Re: Interface configuration - inet6 issues

2011-11-01 Thread Axton
To add to this, the following results in a /etc/network/run/ifstate that
does not show eth1:

root@ntp01:/# cat /etc/network/interfaces
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

auto eth1

iface eth1 inet static

iface eth1 inet6 static
address 2001:740:7063:10::240
netmask 64
gateway 2001:740:7063:10::10
pre-up echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/eth1/autoconf
pre-up echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/eth1/accept_ra

root@ntp01:/# cat /etc/network/run/ifstate

The interfaces are configured as follows with the above configuration:

root@ntp01:/# ifconfig
eth1  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:18:51:b9:d2:fd
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  inet6 addr: fe80::218:51ff:feb9:d2fd/64 Scope:Link
  inet6 addr: 2001:740:7063:10::240/64 Scope:Global
  RX packets:7 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:8 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
  RX bytes:500 (500.0 B)  TX bytes:564 (564.0 B)

loLink encap:Local Loopback
  inet addr:  Mask:
  inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
  UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
  RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
  RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

root@ntp01:/# ip addr show eth1
5: eth1:  mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state
link/ether 00:18:51:b9:d2:fd brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet brd scope global eth1
inet6 2001:740:7063:10::240/64 scope global
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet6 fe80::218:51ff:feb9:d2fd/64 scope link
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

Axton Grams

Package/program popularity weblist.

2011-11-01 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day.

I'm looking for a Debian package/program user popularity rating list on
the WWW. Can You share one w/ me/us?

Thanks for Your time.

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Re: Wifi with Atheros AR2414 not working -- problem solved

2011-11-01 Thread Sian Mountbatten
On Tue, 01 Nov 2011 22:50:02 +0100, Thierry Chatelet wrote:

> On Tuesday 01 November 2011 21:01:45 Sian Mountbatten wrote:
>> On Tue, 01 Nov 2011 20:10:03 +0100, Celejar wrote:
>> > On Tue, 1 Nov 2011 18:23:54 + (UTC) Sian Mountbatten
>> Do you mean Access Point? Any that's going I use NetworkManager, but
>> will try wicd now.
> Use to be a problem if you have and network-manager. maybe it is solved
> now, I don't know. In any case you can purge purge network-manager, it
> will purge sone 20 something packages with it, but it's ok. Don't forget
> to go to preferences in wicd and indicate wlan0 as a wireless interface.
> Thierry

Thank you for all your help. I have now given up on squeeze. From now
on I shall use just Ubuntu 11.10 which accesses the wifi, the printer
and everything else. Bye bye Debian.


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Interface configuration - inet6 issues

2011-11-01 Thread Axton
Having some issues getting my interfaces configured properly.  The
configuration is a bit complex.  The machine has 4 network interfaces,
eth1,2,3,4.  Each interface is connected to a different network.  Each
network has a dual ipv4/ipv6 address space.

eth1: vlan10: 10.0.4/22: 2001:740:7063:10::/64
eth2: vlan20: 10.0.0/22: 2001:740:7063:20::/64
eth3: vlan30: 10.0.16/22: 2001:740:7063:30::/64
eth4: vlan40: 10.0.20/22: 2001:740:7063:40::/64

In /etc/network/interfaces I have the following:

# Used by ifup(8) and ifdown(8). See the interfaces(5) manpage or
# /usr/share/doc/ifupdown/examples for more information.

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

auto eth1

iface eth1 inet static

iface eth1 inet6 static
address 2001:740:7063:10::240
netmask 64
gateway 2001:740:7063:10::10
pre-up echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/eth1/autoconf
pre-up echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/eth1/accept_ra

auto eth2
iface eth2 inet static

iface eth2 inet6 static
address 2001:740:7063:20::240
netmask 64
gateway 2001:740:7063:20::10
pre-up echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/eth2/autoconf
pre-up echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/eth2/accept_ra

auto eth3
iface eth3 inet static

iface eth3 inet6 static
address 2001:740:7063:30::240
netmask 64
gateway 2001:740:7063:30::10
pre-up echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/eth3/autoconf
pre-up echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/eth3/accept_ra

auto eth4
iface eth4 inet static
post-up ip route add table 100 to dev eth1
post-up ip route add table 100 to default via dev eth1
post-up ip route add table 200 to dev eth2
post-up ip route add table 200 to default via dev eth2
post-up ip route add table 300 to dev eth3
post-up ip route add table 300 to default via dev eth3
post-up ip route add table 400 to dev eth4
post-up ip route add table 400 to default via dev eth4
post-up ip rule add from  table 100 priority 100
post-up ip rule add from  table 200 priority 200
post-up ip rule add from table 300 priority 300
post-up ip rule add from table 400 priority 400
post-up ip route flush cache

iface eth4 inet6 static
address 2001:740:7063:40::240
netmask 64
gateway 2001:740:7063:40::10
post-up ip -6 route add table 110 to 2001:740:7063:10::/64 dev eth1
post-up ip -6 route add table 110 to default via
2001:740:7063:10::10 dev eth1
post-up ip -6 route add table 210 to 2001:740:7063:20::/64 dev eth2
post-up ip -6 route add table 210 to default via
2001:740:7063:20::10 dev eth2
post-up ip -6 route add table 310 to 2001:740:7063:30::/64 dev eth3
post-up ip -6 route add table 310 to default via
2001:740:7063:30::10 dev eth3
post-up ip -6 route add table 410 to 2001:740:7063:40::/64 dev eth4
post-up ip -6 route add table 410 to default via
2001:740:7063:40::10 dev eth4
post-up ip -6 rule add from 2001:740:7063:10::/64 table 110
priority 110
post-up ip -6 rule add from 2001:740:7063:20::/64 table 210
priority 210
post-up ip -6 rule add from 2001:740:7063:30::/64 table 310
priority 310
post-up ip -6 rule add from 2001:740:7063:40::/64 table 410
priority 410
#post-up ip -6 route add default via 2001:740:7063:40::10 dev eth4
post-up ip -6 route flush cache
pre-up echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/eth4/autoconf
pre-up echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/eth4/accept_ra

I have a need to get traffic that comes into one interface to go back from
the same interface, hence the rules using iproute2.

All works fine if I only set up the ivp4 interfaces.  If I remove either
the 'iface eth4 inet6 static' or 'iface eth4 inet static' stanza,
everything works fine for the one that is not removed.  With the above
configuration, after booting the machine, I have the following in iproute2:

root@ntp01:/# ip route show dev eth4  proto kernel  scope link  src dev eth3  proto kernel  scope link  src dev eth1  proto kernel  scope link  src dev eth2  proto kernel  scope link  src
default via dev eth4
default via dev eth3
default via dev eth2
default via dev eth1


Re: Wifi with Atheros AR2414 not working

2011-11-01 Thread Sian Mountbatten
On Tue, 01 Nov 2011 22:50:02 +0100, Thierry Chatelet wrote:

> On Tuesday 01 November 2011 21:01:45 Sian Mountbatten wrote:
>> On Tue, 01 Nov 2011 20:10:03 +0100, Celejar wrote:
>> > On Tue, 1 Nov 2011 18:23:54 + (UTC) Sian Mountbatten
>> Do you mean Access Point? Any that's going I use NetworkManager, but
>> will try wicd now.

I have solved the problem by abandoning Debian squeeze. I shall use
Ubuntu 11.10 which at least accesses the wifi network and prints on
the printer and has oodles of software.

Thanks for all the help.


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Re: creaing new 3.0.4 kernel in squeeze --kernel panic

2011-11-01 Thread Stephen Powell
On Tue, 01 Nov 2011 21:02:56 -0400 (EDT), Sian Mountbatten wrote:
> Thank you all for your helpful advice and info.
> I am giving up on squeeze because I get so many problems with building
> a series 3 kernel. I tried to download a kernel image from wheezy, but
> got problems when I tried to install the Debian package. I tried
> downloading and installing the dependencies, but putting a wheezy
> kernel onto a squeeze system did not work. So I have now downloaded
> the first DVD iso for wheeze and I shall try to install a series
> 3 kernel for that release.
> Again, thank you all for your help.

I hope you have better luck with Wheezy.  I am running a custom-built
3.0.0 kernel on Wheezy right now, and I am not having any problems.
There are often dependencies between the kernel releases and some
other packages closely related to the kernel, such as initramfs-tools,
libc*, udev, etc.  I suspect you will do better with Wheezy.

  .''`. Stephen Powell
 : :'  :
 `. `'`

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Re: creaing new 3.0.4 kernel in squeeze --kernel panic

2011-11-01 Thread Stephen Powell
On Tue, 01 Nov 2011 20:43:12 -0400 (EDT), Walter Hurry wrote:
> But my (single internal) hard disk is always /dev/sda, and my two 
> external USB disks are always /dev/sdb and /dev/sdc.  So what difference 
> does it make?

You mean that *so far* your internal hard disk is always /dev/sda
and *so far* your external USB disks are always /dev/sdb and /dev/sdc.
There are no guarantees that it will always be so.

