Enhorabones Barcelona!

2007-03-10 Thread Jonathan Kaye

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Concretant la farra ...

2007-03-10 Thread Lluís Gras
Bones ...

He recordat que tenia un wiki en proves per casa i potser per no perdre el
fil i coordinar-se aniria millor que la gent s'hi apuntes, per editar
podeu emprar l'usuari farra i la clau hiphipbirra


Vinga ...

PD: Ja farem alguna mena de rèquiem per als que no puguin venir, un altre
cop serà.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Certificat pour IMAPS

2007-03-10 Thread SOUBIE Sebastien
Hello la liste,

Alors voila la situation:
J'ai installé une messagerie Postfix, Amavis, Spamassassin, Squirrelmail
etc.. il y a quelque temps déjà sur une Debian Sarge.
Sur cette dernière, j'avais implémenté le protocole HTTPS d'apache et
IMAPS avec uw-imap-ssl en créant les diférents certificats.
Je dispose maintenant d'in certificat officel de sécurité. J'ai plus le
configurer pour qu'il fonctionne avec apache (https). Tout fonctionne
correctement sous Internet Explorer et Mozilla Firefox (Ajout commande
SSLCertificateChainFile ...).
Mon problème réside principalement pour les clients de messagerie (Mozilla
ThunderBird) qui utilisent, quant à eux, le protocole IMAPS pour
Le fichier contant le certificat est placé à l'endroit suivant:


Lorsque je supprime le certificat contenus dans ce fichier et que je le
remplace par le certifficat officiel, je n'ai plus d'authentification IMAP
pour les clients de messagerie et les client web. Il me donne une erreur

Avez-vous une solution pour changer le certificat créé lors de
l'installation du paquet uw-imap-ssl?

Merci d'avance

Soubie Sébastien
Administrateur Système et Réseau
IUT Angoulême
Département GEII / Service Réseau et informatique

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Re: Certificat pour IMAPS

2007-03-10 Thread Jean Baptiste Favre
Un extrait des logs, anonymisés au besoin, avec l'erreur IMAP serait le
bienvenu je pense, parce que là, ben heu, comment dire...

SOUBIE Sebastien a écrit :
 Hello la liste,
 Alors voila la situation:
 J'ai installé une messagerie Postfix, Amavis, Spamassassin, Squirrelmail
 etc.. il y a quelque temps déjà sur une Debian Sarge.
 Sur cette dernière, j'avais implémenté le protocole HTTPS d'apache et
 IMAPS avec uw-imap-ssl en créant les diférents certificats.
 Je dispose maintenant d'in certificat officel de sécurité. J'ai plus le
 configurer pour qu'il fonctionne avec apache (https). Tout fonctionne
 correctement sous Internet Explorer et Mozilla Firefox (Ajout commande
 SSLCertificateChainFile ...).
 Mon problème réside principalement pour les clients de messagerie (Mozilla
 ThunderBird) qui utilisent, quant à eux, le protocole IMAPS pour
 Le fichier contant le certificat est placé à l'endroit suivant:
 Lorsque je supprime le certificat contenus dans ce fichier et que je le
 remplace par le certifficat officiel, je n'ai plus d'authentification IMAP
 pour les clients de messagerie et les client web. Il me donne une erreur
 Avez-vous une solution pour changer le certificat créé lors de
 l'installation du paquet uw-imap-ssl?
 Merci d'avance

programmes convetissant un nombre d'une base dans une autre sous debian

2007-03-10 Thread Thierry B


Est-ce que quelqu'un connait un programme pouvant convertir un nombre 
d'une base dans une autre (par exemple d'hesa en decimal) sous debian ?

J'ai pas envie d'en ecrire un lol.

Merci :-)

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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: programmes convetissant un nombre d'une base dans une autre sous debian

2007-03-10 Thread Sac-Epee Jean-Marc

Thierry B a écrit :


Est-ce que quelqu'un connait un programme pouvant convertir un nombre 
d'une base dans une autre (par exemple d'hesa en decimal) sous debian ?

J'ai pas envie d'en ecrire un lol.

Merci :-)

Directement en bash:

(*Exemple 15.43. Conversion de base)*


Jean-Marc Sac-Epée, Ingénieur de Recherches en Calcul Scientifique,
Laboratoire de Mathématiques, UMR 7122, Université de Metz,
Tél 03 87 54 72 69  Fax 03 87 31 52 73
http://www.math.univ-metz.fr/~jmse   mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: programmes convetissant un nombre d'une base dans une autre sous debian

2007-03-10 Thread Jean Baptiste Favre
Sous Gnome, la calculatrice remplit parfaitement ce rôle. L'équivalent
sous KDE le devrait aussi (mais je ne l'utilise pas).

Thierry B a écrit :
 Est-ce que quelqu'un connait un programme pouvant convertir un nombre
 d'une base dans une autre (par exemple d'hesa en decimal) sous debian ?
 J'ai pas envie d'en ecrire un lol.
 Merci :-)

Re: programmes convetissant un nombre d'une base dans une autre sous debian

2007-03-10 Thread Christophe Masson
On Sat, 10 Mar 2007 11:44:04 +0100
Thierry B [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Est-ce que quelqu'un connait un programme pouvant convertir un nombre 
 d'une base dans une autre (par exemple d'hesa en decimal) sous debian ?
 J'ai pas envie d'en ecrire un lol.


* bc (en jouant avec les variables ibase et obase)
* rpnclac (en jouant avec les commandes dec et hex)


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Re: programmes convetissant un nombre d'une base dans une autre sous debian

2007-03-10 Thread Franck Joncourt
On Sat, Mar 10, 2007 at 11:44:04AM +0100, Thierry B wrote:

 Est-ce que quelqu'un connait un programme pouvant convertir un nombre 
 d'une base dans une autre (par exemple d'hesa en decimal) sous debian ?

La commande bc pourrait-elle t-aidé ?
Franck Joncourt
GPG server : pgpkeys.mit.edu
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Re: programmes convetissant un nombre d'une base dans une autre sous debian

2007-03-10 Thread Yohann

Thierry B wrote:


Est-ce que quelqu'un connait un programme pouvant convertir un nombre 
d'une base dans une autre (par exemple d'hesa en decimal) sous debian ?

J'ai pas envie d'en ecrire un lol.

Merci :-)

Sans doute :  gbase http://packages.debian.org/testing/math/gbase 
(0.5-2.1) small numeric base converter


P.S :  reply-to à la liste et non à ton adresse personnel :)

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Re: programmes convetissant un nombre d'une base dans une autre sous debian

2007-03-10 Thread Yves Rutschle
On Sat, Mar 10, 2007 at 11:44:04AM +0100, Thierry B wrote:
 Est-ce que quelqu'un connait un programme pouvant convertir un nombre 
 d'une base dans une autre (par exemple d'hesa en decimal) sous debian ?

Une de plus: dc:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ dc -e 16i25p 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ dc -e 16i15p 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ dc -e 16i10p 


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Re: programmes convetissant un nombre d'une base dans une autre sous debian

2007-03-10 Thread François Boisson
 Une de plus: dc:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ dc -e 16i25p 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ dc -e 16i15p 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ dc -e 16i10p 

Et dans l'autre sens??

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Re: programmes convetissant un nombre d'une base dans une autre sous debian

2007-03-10 Thread Sylvain Sauvage
François Boisson, samedi 10 mars 2007, 14:52:54 CET
  Une de plus: dc:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ dc -e 16i25p 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ dc -e 16i15p 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ dc -e 16i10p 
 Et dans l'autre sens??

La forme canonique est :
  dc -e ${base_out} o ${base_in} i ${valeur} p
par défaut, tout est en décimal.

bc est une interface à dc, cela équivaut à :
  echo obase=${base_out};ibase=${base_in};${valeur} | bc

Attention à changer la base d'entrée _après_ avoir changé la base de
sortie, sinon la valeur est lue dans la base d'entrée. P.ex.
  dc -e 16i10o20p
donne 20 (entrée en base 16, donc hexa, sortie en base « 10 » mais 10
en hexa, donc 16 en décimal, donc sortie en hexa).

 Sylvain Sauvage

Re: programmes convetissant un nombre d'une base dans une autre sous debian

2007-03-10 Thread Jacques L'helgoualc'h
Thierry B a écrit, samedi 10 mars 2007, à 11:44 :


 Est-ce que quelqu'un connait un programme pouvant convertir un nombre 
 d'une base dans une autre (par exemple d'hesa en decimal) sous debian ?

Pas spécifiquement Debian,

 $ printf '%d\n' 012 0x12

 $ awk 'END{print 012, 0x12}' /dev/null
10 18

Avec Perl, c'est sûrement possible aussi, mais j'ai la flemme d'attraper
mon chameau, et la paresse est une vertu.

Pour des nombres compliqués avec plein de chiffres, il y a aussi PARI/GP.

 J'ai pas envie d'en ecrire un lol.

Bien sûr ;)

 Merci :-)

de rien,
Jacques L'helgoualc'h

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2007-03-10 Thread solo

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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

exim+spamassassin: spamcheck transport output

2007-03-10 Thread François Boisson
Bonjour à tous, 

un problème un peu compliqué que je n'arrive pas à résoudre.

Sur une debian sarge avec un Spamassassin de volatil puis un backport
de spamassassin de Etch:

J'ai des mails qui se perdent avec des erreurs notées:

2007-03-10 06:47:34 unexpected EOF while reading SMTP data (header)
from mail 
2007-03-10 06:47:34 1HPuLd-0003hL-00 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
spamcheck transport output: An error was detected while processing a
file of BSMTP input.
2007-03-10 06:47:34 1HPuLd-0003hL-00 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
D=spamcheck_director T=spamcheck: Child process of spamcheck transport
returned 2 from command: /usr/sbin/exim

Les messages d'erreurs renvoyés à l'expediteur par exim sont comme suit:

 Child process of spamcheck transport returned 2 from command:
An error was detected while processing a file of BSMTP input.
The error message was:

554 Unexpected end of file

The SMTP transaction started in line 0.
The error was detected in line 3.
0 previous messages were successfully processed.
The rest of the batch was abandoned.
554 Unexpected end of file
Transaction started in line 0
Error detected in line 3

-- This is a copy of the message, including all the headers. --

Return-path: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Received: from expourri.rebelles ([]
helo=localhost.localdomain) by alf94-3-82-66-248-156.fbx.proxad.net
with esmtp (Exim 3.35 #1 (Debian)) id 1HPx8M-0004Rb-00
for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Sat, 10 Mar 2007 09:40:58 +0100
Received: from root by localhost.localdomain with local (Exim 4.50)
id 1HPx8S-00017N-HT
for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Sat, 10 Mar 2007 09:41:04 +0100
Subject: Anacron job 'cron.daily' on expourri
Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2007 09:41:04 +0100
X-Scanner: exiscan *1HPx8M-0004Rb-00*.xZ5GWDNhaM*


J'ai mis le message complet car je ne comprends pas ce qu'est cette
fameuse ligne 3.

La directive exim (exim 3 de sarge) est la suivante:

driver = pipe
command = /usr/sbin/exim -oMr spam-scanned -bS
transport_filter = /usr/bin/spamc -p 780
bsmtp = all 

J'ai essayé de remplacer cela par 

driver = pipe
command = /usr/bin/spamc -p 780 -e /usr/sbin/exim -oMr \
 spam-scanned -bS
(une seule ligne) suivant les idées du seul message un peu précis
trouvé sur Google à ce sujet (à savoir

mais cela m'a donné une erreur du même type disant

an error was detected while processing a file of BSMTP input.
The error message was:

500 Command unrecognized

The SMTP transaction started in line 0.
The error was detected in line 1.
The SMTP command at fault was:

X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.1.7-deb (2006-10-05) on 

0 previous messages were successfully processed.
The rest of the batch was abandoned.
500 Command unrecognized
Transaction started in line 0
Error detected in line 1

erreur que je ne comprends pas, exim devrait prendre la sortie directe
et la traiter. Or il semble prendre l'entrée comme un fichier de

Bref, je patauges un peu. Si les courageux (que je remercie) qui ont lu
ce message jusque là (et qui vont le terminer, le plus dur est fait!)
ont une idée, je suis preneur. En attendant, comme il semble que ça
*serait* un problème de timeout, j'ai rajouté une option -t 300 à
l'appel de spamc.

Le pbm est que je n'ai pas une idée clair de ces directives (entre
autres bsmtp=all fait quoi?)

Merci de toutes réponses

François Boisson

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Re: programmes convetissant un nombre d'une base dans une autre sous debian

2007-03-10 Thread Michel Luc
Le samedi 10 mars 2007 à 11:44 +0100, Thierry B a écrit :


 Est-ce que quelqu'un connait un programme pouvant convertir un nombre 
 d'une base dans une autre (par exemple d'hesa en decimal) sous debian ?


 J'ai pas envie d'en ecrire un lol.
 Merci :-)
  De rien :-)

Michel Luc [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.cern91.net/
 GAULE, LUG de l'Essonne:  http://gaule.org/
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KFP: 155C 2287 2084 33E0 4263 8AC9 B10F 03CB 3D07 B881

Description: Ceci est une partie de message	numériquement signée

wlan0 et eth0 ensemble ?

