Fichier xorg.conf introuvable

2013-07-14 Thread Salokine Terata
Bonjour à tous,

Sur un dell insprion 6400 je viens d'installer une fresh-install d'une
Debian 7.0 (Wheezy).

La résolution de mon écran peut atteindre au maximum 1024x768 sous ce
système, alors que précédement sous une Debian Squeeze, j'étais en 1280x800
de mémoire (mais en tous cas, j'avais une résolution plus importante au
point de ne pas avoir les bandes noires sur les côtés)

*Informations complémentaires:*
# lpsi | grep VGA:
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS,
943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)

# aptitude search video-intel
i A xserver-xorg-video-intel- serveur X -
pilote d'affichage Intel i8xx et i9xx
p   xserver-xorg-video-intel-dbg- X.Org X server --
Intel i8xx, i9xx display driver (debug s

Je ne trouve pas le fichier /etc/X11/xorg.conf. Est-ce nouveau sur Debian
Wheezy, ou un défaut de mon système ?

En lisant: (qui date de Squeeze)
Xorg -configure génère effectivement l'erreur Number of created screens
does not match the number of detected devices
... Mais toujours pas de trace de /etc/X11/xorg.conf
Mon idée aurait été d'aller voir dans ce fichier de conf.

Il y a bien la configuration système:
# vdir /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/
total 16
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1099 avril 17 13:20 10-evdev.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1595 oct.   1  2012 50-synaptics.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  115 juin  15  2012 50-vmmouse.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  835 oct.  19  2012 50-wacom.conf

... Mais pas certains que c'est ici qu'il faille trifouiller...


Re: Fichier xorg.conf introuvable

2013-07-14 Thread Bzzz
On Sun, 14 Jul 2013 10:11:33 +0200
Salokine Terata wrote:

 Je ne trouve pas le fichier /etc/X11/xorg.conf. Est-ce nouveau sur
 Debian Wheezy, ou un défaut de mon système ?

Il n'y en a pas par défaut, tu dois le créer à la main.
Les sections serverlayout, keyboard, mouse  screen devraient
être les seules nécessaires (sauf si tu as un msg qui prévient
que tu es hors des fréquences de synchro, auquel cas il faudra
les ajouter dans une section monitor).

dZOUb J'ai été rendre visite à ma mère et elle était devant un dvd qui
passait en acceleré à l'envers
dZOUb Vitesse -16X quoi
dZOUb Je lui demande ce qu'elle fait...
dZOUb Elle rembobinait le dvd...
dZOUb Ca fait un an qu'ils ont le lecteur et qu'ils font ça pour
tout les films...
dZOUb :°) J'ai cru mourir de rire

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Re: Fichier xorg.conf introuvable

2013-07-14 Thread Jérôme
Le dimanche 14 juillet 2013 à 10:33 +0200, Bzzz a écrit :
 Il n'y en a pas par défaut, tu dois le créer à la main.
 Les sections serverlayout, keyboard, mouse  screen devraient
 être les seules nécessaires (sauf si tu as un msg qui prévient
 que tu es hors des fréquences de synchro, auquel cas il faudra
 les ajouter dans une section monitor). 

Précision, c'est même bien de le mettre dans :
/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/  (dossier à créer) 

Il suffit de faire un fichier nommé quelque chose comme :
50_monitor.conf et de le renseigner sur le modèle de ce que tu
trouve dans /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/ ou dans la doc.

L'avantage est que tu peux écrire des choses spécifiques à chaque
matériel de manière individualisées et dynamiques selon ce que tu
branche puisque c'est géré par udev (directement sans passer par 
hal qui a été décrété couche supplémentaire inutile).

Je précise que /etc/X11/xorg.conf fonctionne toujours, il est
prioritaire sur les autre conf, mais c'est statique et deprecated.

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Re: Fichier xorg.conf introuvable

2013-07-14 Thread Bzzz
On Sun, 14 Jul 2013 12:09:23 +0200
Jérôme wrote:

 Précision, c'est même bien de le mettre dans :
 /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/  (dossier à créer) 

Merci, je n'avais pas suivi ce développement et c'est mnt
chose faite :)

Itoe J'ai vendu mon ptit' frère !
Choum__ Combien?
Itoe un nuts
Choum__ ...
Choum__ C'est aussi mon cousin, je veux 10% des noisettes

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Forcer l'affichage d'un ls long

2013-07-14 Thread Bzzz
Salut liste,

dans certains cas, un 'ls -al' affiche des fichiers qui
sont de l'année dernière (je n'ai pas vérifié, mais ça 
doit basculer dans les 15-16 mois à vue de nez).

Par exemple, j'ai un fichier qui retourne
mai   24 01:27
alors que je suis sûr et certain que de ne pas y avoir
touché depuis mes tests de l'année dernière; il devrait
donc en toute logique retourner:
mai   24  2012

Y'a t'il une possibilité de fixer cela en forçant le system
à systématiquement afficher l'année dès que 366 jours se sont

Maga: je retire ce que j'allais dire u_u
Phewbi: ?
Phewbi: Dis toujours
Maga: flemme de tout retaper
Phewbi: En gros

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pb passaage squeeze - wheezy

2013-07-14 Thread philippe monroux

Pour moi le passage de squeeze à wheezy ne se passe pas bien.

lorsque je fais startx pour un utilisateur normal il me sort :

xauth: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open
shared object file: No such file or directory

mais startx marche très bien sous root (la session X + fluxbox démarre
bien) donc les drivers d'X (nvidia chez moi) sont donc bien installés.

Il s'agit sans doute d'un pb de librairie mais je ne sais pas le

D'ailleurs je ne sais même pas d'où vient ce car il
n'est pas sur mon système ni dans les packages de debian. Comprend pas

Merci pour toute aide


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Re: étonnant python-libtorrent

2013-07-14 Thread Samy Mezani


le 13/07/2013 14:47, Bzzz a écrit:

le pkg reste unstable parce qu'on ne sait pas s'il
comporte d'autres bugs actuellement.

Pour connaître les raisons du retard (10j) de son passage de Sid à 
testing, se référer à :


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Re: Forcer l'affichage d'un ls long

2013-07-14 Thread Yves Rutschle
On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 12:43:33PM +0200, Bzzz wrote:
 dans certains cas, un 'ls -al' affiche des fichiers qui
 sont de l'année dernière (je n'ai pas vérifié, mais ça 
 doit basculer dans les 15-16 mois à vue de nez).

Non, à vue de nez 6 mois:

@thelonious:/tmp/try$ touch -t 201301131200 foo
yves@thelonious:/tmp/try$ ls -l
total 0
-rw-r--r-- 1 yves yves 0 Jan 13 12:00 foo
yves@thelonious:/tmp/try$ touch -t 201301121200 foo
yves@thelonious:/tmp/try$ ls -l
total 0
-rw-r--r-- 1 yves yves 0 Jan 12  2013 foo

 Par exemple, j'ai un fichier qui retourne
 mai   24 01:27
 alors que je suis sûr et certain que de ne pas y avoir
 touché depuis mes tests de l'année dernière; il devrait
 donc en toute logique retourner:
 mai   24  2012

ls --full-time pour vérifier que malgré ta certitude, y'a pas un truc qui est
venu bidouiller le fichier en 2013? :)


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Re: Forcer l'affichage d'un ls long

2013-07-14 Thread Bzzz
On Sun, 14 Jul 2013 12:59:04 +0200
Yves Rutschle wrote:

 Non, à vue de nez 6 mois:

Ah, ok.
 ls --full-time pour vérifier que malgré ta certitude, y'a pas un
 truc qui est venu bidouiller le fichier en 2013? :)

Zarb, je viens de vérifier fichier par fichier et celui dont
je parlais est effectivement à 2013 (mais je ne vois pas d'où
ça vient parce que c'est un fichier audio généré par un TTS!).

Merci pour le switch.

M : Mec j'suis un génie ! \o/
R : heu ok mais pourquoi ?
M : j'avais la flemme de rester devant le four pour surveiller la pizza,
alors j'ai mis mon ordi portable sur une chaise face au four !
M : et depuis ma chambre j'ai lancé une conv' skype avec la webcam; comme
ca je vois le four de ma chambre \o/

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Re: pb passaage squeeze - wheezy

2013-07-14 Thread Bzzz
On Sun, 14 Jul 2013 14:48:33 +0400
philippe monroux wrote:

 Pour moi le changement de sexe ne se passe pas bien.
 lorsque je fais startx pour un utilisateur normal il me sort :

On veut pas savoir!
 xauth: error while loading shared libraries:
 cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Lib non-existante sur ma wheezy (venant de squeeze); donc, il
peut rester des morceaux de squeeze encore installés.

Essaye déjà un ldconfig en root pour reconstruire le cache des
libs installées, c'est peut-être juste ça.

Jiina: Salut!
Magicat: salut
Jiina: ca va?
Magicat: non, mon fils vient de me traiter de pute...
Jiina: sérieux?
Jiina: le fils de pute!
Magicat: ...

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Re: pb passaage squeeze - wheezy

2013-07-14 Thread Erwan David
Le 14/07/2013 13:44, Bzzz a écrit :
 On Sun, 14 Jul 2013 14:48:33 +0400
 philippe monroux wrote:

 Pour moi le changement de sexe ne se passe pas bien.

 lorsque je fais startx pour un utilisateur normal il me sort :
 On veut pas savoir!
 xauth: error while loading shared libraries:
 cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
 Lib non-existante sur ma wheezy (venant de squeeze); donc, il
 peut rester des morceaux de squeeze encore installés.

