Config du client subversion

2010-12-03 Thread nicolas


J'utilise le client subversion sur mes debian et je constate que par 
défaut la variable store-passwords est à yes.

Cela implique que le client subversion stock les identifiants de 
connexion aux serveurs svn dans ~/.subversion/auth/svn.simple (pour une 
authentification basique par exemple) et du coup le mot de passe en clair...

Cependant le dossier ~/.subversion/auth est protégé des autres 
utilisateurs mais je trouve tout de même ca inquiétant de voir mon mot 
de passe en clair, et surtout quand en plus il s'agit du mot de passe 
d'un compte utilisateur d'une base ldap qui peux servir à autre chose 
que du svn...

Pour une configuration par défaut je trouve ca un peu trop dangereux. 
Cette fonction devrai être activé par l'utilisateur qui du coup serait 
conscient de ce que cela implique.

Je n'ai pas l'habitude de faire des rapport alors je voulais savoir si 
vous pensez qu'un rapport de bug peut être intéressant sur ce sujet?

Bonne journée


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Re: Probleme de partitions avec un raid soft

2010-12-03 Thread Frédéric Massot

Le 02/12/2010 21:08, Eric GUIRBAL a écrit :


Je dispose d'une station sunblade 1000 (ultrasparc III) sur laquelle
était déjà installé une Debian Lenny sparc64. J'ai ajouté un second
disque SCSI identique pour configurer un raid 1 logiciel sur cette

La configuration est finie, j'ai ajouté Samba pour en faire un serveur
de fichiers. J'y ai migré quelques dizaines de milliers de fichiers. Il
n'y a rien dans les logs. dmesg | grep sda et dmesg | grep sdb sont
propres également.

Que contient le fichier /proc/mdstat ?

|  |
|   |

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Re: Xen sous lenny et noyau 2.6.32 de squeeze

2010-12-03 Thread Jean Baptiste Favre
 Pour les domU en revanche, le noyau étant mappé en mémoire, il faudra
 rebooter le domU pour autant que je sache. Je ne suis pas sûr que des
 outils comme KSplice gère le cas des domU en paravirtualisation.
 La migration peut être tentée après l'upgrade du noyau domU sur le dom0,
 si les bouts de noyau modifiés ne sont pas utilisés par le domU, mais
 j'ai quand même un gros doute sur la faisabilité du truc.
 Perso, je n'ai jamais cherché à jouer avec ça: soit la VM est vitale (et
 donc doublée), soit elle ne l'est pas et je reboote.
 Chez moi les domU bootent en quelques secondes (la plupart du temps moins
 de 10 secondes). Par contre, mes dom0 (en boot on SAN) mettent au moins
 5 minutes à rebooter. C'est pour cette dizaine de minutes nécessaire à
 la màj + reboot que j'envisage la procédure évoquée. Je l'ai testée
 hier au
 soir sur un Dom0 et ça a plutôt bien marché, même si sur certains domU
 j'ai eu
 le problème du Time went backwards. Je met en place le workaround #3
 On verra bien lors de la prochaine màj de noyau.
J'ai posé la question à la liste xen-users sur ce sujet. La réponse qui
m'a été donnée est la suivante:
Le noyau étant totalement mappé en mémoire, la migration ne devrait pas
poser de problème. En revanche, il faudra toujours rebooter pour que la
mise à jour soit prise en compte.

Du coup, ta solution devrait être viable :)


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Re: Probleme de partitions avec un raid soft

2010-12-03 Thread Sylvain L. Sauvage
[Remis sur la liste.]

Le vendredi 3 décembre 2010 à 05:46:53, Eric GUIRBAL a écrit :
 Sylvain L. Sauvage a écrit :
  Le jeudi 2 décembre 2010 à 21:08:15, Eric GUIRBAL a écrit :
Ce que j’ai du mal à comprendre, c’est pourquoi tu fais
  une patition dans tes md puisque tu as déjà plusieurs md. Tu
  sais que tu peux directement utiliser tes md pour y mettre
  tes fs ? (mkfs.bla /dev/md1, etc.)
 Je suis pas sûr de bien comprendre. J'ai cloné manuellement
 ma table des partitions de /dev/sda sur /dev/sdb. Ensuite
 j'ai crée ma grappe:
 #  mdadm --create /dev/md0 --level=1 --raid-disks=2 missing
 #  mk2fs /dev/md0
 après avoir changé le type des partitions de /dev/sdb en
 Linux raid autodetect.

  Tu as une table de partition et une partition définie dans 
md1. Donc md1 n’est pas utilisée directement.

(Un fdisk sur un md directement utilisé renvoie
« Disk /dev/md0 doesn't contain a valid partition table »,
pas une table de partition valide.
 (À moins que d’autres fs aient un début qui ressemble à une 
  table de partition valide (et qui soit valide dans ton cas), 
  ce qui m’étonnerait fortement…))

  (Ou bien que tu aurais pu faire un seul md pour y mettre
  plusieurs partitions ?  Ou bien utiliser lvm ?)
 N'est-ce pas une bonne pratique de créer un MD par partition
 à «mirorer» ?

  Les trois solutions sont valables. C’est le mélange qui me 
paraît contre-productif.

Mais tu as partitionné sda avec l’installateur Debian ? 
  (ça doit être (lib)parted, non ?)  Ça pourrait expliquer les

  Tiens, justement, que dit parted ?

 Sylvain Sauvage

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Re: ethertool avec une carte wifi

2010-12-03 Thread Jérôme
Le jeudi 02 décembre 2010 à 22:30 +0100, rk a écrit :
 J'ai essayé de configurer une carte wifi pour l'utilisation de wol
 j'ai un message inquiétant qui me fait pensé qui la carte n'est pas
 compatible avec le wol. 

Je ne suis pas très sûr que le wifi soit compatible wakeonlan. D'une
part il faudrait que la carte reste alimentée et active, d'autre part il
doit y avoir un problème au niveau sécurité pour accepter le paquet.

Je n'ai pas cherché sérieusement, mais ça me parais plutôt incompatible.
Jérôme -

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Re: ethertool avec une carte wifi

2010-12-03 Thread Sylvain L. Sauvage
Le vendredi 3 décembre 2010 à 12:13:30, Jérôme a écrit :
 Je ne suis pas très sûr que le wifi soit compatible
 wakeonlan. D'une part il faudrait que la carte reste
 alimentée et active, d'autre part il doit y avoir un
 problème au niveau sécurité pour accepter le paquet.
 Je n'ai pas cherché sérieusement, mais ça me parais plutôt

  Si, ça existe : « Wake on Wireless LAN » (® ou ™ ?), au moins 
sur les Intel mais pas dans iwlwifi.

 Sylvain Sauvage

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[shell] additions

2010-12-03 Thread Frédéric Boiteux

  Je cherche le moyen simple dans une commande shell (bash)
d'additionner des nombres lus sur l'entrée standard, par exemple la
sortie de la commande ls -l | awk '{print $5}'. Auriez-vous une idée ?


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Re: [shell] additions

2010-12-03 Thread Sylvain L. Sauvage
Le vendredi 3 décembre 2010 à 16:05:23, Frédéric Boiteux a écrit 


   Je cherche le moyen simple dans une commande shell (bash)
 d'additionner des nombres lus sur l'entrée standard, par
 exemple la sortie de la commande ls -l | awk '{print $5}'.
 Auriez-vous une idée ?

awk 'BEGIN {s = 0} {s += $5} END {print s}'

 Sylvain Sauvage

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Re: [shell] additions

2010-12-03 Thread Frédéric Boiteux
Le Fri, 3 Dec 2010 16:23:37 +0100,
Sylvain L. Sauvage a écrit :

 awk 'BEGIN {s = 0} {s += $5} END {print s}'

Ah, oui, mais awk, c'est de la triche ;-P


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Re: [shell] additions

2010-12-03 Thread Yves Rutschle
On Fri, Dec 03, 2010 at 04:29:06PM +0100, Frédéric Boiteux wrote:
 Le Fri, 3 Dec 2010 16:23:37 +0100,
 Sylvain L. Sauvage a écrit :
  awk 'BEGIN {s = 0} {s += $5} END {print s}'
 Ah, oui, mais awk, c'est de la triche ;-P

Et Perl?

ls -l | awk '{print $5}' | perl -nle '$c += $_; END{print $c;}'

Ton cahier des charges n'est pas complet, qu'est-ce qui
n'est pas de la triche?

On peut faire ça aussi:
ls -l | awk '{print $5}' | while read n; do c=$(( c + n )); echo $c; done | 
tail -n 1

(on devrait pouvoir faire mieux, en imprimant $c après la
boucle et sans le tail, mais je n'arrive pas à sortir $c
de la boucle, et je comprend pas pourquoi pour le moment).


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Re: [shell] additions

2010-12-03 Thread Sylvain L. Sauvage
Le vendredi 3 décembre 2010 à 16:29:06, Frédéric Boiteux a écrit 
  awk 'BEGIN {s = 0} {s += $5} END {print s}'
 Ah, oui, mais awk, c'est de la triche ;-P

Tu l’utilisais déjà dans ton exemple :oP

Sinon, tu as
… | { s=0; while read i; s=$[ $s + $i ]; done; echo $s; }

Mais $[] ne connaît que les entiers.

  Franchement, regrouper tous les 'grep | cut | awk' dans un 
seul 'awk' (ou perl, ruby…) me paraît souvent plus propre et 
plus clair (euh, ok, pas forcément avec perl…). Quand un outil 
est dépassé, autant le remplacer que d’enfiler les tubes (et 
donc les processus) avec des commandes sous-utilisées. 

 Sylvain Sauvage

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Re: [shell] additions

2010-12-03 Thread Sylvain L. Sauvage
Le vendredi 3 décembre 2010 à 16:45:46, Yves Rutschle a écrit :
 On Fri, Dec 03, 2010 at 04:29:06PM +0100, Frédéric Boiteux 
 On peut faire ça aussi:
 ls -l | awk '{print $5}' | while read n; do c=$(( c + n ));
 echo $c; done | tail -n 1
 (on devrait pouvoir faire mieux, en imprimant $c après la
 boucle et sans le tail, mais je n'arrive pas à sortir $c
 de la boucle, et je comprend pas pourquoi pour le moment).

Parce que ton c n’est pas connu en dehors de la boucle.
D’où, en plus de bien initialiser c, mon
c=0; boucle; echo $c;
et l’enrobage dans une liste { … }.

 Sylvain Sauvage

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Re: [shell] additions

2010-12-03 Thread Jean-Yves F. Barbier
On Fri, 3 Dec 2010 16:05:23 +0100, Frédéric Boiteux

   Je cherche le moyen simple dans une commande shell (bash)
 d'additionner des nombres lus sur l'entrée standard, par exemple la
 sortie de la commande ls -l | awk '{print $5}'. Auriez-vous une idée ?

pour ce cas particulier: du -s /mondirquejeveuxsataillealui


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Re: [shell] additions

2010-12-03 Thread Yves Rutschle
On Fri, Dec 03, 2010 at 05:17:40PM +0100, Sylvain L. Sauvage wrote:
 Parce que ton c n'est pas connu en dehors de la boucle.
 D'où, en plus de bien initialiser c, mon
   c=0; boucle; echo $c;
 et l'enrobage dans une liste { ... }.

Je me doutais d'un truc de ce genre là, j'avais bein essayer
de déclarer c avec variable c mais je pense que je
confond avec javascript. Comme quoi, ne pas pratiquer un
language régulièrement, ça rouille.


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Re: [shell] additions

2010-12-03 Thread Erwan David
On Fri, Dec 03, 2010 at 04:05:23PM CET, Frédéric Boiteux said:
   Je cherche le moyen simple dans une commande shell (bash)
 d'additionner des nombres lus sur l'entrée standard, par exemple la
 sortie de la commande ls -l | awk '{print $5}'. Auriez-vous une idée ?

result = 0
while read next;do
   result=$(( $result + $next ))

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Re: Probleme de partitions avec un raid soft

2010-12-03 Thread Eric GUIRBAL
Le 3 décembre 2010 12:11, Sylvain L. Sauvage a écrit :
 [Remis sur la liste.]

Oups, toutes mes excuses. Un réflexe, j'utilise rarement le webmail de Google.

 Le vendredi 3 décembre 2010 à 05:46:53, Eric GUIRBAL a écrit :
 Sylvain L. Sauvage a écrit :
  Le jeudi 2 décembre 2010 à 21:08:15, Eric GUIRBAL a écrit :
    Ce que j’ai du mal à comprendre, c’est pourquoi tu fais
  une patition dans tes md puisque tu as déjà plusieurs md. Tu
  sais que tu peux directement utiliser tes md pour y mettre
  tes fs ? (mkfs.bla /dev/md1, etc.)

C'est mon premier raid soft. J'ai lu quelques procédures trouvées ici
et là. J'ai essentiellement (sauf pour le clonage de la table des
partitions de sda avec dd qui n'a rien donné vu que cfdisk ne
m'affichait aucune partition sur sdb) suivi celle-ci:

    Mais tu as partitionné sda avec l’installateur Debian ?
  (ça doit être (lib)parted, non ?)  Ça pourrait expliquer les


  Tiens, justement, que dit parted ?

mimosa:/home/eric# parted -l
Model: SEAGATE ST336605FSUN36G (scsi)
Disk /dev/sda: 36,4GB
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
Partition Table: sun

Number  Start   End SizeFile system  Flags
 1  0,00B   90,5MB  90,5MB  ext2 raid
 2  90,5MB  7090MB  7000MB  ext3 raid
 4  7090MB  8094MB  1003MB  linux-swap   raid
 5  8094MB  36,4GB  28,3GB  ext3 raid

Model: SEAGATE ST336605FSUN36G (scsi)
Disk /dev/sdb: 36,4GB
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
Partition Table: sun

Number  Start   End SizeFile system  Flags
 1  0,00B   90,5MB  90,5MB  ext2 raid
 2  90,5MB  7090MB  7000MB  ext3 raid
 4  7090MB  8094MB  1003MB  linux-swap   raid
 5  8094MB  36,4GB  28,3GB  ext3 raid

Error: Can't have a partition outside the disk!

