Re: Urgente: Proble. en Sendmail.

2000-11-14 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
On Mon, Nov 13, 2000 at 05:20:32PM +0100, Santiago Vila wrote:
 Pablo Sabatino:
  Tengo un problema en el Sendmail(para enviar mails).
  Este es el log que me tira al querer intentar enviar un e-mail:
   Nov 10 11:28:02 maitena sendmail[17917]: unable to qualify my own domain
   name (maitena) -- using short name
   Nov 10 11:28:02 maitena sendmail[17917]: My unqualified host name
   (maitena) unknown; sleeping for retry
  ¿porque es este error?
  ¿Como puedo solucionarlo?
 No sé, pero parece que no le has dicho el dominio por alguna
 parte. Prueba a poner todo lo que quieras que aparezca detrás de la
 arroba en /etc/mailname y volver a configurar.

En algun sitio de la documentacion de sendmail, creo que en la FAQ, viene
descrito este error, creo recordar que es porque es incapaz de saber cual es
el dominio de la maquina en la que esta corriendo, y creo que venian
posibles formas de solucionarlo. Estoy hablando de memoria, pero creo que
era eso.


Re: Locales en Xfree

2000-11-14 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
On Mon, Nov 13, 2000 at 05:15:06PM +0100, Santiago Vila wrote:
 Ángel Vicente Pérez:
  Hasta ahora tenia LANG=es_ES.ISO-8859-1, y creo que funcionaban bien todos
  los locales. Ahora, con Xfree 4.0.1, tengo que poner es_ES.ISO8859-1, para
  no obtener errores relativos a los locales.
  Tambien he observado en algunos mensajes en castellano, que las vocales
  acentuadas son sustituidas por interrogaciones:
  A?n se est? grabando la p?gina
  El ejemplo es de man.
 ¿Por casualidad no estarás usando rxvt? En debian-bugs-dist he oído
 decir que con xterm no pasa, por lo que todo apunta a un bicho en rxvt.

No. Y ahora no estoy muy seguro, pero el ejemplo de man, lo tengo pues hara
un mes o asi, es decir de antes de la Xfree86 4.0.1. En la lista
debian-devel he visto mensajes relativos al tema, pero no parece claro si es
por los locales de libc o por las Xfree.


Conexion Internet

2000-11-14 Thread Pedro Allende Rosales
Estoy empezando con esta distribucion y desde varios dias logro conectarme
con pon isp, mi cuenta la configure con pppconfig.

El caso es que hoy no pude conectarme, ayer si, no se en donde buscar, ya
llevo varios dias en que a veces entra y en otros se cae el modem...
Podrian darme algun tip o idea de donde puede estar el problema o en donde
busco informacion de la falla?..., gracias de antemano.

Pedro Allende Rosales
Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mexico

Ver descripciones de los paquetes debian.

2000-11-14 Thread Antonio Iglesias

Hola Gente.

Una pregunta:
¿Existe alguna utilidad para visualizar los paquetes debian
medianamente organizados, con sus descripciones y con alguna
utilidad de búsqueda?

Conozco dselect y lo utilizo con frecuencia, pero con la cantidad
de paquetes que trae potato, a veces resulta difil buscar algo
que no sabes exactamente como se llama o solo tienes una idea
de lo que hace. Muchas veces he tenido que echar mano de 
Packages y grep, pero si andas con prisa es un poco engorroso.
Las páginas de debian vienen muy bien para eso, pero es que
en casa no tengo inte'nes.

Os agradezco de antemano vuestras sugerencias.

Antonio Iglesias.

Re: Ver descripciones de los paquetes debian.

2000-11-14 Thread TooMany
On Tue, 14 de Nov de 2000, a las 08:47:13AM +0100, Antonio Iglesias wrote:
 Una pregunta:
 ¿Existe alguna utilidad para visualizar los paquetes debian
 medianamente organizados, con sus descripciones y con alguna
 utilidad de búsqueda?

Creo que aptitude podría servirte (creo).

Manuel Trujillo Albarral - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Administrador de Sistemas

Re: Ver descripciones de los paquetes debian.

2000-11-14 Thread unai
Antonio Iglesias wrote:
 Hola Gente.
 Una pregunta:
 ¿Existe alguna utilidad para visualizar los paquetes debian
 medianamente organizados, con sus descripciones y con alguna
 utilidad de búsqueda?

  El propio apt tienes esas funciones, con 'apt-cache search' puedes
ver el nombre del paquete y una breve descripción, y con  'apt-cache
search --full' lo ves todo; y para buscar nada mejor que un 'grep'.
  Yo suelo buscar e instalar muchas cosas, casi continuamente y tengo
definidos unos alias.

alias dinstall='sudo apt-get install'
alias dsearch='apt-cache search'

Re: squid

2000-11-14 Thread Hue-Bond
El lunes 13 de noviembre de 2000 a la(s) 16:20:46 +0100, Jaume Sabater contaba:

¿Alguien sabe porque el squid se me muere de vez en cuando, dejándome ese
mensaje en access.log?

FATAL: You've run out of swap file numbers.


11.25 You've run out of swap file numbers.

   Squid keeps an in-memory bitmap of disk files that are available for use,
 or are being used. The size of this bitmap is determined at run name,
 based on two
   things: the size of your cache, and the average (mean) cache object size.

   The size of your cache is specified in squid.conf, on the cache_dir
 lines. The mean object size can also be specified in squid.conf, with
   'store_avg_object_size' directive. By default, Squid uses 13 Kbytes as
 the average size.

   When allocating the bitmaps, Squid allocates this many bits:
2 * cache_size / store_avg_object_size
   So, if you exactly specify the correct average object size, Squid should
 have 50% filemap bits free when the cache is full. You can see how many
   bits are being used by looking at the 'storedir' cache manager page. It
 looks like this:

Store Directory #0: /usr/local/squid/cache
First level subdirectories: 4
Second level subdirectories: 4
Maximum Size: 1024000 KB
Current Size: 924837 KB
Percent Used: 90.32%
Filemap bits in use: 77308 of 157538 (49%)

   Now, if you see the ``You've run out of swap file numbers'' message, then
 it means one of two things:
1. You've found a Squid bug.
2. Your cache's average file size is much smaller than the
 'store_avg_object_size' value.

   To check the average file size of object currently in your cache, look at
 the cache manager 'info' page, and you will find a line like:
Mean Object Size:   11.96 KB

   To make the warning message go away, set 'store_avg_object_size' to that
 value (or lower) and then restart Squid.

 (Sacado de /usr/share/doc/squid/FAQ-11.html).


 David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Linux Registered User #87069

Description: PGP signature


2000-11-14 Thread Hue-Bond

 En la doc  de mgetty pone que mandándole la  señal USR1 hacemos
 que conteste una llamada entrante. En mi /etc/inittab:

S0:23:respawn:/sbin/mgetty -k 2048 -s 38400 -n 5 -F -C auto -m ' ATZ OK' ttyS0

 Luego también tengo:

alias contestar-fax='kill -USR1 `cat /var/run/mg-pid.ttyS0`'

 Bien. Alguien llama por teléfono, descuelgo  y si es voz, me lo
 paso bien  charlando. Si es fax  y oigo los pitidos...  puedo hacer
 varias cosas:

- Colgar y ejecutar 'contestar-fax'
- Ejecutar 'contestar-fax' y colgar :^)
- Intentar hacer las dos cosas a la vez

 En cualquier caso, hay  veces en que el fax no  entra, y en las
 lucecitas del módem veo como si no hubiera pasado nada, es decir:

RD   TD   CD   OH   AA   HS   DTR  MR   PWR
off  off  off  off  off  on   on   on   on

 Si  sale  bien,  se  enciende  creo que  la  OH  y  bueno,  hay
 movimiento en general. ¿Hago algo mal? Gracias.

 David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Linux Registered User #87069

Description: PGP signature

Sincronización Dselect - Apt

2000-11-14 Thread jvicente
Existe alguna forma de sincronizar la lista que muestra el dselect con el
estado real del sistema?
Es que por ahora la única manera de consultar los paquetes interactivamente
es con el dselect, y como he instalado todo con apt, me quedó marcando
cualquier cosa.
(Puede ser que ya hayan puesto console-apt para potato ahora que salió

Re: Sincronización Dselect - Apt

2000-11-14 Thread Agustín Martín Domingo
 Existe alguna forma de sincronizar la lista que muestra el dselect con el
 estado real del sistema?
 Es que por ahora la única manera de consultar los paquetes interactivamente
 es con el dselect, y como he instalado todo con apt, me quedó marcando
 cualquier cosa.
 (Puede ser que ya hayan puesto console-apt para potato ahora que salió

Sí, se ha añadido. También se ha añadido Mozilla M18 y algunas
actualizaciones de seguridad

Agustín Martín Domingo, Dpto. de Física, ETS Arquitectura Madrid, 
(U. Politécnica de Madrid)  tel: +34 91-336-6536, Fax: +34 91-336-6554, 

Nescape 6

2000-11-14 Thread Sergio F. Mendoza Barrera
Buenas lista

Parece que ya han liberado del proyecto Mozilla, chequen en site de Netscape...



Re: Ver descripciones de los paquetes debian.

2000-11-14 Thread J. Carlos Romero
 Antonio == Antonio Iglesias [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Antonio Una pregunta: ¿Existe alguna utilidad para visualizar los
Antonio paquetes debian medianamente organizados, con sus
Antonio descripciones y con alguna utilidad de búsqueda?

Instala el paquete dpkg-awk.


J. Carlos


2000-11-14 Thread Sergio Valdivielso Gomez
Muy buenas a [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
Me he instalado la tostadora H.P. que menciono en el subject.
Alguien me puede decir como configurarla y que programa me recomiendan
para tostar los CD's, si es grafico mejor que mejor.
Comentarles que mi debian me la reconoce cuando arranco.
log de dmesg:

hdd : Hewlerd-Packard CD-Writter Plus 8200, ATAPI CDROM drive
hdd : ATAPI 24X CD-ROM CD-R/RW drive, 2048 kb Cache

Muchas gracias
Sergio Valdivielso Gomez
Usuario Linux Registrado = 150.750
Debian GNU/LINUX 2.2 Potato
Desde que no uso Micro$oft., no me duele la cabeza

Conexion Internet

2000-11-14 Thread Pedro Allende Rosales
Hola de nuevo

Gracias por la ayuda a la persona que me indico acerca del 
wvdial, por desgracia no me fije el remitente y borre el 
mensaje y no lo tengo en los trash, mil gracias de nuevo... 
Pedro Allende Rosales
Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mexico

mount: RPC programa no registrado

2000-11-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hola debianeros:

De nuevo por aqui.. bueno resulta que estoy tratando de trabajar con nfs pero 
al hacer las primeras pruebas me pasa lo siguiente:

# mkdir /tmp/test
# mount localhost:/etc /tmp/test

mount: RPC programa no registrado..

bueno.. me dije.. si es como con el telnet (hay que instalar el telnetd), 
tendre que buscar algo así como nfsd :), pero no lo encontre, entonces

meti mi CD de debian (el primero)
mount /cdrom
cd /cdrom
find | grep nfs

instale los paquetes que me mostro menos el que tenia en su nombre la palabra 

como hago para que no me saque RPC programa no registrado? muchas gracias de 
antemano y cualquier concejo adicional se los agradecería.

