
2001-03-01 Thread Antonio Lobato


The command startx take me a error message with( the error
message is on text endl):

You must provide a "Screen" section in XF86Config for at
least one of the following graphics drivers: vga16, mono

Fatal server error:
No configured graphics devices

I installed and cinfigured (?) the graphics packages along
potato instalation, using tasks (no dselect).

Below folow the full error message that seems after type the
command startx :

XFree86 Version 3.3.6 / X Window System
(protocol Version 11, revision 0, vendor release 6300)
Release Date: January 8 2000
If the server is older than 6-12 months, or if your card is newer
than the above date, look for a newer version before reporting
problems.  (see http://www.XFree86.Org/FAQ)
Operating System: Linux 2.2.14-va.4.4-i586 i686 [ELF] 
Configured drivers:
  VGA16: server for 4-bit colour VGA (Patchlevel 0):
  ET4000, ET4000W32, ET4000W32i, ET4000W32i_rev_b, ET4000W32i_rev_c,
  ET4000W32p, ET4000W32p_rev_a, ET4000W32p_rev_b, ET4000W32p_rev_c,
  ET4000W32p_rev_d, ET6000, ET6100, et3000, ncr77c22, ncr77c22e, ati,
  sis86c201, sis86c202, sis86c205, sis86c215, sis86c225, sis5597,
  sis5598, sis6326, sis530, sis620, sis300, sis630, sis540, tvga8200lx,
  tvga8800cs, tvga8900b, tvga8900c, tvga8900cl, tvga8900d, tvga9000,
  tvga9000i, tvga9100b, tvga9200cxr, tgui9400cxi, tgui9420, tgui9420dgi,
  tgui9430dgi, tgui9440agi, cyber9320, tgui9660, tgui9680, tgui9682,
  tgui9685, cyber9382, cyber9385, cyber9388, cyber9397, cyber9520,
  cyber9525, 3dimage975, 3dimage985, cyber9397dvd, blade3d, cyberblade,
  oti067, oti077, oti087, oti037c, cl6410, cl6412, cl6420, cl6440,
  MONO: server for interlaced and banked monochrome graphics adaptors
(Patchlevel 0):
  hgc1280, sigmalview, apollo9, hercules
(using VT number 7)

XF86Config: /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XF86Config
(**) stands for supplied, (--) stands for probed/default values
(**) XKB: keymap: "xfree86(en_US)" (overrides other XKB settings)
(**) Mouse: type: mousesystems, device: /dev/mouse, baudrate: 1200
(**) Mouse: buttons: 3
(**) FontPath set to 

You must provide a "Screen" section in XF86Config for at
least one of the following graphics drivers: vga16, mono

Fatal server error:
No configured graphics devices

When reporting a problem related to a server crash, please send
the full server output, not just the last messages

X connection to :0.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown).

Re: Testing: xfree86 calamity

2001-03-01 Thread Mircea Luca
Martin WHEELER wrote:
> Can anyone help me out on this one?
> Upgrading from 2.2r2 using testing, apt-get barfed horribly over moving
> from xfree86 3 to 4.
> Current situation is the usual circular unmet dependencies circus:
>  can't install xlibs 4 because xpm4g 3.6 is to be installed
>  can't install libxaw7 because xlibs isn't yet installed ...
> There appears to be no way out of this by hand-tweaking, that I can find
> -- can't remove xpm4g because everything under X depends on it; can't
> install new xlibs because it conflicts with xpm4g -- etc. etc.
> apt-get wants to REMOVE 703 Mb (just about everything that runs under X)
> -- there *has* to be a better way.
> Hasn't there?
> Any help really appreciated.
> (Please reply off-list, as not subscribed.)
> --

Looking at the xlibs here(X4,sid) it says that it provides xpm4g,so I
would guess
that a dpkg --force-remove-reinstreq xpm4g will help here.Anyway if you
got here
only dpkg --force-help will get you out of this.I had to sometimes force
a package from /var/cache/apt/archives then run dpkg-configure -a ,then
apt-get -f install .Usually you need a combination of the above in no
real order.

unresolved symbols in 3dfx.o

2001-03-01 Thread Johnny Blade
I've been attempting to prepare my machine to play
some quake, but I can't get the 3dfx.o module to work.
 I downloaded the device3dfx source using apt-get, ran
the buildpkg script, and then installed the .deb
created.  As the deb is trying to update-modules, I
see a message saying "Unresolved symbols in
lib/.../3dfx.o".  When I depmod -e this (I've been
hitting the man pages...), the two symbols it mentions
are "register_chrdev_Rbbdcb79f" and

In the the archives someone mentioned running nm
3dfx.o | grep printk, and then grep printk /proc/ksyms
to see if the kernel headers that were used match. 
Mine don't.  I'm not sure how to fix that, because my
kernel source is in /usr/src/linux (actually
kernel-source-2.2.18pre21, but it's symlinked) where
the programs should be able to find the right files. 
I just recently recompiled my kernel because the
makefile wouldn't run without the kernel having been
configured and installed, so I dont' think restoring
my old kernel would help.  Also, none of the modules
made after "make modules; make install" worked -- they
all had unresolved symbols.  I restored the old
modules, and they're working fine with my new kernel.

So I guess it boils down to a) why can't I compile a
working 3dfx.o, and b) why aren't modules made based
on my kernel src (retrieved using dselect) working

Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Sorry I'm so
verbose, but I work tech support and know how
important every little thing can be...

(running Debian 2.2.18pre21, custom kernel, with
2.2.18pre21 kernel source)

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Re: using RHL 7's rpm in debian 2.2r2

2001-03-01 Thread Joey Hess
Johann Spies wrote:
> Two complications: 1. Potato's alien would not translate RHL 7's rpm's
> to debian.  You need one from woody and that will require libc6 2.2 as
> far as I know.

No version of rpm in debian can handle red hat 7 rpms. Updates to a
version of rpm that can are stalled until we get db3 into debian.

Of course you can always install alien (and alien-extra) onto a red hat
7 box and do the conversion there..

> 2. Your dependencies may create a lot of problems.
> You may try alien for smaller packages which are not available in
> Debian, but I would not try it with something like XF 4.0.1.

Me neither. To quote myself in the man page:

   Alien should not be used to replace important system pack-
   ages, like init, libc, or other things that are essential
   for the functioning of your system. Many of these packages
   are set up differently by the different distributions, and
   packages from the different distributions cannot be used
   interchangeably. In general, if you can't remove a package
   without breaking your system, don't try to replace it with
   an alien version.

> You would be better off by using apt-get source and get sources from
> testing or unstable, compiling them to debian packages and install
> them on potato if you want to use newer versions.

I belive that x4 debs are available backported to stable, though I don't have
an apt source offhand.

see shy jo

Broken Upgrade to Sid

2001-03-01 Thread Steven Downing

After finally getting all the packages downloaded to my machine,
I did the actual 'dist-upgrade', a script of which is posted here: (approx 200K)
I tried to clean up the script output as much as possible, although I
left some of the 'line noise' around the X setup so you could see what
extent of X setup ran...

During the process, I did apt-get -f -u dist-upgrade about 4 times
before it managed to run all the way through.  Along the way I had a few
errors similar to this:
(in cleanup) Can't call method "close" on an undefined value at 
/usr/lib/perl5/Debian/DebConf/ line 301 during global 
(in cleanup) Can't call method "DESTROY" on an undefined value at 
/usr/lib/perl5/Debian/DebConf/ line 151 during global 

I'd already upgraded to perl-5.6-19, but put of the upgrade was also getting

Anyway, X is now stuffed.  Debconf said it was saving the current 
config, and writing a new one, but the was no evidence of this under 

I have no startx or xf86cfg, although I do have Xf86config-v3, but it 
the proper xserver (4.0.2) is there, well /usr/doc/xserver-common/  is for 

Of the packages on hold, I'd put the following ones on hold to reduce the
amount I was downloading ..
anacron bsdgames gnome-utils koules leafnode
python-bobopos python-elisp python-examples python-kjbuckets python-pygresql
sabre-common task-games wmaker xgalaga xnest xsabre xscavenger,
leaving apt system holds on lilo and console-data.

I haven't noticed any other probs, but then I haven't played too much with 

sooo can anyone give me any pointers on how to get my nice shiny Sid
box running X??
Direct replies would be appreciated, I'm on digest...

many thanks
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Re: using RHL 7's rpm in debian 2.2r2

2001-03-01 Thread Johann Spies

On Fri, Mar 02, 2001 at 12:48:33AM +0530, Ankit Jain wrote:

> I have been a longtime user of RedHat and installed Debian 2.2r2
> today. I have a few queries-

>  1. I have a dial-up connection so its not possible for me to d/l
> huge binaries. I have the RHL 7 cd, n it has XFree86 4.0.1.rpm, can
> i use this 2 install Xf 4.0.1 on my debian box ?

Two complications: 1. Potato's alien would not translate RHL 7's rpm's
to debian.  You need one from woody and that will require libc6 2.2 as
far as I know.  2. Your dependencies may create a lot of problems.
You may try alien for smaller packages which are not available in
Debian, but I would not try it with something like XF 4.0.1.

You would be better off by using apt-get source and get sources from
testing or unstable, compiling them to debian packages and install
them on potato if you want to use newer versions.


J.H. Spies - Tel. 082 782 0336.  Posbus 4668, Tygervallei 7536
 "The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh 
  me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside
  the still waters, he restoreth my soul...Surely
  goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my
  life; and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for
  ever."Psalms 23:1,2,6 

Re: ghost for linux?

2001-03-01 Thread Alvin Oga

hi ya

yup have real work to do..

have fun linuxing

On Thu, 1 Mar 2001, MaD dUCK wrote:

> also sprach Alvin Oga (on Thu, 01 Mar 2001 06:56:33PM -0800):
> > never minddont bother to reply...
> very cooperative.

Re: ESS ES1898 Chipset Sound Card

2001-03-01 Thread D-Man
On Thu, Mar 01, 2001 at 09:59:03AM -0600, Horburapa Mongkol-Q13382 wrote:
| Yes, I meant "No-Name Brand". :)
| Could you tell me what you add in modules.conf to make it work?

I have an ESS 1869.  As far as RH's sndconfig tool is concerned, it is
the same as the 1868.  My modules.conf has :

alias sound sb 
alias midi opl3 
options opl3 io=0x388
options sb io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 mpu_io=0x330

As it says in the comments at the beginning of /etc/modules.conf, you
shouldn't edit it by hand.  Instead, put the lines in the following
files :

/etc/modutils/aliases :
alias sound sb
alias midi opl3

/etc/modutils/opl3 :
options opl3 io=0x388

/etc/modutils/sb :
options sb io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 mpu_io=0x330

then run /sbin/update-modules as root.  The purpose of this is to
allow tools to automatically update your modules.conf file as needed
without losing any custom changes you may have.  Instead you edit
separate files that are specific to what you want, and let
update-modules combine it appropriately into modules.conf. 


Re: CDrecord "DEVICE"

2001-03-01 Thread John Griffiths
>Current debian kernel has all the required modules for scsi emulation
>and cdrw.  (I filed bug long time ago, since then it works great.)
>My lilo.conf has:
>append="hdc=ide-scsi apm=on"
>My modules.conf has 
># CD-RW drive

This one got me

run #cdrecord -scanbus

mine gives me this output:

Cdrecord 1.8 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2000 Jörg Schilling
Using libscg version 'schily-0.1'
0,0,0 0) 'AOPEN   ' 'CRW1232 ' '1.20' Removable CD-ROM
0,1,0 1) *
0,2,0 2) *
0,3,0 3) *
0,4,0 4) *
0,5,0 5) *
0,6,0 6) *
0,7,0 7) *

which tells me device = 0,0,0

hope this helps

Re: Debian quit booting

2001-03-01 Thread John Griffiths
>I've been running 4 Linux systems, Debian Potato being one of them.
>All systems are booted from floppies instead of LILO.   Until yesterday,
>all systems booted and worked fine.
>'Potato' suddenly quit booting up from its floppy and a screenful of
>this notice appears:
>   kmod: failed to execute /sbin/modprobe -s -k binfmt-860a errno=

have u checked that your BIOS is still set to boot from floppy?

also have u tried another floppy?