Model: Unknown (unknown)
Disk /dev/md1: 7000MB
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
Partition Table: loop

Number  Start  End SizeFile system  Flags
 1  0,00B  7000MB  7000MB  ext3

Model: Unknown (unknown)
Disk /dev/md2: 1003MB
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
Partition Table: loop

Number  Start  End SizeFile system  Flags
 1  0,00B  1003MB  1003MB  linux-swap

Model: Unknown (unknown)
Disk /dev/md3: 28,3GB
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
Partition Table: loop

Number  Start  End SizeFile system  Flags
 1  0,00B  28,3GB  28,3GB  ext3

J'ai simulé plusieurs pannes selon

# mdadm --manage --set-faulty /dev/md3 /dev/sdb5

et tout s'est bien passé.



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Re: [shell] additions

2010-12-03 Thread Sylvain L. Sauvage
Le vendredi 3 décembre 2010 à 17:20:42, Yves Rutschle a écrit :
 On Fri, Dec 03, 2010 at 05:17:40PM +0100, Sylvain L. Sauvage 
  Parce que ton c n'est pas connu en dehors de la boucle.
  D'où, en plus de bien initialiser c, mon
  c=0; boucle; echo $c;
  et l'enrobage dans une liste { ... }.
 Je me doutais d'un truc de ce genre là, j'avais bein essayer
 de déclarer c avec variable c mais je pense que je
 confond avec javascript. Comme quoi, ne pas pratiquer un
 language régulièrement, ça rouille.

Plutôt declare ou local (dans une fonction pour ce dernier)


Heu, en fait, m’avions gouru : l’initialisation ne sert pas, 
c’est la liste qui fait tout (terme du man : « commandes 
groupées »).  M’enfin initialiser, ça fait pas de mal…

Les accolades ont donc l’avantage, en plus de ne pas créer de 
sous-processus, d’encapsuler les variables locales.

Au passage, tu as raison d’utiliser $(( )), dash ne connaît pas 

 Sylvain Sauvage

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Re: Probleme de partitions avec un raid soft

2010-12-03 Thread Sylvain L. Sauvage
Le vendredi 3 décembre 2010 à 17:55:33, Eric GUIRBAL a écrit :
 trouvées ici et là. J'ai essentiellement (sauf pour le
 clonage de la table des partitions de sda avec dd qui n'a
 rien donné vu que cfdisk ne m'affichait aucune partition sur

Tu avais forcé la relecture de la table entretemps ? 

 suivi celle-ci:

Ok, mais je n’y vois pas comment tu te retrouves avec un 
D’ailleurs, c’était d’après fdisk. As-tu un md?p1 dans /dev ?
Que dit (comme l’avait demandé Frédéric) /proc/mdstat ?

   Tiens, justement, que dit parted ?
 mimosa:/home/eric# parted -l
 Error: Can't have a partition outside the disk!

Ah !  Donc fdisk n’est pas le seul.
C’est une table Sun, non ?
Peut-être que c’est cfdisk qui a bogué…

 Model: Unknown (unknown)
 Disk /dev/md1: 7000MB

Tiens, pour un md, il me trouve : « Linux Software RAID Array 
(md) » comme modèle. Ensuite, effectivement, avec parted, on ne 
voit pas de différence avec un md utilisé directement ou 

 Sylvain Sauvage

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Re: ethertool avec une carte wifi

2010-12-03 Thread moi-meme
Le Thu, 02 Dec 2010 22:40:02 +0100, rk a écrit :

 J'ai essayé de configurer une carte wifi pour l'utilisation de wol mais
 j'ai un message inquiétant qui me fait pensé qui la carte n'est pas
 compatible avec le wol.

ethtool - Display or change ethernet card settings

pas compatible avec le Wifi
et je ne sais pas si cela existe

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Re: Probleme de partitions avec un raid soft

2010-12-03 Thread Eric GUIRBAL

Sylvain L. Sauvage a écrit :
 Le vendredi 3 décembre 2010 à 17:55:33, Eric GUIRBAL a écrit :
 trouvées ici et là. J'ai essentiellement (sauf pour le
 clonage de la table des partitions de sda avec dd qui n'a
 rien donné vu que cfdisk ne m'affichait aucune partition sur

 Tu avais forcé la relecture de la table entretemps ? (partprobe(8))

 suivi celle-ci:

 Ok, mais je n’y vois pas comment tu te retrouves avec un /dev/md1p1.

Ok, maintenant je comprends mieux ce que tu voulais dire. J'ai moi aussi 
était surpris.

 D’ailleurs, c’était d’après fdisk. As-tu un md?p1 dans /dev ?


 Que dit (comme l’avait demandé Frédéric) /proc/mdstat ?

Ah, à lui aussi j'ai répondu avec le webmail de google. Toutes mes 
excuses à lui aussi.

cat /proc/mdstat
Personalities : [raid1]
md3 : active raid1 sda5[0] sdb5[1]
  27655808 blocks [2/2] [UU]

md2 : active (auto-read-only) raid1 sda4[0] sdb4[1]
  979840 blocks [2/2] [UU]

md1 : active raid1 sda2[0] sdb2[1]
  6835584 blocks [2/2] [UU]

md0 : active raid1 sda1[0] sdb1[1]
  88256 blocks [2/2] [UU]

unused devices: none

  Tiens, justement, que dit parted ?
 mimosa:/home/eric# parted -l
 Error: Can't have a partition outside the disk!

 Ah !  Donc fdisk n’est pas le seul.
 C’est une table Sun, non ?

Oui. D'ailleurs sur sdb il y avait aussi une Debian Lenny.

Sur ce, je viens de mettre la main sur un exemplaire de «Managing Raid 
on Linux» chez O'Reilly ...

Merci Sylvain.


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Re: Probleme de partitions avec un raid soft

2010-12-03 Thread Eric GUIRBAL

Sylvain L. Sauvage a écrit :
Tu avais forcé la relecture de la table entretemps ? 



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Re: default ACL czy tak ma działłać

2010-12-03 Thread R.M.M

Zobacz tutaj:


W dniu 2 grudnia 2010 09:27 użytkownik Andrzej Kosmala

 W katalogu innego usera (ela) chcę mieć prawo czytania i pisania
 katalog ma uprawnienia:
 getfacl doc
 # file: doc
 # owner: ela
 # group: users
 gdy jako andrzej tworzę w tym katalogu nowy dokument touch nowy.plik to
 getfacl nowy.plik
 # file: nowy.plik
 # owner: andrzej
 # group: users
 group::rwx  #effective:rw-
 czyli to co trzeba.

 jednak gdy do tego katalogu kopiuję plik od siebie albo z /tmp
 getfacl slrn-failed-post.txt
 # file: slrn-failed-post.txt
 # owner: andrzej
 # group: users
 to w katalogu ela/doc dostaję
 getfacl slrn-failed-post.txt
 # file: slrn-failed-post.txt
 # owner: andrzej
 # group: users
  group::rwx  #effective:---

  Jak powinienem zdefiniować default acl dla katalogu ela/doc aby po
  kopiowaniu zarówno ja jak i ela mieli dla tego pliku uprawnienia rw-?

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Jumbo Frames na Debianie

2010-12-03 Thread TENEG - Tomasz Gołębiewski


chciałbym wiedzieć, bo może ktoś z Was z tego korzysta - czy są jakieś 
korzyści z użycia Jumbo Frames?
Zwłaszcza chodzi mi o transfery przy użyciu iSCSI, CIFS... i mniejsze 
obciążenie CPU.
Przy założeniu, że wszystkie switche / karty / urządzenia po drodze 
obsługują MTU 9000.


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[OT] 3camp#23 i tech.3camp#4.

2010-12-03 Thread Krzysztof Zubik

Tym razem wyjatowo pisze o tego typu spotkaniu - a, to
ze wzgledu na jego agende glownie tu mam n a mysli tech.3camp

Oto wybrany fragment z witryny pod


Serdecznie zapraszamy w najbliższy wtorek, 7 grudnia o 18:00, jak
zawsze do GPNT na nowy (beta) format 3camp‘a. Postaramy się połączyć
to co w start-upach najważniejsze - finansowanie i kodowanie - czyli
wodę z ogniem  ;)

O tej samej porze, w tym samy miejscu odbędą się dwa spotkania. 3camp
poświęcony finansowaniu start-upów, oraz tech.3camp poświęcony


Gdanski Park Naukowo Technlogiczny znajduje sie
przy ul. 3 lipy nr3

Poniżej agenda.

18:00 - 18:30 Radosław Białas, ARP i Andrzej Banach, Denise Systems -
“Fundusz Kapitałowy ARP - partner finansujący innowacyjne pomysły na
przykładzie spółki Denise Systems”

18:30 - 19:00 Przemek Łącki, GG Network - “Architektura serwisu,
a konkurs dla developerów”


19:00 - 19:30 Piotr Macuk, - “Ruby on Rails - czy warto?”

19:30 - 19:40 Marcin Grzybowski, Nokaut - “Cherokee - ciekawy serwer
www dla każdego”

19:40 - 20:00 Łukasz Jagiełło, Gratka Technologie - “GlusterFS, czyli
interesująca alternatywa dla NFS w środowiskach wysokodostępnych”.


19:00 - 19:20 Tomasz Woźniak, Business Angel Seedfund - “Jak
skutecznie złapać anioła - za co, na co i za ile.”

19:20 - 19:40 Magdalena Raulin-Brona, Pomorski Fundusz Pożyczkowy -
“Finansowanie dla przedsiębiorstw”

19:40 - 20:00 Karol Bober, Konsorcjum Doradcze Meridian - “Czym się
różnią dotacje od Świętego Mikołaja?”

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Re: Nota sobre el SO

2010-12-03 Thread Camaleón
El 2010-12-03 a las 04:31 -0300, Lobo Oscuro escribió:

(reenvío a la lista)

 El 3 de diciembre de 2010 04:10, Camaleón escribió:
  El Fri, 03 Dec 2010 00:47:17 -0300, Lobo Oscuro escribió:
   Bueno chicos, llevo casi una semana en este sistema operativo y es como
   que las opciones y paciencia se me acaban, en este momento no tengo
   ningun SO al que me caiga bien, si esto sigue asi me dedicare a mirar
   cielos... No estoy echo para renegar y no soy optimista, todo lo que se
   es sobre informatica, si no tengo eso no tengo nada. Solo tengo una
   computadora inutil que no puedo usarla como se debe.
 Recien le mande 2 resets en seco.
  ¿Y qué problema tienes, exactamente?

 No se, si lo supiera te lo diria, pero no tengo ni una pista, estoy pensando
 y meditando que mierda hacer, preparandome mentalmente tambien para una
 investigacion exahustiva y dolorosa, mierda! No hay una manera mas facil?

No la hay, ya deberías saberlo.

Lo primero que tendrías que hacer es revisar los registros por si el 
cuelgue dejara alguna pista. Lo segundo, ver si lo que se queda frito 
son las X o el kernel (si puedes acceder vía ssh cuando se cuelga, el 
problema es de las X).
 Todo lo que se hasta el momento es que CREO YO, porque todavia no investige
 a las aplicaciones graficas y la terminal pura por separado y ver si tambien
 tiene fallas, pero lo que puedo decir es que GNome esta para el culo. Es
 cierto que gnome no tiene nada que ver con debian? si esto es asi no se
 ofrece ayuda de este tipo, no? Es que realmente no tiene nada que ver con
 gnome como para perfeccionarlo y mejorarlo basado en debian? Mmmm...

No sigo tu razonamiento ni la relación que estableces entre el culo, 
GNOME y Debian. Pero vaya, que si piensas que GNOME tiene algo que ver 
en los cuelgues, puedes probar a cargar otro entorno gráfico.

   Otra cosa que probe es tratar de averiguar las aplicaciones por separado
 usando el framebuffer, pero por mas que pareciera funcionar correctamente no
 consegui visualizar nada, y lo mas raro es que se me borro solo la linea del
 grub la proxima vez que arranque mi maquina sin haberle tocado nada, ni idea
 porque. La proxima vez que tenga ganas de volver a probar framebuffer le
 vuelvo a agregar la linea al grub, pero necesito saber porque me hizo esto.

Aquí tampoco te sigo. ¿Qué pruebas has hecho exactamente con el 
framebuffer? Ya sabes que si tienes una tarjeta gráfica ati o nvidia 
tienes 3 conjuntos de drivers que puedes probar (libre -radeon/nv/nuvó-, 
fglrx/nvidia- y vesa). Si tienes una Intel sólo puedes recurrir el 



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Re: Nota sobre el SO

2010-12-03 Thread Felix Perez
El día 3 de diciembre de 2010 00:47, Lobo Oscuro escribió:
 Bueno chicos, llevo casi una semana en este sistema operativo y es como que
 las opciones y paciencia se me acaban, en este momento no tengo ningun SO al
 que me caiga bien, si esto sigue asi me dedicare a mirar cielos... No estoy
 echo para renegar y no soy optimista, todo lo que se es sobre informatica,
 si no tengo eso no tengo nada. Solo tengo una computadora inutil que no
 puedo usarla como se debe.
   Recien le mande 2 resets en seco.

Esto significa que no has leido ni investigado en lo más mínimo.
windows te espera, aunque con esa actitud de seguro tambien tendrás problemas.
Perdón, pero tu de informática, nada.

