Re: A cuenta de los Bugs

2000-04-02 Thread Antonio Castro
On Fri, 31 Mar 2000, Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a wrote:

   En cualquier caso Debian (como proyecto y las personas que lo forma)
 suele ser estricto en cuanto a la política de las cosas que se hacen. Si
 llegara el caso de que un error muy importante se colara en apache y no se
 pudiera arreglar, posiblemente se eliminaría de la distribución (aunque más
 probable es que se volviera a una versión sin ese error).
   Un saludo

Podría hablar alguien sobre los ciclos de desarrollo de Debian y
su modelo de organización ?

Parece ser que una vez que se obtiene una versión estable todo lo
nuevo ocurre en la nueva versión inestable salvo algunas correcciones
puntuales destinadas a reforzar la seguridad y cosas así que daran
origen a sucesivas releases. Supongo que en esta fase la versión del 
kernel, del compilador de C y de otros importantes paquetes con 
posibles efectos colaterales nunca se tocan, ni se añaden paquetes 
nuevos, etc.

Después suele pasar bastante tiempo hasta que en un determinado
momento (desconozco el criterio) se decide congelar la version inestable
y se procede a estabilizarla culminado el proceso en una nueva versión.

Me pregunto si es más o menos así y si a lo largo de la historia de
esta distribución ha ocurrido algún tipo de cambio en los ciclos de 
desarrollo de software. Pregunto todo esto porque parece evidente que 
el aumento de la cantidad y complegidad del software podría suponer
la aparición de cuellos de botella y por lo tanto quizas tambien cambios 
en los modelos de desarrollo de la distribución para evitarlos y siento
curiosidad por saber como afronta Debian todo esto. Quizas las etapas
de congelación antes eran más rápidas que ahora. Quizas sería bueno
establecer una etapa previa a la congelación para estabilizar los 
paquetes más críticos por ejemplo. Realmente no tengo ni idea como se
podría mejorar el sistema actual que yo creo que es básicamente bastante
bueno porque funciona, pero me gustaría saber si ha habido acuerdos 
importantes sobre estas cosas.

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 Un saludo

 Antonio Castro

/\ /\ Ciberdroide Informatica (tienda linux)
 _|0 0|_
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher !! Nueva direccion email !! |  
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(((Donde Linux)))

Re: Eleccion del servidor de correo

2000-04-02 Thread Tomas Bautista
On Sat, Apr 01, 2000 at 11:38:57PM +0200, Thoth wrote:

 La verdad es que postfix parece ser la nueva estrella.

Pues ayer yo lo instalé y hoy he tenido que volver al sendmail de toda la
vida :( No logré configurarlo para una intranet detrás de un firewall ---por
lo menos hacía lo que dice la documentación y ni con eso--- y encima se
chupaba los mensajes sin dejar rastro de ellos.


  | |  Tomas Bautista. Phone: +34 928 451275 -- Fax: +34 928 451243
  | |  E-mail address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  |#|  Home page URL:
   -   Applied Microelectronics Research Institute, SICAD Division.
   #   University of Las Palmas de G.C.
I.U.M.A. Campus de Tafira, pab. A. E-35017 Las Palmas, Canary Is.

Chisholm's Third Law:
Proposals, as understood by the proposer, will be judged otherwise by others.

Re: Imagenes de Potato

2000-04-02 Thread Hue-Bond
El sábado 01 de abril de 2000 a la(s) 23:32:56 +0200, Thoth contaba:

Y para pasar las imagenes .raw a .iso ¿Como?

 Pues si no me equivoco:   mv imagen.raw imagen.iso


 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]Linux 2.2.14 - Reg. User #87069
lynx -dump | gpg --import -
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Re: Eleccion del servidor de correo

2000-04-02 Thread Antonio Beamud Montero
Tomas Bautista [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Sat, Apr 01, 2000 at 11:38:57PM +0200, Thoth wrote:

  La verdad es que postfix parece ser la nueva estrella.

 Pues ayer yo lo instalé y hoy he tenido que volver al sendmail de toda la
 vida :( No logré configurarlo para una intranet detrás de un firewall ---por
 lo menos hacía lo que dice la documentación y ni con eso--- y encima se
 chupaba los mensajes sin dejar rastro de ellos.

Por que no exim, es facil y potente.
Para sitios muy grandes tengo oido que lo mejor es zmailer.


Saludos. Antonio.

Re: Eleccion del servidor de correo

2000-04-02 Thread ijuanes
El dia Sat, Apr 01, 2000 at 11:38:57PM +0200, Thoth tuvo a bien
 Fernando Sanchez wrote:
  On Fri, 31 Mar 2000, Andres Seco Hernandez wrote:
   Retomando la cuestión: ¿cual de los MTAs que se incluyen en Potato es
   mejor, porqué y para qué?
  Postfix es con seguridad la opción más segura, rápida y respetuosa con el
  entorno :-) Está hecho para ser compatible 100% con Sendmail (para
 En barrapunto lo dejan claro, yo llevo usando sendmail mas de dos años,
 incluso en un servidor con mas de 4000 cuentas de correo y se comportaba
 bien, pero jeje, es una especie en lenta extincion.
 La verdad es que postfix parece ser la nueva estrella.

Ya... si no fuera porque la otra «nueva estrella», qmail, está
completamente documentada en castellano (toda la documentación que
viene con el programa y parte de la documentación generada por la
comunidad). Para tener el paquete .deb de qmail en Potato, basta con

# apt-get -b source qmail

Y en tres minutos tendréis el paquete .deb listo para instalar. Se
recomienda también instalar los paquetes ucspi-tcp y daemontools.

Mira en:

y el documento de Dave Sill «Mi vida con qmail»:

Por lo demás, Postfix pretende competir con qmail, como se dice
claramente en Yo creo que esta competencia es buena para
el administrador.

Gracias a qmail, Postfix y zmailer, el panorama de
los MTA obsoletos como Sendmail se despeja a pasos agigantados.

En cuanto a las diferencias o ventajas de qmail frente a Postfix, es
algo que despierta pasiones. Es como aquellas viejas polémicas de
emacs/vi, redhat/debian... hacen correr mucha tinta electrónica y son
poco prácticas, a menos que uno conozca perfectamente ambos programas.
Recomiento instalar Postfix y qmail, y luego decidir.

panic(Fod fight!);
(In the kernel source aha1542.c, after detecting a bad segment list.)
J. Ivan Juanes Prieto  -- Greek and Latin Teacher
Canary Islands (Spain) -- Linux Debian 2.1

Description: PGP signature

Configuracion postfix

2000-04-02 Thread Luis Arocha -data-
He eliminado smail de mi PC e instalado postfix, pero no consigo
que funcione del todo bien.

¿Podría alguien enviarme su

Lo que busco es la configuracion tipica de un pc de casa.

Gracias anticipadas,

Luis Arocha Hernandez data [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Islas Canarias - Spain
o   @
  O _ /| // ___
   O/ |\-@   //| \\/   O
  /\   /  \\|//   //\
Usuario registrado de Linux num: 69.587
Debian GNU/Linux Potato, kernel 2.2.14, Toshiba 220CS.

Gnus y Mime

2000-04-02 Thread David Muriel

¿Alguien que utilice el Gnus sabe cómo hacer que utilice el
content-transfer-encoding en `8bit' en lugar del `quoted-printable'?
Antes utilizaba el paquete `tm' para el mime porque el Gnus no lo
manejaba, pero ahora que si lo hace, no consigo cambiarlo a `8bit'.
Me he leido la documentación, pero no lo encuentro por ninguna parte.


Hasta luego.


David Muriel.
Debian GNU/Linux woody + Emacs 20.5.2 + Gnus v5.8.3
Linux registered user #25632 (

The going is tough at first, but if you stick with it, 
the rewards are great.  The first few times I used it, 
I thought I'd died and gone to hell.  Then I used vi for
a while -- and ran screaming back to emacs.

-- from a post in comp.emacs

[OFFTOPIC] Quicktime VR en Linux ??

2000-04-02 Thread David Muriel

¿Alguien sabe si existe alguna herramienta para poder hacer panoramas
Quicktime VR en Linux? De momento todos los programas que he
encontrado que pueden hacerlo son para güindous (bastante pocos) y
para Mac (la mayoría). Es para un proyecto en el que quiero hacer una
especie de paseo virtual por un edificio. He probado con VRML, pero no
es lo que quiero. Si no se pueden hacer desde Linux, ¿alguien sabe de
algún programa que haga algo similar y que luego se pueda ver en
diferentes sistemas operativos? Es que una vez que esté hecho sería
para ponerlo en una página web.

Gracias por adelantado.

Hasta luego.


David Muriel.
Debian GNU/Linux woody + Emacs 20.5.2 + Gnus v5.8.3
Linux registered user #25632 (

Linux is userfriendly, 
 but is only a bit selective about its friends :-)

Re: apt-get update offline???

2000-04-02 Thread David Muriel
ADnoctum [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Para la primera, el apt mira el fichero `sources-list' y actualiza
 la lista local de paquetes disponibles conectándose a las
 direcciones del
 Bueno, tal vez sea complicarme demasiado, pero podrías instalar el apache o
 algun otro servidor web, colocar los paquetes en
 /var/www/debian/dists/stable/main/binary-i386/, generar el Packages y
 Release y en el sources-list colocar:
 localhost main
 o lo que corresponda

La verdad es que sí que es complicarse un poco, pero creo que puedo
hacer algo parecido con el apt-move. Gracias de todas formas.

Hasta luego.


David Muriel.
Debian GNU/Linux woody + Emacs 20.5.2 + Gnus v5.8.3
Linux registered user #25632 (

Linux is boring. OTOH, with Windows you never know when it will hang.

Re: Gnus y Mime

2000-04-02 Thread Carlos
David Muriel decía:
 ¿Alguien que utilice el Gnus sabe cómo hacer que utilice el
 content-transfer-encoding en `8bit' en lugar del `quoted-printable'?

