xsession errors

2000-07-19 Thread estoy
No se si este es el lugar adecuado para preguntar algo nivel 
novato. Pero espero que alguien me pueda ayudar.

No puedo iniciar una session en X por que me salen los siguientes 
mensajes de error:
Xlib: Client is not authorized to connect to Server
xrdb: Can't open display ':0'
Xlib: connection to :0.0 refused by server
xmodmap:  unable to open display ':0'
/usr/bin/X11/WindowMaker fatal error: could not open display :0

Que permisos son los que pueden estar mal? tengo que poner setuid 
algun archivo? cual?

De antemano gracias por su comprension y soporte. Un

Este mensaje fue enviado mediante Web E-mail de MegaRed

Re: /dev/lp0

2000-07-19 Thread Jose Antonio Ortega Garcia
On Mon, 17 Jul 2000, Hue-Bond wrote:

  Haz 'ls -la /dev/lp*' y verifica que se parezca a esto:
 crw-rw1 root lp 6,   0 abr  4  1999 /dev/lp0
 crw-rw1 root lp 6,   1 abr  4  1999 /dev/lp1
 crw-rw1 root lp 6,   2 abr  4  1999 /dev/lp2

Ya he dado con la tecla (con ayuda) Me faltaba dar soporte en el kernel a
parport_pc En el setup general. Gracias.

Jose Antonio Ortega Garcia  User:104420
E-mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]http://www.airtel.net/personal/califa11 
E-mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]GNU/Hurd Debian Potato-2.2.15 (Frozen)

Re: quitar salvapantallas de terminales

2000-07-19 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a

Eso es APM, no es un salvapantallas. Puede estar activado por
varios lados:
1.- la BIOS
2.- el kernel
3.- el windowmanager

Mira a ver cual lo tiene puesto y lo quitas.


On Wed, Jul 19, 2000 at 03:03:09AM +0200, Miquel wrote:
 ¿alguien sabe si hay algun modo de desactivar de modo permanente el
 salvapantallas negro que las terminales tienen por defecto? Sé que con
 setterm se puede desactivar, pero para ello has de hacer login y 
 yo quiero que incluso antes de hacer login la terminal no se quede nunca
 en negro...
 gracias y un saludo,
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Mapeo de nombre de fuentes

2000-07-19 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
On Tue, Jul 18, 2000 at 11:51:01AM +0100, Jaime E. Villate wrote:
 Angel Vicente Perez wrote:
  Ya consigo ver los tipos de fuentes de marras, esta escribiendo mail el
  fonts.dir, ahora las veo en el Netscape y en otras cosas, pero lo que no
  consigo es que salgan impresas, y estoy mas perdido que todas las cosas.
 Si las fuentes son type1 podrán ser usadas por ghostscript. El
 ghostscript lee un fichero Fontmap que define las fuentes. El Fontmap
 para un determinado directorio puede ser creado automáticamente usando
 un programa llamado type1inst, que no es muy fácil de encontrar pero
 puedes copiar una versión que modifiqué en:

Yo lo he encontrado un empaquetado para woody en ftp.fr.debian.org.

 Después de crear el fichero Fontmap en el directorio donde esten las
 fuentes typo 1, es necesario decirle a ghostscript en qué directorios

Vale, esto ya esta hecho, y las visualizo correctamente. He visto que
type1inst tiene la opcion -samples, que genera unos ficheros ps con muestras
de las fuentes, si lo veo en modo texto, encuentro:

/Futura Md BT findfont

y a continuacion cosas relativas a lo que se va a imprimir, por supuesto, la
impresion de estos ficheros sale correcta, presentando la fuente que dice
que es. Sin embargo desde Netscape, imprimiendo hacia un fichero, en el ps
generado solo existe lineas findfont para Times, Helvetica y Courier, aunque
en el html de origen existan selecciones de fuentes (font-face) y estas, se
visualicen correctamente en el navegador.

No se si esto se puede configurar en el Netscape, estoy usando la 4.73
descargada de la pagina de Netscape, pero supongo que el que viene con woody
o con potato sera el mismo.


Programilla para Zmailer

2000-07-19 Thread TooManySecrets

Buenas... después de mucho tiempo de no pasarme por 
la lista... :)))

Veamos... Me han pedido un programa que, teniendo 
una base de datos, mysql o postgresql, coja y cada vez que entra un emilio al 
server MTA, lo guarde en una de éstas dos bases de datos. Luego, para colmo, 
quiere que haga lo mismo cuando el usuario se conecte al pop para mirar el 
correo (yo flipo), osea, que se coja el correo, pero directamente de la base de 
datos donde lo tiene guardado.

Yo tengo instalado el Zmailer. Me han comentado que 
existe un módulo para sendmail, llamado "sendmail-mysql", que te permite hacer 
ésto (sólo la parte de recepción -smtp-).

Estaría dispuesto a cambiar de MTA, pero NO a 
Sendmail. Como mucho a Postfix o Qmail (siguiendo éste orden).

Agradecería muchísimo algún comentario al 

Have a nice day ;-)

Instalar un weblog

2000-07-19 Thread 31

Con el subject ya os imaginareis a lo que voy :). Necesito ayuda sobre
como instalar un weblog con Debian, he leido un articulo de Solo Linux
y he intentado instalarlo pero no casi no consigo ni empezar, supongo
que será porque nunca he instalado nada parecido y no soy muy experto
del tema :(.
Vereis, tengo la Debian potato y ya en el momento de instalar los
paquetes necesarios ya me armo un lio, porque no me coinciden mucho los
nombres de los paquetes, he instalado los paquetes apache, php3, phplib
y php3-mysql y recuerdo haber tenido algún problema con apache por lo de
la IP del pc creo, creeis que sería necesario que me leyese los
sobre apache para configurarlo o ya esta bien por defecto, el ordenador
esta en casa y conectado a inet por modem sin IP fija.
En el fichero php3.ini, no se donde deberia añadir el modulo mysql.so,
tampoco comprendo muy bien como se edita la página prueba.php3, ¿que
hago? abro un vim pongo únicamente la linea ?phpInfo()? y lo guardo?
(esto es lo que hago pero al consultar la página con netscape me sale la
linea y nada más.

Ya veis que casi no hay por donde cojerme, no tengo prisa pero si muchas
ganas de conseguirlo, así que, si ves que es mucho rollo explicarme todo
lo que no sé...por lo menos, ¿podriais decirme por donde empezar a
documentarme? para no andar pegando palos de ciego.

Muchas gracias :


2000-07-19 Thread TooManySecrets
os pido mil perdones por haber enviado un emilio en formato html... perdón
perdón perdón... :(((

repetición problema Zmailer

2000-07-19 Thread TooManySecrets
Debido a mi ineptitud (mi anterior emilio en HTML), os vuelvo a poner otra
vez el emilio, esta vez en formato plano (espero)...

Buenas... después de mucho tiempo de no pasarme por la lista... :)))

Veamos... Me han pedido un programa que, teniendo una base de datos, mysql o
postgresql, coja y cada vez que entra un emilio al server MTA, lo guarde en
una de éstas dos bases de datos. Luego, para colmo, quiere que haga lo mismo
cuando el usuario se conecte al pop para mirar el correo (yo flipo), osea,
que se coja el correo, pero directamente de la base de datos donde lo tiene

Yo tengo instalado el Zmailer. Me han comentado que existe un módulo para
sendmail, llamado sendmail-mysql, que te permite hacer ésto (sólo la parte
de recepción -smtp-).

Estaría dispuesto a cambiar de MTA, pero NO a Sendmail. Como mucho a Postfix
o Qmail (siguiendo éste orden).

Agradecería muchísimo algún comentario al respecto.

Have a nice day  ;-)

Re: repetición problema Zmailer

2000-07-19 Thread Ricardo Javier Cardenes Medina
On Wed, Jul 19, 2000 at 06:42:58PM +0200, TooManySecrets wrote:
 Estaría dispuesto a cambiar de MTA, pero NO a Sendmail. Como mucho a Postfix
 o Qmail (siguiendo éste orden).

Bueno. Postfix no lo he tocado, pero con qmail podrías pasar todo mensaje
que entre por SMTP a donde quieras (los ficheros dot-qmail te lo

Y si utilizas el qmail-pop3d, entonces podrás usar alguna variante del
checkpasswd para hacer lo propio con el POP.

Matrox Dualhead G400

2000-07-19 Thread Ricardo Marcelo Alvarez
Tengo una matrox dualhead G400 y en el sitio de Matrox hay un link para bajar 
drivers para linux.
La cuestion es que el xfree 3.3.6 soporta la placa pero estos drivers son para 
que tenga aceleracion 3D
se llaman glx que es una libreria para el xfree.
Yo lo instale y hasta ahora anda todo bien pero tengo unas dudas pues en un 
readme que tiene dice que
hay que reservar 4M para esta librerias y que eso se hace con el lilo con un 
append y no recuerdo que
comando lo que me parecio entender es que eso es para placas PCI pero para AGP 
no hacia falta, como mi
ingles no es muy bueno no estoy seguro de eso.
Despues lo que no consigo es encontrar algun programa para configurar el 
DUALHEAD que permanece
desactivado segun algun otro readme que lei hay un programa que se llama 
matroxset pero no lo encuentro
para nada con los fuentes del glx.
Bueno espero no molestar tanto y desde ya gracias por adelantado.

Re: Instalar un weblog

2000-07-19 Thread Luis Cabrera Sauco

  Cuando:   miércoles, 19 de julio del 2000, a las 01:49, 
  Qué:  Instalar un weblog 

 Con el subject ya os imaginareis a lo que voy :). Necesito ayuda sobre
 como instalar un weblog con Debian, he leido un articulo de Solo Linux
 y he intentado instalarlo pero no casi no consigo ni empezar, supongo
 que será porque nunca he instalado nada parecido y no soy muy experto
 del tema :(.

Ninguno lo somos ;)

 Vereis, tengo la Debian potato y ya en el momento de instalar los
 paquetes necesarios ya me armo un lio, porque no me coinciden mucho los
 nombres de los paquetes, he instalado los paquetes apache, php3, phplib
 y php3-mysql y recuerdo haber tenido algún problema con apache por lo de
 la IP del pc creo, creeis que sería necesario que me leyese los

¡¡¡ Sin duda !!!. Cuanto mejor conozcas un programa, más sencillo te
resultará sacarle todo el partido.

 sobre apache para configurarlo o ya esta bien por defecto, el ordenador
 esta en casa y conectado a inet por modem sin IP fija.
 En el fichero php3.ini, no se donde deberia añadir el modulo mysql.so,
 tampoco comprendo muy bien como se edita la página prueba.php3, ¿que
 hago? abro un vim pongo únicamente la linea ?phpInfo()? y lo guardo?
 (esto es lo que hago pero al consultar la página con netscape me sale la
 linea y nada más.

Normal. Te has saltado el punto y coma despues de los parentesis de
la función. Se debería escribir así:

? phpinfo(); ?

Si aún asi no te sale, y tienes el php instalado directamente de los
paquetes, eso puede ser debido a que el apache no está reconociendo
que la extensión .php3 está relacionada con el php.