2007-03-10 Thread francois chiausa


J'ai finalement reussi à faire marcher ma carte wifi sur une debian etch
grace a ndiswrapper.
J'ai donc maintenant 2 interfaces reseau eth0 et wlan0.
Lorsque je demare avec le cable reseau branché et la carte wifi les 2
interfaces sont automatiquement activés sans problème.
Si je debranche le cable eth0 je suis obligé de faire ifdown eth0 dans un
terminal pour qu'il passe par le wifi plutot que par ethernet.

Y a t-il un moyen pour que le système bascule automatiquement sur le wifi
lorsque je debranche le cable sans que je sois obligé de faire ifdown eth0 ?




Re: programmes convetissant un nombre d'une base dans une autre sous debian

2007-03-10 Thread Thierry B

Thierry B a écrit :


Est-ce que quelqu'un connait un programme pouvant convertir un nombre 
d'une base dans une autre (par exemple d'hesa en decimal) sous debian ?

J'ai pas envie d'en ecrire un lol.

Merci :-)

Merci à tous mpour vos réponses :-)

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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: exim+spamassassin: spamcheck transport output

2007-03-10 Thread François Boisson

 J'ai essayé de remplacer cela par 
 driver = pipe
 command = /usr/bin/spamc -p 780 -e /usr/sbin/exim -oMr \
  spam-scanned -bS
 (une seule ligne) suivant les idées du seul message un peu précis
 trouvé sur Google à ce sujet (à savoir

Bon, après essais successifs, ce serait plutôt

 /usr/bin/spamc -p 780 -e /usr/sbin/exim -oMr \
  spam-scanned -bm -t

Avec cela il n'y a plus d'erreur, la directive bsmtp est une directive
donnant un format «batched smtp format» à la sortie de spamc.

J'ignore si cette rustine va fonctionner et suis toujours intéressé par
des suggestions.

François Boisson

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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: exim+spamassassin: spamcheck transport output

2007-03-10 Thread François Boisson

 Bon, après essais successifs, ce serait plutôt
  /usr/bin/spamc -p 780 -e /usr/sbin/exim -oMr \
   spam-scanned -bm -t

Marche pas lorsque l'adresse du destinataire n'est pas dans les entêtes
du message :(. Retour à la case départ.

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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: programmes convetissant un nombre d'une base dans une autre sous debian

2007-03-10 Thread Leon GRAY

Thierry B wrote:



Est-ce que quelqu'un connait un programme pouvant convertir un nombre 
d'une base dans une autre (par exemple d'hesa en decimal) sous debian ?

J'ai pas envie d'en ecrire un lol.

kcalc, calculatrice sous kde fait très bien cela.

Merci :-)

de rien :)

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Fibre optique, switch et Linux ...

2007-03-10 Thread Sébastien CRAMATTE

Nous pensons acheter un serveur pour faire tourner quagga et bgp avec 2
peering de 50Mbits fibre optique.
Nous disposons d'un switch HP 2626 manageable qui a 2 ports  fibres.

Je voudrais savoir si il es possible de brancher les fibres du provider
sur les 2 ports de notre switch
et de repiquer en rj45 sur le routeur plutôt que d'investir dans une
carte FDDI ?

En ne connectant pas les fibres sur le routeur on  pourrait configurer 
VRRP et KEEPALived pour avoir des routeur redondants.
Dans le cas ou ça ne serai pas possible,  quel modèle de carte FDDI sont
parfaitement supportés sous Linux ?

Toutes les idées, conseils, remarque sont les bienvenus.


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2007-03-10 Thread Shams Fantar


Je souhaite faire des diagnostiques sur 3 disques SCSI. J'utilise donc 
smartctl, mais ça ne semble pas fonctionner sur les disques !

A chaque à fois, j'ai :

Long (extended) offline self test failed [unsupported field in scsi command]

Ce message est renvoyé en essayant plusieurs commandes :

- smartctl --test=long /dev/sda
- smartctl -d scsi -t long /dev/sda
- smartctl -d scsi -t short /dev/sda

Une idée ? Sachant que sur la même machine, il y a un disque ATA, donc 
un smartctl --test=long /dev/hda fonctionne bien. Mais est-ce peut-être 
particulier au SCSI ...


Shams Fantar (http://snurf.info)

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Re: smartctl

2007-03-10 Thread Marcel de Riedmatten
Le samedi 10 mars 2007 à 20:42 +0100, Shams Fantar a écrit :

 Long (extended) offline self test failed [unsupported field in scsi command]
 Ce message est renvoyé en essayant plusieurs commandes :
 - smartctl --test=long /dev/sda
 - smartctl -d scsi -t long /dev/sda
 - smartctl -d scsi -t short /dev/sda
 Une idée ? Sachant que sur la même machine, il y a un disque ATA, donc 
 un smartctl --test=long /dev/hda fonctionne bien. Mais est-ce peut-être 
 particulier au SCSI ...

Non pas à priori. Que donne 

smartctl -d scsi -a  /dev/sda

Marcel de Riedmatten

Description: Ceci est une partie de message	numériquement signée

Re: smartctl

2007-03-10 Thread Shams Fantar

Marcel de Riedmatten a écrit :
Non pas à priori. Que donne 

smartctl -d scsi -a  /dev/sda


Les bonnes informations sont données avec -a :

smartctl version 5.36 [i686-pc-linux-gnu] Copyright (C) 2002-6 Bruce Allen
Home page is http://smartmontools.sourceforge.net/

Device: QUANTUM  ATLAS 10K 18WLS  Version: UCP0
Serial number: 111002240793
Device type: disk
Local Time is: Sat Mar 10 21:10:46 2007 CET
Device supports SMART and is Enabled
Temperature Warning Enabled
SMART Health Status: OK

Current Drive Temperature: 47 C
Drive Trip Temperature:75 C
Elements in grown defect list: 0

Error counter log:
  Errors Corrected by   Total   Correction 
  ECC  rereads/errors   algorithm  
  fast | delayed   rewrites  corrected  invocations   [10^9 
bytes]  errors
read:5350 0 0  0  
0.351   0
write: 00 0 0  0  
0.387   0

Non-medium error count:   24

Last n error events log page
Device does not support Self Test logging

Shams Fantar (http://snurf.info)

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Re: wlan0 et eth0 ensemble ?

2007-03-10 Thread Zuthos
francois chiausa a écrit :
|J'ai finalement reussi `a faire marcher ma carte wifi sur une debian etch
|grace a ndiswrapper.
|J'ai donc maintenant 2 interfaces reseau eth0 et wlan0.
|Lorsque je demare avec le cable reseau branche et la carte wifi les 2
|interfaces sont automatiquement actives sans probleme.
|Si je debranche le cable eth0 je suis oblige de faire ifdown eth0 dans un
|terminal pour qu'il passe par le wifi plutot que par ethernet.
|Y a t-il un moyen pour que le systeme bascule automatiquement sur le wifi
|lorsque je debranche le cable sans que je sois oblige de faire ifdown eth0
Il faut essayer le bonding.
Comme cela les deux interfaces fonctionnent en même temps
ou seules

La résignation est un suicide quotidien !
inconnu vu sur http://perso.wanadoo.fr/libertaire/index.html

Description: Digital signature

Re: smartctl

2007-03-10 Thread Marcel de Riedmatten
Le samedi 10 mars 2007 à 21:11 +0100, Shams Fantar a écrit :
 Marcel de Riedmatten a écrit :

 Non-medium error count:   24
 Last n error events log page
 Device does not support Self Test logging

C'est peut-être le disque qui n'accepte pas ce test. J'obtiens ceci:

# smartctl -a /dev/sda
smartctl version 5.32 Copyright (C) 2002-4 Bruce Allen
Home page is http://smartmontools.sourceforge.net/

Device: SEAGATE  ST373405LW   Version: 0003


SMART Self-test log
Num  Test  Status segment  LifeTime
LBA_first_err [SK ASC ASQ]
 Description  number   (hours)
# 1  Background long   Completed   - 15906
- [-   --]
# 2  Background short  Completed   - 15904
- [-   --]

#20  Background short  Completed   - 15520
- [-   --]

Long (extended) Self Test duration: 1840 seconds [30.7 minutes]

donc une indication claire que le test est accepté

# smartctl -d scsi -t long   /dev/sda
smartctl version 5.32 Copyright (C) 2002-4 Bruce Allen
Home page is http://smartmontools.sourceforge.net/

Extended Background Self Test has begun
Please wait 30 minutes for test to complete.
Estimated completion time: Sat Mar 10 22:01:45 2007

Use smartctl -X to abort test

Marcel de Riedmatten

Description: Ceci est une partie de message	numériquement signée

Re: smartctl

2007-03-10 Thread Shams Fantar

Marcel de Riedmatten a écrit :

C'est peut-être le disque qui n'accepte pas ce test. J'obtiens ceci:

# smartctl -a /dev/sda
smartctl version 5.32 Copyright (C) 2002-4 Bruce Allen
Home page is http://smartmontools.sourceforge.net/

Device: SEAGATE  ST373405LW   Version: 0003


SMART Self-test log
Num  Test  Status segment  LifeTime
LBA_first_err [SK ASC ASQ]
 Description  number   (hours)
# 1  Background long   Completed   - 15906
- [-   --]
# 2  Background short  Completed   - 15904
- [-   --]

#20  Background short  Completed   - 15520
- [-   --]

Long (extended) Self Test duration: 1840 seconds [30.7 minutes]

donc une indication claire que le test est accepté

En effet, je n'ai pas ça pour ce disque, pareil sur les deux autres, 
mais j'ai bien ça sur le disque IDE. Serait-ce spécifique à ce type de 
disque ?

# smartctl -d scsi -t long   /dev/sda
smartctl version 5.32 Copyright (C) 2002-4 Bruce Allen
Home page is http://smartmontools.sourceforge.net/

Extended Background Self Test has begun
Please wait 30 minutes for test to complete.
Estimated completion time: Sat Mar 10 22:01:45 2007

Use smartctl -X to abort test


Comment pourrais-je résoudre ce souci ?

Shams Fantar (http://snurf.info)

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Re: wlan0 et eth0 ensemble ?

2007-03-10 Thread De Leeuw Guy
wazaa ? par exemple ? peu tu en dire plus ? cela m'interresse

Zuthos a écrit :
 francois chiausa a écrit :
 |J'ai finalement reussi `a faire marcher ma carte wifi sur une debian etch
 |grace a ndiswrapper.
 |J'ai donc maintenant 2 interfaces reseau eth0 et wlan0.
 |Lorsque je demare avec le cable reseau branche et la carte wifi les 2
 |interfaces sont automatiquement actives sans probleme.
 |Si je debranche le cable eth0 je suis oblige de faire ifdown eth0 dans un
 |terminal pour qu'il passe par le wifi plutot que par ethernet.
 |Y a t-il un moyen pour que le systeme bascule automatiquement sur le wifi
 |lorsque je debranche le cable sans que je sois oblige de faire ifdown 
 Il faut essayer le bonding.
 Comme cela les deux interfaces fonctionnent en même temps
 ou seules


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Re: smartctl

2007-03-10 Thread Marcel de Riedmatten
Le samedi 10 mars 2007 à 21:48 +0100, Shams Fantar a écrit :

 En effet, je n'ai pas ça pour ce disque, pareil sur les deux autres, 
 mais j'ai bien ça sur le disque IDE. Serait-ce spécifique à ce type de 
 disque ?

Si je vois bien il s'agit d'un disque de 18 GB ce qui veut dire qu'il
date de quelques années. 

 Comment pourrais-je résoudre ce souci ?

Pour vraiment être sur je poserais la question sur la liste de
smartmontools mais tout semble se tenir pour qu'il n'y ait pas de
solution à moins de mettre un disque plus récent. J'ai des IBM 32GB de
fin 2003 qui font le test. 

Marcel de Riedmatten

Description: Ceci est une partie de message	numériquement signée

RE : wlan0 et eth0 ensemble ?

2007-03-10 Thread François de Beauregard

--- francois chiausa [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :

 J'ai finalement reussi à faire marcher ma carte wifi
 sur une debian etch
 grace a ndiswrapper.
 J'ai donc maintenant 2 interfaces reseau eth0 et
 Lorsque je demare avec le cable reseau branché et la
 carte wifi les 2
 interfaces sont automatiquement activés sans
 Si je debranche le cable eth0 je suis obligé de
 faire ifdown eth0 dans un
 terminal pour qu'il passe par le wifi plutot que par
 Y a t-il un moyen pour que le système bascule
 automatiquement sur le wifi
 lorsque je debranche le cable sans que je sois
 obligé de faire ifdown eth0 ?


Regardez du côté de ifplugd.
Je l'avais utilisé avec succès.


François de Beauregard

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Re: smartctl

2007-03-10 Thread Shams Fantar

Marcel de Riedmatten a écrit :

Le samedi 10 mars 2007 à 21:48 +0100, Shams Fantar a écrit :

En effet, je n'ai pas ça pour ce disque, pareil sur les deux autres, 
mais j'ai bien ça sur le disque IDE. Serait-ce spécifique à ce type de 
disque ?

