Re: miniconf a barcelona

2013-08-18 Thread Adrià
On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 07:24:04PM +0200, Mònica Ramírez Arceda wrote:
 Us escric per veure a qui li agradaria involucrar-se en això. Algun

Ajudaré de grat en la mesura del possible. Ja anirem concretant quan
es vagi apropant la data i donant a conèixer les necessitats.

Adrià García-Alzórriz
GPG Key: 09494C14

What if nothing exists and we're all in somebody's dream?  Or what's worse,
what if only that fat guy in the third row exists?
-- Woody Allen, Without Feathers

Description: Digital signature

Re: miniconf a barcelona

2013-08-18 Thread Alba Ferrer
 Us escric per veure a qui li agradaria involucrar-se en això. Algun

Jo també em presento voluntària pel que calgui, compteu amb mi.


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Re: Fwd: miniconf a barcelona

2013-08-18 Thread Mònica Ramírez Arceda
El ds 17 de 08 de 2013 a les 16:31 +0200, en/na Pedro va escriure:
 2013/8/17 Mònica Ramírez
 El ds 17 de 08 de 2013 a les 08:05 +0800, en/na va
  (1) LLOC
  Jo tinc alts contactes a la FIB-UPC. Els hi pregunto? Segur
  s'apunten a oferir el lloc
  Tambe a prop esta disponible l'istitut Ausias March, amb una
  d'actes, wifi, ample de banda 100Mb/s, cantina i 6 aules
 La veritat és que crec que com més cèntric millor. Un altre
 requisit és
 que hi hagi llocs a la vora perquè la gent pugui anar a dinar.
 A la UPC
 aquest tema és una mica més complicat, per aquest motiu
 l'havia posat en
 tercer lloc.
 Al sentir cèntric i tal, veig que potser faig falta:
 Jo estudio informàtica a la Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Campus
 Se li diu Campus de la Comunicació perquè també estudien Comunicació
 Audiovisual i Periodisme. És a dir hi ha infraestructura
 Al costat té el centre comercial Glòries i diversos hotels. Està a
 prop del metro Glòries, i a Clot té Rodalies.
 Té una sala d'actes, aules d'informàtica, projectors i aules de

Doncs ja tenim una altra opció :-) En breu crec que podrem obrir una
pàgina wiki!

 Quants dies es vol fer?
 Si fos un cap de setmana el recinte està tancat, per tant, es tindria
 100% disponible.
 Si agafa dies entre setmana el tema de les aules (informàtica,
 pissarra) no és tan lliure, però sí que es tindria la sala d'actes si
 no hi ha res més.

Seria un cap de setmana o tres dies (suposo que agafant un divendres).

 Aquests tipus d'actes la universitat els cobra com a lloguer, però si
 hi ha interès (a consultar) institucional i de professorat, potser es
 pot ajornar

Ajornar? Sigui com sigui, en els propers dies (no tinc molt temps ara), 
intento posar les possibilitats en el wiki i anem posant tot allò necessari 
(ubicació, preus, capacitat de les sales...) Us aviso quan estigui fet.


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Re: Fwd: miniconf a barcelona

2013-08-18 Thread Pedro
  Se li diu Campus de la Comunicació perquè també estudien Comunicació
  Audiovisual i Periodisme. És a dir hi ha infraestructura
  Al costat té el ce
 Ajornar? Sigui com sigui, en els propers dies (no tinc molt temps ara),
 intento posar les possibilitats en el wiki i anem posant tot allò necessari
 (ubicació, preus, capacitat de les sales...) Us aviso quan estigui fet.

perdó, volia dir, millorar el preu.
Ja que potser hi ha interès institucional i de professorat
com dius, això serà millor veure-ho a la wiki

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Re: Raccoon, StrongSwan ou autre ?

2013-08-18 Thread Bzzz
On Fri, 16 Aug 2013 18:18:43 +0200
Olivier wrote:

 Je fais mes besoins immédiats dans l'accueil de road warrior sur
 un serveur squeeze (qui va bientôt passer à wheezy).

Tu vas te faire chibaver jusqu'à plus soif,
montes plutôt une infrastructure OpenVPN
bcp plus souple.

Dodo: je panse donc je suis...
Léo: Hum médecin, infirmier ? Un estomac à la rigueur ?
Dodo: ??

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Re: Raccoon, StrongSwan ou autre ?

2013-08-18 Thread Christophe


Bzzz a écrit :

On Fri, 16 Aug 2013 18:18:43 +0200
Olivier wrote:

Je fais mes besoins immédiats dans l'accueil de road warrior sur
un serveur squeeze (qui va bientôt passer à wheezy).

Tu vas te faire chibaver jusqu'à plus soif,
montes plutôt une infrastructure OpenVPN
bcp plus souple.

J'aime beaucoup le terme :-) .

Je suis d'accord avec Bzzz sur le fait qu'OpenVPN soit particulièrement 
efficace et beaucoup plus simple à mettre en route : A titre perso et 
pro, c'est ce que j'utilise partout . Mais le contexte est différent : 
Infra sous Linux et Open/FreeBSD sur lequel le paquet OpenVPN est 
disponible au bout de quelques commandes.

- les clients sont de type PC portable sous squeeze, tablette/téléphone sous 
Android 4.2.ou 4.3, iphone/ipad de différentes versions,

C'est la que le bas blesse (pour le moment en tout cas) :

* PC Portable sous squeeze, pas de soucis : apt-get install openvpn, 
copie des fichiers idoines et c'est parti.

* Sur Android, j'ai personnellement testé : Ca marchotte ... si tant est 
que le phone soit rooté et qu'on fasse passer ca en TCP (beurk) et en 
mode tun (enormes difficultés à fonctionner en tap). De la à utiliser ca 
en prod, y'a un énorme pas ...

* Sur iPhone et iPad , je n'ai pas testé personnellement, mais le peu de 
témoignage que j'en ai eu, m'ont fait part des pires difficultés à faire 
fonctionner OpenVPN dessus (bien pires que sur Android) de part la 
nature particulièrement fermée de l'OS. (Ajouter une interface réseau ?? 
sur laquelle on ne sait pas ce qu'il se passe ???)

A côté de ca , IPSec/L2TP est natif sur les terminaux mobiles 
précédemment cités. Mais d'une utilité particulièrement limitée de mon 
point de vue (voir la suite).

- le serveur a une IP privée mais est connecté à un modem-routeur avec IP fixe 
dont je maîtrise le paramétrage

Problème étant que quand il s'agit de faire passer ce genre de protocole 
(IPSEC) à travers du NAT (ton serveur étant avec une IP locale), et puis 
à travers les réseaux mobiles, les ennuis arrivent a grand pas :( .
Sur les modems-routeurs classiques, tu as bien souvent possibilité de 
rediriger le traffic en TCP ou UDP, mais quand ca part dans du AH ou 
ESP, ca trouve vite ses limites.

Quel est le modem/routeur en question ?

- pour les clients de type téléphone ou tablettes, j'aimerai que le lancement 
du client IPSEC soit automatique dès que l'utilisateur saisit dans son 
navigateur une IP privée appartenant au VPN.

Je crains malheureusement que cela soit utopique :( .


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2013-08-18 Thread François Le Gad
Le Sat, 17 Aug 2013 17:57:44 +0200
Txo a �crit :

 Je viens de monter un PC à base de AMD A10-6800K avec Radeon™ HD
 8670D  intégrée au CPU, pardon APU.
 Et, bien sur je bute sur les pilotes de la partie graphique.

Tu as essayé le paquet firmware-linux-nonfree ?
Il devrait être compatible avec ta carte.

 * Radeon HD 8500/8600/8700 series CE microcode (radeon/OLAND_ce.bin)
 * Radeon HD 8500/8600/8700 series MC microcode (radeon/OLAND_mc.bin)
 * Radeon HD 8500/8600/8700 series ME microcode (radeon/OLAND_me.bin)
 * Radeon HD 8500/8600/8700 series PFP microcode (radeon/OLAND_pfp.bin)
 * Radeon HD 8500/8600/8700 series RLC microcode (radeon/OLAND_rlc.bin)

Il suffit d'installer ce paquet et de redémarrer. Les changements de
noyaux se font sans problème.
Mieux vaut virer les pilotes que tu as installés auparavant, à cause
des risques de conflit.


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Re: Raccoon, StrongSwan ou autre ?

2013-08-18 Thread Bzzz
On Sun, 18 Aug 2013 18:42:12 +0200
Christophe wrote:

  - les clients sont de type PC portable sous squeeze,
  tablette/téléphone sous Android 4.2.ou 4.3, iphone/ipad de
  différentes versions,

 C'est la que le bas blesse (pour le moment en tout cas) :

Ben pourquoi?
Perso, je l'utilise sous 2.3.3 avec featvpn (qui, 
entre guillemets ne nécessite PAS un accès root).
Pour les produits de ceux qui nous prennent pour 
des pommes, sèpô.
 * Sur Android, j'ai personnellement testé : Ca marchotte ...
 si tant est que le phone soit rooté

Nan, V. plus haut.

 et qu'on fasse passer ca en
 TCP (beurk) et en mode tun (enormes difficultés à fonctionner en
 tap). De la à utiliser ca en prod, y'a un énorme pas ...

Effectivement, le mode 'tun' est celui nécessité par
featvpn, mais si on a créé les raccourcis vers les svrs
voulus, ça ne pose pas de réel PB d'accès.

 * Sur iPhone et iPad , je n'ai pas testé personnellement, mais le
 peu de témoignage que j'en ai eu, m'ont fait part des pires
 difficultés à faire fonctionner OpenVPN dessus (bien pires que sur
 Android) de part la nature particulièrement fermée de l'OS.
 (Ajouter une interface réseau ?? sur laquelle on ne sait pas ce
 qu'il se passe ???)

Mauvaise policy, changer policy (pas de pomme:)
  - le serveur a une IP privée mais est connecté à un
  modem-routeur avec IP fixe dont je maîtrise le paramétrage
 Problème étant que quand il s'agit de faire passer ce genre de
 protocole (IPSEC) à travers du NAT (ton serveur étant avec une IP
 locale), et puis à travers les réseaux mobiles, les ennuis
 arrivent a grand pas :( . Sur les modems-routeurs classiques, tu
 as bien souvent possibilité de rediriger le traffic en TCP ou UDP,
 mais quand ca part dans du AH ou ESP, ca trouve vite ses limites.

Héhé, (gros) avantage OpenVPN: il suffit de forwarder
le port utilisé vers le svr interne.
 Quel est le modem/routeur en question ?
  - pour les clients de type téléphone ou tablettes, j'aimerai que
  le lancement du client IPSEC soit automatique dès que
  l'utilisateur saisit dans son navigateur une IP privée
  appartenant au VPN.
 Je crains malheureusement que cela soit utopique :( .

Ça doit pouvoir se réaliser en écrivant un plugin
spécifique (mais seul FF permettra cela… et sa
dispo n'est valide que pour les toutes dernières
versions d'android:(

Schnaps : Nan mais cette nuit c'était horrible ! J'avais la diarrhée et mon
  bébé arrêtait pas de gueuler :( En plus ma chatte était malade .
* Beurdiii viens de se connecter
Schnaps : Ils ont criés toute la nuit, j'ai des griffures jusque dans le dos
  et l'anus défoncé
Beurdiii : ...
Schnaps : On parlait de ma chatte et de mon bébé hein ._.
Beurdiii : 0.O
Schnaps : J'vais me suicider je revient

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2013-08-18 Thread Txo
Le Sun, 18 Aug 2013 19:04:43 +0200,
François Le Gad a écrit :

  Je viens de monter un PC à base de AMD A10-6800K avec Radeon™ HD
  8670D  intégrée au CPU, pardon APU.
  Et, bien sur je bute sur les pilotes de la partie graphique.  
 Tu as essayé le paquet firmware-linux-nonfree ?
 Il devrait être compatible avec ta carte.
  * Radeon HD 8500/8600/8700 series CE microcode (radeon/OLAND_ce.bin)
  * Radeon HD 8500/8600/8700 series MC microcode (radeon/OLAND_mc.bin)
  * Radeon HD 8500/8600/8700 series ME microcode (radeon/OLAND_me.bin)
  * Radeon HD 8500/8600/8700 series PFP microcode (radeon/OLAND_pfp.bin)
  * Radeon HD 8500/8600/8700 series RLC microcode (radeon/OLAND_rlc.bin)
 Il suffit d'installer ce paquet et de redémarrer. Les changements de
 noyaux se font sans problème.
 Mieux vaut virer les pilotes que tu as installés auparavant, à cause
 des risques de conflit.

Oui, j'avais fait ça. Mais je crois que je vais laisser tomber les
pilotes proprio parce qu'avec Gallium-mesa ce n'est pas tout à fait le
néant et que, d'après tout ce que j'ai lu, l'arrivée du noyau 3.11
devrait bien améliorer la situation. Je préfère de loin un pilote libre
fonctionnant pas tout à fait parfaitement à un pilotes privatif. Et à
plus forte raison si ce logiciel proprio contraint à de la gymnastique
perpétuelle et à des absences.

-+-  Dominique Marin -+-
Vous n'êtes rien moins que les informes copies de  
  de votre propre imagination.
-+-  Léo Ferré Ludwig  -+-

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[testing] noyau 3.10 et surconso

2013-08-18 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER

Depuis le passage en noyau 3.10 je constate que mon portable vide sa
batterie à vitesse grand V.
Est-ce de même pour vous ?


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Re: [testing] noyau 3.10 et surconso

2013-08-18 Thread Sandro CAZZANIGA
Le 18/08/2013 20:52, Gaëtan PERRIER a écrit :
 Depuis le passage en noyau 3.10 je constate que mon portable vide sa
 batterie à vitesse grand V.
 Est-ce de même pour vous ?


Je n'ai pas cet effet sur mon EeePC.

kernel 3.10 aussi.
Sandro Cazzaniga

Site web:
Twitter:  @Kharec
IRC:  Kharec (Freenode, OFTC)

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [testing] noyau 3.10 et surconso

2013-08-18 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER
Le Sun, 18 Aug 2013 20:50:39 +0200
Sandro CAZZANIGA a écrit:

 Le 18/08/2013 20:52, Gaëtan PERRIER a écrit :
  Depuis le passage en noyau 3.10 je constate que mon portable vide sa
  batterie à vitesse grand V.
  Est-ce de même pour vous ?
 Je n'ai pas cet effet sur mon EeePC.
 kernel 3.10 aussi.

J'ai un Lenovo T420 et depuis quelques jours, j'identifie ça au passage
au 3.10 mais c'est peut-être autre chose, j'ai perdu 1h à 1h30
d'autonomie ...


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Re: [testing] noyau 3.10 et surconso

2013-08-18 Thread Sandro CAZZANIGA
Le 18/08/2013 20:57, Gaëtan PERRIER a écrit :
 Le Sun, 18 Aug 2013 20:50:39 +0200
 Sandro CAZZANIGA a écrit:
 Le 18/08/2013 20:52, Gaëtan PERRIER a écrit :

 Depuis le passage en noyau 3.10 je constate que mon portable vide sa
 batterie à vitesse grand V.
 Est-ce de même pour vous ?



 Je n'ai pas cet effet sur mon EeePC.

 kernel 3.10 aussi.
 J'ai un Lenovo T420 et depuis quelques jours, j'identifie ça au passage
 au 3.10 mais c'est peut-être autre chose, j'ai perdu 1h à 1h30
 d'autonomie ...

Essaye le programme powertop pour essayer de diagnostiquer ce qui pompe
l'énergie de la batterie.

Sandro Cazzaniga

Site web:
Twitter:  @Kharec
IRC:  Kharec (Freenode, OFTC)

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [testing] noyau 3.10 et surconso

2013-08-18 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER
Le Sun, 18 Aug 2013 22:12:45 +0200
Sandro CAZZANIGA a écrit:

 Le 18/08/2013 20:57, Gaëtan PERRIER a écrit :
  Le Sun, 18 Aug 2013 20:50:39 +0200
  Sandro CAZZANIGA a écrit:
  Le 18/08/2013 20:52, Gaëtan PERRIER a écrit :
  Depuis le passage en noyau 3.10 je constate que mon portable vide
  sa batterie à vitesse grand V.
  Est-ce de même pour vous ?
  Je n'ai pas cet effet sur mon EeePC.
  kernel 3.10 aussi.
  J'ai un Lenovo T420 et depuis quelques jours, j'identifie ça au
  passage au 3.10 mais c'est peut-être autre chose, j'ai perdu 1h à
  1h30 d'autonomie ...
 Essaye le programme powertop pour essayer de diagnostiquer ce qui
 pompe l'énergie de la batterie.

C'est avec lui que j'ai vu que par moment notamment après un démarrage
ça consomme 25W au lieu de 10/12W ...
Il semble que le fait de mettre en vielle et d'en sortir améliore les
choses. Je ne sais pas pourquoi.


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Re: Planet

2013-08-18 Thread Zaki Akhmad
On Saturday, August 17, 2013, Mahyuddin Susanto wrote:

 Dear Guys.

 Planet Debian-ID [0] sudah up, silahkan daftar blognya ke situ yah. Untuk
 mendaftarkan cukup request ke repo github [1] (atau melakukan git merge)
 dan mohon sertakan:

  - Nama yang akan ditampilkan di Planet
  - Link RSS

 Saya tunggu yah




Salut buat Udienz atas inisiatifnya. Semoga ada kesempatan kopdar sama
Udienz ;)

Zaki Akhmad

Re: Planet

2013-08-18 Thread bbuuddiiww
 Salut buat Udienz atas inisiatifnya. 
 Semoga ada kesempatan kopdar 
 sama Udienz ;) 

 --Zaki Akhmad

Wajib ketemu klo ke surabaya. Ato pas Udienz ke jkt.
Klo di sby kabar2i yah..