 La vida es tan miserable y decadente, este mundo podrido que se cae a
 pedazos, no tiene recuperacion
 No soy emo, tengo cuchillo pero corto en pedazos a los demas, jojojo OwO
 Humanos masoquistas, de que se quejan?

usuario linux  #274354
normas de la lista:
como hacer preguntas inteligentes:

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Re: Nota sobre el SO

2010-12-03 Thread Marc Aymerich
2010/12/3 Felix Perez

 El día 3 de diciembre de 2010 00:47, Lobo Oscuro escribió:
  Bueno chicos, llevo casi una semana en este sistema operativo y es como
  las opciones y paciencia se me acaban, en este momento no tengo ningun SO
  que me caiga bien, si esto sigue asi me dedicare a mirar cielos... No
  echo para renegar y no soy optimista, todo lo que se es sobre
  si no tengo eso no tengo nada. Solo tengo una computadora inutil que no
  puedo usarla como se debe.
Recien le mande 2 resets en seco.

 Esto significa que no has leido ni investigado en lo más mínimo.
 windows te espera, aunque con esa actitud de seguro tambien tendrás
 Perdón, pero tu de informática, nada.


Uno de los que piensan que saber informática se basa en reinstalar el
windows y crackear el office.


Re: Nota sobre el SO

2010-12-03 Thread hector hector
El día 3 de diciembre de 2010 11:11, Marc Aymerich escribió:

 2010/12/3 Felix Perez

 El día 3 de diciembre de 2010 00:47, Lobo Oscuro escribió:
  Bueno chicos, llevo casi una semana en este sistema operativo y es como
  las opciones y paciencia se me acaban, en este momento no tengo ningun
  SO al
  que me caiga bien, si esto sigue asi me dedicare a mirar cielos... No
  echo para renegar y no soy optimista, todo lo que se es sobre
  si no tengo eso no tengo nada. Solo tengo una computadora inutil que no
  puedo usarla como se debe.
    Recien le mande 2 resets en seco.

 Esto significa que no has leido ni investigado en lo más mínimo.
 windows te espera, aunque con esa actitud de seguro tambien tendrás
 Perdón, pero tu de informática, nada.

 Uno de los que piensan que saber informática se basa en reinstalar el
 windows y crackear el office.


Debian es así, siempre se dijo que debian es una distro difícil de
instalar y configurar, pero una vez que funciona te sentas a mirar, si
queres algo fácil, sin necesidad de leer, bueno ahi te esta esperando
Aunque el nick se me hace conocido pero no recuerdo de donde, capas me
equivoque, pero el que yo digo es el tipico troll windowxero, que va
cada tanto a los foros y listas de correo con problemas con linux,
despues va a su blog a hablar de los usuarios de linux, que son un
monton de cosas menos lindos, y pone las respuestas malas como
pruebas, nunca pone lo que el escribe para que se lo mande a pasear.-

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Re: variables entre PHP y Javascript

2010-12-03 Thread juan alejandro martines linares
El jue, 02-12-2010 a las 23:52 -0600, Jorge Luis Hernández C. escribió:
 Podrías hacer esto en javascript:
 var session = ?php echo $_SESSION[misesion] ?
 Recuerda que el documento en PHP debe iniciar con session_start()
 Por cierto, esta lista es de Usuarios Debian y debiste poner [OT] al
 asunto del mensaje.
 Saludos !!

Gracias dejame ver si me funciona ,,no sabia lo del OT que significa eso

 El vie, 03-12-2010 a las 00:22 -0500, escribió:
  Hola amigos tengo una duda de programacion web y necesito que quien  
  pueda me la aclare se que no encaja aca pero no tengo a quien acudir y  
  estoy seguro que alguno de ustedes puede ayudarme, es que en la  
  escuela me dan javascrip y php pero por separado y llego un momento en  
  el que al parecer te dejan decidir que hacer y no te dicen mas nada,  
  entonces te mandan a hacer un proyecto y estoy parado en una parte del  
  proyecto en el que llego a necesitar usar variables que guarde en la  
  session de php es decir a traves del
y necesito recuperar y usar esas mismas variables en javascript y no  
  hay forma de que yo pueda hacer tal cosaentonces me haria mucha falta  
  que me ayudaran con esto, ya que no tengo a quien acudir, gracias de  
  This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
  Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
  ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
  Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de 
  usar el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas


Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de usar 
el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas


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Re: [OT] Re: variables entre PHP y Javascript

2010-12-03 Thread juan alejandro martines linares
El vie, 03-12-2010 a las 07:17 +, Camaleón escribió:
 El Fri, 03 Dec 2010 00:22:43 -0500, islanis escribió:
  Hola amigos tengo una duda de programacion web y necesito que quien
  pueda me la aclare se que no encaja aca pero no tengo a quien acudir y
  estoy seguro que alguno de ustedes puede ayudarme, es que en la escuela
  me dan javascrip y php pero por separado y llego un momento en el que al
  parecer te dejan decidir que hacer y no te dicen mas nada, entonces te
  mandan a hacer un proyecto y estoy parado en una parte del proyecto en
  el que llego a necesitar usar variables que guarde en la session de php
  es decir a traves del
y necesito recuperar y usar esas mismas variables en javascript y no
  hay forma de que yo pueda hacer tal cosaentonces me haria mucha falta
  que me ayudaran con esto, ya que no tengo a quien acudir, gracias de
 No sé si las nuevas versiones de PHP habrán incluido algún procedimiento 
 o función para trabajar con las variables de sesión directamente desde el 
 cliente (javascript), pero siempre puedes recurrir a las cookies para 
 pasar los datos entre cliente/servidor.

y como seria el trabajo con las cookies es decir , como las maneja php?
y como las maneja javascript?


Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de usar 
el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas


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Re: [OT] Re: variables entre PHP y Javascript

2010-12-03 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 03 Dec 2010 09:42:57 +0100, juan alejandro martines linares

 El vie, 03-12-2010 a las 07:17 +, Camaleón escribió:

 No sé si las nuevas versiones de PHP habrán incluido algún
 procedimiento o función para trabajar con las variables de sesión
 directamente desde el cliente (javascript), pero siempre puedes
 recurrir a las cookies para pasar los datos entre cliente/servidor.
 y como seria el trabajo con las cookies es decir , como las maneja php?
 y como las maneja javascript?

En PHP tienes la función setcookie(). Y en javascript también tienes 
funciones para crear y obtener su valor mediante el objeto cookie.

¿No tienes los manuales de referencia de PHP y JavaScript?



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Re: [OT] Re: variables entre PHP y Javascript

2010-12-03 Thread islanis

Camaleón escribió:

El Fri, 03 Dec 2010 09:42:57 +0100, juan alejandro martines linares

El vie, 03-12-2010 a las 07:17 +, Camaleón escribió:

No sé si las nuevas versiones de PHP habrán incluido algún
procedimiento o función para trabajar con las variables de sesión
directamente desde el cliente (javascript), pero siempre puedes
recurrir a las cookies para pasar los datos entre cliente/servidor.

y como seria el trabajo con las cookies es decir , como las maneja php?
y como las maneja javascript?

En PHP tienes la función setcookie(). Y en javascript también tienes
funciones para crear y obtener su valor mediante el objeto cookie.

¿No tienes los manuales de referencia de PHP y JavaScript?

Nop no los tengo puediras hacermelos llegar por favor,y gracias nuevamente



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Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de usar 
el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas


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Problemas con placa de red Sis190 en debian Lenny

2010-12-03 Thread Mauro Sánchez
Hola a todos.
Tengo problemas con la placa de red SIS190 en Debian Lenny.
Seguí la siguiente guía para solucionarlo:
Compilo el modulo de la siguiente manera:
- Descargo el codigo fuente del kernel.
- Ejecuto:
make drivers/net/sis190.ko
Pero cuando intento instalar el modulo me dice que no tiene un formato válido.
¿Cómo sería la forma correcta de compilar solamente ese modulo del
kernel especificamente?


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Re: Nota sobre el SO

2010-12-03 Thread Arele
On Fri, Dec 03, 2010 at 11:36:02AM -0300, hector hector wrote:
 El día 3 de diciembre de 2010 11:11, Marc Aymerich escribió:
  2010/12/3 Felix Perez
  El día 3 de diciembre de 2010 00:47, Lobo Oscuro escribió:
   Bueno chicos, llevo casi una semana en este sistema operativo y es como
   las opciones y paciencia se me acaban, en este momento no tengo ningun
   SO al
   que me caiga bien, si esto sigue asi me dedicare a mirar cielos... No
   echo para renegar y no soy optimista, todo lo que se es sobre
   si no tengo eso no tengo nada. Solo tengo una computadora inutil que no
   puedo usarla como se debe.
     Recien le mande 2 resets en seco.
  Esto significa que no has leido ni investigado en lo más mínimo.
  windows te espera, aunque con esa actitud de seguro tambien tendrás
  Perdón, pero tu de informática, nada.
  Uno de los que piensan que saber informática se basa en reinstalar el
  windows y crackear el office.
 Debian es así, siempre se dijo que debian es una distro difícil de
 instalar y configurar, pero una vez que funciona te sentas a mirar, si
 queres algo fácil, sin necesidad de leer, bueno ahi te esta esperando
 Aunque el nick se me hace conocido pero no recuerdo de donde, capas me
 equivoque, pero el que yo digo es el tipico troll windowxero, que va
 cada tanto a los foros y listas de correo con problemas con linux,
 despues va a su blog a hablar de los usuarios de linux, que son un
 monton de cosas menos lindos, y pone las respuestas malas como
 pruebas, nunca pone lo que el escribe para que se lo mande a pasear.-
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Si concretaras las preguntas sería más fácil ayudarte. De entrada, 
google es tu amigo: lee un poco y verás como aclaras términos y 
localizas problemas.
Un saludo

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Re: Nota sobre el SO

2010-12-03 Thread C.
El vie, 03-12-2010 a las 11:36 -0300, hector hector escribió:
 El día 3 de diciembre de 2010 11:11, Marc Aymerich escribió:
  2010/12/3 Felix Perez
  El día 3 de diciembre de 2010 00:47, Lobo Oscuro escribió:
   Bueno chicos, llevo casi una semana en este sistema operativo y es como
   las opciones y paciencia se me acaban, en este momento no tengo ningun
   SO al
   que me caiga bien, si esto sigue asi me dedicare a mirar cielos... No
   echo para renegar y no soy optimista, todo lo que se es sobre
   si no tengo eso no tengo nada. Solo tengo una computadora inutil que no
   puedo usarla como se debe.
 Recien le mande 2 resets en seco.
  Esto significa que no has leido ni investigado en lo más mínimo.
  windows te espera, aunque con esa actitud de seguro tambien tendrás
  Perdón, pero tu de informática, nada.
  Uno de los que piensan que saber informática se basa en reinstalar el
  windows y crackear el office.
 Debian es así, siempre se dijo que debian es una distro difícil de
 instalar y configurar, pero una vez que funciona te sentas a mirar, si
 queres algo fácil, sin necesidad de leer, bueno ahi te esta esperando
 Aunque el nick se me hace conocido pero no recuerdo de donde, capas me
 equivoque, pero el que yo digo es el tipico troll windowxero, que va
 cada tanto a los foros y listas de correo con problemas con linux,
 despues va a su blog a hablar de los usuarios de linux, que son un
 monton de cosas menos lindos, y pone las respuestas malas como
 pruebas, nunca pone lo que el escribe para que se lo mande a pasear.-

Haber, ¿ Realmente cual es el problema ? ¿ que le paso a tu sistema ? 

ISC. Jorge Luis Hernández C.
Desarrollador de Software y Tecnologías Libres

Usuario GNU/Linux Debian

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Re: variables entre PHP y Javascript

2010-12-03 Thread C.
El vie, 03-12-2010 a las 09:41 +0100, juan alejandro martines linares
 El jue, 02-12-2010 a las 23:52 -0600, Jorge Luis Hernández C.
  Podrías hacer esto en javascript:
  var session = ?php echo $_SESSION[misesion] ?
  Recuerda que el documento en PHP debe iniciar con session_start()
  Por cierto, esta lista es de Usuarios Debian y debiste poner [OT] al
  asunto del mensaje.
  Saludos !!
 Gracias dejame ver si me funciona ,,no sabia lo del OT que significa

OT = Off Topic

Saludos !
ISC. Jorge Luis Hernández C.
Desarrollador de Software y Tecnologías Libres

Usuario GNU/Linux Debian

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Re: [OT] Re: variables entre PHP y Javascript

2010-12-03 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 03 Dec 2010 10:38:28 -0500, islanis escribió:

 Camaleón escribió:
 ¿No tienes los manuales de referencia de PHP y JavaScript?
 Nop no los tengo puediras hacermelos llegar por favor,y gracias

Enviados... pero tu buzón está lleno y me ha rebotado unos cuantos 
correos. Ya me dirás cuando puedo seguir con los envíos.



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Re: Nota sobre el SO

2010-12-03 Thread Javier San Roman
El Viernes, 3 de Diciembre de 2010, hector hector escribió:
 El día 3 de diciembre de 2010 11:11, Marc Aymerich escribió:
  2010/12/3 Felix Perez
  El día 3 de diciembre de 2010 00:47, Lobo Oscuro escribió:
   Bueno chicos, llevo casi una semana en este sistema operativo y es
   como que
   las opciones y paciencia se me acaban, en este momento no tengo ningun
   SO al
   que me caiga bien, si esto sigue asi me dedicare a mirar cielos... No
   echo para renegar y no soy optimista, todo lo que se es sobre
   si no tengo eso no tengo nada. Solo tengo una computadora inutil que
   no puedo usarla como se debe.
 Recien le mande 2 resets en seco.
  Esto significa que no has leido ni investigado en lo más mínimo.
  windows te espera, aunque con esa actitud de seguro tambien tendrás
  Perdón, pero tu de informática, nada.
  Uno de los que piensan que saber informática se basa en reinstalar el
  windows y crackear el office.
 Debian es así, siempre se dijo que debian es una distro difícil de
 instalar y configurar, pero una vez que funciona te sentas a mirar, si
 queres algo fácil, sin necesidad de leer, bueno ahi te esta esperando
 Aunque el nick se me hace conocido pero no recuerdo de donde, capas me
 equivoque, pero el que yo digo es el tipico troll windowxero, que va
 cada tanto a los foros y listas de correo con problemas con linux,
 despues va a su blog a hablar de los usuarios de linux, que son un
 monton de cosas menos lindos, y pone las respuestas malas como
 pruebas, nunca pone lo que el escribe para que se lo mande a pasear.-

Puede que sea una coincidencia de nick, pero a mi también me suena de eso.

