Re: preocupacion: por falta de configurabilidad

2000-04-29 Thread Ismael Canales
El Fri, Apr 28, 2000 at 12:35:02PM +0200, 2070718 dijo:
 Hace algun tiempo instale las Xf 4 y me kede un poco preocupado pq no se 
 podian ajustar los modelines como en las series 3xx siendo esta  posibilidad 
 una gran ventaja que con un poco de esfuerzo da grandes resultado como:
 -modos de video nuevos (pej 224x256 genial para el snes9x)

Ondia... :-O
Sería mucho pedir que conpartieses esa maravilla de modeline...

 -menos parpadeo de la pantalla (subiendo el clock...)

Humm, esto es imprescindible, debe de poder ajustarse de alguna forma,
un 1026x768 a 60 hz es horrible.

( Pregunta seguramente chorra ) ¿ No estarás usando el fb server con el
fb vesa ? 

Un saludo...


Fdo: Ismael Canales Luis

Description: PGP signature

Re: Duda sobre lilo

2000-04-29 Thread Ismael Canales
El Sun, May 21, 2000 at 07:48:45AM -0500, ADnoctum dijo:
  o Usa la última versión de LILO, que ignora el número de cilindros
y es capaz de arrancar cualquier cosa desde cualquier cilindro.
 Y alguien sabe de dónde la puedo bajar

¿ freshmeat ?  ( )
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


Fdo: Ismael Canales Luis

Description: PGP signature

Viajar a Europa por solo $ 450.- ?

2000-04-29 Thread Addmyweb

En esta página,
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Re: Viajar a Europa por solo $ 450.- ?

2000-04-29 Thread Julian Armando Mena Zapata
Ojala le aplique las cosas que van por ley (US$1999)
On Fri, 28 Apr 2000, Addmyweb wrote:

En esta página,
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Re: Filosofia de Debian.

2000-04-29 Thread Antonio Castro
On Fri, 28 Apr 2000, =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Javier_Fafi=E1n_Alvarez?= wrote:

 Las distribuciones en Cd que es lo que reclama la gente son un añadido, no
 entra a formar parque de el porqué de existir de Debian, son como algo que
 se hace porque la gente se reclama, pero no es algo a lo que se le de
 importancia, punto este que diferencia esta distribución de las demas
 obstensiblemente ...

Creo que el esfuerzo de sacar una distribución es enorme pero los 
objetivos que se consiguen con ello son muchos. Yo me encuentro entre
los que opinan que una distribución en CDs es importante y una 
estabilización cada 6 a 8 meses sería deseable. Quizas opine esto
porque efectivamente no comprenda bien la filosofía de Debian pero
podría ser al revés. Podría ocurrir que la perdida de una versíon en
CDs y la desaparición de puntos de estabilización conduciera a una
situación que nadie en Debian desea. Muchas veces no se hecha de menos
algo hasta que se pierde totalmente. Enumerar ventajas e inconvenientes 
no serviría de nada porque se pone demasiado sentimiento en estas cosas.

Proliferan cada vez más y más distribuciones de Debian. La inmensa
mayoría comerciales creo. Esto situa a Debian en una posición 
privilegiada.  Debian continuará siendo la mejor distribución de 
software libre por mucho tiempo y eso garantiza su éxito haga lo que haga.
Por una parte estará Debian y por otra estarán las demás que no tienen 
nada que ver. Debian lo sabe y por eso hay muchas cosas que no preocupan
a Debian.

 En fin Ya está bien de rollo, pero creo que hablar de la filosofia de
 Debian es algo importante, si la gente la comprendiese todo iria mejor ...
 creo :)

Estoy de acuerdo pero quizas la compresión no deba venir solo de una

Creo que cada vez es más necessario que aparezca una nueva distribución
100% libre de Linux que se apoye en el trabajo realizado por Debian y
que cubra los espacios que a Debian no le interesan. Está muy claro que
Corel ni ninguna distribución comercial van a dar una respuesta adecuada
a una amplia parte de la comunidad Linux que necesitada de ciertas facilidades
y comodidades que no son objetivos prioritarios en Debian. Bueno en el caso
de Corel ocurre que la comunidad Linux no parece interesarles gran cosa o
no han entendido nada sobre software libre. El crecimiento de Linux en
número de usuarios es enorme. Al parecer duplica cada años y los novatos
ahora mismo lo tienen cada vez más crudo con Debian. Por eso digo que ojalá
surja una nueva distribución que sea totalmente libre pero que no deje de
lado a más del 50% del los usuarios potenciales de Linux. El 50% de los
usuarios de Linux no conocían Linux hace un año y eso continuará así e 
incluso puede aumentar. Hay que añadir a los usuarios que sin ser novatos
no tienen buena conexion a red también estan discriminados.

Una distribución basada en Debian 100% libre y enfocada a su facilidad
de uso e instalación arrasaría completamente. Incluso sería un negocio
increible si alguien decidiera hacerlo en plan negocio.



/\ /\ Ciberdroide Informatica (tienda linux)
 _|0 0|_
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher !! Nueva direccion email !! |  
|  - - - -  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | 
(((Donde Linux)))

Re: Diccionario inglés-castellano ?

2000-04-29 Thread Santiago Romero
El vie, 28 de abr de 2000, a las 09:52:33 +0200, Javier Fafián Alvarez dijo:
 Me preguntaba si alguno de ustedes conoceria algún diccionario de
 inglés-castellano, yo tengo uno, el qi2c, pero es en modo gráfico, sobre
 qt encima !, y me gustaría saber si conoceis algo que rule en modo texto (
 yo soy tope modo texto ) :)

 sipe el qi2e (espero que te refieras a ese) es la version QT de uno
 llamado i2e que incluye i2e e mira este ultimo:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] sromero]$ [-re] [palabra]

 Por defecto traduce del ingles al castellano con una busqueda bruta.
 Con -r traduce del castellano al ingles.
 Con -e hace una busqueda exacta


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] sromero]$ -r bicicleta

 bicycle : bicicleta
 bike : bicicleta

 ¿Donde conseguirlo? En la pagina del autor: (hay paquetes debian :).

 nos vemos!
Si algo puede fallar, fallará (Murphy).

|  NoP / Compiler  --   nop @ |
|  POWERED BY - Linux RedHat 6.0  -  Reg. User #74.821  |
|   |

Nueva pagina de Linux de S. Romero.

2000-04-29 Thread Santiago Romero

 Ademas de mantener mi página personal en la dirección habitual, , he creado una nueva página que
 espero sea algo más organizada y de fácil acceso y a la que voy
 a ir incorporando todo aquello que vaya escribiendo a partir de

 En concreto he metido entre otras cosas todos los tutoriales que
 escribí en las news (slrn, mutt, vim, screen, etc.), la Guía
 Básica de Linux, muchisimos enlaces, etc.

 Espero que os sea util e interesante...

Si algo puede fallar, fallará (Murphy).

|  NoP / Compiler  --   nop @ |
|  POWERED BY - Linux RedHat 6.0  -  Reg. User #74.821  |
|   |

Unidentified subject!

2000-04-29 Thread Javier Fafián Alvarez

Saludos !

mi numero de firma para Drivers para linux es:00056845
pasaros por:

Javier Fafián Alvarez 
en un AMD-K6II a 350 con 64 Mb de RAM
Con  Linux Debian Potato (frozen) kernel 2.2.14

Re: Filosofia de Debian.

2000-04-29 Thread Javier Fafián Alvarez
On Sat, 29 Apr 2000, Antonio Castro wrote:
 Estoy de acuerdo pero quizas la compresión no deba venir solo de una

Si yo estoy contigo, no me gusta en estos aspectos la filosofian de
Debian, pero lo que digo es que no la van a cambiar porque no tienen
ninguna motivación, si de lo que se trata es de hacer otra distribució
basada en Debian, de acuerdo, y si es rentable me apunto y vamos a medias

Saludos !

Javier Fafián Alvarez 
en un AMD-K6II a 350 con 64 Mb de RAM
Con  Linux Debian Potato (frozen) kernel 2.2.14

Re: mkfs.msdos

2000-04-29 Thread Pedro Guerreiro
On Wed, Apr 26, 2000 at 08:05:32PM +, Nivaldo A. P. de Vasconcelos wrote:

 O programa de diagnostico/correcao  foi taxativo: erro 0258, procurar o

O meu também deu isso! Já procuras-te suporte? O que é que eles disseram?

Pedro Guerreiro  UIN: 48533103
Universidade do Algarve (EST) - Campus da Penha - 8000 Faro - PORTUGAL
GPG: 0xCF32D4E7F506 DDF4 0B92 247D B8E6   13BA A6DB 9E3A CF32 D4E7

Re: .debs da Xlib com patches do Quinot dispon?veis para download

2000-04-29 Thread Pedro Guerreiro
On Fri, Apr 28, 2000 at 01:46:42PM -0300, Eduardo Marcel Macan wrote:

 ainda estão engatinhando, e em terceiro o pacote do XFree tem que ser 
 modificado para compilar duas versões da Xlib, a com patch e a sem patch,

Uh? Mas porque é que é necessário duas versões? A versão compilada com o
patch não funciona bem com o LC_ALL=C?

Pedro Guerreiro  UIN: 48533103
Universidade do Algarve (EST) - Campus da Penha - 8000 Faro - PORTUGAL
GPG: 0xCF32D4E7F506 DDF4 0B92 247D B8E6   13BA A6DB 9E3A CF32 D4E7

Boot-floppies em Português da Potato - Andamento

2000-04-29 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
- Acentuação... Pronto, fiz as modificações necessárias no código 
fonte do dbootstrap e inclui as fontes de tela para suportar os 
conjuntos de caracteres LATIN1. Todos os acentos aparecem 
corretamente (ãÃÀàá ao invés de aAaae).

Inicialmente inclui os idiomas pt e es como idiomas com suporte ao
charset Latin-1 com suporte a acentuação. 

