Re: Debian Parte 2

2000-07-28 Thread Julián
Se me olvidaba, si queres compilar el núcleo podes hacerlo facilmente con los
siguientes paquetes instalados

kernel-package #y secuaces
bin86#necesario para pc
automount  #lo estoy empezando a usar estos días
autofs# ídem anterior
bzip2 #te ahorras unos minutos bajando paquetes .bz2 ya sabes

kernel-source-2.x.x#la versión que tengas esta bien para empezar. En
corellinux  tenes la 2.2.12. Ojo no es necesario (creo) que sea .deb este
paquete, podes usar el núcleo que quieras, preferiblemente uno 2.2.x que corre
formidablemente bien en slink. Mejor dicho utiliza un 2.2.16 que es lo ultimo  a
no ser que ya este el 2.4 pero no te recomiendo este sino hasta que estés ducho
pues podría fallarte uno que otro paquete. en podes ver las
ultimas incongruencias con el núcleo 2.2.x (slink salio cuasi para correr
núcleos 2.2.x) te recomiendo que no le trates de meter lo ultimo (eso lo puede
explicar un debianero ducho) pues esa cosa de las dependencias es jodida y se
puede solucionar únicamente (por lo menos eso me pasa a mi) con la ultima
cuasi-distro, cuasi-oficial, cuasi-estable, etc. Potato.

Imagino que ya manejas dselect. Hay otro paquete que se llama apt y ese es
fiero para hacer las cosas. Es una de las joyas de debian. Son estos excelentes
frentes para instalar paquetes (y todo lo que encierra esto)

La compilación del núcleo es breve
cd /usr/src/kernel-source-2.x.x
make menuconfig
Ya sabes que hacer aquí
make-kpkg clean
make-kpkg --revision 1 kernel-image
cd ..
dpkg -i kernel*

re-arrancas el sistema y listo

Los detalles te los pillas poco a poco (si venís de slackware ya sabes como es
la cosa de los detalles) para eso esta la lista.

Recomendación especial: Mucho cuidado con ponerte a ver todos los paquetes que
tenes a tu disposición en la distro. Perfectamente te podes quedar pegado a la
PC con tanto a la mano (no te imaginas la felicidad que me dio cuando me di
cuenta que cumpliendo dependencias se puede instalar lo que se desee solo con
oprimir + en dselect). Y además sé la cantidad de paquetes que vienen con
slackware 7.0 y ya pasaste por eso algún día

Bueno no mas pajarilla pues todavía no soy ni proyecto de embrión de usuario

Suerte y pulso.

Desactivar la secuencia Ctrl + Alt + Del.

2000-07-28 Thread Moragues Ramón, Antonio

Hola, alguien podría indicarme si es posible evitar que un pc con Debian
2.2 se reinicie al apretar la combinación de teclas Ctrl + Alt + Del, pues
he mirado en /etc y no he visto nada.


Re: Desactivar la secuencia Ctrl + Alt + Del.

2000-07-28 Thread TooMany
On Fri, Jul 28, 2000 at 09:20:14AM +0200, Moragues Ram?n, Antonio wrote:
 Hola, alguien podría indicarme si es posible evitar que un pc con Debian
 2.2 se reinicie al apretar la combinación de teclas Ctrl + Alt + Del, pues
 he mirado en /etc y no he visto nada.

Dale un vistazo al fichero /etc/inittab.

Have a nice day  ;-)

Re: your mail

2000-07-28 Thread TooMany
On Thu, Jul 20, 2000 at 06:41:52PM +0200, Jaume Sabater wrote:
 ¿Alguien ha configurado 2 discos IDE en RAID 0? He mirado de bajarme los
 paquetes del raid (raidtools) y me dice que si quiero usar el nuevo
 estilo necesito librerias, mientras que si quiero usar el viejo... En
 fin, que me he instalado el raidtools viejo estilo. Ahorita me encuentro
 en que tengo un directorio vacio en el /etc, tengo el /usr/include/raid.h,
 y ya tá; y no tengo ni un manual de cómo hacer raid 0. Eso si, tengo un
 fastástico raid how to, pero no se por dónde empezar... Supongo que tendria
 que tener una table dentro del /etc/raid describiendo las unidades raid qué
 discos tiene... 
 Por lo que se, raid 0 no es redundante, por lo que si se me jode un disco
 se me joroba todo el raid enterito :-(. ¿Es realmente estable el raid 0?
 ¿Hay alguna paranoia que deba saber?

Tienes que pillarte unos parches para el kernel 2.2, y entonces (y sólo
entonces), podrás instalar el RAID.
Yo tengo un RAID5 con tres discos UWSCSI2 de 9'1 Gb, y me va de muerte en un
servidor HP Netserver 2000.
Tendrías que montarte (que puedes) un RAID1. Mírate bien el HOWTO (que lo
tienes muy bien explicado en castellano en, porque
tendrías que compilar el kernel con ciertas opciones para el RAID, y NO
PONERLAS bajo ninguna circunstancia como módulo.
Haciendo lo que allí te indica, podrás poner el sistema para que te arranque
el sistema desde el RAID, y no tener que usar un tercer disco para poner el
Empieza por pillarte el HOWTO y ya verás que fácil es, y funciona de
maravilla... :)))

Have a nice day ;-)

Disco duro 20G

2000-07-28 Thread Jose Antonio Ortega Garcia

Acabo de comprarme un disco duro Seagate de 20G. Existe algun tipo de
incompatibilidad con linux? Hay que darle al kernel algun soporte
especia? Gracias.

Jose Antonio Ortega Garcia  User:104420
E-mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]GNU/Hurd Debian Potato-2.2.15 (Frozen)

Cambiando el CD de Potato en el dselect

2000-07-28 Thread Antxon Alonso Lopez
Hola a todos

Estoy intentando instalar mySQL en potato. Parece ser que el paquete se
encuentra en el cuarto CD (mysql-server_3.22.32-3.deb).

Cuando intento cambiar la fuente de los paquetes en el dselect me hace unas
preguntas acerca de los directorios en donde se encuentran los paquetes.

Las preguntas que hace son:

P1: Insert de CD-ROM and enter block device name:[/dev/hdc]

P1: Distribution top level:

P1: Enter contrib binary dir:

P1: Where is the contrib packages files:

P1: Enter non-US binary dir:

P1: Enter local binary dir:

?Que deberia responder? He intentado con todas las respuestas que he podido
pero no consigo que dselect los cargue.

Un saludo a todo el mundo y gracias.

Antxon Alonso

DBnet Informatica  Comunicaciones

P.D.:Soy nuevo en esto de Linux y Debian, disculpad si es una pregunta

Re: Disco duro 20G

2000-07-28 Thread Jaime E. Villate
Jose Antonio Ortega Garcia wrote:
 Acabo de comprarme un disco duro Seagate de 20G. Existe algun tipo de
 incompatibilidad con linux? Hay que darle al kernel algun soporte
 especia? Gracias.
Yo instalé recientemente potato en un disco de 20G (en un ordenador dual
Pentium III 650Mhz) y no tuve que hacer nada especial.
Jaime Villate

(P.D. para quienes conozcais a quark y a ORCA, os cuento que el
ordenador de que hablo va a substituir a quark mañana, y tendrá 33G para
llenarlos de proyectos libres; ¿ideas?)

Re: con los MTA's

2000-07-28 Thread Santiago Romero
El jue, 27 de jul de 2000, a las 10:46:14 +0100, Ricardo Javier Cardenes Medina 

 Debian es la distro que menos problemas he visto que haya dado al instalar
 el qmail. La instalación es chorra-chorra. La configuración es
 chorra-chorra. Y si hay problemas, #qmail en el irc-hispano y tienes, con lista de correo para usuarios problemáticos X)
 (más en bandeja no se te puede poner)

 pues yo ayer cambié de sendmail a postfix y estoy más contento que
 unas castañuelas, aunque aun tengo unos problemillas...



Telefonica - (N., sin acento) Dícese de la compañía de teléfonos que
usando las líneas pagadas por todos los españoles nos estafa cada día
con precios abusivos y conexiones dignas de países del tercer mundo.
Ver también: monopolio, gobierno, PP, Az-nar y retraso tecnológico.
|  NoP / Compiler   -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
|  POWERED BY - Linux RedHat 6.0  -  Reg. User #74.821  |
|   |

Configuración de exim

2000-07-28 Thread Julián
Hola a todos:

El vie, 28 jul 2000, Fernando escribió:
  Julián Armando Mena Zapata wrote:
   Me podrían dar la forma rapida de de-suscribirme y suscribirme a la 
  La forma mas rapida de de-subscribirte la tienes aqui. :-)
   mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] /dev/null   
  La forma mas facil de subscribirte es en la propia pagina web de 

Ah para eso es que sirve exim. Que vaina yo no tengo configurado el exim
pues no tengo la menor idea de como hacerlo.

Alguien me podría decir como configurar exim. Para mover correo en una maquina
con múltiples usuarios y ¿Sera que el sabe que correo mandar afuera y cual
mandar adentro? hay tengo ese programa para configuración (siempre le he metido
la opción 5)

A entre otras, ya me desuscribi y me suscribí. (para la_dirección_que_aparece,
Asunto unsubscribe). Justifico mi pregunta de como de-suscribirme dado que mi
conexión a Internet es malisima y meterme a buscar la pagina guia me demoraría
mínimo 10 minutos solamente buscándola.

Re: Monitor Plug Pray y sus modelines

2000-07-28 Thread Hue-Bond
El jueves 27 de julio de 2000 a la(s) 18:46:03 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] contaba:

   Ya sé que los tiros van por ahí pero en el XF86Setup le pongo los
   modos 800x600 y al salir me los mantiene como estaban. ¿Es cosa del
   plug and pray o qué?

 Es cosa de  que al salir, te intenta arrancar  el servidor X, y
 si no lo  consigue, no te graba el XF86Config.  Prueba a intentarlo
 con xf86config, como ya te indicaron otros listeros.


 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]Linux 2.2.15 - Reg. User #87069
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

solamente ponga una hoja de papel

2000-07-28 Thread sumpex trade sa
Buenos Aires, 28 de julio del 2000


MINOLTA , quiere hoy hacerle llegar a  Usted, nuestro nuevo plan uno, dos y 
para siempre, el mismo consiste en ofrecerle a  las empresas de la Ciudad de 
Autonoma de Buenos Aires que utilicen servicio de copiado GRATUITO en calidad 
de DEMO.
   El plan es muy sencillo, con solo 
por este medio o telefonicamente usted y su empresa pueden contar con uno o 
equipos de fotocopiadoras MINOLTA a prueba, en forma GRTUITA durante el periodo 
de  60 días, para que pueda experimentar por sus propios medios el rendimiento 
y la performanceestos equipos, como así también el respaldo de nuestro servicio 
técnico y de atencion a clientes.
   SUMPEX TRADE S.A. Le entrega una 
MINOLTA sin cargo fijo durante 60 días* y solo a costo por copia, $0,029 *con 
todos los consumibles sin cargo(excepto papel), con servicio técnico full free.
   Creemos que sabrá interpretar los beneficios 
de esta oferta que le da la oportunidad de probar los prestigiosos productos 
MINOLTA, sin ningún tipo de inversión  previa, algo que en los tiempos que 
es difícil de encontrar, por ello le decimos solo ponga una hoja del resto nos 
encargamos nosotros!
Esperamos su llamado PREFERENTEMENTE a los siguientes numeros telefonicos: 
o vía email [EMAIL PROTECTED] , 


(*)renovación automática por un periodo de doce meses con el cargo fijo de 
por Usted realizado mensualmente.
(*)no incluye IVA.
(*)oferta valida solo para las primeras cien  empresas que adopten la 

este mail se envia por unica vez,no hace falta borrarse de la lista desde ya 
le pedimos disculpas pero no queriamos que se perdiera esta promo. 