Usuario Linux: #156817
Debian Squeeze/Sid - Kernel 2.6.36

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Re: Nota sobre el SO

2010-12-03 Thread Victor H De la Luz
 monton de cosas menos lindos, y pone las respuestas malas como
 pruebas, nunca pone lo que el escribe para que se lo mande a pasear.-

 Puede que sea una coincidencia de nick, pero a mi también me suena de eso.

 Usuario Linux: #156817
 Debian Squeeze/Sid - Kernel 2.6.36

Ademas de que incumple fragantemente el punto 12 de las normas de la lista:

 12. Intente no discutir por discutir[15]; es algo descortes.


A la proxima, a mi filtro local de indeseados.


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Re: Problemas con placa de red Sis190 en debian Lenny

2010-12-03 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 03 Dec 2010 14:51:13 -0300, Mauro Sánchez escribió:

 Tengo problemas con la placa de red SIS190 en Debian Lenny. Seguí la
 siguiente guía para solucionarlo:
 Compilo el modulo de la siguiente manera: - Descargo el codigo fuente
 del kernel. - Ejecuto:
 make drivers/net/sis190.ko
 Pero cuando intento instalar el modulo me dice que no tiene un formato
 válido. ¿Cómo sería la forma correcta de compilar solamente ese modulo
 del kernel especificamente?

Comprueba que hayas instalado el código fuente de la versión del kernel 
que tienes cargado actualmente.

¿Qué te dice el dmesg?



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Re: entrar en la bios

2010-12-03 Thread Ni Te

Con mucho cuidado.

-Mensaje original- 
From: jaiolvg

Sent: Thursday, December 02, 2010 10:33 PM
Subject: entrar en la bios

Tengo linux debian 5.0, ¿como puedo acceder a la bios?

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Re: Re: entrar en la bios

2010-12-03 Thread Javier

Re: Re: entrar en la bios

2010-12-03 Thread Aurelio Diaz-Ufano
On Fri, Dec 03, 2010 at 11:36:08PM +0100, Javier wrote:

Sobrentendiendo lo que quieres deir, no tienes ningún derecho a insultar a 
En esta lista la ayuda es voluntaria y hay unas normas. De entrada, como te han 
tu pregunta es OT: entrar en la BIOS no tiene nada que ver con Debian.
Y además, google es tu amigo (hay que ver las veces que leo y escribo esto...). 
Lee un poco
antes de preguntar.
Pero, ante todo, no faltes el respeto a nadie.
Un saludo

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Re: Nota sobre el SO

2010-12-03 Thread Angel Claudio Alvarez
El vie, 03-12-2010 a las 00:47 -0300, Lobo Oscuro escribió:
 Bueno chicos, llevo casi una semana en este sistema operativo y es
 como que las opciones y paciencia se me acaban, en este momento no
 tengo ningun SO al que me caiga bien, si esto sigue asi me dedicare a
 mirar cielos... No estoy echo para renegar y no soy optimista, todo lo
 que se es sobre informatica, si no tengo eso no tengo nada. Solo tengo
 una computadora inutil que no puedo usarla como se debe.
   Recien le mande 2 resets en seco.

error, la computadora no es inutil 
el ladron cree a todos de su condicion

yo que vos pensaria en comprarme un telescopio
 La vida es tan miserable y decadente, este mundo podrido que se cae a
 pedazos, no tiene recuperacion
 No soy emo, tengo cuchillo pero corto en pedazos a los demas, jojojo
 Humanos masoquistas, de que se quejan?

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Re: Nota sobre el SO

2010-12-03 Thread Juan Lavieri

El 03/12/10 18:27, Angel Claudio Alvarez escribió:

El vie, 03-12-2010 a las 00:47 -0300, Lobo Oscuro escribió:

Bueno chicos, llevo casi una semana en este sistema operativo y es
como que las opciones y paciencia se me acaban, en este momento no
tengo ningun SO al que me caiga bien, si esto sigue asi me dedicare a
mirar cielos... No estoy echo para renegar y no soy optimista, todo lo
que se es sobre informatica, si no tengo eso no tengo nada. Solo tengo
una computadora inutil que no puedo usarla como se debe.
   Recien le mande 2 resets en seco.

¿Cómo es que nadie le entiende?

Está hablando de SU sistema operativo, el que tiene entre oreja y 
oreja.  Ya ven, le envió 2 resets seguidos y fíjense como quedó, ni 
siquiera se entiende lo que dice.

error, la computadora no es inutil
el ladron cree a todos de su condicion

yo que vos pensaria en comprarme un telescopio

La vida es tan miserable y decadente, este mundo podrido que se cae a
pedazos, no tiene recuperacion
No soy emo, tengo cuchillo pero corto en pedazos a los demas, jojojo

Hay dos clases de emos;  los que dicen que son y los que dicen que no son.

Humanos masoquistas, de que se quejan?

Estoy de acuerdo con Jorge Luis

Huele a troll

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Re: orca, åter igen orca, på linux debian på usb.

2010-12-03 Thread Anders Jackson
Jag fortsätter på listan.  Mitt fel...

Den 3 december 2010 10:25 skrev Bardia Zakeri
 anders använder du oskcå också orca eller ?

Nej, jag har bara provat den av ren nyfikenhet.
Paketet heter gnome-orca, om du vill installera det.

Sök paket på

Information om paketet orca hittar du på

När man installerat paketet så kan man göra så att orca startar direkt
när man loggar in i gnome.
Starta Orca, borde finnas under Program-menyn.
När Orca kör, gör följande:

Sytem - Inställningar - Uppstartsprogram
Fliken Alternativ
Klicka på knappen Kom ihåg för närvarande körande program

Nu skall Orca köra igång när du loggar in.  Hur man gör i gdm
(inloggningsfönstret) har jag inte funderat över.  Men jag har för mig
att det finns något alternativ även där för att starta Orca.

Jag har inte någon erfarenhet alls över hur brltty fungerar.

Här är mer information om handikapstöd i Debian installer.

Det finns några tips om hur man installerar med röstuppläsning och får
Orca att fungera direkt vid start.

Här är mer information om hur det står till med bland annat
röstuppläsning och brailstöd i Debian.

Finns även en mailinglista om detta:

Lycka till.

 nu anänvder jag fedora och ibland ubuntu .
 för jag klarade inte debian därför
 men har en fråga om  punktskrift för debian .
 brltty .

Jag har inte någon aning om hur brltty fungerar, jag har inte behov
eller kunskap om det.

 vart hittar jag brltty till deiban ?

Leta bland

Här hittar du paketet:

 jag  fick orca att fungera igår ja
 orca är talsyntesprogtramet programet i gnome
 men har  fedora som sagt för tillfället
 där fungerar orca

Som skrivet, vill du ha hjälp om Fedora, så använd en annan lista. Här
är det inte så troligt att det finns så många som kan hjälpa dig med

 - Original Message -
 From: Anders Jackson
 Sent: Friday, December 03, 2010 7:39 AM
 Subject: Re: orca, åter igen orca, på linux debian på usb.

 Listan handlar om Debian och inte.   Fedora, så det är nog bättre att fråga
 om Fedora-inställningar på en sådan lista.

 Ocra är väl talsyntetisatorn till Gnome? Har för mig att den skall finnas
 att installera. Men jag tror nog inte att den finns i live-disten. Men du
 borde ju kunna lägga till den.
 Men det kan ha varit Ubuntu jag använde den sist

 Den 3 dec 2010 07.26, skrev:

 vet inte fick byta till fedora eftersom, hittade inte orca i deiban .
 debian .
 och ska ha fedora nu. men den är på engelska den fedora jag har .
 för ska ha speakup där
 men finns fedora på svenska ?
 nu har jag även fåt min punktdisplay så  när jag valde att ha punkt på under
 orca gick de inte.
 hur  ska jag göra ?
 kan ngåon någon hjälpa mig me svensk fedora ?
 me brltty?
 och speakup i  fedora 14?
 eller fedora 13 till usb?
 min punktdisplay är en alva bc640

 From: Anders Jackson
 Sent: Friday, December 03, 2010 3:26 AM
 To: Bardia Zakeri
 Subject: Re: orca, åter igen orca, på linux debian på usb.

 Om du startar orca i gnome och sedan väljer att spara sessionen, så kommer
 den att starta när du l...

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Digitalt ljud ut på nVidia MCP55

2010-12-03 Thread Ivar Edebro
Har grävt, testat och fixat, men kommer ingen vart... Hoppas att listan
kan hjälpa till.

Har ett itegrerat ljudkort på mitt nVidia MCP55.

Alla förhoppningsvis relevanta loggar finns nedan.

Mitt problem är att jag endast får analogt ljud ut. Kortet har en digital
optisk utgång S/PDIF, men den verkar inte fungera. Jag har fått intrycket
av att jag bör se ett rött ljus innanför luckan till kortets utgång ifall
den optiska signalen är igång, men där syns inget.

alsamixer visar ett chip - Chip: Analog Devices AD1988B, vilket indikerar
att det endast använder det analoga chipet.

aplay visar två devices, varav en analog och en digital. Jag har dock inte
förstått hur jag ska kunna välja en specifik device för ljud ut då de är
på samma kort.

Någon input som kan hjälpa mig att komma vidare?


# aplay -l
 List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices 
card 0: NVidia [HDA NVidia], device 0: AD198x Analog [AD198x Analog]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 0: NVidia [HDA NVidia], device 1: AD198x Digital [AD198x Digital]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0

# aplay -L
Discard all samples (playback) or generate zero samples (capture)
HDA NVidia, AD198x Analog
Default Audio Device
HDA NVidia, AD198x Analog
Front speakers
HDA NVidia, AD198x Analog
4.0 Surround output to Front and Rear speakers
HDA NVidia, AD198x Analog
4.1 Surround output to Front, Rear and Subwoofer speakers
HDA NVidia, AD198x Analog
5.0 Surround output to Front, Center and Rear speakers
HDA NVidia, AD198x Analog
5.1 Surround output to Front, Center, Rear and Subwoofer speakers
HDA NVidia, AD198x Analog
7.1 Surround output to Front, Center, Side, Rear and Woofer speakers
HDA NVidia, AD198x Digital
IEC958 (S/PDIF) Digital Audio Output
# lspci -vv
00:06.1 Audio device: nVidia Corporation MCP55 High Definition Audio (rev a2)
Subsystem: ASUSTeK Computer Inc. Device 81f6
Control: I/O- Mem+ BusMaster+ SpecCycle- MemWINV- VGASnoop-
ParErr- Stepping- SERR- FastB2B- DisINTx-
Status: Cap+ 66MHz+ UDF- FastB2B+ ParErr- DEVSEL=fast TAbort-
TAbort- MAbort- SERR- PERR- INTx-
Latency: 0 (500ns min, 1250ns max)
Interrupt: pin B routed to IRQ 20
Region 0: Memory at fe02 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=16K]
Capabilities: [44] Power Management version 2
Flags: PMEClk- DSI- D1- D2- AuxCurrent=0mA
Status: D0 NoSoftRst- PME-Enable- DSel=0 DScale=0 PME-
Capabilities: [50] MSI: Enable- Count=1/1 Maskable+ 64bit+
Address:   Data: 
Masking:   Pending: 
Capabilities: [6c] HyperTransport: MSI Mapping Enable- Fixed+
Kernel driver in use: HDA Intel

0# cat /proc/asound/devices
  0: [ 0]   : control
  1:: sequencer
 16: [ 0- 0]: digital audio playback
 17: [ 0- 1]: digital audio playback
 24: [ 0- 0]: digital audio capture
 25: [ 0- 1]: digital audio capture
 33:: timer

# cat /proc/asound/pcm
00-00: AD198x Analog : AD198x Analog : playback 1 : capture 3
00-01: AD198x Digital : AD198x Digital : playback 1 : capture 1

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Re: Dúvidas quanto a Processador

2010-12-03 Thread Moksha Tux
Grande Eden

Muito obrigado pela sua resposta. quando eu fiz o processo de primeira vez
eu havia detectado aquele valor de 1 GHz mas quando eu reiniciei a máquina e
entrei no setup da BIOS o sistema mostrou o valor corretamente de 2600 GHz
essa placa mãe já está me apresentando problemas há um tempo e vou trocá-la.
Mais uma vez muito obrigado pela resposta. Abraço,


Em 2 de dezembro de 2010 14:49, Eden Caldas escreveu:


 Você tem que ver na linha que tem a palavra model name.

 Na linha cpu MHz mostra apenas o clock atual, pois a maioria dos
 processadores hoje em dia abaixam o clock para diminuir temperatura e

 O meu por exemplo está assim:

 model name  : Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T5550  @ 1.83GHz
 stepping: 13
 cpu MHz : 1000.000

 Viu, processador de 1.83 Ghz mas atualmente está usando apenas 1Ghz

 Você pode checar essa variação de clock em tempo real no desktop,
 instalando o applet para gnome cpufreq-applet.

 Outro programa interessante é o hardinfo. Como se fosse um everest para

 Eden Caldas
 Consultor de TI
 (81) 9653 7220
 LINUX FÁCIL – Consultoria e Serviços em TI

 Em 2 de dezembro de 2010 11:35, Moksha Tux escreveu:

 Boa tarde pessoal!

 Tenho um um desktop com um processador Athlon X2 5000+ onde as
 especificações técnicas do mesmo afirma que ele tem 2.6 GHz e 2 cache
 internos de 512 e 2 externos de 128. Estou rodando nele o Debian 5 para
 desktops e quando busco informações do processador em /proc/cpuinfo o que
 ele informa que a frequência máxima deste processador é de 1 GHz e com um
 cache apenas de 512 K. O que pode estar errado? Seria talvez o Kernel por
 ser o genérico do sistema? Esse processador é BOX logo eu duvido muito de
 falsificação as especificações da máquina seguem  abaixo:

 Placa mãe: ABIT AN52

 memória: 4 GB DDR 2 800

 Processador: Athlon X2 5000+

 Obrigado a todos.