Pon en el archivo '/etc/apache/srm.conf' unas entradas como estas:

# For example, the PHP3 module (a separate Debian package)
# will typically use:
AddType application/x-httpd-php .phtml .php .php3 .php4
AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps

Con eso, te debería reconocer la extensión .php3

Si aún asi no te funciona, tira de 'man' ;)

 Ya veis que casi no hay por donde cojerme, no tengo prisa pero si muchas
 ganas de conseguirlo, así que, si ves que es mucho rollo explicarme todo
 lo que no sé...por lo menos, ¿podriais decirme por donde empezar a
 documentarme? para no andar pegando palos de ciego.

Hay muchisimas páginas dedicadas a este tema, pero te sugiero un
vistacillo por http://search.gulic.org/

 Muchas gracias :


___   _
  / ___|_   _| (_) ___  Grupo de Usuarios de LInux de Canarias
 | |  _| | | | | |/ __| Pasate por nuestro web
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Description: PGP signature

Re: Matrox Dualhead G400

2000-07-19 Thread Esteban Barrientos
Ya revisaste matroxusers.com? Ahi hay drivers para linux e informacion sobre 
El matroxset y otros utilitarios lo podes bajar de 


un script para lectores de LA y SL

2000-07-19 Thread 31
¿cuantas Linux Actual o Solo Linux teneis? ¿cuantas veces sabeis que hay
algo que os interesa en una de ellas y venga a buscarlo?

pues hoy por la tarde me he puesto a copiar todos los titulos de los
números que tengo y luego le he hecho una mierdecilla de script para
encontrar articulos sobre lo que me interesa sin tener que mirar en
todas, ya se que se le pueden incluir y mejoras muchas cosas, por eso lo
mando, para que lo hagamos entre todos, así que lo que le mejoreis,
mandadlo para poder aprobecharnos todos :)

Description: GNU Zip compressed data

Re: Instalar un weblog

2000-07-19 Thread Jaume Sabater

 Vereis, tengo la Debian potato y ya en el momento de instalar los
 paquetes necesarios ya me armo un lio, porque no me coinciden mucho los
 nombres de los paquetes, he instalado los paquetes apache, php3, phplib
 y php3-mysql y recuerdo haber tenido algún problema con apache por lo de
 la IP del pc creo, creeis que sería necesario que me leyese los
 sobre apache para configurarlo o ya esta bien por defecto, el ordenador
 esta en casa y conectado a inet por modem sin IP fija.


Hace poquito instalé una SuSE, y me encontré con un problema parecido: a
partir de una ADSL y un módem, los dos sin IP fija (lo del ADSL por si las
moscas, pues timofónica patece ser que no lo puede hacer, aunque ahora lo
hace; y la máquina era para un cliente que ni papa - winsosero
NoTeparesss), tenia que darle caña al ipchains, y para eso necesitaba las
IPs... Pues bien fácil, al inicio del script añadí algo como 

. /etc/network/dhcp_nomakuerdo

pudiendo usar las variables que el dhcpd-client te graba... Usa esas
variables para el /etc/apache/httpd.conf...

 En el fichero php3.ini, no se donde deberia añadir el modulo mysql.so,
 tampoco comprendo muy bien como se edita la página prueba.php3, ¿que
 hago? abro un vim pongo únicamente la linea ?phpInfo()? y lo guardo?
 (esto es lo que hago pero al consultar la página con netscape me sale la
 linea y nada más.

Yo lo puse a sako ;-) y rula bien.

;Windows Extensions
extension=mysql.so ===

Jaume Sabater i Lleal

Re: Matrox Dualhead G400

2000-07-19 Thread Jonathan Arrien
mira tambien en http://home.tvd.be/cr26864/Linux/fbdev/

Re: un script para lectores de LA y SL

2000-07-19 Thread Antonio Beamud Montero

G R A C I A S por tu esfuerzo.


Saludos. Antonio.

Re: un script para lectores de LA y SL

2000-07-19 Thread Luis Cabrera Sauco

  Quien:Antonio Beamud Montero 
  Cuando:   sábado, 15 de julio del 2000, a las 08:07, 
  Qué:  Re: un script para lectores de LA y SL 

 G R A C I A S por tu esfuerzo.

¡¡¡ Cuanto tiempo queriendo hacer esto...  !!!

¿Alguien con un postgreSQL publico...?
¿un cvs para meter cosas entre varios...?
¿algun recurso por el estilo ...?

 Saludos. Antonio.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

___   _
  / ___|_   _| (_) ___  Grupo de Usuarios de LInux de Canarias
 | |  _| | | | | |/ __| Pasate por nuestro web
 | |_| | |_| | | | (__  http://www.gulic.org/
  \|\__,_|_|_|\___| Clave GPG en las paginas de Gulic
Clave GPG en search.keyserver.net
  Key fingerprint = F734 17F5 3AB6 E1F6 11C4  B498 5B3E  FEDF 90DF

Description: PGP signature

Re: un script para lectores de LA y SL

2000-07-19 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
At 11:34 p.m. 2000-07-19 +0100, Luis Cabrera Sauco wrote:

  Quien:   Antonio Beamud Montero 
  Cuando:  sábado, 15 de julio del 2000, a las 08:07, 
  Qué: Re: un script para lectores de LA y SL 

 G R A C I A S por tu esfuerzo.

   ¡¡¡ Cuanto tiempo queriendo hacer esto...  !!!

   ¿Alguien con un postgreSQL publico...?
   ¿un cvs para meter cosas entre varios...?
   ¿algun recurso por el estilo ...?

sourceforge.net? Aunque parecería abuso :o)

Re: un script para lectores de LA y SL

2000-07-19 Thread Luis Cabrera Sauco

  Quien:Ugo Enrico Albarello 
  Cuando:   miércoles, 19 de julio del 2000, a las 05:51, 
  Qué:  Re: un script para lectores de LA y SL 

 At 11:34 p.m. 2000-07-19 +0100, Luis Cabrera Sauco wrote:
   Quien: Antonio Beamud Montero 
   Cuando:sábado, 15 de julio del 2000, a las 08:07, 
   Qué:   Re: un script para lectores de LA y SL 
  G R A C I A S por tu esfuerzo.
  ¡¡¡ Cuanto tiempo queriendo hacer esto...  !!!
  ¿Alguien con un postgreSQL publico...?
  ¿un cvs para meter cosas entre varios...?
  ¿algun recurso por el estilo ...?
 sourceforge.net? Aunque parecería abuso :o)

Uhmm, no sé ... ¿alguien se anima ...?

De momento, (como es pequeñin), les reenvio el archivo que mandó una
de estas 3 personas:
.- xuvenka
(Estaba buscando el nombre de la persona que hizo la aportación
inicial, pero no hubo forma ...)

Sigo ...

Le he hecho unos cuantos cambios. A saber:
.- Convertí todos los datos a INSERT en postgreSQL
.- Creé una base de datos con 3 tablas, para que se pudieran
seguir metiendo datos sin problemas.
.- Junté todo y lo dejé listo para que lo introduzcan
directamente en sus bases de datos a través del psql.

En fin, que ya tienen juguetito para un rato ;)

Post: ¿Alguien se anima a desarrollar un proyecto de este tipo ...? Es que a
veces me vuelvo ``$%º-!'' intentando recordar en que revista venia tal
articulo ... :)
Post: ¿Para cuando algo con los CDrom's ?   }:-)
___   _
  / ___|_   _| (_) ___  Grupo de Usuarios de LInux de Canarias
 | |  _| | | | | |/ __| Pasate por nuestro web
 | |_| | |_| | | | (__  http://www.gulic.org/
  \|\__,_|_|_|\___| Clave GPG en las paginas de Gulic
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  Key fingerprint = F734 17F5 3AB6 E1F6 11C4  B498 5B3E  FEDF 90DF

Description: Binary data

Description: PGP signature

Re: Instalar un weblog

2000-07-19 Thread Miquel

como alguien ha mencionado ya, tienes squishdot que resulta bastante
sencillo de instalar y muy fácil de administrar. Nosotros la usamos en
sindominio desde hace meses, y va bien mientras no haya grandes
volumenes almacenados, pues la base de datos que usa es algo endeble
(puedes ver squishdot en acción, bastante modificado, en
http://gugs.sindominio.net o en http://acp.sindominio.net). Squishdot
corre sobre zope, por lo que necesitas tener instalado zope y
tinytable-zope (la bd) previamente --la potato incluye ambas--. Tanto
squishdot como zope tienen licencias libres.

un saludo,


El mié, jul 19, 2000 at 01:49:56 +0200 31 ha dit:

 Con el subject ya os imaginareis a lo que voy :). Necesito ayuda sobre
 como instalar un weblog con Debian, he leido un articulo de Solo Linux
 y he intentado instalarlo pero no casi no consigo ni empezar, supongo
 que será porque nunca he instalado nada parecido y no soy muy experto
 del tema :(.
 Vereis, tengo la Debian potato y ya en el momento de instalar los
 paquetes necesarios ya me armo un lio, porque no me coinciden mucho los
 nombres de los paquetes, he instalado los paquetes apache, php3, phplib
 y php3-mysql y recuerdo haber tenido algún problema con apache por lo de
 la IP del pc creo, creeis que sería necesario que me leyese los
 sobre apache para configurarlo o ya esta bien por defecto, el ordenador
 esta en casa y conectado a inet por modem sin IP fija.
 En el fichero php3.ini, no se donde deberia añadir el modulo mysql.so,
 tampoco comprendo muy bien como se edita la página prueba.php3, ¿que
 hago? abro un vim pongo únicamente la linea ?phpInfo()? y lo guardo?
 (esto es lo que hago pero al consultar la página con netscape me sale la
 linea y nada más.
 Ya veis que casi no hay por donde cojerme, no tengo prisa pero si muchas
 ganas de conseguirlo, así que, si ves que es mucho rollo explicarme todo
 lo que no sé...por lo menos, ¿podriais decirme por donde empezar a
 documentarme? para no andar pegando palos de ciego.
 Muchas gracias :
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: xsession errors

2000-07-19 Thread estoy
Si a alguien le sirve, ya se cual era el problema que tenia, que 
impedia que algun usuario no-privilegiado iniciara sesion en X.

Me falta el archivo Xwrapper (no se donde debe de estar localizado, 
pero ya lo busque por todos lados).

Si alguien es tan amable de mandarme una copia del suyo o de indicarme 
que debe de contener y donde debo ponerlo, se lo agradeceria.

Gracias y un

Este mensaje fue enviado mediante Web E-mail de MegaRed

Re: Upgrade openssl .deb? or purge old ver and install new?

2000-07-19 Thread montefin

I vote for wipe both clean, 'apt-get install' Woody's openssl-0.9.5a and
build openssh-2.1.1p4 from source tomorrow morning.

montefin looks at all the votes.


