Re: Problème de détection écran / Impossible de passer en FullHD

2012-04-11 Thread deb-account

On 09/04/12 20:06, Jerome69100 wrote:

Bonjour à toute la communauté,

je me permets de demander votre aide pour passer mon écran en résolution FullHD 
(1920x1080). Ca a l'air simple. Pourtant, malgré
différentes tentatives de résolutions trouvées sur des forums, je reste bloqué 
à 1280x1024. Je précise que je débute en Linux.

Que sort la commande xrandr ?

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Re: Bind9 : masquage du numéro de version

2012-04-11 Thread Pierre-Arnaud

Le 11/04/2012 01:30, Alain Vaugham a écrit :

version pipo;

Ca ne m'a pas l'air mal.

Résultat : la version est inchangée :
# named-checkconf -v

Tu ne fais pas le bon test.
named-checkconf est un outil local qui te donnera toujours la véritable 
version de bind.

Essaie plutôt ceci: dig @localhost CH TXT version.bind

Tu devrais voir la chaîne que tu as spécifiée dans named.conf.options. 
C'est cette information de version qui est accessible au reste du monde, 
pas la valeur retournée par named-checkconf.


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Re: annotations de PDF

2012-04-11 Thread Pierre Crescenzo

 voir xournal

 + 1 pour Xournal.

 Quelqu'un aurait-il une expérience à partager sur xournal ?

 Vi. Je l'utilise tous les jours, depuis ± 4-5 ans, sur Tablet PC en
 déplacements, réunions et rendez-vous, et couplé à une tablette
 graphique sur desktop, pour prendre des notes manuscrites, faire des
 schémas, étudier et annoter des documents.

 IMHO, en trois mots, c'est un killer du Micro$oft Journal fourni sous

 À la base, Xournal est dédié à la prise de notes manuscrites sur
 Tablet PC, sur papier vierge ou en annotation de fichiers PDF.

 Il est assez simple d'utilisation, et bien que plutôt basique dans ses
 fonctionnalités, l'absolument indispensable est là, et marche
 extrêmement bien.

 En annotation de PDFs, puisque c'est ce qui t'intéresse, il fonctionne
 en créant un fichier Xournal associé au PDF (même nom que le PDF +
 extension .xoj, mais c'est modifiable), qui contient la couche

 On peut à peu près tout faire, en termes d'annotations... Que cela
 soit à la main ou au clavier, en passant par le surlignage au fluo
 numérique et le tracé de figures à main levée, avec détection de

 Il permet ensuite de réexporter un PDF tout à fait décent avec les
 annotations ajoutées.

 Personnellement, je suis enchanté de le voir s'acquitter à merveille
 de toutes ces tâches, si l'on garde évidemment à l'esprit
 l'utilisation avec une tablette.

 IMHO, elle est indispensable pour en profiter complètement et surtout
 naturellement, c.-à-d. en remplacement du papier et du stylo, pour de
 l'écriture manuscrite (pratiquement impossible au mulot...).

 Sans tablette, l'intérêt de l'application diminue à mon avis
 fortement, même s'il ne devient pas nul pour autant. (Les annotations
 en texte saisi au clavier restent possibles, en positionnant un champ
 texte n'importe où dans le PDF à la souris. Même si c'est beaucoup
 moins naturel que de pouvoir gribouiller comme sur un papier, pour
 certains trucs il reste que ça dépanne.)

 Quelques truc géniaux et rapides :

 - le remplissage de formulaires à trous scannés : ça trace :-) On peut
   même faire bien propre en saisissant les infos au clavier quand
   c'est possible) ;

 - la signature d'actes juridique scannés : économie de temps
   intéressante si toute la chaîne est numérique, par exemple. L'acte
   arrive par mail ; on fait un PDF, on le signe et date à la mano dans
   Xournal, et il repart, exporté en PDF ;

 - l'annotation d'une capture d'écran (que Xournal permet directement)
   pour dépanner un pote dans l'ornière ;

 - les schémas rapides et notes de réflexion, vautré dans le divan avec
   un Tablet PC :-) ;

 - etc.

 Voilà mes 0.02 € :-)

 Tu devrais l'installer et voir par toi-même...

 Mais toujours à disposition si tu as des questions précises.

Merci ! Je vais essayer xournal. :-) Les réponses que j'ai eues me laisse 
penser qu'il pourrait très bien me convenir.


[CITATION ALÉATOIRE : Seul repose en paix celui qui meurt oublié. Verner von 

Pierre Crescenzo   enseignant-chercheur en Informatique
  Université Nice Sophia Antipolis
  Vice-Doyen de la Faculté des Sciences
  Directeur-Adjoint du Département d'Informatique
  Directeur de l'IUP MIAGE

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Re: Bind9 : masquage du numéro de version [Résolu]

2012-04-11 Thread Alain Vaugham
Le Wed, 11 Apr 2012 09:44:20 +0200,
Pierre-Arnaud a écrit :

 Le 11/04/2012 01:30, Alain Vaugham a écrit :
  version pipo;
 Ca ne m'a pas l'air mal.
  Résultat : la version est inchangée :
  # named-checkconf -v
 Tu ne fais pas le bon test.
 named-checkconf est un outil local qui te donnera toujours la véritable 
 version de bind.
 Essaie plutôt ceci: dig @localhost CH TXT version.bind
 Tu devrais voir la chaîne que tu as spécifiée dans named.conf.options. 
 C'est cette information de version qui est accessible au reste du monde, 
 pas la valeur retournée par named-checkconf.

Pour l'instant il n'est pas encore ouvert au reste du monde.
J'ai tout compris.


Alain Vaugham
Clef GPG : 0xD26D18BC

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fstab - probleme de droit avec partition vfat

2012-04-11 Thread Hugues MORIN
Bonjour a tous

J'ai un petit probleme que je ne comprends pas.
Je viens de modifier mon fstab afin d'y inclure des partition qui
fonctionne sous windows.
Il y a 2 NTFS et une VFAT.
En etant connecter avec mon compte utilisateur, je peux
lire/ajouter/supprimer des fichiers sur mes partitions en NTFS.
Jusque la pas de probleme, c'est ce que je voulais.
Mais impossible d'ajouter ou de supprimer sur la partition en VFAT.

Les 3 repertoires ou se font les montages ont ete cree sous root, et
appartiennent donc a root

c'est la premiere fois que je fais des modifications dans un fstab et
je viens de passer 2h a essayer de comprendre.
Je suis persuade que j'ai du oublier ou rater un petit truc mais je ne
sais pas lequel.


Mon fstab:

# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# Use 'blkid' to print the universally unique identifier for a
# device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name devices
# that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).
# file system mount point   type  options   dump  pass
proc/proc   procdefaults0   0
# / was on /dev/sda1 during installation
UUID=bef361d3-76c8-4b4c-93ac-8b5d3981ff36 /   ext3
errors=remount-ro 0   1
# /home was on /dev/sda9 during installation
UUID=0c57fb08-728b-45bd-8230-ba1864ae5991 /home   ext3
defaults0   2
# /tmp was on /dev/sda8 during installation
UUID=27fff532-caf8-472c-a71e-c600e9f3eabe /tmpext3
defaults0   2
# /usr was on /dev/sda5 during installation
UUID=d13a594b-7a58-47b9-a3ba-cca252385582 /usrext3
defaults0   2
# /var was on /dev/sda6 during installation
UUID=f6f9144d-65d0-4e14-ac30-b2751bf93470 /varext3
defaults0   2
# swap was on /dev/sda7 during installation
UUID=507ff15d-88e8-49bc-b79e-cb22e9be29dc noneswapsw
  0   0
/dev/scd0   /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0   0
/dev/sde1   /media/usb0 autorw,user,noauto  0   0
# Programme (Windows Disk) on /dev/sdc1
UUID=38B0F62BB0F5EF6E   /mnt/win_programme  ntfs-3g defaults
 0   0
# Data (Windows Disk) on /dev/sdc5
UUID=EE70C58D70C55CC9   /mnt/win_data   ntfs-3g defaults0   0
# SYSTEMGHOST (Windows Disk) on /dev/sdc6
UUID=8400-1EFB  /mnt/win_systemghostvfatdefaults0   0

mon mtab:

/dev/sdb1 / ext3 rw,errors=remount-ro 0 0
tmpfs /lib/init/rw tmpfs rw,nosuid,mode=0755 0 0
proc /proc proc rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev 0 0
sysfs /sys sysfs rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev 0 0
udev /dev tmpfs rw,mode=0755 0 0
tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs rw,nosuid,nodev 0 0
devpts /dev/pts devpts rw,noexec,nosuid,gid=5,mode=620 0 0
/dev/sdb9 /home ext3 rw 0 0
/dev/sdb8 /tmp ext3 rw 0 0
/dev/sdb5 /usr ext3 rw 0 0
/dev/sdb6 /var ext3 rw 0 0
fusectl /sys/fs/fuse/connections fusectl rw 0 0
binfmt_misc /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc binfmt_misc rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev 0 0
/dev/sda1 /mnt/win_programme fuseblk rw,allow_other,blksize=4096 0 0
/dev/sda5 /mnt/win_data fuseblk rw,allow_other,blksize=512 0 0
/dev/sda6 /mnt/win_systemghost vfat rw 0 0

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Re: fstab - probleme de droit avec partition vfat

2012-04-11 Thread Ro Bo
Hugues MORIN wrote:

 Mais impossible d'ajouter ou de supprimer sur la partition en VFAT.
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Re: fstab - probleme de droit avec partition vfat

2012-04-11 Thread Hugues MORIN
Super tuto, clair et complet
Merci :D
Je ne savais pas quoi chercher.

Bon alors du coup grace a ce tuto, j'ai pu rendre mes partitions
accessible qu'a mon utilisateur et faire en sorte que la 1ere
partition ne soit qu'en lecture seule (pour eviter les accidents).

Les lignes concernees du fstab sont devenues:
# Programme (Windows Disk) on /dev/sdc1
UUID=38B0F62BB0F5EF6E   /mnt/win_programme  ntfs-3g 
ro,user,auto,uid=1000,umask=027,nls=utf8,noexec 0   0
# Data (Windows Disk) on /dev/sdc5
UUID=EE70C58D70C55CC9   /mnt/win_data   ntfs-3g 
rw,user,auto,uid=1000,umask=027,nls=utf8,exec   0   0
# SYSTEMGHOST (Windows Disk) on /dev/sdc6
UUID=8400-1EFB  /mnt/win_systemghostvfat
0   0

Bonne journee

Le 11 avril 2012 10:28, Ro Bo a écrit :
 Hugues MORIN wrote:

 Mais impossible d'ajouter ou de supprimer sur la partition en VFAT.

 Tu as toutes tes réponses ici:


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thunderbird : tous les mails dans un PDF

2012-04-11 Thread Carmelo Ingrao

Dans thunderbird j'ai une centaine de mails dans un dossier.

J'aimerai imprimer tous les mails de ce dossier dans un seul PDF, avec les 
pièces jointes.

J'arrive à créer 1 pdf par mail, mais pas un PDF avec tous les mails.

Comment faire pour éviter de faire Fichier / Imprimer pour chaque mail ? 
(d'autant plus que j'ai une dizaine de dossiers à transformer en PDF .)

D'avance merci !

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Bonjour comment sa va ?

2012-04-11 Thread Aline Doudou
Bonjour, j'aimerais faire votre connaissance si vous êtes intéressé , prière de 
me répondre (

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Re: Bind9 : masquage du numéro de version

2012-04-11 Thread Stephane Bortzmeyer
On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 01:30:49AM +0200,
 Alain Vaugham wrote 
 a message of 202 lines which said:

 Pour masquer la version 

Cela ne sert à rien mais cela permet de faire des choses amusantes :

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Re: fstab - probleme de droit avec partition vfat

2012-04-11 Thread Ro Bo

Le 2012-04-11 09:32, Hugues MORIN a écrit :

Super tuto, clair et complet
Merci :D

De rien!

Je ne savais pas quoi chercher.

Bon alors du coup grace a ce tuto, j'ai pu rendre mes partitions
accessible qu'a mon utilisateur et faire en sorte que la 1ere
partition ne soit qu'en lecture seule (pour eviter les accidents).

Les lignes concernees du fstab sont devenues:
# Programme (Windows Disk) on /dev/sdc1
UUID=38B0F62BB0F5EF6E   /mnt/win_programme  ntfs-3g 
ro,user,auto,uid=1000,umask=027,nls=utf8,noexec 0   0
# Data (Windows Disk) on /dev/sdc5
UUID=EE70C58D70C55CC9   /mnt/win_data   ntfs-3g 
rw,user,auto,uid=1000,umask=027,nls=utf8,exec   0   0
# SYSTEMGHOST (Windows Disk) on /dev/sdc6
UUID=8400-1EFB  /mnt/win_systemghostvfat
0   0

Bonne journee

Le 11 avril 2012 10:28, Ro  a écrit :

Hugues  wrote:


Mais impossible d'ajouter ou de supprimer sur la partition en VFAT.