Unable to load repositories as IPV6 (97 address family not supported)

2010-12-03 Thread Flávio Barros
Bom dia.
Alguém já recebeu esse mensagem quando executa um apt-get update ?

Desde já agradeço,
Flávio de Oliveira Barros
Manaus - Amazonas - Brasil

Copiar é bom!
Seja Legal
Use Software Livre
Ubuntu User number is # 28558
Linux Registered User# 278223

Velocidade de conexão ao mysql

2010-12-03 Thread Roberto Torres
Tenho um Debian Lenny rodando um servidor MySql.


Quando vou acessar o MySql do meu note (Windows) ou qualquer outra maquina
da rede através de algum cliente (Mysql-admin ou Navicat) ele demora uns 60
segundos ou mais.



Essa demora é normal ?


Segue conf do meu my.cnf




# The MySQL database server configuration file.


# You can copy this to one of:

# - /etc/mysql/my.cnf to set global options,

# - ~/.my.cnf to set user-specific options.


# One can use all long options that the program supports.

# Run program with --help to get a list of available options and with

# --print-defaults to see which it would actually understand and use.


# For explanations see



# This will be passed to all mysql clients

# It has been reported that passwords should be enclosed with ticks/quotes

# escpecially if they contain # chars...

# Remember to edit /etc/mysql/debian.cnf when changing the socket location.


port  = 3306

socket  = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock


# Here is entries for some specific programs

# The following values assume you have at least 32M ram


# This was formally known as [safe_mysqld]. Both versions are currently


socket  = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock

nice  = 0




# * Basic Settings


user  = mysql

pid-file  = /var/run/mysqld/

socket  = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock

port  = 3306

basedir = /usr

datadir = /var/lib/mysql

tmpdir  = /tmp

language  = /usr/share/mysql/english



# Instead of skip-networking the default is now to listen only on

# localhost which is more compatible and is not less secure.



# * Fine Tuning


key_buffer  = 312M

max_allowed_packet   = 256M

thread_stack = 256K

thread_cache_size= 8

# This replaces the startup script and checks MyISAM tables if needed

# the first time they are touched

myisam-recover   = BACKUP

max_connections= 1

table_cache= 2

thread_concurrency = 10


# * Query Cache Configuration


query_cache_limit   = 4M

query_cache_size= 128M


# * Logging and Replication


# Both location gets rotated by the cronjob.

# Be aware that this log type is a performance killer.

#log  = /var/log/mysql/mysql.log


# Error logging goes to syslog. This is a Debian improvement :)


# Here you can see queries with especially long duration

#log_slow_queries= /var/log/mysql/mysql-slow.log

#long_query_time = 2



# The following can be used as easy to replay backup logs or for

# note: if you are setting up a replication slave, see README.Debian about

#   other settings you may need to change.

#server-id  = 1

#log_bin = /var/log/mysql/mysql-bin.log

expire_logs_days = 10

max_binlog_size = 100M

#binlog_do_db= include_database_name

#binlog_ignore_db= include_database_name


# * BerkeleyDB


# Using BerkeleyDB is now discouraged as its support will cease in 5.1.12.



# * InnoDB


# InnoDB is enabled by default with a 10MB datafile in /var/lib/mysql/.

# Read the manual for more InnoDB related options. There are many!

# You might want to disable InnoDB to shrink the mysqld process by circa



# * Security Features


# Read the manual, too, if you want chroot!

# chroot = /var/lib/mysql/


# For generating SSL certificates I recommend the OpenSSL GUI tinyca.


# ssl-ca=/etc/mysql/cacert.pem

# ssl-cert=/etc/mysql/server-cert.pem

# ssl-key=/etc/mysql/server-key.pem







max_allowed_packet   = 32M



#no-auto-rehash # faster start of mysql but no tab completition



key_buffer  = 64M



# * NDB Cluster


# See /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-*/README.Debian for more information.


# The following configuration is read by the NDB Data Nodes (ndbd processes)

# not from the NDB Management Nodes (ndb_mgmd processes).



# ndb-connectstring=




# * IMPORTANT: Additional settings that can override those from this file!

#   The files must end with '.cnf', otherwise they'll be ignored.


!includedir /etc/mysql/conf.d/






Re: Velocidade de conexão ao mysql

2010-12-03 Thread Eden Caldas
Você está tentando acessar via IP ou via nome? Tenta via IP.

Eden Caldas
Consultor de TI
(81) 9653 7220
LINUX FÁCIL – Consultoria e Serviços em TI

Em 3 de dezembro de 2010 16:04, Roberto Torres

 Tenho um Debian Lenny rodando um servidor MySql.

 Quando vou acessar o MySql do meu note (Windows) ou qualquer outra maquina
 da rede através de algum cliente (Mysql-admin ou Navicat) ele demora uns 60
 segundos ou mais.

 Essa demora é normal ?

 Segue conf do meu my.cnf


 # The MySQL database server configuration file.


 # You can copy this to one of:

 # - /etc/mysql/my.cnf to set global options,

 # - ~/.my.cnf to set user-specific options.


 # One can use all long options that the program supports.

 # Run program with --help to get a list of available options and with

 # --print-defaults to see which it would actually understand and use.


 # For explanations see


 # This will be passed to all mysql clients

 # It has been reported that passwords should be enclosed with ticks/quotes

 # escpecially if they contain # chars...

 # Remember to edit /etc/mysql/debian.cnf when changing the socket location.


 port  = 3306

 socket  = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock

 # Here is entries for some specific programs

 # The following values assume you have at least 32M ram

 # This was formally known as [safe_mysqld]. Both versions are currently


 socket  = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock

 nice  = 0



 # * Basic Settings


 user  = mysql

 pid-file  = /var/run/mysqld/

 socket  = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock

 port  = 3306

 basedir = /usr

 datadir = /var/lib/mysql

 tmpdir  = /tmp

 language  = /usr/share/mysql/english



 # Instead of skip-networking the default is now to listen only on

 # localhost which is more compatible and is not less secure.



 # * Fine Tuning


 key_buffer  = 312M

 max_allowed_packet   = 256M

 thread_stack = 256K

 thread_cache_size= 8

 # This replaces the startup script and checks MyISAM tables if needed

 # the first time they are touched

 myisam-recover   = BACKUP

 max_connections= 1

 table_cache= 2

 thread_concurrency = 10


 # * Query Cache Configuration


 query_cache_limit   = 4M

 query_cache_size= 128M


 # * Logging and Replication


 # Both location gets rotated by the cronjob.

 # Be aware that this log type is a performance killer.

 #log  = /var/log/mysql/mysql.log


 # Error logging goes to syslog. This is a Debian improvement :)


 # Here you can see queries with especially long duration

 #log_slow_queries= /var/log/mysql/mysql-slow.log

 #long_query_time = 2



 # The following can be used as easy to replay backup logs or for

 # note: if you are setting up a replication slave, see README.Debian about

 #   other settings you may need to change.

 #server-id  = 1

 #log_bin = /var/log/mysql/mysql-bin.log

 expire_logs_days = 10

 max_binlog_size = 100M

 #binlog_do_db= include_database_name

 #binlog_ignore_db= include_database_name


 # * BerkeleyDB


 # Using BerkeleyDB is now discouraged as its support will cease in 5.1.12.



 # * InnoDB


 # InnoDB is enabled by default with a 10MB datafile in /var/lib/mysql/.

 # Read the manual for more InnoDB related options. There are many!

 # You might want to disable InnoDB to shrink the mysqld process by circa



 # * Security Features


 # Read the manual, too, if you want chroot!

 # chroot = /var/lib/mysql/


 # For generating SSL certificates I recommend the OpenSSL GUI tinyca.


 # ssl-ca=/etc/mysql/cacert.pem

 # ssl-cert=/etc/mysql/server-cert.pem

 # ssl-key=/etc/mysql/server-key.pem




 max_allowed_packet   = 32M


 #no-auto-rehash # faster start of mysql but no tab completition


 key_buffer  = 64M


 # * NDB Cluster


 # See /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-*/README.Debian for more information.


 # The following configuration is read by the NDB Data Nodes (ndbd

 # not from the NDB Management Nodes (ndb_mgmd processes).



 # ndb-connectstring=


 # * IMPORTANT: Additional settings that can override those from this file!

 #   The files must end with '.cnf', otherwise they'll be ignored.


 !includedir /etc/mysql/conf.d/

Re: Res: Configuração de dois monitores

2010-12-03 Thread Edson - PMSS
Agradeço a todos que me responderam. Consegui resolver meu problema com 
a preciosa colaboração de todos vocês.

Meu muito obrigado!


Em 02/12/2010 18:00, Gerson Haus escreveu:

Outra opção é instalar os drivers fornecidos em Comigo funcionam bem com dois monitores.
Mas depois de cada alteração tem que reiniciar a máquina.


p.s. Desculpa ao Junior pela mensagem enviada em duplicidade.

*De:* Junior Polegato - Linux
*Enviadas:* Quinta-feira, 2 de Dezembro de 2010 17:31:27
*Assunto:* Re: Configuração de dois monitores

Em 02-12-2010 15:18, Edson - PMSS escreveu:
  Tenho dois monitores ligados em uma placa GeForce 8400 GS. O monitor
que está com cabo VGA é o AOC H428Pw que inicia primeiro e o segundo é
um Samsung SyncMaster 932B plus que está conectado em um cabo DVI.
  A imagem só aparece no AOC e mesmo que eu determine para iniciar no
Samsung nada aparece.
  Alguem tem idéia do que poderia ser feito!


Primeiro certifique-se de estar com o módulo correto da nVidia instalado
e sendo carregado pelo X, depois instale o pacote nvidia-settings e
execute nvidia-setting, vai abrir uma tela onde você faz um configuração
primária do X para levantar os dois monitores.

Junior Polegato

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Re: jewelcase insert for 5.0.7 Lenny Official i386 xfce+lxde-CD

2010-12-03 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Vi, 03 dec 10, 02:44:20, Doug wrote:
 It seems to me that Eric should be making covers for Squeeze, since it
 has now been finalized.  At this point, I would think that anyone who
 wants to load a Debian distro would immediately use the latest stable
 version, which is Squeeze.

Did I miss some announcement? (quickly checking debian-announce...) No, 
squeeze is not released yet. And because of that the SHA512 checksum can 
not be included ;)

Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: jewelcase insert for 5.0.7 Lenny Official i386 xfce+lxde-CD

2010-12-03 Thread Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.
On Friday, December 03, 2010 01:35:21 you wrote:
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. writes:
] In, Eric De Mund wrote:
] Hello. Jewelcase insert made for myself so that the disc's SHA512
] checksum and size were both right on the front, easy for me to see.
] Have you considered collaborat-
] ing with the release team to distribute there along-side the CD images
] themselves?

Well, I've thought about it, but I honestly didn't know whom to contact.
Now that you've mentioned a release team, do they have an email address?

They have a mailing list.  Something like debian-rele...@l.d.o.  If you can't 
discover it on the website, I'm sure a quick query to debian-de...@l.d.o 
should get you the address(es) of the right people.
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.   ,= ,-_-. =.   ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy `-'(. .)`-'\_/

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: To make use of rtorrent with torrent-proxies.

2010-12-03 Thread Camaleón
On Fri, 03 Dec 2010 03:44:39 +0700, Sthu Deus wrote:

 How I can use torrent proxy by a rtorrent client - when its ports are
 That's what I set in version 0.7.9-2.2 .rtorrent.rc file:
 http_proxy =
 but without luck.

As suggested here:

You may also need to set:

proxy_address =




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Re: [OT] Making CPU fans spin [was: Re: Seeking advice...]

2010-12-03 Thread Doug

On 12/02/2010 09:17 AM, wrote:

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [OT] Making CPU fans spin [was: Re: Seeking advice...]
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 2010 23:11:42 +0100

While WD-40 is good for some things it is relatively poor as a simple
lubricant.  Your better choice is Silicon Spray.



I'm reopening this thread because I just looked in a catalog that has 
been laying
here for a couple of weeks.  I know some of the contributors to the list 
are not

in the USA, but for those who are:
There are a whole batch of computer fans of all sizes listed in the 
Marlin P. Jones
catalog, priced from under $2.00 to around $5.00 with one or two 
higher.  Some

readers might prefer to just replace the fan.
This is a very eclectic outfit: they have bits and pieces of electronic 
in virtually any category you can think of, including computer power 
wall warts, relays, small tools, various kinds of connectors, etc.   
Shipping is a bit

high, however.
 look at:

(I have no financial interest in Jones, and I don't have any relatives 
working there.)


Blessed are the peacemakers...for they shall be shot at from both sides. --A. 
M. Greeley

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Re: jewelcase insert for 5.0.7 Lenny Official i386 xfce+lxde-CD

2010-12-03 Thread Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.
In 20101203080012.gi3...@think.homelan, Andrei Popescu wrote:
On Vi, 03 dec 10, 02:44:20, Doug wrote:
 It seems to me that Eric should be making covers for Squeeze, since it
 has now been finalized.  At this point, I would think that anyone who
 wants to load a Debian distro would immediately use the latest stable
 version, which is Squeeze.

Did I miss some announcement? (quickly checking debian-announce...) No,
squeeze is not released yet. And because of that the SHA512 checksum can
not be included ;)

Yeah, I had to double-check, too.  According to, Lenny is still stable.  Squeeze is 
due out RSN, but not quite yet.[1]  Getting in contact with the release team 
might get Eric a SHA before the official release date though, so that the 
jewel case inserts can be prepared and released at the same time as the 

The reason this comes up now is because Lenny recently got another point 
release, so new ISOs need to be downloaded and loaded into jewel cases.

