Re: (vendredi] windows server sous virtualbox

2013-10-04 Thread Sébastien NOBILI

Le vendredi 04 octobre 2013 à  7:59, Stéphane GARGOLY a écrit :
  virtualbox  + windows server 2012  c'est  stable ?
 Bien, pour peu que tu utilises Wheezy (stable), à priori, il ne
 devrait pas avoir de problème. ;-)

Attention, le terme « stable » est ambigu !

Dans Debian, « stable » ne veut pas dire que les logiciels vont tous fonctionner
éternellement sans panne, ça veut dire que les versions des logiciels ne vont
pas évoluer pendant la durée de vie de la branche. Ce qui n'empêche pas le
système d'être également stable (dans le sens où il fonctionne sans panne) selon
les logiciels utilisés¹.

S'agissant du reste (là où tu répondais à la question VirtualBox / Windows),
j'approuve !

¹ Comme on est vendredi, je me permets :
- Amarok 2 sous KDE 4 en est un bon contre-exemple !
- Un système où l'utilisateur utilise VI sera plus stable qu'un système où
  l'utilisateur utilise Emacs !
- (écrivez votre propre troll ici)


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Re: [hs] Cible et lien symbolique : comportement différent ?

2013-10-04 Thread Sébastien NOBILI
Le vendredi 04 octobre 2013 à  0:29, Alexandre Hoïde a écrit :
 Eh bien figurez-vous que, lancé avec /usr/bin/urxvt, toutes les lignes du
 .Xresources sont honorées, tandis qu'avec
 /{usr/bin,etc/alternatives}/x-terminal-emulator, les deux dernières lignes
 [fautives] sont ignorées (je n'ai que les couleurs par défaut).

Je viens de tester, URxvt interprète :
- toutes les lignes qui correspondent à son nom de ressource interne
  (« URxvt »),
- toutes les lignes dont le nom de ressource correspond au nom du fichier
  par lequel il a été appelé.

Test rapide :
ln -s /usr/bin/urxvt /tmp/toto

Toutes les lignes du fichier Xresources correspondant à « toto » seront

Ça te permet de faire une gestion de « profils » à pas cher !


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Re: [hs][résolu] Cible et lien symbolique : comportement différent ?

2013-10-04 Thread Alexandre Hoïde
On Fri, Oct 04, 2013 at 10:35:08AM +0200, Sébastien NOBILI wrote:
 Je viens de tester, URxvt interprète :
 - toutes les lignes qui correspondent à son nom de ressource interne
   (« URxvt »),
 - toutes les lignes dont le nom de ressource correspond au nom du fichier
   par lequel il a été appelé.

Ah oui ! Bravo pour l'esprit de déduction et merci Seb.

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Re: [hs] Cible et lien symbolique : comportement différent ?

2013-10-04 Thread Philippe Deleval

On 04/10/2013 00:29, Alexandre Hoïde wrote:

Salut à vous de la liste,

Un petit truc m'échappe et, à vot' bon coeur, j'aimerais mieux comprendre.
J'ai :
/usr/bin/x-terminal-emulator@ \
- /etc/alternatives/x-terminal-emulator@ \
- /usr/bin/urxvt*

Donc, si je ne m'abuse, lancer urxvt à l'aide des liens symboliques ou
directement du fichier /usr/bin/urxvt devrait être strictement équivalent,
non ?! Or, j'ai un petit ~/.Xresources :

URxvt*.transparent: true
URxvt*.shading: 100
URxvt*internalborder: 6
urxvt*foreground: #f2f2f2
urxvt*background: #101010

Où l'on voit que le nom de la ressource est mal orthographié sur les
deux dernières entrées (urxvt au lieu de URxvt).

Eh bien figurez-vous que, lancé avec /usr/bin/urxvt, toutes les lignes du
.Xresources sont honorées, tandis qu'avec
/{usr/bin,etc/alternatives}/x-terminal-emulator, les deux dernières lignes
[fautives] sont ignorées (je n'ai que les couleurs par défaut).

En corrigeant mon .Xresources s/ur/UR tout rentre dans l'ordre... mais cet
ordre est soudain devenu obscur à mes yeux.

PS Expérience faite sur une Sid à jour avec Awesome. Les liens symboliques ont
été générés par «update-alternatives --config x-terminal-emulator».


A titre informatif, un programme peut accéder par la pile Linux (en C 
par args[0]) à la commande par lequel il est lancé. Autrement dit le 
programme sait s'il a été lancé par un alias, un lien symbolique ou 
directement. Reste à savoir pourquoi urxvt se comporte différemment 
suivant que la ligne de commande contient urxvt ou x-terminal-emulator. 
Je n'ai aucune compétence sur ce point.


Philippe Deleval

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Re: [hs] Cible et lien symbolique : comportement différent ?

2013-10-04 Thread BERTRAND Joël

Philippe Deleval wrote:

On 04/10/2013 00:29, Alexandre Hoïde wrote:

Salut à vous de la liste,

Un petit truc m'échappe et, à vot' bon coeur, j'aimerais mieux
J'ai :
/usr/bin/x-terminal-emulator@ \
- /etc/alternatives/x-terminal-emulator@ \
- /usr/bin/urxvt*

Donc, si je ne m'abuse, lancer urxvt à l'aide des liens symboliques ou
directement du fichier /usr/bin/urxvt devrait être strictement
non ?! Or, j'ai un petit ~/.Xresources :

URxvt*.transparent: true
URxvt*.shading: 100
URxvt*internalborder: 6
urxvt*foreground: #f2f2f2
urxvt*background: #101010

Où l'on voit que le nom de la ressource est mal orthographié sur les
deux dernières entrées (urxvt au lieu de URxvt).

Eh bien figurez-vous que, lancé avec /usr/bin/urxvt, toutes les lignes du
.Xresources sont honorées, tandis qu'avec
/{usr/bin,etc/alternatives}/x-terminal-emulator, les deux dernières
[fautives] sont ignorées (je n'ai que les couleurs par défaut).

En corrigeant mon .Xresources s/ur/UR tout rentre dans l'ordre... mais
ordre est soudain devenu obscur à mes yeux.

PS Expérience faite sur une Sid à jour avec Awesome. Les liens
symboliques ont
été générés par «update-alternatives --config x-terminal-emulator».


A titre informatif, un programme peut accéder par la pile Linux (en C
par args[0]) à la commande par lequel il est lancé. Autrement dit le
programme sait s'il a été lancé par un alias, un lien symbolique ou

	Attention, ça n'est pas portable. Je ne sais plus sous quel Unix j'ai 
pu constater que cela ne fonctionnait pas... et je pense que c'est à la 
discrétion du shell, pas de l'OS. Je suis même déjà tombé sur un OS où 
toute la ligne de commande, arguments compris, se trouvait dans argv[0] 
et un autre qui omettait le nom de la commande et dont argv[0] contenait 
directement le premier argument !



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Re: [hs] Cible et lien symbolique : comportement différent ?

2013-10-04 Thread Alexandre Hoïde
On Fri, Oct 04, 2013 at 12:50:35PM +0200, BERTRAND Joël wrote:
 Philippe Deleval wrote:
 A titre informatif, un programme peut accéder par la pile Linux (en C
 par args[0]) à la commande par lequel il est lancé. Autrement dit le
 programme sait s'il a été lancé par un alias, un lien symbolique ou
   Attention, ça n'est pas portable. Je ne sais plus sous quel Unix
 j'ai pu constater que cela ne fonctionnait pas... et je pense que
 c'est à la discrétion du shell, pas de l'OS. Je suis même déjà tombé
 sur un OS où toute la ligne de commande, arguments compris, se
 trouvait dans argv[0] et un autre qui omettait le nom de la commande
 et dont argv[0] contenait directement le premier argument !

Oui, dans mon désir que la transparence référentielle s'impose sur terre
comme aux cieux, j'avais omis d'intégrer ces détails impurs à ma
réflexion. Merci à vous deux pour ces précisions.

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Re: [hs] Cible et lien symbolique : comportement différent ?

2013-10-04 Thread Sylvain L. Sauvage
[Je réponds au précédent mais j’ai perdu le courriel…]

Le vendredi 4 octobre 2013 15:18:43 Alexandre Hoïde a écrit :
 On Fri, Oct 04, 2013 at 12:50:35PM +0200, BERTRAND Joël wrote:
  Attention, ça n'est pas portable. Je ne sais plus sous quel
  j'ai pu constater que cela ne fonctionnait pas... et je
  pense que c'est à la discrétion du shell, pas de l'OS. Je
  suis même déjà tombé sur un OS où toute la ligne de
  commande, arguments compris, se trouvait dans argv[0] et un
  autre qui omettait le nom de la commande et dont argv[0]
  contenait directement le premier argument !

  C’est un standard du langage C¹.
  Mauvais compilateur/libc, changer compilateur/libc.

¹ Cf. section de la version C99 ( p.11, 23e page du 

 Sylvain Sauvage

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Re: [hs] Cible et lien symbolique : comportement différent ?

2013-10-04 Thread Sylvain L. Sauvage
Le vendredi 4 octobre 2013 15:58:10 Sylvain L. Sauvage a écrit :
   C’est un standard du langage C¹.
   Mauvais compilateur/libc, changer compilateur/libc.
 ¹ Cf. section de la version C99 (
 p.11, 23e page du PDF).

  Oh, et si quatorze ans, ça vous paraît trop jeune comme 
standard, c’est comme ça depuis au moins l’ANSI C (1988) : (même section, mêmes mots).

 Sylvain Sauvage

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Re: [hs] Cible et lien symbolique : comportement différent ?

2013-10-04 Thread BERTRAND Joël

Sylvain L. Sauvage wrote:

[Je réponds au précédent mais j’ai perdu le courriel…]

Le vendredi 4 octobre 2013 15:18:43 Alexandre Hoïde a écrit :

On Fri, Oct 04, 2013 at 12:50:35PM +0200, BERTRAND Joël wrote:

Attention, ça n'est pas portable. Je ne sais plus sous quel
j'ai pu constater que cela ne fonctionnait pas... et je
pense que c'est à la discrétion du shell, pas de l'OS. Je
suis même déjà tombé sur un OS où toute la ligne de
commande, arguments compris, se trouvait dans argv[0] et un
autre qui omettait le nom de la commande et dont argv[0]
contenait directement le premier argument !

   C’est un standard du langage C¹.
   Mauvais compilateur/libc, changer compilateur/libc.

¹ Cf. section de la version C99 ( p.11, 23e page du

	Le compilo est un gcc récent avec un linux embarqué sur je ne sais plus 
quelle architecture. Et la libc était une eglibc des familles. D'un 
autre côté, je suis assez d'accord avec toi, c'est une très mauvaise 
libc :-P

	Entre-nous, c'est le shell qui empile ça grçace à un appel de la libc 
avant l'appel au main() (dans le cas du C). Si le shell décide de tout 
mettre dans argv[0] parce que ça lui fait plaisir, je ne vois pas trop 
ce que le compilo pourrait faire...



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Re: [hs] Cible et lien symbolique : comportement différent ?

2013-10-04 Thread Erwan David
Le 04/10/2013 16:03, BERTRAND Joël a écrit :
 Sylvain L. Sauvage wrote:
 [Je réponds au précédent mais j’ai perdu le courriel…]

 Le vendredi 4 octobre 2013 15:18:43 Alexandre Hoïde a écrit :
 On Fri, Oct 04, 2013 at 12:50:35PM +0200, BERTRAND Joël wrote:
 Attention, ça n'est pas portable. Je ne sais plus sous quel
 j'ai pu constater que cela ne fonctionnait pas... et je
 pense que c'est à la discrétion du shell, pas de l'OS. Je
 suis même déjà tombé sur un OS où toute la ligne de
 commande, arguments compris, se trouvait dans argv[0] et un
 autre qui omettait le nom de la commande et dont argv[0]
 contenait directement le premier argument !

C’est un standard du langage C¹.
Mauvais compilateur/libc, changer compilateur/libc.

 ¹ Cf. section de la version C99 ( p.11, 23e
 page du

 Le compilo est un gcc récent avec un linux embarqué sur je ne sais
 plus quelle architecture. Et la libc était une eglibc des familles.
 D'un autre côté, je suis assez d'accord avec toi, c'est une très
 mauvaise libc :-P

 Entre-nous, c'est le shell qui empile ça grçace à un appel de la
 libc avant l'appel au main() (dans le cas du C). Si le shell décide de
 tout mettre dans argv[0] parce que ça lui fait plaisir, je ne vois pas
 trop ce que le compilo pourrait faire...



Tu dois donc avoir un C free-standing, plutôt qu'un C hosted. Dans ce
cas il n'y a de fait pas de libc, mais une lib qui n'implémente que
partiellement les fonctionalités de la libc.

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Virtalbox windows server 2012

2013-10-04 Thread fred


En bts Informatique, j'attaque  la partie windows server 2012.

