Re: Re: sempre acabem tornant a debian

2007-03-03 Thread Miquel Oliete
Hola katalanet. Que saps qui soc?

Re: Mysql réplication

2007-03-03 Thread Bulot Grégory
Le vendredi 2 mars 2007 21:47, Vincent Bernat a écrit :
 OoO Vers la fin de l'après-midi  du vendredi 02 mars 2007, vers 16:08,

 Bulot Grégory [EMAIL PROTECTED] disait:
 Slave_IO_Running: No
Slave_SQL_Running: No

 Tu as fait start slave ?


start slave;
ERROR 1200 (HY000): The server is not configured as slave; fix in config file 

pourtant dans le /etc/mysql/my.cnf
server-id = 2
log-bin = /var/log/mysql/mysql-bin.log
master-host =
master-user = xxx
master-password = 
master-port = 3306
master-connect-retry = 10

Re: Mysql réplication

2007-03-03 Thread Vincent Bernat
OoO En cette  matinée ensoleillée du samedi 03  mars 2007, vers 09:47,
Bulot Grégory [EMAIL PROTECTED] disait:

 Tu as fait start slave ?


 start slave;
 ERROR 1200 (HY000): The server is not configured as slave; fix in config file 

Tu n'as pas utilisé change master  to ? Regarde la doc de MySQL, c'est
expliqué pas à pas.
BOFH excuse #15:
temporary routing anomoly

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Re: Mysql réplication

2007-03-03 Thread Bulot Grégory
Le samedi 3 mars 2007 11:05, Vincent Bernat a écrit :
 OoO En cette  matinée ensoleillée du samedi 03  mars 2007, vers 09:47,

 Bulot Grégory [EMAIL PROTECTED] disait:
  Tu as fait start slave ?
  start slave;
  ERROR 1200 (HY000): The server is not configured as slave; fix in config
  file or with CHANGE MASTER TO

 Tu n'as pas utilisé change master  to ? Regarde la doc de MySQL, c'est
 expliqué pas à pas.
si (comme dans

slave stop;
Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.00 sec)

MASTER_PASSWORD='xxx', MASTER_LOG_FILE='mysql-bin.000147' ;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql slave start ;
ERROR 1200 (HY000): The server is not configured as slave; fix in config file 

Re: vidéos flashplayer

2007-03-03 Thread Christophe Alonso
Le vendredi 02 mars 2007 à 19:11 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :
  Et que donne lsmod (pour voir les modules chargés) ?
 Personne n'a une idée du son manquant mais avec l'image
 sous Mozilla et Flashplayer ?

Il semble que ce soit un problème avec alsa, non ?
Avez-vous alsa-base, alsa-utils et alsa-oss d'installés ?
Essayez de lancer mozilla avec aoss et voir si vous avez du son.
Vous utilisez quel serveur de son ? esd ? Si oui installez libesd-alsa0
pour voir si cela change quelque chose.

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Re: vidéos flashplayer

2007-03-03 Thread François Boisson
Le Thu, 1 Mar 2007 16:19:30 +0100

   Je suis sous Debian Sarge régulièrement updatée.
   Ma carte son est une Trident
   Je tente de lire et écouter des vidéos flashplayer (.SWF)
   sous FireFox ou Mozilla.
   Mais j'ai bien l'image (film) mais pas le son.
  apt-get install alsamixergui ??
 Fait et réponse :
 # alsamixergui [entrée]
 alsamixer failed : function_snd_ctl open failed for default : no such device 
 Problème d'installation audio ?

Tu dois utiliser le système OSS des nboyaux 2.4. Il te faut installer
les drivers alsa. La dernière version de flash passe par alsa au lieu
de passer par OSS.

François Boisson

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Re: Mysql réplication

2007-03-03 Thread Vincent Bernat
OoO Pendant le temps de midi du samedi 03 mars 2007, vers 12:51, Bulot
Grégory [EMAIL PROTECTED] disait:

 Tu n'as pas utilisé change master  to ? Regarde la doc de MySQL, c'est
 expliqué pas à pas.
 si (comme dans

 slave stop;
 Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.00 sec)

 MASTER_PASSWORD='xxx', MASTER_LOG_FILE='mysql-bin.000147' ;
 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql slave start ;
 ERROR 1200 (HY000): The server is not configured as slave; fix in config file 

P'tet que ça ne fonctionne pas entre des versions différentes de MySQL ?
Write clearly - don't be too clever.
- The Elements of Programming Style (Kernighan  Plauger)

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en-tête de fichier

2007-03-03 Thread philippe L


Où sont stockés les informations telles que nom de fichier, date de
création, date de motif, etc ...
En dehors de l'index du volume y a t'il une en-tête de fichier, un
peut comme pour les paquets TCP/IP, si oui comme la lire, c'est en
hexa ?



Debian French localisation team completes the translation of debconf screens

2007-03-03 Thread Christian Perrier
(crossposted to several mailing lists. Please respect the Reply-To field)

As of March 3rd 2007, all packages in Debian unstable that have
translatable debconf templates are translated into French [1].

This is the result of a continuous effort in the last years and
particularly the last 4.5 years, since the upload of po-debconf back
in September 2002 by Denis Barbier which enabled translators to use
gettext to handle debconf translations.

This achievement, combined with the translation of the Debian
Installer, is the guarantee that even a complete installation of a
Debian system with all possible packages, when run in French, will
only show French-speaking prompts to the user.

That effort is also ongoing for several other languages [2], thanks to
the commitment of the numerous contributors from the Debian
internationalisation community [3].

All thanks and credits for the achievement of the French localisation
are due to the French translators [5] as well as all Debian package
maintainers who have regularly fixed the dozens of bug reports sent
by translators over the years.

A last effort will now target the 100% mark for packages in
testing. The current status, as of [4], is 99.2%.

[5] Contributors of the French translations:

Adam Cécile (Le_Vert) 
Alexis Sukrieh  
Aurelien Jarno  
Aurelien Ricard  
BUIRA Etienne  
Cédric Favry  
Christian Perrier 
Christophe lincoln  
Christophe Masson  
Clément Stenac  
Cyril Brulebois 
Cyril Martin 
Daniel Déchelotte  
DELACOUR Guillaume  
Denis Barbier  
Emmanuel le Chevoir 
Eric Madesclair 
Florentin Duneau  
Florent Usseil  
Frédéric Bothamy  
Frédéric Schütz  
Frédéric Zulian  
Gabriel Laurent  
Gaetan CRAHAY  
Gregory Colpart  
Guilhelm Panaget  
Guillaume Nault  
Ivan Buresi  
Jean-Baka Domelevo-Entfellner  
Jean-Christophe Champarnaud  
Jean-Christophe Dubacq  
Jean-Luc Coulon  
Jean-Marc Chaton  
Jérémie Corbier  
Jose Luis Tallon 
Julien Louis  
Julien Rosal  
Julien Valroff  
Laurence Colombet  
Laurent Pelecq  
Le Mignant pierre 
Ludovic Drolez  
Ludovic Rousseau  
Marco Presi  
Martin Quinson  
Michel Grentzinger  
Mohammed Adnène Trojette 
Nicolas Bertolissio  
Olivier Gauwin  
Olivier Trichet  
Philippe Batailler  
Pierre Machard  
Rémi Pannequin  
Séverine lombardo  
Simon Paillard  
Steve Langasek  
Steve Petruzzello  
Sylvain Archenault  
Sylvain LE GALL 
Thomas Capacci  
Thomas Huriaux  
Thomas Morin  
Thomas Viehmann  
Valéry Perrin  
Xavier Luthi  
Yannick Roehlly  
Yves Rütschlé  

Special credit to Steve Langasek who corrected this announcement


Description: Digital signature

Re: Debian French localisation team completes the translation of debconf screens

2007-03-03 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER

Tout d'abord, félicitation à tous pour ce travail titanesque.

Mais je ne peux m'empêcher de penser qu'il est étrange de nous annoncer que 
debconf est complètement traduit en français par un message en anglais! 
Manifestement il reste un petit effort de traduction à fournir. ;-



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Re: Où trouver un backport de librsvg pour Debian sarge ? sinon pensez vous qu'il est difficile d'en créer un (avec toutes les dépendances...) ?

2007-03-03 Thread KLEIN Stéphane

Le 01/03/07, François Boisson[EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :

Le Tue, 27 Feb 2007 10:08:55 +0100
KLEIN Stéphane [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit:


 j'ai besoin de librsvg pour un serveur en production sous Debian
 Sarge. J'ai cherché le package sur le site mais je ne
 l'ai pas trouvé. J'aimerais savoir si vous avez une idée d'un autre
 site sur lequel je pourrais le trouver ?

Bon, je t'ai fait un backport de librsvg pour la sarge, tu trouveras
les paquets sur

Il y a


Attention, j'ai du modifier un appel d'une fonction g_try_malloc0 pour
rester compatible avec sarge. A priori c'est bon mais bon...

Merci beaucoup.

Re: [HS] FAI avec nummero vert (Numeris/V90)

2007-03-03 Thread Michel Campfort

Michelle Konzack a écrit :


Je ne suis pas beacoup à la maison et je ne veux pas charger la facture
de mes clients, copains ou amies avec un facture communications Internet. mon FAI en France facturer 2,9 ¢/minute.  :-(

Il y a quelqun ici que connesser un FAI avec un numero vert, meme si je
pas un Address fix?

Note.:  J'ai que la possibilité du payer avec la Carte VISA international,
sur facture ou prepaye.

Cette chose avec GSM/EDGE/UMTS/GlobelSat est a peu tro chere (actuellement
envirunement 2000 €/mois)...

Bonjour Michelle

Regarde peut-être chez nordnet , des forfaits en RTC ou RNIS . J'ai
cherché un peu par curiosité et je n'ai pas vu chez eux que l'on devait
toujours appelé du même numéro ( à vérifier quand même , je ne suis pas
aboné chez eux ) , mais leur règlement interdit les connexion multiples
( donc simultanées mais de différents numéros ) :


Chaque client dispose d'un accès personnalisé et par conséquent il doit 
être seul à l'utiliser. Dans ces conditions, il n’est autorisé qu’une 
seule connexion à la fois par Identifiant. Sauf dérogation écrite et 
préalable, il est donc interdit d'établir plusieurs connexions 
simultanées avec les mêmes Identifiants.

On définit la connexion simultanée comme, soit l'utilisation des mêmes 
éléments d'identification sur plusieurs lignes distinctes au même moment 
et/ou à des intervalles de temps se chevauchant pour établir la 
connexion d'au moins deux (2) ordinateurs, soit l'utilisation de plus de 
un (1) canal B Numéris, soit l'utilisation de toute technique présente 
ou à venir permettant de lancer plus d'une connexion physique à la fois. 
Toute consommation constatée dans ce cadre entraînera la facturation à 
l'heure de toutes les communications pendant la durée de l'infraction 
constatée en plus du forfait applicable. Le tarif appliqué sera de 2,70 
euros l'heure, toute heure commencée étant due. De plus, NordNet pourra 
suspendre Votre accès au Service.


À creuser donc . . .


Tuxophiles, bien sûr que nous sommes tuxophiles, et winophobes en plus.
Mais il ne faut pas confondre tuxophilie et tuxo-intégrisme, l'amalgame
est fait beaucoup trop rapidement par les winophiles-tuxophobes .

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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: en-tête de fichier

2007-03-03 Thread mouss

philippe L wrote:


Où sont stockés les informations telles que nom de fichier, date de
création, date de motif, etc ...

dans le répertoire où se trouve le fichier. chaque répertoire est un 
fichier qui contient les infos sur les fichiers qui sont dans ce 
répertoire.  dans le cas d'un lien symbolique, le nom du fichier 
destination est aussi présent. cf en bas.

c'est d'ailleurs ça qui fait qu'un repertoire avec trop de fichiers est 
plus lent à visiter sauf si le filesystem est optimisé pour cela 
(utilisation d'alho de parsing plus évolués qu'un recherche linéaire).

En dehors de l'index du volume y a t'il une en-tête de fichier, un
peut comme pour les paquets TCP/IP, si oui comme la lire, c'est en
hexa ?

il faut utiliser les commandes qui permettent d'y accéder. par exemple 

$ ls dubois
ls: dubois: No such file or directory
$ touch dubois; stat dubois
 File: `dubois'
 Size: 0   Blocks: 0  IO Block: 4096   regular 
empty file

Device: 301h/769d   Inode: 392471  Links: 1
Access: (0644/-rw-r--r--)  Uid: ( 5678/  patate)   Gid: ( 1234/  legume)
Access: 2007-03-03 19:59:32.0 +0100
Modify: 2007-03-03 19:59:32.0 +0100
Change: 2007-03-03 19:59:32.0 +0100

$ chmod 700 dubois
$ echo reponds moi  dubois
$ stat dubois
 File: `dubois'
 Size: 12  Blocks: 2  IO Block: 4096   regular file
Device: 301h/769d   Inode: 392471  Links: 1
Access: (0700/-rwx--)  Uid: ( 5678/  patate)   Gid: ( 1234/  legume)
Access: 2007-03-03 19:59:32.0 +0100
Modify: 2007-03-03 19:59:53.0 +0100
Change: 2007-03-03 19:59:53.0 +0100

ce qui a changé: les permissions (à cause du chmod), la taille, le Modiy 
et le Change (à cause du echo).

$ cat dubois
reponds moi
$ stat dubois
 File: `dubois'
 Size: 12  Blocks: 2  IO Block: 4096   regular file
Device: 301h/769d   Inode: 392471  Links: 1
Access: (0700/-rwx--)  Uid: ( 5678/  patate)   Gid: ( 1234/  legume)
Access: 2007-03-03 20:02:12.0 +0100
Modify: 2007-03-03 19:59:53.0 +0100
Change: 2007-03-03 19:59:53.0 +0100

là, le Access (le temps, pas les permissions) a changé à cause du cat.