Siempre agradecido


Nettaxi MP3 Player, Burner, Ripper - NEW Version 2.0!!! DOWNLOAD IT FREE! (5MBs)

Imprimir con slrn: ¿recode?

2000-11-14 Thread Migue Reyes
sigo dandole vueltas a lo de imprimir con slrn.
en /var/log/lp-error tengo:
/etc/magicfilter/[EMAIL PROTECTED]: /usr/bin/recode --silent
latin1:ibmpc  failed.

Creo entender que recode, ¿es una librería para tratar caracteres?- no consigue 
convertir los latin1.

¿Configuración? ¿problema de versión -es la 3.5-?
¿Alguna idea? -

Y éste problema solo lo tengo con slrn!!!

Gracias y salud


Miguel Angel Reyes con GNU/Linux 
Debian 2.2r0 Potato -104631- 

¿Es Zope Libre?

2000-11-14 Thread Antonio Beamud Montero
Lo pregunto por una referencia que hizo Jesus G. Baraona en el Foro de
Barrapunto (Hispalinux) sobre que no se utilizaba Zope en Barrapunto
por los problemas de licencia que tenia (si no entendí mal). 
 Pero sin embargo debian la acepta en su sección main. 
 Jesus (o quien sea), ¿Puedes aclararme esto?


Saludos. Antonio.

No puedo borrarme de la lista

2000-11-14 Thread Carlos en Uni2 Tplana
Aguien sabe por que no me puedeo borrar de la lista?

Staroffice y java

2000-11-14 Thread Hue-Bond
 Buenas :^).

 Estoy  intentando  poner  un  StarOffice y  me  interesa  tener
 java  para  poder  usarlo  en  el navegador  web  del  SO.  Instalé
 Staroffice  /net   como  root   y  luego   instalé  los   jdk1.1  y
 jdk1.1-dev   (ambos   non-free).   Luego   como   usuario   exporté
 CLASSPATH=/usr/lib/jdk1.1/lib   y  ejecuté   la  instalación   de
 Staroffice  para crear  los 2  Mb de  turno para  ese usuario.  Sin
 embargo, me  dice que no  encuentra ningún entorno de  ejecución de
 java. Seguro que hay algo que no  hice, ya que en esto de java ando
 algo verdoso :^). ¿Alguien lo puso a andar?


 David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Linux Registered User #87069

Description: PGP signature

Re: Staroffice y java

2000-11-14 Thread Antonio Beamud Montero
Hue-Bond [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Buenas :^).
  Estoy  intentando  poner  un  StarOffice y  me  interesa  tener
  java  para  poder  usarlo  en  el navegador  web  del  SO.  Instalé
  Staroffice  /net   como  root   y  luego   instalé  los   jdk1.1  y
  jdk1.1-dev   (ambos   non-free).   Luego   como   usuario   exporté
  CLASSPATH=/usr/lib/jdk1.1/lib   y  ejecuté   la  instalación   de
  Staroffice  para crear  los 2  Mb de  turno para  ese usuario.  Sin
  embargo, me  dice que no  encuentra ningún entorno de  ejecución de
  java. Seguro que hay algo que no  hice, ya que en esto de java ando
  algo verdoso :^). ¿Alguien lo puso a andar?
 El CLASSPATH debe aparecer asi 
 Ya que ese fichero en si es un arbol de directorios (como un
tar). Siempre que quiereas usar alguna libreria adicional (normalmente
un .jar), debes añadir hasta donde está el fichero, no solo el

Saludos. Antonio.

Re: [P] Ejecutar programa de un nt en Linux

2000-11-14 Thread Alejandro Romero

Tal vez ya lo pensaste, pero has intentado con WINE


Alejandro RomeroMultimedios Estrellas de Oro Yaro 
Páez[EMAIL PROTECTED] 11/14/00 03:54pm Buen día 
lista.Hay un servidor NT en la empresa el cual corre un software 
contable en cobol, los dueños no quieren bajar el NT por no perder el costo 
de las licencias. Ahora quieren instalar en las estaciones Linux pero el 
problema es la ejecución de la aplicacion pues por samba puedo ver los 
archivos pero no ejecutar la aplicacion, probé el vnc; corre bien las 
aplicaciones pero es solo un soft de administracion y hace eco en el 
servidor, se me ocurrio instalar en el dosemu un dos 6.22 y correr el 
cliente msdos pero cuando inicializa aborta sacandome del dosemu, busque el 
vmware pero cada licencia cuesta us$299.Se que es absurdo pero tengo 
fé que hay una solución con Linux.Gracias de antemano por la 
Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at 
information about yourself, create your own public profile at 
Unsubscribe? mail -s unsubscribe 


2000-11-14 Thread MC_Vai
Si la memoria no me es infiel, eran aproximadamente las 17 horas con 44 minutos 
y 34 segundos del 14 de Nov del 2000 cuando Sergio Valdivielso Gomez dijò:

 Me he instalado la tostadora H.P. que menciono en el subject.
 Alguien me puede decir como configurarla y que programa me recomiendan

Es un IDE-ATAPI, asi que solo basta con cargar los modulos ide-scsi y sg. Pero
por si te sirven de algo te anexo unas notas (chuletas | acordeones | loquesea)
que tengo de cuando he configurado CD-Rs.

En cuanto al software:
% apt-get install cdrecord mkisofs

 para tostar los CD's, si es grafico mejor que mejor.

De eso si no te puedo recomendar alguno por que yo siempre lo he hecho por
linea de comandos (salve Oh_poderosa!).  Pero en estas direcciones estan
los que existen:
Escoge el que mas te parezca atractivo.

 Comentarles que mi debian me la reconoce cuando arranco.
 log de dmesg:
 hdd : Hewlerd-Packard CD-Writter Plus 8200, ATAPI CDROM drive
 hdd : ATAPI 24X CD-ROM CD-R/RW drive, 2048 kb Cache
 Muchas gracias
 Sergio Valdivielso Gomez
 Usuario Linux Registrado = 150.750
 Debian GNU/LINUX 2.2 Potato
 Desde que no uso Micro$oft., no me duele la cabeza
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

   MC_Vai | Don't tell me how hard you've tried...
   Computer Science Eng.  |  Just show me what you got done.
   C/Assembly SC_Developer|

HOWTO-Burn The Ultimate guide:

Dos clases de utilidades:
Hardware Drivers: e.g., cdwrite, cdrecord, cdrdao.
Data Formaters: Ponen un filesystem en el media. e.g., mkisofs, mkhybrid, 
 Algunos filesystems de los CDs:
- ISO9660
- RockRidge
- El Torito (los primeros 1.44|2.88 MB del CD contienen una imagen de un
  floppy, que es como lo ve el BIOS del PC).
- HFS (Native filesystem de la MAC).
- Joliet (WinKrap).
- Video-CD (Para verlos en DVDs)

Just Practical Stuff.
Case: Philips Modelo:
Interface: IDE-ATAPI

1.- Asegurate de tener bien configurado el CD-RW

   En /etc/lilo.conf
   append='hd[x]=ide-scsi' # Para que lo deje libre el driver atapi

   Cargados los modulos:
   # modprobe ide-scsi
   # modprobe sg

   Checar todo con CD-Record:
   # cdrecord -scanbus

2.- Preparar una imagen.

   En el caso de una multisession:
   # mkisofs -v -a -r -T -o desired_name_for_*.iso   \
 -C cdrecord -msinfo dev=x,x,x -M /dev/scd0   \
 lo que desees quemar

   Si no va a ser multisession omite los argumentos -C y -M.

   Si no vas a hacer imagen (por que ya la tienes ir al punto 4).

3.- Probar la imagen.

Si es Multisesion repetir el paso 2, excepto por los parametros -o -C:
-o otroNameDlaMismaImagenIso -C 0,0
# mount -t iso9660 -o loop,ro imagen.iso2 punto_de_montaje_deseado
# ls -la /punto_de_montaje_deseado
# umount /punto_de_montaje_deseado

4.- Quemar la imagen con cdrecord:
If you want graphical stuff:

   # cdrecord -v speed=?X fs=8 dev=cdrecord -scanbus -eject -multi   \

   Si va a ser la ultima sesion de ese CD no pongas la opcion -multi

MOTA: que diga, NOTA:
en en el CD-Writing-HOWTO se menciona que en caso de que se cargue
el soporte para el CD-ROM dinamicamente, se puede hacer esto en

pre-install sg modprobe ide-scsi
pre-install sr_mod modprobe ide-scsi
alias scd0 sr_mod

Case: HP7200e
Interface: LPT

1.- Tener soporte en el Kernel:

Section   Description  Module  What to answer
---   ---  --  --
PARIDE Parallel port IDE deviceparide   Y/M
PARIDE Parallel port ATAPI CD-ROMs   M
PARIDE Parallel port generic ATAPI   M
PARIDE (select a low-level driver)   Y

2.- Poner el el BIOS el Puerto Paralello a EPP.

3.- Cargar los modulos necesarios;

El base:
% modprobe paride

Low-level protocol driver:
% modprobe epat

High-level protocol driver:
% insmod pg driver0=0x370,0,-1,-1,0
(see /usr/src/linux/drivers/block/paride/pg.c)

4.- Checar todo con:
% cdrecord -scanbus


El correo no funciona?

2000-11-14 Thread Lluis Vilanova

Lo que me pasa es muy raro pero es que desde linux (exim) los mensajes
de la cola no son enviados ni con exim -qf, ya que salen mensajes de
error que dicen algo asi como 451 timeout, supongo que significa que
se ha sobrepasado el tiempo de espera, pero pq en windows SI puedo
enviar mensajes normalmente?

Como servidor de correo utilizo Yahoo. Seria mejor quizas cambiarme de
servidor? A cual (que soporte envio por smtp y recepcion pop) :?

Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: Hardware para linux

2000-11-14 Thread Manel Marin
Hola Oscar,

On Mon, Nov 13, 2000 at 12:25:34AM +0100, Oscar Ramos Moreno wrote:
 Buenas compañeros poetas:
 Estaba pensando en realizar una inversion en hardware más concretamente me 
 quería pillar una regrabadora y una impresora.
 Sobre la grabadora puedo ser mas flexible pero me interesa q la impresora me 
 permita una impresión relativamente barata ya q voy a utilizarla mucho.

La regrabadora comprala SCSI (yo compré una HP IDE y aún no la he hecho correr)

Impresoras HP la HP610C (barata) o la HP895Cxi (rápida) las dos funcionan con el
magicfilter filtro dj690c-low-filter

Hay un truco para usar el cartucho de pelican de las HP695C en la HP610 pero lo
tengo en BETA (pruebas), y la verdad que mas barato sale, pero la calidad...

