domU squeeze dans un xen dom0 etch

2011-10-12 Thread Vera Mickael


Nous avons un server qui tourne depuis un moment sous etch 
que nous n'avons jamais migré. Aujourd'hui nous voudrions 
installer sur ce serveur de nouvelles applications qui 
nécessiteraient un environnement squeeze.

Nous avons choisis d'explorer la voie xen.

Nous avons installé xen (la version de etch), le dom0 fait 
maintenant fonctionner tous nos services. Il n'y a eu qu'une 
minute ou deux d'interruption le temps du reboot, c'est très 
appréciable, la machine avait un uptime de presque 500 
jours. Nous avons facilement atteint notre premier objectif.

Nous avons ensuite créé un domU PV squeeze qui semble 
fonctionner correctement. Mais quand je me connecte sur ce 
domU et que je tape uname -a je vois que le noyau utilisé 
est celui de etch (2.6.18). Je suis aussi surpris quand je 
tape dans le domU aptitude search linux-image de voir 
qu'aucun noyau n'est installé.

Je devine que la création d'un domU doit être un peu 
particulière comparée à une installation sur une machine 
physique et en me documentant j'ai effectivement lu quelques 
documents traitant du partage des noyaux entre dom0 et domU.

Mes questions sont les suivantes :

Faut-il faire des efforts pour que notre domU squeeze 
utilise un noyau 2.6.32 ou notre domU squeeze va-t-il très 
bien fonctionner avec un noyau 2.6.18 ? Nous n'avons pas de 
besoins liés à une version particulière du noyau.

S'il faut migrer vers un nouveau noyau, quel noyau installer 
depuis quel environnement ? Installer 
linux-image-2.6.32-5-xen-amd64 depuis le domU (aptitude 
install) va-t-il être suffisant et surtout ne pas casser 
notre dom0 ?

Ce que nous voudrions éviter, c'est de migrer toute 
l'infrastructure xen + dom0 vers squeeze puis de créer un 
domU etch de déplacer nos applications dans ce domU. Cela 
impliquerait des manipulations complexes et une interruption 
de services.

Merci d'avance pour toute réponse.


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[Résolu]Re: Installation OpenGL pour serveur XBMC

2011-10-12 Thread TISSET Mathieu

Re-salut la liste,

bon, ben suite à vos infos,
voilà mon problème résolu.

J'ai vu dans le /var/log/Xorg.0.log
qu'il y avait un soucis avec le module glx.

Je suis allé voir sur le site nvidia quel était le dernier driver dispo pour ma 
carte (une nvidia ION, sur une eeeBox 1501).
J'ai installé avec la procédure nvidia trouvée ici :

Tout fonctionne.

Merci encore



On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 10:24:54PM +0200, Jérôme wrote:
 Le lundi 10 octobre 2011 à 22:12 +0200, TISSET Mathieu a écrit :
  Aussi voilà ma question : qu'ais-je loupé?
  Je pige pas bien ce qui cloche. 
 J'ai oublié et je suis sur une Intel/ATI là, mais si tu utilise le
 binaire Nvidia, il me semble qu'il y a une commande nvidia-settings et
 nvidia-xconfig ou un truc du genre
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TISSET Mathieu

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Re: domU squeeze dans un xen dom0 etch

2011-10-12 Thread Pascal Le Bris

Le 10/12/11 15:28, Vera Mickael a écrit :



Nous avons ensuite créé un domU PV squeeze qui semble fonctionner 
correctement. Mais quand je me connecte sur ce domU et que je tape 
uname -a je vois que le noyau utilisé est celui de etch (2.6.18). Je 
suis aussi surpris quand je tape dans le domU aptitude search 
linux-image de voir qu'aucun noyau n'est installé.
Si le domU est en PV c'est donc le dom0 qui lors du lancement du domU 
'passe' le noyau a executer

(Les puristes de la virtualisation m'excuseront sur ma simplification)
La version du noyau est désignée dans le fichier de conf, et ne dépend 
pas des paquest installés dans le domU

Mes questions sont les suivantes :

Faut-il faire des efforts pour que notre domU squeeze utilise un noyau 
2.6.32 ou notre domU squeeze va-t-il très bien fonctionner avec un 
noyau 2.6.18 ? Nous n'avons pas de besoins liés à une version 
particulière du noyau.

Pour moi cela a fonctionné avec un 2.6.18 sur un domU Lenny (pas tenté 
en squeeze)
Mais il est facile de deposer (sans installer) dans le dom0 les initrd 
et vmlinuz d'une autre version de noyau pour tester.


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Re: domU squeeze dans un xen dom0 etch

2011-10-12 Thread Jean-Yves F. Barbier
On Wed, 12 Oct 2011 15:28:59 +0200
Vera Mickael wrote:

 fonctionner correctement. Mais quand je me connecte sur ce 
 domU et que je tape uname -a je vois que le noyau utilisé 
 est celui de etch (2.6.18). Je suis aussi surpris quand je 
 tape dans le domU aptitude search linux-image de voir 
 qu'aucun noyau n'est installé.

Sans doute pcq les executables sont restés en place mais non-enregistrés
dans la DB d'aptitude.

 Faut-il faire des efforts pour que notre domU squeeze 
 utilise un noyau 2.6.32 ou notre domU squeeze va-t-il très 
 bien fonctionner avec un noyau 2.6.18 ? Nous n'avons pas de 
 besoins liés à une version particulière du noyau.

Bcp de changements sont intervenus entre les 2 versions; bien que tout
fonctionne farpaitement une future migration risque d'être plus épineuse
(bien que ça ne soit pas une règle, il est en Gal plus facile de faire
 A-B-C que A-C).
 S'il faut migrer vers un nouveau noyau, quel noyau installer 
 depuis quel environnement ? Installer 
 linux-image-2.6.32-5-xen-amd64 depuis le domU (aptitude 
 install) va-t-il être suffisant et surtout ne pas casser 
 notre dom0 ?

Le meilleure façon de faire reste le test: tu travailles sur une copie
de l'image actuelle, et une fois que tout roule tu bascules l'original.

Using words to describe magic is like using a screwdriver to cut roast beef.
-- Tom Robbins

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Re: Coreboot (ex LinuxBios) sur carte mère GA-965P-DS4

2011-10-12 Thread Sylvain L. Sauvage
Le mardi 11 octobre 2011 à 21:35:37, Basile Starynkevitch a 
écrit :


 J'envisage peut-être, et surtout par curiosité, d'installer
 un Coreboot sur ma carte mère Gigabyte  GA-965P-DS4  (assez
 ancienne, probablement datant de 2008).
 Que risque-t-on vraiment? [la machine ne tourne que sous

1. Que tout fonctionne.

2. Que ça fonctionne mais qu’il manque des fonctionnalités.
P.ex., j’avais regardé il y a quelque temps pour ma vieille
  Asus A8N-E : pas de son, les deux premiers ports SATA non
  fonctionnels, pas de PCI-E 16x (C-G), pas d’ACPI (donc pas de
  changement de fréquence du CPU, pas d’extinction…), pas de WoL
  (hmm, la page dit que la
   puce ne le fait pas mais je le fais avec le BIOS d’origine…).
Bref, pas très engageant… sauf si on veut faire avancer le
  schmilblick mais comme je n’ai pas les compétences et que la 
  carte a plus de 6 ans…
Tu peux regarder les cartes qui ont le même chipset pour
  voir ce qui fonctionne (ou pas) pour elles.

3. De se retrouver avec une brique, ou plutôt un frisbee…

Il est dit qu’on ne peut pas utiliser le block de
  récupération du BIOS d’origine (lequel doit être gentiment
  écrasé), donc il faut avoir un moyen de reflashage du BIOS
  plus bas niveau (et sortir la puce ?).

 Sylvain Sauvage

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Re: Coreboot (ex LinuxBios) sur carte mère GA-965P-DS4

2011-10-12 Thread Holland Julien

Le 12/10/2011 15:28, Vera Mickael a écrit :

Nous avons ensuite créé un domU PV squeeze qui semble fonctionner 
correctement. Mais quand je me connecte sur ce domU et que je tape 
uname -a je vois que le noyau utilisé est celui de etch (2.6.18). Je 
suis aussi surpris quand je tape dans le domU aptitude search 
linux-image de voir qu'aucun noyau n'est installé.


Effectivement, le DomU, utilise en général le noyau du Dom0. Il est 
possible de le changer en modifiant les paramètres kernel dans le 
fichier .cfg du Dom0, mais ce ne serait pas une bonne solution car votre 
Dom0 resterait sous etch, ce qui compliquerait par exemple les taches de 
mises à  jours du noyau.

La solution qui me semble la plus intéressante serait de d'installer 
directement un noyau 2.6.32 sur le DomU ainsi qu'un grub-legacy. Comme 
cela, votre machine virtuelle n'utiliserait plus le noyau du Dom0.
Cela implique d'utiliser pygrub, en fait, il suffit de ne plus indiquer 
le noyau dans la conf du DomU et à la place de lui indiquer qu'il doit 
utiliser pygrub:

bootloader  = '/usr/lib/xen-default/bin/pygrub'

Je procède comme ça pour faire tourner des DomU squeeze sur des machines 
Dom0 Lenny, je n'ai plus de machine sous Etch, mais il me semble que 
pygrub fonctionne également pour Etch.

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: domU squeeze dans un xen dom0 etch

2011-10-12 Thread Holland Julien

Le 12/10/2011 15:28, Vera Mickael a écrit :

Nous avons ensuite créé un domU PV squeeze qui semble fonctionner 
correctement. Mais quand je me connecte sur ce domU et que je tape 
uname -a je vois que le noyau utilisé est celui de etch (2.6.18). Je 
suis aussi surpris quand je tape dans le domU aptitude search 
linux-image de voir qu'aucun noyau n'est installé.


Effectivement, le DomU, utilise en général le noyau du Dom0. Il est 
possible de le changer en modifiant les paramètres kernel dans le 
fichier .cfg du Dom0, mais ce ne serait pas une bonne solution car votre 
Dom0 resterait sous etch, ce qui compliquerait par exemple les taches de 
mises à  jours du noyau.

La solution qui me semble la plus intéressante serait de d'installer 
directement un noyau 2.6.32 sur le DomU ainsi qu'un grub-legacy. Comme 
cela, votre machine virtuelle n'utiliserait plus le noyau du Dom0.
Cela implique d'utiliser pygrub, en fait, il suffit de ne plus indiquer 
le noyau dans la conf du DomU et à la place de lui indiquer qu'il doit 
utiliser pygrub:

bootloader  = '/usr/lib/xen-default/bin/pygrub'

Je procède comme ça pour faire tourner des DomU squeeze sur des machines 
Dom0 Lenny, je n'ai plus de machine sous Etch, mais il me semble que 
pygrub fonctionne également pour Etch.

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Coreboot (ex LinuxBios) sur carte mère GA-965P-DS4

2011-10-12 Thread Jean-Yves F. Barbier
On Wed, 12 Oct 2011 17:04:36 +0200
Sylvain L. Sauvage wrote:

 Il est dit qu’on ne peut pas utiliser le block de
   récupération du BIOS d’origine (lequel doit être gentiment
   écrasé), donc il faut avoir un moyen de reflashage du BIOS
   plus bas niveau (et sortir la puce ?).
Oui, et par voie de conséquence il vaut mieux trouver le type/la boîte qui 
sera à même de reflasher le BIOS à partir du programmateur voulu, et aller
d'abord le/la voir pour déjà faire une copie du BIOS actuel dans un fichier
à toutes fins utiles (à moins qu'un utilitaire w$ ne le permette @home).

Yow!  I threw up on my window!

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Re: Coreboot (ex LinuxBios) sur carte mère GA-965P-DS4

2011-10-12 Thread Jean-Yves F. Barbier
On Wed, 12 Oct 2011 17:14:26 +0200
Holland Julien wrote:

Heu, on peut savoir ce que ton post vient foutre dans ce thread??

I told my kids, Someday, you'll have kids of your own.  One of them said,
So will you. -- Rodney Dangerfield

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Re: domU squeeze dans un xen dom0 etch

2011-10-12 Thread Guy Roussin


Faire pointer ton fichier de conf sur la version du noyau qui t'intéresse.

p.ex. dans /etc/xen/mondomU.cfg on peut avoir ça :

kernel  = '/boot/squeeze/vmlinuz-2.6.32-5-xen-amd64'
ramdisk = '/boot/squeeze/initrd.img-2.6.32-5-xen-amd64'

Tu peux récupérer ces 2 fichiers directement dans ton domu
en installant :
aptitude install linux-image-2.6.32-5-xen-amd64

Tu copies alors les 2 fichiers qui se trouvent dans le /boot de
dans ton domU vers ton dom0 dans le dossier /boot/squeeze (dans l'exemple)

Note que l'install de ce paquet dans ton domU ne sert à rien, si
ce n'est à récupérer ces 2 fichiers.

Il faut arrêter le domU puis xm delete mondomU et faire un xm create
pour que le changement de noyau soit pris en compte par le domU

Chez moi ça marche avec un dom0 lenny. pas testé avec un dom0 etch.


Le 12/10/2011 15:28, Vera Mickael a écrit :


Nous avons un server qui tourne depuis un moment sous etch que nous
n'avons jamais migré. Aujourd'hui nous voudrions installer sur ce
serveur de nouvelles applications qui nécessiteraient un environnement

Nous avons choisis d'explorer la voie xen.

Nous avons installé xen (la version de etch), le dom0 fait maintenant
fonctionner tous nos services. Il n'y a eu qu'une minute ou deux
d'interruption le temps du reboot, c'est très appréciable, la machine
avait un uptime de presque 500 jours. Nous avons facilement atteint
notre premier objectif.

Nous avons ensuite créé un domU PV squeeze qui semble fonctionner
correctement. Mais quand je me connecte sur ce domU et que je tape
uname -a je vois que le noyau utilisé est celui de etch (2.6.18). Je
suis aussi surpris quand je tape dans le domU aptitude search
linux-image de voir qu'aucun noyau n'est installé.

Je devine que la création d'un domU doit être un peu particulière
comparée à une installation sur une machine physique et en me
documentant j'ai effectivement lu quelques documents traitant du partage
des noyaux entre dom0 et domU.

Mes questions sont les suivantes :

Faut-il faire des efforts pour que notre domU squeeze utilise un noyau
2.6.32 ou notre domU squeeze va-t-il très bien fonctionner avec un noyau
2.6.18 ? Nous n'avons pas de besoins liés à une version particulière du

S'il faut migrer vers un nouveau noyau, quel noyau installer depuis quel
environnement ? Installer linux-image-2.6.32-5-xen-amd64 depuis le domU
(aptitude install) va-t-il être suffisant et surtout ne pas casser notre
dom0 ?

Ce que nous voudrions éviter, c'est de migrer toute l'infrastructure xen
+ dom0 vers squeeze puis de créer un domU etch de déplacer nos
applications dans ce domU. Cela impliquerait des manipulations complexes
et une interruption de services.

Merci d'avance pour toute réponse.