Re: CDrecord "DEVICE"

2001-03-01 Thread Osamu Aoki
Current debian kernel has all the required modules for scsi emulation
and cdrw.  (I filed bug long time ago, since then it works great.)

My lilo.conf has:
append="hdc=ide-scsi apm=on"

My modules.conf has 
# CD-RW drive

And for fstab, RTFM.


> Linux can't burn to IDE CD-R drives.  It can burn to SCSI CD-Rs, and
> it can burn to IDE CD-Rs that are pretending to be SCSI ones.  This
> means that you need to recompile your kernel to support IDE-SCSI
> emulation, and set things up so that your CD-ROM runs through the
> emulation layer.  This is covered in some detail in the CD-Writing
> HOWTO, at least up to the required options.  You'll need to use
> e.g. /dev/scd0 for reading CDs, not the /dev/hdX one you're probably
> using now.
+  Osamu Aoki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, GnuPG-key: 1024D/D5DE453D  +
+   Fingerprint: 814E BD64 3288 40E7 E88E  3D92 C3F8 EA94 D5DE 453D   +
+  Cupertino, CA USA  +

Re: ghost for linux?

2001-03-01 Thread MaD dUCK
also sprach Alvin Oga (on Thu, 01 Mar 2001 06:56:33PM -0800):
> never minddont bother to reply...

very cooperative.


[greetings from the heart of the sun]# echo [EMAIL PROTECTED]:1:[EMAIL 
prepBut nI vrbLike adjHungarian! qWhat's artThe adjBig nProblem?
   -- alec flett @netscape

Debian quit booting

2001-03-01 Thread -
I'm new to this list so I'm not sure if it's the right place for my

I've been running 4 Linux systems, Debian Potato being one of them.
All systems are booted from floppies instead of LILO.   Until yesterday,
all systems booted and worked fine.

'Potato' suddenly quit booting up from its floppy and a screenful of
this notice appears:

   kmod: failed to execute /sbin/modprobe -s -k binfmt-860a errno=

Since I'm not able bring up Potato, I don't know where to start
checking.   I'm reluctant to
reinstall but will do so if it's the only solution.  Is there something
I can pull off from the three
CD's to fix the problem?

Re: [OT] tuning kernel memory usage

2001-03-01 Thread Jonathan D. Proulx
On Thu, Mar 01, 2001 at 12:20:01AM +0100, Harald Thingelstad wrote:

:So, let it be. The kernel uses your memory rather well when all comes to all.
:If in doubt, monitor what actually happens over a longer period of time.
:A combination of top and xosview is what I have used, in case of interest.

vmstat is your friend here is you want to see if howmuch the system is
actually paging to disk.


Re: ghost for linux?

2001-03-01 Thread Alvin Oga

hi ya mad...

never minddont bother to reply...

did not say many things eithere...

c ya

On Thu, 1 Mar 2001, MaD dUCK wrote:

> also sprach Alvin Oga (on Thu, 01 Mar 2001 06:25:31PM -0800):
> > donno...not everybody makes a bootable cdrom for their backups...
> > i think its make a cdrom backup... but..oh well...
> a bootable cdrom is quite hard to make... rockridge extensions and all
> that jazz. no, you cannot just "dd your harddisk onto the cd" (if you
> could dd to cdr), and expect it to boot. you'd need ramdisks et al.

did not say to "dd to cdrom"...blah..blah...

> > taring does NOT copy teh boot your disk is NOT yet
> > bootable till you run lilo onit...
> did i ever say that? tar'ing copies the file system, not the disk
> sectors. it's preferable to dd'ing because it is partition
> independent, and because it doesn't screw with bad block tables.
> > - dd sometimes works...sometimes not
> dd always works. you may be doing something wrong some of the times.

am telling you from doing it hundreds of times...yes..i make hundeds of
dd does NOT always workdepends on disks, depend on mb...blah..blah..

c ya

Re: Optical mice

2001-03-01 Thread Dave Carrigan
Lee Elliott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Would anyone care to recommend any optical wheel mice for use with
> Debian - that is, optical mice with a wheel 3rd button?

I have a logitech optical wheel mouse with usb. Works like a charm and
was cheaper than the MS equivalent when I got it at compusa.

Dave Carrigan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])| Yow! I left my WALLET in the
UNIX-Apache-Perl-Linux-Firewalls-LDAP-C-DNS | BATHROOM!!
Seattle, WA, USA| | 

Re: ghost for linux?

2001-03-01 Thread MaD dUCK
also sprach Alvin Oga (on Thu, 01 Mar 2001 06:25:31PM -0800):
> donno...not everybody makes a bootable cdrom for their backups...
> i think its make a cdrom backup... but..oh well...

a bootable cdrom is quite hard to make... rockridge extensions and all
that jazz. no, you cannot just "dd your harddisk onto the cd" (if you
could dd to cdr), and expect it to boot. you'd need ramdisks et al.

> taring does NOT copy teh boot your disk is NOT yet
> bootable till you run lilo onit...

did i ever say that? tar'ing copies the file system, not the disk
sectors. it's preferable to dd'ing because it is partition
independent, and because it doesn't screw with bad block tables.

>   - dd sometimes works...sometimes not

dd always works. you may be doing something wrong some of the times.


[greetings from the heart of the sun]# echo [EMAIL PROTECTED]:1:[EMAIL 
micros~1: for when quality, reliability, and security
  just aren't that important!

upgrade makes konqueror crash on startup?

2001-03-01 Thread Carl Fink
Has anyone else noticed that running apt-get upgrade today causes the
above phenomenon?  Should I report it as a bug, or is it something
unique to my system?

Konqueror is the only KDE application I run at all often.  (Yes, I do
actually keep all of KDE installed just to run konqueror once a week
or so.  Sometimes I also use kcalc.)  Using icewm, XFree86 3.3.6-11
from debs.  Kernel version 2.2.13, glibc 2.95.2.

Manager, Dueling Modems Computer Forum

Re: latex: wrapping text around psfig's

2001-03-01 Thread MaD dUCK
thanks to our most ambitious new prof, i have found the solution:

package wrapfig and boxedminipage:


\caption{The caption of the picture...}

\noindent This is a test. This is a test. This is a test. This is a
test. This is a test. This is a test. This is a test. This is a
test. This is a test. This is a test. This is a test. This is a


[greetings from the heart of the sun]# echo [EMAIL PROTECTED]:1:[EMAIL 
i'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous.

Re: ghost for linux?

2001-03-01 Thread Alvin Oga

h iya max...

yeah...if i dd...have no plans to change it around

donno...not everybody makes a bootable cdrom for their backups...
i think its make a cdrom backup... but..oh well...

taring does NOT copy teh boot your disk is NOT yet
bootable till you run lilo onit...
- dd sometimes works...sometimes not
- hate them LI and LIL- and 101010101 patterns...
- running lilo on the back and boting it is a good bet

c ya

On Thu, 1 Mar 2001, MaD dUCK wrote:

> also sprach Alvin Oga (on Thu, 01 Mar 2001 06:16:26PM -0800):
> > except for partitions that are like 90% full than i dd' um
> ... at the expense of not being able to change partition size or file
> system format...
> > and yeah...all of the "system" is already on cdrom but guess
> > some like to burn a "installed cdrom"... oh well...
> > - hopefuly thats patched and debugged and cleaned up version
> you mean, a bootable cdrom?
> > and always check your backs before putting it aside...
> > like "lilo" it...after dd'ing
> huh? of course check your backups, but what is lilo'ing it? if it's a
> tar file and/or on cdrom???
> martin
> [greetings from the heart of the sun]# echo [EMAIL PROTECTED]:1:[EMAIL 
> -- 
> a life? where can i download that?

Re: ghost for linux?

2001-03-01 Thread MaD dUCK
also sprach Alvin Oga (on Thu, 01 Mar 2001 06:16:26PM -0800):
> except for partitions that are like 90% full than i dd' um

... at the expense of not being able to change partition size or file
system format...

> and yeah...all of the "system" is already on cdrom but guess
> some like to burn a "installed cdrom"... oh well...
>   - hopefuly thats patched and debugged and cleaned up version

you mean, a bootable cdrom?

> and always check your backs before putting it aside...
>   like "lilo" it...after dd'ing

huh? of course check your backups, but what is lilo'ing it? if it's a
tar file and/or on cdrom???


[greetings from the heart of the sun]# echo [EMAIL PROTECTED]:1:[EMAIL 
a life? where can i download that?

Testing: xfree86 calamity

2001-03-01 Thread Martin WHEELER
Can anyone help me out on this one?

Upgrading from 2.2r2 using testing, apt-get barfed horribly over moving
from xfree86 3 to 4.

Current situation is the usual circular unmet dependencies circus:

 can't install xlibs 4 because xpm4g 3.6 is to be installed
 can't install libxaw7 because xlibs isn't yet installed ...

There appears to be no way out of this by hand-tweaking, that I can find
-- can't remove xpm4g because everything under X depends on it; can't
install new xlibs because it conflicts with xpm4g -- etc. etc.

apt-get wants to REMOVE 703 Mb (just about everything that runs under X)
-- there *has* to be a better way.

Hasn't there?

Any help really appreciated.
(Please reply off-list, as not subscribed.)
Martin Wheeler   -StarTEXT - Glastonbury - BA6 9PH - England

 - Share your knowledge. It's one way to achieve immortality. -

Re: ghost for linux?

2001-03-01 Thread Alvin Oga

hi ya...

yeah i ususlly use tar...

except for partitions that are like 90% full than i dd' um

and yeah...all of the "system" is already on cdrom but guess
some like to burn a "installed cdrom"... oh well...
- hopefuly thats patched and debugged and cleaned up version

and always check your backs before putting it aside...
like "lilo" it...after dd'ing

c ya

On Thu, 1 Mar 2001, MaD dUCK wrote:

> also sprach Alvin Oga (on Thu, 01 Mar 2001 05:54:35PM -0800):
> > > Is there ne open-source clone or equivalent of Norton Ghost ? I want to
> > > ghost my debian box before fiddlin around with it..
> this is the beauty about a non-obscure os: i did this many times
> before and i never really wanted some ghost format somewhere that i
> could only restore as full.
> so instead i used a spare machine to feed a tar cf - / output into ssh
> and compiled a tar file on the other side, excluding /cdrom, /floppy,
> and /proc. in my case, it fit onto a cdr without /home, so i burnt
> home separately.
> now, if i wanted to repartition or take a new drive, partition it,
> boot a boot disk, mount the harddrive appropriately, and untar into /.
> install lilo, and that's it. beautious!
> martin
> [greetings from the heart of the sun]# echo [EMAIL PROTECTED]:1:[EMAIL 
> -- 
> chaos reigns within.
> reflect, repent, reboot.
> order shall return.
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: ghost for linux?

2001-03-01 Thread MaD dUCK
also sprach Alvin Oga (on Thu, 01 Mar 2001 05:54:35PM -0800):
> > Is there ne open-source clone or equivalent of Norton Ghost ? I want to
> > ghost my debian box before fiddlin around with it..

this is the beauty about a non-obscure os: i did this many times
before and i never really wanted some ghost format somewhere that i
could only restore as full.

so instead i used a spare machine to feed a tar cf - / output into ssh
and compiled a tar file on the other side, excluding /cdrom, /floppy,
and /proc. in my case, it fit onto a cdr without /home, so i burnt
home separately.

now, if i wanted to repartition or take a new drive, partition it,
boot a boot disk, mount the harddrive appropriately, and untar into /.
install lilo, and that's it. beautious!


