accents a l'emacs

2010-07-12 Thread Ernest Adrogué

Des de fa uns dies em trobo que no puc escriure caràcters
amb accents a l'emacs. Si teclejo é només escriu e. Això
només passa en el mode GUI/GTK, en mode d'interfície de text
funciona bé. A algú li passa el mateix? No recordo haver
tocat res, ni haver fet cap actualització.


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Re: NETGEAR *Security Alert* [d4:f7:d7]

2010-07-12 Thread C. Mourad Jaber

Le 11/07/2010 16:31, a écrit :

Je charge actuellement avec ktorrent squeeze et j'ai des alertes de mon
modem-routeur de ce style:
TCP Packet - Source:,17709 Destination:,47118 -
TCP Packet - Source:,60323 Destination:,49729 - [DOS]
TCP Packet - Source:,51085 Destination:,39740 -
TCP Packet - Source:,17711 Destination:,48571 -
TCP Packet - Source:,17712 Destination:,49729 -
TCP Packet - Source:,52199 Destination:,49729 - [DOS]
TCP Packet - Source:,56367 Destination:,47118 - [DOS]
TCP Packet - Source:,59013 Destination:,49729 - [DOS]
TCP Packet - Source:,37086 Destination:,6881 -

Ça signifie quoi exactement des tentatives d'attaques,de blocage
Dois-je prendre des précautions particulières si oui lesquelles?



Les protocoles p2p ont tendance à beaucoup faire de renvoi de paquet 
avec des délais courts, cela peut être interprété comme un tentative de 
DoS (Deny of Service) si cela prend trop de bande passante...

A mon avis c'est à surveiller, mais pas trop inquétant.

Juste pour être sur, tu peux verifier que les peers qui t'envoient le 
plus de données sont effectivement ceux qui sont considérés comme 
faisant une tentative de DoS !



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Re: Gestion de Mysql

2010-07-12 Thread Frédéric ZULIAN
Le Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 06:53:17AM +0200, Xavier Maillard écrivait :
  Je vais heurter quelques personnes sur cette liste :  C'est facile à 
  utiliser et c'est tout en clic.
 En fait ce qui me choque le plus c'est que le produit que tu cites n'est
 absolument pas Libre ;)

C'est justement la raison pour laquelle j'interpelle la liste. Y a t-il
une application libre (empaqueté sous Debian serait l'Ideal) rendant peu
ou prou les mêmes services.


Frédéric ZULIAN

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Re: hs: Nom de vos machines

2010-07-12 Thread TOUZEAU Pierre SGAR14
Le Ministère a normalisé tout ça... beaucoup plus efficace dans une 
gestion de domaines mais moins poétique et pratique.

Du coup, on maintient dans les discussions les anciens noms de machines 
tous liés à la Mer

Notre serveur Poseidon est plus causant que sgar14-sfic0002
Notre portable Port-Racine plus sympa que sgar14-d080010 

Notre imprimante Impetueuse plus rapide que ...
notez la difficulté supplémentaire des portables portX et des 
imprimantes impXX  ;-)

On s'amuse comme on peut !


Le Fri, 9 Jul 2010 00:42:14 +0200,
Raphaël POITEVIN a écrit 

Je voulais savoir comment vous aviez dénommé vos différentes machines


Pierre Touzeau

Chargé de mission  /  Préfecture de region Basse-Normandie
SGAR/rue Daniel HUET/14038 CAEN CEDEX/Tel: +33 231 306 306 / Fax: ... 564

Re: Gestion de Mysql

2010-07-12 Thread fenark
Le dimanche 11 juillet 2010 à 16:19 +0200, Frédéric ZULIAN a écrit :
 Navicat permet de gerer les bases de données. Il est gratuit en version
 non-commerciale et existe sous Linux.
 Je vais heurter quelques personnes sur cette liste :  C'est facile à utiliser 
 et c'est tout en clic.
 Dispose t-on d'un paquet rendant les services équivalent sous Debian ?
 Quelque chose de simple pour  Mysql ?


MySQL Workbench est un bon outil AMHA.

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Re: presque HS : WOL qui marche pas

2010-07-12 Thread Francois Boisson
Le 11 Jul 2010 06:09:59 GMT
moi-meme a écrit:

Truc idiot mais il faut vérifier que le fichier /etc/default/halt contient
«halt» et non «poweroff» qui coupe toute l'alim et donc tout WOL possible.
J'avais fini par patcher les fichiers /etc/init.d/halt pour faire fonctionner
ce truc.

François Boisson

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apache AllowOverride

2010-07-12 Thread Tahar BEN ACHOUR
Bonjour à tous,

j'ai un site qui me donne deux erreurs à cause d'un htaccess d'une part j'ai 

php_value not allowed here et indexIgnore not allowed here,

comment autoriser ces deux options sans etre obligé de mettre 

AllowOverride All ? 

avec un AllowOverride All ça marche sans problème, mais je ne voudrais pas 
autoriser toutes les options 

Merci pour votre aide

PS : j'ai essayé de chercher pour ces deux options mais je n'ai pas trouvé 
quleque chose de concret 

Encore merci.

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Re: [PART HS] Clef 3G+ sous Debian ?

2010-07-12 Thread Bernard

David Cure wrote:


Le Sun, Jul 11, 2010 at 05:08:25PM +0200, Bernard ecrivait :
Bon, j'ai réussi à installer gcom (ancien nom de comgt) sur mon  
Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron). Demain matin je vais tâcher d'obtenir la  
fameuse clef 3G+ de la formule Pass Internet Everywhere, et je pourrai  
faire l'essai.

Voila ce que j'avais fait l'année dernière pour utiliser une
clefs 3G+ Orange :


Merci pour ces infos. Malheureusement, mes efforts pour tâcher d'obtenir 
le coffret Pass Internet Everywhere se sont soldés par un échec, en 
dépit de mon obstination. Même si c'est hors sujet, je pense que 
l'histoire vaut d'être contée :

A l'agence Orange la plus proche de chez moi (Pontoise Osny), après une 
confortable attente, on m'a dit : Cette offre n'est pas disponible à 
cette agence ; pour connaître les agences où c'est disponible, 
téléphonez au 3270. Ceci fait, le conseiller m'a donné deux adresses, à 
35 km de chez moi : Le Chesnay et Versailles, où je me suis rendu, en 
dépit de la distance. Une heure d'attente à la première agence, autant à 
la seconde, pour la même réponse : cette offre n'est plus disponible ici 
!  Bien évidemment, on m'a fait d'autres propositions, aucune 
intéressante (par exemple, des systèmes avec seulement 100 Mo par 
mois... Avec les spams que je reçois, cela serait sans doute épuisé en 2 
jours... A la seconde agence, celle de Versailles, on a été un peu plus 
explicite :

 l'offre Pass Internet Everywhere n'a pas été supprimée, simplement 
elle n'est plus disponible en agence. Vous pouvez y souscrire par 
courrier postal ; ils vous enverront le coffret et la carte SIM, mais il 
se pourrait que ne le receviez que dans quelques semaines, lorsque le 
trafic aura diminué, soit après les vacances. Le fait que cette offre ne 
comporte pas de limitation de transfert est vraisemblablement la raison 
pour laquelle les agences ne peuvent obtenir de réapprovisionnement des 

Or, précisément, cette offre ne m'intéresse que pendant les vacances !   
Je pars le 18 et, d'ici là, j'ai besoin de quelques jours pour installer 
et essayer. Je ne vais pas aller souscrire à un truc qui, si je ne puis 
en disposer maintenant, ne me sera plus utile avant l'été 2011 !

Alternativement, bien que cela m'intéressait beaucoup moins, j'ai un 
moment envisagé l'offre avec engagement d'un an pour 5 Euros par mois et 
2 heures d'Internet, forfait ajustable avec un max de 2 Go de transfert 
mensuel (soit tout de même 20 fois plus que pour le forfait à 100 
Mo/mois qu'on m'a proposé ce matin). Mais cette hypothèse alternative ne 
convient pas non plus car, si l'on vous donne bien le coffret tout de 
suite, la carte SIM, elle, vous est envoyée par courrier et, bien 
évidemment, on ne peut vous garantir de délai pour cet envoi.

Alors, je me tourne vers SFR. Là, l'on m'a proposé une offre sans 
engagement :  la clef coûte 29 Euros et ne comporte pas de crédit de 
connexion. Avec cela, on achète des PASS :

20 minutes valables 24 heures : 3 Euros
une journée sans limitation (jusqu'à Minuit) : 9 Euros
une heure valable 15 jours : 7 Euros
8 heures valables 15 jours : 26 Euros

C'est bien plus cher que l'offre Pass Internet Everywhere de chez 
Orange, laquelle, pour 30 Euros, comporte  2 + 4 = 6 heures gratuites, 
et les pass (par exemple 25 Euros pour 6 heures) sont valables un mois. 
Mais c'est disponible IMMEDIATEMENT !  Avec cette offre SFR, pas de 
limitation pour les transferts... même si je suis au courant du fait 
qu'en pratique les débits sont souvent ridiculement faibles et les 
coupures hyper fréquentes !

Ma question est la suivante : la clef 3G+ qu'ils vendent est une huawei 
abcd... Est-ce que c'est compatible avec Linux Debian ou/et Ubuntu ?   
Le vendeur n'a pu me le confirmer, se contentant de me donner un numéro 
à appeler pour ce renseignement technique, le 1026... mais il s'avère 
que ce numéro, payant, n'est accessible qu'aux clients SFR, car il est 
demandé de taper le numéro de mobile SFR !   Bonjour la compétence des 
commerciaux des points de vente !

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Re: [PART HS] Clef 3G+ sous Debian ?

2010-07-12 Thread Daniel Huhardeaux

Le 12/07/2010 16:08, Bernard a écrit :

Ma question est la suivante : la clef 3G+ qu'ils vendent est une 
huawei abcd... Est-ce que c'est compatible avec Linux Debian ou/et 
Ubuntu ?


Script connect:


echo 'at+cpin=MonCodePIN' /dev/ttyUSB0
sleep 3
sudo /usr/bin/wvdial $1


[Dialer Defaults]
Phone =
Username =
Password =
New PPPD = yes

[Dialer sfr]
Username = sfr
Password = sfr
Init2 = ATZ
Init3 = ATQ0V1E0D2C1S0=0
Init4 = AT+CGDCONT=1,IP,slsfr
Dial Command = ATDT
Stupid Mode=1

Dans un terminal: connect sfr

Autres solutions:

ou utiliser l'Internet illimitté de l'abonnement mobile en connectant 
celui ci au PC et utiliser le mobile comme modem.


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[apt-get] Problème d'installation.

2010-07-12 Thread MARTY

Bonjour à tous,

J'ai quelques problèmes avec l'installation d'un package que j'ai créé. 
Je l'installe, mais la machine ne semble pas s'en 'souvenir'. Je 
m'explique :

Je n'ai aucun soucis pour le créer, je pense donc (à tord peut être) que 
tout ce qui est nécessaire est présent dans le package.
Lorsque je fais un apt-get install, le package s'installe parfaitement, 
tout fonctionne comme je le veux. Lorsque je fais un apt-get remove, le 
package est completement supprimé. Jusqu'ici pas de soucis.

Mon problème vient lors d'une mise à jour. Bien qu'une nouvelle version 
se trouve sur mon dépot, apt-get ne semble pas vouloir le mettre à jour 
-le paquet n'apparait pas dans la liste de ceux qui vont être mis à jour...-

J'ai alors vérifié la priorité de mon package : je fais un apt-cache 
policy sur mon package, juste apres l'avoir installé -via apt-get 
install, puis vérification que tout fonctionne correctement-. Il me 
répond alors qu'aucune version n'est installée actuellement.

Le problème pourrait il venir du fait que j'installe le package sur une 
machine Ubuntu -je sais, mais j'ai pas le choix- même si les packages y 
fonctionnent de la même manière ?

Il s'agit d'un package de configuration, aucun binaire à l'interieur, 
seulement des fichiers à placer au bon endroit et un script à lancer. Il 
ne contient donc qu'un seul fichier pour la création du package -le 
fichier DEBIAN/control- . Cela semble suffire pour la création du 
package sans erreur -ni warning-. Peut être n'est ce pas suffisant pour 
l'installation ?

Quelqu'un aurait-il déjà connu ce problème ?

Si jamais je ne suis pas sur la mailing list adhéquat, pourrait on me 
réaiguiller ?

Merci a tous par avance,


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Re: apache AllowOverride

2010-07-12 Thread Daniel Caillibaud
Le 12/07/10 à 11:28, Tahar BEN ACHOUR a écrit :
TBA php_value not allowed here et indexIgnore not allowed here,
TBA comment autoriser ces deux options sans etre obligé de mettre 
TBA AllowOverride All ? 
TBA avec un AllowOverride All ça marche sans problème, mais je ne voudrais pas 
TBA autoriser toutes les options

Pour l'index, c'est Indexes, et pour le php, c'est Options 
AllowOverride Indexes Options
devrait marcher

(en cherchant dans ton moteur favori allowoverride et php_value tu aurais 
trouvé ça tout seul...)


La nature est prévoyante : elle a fait pousser la pomme en Normandie sachant
que c'est dans cette région qu'on boit le plus de cidre.
Henri Monnier

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Re: [PART HS] Clef 3G+ sous Debian ?

2010-07-12 Thread Bernard

Daniel Huhardeaux wrote:

Le 12/07/2010 16:08, Bernard a écrit :

Ma question est la suivante : la clef 3G+ qu'ils vendent est une 
huawei abcd... Est-ce que c'est compatible avec Linux Debian ou/et 
Ubuntu ?


Script connect:


echo 'at+cpin=MonCodePIN' /dev/ttyUSB0
sleep 3
sudo /usr/bin/wvdial $1


[Dialer Defaults]
Phone =
Username =
Password =
New PPPD = yes

[Dialer sfr]
Username = sfr
Password = sfr
Init2 = ATZ
Init3 = ATQ0V1E0D2C1S0=0
Init4 = AT+CGDCONT=1,IP,slsfr
Dial Command = ATDT
Stupid Mode=1

Dans un terminal: connect sfr

Merci pour cette réponse. J'ai créé le script connect avec les lignes 
ci-dessus, puis j'ai rendu le fichier exécutable. Ensuite j'ai ouvert 
/etc/wvdial.conf : le paragraphe [Dialer Defaults] existait déjà, tel 
que décrit ci-dessus. J'y ai ajouté le paragraphe [Dialer sfr].

J'ai introduit ma clef SFR dans un port USB. Peu après Gnome a affiché 
le navigateur de fichiers, et j'ai vu apparaître l'onglet SFR - ZTE 
avec, dans la page de droite, les icônes des fichiers y présents (des 
utilitaires MSWIN).

J'ai alors ouvert un terminal, et tapé : sudo ./connect sfr

Et voici le résultat :

-- Wvdial: Internet dialer version 1.60
-- Cannot open /dev/ttyUSB0: Inappropriate iotcl for device
-- Cannot open /dev/ttyUSB0: Inappropriate iotcl for device
-- Cannot open /dev/ttyUSB0: Inappropriate iotcl for device (ligne 
répétée trois fois)

ttyUSB0 existe bien dans le répertoire /dev, mais seulement à la 
condition que le switch pour le WiFi soit en position ON, dans la 
négative ttyUSB0 n'existe pas. Lorsqu'il existe (donc lorsque le switch 
WiFi est sur ON), les droits s'affichent comme suit :

-rw-r--r--   1   root   root

alors que les autres tty... de la liste sont en crw-rw-rw-, root, tty

Merci d'avance pour vos lumières sur la manière de m'en sortir. Au fait: 
à ce stade, j'ai écrit les scripts tels qu'indiqués par Daniel. Par 
exemple, dans 'connect', je n'ai pas mis mon code PIN, mais  à la 
place, car le vendeur SFR m'a dit qu'avec cette formule sans engagement 
on ne me demanderait pas mon code PIN. Idem pour le num de tél, à ce 
stade j'ai laissé Phone=*99***1#

Au  fait, le code PIN, c'est le N° SIM ?  (le mien a 20 chiffres)

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Re: [PART HS] Clef 3G+ sous Debian ?

2010-07-12 Thread Daniel Huhardeaux

Le 12/07/2010 20:12, Bernard a écrit :

J'ai introduit ma clef SFR dans un port USB. Peu après Gnome a affiché 
le navigateur de fichiers, et j'ai vu apparaître l'onglet SFR - ZTE 
avec, dans la page de droite, les icônes des fichiers y présents (des 
utilitaires MSWIN).

J'ai alors ouvert un terminal, et tapé : sudo ./connect sfr

Et voici le résultat :

-- Wvdial: Internet dialer version 1.60
-- Cannot open /dev/ttyUSB0: Inappropriate iotcl for device
-- Cannot open /dev/ttyUSB0: Inappropriate iotcl for device
-- Cannot open /dev/ttyUSB0: Inappropriate iotcl for device (ligne 
répétée trois fois)

Vérifier après l'introduction de la clé les messages avec dmesg pour 
savoir si la clé est bien reconnue sous /dev/ttyUSB0


Au  fait, le code PIN, c'est le N° SIM ?  (le mien a 20 chiffres)

Le code PIN est ... le code PIN, soit 4 chiffres ;-)


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Re: [PART HS] Clef 3G+ sous Debian ?

