Re: Duda nombre de carpetas con espacios

2014-02-22 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 21 Feb 2014 16:37:12 -0500, Ismael L. Donis Garcia escribió:

 Estoy intentando realizar un script que va a ser ejecutado sh
 Pero resulta que dentro existe una carpeta que tiene espacios y no logro
 que me funcione:
 He intentado de mil formas, pero ninguna me funciona:
 DIR=/mnt/Salvas/Bases de Datos/diarias 
 DIR=/mnt/Salvas/Bases\ de\ Datos/diarias 
 DIR=/mnt/Salvas/'Bases de Datos'/diarias
 Pero de ninguna forma va.

Hum... veamos:

sm01@stt008:~$ cat Escritorio/ 

DIR1=/mnt/Salvas/Bases de Datos/diarias; echo $DIR1
DIR2=/mnt/Salvas/Bases\ de\ Datos/diarias; echo $DIR2
DIR3=/mnt/Salvas/'Bases de Datos'/diarias; echo $DIR3

sm01@stt008:~$ sh Escritorio/ 
Escritorio/ 3: Escritorio/ de: not found

/mnt/Salvas/Bases de Datos/diarias
/mnt/Salvas/Bases de Datos/diarias

Salvo la primera el resto parece funcionar sin problemas. ¿Qué error te 

 Como solventar esto sin eliminar los espacios?

Prueba a depurar el error tú mismo y si no te entiendes manda la salida a 
la lista:

sm01@stt008:~$ sh -x Escritorio/ 
+ DIR1=/mnt/Salvas/Bases de Datos/diarias
Escritorio/ 1: Escritorio/ de: not found
+ echo

+ DIR2=/mnt/Salvas/Bases de Datos/diarias
+ echo /mnt/Salvas/Bases de Datos/diarias
/mnt/Salvas/Bases de Datos/diarias
+ DIR3=/mnt/Salvas/Bases de Datos/diarias
+ echo /mnt/Salvas/Bases de Datos/diarias
/mnt/Salvas/Bases de Datos/diarias



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Re: Duda nombre de carpetas con espacios

2014-02-22 Thread Eduardo A . Bustamante López
On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 04:37:12PM -0500, Ismael L. Donis Garcia wrote:
 Estoy intentando realizar un script que va a ser ejecutado sh
 Pero resulta que dentro existe una carpeta que tiene espacios y no
 logro que me funcione:
 He intentado de mil formas, pero ninguna me funciona:
 DIR=/mnt/Salvas/Bases de Datos/diarias
 DIR=/mnt/Salvas/Bases\ de\ Datos/diarias
 DIR=/mnt/Salvas/'Bases de Datos'/diarias
 Pero de ninguna forma va.
 Como solventar esto sin eliminar los espacios?
Creo que ya un listero comentó, pero yo quiero recalcar en la
IMPORTANCIA de esto, ya que veo que los que te están pasando
sugerencias no tienen idea de lo que hablan.

Es de GRAN importancia que cuando utilices una variable, la protejas
con comillas dobles. Esto es, usa $variable, nunca $variable. La
razón es un poco compleja, pero haré mi intento para simplificar.

Por estándar, el shell está mandado a aplicar estos dos pasos, a
aquellas variables que se expanden SIN resguardar con comillas

1. Fragmentación en palabras
2. Expansión de patrones de tipo glob

La fragmentación en palabras significa que si tu variable contiene
espacios, al expandirla SIN comillas, el shell partirá lo que se
considera como una sola palabra, en múltiples, utilizando los
espacios como punto de fragmentación.

Esto lo puedes ver muy simple con este código:

dualbus@debian:~$ args(){ printf '%s' $@; printf \\n; }
dualbus@debian:~$ var='variable con espacios'
dualbus@debian:~$ args $var
dualbus@debian:~$ args $var
variable con espacios

Si notas, en el primer caso, args recibe 3 argumentos, 'variable',
'con', y 'espacios', cada uno de forma individual. En el segundo
caso, cuando está entre comillas dobles, lo recibe como un solo
argumento (en tu caso es lo que buscas, que se preserve el nombre de
archivo como uno solo).

Nota: nunca uses el comando 'echo' para diagnosticar este tipo de
asuntos. Es inútil, ya que no puedes distinguir entre:

echo 'hola mundo'


echo hola mundo

que en realidad son comandos muy diferentes.

Ahora, para guardar espacios en el nombre es bastante sencillo, de
hecho hay tres maneras típicas:

1.- var='mi variable con espacios'
2.- var=mi variable con espacios
3.- var=mi\ variable\ con\ espacios

Nota que no usé la aberración que es:

var=mi\ variable\ con\ espacios # esto está MAL, MAL

Así que hasta el momento ya vimos cómo evitar que se pierdan tus
espacios, y cómo ponerlos en tus variables.

Una cosa particular es que puede que esté algún caracter adicional en
el nombre que no estés notando. Para diagnosticar esto, te recomiendo
hagas un:

printf '%q\n' /mnt/Salvas/Bases*

(nota, no omitas ningún caracter)

Con este comando, podrás darte cuenta de si hay algún caracter
escondido en el nombre que no estés notando. Y la ventaja es que su
resultado lo puedes usar para definir la variable:

dualbus@debian:~$ mkdir 'Nombre Con Espacios'
dualbus@debian:~$ printf '%q\n' Nombre*
Nombre\ Con\ Espacios

por lo que puedes hacer:

nombre=Nombre\ Con\ Espacios

También, como recomendó otro listero, puedes usar sh -x tuscript para
diagnosticar problemas, y ver que realmente haga lo que tú pretendes.

En resúmen: Para guardar cadenas con espacios basta con utilizar ya
sea comillas sencillas ('), dobles (), o el contradiagonal (\). Esto
es para *guardar* en la variable. Para utilizar la variable, y que no
se *pierdan* los espacios, recuerda poner la variable entre comillas
dobles: $var, nunca $var.

De tal forma que al final tengas algo así:

DIR='/mnt/Salvas/Bases de Datos/diarias'
echo prueba  $DIR/archivo-de-prueba

Este es un ejemplo de como utilizar la variable para crear un archivo
dentro del directorio.


Eduardo Alan Bustamante López

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Re: OT - autofs y tmpfs

2014-02-22 Thread Juan José López
El Fri, 21 Feb 2014 15:15:32 + (UTC)
Camaleón escribió:
 El Thu, 20 Feb 2014 22:19:02 +0100, Juanjo López escribió:
 (ese html...)

Perdón; envié envie desde el cliente WEB de GMail, y hace mucho que no
lo uso. Esta respuesta va desde claws-mail :-)

  Recientemente, he instalado un SSD como segundo disco duro, con una
  partición F2FS para /.
  /home se encuentra en esa misma partición.
  El objetivo es minimizar las escrituras en este disco SSD, por lo
  que había pensado en lo siguiente:
  * Para cada usuario, crear un archivo .tar en /var/local, que
  contenga todos los archivos de su home.
  * En auto.master, crear un mapa para el directorio /home:
  '/home  program:/usr/local/bin/autohome'
  Cada vez que un usuario entre al sistema, el script que genera el
  mapa se encarga de extraer el tar bajo /tmp/home ( /tmp es tmpfs ),
  y devuelve a su vez un mapa del tipo '$NAME  -fstype=bind 
 Uhhh... uséase, que la /home esté en la memoria RAM, pero ¿no es un
 poco arriesgado? Si la sincronización falla podrías perder datos :-?

Es un equipo doméstico. Ni mis niños ni sus padres trabajan con 'datos
críticos'. De todas formas, un pequeño script desde cron minimiza
pérdidas. ;-)

  Hasta aquí, todo OK. El problema es:  ¿ como actualizar el tar con
  los datos de cada usuario al desmontar su /home ??
  No encuentro ninguna forma de ejecutar ningún tipo de script al
  desmontar el directorio, con lo que los datos de cada usuario no son
  volcados a su archivo .tar correspondiente, y cualquier cambio se
  He pensado en poner un script en cron que actualice los datos del
  usuario cada cierto tiempo (si es que hay cambios), por ejemplo con
  rsync (y eliminar el tar del esquema), pero no me parece una
  solución elegante, y siempre puede suceder que un usuario salga
  antes de que el cron llame al script de sincronización y se pierdan
  los últimos cambios.
  ¿ Alguna sugerencia ?
 Lo del archivo .tar se me escapa, pero creo que este sistema te
 podría servir:
 Ubuntu thumb drive

Lo del tar es una 'pijada'. En vez de guardar los datos en un
directorio, hacerlo dentro de un archivo tar. Ya lo he eliminado del

Efectivamente, lo que quiero realizar es algo como lo que explican en
el enlace.

En un principio, la idea era utilizar autofs para montar los
directorios de los usuarios en tmpfs, sincronizandolos con un archivo
tar (eliminado del esquema), o desde un directorio.

Este sistema tiene un inconveniente: algunos programas, como por
ejemplo 'lightdm', acceden a TODOS los directorios de los usuarios
buscando ciertos archivos. Por ejemplo, 'lightdm' busca los archivos
'.face' para mostrar las imágenes de los usuarios. Si utilizo autofs,
se cargan en memória todos los directorios /home/, lo cual no es

Actualmente, estoy experimentando con otra secuencia, en varios pasos:

1.- Arranque del sistema. Se crean y sincronizan los directorios /home/
de todos los usuarios, copiando tan solo ciertos datos (archivos .face
en este caso).

