Re: [HS]Re: Digikam, KDE et Debian

2011-03-27 Thread Bernard Schoenacker
Le Sat, 26 Mar 2011 20:39:13 +0100,
Sylvain L. Sauvage a écrit :

 Le samedi 26 mars 2011 à 01:53:42, Thibault Dupuis a écrit :
  Le 25 mars 2011 à 23:59, a écrit :
   Bonsoir, j'utilise Digikam au quotidien et je confirme
   qu'il s'agit d'un logiciel parfaitement adapté à la
   gestion de larges photothèques
  Je suis d'accord avec ce qui a été dit.
  J'ai utilisé pendant pas mal de temps DigiKam avec une grosse
  base de données de photos et je n'ai jamais eu de soucis
   Mais arrêtez, puisque Bernard vous dit qu’il a raison, enfin !
   Quand verrez-vous la lumière ?


J'ai envie de reprendre une citation inspirée d'Albert
Einstein :

Lorsque le raisonnement conduit à un problème, le même 
raisonnement n'arrivera point à le résoudre ...

Je craque autant que toi du fait que les personnes ne lisent
pas le fond mais survolent juste ce qui les conforte dans 
leurs idées ...

Autrement, j'ai l'impression qu'il veulent transformer debian 
en machine à écrire pour dire qu'ils sont les rois de
l'informatique alors qu'il n'ont pas encore 10 000 heures de 
vol au minimum

Mais, à force de faire ce genre de bévues, ils se planterons
tout seul et lorsque le problème sérieux viendra, ils 
n'obtiendrons aucune réponse valide ...

merci de ien vouloir indiquer un lien pour les listes 
de bac à sable locales : GUL || LUG

liens :

j'ai bien l'impression que les novices veulent rouler en F1 avant
de savoir pédaler à bicyclette ...

Il faut quand même :
2' 30 + 9 mois + 20 ans pour faire un être humain adulte censé ?

et les autres veulent juste avoir 2' 30 pour arriver au stade
final ...

la nature est ainsi faite qu'il faille consacrer du temps 
pour progresser ...


Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe
En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Re: [HS] Bad news

2011-03-27 Thread Bernard Schoenacker
Le Sat, 26 Mar 2011 22:25:42 +0100,
Jean-Yves F. Barbier a écrit :

 On Sat, 26 Mar 2011 18:13:07 +0100
 romain boucq wrote:
  Concernant Twitter : la question est plus délicate, néanmoins dans
  la mesure où l'on peut choisr des tweets privés réservés aux seuls
  membres choisis, il me semble que la question reste délicate. De
  même pour Facebook dans la mesure où l'utilisateur peut restreindre
  les accès à ses seuls amis. Même si cela concerne les seuls choix
  d'un utilisateur , la loi ne pourrait pas s'appliquer de manière
  aussi générale. Evidemment, l'actualité fait pencher pour une
  interprétation large : mais je ne
  suis pas aussi convaincu. 
 Faux, puisque le législateur débile (pléonasme typiquement de ce
 pays) a considéré que l'e-mail n'était pas privé; d'où point de
 départ initial ET biaisé.
  L'objectif de ce décret me semble plus destiné à éviter l'usurpation
  d'identité sur internet, dans la mesure où une personne qui
  mettrait à disposition des logiciels contrefaits, pourrait ouvrir
  un compte sous une fausse identité que destiné à trouver des
  activistes quelconques ou pour traquer la liberté d'expression...
 Faux, l'optique de ce décret est de fliquer tous les intervenants en
 les dissuadants par là-même d'intervenir et de contredire le pouvoir
 en place; heureusement certains des blogs dissidents ne sont pas
 hébergés dans le pays qui a inventé les droits de l'homme et les
 violent allègrement...
  De même que la li dans l'économie
  numérique a évité que les prestataires de services en ligne puissent
  modifier unilatéralement leur conditions générales de vente sans
  prévenir leur usager en imposant l'obligation de conserver de
  manière sécurisée les contrats conclus en ligne. 
  Voici une première lecture / analyse.
 À minima; les ennemis de la liberté d'expression ont TOUJOURS une
 première lecture à minima.
  Bon week end
 Pas vraiment.


J'ai bien l'impression qu'il manque une case en france :


et à propos du courriel, puisque le barbier pointe le doigt dessus
qu'en est il avec ce qui est discuté et le code des postes sur
la correspondance ?


Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe
En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Fw: [HS]Re: Digikam, KDE et Debian

2011-03-27 Thread Bernard Schoenacker

- Message Transféré -

Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2011 11:21:29 +0200
Sujet: Re: [HS]Re: Digikam, KDE et Debian

Le 27/03/2011 08:46, Bernard Schoenacker a écrit :
 Le Sat, 26 Mar 2011 20:39:13 +0100,
Sylvain L. Sauvage a écrit :

 Le samedi 26 mars 2011 à 01:53:42, Thibault Dupuis a écrit :
 Le 25 mars 2011 à 23:59, a écrit :
 Bonsoir, j'utilise Digikam au quotidien et je confirme
 qu'il s'agit d'un logiciel parfaitement adapté à la
 gestion de larges photothèques
 Je suis d'accord avec ce qui a été dit.
 J'ai utilisé pendant pas mal de temps DigiKam avec une grosse
 base de données de photos et je n'ai jamais eu de soucis

   Mais arrêtez, puisque Bernard vous dit qu’il a raison, enfin !
   Quand verrez-vous la lumière ?

La lumière du canon, celle qui permet d'allumer la poudre ?

Désolé pour la teneur du message mais ta suffisance commence à me courir
sur le haricot, et je ne suis pas le seul. Tu sonnes lamentablement
creux et tu es l'illustration du pire obstacle à l'adoption des
logiciels libres.

   J'ai envie de reprendre une citation inspirée d'Albert
   Einstein :
   Lorsque le raisonnement conduit à un problème, le même 
   raisonnement n'arrivera point à le résoudre ...

S'exprimer par analogies, charades et citations pour se donner des airs
de supériorité n'illusionne que celui qui s'y adonne.

   Je craque autant que toi du fait que les personnes ne lisent
   pas le fond mais survolent juste ce qui les conforte dans 
   leurs idées ...

Il semble que l'ironie d'un message t'échappe parfois.

   Autrement, j'ai l'impression qu'il veulent transformer debian 
   en machine à écrire
Transformer debian en machine à écrire ? Debian est un système
informatique, une machine à écrire un objet, si quelqu'un parvient à
effectuer cette transmutation il mérite le respect.

   pour dire qu'ils sont les rois de l'informatique
Être considéré le roi de l'informatique parce qu'on se sert d'une
machine à écrire, quelque chose m'échappe.

   alors qu'il n'ont pas encore 10 000 heures de vol au
Et maintenant nous voila pilotes, de machine à écrire Debian je suppose,
effectivement atteindre les 1 heures de vol ne sera pas une

Tu as visiblement du mal à suivre le fil des tes propres idées.

   Mais, à force de faire ce genre de bévues, ils se planterons
   tout seul et lorsque le problème sérieux viendra, ils 
   n'obtiendrons aucune réponse valide ...
Il y a longtemps que personne n'en attend de ta part.

   merci de ien vouloir indiquer un lien pour les listes 
   de bac à sable locales : GUL || LUG
Du dédain pour les GUL et les débutants, je ne voit pas en quoi les
listes debian-user* seraient un sanctuaire de vieux éléphants par
opposition aux GUL qui seraient des garderies pour jeunes écervelés. Vu
le niveau de certaines réponses sur la liste debian-user-fr je doute du
bien fondé de cette hiérarchie.

   liens :
   j'ai bien l'impression que les novices veulent rouler en F1
 avant de savoir pédaler à bicyclette ...

Quand on a piloté une machine à écrire pendant 1 heures on n'est
plus à ça près...

   Il faut quand même :
   2' 30 + 9 mois + 20 ans pour faire un être humain adulte
 censé ?

Le lien de nécessité entre la valeur et le nombre des années a été
démenti maintes fois, certains peinent bien plus longtemps pour devenir

   et les autres veulent juste avoir 2' 30 pour arriver au stade
   final ...
   la nature est ainsi faite qu'il faille consacrer du temps 
   pour progresser ...

Ça c'est bien vrai, 1 heures pour apprendre à voler en machine à
écrire, tout ça pour concourir en F1 sur une bicyclette, qu'il en faut
du temps.


Au fait, Digikam ? Debian ? Qu'en disait Albert Einstein ?

PS : Libre à toi de rediriger le message vers la liste si l'envie t'en
prend, j'ai préféré te l'envoyer en privé pour ne pas la polluer plus
qu'elle ne l'est déjà et ménager ta susceptibilité.

Bonne continuation.


J'ai eu ce message directement en privé ...

quand à ma suceptibilité c'est à voir par les faits, si je 
le suis réellement ou pas du fait que j'essaye de donner
les informations nécessaires ...

Mais que beaucoup de novices ne lisent pas ou ne comprennent point
les informations que je donne ...

Ensuite, serait il plus polit de ne pas se masquer derrière
un pseudonyme ?

Pour conclure, merci de ne pas réveiller les dinos de la liste
sinon la bronca risque d'être dévastatrice ...


Lisez la FAQ de la liste 

RE: [HS] Bad news

2011-03-27 Thread romain boucq

(... ?!)


   J'ai bien l'impression qu'il manque une case en france :

C'est simplement que la page de Wikipedia n'a pas encore traité le cas de la 
France. La loi Informatique et Liberté de 1978 correspond à la protection des 
données personnelles informatisées. Celles -ci couvrent tous les champs du 
droit (consommateur, banque, médecin... Dans la mesure où l'informatique est 
devenu incontournable pour stocker les données relatives aux clients. Il y a 
d'ailleurs une autorité de contrôle en France.

Les sanctions pénales sont dissuasive :;jsessionid=E0F1162650D18FD2B689CCAD7BE7CD72.tpdjo07v_3?idSectionTA=LEGISCTA06165313cidTexte=LEGITEXT06070719dateTexte=20110327

Ainsi, les entreprises qui vendent des fichiers de consommateurs - les 
entreprises de ciblage marketing - qui permettent à des centrales téléphoniques 
de vous appeler tard le soir, d'inonder votre boîte aux lettres de courriers 
publicitaires et votre email de pourriel - se situent souvent hors de France 
(et notamment en Angleterre) pour des raisons légales, à savoir que le droit 
anglais est plus permissif (logique économique de la common law) et surtout les 
sanctions sont économiques et non pas pénales.

Ceux qui ne sont pas astreints aux règles de cette loi sont ceux qui conservent 
un dossier clients en version papier. 

Toutefois, la protection des données personnelles, ou même de la vie privée, 
même en version papier est assuré par d'autres moyens : 

- le secret professionnel (article 226- 13  suivants du Code pénal,;jsessionid=E0F1162650D18FD2B689CCAD7BE7CD72.tpdjo07v_3?idSectionTA=LEGISCTA06181756cidTexte=LEGITEXT06070719dateTexte=20110327),
 qui connaît également des aménagements pour rendre quasiment inviolables les 
cabinets d'avocats (les perquisitions sont extrêmements encadrées, ce qui 
rendent leur pratique quasi impossible à mettre en oeuvre). Par ailleurs, un 
avocat ayant une obligation légale de conserver le secret, il ne peut pas être 
reconnu responsable de ne pas avoir révéler une infraction dont il avait 
connaissance (fait justificatif légal = heureusement sinon ce métier perdrait 
tout son sens).

- l'usurpation d'identité en ligne :

Article 226-4-1 du Code pénal (Créé par LOI n°2011-267
 du 14 mars 2011 - art. 2 )

Le fait d'usurper l'identité d'un tiers ou de faire usage d'une ou
plusieurs données de toute nature permettant de l'identifier en vue de
troubler sa tranquillité ou celle d'autrui, ou de porter atteinte à son
honneur ou à sa considération, est puni d'un an d'emprisonnement et de
15 000 € d'amende. 
 Cette infraction est punie des mêmes peines lorsqu'elle est commise sur un 
réseau de communication au public en ligne. 

Finalement, ce nouvel article peut être appliqué au blogueur anonyme qui ne 
souhaite pas révéler son identité. Si l'un de ses commentateurs viole ce 
secret, une plainte peut être déposé et le commentateur se voir attrait devant 
le Tribunal correctionnel.

- l'atteinte au secret des correspondances :

Article 226-15 du Code pénal
 Le fait, commis de mauvaise foi, d'ouvrir, de supprimer, de
retarder ou de détourner des correspondances arrivées ou non à
destination et adressées à des tiers, ou d'en prendre frauduleusement
connaissance, est puni d'un an d'emprisonnement et de 45000 euros
 Est puni des mêmes peines le fait, commis de mauvaise foi,
d'intercepter, de détourner, d'utiliser ou de divulguer des
correspondances émises, transmises ou reçues par la voie des
télécommunications ou de procéder à l'installation d'appareils conçus
pour réaliser de telles interceptions.
L'email est bien une correspondance privée. Point n'est discussion, même si 
dans Challenges ou Biba magazine ils disent le contraire. Il est retenu à titre 
de preuve, sans aucune difficulté, par les tribunaux de commerce au même titre 
qu'un écrit dans le cadre des contentieux juridiciaires. Il a bien le statut de 
correspondance privée. En revanche, nos échanges sur cette liste sont 
considérés comme des échanges publiques. Ce n'est pas l'outil informatique qui 
est considéré par le droit, mais bien la finalité de son utilisation. L'accès à 
la discussion par des tiers étrangers à la discussion rend la communication 
publique, même si l'email est le moyen utilisé. Cela signifie notamment que les 
propos tenus sont soumis à la loi de 1881 sur le droit de la presse et que les 
infractions de diffamation peuvent être retenues - ou plus simplement les 
insultes qui font l'objet d'une contravention.