2010-07-12 Thread Bernard

Daniel Huhardeaux wrote:

Le 12/07/2010 20:12, Bernard a écrit :

J'ai introduit ma clef SFR dans un port USB. Peu après Gnome a 
affiché le navigateur de fichiers, et j'ai vu apparaître l'onglet 
SFR - ZTE avec, dans la page de droite, les icônes des fichiers y 
présents (des utilitaires MSWIN).

J'ai alors ouvert un terminal, et tapé : sudo ./connect sfr

Et voici le résultat :

-- Wvdial: Internet dialer version 1.60
-- Cannot open /dev/ttyUSB0: Inappropriate iotcl for device
-- Cannot open /dev/ttyUSB0: Inappropriate iotcl for device
-- Cannot open /dev/ttyUSB0: Inappropriate iotcl for device (ligne 
répétée trois fois)

Vérifier après l'introduction de la clé les messages avec dmesg pour 
savoir si la clé est bien reconnue sous /dev/ttyUSB0


dmesg | grep ttusub0

rien n'est trouvé !

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grub legacy versus ancien grub

2010-07-12 Thread mess-mate

voulant passer de grub2 à grub-legacy je me rends compte que les 
fichiers stage. et autres n'y sont plus.
Par contre les fichiers de grub-common y sont et seraient donc utilisé 
aussi bien par grub-legacy que par grub2 ?
Où est donc l'intérêt d'utiliser grub-legacy et en plus quel sont les 
commandes ?


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Re: [PART HS] Clef 3G+ sous Debian ?

2010-07-12 Thread Daniel Huhardeaux

Le 12/07/2010 22:11, Bernard a écrit :

Daniel Huhardeaux wrote:

Le 12/07/2010 20:12, Bernard a écrit :

J'ai introduit ma clef SFR dans un port USB. Peu après Gnome a 
affiché le navigateur de fichiers, et j'ai vu apparaître l'onglet 
SFR - ZTE avec, dans la page de droite, les icônes des fichiers y 
présents (des utilitaires MSWIN).

J'ai alors ouvert un terminal, et tapé : sudo ./connect sfr

Et voici le résultat :

-- Wvdial: Internet dialer version 1.60
-- Cannot open /dev/ttyUSB0: Inappropriate iotcl for device
-- Cannot open /dev/ttyUSB0: Inappropriate iotcl for device
-- Cannot open /dev/ttyUSB0: Inappropriate iotcl for device (ligne 
répétée trois fois)

Vérifier après l'introduction de la clé les messages avec dmesg pour 
savoir si la clé est bien reconnue sous /dev/ttyUSB0


dmesg | grep ttusub0

rien n'est trouvé !

Euh ... ttusub0, cela parait logique qu'il ne trouve rien! Erreur? De 
toute manière, la commande dmesg tout simplement affichera les dernières 
infos, soit donc celles générées par l'introduction de la clé. Beaucoup 
plus parlant.

Daniel Huhardeaux

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Re: [PART HS] Clef 3G+ sous Debian ?

2010-07-12 Thread Bernard

Daniel Huhardeaux wrote:

Le 12/07/2010 22:11, Bernard a écrit :

Daniel Huhardeaux wrote:

Le 12/07/2010 20:12, Bernard a écrit :

J'ai introduit ma clef SFR dans un port USB. Peu après Gnome a 
affiché le navigateur de fichiers, et j'ai vu apparaître l'onglet 
SFR - ZTE avec, dans la page de droite, les icônes des fichiers y 
présents (des utilitaires MSWIN).

J'ai alors ouvert un terminal, et tapé : sudo ./connect sfr

Et voici le résultat :

-- Wvdial: Internet dialer version 1.60
-- Cannot open /dev/ttyUSB0: Inappropriate iotcl for device
-- Cannot open /dev/ttyUSB0: Inappropriate iotcl for device
-- Cannot open /dev/ttyUSB0: Inappropriate iotcl for device (ligne 
répétée trois fois)

Vérifier après l'introduction de la clé les messages avec dmesg pour 
savoir si la clé est bien reconnue sous /dev/ttyUSB0


dmesg | grep ttusub0

rien n'est trouvé !

Euh ... ttusub0, cela parait logique qu'il ne trouve rien! Erreur? De 
toute manière, la commande dmesg tout simplement affichera les 
dernières infos, soit donc celles générées par l'introduction de la 
clé. Beaucoup plus parlant.

voici les résultats aux liens suivants. Le premier est ce que me donne 
'dmesg' avant l'introduction de la clef, le second (dmesg1.txt) est ce 
que j'obtiens après :

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Re: Consulta Virtualizacion

2010-07-12 Thread Juan Serra Costa
En Mon, 12 Jul 2010 03:43:06 +0200, Galileo Galilei  

El dom, 11-07-2010 a las 21:13 -0400, escribió:

Que tal masters!
Una consulta. No soy experto en el tema, pero me estoy metiendo en
esto de la virtualizacion. Me gustaria me recomendasen que
alternativas opensource me recomiendan. Tengo un par de maquinas que
me interesa virtualizar y me gustaria ver que me recomiendan los
expertos. Busco en Google pero me marea tanta informacion. Busco en
VMWARE pero veo que es pagado. Por otro lado, se que hay una
alternativa llamada Xen Server, pero es de Citrix y tambien es pagada.
Veo que hay una solucion llamada Virtualbox, pero no se si sea
recomendada para hostear maquinas virtuales para dar servicios en red.

Que me recomiendan? alguna URL donde poder ver y converger?

Sin ser ningún experto ni nada parecido probaría VirtualBox de Debian
Testing. El de Estable me dio varios problemas. El de Testing me anduvo
muy bien. Ahora para hostear tendría que verlo en la práctica. El
rendimiento es inferior al de la máquina física porque usa solamente una
parte de la ram de esta. Tal vez si la máquina física tiene bastante
memoria ram podría andar bien. Habría que verlo en la práctica.

saludos y gracias,


Yo suelo trabajar con Proxmox Ve, prácticamente es una debian.

Juan Serra Costa

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Re: Consulta Virtualizacion

2010-07-12 Thread AngelD
El Sun, 11 Jul 2010 21:13:21 -0400 escribió:

 Que tal masters!
 Una consulta. No soy experto en el tema, pero me estoy metiendo en  
 esto de la virtualizacion. Me gustaria me recomendasen que  
 alternativas opensource me recomiendan. Tengo un par de maquinas que  
 me interesa virtualizar y me gustaria ver que me recomiendan los  
 expertos. Busco en Google pero me marea tanta informacion. Busco en  
 VMWARE pero veo que es pagado. Por otro lado, se que hay una  
 alternativa llamada Xen Server, pero es de Citrix y tambien es
 pagada. Veo que hay una solucion llamada Virtualbox, pero no se si
 sea recomendada para hostear maquinas virtuales para dar servicios en

En mi caso sólo valoro dos alternativas (Virtualbox nunca me
ha gustado). 

[1]Xen, del que tengo buenas vibraciones, y que aunque lo haya
comprado Citrix sigue teniendo paquetes libres. Hace tiempo que no lo
uso, y lo descarté porque en aquel entonces (creo que ahora es
diferente) se requerían kernels adaptados en la máquina anfitriona. 

[2]KVM, el que uso en la actualidad. Está incluido en el kernel
desde la 2.6.20, y la [3]paravirtualización de disco y red está
disponible desde la 2.6.25 (creo).

Existe algún ayudante, tanto para Xen como KVM, para crear las
máquinas virtuales de forma sencilla, del que no me acuerdo el nombre
al no haberlo utilizado nunca :-(, pero que seguro está empaquetado en

De todas formas, para virtualizar servicios de red, sólo
tienes que buscar que la red se paravirtualice, algo que creo hacen
tanto Xen, KVM y VirtualBox (repito, creo).

Saludos --- Angel 


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Re: Consulta Virtualizacion

2010-07-12 Thread Angel Abad
El día 12 de julio de 2010 12:52, AngelD escribió:
 El Sun, 11 Jul 2010 21:13:21 -0400 escribió:

 Que tal masters!
 Una consulta. No soy experto en el tema, pero me estoy metiendo en
 esto de la virtualizacion. Me gustaria me recomendasen que
 alternativas opensource me recomiendan. Tengo un par de maquinas que
 me interesa virtualizar y me gustaria ver que me recomiendan los
 expertos. Busco en Google pero me marea tanta informacion. Busco en
 VMWARE pero veo que es pagado. Por otro lado, se que hay una
 alternativa llamada Xen Server, pero es de Citrix y tambien es
 pagada. Veo que hay una solucion llamada Virtualbox, pero no se si
 sea recomendada para hostear maquinas virtuales para dar servicios en

        En mi caso sólo valoro dos alternativas (Virtualbox nunca me
 ha gustado).

        [1]Xen, del que tengo buenas vibraciones, y que aunque lo haya
 comprado Citrix sigue teniendo paquetes libres. Hace tiempo que no lo
 uso, y lo descarté porque en aquel entonces (creo que ahora es
 diferente) se requerían kernels adaptados en la máquina anfitriona.

        [2]KVM, el que uso en la actualidad. Está incluido en el kernel
 desde la 2.6.20, y la [3]paravirtualización de disco y red está
 disponible desde la 2.6.25 (creo).

Yo sigo usando xen con muy buenos resultados pero poco a poco voy
migrando a KVM, sobre todo por que viene integrado en el kernel y el
rendimiento es muy bueno también.

        Existe algún ayudante, tanto para Xen como KVM, para crear las
 máquinas virtuales de forma sencilla, del que no me acuerdo el nombre
 al no haberlo utilizado nunca :-(, pero que seguro está empaquetado en

Quizás te refieras al paquete virtinst.


        De todas formas, para virtualizar servicios de red, sólo
 tienes que buscar que la red se paravirtualice, algo que creo hacen
 tanto Xen, KVM y VirtualBox (repito, creo).

        Saludos --- Angel


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Re: Consulta Virtualizacion

2010-07-12 Thread Angel Abad
El día 12 de julio de 2010 12:59, Angel Abad escribió:
 El día 12 de julio de 2010 12:52, AngelD escribió:
 El Sun, 11 Jul 2010 21:13:21 -0400 escribió:

 Que tal masters!
 Una consulta. No soy experto en el tema, pero me estoy metiendo en
 esto de la virtualizacion. Me gustaria me recomendasen que
 alternativas opensource me recomiendan. Tengo un par de maquinas que
 me interesa virtualizar y me gustaria ver que me recomiendan los
 expertos. Busco en Google pero me marea tanta informacion. Busco en
 VMWARE pero veo que es pagado. Por otro lado, se que hay una
 alternativa llamada Xen Server, pero es de Citrix y tambien es
 pagada. Veo que hay una solucion llamada Virtualbox, pero no se si
 sea recomendada para hostear maquinas virtuales para dar servicios en

        En mi caso sólo valoro dos alternativas (Virtualbox nunca me
 ha gustado).

        [1]Xen, del que tengo buenas vibraciones, y que aunque lo haya
 comprado Citrix sigue teniendo paquetes libres. Hace tiempo que no lo
 uso, y lo descarté porque en aquel entonces (creo que ahora es
 diferente) se requerían kernels adaptados en la máquina anfitriona.

        [2]KVM, el que uso en la actualidad. Está incluido en el kernel
 desde la 2.6.20, y la [3]paravirtualización de disco y red está
 disponible desde la 2.6.25 (creo).

 Yo sigo usando xen con muy buenos resultados pero poco a poco voy
 migrando a KVM, sobre todo por que viene integrado en el kernel y el
 rendimiento es muy bueno también.

        Existe algún ayudante, tanto para Xen como KVM, para crear las
 máquinas virtuales de forma sencilla, del que no me acuerdo el nombre
 al no haberlo utilizado nunca :-(, pero que seguro está empaquetado en

 Quizás te refieras al paquete virtinst.

Perdón, quería decir virt-manager.


        De todas formas, para virtualizar servicios de red, sólo
 tienes que buscar que la red se paravirtualice, algo que creo hacen
 tanto Xen, KVM y VirtualBox (repito, creo).

        Saludos --- Angel


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Pallet-Bottle Coozie

2010-07-12 Thread Action Engineering, Inc.
Pallet Racking  Carts   
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This special pallet geometry allows you to load  print two bottle coozies. 
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Action Engineering is pleased to offer the perfect addition to any new set of 
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second squeegee blade behind the first results in an increase of penetration 
into the fabric. With plastisol ink - it helps push thick ink through fine 
mesh. Increase Production rates with the Double Stroke Squeegee. Try your first 
one for 1/2 Price!! Offer Valid through end of July.

Toll Free..800.228.4668

Email -
This message was sent by: Action Engineering, Inc., P.O. Box 389, Tucker, GA 

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Consulta Virtualizacion

2010-07-12 Thread Camaleón
El Sun, 11 Jul 2010 21:13:21 -0400, mramirez escribió:

(abro un nuevo hilo para que no pierda en medio de otro)

 Una consulta. No soy experto en el tema, pero me estoy metiendo en esto
 de la virtualizacion. Me gustaria me recomendasen que alternativas
 opensource me recomiendan. Tengo un par de maquinas que me interesa
 virtualizar y me gustaria ver que me recomiendan los expertos. Busco en
 Google pero me marea tanta informacion. Busco en VMWARE pero veo que es

VMware tiene versiones de pago y gratuitas, pero es código cerrado. La 
versión gratuita tiene algunas limitaciones y me parece que no permite un 
uso comercial.

 Por otro lado, se que hay una alternativa llamada Xen Server,
 pero es de Citrix y tambien es pagada. 

Xen es software libre, pero la mayor parte de las distribuciones 
linuxeras (RedHat, SUSE SLES y Ubuntu) están apostando por KVM.

 Veo que hay una solucion llamada
 Virtualbox, pero no se si sea recomendada para hostear maquinas
 virtuales para dar servicios en red.

VirtualBox tiene dos versiones: una libre (con algunas limitaciones) y 
otra de código cerrado, cuya licencia no permite su uso comercial.

Virtualbox es mi elección para cosas caseras, pero para dar servicios 
serios no creo que sea la más conveniente.
 Que me recomiendan? alguna URL donde poder ver y converger?

La Wikipedia tiene buenos datos comparativos:



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Re: Error en llave pública

2010-07-12 Thread Ismael L. Donis García
No, el sources.list está bien solo tengo apuntando los repositorios locales 
que tengo en el disco duro.

deb file:/media/D/PERSONALES/debian/base/ lenny main contrib non-free
deb file:/media/D/PERSONALES/debian/backports/ lenny-backports main contrib 

deb file:/media/D/PERSONALES/debian/multimedia/ lenny main
deb file:/media/D/PERSONALES/debian/security/ lenny/updates main contrib 

deb file:/media/D/PERSONALES/debian/volatile/ lenny/volatile main

El problema para mi entender es que me falta por instalar una clave que no 
tengo no se porque.

Saludos cordiales
|| ISMAEL ||
- Original Message - 
From: Santiago Vila

Sent: Friday, July 09, 2010 6:50 PM
Subject: Re: Error en llave pública

On Fri, 9 Jul 2010, Ismael L. Donis García wrote:

Tengo el repositorio de debian en una carpeta porque no tengo acceso a
Internet, pero cuando trato de actualizarlo me da el siguiente error:

W: GPG error: file: lenny Release: Las firmas siguientes no se pudieron
verificar porque su llave pública no está disponible: NO_PUBKEY

Como puedo solucionarlo?

Quita la línea que dice debian-multimedia de /etc/apt/sources.list.
Si como dices, no tienes Internet, no te va a funcionar.

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Re: Error en llave pública

2010-07-12 Thread Ismael L. Donis García

Si lees el asunto verás que no dice nada de cuotas.

Uso este método de reenvío porque no se que pasa que si trato de crear un 
mensaje nuevo directamente no llegan a la lista, o al menos a mi. Eso lo he 
tratado varias veces y todas en vano.

La causa no me la preguntes la desconozco y como solo me funciona la de 
reenvío cambiando el asunto, pues uso esta.

|| ISMAEL ||

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Re: Consulta Virtualizacion

2010-07-12 Thread Ismael L. Donis García
Yo uso VirtualBox Funciona de maravillas, normalmente levanto 
hasta 2 máquinas virtuales, eso sí, debes tener bastante memoria disponible.

También esta el VirtualBox Ose que viene con debian, pero no se como irá.

|| ISMAEL ||
- Original Message - 
From: Galileo Galilei

Sent: Sunday, July 11, 2010 9:43 PM
Subject: Re: Consulta Virtualizacion

El dom, 11-07-2010 a las 21:13 -0400, escribió:

Que tal masters!
Una consulta. No soy experto en el tema, pero me estoy metiendo en
esto de la virtualizacion. Me gustaria me recomendasen que
alternativas opensource me recomiendan. Tengo un par de maquinas que
me interesa virtualizar y me gustaria ver que me recomiendan los
expertos. Busco en Google pero me marea tanta informacion. Busco en
VMWARE pero veo que es pagado. Por otro lado, se que hay una
alternativa llamada Xen Server, pero es de Citrix y tambien es pagada.
Veo que hay una solucion llamada Virtualbox, pero no se si sea
recomendada para hostear maquinas virtuales para dar servicios en red.

