Re: Filtrado

2000-04-09 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez

El 08 Apr 2000 a las 02:02PM +0200, Antonio Beamud Montero escribio:
  Estoy intentando configurar un servidor para que solo permita acceso
  a internet a un subgrupo de ordenadores, el problema es que no estan
  en subredes, sino que serian las máquinas de la a la, para ello lo tendre que hacer con ip-chains ¿no?, y
  supongo que para cada una de las máquinas, o hay alguna manera de dar
  un rango de direcciones?, por más que he mirado no encuentro nada de
  eso, o tendria mejor que dividir la red en subredes tipo 192.168.1.x
  192.168.2.x, etc. 

Me temo que tendrás que hacerlo máquina a máquina. Igual un script que
establezca el permiso para un equipo y le llames sucesivas veces para cada
una de las IPs que te hagan falta.

  El router ademas de ip-masq tiene un proxy (squid), ¿con las reglas
  que establezca con ip-chains me vale para el proxy o tengo que
  restringir también en le proxy?... He leido que se puede hacer el
  proxy transparente, redireccionando al puerto del proxy las
  conexiones http... ¿Alguien lo ha probado?

Efectivamente, si los clientes configuran su navegador para usar como
proxy tu servidor, si no quieres que usen el squid, tendrás que tener
tambien filtrado para los paquetes que tengan como destino determinado
puerto (el de squid) y como ip la del servidor.

Por otra parte, si el proxy no tiene conexión permanente y usas diald para
establecerla, en diald puedes definir exactamente desde qué equipos
habilitas hacer marcado para conectar al exterior (accept) y desde cuales
mantienes el enlace activo o ignoras los paquetes (solo a efectos de
controlar el tiempo del enlace levantado).

  Perdón por tanta pregunta. 

¿Como que perdón? Para eso está la lista ¿no?


Andres Seco Hernandez - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Microsoft Certified Product Specialist MCP ID 445900
Debian GNU Linux 2.1 (slink) - Linux Registered User no. 113867
04/09   Lee surrenders to Grant at Appomattox Courthouse, 1865
04/09   ENIAC Project begun, 1943

Description: PGP signature

Re: Como todas las instalaciones que hago

2000-04-09 Thread Cosme P. Cuevas
El Fri, Apr 07, 2000,

 Acabo de instalar Debian Potato  con el netinst (a traves de
 la  red)  y  me  ha  pasado  lo  que  me  viene  succediendo
 ultimamente: NO TENGO PS.

A mi  en el  Contents de  la Potato que  me bajé  para hacer
consultas me dice  que está en el  paquete `procps' (Priority:
required), :-?


  Cosme P. Cuevas.oOo.GnuPG KeyID: 0A4305FB


Re: RV: Problema con S3 Trio 3D AGP.

2000-04-09 Thread Cosme P. Cuevas
El Fri, Apr 07, 2000,

 Tengo un problema de resolución en X windows, ...

 Por lo  que os  quiero preguntar  ¿que es  más conveniente?,
 utilizar un framebuffer o actualizar Xfree a una versión que
 soporte la tarjeta grafica, y como lo puedo realizar.

 Tarjeta grafica S3 Trio 3D AGP

Yo  tengo una  S3  Trio  3D/2X AGP,  y  con  la versión  3.3.6
trabajarás  la  mar  de  bien  con  el  servidor  SVGA.  Antes
utilizaba Framebuffer, bastante más lento.

Actualízate,   y  si   te   encuentras  alguna   pega  en   la
configuración, te paso la mia.


  Cosme P. Cuevas.oOo.GnuPG KeyID: 0A4305FB


Re: Problemas en la conexión a Internet

2000-04-09 Thread Cosme P. Cuevas
El Thu, Apr 06, 2000,

   Según leo, hace falta  ejecutar el pon, para inicializar
   el  script  de  conexión   (Tengo  un  modem  USRobotics
   Sportster  Message Plus  externo  que nunca  me ha  dado
   problemas con Win).

¿Y  porqué  no  pruebas  en   los  grupos  de  linux  haciendo
referencia directamente a tu modelo de modem?

Yo  he  solucionado  algunos problemas  gracias  a  respuestas
de  linuxeros con  el  mismo hardware,  y  no porque  tuviesen
los suficientes  conocimientos técnicos  sobre el  problema en
concreto. Sencillamente  consiguieron de una forma  u otra una
configuración funcional.

A  veces el  tema de  modems suele  tratarse de  la cadena  de
inicialización necesaria para ese modelo/marca...


  Cosme P. Cuevas.oOo.GnuPG KeyID: 0A4305FB


Red Ethernet con Debian

2000-04-09 Thread ADnoctum
Hola a todos,

Ya tengo una pequeña red ethernet de cuatro PC's con adaptadores
ethernet y un hub funcionando en guindos, pero quiero dejarlos
funcionando en Debian. ¿Cómo configuro los adaptadores y la red en 
sí? ¿Alguien conoce un buen HOWTO?


Microsoft reinventó la
rueda... como un cubo
Consigue tu dirección de email gratis y permanente en http://WWW.LETTERA.NET

[no subject]

2000-04-09 Thread Felipe Rojas Lopez

se reproduce el cd pero no se oye nada necesito el mezclador 
de sonidos, pero no se como conseguirlo, ya reinstale win98, se puede copiar 
estos archivos de alguna otra maquina, si es asi ojala me puedan 


Re: Help: Error cargando nuevo kernel

2000-04-09 Thread Antonio Castro
On Sat, 8 Apr 2000, Hue-Bond wrote:

 El s=E1bado 08 de abril de 2000 a la(s) 09:33:49 +0200, Antonio Castro cont=
 Pero que opcion es esa y como se mete eso en el disco de rescate de Debian=
 No localizo informacion sobre init= en ningún sitio. Se supone que ser?
 init igual a algo no ?
  Sí, init=/path/to/init,  pero tu problema es  otro. Había una
  página man con los parámetros del núcleo, pero no me acuerdo.
   VFS: Mounted root (minix filesystem).
   HPFS: hpfs_read_super: Not HPFS
   VFS: Mounted root (ntfs filesystem) readonly.
   change_root: old root has d_count=1
   Trying to umount old root ... okay
  Si no me equivoco, el nucleo está montando una partición, luego
  monta otra  y desmonta  la primera. Como  resultado, queda  con una
  partición NTFS como root donde evidentemente no hay ni /dev/console
  ni /sbin/init ni nada de nada.
  La solución rápida  es poner un núcleo sin soporte  NTFS o como
  módulo, que supongo que no es lo que quieres.

Pero porque hace eso. Se trata del disco de rescate resc1440.bin 
de la Debian 2.1  Se supone que debería montar el ramdisk y luego 
cargar el sistema de ficheros ROOT.bin en el ramdisk no ?

Si elimino el soporte para NTFS me ocurre otra cosa distinta.

  RAMDISK: Compressed image found at block 0
  VFS: Mounted root (minix filesystem).
  Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 03:01

  No se a que corresponde 03:01 pero parece que no quiere
  montar la partición raiz en el ramdisk.

  Just do it.
 David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]Linux 2.2.14 - Reg. User #87=
 lynx -dump | gpg --impor=
 t -
 Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spre=



/\ /\ Ciberdroide Informatica (tienda linux)
 _|0 0|_
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher !! Nueva direccion email !! |  
|  - - - -  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | 
(((Donde Linux)))

Re: Red Ethernet con Debian

2000-04-09 Thread Camilo Alejandro Arboleda
ADnoctum wrote:
 Ya tengo una pequeña red ethernet de cuatro PC's con adaptadores
 ethernet y un hub funcionando en guindos, pero quiero dejarlos
 funcionando en Debian. ¿Cómo configuro los adaptadores y la red en
 sí? ¿Alguien conoce un buen HOWTO?

Podrias comenzar por los siguientes(creo que el orden es el correcto):
Networking overview - HOWTO.
Ethernet - HOWTO.
Intranet-Server - HOWTO.

Si necesitas mas detalles acerca de un punto específico, puedes
consultar los mini-HOWTO'S que comienzan por IP - , el NIS y NFS. Bien,
ya irás mirando que necesitas.

Todos estos documentos se incluyen con Debian.

Camilo Alejandro.

* De simio la conoci y he visto hombres que la añoran.
* En lo que a mi se refiere, ni entonces ni ahora
* perdi mi libertad.
  Informe para una academia. Franz Kafka

RE: Help: Error cargando nuevo kernel

2000-04-09 Thread ADnoctum

El mensaje exacto es:

Warning: unable to open an initial console
Kernel panic: No init found. Try passing init= option to kernel.

Cualquier tipo de ayuda será bien recibida.

Hace tiempo leí un howto que te viene de maravilla. Se llama el Linux
BootDisk Howto, con una excelente sección de solución de problemas y
preguntas frecuentes.

Revisa el directorio /dev del root del disquete ¿Existe /dev/console?

Re: Como todas las instalaciones que hago

2000-04-09 Thread Agustin MuNoz
El vie, 07 de abr de 2000, a las 10:39:42 +0200,  GNFR  va y dice:

 Alguien me puede decir porque me pasa esto? En que paquete deb esta el
 PS? Tengo utilidades similares (pidof, kill, etc) pero PS no.