On my system, I've noticed that my single internal hard disk is
usually /dev/sda and my CD-ROM drive is usually /dev/sdb.
But if I boot my system from a rescue CD, the CD-ROM drive
is usually /dev/sda and the hard disk is usually /dev/sdb.
But I cannot guarantee that the hard disk will always be /dev/sda
even if I boot from the hard disk every time.
It's all timing dependent.  Devices are not necessarily discovered
in any particular order anymore.  It is safest to use UUIDs
or LABELs.

  .''`. Stephen Powell
 : :'  :
 `. `'`

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Re: creaing new 3.0.4 kernel in squeeze --kernel panic

2011-11-01 Thread Sian Mountbatten
On Wed, 02 Nov 2011 01:10:02 +0100, Stephen Powell wrote:

> On Tue, 01 Nov 2011 19:46:13 -0400 (EDT), Walter Hurry wrote:
>> On Tue, 01 Nov 2011 19:43:20 -0400, Stephen Powell wrote:
>>> It is important that you *not* use traditional device nomenclature,
>>> such as
>>>   /dev/hda1
>>>   /dev/sda1
>> Why?
> Two reasons.  First, whether an IDE hard disk shows up as /dev/hda,
> /dev/hdb, etc. or /dev/sda, /dev/sdb, etc. depends on which drivers are
> being used.  For example, the 2.6.32-3-686 kernel and earlier ones use
> the traditional IDE drivers, with device names /dev/hda, /dev/hdb, etc.
> The 2.6.32-5-686 and later kernels use the libata SCSI emulation
> drivers, with device names /dev/sda, /dev/sdb, etc.
> Second, the devices are not necessarily discovered in the same order
> every time with newer kernels.  Let's say you have a system with one
> hard disk and one CD-ROM drive.  On one boot, your hard disk may be
> assigned device name /dev/sda and the CD-ROM drive may be assigned the
> device name /dev/sdb.  But on the next boot, it is possible that the
> CD-ROM drive may be assigned the device name /dev/sda and the hard disk
> may be assigned the device name /dev/sdb.  You can never be sure. By
> using UUIDs or LABELs, you will always get the same physical partition
> mounted as the root file system every time, regardless of what its
> device name happens to be in the current boot.  The same applies to
> non-root file sytems in /etc/fstab (i.e. /boot, /home, etc.)
> --
>   .''`. Stephen Powell
>  : :'  :
>  `. `'`

Thank you all for your helpful advice and info.

I am giving up on squeeze because I get so many problems with building
a series 3 kernel. I tried to download a kernel image from wheezy, but
got problems when I tried to install the Debian package. I tried
downloading and installing the dependencies, but putting a wheezy
kernel onto a squeeze system did not work. So I have now downloaded
the first DVD iso for wheeze and I shall try to install a series
3 kernel for that release.

Again, thank you all for your help.
Sian Mountbatten

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Re: creaing new 3.0.4 kernel in squeeze --kernel panic

2011-11-01 Thread Walter Hurry
On Tue, 01 Nov 2011 20:00:54 -0400, Stephen Powell wrote:

> On Tue, 01 Nov 2011 19:46:13 -0400 (EDT), Walter Hurry wrote:
>> On Tue, 01 Nov 2011 19:43:20 -0400, Stephen Powell wrote:
>>> It is important that you *not* use traditional device nomenclature,
>>> such as
>>>   /dev/hda1 /dev/sda1
>> Why?
> Two reasons.  First, whether an IDE hard disk shows up as /dev/hda,
> /dev/hdb, etc. or /dev/sda, /dev/sdb, etc. depends on which drivers are
> being used.  For example, the 2.6.32-3-686 kernel and earlier ones use
> the traditional IDE drivers, with device names /dev/hda, /dev/hdb, etc.
> The 2.6.32-5-686 and later kernels use the libata SCSI emulation
> drivers, with device names /dev/sda, /dev/sdb, etc.
> Second, the devices are not necessarily discovered in the same order
> every time with newer kernels.  Let's say you have a system with one
> hard disk and one CD-ROM drive.  On one boot, your hard disk may be
> assigned device name /dev/sda and the CD-ROM drive may be assigned the
> device name /dev/sdb.  But on the next boot, it is possible that the
> CD-ROM drive may be assigned the device name /dev/sda and the hard disk
> may be assigned the device name /dev/sdb.  You can never be sure.
> By using UUIDs or LABELs, you will always get the same physical
> partition mounted as the root file system every time, regardless of what
> its device name happens to be in the current boot.  The same applies to
> non-root file sytems in /etc/fstab (i.e. /boot, /home, etc.)

But my (single internal) hard disk is always /dev/sda, and my two 
external USB disks are always /dev/sdb and /dev/sdc. So what difference 
does it make?

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Re: Wifi with squeeze on Lenovo X61s laptop - difficulties

2011-11-01 Thread Andrew Reid
> I've repacked linux-image-3.0.0-2-generic, wireless-crda and udev and
> have now
> discovered that I cannot install the udev package because it breaks
> package linux-base.
> So I cannot install the later kernel.
> It looks as though I shall have to forget using wifi on Debian
> squeeze.
> Has anybody got any ideas?

  There is a 2.6.39 kernel packaged in squeeze-backports, maybe it has
a non-broken driver?

 -- A.
Andrew Reid /

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Re: creaing new 3.0.4 kernel in squeeze --kernel panic

2011-11-01 Thread Stephen Powell
On Tue, 01 Nov 2011 19:46:13 -0400 (EDT), Walter Hurry wrote:
> On Tue, 01 Nov 2011 19:43:20 -0400, Stephen Powell wrote:
>> It is important that you *not* use traditional device nomenclature, such
>> as
>>   /dev/hda1
>>   /dev/sda1
> Why?

Two reasons.  First, whether an IDE hard disk shows up as /dev/hda,
/dev/hdb, etc. or /dev/sda, /dev/sdb, etc. depends on which drivers
are being used.  For example, the 2.6.32-3-686 kernel and earlier ones
use the traditional IDE drivers, with device names /dev/hda, /dev/hdb, etc.
The 2.6.32-5-686 and later kernels use the libata SCSI emulation
drivers, with device names /dev/sda, /dev/sdb, etc.

Second, the devices are not necessarily discovered in the same order
every time with newer kernels.  Let's say you have a system with
one hard disk and one CD-ROM drive.  On one boot, your hard disk may
be assigned device name /dev/sda and the CD-ROM drive may be assigned
the device name /dev/sdb.  But on the next boot, it is possible that
the CD-ROM drive may be assigned the device name /dev/sda and the hard
disk may be assigned the device name /dev/sdb.  You can never be sure.
By using UUIDs or LABELs, you will always get the same physical partition
mounted as the root file system every time, regardless of what its
device name happens to be in the current boot.  The same applies to
non-root file sytems in /etc/fstab (i.e. /boot, /home, etc.)

  .''`. Stephen Powell
 : :'  :
 `. `'`

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Re: creaing new 3.0.4 kernel in squeeze --kernel panic

2011-11-01 Thread Walter Hurry
On Tue, 01 Nov 2011 19:43:20 -0400, Stephen Powell wrote:

> It is important that you *not* use traditional device nomenclature, such
> as
>/dev/hda1 /dev/sda1


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Re: creaing new 3.0.4 kernel in squeeze --kernel panic

2011-11-01 Thread Stephen Powell
On Mon, 31 Oct 2011 14:54:37 -0400 (EDT), wrote:
> I followed the instructions given in Kernel.htm and built a kernel
> from the source tree I had
> downloaded from after issuing make-kpkg debian. I also
> patched kernel-package
> using the patch file (linuxv3.diff) mentioned on the web page.
> I also used make localmodconfig to greatly reduce the number of
> modules actually compiled.
> Compiling the kernel took 34 mins on my 1.6GHz laptop.
> I installed the kernel using dpkg as root, checked that an initramfs
> image had been created, closed down
> and rebooted.
> The kernel loaded, entered runlevel 2, but commands that tried to
> write to the fs failed because it was
> still readonly. The kernel finally hung with nfsd. ctrl-alt-del
> successfully rebooted. I shall recompile
> the kernel without NFS support because I don't need it.

In a typical Debian boot, there are three stages for the root
file system.  In stage 1, the initial RAM file system is mounted
as the root (/) file system.  The boot loader loads the (mostly)
compressed kernel image and the compressed initial RAM file system
image into memory, then passes control to the kernel.  The boot
loader tells the kernel where the compressed initial RAM file system
image is by passing it's address to the kernel.
The kernel decompresses itself, decompresses the initial RAM file
system image, frees the memory associated with the compressed version
of the initial RAM file system, then mounts the uncompressed version
of the initial RAM file system as the root (/) file system.
For LILO, the "image" and "initrd" boot loader configuration records
specify the kernel image and initial RAM file system image to be
used, respectively.

In stage 2, once all modules needed to do I/O to the disk have
been loaded, as well as all modules needed to interpret the file system,
the permanent root file system is mounted.  Typically, it is mounted
read-only.  The location of the permanent root file system is passed
to the kernel via the kernel command line from parameters specified
in the boot loader configuration file.  For LILO, the "read-only"
and "root" boot loader configuration records specify this information.
The corresponding options passed on the kernel command line are
"ro" and "root".  Once the permanent root file system has been mounted
read-only, the uncompressed initial RAM file system image is freed from
memory.  Additional kernel modules are loaded at this stage, including
those specified in /etc/modules.  They are loaded from the permanent
root file system, still mounted read-only.