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Aide rails

2011-10-12 Thread Emna Ben Achour
je désire installer rails 2.3.8 . J'ai effectué toutes les étapes qu'il
m'est demandé d'effectuer et à la fin quand je fais gem install rails
--version 2.3.8 j'ai ce problème , est ce quelqu'un peut m'aider???
:~$ gem install rails --version 2.3.8
ERROR:  While executing gem ... (Gem::FilePermissionError)
You don't have write permissions into the /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.
7-p302 directory.



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Re: Aide rails

2011-10-12 Thread Bernard Schoenacker
Le Wed, 12 Oct 2011 22:17:35 +0200,
Emna Ben Achour a écrit :

 je désire installer rails 2.3.8 . J'ai effectué toutes les étapes
 qu'il m'est demandé d'effectuer et à la fin quand je fais gem install
 rails --version 2.3.8 j'ai ce problème , est ce quelqu'un peut
 m'aider??? :~$ gem install rails --version 2.3.8
 ERROR:  While executing gem ... (Gem::FilePermissionError)
 You don't have write permissions into
 the /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-1.8. 7-p302 directory.


désolé, je n'emploie pas gem mais il est possible de démmarer avec
le minimum ...

(sudo?) apt-get install rubygems libyaml-ruby libzlib-ruby

documentation très détaillée :


la version actuelle de ruby (stable) est au niveau 
sid chez deb ...

alors, que devient le chaudron magique ?


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Re: Aide rails

2011-10-12 Thread Sylvain L. Sauvage
Le mercredi 12 octobre 2011 à 22:17:35, Emna Ben Achour a écrit 


 je désire installer rails 2.3.8 . J'ai effectué toutes les
 étapes qu'il m'est demandé d'effectuer et à la fin quand je
 fais gem install rails --version 2.3.8 j'ai ce problème ,
 est ce quelqu'un peut m'aider???
 :~$ gem install rails --version 2.3.8
 ERROR:  While executing gem ... (Gem::FilePermissionError)
 You don't have write permissions into the
 /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-1.8. 7-p302 directory.

  Et `aptitude install rails`, il pue des pieds ?

→ 2.3.5 en Squeeze (ou Lenny-bpo)
  Et qu’y a-t-il dans la 2.3.8 qui ne soit pas dans une 2.3.5 où 
les bogues ont été corrigés ?

→ 2.3.14 en Wheezy et Sid
  Ce qui est plus récent que 2.3.8.

  Ici, c’est debian-user-french. Si tu n’utilises pas les 
paquets Debian, et si tu as une raison pour vouloir la 2.3.8, et 
par gem, avec rvm, il faudrait au moins dire qu’est-ce que tu 
utilises exactement et pourquoi. P.ex., les « étapes » qui te 
sont « demandées », quelles sont-elles, où sont-elles ?
  Sinon, il doit y avoir des fourms Ruby/Rails, par exemple là 
où on t’a dit de faire ce que tu as déjà fait…

 Sylvain Ronchon Sauvage

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Re: Aide rails

2011-10-12 Thread fusco.spv
Pourquoi installer une version aussi vieille nous en sommes qd même
à la 3.1.1

David DEMONCHY - _Fusco  (twitter)

Le 13 octobre 2011 01:49, Sylvain L. Sauvage a écrit :
 Le mercredi 12 octobre 2011 à 22:17:35, Emna Ben Achour a écrit


 je désire installer rails 2.3.8 . J'ai effectué toutes les
 étapes qu'il m'est demandé d'effectuer et à la fin quand je
 fais gem install rails --version 2.3.8 j'ai ce problème ,
 est ce quelqu'un peut m'aider???

 :~$ gem install rails --version 2.3.8

 ERROR:  While executing gem ... (Gem::FilePermissionError)
     You don't have write permissions into the
 /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-1.8. 7-p302 directory.

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Re: Aide rails

2011-10-12 Thread Jean-Yves F. Barbier
On Thu, 13 Oct 2011 01:49:49 +0200
Sylvain L. Sauvage wrote:

   Ici, c’est debian-user-french. Si tu n’utilises pas les 
 paquets Debian, et si tu as une raison pour vouloir la 2.3.8, et 
 par gem, avec rvm, il faudrait au moins dire qu’est-ce que tu 
 utilises exactement et pourquoi. P.ex., les « étapes » qui te 
 sont « demandées », quelles sont-elles, où sont-elles ?
   Sinon, il doit y avoir des fourms Ruby/Rails, par exemple là 
 où on t’a dit de faire ce que tu as déjà fait…
Houlà, Sylvain nous pète le joint de culasse; ça va déménager... Sauvage!

Without chemicals, life itself would be impossible.
-- late night industrial commercial much favored by druggies

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Doradzamy z pasją

2011-10-12 Thread Justyna Zauscinska
Szanowna/y Pani/Panie, 

W związku z wymogami ustawy z dnia 18 lipca 2002 roku o świadczeniu usług drogą elektroniczną (Dz. U. Nr 144 z 9 września 2002 r., poz. 1204), chciałabym uzyskać Pana/Pani zgodę na przesłanie informacji dotyczącej oferty finansowej a w szczególności kredytu gotówkowego, do kwoty 150.000 zł oraz do 10 lat okresu kredytowania. Kredyt taki w swojej ofercie posiadają Banki, których Partnerem jest Sales Group Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Warszawie przy ul. Powązkowskiej 15. 
Jeśli wyraża Pan/Pani zgodę na przesłanie informacji o ofercie kredytu gotówkowego - uprzejmie proszę o e-mail zwrotny zawierający

Imię i Nazwisko, wraz z nr. telefonu. 

Z poważaniem 

Justyna Zauścińska

Doradca ds. produktów kredytowych 

Sales Group Sp. z o.o. 
ul. Powązkowska 15, 01-797 Warszawa 
Tel. kom. +48 533-367-002 
Fax. +48 42 617-45-81

Sąd Rejonowy dla M. St. Warszawy w Warszawie 
XII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego 
Numer KRS 363275, NIP 7010251523 
Kapitał zakładowy 50 000 PLN 
Zgodnie z dyrektywą Urzędu Ochrony Konkurencji i Konsumentów zamieszczoną na stronie “Dopuszczalne jest przesłanie na adres e-mail pytania, czy adresat zgadza się na otrzymywanie drogą elektroniczną informacji handlowej” Doradzamy z pasją…

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Dziwna wiadomość.

2011-10-12 Thread Karol

Jakiś czas temu ,pisałem o błędzie który miałem z pakietem dpkg-repack. .
Błąd został naprawiony w najnowszej wersji dpkg-repack (=1.36) #644619.

Dziś odebrałem trzy dziwne wiadomości. Wiadomości różnią się między
sobą numerem incidentid.a są następującej treści:

-- Wiadomość oryginalna --
Temat: Re: Re: dpkg-repack błędna informacja. (incidentid=117)
Data: Wed, 12 Oct 2011 20:52:20 +0200 (CEST)

Zgłoszenie zostało przyjęte i nadano mu numer ID (w temacie).

Uwaga! Podczas odpowiadania na niniejszy e-mail proszę nie usuwać z 
tematu tekstu w nawiasie: (...)


Czy ktoś może wie o co chodzi z tego typu wiadomościami i po co Pan(i) je rozsyła? 

PS.Czy dostajecie podobne wiadomości?

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Re: bind9 actualizar la zona inversa automaticamente desde la directa

2011-10-12 Thread AngelD

Sat, 8 Oct 2011, Flako:

  Tengo una duda conceptual de bind y zonas inversas.
  Configure la zonas principal y inversa para mi dominio, donde estan 
anda bien. pero como que no encuentro documentacion de como hacer que la 
zona inversa se actualice automaticamente desde los datos de la 
principal, esto es posible? bind tiene un parametro?
  Realmente toy pensado en hacer un script que lea la zona inversa y 
genere el archivo inverso..

  Ustedes que hacen normalmente?  editar los dos archivos?

	Si utilizo Bind, edito los doa archivos. Si utilizo [1]maradns, 
recurro a las directivas FQDN4 y FQDN6 que realizan el registro directo e 
inverso de una sola tacada.


Saludos --- Angel

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Re: MD5SUM de un CD de debian ya existente

2011-10-12 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 11 Oct 2011 17:30:05 -0430, Juan Lavieri escribió:

 En un hilo paralelo se ha planteado la pregunta de cómo obtener la
 md5sum de un CD ya quemado que coincida con la suma de la imagen iso

¿Y por qué abres un hilo nuevo si se trata del mismo tema?
 He aquí como yo lo hago, de hecho tuve que hacerlo hoy con un cd de
 netinstall de debian que bajó mi hijo pero no verificó las md5sum de la
 imagen antes de quemar el CD.
 Comandos y resultados son los siguientes:
 Con el CD en el lector.
 juan@enterprise:~$ isoinfo -d -i /dev/sr0


Este sistema es el que puse ayer.

 juan@enterprise:~$ dd if=/dev/cdrom bs=2048 count=86016 conv=notrunc,noerror 
 | md5sum


Aquí has introducido un par de opciones más (conv=notrunc,noerror), 

sm01@stt008:~$ isoinfo -d -i /dev/cdrom
CD-ROM is in ISO 9660 format
System id: LINUX
Volume id: openSUSE Live CD GNOME
Volume set id: 
Publisher id: SUSE LINUX Products GmbH
Data preparer id: KIWI -
Copyright File id: 
Abstract File id: 
Bibliographic File id: 
Volume set size is: 1
Volume set sequence number is: 1
Logical block size is: 2048
Volume size is: 339914
El Torito VD version 1 found, boot catalog is in sector 50
Joliet with UCS level 3 found
Rock Ridge signatures version 1 found
Eltorito validation header:
Hid 1
Arch 0 (x86)
ID 'SUSE LINUX Products Gmb'
Key 55 AA
Eltorito defaultboot header:
Bootid 88 (bootable)
Boot media 0 (No Emulation Boot)
Load segment 0
Sys type 0
Nsect 4
Bootoff 33 51

sm01@stt008:~$ dd if=/dev/cdrom bs=2048 count=339914 conv=notrunc,noerror | 
339914+0 records in
339914+0 records out
696143872 bytes (696 MB) copied, 155,625 s, 4,5 MB/s
5030fa12d0ce8d7487789d0d42868988  -

No sirve, falla de la misma forma.



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Re: De Stable a Testing

2011-10-12 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 11 Oct 2011 22:39:00 -0500, Juan Carlos Villegas Botero escribió:

 Bueno, les cuento que hice lo que alguno me recomendó... cambiar las
 fuentes y hacer safe-upgrade y después full-upgrade... todo parecía bien
 hasta que reinicié y no tenía entorno gráfico.

Seguramente por el driver de la gráfica. ¿Cuál era el que tenías 
instalado en stable?

 Ahí me acordé que Linux Mint (en mi opinión la distribución de Linux más
 amigable que existe) tiene una versión basada en Debian Testing, así que
 la descargué y la instalé.  Como siempre la instalación fue todo un
 éxito, pero al intentar poner música me sacó un error, y no le había
 tocado nada al sistema, mejor dicho se instaló defectuoso.


Pero gente, que esos son pequeñeces, reinstalar un sistema completo 
porque no inicia el entorno gráfico o porque el reproductor de audio saca 
un error es una auténtica barbaridad :-)

 Finalmente decidí dejar de hacer eso y volver al siempre perfecto Debian
 Stable, sí, el mismo que tenía antes de empezar.

O sea, que estás como antes y encima no has aprendido nada :-P



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Re: MD5SUM de un CD de debian ya existente

2011-10-12 Thread fernando sainz
El día 12 de octubre de 2011 11:05, Camaleón escribió:
 El Tue, 11 Oct 2011 17:30:05 -0430, Juan Lavieri escribió:

 En un hilo paralelo se ha planteado la pregunta de cómo obtener la
 md5sum de un CD ya quemado que coincida con la suma de la imagen iso

 ¿Y por qué abres un hilo nuevo si se trata del mismo tema?

La pregunta no es para mi, pero yo creo que el otro hilo se había
convertido en otra cosa. No me pareció mal que dejara su solución en
un nuevo hilo. A ver si no se malea. :-)

 He aquí como yo lo hago, de hecho tuve que hacerlo hoy con un cd de
 netinstall de debian que bajó mi hijo pero no verificó las md5sum de la
 imagen antes de quemar el CD.

 Comandos y resultados son los siguientes:

 Con el CD en el lector.

 juan@enterprise:~$ isoinfo -d -i /dev/sr0


 Este sistema es el que puse ayer.

 juan@enterprise:~$ dd if=/dev/cdrom bs=2048 count=86016 conv=notrunc,noerror 
 | md5sum


 Aquí has introducido un par de opciones más (conv=notrunc,noerror),

 sm01@stt008:~$ isoinfo -d -i /dev/cdrom
 CD-ROM is in ISO 9660 format
 System id: LINUX
 Volume id: openSUSE Live CD GNOME
 Volume set id:
 Publisher id: SUSE LINUX Products GmbH
 Data preparer id: KIWI -
 Copyright File id:
 Abstract File id:
 Bibliographic File id:
 Volume set size is: 1
 Volume set sequence number is: 1
 Logical block size is: 2048
 Volume size is: 339914
 El Torito VD version 1 found, boot catalog is in sector 50
 Joliet with UCS level 3 found
 Rock Ridge signatures version 1 found
 Eltorito validation header:
    Hid 1
    Arch 0 (x86)
    ID 'SUSE LINUX Products Gmb'
    Key 55 AA
    Eltorito defaultboot header:
        Bootid 88 (bootable)
        Boot media 0 (No Emulation Boot)
        Load segment 0
        Sys type 0
        Nsect 4
        Bootoff 33 51

 sm01@stt008:~$ dd if=/dev/cdrom bs=2048 count=339914 conv=notrunc,noerror | 
 339914+0 records in
 339914+0 records out
 696143872 bytes (696 MB) copied, 155,625 s, 4,5 MB/s
 5030fa12d0ce8d7487789d0d42868988  -

 No sirve, falla de la misma forma.


Que conste que no lo he probado, pero no tendrás mal la imagen ;-)


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Re: MD5SUM de un CD de debian ya existente

2011-10-12 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 12 Oct 2011 11:16:43 +0200, fernando sainz escribió:

 El día 12 de octubre de 2011 11:05, Camaleón
 El Tue, 11 Oct 2011 17:30:05 -0430, Juan Lavieri escribió:

 En un hilo paralelo se ha planteado la pregunta de cómo obtener la
 md5sum de un CD ya quemado que coincida con la suma de la imagen iso

 ¿Y por qué abres un hilo nuevo si se trata del mismo tema?
 La pregunta no es para mi, pero yo creo que el otro hilo se había
 convertido en otra cosa. No me pareció mal que dejara su solución en un
 nuevo hilo. A ver si no se malea. :-)

Creo que el mensaje inicial estaba bien planteado pero obviamente hay 
quien no entendió absolutamente nada y respondió lo primero que le 
pareció, como suele pasar...

 He aquí como yo lo hago, de hecho tuve que hacerlo hoy con un cd de
 netinstall de debian que bajó mi hijo pero no verificó las md5sum de
 la imagen antes de quemar el CD.

