
2000-01-04 Thread Omar A. Alanis H.

Hola como ESTAS nececito unos drivers de RS56-PCI 
R6787-12 Rockwell modem por favor si me puedes mandar los drivers 

Re: calendario 2000

2000-01-04 Thread Fernando
Conrado Badenas wrote:
 Fernando wrote:
  No se que tipo de conexión tienes a internet, pero si no fuese mucha
  molestia, podrias enviarme esos ficheritos, te lo agradecería.
  (Son unos 70 k)
 $ tar cvzf _usr_share_calendar.tar.gz /usr/share/calendar
 Espero que puedas usarlos con la versión hamm de calendar.

Muchas gracias.

En principio, parece que ha cambiado algo la estructura de archivos
del programa, pero siguen siendo compatibles.

Ahora existe un /etc/calendar/ que antes no existía.
Han dividido los archivos en dos partes, los fijos de todos
los años y los de cada año en particular. ( Como debe ser :-)

Lo que no entiendo es por que no han pensado en separar en un paquete 
distinto estos archivos y hacer que el paquete del programa dependa de este.

Saludos y gracias de nuevo.


   Hackers do it with fewer instructions.

RE: Adaptador RDSI a 128Kb

2000-01-04 Thread Jesús Robles
 Hace más de un año que configuré un Proxy Linux con un ZyXEL igual pero sin
tarjeta serie de alta velocidad. Si conectaba a 128Kb, pero al rato (30' a
2H) tenia los mismos problemas que tú.
 Solución: Instale una tarjeta interna RDSI Teles (también he probado las
Compaq) y todo va bien desde entonces.

- Original Message -
From: Ximo Nadal [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org
Sent: Monday, December 27, 1999 1:32 PM
Subject: Adaptador RDSI a 128Kb


 Tenemos un adaptador externo RDSI ZyXEL Omni TA128 y una conexión
 RDSI con CTV a 128Kb. Hemos puesto una tarjeta serie de alta
 velocidad y hemos configurado 0setserial añadiendo la linea:
 ${SETSERIAL} -b  /dev/ttyS2 uart 16550A port 0x3E8 irq 5 ${STD_FLAGS}

 Luego hemos configurado la conexión ppp con pppconfig.

 La conexión se realiza, pero solo a 64Kb (parece). Y después de estar
 funcionando un rato se corrompe y no va ni el ping. ¿como puedo
 comprobar la velocidad de la conexión?, ¿alguien sabe como afinar
 esto para que vaya de categoria?.

 Creo que hemos seguido los pasos adecuados, pero no estoy seguro,
 alguien nos puede ayudar.

 Saludos y Feliz 2000.
 Mecanizados, s. a.
 Informática. Ximo Nadal.
 Avda. Ausias March, 122. E-46026 VALENCIA.
 Tel.: +34 96 373 63 62.  Fax: +34 96 373 66 03.
 Server powered by Debian GNU/Linux

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Actualización de Kernel.

2000-01-04 Thread Andres Herrera

On Mon, Jan 03, 2000 at 06:24:00PM +0100, Emilio Hernández Martín wrote:
He leído un HOWTO sobre el Kernel pero era bastante antiguo y no me he
enterado mucho ya que me decía, por ejemplo, que buscase cosas en /usr/src/
que yo no tengo. Y yo es que no controlo mucho de Linux...

¿Qué tengo que hacer para actualizar mi Kernel a partir del que tengo en
el CD?, ¿o dónde puedo mirar cómo hacerlo?

Instala el paquete kernel-sources del 2.2.4, te vas a /usr/src y lo
descomprimes. Esto te pondra los fuentes dentro de un directorio, asi que te
situas dentro de el y empiezas con las frases magicas:

make menuconfig
make dep
make clean
make bzImage
make modules
make modules_install

y a retocar el LILO.

Debian tiene otro metodo mejor para hacer todo esto, pero yo no lo he usado
aun :-)

 Grupo de Empresas Antakira FIESTAS 

Re: Actualizacion de Kernel.

2000-01-04 Thread Correcaminos
El Tue, Jan 04, 2000 a las 12:35:02AM +0100, Emilio Hernández Martín dijo: 
 Perdonad mi ignorancia pero no me termino de aclarar del todo.
 Ya he instalado el paquete kernel-package pero no sé muy bien cuáles
 son esos scripts que lo hacen casi todo. Por otra parte, yo no tengo el
 directorio /usr/src/linux, donde se supone que están las fuentes así que no
 sé qué hacer. Luego, en el paso 1 que tenías en tu fichero:

A ver ... :)

Por defecto, no tienes las fuentes del kernel instaladas  en tu
sistema. Para solucionarlo, podrias conseguirte la última versión del kernel
estable, la 2.2.13 si no estoy equivocado, y te las traes de, por ejemplo,

Con eso, te bajas los 11.6 Mb. con las fuentes del nucleo. Para los
siguientes pasos, conviene que muevas ese fichero hasta el directorio
/usr/src/. Tambien conviene que dispongas, al menos, de unos 130 Mb libres
en el lugar en el que vayas a descomprimir el kernel.

Una vez has puesto ese fichero en /usr/src/, y con el paquete bzip2 
instalado, ejecutas la siguiente orden: 

bunzip2 linux-2.2.13.tar.bz2

Con eso, descomprimes el fichero de los fuentes. Esto provoca dos
cosas: que cambien de 'linux-2.2.13.tar.bz2' a 'linux-2.2.13.tar' y que
aumente de tamaño hasta alcanzar los 62.5 Mb de tamaño.

Los ficheros '*.tar' son ficheros que contienen a otros ficheros.
Para 'desempaquetarlos', ejecuta la siguiente orden:

tar xvf linux-2.2.13.tar

Esto te creará el directorio /usr/src/linux/, que es donde están las
fuentes del nucleo...

Si creastes el fichero 'Compilar-kernel.sh', puedes ponerlo en
/usr/src/, por ejemplo ...

Ahora, suponiendo que tienes todo lo necesario (y si no, cuando
falle lo consultas), lo que haces es llamar a ejecutar esta orden:


Con esto, deberías tener casi todos los pasos automatizados...
 # Paso 1
 # Empaqueto las fuentes en formato deb
 ## make-kpkg --revision=$VERSION kernel_source
 no hay ninguna opción descomentada, es decir, ¿no tendría que estar la
 última sentencia sin los ##? Habla un puro novato de Linux, recuerdo.

Está opción la suelo mantener comentada porque cuando compilo lo
suelo hacer con los fuentes originales. Si lo que quisiera es 'repartir' las
fuentes del kernel, en formato debian, lo descomentaría. Con estaopción, se
crearán las fuentes como paquete debian.
 Por otra parte, he leído que si tienes una máquina Intel, como es mi
 caso, también se necesita el paquete bin86, ¿es cierto? Supongo que sí
 pero como no lo mencionáis, pues no sé...

Pues si, te es necesario. 
 Y por último, una vez que tenga ese fichero, 'Compilar-kernel.sh', por
 ejemplo, con los permisos adecuados y tal, ¿lo ejecuto y él sólo se
 encargará de actualizar o compilar mi kernel o lo que sea? Si no, ¿qué es lo
 que debería hacer a continuación?

Cuando ejecutas ese script, lo primero que hace es llevarte al menu
del kernel. En esos menus, debes elegir las opciones que mas se adecuen a la
maquina para la que quieras compilar el kernel. Te encuenta que puedes
utilizar una maquina para compilar el kernel para otra.

Una vez que has elegido las opciones adecuadas, al salir del menu de
opcines del kernel continuará el proceso, totalmente automatizado, que te
creará en /usr/src/ varios paquetes debian, conteniendo la imagen del kernel, 
las 'header' y la documentacion,  para que, con un simple 
dpkg -i /usr/src/*.deb
puedas instalar el nuevo kernel.

Espero que despues de esta 'larga' explicación, la cosa te resulta
más clara :)
 Muchísimas gracias.


   ___   _ _
 / ___|_   _| (_) ___  Grupo de Usuarios de LInux de Canarias
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 \|\__,_|_|_|\___| Clave GPG en las paginas de Gulic

Key fingerprint = F734 17F5 3AB6 E1F6 11C4  B498 5B3E  FEDF 90DF

Description: PGP signature

Re: Hola

2000-01-04 Thread dfm

¿De qué planeta eres? :)

debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org con fecha 04/01/2000 06:58:06

Destinatarios: debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org
CC:  (cci: Daniel Ferradal Marquez/INFO/URQUIJO)
Asunto: Hola

Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Hola como ESTAS nececito unos drivers de RS56-PCI R6787-12 Rockwell modem
por favor si me puedes mandar los drivers porfavor.

!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN
META content=text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 http-equiv=Content-Type
META content=MSHTML 5.00.2722.2800 name=GENERATOR
BODY bgColor=#ff
DIVFONT face=Arial size=2Hola como ESTAS nececito unos drivers de
RS56-PCI R6787-12 Rockwell modem por favor si me puedes mandar los drivers

Recomendación proxy

2000-01-04 Thread TooManySecrets

Tengo que montar una máquina que, aparte de hacer de router, tendré que
ponerle-configurarle el ip-chain para el firewall, y añadirle un proxy.
De éstos últimos que trae la distro 2.1 (aka slink), ¿cual me
recomendais?, razones, etc...

Muchas gracias por todo.

Have a nice day  ;-)

Re: Gnome: instalacion minima, :-?

2000-01-04 Thread dfm

No soy experto asi que no voy a asentar cátedra, pero juraría que las
aplicaciones gnome necesitan las librerías gtk para funcionar y no el
propio gnome, si usas windowmaker, prueba a seleccionar  wmaker-gnome desde
dselect para ver si con eso ya establece las dependencias de librerias
necesarias para usar aplicaciones gnome. De todos modos si tienes que
compilar una aplicación que de GNOME en el README o en algún archivo en
concreto de las fuentes te dirá que librerías necesitas más exactamente
para compilar y hacer funcionar el archivo en concreto. Yo no tengo gnome
pero si ñlas gtk y me funcionan todas las aplicaciones para gnome que he



debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org con fecha 03/01/2000 23:53:35

Por favor, responda a [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Destinatarios: debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org
CC:  (cci: Daniel Ferradal Marquez/INFO/URQUIJO)
Asunto: Gnome: instalacion minima, :-?


quiero bajarme la actualización de Gnome para Slink, pero solo
lo  imprescindible para  conseguir hacer  funcionar un  par de
aplicaciones, ya que no lo utilizaría normalmente (64 Mb...)

Habíapensadoen el`gnome-core',`gnome-bin',
`gnome-session', y el `wmaker-gnome', y entonces las librerías
que me vaya pidiendo...

El  caso es  que una  de las  aplicaciones también  tendré que

Agradecería que alguno/a me aclare lo de mínimo.

Porque  supongo que  no hay  manera de  correr una  aplicación
Gnome si ejecutar Gnome... :-?

A ver, un palo de ciego, ¿wmaker-gnome+librerías-gnome? :-)

Un saludo.

Cosme P. Cuevas --- Claves GnuPG/PGP disponibles.

Description: Binary data

Re: Recomendación proxy

2000-01-04 Thread Andres Herrera

On Tue, Jan 04, 2000 at 01:25:08PM +0100, TooManySecrets wrote:
Tengo que montar una máquina que, aparte de hacer de router, tendré que
ponerle-configurarle el ip-chain para el firewall, y añadirle un proxy.
De éstos últimos que trae la distro 2.1 (aka slink), ¿cual me
recomendais?, razones, etc...

¿Un proxy de HTTP y FTP? Si es un equipo medio decente (32Mb, Pentium 100+)
Squid es una maravilla.

Wwwoffle esta muy bien para uso personal, pero tiene algunos problemillas y su
rendimiento cuando se le da caña no es para tirar cohetes.

 Grupo de Empresas Antakira FIESTAS 

Re: Recomendación proxy

2000-01-04 Thread Hue-Bond
El martes 04 de enero de 2000 a la(s) 13:25:08 +0100, TooManySecrets contaba:

Tengo que montar una máquina que, aparte de hacer de router, tendré que
ponerle-configurarle el ip-chain para el firewall, y añadirle un proxy.
De éstos últimos que trae la distro 2.1 (aka slink), ¿cual me
recomendais?, razones, etc...

 Yo escogí  wwwoffle para  mi ciber.  No lo  veo muy  potente de
 rendimiento (a veces tarda más en cargar una página por segunda vez
 que por  primera). Además  no se  lleva muy bien  con la  opción de
 attachear archivos que tienen los  correos basados en web (hotmail,
 mixmail, etc.); al intentarlo, se demora ad eternum.

 Probaré squid.

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.ctv.es/USERS/fserrano
In love with TuX - Linux 2.2.13Linux Registered User #87069

CORELlinux con PC WORLD (España)¡¡¡Al ataque!!!

2000-01-04 Thread Manel Marin

La PC WORLD (en España) trae un CD con CORELlinux

¿Caera alguna migaja para nuestra debian?

