Re: dos preguntes debian testing i memòries usb

2013-10-13 Thread Roger Sicart
# usermod -G plugdev usuari


On 11/10/2013, Ernest Adrogué wrote:
 11-10-2013, 21:00 (+0200); escriu:
 1) A les noves debian testing que he des de fa unes
 setmanes, quan insereixo una memòria usb o disc dur usb, els monta
 sense permisos d'escriptura.

 En realitat és curiós, perquè el disc dur usb formatejat NTFS el
 munta amb permisos d'escriptura, però les memòries usb formatejades
 amb FAT les munta sense permisos d'escriptura. No sembla problema
 del grup de l'usuari. Al fitxer /etc/fstab han aparegut unes línies
 que abans no hi eren, però que no crec que siguin el qid de la

cat /etc/fstab

  /dev/sdb1   /media/usb0 autorw,user,noauto  0   0

 Al disc dur usb Debian testing dona permisos d'escriptura

   ls -l /media

 lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root 4 sep  4 21:47 usb - usb0
 drwxrwxrwx  1 root root 12288 oct 11 11:50 usb0

   cat /etc/mtab

 /dev/sdb1 /media/usb0 fuseblk
 0 0

 Però a les memòries usb no:

   ls -l /media

 lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root4 sep  4 21:47 usb - usb0
 drwxr-xr-x  3 root root 8192 oct 11 11:52 usb0

   cat /etc/mtab

 /dev/sdb1 /media/usb0 vfat
 0 0

 I això ve passant amb les últimes debian testing des de farà un mes.

 No veig res d'extrany als fitxers del directori /etc/udev

 En canvi a una Ubuntu 12.04 munta fent propietari l'usuari que ha
 introduit el dispositiu:

   ls -l /media

 -rw-r--r-- 1 alex alex 1400 oct 11 20:54 mtab.txt

   cat /etc/mtab

 /dev/sdb1 /media/USBDISK vfat
 0 0

 Tens l'udisks instal·lat? A l'fstab no hi ha d'anar res (jo tinc la mateixa
 línia que tu, però comentada). Amb el dimoni udisks funcionant

 $ udisks --mount /dev/sdf1
 Mounted /org/freedesktop/UDisks/devices/sdf1 at /media/E36C-4852
 $ grep sdf1 /etc/mtab
 /dev/sdf1 /media/E36C-4852 vfat
 0 0

 No cal configurar res. En el meu cas, XFCE utilitza udisks internament, i
 crec que el Gnome fa el mateix..


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Re: dos preguntes debian testing i memòries usb

2013-10-13 Thread tictacbum
-a ;)

El dia 13 d’octubre de 2013 15.05, Roger Sicart ha

 # usermod -G plugdev usuari


 On 11/10/2013, Ernest Adrogué wrote:
  11-10-2013, 21:00 (+0200); escriu:
  1) A les noves debian testing que he des de fa unes
  setmanes, quan insereixo una memòria usb o disc dur usb, els monta
  sense permisos d'escriptura.
  En realitat és curiós, perquè el disc dur usb formatejat NTFS el
  munta amb permisos d'escriptura, però les memòries usb formatejades
  amb FAT les munta sense permisos d'escriptura. No sembla problema
  del grup de l'usuari. Al fitxer /etc/fstab han aparegut unes línies
  que abans no hi eren, però que no crec que siguin el qid de la
 cat /etc/fstab
   /dev/sdb1   /media/usb0 autorw,user,noauto  0   0
  Al disc dur usb Debian testing dona permisos d'escriptura
ls -l /media
  lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root 4 sep  4 21:47 usb - usb0
  drwxrwxrwx  1 root root 12288 oct 11 11:50 usb0
cat /etc/mtab
  /dev/sdb1 /media/usb0 fuseblk
  0 0
  Però a les memòries usb no:
ls -l /media
  lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root4 sep  4 21:47 usb - usb0
  drwxr-xr-x  3 root root 8192 oct 11 11:52 usb0
cat /etc/mtab
  /dev/sdb1 /media/usb0 vfat
  0 0
  I això ve passant amb les últimes debian testing des de farà un mes.
  No veig res d'extrany als fitxers del directori /etc/udev
  En canvi a una Ubuntu 12.04 munta fent propietari l'usuari que ha
  introduit el dispositiu:
ls -l /media
  -rw-r--r-- 1 alex alex 1400 oct 11 20:54 mtab.txt
cat /etc/mtab
  /dev/sdb1 /media/USBDISK vfat
  0 0
  Tens l'udisks instal·lat? A l'fstab no hi ha d'anar res (jo tinc la
  línia que tu, però comentada). Amb el dimoni udisks funcionant
  $ udisks --mount /dev/sdf1
  Mounted /org/freedesktop/UDisks/devices/sdf1 at /media/E36C-4852
  $ grep sdf1 /etc/mtab
  /dev/sdf1 /media/E36C-4852 vfat
  0 0
  No cal configurar res. En el meu cas, XFCE utilitza udisks internament, i
  crec que el Gnome fa el mateix..
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Re: dos preguntes debian testing i memòries usb

2013-10-13 Thread Javier Silva
2013/10/13 Roger Sicart
 # usermod -G plugdev usuari

Ha de fer:

# usermod -aG plugdev usuari

per afegir un grup als que ja te l'usuari. Observa el paràmetre 'a'.

Javier SIlva

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Organització de la MiniDebConf-Women 2014

2013-10-13 Thread Simó Albert i Beltran

Avui ens hem reunit per tal d'empènyer la candidatura de Barcelona per
realitzar la MiniDebConf-Women 2014.

Ens ho hem passat molt bé i hem avançat força. Podeu trobar les notes
que s'han pres a

A grans trets s'ha decidit acollir la proposta de Càtedra de Programari
lliure (UPC) per tal de celebrar l'esdeveniment a l'edifici central de
la UB. Es proposarà de fer l'esdeveniment el 15-16 o 22-23 de març.

També hem decidit deixar d'usar aquesta llista per a l'organització
d'aquest esdeveniment i usar la següent llista:

Per tant tots aquells que estigueu interessats envieu un email a

Si us plau, no responeu aquest email, apunteu-vos a la nova llista.

La maquinària ja ha començat a girar...

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Calcul CIDR

2013-10-13 Thread Bernard Schoenacker

ipv6calc existe, mais pas ip6calc

autrement en version binaire pour obtenir un résultat :


La dernière chose qu'on trouve en faisant un ouvrage,
est de savoir celle qu'il faut mettre la première.
-+- Blaise Pascal  (1623-1662), Pensées I.19 -+-

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Avis de recherche - Vidéo - compteur/détection de mouvement

2013-10-13 Thread David Pinson

Je sais que Google est mon ami mais...
j'aimerai avoir vos idées/propositions/retours d'expériences sur une 
application vidéo pour camera et webcam sachant faire une action quand 
un objet (piéton, voiture ou objet sur un tapis roulant) passe dans le 
champs auquel on aura donné un ordre. Ici, je m’intéresse au comptage de 
passage dans un premier temps.

Merci pour vos lumières,
Linuxement vôtre,
David P.

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Re: Avis de recherche - Vidéo - compteur/détection de mouvement

2013-10-13 Thread daniel huhardeaux

Le 13/10/2013 17:11, David Pinson a écrit :



Je sais que Google est mon ami mais...
j'aimerai avoir vos idées/propositions/retours d'expériences sur une 
application vidéo pour camera et webcam sachant faire une action quand 
un objet (piéton, voiture ou objet sur un tapis roulant) passe dans le 
champs auquel on aura donné un ordre. Ici, je m’intéresse au comptage 
de passage dans un premier temps.

Motion sous Linux, iSpyConnect sous Windows


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Re: [HS] J'ai l'inux nom de code Canterbury

2013-10-13 Thread chris21 . roux
Le filtrage peut être conçu comme une liberté et non comme un interdit.
Exemple: hier soir, vers 23h, je suis sur mon prototype en train de tester de 
nouvelles fonctionnalités.
Je décide de lancer un tcpdump -i eth0 pour débuguer mon proto.
Immédiatement, le navigateur s'ouvre et me balance une page web porno, sans que 
j'ai rien demandé.
Après consultation des trames réseau, il s'avère que des entreprises de 
marketing échangent des cookies avec mon navigateur et qu'ils ont décidé de me 
faire ch...
Si je peux filtrer ce genre d'attaque perverse, j'appelle ça une liberté et non 
un interdit.
Le problème est que les agences de marketing nous ont profilé et que pour 
lutter contre ces pervers, la seule arme qui reste, c'est le poste utilisateur.
G... controle le marché de la pub sur internet et le marketing qu'ils utilisent 
est le plus pervers qui soit.
Je conçois le filtrage comme un préservatif qui nous libère de ce profiling.
De plus, je suis adulte. Que peut donner le profilage marketing sur des enfants?
Il ne s'agit pas de lutter contre des sites web a contenu interdit, mais de 
lutter contre des pervers qui cherchent à propager leurs perversions.
Je parle de pronographie car il s'agit d'un sujet qui me touche. Mais le 
profiling trouvera facilement votre point faible et l'exploitera jusqu'à la 
Welcome to a brave new world!

- Mail original -
De: andre debian
Envoyé: Dimanche 29 Septembre 2013 20:38:10
Objet: Re: [HS] J'ai l'inux nom de code Canterbury

 Le projet J'ai l'inux vise à proposer une distribution Linux capable de
 filter les contenus notamment pornographiques, pour une utilisation à

Une autre solution consisterait à créer le contraire :

une distribution j'ai l'inux, spécialisée pour les sites X,
avec contenu libres et opensource.

Un accès facilité et immédiat des meilleurs site du genre,
grâce à GNU/j'ai l'inux.

Elle serait interdite aux moins de 16 ans bien sûr.

Bon allez, je sors ... :-)

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Re: [HS] J'ai l'inux nom de code Canterbury

2013-10-13 Thread Haricophile
Le dimanche 13 octobre 2013 à 19:33 +0200, a
écrit :
 Si je peux filtrer ce genre d'attaque perverse, j'appelle ça une
 liberté et non un interdit.
 Le problème est que les agences de marketing nous ont profilé et que
 pour lutter contre ces pervers, la seule arme qui reste, c'est le
 poste utilisateur.
 G... controle le marché de la pub sur internet et le marketing qu'ils
 utilisent est le plus pervers qui soit.
 Je conçois le filtrage comme un préservatif qui nous libère de ce

Si on considère les débats sur la neutralité du net, pour respecter la
liberté, le filtrage doit se faire sur les terminaisons; Donc chez toi.
Tu peux confier le filtrage à ton fournisseur d'accès internet, mais
c'est un risque d'atteinte à l'intégrité de tes messages et tu n'est pas
maître de ce que tu veux filtrer. C'est donc un service qui ne doit
absolument pas être activé sans que tu le demande explicitement.
Personnellement je ne le recommanderais pas car j'estime ça dangereux
pour la neutralité de mes communications. Pour la même raison
d'ailleurs, je ne recommande pas d'utiliser l'adresse mail du dit
fournisseur comme adresse principale pour éviter les effets de bords
qui survienne parfois...

Dans le cas d'une école ou d'une entreprise, chez soi est plutôt à
prendre comme sur l'intranet puisque ce n'est pas ton réseau mais
celui de l'organisme qui en est propriétaire et a donc légitimement tous
les droits dessus. Bien entendu, dans ce dernier cas se pose la question
de savoir comment on filtre et qui en est responsable, et en particulier
à l'école qui est un bien public, il me semble naturel que les équipes
pédagogiques en aient le contrôle.

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Re: [HS] J'ai l'inux nom de code Canterbury

2013-10-13 Thread Georges
On Sun, 13 Oct 2013 20:24:29 +0200
Haricophile wrote:

 Bonjour à tout le monde,

 Le dimanche 13 octobre 2013 à 19:33 +0200, a
 écrit :
  Si je peux filtrer ce genre d'attaque perverse, j'appelle ça une
  liberté et non un interdit.
  Le problème est que les agences de marketing nous ont profilé et que
  pour lutter contre ces pervers, la seule arme qui reste, c'est le
  poste utilisateur.
  G... controle le marché de la pub sur internet et le marketing
  qu'ils utilisent est le plus pervers qui soit.
  Je conçois le filtrage comme un préservatif qui nous libère de ce
 Si on considère les débats sur la neutralité du net, pour respecter
 la liberté, le filtrage doit se faire sur les terminaisons; 
Donc chez toi. Tu peux confier le filtrage à ton fournisseur d'accès internet,

 Oui, Oui, un modèle / tutorial / mode d'emploi pour les débutants
 SVP ;-)

 Merci d'avance Georges 

 Le jour où tu découvres le Libre GNU/Linux, tu ne peux plus t'en
passer ;-)

 Microsoft ® est à l'informatique ce que Mc Donald's ® est à la

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Re: [OT] Un derivado Debian particular

2013-10-13 Thread C. L. Martinez
 El 11/10/13 08:42, C. L. Martinez escribió:


 El 10/10/13 23:55, Carlos Zuniga escribió:

 2013/10/10 Fabián Bonetti

 Web nueva con mirror, filosofía y mas.

 Su archivo .iso trae 5000 paquetes, es live-cd. Se puede instalar.

 Base Debian 6.0.1
 Linux Kernel 3.0.4 PREEMPT Real Time
 Escritorio LXDE

 Para los recién llegado a Debian por si no conocían esta distro.

 No soy recién llegado y no la conocía :)

 Por que Debian 6.0.1? La estable es la 7.1... ah, veo que la
 publicaron hace un año.

 De todos modos, sabes que cambios han hecho sobre el Debian vainilla?
 por lo que veo es el tema de LXDE y la inclusión de drivers wifi, pero
 como de esto hace un año, imagino que Debian ya trae paquetes para
 todos esos drivers...

 Lo del Kernel PREEMPT es interesante, Debian lo trae en los paquetes
 linux-image-rt-* y en la estable están con el kernel versión 3.2 :D

 Aunque estoy contento con la «dulce» estabilidad que me da Debian, tengo
 ganas de que salga esta distribución:

 Si cumplen con todo lo que «prometen» posiblemente sea mi segunda distro.

 ¿Y que ofrece esta diferente a las miles derivadas que ya hay de
 Debian? Porque yo no le veo nada especial ... Parece una más ... De

 En las preguntas frecuentes te explican un poco de que va y algunas
 diferencias existen... mejor dicho, existirán.

No veo grandes diferencias como para justificar un refrito más ...

 verdad que no entiendo este tipo de diversificaciones. Estoy a favor
 de distros especializadas en algún aspecto: multimedia, ciencia,
 seguridad, etc ... Pero esto de refritos y más refritos no le veo
 sentido ...

 Vale y otros dirán que la paquetería multimedia, de ciencias, etc... la
 tienes al alcance de la mano desde los repositorios... y los más purista
 saltarán que como mejor se hacen las cosas es compilando a mano únicamente
 lo que necesites...

No todas las aplicaciones están en los repos, ni de Debian ni de
ninguna de las grandes. Mira por ejemplo Kali Linux (aka antigua
BackTrack). En este sentido las distros BSD, son superiores a Linux en
especialización (en algunas áreas, en el área multimedia son bastante
inferiores a Linux).

 Soy de los que opinan de que este es un factor clave de porque Linux
 no triunfa en escritorio (obviamente hay otros) ... No tienen sentido
 esas miles de distros basadas en Debian, Arch y demás ...

 Hombre, visto así...

 - ¿Porqué usar .deb en vez de .rpm?, se podrían haber unificado todos y
 ahorrar trabajo.

No tiene porqué. Es como porque en windows se utilizan varios sistemas
de empaquetado y no solo .exe

 - ¿Porqué Linus sacó su kernel en vez de apoyar/cooperar en Hurd o incluso

¿Porque era un concepto distinto?

 - ¿Porqué Debian, Red Hat, Slackware, Arch... si todos son base Linux?

Porque estas cuatro que nombras, sí ofrecen campos distintos de
actuación y además bastante marcados. Pero entre Debian y la Tanglu,
no existe esa diferencia tan marcada.

 Se dice que en la variedad está el gusto... todos no somos iguales ni
 podemos pensar igual.

Correcto ... Pero lo mucho, empacha :))

 Aunque en cierto sentido tienes razón, en Linux tenemos la «libertad» de
 hacer y elegir lo que nos plazca y si no quieres probar algo nuevo con no
 instalarlo es suficiente, lo que no me parece justo es criticar o
 desprestigiar el trabajo de muchos que solo quieren aportar su granito de
 arena en este «mundillo» y que en un momento dado pueden ofrecer algo
 innovador, un punto de vista diferente o simplemente ideas frescas.

 Pero como he dicho antes, todos no podemos pensar igual.

Por supuesto. Seria muy aburrido :))

 Es lo mismo que Android ... O Google para de liberar una versión cada
 3/4/5 meses o se lo cargará y la gente se hartará ...

 Bueno yo diría que eso es más bien puro marketing, si no ofrecen algo nuevo
 cada cierto tiempo (aunque sea un simple «lavado de cara») entonces es
 cuando la gente se puede aburrir.

Aquí disiento totalmente. Android tiene un problema y muy grave. Un
usuario lo que quiere es un enchufar y listo y no tener problemas de
actualización. Lo que no es de recibo es que compres un smartphone y
al año o año y medio  (y eso con suerte a menos que sea un samsung o
un nexus)  no puedas actualizarlo para nada. Aquí Apple le ha ganado
de calle a Google. Apple permite actualizar un iPhone 4 a iOS7,
Android no. Android en este sentido se parece mucho a Windows: para
cada nueva release quiere un smartphone más bestia.

Recordemos que por ejemplo, BB se va al carajo. En el campo
empresarial alguien tendrá que ocupar su lugar ... Y Android no es la
mejor posicionada ...