Terima Kasih

Re: Firefox se cierra abruptamente (crashes)

2013-08-18 Thread alexlikerock-Gmail

ese fallo lo tengo tambien en mi trabajo, en iceweasel 22,
 con una makina con nvidia,
 sus drivers privativos,
debian JESSIE,
y con flashplugin-nonfree

yo he notado que son las paginas con Flash,
por ejemplo  con ciertos videos de YOUTUBE


en mi casa tengo Iceweasel 23 con nvidia,
 sus driver privativos y
debian JESSIE
y con flashplugin-nonfree

y no me falla

algunos amigos prefieren regresarse a Iceweasel 17,
y se les soluciona el problema :-)

software libre no significa gratis: richard m. stallman

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Re: Feliz cumpleaños Debian

2013-08-18 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 17 Aug 2013 13:50:51 -0300, Sergio Bessopeanetto escribió:

 El 17/08/13 10:33, Camaleón escribió:
 El Fri, 16 Aug 2013 15:49:43 -0300, Sergio Bessopeanetto escribió:

 Nadie se acordó. Hoy Debian cumple 20 añitos.
 Pero si aparece publicada la noticia por doquier (al menos lo he visto
 en slashdot y curiosamente en meneame...).

 Y algunas de las citas que han enviado para celebrarlo:

 Nadie en esta lista decía yo.

sed s/decía/pensaba/




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Re: Firefox se cierra abruptamente (crashes)

2013-08-18 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 15 Aug 2013 05:30:15 -0300, GamlaUppsala escribió:

 El día martes, 13 de agosto de 2013, a las 10:52:40, Camaleón escribió:
 C Bueno, pues hoy he solucionado un problema que estaba teniendo desde
 hace C varios días y que me estaba dejando un poco mosca: Firefox se
 cerraba de C vez en cuando al visitar determinadas páginas, generando
 un informe de C cuelgue (aka: crash report). [...]
 C En fin, he seguido buscando hasta que he dado con un informe de
 cuelgue C que enlazaba a un informe de fallo (867935) y bingo, al
 desactivar webgl C se ha solucionado el problema.
 Ese fallo del Firefox lo he experimentado en varias máquinas (NO TODAS)
 desde la versión 22 de Firefox pero en Windows XP64 y Windows XP32... en
 máquinas con Linux (LMDE, Xubuntu, Debian) todavía no he tenido
 problemas... quizás sea porque las máquinas con W tengan placas nVidia
 ... voy a verificar este dato.

El problema parece afectar exclusivamente a sistemas con gráficas nvidia 
y usando los controladores de nvidia (los propietarios) y linux, claro. 
En windows, por ejemplo, no me sucede eso aunque tenga una gráfica nvidia.

 En una máquina WXP64 es imposible usar una versión Firefox 22 o mayor,
 simplemente cuando se abre se cierra solo... :-(

Eso debe ser otra cosa distinta. Yo lo tengo funcionando también con un 
WXP de 64 bits (versión 23.0.1 del navegador y 32 bits) y funciona de 
 Así que NO debe ser problema del SO sino del Firefox.

Me da la nariz que este problema (el bug que menciono en este hilo) es de 
los controladores.



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Re: Mejor tema para xfce en debian

2013-08-18 Thread José Mateo
Hola Maykel:
Decías el miércoles, 14 de agosto del 2013 a las 18:23

 Hola muy buenas, estoy buscando temas y probando pero la verdad es que
 en xfce no me convence ninguno aún...
 La página web donde lo estoy mirando es esta:
 Alguno conoce algún tema un poco chulo??
 Saludos y gracias.

Hay muchos temas, tambien puedes mirar en
mi escritorio es este.

tema greybird, gestor de ventanas blendwall iconos AwOken, me gustan
los temas oscuros :-)

 José Mateo * 50550 Aragón España 
El que es buen gallo, en cualquier gallinero canta. 

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Re: Mejor tema para xfce en debian

2013-08-18 Thread José Mateo
Hola José:
Decías el domingo, 18 de agosto del 2013 a las 13:38

 Hola Maykel:
 Decías el miércoles, 14 de agosto del 2013 a las 18:23
  Hola muy buenas, estoy buscando temas y probando pero la verdad es
  que en xfce no me convence ninguno aún...
  La página web donde lo estoy mirando es esta:
  Alguno conoce algún tema un poco chulo??
  Saludos y gracias.
 Hay muchos temas, tambien puedes mirar en
 mi escritorio es este.

Un fallo en la URL :-(, la original es esta:

 tema greybird, gestor de ventanas blendwall iconos AwOken, me gustan
 los temas oscuros :-)

 José Mateo * 50550 Aragón España 
La que al andar las ancas menea, bien se del pie que cojea. 

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Ojo con la nueva opción de Firefox 23 (bloqueo del contenido mixto)

2013-08-18 Thread Camaleón

Vaya semana me ha dado Firefox.

En la versión 23 (y entiendo que en superiores salvo que lo desactiven 
posteriormente) han habilitado de manera predeterminada una opción que 
impide que el navegador muestre contenido mezclado entre zonas con 
seguridad (SSL) y zona sin seguridad.

Lo han llamado mixed content shield y cuando se da esa situación 
aparece el icono de un escudo en gris claro en la parte izquierda de la 
barra de dirección avisando de este hecho pero vamos, es tan sutil que ni 
me he enterado.

La opción no es mala de por sí, siempre y cuando funcione correctamente y 
esté bien implementada (no estaría de más que el aviso al usuario fuera 
un pelín más evidente), el caso es que ya me he tropezado en una semana 
con dos páginas donde el contenido no se carga y si en la primera sólo se 
ve un espacio en blanco que te hace pensar que algo pasa, en la segunda 
ocasión se trataba de la página de conexión con el TPV de un banco lo 
cual no me hizo ninguna gracia porque no cargaba la página donde tenía 
que poner los datos de la tarjeta, el código de seguridad, etc..., ni aún 
desactivando manualmente la opción de bloqueo del contenido mixto lo que 
me llevó a desactivar completamente esta opción desde about:config 
porque no me apetece llevarte una sorpresa desagradable en el momento más 

Y ya sé que no es culpa del navegador sino de las páginas web que las 
programan con el c..., ejem, con los pies pero bueno, desgraciadamente 
es lo que hay. Con el primero de los sitios me puse en contacto pero en 
lugar de resolverlo sólo me dijeron que desactivara temporalmente el 
bloqueo (vaya, qué majos) y con el del TPV del banco ni lo intento (quizá 
debería decirlo a la tienda que lo usa a ver si pueden meter presión...).

Pues nada, que avisados estáis :-/



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No aparece la opcion de configuracion avanzada

2013-08-18 Thread Marioca
Buenas lista, tengo el siguiente problema luego de actualizar mi debian de
squeezy a wheezy no me aparece la opcion de configuracion avanzada en mi
lista de menu, asi como mi entorno gnome me muestra solo el entorno
classic; , tal ves sea solo detalles de configuracion o paquetes que
instalar espero su ayuda paro solucionar este inconveniente. Muchas

Re: No aparece la opcion de configuracion avanzada

2013-08-18 Thread Camaleón
El Sun, 18 Aug 2013 11:10:17 -0400, Marioca escribió:

(ese html...)

 Buenas lista, tengo el siguiente problema luego de actualizar mi debian
 de squeezy a wheezy no me aparece la opcion de configuracion avanzada en
 mi lista de menu, 

Configuración avanzada es lo que en GNOME3 se conoce como tweak-tool. 
Mira a ver si tienes instalado el paquete gnome-tweak-tool.

 asi como mi entorno gnome me muestra solo el entorno classic; , 

Si no carga gnome-shell cuando lo seleccionas desde la pantalla de inicio 
de sesión quizá sea porque no tienes activada la aceleración 3D en la 
gráfica, comprueba ese punto revisando el archivo ~/.xsession-errors y 
el registro de Xorg en /var/log/Xorg.0.log.



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Re: No aparece la opcion de configuracion avanzada

2013-08-18 Thread Javier Silva
El día 18 de agosto de 2013 17:10, Marioca escribió:
 Buenas lista, tengo el siguiente problema luego de actualizar mi debian de
 squeezy a wheezy no me aparece la opcion de configuracion avanzada en mi
 lista de menu, asi como mi entorno gnome me muestra solo el entorno classic;
 , tal ves sea solo detalles de configuracion o paquetes que instalar espero
 su ayuda paro solucionar este inconveniente. Muchas gracias:-)

Comprueba si te falta algún firmware para la tarjeta gráfica
ejecutando lo siguiente desde una consola como root:

# dmesg|grep -i firmware

Para ver la tarjeta gráfica que tienes instalada, utiliza:

# lspci |grep -i vga

Según la gráfica que tengas instalada, deberás activar el repositorio
non-free de Debian e instalar el paquete firmware-linux-nonfree.

Un saludo a todos/as.
Javier Silva

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Alojar web en linea dedicada

2013-08-18 Thread Altair Linux

mirando las prestaciones de los servidores dedicados y de los cloudvps
y comparando precios, me pregunto si puede salir mas barato tener una
linea de internet dedicada y un ordenador exclusivamente de servidor

Es evidente que no es lo mismo un servidor que este en un datacenter,
donde esta fisicamente todo controlado por ingenieros (polvo, averias
fisicas, que se vaya la luz, etc) a tenerlo en casa.

Tambien es evidente que depende del uso; web personal, web
profesional, empresa, cantidad de visitas previstas, etc.

Teniendo en cuenta que la RAM es un factor critico en muchos casos y
que se puede consumir mucha ram en caso de un alto numero de usuarios,
me pregunto si desde el punto de vista TECNICO es viable.

Supongamos una conexion a Internet exclusiva, por ejemplo con ONO.

Hardware comprado de tienda de informatica, hoy en dia las placas base
llegan a 32 Gb de RAM. En caso necesario incluso se puede montar un
cluster. Como las piezas se pueden comprar practicamente en cualquier
tienda de ordenadores, se pueden conseguir recambios de forma mas o
menos sencilla.

Software, todo con Linux. Ya fuera con Debian o alguna distribucion
mas enfocada a temas de cluster (en caso de hacerse cluster).

Algun SAI, en caso de subida de tension que no se vaya todo al garete.

Por lo que he leido en Internet, hay pymes que usan esta solucion para
su pagina web, principalmente porque con el tema de la RAM el precio
de un dedicado o un cloudvps se dispara. Segun he visto, son webs que
usan LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) y ahi la cantidad de RAM es un
factor critico.

¿Opiniones sobre esto?. Gracias

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Re: Suggestions that have arised in the Games Team BoF of today

2013-08-18 Thread Altair Linux
Te lo he enviado al email de tu blog, o eso creo :P

El día 17 de agosto de 2013 14:18, Miriam Ruiz escribió:

 2013/8/17 Altair Linux


 Perdona, eres la misma persona que escribio esto?, en caso afirmativo
 me gustaria comentarte algunas cosas por email privado y no
 abiertamente por la lista, para no molestar al resto de usuarios de
 la lista.

 Sí, soy yo. Es mi blog.

 Por supuesto, eres bienvenido a escribirme lo que quieras comentarme :)


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RE: Alojar web en linea dedicada

2013-08-18 Thread Alfonso
Dedicado desde 3€ al mes ahorrando hardware y consumo electrico.

Yo me lo pensaria...

 Mensaje original 
De: Altair Linux 
Para: Debian User Spanish 
Asunto: Alojar web en linea dedicada 

mirando las prestaciones de los servidores dedicados y de los cloudvps
y comparando precios, me pregunto si puede salir mas barato tener una
linea de internet dedicada y un ordenador exclusivamente de servidor

Es evidente que no es lo mismo un servidor que este en un datacenter,
donde esta fisicamente todo controlado por ingenieros (polvo, averias
fisicas, que se vaya la luz, etc) a tenerlo en casa.

Tambien es evidente que depende del uso; web personal, web
profesional, empresa, cantidad de visitas previstas, etc.

Teniendo en cuenta que la RAM es un factor critico en muchos casos y
que se puede consumir mucha ram en caso de un alto numero de usuarios,
me pregunto si desde el punto de vista TECNICO es viable.

Supongamos una conexion a Internet exclusiva, por ejemplo con ONO.

Hardware comprado de tienda de informatica, hoy en dia las placas base
llegan a 32 Gb de RAM. En caso necesario incluso se puede montar un
cluster. Como las piezas se pueden comprar practicamente en cualquier
tienda de ordenadores, se pueden conseguir recambios de forma mas o
menos sencilla.

Software, todo con Linux. Ya fuera con Debian o alguna distribucion
mas enfocada a temas de cluster (en caso de hacerse cluster).

Algun SAI, en caso de subida de tension que no se vaya todo al garete.

Por lo que he leido en Internet, hay pymes que usan esta solucion para
su pagina web, principalmente porque con el tema de la RAM el precio
de un dedicado o un cloudvps se dispara. Segun he visto, son webs que
usan LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) y ahi la cantidad de RAM es un
factor critico.

¿Opiniones sobre esto?. Gracias

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Re: Alojar web en linea dedicada

2013-08-18 Thread jors

On 18/08/13 18:09, Altair Linux wrote:


mirando las prestaciones de los servidores dedicados y de los cloudvps
y comparando precios, me pregunto si puede salir mas barato tener una
linea de internet dedicada y un ordenador exclusivamente de servidor

Es evidente que no es lo mismo un servidor que este en un datacenter,
donde esta fisicamente todo controlado por ingenieros (polvo, averias
fisicas, que se vaya la luz, etc) a tenerlo en casa.

Tambien es evidente que depende del uso; web personal, web
profesional, empresa, cantidad de visitas previstas, etc.

Teniendo en cuenta que la RAM es un factor critico en muchos casos y
que se puede consumir mucha ram en caso de un alto numero de usuarios,
me pregunto si desde el punto de vista TECNICO es viable.

Supongamos una conexion a Internet exclusiva, por ejemplo con ONO.

Hardware comprado de tienda de informatica, hoy en dia las placas base
llegan a 32 Gb de RAM. En caso necesario incluso se puede montar un
cluster. Como las piezas se pueden comprar practicamente en cualquier
tienda de ordenadores, se pueden conseguir recambios de forma mas o
menos sencilla.

Software, todo con Linux. Ya fuera con Debian o alguna distribucion
mas enfocada a temas de cluster (en caso de hacerse cluster).

Algun SAI, en caso de subida de tension que no se vaya todo al garete.

Por lo que he leido en Internet, hay pymes que usan esta solucion para
su pagina web, principalmente porque con el tema de la RAM el precio
de un dedicado o un cloudvps se dispara. Segun he visto, son webs que
usan LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) y ahi la cantidad de RAM es un
factor critico.

¿Opiniones sobre esto?. Gracias

Suena a que estás en España, así que a mi me da en la nariz que sólo por 
el tema de la factura eléctrica no es viable comparado con servidores 
contratados a terceros (p.ej. OVH [1]), a no ser que uses algo green 
de verdad (véase hardware ARM).



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Re: Alojar web en linea dedicada

2013-08-18 Thread Altair Linux
Si, tambien vi ese caso.

No puedo evitar pensar: ¿donde esta el truco?.

He conocido casos donde lo barato ha terminado saliendo caro, cuando
el precio es bajo a costa de recortar en calidad.

Otros afirman que los precios son los que son porque en españa la
conexion es lenta y cara.

Otros afirman que es por la RAM, muchos clientes necesitan mucha RAM
para las webs que quieren tener (CMS por ejemplop) y que ahi sacan

Otros afirman que son muy de apoyar la economia local y todo eso pero
que hay una gran diferencia entre lo que ofrecen en españa y lo que
ofrecen en otros paises, y que cuando estas buscando una relacion
prestacion/precio aceptable, suele salir a cuenta que el servidor este
en el extranjero.

Todo esto lo he visto desde hace tiempo, cuando la gente ponia enlaces
a servidores que tenian fuera, como en EEUU o en francia, y he visto
una diferencia importante en prestaciones y precio.

El día 18 de agosto de 2013 18:34, Alfonso escribió:
 Dedicado desde 3€ al mes ahorrando hardware y consumo electrico.

 Yo me lo pensaria...

  Mensaje original 
 De: Altair Linux
 Para: Debian User Spanish
 Asunto: Alojar web en linea dedicada


 mirando las prestaciones de los servidores dedicados y de los cloudvps
 y comparando precios, me pregunto si puede salir mas barato tener una
 linea de internet dedicada y un ordenador exclusivamente de servidor

 Es evidente que no es lo mismo un servidor que este en un datacenter,
 donde esta fisicamente todo controlado por ingenieros (polvo, averias
 fisicas, que se vaya la luz, etc) a tenerlo en casa.

 Tambien es evidente que depende del uso; web personal, web
 profesional, empresa, cantidad de visitas previstas, etc.

 Teniendo en cuenta que la RAM es un factor critico en muchos casos y
 que se puede consumir mucha ram en caso de un alto numero de usuarios,
 me pregunto si desde el punto de vista TECNICO es viable.

 Supongamos una conexion a Internet exclusiva, por ejemplo con ONO.

 Hardware comprado de tienda de informatica, hoy en dia las placas base
 llegan a 32 Gb de RAM. En caso necesario incluso se puede montar un
 cluster. Como las piezas se pueden comprar practicamente en cualquier
 tienda de ordenadores, se pueden conseguir recambios de forma mas o
 menos sencilla.

 Software, todo con Linux. Ya fuera con Debian o alguna distribucion
 mas enfocada a temas de cluster (en caso de hacerse cluster).

 Algun SAI, en caso de subida de tension que no se vaya todo al garete.

 Por lo que he leido en Internet, hay pymes que usan esta solucion para
 su pagina web, principalmente porque con el tema de la RAM el precio
 de un dedicado o un cloudvps se dispara. Segun he visto, son webs que
 usan LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) y ahi la cantidad de RAM es un
 factor critico.

 ¿Opiniones sobre esto?. Gracias

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Re: Alojar web en linea dedicada

2013-08-18 Thread Altair Linux
Correcto, estoy en españa y una de las cosas que miro es el tema de la
factura de la luz.

El día 18 de agosto de 2013 18:31, jors escribió:
 On 18/08/13 18:09, Altair Linux wrote:


 mirando las prestaciones de los servidores dedicados y de los cloudvps
 y comparando precios, me pregunto si puede salir mas barato tener una
 linea de internet dedicada y un ordenador exclusivamente de servidor

 Es evidente que no es lo mismo un servidor que este en un datacenter,
 donde esta fisicamente todo controlado por ingenieros (polvo, averias
 fisicas, que se vaya la luz, etc) a tenerlo en casa.

 Tambien es evidente que depende del uso; web personal, web
 profesional, empresa, cantidad de visitas previstas, etc.