In stage 3, the permanent root file system is mounted read-write.
At this stage, the file system to use is specified by /etc/fstab.
Obviously, you must make sure that your boot loader configuration
file and /etc/fstab specify the same root file system.  It is important
that you *not* use traditional device nomenclature, such as


etc.  Generally, the newer the kernel, the less likely this is to work.
You should specify the root file system, both in the boot loader configuration
file and in /etc/fstab by using "UUID=xxx..." or "LABEL=xxx" specifications.

Since you seem to be having trouble at stage 3, the first thing I would
look at is /etc/fstab.  If you don't find any errors there, please
post your boot loader configuration file, /etc/fstab, and the kernel
boot messages.

  .''`. Stephen Powell
 : :'  :
 `. `'`

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Re: creaing new 3.0.4 kernel in squeeze --kernel panic

2011-11-01 Thread Stephen Powell
On Mon, 31 Oct 2011 10:25:04 -0400 (EDT), Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
> Stephen Powell wrote:
>> I would recommend using something like "make localmodconfig" to strip
>> out drivers your hardware doesn't need.  There are many hidden
>> dependencies, such as SCSI support, that are not obvious.
>> ...
> That will definitely give you a bootable kernel but with the stock 
> Debian config, which is huge and gives you way more than you really need.
> IMO to get just the right kernel config is very tricky because it is an 
> trial and error thing. What would be handy is an IDE that records what 
> change you made and for what reason, so that it can be removed when your 
> hardware changes.

Perhaps you're thinking of "make oldconfig" or some other configuration
target.  "make localmodconfig" will definitely strip out modules that
are not in use by the current hardware.  There may be a few things that
are built-in to the kernel that could be eliminated, but most stuff
that is hardware-related is in a module by default, and "make localmodconfig"
will get you 99% of the way (or better) toward the minimal kernel
configuration for the current hardware.

  .''`. Stephen Powell
 : :'  :
 `. `'`

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Re: Problem installing an init script with "insserv"

2011-11-01 Thread Bob Proulx
Robert Latest wrote:
> I'm trying to have the script (below) run automatically at each system
> shutdown. But it is never called, neither on startup nor on shutdown.
> I ran insserv on it and it worked without errors. It also seems to
> have the correct links installed:
> dh@dotcom:/etc$ find . -name '*dupba*' -printf '%p %l\n'
> ./rc5.d/K01dupbackup ../init.d/dupbackup
> ./rc2.d/S01dupbackup ../init.d/dupbackup
> ./init.d/dupbackup
> dh@dotcom:/etc$
> So why doesn't this work?

Shutdown should go through runlevel 6 not 5.  Change that to 6 and it
should happen at shutdown time.

But that doesn't explain why it isn't running at startup.  And if it
isn't happening at start then it probably still won't be happening at
stop either.



Description: Digital signature

Re: Wifi with squeeze on Lenovo X61s laptop - difficulties

2011-11-01 Thread Bob Proulx
Sian Mountbatten wrote:
> > wrote:
> >> Is there any way I can get the firmware loaded once squeeze is
> >> installed so that wifi will work?
> > 
> > You should be able to install using a wire, using open wifi, using WEP
> > wifi without problems.  After you install the system should be able to
> > connect using WPA/WPA2 wifi okay.  This is the way virtually every
> > laptop that installs Debian and then uses wireless for WPA/WPA2 works
> > today.
> What do you mean "using a wire"? and "open wifi".

Using a wire:

Open wifi:


Description: Digital signature

Re: Wifi with Atheros AR2414 not working

2011-11-01 Thread Thierry Chatelet
On Tuesday 01 November 2011 21:01:45 Sian Mountbatten wrote:
> On Tue, 01 Nov 2011 20:10:03 +0100, Celejar wrote:
> > On Tue, 1 Nov 2011 18:23:54 + (UTC) Sian Mountbatten
> Do you mean Access Point? Any that's going
> I use NetworkManager, but will try wicd now.

Use to be a problem if you have and network-manager. maybe it is solved now, I 
don't know. In any case you can purge purge network-manager, it will purge sone 
20 something packages with it, but it's ok. Don't forget to go to preferences 
wicd and indicate wlan0 as a wireless interface.

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Re: RESOLVED: Learning ifpludg in CLI, WAS Re: laptop wireless setup, wpa_supplicant.conf, etc

2011-11-01 Thread keitho
Ooops my bad...

After I posted this message I found out that there is another problem with
my configuration so now I am sorry I attached those configuration

Although the interfaces "work" as expected, I later noticed that my syslog
was getting filled with about 15 events logged _per_second_, evidently due
to some continued cycling through bringing the eth1 up and down over and

At first I thought, OK, I'll just replace the

allow-hotplug eth1


auto eth1

(in the /etc/network/interfaces file) and that seemed to slow things down.
But still, eth1 is mysteriously (to me) being brought down every few
minutes and immediately brought back up. I don't understand this, and have
been working on it all afternoon trying to learn what triggers these

I think I may start a new thread about that. But I feel bad if anyone were
to use my posted configurations files thinking that they are good-to-go
as-is ...

I've also removed the "auto eth1" statement from /e/n/i, which means I
have to bring eth1 up manually with "ifup eth1", but still the syslog
shows me that the interface is being brought down and then back up every
few minutes...


> Thank you Brian for showing me that "route -v" is my friend :-) That
> really helped me debug this configuration.
> Thank you J. Bakshi for your explication of the use of the pre-up and
> pre-down instructions.
> Turns out that one of the problems with my configuration was that I had
> both a "scan_ssid=1" and a "priority=15" in each of my stanzas in the
> wpa-roam.conf file- this is a no-no. Eliminating the former resolved most
> of the puzzling behavior.
> After more experimentation I found that by using J. Bakshi's idea I was
> able to configure things so that now the proper interface is used
> regardless of whether the Ethernet is plugged in or not at bootup, and
> remains properly configured regardless of how many times I might
> plug|unplug the Ethernet cable.
> Here's the pertinent stanza from the /etc/network/interfaces file:
> iface eth0 inet static
> wpa-debug-level 3
> post-up /sbin/ifdown eth1
> post-up /sbin/iwconfig eth1 txpower off
> post-down /sbin/iwconfig eth1 txpower on
> post-down /sbin/ifup eth1
> address
> netmask
> network
> broadcast
> gateway
> Yes, it _required_ both the pre-up and post-down statements. Note: I
> decided to go with static, but this is unrelated to the discussion.
> For the record, in case the reader has stumbled upon this post via Google
> or such for help with setting up wireless from the command line (CLI), I
> have attached my /etc/network/interfaces, /etc/default/ifplugd, and
> /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa-roam.conf files.
> Note: this works without using a wpa_supplicant.conf or guessnet. Of
> course, my configuration is not complicated by a firewall or a proxy
> service... And of course, there are always other ways to do things...
> Thanks again,
> Keith
>> On Tue, 1 Nov 2011 00:47:27 +
>> Brian  wrote:
>>> On Mon 31 Oct 2011 at 12:53:21 -0700, wrote:
>>> > If I boot the laptop with the Ethernet cable plugged in (eth0), that
>>> > connection works fine.
>> A good practice might be to down the unused interface.
>> When using wired power-down wifi, as well as ifdown
>> ` ` ` `
>> pre-up /sbin/ifdown wlan0
>> pre-up /sbin/iwconfig wlan0 txpower off
>> ` ` ` `
>> When using wifi do the opposite.
>> You can also power-on wifi when wired is unplugged
>> ` ` ` `
>> down  /sbin/iwconfig wlan0 txpower on
>> ` ` ` `
>> pre-up, pre-down, post-up,.. etc.. statements are very helpful...

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Re: squeeze on desktop with Atheros wifi - not accessing wifi

2011-11-01 Thread Sian Mountbatten
On Tue, 01 Nov 2011 16:20:02 +0100, Camaleón wrote:

> On Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:39:15 +, Sian Mountbatten wrote:
>> I have installed Debian squeeze on /dev/sda1, but the kernel does not
>> pick up the Atheros wlan0 wifi card.
> What you mean by "pick up"?
It does not recognise the card. I used to use madwifi on my
Lenny system.

> That the card not detected by the system ("lspci" or "lsusb" will tell)
> or that is not configured (see below)?
lspci gives
03:0a.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR5212/AR5213 
Multiprotocol MAC/baseband processor (rev 01)

>> Ubuntu 11.10 with a 3.0.0-12-generic kernel picks up the wifi,
>> identifies the default wifi network, asks for a password and then it
>> opens the wifi network.
> Squeeze does not ships a kernel with closed firmware blob¹. If you card
> needs such file (the firmware) you will have to download manually.

