Re: Encoders de MP3?

2000-01-05 Thread Jordi
On Tue, Jan 04, 2000 at 02:26:03PM +0100, Cosme P. Cuevas wrote:
  Package: gogo
  Version: 2.2.0-1
  Depends: libc6 ( = 2.1 )
  Description: El compresor de Mp3 más rápido del Oeste.

Al final acabé en el que ya conocía (bladeenc), uno que le gusta a Grip.
Para ripear, cdparanoia o cdda2wav, aunque también me recomiendan Lame para
comprimir, pero no lo he probado. Gracias por la info de todas maneras.

 Un saludo, y gracias por el apunte sobre Gnome mínimo, ;-)
Quieres el gtetrinet? :)

Hasta luego!


Description: PGP signature

Re: Encoders de MP3?

2000-01-05 Thread Jordi
On Tue, Jan 04, 2000 at 07:19:27PM +0100, Han Solo wrote:
  Hay algún encoder de Mp3 en Potato? No encuentro ninguno de los famosos
  (bladeenc, etc.). Hay alguno recomendable para instalar en /usr/local?
 Ni creo que los encuentres. Los encoders (corregidme si me equivoco) se
 distribuyen como parches de un soft que no es libre, así que dudo que
 lleguen a estar en potato o en ninguna otra, al menos en main.

No entiendo esto que dices. Parche de que soft? BladeEnc es LGPL... no se
que problema puede haber con un compresor de estos, quitando que
determinados paises les pongan restricciones de uso (a-la-crypt), pero que
yo sepa, BladeEnc no tiene nada de código que en caso de que fuese
empaquetado, le hiciese ir a non-free. Pero bueno, me interesaría que me
explicaras más lo que sabes, porque no se nada de esto.

 El BladeEncoder sólo ocupa 300K; si queres te lo envío por mail.

Debe haber adelgazado :)
-rw-rw-r--1 jordijordi  210134 Jan  3 22:28 



Description: PGP signature

Re: Recuperar de cuelgue de X y consolas

2000-01-05 Thread Netman
El Sun, Jan 02, 2000 at 10:13:10PM +0100,
Manel Marin nos dijo:

 On Sat, Jan 01, 2000 at 08:14:52AM +0100, Ismael Canales wrote:
  No creo que funcione porque las X ponen el teclado en modo raw. Esto hace 
  el driver de
  la consola no pillé las teclas, y por tanto tampoco avisará al init.
 Tienes razon, CTRL+ALT+SUPR tampoco va desde las X...
 LA SOLUCION ( como me gusta linux, y como voy a fardar en el curro mañana ;-)
 Para poder salir del modo RAW en que deja las X el teclado cuando se
 cuelgan hay que recompilar el kernel activando la Magic SysRq key
 1) Modificar en /usr/src/linux/include/asm/keyboard.h la linea
 #define SYSRQ_KEY 0x54
 #define SYSRQ_KEY 0x0f/* Para usar TAB + r */
 #define SYSRQ_KEY 0x0e/* Para usar DEL + r */

Yo lo tengo hecho así:

#define SYSRQ_KEY 0x4a

que es el código de la tecla más inútil que he encontrado: el - del teclado 
numérico. En el único programa que lo he podido llegar a utilizar, el mc, aún 
puedo emularla con + * .

 MOTIVO: El teclado ya no genera el codigo scan 0x54 al pulsar la tecla SysRq 
 COMO VER LOS CODIGOS SCAN: showkeys -s(10 segundos sin pulsar nada 
 para salir)
 2) Recompilar el kernel (2.2.13) activando la opción:
   Kernel hacking -  Magic SysRq key
 3) Instalar la imagen, ejecutar lilo, y reiniciar el S.O.
 4) Ahora con TAB + r puedes salir del modo raw, hacer ALT+F1...
 Por cierto hay mas teclas magicas:
   t[E]rm, k[I]ll  # Todos los procesos menos init
   [S]ync, [U]mount, [B]oot# Para cierre cuando hay problemas 
 TAB+a (ayuda) o TAB+h (help) te da la lista de teclas magicas

TAB+c tambíen, y en general, cualquier TAB+algo que no corresponda a una tecla 
ya asignada. Buena idea la de la ayuda por defecto.

 Mas info: con los fuentes del kernel en linux/Documentation/sysrq.txt

BTW: La combinación original, Alt+PetSys la utilizo frecuentemente para volver 
a la VC anterior. ¡No sé cómo se le ocurrió a alguien dejar que la tecla 
MagicSysReq por defecto machacara esta función tan útil!

Salu2, Netman.

How long a minute is depends on which side of the bathroom door you're on.
Powered by Debian/GNU Linux 2.2 - Kernel 2.2.13

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Un error] Recuperar de cuelgue de X y consolas

2000-01-05 Thread Netman
El Mon, Jan 03, 2000 at 01:02:41AM +0100,
Manel Marin nos dijo:

 On Sun, Jan 02, 2000 at 10:13:10PM +0100, Manel Marin wrote:
  1) Modificar en /usr/src/linux/include/asm/keyboard.h la linea
  #define SYSRQ_KEY 0x54
  #define SYSRQ_KEY 0x0f  /* Para usar TAB + r */
  #define SYSRQ_KEY 0x0e  /* Para usar DEL + r */
  MOTIVO: El teclado ya no genera el codigo scan 0x54 al pulsar la tecla 
  COMO VER LOS CODIGOS SCAN: showkeys -s  (10 segundos sin pulsar nada 
  para salir)
 Ops... ERROR: La tecla que se le asigna a SysRq no funciona desde la consola
 para nada mas... (en X si...)
 Lo que esta claro es que el codigo original no funciona :-/
 Y el scan code de SysRq no admite pulsar otra tecla, mientras se mantiene
 pulsada esta, y acaba en 0xaa al igual que el de las teclas de cursor
 y el soltar de la tecla shift izquierda... por lo que no vale...
 ¿Que tal Scroll Lock? yo no la uso, es el 0x46

Scroll Lock es una de las teclas más útiles que he visto - en su función 
original -. Sirve para detener o continuar el flujo de datos en el terminal. 
Por ejemplo, para ver los mensajes de linux nada más arrancar el kernel.

Salu2, Netman.

How long a minute is depends on which side of the bathroom door you're on.
Powered by Debian/GNU Linux 2.2 - Kernel 2.2.13

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Un error] Recuperar de cuelgue de X y consolas

2000-01-05 Thread Netman
El Mon, Jan 03, 2000 at 09:09:26AM +0100,
Tejada Lacaci, Antonio nos dijo:

  -Mensaje original-
  Enviado el: lunes 3 de enero de 2000 1:03
  Para:   Lista Debian Castellano
  Asunto: Re: [Un error] Recuperar de cuelgue de X y consolas
  Lo que esta claro es que el codigo original no funciona :-/
   No sé, yo lo tengo instalado pero aún no había conseguido que
 funcionase nunca, quizás era por eso ... o quizás por no leerme demasiado el
 sysreq.txt O;)
  Y el scan code de SysRq no admite pulsar otra tecla, mientras se mantiene
  pulsada esta, y acaba en 0xaa al igual que el de las teclas de cursor
  y el soltar de la tecla shift izquierda... por lo que no vale...
  ¿Que tal Scroll Lock? yo no la uso, es el 0x46
   Ehmmm ... el scroll lock sirve para parar la pantalla cuando te hace
 scroll (lógicamente XD). 
   Por ejemplo, imagínate que quieres ver lo que te cuenta linux
 mientras arranca, pero como está siempre sacando mensajes, no te sirve con
 pulsar SHIFT+PgAr. Pues fácil: pulsas scroll-lock (entonces deja de mostrar
 cosas por pantalla), pulsas SHIFT+PgAr. hasta que visualices lo que querías
 visualizar y luego pulsas scr. lock otra vez para que linux siga a lo suyo.
   Los teclados nuevos tienen las teclas de Sleep Wake y nosequé más.
 Además de las de Win 95, que también podrían usarse :-?

Esa fue una de las primeras ideas que tuve hace tiempo ya. No recuerdo 
exactamente por qué, pero no pude llevarla a cabo. :(
Realmente sería muy interesante poder usar esas teclas tan inútiles...

Salu2, Miguel.

How long a minute is depends on which side of the bathroom door you're on.
Powered by Debian/GNU Linux 2.2 - Kernel 2.2.13

Description: PGP signature

Re: Actualización de Kernel 2.

2000-01-05 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
At 09:23 PM 2000-01-04 +0100, Emilio Hernández Martín wrote:

Sigo intentando actualizar mi Kernel. De momento he instalado 2 paquetes
llamados 'kernel-source-2.2.4' y 'kernel-source-2.2.4-intl', el primero de
los cuales estaba dentro de la categoría 'Opcionales' mientras que el
segundo estaba dentro de los 'Extras'. He descomprimido el primero, ¿qué es
el segundo? En la explicación que venía en el 'dselect' ponía exactamente lo
mismo que en el otro. ¿Lo necesito o me vale sólo con el primero?

El kernel 'internacional' incluye características que no pueden ser
incluidos en el kernel  estándar debido a las limitaciones en la exportacion
de software que pone US. Entre las características que incluye está soporte
para criptografía (no sé que mas cosas tenga)

Ugo Enrico Albarello López de Mesa
A proud Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 User.

Re: Problemas con Smail

2000-01-05 Thread Blu
SKaVeN wrote:
 Hell-o debianitas!
 Intentado enviar correo a las direcciones de el smail me
 devuelve el siguiente mensaje
 |- Failed addresses follow: -|
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] ... transport smtp: 501 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Invalid mail 
 address, must be fully qualified domain
 |- Message text follows: |

Hola Skaven,

Yo tuve un problema parecido hace un tiempo. Al parecer en ciertas
circunstancias a smail no le gusta que el que envia un emilio tenga una
direccion rara, especificamente el nombre del dominio. Mis emilios en
un principio iban con la direccion del sender como [EMAIL PROTECTED]  o
sea mi cuenta de usuario blu, y el nombre de mi maquina
lady-armanoid, y smail me alegaba que sender name must resolve o
algo asi. O sea no le gustaba que el nombre de mi maquina no resolviera
en ningun servidor de nombres.

Lo solucione poniendo en /etc/smail/config (creo que ese es el archivo
de configuracion, no tengo la maquina al alcance ahora) visible_name donde es el nombre de dominio de mi isp.
Asi los emilios salen con un dominio valido en internet, que resuelve en
una ip valida.

Tambien ayuda poner mediante mutt o en el archivo /etc/smail/routers
algo (no me acuerdo de la opcion ahora mismo) para que cambie la
direccion de retorno Return-Path: a alguna direccion que exista, de
manera que si el emilio es devuelto por alguna razon, no se pierda en el
limbo y se pueda analizar el problema en casa.

Espero que te sirva, suerte.

Felipe Sanchez.

Re: Como compartir archivos entre dos PC's

2000-01-05 Thread TooMany
On Tue, Jan 04, 2000 at 12:02:59PM -0600, Lucky wrote:
 Tengo dos PC's en red, los dos con Linux y quiero compartir ficheros entre
 ellos. YA he establecido conexión y haciendo un PING se comunican, pero no

Hombre... Puedes pasar ficheros entre ellos con un ftp mismo... Eso
tirándonos a lo más sencillo y rápido.

   \|/  \|/
Have a nice day  ;-)   @'/ ,. \'@
TooManySecrets /_| \__/ |_\

nuevo kernel

2000-01-05 Thread Miguel Rodriguez Penabad
Por si a alguien le interesa ... me estaba dando un paseo por, y me encontrado un fichero
LATEST-IS-2.2.14 :)

Miguel Rodriguez Penabadpenabad @
Laboratorio de Bases de Datos
Facultade de InformáticaUniversidade da Coruña (Spain)
Debian 2.1 [2.2.13] Usuario Linux 124962

fortunes en español

2000-01-05 Thread Barbie Dominatrix


  He visto que algunos de vosotros incluís citas en la firma del
mensaje. Supongo que lo hacéis con las 'fortunes', pero en potato yo sólo
he encontrado citas en inglés, checo, eslovaco e italiano. ¿Dónde puedo
encontrarlas en castellano?

  Gracias, y que jodan a Bill Gates!