 Teniendo en cuenta que la RAM es un factor critico en muchos casos y
 que se puede consumir mucha ram en caso de un alto numero de usuarios,
 me pregunto si desde el punto de vista TECNICO es viable.

 Supongamos una conexion a Internet exclusiva, por ejemplo con ONO.

 Hardware comprado de tienda de informatica, hoy en dia las placas base
 llegan a 32 Gb de RAM. En caso necesario incluso se puede montar un
 cluster. Como las piezas se pueden comprar practicamente en cualquier
 tienda de ordenadores, se pueden conseguir recambios de forma mas o
 menos sencilla.

 Software, todo con Linux. Ya fuera con Debian o alguna distribucion
 mas enfocada a temas de cluster (en caso de hacerse cluster).

 Algun SAI, en caso de subida de tension que no se vaya todo al garete.

 Por lo que he leido en Internet, hay pymes que usan esta solucion para
 su pagina web, principalmente porque con el tema de la RAM el precio
 de un dedicado o un cloudvps se dispara. Segun he visto, son webs que
 usan LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) y ahi la cantidad de RAM es un
 factor critico.

 ¿Opiniones sobre esto?. Gracias

 Suena a que estás en España, así que a mi me da en la nariz que sólo por el
 tema de la factura eléctrica no es viable comparado con servidores
 contratados a terceros (p.ej. OVH [1]), a no ser que uses algo green de
 verdad (véase hardware ARM).



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Re: Alojar web en linea dedicada

2013-08-18 Thread Alfonso

 Si, tambien vi ese caso.
 No puedo evitar pensar: ¿donde esta el truco?.

El truco está básicamente en dos factores:

- En cualquier caso son servidores no administrados: no recomendables
para personas con pocas horas de vuelo en administración de sistemas
(aunque hay disponibles distribuciones de panel: CPanel, Plesk, etc) y
la empresa solo se responsabilizará del hardware y conectividad (y
será el usuario quien tenga que demostrarlo enviando logs o salidas de
comandos smarmontools, etc).

- Volumen de servidores: esta empresa mueve un volumen muy grande de
servidores por lo que puede trabajar con precios bajos. Cada año
actualizan gamas y precios, pero está vez se les ha ido la mano...
xDDD (estos precios son de hace pocas semana y hubo y todavía hay una
avalancha que está retrasando la entrega de los servidores).

 He conocido casos donde lo barato ha terminado saliendo caro,
 cuando el precio es bajo a costa de recortar en calidad.

Buen hardware a buen precio, pero un servicio técnico muy flojito o
casi testimonial (si abres un ticket en el mejor de los casos tendrás
respuesta en dos días, los fines de semana no existe y si te detectan
un intento de intrusión de ponen en server en modo rescate, incluso se
han dado casos de cancelación de servidores).

Como punto a favor decir que tiene una comunidad de usuarios experta y
numerosa que te resolverán dudas y problemas mucho antes que el
servicio técnico (

Si quieres backups (en OVH se comvierte en algo imprescindible) te
buscas la vida y si necesitas un firewall lo contratas a parte o te lo
montas por software).

 Otros afirman que los precios son los que son porque en españa la 
 conexion es lenta y cara.

Hace tiempo que no hago la prueba pero si quieres te puedo pasar la
salida de un wget... la ultima vez que lo hice me daba una media
superior de 1mb/segundo. Si quieres te puedo hacer un test.

 Todo esto lo he visto desde hace tiempo, cuando la gente ponia
 enlaces a servidores que tenian fuera, como en EEUU o en francia, y
 he visto una diferencia importante en prestaciones y precio.

Con todos estos pros y contras les tengo alquilados servidores desde
2007 sin grandes problemas importante teniendo en cuenta estas
cuestiones. Antes lo tenia en EEUU pero el ttl del ping me penalizaba,
a parte de un cliente me exigía tenerlo en la Union Europea para
poderse acoger a la LOPD.

Ahora han abierto datacenter en EEUU y mucho se tendrán que poner las
pilas con la calidad del servició tecnico si quieren plantar cara a
las exigencias de allá (inconcebible que abras un ticket y pasen de ti
varios dáas aunque tengas el servidor caído).

Si quieres más info me puedes comentar sin problemas.

Si esto se alarga mucho más tendremos que ponerle la etiqueta
off-topic a este hilo ;)


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Re: Alojar web en linea dedicada

2013-08-18 Thread Camaleón
El Sun, 18 Aug 2013 18:09:44 +0200, Altair Linux escribió:

 mirando las prestaciones de los servidores dedicados y de los cloudvps y
 comparando precios, me pregunto si puede salir mas barato tener una
 linea de internet dedicada y un ordenador exclusivamente de servidor

Pues creo que la respuesta está clara: hoy en día sale más barato 
 Es evidente que no es lo mismo un servidor que este en un datacenter,
 donde esta fisicamente todo controlado por ingenieros (polvo, averias
 fisicas, que se vaya la luz, etc) a tenerlo en casa.

La ventaja del servidor en casa es la flexibilidad que te permite. 
Poder configurar como tú quieras el servidor web, por ejemplo, no tiene 
precio. Ahora bien, la pregunta del millón es si merece la pena todo el 
esfuerzo que hay detrás (no sólo económico sino también de mantenimiento).

 Tambien es evidente que depende del uso; web personal, web profesional,
 empresa, cantidad de visitas previstas, etc.

Claro. La disponibilidad es un elemento importante y tener el servidor en 
casa para uso profesional/empresarial te obliga a duplicar todo para 
evitar caídas: servidor (equipo físico) + servicios, router, switches, 
líneas ADSL/FTTH, SAI... porque cualquier punto de fallo te tumba el 

 Teniendo en cuenta que la RAM es un factor critico en muchos casos y que
 se puede consumir mucha ram en caso de un alto numero de usuarios,
 me pregunto si desde el punto de vista TECNICO es viable.

Sí, hombre, por qué no. Salvo que estés pensando en servir alguna 
aplicación concreta que requiere de unos recursos x y estás pensando 
cientos de miles de visitas al servidor.

 Supongamos una conexion a Internet exclusiva, por ejemplo con ONO.

Y no te olvides de una IP fija. No sé si ONO las incluye con algún pack 
de empresa pero Telefónica te clava ~15€ al mes por cada IP fija :-(
 Hardware comprado de tienda de informatica, hoy en dia las placas base
 llegan a 32 Gb de RAM. En caso necesario incluso se puede montar un
 cluster. Como las piezas se pueden comprar practicamente en cualquier
 tienda de ordenadores, se pueden conseguir recambios de forma mas o
 menos sencilla.

Bueno, bueno... no creas que es tan sencillo. A los ¿dos años? ya 
empiezan a escasear los componentes que necesitas porque se han quedado 
obsoletos y los precios (sobre todo de las memorias) se disparan. Yo 
siempre recomiendo aprovechar al máximo cada slot de memoria y llenar el 
equipo como si mañana fuera su último día de servicio :-)
 Software, todo con Linux. Ya fuera con Debian o alguna distribucion mas
 enfocada a temas de cluster (en caso de hacerse cluster).
 Algun SAI, en caso de subida de tension que no se vaya todo al garete.

Algún SAI gordo y debidamente dimensionado (ajustado al consumo real) 
que te permita mantener los sistemas funcionando al menos 30/60 minutos, 
esto es vital.

 Por lo que he leido en Internet, hay pymes que usan esta solucion para
 su pagina web, principalmente porque con el tema de la RAM el precio de
 un dedicado o un cloudvps se dispara. Segun he visto, son webs que usan
 LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) y ahi la cantidad de RAM es un factor
 ¿Opiniones sobre esto?. Gracias

Bueno, nosotros tenemos las dos cosas: servidores en EE.UU. para unos 
sitios web+correo electrónico y en las oficinas en España también tenemos 
un centro de datos en la empresa ofreciendo los mismos servicios. Es como 
una medida de seguridad. 

Los servidores usanianos montan una versión propia de UNIX/Solaris más 
rara que un gato verde, y aquí he puesto Debian con Apache, Postfix, 
Cyrus, SA, ClamAV, PHP, Perl, y la bdd que aún tengo pendiente creo que 
al final será PostgreSQL. Y los servidores que tenemos aquí no son nada 
del otro mundo pero siguen cumpliendo su cometido (son Supermicro 
Superserver del año 2005/2006 con 8 GiB de RAM ECC, 2 procesadores Xeon, 
discos Seagate de 200 GiB con un hardware RAID 1 y fuentes de 
alimentación redundantes).

¿Qué es más caro? Mantener los propios servidores, obviamente. Pero 
repito, poder hacer y deshacer al gusto vale su peso en bits.



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Instalacion debian 6/7 por red PXE

2013-08-18 Thread Ricardo
Hola lista

Quiero montar un servidor de TFTP/PXE para tener toda las isos. para
bootear por red, todo los dias hago instalaciones de win/linux ando
buscando alguna guia completa eh mrado esta guia pero no esta completo
[1], tambien eh buscado en google encuentro guias pero es para Lenny,
alguien implemento algo parecido?

Cualquiero comentario sera muy agradecido



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Visualizar caracteres japoneses en Debian

2013-08-18 Thread Miguel Matos
Saludos a la lista... Busco resolver esto: estuve visualizando una
página con caracteres japoneses, pero sólo muestran cuadrados. Según
este sitio[1], deberían verse los caracteres si están disponibles,
pero debe instalarse algo. Seguí las recomendaciones de este mensaje
de la lista[2], se han de instalar algunas fuentes.


Sin embargo ya lo hice: (luego de algunos intentos):
aptitude install ttf-kochi-mincho ttf-kochi-gothic ttf-ipafont-kochi
ttf-ipafont-mincho, aptitude install ttf-arphic-bkai00mp
ttf-arphic-gbsn00lp ttf-baekmuk ttf-kochi-mincho, apt-get install
oft-ipafont-gothic oft-ipafont-mincho ttf-hanazono ttf-kiloji
ttf-takao-gothic ttf-takao-mincho ttf-takao ttf-umefont ttf-umeplus,
apt-get install oft-ipafont-gothic oft-ipafont-mincho ttf-hanazono
ttf-kiloji ttf-takao-gothic ttf-takao-mincho ttf-takao ttf-umefont
ttf-umeplus -y, apt-get install ttf-hanazono ttf-kiloji
ttf-takao-gothic ttf-takao-mincho ttf-takao ttf-umefont ttf-umeplus -y

Y sigue sin mostrarlos. ¿Qué me hace falta?
Buen uso de las listas (como se ven en Debian):
Ayuda para hacer preguntas inteligentes:

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Re: Visualizar caracteres japoneses en Debian

2013-08-18 Thread fernando sainz
El día 19 de agosto de 2013 00:13, Miguel Matos escribió:
 Saludos a la lista... Busco resolver esto: estuve visualizando una
 página con caracteres japoneses, pero sólo muestran cuadrados. Según
 este sitio[1], deberían verse los caracteres si están disponibles,
 pero debe instalarse algo. Seguí las recomendaciones de este mensaje
 de la lista[2], se han de instalar algunas fuentes.


 Sin embargo ya lo hice: (luego de algunos intentos):
 aptitude install ttf-kochi-mincho ttf-kochi-gothic ttf-ipafont-kochi
 ttf-ipafont-mincho, aptitude install ttf-arphic-bkai00mp
 ttf-arphic-gbsn00lp ttf-baekmuk ttf-kochi-mincho, apt-get install
 oft-ipafont-gothic oft-ipafont-mincho ttf-hanazono ttf-kiloji
 ttf-takao-gothic ttf-takao-mincho ttf-takao ttf-umefont ttf-umeplus,
 apt-get install oft-ipafont-gothic oft-ipafont-mincho ttf-hanazono
 ttf-kiloji ttf-takao-gothic ttf-takao-mincho ttf-takao ttf-umefont
 ttf-umeplus -y, apt-get install ttf-hanazono ttf-kiloji
 ttf-takao-gothic ttf-takao-mincho ttf-takao ttf-umefont ttf-umeplus -y

 Y sigue sin mostrarlos. ¿Qué me hace falta?
 Buen uso de las listas (como se ven en Debian):
 Ayuda para hacer preguntas inteligentes:

Ves esa página [1] de la wikipedia bien, entonces ya ves los caracteres.
Solo hay que tener la codificación utf-8 (menu Ver / codificación
caracteres / utf-8)


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Re: Alojar web en linea dedicada

2013-08-18 Thread Itzcoalt Alvarez
¿Qué es más caro? Mantener los propios servidores, obviamente. Pero
 repito, poder hacer y deshacer al gusto vale su peso en bits.

En este caso hay que evaluar, por que puedes comprar un servidor completo
en USA, vs el costo del mantenimiento en tu casa (Hardware, Luz, etc... )


problem med papperskorg på krypterad disk

2013-08-18 Thread jan

Igår råkade jag klicka move to trash istf move to other pane i
Caja/Nautilus. Till min stora förvåning gick det inte att öppna
papperskorgen på min krypterade disk. Det kanske är helt i sin ordning
och självklart, men inte för mig. Jag använder EncFS för krypteringen.

När jag är i farten och frågar. Rekommenderar någon någon annan
kryptering? Varför? En nackdel (?) jag kan se med EncFS är att man ser
filstorlekar och trädstruktur hos krypterade data men det tycker jag
uppvägs av att EncFS är så smidigt.


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Re: Wheezy installer problem

2013-08-18 Thread Chris Bannister
On Sat, Aug 17, 2013 at 01:25:08PM -0700, holtzm wrote:
 On Sat, Aug 17, 2013 at 02:34:40PM +1200, Chris Bannister wrote:
  On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 05:47:32PM -0700, holtzm wrote:
   The problem was a bad cd. Another installed w/ no problem. We don't
   need no stickin' checksum. No sir. Not us. uh, uhright!
  Isn't it ... need no stinkin' checksum.  or am I witnessing
  etymology/evolution in action. :(
 No. It's mostly due to light fingering when typing because of
 neuropathy caused diminished sensation in the fingers. 
 Take a tipdon't get old.

Thanks! I'll keep that in mind. :)

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: Fake fulfilled dependency without dummy package

2013-08-18 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sat, 2013-08-17 at 16:36 -0700, Gregory Nowak wrote:
 On Sat, Aug 17, 2013 at 06:10:52PM +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
  IIRC there's a command that can fake, that an unmet dependency is
  fulfilled. I already searched for apt, dpkg, aptitude regarding to this
  subject, but had no success.
  Am I mistake, is a dummy package needed?
 I have a question along the same lines, but opposite scenario. If a
 dummy package is installed, and then it's uninstalled, only the dummy
 package is uninstalled, not the dependencies. For example, installing
 linux-image-686-pae also installs
 linux-image-3.2.0-4-686-pae. However, removing linux-image-686-pae
 doesn't also remove linux-image-3.2.0-4-686-pae. How in this example
 would removing linux-image-686-pae also remove
 linux-image-3.2.0-4-686-pae as well? Doing apt-get --purge remove
 doesn't work in these situations. Note, I'm not actually intending to
 uninstall the kernel, this is just an example that readily came to

If something needs the dummy package as a dependency and you remove it,
then the package management will remove the packages that depend on this
dummy too, don't confuse this with e.g. meta packages that will install
a collection of packages and that can be removed later. Btw. isn't
purge for removing configs too? Most dummy packages likely are empty.

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Re: Fake fulfilled dependency without dummy package

2013-08-18 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sun, 2013-08-18 at 00:37 +0100, Karl E. Jørgensen wrote:
 Are you implying that pulseaudio is badly designed?  Just
 curios; I have no intention of re-igniting the pulseaudio debates I've
 seen on the mailing lists and forums in the past...

Without discussing the source code, the way pulseaudio handles audio
streams, regarding to this I only could quote what a known Linux DSP
coder mentioned, it already is bad software, because it not always can
be disabled without issues, but it will break audio on some machines.
Making this a hard dependency by e.g. the gnome-settings-daemon is

Several times people claimed that nowadays pulseaudio can be disabled
without issues and several times after such claims people experience
issues when doing this. Since I don't need pulseaudio and I always would
have to disable it, when doing audio productions, I can't see a reason
to install it to my _userspace_.

 Linux (by which I presume you mean Debian, as Linux refers to the
 kernel, and we're discussing userspace stuff here)

Correct, in this context Linux is for the userspace of what distro ever.

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Re: logrotate: file size changed while zipping

2013-08-18 Thread Pertti Kosunen

On Thu, 26 Jul 2012 10:42:30 +0200, Slavko wrote:

in last days (perhaps weeks) i get daily mail from cron's logrotate task
with this:

gzip: stdin: file size changed while zipping

I had this too over a year on testing/unstable. I did put --verbose to 
logrotate, it seems samba nmbd is causing it.

There is already bug reported about it.

From Cron message:
rotating pattern: /var/log/samba/log.nmbd  weekly (7 rotations)
empty log files are not rotated, old logs are removed
considering log /var/log/samba/log.nmbd
  log needs rotating
rotating log /var/log/samba/log.nmbd, log-rotateCount is 7
dateext suffix '-20130818'
glob pattern '-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]'
renaming /var/log/samba/log.nmbd.7.gz to /var/log/samba/log.nmbd.8.gz 
(rotatecount 7, logstart 1, i 7),
renaming /var/log/samba/log.nmbd.6.gz to /var/log/samba/log.nmbd.7.gz 
(rotatecount 7, logstart 1, i 6),
renaming /var/log/samba/log.nmbd.5.gz to /var/log/samba/log.nmbd.6.gz 
(rotatecount 7, logstart 1, i 5),
renaming /var/log/samba/log.nmbd.4.gz to /var/log/samba/log.nmbd.5.gz 
(rotatecount 7, logstart 1, i 4),
renaming /var/log/samba/log.nmbd.3.gz to /var/log/samba/log.nmbd.4.gz 
(rotatecount 7, logstart 1, i 3),
renaming /var/log/samba/log.nmbd.2.gz to /var/log/samba/log.nmbd.3.gz 
(rotatecount 7, logstart 1, i 2),
renaming /var/log/samba/log.nmbd.1.gz to /var/log/samba/log.nmbd.2.gz 
(rotatecount 7, logstart 1, i 1),
renaming /var/log/samba/log.nmbd.0.gz to /var/log/samba/log.nmbd.1.gz 
(rotatecount 7, logstart 1, i 0),

old log /var/log/samba/log.nmbd.0.gz does not exist
renaming /var/log/samba/log.nmbd to /var/log/samba/log.nmbd.1
creating new /var/log/samba/log.nmbd mode = 0644 uid = 0 gid = 0
running postrotate script
compressing log with: /bin/gzip
gzip: stdin: file size changed while zipping
removing old log /var/log/samba/log.nmbd.8.gz

End of /var/log/samba/log.nmbd.1.gz:
[2013/08/18 06:25:03,  0] nmbd/nmbd.c:128(nmbd_sig_hup_handler)
  Got SIGHUP dumping debug info.
[2013/08/18 06:25:03,  0] nmbd/nmbd_workgroupdb.c:276(dump_workgroups)
   dump workgroup on subnet10.0.0.1: netmask=
WORKGROUP(1) current master browser = FIREWALL
FIREWALL 40849a03 (firewall server)
SERVER 40801a03 ()
[2013/08/18 06:25:03,  0] nmbd/nmbd_workgroupdb.c:276(dump_workgroups)
   dump workgroup on subnet  UNICAST_SUBNET: netmask=
WORKGROUP(1) current master browser = UNKNOWN
FIREWALL 40819a03 (firewall server)

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Re: A strange new phenomena

2013-08-18 Thread Chris Bannister
On Sun, Aug 18, 2013 at 03:18:22PM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
 Yes. The only sliver was upgrade to sid, ...

