Re: Leased lines

1999-10-12 Thread El Samu
El Sun, Oct 10, 1999 at 07:35:25PM -0400, Pablo Vazquez dijo:
 hola hoy los molesto para preguntar sobre el funcionamiento de pppd con
 leased lines
 el tema es que segui las instrucciones de howto pero me quedo en lo
 despues de levantar el demonio con
 #pppd /dev/ttyS2 115200
 en cada maquina respectivamente
 negocializan y
 en el log se ve que se produce el linkeo de ttyS2  ppp0
 hasta ahi ok
 pero nunca asigna las ip pasadas en /etc/ppp/options
 este es asi
 #archivo options
 mru 576
 mtu 576

 por si te sirve de algo aqui esta lo que yo uso para conectar...
(si usas este metodo acuerdate de quitar de enmedio el 'options'  por  que 
 si no pasará un kilo de las opciones por parametros)

creo que el kit de la cuestión esta  en  la  opcion  'local',  porque  por 
 defecto esta en 'modem', lo que le indica que use las lineas de  control  del 
 modem, algo obviamente inapropiado para una conexión por cable serie...

 /usr/sbin/pppd /dev/ttyS0 115200 local  crtscts  rebeldin.lar:anarkito.lar 
 noauth passive debug defaultroute

Re: librerias faltantes?

1999-10-12 Thread El Samu
El Sun, Oct 10, 1999 at 06:37:13PM -0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] dijo:
 Al instalar las xlib6g y svgalib me tira estas warnings
 ldconfig: warning: can't open /usr/lib/ (No such file or directory), 
 ldconfig: warning: can't open /usr/lib/ (No such file or 
 directory), skipping
 ldconfig: warning: can't open /usr/lib/ (No such file or directory), 
 ldconfig: warning: can't open /usr/lib/ (No such file or 
 directory), skipping
 ldconfig: warning: can't open /usr/lib/ (No such file or 
 directory), skipping
 ldconfig: warning: can't open /usr/lib/ (No such file or 
 directory), skipping
 ldconfig: warning: can't open /usr/lib/ (No such file or 
 directory), skipping
 ldconfig: warning: can't open /usr/lib/ (No such file or 
 directory), skipping
 ldconfig: warning: can't open /usr/lib/ (No such file or 
 directory), skipping
 ldconfig: warning: can't open /usr/lib/ (No such file or 
 directory), skipping
 ldconfig: warning: can't open /usr/lib/ (No such file or 
 directory), skipping
 entre otras, no las tiro todas para ahorrar ancho de banda.
 De donde son estas librerias?. Con svgalib no he tenido problemas hasta 
 ahora, a pesar de las advertencias.

me da en la nariz que tienes que instalas la libc6-dev para que no  te  dé 
 esos warnings

Re: Bajo consumo de energía

1999-10-12 Thread jvicente

Ahh, alguien sabe donde se puede conseguir mas info sobre las opciones de
APM que tiene el kernel?

On Fri, Oct 08, 1999 at 09:56:48AM -0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Para ahorrar energia y disminuir el calentamiento del
procesador puedes compilar el kernel con:
 * General Setup
 * Advanced Power Management BIOS support
 * Make CPU Idle calls when idle

Frame buffer

1999-10-12 Thread jvicente
Alguno sabe de donde se puede sacar una lista con las placas que soportan
la opción de frame buffer?

Re: Winmodem y Pregunta sobre SCSI

1999-10-12 Thread Han Solo
On Mon, Oct 11, 1999 at 04:56:57PM +0200, shadow wrote:
 En el trabajo tenemos un pentium dual con adaptador SCSI Adaptec AIC 7880,
 disco duro SCSI, CD-ROM y CDRW SCSI, tarjeta grafica QDI (i740) 256Mb de RAM
 y quisieramos instalar debian 2.1, pero yo recuerdo haber leido en esta
 lista que habia un problema con la instalacion en equipos con unidades SCSI,

No existe ningún problema con esa controladora, es más, yo tengo un equipo
instalado con una Adaptec para SCSI diferencial (L2), que es de lo más nuevo
de Adaptec, y funciona de miedo.

 ademas quisiera que me indicarais la forma de hacer que linux utilice los
 dos procesadores.

Para esto tendrás que recompilar el nucleo, mejor si es de la serie 2.2.x
Un Saludo

Han Solo
The Rebel Alliance

Conecto, luego existo.
Desconecto, luego insisto.
Soy usuario de infobirria+

P.D. La firma no es mía, sino de uno que trabajaba, precisamente, en M$.
Vivir para ver.

Exploits y otras yerbas...

1999-10-12 Thread jvicente
Existe algun lugar donde se reporten todos esos problemitas de seguridad
(lease exploits)?

Re: Exploits y otras yerbas...

1999-10-12 Thread Hue-Bond
El martes 12 de octubre de 1999 a la(s) 11:29:49 -0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Existe algun lugar donde se reporten todos esos problemitas de seguridad
(lease exploits)?

 La lista de correo más conocida  es bugtraq. No me acuerdo cómo
 es para suscribirse pero mira

 Just do it.

In love with TuX - Linux 2.2.12Linux Registered User #87069

Re: Winmodems

1999-10-12 Thread Nitebirdz

Yo tambien he leido recientemente que el proximo kernel quiza
pueda funcionar con los Winmodems.  Sin embargo, despues de haber estado
al menos tres o cuatro annos trabajando como tecnico de apoyo/soporte para
una ISP aqui en los EEUU, mi consejo personal es que no los uses... ni
siquiera con Windows.  


On Fri, 8 Oct 1999, shadow wrote:

 He leido recientemente en esta lista, una pregunta sobre WinModems, la
 respuesta indicaba la imposibilidad de soportar los winmodems en linux,
 bueno, esta semana en una revista he leido, que la compañia propietaria del
 codigo de los winmodem, ha puesto en su web controladores para linux, de
 modo que se puedan emplear los susodichos bajo este maravilloso sistema
 Ata luego cocodrilos
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

La Epson Stylus color 640 no imprime

1999-10-12 Thread Fco Javier Monge Alonso
Hola lista:
Desde que actualice a slink no puedo ejecutar con exito
gs -sDevice=stcolor -sOutputFile=/dev/lp0 -r720x720 Antes
si funcionaba. Sin embargo gs -sDevice=stcolor -sOutputFile=/dev/lp0
-r360x360 sigue funcionando. ¿Teneis alguna idea de
que esta pasando?¿Tiene solucion?
Gracias por vuestra ayuda.

Re: Voodoo

1999-10-12 Thread Jordi
On Sun, Oct 10, 1999 at 05:04:34PM +0200, Rafael Martín Candial wrote:
 Muy buenas...
 Quisiera poder configurar mi Voodoo3 para utilizar la XWindows.
 He bajado los paquetes de 3dfx en formato rpm. Yo tengo Debian 2.0 (hamm), as?
 que he convertido los rpm en deb con alien.


 He instalado el paquete SVGA el rushlib y el programa XF86Setup pero este
 ultimo no puede ejecutarse porque dice que falta la libreria

Si lo único que quieres es usar las X con tu tarjeta (porque la distro de
Xfree de Hamm no la soporta), pienso que es mejor que vayas a un mirror de
XFree y te bajes el binario de SVGA precompilado de XF86 3.3.5 para glibc2.
Al instalar esos paquetes, es posible, como ya te han dicho, que dejes la
instalación de X de Hamm medio coja. La distribución de ficheros en los
paquetes de X para RH y Debian no tienen nada que ver, así que ahí puede que
tengas algún problema.

En fin, que sólo te hace falta (en principio y según lo que quieras hacer
con la tarjeta) el servidor, y ya los tienes compilados en los ftps, no te
has de liar con RPM's.

 ??? por favor, que alguien me diga paso a paso que debo hacer para configurar
 mi voodoo3 en Debian 2.0 para las XWindows !!

Así lo hago yo para usar una Banshee en un ordenador, solo tengo que
reemplazar el XFree86_SVGA y voilà!


Description: PGP signature

Cómo reparar discos

1999-10-12 Thread Fco Javier Monge Alonso
¿Tengo un disco son sectores rotos?.Intento formatearlo en MS-DOS y el
proceso se cuelga al llegar al 20%.Con mke2fs me pasa lo mismo.
Me pregunto si esto tiene alguna solución.Oí que con un formateo a bajo
nivel se podría separar sectores buenos de los estropeados. ¿Alguien
sabe como se hace eso? ¿Existe alguna utilidad de linux que repare
discos dañados (marque sectores defectuosos)?

Re: Frame buffer

1999-10-12 Thread Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz
On Tue, 12 Oct 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Alguno sabe de donde se puede sacar una lista con las placas que soportan
 la opción de frame buffer?

Vas al núcleo a la opción de framebuffer, la activas, y mostrará las
tarjetas soportadas. En mi 2.2.10 son:

Permedia2 support (experimental)
VESA VGA graphics console
Matrox acceleration
Millennium I/II support
Mystique support
ATI Mach64 display support

Hay un muchas más en el 2.3.13 (o la versión que sea del último núcleo

Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gogosoftware -

Error: Windows could not find error message.

Re: boot-floppies (Sugestões)

1999-10-12 Thread Ruben Leote Mendes
On Sat, Oct 09, 1999 at 12:12:32PM -0300, Alexander Gieg wrote:
 Como e' o teclado portugues?

Imediatamente à esquerda do Enter tem em cima a tecla com o acento agudo e
acento grave; em baixo o acento circunflexo e o til. À esquerda destas teclas
tem em cima a tecla com o asterisco, o sinal de mais e usando AltGr o trema;
em baixo tem os simbolos para fazer abreviação masculina e feminina (º e ª).
(não sei se todos conseguem visualizar correctamente)
À esquerda destas teclas temos em cima a letra P e em baixo o c-cedilha que
fica portanto à direita do L.
Por cima do TAB está a barra invertida (\) e o pipe (|).