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Re: Usuarios en pantalla de logueo

2013-10-13 Thread Santiago Vila
On Sun, 13 Oct 2013, fernando sainz wrote:

 El día 13 de octubre de 2013 04:33, Pablo escribió:
  Gente acudo a la comunidad para que me den una mano. Hace tiempo habia
  logrado solucionar esto y ahora no doy pie con bola. No me acuerdo como lo
  habia sacado en su momento. Lo que necesito es que en la pantalla de logueo
  de mi debian no me figuren los nombres de usuarios. Se que esto era posible
  tocando un archivo de configuracion pero no me acuerdo cual. Y no estoy
  dando con el dato. Si alguien tiene alguna punta como para seguir buscando
  se lo agradeceria.
 Bueno, deberías indicar que display manager usas.
 Probablemente sea gdm3 con lo que debes ir a /etc/gdm3 y buscar ahí.
 La opción es disable-user-list

Además de poner disable-user-list=true en /etc/gdm3/greeter.gsettings,
prueba a ejecutar este script como root:

set -e
invoke-rc.d gdm3 stop
rm -rf /var/lib/gdm3
mkdir /var/lib/gdm3
chown Debian-gdm:Debian-gdm /var/lib/gdm3
invoke-rc.d gdm3 start

Por aquí dicen que lo de disable-user-list=true no funciona en wheezy
pero si el script anterior funciona el problema debe ser más complejo
de lo que parece:

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Re: [OT] Uso de patrones geométricos en LO

2013-10-13 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 12 Oct 2013 20:33:09 +0200, fernando sainz escribió:

 El día 12 de octubre de 2013 19:03, Camaleón


 Ya, ya... pues eso no es que lo que intentan vender desde el proyecto



 Son ellos los que se auto-definen como competencia directa con MS
 Office y sus formatos, así a otro perro con ese hueso.

 No me gusta entrar en esta dinámica tuya de convertir la lista en un
 chat, pero creo que estás perdiendo el norte.


Yo creo que estoy apuntando un problema, además de ponerlo en su 
conocimiento. Más no puedo hacer, desgraciadamente.

Y oye, que nadie te obliga a responder a los hilos que no te interesan. 
Si crees que estoy perdiendo el norte no deberías fomentar mi locura.

 Por cierto, está bien recortar los mensajes cuando se quiere contestar
 solo a alguna parte del mismo, pero ten cuidado en no dejar las cosas
 fuera de contexto, porque no es la primera vez que lo haces.

Recorto lo que me entiendo que sobra, ya lo he dicho varias veces. Si 
quieres leer el mensaje completo puedes consultar el archivo de la lista 
que para eso está.

 Y ya puestos a dar consejos que no se me han pedido, procura leer las
 contestaciones que dan los demás antes de responder tu, porque la lista
 está llena de mensajes tuyos respondiendo lo mismo que ya ha respondido
 otra gente.

No sé a qué viene eso, tú sabrás por qué lo dices. Cuando pregunto algo 
no me importa ver respuestas repetidas, al contrario, la coincidencia es 
un indicador de que la solución aportada es buena.

 Otro más, no estás obligada a responder a todos los mensajes.
 Puedes responder a esto, pero no esperes respuesta, no quiero entrar en
 esa dinámica tuya de ser el que tenga la última palabra.

No te preocupes fernando que te vas a lista negra pero ya mismo.



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Re: ¿Cómo reproducir un CD de audio en Debian 6?

2013-10-13 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 12 Oct 2013 15:00:35 -0400, academia escribió:

 Hola listeros. Hace unos días una profesora de Apreciación de la Música
 impartía su clase en el laboratorio de computación de mi red local
 (todas con debian 6) Al querer utilizar un CD de audio en su clase pues

No funcionó, vale, pero ¿salió algún mensaje en la pantalla, intentaste 
abrir manualmente el CD desde alguna aplicación multimedia...? Quizá no 
estaba asociada esa extensión *.cda con ninguna acción y por eso no se 
ejecutó automáticamente.

 Lo mismo me ocurrió en casa cuando un amigo me dio a probar un curso de
 italiano. Pudieran explicarme qué hacer para lograr que se reproduzcan
 estos CDs. La extensión original de estos CDs es .cda (visto desde
 windows, y funciona perfect), pero cuando lo introduzco en la lectora
 desde debian la extensión que me pone es .wav El reproductor que
 utilizo es el vlc. NO TENGO INTERNET.

Salvo que se trata de algún problema con la seguridad o cifrado del CD, 
deberías poder abrir esos archivo con cualquier reproductor multimedia 
que tengas instalado en el equipos.

VideoLAN es una opción muy completa aunque necesita bibliotecas Qt por lo 
que para entornos GNOME o XFCE seguramente haya mejores opciones.



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Re: Usuarios en pantalla de logueo

2013-10-13 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 12 Oct 2013 23:33:51 -0300, Pablo escribió:

(ese html...)

 Gente acudo a la comunidad para que me den una mano. Hace tiempo habia
 logrado solucionar esto y ahora no doy pie con bola. No me acuerdo como
 lo habia sacado en su momento. Lo que necesito es que en la pantalla de
 logueo de mi debian no me figuren los nombres de usuarios. Se que esto
 era posible tocando un archivo de configuracion pero no me acuerdo cual.
 Y no estoy dando con el dato. Si alguien tiene alguna punta como para
 seguir buscando se lo agradeceria.

No dices qué gestor de sesiones usas ni en qué versión de Debian estás, 
pero dando por hecho que estés usando wheezy con gnome+gdm3, para poder 
ocultar los usuarios al inicio de sesión tendrás que utilizar el entorno 
clásico en lugar de gnome-shell debido a un fallo que está documentado:

Gdm 3.2 ignores /apps/gdm/simple-greeter/disable_user_list

Y parece que está marcado como resuelto en la versión 3.6.2.



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Re: kmix audio configuracion kde debian testing

2013-10-13 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 12 Oct 2013 19:46:17 +0200, Maykel Franco escribió:

 Gracias a todos. Como siempre, Camaleón das en el clavo
 No tengo un debian ahora mismo a mano, pero lo he probado en un
 archlinux que tengo en una VM con este paquetito tan bonico:

Y supongo que también tendrás instalado el paquete pulseaudio ¿no? :-?

 Cada distro es un mundo, pero tenía más que ver con pulseaudio que con
 el propio kmix.
 [root@arch-maykel maykel]# pacman -Si pulseaudio-alsa 
 Repositorio  : extra 
 Nombre: pulseaudio-alsa 
 Versión   : 2-2
 Descripción   : ALSA Configuration for PulseAudio 


 Gracias una vez más. Lo necesitaba para pasar el audio por hdmi.

Pues no veo ningún paquete en Debian con ese nombre (pulseaudio-alsa), 
me temo que tendrás que instalar PA... si es así, te deseo toda la suerte 
del mundo ;-P



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Re: [OT] Un derivado Debian particular

2013-10-13 Thread eldebiandepepe

El 13/10/13 11:51, C. L. Martinez escribió:


El 11/10/13 08:42, C. L. Martinez escribió:


El 10/10/13 23:55, Carlos Zuniga escribió:

2013/10/10 Fabián Bonetti

Web nueva con mirror, filosofía y mas.

Su archivo .iso trae 5000 paquetes, es live-cd. Se puede instalar.

Base Debian 6.0.1
Linux Kernel 3.0.4 PREEMPT Real Time
Escritorio LXDE

Para los recién llegado a Debian por si no conocían esta distro.

No soy recién llegado y no la conocía :)

Por que Debian 6.0.1? La estable es la 7.1... ah, veo que la
publicaron hace un año.

De todos modos, sabes que cambios han hecho sobre el Debian vainilla?
por lo que veo es el tema de LXDE y la inclusión de drivers wifi, pero
como de esto hace un año, imagino que Debian ya trae paquetes para
todos esos drivers...

Lo del Kernel PREEMPT es interesante, Debian lo trae en los paquetes
linux-image-rt-* y en la estable están con el kernel versión 3.2 :D

Aunque estoy contento con la «dulce» estabilidad que me da Debian, tengo
ganas de que salga esta distribución:

Si cumplen con todo lo que «prometen» posiblemente sea mi segunda distro.

¿Y que ofrece esta diferente a las miles derivadas que ya hay de
Debian? Porque yo no le veo nada especial ... Parece una más ... De

En las preguntas frecuentes te explican un poco de que va y algunas
diferencias existen... mejor dicho, existirán.

No veo grandes diferencias como para justificar un refrito más ...

verdad que no entiendo este tipo de diversificaciones. Estoy a favor
de distros especializadas en algún aspecto: multimedia, ciencia,
seguridad, etc ... Pero esto de refritos y más refritos no le veo
sentido ...

Vale y otros dirán que la paquetería multimedia, de ciencias, etc... la
tienes al alcance de la mano desde los repositorios... y los más purista
saltarán que como mejor se hacen las cosas es compilando a mano únicamente
lo que necesites...

No todas las aplicaciones están en los repos, ni de Debian ni de
ninguna de las grandes. Mira por ejemplo Kali Linux (aka antigua
BackTrack). En este sentido las distros BSD, son superiores a Linux en
especialización (en algunas áreas, en el área multimedia son bastante
inferiores a Linux).

Pues por eso mismo te he dicho que algunos prefieren bajarse el código 
fuente del programa e instalarlo a mano.

Soy de los que opinan de que este es un factor clave de porque Linux
no triunfa en escritorio (obviamente hay otros) ... No tienen sentido
esas miles de distros basadas en Debian, Arch y demás ...

Hombre, visto así...

- ¿Porqué usar .deb en vez de .rpm?, se podrían haber unificado todos y
ahorrar trabajo.

No tiene porqué. Es como porque en windows se utilizan varios sistemas
de empaquetado y no solo .exe

Pero que tiene que ver Windows aquí... Me refiero a que no hay un 
instalador común para todas las distribuciones (y no me vale que puedo 
usar «Alien» para convertirlos)

- ¿Porqué Linus sacó su kernel en vez de apoyar/cooperar en Hurd o incluso

¿Porque era un concepto distinto?

No me has entendido, Linus es un tío bastante listo y supongo que sería 
capaz de continuar el desarrollo de Hurd... en vez de crear su kernel 
¿no pudo haber hablado con Stallman y continuar o comenzar desde cero 
Hurd?... Ahora tenemos dos kernel, uno bastante bueno (Linux) y otro a 
medio terminar (Hurd) y este último está frito por «echarle la pata» al 

- ¿Porqué Debian, Red Hat, Slackware, Arch... si todos son base Linux?

Porque estas cuatro que nombras, sí ofrecen campos distintos de
actuación y además bastante marcados. Pero entre Debian y la Tanglu,
no existe esa diferencia tan marcada.

Mira esto es como darle una barca de remos a un manco... Debian y 
supuestamente Tanglu (si algún día sale) son dos mancos en la barca de 
remos, así sí se avanza... como no se avanza es poniendo cuatro mancos 
en cuatro barcas... ¿entiendes lo que te digo?

Se dice que en la variedad está el gusto... todos no somos iguales ni
podemos pensar igual.

Correcto ... Pero lo mucho, empacha :))

Pues si comemos siempre lo mismo también nos podemos empachar e incluso 
aborrecer la comida...

Aunque en cierto sentido tienes razón, en Linux tenemos la «libertad» de
hacer y elegir lo que nos plazca y si no quieres probar algo nuevo con no
instalarlo es suficiente, lo que no me parece justo es criticar o
desprestigiar el trabajo de muchos que solo quieren aportar su granito de
arena en este «mundillo» y que en un momento dado pueden ofrecer algo
innovador, un punto de vista diferente o simplemente ideas frescas.

Pero como he dicho antes, todos no podemos pensar igual.

Por supuesto. Seria muy aburrido :))

Por fín, ya estamos de acuerdo en algo.

Es lo mismo que Android ... O Google para de liberar una versión cada
3/4/5 meses o se lo cargará y la gente se hartará ...

Re: [OT] Un derivado Debian particular

2013-10-13 Thread carlopmart
On 13/10/13 16:27, wrote:

 verdad que no entiendo este tipo de diversificaciones. Estoy a favor
 de distros especializadas en algún aspecto: multimedia, ciencia,
 seguridad, etc ... Pero esto de refritos y más refritos no le veo
 sentido ...

 Vale y otros dirán que la paquetería multimedia, de ciencias, etc... la
 tienes al alcance de la mano desde los repositorios... y los más purista
 saltarán que como mejor se hacen las cosas es compilando a mano
 lo que necesites...

 No todas las aplicaciones están en los repos, ni de Debian ni de
 ninguna de las grandes. Mira por ejemplo Kali Linux (aka antigua
 BackTrack). En este sentido las distros BSD, son superiores a Linux en
 especialización (en algunas áreas, en el área multimedia son bastante
 inferiores a Linux).
 Pues por eso mismo te he dicho que algunos prefieren bajarse el código
 fuente del programa e instalarlo a mano.


 Soy de los que opinan de que este es un factor clave de porque Linux
 no triunfa en escritorio (obviamente hay otros) ... No tienen sentido
 esas miles de distros basadas en Debian, Arch y demás ...

 Hombre, visto así...

 - ¿Porqué usar .deb en vez de .rpm?, se podrían haber unificado todos y
 ahorrar trabajo.

 No tiene porqué. Es como porque en windows se utilizan varios sistemas
 de empaquetado y no solo .exe
 Pero que tiene que ver Windows aquí... Me refiero a que no hay un
 instalador común para todas las distribuciones (y no me vale que puedo
 usar «Alien» para convertirlos)

Somos durillos. Windows es un ejemplo aquí. ¿Tu sabes que Solaris mismo
tambié utiliza dos modos de empquetamiento distintos en la actualidad,
igual que FreeBSD por ejemplo?.

Con esto lo que te vengo a decir, es que lo malo no es que existan dos,
tres o cuatro formas de empaquetamiento distintos. Ese no es el problema.


 - ¿Porqué Linus sacó su kernel en vez de apoyar/cooperar en Hurd o

 ¿Porque era un concepto distinto?
 No me has entendido, Linus es un tío bastante listo y supongo que sería
 capaz de continuar el desarrollo de Hurd... en vez de crear su kernel
 ¿no pudo haber hablado con Stallman y continuar o comenzar desde cero
 Hurd?... Ahora tenemos dos kernel, uno bastante bueno (Linux) y otro a
 medio terminar (Hurd) y este último está frito por «echarle la pata» al

Te he entendido, pero tu a mi no. Linus sacó su kernel derivado de Minix
porque entre otras cosas era el que se estudiaba en su universidad en la
asignatura de sistemas operativos, si la memoria no me falla ... Hurd
era un eco muy muy lejano en finlandia por aquella época ... y no
digamos en el resto del mundo a excepción de EEUU ...


 - ¿Porqué Debian, Red Hat, Slackware, Arch... si todos son base Linux?

 Porque estas cuatro que nombras, sí ofrecen campos distintos de
 actuación y además bastante marcados. Pero entre Debian y la Tanglu,
 no existe esa diferencia tan marcada.
 Mira esto es como darle una barca de remos a un manco... Debian y
 supuestamente Tanglu (si algún día sale) son dos mancos en la barca de
 remos, así sí se avanza... como no se avanza es poniendo cuatro mancos
 en cuatro barcas... ¿entiendes lo que te digo?

No. Y dudo que Tanglu aporte más a Debian de lo que puede hacer Ubuntu,
si es que lo hace, ya que no dispongo de datos, pero me consta que
Debian utiliza cosas a nivel de paquetes de Ubuntu y obviamente,
vicevesa más.

¿En que va a ayudar Tanglu a Debian? Porque a mi en su faq no me lo
dejan muy claro ...


 Es lo mismo que Android ... O Google para de liberar una versión cada
 3/4/5 meses o se lo cargará y la gente se hartará ...

 Bueno yo diría que eso es más bien puro marketing, si no ofrecen algo
 cada cierto tiempo (aunque sea un simple «lavado de cara») entonces es
 cuando la gente se puede aburrir.

 Aquí disiento totalmente. Android tiene un problema y muy grave. Un
 usuario lo que quiere es un enchufar y listo y no tener problemas de
 actualización. Lo que no es de recibo es que compres un smartphone y
 al año o año y medio  (y eso con suerte a menos que sea un samsung o
 un nexus)  no puedas actualizarlo para nada. Aquí Apple le ha ganado
 de calle a Google. Apple permite actualizar un iPhone 4 a iOS7,
 Android no. Android en este sentido se parece mucho a Windows: para
 cada nueva release quiere un smartphone más bestia.
 Cambia el enfoque, lo estás viendo como usuario común pero tienes que
 verlo como empresario, de lo que se trata es de vender teléfonos, Google
 no compró Android por gusto.

Si lo miro desde el punto de vista del empresario te lo voy a pintar
peor. Pero depende del empresario. Si lo miro como Google, te acepto
pulpo como animal de compañía, pero con pinzas: en Google tampoco son
tan tontos como para decir quiero vender muchos smartphones. Aquí
tambien tiene algo que ver el quiero mantener mi base de usuarios y
aumentarla y para ello el ecosistema de aplicativos es clave (y
sobretodo que sean útiles). Si lo 

Re: [OT] Un derivado Debian particular

2013-10-13 Thread eldebiandepepe

El 13/10/13 18:45, carlopmart escribió:

On 13/10/13 16:27, wrote:

verdad que no entiendo este tipo de diversificaciones. Estoy a favor
de distros especializadas en algún aspecto: multimedia, ciencia,
seguridad, etc ... Pero esto de refritos y más refritos no le veo
sentido ...

Vale y otros dirán que la paquetería multimedia, de ciencias, etc... la
tienes al alcance de la mano desde los repositorios... y los más purista
saltarán que como mejor se hacen las cosas es compilando a mano
lo que necesites...

No todas las aplicaciones están en los repos, ni de Debian ni de
ninguna de las grandes. Mira por ejemplo Kali Linux (aka antigua
BackTrack). En este sentido las distros BSD, son superiores a Linux en
especialización (en algunas áreas, en el área multimedia son bastante
inferiores a Linux).

Pues por eso mismo te he dicho que algunos prefieren bajarse el código
fuente del programa e instalarlo a mano.

Soy de los que opinan de que este es un factor clave de porque Linux
no triunfa en escritorio (obviamente hay otros) ... No tienen sentido
esas miles de distros basadas en Debian, Arch y demás ...

Hombre, visto así...

- ¿Porqué usar .deb en vez de .rpm?, se podrían haber unificado todos y
ahorrar trabajo.