 Essaye déjà un ldconfig en root pour reconstruire le cache des
 libs installées, c'est peut-être juste ça.

which xauth pour vérfier que c'est bien celui du système qui est
utilisé, ldd =xauth (sous zsh) ou ldd $(which xauth) sous un shell moins
évolué pour vérifier les libs

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Re: pb passaage squeeze - wheezy

2013-07-14 Thread Bzzz
On Sun, 14 Jul 2013 15:57:32 +0400
Philippe Monroux wrote:

Je remets le post dans le thread.

 Sans doute mais comment s'en débarrasser ?

Ça n'est pas une lib parasite, c'est sans doute un morceau
de X de squeeze qui la recherche.

Shit Happens.

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Re: pb passaage squeeze - wheezy

2013-07-14 Thread Erwan David
Le 14/07/2013 14:02, Philippe Monroux a écrit :
 De (from) (von) :

 which xauth pour vérfier que c'est bien celui du système qui est
 utilisé, ldd =xauth (sous zsh) ou ldd $(which xauth) sous un shell moins
 évolué pour vérifier les libs
 root@zandette:~ ldd $(which xauth) =  (0x7fff65ef9000) = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x7f9dbc0e9000) = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x7f9dbbee6000) = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x7f9dbbcd3000) = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ = /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x7f9dbb746000) = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x7f9dbb525000) = /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x7f9dbb321000)
 /lib64/ (0x7f9dbc443000) = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x7f9dbb11c000)


Donc pas de libxcd-xlib

Ce n'est donc pas directement axauth qui la demande, il doit rester des
morceau de X11 de squeeze ou d'ailleurs qui trainent

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Re: [HS] Moyens de transaction via internet

2013-07-14 Thread stephane . gargoly
Bonjour à tous les utilisateurs et développeurs de Debian :

Dans son message du 13/07/13 à 20:54, Bzzz a écrit :
  Bref, le premier facteur déterminant est le montant annuel et par
  transaction à considérer. Pour les petits volumes, viser une
  solution style Paypal, il y a des solutions comme chez OVH pour
  les toutes petites sommes (appel surtaxé et Cie).
 Il y a aussi le cash (ou le paiement en nature, c'est selon;)

C'est-à-dire ? Précise ta pensée (qu'on se marre un peu...). :-D

Cordialement et à bientôt,


Une messagerie gratuite, garantie à vie et des services en plus, ça vous tente ?
Je crée ma boîte mail

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Re: pb passaage squeeze - wheezy

2013-07-14 Thread philippe monroux
De (from) (von) :

 which xauth pour vérfier que c'est bien celui du système qui est
 utilisé, ldd =xauth (sous zsh) ou ldd $(which xauth) sous un shell moins
 évolué pour vérifier les libs

Ah peut-être une piste... ldd =xauth ne donne pas la même chose en
user qu'en root

sous root =  (0x7fff8cdff000) = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x7f5553827000) = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x7f5553624000) = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/  (0x7f555320e000) = /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x7f5552e84000) = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x7f5552c63000) = /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x7f5552a5f000)
/lib64/ (0x7f5553b81000) = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x7f555285a000)

sous user normal =  (0x7fff2b7ea000) = /usr/lib/ (0x7f0579e2a000) = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x7f0579c0a000) = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x7f05799f7000) = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x7f05797f4000) = /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x7f057946a000) = not found = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x7f0579249000) = /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x7f0579045000)
/lib64/ (0x7f057a138000) = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x7f0578e3f000)

Mais d'où ça vient ce bazar. Et comment y remédier ?

En tout  cas merci de m'aider ârce que j'ai vraiment pas envie de tout 


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Re: [HS] Moyens de transaction via internet

2013-07-14 Thread Bzzz
On Sun, 14 Jul 2013 14:23:41 +0200 wrote:

 C'est-à-dire ? Précise ta pensée (qu'on se marre un peu...). :-D

Manquerais-tu à ce point d'imagination?
- Vous-avez l'Internet? C'est pour brancher mon terminal.
- ohhh, mais quel gros terminal vous-avez là!

Manon : Salut c'est la fille que tu as abordé toute à l'heure :)
Alex : Laquelle ?

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Re: [un peu HS] comportement curieux du pilote NVidia

2013-07-14 Thread Mourad Jaber

Le 12/07/2013 11:51, Sandro CAZZANIGA a écrit :

Le 12/07/2013 10:35, C. Mourad Jaber a écrit :


J'ai un comportement très curieux du pilote nvidia (proprio).

J'ai un laptop avec une carte graphique GeForce 310M (VGA compatible
controller: NVIDIA Corporation GT218M [GeForce 310M]).

Quand l'alimentation est branché, pas de problème, je peux arrêter,
redémarrer et le pilote se charge bien et aussi.

Par contre, quand je suis sur batterie :
- impossible de démarrer sous X, le spash screen se fige,
- si la machine est en hibernation tout se passe bien, la session en
correctement restaurée !

Je n'ai pas de log bizarre, tout se passe comme si le serveur X
attendait indéfiniment le chargement du pilote !

Y'a-t-il quelque chose à faire pour changer ou au moins avoir des logs
sur ce problème ?



Plop, ça dit quoi dmesg ?


Justement, rien de différent des démarrages normaux !


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Re: pb passaage squeeze - wheezy

2013-07-14 Thread Bzzz
On Sun, 14 Jul 2013 16:25:34 +0400
philippe monroux wrote:

 sous amphétamines: =  (0x7fff2b7ea000)

Le PB semble localisé ici: = /usr/lib/ (0x7f0579e2a000)

 Mais d'où ça vient ce bazar. Et comment y remédier ?

Ça ressemble à une lib 32bits.
grep /var/lib/dpkg/info/*list

Qur mon system 32bits, ça donne ça:

NB: Essaye aussi avec libX11.bbq, c'est le compagnon inséparable de

[maya]: quelqu'un qui bosse sous eclipse ici ?
[Guardian]: quand y'en a une oui, mais c'est rare

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Re: [un peu HS] comportement curieux du pilote NVidia

2013-07-14 Thread Bzzz
On Fri, 12 Jul 2013 10:35:08 +0200
C. Mourad Jaber wrote:

 Par contre, quand je suis sur batterie :
 - impossible de démarrer sous X, le spash screen se fige,
 - si la machine est en hibernation tout se passe bien, la
 session en correctement restaurée !

À vue de nez, je dirais qu'un device est (ou n'est pas, telle
est la question) réveillé par l'hibernation et/ou sa sortie, et
provoque le PB.

Kapta: Hey les mecs, vous saurez jamais ce que j'ai fait! :D
Slalom: Bon bah tant pis...
* Salom has quit
Kapta: Mais... O_O

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Re: pb passaage squeeze - wheezy

2013-07-14 Thread philippe monroux
De (from) (von) :

 Le PB semble localisé ici: = /usr/lib/ (0x7f0579e2a000)
 Ça ressemble à une lib 32bits.
 grep /var/lib/dpkg/info/*list

bon ça donne

donc on dirait qu'il y a des lib i386 d'installées...

maintenant si je fais dpkg -l libx11-6 j'obtiens :

ii  libx11-6:amd64   2:1.5.0-1+deb7u1   
amd64X11 client-side library
ii  libx11-6:i3862:1.5.0-1+deb7u1   
i386 X11 client-side library

pire si je fais dpkg -l '*:i386*' j'obtiens :

ii  freeglut3:i386   2.6.0-4
i386 OpenGL Utility Toolkit
ii  gcc-4.7-base:i3864.7.2-5
i386 GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection (base package)
ii  gtk2-engines:i3861:2.20.2-2 
i386 theme engines for GTK+ 2.x
ii  gtk2-engines-pixbuf:i386 2.24.10-2  
i386 pixbuf-based theme for GTK+ 2.x
ii  lesstif2:i3861:0.95.2-1.1   
i386 OSF/Motif 2.1 implementation released under LGPL
ii  libacl1:i386 2.2.51-8   
i386 Access control list shared library
ii  libaio1:i386 0.3.109-3  
i386 Linux kernel AIO access library - shared library
ii  libart-2.0-2:i3862.3.21-2   
i386 Library of functions for 2D graphics - runtime files
ii  libasound2:i386  1.0.25-4   
i386 shared library for ALSA applications
ii  libasyncns0:i386 0.8-4  
i386 Asynchronous name service query library
ii  libatk1.0-0:i386 2.4.0-2
i386 ATK accessibility toolkit
ii  libattr1:i3861:2.4.46-8 
i386 Extended attribute shared library
ii  libaudio2:i386   1.9.3-5
i386 Network Audio System - shared libraries
ii  libaudiofile1:i386   0.3.4-2
i386 Open-source version of SGI's audiofile library
ii  libavahi-client3:i3860.6.31-2   
i386 Avahi client library
ii  libavahi-common-data:i3860.6.31-2   
i386 Avahi common data files
ii  libavahi-common3:i3860.6.31-2   
i386 Avahi common library
ii  libbsd0:i386 0.4.2-1
i386 utility functions from BSD systems - shared library
ii  libc6:i386   2.13-38
i386 Embedded GNU C Library: Shared libraries
ii  libc6-i686:i386  2.13-38
i386 Embedded GNU C Library: Shared libraries [i686 optimized]
ii  libcaca0:i3860.99.beta18-1  
i386 colour ASCII art library
ii  libcairo2:i386   1.12.2-3   
i386 The Cairo 2D vector graphics library
ii  libcanberra-gtk-module:i386  0.28-6 
i386 translates GTK+ widgets signals to event sounds
ii  libcanberra-gtk0:i3860.28-6 
i386 GTK+ helper for playing widget event sounds with libcanberra
ii  libcanberra0:i3860.28-6 
i386 simple abstract interface for playing event sounds
ii  libcap2:i386 1:2.22-1.2 
i386 support for getting/setting POSIX.1e capabilities
ii  libcomerr2:i386  1.42.5-1.1 
i386 common error description library
ii  libcups2:i3861.5.3-5
i386 Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - Core library
ii  libcurl3:i3867.26.0-1+wheezy3   
i386 easy-to-use client-side URL transfer library (OpenSSL flavour)
ii  libdatrie1:i386  0.2.5-3

Re: pb passaage squeeze - wheezy

2013-07-14 Thread Bzzz
On Sun, 14 Jul 2013 18:47:08 +0400
philippe monroux wrote:

Ces deux-ci sont ton PB:


N : Alors l'enterrement, ça c'est bien passé?
L : Ouais, super, y'avait de la bonne musique, des chaudasses, et tout. On a
dansé sur les tables, j'ai fini bourré, puis on a joué avec le cadavre.
N : Sérieux?!
L : C'était un enterrement connard. Comment tu veux que ça se passe?