> "dmesg" will tell you more about the wifi card issue.
dmesg gives
 ath5k phy0: Atheros AR2414 chip found (MAC: 0x79, PHY: 0x45)
> OTOH, Squeeze has an additional hitch with wifi devices: they are
> unmanaged by NM when the adapter is listed in "/etc/network/interfaces"
> with the default config setup, so this is another thing to check².
/etc/interfaces contains
allow-hotplug wlan0
iface wlan0 inet static
# wireless-* options are implemented by the wireless-tools package
wireless-mode managed
wireless-essid PC_Area
wireless-key1 s:pclandia
# dns-* options are implemented by the resolvconf package, if 
> You can read more on how to configure your wifi device in Debian's
> wiki³.
> ¹
> ²
> ³


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Re: Getting sound working

2011-11-01 Thread Scott Ferguson
On 02/11/11 00:54, Harry Putnam wrote:
> Scott Ferguson  writes:

>> Kind of...
> Try again, I've put an unreduced image of just the bottom and a little
> of the screen... full width.

Thanks (that I could see)

>> What's the icon between klipper and the clock??:-
> Its the little carrot thing that toggles the show hidden icons

The "Hide Icons Icon" :-)
*That* is part of the System Tray
> Behind it are:
>  Desktop Notifier
>  Desktop sharing
>  KOrganizer Reminder Daemon

Should be Device Notifier as well.

Right-click it to get to the "System Tray Settings" - drill down from
there to enable hiding/unhiding icons.


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Re: Wifi with Atheros AR2414 not working

2011-11-01 Thread Celejar
On Tue, 1 Nov 2011 18:23:54 + (UTC)
Sian Mountbatten  wrote:


> Here is the output from the command "ifconfig wlan0"
> wlan0 Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:0f:b5:8c:94:96  
>   inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:255.255.255.
> 0
>   RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
>   TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
>   collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 
>   RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)
> Here is the output from the command "iwconfig wlan0"
> wlan0 IEEE 802.11bg  ESSID:"PC_Area"  
>   Mode:Managed  Access Point: Not-Associated   Tx-Power=20 dBm   
>   Retry  long limit:7   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off
>   Power Management:off

We need lots more information, such as:

What sort of AP are you trying to connect to?
What commands / software are you using to manage your card?

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Wifi with Atheros AR2414 not working

2011-11-01 Thread Sian Mountbatten
Here is the output from lspci in Debian GNU/Linux 6.0
00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation 82865G/PE/P DRAM Controller/Host-
Hub Interface (rev 02)
00:01.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82865G/PE/P PCI to AGP Controller 
(rev 02)
00:03.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82865G/PE/P PCI to CSA Bridge (rev 
00:06.0 System peripheral: Intel Corporation 82865G/PE/P Processor to I/O 
Memory Interface (rev 02)
00:1d.0 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) USB UHCI 
Controller #1 (rev 02)
00:1d.1 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) USB UHCI 
Controller #2 (rev 02)
00:1d.2 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) USB UHCI 
Controller #3 (rev 02)
00:1d.3 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) USB UHCI 
Controller #4 (rev 02)
00:1d.7 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) USB2 
EHCI Controller (rev 02)
00:1e.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801 PCI Bridge (rev c2)
00:1f.0 ISA bridge: Intel Corporation 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) LPC 
Interface Bridge (rev 02)
00:1f.1 IDE interface: Intel Corporation 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) IDE 
Controller (rev 02)
00:1f.3 SMBus: Intel Corporation 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) SMBus Controller 
(rev 02)
00:1f.5 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation 82801EB/ER (ICH5/
ICH5R) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 02)
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 
5200] (rev a1)
02:01.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82547EI Gigabit Ethernet 
03:03.0 FireWire (IEEE 1394): VIA Technologies, Inc. VT6306/7/8 [Fire II
(M)] IEEE 1394 OHCI Controller (rev 80)
03:0a.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. Atheros AR5001X+ 
Wireless Network Adapter (rev 01)

Here is the output from the command "ifconfig wlan0"
wlan0 Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:0f:b5:8c:94:96  
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:255.255.255.
  RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 
  RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

Here is the output from the command "iwconfig wlan0"
wlan0 IEEE 802.11bg  ESSID:"PC_Area"  
  Mode:Managed  Access Point: Not-Associated   Tx-Power=20 dBm   
  Retry  long limit:7   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off
  Power Management:off


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Re: [Semi-OT] Automatic subscription to self-opened bug reports

2011-11-01 Thread Tom H
On Sun, Oct 30, 2011 at 2:28 PM, Camaleón  wrote:
> On Sun, 30 Oct 2011 13:53:47 -0400, Tom H wrote:
>> On Sun, Oct 30, 2011 at 6:19 AM, Camaleón  wrote:
>>> On Sat, 29 Oct 2011 17:35:29 -0400, Tom H wrote:
>>> (...)
 The madduck script automates subscribing to the bugs that you've filed
 for you. There's no need to do this manually.
>>> If I have correctly read the script, it can be fine for users using
>>> procmail, is that right?
>>> If yes, I'm not such user, I use Mutt and my Gmail IMAP account and
>>> from time to time, I use reportbug and even another computers which do
>>> not run Debian... so I'm afraid the workaround won't be of any help in
>>> my case :-(
>> I haven't kept the script but I remember a loop with a "sendmail -f
>> ...". You can substitute whatever command is equivalent on your box.
> Yep, I suppose that command could be replaced by invoking "mutt", instead.
>> This script and the BTS aren;t tied in to the box from which you report
>> a script. As long as you have a Debian or Ubuntu or other Debian
>> derivative box with devscripts installed, you should be able to
>> auto-subscribe with this script to all the bugs that you've reported.

> As I read it, the script is basically a loop that retrieves the bug
> number for all the bugs that have been sent by the reporter and sends
> subcription e-mails to the BTS robot... but you still have to manually
> reply to the incoming confirmation e-mails, right? And this is when the
> Procmail recipe comes into play, I guess, to close the cycle.

I don't remember the procmail reference but I'll trust you (I looked
at the page for a few seconds at most (!) so I could easily have
misread/misunderstood. You certainly have to reconfirm your
subscription manually or otherwise...

> It can be useful for mass-susbcriptions and mass-confirmation (when used
> alongside Procmail or a similar filter to do the job) but is still too
> much work -IMO- for bug reporters that are not using such mailing schema.

I couldn't agree more but if the BTS developers want it this way,
there isn't another option...

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Re: webcam/mouse conflict

2011-11-01 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 30 Oct 2011 12:21:13 -0400, Whit Hansell wrote:

> Running Wheezy.  Have wireless Logitech mouse.  Have usb style webcam of
> offbrand type but it has worked fine before so the driver is recognized
> and works.
> Have installed both Cheese and guvcview(gnome's webcam prog) and things
> work OK except somehow control of the mouse is grabbed and it makes use
> of the mouse very "iffy" in that I can move the mouse but it takes
> forever to get it to do anything.  It will finally do what I ask of it
> whether to move or accept mousecliks, but somehow whatever is allowing
> video is grabbing IO control from the mouse.

Hmmm, so you mean that both devices operate fine when they run separately 
and the USB mouse fails (start doing wierid things, becomes slow...) 
onlye when webcam is turned on? :-?

> Both Cheese and guvcview have worked just fine previously w. this webcam
> and a usb mouse so I know that part works.  Question is who should I
> send a bug report to as this has been this way for about 2-3 weeks now
> and I had hoped it would have been corrected by now.

Before opening a bug report, I would try some things:

1/ A corded USB mouse, because wireless devices are prone to any kind of 
strange errors, like batteries going down in the worst of the momments :-)

2/ Look at the logs when mouse starts behaving badly, mainly "dmesg", "/
var/log/syslog" and "/var/log/Xorg.0.log"

OTOH, I think mouse (input devices) is nowadays controlled by evdev 
("xserver-xorg-input-evdev" package), unless this has changed recently.



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Problem installing an init script with "insserv"

2011-11-01 Thread Robert Latest
Hello all,

I'm trying to have the script (below) run automatically at each system
shutdown. But it is never called, neither on startup nor on shutdown.
I ran insserv on it and it worked without errors. It also seems to
have the correct links installed:

dh@dotcom:/etc$ find . -name '*dupba*' -printf '%p %l\n'
./rc5.d/K01dupbackup ../init.d/dupbackup
./rc2.d/S01dupbackup ../init.d/dupbackup

So why doesn't this work? It used to work before I upgraded from
stable to testing. I've also played with the Default-Start and -Stop
levels, no change. Permissions are 755 as for all other init.d script.


# Provides: dupbackup
# Required-Stop: $local_fs $syslog
# Required-Start:
# Default-Start: 2
# Default-Stop: 5
# Description: Custom crypto backup system

logger -s "Called as $0 $1"
sleep 10 # this should make the script very noticeable

case "$1" in
echo "No backup on start-up"
sh /usr/local/bin/

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Re: RESOLVED: Learning ifpludg in CLI, WAS Re: laptop wireless setup, wpa_supplicant.conf, etc

2011-11-01 Thread J. Bakshi
On Tue, 1 Nov 2011 09:05:36 -0700 wrote:

Nice to hear your success and thanks for sharing the config

> Note: this works without using a wpa_supplicant.conf or guessnet.

As there is only one wired configuration you don't need guessnet;
but for multiple wired stanzas, guesssnet is required to find out
the correct one to use.


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Re: ethernet bonding with severak machines

2011-11-01 Thread Jesus arteche
Sorry, maybe trhe description it is too problem it is that I
have my servers virtualized, and I want to create and environment of high
availability. For example in http traffic, the problem is I can create a
load balancer that balance the traffic to the servers...but this  load
balancer server hasta bandwidth limit, and I want to expand this limit..

On Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 6:05 AM, Stan Hoeppner wrote:

> On 10/31/2011 6:00 PM, Jesus arteche wrote:
> > Hey guys,
> >
> > Do you know if it is possible to make Ethernet bonding between several
> > machines?
> If I correctly understand what you're asking, no, it is not possible.
> > are there some way the create a high availability load balancer with
> > several machines whit a bandwidth equal the sum of all the bandwidths ??
> It would be best at this point if you described what you're trying to
> accomplish and allow us to give recommendations.  There are many types
> of load balancing, from layer 2 through 7.  To properly answer your
> question we need to know exactly what you are trying to load balance,
> and to what end.
> For example, the most common types of load balancing are for SMTP, HTTP,
> POP, and IMAP.  Load balancing SMTP simply requires multiple equal
> priority MX records.  Load balancing HTTP and POP usually only requires
> round robin DNS.  Load balancing IMAP may require a specialized director
> server or proxy, especially in the case where the IMAP clients are
> webmail servers.
> --
> Stan
> --
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Re: Kdesud locking up, JMicron card reader not working, USB 3 Controller stops working after resuming, horizontal tearing on fullscreen

2011-11-01 Thread Camaleón
On Mon, 31 Oct 2011 16:11:49 -0200, M. wrote:

> I'm facing some problems with Debian Unstable that are really annoying.
> I know how to report bugs, did that several times before, and that I
> should ask one question at a time. But in this case, I decided to first
> listen to the good folks in this list for input and feedback (and maybe
> even solutions!!!), to both report more useful bugs and see if someone
> else is facing the same problems that I am, so the bug report would not
> be forgotten or simply trashed, as it happened before. I've tested these
> problems on two different computers, one desktop and one laptop.

Good, but is usually better to send separate messages for each of the 
problems you're facing, just to get a more clean thread.

> So here it goes:
> 1) I use KDE 4.6, the latest version from unstable, and synaptic to
> install packages. synaptic needs sudo permissions, and KDE does that
> using kdesud. The problem is that sometimes the kdesud process hangs,
> and every other call to kdesud gets stalled. I have to go to the
> terminal and kill it by hand - after doing that, synaptic and any other
> process that calls kdesud works fine. This happens on ALL debian
> unstable installations, both desktop and laptop.

Is that happening regardless of the command you run with "kdesu" or just 
when you launch Synaptic? 

> 2) The laptop has a JMicron card reader that only works if the card is
> inserted at boot time.

Mmm... what's dmesg output when you connect a card? Is it detected/

> 3) The USB 3 controller on the laptop never worked correctly. It is
> USB controller: NEC Corporation uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller (rev
> 03) USB controller: Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset USB2
> Enhanced Host Controller (rev 06)
> The two USB 3 ports never worked correctly: they disconnect or never
> connect usb peripherals, giving xhci_hcd errors like
> [ 6135.109318] xhci_hcd :05:00.0: WARN: short transfer on control ep
> [ 6135.112271] xhci_hcd :05:00.0: WARN: short transfer on control ep
> [ 6135.115274] xhci_hcd :05:00.0: WARN: short transfer on control ep


I have commented in another thread about a similar problem:
> 4) This happens with all video applications on KDE, VLC, mplayer, etc.
> When playing in fullscreen, both machines (with Nvidia graphics cards
> and the driver from Nvidia), with compositing or not, with opengl
> backend or not, vsync enabled or not, any video shows horizontal
> tearing.

For this one I would start debugging a driver issue by loading "nouveau" 
instead "nvidia". If both drivers experience the same it can be something 
pointing to Xorg :-?

> Please CC me as I'm not subscribed to the list.

Sorry, I can't :-(



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RESOLVED: Learning ifpludg in CLI, WAS Re: laptop wireless setup, wpa_supplicant.conf, etc

2011-11-01 Thread keitho
Thank you Brian for showing me that "route -v" is my friend :-) That
really helped me debug this configuration.

Thank you J. Bakshi for your explication of the use of the pre-up and
pre-down instructions.

Turns out that one of the problems with my configuration was that I had
both a "scan_ssid=1" and a "priority=15" in each of my stanzas in the
wpa-roam.conf file- this is a no-no. Eliminating the former resolved most
of the puzzling behavior.

After more experimentation I found that by using J. Bakshi's idea I was
able to configure things so that now the proper interface is used
regardless of whether the Ethernet is plugged in or not at bootup, and
remains properly configured regardless of how many times I might
plug|unplug the Ethernet cable.

Here's the pertinent stanza from the /etc/network/interfaces file:

iface eth0 inet static
wpa-debug-level 3
post-up /sbin/ifdown eth1
post-up /sbin/iwconfig eth1 txpower off
post-down /sbin/iwconfig eth1 txpower on
post-down /sbin/ifup eth1

Yes, it _required_ both the pre-up and post-down statements. Note: I
decided to go with static, but this is unrelated to the discussion.

For the record, in case the reader has stumbled upon this post via Google
or such for help with setting up wireless from the command line (CLI), I
have attached my /etc/network/interfaces, /etc/default/ifplugd, and
/etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa-roam.conf files.

Note: this works without using a wpa_supplicant.conf or guessnet. Of
course, my configuration is not complicated by a firewall or a proxy
service... And of course, there are always other ways to do things...

Thanks again,

> On Tue, 1 Nov 2011 00:47:27 +
> Brian  wrote:
>> On Mon 31 Oct 2011 at 12:53:21 -0700, wrote:
>> > If I boot the laptop with the Ethernet cable plugged in (eth0), that
>> > connection works fine.
> A good practice might be to down the unused interface.
> When using wired power-down wifi, as well as ifdown
> ` ` ` `
> pre-up /sbin/ifdown wlan0
> pre-up /sbin/iwconfig wlan0 txpower off
> ` ` ` `
> When using wifi do the opposite.
> You can also power-on wifi when wired is unplugged
> ` ` ` `
> down  /sbin/iwconfig wlan0 txpower on
> ` ` ` `
> pre-up, pre-down, post-up,.. etc.. statements are very helpful...

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Re: Panning Desktop WITHOUT xorg.conf

2011-11-01 Thread Harry Putnam
johny why  writes:

> not sure if this is relevant, but for noobs like me, this method
> enables a virtual panning desktop on Debian, from a terminal
> command-line, without need for a xorg.conf:

Debian wheezy here.

> xrandr --output VGA1 --rate 60 --mode 800x600 --fb 1280x1024
> --panning 1280x1024

I'm very interested in this and have tried any number of incantations
to get a panning desktop... the above formula fails here.

The desktop grows but the panning just does not happen... mouse is
still locked into actual monitor size and just moves the screen very
slightly when bumped up against any border.

Some have said its due to bugs that I have lost track of but there are
several in different OS's reported where the panning is restricted.

Maybe I've got the command all wrong:
  (wrapped for mail but was on 1 line)

 xrandr --output DVI-I-1 --rate 60 --mode 1440x900 --fb 2048x1536 \
--panning 2048x1536

As I understand your statements here `--mode' should be your actual
monitors max resolution... right?

> the "mode" is your viewport (ie, max res of your monitor). The
> "fb" and "panning" are both set to your desired virtual size.

What I actually see is the screen grow but I cannot access the part
that is beyond the edge of my monitor... when I go there with the
mouse only a very slight shifting of screen happens... maybe something
like 1/8 inch.

For example:  the `system tray' (or  panel) in default kde  desktop is
across the bottom. When I run the  command above it is pushed down out
of site... attempting to pan to it with mouse does not work.  I only
get the tiny screen shift reported above.

----   ---=---   -   
Here is output of xrandr -q 

   xrandr -q 

  Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1440 x 900, maximum 4096 x 4096
  VGA-1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
  DVI-I-1 connected 1440x900+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y
  axis) 550mm x 340mm

 1280x1024  75.0 60.0  
 1440x900   59.9* 
 1280x960   60.0  
 1152x864   75.0  
 1024x768   75.1 70.1 60.0  
 800x60072.2 75.0 60.3 56.2  
 640x48072.8 75.0 66.7 60.0  
  TV-1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
----   ---=---   -   

I guess you are able to get a panning desktop... and your mouse, when
moved to a monitor border, shifts the screen so you can get to the
virtual real estate?

Why does it fail here?  Any ideas welcome.

Hardware details

  PC (older) P4 celeron 3.06 Ghz cpu -  2GB ram
  Video card: Nvidia GForce FX 5700LE
  Monitor: Asus 25.5 Model: VK266H
  Max res 1900x1200

You can see the full monitor details here: 

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Re: using kernel 3.0.1+

2011-11-01 Thread Sven Hoexter
On Tue, Nov 01, 2011 at 06:44:41PM +1000, yudi v wrote:
> I will be getting a new desktop with intel i5 2500k CPU, it's got an
> integrated GPU, I would like to install debian but read that the i5 GPU
> works without any issues only with the latest kernel.

I've a system with a i5 2520m (Intel Sandybridge) and written down a few
notes about it in the Debian wiki.
In short, as other people all ready wrote, you'll have to use at least
the kernel from backports (2.6.39 currently) but I guess you'll also
need the backport (thanks to KiBi for providing it).