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Re: thunderbird : tous les mails dans un PDF

2012-04-11 Thread Bzzz
On Wed, 11 Apr 2012 15:38:19 +0200
Carmelo Ingrao wrote:

 J'arrive à créer 1 pdf par mail, mais pas un PDF avec
 tous les mails.

Chercher pdfmerge

Sometimes it happens.  People just explode.  Natural causes.
-- Repo Man

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Re: Trabajar en modo de texto con dos monitores

2012-04-11 Thread jmramirez (mas_ke_na)
Hash: SHA1

Marcos Delgado escribió:
 Trabajo con dos monitores en modo gráfico sin ningún problema, pero
 tengo la curiosidad de hacerlo en modo de texto. Todo lo que he
 visto hasta el momento es de hace muchos años (mchos) y 
 pues no me ha servido hasta el momento. Parece que no esta de
 moda. No es esencial, pero me haría la vida más agradable. Uso
 debian Sid. Gracias por leer y por sus comentarios.
 Marcos Delgado.


Me uno a la petición, hace tiempo también estuve buscando esta info.

Un saludo
- -- 
Si los tontos volaran, el cielo se oscurecería

No me envié correos en formatos propietarios
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Re: No puedo poner tildes tras instalar el driver propietario de nvidia

2012-04-11 Thread Haitike
Cree el a mano, tal como recomienda la wiki de debian en caso
de instalar el driver propietario de Nvidia. Desaconsejan usar
nivida-xconfig. Tengo el al minimo posible con el driver
nvidia unicamente.

No consigo solucionarlo. Me ocurre en OpenBox, Gnome y KDE por igual.
Aunque use el configurador grafico de Gnome o KDE nada cambia, ya que
de hecho me dicen que el teclado esta en español. setxkbmap es
tampoco hace nada porque ya tengo el teclado en español.

Supuestamente tengo el teclado en español en todos lados, y puedo
poner Ñ sin problemas. Pero las tildes me salen separadas de las
vocales excepto en las TTY y en gdm/kdm...

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Re: No puedo poner tildes tras instalar el driver propietario de nvidia

2012-04-11 Thread fernando sainz
El día 11 de abril de 2012 11:41, Haitike escribió:
 Cree el a mano, tal como recomienda la wiki de debian en caso
 de instalar el driver propietario de Nvidia. Desaconsejan usar
 nivida-xconfig. Tengo el al minimo posible con el driver
 nvidia unicamente.

 No consigo solucionarlo. Me ocurre en OpenBox, Gnome y KDE por igual.
 Aunque use el configurador grafico de Gnome o KDE nada cambia, ya que
 de hecho me dicen que el teclado esta en español. setxkbmap es
 tampoco hace nada porque ya tengo el teclado en español.

 Supuestamente tengo el teclado en español en todos lados, y puedo
 poner Ñ sin problemas. Pero las tildes me salen separadas de las
 vocales excepto en las TTY y en gdm/kdm...

Pues no se me ocurre nada
No será algo de las fuentes, sería extraño, pero a mi con el € me
daban problemas. (Claro que yo sigo trabajando con tan solo un gestor
de ventanas, el fvwm para mas datos...)


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Re: No puedo poner tildes tras instalar el driver propietario de nvidia

2012-04-11 Thread jmramirez (mas_ke_na)
Hash: SHA1

Haitike escribió:
 Cree el a mano, tal como recomienda la wiki de debian en caso
 de instalar el driver propietario de Nvidia. Desaconsejan usar
 nivida-xconfig. Tengo el al minimo posible con el driver
 nvidia unicamente.
 No consigo solucionarlo. Me ocurre en OpenBox, Gnome y KDE por igual.
 Aunque use el configurador grafico de Gnome o KDE nada cambia, ya que
 de hecho me dicen que el teclado esta en español. setxkbmap es
 tampoco hace nada porque ya tengo el teclado en español.
 Supuestamente tengo el teclado en español en todos lados, y puedo
 poner Ñ sin problemas. Pero las tildes me salen separadas de las
 vocales excepto en las TTY y en gdm/kdm...


He googleado un poco y puede que esto [1] te de una solución. Fíjate
que te lleva a este otro [2]. Prueba lo que comentan a ver si va a ser eso.

Lo otro que se me ocurre es que la fuente no soporte acentos. ¿Estas
usando alguna fuente rara?



Un saludo
- -- 
Si los tontos volaran, el cielo se oscurecería

No me envié correos en formatos propietarios
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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herramientas para levantar wifi

2012-04-11 Thread linux
Saludos lista, algunos de los presentes me puede decir, en debian 6 que 
aplicaciones nesecito para poder conectarme a una red wifi, los puntos 
de red inalambricos son USB trendnet, saludos

espero su respuesta


Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de usar 
el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas


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Re: herramientas para levantar wifi

2012-04-11 Thread fernando sainz
El día 11 de abril de 2012 15:10, linux escribió:
 Saludos lista, algunos de los presentes me puede decir, en debian 6 que
 aplicaciones nesecito para poder conectarme a una red wifi, los puntos de
 red inalambricos son USB trendnet, saludos

 espero su respuesta

Pues si usas Gnome viene con NetworkManager por defecto.
También esta wicd que tiene interfaz gráfica.

La forma tradicional es utilizando la configuración de /etc/network/interfaces


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sobre squish y squid3

2012-04-11 Thread cosme

Tengo trabajando el squish con el squid3 en Debian squeeze.

El tema es que le tengo asignado cuotas a usuarios en squish.conf por ejemplo


y se pasa en el dia mas de ese tiempo y no pasa nada tengo que reiniciar
el squid3 para que entonces el ponga que su cuota ha exedido y eso no debe
ser asi.

Aqui muestro mi config

#-- reglas para el squish y las cuotas--#
##acl SQUISHLOC dst
acl SQUISHLOC url_regex \.arec\.cu
acl SQUISHED1 proxy_auth -i /etc/squid3/squished
##acl SQUISHED2 ident/etc/squid/squished
#acl SQUISHED3 src/etc/squid/squished
## Actually: your host name instead of localhost:
deny_info; SQUISHED1
deny_info; SQUISHED2
deny_info; SQUISHED3
http_access allow SQUISHLOC
http_access deny SQUISHED1
##http_access deny SQUISHED2
#http_access deny SQUISHED3

He probado de diferentes formas y finalmente tengo reinicar el squid3 y/o
el /usr/local/squish/

Alguna idea


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sobre adaptador de red inalambrico trendnet

2012-04-11 Thread linux
Saludos lista porque cuando conecto el adaptador inalambrico en mi 
debian6 la pc no me lo detecta automaticamente, normalmente en una pc 
con windows lo conecto y comienza a parpaderar pero en mi debian6 no 
sucede eso.

alguien puede ayudarme



Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de usar 
el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas


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proftpd error 530 login incorrect

2012-04-11 Thread Antonio Sanjuanes
Saludos señores,

Tengo un problema al conectarme desde filezilla a proftpd,
me lanza el error: 530 login incorect

he intentado las soluciones de la red pero no me dan resulado y no quiero
abrir un hoyo en la seguridad.

Alguien sabe por que ocurre


Re: proftpd error 530 login incorrect

2012-04-11 Thread Maykel Franco Hernández

Antes de loguearte, hazle un tail -f /var/log/proftpd/proftpd.log y
ve el error concretamente por qué te lo está dando. Despues de ése
comando logueate y échale un ojo al log. 


El 2012-04-11
16:04, Antonio Sanjuanes escribió: 

 Saludos señores, 
 Tengo un
problema al conectarme desde filezilla a proftpd, 
 me lanza el error:
530 login incorect 
 he intentado las soluciones de la red pero no
me dan resulado y no quiero abrir un hoyo en la seguridad. 
sabe por que ocurre 


Re: sobre adaptador de red inalambrico trendnet

2012-04-11 Thread Maykel Franco Hernández

Si es un usb, hazle un lsusb haber si te lo pilla. También puedes
ver los errores en dmesg | tail. Hazle también iwconfig o ifconfig -a
haber que te sale. 


El 2012-04-11 15:53, linux escribió: 

Saludos lista porque cuando conecto el adaptador inalambrico en mi 

debian6 la pc no me lo detecta automaticamente, normalmente en una pc 

con windows lo conecto y comienza a parpaderar pero en mi debian6 no 

sucede eso.
 alguien puede ayudarme
mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que
ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del
Sistema Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el
compromiso de usar el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las
regulaciones establecidas


Re: proftpd error 530 login incorrect

2012-04-11 Thread Maykel Franco Hernández

El 2012-04-11 16:10, Antonio Sanjuanes escribió: 

 te mando el log

 root@debian [1]:~# tail -f /var/log/proftpd/proftpd.log
 abr 11
09:58:59 debian proftpd[1697] debian: ProFTPD 1.3.3a (maint) (built Sun
Nov 13 2011 23:08:14 UTC) standalone mode STARTUP
 abr 11 09:59:09
debian proftpd[1703] debian
(:::[:::]): FTP session opened.
11 09:59:09 debian proftpd[1703] debian
(:::[:::]): USER ftp (Login failed):
Invalid shell: '/bin/false'
 abr 11 09:59:09 debian proftpd[1703]
debian (:::[:::]): FTP session
 abr 11 09:59:18 debian proftpd[1705] debian
(:::[:::]): FTP session opened.
11 09:59:18 debian proftpd[1705] debian
(:::[:::]): SECURITY VIOLATION: root
login attempted.
 abr 11 09:59:18 debian proftpd[1705] debian
(:::[:::]): FTP session closed.
11 10:00:54 debian proftpd[1697] debian: ProFTPD killed (signal 15)

abr 11 10:00:54 debian proftpd[1697] debian: ProFTPD 1.3.3a standalone
 abr 11 10:00:56 debian proftpd[1720] debian: ProFTPD
1.3.3a (maint) (built Sun Nov 13 2011 23:08:14 UTC) standalone mode
 root@debian [2]:~# tail -f /var/log/proftpd/proftpd.log
11 09:58:59 debian proftpd[1697] debian: ProFTPD 1.3.3a (maint) (built
Sun Nov 13 2011 23:08:14 UTC) standalone mode STARTUP
 abr 11 09:59:09
debian proftpd[1703] debian
(:::[:::]): FTP session opened.
11 09:59:09 debian proftpd[1703] debian
(:::[:::]): USER ftp (Login failed):
Invalid shell: '/bin/false'
 abr 11 09:59:09 debian proftpd[1703]
debian (:::[:::]): FTP session
 abr 11 09:59:18 debian proftpd[1705] debian
(:::[:::]): FTP session opened.
11 09:59:18 debian proftpd[1705] debian
(:::[:::]): SECURITY VIOLATION: root
login attempted.
 abr 11 09:59:18 debian proftpd[1705] debian
(:::[:::]): FTP session closed.
11 10:00:54 debian proftpd[1697] debian: ProFTPD killed (signal 15)

abr 11 10:00:54 debian proftpd[1697] debian: ProFTPD 1.3.3a standalone
 abr 11 10:00:56 debian proftpd[1720] debian: ProFTPD
1.3.3a (maint) (built Sun Nov 13 2011 23:08:14 UTC) standalone mode
 El 11 de abril de 2012 10:06, Maykel Franco Hernández [3] escribió:
 Antes de loguearte, hazle
un tail -f /var/log/proftpd/proftpd.log y ve el error concretamente por
qué te lo está dando. Despues de ése comando logueate y échale un ojo al
 El 2012-04-11 16:04, Antonio Sanjuanes
 Saludos señores, 
 Tengo un problema al
conectarme desde filezilla a proftpd, 
 me lanza el error: 530 login
 he intentado las soluciones de la red pero no me dan
resulado y no quiero abrir un hoyo en la seguridad. 
sabe por que ocurre 

Tiene pinta de que has creado un
usuario con shell /bin/false y eso se lo tienes que decir al proftpd.
Abre el /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf y busca esta directiva:

RequireValidShell off 

La descomentas y la dejas en off. 

No te
olvides de /etc/init.d/proftpd restart 

Prueba y comentas. Otra
solución sería abrir /etc/passwd y a ése usuario cambiarle la shell a
/bin/sh por ejemplo pero yo optaría por la otra solución. 