Par ailleurs, la protection de la vie privée est également renforcée par le 
principe général posé en 1804 dans le Code civil en son article 6 : Chacun a 
droit au respect de sa vie privée.
 Les juges peuvent, sans préjudice de la réparation du

Re: [HS] Bad news

2011-03-27 Thread Bernard Schoenacker
Le Sun, 27 Mar 2011 11:29:53 +0200,
romain boucq a écrit :

 (... ?!)
  J'ai bien l'impression qu'il manque une case en france :
 C'est simplement que la page de Wikipedia n'a pas encore traité le
 cas de la France. La loi Informatique et Liberté de 1978 correspond
 à la protection des données personnelles informatisées. Celles -ci
 couvrent tous les champs du droit (consommateur, banque, médecin...
 Dans la mesure où l'informatique est devenu incontournable pour
 stocker les données relatives aux clients. Il y a d'ailleurs une
 autorité de contrôle en France.
 Les sanctions pénales sont dissuasive :;jsessionid=E0F1162650D18FD2B689CCAD7BE7CD72.tpdjo07v_3?idSectionTA=LEGISCTA06165313cidTexte=LEGITEXT06070719dateTexte=20110327
 Ainsi, les entreprises qui vendent des fichiers de consommateurs -
 les entreprises de ciblage marketing - qui permettent à des centrales
 téléphoniques de vous appeler tard le soir, d'inonder votre boîte aux
 lettres de courriers publicitaires et votre email de pourriel - se
 situent souvent hors de France (et notamment en Angleterre) pour des
 raisons légales, à savoir que le droit anglais est plus permissif
 (logique économique de la common law) et surtout les sanctions sont
 économiques et non pas pénales.
 Ceux qui ne sont pas astreints aux règles de cette loi sont ceux qui
 conservent un dossier clients en version papier. 
 Toutefois, la protection des données personnelles, ou même de la vie
 privée, même en version papier est assuré par d'autres moyens : 
 - le secret professionnel (article 226- 13  suivants du Code pénal,;jsessionid=E0F1162650D18FD2B689CCAD7BE7CD72.tpdjo07v_3?idSectionTA=LEGISCTA06181756cidTexte=LEGITEXT06070719dateTexte=20110327),
 qui connaît également des aménagements pour rendre quasiment
 inviolables les cabinets d'avocats (les perquisitions sont
 extrêmements encadrées, ce qui rendent leur pratique quasi impossible
 à mettre en oeuvre). Par ailleurs, un avocat ayant une obligation
 légale de conserver le secret, il ne peut pas être reconnu
 responsable de ne pas avoir révéler une infraction dont il avait
 connaissance (fait justificatif légal = heureusement sinon ce métier
 perdrait tout son sens).
 - l'usurpation d'identité en ligne :
 Article 226-4-1 du Code pénal (Créé par LOI n°2011-267
  du 14 mars 2011 - art. 2 )
 Le fait d'usurper l'identité d'un tiers ou de faire usage d'une ou
 plusieurs données de toute nature permettant de l'identifier en vue de
 troubler sa tranquillité ou celle d'autrui, ou de porter atteinte à
 son honneur ou à sa considération, est puni d'un an d'emprisonnement
 et de 15 000 € d'amende. 
  Cette infraction est punie des mêmes peines lorsqu'elle est commise
 sur un réseau de communication au public en ligne. 
 Finalement, ce nouvel article peut être appliqué au blogueur anonyme
 qui ne souhaite pas révéler son identité. Si l'un de ses
 commentateurs viole ce secret, une plainte peut être déposé et le
 commentateur se voir attrait devant le Tribunal correctionnel.
 - l'atteinte au secret des correspondances :
 Article 226-15 du Code pénal
  Le fait, commis de mauvaise foi, d'ouvrir, de supprimer, de
 retarder ou de détourner des correspondances arrivées ou non à
 destination et adressées à des tiers, ou d'en prendre frauduleusement
 connaissance, est puni d'un an d'emprisonnement et de 45000 euros
  Est puni des mêmes peines le fait, commis de mauvaise foi,
 d'intercepter, de détourner, d'utiliser ou de divulguer des
 correspondances émises, transmises ou reçues par la voie des
 télécommunications ou de procéder à l'installation d'appareils conçus
 pour réaliser de telles interceptions.
 L'email est bien une correspondance privée. Point n'est discussion,
 même si dans Challenges ou Biba magazine ils disent le contraire. Il
 est retenu à titre de preuve, sans aucune difficulté, par les
 tribunaux de commerce au même titre qu'un écrit dans le cadre des
 contentieux juridiciaires. Il a bien le statut de correspondance
 privée. En revanche, nos échanges sur cette liste sont considérés
 comme des échanges publiques. Ce n'est pas l'outil informatique qui
 est considéré par le droit, mais bien la finalité de son utilisation.
 L'accès à la discussion par des tiers étrangers à la discussion rend
 la communication publique, même si l'email est le moyen utilisé. Cela
 signifie notamment que les propos tenus sont soumis à la loi de 1881
 sur le droit de la presse et que les infractions de diffamation
 peuvent être retenues - ou plus simplement les insultes qui font
 l'objet d'une contravention.
 Par ailleurs, la protection de la vie privée est également renforcée
 par le principe général posé en 1804 dans

Re: lftp et le respect des propriétaires et groupes

2011-03-27 Thread François TOURDE
Le 15058ième jour après Epoch, écrivait:

 On est donc loin de l'erreur monumentale et catastrophique ...

Vous n'avez rien compris. Il a écrit catasTROPIQUE et pas cataSTROPHIQUE

Suivez un peu... Je sais, c'est dur :)

Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe
En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Re: Fw: [HS]Re: Digikam, KDE et Debian

2011-03-27 Thread
Le 27/03/2011 11:39, Bernard Schoenacker a écrit :
 - Message Transféré -
 Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2011 11:21:29 +0200
 Sujet: Re: [HS]Re: Digikam, KDE et Debian
 Le 27/03/2011 08:46, Bernard Schoenacker a écrit :
 Le Sat, 26 Mar 2011 20:39:13 +0100,
 Sylvain L. Sauvage a écrit :


 Le samedi 26 mars 2011 à 01:53:42, Thibault Dupuis a écrit :
 Le 25 mars 2011 à 23:59, a écrit :
 Bonsoir, j'utilise Digikam au quotidien et je confirme
 qu'il s'agit d'un logiciel parfaitement adapté à la
 gestion de larges photothèques
 Je suis d'accord avec ce qui a été dit.
 J'ai utilisé pendant pas mal de temps DigiKam avec une grosse
 base de données de photos et je n'ai jamais eu de soucis

   Mais arrêtez, puisque Bernard vous dit qu’il a raison, enfin !
   Quand verrez-vous la lumière ?
 La lumière du canon, celle qui permet d'allumer la poudre ?
 Désolé pour la teneur du message mais ta suffisance commence à me courir
 sur le haricot, et je ne suis pas le seul. Tu sonnes lamentablement
 creux et tu es l'illustration du pire obstacle à l'adoption des
 logiciels libres.

  J'ai envie de reprendre une citation inspirée d'Albert
  Einstein :

  Lorsque le raisonnement conduit à un problème, le même 
  raisonnement n'arrivera point à le résoudre ...
 S'exprimer par analogies, charades et citations pour se donner des airs
 de supériorité n'illusionne que celui qui s'y adonne.

  Je craque autant que toi du fait que les personnes ne lisent
  pas le fond mais survolent juste ce qui les conforte dans 
  leurs idées ...
 Il semble que l'ironie d'un message t'échappe parfois.

  Autrement, j'ai l'impression qu'il veulent transformer debian 
  en machine à écrire
 Transformer debian en machine à écrire ? Debian est un système
 informatique, une machine à écrire un objet, si quelqu'un parvient à
 effectuer cette transmutation il mérite le respect.
  pour dire qu'ils sont les rois de l'informatique
 Être considéré le roi de l'informatique parce qu'on se sert d'une
 machine à écrire, quelque chose m'échappe.
  alors qu'il n'ont pas encore 10 000 heures de vol au
 Et maintenant nous voila pilotes, de machine à écrire Debian je suppose,
 effectivement atteindre les 1 heures de vol ne sera pas une
 Tu as visiblement du mal à suivre le fil des tes propres idées.

  Mais, à force de faire ce genre de bévues, ils se planterons
  tout seul et lorsque le problème sérieux viendra, ils 
  n'obtiendrons aucune réponse valide ...
 Il y a longtemps que personne n'en attend de ta part.

  merci de ien vouloir indiquer un lien pour les listes 
  de bac à sable locales : GUL || LUG
 Du dédain pour les GUL et les débutants, je ne voit pas en quoi les
 listes debian-user* seraient un sanctuaire de vieux éléphants par
 opposition aux GUL qui seraient des garderies pour jeunes écervelés. Vu
 le niveau de certaines réponses sur la liste debian-user-fr je doute du
 bien fondé de cette hiérarchie.

  liens :

  j'ai bien l'impression que les novices veulent rouler en F1
 avant de savoir pédaler à bicyclette ...
 Quand on a piloté une machine à écrire pendant 1 heures on n'est
 plus à ça près...
  Il faut quand même :
  2' 30 + 9 mois + 20 ans pour faire un être humain adulte
 censé ?
 Le lien de nécessité entre la valeur et le nombre des années a été
 démenti maintes fois, certains peinent bien plus longtemps pour devenir

  et les autres veulent juste avoir 2' 30 pour arriver au stade
  final ...
  la nature est ainsi faite qu'il faille consacrer du temps 
  pour progresser ...
 Ça c'est bien vrai, 1 heures pour apprendre à voler en machine à
 écrire, tout ça pour concourir en F1 sur une bicyclette, qu'il en faut
 du temps.


 Au fait, Digikam ? Debian ? Qu'en disait Albert Einstein ?
 PS : Libre à toi de rediriger le message vers la liste si l'envie t'en
 prend, j'ai préféré te l'envoyer en privé pour ne pas la polluer plus
 qu'elle ne l'est déjà et ménager ta susceptibilité.
 Bonne continuation.
   J'ai eu ce message directement en privé ...
   quand à ma suceptibilité c'est à voir par les faits, si je 
   le suis réellement ou pas du fait que j'essaye de donner
   les informations nécessaires ...
   Mais que beaucoup de novices ne lisent pas ou ne comprennent point
   les informations que je donne ...
Peut-être faudrait-il commencer à mettre en question la pertinence, la
forme et le ton des informations en question ?

   Ensuite, serait il plus polit de ne pas se masquer derrière

Re: Fw: [HS]Re: Digikam, KDE et Debian

2011-03-27 Thread maderios

On 03/27/2011 01:08 PM, wrote:

Le 27/03/2011 11:39, Bernard Schoenacker a écrit :

Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe
En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Re: [HS]Re: Digikam, KDE et Debian

2011-03-27 Thread Bernard Schoenacker
Le Sun, 27 Mar 2011 13:44:11 +0200,
maderios a écrit :

 On 03/27/2011 01:08 PM, wrote:
  Le 27/03/2011 11:39, Bernard Schoenacker a écrit :


Puisque quelques uns veulent me faire déraper ...

Autre détail, l'ensemble de ce fil est vraiment fort
décalé du fait qu'il a soufflé le fond du premier
sujet ...

Qui plus est, c'est une entorse à la charte établie pour
cette liste de diffusion ...

Par conséquent, je souhaiterai et inciterai volontiers
à l'ensemble des impétrands de simplement se conformer
aux usages explicites indiqués par le wiki ...

références :

Et pour mémoire prière de se référer à l'article 5 du 
contrat social Debian ...



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Re: Comment avoir le dépôt backports par défaut?

2011-03-27 Thread JC
On Wed, 23 Mar 2011 16:39:22 +0100
Anthony Bourguignon wrote:

 Le 23/03/11 14:50, Charles Plessy a écrit :
  Le Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 08:11:34AM +0100, Olivier PAVILLA a écrit :
  Sur une Lenny fraichement installée, j'ai un soucis avec le LDAP qui
  vient avec la Lenny à cause d'un GnuTLS foireux. 

Pardon pour le HS.
S'il s'agit bien effectivement de Lenny, j'ai quelques souvenir de la 
migration de etch vers lenny (il y a déjà bien longtemps !).

Et je me rappelle d'un soucis à propos de LDAP qui avait à l'époque choisit 
d'utiliser GnuTLS (en lieu et place de SSL, sous Etch).

GnuTLS n'était pas foiré. J'avais cherché quelques heures.
Il faut juste modifier quelques peu ta config de LDAP.


ÉCONOMISTE : Expert qui saura demain pourquoi ce qu'il a
prédit hier n'est pas arrivé aujourd'hui.

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Re: Comment avoir le dépôt backports par défaut?

2011-03-27 Thread Bernard Schoenacker
Le Sun, 27 Mar 2011 17:09:06 +0200,
JC a écrit :

 On Wed, 23 Mar 2011 16:39:22 +0100
 Anthony Bourguignon wrote:
  Le 23/03/11 14:50, Charles Plessy a écrit :
   Le Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 08:11:34AM +0100, Olivier PAVILLA a
   écrit :
   Sur une Lenny fraichement installée, j'ai un soucis avec le LDAP
   qui vient avec la Lenny à cause d'un GnuTLS foireux. 
   Pardon pour le HS.
 S'il s'agit bien effectivement de Lenny, j'ai quelques souvenir de la 
 migration de etch vers lenny (il y a déjà bien longtemps !).
 Et je me rappelle d'un soucis à propos de LDAP qui avait à l'époque
 choisit d'utiliser GnuTLS (en lieu et place de SSL, sous Etch).
 GnuTLS n'était pas foiré. J'avais cherché quelques heures.
 Il faut juste modifier quelques peu ta config de LDAP.


j'ai répondu directement à Olivier Pavilla ...

lien :

donc pour moi et pour l'instant la question est close sauf
s'il éprove des misères avec Ldap ...


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Re: [HS]Re: Digikam, KDE et Debian

2011-03-27 Thread
Le 27/03/2011 14:15, Bernard Schoenacker a écrit :
 Le Sun, 27 Mar 2011 13:44:11 +0200,
 maderios a écrit :
 On 03/27/2011 01:08 PM, wrote:
 Le 27/03/2011 11:39, Bernard Schoenacker a écrit :

   Puisque quelques uns veulent me faire déraper ...

Il y a longtemps que c'est fait.
   Autre détail, l'ensemble de ce fil est vraiment fort
   décalé du fait qu'il a soufflé le fond du premier
   sujet ...
   Qui plus est, c'est une entorse à la charte établie pour
   cette liste de diffusion ...
   Par conséquent, je souhaiterai et inciterai volontiers
   à l'ensemble des impétrands de simplement se conformer
   aux usages explicites indiqués par le wiki ...
   références :

Et ? Où est-il écrite qu'il est interdit de signaler à quelqu'un qu'il
prend la liste pour un espace où décharger sa frustration sur les
nouveaux arrivant ? Où est-il mentionné que la liste est un contoir de
bistrot, et qu'il faille vénérer les flatulences intellectuelles de ses
piliers ?
Au fait, impétrands ? Vraiment ?

   Et pour mémoire prière de se référer à l'article 5 du 
   contrat social Debian ...

Et ? Tu te sens discriminé par les termes d'une licence ?


Démontrer quoi, à qui ? Je croyais qu'il était question d'entre-aide
ici. Si on estime qu'un intervenant ne mérite pas qu'on fasse l'effort
de l'aider, on peut toujours laisser le soin aux autres de le faire.
Réserve ta science et tes analogies pour les gens de ta classe qui
sauront l'apprécier à sa juste valeur, ça fera des vacances au newbies
et à ceux qui ont à cœur de les aider.


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Re: [HS]Re: Digikam, KDE et Debian

2011-03-27 Thread Sylvain L. Sauvage

Le dimanche 27 mars 2011 à 08:46:58, Bernard Schoenacker a écrit 
 Le Sat, 26 Mar 2011 20:39:13 +0100,
 Sylvain L. Sauvage a écrit :
Mais arrêtez, puisque Bernard vous dit qu’il a raison,
enfin ! Quand verrez-vous la lumière ?
   Je craque autant que toi du fait que les personnes ne lisent
   pas le fond mais survolent juste ce qui les conforte dans
   leurs idées ...