¿Cómo actualizo con apt por internes?

2000-07-28 Thread Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz

Me acabo de poner tarifa ondulada, y me gustaría actualizarme con apt a la
potato. He añadido las siguientes líneas a mi sources.list:

deb debian/dists/potato/contrib/binary-i386/
deb debian/dists/potato/main/binary-i386/
deb debian/dists/potato/non-free/binary-i386/

y tras haber hecho un update, intento hacer un upgrade pero cuando
intenta copiar un archivo dice:

Get:8 debian/dists/potato/main/binary-i386/ mount 
2.10f-5.1 [85.3kB]
Err debian/dists/potato/main/binary-i386/ mount 
  Unable to fetch file, server said 
'/dists/frozen/main/binary-i386/base/mount_2.10f-5.1.deb: No such file or 
directory  '

Los archivos están ahí, con un wget los recojo. Leyendo los mans, me
entero de que hay que añadir no-se-qué script de autentificación al
apt.conf (que por cierto, no tengo). Dicho y hecho copio el que me
encuentro en /usr/doc/apt/examples y le quito lo que no necesito.
Finalmente cambio los user y password por anonymous y mi dirección de

Ejecuto de nuevo y el mismo mensaje. ¿Puede ayudarme alguien con esto? Es
que ni si quiera voy a poder actualizarme el propio apt :)

 Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz   [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
 Other web pages:  -

Re: ps2 psaux

2000-07-28 Thread JFA
 Para iniciar alguien tiene un modules que me regale para tener idea.
Mejor mirate el man que es algo complicadillo.

 ¿ Para que sirve PGP.?
Es un sistema de encriptación que se usa normalmente para firmar tus email,
de forma que se pueda asegurar que es tuyo, y otra para encriptarlo, y que
solo el destinatario - que debería tener una clave de desencriptación -
pueda leerlo
 ¿ Que significa kernel-headers? ¿Especialmente que viene a ser headers? 
los hearders son archivos intrínsecos a el lenguaje c. Ahí se definen muchas
cosas que hacen falta si quieres compilar ( para compilar son
imprescindibles, si no quieres compilar son inútiles ).

Saludos a tos tos

Javier Fafián Alvarez   | Te pasas la vida haciendo planes,
en un AMD-K6II a 350| pero la vida ya tiene sus 
RAM 64 Mb kernel 2.2.16 | propios planes ...
Con Linux Debian Potato (frozen) T3 !   | -- JFA --

Re: ¿Cómo actualizo con apt por internes?

2000-07-28 Thread jesusrdig
Yo me actualicé de una debian slink bastante estándar a potato hace
un par de semanas con la tarifa semiplana de retevisión + eresmas. La
actualización necesitaba descargar unos 200 MB y tardó unas 14 horas
nocturnas (de fin de semana).

Todo fue muy bien.

1. desde Slink usé este fichero /etc/apt/source.list

# ¡Ojo! ¡el orden importa!
# poner primero las fuentes de paquetes que se usarán con prefrerencia
deb frozen  main  contrib non-free
deb frozen non-US/contrib non-US/main 

deb-src potato main contrib non-free
deb-src potato non-US/main 
non-US/contrib non-US/non-free

deb potato kde contrib

# Helix Gnome
deb unstable main

#apt-get update

#apt-get dist-upgrade

No necesité ninguna configuración en apt.conf (nada de autentificación).


- Ten disponible suficiente espacio libre en la partición donde esté 

- Si quieres un registro de la actualización:

#script dist-upgrade.log
#apt-get upgrade
#apt-get -q dist-upgrade


Jesús Ruiz

On Fri, Jul 28, 2000 at 08:27:25PM +0200, Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz wrote:
 Me acabo de poner tarifa ondulada, y me gustaría actualizarme con apt a la
 potato. He añadido las siguientes líneas a mi sources.list:
 deb debian/dists/potato/contrib/binary-i386/
 deb debian/dists/potato/main/binary-i386/
 deb debian/dists/potato/non-free/binary-i386/
 y tras haber hecho un update, intento hacer un upgrade pero cuando
 intenta copiar un archivo dice:
 Get:8 debian/dists/potato/main/binary-i386/ mount 
 2.10f-5.1 [85.3kB]
 Err debian/dists/potato/main/binary-i386/ mount 
   Unable to fetch file, server said 
 '/dists/frozen/main/binary-i386/base/mount_2.10f-5.1.deb: No such file or 
 directory  '
 Los archivos están ahí, con un wget los recojo. Leyendo los mans, me
 entero de que hay que añadir no-se-qué script de autentificación al
 apt.conf (que por cierto, no tengo). Dicho y hecho copio el que me
 encuentro en /usr/doc/apt/examples y le quito lo que no necesito.
 Finalmente cambio los user y password por anonymous y mi dirección de
 Ejecuto de nuevo y el mismo mensaje. ¿Puede ayudarme alguien con esto? Es
 que ni si quiera voy a poder actualizarme el propio apt :)
  Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz   [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
  Other web pages:  -
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Java 2 Enterprise Edition para Debian

2000-07-28 Thread jvicente
Alguno tiene idea si ya existe?
En esta la versión para Redhat 6.0 solamente. Y la verdad es
que tendría que sentarme a configurar el alien... ;-)

Re: ¿Cómo actualizo con apt por internes?

2000-07-28 Thread Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz
On Fri, 28 Jul 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yo me actualicé de una debian slink bastante estándar a potato hace
 un par de semanas con la tarifa semiplana de retevisión + eresmas. La
 actualización necesitaba descargar unos 200 MB y tardó unas 14 horas
 nocturnas (de fin de semana).
 1. desde Slink usé este fichero /etc/apt/source.list

Bingo. Lo que estaba mal era el path de los ficheros. Había incluído todo,
cuando parece ser que apt es más listo y lo hace el solito.

 Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz   [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
 Other web pages:  -

Configuração de rede

2000-07-28 Thread Leandro Dutra
Estou com uma instalação velha do 2.1 que não queria refazer, mas
está sem as configurações de rede... provavelmente à época nem foram feitas.

Não querendo reinstalar, procurei por algum script netconf ou
netconfig, e não encontrei.  Existe um script que possa reexecutar a parte
de configuração de rede do instalador do Debian?  Ou vou ter de fazer tudo
na mão?


 / \  Leandro Guimarães Faria Corcete Dutra  +55 (11) 246 96 07 resl
 \ /  Amdocs Brasil Ltda, Sao Paulo  +55 (11) 3040 4724 coml
 / \  Campanha fita ASCII, contra correio HTML    BRASIL

Re: Configura o de rede

2000-07-28 Thread Christoph Simon

   Estou com uma instalação velha do 2.1 que não queria refazer, mas
 está sem as configurações de rede... provavelmente à época nem foram feitas.
   Não querendo reinstalar, procurei por algum script netconf ou
 netconfig, e não encontrei.  Existe um script que possa reexecutar a parte
 de configuração de rede do instalador do Debian?  Ou vou ter de fazer tudo
 na mão?

Não tenho certeza onde estava este script, mas como é executado numa
instalaçâo nova, deveria estar com as fontes por exemplo dos boot
floppies. Por outra parte não é muito complicado a reconfiguração. No
slink, pode configurar as interfaces e rotas em /etc/network (acho
lembrar), então falta /etc/hostname /etc/resolv.conf, /etc/host.conf
(provavelmente pouca mudança) e /etc/hosts. As outras coisas como um
servidor DNS, apache, etc., terá que reconfigurar manualmente em
qualquer caso. Como o Linux é bastante limpo nas configurações, pode
find /etc -type f | xargs grep endereço IP velho ou nome
para encontrar outros arquivos que mencionem os valores velhos. Lembra
que para o grep pode precisar escapar os pontos
find /etc -type f | xargs grep '192\.168\.1\.1'
Pode ser melhor passar o resultado por less, porque alguns arquivos binarios
tambem guardam o nome/IP (por exemplo do Emacs)


Christoph Simon

Re: web server suggestions

2000-07-28 Thread John Foster
Sven Burgener wrote:
 Hi all
 Sorry for this being so highly off-topic, forgive me; I need the infos.
 (It's just that debian lists are an excellent resort for information)
 I'd like some infos from people who've had experience with this:
 What web server software is in your opinion best for running on an NT
 machine? (Yes, NT)
For reasons of compatibility and ease of maintainence, I strongly
suggest staying with IIs or some other server designed for NT. It (NT)
has enough problems without trying to get it to do something that
Microsoft has effectively tried to keep folks from doing (using open
source software).

 (How) does Apache run on NT?

It runs fine, but the windows version is not as robust as the Linux/Unix
etc. version. Plus, you will need to install some type of Perl
(ActiveState) to get it to do anything worthwhile.
 The reason I'm posting this, though, is, that a friend of mine needs the
 infos, so I'll send any replies straight back to him.

Tell your friend to check out the Apache and the ActiveState web site
for explicit info.

AdVance-Computing Systems

We sell fine quality servers and workstations.
We specialize in multiprocessor units. 
We install Debian Linux at no extra charge!

John Foster
ICQ# 19460173

Starting/Stopping SCSI HD's

2000-07-28 Thread Simon Hales


I have a Debian Slink 486DX4-100, with 1Gb IDE and 2GB SCSI II hard
disks (hda and sda) partitioned and mounted on /, /usr, /home, /var, and

I also have a 420Mb SCSI II hard disk (sdb) which has no fixed mount
point, but which I am using to store stuff I don't access frequently, eg,
moving downloaded *.deb files from /var/cache/apt/archives.

I leave my box running Debian all the time, day+night, and the 1Gb IDE and
2Gb SCSI disks are fairly modern, and very quiet, but this 420Mb disk
consumes a fair amount of power, and sounds like a large aircraft taking
off.  I have configured this drive to respond to the start/stop
unit SCSI command, and configured the Host Adapter (PCI AHA 2940 fast
SCSI II) to send the start unit command to this drive during system

What I need to know now, is (how) can I send the start/stop unit command
when Linux is running, so I can keep the thing spun down when is not
mounted (which is most of the time), and only send the command to spin it
up again when I need to mount it.  I know that you can do this in FreeBSD,
(which I run on another PC), the command is
camcontrol stop [channel:device-id:LUN] or
camcontrol start [channel:device-id:LUN].  I presume there is also a way
I can do this in Linux?  What packages (if any) will I need to add using

Hope someone can help (and I can take out these earplugs :-)

Simon Hales

Re: debian- or linux- friendly hardware vendors?

2000-07-28 Thread brian moore
On Thu, Jul 27, 2000 at 06:25:35PM -0700, Krzys Majewski wrote:
 Can anyone recommend hardware vendors who will do things like 
 put together a machine that is completely linux-compatible, or
 ship me a machine with debian or some other linux already installed,
 if only as a proof of compatibility? I've seen one or two of these 
 places on the web, so I know they do exist.. -chris

Lots of places.  My personal favorite is ASL Workstations
(  They ship Mandrake on it (icky) not Debian,
but, then, I reformat and reinstall everything anyway.

