldn't know, I'm perfectly happy with mutt and vim (which also
  starts off at the top).
 How can you live without the wellspring of informed and reasoned
 discussion that is Usenet?!

I sort of gave up Usenet when I got a Real Life. Sad, but I've
just not got any time to read flame wars on comp.sys.acorn.*

I do have slrn installed and ready just in case my girlfriend
dumps me, though ;-)
alisdair mcdiarmid   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[your home may be at risk if you do not keep up repayments on
 your loan. any and all advice given is strictly confidential]

Re: Brave New Perl

1999-07-04 Thread Bob Nielsen
You need to put liblocal-gettext-perl on hold.  


On Sat, Jul 03, 1999 at 08:03:35PM -0500, Brad wrote:
 On Fri, 2 Jul 1999, Christian Dysthe wrote:
  I tried to do a dselect update on my potato box today. New Perl debs caused 
  lot of trouble.
 Yeah, the dependancies aren't all worked out yet... That's why potato is
 called 'unstable'.
  After dselect saw the new Perl's it wanted to remove A LOT of
  (important) packages so I had to say no to the upgrade. Then I tried
  to freeze the Perl upgrade to be able to do the other avaialble
  upgrades, but no go. whatever I do dselect wants to do major changes
  to my system. Some Perl packages described as fake confuse me, and I
  have given up using dselect at all right now since whatever I try to
  do means all these packages will be removed and I am not able to
  freeze the old Perl with ='s in a way that leaves my installation
 What you have to do is look at the dependancies and find out which package
 wants Perl 5.005. Then, put that package on hold until things become sane
 again ;)
 The best way to do this is to push 'R' right away on the conflict screen
 to restore the old status, then go down to the perl-5.005 line and look
 for the line foo depends on perl-5.005. Put package foo on hold (you
 may have to do this two or three times, if there's more that one package
 that needs 5.005 *sigh*)
 At the moment, i have 4 on hold: libgtk-perl, perl-tk, perlmagick, and
 pdl. There may be others that i don't have installed.
  Should I wait until other packages catch up with the new Perl
 Good idea, some of the ones that would be removed are rather useful...
  If I have a lot of packages marked for removal right now. I guess I
  will have to go through it all and mark them installed again also?
 If you go to the line --- Up to date installed packages --- and tell
 dselect to install that, it will mark all of them at once, so you don't
 have to go through manually and do it.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

mod_perl debianized?

1999-07-04 Thread Nate
Hi folks!

I'm hoping mod_perl for apache is somewhere debianized.  I really would rather
not mess around with too much source code since I'm not a programmer.

Anyone know where mod_perl would be?  Thanks.
NatePuri (natedawg)   o m p a g e s . c o m 
Certified Law Student   p e r c r v t i o f i
McGeorge School of Law  e d i c a e a n m   n
Sacramento, CA  n i v e t r y   m   d
[EMAIL PROTECTED] a a s e y s t u   s
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   t s d o   h n  e n   i i
  e   s t

Re: mod_perl debianized?

1999-07-04 Thread Brad
On Sat, 3 Jul 1999, Nate wrote:

 I'm hoping mod_perl for apache is somewhere debianized.  I really would rather
 not mess around with too much source code since I'm not a programmer.
 Anyone know where mod_perl would be?  Thanks.

Try the libapache-mod-perl package.

In the future, you can go to and
use the search engines there to try looking for what you want before you
post here (it's usually faster ;)

Re: mod_perl debianized? (thanks)

1999-07-04 Thread Nate
On Sat, Jul 03, 1999 at 09:41:19PM -0500, Brad wrote:
 On Sat, 3 Jul 1999, Nate wrote:
  I'm hoping mod_perl for apache is somewhere debianized.  I really would 
  not mess around with too much source code since I'm not a programmer.
  Anyone know where mod_perl would be?  Thanks.
 Try the libapache-mod-perl package.

Hey thanks... yah

 In the future, you can go to and
 use the search engines there to try looking for what you want before you
 post here (it's usually faster ;)
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

NatePuri (natedawg)   o m p a g e s . c o m 
Certified Law Student   p e r c r v t i o f i
McGeorge School of Law  e d i c a e a n m   n
Sacramento, CA  n i v e t r y   m   d
[EMAIL PROTECTED] a a s e y s t u   s
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   t s d o   h n  e n   i i
  e   s t

Re: xterm with utf-8

1999-07-04 Thread Branden Robinson
On Fri, Jul 02, 1999 at 05:57:10PM +0100, Stefan Baums wrote:
 From /usr/doc/xterm/changelog.Debian.gz:
  xfree86-1 ( unstable; urgency=low
* (#011): Debian-specific xterm patches
- disable UTF-8 support, upstream author is still working on it
 How can I reenable the UTF-8 support? I got myself the sources, but do
 not know _where_ to disable the patch.

I don't appear to have mentioned this in the changelogs (oops), but UTF-8
support was turned back on after a release or two (possibly is the current unstable version.

G. Branden Robinson  |   Q: How does a Unix guru have sex?
Debian GNU/Linux |   A: unzip;strip;touch;finger;mount;fsck;
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  more;yes;fsck;fsck;fsck;umount;sleep |

Description: PGP signature

https connections?

1999-07-04 Thread Nate
Hi folks.  

I have installed apache-ssl.  I still cannot get https connections.

What do I have to do to get this going.  Documentation? Thanks
NatePuri (natedawg)   o m p a g e s . c o m 
Certified Law Student   p e r c r v t i o f i
McGeorge School of Law  e d i c a e a n m   n
Sacramento, CA  n i v e t r y   m   d
[EMAIL PROTECTED] a a s e y s t u   s
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   t s d o   h n  e n   i i
  e   s t

Re: gnome session-panel X problems

1999-07-04 Thread Morgoth3
In a message dated 7/3/99 8:02:36 PM Central Daylight Time, 

 I installed gnome and e. The session panel doesn't seem to load up. All i
 can do is right click and middle click.

What does your .xsession file say?  You might not have panel listed as 
booting up.

 Also, another problem i'm having with X:
When I Log out, the window manager closes, (the borders and such
 disapear) but the system doesn't return to gdm. It sits in X till i press
 ctrl-alt-bkspc. Anyone know why this might be? I can't figure it out. 

Why not just start an xterm and use the shutdown command?  There's not really 
anything you can't do in X that you can in console.  Hope this helps.

Colin Winters

Re: port redirection

1999-07-04 Thread Jonathan Lupa
On Sun, Jul 04, 1999 at 09:49:53AM +1000, Dan Everton wrote:
 On Fri, Jul 02, 1999 at 03:24:50PM -0400, Jonathan Lupa wrote:
  [setup deleted]
  Now, what I want to do, but haven't been able to get working is a forwarding
  scheme for CVS. I want to have my gateway XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX box redirect its
  port 6060 to my workstations ( cvspserver port (2401).
  To this affect I entered the following lines:
  ipportfw -A -tXXX.XXX.XXX.XXX/6060 -R
  ipportfw -A -uXXX.XXX.XXX.XXX/6060 -R
  Before I was doing portforwarding on 6060 when I telnet to that port on my
  box I get the message telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection
  refused.  AFTER I add port forwarding on 6060 I get telnet: Unable to
  connect to remote host: Connection timed out.
  The transactions are starting, they just aren't finishing.  My pet theory is
  that this port forwarding thing isn't dealing with masquerading of the
  returned packets, but like I said, I'm pretty clueless with this.
 One thing I can think of is (and this is based on a very hazy grasp of
 what ipmasq and ipportfw are actually doing) is that that the cvspserver is
 trying to create another connection channel back to the originating server and
 that isn't working for some reason. Anybody know if cvspserver does that (like
 the control and data ports in ftp)?
One of the things that concerned me is that the pserver was trying to do some 
authentification stuff, but I had expressly blocked those ports in my firewall.
So, I threw open all of the gates, but I still hadd the problem. =(

 Another possibility is that ipportfw doesn't like rewriting ports (although
 I'm almost certain that does work). Have you tried just passing port 2401
 one along as opposed to rewriting 6060 down to 2401?

Yep, that was the second thing I tried.  Keeping the firewall all the way open 
just punching the port straight through.  I got the same results as when I wasnt
switching ports.

 Wish I could help you better.

No problem. =)

What I'm thinking of trying now is to configure the client that I care about
(a win95 box at work) to use ssh to do the cvs work.  Of course, that is going
to requrire configuration of my closed source gui proprietary ssh implementation
to work from the command line with the windows cvs client, so I'm not 100%
on whether I'll be able to get that going.