The most annoying part is the requirement of a new kernel+non-free to get
at least ethernet working. After that it's a lot easier to get the rest


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Re: squeeze on desktop with Atheros wifi - not accessing wifi

2011-11-01 Thread Camaleón
On Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:39:15 +, Sian Mountbatten wrote:

> I have installed Debian squeeze on /dev/sda1, but the kernel does not
> pick up the Atheros wlan0 wifi card.

What you mean by "pick up"? 

That the card not detected by the system ("lspci" or "lsusb" will tell) 
or that is not configured (see below)?
> Ubuntu 11.10 with a 3.0.0-12-generic kernel picks up the wifi,
> identifies the default wifi network, asks for a password and then it
> opens the wifi network.
> It would seem that the squeeze kernel is broken with respect to wifi.
> Anybody any ideas for getting wifi working on squeeze?

Squeeze does not ships a kernel with closed firmware blob¹. If you card 
needs such file (the firmware) you will have to download manually.

"dmesg" will tell you more about the wifi card issue.

OTOH, Squeeze has an additional hitch with wifi devices: they are 
unmanaged by NM when the adapter is listed in "/etc/network/interfaces" 
with the default config setup, so this is another thing to check².

You can read more on how to configure your wifi device in Debian's wiki³.




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Re: Usenet news - server required

2011-11-01 Thread John Hasler
Harry Putnam writes:
> Waa Wa sniffle sniffle... no one is paying the proper
> attention to my suggestion of emacs/gnus  It is vastly the
> superior news/mail reader.

Yes, of course it is.  That's why only superior people use it.
John Hasler

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2011-11-01 Thread Darac Marjal
On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 10:22:19AM -0400, Vince wrote:

1) Your clock appears to be broken. It is November
2) Your keyboard appears to be broken (or your getty has detected you're
using a upper-case-only terminal. Try removing "-U" from the invokation
in /etc/inittab)
3) Read this:

Darac Marjal

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2011-11-01 Thread Vince

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Re: creaing new 3.0.4 kernel in squeeze --kernel panic

2011-11-01 Thread Arnt Karlsen
On Mon, 31 Oct 2011 13:56:46 -0700 (PDT), wrote
in message

> On Oct 31, 7:20 pm, ""
>  wrote:
> > On Oct 31, 12:40 am, Stephen Powell  wrote:
> > > Also, I recommend that you read
> >
> > >
> >
> > > for a fairly comprehensive tutorial on kernel building in Debian
> > > which documents many common "gotchas" in kernel building.  For
> > > example, there is a patch to kernel-package which is needed in
> > > some circumstances when building a version 3 kernel with
> > > make-kpkg.  The patch is documented on the above web page.  And,
> > > depending on which boot loader you use, you may need to install
> > > some hook scripts when using a custom kernel with Squeeze and
> > > later releases.  This is also documented on the above web page.
> >
> > > --
> > >   .''`.     Stephen Powell    
> > >  : :'  :
> > >  `. `'`
> >
> > I followed the instructions given in Kernel.htm and built a kernel
> > from the source tree I had
> > downloaded fromwww.kernel.orgafter issuing make-kpkg debian. I also
> > patched kernel-package
> > using the patch file (linuxv3.diff) mentioned on the web page.
> >
> > I also used make localmodconfig to greatly reduce the number of
> > modules actually compiled.
> > Compiling the kernel took 34 mins on my 1.6GHz laptop.
> >
> > I installed the kernel using dpkg as root, checked that an initramfs
> > image had been created, closed down
> > and rebooted.
> >
> > The kernel loaded, entered runlevel 2, but commands that tried to
> > write to the fs failed because it was
> > still readonly. The kernel finally hung with nfsd. ctrl-alt-del
> > successfully rebooted. I shall recompile
> > the kernel without NFS support because I don't need it.
> I removed NFS stuff and recompiled the kernel. I also removed the
> packages nfs-kernel-server and
> nfs-common.
> After rebooting with the new kernel, it loaded, hung at points and
> eventually gave me a tty login
> prompt. I could login as sian as well as root, but the file system was
> still read-only. I suspect that
> GNOME has to be able to write to the fs so that is why I only got a
> tty prompt.
> Some messages emitted by the kernel when loading:
> -
> Can't open or create /var/run/
> Unknown hardware ThinkPad EC
> touch: setting times of /var/lib/sudo: Read-only file system
> --
> What do I do next?

..remount your disk read-write.  

> At least the kernel loads and gives me a prompt. I
> don't understand why the
> file system is still read-only.

..could be _anything_ from a bad disk to a kernel config bug.
My reading of your NFS "hang" is you should have patient enough 
to give it time to time out, at least once. (5 or 15 minutes?) 

..try set up a syslog host on your lan and point your 
3.0.4 box' syslog there, and post the url to it if you 
find funny errors etc things that warrants further fun.


-- vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt Karlsen
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.

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Re: Usenet news - server required

2011-11-01 Thread Harry Putnam
Sian Mountbatten  writes:


>> I personally use Pan, but Thunderbird and Icedove also embedd a
>> newsreader.
>> Greetings,
>> --
>> Camaleón
> Many thanks for your help. I too am using Pan. And I found a news server
> on the web-site which someone suggested.
> Problem now definitely solved. If only I can get my new kernel to work
> my cup would be overflowing.


Waa Wa sniffle sniffle... no one is paying the proper
attention to my suggestion of emacs/gnus 

It is vastly the superior news/mail reader.

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Re: Getting sound working

2011-11-01 Thread Harry Putnam
Scott Ferguson  writes:

>> Its a reduced image of course but you can see the panel across the
>> bottom.  
> Kind of...

Try again, I've put an unreduced image of just the bottom and a little
of the screen... full width.

>>Is that not the `system tray' you speak of?
> What's the icon between klipper and the clock??:-

Its the little carrot thing that toggles the show hidden icons

Behind it are:
 Desktop Notifier
 Desktop sharing
 KOrganizer Reminder Daemon

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Re: Squeeze: Create LVM from 2x raid5 + 12x 2TB disks

2011-11-01 Thread Dan Ritter
On Tue, Nov 01, 2011 at 12:45:33PM +0100, Denny Schierz wrote:
> With raid5 22TB, which seems to be better ...
> But, what is the best? 
> To create only one big MD is something bad, I think. 
> On FreeBSD I have with ZFS and 2 x raidz round about 21TB.
> any suggestions?

Yes. If you don't know what you're doing, you want RAID-10
across all the disks, no spares.

You will end up with 12TB of space, but complete protection
against any one disk failing, and possibly protection against
up to 6 disks failing.

You also want to enable mdadm scanning and reporting, so you
know when a disk fails.

If you do know what you're doing, all this can change.


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Re: squeeze on desktop with Atheros wifi - not accessing wifi

2011-11-01 Thread Andrew Wood
Im not famailair with Atheros cards but a lot of WiFi cards dont have 
the binary firmware on them, it has to be loaded by the driver each 
time. Because the firmware is closed source Debian doesnt include it by 
default anymore.

You will need to download the relevant .deb package from  copy to the machine on a USB stick or 
something and then (as root) install it with dpkg -i packagename.deb

im sure someone here who has experience with Atheros chipsets will 
enlighten us as to the actual package name.

On 01/11/11 11:39, Sian Mountbatten wrote:

I have installed Debian squeeze on /dev/sda1, but the kernel does not
pick up the Atheros wlan0 wifi card.

Ubuntu 11.10 with a 3.0.0-12-generic kernel picks up the wifi, identifies
the default wifi network, asks for a password and then it opens the
wifi network.

It would seem that the squeeze kernel is broken with respect to wifi.

Anybody any ideas for getting wifi working on squeeze?

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Re: Squeeze: Create LVM from 2x raid5 + 12x 2TB disks

2011-11-01 Thread Georgi Naplatanov

On 11/01/2011 01:45 PM, Denny Schierz wrote:


my problem is, that I loosing several terabytes 

12 x 2TB

I create on one JBOD with 12 disks two raid 5 with one spare:

mdadm --create /dev/md7 --level=5 -x 1 --raid-disks=5
--bitmap=internal /dev/sd["cdefgh"]1

mdadm --create /dev/md8 --level=5 -x 1 --raid-disks=5
--bitmap=internal /dev/sd["ijklmn"]1

# fdisk -l /dev/md8

Disk /dev/md8: 8001.6 GB, 8001589084160 bytes
2 heads, 4 sectors/track, 1953512960 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 8 * 512 = 4096 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 524288 bytes / 2097152 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x

Only 8TB ...

Yes, it's correct. You have 6 disks in 1 array - 1 spare and 1 you lose 
because of raid 5, so 4 * 2TB disks is 8 TB.