Si je vois bien il s'agit d'un disque de 18 GB ce qui veut dire qu'il
date de quelques années. 


Comment pourrais-je résoudre ce souci ?

Pour vraiment être sur je poserais la question sur la liste de
smartmontools mais tout semble se tenir pour qu'il n'y ait pas de
solution à moins de mettre un disque plus récent. J'ai des IBM 32GB de
fin 2003 qui font le test. 


En effet, je pense que les disques dur datent de quelques années, je les 
ai achetés en occasion, je ne sais donc pas leur date exacte 
d'achat/fabrication, donc il n'est pas possible d'effectuer des tests 
sur ces disques.

Si d'autres ont des suggestions...


Shams Fantar (http://snurf.info)

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Re: wlan0 et eth0 ensemble ?

2007-03-10 Thread Franck Joncourt
 Zuthos a écrit :
  francois chiausa a écrit :
  |J'ai finalement reussi `a faire marcher ma carte wifi sur une debian 
  |grace a ndiswrapper.
  |J'ai donc maintenant 2 interfaces reseau eth0 et wlan0.
  |Lorsque je demare avec le cable reseau branche et la carte wifi les 2
  |interfaces sont automatiquement actives sans probleme.
  |Si je debranche le cable eth0 je suis oblige de faire ifdown eth0 dans 
  |terminal pour qu'il passe par le wifi plutot que par ethernet.
  |Y a t-il un moyen pour que le systeme bascule automatiquement sur le 
  |lorsque je debranche le cable sans que je sois oblige de faire ifdown 
  Il faut essayer le bonding.

On Sat, Mar 10, 2007 at 09:53:57PM +0100, De Leeuw Guy wrote:
 wazaa ? par exemple ? peu tu en dire plus ? cela m'interresse

J'ai mis en place le bonding chez moi pour essayer. J'ai ecris ca la :


rq : j'ai oublier d'écrire qu'il fallait le package ifenslave !

Autrement, tu peux regarder :


Pour ce que tu cherches, c'est pas du bonding qu'il te faut, du moins,
je pense. J'ai deja vu faire ca, mais je ne me rappelle plus comment !

Franck Joncourt
GPG server : pgpkeys.mit.edu
Fingerprint : C10E D1D0 EF70 0A2A CACF 9A3C C490 534E 75C0 89FE

Description: Digital signature

Re: wlan0 et eth0 ensemble ?

2007-03-10 Thread De Leeuw Guy
Bonsoir Franck

Je connaissais le bonding, mais je ne l'avais jamais imaginé avec le
wifi. Intéressant :-)

je lis ton article avec intérêt

Franck Joncourt a écrit :
 Zuthos a écrit :
 francois chiausa a écrit :
 |J'ai finalement reussi `a faire marcher ma carte wifi sur une debian 
 |grace a ndiswrapper.
 |J'ai donc maintenant 2 interfaces reseau eth0 et wlan0.
 |Lorsque je demare avec le cable reseau branche et la carte wifi les 2
 |interfaces sont automatiquement actives sans probleme.
 |Si je debranche le cable eth0 je suis oblige de faire ifdown eth0 dans 
 |terminal pour qu'il passe par le wifi plutot que par ethernet.
 |Y a t-il un moyen pour que le systeme bascule automatiquement sur le 
 |lorsque je debranche le cable sans que je sois oblige de faire ifdown 
 Il faut essayer le bonding.

 On Sat, Mar 10, 2007 at 09:53:57PM +0100, De Leeuw Guy wrote:
 wazaa ? par exemple ? peu tu en dire plus ? cela m'interresse


 J'ai mis en place le bonding chez moi pour essayer. J'ai ecris ca la :


 rq : j'ai oublier d'écrire qu'il fallait le package ifenslave !

 Autrement, tu peux regarder :


 Pour ce que tu cherches, c'est pas du bonding qu'il te faut, du moins,
 je pense. J'ai deja vu faire ca, mais je ne me rappelle plus comment !


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Re: Fibre optique, switch et Linux ...

2007-03-10 Thread Vincent Bernat
OoO Pendant  le repas  du samedi 10  mars 2007, vers  19:29, Sébastien

 Nous pensons acheter un serveur pour faire tourner quagga et bgp avec 2
 peering de 50Mbits fibre optique.
 Nous disposons d'un switch HP 2626 manageable qui a 2 ports  fibres.

 Je voudrais savoir si il es possible de brancher les fibres du provider
 sur les 2 ports de notre switch
 et de repiquer en rj45 sur le routeur plutôt que d'investir dans une
 carte FDDI ?

Oui.  Il  te suffit  de  construire  deux  vlans non  taggués,  chacun
comprenant une prise cuivre et une prise fibre.
Avoid multiple exits from loops.
- The Elements of Programming Style (Kernighan  Plauger)

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installation problématiqu e d'ekiga sur debian etch

2007-03-10 Thread Philippe MONROUX

J'ai un pb d'installation ekiga + asterisk sur ma debian etch:

ii  asterisk   1.2.13~dfsg-2  Open Source Private Branch Exchange (PBX)
ii  ekiga  2.0.3-4H.323 and SIP compatible VOIP client

$: asterisk -U asterisk -vgc me donne qq WARNING comme :

| WARNING[21806]:  res_musiconhold.c:852  moh_register:  Unable to  open
| pseudo channel for timing...  Sound may be choppy. 
| WARNING[21806]:   res_odbc.c:565  odbc_obj_connect:   res_odbc:  Error
| SQLConnect=-1 errno=0  [unixODBC][Driver Manager]Data source  name not
| found, and no default driver specified 

Mais asterisk daemon démarre bien. 

Le pb est que quand je démarre ekiga j'ai tjrs le message suivant :

L'inscription de ekiga a a echoue

Et je ne sais pas où est la solution. 

Lignes non commentées de mon sip.conf :
| [general]
| context=default   
| bindport=5060 
| bindaddr=  
| srvlookup=yes 
| disallow=all  
| register = phi2:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/1234
| [authentication]
| [ekiganet-out]
| type=peer 
| secret=6641ekiganet
| username=phi2 
| host=ekiga.net
| call-limit=5  
| context=from-ekiganet 
| [ekiga1]
| type=friend
| host=dynamic
| username=ekiga1
| secret=6641ekiga1
| disallow=all
| allow=ulaw
| [ekiga2]
| type=friend
| host=dynamic
| username=ekiga2
| secret=6641ekiga2
| disallow=all
| allow=ulaw

Lignes non commentées de mon extensions.conf :
| [general]
| static=yes
| writeprotect=no
| autofallthrough=yes
| clearglobalvars=no
| priorityjumping=no
| [globals]
| CONSOLE=Console/dsp
| IAXINFO=guest
| TRUNK=Zap/g2
| exten = 555,1,Dial(SIP/ekiga1)
| exten = 556,1,Dial(SIP/ekiga2)

Monroux Philippe.
- Pourquoi les capitalistes devraient installer Linux ?
- Parce que c'est le systême d'exploitation des pauvres.

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Debian Etch - Quelques questions

2007-03-10 Thread Patrice OLIVER

Bonjour la liste :)

Je suis revenu de ubuntu à Debian Etch. Quelle évolution durant le 8
derniers mois ...

J'ai deux questions :

1) Je souhaite essayer Evolution pour faire un comparatif avec
Thunderbird. J'ai paramétré un compte de messagerie avec un serveur
imap, mais lorsque je tente de l'utiliser, j'obtiens un message
d'erreur que je peux aisément reproduire avec 'Vérifier les types
supportés' dans le Type d'authentification de l'onglet 'Réception des
courriels' :

Erreur durant Service de vérification.
Vous devez travailler en ligen pour terminer cette opération.

2) Je dispose d'une carte Wifi à base Atheros. Comme sous Ubuntu, tout
est intégré de façon totalement transparente pour cette carte, je
souhaite savoir quelle est selon vous la méthode la plus
opérationnelle aujourd'hui : ndiswrapper ou madwifi ? Si madwifi,
pouvez-vous m'indiquer la méthode la plus simple pour le mettre en
oeuvre car j'ai de mauvais souvenirs de mi 2006 ?


Re: Mozilla se cuelga con libflash-mozplugin en amd64

2007-03-10 Thread Antonio Trujillo Carmona
El sáb, 10-03-2007 a las 02:52 +0100, ramirex escribió:
 Mala suerte
 adobe todavía no tiene soporte para 64 bit's
 solo te queda dos cosas por hacer
 emular firefox 32 bit's
 o cambiarte a Debian Etch 32 bit's
o usar los visores libres de flash que es lo que yo hago y que van bien
en la mayoria de las paginas
Antonio Trujillo Carmona [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Mozilla se cuelga con libflash-mozplugin en amd64

2007-03-10 Thread Santiago José López Borrazás
Hash: SHA512

El 10/03/07 11:53, Antonio Trujillo Carmona escribió:
 o usar los visores libres de flash que es lo que yo hago y que van bien
 en la mayoria de las paginas

¿Cómo cuales? Porque mira que ando buscando algo más estable que el
FlashPlayer... :-P

- --
Slds de Santiago José López Borrazás. Admin de hackindex.com/.es
Conocimientos avanzados en seguridad informática.
Conocimientos avanzados en redes.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: Mozilla se cuelga con libflash-mozplugin en amd64

2007-03-10 Thread Kevin Josue

Pido disculpas por el envio al correo privado, fue un descuido.

A mi tambien me pasaba (se me cerraba el firefox, iceweasel, iceape,
etc... derrepente) con Debian Etch sobre i386, y la manera en que lo
solucione fue desinstalar todos los paquetes relacionados con flash y
luego instalar solo flashplayer-nonfree ademas de usar el asistente
para instalar el flasplayer que el se descarga de la pagina de Adobe.

Linux Counter #395394 - http://counter.li.org/
Si la base de la sociedad es ayudar a los demas, porque decir no a la
libertad de modificar y compartir el software? (Richard Stallman)
La imaginacion es mas importante que el conocimiento (Albert Einstein)

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2007-03-10 Thread Juan Carlos Rodriguez

Buenas.. mi pregunta es la siguiente:
Si yo estoy conectado a otra maquina
mediante un ssh. Puedo hacer que en el 
mc la parte de la izquierda sea la
maquina en donde me loguee y la derecha desde donde
estoy logueado (o viceversa)?? 
Cualquier ayuda será infinitamente agradecida..

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: consulta

2007-03-10 Thread ramirex

Por su puesto que sí

puedes hacer una conexión shell, samba y ftp.

por cualquier protocolo tu puedes transferir archivos y también modificarlos.


--- ramirex -
   [powered by Linux]

Que PC elijo?

2007-03-10 Thread Aritz Zuñiga Monreal

Tengo dos PCs de los cuales me tengo que quedar uno. Son algo antiguos
pero nose cual funcionara mejor instalando debian para utilizarlo como
PC de escritorio. Uno tiene un procesador Celeron 1300 y el otro lleva
dos procesadores Pentium III 550 Hz. El primero es algo más rápido pero
quizás al llevar el otro 2 procesadores y Pentium III (q son mejores que
celeron) me funcionará mejor el segundo ¿no?

Un amor, una aventura, compañía para un viaje. Regístrate gratis en MSN Amor 
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Re: Que PC elijo?

2007-03-10 Thread Ricardo Marcelo Alvarez
On Sat, 10 Mar 2007 15:57:20 +0100
Aritz Zuñiga Monreal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Tengo dos PCs de los cuales me tengo que quedar uno. Son algo antiguos
 pero nose cual funcionara mejor instalando debian para utilizarlo como
 PC de escritorio. Uno tiene un procesador Celeron 1300 y el otro lleva
 dos procesadores Pentium III 550 Hz. El primero es algo más rápido pero
 quizás al llevar el otro 2 procesadores y Pentium III (q son mejores que
 celeron) me funcionará mejor el segundo ¿no?


En general creo que un procesador por ejemplo de 1000 Mhz funciona mas rapido 
que dos de 500 Mhz
pero en este caso hay que tener en cuenta la memoria cache de los micros, y 
tambien que el mother 
para dos micros debe ser de mejor calidad que el que tiene el celeron, tambien 
te podes fijar la 
memoria que trae cada maquina. Aunque creo que para PC de escritorio el celeron 
te va a funcionar 


 Un amor, una aventura, compañía para un viaje. Regístrate gratis en MSN Amor 
  Amistad. http://match.msn.es/match/mt.cfm?pg=channeltcid=162349
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ricardo Marcelo Alvarez desarrollador de GNUPanel
Panel de control de hosting GPL para debian
GPL hosting control panel for Debian

Preguntá. Respondé. Descubrí.
Todo lo que querías saber, y lo que ni imaginabas,
está en Yahoo! Respuestas (Beta).
¡Probalo ya!

memoria agotada

2007-03-10 Thread ramirex


Tengo este siguiente problema, para mí es un caso atípico y no tengo
la menor idea de por que paso.