Pela descrição que fez do ABNT-2 não me parece que nem o mapa nem
o mapa lhe correspondam. Sendo assim estes mapas que na minha
debian (slink) se encontram na directoria /usr/share/keymaps/i386/qwerty/
pertencem a que teclado? Ao de Portugal não é, embora como já afirmei o seja semelhante faltando principalmente configurar os acentos
agudo e grave como dead-keys.

Qual é o(s) mapa(s) que os colegas brasileiros utilizam?

Ruben Leote Mendes - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Guia DebianDoc SGML

1999-10-12 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
Clovis Sena wrote:

se vc poder me informar onde eu os posso pegar eu os coloco no


Estou enviando diretamente a você, este documento não
está ainda disponível em nenhuma parte da Net, este
site vai divulgar de primeira mão :).

Já acertei com Ardo a organização das traduções
do manual do DebianDoc SGML para outros idiomas. 
Provavelmente será colocado em um pacote chamado 
'debiandoc-sgml-doc-pt-BR' junto com outros documentos 
complementares a esteque ainda não traduzi.


MailBR - O e-mail do Brasil --
Faça já o seu. É gratuito!!!

Re: boot-floppies (Sugestões)

1999-10-12 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
  Para testar fiz o seguinte procedimento:

  - Gravei o meu próprio mail que me foi devolvido pela mailing list 
com o nome

  - Apaguei tudo o que estava antes de -- INICIO -- e depois de -- FIM 
--  incluindo obviamente estas linhas

  - Executei o comando: loadkeys

  Não obtive nenhum erro e o mapa de teclado ficou activo. Não percebo 
  como pode dar Parser Error!?

Fiz os mesmos passos que você mas infelizmente sem sucesso :(
Talvez por causa de algum problema no recebimento de sua mensagem...
Você pode me enviar diretamente este mapa de teclado em um arquivo

Um abraço

MailBR - O e-mail do Brasil --
Faça já o seu. É gratuito!!!


1999-10-12 Thread Andre Leao Macedo

Alguém já usou ou usa o wdm? Eu estou usando o slink, e o X Windows
starta automaticamente com o xdm. Eu instalei o wdm para testar. A primeira
vez que rodou, não tive problemas, mas quando reiniciei a máquina o
computador travava (inclusive o teclado), logo que o servidor X era
carregado. A única coisa que eu mudei na configuração do wdm foi que eu
comentei a linha que chama o x-console no /etc/X11/wdm/wdm-config (o que eu
já tinha feito com o xdm). Se alguém tiver alguma idéia do que aconteceu,
por favor, me avise.

Um abraço,
André Leão Macedo
| History teaches us that men and nations behave wisely once  |
|  they have exhausted all other alternatives.|
|-- Abba Eban  |
| Andre Leao Macedo  | |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  PGP Public Key in Home Page|

Re: Netscape installation...

1999-10-12 Thread Jordan Howarth
 aphro == aphro  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

aphro [EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/local/games/q3test] dpkg -S xlib6g:
aphro /usr/X11R6/lib/ xlib6: /usr/lib/libc5-compat/
aphro xlib6g: /usr/X11R6/lib/ xlib6:
aphro /usr/lib/libc5-compat/

aphro looks like u need the xlib6 and/or xlib6g packages installed to get

Correct first time. I read that somebody set the symlink on to old
libc5 library to get Netscape to work, so this makes sense - to me!

BTW I also had to install libc5 compatible libraries for xpm4.7_3.4j-0.6 and



Jordan Howarth  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
CSIRO Mathematical and Information Sciences Ph:  (07) 3214 2465  
Fax: (07) 3214 2480

Several Questions

1999-10-12 Thread Todd Suess

Greetings Fellow Debian Enthusiasts,

I had a number of questions I have pondered all week, and thought
perhaps someone might know the answer.  Any help is most

#1  After upgrading my slink box to potato a week or 2 ago,
I started getting the following error every time I install a
new package using apt-get.  It occurs during the unpacking/
configuration stage, and does not seem to hurt anything, but
if it can be fixed easily, I would sure like to.  The error is

Cannot find termcap: Can't find a valid termcap file at
/usr/lib/perl5/5.005/Term/ line 305

I believe I read somewhere that termcap is not usually used
anymore in favor of ncurses instead?  Could this be related

#2 I saw several messages refer to newer source/etc for
Pine, I am running 3.96 but if 4.xx is floating around out
there somewhere, could someone point me in the right direction
to find it?  Sounds like it adds some interesting new
features, etc.

#3 Not really a question, more of an observation.  I watched
the thread on procps and bsdutils, regarding the cross
inclusion of /bin/kill, and I noticed that in the latest version
of one of them, kill was removed and replaced with skill.  This
is find and good, because I can now use the built in kill command
in bash for various things, but I did have to fix the poff script
for ppp, because it broke when /bin/kill because /bin/skill.
Just in case anyone else had the same problem and did not know
how to fix it.

#4 One last question, for anyone that uses Tin/Rtin.  I have no
problems reading newsgroups, etc, and never had problems posting
to the newsgroups on other machines where I did not set it up.

However, on my own box, I can't seem to get it to post.  It's set
to use it's own internal inews, and I set all the options I thought
were needed (email address, etc), but when I go to post I get the
following message:

Invalid Sender: root (root@)

I created several user accounts, and got the same result from
them.  I checked all the normal places in /etc, /etc/tin, etc
but everything looks right.  The docs for Tin don't go into much
depth with inews, and the inews man page is really designed for
running inews externally, which I really didn't plan on doing,
since I am just accessing a remote NNTP server, just for my
own reading.

In any case, if anyone can help with any of these, it would
be great, and thanks in advance!


Re: Several Questions

1999-10-12 Thread Steve Lamb
Monday, October 11, 1999, 4:15:36 PM, Todd wrote:
 is find and good, because I can now use the built in kill command
 in bash for various things, but I did have to fix the poff script
 for ppp, because it broke when /bin/kill because /bin/skill.
 Just in case anyone else had the same problem and did not know
 how to fix it.

My suggestion here would be to install the bug package and file a bug
report on that package.  Check the BTS first, though, to make sure you're not
duplicating a bug someone else has reported.  The BTS is the best way to bring
these matters to the attention of the proper maintainer.

 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

Re: vi: line wrap?

1999-10-12 Thread Francois Deppierraz
bwarsing [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 can anybody tell me to set the line wrap to 80
 in vi?
 i can't find this type of info anywhere.

Type :set textwidth=80 in command mode.


Francois Deppierraz  student
ICQ: 176 770 09

Modules source ?

1999-10-12 Thread shaul
Where can I find the modules source (*.c files) that were used to make the 
modules that are copied to /lib/modules/2.0.36/ by default ?

Re: Debian menu

1999-10-12 Thread Brad

On Mon, 11 Oct 1999, Victoria Catterson wrote:

 I accidentally deleted the Debian menu while playing with
 WMakerconf. Is there a way I can get it back?

First, edit the file ~/GNUstep/Defaults/WMRootMenu so it contains only the
following. Don't include the START and END lines, of course, just what's
between them.


Next, make sure you don't have a file named menu.hook anywhere under
~/GNUstep. IIRC, if there were one it'd be in GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/

Finally, as root run update-menus. This step probably isn't necessary, but
it wouldn't hurt either.

- -- 
  finger for PGP public key.

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv


Attention: imapd gpoing back to $HOME as mailbox root

1999-10-12 Thread Jaldhar H. Vyas
Although a number of people have supported my decision to make $HOME/mail
the mailbox root for the UW imap server I maintain, I think it will be for
the best overall if I make it $HOME again.  Reasons:

1)  That's what most of the bug reports are about.
2)  That's what the upstream distribution does.  So it's less maintenance
headaches for me.
3)  It's what people expect.  (Principle of least surprise)
4)  The reasoning behind the change wasn't that good in the first place.

Expect a new upload tonight or tomorrow.


Re: getdate

1999-10-12 Thread Greg Wooledge
Brad ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

Going to runlevel 0 or 6 will cause the system to be halted or 
rebooted, respectively. For example, if we go to runlevel 6 (reboot)
first all /etc/rc6.d/KXX scripts will be executed alphabetically
with stop as the first argument.
Then the /etc/rc6.d/SXX scripts will be executed alphabetically
with stop as the first argument as well. The reason is that there
is nothing to start anymore at this point - all scripts that are
run are ment to bring the system down.

Oh, YUCK!  That's really, really counterintuitive.

In the future, the /etc/rc6.d/SXX scripts MIGHT be moved to
/etc/rc6.d/K1XX for clearity.

I hope so.

Greg Wooledge| Distributed.NET
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | because a CPU is a terrible thing to waste. |

Description: PGP signature

Re: Smail rewrite From address

1999-10-12 Thread Greg Wooledge
Steve George ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 Any pointers to info along these lines would be great - atm I've had to giveup
 mutt for Netscape mailer :-(

Mutt can rewrite the From: header for you.

In my ~/.muttrc (sort of) I have this:

  my_hdr From: Greg Wooledge [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I don't use smail, though, so if smail is overwriting the From: header
after it gets the message, you may have to switch to a different MTA.
(exim, qmail and sendmail should be fine.)

Greg Wooledge| Distributed.NET
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | because a CPU is a terrible thing to waste. |

Description: PGP signature

Re: Several Questions

1999-10-12 Thread Brad

On Mon, 11 Oct 1999, Todd Suess wrote:

 #2 I saw several messages refer to newer source/etc for
 Pine, I am running 3.96 but if 4.xx is floating around out
 there somewhere, could someone point me in the right direction
 to find it?  Sounds like it adds some interesting new
 features, etc.

It's been in project/experimental since February, at least according to
the dates on the files.

- -- 
  finger for PGP public key.

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv


Re: LILO won't load win95, but no error...??

1999-10-12 Thread Tom Pfeifer
This is a guess based on your description of what happens. It almost
sounds like you may have, at one point, had this line in your lilo.conf


and the rest of the file was the same as it is now. 