 Comandos y resultados son los siguientes:

 Con el CD en el lector.

 juan@enterprise:~$ isoinfo -d -i /dev/sr0


 Este sistema es el que puse ayer.


 No sirve, falla de la misma forma.

 Que conste que no lo he probado, pero no tendrás mal la imagen ;-)

No, porque la suma de la ISO coincide.

Es por lo que explicaba ayer (y que está muy bien detallado en el enlace 
que puse), el proceso de grabación influye igualmente en el resultado, 
así que tampoco es un sistema fiable al 100%.



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Re: De Stable a Testing

2011-10-12 Thread Ramses
El 12/10/2011, a las 11:09, Camaleón escribió:

 El Tue, 11 Oct 2011 22:39:00 -0500, Juan Carlos Villegas Botero escribió:
 Bueno, les cuento que hice lo que alguno me recomendó... cambiar las
 fuentes y hacer safe-upgrade y después full-upgrade... todo parecía bien
 hasta que reinicié y no tenía entorno gráfico.
 Seguramente por el driver de la gráfica. ¿Cuál era el que tenías 
 instalado en stable?
 Ahí me acordé que Linux Mint (en mi opinión la distribución de Linux más
 amigable que existe) tiene una versión basada en Debian Testing, así que
 la descargué y la instalé.  Como siempre la instalación fue todo un
 éxito, pero al intentar poner música me sacó un error, y no le había
 tocado nada al sistema, mejor dicho se instaló defectuoso.
 Pero gente, que esos son pequeñeces, reinstalar un sistema completo 
 porque no inicia el entorno gráfico o porque el reproductor de audio saca 
 un error es una auténtica barbaridad :-)
 Finalmente decidí dejar de hacer eso y volver al siempre perfecto Debian
 Stable, sí, el mismo que tenía antes de empezar.
 O sea, que estás como antes y encima no has aprendido nada :-P

Je, je, esa es la misma técnica que usan algunos que dan soporte para Windows: 
Apaga y enciende, y si sigue sin funcionar lo que no te funcionaba antes, 
reinstala Windows...

Ojo, es una broma, sin ánimo de crear un flame... ;-)



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Re: De Stable a Testing

2011-10-12 Thread Nicolas Bevilacqua

El 12/10/11 00:39, Juan Carlos Villegas Botero escribió:

El 10/10/11 10:31, Marcel Sánchez Góngora escribió:

On Sat, 2011-10-08 at 11:58 -0430, Yukiteru Amano wrote:

El 08/10/11 11:55, Juan Carlos Villegas Botero escribió:

Buenos días lista... ya llevo un buen tiempo usando Debian Stable y
quiero pasarme a Testing... ya conozco los Pros y los Contras.

¿Cuál es la forma más recomendada para hacerlo?

Es fácil amigo, haz lo siguiente:

1.- sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list o sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
(usa el que te guste)

2.- Cambia lo que diga Stable o Squeeze, por testing y sala los cambios

3.- sudo aptitude update

4.- sudo aptitude safe-upgrade

5.- sudo aptitude full-upgrade

Los safe-upgrade y full-upgrade pueden tardar un poco en realizarse eso
es normal, al final tendrás tu Debian Testing funcionando sin problemas.


Se recomienda primero actualizar dpkg, apt y/o aptitude antes del
dist-upgrade, safe-upgrade o full-upgrade. No obstante prefiero lo que
recomendó Camaleón, instalar desde cero con Testing.

Bueno, les cuento que hice lo que alguno me recomendó... cambiar las
fuentes y hacer safe-upgrade y después full-upgrade... todo parecía bien
hasta que reinicié y no tenía entorno gráfico.

Ahí me acordé que Linux Mint (en mi opinión la distribución de Linux más
amigable que existe) tiene una versión basada en Debian Testing, así que
la descargué y la instalé. Como siempre la instalación fue todo un
éxito, pero al intentar poner música me sacó un error, y no le había
tocado nada al sistema, mejor dicho se instaló defectuoso.

Finalmente decidí dejar de hacer eso y volver al siempre perfecto Debian
Stable, sí, el mismo que tenía antes de empezar.

Es muuuy común que no arranque el entorno gráfico, sobre todo si 
usas los drivers privativos, porque al cambiar el kernel muchas veces no 
se instalan bien los módulos que el driver necesita.

Normalmente, cuando se actualiza el kernel, debo reinstalar el driver de 
la placa de video, que no es mas que lanzar un par de comandos extra.

No te asustes si sucede eso, que la solución es fácil y rápida.
Yo he actualizado mi debian con el método que te han comentado sin 
problemas, salvo por este que comentas.

Si tienes dudas, te recomiendo que hagas todo el procedimiento en una 
máquina virtual hasta que veas que todo te funciona, así evitas tener 
que volver a reinstalar. Pero créeme que funciona.

Saludos, Nicolás.

:(){:|:};: - In a world without Fences and Walls, who needs Windows and 
Gates - :(){:|:};:

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Re: ¿Cómo verificar la integridad de los CD/DVD de Linux sin descargar las imágenes?

2011-10-12 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 11 Oct 2011 15:33:30 +, alexander villalba escribió:

 El 11 de octubre de 2011 14:09, Luis Felipe Tabera

 Puedes usar cualquier cliente ftp serio para hacer un listado del
 directorio de las iso y te dará el número de bytes.

 al fin una autentica respuesta. wget también permite saber, por cierto,
 el numero de bytes. Curiosamente me entere antes de que me respondieras

Ah, ¡¡qué buena idea lo del wget!!

sm01@stt008:~$ wget
--2011-10-12 18:07:37--
Connecting to||:80... conectado.
Petición HTTP enviada, esperando respuesta... 200 OK
Longitud: 696254464 (664M) [application/x-iso9660-image]

Saving to: `openSUSE-GNOME-LiveCD-Build0315-i686.iso'

23% [=   ] 161.643.941 6,00M/s  eta 

Ahí está el dato (Longitud: 696254464). Se corta la conexión y listo. 

Hombre, pues *muchas gracias* por el tip.

 Pero ahora tengo el problema de que no consigo la imagen ISO... lo dije
 con anterioridad:
 Esta es la
 Debian GNU/Linux Squeeze - Official i386 CD Binary-1
 lo escribí tal como aparece en uno de los README. Repito: no la consigo.
 ¿Es que desaparecen? (le di a buscar) porque debería ser tan engorroso
 dar con eso, si es que se da?

La tienes en el archivo:

 seguro que me responden diciendome que encontraron la 6.0.3 y que por
 tanto soy un inepto

Pues... (ejem) con buscar un poco la hubieras encontrado:

¿Todavía están disponibles imágenes antiguas de CD/DVD?



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Re: MD5SUM de un CD de debian ya existente

2011-10-12 Thread Juan Lavieri

El día 12 de octubre de 2011 04:53, Camaleón escribió:

 Es por lo que explicaba ayer (y que está muy bien detallado en el enlace
 que puse), el proceso de grabación influye igualmente en el resultado,
 así que tampoco es un sistema fiable al 100%.



Por un momento me hiciste dudar (que raro que una mujer pueda crear en
nosotros esas cosas*), por lo que bajé la imagen business card de
debian y procedí a quemarla en un CD.

He aquí los resultados:

juan@enterprise:~$ isoinfo -d -i /dev/sr0
CD-ROM is in ISO 9660 format
System id:
Volume id: Debian 6.0.3 amd64 1
Volume set id:
Publisher id:
Data preparer id: XORRISO-1.1.0 2011.06.20.110001, LIBISOBURN-1.1.0,
Application id:
Copyright File id:
Abstract File id:
Bibliographic File id:
Volume set size is: 1
Volume set sequence number is: 1
Logical block size is: 2048
Volume size is: 25600
El Torito VD version 1 found, boot catalog is in sector 704
Joliet with UCS level 3 found
Rock Ridge signatures version 1 found
Eltorito validation header:
Hid 1
Arch 0 (x86)
ID ''
Key 55 AA
Eltorito defaultboot header:
Bootid 88 (bootable)
Boot media 0 (No Emulation Boot)
Load segment 0
Sys type 0
Nsect 4
Bootoff 2489 9353

juan@enterprise:~$ dd if=/dev/cdrom bs=2048 count=25600
conv=notrunc,noerror | md5sum
25600+0 records in
25600+0 records out
52428800 bytes (52 MB) copied, 33,9285 s, 1,5 MB/s
980568eeae2e2e631317c96066eea2b2  -

Esa es la md5sum del CD.  Aquí te copio  de la web de debian:

980568eeae2e2e631317c96066eea2b2  debian-6.0.3-amd64-businesscard.iso

Si no son la misma, como dicen por aquí, se parecen igualito.

No se por qué a ti no te coinciden pero a mi nunca me ha fallado este
método;  tal vez tenga que ver con el programa que usas para quemar el

Yo solía hacerlo con gnome-baker hasta que gracias a Basaburu me pase
al lado oscuro y ahora lo hago con K3B.

Por todo lo dicho, la única explicación posible es que estás contando
los bytes espúreos de OpenSuse;  déjate de eso, utiliza solo CD's de
Debian y te irá bien.


Juan Lavieri

* Es una broma, para nada soy machista

Errar es de humanos, pero es mas humano culpar a los demás.

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2011-10-12 Thread Francisco Bravo Andrade
Buenas Tardes,

Necesito saber de alguna aplicación que me permita monitoriar en forma
gráfica 96 ips solamente el servicio de ping para saber cuando estén abajo.-

antes lo hacia con nagios 3.3.1 en squeeze  pero ahora estoy en testing
y me canse de nagios y sus configuraciones busco su sabiduría en algo
rápido y cómodo.-

de antemano gracias totales.-

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Re: Consulta

2011-10-12 Thread YaSnIeL LóPeZ ArGüEz

El 12/10/11 13:43, Francisco Bravo Andrade escribió:

Buenas Tardes,

Necesito saber de alguna aplicación que me permita monitoriar en forma
gráfica 96 ips solamente el servicio de ping para saber cuando estén abajo.-

antes lo hacia con nagios 3.3.1 en squeeze  pero ahora estoy en testing
y me canse de nagios y sus configuraciones busco su sabiduría en algo
rápido y cómodo.-

Yo hago eso con el cacti... bastante rápido y fácil de configurar. 
También lo uso para graficar  el tráfico de las mismas, espacio en HDD, 
uso de memoria, usuarios logueados, etc etc


Lic. Yasniel López Argüez.
Administrador de Red.
Empresa Servicentros de Cupet.
Oficina Central, Avenida 70, No.29, esq. 29b. Buena Vista.
Municipio Playa, La Habana. Cuba.
Teléfono: 204-0185
Teléfono: 204-0405  Ext.121

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Re: Consulta

2011-10-12 Thread CHACO
2011/10/12 YaSnIeL LóPeZ ArGüEz

 El 12/10/11 13:43, Francisco Bravo Andrade escribió:

  Buenas Tardes,

 Necesito saber de alguna aplicación que me permita monitoriar en forma
 gráfica 96 ips solamente el servicio de ping para saber cuando estén

 antes lo hacia con nagios 3.3.1 en squeeze  pero ahora estoy en testing
 y me canse de nagios y sus configuraciones busco su sabiduría en algo
 rápido y cómodo.-

 Yo hago eso con el cacti... bastante rápido y fácil de configurar. También
 lo uso para graficar  el tráfico de las mismas, espacio en HDD, uso de
 memoria, usuarios logueados, etc etc


 Lic. Yasniel López Argüez.
 Administrador de Red.
 Empresa Servicentros de Cupet.
 Oficina Central, Avenida 70, No.29, esq. 29b. Buena Vista.
 Municipio Playa, La Habana. Cuba.
 Teléfono: 204-0185
 Teléfono: 204-0405  Ext.121

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Yo uso Zabbix

Diego Chacón Rojas
San Jose Costa Rica

/v\L   I   N   U   X
   // \\
  /(   )\
This is Unix-Land. In quiet nights, you can hear the Windows machines
MACHINE 244435
No me envie correos en formatos propietarios

Re: Consulta

2011-10-12 Thread Matías A. Bellone

On 10/12/2011 02:43 PM, Francisco Bravo Andrade wrote:

Buenas Tardes,

Necesito saber de alguna aplicación que me permita monitoriar en forma
gráfica 96 ips solamente el servicio de ping para saber cuando estén abajo.-

antes lo hacia con nagios 3.3.1 en squeeze  pero ahora estoy en testing
y me canse de nagios y sus configuraciones busco su sabiduría en algo
rápido y cómodo.-

Un programa hecho específicamente para lo que vos buscás: smokeping


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Re: Samba, Kerberos y Evolution vs. Win2003, ADS y Exchange [SOLUCIONADO]

2011-10-12 Thread Javier Argentina
Prometido es deuda; wiki para configurar el acceso a la GAL.

PD: Una lástima que este hilo se haya transformado en semilla de una
sarta de estupideces.

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Re: Consulta

2011-10-12 Thread Javier Argentina
El día 12 de octubre de 2011 14:43, Francisco Bravo Andrade escribió:
 Buenas Tardes,

Muy buenas.

 Necesito saber de alguna aplicación que me permita monitoriar en forma
 gráfica 96 ips solamente el servicio de ping para saber cuando estén abajo.-

 antes lo hacia con nagios 3.3.1 en squeeze  pero ahora estoy en testing
 y me canse de nagios y sus configuraciones busco su sabiduría en algo
 rápido y cómodo.-

 de antemano gracias totales.-

No te ofendas, pero... sé un poco menos demandante y más amable. Por
tu correo, nos damos cuenta que estás cansado y necesitado de algo
más rápido y cómodo.
Sería más gustoso que supiéramos que estás buscando una alternativa,
y ya has probado los programas xxx, yyy, zzz.
Que los mismos no te satisfacen, etcétera.

Y por sobre todo, antes de hacer cualquier pregunta tan demandante,


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Re: Consulta

2011-10-12 Thread Francisco Bravo Andrade
El 12/10/11 15:41, Javier Argentina escribió:
 El día 12 de octubre de 2011 14:43, Francisco Bravo Andrade escribió:
 Buenas Tardes,

 Muy buenas.

 Necesito saber de alguna aplicación que me permita monitoriar en forma
 gráfica 96 ips solamente el servicio de ping para saber cuando estén abajo.-

 antes lo hacia con nagios 3.3.1 en squeeze  pero ahora estoy en testing
 y me canse de nagios y sus configuraciones busco su sabiduría en algo
 rápido y cómodo.-

 de antemano gracias totales.-

 No te ofendas, pero... sé un poco menos demandante y más amable. Por
 tu correo, nos damos cuenta que estás cansado y necesitado de algo
 más rápido y cómodo.
 Sería más gustoso que supiéramos que estás buscando una alternativa,
 y ya has probado los programas xxx, yyy, zzz.
 Que los mismos no te satisfacen, etcétera.