RE: fortunes en español

2000-01-05 Thread Tejada Lacaci, Antonio
 -Mensaje original-
 De:   Barbie Dominatrix [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Enviado el:   miércoles 5 de enero de 2000 11:16
 Para: Usuarios Debian Español
 Asunto:   fortunes en español
   He visto que algunos de vosotros incluís citas en la firma del
 mensaje. Supongo que lo hacéis con las 'fortunes', pero en potato yo sólo
 he encontrado citas en inglés, checo, eslovaco e italiano. ¿Dónde puedo
 encontrarlas en castellano?
En cualquier BBS puedes pillar un fichero de taglines (Mira en el
rincón de fidonet, por ejemplo Los hay a punta
pala. Si quieres algo más serio, pues no sé :-m

   Gracias, y que jodan a Bill Gates!
Humm... :-m ¿un poco radical no? (o sea, muy en tu tónica ;D).

Antonio Tejada Lacaci   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Depto. Análisis y Programación
Banca March S.A.

Re: [duda] SOLUCION: run-parts

2000-01-05 Thread Jose Mari Mor i Fabregat
On Fri, 31 Dec 1999, Fernando Sanchez wrote:

 On Thu, 30 Dec 1999, Jose Mari Mor i Fabregat wrote:
  Por lo que yo tengo entendido, simplemente en incluirlos dentro
  de /etc/cron.* ya deberían funcionar. Si ejecuto el run-parts a mano
  tampoco funciona.
 ¿Cómo se llaman los scripts? El nombre del fichero, digo... porque ten en
 cuenta que si pones algo tan normal como un . como parte del nombre
 (, por ejemplo), ya no funciona. A run-parts sólo le valen letras,
 dígitos, - y _

Resuelto, mis scripts se llamabam, he cambiado el nombre
y funciona a la perfección.

 Si no es por eso, ¿pones #!/bin/bash (o lo que uses) como primera línea de
 los ficheros? Si no lo pones, tampoco funcionará, puesto que no se lanza un
 intérprete por cada fichero sino que se ejecutan directamente.

Esto al menos lo cumplía.

Gràcias 1000.

Re: Encoders de MP3?

2000-01-05 Thread kynes
On Wed, Jan 05, 2000 at 01:43:54AM +0100, Jordi wrote:
   Package: gogo
   Description: El compresor de Mp3 más rápido del Oeste.
 Al final acabé en el que ya conocía (bladeenc), uno que le gusta a Grip.

  En mi ordenador (PII-233) el gogo es tres veces más rapido que el lame. Y si 
tuviera 3DNow! iría todavía más rapido porque puede utilizar junto al MMX.

 Para ripear, cdparanoia o cdda2wav, aunque también me recomiendan Lame para

  No es muy dificil cambiar esos programas para que utilizen otro encoder.

  Hasta otra.
_  _
|/ \/ |\ | |_ |_  Eduardo Borja Ramírez Ronco
|\ /  | \| |_  _| Debian 2.2  y Kernel 2.2.13
Usuario de linux #156307 Maquina #68965
La violencia es el miedo a las ideas de los demas y la poca fe en las propias

Description: PGP signature

RE: [Un error] Recuperar de cuelgue de X y consolas

2000-01-05 Thread Saxa Egea
Perdonad mi intromision... pero el scroll lock no para momentaneamente la
maquina?? Si... para lo q muestra en pantalla... pero pq para cualquier
proceso, no??


-Mensaje original-
De: Netman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviado el: miércoles, 05 de enero de 2000 0:56
Para: Lista Debian
Asunto: Re: [Un error] Recuperar de cuelgue de X y consolas

El Mon, Jan 03, 2000 at 09:09:26AM +0100,
Tejada Lacaci, Antonio nos dijo:

  -Mensaje original-
  Enviado el: lunes 3 de enero de 2000 1:03
  Para:   Lista Debian Castellano
  Asunto: Re: [Un error] Recuperar de cuelgue de X y consolas
  Lo que esta claro es que el codigo original no funciona :-/
   No sé, yo lo tengo instalado pero aún no había conseguido que
 funcionase nunca, quizás era por eso ... o quizás por no leerme demasiado
 sysreq.txt O;)

  Y el scan code de SysRq no admite pulsar otra tecla, mientras se
  pulsada esta, y acaba en 0xaa al igual que el de las teclas de cursor
  y el soltar de la tecla shift izquierda... por lo que no vale...
  ¿Que tal Scroll Lock? yo no la uso, es el 0x46
   Ehmmm ... el scroll lock sirve para parar la pantalla cuando te hace
 scroll (lógicamente XD).
   Por ejemplo, imagínate que quieres ver lo que te cuenta linux
 mientras arranca, pero como está siempre sacando mensajes, no te sirve con
 pulsar SHIFT+PgAr. Pues fácil: pulsas scroll-lock (entonces deja de
 cosas por pantalla), pulsas SHIFT+PgAr. hasta que visualices lo que
 visualizar y luego pulsas scr. lock otra vez para que linux siga a lo

   Los teclados nuevos tienen las teclas de Sleep Wake y nosequé más.
 Además de las de Win 95, que también podrían usarse :-?

Esa fue una de las primeras ideas que tuve hace tiempo ya. No recuerdo
exactamente por qué, pero no pude llevarla a cabo. :(
Realmente sería muy interesante poder usar esas teclas tan inútiles...

Salu2, Miguel.

How long a minute is depends on which side of the bathroom door you're on.

Powered by Debian/GNU Linux 2.2 - Kernel 2.2.13

Ganá $7,20 por hora por ver publicidades en Internet -

2000-01-05 Thread rmaurino
Date: Wed, 5 Jan 2000 08:53:40 -0300
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V4.72.2106.4

Este no es un mensaje de cadenas o algún extraño invento. Conozco gente
que utiliza este sistema en otros países y me dijeron que es real y
rentable, y además es completamente en español. Tómense un rato y lean
esto, porque es verdad. ¿De que se trata? ¡Los anunciantes te pagan por
que veas sus publicidades! Este sistema a ellos les conviene porque llegan
a nosotros en forma directa y podemos ingresar si queremos automáticamente
a sus ofertas y a sus páginas web. ¡Esto es lo que todos estábamos
esperando! Anotémonos ya y después a buscar mas gente.
Obviamente el sistema funciona totalmente gratis.

Para suscribirte cliqueá en : o ingresá  a
la pagina de Planetabanner ( y a la hora de
anotarte ingresá mi código.

Mi código personal es: 2009

Planetabanner te da estos beneficios:
No invertís nada.
Es totalmente gratis.
Te paga $ 7,20 la hora.
No hay límites en cuanto a lo que podés ganar.

Así funciona... Prestá atención que es muy interesante.

Te aviso, este mail es un poco largo porque necesito que entiendas de que
se trata. Una vez que lo hayas leído te vas a dar cuenta de lo simple que
es todo esto. Todos vimos como Internet fue cambiando en los últimos años.
Bueno, un grupo de PhD. en Ciencias de la Computación de la universidad de
Stanford (USA) cambiaron la forma de hacer publicidad en la web con muchos
sitios en Estados Unidos. Y en Argentina, Planetabanner es el primero en
ofrecer este servicio que ya está al alcance de todos.
A través de los años los anunciantes han pagado a cualquiera que pudiese
aumentar la llegada de sus anuncios. Cadenas de TV,  radios, revistas y
diarios, todo servía. Los consumidores, la gente a la que los anunciantes
quieren llegar, nunca recibieron un centavo de toda esta operación. Estas
personas están cambiando las cosas. Lo que están haciendo es algo así como
una unión de consumidores, de esta manera los anunciantes les pagan
directamente a los consumidores en lugar de pagarles a los medios. La idea
es tan simple que parece loca, pero funciona y cualquiera puede unirse
gratis y ganar dinero. Por favor seguí leyendo.

Esta compañía de la que te cuento se llama Planetabanner y funciona así.
Es completamente GRATIS participar. No tenés que comprar nada, no tenés
que vender nada, no tenés que cambiar la forma de navegar por la web.
Cuando vayas al sitio de Planetabanner y te suscribas, vas a tener que
ingresar tus datos y el código de la persona que te envió. Ellos te van a
dar tu propio código y en poco tiempo te enviarán un e-mail avisándote
cuando podés comenzar a utilizar este servicio. Cuando lo estés
utilizando, en una pequeña ventana aparecerá una publicidad de los
anunciantes, un banner rectangular. Este servicio lo podes mantener activo
o suspender cuando vos quieras, pero por cada hora que sumes vas a ganar $
7,20. Recordá que esto es completamente GRATUITO, y que siempre podes
elegir si querés recibir las publicidades o no. Muy pronto te pagarán $
0,70 por cada hora que una persona recomendada por vos haya utilizado el
servicio. Por cada persona que tus referidos recomienden te pagarán $ 0,35
la hora. Y así dos niveles más. Esto una vez que se ponga en
funcionamiento generará grandes cantidades de dinero.

¿Por qué hacen esto?

Estarás pensando que esta gente tendrá que pagar mucho dinero por mes a
los usuarios, y tenés razón, van a tener que pagar muchísimo a los
consumidores. Pero no lo mires desde ese punto de vista. Miralo desde el
punto de vista de lo que ellos pueden llegar a cobrar por este servicio.
Es fácil. Planetabanner paga $ 8,95 por cada hora de usuario recibiendo
publicidades ($ 7,20 para el usuario, 0,70 para él que lo refirió, $ 0,35
para la persona que los refirió, y así dos niveles más). Si ellos pueden
vender avisos por más de $ 8,95 la hora por usuario automáticamente están
ganando dinero, y te aseguro que son capaces de vender los avisos por más.
Eso es todo. Ese es el gran secreto. La idea de ellos es vender las
publicidades a un importe un poco mayor y así poder pagar a todos los
usuarios y quedarse con el resto. Todo el mundo gana.

¿Por qué te conviene unirte?

¿Por qué no? Es absolutamente gratuito, y podés llegar a hacer una gran
cantidad de dinero sólo por ver publicidades. No afecta ni interrumpe tu
tiempo en la web, vas a seguir gastando el mismo tiempo en navegar que
gastabas antes, en los mismos lugares, de la misma manera. La única
diferencia es que vas a tener la posibilidad de recibir publicidades si
querés, y te pagarán por eso. Y si conseguís que más gente se una, vas a
ganar más dinero.

¿Se utiliza un modelo piramidal?

En realidad no. Es algo parecido, pero sin limitaciones. No pagás nada, ni
vendés nada o invertís tu tiempo en otras cosas. En un esquema piramidal
el último que se une, pierde. En este esquema hasta el ultimo en unirse

Re: Encoders de MP3?

2000-01-05 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
At 12:47 PM 2000-01-05 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Wed, Jan 05, 2000 at 01:43:54AM +0100, Jordi wrote:
 Al final acabé en el que ya conocía (bladeenc), uno que le gusta a Grip.

  En mi ordenador (PII-233) el gogo es tres veces más rapido que el lame.
 Y si tuviera 3DNow! iría todavía más rapido porque puede utilizar junto
al MMX.

Dudo bastante que puedas usar 3DNow! y MMX al mismo tiempo. De hecho, la
del 3DNow! es que supuestamente trabaja más rápido que el MMX.

Sería bueno tener una comparación realista de 3DNow!, 3DNow! Extensions
MMX, MMX Extensions (PIII) y SSE (PIII)

Ugo Enrico Albarello López de Mesa
A proud Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 User.

Relanzamiento del Portal de la Radioteledifusión Argentina

2000-01-05 Thread distribución
Si su mundo son los medios de comunicación, visite 
Actualizándonos On Line es una publicación dirigida a directivos, personal y 
proveedores de teleradiodifusoras, proveedores de internet, telecomunicaciones 
y servicios satelitales.
Si no es de su interés por favor haga reply 
a [EMAIL PROTECTED] y será inmediatamente retirado de la lista. Recibiendo 
ya nuestras sinceras disculpas por la molestia.
Sea cual fuere su respuesta le deseamos lo mejor para ese nuevo año, siglo y 

RE: Encoders de MP3?

2000-01-05 Thread Saxa Egea
pero lo de 3DNow y MMX no son un conjunto de instrucciones q van dentro
del procesador?? Como puede una cpu de intel interpretar las instrucciones
para 3Dnow i viceversa??


-Mensaje original-
De: Ugo Enrico Albarello [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviado el: miércoles, 05 de enero de 2000 15:27
Asunto: Re: Encoders de MP3?