[1] mailto:root@debian
[2] mailto:root@debian

Re: proftpd error 530 login incorrect

2012-04-11 Thread Maykel Franco Hernández

El 2012-04-11 16:27, Antonio Sanjuanes escribió: 

con la primera opcion que me diste.. 
 Gracias Maykel
 El 11
de abril de 2012 10:23, Maykel Franco Hernández
[4] escribió:
 El 2012-04-11 16:10, Antonio Sanjuanes escribió:

 te mando el log 
 root@debian [1]:~# tail -f
 abr 11 09:58:59 debian proftpd[1697]
debian: ProFTPD 1.3.3a (maint) (built Sun Nov 13 2011 23:08:14 UTC)
standalone mode STARTUP
 abr 11 09:59:09 debian proftpd[1703] debian
(:::[:::]): FTP session opened.

abr 11 09:59:09 debian proftpd[1703] debian
(:::[:::]): USER ftp (Login failed):
Invalid shell: '/bin/false'
 abr 11 09:59:09 debian proftpd[1703]
debian (:::[:::]): FTP session
 abr 11 09:59:18 debian proftpd[1705] debian
(:::[:::]): FTP session opened.

abr 11 09:59:18 debian proftpd[1705] debian
(:::[:::]): SECURITY VIOLATION: root
login attempted.
 abr 11 09:59:18 debian proftpd[1705] debian
(:::[:::]): FTP session closed.

abr 11 10:00:54 debian proftpd[1697] debian: ProFTPD killed (signal
 abr 11 10:00:54 debian proftpd[1697] debian: ProFTPD 1.3.3a
standalone mode SHUTDOWN
 abr 11 10:00:56 debian proftpd[1720]
debian: ProFTPD 1.3.3a (maint) (built Sun Nov 13 2011 23:08:14 UTC)
standalone mode STARTUP
 root@debian [2]:~# tail -f
 abr 11 09:58:59 debian proftpd[1697]
debian: ProFTPD 1.3.3a (maint) (built Sun Nov 13 2011 23:08:14 UTC)
standalone mode STARTUP
 abr 11 09:59:09 debian proftpd[1703] debian
(:::[:::]): FTP session opened.

abr 11 09:59:09 debian proftpd[1703] debian
(:::[:::]): USER ftp (Login failed):
Invalid shell: '/bin/false'
 abr 11 09:59:09 debian proftpd[1703]
debian (:::[:::]): FTP session
 abr 11 09:59:18 debian proftpd[1705] debian
(:::[:::]): FTP session opened.

abr 11 09:59:18 debian proftpd[1705] debian
(:::[:::]): SECURITY VIOLATION: root
login attempted.
 abr 11 09:59:18 debian proftpd[1705] debian
(:::[:::]): FTP session closed.

abr 11 10:00:54 debian proftpd[1697] debian: ProFTPD killed (signal
 abr 11 10:00:54 debian proftpd[1697] debian: ProFTPD 1.3.3a
standalone mode SHUTDOWN
 abr 11 10:00:56 debian proftpd[1720]
debian: ProFTPD 1.3.3a (maint) (built Sun Nov 13 2011 23:08:14 UTC)
standalone mode STARTUP
 El 11 de abril de 2012 10:06, Maykel
Franco Hernández [3] escribió:
de loguearte, hazle un tail -f /var/log/proftpd/proftpd.log y ve el
error concretamente por qué te lo está dando. Despues de ése comando
logueate y échale un ojo al log. 
2012-04-11 16:04, Antonio Sanjuanes escribió: 
 Tengo un problema al conectarme desde filezilla a
 me lanza el error: 530 login incorect 
intentado las soluciones de la red pero no me dan resulado y no quiero
abrir un hoyo en la seguridad. 
 Alguien sabe por que ocurre

 Tiene pinta de que has creado un usuario
con shell /bin/false y eso se lo tienes que decir al proftpd. Abre el
/etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf y busca esta directiva: 

RequireValidShell off 
 La descomentas y la dejas en off. 

No te olvides de /etc/init.d/proftpd restart 
 Prueba y comentas.
Otra solución sería abrir /etc/passwd y a ése usuario cambiarle la shell
a /bin/sh por ejemplo pero yo optaría por la otra solución. 


Me alegro. 



[2] mailto:root@debian

Re: proftpd error 530 login incorrect

2012-04-11 Thread Maykel Franco Hernández

El 2012-04-11 16:34, Antonio Sanjuanes escribió: 

 Maykel, no
genera un riesgo de seguridad esta accion ??
 El 11 de abril de 2012
10:32, Maykel Franco Hernández [5] escribió:

 El 2012-04-11 16:27, Antonio Sanjuanes escribió: 

SOLUCIONADO, con la primera opcion que me diste.. 
 El 11 de abril de 2012 10:23, Maykel Franco Hernández [4] escribió:
 El 2012-04-11 16:10,
Antonio Sanjuanes escribió: 
 te mando el log 

root@debian [1]:~# tail -f /var/log/proftpd/proftpd.log
 abr 11
09:58:59 debian proftpd[1697] debian: ProFTPD 1.3.3a (maint) (built Sun
Nov 13 2011 23:08:14 UTC) standalone mode STARTUP
 abr 11 09:59:09
debian proftpd[1703] debian
(:::[:::]): FTP session opened.

abr 11 09:59:09 debian proftpd[1703] debian
(:::[:::]): USER ftp (Login failed):
Invalid shell: '/bin/false'
 abr 11 09:59:09 debian proftpd[1703]
debian (:::[:::]): FTP session
 abr 11 09:59:18 debian proftpd[1705] debian
(:::[:::]): FTP session opened.

abr 11 09:59:18 debian proftpd[1705] debian
(:::[:::]): SECURITY VIOLATION: root
login attempted.
 abr 11 09:59:18 debian proftpd[1705] debian
(:::[:::]): FTP session closed.

abr 11 10:00:54 debian proftpd[1697] debian: ProFTPD killed (signal
 abr 11 10:00:54 debian proftpd[1697] debian: ProFTPD 1.3.3a
standalone mode SHUTDOWN
 abr 11 10:00:56 debian proftpd[1720]
debian: ProFTPD 1.3.3a (maint) (built Sun Nov 13 2011 23:08:14 UTC)
standalone mode STARTUP
 root@debian [2]:~# tail -f
 abr 11 09:58:59 debian proftpd[1697]
debian: ProFTPD 1.3.3a (maint) (built Sun Nov 13 2011 23:08:14 UTC)
standalone mode STARTUP
 abr 11 09:59:09 debian proftpd[1703]
debian (:::[:::]): FTP session
 abr 11 09:59:09 debian proftpd[1703] debian
(:::[:::]): USER ftp (Login failed):
Invalid shell: '/bin/false'
 abr 11 09:59:09 debian proftpd[1703]
debian (:::[:::]): FTP session
 abr 11 09:59:18 debian proftpd[1705] debian
(:::[:::]): FTP session opened.

abr 11 09:59:18 debian proftpd[1705] debian
(:::[:::]): SECURITY VIOLATION: root
login attempted.
 abr 11 09:59:18 debian proftpd[1705] debian
(:::[:::]): FTP session closed.

abr 11 10:00:54 debian proftpd[1697] debian: ProFTPD killed (signal
 abr 11 10:00:54 debian proftpd[1697] debian: ProFTPD 1.3.3a
standalone mode SHUTDOWN
 abr 11 10:00:56 debian proftpd[1720]
debian: ProFTPD 1.3.3a (maint) (built Sun Nov 13 2011 23:08:14 UTC)
standalone mode STARTUP
 El 11 de abril de 2012 10:06,
Maykel Franco Hernández [3] escribió:

 Antes de loguearte, hazle un tail -f
/var/log/proftpd/proftpd.log y ve el error concretamente por qué te lo
está dando. Despues de ése comando logueate y échale un ojo al log.

 El 2012-04-11 16:04, Antonio
Sanjuanes escribió: 
 Saludos señores, 

Tengo un problema al conectarme desde filezilla a proftpd, 
lanza el error: 530 login incorect 
 he intentado las
soluciones de la red pero no me dan resulado y no quiero abrir un hoyo
en la seguridad. 
 Alguien sabe por que ocurre 

 Tiene pinta de que has creado un usuario con
shell /bin/false y eso se lo tienes que decir al proftpd. Abre el
/etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf y busca esta directiva: 

RequireValidShell off 
 La descomentas y la dejas en off.

 No te olvides de /etc/init.d/proftpd restart 

Prueba y comentas. Otra solución sería abrir /etc/passwd y a ése usuario
cambiarle la shell a /bin/sh por ejemplo pero yo optaría por la otra
 Me alegro. 

claro date cuenta que estás logueandote a un ftp y viaja la contraseña
en texto plano...Métele soporte tls y listo. Lo único que el cliente
tiene que iniciar la conexión en modo tls explicito. 


[1] mailto:root@debian
[2] mailto:root@debian

Re: sobre adaptador de red inalambrico trendnet

2012-04-11 Thread linux

El 11/04/12 10:05, Maykel Franco Hernández escribió:

Si es un usb,  hazle un lsusb haber si te lo pilla. También puedes ver 
los errores en dmesg | tail. Hazle también iwconfig o ifconfig -a 
haber que te sale.


El 2012-04-11 15:53, linux escribió:

Saludos lista porque cuando conecto el adaptador inalambrico en mi
debian6 la pc no me lo detecta automaticamente, normalmente en una pc
con windows lo conecto y comienza a parpaderar pero en mi debian6 no
sucede eso.

alguien puede ayudarme



Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de usar 
el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas


cuando le doy lsusb me devuelve lo suguiente que quiere decir que si lo 
esta viendo mi pc pero no linkea el adaptador, que debo hacer

root@squeeze:/home/linux# lsusb
Bus 005 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 002 Device 002: ID 046d:c018 Logitech, Inc. Optical Wheel Mouse
Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 001 Device 005: ID 0457:0163 Silicon Integrated Systems Corp. 802.11 
Wireless LAN Adapter

Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub


Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de usar 
el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas


Re: Trabajar en modo de texto con dos monitores

2012-04-11 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 11 Apr 2012 09:29:51 +0200, jmramirez (mas_ke_na) escribió:

 Marcos Delgado escribió:
 Trabajo con dos monitores en modo gráfico sin ningún problema, pero
 tengo la curiosidad de hacerlo en modo de texto. Todo lo que he visto
 hasta el momento es de hace muchos años (mchos) y pues no me ha
 servido hasta el momento. Parece que no esta de moda. No es esencial,
 pero me haría la vida más agradable. Uso debian Sid. Gracias por leer y
 por sus comentarios.
 Marcos Delgado.
   Me uno a la petición, hace tiempo también estuve buscando esta 

¿Qué es lo que tenéis en mente? ¿Una configuración tipo xinerama 
(terminales con resoluciones independientes)?

Google encuentra algo sobre ese tema:

how is the the linux console displayed to the user and how does the user 
go about changing the consoles display settings?

How to get different terminals for dual monitor scheme without X



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Re: sobre adaptador de red inalambrico trendnet(RECTIFICO)

2012-04-11 Thread linux

El 11/04/12 10:35, linux escribió:

El 11/04/12 10:05, Maykel Franco Hernández escribió:

Si es un usb,  hazle un lsusb haber si te lo pilla. También puedes 
ver los errores en dmesg | tail. Hazle también iwconfig o ifconfig -a 
haber que te sale.


El 2012-04-11 15:53, linux escribió:

Saludos lista porque cuando conecto el adaptador inalambrico en mi
debian6 la pc no me lo detecta automaticamente, normalmente en una pc
con windows lo conecto y comienza a parpaderar pero en mi debian6 no
sucede eso.

alguien puede ayudarme



Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de usar 
el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas


cuando le doy lsusb me devuelve lo suguiente que quiere decir que si 
lo esta viendo mi pc pero no linkea el adaptador, que debo hacer

root@squeeze:/home/linux# lsusb
Bus 005 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 002 Device 002: ID 046d:c018 Logitech, Inc. Optical Wheel Mouse
Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 001 Device 005: ID 0457:0163 Silicon Integrated Systems Corp. 
802.11 Wireless LAN Adapter

Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub

el adaptador inalambrico del que les estoy hablando es modelo Trendnet 
TEW-424UB H/W:2.1


Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de usar 
el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas


Re: herramientas para levantar wifi

2012-04-11 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 11 Apr 2012 09:10:14 -0400, linux escribió:

 Saludos lista, algunos de los presentes me puede decir, en debian 6 que
 aplicaciones nesecito para poder conectarme a una red wifi, los puntos
 de red inalambricos son USB trendnet, saludos


- Configurar/instalar el adaptador USB para que el sistema puede trabajar 
con él correctamente

- Configurar la interfaz de red, para lo cual tienes herramientas 
gráficas (NM, Wicd...) o puedes editar manualmente el archivo 
interfaces, como te comenta Fernando.

Tienes la documentación en tu disco duro, Debian Reference o Guía de 
referencia (capítulo 5. Configuración de red).



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Re: proftpd error 530 login incorrect

2012-04-11 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 11 Apr 2012 10:04:26 -0400, Antonio Sanjuanes escribió:

(ese html...)