Ouch! That's bad advice, the point of no return.

 or the latest xorg-driver

Apparently it was working at some stage and it was an UPGRADE which
CAUSED the OP's problem? So upgrading further without any knowledge of what
is causing the problem can only exacerbate the problem.

 you can lay hands on.
 The fact that it happens before startx is run, is perhaps due to some
 of the graphics driver stack now being in the Linux kernel.

Right, and do we know the video hardware, kernel, video driver, etc. ...

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: sudo questions

2013-08-18 Thread Chris Bannister
On Sat, Aug 17, 2013 at 09:25:23PM +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 On Sun, 2013-08-18 at 03:12 +0900, Joel Rees wrote:
  johndoe sounds like a great name for an admin account.
 There's a Debian BSD port ;), so how about Charlie Root?
 too long, didn't read

IOW, tl;dr 

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: How to use the debian installation iso for installing packages using aptitude

2013-08-18 Thread Chris Bannister
On Sun, Aug 18, 2013 at 10:54:56AM +0530, Anubhav Yadav wrote:
 root@Innovator:~# apt-key update
 gpg: key B98321F9: Squeeze Stable Release Key not changed
 gpg: key 473041FA: Debian Archive Automatic Signing Key (6.0/squeeze) not changed
 gpg: key 65FFB764: Wheezy Stable Release Key not changed
 gpg: key 46925553: Debian Archive Automatic Signing Key (7.0/wheezy) not changed
 gpg: Total number processed: 4
 gpg:  unchanged: 4
 After that I tried installing a package with apt-get (with my offline
 repository disabled) and the warning that was coming before (the
 packages could not be authenticated, do you want to continue or not?)
 was not there.

Alright! so some testing is starting to nail down the problem.

 Okay, so now I commented out all online repositories and uncommented
 out the offline repos (the iso files)
 The warning was back.

OK, So because of that I'm guessing you need an entry like:
gpg: key cxdfddey: Local Repository Key
blah blah blah.

So following the adage -- teach a man to fish ...

Googling how to authenticate a local repository Debian
(leave off the quotes in the search box.)

Returns, e.g.:

Another way is to just cut'n'paste the error/warning/ message into

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: A strange new phenomena

2013-08-18 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On 8/18/13, Chris Bannister wrote:
 On Sun, Aug 18, 2013 at 03:18:22PM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:

 Yes. The only sliver was upgrade to sid, ...

 Ouch! That's bad advice, the point of no return.


It was just a sliver :/

And another sliver: I think once I got it going (with the random
restarts issue), I took to suspend/resume rather than restart for
awhile. I think I was already on sid, so by upgrade for me it was
simply wait, find bug if possible, file bug otherwise, cross fingers,
upgrade again...

 or the latest xorg-driver

 Apparently it was working at some stage and it was an UPGRADE which
 CAUSED the OP's problem? So upgrading further without any knowledge of what
 is causing the problem can only exacerbate the problem.


The OP ought to try to remember or discover what his 'upgrade' was.
Especially with 'testing' still being early days AIUI.

 you can lay hands on.
 The fact that it happens before startx is run, is perhaps due to some
 of the graphics driver stack now being in the Linux kernel.

 Right, and do we know the video hardware, kernel, video driver, etc. ...

Dear OP, do you know the video hardware, kernel, video driver, etc.
... my sliver of memory from ~6 or more years ago is not in any way
definitive, of course.

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Re: Fake fulfilled dependency without dummy package

2013-08-18 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On 8/18/13, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 On Sat, 2013-08-17 at 16:36 -0700, Gregory Nowak wrote:
 On Sat, Aug 17, 2013 at 06:10:52PM +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
  IIRC there's a command that can fake, that an unmet dependency is
  fulfilled. I already searched for apt, dpkg, aptitude regarding to this
  subject, but had no success.
  Am I mistake, is a dummy package needed?

 I have a question along the same lines, but opposite scenario. If a
 dummy package is installed, and then it's uninstalled, only the dummy
 package is uninstalled, not the dependencies.

 If something needs the dummy package as a dependency and you remove it,
 then the package management will remove the packages that depend on this
 dummy too, don't confuse this with e.g. meta packages that will install
 a collection of packages and that can be removed later.

For reference, equivs package is used to create both meta, and
dummy packages - ie a package which depends upon, or provides
(or in fact conflicts with) other packages.

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Re: sudo questions

2013-08-18 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sun, 2013-08-18 at 21:33 +1200, Chris Bannister wrote:
 On Sat, Aug 17, 2013 at 09:25:23PM +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
  On Sun, 2013-08-18 at 03:12 +0900, Joel Rees wrote:
   johndoe sounds like a great name for an admin account.
  There's a Debian BSD port ;), so how about Charlie Root?

Should be charlie or charlieroot.
  too long, didn't read
 IOW, tl;dr

In my opinion it won't add more sane security, if a hacker doesn't know
the admin account name, but it would confuse new admins.


I'm serious now. Wouldn't it add extra security, if binaries wouldn't be
in directories called bin or sbin? Why not hide the binaries
in /etc/fonts/.abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/cjo
and /etc/fonts/.abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/tcjo?

This is possible, but for good reasons no sane admin will do it.

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scanner and usb-2 usb-3 connections

2013-08-18 Thread François Patte

I have usb2 and usb3 ports on my computer. When I plug my usb2 scanner
in an usb3 port, xsane cannot start.

Is it correct? My (usb2) mouse and keyboard work perfectly when plugged
in an usb3 port.

If I start xsane from a terminal, I get this message:

Failed cupsGetDevices

What does it mean and how to correct this?

xsane find the scanner (of course) but it also find the webcan!!! Is
there a way to avoid this?

Thank you.

François Patte
UFR de mathématiques et informatique
Laboratoire CNRS MAP5, UMR 8145
Université Paris Descartes
45, rue des Saints Pères
F-75270 Paris Cedex 06
Tél. +33 (0)1 8394 5849

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update-rc.d question

2013-08-18 Thread François Patte

While installing some packages, I get this message:

update-rc.d: warning: start and stop actions are no longer supported;
falling back to defaults

What does it mean?

Thank you

François Patte
UFR de mathématiques et informatique
Laboratoire CNRS MAP5, UMR 8145
Université Paris Descartes
45, rue des Saints Pères
F-75270 Paris Cedex 06
Tél. +33 (0)1 8394 5849

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Re: sudo questions

2013-08-18 Thread Brian
On Sun 18 Aug 2013 at 06:51:04 +0900, Joel Rees wrote:

 On Sun, Aug 18, 2013 at 4:03 AM, Brian wrote:
  On Sun 18 Aug 2013 at 03:12:39 +0900, Joel Rees wrote:
  But debian's installer tries to encourage the user to not enable root,
  No, it doesn't.
 Perhaps you would rather I said something like, it gives the option to
 establish an initial account and tells the person performing the
 if root login is enabled,
 the initial account will not be an admin account,
 but if root login is disabled,
 the initial account will be a member of the sudo group
 and thus an admin account,
 and, by the way, you might prefer to not enable root login.
 Is that closer to what the installer does in your opinion?

Yes, closer but the installer doesn't adopt a stance on sudo versus
root login. The wordings presented to the user are:

 If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be
 created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command.


 You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative   
 account. A malicious or unqualified user with root access can have 
 disastrous results, so you should take care to choose a root password  
 that is not easy to guess. It should not be a word found in dictionaries,  
 or a word that could be easily associated with you.
 A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation 
 and should be changed at regular intervals.
 The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this 
 empty, the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user 
 account will be given the power to become root using the sudo

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Re: update-rc.d question

2013-08-18 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sun, 2013-08-18 at 12:26 +0200, François Patte wrote:
 update-rc.d: warning: start and stop actions are no longer supported;
 falling back to defaults

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Re: update-rc.d question

2013-08-18 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sun, 2013-08-18 at 12:35 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 On Sun, 2013-08-18 at 12:26 +0200, François Patte wrote:
  update-rc.d: warning: start and stop actions are no longer supported;
  falling back to defaults

What packages did you install, when this message appeared? You should
file a bug against the package that does cause this warning.

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Re: A strange new phenomena

2013-08-18 Thread Anthony Campbell
On 18 Aug 2013, Harry Putnam wrote:
 Zenaan Harkness writes:
  On 8/18/13, Harry Putnam wrote:
  I've been seeing something entirely new and unexpected during boot up
  Every few boots, something happens that prevents me logging in.
  It appears to be a mashup of the grub screen (light blue with white
  scroll).  and made into tiles mashed together haphazardly. That, at
  least, describes the upper portion of the screen. Maybe around 75%.
  Sounds like a display driver issue. ISTR getting this same problem
  many years ago.
 I guess if you had a glimmer of memory about how you went about
 tracking it down... you would have said so eh?

If you have a removeable video card it might be worth taking it out and
putting it back. I've solved strange display problems like that a couple
of times in the past.

Anthony Campbell -

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Re: How to use the debian installation iso for installing packages using aptitude

2013-08-18 Thread Anubhav Yadav

 OK, So because of that I'm guessing you need an entry like:
 gpg: key cxdfddey: Local Repository Key
 blah blah blah.

 So following the adage -- teach a man to fish ...

 Googling how to authenticate a local repository Debian
 (leave off the quotes in the search box.)

 Returns, e.g.:

 Another way is to just cut'n'paste the error/warning/ message into

 Thanks a lot for your help, the links you sent me all contain how to sign
your own repository that you make for your own packages. Here I am using
the debian repository. So I guess I will need to sign them with the
official key. Where can I find that key?

Also if I generate my own gpg key and sign the repository using that key,
will it get authenticated?

Just the last piece of the puzzle!

Anubhav Yadav

Re: How to use the debian installation iso for installing packages using aptitude

2013-08-18 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On 8/18/13, Anubhav Yadav wrote:

 OK, So because of that I'm guessing you need an entry like:
 gpg: key cxdfddey: Local Repository Key
 blah blah blah.

 So following the adage -- teach a man to fish ...

 Googling how to authenticate a local repository Debian
 (leave off the quotes in the search box.)

 Returns, e.g.:
 Thanks a lot for your help, the links you sent me all contain how to sign
 your own repository that you make for your own packages. Here I am using
 the debian repository. So I guess I will need to sign them with the
 official key. Where can I find that key?


That would of course defeat the purpose of having an official key, if
anyone could sign packages officially.

Your key only.

 Also if I generate my own gpg key and sign the repository using that key,
 will it get authenticated?

I can't answer that.

But gpg-signing a 30GiB repo, package by package, just to avoid
warning messages?

There ought be a simple I'm the admin, I know what I'm doing, please
override the checks for this repo override.


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Re: How to use the debian installation iso for installing packages using aptitude

2013-08-18 Thread Anubhav Yadav

 That would of course defeat the purpose of having an official key, if
 anyone could sign packages officially.

 Your key only.

 I found a key on this page?
Can you help me now, by telling me how to  add that particular key into my
I have mounted the iso in /media/dvd1-mountpoint/

The key is here
Anubhav Yadav

Re: sudo questions

2013-08-18 Thread Chris Bannister
On Sun, Aug 18, 2013 at 12:17:46PM +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 On Sun, 2013-08-18 at 21:33 +1200, Chris Bannister wrote:
  On Sat, Aug 17, 2013 at 09:25:23PM +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
   too long, didn't read
  IOW, tl;dr
 In my opinion it won't add more sane security, if a hacker doesn't know
 the admin account name, but it would confuse new admins.

No, no, no. I am having a bad day being understood.
too long, didn't read == tl;dr

but some people use tl;dr as meaning executive summary or summary.
Obscure? Sorry.

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: sudo questions

2013-08-18 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On 8/18/13, Chris Bannister wrote:
 On Sun, Aug 18, 2013 at 12:17:46PM +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 On Sun, 2013-08-18 at 21:33 +1200, Chris Bannister wrote:
  On Sat, Aug 17, 2013 at 09:25:23PM +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

   too long, didn't read
  IOW, tl;dr

 In my opinion it won't add more sane security, if a hacker doesn't know
 the admin account name, but it would confuse new admins.


 No, no, no. I am having a bad day being understood.
 too long, didn't read == tl;dr
 but some people use tl;dr as meaning executive summary or summary.
 Obscure? Sorry.

Chris, Chris, you were understood perfectly, you are having a bad day
understanding sarcasm that's all.

Your good intent is well noted. Thanks for being Chris.


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Re: How to use the debian installation iso for installing packages using aptitude

2013-08-18 Thread Chris Bannister

Having trouble sending some mail -- trying again.

Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2013 23:26:00 +1200
From: Chris Bannister
Subject: Re: How to use the debian installation iso for installing packages
 using aptitude

On Sun, Aug 18, 2013 at 04:31:14PM +0530, Anubhav Yadav wrote:
  Thanks a lot for your help, the links you sent me all contain how to sign
 your own repository that you make for your own packages. Here I am using
 the debian repository. So I guess I will need to sign them with the
 official key. Where can I find that key?

It should end with .gpg

 Also if I generate my own gpg key and sign the repository using that key,
 will it get authenticated?

Doesn't one of those links show how to add it to the apt key ring?
You can always try things and see if they work.

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: sudo questions

2013-08-18 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sun, 2013-08-18 at 21:40 +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
 On 8/18/13, Chris Bannister wrote:
  On Sun, Aug 18, 2013 at 12:17:46PM +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
  On Sun, 2013-08-18 at 21:33 +1200, Chris Bannister wrote:
   On Sat, Aug 17, 2013 at 09:25:23PM +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
too long, didn't read
   IOW, tl;dr
  In my opinion it won't add more sane security, if a hacker doesn't know
  the admin account name, but it would confuse new admins.
  No, no, no. I am having a bad day being understood.
  too long, didn't read == tl;dr
  but some people use tl;dr as meaning executive summary or summary.
  Obscure? Sorry.
 Chris, Chris, you were understood perfectly, you are having a bad day
 understanding sarcasm that's all.
 Your good intent is well noted. Thanks for being Chris.


Chris, what you call a bad day, I call an averaged day ;) [1].


[1] The polemic, the pathos is based on Ice-T's Cos what I call home
you call hell. If there should be dissing again at Linux audio users
mailing list, I will dig deeper into lyrics of some rap musicians and
chime in again in such a thread.

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Re: sudo questions

2013-08-18 Thread Joel Rees
On Sun, Aug 18, 2013 at 7:32 PM, Brian wrote:
 On Sun 18 Aug 2013 at 06:51:04 +0900, Joel Rees wrote:

 On Sun, Aug 18, 2013 at 4:03 AM, Brian wrote:
  On Sun 18 Aug 2013 at 03:12:39 +0900, Joel Rees wrote:
  But debian's installer tries to encourage the user to not enable root,
  No, it doesn't.

 Perhaps you would rather I said something like, it gives the option to
 establish an initial account and tells the person performing the

 if root login is enabled,
 the initial account will not be an admin account,
 but if root login is disabled,
 the initial account will be a member of the sudo group
 and thus an admin account,
 and, by the way, you might prefer to not enable root login.

 Is that closer to what the installer does in your opinion?

 Yes, closer but the installer doesn't adopt a stance on sudo versus
 root login. The wordings presented to the user are:

  If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be
  created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command.

Hmm. I think I was reading my prejudices into that.


  You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative
  account. A malicious or unqualified user with root access can have
  disastrous results, so you should take care to choose a root password
  that is not easy to guess. It should not be a word found in dictionaries,
  or a word that could be easily associated with you.
  A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation
  and should be changed at regular intervals.
  The root user should not have an empty password.

Ah, I think I was misreading this part, again, according to my prejudices.

 If you leave this
  empty, the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user
  account will be given the power to become root using the sudo

Maybe I need to file a feature request (for my own satisfaction, even
if it gets rejected).

What I lean towards is providing the installing user
(1) the opportunity to set the root password,
(2) the opportunity to set a separate admin account and password
(member of sudo group on debian),
and (3) the opportunity to set a separate non-admin work account and password.

(To go into more detail, I'd go so far as to present a few
l33t5pe@k-ed randomized-with-entropy example passphrases at each step,
though not actually putting anything into the password entry field.
I'm a bit aggressive about pushing good passwords. Of course, that
requires a largish spelling dictionary in the installer, to pull the
random passphrases from. :-/)

Anyway, I can see I've been reading the installer in the context of my
opinions about the ideal minimum number of accounts.

