Re: Perte du répertoir e courant sur montage NFS

2007-12-16 Thread Andre Majorel
On 2007-12-03 10:51 +0100, Andre Majorel wrote:
 On 2007-12-03 10:38 +0100, Andre Majorel wrote:
  On 2007-12-02 10:08 +0100, Andre Majorel wrote:
   Il m'en arrive une drôle. J'ai un serveur NFS et deux clients. Sur
   ces clients tournent des programmes dont le répertoire courant est
   sous le montage NFS.
   Au matin, certains de ces programmes ont tendance à perdre leur
   répertoire courant :
  Le phénomène se produit aussi durant la journée. Ce n'est donc
  probablement pas lié aux jobs cron.
   - Si c'est un bash, ls me dit no such file or directory. Il faut
 faire « cd `pwd` » pour récupérer le répertoire courant.
  On peut aussi décoincer un bash par un simple « ls `pwd` » (ls
  -AdFil dans mon cas mais ça marche peut-être aussi sans ces
 Un exemple :
 pwd ne suffit pas à décoincer :
   lug:$ ll
   ls: .: No such file or directory
   lug:$ pwd
   lug:$ ls
   ls: .: No such file or directory
   lug:$ ls -d .
   ls: .: No such file or directory
 Accéder au point de montage NFS ne suffit pas non plus :
   lug:$ ls -d /aaa
   lug:$ ls -d .
   ls: .: No such file or directory
 Accéder au parent suffit :
   lug:$ ls -d /aaa/bbb/ccc/d/eee/fff/g
   lug:$ ls -d .
   lug:$ echo $?
   - Si c'est un gv en mode Watch file, il me dit cannot open.
   Le problème doit venir du serveur parce qu'il se produit sur les
   deux clients qui ne sont pas au même niveau kernel et userland et
   n'ont pas été mis à jour récemment.
   La seule modification faite sur le serveur, c'est le remplacement
   du disque qui contient le filesystem exporté (/foo) par un autre
   et la scission du filesystem en deux (/foo et /foo2), tous deux
   exportés et montés avec des options identiques.
   Rien vu de suspect dans les syslog d'aucune des trois machines.

Un autre symptôme associé est qu'un find dans un répertoire
particulier, après avoir sorti un certain nombre de fichiers
(toujours le même), se plantait avec :

  find: /aaa////e/: No such file or directory

Même comportement sur une copie du répertoire ; il ne s'agit donc
pas d'un problème d'I/O sur l'inode.

Évidemment, aucune trace dans les logs.

La mise à jour du userland n'a rien changé.

Tous ces dysfonctionnements semblent avoir été résolus par mise à
jour du kernel. Il devait exister un bug latent dans le code du
kernel 2.6.12 en relation avec NFS. Un des fichiers récemment
créés dans ces répertoires aurait déclenché le bug.

André Majorel
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Re: Limiter le trafic sortant, mais pas vers le LAN ?

2007-12-16 Thread Nicolas KOWALSKI
On Sat, 15 Dec 2007, François Boisson wrote:

 Tu as une variante ici ou 
 la bande passante est découpée en 2 tranches dont une avec 6 files de 
 priorité, chaque tranche ayant sa bande passante réservée. (Script 
 spécial match de Counter Strike sur serveur dédié en fait)

Ca donne de bonnes idées aussi. :-)

Merci beaucoup François,

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[linux du dimanche !]plus de console sur le port com

2007-12-16 Thread C. Mourad Jaber


Je viens de recompiler un noyau pour une machine headless branché par un 
cable nullmodem et je n'ai plus de console à partir du moment où le 
nouveau noyau démarre (je vois bien grub mais plus rien après l'invite 
de démarrage) alors que ça fonctionnait l'ancien noyau (celui de base de 
J'ai du oublier une bête option dans le noyau, mais je ne vois pas 
laquelle !!



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police Times

2007-12-16 Thread HGrac

Je suis sous lenny, mais il me semble que le problème est le même sous etch.

je n'ai pas de police Times

Plus précisément je dois lire des applications swf qui font appel à des 
polices Times et/ou despolices Times new Roman, msttcorefonts est 
installé, les polices times new roman sont affichées les polices times 
ne le sont pas.

après vérification avec un fichier css, j'ai le même problème dans une 
page html les polices times new roman s'affichent normalement, les 
polices times sont remplacées par une police que je reconnais pas, je 
pense que cette police de remplacement est celle qui n'est pas affihée 
par le lecteur flash (d'adobe dernière version)

Question : comment faire en sorte que mon système remplace la police 
times par la police times new roman ?

j'ai bien tenté de créer un alias pour  la police times dans 
/etc/fonts/local.conf mais ça ni fait rien !

merci de vos lumières
Hervé Grac

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Re: [linux du dimanche !]plus de console sur le port com

2007-12-16 Thread Jean-Michel OLTRA


Le dimanche 16 décembre 2007, C. Mourad Jaber a écrit...

 Je viens de recompiler un noyau pour une machine headless branché par un 
 cable nullmodem et je n'ai plus de console à partir du moment où le 
 nouveau noyau démarre (je vois bien grub mais plus rien après l'invite 
 de démarrage) alors que ça fonctionnait l'ancien noyau (celui de base de 
 J'ai du oublier une bête option dans le noyau, mais je ne vois pas 
 laquelle !!



A.E.L. Sarl (R.C.S CASTRES 490843240)

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Re: police Times

2007-12-16 Thread HGrac

Dominique Bédier wrote:


Le 16/12/07, *HGrac* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :

Je suis sous lenny, mais il me semble que le problème est le même
sous etch.
je n'ai pas de police Times
Plus précisément je dois lire des applications swf qui font appel
à des
polices Times et/ou despolices Times new Roman, msttcorefonts est
installé, les polices times new roman sont affichées les polices times
ne le sont pas.

Sauf erreur les polices sont incorporées dans les fichiers swf, donc 
je ne vois pas de rapport.
pas nécessairement, il est possible d'utiliser les polices du système 
 ça donne des fichiers swf plus leger;

C'est ce qu'utilise Mathenpoche :

pour proposer des exercices de math accessible à tous (notament sans 
connection adsl)


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Reconnaissance disque SATA

2007-12-16 Thread Sébastien Charland
Bonjour à tous,

voilà le problème :

2 Disques: 1 IDE pour Linux, 1 SATA (EXT3) qui sert exclusivement au serveur
de fichiers Samba.

Réinstallation de Linux : Débranchement physique du disque SATA (protection
des données).

J'ai rebranché le disque SATA et je n'arrive pas à le monter (mount). Le
système de fichier est EXT3. Je vois la partition  (sda1).

Quelqu'un pourrait m'aider?


Re: blacklisté de la liste debian-user- french

2007-12-16 Thread pascatgm
mouss a écrit :
 Jacques L'helgoualc'h wrote:

 Je fais suivre un appel de Pascal Gosse...

 Depuis deux jours mes messages envoyés à cette liste me reviennent avec
 la mention :
 said: 550
 5.7.1 [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Recipient address rejected:
 Mail appeared to be SPAM or forged. Ask your Mail/DNS-Administrator to
 correct HELO and DNS MX settings or to get removed from DNSBLs; in; in (in reply to RCPT
 TO command)

 il aurait mieux valu envoyer tout le message d'erreur, et non une
 partie, mais bon...
 le message d'erreur vient certainement de policyd-weight (un demon de
 policy pour postfix). policyd-weight utilise plusieurs critères. il
 est donc difficile de connaître la raison exacte du rejet.
 Evidemment mes mails à listmaster debian me reviennent avec la même
 mention, orange est sourd et muet, postmaster aux abonnés absent.
 Si l'envoi est fait via orange (mais comme le rapport d'erreur est
 incomplet, on sait pô...), on peut voir sur
 que est listé la-dessus. Orange ont un problème de config sur
 leur système (le problème concernant l'adresse abuse est ridicule. même
 une petite boite de rien du tout avec un admin à 1/10eme temps l'aurait
 réglé depuis longtemps. le problème concernant postmaster est aussi
 ridicule: postmaster aurait dépassé son quota. finalement, je vais plus
 me plaindre de free ;-p).
 cela dit, je pense que c'est une très mauvaise idée d'utiliser
 rfc-ignorant au niveau SMTP, même dans policyd-weight. A bon entendeur...
 Auriez-vous une idée de la démarche à suivre afin de me faire
 dé-blacklister ou au pire pourriez-vous transférer ma question sur la
 liste ? ma réponse :

 Bon, première  question : c'est  bien le smtp wanadoo/orange  qui relaie
 (smarthost) les mails vers murphy/liszt ?

 J'ai  déjà eu  ce message  d'erreur chez  le neuf,  certaines  plages de
 clients des FAI sont blacklistées  (souvent à cause d'un zombie spammeur
 dans la  même plage IP/24)  ; le palliatif  vite fait mal fait  était de
 rebouter (disconnect,connect) la connexion de ma 9box pour changer d'IP.

 Par ailleurs, Orange revient assez souvent défrayer la chronique sur les
 niouzes, cf. nntp://fr.comp.mail et nntp://fr.comp.mail.serveurs.

 Dé-blacklister Orange, heu, joker.

essai de contournement via gmail

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Reconnaissance disque SATA

2007-12-16 Thread Sébastien Charland
Bonjour à tous,

voilà le problème :

2 Disques: 1 IDE pour Linux, 1 SATA (EXT3) qui sert exclusivement au serveur
de fichiers Samba.

Réinstallation de Linux : Débranchement physique du disque SATA (protection
des données).

J'ai rebranché le disque SATA et je n'arrive pas à le monter (mount). Le
système de fichier est EXT3. Je vois la partition  (sda1).

Quelqu'un pourrait m'aider?


controle accés PDC SAMBA

2007-12-16 Thread Frédéric LAURENT
Bonsoir à tous,
J'ai plusieurs machine sur XP controlées par un PDC samba.
J'aimerais controler la plage horaire d'un utilisateur, lui autoriser
l'accés en fonction de plage horaire.
Quelqu'un peut il me donner un début de réponse car j'ai pas trouvé
grand chose sur google.

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Re: Reconnaissance disque SATA

2007-12-16 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ça fait peu d'informations quand même,
Tu pourrais poster la sortie que génère ton mount, avec un -v pour en 
savoir plus.

Peut etre qu'un fdisk -l pourrait aider aussi!

Sébastien Charland a écrit :

Bonjour à tous,

voilà le problème :

2 Disques: 1 IDE pour Linux, 1 SATA (EXT3) qui sert exclusivement au 
serveur de fichiers Samba.

Réinstallation de Linux : Débranchement physique du disque SATA 
(protection des données).

J'ai rebranché le disque SATA et je n'arrive pas à le monter (mount). Le 
système de fichier est EXT3. Je vois la partition  (sda1).

Quelqu'un pourrait m'aider?