2.- libpam-script, que a su vez ejecuta un script cada vez que un
usuario INICIA sesión. Un rsync y listo.

3.- Un script en cron, que periodicamente (cada 15 minutos) realice un
rsync de los directorios /home/ de los USUARIOS LOGUEADOS.

4.- libpam-script, que a su vez ejecuta un script cada vez que un
usuario FINALIZA sesión. Otro rsync.

Estoy en ello; si os resulta interesante, cuando lo termine posteo los
detalles exactos. Creo que puede resultar útil para algunos.

En lo referente a la pregunta inicial, alguna forma de ejecutar algo al
desmontar una unidad, no he encontrado nada relevante. Aparece por ahí
algo sobre programas auxiliares, del tipo umount.smb, pero no he
profundizado. Como ya he comentado, el automontaje presenta ciertos
inconvenientes, por lo que he descartado esa ruta de acción.



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Re: Duda nombre de carpetas con espacios

2014-02-22 Thread jEsuSdA 8)

El 22/02/14 17:12, Eduardo A. Bustamante López escribió:

On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 04:37:12PM -0500, Ismael L. Donis Garcia wrote:

Estoy intentando realizar un script que va a ser ejecutado sh

Pero resulta que dentro existe una carpeta que tiene espacios y no
logro que me funcione:

He intentado de mil formas, pero ninguna me funciona:

DIR=/mnt/Salvas/Bases de Datos/diarias
DIR=/mnt/Salvas/Bases\ de\ Datos/diarias
DIR=/mnt/Salvas/'Bases de Datos'/diarias

Pero de ninguna forma va.

Como solventar esto sin eliminar los espacios?

Creo que ya un listero comentó, pero yo quiero recalcar en la
IMPORTANCIA de esto, ya que veo que los que te están pasando
sugerencias no tienen idea de lo que hablan.

Es de GRAN importancia que cuando utilices una variable, la protejas
con comillas dobles. Esto es, usa $variable, nunca $variable. La
razón es un poco compleja, pero haré mi intento para simplificar.

Por estándar, el shell está mandado a aplicar estos dos pasos, a
aquellas variables que se expanden SIN resguardar con comillas

1. Fragmentación en palabras
2. Expansión de patrones de tipo glob

La fragmentación en palabras significa que si tu variable contiene
espacios, al expandirla SIN comillas, el shell partirá lo que se
considera como una sola palabra, en múltiples, utilizando los
espacios como punto de fragmentación.

Esto lo puedes ver muy simple con este código:

dualbus@debian:~$ args(){ printf '%s' $@; printf \\n; }
dualbus@debian:~$ var='variable con espacios'
dualbus@debian:~$ args $var
dualbus@debian:~$ args $var
variable con espacios

Si notas, en el primer caso, args recibe 3 argumentos, 'variable',
'con', y 'espacios', cada uno de forma individual. En el segundo
caso, cuando está entre comillas dobles, lo recibe como un solo
argumento (en tu caso es lo que buscas, que se preserve el nombre de
archivo como uno solo).

Nota: nunca uses el comando 'echo' para diagnosticar este tipo de
asuntos. Es inútil, ya que no puedes distinguir entre:

echo 'hola mundo'


echo hola mundo

que en realidad son comandos muy diferentes.

Ahora, para guardar espacios en el nombre es bastante sencillo, de
hecho hay tres maneras típicas:

1.- var='mi variable con espacios'
2.- var=mi variable con espacios
3.- var=mi\ variable\ con\ espacios

Nota que no usé la aberración que es:

var=mi\ variable\ con\ espacios # esto está MAL, MAL

Así que hasta el momento ya vimos cómo evitar que se pierdan tus
espacios, y cómo ponerlos en tus variables.

Una cosa particular es que puede que esté algún caracter adicional en
el nombre que no estés notando. Para diagnosticar esto, te recomiendo
hagas un:

printf '%q\n' /mnt/Salvas/Bases*

(nota, no omitas ningún caracter)

Con este comando, podrás darte cuenta de si hay algún caracter
escondido en el nombre que no estés notando. Y la ventaja es que su
resultado lo puedes usar para definir la variable:

dualbus@debian:~$ mkdir 'Nombre Con Espacios'
dualbus@debian:~$ printf '%q\n' Nombre*
Nombre\ Con\ Espacios

por lo que puedes hacer:

nombre=Nombre\ Con\ Espacios

También, como recomendó otro listero, puedes usar sh -x tuscript para
diagnosticar problemas, y ver que realmente haga lo que tú pretendes.

En resúmen: Para guardar cadenas con espacios basta con utilizar ya
sea comillas sencillas ('), dobles (), o el contradiagonal (\). Esto
es para *guardar* en la variable. Para utilizar la variable, y que no
se *pierdan* los espacios, recuerda poner la variable entre comillas
dobles: $var, nunca $var.

De tal forma que al final tengas algo así:

DIR='/mnt/Salvas/Bases de Datos/diarias'
echo prueba  $DIR/archivo-de-prueba

Este es un ejemplo de como utilizar la variable para crear un archivo
dentro del directorio.


Magnífica respuesta, Eduardo.
Lo has explicado todo muy bien. Me la guardo en marcadores.

Yo creo que el problema del usuario que inició la consulta irá en el 
sentido que apuntas de no entrecomillar las variables cuando se usan. A 
mi me pasaba mucho al principio de hacer scripts. ;)

un saludo!

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Compilar e instalar programa en C++.

2014-02-22 Thread Brenillos

Buenas, buenas.
Primero que todo, un saludo a todos.
Mi pregunta es, yo tengo un programa escrito en C++ (Code-Blocks) y 
quisiera compilarlo de forma que lo pueda convertir en un .deb e 
instalarlo en Debian y poder manejarlo como una aplicación normal.

Saludos y muchas gracias.

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Re: Compilar e instalar programa en C++.

2014-02-22 Thread Matías Bellone
2014-02-22 18:19 GMT-03:00 Brenillos
 Buenas, buenas.
 Primero que todo, un saludo a todos.
 Mi pregunta es, yo tengo un programa escrito en C++ (Code-Blocks) y quisiera
 compilarlo de forma que lo pueda convertir en un .deb e instalarlo en Debian
 y poder manejarlo como una aplicación normal.

Para aprender a crear paquetes Debian, te recomendaría empezar leyendo:


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Problema de dependencia

2014-02-22 Thread Ricardo Braz
Estou sendo chato mas sou relativamente novo no debian e nao consegui achar
solucao no google para o meu problema, to tentando instalar outro programa
e esta dando erro na dependencia e executando o comando dpkg --configure -a
da os seguintes erros:

ricardo@rickybraz:~$ sudo dpkg --configure -a
dpkg: error processing package libqt4-xml:i386 (--configure):
 package is in a very bad inconsistent state; you should
 reinstall it before attempting configuration
dpkg: problemas com dependências impedem a configuração de skype:
 skype depende de libqt4-xml (= 4:4.5.3); porém:
  Pacote libqt4-xml:i386 não está configurado ainda.

dpkg: error processing package skype (--configure):
 problemas de dependência - deixando desconfigurado
dpkg: problemas com dependências impedem a configuração de libqtdbus4:i386:
 libqtdbus4:i386 depende de libqt4-xml (= 4:4.8.5+git209-g718fae5+dfsg-1);
  Pacote libqt4-xml:i386 não está configurado ainda.

dpkg: error processing package libqtdbus4:i386 (--configure):
 problemas de dependência - deixando desconfigurado
dpkg: problemas com dependências impedem a configuração de
 libqt4-network:i386 depende de libqtdbus4 (=
4:4.8.5+git209-g718fae5+dfsg-1); porém:
  Pacote libqtdbus4:i386 não está configurado ainda.

dpkg: error processing package libqt4-network:i386 (--configure):
 problemas de dependência - deixando desconfigurado
dpkg: problemas com dependências impedem a configuração de libqt4-dbus:i386:
 libqt4-dbus:i386 depende de libqtdbus4 (= 4:4.8.5+git209-g718fae5+dfsg-1);
  Pacote libqtdbus4:i386 não está configurado ainda.

dpkg: error processing package libqt4-dbus:i386 (--configure):
 problemas de dependência - deixando desconfigurado
dpkg: problemas com dependências impedem a configuração de
 libqtwebkit4:i386 depende de libqt4-network (= 4:4.8.1); porém:
  Pacote libqt4-network:i386 não está configurado ainda.

dpkg: error processing package libqtwebkit4:i386 (--configure):
 problemas de dependência - deixando desconfigurado
dpkg: problemas com dependências impedem a configuração de virtualbox-qt:
 virtualbox-qt depende de libqt4-network (= 4:4.5.3); porém:
  Pacote libqt4-network:i386 não está configurado ainda.

dpkg: error processing package virtualbox-qt (--configure):
 problemas de dependência - deixando desconfigurado
dpkg: problemas com dependências impedem a configuração de lsb-desktop:
 lsb-desktop depende de libqt4-xml; porém:
  Pacote libqt4-xml:i386 não está configurado ainda.
 lsb-desktop depende de libqt4-network; porém:
  Pacote libqt4-network:i386 não está configurado ainda.

dpkg: error processing package lsb-desktop (--configure):
 problemas de dependência - deixando desconfigurado
dpkg: problemas com dependências impedem a configuração de lsb:
 lsb depende de lsb-desktop (= 4.1+Debian12); porém:
  Pacote lsb-desktop não está configurado ainda.