You would consider to build 1 array with 12 disks. With 1 spare drive 
you will have 20TB RAID 5 array or you can build 22TB RAID 5 array 
without a spare drive.

md8 : active raid5 sdm1[6] sdn1[5](S) sdl1[3] sdk1[2] sdj1[1] sdi1[0]
   7814051840 blocks super 1.2 level 5, 512k chunk, algorithm 2 [5/4]
   [>]  recovery =  4.1% (80504380/1953512960)
finish=330.3min speed=94493K/sec
   bitmap: 1/15 pages [4KB], 65536KB chunk

md7 : active raid5 sdg1[6] sdh1[5](S) sdf1[3] sde1[2] sdd1[1] sdc1[0]
   7814051840 blocks super 1.2 level 5, 512k chunk, algorithm 2 [5/4]
   [>]  recovery =  4.1% (80857984/1953512960)
finish=334.0min speed=93427K/sec
   bitmap: 1/15 pages [4KB], 65536KB chunk

root@iscsihead-s:~# pvscan
   PV /dev/md7  lvm2 [7.28 TiB]
   PV /dev/md8  lvm2 [7.28 TiB]
   Total: 3 [14.78 TiB] / in use: 1 [233.81 GiB] / in no VG: 2 [14.55

only 14TB from 20TB (2 disks are spare = 4TB) ?

that couldn't be only metadata ...

I also used --level=6 but nothing more than 8TB ...

If I create one big MD with all 12 disks and raid6, than I get 20TB
(also ~4TB metadata?)

fdisk -l /dev/md7

Disk /dev/md7: 20004.0 GB, 20003972710400 bytes
2 heads, 4 sectors/track, -1 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 8 * 512 = 4096 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 524288 bytes / 5242880 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x

With raid5 22TB, which seems to be better ...

But, what is the best?

To create only one big MD is something bad, I think.

On FreeBSD I have with ZFS and 2 x raidz round about 21TB.

any suggestions?

cu denny

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Re: squeeze on desktop with Atheros wifi - not accessing wifi

2011-11-01 Thread Thierry Chatelet
On Tuesday 01 November 2011 12:39:15 Sian Mountbatten wrote:
> I have installed Debian squeeze on /dev/sda1, but the kernel does not
> pick up the Atheros wlan0 wifi card.

Can you give the output of lspci, ifcinfig and iwconfig?

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Squeeze: Create LVM from 2x raid5 + 12x 2TB disks

2011-11-01 Thread Denny Schierz

my problem is, that I loosing several terabytes 

12 x 2TB

I create on one JBOD with 12 disks two raid 5 with one spare:

mdadm --create /dev/md7 --level=5 -x 1 --raid-disks=5
--bitmap=internal /dev/sd["cdefgh"]1

mdadm --create /dev/md8 --level=5 -x 1 --raid-disks=5
--bitmap=internal /dev/sd["ijklmn"]1

# fdisk -l /dev/md8

Disk /dev/md8: 8001.6 GB, 8001589084160 bytes
2 heads, 4 sectors/track, 1953512960 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 8 * 512 = 4096 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 524288 bytes / 2097152 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x

Only 8TB ...

md8 : active raid5 sdm1[6] sdn1[5](S) sdl1[3] sdk1[2] sdj1[1] sdi1[0]
  7814051840 blocks super 1.2 level 5, 512k chunk, algorithm 2 [5/4]
  [>]  recovery =  4.1% (80504380/1953512960)
finish=330.3min speed=94493K/sec
  bitmap: 1/15 pages [4KB], 65536KB chunk

md7 : active raid5 sdg1[6] sdh1[5](S) sdf1[3] sde1[2] sdd1[1] sdc1[0]
  7814051840 blocks super 1.2 level 5, 512k chunk, algorithm 2 [5/4]
  [>]  recovery =  4.1% (80857984/1953512960)
finish=334.0min speed=93427K/sec
  bitmap: 1/15 pages [4KB], 65536KB chunk

root@iscsihead-s:~# pvscan 
  PV /dev/md7  lvm2 [7.28 TiB]
  PV /dev/md8  lvm2 [7.28 TiB]
  Total: 3 [14.78 TiB] / in use: 1 [233.81 GiB] / in no VG: 2 [14.55

only 14TB from 20TB (2 disks are spare = 4TB) ?

that couldn't be only metadata ...

I also used --level=6 but nothing more than 8TB ...

If I create one big MD with all 12 disks and raid6, than I get 20TB
(also ~4TB metadata?)

fdisk -l /dev/md7

Disk /dev/md7: 20004.0 GB, 20003972710400 bytes
2 heads, 4 sectors/track, -1 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 8 * 512 = 4096 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 524288 bytes / 5242880 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x

With raid5 22TB, which seems to be better ...

But, what is the best? 

To create only one big MD is something bad, I think. 

On FreeBSD I have with ZFS and 2 x raidz round about 21TB.

any suggestions?

cu denny

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squeeze on desktop with Atheros wifi - not accessing wifi

2011-11-01 Thread Sian Mountbatten
I have installed Debian squeeze on /dev/sda1, but the kernel does not
pick up the Atheros wlan0 wifi card.

Ubuntu 11.10 with a 3.0.0-12-generic kernel picks up the wifi, identifies
the default wifi network, asks for a password and then it opens the
wifi network.

It would seem that the squeeze kernel is broken with respect to wifi.

Anybody any ideas for getting wifi working on squeeze?


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Re: Wifi with squeeze on Lenovo X61s laptop - difficulties

2011-11-01 Thread Sian Mountbatten
On Fri, 28 Oct 2011 19:20:02 +0200, Bob Proulx wrote:

> wrote:
>> Ubuntu asked for the ESSID and WPA2 password and connected fine.
>> Debian squeeze installer asked for firmware to be installed from
>> removable media
>> but failed to load the files from CD-ROM. So wifi does not work.
> Unfortunately at this time (as far as I know) the debian-installer does
> not support WPA or WPA2 at installation time.  Only open wifi and WEP
> wifi support has so far been included.  Installation over WPA/WPA2 isn't
> yet available.  I have heard it is being worked on.
>> I have installed the firmware-iwlwifi package and have checked that the
>> firmware files required are in /lib/firmware.
>> Is there any way I can get the firmware loaded once squeeze is
>> installed so that wifi will work?
> You should be able to install using a wire, using open wifi, using WEP
> wifi without problems.  After you install the system should be able to
> connect using WPA/WPA2 wifi okay.  This is the way virtually every
> laptop that installs Debian and then uses wireless for WPA/WPA2 works
> today.
> Bob
> wrote:
>> Ubuntu asked for the ESSID and WPA2 password and connected fine.
>> Debian squeeze installer asked for firmware to be installed from
>> removable media
>> but failed to load the files from CD-ROM. So wifi does not work.
> Unfortunately at this time (as far as I know) the debian-installer does
> not support WPA or WPA2 at installation time.  Only open wifi and WEP
> wifi support has so far been included.  Installation over WPA/WPA2 isn't
> yet available.  I have heard it is being worked on.
>> I have installed the firmware-iwlwifi package and have checked that the
>> firmware files required are in /lib/firmware.
>> Is there any way I can get the firmware loaded once squeeze is
>> installed so that wifi will work?
> You should be able to install using a wire, using open wifi, using WEP
> wifi without problems.  After you install the system should be able to
> connect using WPA/WPA2 wifi okay.  This is the way virtually every
> laptop that installs Debian and then uses wireless for WPA/WPA2 works
> today.
> Bob

What do you mean "using a wire"? and "open wifi".


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Re: using kernel 3.0.1+

2011-11-01 Thread deloptes
yudi v wrote:

> I will be getting a new desktop with intel i5 2500k CPU, it's got an
> integrated GPU, I would like to install debian but read that the i5 GPU
> works without any issues only with the latest kernel.
> Now I always use the stable version of Debian. I have never used sid. I
> would like to know how to install Debian stable with the latest kernel.

compiling 3.0.1 is not a big issue though. I'm running stable and testing
with 3.0.1 since it came out, without any issues.


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Re: Problem in trying to boot system

2011-11-01 Thread Darac Marjal
On Tue, Nov 01, 2011 at 07:13:07PM +1100, wrote:
> Hello.
>  Our mailserver will no longer boot.
>  In the weekend, I think it was, it was off when I tried to access it.
>  (it had not been turned off by a human here)
>  When I tried to boot it, I could no longer access it across the LAN.
>  I have this afternoon, shifted it and connected it to a monitor, and
>  tried to boot it.
>  The boot sequence fails, and,  I get
>  "
>  cramfs: wrong magic
>  FAT: Did not find valid FSINFO signature.
>  Found signature1 0x0 signature2 0x0 sector= 1.
>  request_module[nls_cp437]: Root fs not mounted
>  Unable to load NLS charset cp437
>  request_module[nls_cp437]: Root fs not mounted
>  Unable to load NLS charset cp437
>  request_module[nls_cp437]: Root fs not mounted
>  Unable to load NLS charset cp437
>  request_module[nls_cp437]: Root fs not mounted
>  Unable to load NLS charset cp437
>  Directory1: bad FAT
>  Filesystem panic (dev 03:01)
>  FAT error
>  VFS: Mounted root (vfat filesystem) readonly
>  Freeing unused kernel memory: 280k freed
>  Warning: unable to open an initial console
>  Kernel panic: No init found. Try passing init= option to kernel
>  "
>  (boot sequence stops here)
>  Does this mean that the FAT is stuffed?
>  Can the system and the data be recovered?
>  The system had to be booted via a FDD, each time the system needed booting.