Etant sous Debian mon formateur me propose 
de faire tourner  windows server 2012 sous Virtual box.

Cela vous semble faisable ?
Quelle puissance est necessaire pour faire tourner corectement  l'ensemble ?

J'ai un AMD Athlon(tm) II X3 455 Processor 800.000 MH avec 8 Go de RAM



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Problème redémarrage MySql

2013-10-04 Thread Philippe Gras


il existe vraisemblablement un problème de redémarrage de mysql sur  
Debian Squeeze  Wheezy,

ça fait plusieurs fois que je n'arrive pas à redémarrer sous  
différentes configurations, et je n'ai trouvé

aucune réponse adéquate pour résoudre cet inconvénient sur Internet :

Reloading MySQL database server: mysqld/usr/bin/mysqladmin: connect  
to server at 'localhost' failed
error: 'Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/ 
mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)'
Check that mysqld is running and that the socket: '/var/run/mysqld/ 
mysqld.sock' exists!

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Re: Problème redémarrage MySql

2013-10-04 Thread Belaïd
As-tu la socket mysqld.sock dans le répertoire /var/run/mysqld ?
Vérifie les droits sur cette socket (ils doivent être en rwx pour tout le
monde, propriétaire mysql, groupe mysql).
Si le fichier n'existe pas applique ceci:
killall mysqld (tu fera attention car la commande tue tout les processus
qui utilise mysqld)
/etc/init.d/mysqld restart
Aussi vérifie si tu n'as rien changé dans le fichier de configuration
/etc/mysql/my.cnf concernant la variable socket et le port d'écoute (tu as
des exemples dans /usr/share/doc/mysql.). Si tu as effectué des
modifications, regarde aussi si les modifications ont été répercutées sur
le fichier /etc/mysql/debian.cnf.
En espérant que ça te débloque un peu ...
Le 4 oct. 2013 21:29, Philippe Gras a écrit :


 il existe vraisemblablement un problème de redémarrage de mysql sur Debian
 Squeeze  Wheezy,

 ça fait plusieurs fois que je n'arrive pas à redémarrer sous différentes
 configurations, et je n'ai trouvé

 aucune réponse adéquate pour résoudre cet inconvénient sur Internet :

 Reloading MySQL database server: mysqld/usr/bin/mysqladmin: connect to
 server at 'localhost' failed
 error: 'Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket
 '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)'
 Check that mysqld is running and that the socket:
 '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' exists!
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 c8f9466b9...@worldonline.fr - blogi pasjonatów motoryzacji, podziel się swoją pasją

2013-10-04 Thread Witam ( ) to platforma hostingowa przeznaczona do 
i prowadzenia blogów o tematyce motoryzacyjnej.
Czy to ciekawy film na youtube, premiera nowego modelu, przepisy ruchu 
drogowego itd.
Teraz i ty możesz zostać komentatorem motoryzacji- założenie bloga jest
bardzo proste.
To miejsce gdzie dochodzi do wymiany myśli i debaty na motoryzacyjne
tematy. Miejsce, gdzie można poruszyć każdy motoryzacyjny temat.
Zapraszamy wszystkich.
Zespół ( )

Re: Instalación de Debian, mediante boot por red.

2013-10-04 Thread Ramses
Buenos días,

El 04/10/2013, a las 00:18, Santiago José López Borrazás 

 El 04/10/13 00:10, Ramses escribió:
 Pablo, mejor por la lista, así aprendemos todos y queda para la 
 posteridad... ;-)
 _Creo_ que contestó a la lista, no al privado.

Me refiero a que dice que si necesita ayuda, lo contacté por interno, y creo 
que es mejor que se haga en la lista, así nos ayuda al resto de listeros...



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Re: Instalación de Debian, mediante boot por red.

2013-10-04 Thread Santiago José López Borrazás
El 04/10/13 08:24, Ramses escribió:
 Me refiero a que dice que si necesita ayuda, lo contacté por interno, y 
 creo que es mejor que se haga en la lista, así nos ayuda al resto de 

Ok... Por eso me extrañaba y lo decía.

Saludos de Santiago José López Borrazás.

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Re: Comandos para raid hp proliant dl 360 G7 en debian squeeze

2013-10-04 Thread Maykel Franco
El día 4 de abril de 2013 16:01, Camaleón escribió:
 El Thu, 04 Apr 2013 12:01:06 +0200, maykel escribió:

 Hola muy buenas, tengo un raid1 por hardware en un servidor hp proliant
 dl 360 G7 y quería saber si hay alguna manera de comprobar el estado de
 los raid instalando algún paquetito y luego mediante comandos.

 ¿Qué controladora RAID monta?

 No me gustaría tener que apagar la máquina para meterme en la bios o en
 las opciones del estado de la controladora, lo que no quiero es perder
 el servicio.

 Eso me toca hacer a mí, pero al ser un RAID1 reinicias, te metes en la
 BIOS, se empieza a reconstruir el array e inicias el sistema como si nada.

 Me recomiendan algo??

 Pues dependerá del modelo de controladora que tengas, consulta esta



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Gracias Camaleón. Esto ya lo solucioné, añadiendo un nuevo repo a


deb squeeze main

Y ahora al lanzar hpacucli ctrl all show config , devuelve:

Smart Array P410i in Slot 0 (Embedded)(sn: 5001438011863CB0)

   array A (SAS, Unused Space: 0  MB)

  logicaldrive 1 (136.7 GB, RAID 1, OK)

  physicaldrive 1I:1:1 (port 1I:box 1:bay 1, SAS, 146 GB, OK)
  physicaldrive 1I:1:2 (port 1I:box 1:bay 2, SAS, 146 GB, OK)

   array B (SAS, Unused Space: 0  MB)

  logicaldrive 2 (279.4 GB, RAID 1, OK)

  physicaldrive 2I:1:7 (port 2I:box 1:bay 7, SAS, 300 GB, OK)
  physicaldrive 2I:1:8 (port 2I:box 1:bay 8, SAS, 300 GB, OK)


  physicaldrive 1I:1:3 (port 1I:box 1:bay 3, SAS, 450 GB, OK)

   SEP (Vendor ID PMCSIERA, Model  SRC 8x6G) 250 (WWID: 5001438011863CBF)

Mi pregunta es, podría definir esa bahía que está sin asignar mediante
comandos?? Creo que sí pero la verdad nunca lo he hecho y no me
gustaría asignarlo mal. Tengo 2 opciones:

1- Apagar la máquina, entrar a la configuración de la controlador y
definir la bahía, solo es un disco para backup.

2- Definir la bahía mediante linea de comandos...

Ahora evidentemente, si haces un fdisk -l , no aparece ese disco
porque esa bahía no esta asignada, unassigned .

Saludos y gracias.

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Re: Reports usuarios squid

2013-10-04 Thread Usuario Lista
El día 3 de octubre de 2013 15:51, Camaleón escribió:
 El Thu, 03 Oct 2013 10:18:13 +0200, Usuario Lista escribió:

 El día 2 de octubre de 2013 16:45, Camaleón


 Sabéis alguna manera de poder filtrar todo ese tipo de links extras
 que tiene una petición a una web?

 Hum... no tengo la menor idea de qué formato usa squid para registrar
 las peticiones de los clientes (accesos) pero para Apache tienes
 algunos ejemplos de filtrado para visitantes únicos en esta página:

 Echa un vistazo ya que es posible que puedas adaptar esos comandos al
 formato del registro que usa squid y de esta forma poder filtrar
 aguachinadamente por los usuarios y los sitios distintos a los que
 han accedido.


 A ver, he encontrado esto.


 Pero no se me ocurre ninguna forma de poder automatizar eso, sin tener
 que ver primero los informes para poder crear los hostalias.


 Pues sí, no tiene mucho sentido. Si tienes que generar ese archivo
 manualmente no te va a servir salvo, vamos... muy enrevesado lo veo ya
 que tendrías que generar ese archivo extrayendo sólo la columna de los
 dominios del registro de squid y después recuperar el dominio para usarlo
 como la cadena de reemplazo.

 ¿Has probado con algunos de los ejemplos del enlace que te pasé?

Si los he probado pero en el momento que lanzas el uniq ya me está
quitando número de conexiones y bytes consumidos por ese usuario. No
es un informe real.

La idea es agrupar conexiones en dominios legibles para los jefes.

No se como hacerlo y tampoco se si es posible hacer eso en la parte servidor.




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Re: [OT] Re: UAYRA - ¡Una buena noticia!

2013-10-04 Thread javier
On Mon, 23 Sep 2013 11:24:23 -0300
ciracusa wrote:

 On 23/09/13 09:02, Debian GMail wrote:
  El 19/09/13 13:25, Guido Ignacio escribió:
  Es lo que ocurre con ser extremistas y no tener un punto medio en la
  política, por eso se producen estos encontronazos.
  Fabián ya le había saltado la chabeta cuando acá lo insultaron y
  salto con un tema político donde lo no había. Hay veces que la
  políticas extrema le nubla el cerebro a algunos.
  Paz gente!
  La política es tan mala en sí misma, que la propia palabra arruina todo.
  La palabra más dulce que existe, es madre.
  Le agregas política, y te queda suegra.
La mejor definición que me he encontrado en la vida de la peliaguda palabrita.
La propongo para que sea estudiada e incluída en el RAE :-D, :-D
Gracias JAP

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Nada es mejor que un día tras otro


Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de usar 
el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas


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Re: [OT] Re: UAYRA - ¡Una buena noticia!

2013-10-04 Thread Santiago José López Borrazás
El 04/10/13 15:09, javier escribió:
 La política es tan mala en sí misma, que la propia palabra arruina todo.
 La palabra más dulce que existe, es madre.
 Le agregas política, y te queda suegra.
 La mejor definición que me he encontrado en la vida de la peliaguda palabrita.
 La propongo para que sea estudiada e incluída en el RAE :-D, :-D
 Gracias JAP


Saludos de Santiago José López Borrazás.

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Re: Instalación de Debian, mediante boot por red.

2013-10-04 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 04 Oct 2013 00:10:26 +0200, Ramses escribió:

 El 03/10/2013, a las 23:28, Pablo Jiménez escribió:
 On Thu, Oct 03, 2013 at 03:33:32PM -0400, Francisco javier wrote:
 gracias, esta tarde me pondré a probar, creo que me iré por el lado de
 la instalación, ya que hay algunas maquinas diferentes. gracias por
 las respustas.
 a todo esto, esto lo estoy haciendo por una charla que daran en mi
 universidad la prox semana sobre programación para dispositivos
 android, si a alguno le interesa, habrá hangout, el curso lo dicta el
 presidente de gnu-chile.
 Tengo experiencia configurando instalaciones basadas en PXE. Ya que
 estás en Chile, puedes contactarme por interno si requieres de ayuda al
 Pablo, mejor por la lista, así aprendemos todos y queda para la
 posteridad... ;-)

¿Y quién necesita la lista cuando se tiene soporte técnico a la 
carta? :-)

Vamos, que si quiere compartir su experiencia por aquí, perfecto, pero 
entiendo que la prioridad para el OP en este momento es tener montado y 
funcionando el laboratorio cuanto antes.



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Re: Problemas de compactacion de archivos con RAR

2013-10-04 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 03 Oct 2013 19:23:34 -0300, Ing. Abdel Alejandro Bagós Hurtado

 Hola Lista, 

(ese html...)

 tengo un servidor para mi LAN en debían, recientemente instale el RAR y
 comenze a compactar
 El problema es lo siguiente hize un pequeño script para todos los días
 compactar una carpeta donde se hallan las actualizaciones del Nod32 para
 mi LAN y cuando lo ejecuto todo funciona ok el problema es cuando lo
 mando a ejecutar con el cron, no se por que me deja de compactar a la
 mitad de la carpeta, déjame ver si me entienden, cuando lo ejecuto
 manualmente el fichero compactado queda de 48 MB y si lo ejecuta el cron
 lo deja en 38 MB,

Lo primero que probaría es:

1/ Para descartar cualquier error, hacer las pruebas de compactación 
sobre un mismo lote de archivo para saber que el resultado 
(independientemente de que sea a través de cron o con ejecución directa 
del script) siempre ha de tener el mismo tamaño.

2/ Añade una salida de depuración para rar (p. ej., usando el modificador 
v) para controlar lo que hace en todo momento.

3/ Dado que el script se llega a ejecutar, el hecho de que no compacte 
todo lo que debería puede deberse a un problema con los permisos o 
accesos a esos archivos/directorios (recuerda que las tareas de cron se 
ejecutan con el usuario donde las configurado la tarea salvo que sea 
global, claro).

 con el TAR todo funciona de maravillas solo que me compacta con el
 camino completo /var/www/antivirus/nod32.

Si te refieres a esto...

How do I exclude absolute paths for Tar?