Ça, tu peux le dire.
Ou « woosh », comme ils disent là-bas…


 Sylvain Sauvage

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Re: [cups] Impression en reseau

2011-03-27 Thread Erwan David
Le Wed 23/03/2011, disait
 J'ai un serveur d'impression sous Debian testing.
 L'imprimante est parfaitement reconnu et fonctionne sur le serveur à
 l'aide de cups.
 J'essaye d'imprimer en réseau avec une Debian stable.
 Cups repère l'imprimante en question lorsque je veut créer une nouvel
 imprimante. Voici la façon dont je mis prend à partir du client:

Donc tu as un serveur, mais tu ne veux pas l'utiliser pour imprimer ?

Parceque pour passer par le serveur il suffit
1) sur le serveur de partager l'imprimante
2) sur le client d'avoir un /etc/cups/client.conf qui contient
ServerName nom du serveur

Et c'est tout...


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Re: Fw: [HS]Re: Digikam, KDE et Debian

2011-03-27 Thread corbie
Le dimanche 27 mars 2011, Bernard Schoenacker a écrit :
  J'ai envie de reprendre une citation inspirée d'Albert Einstein :
  Lorsque le raisonnement conduit à un problème, le même 
  raisonnement n'arrivera point à le résoudre ...
  ... slt bernard

On prête à Albert Einstein beaucoup de citations.

Einstein aurait dit (allez savoir ...) :
si c'est gratuit, c'est que ça ne vaut rien

Concernant GNU/Linux, est-ce la cas ?

Bonne soirée.

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Re: Fw: [HS]Re: Digikam, KDE et Debian

2011-03-27 Thread moi-meme
Le Sun, 27 Mar 2011 20:50:02 +0200, corbie a écrit :

 On prête à Albert Einstein beaucoup de citations.
 Einstein aurait dit (allez savoir ...) : si c'est gratuit, c'est que ça
 ne vaut rien
 Concernant GNU/Linux, est-ce la cas ?

Albert l'a vendu combien sa fameuse formule ?

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Re: Fw: [HS]Re: Digikam, KDE et Debian

2011-03-27 Thread corbie
Le dimanche 27 mars 2011, moi-meme a écrit :
 Le Sun, 27 Mar 2011 20:50:02 +0200, corbie a écrit :
  On prête à Albert Einstein beaucoup de citations.
  Einstein aurait dit (allez savoir ...) : 
  si c'est gratuit, c'est que ça ne vaut rien
  Concernant GNU/Linux, est-ce le cas ?

... et concernant aussi la majorité des logiciels libres.

 Albert l'a vendu combien sa fameuse formule ? :
Je ne comprends pas ...

Sa citation exacte était :
S’il n’y a pas de prix à payer, c’est que celà ne vaut rien

Einstein, on ne le présente plus ...
large contribution au développement de la mécanique quantique et de la 
prix Nobel de physique de 1921 (pour son explication de l’effet 
mais ... il n'était pas très visionnaire.

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Software HelpDesk

2011-03-27 Thread andres cespedes
Buenas tardes lista,

Quiciera recurrir a ustedes para ver que software de HelpDesk me
recomiendan, yo he usado GLPI pero quiciera saber si ustedes me sugieren
algún otro.



Configuracion de teclado en la pantalla de inicio de sesion

2011-03-27 Thread Carlos Alvarez
Saludos a la Comunidad

Ayer arranque con Squeeze, cargo la pantalla de inicio de sesion, luego di
click a mi usuario y en el menu de teclado agregue una nueva configuracion
de teclado (Latinoamerica con algunas modificaciones).

Ahora bien, la cuestion es como puedo quitar esa configuracion de teclado
que agrege al menu de configuracion de teclados? No es que yo simplemente no
pueda ovbiarla, la cuestion es que ya no aparezca, y que solo me aparezca la
configuracion Latinoamerica.

De antemano gracias

Carlos Alvarez

Re: Software HelpDesk

2011-03-27 Thread Joel Rosental R.

On Sun, 2011-03-27 at 17:01 -0500, andres cespedes wrote:
 Buenas tardes lista,
 Quiciera recurrir a ustedes para ver que software de HelpDesk me
 recomiendan, yo he usado GLPI pero quiciera saber si ustedes me
 sugieren algún otro.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Software HelpDesk

2011-03-27 Thread CHACO
2011/3/27 Joel Rosental R.

 On Sun, 2011-03-27 at 17:01 -0500, andres cespedes wrote:
 Buenas tardes lista,

 Quiciera recurrir a ustedes para ver que software de HelpDesk me
 recomiendan, yo he usado GLPI pero quiciera saber si ustedes me
 sugieren algún otro.



OTRS tambien es muy bueno

Diego Chacón Rojas
San Jose Costa Rica

    /v\    L   I   N   U   X
   // \\
  /(   )\
This is Unix-Land. In quiet nights, you can hear the Windows machines reboot
USER    350910
MACHINE 244435
No me envie correos en formatos propietarios

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Re: Software HelpDesk

2011-03-27 Thread andres cespedes
Gracias por sus prontas respuestas, voy a probarlos.

PD: Los que me acaban de mencionar son de pago o son opensource/free?

Re: Como crear una USB Bootable de Dibian 6

2011-03-27 Thread Angel Claudio Alvarez
El vie, 25-03-2011 a las 22:42 -0600, Robinson Guevara escribió:
 Saludos amigos Debianeros .. !
 Una Breve historia.  (No tienes por que leerla si no quieres)
 Les cuento que mi mama tiene una pc Acer aspire one (de esas pequeñas
 que no tienen lector de cd) la tiene con el OS que traia pod defecto
 [Windows XP] pero se vive quejando de que por que se queda trabada la
 maquina, que muy lenta, que tiene virus.. en fin de todo casi . Un
 dia como que le entro curiosidad y al estar viendo cuando trabajaba en
 mi pc me pregunta ¿Que Windows es ese? (Me causo algo de gracia y le
 sonreí ) Aqui no savia que contestarle por que Yo savia que si me
 ponía a contarle que es debian NO ME IBA A ENTENDER , ASi que solo le
 dije, Este NO es Windows Se llama debian ,es Otro Sistema operativo .
 ¿Y que Tiene de Diferente? , un par de cosas ¿Como Que? Que no se
 llena de Virus,No se pone lento,no se traba,Es Gratis. y solo me dijo
  y se fue jajaja pero hace un par de dias me pregunto si no podía
 Reparar su pc yo le dije que si cuando quisiera.. pero me pregunto si
 no le podía instalar el Programa Debian jajajajaja Me reí un poco y le
 dije que hera un gusto para mi instalarle Debian a su PC.(No quise
 hablarle mas de Debian para no Confundirla en el camino le iré
 aclarando sus dudas ).
 Asi que e aquí mi problema No se como hacer una USB Bootable con
 Debian 6.
 Si alguien puede ayudarme le estaré muy agradecido.
 Pasen Buen día Gracias .

y no se te ocurrio buscar en la documentacion??
si no te queda como siempre
 Robinson E. Guevara R.
 Debian 6 [Squeeze]

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Re: Software HelpDesk

2011-03-27 Thread CHACO
2011/3/27 andres cespedes
 Gracias por sus prontas respuestas, voy a probarlos.

 PD: Los que me acaban de mencionar son de pago o son opensource/free?

otrs opensource/free y tiene soporte de pago si usted quiere

Diego Chacón Rojas
San Jose Costa Rica

    /v\    L   I   N   U   X
   // \\
  /(   )\
This is Unix-Land. In quiet nights, you can hear the Windows machines reboot
USER    350910
MACHINE 244435
No me envie correos en formatos propietarios

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Re: Software HelpDesk

2011-03-27 Thread andres cespedes
Gracias CHACO.

Terminal-client manager para debian

2011-03-27 Thread Pablo Zuñiga

He estado buscando si hay algún complemento o manager para multiples
conexiones por terminal.

Ustedes conocen o recomiendan alguno? (es para usarlo en Debian y conectarme
a otras maquinas)

Desde ya gracias

Pablo Zúñiga E
(+56 9) - 82129677
Blog:; |
MSN  Gtalk: | Skype: ed00m_

Re: Terminal-client manager para debian

2011-03-27 Thread Mario Rivas Medrano
Mi buen Pablo

Yo te puedo recomendar clusterssh que sirve para administrar varios equipos
mediante una conexión ssh a cada uno de ellos.

Espero te sirva y suerte

El 27 de marzo de 2011 18:23, Pablo Zuñiga escribió:


 He estado buscando si hay algún complemento o manager para multiples
 conexiones por terminal.

 Ustedes conocen o recomiendan alguno? (es para usarlo en Debian y
 conectarme a otras maquinas)

 Desde ya gracias

 Pablo Zúñiga E
 (+56 9) - 82129677
 Blog:; |
 MSN  Gtalk: | Skype: ed00m_

Atte: Mario Rivas Medrano
Laboratorio de Origen de la Vida
Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM
Telefono: 56224823
Celular: 5523083095

Re: Como crear una USB Bootable de Dibian 6

2011-03-27 Thread Robinson Guevara
Gracias a Todos por responder a mi pregunta y aclarar mi duda .. Con estas
opciones creeo que ya tengo todo listo .. lo boy a intentar el Miercoles ya
que es el dia que tengo internet de 1Mb / Seg y aprovecho a descargarme el
cd ya que solo tengo el DVD y mi USB es de 4gb :D. Gracaias de nuevo les
cuento como me va!
Robinson E. Guevara R.
Debian 6 [Squeeze]

Re: Como crear una USB Bootable de Dibian 6

2011-03-27 Thread Odair Augusto Trujillo Orozco
El 27 de marzo de 2011 20:47, Robinson Guevara escribió:

 Gracias a Todos por responder a mi pregunta y aclarar mi duda .. Con estas 
 opciones creeo que ya tengo todo listo .. lo boy a intentar el Miercoles ya 
 que es el dia que tengo internet de 1Mb / Seg y aprovecho a descargarme el cd 
 ya que solo tengo el DVD y mi USB es de 4gb :D. Gracaias de nuevo les cuento 
 como me va!
 Robinson E. Guevara R.
 Debian 6 [Squeeze]

Antes de que te vallas, te recomiendo revisar las normas
de la lista, que redundan en cosas básicas como ser muy
cortés, tomarte el tiempo de hacer una buena pregunta
habiendo buscado ya información en internet o leyendo el manual
no usar html o texto enriquecido, solo usar texto plano, no escribir
muchas palabras por línea, y responder siempre debajo del
mensaje, osea no hacer top-posting.

Gracias y buen pasaje por la lista.

              Blog de Haldrik

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Re: Como crear una USB Bootable de Dibian 6

2011-03-27 Thread Jaime Velázquez
Casi puedo ver como esto terminara. Sería bueno que trabajara con una
persistente para que lo pruebe por un momento para ver si se acostumbra y si
termina costando mucho trabajo pues siempre estará su otro sistema

En fin.. los pasos son:

   - Descarga la imagen de debian live con gnome desde
   - Has 2 particiones ext3, con gparted, en tu memoria usb la segunda con
   la etiqueta 'live-rw' (sin los apóstrofos) la etiqueta de la primera
   partición no importa.
   - Con el mismo gparted da click derecho sobre la primera partición y da
   click en gestionar flags, selecciona la que dice boot y aplica los cambios.
   - Copia el contenido del iso que descargaste a la primera partición
   (Asegúrate de copiar los archivos ocultos también)
   - Ahora se debera instalar un bootloader en la particion donde
   descomprimiste el iso... para ello usaremos extlinux (paquete disponible
   desde debian 6) una vez instalado extlinux en tu máquina ejecuta el
   siguiente comando para que lo instale en tu memoria: extlinux --install
   - Ahora creamos un master boot record para la memoria con: dd
   if=/usr/lib/syslinux/mbr.bin of=/dev/sda  (remplaza sda por la ruta de tu
   dispositivo y sin especificar el número de partición)
   - Abre la primera partición dentro hay una carpeta llamada syslinux y
   dentro un archivo llamado syslinux.cfg, renombre este a extlinux.cfg
   - Abre el archivo live.cfg y agrega la linea 5 (La linea de append) la
   palabra persistent quedando algo como 'append initrd=/live/initrd.img
   boot=live config   quiet persistent'
   - Finalmente habré el archivo extlinux.cfg y cambia la linea 'timeout 00'
   a 'timeout 03' esto es por si llegara a no detectar el teclado en un inicio,
   no se quede congelado la pantalla del intro del bootloader...

Ahora si enséñale y convéncela... Saludos

Re: [OT] Tomand prestado el logo de Debian

2011-03-27 Thread Jaime Velázquez
No sabía que Debian® fuera marca registrada... que triste :(

Re: [OT] Tomand prestado el logo de Debian

2011-03-27 Thread Antonio Galicia
2011/3/27 Jaime Velázquez
 No sabía que Debian® fuera marca registrada... que triste :(

Hmmm... no debería preguntar ... pero ... ¿por qué el que triste?


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Re: [OT] Tomand prestado el logo de Debian

2011-03-27 Thread Juan Wifi
El día 28 de marzo de 2011 00:45, Antonio Galicia escribió:
 2011/3/27 Jaime Velázquez
 No sabía que Debian® fuera marca registrada... que triste :(

 Hmmm... no debería preguntar ... pero ... ¿por qué el que triste?

Porque hay gente que no termina de entender la libertad, es decir le
parece que como el sistema es libre TODO debe ser libre y me parece
que no es tan así. Si no se registra el nombre de Debian, mañana puede
aparecer una heladera con esa marca, o el nuevo Sistema Operativo de
Microsoft podría llamarse MS Debian Windows Corto de Vista y nadie
podria hacer nada contra eso, por lo tanto NO está mal que el Nombre
se registre como marca.

De acuerdo a la filosofia del Software Libre si sería grave o triste
que se cierren partes del codigo, que no se pueda distribuir
libremente todo el sistema, que no se pueda modificar alguna parte,
Eso seria lo triste.

Espero que se entienda lo que quiero decir más allá de lo burdo de la forma.



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Re: Teclado ps/2 desliga sozinho

2011-03-27 Thread Gunther Furtado

Em 26.Mar.2011 (sábado), Cleber Ianes disse:

 O teclado funciona perfeitamente até o momento que entra o modo
 gráfico do login. Uso ele para acessar o setup da máquina, para
 escolher a opção do Grub, mas quando aparece o login nem o teclado
 nem o mouse funcionam mais. O teclado não responde nem o NumLock. O
 teclado é um bem simples da marca satellite. Fou usando ele que eu
 instalei o SO nesse servidor, já testei ele em outra máquina e está
 funcionando perfeitamente...

Você tem /etc/X11/xorg.conf? Qual sua placa de rede?

