Hora mundial

2001-03-19 Thread Carlos López

Perdón por la pregunta pero necesito descargar unas
imágenes iso de Debian que hay en la universidad de
chicago que cambian cada dia ...

¿Sabes alguna url donde pueda ver la hora mundial ???
Estoy en u´na máquina windows y no usar nada más que
el navegador ...

Do You Yahoo!?
Obtenga su dirección de correo-e gratis @yahoo.com
en http://correo.espanol.yahoo.com

Re: Conexión casera de 2 pc's

2001-03-19 Thread Javier Fafián Alvarez
On Mon, Mar 12, 2001 at 09:29:08PM +0100, 31 wrote:
 y solo con eso, podría hacer que con un modem tengan conexion a inet los
 2 y lo mismo con la impresora
¿ Al decir sólo con eso te refieres a las tarjetas o al cable paralelo ?
con las tarjetas la respuesta es rotundamente si. Puedes conectar los dos
ordenadores, o los que te de la gana a internet, pero tienes que ajustar un poco
la configuración del que tiene el modem, con debian 5 minutillos ;)
 El problema es que tacharra no se si tendra disco duro suficiente para
 linux con el servidor x ¿cuantos megas podría ocupar?
Con potato y sin gnome ni kde yo creo que 200 megas llegan. Luego según lo que
le vayas metiendo ...

Javier Fafián Alvarez   | La planificación es el secreto
en un Pentiun 166   |   del éxito.
RAM 32 Mb kernel 2.2.18 | Extraido de :
Con Linux Debian woody (2.2) testing| www.barrapunto.es

Re: SpellChecker castellano.

2001-03-19 Thread Jaime E . Villate
On Sat, Mar 17, 2001 at 01:41:52AM +0100, MaX in the FaX wrote:
 Muchas gracias por esto trick. Ahora tengo un teclado en castellano y
 con esto corrector ortográfico escribo un poco mejor.

Ahora necesitas encontrar una buena guía gramatical; y perdonad el off-topic,
pero ¿alguien conoce alguna en línea? es que a mi también me sería útil, pues
desde que vivo en Portugal ya no distingo muy bien entre español y portugués.

Aprovecho para corregirte un error: no uses esto cuando vaya acompañado por
un sustantivo; en ese caso se usa siempre este o esta; esto solamente
en algunos casos, y cuando va solo. Ejemplos:
  Instala este programa.
  Me gusta mas esta caja.
  A mi me gusta mas esta.
  El corrector ortográfico no te corrige esto.

Re: Apache y .www_acl

2001-03-19 Thread Diego Bote
On Mon, Mar 19, 2001 at 02:05:24AM +0100, Amaya wrote:
 El problema es que dentro de ese directorio se discrimina además por nombre 
 de archivo.
 Tengo un .www_acl (_enorme_) de este estilo:
 123*.xls : GET : usuario1, usuario2, usuarion 
 456*.xls : GET : usuario1, usuario2, usuarion
 ¿Puedo hacer que Apache lo vea sin usar un Files Match para cada entrada?
 Hablamos de una máquina lenta, y me temo que esto de montar un Files Match
 para cada regla va a resultar en algo inusable. Además los administradores de
 la máquina no quieren ni oir hablar de cambios dramáticos (ni a nivel de SO ni
 a nivel de estructura de directorios). Vamos, que llevan años con un método
 un tanto así y quieren seguir con él. 

Sintiéndolo mucho lo que he leido de Apache solo me sugiere que es 
puede hacer como indicas.
 Acepto todo tipo de sugerencias creativas. :-)
Siendo así se me ocurre que poniendo todos los documentos en un 
directorio no navegable, haciendo un directorio para cada usuario, y poniendo 
dentro de éste links a sus documentos esto quedaría bien, además el fichero 
.htacces de cada directorio no sería mas que unas pocas lineas.

 Gracias mil, 

De nada, espero que te sirva, es lo primero que se me ha ocurrido.

   Desperate Amaya

Ánimo, si no es esta, alguien te dará la solución que buscas.



Diego Bote BarcoEscuela de Ingenierías Industriales
Área de Matemática Aplicada Avda. de Elvas s/nº
Departamento de Matemáticas C.P.: 06071 BADAJOZ
Universidad de Extremadura  Tlf.: 924 289600 ext 9754 Fax: 924 289601

Re: Impresora

2001-03-19 Thread Diego Bote
 Huy, perdón, quería decir:
 insmod parport
 insmod parport_pc io=0x278 irq=7
 insmod lp

En mi pc el puerto paralelo es el io=0x378 ¡Quizás sea eso!


Diego Bote BarcoEscuela de Ingenierías Industriales
Área de Matemática Aplicada Avda. de Elvas s/nº
Departamento de Matemáticas C.P.: 06071 BADAJOZ
Universidad de Extremadura  Tlf.: 924 289600 ext 9754 Fax: 924 289601

Re: Hora mundial

2001-03-19 Thread Jaume Teixi
on day of Mon, 19 Mar 2001 02:44:02 -0600 (CST), the message from Carlos

 ¿Sabes alguna url donde pueda ver la hora mundial ???

hola Carlos,

creo que te pueden servir:


jaume teixi.

Re: Hora mundial

2001-03-19 Thread Christoph Simon
On Mon, 19 Mar 2001 02:44:02 -0600 (CST)
Carlos López [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Perdón por la pregunta pero necesito descargar unas
 imágenes iso de Debian que hay en la universidad de
 chicago que cambian cada dia ...
 ¿Sabes alguna url donde pueda ver la hora mundial ???
 Estoy en u´na máquina windows y no usar nada más que
 el navegador ...

1. Hazte con un sistema operativo de verdad, como por exemplo un
   Debin GNU/Linux.
2. Desde el shell:
TZ=Europa/Madrid date
Mon Mar 19 10:48:21 Europa/Madrid 2001

TZ=America/Sao_Paulo date
Mon Mar 19 07:48:59 BRT 2001

TZ=America/Chicago date
Mon Mar 19 04:49:29 CST 2001

TZ=Indian/Maldives date
Mon Mar 19 15:50:32 MVT 2001

¿Lo bastante mundial?

Christoph Simon

Re: Hora mundial

2001-03-19 Thread Carlos López
De muerte. Lo que estaba buscando ...

Gracias a todos.

--- Jaume Teixi [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:  on day
of Mon, 19 Mar 2001 02:44:02 -0600 (CST), the
 message from Carlos
 López [EMAIL PROTECTED] says:
  ¿Sabes alguna url donde pueda ver la hora mundial
 hola Carlos,
 creo que te pueden servir:
 jaume teixi.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe

Do You Yahoo!?
Obtenga su dirección de correo-e gratis @yahoo.com
en http://correo.espanol.yahoo.com

Re: Hora mundial

2001-03-19 Thread Chipuli
Da doble-click sobre el reloj de la taskbar y en la ventana que aparesca
hay una pestaña de Time Zone :)

Atte: Chip
n:Chípuli Padrón;Jorge
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Probelmas con el Kernel 2.4.2

2001-03-19 Thread marmolejo
On Fri, Mar 16, 2001 at 01:45:00AM +0100, PIARRES wrote:
 Estoy intentando actualizar el Kernel del 2.2 al 2.4.2 pero tengo un 
 problema con el masquerading, me explico al instalar este nuevo nucleo 
 me desaparece la opcion de utilizar el ipchains como toda la vida (con 
 Xconfig aparece una opción para hacer el kernel compatible con 
 Ipchanins pero me aparece no seleccionable). He probado con multitud de 
 parametros pero no consigo hacerlo funcionar. 
Yo me pasaría a iptables como te dicen en otro mensaje, pero si quieres 
seguir usando ipchains, ¿has probado a  activar:

# Code maturity level options

? Creo que con eso te saldrá :-)

Donald usa teclado. Mickey, Mouse.

  - Debian GNU/Linux Sid Linux User #162799 - 
   -  PGP Pub Key en pgp.rediris.es ID:0x64438485  -
  - marmolejo at able.es  ICQ: 65833679 -

Description: PGP signature

Re: frame buffer

2001-03-19 Thread marmolejo
On Thu, Mar 15, 2001 at 07:53:42PM -0600, Mauricio E Ruiz Font wrote:
 Hola, tengo algunos problemas tartando de configurar frame buffer en el
 kernel, que es lo que debo dar de alta para poder entra en esta seccion?
Creo que te falta el Code maturity options, lo de cosas experimentales y en 
proceso de programaciónaún:

# Code maturity level options

 M$turbr$e en exce$0 f3c7  l v!$!0n

  - Debian GNU/Linux Sid Linux User #162799 - 
   -  PGP Pub Key en pgp.rediris.es ID:0x64438485  -
  - marmolejo at able.es  ICQ: 65833679 -

Description: PGP signature

apt-get search

2001-03-19 Thread David Felipe Arias Ochoa
alguien sabe del usa de apt-get con esta opcion en alguno lados lo he
visto pero no he podido implementarla

Re: apt-get search

2001-03-19 Thread Daniel Payno
Hola David...

decías, el 08:38-19/mar/2001:

 alguien sabe del usa de apt-get con esta opcion en alguno lados lo he
 visto pero no he podido implementarla
es apt-cache search
Daniel PaynoGrupo de Usuarios de Linux
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

086 gcc: sin | more souls ! /dev/hell

Description: PGP signature

apt-get cache search

2001-03-19 Thread David Felipe Arias Ochoa
apt-cache search php4 en mi caso este pero como hago para instalar todos
los paquetes que tienen php4

Re: apt-get cache search

2001-03-19 Thread Luis Arocha -Data-
At 19 March 2001, David Felipe Arias Ochoa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

apt-cache search php4 en mi caso este pero como hago para instalar 
los paquetes que tienen php4

No creo que necesites instalar todos los paquetes que tengan una
referencia a php4 (apt-cache search busca también en las descripciones).

apt-cache te da una lista y de esa lista le pedirás que te instale lo
que necesites con:

apt-get install php4 php-cgi   # por ejemplo

Luis Arocha Data
Islas Canarias, España

Re: apt-get search

2001-03-19 Thread Rodrigo Moya
On 19 Mar 2001 08:38:32 +, David Felipe Arias Ochoa wrote:
 alguien sabe del usa de apt-get con esta opcion en alguno lados lo he
 visto pero no he podido implementarla
es apt-cache search



Re: apt-get cache search

2001-03-19 Thread Rodrigo Moya
On 19 Mar 2001 09:21:54 +, David Felipe Arias Ochoa wrote:
 apt-cache search php4 en mi caso este pero como hago para instalar todos
 los paquetes que tienen php4
apt-get install php4*



Corel linux

2001-03-19 Thread Diego Henin
Quiero saber como hago para cargar la interfaz grafica, por que no la carga

Chau gracias

Compilacion del nucleo 2.4.x

2001-03-19 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
Hola a todos...