 Sabe alguien cual es el problema del RAR

No, al menos de momento :-)



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Re: Comandos para raid hp proliant dl 360 G7 en debian squeeze

2013-10-04 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 04 Oct 2013 09:51:13 +0200, Maykel Franco escribió:

 El día 4 de abril de 2013 16:01, Camaleón escribió:
 El Thu, 04 Apr 2013 12:01:06 +0200, maykel escribió:

 Hola muy buenas, tengo un raid1 por hardware en un servidor hp
 proliant dl 360 G7 y quería saber si hay alguna manera de comprobar el
 estado de los raid instalando algún paquetito y luego mediante


 Me recomiendan algo??

 Pues dependerá del modelo de controladora que tengas, consulta esta
 Gracias Camaleón. Esto ya lo solucioné, añadiendo un nuevo repo a
 deb squeeze main
 Y ahora al lanzar hpacucli ctrl all show config , devuelve:
 Smart Array P410i in Slot 0 (Embedded)(sn: 5001438011863CB0)


Más vale tarde que nunca :-P

 Mi pregunta es, podría definir esa bahía que está sin asignar mediante

Supongo que te refieres a un disco de 450 GiB que no forma parte de 
ningún nivel de raid ¿no?

 Creo que sí pero la verdad nunca lo he hecho y no me gustaría asignarlo
 mal. Tengo 2 opciones:
 1- Apagar la máquina, entrar a la configuración de la controlador y
 definir la bahía, solo es un disco para backup.

Esto es lo que yo hago para gestionar cualquier operación del array pero 
es que mi controladora no colabora mucho, la verdad (es una adaptec) y no 
me fío...

 2- Definir la bahía mediante linea de comandos...
 Ahora evidentemente, si haces un fdisk -l , no aparece ese disco porque
 esa bahía no esta asignada, unassigned .

¿Qué es lo que quieres hacer, exactamente? ¿Añadirla a un raid existente 
(y usar un raid 5, pero perderás espacio, ya lo sabes) o usarla como un 
disco independiente, fuera del raid?

Si es lo último, tendrás que ver primero si la controladora te permite 
configurar los discos seleccionados en modo JBOD (supongo que esto no 
será problema pero es lo primero que tienes que comprobar) y después si 
la utilidad hpacucli dispone de algún comando para inicializar el disco.

Por aquí tienes algunos ejemplos para crear un array:

How to configure add array on HP servers with hpacucli?

(ten en cuenta que ahí está creando un nivel raid=1+0, en tu caso sería 
un, por poner un ejemplo ficticio, raid=jbod o como sea que lo llame la 
utilidad a este modo ;-P)



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Re: Reports usuarios squid

2013-10-04 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 04 Oct 2013 13:49:08 +0200, Usuario Lista escribió:

 El día 3 de octubre de 2013 15:51, Camaleón


 A ver, he encontrado esto.


 Pero no se me ocurre ninguna forma de poder automatizar eso, sin tener
 que ver primero los informes para poder crear los hostalias.


 Pues sí, no tiene mucho sentido. Si tienes que generar ese archivo
 manualmente no te va a servir salvo, vamos... muy enrevesado lo veo ya
 que tendrías que generar ese archivo extrayendo sólo la columna de los
 dominios del registro de squid y después recuperar el dominio para
 usarlo como la cadena de reemplazo.

 ¿Has probado con algunos de los ejemplos del enlace que te pasé?
 Si los he probado pero en el momento que lanzas el uniq ya me está
 quitando número de conexiones y bytes consumidos por ese usuario. No es
 un informe real.

Vaya... con el access.log del apache funciona bastante bien, al menos 
te sirve para ver una estadística rápida y eliminar los duplicados de un 
plumazo ya que el resto de columnas las mantiene intactas.

Podrías intentar un doble filtrado, primero filtras el access.log para 
que elimine los registros que quieres evitar (los duplicados de los 
dominios) y después decirle a Sarg que use ese nuevo archivo 
(access_filtered.log) ya depurado para que genere las estadísticas 
usando ese nuevo archivo.

 La idea es agrupar conexiones en dominios legibles para los jefes.
 No se como hacerlo y tampoco se si es posible hacer eso en la parte

Es que ese concepto que tiene Sarg de agrupación de dominio para este 
caso me parece que no te va a valer porque tiene que ser automático y 
según la documentación es un trabajo manual, más bien enfocado a generar 
una página de datos resultona. 

Quizá tengas que pensar en otra aplicación para analizar las estadísticas 
ya que entiendo que debería ser la propia aplicación la que contemple 
esta opción y al menos en Sarg no lo veo disponible.



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RE: [OT] Re: UAYRA - ¡Una buena noticia!

2013-10-04 Thread William Romero

Esto ya es un tema cerrado. hace semanas no hablemos mas del asunto


William Romero 

 Subject: Re: [OT] Re: UAYRA - ¡Una buena noticia!
 Date: Fri, 4 Oct 2013 15:17:33 +0200
 El 04/10/13 15:09, javier escribió:
  La política es tan mala en sí misma, que la propia palabra arruina todo.
  La palabra más dulce que existe, es madre.
  Le agregas política, y te queda suegra.
  La mejor definición que me he encontrado en la vida de la peliaguda 
  La propongo para que sea estudiada e incluída en el RAE :-D, :-D
  Gracias JAP
 Saludos de Santiago José López Borrazás.

Re: [OT] Re: UAYRA - ¡Una buena noticia!

2013-10-04 Thread Juan
El 04/10/2013 13:58, William Romero escribió:
 Esto ya es un tema cerrado. hace semanas no hablemos mas del asunto
 */William Romero /*

Y esto es top-posting... ya que estamos, respeta las normas de la lista

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RE: [OT] Re: UAYRA - ¡Una buena noticia!

2013-10-04 Thread William Romero
por su puesto que la respecto , es por eso que te decia que ya no comentamos 
hace varias semanas atras.

no te ofendas.


William Romero C

 Date: Fri, 4 Oct 2013 14:17:49 -0300
 Subject: Re: [OT] Re: UAYRA - ¡Una buena noticia!
 El 04/10/2013 13:58, William Romero escribió:
  Esto ya es un tema cerrado. hace semanas no hablemos mas del asunto
  */William Romero /*
 Y esto es top-posting... ya que estamos, respeta las normas de la lista
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Re: [OT] Re: UAYRA - ¡Una buena noticia!

2013-10-04 Thread Juan
El 04/10/2013 14:35, William Romero escribió:
 por su puesto que la respecto , es por eso que te decia que ya no
 comentamos hace varias semanas atras.
 no te ofendas.
 */William Romero C/*
 Date: Fri, 4 Oct 2013 14:17:49 -0300
 Subject: Re: [OT] Re: UAYRA - Una buena noticia!

 El 04/10/2013 13:58, William Romero escribi:
  Esto ya es un tema cerrado. hace semanas no hablemos mas del asunto
  */William Romero /*

 Y esto es top-posting... ya que estamos, respeta las normas de la lista

Dos cosas:

1) a mi no me tenés que decir nada, ya que el hilo no lo reabrí yo.
2) NO LAS RESPETAS, ya que seguís haciendo top-posting, ¿entendés lo que
es el top-posting?, por las dudas, es facil, poné en Goolge: top-posting
y te lo cuenta, quizas de esa manera lo entiendas.

Cierro mi participación en este hilo, lo que te pediría es que no me
respondás nuevamente, o al menos no lo hagas hasta entender como se hace.


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RE: [OT] Re: UAYRA - ¡Una buena noticia!

2013-10-04 Thread William Romero
1) a mi no me tenés que decir nada, ya que el hilo no lo reabrí yo.

no va a ti va a todos , lo hablamos hace muchas semanas .
o es que acaso te envie a tu privado, hablamos del distro no de politica .

 2) NO LAS RESPETAS, ya que seguís haciendo top-posting, ¿entendés lo que
 es el top-posting?, por las dudas, es facil, poné en Goolge: top-posting
 y te lo cuenta, quizas de esa manera lo entiendas.

sin comentarios , te digo no te ofendas y te hablo con respeto.
o es que acaso te dije algo que no sabes ene ste caso me estas faltando el 
respeto tu.
 Cierro mi participación en este hilo, lo que te pediría es que no me
 respondás nuevamente, o al menos no lo hagas hasta entender como se hace.

la ultima vez lo cerramos y habiamos comentado no hablar mas del asunto.
Respondo al grupo no a ti .

 Gracias  Juan por faltarme el respeto.


William Romero C

 Date: Fri, 4 Oct 2013 14:44:04 -0300
 Subject: Re: [OT] Re: UAYRA - ¡Una buena noticia!
 El 04/10/2013 14:35, William Romero escribió:
  por su puesto que la respecto , es por eso que te decia que ya no
  comentamos hace varias semanas atras.
  no te ofendas.
  */William Romero C/*
  Date: Fri, 4 Oct 2013 14:17:49 -0300
  Subject: Re: [OT] Re: UAYRA - Una buena noticia!
  El 04/10/2013 13:58, William Romero escribi:
   Esto ya es un tema cerrado. hace semanas no hablemos mas del asunto
   */William Romero /*
  Y esto es top-posting... ya que estamos, respeta las normas de la lista
 Dos cosas:
 1) a mi no me tenés que decir nada, ya que el hilo no lo reabrí yo.
 2) NO LAS RESPETAS, ya que seguís haciendo top-posting, ¿entendés lo que
 es el top-posting?, por las dudas, es facil, poné en Goolge: top-posting
 y te lo cuenta, quizas de esa manera lo entiendas.
 Cierro mi participación en este hilo, lo que te pediría es que no me
 respondás nuevamente, o al menos no lo hagas hasta entender como se hace.
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Re: [OT] Re: UAYRA - ¡Una buena noticia!

2013-10-04 Thread Ismael L. Donis Garcia

William dejame explicarte algo:

Cuando dicen que no hagas top-posting (no se porque diablos les gusta hablar 
en ingles y no en español donde no habrá equivocos)

Es que no respondas encima del mensaje, sino que realices las respuestas 
debajo del mensaje. Para mi es más incomodo, pero como estoy en una lista 
simplemente trato de acogerme a ellas.



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RE: [OT] Re: UAYRA - ¡Una buena noticia!

2013-10-04 Thread William Romero

 Subject: Re: [OT] Re: UAYRA - ¡Una buena noticia!
 Date: Fri, 4 Oct 2013 15:02:04 -0400
 William dejame explicarte algo:
 Cuando dicen que no hagas top-posting (no se porque diablos les gusta hablar 
 en ingles y no en español donde no habrá equivocos)
 Es que no respondas encima del mensaje, sino que realices las respuestas 
 debajo del mensaje. Para mi es más incomodo, pero como estoy en una lista 
 simplemente trato de acogerme a ellas.
 Gracias Ismael .
 si lo sabia , lo que pasa es que me acostumbro aun a eso.
 Solo me queda decirte que : !A respetar las reglas! y como tu dices acogerse 
 a ellas.


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Problema con networkmanager debian testing

2013-10-04 Thread Maykel Franco
Hola buenas, estoy migrando otro portatil de opensuse kde a debian
testing kde. He cambiado en Networkmanager.conf el managed a true y el
caso es que por cable si puedo administrar bien la red pero con el
wifi no me deja habilitarlo para buscar redes:

Oct  5 02:31:09 debian-maykel NetworkManager[3218]: info (wlan0):
using nl80211 for WiFi device control
Oct  5 02:31:09 debian-maykel NetworkManager[3218]: info (wlan0):
driver supports Access Point (AP) mode
Oct  5 02:31:09 debian-maykel NetworkManager[3218]: info (wlan0):
new 802.11 WiFi device (driver: 'iwlwifi' ifindex: 3)
Oct  5 02:31:09 debian-maykel NetworkManager[3218]: info (wlan0):
exported as /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/1
Oct  5 02:31:09 debian-maykel NetworkManager[3218]: info (wlan0):
device state change: unmanaged - unavailable (reason 'managed') [10
20 2]
Oct  5 02:31:09 debian-maykel NetworkManager[3218]: info (wlan0):
bringing up device.
Oct  5 02:31:09 debian-maykel NetworkManager[3218]: info (wlan0):
deactivating device (reason 'managed') [2]

Estoy buscando en google pero tengo todo configurado igual que tengo
el debian que pase del curro de opensuse kde a debian kde.

Gracias por adelantado.