H. I won!

Somebody stop me!


montefin wrote:
 Just hoping for a little guidance before I upgrade both ssl and ssh.
 With a new (Potato-based, linux-2.2.16) firewall in place between my
 SDSL connection and my internal network, I now want to open a secure
 telnet connection (port 22) to and from the outside, and to close the
 regular telnet connection (port 23).
 To accomplish that, I've downloaded openssh-2.1.1p4 from
 http://www.openssh.com/. Since that requires openssl-9.9.5a, I also
 added http://non-us.debian.org/debian-non-US woody/non-US main contrib
 non-free to my /etc/apt/sources.list so I can apt-get it.
 Currently, I have openssh-1.2.3-8, openssl-0.9.4-5, apache-ssl, and
 apache-perl on the firewall -- all installed via apt-get.
 I've run 3 apt-get simulations:
 1.) apt-get --simulate install openssl -- which says it will upgrade
 openssl and add 1 required library, libssl095a.
 2.) apt-get --simulate remove openssl -- which says it will remove
 apache-perl, apache-ssl and openssl, and install php3, apache-dev and
 3.) apt-get --simulate remove ssh -- which says it will just remove ssh.
 The only fly in the ointment (that I can see) is that I accepted the
 default expiration on the temporary certificate I made for apache-ssl
 back in April, so it has expired.
 --- Okay, here's my question(s): Since there is no .deb file (AFAICT)
 for openssh-2.1.1p4, I'm going to have to apt-get remove (or dpkg
 --purge) ssh anyway and install the new version from source. Would there
 be any advantage to going to the extra trouble of removing/purging and
 re-installing openssl, apache-ssl and apache-perl? Besides, that is,
 getting the opportunity to create new certificates and keys now that I
 know a little more about how to do that? Of course, if the openssl
 upgrade gave me the same opportunity, that would clinch it for me.
 And one bug-a-boo, I _know_ I have seen a version of the openssl tookit
 saying it _includes_ the ssh functionalities, but for the life of me I
 can't re-locate that source. Was I dreaming?
 Any guidance would be vastly appreciated -- especially if there are
 better, simpler ways to go about updating the security features on the
 firewall which, btw, is a 486DX, 64Mb RAM, 514Mb HDD machine running
 Potato on a 2.2.16 kernel (with vague notions of bumping up to
 2.4.0-test5, which is humming along nicely on my P II box, because I
 _love_ them iptables).
 Thanks in advance for any help, and for your patience with

midi html tags

2000-07-19 Thread Jaye Inabnit ke6sls


Rather silly querry, but needs asking; I built my website using M$ frontpage,
and it worked well. browsing it with M$ browsers etc produces midi. Not so
with netscape. is there a fix to make netscape work with the M$ midi tag?

I can browse sites that were built with netscape and the midi does work,
so I will assume that M$ isn't using excepted tags for the midi play.

any help much appreciated.




M.J. Inabnit, KE6SLS e-mail  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
707-442-6579 h/m 707-441-7096 p
http://www.qsl.net/ke6slsICQ# 12741145
This mail composed with kmail on kde on X on linux warped by debian
If it's stupid, but works, it ain't stupid.

Re: Fw: failure notice

2000-07-19 Thread Matthew Dalton
user gone absent
debian-user subscribed
quota exceeded

montefin wrote:
 Lucky it doesn't originate From: [EMAIL PROTECTED].

Re: Enlightenment and X

2000-07-19 Thread Joseph de los Santos
From: Sven Burgener [EMAIL PROTECTED]
3) Are there any *good* apps that I *need* to have? :)
 AFAIS, I just *love* eterm. Great stuff! :)

Yes. get those cute little epplets. if you like eterm..you'll also like
those tiny epplets too!

xsession errors

2000-07-19 Thread estoy
Hi there:

My problem is I can't get into X mode, aparently 'cause of an 
authorization issue.

My .xsessionerror file has these lines:
xrdb: Can't open display ':0'
Xlib: connection to :0.0 refused by server
Xlib: Client is not authorized to connect to Server
xmodmap:  unable to open display ':0'
/usr/bin/X11/WindowMaker fatal error: could not open display :0

What should I do? Do I have to setuid... what?

I hope you don't mind such a newbie question.

Este mensaje fue enviado mediante Web E-mail de MegaRed

Re: NE2k problem

2000-07-19 Thread Phil Brutsche
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

 Hi. I have a problem with my NE2000 PCI clone. Whenever I do an insmod
 on the module, it comes back with an `unresolved symbols' error. If
 anyone has tips out there it would be appreciated.

What are the symbols?

What's most likely happening is you're doing only an `insmod ne2k-pci`.
You need to do one of two things:

modprobe ne2k-pci


insmod 8390
insmod ne2k-pci

to get your ethernet card to work.

The unresolved symbols are coming from the low-level driver for the
National Semiconductor 8390 (or compatible) microcontroller on the
ethernet card.  The low-level code is shared among about 10 ethernet card
drivers (some 3com ISA cards, NE1k/NE2k, WD 80*3, 'prolly some others)
that use the same microcontroller but have differing glue logic to send
the microcontroller the commands.

Phil Brutsche   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There are two things that are infinite; Human stupidity and the
universe. And I'm not sure about the universe. - Albert Einstien

Re: Potato and Helix-Gnome

2000-07-19 Thread Ross Boylan
I think apt had some problems with handling CD's, especially multiple
ones.  You might want to check the bug list.

On Wed, Jul 05, 2000 at 08:45:05AM -0500, Robert Maynord wrote:
 Dear debian-user List Friends:
 I have been following the Potato and Helix-Gnome discussions, and decided
 to try the setup.  I downloaded last weeks version of Potato, and it works
 fine.  I purchased the Helix-Gnome disk, and it works - at least with Red
 Hat.  I have unsuccessfully tried the Potato-Helix combination on two
 completely different computers, so the problem must be mine.  I begin with
 the the Potato installation, and when it gets to the apt-get section, I
 include the Helix-Gnome CD.  Potato sees the Helix-Gnome CD fine, and I
 select the three Helix-Gnome boxes in the apt-get simple selection area.
 I then continue the installation, and all works fine until apt-get begins
 the actual installation of the packages.  Then the messages (describing
 which packages are to be installed) appear at different starting points on
 the screen. The last message is: Do you want to continue? [Y/n]  At this
 point the computer freezes and will not respond to a typed Y (enter) or any
 other keyboard action.  
 My hope is to use the Debian/Helix-Gnome combination on computers at an
 elementary school.  Any help on this problem would be very much appreciated!!!
 p.s. I have also tried installing Helix-Gnome after completing a
 Potato-only installation.  Potato installs fine.  But when I begin the
 Helix-Gnome part, directly from the CD as per Helix-Gnome instructions, the
 same screen freezing occurs.  
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Background mail transfers

2000-07-19 Thread Pap Tibor
Stephen A. Witt wrote:

 Well, I'm sure there are a lot of ways around this. What I do is to use
 diald to allow on demand connections to my ISP. I then have a cron job
 that runs fetchmail periodically to get the mail about 4 times a day.
 Additionally I wrote a little perl script that runs when I log in (started
 by kde) that will get mail if the network connection is up every 10
 minutes. diald is a nice solution as you are not controlling connection.
 When fetchmail, or any other application requiring network access, is
 finished, diald will end the connection. diald allows one to do other
 things automatically also. I run leafnode so my machine is a USENET news
 server. leafnode gets the news in the middle of the night and I can read
 it from a local disk whenever I want to and not have to put up with
 downloading news in real time.

And how do you post news messages? Does leafnode do this yob for you too?

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Could you send your perl script please?


apsfilter and dselect

2000-07-19 Thread Charlie Ebert
I'm having a hard time printing and decided to use
dselect to load apsfilter.

When dselect ran the configuration for apsfilter I noticed
that several programs apsfilter used were not there.


Of this list, html2ps and recode I found on the potato directories and
installed them.  The rest, I'm not sure about.  I couldn't find them.

It occured to me that we should make suggested selections of these other
programs when people install apsfilter.  In-fact, I would have a tendency
to make them actual dependency's of apsfilter. There was quite a list of
and these were the only ones missing.

It also occured to me, either I don't know how to search for a program by
using dselect or there is not feature to search for a program by name using

Finally, I wonder why these other software packages aren't in potato?
I am assuming they are not as I didn't find them in 2 passes.

Yet, this is only part of my current printing problem.
I'm still having poor luck getting an ungarbled page from my printer.

Tommorrow I think I will change some bios settings and see if that helps.


Re: Background mail transfers

2000-07-19 Thread Alan
Hi All,

  A quick question on the verge of this discussion ... I am about to setup 
fetchmail to collect my email from my ISP via diald (as described in this 
thread) but would also like to redistribute the mail once collected to 
individual user accounts based on the alias (contents of the mail To: field). 
Does anyone have a fetchmailrc or similar script that does this (also - what 
user account does it run under?).

- Original Message - 
To: Stephen A. Witt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Barry Samuels [EMAIL PROTECTED]; debian-user@lists.debian.org
Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2000 5:55 PM
Subject: Re: Background mail transfers

Stephen A. Witt wrote:

 Well, I'm sure there are a lot of ways around this. What I do is to use
 diald to allow on demand connections to my ISP. I then have a cron job
 that runs fetchmail periodically to get the mail about 4 times a day.
 Additionally I wrote a little perl script that runs when I log in (started
 by kde) that will get mail if the network connection is up every 10
 minutes. diald is a nice solution as you are not controlling connection.
 When fetchmail, or any other application requiring network access, is
 finished, diald will end the connection. diald allows one to do other
 things automatically also. I run leafnode so my machine is a USENET news
 server. leafnode gets the news in the middle of the night and I can read
 it from a local disk whenever I want to and not have to put up with
 downloading news in real time.

And how do you post news messages? Does leafnode do this yob for you too?

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Could you send your perl script please?


Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Enlightenment and X

2000-07-19 Thread Ethan Pierce
have you tried EFM?? :)
- Original Message -
From: Joseph de los Santos [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Sven Burgener [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Debian Users
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2000 11:21 PM
Subject: Re: Enlightenment and X

 From: Sven Burgener [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 3) Are there any *good* apps that I *need* to have? :)
  AFAIS, I just *love* eterm. Great stuff! :)

 Yes. get those cute little epplets. if you like eterm..you'll also like
 those tiny epplets too!