dpkg: error processing package lsb (--configure):
 problemas de dependência - deixando desconfigurado
dpkg: problemas com dependências impedem a configuração de qdbus:
 qdbus depende de libqt4-xml (= 4:4.8.5+git209-g718fae5+dfsg-1); porém:
  Pacote libqt4-xml:i386 não está configurado ainda.
 qdbus depende de libqtdbus4 (= 4:4.8.5+git209-g718fae5+dfsg-1); porém:
  Pacote libqtdbus4:i386 não está configurado ainda.

dpkg: error processing package qdbus (--configure):
 problemas de dependência - deixando desconfigurado
dpkg: problemas com dependências impedem a configuração de libqt4-webkit:
 libqt4-webkit depende de libqtwebkit4 (= 2.0~); porém:
  Pacote libqtwebkit4:i386 não está configurado ainda.

dpkg: error processing package libqt4-webkit (--configure):
 problemas de dependência - deixando desconfigurado
dpkg: problemas com dependências impedem a configuração de
 epson-inkjet-printer-201101w depende de lsb (= 3.2); porém:
  Pacote lsb não está configurado ainda.

dpkg: error processing package epson-inkjet-printer-201101w (--configure):
 problemas de dependência - deixando desconfigurado
Erros foram encontrados durante o processamento de:

Ricardo J. Braz

Todos nós tomamos diferentes trilhas na vida; mas, não importa aonde vamos,
aproveitamos um pouco de cada uma delas em toda parte - Tim McGrew

Say goodbye to Microsoft

2014-02-22 Thread Thiago Zoroastro
Alguém sabe dizer se isto funciona no Windows 8?
Provavelmente não funciona, mas pergunto mesmo assim, porque a necessidade fala alto.
Thiago Zoroastro

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Re: Seeking moral support after being cyber bullied for my post warning about bitlocker

2014-02-22 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Sb, 22 feb 14, 04:58:42, T o n g wrote:
 I felt that I've been cyber bullied for my post warning about bitlocker, 
 and I've blog the story at,
 Please take a look and see if you have the same feeling. 

If such bullying takes place on Debian lists (which as far as I 
understand did not) the correct contact would be listmaster@.

Since it has nothing to do with Debian please move to -offtopic instead, 
as already suggested.

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Third-Party Software Needs Non-Debian Format for Kernel Version

2014-02-22 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2014-02-22 00:20 +0100, Thomas Vaughan wrote:

 I have downloaded some proprietary software that I want to install onto a
 64-bit Debian machine. The software is written for 64-bit linux, but the
 kernel version reported, for example, by uname (and perhaps by some system
 call that the compiled software uses) is not in a format that the software

 Its not that
 isn't supported per se. But when [the software], or the makefiles, parse
 the string
 they don't get the expected result. If the uname -r were the string
 then parsing it would yield the expected result.

 Is the reported kernel-version string, 3.12-1-amd64, something that I
 could change by compiling a custom kernel?

You could do that, but I would first try to run the software under
setarch x86_64 --uname-2.6 which should let it see a kernel version of


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Re: mount as read/write on demand

2014-02-22 Thread binary

i have done this

mount -o remount,ro and then run apt-get upgrade.
it worked and writed everything to the card.
then i unplugged the power to simulate a power failure and the system got 
this is what i am looking to avoid. mount as read only by default, to protect 
from power failures.

Στις 21/2/2014 23:44, ο/η Andrei POPESCU έγραψε:

On Vi, 21 feb 14, 22:25:17, binary wrote:

i am afraid that the

mount -o remount,rw is not working.

You'll have to give much more detail than this, like what was the
result/error message/etc.

Kind regards,

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Re: mount as read/write on demand

2014-02-22 Thread binary

I forgot to mention my /etc/fstab

proc/proc   procdefaults00
sysfs/syssysfs   defaults00
/dev/sda1   /   ext2noatime,errors=remount-ro   0   1

Στις 22/2/2014 10:36, ο/η binary έγραψε:

i have done this

mount -o remount,ro and then run apt-get upgrade.
it worked and writed everything to the card.
then i unplugged the power to simulate a power failure and the system 
got corrupted.
this is what i am looking to avoid. mount as read only by default, to 
protect from power failures.

Στις 21/2/2014 23:44, ο/η Andrei POPESCU έγραψε:

On Vi, 21 feb 14, 22:25:17, binary wrote:

i am afraid that the

mount -o remount,rw is not working.

You'll have to give much more detail than this, like what was the
result/error message/etc.

Kind regards,

HTTP/HTTPS denied via proxy - SSH DynamicForward/ SOCKS proxy and iiNet Bob modem config/admin

2014-02-22 Thread Zenaan Harkness
I have an iiNet ADSL link at one place, and an SSH server A running
behind that, as well as a HTTPD web server.

The Internet connection is by way of an iiNet Bob ADSL modem (and
wired and wireless router etc).

When I ssh to A, with a DynamicForward configuration, and configure
Firefox at my local end to use that SOCKS proxy, I can access my HTTPD
at remote site using the HTTPD server's internal IP address
( SOCKS v4 or v5 both work.

But when I try to access the Bob modem at, Firefox tells me
The connection was reset
The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.

Does anyone know why the SOCKS proxy would work for my web server, but
not for accessing the inbuilt webserver of the ADSL modem?


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Re: HTTP/HTTPS denied via proxy - SSH DynamicForward/ SOCKS proxy and iiNet Bob modem config/admin

2014-02-22 Thread Scott Ferguson
On 22/02/14 20:31, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
 I have an iiNet ADSL link at one place, and an SSH server A running
 behind that, as well as a HTTPD web server.
 The Internet connection is by way of an iiNet Bob ADSL modem (and
 wired and wireless router etc).
 When I ssh to A, with a DynamicForward configuration, and configure
 Firefox at my local end to use that SOCKS proxy, I can access my HTTPD
 at remote site using the HTTPD server's internal IP address
 ( SOCKS v4 or v5 both work.
 But when I try to access the Bob modem at, Firefox tells me
 The connection was reset
 The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.
 Does anyone know why the SOCKS proxy would work for my web server, but
 not for accessing the inbuilt webserver of the ADSL modem?

No (I'd guess Bob is dropping packets - your logs will tell you,
Telstra/BigPuddle does the same thing), but why not use a reverse
ssh tunnel e.g. using autossh?


Kind regards

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Re: [WARNING] libc6 upgrade from 2.17.97 to 2.18.1 (unstable) fails -now segfaults on apt-get etc.

2014-02-22 Thread Robin
On 22 February 2014 07:59, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
 On Sb, 22 feb 14, 01:52:27, Robin wrote:
 **This of course may apply only to my PC but just in case it is not**:

 Just done dist-upgrade 01:30 22/02/2014 and upgrade fails whilst
 updating libc6. Applications that were open are still functioning but
 everything else segfaults.
 Looks like a reinstall

 Just did the very same upgrade without any issues. I even did a full
 restart (my laptop hasn't seen a reboot for about 20 days which is not
 very safe on sid, unless you take care to restart your apps as needed).

 Kind regards,

In which case I apologize for the noise.


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systemd - fancontrol and sensors changed

2014-02-22 Thread Hans-J. Ullrich
Hi folks,

after changing to systemd, I recognized, that fancontrol on my EEEPC did not 
work properly any more. First I noticed nothing, but after some time I 
noticed, the fan did not run at heavy load.

The reason for it, was the changed sensors. According to the debian wiki my 
working configuration looked at this:

 Configuration file generated by pwmconfig, changes will be lost
DEVPATH=hwmon0= hwmon1=devices/platform/eeepc
DEVNAME=hwmon0=acpitz hwmon1=eeepc
FCTEMPS= hwmon1/pwm1=hwmon0/temp1_input
FCFANS= hwmon1/pwm1=
MINTEMP= hwmon1/pwm1=55
MAXTEMP= hwmon1/pwm1=65
MINSTART= hwmon1/pwm1=50
MINSTOP= hwmon1/pwm1=50

This worked very well!

After changing to systemd, this did no more work. I ran pwmconfig again 
(several times, just to make clear, I made no mistake) and now it looks like 

# Configuration file generated by pwmconfig, changes will be lost
DEVPATH=hwmon0= hwmon2=devices/platform/eeepc
DEVNAME=hwmon0=acpitz hwmon2=eeepc
FCTEMPS= hwmon2/pwm1=hwmon0/temp1_input
FCFANS= hwmon2/pwm1=
MINTEMP= hwmon2/pwm1=55
MAXTEMP= hwmon2/pwm1=65
MINSTART= hwmon2/pwm1=150
MINSTOP= hwmon2/pwm1=100 


See the difference? This configuration is working very well.
Don't check the coretemp, this will never start the fan. You must check the 
virtual device. To do so, enter the following into console, like here:

$ sensors
Adapter: Virtual device
temp1:+55.0°C  (crit = +88.0°C)

Adapter: ISA adapter
Core 0:   +35.0°C  (crit = +90.0°C)

Adapter: ISA adapter
fan1:3990 RPM

It is not coretemp-isa- the important one (as it would be logical), the 
Virtual device named temp1 is the correct one.

Maybe this should be fixed in the wiki, before someones cpu get overheated.

Just my 2 cents.