Si te refieres a como leer en 8bits los mensajes de correo o noticias,
basta pulsar las teclas W y q para que te pase el quoted a
8bit. Lo que ignoro es como hacerlo automáticamente (prescindiendo de
W y de q). 

carlos saldaña

xserver-svga 3.3.6 para slink

2000-04-02 Thread Alfredo Casademunt
Pues eso, ¿ alguien sabe de donde puedo descargar el paquete .deb
del servidor svga 3.3.6 compiado para slink ?

Un saludo.

Linux registered user #98432
Running Debian/GNU Linux 2.1 with kernel 2.2.14
Homepage at


2000-04-02 Thread Debian Linux User

Andei pensando... (calma, estou bem ;-) Já que compilar programas para
linux e windows é uma tarefa super comum, não seria legal que existisse
um cross compiler, no dselect, para compilar programas windows?? Poderia
ser o gcc da cygnus mesmo... Escutei dizer que tem uma forma de fazer
com que o gcc compile programas windows, se forem aplicados alguns
Alguém tem idéia de como fazer para:
1 - criar um pacote com esse cross compiler
2 - colocar esse pacote pronto em algum repositório de .deb?

Eu não tenho muita noção de como começar... Pra ser sincero, nem muito
tempo... Mas seria fantástico! Poderiamos desenvolver usando apenas
linux, poderiamos tirar de vez o windows de nossas máquinas e ainda
assim fornecer para usuários programas compilados para ruindows.

O que acham?

Marcelo Elias Del ValleUIN: 30595143
Do you visit GamesNow today??
Autronix - Tecnologia em Automação Industrial

Re: sound hell

2000-04-02 Thread Colin Watson
Colin Watson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
i absolutely can NOT do w/o sound and afraid i'll have to wipe out this
drive in favor of Corel this weekend (damn it! why can't debian adopt
corel's sound_setup program. it works so nicely!),

What's the licence like? If it's free, then maybe we could integrate it.

sound_setup is under the CPL, an MPL clone (so DFSG-free, I imagine).
It's just a script that does little apart from calling sndconfig,
though. That's ripped from Red Hat, and there was some talk on
debian-devel a few months back about Debianizing it. I've had a look at
it and it's a little tricky because there's a *lot* of RH-specific stuff
in there, but I'll see if I can make anything of it.

Colin Watson   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: How to fix missing modules after kernel update?

2000-04-02 Thread Colin Watson
Christian Pernegger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I'm running an up-to-the-minute potato box. Today I compiled a custom 2.2.14
using dkpg-make. It installs and boots fine, except for errors produced by
some things that were modules in the standard kernel (nic driver, NLSs,...)
and are not modules anymore (either built in or not compiled at all).

Those modules are reported not found during bootup. I suspect they are still
scheduled for auto-load somewhere, but obviously I can't de-select them in
modconf because they are not available in the new kernel...

Is there any clean way to resolve this?

They may be mentioned in /etc/modules or /etc/modules.conf. Remove them
from there (if they're in /etc/modules.conf, remove them from the
appropriate file in /etc/modutils instead and run /sbin/update-modules).

Colin Watson   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: xemacs and the docbook 3.1 dtd's

2000-04-02 Thread John Pearson
On Sat, Apr 01, 2000 at 11:03:14AM -0800, Aaron Van Couwenberghe wrote
 Hey people -
   I'm just trying to edit docbook here, and it's quite obvious that emacs
 doesn't know to look for DTDs. I've found that  emacs has a number
 of options for setting custom search paths for these kinds of files, but I
 can't decide what to set... It's somewhere under:
 Any ideas? thanks in advance for any help.

Works for me here.  I use
!DOCTYPE Book PUBLIC -//Davenport//DTD DocBook V3.0//EN
at the head of my documents, and psgml finds my DTDs OK.

I'm using DocBook 3.1, backported to slink.

John P.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Debian Linux admin  support:technical services


2000-04-02 Thread matt garman


I installed the quake-svga package and quake-lib-stub (because I already
have the libraries).

When I switch to a console and type quake-svga the screen just goes
blank, and my monitor goes into powersave mode within a couple of seconds.

Does anyone know what might be causing this?  Does it happen to have
anything to do with the fact that I'm running kernel-level frame buffer
(i.e. vga mode text console)?

Any hints would be appreciated.


I was just reading the interview with Korn in _Guitar_World_, and one of
 the guitarists said they don't play guitar solos because they've been
 done.  Well, I guess that's true if you stick with what's been done.
 But you have to look beyond that; there's a lot more left to say on the
 guitar.  -- Warren Haynes of Gov't Mule

installing on an old 486

2000-04-02 Thread matt garman

I'm trying to install Debian on an old 486 sx.  From DOS, I put the Debian
CD in the drive, then did a d:\install\boot and it loaded up the
dbootstrap program as expected.

The installation procedure works fine until I get to the Install OS
Kernel and Modules.  When it asks for a install media, I choose CD-ROM.
I selected /dev/hdc and it says mount failed.  I actually went through all
choices (all /dev/hdx) and the mount always failed.

Could the problem be the CD-ROM is some strange proprietary interface that
the installer can't talk to?


I was just reading the interview with Korn in _Guitar_World_, and one of
 the guitarists said they don't play guitar solos because they've been
 done.  Well, I guess that's true if you stick with what's been done.
 But you have to look beyond that; there's a lot more left to say on the
 guitar.  -- Warren Haynes of Gov't Mule

are there other file managers besides gmc?

2000-04-02 Thread john smith


 I would like to know what other file managers are available besides 
gmc..maybe there is something better out there?

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Re: xemacs and the docbook 3.1 dtd's

2000-04-02 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sun, Apr 02, 2000 at 09:46:37AM +0930, John Pearson wrote:
 On Sat, Apr 01, 2000 at 11:03:14AM -0800, Aaron Van Couwenberghe wrote
  Hey people -
I'm just trying to edit docbook here, and it's quite obvious that
emacs doesn't know to look for DTDs. I've found that  emacs has a
number of options for setting custom search paths for these kinds
of files, but I can't decide what to set... It's somewhere under:
  Any ideas? thanks in advance for any help.
 Works for me here.  I use !DOCTYPE Book PUBLIC -//Davenport//DTD
 DocBook V3.0//EN at the head of my documents, and psgml finds my
 I'm using DocBook 3.1, backported to slink.

With that header, though, you're still using version 3.0 -- No?

I understood the following header is for DocBook 3.1 -- since OASIS is
now the maintainer of the Docbook DTD.


| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

Re: installing on an old 486

2000-04-02 Thread John Anderson
Your CD-ROM could be the culprit.  I believe that Debian works off of any
ATAPI compatible CD-ROM drive.  With other distributions (Redhat) which I
used before, my computer would freeze if I started through DOS.  Is there
any way you can boot directly from the CD-ROM in the BIOS setup program?  
If not, make a boot floppy and try that.  The instructions on how to make
a boot floppy are at the Debian website, I believe under Download
Installation or something close to that.


2000-04-02 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Fri, Mar 31, 2000 at 11:19:40PM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:
 Blacklisters may have the right to speak and *say* what they think I should
 do, but they have no right to be heard.

Your post only rated a 1.5 on my trollometer. Please try harder.


Re: are there other file managers besides gmc?

2000-04-02 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sun, Apr 02, 2000 at 12:49:53AM +, john smith wrote:
   I would like to know what other file managers are available besides 
 gmc..maybe there is something better out there?

My personal preference is the file manager that comes with tkdesk. It's
not GNOMEified or anything, but it works great. You can save metadata
about files and directories (which can be a real bonus). It's network
centric, has a find utility (including using the annotations on
files/dirs), and more. It's a package deal though. You have to run the
whole tkdesk -- which is far lighter weight than GNOME/KDE. TkDesk is
also very customizable.

| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |


2000-04-02 Thread Wim Kerkhoff

On 01-Apr-2000 Chris Mason wrote:
 How do I force the machine to renew it's DHCP IP allocation? I've changed
 parameters on the DHCP server and I want the machine to reflect those

On a Linux box, just run dhcpc eth0, and it should renew itself.  If you
running Windows (shudder), Start-run- winipcfg, and hit release all, then
renew.  Or something like that, this is off the top of my head.

 Also, how do I get a Linux machine to be a DHCP server?

apt-get install dhcp, then change /etc/dhcpd.conf to match your network.


Wim Kerkhoff  

Re: Questions from a new debian user

2000-04-02 Thread Robert Mognet

On Fri, Mar 31, 2000 at 04:57:04PM -0500, Hilary Hertzoff wrote:
 2. I downloaded a file from the internet through lynx for the browser I
 used to use in Windoze.  Now I can't find the file. Where would lynx have
 dropped it.
You can tell lynx where to put downloaded files.  
In the file  /usr/local/lib/lynx.cfg  (that's the default location)
there is an entry called 'SAVE_SPACE:'.  Just initialize it with the
directory you want to use..

You can get to the lynx.cfg file through the lynx program itself by
typing the letter 'o', which will bring up the options menu, then go
to the bottom where it says 'Check you lynx.cfg here'.  Just select the
link, edit your changes and select 'RELOAD THE CHANGES' when you're done.


 Hilary L. HertzoffFrom here to there,
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] a bunny goes where a bunny must.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Little Bunny on the Move
 by Peter McCarty
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: sound hell

2000-04-02 Thread Wim Kerkhoff
Hi James,

On 31-Mar-2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 heh, well, no. but seriously.
 after installing bin86, the kernel did, indeed compile correctly.
 after many tries, the soundcard still wouldn't work (i did select sound
 support for Ensoniq pci 97... the chipset for my card).
 i swapped it w/ a SB AWE64 i had in another machine and xconfig'ed again and
 selected support for it and, upon reboot, it worked fine. though, nothing i
 did w/ my PCI 128 ever worked. does anyone have a success story for this
 card? perhaps i still did something wrong(?)

I just spent a day screwing around with this as well with 6 new computers we
got here, all with SB 128 PCI cards.

I couldn't get the kernel driver to work, so I installed the
alsa-modules,alsaconf,and alsa-utils packages, downgraded the kernel from
2.2.14 to 2.2.13 (apt-get install kernel-image-2.2.13), edit my /etc/lilo.conf,
ran lilo.  I then ran alsaconf, and rebooted.