- Enviei um bug com prioridade important ao bug Tracking explicando
sobre a necessidade dos usuários Brasileiros pela 
inclusão do mapa de teclados EUA juntamente com a correção do 
mapa ABNT2 (se o mapa de teclados não estiver incluso no pacote, não
posso também inclui-lo no sistema de instalação). Se o maintainer tiver
que mexer no pacote para incluir o mapa ABNT2 corrigido, porque não
incluir um novo mapa também ;-)

Se isso não for incluido pelo maintainer do console-data na versão
oficial,  gero os boot-floppies em Português com uma versão própria do

Estou fazendo agora uma nova instalação de teste com os boot-floppies
2.2.12, e ainda existem algumas mensagens 
não traduzidas. Mas é muito agradável ler sua partição swap não foi
configurada do que sua partiçao swap nao foi configurada :-) Vou ter
mais tempo nesta semana para corrigir estes detalhes e outros nas

Gleyson Mazioli da Silva

Re: Is a cryptic password always necessary?

2000-04-29 Thread kmself
On Thu, Apr 27, 2000 at 06:49:02PM -0800, Ethan Benson wrote:
 On Fri, Apr 28, 2000 at 09:21:43AM +0700, Oki DZ wrote:
  BTW, does anyone use MD5 for /etc/shadow? I'd like to use it, but how do
  migrate from crypt() to MD5? I don't think that just changing the entry
  in the config file (/etc/login.conf?) would be sufficient.
 if your using slink changing /etc/login.conf is all it takes, but you

Ok, and for those of us using Potato?  I don't have an /etc/login.conf.

...or does that make me:

 if your using PAM then sprinkle `md5' after any password line in the
 /etc/pam.d/* files (login, ssh, passwd..)

Karsten M. Self   http:/
What part of Gestalt don't you understand?
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595  DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Re: Simple mouse question....

2000-04-29 Thread kmself
Which X config section?  There are a number of different utilities,
among them xconfigurator (command line), XF86Setup (graphical), and
others.  Don't sweat it, you can always change the setting later.

If you've got a mouse with a small, round, 9-pin connector, you've got a
PS/2 mouse.  If it's got a wheel in between the two buttons, it's
probably a Microsoft IntelliMouse (the labling should make this clear).
Both plug in to the PS/2 port.

The PS/2 setting should work with both types.  An IntelliMouse will be
somewhat more functional if used with teh IntelliMouse setting.

On Fri, Apr 28, 2000 at 04:37:19PM -0500, Ron Stordahl wrote:
 I am installing potato and am in the X configuration section where I am
 asked to specify a mouse protocol type.
 Of the choices these 2 make sense:
 4   PS/2 Mouse
 9   Microsoft IntelliMouse
 Actually it is both, but that's not a valid choice.  By choosing 9 will I be
 selecting a serial port rather than a PS/2 port?
 I am stalled...
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Karsten M. Self   http:/
What part of Gestalt don't you understand?
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595  DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

POP3 using SSH

2000-04-29 Thread Sven Burgener

I tried fetching mail using fetchmail in conjunction with SSH. My setup is as 
follows: (replaced original FQDN)

poll via localhost port 1234 with proto pop3:
preconnect ssh -f -L sleep 20 
/dev/null /dev/null;

This corresponds to the what the man page tells me to do. Using this exact 
setup, I get a parse error at user, which is the line following the above 
one. I don't know how to correct this. May someone show me their [working] 


Mouse not working in X

2000-04-29 Thread Richard Ingram

I'm using the out of the box VALinix/SGI/Gnu Debian at work, I installed X
and it will not work with the logitech mouse, you have to play with gpm and
X and get the right combination, I installed it at home about 3mnths ago and
got my Logitech trackball working OK. Trouble is I have forgoten what it was
I did and I need to know, I would boot up my machine at home but I have
since changed my graphics card and need to reinstall Debian as it auto boots
into X. I'm sure I found the solution on the web somwhere but it seems to
have gone. Anyone know the correct solution, is it gpm -R and /dev/gpmdev in
X or somesuch ?

Thanks for any help.


Re: hacked? - ftp

2000-04-29 Thread Alvin Oga

On Fri, 28 Apr 2000, w trillich wrote:

 so if telnet is relatively secure, how about ftp? which server
 do y'all'uns recommend for best security?

replace telnet with secure telnet ( many flavors .. say ssh )

use sftp(client) and sftpd(daemon) for secure ftp xfers

c ya

Re: new perl dependencies

2000-04-29 Thread Jaye Inabnit ke6sls
   Hello Ian,

I ran into same problem last night during up update. Running potato now
and so I figured I would update a few times a week. Last night, it was
KDE for me. one screen then back to dependency back and fourth.
Finally, I used the Q to force it and it worked. Don't know much about
dselect, so I hope I didn't break anything in the process. Good luck!

On Fri, 28 Apr 2000, Ian Zimmerman wrote:
 When I run dselect last night, there was a bunch of important packages
 that had been upgraded.  One of them was perl-5.005-doc.
 I accepted all the suggestions, but when I was ready to exit selection
 mode and start downloading, I was thrown into a conflict/dependency
 screen with just perl-5.005 and perl-5.005-doc.  And no matter what I
 did, dselect threw me into that screen again and again.  I had to
 force my way out with an `x'.
 Everything seems to run for the moment, but I am shaken.  Is this some
 kind of circular dependency among the packages involved?  Can it be
 Ian Zimmerman
 Lightbinders, Inc.
 2325 3rd Street #324, San Francisco, California 94107
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


M.J. Inabnit, KE6SLS e-mail  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
707-442-6579 h/m 707-441-7096 p 12741145
This mail composed with kmail on kde on X on linux warped by debian
If it's stupid, but works, it ain't stupid.

Web address for list archive

2000-04-29 Thread Matthew Quigley

Where can I find an archive to debian-user?



Re: Xproblem - modelines [try a different IRQ]

2000-04-29 Thread Dan Halbert
Earlier this week there was a discussion of trying to get an S3
graphics card to work with XFree86 and getting only black screens
after startx.

I had reported that some people said that S3 cards and LX motherboards
didn't mix. I had given up on this combination, though I didn't
understand why this particular S3 card worked in one of my
LX motherboards but not the other.

I even bought a new-used Matrox Millennium to substitute for the
S3 card, and mysteriously that -too- gave only black screens, even
though it worked on the other LX.

Then I figured out the issue:

  On the working LX box, the BIOS assigned the video card to IRQ
  11, as IRQ 9 was taken by a modem.

  On the black-screen LX box, IRQ 9 was free, and the BIOS assigned
  IRQ 9 to the video card.

  In the BIOS setup, I forced IRQ 9 to be unavailable for PnP, and
  the video card got IRQ 11. Presto! The Matrox Millennium now
  works! (Presumably the S3 card probably would too.)

Perhaps this is due to the special treatment IRQ 9 sometimes gets
for VGA purposes (something I don't really understand.)

So if you are getting black screens and your card is using IRQ 9,
try forcing to to something else.

Dan Halbert

Re: Web address for list archive

2000-04-29 Thread Colin Watson
Matthew Quigley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Where can I find an archive to debian-user?

Linked straight off the Debian home page, has archives of all the Debian
mailing lists.

Colin Watson   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: .deb for the latest version of lilo? any ideas?

2000-04-29 Thread Colin Watson
John Stevenson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
It would be great if the latest version of lilo could be droped into
the potato boot flopies,

There's a thread on debian-devel about this. There doesn't seem to be
much opposition to the idea, so if the release manager agrees I guess
it'll make it in.

How about a 'potato service pack' if everything is fixed in potato??

There's also been talk about this, and with the history of multiple
releases of slink it's a strong possibility. I hope the release cycle
for woody will be a lot shorter than that for potato, though.

Colin Watson   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Installing lp in potato..

2000-04-29 Thread Kenneth Scharf

When selecting the device driver module for lp (line
printer) in potato 
get this error:

/lib/modules/2.2.14/misc/lp.o: init_module: Device or
resource busy
/lib/modules/2.2.14/misc/lp.o: insmod
/lib/modules/2.2.14/misc/lp.o: insmod lp failed.

Installation failed.

The lp support in potato (2.2.x kernels) has been
split into two parts.  You need to load parport_pc.o
and lp.o (in that order) or it won't work.  Any io or
irq parms must be specified to parport_pc.o and the
parport# specified to lp.o  Drove me batty for a while
trying to get the lp driver(s) to grab only one of my
three parallel ports.

Amateur Radio, when all else fails!

Debian Gnu Linux, Live Free or .

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RE: General Protection Fault

2000-04-29 Thread C. Falconer
Are you sure the K6 hasn't been over clocked by some bastard salesman ?

From:   Ron Rademaker[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Monday, 24 April 2000 5:57 AM
Subject:General Protection Fault

How do I solve a General Protection Fault (Oops = 0002), I get it when I
boot with the rescue disk, when trying to install (right after mounting
the root filesystem (RAM)) it gives the errors, and ends with: Aiee,
killing the interrupt handler
If you need more information, I wrote all the output down so I can post it
if that would help you...

The system started giving general protection faults after I upgraded it
(general protection faults both in linux as in windows) from a P166 with
32 M to a amd k6-2 533 with 128 M.


Ron Rademaker

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

RE: General Protection Fault

2000-04-29 Thread Bryan Scaringe

Also, What, exactly, did you upgrade?  What type of motherboard did you have
before? now?  This is definately a HW issue, so we'll need details on the


On 29-Apr-2000 C. Falconer wrote:
 Are you sure the K6 hasn't been over clocked by some bastard salesman ?
 How do I solve a General Protection Fault (Oops = 0002), I get it when I
 boot with the rescue disk, when trying to install (right after mounting
 the root filesystem (RAM)) it gives the errors, and ends with: Aiee,
 killing the interrupt handler
 If you need more information, I wrote all the output down so I can post it
 if that would help you...
 The system started giving general protection faults after I upgraded it
 (general protection faults both in linux as in windows) from a P166 with
 32 M to a amd k6-2 533 with 128 M.

Mouse configuration question

2000-04-29 Thread Ron Stordahl
I have been unsuccessful in getting my Microsoft IntelliMous 1.1A PS/2

Where I believe I am stuck is is not providing the correct device name.  I
am using XF86Setup and I have selected the IntelliMouse, then I am asked for
the device in the form /dev/??, but I have no idea what to enter.  It
can't be /dev/tty00 as I believe that is a serial port.  This mouse is
plugged into the PS/2 port.  I can't see anything like /dev/ps2.



are there any good free 3d modeling tools?