Joel Rees

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Re: Loopback filesystems for mail storage

2013-08-18 Thread Kumar Appaiah
On Sun, Aug 18, 2013 at 03:11:38PM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
 On 8/18/13, Kumar Appaiah wrote:
  On Sun, Aug 18, 2013 at 02:52:05AM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
  In GahNU, answer find you :)
  But you ought to do your bit and find duckduckgo while you're at it.
  I am doing some searching myself, but I did want some opinions from
  the list. Thank you for sharing your opinions.
 All good.
 I am also interested in the indexing side. Please do let us know what
 solution you find which works well for your email storage volume.
 About 6 years ago I encouraged a friend to move from OutlookExpress to
 Thunderbird, for libre reasons, and for getting familiar with software
 which is cross-platform to GNU/Linux.
 They had about 3GiB of OutlookExpress files, with many folders, and
 Thunderbird I think managed to import them all, BUT was significantly
 slower for searching and everything, so they could not practically
 make the switch at the time. They were running an 2000-era Pentium4
 2GHz, 1G RAM, 120G laptop HDD.

Personally, I use Mutt myself. I used to use mboxes, but recently
converted to Maildirs due to the fact that notmuch makes searching
very easy and fast. My current ext4 solution seems to work well, but I
was just wondering whether this approach would scale well.

 Good luck, and I do hope you find a great solution to large mailbox
 storing and searching!

Wish you the same. Thanks.

The good thing about standards is that there are so many to choose from.
-- Andrew S. Tanenbaum

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Ethernet suddenly limited to 100 Mbps

2013-08-18 Thread Vincent Lefevre
On my laptop, Ethernet has been limited to 100 Mbps for a few days.
Nothing changed on the network side. Just a few upgrades on the laptop
(Debian/unstable). Any explanation?

xvii:~ zgrep e1000e: 
/var/log/kern.log.4.gz:Jul 25 08:52:14 xvii kernel: [551721.072200] e1000e: 
eth0 NIC Link is Down
/var/log/kern.log.4.gz:Jul 25 09:44:48 xvii kernel: [554875.032922] e1000e: 
eth0 NIC Link is Up 1000 Mbps Full Duplex, Flow Control: Rx/Tx
/var/log/kern.log.4.gz:Jul 25 09:45:00 xvii kernel: [554887.528143] e1000e: 
eth0 NIC Link is Down
/var/log/kern.log.4.gz:Jul 25 09:45:38 xvii kernel: [554924.937194] e1000e: 
eth0 NIC Link is Up 1000 Mbps Full Duplex, Flow Control: Rx/Tx
/var/log/kern.log.4.gz:Jul 25 09:46:11 xvii kernel: [554957.808911] e1000e: 
eth0 NIC Link is Up 1000 Mbps Full Duplex, Flow Control: Rx/Tx
/var/log/kern.log.4.gz:Jul 28 00:16:56 xvii kernel: [0.805857] e1000e: 
Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Driver - 2.3.2-k
/var/log/kern.log.4.gz:Jul 28 00:16:56 xvii kernel: [0.805859] e1000e: 
Copyright(c) 1999 - 2013 Intel Corporation.
/var/log/kern.log.4.gz:Jul 28 00:17:20 xvii kernel: [   76.724904] e1000e: eth0 
NIC Link is Up 1000 Mbps Full Duplex, Flow Control: Rx/Tx
/var/log/kern.log.3.gz:Jul 28 01:22:13 xvii kernel: [0.822007] e1000e: 
Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Driver - 2.3.2-k
/var/log/kern.log.3.gz:Jul 28 01:22:13 xvii kernel: [0.822011] e1000e: 
Copyright(c) 1999 - 2013 Intel Corporation.
/var/log/kern.log.3.gz:Jul 28 01:22:32 xvii kernel: [   72.800920] e1000e: eth0 
NIC Link is Up 1000 Mbps Full Duplex, Flow Control: Rx/Tx
/var/log/kern.log.3.gz:Jul 28 02:47:36 xvii kernel: [0.793633] e1000e: 
Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Driver - 2.2.14-k
/var/log/kern.log.3.gz:Jul 28 02:47:36 xvii kernel: [0.793636] e1000e: 
Copyright(c) 1999 - 2013 Intel Corporation.
/var/log/kern.log.3.gz:Jul 28 02:47:59 xvii kernel: [   63.076906] e1000e: eth0 
NIC Link is Up 1000 Mbps Full Duplex, Flow Control: Rx/Tx
/var/log/kern.log.3.gz:Jul 28 02:51:54 xvii kernel: [0.805266] e1000e: 
Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Driver - 2.3.2-k
/var/log/kern.log.3.gz:Jul 28 02:51:54 xvii kernel: [0.805268] e1000e: 
Copyright(c) 1999 - 2013 Intel Corporation.
/var/log/kern.log.3.gz:Jul 28 02:52:16 xvii kernel: [   62.320928] e1000e: eth0 
NIC Link is Up 1000 Mbps Full Duplex, Flow Control: Rx/Tx
/var/log/kern.log.3.gz:Jul 28 18:12:30 xvii kernel: [0.822495] e1000e: 
Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Driver - 2.3.2-k
/var/log/kern.log.3.gz:Jul 28 18:12:30 xvii kernel: [0.822498] e1000e: 
Copyright(c) 1999 - 2013 Intel Corporation.
/var/log/kern.log.3.gz:Jul 28 18:12:53 xvii kernel: [   60.996886] e1000e: eth0 
NIC Link is Up 1000 Mbps Full Duplex, Flow Control: Rx/Tx
/var/log/kern.log.3.gz:Aug  1 10:13:27 xvii kernel: [0.797585] e1000e: 
Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Driver - 2.3.2-k
/var/log/kern.log.3.gz:Aug  1 10:13:27 xvii kernel: [0.797588] e1000e: 
Copyright(c) 1999 - 2013 Intel Corporation.
/var/log/kern.log.3.gz:Aug  1 10:13:51 xvii kernel: [   63.156920] e1000e: eth0 
NIC Link is Up 1000 Mbps Full Duplex, Flow Control: Rx/Tx
/var/log/kern.log.3.gz:Aug  1 10:24:24 xvii kernel: [0.813076] e1000e: 
Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Driver - 2.3.2-k
/var/log/kern.log.3.gz:Aug  1 10:24:24 xvii kernel: [0.813080] e1000e: 
Copyright(c) 1999 - 2013 Intel Corporation.
/var/log/kern.log.3.gz:Aug  1 10:24:46 xvii kernel: [   60.084890] e1000e: eth0 
NIC Link is Up 1000 Mbps Full Duplex, Flow Control: Rx/Tx
/var/log/kern.log.3.gz:Aug  2 13:34:14 xvii kernel: [0.814672] e1000e: 
Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Driver - 2.3.2-k
/var/log/kern.log.3.gz:Aug  2 13:34:14 xvii kernel: [0.814674] e1000e: 
Copyright(c) 1999 - 2013 Intel Corporation.
/var/log/kern.log.3.gz:Aug  2 13:34:38 xvii kernel: [   63.636882] e1000e: eth0 
NIC Link is Up 1000 Mbps Full Duplex, Flow Control: Rx/Tx
/var/log/kern.log.2.gz:Aug  7 00:56:29 xvii kernel: [386574.536143] e1000e: 
eth0 NIC Link is Down
/var/log/kern.log.2.gz:Aug  7 00:56:32 xvii kernel: [386577.985236] e1000e: 
eth0 NIC Link is Up 1000 Mbps Full Duplex, Flow Control: Rx/Tx
/var/log/kern.log.2.gz:Aug  7 00:57:22 xvii kernel: [386627.508912] e1000e: 
eth0 NIC Link is Up 1000 Mbps Full Duplex, Flow Control: Rx/Tx
/var/log/kern.log.2.gz:Aug  7 14:33:05 xvii kernel: [435571.004555] e1000e: 
eth0 NIC Link is Down
/var/log/kern.log.2.gz:Aug  7 14:33:14 xvii kernel: [435580.093180] e1000e: 
eth0 NIC Link is Up 1000 Mbps Full Duplex, Flow Control: Rx/Tx
/var/log/kern.log.2.gz:Aug  7 14:33:21 xvii kernel: [435586.304971] e1000e: 
eth0 NIC Link is Up 1000 Mbps Full Duplex, Flow Control: Rx/Tx
/var/log/kern.log.2.gz:Aug  7 14:33:25 xvii kernel: [435591.044195] e1000e: 
eth0 NIC Link is Down
/var/log/kern.log.2.gz:Aug  7 14:34:02 xvii kernel: [435628.144983] e1000e: 
eth0 NIC Link is Up 1000 Mbps Full Duplex, Flow Control: Rx/Tx
/var/log/kern.log.2.gz:Aug  7 14:34:39 xvii kernel: [435664.505177] e1000e: 
eth0 NIC 

Re: Loopback filesystems for mail storage

2013-08-18 Thread Stan Hoeppner
On 8/18/2013 12:16 AM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
 PS: My suggestion to use git as an email filesystem store was in jest.
 ZFS however is a serious consideration for myself, for TiB+ size
 filesystems at least.
 BTRFS and perhaps XFS are starting now to look at the
 internal-consistency assurance problem too finally (from what I read a
 month or so ago), due to necessity as we now hit multi-TiB

FYI, a few 100+ TB XFS filesystems existed over 10 years ago.  Since
then there have been hundreds of XFS filesystems in production of many
10s of TB, and more than a few over 100TB.  Consistency checking for
silent corruption isn't a prerequisite for very large filesystems, but
it is better to have it than not.

The XFS team have completed much of the work to implement CRC
checksumming.  The new superblock and on disk format have been
introduced along with many of the required kernel and user space
patches.  Some work remains and more testing.  Full implementation
should hit a stable upstream kernel within a few months I'd guess.


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Re: Ethernet suddenly limited to 100 Mbps

2013-08-18 Thread Stan Hoeppner
On 8/18/2013 10:31 AM, Vincent Lefevre wrote:
 On my laptop, Ethernet has been limited to 100 Mbps for a few days.
 Nothing changed on the network side. Just a few upgrades on the laptop
 (Debian/unstable). Any explanation?

Gigabit ethernet is fully auto negotiating at the hardware level--a
software update shouldn't cause negotiation to drop to 100.  GBE uses
all 8 conductors of category 5e/6 cabling, fast ethernet uses only 4.
If it's negotiating to 100, I'd say you have a bad cable, connector
(cable or receiver port), or switch port.  Given this is a laptop, I
make the educated guess that you plug/unplug regularly putting wear
stress on the cable and connectors.

In this case you should check the 8 angled pins in the laptop RJ45
receptacle to make sure none are broken or bent.  If one of the 8 is not
making solid contact with the corresponding cable connector pin, 100
Mbps link speed will be the result.  If it is damaged the laptop will
require depot service to desolder and replace the receptacle.  If the
receptacle doesn't appear to be the problem, replace the cable with a
known good cable or a new cable.  Frequent bending of cables during
insertion/removal can cause stress breakage of the tiny cable conductors
which are normally 26 or 28 AWG, especially at the termination connector


 xvii:~ zgrep e1000e: 
 /var/log/kern.log.4.gz:Jul 25 08:52:14 xvii kernel: [551721.072200] e1000e: 
 eth0 NIC Link is Down
 /var/log/kern.log.4.gz:Jul 25 09:44:48 xvii kernel: [554875.032922] e1000e: 
 eth0 NIC Link is Up 1000 Mbps Full Duplex, Flow Control: Rx/Tx
 /var/log/kern.log.4.gz:Jul 25 09:45:00 xvii kernel: [554887.528143] e1000e: 
 eth0 NIC Link is Down
 /var/log/kern.log.4.gz:Jul 25 09:45:38 xvii kernel: [554924.937194] e1000e: 
 eth0 NIC Link is Up 1000 Mbps Full Duplex, Flow Control: Rx/Tx
 /var/log/kern.log.4.gz:Jul 25 09:46:11 xvii kernel: [554957.808911] e1000e: 
 eth0 NIC Link is Up 1000 Mbps Full Duplex, Flow Control: Rx/Tx
 /var/log/kern.log.4.gz:Jul 28 00:16:56 xvii kernel: [0.805857] e1000e: 
 Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Driver - 2.3.2-k
 /var/log/kern.log.4.gz:Jul 28 00:16:56 xvii kernel: [0.805859] e1000e: 
 Copyright(c) 1999 - 2013 Intel Corporation.
 /var/log/kern.log.4.gz:Jul 28 00:17:20 xvii kernel: [   76.724904] e1000e: 
 eth0 NIC Link is Up 1000 Mbps Full Duplex, Flow Control: Rx/Tx
 /var/log/kern.log.3.gz:Jul 28 01:22:13 xvii kernel: [0.822007] e1000e: 
 Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Driver - 2.3.2-k
 /var/log/kern.log.3.gz:Jul 28 01:22:13 xvii kernel: [0.822011] e1000e: 
 Copyright(c) 1999 - 2013 Intel Corporation.
 /var/log/kern.log.3.gz:Jul 28 01:22:32 xvii kernel: [   72.800920] e1000e: 
 eth0 NIC Link is Up 1000 Mbps Full Duplex, Flow Control: Rx/Tx
 /var/log/kern.log.3.gz:Jul 28 02:47:36 xvii kernel: [0.793633] e1000e: 
 Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Driver - 2.2.14-k
 /var/log/kern.log.3.gz:Jul 28 02:47:36 xvii kernel: [0.793636] e1000e: 
 Copyright(c) 1999 - 2013 Intel Corporation.
 /var/log/kern.log.3.gz:Jul 28 02:47:59 xvii kernel: [   63.076906] e1000e: 
 eth0 NIC Link is Up 1000 Mbps Full Duplex, Flow Control: Rx/Tx
 /var/log/kern.log.3.gz:Jul 28 02:51:54 xvii kernel: [0.805266] e1000e: 
 Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Driver - 2.3.2-k
 /var/log/kern.log.3.gz:Jul 28 02:51:54 xvii kernel: [0.805268] e1000e: 
 Copyright(c) 1999 - 2013 Intel Corporation.
 /var/log/kern.log.3.gz:Jul 28 02:52:16 xvii kernel: [   62.320928] e1000e: 
 eth0 NIC Link is Up 1000 Mbps Full Duplex, Flow Control: Rx/Tx
 /var/log/kern.log.3.gz:Jul 28 18:12:30 xvii kernel: [0.822495] e1000e: 
 Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Driver - 2.3.2-k
 /var/log/kern.log.3.gz:Jul 28 18:12:30 xvii kernel: [0.822498] e1000e: 
 Copyright(c) 1999 - 2013 Intel Corporation.
 /var/log/kern.log.3.gz:Jul 28 18:12:53 xvii kernel: [   60.996886] e1000e: 
 eth0 NIC Link is Up 1000 Mbps Full Duplex, Flow Control: Rx/Tx
 /var/log/kern.log.3.gz:Aug  1 10:13:27 xvii kernel: [0.797585] e1000e: 
 Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Driver - 2.3.2-k
 /var/log/kern.log.3.gz:Aug  1 10:13:27 xvii kernel: [0.797588] e1000e: 
 Copyright(c) 1999 - 2013 Intel Corporation.
 /var/log/kern.log.3.gz:Aug  1 10:13:51 xvii kernel: [   63.156920] e1000e: 
 eth0 NIC Link is Up 1000 Mbps Full Duplex, Flow Control: Rx/Tx
 /var/log/kern.log.3.gz:Aug  1 10:24:24 xvii kernel: [0.813076] e1000e: 
 Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Driver - 2.3.2-k
 /var/log/kern.log.3.gz:Aug  1 10:24:24 xvii kernel: [0.813080] e1000e: 
 Copyright(c) 1999 - 2013 Intel Corporation.
 /var/log/kern.log.3.gz:Aug  1 10:24:46 xvii kernel: [   60.084890] e1000e: 
 eth0 NIC Link is Up 1000 Mbps Full Duplex, Flow Control: Rx/Tx
 /var/log/kern.log.3.gz:Aug  2 13:34:14 xvii kernel: [0.814672] e1000e: 
 Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Driver - 2.3.2-k
 /var/log/kern.log.3.gz:Aug  2 13:34:14 xvii kernel: [0.814674] e1000e: 
 Copyright(c) 1999 - 2013 Intel Corporation.

Re: logrotate: file size changed while zipping

2013-08-18 Thread Slavko
Dňa 18.08.2013 11:00 Pertti Kosunen  wrote / napísal(a):
 On Thu, 26 Jul 2012 10:42:30 +0200, Slavko wrote:
 in last days (perhaps weeks) i get daily mail from cron's logrotate task
 with this:

 gzip: stdin: file size changed while zipping
 I had this too over a year on testing/unstable. I did put --verbose to
 logrotate, it seems samba nmbd is causing it.
 There is already bug reported about it.
 From Cron message:
 rotating pattern: /var/log/samba/log.nmbd  weekly (7 rotations)
 empty log files are not rotated, old logs are removed
 considering log /var/log/samba/log.nmbd
   log needs rotating
 rotating log /var/log/samba/log.nmbd, log-rotateCount is 7
 dateext suffix '-20130818'
 glob pattern '-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]'
 renaming /var/log/samba/log.nmbd.7.gz to /var/log/samba/log.nmbd.8.gz
 (rotatecount 7, logstart 1, i 7),
 renaming /var/log/samba/log.nmbd.6.gz to /var/log/samba/log.nmbd.7.gz
 (rotatecount 7, logstart 1, i 6),
 renaming /var/log/samba/log.nmbd.5.gz to /var/log/samba/log.nmbd.6.gz
 (rotatecount 7, logstart 1, i 5),
 renaming /var/log/samba/log.nmbd.4.gz to /var/log/samba/log.nmbd.5.gz
 (rotatecount 7, logstart 1, i 4),
 renaming /var/log/samba/log.nmbd.3.gz to /var/log/samba/log.nmbd.4.gz
 (rotatecount 7, logstart 1, i 3),
 renaming /var/log/samba/log.nmbd.2.gz to /var/log/samba/log.nmbd.3.gz
 (rotatecount 7, logstart 1, i 2),
 renaming /var/log/samba/log.nmbd.1.gz to /var/log/samba/log.nmbd.2.gz
 (rotatecount 7, logstart 1, i 1),
 renaming /var/log/samba/log.nmbd.0.gz to /var/log/samba/log.nmbd.1.gz
 (rotatecount 7, logstart 1, i 0),
 old log /var/log/samba/log.nmbd.0.gz does not exist
 renaming /var/log/samba/log.nmbd to /var/log/samba/log.nmbd.1
 creating new /var/log/samba/log.nmbd mode = 0644 uid = 0 gid = 0
 running postrotate script
 compressing log with: /bin/gzip
 gzip: stdin: file size changed while zipping
 removing old log /var/log/samba/log.nmbd.8.gz
 End of /var/log/samba/log.nmbd.1.gz:
 [2013/08/18 06:25:03,  0] nmbd/nmbd.c:128(nmbd_sig_hup_handler)
   Got SIGHUP dumping debug info.
 [2013/08/18 06:25:03,  0] nmbd/nmbd_workgroupdb.c:276(dump_workgroups)
dump workgroup on subnet10.0.0.1: netmask=
   WORKGROUP(1) current master browser = FIREWALL
   FIREWALL 40849a03 (firewall server)
   SERVER 40801a03 ()
 [2013/08/18 06:25:03,  0] nmbd/nmbd_workgroupdb.c:276(dump_workgroups)
dump workgroup on subnet  UNICAST_SUBNET: netmask=
   WORKGROUP(1) current master browser = UNKNOWN
   FIREWALL 40819a03 (firewall server)


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: logrotate: file size changed while zipping

2013-08-18 Thread Slavko

I am sorry for blank post - my mistake.