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Re: HTTP/HTTPS denied via proxy - SSH DynamicForward/ SOCKS proxy and iiNet Bob modem config/admin

2014-02-22 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On 2/22/14, Scott Ferguson wrote:
 On 22/02/14 20:31, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
 I have an iiNet ADSL link at one place, and an SSH server A running
 behind that, as well as a HTTPD web server.

 The Internet connection is by way of an iiNet Bob ADSL modem (and
 wired and wireless router etc).

 When I ssh to A, with a DynamicForward configuration, and configure
 Firefox at my local end to use that SOCKS proxy, I can access my HTTPD
 at remote site using the HTTPD server's internal IP address
 ( SOCKS v4 or v5 both work.

 But when I try to access the Bob modem at, Firefox tells me
 The connection was reset
 The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.

 Does anyone know why the SOCKS proxy would work for my web server, but
 not for accessing the inbuilt webserver of the ADSL modem?

 No (I'd guess Bob is dropping packets - your logs will tell you,
 Telstra/BigPuddle does the same thing), but why not use a reverse
 ssh tunnel e.g. using autossh?

Ah, because it _is_ SSH?

This is SSH, which provides a SOCKS proxy option, for easy tunnelling
of web/firefox traffic, including (I believe) DNS and auto per-server
routing - it all goes through the SOCKS proxy, which goes through SSH.

This is what I have configured.

And it works. At least, it works for (public website) and
works for accessing my local web server (internal lan, behind the ADSL
modem), it works for other internal addresses (at the site I am SSHing

But this SSH tunnelled SOCKS proxy does NOT work for accessing one
particular ip address on the internal (remote site) lan -,
that is, the ADSL modem (called a Bob device), which I would like to
configure, without having to drive to my friend's place (where this
iiNet connection is) plug in my workstation and configure his modem
from there or using his workstation.

Anyway, autossh looks like it could be useful if my ssh tunnel was
going down every now and then, which is not the case, so I'll bookmark
that one for future reference.


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Re: Physically have install DVD set. Want ISO's from which they came.

2014-02-22 Thread Richard Owlett

David wrote:

On 21 February 2014 23:32, Richard Owlett wrote:

I have *NO* internet connectivity.
I have Squeeze installed.
I have complete DVD install set.

I want to re-create the ISO files from which they came.

A month ago (
in another thread we already discussed this as follows:

Things have changed slightly:
  then I was focused on attempting to understand loop devices.
  I have learned more in the meantime leading to suspect the 
understanding loop
  devices wasn't as related to solving my underlying problem as 
I had thought.

On 25 January 2014 00:56, Richard Owlett wrote:

David wrote:

Ordinarily, an iso file is used to prepare a filesystem image that is
then burnt to a dvd. But you want to go in the opposite direction.
Somehow you need to read the entire dvd image into an iso file. And
this is not necessarily simple, see for example:
Years ago I have done this successfully with CDs. I don't know if it
applies to DVDs.

 From an initial reading, I don't see why it would not apply to a DVD.
Careful reread and experimentation to follow.

See also:
Section 10.3 and especially 10.3.6 following you can ... make the
ISO9660 image directly from the CD-ROM device as follows

I've found other portions of that work valuable in the past. Thanks for
reminding me of it. Chapters 9 and 10 should keep me occupied. 10.3.8.
Mounting the ISO9660 image file implies an answer to my question.

Sometime between then and now, it seems that the debian-reference has
been edited and that information has entirely disappeared from the current
version, and so the above link is now broken. Perhaps if you have
the squeeze version, it will still contain the relevant information.

The Wayback Machine comes to the rescue here. A link to older 
version is

The first link I provided is still valid, and provides instructions
how to create an
iso file from cd media. Did you try this? What happens when you follow
those instructions?

I made one attempt but dd effectively ignored me. A reply in this 
thread and a reread of your first link suggests a typo. Will try 
again this afternoon.

Thanks again.

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Re: mount as read/write on demand

2014-02-22 Thread Reco

On Sat, 22 Feb 2014 10:57:48 +0200
binary wrote:

 I forgot to mention my /etc/fstab
 proc/proc   procdefaults00
 sysfs/syssysfs   defaults00
 /dev/sda1   /   ext2noatime,errors=remount-ro   0   1

Surely you realize that 'errors=remount-ro' should only work in case
you encounter any filesystem error?

 Στις 22/2/2014 10:36, ο/η binary έγραψε:
  i have done this
  mount -o remount,ro and then run apt-get upgrade.

I assume you've meant 'mount -o remount,rw'.

  it worked and writed everything to the card.

Did you invoked 'sync' afterwards?
Did you remount filesystem back to read-only status?

  then i unplugged the power to simulate a power failure and the system 
  got corrupted.

Did you run fsck.ext2 on the boot following the simulated power failure?


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[solved] Re: Debian wheezy 7.4 preseed install fails with error mirror does not support the specified release (wheezy)

2014-02-22 Thread Sandeep Raman
In d-i mirror/http/proxy string I was using https. Changed it to http and
got past the error.

Responding to your questions if it will benefit anyone else :-)

First tell us what you are trying to do - I'm installing Debian 7.4 and
want to use preseed method to automate the install

Are you adding the preseed.cfg to the CD *or* calling it from the boot
What boot parameters are you using?

- I boot through the cd and at the boot prompt the following parameters is
auto=true priority=critical locale=en_US keymap=us hostname=myname url=

What is the rest of your preseed.cfg? -

Did you try Alt+F4 during the install to see what the problem was? If so
what were the messages? - The message I have posted is from Alt+F4

Have you selected the Save debug logs option which starts a simple web
server and allows you to get meaningful installation information? - How do
i do this, this sure will be pretty useful anytime

Few observation which I do not have answer yet.

# Even though I have replaced the ftp[] mirror link with a
http[], during install the old ftp mirror is being
referenced. Though its not a real problem now, from where is it reading the
old information.

# In the Apt section of the preseed file, I have added the following. Is
this supposed to go into the sources.list file for future reference as
well. I do not see them in the sources.list. What should be done in the
preseed file for the repos to be added in sources.list.

apt-mirror-setup apt-setup/main boolean true apt-mirror-setup
apt-setup/updates boolean true apt-mirror-setup apt-setup/contrib boolean
true apt-mirror-setup apt-setup/non-free boolean true

Thanks and Regards,

On Sat, Feb 22, 2014 at 3:36 AM, Scott Ferguson wrote:

 On 22/02/14 07:00, Sandeep Raman wrote:
  OS - Debian wheezy 7.4 amd64 iso cd1
  Preseed section of mirror:
  d-i mirror/protocol string ftp
  d-i mirror/ftp/hostname string
  d-i mirror/ftp/directory string /debian/
  d-i mirror/ftp/proxy string

 That 'should' work - assuming the hostname line wasn't tried verbatim -
 and dependant on how you are using preseed.cfg and your boot parameters
 (see my questions further down).
 ftp 'can' be problematic and if you have a choice choose http.

 (protocol string doesn't seem to be required if not selecting ftp)
 d-i mirror/country string enter information manually
 d-i mirror/http/hostname string
 d-i mirror/http/directory string /debian/
 d-i mirror/http/proxy string


  I have given different mirrors and even used http.
  From console and browser, i'm able to
  Any pointers in solving this.

 First tell us what you are trying to do

 Are you adding the preseed.cfg to the CD *or* calling it from the boot

 What boot parameters are you using?

 What is the rest of your preseed.cfg?
 NOTE: the answers to the previous two questions determine what's
 required for preseed.cfg to work - please put the preseed.cfg on and link to it in your post.

 Did you try Alt+F4 during the install to see what the problem was? If so
 what were the messages?

 Have you selected the Save debug logs option which starts a simple web
 server and allows you to get meaningful installation information?


 You may find this preseed.cfg useful to compare yours to:-
 I use it *in* a CD, and boot the CD with:-
 install auto DEBCONF_DEBUG=5.
 It auto-partitions, builds a stripped-down box, and includes ssh (ssh
 installer@ipAddress). Modify it suit your needs and circumstances.

 Kind regards

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Re: mount as read/write on demand

2014-02-22 Thread binary

sorry, i am lost.
what is the solution to my problem?

Στις 22/2/2014 15:36, ο/η Reco έγραψε:


On Sat, 22 Feb 2014 10:57:48 +0200
binary wrote:

I forgot to mention my /etc/fstab

proc/proc   procdefaults00
sysfs/syssysfs   defaults00
/dev/sda1   /   ext2noatime,errors=remount-ro   0   1

Surely you realize that 'errors=remount-ro' should only work in case
you encounter any filesystem error?

Στις 22/2/2014 10:36, ο/η binary έγραψε:

i have done this

mount -o remount,ro and then run apt-get upgrade.

I assume you've meant 'mount -o remount,rw'.

it worked and writed everything to the card.

Did you invoked 'sync' afterwards?
Did you remount filesystem back to read-only status?

then i unplugged the power to simulate a power failure and the system
got corrupted.

Did you run fsck.ext2 on the boot following the simulated power failure?


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The case of the read-only USB sticks.

2014-02-22 Thread Hendrik Boom
I have a problem with my USB sticks mysteriously becoming read-only.

I decided to investigate. I bought three identical 8G USB sticks, 
identical except for colour).  None of them appear have any switches on 

The first I used my Linux laptop to write a file into the top-level 
directory of the first stick:  I mounted it, wrote it, and unmounted it.  
I handed it to my wife, who was to read it on her Mac.  She told me it 
failed to even notice there was a USB stick plugged in.  But returned to 
me, I could mount it and read it.