Brian Moore   | Of course vi is God's editor.
  Sysadmin, C/Perl Hacker | If He used Emacs, He'd still be waiting
  Usenet Vandal   |  for it to load on the seventh day.
  Netscum, Bane of Elves.

RE: web server suggestions

2000-07-28 Thread J.T. Wenting
A good cross-platform webserver is Orion ( It's 100%
pure java, so it runs on any Java2 platform. Forget Perl, forget ASP, do
Servlets and JSP.
Performance is excellent.

 -Original Message-
 From: frosty [mailto:frosty]On Behalf Of John Foster
 Sent: Friday, July 28, 2000 6:04 AM
 To: Sven Burgener
 Cc: Debian ISP; Debian Users
 Subject: Re: web server suggestions

 Sven Burgener wrote:
  Hi all
  Sorry for this being so highly off-topic, forgive me; I
 need the infos.
  (It's just that debian lists are an excellent resort for
  I'd like some infos from people who've had experience with this:
  What web server software is in your opinion best for
 running on an NT
  machine? (Yes, NT)
 For reasons of compatibility and ease of maintainence, I strongly
 suggest staying with IIs or some other server designed for NT. It (NT)
 has enough problems without trying to get it to do something that
 Microsoft has effectively tried to keep folks from doing (using open
 source software).

  (How) does Apache run on NT?

 It runs fine, but the windows version is not as robust as the
 etc. version. Plus, you will need to install some type of Perl
 (ActiveState) to get it to do anything worthwhile.

  The reason I'm posting this, though, is, that a friend of
 mine needs the
  infos, so I'll send any replies straight back to him.

 Tell your friend to check out the Apache and the ActiveState web site
 for explicit info.

 AdVance-Computing Systems

 We sell fine quality servers and workstations.
 We specialize in multiprocessor units.
 We install Debian Linux at no extra charge!

 John Foster
 ICQ# 19460173

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: gnome

2000-07-28 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Thu, Jul 27, 2000 at 03:17:59PM +, Christopher Clark wrote:
 As user chris I have an .xsession as follows:
 #exec sawmill
 which seems to work ( potato cycle 1 )
 but hangs on exit with no 'save etc window'

Hmm, not sure what the problem is, but to jump start GNOME in the past,
I've used:

#! /bin/sh
exec gnome-session

Then from the xterm, I started a window manager, panel and gmc (if you
like). Check the gnome-control-center to see what it says about the
window manager, gmc and panel.  They all should be set for
restart/recycle or some such.

 As user cgc I have an .xsession with just:
 which seems to work ok
 If I remove all the other bits from user chris, I don't get
 the icons or the bottom toolbar.
 I am confused.
 Also, how do I add themes to sawmill?
 From gnome, it dosen't recognise sawmill themes and wont even transfer
 to an . directory i.e. .sawmill to select a theme.
 regards Chris

You should have a /usr/share/sawmill/version/themes/ . Apparently that
would be the place to unpack a *.tgz file.

A lot of applications (but certainly not all) have non-changing
resource files in /usr/share/app.

According to MegaHAL:
The emu is a mass of incandescent gas, a gigantic nuclear furnace.

Re: chroot bind in debian

2000-07-28 Thread Ethan Benson
On Wed, Jul 26, 2000 at 05:11:58PM +0300, Pavel M. Penev wrote:
 No other documentation than dpkg(8) and chroot(8) :). I myself have been
 running bind in a chroot-ed environment (it really had a nasty security
 hole). What I did was:
   1. cd to the chroot point
   2. tar xvfz
   3. dpkg --instdir=chroot_point -G -i bind_...
   And then set up some other utilities needed by bind
 (e.g. sendmail, (ana)cron, ...).

what?!  bind needs sendmail and cron?  thats news to me.

you don't need NEARY as much crud in your chroot jail as you have
done, all you need is the following:

add a user and group named uid/gid 104 or so. 

/var/named mode root.named 0750
/var/named/dev mode root.root 0755
/var/named/dev/null mode root.root 0666

/var/named/dev/log (do this by changing SYSLOGD= to SYSLOGD=-a
/var/named/dev/log in /etc/init.d/sysklogd)

/var/named/var/ mode root.root 755
/var/named/var/tmp mode 1770 root.named
/var/named/var/cache mode root.root 755
/var/named/var/cache/bind mode 1770 root.named
/var/named/var/run mode root.named 0770
/var/named/etc mode root.root 0755
/var/named/etc/bind mode root.named 0750
/var/named/etc/localtime mode root.root 0644
/var/named/usr mode root.root 0755
/var/named/usr/sbin mode root.root 0755
/var/named/usr/sbin/named mode root.root 0755
/var/named/usr/sbin/named-xfer mode root.root 0755
/var/named/lib mode root.root 0755
/var/named/lib/ mode root.root 0755
/var/named/lib/ mode root.root 0755

i also rewrote the bind initscript to automatically update the chroot
environment, that way when the debian bind (or libc) package is
upgraded and bind is restarted the updated binaries are copied into
the chroot jail.  i also run it as named.named instead of root.root of

i had to rewrite the stop part of the initscript since
start-stop-daemon is funny about chrooted processes.

and ndc cannot seem to restart bind properly when chrooted, it always
ends up running as root, non-chrooted. 

i have been running this configuration for a couple months now with no

--- /etc/init.d/bindSat Nov 27 13:25:50 1999
+++ bindThu Jul 27 21:00:21 2000
@@ -4,26 +4,61 @@
 test -x /usr/sbin/named || exit 0
+## set resource limits
+ulimit -d 8192
+ulimit -l 4096
+ulimit -m 16384
+ulimit -n 80
+ulimit -s 8192
+ulimit -u 30
+ulimit -v 16384
+ulimit -c 0
+## setup chroot env.
+/usr/bin/logger -i -s -p daemon.warn bind chroot failed, bind not started
+return 1
+if [ $1 != reload ] ; then
+umask 022
+cp -fp /usr/sbin/named /var/named/usr/sbin/ || fail || exit 1
+cp -fp /usr/sbin/named-xfer /var/named/usr/sbin || fail || exit 1
+cp -fp /lib/ /var/named/lib || fail || exit 1
+cp -fp /lib/ /var/named/lib || fail || exit 1
+cp -fp /etc/localtime /var/named/etc || fail || exit 1
+test -x /var/named/usr/sbin/named || exit 1
+ARGS=-u named -g named -t /var/named
 case $1 in
echo -n Starting domain name service: named
-   start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --exec /usr/sbin/named 
+   start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --exec $DAEMON -- $ARGS
echo .
echo -n Stopping domain name service: named
-   start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet  \
-   --pidfile /var/run/ --exec /usr/sbin/named
+   start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE 
echo .
-   /usr/sbin/ndc restart
+   $0 stop
+   sleep 1
+   $0 start
-   /usr/sbin/ndc reload
+   /usr/sbin/ndc -c /var/named/var/run/ndc reload
@@ -37,3 +72,4 @@
 exit 0

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: [why is kernel recompilation necessary?]

2000-07-28 Thread Kent West
Krzys Majewski wrote:
 Hm, I guess my question was unclear. What I'm wondering about is
 how the linux kernel works and how the windows kernel works. I know
 that one of them is open source and the other isn't. At the same time
 I'm too lazy to dig deeply for this information. So I guess I was hoping
 someone would post an answer like, The windows kernel maps a piece of
 memory to an adapter on the motherboard, and the drivers sit in that memory
 or The linux kernel has hooks for every possible module, and these
 hooks do/don't have to be explicitly compiled in every time a new
 module is installed, etc.

This touches on a question that popped into my head the other day, so if
I may be permitted to add to Chris' question

When you do a make menuconfig (or one of the other methods), and you
specify to include support for, say, a 3c905 NIC, as a module, are you
doing anything to the kernel, or are you just making changes to a script
to tell it to compile the module?

In other words, does the make menuconfig do one thing (specify what
the kernel will look like including modules/hooks to modules), or does
it do two things (specify what the kernel will look like (without any
hooks to the modules) and what module code needs to be

In still other words, can you do the following?
  * use make menuconfig today to specify kernel options for a minimal
kernel, and not mark module stuff like NICs and sound cards, etc,
  * then make dep and make zImage to compile the kernel,
  * then boot off that kernel and run for a day or two
  * then come back in a day or two and re-run make menuconfig and
specify some modules
  * then make modules and make modules_install without compiling the
  * resulting in a working kernel that can use the modules compiled a
day or two later

In still other words, can you use make menuconfig to compile a minimal
kernel and then add modules later from whatever source even though you
didn't tell the kernel to expect these modules when you did the make


Re: StarOffice issues

2000-07-28 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Thu, Jul 27, 2000 at 09:24:38PM +0200, Erik van der Meulen wrote:
 Hi Group. I have installed StarOffice 5.2 and have two questions:
 - After installation it indicates that no Java support is found. If I
   open a Java web-page, I get error messages. I would like to know if
   there is a Debian package which I can use, or an alternative?
 - StarOffice seems a genuine memory hog. I have a 128 Mb laptop, all
   gets eaten if I start SO. Also, performance of the system degrades
   quite a bit. If I do a 'ps aux' I notice quite a few instances of SO
   around. Is this expected behavour?
 Other than that, very impressed with StarOffice!

jdk1.1 stuff seems to work with SO5.1. Can't say how well since that
program is much too huge and slow for my general liking (or my

According to MegaHAL:
The emu is a mass of incandescent gas, a gigantic nuclear furnace.

Re: same debian, new hardware?

2000-07-28 Thread Mike Werner
Krzys Majewski wrote:
 Again on the subject of buying new hardware, I'm looking for a good
 way to copy my existing setup to the new machine. So far I can think
 of three main types of options. In order of decreasing popularity, they
first three snipped
 4) Physically install the old hard drives in the new machine.

I recently went from a Pentium 166 to a PII 300, and the route I took was
number 4.  My hard drives are both IDE, but I do have a SCSI CDROM drive. 
Everything went just fine.  I did later recompile the kernel for the PII,
but I doubt it was really necessary.  However, in the process of recompiling
the kernel I redid some of the other peripherals to get them working better,
or in the case of the sound card to get it working at all.
Mike Werner  KA8YSD   | He that is slow to believe anything and
  | everything is of great understanding,
'91 GS500E| for belief in one false principle is the
Morgantown WV | beginning of all unwisdom.

Re: why is kernel recompilation necessary?

2000-07-28 Thread Brian May
 Sean == Sean 'Shaleh' Perry [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Sean if you compile a kernel once with all the odd devices as
Sean modules you get the equivalent of how windows works.

... except you don't need to reboot just to load/unload a driver.

Re: [why is kernel recompilation necessary?]

2000-07-28 Thread Brian May
 Kent == Kent West [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Kent In still other words, can you use make menuconfig to
Kent compile a minimal kernel and then add modules later from
Kent whatever source even though you didn't tell the kernel to
Kent expect these modules when you did the make menuconfig.

I have done just that. That is, built modules for the kernel at a
latter date.

I think you need to be careful that the kernel version is the
same though...

I consider modules (don't take my word for this on accuracy) to be just
the same as shared libraries, only for the kernel instead of user
level processes.

Re: [why is kernel recompilation necessary?]