En el procps

Un Saludo.. ;-)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | |  Fido: 2:346/3.202

... El diablo sólo tienta a aquel con quien ya cuenta.

Re: ¿Debian en Linux-Expo ?

2000-04-09 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a

A todos los interesados... la próxima semana (es decir a partir del
lunes) sería bueno empezar a coordinarse, hacen falta varias cosas:

- voluntarios para estar en el stand ¿alguien lo ha solicitado?
(yo lo voy a hacer ahora)

- voluntarios para hacer cosas de merchandising Javi (vigu)
para Expo Linux hizo unos posters en A3 con el logo y trajo
fotocopias del WWW en castellano. 
Si se quiere dar documentación propongo que sea el www pero
necesito gente que mire si está actualizada o no (mirar las páginas de
coordinación en

Vamos a aprovechar los desarrolladores con eso de que viene Wichert
(el presi electo) para quedar para cenar, creo que es una buena oportunidad
para quedar todos y conocernos.. ¿qué os parece?


On Thu, Apr 06, 2000 at 10:49:02AM +0200, Daniel Payno wrote:
 Aquí, en el GUL, y a raíz de la carta abierta en barrapunto, estamos 
 si ir. Recuerdo que Jesús comentó que los de Linux Expo nos dejaban montar un
 stand de Debian y entrar gratis, y que hubo alguna gente que se ofreció...
 ¿Cómo está la cosa?
   Daniel PaynoGrupo de Usuarios de Linux
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Universidad Carlos III de Madrid 
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Off Topic: Chipset y AMD

2000-04-09 Thread Javier Fafián Alvarez
  Tengo encima de mi mesa un ordenador así:
  1 slot AMR (no se lo que es)
 Es un enchufe, para winmodems, wintarjetas de sonido y cosas asi.

Asique ahora se hacen las placas específicamente para Microsoft ?, hasta
dónde vamos a llegar ?
Esto debería estar prohibido por ley, de hecho acaban de condenar a
Microsoft por algo muy parecido, por no decir igual ...

Javier Fafián Alvarez

en un AMD-K6II a 350 con 64 Mb de RAM

Con  Linux Debian Potato (frozen)


2000-04-09 Thread Javier Fafián Alvarez
On 6 Apr 2000, David Muriel wrote:

 Desde hace algún tiempo me vienen apareciendo estos mensajes al hacer
 un `ps' o un `top':
 skywalker:~$ ps
 {sk_run_filter} {sk_run_filter_R__ver_sk_run_filter}
 Warning: /usr/src/linux/ does not match kernel data.
   273 pts/000:00:00 bash
   277 pts/000:00:00 ps
 Me empezaron a aparecer al actualizar de slink a potato. El kernel que
 estoy utilizando es el 2.2.14 y con slink no me salían estos
 mensajes. El `' sólo está en /usr/src/linux y el kernel es
 el último que compilé, es decir, que el `System-map' debería ser el
 que generó esa última vez.
 De todas formas no parece que pase nada raro por esto, pero molestan
 un poco estos mensajes. Además hace un rato han dejado de salir, pero
 al arrancar la máquina otra vez, han vuelto a salir.

El kernel busca el primero en el directorio /boot, donde
seguramente tendrás aún el antiguo, copia el que tienes en /usr/src a
/boot y se debería solucionar.
Espero ;)

Javier Fafián Alvarez

en un AMD-K6II a 350 con 64 Mb de RAM

Con  Linux Debian Potato (frozen)

Re: Ventana con consola en las X-window

2000-04-09 Thread Javier Fafián Alvarez
On Sun, 9 Apr 2000, Luis Arocha -data- wrote:
 He probado con xconsole y con rxvt -C, pero no consigo que me salga nada.
Nunca he usado nada de eso, porque soy de los de modo texto, pero si
quieres tienes que usar una convinación de w ( el comando que te dice
quién está conectado a a tu máquina y algo par mandarlo al xconsolo; sería
algo así :

w /dev/xconsole
usando antes
$ xconsole -file /dev/xconsole ...

Javier Fafián Alvarez

en un AMD-K6II a 350 con 64 Mb de RAM

Con  Linux Debian Potato (frozen)

Re: Help: Error cargando nuevo kernel

2000-04-09 Thread Hue-Bond
El domingo 09 de abril de 2000 a la(s) 10:08:00 +0200, Antonio Castro contaba:

Pero porque hace eso. Se trata del disco de rescate resc1440.bin 
de la Debian 2.1  Se supone que deber?a montar el ramdisk y luego 
cargar el sistema de ficheros ROOT.bin en el ramdisk no ?

 El núcleo que viene con el  disco de rescate hace eso (supongo,
 ya que  nunca lo vi  funcionar :^)) pero el  que compilas tú  no lo
 hace por alguna razón.

Si elimino el soporte para NTFS me ocurre otra cosa distinta.

  RAMDISK: Compressed image found at block 0
  VFS: Mounted root (minix filesystem).
  Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 03:01

  No se a que corresponde 03:01 pero parece que no quiere
  montar la partici?n raiz en el ramdisk.

 03:01  son los  major y  minor  numbers de  /dev/hda1. Son  los
 mismos valores que salen en un  'ls -l' y aparecen detallados en el
 devices.txt que supongo que ya conocerás.

$ ls -l /dev/hda1
brw---1 root disk   3,   1 abr  4  1999 /dev/hda1

 La razón  por la  que el núcleo  intenta montar  /dev/hda1 como
 root (incluso ya  teniendo una partición root montada)  es algo que
 desconozco, pero es la causa del problema.

 ¿Se puede  acceder de  alguna forma  al .config  con el  que se
 compiló el núcleo que va incluido en el disco de rescate?


 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]Linux 2.2.14 - Reg. User #87069
lynx -dump | gpg --import -
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Re: Off Topic: Chipset y AMD

2000-04-09 Thread Hue-Bond
El domingo 09 de abril de 2000 a la(s) 17:42:46 +0200, Javier Fafián Alvarez 

 Es un enchufe, para winmodems, wintarjetas de sonido y cosas asi.

Asique ahora se hacen las placas específicamente para Microsoft ?, hasta
dónde vamos a llegar ?

 Pero si eso  pasa desde hace un montón de  tiempo. Hará cosa de
 un año, vi  en una revista una  imagen típica del AMD  K6-2 y abajo
 estaba el  logotipo de la  odiosa ventanita con el  texto Designed


 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]Linux 2.2.14 - Reg. User #87069
lynx -dump | gpg --import -
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Re: Como todas las instalaciones que hago

2000-04-09 Thread Javier Fafián Alvarez
On Sun, 9 Apr 2000, Cosme P. Cuevas wrote:

 El Fri, Apr 07, 2000,
  Acabo de instalar Debian Potato  con el netinst (a traves de
  la  red)  y  me  ha  pasado  lo  que  me  viene  succediendo
  ultimamente: NO TENGO PS.
 A mi  en el  Contents de  la Potato que  me bajé  para hacer
 consultas me dice  que está en el  paquete `procps' (Priority:
 required), :-?
Probaste a instalar el paquete :-?
Javier Fafián Alvarez

en un AMD-K6II a 350 con 64 Mb de RAM

Con  Linux Debian Potato (frozen)

Re: Filtrado

2000-04-09 Thread Javier Fafián Alvarez
On 8 Apr 2000, Antonio Beamud Montero wrote:

 Hola a todos:
  Estoy intentando configurar un servidor para que solo permita acceso
  a internet a un subgrupo de ordenadores, el problema es que no estan
  en subredes, sino que serian las máquinas de la a la, para ello lo tendre que hacer con ip-chains ¿no?, y
  supongo que para cada una de las máquinas, o hay alguna manera de dar
  un rango de direcciones?, por más que he mirado no encuentro nada de
  eso, o tendria mejor que dividir la red en subredes tipo 192.168.1.x
  192.168.2.x, etc. 
  El router ademas de ip-masq tiene un proxy (squid), ¿con las reglas
  que establezca con ip-chains me vale para el proxy o tengo que
  restringir también en le proxy?... He leido que se puede hacer el
  proxy transparente, redireccionando al puerto del proxy las
  conexiones http... ¿Alguien lo ha probado?
  Perdón por tanta pregunta. 
  Gracias por adelantado.

Te recomiendo el IPCHAINS-HOWTO, tiene 60 páginas y cubre todos esos temas
de una forma clara y secilla, eso si, ipchains de por si es complicado.

Javier Fafián Alvarez

en un AMD-K6II a 350 con 64 Mb de RAM

Con  Linux Debian Potato (frozen)

Re: Off Topic: Chipset y AMD

2000-04-09 Thread Javier Fafián Alvarez
  Pero si eso  pasa desde hace un montón de  tiempo. Hará cosa de
  un año, vi  en una revista una  imagen típica del AMD  K6-2 y abajo
  estaba el  logotipo de la  odiosa ventanita con el  texto Designed
 Adonde hemos llegado :(.

Re: ¿Debian en Linux-Expo ?

2000-04-09 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On dom, abr 09, 2000 at 09:02:30 +0200, Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a wrote:
   Vamos a aprovechar los desarrolladores con eso de que viene Wichert
 (el presi electo) para quedar para cenar, creo que es una buena oportunidad
 para quedar todos y conocernos.. ¿qué os parece?

