debian problèmes lecture de vidéos

2011-10-09 Thread Tahar BEN ACHOUR
Bonsoir tout le monde,

Depuis quelques semaines j'ai pas mal de soucis avec la lecture des vidéos au 
format HD 720p le 1080p j'ai toujours eu des problèmes mais le 720p passait 
nickel, or depuis pas longtemps j'ai tout le temps des ralentissements que ce 
soit avec mplayer ou avec vlc, mplayer qui me sort le fameux message your 
computer is too slow, et vlc qui freeze et saute une bonne partie pour avoir 
après une image en mosaique jusqu'à ce qu'il retrouve plus ou moins une image 
correcte avant de repartir à nouveau dans ce que je viens de décrire, mplayer, 
c'est un décalage énorme avec l'image et le son.
j'avais installé mplayer et vlc à partir de ces dépôts pour avoir les codecs 
les plus récents deb squeeze main non-free
 parce que lorsque j'ai installé debian j'ai eu du mal à lire mes vidéos, et 
depuis l'installation depuis debian-multimedia ça marche, mais là c'est des 
ralentisements et vidéos saccadées 

Une idée ?


Re: debian problèmes lecture de vidéos

2011-10-09 Thread Bernard Schoenacker
Le Mon, 10 Oct 2011 01:56:30 +0100 (BST),
Tahar BEN ACHOUR  a écrit :

 Bonsoir tout le monde,
 Depuis quelques semaines j'ai pas mal de soucis avec la lecture des
 vidéos au format HD 720p le 1080p j'ai toujours eu des problèmes mais
 le 720p passait nickel, or depuis pas longtemps j'ai tout le temps
 des ralentissements que ce soit avec mplayer ou avec vlc, mplayer qui
 me sort le fameux message your computer is too slow, et vlc qui
 freeze et saute une bonne partie pour avoir après une image en
 mosaique jusqu'à ce qu'il retrouve plus ou moins une image correcte
 avant de repartir à nouveau dans ce que je viens de décrire, mplayer,
 c'est un décalage énorme avec l'image et le son. j'avais installé
 mplayer et vlc à partir de ces dépôts pour avoir les codecs les plus
 récents deb squeeze main non-free
 parce que lorsque j'ai installé debian j'ai eu du mal à lire mes
 vidéos, et depuis l'installation depuis debian-multimedia ça marche,
 mais là c'est des ralentisements et vidéos saccadées 
 Une idée ?


remonter à la base :

-a) lspci |grep VGA
-b) apt-cache depends mplayer-nogui
-c) que donne htop lors de la lecture d'une video (ssh distant) ?

par conséquence vérifier :

 la liste des mises à jour des dépendances concernant
mplayer et des paquets non installés 

remarque :

 en l'état des choses et pour l'instant les cartes graphiques
Ati-AMD sont fortement pénalisées 


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RE: Driver ati + compiz

2011-10-09 Thread Memo Robles

Subject: RE: Druver ati + compiz(Solucionado)
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2011 08:50:26 -0700

 Subject: Re: Druver ati + compiz
 Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2011 11:12:40 +
 El Mon, 26 Sep 2011 23:00:54 -0700, Memo Robles escribió:
 (por todas las espirales, qué formato de correo... ilegible. Ah, Hotmail 
 tenía que ser...)
  Hola buenas madrugradas jeje o noches cuando activo compiz me aparece
  esto y no se activan los efectos...aguien sabe por donde moverle
 No me cuadra lo que dices.
 ¿Cómo activas Compiz? ¿Seguiste las instrucciones?
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 Gracias cama funciono con esa pagina :) 
 ahora se ve de pocas pulgas mi pc :)

instale debian en otra pc, segui los mismos pasos para instalar compiz y se 
activa. pero no funciona, que sera?
esta es la conf del  Xorg.conf
Section ServerLayout Identifier aticonfig Layout   Screen  0  
aticonfig-Screen[0]-0 0 0EndSection
Section ModuleEndSection
Section Monitor   Identifier   aticonfig-Monitor[0]-0   Option  
VendorName ATI Proprietary Driver   Option  ModelName Generic 
Autodetecting Monitor Option  DPMS trueEndSection
Section DeviceIdentifier  aticonfig-Device[0]-0 Driver  
fglrx BusID   PCI:1:0:0Option XAANoOffscreenPixmaps 
Section ScreenIdentifier aticonfig-Screen[0]-0  Device 
aticonfig-Device[0]-0  Monitoraticonfig-Monitor[0]-0 
DefaultDepth 24 SubSection DisplayViewport   0 0  
Depth 24EndSubSectionEndSection
Section ExtensionsOption Composite enableEndSection  

Re: Fwd: Re: Problemas con VMWare Workstation 7.1.4

2011-10-09 Thread J.B

El 08/10/2011 21:15, Camaleón escribió:

El Sat, 08 Oct 2011 19:30:09 +0200, J.B escribió:

El 08/10/2011 17:34, Camaleón escribió:

El Sat, 08 Oct 2011 17:11:10 +0200, J.B escribió:

El 08/10/2011 17:01, Camaleón escribió:


Cuando intento iniciar vmware y me da el error, este es el log:


Vmware Workstation 7.1.4 fails with kernel 3.0.0-1-amd64

Y mas veces que me he insultado a mi mismo no puede ser , esta es
una lección que no creo que se me olvide.

Con insultos no es suficiente, hay que darse unos cuantos latigazos

Lo del enlace es lo que segui en un principio y me funciono
perfectamente, hasta que actualice.


Pero... hum, a ver, si ese parche de la 2.6.39 sirve para el kernel
3.0, ¿es posible que te hayas dejado algo por hacer? Porque si lo has
aplicado correctamente no te debería aparecer ese error.

No porque simplemente era descomprimir y ejecutar


Tienes el paquete de vmware por una parte y tienes el parche por otra.

Según los foros de vmware, este debería ser el parche (v3):

Antes de instalar vmware aplicas el parche y después, instalas en
programa. Ejecutas el script de configuración e inicias el servicio.


¿Y estás usando el mismo kernel que antes? Quizá necesites una versión
actualizada del script. Date una vuelta por la página esa del parche y
revisa los comentarios:


Hola buenos días,

Si estoy utilizando el mismo kernel ( 3.0.0-1-amd64 ) pero no se como 
puedo desinstalar el parche


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Re: Fwd: Re: Problemas con VMWare Workstation 7.1.4

2011-10-09 Thread Francesc Guitart
El dom, 09-10-2011 a las 08:29 +0200, J.B escribió:
 El 08/10/2011 21:15, Camaleón escribió:
  ¿Y estás usando el mismo kernel que antes? Quizá necesites una versión
  actualizada del script. Date una vuelta por la página esa del parche y
  revisa los comentarios:
 Hola buenos días,
 Si estoy utilizando el mismo kernel ( 3.0.0-1-amd64 ) pero no se como 
 puedo desinstalar el parche

¿Has comprobado realmente esto con un uname -a?

¿No es posible que cuando actualizaras VMware también lo hiciera el
kernel? ¿Como actualizaste VMware? ¿Con un aptitude

Si después de la actualización de VMware te faltan módulos en el kernel
es porque el kernel es nuevo.

Francesc Guitart

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RE: Driver ati + compiz

2011-10-09 Thread Francesc Guitart
El sáb, 08-10-2011 a las 23:19 -0700, Memo Robles escribió:
 instale debian en otra pc, segui los mismos pasos para instalar compiz
 y se activa. pero no funciona, que sera?

¿De que modelo ATI se trata? Solo los últimos modelos de ATI están
soportados por el driver propietario. Para los más antiguos hay que usar
radeon o radionhd.

Envía la salida del siguiente comando a la lista:

glxinfo | grep -i renderer

Francesc Guitart

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Re: Problemas en Debian

2011-10-09 Thread Javier Silva
El 09/10/2011 08:37, mordoc zero escribió:

 Solo espero que jamas instales desde cero Squeeze, esto te va a destruir
tu sistema operativo que viene de actualizaciones. Suerte

Si no es capaz de responder a la lista, dudo mucho que sea capaz de instalar
ningún sistema. Por cierto he instalado también Squeeze dede 0 y tampoco he
tenido estos problemas que mencionas, aunque igual soy el único de la lista
que ha conseguido instalar Squeeze.

Javier Silva

Re: Fwd: Re: Problemas con VMWare Workstation 7.1.4

2011-10-09 Thread Camaleón
El Sun, 09 Oct 2011 08:29:05 +0200, J.B escribió:

 Si estoy utilizando el mismo kernel ( 3.0.0-1-amd64 ) pero no se como
 puedo desinstalar el parche

Los parches no se desinstalan, se aplican sobre el código. 

Volvamos a repasar...

Dices que has instalado este parche:

Que tiene su origen en esta página:

Algunos comentarios indican que _no funciona_ con el kernel 3.0, ¿has visto 
si en el blog hay alguna versión actualizada del parche? Si antes te 
funcionaba y ahora no es porque algo ha cambiado. Y seguramente la 
versión 7.1.5 te fallaba por lo mismo.

También podrías intentarlo con otro método... mira, por aquí tienes 
instrucciones diferentes:



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Re: [OT] Re: Reinstalación de Linux (casi Perfecto, por ahora)

2011-10-09 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 08 Oct 2011 22:27:40 +, alexander villalba escribió:

 Camaleon dice que le comento sobre el fallo que publique en esta lista,
 no he visto tal cosa en ninguno de los mensajes del hilo. 

Entonces deberías ponerte gafas.

 Pero de haberlo hecho debio hacerlo en el primer mensaje en el cual lo
 unico que hizo fue responderle que:
 I'd say that kernel oops deserves a bug against linux-2.6 package
 Sin titubear, ni acusarlo de troll, ni ninguno de esos improperios que
 se me han dicho en esta lista. Obviamente atribuyendole todo el merito.


Me parece una falta de respeto tremenda lo que estás haciendo. Ya no sólo 
tienes la indecencia de morder la mano que te da de comer sino que estás 
insultando a una persona que no conoces.

 Es cierto que la descrición del bug ( esta mejor
 especificado que el mio ( e
 incluso tiene diferencias. Pero esto es mentira o una verdad a medias:
 I hope that it'll reflect in a good contribution towards even better
 open source software.
 Lo que se ve es que quiera ponerse a si mismo de primer plano, figurar,
 tener sus segundos de fama o qué se yo. Por eso lo llame payaso y tengo
 muy pocas dudas de lo es. Admito que no es tan fácil entenderlo ... hay
 ser algo retorcido para comulgar con esas cosas. 

No, no es fácil entender lo que no existe, sólo una persona demente es 
capaz de decir semejantes sandeces. Así que modérate, porque no te voy a 
pasar ni una. 

 Camaleon es retorcido, quise decir retorcida, el propio hecho de
 ponerse un nick masculino siendo mujer (como me ha confesado), es ya un
 ejemplo, pero hay muchos otros.

Camaleón es una persona que suele tener mucha paciencia pero todo tiene 
un límite. Si quieres faltar al respeto a la gente este no es tu lugar.

 Ahora dije que tenía diferencias, esas diferencias son superficiales. La
 gran diferencia es que en ese bug nunca se pone el equipo en suspención.
 Sino que simplemente se desconecta y e inmediatamente se vuelve a
 conectar la unidad de almacenamiento masivo  SIN PREVIAMENTE DESMONTARLA
 (no lo dice), que debería ser el procedimiento normal. Puedo decir que
 se me han quemado al menos unos 2 pendrivers  haciendo eso, así que no
 lo creo del todo recomendable, pero es improbable que probando una sola
 vez vaya a pasar eso.

Pues ya sabes lo que tienes que hacer, desmontar la unidad antes de 

 Si se sigue el procedimiento normal, uno no debería toparse con eso Bug.

El procedimiento normal es desmontar la unidad antes de desconectarla.

 Lo que hacia yo, era que suspendia el equipo y como entonces era como si
 estuviera en efecto apagado, podía desconectar inmediatamente la unidad,
 sin preocuparme. 

Mal hecho. La hibernación/suspensión no siempre funciona con todos los 

 Lo que describia en la consola tampoco es necerio para ver el bug en
 los mensajes del kernel, pero si se hace eso permite visualizar casi de
 inmediato la ventanita que informa del reporte de un kerneloops. Para 
 los que no tengan activados esa clase de reportes, la verdad es que
 desconozco si el SO les daría algun tipo de mensaje de advertencia o
 error, pero fue así que me entere había pasado algo grave en el Debian
 Squeeze y fue entonces que me puse a revisar los mensajes del nucleo.

El mensaje del kernel oops debe estar registrado en el /var/log/syslog.

 ¿Entonces como se debio haber tratado este problema?:
 1. Se debio haber tomado en serio el reporte o el mensaje que publique
 en esta lista.

Ya lo hice y mira cómo me lo estás pagando.

 2. Luego de eso entonces si podía venir el Sr.  Ad L. y hacer, si queria aquella, contribución de
 que no era necesario suspender el equipo para visualizar el bug, hacer
 una descripción más técnica e incluso, si queria ser el primero, en ir a
 reportar eso a la lista de Debian en inglés. Haciendo al menos una
 mínima mención al reporte que hice en esta piche lista en español (me
 disculpan pero de verdad queda mal esta lista) e incluyendo un enlace a
 el reporte inicial.