[greetings from the heart of the sun]# echo [EMAIL PROTECTED]:1:[EMAIL 
chaos reigns within.
reflect, repent, reboot.
order shall return.

Re: Comments VMWare?

2001-03-01 Thread Jeff Goodman
I used to do something similar, but I also needed complete portability of
the Windows system in "standalone" mode.  So I put the data files back on
the Windows machine, but added automatic backups - using Second Copy
(Windows shareware) - from Windows to Linux, through Samba.  Now, when
Windows is _on_ the network. my important stuff is backed up onto Linux.
When _off_ of the network, Windows still works fine.  (If I had been more
ambitious, I'm sure I could have scripted my way around having to use Second


- Original Message -
From: "Jonathan Gift" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Bill Wohler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Debian" 
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2001 9:37 AM
Subject: Re: Comments VMWare?

> Bill Wohler wrote:
> >
> >   I keep my important data files on the Unix side so that they can be
> >   backed up and not nuked if you have to reinstall Windows. I access
> >   them from VMware via samba.
> Got you. thanks for the advice.
> Jonathan
> --
> /* Jonathan Gift
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

Re: ghost for linux?

2001-03-01 Thread Alvin Oga

hi ya...

i assume oyu have a second disk...

( make sure its the same sized disks to keep things simple )
dd if=/dev/hda  of=/dev/hdb

-- problem with ghost and dd is that it will also copy bad block info
   from the source to the 2nd disk...
- disks now days are good enough that "bad blocks" is not an issue

if you do NOT have a 2nd disk...but have lots of disk space left over...

( make sure its the same sized partitions to keep things simple )
dd if=/dev/hda1 of=/dev/hda11
dd if=/dev/hda2 of=/dev/hda12

c ya

On Fri, 2 Mar 2001, Ankit Jain wrote:

> Is there ne open-source clone or equivalent of Norton Ghost ? I want to
> ghost my debian box before fiddlin around with it..
> -anks
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Optical mice

2001-03-01 Thread Chun Kit Edwin Lau

Well, it is hard to say, M$ and Logitech is good.. but cheap optical mouse
are nice too. I think the most important thing is the surface that you are
going to use it on. I tried 4 different optical mice. They didn't seem to
work well on my wood grain table. (light colour) Don't really think I am
helping out.. sorry :->

Edwin Lau
On Thu, 01 Mar 2001 16:22:52 Lee Elliott wrote:
> Hello List,
> Would anyone care to recommend any optical wheel mice for use with
> Debian - that is, optical mice with a wheel 3rd button?
> LeeE
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact


latex: wrapping text around psfig's

2001-03-01 Thread MaD dUCK
hey, i am using psfix.sty to include some .fig converts to .eps into a
latex document, and i would like to be able to wrap text around some
of the images. you know what i mean:

this is text. this is text. this is text. this is text.
this is text. this is text. this is text. this is text.
this is text. this is text. this is tex
 \|/ _ \|/  this is text. this is text. this is tex
 "@'/ , . \`@"  this is text. this is text. this is tex
 /_| \___/ |_\  this is text. this is text. this is tex
\___U_/ this is text. this is text. this is tex
  a silly one   this is text. this is text. this is tex
this is text. this is text. this is tex
this is text. this is text. this is text. this is text.
this is text. this is text. this is text. this is text.

or the equivalent on the right side. do you have an idea on how to do
this? or even an example?

anticipating eternal gratefulness,

[greetings from the heart of the sun]# echo [EMAIL PROTECTED]:1:[EMAIL 
don't hate yourself in the morning -- sleep till noon.

Re: AIM-compliant IM w/ proxy support

2001-03-01 Thread Rob Rati
gaim supports proxies (atleast the newest version does), but it's a bit
burried.  You won't find it in the configure option.  It's hidden in the
user info screen.


John Griffiths wrote:
> I think Jabber knows all the tricks too (but jabber is a different beast 
> architecturally)
> At 06:44 PM 3/1/2001 -0500, MaD dUCK wrote:
> >also sprach Matheson Cameron (on Thu, 01 Mar 2001 03:30:01PM -0800):
> >> I was wondering if anyone knew of an AIM-compliant
> >> instant messenger that supported proxy.  I apt-got
> >> gaim, but that doesn't appear to support the proxies.
> >
> >everybuddy. but you really should be using icq.
> >
> >martin
> >
> >[greetings from the heart of the sun]# echo [EMAIL PROTECTED]:1:[EMAIL 
> >--
> >it said "needs windoze 98 or better," so i installed linux.
> >
> >
> >--
> >with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >
> This email is confidential and may contain copyright material.
> If you are not the intended recipient of Capital Monitor's original e-mail,
> please notify me by return e-mail, delete your copy of the message, and
> accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused.
> Republication or re-dissemination, including posting to news groups or web
> pages, is strictly prohibited without the express prior consent of Capital
> Monitor Pty Ltd.
> John Griffiths  Tel 02 6273 4899
> Capital Monitor Pty Ltd Fax 02 6273 4905
> Press Gallery   Mobile: 0412 690 643
> Parliament Housee-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Canberra   ACT   2600
> Australia   ICQ No: 7933859
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[EMAIL PROTECTED]  2001-02 |
Aka Khyron the Backstabber  |   LI  NN N  U U  X X  O
ICQ# 2325055|   LI  N NN  U U   X
|   LLL  I  N  N  UUU  X X  O
|  Those who can, do.

Re: Log Rotate on Debian via Cron Not working!

2001-03-01 Thread Andreas Hetzmannseder
On Thu, Mar 01, 2001 at 07:30:03PM -0300, Martin Marconcini wrote:
> Hi, I have indicated syslog to log kernel msgs onto /var/log/kernel
> Now Since i use ipmasq with some loggin the file will is growing fast... 2mb
> per day.
> I'd like to set a cron job that keeps a couple of days back logs and starts
> a new each day.
> How is cron setted up on Debian? Could not make it work properly. (On redhat
> i did it some time ago)
> Thanks in advance.

Hello Martin,
does your computer run 24 hours a day?
If not you should check whether anacron is installed - otherwise cron won't
work as expected.


Re: Optical mice

2001-03-01 Thread Morgan Terry
Lee Elliott wrote:
> Hello List,
> Would anyone care to recommend any optical wheel mice for use with
> Debian - that is, optical mice with a wheel 3rd button?
> LeeE

I have a M$ Optical Wheel Mouse that I really like.  I have it working
on my Laptop (running Debian) and also on my 486 (running FreeBSD) using
a KVM switch.  It works great on both.  It uses the same protocol as the
intellimouse, so it's no problem at all to set up.


Re: Missing parallel port

2001-03-01 Thread Pann McCuaig
On Thu, Mar 01, 2001 at 19:10, Charles Radding wrote:
> Print spoolers (I have tried CUPS and now lprng) cannot find my parallel 
> port. It's there; Windows knows about it; the kernel detects it, whether the 
> parallel port is built in or a module, whether the kernel is 2.2.18 or 2.4.2; 
> e.g. from dmesg
>   parport0: PC-style at 0x378 [SPP]
> But no luck on actually communicating through it with the printer. In linux, 
> that is; Windows has no trouble.

Is the lp module (lp.o) installed? If so, does /etc/printcap reference
it properly (lp=/dev/lp0 on my system)?

geek by nature, Linux by choice L I N U X   .~.
The Choice  /V\ of a GNU  /( )\
Generation ^^-^^

Missing parallel port

2001-03-01 Thread Charles Radding
Print spoolers (I have tried CUPS and now lprng) cannot find my parallel 
port. It's there; Windows knows about it; the kernel detects it, whether the 
parallel port is built in or a module, whether the kernel is 2.2.18 or 2.4.2; 
e.g. from dmesg

parport0: PC-style at 0x378 [SPP]

But no luck on actually communicating through it with the printer. In linux, 
that is; Windows has no trouble.

Any suggestions?

Charles Radding

Re: Easiest way to upgrade XFree86

2001-03-01 Thread Gary Hennigan
Ethan Benson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On Thu, Mar 01, 2001 at 11:34:46PM +0100, Raffaele Sandrini wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > I'm running XF86 3.3.6. I'd like to upgrade it to the 4.x version. I'm
> > runnign potato. Whats the easiest way without upgrading to woody (pls
> be
> > specific, i'm not that perfect :-))?
> the easiest way is to upgrade to woody, if you don't want to upgrade
> to woody then the easiest way is to wait for woody to become stable
> and then upgrade to woody.

Well, I have my doubts about this being the easiest way. Personally,
if I were going to try and upgrade X, and wanted to stick to potato,
I'd try the xfree86-4.0.2 debs Charl Botha was kind enough to
create for potato. You can get 'em with apt too. Just read:

I have *NOT* tried this myself so, along with Charl himself, I can't
make any guarantees! Seems to me it couldn't be any worse than a
full-blown upgrade to woody, but who knows.


Re: Optical mice

2001-03-01 Thread Mike Wills
I'll tell you what...I love the new Logitech MouseMan I got. However if you
are a lefty...well, good luck. Sorry Lefties!
Mike Wills

"Unix + Macintosh = Nirvana" - Steve Jobs

- Original Message -
From: "Lee Elliott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2001 3:22 PM
Subject: Optical mice

> Hello List,
> Would anyone care to recommend any optical wheel mice for use with
> Debian - that is, optical mice with a wheel 3rd button?
> LeeE
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

libwine will not upgrade (unstable)

2001-03-01 Thread Pollywog
Did anyone else have trouble upgrading WINE today?
libwine gives the following error on my machine:

Preconfiguring packages ..
/var/lib/debconf/config.175203: null: command not found
libwine failed to configure, with exit code 127
(Reading database ... E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg exited


Re: Easiest way to upgrade XFree86

2001-03-01 Thread Ethan Benson
On Thu, Mar 01, 2001 at 11:34:46PM +0100, Raffaele Sandrini wrote:
> Hi
> I'm running XF86 3.3.6. I'd like to upgrade it to the 4.x version. I'm 
> runnign potato. Whats the easiest way without upgrading to woody (pls be 
> specific, i'm not that perfect :-))?

the easiest way is to upgrade to woody, if you don't want to upgrade
to woody then the easiest way is to wait for woody to become stable
and then upgrade to woody.

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: Reconstructing Var?

2001-03-01 Thread Ethan Benson
On Thu, Mar 01, 2001 at 09:58:36PM +, Matthew Sackman wrote:

> Weird - this is exactely what happened to me two weeks ago - I was just doing
> some simple scans of the hard disc and reiserfs found some bugs. It then
> completely wiped /var. /var/lib/dpkg was screwed (along with everything else
> in /var) so I was reduced to reinstalling. Seeing as I track woody, and have
> potato disks and a 56k modem connection, it has taken some time to get back
> to normal.
> Sorry - no choice but to reinstall from scratch.

/usr/bin/yes make backups\!\!\!