At 12:47 PM 2000-01-05 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Wed, Jan 05, 2000 at 01:43:54AM +0100, Jordi wrote:
 Al final acabé en el que ya conocía (bladeenc), uno que le gusta a Grip.

  En mi ordenador (PII-233) el gogo es tres veces más rapido que el lame.
 Y si tuviera 3DNow! iría todavía más rapido porque puede utilizar junto
al MMX.

Dudo bastante que puedas usar 3DNow! y MMX al mismo tiempo. De hecho, la
del 3DNow! es que supuestamente trabaja más rápido que el MMX.

Sería bueno tener una comparación realista de 3DNow!, 3DNow! Extensions
MMX, MMX Extensions (PIII) y SSE (PIII)

Ugo Enrico Albarello López de Mesa
A proud Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 User.

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Joliet.

2000-01-05 Thread SKaVeN

El día Mon, Jan 03, 2000 at 02:57:53AM +0100 decías:

 Hola, feliz 2000 a todo el mundo.
 ¿Sabéis alguna aplicación o algo así para ver los nombres y las
 extensiones completas de los ficheros de Windows en Linux? Había oído que
 eso lo hacía algo llamado 'joliet' pero no sé ni lo que es ni cómo
 Muchas gracias por la ayuda.

compila el kernel con soporte Joilet en el CDRom y marchando ;)

Nos leemos...

PPP con mgetty

2000-01-05 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
Hola a todos y feliz año.

Tengo aquí en el trabajo, una caja Debian, con la que conectamos a 
internet usando ipchains, diald y todas estas cosas, esto funciona 

El caso es que ahora queremos conectar desde fuera, asi que he 
conectado un modem al otro puerto serie, he instalado y configurado 
(creo que bien), el mgetty, y he configurado un acceso a redes en un 
pc con win95, y va entrando bien con la autetificacion de usuario, 
incluso el w95 dice que ha conectado, pero ha continuacion se corta, y 
el ultimo mensaje del ppp.log, es “No Network protocols running”, este 
mensaje, ya me estuvo saliendo hace mucho, pero no recuerdo porque era 
ni como los solucione.

Una ayudita por favor.

Saludos y gracias.

RE: Encoders de MP3?

2000-01-05 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
At 04:11 p.m. 05/01/00 +0100, Saxa Egea wrote:
pero lo de 3DNow y MMX no son un conjunto de instrucciones q van dentro
del procesador?? Como puede una cpu de intel interpretar las instrucciones
para 3Dnow i viceversa??

Efectivamente, aunque los AMD K6-2 y superiores son compatibles con MMX,
ningun Intel soporta las 3DNow!.
Los últimos procesadores de Cyrix, soportan MMX y 3DNow! al igual que el K6-2

Ugo Enrico Albarello López de Mesa A proud Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 User
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Linux Registered User #52657 

Actualizacion de Kernel 3.

2000-01-05 Thread Emilio Hernández Martín


Al final ha dejado las fuentes internacionales llamadas
kernel-source-2.2.4-intl y las he descomprimido y generado un enlace a
/usr/src/linux. ¿Puedo borrar el archivo tar.gz una vez descomprimido o lo
puedo volver a necesitar más adelante?

Ahora, antes de seguir, me gustaría saber cómo tengo que modificar el
LILO para que sea capaz de bootear con el kernel nuevo y también con el
antiguo. He leído en el README algo así como que después de compilar el
nuevo kernel, se generará un nuevo /vmlinuz que apuntará a la última imagen
del kernel y también aparecerá un /vmlinuz.old que apuntará, a su vez, a la
siguiente imagen más reciente. ¿Es así? Es decir, ¿esos /vmlinuz y
/vmlinuz.old se generarán automáticamente o he de hacer algo concreto para

Después dice que se podrá poner en el 'lilo.conf' las líneas:

image = /vmlinuz
image = /vmlinuz.old

para (supongo) pueda arrancar con cada uno de los kernels. Es decir, si mi
lilo.conf es:


¿Bastaría con añadir las líneas


justo antes del 'read-only' (o justo después, no estoy seguro) y después, al
arrancar escribir 'old' para que entrase con el kernel antiguo?

Muchas gracias y un saludo. Y que traigan muchas cosas los Reyes.


Re: I need a truley interactive chat script for PPP

2000-01-05 Thread John Hasler
Jay writes:
 chat doesn't seem to be powerful enough.  I can use SAY or REPORT to see
 the challenge, but chat doesn't seem to provide a way to key in a number

 Any thoughts?

Several.  You could use something like expect or perl or bash instead of
chat.  Anything that can read stdin and write stdout will do.  There is an
example using expect in /usr/doc/ppp/examples/scripts/secure-card.  You
could also make use of the fact that recent versions of chat can read
environment variables and can read passwords and such from a file or pipe.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, Wisconsin

modprobe automated.

2000-01-05 Thread Hans
How can I automagically load modules with modprobe at boot (I don't want to
use kerneld)? I once knew, but it's been a while. -- Hans

Re: man -k doesn't work

2000-01-05 Thread Ethan Benson

On 4/1/2000 Brian J. Stults wrote:

When I type man -k [anything], I always get this result:

[anything]: nothing appropriate

It doesn't matter what I substitite for anything.  I have the
environment variable MANPATH set like this in .bash_profile:


Can someone suggest an answer?  Thanks!

the mandb cron job has not been run yet, i think its a weekly:


should make it run now, it takes a while.


help with linux

2000-01-05 Thread jd

hello im hoping you can help me im trying to 
down load linux and i dont no where to start i know you probly have better 
things to do than to help linux dummies but if you can give me any help i would 
be thankfull james ward email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Changing font size for xterm

2000-01-05 Thread Brian Servis
*- On  4 Jan, Brian Fuller wrote about Changing font size for xterm
 What is the best way to change the font size for xterm, emacs etc?

On the command line:

xterm -fn font
emacs -fn font


xterm:  Ctrl+Btn3
(I use xemacs so don't know how emacs works on this)  


XTerm*font: font
(I use xemacs so don't know how emacs works on this)

Read the man page for the respective application, it should say how do
to it.

To get a list of all available fonts run the command xlsfonts(in the
xbase-clients package).

To get an interactive selection of all available fonts runt he command
xfontsel(in the xcontrib package).

Brian Servis

Mechanical Engineering  |  Never criticize anybody until you  
Purdue University   |  have walked a mile in their shoes,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  because by that time you will be a   |  mile away and have their shoes.

Re: UPS software compatibility

2000-01-05 Thread Ethan Benson

On 4/1/2000 Ron Stordahl wrote:

I am considering buying a Tripp Lite OmniSmart 450PNP.  They claim that
their PowerAltert V10.1.9 software supports Linux, however I would be much
more confortable if I knew for sure that it worked, and ideally was open

BestPower UPSs have software that works with GNU/Linux and the source 
code comes with it (though not under a Free licence) they also use a 
standard DB9 cable.  Best will also give you the complete 
documentation on the smart mode comm protocol on request no questions 

other then 2 or 3 minor annoyances with the software (that could be 
easily fixed by any C programmer) it seems to work just fine.


Re: split archives using tar

2000-01-05 Thread Michael W. Shaffer
You would need to handle this using the -prune option to find. I just
wrote a script to do something like what you are talking about, and I
*think* that it looks like this:

  cd /home/howard
  find . -path .netscape/cache/* -prune -path vmware/* -prune -o -print \
| cpio -ovH crc  /mnt/zip/homebackup-`date '+%d-%B-%Y'`.cpio

I will have to look at my scripts again to confirm the syntax exactly,
but the above is generally correct I think. I think there is an option to
find to let you avoid the 'cd' command as I have shown above, but I can't
remember it right at the moment. The info pages for GNU find are
excellent rainy day reading and using this command well is an art in
itself. The find command shown above says:

  find all filepaths starting in the current directory
  if the path is like .netscape/cache/* then discard it from the list
  if the path is like vmware/* then discard it from the list
  or (-o) else include (-print) the filepath

Unlike tar, cpio relies entirely on something else to generate the list
of files for archiving. The list can come from anywhere but is very
frequently generated by a find command. You can also have the list read
from a file or use some other favorite utility to generate it. This makes
cpio backups a litle more hassle to set up in the beginning for simple
cases, but I think in the long run using find is much more flexible.

--- Howard Mann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What command would one use to _exclude_ certain directories from the
 Specifically, what would the cpio command be to achieve the following
 ? :
 tar -cvpf /mnt/zip/homebackup-`date '+%d-%B-%Y'`.tar \
 --directory /home/howard --exclude=vmware --exclude=.netscape/cache . 
 Here I have archived my home directory except for the vmware and
 .netscape/cache directories.

Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: modprobe automated.

2000-01-05 Thread Alisdair McDiarmid
On Wed, Jan 05, 2000 at 01:07:48AM +0100, Hans wrote:
 How can I automagically load modules with modprobe at boot (I don't
 want to use kerneld)? I once knew, but it's been a while.

Insert the names of the modules in /etc/modules.
alisdair mcdiarmid[EMAIL PROTECTED]
[the day is done but i'm having fun i think i'm dumb maybe just happy]

Re: Potato/Unstable Issues

2000-01-05 Thread William Burrow
On Fri, Dec 10, 1999 at 09:47:17PM +0100, Gergely Madarasz wrote:
 On Fri, 10 Dec 1999, Joey Hess wrote:
  Craig Coles wrote:
   1: On a couple of boxes, while doing an update with dselect, I keep seeing
   the message
   Cannot find termcap: Can't find a valid termcap file at
   /usr/lib/perl5/5.005/Term/ line 305
   There is a ReadLine.pmm file there.
  Install libreadline-gnu-perl. This is a known and many-times reported perl
 libterm-readline-gnu-perl actually

I am now having the same problem, unfortunately installing
libterm-readline... didn't fix the problem.  Am I overlooking something,
or is something else broken on my system?

William Burrow -- New Brunswick, Canada
Real programmers don't comment their code.  It was hard to write, it
should be hard to understand.
 potato: 9:46pm up 7 days, 21:59, 8 users, load average: 1.04, 1.07, 1.12
OpenBSD: 9:46PM up 54 days, 10:03, 2 users, load averages: 1.08, 1.08, 1.08

Re: Changing font size for xterm

2000-01-05 Thread Pann McCuaig
On Tue, Jan 04, 2000 at 19:41, Brian Servis wrote:
 To get a list of all available fonts run the command xlsfonts(in the
 xbase-clients package).
 To get an interactive selection of all available fonts runt he command
 xfontsel(in the xcontrib package).

Wow. Thanks for the pointers.

Had no idea there were so many fonts on my system. Now then, where to
read about all the parameters one gets to choose in xfontsel? A general
overview of font selection, description and use under X?

geek by nature, Linux by choice L I N U X   .~.
The Choice  /V\ of a GNU  /( )\
Generation ^^-^^

Re: Changing font size for xterm

2000-01-05 Thread Brian Servis
*- On  4 Jan, Pann McCuaig wrote about Re: Changing font size for xterm
 On Tue, Jan 04, 2000 at 19:41, Brian Servis wrote:
 To get a list of all available fonts run the command xlsfonts(in the
 xbase-clients package).
 To get an interactive selection of all available fonts runt he command
 xfontsel(in the xcontrib package).
 Wow. Thanks for the pointers.
 Had no idea there were so many fonts on my system. Now then, where to
 read about all the parameters one gets to choose in xfontsel? A general
 overview of font selection, description and use under X?

Start with 'man X'.  Primarily in the FONT NAMES section.  Also look in

Brian Servis

Mechanical Engineering  |  Never criticize anybody until you  
Purdue University   |  have walked a mile in their shoes,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  because by that time you will be a   |  mile away and have their shoes.

Re: Changing font size for xterm

2000-01-05 Thread Brian Fuller
Thanks for the tips. I tried them out and they worked as expected. The
next step is to be able to change the default fonts. Would that be don
in a .conf file?

wwwoffle mystery

2000-01-05 Thread Pollywog
I have removed the rc.d links for wwwoffle (using update-rc.d) but whenever
the machine is restarted, up comes wwwoffle.  Does anyone know how this is
happening?  I have looked at my other scripts and I am clueless.