Alexander, tu ignorancia me sorprende cada día más. Y no sólo eso, sino 
que encima insultas a la gente que hace lo que debe hacer, que además lo 
hace bien y que además, sabe lo que hace. Ya podrías aprender tú un poco 
del usuario Ad L., así no dirías tantas tonterías.

 ¿No es así como deberia funcionar esto del Sotware Libre?

No, por supuesto.

 Nada de esto ocurrio, lo que se hizo fue primero dejarme en rídiculo con
 aquello de troll, mientras Camaleon con no se qué clase de asociación
 con el  Sr.  Ad L., le atribuia todo el merito de haber dado con el bug

Camaleón quería ayudar al payaso de Alexander, pero el payaso de 
Alexander está más preocupado en escribir tonterías en esta lista que en 
solucionar su problema.

 No voy a entrar en una absurda disputa por esto, pero de verdad me
 molesta, es molesto y no lo 

Re: Driver ati + compiz

2011-10-09 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 08 Oct 2011 23:19:28 -0700, Memo Robles escribió:

(ese html...)

 instale debian en otra pc, segui los mismos pasos para instalar compiz y
 se activa. pero no funciona, que sera? 

Pues chico, como nos des alguna pista... :-)

¿Qué quieres decir con se activa pero no funciona?

Seguiste los mismos pasos y ¿te apareció algún mensaje de error o algo?



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Re: bind9 actualizar la zona inversa automaticamente desde la directa

2011-10-09 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 08 Oct 2011 11:46:51 -0300, Flako escribió:

Tengo una duda conceptual de  bind y zonas inversas. Configure la
zonas principal y inversa para mi dominio, donde estan
 anda bien. pero como que no encuentro documentacion de como hacer que la
 zona inversa se actualice automaticamente desde los datos de la
 principal, esto es posible? bind tiene un parametro?
Realmente toy pensado en hacer un script que lea la zona inversa y
 genere el archivo inverso..
Ustedes que hacen normalmente?  editar los dos archivos?

¿Por qué no explicas con un ejemplo práctico que es lo que quieres hacer, 
o dicho de otro modo, qué es lo que te gustaría que pasara 
automáticamente y qué configuración usas actualmente?

No me queda clara tu pregunta y Google tampoco encuentra ninguna 
referencia a casos prácticos sobre la actualización automática de zonas 
inversas salvo que uses una configuración de dns dinámico (busca por 
dynamic updates en Bind9 para ver qué tipo de cambios permite 



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Re: Fwd: Re: Problemas con VMWare Workstation 7.1.4

2011-10-09 Thread J.B

El 09/10/2011 11:50, Camaleón escribió:

El Sun, 09 Oct 2011 08:29:05 +0200, J.B escribió:

Si estoy utilizando el mismo kernel ( 3.0.0-1-amd64 ) pero no se como
puedo desinstalar el parche


Los parches no se desinstalan, se aplican sobre el código.

Volvamos a repasar...

Dices que has instalado este parche:

Que tiene su origen en esta página:

Algunos comentarios indican que _no funciona_ con el kernel 3.0, ¿has visto
si en el blog hay alguna versión actualizada del parche? Si antes te
funcionaba y ahora no es porque algo ha cambiado. Y seguramente la
versión 7.1.5 te fallaba por lo mismo.

También podrías intentarlo con otro método... mira, por aquí tienes
instrucciones diferentes:


Hola buenas tardes,

Me vais a matar, como tenia la cosa bastante difícil ( ya me veía 
reinstalando todo ) pues he desinstalado la 7.1.4 reinicio, lanzo la 
instalación de la versión 8 , no me da ningún problema, y cuando intento 
arrancar una de las máquinas, perfectamente sin errores, sin tener que 
realizar un modprobe
nada , miedo me da. Y confirmado mi kernel es 3.0.0-1-amd64 #1 SMP Sat 
Aug 27 16:21:11 UTC 2011 x86_64

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Re: Fwd: Re: Problemas con VMWare Workstation 7.1.4

2011-10-09 Thread Camaleón
El Sun, 09 Oct 2011 16:00:09 +0200, J.B escribió:

 Me vais a matar, 

Hombre, tampoco es eso }:-)

Bien está lo que bien acaba.

 como tenia la cosa bastante difícil ( ya me veía
 reinstalando todo ) pues he desinstalado la 7.1.4 reinicio, lanzo la
 instalación de la versión 8 , no me da ningún problema, y cuando intento
 arrancar una de las máquinas, perfectamente sin errores, sin tener que
 realizar un modprobe
 nada , miedo me da. Y confirmado mi kernel es 3.0.0-1-amd64 #1 SMP Sat
 Aug 27 16:21:11 UTC 2011 x86_64

Pues mira, mucho mejor, ahora tienes una versión más moderna de la VM ;-)

Lo que debes tener en cuenta es que VMware (server/player/workstation) 
siempre suele tener problemas para instalarse, lo habitual es tener que 
usar algún parche como el que has estado usando, para adaptarse a los 
cambios, ya que vmware se compila siempre contra una versión determinada 
del kernel, así que con cada actualización (bien de la propia aplicación 
o bien del kernel) se pueden romper las cosas.



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Re: Fwd: Re: Problemas con VMWare Workstation 7.1.4

2011-10-09 Thread J.B

El 09/10/2011 16:09, Camaleón escribió:

El Sun, 09 Oct 2011 16:00:09 +0200, J.B escribió:

Me vais a matar,

Hombre, tampoco es eso }:-)

Bien está lo que bien acaba.

como tenia la cosa bastante difícil ( ya me veía
reinstalando todo ) pues he desinstalado la 7.1.4 reinicio, lanzo la
instalación de la versión 8 , no me da ningún problema, y cuando intento
arrancar una de las máquinas, perfectamente sin errores, sin tener que
realizar un modprobe
nada , miedo me da. Y confirmado mi kernel es 3.0.0-1-amd64 #1 SMP Sat
Aug 27 16:21:11 UTC 2011 x86_64

Pues mira, mucho mejor, ahora tienes una versión más moderna de la VM ;-)

Lo que debes tener en cuenta es que VMware (server/player/workstation)
siempre suele tener problemas para instalarse, lo habitual es tener que
usar algún parche como el que has estado usando, para adaptarse a los
cambios, ya que vmware se compila siempre contra una versión determinada
del kernel, así que con cada actualización (bien de la propia aplicación
o bien del kernel) se pueden romper las cosas.


Hombre lo tenia claro desde un principio, pero lo habria asumido mejor 
si hubiera pasado de la 7.1.4 a la 8, y miedo me da cuando toque 
actualizar el kernel, miraré que paquetes se actualizan.

De verdad gracias por todo, y yo intento ayudar pero es que la gente 
pone unos problemas raros raros raros, de programas que no he oido en la 

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Re: Fwd: Re: Problemas con VMWare Workstation 7.1.4

2011-10-09 Thread Camaleón
El Sun, 09 Oct 2011 16:14:02 +0200, J.B escribió:

 El 09/10/2011 16:09, Camaleón escribió:


 Lo que debes tener en cuenta es que VMware (server/player/workstation)
 siempre suele tener problemas para instalarse, lo habitual es tener que
 usar algún parche como el que has estado usando, para adaptarse a los
 cambios, ya que vmware se compila siempre contra una versión
 determinada del kernel, así que con cada actualización (bien de la
 propia aplicación o bien del kernel) se pueden romper las cosas.

 Hombre lo tenia claro desde un principio, pero lo habria asumido mejor
 si hubiera pasado de la 7.1.4 a la 8, y miedo me da cuando toque
 actualizar el kernel, miraré que paquetes se actualizan.

Je, por eso te lo he comentado, parece que el kernel 3.1 necesitará de 
otro de esos parches:

Así que ya sabes, ojo cuando tengas que darle al apt-get dist-upgrade ;-)



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[OT] Nueva versión de Flash Player disponible

2011-10-09 Thread Camaleón

Para quienes aún no lo sepan, Adobe sacó la versión 11 de su flash player 
hace unos días.

Lo comento porque no lo he visto actualizado en los repos de D-M, que 
siguen con la 10.3 (rama estable) y quienes usen el paquete flashplugin-
nonfree de los repos de Debian supongo que tendrán que ejecutar 
manualmente alguna rutina de actualización.

Podéis comprobar la versión actual que tenéis desde esta página:

Esta versión ( ya no es beta y se encuentra disponible de 
manera nativa para sistemas de 64 bits.

Nota: sigue yendo igual de mal como de costumbre.



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Re: [OT] Nueva versión de Flash Player disponible

2011-10-09 Thread Nicolas Bevilacqua

El 09/10/11 11:58, Camaleón escribió:




Nota: sigue yendo igual de mal como de costumbre.

Por que será que no me sorprende? XD


Saludos a ti también.

:(){:|:};: - In a world without Fences and Walls, who needs Windows and 
Gates - :(){:|:};:

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Re: [OT] Nueva versión de Flash Player disponible

2011-10-09 Thread Camaleón
El Sun, 09 Oct 2011 12:09:01 -0300, Nicolas Bevilacqua escribió:

 El 09/10/11 11:58, Camaleón escribió:


 Nota: sigue yendo igual de mal como de costumbre.

 Por que será que no me sorprende? XD

Porque lo que es malo nunca dejará de serlo ;-)



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Re: [OT] Nueva versión de Flash Player disponible

2011-10-09 Thread Luis Felipe Tabera
On Sunday October 9 2011, Camaleón wrote:
 Lo comento porque no lo he visto actualizado en los repos de D-M, que
 siguen con la 10.3 (rama estable) y quienes usen el paquete flashplugin-
 nonfree de los repos de Debian supongo que tendrán que ejecutar
 manualmente alguna rutina de actualización.

Si alguien quiere probarlo a la debian y ya tiene instalado el paquete 
flashplugin-nonfree, puede actualizar a esta versión ejecutando como root

#update-flashplugin-nonfree --install

Comprobado en testing 64 bits


Re: [OT] Nueva versión de Flash Player disponible

2011-10-09 Thread Mario Rivas Medrano
Mi querida Camaleón

El día 9 de octubre de 2011 09:58, Camaleón escribió:

 Para quienes aún no lo sepan, Adobe sacó la versión 11 de su flash player
 hace unos días.

A gracias por el dato!

 Lo comento porque no lo he visto actualizado en los repos de D-M, que
 siguen con la 10.3 (rama estable) y quienes usen el paquete flashplugin-
 nonfree de los repos de Debian supongo que tendrán que ejecutar
 manualmente alguna rutina de actualización.

 Podéis comprobar la versión actual que tenéis desde esta página:

 Esta versión ( ya no es beta y se encuentra disponible de
 manera nativa para sistemas de 64 bits.

 Nota: sigue yendo igual de mal como de costumbre.

Se tiene poco interés en mejorarla, creo que para la gente de adobe
basta con que medio funcione.



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Saludos y gracias de nuevo.
Atte: Mario Rivas Medrano
Laboratorio de Origen de la Vida
Departamento de Biología Evolutiva
Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM
Telefono: 55-56224823
Celular: 55-23083095

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Re: Debian, Iceweasel, ENDESA y todas las páginas de entidades

2011-10-09 Thread José Manuel (EB8CXW)

El 18/09/11 15:16, Camaleón escribió:

El Sun, 18 Sep 2011 15:06:42 +0100, José Manuel (EB8CXW) escribió:

El 18/09/11 09:29, Camaleón escribió:


Ponerse en contacto con ellos de poco suele servir porque no
generalmente no tienen la menor idea de lo que les dices así que
probaría directamente con otro navegador (Epiphany, Konqueror, Chrome,

Camaleón, gracias por contestar.  Me he tenido que instalar, ya que no
lo tenía, Chrome y Opera. Después he probado en los dos y en ambos puedo
visualizar las facturas y descargarmelas,  pero sigo en ambos sin poder
desconectar, ya que el botón esta desactivado en ambos navegadores. y
para salir tengo que hacerlo a lo bruto pulsando en la x, que esta en la
parte superior derecha de la ventana.

Lo más probable es que se trate de un error tonto de programación.

Puedes contactar con ellos y decirles lo que te pasa (mándales una imagen
para que vean a qué te refieres, omite/oculta datos sensibles), pero no
te preocupes, cuando cierras el navegador el sistema online de Endesa te
debería desconectar automáticamente de la sesión.



Sigo con este hilo, ya que ele problema no se ha solucionado, más bien 
se ha empeorado, ya que antes solo era ENDESA, ahora es cualquier web de 
bancos organismos públicos, por ejemplo la Consejería de Educación del 
Gobierno de Canarias, en este último caso es mi nominas que esta en PDF, 
antes no me sucedía esto yo la podía visualizar y descargar 
perfectamente con iceweasel y Debian testing, ahora en todos estos 
sitios, me aparece una página en blanco y no me deja hacer nada ni 
descargar, ni visualizar.

Esto, ha que puede ser debido, se puede solucionar, ya me diréis. 
Gracias de antemano.

Un saludo,
José Manuel
Gran Canaria/España

Si vas a escribir.. piensa en esto:
no digas nada que no sea mas precioso que el silencio!!!