2000-04-29 Thread Chris Baker

I'm looking for good free (as in speech) 3d modeling tools.

Any and all suggestions are welcome.



Re: Mouse configuration question

2000-04-29 Thread Corey Popelier
My Intellimouse (PS/2) is on /dev/psaux.
Haven't got the scroll bit working in X yet though, I recall this is some
setting regarding the Z axis, but I haven't played with it.

 Corey Popelier

On Fri, 28 Apr 2000, Ron Stordahl wrote:

 I have been unsuccessful in getting my Microsoft IntelliMous 1.1A PS/2
 Where I believe I am stuck is is not providing the correct device name.  I
 am using XF86Setup and I have selected the IntelliMouse, then I am asked for
 the device in the form /dev/??, but I have no idea what to enter.  It
 can't be /dev/tty00 as I believe that is a serial port.  This mouse is
 plugged into the PS/2 port.  I can't see anything like /dev/ps2.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: are there any good free 3d modeling tools?

2000-04-29 Thread John Carline
Chris Baker wrote:


 I'm looking for good free (as in speech) 3d modeling tools.

 Any and all suggestions are welcome.


Don't know how good it is, but Moonlight Creator is on the Debian disk.



Powered by the Penguin

Re: samba's /etc/samba/cmb.conf -- empty?

2000-04-29 Thread Didi Damian
There's a pretty good walk-thru (newbieized help file) on configuring Samba 

Give it a try.

* w trillich [EMAIL PROTECTED] [27-04-2000 06:12 AM -0500]
 i did the religious
   apt-get install samba
 and then
   apt-get install smbclient   # just for testing
 (even tho i'd done a full apt-get dist-upgrade, i still
 apt-get install things left and right that weren't selected..)
 and it complains about not being able to read /etc/samba/smb.conf
 and i can see why:
 there is none.
 i create a blank one via
   touch /etc/samba/smb.conf
 so at least 'testparm' doesn't choke, and 'smbclient' gets past
 the initial retch, on to whining about missing codepage 180 or so.
 with a bit-o-editing, smb.conf is now
  path = /home/%S  # redundant but harmless
  writeable = true
 but i gotta set the bios name and this and that and yada yada.
 so, wise folk, please direct me to a utility that creates
 such a monster (the smb.conf manpage is only 9000+ lines
 long, and i'd like to get SOME sleep this week)...
 its name is probably something sensible, like gribnif 
 or thipnoodler. (sambaconfig, while predictably-named, 
 is surprisingly predictable at creating a three-line 
 /etc/samba/debian_config instead of the thousands of
 lines that'll wind up in smb.conf.) and so i ask you
 knowledgable folk who've been down this path to shed
 a bit of light for me.
 if there's no create-a-'smb.conf'-utility, perhaps there
 are samples out there to start from?

Re: Is a cryptic password always necessary?

2000-04-29 Thread Ethan Benson

On Fri, Apr 28, 2000 at 04:30:21PM -0700, wrote:
 On Thu, Apr 27, 2000 at 06:49:02PM -0800, Ethan Benson wrote:
  On Fri, Apr 28, 2000 at 09:21:43AM +0700, Oki DZ wrote:
   BTW, does anyone use MD5 for /etc/shadow? I'd like to use it, but how do
   migrate from crypt() to MD5? I don't think that just changing the entry
   in the config file (/etc/login.conf?) would be sufficient.
  if your using slink changing /etc/login.conf is all it takes, but you


 Ok, and for those of us using Potato?  I don't have an /etc/login.conf.
 ...or does that make me:

sorry, yes, if your using potato your using PAM.  though potato still
has a /etc/login.defs, but the MD5_ENABLE (or whatever) is not used
with PAM.

  if your using PAM then sprinkle `md5' after any password line in the
  /etc/pam.d/* files (login, ssh, passwd..)
 Karsten M. Self   http:/
 What part of Gestalt don't you understand?
 GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595  DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: Simple mouse question....

2000-04-29 Thread Didi Damian
I used to have a PS/2 Microsoft Intellimouse and it never work with the
Intellimouse protocol, only PS/2. Of course, YMMV.

* [28-04-2000 04:37 PM -0700]

 The PS/2 setting should work with both types.  An IntelliMouse will be
 somewhat more functional if used with teh IntelliMouse setting.

Re: Web address for list archive

2000-04-29 Thread Ethan Benson
On Sat, Apr 29, 2000 at 02:59:11AM +0100, Colin Watson wrote:
 Matthew Quigley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Where can I find an archive to debian-user?
 Linked straight off the Debian home page, has archives of all the Debian
 mailing lists.

just be sure to select a date range if you use the search engine,
if you don't select a date range it will always return no matches due
to a y2k problem.

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: Mouse configuration question

2000-04-29 Thread Didi Damian
Add ZAxisMapping 4 5 (without the quotes) to the Pointer section.

* Corey Popelier [EMAIL PROTECTED] [29-04-2000 12:29 PM +0800]

 My Intellimouse (PS/2) is on /dev/psaux.
 Haven't got the scroll bit working in X yet though, I recall this is some
 setting regarding the Z axis, but I haven't played with it.

[Fwd: Mouse not working in X]

2000-04-29 Thread Vitux
Vitux wrote:
 Richard Ingram wrote:
  I'm using the out of the box VALinix/SGI/Gnu Debian at work, I installed X
  and it will not work with the logitech mouse, you have to play with gpm and
  X and get the right combination, I installed it at home about 3mnths ago and
  got my Logitech trackball working OK. Trouble is I have forgoten what it was
  I did and I need to know, I would boot up my machine at home but I have
  since changed my graphics card and need to reinstall Debian as it auto boots
 HEY! no need to reinstall! When you say you auto-boot into X,
 you probably mean you are using xdm, in which case it's no big
 deal: when you've booted, just change to a different vt (e.g.
 ctrl-alt-F1), log in as root, run XF86Config and change your
 settings. For these to take effect, change to (ctrl-alt-F7)
 and do a ctrl-alt-bckspc to restart the X server...
  into X. I'm sure I found the solution on the web somwhere but it seems to
  have gone. Anyone know the correct solution, is it gpm -R and /dev/gpmdev in
  X or somesuch ?
  Thanks for any help.
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 I'm not a crook
 Richard Nixon
 Debian GNU/Linux
 Micro$loth-free Zone

Re: Simple mouse question....

2000-04-29 Thread kmself
The debain-user list appears to have been dropped from your reply,  I've
added it again.

On Fri, Apr 28, 2000 at 10:22:30PM -0500, Ron Stordahl wrote:
 I guess its XF86Setup, it runs automatically during the install process.
 In any case I am not getting any success with the mouse.  Right after
 answering 9, which is Microsoft Intellimous, it immediately asks me another
 question I don't know about, specificaly it wants the full device name to
 which the mouse is connected, and suggests /dev/tty00, which would be fine
 if it were a serial port mouse.  But I don't know what to answer it for a
 mouse connected to the PS/2 connector.
 Any ideas?


Speaking as a Linux user of some time, and to whom the answer is well
known, this is one of those really annoying bits of the Linux install.
The answer is *trivial*, but it's virtually impossible to find if you
don't already know it.

I looked up a couple of references (Debian instalation manual,
O'Reilly's _Learning Debian GNU/Linux_, the HOWTOs), for something which
might point this out.  None do (the Debian install guide doesn't cover X
AFAICT, the ORA book glosses the point, and the HOWTOs suggest you've
come to the wrong place -- there's a Busmouse HOWTO, but no PS/2 mouse
HOWTO.  Nonetheless, you'll find in section 3.3 of the Busmouse HOWTO,
you're told that the mouse device for PS/2 is, indeed, /dev/psaux.

You can find the Linux HOWTOs at  The
Busmouse HOWTO is:


Similarly, a Google search for linux ps/2 mouse device returns a link
title which device for PS/2 mouse as its fourth result.

Google and the Linux HOWTOs are your friends (and who said geeks don't
have friends g).

 - Original Message -
 To: Debian User List
 Sent: Friday, April 28, 2000 6:36 PM
 Subject: Re: Simple mouse question
  Which X config section?  There are a number of different utilities,
  among them xconfigurator (command line), XF86Setup (graphical), and
  others.  Don't sweat it, you can always change the setting later.
  If you've got a mouse with a small, round, 9-pin connector, you've got a
  PS/2 mouse.  If it's got a wheel in between the two buttons, it's
  probably a Microsoft IntelliMouse (the labling should make this clear).
  Both plug in to the PS/2 port.
  The PS/2 setting should work with both types.  An IntelliMouse will be
  somewhat more functional if used with teh IntelliMouse setting.
  On Fri, Apr 28, 2000 at 04:37:19PM -0500, Ron Stordahl wrote:
   I am installing potato and am in the X configuration section where I am
   asked to specify a mouse protocol type.
   Of the choices these 2 make sense:
   4   PS/2 Mouse
   9   Microsoft IntelliMouse
   Actually it is both, but that's not a valid choice.  By choosing 9 will
 I be
   selecting a serial port rather than a PS/2 port?
   I am stalled...
   Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Karsten M. Self
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?
  GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595  DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Karsten M. Self   http:/
What part of Gestalt don't you understand?
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595  DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Creating booklets with Latex

2000-04-29 Thread Nils-Erik Svangård


I've gotten in trouble again, bragging about how good Debian is and that I
write all my reports in Latex. Well now I might gone under. I'm supposed
to produce a booklet i A6 (folded A5) with students songs.
I have read some docs on the web, it seems I can create a booklet by using
either lpr -Cduplex or using a program called psbook. But I havent figured
out how to print it on A5 paper (A6 booklets).
Does anyone have experiance makeing booklets?


Re: Any interest in an Aureal Vortex soundcard driver .debs?

2000-04-29 Thread Jaldhar H. Vyas
On Thu, 27 Apr 2000, Oswald Buddenhagen wrote:

 i'm not an expert in these things, but i would send the changes to the
 upstream maintainers from aureal.

Are there any upstream maintainers?  I've heard stuff about them
abandoning Linux development and possibly going out of business

(Incidently that's one of the key benefits of Open Source.  You're not
left up the creek if a company is unwilling/unable to support their
software anymore.)

 if your changes are good and
 unproblematic, they could be incorporated. that way more people could
 profit from them.