Toute puissance est faible, à moins que d'être unie.
-+- Jean de La Fontaine (1621-1695),
Le Vieillard et ses Enfants (Fables IV.18) -+-

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Re: Reconnaissance disque SATA

2007-12-16 Thread Nicolas KOWALSKI
On Sun, 16 Dec 2007, Sébastien Charland wrote:

 Bonjour à tous,

 J'ai rebranché le disque SATA et je n'arrive pas à le monter (mount). 
 Le système de fichier est EXT3. Je vois la partition (sda1).

Quels sont les messages d'erreur lors du montage ?

Quelle est la sortie de fdisk -l /dev/sda ?


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RE: Reconnaissance disque SATA

2007-12-16 Thread Sébastien Charland
-Message Original-:

Bonjour à tous,

voilà le problème :

2 Disques: 1 IDE pour Linux, 1 SATA (EXT3) qui sert exclusivement au serveur
de fichiers Samba.

Réinstallation de Linux : Débranchement physique du disque SATA (protection
des données).

J'ai rebranché le disque SATA et je n'arrive pas à le monter (mount). Le
système de fichier est EXT3. Je vois la partition  (sda1).

Quelqu'un pourrait m'aider?


- Fin du message original -

Voici les infos sur le disque SATA:

fdisk -l /dev/sda:

Disk /dev/sda: 160.0 GB, 160041885696 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 19457 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes

Device Boot  Start End   Blocks   Id  System
/dev/sda1   1   19270  154786243+  83  Linux
/dev/sda2   19271 19457 1502077+  82  Linux swap / Solaris


mount -v :

/dev/hda1 on / type ext3 (rw,errors=remount-ro)
tmpfs on /lib/init/rw type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,mode=0755)
proc on /proc type proc (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)
sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)
procbususb on /proc/bus/usb type usbfs (rw)
udev on /dev type tmpfs (rw,mode=0755)
tmpfs on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev)
devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,noexec,nosuid,gid=5,mode=620)
nfsd on /proc/fs/nfsd type nfsd (rw)
rpc_pipefs on /var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs type rpc_pipefs (rw)

RE: Reconnaissance disque SATA

2007-12-16 Thread Nicolas KOWALSKI
On Sun, 16 Dec 2007, Sébastien Charland wrote:

 Voici les infos sur le disque SATA:

[snip infos utiles]

 mount -v :

Lors de la commande mount point-de-montage-du-disque-sata, quels sont 
les messages d'erreurs ?


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Re: blacklisté de la liste debian-user- french

2007-12-16 Thread pascatgm
mouss a écrit :
 Jacques L'helgoualc'h wrote:

 Je fais suivre un appel de Pascal Gosse...

 Depuis deux jours mes messages envoyés à cette liste me reviennent avec
 la mention :
 said: 550
 5.7.1 [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Recipient address rejected:
 Mail appeared to be SPAM or forged. Ask your Mail/DNS-Administrator to
 correct HELO and DNS MX settings or to get removed from DNSBLs; in; in (in reply to RCPT
 TO command)

 il aurait mieux valu envoyer tout le message d'erreur, et non une
 partie, mais bon...
 le message d'erreur vient certainement de policyd-weight (un demon de
 policy pour postfix). policyd-weight utilise plusieurs critères. il
 est donc difficile de connaître la raison exacte du rejet.
 Evidemment mes mails à listmaster debian me reviennent avec la même
 mention, orange est sourd et muet, postmaster aux abonnés absent.
 Si l'envoi est fait via orange (mais comme le rapport d'erreur est
 incomplet, on sait pô...), on peut voir sur
 que est listé la-dessus. Orange ont un problème de config sur
 leur système (le problème concernant l'adresse abuse est ridicule. même
 une petite boite de rien du tout avec un admin à 1/10eme temps l'aurait
 réglé depuis longtemps. le problème concernant postmaster est aussi
 ridicule: postmaster aurait dépassé son quota. finalement, je vais plus
 me plaindre de free ;-p).
 cela dit, je pense que c'est une très mauvaise idée d'utiliser
 rfc-ignorant au niveau SMTP, même dans policyd-weight. A bon entendeur...
 Auriez-vous une idée de la démarche à suivre afin de me faire
 dé-blacklister ou au pire pourriez-vous transférer ma question sur la
 liste ? ma réponse :

 Bon, première  question : c'est  bien le smtp wanadoo/orange  qui relaie
 (smarthost) les mails vers murphy/liszt ?

 J'ai  déjà eu  ce message  d'erreur chez  le neuf,  certaines  plages de
 clients des FAI sont blacklistées  (souvent à cause d'un zombie spammeur
 dans la  même plage IP/24)  ; le palliatif  vite fait mal fait  était de
 rebouter (disconnect,connect) la connexion de ma 9box pour changer d'IP.

 Par ailleurs, Orange revient assez souvent défrayer la chronique sur les
 niouzes, cf. nntp://fr.comp.mail et nntp://fr.comp.mail.serveurs.

 Dé-blacklister Orange, heu, joker.

 Le problème c'est qu'ils se considèrent super importants (genre
 'personne de sériuex ne pourra nous bloquer') qu'ils s'en foutent. lors
 d'un discussion privée (qui date un peu), j'ai compris qu'ils utilisent
 plutôt des moyens de pression peu honorables (demander à l'ISP de
 virer le site de la DNSBL).
 Prothèse : un webmail ?

 Autre remède, qui doit marcher  avec Thunderbird, passer par exemple par
 un compte gmail, qui permet de

  - récupérer son courrier sur, port 995 ;

  - l'envoyer vers, port 587.

 Gmail vient aussi d'ouvrir son accès IMAP.

 Autre(?) problème potentiel, le greylisting chez

re test

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Re: quel encodage?

2007-12-16 Thread Klaus Becker
Am Samstag, 15. Dezember 2007 22:36 schrieb François Boisson:
 Le Sat, 15 Dec 2007 17:03:25 +0100

 Klaus Becker [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit:
  j'ai une question à  François Boisson, mais ça intéresse peut-être aussi
  d'autres debianistes :
  J'enregistre régulièrement des émissions télé avec Fricorder. Pour
  encoder les fichiers vidéos (mpg) que je souhaite garder, je ne sais pas
  quel script de Encodage.tgz (
  utiliser :
  Il ne s'agit pas de les graver sur CD ou DVD, mais je voudrais quand même
  les encoder avec un compromis raisonnable entre volume du fichier et
  qualité. En cas de doute entre les 2, je préfère la qualité.

 J'ai réuni beaucoup de ces scripts en un seul

 (que je renomme en

 Si tu veux un encodage respectant la qualité du flux Video de Free, je te

 $ lefilm Bson 128 Bvid 900 Passe1  Avc aspect=4/3

 Lefilm= nom du fichier d'origine.
 Bson = bitrate à 128 (si tu es sensible à la qualité, je me contente de 64)
 Bvid = bitrate video à 900, qui est un compromis assurant un fichier de 700
 à 850M environ (durée usuelle) et une bonne qualité.
 Passe 1 pour ne pas faire la passe calculant le bitrate.
 Avc aspect=4/3 (ou 16/9) car le flux Free est en général à 4/3. ( Je me
 suis aperçu que certains lecteurs avaient besoin de cette option).

 François Boisson

Salut François,

j'ai suivi ton conseil, mais le résultat n'est pas satisfaisant. A tu trouveras 2 captures d'écran. A gauche 
l'original, à droite la même vidéo encodé avec la méthode ci-dessus. On voit 
tout de suite la différence de qualité qui est trop grande.

Le fichier mpg pèse 1,3 GO, l'autre 142 MO.


Re: Reconnaissance disque SATA

2007-12-16 Thread debianpmd
si ton deuxième disque est bien préparé physiquement (en slave)
et que ton bios le reconnais bien
en root:
mount /dev/sdx  /media/disk_sata
ou x est la lettre du disque


Le Sunday 16 December 2007 17:33:46 Sébastien Charland, vous avez écrit :
 Bonjour à tous,

 voilà le problème :

 2 Disques: 1 IDE pour Linux, 1 SATA (EXT3) qui sert exclusivement au
 serveur de fichiers Samba.

 Réinstallation de Linux : Débranchement physique du disque SATA (protection
 des données).

 J'ai rebranché le disque SATA et je n'arrive pas à le monter (mount). Le
 système de fichier est EXT3. Je vois la partition  (sda1).

 Quelqu'un pourrait m'aider?


 Orange vous informe que cet  e-mail a ete controle par
 l'anti-virus mail. Aucun virus connu a ce jour par nos services n'a ete

Re: Postgrey - whitelist

2007-12-16 Thread Stephane Bortzmeyer
On Fri, Dec 14, 2007 at 02:57:12PM -0800,
 Tekpi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote 
 a message of 20 lines which said:

 je souhaiterai savoir comment whitelister un domaine dans postgrey.

% more /etc/postgrey/whitelist_clients 
# postgrey whitelist for mail client hostnames
# put this file in /etc/postgrey or specify its path
# with --whitelist-clients=xxx

# Debian-specific additions

# Southwest Airlines (unique sender, no retry)

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Re: Postgrey - whitelist

2007-12-16 Thread mouss
Tekpi wrote:
 Bonjour à tous,
 je souhaiterai savoir comment whitelister un domaine dans postgrey.

c'est quoi un domaine? dans une transaction mail, il y en a au moins 3:
1- le domain de la machine qui se connecte
2- le domaine de l'adresse de l'expéditeur
3- le domain de l'adresse du destinataire. dans ce cas, quid si le
message est adressé à plusieurs destinataires...

(y a aussi le domain du helo, mais j'espère que c'est pas de ça que tu

En tout cas, si tu veux whitelister, autant ne pas passer la chose à
postgrey. sous postfix, un check_*_access placé juste avant l'appel à
postgrey évitera ce dernier.

cela dit, voici quelques problèmes à garder en tête:

- l'adresse de l'expéditeur étant facilement falsifiable, il est peu
recommandé de la blanchir.

- pour le domain destinataion, il est difficile de faire des règles
avec, vu qu'un message peut avoir plusieurs destinataire.

- pour le domain du client, attention aux problèmes DNS. Avec postfix,
si on met un hostname dans une acl (ce qui peut arriver, même dans le
meilleur des mondes), et que postfix ne réussit pas à résoudre l'ip du
client, alors le mail aura un 4xx, et ce même si le client en question
'a rien à voir avec le hostname qu'on a mis dans l'acl.

 Mon but étant de ne pas filtrer des domaines, peu importe les ips de
 Sinon, ou peut on voir les domaines que Postgrey a whitelisté (à savoir que
 le serveur a bien fait le processus nécessaire pour que postgrey laisse
 passer le mail), afin de pouvoir l'exporter et le réimporter en cas de
 besoin si je dois réinstaller mon serveur.
 Merci pour vos réponses

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Re: quel encodage?