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Re: Problema con networkmanager debian testing

2013-10-04 Thread Maykel Franco
El día 5 de octubre de 2013 00:46, Maykel Franco escribió:
 Hola buenas, estoy migrando otro portatil de opensuse kde a debian
 testing kde. He cambiado en Networkmanager.conf el managed a true y el
 caso es que por cable si puedo administrar bien la red pero con el
 wifi no me deja habilitarlo para buscar redes:

 Oct  5 02:31:09 debian-maykel NetworkManager[3218]: info (wlan0):
 using nl80211 for WiFi device control
 Oct  5 02:31:09 debian-maykel NetworkManager[3218]: info (wlan0):
 driver supports Access Point (AP) mode
 Oct  5 02:31:09 debian-maykel NetworkManager[3218]: info (wlan0):
 new 802.11 WiFi device (driver: 'iwlwifi' ifindex: 3)
 Oct  5 02:31:09 debian-maykel NetworkManager[3218]: info (wlan0):
 exported as /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/1
 Oct  5 02:31:09 debian-maykel NetworkManager[3218]: info (wlan0):
 device state change: unmanaged - unavailable (reason 'managed') [10
 20 2]
 Oct  5 02:31:09 debian-maykel NetworkManager[3218]: info (wlan0):
 bringing up device.
 Oct  5 02:31:09 debian-maykel NetworkManager[3218]: info (wlan0):
 deactivating device (reason 'managed') [2]

 Estoy buscando en google pero tengo todo configurado igual que tengo
 el debian que pase del curro de opensuse kde a debian kde.

 Gracias por adelantado.


Siento el correo chicos, ya lo he solucionado...Resulta que tengo una
opcion en la bios del portatil que lo active para que cuando conecte
el cable de red, deshabilite la interfaz wifi y viceversa, si
descoencto el cable de red se habilita el wifi.

Gracias y siento la consulta, alomejor a alguien este problema le puede ayudar.


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RE: como redirecciono puerto con iptables en chan POSTROUTING o luego de las reglas de filter?

2013-10-04 Thread dus
NO entiendo bien la problemática porque no puedo leer tranquilo desde el
trabajo pero, simple vista te diría  que POSTROUTING va con -o, entonces

 # iptables -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -s -o eth0 -p tcp
--dport 443 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 445

Además te lo está diciendo el mismo mensaje de error.


-Mensaje original-
De: Flako [] 
Enviado el: jueves, 03 de octubre de 2013 02:57 p.m.
Para: Lista Debian
Asunto: como redirecciono puerto con iptables en chan POSTROUTING o luego de
las reglas de filter?

   Necesito hacer que iptables permita la salida a conexiones https para
un grupo de ip destino  y que para todas las otras direcciones destino
redireccione  a un puerto especifico (443 - 445) donde hay un httpd que va
a mostrar una pagina predefinida de error.
   Las configuradas son eth0 - LAN y ppp0 - Internet

Por ejemplo, tengo un filtro que permite salir a la ip vía
https a 4 IPs.

3035 620 85219 ACCEPT tcp -- eth0 ppp0 tcp
3037 0 0 ACCEPT tcp -- eth0 ppp0 tcp dpt:443
3039 0 0 ACCEPT tcp -- eth0 ppp0 tcp dpt:443
3041 0 0 ACCEPT tcp -- eth0 ppp0 tcp dpt:443

Primero probé con
  iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -s -i eth0 -p tcp --dport
443 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 445

  Esto hace correctamente el redireccionamiento y muestra la pagina de
error, pero como se analiza antes de tabla 'filter'  siempre direcciona para
cualquier petición https y no deja acceder a los ip indicados

  Leyendo documentación creo que lo tengo que hacer un
redireccionamiento con con la chan POSTROUTING en las tablas mangle o nat,
pero no he logrado escribir la sintaxis correcta., de lo que he probado
generalmente indica errores como:

 # iptables -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -s -i eth0 -p tcp
--dport 443 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 445
  iptables v1.3.5: Can't use -i with POSTROUTING

  he probado muchas combinaciones, pero la verdad que me pierdo con la

 Como debería escribir el comando para poder crear un redireccionamiento
en POSTROUTING o hacer el redireccionamiento después de del añiláis de


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Diferencia entre paquete conky y conky-all

2013-10-04 Thread Maykel Franco
La verdad es que estoy un poco confuso, no hacen los dos realmente lo
mismo?? Sin embargo uno no depende del otro como  dependencia en la
instalación, ni viceversa...

Dónde puedo mirar realmente la diferencia entre ellos?? Lo digo porque
con el aptitude show paquete veo practicamente la misma



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Re: Repositorios para debian testing

2013-10-04 Thread Maykel Franco
El día 2 de octubre de 2013 18:02, Camaleón escribió:
 El Wed, 02 Oct 2013 17:48:19 +0200, Maykel Franco escribió:

 El día 2 de octubre de 2013 17:43, Camaleón


 Probastes alguna vez k9copy?? Me encantaba que pena que se haya

 No, no lo probé... hace años, cuando aún estaba con openSUSE y KDE 3.5
 y quería volcar un DVD comercial para hacer (ejem, ejem...) la
 preceptiva copia de seguridad, lo que hacía era convertirlo a imagen
 ISO con K3B y después ya podía grabarlo en otro DVD.

 Y por cierto... je, parece que K3B también permite ripear los DVD:

 How to rip a DVD and encode it into an MPEG-4 AVI with K3B

 Pero pasarlo a iso eso también te lo permitía dd o ddrescue??

 Sí, pero por aquella época (y ahora tampoco, la verdad...) no me sentía a
 gusto jugando con dd O:-)

 Y para rematar:

 (creo que hemos hablado ya de casi todos los de la lista)



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Gracias por todo. Al final he usado handbrake(me parece buenisimo)
aunque el container soportado de destino solo es mp4 o mkv, pero luego
con avidemux lo puedes pasar a avi si es necesario.

Me encanta handbrake, hace justo lo que necesito y tiene las opciones
perfectas. Inclusive, puedes aumentarle los decibelios ya que algunos
.iso de los dvd viene el sonido muy bajo. Perfecto.


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RE: Problema con networkmanager debian testing[SOLUCIONADO]]

2013-10-04 Thread William Romero

 Date: Sat, 5 Oct 2013 00:48:52 +0200
 Subject: Re: Problema con networkmanager debian testing
 El día 5 de octubre de 2013 00:46, Maykel Franco escribió:
  Hola buenas, estoy migrando otro portatil de opensuse kde a debian
  testing kde. He cambiado en Networkmanager.conf el managed a true y el
  caso es que por cable si puedo administrar bien la red pero con el
  wifi no me deja habilitarlo para buscar redes:
  Oct  5 02:31:09 debian-maykel NetworkManager[3218]: info (wlan0):
  using nl80211 for WiFi device control
  Oct  5 02:31:09 debian-maykel NetworkManager[3218]: info (wlan0):
  driver supports Access Point (AP) mode
  Oct  5 02:31:09 debian-maykel NetworkManager[3218]: info (wlan0):
  new 802.11 WiFi device (driver: 'iwlwifi' ifindex: 3)
  Oct  5 02:31:09 debian-maykel NetworkManager[3218]: info (wlan0):
  exported as /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/1
  Oct  5 02:31:09 debian-maykel NetworkManager[3218]: info (wlan0):
  device state change: unmanaged - unavailable (reason 'managed') [10
  20 2]
  Oct  5 02:31:09 debian-maykel NetworkManager[3218]: info (wlan0):
  bringing up device.
  Oct  5 02:31:09 debian-maykel NetworkManager[3218]: info (wlan0):
  deactivating device (reason 'managed') [2]
  Estoy buscando en google pero tengo todo configurado igual que tengo
  el debian que pase del curro de opensuse kde a debian kde.
  Gracias por adelantado.
 Siento el correo chicos, ya lo he solucionado...Resulta que tengo una
 opcion en la bios del portatil que lo active para que cuando conecte
 el cable de red, deshabilite la interfaz wifi y viceversa, si
 descoencto el cable de red se habilita el wifi.
 Gracias y siento la consulta, alomejor a alguien este problema le puede 
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Re: Diferencia entre paquete conky y conky-all

2013-10-04 Thread Marcos Delgado
El día 4 de octubre de 2013 21:02, Maykel Franco escribió:
 La verdad es que estoy un poco confuso, no hacen los dos realmente lo
 mismo?? Sin embargo uno no depende del otro como  dependencia en la
 instalación, ni viceversa...

 Dónde puedo mirar realmente la diferencia entre ellos?? Lo digo porque
 con el aptitude show paquete veo practicamente la misma



 aptitude show conky
Paquete: conky
Nuevo: sí
Estado: sin instalar
Versión: 1.9.0-3
Prioridad: extra
Sección: oldlibs
Desarrollador: Vincent Cheng
Arquitectura: all
Tamaño sin comprimir: 36.9 k
Depende de: conky-std | conky-cli | conky-all
Descripción: highly configurable system monitor (transitional package)
 Conky is a system monitor that can display just about anything,
either on your root desktop or in its own window. Conky has
 many built-in objects, as well as the ability to execute external
programs or scripts (either external or through built-in
 lua support).

 This is a dummy package to ease transition to the new packaging
scheme. It may be safely removed after upgrade/installation.
Página principal:

Ahí lo dice: Dummy package

Marcos Delgado.

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Re: keysigning i aften på cafe Pixie, Østerbro, København

2013-10-04 Thread Ross Gammon
Hash: SHA1

On 10/03/2013 01:46 PM, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
 Hej danske Debian-brugere,
 Der er uformelt Debian-træf i aften fra kl. 20:00 på cafe Pixie på
  Østerbro i København.
 Anledningen er at Andrew McMillan, Debian-udvikler fra New Zealand,
 er på lynvisit i byen, og det passer sammen med at jeg kan lægge
 turen forbi fra min hule på Orø.

Sorry I missed you Jonas,
I was at my Danish lesson and did not get the mail.
Next time!
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Re: Re: Contribuir com o Debian e comigo mesmo como programador

2013-10-04 Thread Rodolfo
Básico de empacotamento é configurar os path dos files do programa em
questao, e depois compilá-lo. Em suma conhecer o objeto de cada estrutura
de diretorios do SO. Corrigir bugs somente se voce for o criador, mas nada
impede de voce corrigi-los também. Acho que isso é livre ao mantenedor.

Em 3 de outubro de 2013 17:45, Bruno Maximo e Melo

 E o que seria algo básico no empacotamento do Debian? Acredito que se eu
 me disponho a manter um pacote tenho que corrigir os bugs nele, não faço
 ideia de como fazer isso.

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[OFF-TOPIC] Cpanel

2013-10-04 Thread Jacques Teixeira
Pesssoal, alguem já efetuo instalação do Cpanel , estava lendo na
documentação que tem que ter um ip valido, minha duvida, eu sou obriado a
ter esse ip no meu servidor interno? outra duvida é se o nome do host
também tem que ser o do domínio valido?

Desde já agradeço.

Jacques Teixeira

É dia de ser feliz

2013-10-04 Thread Hap Arte Promoções
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Re: Re: Contribuir com o Debian e comigo mesmo como programador

2013-10-04 Thread China
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Em 3 de outubro de 2013 18:45, Bruno Maximo e Melo escreveu:
 E o que seria algo básico no empacotamento do Debian? Acredito que se eu
 me disponho a manter um pacote tenho que corrigir os bugs nele, não faço
 ideia de como fazer isso.

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ia32-libs Paketinin Yüklenmesi

2013-10-04 Thread Gökhan Öztürk
Selamlar. Bilgisayarıma Google Earth kurmak istiyorum. Gecen yıllarda google 
sitesinden debian/ubuntu 64 bit olan paketi indirip dpkg ile sorunsuz 
kurmustum. Ancak bu sefer kurmak istediğim de şu hatayı verdi ; 

dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of google-earth-stable:
 google-earth-stable depends on ia32-libs; however:
  Package ia32-libs is not installed.

Galiba ia32-libs paketi kurulu olmadığı için böyle bir hata verdi. Ancak bu 
paketi kurmak istediğim de konsole ekranı şöyle çıktı veriyor.

root@Asus:/home/reveler# apt-get install ia32-libs
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree   
Reading state information... Done
You might want to run 'apt-get -f install' to correct these:
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 ia32-libs : Depends: ia32-libs-i386 but it is not installable
E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a 

Re: ia32-libs Paketinin Yüklenmesi

2013-10-04 Thread Semetey Coşkun

apt-get -f install

Önerisi ve akabinde

apt-get update  apt-get upgrade

işe yarayabilir. *Güncellenmesini istemediğiniz uygulamanız varsa
Bu konutlarla hata  alırsanız buraya geçiniz.

On Fri, Oct 4, 2013 at 5:15 PM, Gökhan Öztürk wrote:

 Selamlar. Bilgisayarıma Google Earth kurmak istiyorum. Gecen yıllarda
 google sitesinden debian/ubuntu 64 bit olan paketi indirip dpkg ile
 sorunsuz kurmustum. Ancak bu sefer kurmak istediğim de şu hatayı verdi ;

 dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of google-earth-stable:
  google-earth-stable depends on ia32-libs; however:
   Package ia32-libs is not installed.