 Tengo un problema al conectarme desde filezilla a proftpd, me lanza el
 error: 530 login incorect

¿Puedes iniciar sesión desde el equipo local?

 he intentado las soluciones de la red pero no me dan resulado y no
 quiero abrir un hoyo en la seguridad.

¿Y qué es lo que has intentado y no te ha dado resultado? Mira que os 
gusta poco escribir :-P

 Alguien sabe por que ocurre

login incorrect parece apuntar a un problema con las credenciales. ¿Qué 
tipo de autentificación usas?

Activa el registro del servidor FTP para ver qué es lo no le gusta.



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Mantenciones de seguridad en Lenny

2012-04-11 Thread Pablo Zuñiga

Tengo una consulta basada en su experiencia, quiero saber que tan costoso
(tiempo, recursos, etc) seria mantener Lenny si sabemos que no hay
actualizaciones de seguridad, ¿como lo hacen con versiones mas antiguas? he
visto algunos potatos aun por ahi corriendo.

Esto lo pregunto por que estoy viendo la posibilidad de migrar a
stable/squeeze y planificar el tiempo y las pruebas que tendremos que
realizar, hay varias aplicaciones compiladas y parchadas que estoy

Gracias por su ayuda.

Pablo Zúñiga E
(+56 9) - 75195192
MSN  Gtalk: | Skype: ed00m_

Re: Mantenciones de seguridad en Lenny

2012-04-11 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 11 Apr 2012 12:20:35 -0400, Pablo Zuñiga escribió:

 Tengo una consulta basada en su experiencia, quiero saber que tan
 costoso (tiempo, recursos, etc) seria mantener Lenny si sabemos que no
 hay actualizaciones de seguridad, ¿como lo hacen con versiones mas
 antiguas? he visto algunos potatos aun por ahi corriendo.

Te tocaría parchear manualmente todos los fallos de seguridad que tengan 
las aplicaciones que ejecutas, desde el kernel hasta wordpress, por poner 
un ejemplo. 

Desde mi punto de vista, inviable, pero dependerá del tipo de servicios 
que tengas, de tu pericia compilando/parcheando y del uso del equipo (no 
es lo mismo mantener un servidor local sin salida a la web -menos 
vulnerable- que uno ofreciendo todo tipo de facilidades remotas: ssh, 
correo, servidor web...).
 Esto lo pregunto por que estoy viendo la posibilidad de migrar a
 stable/squeeze y planificar el tiempo y las pruebas que tendremos que
 realizar, hay varias aplicaciones compiladas y parchadas que estoy

Yo voy a saltar de lenny a wheezy y aguantar con un equipo sin parches 
durante unos mesecitos... no me queda otra :-(



To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: Mantenciones de seguridad en Lenny

2012-04-11 Thread Pablo Zuñiga
El 11 de abril de 2012 12:44, Camaleón escribió:

 El Wed, 11 Apr 2012 12:20:35 -0400, Pablo Zuñiga escribió:

  Tengo una consulta basada en su experiencia, quiero saber que tan
  costoso (tiempo, recursos, etc) seria mantener Lenny si sabemos que no
  hay actualizaciones de seguridad, ¿como lo hacen con versiones mas
  antiguas? he visto algunos potatos aun por ahi corriendo.

 Te tocaría parchear manualmente todos los fallos de seguridad que tengan
 las aplicaciones que ejecutas, desde el kernel hasta wordpress, por poner
 un ejemplo.

 Desde mi punto de vista, inviable, pero dependerá del tipo de servicios
 que tengas, de tu pericia compilando/parcheando y del uso del equipo (no
 es lo mismo mantener un servidor local sin salida a la web -menos
 vulnerable- que uno ofreciendo todo tipo de facilidades remotas: ssh,
 correo, servidor web...).

  Esto lo pregunto por que estoy viendo la posibilidad de migrar a
  stable/squeeze y planificar el tiempo y las pruebas que tendremos que
  realizar, hay varias aplicaciones compiladas y parchadas que estoy

 Yo voy a saltar de lenny a wheezy y aguantar con un equipo sin parches
 durante unos mesecitos... no me queda otra :-(



 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Lo mismo pienso, por eso quise preguntarles su experiencia a veces eso es
mas valido para escalar los argumentos a nivel de TI.


Pablo Zúñiga E
(+56 9) - 75195192
MSN  Gtalk: | Skype: ed00m_

Debian Wheezy + Kernel 3.2.5 y Bumblebee

2012-04-11 Thread Francisco Javier Aravena Jimenez
Junto con saludarlos les comento nuevamente he tenido algunos
problemas con Bumblebee 3.0 en mi Debian Wheezy.

Instale bumblebe siguiendo los pasos que se describen en

Add archive key to apt keyring. Run as root:
wget -O - | apt-key add -
Update your sources.list configuration. Either add the following to
/etc/apt/sources.list or to new file at /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
deb sid main contrib
deb-src sid main
apt-get update
apt-get install bumblebee bumblebee-nvidia
Add yourself to bumblebee group. Run as root, replace $USER with your username:
adduser $USER bumblebee
Pero al volver y ejecutar optirun glxgears -info como usuario normal
el sistema me devuelve lo siguiente:

faravena@deb-xps:~$ optirun glxgears -info
Xlib:  extension GLX missing on display :8.
Error: couldn't get an RGB, Double-buffered visual
Y si lo ejecuto como root me da un error de :

root@deb-xps:/home/faravena# optirun glxgears -info
No protocol specified
No protocol specified
Error: couldn't open display :0

El ventilador del equipo gira por unos segundo a full velocidad
(parece aspiradora.) y luego baja pero no hace nada.

He buscado información en internet pero no dice mucho.
Haber si me pueden ayudar, cualquier cosa o por lo menos entender que
quiere decir este problema, de video no entiendo mucho.

mi configuración es la siguiente:
Linux deb-xps 3.2.5-030205-generic #201202061401 SMP Mon Feb 6
19:02:31 UTC 2012 x86_64 GNU/Linux
(es un kernel de Ubuntu,(Tuve que usarlo para poder aprovechar el
parche de rendimiento de energía,(la batería de 9 celdas, me duraba
como máximo 2 horas, ahora va en 4 horas aprox)

Estoy documentando la instalación del sistema en mi blog., por si quiere hacer algún comentario y/o aporte
sera bienvenido.

Desde ya agradecido por cualquier ayuda.

Francisco Aravena

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
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Re: Mantenciones de seguridad en Lenny

2012-04-11 Thread Angel Claudio Alvarez
El mié, 11-04-2012 a las 13:20 -0400, Pablo Zuñiga escribió:
 El 11 de abril de 2012 12:44, Camaleón escribió:
 El Wed, 11 Apr 2012 12:20:35 -0400, Pablo Zuñiga escribió:
  Tengo una consulta basada en su experiencia, quiero saber
 que tan
  costoso (tiempo, recursos, etc) seria mantener Lenny si
 sabemos que no
  hay actualizaciones de seguridad, ¿como lo hacen con
 versiones mas
  antiguas? he visto algunos potatos aun por ahi corriendo.
 Te tocaría parchear manualmente todos los fallos de seguridad
 que tengan
 las aplicaciones que ejecutas, desde el kernel hasta
 wordpress, por poner
 un ejemplo.
 Desde mi punto de vista, inviable, pero dependerá del tipo de
 que tengas, de tu pericia compilando/parcheando y del uso del
 equipo (no
 es lo mismo mantener un servidor local sin salida a la web
 vulnerable- que uno ofreciendo todo tipo de facilidades
 remotas: ssh,
 correo, servidor web...).
  Esto lo pregunto por que estoy viendo la posibilidad de
 migrar a
  stable/squeeze y planificar el tiempo y las pruebas que
 tendremos que
  realizar, hay varias aplicaciones compiladas y parchadas que
 Yo voy a saltar de lenny a wheezy y aguantar con un equipo sin
 durante unos mesecitos... no me queda otra :-(
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 Lo mismo pienso, por eso quise preguntarles su experiencia a veces eso
 es mas valido para escalar los argumentos a nivel de TI.
Yo tengo la politica  de que cuando sale una nueva version estable,
comenzar inmediatamente las pruebas de migracion. Tene en cuanta que el
soporte de seguridad para la que pasa a ser oldstable es de solo un año.
Y si tenes servidores con distintas configuraciones tenes que probarlos
Mantener a mano un servidor sin soporte de seguridad ya es de por si
pesado. Si tenes mas de uno, se hace imposible. Te la pasas bajando
fuentes y compilando y no te queda tiempo para otras tareas.


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usuario de vdftpd que apunte a otro directorio

2012-04-11 Thread Antonio Sanjuanes

Instale Vsftpd, pero al conectarme me manda al directorio home del user
 y quiero que abra el directorio /var/www

probe con usermod -d /var/www

despues revise con

cat /etc/passwd y efectivamente apunta alla, pero ahora no me puedo conectar

Alguna idea

Ferramentas para controle de banda e analise de gráfico

2012-04-11 Thread Flávio Oliveira
Bom dia, Srs (e Sras tbém)

Gostaria da indicação de ferramentas que por ventura ja usaram para
controle de banda e analise de gráficos?
Tenho que fazer uma implementação bem interessante nesses dias e qq opiniao
de quem ja usou isso no Debian será bem vinda

Andei lendo que HTB com iptables (marcação de pacotes) é uma boa
alternativao que acham?


Re: Ferramentas para controle de banda e analise de gráfico

2012-04-11 Thread Marcus Vinícius Liberani
Flávio, bom dia!
Procure se informar sobre o Nagios. Acesso o link abaixo, tem um resumo legal 

Quanto HTB não conheço.
Grande abraço!

(o_    Marcus Vinícius
//\       Gnu/Debian 
V_/_ User # 171901

 De: Flávio Oliveira
Para: Lista-Debian 
Enviadas: Quarta-feira, 11 de Abril de 2012 10:18
Assunto: Ferramentas para controle de banda e analise de gráfico

Bom dia, Srs (e Sras tbém)

Gostaria da indicação de ferramentas que por ventura ja usaram para controle de 
banda e analise de gráficos?
Tenho que fazer uma implementação bem interessante nesses dias e qq opiniao de 
quem ja usou isso no Debian será bem vinda

Andei lendo que HTB com iptables (marcação de pacotes) é uma boa 
alternativao que acham?


Re: Ferramentas para controle de banda e analise de gráfico

2012-04-11 Thread Thiago Finardi

Recomendo a leitura do artigo do Eriberto Mota sobre Controle de tráfego
com TC, HTB e Iptables.,_HTB_e_Iptables

# Thiago Alves

# tfinardiΘ :: email / gtalk /
# Fingerprint: 6E30 0BD7 2C69 0F38 0458  D484 1A32 5AB3 DDE5 9481
# twitter: http://goog_2078865619@tfinardi
# blog:
# GNU/Linux: 472313 (

Re: Ferramentas para controle de banda e analise de gráfico

2012-04-11 Thread Flávio Oliveira

Muito bom esse do Eriberto mesmo. Estou propenso a segui-lo.
Pelo que entendi, o CBQ da as mesmas possibilidades.

Alguem ja implantou esse sistema?


Em 11 de abril de 2012 10:37, Thiago Finardi escreveu:


 Recomendo a leitura do artigo do Eriberto Mota sobre Controle de tráfego
 com TC, HTB e Iptables.,_HTB_e_Iptables

 # Thiago Alves

 # tfinardiΘ :: email / gtalk /
 # Fingerprint: 6E30 0BD7 2C69 0F38 0458  D484 1A32 5AB3 DDE5 9481
 # twitter: http://goog_2078865619@tfinardi
 # blog:
 # GNU/Linux: 472313 (

Re: Ferramentas para controle de banda e analise de gráfico

2012-04-11 Thread Flávio Oliveira
CORRIGINDO - Pelo que entendi, o CBQ não da as mesmas possibilidades.

Em 11 de abril de 2012 10:49, Flávio Oliveira escreveu:


 Muito bom esse do Eriberto mesmo. Estou propenso a segui-lo.
 Pelo que entendi, o CBQ da as mesmas possibilidades.

 Alguem ja implantou esse sistema?


 Em 11 de abril de 2012 10:37, Thiago Finardi tfina...@gmail.comescreveu:


 Recomendo a leitura do artigo do Eriberto Mota sobre Controle de tráfego
 com TC, HTB e Iptables.,_HTB_e_Iptables

 # Thiago Alves

 # tfinardiΘ :: email / gtalk /
 # Fingerprint: 6E30 0BD7 2C69 0F38 0458  D484 1A32 5AB3 DDE5 9481
 # twitter: http://goog_2078865619@tfinardi
 # blog:
 # GNU/Linux: 472313 (

Re: Ferramentas para controle de banda e analise de gráfico

2012-04-11 Thread Bryan Magalhães
Opa, utilizo aqui o HTB ele possui também uma versão com painel de
configuração web WebHTB, funciona e atende as minhas necessidades aqui,
consigo de forma rápida e objetiva saber quem está sugando minha banda em
tempo real. Talvez conciliado ao Squid-Graph por exemplo (não sei se usa
squid ai), resolva seu problema!