2000-07-28 Thread Krzys Majewski
Woo, so I can just do a 

make xconfig  make modules  make modules_install 

instead of 

make xconfig  make dep  make clean  make modules  make modules_install



On Fri, 28 Jul 2000, Matthew Dalton wrote:

 By reasoning I would assume that all the kernel has is a 'generic module
 hook' that you can load any module into. Therefore, your sequence above
 should work. If it did not, how would you be able to use binary only
 modules such as the lucent winmodem driver?
 So in answer to your questions:
 Kent West wrote:
  When you do a make menuconfig (or one of the other methods), and you
  specify to include support for, say, a 3c905 NIC, as a module, are you
  doing anything to the kernel, or are you just making changes to a script
  to tell it to compile the module?
 You're making changes to a script. Of course, you have to compile module
 support into the kernel as well, otherwise it won't be able to load any
  In still other words, can you do the following?
* use make menuconfig today to specify kernel options for a minimal
  kernel, and not mark module stuff like NICs and sound cards, etc,
* then make dep and make zImage to compile the kernel,
* then boot off that kernel and run for a day or two
* then come back in a day or two and re-run make menuconfig and
  specify some modules
* then make modules and make modules_install without compiling the
* resulting in a working kernel that can use the modules compiled a
  day or two later
 As long as you say yes to module support, yes.
  In still other words, can you use make menuconfig to compile a minimal
  kernel and then add modules later from whatever source even though you
  didn't tell the kernel to expect these modules when you did the make
 Yes. That's how binary-only modules work.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: [why is kernel recompilation necessary?]

2000-07-28 Thread Krzys Majewski

On 27 Jul 2000, John Hasler wrote:

 Krzys Majewski writes:
  The whole point of my post was to not have to read 17 web pages!
 Why?  Do you find learning painful?
 John Hasler
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Hasler)
 Dancing Horse Hill
 Elmwood, WI
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: repeated installations

2000-07-28 Thread papt

 Hi. I am installing Debian over a network, and here's my question: is
 there a way to replicate a Debian installation? This is what I'm
 looking for:

 * I install Debian in a machine (a)
 * I personalize the packages I want/don't want at machine (a)
 * After that, I want to install the same packages at machine (b)

 Right now the only way I know to do this is to manually repeat all the
 steps on machine (b). Is there a way to create a machine (a) task or
 something similar?


The easy way to do that is:

dpkg --get-selections  'file'on machine (a),
customize 'file'
copy 'file' to machine (b),
dpkg --set-selections  'file'on machine (b).

After that type apt-get install on machine (b).

Hope, that helps.
--Pap Tibor

Re: Keyboard troubles...

2000-07-28 Thread Thomas Guettler

On Fri, Jul 28, 2000 at 03:50:29AM +0200, Christian Pernegger wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 How can I configure my box to work correctly with a German keyboard?

 I'll gladly accept even an RTFM if you tell me which one. :) 

there is a german-howto.
try setting $LANG to de_DE
there is also a german [EMAIL PROTECTED] list. 

Schoen Gruesse nach Oesterreich.

   Thomas Guettler

Re: why is kernel recompilation necessary?

2000-07-28 Thread Preben Randhol
Krzys Majewski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 28/07/2000 (00:29) :
 Why is it that under Windows or whatever I don't have to recompile
 the kernel just to add a new driver? Is it a protection thing? 
 Or an optimization thing? Or something else? -chris

Usually you don't have to recompile your kernel under Linux. Just use
the kernel-package that contains the kernel with all the modules you

I guess you could recompile your Windows kernel too _if_ you have
access to the Windows source files and own a compiler.

Preben Randhol -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --
+---+ There was, I think, never any reason to  believe in any innate
| ! |  superiority of the male, except his superior muscle.
+---+  -- Bertrand Russell, Ideas That Have Harmed Mankind (1950)

Re: char-major-6

2000-07-28 Thread Thomas Guettler
 6 is the major device number for the parallel ports (ie. printer).

Where can I find out which device fits to a given number?

   Thomas Guettler

Re: char-major-6

2000-07-28 Thread Andrew J Cosgriff
Thomas Guettler wrote :

  6 is the major device number for the parallel ports (ie. printer).
 Where can I find out which device fits to a given number?

In the kernel source tree, have a look at Documentation/devices.txt

Andrew J Cosgriff [EMAIL PROTECTED] click click

Re: [why is kernel recompilation necessary?]

2000-07-28 Thread Matthew Dalton
Well, I *think* so. But I'm not speaking from experience, just reason.

Try it and see.

Krzys Majewski wrote:
 Woo, so I can just do a
 make xconfig  make modules  make modules_install
 instead of
 make xconfig  make dep  make clean  make modules  make modules_install

meaning of .nfsXYZ files?

2000-07-28 Thread Thomas Guettler
Just found several .nfsXYZ.. files in my directory.
Does anybody know what they are for?
Manpage of nfs tells me nothing about them.

   Thomas Guettler

Re: gnome

2000-07-28 Thread Morten Liebach
On 27, jul, 2000 at 09:59:25 -0700, Eric G . Miller wrote:
 On Thu, Jul 27, 2000 at 03:17:59PM +, Christopher Clark wrote:
  As user chris I have an .xsession as follows:
  #exec sawmill
  which seems to work ( potato cycle 1 )
  but hangs on exit with no 'save etc window'
 Hmm, not sure what the problem is, but to jump start GNOME in the past,
 I've used:
 #! /bin/sh
 exec gnome-session
 Then from the xterm, I started a window manager, panel and gmc (if you
 like). Check the gnome-control-center to see what it says about the
 window manager, gmc and panel.  They all should be set for
 restart/recycle or some such.

That is tha hard way to do it, you should only need to start a
gnome-session, and the you can add and delete start-up programs from
gnomecc session capplet. By default panel, gmc and a few other things
should start up, and I think something is broken if it doesn't.

Just my .02 euro


UNIX, reach out and grep someone!

About ReiserFS for Debian (and others).

2000-07-28 Thread Morten Liebach

Hi all

 Some days ago I asked about running Debian on ReiserFS, and was told it
 could be done.
 That was true, I now have installed Debian on ReiserFS, and written a
 little piece about it on:


UNIX, reach out and grep someone!

Re: LILO troubles

2000-07-28 Thread virtanen
On Fri, 28 Jul 2000, Jason Schepman wrote:

 I'm having LILO problems.  I'm pretty sure that my config file is correct.
 When I try to boot, my screen fills up with 1's and 0's.
 please advise,

Do you have any rescue floppies?
Just try first to boot with those and see your lilo config anyway... 


Re: same debian, new hardware?

2000-07-28 Thread Mark Brown
On Thu, Jul 27, 2000 at 06:03:41PM -0700, Krzys Majewski wrote:

 4) Physically install the old hard drives in the new machine.

 4) This would be nice, but can it be done? My hard drives are old and small. 


 Also they are sitting on a SCSI card, is this a good thing or a bad thing? 
 The SCSI card is probably ISA, can I stick it in a new machine and hope
 it will work? If someone can suggest how to make this work then I would

It should.  The main thing I can think of that would stop it would be
resource conflicts, but you should be able to reconfigure to avoid them.

An approach you didn't mention would be to keep both machines running and 
network them then copy and share things over the network.

 I know this is a linux forum, but I'm also interested in moving Windows 
 to the new machine. Presumably this means I have to reinstall it?

That's probably easiest and safest thing to do.

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

Description: PGP signature

Re: gnome

2000-07-28 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Fri, Jul 28, 2000 at 10:52:55AM +0200, Morten Liebach wrote:
  Hmm, not sure what the problem is, but to jump start GNOME in the past,
  I've used:
  #! /bin/sh
  exec gnome-session
  Then from the xterm, I started a window manager, panel and gmc (if you
  like). Check the gnome-control-center to see what it says about the
  window manager, gmc and panel.  They all should be set for
  restart/recycle or some such.
 That is tha hard way to do it, you should only need to start a
 gnome-session, and the you can add and delete start-up programs from
 gnomecc session capplet. By default panel, gmc and a few other things
 should start up, and I think something is broken if it doesn't.

The operative words were jump start ;)  If x-window-manager points at
a non-GNOME window manager exec gnome-session doesn't behave very
well, for instance.

According to MegaHAL:
The emu is a mass of incandescent gas, a gigantic nuclear furnace.

Re: [why is kernel recompilation necessary?]

2000-07-28 Thread Morten Liebach
On 27, jul, 2000 at 09:18:07 -0500, John Hasler wrote:
 Krzys Majewski writes:
  For example, if I build a new device and write a driver for it, can I add
  support for this device to both windows and linux without having to
  modify either kernel?
 You can for Linux, and probably for Windows as well.  In a sense you are
 modifying the kernel when you load a module.
In windows you have to reboot to load new modules of course ...


UNIX, reach out and grep someone!

Xf86 xonfig for Compaq Deskpro TFT5000

2000-07-28 Thread Aaron Stromas

i'm having very little success configuring X (v 3.3.6-10) on this compaq
machine. it has matrox millenium g400 agp video card which calls for
XF86_SVGA server. i got the the hsync and vsync values from the monitor
spec, 32-60 and 57-85, respectively but X dies without giving any hints
that i can understand.

could someone who has this system and got x running send me their
XF86Config? please cc me in your reply as i'm currently off the list.

Aaron Stromas| Tick-tick-tick!!!... ja, Pantani is weg...
Oracle Corp  | BRTN commentator
+1 703.708.68.21 |  L'Alpe d'Huez
1995 Tour de France

Re: Help with mail address

2000-07-28 Thread Daniel Reuter
Hello Cam,

On Tue, 25 Jul 2000, Cam Ellison wrote:

 I can't figure out how to set my email return address to what my ISP
 expects.  I am the only user on my system.  I tried to send mail out,
 with no success, eventually discovering that it was using

You could configure your MTA to rewrite the mail-header fields (including
your return address) automatically upon send. This way you could set it
the way your ISP expects. If you use exim, install the exim-doc package
and have a look at the info-files for information on how to do it.

 I have set EMAIL to my email address, but my ISP will
 still not accept a fetchmail command, saying connection refused.  I
 have gone through alll kinds of documentation, but the Mail HOW-TO and
 man pages are most uninformative.

Check out if you use the right protocol (POP, IMAP) (I always thought
fetchmail will autodetect this, but might be, that it fails for some
reason). Also check out, that you give it the correct account details
(either on command line or in your .fetchmailrc).


RE: char-major-6

2000-07-28 Thread Lehel Bernadt

On 28-Jul-2000 Erik Mathisen wrote:
 I keep getting this stupid error in my syslog:
 modprobe: can't locate module char-major-6
 now i searched my system, I dont have that module, how do I get this
 error to stop?  It puts 2 or 3 entries in the log a minute.
 Any help would greatly be appreciated,

I've had the same problem, but with block-major-8 (scsi-disk). Since I don't
have scsi devices, I appended an alias block-major-8 off to
/etc/modutils/aliases and ran update-modules. After that I didn't get the
message anymore.

Re: [why is kernel recompilation necessary?]