Que me recomiendan? alguna URL donde poder ver y converger?

Sin ser ningún experto ni nada parecido probaría VirtualBox de Debian
Testing. El de Estable me dio varios problemas. El de Testing me anduvo
muy bien. Ahora para hostear tendría que verlo en la práctica. El
rendimiento es inferior al de la máquina física porque usa solamente una
parte de la ram de esta. Tal vez si la máquina física tiene bastante
memoria ram podría andar bien. Habría que verlo en la práctica.

saludos y gracias,


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[OT] QemuPDL

2010-07-12 Thread Carlos Albornoz

Recurro a ustedes por lo siguiente. Necesito encontrar PendriveLinux
[], pero no la versión 2009 que está en source
forge, sino la que aparece en el video de la pagina (creo que es la
2008) el ejecutable se llama qemupdlv1.1.0.exe, he encontrado varios
sitios que hablan de el pero la descarga dirige justamente a la
version 2009 y la antigua no se encuentra en la lista de descargas.

Si alguien lo tiene o sabe de donde bajarlo sería de gran ayuda, yo
por mientras, seguire buscando...


Carlos Albornoz C.
Staff []
Linux User #360502
Fono: 97864420

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2010-07-12 Thread Liuber Hernández Leyva
Hola lista., 
Recien instalé samba.
No logro que el usuario wind2 pueda eliminar o escribir en su carpeta, 

Modifiqué los parámetros en smb.conf  /home
agregandole, pero nada, 
 writable = yes

Si comparto las carpetas una por una, sin problema, pero la idea es configurar 
para todas. 

necesito ayuda u orientación.
gracias de antemano
“El ignorante afirma, el sabio duda y reflexiona.” Aristóteles ...


Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de usar 
el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas


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Re: samba

2010-07-12 Thread Camaleón
El Mon, 12 Jul 2010 11:35:23 +0200, Liuber Hernández Leyva escribió:

 Hola lista.,
 Recien instalé samba.
 No logro que el usuario wind2 pueda eliminar o escribir en su carpeta,

El usuario windows tiene que estar dado de alta en la bdd de samba (y en 
la del equipo debian) o en su defecto, estar mapeado a un usuario 

Revisa los permisos que tiene ese directorio, los permisos de linux 
tienen prioridad sobre los permisos de samba.
 Modifiqué los parámetros en smb.conf  /home agregandole, pero nada,
  writable = yes

Hay una opción que es write list = usuario1, usuario2
 Si comparto las carpetas una por una, sin problema, pero la idea es
 configurar para todas.

Eso no debería afectar :-?



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Re: samba

2010-07-12 Thread ceduard0
El 12 de julio de 2010 04:35, Liuber Hernández Leyva escribió:

 Hola lista.,
 Recien instalé samba.
 No logro que el usuario wind2 pueda eliminar o escribir en su carpeta,

 Modifiqué los parámetros en smb.conf  /home
 agregandole, pero nada,
  writable = yes

Yo teniendo la configuración por defecto del samba modifico el
parametro read only = no:
   comment = Home Directories
   browseable = no

# By default, the home directories are exported read-only. Change the
# next parameter to 'no' if you want to be able to write to them.
   read only = no

Despues de esto reinicio el samba y listo.

 Si comparto las carpetas una por una, sin problema, pero la idea es configurar
 para todas.

 necesito ayuda u orientación.
 gracias de antemano
 “El ignorante afirma, el sabio duda y reflexiona.” Aristóteles ...


 Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
 ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
 Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de 
 usar el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas


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Re: samba

2010-07-12 Thread Liuber Hernández Leyva
On Monday 12 July 2010 17:54:01 Camaleón wrote:
 El Mon, 12 Jul 2010 11:35:23 +0200, Liuber Hernández Leyva escribió:
  Hola lista.,
  Recien instalé samba.
  No logro que el usuario wind2 pueda eliminar o escribir en su carpeta,

 El usuario windows tiene que estar dado de alta en la bdd de samba (y en
 la del equipo debian) o en su defecto, estar mapeado a un usuario
si, está correcto.

 Revisa los permisos que tiene ese directorio, los permisos de linux
 tienen prioridad sobre los permisos de samba.
Le di al user de prueba, chmod -R 777 prueba/ 
y no funciona, 

  Modifiqué los parámetros en smb.conf  /home agregandole, pero nada,
   writable = yes

 Hay una opción que es write list = usuario1, usuario2
Está opción me sirviese para mi segundo caso. configurar carpeta por carpeta, 
no me gustaría, 

  Si comparto las carpetas una por una, sin problema, pero la idea es
  configurar para todas.

 Eso no debería afectar :-?



gracias por la ayuda. 

“El ignorante afirma, el sabio duda y reflexiona.” Aristóteles ...


Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de usar 
el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas


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Re: samba

2010-07-12 Thread Liuber Hernández Leyva
On Monday 12 July 2010 17:59:42 ceduard0 wrote:
 El 12 de julio de 2010 04:35, Liuber Hernández Leyva escribió:
  Hola lista.,
  Recien instalé samba.
  No logro que el usuario wind2 pueda eliminar o escribir en su carpeta,
  Modifiqué los parámetros en smb.conf  /home
  agregandole, pero nada,
   writable = yes

 Yo teniendo la configuración por defecto del samba modifico el
 parametro read only = no:
comment = Home Directories
browseable = no

 # By default, the home directories are exported read-only. Change the
 # next parameter to 'no' if you want to be able to write to them.
read only = no

 Despues de esto reinicio el samba y listo.

  Si comparto las carpetas una por una, sin problema, pero la idea es
  configurar para todas.
  necesito ayuda u orientación.
  gracias de antemano
  “El ignorante afirma, el sabio duda y reflexiona.” Aristóteles ...
  Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que
  ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema
  Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso
  de usar el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones
  To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact Archive:


No funciona, no se porque, pero creo que debiría funcionar, 

adjunto mi smb.conf
# Sample configuration file for the Samba suite for Debian GNU/Linux.
# This is the main Samba configuration file. You should read the
# smb.conf(5) manual page in order to understand the options listed
# here. Samba has a huge number of configurable options most of which 
# are not shown in this example
# Some options that are often worth tuning have been included as
# commented-out examples in this file.
#  - When such options are commented with ;, the proposed setting
#differs from the default Samba behaviour
#  - When commented with #, the proposed setting is the default
#behaviour of Samba but the option is considered important
#enough to be mentioned here
# NOTE: Whenever you modify this file you should run the command
# testparm to check that you have not made any basic syntactic 
# errors. 
# A well-established practice is to name the original file
# smb.conf.master and create the real config file with
# testparm -s smb.conf.master smb.conf
# This minimizes the size of the really used smb.conf file
# which, according to the Samba Team, impacts performance
# However, use this with caution if your smb.conf file contains nested
# include statements. See Debian bug #483187 for a case
# where using a master file is not a good idea.

#=== Global Settings ===


# By default, the hom
## Browsing/Identification ###

# Change this to the workgroup/NT-domain name your Samba server will part of
   workgroup = fts

# server string is the equivalent of the NT Description field
   server string = %h server

# Windows Internet Name Serving Support Section:
# WINS Support - Tells the NMBD component of Samba to enable its WINS Server
#   wins support = no

# WINS Server - Tells the NMBD components of Samba to be a WINS Client
# Note: Samba can be either a WINS Server, or a WINS Client, but NOT both
;   wins server = w.x.y.z

# If we receive WINS server info from DHCP, override the options above. 
   include = /etc/samba/dhcp.conf

# This will prevent nmbd to search for NetBIOS names through DNS.
   dns proxy = no

# What naming service and in what order should we use to resolve host names
# to IP addresses
;   name resolve order = lmhosts host wins bcast

server string = Samba Server
interfaces =
log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
max log size = 0
socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
os level = 65
preferred master = Yes
printing = lprng

# The specific set of interfaces / networks to bind to
# This can be either the interface name or an IP address/netmask;
# interface names are normally preferred
;   interfaces = eth0

# Only bind to the named interfaces and/or networks; you must use the
# 'interfaces' option above to use this.
# It is recommended that you enable this feature if your Samba machine is
# not protected by a firewall or is a firewall itself.  However, this
# option cannot handle dynamic or non-broadcast interfaces correctly.
;   bind interfaces only = yes


# This tells Samba to use a separate log file for each machine
# that connects
   log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m

# Cap the size of the individual log files (in KiB).
   max log size = 1000

# If you want Samba to only log 

Re: samba

2010-07-12 Thread ceduard0
El día 12 de julio de 2010 05:07, Liuber Hernández Leyva escribió:
 On Monday 12 July 2010 17:59:42 ceduard0 wrote:
 El 12 de julio de 2010 04:35, Liuber Hernández Leyva

Hola Liuber, revise lo que envias, el contenido de tu smb.conf, ojo
ahí ya vi algo sospechoso.

En la parte Share Definitions tienes el parametro read only dos
veces, debes de eliminar una y donde lo encuentres read only = yes
debes de modificarlo dejandolo read only = no. Recuerda reiniciar el
samba despues del cambio.

Linea de código con sospecha:

  read only = no
# By default, the home directories are exported read-only. Change the
# next parameter to 'no' if you want to be able to write to them.
  read only = yes

Salu2. escribió:
  Hola lista.,
  Recien instalé samba.
  No logro que el usuario wind2 pueda eliminar o escribir en su carpeta,
  Modifiqué los parámetros en smb.conf  /home
  agregandole, pero nada,
   writable = yes

 Yo teniendo la configuración por defecto del samba modifico el
 parametro read only = no:
    comment = Home Directories
    browseable = no

 # By default, the home directories are exported read-only. Change the
 # next parameter to 'no' if you want to be able to write to them.
    read only = no

 Despues de esto reinicio el samba y listo.

  Si comparto las carpetas una por una, sin problema, pero la idea es
  configurar para todas.
  necesito ayuda u orientación.
  gracias de antemano
  “El ignorante afirma, el sabio duda y reflexiona.” Aristóteles ...
  Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que
  ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema
  Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso
  de usar el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones
  To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact Archive:


 No funciona, no se porque, pero creo que debiría funcionar,

 adjunto mi smb.conf
 # Sample configuration file for the Samba suite for Debian GNU/Linux.
 # This is the main Samba configuration file. You should read the
 # smb.conf(5) manual page in order to understand the options listed
 # here. Samba has a huge number of configurable options most of which
 # are not shown in this example
 # Some options that are often worth tuning have been included as
 # commented-out examples in this file.
 #  - When such options are commented with ;, the proposed setting
 #    differs from the default Samba behaviour
 #  - When commented with #, the proposed setting is the default
 #    behaviour of Samba but the option is considered important
 #    enough to be mentioned here
 # NOTE: Whenever you modify this file you should run the command
 # testparm to check that you have not made any basic syntactic
 # errors.
 # A well-established practice is to name the original file
 # smb.conf.master and create the real config file with
 # testparm -s smb.conf.master smb.conf
 # This minimizes the size of the really used smb.conf file
 # which, according to the Samba Team, impacts performance
 # However, use this with caution if your smb.conf file contains nested
 # include statements. See Debian bug #483187 for a case
 # where using a master file is not a good idea.

 #=== Global Settings ===


 # By default, the hom
 ## Browsing/Identification ###

 # Change this to the workgroup/NT-domain name your Samba server will part of
   workgroup = fts

 # server string is the equivalent of the NT Description field
   server string = %h server

 # Windows Internet Name Serving Support Section:
 # WINS Support - Tells the NMBD component of Samba to enable its WINS Server
 #   wins support = no

 # WINS Server - Tells the NMBD components of Samba to be a WINS Client
 # Note: Samba can be either a WINS Server, or a WINS Client, but NOT both
 ;   wins server = w.x.y.z

 # If we receive WINS server info from DHCP, override the options above.
   include = /etc/samba/dhcp.conf

 # This will prevent nmbd to search for NetBIOS names through DNS.
   dns proxy = no

 # What naming service and in what order should we use to resolve host names
 # to IP addresses
 ;   name resolve order = lmhosts host wins bcast

        server string = Samba Server
        interfaces =
        log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
        max log size = 0
        socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
        os level = 65
        preferred master = Yes
        printing = lprng

 # The specific set of interfaces / networks to bind to
 # This can be either the interface name or an IP address/netmask;
 # interface names are 

RE: Samba

2010-07-12 Thread Liuber Hernández Leyva
No es la solución que necesito, pero es algo, hasta que de con la solución. 

path = /home/alicia
comment = carpetas compartidas
browseable = yes
write list = alicia

path = /home/liuber
comment = carpetas compartidas
browseable = yes
write list = liuber

path = /home/tania
comment = carpetas compartidas
browseable = yes
write list = tania

path = /home/hilem
comment = carpetas compartidas
browseable = yes
write list = hilem



Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
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Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de usar 
el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas


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Re: samba

2010-07-12 Thread Camaleón
El Mon, 12 Jul 2010 12:07:09 +0200, Liuber Hernández Leyva escribió:

 On Monday 12 July 2010 17:59:42 ceduard0 wrote:

 Yo teniendo la configuración por defecto del samba modifico el
 parametro read only = no:
comment = Home Directories
browseable = no

 # By default, the home directories are exported read-only. Change the #
 next parameter to 'no' if you want to be able to write to them.
read only = no

 Despues de esto reinicio el samba y listo.

 No funciona, no se porque, pero creo que debiría funcionar,
 adjunto mi smb.conf


comment = Home Directories
browseable = no
read only = no
 # By default, the home directories are exported read-only. Change the #
 next parameter to 'no' if you want to be able to write to them.
read only = yes

¿Seguro que eso es correcto? Tienes dos variables iguales con distinto 

read only = no
read only = yes

Como para volver loco al samba 8-)



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Re: Consulta Virtualizacion

2010-07-12 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd

El 11/07/10 22:13, escribió:

Que tal masters!
Una consulta. No soy experto en el tema, pero me estoy metiendo en 
esto de la virtualizacion. Me gustaria me recomendasen que 
alternativas opensource me recomiendan. Tengo un par de maquinas que 
me interesa virtualizar y me gustaria ver que me recomiendan los 
expertos. Busco en Google pero me marea tanta informacion. Busco en 
VMWARE pero veo que es pagado. Por otro lado, se que hay una 
alternativa llamada Xen Server, pero es de Citrix y tambien es pagada. 
Veo que hay una solucion llamada Virtualbox, pero no se si sea 
recomendada para hostear maquinas virtuales para dar servicios en red.

Que me recomiendan? alguna URL donde poder ver y converger?

saludos y gracias,



Si estás entrando a todo el tema de la virtualización entonces vas a 
tener que leer mucho, es un mundo muy grande.

De lo que yo he visto:

VMWare está arriba de todas las soluciones que pueda haber, es estable, 
compatible con casi todo el hardware que hay en el mercado y tiene 
muchísimas herramientas para gestionar las máquinas virtuales 
(Organizarlas en clusters, moverlas en caliente, tomar snapshots, 
utilizar filesystems distribuidos y un largo etcétera). Todo esto no 
quiere decir que sea la mejor solución que hay, pero sí es la solución 
más integrada y con la que podrás salir virtualizando con unos pocos 
clicks. Pero desde luego como  tú dices hay que pagar y como VMware es 
el rey de la virtualización hay que pagar una millonada y estudiarte 
un manual sólamente de cómo licenciarlo. En pocas palabras si no tienes 
plata o quieres ser totalmente libre y no estar atado a una empresa que 
es como el Microsoft de la virtualización entonces Vmware no es tu opción.

Xen: La tecnología base de Xen es la paravirtualización que te permite 
correr máquinas huéspedes sólamente si el kernel está modificado para 
ser correr virtualizado. La mayoría de las versiones de Linux, y otros 
Unix libres proveen kernels modificados compatibles con Xen, sin embargo 
no existen versiones de Windows adaptadas para la paravirtualización. 
Sin embargo en las útlimas versiones de Xen se ha agregado la posiblidad 
de correr kernels sin soporte de paravirtualización. Para ello se 
utilizan las instrucciones de virtualización de los últimos 
procesadores. Xen fue por bastante tiempo una de las alternativas más 
utilizadas para virtualizar en Linux, pero ha ido perdiendo terreno 
frente a KVM que brinda una virtualización más transparente

KVM: Es la tecnología de virtualización que está incluida en el núcleo 
de Linux en sus últimas versiones, KVM necesita sí o sí de un procesador 
con soporte de instrucciones de virtualización para funcionar. KVM no 
funcionará en hardware antiguo que no disponga de dichas instrucciones 
(eso es una limitante). La gran ventaja es que KVM hace virtualización 
completa, por lo que podrás virtualizar sistemas operativos sin tener 
que modificar el kernel de dichos S.O., por ejemplo podrás virtualizar 
Windows fácilmente. La mayoría de las empresas dedicadas  a la 
virtualización (incluido el mismo VMware)  dicen que la virtualización 
se va moviendo hacia soluciones como la de KVM (donde la mayor parte del 
trabajo de virtualización lo realiza el hardware). KVM está en evolución 
constante y parece perfilarse con la opción de facto para virtualizar 
con Linux.