 Y por sobre todo, antes de hacer cualquier pregunta tan demandante,


K pesao sera por que perdieron.-


Gracias por sus comentarios pero me enfoque en cacti por estar en los
repos de whezy se agradece su tiempo y ayuda.-

Gracias totales.-

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Upstart en Wheezy

2011-10-12 Thread Alejandro Beltrán
¿Hay algún valiente que haya pasado su Debian testing a upstart? Al
querer hacer apt-get install upstart me pide desinstalar sysvinit.
¿Hay alguien que lo haya hecho y no haya tenido problemas?

Por cierto, una vez pasados a upstart, un artículo interesante sobre
cómo mejorar el rendimiento en nuestro Linux con ZRAM:

Un saludo!!!

Alejandro Beltrán

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Re: bind9 actualizar la zona inversa automaticamente desde la directa

2011-10-12 Thread Flako
   Gracias a todos..
   Ya confirme q no hay opcion en bind :)

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Re: Upstart en Wheezy

2011-10-12 Thread Gonzalo Rivero
El mié, 12-10-2011 a las 21:05 +0200, Alejandro Beltrán escribió: 
 ¿Hay algún valiente que haya pasado su Debian testing a upstart? Al
hace un par de meses (tal vez el año pasado?) yo actualicé en mi
compactita. Todavía sigue funcionando =D

 querer hacer apt-get install upstart me pide desinstalar sysvinit.
teniendo en cuenta que ambos sirven para lo mismo (ejecutar los scripts
de los niveles de ejecución)... tiene sentido que hagan conflicto entre
De todas maneras /creo/, ya no recuerdo bien, que cuando se instaló en
ese dist-upgrade me preguntó

 ¿Hay alguien que lo haya hecho y no haya tenido problemas?

 Por cierto, una vez pasados a upstart, un artículo interesante sobre
 cómo mejorar el rendimiento en nuestro Linux con ZRAM:
interesante, ya lo estaré revisando

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Re: Consulta

2011-10-12 Thread Juan Antonio
El 12/10/11 20:45, Francisco Bravo Andrade escribió:
 El 12/10/11 15:41, Javier Argentina escribió:
 El día 12 de octubre de 2011 14:43, Francisco Bravo Andrade escribió:
 Buenas Tardes,

 Muy buenas.

 Necesito saber de alguna aplicación que me permita monitoriar en forma
 gráfica 96 ips solamente el servicio de ping para saber cuando estén abajo.-

 antes lo hacia con nagios 3.3.1 en squeeze  pero ahora estoy en testing
 y me canse de nagios y sus configuraciones busco su sabiduría en algo
 rápido y cómodo.-

 de antemano gracias totales.-

 No te ofendas, pero... sé un poco menos demandante y más amable. Por
 tu correo, nos damos cuenta que estás cansado y necesitado de algo
 más rápido y cómodo.
 Sería más gustoso que supiéramos que estás buscando una alternativa,
 y ya has probado los programas xxx, yyy, zzz.
 Que los mismos no te satisfacen, etcétera.

 Y por sobre todo, antes de hacer cualquier pregunta tan demandante,


 K pesao sera por que perdieron.-
 Gracias por sus comentarios pero me enfoque en cacti por estar en los
 repos de whezy se agradece su tiempo y ayuda.-
 Gracias totales.-

Otra opción sencilla y rápida

Por otra parte ¿Qué es lo que perdieron? ¿Quienes lo perdieron?

Tanto en los deportes como en todo lo demás, soy un experto. Pero para
mantener viva mi inteligencia natural y fuera de serie, tengo que comer

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Re: Upstart en Wheezy

2011-10-12 Thread Juan Antonio
El 12/10/11 21:47, Gonzalo Rivero escribió:
 El mié, 12-10-2011 a las 21:05 +0200, Alejandro Beltrán escribió: 
 ¿Hay algún valiente que haya pasado su Debian testing a upstart? Al
 hace un par de meses (tal vez el año pasado?) yo actualicé en mi
 compactita. Todavía sigue funcionando =D
 querer hacer apt-get install upstart me pide desinstalar sysvinit.
 teniendo en cuenta que ambos sirven para lo mismo (ejecutar los scripts
 de los niveles de ejecución)... tiene sentido que hagan conflicto entre
 De todas maneras /creo/, ya no recuerdo bien, que cuando se instaló en
 ese dist-upgrade me preguntó
 ¿Hay alguien que lo haya hecho y no haya tenido problemas?

 Por cierto, una vez pasados a upstart, un artículo interesante sobre
 cómo mejorar el rendimiento en nuestro Linux con ZRAM:
 interesante, ya lo estaré revisando

Sobre este asunto del zram, cuando lo lei me surgió la siguiente duda
¿Meter en memoria principal una imagen comprimida de la memoria de
intercambio que se usa precisamente cuando no hay memoria física
disponible? Si hay memoria física disponible ¿Para que enviarlo a swap?

Un saludo.

Tanto en los deportes como en todo lo demás, soy un experto. Pero para
mantener viva mi inteligencia natural y fuera de serie, tengo que comer

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Re: Consulta

2011-10-12 Thread Francisco Bravo Andrade
El 12/10/11 16:48, Juan Antonio escribió:
 El 12/10/11 20:45, Francisco Bravo Andrade escribió:
 El 12/10/11 15:41, Javier Argentina escribió:
 El día 12 de octubre de 2011 14:43, Francisco Bravo Andrade escribió:
 Buenas Tardes,

 Muy buenas.

 Necesito saber de alguna aplicación que me permita monitoriar en forma
 gráfica 96 ips solamente el servicio de ping para saber cuando estén 

 antes lo hacia con nagios 3.3.1 en squeeze  pero ahora estoy en testing
 y me canse de nagios y sus configuraciones busco su sabiduría en algo
 rápido y cómodo.-

 de antemano gracias totales.-

 No te ofendas, pero... sé un poco menos demandante y más amable. Por
 tu correo, nos damos cuenta que estás cansado y necesitado de algo
 más rápido y cómodo.
 Sería más gustoso que supiéramos que estás buscando una alternativa,
 y ya has probado los programas xxx, yyy, zzz.
 Que los mismos no te satisfacen, etcétera.

 Y por sobre todo, antes de hacer cualquier pregunta tan demandante,


 K pesao sera por que perdieron.-


 Gracias por sus comentarios pero me enfoque en cacti por estar en los
 repos de whezy se agradece su tiempo y ayuda.-

 Gracias totales.-

 Otra opción sencilla y rápida

 Por otra parte ¿Qué es lo que perdieron? ¿Quienes lo perdieron?

venezuela 1 argentina 0 en eliminatoria sudamericana.- es una broma para
javier argentina.-

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Re: Consulta

2011-10-12 Thread Javier Argentina
 Por otra parte ¿Qué es lo que perdieron? ¿Quienes lo perdieron?

 venezuela 1 argentina 0 en eliminatoria sudamericana.- es una broma para
 javier argentina.-

Como dicen en mi pueblo, ¡Por fin mi perro atrapó una mosca!
Bien merecido lo tuvieron. El tarado de Messi parece que cada vez que
pasa por la aduana, se deja las pelotas colgadas en el perchero de
Y no me refiero a las de fútbol.
Me saco el sombrero por Amorebieta; lo anuló todo el partido.
Y por sobre todo, la defensa escalonada que hizo toda la vinotinto,
jugando en equipo a ganar en vez de para las cámaras y las pizarras de
cotización de jugadores.


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Re: Upstart en Wheezy

2011-10-12 Thread Alejandro Beltrán
El día 12 de octubre de 2011 21:52, Juan Antonio escribió:
 El 12/10/11 21:47, Gonzalo Rivero escribió:
 El mié, 12-10-2011 a las 21:05 +0200, Alejandro Beltrán escribió:
 ¿Hay algún valiente que haya pasado su Debian testing a upstart? Al
 hace un par de meses (tal vez el año pasado?) yo actualicé en mi
 compactita. Todavía sigue funcionando =D

 querer hacer apt-get install upstart me pide desinstalar sysvinit.
 teniendo en cuenta que ambos sirven para lo mismo (ejecutar los scripts
 de los niveles de ejecución)... tiene sentido que hagan conflicto entre
 De todas maneras /creo/, ya no recuerdo bien, que cuando se instaló en
 ese dist-upgrade me preguntó

 ¿Hay alguien que lo haya hecho y no haya tenido problemas?


 Por cierto, una vez pasados a upstart, un artículo interesante sobre
 cómo mejorar el rendimiento en nuestro Linux con ZRAM:
 interesante, ya lo estaré revisando

 Sobre este asunto del zram, cuando lo lei me surgió la siguiente duda
 ¿Meter en memoria principal una imagen comprimida de la memoria de
 intercambio que se usa precisamente cuando no hay memoria física
 disponible? Si hay memoria física disponible ¿Para que enviarlo a swap?

Supongo que la idea al comprimir es evitar que se use lo menos posible
la Swap, evitando que lo que en un principio iba a ir a Swap, siga en
memoria principal. Supongo que el coste temporal de
comprimir/descomprimir es menor que los accesos al disco duro.

 Un saludo.

 Tanto en los deportes como en todo lo demás, soy un experto. Pero para
 mantener viva mi inteligencia natural y fuera de serie, tengo que comer

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Alejandro Beltrán

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Re: Upstart en Wheezy

2011-10-12 Thread Javier Silva
El 12 de octubre de 2011 21:05, Alejandro Beltrán escribió:

 ¿Hay algún valiente que haya pasado su Debian testing a upstart? Al
 querer hacer apt-get install upstart me pide desinstalar sysvinit.
 ¿Hay alguien que lo haya hecho y no haya tenido problemas?

 Por cierto, una vez pasados a upstart, un artículo interesante sobre
 cómo mejorar el rendimiento en nuestro Linux con ZRAM:

 Un saludo!!!

 Alejandro Beltrán

Aprovechando este tema, hoy han publicado un artículos en DiarioLinux
que habla de upstart, aquí dejo el enlace para el que tenga

Un saludo a todos.
Javier Silva

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Re: De Stable a Testing

2011-10-12 Thread Juan Carlos Villegas Botero

El 12/10/11 04:09, Camaleón escribió:

El Tue, 11 Oct 2011 22:39:00 -0500, Juan Carlos Villegas Botero escribió:

Bueno, les cuento que hice lo que alguno me recomendó... cambiar las
fuentes y hacer safe-upgrade y después full-upgrade... todo parecía bien
hasta que reinicié y no tenía entorno gráfico.

Seguramente por el driver de la gráfica. ¿Cuál era el que tenías
instalado en stable?

Ahí me acordé que Linux Mint (en mi opinión la distribución de Linux más
amigable que existe) tiene una versión basada en Debian Testing, así que
la descargué y la instalé.  Como siempre la instalación fue todo un
éxito, pero al intentar poner música me sacó un error, y no le había
tocado nada al sistema, mejor dicho se instaló defectuoso.


Pero gente, que esos son pequeñeces, reinstalar un sistema completo
porque no inicia el entorno gráfico o porque el reproductor de audio saca
un error es una auténtica barbaridad :-)

Finalmente decidí dejar de hacer eso y volver al siempre perfecto Debian
Stable, sí, el mismo que tenía antes de empezar.

O sea, que estás como antes y encima no has aprendido nada :-P


mmm, sí, algo así... pero no es porque no quiera aprender, de hecho mis 
deseos de aprender son los que me tienen hoy en Debian, después de haber 
pasado por Windows, Fedora, Ubuntu y Linux Mint.

El problema es que ahora mismo no tengo mucho tiempo disponible para 
buscar tutoriales y esas cosas, pero me conozco y seguramente tarde o 
temprano terminaré cayendo de nuevo en la tentación e intentándolo de 
nuevo, espero que esa idea me llegue en un momento con más tiempo 

Igual al saber lo de la tarjeta gráfica ya lo tendré en cuenta en un 
futuro.  Mi tarjeta es una Ati Radeon HD 4200 que a propósito no he 
instalado en esta nueva formateada... ahora mismo me pongo en esas.

Juan Carlos Villegas Botero

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Programas para cada grupo de usuários.

2011-10-12 Thread Cleber Ianes

A alguns anos acho que já fiz essa pergunta por aqui e não obtive
Meu ambiente:
    Tenho 10 usuários que utilizam o mesmo computador;
          04 crianças
          01 Pai
          01 Mãe
          01 Convidado1
          01 Convidado2
          01 EditVideo
          01 Programador

Quero que determinados programas estejam disponíveis para os
usuários conforme o grupo, por exemplo:
        Firefox = infantil, edição, programação e users
        wireshark = supervisão
        virtualbox = programação
        rhythmbox = users

Esse ambiente é hipotético, só para ilustrar o que quero, meu
ambiente real é bem mais complicado. Mas com o básico já conseguirei
Alguém sabe como faço para definir que determinado programa esteja
disponível para grupos específicos.

Cleber Ianes -- Linux User #507338



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Re: Programas para cada grupo de usuários.

2011-10-12 Thread Fred Maranhão
você quer que a criança não veja o wireshark no menu do gnome? ou você
quer que além disso, ela, mesmo abrindo um terminal e digitando
wireshark, não consiga abrir o programa?

O que estou pensando em fazer com meu filho de 2 anos é tirar os menus
do gnome e colocar na área de trabalho apenas os aplicativos para ele.
atualmente, apenas o tuxpaint e o totem, abrindo direto numa pasta com
desenhos e em modo tela cheia. mas se os coleguinhas dele no colégio
ensinarem a apertar alt+F2 e digitar wireshark, ele vai abrir o

também dei uma boa limpada nas barras do gnome. tirei o alternador de
tarefas, o relógio (ele não sabe ver horas), o alternador de ambientes
de trabalho (ele só tem um ambiente de trabalho, como no windows) e


Em 12 de outubro de 2011 13:50, Cleber Ianes escreveu:
 A alguns anos acho que já fiz essa pergunta por aqui e não obtive resposta.
 Meu ambiente:
     Tenho 10 usuários que utilizam o mesmo computador;
         04 crianças
         01 Pai
         01 Mãe
         01 Convidado1
         01 Convidado2
         01 EditVideo
         01 Programador

 Quero que determinados programas estejam disponíveis para os usuários
 conforme o grupo, por exemplo:
         Firefox = infantil, edição, programação e users
         wireshark = supervisão
         virtualbox = programação
         rhythmbox = users

 Esse ambiente é hipotético, só para ilustrar o que quero, meu ambiente real
 é bem mais complicado. Mas com o básico já conseguirei adaptar.
 Alguém sabe como faço para definir que determinado programa esteja
 disponível para grupos específicos.

 Cleber Ianes -- Linux User #507338

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Re: Programas para cada grupo de usuários.

2011-10-12 Thread Cleber Ianes
Fred, na verdade quero que não consiga abrir nem pelo terminal. Esse é 
meu objetivo final, mas se eu conseguir que não apareça no menu já é 
interessante, mas isso tem que ser definido por grupo porque pretendo 
implementar isso para um ambiente com mais de 100 usuários e não seria 
viável ter que mudar o menu de cada um.
Eu quero que determinados programas só sejam permitidos para determinado 


On 12-10-2011 15:45, Fred Maranhão wrote:

você quer que a criança não veja o wireshark no menu do gnome? ou você
quer que além disso, ela, mesmo abrindo um terminal e digitando
wireshark, não consiga abrir o programa?