No tiene porqué. Es como porque en windows se utilizan varios sistemas
de empaquetado y no solo .exe

Pero que tiene que ver Windows aquí... Me refiero a que no hay un
instalador común para todas las distribuciones (y no me vale que puedo
usar «Alien» para convertirlos)

Somos durillos. Windows es un ejemplo aquí. ¿Tu sabes que Solaris mismo
tambié utiliza dos modos de empquetamiento distintos en la actualidad,
igual que FreeBSD por ejemplo?.

Con esto lo que te vengo a decir, es que lo malo no es que existan dos,
tres o cuatro formas de empaquetamiento distintos. Ese no es el problema.

- ¿Porqué Linus sacó su kernel en vez de apoyar/cooperar en Hurd o

¿Porque era un concepto distinto?

No me has entendido, Linus es un tío bastante listo y supongo que sería
capaz de continuar el desarrollo de Hurd... en vez de crear su kernel
¿no pudo haber hablado con Stallman y continuar o comenzar desde cero
Hurd?... Ahora tenemos dos kernel, uno bastante bueno (Linux) y otro a
medio terminar (Hurd) y este último está frito por «echarle la pata» al

Te he entendido, pero tu a mi no. Linus sacó su kernel derivado de Minix
porque entre otras cosas era el que se estudiaba en su universidad en la
asignatura de sistemas operativos, si la memoria no me falla ... Hurd
era un eco muy muy lejano en finlandia por aquella época ... y no
digamos en el resto del mundo a excepción de EEUU ...

- ¿Porqué Debian, Red Hat, Slackware, Arch... si todos son base Linux?

Porque estas cuatro que nombras, sí ofrecen campos distintos de
actuación y además bastante marcados. Pero entre Debian y la Tanglu,
no existe esa diferencia tan marcada.

Mira esto es como darle una barca de remos a un manco... Debian y
supuestamente Tanglu (si algún día sale) son dos mancos en la barca de
remos, así sí se avanza... como no se avanza es poniendo cuatro mancos
en cuatro barcas... ¿entiendes lo que te digo?

No. Y dudo que Tanglu aporte más a Debian de lo que puede hacer Ubuntu,
si es que lo hace, ya que no dispongo de datos, pero me consta que
Debian utiliza cosas a nivel de paquetes de Ubuntu y obviamente,
vicevesa más.

¿En que va a ayudar Tanglu a Debian? Porque a mi en su faq no me lo
dejan muy claro ...

Es lo mismo que Android ... O Google para de liberar una versión cada
3/4/5 meses o se lo cargará y la gente se hartará ...

Bueno yo diría que eso es más bien puro marketing, si no ofrecen algo
cada cierto tiempo (aunque sea un simple «lavado de cara») entonces es
cuando la gente se puede aburrir.

Aquí disiento totalmente. Android tiene un problema y muy grave. Un
usuario lo que quiere es un enchufar y listo y no tener problemas de
actualización. Lo que no es de recibo es que compres un smartphone y
al año o año y medio  (y eso con suerte a menos que sea un samsung o
un nexus)  no puedas actualizarlo para nada. Aquí Apple le ha ganado
de calle a Google. Apple permite actualizar un iPhone 4 a iOS7,
Android no. Android en este sentido se parece mucho a Windows: para
cada nueva release quiere un smartphone más bestia.

Cambia el enfoque, lo estás viendo como usuario común pero tienes que
verlo como empresario, de lo que se trata es de vender teléfonos, Google
no compró Android por gusto.

Si lo miro desde el punto de vista del empresario te lo voy a pintar
peor. Pero depende del empresario. Si lo miro como Google, te acepto
pulpo como animal de compañía, pero con pinzas: en Google tampoco son
tan tontos como para decir quiero vender muchos smartphones. Aquí
tambien tiene algo que ver el quiero mantener mi base de usuarios y
aumentarla y para ello el ecosistema de aplicativos es clave (y
sobretodo que sean útiles). Si lo miro 

Re: [OT] Un derivado Debian particular

2013-10-13 Thread carlopmart
On 13/10/13 17:00, wrote:
 El 13/10/13 18:45, carlopmart escribió:
 On 13/10/13 16:27, wrote:

 verdad que no entiendo este tipo de diversificaciones. Estoy a favor
 de distros especializadas en algún aspecto: multimedia, ciencia,
 seguridad, etc ... Pero esto de refritos y más refritos no le veo
 sentido ...

 Vale y otros dirán que la paquetería multimedia, de ciencias,
 etc... la
 tienes al alcance de la mano desde los repositorios... y los más
 saltarán que como mejor se hacen las cosas es compilando a mano
 lo que necesites...

 No todas las aplicaciones están en los repos, ni de Debian ni de
 ninguna de las grandes. Mira por ejemplo Kali Linux (aka antigua
 BackTrack). En este sentido las distros BSD, son superiores a Linux en
 especialización (en algunas áreas, en el área multimedia son bastante
 inferiores a Linux).

 Pues por eso mismo te he dicho que algunos prefieren bajarse el código
 fuente del programa e instalarlo a mano.

 Soy de los que opinan de que este es un factor clave de porque Linux
 no triunfa en escritorio (obviamente hay otros) ... No tienen sentido
 esas miles de distros basadas en Debian, Arch y demás ...

 Hombre, visto así...

 - ¿Porqué usar .deb en vez de .rpm?, se podrían haber unificado
 todos y
 ahorrar trabajo.

 No tiene porqué. Es como porque en windows se utilizan varios sistemas
 de empaquetado y no solo .exe

 Pero que tiene que ver Windows aquí... Me refiero a que no hay un
 instalador común para todas las distribuciones (y no me vale que puedo
 usar «Alien» para convertirlos)

 Somos durillos. Windows es un ejemplo aquí. ¿Tu sabes que Solaris mismo
 tambié utiliza dos modos de empquetamiento distintos en la actualidad,
 igual que FreeBSD por ejemplo?.

 Con esto lo que te vengo a decir, es que lo malo no es que existan dos,
 tres o cuatro formas de empaquetamiento distintos. Ese no es el problema.

 - ¿Porqué Linus sacó su kernel en vez de apoyar/cooperar en Hurd o

 ¿Porque era un concepto distinto?

 No me has entendido, Linus es un tío bastante listo y supongo que sería
 capaz de continuar el desarrollo de Hurd... en vez de crear su kernel
 ¿no pudo haber hablado con Stallman y continuar o comenzar desde cero
 Hurd?... Ahora tenemos dos kernel, uno bastante bueno (Linux) y otro a
 medio terminar (Hurd) y este último está frito por «echarle la pata» al

 Te he entendido, pero tu a mi no. Linus sacó su kernel derivado de Minix
 porque entre otras cosas era el que se estudiaba en su universidad en la
 asignatura de sistemas operativos, si la memoria no me falla ... Hurd
 era un eco muy muy lejano en finlandia por aquella época ... y no
 digamos en el resto del mundo a excepción de EEUU ...

 - ¿Porqué Debian, Red Hat, Slackware, Arch... si todos son base Linux?

 Porque estas cuatro que nombras, sí ofrecen campos distintos de
 actuación y además bastante marcados. Pero entre Debian y la Tanglu,
 no existe esa diferencia tan marcada.

 Mira esto es como darle una barca de remos a un manco... Debian y
 supuestamente Tanglu (si algún día sale) son dos mancos en la barca de
 remos, así sí se avanza... como no se avanza es poniendo cuatro mancos
 en cuatro barcas... ¿entiendes lo que te digo?

 No. Y dudo que Tanglu aporte más a Debian de lo que puede hacer Ubuntu,
 si es que lo hace, ya que no dispongo de datos, pero me consta que
 Debian utiliza cosas a nivel de paquetes de Ubuntu y obviamente,
 vicevesa más.

 ¿En que va a ayudar Tanglu a Debian? Porque a mi en su faq no me lo
 dejan muy claro ...

 Es lo mismo que Android ... O Google para de liberar una versión cada
 3/4/5 meses o se lo cargará y la gente se hartará ...

 Bueno yo diría que eso es más bien puro marketing, si no ofrecen algo
 cada cierto tiempo (aunque sea un simple «lavado de cara») entonces es
 cuando la gente se puede aburrir.

 Aquí disiento totalmente. Android tiene un problema y muy grave. Un
 usuario lo que quiere es un enchufar y listo y no tener problemas de
 actualización. Lo que no es de recibo es que compres un smartphone y
 al año o año y medio  (y eso con suerte a menos que sea un samsung o
 un nexus)  no puedas actualizarlo para nada. Aquí Apple le ha ganado
 de calle a Google. Apple permite actualizar un iPhone 4 a iOS7,
 Android no. Android en este sentido se parece mucho a Windows: para
 cada nueva release quiere un smartphone más bestia.

 Cambia el enfoque, lo estás viendo como usuario común pero tienes que
 verlo como empresario, de lo que se trata es de vender teléfonos, Google
 no compró Android por gusto.

 Si lo miro desde el punto de vista del empresario te lo voy a pintar
 peor. Pero depende del empresario. Si lo miro como Google, te acepto
 pulpo como animal de compañía, pero con pinzas: en Google tampoco son
 tan tontos como para decir quiero vender muchos smartphones. Aquí
 tambien tiene algo que ver el quiero mantener mi base de usuarios 

Re: [OT] Un derivado Debian particular

2013-10-13 Thread eldebiandepepe

El 13/10/13 19:04, carlopmart escribió:

On 13/10/13 17:00, wrote:

El 13/10/13 18:45, carlopmart escribió:

On 13/10/13 16:27, wrote:

verdad que no entiendo este tipo de diversificaciones. Estoy a favor
de distros especializadas en algún aspecto: multimedia, ciencia,
seguridad, etc ... Pero esto de refritos y más refritos no le veo
sentido ...

Vale y otros dirán que la paquetería multimedia, de ciencias,
etc... la
tienes al alcance de la mano desde los repositorios... y los más
saltarán que como mejor se hacen las cosas es compilando a mano
lo que necesites...

No todas las aplicaciones están en los repos, ni de Debian ni de
ninguna de las grandes. Mira por ejemplo Kali Linux (aka antigua
BackTrack). En este sentido las distros BSD, son superiores a Linux en
especialización (en algunas áreas, en el área multimedia son bastante
inferiores a Linux).

Pues por eso mismo te he dicho que algunos prefieren bajarse el código
fuente del programa e instalarlo a mano.

Soy de los que opinan de que este es un factor clave de porque Linux
no triunfa en escritorio (obviamente hay otros) ... No tienen sentido
esas miles de distros basadas en Debian, Arch y demás ...

Hombre, visto así...

- ¿Porqué usar .deb en vez de .rpm?, se podrían haber unificado
todos y
ahorrar trabajo.

No tiene porqué. Es como porque en windows se utilizan varios sistemas
de empaquetado y no solo .exe

Pero que tiene que ver Windows aquí... Me refiero a que no hay un
instalador común para todas las distribuciones (y no me vale que puedo
usar «Alien» para convertirlos)

Somos durillos. Windows es un ejemplo aquí. ¿Tu sabes que Solaris mismo
tambié utiliza dos modos de empquetamiento distintos en la actualidad,
igual que FreeBSD por ejemplo?.

Con esto lo que te vengo a decir, es que lo malo no es que existan dos,
tres o cuatro formas de empaquetamiento distintos. Ese no es el problema.

- ¿Porqué Linus sacó su kernel en vez de apoyar/cooperar en Hurd o

¿Porque era un concepto distinto?

No me has entendido, Linus es un tío bastante listo y supongo que sería
capaz de continuar el desarrollo de Hurd... en vez de crear su kernel
¿no pudo haber hablado con Stallman y continuar o comenzar desde cero
Hurd?... Ahora tenemos dos kernel, uno bastante bueno (Linux) y otro a
medio terminar (Hurd) y este último está frito por «echarle la pata» al

Te he entendido, pero tu a mi no. Linus sacó su kernel derivado de Minix
porque entre otras cosas era el que se estudiaba en su universidad en la
asignatura de sistemas operativos, si la memoria no me falla ... Hurd
era un eco muy muy lejano en finlandia por aquella época ... y no
digamos en el resto del mundo a excepción de EEUU ...

- ¿Porqué Debian, Red Hat, Slackware, Arch... si todos son base Linux?

Porque estas cuatro que nombras, sí ofrecen campos distintos de
actuación y además bastante marcados. Pero entre Debian y la Tanglu,
no existe esa diferencia tan marcada.

Mira esto es como darle una barca de remos a un manco... Debian y
supuestamente Tanglu (si algún día sale) son dos mancos en la barca de
remos, así sí se avanza... como no se avanza es poniendo cuatro mancos
en cuatro barcas... ¿entiendes lo que te digo?

No. Y dudo que Tanglu aporte más a Debian de lo que puede hacer Ubuntu,
si es que lo hace, ya que no dispongo de datos, pero me consta que
Debian utiliza cosas a nivel de paquetes de Ubuntu y obviamente,
vicevesa más.

¿En que va a ayudar Tanglu a Debian? Porque a mi en su faq no me lo
dejan muy claro ...

Es lo mismo que Android ... O Google para de liberar una versión cada
3/4/5 meses o se lo cargará y la gente se hartará ...

Bueno yo diría que eso es más bien puro marketing, si no ofrecen algo
cada cierto tiempo (aunque sea un simple «lavado de cara») entonces es
cuando la gente se puede aburrir.

Aquí disiento totalmente. Android tiene un problema y muy grave. Un
usuario lo que quiere es un enchufar y listo y no tener problemas de
actualización. Lo que no es de recibo es que compres un smartphone y
al año o año y medio  (y eso con suerte a menos que sea un samsung o
un nexus)  no puedas actualizarlo para nada. Aquí Apple le ha ganado
de calle a Google. Apple permite actualizar un iPhone 4 a iOS7,
Android no. Android en este sentido se parece mucho a Windows: para
cada nueva release quiere un smartphone más bestia.

Cambia el enfoque, lo estás viendo como usuario común pero tienes que
verlo como empresario, de lo que se trata es de vender teléfonos, Google
no compró Android por gusto.

Si lo miro desde el punto de vista del empresario te lo voy a pintar
peor. Pero depende del empresario. Si lo miro como Google, te acepto
pulpo como animal de compañía, pero con pinzas: en Google tampoco son
tan tontos como para decir quiero vender muchos smartphones. Aquí
tambien tiene algo que ver el quiero mantener mi base de usuarios y

Re: OT: Lightning dejó de funcional tras actualización de Thunderbird oficial

2013-10-13 Thread jEsuSdA 8)

El 12/10/13 15:41, Camaleón escribió:

El Fri, 11 Oct 2013 22:35:27 -0300, Sergio Bessopeanetto escribió:

Viernes 11 de octubre se actualizó Thunderbird por la versión 24.0.1,
tras la cual dejó de funcionar el complemento Ligtning. ¿Alguien lo usa?
¿Le pasó lo mismo?


Sí, y ayer lo actualicé... ¡¡Ostras!! Adiós calendario :-(


Mira, han abierto un informe de fallo:

¿ Habéis probado a trucar el install.rdf ?

A veces algunas extensiones de TB y FFox dejan de funcionar porque las 
extensiones llevan un archivo que indica las versiones mínimas y máximas 
para las que extensión es válida.

A veces trucando el número de la versión máxima del programa, la 
extensión funciona sin problemas.

Salu2 de jEsuSdA 8)

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Re: Alexandre Alves Borba mentioned you in an update

2013-10-13 Thread Helio Loureiro
Boa pergunta.  Também não sei a resposta, mas não acredito que vá até muito
tarde, pois vai ser numa sexta-feira e temos que tomar umas cervejas pra
comemorar a reunião tão célebre.

Helio Loureiro

Em 12 de outubro de 2013 22:48, Thiago Oliveira troolive...@gmail.comescreveu:

 Começa as 14 hs, mas vai ateh que horas?

 *Thiago Oliveira*
 Graduando de Segurança da Informação 
 Email Pessoal  Email 
 Linkedin Skype: trooliveira

 Em 10 de outubro de 2013 18:25, Debian Dicas 

 Ate eu sei fazer uns pacotes debian, mas na parte de jogos. Tenho um
 repositório onde fico adicionando estes pacotes para a pessoal baixarem:

 Mas ainda pelo visto não esta nos padrões da politica do Debian. É bom ir
 neste encontro pra saber melhor e no que estou errando pra me corrigir

 Em 10 de outubro de 2013 18:09, Helio Loureiro 

 Esqueci de falar (ou escrever), mas a idéia é fazer uma hackaton de
 pacotes ao final e tentar tirar alguns pacotes Debian marcados como órfãos
 desse estado.

 Helio Loureiro

 Em 10 de outubro de 2013 17:42, Debian Dicas 

 Me inscrevi e irei me esforçar em poder comparecer deste dia para rever
 o pessoal que conheço e que irei conhecer.

 Em 10 de outubro de 2013 17:27, Thiago T. Faioli escreveu:

 Valeu pelo convite, mas eu moro em MG ;- )

 Em 10 de outubro de 2013 17:18, Helio Loureiro 

 Para quem quiser participar, vai ter uma oficina de criação de pacotes
 deb na iMasters, aqui em São Paulo.

 A iMasters fica próxima da estação Consolação do metrô.


 [image: Alexandre Alves 

  *Alexandre Alves Borba* mentioned you in an update

   Um encontro criado para que as pessoas possam reservar meio dia
 por mês das suas vidas para ajudar em algum projeto Open Source. Todos 
 bem vindos! Programadores, redatores, jornalistas, designers, gerentes,
 todos tem como ajudar de alguma forma. Teremos nesta edição uma palestra 
 Kemel Zaidan , explicando como qualquer pessoa, inclusive não técnica, 
 ajudar em um projeto de código aberto e suportado pela comunidade. Depois
 disso, Helio Loureiro irá dar um Workshop técnico sobre empacotamentos 
 Debian e Ubuntu.; Sexta Livre - Outubro

 * Thiago T. Faioli*
 (31) 8449-4065
 *Nº Nacional*: 3003-5410 /*Ramal*: 0011
 [image: green_arrow_up] *Chamada local em todo Brasil*
 * MSN/Skype/Gtalk:*

Re: Alexandre Alves Borba mentioned you in an update

2013-10-13 Thread Emerson Monteiro
Eu já fiz minha inscrição e recebi minha confirmação.