Ah well, I guess the original question still stands : Is it possible to punch
cvs's pserver through a masqurading firewall using port forwarding.

Jonathan Lupa

Re: gnome session-panel X problems

1999-07-04 Thread Didi Damian
Brendon Baumgartner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I installed gnome and e. The session panel doesn't seem to load up. All i
 can do is right click and middle click.

I have the same problem.

Whenever I try to start the gnome panel and/or gmc they fail with this error:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/.enlightenment/cached/pager/  panel
** WARNING **: Could not get name service!
** ERROR **: file goad.c: line 606 (real_goad_server_activate): assertion
failed: (name_service != CORBA_OBJECT_NIL)

If I issue the command a second time they start normal. This has the
implications that I can't start either when I start X. If I 'exec
gnome-session' in .xsession, I don't get the panel. If I specify to load the
panel explicitely it just hangs for a moment and then it barfs out.
I had this problem from the beginning,, with gnome 1.06 and yesterday I
upgraded to 1.07 but it didn't solve it.

Does anybody know what's wrong and how can I fix it ?



Networking Question

1999-07-04 Thread Mark Wagnon
Hi everyone:

I've got another question (or two). I've been trying to get networking
setup and I seem to be on the right track. I have a book entitled The
Linux Network and I've managed to get my two systems to ping each
other. In fact, they're doing it right now. It's so cool to see those
little lights on my hub blink! Anyway, I manually entered in a bunch
of stuff with ifconfig and route on each computer, and now I guess I
need to create some scripts to do it automagically (?) when I
boot. The book refers to two files: /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1 and
/etc/rc.d/rc.inet2. The book ships with Slackware, so I guess it's
Slackware specific in this sense. Where do I write the necessary
scripts to configure networking?

Also, if I seem to be leaving anything out (as in, if by just getting
my systems to ping each other, I might be off-track on getting this
going) please let me know.

I'm going to go grab a beer to celebrate...

 __   _
Mark Wagnon Debian GNU/ -o) / /  (_)__  __   __
Chula Vista, CA /\\/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /   
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  _\_v/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\

RE: Networking Question

1999-07-04 Thread Pollywog

On 04-Jul-99 Mark Wagnon wrote:
 Hi everyone:
 I've got another question (or two). I've been trying to get networking
 setup and I seem to be on the right track. I have a book entitled The
 Linux Network and I've managed to get my two systems to ping each
 other. In fact, they're doing it right now. It's so cool to see those
 little lights on my hub blink! Anyway, I manually entered in a bunch
 of stuff with ifconfig and route on each computer, and now I guess I
 need to create some scripts to do it automagically (?) when I
 boot. The book refers to two files: /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1 and
 /etc/rc.d/rc.inet2. The book ships with Slackware, so I guess it's
 Slackware specific in this sense. Where do I write the necessary
 scripts to configure networking?

Check out /etc/init.d/network


Re: gnome session-panel X problems

1999-07-04 Thread Matthew Gregan
On Sun, Jul 04, 1999 at 12:35:52AM -0400, Didi Damian wrote:

 Whenever I try to start the gnome panel and/or gmc they fail with this error:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/.enlightenment/cached/pager/  panel
 ** WARNING **: Could not get name service!
 ** ERROR **: file goad.c: line 606 (real_goad_server_activate): assertion
 failed: (name_service != CORBA_OBJECT_NIL)

Try starting gnome-name-service first, that will keep them happy. This is what 
I do when I'm not running my X session with gnome-session, and I want to start 
a Gnome app.

 Does anybody know what's wrong and how can I fix it ?

What you might want to try is deleting or renaming the .gnome dir in your 
$HOME. I've found that the old configs can cause problems when you upgrade 

The gnome-name-service *should* be started by gnome-session, so if you're 
running your X session using gnome-session then it's probably your old configs 
causing the problems... Otherwise you can always start gnome-name-service by 
hand when you need it.

Matthew Gregan  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: gnome session-panel X problems

1999-07-04 Thread Matthew Gregan
On Sat, Jul 03, 1999 at 05:59:29PM -0700, Brendon Baumgartner wrote:
 I installed gnome and e. The session panel doesn't seem to load up. All i
 can do is right click and middle click.
 Also, another problem i'm having with X:
   When I Log out, the window manager closes, (the borders and such
 disapear) but the system doesn't return to gdm. It sits in X till i press
 ctrl-alt-bkspc. Anyone know why this might be? I can't figure it out.

Firstly, are you starting Gnome with something like 'exec gnome-session' as the 
last thing in your .xsession (or .xinitrc if you're starting X by hand)?

If so, then when you 'log out', Enlightenment is quitting, but not Gnome, so 
your X session is still alive (just without a window manager). This probably 
means that something is pretty wrong with Gnome, and it's not being told that E 
wants your X session to end (since gnome-session is in control, not E).

If you have a .gnome directory in your home dir, remove or rename that and try 
again. It may be you have some stale configs messing things up. Otherwise, 
something is probably pretty wrong with your Gnome install...

Matthew Gregan  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

File Attributes in /var

1999-07-04 Thread Klaus Pieper

After moving the /var directory to another partition using  tar cfSp - *
| ( cd /mnt  tar xfSpv - ) I got problems because exim could not write
to /var/spool/exim and /var/log/exim.

How are the correct settings?
I changed them to
drwxrwx---   5 root mail 1024 Jun 24 06:27 /var/spool/exim/
drwxrwx---   2 root mail 1024 Jul  4 06:47 /var/log/exim/

What's wrong with the tar copy command? I never had any problem with it.


Re: What's the best way to organize small drives

1999-07-04 Thread John Foster
David Forcey wrote:
 I just installed slink on a 486-100 (Windows throwaway) with 3 salvaged
 drives (each 540 MB).  I partitioned them as follows:
 hda1bootPrimary Linux   ext2250.4MB
 hda2Primary Linux   Swap63.99 MB
 hda3Primary Linux   201.8 MB
 hdb1Primary Linux   ext2515.82 MB
 hdc1Primary Linux   515.82 MB
Just my opinion but you could make this the arrangement
 hda1bootPrimary Linux   ext2515.82 MB
 hdb1Primary Linux   ext2451.12 MB
 hdb2Primary Linux   Swap63.99  MB
 hdc1Primary Linux   ext2515.82 MB
There are several advantages to this; 
1. the swap files will be available faster.
2. you can set up the system with hard links to /usr/local and /home 
and put all of those files and directories on /dev/hdb1 again this will
speed up your system some and also allow you to completely rebuild or
update the entire system as needed without messing with the files you
use the most. you could put /usr/local on /dev/hdc1 and /home on
/dev/hdb1 also by using hard links to them on /dev/hda1. 
John Foster
AdVance-Computing Systems
ICQ# 19460173

Re: Can't write to an nfs export

1999-07-04 Thread Gerhard Kroder
Mark Brown wrote:
 On Fri, Jul 02, 1999 at 08:40:52AM -0500, Kent West wrote:
  Yet when I try to create a directory or copy a file, etc I get
  Permission Denied errors.
 Are you trying to do this as root?  As a security measure, NFS defaults
 to converting all accesses from root to accesses from the user nobody.
 To enable access as root, add no_root_squash to the options in

and don't forget user id mapping may confilct, too. if you try to access a
nfs-mounted device, you may read/write with client's permissions, but that
do not neccesarely be the same than on nfs-server. you will have to take
shure about same uid on both machines or on appropriate uid-mapping, see
manpage  (mount, nfs ...)


XTerm and marking text

1999-07-04 Thread Tomas Pihl
I'm coming from SuSE and one thing I noticed is that I'm no longer 
able to mark text in scrolled-up xterm windows. Eg. I cat a file, 
scroll up with Shift-PgUp and then tries to mark something with 
either double-clicking or dragging the mouse over the text with the 
left mousebutton pressed. Nothing is marked at all. I'm able to mark 
text in non-scrolled-up xterms.

This has always worked for me in all other distributions I've been 
running. Any ideas? This is on a potato system running enlightenment.

$ dpkg -l xterm enlightenment-nosound
ii  xterm  X terminal emulator
ii  enlightenment-n 0.15.5-1   The Enlightenment Window Manager 

--Tomas Pihl   Another GNU/Debian user

Re: https connections?