Bryan Magalhães Silva

Dúvida BTRFS na prática

2012-04-11 Thread Felipe Falce
Olá, povo;

Tenho um ambiente de testes com btrfs e me deparei com uma dúvida:

Quando tenho um HD de 100Gb particionado com LVM faço uma partição de boot
com 200Mb ext2, e todo o resto vira um vg chamado rootvg. Dentro dele
coloco 2 LVs, 10Gb para o rootlv onde monto o / e 40Gb para o homelv onde
monto o /home e fico com quase 50Gb livres no VG para ir acertando na
medida da necessidade, criar novos LVs, etc.

Usando btrfs eu acho que não entendi o melhor caminho para fazer o mesmo.
Criei uma partição de boot com 200Mb usando ext2, criei uma partição / com
10Gb usando btrfs e outra /home de 40Gb também btrfs e fiquei novamente com
quase 50Gb livres. Porém, preciso de espaço no /, uns 5Gb resolvem e como
fazer isso?

Crio mais uma partição (sda5) de 5Gb no HD e adiciono o /dev/sda5 ao /
(btrfs device add /dev/sda5 /)?

A princípio, pra resolver meu problema, foi isso que eu fiz mas não achei
prático como no LVM onde eu tenho o espaço livre e basta eu adicioná-lo ao

Qual seria a melhor prática nesse caso?

May the force be with you,

[image: 2D barcode - encoded with contact information]E-mail:
Chat:[image: Google Talk:] [image: Skype:] lipefalce
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To infinity... And beyond! - Buzz Lightyear
Sumaré, SP

Aplicativo para mensagens tipo netsend

2012-04-11 Thread Kleber Melo

Boa noite!
  Algum conhece/usa algum comunicador interno, sem ser e-mail ou
  openfire, que possa mandar mensagens, tipo o netsend do rWindows?
  Gostaria de fazer uns testes aqui na empresa e gostaria de uma
  Abraos a todos


Kleber Melo
Admin. Sistemas Linux
Advanced Level - Linux Professional Institute Certificate (LPIC-2)
Novell Certified Linux Administrator (CLA)
Novell Data Center Technical Specialist (DCT)


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Re: Aplicativo para mensagens tipo netsend

2012-04-11 Thread henrique
smbclient -M ip-da-estacao 

para ler mensagens netsend no linux, coloque um 

message command = /bin/sh -c '/usr/bin/xedit %s; rm %s'  

no seu smb.conf 

ah, e um  xhost +  nos scripts de inicialização do  usuário desktop. 

p.s.: tecnicamente vc poderia até chamar o openoffice para ler o arquivo que 
ficará em %s. Fica a seu critério escolher algo do seu agrado :D 

de unix para unix, eu prefiro o talk mesmo. Tem o talk, xchat, ytalk.

[ ] 's, 


 De: Kleber Melo
Para: Debian BR 
Enviadas: Quarta-feira, 11 de Abril de 2012 19:35
Assunto: Aplicativo para mensagens tipo netsend

Boa noite!
Alguém conhece/usa algum comunicador interno, sem ser e-mail ou
  openfire, que possa mandar mensagens, tipo o netsend do rWindows?
  Gostaria de fazer uns testes aqui na empresa e gostaria de uma
Abraços a todos
--  Kleber Melo
Admin. Sistemas Linux
Advanced Level - Linux Professional Institute Certificate (LPIC-2)
Novell Certified Linux Administrator (CLA)
Novell Data Center Technical Specialist (DCT) 
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2012-04-11 Thread Dane
Boa noite pessoal , estou com um problemas .

Seguinte tem um sistema que roda em Cobol.

Em uma máquina com o Debian Lenny 32bits eu rodo um processo e ele usa 100%
da cpu(máquina mono core) enquanto está executando.

Migramos para um outro HW com Debian Squeeze 64bits e quando rodo o mesmo
processos não usa mais do 1% de um dos cores, isso torna o processo muito
lento pois não executa com o máximo de processamento.

Algum já teve algum problema parecido .


Re: Unstable: Gimp requires dbus and gconf2 now? fail.

2012-04-11 Thread Kelly Clowers
On Tue, Apr 10, 2012 at 02:58, Dirk wrote:

 can we please stay clear of all cancers Havoc Pennington has done?

That seems unnecessarily rude.

 HAL was shit and got replaced.

It was better than what came before it shrug.

 dbus and gconf2 are just as shit and will be replaced too.

Gconf was good for it's time. Even now it isn't horrible, we just have
something better.

dbus is very good as IPC mechanisms go. From everything I know, much
nicer than corba or com/dcom (though those also do more). Better than
dcop, which heavily inspired it I believe.

 I am sick and tired of having to see his bullshit daemons... :(

Again, seems unnecessarily rude

 Luckily I am using unstable can warn everyone who cares about this

Actually I do not see anywhere where gimp even depends on gconf.
And I haven't seen any shitstorms about gconf or dbus, unless this
thread qualifies...

Kelly Clowers

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Re: remote mysql is too slow

2012-04-11 Thread Bob Proulx
Karl E. Jorgensen wrote:
 Jumping back in (late) in this thread...
 Bob Proulx wrote:
   # free -m
total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
   Mem:  7986   7913 73  0224   6133
   -/+ buffers/cache:   1554   6431
   Swap: 3813  0   3813
  Shows 8G of ram.  Good.  Shows no swap used.  Also good.  (But not
  necessarily bad if some swap is used.  So if you see some swap being
  used that isn't necessarily a problem.)
 Mostly good. Yes. But 6133 Mb Cached is not what I would expect - this
 indicates that the linux kernel is doing the caching - rather than
 MySQL. And the MySQL cache for this stuff is (almost) always more

But at some point the daemon is going to need to write a file to disk.
That data will get cached at that time.  Or are you saying that mysql
is using or should using O_DIRECT and avoid the cache explicitly?


Description: Digital signature

Re: skype?

2012-04-11 Thread Alan Chandler

On 09/04/12 12:08, Brian wrote:

On Mon 09 Apr 2012 at 10:09:59 +0200, Tony van der Hoff wrote:

On 09/04/12 08:22, Scott Ferguson wrote:

SIP will currently work with the Skype network - if being able to
communicate is your only requirement.

This is interesting. Do you mean I could install SIP, and communicate
with my wedded to skype contacts? Voice, video, text?

You don't really install SIP you use a SIP client (Ekiga or Linphone,
for example) to communicate with a gateway running the Skype client. The
gateway manipulates the Skype client using the SIP messages you send and
can be on your own machine or somebody else's machine. The first will
cost you time and effort; the second will probably cost money. The
gateway will provide voice but maybe not video.

Either way you cannot avoid running the Skype client, or its equivalent,
somewhere. If it is local you may as well use it (have you managed to
set it up yet?) to talk with your friends.

Its been a while now since I played with it, but I have a recollection 
that Freeswitch (which is a bit like Asterisk) has a skype connector.

[Its a long story, but I sent up a system so my daughters to communicate 
with me.  I have (or rather they now have - gathering dust) some linksys 
boxes that could take a standard phone and turn it into a sip phone. I 
had Freeswitch running on my home server (which is a server for 
everything - freeswitch hardly added to the load) and they could phone 
in (even though they were behind a NAT box).  Unfortunately the 
convenience of the mobile phone meant they never really used it]

Alan Chandler

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Re: Linux TV tuner

2012-04-11 Thread Alan Chandler

On 10/04/12 22:24, Lisi wrote:

On Tuesday 10 April 2012 21:50:44 Sian Mountbatten wrote:

I have decided to get a USB TV tuner so that I can use it with my
sid(uction) box. I am in the UK. Will I need a TV licence?

I think so.  But I also believe that you can get round it by watching iPlayer
etc. over the internet.  IANL of course!
Unfortunately you can't.  You still need a TV licence to watch via 
iPlayer.  It says so on the BBC web site.

Alan Chandler

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Re: TV with Linux

2012-04-11 Thread Alan Chandler

On 11/04/12 06:04, Dom wrote:

I have been using MythTV from the debian-multimedia repository for 
about 6 years now, (they have xbmc pre-compiled too), on an old PC 
with four PCI digital TV tuner cards in. MythTV can record multiple 
(adjacent) channels on each card - I've got mine set to a maximum of 6 
channels per card, so *could* record 24 programmes at once. This, of 
course, is silly and I'd never need to do it, but sometimes one 
programme starts before another ends. MythTV can be a bit fiddly to 
set up intially, but is easy to use after that.

My next goal is to see if I can set up a Raspberry Pi as a MythTV 
frontend, so I can have the noisy backend machine in another room - I 
just need to get my hands on one first :-)

I have a Mythtv setup on my Debian Squeeze home server (which also 
serves as everything else - mail, web, internet firewall...) and watch 
it from my Debian Sid desktop.

I also have a RaspberryPi on order (I am in a queue with RS to be able 
to order one) with the same intention.  I suspect (although not yet 100% 
sure) that the special xbmc version made for the Pi will read data from 
a MythTv backend.  There is one Gotcha that I wasn't able to get a clear 
answer on when I asked - the incoming digital signal is in MPEG2 format 
and MythTV stores the stream as mpeg2.  The PI only has a (firmware) 
codec for Mpeg4, so not sure if transcoding between mpeg2 and mpeg4 is 
going to be necessary.

Alan Chandler

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Re: Linux TV tuner

2012-04-11 Thread Dom

On 11/04/12 07:09, Alan Chandler wrote:

On 10/04/12 22:24, Lisi wrote:

On Tuesday 10 April 2012 21:50:44 Sian Mountbatten wrote:

I have decided to get a USB TV tuner so that I can use it with my
sid(uction) box. I am in the UK. Will I need a TV licence?

I think so. But I also believe that you can get round it by watching
etc. over the internet. IANL of course!

Unfortunately you can't. You still need a TV licence to watch via
iPlayer. It says so on the BBC web site.

It is true that you need a TV licence to watch programmes that are 
currently being broadcast (as the programmes are being broadcast, 
simulcast or otherwise made available by the BBC on television).

However, programmes that were are not being broadcast at the time may be 
watched, in the UK only, without a TV licence, for as long as they are 
available on iplayer. The BBC would like to close this loophole.


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root on console accepting all the passwords but SSH access denied

2012-04-11 Thread Muhammad Yousuf Khan
i just uninstalled these packages


now when i try to connect via console i mean directly by the machine
it accepts everything as password for root and let me in weather right
password or wrong and when i ssh remotely it give me access deny even
for the real password.

please help


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Re: root on console accepting all the passwords but SSH access denied

2012-04-11 Thread J. Bakshi
On Wed, 11 Apr 2012 12:01:13 +0500
Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:

 i just uninstalled these packages
 now when i try to connect via console i mean directly by the machine
 it accepts everything as password for root and let me in weather right
 password or wrong and when i ssh remotely it give me access deny even
 for the real password.
 please help

check /etc/ssh/sshd_config and check if root access is disable

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Re: How to retrieve package source from arbitrary repository

2012-04-11 Thread Malte Forkel
Am 06.04.2012 19:03, schrieb Andrei POPESCU:
 Not what you're asking for, but debcheckout (in package devscripts) may 
 be useful for you.

Thanks, Andrei. Not quite what I need, unfortenately.

I'm still looking for a tool that will determine the URI of the source
package's .dsc file, given a repository base URI and a package name.


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Re: root on console accepting all the passwords but SSH access denied

2012-04-11 Thread Muhammad Yousuf Khan
given are the only uncommented lines and rest of them all are comment

SendEnv LANG LC_*
HashKnownHosts yes
GSSAPIAuthentication yes
GSSAPIDelegateCredentials no

secondly now i can also login via SSH i dont know how. i have just
created a test user adduser command and followed the procedure.
first i couldn't log on to SSH via test user but after few minutes i
can access via user test and also via root but the problem is it
accepts every thing as password. i mean no matter what ever i put as a
password it let me login.

Help please.