La última opción (pero hay más) es OpenVz que funciona en base a 
virtualización del Sistema Operativo, donde el filesystem de cada 
máquina virtual está contenida dentro de un subdirectorio de la máquina 
anfitriona. Las máquinas virtuales corren el mismo kernel que la máquina 
anfitriona y esta a su vez les presenta a las huéspedes un entorno que 
es exclusivo cuando en realidad los recursos del sitema están 
compartidos entre todas las máquinas virtuales. Obviamente aquí no 
puedes virtualizar sistemas operativos que no sean Linux o algunos Unix 
muy específicos. Con OpenVZ no podrás virtualizar Windows. Mucha gente 
dice: si vas a virtualizar solamente Linux, entonces usa OpenVz, la 
razón es que OpenVz es muy liviano y potente.

Sobre VirtualBox yo te diría que no miraras demasiado si quieres 
virtualizar servidores o máquinas críticas. VirtualBox está más 
orientado al Desktop y no te dará el mismo rendimiento que las 
soluciones anteriores. Sin embargo he escuchado que Oracle (el nuevo 
dueño de VirtualBox) está desarrollando su propio hipervisor y el todo 
el manejo de las máquinas virtuales se hará con la interface de 
VirtualBox. Habrá que esperar (pero me temo que lo que salga de ahí no 
será precisamente libre).

Un detalle muy grande que tienes que tener en cuenta a la hora de elegir 
una solución de virtualización no es solamente la tecnología de 
virtualización empleada, sino las herramientas para manejar las máquinas 
virtuales. Si te fijas Vmware te regala su hipervisor de 
virtualización pero te cobra por las herramienteas de gestión 
(Movimiento en 

Re: Consulta Virtualizacion

2010-07-12 Thread ceduard0
El día 11 de julio de 2010 20:13, escribió:
 Que tal masters!
 Una consulta. No soy experto en el tema, pero me estoy metiendo en esto de
 la virtualizacion. Me gustaria me recomendasen que alternativas opensource
 me recomiendan. Tengo un par de maquinas que me interesa virtualizar y me
 gustaria ver que me recomiendan los expertos. Busco en Google pero me marea
 tanta informacion. Busco en VMWARE pero veo que es pagado. Por otro lado, se
 que hay una alternativa llamada Xen Server, pero es de Citrix y tambien es
 pagada. Veo que hay una solucion llamada Virtualbox, pero no se si sea
 recomendada para hostear maquinas virtuales para dar servicios en red.

Bueno si tu objetivo es hacer entornos virtuales sean Linux, pues te
recomiendo OpenVz, es muy sencillo de instalar, administrar.

Lee un poco sobre OpenVz a ver si te sirve

 Que me recomiendan? alguna URL donde poder ver y converger?

 saludos y gracias,


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Re: samba [solucionado]

2010-07-12 Thread Liuber Hernández Leyva
On Monday 12 July 2010 18:16:51 ceduard0 wrote:
 El día 12 de julio de 2010 05:07, Liuber Hernández Leyva escribió:
  On Monday 12 July 2010 17:59:42 ceduard0 wrote:
  El 12 de julio de 2010 04:35, Liuber Hernández Leyva

 Hola Liuber, revise lo que envias, el contenido de tu smb.conf, ojo
 ahí ya vi algo sospechoso.

 En la parte Share Definitions tienes el parametro read only dos
 veces, debes de eliminar una y donde lo encuentres read only = yes
 debes de modificarlo dejandolo read only = no. Recuerda reiniciar el
 samba despues del cambio.

 Linea de código con sospecha:

   read only = no
 # By default, the home directories are exported read-only. Change the
 # next parameter to 'no' if you want to be able to write to them.
   read only = yes

 Salu2. escribió:
   Hola lista.,
   Recien instalé samba.
   No logro que el usuario wind2 pueda eliminar o escribir en su carpeta,
   Modifiqué los parámetros en smb.conf  /home
   agregandole, pero nada,
    writable = yes
  Yo teniendo la configuración por defecto del samba modifico el
  parametro read only = no:
     comment = Home Directories
     browseable = no
  # By default, the home directories are exported read-only. Change the
  # next parameter to 'no' if you want to be able to write to them.
     read only = no
  Despues de esto reinicio el samba y listo.
   Si comparto las carpetas una por una, sin problema, pero la idea es
   configurar para todas.
   necesito ayuda u orientación.
   gracias de antemano
   “El ignorante afirma, el sabio duda y reflexiona.” Aristóteles ...
   Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico
   que ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del
   Sistema Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el
   compromiso de usar el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las
   regulaciones establecidas
   To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
   with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact Archive:
  No funciona, no se porque, pero creo que debiría funcionar,
  adjunto mi smb.conf
  # Sample configuration file for the Samba suite for Debian GNU/Linux.
  # This is the main Samba configuration file. You should read the
  # smb.conf(5) manual page in order to understand the options listed
  # here. Samba has a huge number of configurable options most of which
  # are not shown in this example
  # Some options that are often worth tuning have been included as
  # commented-out examples in this file.
  #  - When such options are commented with ;, the proposed setting
  #    differs from the default Samba behaviour
  #  - When commented with #, the proposed setting is the default
  #    behaviour of Samba but the option is considered important
  #    enough to be mentioned here
  # NOTE: Whenever you modify this file you should run the command
  # testparm to check that you have not made any basic syntactic
  # errors.
  # A well-established practice is to name the original file
  # smb.conf.master and create the real config file with
  # testparm -s smb.conf.master smb.conf
  # This minimizes the size of the really used smb.conf file
  # which, according to the Samba Team, impacts performance
  # However, use this with caution if your smb.conf file contains nested
  # include statements. See Debian bug #483187 for a case
  # where using a master file is not a good idea.
  #=== Global Settings ===
  # By default, the hom
  ## Browsing/Identification ###
  # Change this to the workgroup/NT-domain name your Samba server will part
  of workgroup = fts
  # server string is the equivalent of the NT Description field
    server string = %h server
  # Windows Internet Name Serving Support Section:
  # WINS Support - Tells the NMBD component of Samba to enable its WINS
  Server #   wins support = no
  # WINS Server - Tells the NMBD components of Samba to be a WINS Client
  # Note: Samba can be either a WINS Server, or a WINS Client, but NOT both
  ;   wins server = w.x.y.z
  # If we receive WINS server info from DHCP, override the options above.
    include = /etc/samba/dhcp.conf
  # This will prevent nmbd to search for NetBIOS names through DNS.
    dns proxy = no
  # What naming service and in what order should we use to resolve host
  names # to IP addresses
  ;   name resolve order = lmhosts host wins bcast
         server string = Samba Server
         interfaces =
         log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
         max log size = 0
         socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
         os level = 65
         preferred master = Yes

Re: Error en llave pública

2010-07-12 Thread Juan Marcos Delgado Alcantar
El Mon, 12 Jul 2010 09:58:09 -0400, Ismael L. Donis García escribió:

 Si lees el asunto verás que no dice nada de cuotas.
 Uso este método de reenvío porque no se que pasa que si trato de crear
 un mensaje nuevo directamente no llegan a la lista, o al menos a mi. Eso
 lo he tratado varias veces y todas en vano.
 La causa no me la preguntes la desconozco y como solo me funciona la de
 reenvío cambiando el asunto, pues uso esta.
 || ISMAEL ||

Sí leo el asunto. El procedimiento que estás usando es equivocado. 
Redacta el correo enviándolo a
Sí tienes dudas de si llega a la lista revisa la siguiente dirección:

Marcos Delgado

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Re: Error en llave pública

2010-07-12 Thread Ismael L. Donis García

No tengo acceso a Internet.

Repito no se porque no funciona si trato de enviar directo a la lista, lo he 
intentado varias veces. Ahora mismo intentaré de nuevo a ver si ya me 

|| ISMAEL ||
- Original Message - 
From: Juan Marcos Delgado Alcantar

Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 3:21 PM
Subject: Re: Error en llave pública

El Mon, 12 Jul 2010 09:58:09 -0400, Ismael L. Donis García escribió:

Si lees el asunto verás que no dice nada de cuotas.

Uso este método de reenvío porque no se que pasa que si trato de crear
un mensaje nuevo directamente no llegan a la lista, o al menos a mi. Eso
lo he tratado varias veces y todas en vano.

La causa no me la preguntes la desconozco y como solo me funciona la de
reenvío cambiando el asunto, pues uso esta.

|| ISMAEL ||

Sí leo el asunto. El procedimiento que estás usando es equivocado.
Redacta el correo enviándolo a
Sí tienes dudas de si llega a la lista revisa la siguiente dirección:

Marcos Delgado

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Servidor Jabber

2010-07-12 Thread Orlando Nuñez

Tengo instalado un servidor Jabber con OpenFire en el servidor de
la organización y sinceramente funciona bien, en algunos casos veo que la
memoria de Java esta casi full pero aun así funciona sin problemas, son casi
50 usuarios, se envian archivos sin problemas, etc., como cliente uso Pidgin
en las estaciones con Windows y Empathy en las estaciones con Ubuntu.
instalar y Administrar OpenFire me parece muy, muy sencillo, al crear
archivos se le asigna nombre de usuario, alias, contraseña y correo, asi en
el Pidgin carga el Alias y mientras que el nombre de usuario por ejemplo
serian romeroe, fuenmayorr nunezoe en el pidgin veriamos Eduardo
Romero, Rosalin Fuenmayor y Orlando Nuñez.

Pero tengo curiosiad, una vez probe instalando ejabberd pero no descubri
realmente como usarlo correctamente, ya que al crear un usuario solo creaba
el nombre de usuario y contraseña, cuando conectaba los usuarios en el
pidgin veia romeroe, fuenmayorr y nunezoe que no son legibles y
renombrar esos nombres en el pidgin a 50 usuarios me parece bastante

Descubri que hay otras alternativas como:
* Jabberd
* Jabberd2
No descarto ejabberd

Me gustaria saber su opinion son estas alternativas, ya que no encuentro
documentacion al menos en el caso de jabberd2 sobre como administrarlo via

Muchas gracias por su ayuda.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Orlando Nuñez
Minha vida eu dedico, a arte da Capoeira!

Consulta: Raduis utilizando CA externa

2010-07-12 Thread andres sarmiento
Estimados Listeros,

Actualmente tengo un servidor (A) de respositorio de cuentas en LDAP el cual
opera correctamente.

También tengo un gateway de seguridad (Servidor B), el cual está configurado
para proveer acceso remoto vía VPN SSL, utilizando como autenticación las
cuentas del repositorio LDAP, donde también funciona correctamente. Dicho
Gateway provee una Autoridad Certificadora y creación de clientes de forma
automática cuando éstos son creados en el servidor A (mediante
sincronización con LDAP).

Me surge la siguiente duda, instalé freeadius en otro servidor (C), el cual
permitirá el acceso via Wireless a los usuarios de la red. Debido a que los
usuarios son una gran cantidad, me gustaría utilizar la misma autoridad
certificadora de manera que una vez creado el usuario en el servidor A, el
certificado que es creado en el Servidor B sea utilizado, así no tendría que
crear distintos certificados para cada usuario. Y éstos tengan a su vez la
capacidad de gestionarlos por sí sólos.

El servidor A y C los tengo con Debian Lenny.

Alguna sugerencia?

Muchas gracias por leer y responder.

Saludos Cordiales

Dolphin - No ordena al hacer click sobre las distintas columnas.

2010-07-12 Thread Walter O. Dari

Hola gente:

Hace rato que Dolphin no hace caso, en el modo de vista detallada, 
cuando se le da un click sobre alguna de las columnas para ordenar por 
ejemplo por fecha, por nombre, por tipo, etc.
La única forma de cambiar el ordenamiento es por la opción Ver/Ordenar 
Estuve buscando un poco y lo encontré reportado como bug en Mandriva 
[1], pero no en Debian [2], aunque no soy muy ducho con el inglés me 
parece que no está reportado.
Este problema se me da con Debian Squeeze, no se si a alguien más le 
sucede (por ahí en lugar de un bug es un problema mío).


 .-.   Walter
/ \ _ / \   __
 (\/  /  \   |_/OO)
  \--~ Usuario Linux 425808
  // ||   || \\

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Jumper Business provides Rental Orders Now

2010-07-12 Thread Jumper Business
Start Renting Your Inflatable Jumpers
Are you struggling to place rental orders and find customers for your 


Be the first to become a partner for your area before you competition does.
This unique program offers an amazing opportunity for party rental businesses 
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well. The unique and proven program was designed specifically for businesses 
that are not able to generate rentals for themselves.
We guarantee dedication and commitment to generating and presenting 
for entrepreneurs, young and old. Our promise to you is that we will stand 
by you, and dedicate ourselves to you in the same way that we are dedicated 
to our own families.
When you join up with the jumper business, you become another valued member 
of the family.
Start Receiving Orders right away, call us at 800-789-3509 or visit 
to get ahead of your competition 



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Re: Duvida Qmail

2010-07-12 Thread Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
Hash: SHA1

On 09-07-2010 10:47, Diego Paludo wrote:
 Estou implementando um servidor de email (debian + qmail) porém estou
 com algumas duvidas: após compilar o qmail, é recomendável compilar o
 clamav e o spamassassin, não dá para usar os pacotes do repositório?

Dá pra usar os pacotes do repositório.

- -- 
Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
Debian. Freedom to code. Code to freedom!
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: Venha participar de MOVIMENTO MARINA SILVA!

2010-07-12 Thread China
Interessante como a Marina Silva virou a madrasta dos órfãos de
ideologia. Tô vendo até Gay apoiando, sendo que ela é contra qualquer
reconhecimento por questões religiosas. Vale tudo para dizer que é
contra o PT, inclusive apoiar a maior representação do atraso que é a
retórica protestante!

Em 11 de julho de 2010 21:41, Clayton Nogueira Neves escreveu:

 Clayton Nogueira Neves
 Amigos, analisem as propostas de Marina Silva para o futuro de nosso país. 
 POR FAVOR, votem conscientes. Grande beijo.
 Clique para Entrar
 Bibiana Rabaioli Prestes Nilza Martins Leila Soraya Menezes Josiane Gallo 
 POR UM BRASIL DEMOCRÁTICO E SUSTENTÁVEL nós em rede tecendo um novo jeito de 
 fazer política com Marina Silva.
 28967 membros
 7805 fotos
 695 músicas
 1256 tópicos
 72 eventos
 3882 postagens no blog

 Para controlar os emails que você receberá em MOVIMENTO MARINA SILVA, clique 


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2010-07-12 Thread Leonardo Carneiro - Veltrac

Salve galera, preciso de ajuda em um conteúdo off-topic.

Faz um bom tempo que terminei meu CCNA e meus conhecimentos sobre VLANs 
estão enferrujados.

Tenho um switch Netgear FS7028TS, com 24 portas Fast Ethernet e 4 Giga, 
que suporta VLANs.

Meu objetivo é simples: eu quero apenas quebrar o switch em dois. Uma 
VLAN com 18 portas (incluindo as gigas) e outra com 10 portas. Cada uma 
das VLANs vai ter um endereçamento IP distinto, e cada uma delas vai 
estar ligada ao meu gateway em interfaces distintas.

Existe a opção de eu colocar tag nos pacotes.
A minha dúvida é: uma vez que eu não tenho intenção em repassar as tags 
para outros switchs (esse é meu unico switch que suporta VLAN) e não vou 
usar interfaces trunk, é necessário colocar TAG nos pacotes? Se eu 
colocar TAG, é possível que ocorra problemas no gateway?

Enfim, devo colocar tag ou não? Agradeço desde já.

Leonardo Carneiro

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2010-07-12 Thread Amador Pahim
Se você colocar tag nos pacotes, que vai receber precisa entender
isso. Como não é o caso, apenas adicione a vlan nova e vincule as
portas correspondentes, tirando-as da vlan antiga. Se fosse um 3Com,
todas as portas seriam untaged. Se fosse um IBM, as portas seriam
access. Acho que o netgear tem nomenclatura parecida.

Amador Pahim

2010/7/12 Leonardo Carneiro - Veltrac
 Salve galera, preciso de ajuda em um conteúdo off-topic.

 Faz um bom tempo que terminei meu CCNA e meus conhecimentos sobre VLANs
 estão enferrujados.

 Tenho um switch Netgear FS7028TS, com 24 portas Fast Ethernet e 4 Giga, que
 suporta VLANs.

 Meu objetivo é simples: eu quero apenas quebrar o switch em dois. Uma VLAN
 com 18 portas (incluindo as gigas) e outra com 10 portas. Cada uma das VLANs
 vai ter um endereçamento IP distinto, e cada uma delas vai estar ligada ao
 meu gateway em interfaces distintas.