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


2000-07-19 Thread Tom Pfeifer
Fips 2.0 is also on the Debian ftp site here:



Alan wrote:
 Hi Vijay,
   Are you using fips v 2.0 (partitioning fat32 is new in this version). I've 
 repartitioned a Win98 PC with fips recently - no problem. I picked up the 
 source and binaries a wee while ago - can't remember the URL (reply to me 
 directly and I can email them to you...)..
 - Original Message -
 From: Ron Rademaker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Cc: debian-user@lists.debian.org
 Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2000 2:58 PM
 Subject: Re: LINUX ON FAT32
 Do you want to remove win98? If so, you can repartition your hd during the
 installation of Debian (uses cfdisk), in this process you remove the
 fat32 partition(s) and you can make ext2 and a swap partition, if you
 also want win98, you can also make a fat32 partition where you can
 install windows (you'll have to install win98 again, except if you got
 more then one partition already, in that case you can just remove one of
 those partitions and replace them by ext2), after that you can use lilo
 to set up multiboot.
 Hope this is of any help.
 Ron Rademaker
 On Tue, 18 Jul 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have win98 on FAT32.  I want to partition the h/d with fips, but it is not
  allowing me since my pc is with FAT32.  I want to load linux after

Multiple Domains

2000-07-19 Thread Martin Fluck

I have one debian linux server, which manage the domain name system.
Now there´s one domain on this machine for sending and getting emails.
How can I configure bind8 to manage more than one domain with this

Thanks for your help


Re: Background mail transfers

2000-07-19 Thread Petr \[Dingo\] Dvorak
On Tue, 18 Jul 2000, Alan wrote:

A   A quick question on the verge of this discussion ... I am about to setup
A   fetchmail to collect my email from my ISP via diald (as described in this
A   thread) but would also like to redistribute the mail once collected to
A   individual user accounts based on the alias (contents of the mail
A   To: field). Does anyone have a fetchmailrc or similar script that does
A   this (also - what user account does it run under?).

I use exim/.forward file macros for the simple things on some mail accounts and
.procmailrc for the more complex things, .procmailrc have its own manpage
procmailrc(5). And to answer your second question, it runs under the user
account from which you run the fetchmail.


   ' `(~)' `
  Petr [Dingo] Dvorak   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Coder - Purple Dragon MUD pdragon.inetsolve.com port 
 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ 369D93 ]=-
  Just because you paranoid, it doesn't mean, they're not after you

2.2 kernel and frozen

2000-07-19 Thread BEL List Manager

I've just upgraded to the 2.2 (2.2.16 I think) kernel, and have a couple of

1. How come there is a debian package for 2.2.17, but all I could find on
ftp.kernel.org is 2.2.16?

2. If I compile as bzImage, I get an error on booting after uncompressing
the kernel. It either gives a memory error, out of memory, or just reboots
at this point. If I compile a zImage it's fine. Any ideas?

Many thanks.


(Kein Betreff)

2000-07-19 Thread Martin Fluck
unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: staroffice

2000-07-19 Thread Martin J . Hillyer
On Tue, Jul 18, 2000 at 08:01:14PM -0400, David Teague wrote:
 On Tue, 6 Jun 2000 kmself@ix.netcom.com wrote:
  StarOffice is a bloated stuck pig.  It handles MS file formats fairly
  well though.
 I do a lot of revising of documents, and find that SO doesn't export
 'tracking changes' to MS Word. If you can work exclusively with SO
 its word processing format does track changes.
 I rebooted to the Win 98 partition and I ran word 97. I'm hoping
 that the  Trelos's Win4Lin (www.trelos.com) will let me run Word 97
 Someone mentioned that it would run Word 95. Fingers crossed.
 anyhbody know for sure?
 David Teague, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Debian GNU/Linux Because software support is free, timely,
  useful, technically accurate, and friendly.
  (I hope this is all of the above.)
Yes, it will run the complete Office97 suite, even Excel w/VBA macros.
I've been running them for three months now with no trouble at all.
(It'll run lots of other Windoze software, too.)

Hang around in the Win4Lin list for a while -
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  There are many comments on which
software will run / won't run / needs tweaking to run...

Martin Hillyer
Powered by Debian/GNU Linux 2.2.14
Communications by mutt-1.0.1i
Whoa...I did a 'zcat /vmlinuz  /dev/audio' and I think I heard God...
-- mikecd on #Linux

Re: Compiling Kernel with debian

2000-07-19 Thread Ralf G. R. Bergs
On Tue, 18 Jul 2000 21:43:14 -0700, Jens Helweg wrote:

dialog.h:29: curses.h: No such file or directory

As the other folx already suggested, you need the NCurses development package.

But you also need package bin86. This is used to assembler the boot sector 
code, IIRC. Make sure you got that installed, otherwise kernel compilation 
will fail again at a later stage.

Sign the EU petition against SPAM:  L I N U X   .~.
http://www.politik-digital.de/spam/The  Choice  /V\
of a  GNU  /( )\
   Generation  ^^-^^

Re: apsfilter and dselect

2000-07-19 Thread Morten Liebach
On Wed, Jul 19, 2000 at 12:52:13AM -0500, Charlie Ebert wrote:
 I'm having a hard time printing and decided to use
 dselect to load apsfilter.
 When dselect ran the configuration for apsfilter I noticed
 that several programs apsfilter used were not there.
 Of this list, html2ps and recode I found on the potato directories and
 installed them.  The rest, I'm not sure about.  I couldn't find them.

They are not there.

 It occured to me that we should make suggested selections of these other
 programs when people install apsfilter.  In-fact, I would have a tendency
 to make them actual dependency's of apsfilter. There was quite a list of
 and these were the only ones missing.

compress == ncompress in debian, I believe melt and pack are
compressionprograms. bzip is the same as bzip2 (more or less), which you
have, and the others are some graphicsfilters AFAIK.

It might be a good idea to suggest all these packages, but they are not
really needed.

The compression utils are so you can print conpressed files with the lpr
command, e.g.: ``lpr my_novel.tex.bz2'' for example.
You could just as well manually bunzip it instead.

Go have a look at http://www.freebsd.org/~andreas/apsfilter for more on
apsfilter, it's a really nice program.

 It also occured to me, either I don't know how to search for a program by
 using dselect or there is not feature to search for a program by name using

There is: ``/'' gets you a promt for somthing you wanna search for.
It is documented within dselect.

UNIX, reach out and grep someone!

Potato Install Problem (Base System Step)

2000-07-19 Thread jpglutting

I have been trying to install a copy of Potato, from last Sunday 
(July . The install is causing problems - first it gave me a bad 
lenght error when unzipping and installing the kernel and drivers 
(drivers.tgz). I solved this by copying the CD to a linux partition on 
another hard drive (not really sure why this worked...). But it will not 
install the Base System. I have tried from the hard drive and the 
CD, and each time it seems to be loading and reading information, 
and then it returns to the install menu with Install Base System 
selected again. If I select Configure Base System, it says that 
the Base system has not been installed.

I know that at least one other person on thi slist has had this 
problem. Anyone else? Any suggestions? Would it help to update 
the Base2_2.tgz file? Is this a problem with the installer?



Montse Rue
JP Glutting

Re: staroffice

2000-07-19 Thread Phillip Deackes
Martin J . Hillyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yes, it will run the complete Office97 suite, even Excel w/VBA macros.
 I've been running them for three months now with no trouble at all.
 (It'll run lots of other Windoze software, too.)

So - let me get this right - Win4Lin is a virtual machine in which you
can run Windows. Or is it some sort of emulator?


Phillip Deackes
Using Storm Linux

Re: staroffice

2000-07-19 Thread Nick Croft
On Tue, 18 Jul 2000, David Teague wrote:

 On Tue, 6 Jun 2000 kmself@ix.netcom.com wrote:
  StarOffice is a bloated stuck pig.  It handles MS file formats fairly
  well though.

It may be the only use for SO, take a Word .doc and turn it into something
Unix or universal like html.

How fast does a computer need to be? I thought 133mh was slow. Put it on a
333mh box today and it's no faster. Even at 600+ it would be slow if
processor is the clue to speed.


Sawfish GNOME control center problem

2000-07-19 Thread Alexander Hvostov
Hi everyone,

I seem to be having a problem with Sawfish's GNOME capplets: unlike all
other capplets, Sawfish's capplets always require me to press Try before
pressing OK to actually make the changes have any effect. Otherwise,
they are silently ignored, as if I had pressed Cancel.

On all machines other than this one, the Sawfish capplets work in the
expected manner; i.e., pressing OK makes the changes take effect.

I have had this problem for some time, and I now have the latest Sawfish
.debs (0.30.2). I am using Helix GNOME, and Debian woody. There are still
some packages that are out-of-date, but I doubt they will fix the problem,
since it has existed for quite a while now, and it seems specific to this
machine, suggesting a configuration problem. Does anyone know of any
configuration files that might cause this..?

Any help in figuring out this problem would be greatly appreciated. I am
not subscribed to this list, so please send any replies directly to my
email address.



PGP/GPG Fingerprint:
  EFD1 AC6C 7ED5 E453 C367  AC7A B474 16E0 758D 7ED9

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!O M- !V PS++ PE- Y+ PGP t+ !5 X-- !R tv b DI D++ 
G+++ e-- h! !r y 

Menu fonts.

2000-07-19 Thread Nick Croft
Debian Users,

I've migrated to potato from rh. I changed for philosophical reasons, and
am stoked.

Some things needed customising. Printing and mail were a little
trouble. Only one more major worry: the size of fonts in Netscape menus,
gnome menus and the panel need to be reduced.

I've fixed the look of Netscape with some help from a local lad. Wondering
if I might get some help from this list in setting a size for gnome.



Re: Debian + Windows98 on the same large disk problem

2000-07-19 Thread Pavel M. Penev

On Tue, 18 Jul 2000, Dimitris Dracopoulos wrote:

 I have recently got a new hard disk 40GB, in which I decided to install both
 Windows98 and Debian, FreeBSD. 
 (I never wanted to install this Win98 stuff on my machine but job matters
 I repartitioned the hard disk using slink Debian's cfdisk into a first FAT32
 partition of 12GB and 3 more partitions (second is 12GB BSD, and the other
 two, 10 and 5GB Linux). For the cfdisk to work properly with my large disk,
 I had to specify the disk geometry that FreeBSD's fdisk returned to me.
 Following that I installed Windows98 on the first partition of 12GB. I
 checked with the Windows98 fdisk program, and indeed it finds the 4
 partitions mentioning that the 3 last ones are non-DOS. 
 The problem is that when I use the Windows explorer to see what is the
 available space for my C drive (FAT32 partition), I get that available for C
 are 39GB, i.e. the whole of my hard disk and not just the FAT32 partition.
 Despite that, it reports the C volume label to be the same name as that
 reported by the Windows98 fdisk!
 So, I wonder what is happening? Is it just a bug in the Windows Explorer or
 the actual Windows will expand further than their allocated 12GB partition
 when they have no space and delete my Debian and FreeBSD stuff when I
 install them there?
 Has anyone installed both Debian and Windows98 on the same large disk and
 came across anything similar?

You should see fdisk(8), section DOS 6.x WARNING.


Re: midi html tags

2000-07-19 Thread Pavel M. Penev

On Tue, 18 Jul 2000, Jaye Inabnit ke6sls wrote:

 Rather silly querry, but needs asking; I built my website using M$ frontpage,
 and it worked well. browsing it with M$ browsers etc produces midi. Not so
 with netscape. is there a fix to make netscape work with the M$ midi tag?
 I can browse sites that were built with netscape and the midi does work,
 so I will assume that M$ isn't using excepted tags for the midi play.
 any help much appreciated.
 M.J. Inabnit, KE6SLS e-mail  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 707-442-6579 h/m 707-441-7096 p
 http://www.qsl.net/ke6slsICQ# 12741145
 This mail composed with kmail on kde on X on linux warped by debian
 If it's stupid, but works, it ain't stupid.