Re: problems w/Recent Upgrade to October GNOME

2000-01-05 Thread John Foster
Martin Bialasinski wrote:
 You have the package perl, version 5.004-blah installed, not the
 package perl5 (which is actually only a virtual package, provided by
 the various flavours of the perl-5.00x packages.
 Why do I need perl5 again.. Ah, yes convert-metadata.db needs it.
 Reorganisation of the perl packages is one of the things in potato
 that make rebuilding packages not that easy.
 You can either change debian/control to depend on perl instead of
 perl5 and rebuild it, or you can --force-depends the existing package,
 but I think dpkg, apt and dselect will bitch about the missing perl5
 package, so the first alternative is the better way.
Thanks! that did it. i still had to use --force-overwrite to install the
offending file, but now everything works fine.

AdVance-Computing Systems

We sell fine quality servers and workstations.
We specialize in multiprocessor units. 
We install Debian Linux at no extra charge!

John Foster
ICQ# 19460173

Re: Problem with ncurses since 01/02/2000 apt-get dist-upgrade

2000-01-05 Thread John Pearson
On Tue, Jan 04, 2000 at 12:28:01AM -0500, Todd Suess wrote
 I recently did a apt-get dist-upgrade on Jan 2nd, which updated ncurses to
 version 5.0.   I didn't notice any problems at first, but I went to build a
 custom version of Nethack and noticed that it failed to compile with curses
 errors.  In examining the directorys, I found the following.  During the 
 to curses5 all these links were changed in my /usr/include directory.
 lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   11 Jan  2 20:54 curses.h - 
 lrwxrwxrwx1 root root8 Jan  2 20:54 eti.h - ../eti.h
 lrwxrwxrwx1 root root9 Jan  2 20:54 form.h - ../form.h
 lrwxrwxrwx1 root root9 Jan  2 20:54 menu.h - ../menu.h
 lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   12 Jan  2 20:54 ncurses.h - 
 lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   10 Jan  2 20:54 panel.h - ../panel.h
 lrwxrwxrwx1 root root9 Jan  2 20:54 term.h - ../term.h 
 lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   12 Jan  2 20:54 termcap.h - 
 lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   11 Jan  2 20:54 unctrl.h - 
 All of these are broken symlinks, and with a little furthur testing I have
 confirmed that no program that requires curses will now build sucessfully on 
 potato system.   Has anyone else ran into this problem, and is there a
 suggested fix?  With so many programs using curses now days, this seems to be
 a serious problem.

Disclaimer: I'm running slink, and have never used the potato ncurses.

In slink, /usr/include/ncurses is a symlink to '.'; if this is a 
real directory in the ncurses5 package and that package installs links
to ../*.h in /usr/include/ncurses, you may get something like you

If you're feeling brave, try:
 # rm /usr/include/ncurses
 # dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/ncurses5-dev*.deb

Good luck,

John P.
Oh - I - you know - my job is to fear everything. - Bill Gates in Denmark

Re: debhelper, potato sources on slink

2000-01-05 Thread John Pearson
On Tue, Jan 04, 2000 at 11:47:57AM +0100, Jens Guenther wrote
 I tried to build several potato packages for my slink machine. This failed,
 because some debhelper scripts were not available. After installing the
 potato version of debhelper, it failed again, this time because some command
 (it might have been chown) did not support some command line option.
 Under another subject this problem was mentioned recently, but the author
 encountered problems related to debhelper and perl.
 This suggest to me, that
 1) dependencies of debhelper in potato are wrong
 2) (some/all) potato sources are build with potato debhelper
 Potato sources seem to be useless for slink installations.
 Does anybody know how to deal with this?

I've had occasion to backport a lot of potato packages to slink
(for inclusion on vendor CDs).  I backported the debhelper
package itself (which wasn't hard, but required acutally identifying
the various potatoisms the scripts included, and backporting 
perl-5.004.05 just for the build process as well) and things got a 
fair bit easier from there.

If you like I can mail you my .deb (debhelper_2.0.60huiac.slink.1_all.deb,
96Kb or so, installs cleanly on slink), which may make life easier for you.

Other things to watch for when backporting from potato to slink:
  /usr/share/man  - /usr/man
  /usr/share/doc  - /usr/doc
  /usr/share/info - /usr/info
  WMs use update-alternatives - WMs dicker with /etc/X11/window-managers
menu-2 syntax in menu-methods - menu-1 syntax in menu-methods
dependencies on perl5 - dependencies on perl
 some .debs depend on debconf - port debconf or remove the dependency.

Note, if you backport perl the directory layout of /usr/lib/perl5
has changed in potato; if you use potato's layout, any package that 
installs files there will probably need to be rebuilt.

John P.
Oh - I - you know - my job is to fear everything. - Bill Gates in Denmark

Re: Changing font size for xterm

2000-01-05 Thread Brian Servis
*- On  4 Jan, Brian Fuller wrote about Re: Changing font size for xterm
 Thanks for the tips. I tried them out and they worked as expected. The
 next step is to be able to change the default fonts. Would that be don
 in a .conf file?

Xterm uses the 'fixed' font as the default.  The only other way to make
a default is with your X Resources.  If you want to change it for
everybody on your system edit /etc/X11/Xresources/xterm and add a line
of the form 

XTerm*font:   fontname

If you want to change it just for you then add the above line to the
file ~/.Xresources.

The same can be done for emacs or any other application.  For global
changes if there is no file in /etc/X11/Xresource for your app just
create a file(I think its name does not matter) and place in it any
Xresource that you want(see the man page for the app).  For local
changes just add them to your ~/.Xresources.

Some application have a file in /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/ that lists
some of their default Xresources, or read the man page.  You can copy
bits and pieces out of there into the appropriate file from above and add
the class of the application to the beginning of the line(XTerm for
xterms, Emacs for emacs, again see the man pages).

Brian Servis

Mechanical Engineering  |  Never criticize anybody until you  
Purdue University   |  have walked a mile in their shoes,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  because by that time you will be a   |  mile away and have their shoes.

Re: help with linux

2000-01-05 Thread Phil Dyer
jd wrote:

  hello im hoping you can help me im trying to down load linux and i
 dont no where to start i know you probly have better things to do than
 to help linux dummies but if you can give me any help i would be
 thankfull   james ward  email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I think  the easiest way to get going is to buy a cd.  Look on for cd distributers. They only cost a few bucks.  Long
downloads over slow lines can be a nightmare. Also look around debian's
site... lots of good documentation, links, etc.


Possible date problem in nntpcache?

2000-01-05 Thread ferret

This just started happening today after a service restart:
501 yymmdd hhmmss [GMT] [distributions]

which is aparantly returned after a `newnews' command from trn.
Setting `NNTPSERVER' to my ISP's news server has no problem. A manual
connection to port 119 reveals my ISP's server to use a four-digit year in
the date field.

Sure looks like a date problem on nntpcache's part, but I'm wondering why
it chose now to start acting up.. I run on a slow dialup link, and I bring
the proxy up and down usually several times each day to keep bandwidth.

Could anyone shed some light on what might be going on here?

-- Ferret no baka

Re: man -k doesn't work

2000-01-05 Thread Brian Stults
Ethan Benson wrote:
 the mandb cron job has not been run yet, i think its a weekly:
 should make it run now, it takes a while.

I tried that, but I still get nothing appropriate.  Any other


 On 4/1/2000 Brian J. Stults wrote:
 When I type man -k [anything], I always get this result:
 [anything]: nothing appropriate
 It doesn't matter what I substitite for anything.  I have the
 environment variable MANPATH set like this in .bash_profile:
 Can someone suggest an answer?  Thanks!


Brian J. Stults
Doctoral Candidate
Department of Sociology
University at Albany - SUNY
Phone: (518) 442-4652  Fax: (518) 442-4936

Re: UPS software compatibility

2000-01-05 Thread Mark Zimmerman
On Tue, Jan 04, 2000 at 10:43:07AM -0600, Ron Stordahl wrote:
 I am considering buying a Tripp Lite OmniSmart 450PNP.  They claim that
 their PowerAltert V10.1.9 software supports Linux, however I would be much
 more confortable if I knew for sure that it worked, and ideally was open
 It uses a DB9 cable to talk to the system, perhaps someone knows if there is
 a package in Debian already which will do the job?

I am using powstatd (debian package on potato) with a Tripp Lite
Internet Office 500. It works fine and is configurable to work with
different UPSes. I was never successful in getting the PowerAlert
software to run, though.

-- Mark

[Rank Newbie] Netgear ether card under Corel distrib

2000-01-05 Thread Guyren G Howe
I am diving head first into Linux, but have done very little work with Unix
in my career except a tiny but at University.

My immediate problem is that I can't get network cards working under my
Corel linux (or my sound card -- an inland Sound Card PCI 128 Wave Table --
but I'm prepared to leave that one for later).

I have bought two cards now. Both have had me download .c versions of the
tulip drivers, and neither of them would compile for my Debian variant O/S.
I have tried reinstalling the OS from scratch after installing each set of
cards, but it didn't help. I can see the cards in the control Center's ftp
setup, and I can set options for it, but when I do ifconfig -a, all I get is
the loopback. Plus, the control center sees only card and there are two.

If you feel like commenting, the first thing I want this thing to do is run
NAT, so if that is relevant to this discussion, please say so.

I have a home-built ABP Dual-celeron 400 (couldn't get 366's any more)
machine, with a downloaded Corel Linux distrib.

So my immediate question is:

I need to know what to do with the tulip.c file I got from Bay Networks for
my Netgear FA 310TX cards (I have two, so I can run this thing as a NAT

The metaquestion, which might be more useful to me in the long run, is:

How do I translate instructions about compiling for RedHat or Slackware into
instructions for Debian? Specific questions, which might or might not be the
right ones:

- do I compile for a module or a monolithic kernel?

- after hours spent reading the /usr/doc stuff, I tried to compile, but I
found that one of the make files referred to a bunch of files that didn't
actually exist (at least, not in the locations given in the file; and the
first few I searched for didn't exist *at all* -- I know, I searched).

I found a bug report on this one (#32456 --, but I can
find nowhere to search for responses to these bug reports.

The metametaquestion is where is the best place to find answers to these
sorts of questions for myself. I spent most of yesterday trying to work this
one out for myself. I visited a couple of hundred web pages, and read a
significant proportion of the /usr/doc stuff, but I am no wiser about why
the arrangement of the files in Debian is clearly very different to those in
Redhat, what that means for compiling for Debian, etc. And I have a cable
modem. This time was almost entirely spent reading stuff that didn't answer
my questions.

I like the philosophy of Debian, but if everything I get is going to be set
up for Redhat, and if adapting them to Debian is going to be hard, I might
have to give up on debian and go with Red Hat. I'd rather not, though!



Re: wwwoffle mystery

2000-01-05 Thread Carl Fink
 I have removed the rc.d links for wwwoffle (using update-rc.d) but whenever
 the machine is restarted, up comes wwwoffle.  Does anyone know how this is
 happening?  I have looked at my other scripts and I am clueless.


grep -r wwwoffle

in the /etc directory.
Manager, Dueling Modems Computer Forum

Re: virtual domains under exim

2000-01-05 Thread John Pearson
On Wed, Jan 05, 2000 at 12:50:17AM +0100, Pere Camps wrote
   I'd like to setup a virtual domain with exim. So far I've managed
 to make it able to accept emails for the virtual domain, but it now sends
 the emails to the local users. I'll give an example:
   The machine is named and has tons of local users that
 receive email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   So far I've managed to make exim accept emails for
 Exim now sends these emails to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (without rewriting
 headers, it just puts them in the /var/spool/mail/$USER).
   I've done this with the local_domains seting.
   Now I want to make exim send all the mail for to
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] A nice plus will be to have an independent
 aliases file for this domain.
   Is there an easy way to do this? Can anybody who has done it
 before please send me his exim.conf file and any other appropiate files?
   Thank you very much!

I use lookup files for virtual domains.