Estoy preparando para compilar el nucleo 2.4.2, y leyendo la documentacion,
dice que no es deseable (o aconsejable) aplicar una optimizacion mayor de

Los nucleos 2.2.x, los compilaba con O3 y no he notado nunca ningun
comportamiento extraño, sin embargo con los 2.0.x, si habia algunos
problemas, sobre todo al ejecutar las X.

¿Habeis compilado alguna vez el nucleo 2.4.x con O3?
¿Con que resultados?


Re: Corel linux

2001-03-19 Thread Oscar M. Seoane
Diego Henin escribió:

 Quiero saber como hago para cargar la interfaz grafica, por que no la carga

 Chau gracias

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

¿Quieres cargarte la interfaz gráfica o el Corel Linux? Abogo por la 2ª opción.

Re: apt-get cache search

2001-03-19 Thread Francisco Callejo
El lunes, 19 de marzo de 2001, David Felipe Arias Ochoa escribió:
 apt-cache search php4 en mi caso este pero como hago para instalar todos
 los paquetes que tienen php4

Con apt-cache pkgnames php4 obtienes una lista de todos los módulos
de php4; elige los que quieras e instálalos con apt-get install.

Francisco Callejo Giménez
Bornos, Cádiz, España

Mini Linux con Debian

2001-03-19 Thread LACIUS
Hace varios meses pregunté en la lista dónde podía obtener 
documentación para extraer de Debian un sistema mini-linux en un único 
disquete. Después de recopilar la información prometí informar de mis 
resultados a la lista -en especial a todos aquellos que me respondieron-
En resumidas cuentas he automatizado con sencillos scripts las diversas 
operaciones que encajan el núcleo 2.2.17 (puede rondar según mis 
opciones entre los 400 y 500 kb) y un sistema de ficheros comprimido 
(ocupa el resto de disquete 800 a 900 kb).
Sin embargo los resultados obtenidos no son los esperados. Seleccionar 
las opciones del núcleo, elegir los binarios, las librerías, generar 
los ficheros de configuración básicos y encajar el sistema no son un 
problema para mi (sólo es cuestión de tiempo y afinar el detalle). Pero 
la verdad es que:
- operando con los archivos tomados de Debian me encuentro con que no 
puedo acceder al sistema. Login me responde siempre que el usuario es 
desconocido. En principio creo que es un detalle de PAM o de alguna 
opción de PAM que busca en un fichero log algún tipo de información que 
no puedo deducir con la documentación que tengo a mano.
- Después de muchos intentos frustrados pasé a trabajar con los 
binarios de busybox y tinylogin, aquí no tengo problema alguno para 
trabajar con el sistema.
Mi pregunta es la siguiente, ¿alguien imagina lo que puede estar 
fallando en el primero de los casos?.
Un saludo.
José Francisco.

Chatea con Andreu Martín. Escritor. 
El martes día 20 de Marzo a las 20:00 en 

Re: Telnet y mapa de teclado

2001-03-19 Thread marmolejo
On Sat, Mar 17, 2001 at 07:01:12PM +0100, José Miguel Sisó Espitia wrote:
   Tengo un problema y no se me ocurre como solucionarlo.
   He conseguido conectar dos ordenadores en red un k6 y un 386sx. 
 Hasta ahi todo bien, cuando intento arrancar desde el 386sx mediante telnet 
 mutt, resulta que el teclado del 386 debe estar configurado de diferente 
 forma (pues es un portatil) y no responde correctamente a las teclas de mutt.
   ¿Que deberia hacer?.
   Un saludo y gracias a todos.

¿Tienes bien el keymap instalado?...prueba 
install-keymap /usr/share/keymaps/i386/qwerty/es.kmap.gz
A mí me va bien el teclado, y eso que en origen este es alemán,incluso tuve que
ponerle unas pegatinas (el alemán es qwertz y no qwerty)

P.D.- También tienes el es-cp850.kmap.gz

Error de Windows 98- Se ha encontrado un rutina correcta!!!

  - Debian GNU/Linux Sid Linux User #162799 - 
   -  PGP Pub Key en pgp.rediris.es ID:0x64438485  -
  - marmolejo at able.es  ICQ: 65833679 -

Description: PGP signature

Re: Mini Linux con Debian

2001-03-19 Thread Manuel García
El Mon, 19 de Mar de 2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió...
 Hace varios meses pregunté en la lista dónde podía obtener 
 documentación para extraer de Debian un sistema mini-linux en un único 
 disquete. Después de recopilar la información prometí informar de mis 
 resultados a la lista -en especial a todos aquellos que me respondieron-
Y al poco tiempo incluyeron el paquete yard en Sid, como no guardé los
mensajes no pude contestar :(, lo siento. Si te va perl échale un
vistazo, adjunto descripción.

Un saludo, Manuel
Package: yard
Priority: optional
Section: utils
Installed-Size: 322
Maintainer: Hector Garcia [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Architecture: all
Version: 2.0-2
Depends: perl5, make (=3.00)
Suggests: ash
Filename: pool/main/y/yard/yard_2.0-2_all.deb
Size: 156988
MD5sum: ebcf4e83c7039dc8f38bbd2fab8cb12b
Description: Perl scripts to build rescue disk(s) to revive a system
 Yard is a suite of Perl scripts for creating custom boot/rescue
 disks.  Using a compressed filesystem, it can put a standard kernel
 image plus about 2.4 meg of utilities on a single floppy.  Yard is
 also useful for creating self-contained Linux-on-a-floppy systems.
 You specify a basic set of files and utilities for inclusion and
 Yard handles many of the details.  Features:
  - File specs allow absolute and relative filenames, symbolic links,
file replacements and full shell-style globbing.
  - Automatically determines necessary libraries and loaders.
  - Allows stripping of binaries and libraries during copying.
  - Automatically regenerates ld.so.cache
  - Checks for broken symlinks
  - Checks /etc/{fstab,inittab,termcap,pam.conf} for common errors and
  - Checks user directories and files mentioned in /etc/passwd
  - Checks command files (eg, rc.local and .login) and scripts for
missing binaries and command interpreters.
  - Automatically performs filesystem compression and copying.
  - Can be used with or without LILO.
  - Can make single or double disk sets.
  - Extensive checking of user choices and execution errors.


2001-03-19 Thread Manuel Clos
Si alguien le apetece una birra y vive en Girona (o cerca) ya sabe que
quiero a cambio.

Hasta ahora.

Manuel Clos,

Errores en el arranque

2001-03-19 Thread Luis Arocha -data-

Estos son dos errores que me salen durante el arranque del sistema.
¿Alguien puede darme una pista sobre ellos?
Gracias Adelantadas,
modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module char-major-10-135

Warning: /boot/System.map-2.4.2 not parseable as a System.map
Warning: /boot/System.map not parseable as a System.map
Luis Arocha Hernandez Data [EMAIL PROTECTED], Islas Canarias - Spain
_  o__o__  o__  O_ OO  
  o/  ,/,/  ,/ ,//,/\ ,/|  

Description: PGP signature

Debian en una máquina apple.

2001-03-19 Thread Personal Oscar.Morato
Saludos a todos:

Tengo una máquina Power PPC 4400 de Apple, y quiero instalar en ella alguna
distribucion de Debian, para que sea mi servidor en mi mini-intranet

He usado linux en máquinas clónicas.

He estado en el site de Debian.org, para enterarme de como instalar el SO de
debian en esta clase de arquitectura, pero la verdad es que no me entero.

Por el momento creo que me he enterado de que linux puede correr en Discos
Duros con formato HFS, así que he bajado todos los ficheros de instalacion
base y de diskette para empezar a realizar la instalación.

El problema llega ahora,

¿como hago imagenes de disco en los disquetes de los ficheros .bin que me he

El proceso descrito en la web deja algo que desear.

gracias a todos

Re: Errores en el arranque

2001-03-19 Thread José Luis Fernández Barros
On Monday 19 March 2001 23:35, Luis Arocha -data- wrote:

 Estos son dos errores que me salen durante el arranque del sistema.
 ¿Alguien puede darme una pista sobre ellos?
 Gracias Adelantadas,
 modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module char-major-10-135

En Documentation/devices.txt corresponde al dispositivo /dev/rtc. Asegurate 
que en /etc/modutils/arch/i386 (o en cualquier fichero en /etc/modutils/) 
aprece la línea:

alias char-major-10-135 rtc

(y ejecuta update-modules)

Arrancar el Exim

2001-03-19 Thread Luis M. Arroyo Egoscozabal
Hola, ahora estoy arrancando el Exim mediante un script tonto, que solo llama 
al script que hay en /etc/init.d/exim con el argumento start. Le digo que 
arranque el sistema con update-rc.d exim.sh defaults, donde el exim.sh es 

/etc/init.d/exim start

Claro, al arrancar lo ejecuta bien, pero al salir lo intenta arrancar otra vez. 
No me molesta, pero asi aprendo mejor lo de los runlevels, como puedo hacer que 
al mandar un halt el argumento sea /etc/init.d/exim stop, en vez del start que 
hay ahora?



Fwd: FW

2001-03-19 Thread Monkiki
Hash: SHA1

- --  Mensaje Reenviado  --
Subject: Fwd: FW
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2001 09:19:52 +0100
From: Francisco Jose Avila - Desarrollo [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- --  Mensaje Reenviado  --
Subject: FW
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2001 08:37:24 +0100
From: Paco Ros - Desarrollo [EMAIL PROTECTED]

!doctype html public -//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en
body bgcolor=#FF

- ---

- --
Baco, por siempre loado,
os libre del cirrotico mal
y del advenimiento gonococico.

- ---

- -- 
- -

 * Mi Windows 95 no se cuelg...