O que estou pensando em fazer com meu filho de 2 anos é tirar os menus
do gnome e colocar na área de trabalho apenas os aplicativos para ele.
atualmente, apenas o tuxpaint e o totem, abrindo direto numa pasta com
desenhos e em modo tela cheia. mas se os coleguinhas dele no colégio
ensinarem a apertar alt+F2 e digitar wireshark, ele vai abrir o

também dei uma boa limpada nas barras do gnome. tirei o alternador de
tarefas, o relógio (ele não sabe ver horas), o alternador de ambientes
de trabalho (ele só tem um ambiente de trabalho, como no windows) e


Em 12 de outubro de 2011 13:50, Cleber Ianes  escreveu:

A alguns anos acho que já fiz essa pergunta por aqui e não obtive resposta.
Meu ambiente:
 Tenho 10 usuários que utilizam o mesmo computador;
 04 crianças
 01 Pai
 01 Mãe
 01 Convidado1
 01 Convidado2
 01 EditVideo
 01 Programador

Quero que determinados programas estejam disponíveis para os usuários
conforme o grupo, por exemplo:
 Firefox = infantil, edição, programação e users
 wireshark = supervisão
 virtualbox = programação
 rhythmbox = users

Esse ambiente é hipotético, só para ilustrar o que quero, meu ambiente real
é bem mais complicado. Mas com o básico já conseguirei adaptar.
Alguém sabe como faço para definir que determinado programa esteja
disponível para grupos específicos.

Cleber Ianes -- Linux User #507338

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Cleber Ianes -- Linux User #507338

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Re: Programas para cada grupo de usuários.

2011-10-12 Thread Kleber Fortaleza
não seria interessante o uso de acl pra isso?

a acl permite um controle de permissões por usuário ou por grupo mais avançado

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Re: Programas para cada grupo de usuários.

2011-10-12 Thread Cleber Ianes

Kleber, seja mais claro, por favor.
Como seria isso?

On 12-10-2011 20:33, Kleber Fortaleza wrote:

não seria interessante o uso de acl pra isso?

a acl permite um controle de permissões por usuário ou por grupo mais avançado

Cleber Ianes -- Linux User #507338

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Re: Programas para cada grupo de usuários.

2011-10-12 Thread Kleber Fortaleza
no linux nós temos controle de arquivos somente por usuários e grupos, sendo 
que eu posso configurar um arquivo ou pasta para somente um usuário ou um 
grupo. dessa forma eu não consigo ajustar permissões diferentes para usuários 
e grupos diferentes

com acl você pode, de maneira explícita, descrever qual o tipo de acesso que 
vários usuários ou grupos individualmente podem ter. dessa forma, voce poderia 
dizer que o executável do wireshark pode ser executado somente por um usuário 
específico, ou um conjunto de usuários, mas sem a necessidade de colocar todos 
em um grupo.

não gosto da comparação, mas é bem similar ao sistemas de permissões do 

é meio complicado, mas tem bons artigos falando dele na internet, recomendo a 
leitura desse:

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

HP Laser Jet P1005 no 6.0.3

2011-10-12 Thread quiet.soul.wolf

Caros amigos.
Passei desde a tarde tentando instalar minha HP Laser Jet P1005
no recente Debian 6.0.3, mas não consegui.
No Debian 6.0.2 foi mais fácil.
Alguém já conseguiu ou tem alguma idéia ?
flávio (quiet.soul.wolf)

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Re: HP Laser Jet P1005 no 6.0.3

2011-10-12 Thread Rafael Henrique da Silva Correia
Verifique se você tem os pacotes abaixo instalados:


Eu nunca tive problemas com drivers de impressão, com nenhuma HP até
agora... mas nunca instalei uma HP Laser Jet P1005.


2011/10/12 quiet.soul.wolf

 Caros amigos.
 Passei desde a tarde tentando instalar minha HP Laser Jet P1005
 no recente Debian 6.0.3, mas não consegui.
 No Debian 6.0.2 foi mais fácil.
 Alguém já conseguiu ou tem alguma idéia ?
 flávio (quiet.soul.wolf)

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Rafael Henrique da Silva Correia

Administrador de Sistemas Linux
Certificado pela LPIC - 101
ID: LPI000160699

Re: dates of install for pkgs

2011-10-12 Thread Jörg-Volker Peetz
Also don't know about such switch for dpkg.
The list-files of the installed packages in /var/lib/dpkg/info, I think, take
the date of installation. But I was to lazy to check it against the log-files.
So, something like

(cd /var/lib/dpkg/info;  ls -l *.list \
 | while read a b c d mm dd ty nm; do echo $mm $dd $ty ${nm%.list}; done)

could give a starting point for a list of installation dates.
For the removed packages this, obviously, does not work :-(
Best regards,

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Re: router for loadbalancing..anyone know a low cost solution ??

2011-10-12 Thread Christofer C. Bell
On Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 9:43 AM, Wawrzek Niewodniczanski wrote:

 On 10/11/11 13:15, Joey L wrote:

 On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 7:23 PM, shawn wilson wrote:


 Thanks for the reply - sorry for not specifying much.
 I am running standard services on 2 boxes - apache, mysql, postfix, asterisk.
 I use one of the boxes as a secondary - if first box fails - it should
 go to standby box.

 I think you want High Availability rather than Load Balancing.

And that can be had here (Squeeze):

Package: redhat-cluster-suite
State: not installed
Version: 3.0.12-2
Priority: optional
Section: admin
Maintainer: Debian HA Maintainers
Uncompressed Size: 61.4 k
Depends: cman (= 3.0.12-2), gfs-tools (= 3.0.12-2), gfs2-tools (= 3.0.12-2),
         rgmanager (= 3.0.12-2), clvm
Description: Red Hat cluster suite - metapackage
 RHCS is a cluster management infrastructure, for building high-availability
 multi-node clusters with service and IP failover on top of shared Fibre
 Channel/iSCSI storage devices.

 The only scope for this package is to install the full Red Hat Cluster Suite in
 one operation. It is safe to remove it.


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Re: What can make the mouse cursor disappear?

2011-10-12 Thread Joe
On Tue, 11 Oct 2011 11:46:06 -0700 (PDT)
Steven Sciame wrote:

 Have you tried compiling another kernel.  A while back I had
 something similar happen in Stable (squeeze) after I upgraded to
 6.0.1 and it was related to this bug:  They fixed
 it in the next  point release (6.0.2).  From what I understand it is
 a bug in an upstream kernel that somehow makes its way back in. I
 don't know if it will fix it or not, but you may want to compile a
 new kernel from and see if your problem goes away.  It was
 my workaround until it got fixed in Stable.

Thanks, I might have a go if I get time in the next few days, which
look busy. But I doubt it, the last two kernels have been the 3 series.
The second was four days ago, but the first was some weeks before that.
I didn't particularly notice when this problem began, but if it had been
after the first 3 version arrived I would have noticed, as the use of
'3' caused a bit of a stir. Anything untoward which started happening
that day would have been linked with the kernel.

Another possibility, if I have plenty of time, is that my laptop
occasionally runs sid, but was last updated long before this problem
arrived. I could sit there patiently updating a few packages at a time
until either the problem recurred or something else broke because it
didn't get updated in the right order


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Re: Re: More about ATI

2011-10-12 Thread Ad L.
Why not see for yourself? Look at the log file /var/log/syslog (root
access required)
Search for lines similar to these:
{timestamp hostname} kernel: [7.531710] [drm] Loading R200 Microcode
{timestamp hostname} kernel: [7.531719] platform radeon_cp.0:
firmware: requesting radeon/R200_cp.bin
{timestamp hostname} kernel: [7.661726] radeon_cp: Failed to load
firmware radeon/R200_cp.bin
{timestamp hostname} kernel: [7.661801] [drm:r100_cp_init] *ERROR*
Failed to load firmware!
{timestamp hostname} kernel: [7.661878] radeon :01:00.0:
failled initializing CP (-2).
{timestamp hostname} kernel: [7.661953] radeon :01:00.0:
Disabling GPU acceleration

It's likely that you'll also find a notice that a switch was made from
AGP mode to PCI mode.
My graphics card is of the Radeon 9200 series, which uses the R200
chipset. After this (from my synaptic log):

Installed the following packages:
firmware-linux-nonfree (0.28+squeeze1)

that error was gone, and framerates of 3D applications improved a lot,
like 4-5 times as high as before at higher resolutions. That says it

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Re: Re: hang during boot - mount: only root can do that

2011-10-12 Thread Ad L.
Permissions can be a proper pain ;P

Had some problems myself a couple of times that ended up being solved
by simply invoking chown or chmod to apply correct settings...

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Re: grub-install fails an RAID1

2011-10-12 Thread Darac Marjal
On Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 11:58:52PM +0200, Kurt Flex wrote:
 I've done a safe-upgrade today which upgraded grub:
 upgrade grub-pc 1.98+20100804-14 1.98+20100804-14+squeeze1
 The same for grub-common.
 A dialog appeared which asked me to run grub-install. But that
 failed. So i told the dialog to skip that part. Now I've tried
 grub-install manually.
 # grub-install /dev/sda
 /usr/sbin/grub-setup: warn: This msdos-style partition label has no 
 post-MBR gap; embedding won't be possible!.
 /usr/sbin/grub-setup: error: embedding is not possible, but this is 
 required when the root device is on a RAID array or LVM volume.
 My google fu is not very good on this issue.
 # parted -l
 Model: ATA WDC WD6400AACS-0 (scsi)
 Disk /dev/sda: 640GB
 Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
 Partition Table: msdos
 Number  Start   End SizeType File system Flags
  1  512B100MB   100MB   primary  ext2raid
  2  100MB   1124MB  1024MB  primary  linux-swap(v1)
  3  1124MB  610GB   609GB   primary  ext3raid
 Model: ATA WDC WD6400AACS-0 (scsi)
 Disk /dev/sdb: 640GB
 Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
 Partition Table: msdos
 Number  Start   End SizeType File system Flags
  1  512B100MB   100MB   primary  ext2raid
  2  100MB   1124MB  1024MB  primary  linux-swap(v1)
  3  1124MB  610GB   609GB   primary  ext3raid
 Model: Linux Software RAID Array (md)
 Disk /dev/md0: 99.9MB
 Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
 Partition Table: loop
 Number  Start  End SizeFile system  Flags
  1  0.00B  99.9MB  99.9MB  ext2
 Model: Linux Software RAID Array (md)
 Disk /dev/md1: 609GB
 Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
 Partition Table: loop
 Number  Start  EndSize   File system  Flags
  1  0.00B  609GB  609GB  ext3
 Any hints?

Looking at your partition table, you have 512 bytes between the start of
the disk and your first partition. This is enough for a simple boot
loader, but Grub uses a multi-stage boot system. The 512 byte
traditional boot loader is termed Stage 1. This jumps to Stage 1.5
which is a larger section of code and which contains the drivers needed
to load Stage 2. Stage 1.5, then would contain your MD driver and your
EXT2 driver so that grub can read the contents of your file system and
find /boot/grub/*. Stage 2 is then the full Grub, with the menu, the
config file and so on. See for some useful

Now, as you only have 512 bytes of 'free' space, Grub can't install its
Stage 1.5 so is complaining. For a regular disk, it could probably
perform a direct jump to Stage 2 and hope it doesn't move (it
shouldn't), but as you have RAID, it can't do that.

So, I think your options are to either shift your first parition up a
little (30kb seems to be the usual recommendation) or to find a boot
loader that IS capable of starting your RAID device in 512 bytes.

Darac Marjal

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Re: [OT] Yet Another Language Issue (wa: imap with claws mail problem)

2011-10-12 Thread Camaleón
On Tue, 11 Oct 2011 11:42:13 -0700, Al Eridani wrote:

 On Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 10:25 AM, Camaleón wrote:
 On Tue, 11 Oct 2011 09:58:58 -0700, Al Eridani wrote:

 On Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 9:09 AM, Camaleón wrote:

 Pasao is not a valid word in Spanish

 Absolutely correct.

 No, it's not.
 Absolutely correct.
 was in response to your
 Pasao is not a valid word in Spanish
 What do you think it means when you say something and someone else
 replies Absolutely correct?

It can have many means if you don't put the right words in the right 
order. For example, it can mean that you were still insisting in your 
claim about its validity (The term is absolutely correct) which is what 
I thought. Should you wanted to say the opposite, you could have written 
Of course is not correct, I just wanted to...

 I'll stop here, as it seems to be a waste of time to try to answer your
 original question, because no hay peor sordo que el que no quiere o'ir

It seems you either need to improve your Spanish skills or your keyboard 
layout (is not o'ir but oír).

 So, you win, para ti la perra gorda.

Thanks for nothing then.

And this thread ends here for me because other mailing list users are now 
complaining (and for good reasons). For people who is interested in my 
language skills feel free to contact me by e-mail directly, I will be 
glad to reply their concerns. Sigh.



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Re: How to install Debian 6 sparc with RAID 1 at installation

2011-10-12 Thread Ad L.
First of all, I am not very experienced and use the i686 architecture,
but what I did might help:

I've put a variety of partitions on the 2 disks I use for the purpose
of dual booting. One holds the filesystems etc. for the other OS,
intended for legacy applications that I still use... may use.

I've made the first partition of Debian 6 as single partition of
512MB, to be mounted as /boot.
One of the next primary partitions is set up exactly the same on both
disks, to be used as sRAID devices.
After partitioning, I've set up software RAID using those 2
partitions. mdadm is used for management, and it simply works;
increased read speeds, no errors.
The only thing one might be slightly worried about is gparted not
recognising the filesystems, but e2fsck and similar tools appear to
work as usual.

Hope it helps..

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Re: nvidia driver performance drop?

2011-10-12 Thread Brad Rogers
On Tue, 11 Oct 2011 15:02:39 -0500
Harry Putnam wrote:

Hello Harry,

 Oh boy, I guess there is not much doubt that I need new glasses.

Nah, just set the font a couple of point sizes bigger.   :-)

 Regards  _
 / )   The blindingly obvious is
/ _)radnever immediately apparent
Well I don't want you to think I'm being obscene
Fish - The Damned

Description: PGP signature

XFCE--can't mount USB devices

2011-10-12 Thread Jesse Sheidlower

I'm running XFCE 4.8 on Debian Testing, with everything up to date; I'm
using xdm as my display manager. Any attempt by a non-root user to mount
a USB device in Thunar fails with the message Mount Failed: Failed to
mount [device] Not Authorized. I do have Thunar set to mount
removable media automatically.

This seems to have been a problem from the start of 4.8; there's quite a
bit of discussion of this for Arch Linux and Slackware, but I can't find
anything useful for Debian. It seems to be an issue with ConsoleKit, but
the solutions for Arch don't really apply for Debian as the setup is
different. There was a discussion of this in the Debian forum when 4.8
came out at
but there was no clean answer.