I'll see what the reaction is here and then approach them (if there is a
them :-)

My work is available from


Re: webmin

2000-04-29 Thread Jaldhar H. Vyas
On Thu, 27 Apr 2000, Vitux wrote:

 I have a non-critical machine for testing, but you don't tell
 where to get your new debs from?

I did say, it just didn't make any sense to you :-)

incoming = when packages are uploaded to the Debian archive they first go
to the incoming directory on .  This is off-limits to
non-developers but there are public mirrors.   A list of these can be
found at 

experimental - This is a special distribution for packages the maintainer
feels shouldn't even go into unstable. For this reason it is not
apt-gettable. It can be found at (or a mirror) in
/pub/debian/projects/experimental .

Thanks for offering to test this.


Re: webmin

2000-04-29 Thread Brad
On Sat, Apr 29, 2000 at 01:21:15AM -0500, Jaldhar H. Vyas wrote:
 incoming = when packages are uploaded to the Debian archive they first go
 to the incoming directory on .  This is off-limits to
 non-developers but there are public mirrors.   A list of these can be
 found at 

Aren't these being phased out in favor of

  finger for GPG public key.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Creating booklets with Latex

2000-04-29 Thread Chanop Silpa-Anan
Once upon a time, I heard Nils-Erik Svangๅrd say

 I've gotten in trouble again, bragging about how good Debian is and that I
 write all my reports in Latex. Well now I might gone under. I'm supposed
 to produce a booklet i A6 (folded A5) with students songs.
 I have read some docs on the web, it seems I can create a booklet by using
 either lpr -Cduplex or using a program called psbook. But I havent figured
 out how to print it on A5 paper (A6 booklets).
 Does anyone have experiance makeing booklets?
I did sth like this a while ago. What I did was, fist use psresize to
resize A4-A5, then psnup to fit two A5s into one A4, then psbook to
split them in booklets, and viola print them.

I guess that you might need psnup to fit two A6s into one A5, then
psbook and print it

| Chanop Silpa-Anan  [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Australian National University  |
| Tel. +61 2 6279 8826, +61 2 6279 8837 (office hour) |
|  +61 2 6249 5240 (home +voice mail) |
|   Debian GNU/Hurd   GPG key on request  |

Description: PGP signature

mount win partition

2000-04-29 Thread jerry j jaskierny
i have an old windows partition that i have set to be mounted upon boot in 

/dev/hda1 /mnt/win  vfat defaults  0  2

as the partition is mounted, it hangs there for a bit, and just before that, i 
get an odd error message.

can't find nls-iso-
can't find someother module

i can't remember the specific ones, but they are only there when the windows 
partition is mounted at boot.  can someone tell me what's up?  thanks.  jerry

Get your FREE Email at

RE: General Protection Fault

2000-04-29 Thread Ron Rademaker
The K6 says it's 533, it runs on 520, so I don't think that can be a
problem, or am I mistaken?

On Sat, 29 Apr 2000, C. Falconer wrote:

 Are you sure the K6 hasn't been over clocked by some bastard salesman ?
 From: Ron Rademaker[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, 24 April 2000 5:57 AM
 Subject:  General Protection Fault
 How do I solve a General Protection Fault (Oops = 0002), I get it when I
 boot with the rescue disk, when trying to install (right after mounting
 the root filesystem (RAM)) it gives the errors, and ends with: Aiee,
 killing the interrupt handler
 If you need more information, I wrote all the output down so I can post it
 if that would help you...
 The system started giving general protection faults after I upgraded it
 (general protection faults both in linux as in windows) from a P166 with
 32 M to a amd k6-2 533 with 128 M.
 Ron Rademaker
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Thanks everybody

2000-04-29 Thread Davide Di Lazzaro
Hi everybody,
this mail doesn't contain questions, is only to thank all of you which,
with their questions and answers, made possible for me to install and
maintain with very  few (I repeat, very few) pain my debian machine.
It's been almost one year now, and I couldn't be more satisfied. I am
neither a guru, nor a geek, only a normal user who believes in a world
without M$ Windows.
Thanks again, and keep up with the good work.

Davide Di Lazzaro

Netscape and mp3-files

2000-04-29 Thread Johann Spies
I am trying to download mp3-files from the internet, but netscape
(4.7.1) quits when I try to do that.  Although Netscape reports that it
has the plug-ins to play streaming mp3-files, it also refuses to do that.

Is there any cure to do this?

I have also tried a beta version of opera, but without any success.

It feels stupid.  I do not know how to get a mp3 file from the
internet to my computer.  I have also tried lynx and links without

I have installed mpg123 and freeamp and have also tried to use them as
plug-ins, but there was still no success.  I did the same with

Any help would be welcome.

Is it worth while to download 12 meg of files to upgrade to Netscape
4.7.2 on a dialup-connection?

J.H. Spies, Hugenotestraat 29, Posbus 80, Franschhoek, 7690, South Africa
Tel/Faks 021-876-2337 Sel/Cell 082-255-2388
 And he said to them all, If any man will come after 
  me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily,
  and follow me.  Luke 9:23 

Re: mount win partition

2000-04-29 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 can't find nls-iso-
 can't find someother module
 i can't remember the specific ones, but they are only there when the windows 
 partition is mounted at boot.  can someone tell me what's up?  thanks.  jerry
the question is, whether you compiled an own kernel and removed the old
modules. if so, then you have to include NLS support for the right
codepages into the kernel or make them as modules.
if you are using the original kernel package, then you possibly messed up
your /etc/modutils/* files.

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
Linux - the last service pack you'll ever need.

Re: Creating booklets with Latex

2000-04-29 Thread Antonio Rodriguez
Hi Nils-Erik. i am attaching instructions written by me for myself to work in 
environment using MikTeX (based on Tetex) , ghostscript and psutilities (which 
we also
have in Linux). It uses usletter paper size, but should be easily adaptable if 
follow the main ideas, which are well explained. Everything should be portable 
Linux through pipes, i haven't done it because i still have to tune up better my
debian box before getting into this. Any way, hope it helps. If you run into 
please let me know, i will do my best to help you.

Nils-Erik Svangård wrote:


 I've gotten in trouble again, bragging about how good Debian is and that I
 write all my reports in Latex. Well now I might gone under. I'm supposed
 to produce a booklet i A6 (folded A5) with students songs.
 I have read some docs on the web, it seems I can create a booklet by using
 either lpr -Cduplex or using a program called psbook. But I havent figured
 out how to print it on A5 paper (A6 booklets).
 Does anyone have experiance makeing booklets?


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
@echo off

REMImportant instructions follow:

REMTo run this, replace all instances of `veg' with
REMthe actual file name. Then run it. As a result, you
REMwill have a nice brochure, ready to be printed in
REMtwo passes through ghostscript, using USletter paper.

REMInstructions end here.

REM The instructions are designed for US letter paper. A4 ones in Europe
REM or otherwise is not difficult to implement slightly modifying the
REM numbers and/or possibly the 'ps' commands (psutilities, included
REM in MiKTeX).

REM To make a booklet or a book (set of booklets binded together),
REM follow the instructions:

REM 1. Make a file.tex (plain TeX) with the following parameters:
REM\vsize176mm \hsize115mm
REMDo not mess with \voffset, \hoffset commands. This way it will
REMfit nicely in a letter paper (US), two pages, landscape.

REM 2. TeX-it (MiKTeX 1.10b).

REM 3. Get the from file.dvi through dvips.

REM 4. From the command prompt, execute as follows:

REMa) psbook
REM  %re-arranges pages
REMb) pstops -pletter (-1.15cm,-7.5cm)
REM  %this pulls the text down (-7.5 cm) and left (-1.15 cm)
REM ***
REM%The value -7.5cm above is needed when in the
REM%location C:\texmf\dvips\config\local has ``USletter'' as
REM%its default paper. If ``A4'' is the default, it may be
REM%needed -9cm instead.
REM ***
REMc) psnup -2 -pletter -s1
REM  % -s1 ensures right size (scale 1).
REM 5. Open using ghostscript, print it in two passes. You
REMwill have a nice booklet with a nice letter size to read.
REM **
REM **
REM A bat file is made following these instructions, makebook.bat,
REM In the directory TexTools, which contains this file.
pstops -pletter (-1.15cm,-7.5cm)
psnup -2 -pletter -s1

Re: Netscape and mp3-files

2000-04-29 Thread Martin Schulze
Johann Spies wrote:
 I am trying to download mp3-files from the internet, but netscape
 (4.7.1) quits when I try to do that.  Although Netscape reports that it
 has the plug-ins to play streaming mp3-files, it also refuses to do that.
 Is there any cure to do this?
 I have also tried a beta version of opera, but without any success.
 It feels stupid.  I do not know how to get a mp3 file from the
 internet to my computer.  I have also tried lynx and links without
 I have installed mpg123 and freeamp and have also tried to use them as
 plug-ins, but there was still no success.  I did the same with
 Any help would be welcome.

try 'mpg123 http://...'
or fetch the file using 'wget url'

 Is it worth while to download 12 meg of files to upgrade to Netscape
 4.7.2 on a dialup-connection?

If you won't run Linux, I'd say, give it a try...



Unix is user friendly ...  It's just picky about its friends.

Please always Cc to me when replying to me on the lists.

Re: Creating booklets with Latex

2000-04-29 Thread Jesse Jacobsen
On 04/29/00, Nils-Erik Svangård addressed Creating booklets with Latex:
 I've gotten in trouble again, bragging about how good Debian is and that I
 write all my reports in Latex. Well now I might gone under. I'm supposed
 to produce a booklet i A6 (folded A5) with students songs.
 I have read some docs on the web, it seems I can create a booklet by using
 either lpr -Cduplex or using a program called psbook. But I havent figured
 out how to print it on A5 paper (A6 booklets).
 Does anyone have experiance makeing booklets?

I make lots of booklets, most of them on folded us-legal size paper.
I'm sure the procedures I use can be adapted for other sizes.  The
first step is to use the geometry LaTeX package to set the page size
to the final page size you want.
For example: \usepackage[papersize={7in,8.5in}]{geometry} 

The next step can be one of two things, depending on whether you want
to manipulate the pages into a booklet at the dvi level or the
postscript level.  I find the former a little simpler, but it doesn't
handle things like the color package or pstricks.  