- -
  Registered Linux user number 134.596

 E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Powered by Debian (2.4.2 on i686)
 Web: http://www.geocities.com/monkiki5/
 ICQ: 89191538
 Yahoo: monkiki5
- -
Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org

inline: ass.jpginline: Stoei Poezen.jpg

Re: Arrancar el Exim

2001-03-19 Thread José Luis Fernández Barros
On Tuesday 20 March 2001 00:44, Luis M. Arroyo Egoscozabal wrote:
 Hola, ahora estoy arrancando el Exim mediante un script tonto, que solo
 llama al script que hay en /etc/init.d/exim con el argumento start. Le digo
 que arranque el sistema con update-rc.d exim.sh defaults, donde el exim.sh
 es simplemente:

 /etc/init.d/exim start

 Claro, al arrancar lo ejecuta bien, pero al salir lo intenta arrancar otra
 vez. No me molesta, pero asi aprendo mejor lo de los runlevels, como puedo
 hacer que al mandar un halt el argumento sea /etc/init.d/exim stop, en vez
 del start que hay ahora?



En el paquete exim ya se ejecuta update-rc.d exim defaults (mira 
/var/lib/dpkg/info/exim.postinst). Creando un nuevo /etc/init.d/exim y 
volviendo a ejecutar update-rc.d exim.sh defaults estás repitiendo el 
trabajo, solo que ahora ese shell no entiende el argumento stop (siempre 
ejecuta /etc/init.d/exim start).
Yo dejaría el arranque de exim como estaba con update-rc.d -f exim.sh 
remove. Échale un vistazo a /etc/init.d/skeleton.

Problemas con Hp Deskjet 720C

2001-03-19 Thread Rusty
       Buenas queridos amigos,mi cosulta viene a decir lo mismo k el 
subject,es decir hay alguien k tenga una Hewlett Packard Deskjet 720 C y 
que le funciones en Debian.Yo la conseguí hacer imprimir con una 
mandrake k tuve instalada,pero con la debian no lo consigo.Por favor 
sería importante recibir vuestra ayuda porke estoy hasta las narices de 
tener windows solo para imprimir.
                      Gracias por adelantado


2001-03-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Quisiera saber que lineas tengo que agregar en una potato para poder
mantener el sistema con todas las actualizaciones al día y absolutamente
todos los paquetes que se encuentran en www.debian.org.
Quiero poder tener por ejemplo KDE, Evolution, etc.
Actualmente tengo:
deb http://non-us.debian.org/debian-non-US stable/non-US main contrib
deb http://security.debian.org stable/updates main contrib non-free
Es suficiente con estas o se precisa algo mas?.


Santiago Pastorino
  Debian GNU/Linux Woody

Re: sources.list

2001-03-19 Thread José Luis Fernández Barros
On Tuesday 20 March 2001 02:26, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Quisiera saber que lineas tengo que agregar en una potato para poder
 mantener el sistema con todas las actualizaciones al día y absolutamente
 todos los paquetes que se encuentran en www.debian.org.
 Quiero poder tener por ejemplo KDE, Evolution, etc.
 Actualmente tengo:
 deb http://non-us.debian.org/debian-non-US stable/non-US main contrib
 deb http://security.debian.org stable/updates main contrib non-free
 Es suficiente con estas o se precisa algo mas?.

Mi sugerencia:

# Helix Gnome
deb http://spidermonkey.helixcode.com/distributions/debian unstable main

# KDE 2
deb ftp://ftp.linux.ee/pub/kde.tdyc.com/debian/ potato main crypto optional 

# Potato
deb ftp://ftp.uk.debian.org/debian stable contrib main non-free
deb ftp://ftp.uk.debian.org/debian stable/non-US contrib main non-free
# cambia uk por un mirror más cercano. Para España va bien.
deb http://security.debian.org stable/updates main contrib non-free

De Slink a Potato o Woody

2001-03-19 Thread Oscar M. Seoane

Soy totalmente nuevo con Debian. Tengo recien instalada la versión Slink
en modo texto y quisiera actualizar todos los paquetes a Potato o Woody
(¿Cuál me recomendáis?).
Quisiera saber qué es exactamente lo que debo de hacer para poder
actualizarme desde la consola; me refiero a que tipo de comandos debo de
Tambien quisiera saber si una vez actualizado es factible descargar e
instalar Gnome desde internet con Lynx, ejecutando :

lynx -source http://go-gnome.com/ | sh

o si por el contrario me recomendáis instalarlo a mano desde un CD.
Esta última cuestión la planteo porque en la página de gnome hace
referencia a la compatibilidad de este escritorio con Debian, pero a la
hora de seleccionar Debian para descargar e instalar Gnome, no aparece
por ningún lado.

Muchas gracias por anticipado y salu2.


2001-03-19 Thread Mikael Hedin
Det finns en xserver som inte kör någon grafik, utan är en dummy av
något slag.  Jag läste ett tips och prövade för några år sedan, och
det gick att köra realplayer i text-mode med den.  Den kan heta något
i stiil med xvfb, men det är en gissning.  Pröva att söka på
realplayer och text console eller något sådant.



Mikael Hedin, MSc   +46 (0)980 79176
Swedish Institute of Space Physics  +46 (0)8 344979 (home)
Box 812, S-981 28 KIRUNA, Sweden+46 (0)70 5891533 (mobile)
[gpg key fingerprint = 387F A8DB DC2A 50E3 FE26  30C4 5793 29D3 C01B 2A22]


2001-03-19 Thread Andre Andrade

Alguém já conseguiu instalar o LinuDent no Debian? 
Estou tenho muitos problemas! Tb não consegui no Conectiva 

Atualização do kernel para 2.4.2

2001-03-19 Thread Fabiano Manoel de Andrade

Olá All.
  Uso o Debian potato 2.2r2  a algum tempo e estou querendo atulizar o 
meu kernel para a versão 2.4.2. Já tenho os fontes e já consegui 
compilálo, porém estou tendo problemas na instalação dos módulos. Sei 
que este problema  esta na versão do meu pacote modutils. Queria saber 
se alguém já fez a tualização do sistema com os pacotes necessários para 
a compilação correta do kernel 2.4.2? Pois é preciso instalar pacotes da 
versão woody. Tem muitos problemas?


aplicativos para ipv6

2001-03-19 Thread Cosmo

Por acaso alguem sabe onde posso encontrar os aplicativos ifconfig, route,
hostname, traceroute e ping para ipv6 ?!?!? Eu encontrei um texto sobre o ipv6 e
dizia que existe um pacote chamado ipv6pkg.tgz no seguinte site,
ftp://fazendeiro.cefetba.br/pub/ipv6/ipv6pkg.tgz. Mas infelismente nao estou
conseguindo acessar esse site de ftp. Procurei em outro lugar por esse pacote
mas nao encontrei. Por acaso alguem saberiam me dizer a onde eh que eu posso
encontrar ?!?!?

[ ]'s

Hack Hour Inc.

RE: aplicativos para ipv6

2001-03-19 Thread Carlos Laviola
apt-get install iputils-ping iputils-tracepath

O net-tools já traz suporte a IPv6 em todos os programas (ifconfig, route
etc.) há algum tempo. Isso assumindo que você rode unstable, óbvio - não faço
idéia do suporte no stable.
On 19-Mar-2001 Cosmo wrote:
 Por acaso alguem sabe onde posso encontrar os aplicativos ifconfig,
 hostname, traceroute e ping para ipv6 ?!?!? Eu encontrei um texto sobre o
 ipv6 e
 dizia que existe um pacote chamado ipv6pkg.tgz no seguinte site,
 ftp://fazendeiro.cefetba.br/pub/ipv6/ipv6pkg.tgz. Mas infelismente nao estou
 conseguindo acessar esse site de ftp. Procurei em outro lugar por esse pacote
 mas nao encontrei. Por acaso alguem saberiam me dizer a onde eh que eu posso
 encontrar ?!?!?

Carlos Laviola - ICQ 55799523
pub  1024D/3516D372 2000-06-05 Carlos Laviola [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Key fingerprint = 3BE1 6591 C78C 2AA4 31DD  AEEF 6406 0227 3516 D372

Description: PGP signature

Re: Opcao no Eterm x acentuacao

2001-03-19 Thread Raphael Pereira
On Sun 18 Mar 2001 23:16, Itamar Grochowski Rocha wrote:
 Alá pessoal,

 alguém pode confirmar se o mesmo acontece com vocês? Quando uso a opção
 borderless no Eterm, assim que colo um texto com o botão do meio do mouse a
 acentuação para de funcionar. O Eterm é o 0.8.10 e o xserver é o 4.0.2-1.


Bem, comigo acontece o mesmo, mas com o konsole do KDE2. Após colocar em Tela 
Cheia, a acentuação para de funcionar. a versão do xserver é a mesma!

Raphael Pereira

Re: maybe you can help

2001-03-19 Thread Rossen Naydenov
try www.debian.org
I think taha I saw recently exactly how to build duobootable system with windows and debian


Tom wrote:

  I am running windows 98 and want to keep it i was 
woundering if i could also run linux system on here as well as my windows 98 
system with out haveing to loose my windows please contact me with this info and 
how i can go about setting this up.. 
  ---Outgoing mail is certified Virus 
Free.Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).Version: 6.0.237 / 
Virus Database: 115 - Release Date: 3/7/01

Re: Problemas de instalacion

2001-03-19 Thread kmself
on Mon, Mar 19, 2001 at 01:39:31PM +0100, El señor de los anillos ([EMAIL 
PROTECTED]) wrote:
 Estimado Sr:
 Hola, resulta que me he decidido a instalar Debian en un segundo
 dico duro que tengo como esclavo, la instalacion se produce con
 total normalidad, pero al cabo de un rato, el teclado me deja de
 funcionar, y no es,  que el ordenador se quede colgado,
 simplemente el teclado no funciona, yo creo que puede deberse a un
 conflicto de irq, pero si fuese así ¿Como lo soluciono?. 
 El ordenador no es muy bueno que se diga. poseo un Celeron, y una
 placa base Mazza con targeta grafica y targeta de sonido
 integrados, los cuales los tengo desabilitados el la BIOS del
 ordenador, porque utilizo una targeta de sonido Sound Blaster y
 una Riva TNT2 que incorpore yo posteriormente. La placa no usa
 AGP, unicamente PCI. 
 En fin, no se que hacer, si podeis ayudarme os lo agradecere, sino
 decidme algien que pudiera hecharme un cable.
 Atentamente, un linuxero Alberto M.M.



...or post here in English.