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Re: pb passaage squeeze - wheezy

2013-07-14 Thread maderios

On 07/14/2013 02:04 PM, Bzzz wrote:

On Sun, 14 Jul 2013 15:57:32 +0400
Philippe Monroux wrote:

Je remets le post dans le thread.

Sans doute mais comment s'en débarrasser ?

Ça n'est pas une lib parasite, c'est sans doute un morceau
de X de squeeze qui la recherche.

Que d'énergie perdue
Debian n'a pas besoin de X pour fonctionner, donc, dans ce cas là, je 
purgerais TOUS  les paquets concernant  X,  y compris les lib, les conf 
perso  et éventuellement des résidus de conf qui traînent dans /etc. 
Ensuite je réinstallerais X simplement et proprement..


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Re: pb passaage squeeze - wheezy

2013-07-14 Thread Bzzz
On Sun, 14 Jul 2013 22:59:20 +0200
maderios wrote:

 dans /etc. Ensuite je réinstallerais X simplement et
tout ça pour… un seul pkg qui fout le dawa.

Pierrot: Elle est sortie qu'avec des minables de toute façon...
Kevin: On parle bien de ton ex la ?
Pierrot: Bah oui pourquoi?
Kevin: ...

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Impossible de démarrer l'UI Paramètres Système de Gnome

2013-07-14 Thread Jean-Marc
Salut la liste,

Il m'est impossible de démarrer l'interface des paramètres système de Gnome.
Ni aucune autre IU d'ailleur (comme l'interface réseau, par exemple).

J'utilise Gnome Shell 3.4.2-11 - Jessie.

D'autre que moi rencontrent-ils les mêmes problèmes ?

Et comme les rapporter ?


Description: PGP signature

lenovo x230, boot uefi debian wheezy

2013-07-14 Thread jerome moliere
Bonsoir à tous,
je dois dire que je ne comprends pas ce qu'il se passe mais je viens après
bien des déboires d'installer wheezy sur mon nouveau x230 mais pas de grub
au rdv et je retombe toujours sur ce fichu windows 8 moche comme  un pou

J'ai retaillé la partoche principale , j'ai installé sans probleme mais
grub ne m'a pas demande ou s'installer (bizarre??) et en redemarrant rien à
j'ai tenté le rescue disk mais cela n'a pas donné grand chose...

Je voulais booter sur usb/rescatux mais le menu F12 du Thinkpad refuse de
démarrer sur clé USB ...
Une suggestion ? j'inagine qu'il y a une option  ?
j'ai désactivé le secure boot et j'ai mis l'option CFM a disabled...

par avance merci de vos lumieres
J.MOLIERE - Mentor/J


2013-07-14 Thread ziprasidone146939277 ziprasidone146939277

Re: no se puedo cargar el complemento shockwave flash

2013-07-14 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 13 Jul 2013 14:41:25 -0300, Hernan Montero escribió:

 El día 13 de julio de 2013 14:30, Camaleón


 Chrome no debería darte problemas porque incluye el plugin. Firefox
 tampoco debería darte problemas porque usa el plugin que descargas de
 Adobe y funciona perfectamente. Si no te funciona en estos dos
 navegadores es que haces algo mal :-)

 Chromium es el único navegador donde tienes que encargarte de que
 funcione el pepper este.

 Chrome me hace lo mismo que el chromium. 

Pues no debería. Sólo se me ocurre que se haya hecho un lío con todos los 
plugins de flash que tienes instalados. Porque supongo que no tendrás un 
sistema de 64 bits ¿no? :-?

 A firefox lo descargue del sitio oficial de Argentina y le puse el
 plugin de adobe, también instale el flashplugin-nonfree.

En Firefox es muy sencillo. Sólo tienes que descargar el navegador desde 
su página oficial, y para probar lo puedes descomprimir en el escritorio. 
Luego vas a la página de Adobe y descargas el archivo tar.gz que contiene 
el plugin de flahplayer, lo descomprimes también e instalas sólo el 
archivo en el directorio plugins del perfil de tu 
usuario de firefox, generalmente en ~./mozilla/firefox/[perfil]/
plugins/. Ojo, que esa carpeta no existe, hay que crearla. Y listo.

 Pero puede ser que me esté equivocando en algún paso, pero he
 reisntalado el debian ya varias veces con distintos cds y sigo con el
 mismo problema.

Seguramente estés instalando demasiados plugins de flash y estés liando a 
los navegadores.

 Venga, hombre, que no es tan complicado configurar el plugin de flash,
 lo que pasa es que has elegido el navegador más retorcido de todos los
 que hay disponibles para ponerlo en marcha.

 Sin ofender, ¿qué navegador me recomiendas?

A mí me gusta Firefox pero hay quien siente devoción por Chrome/Chromium 
y otros por Opera. La elección de un navegador es algo muy personal, 
eliges uno con el que te sientes a gusto... Yo, por ejemplo, no me llevo 
bien con el navegador de Google, simplemente no lo entiendo, sólo lo 
instalo por necesidad (al igual que Opera) para comprobar el correcto  
funcionamiento de las páginas web.
 Muchas Gracias por la ayuda Camaleón

De nada, hombre. Esperemos que llegue un día en que nos podamos olvidar 
por completo del dichoso plugin de flashplayer y no tengamos que 
instalarlo nunca más.



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OT: Sugerencias sobre proxmox

2013-07-14 Thread Ismael L. Donis Garcia

Ante todo disculpen el Off Topic.

Alguien de la lista por casualidad ha utilizado el sistema de Proxmox para 

Que ventajas me pude brindar?
Necesito opiniones generales de este soft, cualquier ayuda será bien venida. 
Tengo entendido que se basa en debian, no se si será verdad.

Saludos Cordiales


PD: No tengo acceso a Internet, pero si amigos que me podrían buscar 
documentación de cualquier link brindado por ustedes, mi amigo de 
informática no conoce nada de nada, yo simplemente le paso los link y le 
digo descargame eso. Además de ser un directivo que no tiene tiempo de 
ponerse a buscar.

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Error installing libgcr-3-1 for i386 arch on amd64 system

2013-07-14 Thread Clinton Mead
Hi All

apt-get install libgcr-3-1:i386 gives the error Depends:
libgcr-3-common:i386 but it is not installable. I suspect this has
something to do with bug#692743. How do I fix this on Debian stable? I need
this package for i386 as a package that depends on it has a library wine
requires to do crypto.



Does Network install from a minimal CD really not support PPPoE?

2013-07-14 Thread Ralf Mardorf
Is there no way to use the network install CD with PPPoE?



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Re: UDP proxy

2013-07-14 Thread Steven Ayre
You could look at IPVS

On Thursday, July 11, 2013, Arnoud Tijssen wrote:

 Does anybody know any good UDP proxy/loadbalancer for high availability?

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Re: Over 2.5 GB ram problem

2013-07-14 Thread Stan Hoeppner
On 7/13/2013 7:06 PM, Gary Roach wrote:
 On 07/13/2013 03:17 PM, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
 On 7/13/2013 3:09 PM, Gary Roach wrote:
 And don't
 forget that as the BIOS self tests it only finds 2.8 GB even though all
 4 memory chips are detected.
 Finally we're getting somewhere.

 The entire length of this thread I was assuming you were seeing 4GB at
 POST.  You never stated otherwise, and ASSURED us the system had 4GB of
 RAM.  It doesn't.  There are 4GB of DIMMs apparently installed, but
 that's much different than the system having 4GB.

 What you have is mismatched memory.  Read the DIMM specs in that manual
 PDF.  The board supports DDR 200/266, and supports single and double
 sided DIMMs, BUT not in all density (DIMM size) and frequency

 I.e. when all 4 slots are filled you must have a specific combination of
 DIMM sizes and sidedness for the board to recognize and use all 4GB.
 Read the manual and look at all 4 of those DIMMs and you'll identify the
 problem.  The fix will require that you acquire some different memory,
 either 2 or all 4 of the sticks.

 Sorry Stan. Ain't so.  There 4 identical Kingston 1GB modules all with
 the same model number. I very carefully purchased these after making
 sure that they were compatible with the motherboard and processor. Not
 the problem.