Iremos por pasos para que sepan exactamente lo que paso.

1.- Quería ejecutar amule y me salia el mensaje:
 bash: /usr/bin/amule: permiso denegado
2.- Quise listar mis archivos de /usr/bin entonces hice ls /usr/bin y
me salio lo siguiente:
 ls: memoria agotada
3.- Después me fije que mis algunos archivos están corruptos con
tamaños increíbles, como por ejemplo:

*  winelauncher   436.6  MB
*  amule  739.4  MB
*  kguitar 877.3  MB
*  kino  1.1  GB
*  wine 1.3   GB
*  mplayer1.5  GB
*  wineshellink  2.9  GB
*  wine-pthread3.2  GB
*  htop  3.2  GB
*  wine-preloader 3.6  GB
*  gnochm 10.156.757.5 TB
*  kxvplayer   12.118.390.6 TB

todos estos son los archivos y sus tamaños erróneos (por si acaso
estos archivos están dentro de /usr/bin).


¿Por que paso esto?

¿Que pasa si los elimino?

--- ramirex -
   [powered by Linux]

Re: consulta (ssh y mc)

2007-03-10 Thread Walter

Hola Juan Carlos...

Juan Carlos Rodriguez escribió:

Buenas.. mi pregunta es la siguiente:
Si yo estoy conectado a otra maquina
mediante un ssh. Puedo hacer que en el 
mc la parte de la izquierda sea la

maquina en donde me loguee y la derecha desde donde
estoy logueado (o viceversa)?? 

mmm... podes establecer la conexión desde la PC local a la remota usando 
conexión por shell del mc...

Y también, estando conectado a la PC remota con ssh, podes cargar el mc 
y hacer la conexión por shell con la PC local (lo acabo de comprobar).

Cualquier ayuda será infinitamente agradecida..

/ \ _ / \   __
 (\/  /  \   |_/oo)
  // ||   || \\
Usuario Linux 425808

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: memoria agotada

2007-03-10 Thread Nelson Castillo

¿Por que paso esto?

No sé. Disco dañado, mal apagado, etc.

¿Que pasa si los elimino?

Será el fin del mundo como lo conocemos :)

Pues, ahora en serio, ¿No sería mejor probar un fsck antes
de borrar los archivos?



Re: memoria agotada

2007-03-10 Thread ramirex

Solucionado el problema..

con un fsck -s /dev/sdaXX

se arreglo el problema

aunque me elimino unos cuantos archivos y me dejo sin una explicación
válida de como es que paso esto..

Gracias por sus aportes...


--- ramirex -
   [powered by Linux]

instalar debian en sata

2007-03-10 Thread Juan Carlos Fuentes M.

saludos, tengo un disco duro sata de 120 gigas marca seagate, trate de
instalar debian 3.1r0a sarge (kernel 2.6) y al parecer no reconoce el
disco duro. alguien tiene idea de como solventar el problema?

When the gods wish to punish us, they answer our prayers.
Oscar Wilde, An Ideal husband, 1893

Re: memoria agotada

2007-03-10 Thread Nelson Castillo

Gracias por sus aportes...


Trata de instalar smartmontools y corre un test sobre el disco.



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Re: instalar debian en sata

2007-03-10 Thread Milton Mazzarri
Juan Carlos Fuentes M. wrote:
 saludos, tengo un disco duro sata de 120 gigas marca seagate, trate de
 instalar debian 3.1r0a sarge (kernel 2.6) y al parecer no reconoce el
 disco duro. alguien tiene idea de como solventar el problema?

Creo que tienes 3 opciones:

1.- Si instalas sarge con la serie 2.4 del kernel debería reconocerte el
disco como IDE, en las entradas correspondientes al fichero
/boot/grub/menu.lst en las opciones de inicio del kernel tendrías algo como:

kernel  /vmlinuz-2.4.XX-ARCH root=/dev/hda1 ro

Si llegas a actualizar a la serie 2.6 deberás modificar a mano el
fichero indicado previamente y colocar algo similar a lo siguiente (solo
en las entradas correspondientes a la serie 2.6 del kernel):

kernel  /vmlinuz-2.6.XX-ARCH root=/dev/sda1 ro

También te recomendaría cambiar de una vez la opción de arranque por

2.- Intenta instalar etch directamente.

3.- Si necesitas Sarge, puedes usar las imágenes[1] que Kenshi Muto ha
preparado para soportar nuevo hardware, principalmente dispositivos SATA
y Ethernet.

Espero te sirva la información.

Un saludo, feliz día.

[1] http://kmuto.jp/debian/d-i/
Milton Mazzarri, a.k.a. [MilMazz]
Key fingerprint = E802 439A 1B04 59A0 E4B6 0169 1BEB 5EF6 B815 DE42

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Re: Convertir video avi a dv

2007-03-10 Thread Juan Sebastian
El Martes, 27 de Febrero de 2007 13:16, Carlos Dávila escribió:
   Gracias pero no encuentro en mis  herramientas de instalación Kubuntu edgy 
el programa ,tu tienes datos de una lista de repositorios para agregar  a 
adept y así instalar kdenlive u  podrías ayudarme a instalarlo...soy 
principiante en linux ..gracias

 ¿Has probado kdenlive? Es un editor de vídeo basado en mlt y ffmpeg que
 te puede servir.

 Un saludo

Problemas con charset ISO-8859-1 en servidor con UTF-8

2007-03-10 Thread L. Paz

Saludos a todos.

Tengo el siguiente problema en una Debian Unstable.

Necesito configurar una cuenta que utilice el chaset ISO-8859-1 en un
servidor que está configurado por defecto para UTF-8 (local

Para hacerlo creo un usuario nuevo y en el ~/.bashrc de su cuenta añado:

export LANG
export LC_ALL

Hecho esto inicio sesión xterm con el nuevo usuario y

$ locale

Hasta aquí todo correcto, pero... no es así. Cuando se trabaja en la
nueva cuenta, tanto desde una consola de sistema como desde un xterm
lanzado desde el entorno gráfico (gnome), hay problemas. Algunos
ejemplos más o menos a boleo:

- Cuando se imprimen caracteres acentuados o la letra eñe, hay que
pulsar 2 veces la tecla de borrado (backspace) para suprimirlos, el
cursor retrocede dos posiciones y se sitúa sobre otro carácter que
parece borrado (no se ve en pantalla) pero que permanece en el buffer.
Si se pulsa retorno el carácter reaparece.
- Los símbolos del euro y de los céntimos de euro siguen
apareciendo en pantalla al pulsar las teclas correspondientes, cuando
con el charset ISO-8851-1 no deberían estar disponibles
- En programas en modo texto como el mc las columnas se visualizan
con irregularidades en la tabulación (hay filas que ocupan menos de 80
columnas y otras que ocupan más y se salen de la pantalla por la
derecha), etc.

En resumen. Pregunto:
1. ¿Alguien sabe cual es la causa de este comportamiento?.
2. Cuando se quiere crear una cuenta que utilice una localización
distinta a la que usa por defecto el sistema ¿qué  variables hay que
configurar (aparte de las ya citadas)?

Agradecería cualquier ayuda.


Re: Problemas con charset ISO-8859-1 en servidor con UTF-8

2007-03-10 Thread Blu
On Sun, Mar 11, 2007 at 03:30:59AM +0100, L. Paz wrote:
 En resumen. Pregunto:
 1. ¿Alguien sabe cual es la causa de este comportamiento?.
 2. Cuando se quiere crear una cuenta que utilice una localización
 distinta a la que usa por defecto el sistema ¿qué  variables hay que
 configurar (aparte de las ya citadas)?

Además de locales, tienes que asegurarte de que el terminal, tanto en X
como en consola, despliegue caracteres en iso-8859-1, y no en utf-8 (man
xterm por ejemplo). También, que los programas usados para insertar
texto, inserten caracteres en iso-8859-1. Esto se logra generalmente
definiendo locales y el tipo de terminal, pero no siempre.


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Pantalla correcta para Intel 945GM a 1280x800

2007-03-10 Thread guillermo abate
Yo tengo esa tarjeta y la tengo con el i810 con una profundidad de 24 

puede ser las frecuencias yo tengo

HorizSync   31.5 - 57.0
 VertRefresh 50-100

Lo que te pasa con la pantalla mas grande checkea con tengas el virtual screen 

Guillermo Abate

Mariano Cediel [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió: No es por desanimar ... pero yo no 
conseguí hacerlo funcionar con el i810.
Solo con la vesa.

Si alguien lo consigue . que postee la solución.
Muchas gracias

El 6/03/07, dayer  escribió:
  Hola, muchas gracias a los dos por vuestra asistencia. Lo de
 cambiar la resolución a través de lo de Resolución de pantalla es de
 las primas cosas que intenté, de hecho ahora la uso a esa resolución
 pero con el driver vesa, para poder completa y no tener que estar
 desplazándome por ella si usase el driver i810 (con el que consigo que
 funcione la aceleración gráfica).

  Ahí adjunto los dos archivos solicitados.
  Un cordial saludo

 El 6/03/07, Sebastian Ferrara  escribió:
  El Tue, 6 Mar 2007 05:32:24 +0100
  dayer  escribió:
Hola a todos. Hace unos meses busqué por Internet a ver si
   alguien había resuelto el problema, pero no hubo suerte, y hoy he
   vuelvo a buscar pero aún parece que no hay remedio. Tengo un portátil
   con una pantalla de 12,1 y una tarjeta gráfica integrada Intel 945GM,
   todo esto a una resolución de 1280x800.
  Me he instalado el paquete 915Resolution, he averiguando cual
   es el modo que este programa me dice que lo configure para la
   resolución y profundidad deseadas, a su vez he puesto en xorg.conf el
   driver i810 y en la configuración de la pantalla una resolución de
   1280x800. La sorpresa viene cuando abro Gnome y me encuentro con que
   la pantalla no la veo entera, sino que tengo que mover el raton por
   las orillas porque esta es como si fuese más grande de lo que el
   monitor puede mostrar.
  Necesito que adjuntes /etc/default/915resolution y el xorg.conf.

 .: Agua Para Todos, España sólo hay una :.

[o - -  -   --  -
   (\   |  el pollo galáctico.
   (  \_('


LLama Gratis a cualquier PC del Mundo.
Llamadas a fijos y móviles desde 1 céntimo por minuto.

Re: pdf com senha, como quebrar?

2007-03-10 Thread Carlos Ribeiro

Márcio, sempre te admirei pelas excelentes participações nesta lista, que há
tempo, por sinal, não tem se manifestado. A última participação efetiva que
tiveste, que recordo, foi quando uma fonte de alimentação te deu problema e
acabaste comprando uma de 300 reais, lembra?
Neste caso, entretanto, acho que fizeste um julgamento antecipado. O
companheiro deixou claro, desde o início, que não conseguiu abrir o arquivo
pela falta de senha e isso não significa que seja ilegal abrí-lo. Agora, se
depois de aberto houver uma observação possibilitando seu uso apenas
mediante um pagamento e se a pessoa contrariar esse dispositivo então estará
infrigindo a lei.
Veja bem, esta é apenas minha opinião. Apesar de não concordar com a sua,
sempre estarei defendendo seu direito de expressá-la (assim como de qualquer
Finalmente, espero que o companheiro não deixe de nos brindar com esses
textos inteligentes. Eu, pelo menos, sempre aprendo alguma coisa.



Em 10/03/07, Marcio de Araujo Benedito [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

* Davi ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 Bom fim de semana, majestade.


Existem muitas semelhanças entre a colonização eletrônica e o
sistema colonial antigo. [...] O sistema colonial recruta elites
locais para conseguir subjugar o resto da população. Ao fornecer
cópias grátis de seus softwares, que não são livres, para escolas,
a Microsoft está usando a escola para criar uma futura dependência
tecnológica na sociedade.
Richard Stallman

Linux-User: 183.572  Machine: 195.669
São Luís - Maranhão - Brasil

Re: OFF - DRM (era: Licença e direitos autorais)

2007-03-10 Thread Sávio Ramos
Em Fri, 9 Mar 2007 15:54:30 -0300
Ataliba Neto [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

 Na minha concepção a pirataria é tão importante quanto.
 Sou pirata sim, continuarei sendo e luto pela liberdade,

Rapaz... Seu discurso merece uma palestra! Não deixe de ver a palestra
do Sérgio Amadeu no FISL 6.0 (não confunda é o seis).

Ele explica muito bem como a pirataria serve ao monopólio. Ser pirata é
favorecer aos grandes empresários monopolistas.

Quanto mais você roubar da Pequeno_e_Mole, mais Bill Gates vai ficar

Sávio Martins Ramos -  Arquiteto
Rio de Janeiro  ICQ 174972645
Pirataria não! Seja livre: Linux

Re: OFF - DRM (era: Licença e direitos autorais)

2007-03-10 Thread Sávio Ramos
Em Fri, 09 Mar 2007 12:52:02 -0300
Renato S. Yamane [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

 Palmas para o DRM, que transformou a vida dos usuários iniciantes em
 um caos!