That would have installed lilo in the boot sector of /dev/hda1, and it
may still be there, even though you have since installed Lilo in the MBR
(/dev/hda). So when you choose win95, it turns things over to the Lilo
boot sector in /dev/hda1 which then gives you the same menu. 

Linux would still boot normally in that case, but choosing win95 would
keep looping you back to the same boot sector in /dev/hda1, and give you
the menu again.

Have you tried booting from a Win95 floppy disk and see if you can
access that partition from a DOS prompt? Because if what I'm suggesting
did happen, your Win95 boot record is overwritten with Lilo, and you
won't be able to access your C drive.

Actually, I hope I'm wrong for your sake.


Martin Waller wrote:
 Help me!
 I have win95 on /dev/hda1 with extended partition /dev/hda2 hda5.
 Debian on /dev/hdb1, /dev/hdc1=swap, /dev/hdc2=/usr/local.
 Typing win95 at LILO prompt, it syas 'Loading win95' then goes right back to
 lilo prompt, no error messages.
 The linux section works OK.
 What's the problem? (slink).

Re: getdate

1999-10-12 Thread Greg Wooledge

 I did as you suggested and changed /etc/rcS.d/ to and once rebooted the time was 20:00 instead of 0800... hence
 it didn't work.

Actually, that's the one that's correctly named.  My complaint was with
the links in /etc/rc0.d and /etc/rc6.d.

You should put that one back to

(Also note that, as someone else pointed out, the others are correctly
named as well, even though they don't appear to be.)

Greg Wooledge| Distributed.NET
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | because a CPU is a terrible thing to waste. |

Description: PGP signature

Re: Modules source ?

1999-10-12 Thread Brad

On Tue, 12 Oct 1999, shaul wrote:

 Where can I find the modules source (*.c files) that were used to make the 
 modules that are copied to /lib/modules/2.0.36/ by default ?

Most of those are items that were selected to be compiled as modules when
the kernel was compiled. So the .c files are somewhere in the kernel
source tree. If you want to see which options were specified to be
modularized, check /boot/config-2.0.36 (where 2.0.36 is the kernel

Others could be from alsa, pcmcia, or some extra package. Install the
source packages (alsa-source, pcmcia-source) for those, the .c files will
be in there.

- -- 
  finger for PGP public key.

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv


Re: Accessing RealPlayer broadcasts from

1999-10-12 Thread Kristopher Johnson
Eric G . Miller wrote:
  You need to go to Edit-Preferences-Navigator-Applications then look
 for the realaudio entry (if you have one). It should have something
 Description: RealAudio
 MIMEType   : audio/x-pn-realaudio
 Suffixes   : ra, ram
  x  Application: realplayer %s
 | Eric G. |
 | GnuPG public key: |

This isn't the problem.  I do have that set, and everything works
fine for a normal RealPlayer link.  The only time I have
problems is on links that use a 'makeram.asp?something' as part
of the URL.  I think Netscape should be passing it back to the
server, but instead it thinks that 'makeram.asp?something' is an
unknown file extension and so it wants to save it.

- Kris

Captech is looking for a Technical Writer

1999-10-12 Thread Christoph Lameter

Captech is using Debian/Linux and has hired a number of Debian developers.

Note that it says Local applicants only in the URL. Contact me if you
are not in the Bay Area. We might find a way.

Can not print in an Epson Stylus

1999-10-12 Thread Fco Javier Monge Alonso
I use gs -sDevice=stcolor -sOutputFile=/dev/lp0 -r720x720
and I only get white papers
but with gs -sDevice=stcolor -sOutputFile=/dev/lp0 -r360x360
no problem.
All this happens went I actialized to slink. Before this all woked OK
What's the problem?. Has it any solution? Thanks

Re: /dev/lp0 quit after kernel modulized...

1999-10-12 Thread rich

 Hmm, it not a problem. Add alias:
alias parport_lowlevel parport_pc
 and all is fine:

I tried that (by adding that line to /etc/modutils/aliases - correct

didn't change anything... Can the parallel port be used as a module for

 monkeyhouse:/home/rich# cat temp.txt  /dev/lp0
  bash: /dev/lp0: Operation not supported by device
  However, the output of 'lsmod' shows that lp and parport are loaded
  any ideas?
  Module  Size  Used by
  lp  4280   0  (autoclean) (unused)
  parport 6444   0  (autoclean) [lp]

Can not print in an Epson Stylus 640

1999-10-12 Thread Fco Javier Monge Alonso
I use gs -sDevice=stcolor -sOutputFile=/dev/lp0 -r720x720
and I only get white papers
but with gs -sDevice=stcolor -sOutputFile=/dev/lp0 -r360x360
no problem.
All this happens went I actialized to slink. Before this all woked OK
What's the problem?. Has it any solution? Thanks

Re: /dev/lp0 quit after kernel modulized...

1999-10-12 Thread Phil Brutsche
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

  Hmm, it not a problem. Add alias:
 alias parport_lowlevel parport_pc
  and all is fine:
 I tried that (by adding that line to /etc/modutils/aliases - correct

That's part of the correct way - you need to run /sbin/update-modules to
re-generate /etc/conf.modules (which is the config file use by modprobe).
After that it should work.

 didn't change anything... Can the parallel port be used as a module for

Yes - I do.

Phil Brutsche   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There are two things that are infinite; Human stupidity and the
universe. And I'm not sure about the universe. - Albert Einstein

potato ALSA won't compile

1999-10-12 Thread Dwayne C . Litzenberger
Has anyone gotten the latest ALSA (from potato) to compile?  I've been
trying for a while now, and there's always some problem.  I'd renew my
efforts if I knew it was possible, so any hints?

I already have all the latest software.
 -- Laura Winslow, Family Matters

Dwayne Litzenberger - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Advertising Policy:
GnuPG Public Key:
 Fingerprint:   0535 F7CF FF5F 8547 E5A5  695E 4456 FB6C BC39 A4B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: Several Questions

1999-10-12 Thread aphro
pine 4.x is good, the main reason to upgrade is it supports html based
email, which if you communicate with people with stupid mail clients that
use html(curses it silently) you won't have to kill them if they email you
something you cant read :/


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
  Linux System Administrator
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
Powered By:
Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--

On Mon, 11 Oct 1999, Todd Suess wrote:

 Greetings Fellow Debian Enthusiasts,
 I had a number of questions I have pondered all week, and thought
 perhaps someone might know the answer.  Any help is most
 #1  After upgrading my slink box to potato a week or 2 ago,
 I started getting the following error every time I install a
 new package using apt-get.  It occurs during the unpacking/
 configuration stage, and does not seem to hurt anything, but
 if it can be fixed easily, I would sure like to.  The error is
 Cannot find termcap: Can't find a valid termcap file at
 /usr/lib/perl5/5.005/Term/ line 305
 I believe I read somewhere that termcap is not usually used
 anymore in favor of ncurses instead?  Could this be related
 #2 I saw several messages refer to newer source/etc for
 Pine, I am running 3.96 but if 4.xx is floating around out
 there somewhere, could someone point me in the right direction
 to find it?  Sounds like it adds some interesting new
 features, etc.
 #3 Not really a question, more of an observation.  I watched
 the thread on procps and bsdutils, regarding the cross
 inclusion of /bin/kill, and I noticed that in the latest version
 of one of them, kill was removed and replaced with skill.  This
 is find and good, because I can now use the built in kill command
 in bash for various things, but I did have to fix the poff script
 for ppp, because it broke when /bin/kill because /bin/skill.
 Just in case anyone else had the same problem and did not know
 how to fix it.
 #4 One last question, for anyone that uses Tin/Rtin.  I have no
 problems reading newsgroups, etc, and never had problems posting
 to the newsgroups on other machines where I did not set it up.
 However, on my own box, I can't seem to get it to post.  It's set
 to use it's own internal inews, and I set all the options I thought
 were needed (email address, etc), but when I go to post I get the
 following message:
 Invalid Sender: root (root@)
 I created several user accounts, and got the same result from
 them.  I checked all the normal places in /etc, /etc/tin, etc
 but everything looks right.  The docs for Tin don't go into much
 depth with inews, and the inews man page is really designed for
 running inews externally, which I really didn't plan on doing,
 since I am just accessing a remote NNTP server, just for my
 own reading.
 In any case, if anyone can help with any of these, it would
 be great, and thanks in advance!
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Modules source ?

1999-10-12 Thread shaul
Thank you. I am looking for the common 8390 and ne NIC modules source files. 
It seems I should explain why I am asking.
I have a NIC which I am using with the ne module. It seems to work well, apart 
from the fact that when I boot the machine I have to disconnect the network, 
and reconnect it after the machine is up.
Now it turned out that I have a DOS diskette with a DOS executable called 
linux.exe, which unzip the files
fet916.c  fet916.o  linux.txt  trans.dat.

Did someone came across this fet916 name ?

The file fet916.c contains the following lines, among others:

[04:31:30 /tmp]$ head -n 5 NIC/fet916.c
/* ne.c: A general non-shared-memory NS8390 ethernet driver for linux. */
Written 1992-94 by Donald Becker.

Copyright 1993 United States Government as represented by the

[04:32:45 /tmp]$ head -n 35 NIC/fet916.c | tail -n 18


Paul Gortmaker  : use ENISR_RDC to monitor Tx PIO uploads, made
  sanity checks and bad clone support optional.
Paul Gortmaker  : new reset code, reset card after probe at boot.
Paul Gortmaker  : multiple card support for module users.
Paul Gortmaker  : Support for PCI ne2k clones, similar to lance.c
Paul Gortmaker  : Allow users with bad cards to avoid full probe.


/* Routines for the NatSemi-based designs (NE[12]000). */

static const char *version =
916.c:VIA Technologies Inc. 10BaseT Linux driver v1.0 \n;

[04:33:40 /tmp]$ tail NIC/fet916.c -n 6
 * Local variables:
 *  compile-command: gcc -DKERNEL -Wall -O6 -fomit-frame-pointer 
-I/usr/src/linux/net/tcp -c ne.c
 *  version-control: t
 *  kept-new-versions: 5
 * End:

As you can imagine, I wonder what the difference between this file and the 
module that I already use because this file seems to relate to my problem.