1999-07-04 Thread Gerhard Kroder
Nate wrote:
 Hi folks.
 I have installed apache-ssl.  I still cannot get https connections.
 What do I have to do to get this going.  Documentation? Thanks

give us a little more... how do you try, what does it say, what does
logfile say, is there any appropriate networking set up? docs may be found
(as usual) at /usr/doc/apache*, and many others.


telnet terminal gets garbled

1999-07-04 Thread Brendon Baumgartner
I don't know why this happens, but when I telnet to my machine and I use
dselect, emacs, or whatever. The text gets messed up. I use CRT for
telneting. I have it set to vt100 and have the ansi box checked in the
settings. I telnet to slackware boxes with the same settings and they work
fine. It seems that Debian doesn't interpret what I type properly. Is there
a way to fix this?


RE: gnome session-panel X problems

1999-07-04 Thread Brendon Baumgartner
I don't have an .xsession file, or mabye I dleted it in trying to clense the
problem. I deleted all the X related hidden stuff. .gnome* and such. I tried
to get it to revert to defaults to see if that would help, but it doesn't.
Seems like gnome doesn't understand i want to exit!! Well, I thought the
problem was sound (trying to play a sound on exit and getting stuck) ..but i
got sound working and thats not the case. I've removed and reinstalled gnome
too.Hmm be continued. Anyone else see this problem?


-Original Message-
Sent: Saturday, July 03, 1999 8:59 PM
Subject: Re: gnome session-panel  X problems

In a message dated 7/3/99 8:02:36 PM Central Daylight Time, 

 I installed gnome and e. The session panel doesn't seem to load up. All i
 can do is right click and middle click.

What does your .xsession file say?  You might not have panel listed as 
booting up.

 Also, another problem i'm having with X:
When I Log out, the window manager closes, (the borders and such
 disapear) but the system doesn't return to gdm. It sits in X till i press
 ctrl-alt-bkspc. Anyone know why this might be? I can't figure it out. 

Why not just start an xterm and use the shutdown command?  There's not
anything you can't do in X that you can in console.  Hope this helps.

Colin Winters

Re: XTerm and marking text

1999-07-04 Thread Tomas Pihl
 I'm coming from SuSE and one thing I noticed is that I'm no longer 
 able to mark text in scrolled-up xterm windows.
 $ dpkg -l xterm enlightenment-nosound
 ii  xterm  X terminal emulator

I installed -10 and I have it working now.

--Tomas Pihl   Another GNU/Debian user

Re: What DO you lose with Linux ???

1999-07-04 Thread Jiri Baum

Sami Dalouche:
  The operative word being `need to'. It'd be a very good feature indeed
  if the e-mail client checked the size of the message and said, when
  appropriate, something along the lines of this is an unusually large
  message by Internet standards; are you sure? (y/N) and popped up a
  wizard for other ways of transferring the file.
 Hey ! Writing such a software for Windows os OK and usual but do not
 begin to do this under Linux !

Actually, I think I *was* talking about Windows, but why not Linux? (OK,
apart from the pop-up-wizard bit...)

Every mailer I've seen has a send/abort/headers/whatever screen just before
the message goes off. In elm, most of the screen is blank for that! It'd be
just as easy to use that part of screen for netiquette warnings.

(I think tin - the newsreader - does that for postings. After you compose a
post, when it's asking you whether you want to post/quit/edit/pgp, it often
shows a message saying your post exceeds 78 columns; people may have
trouble with that; the first line to exceed 78 columns is: `...' or
something on those lines.)

  It's one thing to send Christmas gifs to people that are a couple of
  hundred bytes long; it's quite a different story when it's a huge,
  uncompressed bitmap which does exactly the same job. Sadly, in most
  e-mail clients either would be just a filename, with no immediate
  indication of how big it really is.
 If u insist to have a such function, maybe Mutt can do that...

That's where it belongs, isn't it? (Well, maybe there should be a
standalone version of that program, too - you'd give it a prepared message
and it'd give back any warnings, with exit code 0 for OK, 1 for minor faux
pas, etc.)

We'll know the future has arrived when every mailer transparently
quotes lines that begin with From , but no-one remembers why.

squid - why?

1999-07-04 Thread Christian Dysthe

we have installed Slink on a box that will be a normal company web server. This
means will have normal visitors wanting to know about our company and maybe some
e-commerce going on also.

I chose to install Debian as web server which, after I brought the box up,
includes the proxy squid (and of course Apache). What I would like to know is
why I need squid running on this box which will be a normal web server with a
couple of million hits a months? Will normal users vivting our site benfit from
this, or can I remove squid?


Christian Dysthe
ICQ 3945810
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux

   Clones are people two

Re: squid - why?

1999-07-04 Thread Marc Haber
On Sun, 04 Jul 1999 08:18:25 -0500 (CDT), you wrote:
I chose to install Debian as web server which, after I brought the box up,
includes the proxy squid (and of course Apache). What I would like to know is
why I need squid running on this box which will be a normal web server with a
couple of million hits a months? Will normal users vivting our site benfit from
this, or can I remove squid?

If you don't want to use the box as web proxy, you can safely remove

IMHO, this profile stuff is for the novice. I usually skip dselect
altogether and use apt-get to install _exactly_ what I need.


-- !! No courtesy copies, please !! -
Marc Haber  |Questions are the | Mailadresse im Header
Karlsruhe, Germany  | Beginning of Wisdom  | Fon: *49 721 966 32 15
Nordisch by Nature  | Lt. Worf, TNG Rightful Heir | Fax: *49 721 966 31 29

Re: Upgrading slink - potato

1999-07-04 Thread Sami Dalouche
 Don't use dselect. Use apt-get dist-upgrade. If you are concerned about
 glibc, put your libc6 package on hold and APT won't touch it. 

How to put a pkg on hold w/o dselect ?

|.   ICQ  : 25529539
|| |\  | |  | \  /   AIM  : linhax
|___ | |  \| |__| /  \   IRC nick : linhax

E-mail for dummies.

1999-07-04 Thread Hans van den Boogert
Sofar I'm quite happy with Linux, Debian and the documentation. If you read
all you can find on the subject, use your senses and experiment a bit you
can always get done what you want. 

However, for me the one thing that still remains a mystery is the setting
up of a mail system. I'm used to telnetting and Pine to read my mail, but
now with a stand alone machine, a ppp connection to my ISP I just can't
understand how the whole setup works. I've read the NAG and MailHOWTO, but
both were written in such a way that I can't find no head nor tail. 

Could someone please post a quick mail-system setup for dummies? As said, I
simply want to connect to my ISP, collect/download my mail and read it in a
browser-like X program like Mahogany. What is the principle setup? (Please,
explain a bit!!!) What programs do I best use for what? What do these
programs do? How do they interconnect? What is the sequence of collecting
and sending mail?

Is there any other on-line documentation besides the NAG and MailHOWTO? I
have lots of time to read, much less to work on my system :-(  Thanks for
the help. -- Hans

Re: CD Changer setup

1999-07-04 Thread Sami Dalouche
On Thu, Jul 01, 1999 at 01:24:22PM -0700, Rick Salvador wrote:
 I have a NEC CDR-4300a 4disk cd changer drive, and I would like to have
 a way that I could access the 4 disks remotely through the FTPD. Is this
 possible? How Do I mount disks 2-4? and how can I have the FTP server
 change disks?

I'm not sure but maybe an automounter can do that...
Try autofs, after adding the support in the kernel...

If autofs can't, try using Amd which seems to be powerful but it's too
complicated for me. Mybe u can ask him to use the eject command ?(is this the
command to change a CD ?) 

|.   ICQ  : 25529539
|| |\  | |  | \  /   AIM  : linhax
|___ | |  \| |__| /  \   IRC nick : linhax

Re: gnome session-panel X problems

1999-07-04 Thread Morgoth3
If you're not starting gnome by hand, just create a new one using vi or 
whatever.  type in :
exec gnome-session.
This'll start your panel and GNOME.  I'm not familiar with e, i use ICE 
myself, so i can't help you there.

Colin Winters

Re: What DO you lose with Linux ???

1999-07-04 Thread Lex Chive
On Sat, Jul 03, 1999 at 06:28:37PM +0200, Sami Dalouche wrote:
  It's one thing to send Christmas gifs to people that are a couple of
  hundred bytes long; it's quite a different story when it's a huge,
  uncompressed bitmap which does exactly the same job. Sadly, in most e-mail
  clients either would be just a filename, with no immediate indication of
  how big it really is.
 If u insist to have a such function, maybe Mutt can do that...
Mutt is not (should not) be concerned with fetching mail. From the doc:

Note: The POP3 support is there only for convenience, and it's rather
limited.  If you need more functionality you should consider using a
specialized program, such as fetchmail.