 Já revisei todas as configurações do setup
 da bio. Faço a administração do servidor pelo programa webmin (que
 aliás, é uma mão na roda) e desativei alguns programas na
 inicialização, mas depois que ocorreu o problema eu já reativei todos
 os serviços que aparecem no menu e o problema continua.
 Ahhh, uso o webmin na própria máquina e não via rede, só para não
 restarem dúvidas!!! Quando ocorre a parelização eu plugo um teclado e
 um mouse usb e eles funcionam normalmente.
 Ainda não consegui achar onde se configura o dispositivo do mouse no
 gdm3 (que aliás, achei um monte de reclamações na net).
 Em 26-03-2011 20:52, Marcos Carraro escreveu: Camada de hardware?
 Atualização muito difícil :/
 que teclado é ?
 so no X tem esse problema ou em modo texto também ocorre isto?
 Marcos Carraro
 Linux user #511627
 Em 26 de março de 2011 16:32, Cleber Ianes
 escreveu: Saudações a todos.
 Tenho um servidor com squeeze amd64.
 Andei desativando alguns serviços que não uso através do webmin.
 Então percebi que o teclado e mouse ps/2 são desligados no momento
 que aparece a tela de login. Se eu plugar teclado e mouse usb, os
 mesmo funcionam normalmente. Alguém tem idéia do que pode ser?
 ahhh, já reativei o que havia desativado e o problema continua.
 Cleber Ianes
 Ger. de Tecnologias Livre
 Freenet tecnologias - Dracena/SP -- Linux User #507338
 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of
 unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact Archive:
 Cleber Ianes
 Ger. de Tecnologias Livre
 Freenet tecnologias - Dracena/SP -- Linux User #507338 -- To UNSUBSCRIBE,
 email to with a
 subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact Archive:

...agora, só nos sobrou o futuro..., visto em

Gunther Furtado
Curitiba - Paraná - Brasil

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Re: Teclado ps/2 desliga sozinho

2011-03-27 Thread Cleber Ianes

Bom dia Gunther.
Sim tenho o xorg.conf.
Mas o que tem haver a placa de rede com o assunto

Ps. Para ter certeza do momento que o teclado é desligado eu fico 
ligando e desligando NumLock durante o boot até que ele para de 
funcionar, que é o momento que entra a interface gráfica.

Em 27-03-2011 10:40, Gunther Furtado escreveu:

Em 26.Mar.2011 (sábado), Cleber  disse:

O teclado funciona perfeitamente até o momento que entra o modo
gráfico do login. Uso ele para acessar o setup da máquina, para
escolher a opção do Grub, mas quando aparece o login nem o teclado
nem o mouse funcionam mais. O teclado não responde nem o NumLock. O
teclado é um bem simples da marca satellite. Fou usando ele que eu
instalei o SO nesse servidor, já testei ele em outra máquina e está
funcionando perfeitamente...

Você tem /etc/X11/xorg.conf? Qual sua placa de rede?

Já revisei todas as configurações do setup
da bio. Faço a administração do servidor pelo programa webmin (que
aliás, é uma mão na roda) e desativei alguns programas na
inicialização, mas depois que ocorreu o problema eu já reativei todos
os serviços que aparecem no menu e o problema continua.

Ahhh, uso o webmin na própria máquina e não via rede, só para não
restarem dúvidas!!! Quando ocorre a parelização eu plugo um teclado e
um mouse usb e eles funcionam normalmente.

Ainda não consegui achar onde se configura o dispositivo do mouse no
gdm3 (que aliás, achei um monte de reclamações na net).

Em 26-03-2011 20:52, Marcos Carraro escreveu: Camada de hardware?

Atualização muito difícil :/

que teclado é ?
so no X tem esse problema ou em modo texto também ocorre isto?
Marcos Carraro
Linux user #511627

Em 26 de março de 2011 16:32, Cleber
escreveu: Saudações a todos.
Tenho um servidor com squeeze amd64.
Andei desativando alguns serviços que não uso através do webmin.
Então percebi que o teclado e mouse ps/2 são desligados no momento
que aparece a tela de login. Se eu plugar teclado e mouse usb, os
mesmo funcionam normalmente. Alguém tem idéia do que pode ser?

ahhh, já reativei o que havia desativado e o problema continua.

Cleber Ianes
Ger. de Tecnologias Livre
Freenet tecnologias - Dracena/SP -- Linux User #507338

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Cleber Ianes
Ger. de Tecnologias Livre
Freenet tecnologias - Dracena/SP -- Linux User #507338 -- To UNSUBSCRIBE,
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Cleber Ianes
Ger. de Tecnologias Livre
Freenet tecnologias - Dracena/SP -- Linux User #507338

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Re: Teclado ps/2 desliga sozinho

2011-03-27 Thread Cleber Ianes

Boa tarde Rodrigo.
Boa idéia, vou tentar iniciar em modo texto.
Mas a idéia de instalar o Kde... Não me agradou muito. rsrsrsrsrs 
Mas ficará como a última opção.

Em 27-03-2011 11:58, Rodrigo Lira escreveu:

  Cara isso isso parece ser bug no gnome, tenta instalar o kde
pra ver no que da, outra coisa pelo que pode entender o seu X
inicia automaticamente, tente colocar pra iniciar sem o X, pra
ver no que da.
  Rodrigo Lira
  Técnico em Informática
  (83) 8754-5490 / 9906-2552
  Skype: rbl1984
  Em 27 de março de 2011 11:01, Cleber

  Bom dia Gunther.
  Sim tenho o xorg.conf.
  Mas o que tem haver a placa de rede com o assunto
  Ps. Para ter certeza do momento que o teclado é desligado eu
  fico ligando e desligando NumLock durante o boot até que ele
  para de funcionar, que é o momento que entra a interface
  Em 27-03-2011 10:40, Gunther Furtado escreveu:

Em 26.Mar.2011 (sábado), Cleber

  O teclado funciona perfeitamente até o momento que
  entra o modo
  gráfico do login. Uso ele para acessar o setup da
  máquina, para
  escolher a opção do Grub, mas quando aparece o login
  nem o teclado
  nem o mouse funcionam mais. O teclado não responde nem
  o NumLock. O
  teclado é um bem simples da marca satellite. Fou
  usando ele que eu
  instalei o SO nesse servidor, já testei ele em outra
  máquina e está
  funcionando perfeitamente...

Você tem /etc/X11/xorg.conf? Qual sua placa de rede?

  Já revisei todas as configurações do setup
  da bio. Faço a administração do servidor pelo programa
  webmin (que
  aliás, é "uma mão na roda") e desativei alguns
  programas na
  inicialização, mas depois que ocorreu o problema eu já
  reativei todos
  os serviços que aparecem no menu e o problema
  Ahhh, uso o webmin na própria máquina e não via rede,
  só para não
  restarem dúvidas!!! Quando ocorre a parelização eu
  plugo um teclado e
  um mouse usb e eles funcionam normalmente.
  Ainda não consegui achar onde se configura o
  dispositivo do mouse no
  gdm3 (que aliás, achei um monte de reclamações na
  Em 26-03-2011 20:52, Marcos Carraro escreveu: Camada
  de hardware?
  Atualização muito difícil :/
  que teclado é ?
  so no X tem esse problema ou em modo texto também
  ocorre isto?
  Marcos Carraro
  Linux user #511627
  Em 26 de março de 2011 16:32, Cleber
  escreveu: Saudações a todos.
  Tenho um servidor com squeeze amd64.
  Andei desativando alguns serviços que não uso através
  do webmin.
  Então percebi que o teclado e mouse ps/2 são
  desligados no momento
  que aparece a tela de login. Se eu plugar teclado e
  mouse usb, os
  mesmo funcionam normalmente. Alguém tem idéia do que
  pode ser?
  ahhh, já reativei o que havia desativado e o problema
  Cleber Ianes
  Ger. de Tecnologias Livre
  Freenet tecnologias - Dracena/SP --
  Linux User #507338
  To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to

Re: Teclado ps/2 desliga sozinho

2011-03-27 Thread tux
 Bom dia Gunther.
 Sim tenho o xorg.conf.
 Mas o que tem haver a placa de rede com o assunto
 Ps. Para ter certeza do momento que o teclado é desligado eu fico
 ligando e desligando NumLock durante o boot até que ele para de
 funcionar, que é o momento que entra a interface gráfica.

Bom dia, Cleber. 

Seria muito útil se você dissesse para a lista quais serviços desabilitou e 
habilitou novamente, assim alguém corajoso poderia se interessar em tentar 
reproduzir o que aconteceu na sua máquina. Se for realmente um erro do webmin, 
antes mesmo de consertar o seu problema, é muito mais produtivo descobrir o 
que aconteceu e submeter para os desenvolvedores do webmin.

Você citou o gdm3. Se quiser ter certeza que é ele ou não,  insira um exit 0 
na segunda linha do /etc/init.d/gdm, ou use o metodo elegante debian, e use  o 
sysv-rc-conf . Se o culpado for somente o gdm, ao entrar em modo texto, o 
teclado irá funcionar, e um startx não irá desabilitar o teclado.

 E você ainda tem outros suspeitos: xorg, xfs, x11-common, xrdp, kdm, libc6, 
badblocks no hd, bagunça no /etc/init.d, no /etc/rc*.d/, no /etc/inittab ... a 
listagem pode não ser pequena. Uma alternativa é usar o kdm, ou o xdm.

Se não se lembra quais serviços você alterou, e portanto não pode dar maiores 
detalhes para a lista, volte o backup. Se não é um servidor de produção e 
portanto não tem backup, por não ter muita importância, formate, instale de 
novo e veja se o erro persiste ao alterar novamente com o webmin.

(você fez backup antes de alterar a configuração, não fez? )

Em ultimo caso, instale uma maquina virtual com os mesmos pacotes, e não terá 
como escapar de escovar bits na configuração de um e de outro. Uma hora vc 
descobre o problema, que provavelmente mora no /etc. 

(ah, e sim, eu tb não acho que a sua placa de rede compartilhe o chipset(???), 
a irq ou o endereçamento de memoria do teclado. Afinal, vc já usou o teclado 
para navegar pelo grub, então, descarte tbm problema fisico no seu hardware :) 

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Re: Teclado ps/2 desliga sozinho

2011-03-27 Thread Gunther Furtado

Em 27.Mar.2011 (domingo), Cleber Ianes disse:

 Bom dia Gunther.
 Sim tenho o xorg.conf.

experimente iniciar sem usar este arquivo de configuração 

# mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf-velho

 Mas o que tem haver a placa de rede com o assunto

Nada ;=)

Era placa de vídeo...



...agora, só nos sobrou o futuro..., visto em

Gunther Furtado
Curitiba - Paraná - Brasil

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Re: Teclado ps/2 desliga sozinho

2011-03-27 Thread Cleber Ianes
Acabei de fazer o teste desabilitando o gdm3, inicializando em modo 
texto e usando o comando startx.

Foi só usar o startx e o problema se repetiu.
Então... não é o gdm3 e sim o X.
Já usei com e sem o xorg.conf, dá na mesma. Parece que ele nem procura 
esse arquivo.

Em 27-03-2011 12:27, tux escreveu:

Bom dia Gunther.
Sim tenho o xorg.conf.
Mas o que tem haver a placa de rede com o assunto

Ps. Para ter certeza do momento que o teclado é desligado eu fico
ligando e desligando NumLock durante o boot até que ele para de
funcionar, que é o momento que entra a interface gráfica.

Bom dia, Cleber.

Seria muito útil se você dissesse para a lista quais serviços desabilitou e
habilitou novamente, assim alguém corajoso poderia se interessar em tentar
reproduzir o que aconteceu na sua máquina. Se for realmente um erro do webmin,
antes mesmo de consertar o seu problema, é muito mais produtivo descobrir o
que aconteceu e submeter para os desenvolvedores do webmin.

Você citou o gdm3. Se quiser ter certeza que é ele ou não,  insira um exit 0
na segunda linha do /etc/init.d/gdm, ou use o metodo elegante debian, e use  o
sysv-rc-conf . Se o culpado for somente o gdm, ao entrar em modo texto, o
teclado irá funcionar, e um startx não irá desabilitar o teclado.

  E você ainda tem outros suspeitos: xorg, xfs, x11-common, xrdp, kdm, libc6,
badblocks no hd, bagunça no /etc/init.d, no /etc/rc*.d/, no /etc/inittab ... a
listagem pode não ser pequena. Uma alternativa é usar o kdm, ou o xdm.

Se não se lembra quais serviços você alterou, e portanto não pode dar maiores
detalhes para a lista, volte o backup. Se não é um servidor de produção e
portanto não tem backup, por não ter muita importância, formate, instale de
novo e veja se o erro persiste ao alterar novamente com o webmin.

(você fez backup antes de alterar a configuração, não fez? )

Em ultimo caso, instale uma maquina virtual com os mesmos pacotes, e não terá
como escapar de escovar bits na configuração de um e de outro. Uma hora vc
descobre o problema, que provavelmente mora no /etc.

(ah, e sim, eu tb não acho que a sua placa de rede compartilhe o chipset(???),
a irq ou o endereçamento de memoria do teclado. Afinal, vc já usou o teclado
para navegar pelo grub, então, descarte tbm problema fisico no seu hardware :)

Cleber Ianes
Ger. de Tecnologias Livre
Freenet tecnologias - Dracena/SP -- Linux User #507338

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Re: Teclado ps/2 desliga sozinho

2011-03-27 Thread Gunther Furtado
Em 27 de março de 2011 16:27, Cleber Ianes escreveu:
 Acabei de fazer o teste desabilitando o gdm3, inicializando em modo texto e
 usando o comando startx.
 Foi só usar o startx e o problema se repetiu.
 Então... não é o gdm3 e sim o X.
 Já usei com e sem o xorg.conf, dá na mesma. Parece que ele nem procura esse

tem alguma coisa no logs do X?




cada pessoa deveria viver duas vezes a mesma vida:
uma para ensaiar, e outra para atuar! Vittorio Gassman

Gunther Furtado
Curitiba - Paraná - Brasil

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aMSN - webcam, imagem de exibição, envio de arquivos

2011-03-27 Thread Anderson Roberto Grella
Olá pessoal

Estou com um problema faz tempo e pesquisas que fiz não me ajudaram em nada. 
Talvez alguém por aqui já tenha conseguido resolver.

Tenho conexão speedy da Telefonica e até o momento que eu estava sem Roteador 
D-Link DI 524 tudo corria perfeitamente. Depois disso não mais consegui:

- abrir cam com outros contatos (minha e de outro contato, recebendo ou 
- enviar minha imagem de exibição a outros contatos;
- enviar arquivos.

Consegui abrir ajeitar as portas para o aMule, mas para o aMSN, nada.

O engraçado é que pelo Windows, dá certo sem problemas. O que será que deve 
estar errado? Portas do aMSN diferentes das do Windows Live Messenger ou meu 
firewall de máquina local diferente do firewall do windows? Já tentei limpar 
tudo, deixar sem regra alguma, mas não resolveu. Estou ficando sem cabelo e 
os que restam estão ficando brancos.

