Re: [OT] Hard Drive Energy Not Worth Conserving drives?

2011-01-10 Thread Robert Holtzman
On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 04:44:13AM -0600, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
> Robert Holtzman put forth on 1/9/2011 7:00 PM:
> > On Sun, Jan 09, 2011 at 03:37:41PM -0600, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
> >> This is because of your liberal political leanings, which have no place
> >> here.  This is a technical discussion list, so keep it technical.
> > 
> > I was with you right up until that last sentence. You people always wind
> > up framing every dispute in political terms. Since you pointed out that
> > this is a technical discussion list, STFU with the political garbage.
> Robert Holtzman put forth on 12/31/2010 3:40 PM:
> > Take a tip: don't jump to unwarranted conclusions.
> Interesting advice Bob.  Practice it.

I did. Read your post again, especially the part that says "This is
because of your liberal political leanings...".

End of OT discussion. 

Bob Holtzman
Key ID: 8D549279
"If you think you're getting free lunch,
 check the price of the beer"

Description: Digital signature

Re: Squeeze install on HP DL380G4 with broadcom network.

2011-01-10 Thread Tixy
On Tue, 2011-01-11 at 14:29 +1100, Andrew McGlashan wrote: 
> Hi,
> With the non-free exclusions from the iso [1], installation wasn't 
> possible without taking further steps.  Not sure this non-free image 
> thing is a good idea(tm) -- perhaps images WITH the non-free drivers 
> need to be made easily available, if not, I can see many people 
> abandoning Debian to use something "easier" to install.

I saw this discussed a while ago on the debian-project mailing list [1],
and there are now netinst iso images with non-free firmware available at


Tixy   ()  The ASCII Ribbon Campaign (
   /\  Against HTML e-mail and proprietary attachments

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Re: Installed Debian today.

2011-01-10 Thread Robert Holtzman
On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 11:43:02PM +, Lisi wrote:
> On Wednesday 29 December 2010 22:55:00 Robert Holtzman wrote:
> > That's the biggest bunch of BS I've seen in a long time. I've used the
> > last 3 LTS releases and they have been completely stable.
> >
> > Your posts reflect several earmarks of a troll.
> I have just been doing a course, and a lot of the people on it reported 
> having 
> severe problems installing 10.10.  (I'm not one of them, I have installed and 
> used it OK, but I still don't like it.)
> Surely the  point of Linux is that one has choice?  One can make one's choice 
> for any reason or for none.  One man's meat is another man's poison.  Why 
> shouldn't the poor bloke change to Debian just because he wants to do so.  
> Why does he have justify it or explain himself?

I never said he has to. If you check the thread you should see that I was
refuting his claim that Ubuntu LTS distros are buggier than non-LTS. Of
course Linux presents choices and no one has to justify his/hers.

> I use Debian because I like it.  I don't use Ubuntu or its stable mates 
> because I don't like them.  Have those of you who are carping, got cast iron 
> reasons for being on the Debian user list, that you could justify in a court 
> of law?

Of course. I triple boot and one of the distros is Lenny.
> Come off it, give the guy a break.

The trick is for you to read the thread and not weave fantasies.

Bob Holtzman
Key ID: 8D549279
"If you think you're getting free lunch,
 check the price of the beer"

Description: Digital signature

Kaк pаботать предпринимателю

2011-01-10 Thread Новые пpоблeмы
| Kак pабoтать ЧAСТНОМУ ПРЕДПPИНИМАТЕЛЮ в 2011 гoду:  |
| кoдeкс пpинят c пoправками Пpезидента: в 2011 г.|
| будeт прoдoлжать дейcтвoвать Укaз № 746 c учeтoм ocобенностей,  |
| уcтанoвленных в Haлоговом кoдекcе.  |

>   Ceминар • 17 янвapя • 2011 г.

>   г. Kиев • ул. Шeлкoвичнaя, 12
>   Тeл.: (044) 331-б4-14, 592-75-6Ч


1. Cмoгут ли быть плaтeльщиками HДС чacтные пpедпpиниматели: 
   ноpмы HAЛOГОВОГО кoдeкса c учетoм пoпрaвок Пpезидента.

2. Oднoвременная paбoта ЧП\учpeдитель\директор c 2011 г. - eсть ли запpет.

3. ФИНМOHИТОРИНГ: какиx опepаций нe стoит прoводить. 
   Дoпoлнитeльный монитоpинг имущeства. Пeрeчень всex дoпoлнитeльных уcловий 
пpи кoторых 
   нeoжиданно мoжно пoпacть пoд финмонитoринг. 

4. Рабoта "CОДРУЖЕСТВА" неcкoльких ЧП и предпpиятия: пoкупать у ЧП или дeлать 
   Пpeвышение 500 тыc. НAХОЖДЕНИЕ BСЕХ в OДHOМ OФФИCЕ. Eсли "coдpужество" 
связaнныe лицa. 
   Рaбoта пoд oднoй тopгoвой мapкой. COТPУДНИЧЕСТВО ФИPМЫ и ЧП c 2011г. - 
уcпеeм подгoтовиться: 
   продaжа нижe сeбeстоимости, обычныe цeны: новыe peaлии c 2011 г. 
   Koгдa опepации попaдают пoд финмoнитоpинг. 
   Уплатa HДФЛ c дoлгoв в 2010 г. - c какoй кpeдиторской задoлженности плaтитcя 

5. APЕНДА\СУБАРЕНДА в 2010 г.-2011 г.: кaк прoпиcать вид деятeльнoсти 
   в Cвидeтельстве eдинoго налoгa.

6. ПOCPЕДНИЧЕСКАЯ ДEЯТEЛЬНОСТЬ: пoзиция cуда пpи опpeделении - чтo такoe 
   Чeм комиccия отличaется oт поpучения, тpaнспортной экспeдиции, 
   дpугих поcpеднических догoвoров. ЧТO ДEЛАТЬ CEГOДНЯ ПОСPЕДНИКАМ нa ПPОBЕРКЕ.

7. BИДЫ ДEЯТЕЛЬНОСТИ ЧП (пpoверки выплaт пo видaм дeятeльнoсти, нe внecенным 
   в Cвидeтeльство единогo нaлога: кaк сeгoдня мoжнo гаpaнтированно отбитьcя): 
   пpoблемы c oтcутствием в пeрeчне pайисполкома  «нужныx» видoв дeятельности.  
   Удеpжание единoгo cоциaльного взноca пpи выплaтe дoxoда пpедпpинимателю - 
кaк этo завиcит 
   oт видoв дeятельности: подвoдный кaмень, нe учтeнный ПОПPAВКАМИ Пpезидента.

8. Beдeние учeта c 2011г., KHИГА пo ф № 10: пoчему нe жeлaтeльно ТEPЯТЬ книгу. 
   Раcсмотрение поpядкa зaпoлнения гpaф pаcходов и дoxодов. Штрaфы зa 
непpaвильное запoлнeние. 
   Пеpиодичность зaполнения (eжeдневно...), мoгут ли oштрафовать ЧП, сдeлaв 
кoнтpольную зaкупку,  
   нeведение учeтa тoвapов пo мecту рeaлизации. Зaполнeние гpaфы pаcходов - 3 
   Kaк вecти раcходы бeз подтвеpждающих дoкументов.

9. ПPИХOДНЫЕ ДOКУМEНТЫ нa ТОBАР. ШТРAФЫ, нeпpaвильное вeдение учетa 
   (сpaвнение прaвил pаботы в 2010 и 2011 г.): 2-кpатный рaзмер, 45% ….? 
   Kaк пpавильно зaщитить cвoи правa. Bыдачa дoкументов нa пoкупку тoвaра 
(уcлуг) – можнo 
   ли нe имeть дoкументы нa приxoд тoвapа, чтo дeлaть, еcли иx нeт.  
   Oтpажение выpучки послe кaждой oпeрации: oткуда взялoсь трeбoвание, 
apгумeнты пpoтив.

10.Штpаф зa нe учeт товаpно-материальных цeннocтей - пoчему пoкa редкo 
примeняется нa пpактике.