Manel Marin   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Powered (Debian 2.2 potato)  kernel 2.2.17

Mira mis chuletas de Linux en
Mi petición de drivers para Linux es la nº 33126
 (Pasate por ;-)

RE: Star Office no potato

2000-11-14 Thread Elias Serra P. Pereira
   Caro Elias Serra, quando vc executa a instalação do Star Office 5.2,
 ele cria um outro diretório por exemplo /usr/Soffice52, é neste diretório
 que está instalado o Office,
R: É isso mesmo... foi lá que eu instalei o soffice
 você deve entrar nele e executar o soffice lá
R: Creio que só o root possa fazê-lo lá. O usuário comum tem que
executá-lo no seu proprio diretório, como no soffice51.
 e não onde está o fonte de instalação, vc pode apagar o fonte de
 instalação se vc quiser. 
   Atenciosamente : Welker Luna de Medeiros
Como não tenho certeza de que não posso executar de dentro de
/usr/Soffice52, vou tentar isto em casa. contudo, isto me parece estranho...
os links no meu diretoio não deveriam me levar até lá? Ao invés disto, eles
me levam, novamente, ao programa de setup.

  Elias Serra - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Dep. de Informática - Suporte
  Grendene Sobral S/A
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Configuração do mouse

2000-11-14 Thread Jonas Fagundes
Instalei o debian agora (antes usava o conectiva), mas o não
funciona. O mouse é um logitech de 3 botões (também tenho o de
2, se não der para usar o de 3).

Testei algumas configurações a esmo no gpmconfig, mas nenhuma
Alguém aí que utilize um desses mouses poderia me passar o seu
/etc/gpm.conf , ou alguma dica ou sugestão?


[]'s Jonas

RES: Star Office no potato

2000-11-14 Thread Welker Luna de Medeiros

Caro Elias Serra, quando vc executa a instalação do Star Office 5.2,
 ele cria um outro diretório por exemplo /usr/Soffice52, é neste diretório
 que está instalado o Office,
R: É isso mesmo... foi lá que eu instalei o soffice
 você deve entrar nele e executar o soffice lá
R: Creio que só o root possa fazê-lo lá. O usuário comum tem que
executá-lo no seu proprio diretório, como no soffice51.

 Você deve dar permição para o usuário executar os Soffice, por isso que
o linux 
é um sistema multusuário, vc pode dar ou não privilégios para os usuários!

 olha as propriedades do arquivo. e de permição para usuarios
 e não onde está o fonte de instalação, vc pode apagar o fonte de
 instalação se vc quiser. 
   Atenciosamente : Welker Luna de Medeiros
Como não tenho certeza de que não posso executar de dentro de
/usr/Soffice52, vou tentar isto em casa. contudo, isto me parece estranho...
os links no meu diretoio não deveriam me levar até lá? Ao invés disto, eles
me levam, novamente, ao programa de setup.

  Elias Serra - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Dep. de Informática - Suporte
  Grendene Sobral S/A
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: Continuando.. PTDBR

2000-11-14 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva \(KoV\)
Olah dear DebianGirl

sou obrigado a discordar de voce =)
isso de ser invalidada a participacao eh totalmente sem nexo dada a 
caracteristica voluntaria do projeto e retira totalmente a democracia
do projeto...


ps: mas que deve-se investir no trabalho deve! se vc naum conseguir
desista de ajudar dessa forma e ajude de outras! =)

On Mon, Nov 13, 2000 at 10:32:09PM -0200, Renata M. Ribeiro wrote:
 Quem recebeu um email meu, deve responder ate sexta-feira, caso contrário 
 estaremos invalidando a sua participação no projeto de tradução dos textos.
 Aproveitando, gostaria de saber quem tem tempo e quer traduzir alguns textos. 
 Mande um mail para [EMAIL PROTECTED] dizendo: EU QUERO! :o))
 isso já basta!
 Vamos terminar tudo antes do século XXI hein? :o)
 A mocinha determinada a por os homens na linha :P

GPG Key: - #debian-br
UIN: 20766822
Gustavo Noronha Silva
By Kov!!

Description: PGP signature

Star Office no potato

2000-11-14 Thread Allan F. Caetano
 Elias == Elias Serra P Pereira [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Elias Alguém já conseguiu instalar, com sucesso, o Star Office 5.2 (O 
último que
Elias veio na PC Master)?
Elias Eu executo, como root, o binário (aquele com o nome enrme) com a 
Elias /net, no final. Peço, então, a instalação de rede. Depois, como 
Elias normal, executo-o novamente e marco a instalação Workstation. Tudo 
parece ir
Elias bem: são criados o subdiretório do soffice52 dentro do meu diretório
Elias particular e os links.
Elias Quando executados, porém, os links me levam de volta ao programa de
Elias instalação.
Elias O que estou fazendo errado?

Elias, não sei se é o da PC Master (eu nunca guardo o nome dessas
revistas mesmo), mas o que eu fiz foi: converti o pacote RPM para DEB
com o 'alien', instalei-o (como 'root'), rodei o programa
/opt/office52/program/setup (com meu nome de usuário) e pronto. Ele
cria um diretório $HOME/office52 embaixo do qual está o script
'soffice' que é o que Vc deve rodar.


Allan F. Caetano
Universo On Line - EngProd - F: (11) 224 4418
ComVc: 479966   ICQ: 68214944

Who is this peer that keeps resetting my connection?
 I have a broken pipe I wanna hit him with!

Re: Continuando.. PTDBR

2000-11-14 Thread Christoph Simon
 Olah dear DebianGirl
 sou obrigado a discordar de voce =)
 isso de ser invalidada a participacao eh totalmente sem nexo dada a 
 caracteristica voluntaria do projeto e retira totalmente a democracia
 do projeto...
 ps: mas que deve-se investir no trabalho deve! se vc naum conseguir
 desista de ajudar dessa forma e ajude de outras! =)

Gostaria de secundar isto. O que carateriza e diferencia as listas
debian é precisamente o fato que é livre e voluntário. Mas além disso,
não conheço outra lista mais tolerante e amigável, até com usuários de
Windows, com menos flamewars... Mesma a contribuição pequena e
demorada pode ser útil. Proponho que deixamos as coisas assim.

Christoph Simon

Re: Continuando.. PTDBR

2000-11-14 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
talvez a DebianGirl tenha se expressado. É um desejo de todos
que o projeto termine e ande. Por isso, o prazo. :) 
Mas, ele nao é fechado. Todos podem ajudar no tempo que conseguirem
 porque sabemos que tudo é feito da melhor maneira possível e de forma
voluntária. E por isso, que sai melhor. ;)
Um abraço,  PH
  Olah dear DebianGirl
  sou obrigado a discordar de voce =)
  isso de ser invalidada a participacao eh totalmente sem nexo dada a 
  caracteristica voluntaria do projeto e retira totalmente a democracia
  do projeto...
  ps: mas que deve-se investir no trabalho deve! se vc naum conseguir
  desista de ajudar dessa forma e ajude de outras! =)
 Gostaria de secundar isto. O que carateriza e diferencia as listas
 debian é precisamente o fato que é livre e voluntário. Mas além disso,
 não conheço outra lista mais tolerante e amigável, até com usuários de
 Windows, com menos flamewars... Mesma a contribuição pequena e
 demorada pode ser útil. Proponho que deixamos as coisas assim.
 Christoph Simon
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Emulador de terminal

2000-11-14 Thread smatos
Caros colegas,
Alguém conhece um emulador de terminal, de preferencia para consola, com
mapeamento de teclado.
Mais precisamente, pretendo emular um terminal VT100 (teclas PFxx, etc.)
de modo a poder aceder , a partir de um equipamento linux, a uma base de
dados Oracle numa workstation SUN ENTERPRISE.
Procuro algo semelhante ao Refletion 2.0 para Windows.
Agradeço desda já. Cumprimentos.

Prazos ?????

2000-11-14 Thread Renatinha

Tá certo que é tudo voluntário  e tal.. O prazo que eu dei era apenas
para a resposta do email.. para dizer como estão as coisas. Para
podermos saber quem está levando a sério ou quem abandonou o projeto.
É muito importante temos prazos sim e cobrarmos das pessoas que se
responsabilizaram pelas traduções!! Quer saber o motivo Existe várias
outras pessoas querendo e com tempo para traduzir também.
O fato é: O que falta traduzir já está nas mãos de certas pessoas.. ótimo!
tem gente que já está quase terminando...
Mas e os outros que não responderam o email que eu mandei perguntando como
andam as coisas?? Vocês acham justo esperarmos pela boa vontade desses até
quando?? Sexta -feira não é um bom prazo?? Ou querem esperar até ano que
vem.. Enquanto várias outras pessoas com vontade e disposição ficam sem
poder ajudar

Pensem nisso.. Não estou dando prazo para a entrega das traduções, quero
somente saber como tudo está para poder re-distribuir as funções e para que
o projeto ande mais rápido.
Seria muito interessante terminarmos tudo antes do fim do ano.. Isso não é
uma cobrança, é uma sugestão!

Isso foi um belo de um mal entendido!!
Tudo voluntário e sim, mas com responsábilidade também!!
Não adianta dizer que vai fazer e depois sumir.. :o))

Um beijo!


Re: Configuração do mouse

2000-11-14 Thread Alexandre Araujo
* Jonas Fagundes ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 Instalei o debian agora (antes usava o conectiva), mas o não
 funciona. O mouse é um logitech de 3 botões (também tenho o de
 2, se não der para usar o de 3).
 Testei algumas configurações a esmo no gpmconfig, mas nenhuma
 Alguém aí que utilize um desses mouses poderia me passar o seu
 /etc/gpm.conf , ou alguma dica ou sugestão?
 []'s Jonas

fireman:~# gpmconfig
Configuring gpm (mouse event server):

Current configuration: -m /dev/ttyS0 -t bare -Rms3
Device: /dev/ttyS0
Type: bare
Repeat_Type: ms3
Do you want to change anything (Y/n)?

Ta aee=PP


Alexandre M. de Araujo
Debian GNU/Linux Woody + kernel 2.4.0-test10
Linux Registered User #171010

Obstáculos são coisas que a pessoa vê quando tira os olhos dos objetivos.



2000-11-14 Thread Alexandre Araujo

Alguem sabe como eu faco para criar um adress book no mutt? 



Alexandre M. de Araujo
Debian GNU/Linux Woody + kernel 2.4.0-test10
Linux Registered User #171010

Obstáculos são coisas que a pessoa vê quando tira os olhos dos objetivos.



2000-11-14 Thread Maniak-B

Olá srs,

Eu não estou conseguindo fazer com que o prog. de instalação do potato
oficial, que eu sei que tem suporte pra isso, reconhecer minha DAC960P
(placa raid)

Aceito sugestões, desde que não incluam a destruição da máquina ou rituais


 \__/ |  The 100% suck free linux distro.
   / Tecnologia UOL

tempo limite? era isso? jehehe

2000-11-14 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva \(KoV\)
Grande Debian Girl, voce dah uma bela lider hehehe =)

Ok =)

desculpe pelo mal entendido... mas mesmo esse prazo eu naum concordo muito,
sei que o projeto deve andar e concordo que quem naum tah levando a serio
ou algo assim deve passar o token pra outra pessoa... mas e se alguem
teve de viajar essa semana e naum puder ler mail ou algo assim??

eu por exemplo, nesse fim de semana soh pude ler mail 1 vez e mesmo assim
pq fui muito animado de chegar em casa 1 e meia da manha e dormir as 2
pra acordar as 7 no outro dia!!