Ainda uso Lenny. Na linha telefônica tenho um modem ADSL Speed Touch em 
bridge, o qual se conecta através de configuração no Roteador D-Link Di 524.

Alguém tem alguma luz?



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arquivos p2i

2011-03-27 Thread Denis
PEssoal, alguem sabe que prog poderia usar no linux para abrir imagens de
dvd criadas no cyberlink power2go for windows?

a extensao padrao desses arquivos eh .p2i


Denis Anjos,

Re: aMSN - webcam, imagem de exibição, envio de arquivos

2011-03-27 Thread tux
 Olá pessoal
 Estou com um problema faz tempo e pesquisas que fiz não me ajudaram em
 nada. Talvez alguém por aqui já tenha conseguido resolver.
 Tenho conexão speedy da Telefonica e até o momento que eu estava sem
 Roteador D-Link DI 524 tudo corria perfeitamente. Depois disso não mais
 - abrir cam com outros contatos (minha e de outro contato, recebendo ou
 - enviar minha imagem de exibição a outros contatos;
 - enviar arquivos.
 Consegui abrir ajeitar as portas para o aMule, mas para o aMSN, nada.
 O engraçado é que pelo Windows, dá certo sem problemas. O que será que deve
 estar errado? Portas do aMSN diferentes das do Windows Live Messenger ou
 meu firewall de máquina local diferente do firewall do windows? Já tentei
 limpar tudo, deixar sem regra alguma, mas não resolveu. Estou ficando sem
 cabelo e os que restam estão ficando brancos.
 Ainda uso Lenny. Na linha telefônica tenho um modem ADSL Speed Touch em
 bridge, o qual se conecta através de configuração no Roteador D-Link Di
 Alguém tem alguma luz?

Tive um problema destes a alguns bons meses atrás, quando fiz a mesma coisa que 
você: resolvi instalar uma rede wifi em casa, com 3 pontos sem restrições de 

Experimente instalar alguma coisa *pnp* na sua máquina. Algo como (mas não tão 


Provavelmente irá funcionar, não somente para o amsn, mas ṕara os p2p da vida 
que suportem upnp. 

(Nada de sofrimento configurando portas em roteadores ok? somente habilite upnp 
no seu roteador)

Nos avise dos resultados.


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Re: arquivos p2i

2011-03-27 Thread tux
 PEssoal, alguem sabe que prog poderia usar no linux para abrir imagens de
 dvd criadas no cyberlink power2go for windows?
 a extensao padrao desses arquivos eh .p2i


Nos ajude a te ajudar. 

Se você abrir um shell no linux, e rodar o comando  file algumarquivoseu.p2i 
(sem aspas), o que é retornado ?

(percebeu que a extensão do arquivo não vale quase nada no linux,  ne? rs)

E defina abrir : 

1 -  ver o que tem dentro ?
2 - gravar em uma mídia ? 

qual dos dois ? 


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Re: debian 6 - latest release - internet connection

2011-03-27 Thread Johan Scheepers

On 03/26/2011 08:34 PM, Selim T. Erdogan wrote:

Johan Scheepers, 20.03.2011:

After installing debian 6 it was found that it prefers built in wireless
connection on my dsl.

The wire connection was inserted and available.

The wireless connection works ok at 55% but I would prefer wired connection.

Fedora, centos, mandriva prefers wired connection on installation.

Could there be a reason for debian's behaviour.

When you say inserted and available do you mean just plugged in, or
actually working in Debian?  Could it be that the wired ethernet card
was not recognized and/or no driver was loaded?  Does the wired
interface work if you turn off the wireless manually?

Good day,
Was installing debian 6. Went through the fases answer the questions.
It whent on and installed about 1200 files without asking the wireless 

Now I think it must have used the wired connection.
When I rebooted (first reboot after install) it was found that the 
wireless connection was used.

It will not auto configure eth0. I can not manually configure eth0.
I can not answer required questions.

Point of interest. Fedora 14 and Mandriva 2010.2 was able to configure 
and use

 (1) Wired  (2) Wireless and (3) Mobile broad  on the same machine.
They are all installed on separate external USB drives on same machine..
Just switch cables to boot other distro.

When debian 5.06 was used it connected to the wired connection.
Did not upgrade (never upgrade) do fresh install always.

Something must have changed.

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Re: New debian-installation - question

2011-03-27 Thread Alex Mestiashvili

On 03/26/2011 05:04 PM, Hans-J. Ullrich wrote:

Hi list,

just some simple questions: I am going to create a small installations cd from
an already installed system (with my own settings). As I want it small and
secure, I do not want any logfiles on this cd. I am using bootcdwrite. So my

1.Can I use an empty /var/log/ or is it necessary, that some logfiles already

2. Same question to /var/run, /var/cache and /var/spool/: Can they be empty at
first boot?

3. Last question (maybe stupid): Can /var be empty at all or are there any
directories, which MUST exist at very first boot?

I am looking forward to your answers.

Best regards



I would suggest you to use a ready livecd such as GRML for example .
It is also Debian based and you can tweak it as you want - it is very 
flexible .

It uses squashfs ( at least 3 years ago)  which gives you good compression .

Best reagrds ,

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2 sample questions

2011-03-27 Thread hamed hosseini can i install firefox in debian 6? can i edit GRUB BOOT,(i have 2 os,win 7 and debian),i want win7 is
first,and debian is secon?

Re: recover partition table

2011-03-27 Thread Geronimo

Stephen Powell wrote:
 On Sat, 26 Mar 2011 13:42:15 -0400 (EDT), Geronimo wrote:
  I don't want to offend you, but all that you wrote I already
  found from google and friends.

 ... But I can make some educated guesses.  For example, here's an excerpt
 from my /var/log/installer/partman file:
 The first number after OUT is probably the partition number.

As in my partman log there where millions of OUT - lines, I focussed to the 
lines that look quit similar to fdisk output, like:

== snip ===
Path: /dev/sdd
Sector size: 512
Sectors: 78165360
Sectors/track: 63
Heads: 255
Cylinders: 4865
Partition table: yes
Type: msdos
Partitions: #   id  length  typefs  pathname
(0,0,0) (0,0,62)-1  0-32255 32256   primary label   /dev/sdd-1  
(0,1,0) (2611,254,62)   1   32256-21484431359   21484399104 primary 
(2612,0,0)  (2612,27,38)-1  21484431360-21485322239 890880  pri/log 
(2612,27,39)(2660,173,8)2   21485322240-21884829695 399507456   
(2660,173,9)(4865,122,56)   3   21884829696-40019951615 18135121920 
(4865,122,57)   (4865,144,62)   -1  40019951616-40020664319 712704  pri/log 
== snap ===

... and these lines confused me, as wiki said, that biggest value from chs is 
1023 - and for me the values in round brakets looked like chs values.

As I'm no hero in juggling hex numbers by mind, I wrote a little helper, that 
dumped the mbr infos.
Trying then your advice with parted -I I got values similar to the output of 
my dumper, but not matching the values from partman, so I came to the same 
conclusion as you - where I had to look at the man pages of parted to find a 
smaller unit than sectors.

So I added little math to my dumping tool and finally the values matched.

From manual I already read about the rescue option and as you recommended the 
same, I gave it a try.
... but I got an error, about missing or wrong label. - Huh?
Did not used any label yet.

So I added writing capabilities to my dumper and created a mbr, where I 
thought, should match. Then I wrote it to the drives mbr using dd and rebooted 

Voila - drive is recognized and all works well.

Thank you very much for your patience and assistance.

kind regards


P.S. on writing my dumper and checking all drives against partman log, may be 
I found a little bug from partman (don't know, whether it has any relevance):
According to wiki, head and cylinder are 0-based, whereas sector is 1-
based. So I think, a value of (0, 1, 0) as above is invalid and should not 
occure. I happen to notice 0-based sectors on every drive.

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Re: 2 sample questions

2011-03-27 Thread Estelmann, Christian

Am 27.03.2011 14:50, schrieb hamed hosseini: can i install firefox in debian 6? can i edit GRUB BOOT,(i have 2 os,win 7 and debian),i want win7 
is first,and debian is secon? 

1. apt-get install iceweasel
In Debian Firefox is rename to Iceweasel.

2. Rename /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober to 09_os-prober. Then run update-grub2.
os-prober looks for other OS, just let it executed befor 10_linux

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Re: 2 sample questions

2011-03-27 Thread hamed hosseini
thank you,can you explain more about question 2 about GRUB,i don't

On Sun, Mar 27, 2011 at 5:29 PM, Estelmann, Christian

 Am 27.03.2011 14:50, schrieb hamed hosseini: can i install firefox in debian 6? can i edit GRUB BOOT,(i have 2 os,win 7 and debian),i want win7 is
 first,and debian is secon?

 1. apt-get install iceweasel
 In Debian Firefox is rename to Iceweasel.

 2. Rename /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober to 09_os-prober. Then run update-grub2.
 os-prober looks for other OS, just let it executed befor 10_linux

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Re: 2 sample questions

2011-03-27 Thread Estelmann, Christian
Become root (for example by using the command su), then run mv 
/etc/grub.d/30_os-prober /etc/grub.d/09_os-prober and update-grub2. 
Or run both commands with sudo (sudo mv... and sudo update-grub2).

When executing update-grub2 all scripts in /etc/grub.d/ are executed, in 
order of their names. os-prober looks for other OS (like Win). linux is 
adding your available kernels to the list.

Am 27.03.2011 15:02, schrieb hamed hosseini:
thank you,can you explain more about question 2 about GRUB,i don't 

On Sun, Mar 27, 2011 at 5:29 PM, Estelmann, Christian wrote:

Am 27.03.2011 14 tel:27.03.2011%2014:50, schrieb hamed hosseini: can i edit GRUB BOOT,(i have 2 os,win 7 and debian),i
want win7 is first,and debian is secon?

2. Rename /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober to 09_os-prober. Then run
os-prober looks for other OS, just let it executed befor 10_linux

APT gone nuts

2011-03-27 Thread Michael Thompson
I just re-installed debian from scratch, and ran a few installs via
apt-get. All of a sudden, apt splurts this out

Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
ssmtp is already the newest version.
The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:
  mesa-utils python-bugbuddy xdg-user-dirs-gtk libpcsclite1 usb-modeswitch
  geoclue gtk2-engines-smooth dnsmasq-base tomboy python-evolution ekiga
  libmono-security2.0-cil update-notifier-common libgnome-bluetooth7
  libndesk-dbus1.0-cil libmtp8 libmono-addins-gui0.2-cil gcalctool
  libopal3.6.8 gnome-backgrounds telepathy-gabble gnome-search-tool
  libmono-system2.0-cil tcptraceroute update-notifier baobab
  libfreerdp-plugins-standard python-mako hamster-applet network-manager-gnome
  libsrtp0 gnome-system-log gucharmap libdiscid0 geoclue-localnet gnome-games
  obexd-client cheese gdebi libgpod-common obex-data-server
  libgnomepanel2.24-cil libmono-corlib2.0-cil cli-common rhythmbox libnm-util1
  libtelepathy-farsight0 libmono-cairo2.0-cil libgexiv2-0 empathy-common
  libcheese-gtk18 geoclue-yahoo libndesk-dbus-glib1.0-cil libgstfarsight0.10-0
  usb-modeswitch-data gnome-themes-extras mobile-broadband-provider-info
  evolution-exchange libpcap0.8 transmission-gtk libmono-i18n-west2.0-cil
  libapr1 guile-1.8-libs update-manager-gnome seahorse empathy
  libchamplain-0.4-0 xdg-user-dirs gdebi-core gvfs-bin software-center
  libmono-posix2.0-cil libaprutil1-ldap mono-runtime telepathy-salut libgpod4
  bluez libmono-addins0.2-cil libgeoclue0 libgnome2.24-cil libmysqlclient16
  gnome-cards-data gnuchess-book gnome-nettool transmission-common
  gnome-codec-install gnome-screenshot shotwell update-manager-core
  gnome-games-extra-data python-webkit gconf-editor libcryptui0 simple-scan
  python-aptdaemon libclutter-gtk-0.10-0 libgee2 network-manager
  gnome-system-tools epiphany-extensions binfmt-support libnm-glib-vpn1
  python-gtkglext1 libgnome-vfs2.0-cil libaprutil1-dbd-sqlite3
  libtelepathy-glib0 mono-gac python-vte libnm-glib2 gnome-bluetooth
  gnome-user-share modemmanager gconf-defaults-service libglade2.0-cil
  apache2.2-bin seahorse-plugins libopenobex1 libspeexdsp1 cheese-common
  sound-juicer libart2.0-cil vino aptdaemon libglib2.0-cil mono-2.0-gac
  libgconf2.0-cil python-aptdaemon-gtk ppp tcl libapache2-mod-dnssd
  libmono-sharpzip2.84-cil wpasupplicant nautilus-sendto gedit-plugins
  libcap-ng0 liferea libpt2.6.7 remmina-plugin-rdp gnome-themes-more libnl1
  media-player-info libpq5 python-markupsafe libchamplain-gtk-0.4-0
  remmina-plugin-vnc gnome-games-data geoclue-manual libmusicbrainz3-6
  liferea-data geoclue-hostip gnome-office gnuchess libfreerdp0 libgtk2.0-cil
  libssh-4 rhythmbox-plugin-cdrecorder rhythmbox-plugins libaprutil1
  libgmime2.4-cil remmina-plugin-data mysql-common libnet1 freeglut3
  nautilus-sendto-empathy telepathy-mission-control-5 remmina python-opengl
Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.

Most of them, even with my limited linux knowledge are fairly
important. Why has apt started to ask to remove these packages, and
how can I get apt to forget about them?

Thanks for any help.

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Re: 2 sample questions

2011-03-27 Thread Brian
On Sun 27 Mar 2011 at 14:59:41 +0200, Estelmann, Christian wrote:

 2. Rename /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober to 09_os-prober. Then run update-grub2.
 os-prober looks for other OS, just let it executed befor 10_linux

This will only work if the os-prober package has been installed. A
default Debian installation doesn't have it.

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Re: 2 sample questions

2011-03-27 Thread hamed hosseini
brian how can do thar ,without os-prober package,or how can install
os-prober,i need easy way,i am new in debian

On Sun, Mar 27, 2011 at 6:24 PM, Brian wrote:

 On Sun 27 Mar 2011 at 14:59:41 +0200, Estelmann, Christian wrote:

  2. Rename /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober to 09_os-prober. Then run
  os-prober looks for other OS, just let it executed befor 10_linux

 This will only work if the os-prober package has been installed. A
 default Debian installation doesn't have it.

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pnpdump, isapnp, and isapnp.conf

2011-03-27 Thread David Baron
With new MB, I can no longer access my older, analog phone line modem.

The isapnp startup had an older isapnp.conf file.

I assume one uses pnpdump to make a new one with the correct ISAPNP port. I 
found an address 0213 in the /proc/ioports and I seem to get a sensible conf 
file using this. However, when running isapnp startup, it kicks at that port, 
cannot execute the READPORT 0x0213, no further action. (I had the same error 
on the old file that had 273 instead.)