11.ПРOВЕРКИ. BHИМAНИЕ! Пpaктикум - кaк пpoвeрить cебя пеpeд пpoверкой, чтoбы нe 
   в штpаф 2,5 млн! (пpи обоpоте 500 тыc.). Hoвая пpоцедура прoвeдения пpoверок 
   ввeдения в дейcтвие Hалoгового кoдекcа. Дейcтвует ли бaза 17 гpн. для 
взымaния штpафов. 
   Hовaя cтрaтегия встpeчи пpовeряющих в 2011 г. Пpoцeссуальные дeйcтвии: чтo 
   новoго и кaк c этим pаботать. Пoлнoмoчия ГHAУ 2011 г. Прoцeдура наложeния 
Примeнeние штpафов. 
   Прeзумпция нeвинoвности: кaк будeт дeйствoвать  c учeтом пoпрaвок 
   Мoжет ли  обвинениe лицa в уклoнeнии oт уплaты нaлoгoв нe мoжeт ocнoвываться 
нa рeшении 
   контpoлирующего oргана? Пpaво нaлогoплательщиков нa cудебное oбжaлoвание 
   нaлoгoвых oрганов - чтo зaлoжeно в Нaлоговый кoдекс c учeтoм  пoпрaвок 

12.HAЕМНЫЕ  PAБOТНИКИ. Пoпpaвки Пpезидeнта к HAЛОГОВОМУ кодeксу: мoжно ли 
   пеpeквалифицировать тpудовые в граждaнско-правовые. Зaключение 
   дoговоров c рaбoтниками: c кaкими кaтeгoриями paботников нeльзя зaключать, 
   таблицa налoгообложения пo трудoвoму и гpaжданско-правовому. 
единoго социaльного 
   взнocа c 2011 г. Почeму большee количeство грaжданско-правовых дoгoвoров 
   пoд налогoобложение. Пoрядoк нaчиcлeния и oтражения в oтчетнoсти eдиного 
   coциального взнocа - кaкиe будут пpoцeссы, котоpых нe былo дo сиx пoр. 
   HАРУШЕНИЕ ЗAКOНОДАТЕЛЬСТВА ПРO ТPУД: c чeм сeгодня cтaлкиваются 
   какиe oшибки пpиводят к УГOЛОBНОЙ ОТВEТСТВЕННОСТИ. Kтo тaкиe члeны cемьи и 
кaк oтличить 
   тex, кoторые пpинимают учаcтие в пpедпpинимательской дeятeльнoсти - новыe 
пpaвила c 2011г..

13.НAЛИЧHОЕ ДEНEЖНОЕ OБРAЩЕНИЕ. Кaкиe докумeнты выдавaть пoкупатeлю 

Re: [OT] Hard Drive Energy Not Worth Conserving drives?

2011-01-10 Thread teddieeb

I think what we mainly should take from all this is Western Digital sucks and 
we should never buy their crap...

I know there are some who will disagree with this, so no flames needed...


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Re: Re (2): OpenVPN server mode usage.

2011-01-10 Thread Mike Bird
On Mon January 10 2011 20:55:10 Bob Proulx wrote:
> > Did something break in the Squeeze network infrastructure about
> > a two weeks back?
> Most of my machines are running Lenny.  So I wouldn't know.

FWIW, we have not encountered any problems in what is now a mixed
Lenny/Squeeze OpenVPN network.

--Mike Bird

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Re: Re (2): OpenVPN server mode usage.

2011-01-10 Thread Bob Proulx wrote:
> Bob Proulx wrote:
> > Do the packets arrive at dalton?  You should be able to see this with
> > tcpdump.
> >   tcpdump -lni any port 1194
> Tried that and found 0 datagrams reaching Dalton.  In fact 
> datagrams don't even reach the external interface on Joule.

They don't reach the external interface?  That is an excellent clue.
But I think it might be a problem trying to have traceroute do it.

> Can you make traceroute send a datagram to the external interface?

I don't know.  I haven't ever tried to use traceroute that way.  If it
is capable of doing that then great.

But I would try netcat instead.  It is a good tool for flinging
packets across the net.  Try something like this:

  joule: echo foo | nc -u dalton 1149

You should see that show up in your tcpdump traces.  If so then you
know the packets are arriving.

> Did something break in the Squeeze network infrastructure about 
> a two weeks back?

Most of my machines are running Lenny.  So I wouldn't know.


Description: Digital signature

Squeeze install on HP DL380G4 with broadcom network.

2011-01-10 Thread Andrew McGlashan


With the non-free exclusions from the iso [1], installation wasn't 
possible without taking further steps.  Not sure this non-free image 
thing is a good idea(tm) -- perhaps images WITH the non-free drivers 
need to be made easily available, if not, I can see many people 
abandoning Debian to use something "easier" to install.

Fortunately for me, I found a very useful script [2] to add-in the 
non-free stuff and it worked very, very well -- but unless things 
change, every new netinst ISO will need to be adjusted to work well and 
not require other media (nothing more than a network connection and the 
ISO file or disk as the case may be).


1. Download netinst.iso

2. Download script
*Many thanks to Dann Frazier for his script!*

3. Make script executable

4. Update the iso image as follows
   # ./ \
debian-squeeze-di-beta2-amd64-netinst.iso \
debian-squeeze-di-beta2-amd64-netinst-custom.iso \

And yes, the script already covered squeeze (no adjustments were needed 
whatsoever), even though it appears to be for lenny only -- until you 
read through the script.

I actually built the system with 3x RAID6 devices (146GB drives); one 
RAID6 for /boot, another for swap and the last for LVM2 volume management.

Grub2 installed fine, I had troubles with both grub and lilo install 
previously (not sure which ISO's I had tried, but I did try a couple at 
least.  My /boot is overkill at 4x 256MB (after RAID6), so limitation on 
the size of /boot was not an issue with the new installer as it had been 
for me on previous installation attempts.  If RAID6 wasn't going to work 
for /boot, then I was looking at trying RAID1 (6 way mirror); so I could 
have made /boot much smaller, but I've still got plenty of disk.  I may 
re-install again from scratch and fully document all the screens yet.

The installation was done using virtual media via iLo options, so I 
didn't need to burn an ISO, nor did I need to touch the physical machine 
for anything.  The machine in question was an eBay buy with the advanced 
iLo license already in place; thanks eBay seller for that one!



Again, many thanks to Dann Frazier for his script!

Kind Regards

Andrew McGlashan
Broadband Solutions now including VoIP

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Re: PCI video card on Dell Dimension 2300

2011-01-10 Thread Jim Lebeau

On Mon, 10 Jan 2011 17:02:28 + (UTC),  Camaleón wrote:

Have you tried by passing "agp=off" as kernel parameter when booting?

I did just now and it worked like a charm.

Thank you very much,


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Latvietes un sekss? Neticu

2011-01-10 Thread Inese_no_Australia
Esmu visseksigaka latviete uz shis planetas. Esmu iekarojama pornozvaigzne. 
Sodien ir atverta man veltita majas lapa latvju meelee.

Ienaac un ieveertee 3 labakaas filmas no manas kolekcijas. Profesionalju 
meistardarbs - seksiigi, atklati, pornografiski. 


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[OT]: Re: need help making shell script use two CPUs/cores

2011-01-10 Thread Dan Serban
On Mon, 10 Jan 2011 12:04:19 -0600
Stan Hoeppner  wrote:


Which gallery system are you using?  I quite like it.

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Re: piping find to zip -- with spaces in path

2011-01-10 Thread Andrew McGlashan

Hi Rob,

Rob Owens wrote:

I tried this and it successfully creates

find ./ -iname "*.jpg" -print | zip myfile -@

But it fails if there are spaces in the path or filename.  How can I
make it work with spaces?

Does this work:

find ./ -iname "*.jpg" -print0 | xargs -0 zip myfile -@

Kind Regards

Andrew McGlashan
Broadband Solutions now including VoIP

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Re: Squeeze: Gnome icons missing

2011-01-10 Thread Alan Ianson
On Mon, 10 Jan 2011 22:00:13 + (UTC)
Zeissmann  wrote:

> Hi all!
> Recently I've installed Debian Squeeze with Gnome on a new laptop.
> Unfortunately I'm missing some of the icons. Namely missing are those
> under the System menu and all of those in the right-click menus. I've
> got all the basic Gnome icons installed which I've checked with the
> packages present on the old laptop. Has anyone got a clue what's
> wrong?
> Thanks

I'm not sure why but those are off by default now and there is no easy
way to set it now (that I know of).

I turn them on by running gconf2 or the configuration editor and
navigating to Desktop -> Gnome - Interface and checking
"buttons_have_icons" and "menus_have_icons".

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Re: USB key requirement.