On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 12:06 PM, J. Bakshi wrote:
 On Wed, 11 Apr 2012 12:01:13 +0500
 Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:

 i just uninstalled these packages


 now when i try to connect via console i mean directly by the machine
 it accepts everything as password for root and let me in weather right
 password or wrong and when i ssh remotely it give me access deny even
 for the real password.

 please help


 check /etc/ssh/sshd_config and check if root access is disable

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Re: TV with Linux

2012-04-11 Thread Joe
On Tue, 10 Apr 2012 23:41:57 +0100
Sian Mountbatten wrote:

 Hi All
 The subject is pretty confusing. I've ordered a Hauppauge DVD-T
 Nova-T USB stick and I've downloaded a 7zip file with all the
 firmware files required. I've been able to check that the firmware
 for the Nova-T is now installed in /lib/firmware. What now?
 Ok, eventually the TV tuner will arrive and I've also ordered a small
 TV aerial. So, I connect the aerial to the tuner, connect the tuner
 to the PC via a USB port. Then what? I gather there is a remote
 control with 45 buttons on it. Seems a lot to me.
 I've found a web page about XBMC and I've succeeded in compiling xbmc 
 for my Linux desktop. The xbmc-bin file is gigantic: 145MB of binary
 and it still requires 115 libraries! Do I have to have XBMC. What
 will it enable me to do which I couldn't do without?
 Has anybody on the list got TV on Linux and, if so, what did you do
 to get it working? Any comments would be much appreciated (I don't
 have room for a standalone TV set so TV on Linux is my only option).
 Sian Mountbatten
 Algol 68 specialist

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[closed]Re: root on console accepting all the passwords but SSH access denied

2012-04-11 Thread Muhammad Yousuf Khan
ok reinstalling the OS. i have a deadline to meet. so can not spent
time on troubleshooting.
Thanks for the support
may be i did some thing wrong in samba and active directory
integration but next time ill hopefully be very vigilant when playing
with the files.

Thanks anyways.

On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 12:31 PM, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:
 given are the only uncommented lines and rest of them all are comment

    SendEnv LANG LC_*
    HashKnownHosts yes
    GSSAPIAuthentication yes
    GSSAPIDelegateCredentials no

 secondly now i can also login via SSH i dont know how. i have just
 created a test user adduser command and followed the procedure.
 first i couldn't log on to SSH via test user but after few minutes i
 can access via user test and also via root but the problem is it
 accepts every thing as password. i mean no matter what ever i put as a
 password it let me login.

 Help please.


 On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 12:06 PM, J. Bakshi wrote:
 On Wed, 11 Apr 2012 12:01:13 +0500
 Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:

 i just uninstalled these packages


 now when i try to connect via console i mean directly by the machine
 it accepts everything as password for root and let me in weather right
 password or wrong and when i ssh remotely it give me access deny even
 for the real password.

 please help


 check /etc/ssh/sshd_config and check if root access is disable

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Re: Unstable: Gimp requires dbus and gconf2 now? fail.

2012-04-11 Thread Miles Bader
Jon Dowland writes:
 I grudgingly use GIMP but wish I didn't have to.  Dependencies on
 DBUS and gconf2 are the least of its problems (if you consider those
 problems at all).  MyPaint, which has been packaged, looks like a
 possibly replacement.

Hmm, if having almost no functionality at all is acceptable.

[Gimp may have its weirdnesses, but it does a _lot_ of stuff.]


Happiness, n. An agreeable sensation arising from contemplating the misery of

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Re: TV with Linux

2012-04-11 Thread richard
On Tue, 10 Apr 2012 23:41:57 +0100
Sian Mountbatten wrote:

 Hi All
 The subject is pretty confusing. I've ordered a Hauppauge DVD-T
 Nova-T USB stick and I've downloaded a 7zip file with all the
 firmware files required. I've been able to check that the firmware
 for the Nova-T is now installed in /lib/firmware. What now?
 Ok, eventually the TV tuner will arrive and I've also ordered a small
 TV aerial. So, I connect the aerial to the tuner, connect the tuner
 to the PC via a USB port. Then what? I gather there is a remote
 control with 45 buttons on it. Seems a lot to me.
 I've found a web page about XBMC and I've succeeded in compiling xbmc 
 for my Linux desktop. The xbmc-bin file is gigantic: 145MB of binary
 and it still requires 115 libraries! Do I have to have XBMC. What
 will it enable me to do which I couldn't do without?
 Has anybody on the list got TV on Linux and, if so, what did you do
 to get it working? Any comments would be much appreciated (I don't
 have room for a standalone TV set so TV on Linux is my only option).
 Sian Mountbatten
 Algol 68 specialist


I use kaffeine which works well with DVB, I tried others but not so


Best wishes / 73
Richard Bown


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nil carborundum a illegitemis
Ham Call G8JVM . OS Fedora FC16 x86_64 on a Dell Insiron N5030 laptop
Maidenhead QRA: IO82SP38, LAT. 52 39.720' N LONG. 2 28.171 W ( degs
mins ) QRV HF + VHF Microwave 23 cms:140W,13 cms:100W,6 cms:10W  3

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Re: Linux TV tuner

2012-04-11 Thread David Goodenough
On Tuesday 10 Apr 2012, Sian Mountbatten wrote:
 I have decided to get a USB TV tuner so that I can use it with my
 sid(uction) box. I am in the UK. Will I need a TV licence?
It dependsa.  The tuner does not need a licence, the premises does.
So if there is already a TV there you are fine, but if this is the
only TV then yes, you do need a licence.


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Re: Graphical app on startup

2012-04-11 Thread Antonio Fernández Pérez
Sorry for delay to reply. I have been reading and testing some
configurations, but not works fine. I have could not setup a kiosk on
Debian that launch only a Java app on fullscreen mode.

Please, anybody could help me? give me some howto that works or something
to follow.

Thank you very much.

Best regards,


2012/4/7 Chris Bannister

 On Thu, Apr 05, 2012 at 12:47:56PM +0200, Antonio Fernández Pérez wrote:
  Hi everybody,
  I would like to get that a graphical application developed in Java runs
  startup of a Debian machine, if is possible without menu, without login
  panel and without system messages. Obviously without update messages.
  I would to get a machine that works with this app on startup like as a
  information point center. Do you understand me?
  I hope your help because I don't know if this is possible to do in Linux
  Debian. I know that in Windows is possible but is more expensive than to
  it in Linux (Licenses).
  Thank you very much.

 Start here:

 Religion is excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet.
   -- Napoleon Bonaparte

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*Antonio Manuel Fernández Pérez*

Ingeniero Técnico Informático

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Re: Graphical app on startup

2012-04-11 Thread Tom Grace
On 11/04/12 10:46, Antonio Fernández Pérez wrote:
 Please, anybody could help me? give me some howto that works or
 something to follow.
The article Chris Bannister linked looks to cover everything you'd need,
how far did you get before you hit trouble ?

 2012/4/7 Chris Bannister 
 Start here:

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Re: /etc/aliases.db: Invalid argument

2012-04-11 Thread Joseph Bou Faysal

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Re: Graphical app on startup

2012-04-11 Thread Antonio Fernández Pérez
Hi Tom,

Thanks for your quick reply.

I have followed it, but in some step I can't get launch a java app. Also, I
don't know what window manager I should to use, I think that a minimal
window manager...

I'm going to try again and if I have problems, I will come back again.

Best regards,


2012/4/11 Tom Grace

 On 11/04/12 10:46, Antonio Fernández Pérez wrote:
  Please, anybody could help me? give me some howto that works or
  something to follow.
 The article Chris Bannister linked looks to cover everything you'd need,
 how far did you get before you hit trouble ?

  2012/4/7 Chris Bannister
  Start here:

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*Antonio Manuel Fernández Pérez*

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Dpto. Informático Fabergames S.L.

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Re: TV with Linux

2012-04-11 Thread Darac Marjal
On Tue, Apr 10, 2012 at 11:41:57PM +0100, Sian Mountbatten wrote:
 Hi All
 The subject is pretty confusing. I've ordered a Hauppauge DVD-T
 Nova-T USB stick and I've downloaded a 7zip file with all the
 firmware files required. I've been able to check that the firmware
 for the Nova-T is now installed in /lib/firmware. What now?
 Ok, eventually the TV tuner will arrive and I've also ordered a
 small TV aerial. So, I connect the aerial to the tuner, connect the
 tuner to the PC via a USB port. Then what? I gather there is a
 remote control with 45 buttons on it. Seems a lot to me.
 I've found a web page about XBMC and I've succeeded in compiling
 xbmc for my Linux desktop. The xbmc-bin file is gigantic: 145MB of
 binary and it still requires 115 libraries! Do I have to have XBMC.
 What will it enable me to do which I couldn't do without?
 Has anybody on the list got TV on Linux and, if so, what did you do
 to get it working? Any comments would be much appreciated (I don't
 have room for a standalone TV set so TV on Linux is my only option).

It depends on how you want to watch TV. I presume that, being USB, your
plan is to plug in and then start a program to just watch what's on TV

Plenty of video apps will allow input from a TV tuner, so if you have
VLC, Kaffeine etc installed you may find they work (though they may
require knowledge of frequencies to tune to etc). For a higher-level
interface, try tvtime. Right-clicking in the window will give you a
menu to set things up, then you should be able to use your cursor keys
to change channel.

If you plan to have the USB stick plugged in permanently and the PC on
24/7 they you may find a PVR more suitable (XBMC, MythTV etc are PVRs -
personal video recorders). These are basically daemons which monitor
your TV tuner and record the programs you want to watch. Just like a
TiVo if you're aware of them. You can, of course, watch Live TV with
them, but they are definitely overkill if that's ALL you want to do.
Darac Marjal

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Re: Linux TV tuner

2012-04-11 Thread Sian Mountbatten

On 11/04/12 10:20, David Goodenough wrote:

On Tuesday 10 Apr 2012, Sian Mountbatten wrote:

I have decided to get a USB TV tuner so that I can use it with my
sid(uction) box. I am in the UK. Will I need a TV licence?

It dependsa.  The tuner does not need a licence, the premises does.
So if there is already a TV there you are fine, but if this is the
only TV then yes, you do need a licence.


Thanx. I've now paid for a colour licence. So I'm covered.

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Re: Graphical app on startup

2012-04-11 Thread Tom Grace
On 11/04/12 11:44, Antonio Fernández Pérez wrote:
 I have followed it, but in some step I can't get launch a java app.
 Also, I don't know what window manager I should to use, I think that a
 minimal window manager... 

In the article, the author mentions using FVWM as the window manager.
You might also consider running your Java app in a terminal for testing
so you can see any diagnostic output that you get.

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Re: Graphical app on startup

2012-04-11 Thread Antonio Fernández Pérez
Hi again,


Now, I have clear why I didn't get launch Java app. I don't know if I have
to use GNOME Desktop or whatever because, in text mode, if I try launch
fvwm, appears an error about display.

So, I should to install a Debian in text mode, configure LAN and after
that, Debian ¿with or without desktop? I think that without desktop (the
idea is to have a small system running with some application like java
virtual machine and my java app), after that,  what I should to do? Should
I to Configure vwfm with the article?

Thanks again.

Best regards,


El 11 de abril de 2012 12:46, Tom Graceó:

 On 11/04/12 11:44, Antonio Fernández Pérez wrote:
  I have followed it, but in some step I can't get launch a java app.
  Also, I don't know what window manager I should to use, I think that a
  minimal window manager...

 In the article, the author mentions using FVWM as the window manager.
 You might also consider running your Java app in a terminal for testing
 so you can see any diagnostic output that you get.


*Antonio Manuel Fernández Pérez*

Ingeniero Técnico Informático

Dpto. Informático Fabergames S.L.

TLF:96626 / FAX:966551801
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prohibidas por la ley.

Re: upgrade to Wheezy fails with aptitude

2012-04-11 Thread Nicolas Bercher

Le 09/04/2012 11:12, Pierre Frenkiel a écrit :

 aptitude search ~i\!~M -F %p

This shows manually and automatically installed packages.

I get 2220 packages, (and 995 with ~i~M)

No, the above command doesn't show automatically installed packages.

Sorry, retry it without -F %p to get a clearer output:

  aptitude search ~i\!~M

you won't see any line beginning with iA.  (The A stands for auto)

I think you used to installed packages with apt-get: in its not-so-old
versions, it didn't know about manual/automatic installation bits and
packages installed this way were considered manually installed.
The confusions comes from these many packages (2220) reported as manual
instead of being reported as auto, and that fact you sometimes used
aptitude and get 995 ones marked as auto.


PS: checkout this excellent page:

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Re: Graphical app on startup

2012-04-11 Thread Tom Grace
On 11/04/12 12:11, Antonio Fernández Pérez wrote:
 Hi again, 
 Now, I have clear why I didn't get launch Java app. I don't know if I
 have to use GNOME Desktop or whatever because, in text mode, if I try
 launch fvwm, appears an error about display. 
You will need to start X before you can use FVWM. I would suggest doing
this with a display manager (such as SLiM, GDM, XDM etc.).
 So, I should to install a Debian in text mode, configure LAN and after
 that, Debian ¿with or without desktop? I think that without desktop (the
 idea is to have a small system running with some application like java
 virtual machine and my java app), after that,  what I should to do?
 Should I to Configure vwfm with the article?

First I would get a display manager working so you can log into an X
session. SLiM is pretty simple and lightweight. Once you log in, the
user's ~/.xinitrc file will be used to load a window manager. Have a
look at the following to give you some pointers for what you are trying
to do:

Both of these are the same article, but those are the bits you mostly need.