 Existe a opção de eu colocar tag nos pacotes.
 A minha dúvida é: uma vez que eu não tenho intenção em repassar as tags para
 outros switchs (esse é meu unico switch que suporta VLAN) e não vou usar
 interfaces trunk, é necessário colocar TAG nos pacotes? Se eu colocar TAG, é
 possível que ocorra problemas no gateway?

 Enfim, devo colocar tag ou não? Agradeço desde já.

 Leonardo Carneiro

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2010-07-12 Thread Leonardo Carneiro - Veltrac

A nomenclatura segue como o 3Com, que vc disse. Agradeço a atenção Amador.

On 07/12/2010 09:40 AM, Amador Pahim wrote:

Se você colocar tag nos pacotes, que vai receber precisa entender
isso. Como não é o caso, apenas adicione a vlan nova e vincule as
portas correspondentes, tirando-as da vlan antiga. Se fosse um 3Com,
todas as portas seriam untaged. Se fosse um IBM, as portas seriam
access. Acho que o netgear tem nomenclatura parecida.

Amador Pahim

2010/7/12 Leonardo Carneiro -

Salve galera, preciso de ajuda em um conteúdo off-topic.

Faz um bom tempo que terminei meu CCNA e meus conhecimentos sobre VLANs
estão enferrujados.

Tenho um switch Netgear FS7028TS, com 24 portas Fast Ethernet e 4 Giga, que
suporta VLANs.

Meu objetivo é simples: eu quero apenas quebrar o switch em dois. Uma VLAN
com 18 portas (incluindo as gigas) e outra com 10 portas. Cada uma das VLANs
vai ter um endereçamento IP distinto, e cada uma delas vai estar ligada ao
meu gateway em interfaces distintas.

Existe a opção de eu colocar tag nos pacotes.
A minha dúvida é: uma vez que eu não tenho intenção em repassar as tags para
outros switchs (esse é meu unico switch que suporta VLAN) e não vou usar
interfaces trunk, é necessário colocar TAG nos pacotes? Se eu colocar TAG, é
possível que ocorra problemas no gateway?

Enfim, devo colocar tag ou não? Agradeço desde já.

Leonardo Carneiro

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Re: [OFF] - Sistema pra reserva de equipamentos e salas online

2010-07-12 Thread Flávio Oliveira
Obrigado!bem simples, direta.

From: Thiago Branco Meurer 
Sent: Saturday, July 10, 2010 9:21 PM
To: Daniel Alves 
Cc: Guilherme Rocha ; Flávio Oliveira ; Lista-Debian 
Subject: Re: [OFF] - Sistema pra reserva de equipamentos e salas online

Bacanaessas ferramentas.

Em 10 de julho de 2010 20:49, Daniel Alves escreveu:

  Uso este:

  Simples e direto.


  Em 10 de julho de 2010 15:43, Guilherme Rocha 

O eGroupWare tem um sistema de agendamento de recursos que faz
exatamente isso, dentre os seus aproximadamente 25 módulos.


Em 10/07/10, Flávio escreveu:


 Estou procurando algum sistema (projeto) que tenha como foco o
 gerenciamento/reservas de bens diversos (salas de video, projetores,
 cameras...). Datas de reservas em agenda, possibilidade de reserva on line
 também, algo nesse sentido.

 Conheceriam algum pra indicar? (claro, pra rodar numa máquina com Debian)

 Qualquer ajudar será bem vinda!


Guilherme Rocha
GF7 Doc  Systems - Soluções Tecnológicas
Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento - World Wide
R. João Goulart, 170  - Rio Pardo - RS - CEP 96640-000
Mobile:  +55 51 81400360 - Home Page:

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Sr. Thiago Branco Meurer
Analista de Sistemas Junior
Linux User: #469369
Home Page:
E-mail 2:
E-mail 3:
Twitter: @thiagopriest
Skype: thiago_meurer

OFFTOPIC - Como comprovar que a versão de um docume nto que estava em um site era aquela?

2010-07-12 Thread Bruno Buys
Pessoal, bom dia,
Tenho uma situação de trabalho onde eu preciso comprovar que uma certa
versão de um documento em pdf que estava disponível em um site era aquela.
Existe meio de fazer isso? Se eu simplesmente baixar o documento, não estou
comprovando que ele foi baixado no tal dia.
Qualquer idéia ajuda, já que eu não tenho nenhuma.


Re: OFFTOPIC - Como comprovar que a versão de um do cumento que estava em um site era aquela?

2010-07-12 Thread China
Em 12 de julho de 2010 12:04, Bruno Buys escreveu:
 Pessoal, bom dia,
 Tenho uma situação de trabalho onde eu preciso comprovar que uma certa
 versão de um documento em pdf que estava disponível em um site era aquela.
 Existe meio de fazer isso? Se eu simplesmente baixar o documento, não estou
 comprovando que ele foi baixado no tal dia.
 Qualquer idéia ajuda, já que eu não tenho nenhuma.

Aqui nos usamos certificação digital para isso. BTW, um print-screen
da tela mostrando o documento ANTES de você baixar já serve para
desmoralizar quem fala que não é ...


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Re: OFFTOPIC - Como comprovar que a versão de um do cumento que estava em um site era aquela?

2010-07-12 Thread Sandro Wambier

Se eu simplesmente baixar o documento, não estou comprovando que ele foi
baixado no tal dia.
Está sim, data e hora, no atributo do arquivo, 'Criado em'.

Em 12 de julho de 2010 12:04, Bruno Buys escreveu:

 Pessoal, bom dia,
 Tenho uma situação de trabalho onde eu preciso comprovar que uma certa
 versão de um documento em pdf que estava disponível em um site era aquela.
 Existe meio de fazer isso? Se eu simplesmente baixar o documento, não estou
 comprovando que ele foi baixado no tal dia.
 Qualquer idéia ajuda, já que eu não tenho nenhuma.


Problema com Bind9

2010-07-12 Thread Rodrigo Batista
Olá galera,

estava tendo alguns problema na minha rede e acabei dando uma olhada no log
do syslog e esta me mostrando alguns aviso. gostaria de saber se é erro ou

esta assim

Jul 12 15:13:47 Pinta-Silva named[30514]: network unreachable resolving '': 2001:660:3006:1::1:1#53
Jul 12 15:14:56 Pinta-Silva named[30514]: network unreachable resolving '': 2001:503:a83e::2:30#53
Jul 12 15:14:56 Pinta-Silva named[30514]: network unreachable resolving '': 2001:503:a83e::2:30#53
Jul 12 15:14:56 Pinta-Silva named[30514]: network unreachable resolving '': 2001:503:231d::2:30#53
Jul 12 15:14:56 Pinta-Silva named[30514]: network unreachable resolving '': 2001:503:231d::2:30#53
Jul 12 15:14:56 Pinta-Silva named[30514]: network unreachable resolving '': 2001:503:231d::2:30#53
Jul 12 15:14:56 Pinta-Silva named[30514]: network unreachable resolving '': 2001:503:231d::2:30#53

quem pode me informa agradeço.
@@ Tenha uma Longa ViDa @@
   Rodrigo Batista
   Cel:. 011-7865-6291

Re: Problema com Bind9

2010-07-12 Thread Fábio Rabelo
Isso tem cara de roteamento, o que o comando route  retorna ??

Fábio Rabelo

Em 12 de julho de 2010 12:18, Rodrigo Batista batista@gmail.comescreveu:

 Olá galera,

 estava tendo alguns problema na minha rede e acabei dando uma olhada no log
 do syslog e esta me mostrando alguns aviso. gostaria de saber se é erro ou

 esta assim

 Jul 12 15:13:47 Pinta-Silva named[30514]: network unreachable resolving '': 2001:660:3006:1::1:1#53
 Jul 12 15:14:56 Pinta-Silva named[30514]: network unreachable resolving '': 2001:503:a83e::2:30#53
 Jul 12 15:14:56 Pinta-Silva named[30514]: network unreachable resolving '': 2001:503:a83e::2:30#53
 Jul 12 15:14:56 Pinta-Silva named[30514]: network unreachable resolving '': 2001:503:231d::2:30#53
 Jul 12 15:14:56 Pinta-Silva named[30514]: network unreachable resolving '': 2001:503:231d::2:30#53
 Jul 12 15:14:56 Pinta-Silva named[30514]: network unreachable resolving '': 2001:503:231d::2:30#53
 Jul 12 15:14:56 Pinta-Silva named[30514]: network unreachable resolving '': 2001:503:231d::2:30#53

 quem pode me informa agradeço.
 @@ Tenha uma Longa ViDa @@
Rodrigo Batista
Cel:. 011-7865-6291

Re: Problema com Bind9

2010-07-12 Thread Rodrigo Batista
Demora muita para resp quando dar o ping no servidor Firewall que esta com
a routa

ou seja nao resp.

@@ Tenha uma Longa ViDa @@
   Rodrigo Batista
   Cel:. 011-7865-6291

Em 12 de julho de 2010 12:21, Fábio Rabelo escreveu:

 Isso tem cara de roteamento, o que o comando route  retorna ??

 Fábio Rabelo

 Em 12 de julho de 2010 12:18, Rodrigo Batista batista@gmail.comescreveu:

 Olá galera,

 estava tendo alguns problema na minha rede e acabei dando uma olhada no
 log do syslog e esta me mostrando alguns aviso. gostaria de saber se é erro
 ou nao

 esta assim

 Jul 12 15:13:47 Pinta-Silva named[30514]: network unreachable resolving '': 2001:660:3006:1::1:1#53
 Jul 12 15:14:56 Pinta-Silva named[30514]: network unreachable resolving '': 2001:503:a83e::2:30#53
 Jul 12 15:14:56 Pinta-Silva named[30514]: network unreachable resolving '': 2001:503:a83e::2:30#53
 Jul 12 15:14:56 Pinta-Silva named[30514]: network unreachable resolving '': 2001:503:231d::2:30#53
 Jul 12 15:14:56 Pinta-Silva named[30514]: network unreachable resolving '': 2001:503:231d::2:30#53
 Jul 12 15:14:56 Pinta-Silva named[30514]: network unreachable resolving '': 2001:503:231d::2:30#53
 Jul 12 15:14:56 Pinta-Silva named[30514]: network unreachable resolving '': 2001:503:231d::2:30#53

 quem pode me informa agradeço.
 @@ Tenha uma Longa ViDa @@
Rodrigo Batista
Cel:. 011-7865-6291

Re: Problema com Bind9

2010-07-12 Thread Leonardo Carneiro - Veltrac
No seu FW, manda o comando 'route -n'. Mesmo se tiver algum problema com 
resolução de nome, ele vai responder rápido. Posta tb tua config do named

On 07/12/2010 01:39 PM, Rodrigo Batista wrote:
Demora muita para resp quando dar o ping no servidor Firewall que 
esta com a routa

ou seja nao resp.

@@ Tenha uma Longa ViDa @@
   Rodrigo Batista
   Cel:. 011-7865-6291

Em 12 de julho de 2010 12:21, Fábio Rabelo escreveu:

Isso tem cara de roteamento, o que o comando route  retorna ??

Fábio Rabelo

Em 12 de julho de 2010 12:18, Rodrigo Batista escreveu:

Olá galera,

estava tendo alguns problema na minha rede e acabei dando uma
olhada no log do syslog e esta me mostrando alguns aviso.
gostaria de saber se é erro ou nao

esta assim

Jul 12 15:13:47 Pinta-Silva named[30514]: network unreachable
resolving '':
Jul 12 15:14:56 Pinta-Silva named[30514]: network unreachable
resolving '':
Jul 12 15:14:56 Pinta-Silva named[30514]: network unreachable
resolving '': 2001:503:a83e::2:30#53
Jul 12 15:14:56 Pinta-Silva named[30514]: network unreachable
resolving '':
Jul 12 15:14:56 Pinta-Silva named[30514]: network unreachable
resolving '': 2001:503:231d::2:30#53
Jul 12 15:14:56 Pinta-Silva named[30514]: network unreachable
resolving '':
Jul 12 15:14:56 Pinta-Silva named[30514]: network unreachable
resolving '': 2001:503:231d::2:30#53

quem pode me informa agradeço.
@@ Tenha uma Longa ViDa @@
   Rodrigo Batista
   Cel:. 011-7865-6291

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Re: Problema com Bind9

2010-07-12 Thread Rodrigo Batista
configuração do FW

route -n

route -n
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse
Iface   U 0  00 eth1   U 0  00 eth2 UG10000 eth1 UG10000 eth2

do meu named

; BIND data file for local loopback interface
@   IN  SOA (
  1 ; Serial
 604800 ; Refresh
  86400 ; Retry
2419200 ; Expire
 604800 )   ; Negative Cache TTL
;@   IN  NS
;   IN  A   IN  A

@@ Tenha uma Longa ViDa @@
   Rodrigo Batista
   Cel:. 011-7865-6291

Em 12 de julho de 2010 13:56, Leonardo Carneiro - Veltrac escreveu:

 No seu FW, manda o comando 'route -n'. Mesmo se tiver algum problema com
 resolução de nome, ele vai responder rápido. Posta tb tua config do named

 On 07/12/2010 01:39 PM, Rodrigo Batista wrote:

 Demora muita para resp quando dar o ping no servidor Firewall que esta
 com a routa

 ou seja nao resp.

 @@ Tenha uma Longa ViDa @@
   Rodrigo Batista
   Cel:. 011-7865-6291

 Em 12 de julho de 2010 12:21, Fábio Rabelo mailto: escreveu:

Isso tem cara de roteamento, o que o comando route  retorna ??

Fábio Rabelo

Em 12 de julho de 2010 12:18, Rodrigo Batista escreveu:

Olá galera,

estava tendo alguns problema na minha rede e acabei dando uma
olhada no log do syslog e esta me mostrando alguns aviso.
gostaria de saber se é erro ou nao

esta assim

Jul 12 15:13:47 Pinta-Silva named[30514]: network unreachable
resolving '':

Jul 12 15:14:56 Pinta-Silva named[30514]: network unreachable
resolving '':

Jul 12 15:14:56 Pinta-Silva named[30514]: network unreachable
resolving '': 2001:503:a83e::2:30#53

Jul 12 15:14:56 Pinta-Silva named[30514]: network unreachable
resolving '':

Jul 12 15:14:56 Pinta-Silva named[30514]: network unreachable
resolving '': 2001:503:231d::2:30#53

Jul 12 15:14:56 Pinta-Silva named[30514]: network unreachable
resolving '':

Jul 12 15:14:56 Pinta-Silva named[30514]: network unreachable
resolving '': 2001:503:231d::2:30#53

quem pode me informa agradeço.
@@ Tenha uma Longa ViDa @@
   Rodrigo Batista
   Cel:. 011-7865-6291

Re: Problema com Bind9

2010-07-12 Thread Leonardo Carneiro - Veltrac
Definitivamente tem algo errado. Vc tem dois gateways links de internet? 
Assumindo que vc tem apenas um, e que vc tem um setup tradicional ( 
usuários - firewall - internet ), a saída deste comando deveria ser 
algo assim:

   route -n
   Kernel IP routing table
   Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref   
   Use Iface   U 0 
   00 eth1   U 0 
   00 eth2 UG100   
   00 eth1

Como vc tem duas linhas com gateway padrão (, acho que o seu 
firewall está se confundindo na hora de encaminhar os pacotes.
De duas, uma: ou o fw está encaminhando os pacotes para fora E para 
dentro; ou ele encaminha alguns pacotes para fora e outros para dentro. 
De qualquer maneira, é cagada na certa. Dá uma checada nas configurações 
da tua placa. Faz tempo que não mexo com firewall em debian, mas acho 
que fica tudo em /etc/network/interfaces.

Alguem me corrige se estiver errado.

On 07/12/2010 02:11 PM, Rodrigo Batista wrote:

route -n
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref
Use Iface   U 0  0
0 eth1   U 0  0
0 eth2 UG1000
0 eth1 UG1000
0 eth2

Sites https no Iptables/Squid na porta 80

2010-07-12 Thread Flávio Rodrigues

Olá pessoal!
Estou com problemas em liberar o acesso em um aplicativo que foi 
instalado para emissão da Nota Fiscal Eletrônica (NFe).

Aqui usamos Proxy (Squid) autenticado por usuários. Crei uma acl bem 
no inicio do squid.conf liberando totalmente o acesso para o site da Sefaz.

Também criei regras no meu script de firewall (iptables) para tirar do 
redirecionamento para a porta do proxy do tráfego da minha Lan para a 
Sefaz e vice-versa, ou seja, estou excluindo TODO o tráfego para o site 
da Sefaz (ida e volta) do Squid, mas ainda continua bloqueando o acesso!

No suporte deles, eles mencionam para liberar também para o endereço 
deles o https na porta 80

Alguém pode me ajudar nisso?


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Re: Sugestão de Solução - Impressão remota.