El corel (R) filemanager no creo que sea GPL X-)
¿Y el gestor de paquetes?
¿Y el selector de arranque grafico?

Linux Debian 2.1 Powered

Re: Encoders de MP3?

2000-01-04 Thread Cosme P. Cuevas
El Mon, Jan 03, 2000,

 Hay algún encoder de Mp3  en Potato? No encuentro ninguno de
 los famosos (bladeenc, etc.). Hay alguno recomendable para
 instalar en /usr/local?

$ dpkg --info gogo_2.2.0-1.deb
 new debian package, version 2.0.
 size 96984 bytes: control archive= 324 bytes.
 228 bytes, 9 lines  control  
 Source: gogo 2.2.0 
 Section: audio
 Priority: extra
 Maintainer: Juanjo Alvarez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Package: gogo
 Version: 2.2.0-1
 Architecture: i386
 Depends: libc6 ( = 2.1 )
 Description: El compresor de Mp3 más rápido del Oeste.

Me lo bajé de aquí:



Si lo pruebas cuenta, que yo estoy con Slink, :-(

Un saludo, y gracias por el apunte sobre Gnome mínimo, ;-)

Cosme P. Cuevas --- Claves GnuPG/PGP disponibles.

Description: PGP signature

Actualización de Kernel 2.

2000-01-04 Thread Emilio Hernández Martín

Sigo intentando actualizar mi Kernel. De momento he instalado 2 paquetes
llamados 'kernel-source-2.2.4' y 'kernel-source-2.2.4-intl', el primero de
los cuales estaba dentro de la categoría 'Opcionales' mientras que el
segundo estaba dentro de los 'Extras'. He descomprimido el primero, ¿qué es
el segundo? En la explicación que venía en el 'dselect' ponía exactamente lo
mismo que en el otro. ¿Lo necesito o me vale sólo con el primero?

Después, al descomprimir el 'kernel-source-2.2.4', me ha generado un
directorio con el mismo nombre, pero ninguno llamado 'linux' en '/usr/src/'.
¿Debo crear yo el directorio 'linux' y copiar el que se ha descomprimido
allí? Porque no sé cómo se le puede cambiar el nombre a un directorio.

Gracias por la ayuda y por vuestro tiempo. Espero poder seguir con el
resto yo sólo. Si no, ya os preguntaré.



Problemas con Smail

2000-01-04 Thread SKaVeN
Hell-o debianitas!

Intentado enviar correo a las direcciones de jazzfree.com el smail me
devuelve el siguiente mensaje


|- Failed addresses follow: -|
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ... transport smtp: 501 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Invalid mail 
address, must be fully qualified domain
|- Message text follows: |
Received: by localhost
via sendmail from stdin
id [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Debian Smail3.2.0.102)
for unknown; Tue, 4 Jan 2000 18:25:05 +0100 (CET) 
Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2000 18:25:05 +0100
Subject: de pruebas
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
X-Mailer: Mutt 0.95.3i


¿Me lees desde alli?

Nos leemos...

   Jose Angel


¿quien me puede hechar una mano?

Nos leemos...


Re: Actualizacion de Kernel 2.

2000-01-04 Thread Jon Noble

On mar, 04 ene 2000 21:23:44 Emilio Hernández Martín wrote:
 Después, al descomprimir el 'kernel-source-2.2.4', me ha generado un
 directorio con el mismo nombre, pero ninguno llamado 'linux' en '/usr/src/'.
 ¿Debo crear yo el directorio 'linux' y copiar el que se ha descomprimido
 allí? Porque no sé cómo se le puede cambiar el nombre a un directorio.

Lo que se suele hacer es dejar los fuentes dentro del directorio 
kernel-source- (por si tienes diferentes
versiones) y crear un enlace simbólico que se llame /usr/src/linux que apunta 
a los fuentes que te interesan.
Para crear el enlace simbólico:

ln -s /usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.4 /usr/src/linux

Un saludo,


Como compartir archivos entre dos PC's

2000-01-04 Thread Lucky
Tengo dos PC's en red, los dos con Linux y quiero compartir ficheros entre
ellos. YA he establecido conexión y haciendo un PING se comunican, pero no
se como pasar ficheros.

Me podeis ayudar.

XaLaWEB: http://members.xoom.com/xabemi

Re: Encoders de MP3?

2000-01-04 Thread Han Solo
On Mon, Jan 03, 2000 at 08:13:13PM +0100, Jordi wrote:


 Hay algún encoder de Mp3 en Potato? No encuentro ninguno de los famosos
 (bladeenc, etc.). Hay alguno recomendable para instalar en /usr/local?

Ni creo que los encuentres. Los encoders (corregidme si me equivoco) se
distribuyen como parches de un soft que no es libre, así que dudo que
lleguen a estar en potato o en ninguna otra, al menos en main.

El BladeEncoder sólo ocupa 300K; si queres te lo envío por mail.

Un Saludo

Han Solo
The Rebel Alliance

Conecto, luego existo.
Desconecto, luego insisto.
Soy usuario de infobirria+

P.D. La firma no es mía, sino de uno que trabajaba, precisamente, en M$.
Vivir para ver.

Description: PGP signature

Discagem automatica do RDSI (ISDN) acontecendo aparentemente sem requisicao de trafego

2000-01-04 Thread Leonardo Ruoso
Estou com um pequeno, apesar de caro, problema no meu computador de casa.
Parti a instalacao dele a partir do Corel Linux, depois mudei para o
potato. Final de semana passado instalei uma linha RDSI na minha casa com
um adaptador ISA Hisax Eicom Diva, que estah funcionando bem.
Primeiramente configurei com o pppconfig, usando o pppd convencional a
partir do ttyI0, para em seguida configurar o ipppd atraves do dispositivo

Funcionou tudo perfeitamente, exceto pelo fato de que a conexao estah
iniciando aparentemente sem requisicao de trafego para o dispositivo
ipppd0, mesmo depois de conectado nao ha qualquer pacote transmitido - que
possa ser detectado atraves do iptraf. Atraves do ipppstats aparecem
alguns pacotes transmitidos e recebidos num unico momento, logo apos
ocorrem uns dez eventos e novamente uns poucos pacotes sao transmitidos.

Acontece que nao sei como seguir esses pacotes para saber quem estah
fazendo essas requisicoes. Naturalmente jah removi qualquer Servidor de
nomes que nao fosse o localhost do /etc/resolv.conf. O que eu posso fazer
para descobrir que aplicativo estah provocando esta conexao - e
aparentemente nao se comunicando com nenhum sitio da rede.

Obrigado Antecipadamente


RE: FW: Netscape

2000-01-04 Thread Pollywog
Try making the ownerships of netscape4.*.deb and the tarball root.root, if you
have not done this.


On 03-Jan-2000 Don Cavaiani wrote:
 I am having a tough time getting netscape4 installed on debian.
 I downloaded the archive from the ftp2.netscape.com site and unzipped it
 in /tmp.
 However, I am very confused by the error message I get when I try apt-get
 install.  It says that the netscape files must exist in the /tmp directory
 with one of the two very long file names they show (both of those file
 names have several * in them and I don't know how to resolve the names to
 exactly match what is being looked for).  I ran gzip on the file I
 downloaded from the Netscape site.  I believe it is actually Communicator
 version 4.61 that I downloaded from Netscape..
 Can you give me any direction?

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

GnuPG Public KeyID: 0x48109681
*we all live downstream*

RE: FW: Netscape

2000-01-04 Thread Pollywog

On 04-Jan-2000 Pollywog wrote:
 Try making the ownerships of netscape4.*.deb and the tarball root.root, if
 have not done this.

Oh boy. I just noticed you unzipped it.
Don't do that if you are using the netscape4 installer.  Leave it as a tar.gz
file and then do 'dpkg -i netscape4.blah.deb'

Replace the blah with the actual version of the package, of course.


Re: TeX

2000-01-04 Thread Brian Lavender
Go to an ftp archive and go into the proposed-updates for 
slink. There was some sort of y2k problem with tex where
the make format or something to that effect failed. Anyway, the
updated package will work. In fact here is the url for
the cdrom debian archive.



On Mon, Jan 03, 2000 at 12:56:30PM -0800, G. Crimp wrote:
   I've been using TeX at work for a few weeks now.  Last week I got a
 new computer and installed 2.1 on it (same as was on the old box).  As far
 as I can tell, I have all the appropriate tetex packages in place.  TeX no
 longer works, though.  When I try to run tex on a .tex file, I get the
 following error:
   This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (Web2C 7.2)
   I can't find the format file `tex.fmt'!
 The tetex docs say to run the command `texconfig init' in such a case.  When
 I run it I get tons of output, including the following excerpts:
   Beginning to dump on file tex.fmt
(format=tex 1999.12.30)
   No pages of output.
   Transcript written on tex.log
 The command continues to run producing similar output concerning latex and
 metafont.  However, the file tex.fmt is nowhere to be found on my file
 system.  Maybe the line No pages of output. explains that.  I thought I
 could get some answers from the transcript in tex.log, but that file appears
 not to have been written anywhere either.
 Anybody know what I have done wrong on this new computer, or more
 positively, how I can back to writing documentation with TeX ?
 Gerald Crimp
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Brian Lavender


2000-01-04 Thread Dave Sherohman
I just picked up a copy of the Linux version of Myth2 and haven't been able
to get it to work.  There are two issues currently, both Glide-related and
both ignored by the 3Dfx-HOWTO:

1)  I got the 3Dfx and Glide drivers from linux.3dfx.com, used alien to
convert their rpms to debs, and installed them.  Their test program 
(test3Dfx) runs fine for root, but segfaults if a normal user tries to run
it.  Their site suggests that you try running it both as root and as a normal
user, but doesn't say anything about how to troubleshoot it if it doesn't
work for non-root users.  Any suggestions on how to get that working?

2)  When I try to start up Myth2 (whether as root or not) it dies because it
can't open libglide2x.so.  Both the Glide2 and Glide3 packages from
linux.3dfx.com include libglide3x.so.  Where can I find a libglide2x?

Geek Code 3.1:  GCS d- s+: a- C++ UL++$ P L++ E- W--(++) N+ o+ !K
w---$ O M- !V PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv- b++ DI D G e* h+ r++ y+

wmsound: Error on Play Event

2000-01-04 Thread David S. Jackson


I tried compiling and running wmsound 0.9.4 for window maker 0.20.3-5   
on Slink, kernel 2.0.36.  I compiled wmsound against the latest 
libProplist, but I get the following errors from strace:

write(2, Error on Play Event\n, 20Error on Play Event 
)   = 20
write(3, +\0\1\0, 4)  = 4 
read(3, [EMAIL PROTECTED]..., 32) = 32 
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0]) = 0 
read(3, 0xb330, 32) = -1 EAGAIN (Resource   
temporarily unavailable)
select(4, [3], NULL, NULL, NULL 

Can anyone shed some light? 


David S. Jackson   http://www.dsj.net
What's nice about GUI is that you see what you manipulate.
What's bad about GUI is that you can only manipulate what you see.

device ttyS0 is locked by pid 5237

2000-01-04 Thread Joseph de los Santos


 When I try to log on to my ISP via pon it used to work but then when I 
reinstalled debian 2.1 , now it doesnt work anymore. I remember when it was 
working, I can see my serial options during boot time now when I boot what I 
see is the line serial driver version 4.13 with no serial options enabled 
maybe it's coming from this problem? if it is..then how can I enable my 
serial options then?

Thank you and Have a nice day!
Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

Re: mgetty external sportster

2000-01-04 Thread Nate Duehr
Actually Nate, I usually see trash like that when the port speed is
wrong between the modem and the machine.