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: AIM-compliant IM w/ proxy support

2001-03-01 Thread John Griffiths
I think Jabber knows all the tricks too (but jabber is a different beast 

At 06:44 PM 3/1/2001 -0500, MaD dUCK wrote:
>also sprach Matheson Cameron (on Thu, 01 Mar 2001 03:30:01PM -0800):
>> I was wondering if anyone knew of an AIM-compliant
>> instant messenger that supported proxy.  I apt-got
>> gaim, but that doesn't appear to support the proxies.
>everybuddy. but you really should be using icq.
>[greetings from the heart of the sun]# echo [EMAIL PROTECTED]:1:[EMAIL 
>it said "needs windoze 98 or better," so i installed linux.
>with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This email is confidential and may contain copyright material. 
If you are not the intended recipient of Capital Monitor's original e-mail,
please notify me by return e-mail, delete your copy of the message, and
accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Republication or re-dissemination, including posting to news groups or web
pages, is strictly prohibited without the express prior consent of Capital
Monitor Pty Ltd.  

John Griffiths  Tel 02 6273 4899
Capital Monitor Pty Ltd Fax 02 6273 4905
Press Gallery   Mobile: 0412 690 643
Parliament Housee-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Canberra   ACT   2600
Australia   ICQ No: 7933859

Re: AIM-compliant IM w/ proxy support

2001-03-01 Thread MaD dUCK
also sprach Matheson Cameron (on Thu, 01 Mar 2001 03:30:01PM -0800):
> I was wondering if anyone knew of an AIM-compliant
> instant messenger that supported proxy.  I apt-got
> gaim, but that doesn't appear to support the proxies.

everybuddy. but you really should be using icq.


[greetings from the heart of the sun]# echo [EMAIL PROTECTED]:1:[EMAIL 
it said "needs windoze 98 or better," so i installed linux.

AIM-compliant IM w/ proxy support

2001-03-01 Thread Matheson Cameron

I was wondering if anyone knew of an AIM-compliant
instant messenger that supported proxy.  I apt-got
gaim, but that doesn't appear to support the proxies.

Cameron Matheson

Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

OT - Sendmail rejecting incoming mail

2001-03-01 Thread Craig Coles
Sorry for going off subject here, was wondering if anybody can help.

I currently use the access_db feature in sendmail to reject incoming mail
form known SPAM sources and a little addition to the file to
reject messages based on the subject line like so:

HSubject: $>Subject
D{Subject}Spam Mail Subject Line

R${Subject}$#error $: "553 Reject"

My question: I was told that it was also possible to use regular expressions
to check for a partial match of the Subject line and possible check the body
of the message too.  Does anyone know how to do this?



Re: specifying depth of 16 & above in xfree86-4

2001-03-01 Thread john smith

I did not set the horizontal & vertical refresh rates myself...xf86cfg did 
that for me automatically..

> "js" == john smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

js> Hi,
js> I have an riva tnt graphics card with a nec multi-sync monitor 
js> of resolutions of up to 1024x768 @ 87hz interlaced but I can't 
seem to
js> make XFree work above the color depth of 8??? I'd like to be able 

js> run at least at 16 bpp or possibly 24 but I can't get past 8!!!
js> whenever I try to run at 16 or 24 x-server doesn't start and 
js> and keeps looking for default depth 8. I can't understand why X 

js> 8 so much.

Did you set HorizSync and VertRefresh ranges in your config file? If
you haven't set them Xserver can take defaulted values which are too
restrictive. 16 and 24 depth modes requires quite high values of
HorizSync and VertRefresh.

Ilya Martynov
AGAVA Software Company,

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

Re: missing packages?

2001-03-01 Thread Simon Hepburn
KDE 2.1 is not in woody yet because of problems with qt on alpha. You can get 
.debs for potato from or you can use .debs from sid. I 
have used both succesfully with woody.

On Thursday 01 March 2001  5:20 pm, John May wrote:
> I must be either blind or stupid, but I can't find some packages.  I was
> wanting to take a look at KDE and saw that KDE 2 is suppose to be in
> Woody (what I currently run), so I did an apt-get task-kde and got
> nothing, just an error.  I went to Debian's website and looked for KDE in
> the testing packages list, but all I saw was something about kde-i18n,
> that didn't seem like what I wanted.  I just decided I had been mistaken
> and that it was probably unstable that had KDE 2 and not woody, so I let
> it go.  Just a few minutes ago I tried to install fetchmail and now that
> doesn't exist in woody.  I get the message that it exists in the database
> but there is no installation candidate.  What is going on here?  Am I
> missing something?

Re: apt-getting KDE 2.1 breaks startx

2001-03-01 Thread Simon Hepburn
Try creating an .xsession file in your home directory containing this line:

exec /usr/bin/kde2

On Thursday 01 March 2001  1:45 am, Ross Smith wrote:
> I recently installed Debian potato and apt-getted helix-gnome.
> Everything was working fine.
> Since I heard about KDE 2.1, and I prefer to use KDE, I did:
> apt-get install kdebase task-kde
> from
> deb potato main crypto optional qt1apps
> The install worked fine, but now when I type
> startx
> it starts up, and then immediately returns to a $ prompt.
> I can't find an error log anywhere.  Nothing.
> I didn't even set KDE to be my default window manager.
> Without an error log, I don't have a clue how to fix this.
> If I run vncserver, and connect from my windoze box, KDE appears, but a
> crash dialog is evident, so clicking on any icon does nothing.
> If someone could provide an idea of how to fix this, I'd be very grateful.
> Thanks,
> Ross
> Dell Dimension 300
> STB Velocity 128 4M
> Debian 2.2r2
> XFree86 3.3.6 (?)

Easiest way to upgrade XFree86

2001-03-01 Thread Raffaele Sandrini

I'm running XF86 3.3.6. I'd like to upgrade it to the 4.x version. I'm 
runnign potato. Whats the easiest way without upgrading to woody (pls be 
specific, i'm not that perfect :-))?


Raffaele Sandrini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Check out the most powerfull Linux desktop at !!
Check out the best Linux distribution at (

FW: Comments VMWare?

2001-03-01 Thread Chad Maine
I've used VMWare, Win4Lin, and now, a win2k terminal server.  vmware is rock
solid, but a little resource hungry.  win4lin is VERY fast, but doesn't yet
provide 'microsoft networking' so you can't log in to an NT domain.  A
terminal server is also VERY fast, and gives you access to windows network

Hope this helps.

-Original Message-
From: Joseph Dane [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2001 2:21 PM
To: Jonathan Gift
Cc: Debian
Subject: Re: Comments VMWare?

> "Jonathan" == Jonathan Gift <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 Jonathan> Hi, I might have to run a windows app, and one code copy
 Jonathan> protected at that.  Anyway, how is VMWare at running 32 bit
 Jonathan> windows apps? as I understand it you load VMWare, then
 Jonathan> W95/98, then your app. Does VMWare set up its own file
 Jonathan> system? Where would I store my apps docs?

I use vmware, and love it.  There are a number of ways to set it up,
including allocating a chunk of a disk for it to setup a filesystem
on, connecting to a samba server (possibly running on the same
machine, in the 'host' linux OS), or (IIRC) using an existing NT

vmware virtualizes the entire x86 environment.  prepare to be amazed
as you boot your guest OS, see the familiar BIOS startup screen and
POST, and have a fully functional NT desktop, all safely contained
within an X Window.



with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

Log Rotate on Debian via Cron Not working!

2001-03-01 Thread Martin Marconcini
Hi, I have indicated syslog to log kernel msgs onto /var/log/kernel

Now Since i use ipmasq with some loggin the file will is growing fast... 2mb
per day.

I'd like to set a cron job that keeps a couple of days back logs and starts
a new each day.

How is cron setted up on Debian? Could not make it work properly. (On redhat
i did it some time ago)

Thanks in advance.

Martin Marconcini
Departamento de Sistemas
José Andrés Pacheco de Melo 2945, Piso 1 Oficina 6
Buenos Aires - ARGENTINA (C1425AUK)
Phone: +54 (11) 4807-7666
Este mensaje es estrictamente confidencial. Puede contener informacion
amparada y protegida por el secreto profesional. Si usted ha recibido este
e-mail por error, por favor comuniquese inmediatamente via e-mail a
[EMAIL PROTECTED]" o al número telefónico +54 (11) 4807-7666 y
eliminelo de su sistema. Este mensaje no puede ser copiado ni divulgado su
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This message is strictly confidential. It may also be privileged or
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"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" or to the telephone number +54 (11)
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message or disclose its contents to anyone.

Re: Comments VMWare?

2001-03-01 Thread Joseph Dane
> "Jonathan" == Jonathan Gift <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 Jonathan> Hi, I might have to run a windows app, and one code copy
 Jonathan> protected at that.  Anyway, how is VMWare at running 32 bit
 Jonathan> windows apps? as I understand it you load VMWare, then
 Jonathan> W95/98, then your app. Does VMWare set up its own file
 Jonathan> system? Where would I store my apps docs?

I use vmware, and love it.  There are a number of ways to set it up,
including allocating a chunk of a disk for it to setup a filesystem
on, connecting to a samba server (possibly running on the same
machine, in the 'host' linux OS), or (IIRC) using an existing NT

vmware virtualizes the entire x86 environment.  prepare to be amazed
as you boot your guest OS, see the familiar BIOS startup screen and
POST, and have a fully functional NT desktop, all safely contained
within an X Window.



Re: newbie postgresql question SOLVED

2001-03-01 Thread Charles Lewis
I was still getting the pgaccess error when trying to create a new db, so I
tried opening the existing template1 with success (after login). THEN I
tried to create a new db and discovered I didn't have permission. Logged in
as postgres and did:


...and they lived happily ever after... :)

Thanks for your help. Now I'm off to learn some sql

Charles Lewis

on 3/1/01 1:53 PM, Andrew Perrin at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> What you need to do is log into the box as the postgres super-user
> (generally username is 'postgres') and add the user:
> su - postgres
> psql
> (if it complains that there's no postgres database, you might have to do:
> initdb
> )
> then do:
> CREATE USER username WITH PASSWORD password;
> there are more options to CREATE USER outlined in the postgresql docs
> which should be in your /usr/doc tree, or by typing:
> \h create user
> at the psql prompt.
> Hope this helps.
> --
> Andrew J Perrin - Ph.D. Candidate, UC Berkeley, Dept. of Sociology
> Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA -
> On Thu, 1 Mar 2001, Charles Lewis wrote:
>> Just installed postgresql 7 and went through the config files and everything
>> looks fine. Log in with my user account and open up pgaccess to create a new
>> database and get the following error:
>> Tcl error executing pg_exec
>> create database invoice
>> is not a valid postgresql
>> connection
>> If I log in as user postgres, I can run psql, but if I try to run psql under
>> another user I get:
>> psql: FATAL 1: SetUserId: user 'chas' is not in 'pg_shadow'
>> I imagine that I have to add myself to some group or something, but I have
>> absolutely no idea where to start looking.
>> I've read some postgres documentation, but debian apparently does things a
>> little differently. Any suggestions?
>> -- 
>> Charles Lewis
>> 817-556-4720
>> -- 
>> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: newbie postgresql question

2001-03-01 Thread Oliver Elphick
Charles Lewis wrote:
  >Just installed postgresql 7 and went through the config files and everything
  >looks fine. Log in with my user account and open up pgaccess to create a new
  >database and get the following error:
  >  Tcl error executing pg_exec
  >  create database invoice
  >  is not a valid postgresql
  >  connection
  >If I log in as user postgres, I can run psql, but if I try to run psql under
  >another user I get:
  >  psql: FATAL 1: SetUserId: user 'chas' is not in 'pg_shadow'
  >I imagine that I have to add myself to some group or something, but I have
  >absolutely no idea where to start looking.
  >I've read some postgres documentation, but debian apparently does things a
  >little differently. Any suggestions?
The only user that exists when the database structure is first created is
'postgres'; you have to become 'postgres' before you can create any other

 fred $ su
 root # su - postgres
 postgres $ createuser fred
Shall the new user be allowed to create databases? (y/n) y
Shall the new user be allowed to create more new users? (y/n) n
 postgres $ exit
 root # exit
 fred $ createdb fred
 fred $ psql -d fred

Isle of Wight
PGP: 1024R/32B8FAA1: 97 EA 1D 47 72 3F 28 47  6B 7E 39 CC 56 E4 C1 47
GPG: 1024D/3E1D0C1C: CA12 09E0 E8D5 8870 5839  932A 614D 4C34 3E1D 0C1C
 "The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh 
  me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside
  the still waters, he restoreth my soul...Surely
  goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my
  life; and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for
  ever."Psalms 23:1,2,6 

Re: newbie postgresql question

2001-03-01 Thread Ron Peterson
Charles Lewis wrote:

>   psql: FATAL 1: SetUserId: user 'chas' is not in 'pg_shadow'
> I imagine that I have to add myself to some group or something, but I have
> absolutely no idea where to start looking.
> I've read some postgres documentation, but debian apparently does things a
> little differently. Any suggestions?