2010-07-12 Thread hamacker
Dá para usar o Putty, um cliente de SSH anabolizado que entende e
captura o resultado de impressao local feito num terminal do tipo
Voce pode tanto desviar para uma impressora local (no seu micro ou na
sua rede) como tambem conter os dados raw da impressao num arquivo
Faz muito tempo que não faço mais isso, mas sei que dá e nem é complicado.
Pesquise no google pelos termos putty local printing.

Em 8 de julho de 2010 19:34, Paulino Kenji Sato escreveu:
 2010/7/8 Fábio de Sousa
 Boa tarde, amigos...

 Preciso da Experiência de Consultório de cada um para implementar uma
 solução para um cliente.
 Tenho  um amigo, possível cliente, que precisa de uma solução.. o problema
 dele é o seguinte..Ele acessa um servidor  (linux) remotamente. e de vez em
 quando ele precisa imprimir alguns relátorio na máquina local(no Terminal),
 no caso o acesso é via internet. Exemplo ele acessa de casa(PC com Windows,
 com emulador de terminal) o servidor na empresa(linux)... e ele precisa

 Em teoria (na prática funcionava assim no seculo passado), e possivel
 imprimir diretamente via o emulador de terminal* (xterm, kconsole,
 minicom, etc).
 Basta o programa enviar os caracteres de controle adequados, e o
 emulador reconhecer esse controle e direcionar para o programa de
 impressão (lp/lpr).
 Essa e uma funcionalidade que vi mais vezes funcionando em windows/dos
 do que em Linux.

 Uma outra possibilidade e usar a capacidade de tunelamento do ssh.
 Daria para tunelar  o ipp (cups) ou o lpr via o portforard (opção -R
 do ssh  ou seria o -L? sempre confundo).

 * Vide os protocolos VTxxx;

 Paulino Kenji Sato

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Re: Sites https no Iptables/Squid na porta 80

2010-07-12 Thread Sandro Wambier
Olá Flávio, posta ae o access.log do squid, pra ter certeza que ele não ta
bloqueando, e assim ir para o firewall.

Sandro Wambier
Em 12 de julho de 2010 15:29, Flávio Rodrigues

 Olá pessoal!
 Estou com problemas em liberar o acesso em um aplicativo que foi instalado
 para emissão da Nota Fiscal Eletrônica (NFe).

 Aqui usamos Proxy (Squid) autenticado por usuários. Crei uma acl bem no
 inicio do squid.conf liberando totalmente o acesso para o site da Sefaz.

 Também criei regras no meu script de firewall (iptables) para tirar do
 redirecionamento para a porta do proxy do tráfego da minha Lan para a Sefaz
 e vice-versa, ou seja, estou excluindo TODO o tráfego para o site da Sefaz
 (ida e volta) do Squid, mas ainda continua bloqueando o acesso!

 No suporte deles, eles mencionam para liberar também para o endereço deles
 o https na porta 80

 Alguém pode me ajudar nisso?


 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: Problema com Bind9

2010-07-12 Thread Sandro Wambier
Olá, tente remover uma dessas rotas default, por exemplo: route del default
gw, e veja o que acontece.
Faça o inverso, adicione esta rota novamente e delete a outra. Creio que
haja somente uma saida, descubra qual é, eth1 ou eth2.

Sandro Wambier

Em 12 de julho de 2010 15:10, Leonardo Carneiro - Veltrac escreveu:

 Definitivamente tem algo errado. Vc tem dois gateways links de internet?
 Assumindo que vc tem apenas um, e que vc tem um setup tradicional ( usuários
 - firewall - internet ), a saída deste comando deveria ser algo assim:

 route -n
 Kernel IP routing table
 Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse
 Iface   U 0  00
 eth1   U 0  00
 eth2 UG10000

 Como vc tem duas linhas com gateway padrão (, acho que o seu
 firewall está se confundindo na hora de encaminhar os pacotes.
 De duas, uma: ou o fw está encaminhando os pacotes para fora E para dentro;
 ou ele encaminha alguns pacotes para fora e outros para dentro. De qualquer
 maneira, é cagada na certa. Dá uma checada nas configurações da tua placa.
 Faz tempo que não mexo com firewall em debian, mas acho que fica tudo em

 Alguem me corrige se estiver errado.

 On 07/12/2010 02:11 PM, Rodrigo Batista wrote:

 route -n
 Kernel IP routing table
 Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse
 Iface   U 0  00
 eth1   U 0  00
 eth2 UG10000
 eth1 UG10000

Re: Sites https no Iptables/Squid na porta 80

2010-07-12 Thread Sandro Wambier
Quanto ao https, libere no seu squid e firewall a porta 443, e faça um
teste, libere qualquer endereço no seu squid,

Em 12 de julho de 2010 20:29, Sandro Wambier sandrowamb...@gmail.comescreveu:

 Olá Flávio, posta ae o access.log do squid, pra ter certeza que ele não ta
 bloqueando, e assim ir para o firewall.

 Sandro Wambier
 Em 12 de julho de 2010 15:29, Flávio Rodrigues escreveu:

 Olá pessoal!
 Estou com problemas em liberar o acesso em um aplicativo que foi instalado
 para emissão da Nota Fiscal Eletrônica (NFe).

 Aqui usamos Proxy (Squid) autenticado por usuários. Crei uma acl bem no
 inicio do squid.conf liberando totalmente o acesso para o site da Sefaz.

 Também criei regras no meu script de firewall (iptables) para tirar do
 redirecionamento para a porta do proxy do tráfego da minha Lan para a Sefaz
 e vice-versa, ou seja, estou excluindo TODO o tráfego para o site da Sefaz
 (ida e volta) do Squid, mas ainda continua bloqueando o acesso!

 No suporte deles, eles mencionam para liberar também para o endereço deles
 o https na porta 80

 Alguém pode me ajudar nisso?


 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: Problema com Bind9

2010-07-12 Thread Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
Hash: SHA1

On 12-07-2010 12:18, Rodrigo Batista wrote:
 estava tendo alguns problema na minha rede e acabei dando uma olhada no
 log do syslog e esta me mostrando alguns aviso. gostaria de saber se é
 erro ou nao

 Jul 12 15:13:47 Pinta-Silva named[30514]: network unreachable resolving 
 '': 2001:660:3006:1::1:1#53
 Jul 12 15:14:56 Pinta-Silva named[30514]: network unreachable resolving 
 '': 2001:503:a83e::2:30#53
 Jul 12 15:14:56 Pinta-Silva named[30514]: network unreachable resolving 
 '': 2001:503:a83e::2:30#53
 Jul 12 15:14:56 Pinta-Silva named[30514]: network unreachable resolving 
 '': 2001:503:231d::2:30#53
 Jul 12 15:14:56 Pinta-Silva named[30514]: network unreachable resolving 
 '': 2001:503:231d::2:30#53
 Jul 12 15:14:56 Pinta-Silva named[30514]: network unreachable resolving 
 '': 2001:503:231d::2:30#53
 Jul 12 15:14:56 Pinta-Silva named[30514]: network unreachable resolving 
 '': 2001:503:231d::2:30#53

Você tem IPv6?

As mensagens acima indicam que não foi possível alcançar
a rede ao resolver endereços  (entradas DNS para IPv6). Você
forçar o uso somente de IPv4, ainda assim nem todos os erros
desaparecerão, há hosts com entradas duplas.

Se você ativar IPv6, isso provavelmente desaparecerá
(exceto é claro, nos casos onde realmente houver um problema de

- -- 
Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
Debian. Freedom to code. Code to freedom!
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: Problema com Bind9

2010-07-12 Thread Rodrigo Batista
hoje na minha rede nao tem ipv6.

acredito que seja problema de route.

@@ Tenha uma Longa ViDa @@
   Rodrigo Batista
   Cel:. 011-7865-6291

Em 12 de julho de 2010 20:56, Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw) escreveu:

 Hash: SHA1

 On 12-07-2010 12:18, Rodrigo Batista wrote:
  estava tendo alguns problema na minha rede e acabei dando uma olhada no
  log do syslog e esta me mostrando alguns aviso. gostaria de saber se é
  erro ou nao

  Jul 12 15:13:47 Pinta-Silva named[30514]: network unreachable resolving '': 2001:660:3006:1::1:1#53
  Jul 12 15:14:56 Pinta-Silva named[30514]: network unreachable resolving '': 2001:503:a83e::2:30#53
  Jul 12 15:14:56 Pinta-Silva named[30514]: network unreachable resolving '': 2001:503:a83e::2:30#53
  Jul 12 15:14:56 Pinta-Silva named[30514]: network unreachable resolving '': 2001:503:231d::2:30#53
  Jul 12 15:14:56 Pinta-Silva named[30514]: network unreachable resolving '': 2001:503:231d::2:30#53
  Jul 12 15:14:56 Pinta-Silva named[30514]: network unreachable resolving '': 2001:503:231d::2:30#53
  Jul 12 15:14:56 Pinta-Silva named[30514]: network unreachable resolving '': 2001:503:231d::2:30#53

 Você tem IPv6?

As mensagens acima indicam que não foi possível alcançar
 a rede ao resolver endereços  (entradas DNS para IPv6). Você
 forçar o uso somente de IPv4, ainda assim nem todos os erros
 desaparecerão, há hosts com entradas duplas.

Se você ativar IPv6, isso provavelmente desaparecerá
 (exceto é claro, nos casos onde realmente houver um problema de

 - --
 Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
 Debian. Freedom to code. Code to freedom!
 Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: Problema com Bind9

2010-07-12 Thread Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
Hash: SHA1

On 12-07-2010 21:39, Rodrigo Batista wrote:
 hoje na minha rede nao tem ipv6.

 acredito que seja problema de route.

Sim, é um problema de rota porque você não
tem rotas IPv6. Por padrão, o BIND trabalhará com
IPv4 e IPv6, as mensagens são para registros 
e para endereços IPv6.

Se você não pretende ter rotas IPv6,
desabilite o modo IPv6 (opção -4) e os erros tendem
a ficar restritos ao carregamento inicial quando os
servidores ROOT são consultados para geração do
cache inicial.

- -- 
Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
Debian. Freedom to code. Code to freedom!
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: [OFF] Download de arquivos do googlegroups - RESOLVIDO

2010-07-12 Thread Ivani A. Nascimento
Ola Ramão, obrigada pela dica. Não conhecia esse add-on e ele resolveu o 
Quanto ao wget para baixar arquivos do google groups, pelo que vi, o google 
acrescenta um hash depois do nome do arquivo... e é aleatorio... dai eu não sei 
se é possível fazer um script pra pegar o hash e baixar via wget...
Como eu estava precisando de uma solução simples, sua dica ajudou bastante!




--- Em seg, 12/7/10, ramao martins escreveu:

 De: ramao martins
 Assunto: Re: [OFF] Download de arquivos do googlegroups
 Para: Ivani A. Nascimento
 Data: Segunda-feira, 12 de Julho de 2010, 11:55
 Ivani, vou passar para você minha
 experiência com o wget, mas não
 quero fazer parecer que seja uma coisa definitiva. O wget
 só baixa um
 arquivo por vez. Nunca cosegui fazê-lo funcionar de outra
 forma. No
 firefox uso o gerenciador de download DownThemAll, 
 que baixa
 facilmente vários arquivos ao mesmo tempo, sendo rápido e
 não tenho
 tido nenhum contratempo com a integridade dos
 arquivos  baixados. Eis
 minha experiência!
 Em 10 de julho de 2010 16:20, Ivani A. Nascimento
  Ola lista!
  Estou tentando achar uma forma de baixar de uma vez
 todos arquivos que estao em um determinado grupo do
  Tentei usar 'wget -r' e outras opçoes, porem sempre
 caio no erro 403.
  Provavelmente estou fazendo alguma coisa errada na
 hora de utilizar o wget, mas não consigo enxergar o erro.
  Alguém poderia por favor me ajudar? Sera que é
 possivel fazer o download usando o wget?
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Re: Very slow LVM performance

2010-07-12 Thread Stan Hoeppner
Arcady Genkin put forth on 7/11/2010 10:46 PM:

  lvcreate -l 102389 vg0

Should be:

lvcreate -i 10 -I [stripe_size] -l 102389 vg0

I believe you're losing 10x performance because you have a 10 disk mdadm
stripe but you didn't inform lvcreate about this fact.  Delete the vg, and
then recreate the vg with the above command line, specifying 64 for the stripe
size (the mdadm default).  If performance is still lacking, recreate it again
with 640 for the stripe size.  (I'm not exactly sure of the relationship
between mdadm chunk size and lvm stripe size--it's either equal, or it's mdadm
stripe width * mdadm chunk size)

If you specified a chunk size when you created the mdadm RAID 0 stripe, then
use that chunk size for the lvcreate stripe_size.  Again, if performance is
still lacking, recreate with whatever chunk size you specified in mdadm and
multiply that by 10.

Hope this helps.  Let us know.


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cron does not launch jobs correctly

2010-07-12 Thread Sthu Deus
Good day.

Why is it so:

when a job is been run by cron then I get:

run-parts: failed to exec /etc/cron.weekly/ntping: Exec format error
run-parts: /etc/cron.weekly/ntping exited with return code 1

when I lunch at command prompt, then:

12 Jul 13:20:10 ntpdate[10915]: step time server
aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd offset 2.974808 sec


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Re: cron does not launch jobs correctly

2010-07-12 Thread Jordon Bedwell
Hash: SHA1

On 7/12/2010 1:24 AM, Sthu Deus wrote:
 Good day.
 Why is it so:
 when a job is been run by cron then I get:
 run-parts: failed to exec /etc/cron.weekly/ntping: Exec format error
 run-parts: /etc/cron.weekly/ntping exited with return code 1
 when I lunch at command prompt, then:
 12 Jul 13:20:10 ntpdate[10915]: step time server
 aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd offset 2.974808 sec
 Thank You for Your time.

Try adding a shebang to the top of your file:

- -- 

Jordon Bedwell
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (MingW32)


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Re: lenny boot with grub2

2010-07-12 Thread mess-mate

On 07/12/2010 04:43 AM, Bob Proulx wrote:

mess-mate wrote:

i've installed sqeeze (amd64) and grub2 as the boot loader.
On an 2d hd lenny with  grub (older version with the stage.. files) is
Since grub2 is installed on the mbr no way to boot my lenny system.

Have you tried the chainloader?  I haven't so don't know but it seems
like the chainloader should be able to boot your Lenny grub version.


Here is the lenny part on grub.cfg:
menuentry Lenny, kernel 2.6.28_mm01 (on /dev/sdc6) {
 insmod ext2
 set root='(hd2,5)'
 search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set f26b56c1-4550-4815-b7bf-e5f114c6f9e4
 linux /vmlinuz-2.6.28 root=/dev/sdc6 rootfstype=ext4 ro quiet vga=788
 initrd /initrd.img-2.6.28

Unfortunately I don't know grub2 configuration well enough to suggest
with any authority what the chainloader configuration would be.  But
looking at the web right now it appears that something like this might
work.  Untested.

menuentry Lenny {
 insmod chain
 set root='(hd2,5)'
 chainloader +1


Thanks for the suggestion, do not work for me :(

Re: lenny boot with grub2

2010-07-12 Thread mess-mate

On 07/12/2010 05:41 AM, Greg Madden wrote:

On Sunday 11 July 2010 14:52:05 mess-mate wrote:

Hi list,
i've installed sqeeze (amd64) and grub2 as the boot loader.
On an 2d hd lenny with  grub (older version with the stage.. files) is
Since grub2 is installed on the mbr no way to boot my lenny system.
Here is the lenny part on grub.cfg:
menuentry Lenny, kernel 2.6.28_mm01 (on /dev/sdc6) {
  insmod ext2
  set root='(hd2,5)'
  search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set
f26b56c1-4550-4815-b7bf-e5f114c6f9e4 linux /vmlinuz-2.6.28 root=/dev/sdc6
rootfstype=ext4 ro quiet vga=788 initrd /initrd.img-2.6.28

UUID is disabled as default.
any help would be very apprecited.

1. grub2 depends grub-pc
2. grub-pc 'suggests' os-prober'

Grub2  uses 'os-prober' to find other os's.  I have had time when this process
did not work, make sure os-prober is installed, on my Lenny it is 'suggested'
for grub-pc.

Squeeze works here though.

If you use one mbr to boot all you will need to pick which os to configure
grub.  If you can't get to the one os you want to manage your disks use an
alternate means to chroot into it, make sure os-prober is installed, then
run 'update-grub'.

grub-pc and os-prober are installed and created grub.cfg after a probe 
of all my hd's.

So the lenny part was created as you can see above.
I've checked a possible install of grub-legacy but it seems completely 
different from the one installed on lenny. ( no more stage files and so on)
As you say, chrooting with a rescue-cd in lenny and setup a floppy grub 
loader would be a possibility.

Had never a problem like this after a version change.

Re: output from udevadm

2010-07-12 Thread Tom H
On Sun, Jul 11, 2010 at 5:23 PM, wrote:
 The following short transcript is from adapting the udevadm
 invocation in to investigate
 1394 support in my Squeeze system.  Two questions.