I put the second into my Linux laptop, mounted it, listed the top-level 
directory (it was empty), unmounted it.  I passed it to my wife, who 
plugged it into her Mac, and it immediately noticed the USB stick and 
allowed her to look at its contents.  It was, of course, empty.

I'm running Debian testing on an ASUS netbook.


Now this doesn't tell me anything about how my USB sticks turn read-
only.  But it does tell me that something weird is happening to them.  
Perhaps the two OS's have different ieas as to how USB sticks are to be 
written or read?  Perhaps one of the other machined in the house it 
writing the in such a was that Linux can't read them?

What do I need to know to investigate this.

Has anyone else had problems like this?

Online all I found was some people on Windows with read-only USB sticks.  
One of them said that some friend using Linux had fixed them.  No one 
else had any luck.  I have no idea if their experience has any relevance.

-- hendrik

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Re: The case of the read-only USB sticks.

2014-02-22 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Sb, 22 feb 14, 14:33:24, Hendrik Boom wrote:
 I have a problem with my USB sticks mysteriously becoming read-only.

You didn't provide any information about make, model, size, 
partitioning, file systems, etc. Also the relevant lines from syslog 
when you plug in the stick are very useful for diagnosing.

Kind regards,
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[SOLVED] Re: more than 12G of RAM

2014-02-22 Thread Gary Dale

On 12/02/14 12:54 PM, Dan Purgert wrote:

On 12/02/2014 11:26, Gary Dale wrote:

On 12/02/14 07:40 AM, Roberto Scattini wrote:

On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 2:25 AM, Gary Dale wrote:

Sorry everyone, but the memory sticks all work fine. Memtest+
shows 8G working when I run it against the 2x4G and the 1x8G. My
system runs fine, except for the thrashing, with 8G. It's one
application that causes the thrashing and Free shows the heavy
swap use when it's running. With 12G, the thrashing pretty much

gary, you should check stan's suggestion and update your BIOS to latest

It already is the latest version. I've reported the problem to Gigabyte.
Hopefully they will have a fix but I suspect they will decide the bug 
in their

BIOS is an unsupported configuration.

Totally off the wall - but did you try grabbing the chipset drivers 
from AMD? Granted, it's been ages since I can recall a generic not 
working ... but doesn't mean it's not possible.

Gigabyte insists that it supports the configuration and doesn't seem to 
want do more than check that the BIOS sees the memory.

However, after further experimenting, I found  a configuration that 
worked. The 2x4G modules have to be in the first interleaved channel 
(DDR3_1  DDR3_2) with the 8G stick in DDR3_4. All other configurations 
seem to fail.

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Re: mount as read/write on demand

2014-02-22 Thread Reco

On Sat, 22 Feb 2014 16:33:57 +0200
binary wrote:

Please refrain from top-posting on this list.

 sorry, i am lost.

Hmm. I believe I've just asked a couple of simple questions.
Sorry those led to your confusion.

 what is the solution to my problem?

There's no simple solution to your problem. The filesystem layout
you're using will prevent you from using read-only root filesystem.

The reason is - you cannot remount a filesystem read-only if:

- You have processes which write in this filesystem.
- You've changed some binaries and libraries, and have processes which
were launched from those binaries and libraries before the overwrite.

The former is nearly always happens with syslog (which writes to the
files in /var/log). You're have /var directory in the root filesystem
(which you want to make read-only).

The latter will happen on any upgrade.

Still, while read-only root is can be done in Debian:

read-only /var is impossible unless you're using some kind of


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Re: Physically have install DVD set. Want ISO's from which they came.

2014-02-22 Thread Richard Owlett

Richard Owlett wrote:

David wrote:


See also:
Section 10.3 and especially 10.3.6 following you can ...
make the
ISO9660 image directly from the CD-ROM device as follows

I've found other portions of that work valuable in the past.
Thanks for
reminding me of it. Chapters 9 and 10 should keep me occupied.
Mounting the ISO9660 image file implies an answer to my

Sometime between then and now, it seems that the
debian-reference has
been edited and that information has entirely disappeared from
the current
version, and so the above link is now broken.
Perhaps if you have
the squeeze version, it will still contain the relevant

The Wayback Machine comes to the rescue here. A link to older
version is

I raised this question on debian-www and was told:

Content was moved to chapter 9.6 due to rearranging the chapters:

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Re: The case of the read-only USB sticks.

2014-02-22 Thread Hendrik Boom
On Sat, 22 Feb 2014 16:38:34 +0200, Andrei POPESCU wrote:

 On Sb, 22 feb 14, 14:33:24, Hendrik Boom wrote:
 I have a problem with my USB sticks mysteriously becoming read-only.
 You didn't provide any information about make, model, size,
 partitioning, file systems, etc. Also the relevant lines from syslog
 when you plug in the stick are very useful for diagnosing.
 Kind regards,

Thank you.  I will investigate and provide syslog data for the old read-
only sticks and the new writable ones when I get the chance.

Of the old USB sticks -- the ones that turned read-only -- I currently am 
in possession of only one, and it worked fine  this morning if I am root 
when I mount it and write it.  It's labelled Lexar USB3.0 64G.  I haven't 
tried it on my wife's Mac since.

If I have to be root, perhaps it's some mount permission problem I'm 

Of course it could be that I missed this one stick when I was trying the 
old failing sticks last week and it's been OK all along.  Im going to 
have to keep careful records.

The others I handed to a friend a few days ago, who said he wanted to try 
them out on his equipment.  I'll see them again next Wednesdays.

-- hendrik

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Re: OT: repro ejabberd installed automatically

2014-02-22 Thread chymian
Am 21.02.2014 20:31, schrieb Ralf Mardorf:
 On Fri, 2014-02-21 at 16:20 +0100, chymian wrote:
 Die folgenden NEUEN Pakete werden zusätzlich installiert:
 Die folgenden Pakete werden ENTFERNT:
 0 Pakete aktualisiert, 69 zusätzlich installiert, 19 werden entfernt
 und 100 nicht aktualisiert.
 Next time consider to run

 LANG=C command --options

 LANG=C causes temporary English output.

thx, ralf
if I would have foreseen that whole issue, yep, you are right.
and just in case, LANG=C doesn't do the job, one can use LC_ALL=C
no idea, why LANG=C is not sufficient on my WS…

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Re: Third-Party Software Needs Non-Debian Format for Kernel Version

2014-02-22 Thread Hendrik Boom
On Fri, 21 Feb 2014 22:58:40 -0500, Jerry Stuckle wrote:

 abiname shouldn't change should it?

 I wouldn't think so - but I also don't know.  However, if you do change
 something basic like the kernel version, what else will it affect?  You
 might get a kernel which will boot but nothing will run, for instance.

When you install your custom kernel, make sure you keep an old kernel 
around, just in case.

-- hendrik

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Re: Seeking moral support after being cyber bullied for my post warning about bitlocker

2014-02-22 Thread Jerry Stuckle

On 2/21/2014 11:58 PM, T o n g wrote:


I felt that I've been cyber bullied for my post warning about spammer,
and I've blog the story at,

Please take a look and see if you have the same feeling.


So you post something off topic to a forum.  Then you complain about it 
by posting another off-topic message to another forum.

Some people have no sense at all.


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Re: Debian repository available on USB flash rather than CD/DVD sets?

2014-02-22 Thread Efraim Flashner
On Fri, 21 Feb 2014 13:40:32 +
Steve McIntyre wrote:

 Andrei wrote:
 On Vi, 21 feb 14, 18:56:44, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
  Andrei's suggestion arose because I was contemplating on how to
  expand the (ISO9660 or whatever) filesystem that would end up on
  the USB stick.
  Anyway, in hindsight, you can simply create your own jigdo image,
  big enough to contain the entire Debian repository:
  apt-cache search jigdo
  and check out the packages for creation of jigdo image. That sounds
  like an appealing solution to me. Create quick-and-simple full
  local repo, then sign the repo with your own signature (this last
  step should be pretty easy, once you know how :)
 AFAIU jigdo is meant to take an ISO image to pieces and reassemble
 it. It is not an image creator (hence the suggestion from Steve for
 a wishlist bug against debian-cd, the image creation tool). 
 You're correct, yes.

copying from man jigdo-file:
   Because it is possible to assign a different URI for each part
of an image if necessary, jigdo is very flexible. Only one example is
the possibility of  customized  versions  of images: Suppose that
someone is distributing a CD image, and that you want to make a few
small changes to it and redis‐ tribute your own version. You download
the `official.iso' CD image with jigdo (passing it the URL of
`official.jigdo'), write it to CD-R, make  your changes  (say, adding
files from the `myfiles' directory on your harddisc) and produce your
own version, `myversion.iso'.  Next, you instruct jigdo- file to create
the jigdo and template files for your modified image, using the command

  jigdo-file make-template
  --image=myversion.iso /mnt/cdrom/  myfiles//  --label
  My=myfiles/  --uri  My=
  --merge=offi‐ cial.jigdo while `official.iso' is mounted
  under `/mnt/cdrom'. By using --merge, you have told
  jigdo-file to take the contents of `official.jigdo', add
  to it a new `[Image]' section for `myversion.iso' and
  write the resulting jigdo file to `myversion.jigdo' - so
  now `myversion.jigdo' offers two  images  for download,
  the  original  version  and your modified version. (If
  you do not want it to offer the official version, edit it
  and remove the `[Image]' section that lists

   Now you can upload the `.jigdo' file, the `.template' file and
   also the files in `myfiles' to `'.  Thus,
   for people to  down‐ load your modified image, you do not need
   to upload the complete image contents to your web space, but
   only the changes you made!