$ ln -s dubois dufer
$ stat dufer
 File: `dufer' - `dubois'
 Size: 6   Blocks: 0  IO Block: 4096   symbolic link
Device: 301h/769d   Inode: 392472  Links: 1
Access: (0777/lrwxrwxrwx)  Uid: ( 5678/  patate)   Gid: ( 1234/  legume)
Access: 2007-03-03 20:06:14.0 +0100
Modify: 2007-03-03 20:06:11.0 +0100
Change: 2007-03-03 20:06:11.0 +0100

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Re: make-kpkg

2007-03-03 Thread Cédric Macquat
On Fri, Mar 02, 2007 at 09:43:41PM +0100, Vincent Bernat wrote:
 Voici grossièrement comme se passe la séquence de boot :
  - le boot  loader est chargé par  le BIOS (c'est lui qui  est dans le
MBR,  pas  le  noyau  !)  et  il  se  débrouille  pour  se  charger
  - il charge le noyau avec l'aide du BIOS (donc il peut le lire sur le
  - le noyau prend  la main sur le BIOS et il  n'est donc plus possible
de lire le disque à cette étape
  - la partition racine est montée et l'utilitaire init est exécuté
 Pour monter  la partition racine, il  faut pouvoir lire  le disque, le
 noyau doit donc contenir de  quoi lire le disque (support des disques)
 et le système de fichier qui est dessus. Si tu as un chipset Intel, il
 faut donc coller  le support de celui-ci en dur dans  le noyau (pas en
 On rencontre là  le premier problème qui concerne  les distributions :
 comment faire un noyau qui  fonctionne partout ? Avec mon scénario, il
 faut tout mettre en dur dans le  noyau, ce qui fait un noyau énorme et
 plein de choses inutiles chargées en mémoire.
 C'est là  qu'intervient l'initrd. Au lieu  de monter la  racine, on va
 monter  une image  disque qui  a été  chargée en  mémoire par  le boot
 loader en même  temps que le noyau. Cette image  disque va détecter le
 matos présent  sur ta  machine et charger  ce qu'il faut  pour pouvoir
 monter ensuite la véritable racine.
 À ce niveau, si tu compiles ton noyau toi même, tu n'as absolument pas
 besoin d'initrd, y compris avec des disques SCSI. Il te suffit dans ce
 cas de  compiler le support du SCSI,  des disques SCSI et  de ta carte
 SCSI en dur dans le noyau. Sans oublier le système de fichiers.
 Il  existe  cependant  des cas  où  tu  dois  quand même  utiliser  un
 initrd. Par exemple, si ta  partition racine est chiffrée, l'initrd se
 chargera de la déchiffrer car le noyau ne sait pas le faire tout seul.

Ok, ça s'éclaircit gentillement. Je vais encore relire une ou deux fois
et ça devrait jouer!

Merci beaucoup!


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Re: [HS] FAI avec nummero vert (Numeris/V90)

2007-03-03 Thread Sylvain Sauvage
Michelle Konzack, vendredi 2 mars 2007, 17:31:06 CET


 Je ne suis pas beacoup à la maison et je ne veux pas charger la
 facture de mes clients, copains ou amies avec un facture
 communications Internet. mon FAI en France facturer 2,9 ¢/minute.  :-(
 Il y a quelqun ici que connesser un FAI avec un numero vert, meme si
 je pas un Address fix?
 Note.:  J'ai que la possibilité du payer avec la Carte VISA
 international, sur facture ou prepaye.
 Cette chose avec GSM/EDGE/UMTS/GlobelSat est a peu tro chere
 (actuellement envirunement 2000 €/mois)...

  Toutes les offres RTC qui ne sont pas « à la minute » ou « sans
engagement » devraient aller, non ?
  Je vois mal comment une offre RTC forfaitée (x heures pour y euros)
pourrait en plus faire payer la communication. Bon, c'est vrai que les
sites ne sont pas très clairs : le RTC n'a plus la cote et ils
préfèrent vendre de l'ADSL...

 Sylvain Sauvage

Re: en-t?te de fichier

2007-03-03 Thread rixed
-[ Sat, Mar 03, 2007 at 04:07:34PM +0100, philippe L ]
 Où sont stockés les informations telles que nom de fichier, date de
 création, date de motif, etc ...

Cela dépend du système de fichier.
Traditionnellement sous Unix : dans l'inode.
L'inode est un bloc qui contient ce genre d'informations ainsi que des
pointeurs vers les blocs de donnée du fichier.
Et oui, c'est codé en représentation compacte (binaire).

Il y a un appel système pour lire ces informations, mappé sur la
fonction stat() de la libC, et par ricochet accessible dans la plupart
des langages de programmation jusqu'au shell :

man 1 stat
man 2 stat
man 3 stat
man perlfunc - chercher stat


Note: l'inode ne contient pas le nom du fichier. Ca peut surprendre,
mais les fichiers n'ont pas de nom - ce sont les entrées dans les
répertoires qui ont des noms (Un répertoire, c'est une liste de noms et
de pointeurs vers les inodes).

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listes de diffusions et adresses !bang

2007-03-03 Thread bernard . schoenacker

est il possible de souscrire à certaines listes de diffusion
via une adresse !bang et particulièrement duf


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Re: Debian French localisation team completes the translation of debconf screens

2007-03-03 Thread Christian Perrier
 Tout d'abord, félicitation à tous pour ce travail titanesque.
 Mais je ne peux m'empêcher de penser qu'il est étrange de nous annoncer que 
 debconf est complètement traduit en français par un message en anglais! 
 Manifestement il reste un petit effort de traduction à fournir. ;-

First, congratulations to everybody for this giant work.

I just can't refrain thinking that it is strange to announce that
debconf is entirely translated to french with a mail written in
English. Apparently, one small bit translation effort has still to be

(apologies in advance to native English speakers for this probably
awful translation)

Description: Digital signature

Re: Debian French localisation team completes the translation of debconf screens

2007-03-03 Thread MJ Ray
 Mais je ne peux m'empêcher de penser qu'il est étrange de nous
 annoncer que debconf est complètement traduit en français par un
 message en anglais! Manifestement il reste un petit effort de
 traduction à fournir. ;-

Mais les anglos ne comprennent pas messages en français, et c'est
anglais surtout içi !  Donc, on demand les annonces en anglais,
même à propos de projets où la plupart des devs et utilisateurs sont
francophones ;-)

My Opinion Only: see
Please follow

Programmation en langage C

2007-03-03 Thread Alex PADOLY

- kernel-package


- libc6-dev
- libc6.1-dbg
- gcc-4.0 ou gcc-4.1

Plutôt build-essential, comme je l'ai indiqué.

- anjunta

Question de goût. Pour moi, le meilleur IDE est emacs.

Je ne connais pas le langage C, l'utilisation du langage (les
librairies) risque-t-il de perturber mon système
(bureau,applications,serviceau réseau).

Le mieux est de ne pas compiler en étant root :-)

Merci si l'un de vous connais un manuel progressif et pédagogique,

Dans quel but utiliser C ? Si c'est parce que le prof l'a dit, c'est à
lui de suggérer un manuel. Si c'est pour apprendre la programmation,
commencer par C est une drôle d'idée. Python, Haskell, Java ou bien
d'autres seraient sans doute plus adaptés.

Lorsque j'essaye d'installer les paquets ci-dessus par la commande apt-get  
install , j'ai un message me dissant que les trois paquets

libc6-dev, libc6.1-dbg, gcc-4.0 n'existent pas.
J'ai été voir sur le site de Debian, les deux premiers paquets existent  
dans la section stable, de mémoire j'ai vu le paquet gcc mais en version  

Merci pour votre aide.

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Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:

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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: en-tête de fichier

2007-03-03 Thread Stephane Bortzmeyer
On Sat, Mar 03, 2007 at 07:12:52PM +0100,
 mouss [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote 
 a message of 80 lines which said:

 Où sont stockés les informations telles que nom de fichier, date de
 création, date de motif, etc ...
 dans le répertoire où se trouve le fichier. 

Non (pensez aux liens durs). Cf. les explications de

Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :   
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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: listes de diffusions et adresses !bang

2007-03-03 Thread Stephane Bortzmeyer
On Sat, Mar 03, 2007 at 08:02:43PM +0100,
 a message of 17 lines which said:

 est il possible de souscrire à certaines listes de diffusion via une
 adresse !bang et particulièrement duf

De telles adresses n'ont guère de chance d'être reconnues de nos
jours, le routage du courrier sur Internet se faisant désormais
entièrement via le DNS. La vraie question est pourquoi en avoir
une ?

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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: listes de diffusions et adresses !bang

2007-03-03 Thread François TOURDE
Le 13575ième jour après Epoch,
Stephane Bortzmeyer écrivait:

 On Sat, Mar 03, 2007 at 08:02:43PM +0100,
  a message of 17 lines which said:

 est il possible de souscrire à certaines listes de diffusion via une
 adresse !bang et particulièrement duf

 De telles adresses n'ont guère de chance d'être reconnues de nos
 jours, le routage du courrier sur Internet se faisant désormais
 entièrement via le DNS. La vraie question est pourquoi en avoir
 une ?

Je vais avoir l'air con, mais bon... J'ai l'habitude :)

C'est quoi une adresse !bang ? ... Les seules adresses dans lesquelles
un ! apparaît pour moi sont les adresses de newsgroups.

Je suis plugged depuis pas mal de temps (BBS et Usenet à l'époque),
mais j'ai jamais entendu parler de ça. Ça m'intrigue :)

Re: listes de diffusions et adresses !bang

2007-03-03 Thread François Boisson
Le Sat, 03 Mar 2007 20:02:43 +0100

 est il possible de souscrire à certaines listes de diffusion
 via une adresse !bang et particulièrement duf

Qu'est ce qu'une adresse !bang??

François Boisson

Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :   
Vous pouvez aussi ajouter le mot ``spam'' dans vos champs From et

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Un logiciel pour les grafcets

2007-03-03 Thread Franck Joncourt

Je suis en train de rechercher un logiciel qui pourrait me permettre de
faire des grapfcets mais jusqu'à présent je n'ai rien trouvé. 

Quelqu'un aurait-il une idée ?

Franck Joncourt
GPG server :
Fingerprint : C10E D1D0 EF70 0A2A CACF  9A3C C490 534E 75C0 89FE

Description: Digital signature

Re: listes de diffusions et adresses !bang

2007-03-03 Thread Vincent Bernat
OoO La  nuit ayant déjà  recouvert d'encre ce  jour du samedi  03 mars
2007, vers 23:20, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (François TOURDE) disait:

 C'est quoi une adresse !bang ? ... Les seules adresses dans lesquelles
 un ! apparaît pour moi sont les adresses de newsgroups.

 Je suis plugged depuis pas mal de temps (BBS et Usenet à l'époque),
 mais j'ai jamais entendu parler de ça. Ça m'intrigue :)

C'est une  adresse qui  indique le chemin  à suivre pour  contacter le
destinataire. Genre :


Faut donc  filer le mail  à machine1 qui  le filera à machine2  qui le
délivrera au  propriétaire (via UUCP  par exemple). Je crois  que cela
n'est plus autorisé sur la plupart des serveurs. contient un peu d'info là-dessus.

On peut voir des exemples en vrai ici :
panic(Lucy in the sky);
2.2.16 /usr/src/linux/arch/sparc64/kernel/starfire.c

Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :   
Vous pouvez aussi ajouter le mot ``spam'' dans vos champs From et

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Un logiciel pour les grafcets

2007-03-03 Thread Vincent Bernat
OoO  En cette  nuit nuageuse  du dimanche  04 mars  2007,  vers 00:28,
Franck Joncourt [EMAIL PROTECTED] disait:

 Je suis en train de rechercher un logiciel qui pourrait me permettre de
 faire des grapfcets mais jusqu'à présent je n'ai rien trouvé. 

dia ?
printk(What? oldfid != cii-c_fid. Call 911.\n);
2.4.3 linux/fs/coda/cnode.c

Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :   
Vous pouvez aussi ajouter le mot ``spam'' dans vos champs From et

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: en-tête de fichier

2007-03-03 Thread mouss

Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:

On Sat, Mar 03, 2007 at 07:12:52PM +0100,
 mouss [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote 
 a message of 80 lines which said:


Où sont stockés les informations telles que nom de fichier, date de
création, date de motif, etc ...
dans le répertoire où se trouve le fichier. 

Non (pensez aux liens durs). Cf. les explications de


exact. autant pour moi. 

Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :   
Vous pouvez aussi ajouter le mot ``spam'' dans vos champs From et


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Rhythmbox + OGG

2007-03-03 Thread debian
Hola Comunidad,

por estos dias he intentado escuchar radios en linea en formato OGG con 
cualquier programa (Amarok,
BMPx, Rhythmbox, Exile, Listen...) pero no lo he conseguido.

Hasta ahora he instalado casi todos los plugins gstreamer un monton de 
librerias que tienen relacion
con codificacion y decodificacion de ogg, etc.

Y como supongo, que no todos los programas dependen de las mismas librerias o 
plugins... me entra la
sospecha, que quizas haya un error de instalacion/configuracion en mi sistema.

Como no se por donde atacar el problema, os pido ayuda.


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: problema con grub en mas de 2 SO

2007-03-03 Thread consultores1
El vie, 02-03-2007 a las 16:59 -0600, David Cancio Reyes escribió:
 Hola que tal.
 Tengo un problema cuando trato de instalar el tercer sistema operativo
 en mi computadora.
 Las caracteristicas.
 Dell Optiplex 160L
 Pentium IV 2.6GHz
 384 en RAM 
 Disco Duro Maestro: Samsung 40Gb
 Disco Duro Esclavo: Western Digital 40Gb
 Primero los formatee a los dos y posteriormente hice lo siguiente...
 En el disco duro esclavo instale windows xp home edition, pero me
 pedia que en el disco duro maestro se tenia que escribir información
 par que pudiera arrancar el sistema, entonces le hice una particion de
 10Mb en el disco maestro con sistema de archivos fat32. Posteriormente
 se instalo windows en el esclavo. Cuando reinicie la computadora, todo
 funcionaba, pero algo lento al acceder a las cosas y carpetas, a
 comparación cuando sólo tenia un disco duro. 
 Despúes que instale windows xp, procedi a instalar ubuntu edgy en el
 disco maestro, primero le hice una particion de 15 Gb para el sistema
 base y 1Gb para swat en el disco maestro, aunado a la particion fat32
 de 10mb. 
 Cuando reinicie la computadora todo funcionaba bien Posteriormente
 procedi a instalar Fedora Core 5...
 En el espacio libre del disco duro maestro (23 GB aprox) procedi a
 instalar Fedora...todo bien, cuando la reinicie, solo aparecia Fedora
 Core en el menu de Grub. lo que hice fue entrar a Fedora y montar la
 particion de ubuntu edgy, para copiar lo que tenia el
 archivo /boot/grub/menu.lst (solo la parte de configuracion que
 aqui pongo) 
 titleUbuntu, kernel 2.6.17-10-generic
 kernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.17-10-generic root=/dev/hda2 ro quiet
 splash locale=es_ES
 titleUbuntu, kernel 2.6.17-10-generic (recovery mode)
 kernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.17-10-generic root=/dev/hda2 ro single
 initrd/boot/initrd.img- 2.6.17-10-generic
 titleUbuntu, memtest86+ 
 # This is a divider, added to separate the menu items below from the
 # ones.
 titleOther operating systems:
 # This entry automatically added by the Debian installer for a
 non-linux OS
 # on /dev/hda1
 titleWindows NT/2000/XP (loader)
 Todo esto lo puse en el /grub/boot/menu.lst de fedora, hasta
 abajo...quedo asi:::
 # grub.conf generated by anaconda
 # Note that you do not have to rerun grub after making changes to this
 # NOTICE:  You do not have a /boot partition.  This means that
 #  all kernel and initrd paths are relative to /, eg.
 #  root (hd0,4)
 #  kernel /boot/vmlinuz-version ro root=/dev/hda5
 #  initrd /boot/initrd-version.img
 ##En root (hd0,X) la x esta 0
 title Fedora Core (2.6.15-1.2054_FC5 )
 root (hd0,4)
 kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-1.2054_FC5 ro root=LABEL=/ rhgb quiet
 initrd /boot/initrd-2.6.15-1.2054_FC5.img
 #title Other
 #rootnoverify (hd1,0)
 #chainloader +1
 title Other
 title   Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.17-10-generic
 kernel  /boot/vmlinuz- 2.6.17-10-generic root=/dev/hda2 ro
 quiet splash locale=es_ES
 initrd  /boot/initrd.img-2.6.17-10-generic
 title   Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.17-10-generic (recovery mode)
 kernel  /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.17-10-generic root=/dev/hda2 ro
 initrd  /boot/initrd.img-2.6.17-10-generic 
 title   Ubuntu, memtest86+ 
 kernel  /boot/memtest86+.bin
 title   Windows NT/2000/XP (loader)
 chainloader +1
 Ahora cuando inicio mi computadora aparece el menu de fedora y todo,
 pero cuando le doy enter y quiero entrar a fedora aparece
 Booting Fedora Core (2.6.15-1.2054_FD5)
 Filesystem type is ext2fs, partition type 0x83
 kernel /boot/umlinux-2.6.15.-1.2054_FC5 ro root=LABEL =1 rhgb
 [Linux-initrd @ 0x17d83000,0xe0ec5 bytes]
 uncompressing linux...ok, booting the kernel.
 Red Hat nas version 5.0.32 starting
 mount: could not find filesystem 'dev/root'
 setuproot: moving /dev/failed: No such file or directory
 setuproot: error mounting /proc: No such file or directory

Re: Saber que ordenadores e stán encendidos en tiempo real

2007-03-03 Thread boube
On Fri, Mar 02, 2007 at 08:48:51PM -0400, Damian Fossi wrote:
 On 3/2/07, Guillermo Cordeiro Baqueiro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 quizas con nmap -sP 192.168.1.* te solucione tu problema, esto seria en 
 No, nmap -sP

Es exactamente igual una cosa que la otra. Yo suelo uasr la 
de los asteriscos porque es mas coerta y no tienes que ponerte
a averiguar la mascara. 



with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Saber que ordenadores están encendidos en tiempo real

2007-03-03 Thread Luis Vega

Sorry boube, olvide enviarlo a la lista.