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Reinstalar GRUB2

2011-10-09 Thread Darío
Hola lista, quisiera saber si es posible reinstalar GRUB2 en Debian,
ya que tuve que instalar lamentablemente Windows y obviamente me borró
el gestor de arranque del MBR.
Probé con Rescatux desde un pendrive pero no funcionó, seguí los
simples pasos para recuperarlo pero me dió un error al querer
actualizar e instalar GRUB2 (solamente decía que no se pudo actualizar
o reinstalar).
Lo que hice fue reinstalar en otra partición otro Debian sin entorno
gráfico y ahora sí puedo seleccionar el SO. Pero cuando al actualizar
el SO me actualizó otro núcleo y no puedo tener acceso porque el GRUB
pertenece al otro Debian (vacío).
Lo que me gustaría (si es posible) reinstalar GRUB donde tengo el
Debian que uso así aprovecho el espacio.



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Re: Problemas en Debian

2011-10-09 Thread Angel Claudio Alvarez
El sáb, 08-10-2011 a las 12:10 +0100, aion n escribió:
 Que sistema operativa se puede llamar serio cuando sus aplicaciones
 dejan de funcionar sin sentido de lo que se define por logica.
 Cuando se prueba y funciona, por ejemplo el escaner y la proxima vez
 que uno se conecta deja de funcionar.
 Cuando Debian va a lograr que sus aplicaciones sean lo suficientemente
 “resistentes” para que uno no tenga la incertidunbre, de saber si
 podra imprimir un documento o tendra que cerrar la sesion con Debian y
 reabrir con otro sistema operativo, que si permita hacer uso de la
 impresora, sin problemas . (digo esto por que no es la primera vez que
 me sucede este problema ilogico con algunas aplicaciones,actualmente
 por ejemplo, en Squeeze no funciona el copia y pega de textos desde
 navegador a LibreOffice y en Wheezy si).
 Que triste luchar por tener instalado un sistema libre, y sin embargo,
 no lograr que quien trabaje en el sea libre, triste contradicion.
 Puede que al final tenga que migrar a un sistema menos libre pero que
 permita que quienes no somos unos expertos podamos hacer uso del mismo
 “libremente” sin precisar grandes conocimientos de informatica.
 Cuando uno escucha que hay personas que dicen ser “fieles” a un
 sistema operativo por que no falla, por desgracia a dia de hoy, al
 menos quien escribe estos renglones siente envidia y tristeza. Envidia
 por que no todos los sistemas que surgieron de Unix parece que sean
 igual de “eficientes” y tristeza porque los eficientes cotizan en
 bolsa y retroalimentan a un sistema que es denigrante hacia los seres
 Tengo instalado Debian Wheezy, tengo reconocida la impresora Hp
 Officejet G85, puedo sacar “Printer Test Page”. Pero sin embargo no
 puedo imprimir ni desde LibreOffice pues cuando lo intento el
 resultado es 0, no hace copia ni muestra mensaje alguno (tenia Debian
 Squeeze y me daba el mismo problema).
 Y si intento intento escanear desde Simple Scan me indica “Fallo al
 escanear, no se puede conectar con el escaner”.
 No soy programador, ni esperto en informatica, pero considero que si
 es necesario serlo para trabajar con Debian agradeceria se me
 indicara, para migrar donde no sea preciso ese perfil de usuario.

Si no sos programador ni esperto  deberias haber leido el disclaimer
que dice que las quejas va a /dev/null.

Si no sos programador ni esperto para que elgiste debian?? que
precisamente no esta pensada para el usuario final sin conocimientos,
sino que esta basicamente orientada A SERVIDORES??

Si no sos programador ni esperto pra que psarse a testing ??? cuando
esta escrito por todos lados que no hay garantia de que funcione todo a
la perfeccion?

Por ultimo, felicitaciones !! estas en el top ten de los TROLLS 2011
pero no te descuides, hay mucha competencia ultimamente

Hasta nunca

 Un saludo.
   Jose Luis Leon

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Re: Reinstalar GRUB2

2011-10-09 Thread Carlos Miranda Molina (Mstaaravin)
2011/10/9 Darío
 Hola lista, quisiera saber si es posible reinstalar GRUB2 en Debian,
 ya que tuve que instalar lamentablemente Windows y obviamente me borró
 el gestor de arranque del MBR.
 Probé con Rescatux desde un pendrive pero no funcionó, seguí los
 simples pasos para recuperarlo pero me dió un error al querer
 actualizar e instalar GRUB2 (solamente decía que no se pudo actualizar
 o reinstalar).
 Lo que hice fue reinstalar en otra partición otro Debian sin entorno
 gráfico y ahora sí puedo seleccionar el SO. Pero cuando al actualizar
 el SO me actualizó otro núcleo y no puedo tener acceso porque el GRUB
 pertenece al otro Debian (vacío).
 Lo que me gustaría (si es posible) reinstalar GRUB donde tengo el
 Debian que uso así aprovecho el espacio.

Ahi tenés un ejemplo de cómo restaurar un GRUB (obviando el uso de
dmraid que no lo necesitás en tu caso)

Tenes que ingresar con tu livecd/pendrive (with Debian) en modo
rescue, seguir todo el proceso y te va a reconocer tu /root

el mismo asistente te da una shell y alli sólo tiene que hacer

grub-install /dev/sda (para instalar en el mbr del disco)
grub-mkconfig  /boot/grub/grub.cfg (te genera el nuevo cfg con todos
los sistemas disponibles)

Reinicias y listo!

La Voluntad es el único motor de nuestros logros

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Re: Reinstalar GRUB2

2011-10-09 Thread Darío
El día 9 de octubre de 2011 20:56, Carlos Miranda Molina (Mstaaravin) escribió:
 2011/10/9 Darío
 Hola lista, quisiera saber si es posible reinstalar GRUB2 en Debian,
 ya que tuve que instalar lamentablemente Windows y obviamente me borró
 el gestor de arranque del MBR.
 Probé con Rescatux desde un pendrive pero no funcionó, seguí los
 simples pasos para recuperarlo pero me dió un error al querer
 actualizar e instalar GRUB2 (solamente decía que no se pudo actualizar
 o reinstalar).
 Lo que hice fue reinstalar en otra partición otro Debian sin entorno
 gráfico y ahora sí puedo seleccionar el SO. Pero cuando al actualizar
 el SO me actualizó otro núcleo y no puedo tener acceso porque el GRUB
 pertenece al otro Debian (vacío).
 Lo que me gustaría (si es posible) reinstalar GRUB donde tengo el
 Debian que uso así aprovecho el espacio.

 Ahi tenés un ejemplo de cómo restaurar un GRUB (obviando el uso de
 dmraid que no lo necesitás en tu caso)

 Tenes que ingresar con tu livecd/pendrive (with Debian) en modo
 rescue, seguir todo el proceso y te va a reconocer tu /root

 el mismo asistente te da una shell y alli sólo tiene que hacer

 grub-install /dev/sda (para instalar en el mbr del disco)
 grub-mkconfig  /boot/grub/grub.cfg (te genera el nuevo cfg con todos
 los sistemas disponibles)

 Reinicias y listo!

 La Voluntad es el único motor de nuestros logros

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¿Qué pasaría si lo hago desde modo rescate que me da la opción de GRUB
y lo reinstaló ahí?


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Re: Problemas en Debian

2011-10-09 Thread Yukiteru Amano
Hash: SHA256

El 09/10/11 04:49, Javier Silva escribió:
 El 09/10/2011 08:37, mordoc zero escribió:

 Solo espero que jamas instales desde cero Squeeze, esto te va a destruir
 tu sistema operativo que viene de actualizaciones. Suerte
 Si no es capaz de responder a la lista, dudo mucho que sea capaz de instalar
 ningún sistema. Por cierto he instalado también Squeeze dede 0 y tampoco he
 tenido estos problemas que mencionas, aunque igual soy el único de la lista
 que ha conseguido instalar Squeeze.
 Javier Silva

Yo siempre he instalado Debian desde 0, usando netinstall. Ni se diga de
Slackware o Arch XD

- -- 
- --
God in his Heaven, all right in the Earth!
Dios en su Cielo, todo bien en la Tierra!
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: Problemas en Debian

2011-10-09 Thread Nicolas Bevilacqua

El 09/10/11 20:56, Angel Claudio Alvarez escribió:

El sáb, 08-10-2011 a las 12:10 +0100, aion n escribió:

Que sistema operativa se puede llamar serio cuando sus aplicaciones
dejan de funcionar sin sentido de lo que se define por logica.

Cuando se prueba y funciona, por ejemplo el escaner y la proxima vez
que uno se conecta deja de funcionar.

Cuando Debian va a lograr que sus aplicaciones sean lo suficientemente
“resistentes” para que uno no tenga la incertidunbre, de saber si
podra imprimir un documento o tendra que cerrar la sesion con Debian y
reabrir con otro sistema operativo, que si permita hacer uso de la
impresora, sin problemas . (digo esto por que no es la primera vez que
me sucede este problema ilogico con algunas aplicaciones,actualmente
por ejemplo, en Squeeze no funciona el copia y pega de textos desde
navegador a LibreOffice y en Wheezy si).

Que triste luchar por tener instalado un sistema libre, y sin embargo,
no lograr que quien trabaje en el sea libre, triste contradicion.

Puede que al final tenga que migrar a un sistema menos libre pero que
permita que quienes no somos unos expertos podamos hacer uso del mismo
“libremente” sin precisar grandes conocimientos de informatica.

Cuando uno escucha que hay personas que dicen ser “fieles” a un
sistema operativo por que no falla, por desgracia a dia de hoy, al
menos quien escribe estos renglones siente envidia y tristeza. Envidia
por que no todos los sistemas que surgieron de Unix parece que sean
igual de “eficientes” y tristeza porque los eficientes cotizan en
bolsa y retroalimentan a un sistema que es denigrante hacia los seres

Tengo instalado Debian Wheezy, tengo reconocida la impresora Hp
Officejet G85, puedo sacar “Printer Test Page”. Pero sin embargo no
puedo imprimir ni desde LibreOffice pues cuando lo intento el
resultado es 0, no hace copia ni muestra mensaje alguno (tenia Debian
Squeeze y me daba el mismo problema).

Y si intento intento escanear desde Simple Scan me indica “Fallo al
escanear, no se puede conectar con el escaner”.

No soy programador, ni esperto en informatica, pero considero que si
es necesario serlo para trabajar con Debian agradeceria se me
indicara, para migrar donde no sea preciso ese perfil de usuario.

Si no sos programador ni esperto  deberias haber leido el disclaimer
que dice que las quejas va a /dev/null.

Si no sos programador ni esperto para que elgiste debian?? que
precisamente no esta pensada para el usuario final sin conocimientos,
sino que esta basicamente orientada A SERVIDORES??

Si no sos programador ni esperto pra que psarse a testing ??? cuando
esta escrito por todos lados que no hay garantia de que funcione todo a
la perfeccion?

Por ultimo, felicitaciones !! estas en el top ten de los TROLLS 2011
pero no te descuides, hay mucha competencia ultimamente

Hasta nunca

Un saludo.

   Jose Luis Leon

Con Alexander están peleando el primer puesto. XD.

:(){:|:};: - In a world without Fences and Walls, who needs Windows and 
Gates - :(){:|:};:

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RE: Driver ati + compiz

2011-10-09 Thread Memo Robles

 Subject: Re: Driver ati + compiz
 Date: Sun, 9 Oct 2011 10:11:50 +
 El Sat, 08 Oct 2011 23:19:28 -0700, Memo Robles escribió:
 (ese html...)
  instale debian en otra pc, segui los mismos pasos para instalar compiz y
  se activa. pero no funciona, que sera? 
 Pues chico, como nos des alguna pista... :-)
 ¿Qué quieres decir con se activa pero no funciona?
 Seguiste los mismos pasos y ¿te apareció algún mensaje de error o algo?
 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

No me marco ningun error, todo normal.
y lo de no funciona es que cuando activo compiz por terminal, se parpadea la 
pantalla de como si se activara, pero por ejemplo no puedo hacer las ventanas 
gelatinosas ni efectos de movimiento como escalar y si los tengo activados
dmem@debpc:~$ glxinfo | grep -i rendererOpenGL renderer string: ATI Radeon HD 


RE: Driver ati + compiz

2011-10-09 Thread Memo Robles

Subject: RE: Driver ati + compiz
Date: Sun, 9 Oct 2011 19:39:43 -0700

 Subject: Re: Driver ati + compiz
 Date: Sun, 9 Oct 2011 10:11:50 +
 El Sat, 08 Oct 2011 23:19:28 -0700, Memo Robles escribió:
 (ese html...)
  instale debian en otra pc, segui los mismos pasos para instalar compiz y
  se activa. pero no funciona, que sera? 
 Pues chico, como nos des alguna pista... :-)
 ¿Qué quieres decir con se activa pero no funciona?
 Seguiste los mismos pasos y ¿te apareció algún mensaje de error o algo?
 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

No me marco ningun error, todo normal.
y lo de no funciona es que cuando activo compiz por terminal, se parpadea la 
pantalla de como si se activara, pero por ejemplo no puedo hacer las ventanas 
gelatinosas ni efectos de movimiento como escalar y si los tengo activados
dmem@debpc:~$ glxinfo | grep -i rendererOpenGL renderer string: ATI Radeon HD 
como extra cuando activo compiz en la terminal me muestra siempre esto
(compiz-decorator:2880): GConf-CRITICAL **: gconf_client_set_string: assertion 
`val != NULL' failed y no puego agregar mas escritrios de trabajo, solo me deja 


Re: Problemas en Debian

2011-10-09 Thread Edwin Carrillo
Larga Vida al TROLL

Por cierto yo he instalado mas 30 veces Debian en mi PC y nunca he tenido

El 9 de octubre de 2011 21:10, Nicolas Bevilacqua

 El 09/10/11 20:56, Angel Claudio Alvarez escribió:

  El sáb, 08-10-2011 a las 12:10 +0100, aion n escribió:

 Que sistema operativa se puede llamar serio cuando sus aplicaciones
 dejan de funcionar sin sentido de lo que se define por logica.