[1] It is frozen, but it's been that way for months.  If you want it sooner, 
better start squashing RC bugs!
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.   ,= ,-_-. =.   ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy `-'(. .)`-'\_/

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: jewelcase insert for 5.0.7 Lenny Official i386 xfce+lxde-CD

2010-12-03 Thread John Jason Jordan
On Fri, 03 Dec 2010 02:43:30 -0500
Doug dijo:

I have found that Light-Scribe is a surer way to know what's on a
disk, and if you're into jewel cases, you can read right thru the
empty top.

Your idea of distributing them alongside the distro is a good one, but
the problem I see is that most folks will just d/l the .iso, and never 
notice the jewelcase insert.

As a university graduate student I come in contact with a lot of people
who see my computer running Linux. This gives me an opportunity to
introduce them to Linux. In the past I always carried an Ubuntu-32 live
CD to hand them. After handing out several and finding that no one even
tried the live CD I started asking some of the ones that I had given
the CDs to why. Their response was universally that they were afraid
the CD contained a virus.

Windows users (especially) are terrified of malware. As well they ought
to be, considering the OS they run. My CD with Ubuntu-32 written on it
with a sharpie did not impress them. But later I acquired some Ubuntu
CDs from Ubuntu nicely printed. With these I finally had several people
try the CD, and two are now running Linux.

I'm not suggesting that Debian needs to be on a fancy, professional CD,
because Debian is not really aiming at the newbie Linux user like
Ubuntu. I'm just saying that a professionally created CD enhances your

Regarding Lightscribe, I built myself a desktop a couple years ago and
paid a couple bucks extra for DVD drives with Lightscribe. Eventually I
got them working under Linux. And then I discovered that they do only
grayscale, and at a very low resolution at that. And the media cost
almost twice as much as regular media. Bah. If you really want nice
looking CDs to hand out, get an inkjet that can do CDs or, if you have
enough volume to justify the cost, send them out to be done

If all you want is something to hand out at the next meeting of your
Linux user group, a CD labeled with a sharpie is fine. Linux users are
not impressed by glitz anyway.

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Re: jewelcase insert for 5.0.7 Lenny Official i386 xfce+lxde-CD

2010-12-03 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Vi, 03 dec 10, 02:06:56, Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:
 On Friday, December 03, 2010 01:35:21 you wrote:
 Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. writes:
 ] In, Eric De Mund wrote:
 ] Hello. Jewelcase insert made for myself so that the disc's SHA512
 ] checksum and size were both right on the front, easy for me to see.
 ] Have you considered collaborat-
 ] ing with the release team to distribute there along-side the CD images
 ] themselves?
 Well, I've thought about it, but I honestly didn't know whom to contact.
 Now that you've mentioned a release team, do they have an email address?
 They have a mailing list.  Something like debian-rele...@l.d.o.  If you can't 
 discover it on the website, I'm sure a quick query to debian-de...@l.d.o 
 should get you the address(es) of the right people.

Hmm, wouldn't debian-cd be better?

Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: jewelcase insert for 5.0.7 Lenny Official i386 xfce+lxde-CD

2010-12-03 Thread Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.
In, Doug wrote:
I have found that Light-Scribe is a surer way to know what's on a disk, and
if you're into jewel cases, you can read right thru the empty top.

While a LightScribe image would be nice, I prefer a jewel case insert.  Last 
time I checked LightScribe software was still only in the domain of 
Proprietary Software.

Your idea of distributing them alongside the distro is a good one, but
the problem I see is that most folks will just d/l the .iso, and never
the jewelcase insert.

Well, that's fine.  Not everyone wants / needs a jewel case insert.  
(Although, if their size is sufficiently small, they should probably be 
included in the torrent.)  Distributing them along-side the images would also 
enable some advertising of them, and maybe
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.   ,= ,-_-. =.   ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy `-'(. .)`-'\_/

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: jewelcase insert for 5.0.7 Lenny Official i386 xfce+lxde-CD

2010-12-03 Thread Klistvud

Dne, 03. 12. 2010 09:11:44 je John Jason Jordan napisal(a):

Regarding Lightscribe, I built myself a desktop a couple years ago and
paid a couple bucks extra for DVD drives with Lightscribe. Eventually  

got them working under Linux. And then I discovered that they do only
grayscale, and at a very low resolution at that. And the media cost
almost twice as much as regular media.


And I suspect using Lightscribe additionally, and perhaps severely,  
shortens your laser life -- a real bad tradeoff for some barely  
visible, pale, rudimentary greyscale graphics. I ceased using  
Lightscribe a long time ago too.


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Re: Ability to write to CD-R went away?

2010-12-03 Thread Phil Requirements
On 2010-12-02 13:58:00 -0700, wrote:
 Hi all, I have a problem that is causing me difficulty debugging
 and/or deciding where to send a bug report.
 Under lenny with 2.6.26-2-amd64 I can write both CD-R and CD-RW
 media on the Pioneer and Plextor drives on my system. Upgraded to
 squeeze and 2.6.32-5-amd64 and I can no longer write CD-R but I can
 write CD-RW. I can write CD-Rs with 2.6.26 and squeeze (but then I
 lose Xwindows).

I only have one small idea. Device names changed between 2.6.26 and
2.6.32, and this caused me some problems with wodim. Prior to the
change, I did something like:

wodim dev=/dev/hdc ...

After the change, I had to switch the terminology:

wodim dev='/dev/scd0' ...

Maybe you have some old device names buried in scripts that worked
in the past? You can do wodim --devices to get a list of the
current device names according to wodim, and maybe search through
any scripts or wodim config files for stale information?

You can safely ignore this idea if it is too basic.


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Re: jewelcase insert for 5.0.7 Lenny Official i386 xfce+lxde-CD

2010-12-03 Thread Klistvud

Dne, 03. 12. 2010 09:12:48 je Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. napisal(a):

 Getting in contact with the release team
might get Eric a SHA before the official release date though, so that  
jewel case inserts can be prepared and released at the same time as  


??? Isn't SHA bound to change with *every* fresh ISO build (even if  
just one bit of just one package is changed) ???


Certifiable Loonix User #481801  Please reply to the list, not to  

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Рaбoта ЧП в 2011

2010-12-03 Thread Все для чаcтного предпpинимателя
| Kак pабoтать ЧАCТHОМУ ПPEДПРИНИМАТЕЛЮ в 2011 гoду: |
| кoдекc пpинят c пoпpавками Прeзидента: в 2011 г.   |
| будeт пpoдолжать действoвать Укaз № 746 c учeтом oсoбенностей, |
| уcтaнoвленных в Hалoговом кoдeкcе. |

   Cеминар • 9 дeкaбpя • 2010 г.

   г. Kиев • ул. Шелкoвичная, 12
   Тeл.: (044) 331-б4-14, 592-75-6Ч


1. Cмогут ли быть плательщикaми HДС чaстные предпpиниматели: 
   нopмы НАЛOГОВОГО кoдeкcа c учетoм попpавок Пpeзидeнта.

2. Одновpеменная pабoта ЧП\учредитeль\директор c 2011 г. - ecть ли запрeт.

3. ФИНМOHИТОРИНГ: кaких oпераций нe стoит пpовoдить. 
   Дoпoлнительный мoнитoринг имущeствa. Пepечень вceх допoлнительных услoвий 
пpи кoтopых 
   нeoжиданно можнo попaсть пoд финмoниторинг. 

4. Paбoта COДPУЖЕСТВА неcкольких ЧП и прeдприятия: пoкупать у ЧП или дeлать 
   Прeвышение 500 тыc. НAХОЖДЕНИЕ ВCЕХ в OДНOМ OФФИCE. Еcли cодpужество 
cвязанныe лицa. 
   Pабoта пoд oднoй тopговой мapкoй. СOТРУДНИЧЕСТВО ФИPМЫ и ЧП c 2011г. - 
уcпeем пoдгoтовиться: 
   пpoдажа нижe сeбестоимости, oбычныe цeны: нoвые peалии c 2011 г. 
   Когдa опeрации попaдают пoд финмoниторинг. 
   Уплaта HДФЛ c долгoв в 2010 г. - c кaкoй кредитoрской зaдoлжeнности плaтится 

5. АPEНДА\СУБАРЕНДА в 2010 г.-2011 г.: кaк пpопиcать вид деятeльности 
   в Свидeтeльстве eдинoго налoга.

6. ПОCPЕДНИЧЕСКАЯ ДЕЯТEЛЬНОСТЬ: пoзиция cудa пpи опрeделении - чтo такoе 
   Чeм комисcия oтличaется oт поручeния, трaнcпортной экспeдиции, 
   другиx посpеднических догoвoров. ЧТO ДEЛAТЬ CЕГOДНЯ ПOCPЕДНИКАМ нa ПРOВЕРКЕ.

7. BИДЫ ДEЯТЕЛЬНОСТИ ЧП (прoверки выплaт пo видaм дeятeльнoсти, нe внеcенным 
   в Cвидeтeльство eдиногo нaлогa: кaк cегодня можнo гapaнтированно oтбитьcя): 
   пpoблeмы c отcутствием в пeречне райиcполкома  «нужныx» видoв дeятeльнoсти.  
   Удеpжaние единогo сoциaльного взнoсa пpи выплатe дoxода пpeдпpинимателю - 
кaк этo зaвисит 
   oт видoв деятeльности: пoдвoдный кaмeнь, нe учтeнный ПOПРAВКАМИ Президeнта.

8. Ведeние учeтa c 2011г., КHИГA пo ф № 10: почeму нe жeлательно ТЕPЯТЬ книгу. 
   Pаcсмотрение пopядкa зaпoлнения гpaф pасходов и дoходов. Штpафы зa 
непpaвильное заполнeние. 
   Пeриодичность запoлнeния (ежеднeвно...), мoгут ли oштрaфовать ЧП, cделав 
контрoльную зaкупку,  
   неведeние учeта тoвaров пo мeсту рeaлизации. Запoлнение грaфы pacходов - 3 
   Kaк вecти раcходы бeз пoдтвeрждающих документoв.

9. ПPИХОДНЫЕ ДOКУМEНТЫ нa ТОBAР. ШТРAФЫ, нeпрaвильное ведeниe учeтa 
   (сpaвнение пpавил рaботы в 2010 и 2011 г.): 2-крaтный paзмeр, 45% ….? 
   Kак пpавильнo зaщитить свoи пpaвa. Выдaчa докумeнтов нa пoкупку тoвара 
(уcлуг) – можнo 
   ли нe имeть докумeнты нa приxод тoвара, чтo дeлaть, eсли иx нeт.  
   Отpажение выpучки послe каждoй oпеpации: oткуда взялоcь трeбoвание, 
аpгументы пpотив.

10.Штрaф зa нe учeт тoвapно-материальных цeннoстей - почeму покa peдко 
примeняется нa прaктикe.

11.ПPOBЕРКИ. ВНИМAНИЕ! Пpaктикум - кaк провeрить ceбя пеpeд пpoвeркой, чтoбы нe 
   в штpаф 2,5 млн! (пpи обoроте 500 тыc.). Нoвая пpоцeдура провeдения пpoверок 
   ввeдения в дейcтвиe Hалoгового кoдекса. Дeйствуeт ли бaзa 17 гpн. для 
взымaния штрaфoв. 
   Hовaя cтратегия вcтречи пpоверяющих в 2011 г. Процeссуальные дeйcтвии: чтo 
   новогo и кaк c этим paбoтать. Пoлнoмочия ГHАУ 2011 г. Пpoцeдура наложeния 
Примeнение штpaфoв. 
   Прeзумпция невинoвности: кaк будeт дeйcтвовать  c учeтом попpaвок 
   Мoжeт ли  oбвинение лицa в уклoнeнии oт уплaты нaлoгoв нe мoжет ocновываться 
нa pешении 
   кoнтрoлирующего oргана? Пpаво нaлогоплательщиков нa cудeбнoе обжалoвание 
   налoгoвых oргaнов - чтo залoжено в Hалоговый кoдекс c учeтом  попрaвок 

12.HAEМНЫЕ  РAБOТНИКИ. Попpавки Пpeзидента к HАЛОГОВОМУ кoдeкcу: мoжно ли 
   пеpеквалифицировать тpудовыe в гpaждaнско-правовые. Заключениe 
   дoговоров c paбoтниками: c кaкими категoриями paбoтников нeльзя зaключать, 
   таблицa нaлoгообложения пo трудoвoму и гpaждaнско-правовому. 
единoго cоциального 
   взнocа c 2011 г. Пoчeму бoльшеe количеcтво гpaждaнско-правовых догoворов 
   пoд нaлогoобложение. Пoрядoк начиcлeния и отрaжения в oтчетности единогo 
   cоциального взнoсa - какиe будут прoцeссы, кoтoрых нe былo дo cих поp. 
   НАPУШЕНИЕ ЗAKОНОДАТЕЛЬСТВА ПPO ТPУД: c чeм сeгoдня стaлкиваются 
   какиe oшибки привoдят к УГOЛОВНОЙ OТBEТСТВЕННОСТИ. Kтo такиe члeны cемьи и 
кaк oтличить 
   тeх, котopые принимaют учаcтие в предпpинимательской деятельнoсти - новыe 
прaвила c 2011г..

13.HАЛИЧHОЕ ДEHЕЖНОЕ OБPAЩЕНИЕ. Kaкие дoкумeнты выдавaть пoкупатeлю 

Re: acroread trouble on Sqeeze

2010-12-03 Thread Camaleón
On Thu, 02 Dec 2010 15:57:34 -0500, Celejar wrote:

 On Thu, 02 Dec 2010 09:48:16 +0100 Andreas Weber  wrote:
 On 2010-11-30 13:48, Jerome BENOIT wrote:
  Any idea ?
 Try evince? It even works great and simple without fuss on my M$ box.
 If we're looking for Acroread replacements, I suggest also trying MuPDF.
  I've been using Evince for years, but I've just begun trying MuPDF, and
 I rather like it, so far.  Great keyboard control, and it feels much
 lighter than Evince.