Some more questions :
1) The linux.txt file says I should compile my kernel with a fast_ethernet 
option. Is this because they were using slackware (it mentions rc.inet[12]) or 
an old kernel, or did I miss a kernel option ?
2) The file trans.dat says I should compile the source file and then 
cp ./fet916.o /usr/src/linux/modules/fet916.o. Should I change it to 
/lib/modules/2.0.36 ?

 On Tue, 12 Oct 1999, shaul wrote:
  Where can I find the modules source (*.c files) that were used to make the 
  modules that are copied to /lib/modules/2.0.36/ by default ?
 Most of those are items that were selected to be compiled as modules when
 the kernel was compiled. So the .c files are somewhere in the kernel
 source tree. If you want to see which options were specified to be
 modularized, check /boot/config-2.0.36 (where 2.0.36 is the kernel
 Others could be from alsa, pcmcia, or some extra package. Install the
 source packages (alsa-source, pcmcia-source) for those, the .c files will
 be in there.

XF86 modelines

1999-10-12 Thread aphro
can someone explain what the XF86 option 'doublescan' is ?  I'm trying to
define modelines so i can watch videoCDS full screen with MPEGTV.  

not having much luck though.  For some reason the modelines generated from
XF86Setup make the really low resolutions (below 640x480) run at really
high refresh rates(say, 130hz) which my monitor (Princeton E0500) doesnt
support. Maybe
someone on this list has a E0500 and can let me take a look/try at their
modelines.  kvidtune didn't generate any useable modelines either. (and it
crashes with a floating exception below 480x XXX ) I'm using a Creative
Labs TNT 16MB @ 1024x768 76hz currently (1024x768 85Hz max for my monitor)

any ideas would be appreciated :)


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
  Linux System Administrator
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
Powered By:
Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--

replacing debs with locally compiled packages

1999-10-12 Thread Jim
This one's a quickie.  Seems to me that if I want to replace a package
I've already installed with the distro (slink) with my own build of the
source, I should just be able to remove (w/o purging configs) the package
using dselect/dpkg and then go ahead and install my own build.

Is there any possibility for hosing myself with this method?  For example,
right now I want to replace my Enlightenment 0.15 with the 0.16 source.
I'm expecting to be able to just remove the old package and install the
new one by hand.  Nothing wrong with this, right?  I've done this before
with some smaller packages but never with anything as significant as a
window manager.


Re: how do i NAT a legacy network ?

1999-10-12 Thread Brian May
On Mon, Oct 11, 1999 at 09:19:37AM +0700, Oki DZ wrote:
 Brian May wrote:
  This is what I would do. The only possible problem I can imagine is
  if you try to connect to the Internet host that really does have the
  address 95.x.x.x (you would get the host on the local network instead).
 I think you'd get lucky if your ISP has proxy servers; in a nat'd
 networks, the hosts might not be able to access the ISP's dns servers,
 but due to the proxy servers, dns lookups are done by the servers. So, I
 think, as long as you access the web via proxies and you put domain
 instead of IP numbers in your URL's, you can happily using the web as
 usual even if you are in a legacy network (which has illegal IP
 numbers, which I think it would be okay because it works and wouldn't
 hurt anybody).

In this case, IP address could be used too, just as long as
1) You always use the proxy server and
2) You localhost doesn't attempt to translate the IP address into a FQDN.
2) The proxy server can't see your illegal 95.x.x.x network, but
packets for 95.x.x.x go to the correct host on the Internet.

Re: replacing debs with locally compiled packages

1999-10-12 Thread Andrei Ivanov
 This one's a quickie.  Seems to me that if I want to replace a package
 I've already installed with the distro (slink) with my own build of the
 source, I should just be able to remove (w/o purging configs) the package
 using dselect/dpkg and then go ahead and install my own build.
 Is there any possibility for hosing myself with this method?  For example,
 right now I want to replace my Enlightenment 0.15 with the 0.16 source.
 I'm expecting to be able to just remove the old package and install the
 new one by hand.  Nothing wrong with this, right?  I've done this before
 with some smaller packages but never with anything as significant as a
 window manager.

Not sure about WM, but I do this with AfterStep about every time new devel
version comes out. And it works perfectly.

 Andrei S. Ivanov  
 UIN 12402354 the pages bundled together.
Version: 2.6.2


Re: NFS lockd problems

1999-10-12 Thread Brian May
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] you write:
 I have heard that file locking is not implemented in the user
 level server, but you need the kernel level server instead.

Well, that would explain why it wouldn't work  Is this documented

I think I saw a message on the linux-kernel mailing list somewhere, but
if you can find a more concrete reference...

Re: how do i NAT a legacy network ?

1999-10-12 Thread Brian May
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] you write:

George Bonser wrote:

 Yes, you can ipmasq to nat anything. It simply uses masquerades the given
 source address to the outbound interface regardless of ip address.

I tested a router between the server that serving nat and my machine the
other day. But it didn't work properly. The question is (pretty
obvious), how do you set nat up so that it still be working even if you
have a router in between.

I will assume you have (not sure from your description).

[ host ]  [ router]  [ NAT ]???

I am afraid I have no idea why it want work. Can you provide more
details as to what you mean it didn't work properly? Also, how have
you configured your NAT (ipmasq)?

Tools I would use to debug such a problem:

ipchains -L -M  (for linux 2.2.x - run on NAT machine).

The major problem I have had in the most with ipmasq is that it wasn't
operating on expected packets, and just passing them straight through
(due to configuration problem).


1999-10-12 Thread Dias Cakep
Hi Debian
  I'm a new user for LINUX,
 can you help to make me more better to use LINUX
 next time.
  Send me more information about LINUX software
 and more.
  Can I heck the web-site with LINUX OS ?
 Send me information abaout that ..


Do You Yahoo!?
Bid and sell for free at


1999-10-12 Thread Andrei Ivanov
 Hi Debian
   I'm a new user for LINUX,
  can you help to make me more better to use LINUX
  next time.

We can't help you with that. If you have any specific questions, yes, that
can be helped with. But we can not explain to you step by step how to use
Linux. Thats what all the HOWTOs and books are for. Generally, if you like
learning, you will get better with it.

   Send me more information about LINUX software
  and more.

What software do you have in mind?

   Can I heck the web-site with LINUX OS ?
  Send me information abaout that ..

Oh please..Linux does not crack computers. People do. You can crack a
site with Windows, if you know how to. You actually don't need to know
There are too many programs written for that, all you have to do is
double-click. If you want to learn cracking, this is not the list for you.
Try sites like , and such. 
But you have to know the basics of computer operations before you attempt
to crack anythingso learn Linux first. Use search engines to locate
good sites ( has a large archive of documents) and read
read read.

 Andrei S. Ivanov  
 UIN 12402354 the pages bundled together.
Version: 2.6.2


App for creating .deb files from perl Modules

1999-10-12 Thread John Foster
I am seeking an application for creating .deb files from perl modules.
Does any one know of something like this? I need something on the order
of Alien. Thanks!
John Foster
AdVance-Computing Systems
ICQ# 19460173

Re: potato ALSA won't compile

1999-10-12 Thread Brad

On Mon, 11 Oct 1999, Dwayne C . Litzenberger wrote:

 Has anyone gotten the latest ALSA (from potato) to compile?  I've been
 trying for a while now, and there's always some problem.  I'd renew my
 efforts if I knew it was possible, so any hints?

I have it working right now (and the full duplex support for my soundcard
is nice). i didn't have any trouble compiling once 0.4.1 was packaged;
earlier versions gave various problems. Using up-to-date potato, with a
custom-compiled kernel 2.2.12. Did it all with make-kpkg.

What sort of problems are you having? Copy-pasting error messages would be
a big help, as well as which kernel version, what sound card you have, and
anything else that might be relevant.

- -- 
  finger for PGP public key.

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv


Re: replacing debs with locally compiled packages

1999-10-12 Thread Brad

On Mon, 11 Oct 1999, Jim wrote:

 This one's a quickie.  Seems to me that if I want to replace a package
 I've already installed with the distro (slink) with my own build of the
 source, I should just be able to remove (w/o purging configs) the package
 using dselect/dpkg and then go ahead and install my own build.

Instead of replacing it, i'd install my version in /usr/local and remove
the debs. Maybe that's what you meant, but just in case (and for anyone
else who might be reading)...

 Is there any possibility for hosing myself with this method?  For example,
 right now I want to replace my Enlightenment 0.15 with the 0.16 source.
 I'm expecting to be able to just remove the old package and install the
 new one by hand.  Nothing wrong with this, right?  I've done this before
 with some smaller packages but never with anything as significant as a
 window manager.

You might get in trouble with dependancies, unless you make proper use of
the equivs package. And unless you look into how the menu system works,
you won't get an entry in the Debian menus (don't worry, at worst copy the
one from the old E). If you're not careful and the program is strange, it
could put config files in strange places.

All in all, just use common sense and you should be fine.

- -- 
  finger for PGP public key.

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv


Re: App for creating .deb files from perl Modules

1999-10-12 Thread Brad

On Tue, 12 Oct 1999, John Foster wrote:

 I am seeking an application for creating .deb files from perl modules.
 Does any one know of something like this? I need something on the order
 of Alien. Thanks!

If the perl module is from CPAN, you can just about take the debian
directory from any debianized CPAN perl module and make it work with a
minimum of changes.

libnet-telnet-perl is the one i used when i did this. YMMV.

- -- 
  finger for PGP public key.

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv


Printable area for HP LJ 6L

1999-10-12 Thread David Purton

I have an HP laserjet 6L and using magicfilter, a2ps and gs versions which
came with slink.

printing seems to more or less happen, except that the printable area seems to
be incorrectly set.  For example when I print a text file using a2ps, it
starts printing too far inside the page edge and doesn't fit everything in.