 Cuando se prueba y funciona, por ejemplo el escaner y la proxima vez
 que uno se conecta deja de funcionar.

 Cuando Debian va a lograr que sus aplicaciones sean lo suficientemente
 “resistentes” para que uno no tenga la incertidunbre, de saber si
 podra imprimir un documento o tendra que cerrar la sesion con Debian y
 reabrir con otro sistema operativo, que si permita hacer uso de la
 impresora, sin problemas . (digo esto por que no es la primera vez que
 me sucede este problema ilogico con algunas aplicaciones,actualmente
 por ejemplo, en Squeeze no funciona el copia y pega de textos desde
 navegador a LibreOffice y en Wheezy si).

 Que triste luchar por tener instalado un sistema libre, y sin embargo,
 no lograr que quien trabaje en el sea libre, triste contradicion.

 Puede que al final tenga que migrar a un sistema menos libre pero que
 permita que quienes no somos unos expertos podamos hacer uso del mismo
 “libremente” sin precisar grandes conocimientos de informatica.

 Cuando uno escucha que hay personas que dicen ser “fieles” a un
 sistema operativo por que no falla, por desgracia a dia de hoy, al
 menos quien escribe estos renglones siente envidia y tristeza. Envidia
 por que no todos los sistemas que surgieron de Unix parece que sean
 igual de “eficientes” y tristeza porque los eficientes cotizan en
 bolsa y retroalimentan a un sistema que es denigrante hacia los seres

 Tengo instalado Debian Wheezy, tengo reconocida la impresora Hp
 Officejet G85, puedo sacar “Printer Test Page”. Pero sin embargo no
 puedo imprimir ni desde LibreOffice pues cuando lo intento el
 resultado es 0, no hace copia ni muestra mensaje alguno (tenia Debian
 Squeeze y me daba el mismo problema).

 Y si intento intento escanear desde Simple Scan me indica “Fallo al
 escanear, no se puede conectar con el escaner”.

 No soy programador, ni esperto en informatica, pero considero que si
 es necesario serlo para trabajar con Debian agradeceria se me
 indicara, para migrar donde no sea preciso ese perfil de usuario.

 Si no sos programador ni esperto  deberias haber leido el disclaimer
 que dice que las quejas va a /dev/null.

 Si no sos programador ni esperto para que elgiste debian?? que
 precisamente no esta pensada para el usuario final sin conocimientos,
 sino que esta basicamente orientada A SERVIDORES??

 Si no sos programador ni esperto pra que psarse a testing ??? cuando
 esta escrito por todos lados que no hay garantia de que funcione todo a
 la perfeccion?

 Por ultimo, felicitaciones !! estas en el top ten de los TROLLS 2011
 pero no te descuides, hay mucha competencia ultimamente

 Hasta nunca

 Un saludo.

   Jose Luis Leon

 Con Alexander están peleando el primer puesto. XD.

 :(){:|:};: - In a world without Fences and Walls, who needs Windows and
 Gates - :(){:|:};:

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 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact


calam - Edwin Carrillo
311 279 4973

Re: bind9 actualizar la zona inversa automaticamente desde la directa

2011-10-09 Thread julio
El sáb, 08-10-2011 a las 11:46 -0300, Flako escribió:
 no encuentro documentacion de como hacer que
 la zona inversa se actualice automaticamente desde los datos de la
 principal, esto es posible? bind tiene un parametro?

Que yo sepa, no.

Ustedes que hacen normalmente?  editar los dos archivos? 

Yo si, edito ambos archivos.

Un saludo


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Debian, Iceweasel, ENDESA y todas las páginas de entidades

2011-10-09 Thread julio
El lun, 10-10-2011 a las 00:06 +0100, José Manuel (EB8CXW) escribió:
 Esto, ha que puede ser debido, se puede solucionar, ya me diréis. 
 Gracias de antemano. 

¿Has probado con otro navegador?

Yo te recomendaría instalar un firefox actual y probar (convive con
iceweasel sin problemas). Si como dices de repente te fallan muchas
webs... el problema puedes tenerlo en tu equipo.

También puedes mandar una url que se pueda ver y que a ti te falle para
que podamos comprobarla.

Un saludo


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Servidor LTSP

2011-10-09 Thread Cleber Ianes

Estou preparando uma instalação de servidor de terminais por LTSP.
Estou achando dificuldades por não encontrar um manual em português ou 
um tutorial mais detalhado.
Os que achei sempre falta alguma coisa. Primeiramente que o LTSP não é 
um único pacote, claro, ele depende da configuração do dhcp (que já 
fiz), nfs (ok), do tftp (que instalei o atftp, mas não sei como testar a 
configuração pra saber se está funcionando).
Eu estou fazendo a configuração em uma VM VirtualBox, já consegui que o 
cliente receba o ip do dhcp, mas para em seguida porque não acha o 
diretório de boot e da a mensagem file not found.
Procurei no google informações a respeito e encontrei várias declarações 
da existência do problema, até achei algumas que diziam ter resolvido, 
mas não explicavam como, rsrsrs.

Alguém conhece algum material que possa me auxiliar?

Cleber Ianes -- Linux User #507338

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Re: Servidor LTSP

2011-10-09 Thread Adriano Rafael Gomes
Em Sun, 09 Oct 2011 14:53:08 -0300
Cleber Ianes escreveu:

 Estou preparando uma instalação de servidor de terminais
 por LTSP. Estou achando dificuldades por não encontrar um
 manual em português ou um tutorial mais detalhado.
 Os que achei sempre falta alguma coisa. Primeiramente que
 o LTSP não é um único pacote, claro, ele depende da
 configuração do dhcp (que já fiz), nfs (ok), do tftp (que
 instalei o atftp, mas não sei como testar a configuração
 pra saber se está funcionando). Eu estou fazendo a
 configuração em uma VM VirtualBox, já consegui que o
 cliente receba o ip do dhcp, mas para em seguida porque
 não acha o diretório de boot e da a mensagem file not
 found. Procurei no google informações a respeito e
 encontrei várias declarações da existência do problema,
 até achei algumas que diziam ter resolvido, mas não
 explicavam como, rsrsrs. Alguém conhece algum material
 que possa me auxiliar?

Olá, Cleber. Você já leu no wiki do Debian?

Você pode copiar a mensagem de erro pra lista?

Description: PGP signature

Re: Servidor LTSP

2011-10-09 Thread Cleber Ianes

Adriano, já li esse wiki sim, ele é mais uma receita de bolo que não
explica "qual a função da farinha" se é que me entende. rsrs

As msgs da máquina cliente são:

PXE-T01: File not found
PXE-E3B: TFTP Error - File Not found
PXE-M0F: Existin Intel PXE ROM
FATAL: Could not read from the boot medium! System halted

On 09-10-2011 15:11, Adriano Rafael Gomes wrote:

  Em Sun, 09 Oct 2011 14:53:08 -0300
Cleber Ianes escreveu:

Estou preparando uma instalação de servidor de terminais
por LTSP. Estou achando dificuldades por não encontrar um
manual em português ou um tutorial mais detalhado.
Os que achei sempre falta alguma coisa. Primeiramente que
o LTSP não é um único pacote, claro, ele depende da
configuração do dhcp (que já fiz), nfs (ok), do tftp (que
instalei o atftp, mas não sei como testar a configuração
pra saber se está funcionando). Eu estou fazendo a
configuração em uma VM VirtualBox, já consegui que o
"cliente" receba o ip do dhcp, mas para em seguida porque
não acha o diretório de boot e da a mensagem "file not
found". Procurei no google informações a respeito e
encontrei várias declarações da existência do problema,
até achei algumas que diziam ter resolvido, mas não
explicavam como, rsrsrs. Alguém conhece algum material
que possa me auxiliar?

Olá, Cleber. Você já leu no wiki do Debian?

Você pode copiar a mensagem de erro pra lista?

Cleber Ianes -- Linux User #507338



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Re: Servidor LTSP

2011-10-09 Thread Adriano Rafael Gomes
Em Sun, 09 Oct 2011 18:20:56 -0300
Cleber Ianes escreveu:

 Adriano, já li esse wiki sim, ele é mais uma receita de
 bolo que não explica qual a função da farinha se é que
 me entende. rsrs

Já tentou usar o tftpd-hpa? Tenho 2 servidores LTSP e uso o
tftpd-hpa neles, seguindo o tutorial do wiki do Debian.

 As msgs da máquina cliente são:
 PXE-T01: File not found
 PXE-E3B: TFTP Error - File Not found
 PXE-M0F: Existin Intel PXE ROM
 FATAL: Could not read from the boot medium! System halted

Não sei interpretar de forma exata as mensagens de erro
acima. Você já consultou nos logs do servidor se tem alguma

Você poderia enviar pra lista os arquivos de configuração?

Description: PGP signature

Re: Servidor LTSP

2011-10-09 Thread Cleber Ianes
Refiz toda a configuração desde o ponto que o dhcp estava ok. (Santo 
snapshot do VirtualBox rsrsrs)
Acertei vários detalhes, tal como baixar a iso do lstp e instalar a 
partir dela.

Dei um passo a mais.
Descobri como testar o tftpd-hpa, basta baixar um cliente tftp, executar 
ele e executar o comando get pxelinux.0.

Tá, na primeira vez deu certo, ele baixou o arquivo para o meu diretório 
em uso.
Já na segunda vez que executei o mesmo comando passou a dar timeout e 
não copia.

A máquina cliente começa a localizar e também me devolve um timeout

On 09-10-2011 21:33, Adriano Rafael Gomes wrote:

Em Sun, 09 Oct 2011 18:20:56 -0300
Cleber  escreveu:

Adriano, já li esse wiki sim, ele é mais uma receita de
bolo que não explica qual a função da farinha se é que
me entende. rsrs

Já tentou usar o tftpd-hpa? Tenho 2 servidores LTSP e uso o
tftpd-hpa neles, seguindo o tutorial do wiki do Debian.

As msgs da máquina cliente são:

PXE-T01: File not found
PXE-E3B: TFTP Error - File Not found
PXE-M0F: Existin Intel PXE ROM
FATAL: Could not read from the boot medium! System halted

Não sei interpretar de forma exata as mensagens de erro
acima. Você já consultou nos logs do servidor se tem alguma

Você poderia enviar pra lista os arquivos de configuração?

Cleber Ianes -- Linux User #507338

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Re: Servidor LTSP

2011-10-09 Thread Cleber Ianes



Desde 5ª feira e hoje desde às 12h, mas funcionou.
Amanhã vou refazer tudo, documentar e posto no meu blog o resultado 

On 09-10-2011 23:16, Cleber Ianes wrote:
Refiz toda a configuração desde o ponto que o dhcp estava ok. (Santo 
snapshot do VirtualBox rsrsrs)
Acertei vários detalhes, tal como baixar a iso do lstp e instalar a 
partir dela.

Dei um passo a mais.
Descobri como testar o tftpd-hpa, basta baixar um cliente tftp, 
executar ele e executar o comando get pxelinux.0.

Tá, na primeira vez deu certo, ele baixou o arquivo para o meu 
diretório em uso.
Já na segunda vez que executei o mesmo comando passou a dar timeout 
e não copia.

A máquina cliente começa a localizar e também me devolve um timeout

On 09-10-2011 21:33, Adriano Rafael Gomes wrote:

Em Sun, 09 Oct 2011 18:20:56 -0300
Cleber  escreveu:

Adriano, já li esse wiki sim, ele é mais uma receita de
bolo que não explica qual a função da farinha se é que
me entende. rsrs

Já tentou usar o tftpd-hpa? Tenho 2 servidores LTSP e uso o
tftpd-hpa neles, seguindo o tutorial do wiki do Debian.

As msgs da máquina cliente são:

PXE-T01: File not found
PXE-E3B: TFTP Error - File Not found
PXE-M0F: Existin Intel PXE ROM
FATAL: Could not read from the boot medium! System halted

Não sei interpretar de forma exata as mensagens de erro
acima. Você já consultou nos logs do servidor se tem alguma

Você poderia enviar pra lista os arquivos de configuração?

Cleber Ianes -- Linux User #507338

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Re: Servidor LTSP

2011-10-09 Thread Eden Caldas
Aproveitando. Alguém sabe se funciona legal uma estrutura LTSP com vários
terminais utilizando som? Mais especificamente cada terminal utilizando um
VOIP softfone. Estava pesquisando e parece que é meio traumático pois o
servidor não instancia vários pulseaudios para cada cliente.