2000-07-28 Thread Lehel Bernadt

On 28-Jul-2000 Krzys Majewski wrote:
 Yes but what I'm wondering is not why linux users recompile their kernels,
 or why windows users can't, but how is it that windows users get away with
 not having to? The closest answer I got is that windows kernels have 
 a bunch of drivers already compiled in, and any additional drivers
 compiled as modules. What I'm still not clear on is whether either 
 windows or linux kernels (or both) need to have some sort of hooks 
 enabling them to expect whatever modules at runtime, or not. 
 For example, if I build a new device and write a driver for it,
 can I add support for this device to both windows and linux without
 having to modify either kernel? -chris

First, I don't think you can compare the windows and linux kernels. Linux was
designed as a monolithic unix kernel, while the windows kernel...uhm...I really
don't know if it was designed at all... Second, what do you mean by modifying
the windows kernel ? Disassembling and binary patching ?
More seriously, the linux kernel has a module interface defined in module.h.
Shortly, in your code you have to use init_module, cleanup_module,
module_register_chrdev etc. As long as this interface doesn't change, you can
compile your module separately and use it with any kernel version (unless you
use something in your code that's specific to a certain version).
If you want to know more, I suggest to read the docs dealing with the linux
kernel at

Re: why is kernel recompilation necessary?

2000-07-28 Thread Daniel Reuter
Hello there,

On Fri, 28 Jul 2000, Preben Randhol wrote:

 Krzys Majewski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 28/07/2000 (00:29) :
  Why is it that under Windows or whatever I don't have to recompile
  the kernel just to add a new driver? Is it a protection thing? 
  Or an optimization thing? Or something else? -chris
 Usually you don't have to recompile your kernel under Linux. Just use
 the kernel-package that contains the kernel with all the modules you

You don't HAVE to, but if you want a really fast, memory saving kernel,
you SHOULD do it and exclude everything, you don't need. (Installation
kernel was almost twice as large as the kernel I compiled by myself, as I
could exclude SCSI-support and a few other things). Sure not a point of
much interest on those beasts with 128 Mb RAM sold today, but on a
computer with 8 Mb RAM, a large kernel eats up your vital memory.
So in some way, really an optimization thing.

 I guess you could recompile your Windows kernel too _if_ you have
 access to the Windows source files and own a compiler.



Changing source CD in potato

2000-07-28 Thread Antxon Alonso Lopez


I4m traying to install one package from the CD number 4 of potato

When i try to change the source in dselect its ask me for some directories,
and i don4t know what to respond.

The questions are:

Q1: Insert de CD-ROM and enter block device name:[/dev/hdc]

Q1: Distribution top level:

Q1: Enter contrib binary dir:

Q1: Where is the contrib packages files:

Q1: Enter non-US binary dir:

Q1: Enter local binary dir:

What i should to respond? I have try to many times and fails.

Thanks in advance

Antxon Alonso

DBnet Informatica  Comunicaciones

Re: why is kernel recompilation necessary?

2000-07-28 Thread Preben Randhol
Daniel Reuter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 28/07/2000 (12:20) :
 You don't HAVE to, but if you want a really fast, memory saving kernel,
 you SHOULD do it and exclude everything, you don't need. (Installation

But of course. :-)

Preben Randhol -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --
+---+ There was, I think, never any reason to  believe in any innate
| ! |  superiority of the male, except his superior muscle.
+---+  -- Bertrand Russell, Ideas That Have Harmed Mankind (1950)

Re: gnome

2000-07-28 Thread Morten Liebach
On 28, jul, 2000 at 02:20:52 -0700, Eric G . Miller wrote:
   Hmm, not sure what the problem is, but to jump start GNOME in the past,
   I've used:
   #! /bin/sh
   exec gnome-session
   Then from the xterm, I started a window manager, panel and gmc (if you
   like). Check the gnome-control-center to see what it says about the
   window manager, gmc and panel.  They all should be set for
   restart/recycle or some such.
  That is tha hard way to do it, you should only need to start a
  gnome-session, and the you can add and delete start-up programs from
  gnomecc session capplet. By default panel, gmc and a few other things
  should start up, and I think something is broken if it doesn't.
 The operative words were jump start ;)  If x-window-manager points at
 a non-GNOME window manager exec gnome-session doesn't behave very
 well, for instance.

Oh, now I get it, the ``xterm ; exec gnome-session'' is just the first
time, and then the session management is fondled into doing it as you
want, right?!

Then we don't disagree.


UNIX, reach out and grep someone!

mounting floppy

2000-07-28 Thread Dale Morris
I'm trying to mount a floppy that I made with Redhat 6.2 system. It mounted on 
a previous install of potato, but I reinstalled and now  when I try to mount it 
I get the following  error message:
[I cannot determine the file type and none was specified]
This floppy has lots of stuff on it that I would like to use for configuration, 
such as .rc files and such. Any suggestions on what I've done wrong or how I 
can get it to mount?
I superformatted a floppy (although I had to use the /sbin/mke2fs -c /dev/fd0 
argument) and it mounts fine, as do msdos disks.

Re: LILO troubles

2000-07-28 Thread Jason Schepman
Yes.  I'm able to boot from floppies.  I just can't boot from the hardrive.
Boot=hda.  Root=hdb2(location of my / filesystem).  The rest of the file
is the default lilo.conf.  When I run LILO, I don't get any error messages.
It simply says *Added Linux.

..thanks in advance,

- Original Message -
From: virtanen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Jason Schepman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 28, 2000 4:00 AM
Subject: Re: LILO troubles

 On Fri, 28 Jul 2000, Jason Schepman wrote:

  I'm having LILO problems.  I'm pretty sure that my config file is
  When I try to boot, my screen fills up with 1's and 0's.
  please advise,

 Do you have any rescue floppies?
 Just try first to boot with those and see your lilo config anyway...


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: modules.conf vs conf.modules

2000-07-28 Thread David Wright
Quoting Kent West ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 However, I don't have an /etc/conf.modules file on my system. I do
 have an /etc/conf.modules.old and an /etc/modules.conf. So my basic
 question still stands. Which file is to be used? The documentation
 mentioned above says conf.modules; the fresh install of Debian
 followed by an update to Potato has modules.conf. Other documentation
 in that directory says modules.conf. Again, there's no clear statement
 of which to use and why.

Slink installed conf.modules, potato installed modules.conf .
I don't see how the developers can be expected to change all the
documentation instanteously, especially as much of it comes from
upstream. (Apart from the fact that many of us have been running
a mixture of both for some time.)

2.0.x uses kerneld, 2.2.x uses kmod. (That may be an oversimplification.)
Again, this cuts across the slink/potato boundary, as many of us have
been running 2.2 kernels on slink.

 Some of the documentation in this directory talks about kerneld; other
 seems to indicate that kmod has replaced kerneld. The one that talks
 about kerneld (README.kerneld.gz) says to empty out the /etc/modules
 files except for the line auto; wow! what brokenness that created on
 my system.

Yes, you do need a well maintained conf.modules.conf file to be able
to do that, and it's not always to your advantage for modules to be
loading and unloading all the time.

 Wait... I just found this line in Changelog.Debian.gz: Update various
 scripts to note that conf.modules is now called modules.conf. This
 indicates that the file is indeed now called modules.conf, but gives
 no clue as to why. Does Debian's use of the new name conflict with some

I don't keep abreat of the file standards, but it does seem confusing
to have two equally ranked names. I admire Debian/linux's willingness
to clean up anachronisms to improve and clarify the system, rather than
trying to never change anything.

 Can I delete my /etc/conf.modules.old file without worry?

I would think so. If you're now using modules.conf, there's a one-level
backup produced by update-modules called modules.conf.old as you would
expect. It's only there for use by you if you made a mistake, not by
the system.


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

Re: LILO troubles

2000-07-28 Thread virtanen
On Fri, 28 Jul 2000, Jason Schepman wrote:

 Yes.  I'm able to boot from floppies.  I just can't boot from the hardrive.
 Boot=hda.  Root=hdb2(location of my / filesystem).  The rest of the file
 is the default lilo.conf.  When I run LILO, I don't get any error messages.
 It simply says *Added Linux.
 ..thanks in advance,

So could you just copy your lilo.conf and send it. Somebody might know,
what is the problem. 

Actually LILO doesn't work in my machine either. I never found out, what
is the reason. I've got two disks and debian is on the second, win95 on
the first. 


Re: PHP4 functions

2000-07-28 Thread Sven Gaerner
Hi Alan,

thanks for your idea. I tried it but it didn't work.

The code I used was:
  echo extension_loaded(mysql);
  echo phpinfo();

I get the following output from that script:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: extension_loaded() in 
/var/www/links/content/test.php on line 2

I also checked the phpinfo() output, the mod_php4 module for Apache is loaded
and other scripts are working.

These are the dselect selections for my PHP installation:
*** Opt web  php4 4.0b3-6 4.0b3-6 A server-side, HTML-embed
*** Opt web  php4-gd  4.0b3-6 4.0b3-6 GD module for php4
*** Opt web  php4-imap4.0b3-6 4.0b3-6 IMAP module for php4
*** Opt web  php4-mysql   4.0b3-6 4.0b3-6 MySQL module for php4
*** Opt web  php4-xml 4.0b3-6 4.0b3-6 XML module for php4

Did I forget a package?

Thanks for your help.



Re: why is kernel recompilation necessary?

2000-07-28 Thread David Wright
Quoting Krzys Majewski ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Really? So the kernel doesn't compile any hooks for itself to enable
 loading latesthardwaredevice.o as a module? -chris

Yes, it has to do that, but the installation kernel has those
hooks compiled because it uses modules itself (e.g. for network
cards, sound etc.).

BUT the installation kernels have to have built-in all the drivers
that anyone might need to get at their root filing system, plus
anything else that still needs to be compiled as built-in (because
there are people who wish to continue to use these kernels for good).

  Why is it that under Windows or whatever I don't have to recompile
  the kernel just to add a new driver? Is it a protection thing? 
  Or an optimization thing? Or something else?

It's a protection thing. Protection of their secrets. Only they
can recompile from the source.

Here's one of the advantages of recompilation:

potato installation:
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root  1046612 Jun  7 17:57 vmlinuz-2.2.15

the kernel that I use on my nine machines, from old 486s
to 350MHz SCSI Pentiums:
-rw-r--r--1 root root   501346 Jul  7 11:40 vmlinuz-2.2.15


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

Re: LILO troubles

2000-07-28 Thread David Wright
Quoting Jason Schepman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Yes.  I'm able to boot from floppies.  I just can't boot from the hardrive.
 Boot=hda.  Root=hdb2(location of my / filesystem).  
It looks as if the BIOS doesn't know how to boot from the second drive.


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

Re: LILO troubles

2000-07-28 Thread virtanen
On Fri, 28 Jul 2000, David Wright wrote:

 Quoting Jason Schepman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  Yes.  I'm able to boot from floppies.  I just can't boot from the hardrive.
  Boot=hda.  Root=hdb2(location of my / filesystem).  
 It looks as if the BIOS doesn't know how to boot from the second drive.

I'm probably having exactly the same problem. One funny thing is that
Corel 1.1 (I had that here for some time) seemed to know how to boot from
the second disk... so it isn't only because of BIOS. 


Re: same debian, new hardware?

2000-07-28 Thread David Wright
Quoting Krzys Majewski ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Again on the subject of buying new hardware, I'm looking for a good
 way to copy my existing setup to the new machine. So far I can think
 of three main types of options. In order of decreasing popularity, they
 1) Reinstall everything from scratch, then copy my home directory and some
 conf files from the old machine to the new machine.

Not a bad idea if, say, you're still on slink and are moving to

 3) Make binary images of the old hard drives, automagically paste these
 onto the new hard drive. Unfortunately I'm pretty sure this is impossible.