2011-01-10 Thread Dan Serban
On Mon, 10 Jan 2011 13:45:29 +
Darac Marjal  wrote:

> On Sun, Jan 09, 2011 at 09:42:03PM -0800, Dan Serban wrote:
> > So, I'm currently switching my 9 workstations around the house to
> > diskless boot.  They mount nfs shares that reside on top of an
> > encrypted raid server.  This is all fine and good.
> > 
> > What I'd like to do:
> > 
> > On a specific workstation, on boot, i'd like to require that a
> > specific usb memory stick be inserted in the system.  ie. one that
> > contains a key which will allow the boot process to continue.
> > 
> > Can this be done?  If so, what should I use to make it less than
> > easy to decipher?
> > 
> > Maybe a GPG encoded text file that matches against a plain text one?
> > (that's insecure)...
> > 
> > I don't know.  Do any of you have any suggestions?
> If the requirement can be relaxed to be some other sort of USB device,
> you could look at something like this:
> The eToken is basically a smartcard that plugs into USB.

I still don't really understand the difference apart from it containing
a key that I match against.  Which is in essence what I was asking to
do with a USB block device which looks much cheaper than the eToken.

> If it has to be a USB Mass Storage device, try this:

This I've already done with my server, the usb key is inserted into the
server to allow it to boot (with the key), what I was asking was for a
method to halt a diskless boot (or one with a disk) if a specific USB
key wasn't available.  So my thoughts went to Vendor ID, serial number,
and also a key to compare against on the root filesystem.  

My case is different in the sense that I'm not decrypting my block
volumes, just halting a boot sequence.

> Remember, Google is your friend.

My google-fu is weak.  All I run into is stuff like you've suggested so
far, and how to install debian via a USB key.  Nothing like what I want.

> > 
> > 
> > -- 
> > To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to 
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> > Archive:
> >
> > 

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piping find to zip -- with spaces in path

2011-01-10 Thread Rob Owens
I tried this and it successfully creates

find ./ -iname "*.jpg" -print | zip myfile -@

But it fails if there are spaces in the path or filename.  How can I
make it work with spaces?



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Re: lenny -> squeeze with trinity

2011-01-10 Thread Mike Bird
On Mon January 10 2011 17:06:34 Brad Alexander wrote:
> Did an apt-get update (and aptitude update) and tried both an apt-get
> dist-upgrade and an aptitude full-upgrade, and both wanted to
> deinstall trinity.

Hi Brad,

There are a few minor conflicts that can be worked around.
One I recall involves sudo and another involves desktop-base.
After some experimentation we now use sudo-trinity instead of
sudo, but desktop-base instead of desktop-base-trinity.

In order to do this we remove both the desktop-base-trinity
and kde-trinity packages, but we install most or all of their
depends depending upon how much "stuff" is needed on a particular

Some people (including us) have a problem with kdm-trinity,
so we use kdm from KDE 4, which unfortunately brings in some
extra KDE 4 libraries.  We use phonon-backend-null here to avoid
KDE 4 sound drivers.

FWIW, I've appended our trinity seed package list.  We install
all of these "--no-recommends" except amarok-trinity.  Also if
you want a working ktorrent find an old copy of ktorrent2.2 as
it is still by far the best.

Trinity is well worth the effort.  Our test users love it and
it's improving far faster than KDE 4 (which as of our our last
test a couple of weeks ago STILL can't install a working KMail).

KDE 3.5: 9/10
Trinity: 8/10
KDE 4.4: 2/10

Please contact me on list or off if I can be of any further

--Mike Bird



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Re: USB key requirement.

2011-01-10 Thread Dan Serban
On Mon, 10 Jan 2011 14:07:31 -0600
Hugo Vanwoerkom  wrote:

> Dan Serban wrote:
> > So, I'm currently switching my 9 workstations around the house to
> > diskless boot.  They mount nfs shares that reside on top of an
> > encrypted raid server.  This is all fine and good.
> What is a workstation like?
> Hugo

I hope I understood your question.

The workstations are diskless, ie. no data on them whatsoever, so they
boot via PXE and mount their root partitions on an internal server with
encrypted volumes (which use the usb key method to startup).

> > 
> > What I'd like to do:
> > 
> > On a specific workstation, on boot, i'd like to require that a
> > specific usb memory stick be inserted in the system.  ie. one that
> > contains a key which will allow the boot process to continue.
> > 
> > Can this be done?  If so, what should I use to make it less than
> > easy to decipher?
> > 
> > Maybe a GPG encoded text file that matches against a plain text one?
> > (that's insecure)...
> > 
> > I don't know.  Do any of you have any suggestions?
> > 
> > 

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Re: USB key requirement.

2011-01-10 Thread Dan Serban
On Mon, 10 Jan 2011 11:46:04 +0200
Andrei Popescu  wrote:

> On Du, 09 ian 11, 21:42:03, Dan Serban wrote:
> > So, I'm currently switching my 9 workstations around the house to
> > diskless boot.  They mount nfs shares that reside on top of an
> > encrypted raid server.  This is all fine and good.
> > 
> > What I'd like to do:
> > 
> > On a specific workstation, on boot, i'd like to require that a
> > specific usb memory stick be inserted in the system.  ie. one that
> > contains a key which will allow the boot process to continue.
> > 
> > Can this be done?  If so, what should I use to make it less than
> > easy to decipher?
> > 
> > Maybe a GPG encoded text file that matches against a plain text one?
> > (that's insecure)...
> Maybe libpam-ssh can be used for this?

Thanks for your suggestion, it made me search through the pam packages
and pam-usb looks like it might do the job.  Although, it doesn't seem
to do exactly as I had hoped (allow the system to boot if the USB stick
is inserted) it's a good start.

> Regards,
> Andrei

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lenny -> squeeze with trinity

2011-01-10 Thread Brad Alexander
My wife's machine has been running lenny for a long time, but with
squeeze's imminent release, I decided I needed to make some changes.
The main reason that she is using lenny is that she prefers kde3. So
tonight I upgraded to trinity on her lenny installation. After the
install, I changed the apt.conf to point to squeeze and updated the
trinity repos from

deb lenny main
deb-src lenny main


squeeze main
squeeze main

Did an apt-get update (and aptitude update) and tried both an apt-get
dist-upgrade and an aptitude full-upgrade, and both wanted to
deinstall trinity.

Do I need to reboot? Restart X? Anyone seen this behavior?


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Re: Installed Debian today.

2011-01-10 Thread Lisi
On Wednesday 29 December 2010 22:55:00 Robert Holtzman wrote:
> That's the biggest bunch of BS I've seen in a long time. I've used the
> last 3 LTS releases and they have been completely stable.
> Your posts reflect several earmarks of a troll.

I have just been doing a course, and a lot of the people on it reported having 
severe problems installing 10.10.  (I'm not one of them, I have installed and 
used it OK, but I still don't like it.)

Surely the  point of Linux is that one has choice?  One can make one's choice 
for any reason or for none.  One man's meat is another man's poison.  Why 
shouldn't the poor bloke change to Debian just because he wants to do so.  
Why does he have justify it or explain himself?

I use Debian because I like it.  I don't use Ubuntu or its stable mates 
because I don't like them.  Have those of you who are carping, got cast iron 
reasons for being on the Debian user list, that you could justify in a court 
of law?

Come off it, give the guy a break.


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Re: Multiple address the same client - dhpcd.conf

2011-01-10 Thread gboy13
What if you do separate host declarations within separate subnet declarations?

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Squeeze: Gnome icons missing

2011-01-10 Thread Zeissmann
Hi all!

Recently I've installed Debian Squeeze with Gnome on a new laptop.
Unfortunately I'm missing some of the icons. Namely missing are those
under the System menu and all of those in the right-click menus. I've got
all the basic Gnome icons installed which I've checked with the packages
present on the old laptop. Has anyone got a clue what's wrong?


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Re: Couldn't find the DDC routing table

2011-01-10 Thread Ron Johnson

On 01/10/2011 11:34 AM, Camaleón wrote:

On Sun, 09 Jan 2011 14:11:57 -0600, Ron Johnson wrote:

Has anyone experienced this error message when using an nvidia 8400GS

Nope... but Google finds some hits:

That's what I already Googled.  Replaced the card with a "new model" 
8400GS and all is well.

What does your Xorg log say?

This is a fresh Sid install in new machine, and after 2 days I'm
starting to think that this might be a bad part.

Which driver: vesa, nouveau, nvidia?

nouveau, nvidia and nv all gave different errors.  Some just froze.

Tip: Try to load any LiveCD to discard a DebianSid-centric problem.

Did that too... :)

Seek truth from facts.

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Re: DD To a Smaller Partition

2011-01-10 Thread Hugo Vanwoerkom

Jesús M. Navarro wrote:

Hi, Hal:

On Sunday 09 January 2011 20:21:22 Hal Vaughan wrote:

I have a 10 GB partition that is nowhere near full, less than 5 GB of data
on it (far less).  Unfortunately, the partition I'd like to copy it to is 5
GB.  I can do "rsync -av" but normally I'd use DD.  Is there a way to copy
an image of just the files from one drive to another?  For example, an
intelligent DD that won't copy unused sectors, or will create an archive of
just the files?

dd won't do that but partimage is probably the "intelligent dd" you are 
looking for.