 Thanks again.
 Best regards, 
 El 11 de abril de 2012 12:46, Tom Grace escribió:
 On 11/04/12 11:44, Antonio Fernández Pérez wrote:
  I have followed it, but in some step I can't get launch a java app.
  Also, I don't know what window manager I should to use, I think that a
  minimal window manager...
 In the article, the author mentions using FVWM as the window manager.
 You might also consider running your Java app in a terminal for testing
 so you can see any diagnostic output that you get.
 *Antonio Manuel Fernández Pérez*
 Ingeniero Técnico Informático
 Dpto. Informático Fabergames S.L.
 TLF:96626 / FAX:966551801
 Fabergames respeta su privacidad
 Le informamos, como destinatario de este mensaje, que el correo
 electrónico y las comunicaciones por medio de Internet no permiten
 asegurar ni garantizar la confidencialidad de los mensajes transmitidos,
 así como tampoco su integridad o su correcta recepción, por lo que
 FABERGAMES S.L. no asume responsabilidad alguna por tales
 circunstancias. Si no consintiese en la utilización del correo
 electrónico o de las comunicaciones vía Internet le rogamos nos lo
 comunique y ponga en nuestro conocimiento de manera inmediata. Este
 mensaje va dirigido, de manera exclusiva, a su destinatario y contiene
 información confidencial y sujeta al secreto profesional, cuya
 divulgación no está permitida por la ley. En caso de haber recibido este
 mensaje por error, le rogamos que, de forma inmediata, nos lo comunique
 mediante correo electrónico remitido a nuestra atención o a través del
 teléfono (+ 34) 966 26 11 11 y proceda a su eliminación, así como a la
 de cualquier documento adjunto al mismo. Asimismo, le comunicamos que la
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 prohibidas por la ley.

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Re: rtl8188ce in Debian Sid

2012-04-11 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 11 Apr 2012 09:06:29 +0800, wolf python london wrote:


 Was the wifi driver working stable before and stopped from doing (e.g.,
 after an update) it or have you been always getting reconnects?

 Nope, it always behaves like this. I bought this laptop 2 months ago .
 It sometimes
 reconnects to my router, sometimes I have to reconnect manually.

Mmm, then you can start with the usual tests (selecting a different 
transmission channel -avoid restricted ones-, lowering the security -from 
WPA2 to WPA, for instance) and watch for any improvement but I doubt 
there is any :-(

 What kernel module are you loading (lsmod | grep -i rtl)?

 rtl8192ce, it seems fine.



 As you're on sid, you'll be running one of the latests kernels (3.2?)
 but you can also try to compile kernel 3.3 (or even 3.4) available from
 upstream sources to check if you get any improvement.
 I'm using 3.2.0-2-amd64 kernel.
 hmm, I have Funtoo current installed in the same laptop, which use
 kernel 3.2 and 3.3. Same problem.
 One weird problem is If I don't use it in several minutes, it
 disconnects from my router,and no longer reconnects an more.

By Googling around you'll find many reports for that card/chipset where 
people complains for the same (random disconnects) and the solution tends 
to be same in all cases: compile the realtek upstream driver instead using 
the kernel stock one.

You can give it a try, and if that works for you... fine, but better if 
you could report your findings either in Debian BTS or at linux wireless 
mailing list so it gets fixed as soon as possible.

 Also, there's a open bug report for the firmware blob
 (rtl8192cufw.bin), is that the same file you're using? dmesg | grep -i
 rtl will tell:

 it seems not what I'm using .



 Whole dmesg is here * *. Thanks !

In addition to dmesg, review you /var/log/messages. Kernel oopes and 
traces use to be visible there :-)



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Re: [OT] Re: ATA/IDE hard drive problem (CLOSED)

2012-04-11 Thread Camaleón
On Tue, 10 Apr 2012 17:01:34 -0700, Gary Roach wrote:

 On 01/-10/-28163 11:59 AM, Camaleón wrote:

 I finally fudged things. I set the bios so that it recognized the
 cdrom and installed Debian Linux. I then rebooted, F2ed to the bios
 and changed it so that it could find the hard drive. That worked.
 Since I don't have to boot to the  cdrom very often I can live with
 it. I'm tired of fooling with the problem.

 Mmm, is the CD-ROM unit still visible/accessible within the OS? If not,
 you can try to connect it to port IDE1 (same as the hard disk) as
 slave, that could make a difference (buy a longer IDE cable if the
 devices are separated enough) or extract the optical unit and use it
 with an external USB case.

 Yes, the cd unit is visible within the OS. Everything is working fine. I
 installed an additional drive on the same IDE port as a slave. With
 ATA/IDE Configure set to Legacy the bios recognizes both drives but not
 the CDROM. Just as before. Once booted, everything works fine.

It's indeed weird, but at least now you know a slave unit conneted to the 
master IDE port is also detected and thus you can use it to boot from 
there, should needed.



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2012-04-11 Thread R.H.van Es
I wanted to install Debian 6 and I am wondering if we live in 2012? Because
still the Grub install gave me no Idea were Grub is going and I stoped the
installation. I must have more info about de HD's to be sure.
Greetings, B. Gates

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Re: debian-faq (was ... Re: upgrade to Wheezy fails with aptitude)

2012-04-11 Thread Arnt Karlsen
On Wed, 4 Apr 2012 11:28:59 +0100, Lisi wrote in message

 On Wednesday 04 April 2012 10:01:47 Andrei POPESCU wrote:
   Note that since Lenny, apt-get *installs* recommended packages by
 ...since Lenny, apt-get *has installed*..

..and not Note that since Lenny, apt-get *installations* 
recommended packages by default.? ;o) has is a _wee_ bit different from your Note that since 
Lenny, apt-get *installed* recommended packages by default. ;o)

-- vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt Karlsen
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.

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Re: How to retrieve package source from arbitrary repository

2012-04-11 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 11 Apr 2012 09:23:26 +0200, Malte Forkel wrote:

 Am 06.04.2012 19:03, schrieb Andrei POPESCU:
 Not what you're asking for, but debcheckout (in package devscripts) may
 be useful for you.
 Thanks, Andrei. Not quite what I need, unfortenately.
 I'm still looking for a tool that will determine the URI of the source
 package's .dsc file, given a repository base URI and a package name.

If the repository does not follow Debian mirror rules nor package naming, 
it's almost impossible to decipher the URI from a given .dsc file, it 
can be hosted anywhere in the server.

Otherwise, if it uses conventional Debian packaging rules, you can use 
the static information to make a guess: pkg=gedit ver=_3.2.6-1 wget 



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Re: OT: favorite free-software email-subscription / feeds.

2012-04-11 Thread Arnt Karlsen
On Wed, 4 Apr 2012 16:57:34 + (UTC), Camaleón wrote in message 

 I prefer keep things separate (kinda divide and conquer approach),'ve had any personal experiences become, um, legends? ;o) 

 that's why I use:
 - Pan (as newsreader for reading/post to mailing lists), I use Pan for newsgroup or UseNet reading, 
and claws-mail for mail lists and related stuff. 

 - Mutt (as e-mail client for personal things)
 - Thunderbird (as e-mail client for work)
 - Liferea (as news feeder for reading web magazines and newspapers)
 (heck, I now realize why my RAM consumption reaches up to 1.5
 GiB :-P)
 I can easily use Thunderbird as e-mail client, newsreader and also
 feed reader and thus removing two programs but I don't like mix up
 these things and dedicated applications have their own advantages.

-- vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt Karlsen
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.

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Re: When will Debian 7.0 with Linux Kernel 3.x be Released?

2012-04-11 Thread Arnt Karlsen
On Sat, 7 Apr 2012 10:16:46 +1200, Chris wrote in message 

 On Fri, Apr 06, 2012 at 05:21:01PM +0100, Lisi wrote:
  On Friday 06 April 2012 17:02:05 Chris Bannister wrote:
   Ummm, well, obviously if you have backports in your sources list
   you are no longer running stable.
  It depends on the pinning.  I have it in my sources.list, but I
  have to ask for it expressly for a particular package.  I don't
  feel that one or two backported packages immediately means that the
  system is not stable/Stable. What about the multimedia repository?
  Opera?  etc.  Obviously anything that comes out of any repository
  other than main is not true-blue-pucka Stable. But in the real
  world one sometimes has to compromise, and I would still feel able
  to claim that my Stable box is just that, Stable.
 You seem to be confusing the meaning of stable in the distribution
 sense.  It doesn't mean free of bugs or unlikely to crash, it
 means unchanging/not moving. So by having backports you are changing
 Likewise, unstable doesn't mean buggy or likely to crash, it means
 constantly changing. 
 Perhaps better names would have been

..naaah, call them development/testing/production. ;o)

-- vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt Karlsen
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.

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Re: OT: favorite free-software email-subscription / feeds.

2012-04-11 Thread Arnt Karlsen
On Fri, 6 Apr 2012 12:30:13 +0700, Sthu wrote in message
 Thanks much for the links! are using the  quote character where you should 
use thequote character (combination), this causes
real messy quote confusion with mail clients. Claws Mail, menu bar option Configuration - 
Preferences - left side bar option Compose - 
Templates - middle tab option Reply:  
Find the Quotation mark text window, and add a 
space character immediately after the . ;o)

-- vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt Karlsen
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.

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Re: ibm server black screen console

2012-04-11 Thread Arnt Karlsen
On Thu, 5 Apr 2012 08:04:31 -0400, Joey wrote in message

  Looking at the messages above, you have an ATI Radeon-based video
  card. 'lspci' should confirm that.
 Thanks for your quick response ...i got the following back -
 01:06.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc ES1000 (rev
 But do not know where to go from here.
 People are working on the server right now - so can not reboot it.
 my current grub line is this:
   linux   /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-5-amd64
 root=UUID=8f86f3f1-b453-4801-ac5c-a5a86135256f ro  quiet

..drop the quiet and boot, if that doesn't tell you enough,
try another boot with verbose instead of quiet.

 you would like me to change it to:
   linux   /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-5-amd64
 root=UUID=8f86f3f1-b453-4801-ac5c-a5a86135256f ro  quiet
 am I right ?
 But I have googled the issue - it is out there - there are some
 suggestions about doing stuff with Xorg.conf file - but do not
 understand at all.
 Can you or anyone give me some pointers -- if your earlier suggestions
 does not work ?

-- vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt Karlsen
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.

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Re: help about wine

2012-04-11 Thread Arnt Karlsen
On Tue, 10 Apr 2012 10:57:52 -0400, Yaritza wrote in message

  I'm having problem installing  Office 2007 

..Microsoft Office _2007_???  Why that old junk, when you can have
_todays_ LibreOffice (OpenOffice) or K-Office or Gnome Office for
free, and legally?

 under Wine on Debian (64
 bits) when I click the install button I get an endless list of errors
 in the terminal,
 7-Zip 9.04 beta  Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Igor Pavlov  2009-05-30
 p7zip Version 9.04 (locale=en_US.UTF-8,Utf16=on,HugeFiles=on,2 CPUs)
 Incorrect command line
 How do I fix this problem?

..dunno about that wine problem, but if you want the _best_ 
office suite, try 'aptitude search office |less '. ;o) 

-- vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt Karlsen
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.

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Re: NAS box configuration

2012-04-11 Thread Arnt Karlsen
On Wed, 04 Apr 2012 22:13:38 +0300, Rares wrote in message

 On 04/04/2012 05:21 PM, Camaleón wrote:
  On Wed, 04 Apr 2012 18:28:56 +0530, J. Bakshi wrote:
  If you still prefer a pre-made NAS based OS (that handles RAID, et
  al) you can consider another alternatives to FreeNAS such as
  OpenMediaVault, Openfiler, Zentyal, Nexenta...
  Related docs/faqs/how tos can be found on their sites :-)
 Bear in mind that, if you care about this, FreeNAS is BSD-based, just
 as Nexenta is OpenSolaris-based. One difference might be that the
 latter two support ZFS, while Linux support for this is less mature
 as of now. understanding is, at least some of the headers in ZFS 
are licensed under the CDDL.  
AFAIR from on the tSCOG litigations, the 
CDDL's main feature is it's intentional anti-GPL nature, it 
was created specifically to be incompatible with the GPL, to 
support the The SCO Group (Microsoft strawman) litigations, 
by trying to split and divide the coding communities.

..for details, use Groklaw's search page to search for CDDL,
Google honors Groklaw's robot.txt.

-- vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt Karlsen
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.