To use dvi-level page manipulation, use the program dvidvi.  It has a
man page, but here's an example of how I would use it to make a
booklet on landscape-legal (14X8.5) paper out of pages written to
fit on half that size (7X8.5):

% dvidvi -m 4:-1,2(7in,0in) dvifile.dvi firstoutput.dvi
% dvidvi -m 4:-3,0(7in,0in) dvifile.dvi secondoutput.dvi

This should make two output files which you can print sequentially on
the same stack of paper (depending somewhat on how your printer ejects
the paper) and end up with a booklet.  In other words, after printing
the first file, you can take that stack, place it in the printer
backwards, and print the second file.

To make this work right, you should *not* use a \papersize special in
the original LaTeX file.  That also means don't use the 'dvips' option
to the geometry package.  You then give certain options to dvips
(which has info documentation) to make sure it generates postscript
with the correct orientation.  An example from my legal-size bulletins:

% dvips -t landscape -t legal -f firstoutput.dvi | lpr
% dvips -t landscape -t legal -f secondoutput.dvi | lpr

OK - that was how I'd do it with dvi-level manipulation.  For
postscript level manipulation, I'd start by using the geometry package
as above, only I'd also include either the dvips package option or a
\papersize special.  For example: 


   .. or ..

\geometry{left=\Marginwidth, textwidth=\Textwidth}

Though it looks more complex, I use the latter.  It allows you to make
each page a real LaTeX page rather than one column in a larger page.
For me, the first two commands are hidden in a style file.  You can
see how the \geometry{} command makes it convenient to change geometry
options later on.  (\Marginwidth and \Textwidth are local to my style

To simplify the rest of the process, I wrote the following shell
script to manipulate the pages from the initial dvi file to the
printer.  All the tools I used have man pages.  The output should be
usable just like the output from the dvidvi method. An example of how
I use this script:

# To print the whole thing, one sheet at a time:
% mklegalbook dvioutput.dvi

# To print the whole thing without pausing between:
% mklegalbook dvioutput.dvi nopause

# To print only the first set of pages:
% mklegalbook dvioutput.dvi print 1

# To print only the second set of pages:
% mklegalbook dvioutput.dvi print 2

#$Id: mklegalbook,v 1.4 1999/09/05 00:02:04 jesse Exp jesse $

dvips -f $dvifile -o /tmp/${$}

# With \special{papersize=} for dvips}
if ( [ $onepage == 1 ] || [ -z $onepage ] ) ; then
pstops -plegal  4:-1+2(0in,-7in) /tmp/${$} /tmp/${$}
ps2lj4 legal /tmp/${$} | lpr
if [ -z $nowait ]; then
echo Insert paper for second side printing and hit enter to continue. 
read blah
if ( [ $onepage == 2 ] || [ -z $onepage ] ) ; then
pstops -plegal  4:-3+0(0in,-7in) /tmp/${$} /tmp/${$}
ps2lj4 legal /tmp/${$} | lpr
rm -f /tmp/${$}{raw,first,second}.ps

Hope this helps!

Jesse Jacobsen, Pastor  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Grace Lutheran Church (ELS)
Madison, Wisconsin  GnuPG public key ID: 2E3EBF13

Re: Netscape and mp3-files

2000-04-29 Thread John Bagdanoff
I had success with the linux version of RealPlayer.  Still, I had to setup 
netscape to use it for streaming.  There was a url that I bumped into on my 
searches through that had step by step instructions to setup the 
netscape plugin.
Maybe someone here has the url?

On Sat, Apr 29, 2000 at 01:55:43PM +0200, Martin Schulze wrote:
 Johann Spies wrote:
  I am trying to download mp3-files from the internet, but netscape
  (4.7.1) quits when I try to do that.  Although Netscape reports that it
  has the plug-ins to play streaming mp3-files, it also refuses to do that.
  Is there any cure to do this?
  I have also tried a beta version of opera, but without any success.
  It feels stupid.  I do not know how to get a mp3 file from the
  internet to my computer.  I have also tried lynx and links without
  I have installed mpg123 and freeamp and have also tried to use them as
  plug-ins, but there was still no success.  I did the same with
  Any help would be welcome.
 try 'mpg123 http://...'
 or fetch the file using 'wget url'
  Is it worth while to download 12 meg of files to upgrade to Netscape
  4.7.2 on a dialup-connection?
 If you won't run Linux, I'd say, give it a try...
 Unix is user friendly ...  It's just picky about its friends.
 Please always Cc to me when replying to me on the lists.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Netscape and mp3-files

2000-04-29 Thread Vitux
Johann Spies wrote:
 Any help would be welcome.
 Is it worth while to download 12 meg of files to upgrade to Netscape
 4.7.2 on a dialup-connection?
I have pretty good experiences w/ 4.72. It's almost stable.
Some (few) websites will cause it to crash, saying bus
error, (something like that...)
Never had any trouble w/ downloading stuff, though I don't do
very much mp3 :)

I'm not a crook
Richard Nixon

Debian GNU/Linux
Micro$loth-free Zone

Upgrading to Potato from Slink

2000-04-29 Thread Eric Hagglund
I would like to upgrade to the frozen release 2.2 from
the official 2.1 Where can I find the information
for doing this? I've looked on Debian's documentation
as well as in the Faq-O-Matic and found nothing.

Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online and get email alerts with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: Upgrading to Potato from Slink

2000-04-29 Thread John Bagdanoff
On Sat, Apr 29, 2000 at 06:28:55AM -0700, Eric Hagglund wrote:
 I would like to upgrade to the frozen release 2.2 from
 the official 2.1 Where can I find the information
 for doing this? I've looked on Debian's documentation
 as well as in the Faq-O-Matic and found nothing.
Use apt-get, here is my /etc/apt/sources.list

# See sources.list(5) for more information, especialy
# Remember that you can only use http, ftp or file URIs
# CDROMs are managed throught the apt-cdrom tool.
# Proxy configuration is covered through environment variables or
deb potato main contrib non-free
deb potato kde contrib
#deb stable non-US
#deb stable updates

# Uncomment if you want the apt-get source function to work
#deb-src stable main contrib non-free
#deb-src stable non-US
deb potato main

Most likley it wont go real smoothly, I just got done upgrading storm to potato 
(if that any  makes sense) with apt-get.

deallocvt: could not deallocate console N

2000-04-29 Thread Matthew W. Roberts

I run debian GNU/Linux (slink, kernel 2.0.36) under console mode (it's an
older system) and am having problems with virtual consoles.  I have logins
on the first two consoles and then spawn additional consoles (with the
`open' command) when I need them.

A few days ago I opened up console 3 and then exited.  I now cannot
deallocate the console.  When I try:

prompt% deallocvt 3

VT_DISALLOCATE: Device or resource busy
deallocvt: could not deallocate console 3

I know there is nothing running on it, `ps aux' shows nothing on tty3.
In the past I've had similar problems, but usually within a few hours
the console was `freed' and I was able to deallocate it.

The really weird thing is that I can type into the console (nothing
happens), but then when I open up the console with a shell, all
of the command I had typed are run on the shell.  e.g.

 Begin Example -
This is tty3, I can type here

blah blah blah
prompt% This is tty3, I can type here
This: Command not found.
prompt% aiejfiej
aiejfiej: Command not found.
prompt% aeifjije
aeifjije: Command not found.
prompt% aifjeijr
aifjeijr: Command not found.
prompt% blah blah blah
blah: Command not found.
prompt% _
  End  Example -

I typed in the first 6 lines on the blank console and then switched
over to another console and typed `open -c 3'.

Any help is appreciated.


Another dpkg or apt-get question from a new user

2000-04-29 Thread Maury R. Merkin
[How] can I get a listing of the files installed with a package?

I.e., if package dork.deb was installed on my box last week, can I see
what files were installed?  If so, how?



Re: daemons -- who needs'em?

2000-04-29 Thread Marek Habersack
** On Apr 28, Brad scribbled:

   i merely think i have a screwy setting here or there that's 
   needlessly duplicating log messages. settings are the bane of
   my linux existence, still...
  Now, stop right here for a while. syslog isn't Linux - it's a common
  software, created quite elsewhere. Don't blame anybody for something which
  isn't their fault. Don't like the duplicates? Voila - man syslogd.conf and
  configure the beast. Or get syslogd-ng - it's much more versatile. Linux is
  a _kernel_, not an _operating system_. And syslog is a piece of software
  used on almost _all_ Unices out there. 
 A little harsh, wasn't that? By settings are the bane of my linux
Yup, it was... sorry

 existence i believe the original poster mean all settings, not
 specifically those of syslog-- e.g kernel config, module configs,
 sendmail/exim/etc config, samba config, ftpd config, and so on.
Looking at it now, you're probably right - but show me a system which
doesn't require setting anything and I'll tell you that it's a piece of

 That said, the only way to get good at configuring is to read the docs
 and configure.
Exactly. Make mistakes, correct them and _learn by example_ - it's the only
way to get _anything_ working really good. Manuals, courses and whatnot are
all groovy things, but without practice they are next to useless. Docs are
just a startpoint, that's it

   your philosophy is also mine--install diddly and add what you need--
   the gap between us is a hefty base of knowledge, which is why i get
   to bug you folks about this kind of thing: you got it, i'm gettin' it.
  I see it a bit in a different light. Install some pre-selected set, read all
  the docs you can, find your ways around and then reinstall the system from
  scratch, with the freshly acquired knowledge in mind - this other time
  you'll know what to install and what not to install. And, remember that
  every single of us here went through much the same process sometime in the
  past :))) (and thank God that you've got dselect and apt and dpkg : 
 Nah, reinstall isn't necessary. Just dpkg --purge the useless stuff.
 I've even managed to repartition my box without reinstalling ;) (...
I think the reinstall is actually a good thing for a newbie - it is a good
thing to use install in its verbose mode and look at the packages _knowing_
this time what they're for. 

 i do wonder what the newer installs are like though...
They're much better, IMO :))


Description: PGP signature

Re: Debian Security

2000-04-29 Thread kmself
On Fri, Apr 28, 2000 at 05:43:10AM -0800, Ethan Benson wrote:

 if you go with *nix you should also check out the book Practical Guide
 to Unix and internet security  (or very close to that, sorry don't
 have it handy at the moment) it does a good job pointing out
 historical mistakes and what things need to be secured and why, very
 helpful for understanding what to look for.  