I don't know what M$ products use to build MIDI into HTML, but the right
way to do it according to HTML v4.01 (see http://www.w3.org/) is to use

13.3 Generic inclusion: the OBJECT element

 !ELEMENT OBJECT - - (PARAM | %flow;)*
  -- generic embedded object --
   %attrs;  -- %coreattrs, %i18n, %events --
   declare (declare)  #IMPLIED  -- declare but don't instantiate
flag --   classid %URI;  #IMPLIED  -- identifies an
implementation --
   codebase%URI;  #IMPLIED  -- base URI for classid, data,
archive--   data%URI;  #IMPLIED  -- reference to object's
data --
   type%ContentType;  #IMPLIED  -- content type for data --
   codetype%ContentType;  #IMPLIED  -- content type for code --
   archive %URI;  #IMPLIED  -- space separated archive list --
   standby %Text; #IMPLIED  -- message to show while loading
   height  %Length;   #IMPLIED  -- override height --
   width   %Length;   #IMPLIED  -- override width --
   usemap  %URI;  #IMPLIED  -- use client-side image map --
   nameCDATA  #IMPLIED  -- submit as part of form --
   tabindexNUMBER #IMPLIED  -- position in tabbing order --

   Start tag: required, End tag: required.


Re: xsession errors

2000-07-19 Thread Pavel M. Penev

On Wed, 19 Jul 100 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi there:
 My problem is I can't get into X mode, aparently 'cause of an 
 authorization issue.
 My .xsessionerror file has these lines:
 xrdb: Can't open display ':0'
 Xlib: connection to :0.0 refused by server
 Xlib: Client is not authorized to connect to Server
 xmodmap:  unable to open display ':0'
 /usr/bin/X11/WindowMaker fatal error: could not open display :0
 What should I do? Do I have to setuid... what?
 I hope you don't mind such a newbie question.
 Este mensaje fue enviado mediante Web E-mail de MegaRed

X11 is capable of using a number of ways to permit users to connect to it.
Your problem is probably caused because the server and the client run with
different user IDs.

You had better see X(1), xauth(1x), xhost(1x) and iceauth(1x).

Hope I help,

Re: Why not diff binaries?

2000-07-19 Thread Pavel M. Penev

On 18 Jul 2000, Bruce Stephens wrote:

 Pavel M. Penev [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Can someone tell me a sensible reason for not having a 'diff'
  equivalent for binary file?
 What do you want to do?
 If you want the following:
 Given a binary (or text) file A and a variant of it A',
 generate a patch delta(A,A') representing the differences.
 Then you can use xdelta.  With xdelta, you can construct and apply
 such binary patches.
 diff is also used to generate human-comprehensible differences, and
 I'm not aware of a tool for doing this for binary files.  
 I'm not sure such a program would be useful, but it probably would be
 for certain kinds of files.  For example, a diff that worked on
 (mostly) text-based files, but used a character-based approach rather
 than a line-based one could be very useful.  At one point algorithms
 for this weren't feasible (hence the line-based nature of diff), but
 IIRC, there's at least one algorithm which generates minimal
 differences in linear time (or thereabouts), for some definition of
 minimal, so it ought to be usable at the byte level.

Thank you all a lot. I have already been told aboult xdelta (and read its
manual); moreover I think a have seen something with more features (like
recusing into directories). I have what I need. I though this topic was
already closed.

Thaks again,

Re: staroffice

2000-07-19 Thread Richard Taylor
Nick Croft [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote regarding Re: staroffice:
 On Tue, 18 Jul 2000, David Teague wrote:
  On Tue, 6 Jun 2000 kmself@ix.netcom.com wrote:
   StarOffice is a bloated stuck pig.  It handles MS file formats fairly
   well though.

 It may be the only use for SO, take a Word .doc and turn it into 
 Unix or universal like html.

 How fast does a computer need to be? I thought 133mh was slow. Put it on 
 333mh box today and it's no faster. Even at 600+ it would be slow if
 processor is the clue to speed.

 500 mhz works fairly well. Memory seems to be really important. I 
started getting good performance at around 128 megs. {linux and win} 
Admitted... the program's no speed demon and startups are slow as hell... 
I does run pretty nicely once it is started. This package is as capable 
as you make it... which makes it as good as anything on the market in my 
book. Nothing that's geared to working in HTML with all its attendant 
capabilities and is as well implemented and well organized as Star Office 
is should be written off as a format converter.

 I don't need anything else {tho some sort of dict program would be nice 
but... that's available through an HTML interface anyway} for office, 
mail, HTML, database, etc, etc functions. Many people could get by with 
this program alone. {which would make that startup problem a bit less of 
an issue.}

 This is, durn near, the perfect office interface. {whatever that means.}

Re: Menu fonts.

2000-07-19 Thread Chanop Silpa-Anan
Once upon a time, I heard Nick Croft say

 I've fixed the look of Netscape with some help from a local lad. Wondering
 if I might get some help from this list in setting a size for gnome.

I just tried grdb package from helix. It works very good, mimicing gtk-theme
for some motif/lestif applications.

For gnome, it uses gtk theme functionalityi, so change the theme to the one
you prefer. Try gnome-control-center (gnomecc) in Desktop-Theme-Selector. At
least you should be able to overide the default fault. If you like the
theme, you might want to try grdb.

| Just Debian ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]|

Description: PGP signature

Re: Menu fonts.

2000-07-19 Thread Chanop Silpa-Anan
Once upon a time, I heard Nick Croft say

 Debian Users,
 I've migrated to potato from rh. I changed for philosophical reasons, and
 am stoked.
 Some things needed customising. Printing and mail were a little
 trouble. Only one more major worry: the size of fonts in Netscape menus,
 gnome menus and the panel need to be reduced.
 I've fixed the look of Netscape with some help from a local lad. Wondering
 if I might get some help from this list in setting a size for gnome.
I forget another thing that you should take a look at, the XF86Config file. 
With new default setting, XF86Config would put 100dpi font before 75dpi
font. If you happen to have xfonts-100dpi installed, you will see a lot big
fonts on your screen.

| Just Debian ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]|

Description: PGP signature

Netscape E-Mail-trouble

2000-07-19 Thread Marcel Karras
Hallo Debians,

I'm using the Netscape Communicator 4.72. (very slow) If I try to recieve an
E-Mail then I will be asked to input my password. I did it, but after pressing
the return-button Netscape kills itself. But I configured the Server-settings
in the right form. (as I did a few time ago in Windows98) Is there any reason
for it?
(there's no error-message)

Thanks awfully!

Re: Menu fonts.

2000-07-19 Thread Nick Croft
On Wed, 19 Jul 2000, Chanop Silpa-Anan wrote:
  I've fixed the look of Netscape with some help from a local lad. Wondering
  if I might get some help from this list in setting a size for gnome.
 I forget another thing that you should take a look at, the XF86Config file. 
 With new default setting, XF86Config would put 100dpi font before 75dpi
 font. If you happen to have xfonts-100dpi installed, you will see a lot big
 fonts on your screen.
Great help! Of course.


Re: Background mail transfers

2000-07-19 Thread Marcio Rosa da Silva
On Tue, 18 Jul 2000, Barry Samuels wrote:

 Can anyone suggest a way to prevent this apart from running Fetchmail

you can use `fetchmail -d time' to start it and `fetchmail --quit' to
stop it. I think fechmail will know what to do if it's fetching and e-mail
when you stop it.



 * Assistant Professor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 * Electrical Engineering Department
 * Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos - UNISINOS
 * Av. Unisinos, 950
 * Sao Leopoldo - RS - Brazil
 * Phone: +55 51 590- R:1781/1782
 *   FAX: +55 51 590-8172
 *   http://www.eletrica.unisinos.br/~marcio

Re: Enlightenment and X

2000-07-19 Thread Peter S Galbraith

Joseph de los Santos wrote:

 Yes. get those cute little epplets. if you like eterm..you'll also like
 those tiny epplets too!

Where do you ge those?  There aren't any in the Debian package
I'm using.


Re: Netscape E-Mail-trouble

2000-07-19 Thread Kent West
Marcel Karras wrote:
 Hallo Debians,
 I'm using the Netscape Communicator 4.72. (very slow) If I try to recieve an
 E-Mail then I will be asked to input my password. I did it, but after pressing
 the return-button Netscape kills itself. But I configured the Server-settings
 in the right form. (as I did a few time ago in Windows98) Is there any reason
 for it?
 (there's no error-message)
 Thanks awfully!

Netscape is pretty unstable. I don't know if this will help, but I'd
suggest turning off any Java in Netscape (Edit/Preferences/Advanced). If
the email you're receiving has html/java, this might be a factor.

Also, if you have another ISP/email system, you might configure Netscape
to use the second email system as a test. This might help you narrow
down the problem to either your Netscape/system or the first ISP's

Sorry I don't have any definitive answers.

installation question...?

2000-07-19 Thread Ken Ebling
Hi, I just downloaded all the .bin files from ftp.debian.org's

I haven't ever seen the kernel-config file before, but that's another
question.. =)

I used rawrite2 to put all the .bin's to disks... when I boot the system
with the rescue disk in the a drive it loads syslinux, and gives me the
screen that I have to push enter on to start installation... on that
screen it says:

This disk uses Linux 2.2.17
(from kernel-image-2.2.17_2.2.17pre6-1)

when I press enter it says:

Loading Linux...
Boot failed: please change disks and press a key to continue.

does anyone know why it says it wants 2.2.17 when I downloaded it from
the 2.2.16 directory!?



Re: Background mail transfers

2000-07-19 Thread Dave Sherohman
Alan said:
   A quick question on the verge of this discussion ... I am about to
 setup fetchmail to collect my email from my ISP via diald (as described in
 this thread) but would also like to redistribute the mail once collected
 to individual user accounts based on the alias (contents of the mail To:
 field). Does anyone have a fetchmailrc or similar script that does this

If the messages are going to different accounts on the mail server, you can
have multiple entries in your .fetchmailrc of the form user foo there is bar
here.  If they're all going to the same account, you'll need to use procmail
or exim (or whatever) filters to divide them up.

 (also - what user account does it run under?).

Whoever runs it.  The default install of fetchmail does not run

Two words: Windows survives. - Craig Mundie, Microsoft senior strategist
So does syphillis. Good thing we have penicillin. - Matthew Alton
Geek Code 3.1:  GCS d- s+: a- C++ UL++$ P L+++ E- W--(++) N+ o+
!K w---$ O M- V? PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv b+ DI D G e* h+ r++ y+

Re: Background mail transfers

2000-07-19 Thread Dave Sherohman
Pap Tibor said:
 And how do you post news messages? Does leafnode do this yob for you too?


Two words: Windows survives. - Craig Mundie, Microsoft senior strategist
So does syphillis. Good thing we have penicillin. - Matthew Alton
Geek Code 3.1:  GCS d- s+: a- C++ UL++$ P L+++ E- W--(++) N+ o+
!K w---$ O M- V? PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv b+ DI D G e* h+ r++ y+

Re: Compiling Kernel with debian

2000-07-19 Thread Charles Lewis
I think if they put libncurses5-dev and bzip2 (and any other missing
package) as suggested dependencies for kernel-source then it would save a
lot of non-gurus some time.