Estarei lá com toda certeza!

Conheço uns lugares legais ali perto para tomar umas cervejas!


Emerson M. Sobreiro

Em 13 de outubro de 2013 11:42, Helio Loureiro he...@loureiro.eng.brescreveu:

 Boa pergunta.  Também não sei a resposta, mas não acredito que vá até
 muito tarde, pois vai ser numa sexta-feira e temos que tomar umas cervejas
 pra comemorar a reunião tão célebre.

 Helio Loureiro

 Em 12 de outubro de 2013 22:48, Thiago Oliveira 

 Começa as 14 hs, mas vai ateh que horas?

 *Thiago Oliveira*
 Graduando de Segurança da Informação 
 Email Pessoal  Email 
 Linkedin Skype: trooliveira

 Em 10 de outubro de 2013 18:25, Debian Dicas 

 Ate eu sei fazer uns pacotes debian, mas na parte de jogos. Tenho um
 repositório onde fico adicionando estes pacotes para a pessoal baixarem:

 Mas ainda pelo visto não esta nos padrões da politica do Debian. É bom
 ir neste encontro pra saber melhor e no que estou errando pra me corrigir

 Em 10 de outubro de 2013 18:09, Helio Loureiro 

 Esqueci de falar (ou escrever), mas a idéia é fazer uma hackaton de
 pacotes ao final e tentar tirar alguns pacotes Debian marcados como órfãos
 desse estado.

 Helio Loureiro

 Em 10 de outubro de 2013 17:42, Debian Dicas 

 Me inscrevi e irei me esforçar em poder comparecer deste dia para rever
 o pessoal que conheço e que irei conhecer.

 Em 10 de outubro de 2013 17:27, Thiago T. Faioli escreveu:

 Valeu pelo convite, mas eu moro em MG ;- )

 Em 10 de outubro de 2013 17:18, Helio Loureiro

 Para quem quiser participar, vai ter uma oficina de criação de
 pacotes deb na iMasters, aqui em São Paulo.

 A iMasters fica próxima da estação Consolação do metrô.


 [image: Alexandre Alves 

  *Alexandre Alves Borba* mentioned you in an update

   Um encontro criado para que as pessoas possam reservar meio dia
 por mês das suas vidas para ajudar em algum projeto Open Source. Todos 
 bem vindos! Programadores, redatores, jornalistas, designers, gerentes,
 todos tem como ajudar de alguma forma. Teremos nesta edição uma 
 palestra do
 Kemel Zaidan , explicando como qualquer pessoa, inclusive não técnica, 
 ajudar em um projeto de código aberto e suportado pela comunidade. 
 disso, Helio Loureiro irá dar um Workshop técnico sobre empacotamentos 
 Debian e Ubuntu.; Sexta Livre - Outubro

 * Thiago T. Faioli*
 (31) 8449-4065
 *Nº Nacional*: 3003-5410 /*Ramal*: 0011
 [image: green_arrow_up] *Chamada local em todo Brasil*
 * MSN/Skype/Gtalk:*

Emerson Monteiro Sobreiro
Rua Jorge Valim, 822 - Apartamento 44
Vila Ester | 02536-000 | São Paulo | SP
(0XX11) 2208-8141 | (0XX11) 8275-0833 | |

Apresentação Bynsoft Sistemas!

2013-10-13 Thread Rodolfo Fruhwirth - BynSoft
 Boa Tarde
Verificamos o vosso contato em redes de transportes e pela necessidade das 
normas do mercado estamos apresentando as nossas soluções para o controle 
logístico, monitoramento, rastreamento de frotas e controle de jornada de 
O sistema pode ser implantado em: Embarcadores, Transportadoras,Operadores 
logísticos e Gerenciadoras de risco.
Segue abaixo alguns dos controles do sistema;
- Controle de posicionamento
- Controle de alertas do veículo (Velocidade, Temperatura, portas carona, 
motorista, baú, painel, bateria, antena, jammer, desengate de carretas)
- Áreas de Risco
- Controle de Horários (Rodando fora do horário permitido, controle de 
bloqueio/desbloqueios noturno)
- Paradas e Reinícios
- Viagens(Inicio, fim, transferência de sinal,fora de rota)
- Alvos
- Não conformidades
- Controle de Temperatura
- Controle de diárias.
- Controle de carretas (grid)
- Controle de Combustível / Postos de abastecimento
- Picos de Velocidade
- Telões Logísticos
- Telões Gerenciais
- Roteirizador
- Integração com ERPs
- Disponibilidade de veículos por região
- Modulo Sassmaq (Velocidade, descanso e Jornada)
- Distribuição de Veículos por filial/Embarcador/Centro de custo
- Lead Time por coleta e entrega
- Jornada de trabalho
- Projetos Customizados
- Envio de comandos, mensagens, e-mail, SMS de forma automatizada
- Ferramentas Gerenciais
- Ferramentas de Auditoria
- Relatórios Resumidos e detalhados
- Integrações disponíveis via webservices
- Mais de 10 mil cidades cadastradas
- Mais de 6 mil postos, pedágios e policias cadastradas
- Torres de celular do território nacional cadastradas separadas por 
operadora(Total de 46575)

Segue abaixo link da apresentação do sistema;
Fico no aguardo de seus comentários sobre nossa apresentação e se for de seu 
interesse estamos prontos para atendê-los.

Muito Obrigado.
Rodolfo Varela Fruhwirth
BynSoft Sistemas
Fone: (49) 3322-1707 / (49) 9803-4514

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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: mysteries with latest update

2013-10-13 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Sat, Oct 12, 2013 at 09:54:18PM -0700, Ross Boylan wrote:
 I just did a big update with the latest wheezy update (using the aptitude
 GUI).  Several things seemed odd; and I'm not sure if everything is OK.
 I'm hoping for some info about what's going on.

I'll try to do my best. I'm sure someone else will jump in if I'm
wrong somewhere.

 I have LVM volume groups that are missing disks, which produce errors
 during some operations (e.g., update-initramfs).  In the past the errors
 haven't prevented updates from working.
 I've listed the oddities with the ones most likely to indicate a real
 problem first.
 I) failed message
 This time the installation messages included failed (2nd to last line
 Setting up lvm2 (2.02.95-8) ...
 [] Setting up LVM Volume Groups...  Couldn't find device with uuid
   Couldn't find device with uuid eDiLHt-Pzom-tjdr-Ky12-Z6Gx-o3Iz-lYh1wL.
 [snip more errors]
   Refusing activation of partial LV cyrspool. Use --partial to override.
   Refusing activation of partial LV cyrlib. Use --partial to override.
 update-initramfs: deferring update (trigger activated)

These make sense to me if you have missing disks in some volume
groups. Why you didn't get them before, I don't know. I would suggest
you consider remedying the volume groups missing disks issue. Perhaps
pvremove, or more likely vgreduce?

 Though the last 2 messages look OK
 Processing triggers for initramfs-tools ...
 update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-3.2.0-4-amd64
 So, aside from the fact I'm missing disks that are not essential for
 operation, have my initrd's and grub been updated properly?

Looks to me like the answer is yes, though I could be wrong.

 2) Grub Reports Missing Disk
 Before any of the above I got a debconf dialog from grub:
  | The GRUB boot loader was previously installed to a disk that is no
 longer present, or whose unique identifier has changed for some reason. It
 is important   ???
  ??? to make sure that the installed GRUB core image stays in sync with GRUB
 modules and grub.cfg. Please check again to make sure that GRUB is written
 to the???
  ??? appropriate boot devices.
 # followed by a list of devices on which to install grub
 This seemed peculiar because one of the disks listed was the one on which
 GRUB was already installed.
 Anyway, I told it to install there again.
 It may be relevant that I am not booting off sda.  sda likely also has grub
 on it, and some of the dead disks did as well.

As long as you reinstalled to whatever you were booting from until
now, you probably won't have booting issues. I could be wrong here too.

 3) Lots of updates
 I got a whole batch of updates, apparently coinciding with the release of
 Debian 7.2.  Am I missing something in sources.list?  Before wheezy these
 point releases were basically non-events for me because I had picked up the
 updates as they came out.  Currently I have
 deb wheezy main contrib non-free
 deb wheezy/updates main contrib non-free

That's what I have as well.

 4) Unknown Debian release: 7.1
 At the very start of the install:
 Extracting templates from packages: 100%
 Preconfiguring packages ...
 supported_versions: WARNING: Unknown Debian release: 7.1
 Why 7.1 would be unknown I don't know.  I presume that is what I was
 running.  One of the updates to base-files included the move to 7.2 as the
 base version but a) I don't think that would have taken effect so early in
 the installation process and b) I don't see why it would make 7.1 unknown.

That is weird. If your /etc/debian_version says 7.2 without the
quotes of course, you should be ok.

 Ross Boylan

You're welcome, and HTH.


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Re: Debian installer and raid0

2013-10-13 Thread Francesco Pietra
I know that a correct software mirror raid is subject to failures, when
anything wrong is written to both disks. And I also know that hardware
mirror raid is subject to hardware failures. I said at the beginning that I
keep two wheezy mirror-raid servers with the same data and software. Now
that mirror raid in all my machines is fully in order (also thanks to you)
I maintain three wheezy servers in the same situation (I recovered what had
been set aside in order to have three different jobs going on). That is
multiple backup. I can switch disks from one to another one.

Very large data files are at the supercomputer center, where multiple
backup is also carried out.

As to inexpensive ssh access to my machines and supercomputer center, I use
a cheap tablet, equipped with a physical US keyboard, where I installed a
minimal linux (ssh, text editor, browser). That allows continuous access
under a negligible electricity bill.

Thanks again for all your help

PS: You did not comment whether the pipe' command that I use to verify
grub has a general validity. As far as I could use it, I found it
equivalent to examining each disk, one at a time.


On Sat, Oct 12, 2013 at 11:36 PM, Bob Proulx wrote:

 Francesco Pietra wrote:
  I hope not to bother beyond the limit, but the security of mirror raid is
  something of utmost importance, at least in my work of biochemist, with
  very limited ability in recovering from disk failures.

 I must express concern.  While RAID is very useful to keeping a system
 running across disk failures that it is not a backup.  Even with RAID
 functioning perfectly it is possible to have accidental file deletion
 and other file mangling.  A known good backup is still required!
 Having good RAID does not remove the need for a backup.  Operating a
 critical system without backup is a scary thing.

 Important enough to repeat.  A known good backup is still required!


Re: linux-image-3.10-3-amd64 unbootable: /dev/disk/by-uuid not created

2013-10-13 Thread Jesse Molina

Okay, this is helpful.  Unfortunately, I don't know a lot about Debian's 
initramfs scripts, and I'm fairly ignorant of udev beyond it's basic 
functions and rule files.  So, advice on basic troubleshooting of udev 
would be helpful to me.

I am going to go play with this system here shortly, so hopefully I can 
discover a little bit more which will be helpful to us.

On 10/12/13 5:12 PM, Tom H wrote:

Since the by-id links are being created, I assume that the answer to
the following question will be yes but just in case: does
lib/udev/rules.d/60-persistent-storage.rules exist in the initramfs?

Can you add a line to scripts/local to retrigger the udevadm
creation of the by-uuid links? I don't know the deleted syntax
offhand, sorry. (udevadm trigger ...)

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Re: mysteries with latest update

2013-10-13 Thread Bob Proulx
Ross Boylan wrote:
 Setting up lvm2 (2.02.95-8) ...
 [] Setting up LVM Volume Groups...  Couldn't find device with uuid
   Couldn't find device with uuid eDiLHt-Pzom-tjdr-Ky12-Z6Gx-o3Iz-lYh1wL.
 [snip more errors]
   Refusing activation of partial LV cyrspool. Use --partial to override.
   Refusing activation of partial LV cyrlib. Use --partial to override.
 update-initramfs: deferring update (trigger activated)

You didn't really say but you implied that you had lost a disk or two?

Run this:




And if you have lost some of those physical volumes then you should
definitely fix that problem soonest.  I don't know the right fix.
Perhaps vgreduce with perhaps --removemissing.  But I have never been
through that code path before.

 Though the last 2 messages look OK
 Processing triggers for initramfs-tools ...
 update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-3.2.0-4-amd64
 So, aside from the fact I'm missing disks that are not essential for
 operation, have my initrd's and grub been updated properly?

Looks okay.  But after fixing the lvm config I would definitely
rebuild the initrd.  Either of two different ways.

  # update-initramfs -u


  # dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-3.2.0-4-amd64

 2) Grub Reports Missing Disk
 Before any of the above I got a debconf dialog from grub:
  | The GRUB boot loader was previously installed to a disk that is no
 longer present, or whose unique identifier has changed for some reason. It
 is important   │
  │ to make sure that the installed GRUB core image stays in sync with GRUB
 modules and grub.cfg. Please check again to make sure that GRUB is written
 to the│
  │ appropriate boot devices.
 # followed by a list of devices on which to install grub

I think that is because debconf stored that you previously chose disks
that are no longer there.  To fix that reconfigure grub.  (Which you
seem to have already done.)

  # dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc  # or grub-legacy

 This seemed peculiar because one of the disks listed was the one on which
 GRUB was already installed.

But previously you presumably picked other disks that are now missing.

 Anyway, I told it to install there again.
 It may be relevant that I am not booting off sda.  sda likely also has grub
 on it, and some of the dead disks did as well.

You see?  This is where you tease us with real information about what
happened on your system.  Dead disks?  Items like that are critical
pieces of information.  Any other critical information we should know about?

 Am I missing something in sources.list?  Before wheezy these point
 releases were basically non-events for me because I had picked up
 the updates as they came out.  Currently I have deb wheezy main contrib non-free deb wheezy/updates main contrib non-free

I think you should also have wheezy-updates.  The old volatile
section.  It contains normal updates such as to tzdata for when DST
changes and other such short schedule updates.

I think you should have this list:

  deb wheezy main contrib non-free
  deb-src wheezy main contrib non-free

  deb wheezy-updates main contrib non-free
  deb-src wheezy-updates main contrib non-free

  deb wheezy/updates main contrib non-free
  deb-src wheezy/updates main contrib non-free

 4) Unknown Debian release: 7.1
 At the very start of the install:
 Extracting templates from packages: 100%
 Preconfiguring packages ...
 supported_versions: WARNING: Unknown Debian release: 7.1
 Why 7.1 would be unknown I don't know.  I presume that is what I was
 running.  One of the updates to base-files included the move to 7.2 as the
 base version but a) I don't think that would have taken effect so early in
 the installation process and b) I don't see why it would make 7.1 unknown.

I have no idea on this one.  I haven't seen that on an upgrade yet.

It feels to me like a message from one specific package. I would be
inclined to grep through the postinst scripts looking to see which
package may have said that.  Maybe you will get a hit on something
like this.

  grep -rl supported_versions: /var/lib/dpkg/info
  grep -rl Unknown Debian release /var/lib/dpkg/info


Description: Digital signature

Re: mysteries with latest update

2013-10-13 Thread Gregory Nowak
 On Sat, Oct 12, 2013 at 09:54:18PM -0700, Ross Boylan wrote:
 3) Lots of updates
 I got a whole batch of updates, apparently coinciding with the release of
 Debian 7.2.  Am I missing something in sources.list?  Before wheezy these
 point releases were basically non-events for me because I had picked up the
 updates as they came out.  Currently I have
 deb wheezy main contrib non-free
 deb wheezy/updates main contrib non-free

You might also want to have a look at:

It should be relevant even if your arch isn't amd64.


web site:
gpg public key:
skype: gregn1
(authorization required, add me to your contacts list first)

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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: Debian installer and raid0

2013-10-13 Thread Bob Proulx
Francesco Pietra wrote:
 PS: You did not comment whether the pipe' command that I use to verify
 grub has a general validity. As far as I could use it, I found it
 equivalent to examining each disk, one at a time.

It was clever!  It was definitely in the spirit of the Unix
philosophy.  At the same time it was unconventional.  Like a fresh
breeze.  It did the job.  I liked it!

And I am glad to have helped you in some small way.


Description: Digital signature

Re: apt-get vs. aptitude

2013-10-13 Thread Dmitrii Kashin
Tom H writes:

 Oh I have fond memories of aptitude breaking my system. Once it
 suggested me to remove most of my system, including apt, I thought it
 was going to upgrade it so I confirmed it. I had to reinstall apt from
 the debian packages website.

 In this new installation I gave it another try but when it started
 suggesting very weird plans (like remove all gnome packages) I happily
 went back to apt and never looked back.

 Please don't top-post.


 If aptitude's such a destructive package, why is it still in the repositories?

I think that aptitude works quite well for the easiest cases. And it is
the only instrument I know which allow to see dependency chains. It was
dselect some time ago which could do it too as I know, but now it seems
to be dead. BTW, it provides with good capabilities for searching
through packages.

There're quite good beginnings in this project as you can see. So it's
popular and is in the repository.

 I suspect that the problem's in the example  above are simply PEBKAC.

So do I. User should think what he allowed program to do when he'd
raised his privilages to root.

PS: About odd letter 's' in 'examples'. Man. Whithout arguments, it
seems to be rudeness. Observe netiquette.

Description: PGP signature

Recursion is needed (Wheezy)

2013-10-13 Thread Yudi
Dear all,

I just used Wheezy's BIND9.
There is a problem where checking nslookup, example nslookup

But Recursion is needed.

1. resolv.conf
Search mydomain
Public DNS IP

2. named.conf.options
I have added :
allow-query { any; };
allow-recursion { any; };

But, the problems haven't solved yet.

Any idea ?

Thanks for advice,

Sent from BlackBerry®

Re: Recursion is needed (Wheezy)

2013-10-13 Thread Bob Proulx
Yudi wrote:
 I just used Wheezy's BIND9.
 There is a problem where checking nslookup, example nslookup
 But Recursion is needed.

Please show us what error you are having.  Otherwise no one can help
you.  Please cut and past the error verbatim.


Description: Digital signature

Re: Ethernet bonding mode 5 only using one Slave adapter.