2007-12-16 Thread François Boisson
Le Sun, 16 Dec 2007 19:59:46 +0100
Klaus Becker [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit:

 Salut François,
 j'ai suivi ton conseil, mais le résultat n'est pas satisfaisant. A tu trouveras 2 captures d'écran. A gauche 
 l'original, à droite la même vidéo encodé avec la méthode ci-dessus. On voit 
 tout de suite la différence de qualité qui est trop grande.
 Le fichier mpg pèse 1,3 GO, l'autre 142 MO.

142M??  Il n'est pas encodé à 900, ça ne me parait pas possible...
Que donne

mplayer -v Tonfilm.avi | grep VIDEO:


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Re: [linux du dimanche !]plus de console sur le port com [résolu]

2007-12-16 Thread C. Mourad Jaber

On 16.12.2007 16:01, Jean-Michel OLTRA wrote:


Le dimanche 16 décembre 2007, C. Mourad Jaber a écrit...

Je viens de recompiler un noyau pour une machine headless branché par un 
cable nullmodem et je n'ai plus de console à partir du moment où le 
nouveau noyau démarre (je vois bien grub mais plus rien après l'invite 
de démarrage) alors que ça fonctionnait l'ancien noyau (celui de base de 
J'ai du oublier une bête option dans le noyau, mais je ne vois pas 
laquelle !!




Cette option était bien à y !
Mais j'avais simplement mis la prise en charge du port com en module ce 
qui semble poser problème...

@ +


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Re: Reconnaissance disque SATA

2007-12-16 Thread Sébastien Charland
Merci, ça fonctionne!

si ton deuxième disque est bien préparé physiquement (en slave)
 et que ton bios le reconnais bien
 en root:
 mount /dev/sdx  /media/disk_sata
 ou x est la lettre du disque


HyperFile sous Linux

2007-12-16 Thread Jacques A
Bonjour la liste,

Je vais hériter d'une application développée par un collègue en Windev et
qui s'appuie sur une base HyperFile. Donc, de cet existant, j'ai besoin de
la mettre en client/serveur mais je préfère que le serveur DB soit sous
Linux. La société propose une version Linux du serveur mais aucune doc
d'aucune sorte et apparemment aucun support n'est fourni.
Après install sous Sid, j'ai noté que le service est bien en mémoire, mais
alors qu'il est sensé ouvrir le port 4900 pour communiquer avec les clients,
il ouvre le 4999.

L'erreur qui apparaît est que le serveur refuse la connexion. J'ai telnété
le serveur sur le port 4999 et il affiche un prompt de setup mais aucun menu
d'aide (j'ai du faire un strings sur l'exécutable pour voir les commandes),
par contre le port 4900 est désespérément fermé. Logiquement, le démon doit
ouvrir son port.

Donc si quelqu'un a réussi à faire marcher ce truc sous Linux, ça me
rendrait bien service. Mon but est de placer temporairement cet existant
sous Linux pour ensuite migrer la base sous MySQL.



selin offer letter pyroxenite

2007-12-16 Thread jyotiprakash behera
 Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now

Description: pat1479883296

selin offer letter pyroxenite

2007-12-16 Thread jyotiprakash behera
 Forgot the famous last words? Access your message archive online. Click here.

Description: pat776632091

Re: Acceso a la OBP en Debian Sparc

2007-12-16 Thread Daniel Bareiro
Hash: SHA1

El sábado 08 de diciembre del 2007 a las 20:51:58,
victor.roig escribió:

 Lo que estaría bueno también saber para tener todo el esquema
 completo de lugares de donde poder pasarse a la OpenBoot es cómo
 hacerlo cuando se inicia el equipo. Noté que una vez que arranca,
 después de hacer una comprobación de la memoria, se queda en el
 prompt de OpenBoot. Pero al darle un enter directamente arranca el
 sistema operativo. ¿Alguna idea?


Probé con esto que me sugerías, pero no funcionó :-(

Gracias por responder.


Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Comentario de seguridad...

2007-12-16 Thread satelite guayana
Hola a todos...

He estado pensando que cuando envío correos con archivos adjuntos
tengo la libertad de buscar y navegar en el sistema sin problemas al
momento de buscar el archivo que quiero adjuntar.

Esto lo menciono por que veo que se pueden adjuntar archivos de
cualquier otro usuario siempre y cuando el otro usuario no tome
previsiones de restringir los documentos o archivos que tenga
guardados, pero en condiciones normales no debería pasar.

Por ejemplo, hace un momento adjunte el passwd de /etc y sin
problemas, adjunte también un archivo que estaba dentro del directorio
root estando en una sesión de usuario mortal.

No se hasta que punto es ventajoso y desfavorable para algunos.


* Félix E. Urbina C.
* Usuario Linux #447423

Re: Comentario de seguridad...

2007-12-16 Thread mariodebian

On dom, 2007-12-16 at 16:29 -0400, satelite guayana wrote:
 Hola a todos...
 He estado pensando que cuando envío correos con archivos adjuntos
 tengo la libertad de buscar y navegar en el sistema sin problemas al
 momento de buscar el archivo que quiero adjuntar.
 Esto lo menciono por que veo que se pueden adjuntar archivos de
 cualquier otro usuario siempre y cuando el otro usuario no tome
 previsiones de restringir los documentos o archivos que tenga
 guardados, pero en condiciones normales no debería pasar.
 Por ejemplo, hace un momento adjunte el passwd de /etc y sin
 problemas, adjunte también un archivo que estaba dentro del directorio
 root estando en una sesión de usuario mortal.
 No se hasta que punto es ventajoso y desfavorable para algunos.


Puedes restringirlo cuanto quieras...

Para usuarios nuevos:
# dpkg-reconfigure -plow adduser

para los permisos archivos nuevos:
# echo umask 077  /etc/profile

Para los que ya tienes edítalos con chmow / chown

En cuanto a archivos del sistema el /etc/passwd no contiene información
crítica ( amenos que tengas desactivadas las contraseñas en shadow )

Hay muchos archivos que se tienen que poder leer para que funcionen las

Si esto no te parece seguro investiga sobre AppArmor o selinux.



Description: Esta parte del mensaje está firmada	digitalmente

Re: se llenan los log del Samba

2007-12-16 Thread Ariel R. Giomi

Prueba con:

syslog = 0  

esto hace que el detalle de los log sean mínimo. Tambien fijate el 

max log size =  (cantidad de kb)

Saludos. Ariel.

Felipe Tornvall N. escribió:

On Saturday 15 December 2007 17:18, laisdel wrote

solisito una repuerta rapida.

los log del samba se llena esto me da problema con la navegacion. los borro
pero en menos de 2 o 3 horas ya estan llenos. estos susede con un fichero
que es demaciado grande.

4418863104 Dec 15 14:59 log.winbindd

de que manera guardas los logs ?

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Postfix y Descarga de correo desde POP3

2007-12-16 Thread Jose Pablo Rojas
Mis disculpas que no habia podido revisar el correo anteriormente,
por si todavia lo necesitas aqui le paso un ejemplo del archivo .fetchmailrc
poll protocol pop3 username [EMAIL PROTECTED]
password mipass is [EMAIL PROTECTED] here fetchall
# Descarga los correos de la cuenta email y los entrega a micorreo.
user [EMAIL PROTECTED] with pass password is [EMAIL PROTECTED]
here fetchall

El 24/09/07, Jose Galindo escribió:
 hola, y gracias por la respuesta, solo algunas dudas:
 Es necesario configurar fetchmail para cada usuario de mi red?? o puede
 configurarse para que se descargue el buzon de mi dominio completo desde
 el ISP y despues se lo entregue a algun?? proceso de Postfix, para que
 este los procese y entregue localmente a cada uno de los usuarios de mi
 Ayuda si necesito, y sera bienvenida,
 como se configura el .fechmailrc para lograr que trabajen juntos como

 Jose Pablo Rojas wrote:
  La instalacion la puede hacer conjunta a postfix + fetchmail, con
  fetchmail puedes configurar que cada cierto tiempo se descarguen los
  correos de las cuentas de correo que configure.
  En mi caso lo hago conjunto con el crontab, que cada 5 minutos
  descargue los correos y en el archivo .fetchmailrc configuro las
  cuentas de correo de las que quiero hacer download y localmente a cual
  cuenta corresponde.
  Cualquier cosa si necesitas mas ayuda me avisas y con gusto le ayudo
  dentro de lo que cabe mi conocimiento.
  Pura vida!
  El 14/09/07, Jose Galindo escribió:
  Estoy interesado en mover mi servidor de correo actual a Postfix,
  actualmente descargo todo el correo desde un buzon POP3 desde mi ISP,
  utilizando una linea conmutada y un Modem.
  Estoy mas o menos claro de como configurar Postfix si estuviera directo
  a Internet, pero no tengo idea de como configurarlo en mi caso, o si es
  necesario otro paquete como Fetchmail, u otro, y si es así como
  configurarlo para que se integre a Postfix.
  Me podrían dar algunas ideas

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Nnsey, pick matches for Liunard

2007-12-16 Thread LoveHappens

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LoveHappens Inc., 222 Sutter St, 5th Flr, San Francisco, CA 94108

splashy versus xorg e gdm

2007-12-16 Thread Ronaldo Reis Junior

estou perdendo meu tempo brincando um pouco com o usplash versus splashy.

O splashy parece muito mais interessante pois inicia muito mais rápido e é 
mais fácil trabalhar com temas. Mas teve um probleminha, o X parou de 

O splashy funciona e depois para. Desativando ele no grub com a remoção do 
splash, o sistema inicia mas para ao tentar iniciar o gdm ele para. Não 
consegui encontrar o erro. Para voltar ao normal tenho que desinstalar o 

Alguem tem alguma dica?

Estou usando o splashy da unstable.

No man is useless who has a friend, and if we are loved we are indispensable.
-- Robert Louis Stevenson
 Prof. Ronaldo Reis Júnior
|  .''`. UNIMONTES/Depto. Biologia Geral/Lab. de Biologia Computacional
| : :'  : Campus Universitário Prof. Darcy Ribeiro, Vila Mauricéia
| `. `'` CP: 126, CEP: 39401-089, Montes Claros - MG - Brasil
|   `- Fone: (38) 3229-8187 | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| | ICQ#: 5692561 | LinuxUser#: 205366

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: linux-image-2.6.23 não tem mais para k7?

2007-12-16 Thread Sávio Ramos
Em Fri, 14 Dec 2007 13:53:06 -0200
Felipe Augusto van de Wiel \(faw\) [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

   Eles tiraram o k7, você deveria testar o -686, há uma
 discussão para decidir se o k7 fica ou se o 686 substitui ele.