It sounds to me like your boot floppy has gone bad. They do that :)

You might be able to get your system back up by creating a new boot
floppy. The traditional way to do this is to "dd" the kernel onto the
floppy disk and set the root device. For this you will need the
following: A PC running linux (it can be a virtual machine if that
helps), a fresh floppy diskette (don't overwrite your existing one) and
the Debian 4 kernel (Choose an appropriate one from

* Unpack the kernel deb file
  $ ar p linux-image*.deb data.tar.gz | tar zx
* Find the 'vmlinuz' file
  $ find . -name '*vmlinuz*'
* Write the kernel to the floppy
  $ dd if=/path/to/vmlinuz of=/dev/fd0  # Check that's the right floppy
* Set the root filesystem
 $ rdev /dev/fd0 /dev/hdaX # Set this to the root device on your server

You should now be able to insert that floppy into your mailserver and
get it booted.

Alternatively, you might try downloading any of the various rescue
floppy images (SuperGrubDisk for example) and see if they'll boot.

Darac Marjal

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Re: Problem in trying to boot system

2011-11-01 Thread Camaleón
On Tue, 01 Nov 2011 19:13:07 +1100, bret wrote:

>   Our mailserver will no longer boot.


>   The boot sequence fails, and,  I get
>   "
>   cramfs: wrong magic
>   Directory1: bad FAT
>   Filesystem panic (dev 03:01)
>   FAT error
>   Does this mean that the FAT is stuffed?

So it seems, the FAT file system structure or the floppy disk itself 
(they last long, but not forever).
>   Can the system and the data be recovered?

I would try to replace the floppy disk by another one and see how it goes.

>   The system had to be booted via a FDD, each time the system needed
>   booting.
>   The system is Debian 4.


>   I have Debian Woody (don't know what version number that is) and
>   Debian 5 and Debian 6 on CD (CD1 of each; 7CD set for "Woody"), but do
>   not know whether I can do anything with them.

I'd first try to solve the most immediate problem to get the system up 
and running again and then reconsider updating (with time and calm to 
make a smooth transition).

>   The optical drive on the computer, is a CD drive; it is an HP Vectra
>   server, at least 10 years old.

Give that Vectra my bigguest congratulations, what a machine! :-)



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Re: Usenet news - server required

2011-11-01 Thread Camaleón
On Mon, 31 Oct 2011 22:21:11 +, Sian Mountbatten wrote:

> On Mon, 31 Oct 2011 15:50:02 +0100, Camaleón wrote:
>> On Sun, 30 Oct 2011 15:22:17 -0700, wrote:
>>> Can anybody suggest a Usenet server? I am in the UK.
>> I just have replied to this one (read my last post).
>>> Ubuntu has three newsreaders available, one for GNUstep, one called
>>> pan newsreader and another called xpn Newsreader. Which one to use
>>> (maybe I should try all three).
>> I personally use Pan, but Thunderbird and Icedove also embedd a
>> newsreader.

> Many thanks for your help. I too am using Pan. And I found a news server
> on the web-site which someone suggested.
> Problem now definitely solved. 


You're welcome :-)

This post looks much better.



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Re: USB Drives will not mount

2011-11-01 Thread Brian
On Tue 01 Nov 2011 at 05:12:06 +, Paddy Tollan wrote:

> Hi I can no longer mount my usb pen drive. When I run the mount vfat -t
> /dev/sdb /mnt/pen

It is more usual to mount a partition:

   mount vfat -t /dev/sdbX /mnt/pen

>   The commmand complains about there being a bad superblock
> on the usb drive. I run the dmesg command and get the message there is not a
> valid fat partition on /dev/sdb.

I expect the messages were quite precise. Seeing them exactly as you saw
them is never a bad thing.

> However there is a valid file system as the drive is formatted as fat32 and
> the drive is seen in windows I have tried another drive with the same result 

Someone is bound to ask to see the partion table (fdisk, cfdisk) ..

> how can I fix this as it is very annoying. I have tried to reformat and
> partition the drive but this will not work

.. and ask for the commands you used which didn't work.

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Re: Menu editing on Gnome 3

2011-11-01 Thread Camaleón
On Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:50:21 +, Alan Chandler wrote:

> Anyone any idea how to edit the applications menu in Gnome3.  I have
> KDiff3 in the "Other" menu and I can't figure out how to move it.

GNOME3 or gnome-shell?

If it's GNOME3 you can use the usual tool (right-click on the menu and 
select "menu editor" to remove items). If you mean "gnome-shell" menu 
that's another beast.

> I've tried the "Menu Editor" sitting in System Tools, but it doesn't
> seem to all you to do anything other than add menu entries to which ever
> section it decides.

Ah, the old menu... then it should be easy but tricky :-)

I would try with these steps:

Given the tutorial is for Archlinux, some of the paths may vary.



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Re: using kernel 3.0.1+

2011-11-01 Thread Alex Mestiashvili
On 11/01/2011 09:44 AM, yudi v wrote:
> I will be getting a new desktop with intel i5 2500k CPU, it's got an
> integrated GPU, I would like to install debian but read that the i5
> GPU works without any issues only with the latest kernel.
> Now I always use the stable version of Debian. I have never used sid.
> I would like to know how to install Debian stable with the latest kernel.
> -- 
> Kind regards,
> Yudi
Hello ,

You still can use debian stable and kernels from

Or you can try testing , which has already 3.0.1+ kernel , but system is
more stable than sid .


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Re: using kernel 3.0.1+

2011-11-01 Thread Camaleón
On Tue, 01 Nov 2011 18:44:41 +1000, yudi v wrote:

> I will be getting a new desktop with intel i5 2500k CPU, it's got an
> integrated GPU, I would like to install debian but read that the i5 GPU
> works without any issues only with the latest kernel.

I would first try with the stock kernel and see how it goes.

> Now I always use the stable version of Debian. I have never used sid. I
> would like to know how to install Debian stable with the latest kernel.

If you are running the stable branch, you can use a backported kernel or 
you can compile a new kernel by your own. 

Both things are very easy to achive in Debian but the backported kernel 
option won't fit your requirements as now is 2.6.39 so you will have to 
compile :-)

I followed these instructions and worked like a charm though I had to do 
some "minors" adjustments:

8.6. Compiling a New Kernel



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using kernel 3.0.1+

2011-11-01 Thread yudi v
I will be getting a new desktop with intel i5 2500k CPU, it's got an
integrated GPU, I would like to install debian but read that the i5 GPU
works without any issues only with the latest kernel.

Now I always use the stable version of Debian. I have never used sid. I
would like to know how to install Debian stable with the latest kernel.

Kind regards,

Problem in trying to boot system

2011-11-01 Thread bret


 Our mailserver will no longer boot.

 In the weekend, I think it was, it was off when I tried to access it.
 (it had not been turned off by a human here)

 When I tried to boot it, I could no longer access it across the LAN.

 I have this afternoon, shifted it and connected it to a monitor, and
 tried to boot it.

 The boot sequence fails, and,  I get

 cramfs: wrong magic
 FAT: Did not find valid FSINFO signature.
 Found signature1 0x0 signature2 0x0 sector= 1.
 request_module[nls_cp437]: Root fs not mounted
 Unable to load NLS charset cp437
 request_module[nls_cp437]: Root fs not mounted
 Unable to load NLS charset cp437
 request_module[nls_cp437]: Root fs not mounted
 Unable to load NLS charset cp437
 request_module[nls_cp437]: Root fs not mounted
 Unable to load NLS charset cp437
 Directory1: bad FAT
 Filesystem panic (dev 03:01)
 FAT error
 VFS: Mounted root (vfat filesystem) readonly
 Freeing unused kernel memory: 280k freed
 Warning: unable to open an initial console
 Kernel panic: No init found. Try passing init= option to kernel
 (boot sequence stops here)

 Does this mean that the FAT is stuffed?

 Can the system and the data be recovered?

 The system had to be booted via a FDD, each time the system needed booting.

 The system is Debian 4.

 I have Debian Woody (don't know what version number that is) and
 Debian 5 and Debian 6 on CD (CD1 of each; 7CD set for "Woody"), but do
 not know whether I can do anything with them.

 The optical drive on the computer, is a CD drive; it is an HP Vectra
 server, at least 10 years old.

 Thank you in anticipation.

 Bret Busby
 West Australia

 "So once you do know what the question actually is,
  you'll know what the answer means."
 - Deep Thought,
  Chapter 28 of Book 1 of
  "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:
  A Trilogy In Four Parts",
  written by Douglas Adams,
  published by Pan Books, 1992


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Re: is iy possible to call isolinux.cfg from GRUB2 ?

2011-11-01 Thread J. Bakshi
On Mon, 31 Oct 2011 23:46:38 +0530
"J. Bakshi"  wrote:

> On Mon, 31 Oct 2011 23:45:02 +0530
> "J. Bakshi"  wrote:
> > Dear list,
> > 
> > Can we call isolinux.cfg from grub2 ? There are many live iso images which
> > have this isolinux.cfg and we can use the .iso with the loopback feature of 
> > grub2.
> > So it would be nice if we can just call the isolinux.cfg
> > Possible ?
> > 
> > Thnaks
> Obviously we need to call isolinux.bin first...

specifically chainloading isolinux
people have been trying to do the same.
Any know solution ?


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