If you are using an external (eg ISP) pop account then you should probably be
using fetchmail which has an option to limit the size of message. If you are
receiving your messages directly and are concerned with hd space you can junk
them with procmail (or exim filters :P).

Thats why unix is better imho than other os like win: there is not one big app
but many small apps which are working together. This makes it much more
customizeables, and also easier to upgrade. Some people like the win
philosophy of having one do-it-all program, this is a matter of taste. True,
those will maybe regret OE...


Description: PGP signature


1999-07-04 Thread Lex Chive

I'm having trouble with SVGATextMode. I have an S3 Virge DX, but every time I
use a mode using a frequency over 37.5 MHz, I have display problems: at 40MHz
some chars become unreadable, at 45 only some chars are actually readable and
at 50 it gets simply impossible to read anything. Strangely enough, the
problems only start after I've run X once. The output of grabmode is exactly
the same before and after running X:

132x34   40.035   1056 1072 1232 1280   476 490 492 525   -Hsync 
 font 8x14   # 31.277kHz/59.58Hz

I tried with different monitors, but it didnt change anything. The one im
using now can handle 30-54 kHz H and 50-90 Hz V. Also the manual states a
max bandwidth of 75 MHz.

Anyone experienced something similar? If so I'd like to hear the solution :-)


Description: PGP signature

Re: Can't write to an nfs export

1999-07-04 Thread Wouter Hanegraaff
 and don't forget user id mapping may confilct, too. 
 you will have to make
 shure about same uid on both machines or on appropriate uid-mapping, see
 manpage  (mount, nfs ...)
And of course, see /usr/doc/nis/nis.debian.howto.gz
My huge home network consists of 2 computers and even in this simple 
situation nis is making life easier.


Re: E-mail for dummies.

1999-07-04 Thread Lex Chive
On Sun, Jul 04, 1999 at 09:43:06PM +0800, Hans van den Boogert wrote:
 Could someone please post a quick mail-system setup for dummies? As said, I
 simply want to connect to my ISP, collect/download my mail and read it in a
 browser-like X program like Mahogany. What is the principle setup? (Please,
 explain a bit!!!) What programs do I best use for what? What do these
 programs do? How do they interconnect? What is the sequence of collecting
 and sending mail?

If you dont have a permanent connection to the internet the best way I know of
is to use fetchmail. fetchmail will fetch (hehe...) the messages on your ISP
(or your mail account wherever it is) and delivers them locally. Then you can
either have your mail server (exim, if you used the defaults) handle them, or
use a MDA like procmail to deliver them. For example, using procmail, I have:
poll proto pop3
user pop_user pass pop_pass is local_user mda procmail -d local_user
in ~/.fetchmailrc and then I just need to run fetchmail to get my mail.

Once it has been delivered locally you can use any mail client to read it
(mutt, pine, I guess Mahogany would work too although I never heard of it :).

 Is there any other on-line documentation besides the NAG and MailHOWTO? I
 have lots of time to read, much less to work on my system :-(  Thanks for
 the help. -- Hans

Well if you use fetchmail you probably want to read its manpage. If you use
procmail you should read the doc under /usr/doc/procmail and if you use exim
you probably want to install the exim-doc package and read the info files it
has installed.

Good luck,

Description: PGP signature

Re: Hylafax problems

1999-07-04 Thread Cuno Sonnemans
John Plate wrote:

 Hi Cuno Sonnemans

 I've had Hylafax running for quite some time. It works just fine.

 Did you solve the problems?

 If you are going to have incoming calls to your fax modem, you must
 hack the mgetty configuration file a little.


Hi John,

No I didn't solve the problem, yet !!!
I Get the following warning: faxrunq hasn't been run in the last 24

I've been told that I have to install a cron job that calls
faxrunq in regular intervals, as root user.
Because faxspool will only put the job into the Queue,  but won't care
sending it out that's faxrunq's job, and cron is used to start faxrunq
in the intervals I like.

But I don't know how to install a cron job.
And I don't have the cron job manual, so I have to download it.
I Hope when I have the manual and the cron job is installed, that I will

be able to send out a fax.


Cuno Sonnemans

Re: squid - why?

1999-07-04 Thread Brad
On Sun, 4 Jul 1999, Christian Dysthe wrote:

 we have installed Slink on a box that will be a normal company web
 server. This means will have normal visitors wanting to know about our
 company and maybe some e-commerce going on also.
 I chose to install Debian as web server which, after I brought the box
 up, includes the proxy squid (and of course Apache). What I would like
 to know is why I need squid running on this box which will be a normal
 web server with a couple of million hits a months? Will normal users
 vivting our site benfit from this, or can I remove squid?

If i understand correctly, if squid is set up properly then it can reduce
the load on the webserver by caching frequently-used static contant and
serving that up itself. This is especially useful in a firewall setup,
squid could be on a machine outside the firewall to reduce the traffic
through the firewal machine.

There's a faq at that could be

Re: Hylafax problems

1999-07-04 Thread Allan M. Wind
On 1999-07-04 17:46, Cuno Sonnemans wrote:

 I Get the following warning: faxrunq hasn't been run in the last 24
 I've been told that I have to install a cron job that calls
 faxrunq in regular intervals, as root user.

Yes or you can run faxrunq by hand - execute faxrunq when you have
some faxes to send out.

 Because faxspool will only put the job into the Queue,  but won't care
 sending it out that's faxrunq's job, and cron is used to start faxrunq
 in the intervals I like.
 But I don't know how to install a cron job.

crontab -e

The format of the files (from crontab(5)) is:

  field  allowed values
  -  --
  minute 0-59
  hour   0-23
  day of month   1-31
  month  1-12 (or names, see below)
  day of week0-7 (0 or 7 is Sun, or use names)

followed by a command, all on a single line.  You should have the cron
and crontab pages as part of the cron package.

Allan M. Wind   Phone:  781.938.5272 (home)
687 Main Street, 2nd Floor  Fax:781.938.6641 (fax/modem)
Woburn, MA 01801Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)

Linking c programs?

1999-07-04 Thread Andrew Holmes

I've been trying to compile a c program which uses maths functions like pow()
and cbrt(), I've included the #include math.h and it compiles to an object
ok. However when I try to compile it to a program I get:

/tmp/ccc13322: In function `difi':
/tmp/ccc13322(.text+0xea): undefined reference to `cbrt'

Am I supposed to use some command line to gcc to make it work, I've been using 

gcc -o it it.c

to make a program called 'it' from the source 'it.c'

Any help would be greatly appreciated, TIA
Best Wishes,

We are MicroSoft.  You will be assimilated.  Resistance is futile.
-- Attributed to B.G., Gill Bates

Re: E-mail for dummies.

1999-07-04 Thread Pollywog

On 04-Jul-99 Lex Chive wrote:
 If you dont have a permanent connection to the internet the best way I know
 is to use fetchmail. fetchmail will fetch (hehe...) the messages on your ISP
 (or your mail account wherever it is) and delivers them locally. Then you
 either have your mail server (exim, if you used the defaults) handle them,
 use a MDA like procmail to deliver them. For example, using procmail, I
That's right.  If you use Exim, you probably don't need procmail.
 Once it has been delivered locally you can use any mail client to read it
 (mutt, pine, I guess Mahogany would work too although I never heard of it

Mahogany is new, and still has some bugs, but I like it.

I am still using xfmail but want to move to Mahogany as soon as some of the
little bugs are fixed.


Re: SVGATextMode

1999-07-04 Thread Anthony Campbell
On 04 Jul 1999, Lex Chive wrote:
 I'm having trouble with SVGATextMode. I have an S3 Virge DX, but every time I
 use a mode using a frequency over 37.5 MHz, I have display problems: at 40MHz
 some chars become unreadable, at 45 only some chars are actually readable and
 at 50 it gets simply impossible to read anything. Strangely enough, the
 problems only start after I've run X once. The output of grabmode is exactly
 the same before and after running X:
   132x34   40.035   1056 1072 1232 1280   476 490 492 525   -Hsync 
font 8x14   # 31.277kHz/59.58Hz
 I tried with different monitors, but it didnt change anything. The one im
 using now can handle 30-54 kHz H and 50-90 Hz V. Also the manual states a
 max bandwidth of 75 MHz.
 Anyone experienced something similar? If so I'd like to hear the solution :-)

This is probably not very helpful, but the author of SVGATextmode announced
recently that he was ceasing to support it because he found it was no
longer so useful with modern video cards.  


Anthony Campbell - running Linux Debian 2.1 (Windows-free zone)
Book Reviews:

The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on...   - Edward Fitzgerald (Rubaiat of Omar Khayyam)

Re: Linking c programs?