2013-10-13 Thread Muhammad Yousuf Khan
On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 4:12 PM, Stan Hoeppner s...@hardwarefreak.comwrote:

 On 10/11/2013 2:42 AM, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:
  Are dual and quad port Intel NICs available in your country?
  Not very easily but yes, we can arrange. i personally have PCIe 4 Port
  intel  NIC.
  so this can be arranged.

 I recommend Intel NICs because they simply work, every time, full
 bandwidth, full Linux kernel support, great feature set, etc.  Very high
 quality, long lasting.  I had an Intel Pro/100 in service in an MX mail
 server for over 10 years.  Still works.

Thats great thanks for the advice.BTW have you hosted any VM on this 100MB
LAN :)?

  just  a very basic question i am into virtualization for few years on
  Debian box.
  i never host a VM on external box. i have more then 10 nodes and all VMs
  are hosted on local Mdadm RAID drives.
  Just to have an idea. if you like to suggest. how many VM can be hosted
  1G link. i know your next statement will be it depends upon the
  utilization of your VM and decision would be made on IO stats basis

 Yes, it does depend on exactly that.

  but just asking in general how many general VMs  can be hosted on 1G LAN
  that are more or less untouched throughout the day.

 If idle?  As many as you can fit in memory up to the hypervisor limit,
 or virtual IP address limit, if there is a limit on these.  It's
 possible to create VMs that have no network stack at all.  In that case
 there is literally no limit WRT the shared GbE link.

  and my big big time confusion is backup the VM from Virtualization
  lets say for a while 2 VM are running on 1GB link and i am taking a
  of a VM from virtual server. as the server is connected to external
  on 1 GB link.  first virtual server will bring all the virtual drive data
  from External box to local RAM via same 1GB link on which VMs are hosted.
  it does mean that when backup will start all other VMs has to suffer?
  so even if 1 VM is running and we are making/creating a backup then how
  we avoid chocking the link or bottle neck.

 Ok, so apparently I misunderstood previously.  I was under the
 impression that you had an NFS storage server box, a backup server box,
 and many physically boxes on which you were running virtual machines.
 I.e. 6 or more computers connected to a GbE switch.

If I understand correctly now, all of your VMs are on one PC, and there
 is an NFS server somewhere on the network where you store the files.  Is
 there a switch between the PC with all of the VMs, and the NFS server?
 If so...

 There are a couple of ways to address this:

 1.  Add another GbE interface on the PC and dedicate it to NFS
 traffic.  You should be able to bind the NFS client to a specific
 IP address.  This will require setting up source based routing
 so NFS traffic only uses the new interface.  Without source based
 routing Linux will always use the first bound adapter for all
 outbound traffic.  This dedicates the current NIC to everything
 other than NFS traffic, so the VMs have 1Gb/s for non-NFS traffic,
 and 1Gb/s for NFS traffic, 2Gb/s aggregate.  This would be my
 preferred method.  It's low cost, just a NIC and a cable.  But
 you have a steep learning curve ahead WRT Linux routing.  A bonus
 is you'll learn a lot about Linux networking in the process.

 2.  Implement QOS features in the switch, if it has them, to limit
 the amount of bandwidth used by NFS traffic.  The problem with
 this method is that most switches don't allow this on a per port
 basis, but on a VLAN basis.  Which means you'd be limiting NFS
 bandwidth everywhere, network wide, not just to the VM PC.

Thanks for the advice, but i have found a feature to limit the bandwidth
during backup in Qemu :) thanks for make me thing that way.

  any howto document on DRBD and GFS2 on debian? as i am using debian and
  only debian in overall environment.
  DRBD+GFS2 has got a native support on Redhat (as GFS2 is owned by
  i do not have the experience nor confidence on stability of the both.
  i will be glad if you share any specific one with Debian.

 DRBD and GFS2 are both kernel modules.  Their configuration on Debian
 should be little different than on any Linux distro.

  i found this

ok i will go through with this however this is on RHEL very different from
debian. anyways i will try to understand and run things on Debian.

  the above is Primary/Primary installation means both drbd drives can be
  mounted. but there is a question.
  if i can mount in Primary/Primary mode on both the nodes then what is the
  need of GFS?
  just asking for my learning.

 The key word here is mount.  Linux cannot mount a block device.  DRBD
 is a block device.  Linux mounts filesystems.  Filesystems reside on top
 of block devices.  No two hosts can mount 

Re: Re: virtualbox fails to compile module on 3.10

2013-10-13 Thread Nickolay Todoroff
Dear Ralf, dear Hugo,

I'm stuck with the same problem as Kent. I'm running on Wheezy with the
3.10-0.bpo.3-amd64 kernel (backports).

The problem is actually that the virtualbox versions (esp. the OSE one)
from the repositories do not work with new kernels (newer than 3.2 as
far as I checked). It is clear that we can install the Oracle version,
however it is not optimal.

I installed the virtualbox-ose-dkms package and all dependencies
obviously. Virtualbox version is 4.1.18. During install it returns the

Stopping VirtualBox kernel modules.
Starting VirtualBox kernel modulesNo suitable module for running kernel
found ... failed!
invoke-rc.d: initscript virtualbox, action restart failed.
Setting up virtualbox-qt (4.1.18-dfsg-2+deb7u1) ...
Setting up virtualbox-ose-dkms (4.1.18-dfsg-2+deb7u1) ...
Processing triggers for menu ...

Then I tried to rebuild using dkms with the following result:

dkms build virtualbox/4.1.18 -k 3.10-0.bpo.3-amd64/amd64

Kernel preparation unnecessary for this kernel.  Skipping...

Building module:
cleaning build area
make KERNELRELEASE=3.10-0.bpo.3-amd64 -C
M=/var/lib/dkms/virtualbox/4.1.18/build.(bad exit status: 2)
Error! Bad return status for module build on kernel: 3.10-0.bpo.3-amd64
Consult /var/lib/dkms/virtualbox/4.1.18/build/make.log for more information.

And after that the log looks like this:

cat /var/lib/dkms/virtualbox/4.1.18/build/make.log
DKMS make.log for virtualbox-4.1.18 for kernel 3.10-0.bpo.3-amd64 (amd64)
Sun Oct 13 11:06:00 CEST 2013
make: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-3.10-0.bpo.3-amd64'
  LD  /var/lib/dkms/virtualbox/4.1.18/build/built-in.o
  LD  /var/lib/dkms/virtualbox/4.1.18/build/vboxdrv/built-in.o
  CC [M]  /var/lib/dkms/virtualbox/4.1.18/build/vboxdrv/linux/SUPDrv-linux.o
  CC [M]  /var/lib/dkms/virtualbox/4.1.18/build/vboxdrv/SUPDrv.o
  CC [M]  /var/lib/dkms/virtualbox/4.1.18/build/vboxdrv/SUPDrvSem.o
  CC [M]  /var/lib/dkms/virtualbox/4.1.18/build/vboxdrv/r0drv/alloc-r0drv.o
  CC [M]
  CC [M]  /var/lib/dkms/virtualbox/4.1.18/build/vboxdrv/r0drv/memobj-r0drv.o
  CC [M]
  CC [M]
  CC [M]
  CC [M]
  CC [M]
  CC [M]
In function ‘rtR0MemObjNativeMapUser’:
error: ‘VM_RESERVED’ undeclared (first use in this function)
note: each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function
it appears in
make[4]: ***
Error 1
make[3]: *** [/var/lib/dkms/virtualbox/4.1.18/build/vboxdrv] Error 2
make[2]: *** [_module_/var/lib/dkms/virtualbox/4.1.18/build] Error 2
make[1]: *** [sub-make] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2
make: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-3.10-0.bpo.3-amd64'

I suppose, that it is not intended for it to be that way, unfortunately
I have neither an idea how to fix it nor resources for doing it. It
would be great however, if someone were able to update the repositories
(something such as here: for the
combination Wheezy, backport 3.10 kernel and the repository version of
virtualbox. I know it is probably a lot to ask, but it will make our
life easier by not having to go outside of the APT concept. I hope, that
the provided logs here can help any enthusiast, who is planning on
tackling this problem.

Kind Regards,

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Re: Oops - copied iso image to wrong device

2013-10-13 Thread Brian
On Sun 13 Oct 2013 at 00:54:44 +, mark ryan wrote:

 I was creating a bootable USB stick from an installer image on another
 external hard drive. I did a cat debian-7.1.0-i386-netinst.iso  /dev/sdb
 when I meant /dev/sdc. sdb was my external drive with the iso on it, and
 other files. I am now unable to mount that drive. What, if anything, can I
 do to recover that drive?

The data on the drive are gone. Do

   dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb count=1

to remove all traces of the iso you put on it and start from scratch.

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Re: apt-get vs. aptitude

2013-10-13 Thread Morten Bo Johansen
On 2013-10-13 Dmitrii Kashin wrote:

 I think that aptitude works quite well for the easiest cases. And it is
 the only instrument I know which allow to see dependency chains. It was
 dselect some time ago which could do it too as I know, but now it seems
 to be dead. BTW, it provides with good capabilities for searching
 through packages.

Remember that aptitude has evolved quite a bit. The scenarios that you
and some others describe are not necessarily pertinent anymore. When you
use phrases like fond memories, please state how old these memories are
;). Any package manager, needless to say, is wholly dependent on the
metadata in the packages, so if these are not sensible, they may come up
with rash solutions. The great thing about aptitude (to me) is that it is
so easy to leaf through broken packages, using the 'b' key in the
curses interface, and then examine what the matter is with each package.
Most often, I find that I can solve dependency problems by simply not
upgrading one or more packages. You do that easily by typing 'v' on a
broken package and then typing '+' on the already installed version. If
using the resolver instead, the solution presented is often to remove the
package or some other package. For instance, at the moment the package
xul-ext-greasemonkey is marked as upgradable on my system, but the
package's metadata has Iceweasel in a non-installable version as a
dependency. Aptitude wants to remove xul-ext-greasemonkey and apt-get
wants to remove Iceweasel. None of these solutions may be what you want,
so simply keeping xul-ext-greasemonkey in the already installed version
is an alternative that the command line solutions in the two package
managers do not present the user.


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Re: linux-image-3.10-3-amd64 unbootable: /dev/disk/by-uuid not created

2013-10-13 Thread Jesse Molina

I did the following today:

Indeed, the /lib/udev/rules.d/60-persistent-storage.rules file does 
exist in the initramfs.

I tried udevadm control --reload-rules, but there was no output that I 
can use.  I also think I tried it with --debug, and I saw some info, but 
nothing helpful.

I decided to try to rebuild my 3.10-1 initramfs, to see if the newly 
build package would cause the same problems, and indeed it did.  I have 
the old working initramfs, and now a broken one which gives the same 
behavior as the 3.10-3 version.  So, it's not the kernel so much as it's 
something else being packaged on the initramfs.  I'm thinking this is a 
udev problem thus far, but I really don't know that for certain yet.

I'll decompress the initramfs files tomorrow and look at the differences 
between them.

Unfortunately the host in question is important to me, and at a remote 
location, so I can't play with it right now.  I will look into setting 
up a test system though and see if I can duplicate the problem locally.

On 10/12/13 11:58 PM, Jesse Molina wrote:

Okay, this is helpful.  Unfortunately, I don't know a lot about 
Debian's initramfs scripts, and I'm fairly ignorant of udev beyond 
it's basic functions and rule files.  So, advice on basic 
troubleshooting of udev would be helpful to me.

I am going to go play with this system here shortly, so hopefully I 
can discover a little bit more which will be helpful to us.

On 10/12/13 5:12 PM, Tom H wrote:

Since the by-id links are being created, I assume that the answer to
the following question will be yes but just in case: does
lib/udev/rules.d/60-persistent-storage.rules exist in the initramfs?

Can you add a line to scripts/local to retrigger the udevadm
creation of the by-uuid links? I don't know the deleted syntax
offhand, sorry. (udevadm trigger ...)

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Debian mirror analysis by release

2013-10-13 Thread Andre Majorel
Is there a program out there that will scan a Debian mirror
(E.G. created by debmirror) and, for each file in it, list the
release(s) by which it's used ?

Thanks in advance.

André Majorel, a spammer's delight.

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Re: apt-get vs. aptitude

2013-10-13 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sun, 2013-10-13 at 12:24 +0200, Morten Bo Johansen wrote:
 On 2013-10-13 Dmitrii Kashin wrote:
  I think that aptitude works quite well for the easiest cases. And it is
  the only instrument I know which allow to see dependency chains. It was
  dselect some time ago which could do it too as I know, but now it seems
  to be dead. BTW, it provides with good capabilities for searching
  through packages.
 Remember that aptitude has evolved quite a bit. The scenarios that you
 and some others describe are not necessarily pertinent anymore. When you
 use phrases like fond memories, please state how old these memories are
 ;). Any package manager, needless to say, is wholly dependent on the
 metadata in the packages, so if these are not sensible, they may come up
 with rash solutions. The great thing about aptitude (to me) is that it is
 so easy to leaf through broken packages, using the 'b' key in the
 curses interface, and then examine what the matter is with each package.
 Most often, I find that I can solve dependency problems by simply not
 upgrading one or more packages. You do that easily by typing 'v' on a
 broken package and then typing '+' on the already installed version. If
 using the resolver instead, the solution presented is often to remove the
 package or some other package. For instance, at the moment the package
 xul-ext-greasemonkey is marked as upgradable on my system, but the
 package's metadata has Iceweasel in a non-installable version as a
 dependency. Aptitude wants to remove xul-ext-greasemonkey and apt-get
 wants to remove Iceweasel. None of these solutions may be what you want,
 so simply keeping xul-ext-greasemonkey in the already installed version
 is an alternative that the command line solutions in the two package
 managers do not present the user.

apt-mark hold package
echo package hold | dpkg --set-selections
Synaptic's lock option

will lock the packages for apt-get.

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Re: pcmanfm no window/gui, one user only

2013-10-13 Thread Tazman Deville
On Fri, Sep 27, 2013 at 08:11:10PM +0200, Tony Baldwin wrote:
 For some reason, when I try to use pcmanfm as my user, I can not.
 I can start it as other users on the system, or with gksu or sudo, 
 but not for my user.
 Or, really, what happens is, it seems to start (can find processes and kill 
 but no window appears. It seems to hang.
 I tried to use gdb, but get no debug information.
 What happens there is the whole thing (gdb and pcmanfm) hangs, 
 doing nothing, until I kill pcmanfm again, and gdb tells me nothing.
 When I run it from terminal, likewise, I find no errors, nothing.
 Just hangs (even if I run the command with pcmanfm , it just hangs the
 For all other users on the machine, it runs fine.
 I'm at a loss for what else to do to diagnose the problem,
 and, of course, at this juncture, I have no useful information for why
 it is not running properly.
 Yes, also, of course, I have killalled any such processes several times
 before trying to start it again.
 I've also tried with other WMs (I use openbox as a standalone, but have
 also now tried with LXDE and with wmii, and still no joy. Have no other
 WMs on the system at this time).
 This is on wheezy.
 I've even tried replacing my conf files in
 with the files from another user (and chowning them to me, of course),
 to determine if there were something amiss in my config files,
 but, alas, this too proved unproductive.
 I don't know what else to do.

I'm still having this issue here.
So far, nobody has suggested anything than what I've already done.
Well, someone suggested looking in dmesg, but, of course, there's
absolutely nothing relevant there.

taz hungry

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Re: pcmanfm no window/gui, one user only

2013-10-13 Thread Tazman Deville
On Sun, Oct 13, 2013 at 01:44:48PM +0200, Tazman Deville wrote:
 On Fri, Sep 27, 2013 at 08:11:10PM +0200, Tony Baldwin wrote:
  For some reason, when I try to use pcmanfm as my user, I can not.
  I can start it as other users on the system, or with gksu or sudo, 
  but not for my user.
  Or, really, what happens is, it seems to start (can find processes and kill 
  but no window appears. It seems to hang.
  I tried to use gdb, but get no debug information.
  What happens there is the whole thing (gdb and pcmanfm) hangs, 
  doing nothing, until I kill pcmanfm again, and gdb tells me nothing.
  When I run it from terminal, likewise, I find no errors, nothing.
  Just hangs (even if I run the command with pcmanfm , it just hangs the
  For all other users on the machine, it runs fine.
  I'm at a loss for what else to do to diagnose the problem,
  and, of course, at this juncture, I have no useful information for why
  it is not running properly.
  Yes, also, of course, I have killalled any such processes several times
  before trying to start it again.
  I've also tried with other WMs (I use openbox as a standalone, but have
  also now tried with LXDE and with wmii, and still no joy. Have no other
  WMs on the system at this time).
  This is on wheezy.
  I've even tried replacing my conf files in
  with the files from another user (and chowning them to me, of course),
  to determine if there were something amiss in my config files,
  but, alas, this too proved unproductive.
  I don't know what else to do.
 I'm still having this issue here.
 So far, nobody has suggested anything than what I've already done.
 Well, someone suggested looking in dmesg, but, of course, there's
 absolutely nothing relevant there.

Oh, and something I've neglected to mention:
I have also aptitude remove purged it and reinstalled it, as well,
several times, and this also produces no change.

 taz hungry
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taz hungry

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Re: pcmanfm no window/gui, one user only

2013-10-13 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sun, 2013-10-13 at 13:44 +0200, Tazman Deville wrote:
 Well, someone suggested looking in dmesg, but, of course, there's
 absolutely nothing relevant there.

This would display the output of the kernel ring buffer, to see what's
going wrong during a session, first take a look at ~/.xsession-errors
and/or ~/.xsession-errors.old.

less ~/.xsession-errors

I don't know if this is useful, but I would test it too:

strace /usr/bin/pcmanfm¹

¹or what ever the path and name is.

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Re: pcmanfm no window/gui, one user only

2013-10-13 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sun, 2013-10-13 at 13:46 +0200, Tazman Deville wrote:
 Oh, and something I've neglected to mention:
 I have also aptitude remove purged it and reinstalled it, as well,
 several times, and this also produces no change.

Did you remove it's configuration file(s) in $HOME/??? too?