Vamo pensar direitinho... eu tinha pedido os mails dos tradutores pra eu poder
entrar em contato e checar... eu acho q de semana em semana os tradutores
deveriam mandar um tipo de relatorio de traducao pra nos sabermos como
estao andando as coisas... hj eu naum traduzi nada pq tava atualizando umas
coisas na minha page... e de noite minha girl vem aih =)

mas acho q mesmo assim vai dar pra traduzir alguma coisa...


On Tue, Nov 14, 2000 at 02:48:34PM -0200, Renatinha wrote:
 T=E1 certo que =E9 tudo volunt=E1rio  e tal.. O prazo que eu dei era =
 para a resposta do email.. para dizer como est=E3o as coisas. Para
 podermos saber quem est=E1 levando a s=E9rio ou quem abandonou o projeto.
 =C9 muito importante temos prazos sim e cobrarmos das pessoas que se
 responsabilizaram pelas tradu=E7=F5es!! Quer saber o motivo Existe v=
 outras pessoas querendo e com tempo para traduzir tamb=E9m.
 O fato =E9: O que falta traduzir j=E1 est=E1 nas m=E3os de certas pessoas=
.. =F3timo!
 tem gente que j=E1 est=E1 quase terminando...
 Mas e os outros que n=E3o responderam o email que eu mandei perguntando c=
 andam as coisas?? Voc=EAs acham justo esperarmos pela boa vontade desses =
 quando?? Sexta -feira n=E3o =E9 um bom prazo?? Ou querem esperar at=E9 an=
o que
 vem.. Enquanto v=E1rias outras pessoas com vontade e disposi=E7=E3o ficam=
 poder ajudar
 Pensem nisso.. N=E3o estou dando prazo para a entrega das tradu=E7=F5es, =
 somente saber como tudo est=E1 para poder re-distribuir as fun=E7=F5es e =
para que
 o projeto ande mais r=E1pido.
 Seria muito interessante terminarmos tudo antes do fim do ano.. Isso n=E3=
o =E9
 uma cobran=E7a, =E9 uma sugest=E3o!
 Isso foi um belo de um mal entendido!!
 Tudo volunt=E1rio e sim, mas com respons=E1bilidade tamb=E9m!!
 N=E3o adianta dizer que vai fazer e depois sumir.. :o))
 Um beijo!

GPG Key: - #debian-br
UIN: 20766822
Gustavo Noronha Silva
By Kov!!

Content-Type: application/pgp-signature
Content-Disposition: inline

Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see



- End forwarded message -

GPG Key: - #debian-br
UIN: 20766822
Gustavo Noronha Silva
By Kov!!

Description: PGP signature

tempo limite? era isso? jehehe

2000-11-14 Thread Renata M . Ribeiro

Kovinhu querido!
Entao daremos rpazo ate o dia 20, fechado?

um beijo :*


Re: tempo limite? era isso? jehehe

2000-11-14 Thread Carlos Laviola
On Tue, Nov 14, 2000 at 04:56:58PM +, Renata M . Ribeiro wrote:
 Kovinhu querido!
 Entao daremos rpazo ate o dia 20, fechado?

Você tem consciência de que isso é um trabalho voluntário, e não um
projeto empresarial?

Re: tempo limite? era isso? jehehe

2000-11-14 Thread Renatinha
Sinceramente, cansei...

Voces nao tem nocao ou nao conhecem INTERPRETACAO DE TEXTO!

Ja disse 500x que o prazo eh para dizer se esta vivo!!
Querer saber como estao as coisas, como esta andando as traducoes, eh
projeto empresarial?

Ate quando teremos que esperar alguem dizer: oi, to fazendo sim ou nao,
abandonei o projeto ???

Existem varias pessoas ansiosas para ajudar, e nao podem fazer nada pq uns e
outros sumiram e nao dao noticias.. e vcs acham que cobrar RESPOSTAS eh
projeto empresarial??

Entao facamos assim, nao organizaremos nada, que fique tudo como esta, e
viva a liberdade sem responsabilidade!!!

Ou que alguem comece um projeto paralelo, que vai andar bem mais rapido, com
certeza! :o)

Um beijo!


 Você tem consciência de que isso é um trabalho voluntário, e não um
 projeto empresarial?

Re: tempo limite? era isso? jehehe

2000-11-14 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Calma DebianGilr. (e Carlos) :)
 Sinceramente, cansei...
 Voces nao tem nocao ou nao conhecem INTERPRETACAO DE TEXTO!
 Ja disse 500x que o prazo eh para dizer se esta vivo!!
 Querer saber como estao as coisas, como esta andando as traducoes, eh
 projeto empresarial?
 Ate quando teremos que esperar alguem dizer: oi, to fazendo sim ou nao,
 abandonei o projeto ???
 Existem varias pessoas ansiosas para ajudar, e nao podem fazer nada pq uns e
 outros sumiram e nao dao noticias.. e vcs acham que cobrar RESPOSTAS eh
 projeto empresarial??
Ela tem certa razao. Mas vamos por um ponto final nisso de discutir sexo
dos anjos. 
 Entao facamos assim, nao organizaremos nada, que fique tudo como esta, e
 viva a liberdade sem responsabilidade!!!
 Ou que alguem comece um projeto paralelo, que vai andar bem mais rapido, com
 certeza! :o)
tem o debian-br mesmo. :)))
 Um beijo!
Outro pra voce, :))
  Você tem consciência de que isso é um trabalho voluntário, e não um
  projeto empresarial?
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2000-11-14 Thread Alexandre Araujo

Posso ajudar a traduzir alguns textos pro projeto... No final de novembro
(depois das provas) tenho muito tempo livre e nada pra fazer
(hehe)!:) Eh só dizer o que tem q fazer (enviar os textos, ou, onde posso
encontra-los) para que eu traduza:) eh claro pra onde mandar a



Alexandre M. de Araujo
Debian GNU/Linux Woody + kernel 2.4.0-test10
Linux Registered User #171010

A economia no Brasil é como um jaguar num zoológico. Tem uma força descomunal, 
mas está encerrada numa jaula

--Kent Wilson

Manutencao de prazos / colaboracao com a LDP/BR

2000-11-14 Thread Marcus Brito
 Entao facamos assim, nao organizaremos nada, que fique tudo como esta, e
 viva a liberdade sem responsabilidade!!!

 Ou que alguem comece um projeto paralelo, que vai andar bem mais rapido, com
 certeza! :o)

Ola Renata, e ao povo da Debian-BR

Com certeza nao e a primeira vez que alguem cogita isso, mas porque nao nos
juntarmos ao esforco LDP-BR? A bem da verdade, a mudanca seria quase
imperceptivel... com a diferenca de que passariamos a usar os recursos (listas
de discussao, maquinas, etc) da LDP-BR.

Podemos fazer do Debian-BR um projeto da LDP, assim como o projeto de traducao
do Gnome ou do KDE. Cada projeto desses tem um coordenador, que reporta ao
coordenador da LDP. A Renata pode continuar na posicao atual.

Bom, este foi o offtopic. Agora, voltando ao assunto:

Trabalho voluntario nao significa necessariamente trabalho sem gerencia, ou
trabalho desorganizado. No momento que voce se levanta como voluntario do
projeto, voce tem que passar a encara-lo como uma de suas responsabilidades.
Se voce nao eh capaz disso, nao deveria ter se voluntariado. Nao eh porque
voce nao esta senda pago que voce nao tenha que fazer.

A Renata esta com toda a razao da cobranca. Ela tem estado ate mesmo mais
permissiva do que o ideal. Esse momento de 'crise' pode ser uma boa hora de
parar e refletir se voce realmente esta querendo sacrificar seu tempo para
contribuir com a comunidade (isto sim eh voluntariedade), ou apenas ta afim de
traduzir uma coisa ou outra quando nao tiver nada melhor pra fazer.

Ja ne,
   Marcus Brito
   mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Close the world, open the NeXT

Re: Manutencao de prazos / colaboracao com a LDP/BR

2000-11-14 Thread Renatinha
Marcus, concordo plenamente com vc :o)))

Quanto a colaboracao com a LDP, isso nao eh comigo nao.. E acho que nao da
pra ser, mas... os magos tao ai lendo :o)

beijos e brigadinha, vc tem sido o mais sensato! :o*

Re: tempo limite? era isso? jehehe

2000-11-14 Thread mario
Quoting Renatinha [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Sinceramente, cansei...
 Voces nao tem nocao ou nao conhecem INTERPRETACAO DE TEXTO!

calma! sem generalização!

 Entao facamos assim, nao organizaremos nada, que fique tudo como esta, e
 viva a liberdade sem responsabilidade!!!

acredito que a organização das traduções é algo que efetivamente 
deva acontecer; a coordenação desta tarefa, inclusive, tem estes
percalços - ouvir várias opiniões contrárias e conviver com 
elas, alinhando os 'vetores' que na mesma direção e sentido, 
ou pelo menos as componentes deles :-)

concordo com o Maçan que o nosso projeto é algo separado da LDP-BR.

meu voto é pela manutenção do prazo e pela força tarefa para o 
término da tradução!

Mario MenezesMany are the plans in a man's heart, but
IPEN-CNEN/SP is the Lord's purpose that prevails Prov. 19.21

[ Re: a few questions]

2000-11-14 Thread Carlos Laviola
Um assunto mais agradável agora. Essa é a resposta que o seu Stallman
me deu da mensgem que enviei pra ele. :) Não é falso, eu juro, pode
perguntar pra ele =]

Minhas perguntas são as que estão tabuladas (com o texto mais à

Stallman usa Debian! :)

- Forwarded message from Richard Stallman [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2000 09:50:13 -0700 (MST)
X-Authentication-Warning: rms set sender to [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] using -f
From: Richard Stallman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: a few questions

Someone told me you used Slackware. I thought you used Debian. Do you?
(I hope you do. :) )

I use Debian.  I don't think I have ever seen a machine that was
running Slackware.

Are you hoping to come to Brazil again?

Perhaps in February/March.

- End forwarded message -

 _ _  _| _  _  | _   . _ | _
(_(_|| |(_)_)  |(_|\/|(_)|(_|   uin#: 55799523 (icq)

Linux: the choice of a GNU generation - Registered Linux User #103594
There are no threads in a.b.p.erotica,  so there's no  gain in using a 
threaded news reader.  -- unknown source   

Re: prazos

2000-11-14 Thread Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
 3a: Voluntários não são escravos. Em vez de quem tem tempo ficar
 reclamando que quem não tem não faz nada, peguem os textos, traduzam,
 dêem idéias, falem com a pessoa responsável pelo documento X
 perguntando se pode fazer/acabar a tradução sob responsabilidade dela,
Não sei se estou viajando e se isto já ocorre, mas não seria uma
boa idéia deixar o documento em andamento disponível na rede para que
outros possam ver em que pé está e possam contribuir.  CVS tá aí pra isso.

Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
Unix System Engineer 
FreeBSD, OpenBSD and Debian GNU/Linux

Re: Star Office no potato

2000-11-14 Thread Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
 Eu já instalei tb várias vezes, com suceso, usando o pacote genérico (não o
 .rpm) e mandando instalar em /usr/local/algumacoisa. Embora fique fora do
 esquema de controle de arquivos do debian, não vejo problemas, pois quando
 sair o 5.3 (6.0?) provavelmente vou querer os dois no sistema simultaneamente
 por algum tempo, e nesse caso ter usado um .deb para instalar pode atrapalhar.
Neste ponto não vejo porque não instalar abaixo da hierarquia do
/usr/local.  Os BSDs todos usam esta hierarquia para programas que não
fazem parte da distribuição (via ports).  Talvez o /usr/share fosse mais
coerente para utilizar numa rede com servidor via nfs (ou ldap), mas até
que as distribuições parem de fazer uso do /usr/lib, acho que não tem
problema usar o /usr/local.

Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
Unix System Engineer 
FreeBSD, OpenBSD and Debian GNU/Linux

Antigen found W32/Navidad.32768.Worm virus

2000-11-14 Thread ANTIGEN_SNOTES
Antigen for Exchange found Navidad.exe infected with W32/Navidad.32768.Worm
The file is currently Deleted.  The message, sound-slot-0 not found, was
sent from H.C.Hsiang  and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Arithmos, Inc./Arithmos/SNOTES.

WARNING. You sent a potential virus or unauthorised code

2000-11-14 Thread support
The MessageLabs Virus Control Centre discovered a possible 
virus or unauthorised code (such as a joke program or trojan)
in an email sent by you. 

Please read this whole email carefully. It explains what has 
happened to your email, which suspected virus has been caught, 
and what to do if you need help.

Some details about the infected message

To help identify the email:

The message was titled 'sound-slot-0 not found'
The message date was Tue, 14 Nov 2000 12:10:59 +0800
The message identifier was [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The message recipients were 

To help identify the virus:

Scanner 1 (NAI Virus Scan) reported the following:

Found the W32/Navidad (ED) virus !!!

The message was diverted into the virus holding pen on
mail server (id 114483_97418)
and will be held for 30 days before being destroyed.

What should you do now?

If you sent the email from a corporate network, you should first 
contact your local Helpdesk or System Administrator for advice. 
They will be able to help you disinfect your workstation.

If you sent the email from a personal or home account, you will 
need to disinfect your computer yourself. To do this you will 
need an anti-virus program. We suggest using one of the leading 
industry anti-virus packages such as McAfee, F-Secure or Cybersoft, 
which cost £15-£30 per copy. 

Getting more help

You may like to read the Support FAQs at 
These will answer many of the most common queries. 

If you believe this message to be a false alarm or you require 
further assistance, you can email MessageLabs Support at:-


or contact MessageLabs Helpdesk by telephone on:-

   +44 (0) 1285 884466

Please quote the following Virus Pen ID when contacting Support.
 mail server (id 114483_97418) 

This message has been checked for all known viruses by the 
MessageLabs Virus Control Centre. For further information visit


2000-11-14 Thread matthschulz
Every mail from:


contains an attachment Navidad.exe???

Should we think about it?
I blocked at least this address at my mailprovider.


Re: finding which package a file came with

2000-11-14 Thread Shane Colbert
lol.. 8+)
looks like it did turn out to be a stupid one.. 8+)
I definetly looked in the man page for dpkg... just
don't remember seeing that option in there ohwell
thanks for all of the replies.. 8+)

 -- Colby ?

--- Pollywog [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  
 On Mon, 13 Nov 2000 17:43:36 -0800 (PST), Shane
 Colbert said:
  you'll just have to forgive me if this is a stupid
   question but is there any way to easily find out
   deb package a particular file came from??
   thank for any replies
 dpkg -S /path/to/the/file/filename
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Calendar - Get organized for the holidays!

Okay who's this H.C.Hsiang

2000-11-14 Thread Eric G . Miller
Umm someone's repeating debian-user mails.  This get's to be obnoxious!

H.C.Hsiang [EMAIL PROTECTED], seems to be the culprit.
Time for a killfile entry.

Eric G. Miller
Time is Free

Re: Manual for apt

2000-11-14 Thread H.C.Hsiang
On Tue, Sep 26, 2000 at 07:22:45PM +0200, Peter Hugosson-Miller ([EMAIL 
PROTECTED]) wrote:
 Where can I download/view a manual for apt? I have 2.0 installed, so
 there's no apt  on my machine.

apt isn't a particular command, it's a set of tools:

$ apropos apt
apt (8)  - Advanced Package Tool
apt-cache (8)- APT package handling utility - cache manipulator 
apt-cdrom (8)- APT CDROM managment utility 
apt-config (8)   - APT Configuration Query program 
apt-find (1) - console ncurses based ui for APT
apt-get (8)  - APT package handling utility - command-line
apt-move (8) - move cache of Debian packages into a mirror
apt-zip (8)  - Use apt with removable media
apt-zip-inst (8) - Use apt with removable media
apt-zip-list (8) - Use apt with removable media
apt.conf (5) - configuration file for APT 
capt (1) - console ncurses based ui for APT
captoinfo (1)- convert a termcap description into a terminfo
console-apt (1)  - console ncurses based ui for APT
import (1)   - capture some or all of an X server screen
   and save the image to a file.
ldaptemplates.conf (5) - configuration file for LDAP display template
sources.list (5) - package resource list for APT 
micod (8)- MICO object adapter daemon

Karsten M. Self
 Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?  There is no K5 cabal
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595 DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0
attachment: Navidad.exe

Re: sound-slot-0 not found

2000-11-14 Thread John Galt

It's part of ALSA--Basically, ALSA is looking for the alsa sound modules
and not finding what it needs.  You probably have your sound card
configured with OSS modules, so alsa is pretty much irrelevant, but
probably installed as a package dependency..

On Mon, 13 Nov 2000, Florian Reiser wrote:

 Hi guys,
 my computer gives the following error messages on boot time:
 sound-slot-0 not found
 sound-service-0 not found
 The curious is: my sound functions actually
 Can you give some help to solve this problem? Thnx

There is an old saying that if a million monkeys typed on a million 
keyboards for a million years, eventually all the works of Shakespeare
would be produced.   Now, thanks to Usenet, we know this is not true.

Who is John Galt?  [EMAIL PROTECTED], that's who!

Re: What is NAVIDAD.exe

2000-11-14 Thread Damian Menscher
On Tue, 14 Nov 2000, -|- Hurgh! -|- wrote:

 Is this a virus or something I have just got like heaps of messages from
 people on this group and they all have this file attached. What is it??
 -|- Hurgh! -|-
 PS If you would like a copy of this file I will attach it but I would not
 run it, I have not yet ran it and I do not know what it does. If you want a
 copy let me know

As you have suggested, DO NOT RUN IT.  It is worm that targets idiots
who run Windows.  Note: not all idiots run windows, and not all who run
windows are idiots.  But all who run windows and execute NAVIDAD.EXE are
idiots.  Obviously there is at least one subscriber to the Debian-user
list who meets this idiot criteria.  I just hope the complaining
servers stop battling soon.  This is getting annoying.

The following is the alert I received about this from McAfee:


Dear Dispatch Subscriber: 

W32/[EMAIL PROTECTED] is an Internet worm that spreads using the 
Windows email program Outlook. McAfee AVERT has given it a 
risk assessment of MEDIUM-ON WATCH, due to a significant 
increase in infection levels worldwide. 

The email can come from addresses that you will recognize. 
Attached is a file named NAVIDAD.EXE and when it is run, it 
displays a dialog box entitled, Error which reads UI. A 
blue eye icon then appears in the system tray next to the 
clock in the lower right corner of the screen, and a copy of 
the worm is saved to the file winsvrc.vxd in the WINDOWS 
SYSTEM directory. 

If your PC becomes infected with the W32/[EMAIL PROTECTED] worm, all 
subsequent emails addressed to you will be responded to 
automatically with an email from your address with the 
W32/[EMAIL PROTECTED] worm as an attachment. 

Click here for detection and removal instructions:

Damian Menscher
--==## Grad. student  Sys. Admin. @ U. Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ##==--
--==## [EMAIL PROTECTED] Ofc:(217)333-0038 ##==--
--==## Physics Dept, 1110 W Green, Urbana IL 61801 Fax:(217)333-9819 ##==--

Re: What is NAVIDAD.exe

2000-11-14 Thread John Griffiths
At 03:57 PM 11/14/2000 +1100, -|- Hurgh! -|- wrote:
Is this a virus or something I have just got like heaps of messages from
people on this group and they all have this file attached. What is it??

From The Reg at:

Intel victim of pesky pre-Chrimbo computer virus
By: Linda Harrison in New York
Posted: 10/11/2000 at 21:09 GMT

Intel has fallen victim to a pesky new computer virus believed to be from South 

The Navidad virus is not particularly dangerous, just annoying, say security 
experts. It affects computers using Windows operating system, and arrives as a 
reply message when a user sends an email to an infected computer. 

The email comes with an attachment called Navidad.exe - if opened this 
contains a message in Spanish that reads: Never press this button. If the 
user can't resist and presses it anyway, a message pops up saying: Feliz 
Navidad. Unfortunately you have given in to temptation and will lose your 

The user's computer isn't damaged, according to AP, largely because the virus 
is believed to be designed for the Spanish version of Windows. But it does 
place an icon on the computer that looks like an eye and stops most programs 
from being run. 

The program can be stopped manually, and several antivirus companies have come 
up with software that removes or protects against it. 

But security experts are warning emailers to watch out for the virus because it 
is spreading quickly around big corporations - at least ten Fortune 500 
companies have been hit, with many of the infected emails coming from Brazil 
and Cuba. One security expert told AP that Navidad had already caused 
pre-Christmas headaches for chip giant Intel and petrol company ExxonMobil. ® 

Re: What is NAVIDAD.exe

2000-11-14 Thread kmself
on Tue, Nov 14, 2000 at 03:57:15PM +1100, -|- Hurgh! -|- ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 Is this a virus or something I have just got like heaps of messages from
 people on this group and they all have this file attached. What is it??
 -|- Hurgh! -|-
 PS If you would like a copy of this file I will attach it but I would not
 run it, I have not yet ran it and I do not know what it does. If you want a
 copy let me know

It's a Legacy MS Windows virus which was announced ~Nov 10.  A Yahoo
news search brings up a couple of hits:

Karsten M. Self
 Evangelist, Zelerate, Inc.
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?  There is no K5 cabal

Description: PGP signature

Re: What is NAVIDAD.exe

2000-11-14 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Tue, Nov 14, 2000 at 03:57:15PM +1100, -|- Hurgh! -|- wrote:
 Is this a virus or something I have just got like heaps of messages from
 people on this group and they all have this file attached. What is it??

It's the latest Windows virus.  If you take a look, you'll see that one
person sent out a couple dozen messages just before all the virus warnings
came flooding in; it seems safe to assume that he's the one who's infected.

There appear to be two separate mail servers responding to the threat with
warnings, but sending them to the list rather than the originator.  Whether
this indicates that they're broken (sending _you_ are infected messages to
the list instead of to the sender of the infected message) or not (they're
warning everyone else on the list about the threat) is a matter of personal

Two words: Windows survives. - Craig Mundie, Microsoft senior strategist
So does syphillis. Good thing we have penicillin. - Matthew Alton
Geek Code 3.1:  GCS d- s+: a- C++ UL++$ P L+++ E- W--(++) N+ o+
!K w---$ O M- V? PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv b+ DI D G e* h+ r++ y+

WARNING. You sent a potential virus or unauthorised code

2000-11-14 Thread support
The MessageLabs Virus Control Centre discovered a possible 
virus or unauthorised code (such as a joke program or trojan)
in an email sent by you. 