Eden Caldas
Consultor de TI
(81) 9653 7220
LINUX FÁCIL – Consultoria e Serviços em TI

Em 10 de outubro de 2011 00:11, Cleber Ianes



 Desde 5ª feira e hoje desde às 12h, mas funcionou.
 Amanhã vou refazer tudo, documentar e posto no meu blog o resultado

 On 09-10-2011 23:16, Cleber Ianes wrote:

 Refiz toda a configuração desde o ponto que o dhcp estava ok. (Santo
 snapshot do VirtualBox rsrsrs)
 Acertei vários detalhes, tal como baixar a iso do lstp e instalar a partir

 Dei um passo a mais.
 Descobri como testar o tftpd-hpa, basta baixar um cliente tftp, executar
 ele e executar o comando get pxelinux.0.

 Tá, na primeira vez deu certo, ele baixou o arquivo para o meu diretório
 em uso.
 Já na segunda vez que executei o mesmo comando passou a dar timeout e
 não copia.
 A máquina cliente começa a localizar e também me devolve um timeout

 On 09-10-2011 21:33, Adriano Rafael Gomes wrote:

 Em Sun, 09 Oct 2011 18:20:56 -0300
 Cleber**  escreveu:

  Adriano, já li esse wiki sim, ele é mais uma receita de
 bolo que não explica qual a função da farinha se é que
 me entende. rsrs

 Já tentou usar o tftpd-hpa? Tenho 2 servidores LTSP e uso o
 tftpd-hpa neles, seguindo o tutorial do wiki do Debian.

  As msgs da máquina cliente são:

 PXE-T01: File not found
 PXE-E3B: TFTP Error - File Not found
 PXE-M0F: Existin Intel PXE ROM
 FATAL: Could not read from the boot medium! System halted

 Não sei interpretar de forma exata as mensagens de erro
 acima. Você já consultou nos logs do servidor se tem alguma

 Você poderia enviar pra lista os arquivos de configuração?

 Cleber Ianes -- Linux User #507338

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to 
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Department of Management enquiry

2011-10-09 Thread Management
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to your enquiry as soon as we can. Please be aware that during busy
periods it may take us some time to respond.

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outlines please consult the programme entry within the Graduate

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Questions' useful:

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Re: apt-get update -- invalid since xx xx xx(SOLVED)

2011-10-09 Thread Johan Scheepers

On 08/10/2011 22:36, Christian Körner wrote:

On 08/10/11 20:12, Johan Scheepers wrote:

Good day,

Kindly please what does this means. Never got this before..

apt-get update

Hit squeeze Release
Hit squeeze-updates Release
E: Release file expired, ignoring (invalid
since 16h 40min 53s)

Looks like the mirror has a problem as it serves a Release file with an
entry like: Valid-Until: Sat, 08 Oct 2011 02:24:48 UTC


How can this be corrected please.

You should contact to let them know - if
not done already. For time being you could flip to another mirror.

Also, this question had been posted some time ago ;)



Thanks for advice.
Did some more study and found...



System now up to date.

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Re: Upgrading base-files wants to wipe out half of system

2011-10-09 Thread Raf Czlonka
On Sat, Oct 08, 2011 at 11:45:02PM BST, Daniel D Jones wrote:
 Searching Google and this list archives haven't come up with anything on 
 Running apt-get upgrade, base-files and a number of other packages are being 
 held back.  Doing a dist-upgrade or manually upgrading base-files gives me 

Which release are you using? to which release are you trying to update?
What entries do you have in sources.list file(s)?
What do aptitude safe-upgrade and aptitude full-upgrade say

P.S. Please provide more information next time. It'll save us all time
in trying to help you - we're not mind-readers.


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Re: Debian SID - Can't setup Language for applications(using xdm, wmaker)

2011-10-09 Thread Raf Czlonka
On Thu, Oct 06, 2011 at 09:13:42PM BST, Csanyi Pal wrote:
 Raf Czlonka writes:
  What's the content of /etc/default/locale and what does locale say?
 The content of /etc/default/locale is:

Last but not least, try running:

% LANG=hu_HU.UTF-8 mc

or any other program prefixed with LANG.

Just tested it on my laptop with Hungarian locale and it works fine.
If the above work that would point to your DM or WM not setting your
environment properly.

Please check whether you have any other locale set in /etc/environment.


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Re: [OT] Yet Another Language Issue (wa: imap with claws mail problem)

2011-10-09 Thread Tony van der Hoff

On 09/10/11 00:28, Joe wrote:

On Sat, 8 Oct 2011 19:37:03 + (UTC)
Camaleó  wrote:

On Sat, 08 Oct 2011 19:25:03 +0200, Tony van der Hoff wrote:

On 06/10/11 17:33, Camaleón wrote:

OTOH, I dunno how Claws manages this,

Camaleón, I know English isn't your first language, although you
write it extremely well. I hope, therefore, that you won't take
offence at my picking you up on the ghastly contraction dunno.
The correct usage is I don't know.

I didn't know using dunno was incorrect, I mean, when using a
casual language like the one it happens on a mailing list such
this :-?

When I'm not sure about a word (which happens more times than I'd
like), I query several sources, like Google translate or the Oxford
dictionary and in both appears as a proper/valid term:|es|I%20dunno

But I'm always willing to learn, so may I ask why you find its usage
ofensive or not appropiate? I'm curious.

(feel free to e-mail me directly to avoid people gets angry for
filling up the list with more and more Off-Topic questions...)

I'll probably get mightily flamed for this, but it makes me bristle
every time I see it!

I will try to get used to a more polite speaking, but I will have to
discard from my mind all that AFAIK, IIRC, AFAICT..., which make me
write a bit faster and do less typos ;-)

I don't think it's a matter of politeness, and I doubt that Tony is
offended, but its usage in Britain is usually by, how can I put this,
lazy people who can't be bothered to speak clearly, who might say 'fink'
rather than 'think', because the 'th' sound is slightly harder to make.
'Dunno' is the vaguely sullen one-word answer that a small boy might
give when asked 'who broke the window?', while looking down and kicking
the ground.

In print, they might splatter their text with 'ur' for 'your', and '4'
and 'm8', the sort of abbreviations we see in Windows forums. A bit
more than just 'casual', but certainly not offensive.

We all build up a sort of picture of each other, and all we have to go
on is the style of writing: your English (and abbreviations) are
generally of a much higher standard, and if someone were speaking to me
face-to-face in your usual writing style, and dropped in 'dunno', it
would sound strange. A bit like the Queen saying it in her Christmas

But it's no big deal, you're not being rude to anyone.

I think that sums it up precisely!
Cheers, Tony

Tony van der Hoff  |
Ariège, France |

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Re: Debian SID - Can't setup Language for applications(using xdm, wmaker)

2011-10-09 Thread Csanyi Pal
Hi Raf,

Raf Czlonka writes:

 On Thu, Oct 06, 2011 at 09:13:42PM BST, Csanyi Pal wrote:
 Raf Czlonka writes:
  What's the content of /etc/default/locale and what does locale say?
 The content of /etc/default/locale is:

 Last but not least, try running:

 % LANG=hu_HU.UTF-8 mc

 or any other program prefixed with LANG.

I tried to run mc, ekiga, bluefish:
 $ LANG=hu_HU.UTF-8 mc
 $ LANG=hu_HU.UTF-8 ekiga
 $ LANG=hu_HU.UTF-8 bluefish

Neither mc and ekiga nor bluefish gives to me Hungarian menus. :(

 Just tested it on my laptop with Hungarian locale and it works fine.
 If the above work that would point to your DM or WM not setting your
 environment properly.

 Please check whether you have any other locale set in /etc/environment.

The /etc/environment on my Debian SID system is empty:
ls -l /etc/environment 
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 aug   18  2010 /etc/environment

Regards, Pal

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incorrect url in apt lists squeeze

2011-10-09 Thread Richard
I was having a problem with the listed url for the United Kingdom ftp debian 
kept giving errors.
The correct country designator in the url for the UK is uk not gb.
ie. NOT

That needs to be fixed before the next release.

Best wishes / 73
Richard Bown

e-mail:   or

nil carborundum a illegitemis
Ham Call G8JVM . OS Debian squeeze amd64 on a Dual core AMD Athlon 5200, 4 GB 
Maidenhead QRA: IO82SP38, LAT. 52 39.720' N LONG. 2 28.171 W ( degs mins )
QRV HF + VHF Microwave 23 cms:140W,13 cms:100W,6 cms:10W  3 cms:5W

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How to unlock apt-get?

2011-10-09 Thread Bill.M

Hi folks,

I'm having a problem with apt-get. I seem to be locked out of 
/var/lib/dpkg/lock and /var/lib/dpkg when I try to do an apt=get update 
, How can I clear these locks? And if there's another process using apt, 
how can I discover what it is? I've rebooted without success.



E: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old 
ones used instead.
E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource 
temporarily unavailable)
E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is 
another process using it?

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Re: [OT] Yet Another Language Issue (wa: imap with claws mail problem)

2011-10-09 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 08 Oct 2011 23:28:44 +0100, Joe wrote:

 On Sat, 8 Oct 2011 19:37:03 + (UTC) Camaleón
 On Sat, 08 Oct 2011 19:25:03 +0200, Tony van der Hoff wrote:
  On 06/10/11 17:33, Camaleón wrote:
  OTOH, I dunno how Claws manages this,
  Camaleón, I know English isn't your first language, although you
  write it extremely well. I hope, therefore, that you won't take
  offence at my picking you up on the ghastly contraction dunno. The
  correct usage is I don't know.


 I will try to get used to a more polite speaking, but I will have to
 discard from my mind all that AFAIK, IIRC, AFAICT..., which make me
 write a bit faster and do less typos ;-)
 I don't think it's a matter of politeness, and I doubt that Tony is
 offended, but its usage in Britain is usually by, how can I put this,
 lazy people who can't be bothered to speak clearly, who might say 'fink'
 rather than 'think', because the 'th' sound is slightly harder to make.
 'Dunno' is the vaguely sullen one-word answer that a small boy might
 give when asked 'who broke the window?', while looking down and kicking
 the ground.

Ah, I see what you mean. 

But English is an idiom full of contractions because English is very 
focused on practicality (it's a very technical language) more than 
caring in grammaticalities, good sounding and/or strict rules.

So would you bother if I write you're instead of you are? I hope you 
don't. And don't you find it's the same for dunno? I do. I mean, I 
don't think dunno can equate with, for example, more4less, I love u 
2 or something like that, a common slang used by young people and also 
for SMS/Twitter messaging, which I also try avoid as much as possible in 
any language.

OTOH, (oops... sorry) On the other hand, you have to think that is not 
the same for non-English speakers. This can sound a bit rare but for us 
(Spanish speaking users) is very hard to write some Enghlish words like 
don't know. We are not used to apostrophes and the word know is 
specially difficult for us (you won't see many words in Spanish with 
phonems k and n put altogether).

So that's the reason for (my) contracting, but I'll try to take note.

 In print, they might splatter their text with 'ur' for 'your', and '4'
 and 'm8', the sort of abbreviations we see in Windows forums. A bit more
 than just 'casual', but certainly not offensive.
 We all build up a sort of picture of each other, and all we have to go
 on is the style of writing: your English (and abbreviations) are
 generally of a much higher standard, and if someone were speaking to me
 face-to-face in your usual writing style, and dropped in 'dunno', it
 would sound strange. A bit like the Queen saying it in her Christmas

Yes, I understand what you mean here.

It's a shock to see a combination of grandilquents words alognside with 
simpletons but you will have to excuse me for that, when I write on this 
list I prefer to put the same things in less words: less words means 
fewer errors, it's a simple equation.

 But it's no big deal, you're not being rude to anyone.

I do know, just wanted for a clarification. Now we all know the why of 
both sides ;-)



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Re: LXDE Menu editing

2011-10-09 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 08 Oct 2011 17:51:38 +0100, Richard wrote:

 I'm trying out LXDE, much less system load, very noticeable . Is there a
 menu editor similar to gnome alcatel, I'd like to customise the other
 menu section. TIA

You meant alacarte, right? :-)

There is a section on LXDE wiki for customizing the menu:

Is not the same like having an application such alacarte (which, by the 
way, it seems you can also use it for that purpose) but in the end, the 
results are the same.



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Re: [OT] Yet Another Language Issue (wa: imap with claws mail problem)

2011-10-09 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI
On 10/09/2011 07:52 AM, Camaleón wrote:
 This can sound a bit rare but for us
 (Spanish speaking users) is very hard to write some Enghlish words like 
 don't know. We are not used to apostrophes and the word know is 
 specially difficult for us (you won't see many words in Spanish with 
 phonems k and n put altogether).

The k in know (and other words that start with kn) is silent,
there is no [k] phoneme in those words, you know.

We have phasers, I vote we blast 'em!
-- Bailey, The Corbomite Maneuver, stardate 1514.2


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Re: OT: Desktop icons - Some blubbering :.(

2011-10-09 Thread Chris Bannister
On Fri, Oct 07, 2011 at 02:34:39PM +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 On Fri, 2011-10-07 at 19:57 +1100, Scott Ferguson wrote:
  Without disabling plasma?
 I switched from KDE3 to KDE4 and then, since I'm unable to stand KDE4 to
 GNOME2. GNOME2 is dying :(, I'll need to watch out for a new DE.