 * What exactly is meant by device specified by the devpath in
  the output?  According to the udevadm man page, devpath is
  the value assigned to --path;  but that parameter is not present
  in the command below.  No devpath is specified.

 * What exactly is '/class/ieee1394_protocol/raw1394'?
  /class is not a directory in the filesystem and /dev/raw1394
  is the only 1394 device I've found.

 === transcript===
 joule:/dev# udevadm info --name=/dev/raw1394 --attribute-walk

 Udevinfo starts with the device specified by the devpath and then
 walks up the chain of parent devices. It prints for every device
 found, all possible attributes in the udev rules key format.
 A rule to match, can be composed by the attributes of the device
 and the attributes from one single parent device.

  looking at device '/class/ieee1394_protocol/raw1394':

 joule:/dev# ls /class
 ls: cannot access /class: No such file or directory

From a filesystem perspective, there is an assumed /sys in front of 

devpath is the /class/... equivalent of /dev/...

You can get it with
udevadm info --query=path --name=/dev/...

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Re: lenny boot with grub2

2010-07-12 Thread Tom H
On Sun, Jul 11, 2010 at 6:52 PM, mess-mate wrote:

 i've installed sqeeze (amd64) and grub2 as the boot loader.
 On an 2d hd lenny with  grub (older version with the stage.. files) is
 Since grub2 is installed on the mbr no way to boot my lenny system.
 Here is the lenny part on grub.cfg:
 menuentry Lenny, kernel 2.6.28_mm01 (on /dev/sdc6) {
     insmod ext2
     set root='(hd2,5)'
     search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set f26b56c1-4550-4815-b7bf-e5f114c6f9e4
     linux /vmlinuz-2.6.28 root=/dev/sdc6 rootfstype=ext4 ro quiet vga=788
     initrd /initrd.img-2.6.28

 UUID is disabled as default.

What does no way to boot mean?

Is Lenny's /boot on sdc5 or sdc6?

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Re: lenny boot with grub2

2010-07-12 Thread mess-mate

On 07/12/2010 09:48 AM, Tom H wrote:

On Sun, Jul 11, 2010 at 6:52 PM,  wrote:

i've installed sqeeze (amd64) and grub2 as the boot loader.
On an 2d hd lenny with  grub (older version with the stage.. files) is
Since grub2 is installed on the mbr no way to boot my lenny system.
Here is the lenny part on grub.cfg:
menuentry Lenny, kernel 2.6.28_mm01 (on /dev/sdc6) {
 insmod ext2
 set root='(hd2,5)'
 search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set f26b56c1-4550-4815-b7bf-e5f114c6f9e4
 linux /vmlinuz-2.6.28 root=/dev/sdc6 rootfstype=ext4 ro quiet vga=788
 initrd /initrd.img-2.6.28

UUID is disabled as default.

What does no way to boot mean?

Is Lenny's /boot on sdc5 or sdc6?

It mean's i can't boot lenny. /dev, /proc, etc.. couldn't be mounted ( a 
common error message encountered , now and in the past, when a root dir 
isn't found)

The Lenny-root is on sdc6 ext4. The /boot partition is on sdc5 ext3.

USB memory stick plugged in - mouse stops

2010-07-12 Thread Alan Chandler
I have a USB mouse and keyboard both plugged through an external hub and 
connected into a USB port at the back of my computer

Separately I have a USB port out of the front of the computer in which 
(via a short extension lead) I am plugging in a memory stick. (I am 
saying this because I think it is unlikely they are connected to the 
same USB chip on the motherboard).

I have had this arrangement for at least a year, probably several.

I am running Squeeze (mostly - sources.list show Squeeze, but about 4 
months ago this machine ran Sid, so it is possible some packages remain 
installed from that time which haven't been updated).

In the last few days, I have noticed that when I plug in the memory 
stick my mouse stops responding.  Not completely, but it is very jerky 
and is almost not responding at all to movement.  Most times a click 
doesn't work, although it does occassionally. As soon as I unplug the 
stick it works again.  Unmounting the (auto) mounted stick does NOT make 
the mouse work again.

This happens about 98% of the time - just very occassionally it all 
seems fine.

I've looked using htop whilst this happens, and I can't see any process 
suddenly take all the CPU time or anything like that - indeed except for 
a blip at the beginning CPU time is averaging out at about 5%.

I say this happened in the past couple of days - but in reality it may 
have been within a couple of weeks before that.  A couple of weeks back 
I set my CPU to go to sleep when it wasn't being used for a couple of 
hours - but this seemed to frequently stop the mouse and keyboard from 
responding at all when I came out of that sleep mode, so two days ago I 
turned this off.  It was then when I started to notice this phenomenon.

Any ideas on how to track down what this problem might be.

Alan Chandler

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Re: lenny boot with grub2

2010-07-12 Thread Tom H
On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 4:15 AM, mess-mate wrote:
 On 07/12/2010 09:48 AM, Tom H wrote:

 On Sun, Jul 11, 2010 at 6:52 PM, mess-mate wrote:

 i've installed sqeeze (amd64) and grub2 as the boot loader.
 On an 2d hd lenny with  grub (older version with the stage.. files) is
 Since grub2 is installed on the mbr no way to boot my lenny system.
 Here is the lenny part on grub.cfg:
 menuentry Lenny, kernel 2.6.28_mm01 (on /dev/sdc6) {
     insmod ext2
     set root='(hd2,5)'
     search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set f26b56c1-4550-4815-b7bf-e5f114c6f9e4
     linux /vmlinuz-2.6.28 root=/dev/sdc6 ro quiet vga=788
     initrd /initrd.img-2.6.28

 UUID is disabled as default.

 What does no way to boot mean?

 Is Lenny's /boot on sdc5 or sdc6?

 It mean's i can't boot lenny. /dev, /proc, etc.. couldn't be mounted ( a
 common error message encountered , now and in the past, when a root dir
 isn't found)
 The Lenny-root is on sdc6 ext4. The /boot partition is on sdc5 ext3.

So grub is loading your initrd and the latter cannot mount your
partitions, probably because you are using sdc6 instead of hdc6 or
because Lenny is recognizing sdc/hdc as sda/hda or sdb/hdb.

blkid /dev/sdc6
Change your linux line to
linux /vmlinuz-2.6.28 root=/dev/disk/by-uuid/output_of_blkid_above
ro rootfstype=ext4 vga=788
linux /vmlinuz-2.6.28 root=/dev/hdc6 ro rootfstype=ext4 vga=788

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No lvm2 volumes after kernel update

2010-07-12 Thread Konstantin Kletschke

I tried to do a Kernel update on an (mainly) lenny box after it had an
uptime of over 400 days. This means quite old Box with old kernel meets
bleeding edge modern stuff. Additionally I moved from lilo to grub2 (if
that is from concern).

Well the update itself did run very well, grub2 loads new kernel and
ramdisk and iniiates to start userspace. There pvscan detects no
physical volumes anymore all of a sudden. Booting the old kernel again
runs well and the bos comes up and pvscan works and the logical volumes
are mounted and working in the end.

The old kernel is a debian packge:

2.6.17-2-686 #1 SMP Thu Aug 31 12:53:18 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux

The new kernel is also debian package:


Additional the versions of the following packages may be relevant:

lvm2: 2.02.39-7
libdevmapper1.02.1: 2:1.02.27-4
udev: 0.098-2

The box is a headless production system in a server hosting farm so I
sadly was not able to investigate the situation proper, pvscan simply
did not found any volumes.

What can cause this error, what of my packages is too old to trigger
such behaviour? Is there a save way upgradig from this situation to a
modern kernel?

Kind Regards, Konsti

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Re: USB memory stick plugged in - mouse stops

2010-07-12 Thread Alan Chandler

On 12/07/10 10:43, Alan Chandler wrote:

In the last few days, I have noticed that when I plug in the memory
stick my mouse stops responding.

I think it must be hardware related.  I just tried moving to another USB 
slot on the front, and that is working without any problem.

Forgive the noise

Alan Chandler

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Re: GRUB broken after upgrade on Macbook

2010-07-12 Thread Sylvain Archenault

I managed to fix this.

I should have run grub-install /dev/sda at a moment instead of
/dev/sda3/ which lead to a corrupt mbr.

I fixed this by clearing the mbr
dd if=fakembr80.tx of=/dev/sda bs=512 count=1

and reinstalling grub:
grub-install /dev/sda3


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Re: No lvm2 volumes after kernel update

2010-07-12 Thread Michael Tsang
On Monday 12 July 2010 17:53:56 Konstantin Kletschke wrote:
 Well the update itself did run very well, grub2 loads new kernel and
 ramdisk and iniiates to start userspace. There pvscan detects no
 physical volumes anymore all of a sudden. Booting the old kernel again
 runs well and the bos comes up and pvscan works and the logical volumes
 are mounted and working in the end.
 The old kernel is a debian packge:
 2.6.17-2-686 #1 SMP Thu Aug 31 12:53:18 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux
 The new kernel is also debian package:
 Additional the versions of the following packages may be relevant:
 lvm2: 2.02.39-7
 libdevmapper1.02.1: 2:1.02.27-4
 udev: 0.098-2
 Kind Regards, Konsti
Are you using the kernel to autodetect the LVM volumes (using type 0xfd). It 
does not handle the volumes well, about a week ago, it *corrupted* my array 
because it couldn't distinguish the superblocks of /dev/sdb and /dev/sdb1. 
Finally, I used userspace tools (mdadm) to detect my array by specifying the 
arrays in /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf

Also, did you specify any of /dev/hd? in /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf? The new kernel 
treats IDE devices as SATA devices so you will use /dev/sd? to specify the 
hard disks.
Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: lenny boot with grub2

2010-07-12 Thread mess-mate

On 07/12/2010 11:51 AM, Tom H wrote:

On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 4:15 AM,  wrote:

On 07/12/2010 09:48 AM, Tom H wrote:

On Sun, Jul 11, 2010 at 6:52 PM,  wrote:

i've installed sqeeze (amd64) and grub2 as the boot loader.
On an 2d hd lenny with  grub (older version with the stage.. files) is
Since grub2 is installed on the mbr no way to boot my lenny system.
Here is the lenny part on grub.cfg:
menuentry Lenny, kernel 2.6.28_mm01 (on /dev/sdc6) {
 insmod ext2
 set root='(hd2,5)'
 search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set f26b56c1-4550-4815-b7bf-e5f114c6f9e4
 linux /vmlinuz-2.6.28 root=/dev/sdc6 ro quiet vga=788
 initrd /initrd.img-2.6.28

UUID is disabled as default.

What does no way to boot mean?

Is Lenny's /boot on sdc5 or sdc6?

It mean's i can't boot lenny. /dev, /proc, etc.. couldn't be mounted ( a
common error message encountered , now and in the past, when a root dir
isn't found)
The Lenny-root is on sdc6 ext4. The /boot partition is on sdc5 ext3.

So grub is loading your initrd and the latter cannot mount your
partitions, probably because you are using sdc6 instead of hdc6 or
because Lenny is recognizing sdc/hdc as sda/hda or sdb/hdb.

blkid /dev/sdc6
Change your linux line to
linux /vmlinuz-2.6.28 root=/dev/disk/by-uuid/output_of_blkid_above
ro rootfstype=ext4 vga=788
linux /vmlinuz-2.6.28 root=/dev/hdc6 ro rootfstype=ext4 vga=788

Ok, i don't know what happen exactly but the UUID is completely 
defferent between grub.cfg and the

'blkid /dev/sdc6' results: UUID=7057a48b-9ed1-4c6d-bb02-58228b06 

So i changed the uuid but still the same error and a busybox and initramfs.
No boot.
Can it be a bios problem or a GRUB bug ?

[SOLVED] What's the easiest way for a shell script to tell if grub version 1 is installed?

2010-07-12 Thread Stephen Powell
On Sat, 03 Jul 2010 07:41:06 -0400 (EDT), Tom H wrote:
 Stephen Powell wrote:
 What's the easiest way for a shell script to tell if grub version 1
 is installed?  It is important to distinguish grub version 1 from
 grub version 2.  For example, can I just do this?
 Anand Sivaram wrote:
 grub-setup --version
 grub-setup (GRUB) 1.98-1
 grub-install --version
 grub-install (GNU GRUB 1.98-1)
 grub --version should print the version.
 From bootinfoscript
 hexdump -v -n  2 -e '/1 %x' $drive
 eb48 == grub1
 eb4c == grub2 (1.96)
 eb63 == grub2 (1.97,1.98)

Thanks, Tom.  And thanks also to all who responded.  You are all
a wealth of information, and a big help.

  .''`. Stephen Powell
 : :'  :
 `. `'`

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Re: how to backup and restore /var partition.

2010-07-12 Thread John Hasler
Bob Proulx writes:
 Upgrade.  Don't re-install. 

But note that it is best not to skip releases when doing so.
John Hasler

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Re: lenny boot with grub2

2010-07-12 Thread Tom H
On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 9:05 AM, mess-mate wrote:
 On 07/12/2010 11:51 AM, Tom H wrote:
 On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 4:15 AM, mess-mate wrote:
 On 07/12/2010 09:48 AM, Tom H wrote:
 On Sun, Jul 11, 2010 at 6:52 PM, mess-mate wrote:

 i've installed sqeeze (amd64) and grub2 as the boot loader.
 On an 2d hd lenny with  grub (older version with the stage.. files) is
 Since grub2 is installed on the mbr no way to boot my lenny system.
 Here is the lenny part on grub.cfg:
 menuentry Lenny, kernel 2.6.28_mm01 (on /dev/sdc6) {
     insmod ext2
     set root='(hd2,5)'
     search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set f26b56c1-4550-4815-b7bf-e5f114c6f9e4
     linux /vmlinuz-2.6.28 root=/dev/sdc6 ro quiet vga=788
     initrd /initrd.img-2.6.28

 UUID is disabled as default.

 What does no way to boot mean?

 Is Lenny's /boot on sdc5 or sdc6?

 It mean's i can't boot lenny. /dev, /proc, etc.. couldn't be mounted ( a
 common error message encountered , now and in the past, when a root dir
 isn't found)
 The Lenny-root is on sdc6 ext4. The /boot partition is on sdc5 ext3.

 So grub is loading your initrd and the latter cannot mount your
 partitions, probably because you are using sdc6 instead of hdc6 or
 because Lenny is recognizing sdc/hdc as sda/hda or sdb/hdb.

 blkid /dev/sdc6
 Change your linux line to
 linux /vmlinuz-2.6.28 root=/dev/disk/by-uuid/output_of_blkid_above
 ro rootfstype=ext4 vga=788
 linux /vmlinuz-2.6.28 root=/dev/hdc6 ro rootfstype=ext4 vga=788

 Ok, i don't know what happen exactly but the UUID is completely defferent
 between grub.cfg and the

 'blkid /dev/sdc6' results: UUID=7057a48b-9ed1-4c6d-bb02-58228b06

 So i changed the uuid but still the same error and a busybox and initramfs.
 No boot.
 Can it be a bios problem or a GRUB bug ?

careful, the uuid of the search line should be that of /boot not of /
so it should be the uuid of sdc6/hdc6.

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'Mounting local filesystems... failed.' when /etc/mtab is a symlink to /proc/mounts.

2010-07-12 Thread higeon

I want make a readonly ROOT following the guide

/etc/mtab is a symlink to /proc/mounts.
and the udev-mtab is disabled.

But I got the error when boot:
'Mounting local filesystems... failed.'

Where is the problem?

Thank you!

OS: debian 5.04 lenny x86

Recovering deleted items once Kmail trash is emptied

2010-07-12 Thread AG


Is there anyway of recovering items that have been deleted by emptying 
KMail's trash folder?

I suspect not, and certainly the KMail manual suggests that once it's 
gone, it's gone.  However, ever hopeful, I thought that someone here may 
have a trick or two up their sleeve.

Thanks for any advice.


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Re: Recovering deleted items once Kmail trash is emptied

2010-07-12 Thread Camaleón
On Mon, 12 Jul 2010 14:27:25 +0100, AG wrote:

 Is there anyway of recovering items that have been deleted by emptying
 KMail's trash folder?
 I suspect not, and certainly the KMail manual suggests that once it's
 gone, it's gone.  However, ever hopeful, I thought that someone here may
 have a trick or two up their sleeve.

It will depend on the filesystem... and a bit of luck.

You can give PhotoRec¹ a try, which is included in SystemRescue CD².




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Re: No lvm2 volumes after kernel update

2010-07-12 Thread konsti

Sorry, this is not a reply but in initial message to the list.

 Are you using the kernel to autodetect the LVM volumes (using type
0xfd). It 

Well I use only the kernel modules (dm_mod) and let userspace do its
mainly debian's /etc/init.d/lvm does the job well. It relies on pvscan 
detecting the volumes.

There never was mdadm or md on this box, only one single disk /dev/sdb 
containing no partition table but the physical volume.

 Also, did you specify any of /dev/hd? in /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf? The new

As said, no mdadm tools on this machine. I actually have a
(its contens is DEVICE partitions only), but it is not owned by any

 treats IDE devices as SATA devices so you will use /dev/sd? to specify
 hard disks.