I've tried playing with the medium settings in a2ps, but the margins left
during printing don't correspond to what I think I've set in a2ps.conf.

Since I think I have a2ps set up correctly, I'm guessing the problem is with
gs (I'm using the laserjet gs driver).  But I can't find anyway to configure
printable area in gs.  I think I have the papersize correctly set to a4 (and
the results are not what would be expected, if US letter was being used

I farily new to linux so don't assume I know too much,

Any help would be appreciated - Thanks

David Purton


dpkg procedure

1999-10-12 Thread bwarsing

I am a newbie and have never installed a .deb package by hand so I
am a bit weary a to proper procedure.
I understand the different steps involced in making the istallation
feasible, but I am rather apprehensive as to what will happen after
I complete the install.
For example:
If I do...

dpkg -i nmap_2.12-3.deb

...from a users home directory
will it install it and configure it properly, or will it install it
into that directory?  I have read the man
pages regarding this, but have been unable to determine if I am
going to make a mistake.

Is there anyone who can outline just the basics of the procedure and
perhaps some pitfalls to watch out for.


Re: App for creating .deb files from perl Modules

1999-10-12 Thread John Foster
 If the perl module is from CPAN, you can just about take the debian
 directory from any debianized CPAN perl module and make it work with a
 minimum of changes.
 libnet-telnet-perl is the one i used when i did this. YMMV.

Here is my problem. Maybe you can suggest a way around it. I have a very
stable Slink production server that I host a web site on. I was trying
to implement a shopping cart system, MiniVend, and get it to run using
.dbf (Xbase) files. It requires several perl modules that are not
available in Debian. They are available from CPAN. When I installed the
needed modules the installation suggested that I rm some .pm files.
I noticed that they were necessary to keep MANY Debian dependencies
satisfied, but I removed them anyway. Then thinking I should try to
clean up the installation I tested what would happen if I removed all of
the offending files via dselect and saw that it would totrally
hose my system so I retreated. Now I think I want to simply try to build
my own .deb modules instead of using CPAN unless there is some way to
make dselect  apt recognize that the required packages are installed,
though not where debian expects them.Any suggestions are greatyly
appreciated. I am just beginning to learn perl and am bowled over by
what can be done with it. This is still a production server so I must
be cautious.
John Foster
AdVance-Computing Systems
ICQ# 19460173

Re: dpkg procedure

1999-10-12 Thread Art Lemasters
On Mon, Oct 11, 1999 at 10:44:12PM -0700, bwarsing wrote:
 feasible, but I am rather apprehensive as to what will happen after
 I complete the install.
 For example:
 If I do...
 dpkg -i nmap_2.12-3.deb
 ...from a users home directory
 will it install it and configure it properly, or will it install it
 into that directory?  I have read the man

If you install it as root, it will install and configure properly,
in the proper directories.  Your command syntax and argument
are good.  Be sure that the package dependencies are met, though
(i.e., that other packages depended upon by nmap are installed first). 


 pages regarding this, but have been unable to determine if I am
 going to make a mistake.
 Is there anyone who can outline just the basics of the procedure and
 perhaps some pitfalls to watch out for.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

nosuid option for '/'?

1999-10-12 Thread Art Lemasters
 Do any of you see any potential problem with putting the
'nosuid' option for the '/' directory in /etc/fstab?  I'm trying
to follow a Linux security How-To, but am less encouraged to
implement it after reading more about it (e.g., that it might
be less secure to do so with perl-suid implemented, even though
perl-suid has been removed from this sytem).  And if nosuid is
a good thing for this system, can it be implemented for the
/home directories only, without doing it for the whole / directory? 


Hi Joey, I have I hope temporarily quit trying to use debian.

1999-10-12 Thread Mike Carter
How long before debian becomes easier to install.  I played with it for a year.
Successful in many aspects but eventually I quit as I don't have enough 
programming knowledge to get it to run as well as I want it too.  I have an 
i740 agp video card so I had to update to the driver.(the rest of the computer 
consists of  an abit 440bx board 128meg sdram essolo sound card celeron 300 
chip which has always run at 450 8.4 gig for windows and a 6.4 for linux 
+diamond 36x cdrom).  No problems but then to get this and that to work I had 
change my x system from whatever was in deb 2.1 to whatever was in potato and 
so on. I tried to use gnome but it kept changing to often add one bit and it 
broke.  So I used kde.  Eventually when it broke with an x upgrade or glib2 
whatever upgrade I quit. My sound card was the same.  I had to fuck around for 
ages to get it to run.  This I know is a problem for everyone moving over from 
windows to linux if not a programmer but it just got too hard for too long.  So 
eventually though I didn't want too I installed Redhat 6.0.  When I can get 
hold of 
a copy I will probably go to Mandrake 6.1.  I wanted and still want to be a 
user but the installation will have to get easier and I need the installation 
lilo to see both drives and allow me to boot either easily. -I bought the 6.4 
drive for 
linux.  I probably appear like an absolute lame.  So be it but I don't think I 
am.  As 
soon as I installed debian I compiled a 2.1 kernel then a 2.2 etcetra.  Could 
make the rest of the programming team (the world if you like) aware of my 
concern that some of us newbies try real hard with debian before giving it away 
because it is just too hard.  However I am still on the debian user mailing 
list, still 
hoping it will get easier and I can go back to debian.  BTW the guys and gals 
the debian team are overall doing a great job and I hope they don't quit.  When 
installation gets easier I 'll be back.  BTW your newsletter remains great.  
Hopefully you will use this note to spur the team on.

smail misconfigured?

1999-10-12 Thread Markus Reuscher
Hi all!

I want to receive mails on my server with the addresse
or to [EMAIL PROTECTED] everything is allright.
But when I send mails to [EMAIL PROTECTED] I get this

   - Transcript of session follows -
... while talking to
 550 [EMAIL PROTECTED]... User unknown
550 [EMAIL PROTECTED]... User unknown

'markus' exists as user on this machine. What must I
write in the config file to be able to receive mails
on all 3 domain names?
This is a cut from my smail/config:

Many thanks

Re: Hi Joey, I have I hope temporarily quit trying to use debian.

1999-10-12 Thread Art Lemasters
Seriously, Mike, bleeding edge hardware and software will be either
more expensive or more difficult to install.  I choose the slightly more
difficult route to getting work done, because high market profile tools
(like Bill's favorites) are too expensive and lacking in security for
corporations to support.  As for games on a personal system, on the other

Art, dimly reminiscing of having used his birdbrain and beak to peck the
enter key repeatedly for a 1.0 install on older hardware...

On Tue, Oct 12, 1999 at 04:57:28PM +0930, Mike Carter wrote:
 How long before debian becomes easier to install.  I played with it for a 
 Successful in many aspects but eventually I quit as I don't have enough 
 programming knowledge to get it to run as well as I want it too.  I have an 
 i740 agp video card so I had to update to the driver.(the rest of the 
 consists of  an abit 440bx board 128meg sdram essolo sound card celeron 300 
 chip which has always run at 450 8.4 gig for windows and a 6.4 for linux 
 +diamond 36x cdrom).  No problems but then to get this and that to work I had 
 change my x system from whatever was in deb 2.1 to whatever was in potato and 
 so on. I tried to use gnome but it kept changing to often add one bit and it 
 broke.  So I used kde.  Eventually when it broke with an x upgrade or glib2 
 whatever upgrade I quit. My sound card was the same.  I had to fuck around 
 ages to get it to run.  This I know is a problem for everyone moving over 
 windows to linux if not a programmer but it just got too hard for too long.  
 eventually though I didn't want too I installed Redhat 6.0.  When I can get 
 hold of 
 a copy I will probably go to Mandrake 6.1.  I wanted and still want to be a 
 user but the installation will have to get easier and I need the installation 
 lilo to see both drives and allow me to boot either easily. -I bought the 6.4 
 drive for 
 linux.  I probably appear like an absolute lame.  So be it but I don't think 
 I am.  As 
 soon as I installed debian I compiled a 2.1 kernel then a 2.2 etcetra.  Could 
 make the rest of the programming team (the world if you like) aware of my 
 concern that some of us newbies try real hard with debian before giving it 
 because it is just too hard.  However I am still on the debian user mailing 
 list, still 
 hoping it will get easier and I can go back to debian.  BTW the guys and gals 
 the debian team are overall doing a great job and I hope they don't quit.  
 installation gets easier I 'll be back.  BTW your newsletter remains great.  
 Hopefully you will use this note to spur the team on.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: S3 Virge AGP

1999-10-12 Thread Nikolay Hristov

  I've an S3 Virge GX2 with AGP, and it seems to me, that causes some
  stability problems in my Slink box. Which X server is recommended?
  Is XF86-S3V 3.3.5 compatible with my card?

I think that it was XF86_SVGA for S3 Virge video cards!


Re: Hi Joey, I have I hope temporarily quit trying to use debian.

1999-10-12 Thread Art Lemasters
On Tue, Oct 12, 1999 at 02:11:41AM -0600, Art Lemasters wrote:
 Art, dimly reminiscing of having used his birdbrain and beak to peck the
 enter key repeatedly for a 1.0 install on older hardware...

...or maybe it was 1.2 (rex?).  Anyway, my point was that installs
have been fairly easy with older, somewhat standard hardware (e.g.,
Cyrix CPU, ancient Trident video card, etc.) and much more difficult
with newer or nonstandard hardware (like the oddball SCSI controller
I made a development kernel for).  For new hardware and window managers,
Win98 (with its reported nightmares with drivers when it was new) or NT
somehow does not seem to be the answer.

Art, who is trying to get a clue with his first C++ tutorials

Enlightenment .16 segafaults.

1999-10-12 Thread A. M. Varon
I have downloaded Enlightenment 0.16 .debs from

Well, when I start E... it gives me an indicator in terms of percentage.
When it hits 91%... it segfaults.

Anybody has a fix for this?