 Galiba ia32-libs paketi kurulu olmadığı için böyle bir hata verdi. Ancak
 bu paketi kurmak istediğim de konsole ekranı şöyle çıktı veriyor.

 root@Asus:/home/reveler# apt-get install ia32-libs
 Reading package lists... Done
 Building dependency tree
 Reading state information... Done
 You might want to run 'apt-get -f install' to correct these:
 The following packages have unmet dependencies:
  ia32-libs : Depends: ia32-libs-i386 but it is not installable
 E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or
 specify a solution).

Semetey COŞKUN

Yan: ia32-libs Paketinin Yüklenmesi

2013-10-04 Thread Gökhan Öztürk
Şimdi denedim kuruluyor. Ama ne yaptığımı tam olarak anlamadım. Debian wheezy 
amd 64 bit kullanıyorum. Şimdi ise kullandığım sistemi 32 bite mi çevirdim ?

 Kimden: Selçuk Mıynat
Kime: Gökhan Öztürk 
Gönderildiği Tarih: 4 Ekim 2013 17:21 Cuma
Konu: Re: ia32-libs Paketinin Yüklenmesi


On Fri, Oct 4, 2013 at 5:15 PM, Gökhan Öztürk wrote:
 Selamlar. Bilgisayarıma Google Earth kurmak istiyorum. Gecen yıllarda google
 sitesinden debian/ubuntu 64 bit olan paketi indirip dpkg ile sorunsuz
 kurmustum. Ancak bu sefer kurmak istediğim de şu hatayı verdi ;

 dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of google-earth-stable:
  google-earth-stable depends on ia32-libs; however:
   Package ia32-libs is not installed.

 Galiba ia32-libs paketi kurulu olmadığı için böyle bir hata verdi. Ancak bu
 paketi kurmak istediğim de konsole ekranı şöyle çıktı veriyor.

 root@Asus:/home/reveler# apt-get install ia32-libs
 Reading package lists... Done
 Building dependency tree
 Reading state information... Done
 You might want to run 'apt-get -f install' to correct these:
 The following packages have unmet dependencies:
  ia32-libs : Depends: ia32-libs-i386 but it is not installable
 E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify
 a solution).

Multiarch'ı enable etmeniz gerekiyor:

dpkg --add-architecture i386
apt-get update

apt-get install ia32-libs

komutlarını dener misiniz?

Selçuk Mıynat

Re: ia32-libs Paketinin Yüklenmesi

2013-10-04 Thread Semetey Coşkun
Sistemin mimarisi değişmemiş oldu.

Varsayılan olarak sistem 64 bit ise uygulamalar 64 bit olarak, sistem 32
bit ise uygulamalar 32 bit olarak kurulur. Fakat 64 bit sistemler, 32 bit
uygulamaları çalıştırılabiliyor.

Yaptığınız konfigürasyon ile sisteme; 64 bitsin ama 32 bit uygulama
kurmana izin veriyorum demiş oldunuz. Sisteme 32 bit mimariyi eklememk
için --force-architecture parametresi ile de kurulum denenebilirdi. Bu bir
dpkg parametresi ama apt-get için de geçerli olabilir ya da bir muadili
olabilir belki.

İyi çalışmalar.

2013/10/4 Selçuk Mıynat


 On Fri, Oct 4, 2013 at 5:15 PM, Gökhan Öztürk
  Selamlar. Bilgisayarıma Google Earth kurmak istiyorum. Gecen yıllarda
  sitesinden debian/ubuntu 64 bit olan paketi indirip dpkg ile sorunsuz
  kurmustum. Ancak bu sefer kurmak istediğim de şu hatayı verdi ;
  dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of google-earth-stable:
   google-earth-stable depends on ia32-libs; however:
Package ia32-libs is not installed.
  Galiba ia32-libs paketi kurulu olmadığı için böyle bir hata verdi. Ancak
  paketi kurmak istediğim de konsole ekranı şöyle çıktı veriyor.
  root@Asus:/home/reveler# apt-get install ia32-libs
  Reading package lists... Done
  Building dependency tree
  Reading state information... Done
  You might want to run 'apt-get -f install' to correct these:
  The following packages have unmet dependencies:
   ia32-libs : Depends: ia32-libs-i386 but it is not installable
  E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or
  a solution).

 Multiarch'ı enable etmeniz gerekiyor:

 dpkg --add-architecture i386
 apt-get update
 apt-get install ia32-libs

 komutlarını dener misiniz?

 Selçuk Mıynat

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 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Semetey COŞKUN

Yan: ia32-libs Paketinin Yüklenmesi

2013-10-04 Thread Gökhan Öztürk
64 bit sistemde 32 bit paketleride kullanabilmek çok güzel birşey :) Tesekkürler

 Kimden: Semetey Coşkun
Kime: Selçuk Mıynat 
Kopya: Gökhan Öztürk; 
Gönderildiği Tarih: 4 Ekim 2013 17:32 Cuma
Konu: Re: ia32-libs Paketinin Yüklenmesi

Sistemin mimarisi değişmemiş oldu.

Varsayılan olarak sistem 64 bit ise uygulamalar 64 bit olarak, sistem 32 bit 
ise uygulamalar 32 bit olarak kurulur. Fakat 64 bit sistemler, 32 bit 
uygulamaları çalıştırılabiliyor.

Yaptığınız konfigürasyon ile sisteme; 64 bitsin ama 32 bit uygulama kurmana 
izin veriyorum demiş oldunuz. Sisteme 32 bit mimariyi eklememk için 
--force-architecture parametresi ile de kurulum denenebilirdi. Bu bir dpkg 
parametresi ama apt-get için de geçerli olabilir ya da bir muadili olabilir 

İyi çalışmalar.

2013/10/4 Selçuk Mıynat


On Fri, Oct 4, 2013 at 5:15 PM, Gökhan Öztürk wrote:

 Selamlar. Bilgisayarıma Google Earth kurmak istiyorum. Gecen yıllarda google
 sitesinden debian/ubuntu 64 bit olan paketi indirip dpkg ile sorunsuz
 kurmustum. Ancak bu sefer kurmak istediğim de şu hatayı verdi ;

 dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of google-earth-stable:
  google-earth-stable depends on ia32-libs; however:
   Package ia32-libs is not installed.

 Galiba ia32-libs paketi kurulu olmadığı için böyle bir hata verdi. Ancak bu
 paketi kurmak istediğim de konsole ekranı şöyle çıktı veriyor.

 root@Asus:/home/reveler# apt-get install ia32-libs
 Reading package lists... Done
 Building dependency tree
 Reading state information... Done
 You might want to run 'apt-get -f install' to correct these:
 The following packages have unmet dependencies:
  ia32-libs : Depends: ia32-libs-i386 but it is not installable
 E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify
 a solution).

Multiarch'ı enable etmeniz gerekiyor:

dpkg --add-architecture i386
apt-get update
apt-get install ia32-libs

komutlarını dener misiniz?

Selçuk Mıynat

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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Semetey COŞKUN 

Re: Debian installer and raid0

2013-10-04 Thread Francesco Pietra

 recall that it has been added with Wheezy.  But let me put forward
 that it doesn't really matter.  If you have RAID then you know you
 want grub on both disks.  After installing simply run the grub install
 script against both disks manually and then you will be assured that
 it has been installed on both disks.

I had problems with that methodology and was unable to detect my error.
From a thread on debian dated Mar 2, 2013:

 I carried out a reinstall of amd64 wheezy
 on the machine with new HD. md0 (boot, ext20, md1 (LVM, home, usr,
 etc). GRUB came installed on /dev/sda only

 Then the command

 grub-install /dev/sdb
  was reported by complete installation. No error, no warning.

 On rebooting, GRUB was no more found. Then entering in

 grub rescue 

 prefix/root/ were now wrong.

Now I am in the same situation, two servers with mirroring raid, grub on
/dev/sda only. Identical data on both servers to cope with grub on one disk
only. Not smart from my side.

 I agree with the other responder.  It is unlikely IMNHO that you want
 RAID0 (striping) for the system disk.  You most likely want RAID1
 (mirroring) instead.  The answer above is the same regardless.  If you
 are thinking striping for performance instead I recommend using an SSD
 for the system disk.

Ah! my mistake. Sure, raid1 (mirroring)


On Fri, Oct 4, 2013 at 12:22 AM, Bob Proulx wrote:

 Francesco Pietra wrote:
  Did you use a recent version of the installer? What I would like to know
  before reinstalling everything on my servers - is whether the option to
  grub on both disks of raid 0 has now been introduced.

 I recall that it has been added with Wheezy.  But let me put forward
 that it doesn't really matter.  If you have RAID then you know you
 want grub on both disks.  After installing simply run the grub install
 script against both disks manually and then you will be assured that
 it has been installed on both disks.

 I agree with the other responder.  It is unlikely IMNHO that you want
 RAID0 (striping) for the system disk.  You most likely want RAID1
 (mirroring) instead.  The answer above is the same regardless.  If you
 are thinking striping for performance instead I recommend using an SSD
 for the system disk.


Re: Re (2): Multiplicity of accounts.

2013-10-04 Thread Joel Rees
Should I add to the confusion?

On Thu, Oct 3, 2013 at 10:27 PM, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
 On 10/3/2013 8:45 AM, Joel Rees wrote:

 On Thu, Oct 3, 2013 at 1:53 AM, Jerry Stuckle

 On 10/2/2013 12:24 PM, wrote:

 From:   Joel Rees
 Date:   Wed, 2 Oct 2013 15:30:26 +0900


 And accessing your bank logged in as the same user that you use to
 surf random sites is one of the primary causes of leaked bank account
 numbers and passwords.

 The banking information is stored in a cookie.  Subsequently a site
 than the bank is allowed to read the cookie?  A failure of the browser.
 Correct?  Prior to studying this thoroughly, I might stick to personal

 Not if your browser is working properly.  Cookies can only be sent to the
 domain which originated them (and, depending on the cookie options,
 subdomains of the main domain).


 And too many places, bank sites included, outsource parts of their
 sites. Particularly ad-related stuff.

 It doesn't matter if they outsource parts of their sites.  Those outsourced
 sites will have different domains, and the cookies cannot be sent to them.

You must be looking at the page source code of different banks than I am.

 And no bank would be stupid enough to create a subdomain and hand it over to
 some unknown entity.  They wouldn't be in business for long if they did.

Banks should be smart enough to not use flash on any part of any page
where they have people logging in. Maybe there are some that are, but
there sure are many that aren't.

 I play it safe and limit logging in to my bank to a user that does
 nothing but logging into that bank. Hey, it's my computer, I can add
 users all I like.

 Which doesn't make any difference because that's not where the leaks occur.


I mean a user on my computer. Dedicated to one bank. Reduces the odds
that a drive-by from, say, a song lyrics site, will still be sitting
in my browser when I visit the bank. If a drive-by does get root,
there's no help for that, but at least I can protect myself from the
drive-bys that only get local access.

 And I try to avoid logging in to the bank, but the bank sometimes
 requires me to log in to do certain things, now.

 I would hope they require logging in to do *anything* with your accounts.

I was thinking of things that you used to be able to do at the teller
window in the physical bank, which they now charge service charges
for, but are free if you do them from an ATM or over the web.

I was assuming that much would be understood, since we are talking
about protecting passwords and such things. Guess I should have tried
to make that a little more clear.

 But too many people use the same userid/password for multiple sites, and
 security problem on one site can expose those userids/passwords.  This
 it easy for a hacker to access one's banking account.

 I use online banking all the time.  But I have a unique userid/password
 combination on each of my accounts.  These are long, non-obvious, known
 to me and not stored on any computer.

 That's important, too. Which means that the problem here is getting
 used to manage more than a few userids and passwords, and most people
 are intimidated by what it takes to get that experience.

 It's not all that hard if you come up with a system.  For instance, take a
 phrase you know very well, i.e To be, or not to be: that is the question.
 Take the first character of each word (numeric homonyms become numbers), to
 get 2bon2btitq.  If the first word starts with a-m, capitalize the
 odd-numbered letters; otherwise capitalize the even numbered letters.  So
 you get 2BoN2BtItQ.

 (You might not want to use a phrase quite that well known, but it is only an

 Different phrases for different sites.  Even of someone gets one password,
 they won't be able to guess passwords on other sites.

You have your techniques and I have mine and we can handle more than
one password, so why shouldn't we be able to handle more than one user

But this thread was originally talking about why sharing a file on a
computer between multiple users take so much thought and effort and
using less familiar tools, like chown and chgrp and groupadd and

Joel Rees

Be careful where you see conspiracy.
Look first in your own heart.

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Debian-LAN: installing a complete network environment

2013-10-04 Thread Andreas B. Mundt
Hi all,

I would like to point your attention to the Debian-LAN project [1].

Debian-LAN is an approach to simplify installing a complete kerberized
network environment made of Debian machines.  It might be used for
schools, small enterprises, associations, (university) work groups or
to install complex test environments.

Debian-LAN provides a way to install a server and various workstation
profiles [2] by providing a FAI [3] config space for the setup.