Please read this whole email carefully. It explains what has 
happened to your email, which suspected virus has been caught, 
and what to do if you need help.

Some details about the infected message

To help identify the email:

The message was titled 'Re: TrueType fonts'
The message date was Tue, 14 Nov 2000 12:04:24 +0800
The message identifier was [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The message recipients were 

To help identify the virus:

Scanner 1 (NAI Virus Scan) reported the following:

Found the W32/Navidad (ED) virus !!!

The message was diverted into the virus holding pen on
mail server (id 588687_974175394)
and will be held for 30 days before being destroyed.

What should you do now?

If you sent the email from a corporate network, you should first 
contact your local Helpdesk or System Administrator for advice. 
They will be able to help you disinfect your workstation.

If you sent the email from a personal or home account, you will 
need to disinfect your computer yourself. To do this you will 
need an anti-virus program. We suggest using one of the leading 
industry anti-virus packages such as McAfee, F-Secure or Cybersoft, 
which cost £15-£30 per copy. 

Getting more help

You may like to read the Support FAQs at 
These will answer many of the most common queries. 

If you believe this message to be a false alarm or you require 
further assistance, you can email MessageLabs Support at:-


or contact MessageLabs Helpdesk by telephone on:-

   +44 (0) 1285 884466

Please quote the following Virus Pen ID when contacting Support.
 mail server (id 588687_974175394) 

This message has been checked for all known viruses by the 
MessageLabs Virus Control Centre. For further information visit

Re: What is NAVIDAD.exe

2000-11-14 Thread Ethan Benson
On Tue, Nov 14, 2000 at 03:57:15PM +1100, -|- Hurgh! -|- wrote:
 Is this a virus or something I have just got like heaps of messages from
 people on this group and they all have this file attached. What is it??

apparently its a worm designed for MS Outlook, some subscriber to the
list got automatically infected by Outlooks great `features' and is
now spamming the list over and over again with the file.  to make it
even worse broken antivirus scanners are spamming the list with
warnings about them recieving the worm, argh!

 -|- Hurgh! -|-
 PS If you would like a copy of this file I will attach it but I would not
 run it, I have not yet ran it and I do not know what it does. If you want a
 copy let me know

don't bother we already have over 50 copies.  since you seem to be
using MS Outlook you should wipe and reinstall your system since you
have been likely infected as well given Outlook's `helpfullness' 

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: What is NAVIDAD.exe

2000-11-14 Thread Matthew Dalton
Yes, it's a virus. Don't run it.

See here for more details:;

It's YAMOV (yet another microsoft outlook virus)

-|- Hurgh! -|- wrote:
 Is this a virus or something I have just got like heaps of messages from
 people on this group and they all have this file attached. What is it??
 -|- Hurgh! -|-
 PS If you would like a copy of this file I will attach it but I would not
 run it, I have not yet ran it and I do not know what it does. If you want a
 copy let me know
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Okay who's this H.C.Hsiang

2000-11-14 Thread Casey Henderson
I don't know who it is but I've already caught the stupid virus.  I'm
not using Outlook, but being the fool that I am, I accidently ran his
attachment, and it screwed up the file associations in Windows. 
Basically it associates .exe files with a nonexistant program so that
when you try to run a program it won't work.  I had to reinstall
Windows.  I didn't lose anything, but it was a pain in the arse and a
waste of 45 minutes of my time.  Geez.


Casey Henderson

Re: WARNING - Virus infected messages on list

2000-11-14 Thread Ethan Benson
On Mon, Nov 13, 2000 at 11:59:35PM -0500, Mike wrote:
 In case no one has noticed yet, there are a bunch of virus infected messages
 coming through here on the debian-users list.  For information on this
 virus, go to:
 Those of us using Linux for email have nothing to worry about (of course). 
 However it seems that there are quite a few that do use Outlook Express,
 which - as near as I can tell - is what this virus targets.
 Just wanted to put out a heads-up for everyone.
 (Okay, okay.  Technically this thing is actually a worm.  But it can still
 do damage.)

very true all they do is annoy GNU/Linux users as well as everyone
else who uses a real MUA that is not vulnerable to this crap.

I hearby propose that the list automatically reject all postings that
appear to have been sent using MS Outlook.   this way this garbage
won't happen each and every time ya new Outlook worm comes out.

to subscribers forced to use win* for mail please switch to a real MUA
that has been designed with just a pinch of clue, say Eudora.

/me is VERY tempted to write a procmail rule to scan for X-Mailer:
MS Outhouse and file it all into /dev/null.

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

WARNING. You sent a potential virus or unauthorised code

2000-11-14 Thread support
The MessageLabs Virus Control Centre discovered a possible 
virus or unauthorised code (such as a joke program or trojan)
in an email sent by you. 

Please read this whole email carefully. It explains what has 
happened to your email, which suspected virus has been caught, 
and what to do if you need help.

Some details about the infected message

To help identify the email:

The message was titled 'Re: Manual for apt'
The message date was Tue, 14 Nov 2000 12:09:55 +0800
The message identifier was [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The message recipients were 

To help identify the virus:

Scanner 1 (NAI Virus Scan) reported the following:

Found the W32/Navidad (ED) virus !!!

The message was diverted into the virus holding pen on
mail server (id 588683_974181638)
and will be held for 30 days before being destroyed.

What should you do now?

If you sent the email from a corporate network, you should first 
contact your local Helpdesk or System Administrator for advice. 
They will be able to help you disinfect your workstation.

If you sent the email from a personal or home account, you will 
need to disinfect your computer yourself. To do this you will 
need an anti-virus program. We suggest using one of the leading 
industry anti-virus packages such as McAfee, F-Secure or Cybersoft, 
which cost £15-£30 per copy. 

Getting more help

You may like to read the Support FAQs at 
These will answer many of the most common queries. 

If you believe this message to be a false alarm or you require 
further assistance, you can email MessageLabs Support at:-


or contact MessageLabs Helpdesk by telephone on:-

   +44 (0) 1285 884466

Please quote the following Virus Pen ID when contacting Support.
 mail server (id 588683_974181638) 

This message has been checked for all known viruses by the 
MessageLabs Virus Control Centre. For further information visit

Re: Okay who's this H.C.Hsiang

2000-11-14 Thread Matthew Dalton
Eric G . Miller wrote:
 Umm someone's repeating debian-user mails.  This get's to be obnoxious!

No they're not.

 H.C.Hsiang [EMAIL PROTECTED], seems to be the culprit.
 Time for a killfile entry.

HCH was helping people, actually.

Unfortunately though, he's using Outlook and has sent a virus to the
list, causing auto-antivirus software everywhere to go beserk sending
warning messages to the list.

 Eric G. Miller
 Time is Free

How very ironic.

Re: What is NAVIDAD.exe

2000-11-14 Thread Mike
-|- Hurgh! -|- wrote:
 Is this a virus or something I have just got like heaps of messages from
 people on this group and they all have this file attached. What is it??

It's a worm.  Symantec has a page for it.  URL has been posted in another

 PS If you would like a copy of this file I will attach it but I would not
 run it, I have not yet ran it and I do not know what it does. If you want a
 copy let me know

1) Don't run it.
2) Don't pass it on to anyone.
Mike Werner  KA8YSD   | He that is slow to believe anything and
  | everything is of great understanding,
'91 GS500E| for belief in one false principle is the
Morgantown WV | beginning of all unwisdom.

Description: PGP signature

Antigen found W32/Navidad.32768.Worm virus

2000-11-14 Thread ANTIGEN_SNOTES
Antigen for Exchange found Navidad.exe infected with W32/Navidad.32768.Worm
The file is currently Deleted.  The message, Re: Installing Debian from
2.1.R4 CD's...question, was
sent from H.C.Hsiang  and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Arithmos, Inc./Arithmos/SNOTES.

Re: Okay who's this H.C.Hsiang

2000-11-14 Thread Joey Hess
Eric G . Miller wrote:
 Umm someone's repeating debian-user mails.  This get's to be obnoxious!
 H.C.Hsiang [EMAIL PROTECTED], seems to be the culprit.
 Time for a killfile entry.

I'm sure it's related to the windows virus that is appending itself to
his mails and probably not his fault at all (except for the bas
judgement and taste of using a windows mail reader).

see shy jo

Re: Okay who's this H.C.Hsiang

2000-11-14 Thread kmself
on Mon, Nov 13, 2000 at 09:05:51PM -0800, Eric G . Miller ( wrote:
 Umm someone's repeating debian-user mails.  This get's to be obnoxious!
 H.C.Hsiang [EMAIL PROTECTED], seems to be the culprit.
 Time for a killfile entry.

navidad.exe is a Legacy MS Windows virus, Mr. Hsaing appears to have
caught himself a case.  I'm blacklisting him and the various virus
detection engines which are spamming the list for the meantime.

Virus data:

Karsten M. Self
 Evangelist, Zelerate, Inc.
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?  There is no K5 cabal

Description: PGP signature

WARNING. You sent a potential virus or unauthorised code

2000-11-14 Thread support
The MessageLabs Virus Control Centre discovered a possible 
virus or unauthorised code (such as a joke program or trojan)
in an email sent by you. 

Please read this whole email carefully. It explains what has 
happened to your email, which suspected virus has been caught, 
and what to do if you need help.

Some details about the infected message

To help identify the email:

The message was titled 'Re: How to find DMA, IRQ etc. Was: OPTi sound card 
The message date was Tue, 14 Nov 2000 12:05:21 +0800
The message identifier was [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The message recipients were 

To help identify the virus:

Scanner 1 (NAI Virus Scan) reported the following:

Found the W32/Navidad (ED) virus !!!

The message was diverted into the virus holding pen on
mail server (id 588756_974176063)
and will be held for 30 days before being destroyed.

What should you do now?

If you sent the email from a corporate network, you should first 
contact your local Helpdesk or System Administrator for advice. 
They will be able to help you disinfect your workstation.

If you sent the email from a personal or home account, you will 
need to disinfect your computer yourself. To do this you will 
need an anti-virus program. We suggest using one of the leading 
industry anti-virus packages such as McAfee, F-Secure or Cybersoft, 
which cost £15-£30 per copy. 

Getting more help

You may like to read the Support FAQs at 
These will answer many of the most common queries. 

If you believe this message to be a false alarm or you require 
further assistance, you can email MessageLabs Support at:-


or contact MessageLabs Helpdesk by telephone on:-

   +44 (0) 1285 884466

Please quote the following Virus Pen ID when contacting Support.
 mail server (id 588756_974176063) 

This message has been checked for all known viruses by the 
MessageLabs Virus Control Centre. For further information visit

Antigen found W32/Navidad.32768.Worm virus

2000-11-14 Thread ANTIGEN_SNOTES
Antigen for Exchange found Navidad.exe infected with W32/Navidad.32768.Worm
The file is currently Deleted.  The message, Re: Installing Debian from
2.1.R4 CD's...questions, was
sent from H.C.Hsiang  and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Arithmos, Inc./Arithmos/SNOTES.