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Re: pcmanfm no window/gui, one user only

2013-10-13 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sun, 2013-10-13 at 14:06 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 less ~/.xsession-errors

Since you don't get an output, when you launch pcmanfm in a terminal,
take a look if .xsession-errors shows something that might be related to
pcmanfm, unlikely that there will be output for pcmanfm.

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Re: apt-get vs. aptitude

2013-10-13 Thread Morten Bo Johansen
On 2013-10-13 Ralf Mardorf wrote:

 apt-mark hold package
 echo package hold | dpkg --set-selections
 Synaptic's lock option

Sure. But the gist of the discussion to me was the point of view of the
naive user, i.e. how the two package managers behave out of the box.
No compelling arguments have been provided that one is better than the
other in that respect.


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Re: sysadmin qualifications (Re: apt-get vs. aptitude)

2013-10-13 Thread Joel Rees
On Sat, Oct 12, 2013 at 6:21 AM, wrote:
 Le 11.10.2013 23:06, Brian a écrit :

 are you root?

 It does only means you own the system. Not that you can claim to be a
 sysadmin. I own my car. I am not a mechanic, but I anyway have the
 *authorizations* to tinker it. It's what root, or to be more precise, uid=0
 means in linux OSes.

In some countries, owning a car does not authorize you to tinker with it.

Many who are the defacto admin for their system(s) do not claim to be
a sysadmin. But they are still the only admin the system has.

Sysadmin has multiple meanings, and possession of a piece of paper is,
frankly, one of the less meaningful meanings I can think of. (I still
plan to take the LPIC level 2 when I have some extra money.)

But being able to install and update a debian box is part of what gets
tested in the LPIC exams. If you can get a debian box up and a Fedora
box up, if you can read a shell script and have some idea what's going
on, if you can set apache up, if you can fiddle with your X server,
that's most of a passing grade on the LPIC level 1, and then you can
be a Jr. Sysadmin on paper.

(Well, there are a few more things you want to get down, too.
Permissions basics, basics of TCP-IP, SSH and such, but you generally
pick those up while you're learning how to install the system and

Joel Rees

Be careful where you see conspiracy.
Look first in your own heart.

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Re: Problems preseeding Wheezy (7.1)

2013-10-13 Thread Richard Owlett

Tom H wrote:

On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 3:32 PM, Richard Owlett wrote:

Tom H wrote:

On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 11:03 AM, Richard Owlett

2. I base my preseed.cfg on the example at . Near the end
the install process I'm asked to specify a keyboard layout though one was
specified near the beginning of the file.

Pass DEBCONF_DEBUG=5 to the commandline and, when the installation
stops, switch to VT4 to see which preseed value is blocking the

The relavant line appears to be
Oct 11 19:15:56 debconf: -- INPUT critical keyboard-configuration/layout

So you need to preseed keyboard-configuration/layout.

How ;)
I followed the pastern of a legal line I.E.:
 # keymap is an alias for keyboard-configuration/xkb-keymap
 d-i keymap select us
I tried both:
d-i keyboard-configuration/layout select English (US)
d-i keyboard-configuration/layout select us
neither worked.

I found a workaround based on$mt5$

by adding to the boot command
keymap=us debian-installer/keymap=us

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Re: apt-get vs. aptitude

2013-10-13 Thread Miles Fidelman

Morten Bo Johansen wrote:

On 2013-10-13 Ralf Mardorf wrote:

apt-mark hold package
echo package hold | dpkg --set-selections
Synaptic's lock option

Sure. But the gist of the discussion to me was the point of view of the
naive user, i.e. how the two package managers behave out of the box.
No compelling arguments have been provided that one is better than the
other in that respect.

For what it's worth:  Every time I try to use Aptitude, I find myself 
confused and/or not getting the results I need.  As a result, I keep 
using apt-*

Miles Fidelman

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.    Yogi Berra

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Re: sysadmin qualifications (Re: apt-get vs. aptitude)

2013-10-13 Thread Joel Rees
On Sun, Oct 13, 2013 at 5:44 AM, Miles Fidelman wrote:
 Now.. as to the larger question at hand:

 Personally, I run, support, and configure:
 - my own computers (laptop, development sandbox under my desk, android
 smartphone, android tablet, backup storage device, printer)
 - my family's computers (multiple laptops and handhelds, storage devices,
 network storage service, more printers, household network)
 - a work-provided laptop (dual-administered by the company's IT and network
 admins - large microsoft environment)
 - a department sharepoint server (shared admin role with several other
 people - running on a virtual machine, someone else administers the cluster)
 - 4-server high-availablility cluster sitting in  commercial data center
 (leftover from a hosting business I used to have, currently a combination of
 a development sandbox and a product system for a bunch of email users,
 lists, and web servers - mostly for local non-profits)

 Do I consider myself a sysadmin (and/or a netadmin)?  Well:
 - I used to sell hosting services for a living, and did most of the systems
 administration involved in doing so
 - I certainly administer a significant number of machines and network
 devices/services, and,
 - for some of them, I'm on call 24x7 (my phone rings if the cluster goes
 down), but...
 - none of this is paid for, and other than the cluster, it's all informal
 - I don't have a particularly in-depth familiarity with things like Nagios,
 serious shell scripting, any of the new devops tools, storage area networks
 - hence, I probably could not go out and get a full-time job as a
 professional systems or network administrator

 Bottom Line:
 - I certainly feel comfortable saying that I DO a lot of systems and network
 - I would feel on very shakey grounds calling myself a (professional) system
 or network administrator (it's not my day job)
 - I wouldn't put it on my resume anywhere other than as a couple of bullet
 points re. skills - certainly not as a title I could lay claim to

 Miles Fidelman

 In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
 In practice, there is.    Yogi Berra

It sounds like you could pass the LPIC level 2 exam with maybe a few
hours of review. Easily. (Maybe you already have.)

One question would be whether you would want your potential employer
to be maybe planning on saddling you with an unofficial sysadmin role
or not.

The reason I jumped into this thread is that I tend to think of it as
a good thing when people start taking responsibility for their own
computing/communicating equipment. Thus it was my intent to encourage
the guy who started the original thread to keep thinking of himself as
the guy in charge of his hardware.

Joel Rees

Be careful where you see conspiracy.
Look first in your own heart.

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Re: sysadmin qualifications (Re: apt-get vs. aptitude)

2013-10-13 Thread Joel Rees
On Sat, Oct 12, 2013 at 7:11 AM, wrote:
 [...] if you think that people are free to
 give themselves the label they want, so you must accept that other are also
 free to give the labels they want.
 Long time ago, I studied the dark side of computer sciences, and the first
 things I have learn are that you can not claim to be a hacker, or elite,
 or... If you do so, then people will name you lamer. You are a hacker if
 other people recognize you as such.

There is a difference between the three words.

Elite is something that truly elite people do not try to be. Nor do
they care if they are called such. That's the irony of l33+.

Hacker is, again, not something you try to be. Either you hack or you
hesitate. People (like me) who tend to talk tend not to hack so much.

System administrator is actually a role that needs to be filled.

 The truth here is simple: you are not what you want, only other people can
 define who you really are.

Which I can acknowledge is relevant about elite hackers, but I think
it's missing the point about system administrators.

If you (the general you) own hardware that doesn't have a system
administrator, you need to fix that situation. Maybe it means you need
to step into the role.

Joel Rees

Be careful where you see conspiracy.
Look first in your own heart.

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Re: linux-image-3.10-3-amd64 unbootable: /dev/disk/by-uuid not created

2013-10-13 Thread Sven Hartge
Bob Proulx wrote:
 Jesse Molina wrote:

 As I said before, the md RAIDs are being assembled.  udev, or
 something else, is failing to properly create the device nodes.

 A shot in the dark but...  Have you added a new md device recently but
 forgotten to update the /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf file?  The initrd
 creation will only have the information about it if it is in that

I have the same problem as Jesse, roughly since the update to mdadm-3.3
in Sid.

Suddenly, only UUID symlinks to real devices are present in
/dev/disk/by-uuid while inside the initramfs, links to device-mapper
devices or md-devices are missing.

The devices itself are fine, as /proc/mdstat and the output of lvs

I am able to boot if I set GRUB_DISABLE_LINUX_UUID=true in
/etc/default/grub, because that sets root=/dev/md0 instead of


Sigmentation fault. Core dumped.

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Re: sysadmin qualifications (Re: apt-get vs. aptitude)

2013-10-13 Thread Miles Fidelman

Joel Rees wrote:

On Sun, Oct 13, 2013 at 5:44 AM, Miles Fidelman wrote:

Now.. as to the larger question at hand:


Bottom Line:
- I certainly feel comfortable saying that I DO a lot of systems and network
- I would feel on very shakey grounds calling myself a (professional) system
or network administrator (it's not my day job)
- I wouldn't put it on my resume anywhere other than as a couple of bullet
points re. skills - certainly not as a title I could lay claim to

It sounds like you could pass the LPIC level 2 exam with maybe a few
hours of review. Easily. (Maybe you already have.)


One question would be whether you would want your potential employer
to be maybe planning on saddling you with an unofficial sysadmin role
or not.

Hell no (though I have taken on some sharepoint administration of late - 
purely out of self-defense).

Purely as a personal matter, my current pay-grade is way above that of 
systems admins in the companies I work with/for (and they make a good 
living).  And do I want to go back to being on call 24/7 - double hell 
no. :-)

The reason I jumped into this thread is that I tend to think of it as
a good thing when people start taking responsibility for their own
computing/communicating equipment. Thus it was my intent to encourage
the guy who started the original thread to keep thinking of himself as
the guy in charge of his hardware.

That's kind of a good point.  Personally, I go back and forth on this 
one.  Do I want to control my own equipment, absolutely.  Do I want to 
be administering my family's stuff, not really, but someone has to.  Do 
I want to administer company-provided resources, hell no - I just want 
it to work.  As an engineer, though, I figure anything that requires 
very much administration is pretty poorly designed - which, 
unfortunately, refers to the state-of-the-practice for most current 
technology.  Sigh...

Miles Fidelman

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.    Yogi Berra

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Re: sysadmin qualifications (Re: apt-get vs. aptitude)

2013-10-13 Thread Miles Fidelman

Joel Rees wrote:

On Sat, Oct 12, 2013 at 7:11 AM, wrote:

[...] if you think that people are free to
give themselves the label they want, so you must accept that other are also
free to give the labels they want.
Long time ago, I studied the dark side of computer sciences, and the first
things I have learn are that you can not claim to be a hacker, or elite,
or... If you do so, then people will name you lamer. You are a hacker if
other people recognize you as such.

There is a difference between the three words.

Elite is something that truly elite people do not try to be. Nor do
they care if they are called such. That's the irony of l33+.

That's kind of a debateable statement.  Those who achieve eliteness 
probably don't care about the lable, but to actually BE elite at 
anything, you pretty much have to always be seeking that next challenge, 
and pushing your knowledge and skills - very few of the elite are pure 
naturals.  It takes work (or trying).  [Just check out how many 
baseballs David Ortiz swings at during practice. :-)]

Just one man's opinion, of course.


In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.    Yogi Berra

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ukash hijacked iceweasel

2013-10-13 Thread John Lindsay
Somehow my iceweasel has been infected with the UKASH scam. I have tried 
my kapersky rescue disc and it told me my system has been cleaned (this 
disc was made late 2011/early 2012 and it did an update prior to 
scanning). If I run iceweasel after a reboot the ukash blocker shows up. 
How can I get rid of this without 'blowing' away all the info on my HD 
(primarily icedove mail).


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Re: ukash hijacked iceweasel

2013-10-13 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sun, 2013-10-13 at 09:58 -0400, John Lindsay wrote:
 Somehow my iceweasel has been infected with the UKASH scam. I have tried 
 my kapersky rescue disc and it told me my system has been cleaned (this 
 disc was made late 2011/early 2012 and it did an update prior to 
 scanning). If I run iceweasel after a reboot the ukash blocker shows up. 
 How can I get rid of this without 'blowing' away all the info on my HD 
 (primarily icedove mail).

IIUC this is the thingy that doesn't allow to close a tab. When this
happens for Firefox here, I kill Firefox and then start it again.
Firefox usually asks, if the last session should be restored or not, so
don't restore the killed session. If Firefox shouldn't ask but
automatically restore the killed session, then it usually does work, to
close the tabs, before the site is loaded. After this Firefox is ok
again and can be closed and opened without issues.

I usually do the same for sites that ask again and again, if you want to
leave the page or if you want to stay. This crap is a PITA, even
reliable web pages sometimes ask, if you are sure, that you want to
leave their website. To ask isn't bad per se, but I never noticed this
question, when it makes sense and it especially doesn't make sense to
ask this questions 20 times, before you can leave.

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Re: ukash hijacked iceweasel

2013-10-13 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sun, 2013-10-13 at 16:33 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 On Sun, 2013-10-13 at 09:58 -0400, John Lindsay wrote:
  Somehow my iceweasel has been infected with the UKASH scam. I have tried 
  my kapersky rescue disc and it told me my system has been cleaned (this 
  disc was made late 2011/early 2012 and it did an update prior to 
  scanning). If I run iceweasel after a reboot the ukash blocker shows up. 
  How can I get rid of this without 'blowing' away all the info on my HD 
  (primarily icedove mail).
 IIUC this is the thingy that doesn't allow to close a tab. When this
 happens for Firefox here, I kill Firefox and then start it again.
 Firefox usually asks, if the last session should be restored or not, so
 don't restore the killed session. If Firefox shouldn't ask but
 automatically restore the killed session, then it usually does work, to
 close the tabs, before the site is loaded. After this Firefox is ok
 again and can be closed and opened without issues.
 I usually do the same for sites that ask again and again, if you want to
 leave the page or if you want to stay. This crap is a PITA, even
 reliable web pages sometimes ask, if you are sure, that you want to
 leave their website. To ask isn't bad per se, but I never noticed this
 question, when it makes sense and it especially doesn't make sense to
 ask this questions 20 times, before you can leave.

PS: You also could delete iceweasel files only, or use a new profile and
ignore the old profile, or restore your last backup. You don't need to
wipe out all data on your HDD.

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Re: Oops - copied iso image to wrong device

2013-10-13 Thread Hans
Am Sonntag, 13. Oktober 2013, 11:00:50 schrieb Brian:
 On Sun 13 Oct 2013 at 00:54:44 +, mark ryan wrote:
  I was creating a bootable USB stick from an installer image on another
  external hard drive. I did a cat debian-7.1.0-i386-netinst.iso  /dev/sdb
  when I meant /dev/sdc. sdb was my external drive with the iso on it, and
  other files. I am now unable to mount that drive. What, if anything, can I
  do to recover that drive?

If some sectors are3 not overwritten, you might eb able to rescue some files 
(pictures, textfiles or similar) by using foremost or scalpel.

Checkout a forensic livefile system. I suggest DEFT-7.2 (32-bit) or DEFT-8.0 
(only 64-bit).

It has got some nioce tools on it, so it might be not everything is lost.

Good luck!


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Problems creating preseed.cfg - syntax?

2013-10-13 Thread Richard Owlett

I'm having several problems getting desired results from preseeding.
My Environment:
  No internet/LAN
  Install media
 Debian GNU/Linux 7.1.0 Wheezy - Official i386 DVD 
Binary-1 20130615-21:54

  preseed.cfg on USB stick

Section B.4. Contents of the preconfiguration file (for wheezy) at states:

# Depending on what software you choose to install, or if things 
go wrong
# during the installation process, it's possible that other 
questions may
# be asked. You can preseed those too, of course. To get a list 
of every

# possible question that could be asked during an install, do an
# installation, and then run these commands:
#   debconf-get-selections --installer  file
#   debconf-get-selections  file

I also found the same information in B.3. Creating a 
preconfiguration file .

Unfortunately when I try bash responds command not found.
The existing install was a manual install from DVD1 using default 
answers except for user/password/etc. Confirmed debconf installed 
by checking with synaptic.

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Re: ukash hijacked iceweasel

2013-10-13 Thread Marko Randjelovic
On Sun, 13 Oct 2013 09:58:47 -0400
John Lindsay wrote:

 Somehow my iceweasel has been infected with the UKASH scam. I have tried 
 my kapersky rescue disc and it told me my system has been cleaned (this 
 disc was made late 2011/early 2012 and it did an update prior to 
 scanning). If I run iceweasel after a reboot the ukash blocker shows up. 
 How can I get rid of this without 'blowing' away all the info on my HD 
 (primarily icedove mail).

As far I see, Kaspersky supports only Windows. If you use Debian or
similar OS, try ClamAV.


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Re: apt-get vs. aptitude

2013-10-13 Thread Dmitrii Kashin
Morten Bo Johansen writes:

 Sure. But the gist of the discussion to me was the point of view of the
 naive user, i.e. how the two package managers behave out of the box.

Out of the box? Sorry, I'm frightened when I'm talking with oracle. I
see you can read so well between the lines. 

 No compelling arguments have been provided that one is better than the
 other in that respect.

Nobody in this thread told that one's better than other.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Problems creating preseed.cfg - syntax?

2013-10-13 Thread Curt
On 2013-10-13, Richard Owlett wrote:

 Unfortunately when I try bash responds command not found.

apt-get install debconf-utils

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Re: which file should I download

2013-10-13 Thread Marko Randjelovic
On Fri, 11 Oct 2013 01:36:56 +0530
Anjan Mitra wrote:

2013-06-16 01:39  3.7G
2013-06-16 01:39  4.4G
2013-06-16 01:39  4.4G
 2013-06-16 05:34  2.9G

Before installing Debian please read Installation Manual:
Otherwise you can lose your data.
In the manual there is also section about downloading installation
media and many other very useful information.


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Re: apt-get vs. aptitude

2013-10-13 Thread Dmitrii Kashin
Morten Bo Johansen writes:

 On 2013-10-13 Dmitrii Kashin wrote:

 I think that aptitude works quite well for the easiest cases. And it is
 the only instrument I know which allow to see dependency chains. It was
 dselect some time ago which could do it too as I know, but now it seems
 to be dead. BTW, it provides with good capabilities for searching
 through packages.

 Remember that aptitude has evolved quite a bit.

 The scenarios that you and some others describe are not necessarily
 pertinent anymore.