My local_domains setting:
local_domains = \*;/etc/exim/clients/domains

Each of my directors has a domains= line for my real domains; e.g.
  driver = forwardfile
  domains =*
  file = .forward

I have a custom driver at the end of the Directors section, that
looks up what to do with virtual domains:
# This driver handles our virtual domains.  It is
# last, to avoid unnecessary file lookups for real
# local addresses; this is why all of the above
# directors have a domains =  line.

  driver = aliasfile
  except_domains =*
  domains = partial3-lsearch;/etc/exim/clients/domains
  file = /etc/exim/clients/$domain_data
  search_type = lsearch*

/etc/exim/clients/domains contains stuff like this:
* file1
* file2
* file3

/etc/exim/clients/file{1,2,3} contain stuff like:

The file /etc/exim/clients/domains just relates virtual domains 
to other files in /etc/exim/clients/, and allows exim to verify 
that a specified domain is a local_domain; the other files in 
/etc/exim/clients, one per virtual domain, act as an aliases 
file for the virtual domain (and can be much more complex than 
the default shown here).  Testing delivery in the example 
above produces:

# /usr/sbin/exim -bt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  deliver to user1 in domain
  director = localuser, transport = local_delivery


John P.
Oh - I - you know - my job is to fear everything. - Bill Gates in Denmark

screen green; no icons

2000-01-05 Thread Steve Winston
I get only a green screen in X with no icons. I configured X in slink for my
voodoo3 card. When I type startx, I get a screen the color of a typical
win95 green, nothing else. Any suggestions anyone? Help.
thanks, sTeve W.

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at

Re: problem with symlinks

2000-01-05 Thread David Z. Maze
aphro  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
aphro attached is the results of dpkg -S /usr
aphro it should list every package i have in /usr, there is a
aphro craplaod of them, probably around 500,

Note that any Debian package will create a directory /usr/doc/$PACKAGE
(or /usr/share/doc/$PACKAGE in Potato) containing the package's
documentation, including at the very least the copyright file.  So
this list should be every package installed on your system.

Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal.
-- Abra Mitchell

X-Configuration Docs or Script?

2000-01-05 Thread Hagen Finley
I made a dry run at installing Debian using the cdrom as a dselect source
this time and, although there were a couple of bumps along the way, the
process looks promising. I have noticed that the Install notes and Debian
FAQ don't seem to zero in on configuring X during the installation. Is there
another set of docs or a configuration script that one runs to configure X
during or after a fresh install? My initial installation could not start x
and claimed there was no Xconfig file. That doesn't amaze me, but I'm not
sure what do differently during my next installation attempt.

Kind regards,

Hagen Finley
Longs Drugs
Walnut Creek, CA

Parallel Port Scanners under Linux?

2000-01-05 Thread Emil Soleyman-Zomalan

I have a CanoScan 630P (parallel port) scanner at home and it works
fine under windows but I have since looked around and found out that
scanner software such as SANE do not support such hardware. I was
wondering if anyone has had any luck with this particular scanner or any
parallel ported one's under Debian?

I am not subscribed to this list at this moment due to a slow
connection at home. I would appreciate it if anyone has any information
regarding this question.

Emil Soleyman-Zomalan

Re: [Rank Newbie] Netgear ether card under Corel distrib

2000-01-05 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Tue, 4 Jan 2000, Guyren G Howe wrote:

 : I am diving head first into Linux, but have done very little work with Unix
 : in my career except a tiny but at University.

Welcome - this is the place to be.

 : My immediate problem is that I can't get network cards working under my
 : Corel linux (or my sound card -- an inland Sound Card PCI 128 Wave Table --
 : but I'm prepared to leave that one for later).
 : I have bought two cards now. Both have had me download .c versions of the
 : tulip drivers, and neither of them would compile for my Debian variant O/S.

[ snip ]

 : I need to know what to do with the tulip.c file I got from Bay Networks for
 : my Netgear FA 310TX cards (I have two, so I can run this thing as a NAT
 : machine).

These are really good cards, IMO.  They should work fine with the stock
tulip driver on the drivers disk (I don't know for sure which kernel
version Corel installs; I know the Debian slink disks work fine).  They
also work flawlessly with 2.2.13 which is a really nice kernel and is
what I use for my masquerading proxy (a p100 with two Netgear FA310TX
cards :)

Save the Netgear diskettes - they're almost always error free and make
good candidates for rescue/driver disks when performing future installs

[ snip ]

 : - do I compile for a module or a monolithic kernel?

Always use modules when you can.  If your ethernet card does bomb, you
can (sometimes) remove the driver module and then insert it again.  I've
never had to do this with a tulip card but I have had to do this with an
Intel EtherExpressPro100B!

It's trivial to use both cards with the module, and it's often a pain
with a monolithic driver.

I like to switch to the 2nd VC and type `dmesg' to verify that both
cards were detected after I install the module during the install
(here's hoping the Corel install lets you get at a shell during

If the cards AREN'T detected when you install the module, you've
probably got an interrupt problem.  I've seen this on one machine, an
IBM PC Server 300 (dual 233 P II).  Weird.

Finally, note that the install will only prompt you to setup the FIRST
NIC detected; you set up the second NIC after you've completed the
initial install.  People here can help you with that if you run out of

[ snip kernel compilation questions ]

It's a pain since you don't yet have connectivity, but the best way to
compile kernels with debian is to use the `kernel-package' package.

Finally, potato is now frozen; it's not perfect but it's fairly stable
AND it offers a ton of new features.  I don't know how smoothly Corel
upgrades to potato; perhaps you're willing to be a test case :)

I found IP masq trivial to set up under potato (embarrassingly easy).

Hope this helps!

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)

Re: modprobe automated.

2000-01-05 Thread aphro
i add most of the modules i need in /etc/modules

that inserts them at boot for me, i still have kerneld but it has no other
modules to load since they are already loaded.


On Wed, 5 Jan 2000, Hans wrote:

hansfo How can I automagically load modules with modprobe at boot (I don't 
want to
hansfo use kerneld)? I once knew, but it's been a while. -- Hans
hansfo -- 
hansfo Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

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   Vice President Network Operations
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Re: problem with symlinks

2000-01-05 Thread Brian May
 DZM == David Z Maze [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

DZM Note that any Debian package will create a directory
DZM /usr/doc/$PACKAGE (or /usr/share/doc/$PACKAGE in Potato)
DZM containing the package's documentation, including at the very
DZM least the copyright file.  So this list should be every
DZM package installed on your system.

I, myself, would be concerned that the given situation may confuse
{pre,post}inst scripts (eg some may not recreate a symlink if a file
already exists in its place).

Personally, I would do a complete reinstallation of Debian after
saving copies of important configuration files and/or package

I am currently having troubles compiling lib/otp, it complains that
DBM and dbm are undefined. I don't know if this is my fault or not,
but think it is significant that lib/hdb compiled OK (I think this
uses DBM, too?).


2000-01-05 Thread Guyren G Howe
I couldn't get Corel Linux to work until I switched my drive from the
UDMA/66 port to the normal one (I have a BP6 mobo and UDMA/66 drive).

The benchmarks I've seen (eg on Thresh) show the /66 to be way faster.

Is there any way I can get this to work?


Re: UDMA/66

2000-01-05 Thread aphro
you need to compile your own driver for udma 66 check the archives for the
url, for maximum stability i suggest avoiding the dma66 controller (i have
bp6 too, but i am 100% scsi)


On Tue, 4 Jan 2000, Guyren G Howe wrote:

guyren I couldn't get Corel Linux to work until I switched my drive from the
guyren UDMA/66 port to the normal one (I have a BP6 mobo and UDMA/66 drive).
guyren The benchmarks I've seen (eg on Thresh) show the /66 to be way faster.
guyren Is there any way I can get this to work?
guyren TIA 
guyren -- 
guyren Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
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Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
12:05am up 138 days, 12:02, 3 users, load average: 1.58, 1.71, 1.60

Jbuilder in slink

2000-01-05 Thread Mario Jorge Nunes Filipe

Has anyone been able to install jbuilder on a slink machine.

I'm trying to install it now, but after i select the VM it just dies...
Mario Filipe 

Re:education warehouse

2000-01-05 Thread Antonio Rodriguez
- Original Message -
To: Antonio Rodriguez [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2000 2:49 PM
Subject: Re: education warehouse, sound-video player

 Software that enables video recording of lectures, with the highest
 compression and facility of use, to facilitate speed of transfer,
etc. I
 sure that many educators (such as myself) will be found willing to
 their lectures and similar for this matter.

 Perhaps if used within the confines of that institution; but lectures,

 represent intellectual property.  There's far more to this than simply

 the tools to do the recording (or whatever).

People willing to do it will by definition desire to give it away. I
know that there is the concept of  intellectual property, but nobody can
own thoughts. It is a fiction of human mind. Same mind that has sold
land, water, air, pieces of the moon, and so on. The universe is much
more than a market place.

 power of its components and the reputation of its graduates will be
 easy the grip of the existing educational centers, who have become
 sucking machines and forgotten much of the original intention.

 ???  I don't believe I have forgotten the reason I teach.  I don't
 the dramatic increase in the cost of higher education is related to

To what then but to greed? Are you saying that the work an administrator
does grants what he earns?
I think you can not sincerely answer yes, unless you are one such and
your personal comfort blinds reality.
Same applies to other participant parties.

 Again, one has a choice of institutions/prices, too.

 That is not true. I think you know it.

 Dr. Kenward Vaughan   .'^~;,_
 Professor of Chemistry':,'~
 Bakersfield College   \;:/
 1801 Panorama Drive   |,;|
 Bakersfield, CA  93305   / ', \
 661-395-4243/ o  O \
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (work)   (oOoOOoOo)
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   (home) ------

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]


modem RX rate is considerable slower than RX rate

2000-01-05 Thread Shao Zhang
when I ftp to a server, if I use the get command, I can get
around about 4K/s. But with the same server, if I use the put
command, I only get about 600bytes/s.

I have checked /etc/ppp/options, and tried to set both mtu and mru
to 1500, but did not solve the problem.

Thanks for the help.



Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/ 

Re: modem TX rate is considerably slower than RX rate

2000-01-05 Thread Shao Zhang
Sorry, I meant to say TX in the subject.

Shao Zhang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   when I ftp to a server, if I use the get command, I can get
   around about 4K/s. But with the same server, if I use the put
   command, I only get about 600bytes/s.
   I have checked /etc/ppp/options, and tried to set both mtu and mru
   to 1500, but did not solve the problem.
   Thanks for the help.


Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/ 

Third Party X Server

2000-01-05 Thread Paul M Sargent
I've recently got a copy of XIG's Accelerated X, and I wanted to give it a
try on my Potato System, but before I do I wanted to check something.

Currently I'm using the XFree86 3.3.5 packages to provide X. If I de-install
these I'll end-up uninstalling all packages which depend on X. Not really
what I want.

So what's the best way to do this? Accelerated X as it's own install
procedure which appears to untar archives over the /usr/X11R6/ directory.

Paul Sargent

Re: Changing font size for xterm

2000-01-05 Thread David Wright
Quoting Brian Servis ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 *- On  4 Jan, Brian Fuller wrote about Changing font size for xterm
  What is the best way to change the font size for xterm, emacs etc?
 On the command line:
 xterm -fn font
 emacs -fn font
 xterm:  Ctrl+Btn3
 (I use xemacs so don't know how emacs works on this)  
 XTerm*font:   font
 (I use xemacs so don't know how emacs works on this)

I prefer to use (in my .Xresources)

! Make the default font bigger
XTerm*VT100*Font:   9x15
! and make the last two sizes much bigger
XTerm*VT100*Font5:  10x20
XTerm*VT100*Font6:  12x24

as you can then use the VT Fonts menu to switch sizes.

I seem to remember struggling for a while to find the resource
names that worked, i.e. the * / VT100 / letter case.


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

Re: Changing font size for xterm

2000-01-05 Thread Brian Servis
*- On  5 Jan, David Wright wrote about Re: Changing font size for xterm
 Quoting Brian Servis ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 *- On  4 Jan, Brian Fuller wrote about Changing font size for xterm
  What is the best way to change the font size for xterm, emacs etc?
 On the command line:
 xterm -fn font
 emacs -fn font
 xterm:  Ctrl+Btn3
 (I use xemacs so don't know how emacs works on this)  
 XTerm*font:  font
 (I use xemacs so don't know how emacs works on this)
 I prefer to use (in my .Xresources)
 ! Make the default font bigger
 XTerm*VT100*Font:   9x15
 ! and make the last two sizes much bigger
 XTerm*VT100*Font5:  10x20
 XTerm*VT100*Font6:  12x24
 as you can then use the VT Fonts menu to switch sizes.
 I seem to remember struggling for a while to find the resource
 names that worked, i.e. the * / VT100 / letter case.

If you haven't yet, take a look in /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/XTerm.  In
that file are most of the default Xresources for XTerm.  If you want to
change them copy the individual resources you want to change into your
Xresources file(or the global) and prepend to them the XTerm class name.
Don't copy the whole file.