A discussão deve estar acalorada... Nem o 686 existe. Veja:

o# aptitude install linux-image-2.6.22-3-686
Lendo lista de pacotes... Pronto
Construindo árvore de dependências   
Reading state information... Pronto 
Lendo informações estendidas de estado  
Inicializando estados de pacotes... Pronto
Lendo descrições de tarefas... Pronto   
Construindo a base de dados... Pronto  
Nenhuma versão candidata para linux-image-2.6.22-3-686

Não liguem para os acentos. Desde aquela mensagem que mandei não
consigo configurar o locales, que somente o terminal como root está

Sávio M Ramos
Arquiteto, Rio, RJ
Só uso Linux desde 2000

Exportar display via ssh

2007-12-16 Thread Ronaldo Reis Junior

para assistir filme na minha TV eu faço assim:

export DISPLAY=:0.1
mplayer filme.avi

Mas seu eu conecto no computador via ssh e tento fazer a mesma coisa não 
funciona. Diz que não é possível abrir o display. Alguem sabe se é possível 
fazer isto, exportar o display corretamente via ssh.

I saw I was I.
-- palíndromo
 Prof. Ronaldo Reis Júnior
|  .''`. UNIMONTES/Depto. Biologia Geral/Lab. de Biologia Computacional
| : :'  : Campus Universitário Prof. Darcy Ribeiro, Vila Mauricéia
| `. `'` CP: 126, CEP: 39401-089, Montes Claros - MG - Brasil
|   `- Fone: (38) 3229-8187 | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| | ICQ#: 5692561 | LinuxUser#: 205366

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Exportar display via ssh

2007-12-16 Thread Carlucio Lopes
On Sun, 16 Dec 2007 12:32:54 -0200
Ronaldo Reis Junior [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 para assistir filme na minha TV eu faço assim:
 export DISPLAY=:0.1
 mplayer filme.avi
 Mas seu eu conecto no computador via ssh e tento fazer a mesma coisa não 
 funciona. Diz que não é possível abrir o display. Alguem sabe se é possível 
 fazer isto, exportar o display corretamente via ssh.

Para que seja possível executar um programa gráfico instalado em uma máquina
remota, através de uma conexão SSH, deve-se:

   1. Editar o arquivo:
  que no Conectiva 10 encontra-se no diretório
  da máquina host e alterar a linha
  X11Forwarding no
  X11Forwarding yes

   2. Reiniciar o serviço sshd na máquina host.

   4. Estando conectado, basta então digitar o comando do aplicativo, como
por exemplo:
  para se ter o navegador web Mozilla em sua tela.

   3. Na máquina cliente, realizar a conexão com o comando:
  ssh -X ip_do_host.


Carlucio Lopes- Cobolito 62-8415-8939 msn:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Entenda Pirataria = 
Compilador Cobol Free em Portugues
Porque Cobol? ==
Projeto Debian Brasil Tinycobol/Debian 

Re: linux-image-2.6.23 não tem mais para k7?

2007-12-16 Thread Fabiano Manoel de Andrade

Em Dom, 2007-12-16 às 11:38 -0200, Sávio Ramos escreveu:
 Em Fri, 14 Dec 2007 13:53:06 -0200
 Felipe Augusto van de Wiel \(faw\) [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:
  Eles tiraram o k7, você deveria testar o -686, há uma
  discussão para decidir se o k7 fica ou se o 686 substitui ele.
 A discussão deve estar acalorada... Nem o 686 existe. Veja:
 o# aptitude install linux-image-2.6.22-3-686
 Lendo lista de pacotes... Pronto
 Construindo árvore de dependências   
 Reading state information... Pronto 
 Lendo informações estendidas de estado  
 Inicializando estados de pacotes... Pronto
 Lendo descrições de tarefas... Pronto   
 Construindo a base de dados... Pronto  
 Nenhuma versão candidata para linux-image-2.6.22-3-686
Não Savio. Isso aconteceu quando entrou a versão 2.6.23 do kernel e
tem sim a versão 686, está instalada aqui:
ii  linux-image-2.6.23-1-686 2.6.23-1
Linux 2.6.23 image on PPro/Celeron/PII/PIII/P4
ii  linux-image-
Linux kernel binary image for version

 Não liguem para os acentos. Desde aquela mensagem que mandei não
 consigo configurar o locales, que somente o terminal como root está
Então, não querendo fazer um crossposting, mas já fazendo isso ai
é o BUG do locales que o developer diz não ser. Só consegui resolver
isso reinstalando o sistema e gerando apenas o locale pt_BR.UTF-8

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Conversas de audio no aMSN, possível??? =3F?=

2007-12-16 Thread Danilo Tazinaffo Androcióli
Será que é possível fazer conversas de audio no aMSN?

Alguém consegue conversar por microfone no aMSN, eu não encontro nem opção pra 
convidar pra conversar, só tem opção de Webcam... estranho!

Utilizo o aMSN a.96 pq superior o meu Debian Sarge não suporta!

espero resposta... obrigado

Danilo Tazinaffo Androcióli
Engenharia Mecânica - UNESP/Ilha Solteira-SP
Utilize Linux, seja livre!

Abra sua conta no Yahoo! Mail, o único sem limite de espaço para armazenamento! 

dúvida, Skype no Debian Sarge!

2007-12-16 Thread Danilo Tazinaffo Androcióli
Olá pessoal, estaoutentando intalar o Skype em meu Debian Sarge, porém está 
dando problemas de dependências, as quais não encontro em lugar algum.

-, não encontro!

Em outro Skype que baixei, que diz conter o Qt 3.2 compilado dá problema em 
-, também não encontro!

Alguém sabe se existe alguma versão mais antiga do Skype para o Debian Sarge?
Parece que os problemas são pq são versões novas que tento instalar, que só no 
Etch poderia dar certo, eu acho!

Só estou tentando instalar o Skype pq o aMSN não permite conversas de audio, ou 
alguém sabe se tem jeito, uso aMSN 0.96, pq superior o Sarge não suporta!

espero resposta... obrigado

Danilo Tazinaffo Androcióli
Engenharia Mecânica - UNESP/Ilha Solteira-SP
Utilize Linux, seja livre!

Abra sua conta no Yahoo! Mail, o único sem limite de espaço para armazenamento! 

Re: Exportar display via ssh

2007-12-16 Thread Ronaldo Reis Junior
Em Dom 16 Dez 2007, Carlucio Lopes escreveu:
 On Sun, 16 Dec 2007 12:32:54 -0200

 Ronaldo Reis Junior [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  para assistir filme na minha TV eu faço assim:
  export DISPLAY=:0.1
  mplayer filme.avi
  Mas seu eu conecto no computador via ssh e tento fazer a mesma coisa não
  funciona. Diz que não é possível abrir o display. Alguem sabe se é
  possível fazer isto, exportar o display corretamente via ssh.

 Para que seja possível executar um programa gráfico instalado em uma
 máquina remota, através de uma conexão SSH, deve-se:

1. Editar o arquivo:
   que no Conectiva 10 encontra-se no diretório
   da máquina host e alterar a linha
   X11Forwarding no
   X11Forwarding yes

2. Reiniciar o serviço sshd na máquina host.

4. Estando conectado, basta então digitar o comando do aplicativo, como
 por exemplo:
   para se ter o navegador web Mozilla em sua tela.

3. Na máquina cliente, realizar a conexão com o comando:
   ssh -X ip_do_host.


me desculpe, me expliquei mal.

Tenho um desktop com uma placa TVout. Eu ligo esta placa na TV. 

Logado no desktop, eu abro um terminal, digito:

export DISPLAY=:0.1

a partir deste momento, toda aplicação gráfica que eu abrir a partir deste 
terminal será aberta na TV e não na tela do computador. Eu uso isto para 
poder, por exemplo, jogar filmes na TV e continuar trabalhando no computador.

Até aí tudo normal. Eu gostaria de tentar um outra coisa.

Conectar no Desktop a partir do meu laptop usando ssh. Mas eu não quero 
executar um programa gráfico no desktop e pegar a tela gráfica no meu laptop. 
O que eu quero é a partir do laptop, abrir um programa gráfico no desktop e 
jogá-lo na TV (não no laptop).

O diplay nornalmente é:


Para jogar na TV eu mudo para :0.1

Isto tudo quando estou no desktop.

Mas quando logo via ssh no desktop, fica assim:


Já tentei exportar de n formas, mas nenhuma funcionou.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ export DISPLAY=localhost:10.1

Aí no mplayer tenho este erro:

vo: couldn't open the X11 display (localhost:10.1)!

Já tentei muitas possibilidades e nada.

Alguma ideia?

There's a lot to be said for not saying a lot.
 Prof. Ronaldo Reis Júnior
|  .''`. UNIMONTES/Depto. Biologia Geral/Lab. de Biologia Computacional
| : :'  : Campus Universitário Prof. Darcy Ribeiro, Vila Mauricéia
| `. `'` CP: 126, CEP: 39401-089, Montes Claros - MG - Brasil
|   `- Fone: (38) 3229-8187 | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| | ICQ#: 5692561 | LinuxUser#: 205366

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: tentando entender o squid

2007-12-16 Thread Márcio Pedroso
eu consegui resolver o problema, mas nao consegui entende-lo
o problema é que quando o roteador estava ligado ao hub ao inves do modem,
ele bloqueava, ai descobri que tinha uma regra no squid que liberava o
acesso pra rede interna
acl  rede src
http_access alow rede
mas isso estava antes das regras de bloqueio.. entao deveria funcinar os
bloqueios igual, independente do meio da conexao... correto??

2007/12/15, jefferson alexandre [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 On Dec 14, 2007 3:32 PM, Márcio Pedroso [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  existe alguma diferença, pro squid, estar conectado diretamente ao modem
  ao hub

 Como assim? Qual é sua dúvida, exatamente?

 Linux User #328969
 Linux System Administrator

linux user nº 432194

Eu sou livre e você?

Re: tentando entender o squid

2007-12-16 Thread Edmundo Valle Neto

Márcio Pedroso escreveu:

eu consegui resolver o problema, mas nao consegui entende-lo
o problema é que quando o roteador estava ligado ao hub ao inves do 
modem, ele bloqueava,

Pelo que eu entendi o roteador estava ligado ao hub em uma interface e 
continuava ligado ao hub na outra interface. Como você sabe que era por 
causa do hub? Você testou sem hub em lado nenhum?

Se fosse um hub não deveria ter feito diferença nenhuma. Hubs funcionam 
como repetidores somente. Você tem certeza que o hub é hub e não é um 
switch? Faz MUITA diferença, switches processam os pacotes para saberem 
por qual porta devem ser enviados e SE devem ser enviados, alguns 
verificam os pacotes por erros também, depende de qual é o método de 
repassagem de pacotes que eles dão suporte.

ai descobri que tinha uma regra no squid que liberava o acesso pra 
rede interna

acl  rede src
http_access alow rede
mas isso estava antes das regras de bloqueio.. entao deveria funcinar 
os bloqueios igual, independente do meio da conexao... correto??