The system has been presented on DebConf13, slides and recordings are
available [4].  The code is in wheezy-backports [5] or on alioth [6].

If you run systems as described above, give Debian-LAN a try!
Comments and contributions are of course welcome.

Best regards,


[1] URL:
[2] URL:
[3] URL:
[4] URL:
[5] URL:
The system's target is always the latest stable Debian release.
[6] URL:

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Re: Re (3): Multiplicity of accounts.

2013-10-04 Thread Joel Rees
I'm feeling talkative today:

On Fri, Oct 4, 2013 at 4:20 AM, John Hasler wrote:
 Jerry Stuckle writes:
 Plus, this being a Debian list, there are few Linux virii and trojans
 out there.

 Can you name any?

which came up when I did a Google search on linux malware.

Joel Rees

Be careful where you see conspiracy.
Look first in your own heart.

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Re: Building computer

2013-10-04 Thread Paul Cartwright
On 10/03/2013 05:11 PM, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
 No apology necessary.  I'm on many open lists (LKML) where hitting
 reply-to-list only goes to the sender.  So I've been guilty myself a few
so that is list specific... I wondered, because sometimes I hit reply 
it goes to the person, other times it goes to the list.. Thunderbird..

Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux User #367800 and new counter #561587

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Re: Re (3): Multiplicity of accounts.

2013-10-04 Thread Joel Rees
On Fri, Oct 4, 2013 at 12:47 AM, wrote:
 From:   Jerry Stuckle
 Date:   Thu, 03 Oct 2013 09:27:28 -0400
 ... [local user compromise(?) is] not where the leaks occur.

 If someone can review the greatest hazards or give a link to
 a document, that would help many of us.

I posted this in another branch of this thread, but since it contains
some of the information you ask for, I'll post it here, too. It's a
starting point.

But basically, once you understand that a web browser is running
someone else's code on your machine, under the user id that the
browser is running under, which is the user id that you logged into
your machine with, well, imagination is the limit. There is no
greatest hazard to protect yourself from and then feel comfortable.

I'm trying to work up a set of blogs that explain some best practices,
but there aren't really any best practices that are effective right

Well, refraining from surfing the web logged in to the user that you
do your bank business with is probably good enough for many people,
but you have to consider what packages you have loaded, what kinds,
how many, who packages them for you.

I would not do bank business using a computer running Wine. It's not
that I remember specific vulnerabilities in Wine, but Wine is
providing libraries that allow MSWindows binaries to run. That means
that some MSWindows Malware will run if you click the link in the
e-mail. Running as a non-root user may help limit the damage to the
local user, but there may be an escalation path.

One thing I'm thinking about is buying an ARM chromebook, wiping
Chrome, and installing Debian, and keeping that as the dedicated bank
browser machine. You probably don't have to go that far at this point
in time, but you need to keep a log of what hits your router and what
gets through (both sides) to have an idea of how safe your local LAN

 [Managing userids and passwords] not all that hard if you come up with a 

 Clever idea.  My system wasn't so simple and effective.

Once you understand the idea of making things memorable to yourself,
and learn to think about the memes floating around and how passwords
should avoid them, there are quite a few tricks.

I personally just leetspeak nonsense or semi-nonsense phrases. I used
to use something like wiredvibes, leetspoke, for an admin account
because wired reminded me of the network. (That password was retired
many years ago.)

The initial letters of a line or lyric you know, as Jerry suggested,
is another one, but I'd use the second letters at least in some cases,
and I'd avoid the more well known lines from well-known literature. To
be or not to be is probably now in the cracking dictionaries in
several forms, including leetspeak. And well-known quotes from Star
Trek or The Matrix will also likely end up in such dictionaries at
some point or other.

If you are likely to have an attack directed specifically at you,
avoid personal information. Don't use, for instance, the name of your
dog in combination with a family member's name. (For several reasons.)
And you should probably also avoid swear words or the names of deity,
especially words that you tend to use regularly. Memes, you see.

 Thanks,   ... Peter E.

Joel Rees

Be careful where you see conspiracy.
Look first in your own heart.

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Archive: - blogi pasjonatów motoryzacji, podziel się swoją pasją

2013-10-04 Thread Witam ( ) to platforma hostingowa przeznaczona do 
i prowadzenia blogów o tematyce motoryzacyjnej.
Czy to ciekawy film na youtube, premiera nowego modelu, przepisy ruchu 
drogowego itd.
Teraz i ty możesz zostać komentatorem motoryzacji- założenie bloga jest
bardzo proste.
To miejsce gdzie dochodzi do wymiany myśli i debaty na motoryzacyjne
tematy. Miejsce, gdzie można poruszyć każdy motoryzacyjny temat.
Zapraszamy wszystkich.
Zespół ( )

Re: Re (2): Multiplicity of accounts.

2013-10-04 Thread Jerry Stuckle

On 10/4/2013 5:10 AM, Joel Rees wrote:
 Should I add to the confusion?

 On Thu, Oct 3, 2013 at 10:27 PM, Jerry Stuckle wrote:

 On 10/3/2013 8:45 AM, Joel Rees wrote:

 On Thu, Oct 3, 2013 at 1:53 AM, Jerry Stuckle

 On 10/2/2013 12:24 PM, wrote:

 From:   Joel Rees
 Date:   Wed, 2 Oct 2013 15:30:26 +0900


 And accessing your bank logged in as the same user that you use to
 surf random sites is one of the primary causes of leaked bank 

 numbers and passwords.

 The banking information is stored in a cookie.  Subsequently a site
 than the bank is allowed to read the cookie?  A failure of the 
 Correct?  Prior to studying this thoroughly, I might stick to 


 Not if your browser is working properly.  Cookies can only be sent 
to the

 domain which originated them (and, depending on the cookie options,
 subdomains of the main domain).


 And too many places, bank sites included, outsource parts of their
 sites. Particularly ad-related stuff.

 It doesn't matter if they outsource parts of their sites.  Those 
 sites will have different domains, and the cookies cannot be sent to 

 You must be looking at the page source code of different banks than I am.

What banks do you know outsource subdomains to someone else?

 And no bank would be stupid enough to create a subdomain and hand it 
over to

 some unknown entity.  They wouldn't be in business for long if they did.

 Banks should be smart enough to not use flash on any part of any page
 where they have people logging in. Maybe there are some that are, but
 there sure are many that aren't.

So what?  If they wrote the flash code, they know whether it is safe or not.

Just because it is flash does not in itself say whether the code is safe 
or not.

And once again, even if it flash from an advertiser on another domain, 
it will not be able to harvest your userid/password.

 I play it safe and limit logging in to my bank to a user that does
 nothing but logging into that bank. Hey, it's my computer, I can add
 users all I like.

 Which doesn't make any difference because that's not where the leaks 


 I mean a user on my computer. Dedicated to one bank. Reduces the odds
 that a drive-by from, say, a song lyrics site, will still be sitting
 in my browser when I visit the bank. If a drive-by does get root,
 there's no help for that, but at least I can protect myself from the
 drive-bys that only get local access.

Which still makes no difference, because the lyrics site will not be 
able to read information from your banking site.

 And I try to avoid logging in to the bank, but the bank sometimes
 requires me to log in to do certain things, now.

 I would hope they require logging in to do *anything* with your 

 I was thinking of things that you used to be able to do at the teller
 window in the physical bank, which they now charge service charges
 for, but are free if you do them from an ATM or over the web.

 I was assuming that much would be understood, since we are talking
 about protecting passwords and such things. Guess I should have tried
 to make that a little more clear.

My bank doesn't charge for doing things at the teller window.  Neither 
does my wife's.  Maybe it's time to change banks.

 But too many people use the same userid/password for multiple 
sites, and

 security problem on one site can expose those userids/passwords.  This
 it easy for a hacker to access one's banking account.

 I use online banking all the time.  But I have a unique 
 combination on each of my accounts.  These are long, non-obvious, 

 to me and not stored on any computer.

 That's important, too. Which means that the problem here is getting
 used to manage more than a few userids and passwords, and most people
 are intimidated by what it takes to get that experience.

 It's not all that hard if you come up with a system.  For instance, 
take a
 phrase you know very well, i.e To be, or not to be: that is the 
 Take the first character of each word (numeric homonyms become 
numbers), to

 get 2bon2btitq.  If the first word starts with a-m, capitalize the
 odd-numbered letters; otherwise capitalize the even numbered 
letters.  So

 you get 2BoN2BtItQ.

 (You might not want to use a phrase quite that well known, but it is 
only an


 Different phrases for different sites.  Even of someone gets one 

 they won't be able to guess passwords on other sites.

 You have your techniques and I have mine and we can handle more than
 one password, so why shouldn't we be able to handle more than one user

I didn't say you couldn't use another userid.  All I said was it adds 
nothing to your security.  If you use the same 

Re: bind9

2013-10-04 Thread pch0317
I found in /var/log/daemon.log that not all zone are in view brackets. I 
solve the problem.


On 10/03/2013 08:41 PM, Karl E. Jorgensen wrote:


On Thu, Oct 03, 2013 at 07:28:46PM +0200, Pawe?? Ch. wrote:

Hi list

I install bind9 server on debian ( When I add
named.conf.log entries bind9 can't start. Before adding log entries bind work

Without more information, diagnostics is guesswork at best

What error message do you get in /var/log/daemon.log?


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Re: Re: Re: VLC freezes system

2013-10-04 Thread Anubhav Yadav
I am using Nvidia GeForce GT 630 MB 2 gb graphics card, and I have
installed the drivers of the same from

It is optimus enabled so I installed bumblebee for the driver. 

The video is mp4 format. 
Anubhav Yadav,
Computer Engineering Final Year Student,
Imperial College of Engineering and Research,

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gksudo -u user2 /usr/bin/links2 -g

2013-10-04 Thread Marko Randjelovic
I have a strange problem. The command is not working. If use ordinary sudo or 
epiphany, then it does work. 

gksudo -u user2 /usr/bin/links2 -g # does not work
gksudo -u user2 /usr/bin/epiphany-browser -g # works
sudo -u user2 /usr/bin/links2 -g # works

In terminal, when I run those commands with links, elinks, links2 (with or 
without -g), prompt disappears and as i press keys characters appear in the 
terminal. At first run, Welcome screen shows, but again no keys have no effect. 
After CTRL+C, only gksudo process disappears, and other 2 remain.

Does someone have an idea why could this work like this?

Distribution is Squeeze. In Wheezy it's the same, but CTRL+C kills all 

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Re: Debian installer and raid0

2013-10-04 Thread Bob Proulx
Francesco Pietra wrote:
 Bob Proulx wrote:
  After installing simply run the grub install script against both
  disks manually and then you will be assured that it has been
  installed on both disks.
 I had problems with that methodology and was unable to detect my error.
 From a thread on debian dated Mar 2, 2013:
  grub-install /dev/sdb
   was reported by complete installation. No error, no warning.
  On rebooting, GRUB was no more found. Then entering in
  grub rescue 
  prefix/root/ were now wrong.

If the command does not work on the command line then it won't work
from the installer either.  The installer is doing the same things
that you can do from the command line.  Therefore asking if it is in
the installer won't help.  Because if it doesn't work then it doesn't
work either place.  If it does work then it will work either place.
That is my conjecture at least.  And since I have been using this
feature I believe it does work.  Works for me anyway.

I have been using RAID1 for a long time and have not encountered the
problem you describe.  That doesn't mean that such an error doesn't
occur.  Just that I can't recreate it.  Or rather after much user have
never recreated it.  This applies to both the good grub version 1 as
well as the newer and IMNHO buggier grub version 2 rewrite.  They are
completely different from each other.  Statements made about one do
not apply to the other because it was a complete rewrite.  But it is
certainly possible that in your configuration that you have a case
that does not work.

I have a workbench with a variety of hardware.  When I want to test
something like this I construct a victim system in which to try the
action.  If you could do the same I think it would help to get to the
root cause of the problem.  I would create a victim machine with two
drives for installation testing.  Then test the installation.  After
install and reboot then shutdown, unplug one disk, test boot.  Do not
boot all of the way to the system.  Simply boot to the grub menu and
stop there.  Then power off, switch disks, and test boot again.  Do
not boot all of the way to the system.  Simply boot to the grub menu
and again stop there.  If you can get to the grub menu from either
disk then grub has been installed on both disks.  If not then plug
both disks in and boot the system and test the grub-install script on
the non-booting disk and then repeat the single disk boot.

The reason to only boot to the grub menu is of course so that the
RAID1 doesn't get split.  If booting with one disk and then the other
one disk it will get a split brain of course.  No real problem on a
victim machine.  But it is faster to keep them in sync.  So I only
boot to the grub menu when testing the grub boot code.  Avoiding
booting the system avoids splitting the raid unnecessarily and speeds
up the debugging.

By testing this way you can verify that you can boot either disk in
isolation after the other disk has failed.  By using a victim machine
you can experiment.  Then if you find a bug you will have a recipe to
recreate it and can file a bug report on it.  Being able to recreate
the problem is the most valuable part.