= == Andre M. Varon  - Technical Head
= =   == Lasaltech, Inc. -
= === =
=   = =  If I cannot bend Heaven, I shall move Hell.
= =   -- Publius Vergilius Maro (Virgil)

Re: LILO won't load win95, but no error...??

1999-10-12 Thread Martin Waller

Oops - you're quite right.

fdisk /MBR from a dos boot disk...?


From: Tom Pfeifer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: LILO won't load win95, but no error...??
Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 20:09:16 -0400

This is a guess based on your description of what happens. It almost

sounds like you may have, at one point, had this line in your lilo.conf


and the rest of the file was the same as it is now.

That would have installed lilo in the boot sector of /dev/hda1, and it
may still be there, even though you have since installed Lilo in the MBR
(/dev/hda). So when you choose win95, it turns things over to the Lilo
boot sector in /dev/hda1 which then gives you the same menu.

Linux would still boot normally in that case, but choosing win95 would
keep looping you back to the same boot sector in /dev/hda1, and give you
the menu again.

Have you tried booting from a Win95 floppy disk and see if you can
access that partition from a DOS prompt? Because if what I'm suggesting
did happen, your Win95 boot record is overwritten with Lilo, and you
won't be able to access your C drive.

Actually, I hope I'm wrong for your sake.


Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: Netscape and its cache

1999-10-12 Thread Wouter Hanegraaff
 I'm using netscape with wwwoffle (www offline explorer, a personal http 
 and it works very well. If you install this package, then you can switch off
 the netscape cache, and the wwwoffle will keep the size of the cache below 
 configured limit. This solution has other advantages as well: you can search 

When  I tried to use wwwoffle the only thing I noticed was a continuous
stream of errors: 
Error writing to client [Broken pipe]; client disconnected?.  
Oct 12 12:33:33 duckman wwwoffles[24568]: Timed out reading the reply.  
Oct 12 12:33:39 duckman wwwoffles[24576]: Error writing to client [Broken
pipe]; client disconnected?.  

and netscape is not showing any pages most of the time

How do I configure this beast? If it just worked, it would be very nice...


3dfx and some sound questions

1999-10-12 Thread Joakim Svensson

for a ASUS SC-200 scsi card to hook up my
scanner. I have yet to set up my cdrw but I had it working
on a previous install so that should work without problems.
So what is this post about? Read on..

The rest of this post will be about 3dfx/openGL/Mesa etc
and sound configuration.

A couple of days ago I thought I would try out Myth2 for
linux. Got the cd and intstalled the whole thing. And
guess what :) It worked perfectly right away. I had just
put in a new soundcard (Soundblaster 128PCI) and recompiled
the kernel with 1370 (or was it 1371) support. Well anyway
Myth2 both plays and sounds just right.

Well this little experiment of gaming got me interested in
some more upgrades to my Potato installation.

I would like to have 3d accelleration, Glide, OpenGL, Mesa
or whatever its called :)
So my first question is how I would proceed to get this

What exactly must I download, Is there any .debs that would
help me? Is this any idea at the moment? What will happen in
the next XFree86 (ver. 4?) release?

I have an ASUS V3400. Riva tnt with 16 M. And I am currently
using the SVGA driver in XFree86_3.3.5 (from potato?).

I have been looking at:
Which directs me to nvidias pages

RIVA-X-GLX-1.0-glibc-i386.tar.gz seems to be what i am looking
for ?  Is this correct ?  If so is there something special
to concider here ?
On these drivers are also listed as RPMS.
Is this a better solution? Use Alien to make debs and install
them that way ?

Is this what I need ?  Did I miss something ?


Now just some sound stuff to end this very long mail.

If anyone could just advice me what to do to get a working
sound environment.

Alsa ? OSS ?

or just recompile kernel and skip Alsa altogehter (soundblaster 128PCI).

A list of stuff to install. I don't use Gnome or KDE

cd-player (It should work with scsi emulation for my IDE-cd)
what else ?
Also want to try out speech synthesis system any suggestions?


I am sorry about the length of this post but I hope someone did have
the time to read it thru. Please mail me if more info is required.

Best regards
Joakim Svensson

OT - How to save real audio files?

1999-10-12 Thread Cyrus Patel

Hi Guys,

This is slightly offtopic, but I just downloaded Real Player and I was wondering
if there was a way to save real audio file locally so I don't have to fire up 
ppp connection just to listen to .ram files.

Also, is there a way to convert .rm files to wav?

Thanks alot,

Dept. of Computer Engineering   Debian GNU/Linux 
University of New South Wales   (Potato)
Sydney, Australia.

Mem greater then 64MB

1999-10-12 Thread Rajesh Mittal


  I have got  debian box with 96 Mb as ram .
  I am using LILO to boot in linux.

 But It always show me  64 mb ram with free command.

  what is the option to be added in lilo to make it read 96 mb ram.

Please email me back with your suggestions.


This is Linux Country. On a quiet night, you can hear Windows NT reboot!
Do you remember how to -think- ? Do you remember how to experiment?
Linux is an operating system that brings back the fun and adventure in 

Rajesh Mittal, E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tel: +44 (0)1628 580600 direct no - +44 (0)1628 580623
Fax:+44 (0)1628 580610 Resi  no - +44 (0)1628 778481
InfoGain Limited, 1 Bell St, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 1BU. U.K.

Re: Printable area for HP LJ 6L

1999-10-12 Thread Laurent Martelli
 DP == David Purton [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  DP Hi,

  DP I have an HP laserjet 6L and using magicfilter, a2ps and gs
  DP versions which came with slink.

  DP printing seems to more or less happen, except that the printable
  DP area seems to be incorrectly set.  For example when I print a
  DP text file using a2ps, it starts printing too far inside the page
  DP edge and doesn't fit everything in.

I have similar problems using the chord utility. The page numbers are
very near teh bottom of the page, and they are printted printed
completely. Characters are cut horizontally.

Laurent Martelli

apt-get dist-upgrade problem

1999-10-12 Thread David J. Kanter
When attempting to upgrade, in pieces, from Slink to Potato, I got this
error message when typing apt-get dist-upgrade:

E: Sorry, you don't have enough free space in /var/cache/apt/archives/

Do I have too small a partition, is that the problem? What can I do to fix

David J. Kanter
Debian 2.1

Cleaning out dselect

1999-10-12 Thread David J. Kanter
While using dselect when I really didn't know what I was doing, I'd select
packages and in the heat of the moment, wind up putting some things on hold,
flagging others for deletion, and eventually quitting out of confusion.

But now that I know how to use dselect better, I'd like to update some of my
Slink packages to Potato. The problem is, dselect remembers all those
screw ups I made; it still has a list of all those packages that I'd put on
hold or flag for deletion.

Is there any way to wipe the slate clean and get rid of this mystery cache
list? What do I have to delete?
David J. Kanter
Debian 2.1

samba and windows printing

1999-10-12 Thread Aaron Solochek
I have read a ton of how to, and still not been able to figure this out.

I want to be able to print from linux to a shared windows network
printer.  Some of the important info:

pinter share name=deskjet
computer its on=sarah

 I tried to follow the howto on this, but I am not sure how linux deals
with printer drivers.  This printer is HP deskjet 694c I think.  I made
a nenscript and a print script and put them in /usr/bin.  If it is
important, I can attach thosescripts as well.

I'd really appreciate someone giving me a clear list of what I need to
do, this is the first time I've ever dealt with printing or samba.

-Aaron Solochek


# /etc/printcap: printer capability database. See printcap(5).
# You can use the filter entries df, tf, cf, gf etc. for
# your own filters. See the printcap(5) manual page for further
# details.

 :cm=HP DeskJet deskjet on sarah

#lp|Generic dot-matrix printer entry

# rlp|Remote printer entry
# :lp=
# :rm=remotehost
# :rp=remoteprinter
# :sd=/var/spool/lpd/remote
# :mx#0
# :sh

RE: OT - How to save real audio files?

1999-10-12 Thread Ted Harding
On 12-Oct-99 Cyrus Patel wrote:
 Hi Guys,
 This is slightly offtopic, but I just downloaded Real Player and I was
 wondering if there was a way to save real audio file locally so I
 don't have to fire up my  ppp connection just to listen to .ram files.

It depends (aspects of this are covered in the RealPlayer documentation).

First of all, if the supplier of the RA file doesn't want it saved
or copied, you will not be able to do that. Such files carry some
sort of signature which RealPlayer recognises and honours.

For files which are not protected in this way, you may or may not be able
to save them or download them directly.

Some versions of RealPlayer have a save button which appears when
a file, which is being played, is not protected. You can use this to
save the file. Again, this is covered in the documentation.

When you get the .ram file from the supplying site, this usually
has a URL to the location of the .ra file (the actual audio file)
itself, similar to the following:



You will find, in the case of the first of these, that you cannot access
the site with a browser and therefore, as far as I know, you will not be
able to download the file directly using this URL. However, if you go to

and poke about, you may be able to find the equivalent (and, in this
case, it takes a good deal of poking); in that case, you can download it
by ftp.

In the second case (if I remember right) you will be able to download
the file directly by ftp.

In summary: your mileage may vary. And in unpredictable ways.

 Also, is there a way to convert .rm files to wav?

I don't know the answer to that (and I wish I did).

Hope this helps,

E-Mail: (Ted Harding) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 12-Oct-99   Time: 14:00:09
-- XFMail --

Re: replacing debs with locally compiled packages

1999-10-12 Thread John Hasler
Jim wrote:
 This one's a quickie.  Seems to me that if I want to replace a package
 I've already installed with the distro (slink) with my own build of the
 source, I should just be able to remove (w/o purging configs) the package
 using dselect/dpkg and then go ahead and install my own build.

Do you mean that you wnat to build your own local .deb?  That will work
fine.  As long as you give it a rev number higher than that of the existing
package (you may want to use an epoch) there is no need to remove the
existing package: yours will replace it.

If you don't intend to build a deb, be sure and install the package in
/usr/local.  It won't satisfy any Debian dependencies, though.