We (at linux side) still lack a 1:1 full-featured PDF solution that can 
be considered a complete replacement for Acrobat Reader (the same it 
happens with Adobe Flash Player). Sad but true.



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Re: To make use of rtorrent with torrent-proxies.

2010-12-03 Thread Sthu Deus
Thank You for Your time and answer, Camaleón:

 You may also need to set:
 proxy_address =

Ah.. it s did not solve my problem.

Here is my rc file turned on options:

max_uploads = 0
upload_rate = 0
download_rate = 0
directory = /srv/pub
session = ~/.rtorrent/session
use_udp_trackers = yes
peer_exchange = yes
http_proxy =
proxy_address =

Any ideas?

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Re: jewelcase insert for 5.0.7 Lenny Official i386 xfce+lxde-CD

2010-12-03 Thread Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.
In 1291365913.1496...@compax, Klistvud wrote:
Dne, 03. 12. 2010 09:12:48 je Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. napisal(a):
  Getting in contact with the release team
 might get Eric a SHA before the official release date though, so that
 jewel case inserts can be prepared and released at the same time as

??? Isn't SHA bound to change with *every* fresh ISO build (even if
just one bit of just one package is changed) ???

Yes.  I'm not too familiar with the Debian release process, but I imagine 
there is some period of time between the ISO build and it actually being 
available from the CD mirrors and advertised on the website.  During such a 
window, it may be possible to build the jewel case insert.

As an analogue, the various distribution packaging teams that are in contact 
with the KDE[1] release team get release tarballs up to a week before they are 
publicized.  This is done so that when the official release occurs, KDE can 
point users at distribution-provided packages made from the official tarballs 
which serve most users better than downloading the official tarballs 
themselves.  This allows for a relatively big, sudden release event, rather 
than a trickle of official tarballs on day 1, a half-dozen PPAs and OBS 
packages on days 2-3, a Fedora RPM that some user try on their OpenSUSE system 
to much failure on day 4, and official packages from (irate) maintainers on 
days 5-6.  (They are irate because some users have been bugging them over-and-
over for a week that their distribution is dying because they don't have the 
latest KDE SC release but not sharing the [sometimes significant] work that 
goes into a new release of a software package as large as KDE SC.)  (It takes 
them 6 days instead of 3 for the same reason, plus the KDE mirrors are 
overloaded the entire time.)

So, probably there is *already* a post-build, pre-publication time window for 
the CD images that Eric might be able to fit into for producing high-quality 
jewel case inserts.

[1] I'm not picking on KDE, I imagine other projects of the same size might 
have similar procedures.  Really, it's a per-project preference.  Some 
projects may not be bothered by the trickle effect or see more value in 
getting the official release tarballs out ASAP.
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.   ,= ,-_-. =.   ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy `-'(. .)`-'\_/

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: acroread trouble on Sqeeze

2010-12-03 Thread Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.
In, Camaleón wrote:
On Thu, 02 Dec 2010 15:57:34 -0500, Celejar wrote:
 On Thu, 02 Dec 2010 09:48:16 +0100 Andreas Weber  wrote:
 On 2010-11-30 13:48, Jerome BENOIT wrote:
  Any idea ?
 Try evince? 
 If we're looking for Acroread replacements, I suggest also trying MuPDF.

We (at linux side) still lack a 1:1 full-featured PDF solution that can
be considered a complete replacement for Acrobat Reader (the same it
happens with Adobe Flash Player). Sad but true.

Feel ISO PDF support is one of the High-Priority Free Software projects that 
the FSF has added to their list.  That said, I've never found a PDF that 
Okular wouldn't handle for me.  I don't have to deal with complex PDFs often 
though, and full ISO support would be *really* nice.

I've not had Acrobat Reader installed on my Linux systems for years.  (Prior 
or Okular, I used KPDF.  It was decidedly lower quality, though.)
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.   ,= ,-_-. =.   ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy `-'(. .)`-'\_/

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: need help on recovering Windows partition

2010-12-03 Thread teddieeb

Finding the data is coincidence because you have created  partitions with
same sizes, still you have corrupted some entries in the partition table
and you need to repair it. partition magick and alike tools do it.


What I don't get is this, if you are able to access the data, doesn't matter 
how, Windows, Linux, or otherwise... Why don't you take advantage of that and 
copy your data off... If the data is important, buy a drive, borrow a drive. 
Get copies one way or the other. Then format and re partition fresh. 

Your data is what is important; if you have access to it consider yourself 
lucky and get it out of there... Sometimes a clean slate is easier than 

Keep It Simple;

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Re: acroread trouble on Sqeeze

2010-12-03 Thread Camaleón
On Fri, 03 Dec 2010 03:26:01 -0600, Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:

 In, Camaleón wrote:

We (at linux side) still lack a 1:1 full-featured PDF solution that can
be considered a complete replacement for Acrobat Reader (the same it
happens with Adobe Flash Player). Sad but true.
 Feel ISO PDF support is one of the High-Priority Free Software projects
 that the FSF has added to their list.  That said, I've never found a PDF
 that Okular wouldn't handle for me.  I don't have to deal with complex
 PDFs often though, and full ISO support would be *really* nice.

You mean this?

I don't know what is still missing in FLOSS PDF readers for fulfilling 
the ISO standard (not sure if 3D funcionalities, for instance, fit in 
there :-?).
 I've not had Acrobat Reader installed on my Linux systems for years. 
 (Prior or Okular, I used KPDF.  It was decidedly lower quality, though.)

Me neither (just installed recently in my VM for testing purposes). In my 
linux boxes I use Evince.

But when we (at the office) have to deal with an oficial/legal PDF (which 
adds form validation and interactive fields) they pursuade me to do it 
under Acrobat in a Windows machine (to avoid any problem with the data, I 
guess) :-(



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Re: acroread trouble on Sqeeze

2010-12-03 Thread Doug

On 12/3/2010 4:08 AM, Camaleón wrote:

On Thu, 02 Dec 2010 15:57:34 -0500, Celejar wrote:

On Thu, 02 Dec 2010 09:48:16 +0100 Andreas Weber  wrote:

On 2010-11-30 13:48, Jerome BENOIT wrote:

Any idea ?

Try evince? It even works great and simple without fuss on my M$ box.

If we're looking for Acroread replacements, I suggest also trying MuPDF.
  I've been using Evince for years, but I've just begun trying MuPDF, and
I rather like it, so far.  Great keyboard control, and it feels much
lighter than Evince.

We (at linux side) still lack a 1:1 full-featured PDF solution that can
be considered a complete replacement for Acrobat Reader (the same it
happens with Adobe Flash Player). Sad but true.


Be careful of Adobe clones for .pdf.  I wound up printing (and throwing 
away) several hundred pages that were formatted for European paper size.

No bottom lines. Then I got Adobe and the problem went away.

Blessed are the peacemakers...for they shall be shot at from both sides. 
 --A.M. Greeley

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Re: To make use of rtorrent with torrent-proxies.

2010-12-03 Thread Camaleón
On Fri, 03 Dec 2010 16:10:38 +0700, Sthu Deus wrote:

 You may also need to set:
 proxy_address =
 Ah.. it s did not solve my problem.
 Here is my rc file turned on options:
 max_uploads = 0
 upload_rate = 0
 download_rate = 0
 directory = /srv/pub
 session = ~/.rtorrent/session
 use_udp_trackers = yes
 peer_exchange = yes
 http_proxy =
 proxy_address =
 Any ideas?

Nope, sorry :-(

Are you getting any error message or warning? Do you see any traffic 
going on with tcpdump?

Just 2 additional notes. 

By reading the man page, it seems that a proxy value has to be defined as 
url, so maybe it expects something in the form of http://host:port; :-?

And by defining tracker_dump = /path/to/file maybe you can get further 
information about the problem.



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Re: Towards a working initrd.img file

2010-12-03 Thread Tom H
On Fri, Dec 3, 2010 at 1:12 AM, Peter Tenenbaum wrote:

 I've been having a problem since migrating my file system to RAID-1, which
 is that when I run update-initramfs, it produces an initrd.img file which
 doesn't work correctly; when I replace it with the initrd.img file which was
 constructed by the OS installer, I can boot correctly in my newly-RAIDified

 So my question:  how do I configure update-initramfs so that it
 automatically includes the kernel modules I need?  I note that there is a
 file, /etc/initramfs-tools/modules, which in my case has no module names in
 it; presumably I can look at /proc/modules and copy the names of all the
 modules shown in the latter into the former.  Would that solve my problem?
 Is there a better way?

I assume that this won't return anything but what do you get when you run
gzip --decompress --standout /boot/initrd.img-non-working | cpio
--list | grep mdadm
gzip --decompress --standout /boot/initrd.img-non-working | cpio
--list | grep '/md/'

I have an mdadm'd install of sid in which there isn't anything
mdraid-related in /etc/initramfs-tools.

Does /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/mdadm exist?

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C Developer community

2010-12-03 Thread Jamie White

Does anyone know where there are some C development communities?

Re: C Developer community

2010-12-03 Thread George
On Fri, Dec 3, 2010 at 2:46 PM, Jamie White wrote:
 Does anyone know where there are some C development communities?

The most useful one by far is the comp.lang.c newsgroup. Please read
the faq at before you post.

You can also try the excellent #c channel in

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RE: Towards a working initrd.img file

2010-12-03 Thread Mike Viau

 On Fri, 3 Dec 2010 07:15:38 -0500 wrote:
  On Fri, Dec 3, 2010 at 1:12 AM, Peter Tenenbaum
  I've been having a problem since migrating my file system to RAID-1, which
  is that when I run update-initramfs, it produces an initrd.img file which
  doesn't work correctly; when I replace it with the initrd.img file which was
  constructed by the OS installer, I can boot correctly in my newly-RAIDified
  So my question:  how do I configure update-initramfs so that it
  automatically includes the kernel modules I need?  I note that there is a
  file, /etc/initramfs-tools/modules, which in my case has no module names in
  it; presumably I can look at /proc/modules and copy the names of all the
  modules shown in the latter into the former.  Would that solve my problem?
  Is there a better way?

 I assume that this won't return anything but what do you get when you run
 gzip --decompress --standout /boot/initrd.img-non-working | cpio
 --list | grep mdadm
 gzip --decompress --standout /boot/initrd.img-non-working | cpio
 --list | grep '/md/'

 I have an mdadm'd install of sid in which there isn't anything
 mdraid-related in /etc/initramfs-tools.

 Does /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/mdadm exist?

FYI. This is my output of the given command, and mdadm works in my system.

gzip --decompress --stdout /boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-5-xen-amd64 | cpio --list | 
grep mdadm
57966 blocks

Wish I could have been of more help.

Good luck.

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Re: To make unreadable a functional system.

2010-12-03 Thread Sthu Deus
Thank You for Your time and answer, Mike:

 Let us know what the product was, and maybe we can work from there.

All right, I got the point. Though still an idea remains - a read
pass can be encrypted each time the host boots - depending on
hardware - then check w/ the one saved in OS. :)

I do not think so - that You can know about that as it was a
closed/private commercial product - not sure I can speak any farther on
the product itself. but desire to make something similar still remains.

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Re: jewelcase insert for 5.0.7 Lenny Official i386 xfce+lxde-CD

2010-12-03 Thread Joey Hess
John Jason Jordan wrote:
 I'm not suggesting that Debian needs to be on a fancy, professional CD,
 because Debian is not really aiming at the newbie Linux user like
 Ubuntu. I'm just saying that a professionally created CD enhances your

see shy jo

Description: Digital signature

Re: jewelcase insert for 5.0.7 Lenny Official i386 xfce+lxde-CD

2010-12-03 Thread Ken Heard
Hash: SHA1

John Jason Jordan wrote:

 As a university graduate student I come in contact with a lot of people
 who see my computer running Linux. This gives me an opportunity to
 introduce them to Linux. In the past I always carried an Ubuntu-32 live
 CD to hand them. After handing out several and finding that no one even
 tried the live CD I started asking some of the ones that I had given
 the CDs to why. Their response was universally that they were afraid
 the CD contained a virus.
 Windows users (especially) are terrified of malware. As well they ought
 to be, considering the OS they run. My CD with Ubuntu-32 written on it
 with a sharpie did not impress them. But later I acquired some Ubuntu
 CDs from Ubuntu nicely printed. With these I finally had several people
 try the CD, and two are now running Linux.

So it is all in the packaging?  Your sharpie they did not trust, but a
CD made by you but with the pretty Ubuntu picture put there by you on
the same CD download as the one with the sharpie they did trust.  How
naive can people be?

Ken Heard
Version: GnuPG v2.0.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: jewelcase insert for 5.0.7 Lenny Official i386 xfce+lxde-CD

2010-12-03 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI

On Sex, 03 Dez 2010, Ken Heard wrote:

So it is all in the packaging?  Your sharpie they did not trust, but a
CD made by you but with the pretty Ubuntu picture put there by you on
the same CD download as the one with the sharpie they did trust.  How
naive can people be?

They're so naive in this sense that there is a whole field of study  
dedicated to that, called marketing.

George Orwell 1984.  Northwestern 0.
-- Chicago Reader 10/15/82


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Print two pages per sheet, one side

2010-12-03 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Hi to all Debian users.

I wish to print a large pdf document two pages per A4 sheet one side only, but:

1) I want that the text side is not reduced, since I checked it is small
   enough to fit in the sheet the size it is;

2) I want to print it first into another pdf file before sending it to a

Is it possible to achieve that, and how?

Thanks for any help

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Re: To make use of rtorrent with torrent-proxies.

2010-12-03 Thread Sthu Deus
Thank You for Your time and answer, Camaleón:

 Nope, sorry :-(

All right, I will go farther on investigation rtorrent and proxy.

But for now - as the time is important to me - do You a torrent client
that is capable or easy to use w/ torrents proxy - that is when direct
torrent use is blocked on its way - usable (packaged in Debian repo)?