En mi caso aveces ocupo el programa fping

# fping -g | grep alive  pc.txt


Luis Vega M.
Linux Registered User #356394 -
Sitio Personal:
Green Day:
fodsite AT gmail DOT com

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Problema al compilar un programa co n una librería utilizando autotools

2007-03-03 Thread Fer Gar

Bueno, ya lo solucioné, era un error de lo más tonto, que son los más
difíciles de encontrar. Al final tenía que cambiar una línea en el que esta en src/exe. La línea que estaba mal era la que ponía:
Había que poner:

Con este cambio todo funcionó a la perfección.
Hasta luego

Mensajes de Arranque

2007-03-03 Thread Daniel Garcia
Hola a todos,

sabeis donde se guardan los mensajes que salen al arrancar la debian, no
me da tiempo a leerlos. Los que se refieren al nucleo estan segun creo
en /var/log/kern.log... pero el resto.

Un saludo

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Mensajes de Arranque

2007-03-03 Thread akira
El Sábado, 3 de Marzo de 2007 20:27, Daniel Garcia escribió:
 Hola a todos,

 sabeis donde se guardan los mensajes que salen al arrancar la debian, no
 me da tiempo a leerlos. Los que se refieren al nucleo estan segun creo
 en /var/log/kern.log... pero el resto.

 Un saludo

Ejecuta dmesg | less

dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/win_c
Geek by nature, Linux by choice... Debian, of course
Linux Registered User #373380

Description: PGP signature

Re: Mensajes de Arranque

2007-03-03 Thread Robert Gironés Margarit
A Dissabte 03 Març 2007 20:27, Daniel Garcia va escriure:
 Hola a todos,


 sabeis donde se guardan los mensajes que salen al arrancar la debian, no
 me da tiempo a leerlos. Los que se refieren al nucleo estan segun creo
 en /var/log/kern.log... pero el resto.

En /var/log/boot aunque está desactivado por defecto.

Puedes activarlo modificando el  fichero /etc/default/bootlogd


 Un saludo

Robert Gironés Margarit
Grup Bages Formadors, SL

Re: Mensajes de Arranque

2007-03-03 Thread Gabriel Parrondo
El sáb, 03-03-2007 a las 20:54 +0100, akira escribió:
 El Sábado, 3 de Marzo de 2007 20:27, Daniel Garcia escribió:
  Hola a todos,
  sabeis donde se guardan los mensajes que salen al arrancar la debian, no
  me da tiempo a leerlos. Los que se refieren al nucleo estan segun creo
  en /var/log/kern.log... pero el resto.
  Un saludo
 Ejecuta dmesg | less

Otra forma interesante de ver los mensajes que salen al arranque es
presionar la tecla Scroll Lock o Bloq. Despl que hará que la
pantalla deje de avanzar, y te permitirá ver mas arriba o mas abajo
presionando Shift+PageUp (o Re.Pag en algunos casos) y Shift+PageDown (o
Av.Pag en algunos casos).


Gabriel Parrondo
GNU/Linux User #404138
GnuPG Public Key ID: BED7BF43

The only difference between theory and practice is that, in theory, there's no 
difference between theory and practice.

Description: Esta parte del mensaje está firmada	digitalmente

Re: Rhythmbox + OGG

2007-03-03 Thread Gabriel Parrondo
El sáb, 03-03-2007 a las 09:01 +0100, debian escribió:
 Hola Comunidad,
 por estos dias he intentado escuchar radios en linea en formato OGG con 
 cualquier programa (Amarok,
 BMPx, Rhythmbox, Exile, Listen...) pero no lo he conseguido.
 Hasta ahora he instalado casi todos los plugins gstreamer un monton de 
 librerias que tienen relacion
 con codificacion y decodificacion de ogg, etc.
 Y como supongo, que no todos los programas dependen de las mismas librerias o 
 plugins... me entra la
 sospecha, que quizas haya un error de instalacion/configuracion en mi sistema.
 Como no se por donde atacar el problema, os pido ayuda.


yo suelo usar para todo lo que es streaming el vlc... me funciona
perfecto con ogg, probalo y nos contas.

Si sigue sin funcionar, decinos que error tira alguno de los programas
que probaste.


Gabriel Parrondo
GNU/Linux User #404138
GnuPG Public Key ID: BED7BF43

The only difference between theory and practice is that, in theory, there's no 
difference between theory and practice.

Description: Esta parte del mensaje está firmada	digitalmente

Re: Apache, DocumentRoot y desciendo en el arbol de directorios.

2007-03-03 Thread Juan Pablo Romero Bernal


Estimados, me ha entrado una duda... si tengo configurado el parámetro
DocumentRoot de apache con, por ejemplo, /var/www/computacion, sería
posible descender en el arbol de directorios y acceder, por ejemplo, a
archivos que estén en / (la raiz)?

Hasta donde yo sé, en el caso que expones sólo aquello que se encuentre
bajo /var/www/computacion será accesible via web (siempre y cuando los
permisos los permitan). Ascender en la estructura de directorios no es
posible, por lo menos via Web (protocolo HTTP), a  menos que exista un
VirtualHost o un Alias que lo permita hacer.

Es que cada usuario tiene una carpeta llamada public_html en su home y
empezaremos a usar esa carpeta para que puedan hacer sus páginas Web.
Asi que no se verán págnas que estén en /home/pepe/, por ejemplo.

Como te digo, hasta donde yo sé no es posible. Sin embargo revisa el sitio de
Apache acerca de posibles vulnerabilidades.

Saludos y que Dios nos bendiga!!!

Juan Pablo Romero Bernal
Grupo Linux Universidad Distrital
Canal IRC (IRC Channel)
#glud (

Visita el sitio web de Software Libre en Colombia:

Re: Ejecutar programita desde el inicio

2007-03-03 Thread Ricardo Eureka!

El 2/03/07, Marconi Poveda [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:

Hola a todos,

Estoy probando un programa para calcular numero primos, no se si ya conocen
el proyecto[1], en la maquina en  que lo quiero ejecutar esta funcionando
actualmente de server web, solo me conecto a ella por ssh. El programa se
ejecuta en consola ./mprime y funciona pero cuando cierro la conexion este
se cae :(

Como puedo hacer para que este se ejecute sin necesidad de tener abierta
siempre la conexion? Y como hago para que se inicie automaticamente cuando
la maquina arranca.

man screen
man nohup



Marconi A. Poveda Chacón.
Managua, Nicaragua.
Móvil (505) - 6305290

Ricardo A.Frydman
Administrador de Sistemas Unix

Re: squid para controlar acceso a paginas web

2007-03-03 Thread Ricardo Eureka!

El 2/03/07, moraca [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:

muy buenas quiero controlar como servidor el acceso q se de a internet a 
distintos decir quiero establecer como un servidor hacia los 
demas usuarios. No quiero q cualquier usuario acceda a todas las paginas 
web...como puedo hacerlo con squid?

Has leido la documentacion? Alli te lo explica con claridad


Create tu cuenta de webmail en

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ricardo A.Frydman
Administrador de Sistemas Unix

OT: Revolution Os

2007-03-03 Thread Cristian Mitchell

Al que le interese este mes anuciaron que van a pasar por TV
Revolution Os por isat

Linux user number 412793.

las grandes obras,
las sueñan los santos locos,
las realizan los luchadores natos,
las aprovechan los felices cuerdo,
y las critican los inútiles crónicos,

yo no fui, seguro que es mas inteligente.

Re: OPENVPN - Problema ao resolver nome das mauqinas

2007-03-03 Thread Gustavo Carvalho

Realmente esta com um conceito errado sobre esta bridge. Agora ficou bem
Solucionando esta ultima duvida tudo fica mais facil.

Segui o manual do openVPN:

Tenho as interfaces
eth0:   - Interface ligada ao router 3COM - Uada para acesso a
eth1: - IP da minha rede local.
eth2: Utilizada como DHCP e esta ligada ao MODEM ADSL.
ppp0: Conexão estabelecida com a ADSL

Bom, a bridge que tenho que levantar, deve ser levantada com eth1 ou eth2.
Fiz o teste seguindo o link que vc me passou.
Quando eu levanto com ETH1 rede local. Ele levanta br0 mas o endereço IP que esta configurado na eth1 some.

Minha duvida final seria essa.
Se eu levanto com a iterface da rede local(eth1), ou levanto com a interface
que esta ligado o velox(eth2).

Em anexo a reposta do ifconfig em dois momentos.


eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:13:D4:F1:4B:EB
 inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
 inet6 addr: fe80::213:d4ff:fef1:4beb/64 Scope:Link
 RX packets:9106 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
 TX packets:9972 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
 RX bytes:2523839 (2.4 MiB)  TX bytes:8239977 (7.8 MiB)
 Base address:0xe800 Memory:fbfe-fc00

eth1  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:50:BF:16:2F:6C
 inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
 inet6 addr: fe80::250:bfff:fe16:2f6c/64 Scope:Link
 RX packets:12345 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
 TX packets:10457 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
 RX bytes:8527469 (8.1 MiB)  TX bytes:3140586 (2.9 MiB)
 Interrupt:209 Base address:0xe400

eth2  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:50:BF:5C:70:AF
 inet6 addr: fe80::250:bfff:fe5c:70af/64 Scope:Link
 RX packets:66 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
 TX packets:78 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
 RX bytes:4585 (4.4 KiB)  TX bytes:7772 (7.5 KiB)
 Interrupt:193 Base address:0xe000

loLink encap:Local Loopback
 inet addr:  Mask:
 inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
 RX packets:706 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
 TX packets:706 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
 collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
 RX bytes:78168 (76.3 KiB)  TX bytes:78168 (76.3 KiB)

ppp0  Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol
 inet addr:  P-t-P:  Mask:
 RX packets:9 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
 TX packets:3 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
 collisions:0 txqueuelen:3
 RX bytes:681 (681.0 b)  TX bytes:54 (54.0 b)

br0   Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:50:BF:16:2F:6C
 inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
 inet6 addr: fe80::250:bfff:fe16:2f6c/64 Scope:Link
 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
 TX packets:1 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
 collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
 RX bytes:0 (0.0 b)  TX bytes:90 (90.0 b)

eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:13:D4:F1:4B:EB
 inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
 inet6 addr: fe80::213:d4ff:fef1:4beb/64 Scope:Link
 RX packets:9563 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
 TX packets:10414 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
 RX bytes:2672005 (2.5 MiB)  TX bytes:8355361 (7.9 MiB)
 Base address:0xe800 Memory:fbfe-fc00

eth1  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:50:BF:16:2F:6C
 inet6 addr: fe80::250:bfff:fe16:2f6c/64 Scope:Link
 RX packets:13182 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
 TX packets:11157 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
 RX bytes:8692582 (8.2 MiB)  TX bytes:3302760 (3.1 MiB)
 Interrupt:209 Base address:0xe400

eth2  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:50:BF:5C:70:AF
 inet6 addr: fe80::250:bfff:fe5c:70af/64 Scope:Link
 RX packets:75 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
 TX packets:98 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
 RX bytes:5355 (5.2 KiB)  TX 

Re: Usando apt-get com um reposiório personalizado

2007-03-03 Thread Sávio Ramos
Em Fri, 2 Mar 2007 10:59:31 -0300 (ART)
Rodrigo Tavares [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

 Alguem tem alguma sujestao ?

Já tentou a lista de desenvolvedores debian brasileiros?

Sugiro também que ligue seu corretor ortográfico. Sugestão é com g e
não j.


Sávio Martins Ramos -  Arquiteto
Rio de Janeiro  ICQ 174972645
Pirataria não! Seja livre: Linux

DNS +WIN 2003

2007-03-03 Thread maike

fala galera blz, vo precisar d uma mãozinha de vcs estou com o DNS
dinamico com ldap 100% so que eu preciso replicalo ao win2003 server,
alguem tem alguma coisa sobre isso? e tambem preciso do processo
inverso, replicar de um dns 2003 server para o LINUX, BInd9 .. enta
desde ja obrigado

adsl x Debian

2007-03-03 Thread Pedro Celio
Olá pessoal,

Instalei em casa (finalmente) o serviço net super da CTBC com acesso adsl. veio 
um modem da Dlink DSL-500B. No Windows já tá funcionando certinho. Agora decidi 
colocar no debian.

Ele já reconheceu o modem, atribuiu o ip para o pc, e encontrou um roteador.
Executei o pppoeconf para configurar o usuario e senha, porém ainda não quer 
navegar. O DNS foi trazido automaticamente mas qdo pingo nos endereços não tá 

Tenho que fazer alguma coisa a mais??? O que pode estar dando errado... o 
usuarios e senhas estão corretos... 

Desde já muito obrigado


Fale com seus amigos  de graça com o novo Yahoo! Messenger 


2007-03-03 Thread Pedro Celio
Olá pessoal, 

Estou elaborando um TCC a respeito de IDSs. Entre as ferramentas que escolhi 
está a prelude. Porém não estou encontrando material sobre ela na net. Gostaria 
de saber se alguém já trabalha com esta ferramenta e poderia me dar umas dicas.

A documentação do site official é legal, mas preciso de mais coisa

Se alguém puder me ajudar fico muito agradecido.