Tocayo: eres malo :-) ...
... me parece que me voy a quedar con los dientes largos esta vez :_-(((

Si necesitais ayuda a distancia... que ganas de estar alli.

Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webs: ViguLinux
PGP public key:

dhcp windows

2000-04-09 Thread Beavis

i am currently in the middle of setting up a dhcp 
for windows with
use of a dsl line
2 nic's
dhcpd-beta package

i was recently instructed by a friend to add the 
foolowing lines in etc/init.d/network
/sbin/ipfwadm -F -p deny
/sbin/ipfwadm -F -a m -S -D

i get the foolowing error
ipfwadm: setsocket failed: Protocol not 

do i need to recompile my kernel? 
using 2.0.38

RE: Where is KDE?

2000-04-09 Thread Pollywog

On 08-Apr-2000 22:29:16 J. Hartzelbuck wrote:
 I feel dumb for asking, but . . . where do I find a Debian package
 KDE? I have looked and looed. Obviously I'm looking in the wrong

deb potato contrib 

That is from my apt sources list.


shellutils on hurd

2000-04-09 Thread Hwei Sheng TEOH

I tried upgrading my woody system using apt-get, and I noticed that apt-get
produces the following strange output:

16 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 3 not upgraded.
Inst shellutils [shellutils on hurd]
Inst base-files [shellutils on hurd]
Inst lilo [shellutils on hurd]
Inst man-db [shellutils on hurd]

What does the [shellutils on hurd] mean??? I don't see how Hurd suddenly
comes into the picture, as I'm still using the Linux kernel??


Do not modify spaghetti code unless you can eat the consequences...

routing table

2000-04-09 Thread Beavis

what i want to do is add

gateway  genmask 
localnet* lo

when irun
route add lo

i get
* lo

i just want

how do i do 

Re: routing table

2000-04-09 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 what i want to do is add
 localnet *
use this:

route add -net localnet/8 lo

or something like that.

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
Linux - the last service pack you'll ever need.

Re: no wonder...

2000-04-09 Thread wganz
 You've not answered the question.

Apologies in advance for sending an attachment to a mailing list but didn't
want to delay in creating an HTML file.

This is based on what I saw for RedHat 6.1 for some of their screens.


attachment: dselect.jpg

route table

2000-04-09 Thread Beavis
doesn't work!

- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, April 08, 2000 5:16 PM

 In-reply-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (message
 Beavis on Sat, 08 Apr 2000 17:07:53 -0700)
 Subject: Re: routing table
 References:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 --text follows this line--
  i just want
 use netmask :
 route add netmask lo

 how many replies did you get ;-)

Re: routing table

2000-04-09 Thread Beavis
but localnet/8 is a unknown host

- Original Message - 
From: Oswald Buddenhagen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: debian list
Sent: Saturday, April 08, 2000 5:36 PM
Subject: Re: routing table

  what i want to do is add
  localnet *
 use this:
 route add -net localnet/8 lo
 or something like that.
 Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
 Linux - the last service pack you'll ever need.

RE: route table

2000-04-09 Thread Pollywog

On 09-Apr-2000 00:33:46 Beavis wrote:
 doesn't work!

Did you do 
'ifconfig lo netmask'   ?  (before the route add

documentation of win9x w/ linux dhcp server

2000-04-09 Thread Beavis

i am trying tohe set up a dhcp service that will 
utilize my gateway for an internet connection
i am using win 9x clients
so far i have set up 2 nic's
eth0, eth1
next i set up dhcpd-beta for use w/ multiple 
i added the correct scripts and got the dhcp 
service working
next i want to open a gateway for the all the ip's 
i am specifiying -
i added a script at the bottom of 
/etc/init.d/network as follows:
/sbin/ipfwadm-F -p deny
/sbin/ipfadm -F -a m 
-S -D

i seem to be errors thought otherwise everyting is 
suspost to work.

ipfwadm: setsockopt failed: Invalid 

where dou find info on firewall 
i think i need an 

anyone familiar w/ windows clients using a linux 
dhcp server to access the interent all on a single IP???

i am half way there incase there are any 
questions? just need a brilliant mind to finish the job!

Fw: routing table

2000-04-09 Thread Beavis

- Original Message -
To: George Bonser [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, April 08, 2000 6:32 PM
Subject: Re: routing table


 ~# ifconfig lo netmask
 ~# route add lo
 ~# route add netmak lo

 i just want to update my route table

 so i get:

 Destgatewaygenmaskiface * lo  (not what i

 the best i can get is w/ a submask
 how do i adjust the submask so i get not

 sorry about so many replies, but it should be simple

 - Original Message -
 From: George Bonser [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, April 08, 2000 6:20 PM
 Subject: Re: routing table

  yOn Sat, 8 Apr 2000, Beavis wrote:
  Then something in your description is not making sense.
  Please try to describe the problem again.

Sound problem after upgrading to woody

2000-04-09 Thread Jeronimo Pellegrini


  I was using potato with some woody packages (a lot of woody
  packages, actually), and decided to dist-upgrade. Everything went
  fine, but when I started X again, I had a sound problem:

  Sounds seem to have been truncated (they won't play for more than
  one second). Mostly gnome and enlightenment event sounds...

  What could have happened?

  Thank you,


Jeronimo Pellegrini
Institute of Computing - Unicamp - Brazil

IceWM in Gnome

2000-04-09 Thread Jonathan Markevich
I got IceWM and Gnome to play together nicely, after a lot of waiting and
updating...  one thing that bugs me is that it keeps creating windows at the
0,0 coordinate, right on top of my panel.  Any ideas how to make smart
placement, uh, smarter??


Jonathan Markevich [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What this country needs is a good five cent ANYTHING!

Alternative to dselect?

2000-04-09 Thread Jeronimo Pellegrini


  I've been following the thread on dselect, and... I'm pretty much
  new to Debian, so I don't feel yet comfortable suggesting...

  Anyway - for those who find dselect to be non-intuitive: did you try
  console-apt? I don't know if there are any problems with it, but...

  - It has a nice help screen (that I found to be much more helpful
  - thatn dselect's - although that's just an opinion);
  - If you hit tab on a package, you see all its dependencies;
  - It lets you go back to the previous state with a keystroke;
  - You may choose the order in which packages are shown;
  - Package status is shown using colors;
  - It shows progress in a very nice way, and lets you play a
ascii-based tetris-like game while you wait.

Well... that's it.
I just installed it, and found it to be really nice.


Jeronimo Pellegrini
Institute of Computing - Unicamp - Brazil

Re: documentation of win9x w/ linux dhcp server

2000-04-09 Thread Tim O'Brien
At 06:05 PM 4/8/00 -0700, you wrote:
   i am trying tohe set up a dhcp service that will  utilize my gateway for
an internet connection i am using win 9x clients so far i have set up 2
nic's eth0, eth1 next i set up dhcpd-beta for use w/ multiple  nic's i

I did something almost exactly like what you're doing, but I used the
floppyfw project (which I believe is based on Debian). I successfully got
it receiving DHCP from my provider, and serving DHCP to the clients
(Win95/98/NT and Linux). It works like a champ! If this sounds like
something you can use, you can find the project at:


Tim O'Brien 


The box said 'Requires Windows 95, NT, or better,'
   so I installed FreeBSD

As you slide down the banister of life,
   May the splinters never point the wrong way

Grub and Netscape 4.7

2000-04-09 Thread Alexandre Pereira da Silva
With lilo I can use map-drive to remap bios drives and boot Dos/Win on my
second hd. This can be done with grub? I have'nt found anything about this
on info page.

I had installed netscape 4.7 debian packages. After that I cannot compose
Latin-1 characters. Anyone can help me?

Version: 3.12
GCS d? s++:- a--- C+++ UL P+++ L E+++ W-- N+ o K- w---
O M- V- PS- PE-- Y PGP t 5 X+++ R* !tv b DI+++ D+
G e h++ !r y

Re: Alternative to dselect?

2000-04-09 Thread John Hasler
Jeronimo Pellegrini writes:
 Anyway - for those who find dselect to be non-intuitive: did you try

Yes, but dselect is what new users are faced with when they attempt to
install Debian.  it is what has earned Debian its reputation as the most
difficult distribution to install.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, Wisconsin

Re: Alternative to dselect?

2000-04-09 Thread Carl Fink
   Anyway - for those who find dselect to be non-intuitive: did you try
   console-apt? I don't know if there are any problems with it, but...

Well, here's what apt-get says:

Package console-apt has no available version, but exists
in the database. This typically means that the package
was mentioned in a dependency and never uploaded, has
been obsoleted or is not available with the contents of
sources.list E: Package console-apt has no installation

That's on a Potato system with sources.list showing only potato
Manager, Dueling Modems Computer Forum

Re: Alternative to dselect?

2000-04-09 Thread Jeronimo Pellegrini
:: On Sat, 8 Apr 2000 22:53:03 -0400, Carl Fink [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Anyway - for those who find dselect to be non-intuitive: did you try
 console-apt? I don't know if there are any problems with it, but...

 Well, here's what apt-get says:

   Package console-apt has no available version, but exists
   in the database. This typically means that the package
   was mentioned in a dependency and never uploaded, has
   been obsoleted or is not available with the contents of
   sources.list E: Package console-apt has no installation

 That's on a Potato system with sources.list showing only potato

Oops... sorry! I got it from woody. It's probably available in woody
only (I should have noticed this).