Upon reboot, you should see a whole load of modules loaded.  I'm at home right
now, but if you send me mail on Monday morning, I can send you my output of
lsmod if you want.

I had many troubles trying to duplicate this on the other machines.  On some of
them I ended up copy /etc, /lib/modules, and /boot.  This got it working, and
wasn't a horrible solution as I had just mirrored all the hard drives the day

These machines are sweet: PIII-550's, 256MB RAM, Voodoo 3, sb 128 PCI, the
are many times faster than what I had before!

I hope that gives you some light, let me know how you make out or if you have
any problems, so I don't spend time that you have spent doing the same thing.


Wim Kerkhoff


2000-04-02 Thread Chris Mason
On a Linux box, just run dhcpc eth0,
I get command not found when I try that.

Chris Mason
Box 340, The Valley, Anguilla, British West Indies
Tel: 264 497 5670 Fax: 264 497 8463
USA Fax (561) 382-7771
Take a virtual tour of the island The Anguilla Guide
Find out more about NetConcepts

-Original Message-
Sent: Saturday, April 01, 2000 9:35 PM
To: Chris Mason
Cc: Debian-User
Subject: RE: DHCP

On 01-Apr-2000 Chris Mason wrote:
 How do I force the machine to renew it's DHCP IP allocation? I've changed
 parameters on the DHCP server and I want the machine to reflect those

 and it should renew itself.  If you
running Windows (shudder), Start-run- winipcfg, and hit release all, then
renew.  Or something like that, this is off the top of my head.

 Also, how do I get a Linux machine to be a DHCP server?

apt-get install dhcp, then change /etc/dhcpd.conf to match your network.


Wim Kerkhoff  

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Net network help, please

2000-04-02 Thread Chris Mason
I'm having a little trouble I could do with some help with, if possible. I have 
Corel Linux installed. I have a windwosNT network with a NT DHCP / WINS server.
It worked fine, the linux box intergrated pretty well, although the DHCP server 
showed the IP but not the name of the machine.
I need to change the IP block in preparation for firewalling an internet feed I 
am getting. I changed to 192.168.1.x for all the machines, the DHCP/WINS 
machine is
Although the Linux box has been given an IP, I can't ping it from another 
machine and it can't ping anybody. It seems to be able to get an IP from the 
DHCP server, the name shows up in the name table so it must be getting to the 
WINS server, but it is not on the network, and I can't ping it.
Any ideas? I don't know the Linux commands to test it, I tried ifconfig and the 
card has the correct IP and subnetmask. 
What should the gateway be in this case?

Chris Mason
Box 340, The Valley, Anguilla, British West Indies
Tel: 264 497 5670 Fax: 264 497 8463
USA Fax (561) 382-7771
Take a virtual tour of the island The Anguilla Guide
Find out more about NetConcepts

Re: Gnu/Linux 2.1 Install from the CD contained in Debian Gnu/Linux Guide to installation and usage

2000-04-02 Thread Dan White
Steve White wrote:

 Greetings, I have been following the directions in the manual I bought
 meticulously, but cannot get the base system installed. First, the
 disk was purchased from Linux Central along with the book. Next, the
 directory structure implied by the text in the book is not even close
 to that on the CD. The book also refers to the rawrite2 program and
 the resc1440.bin and drv1440.bin files, which were not on the CD
 either. I got around this little problem by downloading the proper
 files from the HOWTO site, and hoped that the remainder of the install
 would go well. Alas, this does not turn out to be the case. I have
 tried both options in the install program: letting the program find
 base2_1.tgz, and supplying a path for it manually. However, the
 automatic option returned a message saying an appropriate path was not
 found, and when did a filefind on the CD on my other computer, I could
 not find it either. What is going on? Have I gotten the wrong CD, or
 have I purchased something other than the Debian GNU/Linux Release
 2.1? Any and all help will be appreciated. Best Regards,Steve

Hi Steve,

Unfortunately there were a batch of these books which came with a bad
CD, which I also purchased. Check out the New Rider's web site for a
free replacement CD:

- Dan

what is nls_iso8859-1 used for?

2000-04-02 Thread john smith


modprobe can't find that module (nls_iso8859-1) its supposed to be built 
into all the kernels right? but where?? what is it used for anyways.

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BOOTP failing (kernel request)

2000-04-02 Thread Greg Baker
I'm attempting to set up a diskless box (as a dedicated MP3 player) and I
can't seem to get everything working.

I'm using Etherboot (on a floppy) which does a BOOTP request to my main
machine.  That works fine--it gets it's IP address and TFTPs a kernel.

The kernel starts correctly (as far as I can tell).  It correctly sets up
eth0 and then the line Sending BOOTP and RARP requests.. appears and
it stalls.

The BOOTP conversation happens correctly for Etherboot, but not for the
kernel network config.  Doing a bootpd -d3 to debug bootp, when it
stalls, the following appears every time the client retries:
  bootpd: info(6):   recvd pkt from IP addr
  bootpd: info(6):   request from Ethernet address 00:60:97:60:62:EC
  bootpd: info(6):   found (mp3player.gregbaker.local)
  bootpd: info(6):   bootfile=/tftpboot/tagged.mp3player
  bootpd: info(6):   vendor magic field is
  bootpd: info(6):   request message length=364
  bootpd: info(6):   extended reply, length=364, options=128
  bootpd: info(6):   sending reply (with RFC1048 options)
  bootpd: info(6):   setarp - 00:60:97:60:62:EC

I've tried the DHCP BOOTP implementation too, with similar results.  I'm
entirely out of ideas on how to fix this.  Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

P.S.  My /etc/bootptab:



RARP should also be doing the job:

# rarp -a
IP address   HW type HW address 10Mbps Ethernet 00:60:97:60:62:ec

With sufficient thrust, pigs fly just fine. However, this is not
necessarily a good idea.  --RFC-1925 

Re: ipmasq and howto

2000-04-02 Thread Peter Ross
On Fri, Mar 31, 2000 at 09:47:51AM -0600, Nathan E Norman wrote:
 On Fri, Mar 31, 2000 at 11:16:16AM +1000, Peter Ross wrote:
  Install the `ipmasq' package, it will automatically set up IP
  Masquerading for you providing the IP addresses you have chosen are
  private ie 10.x.x.x or 192.168.0.x or 172.15.x.x where x can be
 To be correct, the private networks are,
 and  RFC1918 contains all the details.
You are indeed correct, thanks for the information.


Re: are there other file managers besides gmc?

2000-04-02 Thread Sean Johnson
john smith wrote:
   I would like to know what other file managers are available besides
 gmc..maybe there is something better out there?

I like gentoo.


Re: firewall advice

2000-04-02 Thread Peter Ross
On Fri, Mar 31, 2000 at 09:33:26AM -0400, Chris Mason wrote:
 I'm getting a wireless T1 feed tomorrow and I want to connect my
 network of windows and Linux machines to the internet securely. I will
 only have one IP of course.
 What is the best way to implement this using Corel Linux?

I use the ipmasq package from Debian to firewall my gateway machine.
It may not be what you want, as it may be a bit more permissive then
what you need.


Re: ip masquerading

2000-04-02 Thread Peter Ross
On Fri, Mar 31, 2000 at 06:48:19PM +0200, Philip Lehman wrote:
 I'm trying to set up IP masquerading on a slink/potato box which is
 supposed to route the traffic on my home LAN over an ISDN dial-up
 line. I have to admit that I have no experience with advanced
 networking of this kind.
 I read the IP masquerading HOWTO. It suggests a sample rc.firewall
 script to set up masquerading and simple firewalling. It appears to me
 that this interferes with the /etc/init.d/* scripts used by related
 Debian packages, and I'd rather do it the Debian way.
I would recommend installing the ipmasq package, which is reasonably
smart and will usually set up IP masquerading for you automatically.

 rc.firewall wants to run:
 # echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
 # echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_dynaddr
 I haven't found this in any other script in /etc/init.d/*. What's the
 default way to do this? Write my own script?

 And it wants to run:
 # /sbin/ipfwadm -F -p deny
 # /sbin/ipfwadm -F -a m -S -D
 I guess this is what /etc/init.d/ipmasq is for, but I'm feeling lost
 as far as the configuration is concerned. The postinstall script asked
 for the client IPs on the LAN and I entered that, but where is this
 stored? Do I have to do anything in addition to that, or can I rely on
 the defaults? I don't need anything fancy, but the setup should be
 halfway secure.
Have a look in /etc/ipmasq directory.

If you are running slink, you may want to install the ipmasq from
potato, which may be a bit smarter.


Re: are there other file managers besides gmc?

2000-04-02 Thread John Carline
john smith wrote:


   I would like to know what other file managers are available besides
 gmc..maybe there is something better out there?

Personally I like fvwm95. It's very configurable and on my box uses less memory 
any other.  But since we each our own style, go to the following link and pick 
you like.



Powered by the Penguin

Re: apt-get dpkg-preconfigure problems

2000-04-02 Thread Joey Hess
Mark Symonds wrote:
 E: Sub-process /usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure --apt exited unexpectedly
 E: Failure running script /usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure --apt

Set DEBCONF_DEBUG=2 in the environment, export it, reproduce, send me the

 newport:/home/mark# dpkg-reconfigure --priority=medium debconf
 Illegal instruction
 Hopefully someday dpkg-reconfigure will get a little more verbose...

This would tend to indicate that perl got really screwed up and died. I
would tend to suspect a hardware error at a first guess.

I've *never* seen perl do this.

see shy jo

WARNING: problems with postgresql-7.0-0.beta3.[12]

2000-04-02 Thread Oliver Elphick
I have had some serious bug reports about this release (see bugs 61515
and 61573).

If you are tracking woody (unstable) this may affect you.
Please do not let the postgresql packages be upgraded automatically; put them
on hold.  If you decide to upgrade, make absolutely sure you have a backup
of $PGDATA (defined in /etc/postgresql/postmaster.init) and also that you
have installable debs of 6.5.3-16, so that you can go back if necessary.