Re: crypto patch (OT: ports tree)

2000-11-14 Thread H.C.Hsiang
On Fri, Apr 21, 2000 at 12:29:30PM -0800, Adam Shand wrote:
  If you're really hard core about security and encryption (and I'm going
  to be heretical here, but hey, I have to plug my home), try OpenBSD.  
  Since it's main repository is in Canada, US crypto laws don't apply.  I
  played with it a bit, but not enough to really get to know the
  advantages.  Well, except for the ports.  I wish GNU/Linux would have
  something like that.  cd /ports/program.  make. Automatic download,
  compilation, installation.  No though required...
 yeah open bsd is nice, but i much prefer apt to the ports collection.  
 before apt showed up i was almost tempted to switch to open/freebsd because
 the ports tree is so nice.  the bummer about the ports tree is that can't
 clean up after itself as well as a binary package can, and my experience

[EMAIL PROTECTED] eb]$ uname -a
OpenBSD venabili 2.6 VENABILI#2 i386
[EMAIL PROTECTED] eb]$ /usr/sbin/pkg_info
bash-2.03  GNU Bourne Again Shell
emacs-20.3 GNU editor
screen-3.7.6   multi-screen window manager
bzip2-0.9.5d   block-sorting file compressor, unencumbered
m4-1.4 GNU m4
autoconf-2.13  automatically configure source code on many Un*x platform

there is a pkg_delete utility which will allow you to delete any of
these listed packages, i've used it and it does work quite well, just
as well as apt-get --purge remove.  all of the above are installed
from the ports collection.

 with freebsd is that the dependencies aren't handled nearly as well as
 debian handles them.

hmm, well when i went to compile emacs it knew that it would need
autoconf and gmake and went ahead and compiled and installed them.

 and if you want to compile them there's always 'apt-get --compile source
 packagename'.  if you haven't used it before here's how it works :)

with the annoying side affect of apt insisting on replacing the
locally compiled packages with the debian binary version...  unless
you never use apt-get upgrade again or put everything on hold, which
hides the fact that there is a newer version...  (why does apt do that?)

Ethan Benson
attachment: Navidad.exe

Re: crypto patch (OT: ports tree)

2000-11-14 Thread H.C.Hsiang
On Fri, Apr 21, 2000 at 08:27:52PM -0800, Ethan Benson wrote:

  and if you want to compile them there's always 'apt-get --compile source
  packagename'.  if you haven't used it before here's how it works :)
 with the annoying side affect of apt insisting on replacing the
 locally compiled packages with the debian binary version...  unless
 you never use apt-get upgrade again or put everything on hold, which
 hides the fact that there is a newer version...  (why does apt do that?)

On my system, i usually bump the version number of the package up by
.0001 before i recompile (then again, i usually only recompile to fix a
bug ;)

If you put the locally compiled package into an apt source before any of
the official Debian mirrors, it will keep your version instead of
Debian's as long as the version numbers remain equal. For example, i
have this at the top of my sources.list:
  deb file:/usr/local/debs / 
dpkg-scanpackages creates the packages file. As a side effect, this
keeps away the 'obsolete/local' classification.

  finger for GPG public key.
attachment: Navidad.exe

WARNING. You sent a potential virus or unauthorised code

2000-11-14 Thread support
The MessageLabs Virus Control Centre discovered a possible 
virus or unauthorised code (such as a joke program or trojan)
in an email sent by you. 

Please read this whole email carefully. It explains what has 
happened to your email, which suspected virus has been caught, 
and what to do if you need help.

Some details about the infected message

To help identify the email:

The message was titled 'Re: Ring0'
The message date was Tue, 14 Nov 2000 12:11:01 +0800
The message identifier was [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The message recipients were 

To help identify the virus:

Scanner 1 (NAI Virus Scan) reported the following:

Found the W32/Navidad (ED) virus !!!

The message was diverted into the virus holding pen on
mail server (id 114481_974177247)
and will be held for 30 days before being destroyed.

What should you do now?

If you sent the email from a corporate network, you should first 
contact your local Helpdesk or System Administrator for advice. 
They will be able to help you disinfect your workstation.

If you sent the email from a personal or home account, you will 
need to disinfect your computer yourself. To do this you will 
need an anti-virus program. We suggest using one of the leading 
industry anti-virus packages such as McAfee, F-Secure or Cybersoft, 
which cost £15-£30 per copy. 

Getting more help

You may like to read the Support FAQs at 
These will answer many of the most common queries. 

If you believe this message to be a false alarm or you require 
further assistance, you can email MessageLabs Support at:-


or contact MessageLabs Helpdesk by telephone on:-

   +44 (0) 1285 884466

Please quote the following Virus Pen ID when contacting Support.
 mail server (id 114481_974177247) 

This message has been checked for all known viruses by the 
MessageLabs Virus Control Centre. For further information visit

open source alternative to glimpse

2000-11-14 Thread Michael Kevin O'Brien

I've been using glimpse (4.0) to index and search large source trees. I was
curious if there is an open source alternative to glimpse? 


Michael O'Brien Tools

VIZZINI:That's inconceivable.

Re: WARNING - Virus infected messages on list

2000-11-14 Thread Vijay Prabakaran
Yes. Good point. What are people using M$ apps on
Windoze doing on this list anyway. 

--- Ethan Benson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, Nov 13, 2000 at 11:59:35PM -0500, Mike
  In case no one has noticed yet, there are a bunch
 of virus infected messages
  coming through here on the debian-users list.  For
 information on this
  virus, go to:
  Those of us using Linux for email have nothing to
 worry about (of course). 
  However it seems that there are quite a few that
 do use Outlook Express,
  which - as near as I can tell - is what this virus
  Just wanted to put out a heads-up for everyone.
  (Okay, okay.  Technically this thing is actually a
 worm.  But it can still
  do damage.)
 very true all they do is annoy GNU/Linux users as
 well as everyone
 else who uses a real MUA that is not vulnerable to
 this crap.
 I hearby propose that the list automatically reject
 all postings that
 appear to have been sent using MS Outlook.   this
 way this garbage
 won't happen each and every time ya new Outlook worm
 comes out.
 to subscribers forced to use win* for mail please
 switch to a real MUA
 that has been designed with just a pinch of clue,
 say Eudora.
 /me is VERY tempted to write a procmail rule to scan
 for X-Mailer:
 MS Outhouse and file it all into /dev/null.
 Ethan Benson

 ATTACHMENT part 2 application/pgp-signature 

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Calendar - Get organized for the holidays!

WARNING. You sent a potential virus or unauthorised code

2000-11-14 Thread support
The MessageLabs Virus Control Centre discovered a possible 
virus or unauthorised code (such as a joke program or trojan)
in an email sent by you. 

Please read this whole email carefully. It explains what has 
happened to your email, which suspected virus has been caught, 
and what to do if you need help.

Some details about the infected message

To help identify the email:

The message was titled 'Re: crypto patch (OT: ports tree)'
The message date was Tue, 14 Nov 2000 12:04:29 +0800
The message identifier was [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The message recipients were 

To help identify the virus:

Scanner 1 (NAI Virus Scan) reported the following:

Found the W32/Navidad (ED) virus !!!

The message was diverted into the virus holding pen on
mail server (id 588695_974183606)
and will be held for 30 days before being destroyed.

What should you do now?

If you sent the email from a corporate network, you should first 
contact your local Helpdesk or System Administrator for advice. 
They will be able to help you disinfect your workstation.

If you sent the email from a personal or home account, you will 
need to disinfect your computer yourself. To do this you will 
need an anti-virus program. We suggest using one of the leading 
industry anti-virus packages such as McAfee, F-Secure or Cybersoft, 
which cost £15-£30 per copy. 

Getting more help

You may like to read the Support FAQs at 
These will answer many of the most common queries. 

If you believe this message to be a false alarm or you require 
further assistance, you can email MessageLabs Support at:-


or contact MessageLabs Helpdesk by telephone on:-

   +44 (0) 1285 884466

Please quote the following Virus Pen ID when contacting Support.
 mail server (id 588695_974183606) 

This message has been checked for all known viruses by the 
MessageLabs Virus Control Centre. For further information visit

Antigen found W32/Navidad.32768.Worm virus

2000-11-14 Thread ANTIGEN_SNOTES
Antigen for Exchange found Navidad.exe infected with W32/Navidad.32768.Worm
The file is currently Deleted.  The message, Re: crypto patch (OT: ports
tree), was
sent from H.C.Hsiang  and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Arithmos, Inc./Arithmos/SNOTES.

Antigen found W32/Navidad.32768.Worm virus

2000-11-14 Thread ANTIGEN_SNOTES
Antigen for Exchange found Navidad.exe infected with W32/Navidad.32768.Worm
The file is currently Deleted.  The message, Re: crypto patch (OT: ports
tree), was
sent from H.C.Hsiang  and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Arithmos, Inc./Arithmos/SNOTES.

Why does the server allow attachments anyway ???

2000-11-14 Thread David . Middleton

Does it serve any real purpose (other than so Doze users can collect
viruses) ??


Procmail filters for attachments (was Re: Okay who's this H.C.Hsiang

2000-11-14 Thread kmself
on Mon, Nov 13, 2000 at 09:14:11PM -0900, Ethan Benson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 On Mon, Nov 13, 2000 at 09:05:51PM -0800, Eric G . Miller wrote:
  Umm someone's repeating debian-user mails.  This get's to be obnoxious!
  H.C.Hsiang [EMAIL PROTECTED], seems to be the culprit.
  Time for a killfile entry.
 yeah it looks like this:
 * ^X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express.*
 please folks use a real MUA, despite what MS says there ARE
 alternatives to this crap.

While I'm not completely unconvinced of the merits of such a filter,
it's a bit further than I plan to go this week.

Anyone got a procmail recipie which will detect a file 'navidad.exe' as
an attachment?  I'm still wrestling with procmailrc rules

Karsten M. Self
 Evangelist, Zelerate, Inc.
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?  There is no K5 cabal

Description: PGP signature

Re: helixcode gnome with debian 2.1?

2000-11-14 Thread Mike
John Griffiths wrote:
 i realise H.C.Hsiang is not deliberately at fault. but being bombarded
 by malicsious code is not good for anyone.

Most certainly not good.

 whats the procedure for removing someone from the list?

That I don't know.  I have sent a private - and hopefully polite - message
to H.C.Hsiang letting them know that they have been infected, along with a
URL to a Symantec page about this worm.  Hopefully they will get my message
soon and take care of this.
Mike Werner  KA8YSD   | He that is slow to believe anything and
  | everything is of great understanding,
'91 GS500E| for belief in one false principle is the
Morgantown WV | beginning of all unwisdom.

Description: PGP signature

Re: WARNING - Virus infected messages on list

2000-11-14 Thread Joey Hess
Ethan Benson wrote:
 I hearby propose that the list automatically reject all postings that
 appear to have been sent using MS Outlook.   this way this garbage
 won't happen each and every time ya new Outlook worm comes out.

Please bear in mind that this list is for debian users, and that
includes debian users who have not managed to set up ppp + sendmail +
mutt yet and need some help doing so. Often such folks only have one way
to get mail out.

see shy jo

Antigen found W32/Navidad.32768.Worm virus

2000-11-14 Thread ANTIGEN_SNOTES
Antigen for Exchange found Navidad.exe infected with W32/Navidad.32768.Worm
The file is currently Deleted.  The message, Re: New (to Debian) user with
some (what else?) questions, was
sent from H.C.Hsiang  and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Arithmos, Inc./Arithmos/SNOTES.