 Jens Helweg wrote:

  I've just installed my first debian disrtibution (Potato 2.2) and I
  wanted to compile a new kernel but get the
  following error message when I execute make menuconfig:
  rm -f include/asm
  ( cd include ; ln -sf asm-i386 asm)
  make -C scripts/lxdialog all
  make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux/scripts/lxdialog'
  gcc -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -DLOCALE
  -DCURSES_LOC=curses.h   -c -o lxdialog.o lxdialog.c
  In file included from lxdialog.c:22:
  dialog.h:29: curses.h: No such file or directory
  make[1]: *** [lxdialog.o] Error 1
  make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux/scripts/lxdialog'
  make: *** [menuconfig] Error 2

 You need to install libncurses5-dev.  It's only necessary for menuconfig.
May I also
 suggest using the kernel-package utility. It simplifies building and
 kernels.  There's good documentation to get you going.
 # apt-get install libncurses5-dev kernel-package

 Also, for a lot of questions you can find answers in the Mailing List
Archive. This
 question about ncurses.h pops up all the time.
www.debian.org/List-Archives has a
 sweet search tool at the bottom.

 good luck


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: Background mail transfers

2000-07-19 Thread Davide Libenzi

 If the messages are going to different accounts on the mail server, you
 have multiple entries in your .fetchmailrc of the form user foo there is
 here.  If they're all going to the same account, you'll need to use
 or exim (or whatever) filters to divide them up.

Why don't You take a look at XMail :


which has an integrated POP3 accounts sync.


Feel free, feel Debian !

Re: Netscape E-Mail-trouble

2000-07-19 Thread Morten Liebach
On Wed, Jul 19, 2000 at 02:05:53PM +0200, Marcel Karras wrote:
 Hallo Debians,
 I'm using the Netscape Communicator 4.72. (very slow) If I try to recieve an
 E-Mail then I will be asked to input my password. I did it, but after pressing
 the return-button Netscape kills itself. But I configured the Server-settings
 in the right form. (as I did a few time ago in Windows98) Is there any reason
 for it?
No, just crappy software.
Try again, it should work now, it did for me!


UNIX, reach out and grep someone!

Re: Netscape E-Mail-trouble

2000-07-19 Thread Philipp Schulte
On Wed, Jul 19, 2000 at 02:05:53PM +0200, Marcel Karras wrote:

 I'm using the Netscape Communicator 4.72. (very slow) If I try to
 recieve an E-Mail then I will be asked to input my password. I did

Why don't you save the password?

 it, but after pressing the return-button Netscape kills itself. But
 I configured the Server-settings in the right form. (as I did a few
 time ago in Windows98) Is there any reason for it?  (there's no

Netscape 4.72 is the reason :)
It's just buggy. I wouldn't recommend using the Communicator for
receiving or sending mails. Have a look at fetchmail and some MUA
(Mutt, Pine, Gnus). BTW: the current version of Netscape is 4.73,
maybe an upgrade would fix your problems.

problem with auto-disconnection

2000-07-19 Thread Marcel Karras
Hallo Debains,

where can I control after how many time my modem disconnects from the internet.
When I write a mail dure being connected to the internet then I don't surf. So
my connection will be dissolved without asking me. Is there an opportunity
where I can control this auto-disconnection from the internet?

Thanks to all!


Re: staroffice

2000-07-19 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Wed, Jul 19, 2000 at 11:27:25AM +0100, Phillip Deackes wrote:
 Martin J . Hillyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Yes, it will run the complete Office97 suite, even Excel w/VBA macros.
  I've been running them for three months now with no trouble at all.
  (It'll run lots of other Windoze software, too.)
 So - let me get this right - Win4Lin is a virtual machine in which you
 can run Windows. Or is it some sort of emulator?

Win4Lin is a virtual machine with somewhat less capability at this
point than VMware.  It will only run 95 and 98.  I had a number of
hiccups getting it installed in potato, but once it was working, I
find it is more convenient to use than VMware.  Applications seem to
run a bit faster for me than under VMware, as well.

Bainbridge Island, WA  http://www.oz.net/~nielsen

Re: problem with auto-disconnection

2000-07-19 Thread Ethan Pierce
Linux ppp is not like the Windows Internet Explorer where it will disconnect
you without permission.  It must be an idle timeout with your ISP.  Set up
fetchmail or some other program that will request network attention
frequently so your ISP wont bump you.

- Original Message -
From: Marcel Karras [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2000 10:45 AM
Subject: problem with auto-disconnection

 Hallo Debains,

 where can I control after how many time my modem disconnects from the
 When I write a mail dure being connected to the internet then I don't
surf. So
 my connection will be dissolved without asking me. Is there an opportunity
 where I can control this auto-disconnection from the internet?

 Thanks to all!


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: problem with auto-disconnection

2000-07-19 Thread Marcio Rosa da Silva
On Wed, 19 Jul 2000, Marcel Karras wrote:

 where can I control after how many time my modem disconnects from the
 internet. When I write a mail dure being connected to the internet
 then I don't surf. So my connection will be dissolved without asking
 me. Is there an opportunity where I can control this
 auto-disconnection from the internet?

use de `idle' option of pppd.



 * Assistant Professor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 * Electrical Engineering Department
 * Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos - UNISINOS
 * Av. Unisinos, 950
 * Sao Leopoldo - RS - Brazil
 * Phone: +55 51 590- R:1781/1782
 *   FAX: +55 51 590-8172
 *   http://www.eletrica.unisinos.br/~marcio

Re: Netscape E-Mail-trouble

2000-07-19 Thread Jens Guenther
On Wed, Jul 19, 2000 at 02:05:53PM +0200, Marcel Karras wrote:
 for it?
 (there's no error-message)


did you start netscape from some menu? If so, you might get some error
messages by starting it from an xterm or other terminal emulator.


Re: Netscape E-Mail-trouble

2000-07-19 Thread Marcel Karras

Am Mit, 19 Jul 2000 schrieb Jens Guenther:
 On Wed, Jul 19, 2000 at 02:05:53PM +0200, Marcel Karras wrote:
  for it?
  (there's no error-message)
 did you start netscape from some menu? If so, you might get some error
 messages by starting it from an xterm or other terminal emulator.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

yes, now there is an error-message:

German: Bus-Zugriffsfehler
English: bus permission failture

But what does this mean?
A few days ago it worked.
Any idea?

qmail trouble

2000-07-19 Thread Michal F. Hanula
I have successfully installed qmail 1.02 (slink) and run it for months.
This morning it has suddenly stopped acepting messages from the outside 
world (remote - local) --- local - local and local - remote works OK.

/var/log/mail.log contains several entries saying that 

[...] starting delivery number: msg number to local 

(should be ``to username@tristvrte.fphil.uniba.sk'').

I have compiled qmail (build-qmail from qmail-src), but haven't installed 
the  deb. (needed it for another machine). Could this be the reason?
Any ideas?

xfree86 4.01

2000-07-19 Thread Ethan Pierce
The deb packages for xfree4 dont seem to be out yet...will it happen do you 
guys think?  

Im wondering if I should compile from source...I really want to get q3 running 
well and have been told 4.01 is wonderfull with the tnt2 card I have. 

1) Has anyone had any luck compiling from source?

2) What things to check for before installing? e.g.  anything special that I 
need before starting the process?

Thanks for your input guysIm scared to break X if I screw something up.


Re: xfree86 4.01

2000-07-19 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans

On Wed, 19 Jul 2000, Ethan Pierce wrote:

 The deb packages for xfree4 dont seem to be out yet...will it happen
 do you guys think?

This is becoming a FAQ.  Unfortunately, I don't know where the answer
is.  Somebody will post the URL of the web page discussing this issue.

 Im wondering if I should compile from source...I really want to get q3
 running well and have been told 4.01 is wonderfull with the tnt2 card
 I have.
 1) Has anyone had any luck compiling from source?
 2) What things to check for before installing? e.g.  anything special
 that I need before starting the process?
 Thanks for your input guysIm scared to break X if I screw something up.

Compiling from source was a breeze.  And you won't screw up your own X if
you tell X 4.0.1 to install itself to something like /usr/local/X11R6 or
something like that.  Read the directions included with the distribution
and you should be all set.  Just make sure you've got plenty of free time
to wait while X builds.  I think it's the longest build I've ever
experienced.  As I recall it was something like 90 minutes on my K6-II
450/SCSI/128 MB RAM...


| Web: http://web.morgul.net/~frodo/
| PGP Public Key: http://web.morgul.net/~frodo/mail.html 

Version: PGPfreeware 5.0i for non-commercial use
Charset: noconv


Re: xfree86 4.01

2000-07-19 Thread Robert L. Harris

It will happen eventuall.

I got the binaries and installed em straight up.  They work great.
Backup (rar) /usr/X11R6 and /etc/X11  first.  If you hose it real bad,
just recover them from the rar and you're back where you started.


Thus spake Ethan Pierce ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 The deb packages for xfree4 dont seem to be out yet...will it happen do you 
 guys think?  
 Im wondering if I should compile from source...I really want to get q3 
 running well and have been told 4.01 is wonderfull with the tnt2 card I have. 
 1) Has anyone had any luck compiling from source?
 2) What things to check for before installing? e.g.  anything special that I 
 need before starting the process?
 Thanks for your input guysIm scared to break X if I screw something up.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Robert L. Harris|  Micros~1 :  
Senior System Engineer  |For when quality, reliability 
  at RnD Consulting |  and security just aren't
\_   that important!
  These are MY OPINIONS ALONE.  I speak for no-one else.
 perl -e 'print $i=pack(c5,(41*2),sqrt(7056),(unpack(c,H)-2),oct(115),10);'

Re: xfree86 4.01

2000-07-19 Thread Robert L. Harris
Thus spake Noah L. Meyerhans ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Compiling from source was a breeze.  And you won't screw up your own X if
 you tell X 4.0.1 to install itself to something like /usr/local/X11R6 or
 something like that.  Read the directions included with the distribution
 and you should be all set.  Just make sure you've got plenty of free time
 to wait while X builds.  I think it's the longest build I've ever
 experienced.  As I recall it was something like 90 minutes on my K6-II
 450/SCSI/128 MB RAM...

90 mins is long?  You never compiled kernel 0.9X on a 386x16SX with 4
megs of ram I take it?


Robert L. Harris|  Micros~1 :  
Senior System Engineer  |For when quality, reliability 
  at RnD Consulting |  and security just aren't
\_   that important!
  These are MY OPINIONS ALONE.  I speak for no-one else.
 perl -e 'print $i=pack(c5,(41*2),sqrt(7056),(unpack(c,H)-2),oct(115),10);'

installing MS PS/2 mouse Debian Linux2.1

2000-07-19 Thread William Smith
After installing Debian Linux2.1 I tried installing X11 but get an error : 

Fatal server error: Cannot open mouse (Operation not supported by device)

there is no /dev/mouse device installed and when I try using modconf to
install an MS Bus Mouse I get an error :

/lib/modules/2.2.12/misc/msbusmouse.o: init_module: Device or resource
busy.  Installation failed

any suggestions?