And here is the challenge.  I think if you do this you will find that
it does actually work.  But feel free to write back here and tell me
that I am wrong and that there is a problem with it. :-) As the great
Mark Twain wrote There is nothing so annoying as a good example.  If
you can get to a repeatable test case that fails that would be awesome.

 Now I am in the same situation, two servers with mirroring raid, grub on
 /dev/sda only. Identical data on both servers to cope with grub on one disk
 only. Not smart from my side.

Two servers so that you can switch your services from one server to
the other in case one of the servers cannot boot?

If you have two servers and one is the hot spare for the other then
perhaps after doing your own victim machine testing then you can
perform the fix on the spare and test there.  Then apply the fix to
the running server.  I think that should be a safe way to sneak up
on the solution.


Description: Digital signature

Re: gksudo -u user2 /usr/bin/links2 -g

2013-10-04 Thread Bob Proulx
Marko Randjelovic wrote:
 gksudo -u user2 /usr/bin/epiphany-browser -g # works

Epiphany opens its own graphics window.  gksudo is designed for
applications like epiphany that open its own window.

 sudo -u user2 /usr/bin/links2 -g # works

Sure.  That just runs in the same terminal you started the command.
Nothing interesting there.

 gksudo -u user2 /usr/bin/links2 -g # does not work

Needs a terminal.  How can it work without one?  It can't.  Right at
this point is where thing went wrong for you.  links2 reads stdin and
writes stdout and expects TERM to tell it what type of terminal escape
sequences to use.  But you have asked gksudo to launch it into the
background.  That can't work.  You will end up with both your shell
and the links2 program reading from your keyboard at the same time.

 In terminal, when I run those commands with links, elinks, links2
 (with or without -g), prompt disappears and as i press keys
 characters appear in the terminal. At first run, Welcome screen
 shows, but again no keys have no effect. After CTRL+C, only gksudo
 process disappears, and other 2 remain.
 Does someone have an idea why could this work like this?

It is very similar to running:

  $ lynx 

Except that bash has job control and therefore will stop the process
upon SIGTTOU (Terminal output for background process) and prevent that
from happening.  Because it isn't something you would normally want as
you can see by your problems.  But if you can start a shell without
job control then you would find yourself in the same situation.

The answer is do not use gksu or gksudo on text programs.  For text
programs use su or sudo and run them in the current terminal window.

If you really want to run a text program but want it to launch in a
different terminal *and* want it to use the gksu/gksudo to have it run
as root then you must launch a terminal.  Have the terminal launch
your text application.

  gksudo -u user2 -g -- xterm -e links2

Feel free to use the terminal of your choice.  But specifying the
terminal and the command to run on that terminal makes the most sense
to me.  (Note in Debian the presense of x-terminal-emulator as a
system configured preferred default terminal.  See update-alternatives
--display x-terminal-emulator for more.)

The above all suffer from the problem of running the text browser as
root.  Why are you trying to do this?  I don't understand any benefit
from doing so.  And I see some problems with doing so.  Please say a
few words about what led you to doing it that way.  Since it is a web
browser it doesn't benefit you by running it as root.


Description: Digital signature

Re: gksudo -u user2 /usr/bin/links2 -g

2013-10-04 Thread Marko Randjelovic
  gksudo -u user2 /usr/bin/links2 -g # does not work
 Needs a terminal.  How can it work without one?  It can't.  Right at
 this point is where thing went wrong for you.  links2 reads stdin and
 writes stdout and expects TERM to tell it what type of terminal escape
 sequences to use.  But you have asked gksudo to launch it into the
 background.  That can't work.  You will end up with both your shell
 and the links2 program reading from your keyboard at the same time.

Contrary to sudo behavior, gksudo understood -g option as itself option
and not, as I expected, as option for links2 to enable graphics mode.

This works:

gksudo -u user2 /usr/bin/links2 -g

 The above all suffer from the problem of running the text browser as
 root.  Why are you trying to do this?  I don't understand any benefit
 from doing so.  And I see some problems with doing so.  Please say a
 few words about what led you to doing it that way.  Since it is a web
 browser it doesn't benefit you by running it as root.

I am not running it as root, user2 != root. There are many advantages
of running every task with separate user account. In general, you have
better control, because you can differentiate various tasks based on
running user. For example, you can tell iptables to allow port 80 from
web browser and not from other apps:

iptables -P OUTPUT DROP
iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -m owner --uid-owner web -j ACCEPT

Another example, if an attacker gets your web user account, he won't be
able to read your emails.

So you will force him to get root privileges :) .

In fact, your question sounds like you asked: Why we have all those
user accounts in /etc/passwd since only root and normal user are
necessary :) 



Description: PGP signature

Re: Building computer

2013-10-04 Thread Stan Hoeppner
On 10/4/2013 4:44 AM, Paul Cartwright wrote:
 On 10/03/2013 05:11 PM, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
 No apology necessary.  I'm on many open lists (LKML) where hitting
 reply-to-list only goes to the sender.  So I've been guilty myself a few
 so that is list specific... I wondered, because sometimes I hit reply 
 it goes to the person, other times it goes to the list.. Thunderbird..

This isn't an issue with TBird, or any MUA.  The clients simply
obey/honor the list headers.  For example:

X-Mailing-List: archive/latest/657649
Precedence: list

The List-Post: header contains the list posting address.  When you hit
reply-to-list in TBird this is the address it selects for populating
the To: field in the reply.

If you reply to a message sent from a listserver that does not provide a
List-Post: header, then the address in the Reply-To: header is
inserted into the To: field of the reply.

Ergo, reply-to-list only works if a List-Post header is present.


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Re: gksudo -u user2 /usr/bin/links2 -g

2013-10-04 Thread Bob Proulx
Marko Randjelovic wrote:
   gksudo -u user2 /usr/bin/links2 -g # does not work
  Needs a terminal.  How can it work without one?  It can't.  Right at
  this point is where thing went wrong for you.  links2 reads stdin and
  writes stdout and expects TERM to tell it what type of terminal escape
  sequences to use.  But you have asked gksudo to launch it into the
  background.  That can't work.  You will end up with both your shell
  and the links2 program reading from your keyboard at the same time.
 Contrary to sudo behavior, gksudo understood -g option as itself option
 and not, as I expected, as option for links2 to enable graphics mode.

links2 has a -g option?  I did not know that.  I just assumed that the
-g was for gksudo -g,--disable-grab which disabled locking of the
keyboard, mouse, and focus by the program asking for the password.
Which is why in my example I moved it earlier in the command.

But with your comment I am looking at links2 and now see that links2
does have a -g option to run in graphics mode.  Sorry I didn't realize
that previously.  I thought links2 was like lynx, elinks, and w3m.
Meaning a pure text mode browser.

 This works:
 gksudo -u user2 /usr/bin/links2 -g


With my misunderstanding of the intent cleared up the following works too:

  gksudo -u user2 -- links2 -g

The -- causes programs to stop parsing options.  Therefore gksudo
won't parse the -g as an option.  It will stop at the -- and then
the following will be the command verbatim.

Mostly I am chafing at having the full path /usr/bin/links2 in there
hard coded.  Hard coded paths like that are almost always bad.  Try it
without.  Even with the quoted form I think that is better.

  gksudo -u user2 links2 -g

  The above all suffer from the problem of running the text browser as
  root.  Why are you trying to do this?  I don't understand any benefit
  from doing so.  And I see some problems with doing so.  Please say a
  few words about what led you to doing it that way.  Since it is a web
  browser it doesn't benefit you by running it as root.
 I am not running it as root, user2 != root.

Darn on me.  I was pretty sure I had a reason for the original problem
and wanted to get a reply out and didn't spend the time to really read
the rest of the message in detail.  My bad.  You had said user2 which
obviously isn't root and it was my mistake that I didn't grok that
plain-to-see point.  Sorry.

 There are many advantages of running every task with separate user
 account. In general, you have better control, because you can
 differentiate various tasks based on running user.

Sure.  My comment had been purely about running commands as root.  But
you were not running as root.  My mistake.  Sorry.

 For example, you can tell iptables to allow port 80 from
 web browser and not from other apps:
 iptables -P OUTPUT DROP
 iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -m owner --uid-owner web -j ACCEPT

Sure.  I don't prefer that type of restriction.  For me it isn't
practical.  For example I have an endless number of things that I want
to access the web.  I would be playing wack-a-mole with all of them
for a long time.  Such as apt's sources.list file.  Such as updating
spamassassin rules.  Such as many things.  But if that works for you
then that is great.  I am not trying to talk you out of it.

 Another example, if an attacker gets your web user account, he won't be
 able to read your emails.

If an attacker gets your web mail user account then they will probably
access that web account from a different system.

 So you will force him to get root privileges :) .

??  (He certainly doesn't need root.  He just needs to use a different
system.)  I read that three times and don't get the joke.  But that is
okay!  I don't need to understand it! :-)

 In fact, your question sounds like you asked: Why we have all those
 user accounts in /etc/passwd since only root and normal user are
 necessary :) 

Nope.  Nothing of that sort at all.  It was simply my misunderstanding
of the -u user2 part which was plainly written and certainly isn't
root.  Just too much in a hurry sometimes.


Description: Digital signature

Re: Re (2): Multiplicity of accounts.

2013-10-04 Thread Joel Rees
Not top posting, just prefacing my comments:

Are we trying to educate the list in cracking techniques or in ways to
manage and mitigate the vulnerabilities?

On Fri, Oct 4, 2013 at 10:36 PM, Jerry Stuckle wrote:

 On 10/4/2013 5:10 AM, Joel Rees wrote:
 Should I add to the confusion?

 On Thu, Oct 3, 2013 at 10:27 PM, Jerry Stuckle
 On 10/3/2013 8:45 AM, Joel Rees wrote:

 On Thu, Oct 3, 2013 at 1:53 AM, Jerry Stuckle

 On 10/2/2013 12:24 PM, wrote:

 From:   Joel Rees
 Date:   Wed, 2 Oct 2013 15:30:26 +0900


 And accessing your bank logged in as the same user that you use to
 surf random sites is one of the primary causes of leaked bank account
 numbers and passwords.

 The banking information is stored in a cookie.  Subsequently a site
 than the bank is allowed to read the cookie?  A failure of the
 Correct?  Prior to studying this thoroughly, I might stick to personal

 Not if your browser is working properly.  Cookies can only be sent to
 domain which originated them (and, depending on the cookie options,
 subdomains of the main domain).


 And too many places, bank sites included, outsource parts of their
 sites. Particularly ad-related stuff.

 It doesn't matter if they outsource parts of their sites.  Those
 sites will have different domains, and the cookies cannot be sent to

 You must be looking at the page source code of different banks than I am.

 What banks do you know outsource subdomains to someone else?

Exposure here would only motivate the banks if they were reading this
mailing list.

Exposure here would only warn their customers if their customers, or
even their customers' friends, were reading this mailing list.

I don't think it would be responsible to name names here, do you?

However, for users of this list, trying to manage the vulnerabilities
they expose themselves to, the odds that your bank is using known
vulnerable techniques are high enough that you need to take some
effort to limit your own exposure.

 And no bank would be stupid enough to create a subdomain and hand it over
 some unknown entity.  They wouldn't be in business for long if they did.

 Banks should be smart enough to not use flash on any part of any page
 where they have people logging in. Maybe there are some that are, but
 there sure are many that aren't.

 So what?  If they wrote the flash code, they know whether it is safe or not.

Do you know all the places the flash code you've written can break?

And Flash isn't the only place code fed to the browser can break the
browser, of course. Javascript, even Google's implementation, still
has vulnerabilities. Every plugin could break the browser, and
specific discussion of where browsers could break should be
unnecessary here. Unless you want me to teach the list cracking
techniques, which I'm inclined to try to avoid.

Calling the stuff HTML 5 did not fix all those, it just laid out a
framework within which a properly written HTML 5 compliant web page
can avoid the worst problems.

 Just because it is flash does not in itself say whether the code is safe or

I'll go with that the day the last vulnerability gets published. :-/

 And once again, even if it flash from an advertiser on another domain, it
 will not be able to harvest your userid/password.

In the ideal world. All it takes is a successful code injection to
break that, even when the domains are done right.

And the domains are too often done wrong. Describing how is not
appropriate here.

 I play it safe and limit logging in to my bank to a user that does
 nothing but logging into that bank. Hey, it's my computer, I can add
 users all I like.

 Which doesn't make any difference because that's not where the leaks


 I mean a user on my computer. Dedicated to one bank. Reduces the odds
 that a drive-by from, say, a song lyrics site, will still be sitting
 in my browser when I visit the bank. If a drive-by does get root,
 there's no help for that, but at least I can protect myself from the
 drive-bys that only get local access.