1. Should I even need this?
2. Am I missing something here?
3. lshal shows the card on the appropriate /dev/ttyS2 with its interupt 12.
4. I was not successful with a newer PCI modem either.

The MB is a huge and costly one with a pentium-4 dual core 3ghz with pc-
express Nvidia graphics interface, PCI slots and two legacy ISA. Rare bird 
nowadays. Everything else Debian seems to run no problem.

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Re: 2 sample questions

2011-03-27 Thread Estelmann, Christian

Install it with 'apt-get install os-prober'.

I only have installed Debian on my subnotebook, so I can not try it...
But if you are having a file with something like windows as name in 
/etc/grub.d/ just rename ist to something like 09_windows, like I have 
written before about the os-prober.

Am 27.03.2011 16:18, schrieb hamed hosseini:
brian how can do thar ,without os-prober package,or how can install 
os-prober,i need easy way,i am new in debian

On Sun, Mar 27, 2011 at 6:24 PM, Brian wrote:

On Sun 27 Mar 2011 at 14:59:41 +0200, Estelmann, Christian wrote:

 2. Rename /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober to 09_os-prober. Then run
 os-prober looks for other OS, just let it executed befor 10_linux

This will only work if the os-prober package has been installed. A
default Debian installation doesn't have it.

Re: 2 sample questions

2011-03-27 Thread Brian
On Sun 27 Mar 2011 at 17:20:53 +0430, hamed hosseini wrote: can i edit GRUB BOOT,(i have 2 os,win 7 and debian),i want win7 is
 first,and debian is secon?

1. Open the file /boot/grub/grub.cfg. The command

less /boot/grub/grub.cfg

   in a terminal would do it.

2. Find lines which begin with the word menuentry and look for one
   which is do with Windows. e.g. Windows 7 (loader) (on /dev/sda1)

3. Copy that. Just the bit between menuentry and the {.

4. Open the file /etc/default/grub in an editor. The command

nano /etc/default/grub

   would do it.

5. Replace the line




   e.g  GRUB_DEFAULT=Windows 7 (loader) (on /dev/sda1)

6. Execute the command update-grub.

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Re: 2 sample questions

2011-03-27 Thread hamed hosseini

On Sun, Mar 27, 2011 at 7:01 PM, Estelmann, Christian

  Install it with 'apt-get install os-prober'.

 I only have installed Debian on my subnotebook, so I can not try it...
 But if you are having a file with something like windows as name in
 /etc/grub.d/ just rename ist to something like 09_windows, like I have
 written before about the os-prober.

 Am 27.03.2011 16:18, schrieb hamed hosseini:

 brian how can do thar ,without os-prober package,or how can install
 os-prober,i need easy way,i am new in debian

 On Sun, Mar 27, 2011 at 6:24 PM, Brian wrote:

 On Sun 27 Mar 2011 at 14:59:41 +0200, Estelmann, Christian wrote:

  2. Rename /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober to 09_os-prober. Then run
  os-prober looks for other OS, just let it executed befor 10_linux

  This will only work if the os-prober package has been installed. A
 default Debian installation doesn't have it.

Squeeze, GPT, GRUB2 and Software RAID1

2011-03-27 Thread Georgi Naplatanov

Hello everybody.

I have 2 disk Western Digital WD2002FAEX - 2TB and I want to install 
Squeeze with software RAID 1 and GPT instead of old MSDOS partition map.

I want to use GRUB2 as boot loader, but I read that is needed to be 
created a BIOS Boot Partition.[1]

I have 2 disk and I want when one of them fail to be possible to boot 
from another.

My question is - Will installer, GRUB2 and Squeeze handle 
synchronization of BIOS Boot Partition on both disks or I have to do it 
manually and eventually how to do it manually ?

[1] -


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Re: APT gone nuts

2011-03-27 Thread Brian
On Sun 27 Mar 2011 at 12:37:51 +0100, Michael Thompson wrote:

 Most of them, even with my limited linux knowledge are fairly
 important. Why has apt started to ask to remove these packages, and
 how can I get apt to forget about them?

Have you removed the gnome metapackage? Reinstall it. Otherwise I have
a feeling you have to mark all those packages as manually installed.

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Re: 2 sample questions

2011-03-27 Thread Brian
On Sun 27 Mar 2011 at 18:48:33 +0430, hamed hosseini wrote:

 brian how can do thar ,without os-prober package,or how can install
 os-prober,i need easy way,i am new in debian

Have you got a file named 30_otheros in /etc/grub.d? Move that to
09_otheros and you will not need os-prober.

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adzapper help needed

2011-03-27 Thread Paul E Condon
I've used adzapper long ago, but stopped using it long ago,
and forgotten why I stopped. Now I want to use it again
on a computer running Wheezy, but I can't find information
on how to configure my browser. The Debian documentation
seems to have been simplified with some info left out. But
maybe my memory fails me ...

My recollection is that in addition to configuring adzapper,
one must also configure ones browser to use it. I think I
need to know the IP address and port number that is providing
the adzapper service. Of course I know the IP address. But
what is the default port number used by adzapper. Googling
gives the answer 8080 but that doesn't work, and I recall
that the old instructions had some information on how to
change from the default to this value. But I can't find any
information about port number, neither what is the default,
nor how to change it. Where is this now? -- in either
Wheezy or Squeeze?


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Re: adzapper help needed

2011-03-27 Thread hamed hosseini
i am new,what is adzapper?

On Sun, Mar 27, 2011 at 7:44 PM, Paul E Condon pecon...@mesanetworks.netwrote:

 I've used adzapper long ago, but stopped using it long ago,
 and forgotten why I stopped. Now I want to use it again
 on a computer running Wheezy, but I can't find information
 on how to configure my browser. The Debian documentation
 seems to have been simplified with some info left out. But
 maybe my memory fails me ...

 My recollection is that in addition to configuring adzapper,
 one must also configure ones browser to use it. I think I
 need to know the IP address and port number that is providing
 the adzapper service. Of course I know the IP address. But
 what is the default port number used by adzapper. Googling
 gives the answer 8080 but that doesn't work, and I recall
 that the old instructions had some information on how to
 change from the default to this value. But I can't find any
 information about port number, neither what is the default,
 nor how to change it. Where is this now? -- in either
 Wheezy or Squeeze?


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need help with adzapper

2011-03-27 Thread Paul E Condon
I'm running Squeeze. I've used adzapper in the long ago past, but I can't
get in running with iceweasel now. My problem is really with iceweasel,
I think. I recall that I have to configure my browser to 'point to' adzapper.
This involves giving the IP address AND the port # for adzapper. I know
the IP address, but I can't find any mention of the port number in the
doc.s and don't know how to discover the correct value. 

Also I think I should be able to configure a port number of my own chosing,
but I can't find any config file documentation that describes how (or
even the file name to use).


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Re: boot loader

2011-03-27 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Sb, 26 mar 11, 14:30:13, shawn wilson wrote:
  You can fix it with ms-sys[1] from System Rescue CD[2]
 i'll have to try this. the sourceforge page says that it works on
 fat32. however, freshmeat has a changelog that seems to indicate it
 works on vista/7 which (i hope) also means it works with xp (or any
 other ntfs based system).
Worked for me on Windows XP.

 heh, still haven't gone to the store to get media (which is why i
 haven't tried anything else yet). i'm sorta hoping that #1 will make
 it so that i don't have to go to the store :)

You can put it on a USB stick. Just loop-mount the iso somewhere (but 
not on /mnt) and run the script in the root directory.

Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Upgrade to Squeeze and KDE

2011-03-27 Thread Daniel Bareiro
Hi, all!

On Saturday, 19 March 2011 18:32:56 -0400,
John A. Sullivan III wrote:

  After updating my hosts in my house to the new stable, Debian
  Squeeze, I'm thinking of upgrading my desktop to Squeeze.
  With my hosts with Lenny in general, except for some things,
  everything was working after upgrading to Squeeze, but I worry that
  something is broken in the upgrade from KDE 3.5 to KDE 4.4, as this
  PC is used to study and work and I wish the minimal downtime.
  I wonder what experiences you had to update KDE and its applications
  to new versions of Squeeze and the considerations to keep in mind
  throughout this process.

 We decided that, for our specific purposes, KDE4 was not quite ready.
 Thus, we migrated to Squeeze plus Trinity as the maintained and
 actively developed successor to KDE3 -  We have been quite pleased - John

Thank you all for your comments. These days I have not had enough time
to sit quiet for upgrading, but when I do it, I will tell you the

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Re: Serial Connection

2011-03-27 Thread owens

- Original Message -
From: Stephen Powell 
Sent: 3/26/2011 10:52:23 PM
Subject: Serial Connection

On Mon, 21 Mar 2011 at 17:45:17 +0100, MAROUNI Abbass wrote: 
 I have two servers with Debian Lenny installed. 
 The two servers have a serial cable connected form Stty0 on Server0 
 to Stty1 on Server1. I can use minicom to log into Server0, but when 
 I try to login to Server1 from Server0 using minicom I get some garbage 
 and I can't type anything with the keyboard. 
 Any Ideas?? 

I haven't tried this, but one thing you want to make sure of is that 
you use a cross-over cable. The serial ports on PCs have what's known 
as a DTE interface (Data Terminal Equipment). The serial ports on 
modems have what's known as a DCE interface (Data Communications 
Equipment). A standard serial cable is designed to connect a DTE 
interface to a DCE interface (i.e. a computer to a modem). 
What you are trying to do is connect two DTE interfaces together. 
For that you need to use a special serial cable called a cross-over 
cable which is specifically designed to connect a DTE interface to 
another DTE interface. If you try to use a regular serial cable, 
one designed to connect a DTE interface to a DCE interface, it won't work. 

An alternative to using a cross-over cable is to use a device called 
a null modem on one end of your serial cable. A null modem attached 
to a standard serial cable effectively converts it into a cross-over 

Connecting a serial printer to a computer also requires a cross-over 
cable or a standard cable plus a null modem, since both devices have 
a DTE interface. 

You also might have to use two cables and two serial ports. One serial 
port looks like a modem, with you as the terminal. minicom 
allocates it. The other serial port looks like a serial console, 
with you as the host. getty allocates it. The other server sees 
a similar pattern. 

.''`. Stephen Powell 
: :' : 
`. `'` 
There's usually more than crossing Transmit Data and Receive Data.  There are 
at least two control signals that are applicable.  Usually one borrows what 
is known as a break-out box to determine which signals each side of the 
interface are active.  There are lots of good googles for RS-232 that will help.


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update KDE

2011-03-27 Thread hamed hosseini
how can i update gnome to KDE in debian 6?

Re: need help with adzapper

2011-03-27 Thread Paul E Condon
On 20110327_093735, Paul E Condon wrote:
 I'm running Squeeze. I've used adzapper in the long ago past, but I can't
 get in running with iceweasel now. My problem is really with iceweasel,
 I think. I recall that I have to configure my browser to 'point to' adzapper.
 This involves giving the IP address AND the port # for adzapper. I know
 the IP address, but I can't find any mention of the port number in the
 doc.s and don't know how to discover the correct value. 
 Also I think I should be able to configure a port number of my own chosing,
 but I can't find any config file documentation that describes how (or
 even the file name to use).

Sorry about duplicate posts, but I am also having problems with my config
of exim4 connection to my ISP smarthost. It has been working for many 
months, but something about how I transitioned to Squeeze/Wheezy bollixed
it up.

But seeing these two emails on the list gives me hope that I have whacked
that mole. Unfortunately, I think there may be half a dozen more emails
lurking wherever misconfigured exim4 sent them. Please be patient.

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Cannot update wheezy

2011-03-27 Thread Mark Fletcher
For over a week now I've been unable to upgrade wheezy. I do aptitude  
update as root, which is fine, then also as root do aptitude safe- 
upgrade. When I do that, it says resolving dependencies and the open  
and closed statistics start going up. Right now open is at about 34000  
and closed is at 29000. Defer is at 329 and conflict is at 62. It just  
sits there with open and closed ticking steadily up, and never seems  
to finish.

This doesn't feel right to me. I am not sure what else to post in the  
way of info as aptitude doesn't even get to the stage of producing  
interesting output before going into this endless-looking process if  
ostensibly resolving dependencies. Could my system's notion of package  
relationships have got messed up somehow, and if so how can I clean it  
up? Any help appreciated.

Machine is self-built intel core i7 920 with 8Gb of Ram and an nVidia  
GeForce 9800 GTX+ based graphics card. It's about 2 years old. I  
originally installed squeeze which had recently gone into Testing at  
the time, and upgraded using aptitude full-upgrade to wheezy shortly  
after squeeze became stable. Since upgrading, for a few weeks,  
everything was fine until about a week ago when I noticed I couldn't  
update as described above. I left it for a week thinking it was a  
package dependency prob that would fix itself eventually, but it  
doesn't seem to be doing so.

Any help appreciated.


Re: adzapper help needed

2011-03-27 Thread Paul E Condon
On 20110327_194800, hamed hosseini wrote:
 i am new,what is adzapper?


Adzapper is a filter that removes advertisements from the pages that you
browse on the internet. I remember that I liked it because it could be 
used with any and all web browsers and I am always searching and hoping
for a better browser. In this current situation, I want to use it with
Google Chromium ... will it really get rid of the ads???

Adzapper is packaged in Debian repository. But I am having some difficulty
with the currently available documentation.

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Autodetect proxy not working in Iceweasel

2011-03-27 Thread Daniel Bareiro
Hi all!

I just installed Squid on a host of my house with Debian Squeeze. Then I
added in my DHCP server the following configuration options:

option wpad code 252 = text;
option wpad http://wpad.freesoftware/proxy.pac\n;;

I also created a hard link to the file proxy.pac. The name of the hard
link is wpad.dat. wpad.freesoftware has an entry in my DNS server and
both files are accessible from the local network.

I was testing from Debian Lenny using Konqueror 3.5.9 and in Settings -
Configure Konqueror - Proxy category, I selected the option to
automatically detect proxy settings. After that, according to the Squid
logs, Konqueror passes through the proxy.

In Iceweasel 3.0.6 I tried to do the same by going to Edit - Preference
- Advanced - Network - Settings - Auto-Detect proxy settings for
this network, but It doesn't work. In fact, I'm not seeing in the Apache
logs any GET to wpad.dat or proxy.pac files from Iceweasel.

I'll be missing some other configuration to the DHCP server or Apache VH 
to serve this files to Iceweasel?

Thanks in advance for your replies.

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iinstallation of Debian 6

2011-03-27 Thread darkestkhan
-- Forwarded message --
From: anderson raymond
Date: 2011/3/26
Subject: installation of Debian 6

Dear Sir/Madam
When I installed Debian 6 using the win32 loader, everything seems all right,
then the system reboot, but stop at the following phrase.
waiting for /dev to to fully populated.
Would you please give me some advice what is going on?
Raymond Hung from Hong Kong

-- End of message --

I'm sure it was meant to the debian-user list, and not to me. As I'm
not sure what exactly is going on I'm forwarding.