Dňa 18.08.2013 11:00 Pertti Kosunen  wrote / napísal(a):
 On Thu, 26 Jul 2012 10:42:30 +0200, Slavko wrote:
 in last days (perhaps weeks) i get daily mail from cron's logrotate task
 with this:

 gzip: stdin: file size changed while zipping

I have no samba installed, but I have this message for a long time too.
Not daily, but cca 5 days from week. If you will search, you will find a
thread here, where i was asking about this, but without solution.

I was trying to disable gzipping in logrotate config files, to identify
which file is doing it for some weeks, but i was not able to identify
source of problem - then i am not able to decide to which package report
the bug (i have some custom changes and i am not sure if they are not
source). Then i decide, that this must to see someone, who has more
knowledge about this...



Description: OpenPGP digital signature

CD checksums

2013-08-18 Thread Mike McClain
I downloaded the 7.1.0 net install CD last night but spent over
half an hour trying to find the checksum on Debian's website.
Though I finally found it at

I'd like to suggest that a link show up on these pages:

Mike McClain
... we're all islands shouting lies to each other across seas of
misunderstanding.  - Rudyard Kipling

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Re: CD checksums

2013-08-18 Thread Brian
On Sun 18 Aug 2013 at 10:18:55 -0700, Mike McClain wrote:

 I downloaded the 7.1.0 net install CD last night but spent over
 half an hour trying to find the checksum on Debian's website.
 Though I finally found it at

Far be it for me to propose a search with Debian net install checksum
gets you there within minutes. :)

 I'd like to suggest that a link show up on these pages:

A mail to debian-www might have a more fruitful outcome to your request.

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Re: Ethernet suddenly limited to 100 Mbps

2013-08-18 Thread Vincent Lefevre
On 2013-08-18 12:25:59 -0500, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
 On 8/18/2013 10:31 AM, Vincent Lefevre wrote:
  On my laptop, Ethernet has been limited to 100 Mbps for a few days.
  Nothing changed on the network side. Just a few upgrades on the laptop
  (Debian/unstable). Any explanation?
 Gigabit ethernet is fully auto negotiating at the hardware level--a
 software update shouldn't cause negotiation to drop to 100.  GBE uses
 all 8 conductors of category 5e/6 cabling, fast ethernet uses only 4.
 If it's negotiating to 100, I'd say you have a bad cable, connector
 (cable or receiver port), or switch port.

The Ethernet cable was the same as before, and I've tried a second
one, and it's still 100. I've also tried another port on the switch.

 Given this is a laptop, I make the educated guess that you
 plug/unplug regularly putting wear stress on the cable and

It's not regular (the laptop is usually at home and remains
connected). I take it with me only when I'm off for several days.
But the problem occurred just after being back from holidays,
where I took the laptop with me; I didn't use the Ethernet port
there, but the laptop has moved a lot in the train.

To confirm whether this comes from the laptop, I'll try with the
switch at my lab tomorrow (and I could compare with the desktop
computer, for which the speed is 1000).

 In this case you should check the 8 angled pins in the laptop RJ45
 receptacle to make sure none are broken or bent.  If one of the 8 is not
 making solid contact with the corresponding cable connector pin, 100
 Mbps link speed will be the result.  If it is damaged the laptop will
 require depot service to desolder and replace the receptacle.  If the
 receptacle doesn't appear to be the problem, replace the cable with a
 known good cable or a new cable.  Frequent bending of cables during
 insertion/removal can cause stress breakage of the tiny cable conductors
 which are normally 26 or 28 AWG, especially at the termination connector

OK, thanks for this very detailed information.

Vincent Lefèvre - Web:
100% accessible validated (X)HTML - Blog:
Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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Re: CD checksums

2013-08-18 Thread David Christensen

On 08/18/13 10:18, Mike McClain wrote:

 I downloaded the 7.1.0 net install CD last night but spent over
half an hour trying to find the checksum on Debian's website.
 Though I finally found it at

I'd like to suggest that a link show up on these pages:

If I open Iceweasel and browse to:

I see a web page that offers links to Debian ISO images.  If I 
ctrl+click the on the non-bittorrent link for the ISO I want (netinst 
amd64, for example), my browser opens a new tab with this URL:

The key is to ctrl+click so that a new tab with the above URL is opened.

I can then cancel out of the open/save dialog dialog, and the above 
browser tab remains open (blank).

Understanding that web servers traditionally map URL's onto file 
systems, I can remove the file name portion of the above URL 
debian-7.1.0-amd64-netinst.iso and browse just the directory:

The Debian team has helpfully configured their web server to generate an 
index of the files in that directory.  I can now bookmark that directory 
and download the files I want (CD ISO images, checksums, and checksum 

Taking this idea further, it is interesting to browse upwards in the 
document tree:



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Re: Is heimdall capable of flashing to s5670 froyo?

2013-08-18 Thread Steve Langasek
Hi Luther,

On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 04:42:53PM -0300, Luther Blissett wrote:
 Hello all,

 I've been trying to flash freer and newer firmware to a Samsung Galaxy
 Fit s5670b, Froyo, 2.2.1 using a jessie box.

 The official install procedure on xda-devel forums only support windows,
 through Odin and gives little info on the actual flashing procedure.
 Though some people said Heimdall would be capable of achieving this, I
 have no clue as to which firmware file to use. Is heimdall compatible
 with beni.ops?

Sorry, but I have no experience with Heimdall on that device, I've only used
it on my own Samsung Galaxy S II.  You could check with upstream whether the
Galaxy Fit is supported.

 I spent much time reading contradictory / unreliable info on web. Could
 anyone provide some sort of info on the logic of flashing rom?

 Until now, I have only succeeded on rooting and installing busybox, su
 and Superuser.apk. I went on to make those permanent and now I'm unsure
 how to proceed. What does Odin and Heimdall do that couldn't be done
 using standard shell features? 

Using heimdall-flash ensures that you have a recovery path in the event that
something goes wrong while flashing.  Also, while it might be *possible* to
update all the partitions on the device just from a root shell, chances are
the available images and instructions assume you'll be flashing them via the
firmware... so translating these instructions so the changes can be done
from the shell will surely be difficult.

 I have logs for heimdall and adb. Fastboot does not work. Since the logs
 are pretty verbose, I'll send them privately to those who volunteer to
 help me.

I doubt I would be much help in interpreting the logs.  Your best bet is
really to report any problems upstream

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer

Description: Digital signature

akonadi-server defaults to MySQL backend irregardless of which backend is installed

2013-08-18 Thread Peter Baranyi

this is on Debian unstable, using KDE. I have akonadi-backend-sqlite
installed, and not akonadi-backend-mysql, and starting akonadi-server is
not possible because it tries to use the mysql backend. I don't have an
/etc/xdg/akonadi/ directory so this default does not come from there. When
I try to start akonadi-server it creates ~/.config/akonadi/akonadiserverrc
containing the QMYSQL settings.

Where does this default come from? Is it only possible to switch backend by
editing this (or the above mentioned one in /etc/) file ? It should not
default to a hardcoded setting, but instead use a backend that is actually

The same thing happens if I install akonadi-backend-postgres.


Re: sudo questions

2013-08-18 Thread Bob Proulx
Joel Rees wrote:
 Maybe I need to file a feature request (for my own satisfaction, even
 if it gets rejected).
 What I lean towards is providing the installing user
 (1) the opportunity to set the root password,
 (2) the opportunity to set a separate admin account and password
 (member of sudo group on debian),
 and (3) the opportunity to set a separate non-admin work account and password.

I know you would like the installer to do exactly what your custom
strategy is for your system.  But that is difficult.  There are many
custom strategies.  For example I have my own things that I always
customize when setting up a new system.  Other people have other
strategies.  It is impossible to be the Univerial Operating System and
make everyone happy.  At least not all at the same time.  If you
target one particular strategy to the point of *exclusion* of others
then the others are *NOT* happy.

The best thing that the debian-installer can do is be a bootstrap tool
that gets things going.  It can be the lowest common denominator tool
that starts the system off.  After the system is installed then you as
the administrator can customize it for your purposes.  That is a good

What is even better is that if you desire you can customize the
debian-installer to create your strategy at install time.  I do this.
Works great.  However if you are only doing this once or twice it
isn't work the effort.  I set up a PXE boot and post-install
customization scripts.  All of my customization goes into those
scripts.  It is automated.  But it needed me to write the scripts to
be there.  If you are only installing once or twice then it isn't work
the effort to set up.  Then it is easier just to do what you want

In your case install using the debian-installer.  Set up a root
password.  Set up the user.  All as guided by the debian-installer.
Then after installation log in as root and create your administrator
user.  Assign them to the sudo group.

  # adduser admin
  # addgroup admin sudo

And with that you will have your desired strategy all set up and
running.  Easy!


Description: Digital signature

Re: Wheezy installer problem

2013-08-18 Thread Bob Proulx
Chris Bannister wrote:
 holtzm wrote:
  Chris Bannister wrote:
   holtzm wrote:
The problem was a bad cd. Another installed w/ no problem. We don't
need no stickin' checksum. No sir. Not us. uh, uhright!
   Isn't it ... need no stinkin' checksum.  or am I witnessing
   etymology/evolution in action. :(
  No. It's mostly due to light fingering when typing because of
  neuropathy caused diminished sensation in the fingers. 

And all of the while I kept hearing Pink Floyd in my head.

  We don't need no education.
  We don't need no thought control

Interlaced with the Blazing Saddles' parody of the Bogart movie.

  Badges?  We don't need no stinking badges.

  Take a tipdon't get old.
 Thanks! I'll keep that in mind. :)

Just remember that it is better than the alternatives! :-)


Description: Digital signature

Re: Ethernet suddenly limited to 100 Mbps

2013-08-18 Thread Bob Proulx
Vincent Lefevre wrote:
 Stan Hoeppner wrote:
  Vincent Lefevre wrote:
   On my laptop, Ethernet has been limited to 100 Mbps for a few days.
   Nothing changed on the network side. Just a few upgrades on the laptop
   (Debian/unstable). Any explanation?
  Gigabit ethernet is fully auto negotiating at the hardware level--a
  software update shouldn't cause negotiation to drop to 100.  GBE uses
  all 8 conductors of category 5e/6 cabling, fast ethernet uses only 4.
  If it's negotiating to 100, I'd say you have a bad cable, connector
  (cable or receiver port), or switch port.
 The Ethernet cable was the same as before, and I've tried a second
 one, and it's still 100. I've also tried another port on the switch.

I think it would be useful to double check the settings using ethtool
to dump the current values.  Maybe there will be a clue in your
output.  Here is an example from my machine.

  # ethtool eth0
  Settings for eth0:
Supported ports: [ TP ]
Supported link modes:   10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full 
100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full 
Supported pause frame use: No
Supports auto-negotiation: Yes
Advertised link modes:  10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full 
100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full 
Advertised pause frame use: No
Advertised auto-negotiation: Yes
Speed: 1000Mb/s
Duplex: Full
Port: Twisted Pair
Transceiver: internal
Auto-negotiation: on
MDI-X: on (auto)
Supports Wake-on: pumbg
Wake-on: g
Current message level: 0x0007 (7)
   drv probe link
Link detected: yes

I have been using 'iperf' lately for bandwidth testing.  Just getting
a GigE connection does not mean that I get full wire speeds out of it
end to end.  So it is good to have an objective tool to test.

  $ iperf -s
  [  3]  0.0-10.0 sec   904 MBytes   758 Mbits/sec


Description: Digital signature

openvpn question

2013-08-18 Thread Gregory Nowak
Hi all.

Since attempting to establish an ipsec connection is one of the two
things so far that crashes my VPS (earlier thread on this
list), I've been looking at other alternatives for possible workarounds. Let me 
backup, and
describe what I want to do. I have a publicly routable /29 subnet
with my VPS. I want to have the ability to connect to the VPS, and
give a client (gnu/linux, or windows) a static IP address through the
VPS. My original plan to do this was to use ipsec/l2tp, which I know
how to set up, and I've seen this type of setup in action.

It seemed after doing some research that openvpn should be able to do
this. After installing openvpn and reading up on it though, I keep
running into the limitation that server/client must communicate over
an unused subnet, and both have addresses on that subnet. Is there
something I'm missing here, or won't openvpn in fact do what I'm
after? If the answer is no, I suppose I can use openvpn to establish
an openvpn connection using private addresses, and then do pptp/ppp
over that connection. Kludgey, but should work in theory. I don't trust
pptp/ppp by itself over the open net. I know there are other options
here, like ppp over ssh, but windows is the show stopper here as far
as I know. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.


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Re: lxde and focus follow mouse... not happening

2013-08-18 Thread Bob Proulx
Harry Putnam wrote:
 Bob Proulx writes:
  Ralph Katz wrote:
  Also of course:
  ~$ ls -l /etc/alternatives/x-window-manager
  I think the alternatives tool is better.
$ update-alternatives --list x-window-manager
$ update-alternatives --list x-session-manager
  Then to configure it:
# update-alternatives --config x-session-manager

 I must really not be following what that tool is supposed to show me. 

It shows you programs that are available to act as alternatives for
the generic name.  When there are different equivalent programs for
the same thing.  Some generic names are awk (mawk, gawk), vi (elvis,
nvi, vim.gtk, vim.tiny), emacs (emacs23, emacs24), editor (emacs, vi,
nano, mcedit).  And all of those others such as www-browser (elinks,
links, lynx, w3m), x-session-manager (gnome-session, lxsession,
xfce4-session), x-terminal-emulator (gnome-terminal, lxterm, konsole,
xterm), x-window-manager (awesome, fvwm2, metacity, openbox, twm),
x-www-browser (chromium, epiphany-browser, iceweasel, midori).

Enabling customization is one of the reasons we call Debian the
Universial Operating System.  Your system for you.  My system for me.
Both runing Debian.  But each customized for our specific needs.  The
Debian Alternatives is a customization framework.

Some time ago I wrote this message where I try to describe how the
alternatives system works.  The particular item is a little dated now
but I think the general concepts are all still relevant.  Scroll down
past the top and get down to the walk through of installing and
uninstalling packages that use the alternatives and hopefully it will
still be useful to describe how things work.

 On my system it shows 
   update-alternatives --list x-window-manager 
 But the desktop I'm running is XLDE... which is not even listed

LXDE is a session manager not a window manager.  To see what session
manager alternatives are installed you would need to look at those.
List the x-session-manager alternatives not x-window-manager.

  $ update-alternatives --list x-session-manager

Probably you will have lxsession in there.

As far as your question about LXDE if I look at:

  $ apt-cache show lxde-core | grep Depends:
  Depends: desktop-file-utils, lxde-common, lxpanel, openbox, pcmanfm (= 0.9.8)

By default LXDE will use openbox if no other window manager is
specified.  I see openbox in your list.  I don't know if that is what
you have configured on your system.  But I assume you have LXDE as
your desktop session manager and have openbox as your window manager.

I should have suggested --display to display all of the details.

  update-alternatives --display x-window-manager
  update-alternatives --display x-session-manager

That will show the current settings too as well as more verbose

  x-session-manager - auto mode
link currently points to /usr/bin/lxsession
  x-window-manager - auto mode
link currently points to /usr/bin/openbox

But the current settings for you will depend upon what you have
installed and if you have made any customizations.


Description: Digital signature

Re: openvpn question

2013-08-18 Thread Bob Proulx
Gregory Nowak wrote:
 Since attempting to establish an ipsec connection is one of the two
 things so far that crashes my VPS (earlier thread on this


 I've been looking at other alternatives for possible
 workarounds. Let me backup, and describe what I want to do.

 I have a publicly routable /29 subnet with my VPS.

Your vpn will be connected to the public address.  It will establish a
private address for the encrypted traffic.

 I want to have the ability to connect to the VPS, and give a client
 (gnu/linux, or windows) a static IP address through the VPS.

The through the VPS words confuse me.  A vpn client will have a
private address on the client assigned to it.  It will use it to
connect to the private address on the server.  Is that through the
VPS?  It is to the VPS certainly.

 My original plan to do this was to use ipsec/l2tp, which I know how
 to set up, and I've seen this type of setup in action.

I have used ipsec previously and found the key exchange part on port
udp 500 to be the weak part and a very large amount of trouble.  This
is why I prefer openvpn better.  I have no experience with l2tp.

 It seemed after doing some research that openvpn should be able to do

Seems reasonable to me.  I use it for my mobile devices.  I use it
between several fixed sites to create VPNs between them.

 After installing openvpn and reading up on it though, I keep running
 into the limitation that server/client must communicate over an
 unused subnet, and both have addresses on that subnet.

That would be the _private_ of the virtual private network. :-)

 Is there something I'm missing here, or won't openvpn in fact do
 what I'm after?

I read through this message and your previous one about the crashing
problems in detail but I wasn't able to discern what you are trying to
say.  Sorry.  I am sure they are clear to you.  The difficulty is

It seems to me that you want private addresses.  Otherwise how will
you have a vpn?  If you have public addresses then the communication
will be public.  If you want private communication then the addresses
must need be private addresses.

The other ways of using encryption such as https use public addresses
but it is the protocol that is encrypted.  An https:// connection will
use a public address.  But it starts a TLS connection when it
connects.  But if you want http:// to be private then it must do so
over an encrypted private network connection.  This creates the
fundamental difference between the strategies.  Using a vpn means that
all of the unencrypted communication protocols are encrypted by the
transport.  (And redundantly any encrypted protocols will also be
encrypted by the underlying transport making them encrypted twice.)