Brian Servis

Mechanical Engineering  |  Never criticize anybody until you  
Purdue University   |  have walked a mile in their shoes,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  because by that time you will be a   |  mile away and have their shoes.

Re: help with linux

2000-01-05 Thread David Teague
On Tue, 4 Jan 2000, jd wrote:

 hello im hoping you can help me im trying to down load linux and i
 dont no where to start i know you probly have better things to do
 than to help linux dummies but if you can give me any help i would
 be thankfull james ward email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Phil Dyer's suggestion to get a CD is a good one. 

Regardless of whether you buy a CD or down load, please go to the
debian web site,, and browse before you do anything
with a CD or to download. You will find huge amounts of information
about Linux, about Debian, HOWTO documents, installation
instructions, literally thousands of packages and archives of this
Debian User mailing list, in fact, archives of all Debian mailing

When you do ask more questions, please, tell us about your hardware
(make, if any;0 desk top or laptop; the motherboard, its speed; cpu,
its speed; how much RAM; are the disks IDE, SCSI and how big...)
your software (the version of Debian you are using, including the
release number).  Tell exactly what you were doing when your
situation occurred, the package you were installing or using, and
copy the EXACT messages you get. 

Mind you these guys are busy, so anything you can do to help
them help you will speed an answer to you.

I have done these these and got good quick useful replies. I have
failed to do them and waited a while before some kind soul finally
took me to task, then helped me fix things.

The Best of Luck to you.

Debian GNU/Linux Because software support is free, timely,
 useful, technically accurate, and friendly.
 (I'm hoping this is all of the above!)

Re: man -k doesn't work

2000-01-05 Thread David Teague
On Tue, 4 Jan 2000, Brian Stults wrote:

 Ethan Benson wrote:
  the mandb cron job has not been run yet, i think its a weekly:
  should make it run now, it takes a while.
 I tried that, but I still get nothing appropriate.  Any other


You may have fixed the problem, and not recognize it. 

If you are getting 'nothing appropriate' that may be the correct
answer. For example, on my system, 

elentari:~[1]man -k ls
ls (1)   - list contents of directories
mkls-lR (8)  - Make ls-lR files on FTP server for mirror use
mktexlsr (1) - create ls-R databases
texhash (1)  - create ls-R databases
elentari:~[1]man -k xxx
xxx: nothing appropriate.

Try that and compare results.

Debian GNU/Linux Because software support is free, timely,
 useful, technically accurate, and friendly.
 (I'm hoping this is all of the above!)


2000-01-05 Thread bob64
Hi. Check out this cool new topsite list called Top 100 Internet 
Sites. It just started out but it'll grow. If you have a website 
you can add it except for if it contains any illegal material or 
porn. If you don't have a website you can just stop by to check 
out the sites there. Visit

ppp fails only to work site

2000-01-05 Thread Ralph Winslow
For the last couple of weeks I've been unable to connect to work via
When I run minicom, I see the host: prompt and enter ppp, then get the
prompt and enter my password, then see the ppp garbage strings that
start the 
protocol negotiation.  I believe that this confirms that the password is
When I tail -f /var/log/messages in another window, I see:

Jan  5 00:20:26 localhost chat[19028]: host:
Jan  5 00:20:26 localhost chat[19028]:  -- got it 
Jan  5 00:20:26 localhost chat[19028]: send (??)
Jan  5 00:20:28 localhost chat[19028]: expect (ssword:)
Jan  5 00:20:28 localhost chat[19028]:  ppp^M
Jan  5 00:20:28 localhost chat[19028]: Password:
Jan  5 00:20:28 localhost chat[19028]:  -- got it 
Jan  5 00:20:28 localhost chat[19028]: send (??)
Jan  5 00:20:28 localhost chat[19028]: send (\d)
Jan  5 00:20:29 localhost pppd[19027]: Serial connection established.
Jan  5 00:20:29 localhost pppd[19027]: Using interface ppp0
Jan  5 00:20:29 localhost pppd[19027]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS1
Jan  5 00:20:33 localhost pppd[19027]: Remote message: Invalid Login
Jan  5 00:20:33 localhost pppd[19027]: PAP authentication failed

Can anyone help with how to proceed?  TIA
The IQ of the group is that of the member
whose IQ is lowest  divided by the number
of members.

Pine sends but says it didn't

2000-01-05 Thread neath
I've just done a fresh install of potato (from slink boot disks then
apt-get dist-upgrade etc).  I installed exim, and mail works (sending
and receiving) using /usr/bin/mail.

I installed Pine 3.96 and built a debian package.  I also compiled
the source myself to Pine 4.21 and 'hand installed'.  For both,
I get the same error:  When I send mail, I get a truncated message
that says mail was not sent.  However, mail was sent (and received
by the intended recipient); what is failing is copying the sent
mail to the sent-mail file.

An example of the message is:

[Mail not sent. Sending error: 2000-01-05 09:40:27 125rbv-0002VS-00 Exp]

I am then left in the compose screen.

Any suggestions?  


Re: man -k doesn't work

2000-01-05 Thread Fabrizio Polacco
On Tue, Jan 04, 2000 at 01:04:49PM -0500, Brian J. Stults wrote:
 When I type man -k [anything], I always get this result:
 [anything]: nothing appropriate

and when you try   man [anything]   what do you get?
If you get a manpage then it is the db to be rebuilt (mandb -c  from
root), if you get   No manual entry for [anything]   then [anything] is
really not appropriate :-)

 It doesn't matter what I substitite for anything.  I have the
 environment variable MANPATH set like this in .bash_profile:

It is always better to leave that env var unset, unless you have very
specific stuff to add there.
In any case, /usr/bin/man cannot go there!
Use the command manpath to see if this setting is harming you; it should

| 6F7267F5 fingerprint 57 16 C4 ED C9 86 40 7B 1A 69 A1 66 EC FB D2 5E
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]  gsm: +358 (0)40 707 2468

Re: Third Party X Server

2000-01-05 Thread s. keeling
On Wed, Jan 05, 2000 at 12:52:18PM +, Paul M Sargent wrote:
 I've recently got a copy of XIG's Accelerated X, and I wanted to give it a
 try on my Potato System, but before I do I wanted to check something.
 Currently I'm using the XFree86 3.3.5 packages to provide X. If I de-install
 these I'll end-up uninstalling all packages which depend on X. Not really

If you've currently got (eg.) the SVGA X server installed, remove
that.  Leave the VGA16 server installed.

Make a copy of your X wrapper (/usr/X11R6/bin/X?), because Xig will
replace that with a symlink to your X server.

Once Xig is installed, cp your copy of X wrapper back to where it
was, then edit /etc/X11/Xserver.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Contract programmer, server bum.
TopQuark Software  Serv. Enquire within.
  Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.

Re: man -k doesn't work

2000-01-05 Thread Brian J. Stults
David Teague wrote:
 You may have fixed the problem, and not recognize it.
 If you are getting 'nothing appropriate' that may be the correct
 answer. For example, on my system,
 elentari:~[1]man -k ls
 ls (1)   - list contents of directories
 mkls-lR (8)  - Make ls-lR files on FTP server for mirror use
 mktexlsr (1) - create ls-R databases
 texhash (1)  - create ls-R databases
 elentari:~[1]man -k xxx
 xxx: nothing appropriate.
 Try that and compare results.

Funny you should suggest using ls because that's what first comes to
my fingers when I want to test it.  Indeed, man -k ls results in,

ls: nothing appropriate.

It turns out mandb is failing.  When I run mandb as root I get this:

Processing manual pages under /usr/man...
Updating index cache for path `/usr/man'. Wait...mandb: can't create a
temporary filename: Permission denied

I don't know enough about how mandb works (even after reading the
manpage and documentation) to know why this is happening.  Any ideas?

Brian J. Stults
Doctoral Candidate
Department of Sociology
University at Albany - SUNY
Phone: (518) 442-4652  Fax: (518) 442-4936

Re: Third Party X Server

2000-01-05 Thread Paul M Sargent
On Wed, Jan 05, 2000 at 06:50:35AM -0800, Andrei Popov wrote:
 Accelerated X installs *only* an accelerated server. 
 It will not replace the rest of you Xfree86
 installation, it willonly:
   -  add a separate config file under /etc/X11
   -  copy accelerated X server into /usr/bin/X11
   -  symlink /usr/bin/X11/X to the above

Thanks, I've installed it now, and you're quite right. Seems a little odd
not to even ship with Xlibs. Oh Well, looks like my preconceptions were
wrong again :-)

Paul Sargent

How to customize the keyboard under X ?

2000-01-05 Thread lorenzo . zampese
Hi to all !

How can I customize my keyboard under X ?

I mean without X (bash), I can use 'loadkeys keys binding spec.' and all
works fine.
But under X, the keyboard's customization doesn't work.

I think X uses anything about Xmodemap, but I haven't further information.

Another problem under X, is Joe's (editor) keys don't work properly
(especially arrows).
Why ?

Thank you to all.

Re: mgetty external sportster

2000-01-05 Thread Jens B. Jorgensen
On thing you might want to set if it isn't already is ATB1. This tells the 
modem to use a fixed serial rate, not one that's adjustable based on 
connection. Since you
showed that mgetty was able to communicate with the modem for setting it up 
it's a little weird that when rings come in it gets that garbage. Oh, the [0d] 
[0a] are CR and
LF, respectively. BTW, why are you setting the port speed to 38400? Why not 
just set to 115200?

aphro wrote:

 I have an internal modem(not sure what brand) that works fine, but i want
 to switch to an external incase the modem needs a hard reset we dont have
 to shut the machine down.

 Its been sooo many years since i used an external modem so im kinda rusty.

 sofar, i got it to communicate with the sportster (both minicom and
 mgetty) i can get minicom to establish a terminal connection and transfer
 a file(by connecting with another computer and hitting 'ATA' when i saw
 the 'RING')  the file transferred fine so i assume the modem is good.  but
 when mgetty tries to answer i get this:

 01/03 10:50:45 yS0   waiting for line to clear (VTIME), read: [0d][0a]
 01/03 10:50:46 yS0   removing lock file
 01/03 10:50:46 yS0  waiting...
 01/03 10:50:46 yS0select returned 1
 01/03 10:50:46 yS0   checking lockfiles, locking the line
 01/03 10:50:46 yS0   makelock(ttyS0) called
 01/03 10:50:46 yS0   do_makelock: lock='/var/lock/LCK..ttyS0'
 01/03 10:50:46 yS0   lock made
 01/03 10:50:46 yS0  wfr: waiting for ``RING''
 01/03 10:50:46 yS0
 01/03 10:50:56 yS0  mdm_read_byte: read returned -1: Interrupted system
 01/03 10:50:56 yS0  wfr: timeout waiting for RING
 01/03 10:50:56 yS0   wfr: rc=-1, drn=0
 01/03 10:50:56 yS0  huh? Junk on the line?
 01/03 10:50:56 yS0   removing lock file

 and mgetty clearly can communicate with the modem :

 01/03 11:33:23 yS0  mgetty: experimental test release 1.1.18-Sep11
 01/03 11:33:23 yS0  check for lockfiles
 01/03 11:33:23 yS0   checklock: stat failed, no file
 01/03 11:33:23 yS0  locking the line
 01/03 11:33:23 yS0   makelock(ttyS0) called
 01/03 11:33:23 yS0   do_makelock: lock='/var/lock/LCK..ttyS0'
 01/03 11:33:23 yS0   lock made
 01/03 11:33:24 yS0   tio_get_rs232_lines: status: RTS CTS DSR DTR
 01/03 11:33:24 yS0  lowering DTR to reset Modem
 01/03 11:33:24 yS0   tss: set speed to 38400 (017)
 01/03 11:33:24 yS0   tio_set_flow_control( HARD )
 01/03 11:33:24 yS0   waiting for line to clear (VTIME), read:
 01/03 11:33:24 yS0  send: ATZ[0d]
 01/03 11:33:24 yS0  waiting for ``OK''
 01/03 11:33:24 yS0   got: ATZ[0d]
 01/03 11:33:24 yS0CND: ATZ[0d][0a]OK ** found **
 01/03 11:33:24 yS0  send: [0d]
 01/03 11:33:24 yS0   waiting for line to clear (VTIME), read: [0d][0a][0d]
 01/03 11:33:25 yS0   removing lock file
 01/03 11:33:25 yS0  waiting...

 i've been going through documentation on the modem and on the AT command
 set, but so far this is as far as i've gotten. looks like those
 [0d][0a][0d] are escape codes? that could be screwing the modem up. im not
 sure of the modem's model#  but it is a 28.8 sportster external, it has a
 bunch of dip switches on it:

 1 On  - data terminal ready normal **SET**
   off - data terminal ready override

 2 Up - verbal result codes **SET**
   down - numeric result codes

 3 Up - supress result codes
   down - display result codes   **SET**

 4 up - echo offline commands **SET**
   down - no echo, offline commands

 5 up - auto answer on first ring, or higher if specified in NVRAM
   down - auto answer off **SET** (i have tried both ways with same

 6 up - carrier detect normal **SET**
   down - carrier detect override

 7 up - load NVRAM defaults **SET**
   down - load factory defaults

 8 up - dumb mode
   down - smart mode **SET** (tried both ways, dumb mode the modem does not
 respond at all)

 any help would be greatly appreciated!