I find it ironic that your DIMMs won't configure properly, yet you're
cock sure that the problem isn't the DIMMs.  I find it equally ironic
that you've taken a condescending tone with me, someone who has
forgotten more about hardware than you'll ever know.

The fact that the DIMMs are the same model (matched) doesn't matter one
iota if they are the wrong DIMMs, or if one is defective.  The fact that
any two will configure properly but all 4 won't tells us without zero
doubt that the problem is one of these three things:

1.  The DIMMs in a set of four don't meet the motherboard requirements.

2.  You have a faulty DIMM, or

3.  You have a defective motherboard.

And yes, a DIMM can work in a pair just fine even if defective, but not
work in 4s.  The same can be true if the DIMMs are the correct spec for
the board in a quad configuration.  It depends entirely on the nature of
the defect and the resulting failure mode.  For instance, when running a
pair of DIMMs not all of the address lines are active on each DIMM.
When you run all 4, more of the address lines are used, or all of them
are.  This depends on the DIMM design and the system's DIMM slot count,
and maximum memory size.  The first thing you need to do at this point,
despite the fact that you are absolutely positive you bought the right
memory, is verify that the DIMMs are indeed the required configuration.
 Which is:

1024MB, Double Sided, 512 Mbit chip density, 64Mx8/64Mx8 front/back, 8
chips per side, 16 total.  This is the ONLY configuration of 1GB DIMMs
supported by this board.  If you have single sided 1GB DIMMs that they
don't meet the specification.  However they may still work with only two
plugged in.

If you actually do verify this is the configuration of these DIMMs, the
second thing you need to do is test in groups of 3.  This may tell you
if one of the 4 has an addressing defect.  You will know this if one and
only one combination of 3 out of 4 shows a different total size than the
other combinations of 3.

The third and final thing to test is the DIMM slots in groups of 3.  In
the same manner as above, this should tell you if one of the 4 slots has
an addressing defect.  It could be due to a bent/damaged contact in the
socket, a cracked board trace, or a bad solider joint between the DIMM
socket and the substrate.  The former should be relatively easy to spot.
 The latter two you won't be able to see.

 To clarify, the BIOS lists 4, 1GB memory modules under the
 memory setup part of the BIOS setup screen. During the boot process the
 memory check is visible ratcheting up to 2.8 GB and stops. 

This is evidence of one of the 3 things above.

 The boot
 process then continues. Yes I did swap the modules around and they all
 seemed to work fine. If I put 2 of them in the system the whole 2 GB is
 visible. I can do this in any combination.

This isn't unusual.  Again, see above.

 I just noticed that the manual states that AGP and PCI memory needs are
 all above 3GB so I should have at least 3 GB.
 I still appreciate the thought.

You'll appreciate the thought more after you actually listen to me and
troubleshoot this to conclusion, instead of blindly assuming things are
OK when they're obviously not, assuming you know something as fact, when
you don't.

Something very important here that you're failing to understand is that
I've come across your exact problem at least a couple dozen times over
the past 20 years.  In every case the cause has been DIMMs not meeting
the board requirement, or bad addressing logic in one of the DIMMs.  And
I shouldn't be using the term DIMM here exclusively.  I first saw this
problem with SIPPs on 80286s, and I've 

Re: Questions regarding the BTS

2013-07-14 Thread Brian
On Sat 13 Jul 2013 at 17:48:19 -0300, msl09 wrote:

 Hi, I wish to help a debian team with the triaging of the bugs of a
 package and a few questions arose:
 How do I get a neat list of the installed dependencies of a package[1]
 on my system. My wish is to compare the dependencies that a user had
 installed on a bug report with the one on my debian.

To start you off;

   reportbug -d -b -S normal -T none -s deps -o triage-liferea liferea

 Is it useful to reply to a bug report saying that you can't reproduce
 it when another user with the same specs(package and debian version)
 already did that?

It may be of limited value by itself. Making progress towards a resolution
of the bug by adding (for example) your testing method or having the bug
submitter do something or provide information is a better approach.

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Re: Big server IPs

2013-07-14 Thread M . Atıf CEYLAN
I don't need it. I want to create a white list for the firewall. I need  the 
outgoing IPs of  google, opendns etc.
For example google dns ip is but outgoing ip is 

Yurdum Yazılım

staticsafe wrote:

On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 12:10:48AM +0300, M.Atıf CEYLAN wrote:
 Hi all,
 How can I learn big servers Ip addresses when outgoing for dns.(google dns 
 or others). I could not find any list on their web sites.
 Yurdum Yazılım

You want to do DNS lookups? You need the `dig` utility from the dnsutils

O ascii ribbon campaign - stop html mail -
Please don't top post.
Please don't CC! I'm subscribed to whatever list I just posted on.

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squeeze - wheezy problem

2013-07-14 Thread Philippe Monroux
Hi all,

Today I've upgraded my squeeze to wheezy.

But I can only startx on root user.

On normal user I get the following message :

xauth: error while loading shared libraries: cannot
open shared object file: No such file or directory

I don't know this library (it is not on the debian

Any clue ?

A lot of thanks


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Re: Big server IPs

2013-07-14 Thread Joe
On Sun, 14 Jul 2013 14:47:03 +0300
M.Atıf CEYLAN wrote:

 I don't need it. I want to create a white list for the firewall. I
 need  the outgoing IPs of  google, opendns etc. For example google
 dns ip is but outgoing ip is 

Why? Replies to your DNS queries will be allowed back in using the
usual iptables ESTABLISHED,RELATED state criterion. This is why packet
filters have been stateful for quite a few years.

This is a Debian mailing list, and otherwise unpublished information
about the world's DNS servers is unlikely to be available here.


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Re: Problem printing (SCX-4200)

2013-07-14 Thread Brian
On Sat 13 Jul 2013 at 20:37:50 -0300, Beco wrote:

[Some snipping]

 Regarding CUPS error in the log file, there was nothing useful.

If the error_log shows nothing out of the ordinary then that is very
useful to know. It would indicate CUPS has done its job properly.

 E [13/Jul/2013:19:03:03 -0300] Failed to update TXT record for Samsung  
 SCX-4200 Series @ gaviao: -2

That's an error; it's something to do with avahi, but probably nothing
to do with your problem.

 PS. I just read that the printer servers
 (1) TL-PS110U (2) TL-PS110P and (3) TL-WPS510U
 are not compatible with SCX-4200.
 The compatibility list here:

It says:

   PCL and PS are supported by our print servers. If the printer is not
   on the list, please check the printing language by yourself. If it is
   PCL or PS, it should be compatible with our print server. If not, it
   is more probably incompatible.

You informed us the printer said:

   VERSION : QPDL 1.40 11-14-2005

QPDL is Samsung's proprietary language.

 Well, maybe it is (because of SCX-4216F), but not officially. That is a pity.

Officially. only PCL and PS are supported. It is likely the SCX-4216F
will output one or the other. You appear to have a paperweight on your

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Re: Big server IPs

2013-07-14 Thread Ralf Mardorf

  For example google dns ip is

No, they're, plus and especially those from Google are
mentioned by many howtos and by Google:

If you google for dns servers, you'll get tons of IPs.

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Re: squeeze - wheezy problem

2013-07-14 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2013-07-14 13:47 +0200, Philippe Monroux wrote:

 Today I've upgraded my squeeze to wheezy.

 But I can only startx on root user.

 On normal user I get the following message :

 xauth: error while loading shared libraries: cannot
 open shared object file: No such file or directory

 I don't know this library (it is not on the debian

Not anymore, the last Debian release to ship it was Lenny[1].

 Any clue ?

Check your system for outdated libraries, those are often found in



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Re: Does Network install from a minimal CD really not support PPPoE?

2013-07-14 Thread Brian
On Sun 14 Jul 2013 at 12:32:13 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

In your subject line you have 'a minimal CD'. In my book this would be
the netboot mini ISO, so the question you ask there has the answer 'No,
it really doesn't'. How can it when you need the network first to be
able to download the installer components?

 Is there no way to use the network install CD with PPPoE?

Now you are talking about the netinst ISO. The answer to this question
is 'of course there is!'. But how about trying it in expert mode . . .


. . . or reading either of these pages closely?

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Re: Deleting chromium DNS cache entry doesn't seem to help.

2013-07-14 Thread Hendrik Boom
On Sat, 13 Jul 2013 16:53:01 -0400, staticsafe wrote:

 On Sat, Jul 13, 2013 at 08:39:10PM +, Hendrik Boom wrote:
 For some reason, chromium seems to have got it stuck in its head that
 slashdot,org is at  At least, when I try to browse to using chromium, the displayed contents are identical to
 the contents at, which contains my personal web site.
 Firefox and chrome have no trouble reaching the real site.
 And I can read slashdot just fine on chromium if I enter the IP number instead of the domain name.
 So I'm guessing that chromium has got that IP number stuck in some
 internal DNS cache.

It now looks as if chromium's DNS cache may not be the problem.  Chromium 
must be getting slashdot's IP address from somewhere else -- somewhere 
that firefox and ping don't access.

 How can I get it to forget it?
 -- hendrik
 Navigate to chrome://net-internals/#dns and press the Clear host cache

After navigating there from chromium and pressing the button, 
doesn't appear in the listing of the cache entries on that page.

But the misbehaviour still persists, even after a reboot.

And firefox and chrome and ping still reach the right site.

And when I go to chrome://net-internals/#dns on chrome itself, it tells 
mem it *does* have in its cache, with the right IP number.

The cache chromium reveals with chrome://net-internals/#dns clearly has 
different contents from the one that chrome reveals -- which confirms 
that they have different caches.