Jeronimo Pellegrini
Institute of Computing - Unicamp - Brazil

what happened to smpeg?

2000-04-09 Thread Maciej Kalisiak
It appears when I search for it on the Debian webpages, but when I go to
download it, it cannot be found...

Maciej Kalisiak | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | [McQ]
PGP-finger|www; (0x39AC36F5) 9F BB 9E 11 F0 1E 5D 20  0B 31 3D 37 47 D0 67 C7
GE/CS d- s++:+ a- C++(+++) ULAI++ P+++ L+++ E+++ W++ N- o? K? !w--- O- M- V--
PS PE+ Y+ PGP+ t+ 5 !X-- R+ tv-- b+ DI+ G+ e+++(*) h--- r+++ y? 

usb keyboard + mouse and xfree86

2000-04-09 Thread Kendall Shaw
Do you think it's possible to use usb keyboard + mouse in xfree? The
keyboard and mouse are unresponsive in XF86Config under 3.3.6.


Re: Need parameters for lance ethernet on install

2000-04-09 Thread Nun Yobiznez

Josh Kuperman wrote:

 The three AT-1500BT cards are configured as follows:
 Adapter 1: I/O-0x300,IRQ-5,DMA-5
 Adapter 2: I/O-0x320,IRQ-4,DMA-6
 Adapter 3: I/O-0x360,IRQ-3,DMA-7
 When I select lance as my internet driver it says
 no parameter
 information available so I'm guessing based on
 various things from
 the bootprompt howto I am guessing that the options
 on the line should
 be 5,0x300,0,0,eth0 reflecting IRQ-5, I/O address,
 probing for DMA
 and use the twisted pair connection instead of the
 coax, and use the
 card for eth0.  I also tried 5,0x300,eth0 in case
 the installed
 didn't need the rest.
 I see myself as having three options:

Dear Josh,
I, myself, had this same sort of problem with an
install on an Intergraph TD-3 90Mhz system. It comes
w/ an onboard AMD lance chip w/ TPO . It was not
But I love the box, so when doing a fresh install
(caused by a blitzed upgrade from slink to potato), I
would bang my head into the same wall. It was puzzling
too.According to a Doc I read, the lance is
supposed to be one of the best supported chips for
The resolution was this...
I first (after drivers had been loaded), used the
Alt+F2 method to get a term while installing and used
the 'insmod' and 'modprobe' to try to address the card
from outside the install, but this would give me 
Device or resource busy when returning to the
install if I could load the chip.
If I remember correctly, When I got to the parameter
line entry part of the install for that chip I
: and that seemded to work (finally) after puzzling
those values from motherboard jumpers documentation
and the software BIOS utility. The AMD supplied DOS
diagnostic refused to see the chip. Those values I
used at the term as I said above until I could find
the correct sytax the command wanted. Then went back
to the install and tried them until I could get it to
recognize the card. The hanging during the installs
modprobe could be cured by doing Ctrl+C (or maybe Z)
w/o killing the entire install and even though the
install term was hanging I could Alt+F2 (F3,F4,etc.)
to try different values and then go back to the
install modprobe, kill it, and try the newly
discovered syntax until it worked.
Setting up eth0 was a breeze w/ SLINK [2.0.36](or
maybe beginners luck was responsible) but I got it
to install the 1st time after I supplied parameters.
The fresh install of POTATO [2.2.14] was a B*TCH! But
well worth it though. 
My advice comes from those experiences w/ ONE chip/
card, so take them for what they may be worth
concerning a HAMM install w/ 3. I would suggest that
you start w/ A card and then add the others after
install (an interesting procedure I hear from the
lists, but not impossible w/ the correct info)but
this, again, is IMO.
I hope it helps you.


|-Why? Why not? Why not try?-|
The rule of an inquisitive mind.

Why?  Why not?  Why not try?
The rule of an inquisitive mind.

Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

xfstt question

2000-04-09 Thread john smith
I have managed to install xfstt and xfs since I can verify them using (both 
as root and user accounts)
$fslsfonts -server unix/:7100 fslsfonts -server/:7101. /etc/init.d/xfs or 
xfstt restart works properly. my problem is when trying to verify them using 
xlsfonts | grep ttf so that the server sees all of them..but it does'nt see 
any fonts what could be the problem?

Get Your Private, Free Email at

Networking weirdness

2000-04-09 Thread Guyren G Howe
Trying to network my Debian 2.2/Corel Linux box to my [EMAIL PROTECTED] cable 

No trouble getting my Mac and my Windows box to talk to the modem, but the
same settings fail on my Linux box.

The thing is, I'm pretty sure everything is set right on my Linux box. Apart
from them all being the same as the settings on my other computers, I can
turn the activity light in my modem on by trying to ping the gateway.

Furthermore, I'm reasonably confident about my understanding of how to set
up networking in Linux, because I can get Linux talking to my other two
computers just fine, including setting up Windows 98 as my NAT service
(shudder!) for Linux.

On top of all that, the cable modem has a 10.x.x.x address, and I have no
trouble pinging it, and I can set up Windows 98 as the gateway just fine.

So here's the question: what could my Linux box possibly be doing so that it
can talk to my PC, my Mac, my cable modem, my PC as its gateway, but not
ATT's cable modem gateway? I'm pretty sure that it's something about how
Linux is trying to talk to the gateway.

An alternative question that might help is: I understand how to use route
and ifconfig to set this stuff up, but what sort of IP diagnostics are
available to me to work out what's wrong?

Re: ipopd and ~/mail/mbox

2000-04-09 Thread Jaldhar H. Vyas
On Mon, 3 Apr 2000, aphro wrote:

 I am switching my systems over to using ~/mail/mbox instead of
 i configured procmail to deliver mail to ~/mail/mbox and configured pine
 to look to ~/mail/mbox but i cant seem to get imapd or ipopd from pine
 4.21 to look there. and there seems to be very little documentation on
 any ideas? im gonna look into other pop3 packages and test compadiblity
 maybe qpopper would be better(with my mailbox formatting whatever ipopd
Are you using imapd/ipopd from the upstream pine distribution or the
(unofficial) debianized version?

imapd and ipopd is based on the c-client library.  The mbox driver in
c-client uses $HOME/mbox by default.  You will have to recompile it to use

The debian libc-client4.7 package has instructions for doing so in


Re: Alternative to dselect?

2000-04-09 Thread Kent West
Jeronimo Pellegrini wrote:
 :: On Sat, 8 Apr 2000 22:53:03 -0400, Carl Fink [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Anyway - for those who find dselect to be non-intuitive: did you try
  console-apt? I don't know if there are any problems with it, but...
  Well, here's what apt-get says:
Package console-apt has no available version, but exists
in the database. This typically means that the package
was mentioned in a dependency and never uploaded, has
been obsoleted or is not available with the contents of
sources.list E: Package console-apt has no installation
  That's on a Potato system with sources.list showing only potato
 Oops... sorry! I got it from woody. It's probably available in woody
 only (I should have noticed this).
 Jeronimo Pellegrini
 Institute of Computing - Unicamp - Brazil
Wow! I just installed it and it looks MUCH nicer than dselect. However,
after marking something for installation, how do you actually tell capt
to install it? Neither the man pages nor the help screen indicated this
(or at least I didn't see it).

my nmap have problem..

2000-04-09 Thread Á¦¥JBBQ
always reply:
Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (0 hosts up) scanned in 1 second

  +--^--,,,--^-,    __
  | |   `'|O @# )__)
`\_,-,-,---'  #@
  / XX /'| | //'
 / XX /  `\_\   //'
/ XX /`=='   OO7 Tomorrow Never Dies
   / XX /
  / XX /

Re: xfstt question

2000-04-09 Thread Lehel Bernadt
On Sun, 09 Apr 2000, john smith wrote:
 I have managed to install xfstt and xfs since I can verify them using (both 
 as root and user accounts)
 $fslsfonts -server unix/:7100 fslsfonts -server/:7101. /etc/init.d/xfs or 
 xfstt restart works properly. my problem is when trying to verify them using 
 xlsfonts | grep ttf so that the server sees all of them..but it does'nt see 
 any fonts what could be the problem?

Did you set up the xfstt font directory ?
(or : have you RTFM ?)

RE: no wonder...

2000-04-09 Thread Lehel Bernadt
On Sat, 08 Apr 2000, Christian Pernegger wrote:
 What I don't like about apt/dselect is how they treat packages locally
 compiled from source tarball. I couldn't find an option to really ignore
 dependencies and do what I say.
 Specifically, if I want esound-alsa but have compiled the ALSA
 drivers/libs/utils myself, neither dselect nor apt let me install it
 because it depends on some ALSA packages. Now, there is a [Q] option
 explained in the conflict resolution screen which should retain the exact
 state I select - only it doesn't work as expected or even
 1) It drops me back at conflict resolution, with its suggestions
 selected again
 2) The main menu appears. If I select install, it wants to remove all of
 Perhaps I could get the deb manually and install via dpkg and a few force
 options, but that's hardly optimal...
 A package state that tells the package managers that the functionality of
 this package is provided locally, treat it as if it was installed

Why don't you debianize the package or create a fake one that provides the
debian-package equivalent of what you locally installed ?

Re: no wonder...