On Mon, Jan 03, 2000 at 12:50:13PM -0800, aphro wrote:
 I have an internal modem(not sure what brand) that works fine, but i want
 to switch to an external incase the modem needs a hard reset we dont have
 to shut the machine down.
 Its been sooo many years since i used an external modem so im kinda rusty.
 sofar, i got it to communicate with the sportster (both minicom and
 mgetty) i can get minicom to establish a terminal connection and transfer
 a file(by connecting with another computer and hitting 'ATA' when i saw
 the 'RING')  the file transferred fine so i assume the modem is good.  but
 when mgetty tries to answer i get this:
 01/03 10:50:45 yS0   waiting for line to clear (VTIME), read: [0d][0a]
 01/03 10:50:46 yS0   removing lock file
 01/03 10:50:46 yS0  waiting...
 01/03 10:50:46 yS0select returned 1
 01/03 10:50:46 yS0   checking lockfiles, locking the line
 01/03 10:50:46 yS0   makelock(ttyS0) called
 01/03 10:50:46 yS0   do_makelock: lock='/var/lock/LCK..ttyS0'
 01/03 10:50:46 yS0   lock made
 01/03 10:50:46 yS0  wfr: waiting for ``RING''
 01/03 10:50:46 yS0
 01/03 10:50:56 yS0  mdm_read_byte: read returned -1: Interrupted system
 01/03 10:50:56 yS0  wfr: timeout waiting for RING
 01/03 10:50:56 yS0   wfr: rc=-1, drn=0
 01/03 10:50:56 yS0  huh? Junk on the line?
 01/03 10:50:56 yS0   removing lock file
 and mgetty clearly can communicate with the modem :
 01/03 11:33:23 yS0  mgetty: experimental test release 1.1.18-Sep11
 01/03 11:33:23 yS0  check for lockfiles
 01/03 11:33:23 yS0   checklock: stat failed, no file
 01/03 11:33:23 yS0  locking the line
 01/03 11:33:23 yS0   makelock(ttyS0) called
 01/03 11:33:23 yS0   do_makelock: lock='/var/lock/LCK..ttyS0'
 01/03 11:33:23 yS0   lock made
 01/03 11:33:24 yS0   tio_get_rs232_lines: status: RTS CTS DSR DTR
 01/03 11:33:24 yS0  lowering DTR to reset Modem
 01/03 11:33:24 yS0   tss: set speed to 38400 (017)
 01/03 11:33:24 yS0   tio_set_flow_control( HARD )
 01/03 11:33:24 yS0   waiting for line to clear (VTIME), read: 
 01/03 11:33:24 yS0  send: ATZ[0d]
 01/03 11:33:24 yS0  waiting for ``OK''
 01/03 11:33:24 yS0   got: ATZ[0d]
 01/03 11:33:24 yS0CND: ATZ[0d][0a]OK ** found **
 01/03 11:33:24 yS0  send: [0d]
 01/03 11:33:24 yS0   waiting for line to clear (VTIME), read: [0d][0a][0d]
 01/03 11:33:25 yS0   removing lock file
 01/03 11:33:25 yS0  waiting...
 i've been going through documentation on the modem and on the AT command
 set, but so far this is as far as i've gotten. looks like those
 [0d][0a][0d] are escape codes? that could be screwing the modem up. im not
 sure of the modem's model#  but it is a 28.8 sportster external, it has a
 bunch of dip switches on it:
 1 On  - data terminal ready normal **SET**
   off - data terminal ready override
 2 Up - verbal result codes **SET**
   down - numeric result codes
 3 Up - supress result codes
   down - display result codes   **SET**
 4 up - echo offline commands **SET**
   down - no echo, offline commands
 5 up - auto answer on first ring, or higher if specified in NVRAM
   down - auto answer off **SET** (i have tried both ways with same
 6 up - carrier detect normal **SET**
   down - carrier detect override
 7 up - load NVRAM defaults **SET**
   down - load factory defaults
 8 up - dumb mode
   down - smart mode **SET** (tried both ways, dumb mode the modem does not
 respond at all)
 any help would be greatly appreciated! 
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Public Key available upon request, or at wwwkeys.pgp.net and others.

Description: PGP signature

Re: libglide2x.so

2000-01-04 Thread Nate Duehr
Total guess here, but have you tried symlinking libglide2x.so to the
3x.so file?  Might work.

On Mon, Jan 03, 2000 at 06:27:00PM -0600, Dave Sherohman wrote:
 I just picked up a copy of the Linux version of Myth2 and haven't been able
 to get it to work.  There are two issues currently, both Glide-related and
 both ignored by the 3Dfx-HOWTO:
 1)  I got the 3Dfx and Glide drivers from linux.3dfx.com, used alien to
 convert their rpms to debs, and installed them.  Their test program 
 (test3Dfx) runs fine for root, but segfaults if a normal user tries to run
 it.  Their site suggests that you try running it both as root and as a normal
 user, but doesn't say anything about how to troubleshoot it if it doesn't
 work for non-root users.  Any suggestions on how to get that working?
 2)  When I try to start up Myth2 (whether as root or not) it dies because it
 can't open libglide2x.so.  Both the Glide2 and Glide3 packages from
 linux.3dfx.com include libglide3x.so.  Where can I find a libglide2x?
 Geek Code 3.1:  GCS d- s+: a- C++ UL++$ P L++ E- W--(++) N+ o+ !K
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GPG Key fingerprint = DCAF 2B9D CC9B 96FA 7A6D AAF4 2D61 77C5 7ECE C1D2
Public Key available upon request, or at wwwkeys.pgp.net and others.

Description: PGP signature

Re: libglide2x.so

2000-01-04 Thread Dave Sherohman
Nate Duehr said:
 Total guess here, but have you tried symlinking libglide2x.so to the
 3x.so file?  Might work.

No dice.  Myth2 hangs with the symlink in place.  (I also picked up Heretic2
at the same time and am having the same problem with it, but it's a lot more
verbose about its startup progredure.  Instead of hanging, H2 shuts down
after its libGL reports undefined symbol: grSstControl.)

A bit of poking around at Debian.org turned up a trio of glide packages (each
is for a different 3Dfx chipset) and they all contain libglide2x.so, but the
one that says it's for Voodoo2 cards doesn't see my Voodoo2 Black Magic card.
The quest goes on...

Geek Code 3.1:  GCS d- s+: a- C++ UL++$ P L++ E- W--(++) N+ o+ !K
w---$ O M- !V PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv- b++ DI D G e* h+ r++ y+

RE: FW: Netscape

2000-01-04 Thread Pollywog

On 04-Jan-2000 Pollywog wrote:
 Oh boy. I just noticed you unzipped it.
 Don't do that if you are using the netscape4 installer.  Leave it as a
 file and then do 'dpkg -i netscape4.blah.deb'
 Replace the blah with the actual version of the package, of course.

Ooops I was wrong.  You were correct in unzipping the thing.  I just noticed
this when I went to install Netsape on my laptop. 

Sorry about that.


Re: Y2K problem with slrn?

2000-01-04 Thread Pann McCuaig
On Mon, Jan 03, 2000 at 13:05, Joey Hess wrote:
 Joey Hess wrote:
  I have just uploaded slrn for stable, which fixes this bug. You
  can get it temporarily at ...
 Er I meant to say at http://va.debian.org/~joeyh/slrn_0.9.5.3-5_i386.deb
  Pann, Jim please download that and let me know if it really fixes the 

Downloaded, installed, seems to be all better now. Thanks.

geek by nature, Linux by choice L I N U X   .~.
The Choice  /V\
http://www.ourmanpann.com/linux/ of a GNU  /( )\
Generation ^^-^^

Re: libglide2x.so

2000-01-04 Thread Nate Duehr
Getting my hardware acceleration stuff working is on a long TODO list
right now, sorry I wasn't more help! :)

On Mon, Jan 03, 2000 at 07:36:34PM -0600, Dave Sherohman wrote:
 Nate Duehr said:
  Total guess here, but have you tried symlinking libglide2x.so to the
  3x.so file?  Might work.
 No dice.  Myth2 hangs with the symlink in place.  (I also picked up Heretic2
 at the same time and am having the same problem with it, but it's a lot more
 verbose about its startup progredure.  Instead of hanging, H2 shuts down
 after its libGL reports undefined symbol: grSstControl.)
 A bit of poking around at Debian.org turned up a trio of glide packages (each
 is for a different 3Dfx chipset) and they all contain libglide2x.so, but the
 one that says it's for Voodoo2 cards doesn't see my Voodoo2 Black Magic card.
 The quest goes on...
 Geek Code 3.1:  GCS d- s+: a- C++ UL++$ P L++ E- W--(++) N+ o+ !K
 w---$ O M- !V PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv- b++ DI D G e* h+ r++ y+


GPG Key fingerprint = DCAF 2B9D CC9B 96FA 7A6D AAF4 2D61 77C5 7ECE C1D2
Public Key available upon request, or at wwwkeys.pgp.net and others.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Xircom RealPort Ethernet/Modem on Debian

2000-01-04 Thread Damir J. Naden
Hi Florian Lohoff; unless Mutt is confused, you wrote:
 It doesnt work with the Slink PCMCIA utils as i noticed - I backported
 the potato source package 3.1.0 at that time and since then i am 
 a happy real-port user ...
 Thinkpad 390E + Xircom RealPort 
 Now the only thing i havent tried is USB, SVHS and the Lucent Winmodem.
 Everything else works flawlessly (Irda, Sound, XWindows, PCMCIA)...

Sorry to jump into your thread, but I have a related question. I have
just installed potato 2.2.13-based system on an older TP 380XD, and
although I have everything working my Xircom CreditCard modem 56k is a
bit flakey. I have it working now, but for some reason I need to edit
/etc/pcmcia/serial.opts to add irq 3 in the SERIAL_OPTS line, restart
/etc/init.d/pcmcia and then _reedit_ same file but now I out the irq 9
instead, restart the pcmcia services and all is well (because my irq3 is
slow, i.e. there is a conflict someplace). If I just go to irq 9 it
will _not_ work! My /var/run/stab is always the same, the beeps are
always the same and I am looking for help in how to configure this thing
to work from the getgo on irq 9 (I have no other things on either 3 or 9
per /cat/proc/interrupts, and my modem is taking always port 13f8-13ff
which seems to be available per /cat/proc/ioports). If it helps anyone I
can e-mail my /etc/pcmcia/ and /var/run/stab files. FWIW, my cardbus is
taking irq 15 and network card (when in, but never used) takes irq 10.
I would appreciate any help, as I have read all HOWTOs and whatever I
could dig up on DejaNews to no avail.
 Florian Lohoff[EMAIL PROTECTED]   
   ...  The failure can be random; however, when it does occur, it is
   catastrophic and is repeatable  ... Cisco Field Notice
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2.2.x modules

2000-01-04 Thread Chris Hoover
Is there a good document on how to setup a 2.2.x kernel to use modules?  I went
to the ldp home page, but the only kernel modules howto I saw was dated from



Re: installing apache from source

2000-01-04 Thread hypnos
On Mon, 3 Jan 2000, Steve Rothanburg wrote:

 I thought all you had to do was install (and configure)
 to get php3 to work.

Could be.  Seems I read somewhere that apache had to be compiled with
php3 support.  I guess slink's apache is.

 On the systems I've used it on, all I did was install it, uncomment the
 php3 line from apaches config file, and edit the php3 config file so it
 could find the rest of the php3 stuff I'd installed. I haven't tried
 php3 on a slink system so I don't know if there is much more to do to
 get it to work. Are you saying that doesn't work under slink or is there
 a benefit of compiling from scratch? 

This could very well work, and does, obviously, if you've done it.
As for any benefits, I don't know.

 Anyway, If you mark the package to be Purged instead of removed it'll
 remove the config files also. If you're REALLY paranoid about this stuff
 you could always make a backup copy of the config files...

Yeah, I know purge would remove them, I just wanted to make sure the
'remove' wouldn't.  I don't think a backup will be necessary, I'll
just fetch the php3 package from slink.


hypnos  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Netscape Communicator 4.7 dies silently.

2000-01-04 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: Netscape Communicator 4.7 dies silently.
Date: Mon, Jan 03, 2000 at 05:19:56PM -0500

In reply to:Todd Suess

Quoting Todd Suess([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
| Greetings all,
| Anyone else noticed that at times Communicator will just die silently while
| minimized, leaving no error messages, etc?  I usually have about 5 navigator
| windows open to various sites and check and referesh them regularly
| (I am using potato, XFree 3.3.5, and Kde 1.1.2), but sometimes I will pull up
| my window list and all occurances of Communicator will be closed with no
| errors showing.  Just curious if anyone else has seen this behaviour and if
| there is any workaround/fix for it.  I checked memory to see if that might 
be an
| issue and while physical memory was a little low I still had plenty of swap
| space left.

Yes, just today, I had that happen 4 times.  I had also noticed that
everything seemed a bit slower then usual, and had been getting that
way for a few weeks now.  Keyboard repeats, changing consoles/or X
screens, etc., all slowed down.  As I hadn't rebooted for a few months 
I decided that I would try it just to see what would happen.

Keyboard and all the other slowdons are gone.  Netscape doesn't die.
Answer  No indication of any problems in the logs so I don't know.
It just seems to be running better, now, after the reboot.

Slink, Kernel 2.2.13, 32 Meg Ram, 248 Meg swap, AMD K6-200.

User error: replace user and press any key to continue.

Re: SMC EzCard 10/100

2000-01-04 Thread aphro
hello (the other nate)

i have one of those cards as well, and it works great in linux, just make
sure to use a recent kernel or you will have to manually update the


There are too many vendors selling RTL8139 boards to list them all. The
RTL8139 and RTL8139A chips have the ability to load a different PCI Vendor
and Device ID from the EEPROM. Combined with a unique chip label, some
boards give the appearance of being new and unique chips. Identified chips
that fall into this category are 

   Accton MPX5030 series (relabeled RTL8139) 
   SMC 1211TX (relabeled RTL8139) 

only his newer drivers can see the relabled chips.. one weird thing, i
have a 3COM 3C905B that _refuses_ to work with a linksys 10/100 switch,
today i swapped it for a 3COM 3C905C and it appears to work
fine! wtf! damn 3com..