A related problem is that I am not able to restart or shut down using
the graphical tools; here's a recent discussion of this on the XFCE
forum from a Debian Testing user: This also seems to depend on
a ConsoleKit permissions issue. I don't particularly care about this
myself, as it's easy enough to do this from the commandline; I'm
mentioning it only as a parallel.

I'd be grateful for any suggestions. This does seriously affect the
usability of the system, and it's getting very frustrating; I'd think
that the ability of a regular user to hotplug removable media should be
an important thing to have working.


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mrtg config

2011-10-12 Thread Bonno Bloksma


A long time ago someone configured mrtg for us to keep track of the traffic on our Procurve 
switches. At the top of the mrtg.cfg file is:

# Created by
# /usr/bin/cfgmaker --subdirs=HOSTNAME --no-down public@ public@ 
public@ etc.

As time went by some switches have been replace, some added with new ip-numbers we changed the 
default snmp string, etc.

I want to set it up again so we have once more a proper view of the traffic on 
our switches.

Can I simply run a new cfgmaker command restart mrtg and be done?
If so, there is no mrtg script in /etc/init.d/ so how do I restart mrtg.

Does anyone know if all Procurve switches with recent firmware support SNMP v2? If not, where might 
I find that information?
I would like to use the option --snmp-options :2 to force the use of snmp v2 on all switches. 
For the few that do not support v2 I might then specify v1.

Bonno Bloksma

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Re: Re: grub-install fails an RAID1

2011-10-12 Thread Ad L.
Regardless of the possibility to use the space, I ALWAYS leave the
first cylinder of a disk unused (aligning partitions to cylinder
boundaries). I find the idea of using the first cylinder for optimal
space usage a bit ridiculous, to be honest. With thousands of
cylinders on a disk, if not more, a single unused cylinder doesn't
matter all that much (we're talking about 8032.5 Kilobytes here). And
keeping it (and maybe the last one) free means these problems simply
don't turn up at all, with over 7MBytes available for the bootloader.
Is there any boot loader available that would use need much?

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Re: XFCE--can't mount USB devices

2011-10-12 Thread Ad L.
check the mount options in /etc/fstab. For example, the lines for one
of the user-accessible partitions on my external hard drive looks like
# Resources partition on external HD (/dev/sdd2)
UUID=---- /mnt/Resources.src ext4
user,noauto,relatime 0 0

Note the option user, or the alternative option users. One of both
has to be there to be able to mount and unmount the filesystem without
root privileges.

Also note that user implies the restriction that only the user who
mounted the filesystem can unmount it again.

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Re: Is there any issue with reportbug in unstabl or

2011-10-12 Thread Camaleón
On Tue, 11 Oct 2011 19:58:27 +0100, Brian wrote:

 On Tue 11 Oct 2011 at 16:37:17 +, Camaleón wrote:
 And I see there is a bug report for having an http alternative:
 support for submitting bug reports via http
 A quote from that link (which Stefano Zacchiroli went on to support):
On Sat, Jul 24, 2010 at 11:50:36PM +0100, Ben Hutchings wrote:
 On Sat, 2010-07-24 at 15:06 -0400, Holger Levsen wrote:
  So, to summarize: a.) I still think reportbug should be able to
  submit bugs using port 80
 Note: you cannot escape using reportbug.

I prefer something like bugzilla, yes, but having an http gateway to 
reportbug is an option I would use more that the application itself, 
unless it presents the same errors or instabilities. And adding this 
addon to make reportbug allows posting via http or standard protocols  
will make that possibility even more easy to implement in a future.

 Oh man, that will be great! :-Da
 Quite likely. But it doesn't bolster your case and has absolutely
 nothing to do with bugzilla shenanagins.

Since when having options is something bad? An http gateway would be a 
great step forward (you could report bugs from any machine in the event 
the one you have to report against cannot even be booted) and the above 
report demonstrates the needing of alternatives to the usual reportbug 



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Re: How to install Debian 6 sparc with RAID 1 at installation

2011-10-12 Thread ML mail
Thanks for sharing your experience with i686. I have now found out that SILO 
(the boot loader for SPARC architecture) requires the first partition of the 
hard disk not to start at 0 (cylinder I guess) but with the installation of 
Debian I have no way of making the first partition start at cylinder 1 instead. 
If I exit to the shell during install there is not even the fdisk command.

Any ideas how to do that?


- Original Message -
From: Ad L.
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 12:04 PM
Subject: Re: How to install Debian 6 sparc with RAID 1 at installation

First of all, I am not very experienced and use the i686 architecture,
but what I did might help:

I've put a variety of partitions on the 2 disks I use for the purpose
of dual booting. One holds the filesystems etc. for the other OS,
intended for legacy applications that I still use... may use.

I've made the first partition of Debian 6 as single partition of
512MB, to be mounted as /boot.
One of the next primary partitions is set up exactly the same on both
disks, to be used as sRAID devices.
After partitioning, I've set up software RAID using those 2
partitions. mdadm is used for management, and it simply works;
increased read speeds, no errors.
The only thing one might be slightly worried about is gparted not
recognising the filesystems, but e2fsck and similar tools appear to
work as usual.

Hope it helps..

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Re: Is there any issue with reportbug in unstabl or

2011-10-12 Thread Camaleón
On Tue, 11 Oct 2011 16:26:09 -0600, Bob Proulx wrote:

 Camaleón wrote:
 Bob Proulx wrote:
  (shock, surprise) You are saying that filling out a web form in a
  browser can run processes on the local host machine and send data to
  the internet?  No it can't or it would be a severe security
  vulnerability. Please list any browser that allows this so that I can
  file the appropriately severe security bugs against them.
 With todays html5 specs out there and a capable browser? I wouldn't put
 my hand on fire for that. And have you recently heard about GNOME and
 javascript capabilities? They allow doing amazing things over a
 I admit that I know little yet of HTML5.  Although one should never
 doubt the power of stupid people in large groups I cannot believe that
 HTML5 has been allowed to open such deep security holes in the system.

Yes, it can be true to believe but they are here and gnome3 in join with 
gkt+ 3.2 and javascript is starting to make it firsts steps. You can read 
more on the usuil IT press/blogs and related developer mailing lists.

 My confidence there and believe that it would have been Slashdot'd
 widely tells me that it can't yet have happened.  Therefore I continue
 to believe that it isn't true until proven otherwise.

It won't be me who persuades you about that :-)

 Besides, I'm sure you know that flash player plugin can contact you
 webcam and audio devices very easily.
 Is that true on an ARM based platform?  Remember that Debian supports a
 large number of architectures.  AFAIK there is no Adobe Flash available
 for ARM based systems.

And what has ARM to do with this? Are you running an ARM based machine? 
Yes? Then good for you :-) But people running flash player on their 
systems are subject to that type of scannings.

 Is that true with Gnash (GNU Flash)?  Gnash is the only flash player on
 my main desktop (although other machines of mine have the Adobe
 proprietary player).  (Although I mentioned ARM above my main desktop is
 amd64.  I didn't want to be misleading here.  But I do have ARM based

Good, but again, are we talking about you specifically or we are taking 
a more wide user case?

I am telling you what happens right now with technology that is available 
in our systems, I can't speak for every concrete desktop there is on the 
earth as you can understand...

 I am not as familiar but I believe even the Adobe Flash player operates
 within some containment of access, even if it is self-imposed and
 therefore open to attacks and vulnerabilities.  If I had my wishes there
 would be no Flash based web sites.

To be sincere, I don't care about flash player very much, just put it as 
an example of what can be done with a small plugin and a browser.

 So, if that's something missing in Bugzilla (or another bug tracking
 systems), it should be easily to add although I seriously doubt about
 its usefulness.
 It has a high usefulness, although as a convenience.  A BTS bug report
 is nothing more than an email message.  A user can always follow
 instructions instead and create the email message fully manually.  Ha!
 How often do people actually follow instructions?  That is the entire
 reason for the bug helpers.

Bugzilla (and related web based bug tracking systems) also provides 
wizards which guide the user to write the report. It's the same as 
reportbug, you can customize the level of help you want to receive and 
set that level as the default for the next time.

 But I disagree completely here that a web browser filling in a web form
 has access to the local system as it is intended to be impossible by
 design and security layers to run local programs across the local
 filesystem as a web form.  Note that Javascript runs inside a security
 layer and is restricted from this access.

Oh, come on, is not that hard. In the worst scenario, you can tell the 
user to download a script with instructions to run it and then send the 
output to a file to be uploaded with the report.

That's all. It's possible, easy and convenient for the user that can run 
the script when he/she wants and attach it to the bug later, when there 
is Internet connection, for example.

  I have never ever seen reportbug crash.
 You must be then a happy camper and the luckiest person in the hill.
 Are you sure we are talking about 'reportbug'?  

The last time I run I called reportbug, not sure if that command will 
point to something else. Hum... it goes to /usr/bin/reportbug.

 It was suggested by another that perhaps you were using 'reportbug-ng'
 instead which appears to be a Qt4 GUI based application.  

I don't thin so, it's plain reportbug.

 Do you have a .reportbugrc file?  (I do not.)  


 What are the contents?  

I can't copy the full file because I'm in another computer but it has the 
usual lines: version, mode expert, ui text, from name, e-mail,smtphost, 
smtphost user, smtphost password (empty), smtptls and that's all.

 Try moving it out of the 

rkhunter database update - which method is recommended?

2011-10-12 Thread Ad L.
Hello all,

a little while ago, I executed the 'rkhunter' hunter script as part of
a random check. It gave me a warning about changed files, but as I
checked synaptic's history, I found out that those files are part of
packages that were updated.

My intention is to find out how to build a trigger, either for apt or
for dpkg, to update the rkhunter database after each package upgrade.
Maybe it'd be smart to run rkhunter before updates as well, to catch
the unauthorized changes that might be there.

My question:
should I focus on apt, or rather on dpkg? As far as I'm aware, both
synaptic and aptitude rely on apt, but I feel that it's wise to handle
any security-related issues as low-level as possible.

Does anyone have other suggestions to consider?



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Re: Use of dpkg

2011-10-12 Thread Camaleón
On Tue, 11 Oct 2011 05:49:05 +0200, Mark Panen wrote:

 Other than man and google which seems to have so many results has anyone
 got a url for the use of all the dpkg switches with concise

man dpkg is one of the best resources you could find out there, mostly 
because it will match the version you have installed in your system. For 
that same reason, any external URL source which speaks about dpkg could 
point to flags (parameters) that are not present in your currently 
installed dpkg version.

To get a wide outlook about what dpkg is or does, I would recomend the 
oficial Debian documents:

Chapter 2. Debian package management



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Re: XFCE--can't mount USB devices

2011-10-12 Thread Brian
On Wed 12 Oct 2011 at 05:53:10 -0400, Jesse Sheidlower wrote:

 I'm running XFCE 4.8 on Debian Testing, with everything up to date; I'm
 using xdm as my display manager. Any attempt by a non-root user to mount
 a USB device in Thunar fails with the message Mount Failed: Failed to
 mount [device] Not Authorized. I do have Thunar set to mount
 removable media automatically.
 This seems to have been a problem from the start of 4.8; there's quite a
 bit of discussion of this for Arch Linux and Slackware, but I can't find
 anything useful for Debian. It seems to be an issue with ConsoleKit, but
 the solutions for Arch don't really apply for Debian as the setup is
 different. There was a discussion of this in the Debian forum when 4.8
 came out at
 but there was no clean answer.

The root cause is indeed consolekit. Have a try with this:

In /etc/pam.d/common-session insert the line

   session optional

just before

   session optional nox11

Log out and log in again. Or reboot. This works on my machines (and
should solve your restart/shut down problem also) but there is a plan B
if needed. 

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Re: Wheezy - External HDD Not Mounting

2011-10-12 Thread Camaleón
On Tue, 11 Oct 2011 18:35:25 -0400, k s wrote:

Please, avoid using html formatted messages :-)


 Then i CUT another 400Gigs  was able to PASTE only about 350Gigs when i
 encountered an I/O error.

 Unfortunately, I didn't take a screenshot of the error. I later
 discovered that all the data had made it safely to the External Drive, 
 the remaining 50Gigs was still on the internal disk (and was all able to
 be read just as it was).

Errors are very important so it is always desiderable to take a print 
screen or a photo if you got pop-up window with a warning message. 
Anyway, if you remember when it happened, take a look at /var/log/
syslog and search for that error, it could have been registered.
 Now, when i plug the external Hard drive into my computer it doesn't
 mount or appear in Nautilus.


I would try to manually mount the partition(s).

What are the filesystems present on the disk?



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Re: dates of install for pkgs

2011-10-12 Thread Harry Putnam
Jörg-Volker Peetz writes:

 So, something like

 (cd /var/lib/dpkg/info;  ls -l *.list \
  | while read a b c d mm dd ty nm; do echo $mm $dd $ty ${nm%.list}; done)

 could give a starting point for a list of installation dates.
 For the removed packages this, obviously, does not work :-(

That is a nice jump-start... thanks.

And just at a causual test of

grep  'zlib1g ' dpkg*
(last line of output from /var/log/dpkg.log.1

 2011-09-29 13:58:53 status installed zlib1g 1:

And last line of your nifty suggestion:

  218 Sep 29 08:58 zlib1g

The times disagree but the day and month are the same.  And I think the
time might reflect a 5 hr shift from greenwitch mean time or something

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Re: Re: How to install Debian 6 sparc with RAID 1 at installation

2011-10-12 Thread Ad L.
I was happy to have a MEPIS Live CD around with ext4 support. I've
used it to move data about and pre-partition/pre-format the
partitions, except for the ones used for sRAID.

I don't know if MEPIS supports the architecture you're using, but
maybe Knoppix would be more suitable. Knoppix has it's Debian base in
common with MEPIS.

Also, when partitioning with a GUI tool, keep 8 MiB free space before
the first partition and appropriate alignment keeping the first
cylinder free is guaranteed as long as the free space is honoured. It
might get you to end up with a second cylinder unused at the
beginning, but that shouldn't be a problem anyhow.

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Re: XFCE--can't mount USB devices

2011-10-12 Thread Jesse Sheidlower
On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 12:20:27PM +0100, Brian wrote:
 On Wed 12 Oct 2011 at 05:53:10 -0400, Jesse Sheidlower wrote:
  I'm running XFCE 4.8 on Debian Testing, with everything up to date; I'm
  using xdm as my display manager. Any attempt by a non-root user to mount
  a USB device in Thunar fails with the message Mount Failed: Failed to
  mount [device] Not Authorized. I do have Thunar set to mount
  removable media automatically.
  This seems to have been a problem from the start of 4.8; there's quite a
  bit of discussion of this for Arch Linux and Slackware, but I can't find
  anything useful for Debian. It seems to be an issue with ConsoleKit, but
  the solutions for Arch don't really apply for Debian as the setup is
  different. There was a discussion of this in the Debian forum when 4.8
  came out at
  but there was no clean answer.
 The root cause is indeed consolekit. Have a try with this:
 In /etc/pam.d/common-session insert the line
session optional

(I assume this was meant to be

 just before
session optional nox11
 Log out and log in again. Or reboot. This works on my machines (and
 should solve your restart/shut down problem also) but there is a plan B
 if needed. 