2000-04-09 Thread Brad
On Sat, Apr 08, 2000 at 08:34:23PM +0200, Christian Pernegger wrote:
 A package state that tells the package managers that the functionality of
 this package is provided locally, treat it as if it was installed

Look into the equivs package. Or, dive into the docs and see how to make
a [empty] package (you really only need 4 or 5 files and a few

 An option to reset the selection status of all packages to their actual

As you know, dselect displays three status fields to the left of the
package name. 'R' (that's an uppercase R) will reset the selection
status to that of the middle indicator. By pressing 'ooO' (or some
number of upper and lowercase o's), you can get the package listing
sorted by only status (the leftmost indicator). Using '+' on the
Installed packages line, '-' on the Removed packages line, and '_'
on the Purged packages line will reset everything to the state of the
leftmost indicator (modulo any conflicts, deal with them appropriately).

  finger for GPG public key.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Alternative to dselect?

2000-04-09 Thread Kent Nyberg

When i installed debian slink last week all i did was select the
preselected packages for a normal computer with gcc, X and those things.
What is so hard about that?
And when i wanted to install  something.. like aumix, i just ran apt-get
install aumix  from the cdrom.
I do not realy see the hardness in those things..

For a beginner who do not know a bit on unix programs.. those
preselected things are probably the best thing.

Go ahead and ask a windows geek if he/she would prefer windowmaker or
afterstep..   you wont get a good answere :)

So, as a pretty normal beginner on linux, i would say that it's not that
hard to install debian, the information is just a bit badly written
I did not see that preselected things after a few tries :)

On 8 Apr 2000, John Hasler wrote:

 Jeronimo Pellegrini writes:
  Anyway - for those who find dselect to be non-intuitive: did you try
 Yes, but dselect is what new users are faced with when they attempt to
 install Debian.  it is what has earned Debian its reputation as the most
 difficult distribution to install.
 John Hasler
 Dancing Horse Hill
 Elmwood, Wisconsin
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: usb keyboard + mouse and xfree86

2000-04-09 Thread Ron Rademaker
USB is not supported in the 2.2.x kernels, however it is supported in the
2.3.x (I don't know in any version, but the newer ones support usb). You
should try a 2.3 kernel.


On Sat, 8 Apr 2000, Kendall Shaw wrote:

 Do you think it's possible to use usb keyboard + mouse in xfree? The
 keyboard and mouse are unresponsive in XF86Config under 3.3.6.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: my nmap have problem..

2000-04-09 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 always reply:
 Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (0 hosts up) scanned in 1 second

try: nmap -sS -P0 target

if you're trying to scan localhost, then you must have loopback enabled,
of course.

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
Linux - the last service pack you'll ever need.

Re: Mutt questions (Was: Looking for a good mail program)

2000-04-09 Thread Brendan Cully
On Saturday, 08 April 2000 at 01:07, Viktor Rosenfeld wrote:
 Brendan Cully wrote:
   - Can Mutt automatically move incoming mail into different folders?
  sort of. usually that's done with procmail. but you could probably use
  the push command and folder hooks to move things when you open your
  spool. I personally use procmail on my IMAP server.
 Ahh, this I don't quite understand.  I always donwloaded my mail from a
 POP3 server, and then had Netscape sort it into various inboxes.
 I thought, that I would now use fetchmail to get my mail from the POP3
 server (actually from more than one) and have it all appended to my
 mailbox in /var/spool/mail and the MUA would then process it
 appropriatly.  So where does procmail come into the game?

either your MTA calls it to do local mail delivery after fetchmail
hands off its messages to it, or fetchmail can run it directly with,
IIRC, the mda option. I think debian may use procmail automatically
for at least some MTAs, so you could try just creating a .procmailrc
to see if it works. Otherwise you can use a .forward which pushes
things through procmail...

I'm no procmail expert, though.

Re: Mutt questions (Was: Looking for a good mail program)

2000-04-09 Thread Robin M. Stephens
On Sun, Apr 09, 2000 at 07:17:47AM -0400, Brendan Cully wrote:
 either your MTA calls it to do local mail delivery after fetchmail
 hands off its messages to it, or fetchmail can run it directly with,
 IIRC, the mda option. I think debian may use procmail automatically
 for at least some MTAs, so you could try just creating a .procmailrc
 to see if it works. Otherwise you can use a .forward which pushes
 things through procmail...

I just got all this going so it is fresh in my mind.

Install exim for an mta
Install procmail
Install fetchmail
Install mutt

fetchmail gets mail, hands it to exim.
exim checks for a ~/.procmailrc file and if it exists, hands mail to procmail
procmail sorts mail into mboxs in ~/Mail

It was painless and quick to set up.


Re: Alternative to dselect?

2000-04-09 Thread Jeronimo Pellegrini
:: On Sun, 09 Apr 2000 02:15:13 -0500, Kent West [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

 Oops... sorry! I got it from woody. It's probably available in woody
 only (I should have noticed this).
 Jeronimo Pellegrini
 Institute of Computing - Unicamp - Brazil
 Wow! I just installed it and it looks MUCH nicer than dselect. However,
 after marking something for installation, how do you actually tell capt
 to install it? Neither the man pages nor the help screen indicated this
 (or at least I didn't see it).

Er... The help screen says:

[-] Functions
  [+] c   Complete pending install/removals
  [+] Backspace   Complete pending install/removals


Jeronimo Pellegrini
Institute of Computing - Unicamp - Brazil


2000-04-09 Thread Kerstin Hoef-Emden

Hi to all,

why does pppconfig save the nameserver entries in a separate file
/etc/ppp/resolv and not as reported in /etc/resolv.conf? 
Will it cause trouble, I delete the file in /etc/ppp/?





Re: Mutt questions (Was: Looking for a good mail program)

2000-04-09 Thread Steve Lamb
On Sun, Apr 09, 2000 at 09:38:27PM +1000, Robin M. Stephens wrote:
 I just got all this going so it is fresh in my mind.
 Install exim for an mta
 Install procmail
 Install fetchmail
 Install mutt
 fetchmail gets mail, hands it to exim.
 exim checks for a ~/.procmailrc file and if it exists, hands mail to procmail
 procmail sorts mail into mboxs in ~/Mail
 It was painless and quick to set up.

Thing is there is an unneeded step in there.  Exim doesn't need a delivery
agent (procmail) not does it need a filter program (procmail) since both are
build in.  One could just use Exim for both of those so the path would be
fetchmail - exim - mutt.

 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

apt-get problem

2000-04-09 Thread Bill
Hi all,
can someone tell me what is to be done to fix this problem.

deb unstable main contrib non-free
deb stable non-US

debian:~# apt-get update

Err stable/non-US Packages
  Could not resolve ''
Err stable/non-US Release
  Could not resolve ''
Err unstable/main Packages
  Could not resolve ''
Err unstable/main Release
  Could not resolve ''
Err unstable/contrib Packages
  Could not resolve ''
Err unstable/contrib Release
  Could not resolve ''
Err unstable/non-free Packages
  Could not resolve ''
Err unstable/non-free Release
  Could not resolve ''
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
W: Couldn't stat source package list '
unstable/main Packages'
386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)
W: Couldn't stat source package list '
unstable/contrib Packages'
y-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)
W: Couldn't stat source package list '
unstable/non-free Packages'
ry-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)
W: Couldn't stat source package list ' stable/non-US
nary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)
W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these missing files

Re: ppp

2000-04-09 Thread John Hasler
Kerstin writes:
 why does pppconfig save the nameserver entries in a separate file
 /etc/ppp/resolv and not as reported in /etc/resolv.conf?

When ppp comes up the dynamic-dns script in /etc/ppp/ip-up.d copies
/etc/resolv.conf to a safe place and replaces it with the appropriate file
from /etc/ppp/resolv (you can have a different file for each of several
ISP's).  When ppp goes down the dynamic-dns script in /etc/ppp/ip-down.d
copies the saved /etc/resolv.conf back.  

It occurs to me that this may not be exactly how we want it to work with
demand dialing.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

install imp ?

2000-04-09 Thread Bill
Hi all,
I have a problem with installation of imp.

1 packages not fully installed or removed.
Need to get 0B of archives. After unpacking 0B will be used.
Setting up imp (2.2.0-1.pre11.1) ...
dpkg: error processing imp (--configure):
 subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 10
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

Re: Java IDE

2000-04-09 Thread Martin Bishop
 Have you ever run Forte on Debian systems? I have looked at it on Sun's
 website. The doc says that to run it you'd need a powerful system (P.
 III). The IDE is distributed on .rpm format, the size is about 9M. I was
 wondering whether Forte would eat up so much CPU power; does it so? Any
 experience with it? Any hope to run it on P 133?
 Thanks in advance.

Hi Oki,

I've tried Forte on a Celeron 450 with 128MB using Sun's
JDK 1.2.2 and it is slooow. 

On WinXX it is much better, still a bit slow, but you can
work comfortably.

If you must use a Java IDE in Linux, may I suggest JBuilder.
It's a bit faster than Forte.


Re: apt-get problem

2000-04-09 Thread Ron Rademaker
Looks like your dns isn't working the way it should.