Fale com seus amigos  de graça com o novo Yahoo! Messenger 

Re: adsl x Debian

2007-03-03 Thread Carlinux
On Sat, 3 Mar 2007 13:48:44 -0300 (ART)
Pedro Celio [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Olá pessoal,
 Instalei em casa (finalmente) o serviço net super da CTBC com acesso adsl. 
 veio um modem da Dlink DSL-500B. No Windows já tá funcionando certinho. Agora 
 decidi colocar no debian.
 Ele já reconheceu o modem, atribuiu o ip para o pc, e encontrou um roteador.
 Executei o pppoeconf para configurar o usuario e senha, porém ainda não quer 
 navegar. O DNS foi trazido automaticamente mas qdo pingo nos endereços não tá 
 Tenho que fazer alguma coisa a mais??? O que pode estar dando errado... o 
 usuarios e senhas estão corretos... 

voce incluiu no arquivo /etc/resolv.conf

fez o roteamento
route add default gw ip_do_modem eth0


Carlucio Lopes- Cobolito 62-8415-8939 msn:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Entenda Pirataria = 
Compilador Cobol Free em Portugues
Porque Cobol? ==
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2007-03-03 Thread Guilherme Rocha

Prezado Pedro,

eu já utilizei o prelude, mas atualmente tenho mais familiaridade com
o snort, e acredito que ele tb tenha uma base de usuários maior.

O prelude é muito flexível e pode, inclusive, usar o snort como um
sensor. Enfim, não posso lhe ajudar muito, mas desejo boa sorte. E qd
concluir o seu trabalho, por favor divulgue aqui na lista.

Eu tenho algumas apresentações que podem lhe ser úteis, se quiser,
entre em contato em privado.


Em 03/03/07, Pedro Celio[EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

Olá pessoal,

Estou elaborando um TCC a respeito de IDSs. Entre as ferramentas que escolhi
está a prelude. Porém não estou encontrando material sobre ela na net.
Gostaria de saber se alguém já trabalha com esta ferramenta e poderia me dar
umas dicas.

A documentação do site official é legal, mas preciso de mais coisa

Se alguém puder me ajudar fico muito agradecido.



Fale com seus amigos de graça com o novo Yahoo! Messenger

Guilherme Rocha
Linux Registered User:391180
Keep on hackin' in the free world!
--   GF7 Documentação e Sistemas Integrados   Central Única da Cidadania

Pacotes laptop

2007-03-03 Thread Rodrigo Emygdio

Ola! Senhores(as)

Estou precisando de algum pacote  que faça genrencia de energia
para laptop. Alguém poderia me indicar um bacana.

Rodrigo Emygdio da S. S. Pereira
Brasília - DF
* (0xx61)3426-2255 / * (0xx61)8118-5169

Re: adsl x Debian

2007-03-03 Thread Paulo de Souza Lima
 Olá pessoal,

Oi Pedro,

 Ele já reconheceu o modem, atribuiu o ip para o pc, e encontrou um roteador.
 Executei o pppoeconf para configurar o usuario e senha, porém ainda não quer
 navegar. O DNS foi trazido automaticamente mas qdo pingo nos endereços não tá
Se vc pingar os IPs, ao invés dos URLs, responde? Tente pingar os DNS do seu
provedor ou esse: (esse é o DNS da Copelnet). Se responder vc
está na rede e é só um problema de DNS.

Se não responder, faça o teste de trás pra frente: ping o IP do seu modem (no
DSL500B acredito ser o default). Se não pingar, vc tem algum problema
de conexão interna aí, configuração do modem/placa de rede/etc. Se pingar,
tente pingar o gateway do modem (o que gateway que o provedor fornece). Se não
pingar o gateway do provedor, então vc tem um problema na sua linha ou na
interface Wan do seu modem. Se pingar o gateway do provedor e não pingar o DNS
do provedor, então tem problema no provedor. Se pingar o gateway e o DNS do
provedor, vc está na internet (claro que isso não é inteiramente verdade, mas é
99% de certeza), e aí você tem um problema de DNS.


Paulo de Souza Lima
Linux User 432358

Fale com seus amigos  de graça com o novo Yahoo! Messenger 

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Re: desconectar usuarios

2007-03-03 Thread Júnio José

Em 03/03/07, robert henrrique chaves chaves[EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

valeu obrigado pela a dica , vc trabalha com adm de rede ? olha quando vc
fala pid do usuário esta falando do pid bash do usuário conectado?

Sim, trabalho com administração de rede.
Sim, estou falando do pid bash

 Deu certo a dica brigadão

Bom saber! :-)
Júnio José
Se você consegue tentar é possível que você consiga fazer.

Re: /etc/cron.daily/man-db: /var/cache/man: Permission denied

2007-03-03 Thread Micha

I think it's a problem with the way exim is configured. 
Exim is mailing the report locally. So that's why we couldn't find 
anything about cron-daily, man-db, or file permissions !
I can see the same error on two freshly installed Debian unstable 
boxes, with completely different archs and settings. 
I need to track it further, just wnated to drop a note to the archives.

keep it rolling


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Re: Firestarter VS Shorewall

2007-03-03 Thread David Hart
On Thu 2007-03-01 16:05:32 -0500 Roberto C. Sanchez wrote:
 On Thu, Mar 01, 2007 at 09:45:41PM +0100, Franck Joncourt wrote:
  On Thu, Mar 01, 2007 at 11:56:41AM -0800, Jordi wrote:
   John, that seems to complicated for me, but seems good as it is a
   hardware firewall.
   Roverto, seems you like to do a control of all parameters, you must be
   an expert. I will try to do as you say, and learn a bit.
  Want to set up a firewall ; it is better to know what you do :)!
  I started using iptables first, and now it is quite difficult to change,
  even to try other stuff. So if you want to learn more, take a look at the
  iptables tutorial. However, I should admit it is time consuming.
 Right, like when you want a firewall to manage a half-dozen different
 zones on your network, which is connected to several different ISPs,
 while performing traffic shaping functions?

If you need to manage a half-dozen zones the chances are that you'll
be doing packet filtering on specialized hardware so shorewall will
be of no use.

On Fri 2007-03-02 04:31:18 -0800 Jordi wrote:
 I wonder if shorewall is for me like using a cannon to kill a flea.

It probably is.
 Having this in mind, do you know a good and simple solution? I will
 have much time to learn for future, it is just to have a start point.

I recommend
written by Rusty Russell, the initial author and one of the current main
developers of iptables/netfilter.

He shows a simple six line firewall script at


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Re: A very simple documentation framework

2007-03-03 Thread cga2000
On Fri, Mar 02, 2007 at 10:37:52PM EST, ][ wrote:
 Sorry for responding late...

No problem.  

I'm still working on it.


 On Sun, 11 Feb 2007 11:05:07 -0500, Douglas Allan Tutty wrote:

  On Sun, Feb 11, 2007 at 06:11:58AM -0500, cga2000 wrote:
  So far my personal doc system amounts to a patchwork of notes and
  cheat sheets in ascii files that I grep when I need to find some piece
  of information or other.
  I would like to switch to something a little more ambitious where I
  would be able to generate my docs in the usual popular formats, namely
  pdf, html, ps, txt, and possibly dvi.


  I asked something similar a couple of months ago and the concensus was
  either LaTex or DocBook.
 No, LaTex or DocBook would be too much over kill for simple documentation,
 though I'm very found of LaTex myself. 

You're right, but it's difficult to resist learning at least the basics
of LaTeX and DocBook.

The risk, naturally, is that trying to kill two birds with one stone I
might miss both (writing the doc and learning the documentation tools)
.. and end up empty-handed.

 Check out AsciiDoc.

 Would something like this (AsciiDoc sample output)
 be good enough? It fulfills all your requirement, but is even more simpler.

Definitely.  I would add that due to their complexity, achieving the
same quality going down the LaTeX or the DocBook toolchains is probably not
going to be trivial.

A more subtle risk is possibly that considering that these two are such
large complex products and that since I lack the technical proficiency
(and likely the time to acquire it) .. I may have to stick to a such a
small subset of their respective capabilities that I would end up
limiting myself as a writer.  What I mean is that for instance, I
might want to present a given topic in a certain way but end up doing
differently only  because I'd start thinking that it would take me days
(or weeks..) to figure out how to do it.

 If you don't believe that everything behind it was just plain text, check 
 out the 
 AsciiDoc Markup Syntax Quick Summary

Actually, in my setup at least, the Dark Background document looks
absolutely great in a text browser such as elinks.


Maybe another concern of mine is that LaTeX and DocBook are technologies
that won't go away any time soon.. And this guarantees that both the
time I spend rewriting my .txt documents in either of these, and the
time spent acquiring some fluency using them is not entirely wasted.  
Right now, my preference would probably be DocBook over LaTeX since it
clearly separates content and formatting.  In my case it's not just a
matter of DocBook doing the right thing.  An additional incentive is
that as long as I can find suitable stylesheets, I only need to become
fluent with a dozen or so xml tags to get started and the transformation
tools will take care of everything else for me.

I also saw somewhere that there seems to exist a simplified version of
DocBook. I know nothing about its current status, but I should probably
take a look and see it might do anything for me ..

Lastly, I'm also curious of DocBook's capabilities as far as providing a
framework that might (?) help locate information in what would amount to
a documentation database.  Here again, recursive grep's of my text
files usually works where my personal docs are concerned .. but in terms
of concept, it's clearly not a very satisfying approach.

Maybe I'm more interested in documentation technology than the drudgery
of writing and maintaining documents.


In any case, thanks much for your comments.


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Re: Firestarter VS Shorewall

2007-03-03 Thread Franck Joncourt
On Sat, Mar 03, 2007 at 08:08:36AM +, David Hart wrote:
 On Thu 2007-03-01 16:05:32 -0500 Roberto C. Sanchez wrote:
  On Thu, Mar 01, 2007 at 09:45:41PM +0100, Franck Joncourt wrote:
   On Thu, Mar 01, 2007 at 11:56:41AM -0800, Jordi wrote:

John, that seems to complicated for me, but seems good as it is a
hardware firewall.
Roverto, seems you like to do a control of all parameters, you must be
an expert. I will try to do as you say, and learn a bit.
   Want to set up a firewall ; it is better to know what you do :)!
   I started using iptables first, and now it is quite difficult to change,
   even to try other stuff. So if you want to learn more, take a look at the
   iptables tutorial. However, I should admit it is time consuming.
  Right, like when you want a firewall to manage a half-dozen different
  zones on your network, which is connected to several different ISPs,
  while performing traffic shaping functions?
 If you need to manage a half-dozen zones the chances are that you'll
 be doing packet filtering on specialized hardware so shorewall will
 be of no use.

I have never said using iptables was the best solution, however, I think the 
understanding of netfilter/iptables might help. It is up to everyone to choose 
whether they want to get a better understanding of what they are doing, or not. 
He may not need to bother with all that.
Anyway, iptables, fwbuilder, shorewall and ohters have their own advantages and 

  Having this in mind, do you know a good and simple solution? I will
  have much time to learn for future, it is just to have a start point.
 I recommend
 written by Rusty Russell, the initial author and one of the current main
 developers of iptables/netfilter.
 He shows a simple six line firewall script at 

Here is the link I use where you can get pretty useful information (for the 
future maybe 8)! ), as well :
- protocol description
- connection tracking
- iptables itself

There are some examples too.

Franck Joncourt
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Wired and wireless PCMCIA LAN cards: configuration problems

2007-03-03 Thread Ken Heard

I have a Toshiba Tecra 8000 P2 laptop first with Sarge and now with Etgh
 installed, plus KDE.  Normally, I am in Toronto, where for some time I
have been using a D-Link 10/100 mb LAN + 56k FAX/modem PCMCIA for a
wired RJ-45 connection from the laptop to my home LAN and beyond.

However, I am now in Chiang Mai, Thailand, for the next five weeks.
The LAN in the building where I have rented a condo only has wireless
for the individual units.

Consequently, for the duration I wanted to replace the aforementioned
D-Link card with a wireless PCMCIA card (SMC model 2853W 802.11g, 2.4
gH, 54 mbps).  Unfortunately, I have so far been unable to connect my
laptop to the wireless LAN in the building.  What I did to try to
establish a connection follows.

Right after booting the laptop with that PC card installed, I opened the
KDE KWiFiManager.  By means of a laptop icon it indicated that the PC
card was detected.  However, no signal was found, presumably because any
required configurations had not been done.

So from the KWiFiManager menu I selected the configuration editor as
root and entered the following data in the Config 1 tab -- the only
one used:  Network name left blank; autodetection of interface,
indicated as eth0; no start-up script entered; encryption configured as
follows:  Key to use: Key 1.  Crypto mode: open.  Crypto Keys: in the
slot for key 1 the ASCII code given me by the LAN administrator was
entered; to right of code was the indication WEP 64 bit hex, which
also conformed with the information given me.  The other three key slots
are not used.

In the General Settings area, Load preset configuration on start-up
selected. Configuration to Load=Config 1.  Number of configurations=1.

I next selected Activate.  A window labelled Information -- KDE
Control Module opened.  The text in it read as follows:

The following settings could not be applied:

Speed settings could not be modified.
Interface could not be re-enabled.

I selected OK to close that window, and then Apply.  My last action
was at this point was to close the configuration editor window.

There was no change in the KWiFIManager as described above.  So
obviously what needed to be configured was not.

The only other thing I could think of doing at this point was to look at
the Network Settings in the KDE Control Centre as root.  It indicated
the interface as eth0, the protocol as dhcp, the state as
disabled, and the comment as Wireless Network Device.

By highlighting the line with all the foregoing information, two buttons
below were activated: Configure Device and Enable Device.  Selecting
the former produced another window with two panels in it.

The first panel was labeled TCP/IP address.  The automatic button was
already selected, with dhcp in the slot to the right of the button.
Below that button was the manual button, unselected.  At the bottom of
this panel was the indication Activate when the computer starts, the
button for which was already checked.

The second panel was labeled Wireless Settings.  There were three
slots to make entries: ESSID, which was empty; WEP key, which had 10
asterisks in it; and Key type, which had ASCII.  In the ESSID slot I
entered any.  I then selected OK, which applied the change and
closed the window.

I then selected Enable Interface.  Another window appeared, saying
that the new configuration had not been changed and asked whether I
wanted to apply the changes.  I did and thereupon selected Apply.

The network settings were saved, but then a new window appeared, with
the title Error While Listing Network Interfaces - KDE.  The text
message in the window read as follows:

Could not parse the XML output from
the network configuration backend.

After closing that window, the Wireless Network Device was still in
Disabled state.  Selecting Apply in the Network Settings window in the
KDE Control Centre saves the settings once again, but the device state
is still Disabled.