 For example, right now I want to replace my Enlightenment 0.15 with the
 0.16 source.  I'm expecting to be able to just remove the old package and
 install the new one by hand.

Download the Debian source package, replace the .15 source with the .16
source, up the rev number in debian/changelog, and build your new package.
See /usr/doc/developers-reference for details.
John HaslerThis posting is in the public domain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Do with it what you will.
Dancing Horse Hill Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
Elmwood, Wisconsin Do not send email advertisements to this address.

Re: Mem greater then 64MB

1999-10-12 Thread Marcin Kurc

On Tue, Oct 12, 1999 at 01:03:31PM +0100, Rajesh Mittal wrote: 
I have got  debian box with 96 Mb as ram .
I am using LILO to boot in linux.
   But It always show me  64 mb ram with free command.
what is the option to be added in lilo to make it read 96 mb ram.

Marcin Kurc
Indiana Institute of Technology
System Administrator

Re: Printable area for HP LJ 6L

1999-10-12 Thread Stephan Engelke
Hi folks,

On Tue, Oct 12, 1999 at 02:08:23PM +0200, Laurent Martelli wrote:
  DP == David Purton [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   DP printing seems to more or less happen, except that the printable
   DP area seems to be incorrectly set.  For example when I print a
   DP text file using a2ps, it starts printing too far inside the page
   DP edge and doesn't fit everything in.
 I have similar problems using the chord utility. The page numbers are
 very near teh bottom of the page, and they are printted printed
 completely. Characters are cut horizontally.

AFAIK this is an a2ps problem. I have encountered this both with a 6L
and an old Deskjet 500.  Enscript, on the other hand, runs flawlessly
on my 6L. No missing characters and pagesize is set properly, too.

Other than the a2ps problem, I have had no trouble at all with my HP6L
What happens if you print from Ghostscript?

So long, Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Soft drugs lead to hard drugs:  You start with Marihuana and by the
end of the night you'll be eating Big Macs.***

Re: OT - How to save real audio files?

1999-10-12 Thread Kristopher Johnson
(Ted Harding) wrote:
 When you get the .ram file from the supplying site, this usually
 has a URL to the location of the .ra file (the actual audio file)
 itself, similar to the following:
 You will find, in the case of the first of these, that you cannot access
 the site with a browser and therefore, as far as I know, you will not be
 able to download the file directly using this URL.

You can't open these URLs with a browser, but you can open them
with RealPlayer's Open Location... menu item.

- Kris

Re: Voodoo Banshee + Debian = X == null ?

1999-10-12 Thread Tiago Alves Macambira

Tiago Alves Macambira wrote:
 Hi Folks!
 Well, I just bought a Blaster 3D Banshee AGP and to my surprise
 bla bla bla

I just sending this e-mail to thank those ones that helped me... 
In special, I would like to thank Taupter [EMAIL PROTECTED] by
his post and his indication of the following URL,

that It's a fine tutorial about configuring Voodoo Banshee and Voodoo3
Debian Linux, even using rpm and alien. A must see.

Again, thank you all.

I may be drunk, but in the morning I will be sober, while you will
still be stupid and ugly. -Winston Churchill

--==( Tiago Alves MaCambira )==- -==( UIN: 5340883  )==--
--==([EMAIL PROTECTED])==- -==(  [EMAIL PROTECTED] )==--
  --==(  Computer Science Student  @ UFC, BRAZIL  )==--

Re: apt-get dist-upgrade problem

1999-10-12 Thread David Z. Maze
David J Kanter [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
DJK When attempting to upgrade, in pieces, from Slink to Potato, I
DJK got this error message when typing apt-get dist-upgrade:
DJK E: Sorry, you don't have enough free space in /var/cache/apt/archives/
DJK Do I have too small a partition, is that the problem? What can I
DJK do to fix this?

That could be part of the problem, yeah; the first time I installed
Debian I only put 30MB in /var and learned to regret that pretty
quickly.  Possible options include:

-- Run 'apt-get clean', if you haven't, to get rid of stale package
   files you don't really need.

-- 'apt-get install' particular packages out of unstable; this will
   download all of their dependencies as well.

-- Symbolically link a directory on a larger partition to

-- Mount a bigger/different disk on /var/cache/apt/archives.

-- Repartition so you have a bigger /var (bleah!).

The third option here is probably the easiest and most likely to be

Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal.
-- Abra Mitchell

du and df conflict; disk space missing

1999-10-12 Thread Paul Reavis

I'm very confused. I have a samba server running print services, and the
only real problem I have with it is that my users keep getting out of
disk space errors when printing. My /var partition is totally full:

Filesystem 1024-blocks  Used Available Capacity Mounted on
/dev/sda6 253807  2407110100%   /var

But I can't see why with `du`:

padmount:/# du -s /var
32567   /var

What could cause this?

Please cc: me directly; this is my work address. Thanks.


Design Lead
Partner Software, Inc.

word perfect stuff...

1999-10-12 Thread tf
hey guys,

I have wordperfect installed, but I may have mangled the installation. 
when I try to start it, I get

./xwp: can't load library ''

hmm.  do I have this library?  Should I move my WordPerfect directory
out of home, to usr/local?

dumb questions, perhaps, but thanks anyway!


Re: OT - How to save real audio files?

1999-10-12 Thread aphro
real audio/video has a protection scheme, which lets the broadcaster
decide wether they want you to be able to record the stream or not.  there
was a crack floating around for the winXX version to record RA but i
havent seen a linux one(and i dont have the winXX one either, it was about
2 years ago ..)


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
  Linux System Administrator
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
Powered By:
Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--

On Tue, 12 Oct 1999, Cyrus Patel wrote:

 Hi Guys,
 This is slightly offtopic, but I just downloaded Real Player and I was 
 if there was a way to save real audio file locally so I don't have to fire up 
 ppp connection just to listen to .ram files.
 Also, is there a way to convert .rm files to wav?
 Thanks alot,
 Cyrus Patel - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Dept. of Computer Engineering   Debian GNU/Linux 
 University of New South Wales   (Potato)
 Sydney, Australia.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: OT - How to save real audio files?

1999-10-12 Thread Ted Harding
On 12-Oct-99 Kristopher Johnson wrote:
 (Ted Harding) wrote:
 When you get the .ram file from the supplying site, this usually
 has a URL to the location of the .ra file (the actual audio file)
 itself, similar to the following:
 You will find, in the case of the first of these, that you cannot
 access the site with a browser and therefore, as far as I know, you
 will not be able to download the file directly using this URL.
 You can't open these URLs with a browser, but you can open them
 with RealPlayer's Open Location... menu item.
 - Kris

Sure -- but this doesn't of itself enable you to save the file locally,
I think. Am I wrong?


E-Mail: (Ted Harding) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 12-Oct-99   Time: 16:37:00
-- XFMail --

Re: word perfect stuff...

1999-10-12 Thread Martin Fluch
On Sun, 10 Oct 1999, tf wrote:

 hey guys,
 I have wordperfect installed, but I may have mangled the installation. 
 when I try to start it, I get
 ./xwp: can't load library ''
 hmm.  do I have this library?  Should I move my WordPerfect directory
 out of home, to usr/local?

apt-get install xpm4g


If the box says 'Windows 95 or better', it should run on Linux, right?
   - anonymous

For public PGP-key: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Enlightenment .16 segafaults.

1999-10-12 Thread flonesaw
Without having tried anything on my own system, I would suggest
that you remove the .enlightenment directory in your home directory
and try to load it again.

It is very likely that an old configuration file is incompatible with
the new version.  This has happened in previous E releases.

Please let us all know if this fixes the problem.



 I have downloaded Enlightenment 0.16 .debs from
 Well, when I start E... it gives me an indicator in terms of percentage.
 When it hits 91%... it segfaults.
 Anybody has a fix for this?
 = == Andre M. Varon  - Technical Head
 = =   == Lasaltech, Inc. -
 = === =
 =   = =  If I cannot bend Heaven, I shall move Hell.
 = =   -- Publius Vergilius Maro (Virgil)
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev

Realvideo menu buttons do not work???

1999-10-12 Thread John Foster
I just installed RV. It seems to work as far as playing a directed file
as in netscape, but the buttons for setting up preferences, selecting
sites, etc do not work. Any help?? Thanks!
John Foster
AdVance-Computing Systems
ICQ# 19460173

RE: OT - How to save real audio files?

1999-10-12 Thread Ted Harding
On 12-Oct-99 Ted Harding wrote:
 On 12-Oct-99 Cyrus Patel wrote:
 Also, is there a way to convert .rm files to wav?
 I don't know the answer to that (and I wish I did).
 Hope this helps,

Which reminds me -- I have a related query of my own.

If you want to try the files I'm talking about, get, /sergen02.ra, ...

(Netscape will automatically download these to your local drive, if
you get them as above).

These are a series of readings, each of one Turkish poem with background
music. When you listen to them in sequence, you realise that they are
a dissection of what must originally have been a continuous performance
lasting about 45 minutes (the clue is in the music).

What I would like to be able to do is to join them back together again,
so as to have one big file which would recreate (possible with audible
joins) the original continuous performance.

So my question is: does anyone know how to glue two or more RealAudio
files together into one big file?

Simply concatenating them does not work: RealPlayer plays the first
section, then whereas its clock shows it working through the remainder
you hear no sound.

With thanks,

E-Mail: (Ted Harding) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 12-Oct-99   Time: 17:20:49
-- XFMail --

realplayer with

1999-10-12 Thread Brian J. Stults
While we're on the subject of realplayer...  I have G2 installed and it
plays most realaudio formats just fine.  However, when I try to listen
to hockey games through, it plays the introductory
advertisement, but then crashes when it tries to play the broadcast. 
Any suggestions?