   (In  case  you only made very few changes, you could also omit
   the `myfiles' parameter in the command above, then all your
   changes end up in the new template file.)

it sounds like it should be possible to start with the first iso image
which IS bootable, and then mount the other ISOs and mark them as to be
added to the disk.  whether the install media would recognize the other
files on the USB or not is another question, but it might work.

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Re: Re: Old software in debian allowed?

2014-02-22 Thread berenger . morel

Le 21.02.2014 21:07, Ralf Mardorf a écrit :
If you only need to build a package for yourself, it must be 

similar to that, you should try

# apt-get source FOO_BAR
# apt-get build-dep FOO_BAR
# mv -vi FOO_BAR-xy/ FOO_BAR-pq
# tar xvjf FOO_BAR-...
# cd FOO_BAR-...
# gedit debian/changelog
# gedit debian/rules
# libtoolize --force --copy --automake
# aclocal
# autoreconf
# debuild -b -us -uc
# dpkg -i

if this shouldn't work, try to compile the most common way, 

make, make install, but replace make only or make and make install by

# ./configure
# checkinstall --install=no
# dpkg -i

I did some tries, too. Not with the intent to do something clean enough 
to send into debian, but it works well enough to be distributed ( for a 
lib I needed in a software that I never finished to write, btw. Still 
have the sources, which are still free too, so maybe some day...) .

What you need to know are the dependencies of the software you 
With those informations, you can write a control file in a DEBIAN 
subdirectory located where you have the binaries.

This file is made with at least those lines ( it worked for me(tm) ):
Package: package's name
Version: package's version
Section: package's section, aca, for example, lib, admin, devel...
Priority: package's priority. In your case, it will be optional
Architecture: package's architecture. For non binary programs, it is 
often all, otherwise the arch for which you compiled the stuff. It can 
be generated with dpkg --print-architecture if you did not cross 
Depends: list of the packages the user have to install to make the 
program running
Recommends:  list of packages that could adds features to your 
Suggests:  I personally used it to give a link to documentation... 
more informations will come from people with real experience I guess. 

Homepage: blabla
Maintainer: blabla
Description: blabla

When you have the folder DEBIAN with a correct control file, you can 
go in the parent's directory of your future package, and run, as root 
#dpkg-deb -b package's folder which will build your .deb file.

This method does not use a lot of deb's features, but it makes a deb 
package that can be used and is not too hard to follow. I had automated 
some of those tasks in some shell scripts, too.

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Re: 7z command works fine on command line but not in script

2014-02-22 Thread berenger . morel

Le 20.02.2014 02:15, Scott Ferguson a écrit :

On 19/02/14 23:32, wrote:

Le 19.02.2014 10:53, Scott Ferguson a écrit :
Just read your last post before sending this, so this may no longer 
relevant... I don't know that you need to quote the variables. I 

coloured bash

coloured *editor* i.e. nano, vi/emac, dex[*1] or Kwrite is what I 

to write. If anyone knows of a way to colourise the syntax in xterm
(especially 'fc' temp) I'd be *very* interested.

I think I did not read correctly when I replied to you. I also use 
syntactic coloration in my editors, I'm a programmer after all. And vim 
manages it correctly enough... Still, it did not helped me with *that* 
The only things colored in my shell is not bash, btw, only the 
prompt... indeed, a colored shell would be very, very powerful.


so it is usually obvious if I need to. P.S. without the
quotes you won't need the escapes - just quote the whole filename 

may be what you are lacking).

I use colors too ( and I have no idea about the reason to disable 

by default in Debian... ), but I really do not like interpreted
languages. My opinion is that stuff written with them are messy, but 
least, shell is handier than C++ to manage files and shell 
so sometimes I try to automate small tasks with it. Maybe someday I 

become efficient with it.

I keep telling myself the same thing - in the meantime I debug (with 


The error was that I had too many quotes, so some of them were 

in the name,

I noted Andre's response (and keener eye)
The #!/bin/(bash or sh) -x is useful, after parsing the script you'll
see the outcomes on screen

You may find these useful:-
set -x# same as the minus x in the shell invocation 
trap echo hit return;read x DEBUG  # step through one line at a 

set -o nounset# display unset variables
function pause(){ # wot it says
   read -p $*
#pause 'Press [Enter] key to continue...'

It will probably help me a lot.

but for a reason I can not understand, echo did not
displayed them.

Colourised nano/vim etc might make it easier to spot.
I've linked my (dodgy) ~/.bashrc in case it proves useful (you should
avoid the lines followed by hack comments.)

If you wish:-
$ mv ~/.bashrc{,.bak}
replace with my version
$ . .~/bashrc

I use the nano syntax rules from:-

Having a repo with my config files and script is something I really 
should do also...


Kind regards

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Re: Re: Old software in debian allowed?

2014-02-22 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sat, 2014-02-22 at 21:13 +0100, wrote:
 Le 21.02.2014 21:07, Ralf Mardorf a écrit :
  If you only need to build a package for yourself, it must be 
  similar to that, you should try
  # apt-get source FOO_BAR
  # apt-get build-dep FOO_BAR
  # mv -vi FOO_BAR-xy/ FOO_BAR-pq
  # tar xvjf FOO_BAR-...
  # cd FOO_BAR-...
  # gedit debian/changelog
  # gedit debian/rules
  # libtoolize --force --copy --automake
  # aclocal
  # autoreconf
  # debuild -b -us -uc
  # dpkg -i
  if this shouldn't work, try to compile the most common way, 
  make, make install, but replace make only or make and make install by
  # ./configure
  # checkinstall --install=no
  # dpkg -i
 I did some tries, too. Not with the intent to do something clean enough 
 to send into debian, but it works well enough to be distributed ( for a 
 lib I needed in a software that I never finished to write, btw. Still 
 have the sources, which are still free too, so maybe some day...) .
 What you need to know are the dependencies of the software you 
 With those informations, you can write a control file in a DEBIAN 
 subdirectory located where you have the binaries.
 This file is made with at least those lines ( it worked for me(tm) ):
 Package: package's name
 Version: package's version
 Section: package's section, aca, for example, lib, admin, devel...
 Priority: package's priority. In your case, it will be optional
 Architecture: package's architecture. For non binary programs, it is 
 often all, otherwise the arch for which you compiled the stuff. It can 
 be generated with dpkg --print-architecture if you did not cross 
 Depends: list of the packages the user have to install to make the 
 program running
 Recommends:  list of packages that could adds features to your 
 Suggests:  I personally used it to give a link to documentation... 
 more informations will come from people with real experience I guess. 
 Homepage: blabla
 Maintainer: blabla
 Description: blabla
 When you have the folder DEBIAN with a correct control file, you can 
 go in the parent's directory of your future package, and run, as root 
 #dpkg-deb -b package's folder which will build your .deb file.
 This method does not use a lot of deb's features, but it makes a deb 
 package that can be used and is not too hard to follow. I had automated 
 some of those tasks in some shell scripts, too.

The # apt-get source-way I described above would take all the
dependency information from an existing package, just the source code
will be replaced by another version from upstream.

So there are many ways to build unprofessional packages for private
usage :).

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disk quota

2014-02-22 Thread Pol Hallen

Hi folks!

Reading some howtos about quota disk I'm not sure about this topic 
(because is very old):

checking quotas regularly - Linux doesn't check quota usage each time a 
file is opened, you have to force it to process the aquota.user and files periodically with the quotacheck command.You can 
setup a cron job to run a script similar to the one below to achieve this

so, I need remount fs without quota, do:

quotaon -vaug

e remount with quota?

Can anyone that use disk quota confirm this thing?

thanks for help!

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How to configure eth0 with static ip and eth1 dhcp

2014-02-22 Thread Markos

Hi all,

I'm trying to configure a machine with two network cards to share 
Internet access to an internal network

the /etc/network/interface is:

# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static

auto eth1
iface eth1 inet dhcp

The card eth0 is used as gateway on the internal network with static IP and eth1 is connected to the B-890 -53 Huawei modem.

But the modem do not send an IP during initialization.

The IP of modem is192.168.1.1.

The modem sends the IP address ( to my laptop by wifi 
without problems.

Any suggestions of what I should check?


Re: How to configure eth0 with static ip and eth1 dhcp

2014-02-22 Thread Scott Ferguson
On 23/02/14 09:22, Markos wrote:
 Hi all,
 I'm trying to configure a machine with two network cards to share
 Internet access to an internal network
 the /etc/network/interface is:
 # The loopback network interface
 auto lo
 iface lo inet loopback
 auto eth0
 iface eth0 inet static

allow-hotplug eth1
 iface eth1 inet dhcp

 The card eth0 is used as gateway on the internal network with static IP and eth1 is connected to the B-890 -53 Huawei modem.
 But the modem do not send an IP during initialization.
 The IP of modem is192.168.1.1.
 The modem sends the IP address ( to my laptop by wifi
 without problems.

I'm not sure what you mean there...

 Any suggestions of what I should check?