On Mon, 3 Jan 2000, Nate Duehr wrote:

nate Ahh!  Good!
nate You've made me a very happy man today.  I'll go home and put it in my
nate system tonight!
nate Now to see if it's compatible with the various other OS's installed on
nate that box!
nate Thanks for the heads-up!
nate On Mon, Jan 03, 2000 at 02:30:46PM -0800, Bruce Mobarry wrote:
nate  Hi Nate,
nate  I have exactly this card in my computer.  I first tried to get it
nate  working under slink with Linux 2.0.36 compilied as a loadable module,
nate  but failed.  I compiled it (using the RTL8139 chipset driver from Donald
nate  Becker) directly into a 2.2.13 kernel successfully and am running my SMC
nate  EzCard 10/100 under potato.  I am on a 10baseT net also.
nate  Bruce Mobarry
nate -- 
nate Nate Duehr [EMAIL PROTECTED]
nate GPG Key fingerprint = DCAF 2B9D CC9B 96FA 7A6D AAF4 2D61 77C5 7ECE C1D2
nate Public Key available upon request, or at wwwkeys.pgp.net and others.

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8:47pm up 137 days, 8:43, 4 users, load average: 1.71, 1.59, 1.55

Re: libglide2x.so

2000-01-04 Thread aphro
On Mon, 3 Jan 2000, Dave Sherohman wrote:

esper I just picked up a copy of the Linux version of Myth2 and haven't been 
esper to get it to work.  There are two issues currently, both Glide-related 
esper both ignored by the 3Dfx-HOWTO:

last i checked the 3dfx howto was VERY outdated, yeah 1998..damn. almost 2
years old.

esper 1)  I got the 3Dfx and Glide drivers from linux.3dfx.com, used alien to
esper convert their rpms to debs, and installed them.  Their test program 
esper (test3Dfx) runs fine for root, 

you running potato? i got _nothing_ but segfaults when i installed the
binaries from linux.3dfx.com had to compile from source(im running slink)

esper but segfaults if a normal user tries to run
esper it.  Their site suggests that you try running it both as root and as a 
esper user, but doesn't say anything about how to troubleshoot it if it doesn't
esper work for non-root users.  Any suggestions on how to get that working?

since i do all my stuff as root i dont have much to suggest other then
make sure the user can access the /dev/3dfx device, which i believe was
designed so non-root users can access the card. also make sure the module
is inserted and that /dev/3dfx exists -- mine:

crw-rw-rw-   1 root root 107,   0 Dec 11 02:21 /dev/3dfx

esper 2)  When I try to start up Myth2 (whether as root or not) it dies 
because it
esper can't open libglide2x.so.  Both the Glide2 and Glide3 packages from
esper linux.3dfx.com include libglide3x.so.  Where can I find a libglide2x?

libglide2x is from linux.3dfx.com as well, libglide3x i think is for
developers only and not many things use it(yet)


the link:


that file did not work for me i had to compile it from source, but the
libs i got are:

lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root   16 Dec 11 15:07
/usr/lib/libglide2x.so - libglide2x_V3.so
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root   411189 Sep 27 13:42

make sure you are using a voodoobanshee or voodoo3 if you use those
drivers, if you are using a voodoo1 or voodoo or voodoo rush they won't
work(you didnt specify) i cant advise on drivers for the other ones as i
have never tried them.


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations   http://www.firetrail.com/
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited  http://www.aphroland.org/
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336http://www.linuxpowered.net/
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Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMPhttp://yahoo.aphroland.org/
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
8:47pm up 137 days, 8:43, 4 users, load average: 1.71, 1.59, 1.55

Re: device ttyS0 is locked by pid 5237

2000-01-04 Thread aphro
is anything running on PID 5237 ? if not did you try erasing the lock
file, usually /var/lock/LCK..ttyS0 and try dialing again ? the kernel

Serial driver version 4.27 with no serial options enabled

is normal, that is not a problem(unless your serial ports require options,
i have never encountered any that did)


On Mon, 3 Jan 2000, Joseph de los Santos wrote:

jh0u Hello
jh0u   When I try to log on to my ISP via pon it used to work but then when I 
jh0u reinstalled debian 2.1 , now it doesnt work anymore. I remember when it 
jh0u working, I can see my serial options during boot time now when I boot 
what I 
jh0u see is the line serial driver version 4.13 with no serial options 
jh0u maybe it's coming from this problem? if it is..then how can I enable my 
jh0u serial options then?
jh0u Thank you and Have a nice day!
jh0u __
jh0u Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
jh0u -- 
jh0u Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

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Re: 2.2.x modules

2000-01-04 Thread aphro
well, since adding module support is rather basic i can't imagine there
being a document on how to do it(unless your talking about *programming*
modules) i hope i got your question right.

if you built your own kernel and did not include module support, go back
to the configuration of the kernel (be it config, menuconfig, or
xconfig) and go to the loadable module support section, and turn on 

[*] Enable loadable module support
[*] Kernel module loader

and i suggest turning OFF:

[ ] Set version information on all symbols for modules

having it on can cause problems on some 3rd party modules(it was a major
headache for me in vmware)

then recompile your kernel, reinstall it and reboot.  if your using a
kernel that came with the system chances are it already has module support

note that if you want better security it is best to have module support
*OFF* as there was lots of talk about trojan modules that crackers use to
hide their activities,  i generally try to keep my servers fully static,
but my main machine at home has about 30 modules(about 26 of which cannot
be compiled into the kernel: )  also make sure you have a recent version
of modutils(insmod -V) i use 2.1.121 and it works fine with kernel 2.2.10.

if you need info on how to configure/compile a kernel let me know i'd be
happy to walk you through what i do to make a new kernel(although its from
my days as a slackware user and by no means is it 'standard debian
practice') :)


On Mon, 3 Jan 2000, Chris Hoover wrote:

wax_ma Is there a good document on how to setup a 2.2.x kernel to use modules? 
 I went
wax_ma to the ldp home page, but the only kernel modules howto I saw was dated 
wax_ma 1997.
wax_ma Thanks,
wax_ma chris
wax_ma -- 
wax_ma Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations   http://www.firetrail.com/
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Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMPhttp://yahoo.aphroland.org/
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8:47pm up 137 days, 8:43, 4 users, load average: 1.71, 1.59, 1.55

Re: mgetty external sportster

2000-01-04 Thread aphro
hmm, interesting ..

 i will play around with the modem more to see if i can get the port
speeds to match up.  i dont remember what the portspeed was when i was
checking it today..i THINK the modem was 57600 and the pc was 38400..i
hope so..this has been a bigger headache then i thought it would be..and
its getting harder and harder to find a good modem for linux!! ack, would
anyone know where to get a diamond supramax 56i ? i have had good luck
with those and now when i get supramax i get some weird model#, got 3 new
ISA modems today which look to be winmodems i thought i was getting 56i's

thanks for the info, i *hope* the speeds are wrong so it fixes it ;))


On Mon, 3 Jan 2000, Nate Duehr wrote:

nate Actually Nate, I usually see trash like that when the port speed is
nate wrong between the modem and the machine.
nate On Mon, Jan 03, 2000 at 12:50:13PM -0800, aphro wrote:
nate  I have an internal modem(not sure what brand) that works fine, but i 
nate  to switch to an external incase the modem needs a hard reset we dont 
nate  to shut the machine down.
nate  Its been sooo many years since i used an external modem so im kinda 
nate  sofar, i got it to communicate with the sportster (both minicom and
nate  mgetty) i can get minicom to establish a terminal connection and 
nate  a file(by connecting with another computer and hitting 'ATA' when i saw
nate  the 'RING')  the file transferred fine so i assume the modem is good.  
nate  when mgetty tries to answer i get this:
nate  01/03 10:50:45 yS0   waiting for line to clear (VTIME), read: [0d][0a]
nate  01/03 10:50:46 yS0   removing lock file
nate  01/03 10:50:46 yS0  waiting...
nate  01/03 10:50:46 yS0select returned 1
nate  01/03 10:50:46 yS0   checking lockfiles, locking the line
nate  01/03 10:50:46 yS0   makelock(ttyS0) called
nate  01/03 10:50:46 yS0   do_makelock: lock='/var/lock/LCK..ttyS0'
nate  01/03 10:50:46 yS0   lock made
nate  01/03 10:50:46 yS0  wfr: waiting for ``RING''
nate  01/03 10:50:46 yS0
nate  got: 
nate  01/03 10:50:56 yS0  mdm_read_byte: read returned -1: Interrupted system
nate  call
nate  01/03 10:50:56 yS0  wfr: timeout waiting for RING
nate  01/03 10:50:56 yS0   wfr: rc=-1, drn=0
nate  01/03 10:50:56 yS0  huh? Junk on the line?
nate  01/03 10:50:56 yS0   removing lock file
nate  and mgetty clearly can communicate with the modem :
nate  01/03 11:33:23 yS0  mgetty: experimental test release 1.1.18-Sep11
nate  01/03 11:33:23 yS0  check for lockfiles
nate  01/03 11:33:23 yS0   checklock: stat failed, no file
nate  01/03 11:33:23 yS0  locking the line
nate  01/03 11:33:23 yS0   makelock(ttyS0) called
nate  01/03 11:33:23 yS0   do_makelock: lock='/var/lock/LCK..ttyS0'
nate  01/03 11:33:23 yS0   lock made
nate  01/03 11:33:24 yS0   tio_get_rs232_lines: status: RTS CTS DSR DTR
nate  01/03 11:33:24 yS0  lowering DTR to reset Modem
nate  01/03 11:33:24 yS0   tss: set speed to 38400 (017)
nate  01/03 11:33:24 yS0   tio_set_flow_control( HARD )
nate  01/03 11:33:24 yS0   waiting for line to clear (VTIME), read: 
nate  01/03 11:33:24 yS0  send: ATZ[0d]
nate  01/03 11:33:24 yS0  waiting for ``OK''
nate  01/03 11:33:24 yS0   got: ATZ[0d]
nate  01/03 11:33:24 yS0CND: ATZ[0d][0a]OK ** found **
nate  01/03 11:33:24 yS0  send: [0d]
nate  01/03 11:33:24 yS0   waiting for line to clear (VTIME), read: 
nate  01/03 11:33:25 yS0   removing lock file
nate  01/03 11:33:25 yS0  waiting...
nate  i've been going through documentation on the modem and on the AT command
nate  set, but so far this is as far as i've gotten. looks like those
nate  [0d][0a][0d] are escape codes? that could be screwing the modem up. im 
nate  sure of the modem's model#  but it is a 28.8 sportster external, it has 
nate  bunch of dip switches on it:
nate  1 On  - data terminal ready normal **SET**
nateoff - data terminal ready override
nate  2 Up - verbal result codes **SET**
natedown - numeric result codes
nate  3 Up - supress result codes
natedown - display result codes   **SET**
nate  4 up - echo offline commands **SET**
natedown - no echo, offline commands
nate  5 up - auto answer on first ring, or higher if specified in NVRAM
natedown - auto answer off **SET** (i have tried both ways with same
nate  results)
nate  6 up - carrier detect normal **SET**
natedown - carrier detect override
nate  7 up - load NVRAM defaults **SET**
natedown - load factory defaults
nate  8 up - dumb mode
natedown - smart mode **SET** (tried both ways, dumb mode the modem does 
nate  respond at all)
nate  any help would be greatly appreciated! 
nate  nate

Problem with ncurses since 01/02/2000 apt-get dist-upgrade

2000-01-04 Thread Todd Suess
I recently did a apt-get dist-upgrade on Jan 2nd, which updated ncurses to
version 5.0.   I didn't notice any problems at first, but I went to build a
custom version of Nethack and noticed that it failed to compile with curses
errors.  In examining the directorys, I found the following.  During the update
to curses5 all these links were changed in my /usr/include directory.

lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   11 Jan  2 20:54 curses.h - ../curses.h
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root8 Jan  2 20:54 eti.h - ../eti.h
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root9 Jan  2 20:54 form.h - ../form.h
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root9 Jan  2 20:54 menu.h - ../menu.h
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   12 Jan  2 20:54 ncurses.h - 
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   10 Jan  2 20:54 panel.h - ../panel.h
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root9 Jan  2 20:54 term.h - ../term.h 
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   12 Jan  2 20:54 termcap.h - 
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   11 Jan  2 20:54 unctrl.h - ../unctrl.h

All of these are broken symlinks, and with a little furthur testing I have
confirmed that no program that requires curses will now build sucessfully on my
potato system.   Has anyone else ran into this problem, and is there a
suggested fix?  With so many programs using curses now days, this seems to be
a serious problem.

Any suggests would be most appreciated.


Re: libglide2x.so

2000-01-04 Thread Dave Sherohman
aphro said:
 last i checked the 3dfx howto was VERY outdated, yeah 1998..damn. almost 2
 years old.