Quanto mais o mercado infernizar a vida das pessoas maior a
possibilidade delas em procurar opções livres?

Se sim, que venha o inferno!

Sávio Martins Ramos -  Arquiteto
Rio de Janeiro  ICQ 174972645
Pirataria não! Seja livre: Linux

Re: OFF - DRM (era: Licença e direitos autorais)

2007-03-10 Thread Sávio Ramos
Em Fri, 09 Mar 2007 16:15:02 +
Junior Polegato - Linux [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

 No fundo, do _meu_ ponto de vista, isso (pirataria) é bom para todos, 
 pois permite que aprendamos, cresçamos e quanto grandes e maduros,
 nos legalizamos. Se não, como disse nosso amigo, ainda estaríamos na
 década de 70.

É ao contrário amigo! Pirataria favorece o monopólio.

Veja a palestra do Sérgio Amadeu no FISL 6.0 (seis).

Sávio Martins Ramos -  Arquiteto
Rio de Janeiro  ICQ 174972645
Pirataria não! Seja livre: Linux

Re: pdf com senha, como quebrar?

2007-03-10 Thread Sávio Ramos
Em Sat, 10 Mar 2007 00:03:13 -0300
Marcio de Araujo Benedito [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

  Bom fim de semana, majestade.  

Davi não o conheço e muito menos o Márcio. Mas, o último já leio suas
mensagens há alguns anos e posso dizer a você, Davi, que não é
necessário ficar irritado com as mensagens do Márcio. O cara tem uma
forma de se expressar, digamos, muito enfática. Deve ser uma pessoa
gente-fina. Afinal, está há anos na lista colaborando.

Bom final de semana aos dois. 

Sávio Martins Ramos -  Arquiteto
Rio de Janeiro  ICQ 174972645
Pirataria não! Seja livre: Linux

Redimensionar partição

2007-03-10 Thread Anderson Roberto Grella

Olá a todos!

Preciso tirar uma dúvida. Tenho Linux + RWin em minha máquina. Em RWin 
tenho 2 partições. Quero apagar uma delas para aumentar a partição única 
que tenho como Linux nativo (ext3).

Atualmente tenho:

/dev/hda1 - linux ext3 - 7,4 GB
/dev/hda2 - linux swap
/dev/hda3 - rwin vfat - 6,5 GB
/dev/hda4 - rwin vfat - 3,7 GB

E eu gostaria de apagar /dev/hda4 para adicionar esse espaço a 
/dev/hda1, ficando com:

/dev/hda1 - linux ext3 - 11,1 GB (7,4 + 3,7)
/dev/hda2 - linux swap
/dev/hda3 - rwin vfat - 6,5 GB

Não posso perder os dados de /dev/hda1 nem de /dev/hda3. Se não tiver 
jeito, o rwin de /dev/hda3 eu posso reinstalar.

Alguma limitação pelo fato de os blocos não serem contínuos a partir da 
partição do linux? Ou seria o caso de remover /dev/hda2, /dev/hda3 e 
/dev/hda4 para aumentar /dev/hda1 na seqüência, criar nova swap e o que 
sobrar, deixar para o rwin?

Alguém já utilizou o parted, o cfdisk ou outro além desses que tenha 
gostado e que foi confiável nessa tarefa? Qual é melhor para isso?

Agradeço pela atenção e sugestões.


Anderson Roberto Grella

Linux Registered User #152832
Debian GNU/Linux User

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Pacotes laptop

2007-03-10 Thread Krishnamurti L. L. V. Nunes

Em 04/03/07, Marcos Lazarini[EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:
 Em 03/03/07, Rodrigo Emygdio[EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:
  Ola! Senhores(as)
   Estou precisando de algum pacote  que faça genrencia de energia
  para laptop. Alguém poderia me indicar um bacana.

 Basta carregar o módulo correspondente no kernel!



Também é necessário instalar algum programa que faça o gerenciamento
(esse programa vai utilizar os módulos do kernel para realizar as
tarefas, por exemplo, de reduzir a frequencia do processador para
diminuir o consumo de energia).

Eu uso o powersave, também existem o cpufreq e o powernow, e
provavelmente há outros que eu não conheço.

Krishnamurti Lelis Lima Vieira Nunes

Krishnamurti Lelis Lima Vieira Nunes

Re: pdf com senha, como quebrar?

2007-03-10 Thread Marcos Lazarini

Em 10/03/07, Carlos Ribeiro[EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

Márcio, sempre te admirei pelas excelentes participações nesta lista, que há
tempo, por sinal, não tem se manifestado. A última participação efetiva que
tiveste, que recordo, foi quando uma fonte de alimentação te deu problema e
acabaste comprando uma de 300 reais, lembra?
Neste caso, entretanto, acho que fizeste um julgamento antecipado. O
companheiro deixou claro, desde o início, que não conseguiu abrir o arquivo
pela falta de senha e isso não significa que seja ilegal abrí-lo. Agora, se
depois de aberto houver uma observação possibilitando seu uso apenas
mediante um pagamento e se a pessoa contrariar esse dispositivo então estará
infrigindo a lei.

Carlos, 100 anos atrás talvez colasse essa de que você não sabia que
existiam direitos autorais. Hj não dá mais - veja uma msg do faw, que
falou sobre isso. Ainda mais de um pdf vindo do emule - veja um

Quer dizer que se eu fizer uma cópia xerox de um livro e não copiar a
página que diz que o livro é protegido e tal, eu 'desprotegi' o livro?
:-) Veja não é simples assim... vc tem que assumir que por default
tudo é protegido.


Re: OFF - DRM (era: Licença e direitos autora is)

2007-03-10 Thread Junior Polegato - Linux

Sávio Ramos escreveu:

Em Fri, 09 Mar 2007 16:15:02 +
Junior Polegato - Linux [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:
No fundo, do _meu_ ponto de vista, isso (pirataria) é bom para todos, 
pois permite que aprendamos, cresçamos e quanto grandes e maduros,

nos legalizamos. Se não, como disse nosso amigo, ainda estaríamos na
década de 70.

É ao contrário amigo! Pirataria favorece o monopólio.
Veja a palestra do Sérgio Amadeu no FISL 6.0 (seis).


 Depende o ponto de vista... Quanto o mercado de informática estava 
fechado, a não pirataria favorecia as panelinhas montadas aqui no 
Brasil. A pirataria permitiu a concorrência e, do _meu_ ponto de vista, 
fez com que essas empresas de tecnologia no Brasil naquela época desse 
uma guinada.
 Com 12 anos de idade eu fazia curso de DOS e havia um tal de Windows 
3.0, ao qual eu não teria acesso se não fosse a pirataria, pois também 
não existia no Brasil...
 Esse espírito de trazer as coisas de fora, mesmo que de forma ilegal, 
permitiu, e continua permitindo, que eu conheça tudo o que há de novo e 
possa apaulpar, testar, tirar minhas próprias conclusões e não seguir a 
mídia esdrúxula que nos cerca, e dentre essas coisas de fora, em 94, me 
topei com o Linux e de lá para cá nunca mais larguei...
 Para mim, a pirataria permitir que eu tenha contato com o mundo 
tecnológico, pois não tenho grana para pagar 100% de impostos (o preço 
dobra) sobre tudo que se for comprar de fora, muitos não têm, não estou 
sozinho nesse barco... Além de que é para testes e muitas vezes vira 
lixo tecnológico.
 Além de tudo, além do preço, se for esperar que as empresas com 
capacidade de importar legalmente produtos com tecnologia de ponta, 
ficaremos alguns anos sempre atrasados diante a burocracia, interesses, 
política e impostos.
 Então, _para_ _mim_, a pirataria permite que eu aprenda, cresça, 
analise opções e amadureça meus conceitos, para então propor para o 
mercado soluções dignas e suporte adequado aliados ao que há de ponta na 
tecnologia, e aqui sim, imprescindivelmente, tudo legalizado.
 Não preciso assistir palestra de ninguém, sinto tudo isso na pele, 
tenho minha opinião formada.

 Quanto a favorecer o monopólio, é outro lado da moeda, pois como disse 
antes, favorece na medida em que as empresas monopolistas conseguem 
popularizar cada vez mais seus produtos via pirataria de tal forma que 
não é interessante para eles combater a pirataria em todos os níveis, 
mas sim em níveis específicos, geralmente empresas com faturamento anual 
bem acima dos 10 milhões. Também sinto isso na pele. Venho convertendo 
empresas nessa faixa de faturamento para Linux, por terem medo da 
fiscalização e não aceitarem o valor cobrado pelas licenças e empresas 
de manutenção coligadas a essas licenças, não concordam em pagar novas 
licenças por versões mais novas e preferem investir em pessoas para 
criar alternativas a essa imposição monopolista. Empresas abaixo de 2,5 
milhões estão pouco se lixando com a pirataria, e as entre 2,5 e 10 
milhões já estão pensando no caso... Vejo aqui também que empresas 
familiares cresceram e quando atingem um certo patamar terão que se 
legalizar: se encontrar alguém (física ou jurídica) para dar opção com 
SL, com certeza irão para o SL; senão encontrar, ou por comodismo ao 
monopólio já imposto dentro da empresa e não quererem quebrar 
paradigmas, ou às vezes pelo responsável de TI ganhar um por fora com as 
licenças, optam pelo software proprietário (SP). Ainda não sei dizer com 
certeza se há vantagem em uma empresa usar SL ou SP em termos de 
competitividade, mas posso garantir que empresas que usam SL sob bom 
suporte, nunca mais voltarão atrás.

 Acho que consegui expressar minha experiência com pirataria.


  Junior Polegato

  Um peregrino de problemas; Um pergaminho de soluções!
  Página Profissional: http://www.juniorpolegato.com.br

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: pdf com senha, como quebrar?

2007-03-10 Thread Leandro Ferreira
No dia 10/03/2007 às 10:28,
Sávio Ramos [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

 Em Sat, 10 Mar 2007 00:03:13 -0300
 Marcio de Araujo Benedito [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:
   Bom fim de semana, majestade.  
 Davi não o conheço e muito menos o Márcio. Mas, o último já leio suas
 mensagens há alguns anos e posso dizer a você, Davi, que não é
 necessário ficar irritado com as mensagens do Márcio. O cara tem uma
 forma de se expressar, digamos, muito enfática. Deve ser uma pessoa
 gente-fina. Afinal, está há anos na lista colaborando.

O china é uma das reencarnações do Chuck Norris :)

E para quem viu o filme Os infiltrados, que ganhou o último Oscar, foi
o Márcio que escreveu as falas do personagem do Mark Whalberg, o
policial Dignam. Olhem o filme e vejam se as falas não são a cara do
China :))


Leandro Padilha Ferreira - GPG ID: A7FB969E

http://androle.pro.br - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
El que venga atrás que arree 

Description: Digital signature

Re: Redimensionar partição

2007-03-10 Thread Carlos Ribeiro

Os aplicativos Linux destinados a executar esse tipo de tarefa não conseguem
realizar a operação da forma que você necessita. Talvez o Partition Magic
faça isso. Com o Linux (GParted ou QtParted) você poderá mover uma fatia
de hda3 para hda1 e depois juntar o que restou de hda3 com hda4. É
recomendável que seja feito backup dos dados dessas partições pois há risco
de perda total deles em hda3.



Em 10/03/07, Anderson Roberto Grella [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Olá a todos!

Preciso tirar uma dúvida. Tenho Linux + RWin em minha máquina. Em RWin
tenho 2 partições. Quero apagar uma delas para aumentar a partição única
que tenho como Linux nativo (ext3).

Atualmente tenho:

/dev/hda1 - linux ext3 - 7,4 GB
/dev/hda2 - linux swap
/dev/hda3 - rwin vfat - 6,5 GB
/dev/hda4 - rwin vfat - 3,7 GB

E eu gostaria de apagar /dev/hda4 para adicionar esse espaço a
/dev/hda1, ficando com:

/dev/hda1 - linux ext3 - 11,1 GB (7,4 + 3,7)
/dev/hda2 - linux swap
/dev/hda3 - rwin vfat - 6,5 GB

Não posso perder os dados de /dev/hda1 nem de /dev/hda3. Se não tiver
jeito, o rwin de /dev/hda3 eu posso reinstalar.

Alguma limitação pelo fato de os blocos não serem contínuos a partir da
partição do linux? Ou seria o caso de remover /dev/hda2, /dev/hda3 e
/dev/hda4 para aumentar /dev/hda1 na seqüência, criar nova swap e o que
sobrar, deixar para o rwin?

Alguém já utilizou o parted, o cfdisk ou outro além desses que tenha
gostado e que foi confiável nessa tarefa? Qual é melhor para isso?

Agradeço pela atenção e sugestões.


Anderson Roberto Grella

Linux Registered User #152832
Debian GNU/Linux User

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Linux-User: 183.572  Machine: 195.669
São Luís - Maranhão - Brasil

Re: Redimensionar partição

2007-03-10 Thread Fabiano Manoel de Andrade


  Você pode usar o gparted e deletar as partições hda2, hda3 e hda4.
Redimensionar a partição hda1 para o tamanho desejada e então criar
novamente criar a partição hda2 como swap e a hda3 como vfat. Você não vai
conseguir fazer isso usando a partição hda1, então vai ter que ser usando um
livecd. Existe um livecd do gparted aqui:
  Fique ciente que existe risco de perder o conteúdo da partição hda1 e o
conteúdo da hda3 e hda4 você vai perder com certeza.