To ftp maintainers: please remove these packages from woody to experimental:



Isle of Wight
   PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1
 If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be 
  free indeed. John 8:36  

Kernel panic: No init found.

2000-04-02 Thread Bob Nielsen
I just compiled a new 2.2.14 kernel after doing a new potato install and got
the message:

Kernel panic: No init found.  Try passing init=  option to kernel.

Does anyone know what is causing this?  The 2.2.14-compact kernel
installed from the boot-floppies as part of the installation boots
without any problems.  /etc/inittab, /etc/rcS.d, etc., all look normal. 

This is a somewhat minimal system (486DX2/66, 16MB) and I assume I
messed something up in my kernel config after comparing it with one
which works on my other computer I can't figure out what.  I've
attached .config in case someone can discover the problem.

I also tried installing kernel-image-2.2.14-2 from potato, but it
reboots in the middle of loading.  

Tucson, AZ DM42nh  QRP-L #1985  SOC #77
# Automatically generated make config: don't edit

# Code maturity level options

# Processor type and features
# CONFIG_M386 is not set
# CONFIG_M586 is not set
# CONFIG_M586TSC is not set
# CONFIG_M686 is not set
# CONFIG_2GB is not set
# CONFIG_MTRR is not set
# CONFIG_SMP is not set

# Loadable module support
# CONFIG_KMOD is not set

# General setup
# CONFIG_PCI is not set
# CONFIG_MCA is not set
# CONFIG_VISWS is not set
# CONFIG_APM is not set

# Plug and Play support

# Block devices

# Please see Documentation/ide.txt for help/info on IDE drives
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_HD_IDE is not set
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_CMD640 is not set

# Additional Block Devices
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_LOOP is not set
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_NBD is not set
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_MD is not set
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_RAM is not set
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_XD is not set
# CONFIG_PARIDE is not set
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_HD is not set

# Networking options
# CONFIG_PACKET is not set
# CONFIG_FILTER is not set
# CONFIG_IP_PNP is not set

# Protocol-specific masquerading support will be built as modules.

# Protocol-specific masquerading support will be built as modules.
# CONFIG_IP_ROUTER is not set
# CONFIG_NET_IPIP is not set
# CONFIG_NET_IPGRE is not set
# CONFIG_IP_ALIAS is not set

# (it is safe to leave these untouched)
# CONFIG_INET_RARP is not set
# CONFIG_IPV6 is not set

# CONFIG_IPX is not set
# CONFIG_ATALK is not set
# CONFIG_X25 is not set
# CONFIG_LAPB is not set
# CONFIG_BRIDGE is not set
# CONFIG_LLC is not set
# CONFIG_ECONET is not set
# CONFIG_WAN_ROUTER is not set
# CONFIG_CPU_IS_SLOW is not set

# QoS and/or fair queueing
# CONFIG_NET_SCHED is not set

# Telephony Support
# CONFIG_PHONE is not set
# CONFIG_PHONE_IXJ is not set

# SCSI support
# CONFIG_SCSI is not set

# Network device support

# ARCnet devices
# CONFIG_ARCNET is not set
# CONFIG_ETHERTAP is not set
# CONFIG_NET_SB1000 is not set

# Ethernet (10 or 100Mbit)
# CONFIG_LANCE is not set
# CONFIG_RTL8139 is not set
# CONFIG_AT1700 is not set
# CONFIG_E2100 is not set
# CONFIG_DEPCA is not set
# CONFIG_EWRK3 is not set
# CONFIG_EEXPRESS is not set
# CONFIG_FMV18X is not set
# CONFIG_HPLAN_PLUS is not set
# CONFIG_HPLAN is not set
# CONFIG_HP100 is not set
# CONFIG_ETH16I is not set
# CONFIG_SEEQ8005 is not set
# CONFIG_SK_G16 is not set
# CONFIG_NET_EISA is not set
# CONFIG_NET_POCKET is not set

# Ethernet (1000 Mbit)
# CONFIG_ACENIC is not set
# CONFIG_SK98LIN is not set
# CONFIG_FDDI is not set

Stock kernel config info?

2000-04-02 Thread Terry Hancock
Is it possible to determine what the configuration settings
were for the stock kernels that Debian packages?

I need to recompile the kernel (1st time), and I would like
to change as little as possible, since the stock kernel is
working well for the most part. (I just need to enable
ide-scsi module support for a CD-RW install).

Also, it appears that you cannot simply compile the modules
and install on the existing kernel binary (I tried this
and got a bunch of error messages at start-up, and lots of
stuff stopped working, including my parallel port). I am
surprised by this, expecting that the modules would operate
more independently, but I suppose not?

Please CC direct to me, as I am only on this list 

Terry Hancock

ftp problems in masquerading with WIN box

2000-04-02 Thread Bill
Hi all,
I have a Debian box (woody) with IP Masq set-up, no problems with
accessing the internet or internally with ftp with my win98 and win2000
but if I try to access external ftp sites it logs in, authenticates and then
gives the following error

 500 Illegal PORT command.
* PORT command failed

Any ideas on what I've set wrong or haven't set would be greatly appreciated

ftp straight from Debian box works fine, but it is used as a router only at
this stage, no GUI installed.

Thanks in advance

The Mind is like a parachute;
   it works much better when it's open.

Re: Kernel panic: No init found.

2000-04-02 Thread Bill Alexander
 Bob == Bob Nielsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Bob --mP3DRpeJDSE+ciuQ Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Bob I just compiled a new 2.2.14 kernel after doing a new potato
Bob install and got the message:

Bob Kernel panic: No init found.  Try passing init= option to
Bob kernel.

Bob Does anyone know what is causing this?  The 2.2.14-compact
Bob kernel installed from the boot-floppies as part of the
Bob installation boots without any problems.  /etc/inittab,
Bob /etc/rcS.d, etc., all look normal.

Bob This is a somewhat minimal system (486DX2/66, 16MB) and I
Bob assume I messed something up in my kernel config after
Bob comparing it with one which works on my other computer I
Bob can't figure out what.  I've attached .config in case someone
Bob can discover the problem.

Bob I also tried installing kernel-image-2.2.14-2 from potato,
Bob but it reboots in the middle of loading.

Bob -- Bob Nielsen, N7XY (RN2) [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tucson, AZ
Bob DM42nh QRP-L #1985 SOC #77

Bob # Processor type and features
Bob CONFIG_M486=y 

You might try compiling for i386 instead of 486 if you are using a non
Intel processor.


Re: ftp problems in masquerading with WIN box

2000-04-02 Thread Bill Alexander
 Bill == Bill  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Bill Hi all, I have a Debian box (woody) with IP Masq set-up, no
Bill problems with accessing the internet or internally with ftp
Bill with my win98 and win2000 box's but if I try to access
Bill external ftp sites it logs in, authenticates and then gives
Bill the following error

Bill  500 Illegal PORT command.  * PORT command failed

Bill Any ideas on what I've set wrong or haven't set would be
Bill greatly appreciated

Bill ftp straight from Debian box works fine, but it is used as a
Bill router only at this stage, no GUI installed.

Bill Thanks in advance Bill

Have you installed the ftp module for ipmasq? 
I use ip_masq_ftp.o with a 2.0.30 kernel. 


Re: ftp problems in masquerading with WIN box

2000-04-02 Thread Bill
Yes,  ip_masq_ftp.o is installed in   /lib/modules/2.0.36/ipv4/

does this need to be configured? 
and if so can you please tell me how?


- Original Message - 
From: Bill Alexander [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc:; recipient list not shown: ;
Sent: Sunday, April 02, 2000 4:04 PM
Subject: Re: ftp problems in masquerading with WIN box

  Bill == Bill  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Bill Hi all, I have a Debian box (woody) with IP Masq set-up, no
 Bill problems with accessing the internet or internally with ftp
 Bill with my win98 and win2000 box's but if I try to access
 Bill external ftp sites it logs in, authenticates and then gives
 Bill the following error
 Bill  500 Illegal PORT command.  * PORT command failed
 Bill Any ideas on what I've set wrong or haven't set would be
 Bill greatly appreciated
 Bill ftp straight from Debian box works fine, but it is used as a
 Bill router only at this stage, no GUI installed.
 Bill Thanks in advance Bill
 Have you installed the ftp module for ipmasq? 
 I use ip_masq_ftp.o with a 2.0.30 kernel. 

RE: (jg) Re: ipmasq and howto

2000-04-02 Thread Jeff Gordon

On 01-Apr-2000 matt garman wrote:

 But still when I do ipchains -M -L I don't get anything.
 Any ideas?

I'm now experiencing the same thing. :-)  But as long as I can see the MASQ
entry in the output from ipchains -L, things appear to be working.

(Now I'm trying to figure out what's made the difference -- why it is that
previously I was seeing specific entries with 'ipchains -M -L' and now I'm
not...possibly something's been updated, dunno; as long as things keep
working, I'm planning not to worry about it too much. :-)

 -- Jeff --

 There's nothing left in the world to prove.  All that's worth doing
  is to love one another, using whatever means are available to serve.

Re: Stock kernel config info?

2000-04-02 Thread Chanop Silpa-Anan
Once upon a time, I heard Terry Hancock say

 Is it possible to determine what the configuration settings
 were for the stock kernels that Debian packages?
If you have .deb kernel install look in /boot/config-?? kervel version no.
That should be .config for the kernel configuation. Just copy that file to
.config in /usr/src/linux, then reconfig kernel base on that file.


| Chanop Silpa-Anan   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
| Australian National University  |
| got sparetime ? |
|   Debian GNU/BSD   GPG key on request   |

Description: PGP signature

Re: glibc-compat ???