You mention SCSI in the old box, but don't say what's the hardware
in the new box. If IDE, you could install the new disk in the old
machine, partition it (think about that, of course), mount it on
/mnt and copy the files onto it with
cd old-directory-root
find -xdev | cpio -damp /mnt

Then create a boot floppy, rdev the kernel to the future correct
device, put the new disk in the new machine, boot it with the floppy
and run lilo.

 4) Physically install the old hard drives in the new machine.

Make a boot floppy, move the drives, boot with the floppy,
copy in the same way as above, rdev the floppy (or a copy),
boot again, this time into the new drive, run lilo.

Note that the rdev'ing is no longer necessary with potato because
it produces a syslinux boot floppy instead of a kernel image.
Therefore you can give it parameters like root=/dev/hda1 single
which was not possible before. (Of course, with slink and previous,
one could copy the kernel onto a rescue disk to get the same effect.)


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

who shows phantom users

2000-07-28 Thread Thomas R. Shemanske
Recently I have noticed (legitimate) users logged in on one of our
servers with no processes running.

I know for a fact that they log into the server via (open)ssh, and
eventually close the ssh connection.

Nonetheless, who still shows them as still logged on (as does last). 
On the other hand, w does not show them as logged on.

Is there a way to get /var/log/wtmp to update itself?  Any ideas what
the cause of this might be? (ssh shutting down impoperly?)

It's not a huge problem, but an annoyance.

Thanks for any input

Thomas R. Shemanske
(Mailing Address)  (Office/Internet Information)
Department of Mathematics  203 Choate House
6188 Bradley Hall  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dartmouth College
Hanover, NH 03755-3551 (603) 646 - 3179 

Office hours:

Summer Term Office Hours:  By appointment

Xfree86-4.0.1 and Enlightenment

2000-07-28 Thread Ethan Pierce
Hi, I recently compiled x4.0.1 from source and all seemed to work well.  I did 
this to get better accel from my tnt2.  

When I go to start E now I get:

Xserver does not support Shape extension
Your server is out of date or misconfigured

Has anyone seen this error before, and if so, do you know how to correct it? 

Thank you, Ethan

Re: why is kernel recompilation necessary?

2000-07-28 Thread Ethan Pierce
If 128 mb of ram is considered a beast of a machine?  What class does my ½ gig 
of ram box fall in :)

 Daniel Reuter [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/28/00 06:22AM 
Hello there,

On Fri, 28 Jul 2000, Preben Randhol wrote:

 Krzys Majewski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 28/07/2000 (00:29) :
  Why is it that under Windows or whatever I don't have to recompile
  the kernel just to add a new driver? Is it a protection thing? 
  Or an optimization thing? Or something else? -chris
 Usually you don't have to recompile your kernel under Linux. Just use
 the kernel-package that contains the kernel with all the modules you

You don't HAVE to, but if you want a really fast, memory saving kernel,
you SHOULD do it and exclude everything, you don't need. (Installation
kernel was almost twice as large as the kernel I compiled by myself, as I
could exclude SCSI-support and a few other things). Sure not a point of
much interest on those beasts with 128 Mb RAM sold today, but on a
computer with 8 Mb RAM, a large kernel eats up your vital memory.
So in some way, really an optimization thing.

 I guess you could recompile your Windows kernel too _if_ you have
 access to the Windows source files and own a compiler.



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Re: volume control

2000-07-28 Thread Gary Hennigan
Michael Soulier [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On 27 Jul 2000, Gary Hennigan wrote:
  Do they work as root? Make sure you have the mixer device(s) in
  /dev. I don't have a Debian system handy with working sound, but my
  laptop (sans sound) has /dev/mixer and /dev/mixer1.
  If they work as root then it's just a permission problem.
  May be a long shot but it's worth a look.
   It wasn't a long shot at all. That worked! 
   I had no idea that there was a separate mixer device. chmod 666
 /dev/mixer fixed the problem. 
   Many thanks. 
   Too bad the apps didn't complain about a permissions problem...

I'm glad that worked. The Debian Way (TM) to do this, by the way, is

chmod 660 /dev/mixer*
chown /dev/mixer*

and then add the users that you want to allow access to the audio
group. A lot of the things devices in /dev work this way.


RE: web server suggestions

2000-07-28 Thread Adrian Thiele
How about Jakarta-Tomcat for Servlets and JSP.
Apache works very well with it . Hey, this is Linux use Apache.

Adrian Thiele
Tec America, Inc.
Thermal Printer Division
phone: (770) 449-3040 ext. 177
fax: (770) 242-9992


 -Original Message-
 From: J.T. Wenting [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, July 28, 2000 12:31 AM
 Subject: RE: web server suggestions

 A good cross-platform webserver is Orion ( It's 100%
 pure java, so it runs on any Java2 platform. Forget Perl, forget ASP, do
 Servlets and JSP.
 Performance is excellent.

  -Original Message-
  From: frosty [mailto:frosty]On Behalf Of John Foster
  Sent: Friday, July 28, 2000 6:04 AM
  To: Sven Burgener
  Cc: Debian ISP; Debian Users
  Subject: Re: web server suggestions
  Sven Burgener wrote:
   Hi all
   Sorry for this being so highly off-topic, forgive me; I
  need the infos.
   (It's just that debian lists are an excellent resort for
   I'd like some infos from people who've had experience with this:
   What web server software is in your opinion best for
  running on an NT
   machine? (Yes, NT)
  For reasons of compatibility and ease of maintainence, I strongly
  suggest staying with IIs or some other server designed for NT. It (NT)
  has enough problems without trying to get it to do something that
  Microsoft has effectively tried to keep folks from doing (using open
  source software).
   (How) does Apache run on NT?
  It runs fine, but the windows version is not as robust as the
  etc. version. Plus, you will need to install some type of Perl
  (ActiveState) to get it to do anything worthwhile.
   The reason I'm posting this, though, is, that a friend of
  mine needs the
   infos, so I'll send any replies straight back to him.
  Tell your friend to check out the Apache and the ActiveState web site
  for explicit info.
  AdVance-Computing Systems
  We sell fine quality servers and workstations.
  We specialize in multiprocessor units.
  We install Debian Linux at no extra charge!
  John Foster
  ICQ# 19460173
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  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

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RE: Changing source CD in potato

2000-07-28 Thread Christian Pernegger
Hash: SHA1

 -Original Message-
 From: Antxon Alonso Lopez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, July 28, 2000 12:20 PM
 Subject: Changing source CD in potato
 I4m traying to install one package from the CD number 4 of potato

Ah, last time I looked there were only three binary cds in potato-i386. :)

 When i try to change the source in dselect its ask me for some 
 directories, and i don4t know what to respond.

1) Set the source to apt in deselect, leave sources.list alone, quit.

2) Open /etc/apt/sources.list in your favourite editor  comment out
   all lines that aren't. ( == Put '#' at the beginning of all lines.)

3) run apt-cdrom add, insert cd 1. - repeat for all three cds.

Now apt should prompt you for the correct cd whenever you
want to install something...

Feel free to contact me if there's a problem!


Version: GnuPG v1.0.2 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: LILO troubles

2000-07-28 Thread David Wright
Quoting virtanen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 On Fri, 28 Jul 2000, David Wright wrote:
  Quoting Jason Schepman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
   Yes.  I'm able to boot from floppies.  I just can't boot from the 
   Boot=hda.  Root=hdb2(location of my / filesystem).  
  It looks as if the BIOS doesn't know how to boot from the second drive.
 I'm probably having exactly the same problem. One funny thing is that
 Corel 1.1 (I had that here for some time) seemed to know how to boot from
 the second disk... so it isn't only because of BIOS. 

Maybe your BIOS can switch the drives and lilo hasn't been told.
(I don't think I am able to do this on mine but it's no longer
relevant as I don't now run mixed boxes.)


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

RE: Keyboard troubles...

2000-07-28 Thread Christian Pernegger
Hash: SHA1

 -Original Message-
 From: Thomas Guettler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, July 28, 2000 8:45 AM
 Subject: Re: Keyboard troubles...
 On Fri, Jul 28, 2000 at 03:50:29AM +0200, Christian Pernegger wrote:

  How can I configure my box to work correctly with a German keyboard?

 there is a german-howto.

Ah, good.

 try setting $LANG to de_DE

This will set the system language to German, complete with translated
messages where supported - that's too much :)

 there is also a german [EMAIL PROTECTED] list. 

Ain't gonna subscribe to another list if I can help it at all. I thought
this might be a problem with updating from t-c-2 to t-c-3.

 Schoen Gruesse nach Oesterreich.


Version: GnuPG v1.0.2 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: Huge X-fonts in Frozen

2000-07-28 Thread Kai Weber
+ Mark Wagnon [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 never mind, it can be set as a command-line option:
 startx -dpi 100

Does not work for me. Resolution is still 75x75 as xdpyinfo says. 

+ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] +

Re: exim/procmail mutt: some mboxes read as 'new', others don't

2000-07-28 Thread Kai Weber
+ Manoj Victor Mathew [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Use the config command mailboxes in your .muttrc to specify
 which mbox files need to be checked for new mail.
 My .muttrc reads ...
 mailboxes `echo $HOME/Mail/inbox*` `echo $HOME/Mail/per*` \
 `echo $HOME/Mail/gen*` `echo $HOME/Mail/list*`

Any hint, how to echo all files in Mail except msgid.cache? I am still
not keen on unix regular expression -- switched from Amiga to Debian.

+ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] +

RE: Huge X-fonts in Frozen

2000-07-28 Thread Michalowski Thierry
Title: RE: Huge X-fonts in Frozen

shouldn't it be startx -- -dpi 100 ?
(Note the -- which says following options are for X, not startx itself)

 -Original Message-
 From: Kai Weber [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, July 28, 2000 3:20 PM
 Subject: Re: Huge X-fonts in Frozen
 + Mark Wagnon [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  never mind, it can be set as a command-line option:
  startx -dpi 100
 Does not work for me. Resolution is still 75x75 as xdpyinfo says. 
 + mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] +
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 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: [why is kernel recompilation necessary?]

2000-07-28 Thread Pollywog

On 28-Jul-2000 Kent West wrote:
 In still other words, can you use make menuconfig to compile a minimal
 kernel and then add modules later from whatever source even though you
 didn't tell the kernel to expect these modules when you did the make

I don't think that would work, because you have to tell the kernel which
modules you want, or they won't load when you need them. If you compile
the just modules, the kernel won't know what to do with them.


Re: Xfree86-4.0.1 and Enlightenment

2000-07-28 Thread Robert L. Harris

I had the same problem.  It turned out I needed 
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root   135336 Jul  2 06:31 libextmod.a
in /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extentsions, and then:

then I had to update /etc/X11/XF86Config:

Section Module
Loaddbe   # Double buffer extension
#SubSection  extmod
#  Optionomit xfree86-dga   # don't initialise the DGA extension
Load   glx
Load   dri

I had to comment out the 3 lines, and then add the 'Load extmod' line.
After that, it works great.


Thus spake Ethan Pierce ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 Hi, I recently compiled x4.0.1 from source and all seemed to work well.  I 
 did this to get better accel from my tnt2.  
 When I go to start E now I get:
 Xserver does not support Shape extension
 Your server is out of date or misconfigured
 Has anyone seen this error before, and if so, do you know how to correct it? 
 Thank you, Ethan
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Robert L. Harris|  Micros~1 :  
Senior System Engineer  |For when quality, reliability 
  at RnD Consulting |  and security just aren't
\_   that important!
  These are MY OPINIONS ALONE.  I speak for no-one else.
 perl -e 'print $i=pack(c5,(41*2),sqrt(7056),(unpack(c,H)-2),oct(115),10);'

setting framebuffer mode during boot

2000-07-28 Thread Gilbert Laycock
I have framebuffer support compiled into my kernel, and I want to set
the screen mode it uses when I boot. Currently it defaults to a
640x480/80x30 mode, and I want to set it to a higher resolution.