My _guess_ is it is problem with drivers or hardware. Some additional
information about your system configuration would be helpful.

May The Source be with You.

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Re: update KDE

2011-03-27 Thread darkestkhan
2011/3/27 hamed hosseini
 how can i update gnome to KDE in debian 6?

I wouldn't call it update but I'm guessing that you want to install
KDE this one should work:

apt-get install kde

Feel free to CC me.
May The Source be with You.

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Re: update KDE

2011-03-27 Thread
27/03/2011 19:21, darkestkhan wrote:
 2011/3/27 hamed hosseini
 how can i update gnome to KDE in debian 6?

 I wouldn't call it update but I'm guessing that you want to install
 KDE this one should work:
 apt-get install kde
 Feel free to CC me.
 May The Source be with You.

kde-plasma-desktop is good for a minimal experience,kde,
kde-standard or kde-full for a more complete experience.

You can keep kde and gnome at the same time, just choose the desktop
environment at login time. You need only one login manager, either gdm
(gnome) or kdm (kde).

Have fun

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Re: APT gone nuts

2011-03-27 Thread Ron Johnson

On 03/27/2011 09:35 AM, Brian wrote:

On Sun 27 Mar 2011 at 12:37:51 +0100, Michael Thompson wrote:

Most of them, even with my limited linux knowledge are fairly
important. Why has apt started to ask to remove these packages, and
how can I get apt to forget about them?

Have you removed the gnome metapackage? Reinstall it. Otherwise I have
a feeling you have to mark all those packages as manually installed.

Right. apt is just saying I don't need them.  You can delete them *if 
you want to*.

Neither the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure
the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally
Samuel Adams, essay in The Public Advertiser, 1749

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Re: Cannot update wheezy

2011-03-27 Thread Stephen Powell
On Sun, 27 Mar 2011 11:43:11 -0400 (EDT), Mark Fletcher wrote:

 For over a week now I've been unable to upgrade wheezy. I do aptitude  
 update as root, which is fine, then also as root do aptitude safe- 
 upgrade. When I do that, it says resolving dependencies and the open  
 and closed statistics start going up. Right now open is at about 34000  
 and closed is at 29000. Defer is at 329 and conflict is at 62. It just  
 sits there with open and closed ticking steadily up, and never seems  
 to finish.
 This doesn't feel right to me. I am not sure what else to post in the  
 way of info as aptitude doesn't even get to the stage of producing  
 interesting output before going into this endless-looking process if  
 ostensibly resolving dependencies. Could my system's notion of package  
 relationships have got messed up somehow, and if so how can I clean it  
 up? Any help appreciated.
 Machine is self-built intel core i7 920 with 8Gb of Ram and an nVidia  
 GeForce 9800 GTX+ based graphics card. It's about 2 years old. I  
 originally installed squeeze which had recently gone into Testing at  
 the time, and upgraded using aptitude full-upgrade to wheezy shortly  
 after squeeze became stable. Since upgrading, for a few weeks,  
 everything was fine until about a week ago when I noticed I couldn't  
 update as described above. I left it for a week thinking it was a  
 package dependency prob that would fix itself eventually, but it  
 doesn't seem to be doing so.
 Any help appreciated.


I had the same problem about a week ago.  The solution is to do
a full-upgrade instead of a safe-upgrade.  The problem is caused by
libre-office packages taking the place of open-office packages.
full-upgrade allows packages to be deleted, safe-upgrade does not.
With full-upgrade the dependencies can be resolved by giving permission
to delete a couple of open office packages that are functionally
replaced by a couple of libre office packages, IIRC.

  .''`. Stephen Powell
 : :'  :
 `. `'`

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Re: Cannot update wheezy

2011-03-27 Thread Wayne Topa

On 03/27/2011 11:43 AM, Mark Fletcher wrote:

For over a week now I've been unable to upgrade wheezy. I do aptitude
update as root, which is fine, then also as root do aptitude
safe-upgrade. When I do that, it says resolving dependencies and the
open and closed statistics start going up. Right now open is at about
34000 and closed is at 29000. Defer is at 329 and conflict is at 62. It
just sits there with open and closed ticking steadily up, and never
seems to finish.

This doesn't feel right to me. I am not sure what else to post in the
way of info as aptitude doesn't even get to the stage of producing
interesting output before going into this endless-looking process if
ostensibly resolving dependencies. Could my system's notion of package
relationships have got messed up somehow, and if so how can I clean it
up? Any help appreciated.

Machine is self-built intel core i7 920 with 8Gb of Ram and an nVidia
GeForce 9800 GTX+ based graphics card. It's about 2 years old. I
originally installed squeeze which had recently gone into Testing at the
time, and upgraded using aptitude full-upgrade to wheezy shortly after
squeeze became stable. Since upgrading, for a few weeks, everything was
fine until about a week ago when I noticed I couldn't update as
described above. I left it for a week thinking it was a package
dependency prob that would fix itself eventually, but it doesn't seem to
be doing so.

Any help appreciated.



  Give 'aptitude -f install' a try.  Thats how I got it going, finally. 
 Now the updates/upgrades work as usual.


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Re: Serial Connection

2011-03-27 Thread Stephen Powell
On Sun, 27 Mar 2011 11:40:40 -0400 (EDT), wrote:
 On Sat, 26 Mar 2011 18:52:23 -0400 (EDT, Stephen Powell wrote:
 I haven't tried this, but one thing you want to make sure of is that 
 you use a cross-over cable. The serial ports on PCs have what's known 
 as a DTE interface (Data Terminal Equipment). The serial ports on 
 modems have what's known as a DCE interface (Data Communications 
 Equipment). A standard serial cable is designed to connect a DTE 
 interface to a DCE interface (i.e. a computer to a modem). 
 What you are trying to do is connect two DTE interfaces together. 
 For that you need to use a special serial cable called a cross-over 
 cable which is specifically designed to connect a DTE interface to 
 another DTE interface. If you try to use a regular serial cable, 
 one designed to connect a DTE interface to a DCE interface, it won't work. 
 An alternative to using a cross-over cable is to use a device called 
 a null modem on one end of your serial cable. A null modem attached 
 to a standard serial cable effectively converts it into a cross-over 
 Connecting a serial printer to a computer also requires a cross-over 
 cable or a standard cable plus a null modem, since both devices have 
 a DTE interface. 
 You also might have to use two cables and two serial ports. One serial 
 port looks like a modem, with you as the terminal. minicom 
 allocates it. The other serial port looks like a serial console, 
 with you as the host. getty allocates it. The other server sees 
 a similar pattern. 
 There's usually more than crossing Transmit Data and Receive Data.
 There are at least two control signals that are applicable.
 Usually one borrows what is known as a break-out box to determine
 which signals each side of the interface are active.  There are
 lots of good googles for RS-232 that will help.

That's true.  But a properly-wired cross-over cable or null modem
not only crosses over TD and RD but also crosses over DTR and DSR
and also crosses over RTS and CTS.  Ground, of course, is wired
to Ground.  CD is normally tied to DSR on the same side of the
interface (on both sides).  RI is usually left unconnected.

See, for example,

  .''`. Stephen Powell
 : :'  :
 `. `'`

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Inkscape error

2011-03-27 Thread Marcelo Laia

I try to load inkscape, but I got this error:

marcella@inael:~$ inkscape
inkscape: error while loading shared libraries:
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I have googled, but not found any help.

Could you help me?

Tank you very much


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Re: Inkscape error

2011-03-27 Thread Chris Brennan
On Sun, Mar 27, 2011 at 2:55 PM, Marcelo Laia wrote:


 I try to load inkscape, but I got this error:

 marcella@inael:~$ inkscape
 inkscape: error while loading shared libraries:
 cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

 I have googled, but not found any help.

 Could you help me?

 Tank you very much


rebuild/reinstall the missing library and then try inkscape again

root@debian:~# aptitude search libwpg
p   libwpg-0.2- - WordPerfect graphics
p   libwpg-dev  - WordPerfect graphics
p   libwpg-doc  - WordPerfect graphics
p   libwpg-tool - Tools from libwpg for

At a minimum you should need libwpg-0.2 and libwpg-dev, although -tool and
-doc can't hurt if you have the space to spare.

Did you know...
If you play a Windows 2000 CD backwards, you hear satanic messages,

but what's worse is when you play it forward installs Windows 2000

-- Alfred Perlstein on chat at

Re: Inkscape error

2011-03-27 Thread Marcelo Laia
2011/3/27 Chris Brennan
 On Sun, Mar 27, 2011 at 2:55 PM, Marcelo Laia wrote:

 rebuild/reinstall the missing library and then try inkscape again
 root@debian:~# aptitude search libwpg
 p   libwpg-0.2- - WordPerfect graphics
 p   libwpg-dev  - WordPerfect graphics
 p   libwpg-doc  - WordPerfect graphics
 p   libwpg-tool - Tools from libwpg for
 At a minimum you should need libwpg-0.2 and libwpg-dev, although -tool and
 -doc can't hurt if you have the space to spare.

Hi Chris,

I already have this ones installed!

inael:/home/inael# aptitude search libwpg
c   libwpg-0.1-1- WordPerfect graphics import/convert librar
i A libwpg-0.2-2- WordPerfect graphics import/convert librar
i   libwpg-dev  - WordPerfect graphics import/convert librar
p   libwpg-doc  - WordPerfect graphics import/convert librar
i   libwpg-tools- Tools from libwpg for converting WP Graphi

Any other help?


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System unbootable

2011-03-27 Thread Steffan Harris

I followed instructions at on my MacBook Pro
7,1 running Debian Squeeze. Installing ndiswrapper seemed to do something to
my kernal... after a reboot my system goes through GRUB but then comes up

Setting parameters of disk: none
Setting preliminary keycap: done
Activating swap… done
Checking root file system… fsck from util-linux-ng 2.16.2
/dev/sda3: clean, 154353/11739136 files, 6058946/46948242 blocks
Cleaning up ifupdown…
Setting up networking….
Loading kernal modules… [16.584261] firewire_sbp2: fw1.0: orb reply timed
out, rcode=0x11
[16.593534] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdb] Asking for cache data failed
[16.593587] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdb] Assuming drive cache: write through
[16.598551] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdb] Asking for cache data failed
[16.598601] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdb] Assuming drive cache: write through
[21.381619] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdb] Asking for cache data failed
[21.381649] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdb] Assuming drive cache: write through

[77.311460] BUG: soft lockup - CPU#3 stuck for 61s! [modprobe:1117]
udev[464]: worker [1156] unexpectedly returned with status 0x0100

udevd[464]: worker[1156] failed while handling

I don't know what has happened to my system and whether it can be recovered
or not... and can I access any system logs for further information?


Re: Inkscape error

2011-03-27 Thread Chris Brennan
On Sun, Mar 27, 2011 at 3:08 PM, Marcelo Laia wrote:

2011/3/27 Chris Brennan
  On Sun, Mar 27, 2011 at 2:55 PM, Marcelo Laia
  rebuild/reinstall the missing library and then try inkscape again
  root@debian:~# aptitude search libwpg
  p   libwpg-0.2- - WordPerfect graphics
  p   libwpg-dev  - WordPerfect graphics
  p   libwpg-doc  - WordPerfect graphics
  p   libwpg-tool - Tools from libwpg for
  At a minimum you should need libwpg-0.2 and libwpg-dev, although -tool
  -doc can't hurt if you have the space to spare.

 Hi Chris,

 I already have this ones installed!

 inael:/home/inael# aptitude search libwpg
 c   libwpg-0.1-1- WordPerfect graphics import/convert
 i A libwpg-0.2-2- WordPerfect graphics import/convert
 i   libwpg-dev  - WordPerfect graphics import/convert
 p   libwpg-doc  - WordPerfect graphics import/convert
 i   libwpg-tools- Tools from libwpg for converting WP

 Any other help?


Given the fact of the original error,

marcella@inael:~$ inkscape
inkscape: error while loading shared libraries:
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I would install -0.1-1

Did you know...
If you play a Windows 2000 CD backwards, you hear satanic messages,

but what's worse is when you play it forward installs Windows 2000
   -- Alfred Perlstein on chat at

Re: Inkscape error

2011-03-27 Thread Ron Johnson

On 03/27/2011 02:08 PM, Marcelo Laia wrote:

inael:/home/inael# aptitude search libwpg
c   libwpg-0.1-1- WordPerfect graphics import/convert librar

But you don't appear to have libwpg-0.1 installed (correctly).

Neither the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure
the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally
Samuel Adams, essay in The Public Advertiser, 1749

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Re: Inkscape error

2011-03-27 Thread Marcelo Laia
2011/3/27 Chris Brennan
 I would install -0.1-1

There are some thing wrong here!

-0.1-1 version of libwpg isn't in testing repositories. So, how
inkscape in testing flavor needs this version?

But, I downloaded libwpg-0.1-1 from stable and instal it manually.

Now, inkscape tell me other shared lib that is on stable repositories too!

inael@inael:~/Downloads$ inkscape
inkscape: error while loading shared libraries:
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

inael:/home/inael# aptitude search libwpd
i A libwpd-0.9-9- Library for handling WordPerfect documents
i   libwpd-dev  - Library for handling WordPerfect documents
p   libwpd-doc  - Library for handling WordPerfect documents
p   libwpd-tools- Tools from libwpd for converting WordPerfe
c   libwpd8c2a  - Library for handling WordPerfect documents

inkscape in testing have dependencies that are only in stable repositories!

Thank you very much!


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Re: Inkscape error

2011-03-27 Thread Chris Brennan
On Sun, Mar 27, 2011 at 3:29 PM, Marcelo Laia wrote:

2011/3/27 Chris Brennan
  I would install -0.1-1

 There are some thing wrong here!

 -0.1-1 version of libwpg isn't in testing repositories. So, how
 inkscape in testing flavor needs this version?

 But, I downloaded libwpg-0.1-1 from stable and instal it manually.

 Now, inkscape tell me other shared lib that is on stable repositories too!

 inael@inael:~/Downloads$ inkscape
 inkscape: error while loading shared libraries:
 cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

 inael:/home/inael# aptitude search libwpd
 i A libwpd-0.9-9- Library for handling WordPerfect
 i   libwpd-dev  - Library for handling WordPerfect
 p   libwpd-doc  - Library for handling WordPerfect
 p   libwpd-tools- Tools from libwpd for converting
 c   libwpd8c2a  - Library for handling WordPerfect

 inkscape in testing have dependencies that are only in stable repositories!

 Thank you very much!


I am going to take a stab in the dark here and ask, are you by any chance
mixing stable/testing in sources.list?


Did you know...
If you play a Windows 2000 CD backwards, you hear satanic messages,
but what's worse is when you play it forward installs Windows 2000
   -- Alfred Perlstein on chat at

Re: Inkscape error

2011-03-27 Thread Marcelo Laia
2011/3/27 Chris Brennan
 I am going to take a stab in the dark here and ask, are you by any chance
 mixing stable/testing in sources.list?