That would explain why it seemed to be almost-but-not-quite-entirely

 you running potato?


 i got _nothing_ but segfaults when i installed the
 binaries from linux.3dfx.com had to compile from source(im running slink)

Hmm...  I don't recall seeing any binaries offered, only source.  So, yeah, I
compiled it myself.

 since i do all my stuff as root i dont have much to suggest other then
 make sure the user can access the /dev/3dfx device, which i believe was
 designed so non-root users can access the card. also make sure the module
 is inserted and that /dev/3dfx exists -- mine:
 crw-rw-rw-   1 root root 107,   0 Dec 11 02:21 /dev/3dfx

Yep.  Except for the date, that looks exactly like mine.

 libglide2x is from linux.3dfx.com as well, libglide3x i think is for
 developers only and not many things use it(yet)

I've actually got a Voodoo2 Black Magic card, and the o_s/dl/voodoo2.htm page
only contains precompiled packages with the 3x library...
 that file did not work for me i had to compile it from source, but the
 libs i got are:

..but I missed the link to the source.  Time to dl that and see how it

Geek Code 3.1:  GCS d- s+: a- C++ UL++$ P L++ E- W--(++) N+ o+ !K
w---$ O M- !V PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv- b++ DI D G e* h+ r++ y+

Re: Can login through telnet but not at local machine?

2000-01-04 Thread Harlan Crystal
 I had difficulty logging in when i upgraded to potato as wellreasoning
 behind this, my qwerty keyboard map had been changed to an azerty
 keyboard map (not sure why), all he has to do to fix this(if this is it)
 is run kbdconfig.to check and see if this is the problem typ 'qwerty'
 at the login prompt and make sure 'qwerty' shows up and not 'azerty'

hrm I just mailed him telling him to try that and he says that when he types
qwerty as a possible login name, qwerty appears on screen.

any other suggestions?

 - harlan


2000-01-04 Thread ardian umarjati
Dear Experties,
I want to ask you about setting the dial up networking and set the dialer 
unable connecting internet. Let me know if we are using Windows or Linux. The 
complete mapping is shown in attachment file.
thank's alot.

kind regards,

Angelfire for your free web-based e-mail. http://www.angelfire.comTo: Colin Telmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Re: ethernet card and ppp modem connection 
Date: 24 Nov 1998 21:41:14 -0600 
Cc: Debian Users debian-user@lists.debian.org 
In-Reply-To: Colin Telmer's message of Tue, 24 Nov 1998 21:12:17 -0500 (EST) 
References: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

You need to contact Mrs. Jean Copeland at extension 8218 or email [EMAIL 

To: Mario Bertrand [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Re: Mailing list software for non-permanent internet access? 
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David S. Zelinsky) 
Date: 24 Nov 1998 20:42:36 -0500 
Cc: Debian Users debian-user@lists.debian.org 
In-Reply-To: Mario Bertrand's message of Tue, 24 Nov 1998 02:52:11 -0500 (EST) 
References: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David S. Zelinsky) 

Description: application/ppt

re: sony n505ve 3c575_cb

2000-01-04 Thread Kjohn Sasitorn
i've got the above notebook and 3com cardbus ethernet card, yet cannot get
it to work in debian. right now i'm getting the following message:

ds Linux PCMCIA Card Services 3.1.8
  kernel build 2.2.13 unknown
  options:  [pci] [cardbus] [apm]
ds: no socket drivers loaded!


ds: No such file or directory


cb_enabler: No such file or directory


/lib/modules/2.2.13/pcmcia/ds.o: init_module: Device or resource busy
unloading PCMCIA Card Services

basically i have no idea where this is going, but i get these messages a few
times over in dmesg and i'm not sure exactly how to complete the
installation. any help is VERY appreciated.


Re: Acer machines

2000-01-04 Thread Oki DZ

On 2 Jan 2000, Scott Henry wrote:
 If it is a supported MP motherboard, then an SMP kernel should

Where can I get the list?

 recognize and use the second processor, as long as it is compatible
 with the first one. 

The Acers have the processors on daughterboards, so I think the same ones
would have the same type of processors.

I don't know all the ins-and-outs, but many MBs
 need the CPUs to be of the same speed and stepping (specific
 production version). The contents of /proc/cpuinfo for the 2
 processors needs to be compatible in a way defined by the MB and

If the two daughterboards are the same, then Linux should be able to
recognize them.


Re: can't connect to ISP!

2000-01-04 Thread Oki DZ

On Sun, 2 Jan 2000, Li Wei wrote:

 Thanks to all those who reply!
 (Please reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED] The email address in the From field is
 Although I can use Win95 to connect to the ISP, I can't use PAP to connect
 to ISP in Debian 2.0. I remember i connected to ISP in Debian 1.2. I'sure
 that ISP's PPP is working.
 Below is output of plog, using PAP:
 Jan  2 03:47:09 debian pppd[196]: Using interface ppp0
 Jan  2 03:47:09 debian pppd[196]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS2
 Jan  2 03:47:09 debian pppd[196]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 asyncmap 0x0
 magic 0xffde pcomp accomp]

There should be auth pap on the last line; have a look in your
/etc/ppp/options, and see whethere pap authentication is defined.


Re: libglide2x.so

2000-01-04 Thread Dave Sherohman
I said:
 ..but I missed the link to the source.  Time to dl that and see how it

Rolling my own libglide2x.so seems to have worked.  Thanks for the pointer to
the source.

Geek Code 3.1:  GCS d- s+: a- C++ UL++$ P L++ E- W--(++) N+ o+ !K
w---$ O M- !V PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv- b++ DI D G e* h+ r++ y+

Re: installing apache from source

2000-01-04 Thread Brian Lavender
If apache that was installed was compiled with DSO support,
then you should be able to add php support by going into 
dselect and and selecting it. DSO means Dynamic Shared
Objects. Search your system for apxs which is the perl
script that allows you to dynamically compile in modules.

Then find your httpd binary and execute it as follows

$ httpd -l

It should list all the compiled in modules. If it lists


then you have DSO support. If you feel inclined, you can
grab the php source, and compile its module. In the PHP
source you will find INSTALL.DSO where it will explain the
steps to install it.

Good Luck,


On Mon, Jan 03, 2000 at 05:24:59PM +, hypnos wrote:
 I'm gonna be downloading the sources for apache and
 php3, so that I can compile apache with support for
 php3.  I currently have apache installed (from slink
 .deb) on the machine.  What's the best way to go
 about this change?  I don't want my new installation
 of apache to conflict with the current installation.
 Should I use dselect to remove the current apache
 installation, and then install from source?  I believe
 that [R]emove (from dselect) will not delete my
 configuration files, so I should still be able to use
 those with the new installation, right?
 hypnos  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Brian Lavender

Re: CTRL-C Doesn't work??!! ....

2000-01-04 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
[ about Ctrl-C having no effect ]

 So... in conclusion:  Ctrl-C is working fine - the signal is being
 received.  However, the shell isn't killing the running process
 Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Doesn't Ctrl-C work for any program at all?  It does not work for a lot
of interactive programs when they are expecting input.  In those cases
you can usually press Ctrl-Z to stop the program, read the number in
brackets that bash prints, and use that in a kill command, like this:

$ xclock
[ press Ctrl-Z ]
[1]+  Stopped xclock
$ kill %1

If you cannot kill a non-interactive program like xclock with Ctrl-C, I
don't know what is going on.  Note however that specific programs can
choose to ignore Ctrl-C.  I do not believe programs can choose to ignore
a stop signal (Ctrl-Z).


 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (SKA)

Re: wmsound: Error on Play Event

2000-01-04 Thread John Miskinis


write(2, Error on Play Event\n, 20Error on Play Event

Not sure if your problem is very simple, but I've seen this
message when 1) the sound set for the event does not exist
and 2) when the /dev/dsp device is open by some other process
maybe it was wmscope.

I'm not sure what your situation is.  Do you have a /dev/dsp
device?  Does it work with wavp some_file.wav for instance?
(Assuming you have the wavp program from the wave tools package).

It has been some time since I setup my sounds, but I would
look in the ~/GNUstep/Defaults/WMSound file (you do have one
right?) for sounds that are specified but do not exist.  I also
don't remember if I compiled wmsound myself or not.  In any case
I have included my file, in case it helps get you going.  I
grabbed a bunch of sounds from the net, so replace with your
names as needed...

debian:~# more GNUstep/Defaults/WMSound

 SoundPath = (~/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/Sounds,

 SoundSetsPath = (~/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/SoundSets,

 Device = /dev/dsp;

 Startup = startup.wav;
 AppStart = Rooster.wav;
 AppExit = Bonk.wav;
 Maximize = Bullfrog.wav;
 UnMaximize = Frog.wav;
 Iconify = Block.wav;
 DeIconify = Drip.wav;
 Hide = Funk.wav;
 UnHide = Ping.wav;
 Shade = Tink.wav;
 UnShade = Basso.wav;

 UserDefined = replaceme.wav;

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

Recommendations for a 220v (my local lines voltage) suitable UPS?

2000-01-04 Thread Shaul Karl
Can any one recommends a UPS that will be suitable for working with an
electricity supply of 220v/50Hz?
I have also the need for its power sockets leads to be shaped like an Y
since this is the local standard. Is this a European standard?

Happy New Millenium Year!

2000-01-04 Thread NWMedia


May the New Millenium bring you Peace, Happiness, and Prosperity.


Tom Nelson
Author  Director


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and you wil receive no further  announcements from us.

Contact Info :

16161 Ventura Blvd PMB 387
Encino, CA 91436
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Module query.

2000-01-04 Thread Hans
Running Slink with a 2.2.13 kernel. P200MMX box with an ISA SB64AWE.

I compiled sound into the kernel and also used the ALSA drivers. When I
lsmod the following appears...

Module  Size  Used by
snd-mixer-oss   3372   0
snd-pcm1-oss   12572   0 
snd-card-sb16   3168   0

snd-mpu401-uart 1440   0  [snd-card-sb16]
5636   0  [snd-card-sb16]
snd-hwdep   2204   0  [snd-card-sb16
snd-sb16-dsp   15296   0  [snd-card-sb16
snd-pcm1   16148   0  [snd-pcm1-oss
snd-timer   7160   0  [snd-pcm1]
  25148   0  [snd-mixer-oss snd-card-sb16 snd-sb16-dsp]
   11756   0  [snd-card-sb16 snd-mpu401-uart]
8192   0  [snd-pcm1-oss snd-card-sb16 snd-sb16-dsp snd-pcm1]
32004   1  [snd-mixer-oss snd-pcm1-oss snd-card-sb16
snd-mpu401-uart snd-sb16-csp snd-hwdep snd-sb16-dsp snd-pcm1 snd-timer
snd-mixer snd-midi snd-pcm]

Why are all modules used by 0 only snd used by 1? What does this mean?

Sound is working except the mixer. Devices are not showing up, except
master volume and tone control and they are not having any effect. Could
this be related to the above, or might this have to do with the isapnp setup?

Any hints to get the mixer working highly appreciated. -- Hans

Re: [O.T.] Architectures

2000-01-04 Thread Emile Schwarz
[O.T.] Architectures

Do someone can explain to me what could be O.T. ?

TIA (Thanks In Advance),


Re: Alsa on CS4236

2000-01-04 Thread Frank Barknecht
Jonathan Markevich hat gesagt: // Jonathan Markevich wrote:

 I have the above card, and I know it works.  For the life of me I can't get
 it to accept the values.  I had it working before, and my drive went
 kablooie so I forgot how I set it up.
 Does anyone have this card with some tips?  Should I post my isapnp.conf and
 my /etc/modules/alsa file for inspection?  I hate rebooting to play MP3s,
 it's just so WRONG.

There have been two long threads about this chipset on the alsa-user
mailing list recently. Maybe you can find some info on the mailing list
archive at the project homepage:

 Frank Barknecht    __    __ trip\ \  / /wire __
  / __// __  /__/ __// // __  \ \/ /  __ \\  ___\   
 / /  / /  / /  / // // /\ \\  ___\\ \  
/_/  /_/  /_/  /_//_// /  \ \\_\\_\

Re: Recommendations for a 220v (my local lines voltage) suitable UPS?

2000-01-04 Thread Oliver Elphick
Shaul Karl wrote:
  Can any one recommends a UPS that will be suitable for working with an
  electricity supply of 220v/50Hz?

Any device sold in a country should be usable with that country's power 
If you buy from abroad, where will you get support if it goes wrong?

  I have also the need for its power sockets leads to be shaped like an Y
  since this is the local standard. Is this a European standard?

There doesn't seem to be one.  Britain uses 3 rectangular pins, arranged so
that the earth pin connects before either of the others.  Most of Europe
uses 2-pin plugs or a different arrangement of 3 pins.

  Vote against SPAM: http://www.politik-digital.de/spam/
Isle of Wight  http://www.lfix.co.uk/oliver
   PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1
 But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich
  in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were
  dead in transgressions-it is by grace you have been
  saved.Ephesians 2:4,5 

debhelper, potato sources on slink

2000-01-04 Thread Jens Guenther

I tried to build several potato packages for my slink machine. This failed,
because some debhelper scripts were not available. After installing the
potato version of debhelper, it failed again, this time because some command
(it might have been chown) did not support some command line option.