I'm afraid I need Plan B. Making this change and rebooting had no effect
on USB-device mounting or on the restart/shutdown display.


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How to kill a dead loop program?

2011-10-12 Thread Magicloud Magiclouds
  rred coming from apt lost itself in my box. The apt package version
is The process in ps axfl is:
0 0 10270 1  20   0  58428   620 ?  R?3821:44
  Now I cannot kill it, kill -9 did work, either. And it uses 100% of
a cpu core.
  What should I do if I do not want a reboot?

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Re: rkhunter database update - which method is recommended?

2011-10-12 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 12 Oct 2011 12:20:51 +0100, Ad L. wrote:

 Hello all,


Ad, most of your messages are going unthreaded and with no references nor 
quotes of the replied message. How are you posting to this mailing 
list? :-?
 a little while ago, I executed the 'rkhunter' hunter script as part of a
 random check. It gave me a warning about changed files, but as I checked
 synaptic's history, I found out that those files are part of packages
 that were updated.
 My intention is to find out how to build a trigger, either for apt or
 for dpkg, to update the rkhunter database after each package upgrade.
 Maybe it'd be smart to run rkhunter before updates as well, to catch the
 unauthorized changes that might be there.
 My question:
 should I focus on apt, or rather on dpkg? As far as I'm aware, both
 synaptic and aptitude rely on apt, but I feel that it's wise to handle
 any security-related issues as low-level as possible.
 Does anyone have other suggestions to consider?

There is a small reference at rkhunter readme file (/usr/share/doc/
rkhunter/README.Debian.gz, Hash Checks section) about how to manage 
the integrity of hashes, not sure if that can be of any help to your 



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Re: dates of install for pkgs

2011-10-12 Thread Harry Putnam
Jörg-Volker Peetz writes:

 (cd /var/lib/dpkg/info;  ls -l *.list \
  | while read a b c d mm dd ty nm; do echo $mm $dd $ty ${nm%.list}; done)

 could give a starting point for a list of installation dates.
 For the removed packages this, obviously, does not work :-(

Another quickie take on getting info from /var/lib/dpkg/info

ls -l *.list |awk '{{sub(/\.list$/,)}\
printf  %7s %s %3s %4s %s\n, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9}'

Then manipulate output with ls switches.

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Re: grub-install fails an RAID1

2011-10-12 Thread Tom H
On Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 5:58 PM, Kurt Flex wrote:

 I've done a safe-upgrade today which upgraded grub:

    upgrade grub-pc 1.98+20100804-14 1.98+20100804-14+squeeze1

 The same for grub-common.

 A dialog appeared which asked me to run grub-install. But that
 failed. So i told the dialog to skip that part. Now I've tried
 grub-install manually.

    # grub-install /dev/sda
    /usr/sbin/grub-setup: warn: This msdos-style partition label has no 
 post-MBR gap; embedding won't be possible!.
    /usr/sbin/grub-setup: error: embedding is not possible, but this is 
 required when the root device is on a RAID array or LVM volume.

    # parted -l

    Disk /dev/sda: 640GB
    Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
    Partition Table: msdos
    Number  Start   End     Size    Type     File system     Flags
     1      512B    100MB   100MB   primary  ext2            raid
     2      100MB   1124MB  1024MB  primary  linux-swap(v1)
     3      1124MB  610GB   609GB   primary  ext3            raid

    Disk /dev/sdb: 640GB
    Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
    Partition Table: msdos
    Number  Start   End     Size    Type     File system     Flags
     1      512B    100MB   100MB   primary  ext2            raid
     2      100MB   1124MB  1024MB  primary  linux-swap(v1)
     3      1124MB  610GB   609GB   primary  ext3            raid

As the error message says, you don't have a post-MBR gap. Your first
partition starts too early. Typically, the first partition is preceded
by 63 sectors of 512 bytes, The first sector is the MBR and the next
62 are the post-MBR gap in which both grub1 and grub2 save an image
that can read a filesystem and therefore locate and boot a kernel.

What I don't understand is that this has happened after running
aptitude safe-upgrade. How was grub2 booting your system before
running aptitude?!

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Re: debian vs. wide-dhcpv6-client

2011-10-12 Thread Wawrzek Niewodniczanski

On 10/11/11 15:28, Darac Marjal wrote:

On Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 02:37:40PM +0100, Wawrzek Niewodniczanski wrote:


I wonder if you have any expirence how to set up a interface in
/etc/network/interfaces to pick up IPv6 address using wide dhcpv6 client.
It seems that I can have static and DHCP for IPv4, but only static for

However, looking at the man page, there doesn't appear to be a dhcp
method for inet6.

Indeed. I also expected inet6 dhcp option.

Anyway, thanks everyone for the input. You confirmed my findings.

For further reference I can confirm that following definitions work fine 
with wide-dhcpv6. If you are using IPv6 only, the first definition is 
better, because second  needs to wait for dhcpv4 client to finish.


iface eth1 inet6 manual
 up /sbin/ip link set eth1 up
 post-up /etc/init.d/wide-dhcpv6-client start
 pre-down /etc/init.d/wide-dhcpv6-client stop
 down /sbin/ip link set eth1 down


iface eth1 inet dhcp
 post-up /etc/init.d/wide-dhcpv6-client start
 pre-down /etc/init.d/wide-dhcpv6-client stop

Wawrzyniec (Wawrzek) Niewodniczan'ski - (niewod @ LinkedIn

System Administrator - Engineering Services Team (XenServer)
Citrix Systems, Building 101, Cambridge Science Park, CB4 0FY, Cambridge
PhD in Quantum Chemistry, MSc in Molecular EngineeringM

Re: How to kill a dead loop program?

2011-10-12 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 12 Oct 2011 20:17:26 +0800, Magicloud Magiclouds wrote:

   rred coming from apt lost itself in my box. The apt package version
 is The process in ps axfl is: 0 0 10270 1  20   0 
 58428   620 ?  R?3821:44 /usr/lib/apt/methods/rred
   Now I cannot kill it, kill -9 did work, either. And it uses 100% of
 a cpu core.
   What should I do if I do not want a reboot?

There is registered a similar situation here:

Anyway, are there any apt instances running in the background?

ps aux|grep apt



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Re: XFCE--can't mount USB devices

2011-10-12 Thread Gilbert Sullivan

On 10/12/2011 05:53 AM, Jesse Sheidlower wrote:

I'm running XFCE 4.8 on Debian Testing, with everything up to date; I'm
using xdm as my display manager. Any attempt by a non-root user to mount
a USB device in Thunar fails with the message Mount Failed: Failed to
mount [device] Not Authorized. I do have Thunar set to mount
removable media automatically.

This seems to have been a problem from the start of 4.8; there's quite a
bit of discussion of this for Arch Linux and Slackware, but I can't find
anything useful for Debian. It seems to be an issue with ConsoleKit, but
the solutions for Arch don't really apply for Debian as the setup is
different. There was a discussion of this in the Debian forum when 4.8
came out at
but there was no clean answer.

I hesitate to suggest this, but using the LightDM package in place of 
XDM fixes these ConsoleKit issues. But when I say fixes I speak with a 
certain trepidation.

I have been bouncing back and forth between XDM and LightDM on my Debian 
testing systems for months now. Every time I use LightDM I get bitten by 
some new bug. The worst two problems I've seen are:
1. When I first tried it (LightDM) I saw huge ~/.xsession-errors files 
on systems running AMD64 kernel with eventual hard lock of the system 
and a subsequent inability to log back on to the user profile. (Note: 
There was really nothing wrong with the user profile per se. I could get 
onto it with startx or by installing a different DM. This problem 
appears to have been fixed via upgrades over the past few weeks. But I 
went through several cycles of LightDM installation / purging before I 
saw this issue go away.)
2. Just recently I have seen constant high CPU use by the lightdm 
process on some machines running the i386 kernel.

But having LightDM installed does make Thunar work for mounting volumes, 

A related problem is that I am not able to restart or shut down using
the graphical tools; here's a recent discussion of this on the XFCE
forum from a Debian Testing user: This also seems to depend on
a ConsoleKit permissions issue. I don't particularly care about this
myself, as it's easy enough to do this from the commandline; I'm
mentioning it only as a parallel. makes the logout / shut down / reboot / hibernate / suspend 
choices work on the logout dialog. It also makes all of the Xfce4 power 
manager stuff work.

I'd be grateful for any suggestions. This does seriously affect the
usability of the system, and it's getting very frustrating; I'd think
that the ability of a regular user to hotplug removable media should be
an important thing to have working.

For now I'm sticking with XDM. I put a file in /etc/sudoers.d to give my 
users permission to use poweroff and reboot (I created launchers for 
those who didn't want to use the xfrun4 dialog), and I show them how to 
use pmount for command line control of volume mounting.

LightDM is at version 0.9.7 in the testing main repo (the only repo I 
use). I've been following the list to try to 
decide when to try LightDM again. I think, from what I've seen so far, 
that I'll wait until 1.0.2 or 1.0.3.

GDM3 just isn't a reasonable solution for Xfce users because it insists 
on installing the entire Gnome power management scheme, with somewhat 
unpredictable results on system behavior -- at least on the test system 
I used for looking at it.

I hope that's helpful.


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Re: router for loadbalancing..anyone know a low cost solution ??

2011-10-12 Thread Joey L
On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 3:10 AM, Christofer C. Bell wrote:
 On Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 9:43 AM, Wawrzek Niewodniczanski wrote:

 On 10/11/11 13:15, Joey L wrote:

 On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 7:23 PM, shawn wilson wrote:


 Thanks for the reply - sorry for not specifying much.
 I am running standard services on 2 boxes - apache, mysql, postfix, asterisk.
 I use one of the boxes as a secondary - if first box fails - it should
 go to standby box.

 I think you want High Availability rather than Load Balancing.

 And that can be had here (Squeeze):

 Package: redhat-cluster-suite
 State: not installed
 Version: 3.0.12-2
 Priority: optional
 Section: admin
 Maintainer: Debian HA Maintainers
 Uncompressed Size: 61.4 k
 Depends: cman (= 3.0.12-2), gfs-tools (= 3.0.12-2), gfs2-tools (= 
          rgmanager (= 3.0.12-2), clvm
 Description: Red Hat cluster suite - metapackage
  RHCS is a cluster management infrastructure, for building high-availability
  multi-node clusters with service and IP failover on top of shared Fibre
  Channel/iSCSI storage devices.

  The only scope for this package is to install the full Red Hat Cluster Suite 
  one operation. It is safe to remove it.

Do I have to buy Red hat for this ???
Is there a package for debian 

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Doradzamy z pasją

2011-10-12 Thread Justyna Zauscinska
Szanowna/y Pani/Panie, 

W związku z wymogami ustawy z dnia 18 lipca 2002 roku o świadczeniu usług drogą elektroniczną (Dz. U. Nr 144 z 9 września 2002 r., poz. 1204), chciałabym uzyskać Pana/Pani zgodę na przesłanie informacji dotyczącej oferty finansowej a w szczególności kredytu gotówkowego, do kwoty 150.000 zł oraz do 10 lat okresu kredytowania. Kredyt taki w swojej ofercie posiadają Banki, których Partnerem jest Sales Group Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Warszawie przy ul. Powązkowskiej 15. 
Jeśli wyraża Pan/Pani zgodę na przesłanie informacji o ofercie kredytu gotówkowego - uprzejmie proszę o e-mail zwrotny zawierający

Imię i Nazwisko, wraz z nr. telefonu. 

Z poważaniem 

Justyna Zauścińska

Doradca ds. produktów kredytowych 

Sales Group Sp. z o.o. 
ul. Powązkowska 15, 01-797 Warszawa 
Tel. kom. +48 533-367-002 
Fax. +48 42 617-45-81

Sąd Rejonowy dla M. St. Warszawy w Warszawie 
XII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego 
Numer KRS 363275, NIP 7010251523 
Kapitał zakładowy 50 000 PLN 
Zgodnie z dyrektywą Urzędu Ochrony Konkurencji i Konsumentów zamieszczoną na stronie “Dopuszczalne jest przesłanie na adres e-mail pytania, czy adresat zgadza się na otrzymywanie drogą elektroniczną informacji handlowej” Doradzamy z pasją…

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Re: router for loadbalancing..anyone know a low cost solution ??

2011-10-12 Thread Tom De Vylder
On 12 Oct 2011, at 14:39, Joey L wrote:

 And that can be had here (Squeeze):
 Package: redhat-cluster-suite
 State: not installed
 Version: 3.0.12-2
 Priority: optional
 Section: admin
 Maintainer: Debian HA Maintainers
 Uncompressed Size: 61.4 k
 Depends: cman (= 3.0.12-2), gfs-tools (= 3.0.12-2), gfs2-tools (= 
  rgmanager (= 3.0.12-2), clvm
 Description: Red Hat cluster suite - metapackage
  RHCS is a cluster management infrastructure, for building high-availability
  multi-node clusters with service and IP failover on top of shared Fibre
  Channel/iSCSI storage devices.
  The only scope for this package is to install the full Red Hat Cluster 
 Suite in
  one operation. It is safe to remove it.
 Do I have to buy Red hat for this ???
 Is there a package for debian 

Can't help it but... did you actually read it?
This is the output of apt-cache show redhat-cluster-suite.


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Re: router for loadbalancing..anyone know a low cost solution ??

2011-10-12 Thread Joey L
On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 8:42 AM, Tom De Vylder wrote:
 On 12 Oct 2011, at 14:39, Joey L wrote:

 And that can be had here (Squeeze):

 Package: redhat-cluster-suite
 State: not installed
 Version: 3.0.12-2
 Priority: optional
 Section: admin
 Maintainer: Debian HA Maintainers
 Uncompressed Size: 61.4 k
 Depends: cman (= 3.0.12-2), gfs-tools (= 3.0.12-2), gfs2-tools (= 
          rgmanager (= 3.0.12-2), clvm
 Description: Red Hat cluster suite - metapackage
  RHCS is a cluster management infrastructure, for building high-availability
  multi-node clusters with service and IP failover on top of shared Fibre
  Channel/iSCSI storage devices.

  The only scope for this package is to install the full Red Hat Cluster 
 Suite in
  one operation. It is safe to remove it.

 Do I have to buy Red hat for this ???
 Is there a package for debian 

 Can't help it but... did you actually read it?
 This is the output of apt-cache show redhat-cluster-suite.

Tom - thanks for not helping it!
really - did not know - do you know more about this package ??
Can i do failover over of asterisk,apache,mysql,postfix ???
-- can you point me to articles on configuration or sample setups ??