Re: installing MS PS/2 mouse Debian Linux2.1

2000-07-19 Thread Ron Rademaker
What mouse do you got, subject tells me PS/2 and the mail says MS Bus
mouse, if it's PS/2, you should use /dev/psaux.

Ron Rademaker

On Wed, 19 Jul 2000, William Smith wrote:

 After installing Debian Linux2.1 I tried installing X11 but get an error : 
 Fatal server error: Cannot open mouse (Operation not supported by device)
 there is no /dev/mouse device installed and when I try using modconf to
 install an MS Bus Mouse I get an error :
 /lib/modules/2.2.12/misc/msbusmouse.o: init_module: Device or resource
 busy.  Installation failed
 any suggestions?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: installing MS PS/2 mouse Debian Linux2.1

2000-07-19 Thread William Smith
Hey it worked - thanks Ron!  (/dev/psaux  that is)

Screen size is all a bit screwed up but I'll work on that one! Thanks again.

 William Smith Office: +44 1753 550088
 Solution Engineer Home:   +44 1501 785511
 Gensym UK Ltd.Mobile: +44 7976 746451
 1 St. Colme StreetFax:+44 1753 578199
 Edinburgh E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 EH3 6AA   http://www.gensym.com

smail says 550 You are not permitted to send mail

2000-07-19 Thread Krzys Majewski
Since everyone else is  asking questions that are completely unrelated
to Debian I'll do my bit and ask one that's only slightly related. 

I've got Smail- 1998-Aug-2 #2 with the default 
(ie empty) config files. Here's the problem:

09:54:21/etc/init.d# ./smail restart
Restarting mail transport agent: smail.
09:54:25/etc/init.d# !tel
telnet localhost 25
Connected to cr275960-a.
Escape character is '^]'.
220-cr275960-a.crdva1.bc.wave.home.com Smail- (#2 2000-Feb-23) ready 
at Wed, 19 Jul 2000 09:54:28 -0700 (PDT)
220 ESMTP supported
helo crdva1.bc.wave.home.com
550 You are not permitted to send mail

What gives? The only reason I'm trying to set this up is so that
things like cron jobs will send email to root, as advertised. 

Getting mail to recognise multiple identities

2000-07-19 Thread tony . curzonprice

A week ago or so, I posted the list asking for a nice way to get my mail
client to send out from different apparent users - I hve my academic
job, my consulting job, my start-up, my personal stuff. All these need
different signatures and headers, and I was getting bored of doing it
all by hand.

Someone pointed me to Pine. After a week of use, it seems to me this is a
_really_ nice solution to these problems. It has many qualities as a
mailer (nice text UI, works great via telnet, is _very_ customisable) and
it seems to sort out the multiple ideniites problem nicely.

Too bad that copyright problems make it unDebianisable.

Tony Curzon Price
ESRC Centre for Economic Learning and Social Evolution (ELSE)
University College London
Fax/Mail +44 (0)70921 27178  


Re: xfree86 4.01

2000-07-19 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Wed, Jul 19, 2000 at 12:26:12PM -0400, Noah L. Meyerhans wrote:
 On Wed, 19 Jul 2000, Ethan Pierce wrote:
  The deb packages for xfree4 dont seem to be out yet...will it happen
  do you guys think?
 This is becoming a FAQ.  Unfortunately, I don't know where the answer
 is.  Somebody will post the URL of the web page discussing this issue.


Nathan Norman Eschew Obfuscation  Network Engineer
GPG Key ID 1024D/51F98BB7http://home.midco.net/~nnorman/
Key fingerprint = C5F4 A147 416C E0BF AB73  8BEF F0C8 255C 51F9 8BB7

Description: PGP signature

Re: xfree86 4.01

2000-07-19 Thread Moritz Schulte
On Wed, Jul 19, 2000 at 12:26:12PM -0400, Noah L. Meyerhans wrote:

  The deb packages for xfree4 dont seem to be out yet...will it happen
  do you guys think?
 This is becoming a FAQ.  Unfortunately, I don't know where the answer
 is.  Somebody will post the URL of the web page discussing this issue.

do you mean http://www.debian.org/~branden/ ?

/* Moritz Schulte [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 * http://hp9001.fh-bielefeld.de/~moritz/
 * PGP-Key available, encrypted Mail is welcome.

Re: Getting mail to recognise multiple identities

2000-07-19 Thread Ron Farrer

 A week ago or so, I posted the list asking for a nice way to get my mail
 client to send out from different apparent users - I hve my academic
 job, my consulting job, my start-up, my personal stuff. All these need
 different signatures and headers, and I was getting bored of doing it
 all by hand.

Try mutt. It can deal with mutliple address, signatures, etc. Also
it doesn't have a dumb license like pine.  


Email: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Home:  http://www.farrer.net/~rbf/
Alpha Linux Organization: http://www.alphalinux.org
Alpha News: http://www.alphanews.net
Bellingham Linux Users Group: http://www.blug.org

Description: PGP signature

installation question...?

2000-07-19 Thread Ken Ebling
Hi, I just downloaded all the .bin files from ftp.debian.org's

I haven't ever seen the kernel-config file before, but I don't even get
far enough to need it yet...! =)

I used rawrite2 to put all the .bin's to disks... when I boot the system

with the rescue disk in the a drive it loads syslinux, and gives me the
screen that I have to push enter on to start installation... on that
screen it says:

This disk uses Linux 2.2.17
(from kernel-image-2.2.17_2.2.17pre6-1)

when I press enter it says:

Loading Linux...
Boot failed: please change disks and press a key to continue.

does anyone know why it says it wants 2.2.17 when I downloaded it from
the 2.2.16 directory!?



images iso de debian linux ppc ?

2000-07-19 Thread Julien CANON

 quelqu'un peut-il m'envoyer une ou plusieurs URL où il est possible
d'obtenir les images ISO des CD de la debian linux PPC.

 merci beaucoup pour cette info qui me manque cruellement.

-- Julien CANON -- AlphaCSP
Direction du Système d'Information / Consultant Technique Linux
http://www.alphacsp.com Tel +(33) 1 39 22 63 11
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Fax +(33) 1 39 22 63 12

How do I install gnome on potato?

2000-07-19 Thread rickloga

I recently upgraded to Potato and want to use gnome. I am using

the command line interface only. How do I install gnome? I 
read in the mail list archives that there are 3 choices: gnome,

debian, and xsession. But, I did not understand the differences.

I also do not understand the difference between gdm vs xdm, 
gnome-panel, gnome-session. When I apt-get gnome I get not found.

When I search on the forzen packages for gnome I do not get 
the gdm, gnome-session, or gnome-panel packages. So, what are

my choices and how do I implement the choices? I downloaded 
the gnome user guide but it has nothing about installing. Is

there a HOWTO somewhere on installing gnome?

Sent using MailStart.com ( http://MailStart.Com/welcome.html )
The FREE way to access your mailbox via any web browser, anywhere!

mysql-server root password

2000-07-19 Thread Northwest Advantage

Please cc [EMAIL PROTECTED] as I am not currently subscribed to the list.

When I installed mysql-server debconf said to set the mysql root
password.  Then it referenced /usr/share/doc/mysql-server/README.Debian
for the instructions to do so.  The instructions tell you to change it
with /usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'new-password'

This is what happens when I run this command.

frodo:~# /usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root password blah
/usr/bin/mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed
error: 'Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: YES)'

Does it have something to do with the hosts file or is it an error in the
instructions or possibly something else?

frodo:~# cat /etc/hosts   localhost   frodo.nwadv.com frodo frodo.nwadv.com frodo


P.S.  The box was a potato test cycle 2 install that has been kept

Re: Getting mail to recognise multiple identities

2000-07-19 Thread Phillip Deackes
 A week ago or so, I posted the list asking for a nice way to get my
 client to send out from different apparent users - I hve my academic
 job, my consulting job, my start-up, my personal stuff. All these need
 different signatures and headers, and I was getting bored of doing it
 all by hand.

For anyone else interested, Ishmail is a GUI email app (MUA) which also
facilitates multiple identities. All you need to do is get Ishmail to
add an X-Identity header which is displayed (if you wish) at the top of
the 'Compose' window underneath 'Subject'.

You add an identifying name in the X-Identity box. If I add 'gsmh'
Ishmail looks for a folder called 'gsmh' in my home directory. In that
folder I have three files: '.headers', '.from' and '.signature'. You
just need to put into each file whatever you want to appear on emails
from that particular identity. Once it is set up it is really simple.
You should be able to see the new X-Identity header in this posting.

If you would like a GUI alternative to Pine, you might like to give
Ishmail a try. Ishmail was a commercial app but is now in the public
domain and under active development. It is based on Motif and compiles
cleanly against the now free OpenMotif. An excellent, fully featured

The new Ishmail web site is:  http://ishmail.sourceforge.net/

Phillip Deackes
Using Storm Linux

Re: mysql-server root password

2000-07-19 Thread Ron Rademaker
You can also change the password by loggin in as root, and use mysql,
change the password entry in the table user (with SQL statements, don't
forget to use password=password('$password') instead of

Ron Rademaker

On Wed, 19 Jul 2000, Northwest Advantage wrote:

 Please cc [EMAIL PROTECTED] as I am not currently subscribed to the list.
 When I installed mysql-server debconf said to set the mysql root
 password.  Then it referenced /usr/share/doc/mysql-server/README.Debian
 for the instructions to do so.  The instructions tell you to change it
 with /usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'new-password'
 This is what happens when I run this command.
 frodo:~# /usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root password blah
 /usr/bin/mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed
 error: 'Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: YES)'
 Does it have something to do with the hosts file or is it an error in the
 instructions or possibly something else?
 frodo:~# cat /etc/hosts   localhost   frodo.nwadv.com frodo frodo.nwadv.com frodo
 P.S.  The box was a potato test cycle 2 install that has been kept
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Background mail transfers

2000-07-19 Thread Barry Samuels
On Tue, 18 Jul 2000, Simon Michael wrote:

 hmm.. surely fetchmail normally would take this in stride, re-fetching
 the message next time ?

Whoops!  Embarrassing admission time.

Your remark above triggered the thought processes and I've work out what I
think happened.

I am not yet using the linux mail processing as my main mail handler until
I'm satisfied that it's working properly so I have set fetchmail not to
delete mail from the server.  But I also download the mail using OS/2
which then deletes the mail from the server.

So I suspect that having chopped off Fetchmail's download leaving half an
e-mail I subsequently re-booted into OS/2 and downloaded the mail.  This
would have then deleted the mail from the server so that the next time the
mail server was checked using Fetchmail the e-mail as mentioned above was
no longer there.

I hadn't thought that through when I posted to this list.

Apologies all round.  If you ignore me I may go away!