It was about a year ago.

 Most often, I find that I can solve dependency problems by simply not
 upgrading one or more packages. You do that easily...

...hold them with apt-mark. But I prefer pinning.

 For instance, at the moment the package xul-ext-greasemonkey is marked
 as upgradable on my system, but the package's metadata has Iceweasel
 in a non-installable version as a dependency. Aptitude wants to remove
 xul-ext-greasemonkey and apt-get wants to remove Iceweasel.

In this case apt-get usually wants to keep package not upgraded. And,
btw, why don't you use upgrade instead of dist-upgrade?

Well, folks, it was an interesting thread, but I think it needs to be
finished. We've just started another holywar discussion. It is sad.

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64-bit VM on 32-bit host OS on 64-bit hardware

2013-10-13 Thread Andre Majorel
Can you run an amd64 virtual machine if the host is running
Debian i386 ? The hardware would be a recent AMD CPU, so
Pacifica/AMD-V is available.

The virtualisation systems I'm most interested in are KVM and
Xen but if this sort of configuration is not possible under
every platform virtual machines, I'd like to know about it.

Thanks in advance.

André Majorel, a spammer's favourite.

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Re: apt-get vs. aptitude

2013-10-13 Thread Chris Bannister
On Sat, Oct 12, 2013 at 01:10:14PM -0300, msl09 wrote:
 Oh I have fond memories of aptitude breaking my system. Once it
 suggested me to remove most of my system, including apt, I thought it
 was going to upgrade it so I confirmed it. I had to reinstall apt from
 the debian packages website.
 In this new installation I gave it another try but when it started
 suggesting very weird plans(like remove all gnome packages) ...

It seems like aptitude has gotten a lot smarter lately. :)

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: apt-get vs. aptitude

2013-10-13 Thread Chris Bannister
On Sun, Oct 13, 2013 at 02:56:13AM +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 On Sat, 2013-10-12 at 19:40 -0400, Tom H wrote:
  I suspect that the problem's in the examples above are simply PEBKAC.
 Likely, since the libre to break a system temporarily sometimes is
 needed to fix issues, or to make transitions.
 We are humans, so something like Once it suggested me to remove most of
 my system, including apt, I thought it was going to upgrade it so I
 confirmed it happens from time to time. ...

Is it that badly worded?

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: 64-bit VM on 32-bit host OS on 64-bit hardware

2013-10-13 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sun, 2013-10-13 at 18:42 +0200, Andre Majorel wrote:
 Can you run an amd64 virtual machine if the host is running
 Debian i386 ? The hardware would be a recent AMD CPU, so
 Pacifica/AMD-V is available.
 The virtualisation systems I'm most interested in are KVM and
 Xen but if this sort of configuration is not possible under
 every platform virtual machines, I'd like to know about it. -- linux 32-bit host 64-bit guest --


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Re: which MTA to choose for a simple client?

2013-10-13 Thread Chris Bannister
On Thu, Oct 10, 2013 at 02:05:23PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
 May be 3 years ago now, but I tried various options back then, and
 mpop was the fastest (really fast compared to fetchmail) which did not
 have other problems for me, at that time.

Three years is a long time for a piece of software, a lot can improve in
that time. 

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: Problems preseeding Wheezy (7.1)

2013-10-13 Thread Tom H
On Sun, Oct 13, 2013 at 9:08 AM, Richard Owlett wrote:
 Tom H wrote:
 On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 3:32 PM, Richard Owlett
 Tom H wrote:
 On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 11:03 AM, Richard Owlett

 2. I base my preseed.cfg on the example at . Near the
 the install process I'm asked to specify a keyboard layout though one
 specified near the beginning of the file.

 Pass DEBCONF_DEBUG=5 to the commandline and, when the installation
 stops, switch to VT4 to see which preseed value is blocking the

 The relavant line appears to be
 Oct 11 19:15:56 debconf: -- INPUT critical keyboard-configuration/layout

 So you need to preseed keyboard-configuration/layout.

 How ;)
 I followed the pastern of a legal line I.E.:
  # keymap is an alias for keyboard-configuration/xkb-keymap
  d-i keymap select us
 I tried both:
 d-i keyboard-configuration/layout select English (US)
 d-i keyboard-configuration/layout select us
 neither worked.

 I found a workaround based on$mt5$
 by adding to the boot command
 keymap=us debian-installer/keymap=us

d-i keyboard-configuration/layout string us

What you added corresponds to
d-i debian-installer/keymap string us
but if it works, why not?

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Re: apt-get vs. aptitude

2013-10-13 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Mon, 2013-10-14 at 06:04 +1300, Chris Bannister wrote:
 On Sun, Oct 13, 2013 at 02:56:13AM +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
  On Sat, 2013-10-12 at 19:40 -0400, Tom H wrote:
   I suspect that the problem's in the examples above are simply PEBKAC.
  Likely, since the libre to break a system temporarily sometimes is
  needed to fix issues, or to make transitions.
  We are humans, so something like Once it suggested me to remove most of
  my system, including apt, I thought it was going to upgrade it so I
  confirmed it happens from time to time. ...
 Is it that badly worded?

No, but it's a mistake to enter yes after unconcentrated reading when
you're root. 1. Unconcentrated reading might cause that you're thinking
upgrade while it is a remove. 2. Even if it's an upgrade, check what
should be upgraded, before you upgrade. Perhaps the distro has got a
homepage with news about latest upgrades.

There's pathological dissociation, but also normal dissociation. It's
human to be unconcentrated. If a human e.g. drives each day the same
way from home to work by car, then it often happens that this quasi is
done unknowingly/automated. You still will notice traffic lights
etc., there's less risk by this normal dissociation, but if you do
something administrative this normality is dangerous, that's why means
of protection are needed. We should train to change our behaviour, when
doing something administrative, IOW after giving the root password and
we should make backups. Training this does work, but isn't perfect, so
we still could make a mistake.

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Re: Set widescreen resolution in console

2013-10-13 Thread Dmitrii Kashin
Antonio Paiva writes:

 I have recently acquired an old Sony Vaio PCG-C1VN (aka, a PictureBook)
 and installed Debian wheezy. The problem is that I can only get the
 *console* to run at 640x480 resolution.

 First of all, have you tried to boot your kernel with vga=ask option?

 I did try vga=ask but that option is no longer supported by the
 debian kernel.

Is new kernel essential?
For example, I am using Debian Jessie with a kernel 3.2 from Wheezy
release because of some driver problems.

If this is not a variant for you, I guess you should dig into
framebuffer info.

Description: PGP signature

Re: apt-get vs. aptitude

2013-10-13 Thread Frank McCormick

On 13/10/13 01:02 PM, Chris Bannister wrote:

On Sat, Oct 12, 2013 at 01:10:14PM -0300, msl09 wrote:

Oh I have fond memories of aptitude breaking my system. Once it
suggested me to remove most of my system, including apt, I thought it
was going to upgrade it so I confirmed it. I had to reinstall apt from
the debian packages website.

In this new installation I gave it another try but when it started
suggesting very weird plans(like remove all gnome packages) ...

It seems like aptitude has gotten a lot smarter lately. :)

  Not this morning it wasn't.

  Aptitude has been refusing to do a full upgrade on my Jessie system 
for the past two weeks because it said it needed xorg-video-abi-12 but 
it said it is not installable. Well, not so. I tried running Synaptic 
this morning and it had no problem finding what it needed and installing 
it. I still don't understand what the difference was but Synaptic did 
what aptitude said it couldn't do. What could be the difference ? Does 
Synaptic not use the same repo source files aptitude uses?


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Re: apt-get vs. aptitude

2013-10-13 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sun, 2013-10-13 at 13:44 -0400, Frank McCormick wrote:
 Does Synaptic not use the same repo source files aptitude uses?

IIRC it does, but it perhaps doesn't use the same configurations, e.g.
to hold packages. I don't remember and might confuse it with another
tool. Mixing tools could be tricky.

That different tools for the package management aren't in sync not only
is a drawback, it also could be an advantage in some situations.

Perhaps you're using one browser that allows cookies and another that
doesn't. Should this be synced for all browsers, so hat all allow or
don't allow cookies? For some users this might be perfect, but others
might want a browser, that does allow it and another that doesn't.

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Re: sysadmin qualifications (Re: apt-get vs. aptitude)

2013-10-13 Thread Chris Bannister
On Sat, Oct 12, 2013 at 12:11:01AM +0200, wrote:
 If you own a system you control it and can do whatever you like
 with it.
 You can give yourself whatever label you want (sysadmin,
 superuser, top
 dog etc) - it matters not. How about Debian Despot?
 Oh, of course, if you speak about giving yourself a label, then,
 fine. Take the one you want. But, it does not mean that you can
 claim to be a professional, or that you can say someone is a

Nowhere has anyone said that administering your own system makes you a
professional system administrator. But whether you like it or not, if
you own a linux system then you have to take up system administrator
duties, IOW you are *the* system administrator. 

 Take the label you want. But if you take the label of programmer
 because you can only write a hello world, and will own the source
 code. But then do not be surprised if other people gives you the
 label of liar.

WTF! What is this label business? Do qualifications exist in your
country?  When someone applies for a job, whatever label they give
themselves doesn't matter a hoot, if they don't have the necessary
experience/qualifications then they won't get the job.

Is the level of corruption in your country an issue in this regard?

 It is the same with sysadmin. You can own your computer, be only
 able to install softwares and use those excuses to label yourself a
 sysadmin. But then, other people are also free to give you the label
 of liar.

Don't confuse role and  profession/career. A person can be a weekend
mechanic (role) but not be a mechanic (profession/career). 

 The truth here is simple: you are not what you want, only other
 people can define who you really are.

That is very sad that you think this way.

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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RE: Set widescreen resolution in console

2013-10-13 Thread Stephen Powell
On Sat, 12 Oct 2013 16:14:14 -0400, Antonio Paiva wrote:
 On Fri, 11 Oct 2013 00:25:06 +0400, Dmitrii Kashin wrote:
 First of all, have you tried to boot your kernel with vga=ask option?
 Thank you Dmitrii.
 I did try vga=ask but that option is no longer supported by the
 debian kernel. On the grub console, I also tried vbeinfo and couldn't
 find the 1024x480 mode. And vbetest only worked with 640x480.

Strictly speaking, vga is not a kernel option.  That is, it cannot be
passed on the kernel command line.  It has to be specified by the boot
loader by zapping the kernel boot sector before transferring control to
the kernel.  There has to be special support in the boot loader for the
vga option.  As I said in a previous post, vga does not work with the
linux and initrd statements in grub2.  You have to use linux16 and
initrd16 instead.  See my previous post for more information.

I use the lilo boot loader, and the vga option works just fine with it,
even on current jessie kernels.

  .''`. Stephen Powell
 : :'  :
 `. `'`

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Re: mysteries with latest update

2013-10-13 Thread Ross Boylan
Thanks everyone for the feedback.  Bob asked for more information about
what is going on with my system. I have some dead or detached disks; since
they might come back I don't want to eliminate them from LVM's knowledge

Here's the fuller story.  It seems simplest to  explain chronologically.

In the beginning was a system with a mix of IDE and SATA disks.  Some of
these had been in other systems before, and there were 2 separate LVM
volume groups.  The computer and the primary (SATA) disk died.

I had another, diskless, PC, to which I attached a new drive (call it fred)
and installed a new system.  That was Debian wheezy just before release.  I
attached some of the other drives through a drive case and fiddled with

Then I got a new, regular PC, which came with a SSD on sda that had Ubuntu
preinstalled.  I moved most of the non-damaged disks to the new system.  It
has limited IDE and so I only attached one of those.  fred is my primary
boot disk on the new machine.  Since then, the IDE drive seems to have
died, but it may be just a cabling issue.

Someone suggested I might be able to recover the original dead SATA drive
by putting it in the freezer.

So all of the disks that are detached might come back, either because I fix
the failure or attach the IDE.  Thus I do not  want to removed them from
LVM just yet.  On the other hand, I have backups, and so I am
reconstructing using them rather than monkeying around with the absent

The one other oddity is that one of the GPT tables has gotten a little funky
Using /dev/sde
(parted) p
Error: The backup GPT table is corrupt, but the primary appears OK, so that
will be used.
OK/Cancel? OK
Warning: Not all of the space available to /dev/sde appears to be used, you
can fix the GPT to use all of the space (an extra 4 blocks) or continue
with the
current setting?
Fix/Ignore? I
Model: WDC WD20 EARS-00MVWB0 (scsi)
Disk /dev/sde: 2000GB
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
Partition Table: gpt

Number  Start   End SizeFile system  Name  Flags
 1  20.5kB  1000MB  1000MB   1
 2  1000MB  2000GB  1999GB   2
I'm not sure what's going on; I definitely did some manipulations on the
GPT table, but since they were all with standard tools I don't know why it
would be corrupt. Again, I've been deferring any action, including the
suggested repair, to focus on other things.

Because some of the LVM VG's are incomplete, rebooting is a bit rough.  The
usual scripts detect there is a problem and drop me into a shell in the
initrd.  vgchange -ay and some crypto stuff gets the disks in shape, and I
can then proceed with the pivot to my regular OS.


Re: sysadmin qualifications (Re: apt-get vs. aptitude)

2013-10-13 Thread Chris Bannister
On Sat, Oct 12, 2013 at 09:19:18PM +0100, Joe wrote:
  though most include routers and other
  useless stuff.
  ..when it is normally customary to refer to them as routers. Pedants
 might call them modem-routers, but nobody else does. 

Um, you can get routers without a modem, so the difference is important
and not just pedantry!

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Logitech unified wireless

2013-10-13 Thread Catherine Gramze
I ran into a snag getting this set up on my new computer. I found a gem
of info online, telling me I had to use a USB 2 port and not a USB 3
port, but it still wouldn't work.

I finally figured out it was a pairing problem, due to me having
multiple keyboards, mice, and unifying receivers. I used the Logitech
app on my Mac to set which keyboard went with which receiver, and after
some musical receiver plugging and unplugging it all works perfectly

Just thought I would share in case anybody else runs into this scenario.

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Re: Installing Cinnamon 2.0

2013-10-13 Thread Chris Bannister
On Sat, Oct 12, 2013 at 04:48:12PM +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
  This has nothing to do with Windows.  You need to set your MUA to use word 
  wrap.  Stop bitching about Windows and fix your MUA.

Umm no. The above is what *YOU* sent!

 Official third party repository :D.
 Your MUA is broken, not my MUA!


If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: ukash hijacked iceweasel

2013-10-13 Thread recoverym4n

 On Sun, 2013-10-13 at 09:58 -0400, John Lindsay wrote:
 IIUC this is the thingy that doesn't allow to close a tab. When this
 happens for Firefox here, I kill Firefox and then start it again.
 Firefox usually asks, if the last session should be restored or not, so
 don't restore the killed session. If Firefox shouldn't ask but
 automatically restore the killed session, then it usually does work, to
 close the tabs, before the site is loaded. After this Firefox is ok
 again and can be closed and opened without issues.

Disable javascript, reload offending tab (optional), close offending
tab, enable javascript.
I mean, why bother with complex solutions if there are simple ones?


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Re: Problems preseeding Wheezy (7.1)

2013-10-13 Thread Richard Owlett

Tom H wrote:

On Sun, Oct 13, 2013 at 9:08 AM, Richard Owlett wrote:

Tom H wrote:

On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 3:32 PM, Richard Owlett

Tom H wrote:

On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 11:03 AM, Richard Owlett

2. I base my preseed.cfg on the example at . Near the
the install process I'm asked to specify a keyboard layout though one
specified near the beginning of the file.

Pass DEBCONF_DEBUG=5 to the commandline and, when the installation
stops, switch to VT4 to see which preseed value is blocking the

The relavant line appears to be
Oct 11 19:15:56 debconf: -- INPUT critical keyboard-configuration/layout

So you need to preseed keyboard-configuration/layout.

How ;)
I followed the pastern of a legal line I.E.:
  # keymap is an alias for keyboard-configuration/xkb-keymap
  d-i keymap select us
I tried both:
 d-i keyboard-configuration/layout select English (US)
 d-i keyboard-configuration/layout select us
neither worked.

I found a workaround based on$mt5$
by adding to the boot command
 keymap=us debian-installer/keymap=us

d-i keyboard-configuration/layout string us

Just tried. It didn't apparently do anything. I'm still prompted 
to specify keyboard layout :

What you added corresponds to
d-i debian-installer/keymap string us

Hmmm that works in preseed.cfg.

but if it works, why not?

'Cause I see lots of installs in my future.
'Cause I've detail oriented outlook. I want to know how things 
work want them to work right.

Have I found a bug? Should it be filed against the software or 
the documentation?

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Re: virtualbox fails to compile module on 3.10

2013-10-13 Thread recoverym4n

On Sun, 13 Oct 2013 11:20:07 +0200
Nickolay Todoroff wrote:

 I'm stuck with the same problem as Kent. I'm running on Wheezy with the
 3.10-0.bpo.3-amd64 kernel (backports).
 The problem is actually that the virtualbox versions (esp. the OSE one)
 from the repositories do not work with new kernels (newer than 3.2 as
 far as I checked). It is clear that we can install the Oracle version,
 however it is not optimal.

The source of your problem is - you've installed backported kernel, but
didn't install backported virtualbox module source.

Please consider installing these packages (and upgrade your
virtualbox to 4.2.16 from backports):


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Re: Re: virtualbox fails to compile module on 3.10

2013-10-13 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Sun, Oct 13, 2013 at 11:20:07AM +0200, Nickolay Todoroff wrote:
 Dear Ralf, dear Hugo,
 I'm stuck with the same problem as Kent. I'm running on Wheezy with the
 3.10-0.bpo.3-amd64 kernel (backports).
 The problem is actually that the virtualbox versions (esp. the OSE one)
 from the repositories do not work with new kernels (newer than 3.2 as
 far as I checked). It is clear that we can install the Oracle version,
 however it is not optimal.

I am neither Ralf or Hugo, but I do have a suggestion which I think
will help you. Why not simply install virtualbox from
wheezy-backports? I think that should solve this issue. BTW, there is
no such thing as virtualbox-ose anymore. That's a transitional package
only nowadays.