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.comhttp://kmself.home.netcom.com/
 What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   There is no K5 cabal
  http://gestalt-system.sourceforge.net/ http://www.kuro5hin.org

Description: PGP signature

Re: start up script operation

2001-03-19 Thread kmself
on Sun, Mar 18, 2001 at 02:28:23PM -0500, John Kerr Anderson ([EMAIL 
PROTECTED]) wrote:
 I have entered a start up script named sysinit in the /etc/init.d
 directory.  I issued the command update-rc.d sysinit start 20 2 3 4 5 .
 stop 20 0 16 . which seemed to work OK.  When I restarted the computer
 the changes (starting hdparm  changing the text mode screen colours with
 setterm) failed to change the settings.  Is there something I'm doing
 wrong?  Do I need a separate file for each command?  Any help would be
 appreciated!  :-)
 Here is my sysint file:
 # speeds up I/O for the hard disk
 /sbin/hdparm -c3 -A1 -m8 /dev/hda
 # these commands change the text consoles into blue background and white
 # foreground screen colours.
 /usr/bin/setterm -background blue -foreground white
 /usr/bin/setterm -store

Read the file /etc/init.d/README and references therein for general
information on the SysV init system.

I'd strongly recommend adapting /etc/init.d/skeleton to create a
suitable init file.

What are your file permissions -- executable helps.

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.comhttp://kmself.home.netcom.com/
 What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   There is no K5 cabal
  http://gestalt-system.sourceforge.net/ http://www.kuro5hin.org

Description: PGP signature

ssh RSA key problem, Please help

2001-03-19 Thread Nick
I am getting the follwing message, how do I get rid of it??
fresh install of ssh

Someone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle attack)!
It is also possible that the RSA host key has just been changed.
Please contact your system administrator.
Add correct host key in /home/nick/.ssh/known_hosts to get rid of this 
RSA host key for 63.XXX.XXX.2 has changed and you have requested strict 

Re: view changelogs of new packages before installing them

2001-03-19 Thread kmself
on Sun, Mar 18, 2001 at 09:05:01PM +0100, Andre Berger ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 Hi all,
 can I view a package's changelog without having to download it first?
 This would be esp. useful for intended large downloads such as
 kernel-source-*; even kernel-doc-* is more than one meg to download each

$ apt-get install --download-only package

...You can then browse the package file itself through tools like mc,
gmc, or nautilus, or unpack it (it's a shar shell archive) to a
convenient location.

...I'm not aware that package files are available independently of the
packages themselves.

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.comhttp://kmself.home.netcom.com/
 What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   There is no K5 cabal
  http://gestalt-system.sourceforge.net/ http://www.kuro5hin.org

Description: PGP signature

Re: Help with themes

2001-03-19 Thread kmself
on Sun, Mar 18, 2001 at 12:10:02PM -0800, Alex Espinoza ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 I just switched from Slackware to Debian, and in the
 installation everything wento ok. I have Gnome running
 correctly, except for the themes.
 They don't seem to be working ok, since the themes for
 the scrollbars don't work and tittlebars have bigger
 fonts thatn they are supposed to.

Have you tried modifying the title fonts through the gnome

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.comhttp://kmself.home.netcom.com/
 What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   There is no K5 cabal
  http://gestalt-system.sourceforge.net/ http://www.kuro5hin.org

Description: PGP signature

Re: keyboard won't work with netscape

2001-03-19 Thread kmself
on Sun, Mar 18, 2001 at 02:15:44PM -0800, Denzil Kelly ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 From time to time, I lose the ability to use my
 keyboard with netscape 4.76. It appears to happen
 after entering infomation in a from, and on occasion
 clicking enter or submit on a form will correct the
 problem. Does anyone else have this problem?

Yes.  I've had that one.  It's since gone away -- I'm tracking sid.
Don't recall what the issue was.

Netscape sucks.  Unfortunately, it's about the best browser for my
PPro/180 box

If you've got a faster processor (PIII 300+ MHz), Mozilla's getting
better.  I prefer Skipstone and Galeon from a design standpoint but
wouldn't call them useable.  Konqueror's pretty damned good.  w3m rocks,
if you like ascii-only (I do).

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.comhttp://kmself.home.netcom.com/
 What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   There is no K5 cabal
  http://gestalt-system.sourceforge.net/ http://www.kuro5hin.org

Description: PGP signature

Re: view changelogs of new packages before installing them

2001-03-19 Thread Eric G. Miller
On Sun, Mar 18, 2001 at 11:27:31PM -0800, kmself@ix.netcom.com wrote:
 on Sun, Mar 18, 2001 at 09:05:01PM +0100, Andre Berger ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
  Hi all,
  can I view a package's changelog without having to download it first?
  This would be esp. useful for intended large downloads such as
  kernel-source-*; even kernel-doc-* is more than one meg to download each
 $ apt-get install --download-only package
 ...You can then browse the package file itself through tools like mc,
 gmc, or nautilus, or unpack it (it's a shar shell archive) to a
 convenient location.
 ...I'm not aware that package files are available independently of the
 packages themselves.

One could try adding this changelog script to ~/.bashrc:

changelog() {
[ $# = 1 ]  lynx http://master.debian.org/cgi-bin/get-changelog\?package=$1

However, it doesn't seem to work anymore... Maybe the change to package
pools eliminated to changelogs?

Eric G. Miller egm2@jps.net

Re: Hdparm and 2.4 kernel

2001-03-19 Thread Chris Howells

Generally you need to be root to use hdparm.

I am root! I wouldn't imagine it working it with a non-priveleged user.

There seems to be a gerneral problem with hdparm not being happy under 
the 2.4 kernel -- if I boot 2.2.18 again it works fine.

Even more generally you shouldn't need to use hdparm with 2.4.x kernels.
2.4.x has much better IDE support.

I get much better benchmark results with DMA set on.

Chris Howells
ICQ: 93699029
Web: http://www.chowells.uklinux.net

Re: Hdparm and 2.4 kernel

2001-03-19 Thread Chris Howells

Forrest English wrote:

is your kernel compiled with dma support?  because if it's not, thats not
gonna work.

Yup, pretty sure it is. I'll check though.

Chris Howells
ICQ: 93699029
Web: http://www.chowells.uklinux.net

Re: bash segfaulting and not being able to log in

2001-03-19 Thread kmself
on Sun, Mar 18, 2001 at 09:44:51PM -0500, Anthony Fox ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 I have two questions:
 1. Bash segfaults when I hit tab to autocomplete a filename.  I have
checked the bash FAQ which does not address my specific problem.
Has anyone seen this?

What version of bash?  In my case:

$ bash --version
GNU bash, version 2.04.0(1)-release (i386-pc-linux-gnu)
Copyright 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

You've posted this problem before and we've tried a couple of things
(keysyms, strace), without results.  The problem is odd, I'd try at this

  - Check bash bug reports.
  - Keyboard test.  This appears to be related to the problem.
  - Identify parameters of problem.  
  - Memory test.  Possible but unlikely if bash is the only problem.
  - Reinstall bash.

If the problem persists, file a bug report.

 2. I log in at the console, /etc/motd is printed, and then I am logged
out.  I have seen this problem on a box where home directories
where NFS mounted and the NFS mount did not exist.  My particular
box does not have home directories mounted, but my partition table
looks like:

Does this happen when logging in as a regular user, as root, either?

Does /etc/nologin exist?

Check your .bash_profile and .bashrc files, as well as any /etc/bashrc
and /etc/profile files.  You might try renaming these temporarily.

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.comhttp://kmself.home.netcom.com/
 What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   There is no K5 cabal
  http://gestalt-system.sourceforge.net/ http://www.kuro5hin.org

Description: PGP signature

Re: [OT] Linux palmtop computers?

2001-03-19 Thread kmself
on Fri, Mar 16, 2001 at 09:08:47AM +0800, csj ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 On Friday 16 March 2001 08:32, Michael P. Soulier wrote:
  On Fri, Mar 16, 2001 at 07:54:50AM +0800, csj wrote:
   I'm looking for a Linux-based palmtop computer. Is there such an
   animal? I have hit a number of project pages (e.g. pengachu), but
   no one seems to be shipping a finished product.
   I prefer a handheld with a keyboard because I find handwriting
   recognition too fiddly to let you get any real work done, like
   writing the occasional C program ;)
  Check out the Agenda.
 Thanks for the tip.
 I was looking at something more like the Psion. Agenda is a 
 stylus-based PDA. It has a keyboard accesorry but the site says 
 Note: This item is not yet available. 
 I guess I have to wait some while before writing the Great Online 

'linux handhelds' at google turns up links to other devices.  YOPY, the
Compaq handheld, etc.  You may also want to investigate wearables,
though you'll likely have to build your own in this case.

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.comhttp://kmself.home.netcom.com/
 What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   There is no K5 cabal
  http://gestalt-system.sourceforge.net/ http://www.kuro5hin.org

Description: PGP signature

Re: fstab

2001-03-19 Thread Rossen Naydenov
when you log klike a root tri chmod-ing your file so it isn't read only 
and edit it your self


Robin Gerard wrote:

I have added a wrong line in my fstab file and when linux starts I have
many errors.
Under root I can open fstab with mc (or xemacs) but read only  and Ican't
change it.
I have not a rescue floopy .
How can I restore my fstab ?
Looking forward for your advice and help.
Many thanks.

Re: Can't SSH. need help!

2001-03-19 Thread kmself
Please set your line length to 72 characters, without space padding.

on Thu, Mar 15, 2001 at 09:11:17PM -0500, Mark Livingstone ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 

 One of my boxes is running openssh_2.3.0 with only ssh2 enabled.. When
 i first installed Debian and ssh i could easily connect to that box..
 Having reinstalled it yesterday, i can't make ssh connect, i get the
 following error:

 Bad packet length 1397966893

 What did i do wrong during the install? When i enable protocol 1 on the
 remote box.. ssh works fine.

In /etc/ssh/sshd_config, check the order of the 'Protocol' line.  I
believe the order you want is 2, 1:

#Protocol 2,1


Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.comhttp://kmself.home.netcom.com/
 What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   There is no K5 cabal
  http://gestalt-system.sourceforge.net/ http://www.kuro5hin.org

Description: PGP signature

D-Link DFE-530TX+ via-rhine.o module

2001-03-19 Thread David Carlile


I am extremely new 
to Linux and I hope I am not wasting bandwidth here, buthere 

I have a D-Link 
DFE-530TX+ nic card that wasn't in the list when I installed. A source file was 
included on the floppy that came with the card for Red Hat and I attempted to 
compile it, but it puked on me with a number of error messages... I think it was 
expecting my kernel source to be in a certain place and it wasn't. Anyway, I did 
a little looking on the web and foundseveral suggestions to use 
via-rhine.o. What I am wondering is whether there is already a .deb package I 
can run on my cd, or if I have to compile it myself and install it. Any help in 
this matter will be greatly appreciated.

Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory conflict with video card / scsi adapter

2001-03-19 Thread Franck Leclercq
I have installed a debian 2.2r2 on my PC. All is running fine expected
the X SVGA server that hangs the computer when i try to start it in a 
mode superior to VGA 16 colors.   
My video card is a 2Mo S3 ViRGE/DX who was running fine under the SVGA
server in my old linux box. I finally found that there is a conflict  
with the SCSI adapter (adaptec 2940AU) that is now part of my PC. 
There is no IRQ problem, but a Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 
0xfc00 [0xfc00] problem: both cards use this same 0xfc00 
Is there a way to change these adresses setting? At the boot prompt?  
In the kernel compilation? ...?   
Here is the output of cat /proc/pci:  
PCI devices found:
  Bus  0, device   0, function  0:
Host bridge: Intel 82434LX Mercury/Neptune (rev 17).  
  Slow devsel.  Master Capable.  Latency=32.  
  Bus  0, device   2, function  0:
Non-VGA device: Intel 82375EB (rev 3).
  Medium devsel.  Master Capable.  Latency=248.   
  Bus  0, device  14, function  0:
VGA compatible controller: S3 Inc. ViRGE/DX or /GX (rev 1).   
  Medium devsel.  IRQ 11.  Master Capable.  No bursts.  Min   
Gnt=4.Max Lat=255.
  Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xfc00 [0xfc00].  
  Bus  0, device  15, function  0:
SCSI storage controller: Adaptec AIC-7861 (rev 1).
  Medium devsel.  Fast back-to-back capable.  IRQ 11.  Master 
Capable.  No bursts.  Min Gnt=4.Max Lat=4.
  I/O at 0xd000 [0xd001]. 
  Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xfc00 [0xfc00].  
Thank you for your attention, 

Re: Debian tutorials

2001-03-19 Thread kmself
on Fri, Mar 16, 2001 at 10:34:15AM -0700, Don Collier ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 Hello all.  I have decided to make the jump from RedHat to Debian but
 I am having some problems.  If any of you know of some rather
 informative web sites, howto's, tutorials, and anything else that
 would be of help, I sure would love to check them out.  I have been
 around linux for just over a year so I am not totally lost, but I am
 in need of some documentation to figure things out.  Thanks for the

As suggested, http://www.debian.org/, though quality of docs varies.
Also, once you've installed your system, /usr/share/doc.  Note that some
packages install documentation separately, and some system documentation
is a separate package entirely.  Highly worth installation for a
general-purpose system.

For books, my recommendation is the Sams book, _Installing Debian
GNU/Linux_, by Thomas Down (~$25), covering basic installation:


The O'Reilly Debian book by Bill McCarty is uncharacteristically poor.

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.comhttp://kmself.home.netcom.com/
 What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   There is no K5 cabal
  http://gestalt-system.sourceforge.net/ http://www.kuro5hin.org

Description: PGP signature

Re: backing-up a system?

2001-03-19 Thread kmself
on Sun, Mar 18, 2001 at 06:30:22PM +0100, Angel Parra ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
   I meed to make a back-up of a system, I can use removeble HD's and a
 CD-RECORD, ... but how to make it correctly, oncly a tar from important
 directories ???

Your post isn't parsing too well, but the following may be helpful:



Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.comhttp://kmself.home.netcom.com/
 What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   There is no K5 cabal
  http://gestalt-system.sourceforge.net/ http://www.kuro5hin.org

Description: PGP signature

Re: no subject

2001-03-19 Thread kmself
on Sun, Mar 18, 2001 at 12:00:34PM -0600, Chris ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

Please post a subject line.

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.comhttp://kmself.home.netcom.com/
 What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   There is no K5 cabal
  http://gestalt-system.sourceforge.net/ http://www.kuro5hin.org

Description: PGP signature

Re: Printer Problem

2001-03-19 Thread kmself
on Sun, Mar 18, 2001 at 07:59:35PM +0100, Stephan Kulka ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 When I try to print out a file , I get the following message:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] - cannot open connection Connection refused
 Make sure LPD server is running on the system.
 I am quite confused, because the lpd daemon is started at startup (I even
 rebooted to be sure).
 What is this LPD?? My network is working, I never changed the
 configuration files for the network,so the local network should be ok as

Have you configured a printer?  I'm not particularly handy at this, but
tend to stumple through printtool, a graphical utility, with some

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.comhttp://kmself.home.netcom.com/
 What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   There is no K5 cabal
  http://gestalt-system.sourceforge.net/ http://www.kuro5hin.org

Description: PGP signature

Re: D-Link DFE-530TX+ via-rhine.o module

2001-03-19 Thread Andrew Suffield
On Mon, Mar 19, 2001 at 12:15:29AM -0800, David Carlile wrote:
 I am extremely new to Linux and I hope I am not wasting bandwidth here, but
 here goes.
 I have a D-Link DFE-530TX+ nic card that wasn't in the list when I
 installed. A source file was included on the floppy that came with the card
 for Red Hat and I attempted to compile it, but it puked on me with a number
 of error messages... I think it was expecting my kernel source to be in a
 certain place and it wasn't. Anyway, I did a little looking on the web and
 found several suggestions to use via-rhine.o. What I am wondering is whether
 there is already a .deb package I can run on my cd, or if I have to compile
 it myself and install it. Any help in this matter will be greatly

It's a realtek rtl8193, not a Via Rhine. The + on the end of the name is 
significant - the DFE-530TX is a Via Rhine I or II, the DFE-530TX+ is a Realtek 
8193. The modules are in the kernel-image packages. If you haven't built your 
own kernel you already have it. Run modconf.

 Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
 Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
 Version: 6.0.230 / Virus Database: 111 - Release Date: 1/25/2001

Version: 3.12
GCS d- s:-- a--- C UL+++ P+ L$ E++ W++ N++ o? K- w--- 
O(++) M-(--) V-- PS+ PE Y+ PGP+ t-- 5++ X R*(+) tvi(+) b+++(++) DI+() D+(++) 
G++ e+++ h+ !r !z+ 

Re: Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory conflict with video card / scsi adapter

2001-03-19 Thread Eric G. Miller
On Mon, Mar 19, 2001 at 09:11:14AM +0100, Franck Leclercq wrote:
 I have installed a debian 2.2r2 on my PC. All is running fine expected
 the X SVGA server that hangs the computer when i try to start it in a 
 mode superior to VGA 16 colors.   
 My video card is a 2Mo S3 ViRGE/DX who was running fine under the SVGA
 server in my old linux box. I finally found that there is a conflict  
 with the SCSI adapter (adaptec 2940AU) that is now part of my PC. 
 There is no IRQ problem, but a Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 
 0xfc00 [0xfc00] problem: both cards use this same 0xfc00 
 Is there a way to change these adresses setting? At the boot prompt?  
 In the kernel compilation? ...?   

Are you sure that's the problem?  I suspect it isn't.  Do you have any X
logs that indicate this is the problem?  An ~/.xsession-errors perhaps?

Note: Ctrl-Alt-Backspace should kill X if it is hung.

Eric G. Miller egm2@jps.net

xset problem -- dpms keeps shutting off

2001-03-19 Thread kmself
Debian/Sid, x86.

After a system update yesterday, I noticed:

  - A new splash screen for xscreensaver.
  - xset dpms keeps getting shut off.  
My monitor doesn't automatically blank, stand-by, and shut off.  If I
force dpms back on and a monitor shutoff, the monitor comes back on some
time later.


$ xset +dpms 
$ xset dpms 600 900 1200
$ xset dpms force off
monitor blanks


$ xset -q
Keyboard Control:
  auto repeat:  onkey click percent:  0LED mask:  
  auto repeat delay:  660repeat rate:  25
  auto repeating keys:  00ffdbbf

  bell percent:  50bell pitch:  400bell duration:  100
Pointer Control:
  acceleration:  25/10threshold:  4
Screen Saver:
  prefer blanking:  yesallow exposures:  yes
  timeout:  0cycle:  0
  default colormap:  0x21BlackPixel:  0WhitePixel:  16777215
Font Path:
Bug Mode: compatibility mode is disabled
DPMS (Energy Star):
  Standby: 10Suspend: 10Off: 10
  DPMS is Disabled
Font cache:
  Server does not have the FontCache Extension

I'm quite perplexed.

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.comhttp://kmself.home.netcom.com/
 What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   There is no K5 cabal
  http://gestalt-system.sourceforge.net/ http://www.kuro5hin.org

Description: PGP signature

RE: Linux Network Security: POP

2001-03-19 Thread Joris Lambrecht
I asssumed cable modems were encrypting there communications with some
simple built-in algorithm

-Original Message-
From: Ethan Benson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: zondag 18 maart 2001 14:59
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: Re: Linux Network Security: POP

On Sun, Mar 18, 2001 at 03:38:36PM +0100, William Leese wrote:
 Having a cable modem I'm concerned with the fact that when I use email my 
 password is sent in clear text over the network. I've heard that there

as you should be, cable modems generally are equivilent to large
unswitched lans, which means any bozo with a cable modem can set thier
machine to primisquous mode and see every packet sent by any cable
modem user.  (at least for that segment) 

 other services that could be used instead of POP but i'm not sure if that
 be used here if my provider doesnt support it.

imap over ssl maybe.. 

 For my email I use my providers POP server. For sending email I also use 
 their server. Though in the past I used sendmail, can someone tell me the 
 advantages of using one over the other?

if you have a static ip and your connection is actually stable you
could just run your own mailserver and have mail delivered directly to
it.  that way you don't need pop3 or imap.  no passwords sent anywhere
that way.  you still need to use GnuPG to encrypt any mail you don't
want everyone seeing but you should do that regardless of your network

 Also, if there any way I can encrypt the passwords being sent without the 
 provider taking any needed steps to enable me to do so?

only if you have a shell account on thier pop3 server via ssh, then
you can tunnel the pop3 connection over ssh.  if you have a shell
account on any of thier machines that would probably still be an
improvment since you would get the connection encrypted at least into
thier hopefully switched and secure lan and off the insecure cable
modem network.  

unfortunatly there seems to be a law saying all ISPs must suck, and
thus shell access is an endangered species.  along with static ips,
reliability, security, etc etc

Ethan Benson

RE: Linux Network Security: POP

2001-03-19 Thread Jason Gunthorpe

On Mon, 19 Mar 2001, Joris Lambrecht wrote:

 I asssumed cable modems were encrypting there communications with some
 simple built-in algorithm

It is my understanding that modern DOCSIS modems use encryption between
the cable modem and the cable head end. The motorola cybersufr brand has
been doing this forever as well. This prevents someone from using some
sort of cable analyser to sniff datagrams after they hit the wire.. 