1999-07-04 Thread Robert Pintarelli
On Sun, Jul 04, 1999 at 05:10:59PM +0100, Andrew Holmes wrote:
 I've been trying to compile a c program which uses maths functions like pow()
 and cbrt(), I've included the #include math.h and it compiles to an object
 ok. However when I try to compile it to a program I get:
 /tmp/ccc13322: In function `difi':
 /tmp/ccc13322(.text+0xea): undefined reference to `cbrt'
 Am I supposed to use some command line to gcc to make it work, I've been 
 gcc -o it it.c
 to make a program called 'it' from the source 'it.c'
 Any help would be greatly appreciated, TIA

you also must link against the associated libraries of your includes,
in your case libm, with the compiler switch -l.
you need not to give the full name libm m is enough. so your command
line should look like:

gcc -lm -o it it.c


in a world without fences, who needs gates?
-- das $yndikat lebt -- Abteilung Linux --

Re: Networking Question

1999-07-04 Thread William Flores
At 10:03 PM 7/3/1999 -0700, Mark Wagnon wrote:
Hi everyone:

other. In fact, they're doing it right now. It's so cool to see those
little lights on my hub blink! Anyway, I manually entered in a bunch
of stuff with ifconfig and route on each computer, and now I guess I

Cool!  You like to watch the lights blink too?? I thought I was the crazy
one!  Cheers to you!!

William Flores
William's Computer  Consulting

sendmail - cannot email out from a laptop with no DNS?

1999-07-04 Thread Oliver Elphick
Can anyone help, please, with this problem?

I use a laptop at a customer's site, and when I am there, my laptop is
configured as if it were one of their own machines and is listed in their
/etc/hosts; they do not run DNS.  Their mailserver is running Microsoft
Exchange(?); I can download mail with POP3 and am supposed to be able to
upload mail with SMTP.  However, in every configuration I have tried,
including specifying the IP address directly in the To: address, sendmail
defers the mail, saying that it is unable to resolve the reference.

/etc/nsswitch contains only files; the dns word is commented out. I have 
made sure that the SMTP server is listed in my /etc/hosts; this is the same
host from which I successfully get mail with fetchmail (POP-3 protocol).

  Vote against SPAM:
Isle of Wight
   PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1
 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in
  Psalms 46:1 

Re: [SuSE Linux] What DO you lose with Linux ???

1999-07-04 Thread David Woolley
 To a certain extent I have to agree, but where I REALLY think Linux lags 
 is email. I miss an email client coming close to for instance Outlook Express
 and The Bat! for Windows (or even Eudora!). The only one is XFmail which
 currently is not being developed it seems.

The Outlook family are generally considered broken even by ardent Microsoft
fans.  They ride rough shod over standards and convention, make it difficult
to quote sesnibly, don't seem to do blind copies, and will send HTML,
MS-TNEF and GIF images of the paper almost without warning.

If you want a free Windows mail program, use Pegasus, preferably one of the
older ones, as it has gone down hill with the introduction of rich text,
which is about as broken as Outlook's.  Unfortunately Pegasus is not
available in source code and Eudora Lite is a teaser for a commercial

Re: Hylafax problems

1999-07-04 Thread Cuno Sonnemans
Allan M. Wind wrote:

 On 1999-07-04 17:46, Cuno Sonnemans wrote:

  I Get the following warning: faxrunq hasn't been run in the last 24
  I've been told that I have to install a cron job that calls
  faxrunq in regular intervals, as root user.

 Yes or you can run faxrunq by hand - execute faxrunq when you have
 some faxes to send out.

  Because faxspool will only put the job into the Queue,  but won't care
  sending it out that's faxrunq's job, and cron is used to start faxrunq
  in the intervals I like.
  But I don't know how to install a cron job.

 crontab -e

 The format of the files (from crontab(5)) is:

   field  allowed values
   -  --
   minute 0-59
   hour   0-23
   day of month   1-31
   month  1-12 (or names, see below)
   day of week0-7 (0 or 7 is Sun, or use names)

 followed by a command, all on a single line.  You should have the cron
 and crontab pages as part of the cron package.

 Allan M. Wind   Phone:  781.938.5272 (home)
 687 Main Street, 2nd Floor  Fax:781.938.6641 (fax/modem)
 Woburn, MA 01801Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)

OK, thanx.
I've run faxrunq by hand, but now I have a new problem.
I get the following message (my modem is on ttyS0, I've changed sendfax)
/usr/sbin/sendfax: not a class 2/2.0 fax modem.

What does it mean, class 2/2.0 fax modem.
I have a internal Trust Communicator 56K fax modem !


Cuno Sonnemans

Remove funny files

1999-07-04 Thread Rolf Edlund

I was playing around with Tar, and done a verry foolish thing.. :-)

  tar -cvf --exclude=files.txt allfiles.tar * 

That gives me a '--exclude=files.txt' file. Trying to remove it as 'rm -i
--exclude=files.txt' was unpossible. But when I go upp one directory, then
it was easy to remove the file.

  rm -i Backupfiles/--exclude=files.txt

..but maby you allready know about this. :-)

 - * Linux - a more stable way to live * -

Mvh Rolf Edlund

Re: Remove funny files

1999-07-04 Thread Mark Wagnon
On Sun, Jul 04, 1999 at 08:22:56PM +0200, Rolf Edlund wrote:
 I was playing around with Tar, and done a verry foolish thing.. :-)
   tar -cvf --exclude=files.txt allfiles.tar * 
 That gives me a '--exclude=files.txt' file. Trying to remove it as 'rm -i
 --exclude=files.txt' was unpossible. But when I go upp one directory, then
 it was easy to remove the file.
   rm -i Backupfiles/--exclude=files.txt
 ..but maby you allready know about this. :-)
  - * Linux - a more stable way to live * -
 Mvh Rolf Edlund
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


I played around with it and I got it to delete by running mc then
highlighting the offending file and pressing F8

 __   _
Mark Wagnon Debian GNU/ -o) / /  (_)__  __   __
Chula Vista, CA /\\/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /   
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  _\_v/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\

Re: Remove funny files

1999-07-04 Thread Allan M. Wind
On 1999-07-04 20:22, Rolf Edlund wrote:

   rm -i Backupfiles/--exclude=files.txt

There are 2 tricks:

1. rm -i * (say no to everything that you want to keep)
2. rm -- FILE

In this case, 2 would work.

Allan M. Wind   Phone:  781.938.5272 (home)
687 Main Street, 2nd Floor  Fax:781.938.6641 (fax/modem)
Woburn, MA 01801Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)

Re: faxrunq problems

1999-07-04 Thread Cuno Sonnemans
Allan M. Wind wrote:

 On 1999-07-04 20:20, Cuno Sonnemans wrote:

  I've run faxrunq by hand, but now I have a new problem.
  I get the following message (my modem is on ttyS0, I've changed sendfax)
  /usr/sbin/sendfax: not a class 2/2.0 fax modem.

 It states that you serial port 1 is not a fax modem.  What serial port
 is your modem?  (probably serial 3 or 4 when it's an internal).

 Then you have to change your device in /etc/mgetty/sendfax.config.

 Allan M. Wind   Phone:  781.938.5272 (home)
 687 Main Street, 2nd Floor  Fax:781.938.6641 (fax/modem)
 Woburn, MA 01801Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)


I already changed /etc/mgetty/sendfax.config
Default = ttyS1, I've changed it in ttyS0 (Serial port 2)
So that couldn't be the problem.
faxrunq locates my modem, but say's that it is not
a class 2/2.0 fax modem.
So I think faxrunq has a problem with my type of modem.
Yet it is an fax modem.

Cuno SonnemansICQ22098498

hardware block size on scsi cdrom

1999-07-04 Thread Pierfrancesco Caci

I have a scsi cdrom (Plextor) and a scsi cdwriter (Yamaha). They both
have a jumper to set the block size to 1024 bytes or to 512 bytes. The
manuals say that for Unix 512 is the good value. 
Do you have any suggestions? What does this value mean, after all?



 Pierfrancesco Caci  | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] -
  Firenze - Italia   | Office for the Complication of Otherwise Simple Affairs 
 Linux penny 2.2.10 #1 Tue Jun 15 21:03:12 CEST 1999 i586 unknown

Where is klogd instructed to dump the ring buffer into syslog?

1999-07-04 Thread Marc Haber

My Debian box seems to write the boot messages (that can be accessed
by dmesg) to the syslog on boot-up. The SuSE box at work has code to
dump this information to a file (/usr/sbin/klogd -f /var/log/boot.msg
-o) in /sbin/init.d/boot.