And even after browsing to in chromium and getting to the 
wrong place, going to chrome://net-internals/#dns with chromium still 
indicates that is not in the cache.

So I'm suspecting that chrome://net-internals/#dns may not reeveal the 
real cache in chromium.

So where *is* chromium getting this misinformation?

Just for reference, here's my /etc/resolv.conf file:

# Generated by NetworkManager

-- hendrik

 Source -

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Re: What's with the blue overlining in text consoles?

2013-07-14 Thread commandline

Never heard of something similar to start with. Few guesses.

* Terminal Emulation ?
Check what happens if you switch from say xterm to linux to vt100 to ...

* Character map error ?
	Might be for some reason the charmap is damaged ? Did you edit them at 
one point ? Of would someone else have access to them ?

I'd suggest you make a backup of the current files, then proceed with 
tests. If it still fails proceed to reinstall the packages. Then check 

Do you mix the repo with Wheezy or unstable ? This might at times cause 
quite unique weirdness.

On 13/07/13 21:55, Stephen Powell wrote:

Something strange has started happening recently.  For a long time I have
used ISO-8859-1 as my character mapping in text consoles.

dpkg-reconfigure console-setup

and I have had no difficulty, except when using the ssh client to connect
to a remote system which uses UTF-8.  The box-drawing characters sent by
the remote system did not look right under these conditions.  To solve this
problem, I switched my local system to use UTF-8.  Now the box-drawing
characters sent by the remote system look right when displayed by my
local ssh client.  However, I recently began noticing that all blue fields
are now overlined.  For example, the lynx web browser, when used in a
text console (vt1-vt6), displays emphasized fields (the em.../em html
tag) as blue overlined, when it used to display them simply as blue.

I can live with that, I suppose.  But what really bothers me is when I
use the c3270 text-mode 3270 terminal emulator to logon to a mainframe.
All blue fields are now overlined!  This is driving me batty!  I tried
searching the world wide web using search words of

blue overlining UTF-8

but did not obtain any useful results.  Does anyone know the cause of this?
Does anyone know the cure?  Is this a bug?  If so, in what package is the
bug?  The problem does not seem to occur in a Gnome Terminal window, only
on a text console.  My system locale is en_US.UTF-8.  I am running an
up-to-date Jessie system on i386 architecture.

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Re: squeeze - wheezy problem

2013-07-14 Thread David Christensen

On 07/14/13 04:47, Philippe Monroux wrote:

Today I've upgraded my squeeze to wheezy.
But I can only startx on root user.


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Re: Segfault after dist-upgrade

2013-07-14 Thread David Christensen

On 07/13/13 01:40, Anne Forker wrote:

I have tried to update squeeze to the next 'unstable' dist and thereby turned 
it into a non-functioning state:


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Re: Does Network install from a minimal CD really not support PPPoE?

2013-07-14 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sun, 2013-07-14 at 13:54 +0100, Brian wrote:
 On Sun 14 Jul 2013 at 12:32:13 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 In your subject line you have 'a minimal CD'.
 Now you are talking about the netinst ISO.

Network install from a minimal CD is a quote from it's the headline!

So there might be terms Debian gurus might use, that don't fit to the
Debian website.

 But how about trying it in expert mode . . .

I want the information, before I download it, IOW I can't try it,
because I didn't download it. If it's available I'll download it, if
not, I would download another Debian media.


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keyboard configuration doesn't works after SID upgrade

2013-07-14 Thread Csanyi Pal

my system is Debian GNU/Linux unstable (sid).

In the file /etc/default/keyboard the followings setup is present:


This setup works sofar, but today suddenly stop working, after I upgrade
my SID system.

How can I solve this problem?
Is this a bug? If yes, in which package is the bug?

Regards from Pal

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Re: keyboard configuration doesn't works after SID upgrade

2013-07-14 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2013-07-14 19:22 +0200, Csanyi Pal wrote:


 my system is Debian GNU/Linux unstable (sid).

 In the file /etc/default/keyboard the followings setup is present:


 This setup works sofar, but today suddenly stop working, after I upgrade
 my SID system.

 How can I solve this problem?

Does it help to run setupcon by hand?

 Is this a bug? If yes, in which package is the bug?

Don't know, but today a new sysvinit version entered unstable.  Did the
other init scripts run at boot time?


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Re: keyboard configuration doesn't works after SID upgrade

2013-07-14 Thread Csanyi Pal
Sven Joachim writes:

 On 2013-07-14 19:22 +0200, Csanyi Pal wrote:


 my system is Debian GNU/Linux unstable (sid).

 In the file /etc/default/keyboard the followings setup is present:


 This setup works sofar, but today suddenly stop working, after I upgrade
 my SID system.

 How can I solve this problem?

 Does it help to run setupcon by hand?

No, when I run on the console ( not on X window system's xterm ) the
'sudo setupcon', it doesn't help.

 Is this a bug? If yes, in which package is the bug?

 Don't know, but today a new sysvinit version entered unstable.  Did the
 other init scripts run at boot time?

Which init scripts do you mean?

Regards from Pal

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Re: keyboard configuration doesn't works after SID upgrade

2013-07-14 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2013-07-14 19:52 +0200, Csanyi Pal wrote:

 Sven Joachim writes:

 On 2013-07-14 19:22 +0200, Csanyi Pal wrote:


 my system is Debian GNU/Linux unstable (sid).

 In the file /etc/default/keyboard the followings setup is present:


 This setup works sofar, but today suddenly stop working, after I upgrade
 my SID system.

 How can I solve this problem?

 Does it help to run setupcon by hand?

 No, when I run on the console ( not on X window system's xterm ) the
 'sudo setupcon', it doesn't help.

What does setupcon -v print?

 Is this a bug? If yes, in which package is the bug?

 Don't know, but today a new sysvinit version entered unstable.  Did the
 other init scripts run at boot time?

 Which init scripts do you mean?

The ones in /etc/init.d.  But if you can still log in as a normal user
and setupcon does not work when run manually, the problem is most likely
unrelated to sysvinit.

There was a console-setup upload yesterday, but the changelog looks
rather innocouos:

| console-setup (1.94) unstable; urgency=low
|   [ Dmitrijs Ledkovs ]
|   * Set debian source format to '3.0 (native)'.
|   * Bump debhelper compat level to 9.
|   * Set Vcs-* to canonical format.
|  -- Christian Perrier  Sat, 13 Jul 2013 12:24:32 +0200


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Re: keyboard configuration doesn't works after SID upgrade

2013-07-14 Thread Csanyi Pal
Sven Joachim writes:

 On 2013-07-14 19:52 +0200, Csanyi Pal wrote:

 Sven Joachim writes:

 On 2013-07-14 19:22 +0200, Csanyi Pal wrote:


 my system is Debian GNU/Linux unstable (sid).

 In the file /etc/default/keyboard the followings setup is present:


 This setup works sofar, but today suddenly stop working, after I upgrade
 my SID system.

 How can I solve this problem?

 Does it help to run setupcon by hand?

 No, when I run on the console ( not on X window system's xterm ) the
 'sudo setupcon', it doesn't help.

 What does setupcon -v print?

It prints the followings:
Configuring /dev/tty1 /dev/tty2 /dev/tty3 /dev/tty4 /dev/tty5 /dev/tty6
The charmap is UTF-8
BackSpace is ^?
Executing utf_start /dev/tty1.
Configuring /dev/tty1 in Unicode mode.
Executing utf_start /dev/tty2.
Configuring /dev/tty2 in Unicode mode.
Executing utf_start /dev/tty3.
Configuring /dev/tty3 in Unicode mode.
Executing utf_start /dev/tty4.
Configuring /dev/tty4 in Unicode mode.
Executing utf_start /dev/tty5.
Configuring /dev/tty5 in Unicode mode.
Executing utf_start /dev/tty6.
Configuring /dev/tty6 in Unicode mode.
Loading 256-char 14x28 font from file
Loading Unicode mapping table...
Loading 256-char 14x28 font from file
Loading Unicode mapping table...
Loading 256-char 14x28 font from file
Loading Unicode mapping table...
Loading 256-char 14x28 font from file
Loading Unicode mapping table...
Loading 256-char 14x28 font from file
Loading Unicode mapping table...
Loading 256-char 14x28 font from file
Loading Unicode mapping table...
For /dev/tty1:
Executing kbd_mode -u.
For /dev/tty2:
Executing kbd_mode -u.
For /dev/tty3:
Executing kbd_mode -u.
For /dev/tty4:
Executing kbd_mode -u.
For /dev/tty5:
Executing kbd_mode -u.
For /dev/tty6:
Executing kbd_mode -u.
Loading /etc/console-setup/cached_UTF-8_del.kmap.gz

End of the output.

 Is this a bug? If yes, in which package is the bug?

 Don't know, but today a new sysvinit version entered unstable.  Did the
 other init scripts run at boot time?

 Which init scripts do you mean?

 The ones in /etc/init.d.  But if you can still log in as a normal user
 and setupcon does not work when run manually, the problem is most likely
 unrelated to sysvinit.

 There was a console-setup upload yesterday, but the changelog looks
 rather innocouos:

 | console-setup (1.94) unstable; urgency=low
 |   [ Dmitrijs Ledkovs ]
 |   * Set debian source format to '3.0 (native)'.
 |   * Bump debhelper compat level to 9.
 |   * Set Vcs-* to canonical format.
 |  -- Christian Perrier  Sat, 13 Jul 2013 12:24:32 +0200

Indeed, it's innocuous.