I wouldn't count on the encryption being actually super secure, but it is
unlikely that someone is going to be sniffing packets by examining the
signals on the coax.

 as you should be, cable modems generally are equivilent to large
 unswitched lans, which means any bozo with a cable modem can set thier
 machine to primisquous mode and see every packet sent by any cable
 modem user.  (at least for that segment) 

This is certianly untrue for modern cable stuff. In general, the bandwidth
on the actual coax is far greater than 10mbit ethernet (coming out of the
modem), even if the modem wanted to it couldn't spew all packets onto the
local lan.


apt-get and growing cache

2001-03-19 Thread christophe barbe
Why all downloaded packages are saved in the /var/cache/apt/archives directory.
Can I delete these files ?
Where can I tell to not keep these file ?

I see only one interest in keeping downloaded files, It' s to download only the 
diff when upgrading a package.
But it's not what is done.


Christophe Barbé
Software Engineer
Lineo High Availability Group
42-46, rue Médéric
92110 Clichy - France
phone (33).
fax (33).

RE: Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory conflict with video card / scsi adapter

2001-03-19 Thread Franck Leclercq
I found the origin of the problem when booting an old ide disk with a 
win98 system installed on it: win98 showed that there was a conflict  
with the SCSI adapter driver: i could change the adress setting of the
SCSI adapter in a dialog box and after reboot (under win98), i had my 
scsi card running perfectly.  
ctrl-alt-backspace does not work, i need to power off/on the computer 
to restart.   
Are you sure that's the problem?  I suspect it isn't.  Do you have   
any X 
logs that indicate this is the problem?  An ~/.xsession-errors   
Note: Ctrl-Alt-Backspace should kill X if it is hung.

FW: D-Link DFE-530TX+ via-rhine.o module

2001-03-19 Thread David Carlile
Thanks for the quick reply.

I tried modconf and selected rtl8193. I didn't include any parameters. I got
an error message: Device or resource busy. Hint: this error can be caused
by incorrect module parameters, including invalid IO or irq parameters.

Any ideas?

BTW, I checked the card and the link light is on, which kind of suprises me
because I didn't think I had a driver loaded... Is it possible a driver was
automatically loaded? How do I find out? If these questions are too basic, I
would really appreciate a friendly pointer to the correct documentation... I
have been going through a couple of manual docs, but they don't have exactly
what I need.

-Original Message-
From: Andrew Suffield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Andrew
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2001 12:36 AM
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: Re: D-Link DFE-530TX+ via-rhine.o module

On Mon, Mar 19, 2001 at 12:15:29AM -0800, David Carlile wrote:

 I am extremely new to Linux and I hope I am not wasting bandwidth here,
 here goes.

 I have a D-Link DFE-530TX+ nic card that wasn't in the list when I
 installed. A source file was included on the floppy that came with the
 for Red Hat and I attempted to compile it, but it puked on me with a
 of error messages... I think it was expecting my kernel source to be in a
 certain place and it wasn't. Anyway, I did a little looking on the web and
 found several suggestions to use via-rhine.o. What I am wondering is
 there is already a .deb package I can run on my cd, or if I have to
 it myself and install it. Any help in this matter will be greatly

It's a realtek rtl8193, not a Via Rhine. The + on the end of the name is
significant - the DFE-530TX is a Via Rhine I or II, the DFE-530TX+ is a
Realtek 8193. The modules are in the kernel-image packages. If you haven't
built your own kernel you already have it. Run modconf.

 Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
 Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
 Version: 6.0.230 / Virus Database: 111 - Release Date: 1/25/2001

Version: 3.12
GCS d- s:-- a--- C UL+++ P+ L$ E++ W++ N++ o? K- w---
O(++) M-(--) V-- PS+ PE Y+ PGP+ t-- 5++ X R*(+) tvi(+) b+++(++) DI+() D+(++)
G++ e+++ h+ !r !z+

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Incoming mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.230 / Virus Database: 111 - Release Date: 1/25/2001

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.230 / Virus Database: 111 - Release Date: 1/25/2001

Re: apt-get and growing cache

2001-03-19 Thread Michael Janssen \(CS/MATH stud.\)
In christophe barbe's email, 19-03-2001:
 Why all downloaded packages are saved in the /var/cache/apt/archives 
 Can I delete these files ?
 Where can I tell to not keep these file ?
 I see only one interest in keeping downloaded files, It' s to download only 
 the diff when upgrading a package.
 But it's not what is done.

In the future, `man apt-get` -- it contains a wealth of useful

`apt-get autoclean` will remove all the packages that can't be
downloaded from the debian archive (old versions of packeges, etc.) 

`apt-get clean` will remove all the packages in the
/var/cache/apt/archives directory.. 

Jamuraa - Michael Janssen - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: no sound with kernel 2.4.2

2001-03-19 Thread christophe barbe
Hi I've the same problem with Opl3sa2 and kernel 2.4.2.
I have seen threads about that in the kernel mailing list.
Currently I use alsa which works great and is certainly a good solution.
IMHO the OSS ccode in the kernel are going to be replaced by alsa.


On jeu, 15 mar 2001 19:16:09 Philipp Bliedung wrote:
 Hi everybody,
 I just compiled the 2.4.2 kernel. Everything is working fine except  for
 the sound. Under kernel 2.2.17 I had this is my /etc/modules:
 options opl3sa2 dma=1 dma2=0 io=0x538 mpu_io=0x330 mss_io=0x530 irq=7
 options opl3 io=0x388
 I used gom as the mixer. When I booted the 2.4.2 kernel (witeh the same
 /etc/modules) and tried to play a song I got this:
 Cannot open audio device. Please make sure that the audio device is
 properly configured.
 And when I try to use gom I get this:
 gom   ERROR: Can't open mixer device special file /dev/mixer: No such
 gom:  device. Error help: if loading a mixer special file leads to No
 gom:  device, then you most likely do have the kernel sound driver
 gom:   not or incorrectly installed. Permission denied means you
 gom:   need  permissions by the local admin in the first place.
 gom: Current channel information
 gom: ---
 gom: No Name   Rec  Volumes  Vol-0  Vol-1  Locked
 gom:  0.vol-1 -1   -1 -1 1
 But there is a file named /dev/mixer 
 crw-rw1 root audio 14,   0 Jul  5  2000 mixer
 crw-rw1 root audio 14,  16 Jul  5  2000 mixer1
 crw-rw1 root audio 14,  32 Jul  5  2000 mixer2
 crw-rw1 root audio 14,  48 Jul  5  2000 mixer3
 lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   10 Mar 15 18:51 modem -
 lrwxrwxrwx1 root root5 Oct 28 23:51 mouse - psaux
 When I compiled the kernel I selected everything that was under sound
 to be compiled as a module. Also when I try to load these modules by
 hand (insmod mpu401, etc...) it
 doesn't give an error I have no clue why this doesn't work! When I
 boot the 2.2.17 kernel
 everything works just great. Here is what I get when I use gom under
 gom: Current channel information
 gom: ---
 gom: No Name   Rec  Volumes  Vol-0  Vol-1  Locked
 gom:  0.vol-1  2   75 75 1
 BTW I'm on a Toshiba Tecra 8000 Laptop.
 Help is very much appreciated!
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Christophe Barbé
Software Engineer
Lineo High Availability Group
42-46, rue Médéric
92110 Clichy - France
phone (33).
fax (33).

Transferring Debian

2001-03-19 Thread

I've set up and tailored a terrific potato 2.2r2 + KDE2 on my laptop and now 
I'd like to replicate this same installation on my desktop via NFS.
My question is: How can I copy a Debian installation from one partition of my 
laptop to another of my desktop?
(I had a go at with cp -R -d --target-directory=/mydir files, modified fstab, 
but, even if it works, from time to time UID problems emerge)


messaggio inviato con Freemail by superEva


Re: Realplayer

2001-03-19 Thread Oliver Payne
On Sun, Mar 18, 2001 at 07:54:41PM -0500, Stan Brown wrote:
 I'm configuring a stab;e machine (with Progeny updates). I need RealPlayer, 
 the install package claims that I should get version 7 fro Real;s web sit.
 I'm afraid that I can only find version 8, am I overlooking soemthing?

Get realplayer_8.0_i386.deb from testing or unstable (I can't remember
which).  I just downloaded the .deb from www.debian.org and used 
dpkg -i realplayer_8.0_i386.deb: there weren't any dependency problems.

Hope this helps.


Re: apt-get and growing cache

2001-03-19 Thread christophe barbe
Thank you to point me to the man command that I already know (-;.
But you not really answer to my questions.

Why are packages kept ?
How can I stop this ? (how to say stop keeping downloaded packages)


On lun, 19 mar 2001 10:27:43 Michael Janssen (CS/MATH stud.) wrote:
 In christophe barbe's email, 19-03-2001:
  Why all downloaded packages are saved in the /var/cache/apt/archives 
  Can I delete these files ?
  Where can I tell to not keep these file ?
  I see only one interest in keeping downloaded files, It' s to download only 
  the diff when upgrading a package.
  But it's not what is done.
 In the future, `man apt-get` -- it contains a wealth of useful
 `apt-get autoclean` will remove all the packages that can't be
 downloaded from the debian archive (old versions of packeges, etc.) 
 `apt-get clean` will remove all the packages in the
 /var/cache/apt/archives directory.. 
 Jamuraa - Michael Janssen - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Christophe Barbé
Software Engineer
Lineo High Availability Group
42-46, rue Médéric
92110 Clichy - France
phone (33).
fax (33).