 Which still makes no difference, because the lyrics site will not be able to
 read information from your banking site.

So, you want to explain Google's universal login to us?

Sure, it requires a certain level of incompetence to expose cookies,
but the incompetence is still (after about fifteen years) there,
because people want to share information, and they don't want to do it
the right way.

Which actually brings us back to the topic of this thread, the reason
for multiple user ids and group ids. You manage data by limiting its
use, and that means limiting the user processes that can access the
data. That means crafting groups or resorting to ACL-like stuff, and
ACL and that kind of thing are like leaving your store's cashbox
locked in the middle of 

Re: Debian-LAN: installing a complete network environment

2013-10-04 Thread Nico Kadel-Garcia
Wait, I know? L:et's have it do dynamic DNS, host authentication, and LDAP
based account management, too! And in 20 years, maybe it'll have 1/1000th
the number of users that the Samba suite has right now, for all of that,
especially including robust and tested Kerberos management with already
tested tools!

Sorry to rain on the parade, but Samba's been pretty good at this since
Samba was invented in the early 1990's, and it's pretty stable. It also
plays nicely with other well known network clients and protocols, such as
Windows based and Mac based clients, so there's really no need to re-invent
that wheel specifically in Debian. The Debian ports of Samba re up to date
and quite stable.

On Fri, Oct 4, 2013 at 5:18 AM, Andreas B. Mundt wrote:

 Hi all,

 I would like to point your attention to the Debian-LAN project [1].

 Debian-LAN is an approach to simplify installing a complete kerberized
 network environment made of Debian machines.  It might be used for
 schools, small enterprises, associations, (university) work groups or
 to install complex test environments.

 Debian-LAN provides a way to install a server and various workstation
 profiles [2] by providing a FAI [3] config space for the setup.

 The system has been presented on DebConf13, slides and recordings are
 available [4].  The code is in wheezy-backports [5] or on alioth [6].

 If you run systems as described above, give Debian-LAN a try!
 Comments and contributions are of course welcome.

 Best regards,


 [1] URL:
 [2] URL:
 [3] URL:
 [4] URL:
 [5] URL:
 The system's target is always the latest stable Debian release.
 [6] URL:

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 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: Re (2): Multiplicity of accounts.

2013-10-04 Thread Jerry Stuckle

On 10/4/2013 9:25 PM, Joel Rees wrote:

Not top posting, just prefacing my comments:

Are we trying to educate the list in cracking techniques or in ways to
manage and mitigate the vulnerabilities?

On Fri, Oct 4, 2013 at 10:36 PM, Jerry Stuckle wrote:

On 10/4/2013 5:10 AM, Joel Rees wrote:

Should I add to the confusion?

On Thu, Oct 3, 2013 at 10:27 PM, Jerry Stuckle

On 10/3/2013 8:45 AM, Joel Rees wrote:

On Thu, Oct 3, 2013 at 1:53 AM, Jerry Stuckle

On 10/2/2013 12:24 PM, wrote:

From:   Joel Rees
Date:   Wed, 2 Oct 2013 15:30:26 +0900


And accessing your bank logged in as the same user that you use to
surf random sites is one of the primary causes of leaked bank account
numbers and passwords.

The banking information is stored in a cookie.  Subsequently a site
than the bank is allowed to read the cookie?  A failure of the
Correct?  Prior to studying this thoroughly, I might stick to personal

Not if your browser is working properly.  Cookies can only be sent to
domain which originated them (and, depending on the cookie options,
subdomains of the main domain).


And too many places, bank sites included, outsource parts of their
sites. Particularly ad-related stuff.

It doesn't matter if they outsource parts of their sites.  Those
sites will have different domains, and the cookies cannot be sent to

You must be looking at the page source code of different banks than I am.

What banks do you know outsource subdomains to someone else?

Exposure here would only motivate the banks if they were reading this
mailing list.

Exposure here would only warn their customers if their customers, or
even their customers' friends, were reading this mailing list.

I don't think it would be responsible to name names here, do you?

However, for users of this list, trying to manage the vulnerabilities
they expose themselves to, the odds that your bank is using known
vulnerable techniques are high enough that you need to take some
effort to limit your own exposure.

If there were ANY bank which had to read this list to find out they were 
exposed, they need a new IT department.

I don't know about where you are - but here in the United States, they 
wouldn't get very far.  There are many layers of regulations and 
protections regarding banking security.  And any bank which had such 
security exposures as you claim would not be allowed to continue operations.

And no, I am VERY confident ANY bank I have dealt with knows how to 
manage vulnerabilities.  What makes you think otherwise?

And no bank would be stupid enough to create a subdomain and hand it over
some unknown entity.  They wouldn't be in business for long if they did.

Banks should be smart enough to not use flash on any part of any page
where they have people logging in. Maybe there are some that are, but
there sure are many that aren't.

So what?  If they wrote the flash code, they know whether it is safe or not.

Do you know all the places the flash code you've written can break?

Yes, I do.  I wrote it.

The problem is not the flash code breaking; it is hackers who make use 
of vulnerabilities in the flash base.

How much flash code have YOU written?

And Flash isn't the only place code fed to the browser can break the
browser, of course. Javascript, even Google's implementation, still
has vulnerabilities. Every plugin could break the browser, and
specific discussion of where browsers could break should be
unnecessary here. Unless you want me to teach the list cracking
techniques, which I'm inclined to try to avoid.

Banks don't use plugins, and javascript is pretty secure.  But again, 
the problem is not javascript - but it is the hacker's use of javascript 
to exploit vulnerabilities.  Those vulnerabilities are not cross-browser.

As for plugins - it's the same as any other program.  Only install 
plugins from sources you trust.

Calling the stuff HTML 5 did not fix all those, it just laid out a
framework within which a properly written HTML 5 compliant web page
can avoid the worst problems.

HTML is a scripting language.  Nothing more, nothing less.  It has 
nothing to do with security - as anyone who really understood it can 
tell you.

Just because it is flash does not in itself say whether the code is safe or

I'll go with that the day the last vulnerability gets published. :-/

Once again, you don't understand the vulnerabilities.

And once again, even if it flash from an advertiser on another domain, it
will not be able to harvest your userid/password.

In the ideal world. All it takes is a successful code injection to
break that, even when the domains are done right.

And how are you going to get that code injection?

And the domains are too often done wrong. Describing how is not
appropriate here.


Re: Debian-LAN: installing a complete network environment

2013-10-04 Thread Darko Gavrilovic
On Fri, Oct 4, 2013 at 9:28 PM, Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:
 Sorry to rain on the parade, but Samba's been pretty good at this since
 Samba was invented in the early 1990's, and it's pretty stable. It also
 plays nicely with other well known network clients and protocols, such as
 Windows based and Mac based clients, so there's really no need to re-invent
 that wheel specifically in Debian. The Debian ports of Samba re up to date
 and quite stable.


To each his own. I actually like the post and his project idea. Also,
claiming that Samba is the be all and end all to all enterprise client
scenarios out there is a little over stating it. On more a few times
have we have to drop Samba as it proved to be inadequate for the

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[OT] List software, duplicate mail, or not. (was ... Re: Building computer)

2013-10-04 Thread Chris Bannister
On Fri, Oct 04, 2013 at 05:44:44AM -0400, Paul Cartwright wrote:
 On 10/03/2013 05:11 PM, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
  No apology necessary.  I'm on many open lists (LKML) where hitting
  reply-to-list only goes to the sender.  So I've been guilty myself a few
 so that is list specific... I wondered, because sometimes I hit reply 
 it goes to the person, other times it goes to the list.. Thunderbird..

I think it has been discussed before, but depending on the list software
used and the settings, if someone CC's you then you get a private mail
but not a list mail - it still goes to the list, it's just that *you*
don't get a copy!

It seems as though this started because people who are from Windows
might get confused with getting two copies of a mail!!!

A couple of times I recd a private email which was also addressed to a
list and deleted it (because it makes more sense to reply to the list,
obviously) but when I opened that list's mailbox -- it wasn't there!!

None of the Debian lists I am subscribed to have this serious problem.

There is a personal setting which you can change from your subscription
page, (you're given a password and reminded monthly what is is) which
you can toggle: (unfortunately, on some lists default is yes.)

(*) No
( ) Yes

Avoid duplicate copies of messages?

When you are listed explicitly in the To: or Cc: headers of a list
message, you can opt to not receive another copy from the mailing list.
Select Yes to avoid receiving copies from the mailing list; select No to
receive copies.

Sorry to labour the point, but what is happening to logic in the world

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: Re (2): Multiplicity of accounts.

2013-10-04 Thread Joel Rees
On Sat, Oct 5, 2013 at 10:56 AM, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
 On 10/4/2013 9:25 PM, Joel Rees wrote:

 Not top posting, just prefacing my comments:

 Are we trying to educate the list in cracking techniques or in ways to
 manage and mitigate the vulnerabilities?

 On Fri, Oct 4, 2013 at 10:36 PM, Jerry Stuckle

 On 10/4/2013 5:10 AM, Joel Rees wrote:

 Should I add to the confusion?

 On Thu, Oct 3, 2013 at 10:27 PM, Jerry Stuckle

 On 10/3/2013 8:45 AM, Joel Rees wrote:

 On Thu, Oct 3, 2013 at 1:53 AM, Jerry Stuckle

 On 10/2/2013 12:24 PM, wrote:

 From:   Joel Rees
 Date:   Wed, 2 Oct 2013 15:30:26 +0900


 And accessing your bank logged in as the same user that you use to
 surf random sites is one of the primary causes of leaked bank
 numbers and passwords.

 The banking information is stored in a cookie.  Subsequently a site
 than the bank is allowed to read the cookie?  A failure of the
 Correct?  Prior to studying this thoroughly, I might stick to

 Not if your browser is working properly.  Cookies can only be sent to
 domain which originated them (and, depending on the cookie options,
 subdomains of the main domain).


 And too many places, bank sites included, outsource parts of their
 sites. Particularly ad-related stuff.

 It doesn't matter if they outsource parts of their sites.  Those
 sites will have different domains, and the cookies cannot be sent to

 You must be looking at the page source code of different banks than I

 What banks do you know outsource subdomains to someone else?

 Exposure here would only motivate the banks if they were reading this
 mailing list.

 Exposure here would only warn their customers if their customers, or
 even their customers' friends, were reading this mailing list.

 I don't think it would be responsible to name names here, do you?

 However, for users of this list, trying to manage the vulnerabilities
 they expose themselves to, the odds that your bank is using known
 vulnerable techniques are high enough that you need to take some
 effort to limit your own exposure.

 If there were ANY bank which had to read this list to find out they were
 exposed, they need a new IT department.

 I don't know about where you are - but here in the United States, they
 wouldn't get very far.  There are many layers of regulations and protections
 regarding banking security.  And any bank which had such security exposures
 as you claim would not be allowed to continue operations.

 And no, I am VERY confident ANY bank I have dealt with knows how to manage
 vulnerabilities.  What makes you think otherwise?

Hmm. How does one answer such a riff?


The results of that second search would be quite amusing in some sort
of slapstick comedy, although some do include language that would not
be approved here. And I am sure the individuals blogging their
experiences were not amused.

And then I had a flash of insight:


 HTML is a scripting language.  Nothing more, nothing less.  [...]

I've had managers who couldn't tell the difference between a markup
language and a scripting language, but I'm sure you can.

You're just playing with me. Thanks anyway, Jerry, but I really do
have homework to do today.

Joel Rees

Be careful where you see conspiracy.
Look first in your own heart.

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Re: Debian-LAN: installing a complete network environment

2013-10-04 Thread Nico Kadel-Garcia
I've been working with both Kerberos and Samba for 20 years. Writing Yet
Another Authentication Management Tool(tm) sounds unappealing, since there
are so many well established and tested ones. I'm actually curious what you
found inadequate about Samba, especially if you used the 4.0.x releases
which have stabilized the LDAP/Kerberos interactions in effective
cross-platform ways.

Now, if our friends over in Debian wanted to improve an underlying Kerberos
tool that's used for both Debian and Scientific Linux and other red Hat
based systems, I'd look at the authconfig tool and its /etc/pam.d
interactions, which are very flexible and not well managed. *Try* using
authconfig to delete the default enabled Kerberos domain
from /etc/krb5.conf, or to manage integraiton with upstream Kerberos
domains, I dare you, Or try preventing authconfig from resetting values
which you didn't put in the command line, or getting it to load from an
actual configuration file, or to enable local password expiration. It gets
crazy out there!

But that's not a Kerberos problem, that's an authconfig and pam.d managemnt

On Fri, Oct 4, 2013 at 11:13 PM, Darko Gavrilovic d.gavrilo...@gmail.comwrote:

 To each his own. I actually like the post and his project idea. Also,
 claiming that Samba is the be all and end all to all enterprise client
 scenarios out there is a little over stating it. On more a few times
 have we have to drop Samba as it proved to be inadequate for the