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xtrs z80

2013-10-13 Thread Beco
Hi guys,

Is xtrs broken under wheezy?

I cant manage to run it. I only get a blank window.

Anyone here uses it?


Dr Beco
A.I. researcher

Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye. (H. Jackson Brown Jr.)

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Re: Oops - copied iso image to wrong device

2013-10-13 Thread Jonathan Dowland
On Sun, Oct 13, 2013 at 11:00:50AM +0100, Brian wrote:
 The data on the drive are gone. Do
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb count=1
 to remove all traces of the iso you put on it and start from scratch.

…why? As things currently stand, the user could possibly reconstruct
the partition table and recover most of their data, or, use forensic
recovery tools that don't rely on the FS being intact to identify and
recover bits past the ISO-length offset into the drive.

If they do as you suggest, they rule out any of the above recovery
options. What do they gain?

If they are to write off the drive, they could plop a new partition
table on top of things as they stand, mkfs on the partitions, and start
over, without  having to wait for the dd to complete.

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Re: Installing Cinnamon 2.0

2013-10-13 Thread Bob Proulx
Mark Allums wrote:
 Ralf Mardorf wrote:
  I don't nag about endless lines,
  It's not the end of the world, but unfavourable when you argument about
  not running into issues with your computer, while causing issues for the
  list, when you're using Windows, 
  IOW you might not experience issues with your computer, with Mate and/or
  Windows, but you at least cause issues when using Windows. 

I believe it is _possible_ to use Windows without causing problems.
In theory anyway.  But it is definitely very much harder to do so.

 This has nothing to do with Windows.  You need to set your MUA to
 use word wrap.  Stop bitching about Windows and fix your MUA.

Negative.  This is controlled by the sender.  If you want your text to
be word wrapped by the reader then the sender is obliged to set
format=flowed.  Outlook has long been wrongly sending long lined
messages without using that setting.  But it is wrong.


Description: Digital signature

Re: linux-image-3.10-3-amd64 unbootable: /dev/disk/by-uuid not created

2013-10-13 Thread Bob Proulx
Sven Hartge wrote:
 I have the same problem as Jesse, roughly since the update to mdadm-3.3
 in Sid.

I am using mdadm 3.3-1 in Sid on the machine I am typing this on now.
But I am using LVM which might be the difference.  With LVM the UUIDs
are present but are one layer deeper in the LVM PV layer.

 Suddenly, only UUID symlinks to real devices are present in
 /dev/disk/by-uuid while inside the initramfs, links to device-mapper
 devices or md-devices are missing.


 I am able to boot if I set GRUB_DISABLE_LINUX_UUID=true in
 /etc/default/grub, because that sets root=/dev/md0 instead of

Can you verify that the UUID of your root device and the UUID that
doesn't boot on grub's kernel command line are the same?

And old Squeeze system shows me an example.  (Couldn't find anything
newer that I am not using LVM upon.)

  $ cat /proc/cmdline
root=UUID=afa0808e-1e61-4b83-b0bd-ce98aa89fe64 ro quiet

  # blkid
  /dev/sda5: UUID=afa0808e-1e61-4b83-b0bd-ce98aa89fe64 TYPE=ext3 

The UUIDs match.  All is good.  Can you check to see if they do or do
not match on your system?  I suspect that they do not match and that
is why the system will not boot.  Because if they match then it should
work.  This is the default when booting Debian Wheezy on installations
(not using LVM).

[An LVM example for comparison so people aren't wondering why it
doesn't have uuids present.

  $ cat /proc/cmdline 
  BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-3.10-2-amd64 root=/dev/mapper/v1-root ro quiet

With LVM the UUID is stored in the PV and LV metadata.

  # pvdisplay | less
PV Name  /dev/md1
PV UUID  Rh2aRI-Y5Ga-1epS-uT03-fFl8-eSTg-gxPEPa
  # lvdisplay | less
LV Path  /dev/v1/root
LV UUID  FtNPli-89Qg-0RoL-U7uX-CPxE-T7m7-Un3vsp


Description: Digital signature

Re: Oops - copied iso image to wrong device

2013-10-13 Thread Brian
On Sun 13 Oct 2013 at 21:49:40 +0100, Jonathan Dowland wrote:

 On Sun, Oct 13, 2013 at 11:00:50AM +0100, Brian wrote:
  The data on the drive are gone. Do
 dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb count=1
  to remove all traces of the iso you put on it and start from scratch.
 …why? As things currently stand, the user could possibly reconstruct
 the partition table and recover most of their data, or, use forensic
 recovery tools that don't rely on the FS being intact to identify and
 recover bits past the ISO-length offset into the drive.
 If they do as you suggest, they rule out any of the above recovery
 options. What do they gain?

Time to enjoy the finer things in life? The OP would have to weigh up
the benefits of possibly being able to recover data etc as against
definitely being able to restore from a backup.

 If they are to write off the drive, they could plop a new partition
 table on top of things as they stand, mkfs on the partitions, and start
 over, without  having to wait for the dd to complete.

The dd command was recommended on the off-chance GRUB might be put on 
the drive now or in the future; it will refuse to install.

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Re: ukash hijacked iceweasel

2013-10-13 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Mon, 2013-10-14 at 00:06 +0400, wrote:
  On Sun, 2013-10-13 at 09:58 -0400, John Lindsay wrote:
  IIUC this is the thingy that doesn't allow to close a tab. When this
  happens for Firefox here, I kill Firefox and then start it again.
  Firefox usually asks, if the last session should be restored or not, so
  don't restore the killed session. If Firefox shouldn't ask but
  automatically restore the killed session, then it usually does work, to
  close the tabs, before the site is loaded. After this Firefox is ok
  again and can be closed and opened without issues.
 Disable javascript, reload offending tab (optional), close offending
 tab, enable javascript.
 I mean, why bother with complex solutions if there are simple ones?

I never tried it that way, because I couldn't find where to disable it
and I had no time to do research when this issue happened. Just for fun
I tried to find where it can be disabled for Firefox 24.0 right now, but
I couldn't find it ;).

I've got Ghostery installed, I'm using Ghostery to detect trackers, but
I can't find how to use it to disable scripts.

IOW disabling javascript is much more work, assumed you won't install
many add-ons. I'm only using 2 add-ons, Ghostery and Anonymox.

My Firefox ERS 17.0.9 (Vidalia/TOR) provides to disable javascript by
Edit  Preferences  Content, but I usually don't use the TOR browser or
outdated versions of Firefox.

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Re: Installing Cinnamon 2.0

2013-10-13 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sun, 2013-10-13 at 15:23 -0600, Bob Proulx wrote:
 If you want your text to be word wrapped by the reader then the sender
 is obliged to set format=flowed.  Outlook has long been wrongly
 sending long lined messages without using that setting.  But it is

Exactly! It would be idiotic if a reader would format the mails, because
the sender is the author and to format the text is part of the message.

To expect that the reader should format the text, is like sending an
empty mail and to ask the reader to write the test on her/his own.

And btw. I agree that it's possible to use Windows without causing
trouble, hence my argumentation against current version of Mate. Not to
care about all aspects and then to call others blind Mate haters or to
blame the receiver, because the sender is to lazy to get his homework
done, is what I expect from averaged inexperienced Windows users, but I
don't want it to become policy for Linux.


Wrap your lines at 80 characters or less for ordinary discussion. Lines
longer than 80 characters are acceptable for computer-generated output
(e.g., ls -l). -

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Re: Problems creating preseed.cfg - syntax?

2013-10-13 Thread Bob Proulx
Richard Owlett wrote:
 I'm having several problems getting desired results from preseeding.
 My Environment:
   No internet/LAN
   Install media
  Debian GNU/Linux 7.1.0 Wheezy - Official i386 DVD Binary-1 
   preseed.cfg on USB stick

You and Brian and I had an good discussion about this last year.  Well
I thought Brian and I had a great discussion anyway.  :-)

I still think you should consider a LAN (local, with emphasis on
local, network) for your case.  I understand you don't want to use a
WAN in any way.  That's fine.  But a LAN is not a WAN.

Second best I think you should create a custom initrd on your usb
installation image.  Then put those early preseed questions there.
That seems the most trouble free way.

I should play with the USB preseed.  I don't know enough about it.
But reading through the docs it just didn't seem like the best way to
do things.  Which is why I headed straigth for the initrd preseed.

 # To get a list of every possible question that could be asked
 # during an install, do an installation, and then run these commands:
 #   debconf-get-selections --installer  file
 #   debconf-get-selections  file

Just a general comment about that strategy.  That is a good way to get
a raw dump of everything.  I have even seen it recommended to use that
file as the preseed file.  But I think that is not maintainable.  It
is too much of a raw dump.  I did that too originally.  But then I
found it better to list the minimum configuration needed and to
comment each one appropriately.  So while it is reasonable to start
out that way eventually you outgrow it.

 Unfortunately when I try bash responds command not found.
 The existing install was a manual install from DVD1 using default
 answers except for user/password/etc. Confirmed debconf installed by
 checking with synaptic.

Install debconf-utils.  /usr/bin/debconf-get-selections is in the
debconf-utils package.

There are two ways to find out what package contains a file.

  # apt-get install apt-file
  # apt-file update
  $ apt-file search /usr/bin/debconf-get-selections
  debconf-utils: /usr/bin/debconf-get-selections

And there is an online search form for just such things too.

Scroll down to Search the contents of packages.  Paste in the file
path /usr/bin/debconf-get-selections.  Optionally set the
Distribution.  Click Search.

  File Packages
  /usr/bin/debconf-get-selections  debconf-utils


Description: Digital signature

Re: apt-get vs. aptitude

2013-10-13 Thread Osamu Aoki

There used to be a very similar discussion on the Debian Devel mailing

On Sun, Oct 13, 2013 at 11:46:41AM +0400, Dmitrii Kashin wrote:
 Tom H writes:
  Oh I have fond memories of aptitude breaking my system. Once it
  suggested me to remove most of my system, including apt, I thought it
  was going to upgrade it so I confirmed it. I had to reinstall apt from
  the debian packages website.
  In this new installation I gave it another try but when it started
  suggesting very weird plans (like remove all gnome packages) I happily
  went back to apt and never looked back.
  If aptitude's such a destructive package, why is it still in the 
 I think that aptitude works quite well for the easiest cases. And it is
 the only instrument I know which allow to see dependency chains. It was
 dselect some time ago which could do it too as I know, but now it seems
 to be dead. BTW, it provides with good capabilities for searching
 through packages.

Also aptitude is a nice browser to see available package interactively.

dpkg (1.17.1) was uploaded on 28 Jul 2013.  So calling dselect dead is
not correct.  (I agree the days for the dselect popularity is gone but it
is not dead.)

 There're quite good beginnings in this project as you can see. So it's
 popular and is in the repository.

Aptitude is still a good interactive tool.

But neither the Release Notes or Debian Reference mention aptutide as
the primary tool for the system upgrade any more.  There is a reason
behind this change.

Also, in 2.2.1. apt-get / apt-cache vs. aptitude(*) of Debian Reference,
I have note to address this issue as:

| Although the aptitude command comes with rich features such as its
| enhanced package resolver, this complexity has caused (or may still
| causes) some regressions such as Bug #411123, Bug #514930, and Bug
| #570377. In case of doubt, please use the apt-get and apt-cache commands
| over the aptitude command.


Recent Release Notes only uses apt-get and apt-cache in it.


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Re: mysteries with latest update

2013-10-13 Thread Bob Proulx
Ross Boylan wrote:
 Thanks everyone for the feedback.  Bob asked for more information about
 what is going on with my system.

Thanks for the story!  It really does help make more sense of your
setup there.

 I have some dead or detached disks; since they might come back I
 don't want to eliminate them from LVM's knowledge yet.

With your fuller explanation I understand your sentiment and
reasoning.  But continuing to run your system with partial physical
drives is going to make it more fragile.  I am actually a little
amazed that it is doing as well as it is under the circumstances!  I
would only encourage you to push through and get to conclusion.
(Although I am as guilty as anyone for having some of these projects
go on and on for extended time.)  Because for as long as things are
left in a somewhat betwixt and between state it is going to be more
fragile than it could be if it were concluded.  But along the way you
will learn a lot and have the more experience for having done it.

 So all of the disks that are detached might come back, either because I fix
 the failure or attach the IDE.  Thus I do not  want to removed them from
 LVM just yet.  On the other hand, I have backups, and so I am
 reconstructing using them rather than monkeying around with the absent

Yay for backups!  :-)

 The one other oddity is that one of the GPT tables has gotten a little funky
 I'm not sure what's going on; I definitely did some manipulations on the
 GPT table, but since they were all with standard tools I don't know why it
 would be corrupt.

Because of the changes to Advanced Format and other partition tables
and so forth many of the tools that work on partitions have been
changed.  I often see new tools complain about work done by older
tools.  And older tools don't understand the work done by newer
tools.  Basically there is a lot of incompatibility among the
partition tools in this, say, two-to-five year window of tools.
Eventually everything will be moved forward.  But how long will this
take?  Who knows.  In the meantime I am right there with you seeing
various incompatibilities.

 Because some of the LVM VG's are incomplete, rebooting is a bit rough.  The
 usual scripts detect there is a problem and drop me into a shell in the
 initrd.  vgchange -ay and some crypto stuff gets the disks in shape, and I
 can then proceed with the pivot to my regular OS.

$Begin Off-Topic Drift$
I ran into a very similar problem with a CentOS system some time ago.
I had added another disk to the machine.  I had included it in the
volume group.  The machine booted fine.  I thought all was good.  Then
later I needed to increase the space on the root partition.  All
seemingly good.  But then two months later the machine would not
reboot.  I had unknowingly created a terrible problem.

By default CentOS sets rd_MD_UUID=w-x-y-z on the command line.  I had
not updated grub for the new volume group.  This had worked initially
because on CentOS if the root filesystem can be launched with partial
PVs then it will continue silently.  But later when I expanded the
root file system some of the space came from the recently added PV.
At that point it would no longer boot because the root file system
needed space from a PV not listed in an rd_MD_UUID.

On CentOS the two possible fixes would be to add in the additional
rd_MD_UUID's needed for each additional PV.  Or remove it entirely and
let it automatically assemble all dynamically found drives.  I chose
the latter since I am not booting it with additional disks on it.  But
in general dynamically assembling can cause problems.  Add a disk from
a recovery system and it will be automatically added.  Not good.  I am
rather happy with Debian's strategy which I think is better now that I
have been through the RHEL/CentOS way.
$End Off-Topic Drift$


Description: Digital signature

broken links after 7.2.0 release

2013-10-13 Thread Fred Ulisses Maranhão

It seems that after the 7.2.0 release, page contains a lot of broken links

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Re: broken links after 7.2.0 release

2013-10-13 Thread Bob Proulx
Fred Ulisses Maranhão wrote:
 It seems that after the 7.2.0 release, page contains a lot of broken links

Since 7.2 just released it may take a short time for everything to
catch up.  It will take a while for all of the mirrors to sync.  It is
hard to make a release and have everything happen all at once.
Expecially where there is so very much that needs to happen.

I also saw that this problem was reported to the debian-cd mailing
list too.  So the powers-that-be have been notified.

I suggest waiting another day and then checking back.


Description: Digital signature

Re: Set widescreen resolution in console

2013-10-13 Thread Antonio Paiva
I don't have to use the new kernel. Whatever works... But, what is Debian

On Sun, Oct 13, 2013 at 12:40 PM, Dmitrii Kashin wrote:

 Antonio Paiva writes:

  I have recently acquired an old Sony Vaio PCG-C1VN (aka, a
  and installed Debian wheezy. The problem is that I can only get the
  *console* to run at 640x480 resolution.
  First of all, have you tried to boot your kernel with vga=ask option?
  I did try vga=ask but that option is no longer supported by the
  debian kernel.

 Is new kernel essential?
 For example, I am using Debian Jessie with a kernel 3.2 from Wheezy
 release because of some driver problems.

 If this is not a variant for you, I guess you should dig into
 framebuffer info.

Re: linux-image-3.10-3-amd64 unbootable: /dev/disk/by-uuid not created

2013-10-13 Thread Sven Hartge
Bob Proulx wrote:
 Sven Hartge wrote:

 I have the same problem as Jesse, roughly since the update to
 mdadm-3.3 in Sid.

 I am using mdadm 3.3-1 in Sid on the machine I am typing this on now.
 But I am using LVM which might be the difference.  With LVM the UUIDs
 are present but are one layer deeper in the LVM PV layer.

 Suddenly, only UUID symlinks to real devices are present in
 /dev/disk/by-uuid while inside the initramfs, links to device-mapper
 devices or md-devices are missing.


 I am able to boot if I set GRUB_DISABLE_LINUX_UUID=true in
 /etc/default/grub, because that sets root=/dev/md0 instead of

 Can you verify that the UUID of your root device and the UUID that
 doesn't boot on grub's kernel command line are the same?

Absolutely. I used blkid inside the initramfs and the UUID of the
filesystem on /dev/md0 matches the one referenced from /proc/cmdline for

 The UUIDs match.  All is good.  Can you check to see if they do or do
 not match on your system?  I suspect that they do not match and that
 is why the system will not boot.  Because if they match then it should
 work.  This is the default when booting Debian Wheezy on installations
 (not using LVM).

The UUIDs match in my case and the system does not boot, because those
very UUIDs are not symlinked via /dev/disb/by-uuid/...
If I manually add the missing symlinks, I am able to continue booting.

Just out of curiosity I added a ridiculous long rootdelay of 300 to
check if the symlinks will appear eventually but this didn't change
anything (which would have surprised me anyhow).


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Re: linux-image-3.10-3-amd64 unbootable: /dev/disk/by-uuid not created

2013-10-13 Thread Sven Hartge
Bob Proulx wrote:

 The UUIDs match.  All is good.  Can you check to see if they do or do
 not match on your system?  I suspect that they do not match and that
 is why the system will not boot.  Because if they match then it should
 work.  This is the default when booting Debian Wheezy on installations
 (not using LVM).

BTW: we (or at least I am) are not talking about Wheezy here but about

My Wheezy systems continue to boot splendidly via root=UUID=...


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