Em 10/03/07, Anderson Roberto Grella [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Olá a todos!

Preciso tirar uma dúvida. Tenho Linux + RWin em minha máquina. Em RWin
tenho 2 partições. Quero apagar uma delas para aumentar a partição única
que tenho como Linux nativo (ext3).

Atualmente tenho:

/dev/hda1 - linux ext3 - 7,4 GB
/dev/hda2 - linux swap
/dev/hda3 - rwin vfat - 6,5 GB
/dev/hda4 - rwin vfat - 3,7 GB

E eu gostaria de apagar /dev/hda4 para adicionar esse espaço a
/dev/hda1, ficando com:

/dev/hda1 - linux ext3 - 11,1 GB (7,4 + 3,7)
/dev/hda2 - linux swap
/dev/hda3 - rwin vfat - 6,5 GB

Não posso perder os dados de /dev/hda1 nem de /dev/hda3. Se não tiver
jeito, o rwin de /dev/hda3 eu posso reinstalar.

Alguma limitação pelo fato de os blocos não serem contínuos a partir da
partição do linux? Ou seria o caso de remover /dev/hda2, /dev/hda3 e
/dev/hda4 para aumentar /dev/hda1 na seqüência, criar nova swap e o que
sobrar, deixar para o rwin?

Alguém já utilizou o parted, o cfdisk ou outro além desses que tenha
gostado e que foi confiável nessa tarefa? Qual é melhor para isso?

Agradeço pela atenção e sugestões.


Anderson Roberto Grella

Linux Registered User #152832
Debian GNU/Linux User

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: pdf com senha, como quebrar?

2007-03-10 Thread Davi
Em Sábado 10 Março 2007 10:28, Sávio Ramos escreveu:
 Em Sat, 10 Mar 2007 00:03:13 -0300

 Marcio de Araujo Benedito [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:
   Bom fim de semana, majestade.

 Davi não o conheço e muito menos o Márcio. Mas, o último já leio suas
 mensagens há alguns anos e posso dizer a você, Davi, que não é
 necessário ficar irritado com as mensagens do Márcio. O cara tem uma
 forma de se expressar, digamos, muito enfática. Deve ser uma pessoa
 gente-fina. Afinal, está há anos na lista colaborando.

 Bom final de semana aos dois.

É desnecessário (e inútil) ficar irritado com qualquer coisa ou qualquer 

Concordo e peço desculpas à lista pelas minhas mensagens! =]

Bom fim de semana


fonte coronet para pdflatex

2007-03-10 Thread Luiz Portella

estou tentando usar pdflatex para um arquivo com um trecho assim:


palavras ...


mas ao compilar recebo o seguinte:

kpathsea: Running mktexpk --mfmode / --bdpi 600 --mag 1+0/600 --dpi 600
mktexpk: don't know how to create bitmap font for cor7j.
kpathsea: Appending font creation commands to missfont.log.
(see the transcript file for additional information)
Warning: pdflatex (file cor7j): Font cor7j at 600 not found
kpathsea: Running mktexpk --mfmode / --bdpi 600 --mag 1+0/600 --dpi 600
mktexpk: don't know how to create bitmap font for cor8u.

Warning: pdflatex (file cor8u): Font cor8u at 600 not found

ou seja, tenho problema com cor8u e cor7j. como resolver?

tenho instalado todos os pacotes do texlive. para a fonte coronet tenho
o pacote texlive-fonts-extra, que contém o pacote coronet, mas com ou
sem este pacote não consigo usar a fonte. estou no debian testing

alguém pode me dar uma luz?

muito obrigado,
Luiz Portella 

como usar o beryl????

2007-03-10 Thread Márcio Pedroso

ola pessoal, acredito eu que instalei corretamente o beryl e minha placa de
video... mas agora eu nao to conseguindo usar o beryl, eu nao sei os
comandos que tenho que executar pra poder deixar trasparente as janelas...
to precisando de uns esclarecimentos...
obrigado desde ja

linux user nº 432194

Eu sou livre e você?

Problema com o X e Vnc

2007-03-10 Thread Nando Debian

Olá a todos amigos de Lista.

Estou aqui para tentar resolver 2 problemas que venho tendo.

1- Não consigo usar o X a não ser com o usuário root.

Procurando sobre isso no Google, descobri que poderia ser o .Xauthority e/ou
.ICEauthority mas, não parece ser o problema:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ls -l .Xauthority .ICEauthority
-rw---  1 nando nando   0 2007-03-10 20:23 .ICEauthority
-rw---  1 nando nando 100 2007-03-10 20:21 .Xauthority

2- Não consigo acessar o servidor VNC

Segui o tutorial em http://www.debianhelp.co.uk/vnc.htm

chaves:~# vnc4server -geometry 1024x768 -depth 16

New 'chaves:1 (root)' desktop is chaves:1

Starting applications specified in /root/.vnc/xstartup
Log file is /root/.vnc/chaves:1.log

Até ae parece estar normal, mas, não consigo acessa-lo. (Obs: Não consta
nada em meu /etc/vnc.conf)

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ xvnc4viewer IPdaMaquina

VNC Viewer Free Edition 4.1.1 for X - built Feb 26 2007 20:38:07
Copyright (C) 2002-2005 RealVNC Ltd.
See http://www.realvnc.com for information on VNC.

Sat Mar 10 21:04:34 2007
main:unable to connect to host: Connection refused (111)


Re: como usar o beryl????

2007-03-10 Thread Marcos Lazarini

Em 10/03/07, Márcio Pedroso[EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

ola pessoal, acredito eu que instalei corretamente o beryl e minha placa de
video... mas agora eu nao to conseguindo usar o beryl, eu nao sei os
comandos que tenho que executar pra poder deixar trasparente as janelas...
to precisando de uns esclarecimentos...
obrigado desde ja

A maioria é igual ao do compiz, então já é um bom começo.
OBS: a tecla super é, em geral, a tecla do windows

ex: http://en.opensuse.org/Compiz no final da página.

Eu adiciono o super+tab, que não tem no compiz.


Re: Redimensionar partição

2007-03-10 Thread Marcos Lazarini

Em 10/03/07, Anderson Roberto
Grella[EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

Olá a todos!

Preciso tirar uma dúvida. Tenho Linux + RWin em minha máquina. Em RWin
tenho 2 partições. Quero apagar uma delas para aumentar a partição única
que tenho como Linux nativo (ext3).


Completando os colegas:
Se vc abrir o gparted, vá em GParted - Features
e ele lhe dira o que é possivel fazer com cada partição. A princípio,
ele faz isso que vc quer (eu já usei a função grow em ext3 e funcionou
bem), mas nunca movi uma partição com os dados dentro.

De qquer maneira, backup é fundamental!! Mesmo que vc não fique
mexendo nas partições...


Re: LDAP Authentication problem

2007-03-10 Thread Christoph Buchli

Hi all, Roberto

The configuration-file from my debian client looks exactly the same as
the one from the suse-client...

(Suse:/etc/ldap.conf = Debian:/etc/libnss-ldap.conf)


On 3/8/07, Christoph Buchli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I really don't want to lose much words, so let's start ;)

I have an LDAP-server which works (a SUSE-Client is able to
authenticate on this server...).
The server requires SSL/TLS to connect...
My ambition is now to connect from my freshly installed Debian-Etch
client to this server and to authenticate (using libnss-ldap) on it.

Nice, so far. Isn't it?

Now, the way that is already behind me:
I've installed first the libnss-ldap package and configured it... I
was pretty sure that everything was as good as possible!

I've edited the /etc/nsswitch.conf (1).
Then, I wrote the password for the admin-user into /etc/libnss-ldap.secret:
# echo -n password  /etc/libnss-ldap.secret

After that, I made softlinks into the /etc/ldap, so that
/etc/ldap/ldap.conf - /etc/libnss-ldap.conf
/etc/ldap/ldap.secret - /etc/libnss-ldap.secret

I did that because I just couldn't figure out, which is the right
configuration file

As already said, the server works. So I thought, I joust could do su
user and I'll be this user ;)
Actually this didn't work and finally we reach my problem now:

It's quite easy to describe: It doesn't work ;)
I got the No such user- error...

So, I turned on one of my best friends: Wireshark (on the server).
It showed me some SSL-traffic between the client and the server... Not
bad so far... :D
But in the syslog from my client I could find Couldn't connect to
LDAP server..cn=admin,o=cag.

I can't see my mistake... But I'm sure that it is kind of a lack of

Thanks a lot for answers...
Christoph Buchli

# cat /etc/nsswitch.conf | grep -v ^\#
passwd: ldap files
group:  ldap files
shadow: ldap files
hosts:  files dns
networks:   files
protocols:  db files
services:   db files
ethers: db files
rpc:db files
netgroup:   nis

# cat /etc/libnss-ldap.conf | grep -v ^\#
  @(#)$Id: ldap.conf,v 2.47 2006/05/15 08:13:44 lukeh Exp $
base o=cag
uri ldaps://x.y.21.109:636
ldap_version 3
rootbinddn cn=admin,o=cag
ssl start_tls
nss_map_attribute   uniqueMember member
pam_filter  objectclass=posixAccount
nss_base_passwd o=cag
nss_base_shadow o=cag
nss_base_group  o=cag

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: [Fwd: Re: Debian Installer on DELL PowerEdge 850/860]

2007-03-10 Thread Ben Humpert
 Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2007 15:26:51 -0500 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Ben Humpert 
 wrote:  Here it comes ;)  dr02g:~# cat /proc/cpuinfo  processor 
 : 0  vendor_id : GenuineIntel  cpu family : 6  model : 15  model name 
 : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU 3060 @ 2.40GHz  stepping : 6  cpu MHz : 2400.240 
  cache size : 4096 KB  physical id : 0  siblings : 2  core id : 0  
 cpu cores : 2  fdiv_bug : no  hlt_bug : no  f00f_bug : no  coma_bug : 
 no  fpu : yes  fpu_exception : yes  cpuid level : 10  wp : yes  
 flags : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat 
 pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe nx lm constant_tsc pni 
 monitor ds_cpl vmx est tm2 cx16 xtpr lahf_lm  bogomips : 4803.54
 processor : 1  vendor_id : GenuineIntel  cpu family : 6  model : 15  
 model name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU 3060 @ 2.40GHz  stepping : 6  cpu MHz : 
 2400.240  cache size : 4096 KB  physical id : 0  siblings : 2  core 
 id : 1  cpu cores : 2  fdiv_bug : no  hlt_bug : no  f00f_bug : no  
 coma_bug : no  fpu : yes  fpu_exception : yes  cpuid level : 10  wp : 
 yes  flags : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov 
 pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe nx lm constant_tsc 
 pni monitor ds_cpl vmx est tm2 cx16 xtpr lahf_lm  bogomips : 4800.31  
 Based on what others have said, it does seem odd that you are not seeing  
 each core twice. The only thing I can think of at this point is to  check 
 the BIOS and see if HT is enabled (if it's even an option). Since  your 
 kernel is SMP, HT support should be enabled.  This probably won't make a 
 difference, but what kernel version are you  using? 
kinda curious, uname -a said Linux dr02g 2.6.18-4-686 #1 SMP Wed Feb 21 
16:06:54 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux.
This is not a SMP kernel, not a real one or something different?! dpkg said, 
the installed kernel is linux-image-2.6.18-4-686 and linux-image-2.6-686 
(no kernel-image-* is installed)

Re: Debian on a 128MB USB flash drive

2007-03-10 Thread Chris Lale

Stefan Monnier wrote:

I wanted a live Debian system on my USB key.
The Debian Live option is too static for my taste, I wanted a real live
system, upgradable via apt-get etc...

One option is to use a large enough USB drive and do a plain Debian install
on it.  But my USB drive is only 128MB so it was not possible.

I saw someone on the web has done something like that using squashfs+unionfs
and so you can do apt-get update and then to store the resulting state back
on the drive, you do some kind of commit.

I didn't want to go down that route, so instead I've used a plain normal
Debian system, but using jffs2 as a file system, which has the advantage of
being compressed and writable.

The whole story can be found at



Very interesting!

You say that you have problems with apt-get. Have you tried aptitude at 
the command line? Does that have the same problems?


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: doubt in using sed

2007-03-10 Thread Mathias Brodala

Please reply to the list.