Antes das regras de bloqueio? E onde está o marcador que você se refere 
que define onde começam e onde terminam as regras de bloqueio?

Muito pelo contrário, a primeira regra http_access que seu squid tem 
noção já libera tudo para a rede interna, ou seja, seu squid está 
configurado para não bloquear nada nunca.

Como você sabe que ele bloqueou os acessos? Você recebeu como resposta 
no browser uma página de bloqueio? Você viu a tentativa de acesso nos 
logs? Você aumentou o nível de debug para indicar quais regras bateram 
com a requisição? Como é que você sabe que ele pelo menos recebeu as 
tentativas de acesso?


Você está pedido uma explicação para uma situação baseada em uma soma de 
suposições que você fez. Depois de ter visto você colocar o 
endereçamento IP errado eu duvido que alguém considere qualquer 
afirmação que você dê que tenha acontencido, sem você colar junto as 
linhas dos logs ou do shell que provam isso. Só o endereçamento errado 
já provoca erros de certa forma imprevisíveis.

Qualquer palpite aqui é chute.


Edmundo Valle Neto

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: tentando entender o squid

2007-12-16 Thread Edmundo Valle Neto

Edmundo Valle Neto escreveu:

Márcio Pedroso escreveu:

eu consegui resolver o problema, mas nao consegui entende-lo
o problema é que quando o roteador estava ligado ao hub ao inves do 
modem, ele bloqueava,

Pelo que eu entendi o roteador estava ligado ao hub em uma interface e 
continuava ligado ao hub na outra interface. Como você sabe que era 
por causa do hub? Você testou sem hub em lado nenhum?

Se fosse um hub não deveria ter feito diferença nenhuma. Hubs 
funcionam como repetidores somente. Você tem certeza que o hub é hub e 
não é um switch? Faz MUITA diferença, switches processam os pacotes 
para saberem por qual porta devem ser enviados e SE devem ser 
enviados, alguns verificam os pacotes por erros também, depende de 
qual é o método de repassagem de pacotes que eles dão suporte.

ai descobri que tinha uma regra no squid que liberava o acesso pra 
rede interna

acl  rede src
http_access alow rede
mas isso estava antes das regras de bloqueio.. entao deveria funcinar 
os bloqueios igual, independente do meio da conexao... correto??

Li de novo a mensagem. Alow tem dois ls, é allow.
Na verdade seu proxy não libera nada, deveria é bloquear tudo sempre.
Nem essa parte pode ser considerada. :)

Antes das regras de bloqueio? E onde está o marcador que você se 
refere que define onde começam e onde terminam as regras de bloqueio?

Muito pelo contrário, a primeira regra http_access que seu squid tem 
noção já libera tudo para a rede interna, ou seja, seu squid está 
configurado para não bloquear nada nunca.

Como você sabe que ele bloqueou os acessos? Você recebeu como resposta 
no browser uma página de bloqueio? Você viu a tentativa de acesso nos 
logs? Você aumentou o nível de debug para indicar quais regras bateram 
com a requisição? Como é que você sabe que ele pelo menos recebeu as 
tentativas de acesso?


Você está pedido uma explicação para uma situação baseada em uma soma 
de suposições que você fez. Depois de ter visto você colocar o 
endereçamento IP errado eu duvido que alguém considere qualquer 
afirmação que você dê que tenha acontencido, sem você colar junto as 
linhas dos logs ou do shell que provam isso. Só o endereçamento errado 
já provoca erros de certa forma imprevisíveis.

Qualquer palpite aqui é chute.


Edmundo Valle Neto

Edmundo Valle Neto

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Re: Network is unreachable email error

2007-12-16 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Sun, Dec 16, 2007 at 11:08:46AM +1100, hce wrote:
 Sorry for faulse alarm, it is actually working. I sent a test mail
 from my mutt client, the  mail was received, but not delivered by the
 pop server. Some how, the fetchmail stopped workijng. That is another
 issue I'll have to fix it myselfe.

If you are trying to retrieve your own test mail from gmail that won't 
work due to a strange idea of gmail: there should only be one copy of an 
email. Because this is a sent mail they won't allow you to retrieve it, 
though it will show up in the inbox on the web.

The same goes for postings to mailing lists. I post using the gmail 
account, but I receive using another mail address, because gmail would 
just discard my own postings received through the mailing list (though 
they are not 100% identical to the sent ones).

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
(Albert Einstein)

Description: Digital signature

Re: startx gdm

2007-12-16 Thread NN_il_Confusionario
On Sat, Dec 15, 2007 at 06:20:55PM -0500, Mark Grieveson wrote:
 automatic login
 and automatic startx still elude me.  I have gotten rid of gdm, though.

in /etc/inittab (check that nothing else is using label 6 and tty6)

6:23:respawn:/bin/login -f goofy /dev/tty6 /dev/tty6 21

in ~goofy/.bash_profile (if bash is the shell)

[ $(tty) = /dev/tty6 ]  exec startx $OPTIONS

Chi usa software non libero avvelena anche te. Digli di smettere.
Informatica=arsenico: minime dosi in rari casi patologici, altrimenti letale.
Informatica=bomba: intelligente solo per gli stupidi che ci credono.

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Re: DVD support question

2007-12-16 Thread Osamu Aoki
On Sat, Dec 15, 2007 at 11:56:56AM -0600, Jude DaShiell wrote:
 Hi, it's a usb connect.  Interestingly it works with the mac mini I have.
 On Sun, 16 Dec 2007, Osamu Aoki wrote:

 On Thu, Dec 13, 2007 at 12:28:33AM -0600, Jude DaShiell wrote:
 Does debian have support for the external mad dog dvd burners available? If
 this one won't work I should have a phillips as a replacement next week.
 This one can't be mounted yet because of a missing helper application
 according to the mount utility.

 If it is connected with usb or firewire, it should work but I do not
 know fact nor by experience.


On old machine, USB 1.1 (slow) was used.  I vaguely remenber Mac mini is

Maybe you need fast USB to keep up with DVD burner data speed.


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Re: custom kernel boot problem: can't access tty

2007-12-16 Thread Robert Key
SOLUTION: to can't access tty; job control turned off
Apologies for answering my own post, but this seems to be a problem many people 
have had.

For some reason (there could be many) the boot kernel can't mount the root file 
system and hence cannot find all devices and tools to run the login.

In my case booting a custom kernel there were no modules for squashfs and 
unionfs so those file systems which include the root could not be moutned.

Installed squashfs-source and unionfs-source, build the kernel the build the 
extra modules for squashfs and unionfs with make install. Kernel must be 
built first as squashfs and uniofs make needs the build from 
Ran update-initramfs -u -k custom kernel version to make the initrd.
Rebuilt the compressed file system.

Now linux boots and runs live from a USB memory stick with a custom kernel.
Hope this helps others with the same problem.

Rob Key


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Re: How to disable ipv6 in Lenny to avoid error in name resolution for AAAA type queries

2007-12-16 Thread Alex Samad
On Sat, Dec 15, 2007 at 06:40:01PM +0530, Amogh Hooshdar wrote:
 Thank you for response. But it did not help. I commented out all the
 ip6 lines in /etc/hosts and then even rebooted the box.
 Now see a sample output for aptitude update:-
 # aptitude update
 0% [Connecting to (] [Connecting to 
 I observed it with wireshark and the DNS queries and responses are like this:-
 DNS Standard query
 DNS Standard query response [Malformed packet]
 DNS Standrd query A
 DNS Standard query response A
This looks like your dns server is returning for an A record request, 
have you tried a dig hostname or a hosts hostname and see what the results 

You have done all the right things to turn of ipv6 from the system

 ipv6 doesn't seem to have been disabled because the DNS  type
 queries are still going out. Please help me to disable ipv6
 On Dec 15, 2007 5:12 PM, Thilo Six [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Amogh Hooshdar wrote the following on 15.12.2007 07:58
   I changed the alias net-pf-10 ipv6 line to the following two lines.
   alias net-pf-10 off
   alias ipv6 off
   After rebooting, I checked: lsmod | grep ipv6. Sure enough it is gone
   and the command gives nil output. But when I use bitchx or pidgin to
   connect to, I can still see DNS
   type of queries.As a result our DNS server that doesn't understand
   ipv6 returns as the address and the clients don't work.
   Please help me to disable ipv6 completely.
  ---  /etc/hosts  ---
  # The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
  #::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
  #fe00::0 ip6-localnet
  #ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
  #ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
  #ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
  #ff02::3 ip6-allhosts
  for nameresolution /etc/hosts is read then /etc/resolv.conf .
  key: 0x4A411E09
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Description: Digital signature

OT: iPod Touch and Linux?

2007-12-16 Thread Magnus Therning
My wife won an iPod Touch on a raffle last Friday.  After playing with
it for a while I've almost given up on the idea of keeping it.  A lot of
 surfing and experimenting later I've found the following:

* libgpod (which is used by both gtkpod and amarok) in Debian Sid only
has read-only support for the iPod Touch (requires a jailbreak and
installing SSH, which I've done).  That seems to mean that iTunes is the
only way of syncing music and audiocasts onto it.  Ouch.

* It doesn't have a flash decoder.  All it offers is a H.264 decoder.
This means that most videos on the web can't be watched.  I've failed to
find details on how to convert flash (and other format) videos to
something that the iPod Touch could play.  So even if I find a way of
sticking videos on it I still can't play them :(

Does anyone have any pointers on these issues.  Or is the only option
left to me to put it for sale on ebay and buy a Nokia N800 for the money?


Magnus Therning (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4) Jabber:

What if I don't want to obey the laws? Do they throw me in jail with
the other bad monads?
 -- Daveman

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: alpine question

2007-12-16 Thread Bo Simonsen
On Sat, Dec 15, 2007 at 01:24:53PM -0600, Jude DaShiell wrote:
 I have a couple different email accounts one has pop address as and another has incoming email address of and the same for outgoing address.  Having had a look 
 at the alpine configuration file, it doesn't appear to have a place to 
 document the incoming email address be it pop or imap unless I'm missing 
 something here.

pine defaults to IMAP or rsh (in case that you told it an rsh command)

{xx.mailhost.tld/ssl/novalidate-cert} - Will tell pine to use imap ssl
and not validate the certificate
{xx.mailhost.tld/pop3} - Will tell pine to use pop3.


  Bo Simonsen Homepage:  
  Datamatiker, B.Sc, stud.scient  E-Mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

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amarok hangs

2007-12-16 Thread Chris
I really like amarok, am finding however that it is hanging often on playback.  
Saw no bug reports on the version in unstable, I am running an otherwise 
testing system (uprgaded to the unstable version in the hopes that the 
problem was resolved in b2).

anyone having similar problems?


ii  amarok   1.4.7-1+b2   
versatile and easy to use audio player for K
ii  amarok-engines   1.4.7-1+b2   
output engines for the Amarok audio player
ii  amarok-xine  1.4.7-1+b2
C. Hurschler

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Re: xfce4-battery-plugin and kernel 2.6.24-rc4

2007-12-16 Thread Celejar
On Sun, 16 Dec 2007 09:52:19 +0200
Andrei Popescu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sat, Dec 15, 2007 at 06:56:30PM -0500, Celejar wrote:
   The ACPI code has changed in 2.6.24. Check your config.
  Thanks; config of what?
 I'm guessing the config of your custom kernel.