Please say a few more words describing what you are trying to

 If the answer is no, I suppose I can use openvpn to establish an
 openvpn connection using private addresses, and then do pptp/ppp
 over that connection. Kludgey, but should work in theory. I don't
 trust pptp/ppp by itself over the open net. I know there are other
 options here, like ppp over ssh, but windows is the show stopper
 here as far as I know. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

What is ppp doing for you?

I am used to ppp driving the modem, dialing the phone, setting up
addresses, adding routing information to the kernel route tables, and
cleaning all up after hanging up the phone.  Sure.  But doesn't
openvpn do all of that function for you?  Using the network components
with no phone of course.  What is openvpn not doing that you would
have ppp do?


Description: Digital signature

Re: Wheezy installer problem

2013-08-18 Thread Robert Holtzm
On Sun, Aug 18, 2013 at 03:40:00PM -0600, Bob Proulx wrote:

 And all of the while I kept hearing Pink Floyd in my head.
   We don't need no education.
   We don't need no thought control
 Interlaced with the Blazing Saddles' parody of the Bogart movie.
   Badges?  We don't need no stinking badges.
   Take a tipdon't get old.
  Thanks! I'll keep that in mind. :)
 Just remember that it is better than the alternatives! :-)


Take care

Bob Holtzman
Your mail is being read by tight lipped 
NSA agents who fail to see humor in Doctor 
Key ID 8D549279

Description: Digital signature

Re: openvpn question

2013-08-18 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Sun, Aug 18, 2013 at 04:29:16PM -0600, Bob Proulx wrote:
 Your vpn will be connected to the public address.  It will establish a
 private address for the encrypted traffic.

Yes, except that it's a public address I'm actually after. More below.

I wrote:
  I want to have the ability to connect to the VPS, and give a client
  (gnu/linux, or windows) a static IP address through the VPS.

Maybe I should have been more explicit. I want to have the ability to
connect to the VPS, and give a client (gnu/linux, or windows) a
publicly routable static IP address through the VPS from the /29
subnet. So, for example let's say I'm somewhere with my laptop, and am
connecting from somewhere to the internet. This somewhere would likely
be using dynamic public addresses, and I may want to have my machine
reachable directly over the internet from this somewhere location. If
the dynamic address I'm assigned while connecting from somewhere is, I want to be able to connect to the VPS from somewhere, and
get it to assign my laptop a address from that /29 subnet,
which in reality is a publicly routable static IP address. One could
say I'm turning the VPN concept on its head somewhat, though the
scenario I'm describing is still a VPN, but having one endpoint which
is publicly routable. I hope that makes more sense.

 The through the VPS words confuse me.  A vpn client will have a
 private address on the client assigned to it.  It will use it to
 connect to the private address on the server.  Is that through the
 VPS?  It is to the VPS certainly.

The scenario I proposed above requires the laptop to connect to the
VPS to get the static public address. Any traffic the laptop
sends/receives with that address will be routed through the VPS. So,
the connection is both to, as well as through the VPS

 It seems to me that you want private addresses.  Otherwise how will
 you have a vpn?  If you have public addresses then the communication
 will be public.  If you want private communication then the addresses
 must need be private addresses.

In the typical VPN scenario this is correct. What I actually want is
endpoints where each endpoint has public and private addresses. The
client connects to the server (public). Using ppp would mean that the
client/server would have a private subnet to exchange packets locally
(private). One end of the ppp connection on the laptop would be a
public static IP address (public). I'm not sure how else to explain
this. If someone who understands what I'm talking about can do a
better job of explaining it, then please jump in by all means.

 What is ppp doing for you?
 I am used to ppp driving the modem, dialing the phone, setting up
 addresses, adding routing information to the kernel route tables, and
 cleaning all up after hanging up the phone.  Sure.  But doesn't
 openvpn do all of that function for you?  Using the network components
 with no phone of course.  What is openvpn not doing that you would
 have ppp do?

Ppp is the transport over which the packets flow. It can be
encapsulated in other transports direct serial to serial, ssh, l2tp
... Ppp forms a /32 subnet between the client/server. This subnet has
a local and remote address on both ends. In the scenario I'm
proposing, the local address on the server is a private one, and the
remote is public. On the client side, the local address is public, and
the remote is private. This is something openvpn seems to be unable to
do as far as I can tell.


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skype: gregn1
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Re: Loopback filesystems for mail storage

2013-08-18 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On 8/19/13, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
 On 8/18/2013 12:16 AM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:

 BTRFS and perhaps XFS are starting now to look at the
 internal-consistency assurance problem too finally (from what I read a
 month or so ago), due to necessity as we now hit multi-TiB

 The XFS team have completed much of the work to implement CRC
 checksumming.  The new superblock and on disk format have been
 introduced along with many of the required kernel and user space
 patches.  Some work remains and more testing.  Full implementation
 should hit a stable upstream kernel within a few months I'd guess.

Great! Looking forward to that.

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Re: Ethernet suddenly limited to 100 Mbps

2013-08-18 Thread Vincent Lefevre
On 2013-08-18 15:55:20 -0600, Bob Proulx wrote:
 I think it would be useful to double check the settings using ethtool
 to dump the current values.  Maybe there will be a clue in your
 output.  Here is an example from my machine.

I get the following:

xvii:~ ethtool eth0
Settings for eth0:
Supported ports: [ TP ]
Supported link modes:   10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full 
100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full 
Supported pause frame use: No
Supports auto-negotiation: Yes
Advertised link modes:  10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full 
100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full 
Advertised pause frame use: No
Advertised auto-negotiation: Yes
Speed: 100Mb/s
Duplex: Full
Port: Twisted Pair
Transceiver: internal
Auto-negotiation: on
MDI-X: on (auto)
Cannot get wake-on-lan settings: Operation not permitted
Current message level: 0x0007 (7)
   drv probe link
Link detected: yes

 I have been using 'iperf' lately for bandwidth testing.  Just getting
 a GigE connection does not mean that I get full wire speeds out of it
 end to end.  So it is good to have an objective tool to test.
   $ iperf -s
   [  3]  0.0-10.0 sec   904 MBytes   758 Mbits/sec

If I understand correctly, I need a second machine to test with iperf.
But I no longer have one here locally. I had done a test
and got something around 93 Mbps for d/l, while I had got 260 Mbps
back in June. Of course, this isn't necessarily meaningful as not
completely local, but this seems to match the 100 Mbps limit.

Vincent Lefèvre - Web:
100% accessible validated (X)HTML - Blog:
Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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Re: openvpn question

2013-08-18 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On 8/19/13, Gregory Nowak wrote:
 On Sun, Aug 18, 2013 at 04:29:16PM -0600, Bob Proulx wrote:
 Your vpn will be connected to the public address.  It will establish a
 private address for the encrypted traffic.

 Yes, except that it's a public address I'm actually after. More below.

 I wrote:
  I want to have the ability to connect to the VPS, and give a client
  (gnu/linux, or windows) a static IP address through the VPS.

 Maybe I should have been more explicit. I want to have the ability to
 connect to the VPS, and give a client (gnu/linux, or windows) a
 publicly routable static IP address through the VPS from the /29

The key I think is the word routable which you use.

After a successful VPN setup, your VPS becomes analogous to your home
internet modem router - the router has a public address dedicated to
_all_ of your home computers/phones/etc.

Your home router can only assign its public ip (through its ppp
link) to an internal box by setting up port forwarding or a DMZ host.
Port forwarding eg for 80, 443 etc, or DMZ host where _all_ external
ports are mapped to one particular internal IP address.

It sounds like you want the (laptop) client end of your VPN to be the
DMZ host for a particular VPS /29 external address.

Set up OpenVPN:
OpenVPN will still have two endpoint addresses for each client, and
one for the server. Eg for the server, eg for the
VPN (laptop) client.

Choose a /29 address on your VPS to dedicate to the VPN (laptop) client.
Configure the VPS kernel firewall rules to 1:1 map all public ports on
this chosen /29 address, to the VPN (laptop) client address eg to

Does this sound like what you want?

 The through the VPS words confuse me.  A vpn client will have a
 private address on the client assigned to it.  It will use it to
 connect to the private address on the server.  Is that through the
 VPS?  It is to the VPS certainly.

 The scenario I proposed above requires the laptop to connect to the
 VPS to get the static public address. Any traffic the laptop
 sends/receives with that address will be routed through the VPS. So,
 the connection is both to, as well as through the VPS

The VPN (laptop) client has address (in this example) This
address is the address that the (laptop) client uses as its publicly
routable address. You can call it its DMZ address, since random
connection attempts (from the public) will appear on

Because it is DMZ, you need to be confident to set up firewall rules
to protect the VPN (laptop) client.

Consider forwarding just those ports you want of course - eg a
bittorrent port, SSH, HTTP, HTTPS etc. Since you are configuring VPS
firewall rules for either forwarding or DMZ, shouldn't be much
difference either way.

Note in either scenario, PPP is not needed as part of the VPN setup.
It is taken as given that both the VPN (laptop) client, and the VPS,
are connected already to public internet in some form (via modem
(PPP/PoE etc), wireless, etc).

The VPN part just needs openVPN to be configured correctly.
If eg your VPN (laptop) client is egregiously firewalled and eg can
only access (public) port HTTP 80, then simply setup openVPN to listen
on a VPS address that has port 80 unused/available.
If the VPN (laptop) client internet firewalling is even more
egregious, use eg httptunnel

 What is ppp doing for you?

 I am used to ppp driving the modem, dialing the phone, setting up
 addresses, adding routing information to the kernel route tables, and
 cleaning all up after hanging up the phone.  Sure.  But doesn't
 openvpn do all of that function for you?  Using the network components
 with no phone of course.  What is openvpn not doing that you would
 have ppp do?

 Ppp is the transport over which the packets flow. It can be
 encapsulated in other transports direct serial to serial, ssh, l2tp
 ... Ppp forms a /32 subnet between the client/server. This subnet has
 a local and remote address on both ends. In the scenario I'm
 proposing, the local address on the server is a private one, and the
 remote is public. On the client side, the local address is public, and
 the remote is private. This is something openvpn seems to be unable to
 do as far as I can tell.

Hopefully the above explanations make it clear for you now?

OpenVPN is exactly what you want, I believe, when combined with
appropriate DMZ (or port forwarding) firewall rules on your VPS.


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boot: can't find root=/dev/mapper/vgHDB-HDBB

2013-08-18 Thread Hugo Vanwoerkom


Booting the latest Debian stock kernels stop in initramfs saying that 
/dev/mapper/vgHDB-HDBB does not exist as root device.

But the kernel that I built myself has no such problem.

This refers to 3.10.4, and later versions.

What am I missing?


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Re: openvpn question

2013-08-18 Thread Zenaan Harkness
Sometimes it is easy to be unintentionally ambiguous.
I shall clarify a couple things below...

On 8/19/13, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
 On 8/19/13, Gregory Nowak wrote:
 On Sun, Aug 18, 2013 at 04:29:16PM -0600, Bob Proulx wrote:
 Your vpn will be connected to the public address.  It will establish a
 private address for the encrypted traffic.

 Yes, except that it's a public address I'm actually after. More below.

 I wrote:
  I want to have the ability to connect to the VPS, and give a client
  (gnu/linux, or windows) a static IP address through the VPS.

 Maybe I should have been more explicit. I want to have the ability to
 connect to the VPS, and give a client (gnu/linux, or windows) a
 publicly routable static IP address through the VPS from the /29

 The key I think is the word routable which you use.

 After a successful VPN setup, your VPS becomes analogous to your home
 internet modem router - the router has a public address dedicated to
 _all_ of your home computers/phones/etc.

 Your home router can only assign its public ip (through its ppp

As in, the 'modem/router' gets its 'public ip address' through ppp
(often times, not always).

 to an internal box by setting up port forwarding or a DMZ host.
 Port forwarding eg for 80, 443 etc, or DMZ host where _all_ external
 ports are mapped to one particular internal IP address.

The 'modem/router' forwards some ports (port forwarding) or all ports
(forwarding to DMZ-host) by some filewall rules in the modem/router,
to the chosen internal client/laptop/DMZ-host (behind the
modem/router, or in your case, the client end of your VPN connection
to your VPS which runs the server end of your VPN (OpenVPN does this

 It sounds like you want the (laptop) client end of your VPN to be the
 DMZ host for a particular VPS /29 external address.

 Set up OpenVPN:
 OpenVPN will still have two endpoint addresses for each client, and
 one for the server.

Hopelessly sloppy wording sorry. Let me try again:
The OpenVPN VPN will still have two endpoint addresses (at least):
one each for:
the VPN-client (laptop),
and the VPN-server (the VPS)

Additional (eg laptop) clients would each get their own address as
well but that does not sound like what you need right now.

OpenVPN has a mode of operation where there is a mini (two-address?)
subnet for each client (and server??) which was necessary in the early
tun-driver days before full tap-driver subnet support became available
in the code (kernel driver and equivalent on other operating systems,
and in OpenVPN code of course). I'm might not have my history exactly
right sorry. These days though, unless you must support really old
OpenVPN clients, just go with the OpenVPN standard flat subnet mode
(one address for server, one address for each client).

(Side note: this client to server VPN link is analogous to a PPP link,
but uses OpenVPN not pppd)

 Eg for the server, eg for the
 VPN (laptop) client.

 Choose a /29 address on your VPS to dedicate to the VPN (laptop) client.
 Configure the VPS kernel firewall rules to 1:1 map all public ports on
 this chosen /29 address, to the VPN (laptop) client address eg to

 Does this sound like what you want?

 The through the VPS words confuse me.  A vpn client will have a
 private address on the client assigned to it.  It will use it to
 connect to the private address on the server.  Is that through the
 VPS?  It is to the VPS certainly.

 The scenario I proposed above requires the laptop to connect to the
 VPS to get the static public address. Any traffic the laptop
 sends/receives with that address will be routed through the VPS. So,
 the connection is both to, as well as through the VPS

 The VPN (laptop) client has address (in this example) This
 address is the address that the (laptop) client uses as its publicly
 routable address. You can call it its DMZ address, since random
 connection attempts (from the public) will appear on

 Because it is DMZ, you need to be confident to set up firewall rules
 to protect the VPN (laptop) client.

 Consider forwarding just those ports you want of course - eg a
 bittorrent port, SSH, HTTP, HTTPS etc. Since you are configuring VPS
 firewall rules for either forwarding or DMZ, shouldn't be much
 difference either way.

So there is no misunderstanding: either way, the forwarding of
specific ports, or of all ports, on the /29 public address, happens on
the VPS. You are forwarding the ports (some or all) from the /29, to
(in this example)

Then your laptop-VPN-client with high aspirations of being
a clandestine server, would eg serve up HTTP by
listening on,
and the public would access this clandestine laptop server
at chosen.public.address.on.vps:80

 Note in either scenario, PPP is not needed as part of the VPN setup.
 It is taken as given that both the VPN (laptop) client, and the VPS,
 are connected already to 

wireless problem

2013-08-18 Thread Robert Holtzm
I have a wireless connection that disconnects sponaneously. NM claims
I'm connected but I'm not. Can't ping the router (operation not
permitted). Ethernet connection is no problem when wireless is down.
Tried installing wicd with no luck. Not only no luck but with wicd I 
couldn't turn on the xciever. At one time wicd wouldn't play nice w/ NM.
IIRC this is no longer true. Can anyone confirm?

I just purged wicd and NM fired up my wireless connection w/ no problem.
I'll see how long it lasts.

FWIW I'm running Wheezy fully updated w/ fxce4 DE.

Bob Holtzman
Your mail is being read by tight lipped 
NSA agents who fail to see humor in Doctor 
Key ID 8D549279

Description: Digital signature

Re: sudo questions

2013-08-18 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On 8/19/13, Bob Proulx wrote:
 Joel Rees wrote:
 Maybe I need to file a feature request (for my own satisfaction, even
 if it gets rejected).

 What I lean towards is providing the installing user
 (1) the opportunity to set the root password,
 (2) the opportunity to set a separate admin account and password
 (member of sudo group on debian),
 and (3) the opportunity to set a separate non-admin work account and

 I know you would like the installer to do exactly what your custom
 strategy is for your system.  But that is difficult.  There are many
 custom strategies.  For example I have my own things that I always
 customize when setting up a new system.  Other people have other
 strategies.  It is impossible to be the Univerial Operating System and
 make everyone happy.  At least not all at the same time.  If you


Debian IS! THE! Universal! Operating! System!
/raucus applause

Thank you everybody. Been a please talking tonight ... enjoy Debian.


On a more hair splitting note, we could say it is Universal, at the
price of being a little more generic sometimes than it could otherwise

This is a positive note, since we are naming Debian as universal in
more ways than one!

 - runs on every arch
 - runs all software
 - runs well on a very broad spectrum of resources
- eg constrained
- eg massive resources
 - runs in (almost) every way you'd like

I mean, WOW!

Fellow humans, this Debian thing is like OFF THE CHARTS!

But of course, the set of
(installation preferred default sets)
+(menu options lists short enough to be sensible)
+(reasonable installation image size)

is perhaps the empty set.

Oh well.
Perhaps we should rename Debian The hopefully universal enough
Operating System?


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Re: Ethernet suddenly limited to 100 Mbps

2013-08-18 Thread Bob Proulx
Vincent Lefevre wrote:
 xvii:~ ethtool eth0
 Supported link modes:   10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full 
 100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full 
 Advertised link modes:  10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full 
 100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full 

It supports GigE.

 Speed: 100Mb/s

But it is negotiating a 100Mb/s connection.  Your card thinks the
other end can only do 100.  It is just as Stan said.  There is likely
a problem with your connector, cable, or the device at the other end.

Do you have another GigE network device that you can plug into?  A
different GigE switch?  Something else?


Description: Digital signature

unable to get /etc/resolv.conf and /etc/network/interfaces configured properly in wheezy

2013-08-18 Thread Mark Copper
With resolvconf package installed and configured for dynamic
generation of /etc/resolv.conf, I was *unable* to get any non-local
nameservers written into /etc/resolv.conf.