DHCP unavailable during installation

2001-03-19 Thread Justin Jones


I am currently setting up a Compaq Deskpro 2000 Pentium 166 MMX as a Debian 
box.  It has a 3Com ethernet card, which doesn't seem to want to work with 
DHCP.  I'm sure it must be a compatibility problem between Debian and the 
computer, because I had no problem using DHCP with Debian on a different 
computer, nor did I have any trouble with DHCP on this computer with 
FreeBSD.  Here is what is detected during startup:

3Com 3c905 Boomerang 100baseTx at 0x1440, 00:60:08:14:86:44 IRQ 3
8k word-wide RAM 3:5 Rx:Tx split, autoselect/MII interface
MII transceiver found at addres 24, status 786d
Enabling bus-master transmitters and whole-frame receives

Then it apparently loads via-rhine.c v1.01 about 5 times.

Unfortunately, when I try to configure my network during install, 
DHCP/BOOTP doesn't work, nor do the defaults or my best guesses in the 
manual setup.  I've had trouble with PnP BIOS and ethernet cards with 
Debian before, so I played around in the BIOS, but there aren't a lot of 
options.  I can pretty much only enable/disable bus mastering, and 
enable/disable the card itself.  It was on IRQ 11 but the BIOS suggested I 
move it to IRQ 3.

Could this be a BIOS conflict?  Is there an incompatibility with my network 
card?  Why won't DHCP/BOOTP function properly with Debian?

In any case, I really like the feel of Debian, and I want to run it on my 
system.  Somebody please help!  I don't want to have to install FreeBSD!

Thank you,

Justin Jones

Re: ssh RSA key problem, Please help

2001-03-19 Thread Christoph Simon
On Sun, 18 Mar 2001 15:29:33 -0800

 I am getting the follwing message, how do I get rid of it??
 fresh install of ssh
 Someone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle attack)!
 It is also possible that the RSA host key has just been changed.
 Please contact your system administrator.
 Add correct host key in /home/nick/.ssh/known_hosts to get rid of this 
 RSA host key for 63.XXX.XXX.2 has changed and you have requested strict 

Sometimes it helps reading the messages. Obviously in known_host there
is an entry which doesn't work with 63.xxx.xxx.2 anymore. Find it and
delete it. Next time it will ask you if it should add another one. Say
yes. Bingo!

Christoph Simon

Re: Transferring Debian

2001-03-19 Thread kmself
on Mon, Mar 19, 2001 at 09:36:42AM -, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 I've set up and tailored a terrific potato 2.2r2 + KDE2 on my laptop and now 
 I'd like to replicate this same installation on my desktop via NFS.
 My question is: How can I copy a Debian installation from one partition of my 
 laptop to another of my desktop?
 (I had a go at with cp -R -d --target-directory=/mydir files, modified 
 fstab, but, even if it works, from time to time UID problems emerge)

Better to go through a proper installation.  Cloning a system is best
done on identical hardware.

You can simplify the process by:

  - Install _just_ the base system on the laptop.

  - Saving your current configuration with 

$ dpkg --get-selections  file

  - Copying your current debian package archive to the new system.
These are the files under /var/cache/apt/archives.

  - Set the desktop's package selection:

$ dpkg --set-selections  file

  - Run an apt-get update.  Most of your packages should be fetched from
the existing local archive.

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.comhttp://kmself.home.netcom.com/
 What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   There is no K5 cabal
  http://gestalt-system.sourceforge.net/ http://www.kuro5hin.org

Description: PGP signature

Re: DHCP unavailable during installation

2001-03-19 Thread Frank Copeland
On 19 Mar 01 10:20:01 GMT, Justin Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

FreeBSD.  Here is what is detected during startup:

3Com 3c905 Boomerang 100baseTx at 0x1440, 00:60:08:14:86:44 IRQ 3
If you have the usual two serial ports with the standard settings, then
you have an IRQ conflict here. The IO address looks fishy to me as
well, I usually see NICs down around 0x200-0x300.

Unfortunately, when I try to configure my network during install, 
DHCP/BOOTP doesn't work, nor do the defaults or my best guesses in the 
manual setup.  I've had trouble with PnP BIOS and ethernet cards with 
Debian before, so I played around in the BIOS, but there aren't a lot of 
options.  I can pretty much only enable/disable bus mastering, and 
enable/disable the card itself.  It was on IRQ 11 but the BIOS suggested I 
move it to IRQ 3.

IRQs 5, 9, 10 and 11 are usually free. Something (VGA? sound?) may be
stealing IRQ 11, 10 is the one I would normally pick.

Could this be a BIOS conflict?  Is there an incompatibility with my network 
card?  Why won't DHCP/BOOTP function properly with Debian?

DHCP works fine every day for me and Debian.


Re: How best to install a TrueType font on Debian?

2001-03-19 Thread David Purton
On Sat, 17 Mar 2001, Alan Chandler wrote:

 On Sat, 17 Mar 2001 00:13:46 -0500, you wrote:
 I have Xfree86 v4 already; I am running (almost) the latest unstable. 
 I do not use a separate TrueType font server. I guess then I am wondering 
 the best Debian way is to install a new font. There are, if I remember
 correctly, some TrueType-specific steps (something like ttmkfontdir before
 Just add the font path to XF86Config-4 (in /etc/X11).  I just made a
 directory that matched the others but called ttype.  You need to
 create the fonts.dir file and the program you want for this is
 I had to search the internet for it, and most sites point you at a
 german one that doesn't work.  However I eventually got a copy (can't
 remember where)

I'm sure that this is in a debian package.  Just checked it's in fttools

Today people in droves hurry up past Heumoz to Villars 
on the road to the ski hills, so they can rush down them
as fast as possible, so they can hurry up again in order
to rush down again.  In a way this is funny,...

Francis A Schaeffer

David Purton


Re: deb for ATT ksh ?

2001-03-19 Thread Colin Watson
Stan Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Anyone know where I can get a .deb of the ATT ksh. It's Open Source
now, you know.

It looks dodgy to me. If you're redistributing it, you have to
periodically check the website for modifications, agree not to frame the
ATT website, agree not to break US law (there's no place for this in a
licence agreement - I'm not a US citizen, so why should I have to keep
US law? Even if I were, surely I would be bound not to break the law
anyway?), and various other stuff. This means everybody redistributing
Debian (like CD vendors) would end up bound to check ATT's website
every couple of months, and that sort of thing.

Under section 4, Debian would have to make sure everybody who installs
the package has to explicitly accept the licence agreement, and whoever
packages it would have to make sure ATT knew where the Debian diff was

Extra restrictions like this more or less come under DFSG 7, or at least
*some* bit of the DFSG (http://www.debian.org/social_contract).
Certainly nothing else in Debian main has anything like them. As far as
I can see, it isn't Open Source, and I'm not entirely surprised the
Open Source Definition people haven't got back to them about it.

I think there was a debate about this on debian-legal a few months back.


MySQL 3.23.xx on Potato

2001-03-19 Thread Bas van der Zalm
Dear all,

I would like to have MySQL 3.23.xx on my Potato system, but unfortunately
there isn't a debian-package available for it. Building one out of the source
seems to be the solution. But I have always learned not to mix a package-setup
system with custom build software.

I need the new MySQL version for use with JBoss (requires

What is the best thing to do for me?

Thanks in advance for your help!

Kind regards,


  Bas van der Zalm * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * website http://baz.dhs.org
  Student Information Management  Technology at Tilburg University

Re: deb for ATT ksh ?

2001-03-19 Thread Colin Watson
Jimmy Richards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I'm not sure where to go to look into doing that, but probably
can be found on the Debian web site.

http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/ (look for RFP, a.k.a. Request For

I have a few I am thinking about suggesting myself in case they
have not already been suggested, glload, xpulse, wmdl, and tuXeyes.

tuxeyes was in potato, but isn't in unstable; I believe nobody had the
inclination to port it to Qt2. If it's already been ported, then perhaps
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (or debian-devel@lists.debian.org, if he
doesn't respond) would like to hear about it).



2001-03-19 Thread Bernhard Wesely
Hi all,

A friend of mine built some debian-packages, and I now try to put them at an
apt-server for easy installing the packages at my work.
I looked at the Debian-Hompage, but didn't find anything.

Has anyone a hint, where I can start my search again?

Thank in advance,

Re: apt-server

2001-03-19 Thread Earl F Hampton
On Monday 19 March 2001 03:57, Bernhard Wesely wrote:

dpkg -i packagename

 Hi all,

 A friend of mine built some debian-packages, and I now try to put them at
 an apt-server for easy installing the packages at my work.
 I looked at the Debian-Hompage, but didn't find anything.

 Has anyone a hint, where I can start my search again?

 Thank in advance,

Re: FW: D-Link DFE-530TX+ via-rhine.o module

2001-03-19 Thread Earl F Hampton
On Monday 19 March 2001 01:26, David Carlile wrote:
 Thanks for the quick reply.

 I tried modconf and selected rtl8193. I didn't include any parameters. I
 got an error message: Device or resource busy. Hint: this error can be
 caused by incorrect module parameters, including invalid IO or irq

 Any ideas?

 BTW, I checked the card and the link light is on, which kind of suprises me
 because I didn't think I had a driver loaded... Is it possible a driver was
 automatically loaded? How do I find out? 

#lsmod will show you all the loaded modules

If these questions are too basic,
 I would really appreciate a friendly pointer to the correct
 documentation... I have been going through a couple of manual docs, but
 they don't have exactly what I need.

Go to how-to html and there is one about ethernet cards and a few more about 

Re: apt-server

2001-03-19 Thread Bernhard Wesely
Oh sorry,... I just noticed, that my question was not clear.

I know how to install debian packages, but I want to create a
company-internal apt-server, and I don't know how to do that.
Various pages stated only existing apt-servers or creating packages
(maintainer manuals)

Thanks in advance,

- Original Message -
From: Earl F Hampton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2001 1:05 PM
Subject: Re: apt-server

 On Monday 19 March 2001 03:57, Bernhard Wesely wrote:

 dpkg -i packagename

  Hi all,
  A friend of mine built some debian-packages, and I now try to put them
  an apt-server for easy installing the packages at my work.
  I looked at the Debian-Hompage, but didn't find anything.
  Has anyone a hint, where I can start my search again?
  Thank in advance,

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: apt-server

2001-03-19 Thread Colin Watson
Bernhard Wesely [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
A friend of mine built some debian-packages, and I now try to put them at an
apt-server for easy installing the packages at my work.
I looked at the Debian-Hompage, but didn't find anything.

Look at dpkg-scanpackages(8), which scans a directory tree and creates
an appropriate Packages file. Note that you need to gzip that file

The apt-utils package in testing/unstable has a program called
apt-ftparchive, which apparently makes the process easier; I haven't
tried it yet.