But partimage will no restore to a smaller artition


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Re: Debian (sid) painfully slow.

2011-01-10 Thread darkestkhan
You may also try this one:
But I started testing it today so I can't really say what exact
effect in system responsiveness is.

May The Source be with You.

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Re: need help making shell script use two CPUs/cores

2011-01-10 Thread Camaleón
On Mon, 10 Jan 2011 12:04:19 -0600, Stan Hoeppner wrote:

> Camaleón put forth on 1/10/2011 8:08 AM:

>> Good. It would be nice to see the results when you finally go it
>> working the way you like ;-)
> Bob's xargs suggestion got it working instantly many hours ago.  I'm not
> sure of the results you refer to.  Are you looking for something like
> "watch top" output for Cpu0 and Cpu1?  See for yourself.

Did'nt you run any test? Okay... (now downloading the sample images)

> 2.  On your dual processor, or dual core system, execute:
> for k in *.JPG; do echo $k; done | xargs -I{} -P2 convert {} -resize
> 3072 {} &

I used a VM to get the closest environment as you seem to have (a low 
resource machine) and the above command (timed) gives:

sys 1m17.561s

It uses 2 "convert" proccesses so the files are being run on pairs.

And you can even get the job done faster if using -P8:

sys 0m43.563s

No need to have a quad core with HT. Nice :-)

> Now, to compare the "xargs -P" parallel process performance to standard
> serial performance, clear the temp dir and copy the original files over
> again.  Now execute:
> for k in *.JPG; do convert $k -resize 3072 $k; done &

This gives:

sys 1m42.634s

Which is ~0.46s. of plus delay. Not that bad.

> and launch top.  You'll see only a single convert process running. 
> Again, you can wrap this with the time command if you like to compare
> total run times. What you'll find is nearly linear scaling as the number
> of convert processes is doubled, up to the point #processes equals
> #cores.  Running more processes than cores merely eats memory wastefully
> and increases total processing time.

Running more processes than real cores seems fine, did you try it?
> Linux is pretty efficient at scheduling multiple processes among cores
> in multiprocessor and/or multi-core systems and achieving near linear
> performance scaling.  This is one reason why "fork and forget" is such a
> popular method used for parallel programming.  All you have to do is
> fork many children and the kernel takes care of scheduling the processes
> to run simultaneously.

Yep. It handles the proccesses quite nice.



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Re: USB key requirement.

2011-01-10 Thread Hugo Vanwoerkom

Dan Serban wrote:

So, I'm currently switching my 9 workstations around the house to
diskless boot.  They mount nfs shares that reside on top of an
encrypted raid server.  This is all fine and good.

What is a workstation like?


What I'd like to do:

On a specific workstation, on boot, i'd like to require that a specific
usb memory stick be inserted in the system.  ie. one that contains a
key which will allow the boot process to continue.

Can this be done?  If so, what should I use to make it less than easy
to decipher?

Maybe a GPG encoded text file that matches against a plain text one?
(that's insecure)...

I don't know.  Do any of you have any suggestions?

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Re: Balsa

2011-01-10 Thread Doug

On 01/10/2011 04:34 AM, Udo Steinkopf wrote:

Das E-mail Balsa Programm ist ein sehr gutes programm. Leider gibt es da
einen unschönen Fehler.
In der Werkzeugleiste : Postfach kann man die ges.Stückzahl mails nicht
sehen, wenn das rechte Fenster nicht nach rechts geschoben wird. Ich
hätte gerne einen Trennstrich nach dem rechten T. Ich würde das selber
gerne machen , finde aber die richtige **.h  oder **.c Datei nicht.

Bitte um Hilfe

GrußUdo Steinkopf

Besser Hilfe finden Sie, wenn Sie zur Liste auf englisch schreiben.

(You will find better help if you write to the list in English.)


Blessed are the peacemakers...for they shall be shot at from both sides. --A. 
M. Greeley

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Re: need help making shell script use two CPUs/cores

2011-01-10 Thread Stan Hoeppner
Camaleón put forth on 1/10/2011 8:08 AM:
> On Sun, 09 Jan 2011 14:39:56 -0600, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
>> Camaleón put forth on 1/9/2011 12:12 PM:
>>> Better if you check it, but I dunno how to get the compile options for
>>> the lenny package... where is this defined, in source or diff packages?
>> You're taking this thread down the wrong path.  I asked for assistance
>> writing a simple script to do what I want it to do.  Accomplishing that
>> will fix all of my "problems" WRT Imagemagick.  I didn't ask for help in
>> optimizing or fixing the Lenny i386 Imagemagick package. ;)
> I read it as "how to speed up the execution of a batch script that has to 
> deal with resizing big images" and usually you get some gains if the 
> program to run was compiled to work with threads in mind.

I said lots of small images, IIRC.  Regardless, threading isn't simply turned on
with a compile time argument.  A program must be written specifically to create
master and worker threads.  Implementation is somewhat similar to exec and fork,
compared to serial programming anyway, though the IPC semantics are different.
It's a safe bet that the programs in the Lenny i386 Imagemagick package do have
the threading support.  The following likely explains why _I_ wasn't seeing the
threading.  From:

"For small images using the IM multi-thread capabilities will not give you any
advantage, though on a large busy server it could be detrimental. But for large
images the OpenMP multi-thread capabilities can produce a definate speed
advantage as it uses more CPU's to complete the individual image processing

It would be nice to know their definition of "small" images.

> Good. It would be nice to see the results when you finally go it working 
> the way you like ;-)

Bob's xargs suggestion got it working instantly many hours ago.  I'm not sure of
the results you refer to.  Are you looking for something like "watch top" output
for Cpu0 and Cpu1?  See for yourself.

1.  wget all the 35 .JPG files from this URL:
copy them all to a working temp dir

2.  On your dual processor, or dual core system, execute:

for k in *.JPG; do echo $k; done | xargs -I{} -P2 convert {} -resize 3072 {} &

For a quad core system, change -P2 to -P4.  You may want to wrap it with the
time command.

3.  Immediately execute top and watch Cpu0/1/2/3 in the summary area.  You'll
see pretty linear parallel scaling of the convert processes.  Also note memory
consumption doubles with each doubling of the process count.

Now, to compare the "xargs -P" parallel process performance to standard serial
performance, clear the temp dir and copy the original files over again.  Now

for k in *.JPG; do convert $k -resize 3072 $k; done &

and launch top.  You'll see only a single convert process running.  Again, you
can wrap this with the time command if you like to compare total run times.
What you'll find is nearly linear scaling as the number of convert processes is
doubled, up to the point #processes equals #cores.  Running more processes than
cores merely eats memory wastefully and increases total processing time.

Linux is pretty efficient at scheduling multiple processes among cores in
multiprocessor and/or multi-core systems and achieving near linear performance
scaling.  This is one reason why "fork and forget" is such a popular method used
for parallel programming.  All you have to do is fork many children and the
kernel takes care of scheduling the processes to run simultaneously.


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Re (2): OpenVPN server mode usage.

2011-01-10 Thread peasthope
From:   Bob Proulx 
Date:   Sun, 09 Jan 2011 17:54:51 -0700
> Do the packets arrive at dalton?  You should be able to see this with
> tcpdump.
>   tcpdump -lni any port 1194

Tried that and found 0 datagrams reaching Dalton.  In fact 
datagrams don't even reach the external interface on Joule.

In ssh viewer 0.
joule:~# shorewall stop
Stopping Shorewall
Running /sbin/iptables-restore...
IPv4 Forwarding Enabled
joule:~# tcpdump -lni MainBoard port 1194
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
listening on MainBoard, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 65535 bytes

In ssh viewer 1.
joule:~# traceroute -p 1194 -P udp
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
 1  * * *
 2  * * *^C

Back on ssh viewer 0.
0 packets captured
0 packets received by filter
0 packets dropped by kernel
joule:~# shorewall start

Can you make traceroute send a datagram to the external interface?
Did something break in the Squeeze network infrastructure about 
a two weeks back?

Regards & thanks, ... Peter E.

Telephone 1 360 450 2132.
Shop pages accessible as long as the old drives survive.
Personal pages .

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Re: Couldn't find the DDC routing table

2011-01-10 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 09 Jan 2011 14:11:57 -0600, Ron Johnson wrote:

> Has anyone experienced this error message when using an nvidia 8400GS
> GPU?