Religion is excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet.
   -- Napoleon Bonaparte

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Re: incorrect url in apt lists squeeze

2011-10-09 Thread Chris Bannister
On Sun, Oct 09, 2011 at 11:15:22AM +0100, Richard wrote:
 I was having a problem with the listed url for the United Kingdom ftp debian 
 kept giving errors.
 The correct country designator in the url for the UK is uk not gb.
 ie. NOT

Where is this?

In an effort to keep posts on the right list, you should have sent this
message to Of course, this is only if the
incorrect information was on the Debian web site. 

Religion is excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet.
   -- Napoleon Bonaparte

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Re: Disabling wifi to save battery

2011-10-09 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 09 Oct 2011 11:44:57 +1100, Daniel Dalton wrote:

 I've recently purchased a Dell vostro 3350 laptop, and to save battery,
 I was planning to disable wifi, when it wasn't required. On my old
 laptop I could use the rfkill package like so: rfkill block wifi

Mmm, some wifi adapters also allow to put the card in power-saving mode, 
maybe you can save some energy sparks with that while having the wifi 

Here are some tips:

Another option could be disabling wifi and bluetooth adapter from BIOS 
(if this is available).

 But it seems to have no effect on my Dell. The wifi hot key on the
 laptop does not seem to work either (from the console). 

This is something to look about. 

Run lsmod to see all the modules that are currently loaded. My Compaq 
netbook loads hp_wmi which is in charge for controlling the ambient 
backlight, wifi, BT, hdd temperature sensors...) and maybe your dell 
needs something similar :-?

 Does anyone have any other ideas? If I do ifdown eth1 to bring down
 wifi, is it likely the wifi will still be consuming significant battery?

Bringing down the interface still leaves the adapter on, so I guess 
there is no power-saving gain when doing this. 

Is the wifi card already configured and detected by the system?



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Re: How to unlock apt-get?

2011-10-09 Thread Matt Harrison
On Sun, Oct 9, 2011 at 6:42 AM, Bill.M wrote:
 Hi folks,

 I'm having a problem with apt-get. I seem to be locked out of
 /var/lib/dpkg/lock and /var/lib/dpkg when I try to do an apt=get update ,
 How can I clear these locks? And if there's another process using apt, how
 can I discover what it is? I've rebooted without success.



 E: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones
 used instead.
 E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily
 E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another
 process using it?

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Are you running apt-get as root?  I don't have my box right in front
of me, but the errors you describe sound like you are trying to run
apt as your user account.

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Re: how to gather info for reporting problem

2011-10-09 Thread Chris Bannister
On Sat, Oct 08, 2011 at 05:18:37PM -0500, Harry Putnam wrote:
 Attempted to install a full kde setup today but landed in the soup
 once it was done. 

Are you running stable testing or unstable?
 I just get a black screen with a terminal emulator running, no menus
 are available with mouse clicks or anywhere on the screen in terms of
 an icon.  Just the terminal.  Any apps I open are slapped up into the
 top left corner where the title bar becomes inaccessible.  If I open
 anything else it covers the previous app, then I have two with the one
 under inaccessible.  Can't even be raised back to top.
 So it clear enough something or things are boogered up.
 How can I determine what pkgs were installed and which removed during
 the kde install?

You could probably check the dpkg logs under /var/log/dpkg*
 I was prompted a few times about uninstalling and installing
 things. And I remember one prompt that asked me if it was ok to leave
 a list of dependencies unmet.  

And you said OK?

 I just don't know debian well enough yet to competently find that kind
 of info and summarize for a discussion here.

If you are running stable, then a serious problem has occurred, and you
won't be the only one affected by it. Although, that is no consolation,
all reasonable efforts will be taken to fix it. Watch this space.

But, if you are running testing/unstable then thanks for helping to test
for bugs.

Can you get to a the text console, and as root type: apt-get -f install
(without the quotes) and paste the output here?

P.S. If you don't want any surprises -- run stable.

Religion is excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet.
   -- Napoleon Bonaparte

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Re: incorrect url in apt lists squeeze

2011-10-09 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 09 Oct 2011 11:15:22 +0100, Richard wrote:

 I was having a problem with the listed url for the United Kingdom ftp
 debian site. kept giving errors.

What's the URL from where you got that info? Or you mean that appears as 
the default repo source of your /etc/apt/sources.list file?

 The correct country designator in the url for the UK is uk not gb. ie. NOT
 That needs to be fixed before the next release.

It seems listed right in the mirrors page:


Hum... maybe related to this comment:

If still present in wheezy, this is something worth for bug reporting.



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Re: How to unlock apt-get?

2011-10-09 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2011-10-09 13:47 +0200, Matt Harrison wrote:

 On Sun, Oct 9, 2011 at 6:42 AM, Bill.M wrote:
 Hi folks,

 I'm having a problem with apt-get. I seem to be locked out of
 /var/lib/dpkg/lock and /var/lib/dpkg when I try to do an apt=get update ,
 How can I clear these locks? And if there's another process using apt, how
 can I discover what it is? I've rebooted without success.



 E: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones
 used instead.
 E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily
 E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another
 process using it?

 Are you running apt-get as root?  I don't have my box right in front
 of me, but the errors you describe sound like you are trying to run
 apt as your user account.

No, in that case he would get a (13: Permission denied) error.  The dpkg
database is locked by another process, lsof should find out which one.


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Re: [OT] Yet Another Language Issue (wa: imap with claws mail problem)

2011-10-09 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 09 Oct 2011 08:29:23 -0300, Eduardo M KALINOWSKI wrote:

 On 10/09/2011 07:52 AM, Camaleón wrote:
 This can sound a bit rare but for us
 (Spanish speaking users) is very hard to write some Enghlish words like
 don't know. We are not used to apostrophes and the word know is
 specially difficult for us (you won't see many words in Spanish with
 phonems k and n put altogether).
 The k in know (and other words that start with kn) is silent,
 there is no [k] phoneme in those words, you know.

Which makes things even harder for us to write it properly! ;-D

In Spanish we have just a few phonems (e.g., h) which neither sounds, 
unless it comes with c, that is ch or when used to adapt foreign 
terms. You know, all languages have their own oddities.



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router for loadbalancing..anyone know a low cost solution ??

2011-10-09 Thread Joey L
I know this is not exactly the correct forum for this question, but:
1. I do not want to setup another debian server/servers.
2. I am on a serious low budget to run 2 servers.
3. I am looking for the router to handle the load balancing between 2
debian servers.

Or - Can I setup debian to listen 2 ip addresses on each server 
And have one as the one primary to respond.  If that one is down - the
other server how is also listening for that ip address - answer ???


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anyone can point me to an article regarding auto mount nfs share with heartbeat ??

2011-10-09 Thread Joey L
i have found 1 article that shows you how to make nfs high availiblity
but does not show you how to have your nfs client mount 1 nfs share if
the other nfs share is not available.

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Re: router for loadbalancing..anyone know a low cost solution ??

2011-10-09 Thread Joel Roth
On Sun, Oct 09, 2011 at 08:24:54AM -0400, Joey L wrote:
 I know this is not exactly the correct forum for this question, but:
 1. I do not want to setup another debian server/servers.
 2. I am on a serious low budget to run 2 servers.
 3. I am looking for the router to handle the load balancing between 2
 debian servers.
 Or - Can I setup debian to listen 2 ip addresses on each server 
 And have one as the one primary to respond.  If that one is down - the
 other server how is also listening for that ip address - answer ???

I haven't ever done it, but Perlbal is a  
Perl tool for load balancing. 

You could look at Perlbal::Manual::LoadBalancer
and PerlBal::Manual::FailOver.



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Joel Roth

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Re: how to gather info for reporting problem

2011-10-09 Thread Harry Putnam
[NOTE: I've foolishly started more than one thread covering the same
subject so please allow me to revert to the original and if you would
be kind enough to follow.  I would appreciate any more input you might
Subject: Install kde-desktop on existing debian install

Chris Bannister writes:


When I cat /etc/issue I get what looks like some kind of mixture:

Debian GNU/Linux wheezy/sid \n \l

 You could probably check the dpkg logs under /var/log/dpkg*


 I was prompted a few times about uninstalling and installing
 things. And I remember one prompt that asked me if it was ok to leave
 a list of dependencies unmet.  

 And you said OK?


I've started two thread (once again, covering the same stuff, so will
at this point, revert to the original thread where if will be kind
enough to follow I will interested to here further commentary from

Subject: Install kde-desktop on existing debian install

Sorry for the inconvenience.


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Re: Install kde-desktop on existing debian install

2011-10-09 Thread Harry Putnam
Scott Ferguson writes:

 *Don't stress - this is easily, and simply, fixed*

 kde-desktop is a small part of the KDE Desktop Environment.

It looked like dozens of pkgs were installed when I said:

aptitude install kde-full

 Please post:-
 the output of: -
 dpkg --get-selections

cat /etc/issue:
Debian GNU/Linux wheezy/sid \n \l


  deb wheezy main
  deb-src wheezy main

  deb wheezy/updates main
  deb-src wheezy/updates main

I see lots of lines in /var/log/dpkg.log about things being
half-installed and half-configured... should I be worried?

dpkg --get-selections

abiword install
abiword-common  install
abiword-plugin-grammar  install
abiword-plugin-mathview install
acl install
acpi-support-base   install
acpid   install
adduser install
akonadi-backend-mysql   install
akonadi-server  install
akregator   install
alsa-base   install
alsa-utils  install
anacron install
analog  install
ant install
anthy   install
apache2-doc install
apache2-mpm-prefork install
apache2-utils   install
apache2.2-bin   install
apt install
apt-listchanges install
apt-utils   install
aptdaemon   install
ark install
aspell  install
aspell-en   install
at  install
at-spi  install
audacious   deinstall
autopoint   install
autotools-dev   install
baobab  install
base-files  install
base-passwd install
bash-completion install
bbpager install
bc  install
bind9   install
bind9-doc   install
bind9-host  install
bind9utils  install
binfmt-support  install
blackbox-themes install
bluez   install
bogofilter  install
bogofilter-bdb  install
bogofilter-common   install
brasero install
brasero-common  install
bsd-mailx   install
bsh install
bsh-gcj install
build-essential install

Re: Install kde-desktop on existing debian install

2011-10-09 Thread Harry Putnam
Harry Putnam writes:

This is a reply to Chris B 


Harry wrote:
  I was prompted a few times about uninstalling and installing
  things. And I remember one prompt that asked me if it was ok to leave
  a list of dependencies unmet.  

Chris replied:
 And you said OK?



Chris wrote:
 Can you get to a the text console, and as root type: apt-get -f install
 (without the quotes) and paste the output here?


 sudo apt-get -f install
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree   
Reading state information... Done
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 184 not upgraded.

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Re: router for loadbalancing..anyone know a low cost solution ??

2011-10-09 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 09 Oct 2011 08:24:54 -0400, Joey L wrote:

 I know this is not exactly the correct forum for this question, but: 1.
 I do not want to setup another debian server/servers. 2. I am on a
 serious low budget to run 2 servers. 3. I am looking for the router to
 handle the load balancing between 2 debian servers.


I know that Draytek¹ has some appliances that provide wan load-balancing 
and fail-over capabilities at affordable prices.




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Re: LXDE Menu editing

2011-10-09 Thread Richard
On Sun, 9 Oct 2011 11:12:26 + (UTC)
Camaleón wrote:

 On Sat, 08 Oct 2011 17:51:38 +0100, Richard wrote:
  I'm trying out LXDE, much less system load, very noticeable . Is there a
  menu editor similar to gnome alcatel, I'd like to customise the other
  menu section. TIA
 You meant alacarte, right? :-)
 There is a section on LXDE wiki for customizing the menu:
 Is not the same like having an application such alacarte (which, by the 
 way, it seems you can also use it for that purpose) but in the end, the 
 results are the same.

Hi Camaleón
I've had a play with both alacarte and lxmed and both do not edit the menu.
I can delete with alacarte, but the alteration you make on the gui, ie putting 
the correct apps in the
correct menu group, don't happen on the real menu. they both sorta work but not 
I'll try editing the menu files directly

Best wishes / 73
Richard Bown

e-mail:   or

nil carborundum a illegitemis
Ham Call G8JVM . OS Debian squeeze amd64 on a Dual core AMD Athlon 5200, 4 GB 
Maidenhead QRA: IO82SP38, LAT. 52 39.720' N LONG. 2 28.171 W ( degs mins )
QRV HF + VHF Microwave 23 cms:140W,13 cms:100W,6 cms:10W  3 cms:5W

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Re: incorrect url in apt lists squeeze

2011-10-09 Thread Richard
On Mon, 10 Oct 2011 01:54:16 +1300
Chris Bannister wrote:

 On Sun, Oct 09, 2011 at 11:15:22AM +0100, Richard wrote:
  I was having a problem with the listed url for the United Kingdom ftp 
  debian site.
  kept giving errors.
  The correct country designator in the url for the UK is uk not gb.
  ie. NOT
 Where is this?
 In an effort to keep posts on the right list, you should have sent this
 message to Of course, this is only if the
 incorrect information was on the Debian web site. 

Sorry I should have made it more clear but, its on the debian web site which 
gives the list of mirrors,
and if you use the synapticrepositories gui its effective there as well.