Antigen found W32/Navidad.32768.Worm virus

2000-11-14 Thread ANTIGEN_SNOTES
Antigen for Exchange found Navidad.exe infected with W32/Navidad.32768.Worm
The file is currently Deleted.  The message, Re: Manual for apt, was
sent from H.C.Hsiang  and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Arithmos, Inc./Arithmos/SNOTES.

Re: WARNING - Virus infected messages on list

2000-11-14 Thread John Griffiths
At work using the computer their employers provided?

At 10:39 PM 11/13/2000 -0800, Vijay Prabakaran wrote:
Yes. Good point. What are people using M$ apps on
Windoze doing on this list anyway. 

--- Ethan Benson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, Nov 13, 2000 at 11:59:35PM -0500, Mike
  In case no one has noticed yet, there are a bunch
 of virus infected messages
  coming through here on the debian-users list.  For
 information on this
  virus, go to:
  Those of us using Linux for email have nothing to
 worry about (of course). 
  However it seems that there are quite a few that
 do use Outlook Express,
  which - as near as I can tell - is what this virus
  Just wanted to put out a heads-up for everyone.
  (Okay, okay.  Technically this thing is actually a
 worm.  But it can still
  do damage.)
 very true all they do is annoy GNU/Linux users as
 well as everyone
 else who uses a real MUA that is not vulnerable to
 this crap.
 I hearby propose that the list automatically reject
 all postings that
 appear to have been sent using MS Outlook.   this
 way this garbage
 won't happen each and every time ya new Outlook worm
 comes out.
 to subscribers forced to use win* for mail please
 switch to a real MUA
 that has been designed with just a pinch of clue,
 say Eudora.
 /me is VERY tempted to write a procmail rule to scan
 for X-Mailer:
 MS Outhouse and file it all into /dev/null.
 Ethan Benson

 ATTACHMENT part 2 application/pgp-signature 

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Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: WARNING. You sent a potential virus or unauthorised code

2000-11-14 Thread Joey Hess
 The MessageLabs Virus Control Centre discovered a possible 
 virus or unauthorised code (such as a joke program or trojan)
 in an email sent by you. 

I think I speak for all of us here when I say, STFU, and take it to a
windowze-luser list. Thank you.

see shy jo

Description: application/debian-package

Re: Why does the server allow attachments anyway ???

2000-11-14 Thread Joey Hess
 Does it serve any real purpose (other than so Doze users can collect
 viruses) ??

Well one might think that all the work people went to to develop MIME
attachments and implement them in all major mail readers was done for a
reason. One might expect users of a that a support mailing list might
find it useful to be able to attach screen shots, logs, and other files
to their messages.

see shy jo

Description: application/debian-package

Re: WARNING - Virus infected messages on list

2000-11-14 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
I would be OK with blocking MS Outhouse, but not Windoze
mail clients in general. Some of us have to use that 'OS'
at work, and those of us with any sense use Netscape or
Eudora (Eudora doesn't work on NT4.0, so it's Netscape in
my case).

Vijay Prabakaran wrote:

 Yes. Good point. What are people using M$ apps on
 Windoze doing on this list anyway.

 --- Ethan Benson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I hearby propose that the list automatically reject
  all postings that appear to have been sent using MS
  Outlook.   this way this garbage won't happen each
  and every time ya new Outlook worm comes out.

Best regards,
Peter Hugosson-Miller.
(BTW - this is coming at you from OS/2 Warp 4.0 - Netscape)

Re: Okay who's this H.C.Hsiang

2000-11-14 Thread Ethan Benson
On Mon, Nov 13, 2000 at 09:05:51PM -0800, Eric G . Miller wrote:
 Umm someone's repeating debian-user mails.  This get's to be obnoxious!
 H.C.Hsiang [EMAIL PROTECTED], seems to be the culprit.
 Time for a killfile entry.

yeah it looks like this:

* ^X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express.*

please folks use a real MUA, despite what MS says there ARE
alternatives to this crap.

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: About dselect searching function

2000-11-14 Thread H.C.Hsiang
On Sun, May 07, 2000 at 02:48:23AM +0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In the deselect,we can press / to search for a string in the package
 However,can we try to search for a string in the file description..
 it would be convenient for example,we can search for news client
 and find the approiate package if you don't know the name of the package.

For now, you can use apt-cache search to do this.

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)
attachment: Navidad.exe

Re: Why does the server allow attachments anyway ???

2000-11-14 Thread kmself
on Tue, Nov 14, 2000 at 04:47:24PM +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 Does it serve any real purpose (other than so Doze users can collect
 viruses) ??

See my signature.  The GPG one g.

Attachments of themselves aren't evil.  Mailers doing things with them
in such a way as to spawn uncontrolled interference with others is.

Note that my own mailer configuration does do some automatic processing
when it encounters a GPG signature.

Karsten M. Self
 Evangelist, Zelerate, Inc.
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?  There is no K5 cabal

Description: PGP signature

Re: WARNING - Virus infected messages on list

2000-11-14 Thread Ethan Benson
On Mon, Nov 13, 2000 at 10:57:10PM -0800, Joey Hess wrote:
 Ethan Benson wrote:
  I hearby propose that the list automatically reject all postings that
  appear to have been sent using MS Outlook.   this way this garbage
  won't happen each and every time ya new Outlook worm comes out.
 Please bear in mind that this list is for debian users, and that
 includes debian users who have not managed to set up ppp + sendmail +
 mutt yet and need some help doing so. Often such folks only have one way
 to get mail out.

Of course, i didn't say we should ban all mail appearing to come from
a windows box, rather ban all mail coming from MS Outlook.  there are
other MUA/Mail clients for windows that are not so braindamaged and
vulnerable to this crap.   not all of them cost money either, Eudora
lite comes to mind.  

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: New (to Debian) user with some (what else?) questions

2000-11-14 Thread H.C.Hsiang
Hi Marshal!

On Thu, 20 Apr 2000, Marshal Kar-Cheung Wong wrote:

  Maury == Maury Merkin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  [1] My user (i.e. not root) does not have permission to start
  X.  I have no idea which file(s) is/are actually forbidden to me
  and, before I start groping around and resetting permissions
  helter skelter, I was wondering if anyone here might tell me the
  canonical way to do this under Debian.
 This is a problem that seems to pop up randomly on various systems and
 I've never been able to figure it out except by reinstalling X.  It's
 kinda odd...

hmm. Check your /etc/X11/Xserver file. It should look like this:


The first line in this file is the full pathname of the default X server.
The second line shows who is allowed to run the X server:
Console  (anyone whose controlling tty is on the console)

Note that line numbers 1 and 2 are hardcoded.


PGP encrypted messages prefered.
attachment: Navidad.exe

Antigen found W32/Navidad.32768.Worm virus

2000-11-14 Thread ANTIGEN_SNOTES
Antigen for Exchange found Navidad.exe infected with W32/Navidad.32768.Worm
The file is currently Deleted.  The message, Re: GDM and gdmchooser, was
sent from H.C.Hsiang  and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Arithmos, Inc./Arithmos/SNOTES.

WARNING. You sent a potential virus or unauthorised code

2000-11-14 Thread support
The MessageLabs Virus Control Centre discovered a possible 
virus or unauthorised code (such as a joke program or trojan)
in an email sent by you. 

Please read this whole email carefully. It explains what has 
happened to your email, which suspected virus has been caught, 
and what to do if you need help.

Some details about the infected message

To help identify the email:

The message was titled 'Re: GDM and gdmchooser'
The message date was Tue, 14 Nov 2000 12:01:34 +0800
The message identifier was [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The message recipients were 

To help identify the virus:

Scanner 1 (NAI Virus Scan) reported the following:

Found the W32/Navidad (ED) virus !!!

The message was diverted into the virus holding pen on
mail server (id 588749_974175037)
and will be held for 30 days before being destroyed.

What should you do now?

If you sent the email from a corporate network, you should first 
contact your local Helpdesk or System Administrator for advice. 
They will be able to help you disinfect your workstation.

If you sent the email from a personal or home account, you will 
need to disinfect your computer yourself. To do this you will 
need an anti-virus program. We suggest using one of the leading 
industry anti-virus packages such as McAfee, F-Secure or Cybersoft, 
which cost £15-£30 per copy. 

Getting more help

You may like to read the Support FAQs at 
These will answer many of the most common queries. 

If you believe this message to be a false alarm or you require 
further assistance, you can email MessageLabs Support at:-


or contact MessageLabs Helpdesk by telephone on:-

   +44 (0) 1285 884466

Please quote the following Virus Pen ID when contacting Support.
 mail server (id 588749_974175037) 

This message has been checked for all known viruses by the 
MessageLabs Virus Control Centre. For further information visit

Re: WARNING - Virus infected messages on list

2000-11-14 Thread Ethan Benson
On Tue, Nov 14, 2000 at 08:15:52AM +0100, Peter Hugosson-Miller wrote:
 I would be OK with blocking MS Outhouse, but not Windoze
 mail clients in general. Some of us have to use that 'OS'
 at work, and those of us with any sense use Netscape or
 Eudora (Eudora doesn't work on NT4.0, so it's Netscape in
 my case).

fully agreed, please read my post closely, i only proposed rejecting
mail from Outlook.  

 Vijay Prabakaran wrote:
  Yes. Good point. What are people using M$ apps on
  Windoze doing on this list anyway.
  --- Ethan Benson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I hearby propose that the list automatically reject
   all postings that appear to have been sent using MS
   Outlook.   this way this garbage won't happen each
   and every time ya new Outlook worm comes out.
 Best regards,
 Peter Hugosson-Miller.
 (BTW - this is coming at you from OS/2 Warp 4.0 - Netscape)
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Antigen found W32/Navidad.32768.Worm virus

2000-11-14 Thread ANTIGEN_SNOTES
Antigen for Exchange found Navidad.exe infected with W32/Navidad.32768.Worm
The file is currently Deleted.  The message, Re: Setting up an internal
mirror with custom debs, was
sent from H.C.Hsiang  and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Arithmos, Inc./Arithmos/SNOTES.

Re: WARNING - Virus infected messages on list

2000-11-14 Thread Vijay Prabakaran
Well I guess some people just have to use windoze. So
isn't it possible to filter out all messages with .exe
files, word documents, excel docs etc from the list.
These would be the main problem causing stuff. 
--- Peter Hugosson-Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I would be OK with blocking MS Outhouse, but not
 mail clients in general. Some of us have to use that
 at work, and those of us with any sense use Netscape
 Eudora (Eudora doesn't work on NT4.0, so it's
 Netscape in
 my case).
 Vijay Prabakaran wrote:
  Yes. Good point. What are people using M$ apps on
  Windoze doing on this list anyway.
  --- Ethan Benson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I hearby propose that the list automatically
   all postings that appear to have been sent using
   Outlook.   this way this garbage won't happen
   and every time ya new Outlook worm comes out.
 Best regards,
 Peter Hugosson-Miller.
 (BTW - this is coming at you from OS/2 Warp 4.0 -
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

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