I have an ATI Rage Pro card, so I think I should be using the atyfb
frambuffer module.

According to the Framebuffer HOWTO, and the various readmes in the
kernel source, I should be able to set the framebuffer mode from lilo
like this:


which make difference at all for me. (I have also tried a number of
simple variations, and other modes, but none of them work for me.) 

Another possibility seems to be to use
 vga=Some VESA mode number 
in lilo, but I cannot get that to work. Either it will very briefly
switch into the required mode and then switch back to 640x480, or it
will switch into a mode that my monitor cannot deal with and I get a
corrupt screen. Partly the difficulty seems to be to get a definitive
list of VESA mode numbers.

I assume that many people have this working, so what am I doing wrong?


  Gilbert Laycock email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Maths and Computer Science,
  University of Leicester phone: (+44) 116 252 3902

Re: Web interface to packages

2000-07-28 Thread jbardin
Christian Pernegger wrote:

 Hash: SHA1

 Why are there only i386 packages for download on Debians web site?

 I do not have, say, an Alpha but nevertheless it struck me as strange
 that a search result from leads
 only to i386 downloads.

 Is there anything I overlooked?


 Version: GnuPG v1.0.2 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: For info see


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

They have the other packaes availble they might have it auto redired toth
architecture of the pc hat your brosweing the site from.
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED] -uniting the linux gaming community
fn:Jon Bardin

Re: mounting floppy

2000-07-28 Thread Moritz Schulte
On Thu, Jul 27, 2000 at 09:57:12PM -0700, Dale Morris wrote:

 I'm trying to mount a floppy that I made with Redhat 6.2 system. It
 mounted on a previous install of potato, but I reinstalled and now
 when I try to mount it I get the following error message: [I cannot
 determine the file type and none was specified]

which filesystem has this floppy? which filesystem does /dev/fd0 have
in /etc/fstab? can you mount the floppy with 'mount -t fs /dev/fd0

/* Moritz Schulte [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 * PGP-Key available, encrypted Mail is welcome.

Re: volume control

2000-07-28 Thread jbardin
Gary Hennigan wrote:

 Michael Soulier [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  On 27 Jul 2000, Gary Hennigan wrote:
   Do they work as root? Make sure you have the mixer device(s) in
   /dev. I don't have a Debian system handy with working sound, but my
   laptop (sans sound) has /dev/mixer and /dev/mixer1.
   If they work as root then it's just a permission problem.
   May be a long shot but it's worth a look.
It wasn't a long shot at all. That worked!
I had no idea that there was a separate mixer device. chmod 666
  /dev/mixer fixed the problem.
Many thanks.
Too bad the apps didn't complain about a permissions problem...

 I'm glad that worked. The Debian Way (TM) to do this, by the way, is

 chmod 660 /dev/mixer*
 chown /dev/mixer*

 and then add the users that you want to allow access to the audio
 group. A lot of the things devices in /dev work this way.


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Yeah thats a much better way. i am always chmodin 666 stuff to see if they work 
then i cantremeber what the proper mods should be. Thank you for that knowledge 
now i can fix my machine up proper :)

email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED] -uniting the linux gaming community
fn:Jon Bardin

Re: LILO troubles

2000-07-28 Thread jbardin
Jason Schepman wrote:

 I'm having LILO problems.  I'm pretty sure that my config file is correct.
 When I try to boot, my screen fills up with 1's and 0's.

 please advise,

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

If you can get access to the lilo help files the 101010101 means a precise 
error and
usually has a very precise fix for it.

email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED] -uniting the linux gaming community
fn:Jon Bardin

Re: volume control

2000-07-28 Thread Michael Soulier
On 28 Jul 2000, Gary Hennigan wrote:

 I'm glad that worked. The Debian Way (TM) to do this, by the way, is
 chmod 660 /dev/mixer*
 chown /dev/mixer*
 and then add the users that you want to allow access to the audio
 group. A lot of the things devices in /dev work this way.

I don't have to do a newgrp to be a member of that group, do I?

lupus:~# chmod 660 /dev/mixer
lupus:~# ll /dev/mix*
crw-rw1 root audio 14,   0 Sep  8  1999 /dev/mixer
crw-rw1 root audio 14,  16 Sep  8  1999 /dev/mixer1

lupus:/etc# groups msoulier
msoulier : msoulier
lupus:/etc# adduser msoulier audio
Adding user msoulier to group audio...
lupus:/etc# groups msoulier
msoulier : msoulier audio

But now it doesn't work. 

However, if I manually change groups...

[EMAIL PROTECTED] msoulier]$ groups  
[EMAIL PROTECTED] msoulier]$ groups msoulier
msoulier : msoulier audio
[EMAIL PROTECTED] msoulier]$ newgrp audio
[EMAIL PROTECTED] msoulier]$ groups
audio msoulier
[EMAIL PROTECTED] msoulier]$ xmms 

It works fine. Do I have to do a newgrp every time? That's kind of


To listen to the words of the learned, and to instill into others the
lessons of science, is better than religious exercises.
-- Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) 

Re: volume control

2000-07-28 Thread Michael Soulier

Actually, after creating this alias, it's not so bad...

alias xmms='sg audio -c xmms '


On Fri, 28 Jul 2000, Michael Soulier wrote:

   I don't have to do a newgrp to be a member of that group, do I?
 lupus:~# chmod 660 /dev/mixer
 lupus:~# ll /dev/mix*
 crw-rw1 root audio 14,   0 Sep  8  1999 /dev/mixer
 crw-rw1 root audio 14,  16 Sep  8  1999 /dev/mixer1
 lupus:/etc# groups msoulier
 msoulier : msoulier
 lupus:/etc# adduser msoulier audio
 Adding user msoulier to group audio...
 lupus:/etc# groups msoulier
 msoulier : msoulier audio
   But now it doesn't work. 
   However, if I manually change groups...
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] msoulier]$ groups  
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] msoulier]$ groups msoulier
 msoulier : msoulier audio
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] msoulier]$ newgrp audio
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] msoulier]$ groups
 audio msoulier
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] msoulier]$ xmms 
   It works fine. Do I have to do a newgrp every time? That's kind of
 To listen to the words of the learned, and to instill into others the
 lessons of science, is better than religious exercises.
   -- Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) 
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To listen to the words of the learned, and to instill into others the
lessons of science, is better than religious exercises.
-- Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) 

Re: char-major-6

2000-07-28 Thread Shaul Karl
 On 28-Jul-2000 Erik Mathisen wrote:
  I keep getting this stupid error in my syslog:
  modprobe: can't locate module char-major-6
  now i searched my system, I dont have that module, how do I get this
  error to stop?  It puts 2 or 3 entries in the log a minute.
  Any help would greatly be appreciated,
 I've had the same problem, but with block-major-8 (scsi-disk). Since I don't
 have scsi devices, I appended an alias block-major-8 off to
 /etc/modutils/aliases and ran update-modules. After that I didn't get the
 message anymore.

char-major-6 are the parallel ports.
I believe that making your own kernel with 
can solve it too. This solution has the advantage that it enables you keep 
using your parallel ports.
You should be able to verify in /boot/config$YOUR_KENEL_VERSION whether 
CONFIG_PRINTER it is currently set.

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--  Shaul Karl [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: volume control

2000-07-28 Thread David Wright
Quoting Michael Soulier ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
   I don't have to do a newgrp to be a member of that group, do I?

   It works fine. Do I have to do a newgrp every time? That's kind of

I think you just have to log in.


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

Re: modules.conf vs conf.modules

2000-07-28 Thread Kent West
David Z. Maze wrote:
 Kent West [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 KW Is there a plain-english (for dummies) page somewhere that
 KW explains how modules work (modutils vs /etc/modules vs kmod vs
 KW kerneld vs conf.modules vs modules.conf vs /etc/modutils/ vs auto
 KW vs specific items in /etc/modules vs compile-in vs Godzilla vs
 KW Buck Rogers in the 23rd Century)?
 I'll give this a shot.  The Linux kernel arbitrates access to various
 hardware devices, and provides (in theory, at least) consistent
 interfaces to user-space programs.  This means that there are various
 hardware and protocol drivers that need to somehow be part of the
 kernel.  There are two main ways to do this: compile the driver into
 the kernel directly or load it at runtime as a kernel extension
 Modules can actually get loaded in a couple of different ways.  A
 program called insmod actually does the loading.  Another program,
 called modprobe, is generally used to do the task, though.  modprobe
 reads /etc/conf.modules or /etc/modules.conf (either will work), and
 uses the options there to determine proper module dependencies and
 options.  (So if module foo depends on bar, 'modprobe foo' will load
 both foo and bar.)
 Sometimes it's possible for a module to get automatically loaded.  If
 you try to, for example, access a device for which no kernel driver is
 loaded, the kernel will attempt to load an appropriate module.  On
 Linux 2.0, this was done via an external program called kerneld.  The
 equivalent facility in 2.2 kernels is built into the kernel, and it's
 called kmod.  (So kmod and kerneld do exactly the same thing, but
 which one you use is a function of which kernel you have.  Debian
 magically Does The Right Thing (TM) to start kerneld if necessary.)
 /etc/modules determines which modules are loaded at boot-time on
 Debian systems.  Any module name listed there is loaded with
 modprobe.  If the keyword 'auto' is there, kerneld is immediately
 loaded, if necessary; the keyword 'noauto' causes kerneld to never be
 loaded.  Otherwise, kerneld is loaded after much of the boot sequence
 As I mentioned a couple of paragraphs ago, /etc/conf.modules tells
 modprobe what module dependencies, options, etc. should exist.  On
 current Debian systems, this is managed through the files in
 /etc/modutils.  A program called update-modules essentially cats
 together all of the files under this directory.  This setup gives
 Debian a little more flexibility: if a particular package is
 responsible for some set of module settings, it can update a file in
 /etc/modutils and run update-modules, without tromping on other
 packages' settings.
 How is this relevant to a system administrator?  Files you care about
 are probably:
 /etc/modules: lists modules to be loaded at boot time
 /etc/modutils/*: fragments to be combined into a complete
   /etc/conf.modules file; you can create, for example,
   /etc/modutils/sound on your system with appropriate options for your
   particular system's sound setup.  Run update-modules after you
   change anything here.
 [1] This means that it's theoretically possible to ignore this entire
 modules nonsense and build everything you want into the kernel.
 This is less flexible, though, and you need to rebuild the kernel
 if you ever want to change things; it's a pain.  Also, some
 packages (e.g. ALSA) are only available as modules for the moment.
 Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal.
 -- Abra Mitchell

This was good. Thank you!

Helix Gnome Evolution 0.3

2000-07-28 Thread Ethan Pierce
Hi, I was reading today on slashdot about Evolution 0.3.  They have a download 
link for the tar.gz file.  I was wondering if the apt-get utility will work if 
I use the source for the update?  Has anyone else 
tried this?