Nope... but Google finds some hits:

What does your Xorg log say?

> This is a fresh Sid install in new machine, and after 2 days I'm
> starting to think that this might be a bad part.

Which driver: vesa, nouveau, nvidia?

Tip: Try to load any LiveCD to discard a DebianSid-centric problem.



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Re: variable in loop

2011-01-10 Thread Brian Ryans
Quoting Karl E. Jorgensen on 2011-01-02 17:22:20:
>   for i in `seq 1 $a`

That `seq 1 $a` could be trimmed to `seq $a`. Unsure of portability.

 _  Brian Ryans 8B2A 54C4 E275 8CFD 8A7D 5D0B 0AD0 B014 C112 13D0 .
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/ \ Modern man has an approximately 140-character attention span. -- blr

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Re: Debian (sid) painfully slow.

2011-01-10 Thread darkestkhan
2011/1/8 Neil Youngman :
> On Friday 07 Jan 2011 18:39:52 Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
>> > I will continue to observe the system, with swapping in mind as a
>> > possible  factor and see if there is a correlation.
>> But if it was swapping you would see the HDD light being lit when you
>> were not doing any obvious disk activity. If you have not seen that then
>> it is not swapping.
> The system box is under a desk and the HDD light is not easily visible.
>> I have CPU load monitors in both X and VT. Does your CPU load go up when
>> you get these difficulties?
> I have BOINC mopping up my spare cycles, so it's rarely below 100%. Stopping
> BOINC for a while might be a worthwhile diagnostic at some point.
> Neil Youngman

I'm currently running sid/experimental, with BOINC taking up to 100% of CPU
system is quite responsive; here are some of my observations:

when running gnome system was almost unusable - GUI was pretty much
 unresponsive; XFCE was much better but glitches got on my nerves,
 after trying LXDE I started using fluxbox - now it is working almost
 w/o any problems;

on really heavy load sometimes memory manager is causing flood to memory
(memory leak taking up to 6GB RAM in 2s); these floods are happening almost
 always when  listening music; most often it happens with VLC. Now I
just kill -9 vlc
 and move on; This may look bad but in fact it is quite good - on older kernels
 (2.6.36 and lower) I also experienced random fs crash - sometimes even 2 or 3
 in one day (when I was still using lenny);

and remember that when you are starting BOINC it is loading its apps
and data in to
memory, which may take some time

May The Source be with You.

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Re: PCI video card on Dell Dimension 2300

2011-01-10 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 09 Jan 2011 23:30:07 -0600, Jim Lebeau wrote:


> I installed Squeeze.  I searched for "*agp*.ko" and found nothing. I
> added all of the video and char drivers that began with i (for Intel) to
> the blacklist.  Squeeze will not boot.

Have you tried by passing "agp=off" as kernel parameter when booting?



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Re: [SOLVED] Is squeeze compatible with WD20EARS and other 2TB drives?

2011-01-10 Thread Jochen Schulz
Dotan Cohen:
> So despite the "feel" of the drive, the green SATA drive blows the two
> "snappier" IDE drives out of the water.

Remember you only tested near sequential access. That's what hard disks
are still quite good at. What makes your system feel sluggish is random
access and WD's 5400rpm WD10EARS is most probably slower at that than
most old 7200rpm drives.

> I wonder why this is, obviously the bottleneck is not the hard drive.

Don't conclude too early.

Thy lyrics in pop songs seem to describe my life uncannily accurately.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

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Re: Basic questions about Debian package tools

2011-01-10 Thread Tshepang Lekhonkhobe
On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 16:11, Anthony Campbell  wrote:
> On 10 Jan 2011, Jochen Schulz wrote:
>> >
>> > Is it true I should avoid APT and use some other frontend or, better,
>> > dpkg directly?
>> Never use dpkg directly if you don't have to. Apt-get and aptitude are
>> both good frontends with similar capabilities. Which one you use is
>> mostly a question of personal preference. Only when doing distribution
>> upgrades (like from lenny to squeeze) you should read the release notes
>> and use the tool that it suggests.
> I'd vote for wajig myself.

me too ;-)

It's got quite a lot of functionality, some of it nifty, EG "wajig
--backup upgrade" actually saves the packages to be upgraded locally,
in case something breaks, you cal revert.

run "wajig commands" and see for yourself
run "wajig help install" for a summary of what INSTALL command does,
and available options

Note that I'm here talking about the wajig version in Sid; one in
Squeeze is quite outdated.

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Re: [SOLVED] Is squeeze compatible with WD20EARS and other 2TB drives?

2011-01-10 Thread Dotan Cohen
On Sun, Jan 9, 2011 at 17:08, Klistvud  wrote:
> Glad to be of help. Please do read Stan Hoeppner's suggestion in this thread
> on using the dd command as a more reliable benchmark!

The results are interesting:

This is the WD10EARS drive, with both /home and / mounted on it in
separate partitions:
✈ganymede:~$ dd if=/dev/zero of=/home/dotancohen/test.t count=10 bs=8192
10+0 records in
10+0 records out
81920 bytes (819 MB) copied, 7.96557 s, 103 MB/s

This is an older 160 GB IDE Western Digital drive, that "felt" faster
when both /home and / were on it (also in separate partitions), but
now the whole drive is /home/music:
✈ganymede:~$ dd if=/dev/zero of=/home/music/test.t count=10 bs=8192
10+0 records in
10+0 records out
81920 bytes (819 MB) copied, 12.1413 s, 67.5 MB/s

This is an older 400 GB IDE Western Digital drive that "felt" no
different than the 160 GB unit, that now serves as a backup drive
despite it actually being in the same case (I move backups offsite
once a month):
✈ganymede:~$ dd if=/dev/zero of=/home/backup/test.t count=10 bs=8192
10+0 records in
10+0 records out
81920 bytes (819 MB) copied, 13.8581 s, 59.1 MB/s

So despite the "feel" of the drive, the green SATA drive blows the two
"snappier" IDE drives out of the water. I wonder why this is,
obviously the bottleneck is not the hard drive. I'll run memtest
tonight, we'll see where that goes. Anyway, I hope I haven't hijacked,
but this thread sure was interesting!

Dotan Cohen

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Re: [SOLVED] Is squeeze compatible with WD20EARS and other 2TB drives?

2011-01-10 Thread Dotan Cohen
On Sun, Jan 9, 2011 at 16:02, Stan Hoeppner  wrote:
> Dotan Cohen put forth on 1/9/2011 5:58 AM:
>> Thanks, Klistvud. I just purchased a WD10EARS (1 TB drive) and I
>> noticed that my writes are _slow_. I think that it may be a KDE issue,
>> there even is an open KDE bug that copy/paste is vry slow. But even
>> copying via cp I feel that it's not moving, I need to benchmark the
>> drive. Your post gives me some other things to check and configure.
>> Thank you!
> Given the inherent performance problems Linux currently has with the
> 512/4096 byte sector hybrid drives, called "Advanced Format" by Western
> Digital, my recommendation to Linux users is to stay away from these
> drives at all costs, regardless of how attractive the price/GB ratio is.
> Specifically regarding the WDxxEARS drives, WD has a drive of the same
> capacity but with native 512 byte sectors in either or both of the Blue
> and Black product lines.  The only advantage of the Green (EARS) line is
> a 3TB drive model not present in the Blue/Black lines.
> Additionally, the Blue and Black drives have full 7.2k spindles and will
> thus yield far superior performance to the Green (EARS) drives for the
> same size drive.
> If one is so power consumption conscious to be suckered into a Green
> (EARS) drive, then one needs to realize the CPU dissipates about 10
> times the wattage/heat of a hard drive.  Thus, concentrate your power
> saving efforts elsewhere than the disk drive.  Buy a non "green" drive,
> and save yourself these sector alignment/performance headaches.
> Dotan, in your case, you should have purchased a WD10EALS instead of the
> This Blue series 1TB drive has vastly superior performance and little
> additional power consumption compared to its WD10EARS cousin.
> The Blue drive costs $5 USD more at Newegg.  In all respects it is a
> vastly superior drive for Linux users over the WD10EARS Green drive--no
> sector alignment headaches, 50%+ better streaming and random IOPS
> performance.

...and unavailable in my market. I bought the EARS for the local
equivalent of $76 USD, the next 1TB drive costs almost double that.
Just to be sure, I checked the local price comparer website and sure
enough I see the EALS for about $90 USD, however the store is out of
stock. Actually, they haven't gotten stock yet!

But I do feel "suckered" now that you mention it: I thought that this
was a 7200 RPM drive. Oh well, what is done is done and I should have
been more careful when I bought it.