The only relevant option I can find there is PM_LEGACY; turning it on
doesn't solve the problem.  Note that the acpi command returns the
correct information, which is present in /proc.acpi, as mentioned in my
first mail.


-- - remote access via secure (OpenPGP) email - A Simple Sudoku Solver and Generator

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Re: CGI Scripts, Apache 2.2.3, and Debian 4.0 R1

2007-12-16 Thread Mark Grieveson
On Sun, 16 Dec 2007 08:05:04 + (UTC)

 Directory /var/www/cgi-bin
 AllowOverride None
 Options Indexes Includes FollowSymLinks
 Order deny,allow
 Deny from all
 Allow from 192.168.1
 Neither of these has allowed my cgi scripts to run. Can someone
 please tell me what I am doing wrong? 

Red Hat, and others, use /var/www/cgi-bin, as the directory.  I've
found, for Debian, that the correct directory is /usr/lib/cgi-bin/; so,
change Directory /var/www/cgi-bin to: 
Directory /usr/lib/cgi-bin.

When I ran a webserver, I also had the scriptalias stuff in the
file /etc/apache2/sites-available/default file.  I was running a
virtual host though; so, for yourself, the sites-available file may not
be important.


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Re: OT: iPod Touch and Linux?

2007-12-16 Thread Scott Abbey
Magnus Therning wrote:

 My wife won an iPod Touch on a raffle last Friday.  After playing with
 it for a while I've almost given up on the idea of keeping it.  A lot of
  surfing and experimenting later I've found the following:
 * libgpod (which is used by both gtkpod and amarok) in Debian Sid only
 has read-only support for the iPod Touch (requires a jailbreak and
 installing SSH, which I've done).  That seems to mean that iTunes is the
 only way of syncing music and audiocasts onto it.  Ouch.
 * It doesn't have a flash decoder.  All it offers is a H.264 decoder.
 This means that most videos on the web can't be watched.  I've failed to
 find details on how to convert flash (and other format) videos to
 something that the iPod Touch could play.  So even if I find a way of
 sticking videos on it I still can't play them :(
 Does anyone have any pointers on these issues.  Or is the only option
 left to me to put it for sale on ebay and buy a Nokia N800 for the money?

Personally, I would sell it and buy a N800.

I don't know much about the Touch, never having owned an iPod, but I can
tell you that several sites offer a flv(Flash) to * service. is
one. You can also use mencoder to transcode the flv to some other


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Re: OT: iPod Touch and Linux?

2007-12-16 Thread ajm
On Sun, Dec 16, 2007 at 10:26:16AM -0500, Scott Abbey wrote:
 Magnus Therning wrote:
  My wife won an iPod Touch on a raffle last Friday.  After playing with
  it for a while I've almost given up on the idea of keeping it.  A lot of
   surfing and experimenting later I've found the following:
  * libgpod (which is used by both gtkpod and amarok) in Debian Sid only
  has read-only support for the iPod Touch (requires a jailbreak and
  installing SSH, which I've done).  That seems to mean that iTunes is the
  only way of syncing music and audiocasts onto it.  Ouch.
  * It doesn't have a flash decoder.  All it offers is a H.264 decoder.
  This means that most videos on the web can't be watched.  I've failed to
  find details on how to convert flash (and other format) videos to
  something that the iPod Touch could play.  So even if I find a way of
  sticking videos on it I still can't play them :(
  Does anyone have any pointers on these issues.  Or is the only option
  left to me to put it for sale on ebay and buy a Nokia N800 for the money?
 Personally, I would sell it and buy a N800.
 I don't know much about the Touch, never having owned an iPod, but I can
 tell you that several sites offer a flv(Flash) to * service. is
 one. You can also use mencoder to transcode the flv to some other

I have used graphics/ffmpeg to convert *.swf files to avi and mpg.
According to the man info it can also do flv.  Something to try.

Alexander J. M.
Linux 2.6.18-5-686 #1 SMP Wed Oct 3 00:12:50 UTC 2007 i686

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Re: amarok hangs

2007-12-16 Thread David Fox
On 12/16/07, Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I really like amarok, am finding however that it is hanging often on

I'm using the current/latest Amarok in lenny, and it still seems to
hang, but seemingly randomly, and
usually not during a playback, but when I'm doing other things with
it, like checking out my collection. More often than not, though, it
crashes inexplicably. Sometimes, several times in one session.

I'm running 1.4.7.-1.b1.

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Re: amarok hangs

2007-12-16 Thread Paul Cartwright
On Sun December 16 2007, David Fox wrote:
 I'm using the current/latest Amarok in lenny, and it still seems to
 hang, but seemingly randomly, and
 usually not during a playback, but when I'm doing other things with
 it, like checking out my collection. More often than not, though, it
 crashes inexplicably. Sometimes, several times in one session.

 I'm running 1.4.7.-1.b1.

I use mplayer for most things, vlc for a few others. BUT the problem with 
mplayer is, when my X session crashes, and I switch to the nv driver, instead 
of nvidia, mplayer and amarok both give seg faults and won't run.
Totem still works..

Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux user # 367800
Registered Ubuntu User #12459

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Re: amarok hangs

2007-12-16 Thread Christof Hurschler

 Datum: Sun, 16 Dec 2007 09:15:03 -0800
 Betreff: Re: amarok hangs

 On 12/16/07, Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I really like amarok, am finding however that it is hanging often on
 I'm using the current/latest Amarok in lenny, and it still seems to
 hang, but seemingly randomly, and
 usually not during a playback, but when I'm doing other things with
 it, like checking out my collection. More often than not, though, it
 crashes inexplicably. Sometimes, several times in one session.
 I'm running 1.4.7.-1.b1.
Then I'm not the only one that is suffering.  I've seldom been so amazed by a 
program, and also frustrated.  I started with the etch version (of both amarok 
and my system), had to move up to lenny, to among other things get my wlan 

anyone know if the etch version is really stable?


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Re: amarok hangs

2007-12-16 Thread David Fox
On 12/16/07, Christof Hurschler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Then I'm not the only one that is suffering.  I've seldom been so amazed by
 a program, and also frustrated.  I started with the etch version (of both

I don't recall too many crashing issues using amarok in etch, but did
recall some other things, like losing parts of my collection database,
and having to redo the collection from time to time -- and that still
happens sometimes with even the current one in lenny.

Besides, the version in etch wasn't able to see my iriver t3 mp3
player - but 1.4.7.b1 does, and I've only recently. Even then, there
are issues, such as what shows up in the device's playlist, much of
which are blank info, maybe because it was synced using mpttools
before, as that was pretty much the only way to write files to the
device. But it also has crashed a few times when writing to the

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where to find _GPL_ model monsters for games ? (MD2 or equelant) .

2007-12-16 Thread Jabka Atu

I guess i have to much free time and started to work on _my own _
   Free 3D engine. (It time to play with open GL again).

  i tried to find model packages but didn't find any (i found only does
who work with models).
  Could anyone please post any MD2 monster that i can play with (by-cc
or any other licence that i can put into DFSG program ?).


Could you at least use man ?
Jabka Atu (aka mha13/Mashrom Head) ||

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Re: amarok hangs

2007-12-16 Thread David Fox
On 12/16/07, Paul Cartwright [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I use mplayer for most things, vlc for a few others. BUT the problem with
 mplayer is, when my X session crashes, and I switch to the nv driver,

gmplayer too as well :) but I don't use totem. I'm also running the
nvidia driver in unstable right now (or whatever it was since I last
updated) on my FX 5200 card.

I haven't found mplayer to crash too often (like in the middle of a
dvd or what have you) but sometimes I will run gmplayer in a window
off of iceweasel (mplayer-plugin) and leave the system on all night
listening to radio or somesuch. Then wnen I get up in the morning,
closing the window where gmplayer is running (in an iceweasel tab or
window) hangs iceweasel to the point that I can only go to a shell and
type 'killall firefox-bin' . Just happened to me this AM.

I don't switch back and forth from the nv driver to the nvidia one
that often. I'd prefer not to, as nv is too slow for what I want to
do. But, I've just recently had some rather inexplicable situations
where x11 has crashed, like I'll come home and find me in a kdm login
session) and the system is otherwise in an idle state when I'm gone -
usually only running one or two apps, plus the gl planet screen saver.

Snce that uses gl, and amarok does as well (I think, for the graphical
feedback on the bottom of its screen, and so does mplayer. depending
on the video driver that's used, maybe there's a problem with nvidia's

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Re: amarok hangs

2007-12-16 Thread Chris
On Sunday 16 December 2007, David Fox wrote:
 On 12/16/07, Christof Hurschler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Then I'm not the only one that is suffering.  I've seldom been so amazed
  by a program, and also frustrated.  I started with the etch version (of

 I don't recall too many crashing issues using amarok in etch, but did
 recall some other things, like losing parts of my collection database,
 and having to redo the collection from time to time -- and that still
 happens sometimes with even the current one in lenny.

 Besides, the version in etch wasn't able to see my iriver t3 mp3
 player - but 1.4.7.b1 does, and I've only recently. Even then, there
 are issues, such as what shows up in the device's playlist, much of
 which are blank info, maybe because it was synced using mpttools
 before, as that was pretty much the only way to write files to the
 device. But it also has crashed a few times when writing to the

I use amarok because I like its features, and I don't thing there is anything 
comprable or better in linux as far as the features go.  I think it's much 
better than itunes or any of the other stuff I've seen in windows.

The crashes I observe have been on playback, and are very difficult to 
reproduce:  on upgrade to b2 I let it run overnight with random playlist 
population - it did fine.  Then, and this proves Murphys laws the millionth 
time, when I really wanted to listen to music it  hung (!§$!§$!§$).

I found some bug reports on earlier versions, but don't know if they were 
resolved or not.


C. Hurschler

Re: amarok hangs

2007-12-16 Thread Paul Cartwright
On Sun December 16 2007, David Fox wrote:
 gmplayer too as well :) but I don't use totem. I'm also running the
 nvidia driver in unstable right now (or whatever it was since I last
 updated) on my FX 5200 card.
I have the GEForce 7300 card on my Dell desktop unit.

 I haven't found mplayer to crash too often (like in the middle of a
 dvd or what have you) but sometimes I will run gmplayer in a window
 off of iceweasel (mplayer-plugin) and leave the system on all night
 listening to radio or somesuch. Then wnen I get up in the morning,
 closing the window where gmplayer is running (in an iceweasel tab or
 window) hangs iceweasel to the point that I can only go to a shell and
 type 'killall firefox-bin' . Just happened to me this AM.