2000-04-02 Thread Konstantin Kivi
On Sat, Mar 25, 2000 at 05:34:20PM +0100, Robert Varga wrote:
 On Thu, 23 Mar 2000, Steve Greenland wrote:
 However I don't really like 8i, since it needs much more (and it should be
 written as MUCH MORE) resources than 8.0.5. I know there is one aspect of
 using 8i on linux when compared with 8.0.5, its being free for development

I totaly agree with Robert. 8i is a memory hog
and need X to be installed. I have RH compat packeges
installed but I think having native packages is better.
Or lets start persuading Oracle to release
simpler Oracle version with glibc 2.1 ;-) 

Sincerely yours, Konstantin Kivi [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Unresolved symbols in 8390.o and pcnet_cs

2000-04-02 Thread Kari Ruohonen
I made a fresh install (no update) of potato on my laptop. I have a D-link
DFE-650 pcmcia ethernet card that has previously worked without problem
(also earlier on slink). Now I have problems in getting it to
work. /var/log/daemon.log tells that there are unresolved symbols in
both 8390.o and pcnet_cs.o.

There is no eth0 in ifconfig. The kernel is 2.2.14 from potato
installation floppies. The pcmcia modem card I have works fine.

'insmod /lib/modules/2.2.14/pcmcia/8390.o' returns the following:
unresolved symbol __kfree_skb_Rc5fdeebf
unresolved symbol alloc_skb_R2baeae23
unresolved symbol eth_type_trans_R0b43975d
unresolved symbol skb_over_panic_Rf7c92034
unresolved symbol ether_setup_R43debb67
unresolved symbol netif_rx_Rf4daa2a7


session-manager anyone?

2000-04-02 Thread Joseph de los Santos


  I don't know if this is where I have to ask this but here it goes...How 
do I use the session-manager? when I click on the session manager properties 
nothing happens. I can't save any sessions. When I installed the package it 
said that I had to edit my .Xsession file. I did that already, i.e. what 
window-manager to use, etc but I can't  still save any sessions.

Get Your Private, Free Email at

RE: (jg) Re: ipmasq and howto

2000-04-02 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
  But still when I do ipchains -M -L I don't get anything.
  Any ideas?
 I'm now experiencing the same thing. :-)  But as long as I can see the MASQ
 entry in the output from ipchains -L, things appear to be working.
 (Now I'm trying to figure out what's made the difference -- why it is that
 previously I was seeing specific entries with 'ipchains -M -L' and now I'm
 not...possibly something's been updated, dunno; as long as things keep
 working, I'm planning not to worry about it too much. :-)
RTFM!!! man ipchains clearly states:
   -M, --masquerading
  This option allows viewing of  the  currently  mas­
  queraded  connections  (in  conjuction  with the -L
  option) or to set the kernel masqerading parameters
  (with the -S option).
The emphasis lies on currently*! That is, only if a masqueraded host
hast open connections, something will show up!


Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
Linux - the last service pack you'll ever need.

Re: what is nls_iso8859-1 used for?

2000-04-02 Thread Greg Madden
In kernel configuration it is ' native language support, Latin 1,
Western European'

Re: what is nls_iso8859-1 used for?

2000-04-02 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 In kernel configuration it is ' native language support, Latin 1,
 Western European'
it is used by the iso9660 filesystem.

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
Linux - the last service pack you'll ever need.

Re: installing on an old 486

2000-04-02 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 Could the problem be the CD-ROM is some strange proprietary interface that
 the installer can't talk to?
yes, it could be. but that does not necessarily mean, that the installer
can't talk to it. you have to load the correct driver module by hand
(don't ask me how, i don't know debian). and don't expect the driver to be
/dev/hdx - these are only ide drives. it could be something like
/dev/sbpcd or /dev/mitsumicd or something like that (the driver will give
you probably *some* hint, when loaded).

good luck!

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
Linux - the last service pack you'll ever need.

Switching to console makes X run amok

2000-04-02 Thread Jan Ulrich Hasecke

It is a minor problem, because I very seldom use the console, but then
it is annoying. When I switch from X to console via Ctrl-Alt-F1 I
cannot switch back with Ctrl-Alt-F7. Hitting C-A-F7 the screen remains
black an the Keyboard is dead. It is only possible to log in remotely
and kill the xserver.

With top I found out, that when I switch to console my X-server in the
background runs amok, using 99% of the CPU.

I have no other problem with X on my machine. Does anyone encountered
the same problem?

On a mixed slink/potato system I am running:

 xdm3.3.3.1-3.1X display manager
 xserver-i128 server for Number Nine Imagine 128
 xbase-clients X clients
 xcontrib   3.3.2-3XFree contributed clients.
 xf86setup server configuration tools
 xfonts-100dpi dpi fonts for X servers
 xfonts-75dpi dpi fonts for X servers
 xfonts-base3.3.2.3a-11standard fonts for X servers
 xfonts-pex for minimal PEX support in X servers
 xfonts-scalabl fonts for X servers
 xfree86-common Window System (XFree86) infrastructure
 xfs3.3.3.1-3.1X font server
 xfstt  0.9.10-6   TrueType Font Server for X11

Linux jobs 2.0.36 #1 Mon Jan 24 13:30:09 CET 2000 i586 unknown

My XF86Config:

Section Monitor
   Identifier  Primary Monitor
   VendorName  Unknown
   ModelName   Unknown
   HorizSync   31.5-82.0
   VertRefresh 50-150
   Modeline  1152x864  135.00 1152 1464 1592 1776 864 864 876 908

Section Device
   Identifier  Primary Card
   VendorName  Unknown
   BoardName   None
   Chipset i128
   Option  power_saver


Section Screen
   Driver  Accel
   Device  Primary Card
   Monitor Primary Monitor
   DefaultColorDepth 16
   BlankTime   0
   SuspendTime 0
   OffTime 0
   SubSection Display
   SubSection Display
   SubSection Display
   SubSection Display
   SubSection Display

Section Screen
   Driver  SVGA
   Device  Primary Card
   Monitor Primary Monitor
   DefaultColorDepth 16
   BlankTime   0
   SuspendTime 0
   OffTime 0
   SubSection Display
   SubSection Display
   SubSection Display
   SubSection Display
   SubSection Display

Section Screen
   Driver  VGA16
   Device  Primary Card
   Monitor Primary Monitor
   BlankTime   0
   SuspendTime 0
   OffTime 0
   SubSection Display

Section Screen
   Driver  VGA2
   Device  Primary Card
   Monitor Primary Monitor
   BlankTime   0
   SuspendTime 0
   OffTime 0
   SubSection Display

Jan Ulrich Hasecke * Ihr  F r e e l a n c e r
Text * Konzeption  * Werbung * PR *  Internet
Telefon: 0212-2331483 / Telefax: 0212-2331484

Re: Problems of Potato on Toshiba Tecra510CDT

2000-04-02 Thread Alex Kwan

I have installed Potato on my laptop Toshiba Tecra510CDT
(Card Controller: ToPIC95 Card Bus), but the PC Card Services
are not work, I have follow the document PCMCIA How To
to checked the information as follows:

(1) When I insert or remove card, I can hear the beep sound.

(2) The dmesg:
Linux PCMCIA CARD Services 3.1.8
   kernel build: 2.2.14 unknown
   options: [pci] [cardbus][apm]
ToPIC95-B PCI-to-CardBus at bus 0 slot2, mem0x6800, 2 sockets
host opts [0]: [slot 0xf0][ccr 0x1c][cdr 0x86] [[rcc 0x82][no pci irq][lat
168/176][bus 20/20]
host opts [1]: [slot 0xf0][ccr 0x2c][cdr 0x86] [[rcc 0x82][no pci irq][lat
168/176][bus 21/21]
ISA irqs (default) = 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12 pollery interval=1000ms

(3) lsmod
ModuleSizeUsed by
pcmcia-core443840 (memory_cs ds i82365)

(4)  The socket status file, stab (I have inserted the 3com574TX)
Can't found this file, because it is no sub-directory pcmcia on /var/state
or /var/lib

(5) cardctl config (I have inserted the 3com574TX):
Socket 0:
Vcc 5.0VVpp1 5.0V   Vpp2 5.0V
memory 0x0013-0x1012 @0x000d1000

(6) cardctl ident (I have inserted the 3com574TX):
no product info available

Would someone tell me what is the problem and how to slove?



Re: session-manager anyone?

2000-04-02 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sun, Apr 02, 2000 at 12:57:37AM -0800, Joseph de los Santos wrote:
I don't know if this is where I have to ask this but here it
goes...How do I use the session-manager? when I click on the
session manager properties nothing happens. I can't save any
sessions. When I installed the package it said that I had to edit
my .Xsession file. I did that already, i.e. what window-manager to
use, etc but I can't  still save any sessions.

I'll assume you're asking about xsm (since you don't specify).

Here's what you'll want to do for the first go around.

1) Edit your ~/.xsession to have something like

exec xsm

2) startx or login from [x|g|w]dm.
3) In the xterm, start your window manager of choice (flwm ).
3) Now, from the xsm window, select the client list and add your window
   manager and any other programs you want to start at login. Save it
   with some name.
4) Logout using the xsm Shutdown (very important).
5) Next time you startx, you should be prompted for the session to load.
   If all goes well, you might want to remove the xterm  from your
6) Create new and entirely different session by editing the client list
   of the current session and saving it with a *different* name.

| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

Gateway settings

2000-04-02 Thread Chris Mason
In a small office network of five NT machines and one Linux box, what should 
the gateway be set to?
The IP block is 198.168.1.x, the netmask is and the WINS/DHCP 
server is on All the NT machines function well with no gateway 
setting, but the Linux box demands one.
Chris Mason
Box 340, The Valley, Anguilla, British West Indies
Tel: 264 497 5670 Fax: 264 497 8463
USA Fax (561) 382-7771
Take a virtual tour of the island The Anguilla Guide
Find out more about NetConcepts

END Key in Emacs (only in Xterm)

2000-04-02 Thread Rodrigo Castro

Sorry for sending this message again and sorry for sending to
devel (I don't know if I should). I really need your help, I tried
everything I know and I can't make my Emacs work with END key, when it
is in Xterm.

- All programs have right key configuration

- Emacs in console or X works fine

- I renamed .emacs in order to not be read and it didn't work

- If I change my XTERM variable from xterm to linux when I
am in Xterm, Emacs works with END key

- Oh, my END key beeps when I press it in Emacs (in Xterm)

Any idea? This started happening from sometime, when I
upgraded my potato to the lastest version at that time. I do have now
the lastest version of potato.