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Debian Version for download 2.4

2010-12-03 Thread culser1242

Dear sir/ mam

do you know a link where I can down load an older Debian Version Image?

Linux DEB1 2.4.27-2-386 #1 Wed Aug 17 09:33:35 UTC 2005 i686 GNU/Linux

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Re: jewelcase insert for 5.0.7 Lenny Official i386 xfce+lxde-CD

2010-12-03 Thread John Jason Jordan
On Fri, 03 Dec 2010 11:24:01 -0500
Ken Heard dijo:

John Jason Jordan wrote:

 Windows users (especially) are terrified of malware. As well they
 ought to be, considering the OS they run. My CD with Ubuntu-32
 written on it with a sharpie did not impress them. But later I
 acquired some Ubuntu CDs from Ubuntu nicely printed. With these I
 finally had several people try the CD, and two are now running Linux.

So it is all in the packaging?  Your sharpie they did not trust, but a
CD made by you but with the pretty Ubuntu picture put there by you on
the same CD download as the one with the sharpie they did trust.  How
naive can people be?

I was once working with a graduate student on a project using her
Windows computer. In the course of our work I couldn't help mention
Linux. She said I'd love to try it, but I can't because my husband
used up all the memory.

I do not believe it is possible to underestimate the computer knowledge
of the masses.

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Re: Print two pages per sheet, one side

2010-12-03 Thread Johan Grönqvist

2010-12-03 17:42, Rodolfo Medina skrev:

1) I want that the text side is not reduced, since I checked it is small
enough to fit in the sheet the size it is;

2) I want to print it first into another pdf file before sending it to a

I needed this recently, and I believe the answer at 
was the hint I needed.



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Re: Print two pages per sheet, one side

2010-12-03 Thread Camaleón
On Fri, 03 Dec 2010 16:42:51 +, Rodolfo Medina wrote:

 I wish to print a large pdf document two pages per A4 sheet one side
 only, but:
 1) I want that the text side is not reduced, since I checked it is small
enough to fit in the sheet the size it is;
 2) I want to print it first into another pdf file before sending it to a
 Is it possible to achieve that, and how?

I think the scale is applied to the whole page, so text and images are 
reduced at the same time and at the same factor ;-(



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Re: To make use of rtorrent with torrent-proxies.

2010-12-03 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 04 Dec 2010 00:25:35 +0700, Sthu Deus wrote:

 Thank You for Your time and answer, Camaleón:
 Nope, sorry :-(
 All right, I will go farther on investigation rtorrent and proxy.
 But for now - as the time is important to me - do You a torrent client
 that is capable or easy to use w/ torrents proxy - that is when direct
 torrent use is blocked on its way - usable (packaged in Debian repo)?

rtorrent should do it. If not, it could be a bug.

Have you checked if the proxy you are using is online, working O.K. and 
allowing torrent traffic?



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Re: Debian Version for download 2.4

2010-12-03 Thread Pascal Hambourg

culser1242 a écrit :
 do you know a link where I can down load an older Debian Version Image?
A repository is also available at

 Linux DEB1 2.4.27-2-386 #1 Wed Aug 17 09:33:35 UTC 2005 i686 GNU/Linux

IIRC this kernel version was in Debian 3.1 aka Sarge.

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Application problems associated with missing file

2010-12-03 Thread AG

Dear list

I have come across a problem that I seem to be going in circles to try 
to resolve.

I'd appreciate any help you might be able to offer.

I am unable to launch various apps (e.g. chromium, amarok, ...) 
apparently because I lack a given library file -

I couldn't find anything under an apt-cache search, so searched it on 
the Debian website and found a number of nvidia-related packages that 
contain this library file.  All good.

I then attempt the following:

~$ sudo apt-get install libgl1-nvidia-glx
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
The following NEW packages will be installed:
0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
1 not fully installed or removed.
Need to get 0 B/6,739 kB of archives.
After this operation, 24.5 MB of additional disk space will be used.
Reading package fields... Done
Reading package status... Done
Retrieving bug reports... Done
Parsing Found/Fixed information... Done
Selecting previously deselected package libgl1-nvidia-glx.
(Reading database ... 338328 files and directories currently installed.)
Unpacking libgl1-nvidia-glx (from 
.../libgl1-nvidia-glx_195.36.31-6_i386.deb) ...

Setting up libgl1-nvidia-alternatives (195.36.31-6) ...
Leaving 'diversion of /usr/lib/ to 
/usr/lib/nvidia/diversions/ by libgl1-nvidia-alternatives'
Leaving 'diversion of /usr/lib/ to 
/usr/lib/nvidia/diversions/ by libgl1-nvidia-alternatives'
Leaving 'diversion of /usr/lib/ to 
/usr/lib/nvidia/diversions/ by libgl1-nvidia-alternatives'

Restoring diverted symlink.
Processing triggers for libgl1-nvidia-alternatives ...
update-alternatives: error: alternative path 
/usr/lib/nvidia/diversions/ doesn't exist.

dpkg: error processing libgl1-nvidia-alternatives (--configure):
 subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 2
configured to not write apport reports
  dpkg: dependency problems prevent 
configuration of libgl1-nvidia-glx:

 libgl1-nvidia-glx depends on libgl1-nvidia-alternatives; however:
  Package libgl1-nvidia-alternatives is not configured yet.
dpkg: error processing libgl1-nvidia-glx (--configure):
 dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
configured to not write apport reports
  Errors were encountered while 

E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

and I am at a loss as to how to fix it.  I don't even know how to start 
processing this.  I'm obviously happy to do the grunt work, but how do I 
debug this  find a resolution?

Thanks for any help.


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Strange problem with DNS resolving on Squeeze

2010-12-03 Thread Andrew Wood
Im experiencing strange DNS resolution problems with a Squeeze desktop 
system on our simple LAN which has an internal DNS server for local 
hosts, and which also proxies DNS requests for  public IP addresses 
needed by internal clients.

The other clients on our network can resolve names fine.

First of all, if I try and SSH into one of our internal servers (which 
works from other clients) I get:

and...@debian:/$ ssh a...@sambatest1.wrinehillvilla.local
ssh: Could not resolve hostname sambatest1.wrinehillvilla.local: Name or 
service not known

but if I do a DNS query it resolves:

and...@debian:/$ host sambatest1.wrinehillvilla.local
sambatest1.wrinehillvilla.local has address

If I then substitute the IP address into the SSH command it works fine.

Also I have been unable for weeks to access the UK Government Tax 
website with Firefox on Squeeze even tho all other sites are working 
fine and again other clients on our network can access it. On squeeze I 
get the following:

===Firefox error page
Server not found
Firefox can't find the server at

Check the address for typing errors such as instead of

If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's network

If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure
that Firefox is permitted to access the Web.

but again if I do a DNS query from the command line it resolves:

and...@debian:/$ host has address

As I say the site is accessible from our Mac clients so it cant be a 
problem with the site itself.

There doesnt seem to be any logic to this. Its as if the host command 
can query the DNS no problem but applications like Firefox and the SSH 
client cant for some domain names, yet they can for others.

Our DNS server is running Windows Server 2003.

Im totally perplexed by this. Anyone got any ideas?


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Re: building initramfs also as root filesystem problem

2010-12-03 Thread Toan Pham
Hi all,

I got this resolved,

the trick when building ramfs as rootfs os is to:

1.  Use busybox (symlink all neccessary tools and package all busybox
dependencies with ramfs)
2.  bootup into busybox bash, which should be /bin/sh symlinked to /bin/busybox
3.  You may get nothing (no stardard ouput) when you try to run an
executable, or bash error no such file found (but yet it is there).
4.  Try to execute the executable with /lib/ path to
executable.  Using this method, the linker actually tells you what's
wrong with the executable if it can not be executed.


On 11/24/10, Toan Pham wrote:

 I am building a linux os by incorporating in-kernel initramfs, which
 also runs as root-filesystem.
 The result of this work would be booting/distributing linux with only
 one file, which is the kernel + linked in initramfs + rootfs.
 I am having a problem booting up the os when everything is linked in.
 Here is the two errors I've been getting when:

 1.  root-filesystem is prepared in initramfs and linked in with kernel
  (total size is about 5 megs) -
 a.  Kernel Panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!
 b.  Also tried to boot directly to bash instead (rdinit=/bin/init
 and/or init=/bin/sh), same error.

 2.  Moved root-filesystem to boot-drive (/rootfs), boot kernel with
 linked in initramfs (total size about 2 megs) -
 a.  Boot OK to bash (still within initramfs shell).
 b.  Manually and successfully mount:  rootfs on boot-drive located
 at boot drive/rootfs to /tmp/rootfs  as vfat filesystem-type
 c.  I can cat all mounted files at /tmp/rootfs.  For example, cat
 /tmp/rootfs/bin/clear works find.
 d.  However, I can not execute that file, for example execute
 /tmp/rootfs/bin/clear.  Bash would display an error like   clear: no
 such file or directory.
 e.  Permission setting is correct of-course.

 This is really an effort of building linux distribution from scratch
 and compact it into one single file, and not related to Debian at all.
 If anyone has experience on this, please give me some advices.

 Thank you.



Toan Pham
Atronix Engineering, Inc.
UPS Advanced Technology Center
(321) 277-3336

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Re: Strange problem with DNS resolving on Squeeze

2010-12-03 Thread Stan Hoeppner
Andrew Wood put forth on 12/3/2010 3:00 PM:
 Im experiencing strange DNS resolution problems with a Squeeze desktop
 system on our simple LAN which has an internal DNS server for local
 hosts, and which also proxies DNS requests for  public IP addresses
 needed by internal clients.
 Im totally perplexed by this. Anyone got any ideas?

Yes, turn off SELinux/AppArmor and all iptables rules and see if that helps.

AFAIK, all of the applications you mentioned use the same resolver
library.  If some applications (host) work, and others (ssh, firefox)
don't, then it seems clear that something is interfering with the
library calls from the failing applications.


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Re: Strange problem with DNS resolving on Squeeze

2010-12-03 Thread Pascal Hambourg

Andrew Wood a écrit :
 First of all, if I try and SSH into one of our internal servers (which 
 works from other clients) I get:
 and...@debian:/$ ssh a...@sambatest1.wrinehillvilla.local
 ssh: Could not resolve hostname sambatest1.wrinehillvilla.local: Name or 
 service not known
 but if I do a DNS query it resolves:
 and...@debian:/$ host sambatest1.wrinehillvilla.local
 sambatest1.wrinehillvilla.local has address

.local is used by mDNS/zeroconf. Don't use it for regular domains.

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flash crashes when switching to full screen mode in iceweasel and chrome

2010-12-03 Thread Adam Hardy

Hi All,

it looks like this has happened to a few people but I haven't found any fix 
which works.

I recently upgraded my libflashplayer package and since then I can't maximize 
any flash video to full screen - it just takes out iceweasel completely.

The same with chrome - but the browser survives the crash in chrome.

This is flash 10 on lenny 32 bit.

I just tried the non-free flash plugin version from Adobe which also crashed on 
full screen mode.

I also tried looking in the settings for a hardware assist option as re 
another message that option can fix it if unchecked, but I couldn't find the option.

Anyone got a fix or a work-around for this?


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please correct me on my code?

2010-12-03 Thread hadi motamedi
Dear All
On my Debian server, I need to separate the individual logs coming
from various modules concurrently. Please find below a sample of the
' IPTR ..

Read Subscript: 153 Write Subscript: 154 Port: 4972
Current time: Tue Nov 23 15:33:53 2010
Sent packet to 4972 #0
packet is 1081 bytes long, contains:
30 82 04 35 02 01 01 04 06 70 75 62 6C 69 63 A7 82 04 26 02 01 01 02
01 FF 02 0107 30 82 04 19 30 82 04 15 06 0F 2B 06 01 04 01 8A 5D 01 03
03 04 02 07 AE 0B 0482 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00


local:4972 == Type=Trap-V2, RID=136337360,
Error=255, Bind=1
oid[0]=, vartype=04, msglen=1024

local:4969 == Type=Trap-V2, RID=1, Error=80, Bind=1
oid[0]=, vartype=04, msglen=1024

HLR ..

HLR recv - DELIM ind
Dialogue id:1927'
As you see, each log begins with its modules name that I need to
separate its individual log. So I have wrote the following code to
separate it:
#cat Edit3 | tr -d \r | while read LINE; do
echo $LINE | grep -q '\.\.'
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
LOGFILE=`echo $LINE | cut -d' ' -f1`.log
But when I run it, I am receiving the following error:
-bash: -f1.log : command not found
-bash: $LOGFILE : ambiguous redirect
Can you please help me to correct my code?
Thank you

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Re: flash crashes when switching to full screen mode in iceweasel and chrome

2010-12-03 Thread Artur Frydel
Day Sat, 04 Dec 2010 01:50:01 +0100, Adam Hardy wrote:

 Hi All,
 it looks like this has happened to a few people but I haven't found any fix 
 which works.
 I recently upgraded my libflashplayer package and since then I can't maximize 
 any flash video to full screen - it just takes out iceweasel completely.
 The same with chrome - but the browser survives the crash in chrome.
 This is flash 10 on lenny 32 bit.

I have that problem also.
If you really want to watch full-screen flash, you can downgroad
libflashplayer to earlier version. flashplayer 9.x works fine (but this
security holes... :/).

Artur 'bzyk' Frydel 
I'd like to meet the man who invented sex and see what he's
working on now.

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Re: Systeem overbelast bij printen vanuit OOo.

2010-12-03 Thread Arjen Bax
Op 2 december 2010 22:28 heeft Paul van der Vlis het volgende geschreven:

 Het is ondertussen duidelijk dat het probleem in een logo zit, een
 simpel plaatje. We gaan het vervangen en waarschijnlijk is het probleem
 dan opgelost. Maar wel een hele rare zaak die eigenlijk best een bug
 waard is.

Het wil nog weleens helpen om het document eerst te exporteren naar
pdf en vervolgens de pdf af te drukken.

Vriendelijke groeten,
Arjen Bax

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