This is a PostgreSQL issue, not a debian issue.  You need to add 'chas'
to the PostgreSQL user database.  Do 'createuser chas'.  See 'man

Ron Peterson
Network & Systems Manager
Mount Holyoke College
GPG and other info at

Re: new domain name

2001-03-01 Thread John L. Fjellstad
On Thu, Mar 01, 2001 at 10:07:39AM -0800, Forrest English wrote:
> but, you'll need to do dns for it unless someone else is doing your
> dns.  and dns will be slightly more complicated.

Not if you use something like djbdns instead of the bug ridden BIND
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Quis custodiet ipsos custodes
icq: thales @ 17755648

#  I'm subscribed to this list, no need to cc:  ##

Description: PGP signature

Re: Optical mice

2001-03-01 Thread Colin Cashman
> Product link:

I know it's bad form to reply to oneself, but I thought I should also state 
that this mouse comes with a USB-to-PS/2 adapter. If you
don't have USB support, you can still use the mouse.

I've been running it for several weeks with said adapter, and haven't noticed 
any degredation in accuracy or response.

Re: Reconstructing Var?

2001-03-01 Thread Matthew Sackman
On Wed, 28 Feb 2001 19:34:55 -0900 Ethan Benson > wrote:

> On Wed, Feb 28, 2001 at 09:05:19PM -0600, John Travis wrote:
> > Is there an easy way to reconstruct the basic heirarchy and files for /var?
> > I had a reiserfs meltdown after installing 2.4.2.  I'm not really sure if it
> > was that or the new reiserutils or a combination of both.  reiserfsck
> > managed to fix everything except for /var which was pretty well hosed.  So I
> > had to dpkg -X the older version of reiserutils and install it manually.
> > Then a reiserfsck --rebuild-tree on var fixed the problem, but as expected
> > nuked _everything_ on the partition.  So is there anything easier than
> > manually creating/touching files as needed for syslogd, dpkg, gdm, etc.
> > etc.?
> if /var/lib/dpkg/* is gone and you have no backups your screwed.
> reinstall your system from scratch.  

Weird - this is exactely what happened to me two weeks ago - I was just doing
some simple scans of the hard disc and reiserfs found some bugs. It then
completely wiped /var. /var/lib/dpkg was screwed (along with everything else
in /var) so I was reduced to reinstalling. Seeing as I track woody, and have
potato disks and a 56k modem connection, it has taken some time to get back
to normal.

Sorry - no choice but to reinstall from scratch.


Matthew Sackman

Using Debian/GNU Linux
Enjoying computing

Re: newbie postgresql question

2001-03-01 Thread Andrew Perrin
What you need to do is log into the box as the postgres super-user
(generally username is 'postgres') and add the user:

su - postgres

(if it complains that there's no postgres database, you might have to do:

then do:

CREATE USER username WITH PASSWORD password;

there are more options to CREATE USER outlined in the postgresql docs
which should be in your /usr/doc tree, or by typing:

\h create user

at the psql prompt.

Hope this helps.

Andrew J Perrin - Ph.D. Candidate, UC Berkeley, Dept. of Sociology  
Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA -

On Thu, 1 Mar 2001, Charles Lewis wrote:

> Just installed postgresql 7 and went through the config files and everything
> looks fine. Log in with my user account and open up pgaccess to create a new
> database and get the following error:
>   Tcl error executing pg_exec
>   create database invoice
>   is not a valid postgresql
>   connection
> If I log in as user postgres, I can run psql, but if I try to run psql under
> another user I get:
>   psql: FATAL 1: SetUserId: user 'chas' is not in 'pg_shadow'
> I imagine that I have to add myself to some group or something, but I have
> absolutely no idea where to start looking.
> I've read some postgres documentation, but debian apparently does things a
> little differently. Any suggestions?
> -- 
> Charles Lewis
> 817-556-4720
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mirroring only potato/woody but not sid?

2001-03-01 Thread Tibor D.

Hi folks,
I have enough of mirroring every day the whole Debian-tree (i386 only 
and without sources, with some sophisticated rsync-scripts). Is there a 
way to mirror only potato and woody? There are just too many updates a 
day for my slow 64k link, and most of them are for sid only. I think 
apt-move is not the solution, since there you first install the Packages 
(that could be slow when installing a new X), and then move the 
installed packages to the local mirror. I want the packages first in the 
local mirror, and install them afterwards (with high-speed =:)). Any ideas?

Greetings, Tibor

Re: Optical mice

2001-03-01 Thread Colin Cashman
> Despite my intense dislike for Microsoft, I have an MS IntelliMouse, and I'm
> very fond of it.

If it helps at all, Logitech builds most of Microsoft's mice for them.

I don't know if it works with Debian (still getting my box configured), but I'm 
quite partial to the Logitech USB optical mouse.
Three buttons, one of which is the wheel, and it's about $30. It's not the 
fanciest mouse in the world,  but if you're looking for a
nice, simple optical mouse I'd definitely recommend it. (It is rather 
comfortable in the hand, although it isn't shaped specifically
for right-handers like some of the Microsoft optical mice are.)

Product link:

Re: IMPS/2 mouse protocol and XF86Setup

2001-03-01 Thread Matthew Sackman
On Thu, 1 Mar 2001 17:29:10 +0100 Raffaele Sandrini > wrote:

> Hi all,
> My problem is, that my mouse is working with gpm but not with X11.
> i use the gpm flags: -m /dev/psaux -t imps2 (i have an IntelliMouse)
> Thats working fine. Now im entering into XF86Setup to configure various 
> things... I chose at the mouse tab IMPS/2 and apply the changes. But the 
> mouse is just going into the right upper corner of the screen and stays 
> there. It does this eather if i choose /dev/gpmdata or /dev/psaux or if i 
> choose PS/2 as the protocol.
> Has somebody an idea whats wrong?

Yeah - this happens to me aswell. Use the keyboard commands to set up
your X server mouse as you would expect. Save and then reboot. It manages
to sort itself out when you reboot the machine - don't ask me why, but it


> cheers,
> Raffaele
> -- 
> Raffaele Sandrini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Check out the most powerfull Linux desktop at !!
> Check out the best Linux distribution at (
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Matthew Sackman

Using Debian/GNU Linux
Enjoying computing

etherchannel bonding problems, Something wicked happened

2001-03-01 Thread Anders Lennartsson

I'm setting up a Debian GNU/Linux based cluster, currently with 4 nodes,
each a PPro 200 :( but there may be more/other stuff coming :).
Considering the costs, we settled for Netgear 311 ethernet cards, for
which there is support in 2.4.x kernels. Patches for 2.2.x,
but since 2.4 is here... By the way I'm  running unstable on these.

Initially we have put 2 ethernet cards in each node, and today was spent
getting bonding to work.
This is supported in late 2.2.x kernels and 2.4.x of course.
But it was a bit tricky to find the correct ifenslave.c to compile and
Once that was done (, everything seemed to
work as planned after doing

ifconfig bond0 192.168.1.x netmask up
./ifenslave bond0 eth0
(bond0 gets the MAC adress from eth0)
./ifenslave bond0 eth1 

But when testing the setup by ftping a large file between two nodes,
each configured as above (x=101,103 respectively),
messages of the following type was output repeatedly on the console:

ethX ... Something wicked happened! 0YYY

X was 0 or 1
YYY was one of 500, 700, 740, 749, 749 as far as I can tell

Same thing happened when running NPtcp as package size came above a few
kbytes, speeds approx 50MBits per second.

I also tested the network cards eth0 to eth0 and eth1 to eth1 in normal
mode (no bonding)
with NPtcp and both lines asymptotically went up to some 89.7Mbits per
By the way where are the last 10?

Anyone got ideas as to the nature/solution of this problem?
I did locate the error string in drivers/net/natsemi.c in the function
netdev_error but I don't know what to make of it.
Does anyone have experience of this with for instance 3c905 which I in
my opinion is very stable etc? 
It is also about three times more expensive which isn't that much for
one or two, although I could imagine substantial savings
for a large cluster. But if my hours are included ...


PS Some detailed info:

>From syslog, identifying network cards: (eth2 is for accessing from
outside the dedicated networks)

Mar  1 21:30:53 beo101 kernel:
Mar  1 21:30:53 beo101 kernel:   (unofficial 2.4.x kernel port, version
1.0.3, January 21, 2001 Jeff Garzik, Tjeerd Mulder)
Mar  1 21:30:53 beo101 kernel: eth0: NatSemi DP83815 at 0xc480,
00:02:e3:03:da:87, IRQ 12.
Mar  1 21:30:53 beo101 kernel: eth0: Transceiver status 0x7869
advertising 05e1.
Mar  1 21:30:53 beo101 kernel: eth1: NatSemi DP83815 at 0xc4802000,
00:02:e3:03:de:43, IRQ 10.
Mar  1 21:30:53 beo101 kernel: eth1: Transceiver status 0x7869
advertising 05e1.
Mar  1 21:30:53 beo101 kernel: eth2: NatSemi DP83815 at 0xc4804000,
00:02:e3:03:dc:2c, IRQ 11.
Mar  1 21:30:53 beo101 kernel: eth2: Transceiver status 0x7869
advertising 05e1.

some lines of the wicked message: (above those are the two lines where
eth0 and eth1 are reported when ifenslave is run)

Mar  1 21:30:56 beo101 /usr/sbin/cron[189]: (CRON) STARTUP (fork ok)
Mar  1 21:35:26 beo101 kernel: eth0: Setting full-duplex based on
negotiated link capability.
Mar  1 21:35:32 beo101 ntpd[182]: time reset -0.474569 s
Mar  1 21:35:32 beo101 ntpd[182]: kernel pll status change 41
Mar  1 21:35:32 beo101 ntpd[182]: synchronisation lost
Mar  1 21:35:37 beo101 kernel: eth1: Setting full-duplex based on
negotiated link capability.
Mar  1 21:38:01 beo101 /USR/SBIN/CRON[211]: (mail) CMD (  if [ -x
/usr/sbin/exim -a -f /etc/exim.conf ]; then /usr/sbin/exim -q >/dev/null
2>&1; fi)
Mar  1 21:39:49 beo101 kernel: eth1: Something Wicked happened! 0700.
Mar  1 21:40:04 beo101 kernel: eth0: Something Wicked happened! 0700.
Mar  1 21:40:08 beo101 kernel: eth1: Something Wicked happened! 0700.
Mar  1 21:40:08 beo101 kernel: eth0: Something Wicked happened! 0700.
Mar  1 21:40:12 beo101 last message repeated 2 times
Mar  1 21:40:12 beo101 kernel: eth1: Something Wicked happened! 0700.
Mar  1 21:40:13 beo101 last message repeated 2 times
Mar  1 21:40:15 beo101 kernel: eth0: Something Wicked happened! 0700.
Mar  1 21:40:16 beo101 kernel: eth0: Something Wicked happened! 0700.
Mar  1 21:40:18 beo101 kernel: eth1: Something Wicked happened! 0700.
Mar  1 21:40:19 beo101 kernel: eth1: Something Wicked happened! 0700.
Mar  1 21:40:19 beo101 kernel: eth0: Something Wicked happened! 0700.
Mar  1 21:40:20 beo101 kernel: eth1: Something Wicked happened! 0700.
Mar  1 21:40:20 beo101 kernel: eth1: Something Wicked happened! 0700.
Mar  1 21:40:21 beo101 kernel: eth0: Something Wicked happened! 0700.
Mar  1 21:40:22 beo101 last message repeated 3 times
Mar  1 21:40:22 beo101 kernel: eth1: Something Wicked happened! 0700.
Mar  1 21:40:22 beo101 kernel: eth1: Something Wicked happened! 0700.
Mar  1 21:40:22 beo101 kernel: eth0: Something Wicked happened! 0700.
Mar  1 21:40:22 beo101 kernel: eth0: Something Wicked happened! 0700.
Mar  1 21:40:22 beo101 kernel: eth1: Something Wicked happened! 0700.
Mar  1 21:40:22 beo101 kernel: eth0: Something Wicked happened! 0500.
Mar  1 21:40:22 beo101 ke

newbie postgresql question

2001-03-01 Thread Charles Lewis
Just installed postgresql 7 and went through the config files and everything
looks fine. Log in with my user account and open up pgaccess to create a new
database and get the following error:

  Tcl error executing pg_exec
  create database invoice

  is not a valid postgresql

If I log in as user postgres, I can run psql, but if I try to run psql under
another user I get:

  psql: FATAL 1: SetUserId: user 'chas' is not in 'pg_shadow'

I imagine that I have to add myself to some group or something, but I have
absolutely no idea where to start looking.

I've read some postgres documentation, but debian apparently does things a
little differently. Any suggestions?

Charles Lewis

Re: TTF problem in X

2001-03-01 Thread Andrea Vettorello
Christophe TROESTLER wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have been trying to set up a way to get TTF fonts on the X display.
> * With xfs-xtt, I configured the directory
>   /usr/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType/ (put symlinks for the fonts and made
>   mkttfdir) and added
> FontPath   "unix/:7100"
>   to /etc/X11/XF86Config but I don't even see the fonts with xlsfonts.
> * With xfstt, I succeeds to see the fonts with xlsfonts but when I try
>   e.g.,
> xfontsel -pattern 
> -ttf-verdana-medium-r-normal-regular-*-*-*-*-p-0-iso8859-1
>   I only get "processing fonts..." and nothing appears...

You don't specify what Xserver are using. If you are trying to set the 4.0.x 
searching the debian-user mailing list you will found useful info. Anyway, the
xfs-xtt/xfstt (correct me if i'm wrong) are only useful with XServer 3.3.x. I 
that you need to run a command in the font dir with xfstt (but don't remember 
you will find explained this in the manual...


Re: Error

2001-03-01 Thread Andrea Vettorello

> Hi,
> Can someone tell me how to fix this error after installing XF86.
> /dev/mouse unable to get status of mouse fd (invalid argument)
> 2  xda8
> hdc8   pts/ptyva  sde14   ttyb8  ttyx3  xdb
> hdc9   ptya0   ptyvb  sde15   ttyb9  tty

First of all, check if the /dev/mouse is correctly linked to /dev/gpm (if you
are using gmp) or to /dev/ttyS0 (the first serial port) or /dev/psaux if you own
a PS/2 mouse.

Then you could look in the /etc/X11/Xf86config, in the mouse section, if the
line with device and protocol are correct...


Re: Optical mice

2001-03-01 Thread Tyler Braun
Despite my intense dislike for Microsoft, I have an MS IntelliMouse, and I'm
very fond of it.

On Thu Mar 01/2001 @  9:03:P + asdasd, Lee Elliott wrote:
> Hello List,
> Would anyone care to recommend any optical wheel mice for use with
> Debian - that is, optical mice with a wheel 3rd button?
> LeeE
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Tyler Braun

Re: why no apache-* > 1.3.14 ?

2001-03-01 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Thu, Mar 01, 2001 at 10:38:18AM -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Why have the apache packages not been upgraded since .14? I'm talking
> about the packages in unstable, so the packages should be fairly current
> right? I see that 1.3.19 was released today, can we expect packages for
> it?

Did you ask the maintainer?  This is a user list.

Nathan Norman - Staff Engineer | A good plan today is better
Micromuse Inc. | than a perfect plan tomorrow.
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   -- Patton

Description: PGP signature

Optical mice

2001-03-01 Thread Lee Elliott
Hello List,

Would anyone care to recommend any optical wheel mice for use with
Debian - that is, optical mice with a wheel 3rd button?



Re: It's MY computer, not Bill's!

2001-03-01 Thread MaD dUCK
also sprach Charles Lewis (on Thu, 01 Mar 2001 02:15:36PM -0800):
> I've been very happy creating just 2 partitions. 1 for swap and 1 for
> everything else. Simple and easy, and I have yet to regret it on any of the
> systems that I have installed. I would be interested in a discussion of
> possible ramifications of using this method.

DoS attacks. inode numbers. reinstalling while keeping /home and

in any case, given robert's position, the / and  2 partition
approach you proposed is probably best. i believe linux and bsd should
stay within a single partition if all ports are closed and the system
is single-user, or within a closed trusted group like a family. as
soon as ports are open, or other users use the system, the meaning and
positives of separate /var, /tmp, and /home partitions should be
thoroughly understood, and only then should a system be created with
more partitions. i have 9 partitions on all my systems :)


[greetings from the heart of the sun]# echo [EMAIL PROTECTED]:1:[EMAIL 
 \|/ _ \|/
 "@'/ , . \`@"
 /_| \___/ |__\

Re: Any problems with this hardware?

2001-03-01 Thread Romain Lerallut

1) I've seen a Duron+Gigabyte w/ SB128 installed, so you shouldn't expect
much trouble there.

2) The 2MX is great. However, you'll *need* to have X4 installed to be
able to get out of console.
(I think that apt-get install task-x-window-system[-core] from testing
should do the trick.)
Then you get the basic "nv" driver so you can have a so-so working X.

However I recommend getting the drivers from nvidia.
You should also read this:

a document you really should refer to, and also to nvidia's FAQ. With it,
just follow the step-by-step instructions, it's (mostly) a no-brainer.
They all did a pretty good job...

Good Luck,

On Thu, 1 Mar 2001, Jan Ulrich Hasecke wrote:

> Hi!
> It is time to buy a new computer. Will I face any problems with this
> hardware?
> Board: Socket A GIGABYTE 7ZX Via 133 ATX with Sound Blaster 128
>Sound on board
> CPU:   AMD K7 Thunderbird 900 MHz
> RAM:   SD-RAM 256 MB PC133
> Video: Riva 128 TNT2 Pro AGP 32MB & TV out
>GeForce 2 MX AGP 32MB DDR Creative Labs
> I will install Debian 2.2 or woody of course.
> Any problems with this hardware?
> Do I have to look for NVidia-Drivers on their homepage or will X run
> out-of-the-potato-box?
> The on-board-sound-chip is an original SoundBlaster. It can be
> deaktivated.
> Would you recommend to use X4.0.2 and the newest Kernel 2.4.2?
> I've heard about those minimal requirements compiling Kernel 2.4.2.
> juh
> --
> Der dornige Zweig der Abderiten-Familie
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: It's MY computer, not Bill's!

2001-03-01 Thread MaD dUCK
also sprach Robert Tucker (on Thu, 01 Mar 2001 12:44:34AM -0800):
> I plan to net 2 other computers to this computer. My DSL service
> requires pop3 so I assume that I will have to use that for dsl and
> assume I can use any type of mail for the netted computers.

my question was whether you want to run a local pop3 mail server,
which i doubt you will want to. your provider can't "require pop3",
that's wrong. you will be perfectly able to connect to yahoo mail
and/or pop3 providers out there. in fact, your provider will give you
pop3 accounts on its mail server.

> >  - smtp  yes
> >  - proxy services?   yes
> >  - NAT?  yes
> Don't understand what NAT is...

network address translation: one official IP address, several
computers on a private network like the router that does
NAT forwards requests of the internal machines to the internet, and
properly directs responses from the net back to the client where the
request came from.

> >  - DNS?  no
> Ditto for DNS... (I'm looking really ignorant here... mostly because I am.)

could provide a naming scheme for your internal computers. don't do it
if you don't know it, it can be quite complicated. use /etc/hosts

> >  - DHCP? no
> Again? Ditto Ditto

explained in another thread: dynamic ip addresses.

> > hda2  your RAM size
> Docs say not much value to go above 64... Would you give me your thoughts,
> experiences?

i have 256 Mb of RAM and 256 Mb of swap. unless you are using some of
the early 2.0.x kernels which had disabled paging algorithms, too much
can not hurt.

> > > I would like advice about keeping W95.
> >
> > no! why?
> Tickles the heck out of me...

well. i'd ditch it for good and forever.

> Sorry, I wasn't clear... I wondering about potato and woody and such.

ah. run with potato for now, just to be sure. you can always upgrade
later. but people on this list will have more experience with potato.

> > we're envious. even installing debian is fun!
> Boy, Howdy... Not so sure that I can appreciate that yet. As with anything
> unexplored/experienced, I tend to be cautious/apprehensive. Sometimes I just
> close my eyes and jump.

good call. just don't screw anything up.


[greetings from the heart of the sun]# echo [EMAIL PROTECTED]:1:[EMAIL 
-- halted - cereal port not responding.

Re: mouse & kde2.1

2001-03-01 Thread Matthias Wieser
> I just set up a new workstation, I installed Debian 2.2 then upgraded to 
> woody.  I configured x with no problems.  I set my mouse up on the gpm 
> server(/dev/gpmdata)  Everything working fine in X.  The I added tdyc to my 
> sources list, then did an apt-get update, then did apt-get task-kde.  
> Everything installed fine, except now the mouse will work for a little bit 
> then lock up, if I wait about 10 secs. it starts working again for about 20 
> sec. then locks up again.  Any clues what might be causing this?
> Wayne

yupp - it is abug in eather gpm or X .

just kill gpm
(and disable gpm forever in rcconfig)
Ciao mattHias

   __   _   __   *
/\_/\  \ \_/ \_/ /   *  Matthias Wieser  *
   / \  \   /*  ICQ#:  12597522  *
  / /\_/\ \  \_/^\_/ *[EMAIL PROTECTED]   *
  WW WW  *

kernel menus

2001-03-01 Thread Marvin Stodolsky
Trying to keep Lucent WinModem drivers available to Users for
kernels-2.4.nn, now 2.4.2, I've run into menu config problems

# ls -l /usr/include
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   29 Mar  1 14:46 /usr/include ->

While I can do the ancient:
  make config

I've broken capability to 
  make menuconfig 
  make xconfig
with complaints like:

# make menuconfig
rm -f include/asm
( cd include ; ln -sf asm-i386 asm)
make -C scripts/lxdialog all
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-2.4.2/scripts/lxdialog'
gcc -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -DLOCALE 
-DCURSES_LOC="" -c -o checklist.o checklist.c
In file included from checklist.c:24:
dialog.h:22: sys/types.h: No such file or directory
dialog.h:23: fcntl.h: No such file or directory
dialog.h:24: unistd.h: No such file or directory
dialog.h:25: ctype.h: No such file or directory
dialog.h:26: stdlib.h: No such file or directory
dialog.h:27: string.h: No such file or directory
dialog.h:29: curses.h: No such file or directory
make[1]: *** [checklist.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-2.4.2/scripts/lxdialog'
make: *** [menuconfig] Error 2

Dropping down to a 2.2.17 boot ( the current) doesn't help.