You should probably see something like:-
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse
default modem UG0  00 eth1
localnet*   U 0  00 eth0 *   U 0  00 eth1


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Re: How to configure eth0 with static ip and eth1 dhcp

2014-02-22 Thread Stephen Powell
On Sat, 22 Feb 2014 17:22:16 -0500 (EST), Markos wrote:
 I'm trying to configure a machine with two network cards to share 
 Internet access to an internal network
 the /etc/network/interface is:
 # The loopback network interface
 auto lo
 iface lo inet loopback
 auto eth0
 iface eth0 inet static
 auto eth1
 iface eth1 inet dhcp
 The card eth0 is used as gateway on the internal network with static IP and eth1 is connected to the B-890 -53 Huawei modem.
 But the modem do not send an IP during initialization.
 The IP of modem is
 The modem sends the IP address ( to my laptop by wifi 
 without problems.
 Any suggestions of what I should check?

I'm afraid that I don't understand the problem.  Is this a traditional
async dial-up modem?  If so, I would expect it to be configured with ppp,
its interface name would be ppp0, and it would not be listed in
/etc/network/interfaces at all.  I don't get it.

  .''`. Stephen Powell
 : :'  :
 `. `'`

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Re: How to configure eth0 with static ip and eth1 dhcp

2014-02-22 Thread Scott Ferguson
On 23/02/14 09:58, Stephen Powell wrote:
 On Sat, 22 Feb 2014 17:22:16 -0500 (EST), Markos wrote:

 I'm trying to configure a machine with two network cards to share 
 Internet access to an internal network

 the /etc/network/interface is:

 # The loopback network interface
 auto lo
 iface lo inet loopback

 auto eth0
 iface eth0 inet static

 auto eth1
 iface eth1 inet dhcp

 The card eth0 is used as gateway on the internal network with static IP and eth1 is connected to the B-890 -53 Huawei modem.

 But the modem do not send an IP during initialization.

 The IP of modem is

 The modem sends the IP address ( to my laptop by wifi 
 without problems.

 Any suggestions of what I should check?
 I'm afraid that I don't understand the problem.  Is this a traditional
 async dial-up modem?  If so, I would expect it to be configured with ppp,
 its interface name would be ppp0, and it would not be listed in
 /etc/network/interfaces at all.  I don't get it.

I'm guessing it's a cdc_ether device - probably running a web and dn
server at  Hopefully the OP will correct my assumption
(Vendor and Product codes from dmesg?).
I'm not familiar with that particular model - but I've had to hack Linux
support for the chipset either side of it (model number).

Kind regards

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Re: Debian repository available on USB flash rather than CD/DVD sets?

2014-02-22 Thread Andrew M.A. Cater
On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 08:23:26AM -0600, Richard Owlett wrote:
 Joel Rees wrote:
 On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 8:37 PM, Richard Owlett wrote:
 Joel Rees wrote:
 On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 5:23 AM, Richard Owlett
 As I write this a interesting question arose, Could I find software to
 emulate a Z80 CPM machine?. Is there an implementation of Lawrence
 Livermore BASIC? How about CUPL? I believe the term applied to my
 is eclectic.
 I assume you know the answers to these questions?
 I do know how to search for packages in Debian and progeny.
 That paragraph was written as a rhetorical device to get a point across.
 In multiple threads I have stated my goal.
 To whit, To have *ALL* of Debian (for a specific architecture implied)
 without availability of *ANY* internet connectivity.
 I keep getting suggestions to approximately meet *SPECIFICATION* by ... ;/

Can you afford two USB sticks - one 32G and one 64G?

I've just tested the following (for Wheezy / Debian 7.* - since Squeeze is 
oldstable and will age off at some point)

1. Used jigdo-lite to build the Blu-Ray disk number 1 for i386 [All commands 
below as root]

Aptitude install jigdo-lite

2. Download the two files from needed to make up the 
BD image.


debian-7.4.0-i386-BD-1.template (about 45M)

3. Create the BD .iso image - this will take time and will download files in 
groups of 10 until it has the 4627 or so that it needs.

jigdo-lite debian-7.4.0-i386-BD1.jigdo

[It won't redownload the template, since you already have that. You may need to 
hit enter a couple of times to start the actual download.]

You end up with a 22G or so file, which is a bootable .iso file. [The 
equivalent of 5 of the 10 DVDs]

I used a brand new 32G stick. Plug the stick in once: check the output of dmesg 
to see which drive gets added.

tail dmesg

In my case this was /dev/sdc1

4. Wipe the existing partition.

cfdisk /dev/sdc

Follow the prompts, delete the existing partition and write the result back. 
You now have an empty stick but the changes won't be recognised
until the stick is removed and reinserted.

5. Remove and re-insert the stick. Use dd to write the BD image to the stick.

dd if=debian-7.4.0-i386-BD1.iso of=/dev/sdc obs=4M

6. You now have a bootable flash disk containing all the files equivalent to 
the first 5 DVDs.

7. Repeat the process for generating the iso file for BD2 in the same way from 
the .jigdo and .template files. 

8. On the second flash disk [64GB] you don't need to change the underlying vfat 
file system.
Make a new directory into which you copy both the BD .iso files, into the root 
directory on the stick, copy the firmware .debs from directory.

The first flash disk is now bootable and can be used to install a very full 
system. If you _really_ need the second BD, insert the second flash disk and 
use apt-cdrom
to add the contents of both .iso files. If you need non-free firmware, you have 
the firmware .debs to install from on the second stick. 

For best results, use the expert install option. This should give you all of 
Debian 7.4.0 for 32 bit on two USB flash drives, one bootable, 
one containing all files needed to install everything without initial network 
access - at the cost of a couple of hours of download time/building time for 
the isos
if you have access to a relatively fast connection at some point. [For me, it 
also cost me £25 / US$ 41.61 because I didn't have a 32GB stick. Larger sticks 
may also
be slightly less reliable / you run the risk of losing more if they do fail.] 

Hope this helps - with all the very best wishes,


 Of course, the whole problem here is that you're the only person on
 the list who has a prayer of figuring out how to build what you want.
 Which of the approximations have you tried so far, to get a feel of
 how they work in practice?
 Approximations are not acceptable by *DEFINITION*.
 Two professors wee discussing me - in my presence.
 Prof A: This young man can be persistent.
 Prof B: Yes. [l-o-n-g pause] about what he wants to be.
 We won't discuss what family and friends say ;/
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Re: Re: Old software in debian allowed?

2014-02-22 Thread berenger . morel

Le 22.02.2014 21:58, Ralf Mardorf a écrit :
On Sat, 2014-02-22 at 21:13 +0100, 

Le 21.02.2014 21:07, Ralf Mardorf a écrit :
 If you only need to build a package for yourself, it must be
 similar to that, you should try

 # apt-get source FOO_BAR
 # apt-get build-dep FOO_BAR
 # mv -vi FOO_BAR-xy/ FOO_BAR-pq
 # tar xvjf FOO_BAR-...
 # cd FOO_BAR-...
 # gedit debian/changelog
 # gedit debian/rules
 # libtoolize --force --copy --automake
 # aclocal
 # autoreconf
 # debuild -b -us -uc
 # dpkg -i

 if this shouldn't work, try to compile the most common way,
 make, make install, but replace make only or make and make install 


 # ./configure
 # checkinstall --install=no
 # dpkg -i

I did some tries, too. Not with the intent to do something clean 
to send into debian, but it works well enough to be distributed ( 
for a
lib I needed in a software that I never finished to write, btw. 

have the sources, which are still free too, so maybe some day...) .

What you need to know are the dependencies of the software you
With those informations, you can write a control file in a DEBIAN
subdirectory located where you have the binaries.
This file is made with at least those lines ( it worked for me(tm) 

Package: package's name
Version: package's version
Section: package's section, aca, for example, lib, admin, devel...
Priority: package's priority. In your case, it will be optional
Architecture: package's architecture. For non binary programs, it 
often all, otherwise the arch for which you compiled the stuff. It 

be generated with dpkg --print-architecture if you did not cross
Depends: list of the packages the user have to install to make the
program running
Recommends:  list of packages that could adds features to your
Suggests:  I personally used it to give a link to documentation...
more informations will come from people with real experience I 

Homepage: blabla
Maintainer: blabla
Description: blabla

When you have the folder DEBIAN with a correct control file, you 
go in the parent's directory of your future package, and run, as 

#dpkg-deb -b package's folder which will build your .deb file.

This method does not use a lot of deb's features, but it makes a deb
package that can be used and is not too hard to follow. I had 

some of those tasks in some shell scripts, too.

The # apt-get source-way I described above would take all the
dependency information from an existing package, just the source code
will be replaced by another version from upstream.

So there are many ways to build unprofessional packages for private
usage :).

Indeed, but if I have understood correctly, there are currently no 
packages for the software the OP wants to package :)

That's why I described that quick and dirty method of mine.

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Re: Physically have install DVD set. Want ISO's from which they came.

2014-02-22 Thread David
On 23 February 2014 02:57, Richard Owlett wrote:
 Richard Owlett wrote:

 David wrote:

 Sometime between then and now, it seems that the
 debian-reference has
 been edited and that information has entirely disappeared from
 the current
 version, and so the above link is now broken.

 I raised this question on debian-www and was told:
 Content was moved to chapter 9.6 due to rearranging the chapters:

Yes, the relevant info is the latter half of section 9.6.6 now.

Sorry for the misinformation! I did actually scan there before writing
the above, but I was reading too quickly and carelessly and my eye
didn't notice the latter half.