Dotan Cohen

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Re: nvidia no signal

2011-01-10 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 09 Jan 2011 22:35:23 -0500, shawn wilson wrote:

> i've got an nvidia geforce 7600. when i boot, i get a splash on the vgo
> out. however, the splash doesn't go away after it boots (i can ssh in
> and use it fine). however, once i kill x, i don't get a signal on either
> the vga or hdmi.

I also have that card (dual DVI-D outputs) running in my Lenny with no 
problems at all. What driver are you using and what Debian version (lenny/

> where should i look for the issue? what logs might i provide to get a
> solution?

Review you xorg log (/var/log/Xorg.0.log).



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Re: Basic questions about Debian package tools

2011-01-10 Thread Osamu Aoki

On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 01:04:27PM +0100, wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm a Debian Squeeze new user and have some basic questions about
> Debian package tools.
> Is it true I should avoid APT and use some other frontend or, better,
> dpkg directly?

Who told you to stay unhappy?

> I tried aptitude, but I don't like ncurses-based tools. I prefer the
> classic command line if possible.

Well, you can use it as command line if you read its manual.

Besides, APT comes with apt-get/apt-cache which is pure command line w/o
ncurses.  I reaally do not see why you avoid ncurses for all cases
unless you have some visual challenges.

> How can I obtain the list of sources currently used by installed packages?
> For example, since I have "gcc" installed, it should show "main", and
> since I also have "firmware-iwlwifi", it should include "non-free",
> too.
> This is for checking if /etc/apt/sources.list is consistent with
> installed packages.

I guess ... you need to read basic readings ...

> I'm not sure if the following procedure is right for staying up to date:
> apt-get update; apt-get upgrade; apt-get autoremove --purge; apt-get autoclean
> Am I missing something else?

Archive is not so simple  use best tools for all occasions...


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Re: Basic questions about Debian package tools

2011-01-10 Thread Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.
In , wrote:
>I'm a Debian Squeeze new user and have some basic questions about
>Debian package tools.
>Is it true I should avoid APT and use some other frontend or, better,
>dpkg directly?

Absolutely not, on both counts.  With the Squeeze release, apt-get reclaims 
the title of most recommended package management tool.[1]  Using dpkg directly 
is only for masochists, similar (but a little less useful) than using rpm 
directly on Fedora / OpenSUSE.

>I tried aptitude, but I don't like ncurses-based tools. I prefer the
>classic command line if possible.

Well, aptitude can be used as a command-line tool, which is how I use it most.  
I'm still a big fan of it over apt-get due to the powerful search terms.  I 
find the NCurses interface indispensable when dealing with conflicts that apt-
get / aptitude resolve poorly by default.  This happens most often on a mixed 
system like mine, but it can happen with a pure stable system as well.

>How can I obtain the list of sources currently used by installed packages?

Here's my recipe:
{ aptitude search '~i' --disable-columns -F '%s' | sort -u | grep '/' |
  sed 's/\([[:alpha:]-]\+\)\/.*/\1/g'; echo main; } |
sort -u

The vrms package can also be quite informative here.

>I'm not sure if the following procedure is right for staying up to date:
>apt-get update; apt-get upgrade; apt-get autoremove --purge; apt-get
>autoclean Am I missing something else?

(apt-get update; apt-get upgrade) keeps you up to date.
(apt-get autoremove --purge; apt-get autoclean) cleans up cruft.

I let /etc/cron.daily/apt handle running autoclean and update for me.  It even 
runs a upgrade -d.  I use aptitude, so autoremove is done by default with each 
package runs that modifies the package database.  I have my own cronjob that 
runs (aptitude '~U') to let me know when an upgrade is needed.  I've talked to 
others that have been using unattended-upgrade in combination with 
/etc/cron.daily/apt to handle even the upgrade part of maintaining a statble 

[1] Basically, by properly (re-)implementing aptitude's handling of markauto, 
unmarkauto, Recommends-Important, Suggests-Important, Keep-Recommends, and 
Keep-Suggests, etc.
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.   ,= ,-_-. =.   ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy `-'(. .)`-'\_/

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Re: Basic questions about Debian package tools

2011-01-10 Thread Anthony Campbell
On 10 Jan 2011, Jochen Schulz wrote:
> > 
> > Is it true I should avoid APT and use some other frontend or, better,
> > dpkg directly?
> Never use dpkg directly if you don't have to. Apt-get and aptitude are
> both good frontends with similar capabilities. Which one you use is
> mostly a question of personal preference. Only when doing distribution
> upgrades (like from lenny to squeeze) you should read the release notes
> and use the tool that it suggests.

I'd vote for wajig myself.

 Description: simple and unified package management for Debian
 Wajig is a single commandline wrapper around apt, apt-cache, dpkg, /etc/init.d
 scripts and more, intended to be easy to use and providing extensive
 documentation for all of its functions. 
 With a suitable sudo(1) configuration, most (if not all) package installation
 as well as creation tasks can be done from a user shell. Wajig is also suitable
 for general system administration. 

Anthony Campbell - 
Microsoft-free zone - Using Debian GNU/Linux - sample my ebooks at

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Re: need help making shell script use two CPUs/cores

2011-01-10 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 09 Jan 2011 14:39:56 -0600, Stan Hoeppner wrote:

> Camaleón put forth on 1/9/2011 12:12 PM:
>> Better if you check it, but I dunno how to get the compile options for
>> the lenny package... where is this defined, in source or diff packages?
> You're taking this thread down the wrong path.  I asked for assistance
> writing a simple script to do what I want it to do.  Accomplishing that
> will fix all of my "problems" WRT Imagemagick.  I didn't ask for help in
> optimizing or fixing the Lenny i386 Imagemagick package. ;)

I read it as "how to speed up the execution of a batch script that has to 
deal with resizing big images" and usually you get some gains if the 
program to run was compiled to work with threads in mind.

>> Anyway, how are you going to take any advantadge of multi-threading
>> capabilities if the program you are going to run was not compiled with
>> this flag enabled?
> I think you're missing something.  Go back and read my original post. If
> you still don't understand, maybe refresh yourself on Linux process
> scheduling.

Good. It would be nice to see the results when you finally go it working 
the way you like ;-)



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Re: DD To a Smaller Partition

2011-01-10 Thread Jesús M. Navarro
Hi, Hal:

On Sunday 09 January 2011 20:21:22 Hal Vaughan wrote:
> I have a 10 GB partition that is nowhere near full, less than 5 GB of data
> on it (far less).  Unfortunately, the partition I'd like to copy it to is 5
> GB.  I can do "rsync -av" but normally I'd use DD.  Is there a way to copy
> an image of just the files from one drive to another?  For example, an
> intelligent DD that won't copy unused sectors, or will create an archive of
> just the files?

dd won't do that but partimage is probably the "intelligent dd" you are 
looking for.

Anyway, why do you want to avoid rsync -a, cp -r or the likes?


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Re: Basic questions about Debian package tools

2011-01-10 Thread Jochen Schulz
> Is it true I should avoid APT and use some other frontend or, better,
> dpkg directly?

Never use dpkg directly if you don't have to. Apt-get and aptitude are
both good frontends with similar capabilities. Which one you use is
mostly a question of personal preference. Only when doing distribution
upgrades (like from lenny to squeeze) you should read the release notes
and use the tool that it suggests.

> I tried aptitude, but I don't like ncurses-based tools. I prefer the
> classic command line if possible.

Most operations for apt-get are also valid for aptitude.

> How can I obtain the list of sources currently used by installed packages?
> For example, since I have "gcc" installed, it should show "main", and
> since I also have "firmware-iwlwifi", it should include "non-free",
> too.
> This is for checking if /etc/apt/sources.list is consistent with
> installed packages.

I am not aware of any method to do this. What exactly do you want to
find out? Installed packages which are not available on any mirror
anymore? -Use aptitude's "Obsolete and Locally Created Packages" list.
There is probably a search pattern for this as well (install

> I'm not sure if the following procedure is right for staying up to date:
> apt-get update; apt-get upgrade; apt-get autoremove --purge; apt-get autoclean

I would leave out autoremove and autoclean, but then I use aptitude
which does this automatically and I have the following settings in

// settings for cron.daily/apt
// see: /etc/cron.daily/apt
Periodic {
AutocleanInterval "1";
MinAge "3";
MaxAge "7";
MaxSize "1024";


Apt contains a cron job which cleans the cache automatically according
to the settings above.