Thank you in advance,
Rodrigo Castro   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Computer Science undergraduate student - University of Sao Paulo

I do not fear computers.  I fear the lack of them.
-- Isaac Asimov

Re: Kernel panic: No init found.

2000-04-02 Thread Bob Nielsen
Nope, it is an Intel CPU.

On Sat, Apr 01, 2000 at 09:58:58PM -0800, Bill Alexander wrote:
  Bob == Bob Nielsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Bob --mP3DRpeJDSE+ciuQ Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
 Bob I just compiled a new 2.2.14 kernel after doing a new potato
 Bob install and got the message:
 Bob Kernel panic: No init found.  Try passing init= option to
 Bob kernel.
 Bob Does anyone know what is causing this?  The 2.2.14-compact
 Bob kernel installed from the boot-floppies as part of the
 Bob installation boots without any problems.  /etc/inittab,
 Bob /etc/rcS.d, etc., all look normal.
 Bob This is a somewhat minimal system (486DX2/66, 16MB) and I
 Bob assume I messed something up in my kernel config after
 Bob comparing it with one which works on my other computer I
 Bob can't figure out what.  I've attached .config in case someone
 Bob can discover the problem.
 Bob I also tried installing kernel-image-2.2.14-2 from potato,
 Bob but it reboots in the middle of loading.
 Bob -- Bob Nielsen, N7XY (RN2) [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tucson, AZ
 Bob DM42nh QRP-L #1985 SOC #77
 Bob # Processor type and features
 Bob CONFIG_M486=y 
 You might try compiling for i386 instead of 486 if you are using a non
 Intel processor.

Tucson, AZ DM42nh  QRP-L #1985  SOC #77

Re: ftp problems in masquerading with WIN box

2000-04-02 Thread Ashley Clark
* Bill ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 Yes,  ip_masq_ftp.o is installed in   /lib/modules/2.0.36/ipv4/
 does this need to be configured? 
 and if so can you please tell me how?

You'll need to load the module, you can add ip_masq_ftp to /etc/modules and
then run modprobe ip_masq_ftp, that way it will be loaded now and whenever
you reboot

Ashley Clark

Description: PGP signature

RE: Kernel panic: No init found.

2000-04-02 Thread Paul Kallstrom
One thing to check: Make sure that you have ext2 support compiled in the
kernel, and not as a module.


On 02-Apr-2000 Bob Nielsen wrote:
 I just compiled a new 2.2.14 kernel after doing a new potato install and got
 the message:
 Kernel panic: No init found.  Try passing init=  option to kernel.
 Does anyone know what is causing this?  The 2.2.14-compact kernel
 installed from the boot-floppies as part of the installation boots
 without any problems.  /etc/inittab, /etc/rcS.d, etc., all look normal. 
 This is a somewhat minimal system (486DX2/66, 16MB) and I assume I
 messed something up in my kernel config after comparing it with one
 which works on my other computer I can't figure out what.  I've
 attached .config in case someone can discover the problem.
 I also tried installing kernel-image-2.2.14-2 from potato, but it
 reboots in the middle of loading.  
 Tucson, AZ DM42nh  QRP-L #1985  SOC #77

E-Mail: Paul Kallstrom [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 02-Apr-2000
Time: 10:30:54

Debian GNU/Linux (Potato)  XFMail
Linuxism: I've run DOOM more in the last few days than I have the last few
months.  I just love debugging ;-)
(Linus Torvalds)

Re: Gateway settings

2000-04-02 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen

 In a small office network of five NT machines and one Linux box, what should 
 the gateway be set to?
to the host with connection to an external network connection, if any.

 The IP block is 198.168.1.x, the netmask is and the WINS/DHCP 
 server is on All the NT machines function well with no
 gateway setting, but the Linux box demands one.
strange. is there a route like   *   U 0  00   eth0

defined? if you need a gateway box (e.g. for internet dial-in), then you
have to add

defaultgateway-ip UG0  00   eth0

hope, that helps a bit.

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
Linux - the last service pack you'll ever need.

Re: END Key in Emacs (only in Xterm)

2000-04-02 Thread John Hasler
Rodrigo Castro writes:
 If I change my XTERM variable from xterm to linux when I am in Xterm,
 Emacs works with END key

Works fine here with xterm 3.3.5-2 and emacs20 20.5a-2.  XTERM is not
defined at all, but END works ok in emacs even if I define it as either
'linux' or 'xterm'.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: END Key in Emacs (only in Xterm)

2000-04-02 Thread Marshal Kar-Cheung Wong
 Rodrigo == Rodrigo Castro [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hello, Sorry for sending this message again and sorry for
 sending to devel (I don't know if I should). I really need your
 help, I tried everything I know and I can't make my Emacs work
 with END key, when it is in Xterm.

   - All programs have right key configuration

   - Emacs in console or X works fine

   - I renamed .emacs in order to not be read and it didn't work

   - If I change my XTERM variable from xterm to linux when I
 am in Xterm, Emacs works with END key

Since this changes things, perhaps there's something different with
the termcap/terminfo definitions of xterm?  I'm guessing here...


   - Oh, my END key beeps when I press it in Emacs (in Xterm)

   Any idea? This started happening from sometime, when I
 upgraded my potato to the lastest version at that time. I do
 have now the lastest version of potato.

 Thank you in advance, -- Rodrigo Castro
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Computer Science undergraduate
 student - University of Sao Paulo

 I do not fear computers.  I fear the lack of them.  -- Isaac

 -- Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

UPPER to lowercase.

2000-04-02 Thread Hans
I'm trying to get this bash script working which converts filenames from
UPPER to lowercase. 

for x in *; do mv $x 'echo $x|tr [A-Z][a-z]'; done;

It comes back with 'when moving multiple files, last argument must be a
directory.' I thought this was a loop, so how come it moves multiple files?
Any ideas how to get this working? tnx --hans

Re: UPPER to lowercase.

2000-04-02 Thread J.H.M. Dassen \(Ray\)
On Sun, Apr 02, 2000 at 17:13:33 +0200, Hans wrote:
 for x in *; do mv $x 'echo $x|tr [A-Z][a-z]'; done;

for x in *; do mv $x `echo $x | tr '[A-Z][a-z]'`; done

Note the backticks and the quoting of the square brackets (to prevent them
from being interpreted by the shell as globbing patterns).

UNFAIR  Term applied to advantages enjoyed by other people which we tried 
to cheat them out of and didn't manage. See also DISHONESTY, SNEAKY, 
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan  


2000-04-02 Thread Antonio Rodriguez
1. After apt-get upgrade set to ~vincent (slink), I lost my xwindow,
only the banner and a bash window appear. Later I lost my logit
capability! Does not recognize my password anymore! I can log to console
though, w/o problems. What should I do?
2. To get kernel 2.2.14, do what exactly? I did apt-get -f install
kernel-source, didn't recognize any such package. Pointed to frozen.

Re: UPPER to lowercase.

2000-04-02 Thread Brendan Cully
On Sunday, 02 April 2000 at 17:13, Hans wrote:
 I'm trying to get this bash script working which converts filenames from
 UPPER to lowercase. 
 for x in *; do mv $x 'echo $x|tr [A-Z][a-z]'; done;
 It comes back with 'when moving multiple files, last argument must be a
 directory.' I thought this was a loop, so how come it moves multiple files?
 Any ideas how to get this working? tnx --hans

two things, I think. First, you need backticks but you are using
single quotes. Second, I think you need a space between the two ranges
in tr:

for x in *; do mv $x `echo $x|tr [A-Z] [a-z]`; done;


Re: UPPER to lowercase.

2000-04-02 Thread Ethan Benson
On Sun, Apr 02, 2000 at 05:13:33PM +0200, Hans wrote:
 I'm trying to get this bash script working which converts filenames from
 UPPER to lowercase. 
 for x in *; do mv $x 'echo $x|tr [A-Z][a-z]'; done;

wrong kind of quotes:

#! /bin/sh

for x in *
mv $x `echo $x | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z'`

is what i have used in the past.

the single ' quote causes the EXACT string to be passed to mv, no $x
variables are expanded etc.

 It comes back with 'when moving multiple files, last argument must be a
 directory.' I thought this was a loop, so how come it moves multiple files?
 Any ideas how to get this working? tnx --hans
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: UPPER to lowercase.

2000-04-02 Thread John Hasler
Hans writes:
 for x in *; do mv $x 'echo $x|tr [A-Z][a-z]'; done;
 Any ideas how to get this working?

Use the right kind of single quotes and seperate the arguments to tr with a
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: UPPER to lowercase.

2000-04-02 Thread Colin Watson
I'm trying to get this bash script working which converts filenames from
UPPER to lowercase. 

for x in *; do mv $x 'echo $x|tr [A-Z][a-z]'; done;

It comes back with 'when moving multiple files, last argument must be a
directory.' I thought this was a loop, so how come it moves multiple files?

People have already suggested variants on this:

  for x in *; do mv $x `echo $x | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`; done

You could also install the mmv package and try this instead:

  mmv '*' '#l1'

... or this:

  mmv \* \#l1

... depending on what quoting style you prefer. Using backquotes allows
you to do more general transformations, though.

You might also try rename, which comes with the perl-5.005 package.


Colin Watson   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

XFMail Problem

2000-04-02 Thread sgaerner

I solved the problem to connect to my IMAP server.
When I connect to it I can create folders and copy messages to them.
But when I close XFMail and connect again to the server there are only the
system folders (INBOX and trash) but noone of my created folders.

On the remote machine I installed imap package on potato.

Did anyone have an idea what could be the problem?



Please reply only to
Date: 02-Apr-2000
Time: 17:57:06

Re: neomagic

2000-04-02 Thread Gunnar Evermann
Radim Gelner [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 concerning a NeoMagic cards, I would like to share my own
 observations. I own a Siemens Scenic Mobile 510 AGP notebook, that
 is equipped with video+sound combo called NeoMagic 256 AV. This card
 is not very well supported by the Linux as of time because the
 manufacturer does not release any specs.