Simpson Garfinkel and Gene Spafford, _Practical UNIX  Internet
Security_, O'Reilly  Associates, (c) 1996, ISBN 1-565920148-8.

Good for basic philosophy and a lot of common sense.  For more current
technical guidance, there are other books, including a New Riders
imprint on Linux firewalls.

Karsten M. Self   http:/
What part of Gestalt don't you understand?
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595  DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Re: Another dpkg or apt-get question from a new user

2000-04-29 Thread Ethan Benson
On Sat, Apr 29, 2000 at 09:58:38AM -0400, Maury R. Merkin wrote:
 [How] can I get a listing of the files installed with a package?
 I.e., if package dork.deb was installed on my box last week, can I see
 what files were installed?  If so, how?

dpkg -L packagename

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

RE: General Protection Fault

2000-04-29 Thread Kent Nyberg
Try with a better and larger cpufan.
My K6-2 400 was so hot that Linux crached all the time.
Nearly all those who sells computer with K6-2 and K6 use a to small 
Sad but true..

Once upon a time someone wrote:

 Are you sure the K6 hasn't been over clocked by some bastard salesman ?
 From: Ron Rademaker[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, 24 April 2000 5:57 AM
 Subject:  General Protection Fault
 How do I solve a General Protection Fault (Oops = 0002), I get it when I
 boot with the rescue disk, when trying to install (right after mounting
 the root filesystem (RAM)) it gives the errors, and ends with: Aiee,
 killing the interrupt handler
 If you need more information, I wrote all the output down so I can post it
 if that would help you...
 The system started giving general protection faults after I upgraded it
 (general protection faults both in linux as in windows) from a P166 with
 32 M to a amd k6-2 533 with 128 M.
 Ron Rademaker
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Re: Another dpkg or apt-get question from a new user

2000-04-29 Thread Pann McCuaig
On Sat, Apr 29, 2000 at 09:58, Maury R. Merkin wrote:

 [How] can I get a listing of the files installed with a package?
 I.e., if package dork.deb was installed on my box last week, can I see
 what files were installed?  If so, how?

cat /var/lib/dpkg/info/dork.list
geek by nature, Linux by choice L I N U X   .~.
The Choice  /V\ of a GNU  /( )\
Generation ^^-^^

Re: Boot disk quit working after second install

2000-04-29 Thread Marvin Stodolsky
A common cause of this problem is that the floppy drive may
be of the newer ATAPI type common to newer laptops
especially, as constrasted to the older /dev/fd0 floppy
type.   The install kernels come with ide-floppy support
needed for ATAPI compiled in, but the kernel installed has
ide-floppy service through a ide-floppy module. 

There are three workarounds. 
1) During your 2nd install boot, use the original install
disk with  rescue  root=/dev/hd(your linux partition). 
Read the documentation on your  rescue disk.
2) After you've completed an install, compile a kernel from
source with ide-floppy compiled into the kernel, as opposed
to a module.  Copy this kernel to /boot/vmlinuz, and run
mkboot, which expects a /boot/vmlinuz to make a new
bootdisk specific for that partition.
3) install the mkrboot-.deb package, which will provide
you with numerous other options for boot disk making.


Re: Another dpkg or apt-get question from a new user

2000-04-29 Thread Phillip Deackes
Maury R. Merkin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 [How] can I get a listing of the files installed with a package?
 I.e., if package dork.deb was installed on my box last week, can I see
 what files were installed?  If so, how?

You might be interested to know that:

If you install an app with apt-get then the .deb will be saved to

If you then click on that .deb using GMC (the default Gnome file
manager) the contents will be opened up as if the .deb were a directory.
Very neat. If you don't use Gnome, then mc (Midnight Commander) will do
a similar thing.

I find thsi useful because it is easy to read docs etc. before the
package is installed.

Phillip Deackes
Using Storm Linux 2000

menus question

2000-04-29 Thread Maury R. Merkin
I finally (okay I'm slow but ...) figured out that the only apps which
update-menus will find are those which have been installed using *.deb
packages system.  ('apt-get install' or 'dpkg -i' or however.)

But I have several important (to me) apps which I've accumulated over
time in /usr/local/bin or /opt/bin or wherever.  Is there any way to get
them on my menus?



Re: menus question

2000-04-29 Thread Peter Palfrader
Hi Maury!

On Sat, 29 Apr 2000, Maury R. Merkin wrote:

 I finally (okay I'm slow but ...) figured out that the only apps which
 update-menus will find are those which have been installed using *.deb
 packages system.  ('apt-get install' or 'dpkg -i' or however.)
 But I have several important (to me) apps which I've accumulated over
 time in /usr/local/bin or /opt/bin or wherever.  Is there any way to get
 them on my menus?


Read the doc in /usr/share/menu

In short:

o create a ~/.menu directory
o put your menu files there:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/.menu$ cat local.netscape 
  # menu for netscape.
  # taken from:
  #   menu for xmms, localy installed.
  #   this file derived from debians
  #   made by PP on Wed Feb  9 22:05:21 CET 2000

longtitle=Netscape Navigator\

important: packagename, the part in parenthensis, has to start with
local., otherwise menu will take this as an packagename and only use
the menu entry if the package is installed.

I for example override xterm:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/.menu$ cat xterm 
  # modified PP on ?
  # o added shortcut for XTerm
  # o changed xterm command to have color

   longtitle=Xterm: terminal emulator for X\
   command=xterm -bg black -fg lightblue3 +bdc +ulc\

o run update-menus.
  Since you now have your own menus db, you must run it as your user
  everytime you want it updated (afaik).

the system menu files are in /usr/lib/menu. But don't touch them.
If you want to change menus systemwide, your place is /etc/menu/



PGP encrypted messages prefered.

Description: PGP signature

Obtaining KDE

2000-04-29 Thread Steve White

I have been trying most of the morning to obtain the KDE distribution
from and have thus far been unsuccessful. I am using
apt in dselect and cannot seem to find the right combination of strings
to enter so that it can find the package file.

When prompted, I am providing a path to the package file ending in a /.
(i.e. /pub/KDE/stable/distribution/deb/slink/.), which contains a
packages.gz file and all the appropriate .deb files. However, dselect
continues to prompt for the components to get, providing main contrib
non-free as examples, but there is no such directory structure.

How then do I force apt to look at the Packages.gz file and download the
appropriate .deb files knowing where on an ftp site these files reside?
(It seems to me that apt is assuming a very specific underlying
directory structure and I cannot figure out how to circumvent this

Best Regards,

tape drive device

2000-04-29 Thread Rob Lilley
I've installed the base and standard slink distributions, configured them
and then went to do a tar archive to my Seagate 4mm SCSI tape drive.  Bless
me, there is no /dev/st0 to do this to.  Are they not supported?   Do I have
to add another package or rebuild the kernel to get this driver?


Re: Obtaining KDE

2000-04-29 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 How then do I force apt to look at the Packages.gz file and download the
 appropriate .deb files knowing where on an ftp site these files reside?
 (It seems to me that apt is assuming a very specific underlying
 directory structure and I cannot figure out how to circumvent this
my /etc/apt/sources.list looks like this:

deb potato main contrib non-free
deb potato/non-US main contrib 

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
Linux - the last service pack you'll ever need.

Re: tape drive device

2000-04-29 Thread Robert Waldner

   MAKEDEV  is  a script that will create the devices in /dev
   used to interface with drivers in the kernel.


On Sat, 29 Apr 2000 11:57:30 EDT, Rob Lilley writes:
I've installed the base and standard slink distributions, configured them
and then went to do a tar archive to my Seagate 4mm SCSI tape drive.  Bless
me, there is no /dev/st0 to do this to.  Are they not supported?   Do I have
to add another package or rebuild the kernel to get this driver?

/ Robert Waldner [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Phone: +43 1 89933 0 Fax x533 \
\KPNQwest/AT tech staff| Diefenbachg. 35   A-1150 Wien / 

Re: Upgrading to Potato from Slink

2000-04-29 Thread Eric Hagglund

--- John Bagdanoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sat, Apr 29, 2000 at 06:28:55AM -0700, Eric
 Hagglund wrote:
  I would like to upgrade to the frozen release 2.2
  the official 2.1 Where can I find the
  for doing this? I've looked on Debian's
  as well as in the Faq-O-Matic and found nothing.
 Use apt-get, here is my /etc/apt/sources.list
 # See sources.list(5) for more information,
 # Remember that you can only use http, ftp or file
 # CDROMs are managed throught the apt-cdrom tool.
 # Proxy configuration is covered through environment
 variables or
 deb potato main
 contrib non-free
 deb potato kde
 #deb stable
 #deb stable updates
 # Uncomment if you want the apt-get source function
 to work
 #deb-src stable
 main contrib non-free
 stable non-US
 deb potato main
 Most likley it wont go real smoothly, I just got
 done upgrading storm to potato (if that any  makes
 sense) with apt-get.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online and get email alerts with Yahoo! Messenger.

Frontpage recommendations

2000-04-29 Thread Paul McHale
Hi all,

If you are interested in implementing Frontpage server extensions with
apache, it isn't that bad.  Here are a few pointers:

1. Don't use apt-get.  Download the source and compile yourself.  This puts
apache in /usr/local where most documentation I have found expects it to be.
I am not sure why debian doesn't put apache there, but I'm sure the package
manager had reasons.

2. Get the Improved mod_frontpage from Freshmeat.  It has complete

3. The only additions is virtual hosts.  If you use them, make sure to
replace all occurrences of:

AllowOverride X   with
AllowOverride All

There are several of them.  The rest works like a charm.  If you need to
support frontpage, it is really pretty easy!  Good luck



Paul McHale
   Work:   937-253-7610  Double E Solutions
   Mobile: 937-371-2828  4912 Effingham
   Fax:413-215-3232  Dayton, Ohio 45431

Re: webmin

2000-04-29 Thread Jaldhar H. Vyas
On Sat, 29 Apr 2000, Brad wrote:

 Aren't these being phased out in favor of

Yes, you're right they are.


Re: Simple mouse question....