Besides the Network Interfaces tab in the Network Settings window,
there were three others; Route, Domain Name System and Network Profiles.
The first and third of those three were empty.  The second, as far
as I could determine, merely repeats the contents of the /etc/hosts
file.  It does indicate the static IP address of the laptop to connect
to my home LAN in Toronto:

Iwconfig returned the following:

lono wireless extensions.

irda0 no wireless extensions.

eth0  NOT READY!  ESSID:off/any
  Mode:Managed  Channel:0  Access Point: Not-Associated
  Tx-Power=31 dBm   Sensitivity=0/200
  Retry min limit:0   RTS thr=0 B   Fragment thr=0 B
  Encryption key:ABCD-E123-44   Security mode:restricted
  Link Quality:0  Signal level:0  Noise level:0
  Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:0
  Tx excessive retries:0  Invalid misc:0   Missed beacon:0

sit0  no wireless extensions.

At this point by 

samba complains about reading permitons

2007-03-03 Thread Jabka Atu

Good day,..

Im expriancing some strange behavior with samba :
some files (didn't anything common to them) bring me the next error :

cp: cannot open `/mnt/test/securty.txt' for reading: Permission denied

i made tail /var/log/messges :

Mar  3 11:20:41 localhost -- MARK --
Mar  3 11:40:41 localhost -- MARK --
Mar  3 11:47:24 localhost kernel: SMB connection re-established (-5)

in dmesg :
nada ..

in samba/log... :

[2007/03/03 11:02:58, 0] client/smbmount.c:send_fs_socket(415)
 mount.smbfs: entering daemon mode for service \\\home, 

Yours truley ..

Jabka Atu

   mom: J' you will  miss school ..
   me:hmm ..
   ln -s school /tmp
   me:they say that school temporaly unavlibale

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Re: Icedove does not save unsent messages to the Unsent Messages folder

2007-03-03 Thread Ken Heard

Roberto C. Sanchez wrote:

Is your account a POP account or IMAP?




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Re: debian in combination with

2007-03-03 Thread impek

I have the same problem with debian and pdsmi
This is very annoying.
Etch appears to makes problems during installion too.

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Re: HOWTO: multi-seat Debian Sid using the stock kernels.

2007-03-03 Thread Hugo Vanwoerkom

Ron Johnson wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On 03/02/07 14:50, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:


When you use multiple videocards/monitors/keyboards/mice and Debian
stock kernels, the starting of gpm/gdm will fail because of the absence
of mice.

Have no idea why so with the Debian stock kernels and not with my own
generated kernel.

It probably has to do with initramfs, which is (usually) not used in
home-rolled kernels.

It does, namely the presence of usbhid, which I left out when generating 
my own with yaird, 

Sorry I said that I had no idea. What I meant was that usbhid's behavior 
is strange.  At the time I queried if it was possible to blacklist 
modules from an initramfs-tools image.


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Re: manual fonts installation

2007-03-03 Thread Sjoerd Hiemstra
On Fri, 2 Mar 2007 17:30:35 +0100
Michelle Konzack [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   1)  mkdir ~/.font
   2)  cp *.ttf ~/.font/
   3)  cd ~/.font
   4)  mkfontscale ./
   5)  mkfontdir ./
 and under X:
   6)  xset +fp ~/.font
 which can be put into your ~/.xesssion or similar files
 which are read at startup of the xserver
 No restart of the xserver is required since 'xset +/-fp'
 is working On-The-Fly.

Could you give a similar way to install Type1 fonts, consisting of
a .pfa or .pfb file, and a .afm file?


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Re: a dumb query? pls humor me

2007-03-03 Thread Freddy Freeloader

Greg Folkert wrote:

On Fri, 2007-03-02 at 16:33 -0800, Freddy Freeloader wrote:

Greg Folkert wrote:

On Fri, 2007-03-02 at 10:16 -0800, Paul Johnson wrote:

Ron Johnson wrote:

On 03/01/07 19:25, Paul Johnson wrote:

Steve Lamb wrote:

Mitja Podreka wrote:


Who's rich enough to afford to waste gas driving faster than 60 MPH, much
less more on a regular basis?  Fuel economy on most vehicles takes a
massive nosedive after 60MPH due to wind drag.

It's a time-money problem.  People would rather spend the extra
money to get there faster.

Saving only 5 or 10 minutes on a 90 mile trip?  Irrelevant.

True, but it still doesn't work out rationally:  Unless you make a lot of
money or gas is unbelievably cheap, that few minutes saved will cost you
more wage-hours than it's worth...

Unless you lose you job being late and you don't want to leave any
earlier. Its a choice.
First, my mileage doesn't go down until I consistently cross the 80 mph 
barrier.  Second, on my 125 mile commute to work, one way, the time 
saved at 10-15 mph faster than 60 is considerable.  It's the difference 
between spending 12+ hours a day away from the house, to spending 
between 11 and 11 1/2 hours away from the house.  Over the course of a 
work week that's a lot of time saved.

Also, I have a buddy that lives in southern Oregon and it's a 560 mile 
drive to his house.  It takes him more than 12 hours to make the drive.  
I make the drive in around 9 hours.  That's a huge difference in how 
tired a person is by the time they finish the trip.   Is the 1 or 2 mpg 
I lose by driving faster than he does worth it?  You bet.  I am still 
getting 35 mpg so how much can I be losing?  I get about exactly the 
same mileage if I drive at 60 - 65 only I'm far less tired after driving 
for 9 hours than I am driving for 12 hours which means I am far more 
alert and thus a much safer driver.  

Piece of info for you, very rarely does my highway speed go under 85.

I've been stopped by Police in my 1969 442, more than once. Asking me to
get out of the car and search the trunk, the engine compartment and
glove compartment... and so on. Only to be given a warning for drive 100

Last time, the one officer had a digital camera and asked if he could
take pictures.

I've also been pulled over with my Lancer for going 75MPH in a 70MPH
zone, and given a ticket.

But, yes, I also drive faster than posted.

LOL.  Yeah, I've gotten off what would have been some very expensive
tickets too.  The only reason I could ever think of was because of the
cars I was driving at the time piqued the cops interest.  

I once got pulled over for doing about 90 in town and having a huge blue
cloud of tire smoke behind me in my 69 ElCamino.  I was honest, didn't
lie, but the cop really liked my car and he gave me a verbal warning.
That was about 30 years ago though.  I also got off on a speeding ticket
in my Subaru SVX.  The cop looked the car over really carefully, asked
me if I knew how fast I was going, and I told him, Not until I saw you.
I really don't have any sense of speed in this car until I hit 100.  He
laughed and said, I believe it.  He gave me a verbal warning for close
to 70 in a 45 mph zone on a two lane country road.  

Other times I've been pulled over for 3 miles an hour over. The car a
person drives and the attitude towards the cop makes a lot of difference
between warnings and tickets, at least in my experience.

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Re: What's the best way to backup to dvd?

2007-03-03 Thread Joe Hart
Hash: SHA1

Michael M. wrote:
 On Fri, 2007-03-02 at 22:24 +0100, Joe Hart wrote:
 Michael M. wrote:
 On Fri, 2007-03-02 at 16:02 +0100, Joe Hart wrote:

 According to Automatix (the easy installer that is used by many ubuntu
 users ( ) it is illegal to install deCSS in
 the United States.  They may be wrong.
 Sorry I can't find on that website where it says installing DeCSS is
 illegal.  Reference?
 Teledirekt suggested that it should be possible to make a back up copy
 for consumers of DVDs and that their programme DVD X copy would enable
 this. The judge ruled though that the programme can be considered as a
 circumvention device and distribution of those devices is not allowed on
 the grounds of 29a of the Dutch Copyright Act.
 The above website is inaccurate.  Stichtig B.R.E.I.N. is much like the
 M.P.A.A., a organization that is trying to limit pirating of copyrighted
 material.  There is a fair use stipulation to the Dutch Copyright Act,
 and installing DeCSS could be considered (and has by some courts) a fair
 Ok, how about: :
 In any case, technological measures that prevent acts that are exempted
 under copyright law are protected. Therefore, one is, for instance, not
 allowed to circumvent a measure that hinders private copying, even
 though private copying is explicitly exempted under the Dutch Copyright
 Act. The protection of technological measures is limited by the fact
 that only technological measures applied to copyright protected material
 are covered. Consequently, technologies preventing acts as regards
 non-copyrightable material, for instance, material in regard of which
 the copyright has expired, may lawfully be circumvented.
 [ ... ]
 The following two sections of the provision list the restricted acts
 regarding technological measures. First, Section 2 of article 29a states
 that anyone circumventing an effective technological measure, who does
 so with the knowledge, or with reasonable grounds to know, that he is
 pursuing that objective, commits an unlawful act and may be held liable
 under civil law.
 [ ... ]
 Section 3 of Article 29a concerns the provision and distribution of
 circumvention services or devices. Briefly put, circumvention devices
 are cracks. The provision of information, for instance, on a website,
 aiding to the circumvention of a technological measure could be a
 circumvention service for the purpose of the provision. The offering of
 such services or devices constitutes an unlawful act, if the devices or
 (a) are advertised for circumvention, or
 (b) have only a limited commercially significant purpose or use other
 than to circumvent technological measures, or
 (c) are primarily designed for circumvention
 [ ... ]
 As is mentioned above, technological measures appear to be protected if
 they restrict any act which is not authorized by the copyright holder.
 Therefore, not only does one need the right holder’s permission to
 engage in a copyright infringing act, but, if it is technologically
 blocked, a license is also needed to lawfully perform a non-infringing
 act. Even if an activity is expressly exempted by copyright law, like
 the act of private copying, a right holder who applies technological
 measures statutorily has control over that act.
 The Directive, however, allows the EU Member States to cater for
 some of the copyright exemptions. But the Dutch legislator decided not
 to do so yet. The new legislation allows the Minister of Justice to by
 decree introduce a requirement for copyright holders to provide the
 means which enable certain exempted acts. Of course, until the Minster
 sees fit to issue a decree, no such obligation will exist.
 The Dutch Copyright Act contains many exemptions. But the decree may
 only be issued for those exemptions permitting educational usage, usage
 by disabled people, private copying, copying for preservation purposes,
 temporary copying by broadcasting organizations and usage for judicial
 or administrative purposes. Exactly which “means” the right holders will
 have to provide remains uncertain until a decree has been issued.
 You keep saying such-and-such is legal the Netherlands and courts have
 found it so, but every document I can find and every ruling I can find
 any information about says otherwise, and you don't provide any
 Not that the law stops most of the people.
 Well you're right about that!  :-)The law has certainly not stopped
 me from doing quite a bit that's illegal here.
 I think the media companies are to blame for this mess.  Especially the
 software distributors.  I can understand someone wanting to protect
 their hard work, but reality says no matter how much something is
 protected, it will eventually be cracked.  The battle has been raging
 ever since computers became popular and I imagine it will continue.
 Well I wasn't 

Re: Cannot ping localhost

2007-03-03 Thread Joe Hart
Hash: SHA1

Bruno Delalleau wrote:
 Hello debianers!
 For some reason I can no longer ping localhost:
 ping -c 3 localhost
 PING localhost.localdomain ( 56(84) bytes of data.
 --- localhost.localdomain ping statistics ---
 3 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 2000ms
 I saw that when I tried to configure my printer using the web
 If I use as root: ifconfig lo, I can ping localhost.
 But the next time I reboot I cannot ping localhost: I have again to
 become root and use ifcong.
 So, my question: how do I save the command ifconfig lo in some place
 so that I don't have to redo the same procedure? Is there a script or
 a config file?
 This is the content of my /etc/network/interfaces file:
 auto lo eth1 eth2
 iface lo inet loopback
 I'm sure that there should be a trick, but which one? I swear that I
 have tried to RTFM!

You must have trimmed that file because there is no definition for eth1
or eth2, and for that matter, where is eth0?

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Re: CMS for server

2007-03-03 Thread Jordi
Thanks friends

I though my message was not going to be published.
If someone thinks it is offtopic sorry, just don't answer me.
But as sometimes I see messages talking about winning money sending
emails or enlarging their penis, I thought that 'cos many of you run
servers and thus maybe you know good cms or will be good for you to
compare them, I could get good advice on this.

Just answer or ignore me, please. I didn't wanted to polemize.

So long,


PD: I will take a serious look at Joomla Clive. Thanks Greg.

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Re: etch installer hanging on packages

2007-03-03 Thread Marco De Vitis

On 02/03/2007 18:00, Kevin Scott Sumner wrote:

comes at Select and install software progress bar -- it halts at 5%.  

I'm not sure it's the exact same problem I encountered, but just a few 
days ago I worked around it using a standard Etch netinst CD (no 
daily, no weekly) and this suggestion:


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Two identical usb networking cards problem

2007-03-03 Thread David Fokkema
Hi group,

I googled / searched the list around a lot but couldn't find what the
cause of my problem might be...

I installed debian etch on an NSLU2. It has an internal network card
which is brought up automatically at boot time. I have two additional
usb network cards attached to a hub which are identical. Only one of
them is brought up at boot time. Which one, that is (well, seems to be,
anyway) completely random, :-/

My /etc/network/interfaces:
# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
# and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).

# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

# The primary network interface
allow-hotplug eth0
iface eth0 inet static

allow-hotplug eth1
iface eth1 inet static

allow-hotplug eth2
iface eth2 inet dhcp
pre-up ethtool -s eth2 autoneg off speed 10

If I change the allow-hotplug to auto, my problem is solved. So why this
mail? Just because I feel that etch is logging way to little information

1. I can't seem to find in the logs when and by what daemon / script
eth0 is brought up. It is always brought up. No logs whatsoever.
2. I had to edit /lib/udev/net.agent to let it log which interface it
was bringing up. I already set a log level of debug
in /etc/udev/udev.conf but that is not enough.
3. It seems that udev is not involved, however, it must be udev which is
changing interface names with its persistent-net.rules since my logs
tell me that the asix driver loads eth1 and eth2 with some mac
addresses, but after I bring up the missing interface, the names are
swapped according to their mac addresses. However, I can't seem to find
that in the logs.
4. /var/log/boot tells me ifup -a is run, however, I'd like to know
which interfaces ifup is bringing up. No log...
5. It is not ifup -a which is bringing up the one usb interface because
ifdown eth1 and eth2 and then ifup -a -n shows me ifup has no intention
of bringing up either eth1 or eth2.

My question: how can I find out which daemon/script is bringing up my
two out of three interfaces and how can I make sure it brings up all
three (without resorting to auto lines, apparently allow-hotplug should

I feel kinda lost...

Thanks in advance,


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Re: Firestarter VS Shorewall

2007-03-03 Thread Jordi
Thanks for the links

I asked in the Ubuntu forum too and they say me that it may be
unnecessary to combine hardware firewall and software firewall
(iptables or any other that uses it).
But they said I can do, if I am paranoid.
And as you said, the correct place to stop an intruder is BEFORE they
cross the router.

As has been said in all these conversations here in Debian and Ubuntu,
we could resume:
- A hardware firewall is better than a software firewall.
- You can convine software and hardware firewall.
- But if you do that, you won't get a fantastic improvement on
- All software firewalls use iptables, but some allow extra features.
- To have a good hardware firewall buy a good router-switch or a
specific hardware device.

If something is wrong please correct me.