I am curious. Where do I find the code that does this on Debian? I
grepped for klogd in /etc but did not find explicit code to do so.

Debian has klogd 1.3-3 while SuSE has 1.3-0. Is this a new feature?

Is it possible that the explicit dump to file code emties the
buffers so that klogd can't log them any more when it is started as
daemon later in the boot process?


-- !! No courtesy copies, please !! -
Marc Haber  |Questions are the | Mailadresse im Header
Karlsruhe, Germany  | Beginning of Wisdom  | Fon: *49 721 966 32 15
Nordisch by Nature  | Lt. Worf, TNG Rightful Heir | Fax: *49 721 966 31 29

getting Realplayer to work through Netscape

1999-07-04 Thread Monte Copeland

I have been trying to get Realplayer G2 to work through Netscape. I have 
installed the 
Alsa drivers onto my debian 2.1 box and installed the RealplayerG2 app. When I 
try to 
access a sound file by clicking on an icon in Netscape, the G2 player comes up 
and says 
it is Connecting, but nothing else happens. Simultaneously my xconsole says 
the following
when I try to connect to an audio file through Netscape :

modprobe: can't locate module sound-slot-0
modprobe: can't locate module sound-service-0-3

I can get my sound card to work using Alsa, i.e. I can play music CD's and 
listen to 
.au sounds files, and I have configured Realplayer G2 through Netscape 
correctly ( at
least I think so. ) , my .mailcap file correctly lists the realplayer app:

audio/x-pn-realaudio; /usr/X11R6/bin/realplayer %s

If this info helps, I have a SB pci128 ( ens1370 ). 
The command lsmod gives the following output that is attached to the email 

Any suggestions?

Thank you,

Monte Copeland

ICQ# 2586902
Linux - Where Do You Want To Go Tomorrow?

Version: PGPfreeware 5.0i for non-commercial use
MessageID: ddCT7t1D8PRhrVt5RLlwbwPzjP83u/WF

Module  Size  Used by
snd-audiopci2204   0 
snd-ens1370 8632   0  [snd-audiopci]
snd-pcm1   15764   0  [snd-ens1370]
snd-pcm 8756   0  [snd-audiopci snd-pcm1]
snd-ac97-codec  9192   0  [snd-ens1370]
snd-midi   13756   0  [snd-audiopci snd-ens1370]
snd-mixer  13548   0  [snd-audiopci snd-ens1370 snd-ac97-codec]
snd29740   1  [snd-audiopci snd-ens1370 snd-pcm1 snd-pcm 
snd-ac97-codec snd-midi snd-mixer]

[RedHat]: Automatic Hardware Detection

1999-07-04 Thread Paulo J Matos aka PDestroy
Does anyone know if RedHat 6.x does Automatic Hardware Detection?


Paulo Jorge Matos aka PDestroy
Minister of FortuneCity - Marina District
Personal Page :
Fed. Portuguesa de JuJutsu e D.A. Webmaster :
World Kobudo Federation - Portugal Webmaster :
Page me at :
Site Builders Network Level 2 Member
HTML Writers Guild Member

RE: gnome session-panel X problems

1999-07-04 Thread Brendon Baumgartner
I just went through my logs and  I have the same errors in my .gnome-errors
My .gnome-errors is 14k! Thats from one start of gnome, but it looks like
they are mostly errors with sound. I'll try and fix that now and see what
else happens.


-Original Message-
From: Didi Damian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, July 03, 1999 9:36 PM
Subject: Re: gnome session-panel  X problems

Brendon Baumgartner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I installed gnome and e. The session panel doesn't seem to load up. All i
 can do is right click and middle click.

I have the same problem.

Whenever I try to start the gnome panel and/or gmc they fail with this

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/.enlightenment/cached/pager/  panel
** WARNING **: Could not get name service!
** ERROR **: file goad.c: line 606 (real_goad_server_activate): assertion
failed: (name_service != CORBA_OBJECT_NIL)

If I issue the command a second time they start normal. This has the
implications that I can't start either when I start X. If I 'exec
gnome-session' in .xsession, I don't get the panel. If I specify to load the
panel explicitely it just hangs for a moment and then it barfs out.
I had this problem from the beginning,, with gnome 1.06 and yesterday I
upgraded to 1.07 but it didn't solve it.

Does anybody know what's wrong and how can I fix it ?



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Re: [RedHat]: Automatic Hardware Detection

1999-07-04 Thread Lex Chive
On Sun, Jul 04, 1999 at 09:13:28PM +0100, Paulo J Matos aka PDestroy wrote:
 Does anyone know if RedHat 6.x does Automatic Hardware Detection?
What's automatic hardware detection? PnP?


Description: PGP signature

Glibc 2.0.7t-1 - 2.0.7u - that shouldn't break anything, should it?

1999-07-04 Thread scode
As the subject says. 2.0.7t-1 and 2.0.7u sounds pretty compatible
to me. Right?


/ Peter Schuller

PGP userID: 0x5584BD98 or 'Peter Schuller [EMAIL PROTECTED]'
Help create a free Java based operating system -

Description: PGP signature

(no subject)

1999-07-04 Thread Eddie Crazyhorse

Re: Hylafax problems

1999-07-04 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Sun, Jul 04, 1999 at 08:20:24PM +0200, Cuno Sonnemans wrote:
 Allan M. Wind wrote:
  On 1999-07-04 17:46, Cuno Sonnemans wrote:
   I Get the following warning: faxrunq hasn't been run in the last 24
   I've been told that I have to install a cron job that calls
   faxrunq in regular intervals, as root user.
  Yes or you can run faxrunq by hand - execute faxrunq when you have
  some faxes to send out.
   Because faxspool will only put the job into the Queue,  but won't care
   sending it out that's faxrunq's job, and cron is used to start faxrunq
   in the intervals I like.

What version of hylafax are you running?  I have hylafax-server and
hylafax-client 4.0.2-9 installed and there are no faxrunq or faxspool
commands in either of these.

   But I don't know how to install a cron job.
  crontab -e
  The format of the files (from crontab(5)) is:
field  allowed values
-  --
minute 0-59
hour   0-23
day of month   1-31
month  1-12 (or names, see below)
day of week0-7 (0 or 7 is Sun, or use names)
  followed by a command, all on a single line.  You should have the cron
  and crontab pages as part of the cron package.
  Allan M. Wind   Phone:  781.938.5272 (home)
  687 Main Street, 2nd Floor  Fax:781.938.6641 (fax/modem)
  Woburn, MA 01801Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)
 OK, thanx.
 I've run faxrunq by hand, but now I have a new problem.
 I get the following message (my modem is on ttyS0, I've changed sendfax)
 /usr/sbin/sendfax: not a class 2/2.0 fax modem.
 What does it mean, class 2/2.0 fax modem.
 I have a internal Trust Communicator 56K fax modem !

This sounds like /etc/hylafax/config.ttyS0 is misconfigured.  Did you
successfully run faxaddmodem?  


Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

NFS Installation

1999-07-04 Thread Rodrigo Fernandes de Mello - posgrad/98 - SDR
Hi,We have encountered some problems regarding configuring NFS in Debian
system. We haven't got parameters about server and the notation used, in
the screen Choose Debian NFS Filesystem.
If you could help us, we appreciate.

Re: Remove funny files

1999-07-04 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 Rolf == Rolf Edlund [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Rolf That gives me a '--exclude=files.txt' file. Trying to remove it
Rolf as 'rm -i --exclude=files.txt' was unpossible. But when I go upp
Rolf one directory, then it was easy to remove the file.

-- starts an option. Commands, that accept --option style options use
-- to indicate that the following words are to be taken literaly.

That is, rm -i -- --exclude=files.txt would have removed the file.


Hot-247 sound card

1999-07-04 Thread The Buht Man

Hello , i run Debian 2.1 and its all up to date 
 everything is working nicely .. i am running Icewm , with gnome for a 
window manager  

Problem: i Cannot get my sound card to 
initialize , or load , and i dont know which module is compatible.
  ive tried installing each module 1 by 1 
until i got sound output from playing a cd in Gnome ...
  i sill cannot figure this out , here is a 
URL with my sound card specs .. maybe you can tell me what to 
  or set my cound card as , does Debian have 
a soundsetup like Redhat ?


Thanks , please letme know if you have any 

Re: [RedHat]: Automatic Hardware Detection

1999-07-04 Thread Paulo J Matos aka PDestroy
Automatic Hardware detection is what Win98 has for example... When you
install a printer, and restart win98, it'll say that there is a new printer
and install it for you. I would like to know if RedHat or any other Linux
type OS can do that.