Brian J. Stults
Doctoral Candidate
University at Albany - SUNY
Phone: (518) 442-4652
Fax: (518) 442-4936

Re: 3dfx and some sound questions

1999-10-12 Thread lexchive
On Tue, Oct 12, 1999 at 12:57:16PM +0200, Joakim Svensson wrote:
 Alsa ? OSS ?
 or just recompile kernel and skip Alsa altogehter (soundblaster 128PCI).

kernel drivers will be lighter and more stable. On the other hand, you might
get some fancy features with Alsa (didnt try OSS since AFAIK the sb128 is not
supported in OSS/Lite).


I use sox for wav and au and mpg123 for mp3. Sometimes XMMS when I'm under X.
splay uses less resources than mpg123 but cant play some files correctly.


Description: PGP signature

[no subject]

1999-10-12 Thread trapstep
Hi list!

I have some serious trouble using my Epson GT5000 scsi scanner. I use it with 
an aha1510b ISA adapter (aha152x-driver). There are two harddisk attched 
internally, one is active terminated. The scanner is attached via a 1m long 
hd50-centronics cable and on the sub-d25 port of the scanner i attached an 
active terminator. Then i tried to scan with xsane. the preview was no problem,
but when i tried to do the full scan, it stopped after doing half of the scan 
and i had to kill xsane manually. A minute later the whole system was halted. 
no more reactions to keyboard events, network accesses, anything but the 
resetbutton :-((
So i attached the scanner to my other box, equipped with an Advance 
2941UW-controller (SYM53C8XX-driver), via a hd86-Centronics cable. and scanning
was no problem at all.
Both boxes run up-to-date potato-dist, so i think the only different sw involved
is the scsi-driver.

Any ideas are appreciated. TIA
   Stefan Bunse  

If you wanna contact me for any reason, do it!
You'll reach me at:
ICQ#:   21753787
Phone:  ask me :-)

fortune of the day:
Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not tried it.
-- Donald Knuth

If you wanna contact me for any reason, do it!
You'll reach me at:
ICQ#:   21753787
Phone:  ask me :-)

fortune of the day:
Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not tried it.
-- Donald Knuth


1999-10-12 Thread John Franck
I have a Savage4 graphics card.  I am trying to run X on my computer, but 
don't want to use VGA16.  I downloaded the latest version of X 3.3.5, which 
was supposed to support Savage4 for Linux, but was unable to find it in the 
supported card list.  Does anyone know what I can do to get this to work??

--Any help or success stories would be much appreciated.

John Franck
2 - 6403
ICQ 49872964
AIM jfrancko

Re: restarting daemons

1999-10-12 Thread Nitebirz

This is the way I generally do it, although there are some other
ways.  First, I run less or more on /var/run/ (I am currently
running a Red Hat distro here, but you should look for the same file in
the Debian box which perhaps will be locate somewehere else).  This will
give you the PID currently being used by the httpd process.  At that
point, you can become root and run kill -HUP [PID].  For example,

kill -HUP 534

Incidentally, if you go to the /var/run directory you will also
find some other PIDs for other daemons.  The process for restarting them
would be the same.  

Another way to do it, at least in the Red Hat box is like this:

/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart

Again, as in the other case, you can go down to the
/etc/rc.d/init.d directory and take a look at all the scripts for the
different daemons.  You can actually view the files to see which flags or
arguments they will take.

I hope this helps.


On Fri, 8 Oct 1999, Lev Lvovsky wrote:

 could someone please let me know how to restart all of the apache www
 daemons that are running so that it'll read the changes made in the
 httpd.conf file?
 'apache restart' doesn't do anything
 is there a generally accepted way of doing this for all 'net daemons?
 also, i'm sruprised nobody knows how to shutoffthe sunrpc daemon (or at
 least that's what I believe it is when I portscan my machine)...any clues
 as to where I could find info on this?
 thank you!!
 //Social graces are the packet headers of everyday life
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satan - Anyone Else Using It?

1999-10-12 Thread Art Lemasters
 While trying to run satan here, I received a _compilation_
error message.  Have any of you tried satan in potato (as I have)
and received the same message (or not)?


Re: Weird SO5.1 problem

1999-10-12 Thread Nitebirdz

It seems to be doing the same in my box, but I do not know why.


On Fri, 8 Oct 1999, Robert Rati wrote:

 I've been stumped on why SO5.1 hasn't been working on my machine and on a
 whim, I did a ps aux | grep soffice while it was loaded.  What I found was
 over 10 instances of soffice.bin running.  When SO quits, those all die.
 Is this Star Office's normal behavior?  It seems kinda odd to me that that
 many soffice.bin programs would be open at once.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   1999-00 |
 Aka Khyron the Backstabber  |   LI  NN N  U U  X X  O
 ICQ# 2325055|   LI  N NN  U U   X
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 Shackles cannot keep me bound  |  Those who can, do.
  forever.  I'm outta here. |
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Re: App for creating .deb files from perl Modules

1999-10-12 Thread David Coe
John Foster [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 [...] unless there is some way to
 make dselect  apt recognize that the required packages are installed,
 though not where debian expects them. [...]

Take a look at the debian package equivs -- it was made for that; 
you must be careful with the dependencies and version numbers you
use, of course.

Re: Cleaning out dselect

1999-10-12 Thread David Coe
David J. Kanter [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Is there any way to wipe the slate clean and get rid of this mystery cache

The mystery cache list is /var/lib/dpkg/status -- you don't want to
remove it, but you may want to edit it.  Be careful, and keep a

latest version of kernel package is broken in potato

1999-10-12 Thread David Natkins
Would someone be able to confirm my suspicion?
David Natkins   
Fax to: (718) 488-1780
Phone:  (718) 403-2474

Re: Slow TNT2?

1999-10-12 Thread Alisdair McDiarmid
On Tue, Oct 12, 1999 at 11:06:58AM -0400, Ingles, Raymond wrote:
  From: Alisdair McDiarmid [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I've got a PIII/450, 128MB, Diamond Viper 770 TNT2 system here
  running potato current and it's quite slow in X. Dragging windows
  around is slower than my PII/350 with a G200.
  This may not be totally suprising. Matrox is known for making some of
 the fastest (2D) cards around.

Well, yes, but the Nvidia is a year newer and should be faster. Or
at least roughly as fast.

 However, while it may sometimes be noticeable, the difference
 shouldn't be *obvious* in all circumstances.

It seems to be.

  In addition, the GLX support on my G200 runs twice as quick as the
  TNT2. This is a pretty appalling situation, really.
  That's really suprising. My TNT card was noticeably faster than a
 G200 playing Quake2, and that was with some older ALSA sound drivers
 slowing things down.

The G200 drivers have improved vastly recently. I get around 30fps
on timedemos now.

  Are you using the drivers (including the patched SVGA server) from

No, because that software was incorporated into XFree86 3.3.5.

 That may be faster in 2D, and should probably be faster in 3D.
 Are you positive you're getting hardware acceleration on the

Um, how can I tell?
alisdair mcdiarmid[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Eggdrop and Debian

1999-10-12 Thread Richard Clarke
Could somebody please explain to me how I can get eggdrop working with
Debian. I have installed tcl8 using both *.dev and *.tar.gz. But everytime,
even tho I know tcl is installed...when I try and run eggdrop (yes it
compiles just fine) it says...
./eggdrop: error in loading shared libraries cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Yes I did configure with --enable=shared. Please tell me if this is a common
problem and if so please tell me how I can fix it.


Re: word perfect stuff...

1999-10-12 Thread Joop Stakenborg

On Sun, 10 Oct 1999 05:32:57 tf wrote:
 hey guys,
 I have wordperfect installed, but I may have mangled the installation. 
 when I try to start it, I get
 ./xwp: can't load library ''
 hmm.  do I have this library?  Should I move my WordPerfect directory
 out of home, to usr/local?
 dumb questions, perhaps, but thanks anyway!

You need to install xpm4.7 from the oldlibs section.
wp is linked against libc5 libraries.

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


 Joop Stakenborg PA4TU, ex-PA3ABA 
 Linux Amateur Radio Software Database

Anyone using Sound Blaster PCI64?

1999-10-12 Thread Joop Stakenborg

At the moment I am using a Sound Blaster vibra16x pnp card, 
this card is not really supported by OSSFree (kernel)
or ALSA. Although the card produces sound, it gives dma
errors when using the second dma channel and it is 
unable to work in full duplex. I am getting fed up with
this card

I am thinking about a new one. The PCI64 by Sound Blaster
seems a good candidate. Does anyone have experience using this
card? Some Questions:

- Can I configure it with ISAPNP? If not, how do I do it?
- Does it work full duplex?

Any suggestions appreciated,



 Joop Stakenborg PA4TU, ex-PA3ABA 
 Linux Amateur Radio Software Database

Re: I just am not doing something right.

1999-10-12 Thread Paul Miller
Jim Ruby wrote:
 /sbin/ipchains -P input DENY
 /sbin/ipchains -P output DENY
 /sbin/ipchains -P forward DENY
 /sbin/ipchains -F input
 /sbin/ipchains -F output
 /sbin/ipchains -F forward
 /sbin/ipchains -A input -j ACCEPT -i lo
 /sbin/ipchains -A input -j ACCEPT -i eth0 -s
 /sbin/ipchains -A input -j ACCEPT -i ppp0 -d
 /sbin/ipchains -A input -j DENY -i ppp0 -s -l
 /sbin/ipchains -A forward -j MASQ -i ppp0 -s
 /sbin/ipchains -A output -j ACCEPT -i lo
 /sbin/ipchains -A output -j ACCEPT -i eth0 -d
 /sbin/ipchains -A output -j ACCEPT -i eth0 -d -p tcp
 /sbin/ipchains -A output -j ACCEPT -i ppp0 -s
 /sbin/ipchains -A output -j DENY -i ppp0 -d -l
 echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
[snip some more]

Why all the rules? I usually start out basic. Try these rules instead (from

ipchains -P forward DENY
ipchains -A forward -i ppp0 -j MASQ
echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

If these do not work, let me know, and I will look at my masq box at home to get
the rules I use.

Paul Miller

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