In order to find a good router with firewall I saw this in the pc
It is the 7904WBRA2 of the company named SMC Networks.
The text says this:
The SMC7904WBRA2 combines an ADSL2/2+ modem, router, 4-port 10/100 LAN
switch, 802.11g wireless access point  robust SPI firewall making it
the complete solution for securely connecting  sharing your high
speed ADSL connection, wired or wirelessly. It gives you instant
always on internet connectivity with download speeds up to 24Mbps -
ideal for streaming multimedia content to the home. The EZ
Installation Wizard with on-screen help configures your ADSL
connection  wireless network in 5 easy to follow steps. Quality-of-
Service gives priority to real-time, delay sensitive applications like
Voice-over-IP and video-on-demand to improve the user experience. The
NAT firewall with Stateful Packet Inspection (SPI), Intrusion
Detection System (IDS)  Denial-of-Service (DoS) provides robust
security from hackers. VPN pass-through is also provided for securely
connecting to your office or corporate network.
It seems it has good protection: hardware firewall, IDS and protection
against DoS. It is thought both for personal and corporate use. Seems
Should I buy this router-modem-switch ?

So long,


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Re: Icedove does not save unsent messages to the Unsent Messages folder

2007-03-03 Thread Ron Johnson
Hash: SHA1

On 03/02/07 20:10, Ken Heard wrote:
 When working off line in Icedove messages to be sent later are not saved
 in the Unsent Messages folder of the e-mail account where the messages
 are created, for later sending when back on line.
 Instead they are saved in the Unsent folder of the Local Folders
 account.  Consequently they are not sent when back on line.
 As these messages did not appear in my account's Sent folder after I
 went on line, I thought they had disappeared into the ether -- most
 disconcerting.  Subsequently I discovered by accident that when I
 selected Send later after I composed them they went into the Local
 Folders Unsent folder.
 I could find no option among Icedove's preferences to have Send later
 messages saved in the account's Unsent Messages folder.  This bug should
 be fixed.

Testing your assertion now.

 Ken Heard

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a few things ...

2007-03-03 Thread pinniped

You probably did not need ndiswrapper in either case.

The 'rt2500' driver has been made open source over a year ago:
apt-cache search rt2500

A small group is currently rewriting the code for a mode generic and friendlier 
driver but I don't believe the work is done yet - but the drivers and tools are 
fine.  I've built a remote device using a USB key which uses the rt2570 driver, 
which is closely related.

For the PRISM - well, that depends on which model PRISM.  With the earlier 
models, drivers have been in Linux for ages; originally in the 'pcmcia-cs' 
project but lately they have been accepted into the main kernel.  Whether or 
not you need to install the older pcmcia-cs package depends on what version 
kernel you are running.

You can find other tools to help configure the PRISM card using 'apt-cache':
apt-cache search prism

I would not recommend using a GUI for the job at the moment - there have been 
too many changes recently (and yet another major change in the works).

There is a linux wireless / PCMCIA compatibility site which has been discussed 
in these forums several times in the past; if you can find those discussions 
and a link you will find a lot of useful information.

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Re: Firestarter VS Shorewall

2007-03-03 Thread Andreas Duffner

Jordi wrote:

I saw two good firewalls:
- Firestarter wich is easy
- Shorewall wich seems versatile

Wich is best for a single server pc? Does the complexity of shorewall
worth the effort or is firestarter as good as shorewall?

I can only tell about firestarter. Perhaps it helps a bit.

First, about the understanding what is happening-argument:
I do not want to know about the lowest level of my firewall.
I do not programm in assembler, I use C++ or C#.
With an assembler I would have a better understand what
is happening. I do not need it. I want a solution.
I do not write my own operating system out of the same reason.

So I just want a working firewall.
And firestarter does this job.
I do not know about complex setups with multiple servers.
I am just using one server, client etc at the time.
The firewall shall protect one computer at a time.
And so I use firestarter everywhere.
I use ssh with X11 forwarding to manage the firewall.
If I have a pure debian server without gui, it takes
ca. 70 MB extra space to install firestarter + gui bla bla.
Then I can use the firestarter gui to setup.

It shows the active connections it it has a mode, where
it stops all outgoing connections per default  (this has
to be activated: one click) etc
Before you use this option, you should enable ssh :-)

It is just great.

But I do not know, if shorewall is better or worse.


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Re: Two identical usb networking cards problem

2007-03-03 Thread Franck Joncourt
On Sat, Mar 03, 2007 at 02:19:20PM +0100, David Fokkema wrote:
 Hi group,

 I installed debian etch on an NSLU2. It has an internal network card
 which is brought up automatically at boot time. I have two additional
 usb network cards attached to a hub which are identical. Only one of
 them is brought up at boot time. Which one, that is (well, seems to be,
 anyway) completely random, :-/
 My /etc/network/interfaces:
 # This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
 # and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).
 # The loopback network interface
 auto lo
 iface lo inet loopback
 # The primary network interface
 allow-hotplug eth0
 iface eth0 inet static
 allow-hotplug eth1
 iface eth1 inet static
 allow-hotplug eth2
 iface eth2 inet dhcp
 pre-up ethtool -s eth2 autoneg off speed 10
 If I change the allow-hotplug to auto, my problem is solved. 

 My question: how can I find out which daemon/script is bringing up my
 two out of three interfaces and how can I make sure it brings up all
 three (without resorting to auto lines, apparently allow-hotplug

Take a look here :

The following commands are your friends :
# ip link
# ifconfig -a

If you can see an interface names as ethX_rename or something like that,
it means udev mess it up. You can fix it, by writing udev rules. This is
the way I do to ensure my interfaces get the right name.

By the way, you can see the name supply by udev :

sid:/var/lib# cat /etc/udev/rules.d/z25_persistent-net.rules
# This file was automatically generated by the /lib/udev/write_net_rules
# program, probably run by the persistent-net-generator.rules rules
# file.
# You can modify it, as long as you keep each rule on a single line.

# Firewire device 0011d8b05f6c (ohci1394)
ATTRS{address}==00:11:d8:00:00:b0:5f:6c, NAME=eth0

# PCI device 0x10de:0x0373 (forcedeth)
#SUBSYSTEM==net, DRIVERS==?*, ATTRS{address}==00:17:31:a4:0b:4e,

# PCI device 0x10de:0x0373 (forcedeth)
#SUBSYSTEM==net, DRIVERS==?*, ATTRS{address}==00:17:31:a3:ff:31,

# PCI device 0x1113:0x1211 (8139too)
#SUBSYSTEM==net, DRIVERS==?*, ATTRS{address}==00:10:b5:e1:5c:e5,

# PCI device 0x10ec:0x8139 (8139too)
#SUBSYSTEM==net, DRIVERS==?*, ATTRS{address}==00:08:a1:96:82:35,

Hope it helps.

Franck Joncourt
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Re: Firestarter VS Shorewall

2007-03-03 Thread Roberto C. Sanchez
On Sat, Mar 03, 2007 at 08:08:36AM +, David Hart wrote:
 If you need to manage a half-dozen zones the chances are that you'll
 be doing packet filtering on specialized hardware so shorewall will
 be of no use.
Well, chances are you don't know what you are talking about.  Please go
look at some of the shorewall mailing list archives.  People implement
some very complex configurations with shorewall.  Besides, shorewall
also allows you to do some neat things like have a layer-2 bridge that
also does layer-3 filtering very easily.  Doing layer-3 filtering in a
layer-2 device is technically a violation of the network model, but is
very handy nonetheless.


Roberto C. Sanchez

Description: Digital signature

Re: Firestarter VS Shorewall

2007-03-03 Thread John Hasler
Jordi writes:
 To have a good hardware firewall buy a good router-switch or a specific
 hardware device.

To have a good hardware firewall buy a cheap used pc, install Linux on it,
and configure it as a router and firewall.
John Hasler

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Re: XP Blocking CD Boot

2007-03-03 Thread Joe Hart
Hash: SHA1

Thomas H. George wrote:
 I built a new computer with two hard drives and installed XP Home
 Edition on the first drive.  The second drive contains my Debian system
 - kernel 2.6.17 and Testing.  I intended to use disc 1 of a Sarge
 installation set as a rescue disk to access hdb and run lilo to convert
 this box to a dual boot box.
 After XP was installed the system will no longer boot from a CD.  Even
 after I entered BIOS setup and changed the first, second and third boot
 choices to CDROM the system still persists in booting from the hard drive.
 What can I do to regain control?
 Tom George
It has to be your BIOS.  XP cannot change how your computer boots other
than modifying the MBR of the primary HD, which _could_ cause your
computer not to see your Debian, but you still should be able to boot
from CD.  Unless your BIOS is messed up.

Another solution would be to go to and run
the Debian.exe file that is available there.  It will install a Debain
Etch system for you (Net install).


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XP Blocking CD Boot

2007-03-03 Thread Thomas H. George
I built a new computer with two hard drives and installed XP Home 
Edition on the first drive.  The second drive contains my Debian system 
- kernel 2.6.17 and Testing.  I intended to use disc 1 of a Sarge 
installation set as a rescue disk to access hdb and run lilo to convert 
this box to a dual boot box.

After XP was installed the system will no longer boot from a CD.  Even 
after I entered BIOS setup and changed the first, second and third boot 
choices to CDROM the system still persists in booting from the hard drive.

What can I do to regain control?

Tom George

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Re: Firestarter VS Shorewall

2007-03-03 Thread Peter Teunissen

On 3-mrt-2007, at 14:52, John Hasler wrote:

Jordi writes:
To have a good hardware firewall buy a good router-switch or a  

hardware device.

To have a good hardware firewall buy a cheap used pc, install Linux  
on it,

and configure it as a router and firewall.
Or, if you like ease of use (great web based GUI) combined with  
powerfull functions out of the box, commit adultery and install  
m0n0wall (based on freebsd). Keeps me happy. I use an old pII with  
64MB and 3 3com fast ethernet cards, wan up  download and heavy  
traffic between lan  DMZ runs flawless with the processor never  
getting above 30%.


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Re: XP Blocking CD Boot

2007-03-03 Thread Håkon Alstadheim
Joe Hart wrote:
 Thomas H. George wrote:
  I built a new computer with two hard drives and installed XP Home
  Edition on the first drive.  The second drive contains my Debian system
  - kernel 2.6.17 and Testing.  I intended to use disc 1 of a Sarge
  installation set as a rescue disk to access hdb and run lilo to convert
  this box to a dual boot box.

  After XP was installed the system will no longer boot from a CD.  Even
  after I entered BIOS setup and changed the first, second and third boot
  choices to CDROM the system still persists in booting from the hard

  What can I do to regain control?

  Tom George

 It has to be your BIOS.  XP cannot change how your computer boots other
 than modifying the MBR of the primary HD, which _could_ cause your
 computer not to see your Debian, but you still should be able to boot
 from CD.  Unless your BIOS is messed up.
True, however if the CD is bad (scratched ?) , the bios might have some
hidden, automatic fallback which makes it boot from the first
hard-drive. Make sure the CD is still bootable, e.g. by trying it on
some other machine. Also, check the cables on your CD-drive.
Håkon Alstadheim
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Re: Two identical usb networking cards problem

2007-03-03 Thread David Fokkema
On Sat, 2007-03-03 at 14:54 +0100, Franck Joncourt wrote:
 On Sat, Mar 03, 2007 at 02:19:20PM +0100, David Fokkema wrote:
  Hi group,
 Take a look here :

Thanks! That was insightful.

 The following commands are your friends :
 # ip link
 # ifconfig -a

I fail to see what the former can tell me other than what netstat -ie
can, for example...

 If you can see an interface names as ethX_rename or something like that,
 it means udev mess it up. You can fix it, by writing udev rules. This is
 the way I do to ensure my interfaces get the right name.

Nope, everythings ok there.

 By the way, you can see the name supply by udev :
 sid:/var/lib# cat /etc/udev/rules.d/z25_persistent-net.rules
 # This file was automatically generated by the /lib/udev/write_net_rules
 # program, probably run by the persistent-net-generator.rules rules
 # file.
 # You can modify it, as long as you keep each rule on a single line.
 # Firewire device 0011d8b05f6c (ohci1394)
 ATTRS{address}==00:11:d8:00:00:b0:5f:6c, NAME=eth0
 # PCI device 0x10de:0x0373 (forcedeth)
 #SUBSYSTEM==net, DRIVERS==?*, ATTRS{address}==00:17:31:a4:0b:4e,
 # PCI device 0x10de:0x0373 (forcedeth)
 #SUBSYSTEM==net, DRIVERS==?*, ATTRS{address}==00:17:31:a3:ff:31,
 # PCI device 0x1113:0x1211 (8139too)
 #SUBSYSTEM==net, DRIVERS==?*, ATTRS{address}==00:10:b5:e1:5c:e5,
 # PCI device 0x10ec:0x8139 (8139too)
 #SUBSYSTEM==net, DRIVERS==?*, ATTRS{address}==00:08:a1:96:82:35,

Yes, I have a similar file.

 Hope it helps.

It does, thank you. I will add 'auto' lines next to the 'allow-hotplug'
lines in my config.

Still leaves me with one question: how do I figure out which
daemon/script brings up my interfaces at what time?



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Re: Two identical usb networking cards problem

2007-03-03 Thread Wackojacko

David Fokkema wrote:

Still leaves me with one question: how do I figure out which
daemon/script brings up my interfaces at what time?



/etc/init.d/networking is the script.  The order of the scripts is 
controlled by the order in which they appear in the relevant run level 
directory /etc/rc(runlevel).d.

The SXXscript 'starts' the script KXXscript stops it.  These links are 
run in numerical order of the XX.



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Re: Two identical usb networking cards problem

2007-03-03 Thread David Fokkema
On Sat, 2007-03-03 at 15:37 +, Wackojacko wrote:
 David Fokkema wrote:
  Still leaves me with one question: how do I figure out which
  daemon/script brings up my interfaces at what time?
 /etc/init.d/networking is the script.  The order of the scripts is 
 controlled by the order in which they appear in the relevant run level 
 directory /etc/rc(runlevel).d.
 The SXXscript 'starts' the script KXXscript stops it.  These links are 
 run in numerical order of the XX.

This script only runs 'ifup -a', as far as I can tell. Ifup won't log
which devices it upped. Furthermore, 'ifup -a' never ups my usb nets
eth1 and eth2 when I ssh in, down eth1 and eth2 and then issue 'ifup
-a'. However, one of them is always up when my system finishes booting.
How can that be?



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Re: Configurable files and functions

2007-03-03 Thread Michael M.
On Fri, 2007-03-02 at 12:33 -0600, Dave Walker wrote:
 I am looking for an explanatory list of configuration files used in
 sarge 3.1. The information I am looking for would give the location
 (path), function (what the system uses it for), and whether the file
 can be successfully changed by editing.
 Does such a list exist?
 I have in mind such files as .bashrc and .bash_profile and I am sure
 there are many others that I will encounter.
 Is it time for me to buy a reference book containing this info? If so,
 which one? I do plan to upgrade to Etch as soon as it is the stable
 release, so if a book is available for sarge, would it be useful for

There's no comprehensive list of configuration files because there are
17,000 packages available for Debian, many of which have their own
configurations, some of which over-ride others in certain cases.  No one
person is going to use or need to know about configurations for software
he's never going to install.