Thanks -Ethan

Re: Helix Gnome Evolution 0.3

2000-07-28 Thread Ethan Pierce
Sorry, I found the answer to my question.  Evolution .3 is a Microsoft Outlook 
replacement for linux.  To get it via apt-get add the following to sources.list


run - apt-get update
  - apt-get install evolution

Enjoy - this looks promising and a great start to getting MS outta the office!

 Ethan Pierce [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/28/00 12:00PM 
Hi, I was reading today on slashdot about Evolution 0.3.  They have a download 
link for the tar.gz file.  I was wondering if the apt-get utility will work if 
I use the source for the update?  Has anyone else 
tried this?

Thanks -Ethan

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Re: Helix Gnome Evolution 0.3

2000-07-28 Thread Kent West
Ethan Pierce wrote:
 Sorry, I found the answer to my question.  Evolution .3 is a Microsoft 
 Outlook replacement for linux.  To get it via apt-get add the following to 
 run - apt-get update
   - apt-get install evolution
 Enjoy - this looks promising and a great start to getting MS outta the office!

Nope; apt-get update reports a mal-formed line.

Re: Helix Gnome Evolution 0.3

2000-07-28 Thread Ethan Pierce
Sorry all, the sources.list line should read:

deb ./

 Kent West [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/28/00 12:15PM 
Ethan Pierce wrote:
 Sorry, I found the answer to my question.  Evolution .3 is a Microsoft 
 Outlook replacement for linux.  To get it via apt-get add the following to 
 run - apt-get update
   - apt-get install evolution
 Enjoy - this looks promising and a great start to getting MS outta the office!

Nope; apt-get update reports a mal-formed line.

Re: LILO troubles

2000-07-28 Thread Johann Spies
On Fri, Jul 28, 2000 at 12:47:16AM -0500, Jason Schepman wrote:
 I'm having LILO problems.  I'm pretty sure that my config file is correct.
 When I try to boot, my screen fills up with 1's and 0's.

I had the same trouble with the new lilo and could not solve it.

J.H. Spies, Hugenotestraat 29, Posbus 80, Franschhoek, 7690, South Africa
Tel/Faks 021-876-2337 Sel/Cell 082 898 1528(Johann) 082 255 2388(Hester)
 If ye love me, keep my commandments. John 14:15 

NFS mounted /usr

2000-07-28 Thread Fire Dragon
I'm trying to build a small lan and being a bit short on HD space (250MB to
500MB tops) I wanted to have /home /usr and so forth be NFS mounted. I'm
currently having a problem in which the /usr partition that is exported is
corrupted by the client machine (broke exim when I installed ssmtp for

Since I have obviously done something wrong in this I was wondering if
anyone could point me to some instructions for getting /usr to be ignored by
dpkg/apt/... in package installations.


AIM: FDragon666 ICQ: 9333698
URL:  IRC: fdragon

Today is Prickle-Prickle, day 63 in the season of Confusion, 3166.

Mother is the invention of necessity.

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Starting GNOME (newbie question)

2000-07-28 Thread Marcio Rosa da Silva
I installed helix-gnome in my notebook and I want to know how to start
it. What should I put in my .xinitrc file? I tried sawfish directly, but
it doesn't work.

Sorry for the newbie question, but I'm a fvwm user and I'm used to put
fvwm2 in my .xinitrc and create a .fvwm2rc and it's all! :-)



 * Assistant Professor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 * Electrical Engineering Department
 * Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos - UNISINOS
 * Av. Unisinos, 950
 * Sao Leopoldo - RS - Brazil
 * Phone: +55 51 590- R:1781/1782
 *   FAX: +55 51 590-8172

HELP! 2.1 install from PCMCIA cdrom

2000-07-28 Thread Jim Gale
I didn't have any luck finding this topic in the archive, but I'm sure
it's come up before...

I'm being tortured by a Sony Vaio laptop which does not have a built in
CDROM. Instead it has a PCMCIA connected CDROM drive. Happily the laptop
is able to boot from the CDROM, so I just stuck my 2.1 CD in and tried
to install Debian. It boots and I can fix up the harddrive, but
unfortunately I can't install the operating system because Debian can't
find the CDROM. (even though it booted from it!)

Could somebody tell me how I can install Debian on this thing? (I'm
installing 2.1 because I have CDs for it but I plan to upgrade to 2.2
immediately, so let me know if this could be done better starting with

I found a little bit in the HOWTO documents about installing from a
PCMCIA device, but it didn't look pretty. I thought I'd check to see if
there was a proper Debian way to do it.


To help narrow down the possibilities, here are my other resources:

a computer with debian 2.2 (but no net access, if I need to download
something, it could be tricky)
a Sun with net access (but Solaris)
a PCMCIA NIC for the laptop (NFS boot?)
I can't burn CDROMs
I have plenty of floppies around if that's what I have to do.

Re: Helix Gnome Evolution 0.3

2000-07-28 Thread Phil Brutsche
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

 Hi, I was reading today on slashdot about Evolution 0.3.  They have a
 download link for the tar.gz file.  I was wondering if the apt-get
 utility will work if I use the source for
 the update?  Has anyone else tried this?

The line for sources.list is
deb ./

After that do your usual 'apt-get update' and 'apt-get install evolution'.

Phil Brutsche   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There are two things that are infinite; Human stupidity and the
universe. And I'm not sure about the universe. - Albert Einstien

Re: advanced power management and linux?

2000-07-28 Thread I. Tura
At 15.15 27/7/00 -0700, heu escrit:
I'm researching new hardware for my linux box. I live in a small apartment
so my main requirement is that the damn thing be quiet. Does anyone have
reports of advanced power management working under linux? I know that is 
in principle supported, but what are the results? The quietest machine
I've seen 
was an IBM aptiva running windows, it was capable of shutting down
everything when it went to sleep, as far as I could tell. 

but I couldn't hear it. Tell me what kind of hardware you have and how
quiet it is!  

From my previous experiences, if you want noisy stuff (not Linux 
just hardware related):

Pioneer 36X DVD: very noisy.
Creative CD-ROM 48X: very very noisy.
Bulk CD-ROM 6X: very silent (well, the Playstation is also 2X and it's
very noisy! :) )

In HDDs it's very difficult to guess:
Quantum 8 Gb: very silent.
Quantum 10 Gb: quite noisy.
Samsung 1 Gb: very noisy.
Samsung 10 Gb: very silent.
Seagate 3 Gb: quite noisy.
Seagate 4 Gb: extremely and insane noisy.

Taking apart Seagate, very contradictory, isn't it?

There is a company that sells PCs that seem to be silent (Silent 
but sure they are expensive and guess what strange hardware there's inside!

It's very hard to guess. If you want silence, you live in a small
apartment and you have some extra cash, buy a laptop and you'll get in love
with it (but check the hardware, do not get a winmodem with it!).

Hope that helps,


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Re: [why is kernel recompilation necessary?]

2000-07-28 Thread I. Tura
The whole point of my post was to not have to read 17 web pages!

Oh man, nothing is perfect! But let me tell ou something. When some
hardware companies are such bastards that they do such indecent drivers
that collide with Windoze and at my left I have a scanner that I know that
it will only run under Linux, where all processes are clear and
well-documented... Or when actually I have to tell with the disk drivers to
W98 _SE_ that the modem it has is this one (a model of _1996_), not
another... The very cheap Plug  Play.

Under Debian I've always solved all my problems. Not in Windoze, 9X or 

Debian is some effort... But it gives you lots of rewards.


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Re: same debian, new hardware?

2000-07-28 Thread Krzys Majewski
  3) Make binary images of the old hard drives, automagically paste these
  onto the new hard drive. Unfortunately I'm pretty sure this is impossible.
 You mention SCSI in the old box, but don't say what's the hardware
 in the new box. If IDE, you could install the new disk in the old
 machine, partition it (think about that, of course), mount it on
 /mnt and copy the files onto it with
 cd old-directory-root
 find -xdev | cpio -damp /mnt
 Then create a boot floppy, rdev the kernel to the future correct
 device, put the new disk in the new machine, boot it with the floppy
 and run lilo.

OK, that sounds good. I think my new drive will be IDE, but why does it
matter? I was under the impression that the whole point of SCSI was
to allow easy addition of devices...the old machine was sort of
a hand-me-down, I didn't buy the scsi controller, which is my excuse
for not knowing a whole lot about how it works..

By the way, I don't suppose a similar procedure will work for moving the
Windows partition, or does anyone know?

  4) Physically install the old hard drives in the new machine.
 Make a boot floppy, move the drives, boot with the floppy,
 copy in the same way as above, rdev the floppy (or a copy),
 boot again, this time into the new drive, run lilo.

OK this sounds just like the previous step, except putting the old drives
in the new machine rather than putting the new drive in the old machine,
copying, and then putting it back in the new machine, am I right?

On the subject of drives, is my existing scsi setup a valuable thing to have or 
should I just dump the whole thing in the lane and never look back? 
Someone told me scsi is faster than non-scsi, can I capitalize on this

Thanks for all the responses, this is great

Re: [why is kernel recompilation necessary?]

2000-07-28 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans

On Fri, 28 Jul 2000, Pollywog wrote:

 On 28-Jul-2000 Kent West wrote:
  In still other words, can you use make menuconfig to compile a minimal
  kernel and then add modules later from whatever source even though you
  didn't tell the kernel to expect these modules when you did the make
 I don't think that would work, because you have to tell the kernel which
 modules you want, or they won't load when you need them. If you compile
 the just modules, the kernel won't know what to do with them.

That's not the case at all.  As some people have mentioned in this thread,
certain proprietary drivers are distrubuted as binary-only kernel
modules.  This would obviously not be possible if the whole kernel had to
be rebuilt to use a module.  The commercial version of the Open Sound
System is one example of this (or was; I haven't used it since I built a
new machine with an ALSA supported sound card).

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debian rocks

2000-07-28 Thread Michael Soulier

I have to tell you, the more I use Debian, the more I like
it. It's not the big things. The big thing is that it's Linux. It's the
little things. 
I go hunting for the default vimrc file installed when I grabbed
vim. On every *nix system in the world, it's probably in a subdirectory of
the install. On Debian, it's symlinked to files in /etc, where all the
config files are and should be. Wasn't that way on Mandrake/RedHat. 
Kudos people. Don't let commercial interests screw it up or force
you to be sloppy. This is a work of art. 


To listen to the words of the learned, and to instill into others the
lessons of science, is better than religious exercises.
-- Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) 

Re: [why is kernel recompilation necessary?]

2000-07-28 Thread Pollywog

On 28-Jul-2000 Noah L. Meyerhans wrote:
 That's not the case at all.  As some people have mentioned in this thread,
 certain proprietary drivers are distrubuted as binary-only kernel
 modules.  This would obviously not be possible if the whole kernel had to
 be rebuilt to use a module.  The commercial version of the Open Sound
 System is one example of this (or was; I haven't used it since I built a
 new machine with an ALSA supported sound card).

I use the OSS commercial driver and was not aware that it is a kernel module.
It seems that whenever I have installed a kernel module, I had to recompile
the kernel; that is how I was told to do it.

*still a newbie*


current Redhat user evaluates Debian

2000-07-28 Thread John L. Fjellstad

I'm a current RedHat user (started with Linux on RedHat because
it was available at Fry's), and I'm currently evaluating
Debian for a possible switch.

Can anyone come up with a list of advantages of using Debian
Linux over Redhat Linux?
I would also love to hear any the weaknesses Debian has compared

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