No. I mixed testing/unstable.

I solved it reinstall inkscape.

Thank you very much!

Have a nice day.

  O__   --- Marcelo Luiz de Laia                  Rodovia MGT 367, Km 583
 c/   /' _ -- Dep. de Engenharia Florestal      nº 5000, Alto da Jacuba
(*)   \ (*) - UFVJM, Diamantina, MG, Brasil  Ph: (+55) 38 3532 1248
~~- (           FAX: (+55) 38 3532 1200
^^- Linux user number 487797          CEP: 39.100-000 - Brazil

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Re: APT gone nuts

2011-03-27 Thread Michael Thompson
On 27 March 2011 15:35, Brian wrote:
 On Sun 27 Mar 2011 at 12:37:51 +0100, Michael Thompson wrote:

 Most of them, even with my limited linux knowledge are fairly
 important. Why has apt started to ask to remove these packages, and
 how can I get apt to forget about them?

 Have you removed the gnome metapackage? Reinstall it. Otherwise I have
 a feeling you have to mark all those packages as manually installed.

I removed nothing, only installed a few packages.

I removed the packages using apt-get autoremove, and then reinstalled
the gnome desktop using tasksel.

I had to reconfigure network-manager etc, but it all appears to be
working fine now

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Re: Serial Connection

2011-03-27 Thread Stan Hoeppner
Stephen Powell put forth on 3/27/2011 1:41 PM:

 That's true.  But a properly-wired cross-over cable or null modem
 not only crosses over TD and RD but also crosses over DTR and DSR
 and also crosses over RTS and CTS.  Ground, of course, is wired
 to Ground.  CD is normally tied to DSR on the same side of the
 interface (on both sides).  RI is usually left unconnected.

For attaching a terminal all you need to connect are pins 2, 3, and 7 on
a DB25, or 2, 3, and 5 on a DB9.  Reverse 2,3 on one end of each cable
to get your x-over.  All the other pins are for modems only and are not
used for terminal connections.  Serial printers only need 2, 3, 7 as well.

At a previous job about 13 years ago I made so damn many of these serial
x-over cables, daily, that 2, 3, 7 intruded on my dreams...

We bought DB25 plugs in bags of 100, and used spooled CAT5 as the noise
rejection is many times that of CAT3, allowing greater distances across
sprawling warehouses.  We'd drop an ethernet-serial terminal server in
each building and then run our custom RJ45 to DB25 cables to the
terminals.  The terminal servers had RJ45 jacks for density.  We used 16
and 48 port models.  Can't recall the brand, been too long (thank God).


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Re: Squeeze, GPT, GRUB2 and Software RAID1

2011-03-27 Thread Tom H
On Sun, Mar 27, 2011 at 10:35 AM, Georgi Naplatanov wrote:

 I have 2 disk Western Digital WD2002FAEX - 2TB and I want to install Squeeze
 with software RAID 1 and GPT instead of old MSDOS partition map.

 I want to use GRUB2 as boot loader, but I read that is needed to be created
 a BIOS Boot Partition.[1]

 I have 2 disk and I want when one of them fail to be possible to boot from

 My question is - Will installer, GRUB2 and Squeeze handle synchronization of
 BIOS Boot Partition on both disks or I have to do it manually and eventually
 how to do it manually ?

I've found that you have to format your disks before the install (and
create a bios_grub partition) and you then have to run grub-install
/dev/sdb once you're booted into your install.

You can probably install grub on both disks by refusing to install to
the MBR and then installing it to (hd0) and (hd1) but I've never tried

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Cmake on Knoppix

2011-03-27 Thread John Culleton
Knoppix is a Debian derivative so I am asking here. I want to compile 
svn versions of programs such as Scribus. Scribus has switched from 
conventional ./configure, make, make install sequence to a cmake based 
system. I can't seem to be able to download cmake using apt-get. Is it 
cataloged under another name?
John Culleton
Create Book Covers with Scribus:

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Re: Cmake on Knoppix

2011-03-27 Thread Chris Brennan
On Sun, Mar 27, 2011 at 4:56 PM, John Culleton wrote:

Knoppix is a Debian derivative so I am asking here. I want to compile
 svn versions of programs such as Scribus. Scribus has switched from
 conventional ./configure, make, make install sequence to a cmake based
 system. I can't seem to be able to download cmake using apt-get. Is it
 cataloged under another name?
 John Culleton
 Create Book Covers with Scribus:

A quick search revealed this ...

root@debian:~# aptitude search cmake
p   cmake   - a
cross-platform, open-source make system
p   cmake-curses-gui- curses
based user interface for CMake (ccmake)
p   cmake-data  - CMake
data files (modules, templates and documentation)
p   cmake-dbg   -
debugging symbols for CMake
p   cmake-doc   -
extended documentation in various formats for CMake
v   cmake-gui   -
p   cmake-qt-gui- Qt4
based user interface for CMake (cmake-gui)
p   icmake  -
Intelligent C-like MAKEr, or the ICce MAKE utility
p   icmake-doc  -
Documenation files for icmake
root@debian:~# aptitude download cmake
Get:1 testing/main cmake amd64 2.8.4+dfsg.1-2
[4,247 kB]
Fetched 4,247 kB in 13s (325 kB/s)

Did you know...
If you play a Windows 2000 CD backwards, you hear satanic messages,

but what's worse is when you play it forward installs Windows 2000
   -- Alfred Perlstein on chat at

Re: adzapper help needed

2011-03-27 Thread Scott Ferguson
On 28/03/11 02:14, Paul E Condon wrote:
 I've used adzapper long ago, but stopped using it long ago,
 and forgotten why I stopped. Now I want to use it again
 on a computer running Wheezy, but I can't find information
 on how to configure my browser. The Debian documentation
 seems to have been simplified with some info left out. But
 maybe my memory fails me ...
 My recollection is that in addition to configuring adzapper,
 one must also configure ones browser to use it. I think I
 need to know the IP address and port number that is providing
 the adzapper service. Of course I know the IP address. But
 what is the default port number used by adzapper. Googling
 gives the answer 8080 but that doesn't work, and I recall
 that the old instructions had some information on how to
 change from the default to this value. But I can't find any
 information about port number, neither what is the default,
 nor how to change it. Where is this now? -- in either
 Wheezy or Squeeze?

Yes (and Lenny)

adzapper is in the main debian repositories:-
#apt-get adzapper
Note: I believe it requires squid

I'd recommend using adblock-plus instead - you can either install it as
an add-on/extension for Iceweasel/Firefox or from Debian:-
#apt-get xul-ext-adblock-plus

Note: adblock-plus requires only that you use Konqueror or Iceweasel,
and that you select a filter source from a drop-down list (that appears
in the web page which will load the first time you start your browser
after installing).


 A: Yes.
 Q: Are you sure?
 A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
 Q: Why is top posting frowned upon?

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Re: Cmake on Knoppix

2011-03-27 Thread Wayne Topa

On 03/27/2011 04:56 PM, John Culleton wrote:

Knoppix is a Debian derivative so I am asking here. I want to compile
svn versions of programs such as Scribus. Scribus has switched from
conventional ./configure, make, make install sequence to a cmake based
system. I can't seem to be able to download cmake using apt-get. Is it
cataloged under another name?

~$ apt-cache search cmake
cmake-curses-gui - curses based user interface for CMake (ccmake)
cmake-data - CMake data files (modules, templates and documentation)
cmake-dbg - debugging symbols for CMake
cmake-doc - extended documentation in various formats for CMake
cmake-qt-gui - Qt4 based user interface for CMake (cmake-gui)
cmake - a cross-platform, open-source make system


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Re: debian 6 - latest release - internet connection

2011-03-27 Thread Selim T. Erdogan
Johan Scheepers, 27.03.2011:
 On 03/26/2011 08:34 PM, Selim T. Erdogan wrote:
 Johan Scheepers, 20.03.2011:
 After installing debian 6 it was found that it prefers built in wireless
 connection on my dsl.
 The wire connection was inserted and available.
 The wireless connection works ok at 55% but I would prefer wired 
 Fedora, centos, mandriva prefers wired connection on installation.
 Could there be a reason for debian's behaviour.
 When you say inserted and available do you mean just plugged in, or
 actually working in Debian?  Could it be that the wired ethernet card
 was not recognized and/or no driver was loaded?  Does the wired
 interface work if you turn off the wireless manually?
 Good day,
 Was installing debian 6. Went through the fases answer the questions.
 It whent on and installed about 1200 files without asking the wireless 
 Now I think it must have used the wired connection.

That'a good sign.  If you didn't have to provide any information during 
installation, it would mean the setup was determined automatically.  Is 
the wired connection you're trying to use now the same one you were 
hooked up to during the installation?

 When I rebooted (first reboot after install) it was found that the 
 wireless connection was used.
 It will not auto configure eth0. I can not manually configure eth0.
 I can not answer required questions.

Can you write what specific commands or GUI selections you try and what 
responses (error messages) you see?  And what do you mean by the 
required questions?

 Point of interest. Fedora 14 and Mandriva 2010.2 was able to configure 
 and use
  (1) Wired  (2) Wireless and (3) Mobile broad  on the same machine.
 They are all installed on separate external USB drives on same machine..
 Just switch cables to boot other distro.
 When debian 5.06 was used it connected to the wired connection.
 Did not upgrade (never upgrade) do fresh install always.
 Something must have changed.

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Re: Serial Connection

2011-03-27 Thread owens

- Original Message -
From: Stephen Powell 
Sent: 3/27/2011 6:41:37 PM
Subject: Re: Serial Connection

On Sun, 27 Mar 2011 11:40:40 -0400 (EDT), wrote: 
 On Sat, 26 Mar 2011 18:52:23 -0400 (EDT, Stephen Powell wrote: 
 I haven't tried this, but one thing you want to make sure of is that 
 you use a cross-over cable. The serial ports on PCs have what's known 
 as a DTE interface (Data Terminal Equipment). The serial ports on 
 modems have what's known as a DCE interface (Data Communications 
 Equipment). A standard serial cable is designed to connect a DTE 
 interface to a DCE interface (i.e. a computer to a modem). 
 What you are trying to do is connect two DTE interfaces together. 
 For that you need to use a special serial cable called a cross-over 
 cable which is specifically designed to connect a DTE interface to 
 another DTE interface. If you try to use a regular serial cable, 
 one designed to connect a DTE interface to a DCE interface, it won't work. 
 An alternative to using a cross-over cable is to use a device called 
 a null modem on one end of your serial cable. A null modem attached 
 to a standard serial cable effectively converts it into a cross-over 
 Connecting a serial printer to a computer also requires a cross-over 
 cable or a standard cable plus a null modem, since both devices have 
 a DTE interface. 
 You also might have to use two cables and two serial ports. One serial 
 port looks like a modem, with you as the terminal. minicom 
 allocates it. The other serial port looks like a serial console, 
 with you as the host. getty allocates it. The other server sees 
 a similar pattern. 
 There's usually more than crossing Transmit Data and Receive Data. 
 There are at least two control signals that are applicable. 
 Usually one borrows what is known as a break-out box to determine 
 which signals each side of the interface are active. There are 
 lots of good googles for RS-232 that will help. 

That's true. But a properly-wired cross-over cable or null modem 
not only crosses over TD and RD but also crosses over DTR and DSR 
and also crosses over RTS and CTS. Ground, of course, is wired 
to Ground. CD is normally tied to DSR on the same side of the 
interface (on both sides). RI is usually left unconnected. 

See, for example, 

.''`. Stephen Powell 
: :' : 
`. `'` 

Yes Stephen that's the traditional approach.  Unfortunately there are at 
least half-a dozen non-standard configurations (e.g. permanent RTS, connecting 
DSR to DTR) which drive RS-232 people nuts.  I agree that the place to start is 
with your traditional cable or with a null modem adaptor (essentially a black 
box that does all the interconnections for you, allowing straight through 
cables from either side to the boxes) but beware this may not work in all 

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Re: Serial Connection

2011-03-27 Thread Stephen Powell
On Sun, 27 Mar 2011 16:27:08 -0400 (EDT), Stan Hoeppner wrote:
 For attaching a terminal all you need to connect are pins 2, 3, and 7 on
 a DB25, or 2, 3, and 5 on a DB9.  Reverse 2,3 on one end of each cable
 to get your x-over.  All the other pins are for modems only and are not
 used for terminal connections.  Serial printers only need 2, 3, 7 as well.

That would be transmit data (TD), receive data (RD), and signal ground (SG),
respectively.  That is the minimum.  But it may not be sufficient.
If the terminal is set up for hardware flow control, for example, it
won't be sufficient.  Besides, the OP wants to cross-cable two servers
together, it seems, and use a minicom session on one to open a terminal session
on the other.  minicom was written for use with a modem and probably
expects more of these lines to be functional than just TD, RD, and SG.
The devil is in the details.  If he uses a full cross-over cable, as
outlined in

(or a standard serial cable with a similarly wired null modem), it should
work with any DTE-to-DTE connection.

  .''`. Stephen Powell
 : :'  :
 `. `'`

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Re: Cmake on Knoppix

2011-03-27 Thread Scott Ferguson
On 28/03/11 07:56, John Culleton wrote:
 Knoppix is a Debian derivative so I am asking here. I want to compile 
 svn versions of programs such as Scribus. Scribus has switched from 
 conventional ./configure, make, make install sequence to a cmake based 
 system. I can't seem to be able to download cmake using apt-get. Is it 
 cataloged under another name?

Have you tried the Knoppix repositories?

# KNOPPIX Sources
deb-src ./
# KNOPPIX Precompiled binaries
deb ./


 A: Yes.
 Q: Are you sure?
 A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
 Q: Why is top posting frowned upon?

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Re: Serial Connection

2011-03-27 Thread Stephen Powell
On Sun, 27 Mar 2011 19:30:49 -0400 (EDT), wrote:
 On Sun, 27 Mar 2011 14:41:37 -0400 (EDT, Stephen Powell wrote:
 That's true. But a properly-wired cross-over cable or null modem 
 not only crosses over TD and RD but also crosses over DTR and DSR 
 and also crosses over RTS and CTS. Ground, of course, is wired 
 to Ground. CD is normally tied to DSR on the same side of the 
 interface (on both sides). RI is usually left unconnected. 
 See, for example, 
 Yes Stephen that's the traditional approach.  Unfortunately
 there are at least half-a dozen non-standard configurations
 (e.g. permanent RTS, connecting DSR to DTR) which drive RS-232
 people nuts.  I agree that the place to start is with your
 traditional cable or with a null modem adaptor (essentially a
 black box that does all the interconnections for you, allowing
 straight through cables from either side to the boxes) but beware
 this may not work in all situations.

I agree.  Special situations may require special wiring.  As I
said in another post, the devil is in the details.

  .''`. Stephen Powell
 : :'  :
 `. `'`

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