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Re: install

2012-04-11 Thread Mat Enders
I did two installs yesterday and both times the installation asked if I wanted 
to install grub to the MBR. 
Mat Enders from my BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: R.H.van Es
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2012 15:16:26 
Subject: install

I wanted to install Debian 6 and I am wondering if we live in 2012? Because
still the Grub install gave me no Idea were Grub is going and I stoped the
installation. I must have more info about de HD's to be sure.
Greetings, B. Gates

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Re: install

2012-04-11 Thread keith

R.H.van Es wrote:

I wanted to install Debian 6 and I am wondering if we live in 2012? 
Because still the Grub install gave me no Idea were Grub is going and 
I stoped the installation. I must have more info about de HD's to be sure.

Greetings, B. Gates

Geen virus gevonden in dit bericht.
Gecontroleerd door AVG -
Versie: 2012.0.1913 / Virusdatabase: 2411/4927 - datum van uitgifte: 

Grub gets installed onto /dev/sda boot section by default.

Sent from Free Open Source Software
Debian GNU/Linux

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Re: install

2012-04-11 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 11 Apr 2012 15:16:26 +0200, R.H.van Es wrote:


Hi, please, avoid html formatted posts, thanks.
 I wanted to install Debian 6 and I am wondering if we live in 2012?

Mmm... that will depend on what universe you reside :-P

 Because still the Grub install gave me no Idea were Grub is going and I
 stoped the installation. I must have more info about de HD's to be sure.

If I got the irony correctly, you can use the expert installer flavour 
to select where to put GRUB (MBR, first sector of the chosen partition, 
no GRUB...).



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Re: [OT] Something about google search

2012-04-11 Thread Lorenzo Sutton

On 07/04/12 17:47, lina wrote:


For the top line in google page

Search Images Maps Play YouTube News Gmail Documents Calendar More

Is it possible to delete the Play and Calendar, and bring something
hidden in More up there?
Because thay are simply lists (li of links with some fancy CSS (+ 
scripts) you could hack the html and store it locally (and possibly 
bookmark it).
The original HTML (e.g. with view source) seems a mess because it's 
condensed you can use a tool like tidy [1] to make it into something a 
little more readable.

Of course this 'static' modification would be lost once you leave the page.

What I have done (for another reason which is to quickly be able to 
select English or Italian as search language) is to create a customized 
home page with the google search form (together with other stuff) which 
might also be an approach depending on your needs.


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Re: install

2012-04-11 Thread Jon Dowland
On 11/04/12 14:16, R.H.van Es wrote:
 Subject: Re: install

Your subject is non-descriptive of the problem you are experiencing.
Please try to write descriptive subjects to help ensure that as many
people take a look at your mail as possible.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: TV with Linux

2012-04-11 Thread Camaleón
On Tue, 10 Apr 2012 23:41:57 +0100, Sian Mountbatten wrote:

 Hi All
 The subject is pretty confusing. I've ordered a Hauppauge DVD-T Nova-T
 USB stick and I've downloaded a 7zip file with all the firmware files
 required. I've been able to check that the firmware for the Nova-T is
 now installed in /lib/firmware. What now?


Now it's time to watch TV :-)

Choose a program of your liking (in GNOME I used Totem with my old Nova-T 
USB stick, in join with gnome-dvb-client), then configure it (channel 
tuning) and you're done.



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Re: install

2012-04-11 Thread Indulekha
In linux.debian.user, wrote:

 Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=Windows-1252


-8 snip 8--


❤ ♫ ❤ ♫ ❤ ♫ ❤   

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Re: debian-faq (was ... Re: upgrade to Wheezy fails with aptitude)

2012-04-11 Thread Lisi
On Wednesday 04 April 2012 17:07:16 Arnt Karlsen wrote:
 On Wed, 4 Apr 2012 11:28:59 +0100, Lisi wrote in message
  On Wednesday 04 April 2012 10:01:47 Andrei POPESCU wrote:
Note that since Lenny, apt-get *installs* recommended packages by
  ...since Lenny, apt-get *has installed*..

 ..and not Note that since Lenny, apt-get *installations*
 recommended packages by default.? ;o) has is a _wee_ bit different from your Note that since
 Lenny, apt-get *installed* recommended packages by default. ;o)

 -- vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt Karlsen
 ...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
   Scenarios always come in sets of three:
   best case, worst case, and just in case.

Arnt -

This appears to be aimed at me, but I cannot make out what you are trying to 

I certainly never said Note that since Lenny, apt-get *installed* recommended 
packages by default. as you appear to be saying that I did.  
And installations is a noun not a verb.


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Re: [OT] Manually verifying PGP/MIME signature with GPG

2012-04-11 Thread Camaleón
On Tue, 10 Apr 2012 14:43:51 +, Camaleón wrote:


 Anyway, I get the posts through a nntp news server (Gmane), I don't know
 - because I've not tried- if the header information provided would be
 enough to be able to verify the signature manually.

Mmm, I tried this yesterday and it seems to be working fine from 
Thunderbird + Enigmail with no additional tweaks: signatures (both 
inline and detached) are verified correctly.

If Enigmail can parse and verify the signed posts I see no reason for gpg 
cannot do the same.



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Re: remote mysql is too slow

2012-04-11 Thread Karl E. Jorgensen
On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 07:18:18AM +0100, Bob Proulx wrote:
 Karl E. Jorgensen wrote:
  Jumping back in (late) in this thread...
  Bob Proulx wrote:
# free -m
 total   used   free sharedbuffers 
Mem:  7986   7913 73  0224   
-/+ buffers/cache:   1554   6431
Swap: 3813  0   3813
   Shows 8G of ram.  Good.  Shows no swap used.  Also good.  (But not
   necessarily bad if some swap is used.  So if you see some swap being
   used that isn't necessarily a problem.)
  Mostly good. Yes. But 6133 Mb Cached is not what I would expect - this
  indicates that the linux kernel is doing the caching - rather than
  MySQL. And the MySQL cache for this stuff is (almost) always more
 But at some point the daemon is going to need to write a file to disk.
 That data will get cached at that time.  Or are you saying that mysql
 is using or should using O_DIRECT and avoid the cache explicitly?

No - although that might help (marginally) too.  The point is that
caching of data in MySQL will be more efficient than caching in the
kernel disk cache; less layers and whatnot.

Karl E. Jorgensen
IT Operations

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Re: [OT] Posting styles (was: printer Kyocera FSC-5100DN)

2012-04-11 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Lu, 09 apr 12, 13:34:59, Camaleón wrote:
 To me (and everybody else), both are almost the same.

Could you please explain the everybody else part?

Just because somebody chooses to stay out of this thread does not mean 
one automatically agrees with you ;)

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

[OT]: Re: skype?

2012-04-11 Thread Lorenzo Sutton

Adding the [OT] label as this is rather far from 'debian'...

On 11/04/12 07:27, Doug wrote:

On 04/11/2012 12:15 AM, daniel jimenez wrote:
It is shameful that, so many years after the digital revolution, 
proprietary formats such as those championed by microsoft are 
*mandated* by the industry, educational institutions and (in mexico 
at least) government departments. In fact, I recently had problems 
with my yearly tax declaration due to it only supporting and running 
on some version of Internet Explorer.

Hopefully, we can all make that change.

In the case of skype, I understand that their contributions to VoIP 
have been pioneering and extremely successful as a tool for 
individuals and the enterprise community alike. However, every 
company that doesn't support standardization is extremely short 
sighted and detrimental to the healthy growth of the field they 

Anyway, sorry for the hijack..



Microsoft and Skype are sure to tell you that _their_ formats _are_ 
the standard.  And to a great extent, they're correct!  (Microsoft 
would have a better case
if they didn't keep changing it, so much so that their own word 
processor can't even read what an earlier version of the same program 

I don't know who standardized on the placement of the clutch and  
brake pedals, but whoever it was, the rest of the industry was forced 
to follow.  Can
you imagine what a mess we would be in if they didn't? Similarly for 
the basic gear-shift pattern.  Only reverse moves, and, afaik, only to 
one of two places.

I think the simile doesn't stand much... Although I'm no car expert, I 
would compare the position of the pedals to interface elements you use 
for the voip/IM client (e.g. a big green button with a lifting phone on 
the left to indicate start a call) which we could now-a-days consider 
'standard' in the common language meaning. The protocols being used for 
the communication would be more of what happens when you press on the 
brake pedal which acts on the actual brake. Indeed standards for 
braking systems exist: (in this 
case I guess mainly for security reasons)

So something like: position of the pedals is the client/interface (in 
fact there are special cars (clients) for disabled people with specific 
which use a lever instead of a pedal). Breaking mechanism: protocols.

And, I must say, that annoys me, since I once had a car with reverse 
left and up, and now I have one with reverse right and down. 
Especially since left and up
was pretty much standardized back in the 1930s. To make things worse, 
both cars that I refer to here were made by GM in the United States.

To get back to the point, I would have no problem with .doc if it 
would only stay put!  And who is to say that the Skype format does not 
deserve to be the
standard?  It's probably as good as any, so long as everyone will 
agree to use it.

I have to say that a lot of the complaints from people in our Linux 
community seem to be of the NIH variety: Not Invented Here!

If skype decided to release their protocol as an open format I might agree.
Otherwise given the inpact a technology like VoIP might have now-a-days 
I would like at least governments to invest in research (and of course 
willing corporations could be involved) to create the best protocols for 
doing it which took into account security, privacy, etc. etc. But I can 
see myself being slightly idealistic there.

I think there is confusion between 'standards' (and 'open standards') 
and trends. I will agree that the market can push a trend if successful, 
but standards should also be concerned with the above and most of all be 


Just my 2¢.  --doug

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Samba share with multiple groups

2012-04-11 Thread Muhammad Yousuf Khan
my scenario is , i have two groups in active directory Everyone and
admins and i want to give everyone READ ONLY rights and on the other
hand admins would have FULL RIGHTS and this is going to be on one
single folder not multiple. i can only assign a single group to a
folder via chown command. but its not fulfilling the requirement of
mine. please help

i have just created a share with samba and samba is active directory
integrated.  below is the share details
comment = Shared Directories
path = /share
valid users = admin
read only = No
create mask = 0775
directory mask = 0775


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Re: [OT] Posting styles (was: printer Kyocera FSC-5100DN)

2012-04-11 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 11 Apr 2012 18:26:12 +0300, Andrei POPESCU wrote:

 On Lu, 09 apr 12, 13:34:59, Camaleón wrote:
 To me (and everybody else), both are almost the same.
 Could you please explain the everybody else part?

As I guess you've followed the whole thread, what's exactly what you 
don't get?

 Just because somebody chooses to stay out of this thread does not mean
 one automatically agrees with you ;)

It's not *me* who says so, it's written in the Wikipedia article, you 
will have to ask the author why he/she thinks so :-)



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Re: [OT] Posting styles

2012-04-11 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Sb, 07 apr 12, 18:52:08, Indulekha wrote:
 No downside at all then, eh? 

Mutt used to have a flea (bug) that would incorrectly set 
disposition=inline on pgp/mime attachments, but Joey seems to be using a 
fixed version.

Unless you went out of your way to include the signature in the reply 
there is a bug somewhere that needs to be fixed.

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: [OT] Something about google search

2012-04-11 Thread lina
On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 10:21 PM, Lorenzo Sutton wrote:
 On 07/04/12 17:47, lina wrote:


 For the top line in google page

 Search Images Maps Play YouTube News Gmail Documents Calendar More

 Is it possible to delete the Play and Calendar, and bring something
 hidden in More up there?

 Because thay are simply lists (li of links with some fancy CSS (+ scripts)
 you could hack the html and store it locally (and possibly bookmark it).
 The original HTML (e.g. with view source) seems a mess because it's
 condensed you can use a tool like tidy [1] to make it into something a
 little more readable.

Thanks for you suggestion, also a late thanks for the suggestions your
guys gave before.

Here seems you forget to put the [1] reference.  I wish to do a try.

Thanks with best regards,

 Of course this 'static' modification would be lost once you leave the page.

 What I have done (for another reason which is to quickly be able to select
 English or Italian as search language) is to create a customized home page
 with the google search form (together with other stuff) which might also be
 an approach depending on your needs.


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Re: [OT] Something about google search

2012-04-11 Thread lina
On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 10:21 PM, Lorenzo Sutton wrote:
 On 07/04/12 17:47, lina wrote:


 For the top line in google page

 Search Images Maps Play YouTube News Gmail Documents Calendar More

 Is it possible to delete the Play and Calendar, and bring something
 hidden in More up there?

 Because thay are simply lists (li of links with some fancy CSS (+ scripts)
 you could hack the html and store it locally (and possibly bookmark it).
 The original HTML (e.g. with view source) seems a mess because it's
 condensed you can use a tool like tidy [1] to make it into something a
 little more readable.

Is it the [one]  ?

Thanks ahead.

 Of course this 'static' modification would be lost once you leave the page.

 What I have done (for another reason which is to quickly be able to select
 English or Italian as search language) is to create a customized home page
 with the google search form (together with other stuff) which might also be
 an approach depending on your needs.


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