Regards from Pal

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Re: keyboard configuration doesn't works after SID upgrade

2013-07-14 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2013-07-14 20:49 +0200, Csanyi Pal wrote:

 Sven Joachim writes:

 On 2013-07-14 19:52 +0200, Csanyi Pal wrote:

 What does setupcon -v print?

 It prints the followings:
 Configuring /dev/tty1 /dev/tty2 /dev/tty3 /dev/tty4 /dev/tty5 /dev/tty6
 The charmap is UTF-8
 BackSpace is ^?
 Executing utf_start /dev/tty1.
 Configuring /dev/tty1 in Unicode mode.
 Executing utf_start /dev/tty2.
 Configuring /dev/tty2 in Unicode mode.
 Executing utf_start /dev/tty3.
 Configuring /dev/tty3 in Unicode mode.
 Executing utf_start /dev/tty4.
 Configuring /dev/tty4 in Unicode mode.
 Executing utf_start /dev/tty5.
 Configuring /dev/tty5 in Unicode mode.
 Executing utf_start /dev/tty6.
 Configuring /dev/tty6 in Unicode mode.
 Loading 256-char 14x28 font from file
 Loading Unicode mapping table...
 Loading 256-char 14x28 font from file
 Loading Unicode mapping table...
 Loading 256-char 14x28 font from file
 Loading Unicode mapping table...
 Loading 256-char 14x28 font from file
 Loading Unicode mapping table...
 Loading 256-char 14x28 font from file
 Loading Unicode mapping table...
 Loading 256-char 14x28 font from file
 Loading Unicode mapping table...
 For /dev/tty1:
 Executing kbd_mode -u.
 For /dev/tty2:
 Executing kbd_mode -u.
 For /dev/tty3:
 Executing kbd_mode -u.
 For /dev/tty4:
 Executing kbd_mode -u.
 For /dev/tty5:
 Executing kbd_mode -u.
 For /dev/tty6:
 Executing kbd_mode -u.

This looks all fine to me.

 Loading /etc/console-setup/cached_UTF-8_del.kmap.gz

Maybe this file has been corrupted somehow?

 There was a console-setup upload yesterday, but the changelog looks
 rather innocouos:

 Indeed, it's innocuous.

The postinst does rewrite /etc/console-setup/cached_UTF-8_del.kmap.gz
however, which might explain the problem.  Does it help to move that
file out of the way and recreate it with setupcon --save?


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Re: Debian in the sunshine? transreflective screen?

2013-07-14 Thread Kevin Chadwick
 Anyone have any user experience with transreflective screens?

Yep they are brill and don't require a backlight and so sunlight will
actually allow you to see the screen perfectly with less power.

Unfortunately they are expensive in comparison though nokia
used them there isn't a single phone with them these days and so the
quest continues for screens that burn our eyes.


'Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work
together. Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a
universal interface'

(Doug McIlroy)

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Re: Does Network install from a minimal CD really not support PPPoE?

2013-07-14 Thread Brian
On Sun 14 Jul 2013 at 19:07:38 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

 On Sun, 2013-07-14 at 13:54 +0100, Brian wrote:
  On Sun 14 Jul 2013 at 12:32:13 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
  In your subject line you have 'a minimal CD'.
  Now you are talking about the netinst ISO.
 Network install from a minimal CD is a quote from it's the headline!

So it is! I'd forgotten about that. I'm going to have to change my
thinking about the netboot mini.iso to something like 'super-minimal',
'micro-minimal' or 'tiny'. :)

 So there might be terms Debian gurus might use, that don't fit to the
 Debian website.

I wouldn't know what gurus use; I tend to think in terms of ISOs, not
  But how about trying it in expert mode . . .
 I want the information, before I download it, IOW I can't try it,
 because I didn't download it. If it's available I'll download it, if
 not, I would download another Debian media.

Five minutes to download. A minute or so to write to a USB stick. A few
seconds to boot. But ok, my second suggestion (reading) still stands:

   To have the option of setting up and using PPPoE during the
   installation, you will need to install using one of the CD-ROM/DVD
   images that are available. It is not supported for other installation
   methods (e.g. netboot).

That's from

Footnote [29] will interest you too.

(CD-ROM is the same as CD. CD's have minimal and full versions).

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[BerkTIPGlobal] i get mail. From Jesus. - Fwd: [BerkTIPGlobal] Fwd: [Noisebridge-discuss] Fwd: [CQ] Fwd: [TehLUG-General] Fwd: [BALUG-Talk] Fwd: [UUASC] Fwd: [OCLUG] Fwd: [BAD] Fwd: [mdlug] Fwd: [

2013-07-14 Thread giovanni_re
- Original message -From: Jesus 
To: giovanni_re 
Subject: Re: Ubuntu Debian sw? Url hw purchase? - Re:
[Noisebridge-announce] BAHA Meeting Sunday - Software Defined Radio
Date: Sat, 13 Jul 2013 01:08:04 -0700


The device I was referring is the DVB-T. You can get one in amazon. I
will bring 3 or 4 for you to play with and a bootable usb drive, but
installing the drivers is really easy. Will walk you through it.



On Jul 12, 2013, at 7:43 PM, giovanni_re wrote:

 Got the email from the resume.   On Fri, Jul 12, 2013, at 07:38 PM, 
 giovanni_re wrote:  Travis - can you forward this to Jesus, please?  I 
 can't be sure of an email address for him frim his website. :(   Jesus - 
 What Ubuntu or Debian sw is available to run on this hw?  (So i can get it 
 installed  start to become familiar before the event.)what is a url 
 for the hw devices - to purchase one?  You mention amazon, but not which 
 device to get!   Travis - how does one get your email from your website? 
 Thx. :)   Thanks Travis  Jesus. :) 

- Original message -
From: giovanni_re
Subject: Fwd: [Noisebridge-discuss] Fwd: [CQ] Fwd: [TehLUG-General] Fwd:
[BALUG-Talk] Fwd: [UUASC] Fwd: [OCLUG] Fwd: [BAD] Fwd: [mdlug] Fwd:
[ale] Fwd: [LUAU] Fwd: [CLUG-tech] Fwd: [vox] Fwd: [ILUG] Fwd:
[kernel-panic] Fwd: [HH] Fwd: [CHP] Fwd: [ARCA] Fwd: [mdarc] Fwd:
[BerkTIPGlobal] Fwd: [Noisebridge-announce] BAHA Meeting Sunday -
Software Defined Radio Hacks (SDR)
Date: Sat, 13 Jul 2013 18:40:55 -0700

- Original message -
From: giovanni_re
To: noisebridge-discuss,,
Subject: [Noisebridge-discuss] Fwd: [CQ] Fwd: [TehLUG-General] Fwd:
[BALUG-Talk] Fwd: [UUASC] Fwd: [OCLUG] Fwd: [BAD] Fwd: [mdlug] Fwd:
[ale] Fwd: [LUAU] Fwd: [CLUG-tech] Fwd: [vox] Fwd: [ILUG] Fwd:
[kernel-panic] Fwd: [HH] Fwd: [CHP] Fwd: [ARCA] Fwd: [mdarc] Fwd:
[BerkTIPGlobal] Fwd: [Noisebridge-announce] BAHA Meeting Sunday -
Software Defined Radio Hacks (SDR)
Date: Sat, 13 Jul 2013 18:39:21 -0700

I forwarded this message over to the Noisebridge CQ list.

- Original message -
From: giovanni_re
Subject: [CQ] Fwd: [TehLUG-General] Fwd: [BALUG-Talk] Fwd: [UUASC] Fwd:
[OCLUG] Fwd: [BAD] Fwd: [mdlug] Fwd: [ale] Fwd: [LUAU] Fwd: [CLUG-tech]
Fwd: [vox] Fwd: [ILUG] Fwd: [kernel-panic] Fwd: [HH] Fwd: [CHP] Fwd:
[ARCA] Fwd: [mdarc] Fwd: [BerkTIPGlobal] Fwd: [Noisebridge-announce]
BAHA Meeting Sunday - Software Defined Radio Hacks (SDR)
Date: Sat, 13 Jul 2013 18:31:03 -0700

Thought this might be of interest to CQ folks.

 Original message -
Subject: [Noisebridge-announce] BAHA Meeting Sunday - Software Defined
Radio Hacks
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2013 16:29:41 -0700

Bay Area (Hacker's Association|Security Enthusiasts) Meeting!

2nd Sunday of every month, 2pm, at Noisebridge, in the main area.

It lasts until it's over.

It's for people interested in security, not the more general make
stuff kind of hacking.

Date of Meeting:

2pm (1400), 14 July 2013
Always second Sunday of the month at 2pm

This month we present:

Jesus Molina


Breaking the [Radio]Waves for Fun and Profit

Software defined radio has been around for quite a bit, but only now
its impact appears dangerously evident to the security community:
Creating rogue GSM stations, defibrillate pacemakers remotely, open
garage doors? The non-standard radio waves, in the past considered
safe due to expensive hardware requirements to receive and transmit,
are now as vulnerable as 802.11 was in the past.

In the first section of the presentation hardware tools such as the USRP
and more recent Jawbreaker will be presented as well as software to
transmit and investigate captured signals. The second part will be a
where a signal from a RF device transmitted in an unknown frequency will
captured, demodulated and recreated as a proof of concept. Participant
could participate in the demo - I will provide some rtl-sdr devices or
can purchase one to play with it ($25 in Amazon).