I thought of that already, but the disks are SATA so the were named sda
and sdb any


PS.: Pleas CC me, since I am not on this List.

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Re: lenny boot with grub2

2010-07-12 Thread mess-mate

On 07/12/2010 03:19 PM, Tom H wrote:

On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 9:05 AM,  wrote:

On 07/12/2010 11:51 AM, Tom H wrote:
On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 4:15 AM,  wrote:
On 07/12/2010 09:48 AM, Tom H wrote:
On Sun, Jul 11, 2010 at 6:52 PM,  wrote:

i've installed sqeeze (amd64) and grub2 as the boot loader.
On an 2d hd lenny with  grub (older version with the stage.. files) is
Since grub2 is installed on the mbr no way to boot my lenny system.
Here is the lenny part on grub.cfg:
menuentry Lenny, kernel 2.6.28_mm01 (on /dev/sdc6) {
 insmod ext2
 set root='(hd2,5)'
 search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set f26b56c1-4550-4815-b7bf-e5f114c6f9e4
 linux /vmlinuz-2.6.28 root=/dev/sdc6 ro quiet vga=788
 initrd /initrd.img-2.6.28

UUID is disabled as default.

What does no way to boot mean?

Is Lenny's /boot on sdc5 or sdc6?

It mean's i can't boot lenny. /dev, /proc, etc.. couldn't be mounted ( a
common error message encountered , now and in the past, when a root dir
isn't found)
The Lenny-root is on sdc6 ext4. The /boot partition is on sdc5 ext3.

So grub is loading your initrd and the latter cannot mount your
partitions, probably because you are using sdc6 instead of hdc6 or
because Lenny is recognizing sdc/hdc as sda/hda or sdb/hdb.

blkid /dev/sdc6
Change your linux line to
linux /vmlinuz-2.6.28 root=/dev/disk/by-uuid/output_of_blkid_above
ro rootfstype=ext4 vga=788
linux /vmlinuz-2.6.28 root=/dev/hdc6 ro rootfstype=ext4 vga=788

Ok, i don't know what happen exactly but the UUID is completely defferent
between grub.cfg and the

'blkid /dev/sdc6' results: UUID=7057a48b-9ed1-4c6d-bb02-58228b06

So i changed the uuid but still the same error and a busybox and initramfs.
No boot.
Can it be a bios problem or a GRUB bug ?

careful, the uuid of the search line should be that of /boot not of /
so it should be the uuid of sdc6/hdc6.

Indeed, sdc5 = /boot or (hd2,5). /boot is a different partition. 
UUID=f26b56c1-4550-4815-b7bf-e5f114c6f9e4 SEC_TYPE=ext2 TYPE=ext3

Re: output from udevadm

2010-07-12 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 11 Jul 2010 14:23:37 -0700, peasthope wrote:

 The following short transcript is from adapting the udevadm invocation
 in to investigate 1394 support in my Squeeze
 system.  Two questions.
 * What exactly is meant by device specified by the devpath in
   the output?  According to the udevadm man page, devpath is the value
   assigned to --path;  but that parameter is not present in the command
   below.  No devpath is specified.

I think it refers to a possible value/option you can define using 

As per man udevinfo:

The devpath of the device to query.

Being udev a hierarchical database, I guess this option allows the user 
to define a starting point to make the query.

 * What exactly is '/class/ieee1394_protocol/raw1394'?
   /class is not a directory in the filesystem and /dev/raw1394 is the
   only 1394 device I've found.

Dunno what it is, but it seems to be located under /sys/class/*

stt008:~# ls -l /sys/class
total 0
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 0 jul 12 07:43 backlight
drwxr-xr-x 31 root root 0 jul 12 07:43 bdi
drwxr-xr-x  5 root root 0 jul 12 07:43 bsg
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 0 jul 12 07:43 dma
drwxr-xr-x  3 root root 0 jul 12 07:43 dmi
drwxr-xr-x  4 root root 0 jul 12 07:43 graphics
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 0 jul 12 07:43 hwmon
drwxr-xr-x  9 root root 0 jul 12 07:44 i2c-adapter
drwxr-xr-x  3 root root 0 jul 12 07:43 ide_port
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 0 jul 12 07:43 ieee1394
drwxr-xr-x  4 root root 0 jul 12 07:43 ieee1394_host
drwxr-xr-x  4 root root 0 jul 12 07:43 ieee1394_node
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 0 jul 12 07:43 ieee1394_protocol
drwxr-xr-x  9 root root 0 jul 12 07:43 input
drwxr-xr-x 11 root root 0 jul 12 07:43 mem
drwxr-xr-x  9 root root 0 jul 12 07:43 misc
drwxr-xr-x  5 root root 0 jul 12 07:43 net
drwxr-xr-x 10 root root 0 jul 12 07:43 pci_bus
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 0 jul 12 07:43 power_supply
drwxr-xr-x  3 root root 0 jul 12 07:43 ppdev
drwxr-xr-x  3 root root 0 jul 12 07:43 printer
drwxr-xr-x  3 root root 0 jul 12 07:43 rtc
drwxr-xr-x  5 root root 0 jul 12 07:43 scsi_device
drwxr-xr-x  4 root root 0 jul 12 07:43 scsi_disk
drwxr-xr-x  5 root root 0 jul 12 07:43 scsi_generic
drwxr-xr-x  8 root root 0 jul 12 07:43 scsi_host
drwxr-xr-x  8 root root 0 jul 12 07:43 sound
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 0 jul 12 07:43 spi_master
drwxr-xr-x  6 root root 0 jul 12 07:43 thermal
drwxr-xr-x 73 root root 0 jul 12 07:43 tty
drwxr-xr-x 10 root root 0 jul 12 07:43 usb_device
drwxr-xr-x 18 root root 0 jul 12 07:43 usb_endpoint
drwxr-xr-x 10 root root 0 jul 12 07:43 usb_host
drwxr-xr-x 11 root root 0 jul 12 07:43 usbmon
drwxr-xr-x 18 root root 0 jul 12 07:44 vc
drwxr-xr-x  4 root root 0 jul 12 07:43 vtconsole



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Re: how to backup and restore /var partition.

2010-07-12 Thread H.S.
On 11/07/10 11:12 PM, Bob Proulx wrote:
 H. S. wrote:
 I want to reinstall Debian on a machine which is also running my local  
 web server. I am planning on backing up /home, /var and /etc.
 Backups are good.  But...
 Re-install?  Why?  Is the machine running now?  If so then why not
 simply upgrade it?  Please tell us more!  Sometimes people come to
 Debian from other distros where upgrades do not work and so they think
 that they need to install from scratch to move forward.  But in Debian
 upgrades do work and have for almost forever.  Really!

I want to use LVM in that machine.

I have used Debian for some hears and I fully understand your point
regarding upgrades.

 Overwriting /var with an old copy will cause trouble.  I am sure that
 you have some need in mind.  Why do you want to do this?  What is
 there that you want to restore?  If something like /var/www then you
 can safely restore just /var/www okay.  But otherwise just overwriting
 /var from a different and older system will definitely break a lot of
 system functionality.  For example dpkg keeps its brain there.

I am going to exclude /var/cache/apt, or even /var/cache. I have never
restored /var before so I am still looking for information.

/var/www is the most important one to restore. As you wrote, it looks to
be quite a simple to copy over www from the older one and than install
and start apache on the new installation.

 You will probably have some trouble with /etc too.  Because the new

I know, that is why I am not restoring /etc. I will keep it only for
config records that I do not want to go hunting around on google after I

 system will have newer syntax in various files the /etc and again,
 overwriting those with the older systems versions will cause trouble.
 You could go through your systems one by one and use the old files as
 a template and re-edit the new files into shape using the old ones as
 reference.  That is about the best way to do it if you really want to
 move the functionality onto the new system from an older one.

Yes, I agree, and that is what I usually do.

 Regarding apache, I suppose I just copy the /var/log/apache to the new  
 system before starting apache?
 System logs would be okay to move forward.  But note that you would
 lose the information that happened during the installation if you move
 /var/log/dpkg.log forward.  But logs are informational only so nothing
 will break if those are lost.

Apt and dpkg logs are not that important, so no problem there.

 Any further tips are much appreciated.
 Upgrade.  Don't re-install.  :-)

I would, if there were an easy way to manage my current partition scheme
with LVM. Is there?



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Uninstallation of Java tools for eclipse

2010-07-12 Thread J.Hwan.Kim

Hi, everyone

My system is lenny 5.03 and when I installed eclipse, the development 
tools are installed, too.
But now I want to unistall the java development tools of eclipse. So, I 
did it, but the  java tools of eclipse is not installed.

When I overwrite sun java packages, the java tools of eclipse remains.
How can I uninstall the java tools for eclipse completely?

Thanks in advance

Best Regards,
J.Hwan Kim

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Re: Recovering deleted items once Kmail trash is emptied

2010-07-12 Thread Carl Johnson
Camaleón writes:

 On Mon, 12 Jul 2010 14:27:25 +0100, AG wrote:

 Is there anyway of recovering items that have been deleted by emptying
 KMail's trash folder?
 I suspect not, and certainly the KMail manual suggests that once it's
 gone, it's gone.  However, ever hopeful, I thought that someone here may
 have a trick or two up their sleeve.

 It will depend on the filesystem... and a bit of luck.

 You can give PhotoRec¹ a try, which is included in SystemRescue CD².


PhotoRec is also available from debian as part of the testdisk

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Re: Why does not update-grub detect Fedora 13 installation?

2010-07-12 Thread Camaleón
On Mon, 12 Jul 2010 00:17:53 -0400, H.S. wrote:


 Now when I do update-grub in Debian, it detects all OSes installed in
 the hard drives connected to the system, but does not detect Fedora 13.
 I had to manually add the stanza lines for F13 to get its option in the
 grub boot list.
 I am using LVM. F13 is installed with / mounted on /dev/mapper/vg1-lv8
 and its boot on /dev/sdc5. Update-grub appears to miss detecting the
 kernels in /dev/sdc5 altogether. Any idea why is that?

I don't know so much how the new beast (GRUB2) works, but if man 
update-grub¹ is right, it will detect all the vmlinuz files that are 
under the /boot partition, not sure if this condition fits in your case.

I guess there are still situations where a manual edition of GRUB2 menu 
is required (i.e., bootloader chainloading).




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Re: Why does not update-grub detect Fedora 13 installation?

2010-07-12 Thread H.S.
On 12/07/10 12:15 PM, Camaleón wrote:
 On Mon, 12 Jul 2010 00:17:53 -0400, H.S. wrote:
 Now when I do update-grub in Debian, it detects all OSes installed in
 the hard drives connected to the system, but does not detect Fedora 13.
 I had to manually add the stanza lines for F13 to get its option in the
 grub boot list.

 I am using LVM. F13 is installed with / mounted on /dev/mapper/vg1-lv8
 and its boot on /dev/sdc5. Update-grub appears to miss detecting the
 kernels in /dev/sdc5 altogether. Any idea why is that?
 I don't know so much how the new beast (GRUB2) works, but if man 
 update-grub¹ is right, it will detect all the vmlinuz files that are 
 under the /boot partition, not sure if this condition fits in your case.

I have F13's kernel on a partition mounted as /boot2 (primary partition,
not in LVM) in my Debian's fstab. However, update-grub works on all
other OSes I have on my hard drives, include Windows XP, Windows 7 and
Fedora 9, and those partitions are not even mounted.


Please reply to this list only. I read this list on its corresponding
newsgroup on Replies sent to my email address are just
filtered to a folder in my mailbox and get periodically deleted without
ever having been read.

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Re (2): output from udevadm

2010-07-12 Thread peasthope
From:   Tom H
Date:   Mon, 12 Jul 2010 03:43:02 -0400
From a filesystem perspective, there is an assumed /sys in front of 

OK, thanks.  This confirms.

joule:/home/peter# cd /sys/class/ieee1394_protocol
joule:/sys/class/ieee1394_protocol# ls -l
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 0 2010-07-05 17:46 raw1394
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 0 2010-07-12 07:48 video1394-0

After the camera is plugged in, the video1394 module is loaded.

pe...@joule:~$ tail --lines=20 /var/log/syslog | grep 1394
Jul 12 08:53:49 joule kernel: [ 2243.967829] IEEE 1394 device has ROM CRC error
Jul 12 08:53:49 joule kernel: [ 2243.967954] ieee1394: Node added: ID:BUS[0-00:1
023]  GUID[0814436102632a2b]
Jul 12 08:53:49 joule kernel: [ 2243.969136] ieee1394: Node changed: 0-00:1023 -
Jul 12 08:53:49 joule kernel: [ 2243.970482] IEEE 1394 device has ROM CRC error
Jul 12 08:53:50 joule kernel: [ 2244.223149] video1394: Installed video1394 modu
Jul 12 08:53:50 joule kernel: [ 2244.249614] ieee1394: raw1394: /dev/raw1394 dev
ice initialized

So udevadm should also tell something about /dev/video1394/0.

joule:/home/peter# udevadm info --name=/dev/video1394/0 --attribute-walk

Udevinfo starts with the device specified by the devpath and then
walks up the chain of parent devices. It prints for every device
found, all possible attributes in the udev rules key format.
A rule to match, can be composed by the attributes of the device
and the attributes from one single parent device.

  looking at device '/class/ieee1394_protocol/video1394-0':

These points in the above strike me as problematic or puzzling.
* syslog reports a ROM CRC error while the 
  camera was new  Coriander gets a live image.
* syslog reports Node changed.
* udevadm reports an empty DRIVER.
* syslog reports a GUID but udevadm reports nothing 
  specific to the device.  An example in a Ubuntu 
  document has BUS==usb, SYSFS{product}==TS128MJFLASHA 
  and many other attributes.

Any further ideas?

Thanks, ... Peter E.

Carnot is down, waiting for installation of NetBSD.
Personal site works; .

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Re: Very slow LVM performance

2010-07-12 Thread Arcady Genkin
On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 02:05, Stan Hoeppner wrote:

 lvcreate -i 10 -I [stripe_size] -l 102389 vg0

 I believe you're losing 10x performance because you have a 10 disk mdadm
 stripe but you didn't inform lvcreate about this fact.

Hi, Stan:

I believe that the -i and -I options are for using *LVM* to do the
striping, am I wrong?  In our case (when LVM sits on top of one RAID0
MD stripe) the option -i does not seem to make sense:

test4:~# lvcreate -i 10 -I 1024 -l 102380 vg0
  Number of stripes (10) must not exceed number of physical volumes (1)

My understanding is that LVM should be agnostic of what's underlying
it as the physical storage, so it should treat the MD stripe as one
large disk, and thus let the MD device to handle the load balancing
(which it seems to be doing fine).

Besides, the speed we are getting from the LVM volume is more than
twice slower than an individual component of the RAID10 stripe.  Even
if we assume that LVM manages somehow distribute its data so that it
always hits only one physical disk (a disk triplet in our case), there
would still be the question why it is doing it *that* slow.  It's 57
MB/s vs 134 MB/s that an individual triplet can do:

test4:~# dd of=/dev/null bs=8K count=250 if=/dev/md0
250+0 records in
250+0 records out
2048000 bytes (20 GB) copied, 153.084 s, 134 MB/s

 If you specified a chunk size when you created the mdadm RAID 0 stripe, then
 use that chunk size for the lvcreate stripe_size.  Again, if performance is
 still lacking, recreate with whatever chunk size you specified in mdadm and
 multiply that by 10.

We are using chunk size of 1024 (i.e. 1MB) with the MD devices.  For
the record, we used the following commands to create the md devices:

For N in 0 through 9:
mdadm --create /dev/mdN -v --raid-devices=3 --level=raid10 \
  --layout=n3 --metadata=0 --bitmap=internal --bitmap-chunk=2048 \
  --chunk=1024 /dev/sdX /dev/sdY /dev/sdZ

Then the big stripe:
mdadm --create /dev/md10 -v --raid-devices=10 --level=stripe \
  --metadata=1.0 --chunk=1024 /dev/md{0,5,1,6,2,7,3,8,4,9}

Arcady Genkin

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Re: Why does not update-grub detect Fedora 13 installation?

2010-07-12 Thread Camaleón
On Mon, 12 Jul 2010 12:24:44 -0400, H.S. wrote:

 On 12/07/10 12:15 PM, Camaleón wrote:

 I don't know so much how the new beast (GRUB2) works, but if man
 update-grub¹ is right, it will detect all the vmlinuz files that are
 under the /boot partition, not sure if this condition fits in your
 I have F13's kernel on a partition mounted as /boot2 (primary partition,
 not in LVM) in my Debian's fstab. However, update-grub works on all
 other OSes I have on my hard drives, include Windows XP, Windows 7 and
 Fedora 9, and those partitions are not even mounted.

I think windows OS falls apart (as there are no vmlinuz files to 
detect) but fedora9 should be the same case than Fedora13, provided that 
is also located in a different disk.

When you run the update-grub command, it writes a bad entry for 
fedora13 or just writes nothing?

Also, take a look into the bugs that have already filled for grub-pc:



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