L.V.Gandhi, 10.03.2007 05:24:
 In another similar one I have problem
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/stock/datafiles$ ls -l nse2/
 total 0
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/stock/datafiles$ ls -l 3IINFOTECH
 -rw-r--r-- 1 lvgandhi lvgandhi 23400 2007-03-09 15:47 3IINFOTECH
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/stock/datafiles$ sed -e s/3IINFOTECH,// 3IINFOTECH
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/stock/datafiles$ sed -e s/3IINFOTECH,// 3IINFOTECH
 bash: /home/lvgandhi/stock/datafile/nse2/3IINFOTECH: No such file or
 In sed -e s/3IINFOTECH,// 3IINFOTECH |less I could see the correct
 But when I redirect, as in next command I get error bash:
 /home/lvgandhi/stock/datafile/nse2/3IINFOTECH: No such file or directory
 Redirecting to a file in same folder works.
 ie sed -e s/3IINFOTECH,// 3IINFOTECH  temp works.
 Any explanation please

You forgot a 's': 'datafiles' vs. 'datafile'.

Regards, Mathias


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [Fwd: Re: Debian Installer on DELL PowerEdge 850/860]

2007-03-10 Thread Andrei Popescu
Ben Humpert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 kinda curious, uname -a said Linux dr02g 2.6.18-4-686 #1 SMP Wed Feb
 21 16:06:54 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux. 
 This is not a SMP kernel, not a real one or something different?!

~$ grep SMP /boot/config-2.6.18-4-686
# CONFIG_X86_BIGSMP is not set

The 686 kernels are SMP for some time now.

 dpkg said, the installed kernel is linux-image-2.6.18-4-686 and
 linux-image-2.6-686 (no kernel-image-* is installed)

The linux kernel packages in etch and above have been renamed to avoid
conflicts with non-linux kernels like freebsd.

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
(Albert Einstein)

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Empty crontab

2007-03-10 Thread Marko Randjelovic
I see tasks from directories /etc/cron.* are ran regulary, but when I 
run crontab -e as root, the file is empty. Where are these tasks 
schedualed? I am asking because I want to know at what time of the day 
are tasks from cron.daily ran  and how to change it.


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Empty crontab

2007-03-10 Thread Franck Joncourt
On Sat, Mar 10, 2007 at 12:49:19PM +0100, Marko Randjelovic wrote:
 I see tasks from directories /etc/cron.* are ran regulary, but when I 
 run crontab -e as root, the file is empty. Where are these tasks 
 schedualed? I am asking because I want to know at what time of the day 
 are tasks from cron.daily ran  and how to change it.

If I am not mistaken crontab -e edits root's crontab, however, according
to me, you are looking for /etc/crontab, aren't you ?

Franck Joncourt
GPG server : pgpkeys.mit.edu
Fingerprint : C10E D1D0 EF70 0A2A CACF  9A3C C490 534E 75C0 89FE

Description: Digital signature

Re: Empty crontab

2007-03-10 Thread Marko Randjelovic

Franck Joncourt wrote:

On Sat, Mar 10, 2007 at 12:49:19PM +0100, Marko Randjelovic wrote:
I see tasks from directories /etc/cron.* are ran regulary, but when I 
run crontab -e as root, the file is empty. Where are these tasks 
schedualed? I am asking because I want to know at what time of the day 
are tasks from cron.daily ran  and how to change it.

If I am not mistaken crontab -e edits root's crontab, however, according
to me, you are looking for /etc/crontab, aren't you ?

I thaught root's crontab is /etc/crontab. Thanks. Which command then to 
run to edit this file (sometime ago I read it is not recommended to edit 
it directly)?

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Empty crontab

2007-03-10 Thread Cédric Lucantis
  I see tasks from directories /etc/cron.* are ran regulary, but when I
  run crontab -e as root, the file is empty. Where are these tasks
  schedualed? I am asking because I want to know at what time of the day
  are tasks from cron.daily ran  and how to change it.
  If I am not mistaken crontab -e edits root's crontab, however, according
  to me, you are looking for /etc/crontab, aren't you ?

 I thaught root's crontab is /etc/crontab. Thanks. Which command then to
 run to edit this file (sometime ago I read it is not recommended to edit
 it directly)?

You can edit it with any editor. If I remember well, this restriction exists 
on other systems but Debian is not concerned.

Cédric Lucantis

Re: Empty crontab

2007-03-10 Thread Franck Joncourt
On Sat, Mar 10, 2007 at 01:15:18PM +0100, Marko Randjelovic wrote:
 Franck Joncourt wrote:
 On Sat, Mar 10, 2007 at 12:49:19PM +0100, Marko Randjelovic wrote:
 I see tasks from directories /etc/cron.* are ran regulary, but when I 
 run crontab -e as root, the file is empty. Where are these tasks 
 schedualed? I am asking because I want to know at what time of the day 
 are tasks from cron.daily ran  and how to change it.
 If I am not mistaken crontab -e edits root's crontab, however, according
 to me, you are looking for /etc/crontab, aren't you ?
 I thaught root's crontab is /etc/crontab. Thanks. Which command then to 
 run to edit this file (sometime ago I read it is not recommended to edit 
 it directly)?

Looking at /etc/crontab you can see when cron.hourly and its friends
start. I think if you want to add some tasks for the root user, you can
add them to /etc/cron.d, /etc/cron.hourly ... according to your needs. I 
would do this way.

Franck Joncourt
GPG server : pgpkeys.mit.edu
Fingerprint : C10E D1D0 EF70 0A2A CACF  9A3C C490 534E 75C0 89FE

Description: Digital signature

Re: Empty crontab

2007-03-10 Thread Andrei Popescu
Marko Randjelovic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  If I am not mistaken crontab -e edits root's crontab, however,
  according to me, you are looking for /etc/crontab, aren't you ?

 I thaught root's crontab is /etc/crontab. Thanks. Which command then
 to run to edit this file (sometime ago I read it is not recommended
 to edit it directly)?

From 'man crontab'

Each user can have their own crontab, and though these are files
in /var/spool/cron/crontabs, they are  not intended to be edited

No mention about /etc/crontab. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but
AFAIU you are safe to edit it.

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
(Albert Einstein)

Posicionamiento WEB. Top10 en GOOGLE. Link building profesional. Creación de enlaces. Optimización de webs. Mantenimiento de webs. [EMAIL PROTECTED] . T. +34 639745404

Distinguido señor:
Somos un grupo de PROFESIONALES especializados en el POSICIONAMIENTO de
PAGINAS WEB. Si desea estar entre los 10 primeros en GOOGLE, contacte
nos en el Telf. 0033 170906629 (Francia) o en el Telf. 639745404
(España)o en el mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] .Creación de
LINKS RECIPROCOS de una forma inmediata, mejora del PAGE RANK,
optimización de sus PÁGINAS para Google.  Servicio rápido y
profesional. Pida presupuesto y estudio gratuito de su Web.
Saludos cordiales.  Fdo. Josep - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -o-
[EMAIL PROTECTED] .Telf.+33 170906629-Calle F.MACIA,2 BAJOS-43204-REUS.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Empty crontab

2007-03-10 Thread Franck Joncourt
On Sat, Mar 10, 2007 at 02:57:01PM +0200, Andrei Popescu wrote:
 Marko Randjelovic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   If I am not mistaken crontab -e edits root's crontab, however,
   according to me, you are looking for /etc/crontab, aren't you ?
  I thaught root's crontab is /etc/crontab. Thanks. Which command then
  to run to edit this file (sometime ago I read it is not recommended
  to edit it directly)?
 From 'man crontab'
 Each user can have their own crontab, and though these are files
 in /var/spool/cron/crontabs, they are  not intended to be edited
 No mention about /etc/crontab. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but
 AFAIU you are safe to edit it.

From 'man /etc/crontab' :

#  /etc/crontab:  system‐wide  crontab 
# Unlike any other crontab you don’t have to run the ‘crontab’ 
# command to install the  new version when you edit this file 
# and files in /etc/cron.d. These files also have  username  fields,  
#  that  none  of  the  other crontabs do.

It seems you can do it !

Franck Joncourt
GPG server : pgpkeys.mit.edu
Fingerprint : C10E D1D0 EF70 0A2A CACF  9A3C C490 534E 75C0 89FE

Description: Digital signature

Re: Can't run shorewall with kernel

2007-03-10 Thread Adrián Ebay

Seems to be a compilation error.

Have you all the iptables modules ?? Check if you have all the modules. The
problem isn´t shorewall, it is the iptables.

2007/3/10, Roberto C. Sanchez [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

On Sat, Mar 10, 2007 at 05:00:34AM +0200, Micha Feigin wrote:
 I tried upgrading to kernel 2.6.20 and but shorewall refuses to

 The only error I get is: (from /var/log/shorewall-init.log)

 Shorewall configuration compiled to /var/lib/shorewall/.start
 Starting Shorewall
 Clearing Traffic Control/QOS
 Deleting user chains...
 iptables: No chain/target/match by that name
ERROR: Command /sbin/iptables -A FORWARD -m state --state
 iptables: No chain/target/match by that name
 iptables: No chain/target/match by that name
 /sbin/shorewall: line 531:  1991
Terminated  ${VARDIR}/.start $debugging start

Please provide the following:

distribution of Debian
version of shorewall
version of iptables
method by which kernel was built



Roberto C. Sanchez

Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)


Intel Core Duo/Solo Temperature Monitoring Working On Intel DG965 Motherboard

2007-03-10 Thread Justin Piszcz
DISCLAIMER: This patch is still experimental. 
AUTHOR: Rudolf Marek has written the coretemp module for Intel Core Duo/Solo


Without this patch, you cannot monitor your CPU temperature, at least not 
on a DG965 motherboard.

From the readme (second patch):

+Kernel driver coretemp
+Supported chips:
+  * All Intel Core family
+Prefix: 'coretemp'
+Addresses scanned: CPUID (family 0x6, models 0xe, 0xf)
+Datasheet: Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manual
+   Volume 3A: System Programming Guide
+Author: Rudolf Marek
+Contact: Rudolf Marek edited_out

+This driver permits reading temperature sensor embedded inside Intel Core CPU.
+Temperature is measured in degrees Celsius and measurement resolution is
+1 degree C. Valid temperatures are from 0 to TjMax degrees C, because
+the actual temperature is in fact a delta from TjMax.
+Temperature known as TjMax is the maximum junction temperature of processor.
+Intel defines this temperature as 85C or 100C. At this temperature, protection
+mechanism will perform actions to forcibly cool down the processor. Alarm
+may be raised, if the temperature grows enough (more than TjMax) to trigger
+the Out-Of-Spec bit. Following table summarizes the exported sysfs files:
+temp1_input - Core temperature (in milidegrees of Celsius).
+temp1_crit  - Maximum junction temperature  (in milidegrees of Celsius).
+temp1_crit_alarm - Set when Out-of-spec bit is set, never clears.
+  Correct CPU operation is no longer guaranteed.
+temp1_label - Contains string with the Core X, where X is processor
+  number.
+The TjMax temperature is set to 85C if undocumented model specific register
+(UMSR) 0xee has bit 30 set. If not the TjMax is 100C as documented in processor
+datasheet. Intel will not disclose this information to individuals.

How to get it working:

Per: http://www.lm-sensors.org/wiki/Devices

Scroll down to:
IntelCore/Core2  yes coretempIntegrated
sensor in CPU, patch is here.

Here is the post:



Applies clean under
p34:/usr/src/linux- patch -p1  /home/user/attachment-0002.bin
patching file drivers/hwmon/coretemp.c
patching file drivers/hwmon/Kconfig
patching file drivers/hwmon/Makefile
p34:/usr/src/linux- patch -p1  /home/user/attachment-0003.bin
patching file Documentation/hwmon/coretemp

In the Kernel I selected the following two options under:
- Hardware Monitoring support
   M Hardware Monitoring support
   M Intel Core (2) Duo/Solo temperature sensor

Then recompile/reboot/etc.

You will need:

1. You will need to remove or overwrite your old libsensors3 if you have it
2. You need to make sure you have libsysfs-dev and flex installed to compile
the latest lm_sensors.