I tried a dns-nameservers line in the /etc/network/interfaces stanza
for the network interface card, and I tried nameserver lines in the
base  resolvconf config file.  Neither worked after a networking

Documentation shown when going through dpkg-reconfigure for resolvconf
says that a reboot is necessary to make sure all components work
together as they should.

In my case networking did not come back at all and I can no longer ssh in.

I suppose the culprit is the change made to the interfaces file.

Previously, my file followed this format for multiple IP addresses on
a single nic like this (cf

auto eth0 eth0:1

iface eth0 inet static

auto eth0:1
allow-hotplug eth0:0
iface eth0:1 inet static

but both /etc/init.d/networking reload and restart had separate
problems besides not solving my resolv.conf problem.  So I tried the
newer format at the bottom of the same page like this:

auto eth0
allow-hotplug eth0
iface eth0 inet static

iface eth0 inet static

Networking seemed OK reloading and restarting, but, sadly, not so when
rebooting, apparently.

Probably I took a wrong turn somewhere when upgrading from squeeze and
will have to rebuild the OS, but if anyone has an idea, I'd be
grateful if they would share it.


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Re: UPS monitoring with nut

2013-08-18 Thread Ash Narayanan
Thanks for the explanation Darac. Makes more sense now.

I had a look at the user manual that comes with nut-doc. In the
configuration section, it requires you to access files under
/usr/local/ups. I do not have this directory.

If you find that THAT is out of date, then file a bug report.

Is that what I do now? Or is there something else I can do before
going down that route?

On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 10:38 PM, Chris Bannister wrote:
 On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 01:15:51PM +0930, Ash Narayanan wrote:

 I can't seem to find any up to date guides. Are there any? Or is one
 allowed to upload a package to Debian without any instructions on how
 to use it?

 Unfortunately, yes. OTOH, if you installed a chess playing program,
 would you expect it to teach you how to play?

 If you brought a tractor, would you expect instructions on how to grow

I wouldn't expect a chess program to teach me how to play chess but I
would expect (a well documented) one to have instructions on how to
start the program, start a new game, playing modes (single player, two
player), setting AI difficulty, etc, know.what I.T
staff get 'paid' to do.

Similarly, if I bought a tractor, I wouldn't expect it to come with
instructions on how to grow corn but rather engine specs, pre-startup
checks, blade width, max speed, etc, etc.

Appreciate your concern Chris, but in the past, I've found (especially
on Debian forums) that threads tend to turn into philosophical

Let's try and focus our energy on the topic at hand: Nut.

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Re: openvpn question

2013-08-18 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Mon, Aug 19, 2013 at 10:26:14AM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
 The key I think is the word routable which you use.

Yes, exactly.

 After a successful VPN setup, your VPS becomes analogous to your home
 internet modem router - the router has a public address dedicated to
 _all_ of your home computers/phones/etc.
 Your home router can only assign its public ip (through its ppp
 link) to an internal box by setting up port forwarding or a DMZ host.
 Port forwarding eg for 80, 443 etc, or DMZ host where _all_ external
 ports are mapped to one particular internal IP address.
 It sounds like you want the (laptop) client end of your VPN to be the
 DMZ host for a particular VPS /29 external address.

Close. The caveat is that the /29 is assigned to the VPS. That means
that the VPS, network, and broadcast are all on that /29. So, what I
actually want is to give one ip address out of that /29 to the
laptop. The laptop is an endpoint in itself. It doesn't have any other
machines sitting behind it. So yes, in a sense, the laptop is in the
DMZ, since any firewalling for that single public IP would be done on
the laptop. There wouldn't be any port forwarding or NAT going on
here. The laptop would have it's own routable public IP address as if
I had connected it to a modem, and dialed a dial--up provider. My VPS
would in a sense be an ISP as far as the laptop is concerned.

 Set up OpenVPN:
 OpenVPN will still have two endpoint addresses for each client, and
 one for the server. Eg for the server, eg for the
 VPN (laptop) client.
 Choose a /29 address on your VPS to dedicate to the VPN (laptop) client.
 Configure the VPS kernel firewall rules to 1:1 map all public ports on
 this chosen /29 address, to the VPN (laptop) client address eg to
 Does this sound like what you want?

Yes! I was stuck in thinking of things how pppd does them, and it
didn't occur to me I can map a private address onto a public one. I was
hoping I could avoid using NAT here, which I know I wouldn't need to
do if things worked out how I originally planed. But what you propose
would do the job as well I think. Would
something like this work on the VPS side?

iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING --source public_addr -j SNAT
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING --destination -J DNAT
--to-destination public_addr

Then of course assign the public address I want the laptop to get to
eth0:0 on the VPS.

 The VPN (laptop) client has address (in this example) This
 address is the address that the (laptop) client uses as its publicly
 routable address. You can call it its DMZ address, since random
 connection attempts (from the public) will appear on


 Because it is DMZ, you need to be confident to set up firewall rules
 to protect the VPN (laptop) client.
 Consider forwarding just those ports you want of course - eg a
 bittorrent port, SSH, HTTP, HTTPS etc. Since you are configuring VPS
 firewall rules for either forwarding or DMZ, shouldn't be much
 difference either way.

I actually want to do firewalling on the laptop. I don't want to
control what goes in/out the laptop on the VPS side.

 Note in either scenario, PPP is not needed as part of the VPN setup.

No, not if I'm doing NAT which I hadn't thought of like I said.

 It is taken as given that both the VPN (laptop) client, and the VPS,
 are connected already to public internet in some form (via modem
 (PPP/PoE etc), wireless, etc).


 The VPN part just needs openVPN to be configured correctly.
 If eg your VPN (laptop) client is egregiously firewalled and eg can
 only access (public) port HTTP 80, then simply setup openVPN to listen
 on a VPS address that has port 80 unused/available.
 If the VPN (laptop) client internet firewalling is even more
 egregious, use eg httptunnel

Good point. I was planning to simply run openvpn on tcp 1194. I
already have apache running on the VPS, so using port 80 would mean
using yet another address from my /29 for openvpn. That's not
something I want to do though. I believe openvpn has a http proxy
pass-through mode or something like that, where it listens to port 80,
but forwards http traffic somewhere else. I'll have to take a look at that.

 Hopefully the above explanations make it clear for you now?

Yes! I hadn't thought of using NAT as a possibility. Thanks!


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Re: unable to get /etc/resolv.conf and /etc/network/interfaces configured properly in wheezy

2013-08-18 Thread Bob Proulx
Mark Copper wrote:
 With resolvconf package installed and configured for dynamic
 generation of /etc/resolv.conf, I was *unable* to get any non-local
 nameservers written into /etc/resolv.conf.

Works for me.  What version of Debian are you using?  Stable Wheezy 7?
Other?  There have been recent changes and the problem may be version

 I tried a dns-nameservers line in the /etc/network/interfaces stanza
 for the network interface card,


 and I tried nameserver lines in the base resolvconf config file.

Not the expected way to go.

 Neither worked after a networking reload/restart.

Just to clarify.  You are on the system console.  You are not working
over the network to the machine, right?  You can restart networking as
you need?

 Documentation shown when going through dpkg-reconfigure for resolvconf
 says that a reboot is necessary to make sure all components work
 together as they should.

The documentation does say that.  Mostly because there are so many
different possibilities that it is impractical to document it.  And if
it were documented most humans would be too impatient to read it.
Saying to reboot the system is just easier and definitely covers the

 In my case networking did not come back at all and I can no longer ssh in.

Ouch.  No networking.  But I assume you are on the console and can
restart networking?  Hopefully.

 I suppose the culprit is the change made to the interfaces file.
 Previously, my file followed this format for multiple IP addresses on
 a single nic like this (cf
 auto eth0 eth0:1
 iface eth0 inet static
 auto eth0:1
 allow-hotplug eth0:0
 iface eth0:1 inet static

The indention in the above is confusing.  The indention does not
matter to the programs.  But it is bad indention for humans reading
it.  Always put the auto, allow-hotplug, iface lines at the same
left indention.  Then for humans it is nice to indent additional lines
associated with the iface line.  And you have auto eth0:1 set
twice.  And you have eth0:1 set to allow-hotplug but you don't have
eth0 set to allow-hotplug.

Please see this excellent reference:

 but both /etc/init.d/networking reload and restart had separate
 problems besides not solving my resolv.conf problem.

Problems such as?

 So I tried the newer format at the bottom of the same page like this:

That wiki section was updated just the other day to reflect
improvements in the ifupdown handling of multiple IP addresses.  The
new version will require some newish level of ifupdown that I don't
recall off the top of my head.  But the update came from the ifupdown
maintainer himself and so the information there should be authoritative.

 auto eth0
 allow-hotplug eth0
 iface eth0 inet static

All okay.  Should start upon hotplugging.  Should start at boot.

 iface eth0 inet static

This is missing allow-hotplug eth0:1, auto eth0:1, or both of those.
You will want to add one or both of those.

 Networking seemed OK reloading and restarting, but, sadly, not so when
 rebooting, apparently.

Can you debug why?  The first stansa should start at boot
time okay.  At least it looks good to me.

 Probably I took a wrong turn somewhere when upgrading from squeeze
 and will have to rebuild the OS, but if anyone has an idea, I'd be
 grateful if they would share it.

I don't see a need to re-install.  This configuration file is very
small and the stock one from Stable Wheezy 7 is stock.  If you wanted
these modifications you would be in exactly the same situation.

Suggestion 1:

Remove resolvconf.  Where resolvconf rocks is on mobile devices with
dynamic IP addresses.  Since you are setting up a static IP address
there isn't much benefit from having resolvconf installed.  It is
simpler without.

Suggestion 2:

I suggest to simplify things in the interfaces file.  Simplify by
removing or commenting out the second IP address.  That leaves things
with a single IP address on the interface.  Then get everything
working as you like that way.  Then add back in the setting up of the
second IP address.  Spliting the problem up into smaller chunks and
debugging each separately is best.

  auto lo
  iface lo inet loopback

  auto eth0
  allow-hotplug eth0
  iface eth0 inet static

Suggestion 3:

Set up a local caching nameserver.  This has many advantages.  Every
libc program that needs to resolve names reads the 

Re: openvpn question

2013-08-18 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On 8/19/13, Gregory Nowak wrote:
 On Mon, Aug 19, 2013 at 10:26:14AM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
 The key I think is the word routable which you use.

 Yes, exactly.

 After a successful VPN setup, your VPS becomes analogous to your home
 internet modem router - the router has a public address dedicated to
 _all_ of your home computers/phones/etc.

 Your home router can only assign its public ip (through its ppp
 link) to an internal box by setting up port forwarding or a DMZ host.
 Port forwarding eg for 80, 443 etc, or DMZ host where _all_ external
 ports are mapped to one particular internal IP address.

 It sounds like you want the (laptop) client end of your VPN to be the
 DMZ host for a particular VPS /29 external address.

 Close. The caveat is that the /29 is assigned to the VPS. That means
 that the VPS, network, and broadcast are all on that /29. So, what I

Of course. I understand this.

 actually want is to give one ip address out of that /29 to the
 laptop. The laptop is an endpoint in itself. It doesn't have any other

You need to question yourself, imagine an isolated network of three computers:
A - B - C

Lets say A is your isolated public computer wanting to access C,
your clandestine routed laptop.

So B has a public ip address block, let's say a /29 subnet :)

In your thinking, using any technology you choose whatsoever, how
would you assign one of B's IP addresses to C?

 machines sitting behind it. So yes, in a sense, the laptop is in the
 DMZ, since any firewalling for that single public IP would be done on
 the laptop.

Well, the VPS needs its own firewalling.
Part of that can be routing of packets hitting your chosen public ip
address which really goes to the clandestine server.

 There wouldn't be any port forwarding or NAT going on

Here is perhaps your misunderstanding.

VPS has a public IP address, which looks like a web server say. In
reality this web server is a clandestine server behind a restrictive
firewalling regime, which however is able also to connect to the VPS.

A connection, means 2 endpoints, each of which needs it's own address
(eg MAC address, IP address, or whatever happens with PPP I don't

So in my diagram above, A of course has a unique public (possibly
NATed) ip address, and connects to B, your VPS, which has this
specially chosen-by-you IP special-address.

And all requests that hit this special-address on B, need to somehow
get to machine C. Machine C has its own address, but B cannot
ordinarily access C - this is the reason you are using a VPN in the
first place.

So instead, C connects into B, and a virtual (private-encrypted)
network is set up, with TWO ip addresses, for VPS server B, and laptop
clandestine machine C.

 here. The laptop would have it's own routable public IP address as if
 I had connected it to a modem, and dialed a dial--up provider. My VPS
 would in a sense be an ISP as far as the laptop is concerned.

That's called a DMZ host.

You need to set up firewalling on VPS B, to route all packets to (eg)

Yes, this is forwarding. Yes this implies a type of NAT for packets
coming back out of C, over the VPN, through B, back out to the
public Internet (to A).

But how else do you expect to do this?

 Set up OpenVPN:
 OpenVPN will still have two endpoint addresses for each client, and
 one for the server. Eg for the server, eg for the
 VPN (laptop) client.

 Choose a /29 address on your VPS to dedicate to the VPN (laptop) client.
 Configure the VPS kernel firewall rules to 1:1 map all public ports on
 this chosen /29 address, to the VPN (laptop) client address eg to

 Does this sound like what you want?

 Yes! I was stuck in thinking of things how pppd does them, and it
 didn't occur to me I can map a private address onto a public one. I was
 hoping I could avoid using NAT here, which I know I wouldn't need to
 do if things worked out how I originally planed. But what you propose
 would do the job as well I think. Would
 something like this work on the VPS side?

 iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING --source public_addr -j SNAT
 iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING --destination -J DNAT
 --to-destination public_addr

You'll need some diy or help elsewhere sorry.

 Then of course assign the public address I want the laptop to get to
 eth0:0 on the VPS.

This is unclear. But the public IP address of course needs to be
public - it has to appear on the public internet. Your VPS, to make
use of it, will need to host that IP address of course.

Good luck

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Re: A strange new phenomena

2013-08-18 Thread Harry Putnam
Zenaan Harkness writes:


 Right, and do we know the video hardware, kernel, video driver, etc. ...

 Dear OP, do you know the video hardware, kernel, video driver, etc.
 ... my sliver of memory from ~6 or more years ago is not in any way
 definitive, of course.

From lspci -vk
  01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation NV36 
  [GeForce FX 5700LE] (rev a1) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])

  uname -r

It looks like I have just about every video driver known to man
installed for some reason unknown to me. I wondered about that a time
or two but not enough to dig into it.  But know that this has been
like this long before the upgrade:

aptitude search ^x|grep ^i

i A xscreensaver-data   - data files to be shared among screensaver 
i A xserver-common  - common files used by various X servers
i   xserver-xorg- X.Org X server
i A xserver-xorg-core   - Xorg X server - core server   
i A xserver-xorg-input-all  - X.Org X server -- input driver metapackage
i A xserver-xorg-input-evdev- X.Org X server -- evdev input driver  
i A xserver-xorg-input-mouse- X.Org X server -- mouse input driver  
i A xserver-xorg-input-synaptics- Synaptics TouchPad driver for X.Org server
i A xserver-xorg-input-vmmouse  - X.Org X server -- VMMouse input driver to 
i A xserver-xorg-input-wacom- X.Org X server -- Wacom input driver  
i A xserver-xorg-video-apm  - X.Org X server -- APM display driver  
i A xserver-xorg-video-ark  - X.Org X server -- ark display driver  
i A xserver-xorg-video-ati  - X.Org X server -- AMD/ATI display driver w
i A xserver-xorg-video-chips- X.Org X server -- Chips display driver
i A xserver-xorg-video-cirrus   - X.Org X server -- Cirrus display driver   
i A xserver-xorg-video-fbdev- X.Org X server -- fbdev display driver
i A xserver-xorg-video-geode- X.Org X server -- Geode GX2/LX display dri
i A xserver-xorg-video-i128 - X.Org X server -- i128 display driver 
i A xserver-xorg-video-i740 - X.Org X server -- i740 display driver 
i A xserver-xorg-video-intel- X.Org X server -- Intel i8xx, i9xx display
i A xserver-xorg-video-mach64   - X.Org X server -- ATI Mach64 display drive
i A xserver-xorg-video-mga  - X.Org X server -- MGA display driver  
i A xserver-xorg-video-neomagic - X.Org X server -- Neomagic display driver 
i A xserver-xorg-video-openchrome   - X.Org X server -- VIA display driver  
i A xserver-xorg-video-r128 - X.Org X server -- ATI r128 display driver 
i A xserver-xorg-video-radeon   - X.Org X server -- AMD/ATI Radeon display d
i A xserver-xorg-video-rendition- X.Org X server -- Rendition display driver
i A xserver-xorg-video-s3   - X.Org X server -- legacy S3 display driver
i A xserver-xorg-video-s3virge  - X.Org X server -- S3 ViRGE display driver 
i A xserver-xorg-video-savage   - X.Org X server -- Savage display driver   
i A xserver-xorg-video-siliconmotio - X.Org X server -- SiliconMotion display dr
i A xserver-xorg-video-sis  - X.Org X server -- SiS display driver  
i A xserver-xorg-video-sisusb   - X.Org X server -- SiS USB display driver  
i A xserver-xorg-video-tdfx - X.Org X server -- tdfx display driver 
i A xserver-xorg-video-trident  - X.Org X server -- Trident display driver  
i A xserver-xorg-video-tseng- X.Org X server -- Tseng display driver
i A xserver-xorg-video-vesa - X.Org X server -- VESA display driver 
i A xserver-xorg-video-vmware   - X.Org X server -- VMware display driver   
i A xserver-xorg-video-voodoo   - X.Org X server -- Voodoo display driver   

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Re: boot: can't find root=/dev/mapper/vgHDB-HDBB

2013-08-18 Thread emmanuel segura
Did you tryed rootdelay grub option?

2013/8/19 Hugo Vanwoerkom


 Booting the latest Debian stock kernels stop in initramfs saying that
 /dev/mapper/vgHDB-HDBB does not exist as root device.

 But the kernel that I built myself has no such problem.

 This refers to 3.10.4, and later versions.

 What am I missing?


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esta es mi vida e me la vivo hasta que dios quiera