At 22:43 04-07-1999 +0200, Lex Chive wrote:
On Sun, Jul 04, 1999 at 09:13:28PM +0100, Paulo J Matos aka PDestroy wrote:
 Does anyone know if RedHat 6.x does Automatic Hardware Detection?
What's automatic hardware detection? PnP?


Paulo Jorge Matos aka PDestroy
Minister of FortuneCity - Marina District
Personal Page :
Fed. Portuguesa de JuJutsu e D.A. Webmaster :
World Kobudo Federation - Portugal Webmaster :
Page me at :
Site Builders Network Level 2 Member
HTML Writers Guild Member

Securing system

1999-07-04 Thread Mark Wagnon
Hi all:

Okay. I seem to have my two computers networked together. In fact I've
telneted into my machine that has a direct internet connection to
write this email. 

I have some questions on how to go about making my system more
secure. When I first had my cable modem installed, one of the first
things I did was comment out the services in /etc/inet.conf. Now I've
gone back and un-commented the line for telnet (I assumed I had to in
order to telnet into my gateway (is that right?)). But i've read in
the past that telnet isn't very secure and that people can intercept
logins and passwords when one telnets to a computer.

Can anyone supply some security related resources that can get this
neophyte started? I realize that the first thing I should do is
upgrade my kernel (and I'll do it today).

 __   _
Mark Wagnon Debian GNU/ -o) / /  (_)__  __   __
Chula Vista, CA /\\/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /   
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  _\_v/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\

Re: Linking c programs?

1999-07-04 Thread Steve George

When you compile a library function into your program the system has to be told 
in which libraries to look for these references during linking.  A small set of 
libraries such as stdio are always checked for by the compiler - but it doesn't 
check all the libraries for references to functions as this would take *way* 
too long.

If your library is in the standard place of /lib/ then you only have to specify 
it's short name, if it is in a non-standard place you have to specify the full 
path eg /home/steve/lib.  The standard places to look are defined for the 
system with ldconfig.

So you should be able to compile with:

gcc -Wall -o it it.c -lm

The -l is for link and the m is the shortest name for the library which is 
unique e.g libname.major.minor.  There is some explanation of why the 
library has to come last but I can't remember! 

If your gonna spend any time programming yourself I'd recommend the 
Prgogramming with Free Software from O'Reilly or Beginning Linux Programming 
from Wrox.  Generally I haven't been able to find comparable 'easy to read' web 
content :(



On Sun, Jul 04, 1999 at 05:10:59PM +0100, Andrew Holmes wrote:
 I've been trying to compile a c program which uses maths functions like pow()
 and cbrt(), I've included the #include math.h and it compiles to an object
 ok. However when I try to compile it to a program I get:
 /tmp/ccc13322: In function `difi':
 /tmp/ccc13322(.text+0xea): undefined reference to `cbrt'
 Am I supposed to use some command line to gcc to make it work, I've been 
 gcc -o it it.c
 to make a program called 'it' from the source 'it.c'
 Any help would be greatly appreciated, TIA
 Best Wishes,
 We are MicroSoft.  You will be assimilated.  Resistance is futile.
 -- Attributed to B.G., Gill Bates
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Re: Securing system

1999-07-04 Thread Steve George
Hi Mark,

The first thing you should do is comment telnet back in until you have drawn up 
your security strategy ;-)

The standard things people will tell you to do are:
- turn everything off
- use inetd/wrappers with PARANOIA for anything you *have* to have on
- use packet filtering ie ipchains
- use a logchecker
- keep backups for WHEN you get broken into.
Unfortunately if you are on a cable modem you are easy meat since your 
available 24/7 and because often the people who connect have no real security 
idea they are a useful staging post for a cracker.  I currently get scanned 
about 2x a day at work and often they are from IP's that resolve to cable 

I would suggest that you ate tke time to review material at cert such as the 
architectural design of unix security, the LDP has some good links and there is 
the security HOWTO (or equiv titled).  For a faster/dirtier guide try:

This is a book on securing your system by Kurt Seifried, I haven't read the new 
version but the first one was perfectly capable if RH focused.



On Sun, Jul 04, 1999 at 02:21:58PM -0700, Mark Wagnon wrote:
 Hi all:
 Okay. I seem to have my two computers networked together. In fact I've
 telneted into my machine that has a direct internet connection to
 write this email. 
 I have some questions on how to go about making my system more
 secure. When I first had my cable modem installed, one of the first
 things I did was comment out the services in /etc/inet.conf. Now I've
 gone back and un-commented the line for telnet (I assumed I had to in
 order to telnet into my gateway (is that right?)). But i've read in
 the past that telnet isn't very secure and that people can intercept
 logins and passwords when one telnets to a computer.
 Can anyone supply some security related resources that can get this
 neophyte started? I realize that the first thing I should do is
 upgrade my kernel (and I'll do it today).
  __   _
 Mark Wagnon Debian GNU/ -o) / /  (_)__  __   __
 Chula Vista, CA /\\/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /   
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  _\_v/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

CD-RW drives and Linux

1999-07-04 Thread Alec Smith
I'm looking into getting a CD-RW drive to go along with my Debian system.
I'm looking at the following possible combinations.


The cheapest option would be the IDE/IDE combo. Would an IDE CD-RW be
easily used in Debian? Also, which drives are recommended? I'm more
interested in burning CD-R discs than the ReWrite capabilities.

Re: [SuSE Linux] What DO you lose with Linux ???

1999-07-04 Thread Revenant
I use the Netscape Mail program and am quite happy with it.

I've recently returned to Netscape Mail from Pegasus, which is nice,
but has a few little annoying things that Netscape doesn't:

  New messages appear in the New Mail folder.  Once they move from
there (after reading) they can't be put back, even if you mark messages
as unread.

  If you search for messages by criteria you get a list of matches.
If you select one of them, it opens it (okay so far), but then when
you finish the message and close it, you find that Pegasus has opened
the folder it came from underneath.  This leads to an annoying
repetition of click on msg, read msg, close msg, close folder

  It also doesn't have Netscape's ease of searching on multiple fields.
You can do it, but you have to parse together a command-line like
search term rather than just clicking on add another search term
like Netscape.

  It had a feature to autowrap quoting which I found nice - until I
found it was unreliable in general, *never* worked for multi-level
quoting and tended to auto-italicize (if you have that turned on)
the wrong bits of the message.  Sometimes text around the autowrapped
area even disappeared!

  Like I say, generally little things, but annoying.

  Regardless of what you may think of the Netscape Browser, the
Mail program is really a fairly nice piece of work...

David Woolley wrote:
  To a certain extent I have to agree, but where I REALLY think Linux lags 
  is email. I miss an email client coming close to for instance Outlook 
  and The Bat! for Windows (or even Eudora!). The only one is XFmail which
  currently is not being developed it seems.
 The Outlook family are generally considered broken even by ardent Microsoft
 fans.  They ride rough shod over standards and convention, make it difficult
 to quote sesnibly, don't seem to do blind copies, and will send HTML,
 MS-TNEF and GIF images of the paper almost without warning.
 If you want a free Windows mail program, use Pegasus, preferably one of the
 older ones, as it has gone down hill with the introduction of rich text,
 which is about as broken as Outlook's.  Unfortunately Pegasus is not
 available in source code and Eudora Lite is a teaser for a commercial
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

-- Revenant [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
The whole principle is wrong; it's like demanding that grown men live
on skim milk because the baby can't eat steak.
- author Robert A. Heinlein on censorship.

Re: File Attributes in /var

1999-07-04 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: File Attributes in /var
Date: Sun, Jul 04, 1999 at 07:43:00AM +0200

In reply to:Klaus Pieper

Quoting Klaus Pieper([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 After moving the /var directory to another partition using  tar cfSp - *
 | ( cd /mnt  tar xfSpv - ) I got problems because exim could not write
 to /var/spool/exim and /var/log/exim.
 How are the correct settings?
 I changed them to
 drwxrwx---   5 root mail 1024 Jun 24 06:27 /var/spool/exim/
 drwxrwx---   2 root mail 1024 Jul  4 06:47 /var/log/exim/
 What's wrong with the tar copy command? I never had any problem with it.
VT1 root-Deb-Slink:~# ls -ld /var/spool/exim/
drwxr-x---   5 mail mail 1024 Mar  4 14:57 /var/spool/exim/

root-Deb-Slink:~# ls -ld /var/log/exim
drwxr-xr-x   2 mail mail 1024 Jul  4 12:58 /var/log/exim


Using TSO is like kicking a dead whale down the beach.
-- S. C. Johnson

problems with listar-cgi

1999-07-04 Thread Adam Shand


i'm hoping someone can help me.  i've got listar working and it seems very
nice, but i want to play with the cgi frontend and i can't get it to do

i've just installed both listar and listar-cgi, have made to modifications
necessary to have one working list and am trying to run the listargate.cgi

when i run it via the web server i get premature end of script headers so
i checked out the perl script and this line is commented out:

print Content-type: text/plain\n\n$finalstr\n;

but when i uncomment it and run it all i get is a print out of the command
it looks like it should be running:

/usr/lib/listar/listar -lsg lsg/933691793

to the screen.  

when i crank up the debugging i get this, which doesn't seem to have much
useful in it ...