Once everything is compiled, load the modules and run sensors:

p34:~# modprobe coretemp
p34:~# lsmod
Module  Size  Used by
coretemp5120  0
hwmon   2372  1 coretemp

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/lm_sensors-2.10.2/prog/sensors# ./sensors 

Adapter: ISA adapter
temp1:   +40°C  (high =   +85°C) (Core 1/2)

Adapter: ISA adapter
temp1:   +39°C  (high =   +85°C) (Core 2/2)

Run 10 bzip2s to test to make sure its working correctly.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/lm_sensors-2.10.2/lib$ ps auxww | grep -v grep | grep -c 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/lm_sensors-2.10.2/lib$

Watch temps:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/lm_sensors-2.10.2/prog/sensors# ./sensors 
Adapter: ISA adapter

temp1:   +54°C  (high =   +85°C)
temp1:   +53°C  (high =   +85°C)

( .. a few minutes later .. )

temp1:   +57°C  (high =   +85°C) 
temp1:   +55°C  (high =   +85°C)

( .. a few minutes later .. )

temp1:   +58°C  (high =   +85°C) 
temp1:   +57°C  (high =   +85°C)

( .. a few minutes later .. )

temp1:   +60°C  (high =   +85°C) 
temp1:   +58°C  (high =   +85°C)

( .. a few minutes later .. )

temp1:   +62°C  (high =   +85°C) 
temp1:   +60°C  (high =   +85°C)

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/lm_sensors-2.10.2/lib$ killall -9 bzip2

temp1:   +52°C  (high =   +85°C) 
temp1:   +51°C  (high =   +85°C)

( .. a few minutes later .. )

temp1:   +48°C  (high =   +85°C) 
temp1:   +48°C  (high =   +85°C)


p34:~# sensors 

Adapter: ISA adapter
temp1:   +41°C  (high =   +85°C)

Adapter: ISA adapter

RE: [Fwd: Re: Debian Installer on DELL PowerEdge 850/860]

2007-03-10 Thread Ben Humpert
 Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2007 13:42:23 +0200 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Ben Humpert 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   kinda curious, uname -a said Linux dr02g 
 2.6.18-4-686 #1 SMP Wed Feb  21 16:06:54 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux.   This 
 is not a SMP kernel, not a real one or something different?!  ~$ grep SMP 
 /boot/config-2.6.18-4-686 CONFIG_SMP=y # CONFIG_X86_BIGSMP is not set 
 686 kernels are SMP for some time now.   dpkg said, the installed kernel 
 is linux-image-2.6.18-4-686 and  linux-image-2.6-686 (no kernel-image-* 
 is installed)  The linux kernel packages in etch and above have been 
 renamed to avoid conflicts with non-linux kernels like freebsd.  HTH, 
For some time? I don't understand. I thought only a SMP kernel is SMP capable, 
others arent. Sure, its still testing but testing crap is nonsense...
Again i want to switch to a different distribution ... just call the kernel 
packages kinda like debian-kernel-... so conflicts avoided perfectly ... in 
sarge most (not all) of the kernel packages got renamed from kernel-image* to 
linux-image*. now they changed names again ... just change all names now to a 
name you dont have to change in some month again.
Also it looks like etch has a bug, i installed kernel-image-2.6-686-smp and 
linux-image-2.6-686-smp but i cannot select this real SMP kernel at the grup 
loader, jut the both entries created by the debian installer.
The differences aptitude shows between these both kernels are:
- Version: 2.6.18+6
- Depends: linux-image-2.6-686
- Tags: admin::kernel
- Version: 1:2.6.18+6
- Depends: linux-image-2.6-686-smp
- Tags: admin::kernel, role::metapackage
So, what are the real differences? do they just flood apt with empty packages?
Thanks for advice

Re: ssh

2007-03-10 Thread Francesco Pietra
Carlo, Jeff:
Thanks. The two machines recognize one another through
the internal IPs of the router. Now I can submit the
computation from the i386 machine to either my other
machine amd64, internal to the router, or to any
supercomputer center where I have an account along an
ssh connection. Surprisingly, after an initial period
where the i386 took any one of the two internal IP
addresses (indipendently which machine was started
first), now the two machines behave as if they had a
static address (it is dhcp). I have not investigated
the Zyxel router, it is as if it had a memory or a
register, or he likes me.


--- jeffd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 hm,  so say I have 2 machines A and B.  My desktop
 will be A.
 on A do:
 ssh-keygen -t dsa 
 it will ask you for a password, you dont have to put
 one in, but it 
 would be more secure to do so, but for this example
 just hit enter.
 scp ~/.ssh/id.dsa.pub  ~/A.pub.key
 ssh B
 on B:
 mkdir .ssh
 cat ~/A.pub.key  .ssh/authorized_keys
 chmod -R 600 ~/.ssh
 now check /etc/ssh/sshd_config on B, make sure you
 RSAAuthentication yes
 PubkeyAuthentication yes
 PermitEmptyPasswords no
 ChallengeResponseAuthentication no
 PermitRootLogin yes (once you get ssh keys working
 you can change the 
 yes to without-password, to only allow connections
 with keys)
 then /etc/init.d/sshd restart
 back on A you should be able to ssh B and not be
 asked for a password
 Francesco Pietra wrote:
  Hi Jeff:
  I must have done something wrong because I already
  tried unsuccessfully what you suggest.
  I must say that on the two machines (Athlon i386,
  where the graphical interface in my HOME) and
  multi-dual-opteron (where the QM program in my
  both at the same router and with the need to have
  access to internet from the i386, I am both root
  user with the same username and passwords. May be
  confusing the system?
  If I change username with chfn what about the
  env variables?
  --- jeffd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Francesco Pietra wrote:
  Hi All:
  Is anyone aware of a friendly openssh (including
  server) that installs on Debian etch and allows
  interactive connections secured by pubkeys?
  I installed ssh and openssh-server from debian.
  using password, though I met problems in

  for pubkeys (ssd_config comes with UsePAM yes
  PermitRootLogin yes #AuthorizedKeysFile %h/
  .ssh/authorized_keys (does %h refer to every

  Tired with trial-and-error I hope to find an
  groung elsewhere.
  Not anyone is a professional administrator,
  many of us have to get the OS running. A bit
  comments of the config file would help.
  francesco pietra


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  I think what you are looking for is :
  PubkeyAuthentication yes
  then  put your public key on the remote machine
  ~/.ssh/authorized_keys . also make sure that file
  chmod'd to 600

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Re: doubt in using sed

2007-03-10 Thread L . V . Gandhi

On 3/9/07, David Clymer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Fri, 2007-03-09 at 20:22 -0800, L.V.Gandhi wrote:

 Thanks David and Mathias.
 In the above example after double quotes it works. When I pass the
 output to file it works.
 In another similar one I have problem

You're welcome. Please send this question to the list, and I'll take a
whack at answering it. Following up off-list is lousy nettiquette. The
list is your resource, not me personally.


Mr.David, Sorry for personal mail. Thanks for your efforts.

linux user No.205042

Re: doubt in using sed

2007-03-10 Thread L . V . Gandhi

On 3/10/07, Mathias Brodala [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Please reply to the list.

L.V.Gandhi, 10.03.2007 05:24:
 In another similar one I have problem

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/stock/datafiles$ ls -l nse2/
 total 0
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/stock/datafiles$ ls -l 3IINFOTECH
 -rw-r--r-- 1 lvgandhi lvgandhi 23400 2007-03-09 15:47 3IINFOTECH
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/stock/datafiles$ sed -e s/3IINFOTECH,//
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/stock/datafiles$ sed -e s/3IINFOTECH,//
 bash: /home/lvgandhi/stock/datafile/nse2/3IINFOTECH: No such file or
 In sed -e s/3IINFOTECH,// 3IINFOTECH |less I could see the correct
 But when I redirect, as in next command I get error bash:
 /home/lvgandhi/stock/datafile/nse2/3IINFOTECH: No such file or
 Redirecting to a file in same folder works.
 ie sed -e s/3IINFOTECH,// 3IINFOTECH  temp works.
 Any explanation please

You forgot a 's': 'datafiles' vs. 'datafile'.

Regards, Mathias


linux user No.205042

What is this error message telling me?

2007-03-10 Thread Chris
cpio: ./etc/udev/.#permissions.rules: No such file or directory

happens when I dist-upgrade.  I have an etch/unstable system.

Thanks for any suggestions,


C. Hurschler

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Re: [Fwd: Re: Debian Installer on DELL PowerEdge 850/860]

2007-03-10 Thread Gilles Mocellin
Le samedi 10 mars 2007 15:13, Ben Humpert a écrit :
  Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2007 13:42:23 +0200 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Ben Humpert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   kinda curious, uname -a
  said Linux dr02g 2.6.18-4-686 #1 SMP Wed Feb  21 16:06:54 UTC 2007
  i686 GNU/Linux.   This is not a SMP kernel, not a real one or
  something different?!  ~$ grep SMP /boot/config-2.6.18-4-686
  CONFIG_X86_FIND_SMP_CONFIG=y CONFIG_X86_SMP=y  The 686 kernels are SMP
  for some time now.   dpkg said, the installed kernel is
  linux-image-2.6.18-4-686 and  linux-image-2.6-686 (no
  kernel-image-* is installed)  The linux kernel packages in etch and
  above have been renamed to avoid conflicts with non-linux kernels like
  freebsd.  HTH, Andrei

 For some time? I don't understand. I thought only a SMP kernel is SMP
 capable, others arent. Sure, its still testing but testing crap is

 Again i want to switch to a different distribution ... just call the kernel
 packages kinda like debian-kernel-... so conflicts avoided perfectly ...
 in sarge most (not all) of the kernel packages got renamed from
 kernel-image* to linux-image*. now they changed names again ... just change
 all names now to a name you dont have to change in some month again.

 Also it looks like etch has a bug, i installed kernel-image-2.6-686-smp
 and linux-image-2.6-686-smp but i cannot select this real SMP kernel at
 the grup loader, jut the both entries created by the debian installer.

 The differences aptitude shows between these both kernels are:

 - Version: 2.6.18+6
 - Depends: linux-image-2.6-686
 - Tags: admin::kernel

 - Version: 1:2.6.18+6
 - Depends: linux-image-2.6-686-smp
 - Tags: admin::kernel, role::metapackage

 So, what are the real differences? do they just flood apt with empty

 Thanks for advice

Seems you have to document yourself a bit before getting angry.

1) kernel packages have changed their names because there are now other 
kernels than linux's ones (hurd, bsd). So the names linux-image-*
2) Linux kernel after 2.6.17 are all SMP capable, because it does not more 
degrade performances on a mono-processor system.

3) The force of apt is smooth upgrade between releases. How is this achieved ?
In having transitional packages like kernel-image-2.6-686-smp in etch which is 
here just to upgrade from the sarge kernel package to the new 
linux-image-2.6-686 in etch.

Their are plenty of other meta packages, they are here for dependencies 
managing and upgrades.
If you install linux-image-686, you would upgrade between kernel versions for 
i686, no matter if it's 2.6.18, 2.6.20 or 3.0.
If you don't want, you install the real package linux-image-2.6.18-4-686, and 
no more upgrades...

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Fwd: Re: Debian Installer on DELL PowerEdge 850/860]

2007-03-10 Thread Freddy Freeloader

Andrei Popescu wrote:

Ben Humpert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


kinda curious, uname -a said Linux dr02g 2.6.18-4-686 #1 SMP Wed Feb
21 16:06:54 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux. 
This is not a SMP kernel, not a real one or something different?!

~$ grep SMP /boot/config-2.6.18-4-686
# CONFIG_X86_BIGSMP is not set

The 686 kernels are SMP for some time now.


dpkg said, the installed kernel is linux-image-2.6.18-4-686 and
linux-image-2.6-686 (no kernel-image-* is installed)

The linux kernel packages in etch and above have been renamed to avoid
conflicts with non-linux kernels like freebsd.

Well, I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one that was confused by the 
renaming of kernel-image to linux-image.  That one really had me going 
for a while.

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Re: What is this error message telling me?

2007-03-10 Thread heba

2007/3/10, Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

cpio: ./etc/udev/.#permissions.rules: No such file or directory

happens when I dist-upgrade.  I have an etch/unstable system.

Thanks for any suggestions,


 the error say you that don't found the file


this might be a bug, 373996 that might be solved



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Re: Can't run shorewall with kernel

2007-03-10 Thread dave
on Sat, Mar 10, 2007 at 02:53:37PM +0100 Adrián Ebay wrote:
 Seems to be a compilation error.
 Have you all the iptables modules ?? Check if you have all the modules. The
 problem isn´t shorewall, it is the iptables.

Indeed, that was the problem I had in upgrading my kernel here -
iptables has been moved into another subdirectory of the kernel tree and
needs to be activated during kernel configuration.



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Re: Graphical bittorrent clients in etch

2007-03-10 Thread Liam O'Toole
On Fri, 09 Mar 2007 22:30:44 -0800
Steve Lamb [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Liam O'Toole wrote:
  I am looking for a graphical bittorrent client for etch. My
  requirements are that it supports encryption and integrates nicely
  with the GNOME desktop. Here are the ones I have evaluated so far.
 Given your constraints, none.  Linux BT clients are sorely
 lacking which is ironic given that BT core is written in Python and
 platform neutral.

What's more, in Debian the bittorrent core is stuck in the year 2004.
Apparently there are licence issues with more recent versions.

Never mind. I'll use the upstream azureus until the situation improves.

Thanks to all for the replies.



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Re: a dumb query? pls humor me

2007-03-10 Thread Greg Folkert
On Fri, 2007-03-09 at 23:36 -0800, Steve Lamb wrote:
 Paul Johnson wrote:
  $0.  US responsibility ends at the border.
 Yeah, we saw how well that went in WWI and WWII.  You do realize that if
 the lid isn't kept on we'd be facing the same situation?

We already are seeing it. And we are spending... and spending... and

Its just not as obvious:
  * $3/gal Fuel
  * Air travel just isn't what it used to be
  * DHS (this one really sucks)
  * Over-reactions from Boston's Police Department
  * Muslim/Islamic Profiling and hatred
  * Disdain for Murica world-wide is hugely on the increase
  * Immigration is stonewalled
  * The US has to protect itself nearly everywhere these days
alienating others
  * US Friends are few and far between, except when the US gives
them money. Even then, many just take the money and funnel it
into anti-USAian activities.

These are just a few I could come up with quickly.

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