Best wishes / 73
Richard Bown

e-mail:   or

nil carborundum a illegitemis
Ham Call G8JVM . OS Debian squeeze amd64 on a Dual core AMD Athlon 5200, 4 GB 
Maidenhead QRA: IO82SP38, LAT. 52 39.720' N LONG. 2 28.171 W ( degs mins )
QRV HF + VHF Microwave 23 cms:140W,13 cms:100W,6 cms:10W  3 cms:5W

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Re: how to gather info for reporting problem

2011-10-09 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 08 Oct 2011 17:18:37 -0500, Harry Putnam wrote:

 Attempted to install a full kde setup today but landed in the soup once
 it was done.

I suppose you installed the right pattern for you current running Debian 
system, right? That is, kde-full for squeeze if you are running 
squeeze, kde-full for wheezy, if you are running wheezy, etc...

 I just get a black screen with a terminal emulator running, no menus are
 available with mouse clicks or anywhere on the screen in terms of an
 icon.  Just the terminal.  Any apps I open are slapped up into the top
 left corner where the title bar becomes inaccessible.  If I open
 anything else it covers the previous app, then I have two with the one
 under inaccessible.  Can't even be raised back to top.

You mean you were not able to login with your user account (no desktop at 
all, just the command line)?
 So it clear enough something or things are boogered up.

It is still unclear to me at what stage you find right now, so:

1/ If you are left into a tty and no GUI login is possible, try to launch 
startx and see what happens.

2/ If you can login with your usual account but things are completely 
messed up, try to create a fresh new user and login with it.

 I want to report what has happened and maybe get a leg up on fixing
 things back up.


I would also post into Debian KDE mailing list:

But provide detailed steps for your actions so that people can give you 
accurate indications.



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Re: how to gather info for reporting problem

2011-10-09 Thread Harry Putnam
Camaleón writes:

Sorry to cause you extra effort... I should not have started this
second thread since it way overlaps:
Subject: Install kde-desktop on existing debian install

So to keep it all in one place, if will be kind enough to look for
your reply there I will appreciate it.

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Re: Install kde-desktop on existing debian install

2011-10-09 Thread Harry Putnam
Harry Putnam writes:

Reply to Camaleón from overlappingthread:
  Subject:  how to gather info for reporting problem

 On Sat, 08 Oct 2011 17:18:37 -0500, Harry Putnam wrote:

 Attempted to install a full kde setup today but landed in the soup once
 it was done.

Camaleón wrote:
 I suppose you installed the right pattern for you current running Debian 
 system, right? That is, kde-full for squeeze if you are running 
 squeeze, kde-full for wheezy, if you are running wheezy, etc...

I see only 1 pkg when I run `aptitude search kde-full'
p   kde-full  - complete KDE Software Compilation [...]

And that is what I installed

 I just get a black screen with a terminal emulator running, no menus are
 available with mouse clicks or anywhere on the screen in terms of an
 icon.  Just the terminal.  Any apps I open are slapped up into the top
 left corner where the title bar becomes inaccessible.  If I open
 anything else it covers the previous app, then I have two with the one
 under inaccessible.  Can't even be raised back to top.

 You mean you were not able to login with your user account (no desktop at 
 all, just the command line)?

Sorry, no there was a kdm login then a black screen with only a
terminal emulator running.  (Not a console screen but a black colored
screen in X)

 It is still unclear to me at what stage you find right now, so:

 1/ If you are left into a tty and no GUI login is possible, try to launch 
 startx and see what happens.

I am able to login to an X session.  In that session I see a black
screen, no icons, no panels.  Clicking mouse right.left, middle has no
effect.  No menus are forthcoming.

There is a black terminal emulator running on the black backdrop that
is plastered into the upper right corner.  It is too far up for the
title bar to accessed and so moved around.

When I start any other application it gets plastered into upper right
corner in the same way and covering pervious terminal.  Again the
title bar is out of reach.

 2/ If you can login with your usual account but things are completely 
 messed up, try to create a fresh new user and login with it.

OK, I'll try that and report back to this thread.

 I would also post into Debian KDE mailing list:

Thank you.  I will do that when this thread has exhausted leads.

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Re: How to unlock apt-get?

2011-10-09 Thread Raf Czlonka
On Sun, Oct 09, 2011 at 12:59:33PM BST, Sven Joachim wrote:
 On 2011-10-09 13:47 +0200, Matt Harrison wrote:
  Are you running apt-get as root?  I don't have my box right in front
  of me, but the errors you describe sound like you are trying to run
  apt as your user account.
 No, in that case he would get a (13: Permission denied) error.  The dpkg
 database is locked by another process, lsof should find out which one.

It means that another update process[0] is running or ran but hadn't had
the time to clear locks after it finished. Seems like this time it's the
latter since the problem remains after reboot. It could've happened when
you rebooted the system or simply closed a window while a package manager
was performing its tasks.
Since you've rebooted it's safe to remove the lock files now as no
process, even the automated one, will run.

[0] auto-apt, cron-apt, unattended-upgrades, etc.


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Re: how to gather info for reporting problem

2011-10-09 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 09 Oct 2011 09:41:58 -0500, Harry Putnam wrote:

 Camaleón writes:
 Sorry to cause you extra effort... I should not have started this second
 thread since it way overlaps:
 Subject: Install kde-desktop on existing debian install

It was me who suggested opening a new thread.

I find it more appropriate because your first post was about how to get 
the updated instructions to have kde installed but now that you have 
find out the right place from where to start, you are facing another 
(different) problems related with the installation itself.

 So to keep it all in one place, if will be kind enough to look for your
 reply there I will appreciate it.

There is no need to move the post, it will mix up things. It is usually  
better to open one thread for every problem, it helps people who reply to 
concentrate in one thing at a time and makes mailing list archive (for 
those that comes later) easier to read. Long threads are harder to follow.



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Re: Install kde-desktop on existing debian install

2011-10-09 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 09 Oct 2011 09:51:13 -0500, Harry Putnam wrote:

 I suppose you installed the right pattern for you current running
 Debian system, right? That is, kde-full for squeeze if you are
 running squeeze, kde-full for wheezy, if you are running wheezy, etc...
 I see only 1 pkg when I run `aptitude search kde-full' p   kde-full 
 - complete KDE Software Compilation [...]

 And that is what I installed

Sadly, that tells no much.

How does your /etc/apt/sources.list file look like?

 You mean you were not able to login with your user account (no desktop
 at all, just the command line)?
 Sorry, no there was a kdm login then a black screen with only a terminal
 emulator running.  (Not a console screen but a black colored screen in

Have you restared the computer?

 It is still unclear to me at what stage you find right now, so:

 1/ If you are left into a tty and no GUI login is possible, try to
 launch startx and see what happens.
 I am able to login to an X session.  



 2/ If you can login with your usual account but things are completely
 messed up, try to create a fresh new user and login with it.
 OK, I'll try that and report back to this thread.
 I would also post into Debian KDE mailing list:
 Thank you.  I will do that when this thread has exhausted leads.

You can post in both (separately, don't cross-post), they are differenet 
mailing lists so there is no overlap, don't worry.



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Re: When was Debian installed

2011-10-09 Thread Raf Czlonka
On Sat, Oct 08, 2011 at 11:39:26PM BST, Jari Fredriksson wrote:
 8.10.2011 4:09, Mark Panen kirjoitti:
  Which command do i run to find out on which date i installed my Debian OS?

Have you read the question?


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Re: how to gather info for reporting problem

2011-10-09 Thread Harry Putnam
Camaleón writes:

 On Sun, 09 Oct 2011 09:41:58 -0500, Harry Putnam wrote:

 Camaleón writes:
 Sorry to cause you extra effort... I should not have started this second
 thread since it way overlaps:
 Subject: Install kde-desktop on existing debian install

 It was me who suggested opening a new thread.

 I find it more appropriate because your first post was about how to get 
 the updated instructions to have kde installed but now that you have 
 find out the right place from where to start, you are facing another 
 (different) problems related with the installation itself.

 So to keep it all in one place, if will be kind enough to look for your
 reply there I will appreciate it.

 There is no need to move the post, it will mix up things. It is usually  
 better to open one thread for every problem, it helps people who reply to 
 concentrate in one thing at a time and makes mailing list archive (for 
 those that comes later) easier to read. Long threads are harder to follow.

I'm willing either way, but have had some complaints about starting
too many similar threads so am trying to consolidate this problem
which after all is still about this subject:
Install kde-desktop on existing debian install

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Re: Install kde-desktop on existing debian install

2011-10-09 Thread Brad Rogers
On Sun, 09 Oct 2011 09:51:13 -0500
Harry Putnam wrote:

Hello Harry,

 I see only 1 pkg when I run `aptitude search kde-full'

Which is known as a meta package.  It's a shorthand way of pulling in
(in this case) lots of other packages.  The full KDE suite, in fact.

 Regards  _
 / )   The blindingly obvious is
/ _)radnever immediately apparent
You're a sidewalk cipher speaking prionic jive
Give You Nothing - Bad Religion

Description: PGP signature

a quick Q:about package

2011-10-09 Thread lina

For a package,

it showed in wheezy and sid,

I checked it's showed the same version,

just want to confirm, is it the same package?

the wheezy one crashed recently after upgrading some other package,

I wanna try the sid one, but seems the same. not sure the build dependency.


Re: incorrect url in apt lists squeeze

2011-10-09 Thread Dom

On 09/10/11 14:51, Richard wrote:

On Mon, 10 Oct 2011 01:54:16 +1300
Chris  wrote:

On Sun, Oct 09, 2011 at 11:15:22AM +0100, Richard wrote:

I was having a problem with the listed url for the United Kingdom ftp debian 
kept giving errors.
The correct country designator in the url for the UK is uk not gb.
ie. NOT

Where is this?

Sorry I should have made it more clear but, its on the debian web site which 
gives the list of mirrors,
and if you use the synapticrepositories gui its effective there as well.

Could you give the URI of the page you are looking at please?

I've never had a problem with any link to the UK ftp site, and the List 
of Mirrors page ( is correct.


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possible reasons to cause Segmentation fault

2011-10-09 Thread lina

I met Segmentation fault in two places in one day,

Which are the possible reasons for the segmentation fault.


Re: Install kde-desktop on existing debian install

2011-10-09 Thread Harry Putnam
Camaleón writes:

 On Sun, 09 Oct 2011 09:51:13 -0500, Harry Putnam wrote:

 I suppose you installed the right pattern for you current running
 Debian system, right? That is, kde-full for squeeze if you are
 running squeeze, kde-full for wheezy, if you are running wheezy, etc...
 I see only 1 pkg when I run `aptitude search kde-full' p   kde-full 
 - complete KDE Software Compilation [...]

 And that is what I installed

 Sadly, that tells no much.

 How does your /etc/apt/sources.list file look like?

  deb wheezy main
  deb-src wheezy main

  deb wheezy/updates main
  deb-src wheezy/updates main

 You mean you were not able to login with your user account (no desktop
 at all, just the command line)?
 Sorry, no there was a kdm login then a black screen with only a terminal
 emulator running.  (Not a console screen but a black colored screen in

 Have you restared the computer?

Yes, and reinstalled kde-full

 It is still unclear to me at what stage you find right now, so:

 1/ If you are left into a tty and no GUI login is possible, try to
 launch startx and see what happens.
 I am able to login to an X session.  


I should have explained further that the X session I am able to log
into is by startx with .xinitrc aimed at fluxbox.

 2/ If you can login with your usual account but things are completely
 messed up, try to create a fresh new user and login with it.

Not into kde... only into console now.

On reboot I find I am not presented with a gui login.  Only the

I find some very oddness in install of kdm.  After install of kdm I

dpkg -L kdm|grep bin

There is now executable being installed.  And yet

  apt-file search  /usr/bin/kdm (reports:)
  kdm: /usr/bin/kdmctl
  kdm:  /usr/bin/kdm 

And further the script in /etc/init.d/kdm looks for that executable.

So at this point
  service kdm start

reports back nothing but:

   service kdm status says:

  kdm is not running ... failed!

Little wonder since there is no executable.

I tried `aptitude reinstall kdm'
Only to find it is not installed.  This is very confusing.  It would
seem that installing kdm-full would at least install the display

Further it would seem the dpkg -L kdm would not list files if kdm were
not installed.

So I am now installing kdm 

I'm sure things will change with an actual display manager in tow.
I'm rebooting now and see what happens.

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Re: possible reasons to cause Segmentation fault

2011-10-09 Thread lina
The other information including:

Setting-Error: type read mismatch (float) -1
Setting-Error: type read mismatch (int) 667

rlwrap: Command not found.
(this one maybe not related, )


Re: incorrect url in apt lists squeeze

2011-10-09 Thread Richard
On Sun, 9 Oct 2011 11:57:39 + (UTC)
Camaleón wrote:

 On Sun, 09 Oct 2011 11:15:22 +0100, Richard wrote:
  I was having a problem with the listed url for the United Kingdom ftp
  debian site. kept giving errors.
 What's the URL from where you got that info? Or you mean that appears as 
 the default repo source of your /etc/apt/sources.list file?
  The correct country designator in the url for the UK is uk not gb. ie. NOT
  That needs to be fixed before the next release.
 It seems listed right in the mirrors page:
 Hum... maybe related to this comment:
 If still present in wheezy, this is something worth for bug reporting.