Re: Transferring Debian

2001-03-19 Thread Andrew Suffield
On Mon, Mar 19, 2001 at 09:36:42AM -, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've set up and tailored a terrific potato 2.2r2 + KDE2 on my laptop and now 
 I'd like to replicate this same installation on my desktop via NFS.
 My question is: How can I copy a Debian installation from one partition of my 
 laptop to another of my desktop?
 (I had a go at with cp -R -d --target-directory=/mydir files, modified 
 fstab, but, even if it works, from time to time UID problems emerge)

You're looking for cp -a /path/to/source/files/* /path/to/target/, but as has 
been noted, that's not recommended on different hardware, especially something 
as different as laptop - desktop. Install debian again on the desktop, but 
selectively copy the configuration files for user-end programs and packages 
such as KDE2. User-level configuration is done entirely in your home directory 
(/home/username), and I suggest copying that (using cp -a), but redoing most of 
the system-level config. It's good practice anyway; a desktop box is unlikely 
to stay constant in it's configuration.

Version: 3.12
GCS d- s:-- a--- C UL+++ P+ L$ E++ W++ N++ o? K- w--- 
O(++) M-(--) V-- PS+ PE Y+ PGP+ t-- 5++ X R*(+) tvi(+) b+++(++) DI+() D+(++) 
G++ e+++ h+ !r !z+ 

Re: MySQL 3.23.xx on Potato

2001-03-19 Thread Colin Watson
Bas van der Zalm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I would like to have MySQL 3.23.xx on my Potato system, but unfortunately
there isn't a debian-package available for it. Building one out of the source
seems to be the solution. But I have always learned not to mix a package-setup
system with custom build software.

Use 'apt-get source' on the Debian mysql packages, and
'dpkg-buildpackage' to build them; if you have the right development
packages, this will create .debs compiled for your system, which you can
then go ahead and install.



Re: Hdparm and 2.4 kernel

2001-03-19 Thread Hall Stevenson
  is your kernel compiled with dma support?  because if it's
  not, thats not gonna work.

 Yup, pretty sure it is. I'll check though.

If your chipset supports DMA, along with your drives, and you select the
Use DMA when available... option in the kernel, it should already have
DMA enabled. If not, I would be hesitant to force it on with hdparm.


Re: apt-server

2001-03-19 Thread Earl F Hampton
On Monday 19 March 2001 04:13, Bernhard Wesely wrote:
 Oh sorry,... I just noticed, that my question was not clear.

 I know how to install debian packages, but I want to create a
 company-internal apt-server, and I don't know how to do that.
 Various pages stated only existing apt-servers or creating packages
 (maintainer manuals)

I do a mirror of http://http.us.debian.org/debian/dists/potato 

I only get binary-i386 inside each of the sub dirs though. Just that uses 
enough space.

I'm not exactly sure if thats what your asking or not. I'm not sure what an 
apt-server is.

 Thanks in advance,

Re: apt problems and why?

2001-03-19 Thread Colin Watson
I get the following error message 

home:/home/daniel# apt-get -f install
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
Correcting dependencies... failed.
Sorry, but the following packages have unmet dependencies:
  libesd0: Depends: esound-common but it is not installed
E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused
by held packages.
E: Unable to correct dependencies

I cannot solve this problem and also I cannot install any package. Any
help? This has to be looked at as one of Debian's biggest weakness. We
boast about Debian easy upgradability but it does sometimes show Msoft

The apt and esound maintainers do listen to bug reports now and again,
but I'm not sure if they read debian-user ...


Do you have any held packages, like the message says? 'dpkg
--get-selections | grep hold' will tell you.


Re: ssh RSA key problem, Please help

2001-03-19 Thread Ethan Benson
On Mon, Mar 19, 2001 at 07:42:34AM -0300, Christoph Simon wrote:
 On Sun, 18 Mar 2001 15:29:33 -0800
 Nick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I am getting the follwing message, how do I get rid of it??
  fresh install of ssh
  Someone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle attack)!
  It is also possible that the RSA host key has just been changed.
  Please contact your system administrator.
  Add correct host key in /home/nick/.ssh/known_hosts to get rid of this 
  RSA host key for 63.XXX.XXX.2 has changed and you have requested strict 
 Sometimes it helps reading the messages. Obviously in known_host there
 is an entry which doesn't work with 63.xxx.xxx.2 anymore. Find it and
 delete it. Next time it will ask you if it should add another one. Say
 yes. Bingo!

well you should take your own advice and read the message, its
possible someone is doing something nasty, it would be prudent to
check with the admin of the site in question and find out of they
changed the host key.  

remember that article recently about ssh being vulnerable to man in
the middle attacks?  the only `vulnerability' is people simply ignoring
that very warning and just throwing away thier local copy of the host
key and blindly accepting a new one without making sure there is no
man in the middle attack occuring.  

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: Linux Network Security: POP

2001-03-19 Thread Ethan Benson
On Mon, Mar 19, 2001 at 03:24:09AM +0100, William Leese wrote:
 On Monday 19 March 2001 00:41, Ethan Benson wrote:
  On Sun, Mar 18, 2001 at 05:04:02PM +0100, William Leese wrote:
   knowing basically nothing about imap and ssl where would i look first to
   see if this is suitable and how it can be used?
  check to see if they have the imap-ssl port open (i don't know it
  offhand) or the pop3-ssl...  they probably don't.
 yatsu:$  nmap -sS  pop.provider.nl

ummm some isps don't take kindly to being portscanned, there is more
subtle and less obnoxious ways to find out.

 Port   State   Service
 22/tcp openssh 
 23/tcp opentelnet  
 25/tcp opensmtp
 1023/tcp   openunknown
 could pop3s be what i'm looking for?


[EMAIL PROTECTED] eb]$ cat /etc/services | grep pop3s
pop3s   995/tcp # POP-3 over SSL
pop3s   995/udp # POP-3 over SSL

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

A fact a problem

2001-03-19 Thread

The fact
Is there anyone out there able to explain how come, installing Debian potato on 
my desktop, Debian is unable to find my ethernet Realtek 8139 PCI card while 
even Red Hat 6.0 was able to?

The problem 
I need to compile the module for the Realtek ethernet card which I downloaded 
from a linux site (rltk8139.c).
What is the correct procedure under Debian?


messaggio inviato con Freemail by superEva


Re: Hdparm and 2.4 kernel

2001-03-19 Thread Ethan Benson
On Mon, Mar 19, 2001 at 07:59:57AM +, Chris Howells wrote:
  Generally you need to be root to use hdparm.
 I am root! I wouldn't imagine it working it with a non-priveleged user.
 There seems to be a gerneral problem with hdparm not being happy under 
 the 2.4 kernel -- if I boot 2.2.18 again it works fine.

what chipset?  some (VIA) have been blacklisted in the kernel since
they are too buggy (or the kernel driver is too buggy) 

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: ssh RSA key problem, Please help

2001-03-19 Thread Christoph Simon
On Mon, 19 Mar 2001 03:39:37 -0900
Ethan Benson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 well you should take your own advice and read the message, its
 possible someone is doing something nasty, it would be prudent to
 check with the admin of the site in question and find out of they
 changed the host key.

You are very right in this. But as he asked how to get rid of the
message, and as he said this is a new installation (which means a
previous one had this IP/hostname with another key), I assumed this is
alright in this case. Sorry if that was a mistake.

Christoph Simon

Re: Linux Network Security: POP

2001-03-19 Thread William Leese
knowing basically nothing about imap and ssl where would i look first
to see if this is suitable and how it can be used?
   check to see if they have the imap-ssl port open (i don't know it
   offhand) or the pop3-ssl...  they probably don't.
  yatsu:$  nmap -sS  pop.provider.nl

 ummm some isps don't take kindly to being portscanned, there is more
 subtle and less obnoxious ways to find out.

oops, acting out of ignorance I'm afraid..

  Port   State   Service
  22/tcp openssh
  23/tcp opentelnet
  25/tcp opensmtp
  1023/tcp   openunknown
  could pop3s be what i'm looking for?


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] eb]$ cat /etc/services | grep pop3s
 pop3s   995/tcp # POP-3 over SSL
 pop3s   995/udp # POP-3 over SSL

having taken a quick look at my providers homepage (which, i admit i should 
have done first.. but i'm used to ISP pages with nothing but marketing talk) 
i found something on pop-ssl. However aparently i need an email client that 
supports it. I use Kmail, but.. it doesnt seem to support ssl. Can someone 
confirm this? If I can't use Kmail for it which email client should be well 
suited? I've tried Elm but I found it too hard to use. I've considered using 
Pine but it doesn't seem to be in sid.

Re: Linux Network Security: POP

2001-03-19 Thread Ethan Benson
On Mon, Mar 19, 2001 at 02:03:01PM +0100, William Leese wrote:

 having taken a quick look at my providers homepage (which, i admit i should 
 have done first.. but i'm used to ISP pages with nothing but marketing talk) 
 i found something on pop-ssl. However aparently i need an email client that 
 supports it. I use Kmail, but.. it doesnt seem to support ssl. Can someone 
 confirm this? If I can't use Kmail for it which email client should be well 
 suited? I've tried Elm but I found it too hard to use. I've considered using 
 Pine but it doesn't seem to be in sid.

just do mail the unix way, install fetchmail-ssl (from non-US/main or
so i hear)  configure it to fetch all your mail from the isp and hand
it to the local MTA, then tell kmail to use a local mailspool in
/var/mail/$USER instead of pop3.  

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: Linux Network Security: POP

2001-03-19 Thread Ilya Martynov
 WL == William Leese [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

WL having taken a quick look at my providers homepage (which, i
WL admit i should have done first.. but i'm used to ISP pages
WL with nothing but marketing talk) i found something on
WL pop-ssl. However aparently i need an email client that
WL supports it. I use Kmail, but.. it doesnt seem to support
WL ssl. Can someone confirm this? If I can't use Kmail for it
WL which email client should be well suited? I've tried Elm but I
WL found it too hard to use. I've considered using Pine but it
WL doesn't seem to be in sid.

You can either use fetchmail with SSL support or use stunnel. With
fetchmail you can fetch your emails via SSL connection. With stunnel
you can create SSL connection between your machine and remote and
forward this connection in decrypted form on local port on your

Ilya Martynov
AGAVA Software Company, http://www.agava.com

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