About the Author:

Jesus Molina ( is an independent consultant based in
the Bay Area. He holds several patents for creating security devices,
been a guest editor for IEEE security journal and has published several
papers for hardware and cloud security. More importantly, he is closely
watched by the NSA, like all of us.

 About Me:
I consider myself a Researcher. I currently work as an independent
consultant for standardization committees and security related projects.
I am also working on several projects that hopefully will 

fluxbox menu editor problems

2013-07-14 Thread Frank McCormick

Just installed Debian jessie/sid on my new computer and ran into problems
with fluxmenu, the python-based menu editor I rely on for fluxbox.
It was running on a previous version of Sid but now a box pops up
saying I need Libglade2 installed ( libglade2-0 is installed), or my python
path is not set correctly. I know next to nothing about Python.

Any suggestions on how I can  debug/fix this ?


Re: keyboard configuration doesn't works after SID upgrade

2013-07-14 Thread Csanyi Pal
Sven Joachim writes:

 On 2013-07-14 20:49 +0200, Csanyi Pal wrote:

 Sven Joachim writes:

 On 2013-07-14 19:52 +0200, Csanyi Pal wrote:

 What does setupcon -v print?

 It prints the followings:
 Configuring /dev/tty1 /dev/tty2 /dev/tty3 /dev/tty4 /dev/tty5 /dev/tty6
 The charmap is UTF-8
 BackSpace is ^?
 Executing utf_start /dev/tty1.
 Configuring /dev/tty1 in Unicode mode.
 Executing utf_start /dev/tty2.
 Configuring /dev/tty2 in Unicode mode.
 Executing utf_start /dev/tty3.
 Configuring /dev/tty3 in Unicode mode.
 Executing utf_start /dev/tty4.
 Configuring /dev/tty4 in Unicode mode.
 Executing utf_start /dev/tty5.
 Configuring /dev/tty5 in Unicode mode.
 Executing utf_start /dev/tty6.
 Configuring /dev/tty6 in Unicode mode.
 Loading 256-char 14x28 font from file
 Loading Unicode mapping table...
 Loading 256-char 14x28 font from file
 Loading Unicode mapping table...
 Loading 256-char 14x28 font from file
 Loading Unicode mapping table...
 Loading 256-char 14x28 font from file
 Loading Unicode mapping table...
 Loading 256-char 14x28 font from file
 Loading Unicode mapping table...
 Loading 256-char 14x28 font from file
 Loading Unicode mapping table...
 For /dev/tty1:
 Executing kbd_mode -u.
 For /dev/tty2:
 Executing kbd_mode -u.
 For /dev/tty3:
 Executing kbd_mode -u.
 For /dev/tty4:
 Executing kbd_mode -u.
 For /dev/tty5:
 Executing kbd_mode -u.
 For /dev/tty6:
 Executing kbd_mode -u.

 This looks all fine to me.

 Loading /etc/console-setup/cached_UTF-8_del.kmap.gz

 Maybe this file has been corrupted somehow?

 There was a console-setup upload yesterday, but the changelog looks
 rather innocouos:

 Indeed, it's innocuous.

 The postinst does rewrite /etc/console-setup/cached_UTF-8_del.kmap.gz
 however, which might explain the problem.  Does it help to move that
 file out of the way and recreate it with setupcon --save?

It doesn't help: I moved the file
/etc/console-setup/cached_UTF-8_del.kmap.gz into another temporary
directory and did run on console the setupcon --save command.

After that I reboot the system, but the problem still remain.

Regards from Pal

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Re: keyboard configuration doesn't works after SID upgrade

2013-07-14 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2013-07-14 22:08 +0200, Csanyi Pal wrote:

 Sven Joachim writes:

 The postinst does rewrite /etc/console-setup/cached_UTF-8_del.kmap.gz
 however, which might explain the problem.  Does it help to move that
 file out of the way and recreate it with setupcon --save?

 It doesn't help: I moved the file
 /etc/console-setup/cached_UTF-8_del.kmap.gz into another temporary
 directory and did run on console the setupcon --save command.

 After that I reboot the system, but the problem still remain.

Well, I'm out of ideas now. :-(


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Re: fluxbox menu editor problems

2013-07-14 Thread Frank McCormick

On 14/07/13 03:55 PM, Frank McCormick wrote:

Just installed Debian jessie/sid on my new computer and ran into problems
with fluxmenu, the python-based menu editor I rely on for fluxbox.
It was running on a previous version of Sid but now a box pops up
saying I need Libglade2 installed ( libglade2-0 is installed), or my 

path is not set correctly. I know next to nothing about Python.

Any suggestions on how I can  debug/fix this ?


   Solved my problem. I needed python-glade2 installed.

Re: Deleting chromium DNS cache entry doesn't seem to help.

2013-07-14 Thread Igor Cicimov
Do you have nscd running by any chance?
 On 15/07/2013 12:58 AM, Hendrik Boom wrote:

 On Sat, 13 Jul 2013 16:53:01 -0400, staticsafe wrote:

  On Sat, Jul 13, 2013 at 08:39:10PM +, Hendrik Boom wrote:
  For some reason, chromium seems to have got it stuck in its head that
  slashdot,org is at  At least, when I try to browse to using chromium, the displayed contents are identical to
  the contents at, which contains my personal web site.
  Firefox and chrome have no trouble reaching the real site.
  And I can read slashdot just fine on chromium if I enter the IP number instead of the domain name.
  So I'm guessing that chromium has got that IP number stuck in some
  internal DNS cache.

 It now looks as if chromium's DNS cache may not be the problem.  Chromium
 must be getting slashdot's IP address from somewhere else -- somewhere
 that firefox and ping don't access.

  How can I get it to forget it?
  -- hendrik
  Navigate to chrome://net-internals/#dns and press the Clear host cache

 After navigating there from chromium and pressing the button,
 doesn't appear in the listing of the cache entries on that page.

 But the misbehaviour still persists, even after a reboot.

 And firefox and chrome and ping still reach the right site.

 And when I go to chrome://net-internals/#dns on chrome itself, it tells
 mem it *does* have in its cache, with the right IP number.

 The cache chromium reveals with chrome://net-internals/#dns clearly has
 different contents from the one that chrome reveals -- which confirms
 that they have different caches.

 And even after browsing to in chromium and getting to the
 wrong place, going to chrome://net-internals/#dns with chromium still
 indicates that is not in the cache.

 So I'm suspecting that chrome://net-internals/#dns may not reeveal the
 real cache in chromium.

 So where *is* chromium getting this misinformation?

 Just for reference, here's my /etc/resolv.conf file:

 # Generated by NetworkManager

 -- hendrik

  Source -

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USB automount

2013-07-14 Thread tony mollica

Hello.  Searched and found nothing to help, yet.

I've upgraded to wheezy and I've added the MATE desktop for wheezy
and everything works well except for one annoying problem.

When I plug in a USB memory stick or card (SD) it mounts the way
it should, no problem. The problem is removing the drive.  If I 'Eject
the drive, it is removed with no problems.  If I use the 'safely remove 
option the drive is still removed but then it gets remounted on its own, 

needs to removed/unmounted a second time.

dmesg shows the mounted drive to beusing ehci_hcd.  After the
'safely remove drive', the drive is disconnected and then remounted
using ohci_hcd. There seems to be two separate auto mounting
daemons or programs running to do the automount.  A regular USB
disk drive does not behave like this, only memory cards and sticks.

I'm at a loss to find the culprit.  Any suggestions?



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Gnome system parameter unavailable

2013-07-14 Thread Jean-Marc
Hi guys,

I am not able to start the Gnome system parameter anymore.
And impossible to start any other Gnome SysGUI like, for example, Network parm.

I use Jessie Gnome Shell 3.4.2-11.

Does anybody else encountering the same ?

And how can I help reporting this kind of issue ?


Description: PGP signature

Re: command line hesitations and pixel fuzz (blit leakage?) in xfce4-terminal

2013-07-14 Thread Mike Kupfer
Joel Rees wrote:

  Anybody else seen this? Have an idea what's going on?

I haven't seen this, nor do I know what's going on, but here are some
things I would check if I were seeing that sort of video breakage:

Do you have compositing enabled (under Window Manager Tweaks)?  If you
do, does the problem go away if you disable compositing?

I'm assuming that you're using more or less standard Xfce.  If that's
incorrect, a more detailed description of your desktop setup would be

And do you know what video card you're using and what driver?


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No nscd as far as I can tell.

2013-07-14 Thread Hendrik Boom
On Mon, 15 Jul 2013 07:01:56 +1000, Igor Cicimov wrote:

 Do you have nscd running by any chance?

Doesn't look like, unless it hides under an alias:

root@notlookedfor:/home/hendrik# ps -Al | grep nscd

-- hendrik

  On 15/07/2013 12:58 AM, Hendrik Boom wrote:
 On Sat, 13 Jul 2013 16:53:01 -0400, staticsafe wrote:

  On Sat, Jul 13, 2013 at 08:39:10PM +, Hendrik Boom wrote:
  For some reason, chromium seems to have got it stuck in its head
  that slashdot,org is at  At least, when I try to
  browse to using chromium, the displayed contents are
  identical to the contents at, which contains my
  personal web site.
  Firefox and chrome have no trouble reaching the real site.
  And I can read slashdot just fine on chromium if I enter the IP
  number instead of the domain name.
  So I'm guessing that chromium has got that IP number stuck in some
  internal DNS cache.

 It now looks as if chromium's DNS cache may not be the problem. 
 Chromium must be getting slashdot's IP address from somewhere else --
 somewhere that firefox and ping don't access.