Any suggestions?

My alternative boot kernels are 2.2.17, 2.4.0.,2.4.1,2.4.2.,

Please email to me direct.


2001-03-01 Thread Ankit Jain
Thanx evryone!!
I didn' expect such a quick response to my queries!! Thanx a lot again!
I am already enjoyin my debian box!! (its seems far better than RHL!)


mouse & kde2.1

2001-03-01 Thread techlists
I just set up a new workstation, I installed Debian 2.2 then upgraded to woody. 
 I configured x with no problems.  I set my mouse up on the gpm 
server(/dev/gpmdata)  Everything working fine in X.  The I added tdyc to my 
sources list, then did an apt-get update, then did apt-get task-kde.  
Everything installed fine, except now the mouse will work for a little bit then 
lock up, if I wait about 10 secs. it starts working again for about 20 sec. 
then locks up again.  Any clues what might be causing this?


Re: apt-get - resuming?

2001-03-01 Thread Erik Steffl
Ankit Jain wrote:
> If i do an 'apt-get source' of some package.. but i get disconnected before
> it can complete, then will it resume when i reconnect ? or will it restart
> the whole download ?

  try it!

  (IMO it will resume, at least binaries are resumed so I don't see any
reason why source packages wouldn't be, but note that source package is
downloaded into current directory so when you try to resume you need to
be in the same directory where you did the first interrupted apt-get)


Re: ghost for linux?

2001-03-01 Thread Erik Steffl
Ankit Jain wrote:
> Is there ne open-source clone or equivalent of Norton Ghost ? I want to
> ghost my debian box before fiddlin around with it..

  I ghosted my debian using tar.

  if you move the tar of everything to different disk you have to update
the /mnt/fstab and of course set the lilo on the new disk (use floppy to
boot the first time, edit /etc/lilo.conf and run lilo).


apt-get - resuming?

2001-03-01 Thread Ankit Jain
If i do an 'apt-get source' of some package.. but i get disconnected before
it can complete, then will it resume when i reconnect ? or will it restart
the whole download ?


Re: It's MY computer, not Bill's!

2001-03-01 Thread Charles Lewis
on 3/1/01 11:35 AM, MaD dUCK at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> what is the machine going to serve?
> - pop3?  i'd assume no
> - smtp  yes
> - proxy services?   yes
> - NAT?  yes
> - DNS?  no
> - DHCP? no
> - firewall  no

DHCP is nice for allowing any computer to plug in to your network without
configuration, such when you have a laptop from work or you have relatives
that come for a visit and bring their laptop, etc.

firewalling would depend on the type of internet connection you have. If you
have an always-on connection (such as DSL, cable, satellite, wireless,etc),
then a firewall would be advisable. If it's just a modem connection, one
could argue that a firewall is not as necessary.

>> I would like advice about partitioning.
> with 42Gb, you will be safe as follows:
> hda1   /boot16M
> hda2  your RAM size
> hda5   /500M
> hda6   /usr 10G
> hda7   /home29G
> hda8   /var 1G
> hda9   /tmp 1G

I use to worry about this when I first started because I had absolutely no
clue as to what partitions needed to be created and what size to make them.
Especially when considering different size hard drives on different systems.
I know that there are reasons to have separate partitions, but quite frankly
I've been very happy creating just 2 partitions. 1 for swap and 1 for
everything else. Simple and easy, and I have yet to regret it on any of the
systems that I have installed. I would be interested in a discussion of
possible ramifications of using this method.

Charles Lewis

Re: ispell within emacs

2001-03-01 Thread Johann Spies
On Wed, Feb 28, 2001 at 09:36:16AM +0100, José Alberto Lobo wrote:

> I have a problem to set up an emacs-ispell connection which works
> with Spanish for TeX/LaTeX files. There are two spanish dictionaries
> in the emacs edit>spell menu --the second one suitable to check for
> 8-bit characters.
> It appears that the flag  -t  is intended to cause ispell to pro-
> perly interpret TeX/LaTeX commands and act accordingly. While this
> works for English it does NOT fully work for Spanish. Thus for example
> the command
>   ispell -t -d castellano spanish_file.tex(1)
> issued from an xterm does not recognise TeX style accentuated char-
> acters as parts of words. If the following is issued instead
>   ispell -T TeX -d castellano spanish_file.tex(2)

I have the same problem with afrikaans (for which I developed my own
ispell dictionary).  

ispell -T TeX is not working for me. ispell -T tex and ispell -t
behaves identically which like this:

On the word re\"enwolke  it will select re as a word and nwolke as the
next word which is not what I want. 

My solution is to convert my file with emacs' iso-tex2iso macro. Latex
can compile that if you use \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}. I then then
use ispell with the -t -B options on that buffer.

If you are in emacs in an X-window, click on Help|Customize|Apropos
and search for dictionary which should result in:

Ispell Dictionary Alist: [Show]
   State: hidden, invoke "Show" in the previous line to show.
An alist of dictionaries and their associated parameters. [More]

Ispell Local Dictionary Alist: [Show]
   State: hidden, invoke "Show" in the previous line to show.
Contains local or customized dictionary definitions. [More]

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Click on the first [Show], search for your dictionary and modify
   whatever you want.  Remember to save it before you exit.

J.H. Spies - Tel. 082 782 0336.  Posbus 4668, Tygervallei 7536
 "The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh 
  me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside
  the still waters, he restoreth my soul...Surely
  goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my
  life; and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for
  ever."Psalms 23:1,2,6 

Re: It's MY computer, not Bill's!

2001-03-01 Thread Sebastiaan

> I've read over the docs for Debian and still feel a bit shy about making
> hard decissions about how to partition my new drive. I want to
> completely purge Microsoft from my system (life!) so I plan to replace
> the 10gig with the 42gig or at least put W95 back as an alternate
> system.
> I want to use this computer as a server for 2 other machines. I have 4
> users (self, wife and 2 kids). I would like to create an open ended
> situation where I can add/alter/remove as desired for software and
> hardware. Or, get as close to this as possible.
> Please feel free to respond to the following. I will really appreciate
> it and I THANK YOU in advance.
> I would like advice about partitioning.
Depends on what harddisks there are in the other computer, and what kind
of computers (clients) that are. If they are not very up to date, you may
want to use them as a X terminal (see for more information).
If you have a pretty good network, you could make the clients diskless
(root over nfs, works fine at me), reduces the noise of the harddisks.
So, it you want to do this, and you have other harddisks in the clients,
you have now even more options to partition your drive!

> I would like advice about keeping W95.
Depends on if your kids like to play the latest 3D games. If it is, I
should keep that hd unchanged (assuming windoze slurped about 10gigs). I
have an optional harddisk drive on which win98 is installed. Some suckers
(like government) still make progs that you can only use on m$ stuff.

> I would like advice about which kernel to use.
Do not start with 2.4.2 yet. I have some problems with it. It also depends
on what your computer is capable of (firewire, usb, video cards).
For using the kernel-nfs-daemon (which I think you are goining to need
this) I had succes with kernel 2.4.0. 2.2 kernels are buggy with this.

I have not figured out yet how to use swap over nfs, so think about memory
in the clients.


> Any other thoughts, ideas, hints, suggestions, etc.
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Comments VMWare?

2001-03-01 Thread Jonathan Gift
Bob Nielsen wrote:
> A bit less than 20 MB.

Great. Thanks for the info. I think I have everything now.



/* Jonathan Gift 

Re: Comments VMWare?

2001-03-01 Thread Jonathan Gift
Martin Marconcini wrote:
> They Are for 30 Days.

Thanks for the info.



/* Jonathan Gift 

ghost for linux?

2001-03-01 Thread Ankit Jain
Is there ne open-source clone or equivalent of Norton Ghost ? I want to
ghost my debian box before fiddlin around with it..


Re: using RHL 7's rpm in debian 2.2r2

2001-03-01 Thread D-Man
On Fri, Mar 02, 2001 at 01:10:35AM +0530, Ankit Jain wrote:
| If i use src.tgz files to install somethin, say licq, then the 'database of
| s/w installed' will not have ne details on 'licq' .. right? Is there any way
| i can 'inform' the 'database' of existence of 'licq' or is it fine the way
| it is?

You can inform the database by installing a .deb package.  The system
is fine (assuming it compiled properly, and isn't horridly buggy), but
the package database won't know it exists and won't know what it
depends on, and won't know what files belong to it, etc.  It's a
maintenance decision.  The debian package system makes system
maintenace much easier by keeping track of the packages you have.  If
licq needs, say, Qt (I don't know, I don't use it) and you installed
it from the tarball, dpkg won't stop you from happily removing Qt.
However, licq won't work any more.  If you install from anything other
than properly made .deb packages, it becomes your responsibility to
keep track of files and dependencies.

I would recommend sticking with .deb packages, and finding some way to
acquire them.  Perhaps you can wait until the next stable release,
then get CDs from somewhere?  Maybe you can access a computer with a
faster/cheaper net connection and use some removable media to transfer
the new packages?


Re: MS OFFICE PRO 2000 $120

2001-03-01 Thread D-Man

oooh, this will run on my (Debian) computer right?  All of Debian's
supported architectures too, right?


(just making fun of ridiculous spam)

On Thu, Mar 01, 2001 at 01:01:31PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| MS office professional 2000 FULL version for $120 !!! NEW !!
| If interested email at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Verified Business Paypal owner so purchases FULLY protected
| Verified Aol subscriber
| Verified Address
| Not burns,oem,accademic,charity,demo or otherwisebut FULLY hologrammed 
| authentic ms office professional FULL version!!
| FULL product cd keys
| Word,excel,powerpoint,publisher,access,outlook and small business tools!!!
| ***Disclaimer:***
| If this was sent to you by mistake or was unwanted I apologize and will 
| take you immetiately from my list...thanks again

Re: Lost linux partition

2001-03-01 Thread D-Man
On Fri, Mar 02, 2001 at 12:12:11AM +0800, #KUNDAN KUMAR# wrote:
| I boot from boot floppy only, no lilo... and the boot floppy stratightaway
| loads the kernel without any lilo prompt.. and then gets stuck at Kernel
| Panic: No root file system.
| I do have debian rescue disk under the c: and I try to boot from there I
| get a consolebut running lilo has no meaning here
| I am afraid its lost for ever... does NAV back up the partition table before
| repairing?
| Kundan

It's still not lost forever, just that lilo needs the partition table
to figure out where linux is.  (Note to others, NAV overwrote the
*partition table*, not the MBR)  Boot with your debian rescue disk.
At the console, run fdisk and set the partition table the way it was
before.  Exactly the way it was before.  Don't do any sort of
partition initialization because that would destroy the data on the
disk.  (AFAIK fdisk will only change the partition table itself)  Then
boot again from your boot floppy.  LILO/the kernel should then be able
to figure out where the root filesystem is.


Re: using RHL 7's rpm in debian 2.2r2

2001-03-01 Thread Forrest English
well...  since debian doesn't USE rpms...   using rpms via conversion with
alien is only for last resort.

you'd be much better of with debs or source or binaries.