 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
Vice President Network Operations
   Firetrail Internet Services Limited
Everett, WA 425-348-7336
 Powered By:
 Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
 -[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
 11:25am up 136 days, 23:21, 3 users, load average: 2.03, 1.66, 1.58

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Jens B. Jorgensen

Re: man -k doesn't work

2000-01-05 Thread Ethan Benson

On 5/1/2000 Brian J. Stults wrote:

It turns out mandb is failing.  When I run mandb as root I get this:

Processing manual pages under /usr/man...
Updating index cache for path `/usr/man'. Wait...mandb: can't create a
temporary filename: Permission denied

I don't know enough about how mandb works (even after reading the
manpage and documentation) to know why this is happening.  Any ideas?

check permissions on /tmp mandb is suid man so it does not have root 
privileges, however one annoying thing i have found is it creates a 
temp file but for some reason it gets owned by root so when it goes 
to delete it it gets a operation not permitted (because /tmp has the 
sticky bit) it seems to work better if you use sudo -u man mandb 
instead shrug

Ethan Benson
To obtain my PGP key:

Re: python startup files

2000-01-05 Thread Jens B. Jorgensen
I dunno about The docs I read said to put startup code in
~/ and this is what I use successfully. In order to modify 
search path from python code you just need to manipulate the sys.path list, eg.:

import sys


In order to augment the python search path from an environment variable just set
PYTHONPATH (colon-separated list just as the PATH variable). This is in the man 
Did you read the fine manual?

Douglas Bates wrote:

 According to some python documentation I have read I should put
 commands that I want executed in every interactive python session into
 the file `~/'.  I have done that but these commands do not
 seem to be executed when I start python on a Debian GNU/Linux 2.1
 system with
 ||/ NameVersionDescription
 ii  python-base 1.5.1-7An interactive object-oriented scripting 

 Is there another convention for python startup with this package?

 Also, what is the recommended form for adding to the python search
 path?  I believe there is an environment variable to set.

 Please cc: me on replies.  I am unable to keep up with the amount of
 traffic on this list.

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Jens B. Jorgensen

hda status timeout ?

2000-01-05 Thread Larry Shields WD9ESU
If anyone can explain to me as to why I am now seeing this message come
across my screen while Debian Linux is up and running, and if there is a fix
for it...This just started yesterday...

hda: status timeout: status=0x80 {busy}
hda: drive not ready for command
ide0: Reset: Success


Larry Shields WD9ESU
AMPRnet: IPaddr

Re: man -k doesn't work

2000-01-05 Thread Konrad Mierendorff
I'm sorry to ask this question, but did you run mandb as root?

Re: man -k doesn't work

2000-01-05 Thread Brian J. Stults
Fabrizio Polacco wrote:
 On Tue, Jan 04, 2000 at 01:04:49PM -0500, Brian J. Stults wrote:
  When I type man -k [anything], I always get this result:
  [anything]: nothing appropriate
 and when you try   man [anything]   what do you get?

man [anything] works (for appropriate anythings).

 If you get a manpage then it is the db to be rebuilt (mandb -c  from
 root), if you get   No manual entry for [anything]   then [anything] is
 really not appropriate :-)

I tried mandb -c and got:

Processing manual pages under /usr/man...
Updating index cache for path `/usr/man'. Wait...mandb: can't create a
temporary filename: Permission denied

I don't know enough about mandb to interpret this correctly.  Anyone
know what file it is trying to create and where?

 It is always better to leave that env var unset, unless you have very
 specific stuff to add there.
 In any case, /usr/bin/man cannot go there!
 Use the command manpath to see if this setting is harming you; it should

Thanks for the advice.  I don't remember when or why I added the manpath
env var, but I removed it now.  I do indeed get the above result from
manpath.  Thanks.  Still can't get man -k to work, though.

Brian J. Stults
Doctoral Candidate
Department of Sociology
University at Albany - SUNY
Phone: (518) 442-4652  Fax: (518) 442-4936

Multiple E-mail addresses

2000-01-05 Thread lorenzo . zampese
Hi mail Gurus !

Having two or more ISP's smart hosts (and 2 or more e-mail addresses),
I need to choice which e-mail address to use for sending e-mail time by

I usually use 'smail' on my Debian Linux box.

Is it possible to set smail/linux for managing multiple e-mails address,
changing the configuration files time by time ?


Riva ZX

2000-01-05 Thread Sylwester Zelazko

Did someone run quake/xracer or any other 3d game on riva zx with 
hardware acceleration ?

Re: ppp fails only to work site

2000-01-05 Thread John Hasler
Ralph Winslow writes:
 PAP authentication failed

Run pppconfig and set your system up to use PAP authentication.  Your ISP
is using a too-clever terminal server that recognizes when you are using a
modem program and puts up a login: prompt but expects pppd to use PAP.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: screen green; no icons

2000-01-05 Thread Konrad Mierendorff
Steve Winston wrote:
 I get only a green screen in X with no icons. I configured X in slink for my
 voodoo3 card. When I type startx, I get a screen the color of a typical
 win95 green, nothing else. Any suggestions anyone? Help.
 thanks, sTeve W.

Is this the first time you use X or did you *change* your setup?
Which window-manager are you using?
What happens if you mouse-click on the desktop?
What is all the other information you did not tell us?

If you provide more info, it is more likely that someone can help

- Konrad

config ?'s

2000-01-05 Thread Michael Hunter
I'm attempting to install debian on a Compaq DeskPro 5100 (P100).  What
modules do I need to install for:

-  the built-in LAN port
-  a 3Com HomeConnect Phoneline PCI card
-  a Cisco 605 DSL PCI card
-  enabling getting the IP address via DHCP

Any help will be much appreciated!

u l n s
Michael Hunter

Re: python startup files

2000-01-05 Thread Douglas Bates
Jens B. Jorgensen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I dunno about The docs I read said to put startup code in
 ~/ and this is what I use successfully. In order to modify 
 search path from python code you just need to manipulate the sys.path list, 
 import sys

Hmm.  That is what I was trying to do.  It doesn't seem to work for me
under the name ~/ either.

 $ cat ~/
 import rlcompleter, readline, sys

 readline.parse_and_bind('tab: complete')
 $ python
 Python 1.5.1 (#1, Dec 17 1998, 20:58:15)  [GCC] on linux2
 Copyright 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam
  dir()# notice that sys has not been imported
 ['__builtins__', '__doc__', '__name__']
 Traceback (innermost last):
   File stdin, line 1, in ?
 NameError: sys

 In order to augment the python search path from an environment
 variable just set PYTHONPATH (colon-separated list just as the PATH
 variable). This is in the man page.  Did you read the fine manual?

Well I have been reading a lot of python documentation but I am
willing to believe I have missed important parts :-).  

On closer inspection of the manual page I see that the directories in
PYTHONPATH are prepended to the standard path list for python.  My
(poorly phrased) question about adding to the search list was more a
question of whether PYTHONPATH is appended to the standard search
list, is prepended to the standard search list, or replaces the
standard search list.  You are right - I could have gotten the answer
from the manual page.

It also appears that you need to set the environment variable
PYTHONSTARTUP to the name of the file that will be used for
initialization, whether that is ~/ or
~/  My standard shell startup doesn't set this
environment variable but I will change my ~/.bash-profile to do so.

 $ export PYTHONSTARTUP=/home/bates/
 $ python
 Python 1.5.1 (#1, Dec 17 1998, 20:58:15)  [GCC] on linux2
 Copyright 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam
 ['__builtins__', '__doc__', '__name__', 'readline', 'rlcompleter', 'sys']

I think I have the answers now for my questions.  Thanks for the

 Douglas Bates wrote:
  According to some python documentation I have read I should put
  commands that I want executed in every interactive python session into
  the file `~/'.  I have done that but these commands do not
  seem to be executed when I start python on a Debian GNU/Linux 2.1
  system with
  ||/ NameVersionDescription
  ii  python-base 1.5.1-7An interactive object-oriented scripting 
  Is there another convention for python startup with this package?
  Also, what is the recommended form for adding to the python search
  path?  I believe there is an environment variable to set.
  Please cc: me on replies.  I am unable to keep up with the amount of
  traffic on this list.
 Jens B. Jorgensen

Statistics Department608/262-2598
University of Wisconsin - Madison

Re: I need a truley interactive chat script for PPP

2000-01-05 Thread Joachim Trinkwitz

 I need to connect to the mainframe from the office, and have a need for a 
 complex chat script.  Can someone help me out?
 Under Win95, I have my dialout connection set to bring up a terminal window 
 after connecting, so I can do the following:
 Login:  my user name
 Password: my password
 Challenge: abc93029
 [Here I take the challenge number above and key it into a card-like device.  
 It then gives me another number I need to key in as the response.  Then I 
 press F7 (Continue) to start the PPP session.
 How do I mimic this functionality in Linux?  

If I remember right, the xisp package (in debian/contrib) has the same
functionality (nice program indeed).


Re: Multiple E-mail addresses

2000-01-05 Thread Ron Rademaker
Two solutions (not real handy ones, but better than keep changing the
configuration files):

1) For evey e-mail adress you want to send with you create a new user with
that mail adress.

2) Make a lot of configuration files and rename them everytime you want to
have another mail-address.

On Wed, 5 Jan 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi mail Gurus !
 Having two or more ISP's smart hosts (and 2 or more e-mail addresses),
 I need to choice which e-mail address to use for sending e-mail time by
 I usually use 'smail' on my Debian Linux box.
 Is it possible to set smail/linux for managing multiple e-mails address,
 changing the configuration files time by time ?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: hda status timeout ?

2000-01-05 Thread Ron Rademaker
Just a few hours ago I also had a status timeout on on eof my harddisk,
accidentally I pulled out the power from my harddisk. You could check if
the powercable to your harddisk (little white connector) is well attached,
perhaps it sometimes fails and then goes on again.

On Wed, 5 Jan 2000, Larry Shields WD9ESU wrote:

 If anyone can explain to me as to why I am now seeing this message come
 across my screen while Debian Linux is up and running, and if there is a fix
 for it...This just started yesterday...
 hda: status timeout: status=0x80 {busy}
 hda: drive not ready for command
 ide0: Reset: Success
 Larry Shields WD9ESU
 AMPRnet: IPaddr
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: modem RX rate is considerable slower than RX rate

2000-01-05 Thread aphro
the subject is a little misleading :)

is the server you are testing from a local server? within your ISP's
network? what speed do you connect at(see /var/log/messages) and what kind
of file are you trying to transfer?(text? compressed? highly
compressed?) and what mode?(ascii/binary) and what client are you
using?(ftp/ncftp/lftp/wxftp..etc) have you tried other sites? which ones?

lots of questions to ask before i can help more.  give more information!