Barry Samuels

Re: images iso de debian linux ppc ?

2000-07-19 Thread Bolan Meek
Julien CANON wrote:
  quelqu'un peut-il m'envoyer une ou plusieurs URL où il est possible
 d'obtenir les images ISO des CD de la debian linux PPC.

My French is not good, but I think that what is requested
is a URL for Debian/PPC.

I find

debian/dists/sid/main/disks-powerpc/2.2.16-2000-07-17 ,
but I don't know if there is an ISO image available.
You may want to get
ftp://ftp.debian.org/debian/dists/potato/Contents-powerpc.gz ,
and see what Debian has for PPC.

You might think of getting a CD from someone on
http://www.debian.org/distrib/vendors .  Unless your
Internet pipe is fat, and you desire to burn your own CD,
of course.

  merci beaucoup pour cette info qui me manque cruellement.

Hey, you're welcome beaucoup.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] 972-729-5387
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (home phone on request)
RE: xmailtool http://www.koyote.com/users/bolan/xmailtool/index.html
I am the ILOVEGNU signature virus. Just copy me to your signature.
This email was infected under the terms of the GNU General Public

Re: How do I install gnome on potato?

2000-07-19 Thread Pat Mahoney
On Wed, Jul 19, 2000 at 11:20:25AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I recently upgraded to Potato and want to use gnome. I am using
 the command line interface only. How do I install gnome? I 

You do not have X Windows installed apparently?

 read in the mail list archives that there are 3 choices: gnome,
 debian, and xsession. But, I did not understand the differences.

Not sure what you mean here, but it's nowhere near that simple. 
There are many many options.

 I also do not understand the difference between gdm vs xdm, 

gdm and xdm do the same thing (almost).  Instead of the terminal
giving you a login prompt, gdm or xdm does it graphically with X.

 gnome-panel, gnome-session. When I apt-get gnome I get not found.

gnome-panel is part of gnome.  gnome-session is the program to run in
place of the window manager in your .xsession file (stuff in that
file is run when X starts).

Try apt-get task-gnome-desktop.  You might also consider the Helix
gnome package.  Simply add the line:

# Helix GNOME
deb http://spidermonkey.helixcode.com/distributions/debian unstable main

to /etc/apt/sources.list and then apt-get update ; apt-get
task-helix-core task-helix-gnome (also optionally

Note that I have potato and am running Helix gnome made for woody
just fine.

 When I search on the forzen packages for gnome I do not get 
 the gdm, gnome-session, or gnome-panel packages. So, what are

Hmm, where are you searching, the debian website, dselect...?
 my choices and how do I implement the choices? I downloaded 
 the gnome user guide but it has nothing about installing. Is
 there a HOWTO somewhere on installing gnome?

Hope that helps. 


Reader, suppose you were an idiot.  And suppose you were a member of
Congress.  But I repeat myself.
-- Mark Twain

Re: Enlightenment and X

2000-07-19 Thread Joseph de los Santos
Yep.  in my opinion, EFM has potential but I'll wait until it's integrated
with enlightenment before trying it for everyday use.it's a real eye-candy
though! ;)

- Original Message -
From: Ethan Pierce [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Joseph de los Santos [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Sven Burgener
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; Debian Users debian-user@lists.debian.org
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2000 11:14 PM
Subject: Re: Enlightenment and X

 have you tried EFM?? :)
 - Original Message -
 From: Joseph de los Santos [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Sven Burgener [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Debian Users
 Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2000 11:21 PM
 Subject: Re: Enlightenment and X

  From: Sven Burgener [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  3) Are there any *good* apps that I *need* to have? :)
   AFAIS, I just *love* eterm. Great stuff! :)
  Yes. get those cute little epplets. if you like eterm..you'll also
  those tiny epplets too!
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: How do I install gnome on potato?

2000-07-19 Thread Mike Werner
Pat Mahoney wrote:
 You might also consider the Helix gnome package.

I'll second that.  I'm using it here on a couple of woody machines.  It's
quite nice.

 Simply add the line:
 # Helix GNOME
 deb http://spidermonkey.helixcode.com/distributions/debian unstable main
 to /etc/apt/sources.list and then apt-get update ; apt-get
 task-helix-core task-helix-gnome (also optionally

One slight note here - if you want the entire thing (other than the dev
stuff) then you need do only apt-get install task-helix-gnome  That package
depends on the task-helix-core package.  The end effect is the same either

Also, I believe the original poster said he was using his system
command-line only - the task-helix-core package also depends on the core
XWindows package, and the task-helix-core package will bring in the
Sawfish-Gnome window manager.
Mike Werner  KA8YSD   | He that is slow to believe anything and
  | everything is of great understanding,
'91 GS500E| for belief in one false principle is the
Morgantown WV | beginning of all unwisdom.

Re: Enlightenment and X

2000-07-19 Thread Joseph de los Santos

 Where do you ge those?  There aren't any in the Debian package
 I'm using.

 I just checked. the epplets can be found on the debian ftp site. the latest
version I found is epplets 0.5-2. (from the unstable tree) if you have apt
installed you can just call it to get your epplets.

Good Luck

From: Peter S Galbraith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Joseph de los Santos [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Debian Users Mailing List debian-user@lists.debian.org
Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2000 6:20 AM
Subject: Re: Enlightenment and X


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: mysql-server root password

2000-07-19 Thread Mark Walter

  frodo:~# /usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root password blah
  /usr/bin/mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed
  error: 'Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: YES)'

had the same problem. My sysadmin possibly raised a password during
installation. So the database constrained it from root using the
password which I didn't know. One possible solution was to reinvoke
the whole procedure with:

 dpkg-reconfigure -plow mysql-server

I have sudo so hopefully you also got it.
  frodo:~# cat /etc/hosts   localhost   frodo.nwadv.com frodo frodo.nwadv.com frodo

no, this just containes the hosts names in conjunction with an ip.
You don't really need it as it behaves like a simple DNS while your
routing is doing nslookup's.

Never mind !


Re: ThinkPad 600, kernel 2.2.17pre6, and hibernation

2000-07-19 Thread Thomas Hood
 This is just to inform ThinkPad 600 users that I
 have tested the latest kernel, 2.2.17pre6, and can
 report that SFAICT the hibernation problem has been

I forgot to mention in my previous message that I had to
make a change to /etc/apm/apmd_proxy in order to get
suspend and hibernate working properly.  Specifically,
I had to remove the part of the script that checks to
see if the machine is on AC power and the request is
a system suspend, and exits in that case.  On the
ThinkPad, Fn-F4 and Fn-F12 generate system suspends
and so do the tpctl --suspend and tpctl --hibernate
commands; we don't want apmd_proxy to ignore these.

I have filed a bug report against the apmd package
with the above information.

The reason it is important for the /etc/apm/event.d/*
scripts to be run on suspend or hibernate is that,
at present, sound programs must be stopped in order
to prevent them from generating terrible noises after
the resume, before the ALSA drivers have had a chance
to reprogram the sound chip registers.  The 
/etc/apm/event.d/alsa script in the current woody alsa-base
package does just this.  It is to be hoped that someday
in the future the ALSA driver itself will gag playback
on suspend and un-gag it on resume so that the
/etc/apm/event.d/alsa script won't be necessary.
(I have asked the alsa developers to implement this
gagging.  My latest info is that IBM has paid LinuxCare
to modify the ALSA drivers for its upcoming ThinkPad T20
with Caldera Linux preload, and that the resulting mods
will be fed back to the ALSA project.  Good news.)

Thomas Hood

My (RedHat with a dab of Debian) Linux on ThinkPad 600 page: 
ThinkPad Configuration Tools for Linux home page:

Re: ippp0 error

2000-07-19 Thread Moritz Schulte
On Mon, Jun 19, 2000 at 11:23:16PM +0200, Willi Dyck wrote:

 in general i've no problem connecting to the internet via isdn.
 but 3 days ago i've reintalled my debian system and now i can't
 establish a connection.
 but ifconfig shows only eth0 and no ippp0 interface
 isdnctrl dial ippp0 says:
 ippp0: operation not supported by device

what exactly gets logged when you try '/etc/init.d/isdnutils start'?
any error messages?

was wird exakt geloggt, wenn du '/etc/init.d/isdnutils ausfuehrst'?
irgendwelche fehler meldungen?

/* Moritz Schulte [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 * http://hp9001.fh-bielefeld.de/~moritz/
 * PGP-Key available, encrypted Mail is welcome.

Problems compiling kernel...

2000-07-19 Thread Jason Quigley


I am getting the following errors while trying to compile a 2.2.16 kernel 
and modules:


make -C  net CFLAGS=-Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer 
ict-aliasing -pipe -fno-strength-reduce -m486 -malign-loops=2 
-malign-jumps=2 -m
align-functions=2 -DCPU=586 -DMODULE -DMODVERSIONS -include 

de/linux/modversions.h MAKING_MODULES=1 modules
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.16/net'
make -C ipv4 modules
make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.16/net/ipv4'
gcc -D__KERNEL__ -I/usr/src/linux/include -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 
rame-pointer -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -fno-strength-reduce -m486 
=2 -malign-jumps=2 -malign-functions=2 -DCPU=586 -DMODULE -DMODVERSIONS 
/usr/src/linux/include/linux/modversions.h   -c -o ip_masq_autofw.o 

gcc: Internal compiler error: program cc1 got fatal signal 11
make[2]: *** [ip_masq_autofw.o] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.16/net/ipv4'
make[1]: *** [_modsubdir_ipv4] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.16/net'
make: *** [_mod_net] Error 2


If I start 'make modules' again, it continues through a couple of source 
files and the crashes with a similar message.

What could be happening?

Many thanks,

Re: Problems compiling kernel...

2000-07-19 Thread Gary Hennigan
Jason Quigley [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 I am getting the following errors while trying to compile a 2.2.16 kernel 
 and modules:
 make -C  net CFLAGS=-Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer 
 ict-aliasing -pipe -fno-strength-reduce -m486 -malign-loops=2 
 -malign-jumps=2 -m
 align-functions=2 -DCPU=586 -DMODULE -DMODVERSIONS -include 
 de/linux/modversions.h MAKING_MODULES=1 modules
 make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.16/net'
 make -C ipv4 modules
 make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.16/net/ipv4'
 gcc -D__KERNEL__ -I/usr/src/linux/include -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 
 rame-pointer -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -fno-strength-reduce -m486 
 =2 -malign-jumps=2 -malign-functions=2 -DCPU=586 -DMODULE -DMODVERSIONS 
  /usr/src/linux/include/linux/modversions.h   -c -o ip_masq_autofw.o 
 gcc: Internal compiler error: program cc1 got fatal signal 11
 make[2]: *** [ip_masq_autofw.o] Error 1
 make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.16/net/ipv4'
 make[1]: *** [_modsubdir_ipv4] Error 2
 make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.16/net'
 make: *** [_mod_net] Error 2
 If I start 'make modules' again, it continues through a couple of source 
 files and the crashes with a similar message.
 What could be happening?

Nothing good. Read the signal 11 FAQ at


Gary Hennigan

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