If you want a solid, comprehensive reference for common, standard
commands and configurations, check out Unix in a Nutshell, Fourth
Edition by Arnold Robbins (O'Reilly).  It's not Debian-specific, but
has a lot of information useful for anyone running Unix variants
including Linux.  It has chapters on the various shells and their
specific features, overviews of package management (apt, rpm, Mac OS X,
etc.), usage summaries of vim  emacs, sed  awk, and a handy
alphabetical summary of commands for GNU/Linux, Solaris, OS X, and Java.
And more.

Another very useful book for learning the basics is A Practical Guide
to Linux Commands, Editors, and Shell Programming by Mark G. Sobel
(Prentice Hall), which is more of a tutorial-based type book than a
reference work.  But it does have a great glossary and a command
reference, which provides a detailed overview of utilities sorted by
function (Utilities That Display  Manipulate Files, Network
Utilities, etc.).  It gives arguments, options and usage examples for
each of these.  That's in addition to more in-depth coverage of shells,
editors, and shell programming functions.

Finally, The Debian System: Concepts  Techniques by Martin F. Krafft
(Open Source Press/No Starch Press) is an excellent overview of how
Debian works.  Yes, some of it is a little dated at this point, but
Krafft includes some information about features new to Etch even though
it was published after Sarge's release, and for most of the material,
not much has changed.  Since it really does focus on concepts and
techniques rather than, say, how to configure XF86 (which has been
replaced by xorg in Etch), most of what he explains carries over to Etch
and beyond.  It's really a here's how Debian does things kind of book
and will provide all but the most advanced/experienced users with a
solid understanding of Debian fundamentals.

IMO, either the first or second book, plus the third, will teach you a
great deal about Unix/Linux in general and Debian specifically, so that
you won't miss not having a comprehensive list of config files.  You'll
know where to look for them and how to configure them if you spend time
with these books.  You'll certainly learn all about .bashrc
 .bash_profile, and much more.

A really nice feature for the newbie documentation project many have
been discussing on this list would be essential Debian bookshelf

Michael M. ++ Portland, OR ++ USA
No live organism can continue for long to exist sanely under conditions
of absolute reality; even larks and katydids are supposed, by some, to
dream. --S. Jackson

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Re: Firestarter VS Shorewall

2007-03-03 Thread John Hasler
Peter writes:
 Or, if you like ease of use (great web based GUI)...

I do not want a Web server running on my router.
John Hasler

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Re: Two identical usb networking cards problem

2007-03-03 Thread Wackojacko

David Fokkema wrote:

On Sat, 2007-03-03 at 15:37 +, Wackojacko wrote:

David Fokkema wrote:

Still leaves me with one question: how do I figure out which
daemon/script brings up my interfaces at what time?



/etc/init.d/networking is the script.  The order of the scripts is 
controlled by the order in which they appear in the relevant run level 
directory /etc/rc(runlevel).d.

The SXXscript 'starts' the script KXXscript stops it.  These links are 
run in numerical order of the XX.

This script only runs 'ifup -a', as far as I can tell. Ifup won't log
which devices it upped. Furthermore, 'ifup -a' never ups my usb nets
eth1 and eth2 when I ssh in, down eth1 and eth2 and then issue 'ifup
-a'. However, one of them is always up when my system finishes booting.
How can that be?


from man ifup

'-a, --all  If given to ifup, affect all interfaces marked auto.  	 
Interfaces are brought up in the order in which they are  defined in 

man interfaces

'Lines beginning with the word auto are used to identify the physical 
interfaces to be brought up when ifup is run  with  the  -a option. 
(This  option  is  used by the system boot scripts.)  Physical interface 
names should follow the word auto on the same line.  There can be 
multiple auto stanzas.  ifup brings the named interfaces up in the 
order listed.

Lines beginning with allow- are used to identify interfaces that 
should be brought up automatically by various  subsytems.  This may  be 
done using a command such as ifup --allow=hotplug eth0 eth1, which 
will only bring up eth0 or eth1 if it is listed in an allow-hotplug 
line. Note that allow-auto and auto are synonyms.'

So ifup -a will only bring up all the interfaces marked 'auto' as you 
have discovered.

allow-hotplug passes the task of bringing up of the interface to udev 
(as this now incorporates hotplug) so /etc/init.d/udev is the script 
that starts the deamon.

As to why this doesn't work and the 'auto' does, its probably something 
to do with the udev rules used to identify the interfaces.  I don't have 
usb interfaces and am not a udev expert so I don't know how much more 
help I can be :)



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Re: A very simple documentation framework

2007-03-03 Thread ][
On Sat, 03 Mar 2007 03:36:01 -0500, cga2000 wrote:

 Check out AsciiDoc.

 If you don't believe that everything behind it was just plain text, check 
 out the 
 AsciiDoc Markup Syntax Quick Summary
 Actually, in my setup at least, the Dark Background document looks
 absolutely great in a text browser such as elinks.

Have you check it out in GUI browsers as well, for the embedded images?

 Maybe another concern of mine is that LaTeX and DocBook are technologies
 that won't go away any time soon.. And this guarantees that both the
 time I spend rewriting my .txt documents in either of these, and the
 time spent acquiring some fluency using them is not entirely wasted.  
 Right now, my preference would probably be DocBook over LaTeX since it
 clearly separates content and formatting...

Seems that I didn't make it quite clear. The above AsciiDoc Markup Syntax
Quick Summary shows how simple it is to produce stunning effects via just
plain text. In fact the source (for making the html or whatever) looks
nothing like any markup language but plain text. You almost don't need to
learn anything, well I mean the markup language -- just learn how to
format your text content.

Further, you can produce html or DocBook/LaTeX source from AsciiDoc, and
even *nix man pages. 

All in all, check out 


and see if its simple formatting fits all your need for your simple
documentation framework, before submerging into something *much* more

If it doesn't seem to meet all your need, I recommend to go directly to
Latex. Because the documents that you've seen on and
AsciiDoc sites are actually produced by DocBook. 

On the separated pages with TOC is produced by
DocBook (from AsciiDoc source). The single file versions are produced
directly by AsciiDoc. 

Check out the difference at

and compare with the single file version link from the bottom of the

If you do need Latex, then maybe the

All You Need to Know about Latex

might give you somewhat easier start. That is in fact what all I need to
know when writing my master thesis.


Tong (remove underscore(s) to reply)

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Re: Two identical usb networking cards problem

2007-03-03 Thread David Fokkema
On Sat, 2007-03-03 at 16:13 +, Wackojacko wrote:
 David Fokkema wrote:
  On Sat, 2007-03-03 at 15:37 +, Wackojacko wrote:
  David Fokkema wrote:
  Still leaves me with one question: how do I figure out which
  daemon/script brings up my interfaces at what time?
  /etc/init.d/networking is the script.  The order of the scripts is 
  controlled by the order in which they appear in the relevant run level 
  directory /etc/rc(runlevel).d.
  The SXXscript 'starts' the script KXXscript stops it.  These links are 
  run in numerical order of the XX.
  This script only runs 'ifup -a', as far as I can tell. Ifup won't log
  which devices it upped. Furthermore, 'ifup -a' never ups my usb nets
  eth1 and eth2 when I ssh in, down eth1 and eth2 and then issue 'ifup
  -a'. However, one of them is always up when my system finishes booting.
  How can that be?
 from man ifup
 '-a, --all  If given to ifup, affect all interfaces marked auto.  
 Interfaces are brought up in the order in which they are  defined in 
 man interfaces
 'Lines beginning with the word auto are used to identify the physical 
 interfaces to be brought up when ifup is run  with  the  -a option. 
 (This  option  is  used by the system boot scripts.)  Physical interface 
 names should follow the word auto on the same line.  There can be 
 multiple auto stanzas.  ifup brings the named interfaces up in the 
 order listed.
 Lines beginning with allow- are used to identify interfaces that 
 should be brought up automatically by various  subsytems.  This may  be 
 done using a command such as ifup --allow=hotplug eth0 eth1, which 
 will only bring up eth0 or eth1 if it is listed in an allow-hotplug 
 line. Note that allow-auto and auto are synonyms.'
 So ifup -a will only bring up all the interfaces marked 'auto' as you 
 have discovered.
 allow-hotplug passes the task of bringing up of the interface to udev 
 (as this now incorporates hotplug) so /etc/init.d/udev is the script 
 that starts the deamon.
 As to why this doesn't work and the 'auto' does, its probably something 
 to do with the udev rules used to identify the interfaces.  I don't have 
 usb interfaces and am not a udev expert so I don't know how much more 
 help I can be :)

I have the same feeling. Reading through the documentation I believe I
get a feeling for how it works, but looking through the logs (there
_are_ udev logs and I modified net.agent to log the interface it is
operating on) no devices are brought up by udev (unless I yank it out
and insert it again in my usb hub). So... what happens? It is irritating
to discover that linux does not log everything (as I always tell windows
users who're tracking down fathomable problems).




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Re: Two identical usb networking cards problem

2007-03-03 Thread Wackojacko

David Fokkema wrote:

It is irritating
to discover that linux does not log everything (as I always tell windows
users who're tracking down fathomable problems).


Just had a quick look at /etc/udev/ and it may be worth uncommenting the 
log lines in some or all of the files here.

e.g. the last line of hotplug.rules has an additional logging function, 
it may help you track down what happens when you insert the device which 
is not happening on boot?



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Re: What's the best way to backup to dvd?

2007-03-03 Thread Michael M.
On Sat, 2007-03-03 at 13:56 +0100, Joe Hart wrote:

 After spending some time searching, I have to agree with you.  It seems
 that it is legal to install deCSS, it is not illegal to distribute it,
 which means that whichever website you get it from is breaking the law,
 but you are not by downloading it.  It seems to be very much like the
 films and movies here.
 According to what I have read, it is a first amendment issue, which of
 course only applies in the US. It's a bit like finders keepers.  You
 find the software, you can keep it, but you're not aloud to lose it.

The first test of the DMCA here in the U.S. was the 2600 case.  2600 is
a hacker magazine that published DeCSS code on its website and was sued
by the MPAA.  Unfortunately, the First Amendment defense failed to
protect the magazine.  The judge ruled that while computer code is
clearly speech, it is not protected speech because of its nature.
Despite the First Amendment, all speech is not created equal.
Commercial speech, for example, is subject to extra restrictions so that
a company can't (legally) promote a product as a cure for cancer if it
is not, in fact, a cure for cancer.

But it does strike me as odd that in the U.S., it is legal to explain
how to make a bomb, or legal to claim that Holocaust never happened, but
it is illegal to explain how to watch an encrypted DVD on a device that
doesn't have CSS built-in.  As you said, weird laws.

European countries have a different approach to the issue of speech, so
I was curious about how the copyright cartels are managing to press
their agenda in light of that approach.  It seems to me they are just as
successful there as they have been here.

But then as Steve Jobs noted, if the Europeans really wanted to get rid
of DRM and have interoperability between audio playback devices, they
have that power.  After all, three of the big four music distributors
are European-owned (UMG is owned by French company Vivendi, Sony/BMG is
jointly owned by Sony of Japan and BMG of Germany, and EMI is British
[1]).  I confess I get a little tired of Europeans blaming the U.S. and
the RIAA for the situation when the companies controlling the purse
strings are mostly in Europe's yard.  Follow the money, and you'll see
who is *really* benefitting from draconian DRM and laws designed to
protect it.

 It doesn't really matter to me because I feel that it's my right to use
 my computer however I see fit as long as I don't affect other computers
 in the process.  Playing media has no effect on other computers, unless
 of course I'm streaming it.

I agree.

[1] The fourth, Warner Music, is no longer a part of American company
Time Warner.  It's owned by Edgar Bronfman, a Canadian, and his

Michael M. ++ Portland, OR ++ USA
No live organism can continue for long to exist sanely under conditions
of absolute reality; even larks and katydids are supposed, by some, to
dream. --S. Jackson

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Re: Two identical usb networking cards problem

2007-03-03 Thread Franck Joncourt
On Sat, Mar 03, 2007 at 04:34:37PM +, Wackojacko wrote:
 David Fokkema wrote:
 It is irritating
 to discover that linux does not log everything (as I always tell windows
 users who're tracking down fathomable problems).
 Just had a quick look at /etc/udev/ and it may be worth uncommenting the 
 log lines in some or all of the files here.
 e.g. the last line of hotplug.rules has an additional logging function, 
 it may help you track down what happens when you insert the device which 
 is not happening on boot?

Maybe you can try with the following rule, if the above
solution does not work :

SUBSYSTEM==net, ACTION==add, RUN+=/bin/sh -c 'echo FOUND NETWORK 
INTERFACE %k /dev/console'

I did not test it :p! But it might help.

Franck Joncourt
GPG server :
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Grub: menu character sizes

2007-03-03 Thread Hugo Vanwoerkom


Grub's menu uses 80x25 character sizes on its menu.

I would like to change that to something smaller.

Trying 'terminal --lines=50' does nothing.

Anybody gotten grub to put smaller characters on its menu?


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Re: Two identical usb networking cards problem

2007-03-03 Thread David Fokkema
On Sat, 2007-03-03 at 18:02 +0100, Franck Joncourt wrote:
 On Sat, Mar 03, 2007 at 04:34:37PM +, Wackojacko wrote:
  David Fokkema wrote:
  It is irritating
  to discover that linux does not log everything (as I always tell windows
  users who're tracking down fathomable problems).
  Just had a quick look at /etc/udev/ and it may be worth uncommenting the 
  log lines in some or all of the files here.
  e.g. the last line of hotplug.rules has an additional logging function, 
  it may help you track down what happens when you insert the device which 
  is not happening on boot?

That's helpful! I edited udev.conf to enable logging, but this might
even be better! I'll try that, thanks!

 Maybe you can try with the following rule, if the above
 solution does not work :
 SUBSYSTEM==net, ACTION==add, RUN+=/bin/sh -c 'echo FOUND NETWORK 
 INTERFACE %k /dev/console'
 I did not test it :p! But it might help.

Nice! If the above does not work, I'll try this one, thanks!


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Re: where does kmail keep its mail files?

2007-03-03 Thread Jan Schledermann
andy wrote:

 The only other suggestion I had from the KDE list when I wanted to move
 mail, was to look in /home/user.kde/share/apps/kmail/mail . That's a bit
 hit and miss, but you might find it there.


 Thanks Nigel - you hit the nail on the head.
 Much obliged

If you are thinking about backing up data as well as moving mail data to
another system you will also need to grab the config file:

** Do NOT use the reply-to address. You'll end up in the trash can
** Mail me at: jan A.T schledermann D0T org 

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Re: OT: Here we go again.

2007-03-03 Thread s. keeling
Roberto C. Sanchez [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  On Thu, Mar 01, 2007 at 07:57:26PM -0500, Curt Howland wrote:
  Mr. Sanchez, it is now very clear one of the reasons these off-topic
  postings have been going on so long: You are utterly ignorant of the
  reality of politics.
  Just because I consider it wrong to coerce others, in no way effects
  the right of any being to effectively and violently defend itself
  against those who _DO_ choose to use coercion.
  Assuming a peaceful man is a pacifist is irrational. Didn't you ever
  watch _Kung Fu_ as a kid?
  Right, and the section that you quoted included this phrase: under
  any circumstances, to initiate force against another human being
  To me, that disallows self-defense.  If I get punched in the face and I

As in, _someone initiates force_ against you ...

  decide to realiate, then I have initiated force against my attacker.