On Wed, 5 Jan 2000, Shao Zhang wrote:

shao Hi,
shao   when I ftp to a server, if I use the get command, I can get
shao   around about 4K/s. But with the same server, if I use the put
shao   command, I only get about 600bytes/s.
shao   I have checked /etc/ppp/options, and tried to set both mtu and mru
shao   to 1500, but did not solve the problem.
shao   Thanks for the help.
shao Shao.
shao -- 

shao Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
shao Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  
__ _ 
shao University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ 
_` |
shao Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ 
/___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
shao Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
shao -- 
shao Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
Powered By:
Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
8:47am up 138 days, 20:44, 3 users, load average: 2.18, 1.60, 1.58

Re: ppp fails only to work site

2000-01-05 Thread aphro
does the remote site require PAP ? is PAP setup? run pppconfig and create
a new connection and tell it to use PAP if the remote end requires PAP, if
it does not then tell pppconfig to use a standard login(plain text)  


On Wed, 5 Jan 2000, Ralph Winslow wrote:

rjw For the last couple of weeks I've been unable to connect to work via
rjw ppp.
rjw When I run minicom, I see the host: prompt and enter ppp, then get the
rjw password:
rjw prompt and enter my password, then see the ppp garbage strings that
rjw start the 
rjw protocol negotiation.  I believe that this confirms that the password is
rjw OK.
rjw When I tail -f /var/log/messages in another window, I see:
rjw Jan  5 00:20:26 localhost chat[19028]: host:
rjw Jan  5 00:20:26 localhost chat[19028]:  -- got it 
rjw Jan  5 00:20:26 localhost chat[19028]: send (??)
rjw Jan  5 00:20:28 localhost chat[19028]: expect (ssword:)
rjw Jan  5 00:20:28 localhost chat[19028]:  ppp^M
rjw Jan  5 00:20:28 localhost chat[19028]: Password:
rjw Jan  5 00:20:28 localhost chat[19028]:  -- got it 
rjw Jan  5 00:20:28 localhost chat[19028]: send (??)
rjw Jan  5 00:20:28 localhost chat[19028]: send (\d)
rjw Jan  5 00:20:29 localhost pppd[19027]: Serial connection established.
rjw Jan  5 00:20:29 localhost pppd[19027]: Using interface ppp0
rjw Jan  5 00:20:29 localhost pppd[19027]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS1
rjw Jan  5 00:20:33 localhost pppd[19027]: Remote message: Invalid Login
rjw Jan  5 00:20:33 localhost pppd[19027]: PAP authentication failed
rjw Can anyone help with how to proceed?  TIA
rjw -- 
rjw -
rjw Ralph Winslow[EMAIL PROTECTED]
rjw The IQ of the group is that of the member
rjw whose IQ is lowest  divided by the number
rjw of members.
rjw -- 
rjw Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
Powered By:
Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
8:47am up 138 days, 20:44, 3 users, load average: 2.18, 1.60, 1.58

Apache-ssl going mad

2000-01-05 Thread Mario Jorge Nunes Filipe

I'm running a local webmail site where the pages are served by
apache-ssl. Since there is no real need for a real certificate i've used
the ssl-certificate script to generate new certificates when the old
ones expire... until today.

Today i ran ssl-certificate, but now when i try /etc/init.d/apache-ssl
start it says: failed. The error.log entry's look like this:

[Wed Jan  5 17:02:05 2000] [crit] error reading CA certs
[Wed Jan  5 17:02:05 2000] [crit] error:0906D06C:PEM
routines:PEM_read_bio:no st
art line
[Wed Jan  5 17:02:05 2000] [crit] error:0906D06C:PEM
routines:PEM_read_bio:no st
art line
[Wed Jan  5 17:02:05 2000] [crit] error:0906D06C:PEM
routines:PEM_read_bio:no st
art line
[Wed Jan  5 17:02:05 2000] [crit] error:0906D06C:PEM
routines:PEM_read_bio:no st
art line
[Wed Jan  5 17:02:05 2000] [crit] error:0906D06C:PEM
routines:PEM_read_bio:no st
art line
[Wed Jan  5 17:02:05 2000] [crit] error:0906D06C:PEM
routines:PEM_read_bio:no st
art line
[Wed Jan  5 17:02:05 2000] [crit] error:0906D06C:PEM
routines:PEM_read_bio:no st
art line
[Wed Jan  5 17:02:05 2000] [crit] error:0906D06C:PEM
routines:PEM_read_bio:no st
art line
[Wed Jan  5 17:02:05 2000] [crit] error:0906D06C:PEM
routines:PEM_read_bio:no st
art line
[Wed Jan  5 17:02:05 2000] [crit] error:0906D06C:PEM
routines:PEM_read_bio:no st
art line
[Wed Jan  5 17:02:05 2000] [crit] error:02001002:system
library:fopen:system lib
[Wed Jan  5 17:02:05 2000] [crit] error:20074002:BIO
routines:FILE_CTRL:system l

The apache.pem file looks like this :

The package versions are :
ii  apache-ssl
ii  openssl 0.9.4-3 
ii  libssl090.9.4-3
ii  apache-common   1.3.9-10

Any ideias on what is going on ? Am I missing something incredibly


Mario Filipe 

RE: Modem dials without reason SOLVED

2000-01-05 Thread Klaus Drews
Hi evreyone,

Porblem solved. I inserted an ignore for netbios-dgm in diald's standard.filter.
Now all works fine.


limiting directories in a virtual host

2000-01-05 Thread Pere Camps

I've got many Directory directives in my main apache config.

Now I've got some VirtualHosts and I want them to be able to
access what I want... that is, deny everthing and tell them what they can
acces on a per VirtualHost basis.

I fond out that I had to make a deny from all for every
Directory directive I had on my main config, as I haven't found a global
forget what you had before, from now on you deny everything except
what I'll tell you on this virtual domain).

Has anybody solved this problem before? Thans for your help!

ps: please reply directly to [EMAIL PROTECTED] as I'm not subscribed to
the list due to its high volume. Thanks.

-- p.

Re: man -k doesn't work

2000-01-05 Thread Brian J. Stults
Ethan Benson wrote:

 It turns out mandb is failing.  When I run mandb as root I get this:
 Processing manual pages under /usr/man...
 Updating index cache for path `/usr/man'. Wait...mandb: can't create a
 temporary filename: Permission denied
 I don't know enough about how mandb works (even after reading the
 manpage and documentation) to know why this is happening.  Any ideas?
 check permissions on /tmp mandb is suid man so it does not have root
 privileges, however one annoying thing i have found is it creates a
 temp file but for some reason it gets owned by root so when it goes
 to delete it it gets a operation not permitted (because /tmp has the
 sticky bit) it seems to work better if you use sudo -u man mandb
 instead shrug

That worked.  Thanks so much!  I have really been missing man -k.


Brian J. Stults
Doctoral Candidate
Department of Sociology
University at Albany - SUNY
Phone: (518) 442-4652  Fax: (518) 442-4936

Re: pointer trails in X?

2000-01-05 Thread d1temp

On  4 Jan, Shaul Karl wrote:
 Is it possible via some configuration to get the mouse to have a trail
 in X?  It makes it nice to spot the cursor after your eyes have lost
 focus of it.
 (1) I am not sure but I believe that it is the WM business and that 
 Fvwm has an option to do it. (2) Isn't xeyes do just that?

Don't know about fvwm.. xeyes will look at the point where the cursor
is. Another cutesy little toy is 'oneko' which turn your root pointer
into a little mouse and creates a cat that chases the mouse when it
moves - might also be helpful in making the pointer easier to spot...
If you don't like cats it can be a dog and his bone too.

|  Linux: Turn on...Tune in...Fork out... |
| Michael Tempsch, member of Ballistic Wizards, TIP#088, POG#130, PPIG#11 |
|  Cell.Phone:+46 705487554   URL:   |

Re: education warehouse

2000-01-05 Thread kaynjay
On Wed, Jan 05, 2000 at 07:20:12AM -0500, Antonio Rodriguez wrote:
  represent intellectual property.  There's far more to this than simply 
  the tools to do the recording (or whatever).
 People willing to do it will by definition desire to give it away. I
 know that there is the concept of  intellectual property, but nobody can
 own thoughts. It is a fiction of human mind. Same mind that has sold

The specific expression of one's thoughts is what I refer to here.  There
are many textbooks from which to choose...

There is great difficulty in proving efficacy of long-distance learning. 
Especially in the sciences, where the lab experience is an essential
part of the class.  That requires a physical presence.

I have no difficulties with your general ideas.  But I would never (as a 
manager in industrial science) hire someone coming through a virtual 
institution who claims to know chemistry, but has never laid hands on an 
Erlenmeyer (much less anything else).  From the other end, I would not 
like to be associated with the person making such claims as the source of 
their knowledge unless I knew that they had had such direct experiences.

  ???  I don't believe I have forgotten the reason I teach.  I don't
  the dramatic increase in the cost of higher education is related to
 To what then but to greed? Are you saying that the work an administrator
 does grants what he earns?

I don't speak for administrators.  Nor did I go into teaching for the money. 
THAT would have been My mistake!  ;-)   But given the current state of
economic affairs in the world, one generally needs a paying job to get by
with a family (within the US at least).  My point was related to the fact
that my salary has little to do with the rise in costs.

 I think you can not sincerely answer yes, unless you are one such and
 your personal comfort blinds reality.
 Same applies to other participant parties.

??? I'm not sure what you are trying to get at here, but I would say that
applying the label greed to financial issues is showing some blindness to
the complexities of living in a non-Star Trek-based world.  It certainly
belongs, but I don't think it is an umbrella over all else.

  Again, one has a choice of institutions/prices, too.
  That is not true. I think you know it.

Sorry but this makes no sense to me.  There Are many choices of places to
go (at least within the US.  I cannot speak for other countries, but this
represents my reality.).  Each of these has its own price. 

Kenward Vaughan

ps. I'm more than happy to continue this discussion with you, but believe it
would be more appropriate to carry it on off-list now. 

Boot problem on new computer

2000-01-05 Thread Peter Schuller

I'm in a desperate need of assistence. I just a got my new computer
and I'm trying to install Debian 2.0 on it (to be upgraded to potato after
initial install). The problem is that it won't boot during the installation

The last thing printed is md driver 0.35 MAX_MD_DEV=4, MAC_REAL=8. Then it
hangs. CTRL+ALT+DELETE doesn't work, and neither does a soft power-off.
PnP is disabled (PnP aware OS: no in the BIOS) and powermanagement is
also disabled.

It's an Athlon 500 with a Diamond Viper AGP graphics card. The CD-ROM
is a HP CD-Writer Plus (8200-series). Could the CD-ROM be the problem
(because it's also a Writer)? It *is* recognized during boot.

Kernvel version: 2.0.36

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

/ Peter Schuller

PGP userID: 0x5584BD98 or 'Peter Schuller'
Key retrival: Send an E-Mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
E-Mail: Web:

exim problem

2000-01-05 Thread Mark Symonds

I have 118 msgs sitting in /var/spool/exim/input That are frozen, all with 
the same error:

1999-11-17 17:10:18 [EMAIL PROTECTED]: lookuphost router deferred: 
lowest numbered MX record points to local host
*** Frozen ***

The master file in /var/named for this domain is identical to three other 
domains on the box which are happily accepting mail, and exim.conf
does have local_domains = DOMAIN.NAME.  Any ideas?

Exim version is 2.05 #1.


Exim: more than 10 messages received in one connection

2000-01-05 Thread Phillip Deackes
I am trying to get Exim 2.05 working correctly on my system. Everything
seems to be OK, so far, except that when I get more than 10 messages the
remaining messages are queued and the Exim log files report:

no immediate delivery: more than 10 messages received in one connection

I have just been trawling through the documentation at, and
reading the docs on my system, and I cannot see how to set this figure
much higher. Because I am on a few mailing lists I regularly get 100+

BTW, I receive mail from my IP's POP3 mailbox using fetchmail, and have
a .forward file set up so that the messages are handled by exim.

Does anyone know the line I need to add to my exim.conf file?


Phillip Deackes

Setting up 20 equal linux boxes

2000-01-05 Thread Konrad Mierendorff

at my school we are running a Linux server which serves as a
file-/http-server/internetgateway/WinNT-Domain-Master at the moment. In
the near future we will get about 20 new machines which will run Linux
(Debian of course).

To allow flexible usage the home direcories of all users should be
stored on the fileserver and should be mounted when users log into the
clients. The User-Database could be an LDAP-Server.

If anyone has experience with such things please send me your comments,
tell me if there is information available or tell me that I should take
a different approach.

Thanks in advance!

- Konrad Mierendorff

backspace in xterm

2000-01-05 Thread pplaw

what's the config to backspace in xterm?

btw:  i'm running dlinux on 2 lapboxes and 2 deskboxes.  on 1 lapbox,
i can backspace in xterm; the other boxes, i cannot...

ia, t.

bentley taylor.


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