Forrest English

"When we have nothing left to give
There will be no reason for us to live
But when we have nothing left to lose
You will have nothing left to use"

On Fri, 2 Mar 2001, Ankit Jain wrote:

> Is 'no to rpms' a general rule i shud follow or is it just with 'some'
> packages?
> -anks
> - Original Message -
> From: "Forrest English" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Ankit Jain" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: 
> Sent: Friday, March 02, 2001 12:57 AM
> Subject: Re: using RHL 7's rpm in debian 2.2r2
> > no to the rpm of xfree.  i mean, i suppose you technicaly could try it
> > with alien... but in no way would i suggest it.
> >
> > kernels are kernels.  as long as you have the libs to compile them.
> >
> > --
> > Forrest English
> >
> >
> > "When we have nothing left to give
> > There will be no reason for us to live
> > But when we have nothing left to lose
> > You will have nothing left to use"
> > -Fugazi
> >

Re: using RHL 7's rpm in debian 2.2r2

2001-03-01 Thread Ankit Jain
If i use src.tgz files to install somethin, say licq, then the 'database of
s/w installed' will not have ne details on 'licq' .. right? Is there any way
i can 'inform' the 'database' of existence of 'licq' or is it fine the way
it is?


Re: using RHL 7's rpm in debian 2.2r2

2001-03-01 Thread Matthias Wieser
Ankit Jain wrote:
> Is 'no to rpms' a general rule i shud follow or is it just with 'some'
> packages?
It is not a rule, but if you want to keep your system oand config files
in good shape, it is better to use the deb packages as they provide the
right dependencies for packages to follow.

You still can install them with alien, but it is not advised because
some information needed by dpkg is not provided and will leave the
database of the software installed not in the best shape ...
If you don care about the system being in a good state, just do what
ever you want, install rpm, tar.gz - but you leave the system in
inconsistent shape.

kernel for example should be build with make-kpkg
(provided by kernel-package)

You should at least convert the rpm with alien to a deb (I think that is
what it does :))

Ciao, mattHias

   __   _   __   *
/\_/\  \ \_/ \_/ /   *  Matthias Wieser  *
   / \  \   /*  ICQ#:  12597522  *
  / /\_/\ \  \_/^\_/ *[EMAIL PROTECTED]   *
  WW WW  *

TTF fonts : Missing charsets ...

2001-03-01 Thread Christophe TROESTLER
Hi, I use wfstt to get TTF available to X.  I can see the fonts with
xlsfonts | grep ttf 
but when I try for example
xfd -fn -ttf-verdana-medium-r-normal-regular-0-0-0-0-p-0-iso8859-1
I get 
Warning: Missing charsets in String to FontSet conversion
Warning: Unable to load any usable fontset
Warning: Cannot convert string 
"-ttf-verdana-medium-r-normal-regular-0-0-0-0-p-0-iso8859-1" to type FontStruct
xfd:  no font to display

I am a bit lost about what to do.  Does somebody have a clue what to
look for?


P.S. I run 
xfree86-common 3.3.6-11potato

Re: It's MY computer, not Bill's!

2001-03-01 Thread MaD dUCK
what is the machine going to serve?

 - pop3?  i'd assume no
 - smtp  yes
 - proxy services?   yes
 - NAT?  yes
 - DNS?  no
 - DHCP? no
 - firewall  no

> I would like advice about partitioning.

with 42Gb, you will be safe as follows:

hda1   /boot16M
hda2  your RAM size
hda5   /500M
hda6   /usr 10G
hda7   /home29G
hda8   /var 1G
hda9   /tmp 1G

> I would like advice about keeping W95.

no! why?

> I would like advice about which kernel to use.

2.4.2 works fine for me. especially the netfiltering is spiffy.

> Any other thoughts, ideas, hints, suggestions, etc.

we're envious. even installing debian is fun!


[greetings from the heart of the sun]# echo [EMAIL PROTECTED]:1:[EMAIL 
"god is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh."
   -- voltaire

Re: using RHL 7's rpm in debian 2.2r2

2001-03-01 Thread Ankit Jain
Is 'no to rpms' a general rule i shud follow or is it just with 'some'

- Original Message -
From: "Forrest English" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Ankit Jain" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 02, 2001 12:57 AM
Subject: Re: using RHL 7's rpm in debian 2.2r2

> no to the rpm of xfree.  i mean, i suppose you technicaly could try it
> with alien... but in no way would i suggest it.
> kernels are kernels.  as long as you have the libs to compile them.
> --
> Forrest English
> "When we have nothing left to give
> There will be no reason for us to live
> But when we have nothing left to lose
> You will have nothing left to use"
> -Fugazi

Re: using RHL 7's rpm in debian 2.2r2

2001-03-01 Thread Forrest English
no to the rpm of xfree.  i mean, i suppose you technicaly could try it
with alien... but in no way would i suggest it.

kernels are kernels.  as long as you have the libs to compile them. 

Forrest English

"When we have nothing left to give
There will be no reason for us to live
But when we have nothing left to lose
You will have nothing left to use"

On Fri, 2 Mar 2001, Ankit Jain wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have been a longtime user of RedHat and installed Debian 2.2r2 today. I
> have a few queries-
>  1. I have a dial-up connection so its not possible for me to d/l huge
> binaries. I have the RHL 7 cd, n it has XFree86 4.0.1.rpm, can i use this 2
> install Xf 4.0.1 on my debian box ?
>  2. I have a sources for kernel 2.4.2, can i safely compile them on debian?
> thanx
> -Ankit
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

using RHL 7's rpm in debian 2.2r2

2001-03-01 Thread Ankit Jain
Hi all,
I have been a longtime user of RedHat and installed Debian 2.2r2 today. I
have a few queries-

 1. I have a dial-up connection so its not possible for me to d/l huge
binaries. I have the RHL 7 cd, n it has XFree86 4.0.1.rpm, can i use this 2
install Xf 4.0.1 on my debian box ?

 2. I have a sources for kernel 2.4.2, can i safely compile them on debian?


It's MY computer, not Bill's!

2001-03-01 Thread Robert Tucker
I could use some "advice". Here is your chance to directly influence a
new installation of Debian without experiencing the repercussions.

I have a PII w/128 ram, 1.44 floppy, 1 cd-rom, 1 cd-rom burner, ZIP
drive, Unknown video mfr. (works w/W95 and it was free), SoundBlaster
pro,  ethernet card, DSL, 10gig C: drive and a new-in-the-box 42gig HD.

I've read over the docs for Debian and still feel a bit shy about making
hard decissions about how to partition my new drive. I want to
completely purge Microsoft from my system (life!) so I plan to replace
the 10gig with the 42gig or at least put W95 back as an alternate

I want to use this computer as a server for 2 other machines. I have 4
users (self, wife and 2 kids). I would like to create an open ended
situation where I can add/alter/remove as desired for software and
hardware. Or, get as close to this as possible.

Please feel free to respond to the following. I will really appreciate
it and I THANK YOU in advance.

I would like advice about partitioning.
I would like advice about keeping W95.
I would like advice about which kernel to use.

Any other thoughts, ideas, hints, suggestions, etc.


Re: Comments VMWare?

2001-03-01 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Thu, Mar 01, 2001 at 04:04:37PM +0100, Jonathan Gift wrote:
> Andrew Perrin wrote:
> > There should be no problem with 32-bit apps, since VMWare reproduces an
> > entire x86 *machine* on which you load whatever you want (windows, linux,
> > DOS, etc.).  I think you can either use an existing filesystem or it will
> > generate a huge file that contains the entire windows filesystem.
> Great. Thanks for the help. Given I load Windows, which is coming in now
> at 300MB plus, what space does VMware itself take up?

A bit less than 20 MB.


Re: Using WindowMaker under Debian

2001-03-01 Thread Carl Johnson
Santiago Fernandez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi,
> I have two  questions about using WindowMaker and I  haven't been able
> to find an answer.
> Firstly, when  I run WindowMaker with  startx I cannot save  either my
> session or  my settings using  WPrefs or wmakerconf. I  have different
> partitions for  /home, /usr, etc... The  system says it cannot  make a
> symbolic  link  between devices  (I  don't  remember the  exact  error
> message  and  I can't  check  it  now). If  I  use  a graphical  login
> application  (such  as  xdm,, etc...)  I  don't  have  that
> problem,  but  I cannot  afford  the  waste  of memory.  I've  checked
> permissions, Xserver  configuration and  startx options but  I haven't
> been able to find what's missing.

If you have set TMPDIR, then this has already been reported, but I
don't remember which bug report.  You just need to unset TMPDIR before
running startx and it should work properly.  Apparently the package
tries to rename using a hard link from the file in TMPDIR to /tmp.


RE: Comments VMWare?

2001-03-01 Thread Martin Marconcini
They Are for 30 Days.

Full Access.



-Original Message-
From: Andrew Perrin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2001 3:19 PM
To: Jonathan Gift
Cc: Andrew Perrin; Debian
Subject: Re: Comments VMWare?

I don't actually know about file sizes, and I don't have an installation
currently - sorry. When last I worked with VMWare, the free downloads were
time-limited. But again, that's been a while.

Andrew J Perrin - Ph.D. Candidate, UC Berkeley, Dept. of Sociology
Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA -

On Thu, 1 Mar 2001, Jonathan Gift wrote:

> Andrew Perrin wrote:
> > There should be no problem with 32-bit apps, since VMWare reproduces an
> > entire x86 *machine* on which you load whatever you want (windows,
> > DOS, etc.).  I think you can either use an existing filesystem or it
> > generate a huge file that contains the entire windows filesystem.
> Great. Thanks for the help. Given I load Windows, which is coming in now
> at 300MB plus, what space does VMware itself take up?
> Alos, I've seen downloads available. are they limited time/feature
> demos?
> Thanks,
> Jonathan
> --
> /* Jonathan Gift

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

Re: Any problems with this hardware?

2001-03-01 Thread Jan Ulrich Hasecke
Hallo Jason!

Am Don, 01 Mär 2001, schrieb Jason Nord:

> The first place I would look would be the "Linux Hardware Database"

I had a look at it, but there are no ratings for the board and the
Riva 128. I must search for the GeForce 2 MX.

> >Board: Socket A GIGABYTE 7ZX Via 133 ATX with Sound Blaster 128
> >   Sound on board
> >

> >Video: Riva 128 TNT2 Pro AGP 32MB & TV out
> >   or
> >   GeForce 2 MX AGP 32MB DDR Creative Labs


Zuchtmeister Sloterdijk im Menschenpark

Bind9 broke inn2 2.2

2001-03-01 Thread Remco Blaakmeer
I am running Debian 'unstable', but with inn2 from 'testing'. Since newsx
doesn't work with inn2 2.3 yet (and I need newsx), I am still using inn2
version But since I installed the bind9 packages, I
get tons of messages like this in my log files:

Feb 28 22:46:11 qn-195-66-31-144 ctlinnd[2141]: Hostname does not resolve or 
'domain' in inn.conf is missing

Sometimes inn dies because of this, other times it just throttles. If I
restart it, it works again for some time.

Can anybody help me with this problem?

qn-195-66-31-144:   7:15pm  up 21:03,  9 users,  load average: 1.60, 1.40, 1.17

Re: Comments VMWare?

2001-03-01 Thread Andrew Perrin
I don't actually know about file sizes, and I don't have an installation
currently - sorry. When last I worked with VMWare, the free downloads were
time-limited. But again, that's been a while.

Andrew J Perrin - Ph.D. Candidate, UC Berkeley, Dept. of Sociology  
Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA -

On Thu, 1 Mar 2001, Jonathan Gift wrote:

> Andrew Perrin wrote:
> > There should be no problem with 32-bit apps, since VMWare reproduces an
> > entire x86 *machine* on which you load whatever you want (windows, linux,
> > DOS, etc.).  I think you can either use an existing filesystem or it will
> > generate a huge file that contains the entire windows filesystem.
> Great. Thanks for the help. Given I load Windows, which is coming in now
> at 300MB plus, what space does VMware itself take up?
> Alos, I've seen downloads available. are they limited time/feature
> demos?
> Thanks, 
> Jonathan
> -- 
> /* Jonathan Gift 

  1   2   3   >