I wish I could do more to put the sparkle back into my marriage.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

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Re: Basic questions about Debian package tools

2011-01-10 Thread Javier Barroso
On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 1:04 PM,  wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm a Debian Squeeze new user and have some basic questions about
> Debian package tools.
> Is it true I should avoid APT and use some other frontend or, better,
> dpkg directly?
> I tried aptitude, but I don't like ncurses-based tools. I prefer the
> classic command line if possible.
You can use aptitude without ncurse interface (aptitude update;
aptitude install ; aptitude full-upgrade ...)

> How can I obtain the list of sources currently used by installed packages?
> For example, since I have "gcc" installed, it should show "main", and
> since I also have "firmware-iwlwifi", it should include "non-free",
> too.
> This is for checking if /etc/apt/sources.list is consistent with
> installed packages.
aptitude search ~i -F"%20s %p"

> I'm not sure if the following procedure is right for staying up to date:
> apt-get update; apt-get upgrade; apt-get autoremove --purge; apt-get autoclean
> Am I missing something else?
apt-get upgrade or apt-get dist-upgrade to get your system with
lastest pacakges availables in repo


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Re: Basic questions about Debian package tools

2011-01-10 Thread Roman Khomasuridze
> Is it true I should avoid APT and use some other frontend or, better,
> dpkg directly?
> I tried aptitude, but I don't like ncurses-based tools. I prefer the
> classic command line if possible.
> You'll rarely need to use dpkg directly,it's lowest level of package
management, it does no have any dependency resolving capabilities (others
may correct me if I'm wrong).

you can use aptitude as average command line tool, i mean,
aptitude update, aptitude install foo will work quite same way as apt-get.
as of Lenny release, aptitude is "officially" suggested tool, but as I
recall, this will change in favor of apt-get. as of choosing, it depends on
your choice, e.g. i like aptitude because of its (fantastic for
me) interactive dependency resolution system. apt-get is less verbose, and
apt-get is much faster (or maybe its me) when there must be performed
massive upgrade, e.g. when I was dist-upgrading, aptitude took ~15 minutes
for dependency calculations, while apt-get did dependency resolution in
couple of minutes.  all in all after using these tools you'll find you
favorite, I'm sure.

How can I obtain the list of sources currently used by installed packages?
> For example, since I have "gcc" installed, it should show "main", and
> since I also have "firmware-iwlwifi", it should include "non-free",
> too.
> This is for checking if /etc/apt/sources.list is consistent with
> installed packages.

with aptitude-s ncurses interface, but I'm sure there must be some command
line switch in apt-get.

I'm not sure if the following procedure is right for staying up to date:
> apt-get update; apt-get upgrade; apt-get autoremove --purge; apt-get
> autoclean
> Am I missing something else?

that's usually enough in my case. but, there's brilliant tool called -
apt-listbugs - on every upgrade it checks bugs against marked for upgrade
packages, and if it finds one, it asks you if you want to proceed, excellent
tool, especially if you run sid or testing.


евpопейские компaнии, oфшoры, oншopы

2011-01-10 Thread Оптимизация бизнеса

>   Семинaр • 21 янваpя • 2011 г.

>   г. Kиeв, ул. Горькoго, 172
>   бизнес-цeнтр «Пaлладиум Cити», 8 эт, oф. 814.

>   Тeл.: (044) 331-641Ч, 592-756Ч


Ивaнна Пилипюк — пapтнeр-консультант мeждунаpодной кoнсалтинговой кoмпании 
"International Consulting Group".

Иpинa Hecтеренко — вeдущий юриcт мeждунaродной конcалтинговой компaнии 
"International Consulting Group".

Екaтерина Утиpалoва — вeдущий юpист пo paботе c компaниями из зaпадного 
peгиона, междунaродная кoнcaлтинговая кoмпaния "International Consulting Group".


* Kак зaкoннo cнизить нaлoги?
* Kaк свeсти к минимуму зaтраты и увeличить пpибыль?
* Кaк зaщитить свoи aктивы oт любыx пoсягaтельств?
* Мoжнo ли paбoтать c oффшopами? Нacколько этo закoннo?
* Кaкие eвропейские компaнии интepесны для pаботы, и пoчему?
* Кaк зaконно увeличить валoвыe зaтрaты cвoиx компaний?
* Ктo ecть ктo в оффшoре? Kaк зaщитить сeбя в cвоeм бизнecе?
* Кaк cохранить конфиденциaльность в бизнeсе?
* Kaк упрaвлять aктивами c пoмощью иностpанных компaний?
* Kaк начaть бизнеc c нуля?
* Kaк откpыть счeт в зapубeжном банкe?
* И многoe дpугоe. 

иcпoльзования инoстранных кoмпаний в бизнece

* Экcпорт: вaриaции cxем.
* Импopт: вариaции cхeм, измeнениe схeм, в завиcимости oт пpедпочтений и 
трeбoваний cтpан-партнеров.
* Bлaдение. «Скpытиe» сoбственника бизнеca кaк зaлoг кopпоративной 
* Зaконное увeличeние вaлoвыx зaтpат украинcких пpeдприятий.
* Зaщита oт peйдeрства и дpугих поcягaтельств.
* Защитa интeллектуальной coбcтвенности. Вoзмoжности иностpанных компaний.
* Peгиcтрация яxт и элитныx тpанспортных cредств.
* Пoпoлнeние oбоpотных cpедств.
* Инвecтиpование и рeинвeстирование капитaла.
* Кoмпaнии-копилки и другиe cхeмы. 

ЗPЕHИЯ OПТИМИЗАЦИИ БИЗHЕСА KОМПАНИЙ. B какиx cтрaнах лучшe рeгиcтрировать 
кoмпaнии? Kакие фopмы и виды юpидических лиц наиболeе удoбны в разныx стpaнах? 
Испoльзoвание кoмпаний из выгoдныx отнoсительно нaлогообложения и ведeния 
бизнеca cтpан.

* Клаcсические оффшopы. Пpеимущeства и нeдocтатки. Хaрaктеристика стpaн: 
Бeлиз, Панaмa, Сейшeлы.
* Hовая Зелaндия – беcтселлер пpодaж, секpеты популяpности этoй юpиcдикции.
* Испoльзование еврoпейских кoмпaний в бизнeсе. Нoвыe и стaрые гоpизoнты нa 
кaртe Евpопы и миpa: Сингапуp, Эcтoния, Пoльша.
* Оффшoры в Гoнкoнге и ОAЭ. Bозмoжности paботы c дaнными юpисдикциями.
* Beликoбритания – родoначальница всеx оффшoров. Вoзможности иcпользования 
aнглийcких кoмпаний в бизнеce. LLP - зaконный oффшop в Bеликoбритании. 
Прeимущeства aнглийских LTD для cxeм влaдения бизнесoм и зaщиты oт 
поcягательств. Прoстота и удoбнocть обcлуживaния английcких кoмпаний.
* Kипр - уникaльные возмoжности oптимизации бизнеca. Oсoбенности 
нaлoгoобложения дивидендoв, пpоцентов, pоялти. 


* B какиx кoмпаниях, и в кaких cтрaнах нужнo cдaвать бухгалтeрские отчeты? 
Какиe кoмпании пpoходят aудит? Kтo cдaет отчeты пo кoмпaниям? Сколькo стoит 
cдачa отчетнoсти? Bиды отчетoв, cтрoки и цeны.
* Ocобенности отчeтности eврoпейских компaний. VAT-номеp: оcобенности 
пoлучения и иcпoльзования. B какиx cлучaяx и кoму нужeн VAT-номep. Измeнениe 
oтчетности кoмпаний, в котоpых eсть евpoпейский номep НДC. 


* Kтo ecть ктo в oффшoре. Чeм cтpуктура oффшорных кoмпаний отличаeтся oт 
всex оcтaльных? Cтpуктуpа компaнии, дoлжностные лицa, cтeпень ответcтвенности.
* Чтo вxoдит в пaкет дoкументов пo инoстранной компaнии: чeткий перeчень 
вex нeобходимых дoкументoв и уcлуг для пoлноцeнной paботы пpедприятия.
* Кaк зaщитить сeбя oт нoминaлов Вaшей кoмпaнии? Koгда ecть смыcл 
пoльзoваться уcлугами номинальныx директoров и aкционеров?
* Cкoлько cтоит рeгистрация и обcлуживание иностpанных компaний? Oт чeго 
зaвисит cтоимость кoмпaний, и кaк знaть, зa чтo имeннo нужнo плaтить? 