  How can I get it to forget it?
  -- hendrik
  Navigate to chrome://net-internals/#dns and press the Clear host

 After navigating there from chromium and pressing the button, doesn't appear in the listing of the cache entries on that

 But the misbehaviour still persists, even after a reboot.

 And firefox and chrome and ping still reach the right site.

 And when I go to chrome://net-internals/#dns on chrome itself, it tells
 mem it *does* have in its cache, with the right IP number.

 The cache chromium reveals with chrome://net-internals/#dns clearly has
 different contents from the one that chrome reveals -- which confirms
 that they have different caches.

 And even after browsing to in chromium and getting to the
 wrong place, going to chrome://net-internals/#dns with chromium still
 indicates that is not in the cache.

 So I'm suspecting that chrome://net-internals/#dns may not reeveal the
 real cache in chromium.

 So where *is* chromium getting this misinformation?

 Just for reference, here's my /etc/resolv.conf file:

 # Generated by NetworkManager domain search nameserver nameserver

 -- hendrik

  Source -

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 p dir=ltrDo you have nscd running by any chance?br
 div class=gmail_quoteOn 15/07/2013 12:58 AM, quot;Hendrik
 Boomquot; lt;a;;
 wrote:br type=attributionblockquote class=gmail_quote
 style=margin:0 0 0 .8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex
 On Sat, 13 Jul 2013 16:53:01 -0400, staticsafe wrote:br
 gt; On Sat, Jul 13, 2013 at 08:39:10PM +, Hendrik Boom wrote:br
 gt;gt; For some reason, chromium seems to have got it stuck in its
 head thatbr
 gt;gt; slashdot,org is at  At least, when I try to
 browse tobr
 gt;gt; a href=;
 using chromium, the displayed contents are identical tobr
 gt;gt; the contents at a href=tel:
 value=+1616513113416.165.131.134/a, which contains my personal web
 gt;gt; Firefox and chrome have no trouble reaching the real
 gt;gt; And I can read slashdot just fine on chromium if I enter the IP
 gt;gt; a href=tel:
 value=+12163418145216.34.181.45/a instead of the domain
 gt;gt; So I#39;m guessing that chromium has got that IP number stuck
 in somebr
 gt;gt; internal DNS
 It now looks as if chromium#39;s DNS cache may not be the problem.
 must be getting slashdot#39;s IP address from somewhere else --
 that firefox and ping don#39;t
 gt;gt; How can I get it to forget it?br
 gt;gt; -- hendrikbr
 gt; Navigate to chrome://net-internals/#dns and press the quot;Clear
 host cachequot;br
 After navigating there from chromium and pressing the button, a
 doesn#39;t appear in the listing of the cache entries on that
 But the misbehaviour still persists, even after a
 And firefox and chrome and ping still reach the right
 And when I go to chrome://net-internals/#dns on chrome itself, it
 mem it *does* have a href=; in its cache, with the right IP
 The cache chromium reveals with chrome://net-internals/#dns clearly
 different contents from the 

Re: keyboard configuration doesn't works after SID upgrade

2013-07-14 Thread Csanyi Pal
Sven Joachim writes:

 On 2013-07-14 22:08 +0200, Csanyi Pal wrote:

 Sven Joachim writes:

 The postinst does rewrite /etc/console-setup/cached_UTF-8_del.kmap.gz
 however, which might explain the problem.  Does it help to move that
 file out of the way and recreate it with setupcon --save?

 It doesn't help: I moved the file
 /etc/console-setup/cached_UTF-8_del.kmap.gz into another temporary
 directory and did run on console the setupcon --save command.

 After that I reboot the system, but the problem still remain.

 Well, I'm out of ideas now. :-(

I can give some informations more.

On the console ( not on X Window System ) when I start Midnight
Commander ( mc ) I can hear right after mc start a beep, which I never
heared before. Moreover, when I use arrow keys in mc, I heare every time
a beep, which I never heared before.

When I run emacs-nox in an xterm window ( on X Window System ) I can't
use the Arrow Keys anymore. When I Try to use eg. the 
Left key, I get message: M-[ d is undefined,
Right key, I get message: M-[ c is undefined,
Up key, I get message: M-[ a is undefined,
Down key, I get message: M-[ b is undefined.

Does this tell to you something about this problem?

Regards from Pal

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Sound on Skype (sid)

2013-07-14 Thread Ethan Rosenberg, PhD

Dear List -

The sound on Skype (sid) is impossible!! It is so chopped up that it is 
impossible to make a call. The sound recorder and audio streams 
[YouTube, video on Wall Street Journal] work perfectly.

Any suggestions?



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Re: Graphics slower in Wheezy than in Squeeze

2013-07-14 Thread Tony Sivori
On Fri, 05 Jul 2013 22:05:57 +0200, Gerardo Ballabio wrote:

 Hi all,
 I've recently upgraded my Debian system from Squeeze to Wheezy, but I
 seem to notice that graphical performance has become worse.
 In particular, Torcs (car racing game) is now completely unplayable as
 it runs at less than 1 frame per second, while it used to run in the
 20-50 FPS range depending on the circuit.
 Another program of mine which does some OpenGL drawing runs slower too,
 although the performance hit is less marked -- about 30%.
 I tried also glxgears but the version in Wheezy prints this message:
   Running synchronized to the vertical refresh.  The framerate should be
   approximately the same as the monitor refresh rate.
 so I suppose it is now useless as a performance measuring tool.  If
 there's a way to run it non-synchronized I didn't find it.  (For the
 record it ran at approx. 700 FPS in Squeeze.)
 Can anyone please suggest how to make graphics run faster?
 System information:
   Memory 999.8 MiB Processor  Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU E5400 @ 2.70
   GHz x 2 Graphics   Intel(R) G33 x86/MMX/SSE2 OS type32-bit
 Output from glxinfo is attached.
 Thank you all

I can't offer a real fix, just a shot in the dark suggestion and some 
information as to my own system performance.

Suggestion: Maybe consider backing up fully, then upgrade to Jessie.
If you try Jessie, I'd go with 64 bit, not 32.

Info: I'm running Jessie. KDE but I also have Gnome installed as a GUI 
back up and for the Gnome tools that it adds to the KDE menu.

When I run GLX gears I get the same message regarding frame rate that you 
do. But my actual frame rate is nothing like the refresh rate. 60Hz 
refresh, but GLX is about 2800 FPS.

System hardware specs are:
Four year old Dell Inspiron 530, with Intel Core2 Quad processor Q8200 
Yorkfield  2.33Ghz, 8 GB RAM.

Video card: Asus Nvidia GeForce ENGT430 1GB DDR3 (after market card one 
or two years old)

Monitor: Samsung Syncmaster 24 @ 1920x1200 @ 60Hz

I'm running the nouveau open source driver, not the Nvidia driver.

GLX Gears reports:

$ glxgears
Running synchronized to the vertical refresh.  The framerate should be 
approximately the same as the monitor refresh rate.
13479 frames in 5.0 seconds = 2695.692 FPS
13832 frames in 5.0 seconds = 2766.379 FPS
14095 frames in 5.0 seconds = 2818.906 FPS
14048 frames in 5.0 seconds = 2809.458 FPS
14087 frames in 5.0 seconds = 2817.383 FPS
14133 frames in 5.0 seconds = 2826.564 FPS
14042 frames in 5.0 seconds = 2808.307 FPS
14120 frames in 5.0 seconds = 2823.914 FPS
14137 frames in 5.0 seconds = 2827.216 FPS
13887 frames in 5.0 seconds = 2777.379 FPS

Tony Sivori

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Re: Aptitude vraagje

2013-07-14 Thread Jelle de Jong
On 12/07/13 22:07, Paul van der Vlis wrote:
 Er is me gevraagd een machine te beheren die wellicht gedeeltelijk is
 geupgraded naar Jessie. In sources.list stond testing, ik heb daar nu
 wheezy van gemaakt. De machine lijkt al enige tijd niet geupgraded.
 Weet iemand hier misschien een methode om uit te vinden welke
 geinstalleerde pakketten van Jessie zijn?

apt-get install apt-show-versions

apt-show-versions | fgrep /stable
apt-show-versions | fgrep /wheezy-backports
apt-show-versions | fgrep /testing
apt-show-versions | fgrep /unstable
apt-show-versions | fgrep /experimental

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Re: Aptitude vraagje

2013-07-14 Thread Paul van der Vlis
On 14-07-13 12:47, Jelle de Jong wrote:
 On 12/07/13 22:07, Paul van der Vlis wrote:
 Er is me gevraagd een machine te beheren die wellicht gedeeltelijk is
 geupgraded naar Jessie. In sources.list stond testing, ik heb daar nu
 wheezy van gemaakt. De machine lijkt al enige tijd niet geupgraded.

 Weet iemand hier misschien een methode om uit te vinden welke
 geinstalleerde pakketten van Jessie zijn?
 apt-get install apt-show-versions
 apt-show-versions | fgrep /stable
 apt-show-versions | fgrep /wheezy-backports
 apt-show-versions | fgrep /testing
 apt-show-versions | fgrep /unstable
 apt-show-versions | fgrep /experimental

Fraai commando, kende ik nog niet.  Bedankt!

Volgens mij is het overigens niet juist om /stable of /testing oid
te gebruiken, hij wil de naam, omdat dat zo ook in de output staat. Dus
b.v. /wheezy.

Dit is ook interessant:
apt-show-versions | fgrep -v /wheezy 


Paul van der Vlis Linux systeembeheer, Groningen

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