2000-04-29 Thread Bernhard Rieder
Ron Stordahl wrote:
 Of the choices these 2 make sense:
 4   PS/2 Mouse
 9   Microsoft IntelliMouse
 Actually it is both, but that's not a valid choice.  By choosing 9 will I be
 selecting a serial port rather than a PS/2 port?

Try installing the PS/2 mouse. Then manually edit
and change the Protocol setting in section Pointer from
PS/2 to IMPS/2 (which stands short for Intelli Mouse PS/2)


Re: multi line regex's in vi ...

2000-04-29 Thread Rick Younie
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] you wrote:
 is there a way to match a pattern over more then one line in vi (i normally
 use vim)?
 i'm html formatting text documents and what i'd like to do is replace
 something like the below paragraphs:
 the first line of text, this is really boring, blah lah blh why do i
 care.  html formatting text is really boring and vi saves me.
 the is a second line of text.
 with something like this
 p the first line of text, this is really boring, blah lah blh why do i
 care.  html formatting text is really boring and vi saves me.
 p the is a second line of text.

So add p to any non-blank line?  I'd like to know a one-liner for
this too.  You've got blank line with ^$ but how do you negate that?

A two-liner is
%s/^/p/   - add p to the start of each line
%s/^p$//  - remove any lines that contain only p

Re: Frontpage recommendations

2000-04-29 Thread Colin Watson
Paul McHale [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
If you are interested in implementing Frontpage server extensions with
apache, it isn't that bad.  Here are a few pointers:

1. Don't use apt-get.  Download the source and compile yourself.  This puts
apache in /usr/local where most documentation I have found expects it to be.
I am not sure why debian doesn't put apache there, but I'm sure the package
manager had reasons.

Debian packages, and packages distributed by any other Filesystem
Hierarchy Standard-compliant distribution, should never install files
into /usr/local. See:

It's rarely that difficult to substitute /usr/local with /usr in your
head, though I concede it can often be useful to build Apache yourself
anyway; perhaps you should have a look at the Debian package and see if
there's anything that could be improved so that this isn't necessary?

Colin Watson   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Another dpkg or apt-get question from a new user

2000-04-29 Thread Colin Watson
Phillip Deackes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Maury R. Merkin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 [How] can I get a listing of the files installed with a package?
 I.e., if package dork.deb was installed on my box last week, can I see
 what files were installed?  If so, how?

You might be interested to know that:

If you install an app with apt-get then the .deb will be saved to

If you then click on that .deb using GMC (the default Gnome file
manager) the contents will be opened up as if the .deb were a directory.
Very neat. If you don't use Gnome, then mc (Midnight Commander) will do
a similar thing.

I find thsi useful because it is easy to read docs etc. before the
package is installed.

If you're more of a command-line fan, you can also do tricks like this:

# List files in a .deb
dpkg --fsys-tarfile foo.deb | tar t
# Extract a file from a .deb to standard output and run it through a
# decompressing pager. The initial . is necessary, though if the .deb
# was generated with some other version of tar you might need to omit
# the initial ./ instead.
dpkg --fsys-tarfile foo.deb | \
  tar xO ./usr/share/doc/foo/changelog.Debian.gz | zless

Colin Watson   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: new perl dependencies

2000-04-29 Thread Colin Watson
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ian Zimmerman) wrote:
When I run dselect last night, there was a bunch of important packages
that had been upgraded.  One of them was perl-5.005-doc.

I accepted all the suggestions, but when I was ready to exit selection
mode and start downloading, I was thrown into a conflict/dependency
screen with just perl-5.005 and perl-5.005-doc.  And no matter what I
did, dselect threw me into that screen again and again.  I had to
force my way out with an `x'.

Everything seems to run for the moment, but I am shaken.  Is this some
kind of circular dependency among the packages involved?  Can it be

This is caused by versioned dependencies. The situation is as follows:

  perl-5.005-doc (5.005.03-7.1) recommends perl-5.005 (= 5.005.03-7.1)
  perl-5.005 (5.005.03-7) suggests perl-5.005-doc (= 5.005.03-7)

In this situation, neither relationship can be satisfied, and dselect
gets rather confused. This sort of thing happens when FTP mirrors get
out of sync with each other, or when not all of a set of related
packages get moved from incoming into the archive at the same time. It's
particularly common when two packages are required to be at the same
version as each other. The best solution is usually to put the offending
packages on hold ('=' in dselect) and wait for a future update to sort
out the problem.

Colin Watson   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: new perl dependencies

2000-04-29 Thread Colin Watson
I ran into same problem last night during up update. Running potato now
and so I figured I would update a few times a week. Last night, it was
KDE for me. one screen then back to dependency back and fourth.
Finally, I used the Q to force it and it worked. Don't know much about
dselect, so I hope I didn't break anything in the process. Good luck!

Q is there for when the dependencies are genuinely wrong and you want to
install the package anyway, but are willing to accept any breakage that
may occur. When two packages are just a bit out of sync (as is the case
here), putting them on hold is usually neater.

Colin Watson   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

install problem

2000-04-29 Thread Homer \(Tony\) Stavely
Going through the install process with Debian 2.1r4 on two new cdroms, I
get as far as Install the Base System.  Some error develops while
extracting base2_1.tgz from the cd and I have so far found no way around
it.  I've been looking forward to trying Debian so I hope there's an easy
fix for this problem.  Any suggestions?

Homer (Tony) Stavely [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Professor of Psychology
Keene State College
Keene, New Hampshire, USA

Re: Installing without rebooting (running the installation proggie from within Linux)

2000-04-29 Thread Arcady Genkin
Brad [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 How about downloading base2_1.tgz (or base2_2.tgz if you want to go
 straight to frozen) and untarring that into the new partition before
 chrooting into it?

In case anyone was following this thread, here are a couple of gotchas
that I ran into:

1. I couldn't boot into the new system, getting You are trying to
boot into unconfigured base system or somesuch message, which
offered me to boot usint the Rescue disk.
chmod -x /sbin/ fixed that problem.

2. I had to remove pcmcia and nfs related packages, which are
installed by default.

Apart from those, all went very smooth.
Arcady Genkin
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.

Mail/news software

2000-04-29 Thread Kovacs Istvan

What mail and news software do you recommend?
The ideal software would be able to handle both mail and news in an
integrated manner, place incoming and outgoing messages into folders
automatically using header info, integrate with PGP/GPG, handle UU/MIME
attachments, thread messages, fetch using POP3 and send via SMTP, would
have a GUI that allows multiple windows to be open for composing and
reading mail/articles, and would be easy to use and free of charge.

YARN, when used in combination with a SOUP package handler, is much
like that (except for the GUI/multi-window part), but I haven't seen a
Linux version.


Homepage at - For PGP public key: send mail
with the subject PGP Public Key Request or finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: install problem

2000-04-29 Thread Rob Lilley
Tony, et al,

I just went through problems with the CD-ROM during install myself.  I was
trying to install the Debian O'Reilly\SGI\VA Linux distribution.  The boot
kernel didn't recognize my SCSI CD-ROM.  I was afraid I was going to have to
make lots of floppies to install the base system.  Installing from floppies
is an activity I'd like to forget.

The work around was installation from a DOS partition using loadin.exe.
I copied the following files from the Debian CD-ROM on to a Iomega Zip drive


Please note: all of this is discussed in Section 5.3 - Installing Debian
GNU/Linux For Intel x86 which I believe is called install.txt on the
CD-ROM.  The authors also state these files are available from the nearest
Debian FTP mirror.

I booted with a pure MS-DOS 5 (no Windows versions, please) floppy!  As
all my other drives were partitioned for fat32 or Linux, this old operating
system saw the zip drive as C:.  I then ran install.bat from C:  The
content of install.bat is loadlin linux root=/dev/ram initrd=root.bin.
All went very smoothly and my SCSI CD-ROM was recognized after the base
system was loaded and the system went through it's install reboot.  The
secret on an install from a DOS partition is just that - make sure it's DOS
and not a Windows version of DOS (it took me all Saturday morning to learn
that lesson!).


-Original Message-
From: Homer (Tony) Stavely [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Saturday, April 29, 2000 2:22 PM
Subject: install problem

Going through the install process with Debian 2.1r4 on two new cdroms, I
get as far as Install the Base System.  Some error develops while
extracting base2_1.tgz from the cd and I have so far found no way around
it.  I've been looking forward to trying Debian so I hope there's an easy
fix for this problem.  Any suggestions?

Homer (Tony) Stavely [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Professor of Psychology
Keene State College
Keene, New Hampshire, USA

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: Netscape 6 -- related lib question(s)

2000-04-29 Thread Felix Natter
montefin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 I planned to watch this thread because
 a.) I want to install Netscape 6 this weekend too. Though I have
 libstdc++2 libs, if it really wants ++1.6* libs I'd like to know where
 to d/l them, and...

I'm not sure if you can run Netscape 6 with slink because it (slink)
uses glibc 2.0.x, which is not thread-safe. (On the other hand, maybe
they managed to link statically ?)

 b.) ...since I installed Slink a month ago, every time ldconfig runs, I
 get the following warning:
 'can't find ... skipping'
 There is a symlink from --, but
 there is no file of that name. I hoped the file would appear with
 Potato, but it didn't. Maybe it's no longer needed, but maybe it is?
 I guess my question really is, when you're looking for say a lib or
 other missing file that you know is probably in a larger package, how do
 you find it? I realize
 'dpkg -S filepattern'

if this library is not installed, then I don't see any reason why you
shouldn't remove it. The symlink is useless.
Still one question remains unanswered: how does this happen ?

Felix Natter

Re: Creating booklets with Latex

2000-04-29 Thread John Pearson
On Sat, Apr 29, 2000 at 08:14:02AM +0200, Nils-Erik Svangård wrote
 I've gotten in trouble again, bragging about how good Debian is and that I
 write all my reports in Latex. Well now I might gone under. I'm supposed
 to produce a booklet i A6 (folded A5) with students songs.
 I have read some docs on the web, it seems I can create a booklet by using
 either lpr -Cduplex or using a program called psbook. But I havent figured
 out how to print it on A5 paper (A6 booklets).
 Does anyone have experiance makeing booklets?

I've attached a Makefile fragment that I use for preparing
A5 booklets (A4 folded), using psutils.  That may give you
a start...