On Sun, 9 Apr 2000, Bill wrote:

 Hi all,
 can someone tell me what is to be done to fix this problem.
 deb unstable main contrib non-free
 deb stable non-US
 debian:~# apt-get update
 Err stable/non-US Packages
   Could not resolve ''
 Err stable/non-US Release
   Could not resolve ''
 Err unstable/main Packages
   Could not resolve ''
 Err unstable/main Release
   Could not resolve ''
 Err unstable/contrib Packages
   Could not resolve ''
 Err unstable/contrib Release
   Could not resolve ''
 Err unstable/non-free Packages
   Could not resolve ''
 Err unstable/non-free Release
   Could not resolve ''
 Reading Package Lists... Done
 Building Dependency Tree... Done
 W: Couldn't stat source package list '
 unstable/main Packages'
 386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)
 W: Couldn't stat source package list '
 unstable/contrib Packages'
 y-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)
 W: Couldn't stat source package list '
 unstable/non-free Packages'
 ry-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)
 W: Couldn't stat source package list ' stable/non-US
 nary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)
 W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these missing files
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

pon and normal users.

2000-04-09 Thread Kent Nyberg
How can i let normal users run pon?
It would be much easier if a normal user can use those nice looking 
pon applets for gnome.
Now they have to su and then run pon :(

Exim doubt

2000-04-09 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Hi Debian users,
I have an exim mail server installed and I want to:
Limit each user e-mail account in 3 Mb.
Is it possible to do with Exim?

Paulo Henrique B de Oliveira - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Support Consultant
Linux Solutions -
O Linux - O maior e melhor site de Linux do Brasil -

Re: Exim doubt

2000-04-09 Thread Christopher Splinter
* Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I have an exim mail server installed and I want to:
Limit each user e-mail account in 3 Mb.

Use quotas.

We need killfiles that actually *kill*.
   [Sven Guckes in nsr]

RE: pon and normal users.

2000-04-09 Thread Pollywog

On 09-Apr-2000 16:08:17 Kent Nyberg wrote:
 How can i let normal users run pon?
Add the users to the dip group in /etc/group
That should do it.


Re: pon and normal users.

2000-04-09 Thread John Hasler
Kent writes:
 How can i let normal users run pon?

Put them in the 'dip' group.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Console text editor with text/enriched support?

2000-04-09 Thread Wojciech Zabolotny
Hi All,

I'm looking for the SMALL (ie. not emacs :-) ) console mode with
the text/enriched support, which could be integrated with mutt.
Is such a beast in debian available?
Wojciech Zabolotny  Use Linux - save your data and time

Re: Help--language problem

2000-04-09 Thread Richard Klinda
Hoi Steve!

  Steve I can't change my keyboard in to from English to other
  Steve language in Debian (slink) with Gnome. I need spanish as I
  Steve write lots in that language.  I go through all the correct
  Steve steps going to panel , properties, etc and I have a nice old
  Steve Spanish flag on the taskbar. 

You're talking about the GNOME KeyBoard Applet right? In this case,
right click on the applet - properties. Select Xmodmap instead of Xkb
at the Program field. I hope it'll help.

psychologist, n.:
Someone who watches everyone else when an
  attractive woman walks into a room.

sending mail / exim problems

2000-04-09 Thread ktb
I'm making my first attempt at running electronic mail.  I have exim,
fetchmail and mutt installed.  Right now I'm attempting to send mail.  From
what I understand exim is the program that sends the mail out from mutt.
Anyway when I try to send mail to my local isp this is some of the error
messages I get in /var/log/exim/mainlog:
Start queue run: pid=10633
12eIpD- jo-00 == [EMAIL PROTECTED] T=local_delivery defer (-
6): mailbox /var/spool/mail/fkent has wrong uid or gid

12eIpD- jo-00 Frozen

12e8Iw-Zy-00 == [EMAIL PROTECTED] T=local_delivery defer (13
): Permission denied: failed to chdir to /root
End queue run: pid=10633

12eJLJ-0002pK-00 ** [EMAIL PROTECTED] R=lookuphost T=remote_
smtp: SMTP error from remote mailer after MAIL FROM: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
SIZE=1432: host
[]: 501 [EMAIL PROTECTED]... Sender domain must exist


I don't know exactly what this means but it seems to me that somehow mutt or
exim is sending out the host name of my computer and the mail is rejected by
my isp.  I've looked through the /etc/exim.conf file (I used the default
example file) and the .muttrc file and don't see how this all works.  How
can I get around this problem?  How can I change the sender domain and have
it be valid?

Re: want only 1 lp

2000-04-09 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: want only 1 lp
Date: Sat, Apr 08, 2000 at 03:00:24PM -0700

In reply to:Kenneth Scharf

Quoting Kenneth Scharf([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
Kenneth I have 3 lp cards in my computer at dos addresses
Kenneth lpt1, lpt2, and lpt3.  I only want the one at lpt1 to
Kenneth be attached to the lp driver(s).  I want the other two
Kenneth ports free for my own software.  I am running potato

I only use one lp port for debian.  As the 2.2.x and above kernels
have renumbered the ports (lp1 now is lp0) I have this in my lilo.

append  = hdd=cdrom lp=parport0 parport=0x378,none

The ',none' is to ignore IRQ's, thus freeing up an IRQ for other

 Wayne  WA1BBB
 N 42 32.776
 W 74 41.201
Real programmers don't comment their code.  It was hard to write, it
should be hard to understand.

Re: Sound problem after upgrading to woody

2000-04-09 Thread Florian Bartels

I' have installed a new woody some time ago but I have the same
problem now.
(it worked fine for a long time)

Florian Bartels [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Uptime:1 hours ** Its now 18:44 
One if by LAN, two if by C.

Re: Sound problem after upgrading to woody

2000-04-09 Thread Jeronimo Pellegrini
:: On Sun, 9 Apr 2000 18:47:28 +0200, Florian Bartels [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

 I' have installed a new woody some time ago but I have the same
 problem now.
 (it worked fine for a long time)

Did you upgrade some gnome, enlightenment or sound packages? If you
did, then this could be a bug... (Or not?)

 Florian Bartels [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Uptime:1 hours ** Its now 18:44 
 One if by LAN, two if by C.

Jeronimo Pellegrini
Institute of Computing - Unicamp - Brazil

Re: swat man pages

2000-04-09 Thread FreeMan
my inetd.conf already ends like this:
   swat  stream  tcp nowait.400  root /usr/local/samba/bin/swat swat
   #off# swat stream  tcp nowait.400  root   
/usr/sbin/tcpd  /usr/sbin/swat

I've tried to connect via browser and http://netbios-name:901 and 
also http://ip-adress:901, but I always get a dns-error.
Do I have to delete this off from the inetd.conf to get it work?

Date sent:  Sun, 09 Apr 2000 10:28:38 +0200
From:   Alexander Gretencord [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:Re: swat man pages

 FreeMan wrote:
  can anybody tell me where to get the man-pages of swat or any
  instructions to configure it. Because I've downloaded and installed
  swat and all needed packages, but it doesn't work yet. It surely
  has to be run as a deamon (or not?), but at the moment it is not.
  Or If it's just a small thing to to get it running, perhaps anybody can
  tell me what I've got to do.
 Just put a line like this into your inetd.conf
 swat  stream  tcp nowait.400  root /usr/sbin/swat swat
 Give it a HUP and then connect to with your


RE: no wonder...

2000-04-09 Thread Christian Pernegger
  A package state that tells the package managers that the functionality of
  this package is provided locally, treat it as if it was installed

 Why don't you debianize the package or create a fake one that provides the
 debian-package equivalent of what you locally installed ?

Ah, I should have known there is a proper way to do this. This had briefly
occured to me, but I've never ever created a package... any pointers besides ? Something more in HOWTO
style, perhaps?

However, these are developers' solutions - don't you think this should be
possible on the user level?

Or is there a script just to create such fakes? Have I just RT wrong FMs?


RE: no wonder...

2000-04-09 Thread Christian Pernegger
  A package state that tells the package managers that the functionality of
  this package is provided locally, treat it as if it was installed
 Look into the equivs package. Or, dive into the docs and see how to make
 a [empty] package (you really only need 4 or 5 files and a few

Ok, gonna try...

  An option to reset the selection status of all packages to their actual
 As you know, dselect displays three status fields to the left of the
 package name.


 'R' (that's an uppercase R) will reset the selection
 status to that of the middle indicator.

I wasn't clear on as to what exactly it resets to - thanks!

 By pressing 'ooO' (or some
 number of upper and lowercase o's), you can get the package listing
 sorted by only status (the leftmost indicator). Using '+' on the
 Installed packages line, '-' on the Removed packages line, and '_'
 on the Purged packages line will reset everything to the state of the
 leftmost indicator (modulo any conflicts, deal with them appropriately).

Should do. Thank you very much.

(Still a bit ... tedious, though)


how do I upgrade Netscape to 128 bit version

2000-04-09 Thread Rupe

The Debian packages currently available to install Netscape 4.72 contain
the binary themselves.  The binary they contain is the weak encryption
binary.  I have looked around for one of the old-style packages that
would look for the binary in /tmp, but can't find one.

How can I replace the netscape that is installed by these packages with
the 128bit strong encryption one?

I tried to do this by hand once before and broke Netscape quite

-- Which binary should I download from Netscape, glibc I assume?

I am using Debian-potato; kernel 2.2.12


Broke sound when upgrading a number of packages

2000-04-09 Thread Rupe

I was upgrading a number of packages the other day and broke my sound
installation.  As I upgraded a number of things at once, I am not
exactly sure which one broke my sound config.