I don't run IceWeasel, I removed it and switched to the plain vanilla Firefox 
from Mozilla.

 I don't switch back and forth from the nv driver to the nvidia one
 that often. I'd prefer not to, as nv is too slow for what I want to
 do. But, I've just recently had some rather inexplicable situations
 where x11 has crashed, like I'll come home and find me in a kdm login
 session) and the system is otherwise in an idle state when I'm gone -
 usually only running one or two apps, plus the gl planet screen saver.

I only switch to the nv driver when X crashes, or I reboot, and X doesn't come 
up. Sometimes, I'll try to reinstall the nvidia driver and it won't work, so 
I stay with the nv driver.
I used to use envy to install the nvidia driver, but it doesn't work with the 
lenny testing, only etch..

 Snce that uses gl, and amarok does as well (I think, for the graphical
 feedback on the bottom of its screen, and so does mplayer. depending
 on the video driver that's used, maybe there's a problem with nvidia's
maybe so:)

Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux user # 367800
Registered Ubuntu User #12459

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Should I let aptitude remove xserver-org-input-* and xserver-org-video-* packages?

2007-12-16 Thread Amogh Hooshdar
I am on Lenny and I am doing aptitude update, aptitude dist-upgrade
(dist-upgrade to lenny itself to make it more uptodate and get the
newer kernel also).

I did not go ahead with it because it wants to remove a lot of
xserver-org-input-* and xserver-org-video-* packages. I have included
the complete aptitude dist-upgrade below. Please tell me why it wants
to remove all those xserver-org-* stuff. Are they really not required?
Is there anything else replacing them? Removing them would do no harm
to my GUI?

# uname -a
Linux mylappy 2.6.18-4-486 #1 Wed May 9 22:23:40 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux

# cat /etc/debian_version

# aptitude dist-upgrade
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Reading extended state information
Initializing package states... Done
Reading task descriptions... Done
Building tag database... Done
The following packages are BROKEN:
  xserver-xorg-input-all xserver-xorg-video-all xserver-xorg-video-i810
The following packages are unused and will be REMOVED:
  cups-pdf gmobilemedia libasyncns0 libflac7 libgammu2 libpostproc0d
The following NEW packages will be automatically installed:
  avahi-utils bsd-mailx epiphany-browser-data epiphany-gecko gdebi-core
  ghostscript gimp-gnomevfs libavformat1d libcdio7 libebml0 libexempi3
  libfaad0 libgammu3 libgs8 libgtksourceview2.0-0
  libgtksourceview2.0-common libiso9660-5 libmatroska0 libnss-mdns
  libopal-2.2 libpam-gnome-keyring libpixman-1-0 libpt-1.10.10
  libpt-1.10.10-plugins-alsa libpt-1.10.10-plugins-v4l libx86-1
  libxine1-console libxine1-gnome libxine1-misc-plugins libxine1-plugins
  libxine1-x linux-image-2.6.22-3-486 psfontmgr python-gtksourceview2
  ttf-dejavu-core ttf-dejavu-extra
The following packages will be automatically REMOVED:
  gs-common gs-esp libopal-2.2.0 xserver-xorg-input-evdev
  xserver-xorg-input-kbd xserver-xorg-input-mouse
  xserver-xorg-input-synaptics xserver-xorg-input-wacom
  xserver-xorg-video-apm xserver-xorg-video-ark xserver-xorg-video-ati
  xserver-xorg-video-chips xserver-xorg-video-cirrus
  xserver-xorg-video-cyrix xserver-xorg-video-dummy
  xserver-xorg-video-fbdev xserver-xorg-video-glint xserver-xorg-video-i128
  xserver-xorg-video-i740 xserver-xorg-video-imstt xserver-xorg-video-intel
  xserver-xorg-video-mga xserver-xorg-video-neomagic
  xserver-xorg-video-newport xserver-xorg-video-nsc xserver-xorg-video-nv
  xserver-xorg-video-rendition xserver-xorg-video-s3
  xserver-xorg-video-s3virge xserver-xorg-video-savage
  xserver-xorg-video-siliconmotion xserver-xorg-video-sis
  xserver-xorg-video-sisusb xserver-xorg-video-tdfx xserver-xorg-video-tga
  xserver-xorg-video-trident xserver-xorg-video-tseng
  xserver-xorg-video-v4l xserver-xorg-video-vesa xserver-xorg-video-vga
  xserver-xorg-video-via xserver-xorg-video-vmware
The following NEW packages will be installed:
  avahi-utils bsd-mailx epiphany-browser-data epiphany-gecko gdebi-core
  ghostscript gimp-gnomevfs libavformat1d libcdio7 libebml0 libexempi3
  libfaad0 libgammu3 libgs8 libgtksourceview2.0-0
  libgtksourceview2.0-common libiso9660-5 libmatroska0 libnss-mdns
  libopal-2.2 libpam-gnome-keyring libpixman-1-0 libpt-1.10.10
  libpt-1.10.10-plugins-alsa libpt-1.10.10-plugins-v4l libx86-1
  libxine1-console libxine1-gnome libxine1-misc-plugins libxine1-plugins
  libxine1-x linux-image-2.6.22-3-486 psfontmgr python-gtksourceview2
  ttf-dejavu-core ttf-dejavu-extra
The following packages will be REMOVED:
  gs-common gs-esp libopal-2.2.0 xserver-xorg-input-evdev
  xserver-xorg-input-kbd xserver-xorg-input-mouse
  xserver-xorg-input-synaptics xserver-xorg-input-wacom
  xserver-xorg-video-apm xserver-xorg-video-ark xserver-xorg-video-ati
  xserver-xorg-video-chips xserver-xorg-video-cirrus
  xserver-xorg-video-cyrix xserver-xorg-video-dummy
  xserver-xorg-video-fbdev xserver-xorg-video-glint xserver-xorg-video-i128
  xserver-xorg-video-i740 xserver-xorg-video-imstt xserver-xorg-video-intel
  xserver-xorg-video-mga xserver-xorg-video-neomagic
  xserver-xorg-video-newport xserver-xorg-video-nsc xserver-xorg-video-nv
  xserver-xorg-video-rendition xserver-xorg-video-s3
  xserver-xorg-video-s3virge xserver-xorg-video-savage
  xserver-xorg-video-siliconmotion xserver-xorg-video-sis
  xserver-xorg-video-sisusb xserver-xorg-video-tdfx xserver-xorg-video-tga
  xserver-xorg-video-trident xserver-xorg-video-tseng
  xserver-xorg-video-v4l xserver-xorg-video-vesa xserver-xorg-video-vga
  xserver-xorg-video-via xserver-xorg-video-vmware
The following packages will be upgraded:
  alsa-tools antlr apache2-mpm-prefork apache2-prefork-dev apache2-utils
  apache2.2-common avahi-daemon base-files base-passwd bc bind9-host
  binutils bluez-utils bug-buddy courier-base courier-maildrop courier-mta
  cpio cpp-4.2 cupsys cupsys-bsd cupsys-client cupsys-common dc debconf
  debconf-i18n debhelper debianutils deskbar-applet desktop-base

Re: How to disable ipv6 in Lenny to avoid error in name resolution for AAAA type queries

2007-12-16 Thread Amogh Hooshdar
I raised this question in the debian-ipv6 list. Here is the thread:- Got one
solution of installing my own bind9 named which works.

On Dec 15, 2007 7:38 PM, Thilo Six [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Amogh Hooshdar wrote the following on 15.12.2007 14:10
  Thank you for response. But it did not help. I commented out all the
  ip6 lines in /etc/hosts and then even rebooted the box.
  Now see a sample output for aptitude update:-
  # aptitude update
  0% [Connecting to (] [Connecting to 
  I observed it with wireshark and the DNS queries and responses are like 
  DNS Standard query
  DNS Standard query response [Malformed packet]
  DNS Standrd query A
  DNS Standard query response A
  ipv6 doesn't seem to have been disabled because the DNS  type
  queries are still going out. Please help me to disable ipv6

 are yo using KDE?

   grep IP /etc/environment  


 basically i do not understand how the machine can still do ipv6 when there is
 no kernel modul loaded. ?

 Have you got resolvconf or any local dns[proxy|cache] installed?

 I just found there is also a list especial for ipv6:



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How to Configure Aptitude for Update Archive Compression Types?

2007-12-16 Thread Geoff Sanders
I'm experiencing an issue with aptitude regarding archive compression types
during update. Currently, I have two installed systems (etch stable) that
retrieve different update archive types. One system retrieves Packages.bz2,
where the other system retrieves Packages.gz during 'aptitude update'
(discovered using apt-get --print-uris update). Unfortunately, the *.bz2
archives are producing an md5sum mismatch error on one system, but the *.gz
archives do not. Where can I configure apt/aptitude to update using a
specific archive type for update/install (*.bz2 or *.gz), and why does one
system request updates via Packages.bz2, while the other does it using
Packages.gz? I have not configured either system in any particular way for
archive updates, and they both point at the same repos for updates and
installs. I've looked both through documentation and lists, with no answers
to this issue. Assistance is much appreciated.


Re: CGI Scripts, Apache 2.2.3, and Debian 4.0 R1

2007-12-16 Thread Jon D. Irish
Hi Mark,
Still no luck. I keep getting The webpage cannot be found errors. Is it 
possible that I am missing an Apache package? Here are my index,html and config 
files (if it would help).


- Original Message 
From: Mark Grieveson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, December 16, 2007 9:37:41 AM
Subject: Re: CGI Scripts, Apache 2.2.3, and Debian 4.0 R1

On Sun, 16 Dec 2007 08:05:04 + (UTC)

 Directory /var/www/cgi-bin
AllowOverride None
Options Indexes Includes FollowSymLinks
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from 192.168.1
 Neither of these has allowed my cgi scripts to run. Can someone
 please tell me what I am doing wrong? 

Red Hat, and others, use /var/www/cgi-bin, as the directory.  I've
found, for Debian, that the correct directory is /usr/lib/cgi-bin/; so,
change Directory /var/www/cgi-bin to: 
Directory /usr/lib/cgi-bin.

When I ran a webserver, I also had the scriptalias stuff in the
file /etc/apache2/sites-available/default file.  I was running a
virtual host though; so, for yourself, the sites-available file may not
be important.


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Description: Binary data

Re: Should I let aptitude remove xserver-org-input-* and xserver-org-video-* packages?