John P.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Debian Linux admin  support:technical services

%.dvi : %.tex
jadetex $ 
jadetex $ 
jadetex $ 
rm $*.{log,aux}

%.tex : %.sgml %.dsl
-rm $*.{tex,dvi,log,aux}
jade -t tex -o $@ -iprint -d $*.dsl#print $ : %.dvi 
dvips -o $.ps.tmp $
psselect -p1-_2 $.ps.tmp $@
rm $.ps.tmp

@echo About the target $*-book
@echo This produces A5 pages on A4 sheets, 4 pages to the sheet. 
@echo For duplexing printers, $* is ready to feed
@echo to your printer once you set it to duplex mode.  For printers
@echo that place output face down first page on the bottom, print
@echo $* and then place the output back in the
@echo tray and print $*  Be careful which way
@echo it goes back in - if you get it wrong pages 3,4,7,8,11,12,...
@echo will be upside down. 
psselect -o -p- $ $@
psselect -e -r -p- $ $@ huiac.logo
psselect -q -p 1 $ $*
-sOutputFile=$* $* huiac.logo
pstops -pa4 '2:0L(593,424)@[EMAIL PROTECTED](500,506)' $* 
rm $*  $*
psbook $ | psnup -2 -pa4  $@

binary-install: $(binary-docs)
install -d $(DESTDIR)
cp -a $(binary-docs) $(DESTDIR)

source-install: $(source-docs)
install -d $(DESTDIR)
cp -a $(source-docs) $(DESTDIR)

OFFTOPIC: what is vaporware?

2000-04-29 Thread Pollywog
What exactly is vaporware? 


Re: OFFTOPIC: what is vaporware?

2000-04-29 Thread Mike Werner
On Sat, Apr 29, 2000 at 08:13:26PM -, Pollywog wrote:
 What exactly is vaporware? 

From the Jargon File:

:vaporware: /vay'pr-weir/ /n./  Products announced far in
   advance of any release (which may or may not actually take place).
   See also {brochureware}.

:brochureware: /n./  Planned but non-existent product like
   {vaporware}, but with the added implication that marketing is
   actively selling and promoting it (they've printed brochures).
   Brochureware is often deployed as a strategic weapon; the idea is
   to con customers into not committing to an existing product of the
   competition's.  It is a safe bet that when a brochureware product
   finally becomes real, it will be more expensive than and inferior
   to the alternatives that had been available for years.
Mike Werner  KA8YSD   |  Where do you want to go today?
ICQ# 12934898 |  As far from Redmond as possible!
'91 GS500E|
Morgantown WV |  Only dead fish go with the flow.

Re: Mail/news software

2000-04-29 Thread John Hasler
Kofa writes:
 What mail and news software do you recommend?

Gnus has all the features you list.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, Wisconsin

Re: OFFTOPIC: what is vaporware?

2000-04-29 Thread montefin
Mike Werner wrote:
 On Sat, Apr 29, 2000 at 08:13:26PM -, Pollywog wrote:
  What exactly is vaporware?
 From the Jargon File:
 :vaporware: /vay'pr-weir/ /n./  Products announced far in
advance of any release (which may or may not actually take place).
See also {brochureware}.

This all pales before a fairly new species of software:

ipoware: (eye-pee-oh-wear) n. a kitchensink software compiled solely
from user wish-lists, leaked to Jesse Berst immediately prior to a
company's initial public offering and never intended to see the light of
day thereafter.


site to site ftp?

2000-04-29 Thread Ron Farrer

Is there a tool available that can do a site to site ftp? I need to
transfer a few files from one ftp site (via anonymous ftp) to another
site (via user ftp). Unfortunately the destination site does not allow
users to ftp out, but you can ftp in. So basically I am looking for a
tool like flashfxp for Linux. Any suggestions? 


Email: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bellingham Linux Users Group:
Alpha Linux Orginization:

Re: Netscape and mp3-files

2000-04-29 Thread Johann Spies
On Sat, Apr 29, 2000 at 03:29:57PM +0200, Vitux wrote:
 Johann Spies wrote:
  Is it worth while to download 12 meg of files to upgrade to Netscape
  4.7.2 on a dialup-connection?
 I have pretty good experiences w/ 4.72. It's almost stable.
 Some (few) websites will cause it to crash, saying bus
 error, (something like that...)
 Never had any trouble w/ downloading stuff, though I don't do
 very much mp3 :)

Thanks. I have installed 4.72 and it works so far without a problem.
A clear improvement on 4.71.

J.H. Spies, Hugenotestraat 29, Posbus 80, Franschhoek, 7690, South Africa
Tel/Faks 021-876-2337 Sel/Cell 082-255-2388
 And he said to them all, If any man will come after 
  me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily,
  and follow me.  Luke 9:23 

update-alternatives again: a homemade hack

2000-04-29 Thread itz
After convincing myself by a browse of the perl code that none of the
existing options to update-alternatives will make it do what I want, I
wrote the following.  Whoever is responsible for update-alternatives
in Debian, please consider merging this into the official version.

begin 755 sane-update-alternatives
M,!01%0@,C`P,`HC(-H;F%G92!A;[EMAIL PROTECTED])N871I=F5S(AS;%V97,@
M:6YC;'5D960I(%T(]N8V4N@IU[EMAIL PROTECTED]@[G5S92!'971O'0Z.E-T
M=F4*(R`@)7!R:6]R:71I97,@(`@([EMAIL PROTECTED](9R;[EMAIL 
M97@@=\@')I;W)I='D*(R`@)7-L879E%T:`@(`@([EMAIL PROTECTED](9R;VT@
M*$!V97)S:6]N+6EN95X+'-L879E;[EMAIL PROTECTED]\@VQA=F4M%T:`H*)'9E
M861M7V1IF5C=]R3X*14Y$B`@(`@([EMAIL PROTECTED]'P@)G%U:70H(F9A:6QE9!T
M:6]N*',I)[EMAIL PROTECTED]@(3T@,BD@R!B861UV%G92`G/YA;64^
M)%L=1IB`](1O'[EMAIL PROTECTED])]P=%]D*2![(1A9UI;F1IB`]
M(1O'[EMAIL PROTECTED])]P=%]V*2![(1V97)B;W-E;6]D92`](#$[('T*
M:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]P96XH048L(B1A9UI;F1IB\D;F%M92(I*2![B`@(`D;6%N=6%L
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M+71M!A('-Y;6QI;[EMAIL PROTECTED]\@)'-P871H.B`D(2(I.PH@(`@F5N86UE7VUV
M;64N9'!K9RUT;[EMAIL PROTECTED],@)%L=1IB\D;F%M93H@)$B*3L*(`@(EF(@D
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M)'-L879E;F%M97T[B`@(`@(`@WEM;EN:[EMAIL PROTECTED])'-P871H(BPB)%L=1I

Re: Obtaining KDE

2000-04-29 Thread Brad
On Sat, Apr 29, 2000 at 11:47:13AM +, Steve White wrote:

 I have been trying most of the morning to obtain the KDE distribution
 from and have thus far been unsuccessful. I am using
 apt in dselect and cannot seem to find the right combination of strings
 to enter so that it can find the package file.
 How then do I force apt to look at the Packages.gz file and download the
 appropriate .deb files knowing where on an ftp site these files reside?
 (It seems to me that apt is assuming a very specific underlying
 directory structure and I cannot figure out how to circumvent this

i don't know how to adjust things using the dselect interface, but i can
show you how to modify the /etc/apt/sources.list file yourself.

There are two formats for lines in sources.list: those that assume the
main contrib non-free layout, and those that don't. You'll of course
want one that doesn't, which means the third field needs to end with a

This leaves how to divide the path;
between the second and third fields. To determine this, look at the
Packages.gz file, in particular at the 'Filename:' entries for the
packages. You'll see that for the file,
 the file line is this:
  Filename: /i386/kdeadmin_1.1.2-19990906-1_i386.deb
(Actually, if i understand things correctly, this line is slightly
broken because it begins with a '/'. Should still work though)

You want to divide the path so that the second field plus the Filename
line in Packages.gz give the complete url for the files. So, this is the
  deb i386/

As you can see,
'' +
'/' + '/i386/kdeadmin_1.1.2-19990906-1_i386.deb' =
is more or less correct.

  finger for GPG public key.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Frontpage recommendations

2000-04-29 Thread Brad
On Sat, Apr 29, 2000 at 12:35:55PM -0400, Paul McHale wrote:
 3. The only additions is virtual hosts.  If you use them, make sure to
 replace all occurrences of:
 AllowOverride X   with
 AllowOverride All

Of course, this means you can't control the Options directive anymore...
Things like ExecCGI or IncludesNOEXEC for example might be useful to

  finger for GPG public key.

Description: PGP signature

Re: mutt and courier-imapd

2000-04-29 Thread Brendan Cully
On Sunday, 16 April 2000 at 03:05, Eric Gillespie, Jr. wrote:
 I'm trying to use courier-imapd with SSL and mutt, but they don't
 seem to get along very well. Sometimes, mutt displays no subject,
 no author, and a 0 message size. Other times, it displays the
 information from the wrong message. Other times, it gets
 everything correct.

There is a small bug in courier currently which chokes mutt. I've
attached a workaround patch against mutt 1.1.12 (should apply to
earlier versions) which I'd love people to test - we're trying to get
mutt 1.2 out the door soon. So if it works and in particular if it
doesn't work, please let me know.

Index: imap/message.c
RCS file: /home/roessler/cvsroot/mutt/imap/message.c,v
retrieving revision 1.23
diff -u -r1.23 message.c
--- imap/message.c  2000/04/24 13:09:33 1.23
+++ imap/message.c  2000/04/29 18:19:26
@@ -56,6 +56,8 @@
   IMAP_HEADER *h, *h0;
   const char *want_headers = DATE FROM SUBJECT TO CC MESSAGE-ID REFERENCES 
   int using_body_peek = 0;
+  int c;
   fetchlast = 0;
   /* define search string */
@@ -255,6 +257,15 @@
 h = h-next;
 /* hdata is freed later */
 safe_free ((void **) h0);
+ * skip over additional \n characters - Courier IMAP seems to
+ * put them here.
+ */
+while ((c = fgetc (fp)) == '\n')
+  ;
+ungetc (c, fp);

Description: PGP signature