Under another subject this problem was mentioned recently, but the author
encountered problems related to debhelper and perl.

This suggest to me, that
1) dependencies of debhelper in potato are wrong
2) (some/all) potato sources are build with potato debhelper

Potato sources seem to be useless for slink installations.

Does anybody know how to deal with this?


Re: debhelper, potato sources on slink

2000-01-04 Thread Colin Marquardt

* Jens Guenther [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I tried to build several potato packages for my slink machine. This failed,
 because some debhelper scripts were not available. After installing the
 potato version of debhelper, it failed again, this time because some command
 (it might have been chown) did not support some command line option.
 1) dependencies of debhelper in potato are wrong

I think not. You need to differentiate between build dependencies
(which are not yet implemented in Debians packaging system) and
install dependencies.

 2) (some/all) potato sources are build with potato debhelper

Yes, of course. Why not?

 Potato sources seem to be useless for slink installations.

Some may be useless, e.g. sources that explicitly require glibc-2.1
or gcc-2.95.

 Does anybody know how to deal with this?

There is only a package-to-package solution, IMO. If building
new packages for `old' versions were that easy, we would have
more new/updated packages for slink. Thought out 'til the end,
eventually the differentiation between stable and unstable would
fade away...


| Re: Kernel size is 666K! I kid you not! 
| by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday January 26, @08:50AM 
| I came home from a Barry Manilow concert once and had 666 burned into
| my forehead! I shit you not![Kernel 2.2.0 is announced on /.]

Re: Thinkpad 365x

2000-01-04 Thread Debian user

Greg Starkes wrote:

I have a 365xd (same deal, just has a cd-rom drive) and I found that it
doesn't like kernels that are compressed with bzip. gzipped kernels
work. I didn't have any problems with the tecra disk though.

It's been a while since I ran linux on this laptop, but I believe it was
a 2.0.34 kernel.

Thanks for your reply.. it seems that the problem was with the 2.0.36 
kernel.. i took the resc1440.bin from the 2.1 r4 and now it works well.

And by the way, for the thinkpad 365x, you should not specify 
floppy=thinkpad, or at least it did not work for me.

David Orban

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

Re: debhelper, potato sources on slink

2000-01-04 Thread Jens Guenther

  Potato sources seem to be useless for slink installations.
 Some may be useless, e.g. sources that explicitly require glibc-2.1
 or gcc-2.95.

The problems I encountered where in no case compiler- or library-related.
Compilation worked fine. The only problem was that the package building
process did not work. I could have installed the programs by hand, but I
would have to bypass the package control system and would get problems when
the real packages eventually come out.

It should be possible to build packages for local installations from potato.
If it is not possible to do this, many of the advantages of providing source
packages and not merely sources would go away. You would be stuck with
stable. So often someone's problems were solved by grab the potato
version of it.

If I install a package from unstable and it does not work right in my
environment, that is OK. But I want at least to try if I like to. Without
having to turn my whole system into something unstable.


Re: problems w/Recent Upgrade to October GNOME

2000-01-04 Thread Martin Bialasinski
* John == John Foster [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

John (Reading database ... 78011 files and directories currently installed.)
John Unpacking gmc (from gmc_4.5.42-4_i386.deb) ...
John dpkg: error processing gmc_4.5.42-4_i386.deb (--install):
John trying to overwrite `/usr/share/man/man1/convert-metadata.db.1.gz',
John which is also in package mc
John dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)

Run the installation of mc, mc-common and gmc simultaniously with dpkg 
-i mc.. gmc ... mc-common...

Maybe the old mc package you have installed erroneously contains the
manpage as well. 

You could deinstall the old mc package first as well.


XF86Config for Tiedent ProVidia9685

2000-01-04 Thread Jonathan Chang
Hi all,

I need the XF86Config for this video card (Tiedent ProVidia9685). 
If you have a working config file, please mail me a copy. Thanks in

Jonathan Chang
Institute of Communications Engineering
College of Electrical Engineering
National Taiwan University
Taipei, Taiwan 10617

Re: can't connect to ISP!

2000-01-04 Thread John Hasler
Oki DZ writes:
 There should be auth pap on the last line;...

No there shouldn't.  That would mean that he was demanding that the ISP
authenicate to him.  He should be *receiving* 'auth pap' from the ISP.
However, it appears that pppd is not starting at the ISP. 

 ...have a look in your /etc/ppp/options, and see whethere pap
 authentication is defined.

The standard Debian /etc/ppp/options includes 'auth' (but not
'require-pap').  Fortunately, pppconfig overrides it by putting 'noauth'
in the provider file.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Removing ttyS

2000-01-04 Thread Larry Shields WD9ESU
If one makes a device say ttyS6, using 'mknod -m 666 /dev/ttyS6 c 4 70', and
after it is created, then decides it is not needed, what would be the
command  to use to remove it...???

Thanks for any help one may offer...

Larry Shields WD9ESU
AMPRnet: wd9esu.ampr.org IPaddr

RE: Modem dials without reason

2000-01-04 Thread Klaus Drews
Hi Paul,

cron jobs are ok. The only one running from that you mentioned is exim. And it
should only run every 53 minutes:
# 53 * * * * mail   if [ -x /usr/sbin/exim ]; then /usr/sbin/exim -q 
/dev/null 21; fi

I commented it out (as shown), but dialing goes on. In the manpages it says, 
that I won't
have to restart cron after shanging jobs. So it should have worked. 

The logfile stats 
Jan  4 14:56:43 coma diald[169]: Trigger: udp
before modem is dialing, but not always.
This port I found in services:
netbios-dgm 138/tcp # NETBIOS Datagram Service
netbios-dgm 138/udp

If this is a hint, who is using this port ?



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X-UIDL: be14ecc2c02ebf783864c745ec31b820
Status: RO

You might just try looking at cron jobs. IIRC, one of the mail agents
mail retrieval every five minutes as a default.


Diplomacy is the art of saying nice doggie until you can find a rock.
-- Wynn Catlin

 -Original Message-
 From: Klaus Drews [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, January 03, 2000 10:09 AM
 To:   debian-user@lists.debian.org
 Subject:  Modem dials without reason
 Hi there,
 I configured demand dialing with diald on my machine. Now my modem dials
 five minutes without reason. I increased logging but could not find a hint
 Does anyone know how to find the event that wants a connection ?
 Another question:
 When I run route my modem dials, but the command itself hangs. After a
 (the second or third dial) my routing table looks like this:
 Kernel IP routing table
 Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse
 Iface   * UH1  00
 sl0   *   U 0  00
 localnet*   U 0  00
 default * U 1  00
 default * U 0  00
 After that route works fine. The ifconfig output is the following:
 loLink encap:Local Loopback  
   inet addr:  Mask:
   UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:3924  Metric:1
   RX packets:751 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:751 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
 eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 52:54:05:DE:DB:4E  
   inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
   RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:73 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   Interrupt:12 Base address:0xd800 
 sl0   Link encap:Serial Line IP  
   inet addr:  P-t-P:  Mask:
   RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:3099 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
 ppp0  Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol  
   inet addr:  P-t-P:
   RX packets:9 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:13 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
 Maybe these two questions are one.
 Thanks in advance,

---End Message---

Re: split archives using tar

2000-01-04 Thread pseelig
On Tue, 4 Jan 2000, John Davis wrote:

 I have a zip disk which I would like to use for archive in Linux.  Can I
 run tar so that it will take a 500 Meg archive and split it into 5 100
 Meg tar files?  If so, how do I do this?
Have you already tried man tar?

To write a tar archive over multiple media use

 tar cMf /dev/your_zipdrive  500Meg.archive

Or use split(1) to split an already existing 500 Meg tar archive in parts
and cat(1) to join them again later.  Needless to say that this is
documented in man split.
Good luck, P. *8^)
If not specific to HP please always reply to 

problem with symlinks

2000-01-04 Thread Sylwester Zelazko

While moving /usr partition to other location i copied links as files.
Now most of programs and libraries in /usr/lib aren't symlinks. Is't other way 
to recreate them except installing again ?

Re: Removing ttyS

2000-01-04 Thread Brian Servis
*- On  4 Jan, Larry Shields WD9ESU wrote about Removing ttyS
 If one makes a device say ttyS6, using 'mknod -m 666 /dev/ttyS6 c 4 70', and
 after it is created, then decides it is not needed, what would be the
 command  to use to remove it...???

rm /dev/ttyS6

Brian Servis

Mechanical Engineering  |  Never criticize anybody until you  
Purdue University   |  have walked a mile in their shoes,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  because by that time you will be a
http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~servis   |  mile away and have their shoes.

Re: libglide2x.so

2000-01-04 Thread aphro
sure, glad it worked!

now if i could only get the cursor in Q3 to slowdown..moves too $##@ fast

(waiting for loki to respond to my Q)


On Tue, 4 Jan 2000, Dave Sherohman wrote:

esper I said:
esper  ..but I missed the link to the source.  Time to dl that and see how it
esper  works.
esper Rolling my own libglide2x.so seems to have worked.  Thanks for the 
pointer to
esper the source.
esper -- 
esper Geek Code 3.1:  GCS d- s+: a- C++ UL++$ P L++ E- W--(++) N+ o+ 
esper w---$ O M- !V PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv- b++ DI D G e* h+ r++ y+

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations   http://www.firetrail.com/
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited  http://www.aphroland.org/
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336http://www.linuxpowered.net/
Powered By:http://comedy.aphroland.org/
Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMPhttp://yahoo.aphroland.org/
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
7:08am up 137 days, 19:05, 4 users, load average: 1.85, 1.61, 1.83

Re: Acer machines

2000-01-04 Thread aphro
On Mon, 3 Jan 2000, Oki DZ wrote:

litban Where can I get the list?

all boards are supported unless its really obscure and based on an
obsolete spec(which is nothing made in the past few years)

litban The Acers have the processors on daughterboards, so I think the same 
litban would have the same type of processors.

you talking about socket370 chips on slot1 cards or something
different? what exact board are you using(just curious)  acer usually uses
stuff from AOpen don't they..they own ALI too i believe so it could be an
ali based board.  or are they ppro chips on slot1 adapters?

litban If the two daughterboards are the same, then Linux should be able to
litban recognize them.

linux should recognize them regaurdless, the downside to running different
steppings is in hardware only, now linux is only as stable as the hardware
it runs on(cough my abit bp6 failed that test).  i read that intel fixed
the 'problem' so now people can use multiple steppings in a SMP
configuration(in P-III units only though). in the past it was rather
painful to purchase a second cpu a year later only to find out so many
things about it was different it made for a somewhat unstable


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations   http://www.firetrail.com/
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited  http://www.aphroland.org/
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336http://www.linuxpowered.net/
Powered By:http://comedy.aphroland.org/
Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMPhttp://yahoo.aphroland.org/
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
7:08am up 137 days, 19:05, 4 users, load average: 1.85, 1.61, 1.83

Re: split archives using tar

2000-01-04 Thread Michael W. Shaffer
This is not exactly what you were asking for, but you might try something

  tar -cvMf /dev/sdz directories_to_archive

where /dev/sdz is replaced by the device for your Zip drive. The 'M'
option should (according to the man page) cause tar to prompt you for the
next disk when it runs out of space on the first one. You can then
extract the 'multi-volume' archive with a command like:

  tar -xvMf /dev/sdz

I highly recommend using cpio in preference to tar if the archives are
for your own use and not public distribution to unknown platforms. The
command to use cpio would be:

  find directories_to_archive | cpio -ovH crc  /dev/sdz

Cpio will automatically span volumes and prompt for the next disk or tape
when it runs out of space. The 'H crc' option a causes GNU cpio to create
an archive in portable ASCII format with a 32-bit CRC for each file. This
allows you to easily verify the archive's integrity and detect errors on
restore. Unlike tar, cpio will not puke if it encounters a single error
on restore but will continue to restore all undamaged data after the

To verify with cpio:

  cpio --only-verify-crc -iv  /dev/sdz

This will not print any messages except the final block count if all the
CRC checks are good. This does not compare files on tape to those on disk
but instead reads the file from tape, calculates a CRC, and then compares
it with the one stored on the tape at the time of creation to see if they

To restore with cpio:

  cpio -imudv  /dev/sdz

Warning: the 'u' option causes cpio to automatically overwrite existing
files on disk with those from the archive.

--- John Davis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 run tar so that it will take a 500 Meg archive and split it into 5 100
 Meg tar files?  If so, how do I do this?

Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: SMC EzCard 10/100

2000-01-04 Thread aphro
yeah, pain in the ass..

i had problems on 486s getting the network to communicate _at all_ i knew
the nics were good and they were detected but i always got 100% packet
loss for unknown reasons, and i had a p100 that failed after a few minutes
using a pci NIC but runs for months with an ISA nic.  the eepros have been
good to me too although im not an intel fan and i try to avoid their stuff
whenever possible, the 3com 3c905C failed eventually last night too:( it
worked for a while in my k6-2(never tested the driver but the lights on
the switch came on) when i slapped it into my i440BX/Celeron system, no
lights on the switch(although i got lights on my hub when i plugged it
in..) tried it in the k6-2 again and it still didn't work! ack so i had to
put an eepro100 back in my celery box and lights came on even when the
machine wasn't powered up! (which was weird)

pisses me off, damn network stuff, i wish they'd get a standard like the
VGA card makers did(VESA?) everything is splintering in the network
world.  sucks.


On Tue, 4 Jan 2000, Nate Duehr wrote:

nate All the vendors will drive you nuts right now.  They all used to work
nate hard if they had good drivers and good cards to keep their good names.
nate Then merger mania took over and it's all messed up.
nate I tend to use the Intel EtherExpressPro 10/100's at work in my Linux
nate machines. They always load up and run.  There's a known lockup issue with
nate them, but at least I'm dealing with a KNOWN problem that way... I've only
nate had one card do it out of ten or so in active traffic on full 100Base
nate segments, so I don't lose any sleep at night over it.  Especially since
nate all those machines are set up with bunches of redundancy anyway! 
nate Hopefully your night is going well.  I just found a big ol' bug in
nate OpenSSH from tonight's Potato I think.  Did some strace's and it
nate certainly smells like a bug.  I asked the maintainer for confirmation,
nate if he could.  (Requires reverse DNS records to be screwed up and that
nate ALL : PARANOID be in /etc/hosts.deny to happen... I think it's
nate reproducible though.)
nate Have a nice night.
nate On Mon, Jan 03, 2000 at 08:51:10PM -0800, aphro wrote:
nate  hello (the other nate)
nate  i have one of those cards as well, and it works great in linux, just 
nate  sure to use a recent kernel or you will have to manually update the
nate  driver.
nate  http://cesdis.gsfc.nasa.gov/linux/drivers/rtl8139.html
nate  There are too many vendors selling RTL8139 boards to list them all. The
nate  RTL8139 and RTL8139A chips have the ability to load a different PCI 
nate  and Device ID from the EEPROM. Combined with a unique chip label, some
nate  boards give the appearance of being new and unique chips. Identified 
nate  that fall into this category are 
nate Accton MPX5030 series (relabeled RTL8139) 
nate SMC 1211TX (relabeled RTL8139) 
nate  only his newer drivers can see the relabled chips.. one weird thing, i
nate  have a 3COM 3C905B that _refuses_ to work with a linksys 10/100 switch,
nate  today i swapped it for a 3COM 3C905C and it appears to work
nate  fine! wtf! damn 3com..
nate  nate
nate  On Mon, 3 Jan 2000, Nate Duehr wrote:
nate  nate Ahh!  Good!
nate  nate 
nate  nate You've made me a very happy man today.  I'll go home and put it 
in my
nate  nate system tonight!
nate  nate 
nate  nate Now to see if it's compatible with the various other OS's 
installed on
nate  nate that box!
nate  nate 
nate  nate Thanks for the heads-up!
nate  nate 
nate  nate On Mon, Jan 03, 2000 at 02:30:46PM -0800, Bruce Mobarry wrote:
nate  nate  Hi Nate,
nate  nate  
nate  nate  I have exactly this card in my computer.  I first tried to get 
nate  nate  working under slink with Linux 2.0.36 compilied as a loadable 
nate  nate  but failed.  I compiled it (using the RTL8139 chipset driver 
from Donald
nate  nate  Becker) directly into a 2.2.13 kernel successfully and am 
running my SMC
nate  nate  EzCard 10/100 under potato.  I am on a 10baseT net also.
nate  nate  
nate  nate  Bruce Mobarry
nate  nate  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
nate  nate 
nate  nate -- 
nate  nate Nate Duehr [EMAIL PROTECTED]
nate  nate 
nate  nate GPG Key fingerprint = DCAF 2B9D CC9B 96FA 7A6D AAF4 2D61 77C5 
nate  nate Public Key available upon request, or at wwwkeys.pgp.net and 
nate  nate 
nate  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
nate Vice President Network Operations   http://www.firetrail.com/
nateFiretrail Internet Services Limited  http://www.aphroland.org/
nate Everett, WA 425-348-7336http://www.linuxpowered.net/
nate  Powered By:http://comedy.aphroland.org/
nate  Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMPhttp://yahoo.aphroland.org/
nate  -[mailto:[EMAIL 

Re: problem with symlinks

2000-01-04 Thread aphro
you may be able to copy them again, and tell it to overwrite existing
files, that is if you have the old /usr still available, if not ..dont
know what to reccomend


On Tue, 4 Jan 2000, Sylwester Zelazko wrote:

slz Hi.
slzWhile moving /usr partition to other location i copied links as files.
slz Now most of programs and libraries in /usr/lib aren't symlinks. Is't other 
slz to recreate them except installing again ?
slz -- 
slz Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations   http://www.firetrail.com/
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited  http://www.aphroland.org/
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336http://www.linuxpowered.net/
Powered By:http://comedy.aphroland.org/
Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMPhttp://yahoo.aphroland.org/
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
7:08am up 137 days, 19:05, 4 users, load average: 1.85, 1.61, 1.83

exim error

2000-01-04 Thread alex

hi all:
My exim have some errors,please help me
In the /var/log/exim/mainlog I find this:
2000-01-04 17:38:01 1255we-00051d-00 == 
defer (-1): file existence defer in procmail director: Permission 
and I can't find the root 
file in /var/spool/mail/
I use exim-3.11-2
Alex Wang

Re: debhelper, potato sources on slink

2000-01-04 Thread Colin Marquardt
* Jens Guenther [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Compilation worked fine. The only problem was that the package building
 process did not work. I could have installed the programs by hand, but I
 would have to bypass the package control system and would get problems when
 the real packages eventually come out.

Ah, okay, I misunderstood you then.

 It should be possible to build packages for local installations from potato.
 If it is not possible to do this, many of the advantages of providing source
 packages and not merely sources would go away. You would be stuck with

I agree that it would be nice, but if a package depends on things like
debconf, things become complicated (debconf may even be installable in
slink, but the dependencies/conflicts were too much for me). If it is
possible, yes, but if the pain is too much, then not.

If, however, an installation would only fail because of a simple
thing like an unsupported chmod switch then that would warrant a
bug report IMO.

Re: problem with symlinks

2000-01-04 Thread Ethan Benson

On 4/1/2000 Sylwester Zelazko wrote:

While moving /usr partition to other location i copied links as files.
Now most of programs and libraries in /usr/lib aren't symlinks. Is't other way
to recreate them except installing again ?

this is why its better to use tar instead of cp but cp -a might do 
the copy correctly. another option is cpio, but I am not quite used 
to using that utility yet.

(cd / ; tar -cvpf - usr) | (cd dest ; tar -xvpf -)

Ethan Benson
To obtain my PGP key: http://www.alaska.net/~erbenson/pgp/

Re: pon problems with Potato

2000-01-04 Thread Douglas Baker
I also had this problem. The ATF didn't work for me. After some digging,
it looks like my 16550A was configured as a 16450. I re-ran setserial and
forced it to a 16550A, and it was fine after that. 

On Thu, 23 Dec 1999, Todd Suess wrote:

 I got that recently when I reinstalled potato, I cured it by using
 ATF as my init string in pppconfig.  Once I did that I never
 got the error again.
 At 11:38 AM 12/23/99 -0800, Clyde Wilson wrote:
 I've just converted to potato. When I try to bring up ppp with pon
 I get:
 Dec 23 11:16:13 Spock chat[146]: CONNECT
 Dec 23 11:16:13 Spock chat[146]:  -- got it
 Dec 23 11:16:13 Spock chat[146]: send (\d)
 Dec 23 11:16:14 Spock pppd[145]: Serial connection established.
 Dec 23 11:16:14 Spock pppd[145]: Using interface ppp0
 Dec 23 11:16:14 Spock pppd[145]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS0
 Dec 23 11:16:45 Spock pppd[145]: LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
 Dec 23 11:16:45 Spock pppd[145]: Connection terminated.
 Dec 23 11:16:45 Spock pppd[145]: Receive serial link is not 8-bit clean:
 Dec 23 11:16:45 Spock pppd[145]: Problem: all had bit 7 set to 0
 Dec 23 11:16:45 Spock pppd[145]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
 Dec 23 11:16:45 Spock pppd[145]: Exit.
 Any suggestions?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

quake2 installation help

2000-01-04 Thread Chris Hoover
I need help getting quake2 to install on potato.  when I use the
quake2/quake2-bin packages, I get errors (see below).  Is there a doc that
details how to get it installed with debian (preferably using the deb
packages)?  I really want to start playing quake2 again.



When I try to install quake2-bin, I get the following messages:
Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.

Since you only requested a single operation it is extremely likely that
the package is simply not installable and a bug report against
that package should be filed.
The following information may help to resolve the situation:

Sorry, but the following packages have unmet dependencies:
quake2-bin: Depends: libgl1 but it is not installable
E: Sorry, broken packages 

When I try to install quake2 I get these errors:
Setting up quake2 (3.20-4) ...
ln: cannot create symbolic link `/usr/lib/games/quake2/opengl32' to 
`/usr/lib/libGL.so.1': No such file or directory
dpkg: error processing quake2 (--configure):
subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process returned an error code (1)

Problems after upgrading to potato

2000-01-04 Thread Rajesh Radhakrishnan

I upgraded to potato and have the foll problems,

1. My mouse doesn't work after I boot and start X windows.
   I have to run gpm,gpm-mouse-test after I boot in to make 
   my mouse work.
   Any ideas what I have to check in my init script so that
   my mouse driver is installed at boot time.

2. 'xset r ' is not on by default (for key repeats). I don't
   know why it changed. I have to type 'xset r on' at my
   screen and have a script that does this on the machines
   I log into. Is there a way to set this permanently in my 
   X windows session?

3. I get 'shmget failed' error in a couple of apps. How do 
   I increase my shared memory?

Thanks in advance.

UPS software compatibility

2000-01-04 Thread Ron Stordahl
I am considering buying a Tripp Lite OmniSmart 450PNP.  They claim that
their PowerAltert V10.1.9 software supports Linux, however I would be much
more confortable if I knew for sure that it worked, and ideally was open

It uses a DB9 cable to talk to the system, perhaps someone knows if there is
a package in Debian already which will do the job?


Re: problem with symlinks

2000-01-04 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Tue, 4 Jan 2000, Ethan Benson wrote:

 : On 4/1/2000 Sylwester Zelazko wrote:
 : While moving /usr partition to other location i copied links as files.
 : Now most of programs and libraries in /usr/lib aren't symlinks. Is't other 
 : to recreate them except installing again ?
 : this is why its better to use tar instead of cp but cp -a might do 
 : the copy correctly. another option is cpio, but I am not quite used 
 : to using that utility yet.
 : (cd / ; tar -cvpf - usr) | (cd dest ; tar -xvpf -)

cpio is easy to use once you get used to its twisted ways of thinking :)

  find /usr | cpio -padm /target 

Mount the target partition on /target (/mnt is a good choice)

use `find -xdev' if you want to confine find to one partition e.g `find
/ -xdev' will only find files on the root partition and won't enter
mounted partitions ...


Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.midco.net
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)

apt sources list

2000-01-04 Thread Stephen A. Witt
Now that Debian 2.1r4 has been released, I'm wondering what an appropriate
/etc/apt/sources.list file should be. I have been using the following to
pick up all the updates, etc. that have been made to the slink baseline:

deb http://ftp.netgod.net x/
deb http://www.debian.org/~vincent/ slink-update main
deb ftp://security.debian.org/debian-security stable updates
deb ftp://ftp.us.debian.org/debian dists/proposed-updates/
deb ftp://ftp.us.debian.org/debian stable main contrib non-free
deb ftp://non-us.debian.org/debian-non-US stable non-US
deb ftp://ftp.us.kde.org pub/kde/stable/1.1.2/distribution/deb/slink/i386/
deb ftp://debian.tdyc.com/pub/users/rkrusty stable kde contrib rkrusty

Are all of these sites still necessary with 2.1r4?



2000-01-04 Thread G. Crimp
On Mon, Jan 03, 2000 at 04:07:16PM -0800, Brian Lavender wrote:
 Go to an ftp archive and go into the proposed-updates for 
 slink. There was some sort of y2k problem with tex where
 the make format or something to that effect failed. Anyway, the
 updated package will work. In fact here is the url for
 the cdrom debian archive.

Thanks.  That did the trick.  The packages on the main Debian ftp site must
have changed between the first install that worked and the second that
didn't.  How weird that the y2k problem was even a problem before 2000.

Anyway, looks like I have a working system again. 

Gerald Crimp

Re: Problem with exim rewriting rule

2000-01-04 Thread Ronald Tin
On Tue, Jan 04, 2000 at 03:45:36PM +0100, Klaus Drews wrote:
 Hi Ronald,
 wich section you put this in ?
the section after the comments REWRITE CONFIGURATION,
probably the same place as you put your rewrite rules?