2007-12-16 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Sun, Dec 16, 2007 at 11:57:32PM +0530, Amogh Hooshdar wrote:
 I am on Lenny and I am doing aptitude update, aptitude dist-upgrade
 (dist-upgrade to lenny itself to make it more uptodate and get the
 newer kernel also).
 I did not go ahead with it because it wants to remove a lot of
 xserver-org-input-* and xserver-org-video-* packages. I have included
 the complete aptitude dist-upgrade below. Please tell me why it wants
 to remove all those xserver-org-* stuff. Are they really not required?
 Is there anything else replacing them? Removing them would do no harm
 to my GUI?

[snip aptitude output]

You really need only one video package, the one for your video card, and 
xserver-xorg-input-kbd and xserver-xorg-input-mouse. But your situation 
doesn't look very good. Maybe there is some transition going in testing 
so you should wait for a day or two.

And you also have some problems with the signatures. Do you have 
debian-archive-keyring installed?

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
(Albert Einstein)

Description: Digital signature

Re: CGI Scripts, Apache 2.2.3, and Debian 4.0 R1

2007-12-16 Thread Mark Grieveson
On Sun, 16 Dec 2007 11:29:26 -0800 (PST)
Jon D. Irish [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Mark,
 Still no luck. I keep getting The webpage cannot be found errors.
 Is it possible that I am missing an Apache package? Here are my
 index,html and config files (if it would help).

I don't have a ready answer, but just a few thoughts.

What's your DocumentRoot set up as?  This would be
in /etc/apache2/sites-available2/default.  Make sure it points to your
index file (aka your homepage).

It's a good idea to restart apache2 after making any changes, with the

/etc/init.d/apache2 restart

Might be an idea to install and read apache2-doc -- it comes with some
good examples.

There's a site I googled that has some basic instructions, at

Good luck!


PS, if, even after tinkering, things still don't work, you could try
webmin, where the debian package can be obtained at

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Re: Should I let aptitude remove xserver-org-input-* and xserver-org-video-* packages?

2007-12-16 Thread Daniel Burrows
On Sun, Dec 16, 2007 at 11:57:32PM +0530, Amogh Hooshdar [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
was heard to say:
 I am on Lenny and I am doing aptitude update, aptitude dist-upgrade
 (dist-upgrade to lenny itself to make it more uptodate and get the
 newer kernel also).
 I did not go ahead with it because it wants to remove a lot of
 xserver-org-input-* and xserver-org-video-* packages. I have included
 the complete aptitude dist-upgrade below. Please tell me why it wants
 to remove all those xserver-org-* stuff. Are they really not required?
 Is there anything else replacing them? Removing them would do no harm
 to my GUI?

  You probably shouldn't go ahead; it looks like aptitude is removing
all or most of your video drivers.  Could you post the output of

  aptitude -D dist-upgrade

so we can maybe see why it thinks those need to be removed?  Normally
packages that are removed up-front before dependency resolution are
removed because of conflicts, but no packages conflict with
xserver-xorg-video-intel that I can see.


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Re: DVD support question

2007-12-16 Thread Jude DaShiell
The older machine uses usb 2.0 it was just on the border line when the 
switch over got made.

On Sun, 16 Dec 2007, Osamu Aoki wrote:

On Sat, Dec 15, 2007 at 11:56:56AM -0600, Jude DaShiell wrote:

Hi, it's a usb connect.  Interestingly it works with the mac mini I have.
On Sun, 16 Dec 2007, Osamu Aoki wrote:

On Thu, Dec 13, 2007 at 12:28:33AM -0600, Jude DaShiell wrote:

Does debian have support for the external mad dog dvd burners available? If
this one won't work I should have a phillips as a replacement next week.
This one can't be mounted yet because of a missing helper application
according to the mount utility.

If it is connected with usb or firewire, it should work but I do not
know fact nor by experience.


On old machine, USB 1.1 (slow) was used.  I vaguely remenber Mac mini is

Maybe you need fast USB to keep up with DVD burner data speed.


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Re: Network is unreachable email error

2007-12-16 Thread hce
On Dec 16, 2007 7:04 PM, Andrei Popescu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sun, Dec 16, 2007 at 11:08:46AM +1100, hce wrote:

  Sorry for faulse alarm, it is actually working. I sent a test mail
  from my mutt client, the  mail was received, but not delivered by the
  pop server. Some how, the fetchmail stopped workijng. That is another
  issue I'll have to fix it myselfe.

 If you are trying to retrieve your own test mail from gmail that won't
 work due to a strange idea of gmail: there should only be one copy of an
 email. Because this is a sent mail they won't allow you to retrieve it,
 though it will show up in the inbox on the web.

 The same goes for postings to mailing lists. I post using the gmail
 account, but I receive using another mail address, because gmail would
 just discard my own postings received through the mailing list (though
 they are not 100% identical to the sent ones).

That is good to learn. Thanks Andrei. Indeed, if I send a test mail
fron other mail client, it can receive it.

Thank you.

Kind Regards,


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imap and icedove

2007-12-16 Thread Jerome BENOIT

Hello List,

Since I updated my Lenny box,
I have trouble with icedove:
I can no more connect to the imap server.
I turn on debug for courier-authdaemon and courier-imad:
the authentifation seems Ok. 

Any idea ?

Thanks in advance,


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Re: imap and icedove

2007-12-16 Thread Kent West

Jerome BENOIT wrote:

Since I updated my Lenny box,
I have trouble with icedove:
I can no more connect to the imap server.
I turn on debug for courier-authdaemon and courier-imad:
the authentifation seems Ok.
Any idea ?

Try connecting with another client and/or telnet to determine if the 
problem is in Icedove or elsewhere.


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Re: Network is unreachable email error

2007-12-16 Thread Mihira Fernando
On Mon December 17 2007 2:40 am, hce wrote:
 On Dec 16, 2007 7:04 PM, Andrei Popescu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  If you are trying to retrieve your own test mail from gmail that won't
  work due to a strange idea of gmail: there should only be one copy of an
  email. Because this is a sent mail they won't allow you to retrieve it,
  though it will show up in the inbox on the web.
  The same goes for postings to mailing lists. I post using the gmail
  account, but I receive using another mail address, because gmail would
  just discard my own postings received through the mailing list (though
  they are not 100% identical to the sent ones).

 That is good to learn. Thanks Andrei. Indeed, if I send a test mail
 fron other mail client, it can receive it.

Have to disagree there. If you send a test mail to yourself using a gmail 
account, it WILL come to your gmail inbox.
The reason why most mailing lists doesn't show your own post to the list is 
that the setting in the mailing list is not to send a copy of your own mail 
to yourself.

With regards to using a mail retriever with gmail, I find that mpop is the 
easiest to configure and using it along with msmtp works like a charm.

The mpop downloads the mial form gmail and using msmtp, it submits the mail to 
postfix which then delivers it on to your local mail box.


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Coop: You see? The mysteries of the Universe are revealed when you break 
Jamie: When in doubt, blow up a planet.
Kiva: It's an 80 foot robot, if we can't see it, absolutely it's not here.
Glorft Technician: Unnecessary use of force in capturing the Earthers has been 

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Re: CGI Scripts, Apache 2.2.3, and Debian 4.0 R1

2007-12-16 Thread Freddy Freeloader

Jon D. Irish wrote:

I have a clean install of Debian 4.0 R1 with Apache 2.2.3-4 installed. I can 
not get cgi scripts to execute from the website. I have researched the Apache 
site and tried both of the following:
1) Under apache2.conf, I added

Directory /var/www/cgi-bin 
  Options +ExecCGI
  AddHandler cgi-script .cgi .pl
2) Under httpd.conf, I added

# ScriptAlias: This controls which directories contain server scripts.
# ScriptAliases are essentially the same as Aliases, except that
# documents in the realname directory are treated as applications and
# run by the server when requested rather than as documents sent to the client.
# The same rules about trailing / apply to ScriptAlias directives as to
# Alias.
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /var/www/cgi-bin/
# /var/www/cgi-bin should be changed to whatever your ScriptAliased
# CGI directory exists, if you have that configured.
Directory /var/www/cgi-bin
AllowOverride None
Options Indexes Includes FollowSymLinks
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from 192.168.1
Neither of these has allowed my cgi scripts to run. Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong?



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This may be a stupid question, but did you enable the cgi module by 
creating a symbolic link from /etc/apache2/mods-enabled to 
/etc/apache2/mods-available and install the appropriate php4/php5-cgi 
package or the libapache-mod-fastcgi depending on your usage?  Without 
doing those two things pache won't/can't load the cgi module. 

There are also some libcgi packages for perl and a couple of other 
languages too, but I'm not familiar with them as I've never had occasion 
to use them. 

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Re: amarok hangs

2007-12-16 Thread Jonathan Kaye
Christof Hurschler wrote:

 I'm running 1.4.7.-1.b1.
 Then I'm not the only one that is suffering.  I've seldom been so amazed
 by a program, and also frustrated.  I started with the etch version (of
 both amarok and my system), had to move up to lenny, to among other things
 get my wlan working.
 anyone know if the etch version is really stable?
Hi Chris,
I don't think you have to go as far back as Etch. I'm running Lenny
(2.6.22-3-686) with Amarok 1.4.6-1 and have no problems with it crashing.
In fact, it has never crashed. I haven't tried 1.4.7.-1 yet (I will when it
gets to Lenny) but afaict 1.4.6 is as stable as it can be.
Registerd Linux user #445917 at

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Gtk2.0 in sid works abnormally.

2007-12-16 Thread Magicloud Wang
I have been using gtk2.0 from May this year till now, with 2.6.18, 
2.6.21, 2.6.22, 2.6.23 kernels.
All have a problem that sometime gtk applications can not response to 
input at all. Mouse is OK, and programs run OK. I have to closed the program 
or even restart my machine to get it work again.
Does anyone else has this problem? Any idea?


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Re: imap and icedove

2007-12-16 Thread Jerome

thanks for the advice:
as I have never telnet any imap server before
I do not really the expected behaviour.

Nevertheless, I think that something is wrong with
the imap server as I do not have any login keyword.

What is the next step ?

Thanks in advance,
-Original Message-
From: Kent West [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 17, 2007 03:12 AM
To: 'User Debian'
Subject: Re: imap and icedove

Jerome BENOIT wrote:
 Since I updated my Lenny box,
 I have trouble with icedove:
 I can no more connect to the imap server.
 I turn on debug for courier-authdaemon and courier-imad:
 the authentifation seems Ok.
 Any idea ?

Try connecting with another client and/or telnet to determine if the 
problem is in Icedove or elsewhere.


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Re: lsof |grep /dev/dsp # gives 0 output but still busy?

2007-12-16 Thread Kamaraju S Kusumanchi
 How can lsof give no output when /dev/dsp is locked? How can I find
 what process uses my soundcard if not with lsof?
 computer:/home/tommy# esd
 /dev/dsp: Device or resource busy
 computer:/home/tommy# lsof|grep /dev/dsp

I have seen this behaviour whenever iceweasel is being used. Close your
iceweasel windows and see if the lsof output still hangs.

Kamaraju S Kusumanchi

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