Retaliation is not initiation.  You are entirely within your rights to
defend yourself.  You'd be a fool not to.

  Now, that is in response to his attack and so is in self-defense.
  However, I still have to initiate [something].

You may be initiating the courage to stand up against your attacker,
but that's something else altogether.

  idea of my political views.  Can you cut me a break for an honest

Not when you continue to make them.  Self-defence is not initiation of

IFF English isn't your mother tongue (I don't know), I'd happily cut
you slack for that.  If so, this is merely a language based
misunderstanding.  My expertise is sorely lacking in foreign language
skills, and I envy those (such as you?) who manage as well as they do
in this often ridiculous language.  Many twenty-somethings who were
born into it do far worse these days.

Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
(*)  Linux Counter #80292
- -, don't Cc: me.

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Re: [SOLVED] linux-image-2.6-486 vs. linux-image -2.6-x

2007-03-03 Thread Hugo Vanwoerkom

Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

Andrew Sackville-West wrote:

On Thu, Mar 01, 2007 at 06:18:13AM -0600, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

Andrew Sackville-West wrote:

On Wed, Feb 28, 2007 at 10:44:33AM -0600, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:


Is there a place where the difference between these latest kernel 
binary images is documented, other than looking thru the config 
files or the descriptions of the packages.

When I install Etch on my machine from the daily built, it pulls 
in -486.

With that and grub I can boot into a USB disk.

But when I install linux-image-2.6-k7 (my processor) the boot 
will fail, because he cannot find the root device, meaning the 
initrd failed somehow.

The issue is the use of an USB harddrive.

yes, this is more than trivial at this point, I think.

Linux-image-4-486 has no problems when used on a USB disk partition 
on which Etch is installed with the daily-built d-i. I always boots 


When I install the same linux-image-4-486 on an older partition 
that now runs 2.6.20-ck1 and only refers to the USB disk from 
/etc/fstab, the boot will fail 50% of the time because he just 
doesn't wait long enough for the device to show up and changing 
mkinitrd.conf with DELAY=10 and running update-initramfs -u did not 
change anything.

Also when I use yaird instead there is never any problem exept for 
the poor behavior of yaird: see


I'm sorry I'm very confused as to what exactly you are trying to do
here. Are you using /boot from the hard-disk and then using / on USB
or what?


I have a PATA disk (80GB) in a USB enclosure:

The problem exists in booting a Debian stock kernel *either* from the 
USB disk itself (it shows up as /dev/sda and I have 6 partitions on it)

*or* from another HD with the USB disk referenced in /etc/fstab.

If you boot from a USB disk partition with a stock kernel he cannot 
find the root device.

When you boot with a stock kernel from another HD and have the USB 
disk referenced then he reports a bad superblock on the device.

But it is a mixed bag: I get those errors with a fullblown Sid system 
( i.e. everything installed including X). I do *not* get those errors 
when I do a minimum Etch install to the USB disk, dist-upgrade to Sid 
and install another stock kernel.

Neither do I have problems with my own compiled 2.6.20-ck1 kernel + 
yaird as initrd. (But yaird has other problems: I don't know how to 
upgrade the system with that as initrd) *That* was George Hein's 

I would prefer to run stock kernels, but under all conditions they 
have to work with the USB disk, it seems.

But see this:

But the patch fits but gets a PANIC!
So do this:

In you favorite editor edit /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/local

and under line 9 add:

   echo Self-imposed wait of 15s...
/bin/sleep 15.0

save and run update-initramfs -u

Viola! Now you can run any Debian stock kernel on a USB disk.
It will show the message, wait 15secs (actually 10 would do) and merrily 
load any USB disk files. updated
to reflect the fact that you can install and run a Debian Stock Kernel 
from USB disk but as of this date you must change the initrd image 
generated with initramfs-tools by changing the local script to extend 
the default wait. Also as of date the 'rootdelay' option does not work. 
In the future maybe it will.


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Re: Firestarter VS Shorewall

2007-03-03 Thread Jordi
Thanks Andreas.

I agree with most that you said, as I am very pragmatic on my needs.

I think I will buy the router I said, wich looks a very strong router
from security point of view, and plus install firestarter and some
other utility if I need.

And things sometimes are not so complex. For example, in Xubuntu you
can install all in graphical mode, start the server through Terminal,
and then, if you want to save more resources, it can be done through
an option. So you exit the graphical environment and the server
continues working, with all resources avaliable.
To return to graphical GUI, just another command.
So no need to masochism typing dozens of comands to do what you can
graphicaly, at least when you have your pc at hand like me.

Yes I know most people may say this is not profesional, and I am
missing learning lots of shell comands, but I know enough, and I
already have to have so many things in mind, so this would be a
RESOURCE LEAK for my brain hahahaha!!

Anyway, please give me opinions about the router by SMC Networks:



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Re: OT: Here we go again.

2007-03-03 Thread Roberto C. Sanchez
On Sat, Mar 03, 2007 at 05:22:21PM +, s. keeling wrote:
   Right, and the section that you quoted included this phrase: under
   any circumstances, to initiate force against another human being
   To me, that disallows self-defense.  If I get punched in the face and I
 As in, _someone initiates force_ against you ...
Right.  Curt already explained initiate was meant in the legal sense.

   decide to realiate, then I have initiated force against my attacker.
 Retaliation is not initiation.  You are entirely within your rights to
 defend yourself.  You'd be a fool not to.
I *completely* agree with you here.  Again, I misunderstood the original

   Now, that is in response to his attack and so is in self-defense.
   However, I still have to initiate [something].
 You may be initiating the courage to stand up against your attacker,
 but that's something else altogether.
And that thinking initiating the response to the attacker is what lead
me to believe that the initiate meant in the original quotation
*included* self-defense.

   idea of my political views.  Can you cut me a break for an honest
 Not when you continue to make them.  Self-defence is not initiation of
Continue?  What other mistakes have I made?  I am not claiming that I
have not made mistakes.  However, misunderstanding something quite so
badly is not a mistake I think I have made previously, or even often
enough to call it a continuing pattern.

 IFF English isn't your mother tongue (I don't know), I'd happily cut

It is, along with Spanish.

 you slack for that.  If so, this is merely a language based
 misunderstanding.  My expertise is sorely lacking in foreign language
 skills, and I envy those (such as you?) who manage as well as they do
 in this often ridiculous language.  Many twenty-somethings who were
 born into it do far worse these days.
Well, my misunderstanding was based confusing the common language use of
initiate with the legal use of initiate.  From the context it was
impossible to distinguish which was the intended reading.

This is a problem that exists in many languages besides English.



Roberto C. Sanchez

Description: Digital signature

Re: Wired and wireless PCMCIA LAN cards: configuration problems

2007-03-03 Thread Kevin Mark
On Sat, Mar 03, 2007 at 10:04:26AM +, Ken Heard wrote:
 Consequently, for the duration I wanted to replace the aforementioned
 D-Link card with a wireless PCMCIA card (SMC model 2853W 802.11g, 2.4
 gH, 54 mbps).  Unfortunately, I have so far been unable to connect my
 laptop to the wireless LAN in the building.  What I did to try to
 establish a connection follows.
lot of snippage
 Iwconfig returned the following:
 lono wireless extensions.
 irda0 no wireless extensions.
 eth0  NOT READY!  ESSID:off/any
   Mode:Managed  Channel:0  Access Point: Not-Associated
   Tx-Power=31 dBm   Sensitivity=0/200
   Retry min limit:0   RTS thr=0 B   Fragment thr=0 B
   Encryption key:ABCD-E123-44   Security mode:restricted
   Link Quality:0  Signal level:0  Noise level:0
   Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:0
   Tx excessive retries:0  Invalid misc:0   Missed beacon:0
 sit0  no wireless extensions.

This looks like the card is recognized but I've never used a G card to
know if everything is ok. I've only used a orinoco (B card).

 Examination of the messages which scrolled by while booting up revealed
 the following, which by the way did not appear in the syslog file, or
 show in dmesg:
 Configuring network interfaces ... /etc/network/interfaces:10:
 misplaced option
 ifup: couldn't read interfaces file /etc/network/interfaces
 Running ifup eth0 returns the same, with the exception of the text
 preceding the elipsis.
 The file /etc/network/interfaces reads as follows:
 1  # This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
 2  # and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).
 4  # The loopback network interface
 5  auto lo
 6  iface lo inet loopback
 8  # The primary network interface
 9  allow-hotplug eth0
 10  address
 11  netmask

Line 10 and 11 are not needed, and some bug report is needed, when

 12  iface eth0 inet dhcp
 15  auto eth0
 When I commented out line 10, ifup eth0 returned the same as above,
 with number 11 replacing 10.  When I commented out both lines 10 and 11,
 ifup eth0 tried to ping to the network.  I did this test while
 unconnected; I am sure that if I had been connected the pings would have
 received a positive response.

As pinnedped said: some gui tools do strange thing with the
/etc/network/interfaces. So using the command line tools is the only
reliable way, at least in my experiece. ifconfig, iwconfig, ifup,ifdown
and the other iw-tools are what i use untill I find a GUI that works.

 With the D-Link card installed ifconfig returns the following:
 eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:50:BA:78:00:6D
   inet6 addr: fe80::250:baff:fe78:6d/64 Scope:Link
   RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:33 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
   RX bytes:0 (0.0 b)  TX bytes:6344 (6.1 KiB)
   Interrupt:10 Base address:0x300

This looks fine.

 In any event, I can get the D-Link card to connect, even though I have
 to open to my user before installing it.  On the other hand I cannot
 connect with either of the two wireless cards I tried.
 The priority task is to get a wireless connection.  I would certainly
 appreciate all the help I can get to be able to do so.  I would also
 like to be able to switch from one card to the other without difficulty,
 by obviating the problem mentioned in the proceeding paragraph.
You might want to try some 'testing' while we folks find a solution:
1) see if you can ask the other person to try your wifi card in his/her
machine to see if that person can get a good result: the card is not
defective and works with a linux
2) see if the wifi owner would turn off secutiry (ASCII key) for a small
test to see if that help: the card works but the secuirty is not entered
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trouble connecting to some wifi access points

2007-03-03 Thread tom arnall
I am having trouble connecting to one of the wifi APs in my neighborhood. 
Following is my connection script.

sudo  iwconfig ath0 essid linksys
sudo  iwconfig ath0 ap 00:18:39:20:29:CA
sudo  dhclient ath0
sudo  iwlist ath0 scan 
sudo  ping

Following is the output when I run the script:

sit0: unknown hardware address type 776
wifi0: unknown hardware address type 801
sit0: unknown hardware address type 776
wifi0: unknown hardware address type 801
Listening on LPF/ath0/00:0d:88:bb:51:91
Sending on   LPF/ath0/00:0d:88:bb:51:91
Sending on   Socket/fallback/fallback-net
DHCPREQUEST on ath0 to port 67
DHCPREQUEST on ath0 to port 67
DHCPDISCOVER on ath0 to port 67 interval 4
DHCPREQUEST on ath0 to port 67
bound to -- renewal in 43200 seconds.
ath0  Scan completed :
 Cell 01 - Address: 00:18:39:20:29:CA
  Frequency:2.437 GHz (Channel 6)
  Quality=34/94  Signal level=-61 dBm  Noise level=-95 
  Encryption key:off
  Bit Rates:1 Mb/s; 2 Mb/s; 5.5 Mb/s; 11 Mb/s; 6 Mb/s
9 Mb/s; 12 Mb/s; 18 Mb/s; 24 Mb/s; 36 Mb/s
48 Mb/s; 54 Mb/s

But when i try to use the seeming connection, there is nothing.

For most of the APs to which I attempt to connect, everything is fine, but in 
a few cases like this one I can't connect.

Thanks very much in advance,

tom arnall
north spit, ca

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Re: Two identical usb networking cards problem

2007-03-03 Thread Kevin Mark
On Sat, Mar 03, 2007 at 05:27:04PM +0100, David Fokkema wrote:
 On Sat, 2007-03-03 at 16:13 +, Wackojacko wrote:
  David Fokkema wrote:
   On Sat, 2007-03-03 at 15:37 +, Wackojacko wrote:
   David Fokkema wrote:
   Still leaves me with one question: how do I figure out which
   daemon/script brings up my interfaces at what time?
   /etc/init.d/networking is the script.  The order of the scripts is 
   controlled by the order in which they appear in the relevant run level 
   directory /etc/rc(runlevel).d.
   The SXXscript 'starts' the script KXXscript stops it.  These links are 
   run in numerical order of the XX.
   This script only runs 'ifup -a', as far as I can tell. Ifup won't log
   which devices it upped. Furthermore, 'ifup -a' never ups my usb nets
   eth1 and eth2 when I ssh in, down eth1 and eth2 and then issue 'ifup
   -a'. However, one of them is always up when my system finishes booting.
   How can that be?
  from man ifup
  '-a, --all  If given to ifup, affect all interfaces marked auto.
  Interfaces are brought up in the order in which they are  defined in 
  man interfaces
  'Lines beginning with the word auto are used to identify the physical 
  interfaces to be brought up when ifup is run  with  the  -a option. 
  (This  option  is  used by the system boot scripts.)  Physical interface 
  names should follow the word auto on the same line.  There can be 
  multiple auto stanzas.  ifup brings the named interfaces up in the 
  order listed.
  Lines beginning with allow- are used to identify interfaces that 
  should be brought up automatically by various  subsytems.  This may  be 
  done using a command such as ifup --allow=hotplug eth0 eth1, which 
  will only bring up eth0 or eth1 if it is listed in an allow-hotplug 
  line. Note that allow-auto and auto are synonyms.'
  So ifup -a will only bring up all the interfaces marked 'auto' as you 
  have discovered.
  allow-hotplug passes the task of bringing up of the interface to udev 
  (as this now incorporates hotplug) so /etc/init.d/udev is the script 
  that starts the deamon.
  As to why this doesn't work and the 'auto' does, its probably something 
  to do with the udev rules used to identify the interfaces.  I don't have 
  usb interfaces and am not a udev expert so I don't know how much more 
  help I can be :)
 I have the same feeling. Reading through the documentation I believe I
 get a feeling for how it works, but looking through the logs (there
 _are_ udev logs and I modified net.agent to log the interface it is
 operating on) no devices are brought up by udev (unless I yank it out
 and insert it again in my usb hub). So... what happens? It is irritating
 to discover that linux does not log everything (as I always tell windows
 users who're tracking down fathomable problems).
I have a vague impression that this may be related to the initrd. the
kernel boots with the initrd and has script that do things like modprobe
things related to say networking device then init is called and the
runlevels do their thing. IIRC the initrd stuff is not logged, so that
would explain why there is not messages and since this happends before
the runlevels, you cant change the outcome. This is a bit of wild
speculation as this is a fuzzy area in my understanding. Any further
clarifictions welcomed. Udev always seems to be voodoo to use mortals.
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