Yes it is that bug, I'll see if its still present in wheezy

Best wishes / 73
Richard Bown

e-mail:   or

nil carborundum a illegitemis
Ham Call G8JVM . OS Debian squeeze amd64 on a Dual core AMD Athlon 5200, 4 GB 
Maidenhead QRA: IO82SP38, LAT. 52 39.720' N LONG. 2 28.171 W ( degs mins )
QRV HF + VHF Microwave 23 cms:140W,13 cms:100W,6 cms:10W  3 cms:5W

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Re: incorrect url in apt lists squeeze

2011-10-09 Thread Richard
On Sun, 09 Oct 2011 16:41:17 +0100
Dom wrote:

 On 09/10/11 14:51, Richard wrote:
  On Mon, 10 Oct 2011 01:54:16 +1300
  Chris  wrote:
  On Sun, Oct 09, 2011 at 11:15:22AM +0100, Richard wrote:
  I was having a problem with the listed url for the United Kingdom ftp 
  debian site.
  kept giving errors.
  The correct country designator in the url for the UK is uk not gb.
  ie. NOT
  Where is this?
  Sorry I should have made it more clear but, its on the debian web site 
  which gives the list of
  mirrors, and if you use the synapticrepositories gui its effective there 
  as well.
 Could you give the URI of the page you are looking at please?
 I've never had a problem with any link to the UK ftp site, and the List 
 of Mirrors page ( is correct.

I'll go back through the browser history and find the url

Best wishes / 73
Richard Bown

e-mail:   or

nil carborundum a illegitemis
Ham Call G8JVM . OS Debian squeeze amd64 on a Dual core AMD Athlon 5200, 4 GB 
Maidenhead QRA: IO82SP38, LAT. 52 39.720' N LONG. 2 28.171 W ( degs mins )
QRV HF + VHF Microwave 23 cms:140W,13 cms:100W,6 cms:10W  3 cms:5W

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LXDE: shortcut problem holding . or / char.s

2011-10-09 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day.

These shortcuts does not work in LXDE of wheezy:




How I should write it in lxde-rc.xm file?
When I change the . or / to k or l - it works.

Thanks for Your time.

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Re: LXDE Menu editing

2011-10-09 Thread Javier Vasquez
On Sat, Oct 8, 2011 at 7:21 PM, Robert Blair Mason Jr. wrote:


 I don't want to provoke anyone or start a flame war, but why does the
 debian menu system still exist?  It had it's place in the past, but all
 modern DEs and panel/menu systems support the FD.o XDG application
 standards.  Maybe it's a little strong to say it should be dropped (I
 can see uses in some special cases), but why is it enabled by default?


Hi, I don't use any DE at all, only fluxbox as WM.  And the debian
menu comes really handy to me, since it avoids me to edit several
things by hand.  So I'd say you must take into account those that do
not use modern DEs...  Just in case we get forgotten, :-)


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Re: Install kde-desktop on existing debian install

2011-10-09 Thread Harry Putnam
Scott Ferguson writes:


 Please post:-
 the output of:-
 dpkg --get-selections

I've reposted it here in this thread... I'm sure you'll see it if your
reader shows line count. hehe.

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Re: incorrect url in apt lists squeeze

2011-10-09 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 09 Oct 2011 17:10:17 +0100, Richard wrote:

 On Sun, 9 Oct 2011 11:57:39 + (UTC) Camaleón


 Hum... maybe related to this comment:
 If still present in wheezy, this is something worth for bug reporting.
 Yes it is that bug, I'll see if its still present in wheezy

Okay, but if Wheezy still experiences the problem, you should open a new 
bug report because the above bug *is not* for the wrong URI on the 
sources.list file :-)



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Re: Install kde-desktop on existing debian install

2011-10-09 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 09 Oct 2011 11:00:22 -0500, Harry Putnam wrote:

 Camaleón writes:

 How does your /etc/apt/sources.list file look like?
   deb wheezy main 
   deb-src wheezy main
   deb wheezy/updates main 
   deb-src wheezy/updates main

So you are in testing. I hope you now what that means :-)

I see you have omitted contrib and non-free, is that intended?


 I am able to login to an X session.
 I should have explained further that the X session I am able to log into
 is by startx with .xinitrc aimed at fluxbox.

So you get no KDE login? :-?

 Only to find it is not installed.  This is very confusing.  It would
 seem that installing kdm-full would at least install the display

Errr, did you read the said instructions, right? ;-)

Most users will also want to install kdm. There are still a couple of 
packages more:

kdetoys Desktop amusements
kdesdk  Software development tools

Translations packages are kde-l10n-XX where XX is your language code

It seems that you have to manually pull that package.

 Further it would seem the dpkg -L kdm would not list files if kdm were
 not installed.
 So I am now installing kdm
 I'm sure things will change with an actual display manager in tow. I'm
 rebooting now and see what happens.

Okay, hope all goes well now :-)



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grub2 complaint/question

2011-10-09 Thread Marc Auslander
Maybe I'm missing something here.

update-grup creates a grub.cfg with menuentrys for every kernel it can
find - except a menu entry using /vmlinuz on the current root as the kernel!  
But in
debian, the obvious default is whatever kernel /vmlinuz points to.

I made a custom entry to do just that - but why isn't it in the debian
version, and why isn't it the default?  Am I missing a config setting here?

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Re: want to try KDE 4.6 from sid on squeeze

2011-10-09 Thread Juan R. de Silva
On Fri, 07 Oct 2011 02:37:51 +, Juan R. de Silva wrote:

 I'd like to try to co-install KDE 4.6 from sid to my standard GNOME
 squeeze install.
 Hence 2 questions:
 1. Is it stable enough now or it's better to go with KDE 4.4 from
 squeeze repo (though to have 4.6 instead is quite tempting)?
 2. I'd like it to co-exist with my current GNOME installation and get a
 chance to login to either of them as needed. What is the best way to do

You've helped me to abandon the idea. Too much of hassle.

Thanks, folks.

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wanted wheezy snapshot iso

2011-10-09 Thread richard2
the update to wheezy from squeeze didi not go well :)
I ended up with a desktop, on LXDE, that as soon as to clickrd on
anything it disappeared, no functionality at all. Dropped back to
console attemped login as root , on hitting CR a blank screen.
I had to give the machine a hard reset, on restart I got a grub error.
No boot screen.
Next step as to put in the squeeze install disc in rescue mode, that
gave the error of no partition table.
I'd like to install wheezy directly, is there an iso snapshot image
anywhere I can down load , burn a CD and try again 

Fairly urgent as my main machine is down

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Re: When was Debian installed

2011-10-09 Thread Jari Fredriksson
9.10.2011 18:19, Raf Czlonka kirjoitti:
 On Sat, Oct 08, 2011 at 11:39:26PM BST, Jari Fredriksson wrote:
 8.10.2011 4:09, Mark Panen kirjoitti:
 Which command do i run to find out on which date i installed my Debian OS?

 Have you read the question?

Yes. Why? Linux is said to run forever, no boot required after windows
updates ;)


Whenever the literary German dives into a sentence, that is the last
you are going to see of him until he emerges on the other side of his
Atlantic with his verb in his mouth.
-- Mark Twain A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Install kde-desktop on existing debian install

2011-10-09 Thread Brad Rogers
On Sun, 09 Oct 2011 11:22:02 -0500
Harry Putnam wrote:

Hello Harry,

 Brad Rogers writes:
  Which is known as a meta package.  It's a shorthand way of pulling in
  (in this case) lots of other packages.  The full KDE suite, in
 OK, I was alarmed to see:
 dpkg -L kde-full
 Not much to work with there.

True.  The 'meat' though, is what kde-full depends on.  It's a whole
load of stuff.  Most people will probably never use it all.  IMO, it's
far simpler to install the packages you want, which will pull in any
necessary dependencies.

 Regards  _
 / )   The blindingly obvious is
/ _)radnever immediately apparent
Keep your drink just give em the money
U  Ur Hand - P!nk

Description: PGP signature

Re: wanted wheezy snapshot iso

2011-10-09 Thread
09/10/2011 20:44, richard2 wrote:
 the update to wheezy from squeeze didi not go well :)
 I ended up with a desktop, on LXDE, that as soon as to clickrd on
 anything it disappeared, no functionality at all. Dropped back to
 console attemped login as root , on hitting CR a blank screen.
 I had to give the machine a hard reset, on restart I got a grub error.
 No boot screen.
 Next step as to put in the squeeze install disc in rescue mode, that
 gave the error of no partition table.
 I'd like to install wheezy directly, is there an iso snapshot image
 anywhere I can down load , burn a CD and try again 
 Fairly urgent as my main machine is down


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Re: grub2 complaint/question

2011-10-09 Thread Brian
On Sun 09 Oct 2011 at 14:02:28 -0400, Marc Auslander wrote:

 Maybe I'm missing something here.
 update-grup creates a grub.cfg with menuentrys for every kernel it can
 find - except a menu entry using /vmlinuz on the current root as the kernel!  
 But in
 debian, the obvious default is whatever kernel /vmlinuz points to.
 I made a custom entry to do just that - but why isn't it in the debian
 version, and why isn't it the default?  Am I missing a config setting here?

I'll respond to the complaint with a bit of history. Someone may know
the answer to the question but perhaps it can be deduced out from here:

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Re: When was Debian installed

2011-10-09 Thread Tomas Volka
  8.10.2011 4:09, Mark Panen kirjoitti:
   Which command do i run to find out on which date i installed my Debian OS?

There are several fairly reliable methods to figure this out,
one of them is checking the last password change of certain system
user (daemon, sys, bin).


root@debian # passwd -S bin
bin L 11/23/2010 0 9 7 -1

Another way is to check the creation time of the root filesystems.


root@debian ~ # dumpe2fs -h /dev/sda3 | grep -i creat
dumpe2fs 1.41.12 (17-May-2010)
Filesystem created:   Tue Nov 23 21:11:56 2010


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Re: When was Debian installed

2011-10-09 Thread Tomas Volka

Quoting Jari Fredriksson

8.10.2011 4:09, Mark Panen kirjoitti:


Which command do i run to find out on which date i installed my Debian OS?

There are several fairly reliable methods to figure this out,
one of them is checking the last password change of certain system
user (daemon, sys, bin).


root@debian # passwd -S bin
bin L 11/23/2010 0 9 7 -1

Another way is to check the creation time of the root filesystems.


root@debian ~ # dumpe2fs -h /dev/sda3 | grep -i creat
dumpe2fs 1.41.12 (17-May-2010)
Filesystem created:   Tue Nov 23 21:11:56 2010


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Re: wanted wheezy snapshot iso

2011-10-09 Thread richard2
On Sun, 2011-10-09 at 21:01 +0200, wrote:
 09/10/2011 20:44, richard2 wrote:
  the update to wheezy from squeeze didi not go well :)
  I ended up with a desktop, on LXDE, that as soon as to clickrd on
  anything it disappeared, no functionality at all. Dropped back to
  console attemped login as root , on hitting CR a blank screen.
  I had to give the machine a hard reset, on restart I got a grub error.
  No boot screen.
  Next step as to put in the squeeze install disc in rescue mode, that
  gave the error of no partition table.
  I'd like to install wheezy directly, is there an iso snapshot image
  anywhere I can down load , burn a CD and try again 
  Fairly urgent as my main machine is down
 daily builds including netinstall and business card can be found here:
 Weekly builds of complete dvd or cd sets here:

many thanks its loading now


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Re: When was Debian installed

2011-10-09 Thread Claudius Hubig
Tomas Volka wrote:
root@debian # passwd -S bin
bin L 11/23/2010 0 9 7 -1


root@debian ~ # dumpe2fs -h /dev/sda3 | grep -i creat
dumpe2fs 1.41.12 (17-May-2010)
Filesystem created:   Tue Nov 23 21:11:56 2010

Please note that this will fail if the system was copied from one
filesystem to another, as I usually do when I get a new computer to
avoid a new installation procedure. One might argue if that still
counts as ‘the originally installed system’, but the same goes if,
for example, you switch from i386 to amd64 without reinstalling, and
this quite big change wouldn’t be noticed by the filesystem change.

Best regards,

As seen on TV.
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Re: Console font too wide in Wheezy

2011-10-09 Thread Peter Brüel
On Sat, 2011-10-08 at 10:35 +, Camaleón wrote:
  The only thing I've been able too find is this guy's post (Google search
  line 'debian font too wide'):
 Hum... yes, the issue seems to be very similar.
  but it consideres the internals of libfreetype6 and I'm not able too see
  what the conclusion is. But I can't be the only Wheezy user having this
  problem (?). Regards,
 In fact there are two open bugs (merged):
 But it seems the change which leads in having wider fonts was done on 
 purpose so is still unclear what it has to be done with that commit. 
 If I were you, I would add my self to that bug (636844) and explain your 
 situation. The more people complains about the change, the better to get 
 it fixed/reverted.

Thanks for your observations and suggestions, Camaleon. I think you are
right - this is a libfreetype6 bug and therefore not directly linked to

I'll follow your suggestion and report the bug and meanwhile try to
revert to version 2.4.4 (instead of present 2.4.6), regards,


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