I think this is not true (any longer). Neomagic has released specs to
Precision Insight, Inc  who have implemented the appropriate drivers
for XFree86. AFAICT these drivers are now part of XFree86 4.0.

The Scenic 510 is explicitly listed as supported at


Re: Switching to console makes X run amok

2000-04-02 Thread Bill Alexander
 Jan == Jan Ulrich Hasecke [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Jan Hi!  It is a minor problem, because I very seldom use the
Jan console, but then it is annoying. When I switch from X to
Jan console via Ctrl-Alt-F1 I cannot switch back with
Jan Ctrl-Alt-F7. Hitting C-A-F7 the screen remains black an the
Jan Keyboard is dead. It is only possible to log in remotely and
Jan kill the xserver.

When you are in console mode, try Alt-F7 to get back to X.


Potato and daylight Savings time

2000-04-02 Thread Wayne Topa
  Has anyone else noticed that Potato has not got the word that it now
Standard time  not Daylight Saving time?

  Or did I miss an update this morning?

Reference Manual: Object that raises the monitor to eye level. Also
used to compensate for that short table leg.

Re: Potato and daylight Savings time

2000-04-02 Thread Brian Kimball
Wayne Topa wrote:

   Has anyone else noticed that Potato has not got the word that it now
 Standard time  not Daylight Saving time?

You got it backwards: the change in spring is from standard time to
daylight-saving time.

And it seems that potato did a fine job of changing.

Brian Kimball

Re: END Key in Emacs (only in Xterm)

2000-04-02 Thread Rodrigo Castro
On Sun, Apr 02, 2000 at 11:14:16AM -0400, Marshal Kar-Cheung Wong wrote:
  Rodrigo == Rodrigo Castro [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Hello, Sorry for sending this message again and sorry for
  sending to devel (I don't know if I should). I really need your
  help, I tried everything I know and I can't make my Emacs work
  with END key, when it is in Xterm.
  - All programs have right key configuration
  - Emacs in console or X works fine
  - I renamed .emacs in order to not be read and it didn't work
  - If I change my XTERM variable from xterm to linux when I
  am in Xterm, Emacs works with END key
 Since this changes things, perhaps there's something different with
 the termcap/terminfo definitions of xterm?  I'm guessing here...

Any idea of what I can do in order to solve it? I reinstalled 
ncurses-bin 5.0-6 and ncurses-term 5.0-6 but it didn't solve.

Oh, I have the lastest version (in potato) of XFree installed.

Rodrigo Castro   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Computer Science undergraduate student - University of Sao Paulo

I do not fear computers.  I fear the lack of them.
-- Isaac Asimov

NIS issues

2000-04-02 Thread Nick Cabatoff
I keep getting mail on some slink machines from cron jobs, e.g. the
test -f /proc/modules  /sbin/rmmod -a one.  They contain the
single line:

  yp_all: clnt_call: RPC: Unable to receive; errno = Connection reset by

Anyone know what this signifies, how NIS gets involved in such a
simple cronjob, and what I can do about it?

Unusual Lilo LI problem

2000-04-02 Thread Marc Moody
I've recently install a new potato system that's been working well for a couple 
of weeks.  Yesterday I compiled a custom kernel (2.2.14) (installed using 
make-kpkg), and now I can't boot my Linux drive.  I CAN boot using the rescue 
floppy, and everything works fine.  Normally the LI problem was easily fixed 
by rerunning lilo, but that doesn't seem to be working.  This type of setup 
worked for a year and a half on my old system.  If anyone has any suggestions, 
I'd be grateful.

I've been dual booting Win95 and potato on a SCSI disc with BootMagic.  
/dev/sda1 is my windows partition, /dev/sda2 is my Linux partition.  I do have 
a tiny partition for the boot manager.  I've tried uninstalling lilo with lilo 
-u  and using it with and without the linear option in my conf.  I have an 
older IDE drive on /dev/hda1, but I don't see how that would cause a problem.

here's my lilo.conf

linear (tried it without this also)

Actually, I got the L01 01 01 01 problem first, but this is where I am now.


Re: ipmasq and howto

2000-04-02 Thread Jeff Gordon
From: Oswald Buddenhagen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 (Now I'm trying to figure out what's made the difference -- why it is
 that previously I was seeing specific entries with 'ipchains -M -L'
 and now I'm not...possibly something's been updated, dunno; as long 
 as things keep working, I'm planning not to worry about it too much.


(I did, thank you; many times -- the man pages, the HOW-TO pages,
and everything I could find, short of daring to ask anyone who might
react by belching forth, RTFM!!!)

man ipchains clearly states:
-M, --masquerading
   This option allows viewing of  the  currently  mas­
   queraded  connections  (in  conjuction  with the -L
   option) or to set the kernel masqerading parameters
   (with the -S option).
 The emphasis lies on currently*! That is, only if a masqueraded host
 hast open connections, something will show up!

Hmm; the actual emphasis lies on connections which are currently
masqueraded.  The word open was filled-in for you by your
already-existing understanding of what's going on; it's not present in the
text I was poring over and that you've quoted.  

My understanding had reached this far:  Routes exist when no traffic is
moving on them; therefore 'currently masqueraded connections' could mean
'those pathways I've indicated in a masquerading rule, whether there's
traffic on them right now or not'.

Thank you for helping clarify the distinction.

 -- Jeff --

 There's nothing left in the world to prove.  All that's worth doing
  is to love one another, using whatever means are available to serve.


2000-04-02 Thread PASS MCSE
µ½WINDOWS 2000µÄÈÏÖ¤¾Í²»»áÓÐÕâô·½±ãÁË£¬¶øNT4Éý¼¶2000µÄMCSE»á·½±ãºÜ¶à¡£
MCSE¹²ÁùÃÅ(058 059 067 068 073 087)£¬ÁùÃÅÖ»Òª100Ôª£¬²¢ÔùËÍ081
CCNA 640-407 250Ôª¡£
MCDBAÈÏÖ¤¿¼ÊÔÈ«ÕæÊÔÌâ (028 029),Á½ÃÅÒ»¹²150Ôª¡£
΢ÈíµÄ12Ãŵç×ÓÊé(Ô­°æUS$30Ò»±¾058 059 067 068 073 087 026 027 028 079 081 
Hi this email is talking about how to 
pass mcse with least effort,if you want know more 
please email to me  
my email:







µ½WINDOWS 2000µÄÈÏÖ¤¾Í²»»áÓÐÕâô·½±ãÁË£¬¶øNT4Éý¼¶2000µÄMCSE»á·½±ãºÜ¶à¡£

 MCSE¹²ÁùÃÅ(058 059 067 068 073 087)£¬ÁùÃÅÖ»Òª100Ôª£¬²¢ÔùËÍ081




 CCNA 640-407 250Ôª¡£

 MCDBAÈÏÖ¤¿¼ÊÔÈ«ÕæÊÔÌâ (028 029),Á½ÃÅÒ»¹²150Ôª¡£

 ΢ÈíµÄ12Ãŵç×ÓÊé(Ô­°æUS$30Ò»±¾058 059 067 068 073 087 026
027 028 079 081 088)








Hi this email is talking about how to 

pass mcse with least effort,if you want
know more 

please email to me 

my email:



Re: fresh compile, unresolved symbols complaints

2000-04-02 Thread Jeff Gordon
 - message from George Bonser [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
 How did you install your kernel? Did you use make-kpkg to make a
 kernel-image package and install that or did you try to install it by

make mrproper, make menuconfig... like that.
 If you installed by hand, is the new kernel the same version as the old


 If so, did you possibly forget to move the old modules dir out of
 the way before installing the new modules? If you compiled some things
 into the kernel that used to be modules, modutils may still be trying to
 load the module and seeing the old module that was not built with the new
 kernel, you may be getting all kinds of unresolved symbols.

(Ah so.)  Didn't forget, George; but never knew to do it. :-)  make
modules doesn't cover it, then...?
 Those are just guesses but you need to make sure that the new kernel,
 modules, and system map are all in the right places. make-kpkg does this
 for you so I suggest at least look into using it to build kernel packages
 for Debian.

Thanks, George, that's very helpful.  Armed with that info, I'll take
another run at it sometime this week.

All the best,

 -- Jeff --

 There's nothing left in the world to prove.  All that's worth doing
  is to love one another, using whatever means are available to serve.

Re: UPPER to lowercase.

2000-04-02 Thread Hans
Thanks guys. I indeed got the quotes wrong and also the space in between
the two arguments. This worked fine:

for x in *; do mv $x `echo $x | tr [A-Z] [a-z]`; done

Another lesson learnt: watch `em quotes. Using mmv is fine, but my purpose
is to learn some plain shell scripting. I'm slowly working my way through
man bash now, using mcedit as editor cause of the color coding. Cheerio,

At 05:13 PM 4/2/00 +0200, Hans wrote:
I'm trying to get this bash script working which converts filenames from
UPPER to lowercase. 

for x in *; do mv $x 'echo $x|tr [A-Z][a-z]'; done;

It comes back with 'when moving multiple files, last argument must be a
directory.' I thought this was a loop, so how come it moves multiple files?
Any ideas how to get this working? tnx --hans

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Backspace acts like delete in X

2000-04-02 Thread sam
I've heard that this was a commom Debian problem but Ive never
experienced it before. When in X my backspace key deletes to the right of
the cursor instead of the left. In console or in an xterm it's normal. I
can't seem to find anything to edit in /etc/X11/XF86Config to change
this. Any ideas (don't tell me to run xf86config again I'd rather just
know where the setting it)

~Sam Morales

Re: are there other file managers besides gmc?

2000-04-02 Thread Christian Surchi
On Sun, Apr 02, 2000 at 04:39:05AM +, John Carline wrote:
 Personally I like fvwm95. It's very configurable and on my box uses less 
 memory than
 any other.  But since we each our own style, go to the following link and 
 pick one
 you like.