[08/03/1999-06:52:43] Setvar: 'list-owner'='[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (created)
[08/03/1999-06:52:43] Setvar: 'sendmail-sleep'='no' (created)
[08/03/1999-06:52:43] Setvar: 'sort-tolist'='yes' (created)
[08/03/1999-06:52:43] Setvar: 'task-no-footer'='no' (created)
[08/03/1999-06:52:43] Setvar: 'allow-setaddy'='yes' (created)
[08/03/1999-06:52:43] Setvar: 'full-bounce'='no' (created)
[08/03/1999-06:52:43] Setvar: 'global-blacklist'='banned' (created)
[08/03/1999-06:52:43] Setvar: 'blacklist-file' failure (protected)
[08/03/1999-06:52:43] Setvar: 'blacklist-mask'='blacklist' (created)
[08/03/1999-06:52:43] Setvar: 'welcome-file'='text/intro.txt' (created)
[08/03/1999-06:52:43] Setvar: 'header-file'='text/reflector-header.txt'
[08/03/1999-06:52:43] Setvar: 'footer-file'='text/reflector-footer.txt'
[08/03/1999-06:52:43] Setvar: 'closed-file'='text/closed-post.txt' (created)
[08/03/1999-06:52:43] Setvar: 'nopost-file'='text/nopost.txt' (created)
[08/03/1999-06:52:43] Setvar: 'post-password-file'='text/postpassword.txt'
[08/03/1999-06:52:43] Setvar: 'digest-header-file'='text/digest-header.txt'
[08/03/1999-06:52:43] Setvar: 'digest-footer-file'='text/digest-footer.txt'
[08/03/1999-06:52:43] Setvar:
'digest-administrivia-file'='digest/administrivia' (created)
[08/03/1999-06:52:43] Setvar: 'spamfile'='spam-regexp' (created)
[08/03/1999-06:52:43] Setvar: 'moderator-welcome-file'='text/moderator.txt'
[08/03/1999-06:52:43] Done reading configuration file.
[08/03/1999-06:52:43] ** INIT ** Listar v0.123a started: Tue Aug  3 06:52:43
[08/03/1999-06:52:43] Path is: /usr/lib/listar
[08/03/1999-06:52:43] Mailserver is: localhost
[08/03/1999-06:52:43] Preparing to load dynamic modules...
[08/03/1999-06:52:43] Trying to load '/usr/lib/listar/modules/bouncer.lpm'
[08/03/1999-06:52:43] Initting module Bouncer
[08/03/1999-06:52:43] Trying to load
'/usr/lib/listar/modules/administrivia.lpm' (administrivia)...
[08/03/1999-06:52:43] Trying to load
'/usr/lib/listar/modules/listarchive.lpm' (listarchive)...
[08/03/1999-06:52:43] Initting module LISTARchive
[08/03/1999-06:52:43] Trying to load
'/usr/lib/listar/modules/filearchive.lpm' (filearchive)...
[08/03/1999-06:52:43] Initting module File archive module (version 1.0)
[08/03/1999-06:52:43] Trying to load '/usr/lib/listar/modules/admin.lpm'
[08/03/1999-06:52:43] Initting module Admin
[08/03/1999-06:52:43] Trying to load '/usr/lib/listar/modules/acctmgr.lpm'
[08/03/1999-06:52:43] Initting module AcctMgr
[08/03/1999-06:52:43] Trying to load '/usr/lib/listar/modules/stat.lpm'
[08/03/1999-06:52:43] Initting module Stats
[08/03/1999-06:52:43] Trying to load '/usr/lib/listar/modules/send.lpm'
[08/03/1999-06:52:43] Initting module Send
[08/03/1999-06:52:43] Trying to load '/usr/lib/listar/modules/base.lpm'
[08/03/1999-06:52:43] Initting module Base
[08/03/1999-06:52:43] Trying to load '/usr/lib/listar/modules/digest.lpm'
[08/03/1999-06:52:43] Initting module Digest
[08/03/1999-06:52:43] Trying to load '/usr/lib/listar/modules/antispam.lpm'
[08/03/1999-06:52:43] Initting module AntiSPAM
[08/03/1999-06:52:43] Trying to load
'/usr/lib/listar/modules/listargate.lpm' (listargate)...
[08/03/1999-06:52:43] Initting module ListarGate
[08/03/1999-06:52:43] Setvar: 'lists-root'='/var/lib/listar/lists' (reset)
[08/03/1999-06:52:43] Setvar:
'queuefile'='/var/lib/listar/queue/37A7023B29783' (created)
[08/03/1999-06:52:43] Setvar: 'mode'='nolist' (created)
[08/03/1999-06:52:43] LISTARGATE CmdArg
[08/03/1999-06:52:43] Setvar: 'lsg-file'='lsg/933691963' (created)
[08/03/1999-06:52:43] Setvar: 'mode'='listargate' (reset)
[08/03/1999-06:52:43] Setvar: 'fakequeue'='yes' (created)
[08/03/1999-06:52:43] destroy_var: destroying var 'lists-root'
[08/03/1999-06:52:43] Setvar: 'lists-root'='/var/lib/listar/lists' (created)
[08/03/1999-06:52:43] LISTARGATE Mode
[08/03/1999-06:52:43] Setvar: 'form-send-as'='[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (created)
[08/03/1999-06:52:43] Setvar: 'form-send-as'='[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (reset)
[08/03/1999-06:52:43] Listar terminated on Tue Aug  3 06:52:43 1999


1999-07-04 Thread Darryl Plank

Darry Plank

RE: E-mail for dummies.

1999-07-04 Thread Christian Dysthe
I was a Linux email newbie a few months back. What has brought me a good
solution is a combo consisting of exim/fetchmail/XFmail. If I were you I would
start out with XFmail on it's own. This email client is very simple to set up.
It does what you expect a normal GUI based email client to do with ease. You 
will be able to receive mail in minutes! The only problem is that it
doesn't do delivery and POP3 fetch in the background, so if you do a lot of
mailing, and have a lot coming in, you will have to wait for the client to
finish delivery/fetch before being able to continue your work. 

When you know how XFmail works you can add on fetchmail and exim which will
fetch and deliver mail from your ISP in the background. XFmail can easily be
configured to deal with mail managed by these two programs, which means you can
grow into a more and more sofisticated solution without having to switch
email client, convert mailboxes or other complicated adjustments.

All these programs are packed and easily installed and configured for Debian.

fetchmail has a GUI front-end for setting it up.
exim has a script called eximconfig that will have it working for you quite
easily (sendmail is much harder to deal with!), and XFmail has built in help and
is VERY intuitive to use.

I do tons of email daily as part of my work, and this combo is fast, safe and
secure and very versatile without having to learn tons of key bindings and
config file syntax.

Good luck! :)

On 04-Jul-99 Hans van den Boogert wrote:
 Sofar I'm quite happy with Linux, Debian and the documentation. If you read
 all you can find on the subject, use your senses and experiment a bit you
 can always get done what you want. 
 However, for me the one thing that still remains a mystery is the setting
 up of a mail system. I'm used to telnetting and Pine to read my mail, but
 now with a stand alone machine, a ppp connection to my ISP I just can't
 understand how the whole setup works. I've read the NAG and MailHOWTO, but
 both were written in such a way that I can't find no head nor tail. 
 Could someone please post a quick mail-system setup for dummies? As said, I
 simply want to connect to my ISP, collect/download my mail and read it in a
 browser-like X program like Mahogany. What is the principle setup? (Please,
 explain a bit!!!) What programs do I best use for what? What do these
 programs do? How do they interconnect? What is the sequence of collecting
 and sending mail?
 Is there any other on-line documentation besides the NAG and MailHOWTO? I
 have lots of time to read, much less to work on my system :-(  Thanks for
 the help. -- Hans
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Christian Dysthe
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