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[Proc] wierd behavior of /proc

2011-10-12 Thread Jeremy MAURO

Hi everyone,

Quick question for all of you:

Here is the weird behavior:
[root@]:~ # ls -al /proc/2574*
ls: cannot access /proc/2574*: No such file or directory
[root@]:~ # ls -ald /proc/25740
dr-xr-xr-x 7 mysql mysql 0 Oct 12 10:40 /proc/25740
[root@]:~ # cd /proc/25740
[root@]:/proc/25740 # ps -edf | grep 25740
root  7937  7485  0 14:14 pts/12   00:00:00 grep 25740
[root@]:/proc/25740 # cat status
Name:   mysqld
State:  S (sleeping)
Tgid:   25731
PPid:   25620
TracerPid:  0
Uid:107 107 107 107
Gid:109 109 109 109
FDSize: 128
Groups: 109
VmPeak:   294820 kB
VmSize:   265308 kB
VmLck: 0 kB
VmHWM: 89984 kB
VmRSS: 89984 kB
VmData:   230940 kB
VmStk:88 kB
VmExe:  8988 kB
VmLib:  3420 kB
VmPTE:   280 kB
SigQ:   0/16382
SigBlk: 00087007
SigIgn: 1006
SigCgt: 0001800066e9
Cpus_allowed_list:  0-31
Mems_allowed:   ,0003
Mems_allowed_list:  0-1
nonvoluntary_ctxt_switches: 3387

So how could this be possible?


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Re: XFCE--can't mount USB devices

2011-10-12 Thread Gilbert Sullivan

On 10/12/2011 05:53 AM, Jesse Sheidlower wrote:

usability of the system, and it's getting very frustrating; I'd think
that the ability of a regular user to hotplug removable media should be
an important thing to have working.


I thought I'd add an additional comment about having regular users able 
to hotplug removable media. Actually, the way this is currently set up 
in Thunar is, IMO, sub-optimal. The Thunar context menu doesn't 
differentiate between unmounting and ejecting. You can mount, and you 
can eject. That doesn't suit me at all. So, even when I was using 
LightDM, I tended to use pmount for controlling the mounting and 
unmounting of removable media and drives.

This feature of Thunar was deliberate, but I believe I've read from an 
authoritative source (developer) that it's going to be rectified in a 
future version.

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Re: router for loadbalancing..anyone know a low cost solution ??

2011-10-12 Thread Joey L
On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 8:48 AM, Joey L wrote:
 On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 8:42 AM, Tom De Vylder wrote:
 On 12 Oct 2011, at 14:39, Joey L wrote:

 And that can be had here (Squeeze):

 Package: redhat-cluster-suite
 State: not installed
 Version: 3.0.12-2
 Priority: optional
 Section: admin
 Maintainer: Debian HA Maintainers
 Uncompressed Size: 61.4 k
 Depends: cman (= 3.0.12-2), gfs-tools (= 3.0.12-2), gfs2-tools (= 
          rgmanager (= 3.0.12-2), clvm
 Description: Red Hat cluster suite - metapackage
  RHCS is a cluster management infrastructure, for building 
  multi-node clusters with service and IP failover on top of shared Fibre
  Channel/iSCSI storage devices.

  The only scope for this package is to install the full Red Hat Cluster 
 Suite in
  one operation. It is safe to remove it.

 Do I have to buy Red hat for this ???
 Is there a package for debian 

 Can't help it but... did you actually read it?
 This is the output of apt-cache show redhat-cluster-suite.

 Tom - thanks for not helping it!
 really - did not know - do you know more about this package ??
 Can i do failover over of asterisk,apache,mysql,postfix ???
 -- can you point me to articles on configuration or sample setups ??

Has anyone used this on the amd64 version of debian ?? any reviews ???

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Re: router for loadbalancing..anyone know a low cost solution ??

2011-10-12 Thread Tom De Vylder
On 12 Oct 2011, at 14:48, Joey L wrote:

 On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 8:42 AM, Tom De Vylder wrote:
 On 12 Oct 2011, at 14:39, Joey L wrote:
 And that can be had here (Squeeze):
 Package: redhat-cluster-suite
 State: not installed
 Version: 3.0.12-2
 Priority: optional
 Section: admin
 Maintainer: Debian HA Maintainers
 Uncompressed Size: 61.4 k
 Depends: cman (= 3.0.12-2), gfs-tools (= 3.0.12-2), gfs2-tools (= 
  rgmanager (= 3.0.12-2), clvm
 Description: Red Hat cluster suite - metapackage
  RHCS is a cluster management infrastructure, for building 
  multi-node clusters with service and IP failover on top of shared Fibre
  Channel/iSCSI storage devices.
  The only scope for this package is to install the full Red Hat Cluster 
 Suite in
  one operation. It is safe to remove it.
 Do I have to buy Red hat for this ???
 Is there a package for debian 
 Can't help it but... did you actually read it?
 This is the output of apt-cache show redhat-cluster-suite.
 Tom - thanks for not helping it!
 really - did not know - do you know more about this package ??

Not more than described above.

 Can i do failover over of asterisk,apache,mysql,postfix ???

Yes, you can.

 -- can you point me to articles on configuration or sample setups ??

Sure can.


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Re: XFCE--can't mount USB devices

2011-10-12 Thread Brian
On Wed 12 Oct 2011 at 08:10:09 -0400, Jesse Sheidlower wrote:

 (I assume this was meant to be


 I'm afraid I need Plan B. Making this change and rebooting had no effect
 on USB-device mounting or on the restart/shutdown display.

Create /etc/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d/consolekit.pkla with the



In the same directory have udisks.pkla containing:


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Re: Re: rkhunter database update - which method is recommended?

2011-10-12 Thread Ad L.
These days, when replying, I reply through the first link under Reply
To below a message.
I am then taken to gmail, where I compose my reply and send it. Then I
simply click the Back button to get back to the original message.

This time, I used the second option to reply to you directly, on-list.
Maybe that makes a difference?

Anyhow, I don't see anything of the original message while replying...

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Re: grub-install fails an RAID1

2011-10-12 Thread Kurt Flex
Tom H writes:
 On Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 5:58 PM, Kurt Flex wrote:

    # grub-install /dev/sda
    /usr/sbin/grub-setup: warn: This msdos-style partition label has no 
 post-MBR gap; embedding won't be possible!.
    /usr/sbin/grub-setup: error: embedding is not possible, but this is 
 required when the root device is on a RAID array or LVM volume.

 As the error message says, you don't have a post-MBR gap. Your first
 partition starts too early. Typically, the first partition is preceded
 by 63 sectors of 512 bytes, The first sector is the MBR and the next
 62 are the post-MBR gap in which both grub1 and grub2 save an image
 that can read a filesystem and therefore locate and boot a kernel.

 What I don't understand is that this has happened after running
 aptitude safe-upgrade. How was grub2 booting your system before
 running aptitude?!

After reading the other replies that is the question I'm also asking to
myself. Well I haven't setup the server myself, it's a rented server und
was installed by the lessor.

Currently I guess the real bootloader is not on the raid at all. Maybe
it's some other device they are hiding from me. (There is also a rescue
system I can boot, but i can't find it in normal state).

Next week I should have a bit more time to take the risk to type
`sudo reboot' and see what happens.

Thank you for all the explanations.


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Re: Is there any issue with reportbug in unstabl or

2011-10-12 Thread Brian
On Wed 12 Oct 2011 at 10:30:53 +, Camaleón wrote:

 On Tue, 11 Oct 2011 19:58:27 +0100, Brian wrote:
  Quite likely. But it doesn't bolster your case and has absolutely
  nothing to do with bugzilla shenanagins.
 Since when having options is something bad? An http gateway would be a 
 great step forward (you could report bugs from any machine in the event 
 the one you have to report against cannot even be booted) and the above 
 report demonstrates the needing of alternatives to the usual reportbug 

We should be clear that the referenced bug report proposes being able to
submit *email* to via http. As an alternative transport
system it may have advantages for some people in some cirumstances, port
25 being blocked, for example. So that could be regarded as a good option
but it does not involve anything like web forms, scripts, HTML5 etc. In
other words, it would be business as usual for the 'reportbug system'.

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Re: Is there any issue with reportbug in unstabl or

2011-10-12 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 12 Oct 2011 14:12:30 +0100, Brian wrote:

 On Wed 12 Oct 2011 at 10:30:53 +, Camaleón wrote:
 On Tue, 11 Oct 2011 19:58:27 +0100, Brian wrote:
  Quite likely. But it doesn't bolster your case and has absolutely
  nothing to do with bugzilla shenanagins.
 Since when having options is something bad? An http gateway would be a
 great step forward (you could report bugs from any machine in the event
 the one you have to report against cannot even be booted) and the above
 report demonstrates the needing of alternatives to the usual reportbug
 We should be clear that the referenced bug report proposes being able to
 submit *email* to via http. As an alternative transport
 system it may have advantages for some people in some cirumstances, port
 25 being blocked, for example. 

Yes, that's one of the limitations of the current system.

 So that could be regarded as a good option but it does not involve
 anything like web forms, scripts, HTML5 etc. In other words, it would
 be business as usual for the 'reportbug system'.

Yes, but I take it as a starting point. In the future these new additions 
could be used to develop an http gateway for reportbug or could also be 
used as the base to make a complete re-design of the current bug 
reporting tool... that's what I said.



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Re: How to kill a dead loop program?

2011-10-12 Thread Magicloud Magiclouds
On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 8:34 PM, Camaleón wrote:
 On Wed, 12 Oct 2011 20:17:26 +0800, Magicloud Magiclouds wrote:

   rred coming from apt lost itself in my box. The apt package version
 is The process in ps axfl is: 0     0 10270     1  20   0
 58428   620 ?      R    ?        3821:44 /usr/lib/apt/methods/rred
   Now I cannot kill it, kill -9 did work, either. And it uses 100% of
 a cpu core.
   What should I do if I do not want a reboot?

 There is registered a similar situation here:

 Anyway, are there any apt instances running in the background?

 ps aux|grep apt



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Oh, yes. I think the bug report and me are talking about the same thing.
This `apt-get update` were run by cron. And I've killed the apt-get
process. So the rred left no parent.


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Maling list posting strategies (was: rkhunter database update - which method is recommended?)

2011-10-12 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 12 Oct 2011 14:13:03 +0100, Ad L. wrote:

 These days, when replying, I reply through the first link under Reply
 To below a message.

You mean you are clicking the bottom links provided by the mailing list 
archive? Why? Aren't you getting the messages through your Gmail account 
or a news reader? I will be a more pleasant method for you...

 I am then taken to gmail, where I compose my reply and send it. Then I
 simply click the Back button to get back to the original message.

Ugh... that's very annoying. 

If you want to keep that system (which I do not recommend) you better 
include the content of the e-mail you are replying to because the way you 
are doing now is breaking the threads and your messages reach the list 
with no references at all so people who reads them knows nothing about 
who or what you are replying.

 This time, I used the second option to reply to you directly, on-list.
 Maybe that makes a difference?

I'm afraid it does not.

 Anyhow, I don't see anything of the original message while replying...

That's probably because of the way you are posting to the mailing list.



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Re: How to kill a dead loop program?

2011-10-12 Thread Magicloud Magiclouds
On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 9:52 PM, Magicloud Magiclouds wrote:
 On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 8:34 PM, Camaleón wrote:
 On Wed, 12 Oct 2011 20:17:26 +0800, Magicloud Magiclouds wrote:

   rred coming from apt lost itself in my box. The apt package version
 is The process in ps axfl is: 0     0 10270     1  20   0
 58428   620 ?      R    ?        3821:44 /usr/lib/apt/methods/rred
   Now I cannot kill it, kill -9 did work, either. And it uses 100% of
 a cpu core.
   What should I do if I do not want a reboot?

 There is registered a similar situation here:

 Anyway, are there any apt instances running in the background?

 ps aux|grep apt



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 Oh, yes. I think the bug report and me are talking about the same thing.
 This `apt-get update` were run by cron. And I've killed the apt-get
 process. So the rred left no parent.


Oh, and there was a mistake.
The rred process costs 50%sys(50%idle) of one cpu core constantly.


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Re: Re: How to install Debian 6 sparc with RAID 1 at installation

2011-10-12 Thread ML mail
Well what I now did is to create a dummy unused partition of 100 MB at the 
beginning of my hard disk and then create a root and a swap partition which 
both are in a RAID 1 set. For that I followed these 

Unfortunately, when I reboot I get error messages:

[   82.380080] SCSI subsystem initialized
Begin: Loading essential drivers ... done.

Begin: Running /scripts/init-premount ... done.
Begin: Mounting root file system ..[  183.377052] md: raid1 personality 
registered for level 1
. Begin: Running /scripts/local-top ... Begin: LoadingSuccess: loaded module 
Begin: Assembling all MD arrays ... Failure: failed to assemble all arrays.
Begin: Waiting for root file system ... done.
Gave up waiting for root device.  Common problems:
 - Boot args (cat /proc/cmdline)
   - Check rootdelay= (did the system wait long enough?)
   - Check root= (did the system wait for the right device?)
 - Missing modules (cat /proc/modules; ls /dev)
ALERT!  /dev/md1 does not exist.  Dropping to a shell!

BusyBox v1.17.1 (Debian 1:1.17.1-8) built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.

/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off

I tried already adding rootdelay=100 as parameter to the kernel but that didn't 
work neither... Any ideas?


- Original Message -
From: Ad L.
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 2:01 PM
Subject: Re: Re: How to install Debian 6 sparc with RAID 1 at installation

I was happy to have a MEPIS Live CD around with ext4 support. I've
used it to move data about and pre-partition/pre-format the
partitions, except for the ones used for sRAID.

I don't know if MEPIS supports the architecture you're using, but
maybe Knoppix would be more suitable. Knoppix has it's Debian base in
common with MEPIS.

Also, when partitioning with a GUI tool, keep 8 MiB free space before
the first partition and appropriate alignment keeping the first
cylinder free is guaranteed as long as the free space is honoured. It
might get you to end up with a second cylinder unused at the
beginning, but that shouldn't be a problem anyhow.

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Re: Password Problem

2011-10-12 Thread Thomas H. George
On Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 01:37:27PM -0400, Shaun McCance wrote:
 On Tue, 2011-10-11 at 17:35 +0200, Olav Vitters wrote:
  On Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 10:10:21AM -0400, Thomas H. George wrote:
   Now that I think about it, I don't really want the desktop to timeout at
   all.  I am the only user and the only person with access to my computer.
   I'll check to see if there is a set the timeout interval to infinity.
  You can change that under power in system settings IIRC.
 It's under Screen, actually. See here:
This led me to an entry for screen locking in the power management
manual where a number of lines begin with /apps/gnome-power-manager/...,
for example:


Elementary question: Where to find these?  

I have checked ~/.gnome/apps
There is no directory gnome-power-manager.  There is a file
~/.gnome/apps/Screen/lock/Lock Screen (XScreenSaver).desktop which
contains a line Exec=/usr/bin/xscreensaver-command -lock.  There is no
such entry in /usr/bin, in fact, nothing beginning with xsc.

I did find the applet inhibit which will prevent the system from
blanking the screen, suspending or hibernating.  Not an ideal solution,
I would prefer the system to hibernate leaving me logged in.

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hostname set to new-host

2011-10-12 Thread Celejar

Just rebooted my system, and the hostname is now set to
'new-host' (/etc/hostname still contains the correct hostname). Anybody
seeing this, or understand why?

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