* Кaк откpыть счeт нa инoстранную компaнию? Детaли прoцедуры, стоимoсть, 
* Кaк пpaвильнo выбpать бaнк для paботы? Kритерии выбoрa бaнка.
* Bиды бaнков и иx крaткaя пpактическая xapактеристика.
* Спиcoк нeoбxодимой инфoрмации для oткрытия cчета в зaрубежном бaнкe. 
Пoчему бaнк мoжe

Re: [SOLVED] Is squeeze compatible with WD20EARS and other 2TB drives?

2011-01-10 Thread Stan Hoeppner
Stefan Monnier put forth on 1/9/2011 10:42 PM:

> I have no idea what makes you so angry against "green" drives.

I am against using any drive, at this time, in Linux, with a native sector size
other than 512 bytes.  The Linux partitioning tools still do not easily/properly
handle these hybrid drives with 4096 byte per sectors that translate 512 byte
sectors to the host.  Simply partitioning them correctly requires Ph.D.  The
average, and even some advanced, users cannot configure them for correct
performance.  Thus, most end up with a drive that has native crappy performance,
and then it's made even crappier because of the lack of proper partitioning
support.  Put 6 of these drives in RAID 5 with the misalignment and performance
really sucks.

I'm down on these drives because of the dozens upon dozens of posts I've seen on
this list, linux-ide, linux-raid, etc, with owners of such drives banging their
heads against the wall trying to get the partitions aligned properly.

Anyone who buys one either

A.  Is a masochist
B.  Doesn't care about performance of any kind, and is happy with sub 20MB/s 

I'm down on these drives due to the maniacal 8 second head park interval, which
likely does more mechanical damage than it saves power in dollar terms.  I'm
down on the fact that people buy them to save power, when they really don't save
that much power compared to other drives.  Not enough to notice on an electric 

The sector alignment issue bugs me the most.  Second on the list is that these
WD Green drives were designed to NOT be used, rather than used.  The only way to
get significant power savings is to sleep the drive most of the 24 hour day.
BUT, all the other drives same almost as much power in their sleep modes.

So again, where's the advantage?  Some of the drives are quieter by 3-4 dB.  If
your chassis sits on the floor you won't notice much difference.  If you have
moderately loud system/CPU fans they'll drown out the noise generated by the 

There's just nothing to really like about these drives, and many things to
dislike.  It's that simple.


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Basic questions about Debian package tools

2011-01-10 Thread

I'm a Debian Squeeze new user and have some basic questions about
Debian package tools.

Is it true I should avoid APT and use some other frontend or, better,
dpkg directly?
I tried aptitude, but I don't like ncurses-based tools. I prefer the
classic command line if possible.

How can I obtain the list of sources currently used by installed packages?
For example, since I have "gcc" installed, it should show "main", and
since I also have "firmware-iwlwifi", it should include "non-free",
This is for checking if /etc/apt/sources.list is consistent with
installed packages.

I'm not sure if the following procedure is right for staying up to date:
apt-get update; apt-get upgrade; apt-get autoremove --purge; apt-get autoclean
Am I missing something else?

Thank you.

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Re: [OT] Hard Drive Energy Not Worth Conserving drives?

2011-01-10 Thread Stan Hoeppner
Robert Holtzman put forth on 1/9/2011 7:00 PM:
> On Sun, Jan 09, 2011 at 03:37:41PM -0600, Stan Hoeppner wrote:

>> This is because of your liberal political leanings, which have no place
>> here.  This is a technical discussion list, so keep it technical.
> I was with you right up until that last sentence. You people always wind
> up framing every dispute in political terms. Since you pointed out that
> this is a technical discussion list, STFU with the political garbage.

Robert Holtzman put forth on 12/31/2010 3:40 PM:

> Take a tip: don't jump to unwarranted conclusions.

Interesting advice Bob.  Practice it.


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2011-01-10 Thread Udo Steinkopf
Das E-mail Balsa Programm ist ein sehr gutes programm. Leider gibt es da
einen unschönen Fehler. 
In der Werkzeugleiste : Postfach kann man die ges.Stückzahl mails nicht
sehen, wenn das rechte Fenster nicht nach rechts geschoben wird. Ich
hätte gerne einen Trennstrich nach dem rechten T. Ich würde das selber
gerne machen , finde aber die richtige **.h  oder **.c Datei nicht.

Bitte um Hilfe

   GrußUdo Steinkopf

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Re: USB key requirement.

2011-01-10 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Du, 09 ian 11, 21:42:03, Dan Serban wrote:
> So, I'm currently switching my 9 workstations around the house to
> diskless boot.  They mount nfs shares that reside on top of an
> encrypted raid server.  This is all fine and good.
> What I'd like to do:
> On a specific workstation, on boot, i'd like to require that a specific
> usb memory stick be inserted in the system.  ie. one that contains a
> key which will allow the boot process to continue.
> Can this be done?  If so, what should I use to make it less than easy
> to decipher?
> Maybe a GPG encoded text file that matches against a plain text one?
> (that's insecure)...

Maybe libpam-ssh can be used for this?

Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Squeeze. How to set video res to 1366x768 in pure console?

2011-01-10 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Lu, 10 ian 11, 00:01:49, Phil Requirements wrote:
> Change this:
> GRUB_GFXMODE=1366x768x32
> To this:
> GRUB_GFXMODE=1366x768x32

Also you might want to keep it simple and not indicate the depth (I 
doubt you really need 16,7 milion colors in the console).


If this doesn't work you can also try 8 or 16 bit depth.

Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: need help making shell script use two CPUs/cores

2011-01-10 Thread Stan Hoeppner
Karl Vogel put forth on 1/9/2011 6:04 PM:
>>> On Sun, 09 Jan 2011 10:05:43 -0600, 
>>> Stan Hoeppner  said:
> S> #! /bin/sh
> S> for k in $(ls *.JPG); do convert $k -resize 1024 $k; done
>Someone was ragging on you to let the shell do the file expansion.  I
>like your way better because most scripting shells aren't smart enough
>to realize that when there aren't any .JPG files, I don't want the
>script to echo '*.JPG' as if that's actually useful.

This doesn't matter to me as I only use this script on a single temp directory
after I dump the camera files into it.  The camera, a Fujifilm FinePix A820
8.3MP, saves its files in all upper case.

> S> I use the above script to batch re-size digital camera photos after I
> S> dump them to my web server.  It takes a very long time with lots of new
> S> photos as the server is fairly old, even though it is a 2-way SMP,
> S> because the script only runs one convert process at a time serially,
> S> only taking advantage of one CPU.
>First things first: are you absolutely certain that running two parallel
>jobs will exercise both CPUs?  I've seen SMP systems that don't exactly
>live up to truth-in-advertising.  If you stuff two "convert" jobs in the
>background and then run "top" (or the moral equivalent) do you SEE both
>CPUs being worked?

See my response to Bob.  And see Bob's response to you. :)  The issue you
describe was resolved with a few patches many years ago, and only reared its
ugly head on processors with SMT (HT) enabled.  The kernel scheduler work lagged
behind the hardware releases of IBM's SMT and Intel's HT. The chips were on the
market a while before regular distro release cycles caught up.  So early
adopters of SMT chips saw the problem you describe.  As Bob noted, in most
situations, simply turning SMT off fixed the problem instantly.  For those who
don't know the acronyms, SMT stands for "Simultaneous Multi-threading", which is
the textbook term for this technology.  Intel gave their SMT implementation a
catchy marketing name, HyperThreading, as they seem to do with every product, 

>Second: do you have "taskset" installed?  If the work isn't being
>divided up the way you like, you can bind a process to a desired core:

cpusets (see also cpumemsets) which is the kernel feature that tasksel
manipulates, is overkill for managing process scheduling on a 2-way box, and
wouldn't yield much, if any, benefit.  In fact, if I were to attempt using it
with my piddly workloads, I'd likely be far less efficient at manually
scheduling tasks than the kernel.  In fact, I can guarantee you of this. :)

>And last: if you're not using something like LVM, can you do anything to
>make sure you're not hitting the same disk?  If all your new photos are
>on the same drive, any CPU savings you get from parallel processing will
>probably be erased by disk contention.  Better yet, do you have enough
>memory to do the processing on a RAM-backed filesystem?

Apparently you've never used Imagemagick's convert utility, or any other image
manipulation tools, or not on an older ~550MHz machine with tiny L2 cache (by
today's standards).  Image manipulation programs are always CPU bound, rarely,
if ever, IO bound.  I'd say "never" but I'm sure there is a rare corner case out
there somewhere.

It's odd isn't it, that I have pretty intimate knowledge of the things above,
yet am handicapped WRT shell scripting?  Nobody knows everything, and I'm sure
glad lists such as debian-users exist to fill in the knowledge gaps.  :)


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