  I am doing my rewrites this way:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] ${if eq {$sender_address}{} [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tt
 Regarding to the docs, b and c stand for
 b   rewrite the Bcc: header
 c   rewrite the Cc: header
 Since my entry in exim.conf is bcfrF it should only work for 
 b   rewrite the Bcc: header
 c   rewrite the Cc: header
 f   rewrite the From: header
 r   rewrite the Reply-to: header
 F   rewrite the envelope From field
 Since I didn't say t, it shouldn't rewrite the To: header.
 But I will try your alternative if you tell me about the section to put it.

I think so too. But perhaps there are some hidden caveats
that you and I didn't recognize?
If you need it I could send you my exim.conf. :)

Re: debhelper, potato sources on slink

2000-01-04 Thread Joey Hess
Jens Guenther wrote:
 I tried to build several potato packages for my slink machine. This failed,
 because some debhelper scripts were not available. After installing the
 potato version of debhelper, it failed again, this time because some command
 (it might have been chown) did not support some command line option.

Was it chown --no-dereference? Perhaps that has been added to chown
recently, though the changelog doesn't say what version I should depend upon.

see shy jo

Re: Exim

2000-01-04 Thread Ronald Tin
On Mon, Jan 03, 2000 at 03:14:02PM -0600, Matthew W. Roberts wrote:
  I have just recently upgraded from debian 2.1 to potato and I cannot send 
  email at all (either internal or external) i keep getting the following 
  1999-12-21 14:34:58 [EMAIL PROTECTED]: procmail director deferred:
  file existence defer in procmail director: Permission denied
  Does anyone know what is going on and how to get it working?  I have run
  eximconfig again and i select option 1 (internet mail) but that still 
 This looks like a procmail problem, so running eximconfig probably
 won't help.  Are you using a procmail director in your exim.conf file,
 or using the .forward method?  I know that using procmail with a 
 .forward file is different with exim than with sendmail so you might
 want to look at the exim documentation:  http://www.exim.org/
 If you send me your exim.conf file I might be able to help...
I find that recent eximconfig will add a procmail director
to exim.conf. with bugs.

# This director runs procmail for users who have a .procmailrc file

  driver = localuser
  transport = procmail_pipe
  require_files = +${home}:+${home}/.procmailrc:/usr/bin/procmail
  ^^ hopefully these + shall fix the problem.

IIRC, without these exim defers the mail when it cannot check the
existence of .procmailrc (when the home dir is not readable) With the
+ signs exim just ignore the director and proceed to the next one.

howto send message open xterm

2000-01-04 Thread Brian J. Stults
Can someone tell me how to send a message to any open xterm?  When I
used to receive my email from a Novell server, a broadcast message would
print to any open xterm when I received mail.  Now I would like to add
that function to my simple bash script local mail checker.  Can someone
suggest a simple way to do this (e.g. echo New mail arrived `date` 


Brian J. Stults
Doctoral Candidate
Department of Sociology
University at Albany - SUNY
Phone: (518) 442-4652  Fax: (518) 442-4936
Web: www.albany.edu/~bs7452

How do I fix an IO Error...

2000-01-04 Thread Deloy Cole

Help would be greatly appreciated. I'm getting this IO error when 
booting my debian linux machine. And e2fsck won't fix it.

hda: read_intr: status=0x59 { DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest Error 
hda: read_intr: error=0x40 { UncorrectableError }, LBAsect=2310231, 
end_request: I/O error, dev 3:01, sector 2310168

What utilities can I use to get past this error?

Thanks, Deloy

--Prof Deloy 
ColeGreenville CollegeEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Phone: 
618-664-2800 x4318

Re: .emacs file please

2000-01-04 Thread Nitebirdz

Check the URL I posted below.  It contains an example of .emacs
file, although this one is meant to be for the Windos version of the



It's not too late to turn back from the Gates of Hell... 
Linux: the free 32-bit operating system, available NOW. 
Why waait for NT? (Brandon S. Allbery)

On Mon, 3 Jan 2000, Patrick Kirk wrote:

 Thanks...but obviously I don't want the defaults but I also don't want to 
 write the whole thing from scratch...mainly interested in pruning headers in 
 I'll post to the emacs newsgroup you suggested.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

man -k doesn't work

2000-01-04 Thread Brian J. Stults

When I type man -k [anything], I always get this result:

[anything]: nothing appropriate

It doesn't matter what I substitite for anything.  I have the
environment variable MANPATH set like this in .bash_profile:


Can someone suggest an answer?  Thanks!

Brian J. Stults
Doctoral Candidate
Department of Sociology
University at Albany - SUNY
Phone: (518) 442-4652  Fax: (518) 442-4936
Web: www.albany.edu/~bs7452

Re: Netscape Communicator 4.7 dies silently.

2000-01-04 Thread Joe Block
Wayne Topa wrote:
 Subject: Netscape Communicator 4.7 dies silently.
 Date: Mon, Jan 03, 2000 at 05:19:56PM -0500
 In reply to:Todd Suess
 Quoting Todd Suess([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 | Greetings all,
 | Anyone else noticed that at times Communicator will just die silently while
 | minimized, leaving no error messages, etc?  I usually have about 5 
 | windows open to various sites and check and referesh them regularly
 | (I am using potato, XFree 3.3.5, and Kde 1.1.2), but sometimes I will pull 
 | my window list and all occurances of Communicator will be closed with no
 | errors showing.  Just curious if anyone else has seen this behaviour and if
 | there is any workaround/fix for it.  I checked memory to see if that might 
 be an
 | issue and while physical memory was a little low I still had plenty of swap
 | space left.
 Yes, just today, I had that happen 4 times.  I had also noticed that
 everything seemed a bit slower then usual, and had been getting that
 way for a few weeks now.  Keyboard repeats, changing consoles/or X
 screens, etc., all slowed down.  As I hadn't rebooted for a few months
 I decided that I would try it just to see what would happen.

I have been having netscape silently die every day or so.  Everything
else has been running just fine though - I haven't noticed any other

Quitting netscape, rm -fr ~/.netscape/cache/* and restarting netscape
seems to have fixed the problem.  Going into preferences and erasing the
disk cache from inside netscape does not seem to clear things up btw.

CREOL System Administrator

Social graces are the packet headers of everyday life.

Re: problems w/Recent Upgrade to October GNOME

2000-01-04 Thread John Foster
Martin Bialasinski wrote:
 * John == John Foster [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 John (Reading database ... 78011 files and directories currently installed.)
 John Unpacking gmc (from gmc_4.5.42-4_i386.deb) ...
 John dpkg: error processing gmc_4.5.42-4_i386.deb (--install):
 John trying to overwrite `/usr/share/man/man1/convert-metadata.db.1.gz',
 John which is also in package mc
 John dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)
 Run the installation of mc, mc-common and gmc simultaniously with dpkg
 -i mc.. gmc ... mc-common...
 Maybe the old mc package you have installed erroneously contains the
 manpage as well.
 You could deinstall the old mc package first as well.
I tried purging mc, mc-common, and gmc along with the dependent
applications. The offending file was gone. Then I tried  installing
mc-common, and mc and lastly gmc. That had the same result. I purged all
of them again and tried this order; mc-common, gmc, and lastly mc. This
time mc would not install, yielding the same error message as before.
The problem seems to be this one file, which apparently should be in
mc-common (which it is not) and not in either of the other packages. BTW
I can not seem to downgrade because October Gnome requires at least
these versions. I will try your idea of a simultaneous installation. I
appreciate the help.

AdVance-Computing Systems

We sell fine quality servers and workstations.
We specialize in multiprocessor units. 
We install Debian Linux at no extra charge!

John Foster
ICQ# 19460173

python startup files

2000-01-04 Thread Douglas Bates
According to some python documentation I have read I should put
commands that I want executed in every interactive python session into
the file `~/.pythonrc.py'.  I have done that but these commands do not
seem to be executed when I start python on a Debian GNU/Linux 2.1
system with
||/ NameVersionDescription
ii  python-base 1.5.1-7An interactive object-oriented scripting lan

Is there another convention for python startup with this package?

Also, what is the recommended form for adding to the python search
path?  I believe there is an environment variable to set.

Please cc: me on replies.  I am unable to keep up with the amount of
traffic on this list.

network troubles

2000-01-04 Thread Marketsource Online

I recently made a jump from caldera to debian and am in general very happy.
 I am, tho, getting hung up on a few points...

a.  Is there some sort of system configuration tool, like lisa/lizard,
netconfig, etc available for Debian?  I do enjoy editing .conf files and
scripts but a frontend would be a big help considering how much time I
spend looking for the configuration files!

b.  How can I change the system name I came up with during install?  I even
grep'd through /etc and can't find the current system name anywhere.

c.  My old system is set up with ADSL and ipforwarding.  Starting with a
clean slate, I can bring up lo and ping localhost.  I then bring up eth0
with ifconfig, add the local network route, and can't ping in or out of the
system.  ifconfig shows no packet movement.

What I'm getting desperate to do is:

- bring up eth0 and eth1
- set up eth0 with my static ip address and make it the default gateway
- set up eth1 as the local nic

I'm sure I'm missing something simple in some configuration file but I just
can't find it.  If someone could walk me through this, or point me to some
specific documentation (I've read over the NAG and Network HowTo too many
times to count) I'd be eternally grateful!



Re: Modem dials without reason

2000-01-04 Thread John Foster
Klaus Drews wrote:

  -Original Message-
  From: Klaus Drews [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, January 03, 2000 10:09 AM
  To:   debian-user@lists.debian.org
  Subject:  Modem dials without reason
  Hi there,
  I configured demand dialing with diald on my machine. Now my modem dials
  five minutes without reason. I increased logging but could not find a hint
  Does anyone know how to find the event that wants a connection ?
  Another question:
  When I run route my modem dials, but the command itself hangs. After a
  (the second or third dial) my routing table looks like this:
  Kernel IP routing table
  Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse
  Iface   * UH1  00
  sl0   *   U 0  00
  localnet*   U 0  00
  default * U 1  00
  default * U 0  00
  After that route works fine. The ifconfig output is the following:
  loLink encap:Local Loopback
inet addr:  Mask:
RX packets:751 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:751 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 52:54:05:DE:DB:4E
inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:73 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
Interrupt:12 Base address:0xd800
  sl0   Link encap:Serial Line IP
inet addr:  P-t-P:  Mask:
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:3099 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  ppp0  Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol
inet addr:  P-t-P:
RX packets:9 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:13 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  Maybe these two questions are one.
  Thanks in advance,
I had the same or a very similar problem about a year ago. I removed
pppupd from my system and the problem disappeared. I have never tried to
reinstall it. I never bothered to try figuring out why it did this as it
was not a problem to operate without it.
Best Wishes!
AdVance-Computing Systems

We sell fine quality servers and workstations.
We specialize in multiprocessor units. 
We install Debian Linux at no extra charge!

John Foster
ICQ# 19460173

Re: How do I fix an IO Error...

2000-01-04 Thread Francois Deppierraz
Deloy Cole [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 hda: read_intr: status=0x59 { DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest Error }
 hda: read_intr: error=0x40 { UncorrectableError }, LBAsect=2310231, 
 end_request: I/O error, dev 3:01, sector 2310168

It seems to be a very bad hardware problem :(


Francois Deppierraz  student
ICQ: 176 770 09


2000-01-04 Thread Alexei Smirnov

Dear Colleagues,

What Linux version and X-window competely compatible with AMD K7 Athlon 
having ATI Xpert video card ?

Happy New Year,

Alexei V. Smirnov,

DULY Research Inc.

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

Re: problems w/Recent Upgrade to October GNOME

2000-01-04 Thread Martin Bialasinski
* John == John Foster [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

John The problem seems to be this one file, which apparently should
John be in mc-common (which it is not) and not in either of the other
John packages.

No, it should only be in the gmc package, as the convert-metadata.db
script is also only in this package, and it is its manpage that you
have problems with.

What confuses me is that debian/rules copies the manpage to the gmc
buildtree only. So I have no idea how you managed to get it into the
mc package :-)

As a quick fix, --force-overwrite when installing will do it.


Re: .emacs file please

2000-01-04 Thread Shaul Karl
 Hi all,
 I'm just coming to grips with emacs and discovered that most people have a 
 .emacs file with default settings that they can use.

1) At least with XEamcs, probably with Emacs too, you can try Help-Samples.
2) You can look at Emacs Beginner's HOWTO, I belkieve the author append one or 
mention a link for 1 or 2.

Re: pointer trails in X?

2000-01-04 Thread Shaul Karl
 Is it possible via some configuration to get the mouse to have a trail
 in X?  It makes it nice to spot the cursor after your eyes have lost
 focus of it.

(1) I am not sure but I believe that it is the WM business and that Fvwm has an 
option to do it. (2) Isn't xeyes do just that?

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