I suspect it was Enlightenment Sound Daemon, as that was the only sound
related package.  Uninstalling this package did not help.

I have an Creative AWE 64 Soundblaster card.  I am using the 2.2.12
kernal, and have compiled sound as a module.  (I recompiled the modules
and recreated the device files already - didn't help)

When I look at dmesg, it is complaining that the parameters for my sound
card are not set when the module is loaded
Soundblaster audio driver Copyright (C) by Hannu Savolainen 1993-1996
sb_card: I/O, IRQ, and DMA are mandatory

These are set in my kernel config, and it used to work.

Does anyone know what is happening here, or where I can put those
parameters to fix the problem?  Can I pass them as parameters to the
module when it is loaded somehow?


Re: Alternative to dselect?

2000-04-09 Thread John Carline
Kent Nyberg wrote:

 When i installed debian slink last week all i did was select the
 preselected packages for a normal computer with gcc, X and those things.
 What is so hard about that?
 And when i wanted to install  something.. like aumix, i just ran apt-get
 install aumix  from the cdrom.
 I do not realy see the hardness in those things..

 For a beginner who do not know a bit on unix programs.. those
 preselected things are probably the best thing.

 Go ahead and ask a windows geek if he/she would prefer cut


Hum! Isn't that an oxymoron?  ;-)

Seriously though the dselect/apt option is about as powerful as it comes. It 
would save
a beginner a lot of time if he/she learned it well.  You can remove, add, and 
as many packages as you want at the same time. If you have trouble with 
downloading and
only get part of each file downloaded, It doesn't care. It picks up where it 
left off.
If you update the packages list halfway through the process, no problem. 
knows what is already downloaded and works from there. If you change your mind 
through an upgrade you can put as many packages on hold as you like and 
completes the upgrade on the remainder.

Dselect/apt is GOD (whooops.. make that deity)  ;-)



Powered by the Penguin

Re: how do I upgrade Netscape to 128 bit version

2000-04-09 Thread Tom Pfeifer
You can do it by installing the fortify packages listed below. Fortify
will modify the existing binary to add the 128 bit encryption. They are
in the non-us distribution:

fortify 1.4.6-0.1   
fortify-linux-x86   1.4.6-0.1  

If you use apt-get, you can add a line like below to
/etc/apt/sources.list, and then run 'apt-get update', and then 'apt-get
install fortify fortify-linux-x86' to install the packages. From there
read the fortify documentation...the procedure is straight forward.

deb potato/non-US  main contrib


Rupe wrote:
 The Debian packages currently available to install Netscape 4.72 contain
 the binary themselves.  The binary they contain is the weak encryption
 binary.  I have looked around for one of the old-style packages that
 would look for the binary in /tmp, but can't find one.
 How can I replace the netscape that is installed by these packages with
 the 128bit strong encryption one?
 I tried to do this by hand once before and broke Netscape quite
 -- Which binary should I download from Netscape, glibc I assume?
 I am using Debian-potato; kernel 2.2.12

RE: how do I upgrade Netscape to 128 bit version

2000-04-09 Thread Pollywog

On 09-Apr-2000 18:48:29 Rupe wrote:
 The Debian packages currently available to install Netscape 4.72
 the binary themselves.  The binary they contain is the weak
 binary.  I have looked around for one of the old-style packages
 would look for the binary in /tmp, but can't find one.
 How can I replace the netscape that is installed by these packages
 the 128bit strong encryption one?
 I tried to do this by hand once before and broke Netscape quite
 -- Which binary should I download from Netscape, glibc I assume?
 I am using Debian-potato; kernel 2.2.12

I thought the installer was *just* an installer used to install the
binary you obtain from Netscape.  You need to obtain the binary that
is *not* for export, that is the 128bit strong encryption version.

There is another way to do this, and this is how I did it.
I obtained Fortify and installed it, and that made my 40bit
encrypted version into a 128bit.



2000-04-09 Thread Marek Andricik

I have the problem with the apache_1.3.9-12_i386.deb package. Before the latest
upgrade I did not experienced the problem. I have .cgi programs in directories
which are directly there or symlinked. 

After upgrade .cgi programs stopped working. In the error logfile there is this
error message. 

[Sun Apr  9 18:16:43 2000] [error] [client] Premature end of scr
ipt headers: /home/andricik/public_html/works/test.cgi
When I put test.cgi in /var/www or directly in public_html it is OK. Even
in subdirectory it's OK. But if test.cgi is in the directory symlinked
(like the works directory above) it fails. 

When I renamed public_html to Html (which I used to use for years without
any problems) it does not work at all, does not matter if the directory is
symlinked or not. 

Downgrading to apache_1.3.9-10_i386.deb. helped. I don't know if -11 has
also the same problem. Any idea?

Marek Andricik
  ,:||:,:||:,  Marek Andricik iRC Nevedko PhD student 70|'0109 |'037
  ':||:':||:'  ..fIdelIty.paradoX..thE.bIgger.hearT.thE.leSSer.spaCE.iN.IT..

Re: how do I upgrade Netscape to 128 bit version

2000-04-09 Thread Pollywog

On 09-Apr-2000 17:53:49 Tom Pfeifer wrote:
 You can do it by installing the fortify packages listed below.
 will modify the existing binary to add the 128 bit encryption. They
 in the non-us distribution:
 fortify 1.4.6-0.1   
 fortify-linux-x86   1.4.6-0.1

That is what I did, though I did not know Debian packages existed for


Re: swat man pages

2000-04-09 Thread Alexander Gretencord
FreeMan wrote:
 my inetd.conf already ends like this:
swat  stream  tcp nowait.400  root /usr/local/samba/bin/swat 
#off# swat stream  tcp nowait.400  root   
 /usr/sbin/tcpd  /usr/sbin/swat
 I've tried to connect via browser and http://netbios-name:901 and
 also http://ip-adress:901, but I always get a dns-error.
 Do I have to delete this off from the inetd.conf to get it work?

Everything beginning with # in inetd.conf is ignored so _yes_ you gotta
remove '#off#' from it. Then give inet a HUP

killall -HUP inetd

Then try again to connect to port 901 with your Brwoser. Use the IP
Address not the Netbios Name !


Urgent: serial trouble.

2000-04-09 Thread Hans
On my P200 slink box /proc/tty/driver/serial says:

0 uart: 16550A  port: 3F8  irq: 4  baud: 57600  tx: 64  rx: 130

On my P120 Corel/slink box /proc/tty/driver/serial says:

0 uart: 16550A  port: 3F8  irq: 4  baud: 9600  tx: 0  rx: 0

Obviously my 33.6 modem works on P200, but not on P120 (DTR led doesn't
light up).

I can't figure out how to change this (setserial??? I don't have an
/etc/init.d/setserial file :-(. I need to take the P120 box with me on the
road tomorrow (to win some Linux souls), so could someone enlighten me
please. Tnx --hans

Re: swat man pages

2000-04-09 Thread esoR ocsirF
On Mon, Apr 10, 2000 at 01:00:05AM +0800, FreeMan wrote:
 my inetd.conf already ends like this:

swat  stream  tcp nowait.400  root /usr/local/samba/bin/swat 
#off# swat stream  tcp nowait.400  root   
 /usr/sbin/tcpd  /usr/sbin/swat
 I've tried to connect via browser and http://netbios-name:901 and 
 also http://ip-adress:901, but I always get a dns-error.
 Do I have to delete this off from the inetd.conf to get it work?
I just set up swat last night, I can access it via the web with no
problem. All I did was to remove the #off# comment. ActuallI just put
the cursor on the s in swat and hit return, effectively removing the
comment from the front of the line. HTH

Frisco Rose By any other name, I would smell the same
E.O.U. Student  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (541) 962-2987

Science Journal Ed. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
EOU Hoke Center 307 (541) 962-3787
La Grande, OR. 97850

Re: ppp

2000-04-09 Thread Kerstin Hoef-Emden

Hi John,

On 9 Apr 2000, John Hasler wrote:

 Kerstin writes:
  why does pppconfig save the nameserver entries in a separate file
  /etc/ppp/resolv and not as reported in /etc/resolv.conf?
 When ppp comes up the dynamic-dns script in /etc/ppp/ip-up.d copies
 /etc/resolv.conf to a safe place and replaces it with the appropriate file
 from /etc/ppp/resolv (you can have a different file for each of several

Does that mean, if I have a local network configured with my machine
being a local nameserver, that it ceases to function as such, when I
start to dial in? :-/ 

(I had a look: In /etc/resolv.conf the entry is indeed gone

BTW, it looks like the ppp-dialin is a little bit unstable. I generally
have to dial twice or even three times to establish a line. Sometimes
the dialing does not work. Sometimes there seems to be a negociation
problem and the line is shutdown after some send/receive flickering of
the LEDs. What might be the problem? What do the EchoReq and EchoRep in
/var/log/debug mean? 