He asked a file manager, not a window manager. :)

| Christian Surchi   || www. |   
| FLUG: | Debian GNU/Linux: | org  | 

stu Stupid nick highlighting
stu Whenever someone starts with stupid it highlights the nick.  Hmm.
-- #Debian

Re: are there other file managers besides gmc?

2000-04-02 Thread Tom Pfeifer
I still mostly use mc in an xterm, although I recently just discovered
filerunner which seems excellent so far. I also like tkdesk for some
purposes as the other post mentioned.

It's not like filerunner is new either. One of the really good/bad
things about Debian is the sheer quantity of packages available. A
really nice program can in there hiding, like filerunner for me, and we
never realize it until we stumble across it, or someone else mentions

john smith wrote:
   I would like to know what other file managers are available besides
 gmc..maybe there is something better out there?

Set user ID on execution

2000-04-02 Thread Brian Clark


Following my problem with su earlier last week, I figured I'd better get a 
refresher on permissions before I really get myself in trouble.

I guess I never knew what the s was for in:


I checked out `info chmod' and various other places, including a few books 
I have and came up empty on what the plain-english meaning of `4000 Set 
user ID on execution' means. I checked the archives and only came up with 
answers to the same question that consisted solely of s - Set user ID or 
group ID on execution, but NOT what difference this makes.

Can anyone explain this to me in plain english? Like, what the difference 
is between chmod 4750 and  chmod 750 -- and how it effects the files' 

All I have known is that for binaries I want to restrict access to, I have 
always chgrp special_group special_files and chmod 4750 special_files.

My fingers are obviously dangerous things..



Re: ipmasq and howto

2000-04-02 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 Hmm; the actual emphasis lies on connections which are currently
 masqueraded.  The word open was filled-in for you by your
 already-existing understanding of what's going on; it's not present in the
 text I was poring over and that you've quoted.  
 My understanding had reached this far:  Routes exist when no traffic is
 moving on them; therefore 'currently masqueraded connections' could mean
 'those pathways I've indicated in a masquerading rule, whether there's
 traffic on them right now or not'.
a connection is something open, it needs (at least) two (active) ends. 
otherwise it is only a route. a masq rule is (kind of) a route.

 Thank you for helping clarify the distinction.
no problem. sorry for the harsh tone. maybe, i assumed too much knowledge

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
Linux - the last service pack you'll ever need.

Re: Unusual Lilo LI problem

2000-04-02 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
On Sun, 2 Apr 2000, Marc Moody wrote:

 I've recently install a new potato system that's been working well for a 
 couple of weeks.  Yesterday I compiled a custom kernel
 (2.2.14) (installed using make-kpkg), and now I can't boot my Linux
 drive.  I CAN boot using the rescue floppy, and everything works
 fine.  Normally the LI problem was easily fixed by rerunning lilo, but
 that doesn't seem to be working.  This type of setup worked for a year
 and a half on my old system.  If anyone has any suggestions, I'd be
 I've been dual booting Win95 and potato on a SCSI disc with BootMagic.
  /dev/sda1 is my windows partition, /dev/sda2 is my Linux partition.  I
 do have a tiny partition for the boot manager.  I've tried uninstalling
 lilo with lilo -u  and using it with and without the linear option in my
 conf.  I have an older IDE drive on /dev/hda1, but I don't see how that
 would cause a problem.
the boot manager is probably your problem. i know a situation with the
nt-bootmanager: it does not use the real boot sector to boot a partition,
but a copy stored in a file. thus, if you recompile your kernel and
re-run lilo, lilo will update the real boot sector, but the boot manager
will not realize it and will still run the old code stored in the
image-file. the old code of course has an invalid (old) map ...

the solution (for nt - i don't know bootmagic):

dd if=/dev/sda2 of=/c/bootsek.lin count=1

where /c is the mount-point of a fat-partition, where the nt-bootloader
resides. bootsek.lin is an arbitrary name choosen for the image file (you
would have to use the one, that already exists).

i hope, that this technique is also true for bootmagic.
good luck!

PS (to everybody): *please* make line-breaks ... it makes quoting so much
easier ...

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
Linux - the last service pack you'll ever need.

Re: END Key in Emacs (only in Xterm)

2000-04-02 Thread Branden Robinson
On Sun, Apr 02, 2000 at 10:48:24AM -0300, Rodrigo Castro wrote:
   Sorry for sending this message again and sorry for sending to
 devel (I don't know if I should). I really need your help, I tried
 everything I know and I can't make my Emacs work with END key, when it
 is in Xterm.

If you're using xterm 3.3.6-6, please be sure and read the Debian X FAQ.
There is a section about debugging key binding problems.


G. Branden Robinson| The greatest productive force is human
Debian GNU/Linux   | selfishness.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | -- Robert Heinlein |

Description: PGP signature


2000-04-02 Thread Brad
On Mon, Apr 03, 2000 at 12:11:36AM +0800, PASS MCSE wrote:
 Hi this email is talking about how to 
 pass mcse with least effort,if you want know more 

Yeah, i'm sure a large number of Debian users will want a MCSE...

That'll be $1999, please pay at the first window. Thank you, don't come

  finger for GPG public key.

Re: Set user ID on execution

2000-04-02 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 Can anyone explain this to me in plain english? Like, what the difference 
 is between chmod 4750 and  chmod 750 -- and how it effects the files' 
every user has an id, as you probably know.
if the file is executed normally (ie, permissions are 750), then the
program runs with the user id of the user, who started it, and thus has
the permissions to do the things, that the runner is able to do.
if the set-uid bit is set (ie, 4750), then the program's user id will be
set to the id of the user, who owns the file. so if the program file is
owned by root and it is set-uid, then the program will get root
permissions - no with regard to that, by whom it is executed.
that's the reason, why set-uid programs have to be done with special
care: they have potentially very much power.
basically the same applies to set-gid programs (ie, 2750), but here it is 
the group-id, which is set upon execution.
there are some details with real and effective user id-s, but that won't
interest you much.

 My fingers are obviously dangerous things..
yes - but that applies to all of us ... :-)


Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
Linux - the last service pack you'll ever need.

Re: Backspace acts like delete in X

2000-04-02 Thread Colin Watson
sam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I've heard that this was a commom Debian problem but Ive never
experienced it before. When in X my backspace key deletes to the right of
the cursor instead of the left. In console or in an xterm it's normal. I
can't seem to find anything to edit in /etc/X11/XF86Config to change
this. Any ideas (don't tell me to run xf86config again I'd rather just
know where the setting it)

Read /usr/doc/xfree86-common/FAQ.gz, searching for backspace.

When I experienced this problem it was partly because I was
unnecessarily running xmodmap (don't do this unless you really know your
way around) and partly because I didn't realize that adding my own
VT100.Translations entry in ~/.Xresources *overrides* the setting in
/etc/X11/Xresources/xterm, rather than adding to it.

Colin Watson   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Lots of foreign dwww files

2000-04-02 Thread Jesse Jacobsen
(Potato) I'm getting a lot of these when installing/updating packages:

warning: skipping foreign dwww file /usr/lib/menu/doc-base-gentoo at
/usr/sbin/install-docs line 276.

Something's wrong, but I don't know what!

Jesse Jacobsen, Pastor  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Grace Lutheran Church (ELS)
Madison, Wisconsin  GnuPG public key ID: 2E3EBF13

Re: fresh compile, unresolved symbols complaints

2000-04-02 Thread Paul J. Keenan
On Sun, Apr 02, 2000 at 03:33:21PM -0400, Jeff Gordon wrote:
  - message from George Bonser [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

  If so, did you possibly forget to move the old modules dir out of
  the way before installing the new modules? If you compiled some things
  into the kernel that used to be modules, modutils may still be trying to
  load the module and seeing the old module that was not built with the new
  kernel, you may be getting all kinds of unresolved symbols.
 (Ah so.)  Didn't forget, George; but never knew to do it. :-)  make
 modules doesn't cover it, then...?

If you use make-kpkg, the resulting debian kernel-image package will
warn you about exactly this and ask you if you want to abort the
installation to let you move it safely out of the way.

Debian packagers can make more informed decisions about the filesystem
arrangement than the kernel developers and this will always be the case,
so use the smart tools provided with debian to ease the brain strain.

Unless you're doing strange things to modify your kernel, I'd vote for


Re: Set user ID on execution

2000-04-02 Thread Brian Clark

Oswald Buddenhagen said:

 Can anyone explain this to me in plain english? Like, what the difference
 is between chmod 4750 and  chmod 750 -- and how it effects the files'

 every user has an id, as you probably know.
 if the file is executed normally (ie, permissions are 750), then the
 program runs with the user id of the user, who started it, and thus has
 the permissions to do the things, that the runner is able to do.
 if the set-uid bit is set (ie, 4750), then the program's user id will be
 set to the id of the user, who owns the file. so if the program file is
 owned by root and it is set-uid, then the program will get root
 permissions - no with regard to that, by whom it is executed.
 that's the reason, why set-uid programs have to be done with special
 care: they have potentially very much power.

OK, I understand the what you've said above, but give me an example. I have 
seen what happens when /bin/su is not setuid, but WHY does it have to be 
like that, and WHY does it do what it does when it's not setuid? I've seen 
a lot of other binaries in this predicament:

[root- /bin]% ls -l | grep rws
-rwsr-xr-x   1 root root20164 Apr 17  1999 login
-rwsr-xr-x   1 root root52788 Apr 17  1999 mount
-rwsr-xr-x   1 root root14804 Apr  7  1999 ping
-rwsr-x---   1 root wheel   13208 Apr 13  1999 su
-rwsr-xr-x   1 root root26508 Apr 17  1999 umount

Many more, of course..


sfm: unrecognized prefix

2000-04-02 Thread Herbert Ho
does anyone use sfm (graphical file manager) out there?  

for a while now it hasn't been working. i don't think any active
development is taking place either.

i get this error when i run it: 

   unrecognized prefix

i've grep'd through the source and it has to do w/ the colors.  is
this related to some setting or system behavior (which may have
changed) or something else?

using 1.0.6-2 on an unstable (woody) box.

thanks in advance,