Re: apache_1.3.9-12_i386.deb

2000-04-09 Thread Ron Rademaker
I guess you should use cgi-bin to store al your cgi's, you can set which
one to use in /etc/apache/some kind of file


On Sun, 9 Apr 2000, Marek Andricik wrote:

 I have the problem with the apache_1.3.9-12_i386.deb package. Before the 
 upgrade I did not experienced the problem. I have .cgi programs in directories
 which are directly there or symlinked. 
 After upgrade .cgi programs stopped working. In the error logfile there is 
 error message. 
 [Sun Apr  9 18:16:43 2000] [error] [client] Premature end of 
 ipt headers: /home/andricik/public_html/works/test.cgi
 When I put test.cgi in /var/www or directly in public_html it is OK. Even
 in subdirectory it's OK. But if test.cgi is in the directory symlinked
 (like the works directory above) it fails. 
 When I renamed public_html to Html (which I used to use for years without
 any problems) it does not work at all, does not matter if the directory is
 symlinked or not. 
 Downgrading to apache_1.3.9-10_i386.deb. helped. I don't know if -11 has
 also the same problem. Any idea?
 Marek Andricik
   ,:||:,:||:,  Marek Andricik iRC Nevedko PhD student 70|'0109 |'037
   ':||:':||:'  ..fIdelIty.paradoX..thE.bIgger.hearT.thE.leSSer.spaCE.iN.IT..
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

RE: no wonder...

2000-04-09 Thread Lehel Bernadt
On Sun, 09 Apr 2000, Christian Pernegger wrote:
  Why don't you debianize the package or create a fake one that provides the
  debian-package equivalent of what you locally installed ?
 Ah, I should have known there is a proper way to do this. This had briefly
 occured to me, but I've never ever created a package... any pointers besides ? Something more in HOWTO
 style, perhaps?

AFAIK there are 2 packages that can help you to
create debs: dh-make and debmake. For dh-make there is a tutorial at For debmake you can read the docs in
 However, these are developers' solutions - don't you think this should be
 possible on the user level?

But how do we define user level ? If you had installed the system and you
are managing it, then you aren't a simple user anymore.
Besides, creating a package is not so hard as it seems.

 Or is there a script just to create such fakes? Have I just RT wrong FMs?

The  equivs package can help you to create these provides-only

Re: sending mail / exim problems

2000-04-09 Thread Mike Werner
On Sun, Apr 09, 2000 at 10:44:58AM -0500, ktb wrote:
 I'm making my first attempt at running electronic mail.  I have exim,
 fetchmail and mutt installed.  Right now I'm attempting to send mail.  From
 what I understand exim is the program that sends the mail out from mutt.

That is correct.

 Anyway when I try to send mail to my local isp this is some of the error
 messages I get in /var/log/exim/mainlog:
error messages snipped
 I don't know exactly what this means but it seems to me that somehow mutt or
 exim is sending out the host name of my computer and the mail is rejected by
 my isp.  I've looked through the /etc/exim.conf file (I used the default
 example file) and the .muttrc file and don't see how this all works.  How
 can I get around this problem?  How can I change the sender domain and have
 it be valid?

It is indeed a header problem.  Your system hasn't yet been told
how to rewrite the message headers to match what your ISP wants
to see.  This is done in your /etc/exim.conf file.  The section that
controls header rewrite is at the very end of the sample file.
Here's that portion from my /etc/exim.conf:


# End of file

The username on my box here is mike  And reznaeous is my username
at Earthlink.  So the two lines here rewrite the message headers
to reflect that.  The 'bcfrF' at the end of each line controls which
header lines to rewrite - in this case it's pretty much *all* of
the header that gets rewritten.

And that should get you at least on track.  If you need any further
explanation, let me know and I'll see what I can do.
Mike Werner  KA8YSD   |  Where do you want to go today?
ICQ# 12934898 |  As far from Redmond as possible!
'91 GS500E|
Morgantown WV |  Only dead fish go with the flow.

Re: Do I need modify lilo.conf after install new kernel image ?

2000-04-09 Thread Alex Kwan

After I using dpkg -i to install kernel image
Do I need modify the /etc/lilo.conf to config the system to use this new


Linux only sees half my RAM

2000-04-09 Thread sam
ok, First let me say that I do NOT use lilo so don't tell me edit
lilo.conf. I boot with loadlin, have 128mb of RAM but Linux sees only 64mb
of it. When I type free it says:

 total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem: 64352  62512   1840  26848   4452  27016
-/+ buffers/cache:  31044  33308
Swap:   131000   1688 129312

I am using kernel 2.2.14


Re: swat man pages

2000-04-09 Thread Peter Wintrich
On Sat, 8 Apr 2000, FreeMan wrote:

 can anybody tell me where to get the man-pages of swat or any 
 instructions to configure it. Because I've downloaded and installed 
 swat and all needed packages, but it doesn't work yet. It surely 
 has to be run as a deamon (or not?), but at the moment it is not.
 Or If it's just a small thing to to get it running, perhaps anybody can 
 tell me what I've got to do.

you must have any like this:


in your /etc/services and 

swatstream  tcp nowait.400  root/usr/sbin/swat swat

in your /etc/inetd.conf

and type:

in your browser.

man swat works fine for additional information :-)

Peter Wintrich

[*] GDB question

2000-04-09 Thread maths
hello everybody:

i wrote all function in a .h file, and include it in a mian
file, then cc -g ... late i use gdb to debug, when i use 
command list, it just list the code in main file, how can
i list the codes in .h file, so i can inset a break point or
something else?
by the way, where can i find good tutorial of GDB?

thank you verymuch!

zhang  xiaolei
Department  of   mathematics  
GuangZhou  Normal University  

running shell in emacs

2000-04-09 Thread sgaerner

I've got a problem with emacs. When I run M-x shell all escape characters for
setting colors in ls are expanded. That looks a little strange...
I'm running potato and emacs 20, my shell is bash.

Does anyone have an idea how to solve this?


Please reply only to
Date: 09-Apr-2000
Time: 17:34:32

2nd REQUEST: slink and /usr/share/man/

2000-04-09 Thread Pann McCuaig
I recently went to look something up and found my dpkg man pages had
gone missing. A brief search found them under /usr/share/man/.

I have dpkg which I got from

deb slink-update main

There are other packages I've obtained from unofficial sites that have
deposited their man pages under the /usr/share/man/ tree.

I assume this is because they were converted from potato to slink, and
that man pages in potato have moved from /usr/man/ to /usr/share/man/.

What I need to know is: is there a proper way to tell man to look for
man pages in /usr/share/man/ _in addition_ to the places it normally

My RTFM-ing would seem to indicate that /etc/manpath.config is the
proper place. The MANDATORY_MANPATH mapping is obvious, but I'm
concerned about the MANPATH_MAP mapping. There are no many-to-one
mappings in the current file. Is it proper to have both the following

MANPATH_MAP /usr/bin/usr/man
MANPATH_MAP /usr/bin/usr/share/man

And what to do about /var/catman/ ?

geek by nature, Linux by choice L I N U X   .~.
The Choice  /V\ of a GNU  /( )\
Generation ^^-^^

geek by nature, Linux by choice L I N U X   .~.
The Choice  /V\ of a GNU  /( )\
Generation ^^-^^

Re: [*] GDB question

2000-04-09 Thread Ben Collins
On Mon, Apr 10, 2000 at 03:45:31AM +0800, maths wrote:
 hello everybody:
 i wrote all function in a .h file, and include it in a mian
 file, then cc -g ... late i use gdb to debug, when i use 
 command list, it just list the code in main file, how can
 i list the codes in .h file, so i can inset a break point or
 something else?
 by the way, where can i find good tutorial of GDB?
 thank you verymuch!

Most people do not put functions on a .h file. That is where headers go
(function and global declerations).

If you want to do this right, put those functions either in the main.c, or
even better:

move them all to it's own .c file, and make the .h only contain function
declerations of those functions, then compile like so:

gcc -g -c main.c -o main.o
gcc -g -c util.c -o util.o
gcc main.o util.o -o myprogram

Then you can debug the program (-g ensures debugging code is included as
you probably already know). You can set the break point by line number in

/  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux   \

fetchmail / s10/

2000-04-09 Thread ktb
I just tried using fetchmail in the 'check'  mode fetchmail -c and got the following error:

skipping poll of, s10/ down

I'm using the example ~/.fetchmailrc file.  Within that file there is an

interface s10/  #SLIRP Standard Address

I don't know what these numbers refer to.  Do I need to change these
numbers?  I can't find any numbers similar to these in my isp documentation.
What I can gather from the net SLIRP is a TCP/IP emulator which turns a
shell account into a (C)SLIP/PPP account via modem.  I'm not sure what to
do with this.

Re: want only 1 lp

2000-04-09 Thread Kenneth Scharf
In reply to:Kenneth Scharf

Quoting Kenneth Scharf([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
Kenneth I have 3 lp cards in my computer at dos
Kenneth lpt1, lpt2, and lpt3.  I only want the one at
lpt1 to
Kenneth be attached to the lp driver(s).  I want the
other two
Kenneth ports free for my own software.  I am running

I only use one lp port for debian.  As the 2.2.x and
above kernels
have renumbered the ports (lp1 now is lp0) I have this
in my lilo.

append  = hdd=cdrom lp=parport0 parport=0x378,none

The ',none' is to ignore IRQ's, thus freeing up an IRQ
for other
I tried the above but it does not seem to work.  See
the output of dmesg when my kernel boots. (attachment)
Note that lp0, 1 and 2 are still attached.

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Description: lphelp

  1   2   >