By the way, that example reads the dvd twice:
  # dd if=/dev/cdrom bs=2048 count=23150592 conv=notrunc,noerror | md5sum
  # dd if=/dev/cdrom bs=2048 count=23150592 conv=notrunc,noerror  cd.iso

whereas if you know that you do actually want the output file, it will
be quicker to
read it once and then checksum the file like this:
  # dd if=/dev/cdrom bs=2048 count=23150592 conv=notrunc,noerror  cd.iso
  # md5sum cd.iso

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Re: How to configure eth0 with static ip and eth1 dhcp

2014-02-22 Thread Dan Purgert
On 22/02/2014 18:11, Scott Ferguson wrote:
 On 23/02/14 09:58, Stephen Powell wrote:
 On Sat, 22 Feb 2014 17:22:16 -0500 (EST), Markos wrote:

 I'm trying to configure a machine with two network cards to share 
 Internet access to an internal network

 the /etc/network/interface is:

 # The loopback network interface
 auto lo
 iface lo inet loopback

 auto eth0
 iface eth0 inet static

 auto eth1
 iface eth1 inet dhcp

 The card eth0 is used as gateway on the internal network with static IP and eth1 is connected to the B-890 -53 Huawei modem.

 But the modem do not send an IP during initialization.

You *could* have things connected backwards. Also, you're missing some
configuration details for eth0.

You need to be bridging eth0 and eth1, I think.  It's been ages since I've set
up a PC as a router, because off-the-shelf ones are usually good enough at the
routing part (DHCP, DNS, etc can be offloaded, but that's easy, and doesn't
require 2 NICs).


 I'm guessing it's a cdc_ether device - probably running a web and dn
 server at  Hopefully the OP will correct my assumption
 (Vendor and Product codes from dmesg?).
 I'm not familiar with that particular model - but I've had to hack Linux
 support for the chipset either side of it (model number).
 Kind regards

He's using a Huawei B-890-53 4G modem/hub[1], and is trying to hook up a *nix
box to act as a router for other devices.

Really rough diagram (from my understanding of the OP) is as follows:

[b-890] --- [eth0] {missing config?} [eth1] --- other device(s).

Not really sure why he needs to do this, as the Huawei box has in integrated
DHCP server/router ... but something like this should work:

1. Set eth0 to have a static IP (e.g.[2]
2. Install DHCP onto the *nix box.
3. Set the IP of eth1 to some other subnet[2] ( or a class A or B
   network -- 10.x.x.0/24 or 172.16.x.0/24).
4. Bind DHCP to eth1 (so it answers requests for internal devices)
5. Set up a route from eth1 to eth0, and vice versa.
6. Set up dnsmasq in iptables.
7. hook up internal switch, etc.

Now, the downside to this approach is that devices connected to the Wifi AP of
the Huawei device will not be able to communicate with the stuff behind the *nix
server.  An easier solution (IMO) would be something like the following:

1. Install DHCP server on the *nix box.
2. Set eth0 to a static IP address (e.g.
3. Bind DHCP and DNS to eth0.
4. Connect eth0 on the Huawei device to eth0 of the *nix box.
5. Connect eth1 on the Huawei device to a switch (for the other computers).

A setup like this will then put all devices (wired and wireless) on the same
subnet so they can communicate without any issues.

Please note, this is really high level, and I'm probably forgetting some of the
finer details.


[1]That's what they call it anyway.

[2] Something like this should work:

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
[dns-nameservers] -- these are openDNS, use your
ISP, some other DNS provider, or your internal nameservers if you'd like.

auto eth1
iface eth1 inet static

eth1 might be wrong, like I said, it's been ages.

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Re: 7z command works fine on command line but not in script

2014-02-22 Thread Scott Ferguson
On 23/02/14 07:39, wrote:
 Le 20.02.2014 02:15, Scott Ferguson a écrit :
 On 19/02/14 23:32, wrote:
 Le 19.02.2014 10:53, Scott Ferguson a écrit :
 Just read your last post before sending this, so this may no
 longer be relevant... I don't know that you need to quote the
 variables. I use coloured bash
 coloured *editor* i.e. nano, vi/emac, dex[*1] or Kwrite is what I
 meant to write. If anyone knows of a way to colourise the syntax in
 xterm (especially 'fc' temp) I'd be *very* interested.
 I think I did not read correctly when I replied to you.

No. The mistake was mine (I didn't write editor originally).

 I also use syntactic coloration in my editors, I'm a programmer after
 all. And vim manages it correctly enough... Still, it did not helped
 me with *that* pebcak. The only things colored in my shell is not
 bash, btw, only the prompt... indeed, a colored shell would be very,
 very powerful.

Darac (Paul?) made a suggestion about that - there is also fish.


 but for a reason I can not understand, echo did not displayed

I'm not sure if you mean echo as in your example:-
for i in *.zip;
artiste=`echo $i|cut -f1 -d-|sed -e 's/^ *//g' -e 's/ *$//g'`
album=`echo $i|cut -f2 -d-|sed -e 's/^ *//g' -e 's/ *$//g'`
mkdir $artiste/$album -p
7z x \$i\ -o\$artiste/$album\ || rmdir $artiste/$album -p
echo 7z x \$i\ -o\$artiste/$album\

If so, perhaps it's the way you were using echo? It displays the string
- including the spaces, but when you use the string with 7z it's working
with only working with the first word/character before the space -
because you're escaping the last  in each string.

So if artiste is Frank Zappa and album is Weasels Rip My Flesh then
those variables will display fine with echo, but because you were
escaping the parenthesis  7z is trying to work with Frank, not Frank
Zappa. And if the artiste or album contains a minus character If
you'd done the same thing with rmdir the mistake would have been
obvious. (I altered that section too - just in case you have more than
one album by an artist.)

Note also - if you want to echo escape characters you need to use the -e
switch, or just avoid them altogether - I'd, cautiously (I haven't
tested it, and I'd prefer more error checking) suggest this variation:-

for i in *.zip;
artiste=`echo $i|cut -f1 -d-|sed -e 's/^ *//g' -e 's/ *$//g'`
album=`echo $i|cut -f2 -d-|sed -e 's/^ *//g' -e 's/ *$//g'`
mkdir -p $artiste/$album
7z x $i -o $artiste/$album || rmdir $artiste/$album
echo 7z x $i -o $artiste/$album


Kind regards

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Re: How to configure eth0 with static ip and eth1 dhcp

2014-02-22 Thread Markos

On 22-02-2014 20:11, Scott Ferguson wrote:

On 23/02/14 09:58, Stephen Powell wrote:

On Sat, 22 Feb 2014 17:22:16 -0500 (EST), Markos wrote:

I'm trying to configure a machine with two network cards to share
Internet access to an internal network

the /etc/network/interface is:

# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static

auto eth1
iface eth1 inet dhcp

The card eth0 is used as gateway on the internal network with static IP and eth1 is connected to the B-890 -53 Huawei modem.

But the modem do not send an IP during initialization.

The IP of modem is

The modem sends the IP address ( to my laptop by wifi
without problems.

Any suggestions of what I should check?

I'm afraid that I don't understand the problem.  Is this a traditional
async dial-up modem?  If so, I would expect it to be configured with ppp,
its interface name would be ppp0, and it would not be listed in
/etc/network/interfaces at all.  I don't get it.


I'm guessing it's a cdc_ether device - probably running a web and dn
server at  Hopefully the OP will correct my assumption
(Vendor and Product codes from dmesg?).
I'm not familiar with that particular model - but I've had to hack Linux
support for the chipset either side of it (model number).

Kind regards


Dear Scot and Stephen,

I am using this model of modem:

I just tested on another machine and the modem supplied the IP to my 
laptop via wireless and IP to a computer (with 1 NIC) via ethernet 
without problem.

Tomorrow I'll change the network card (of the machine with 2 NICs) and 
test again to see if the problem is the network card.

Thanks for your attention,

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Re: How to configure eth0 with static ip and eth1 dhcp

2014-02-22 Thread Markos

On 22-02-2014 22:55, Dan Purgert wrote:

On 22/02/2014 18:11, Scott Ferguson wrote:

On 23/02/14 09:58, Stephen Powell wrote:

On Sat, 22 Feb 2014 17:22:16 -0500 (EST), Markos wrote:

I'm trying to configure a machine with two network cards to share
Internet access to an internal network

the /etc/network/interface is:

# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static

auto eth1
iface eth1 inet dhcp

The card eth0 is used as gateway on the internal network with static IP and eth1 is connected to the B-890 -53 Huawei modem.

But the modem do not send an IP during initialization.

You *could* have things connected backwards. Also, you're missing some
configuration details for eth0.

You need to be bridging eth0 and eth1, I think.  It's been ages since I've set
up a PC as a router, because off-the-shelf ones are usually good enough at the
routing part (DHCP, DNS, etc can be offloaded, but that's easy, and doesn't
require 2 NICs).



I'm guessing it's a cdc_ether device - probably running a web and dn
server at  Hopefully the OP will correct my assumption
(Vendor and Product codes from dmesg?).
I'm not familiar with that particular model - but I've had to hack Linux
support for the chipset either side of it (model number).

Kind regards


He's using a Huawei B-890-53 4G modem/hub[1], and is trying to hook up a *nix
box to act as a router for other devices.

Really rough diagram (from my understanding of the OP) is as follows:

[b-890]---  [eth0] {missing config?} [eth1]---  other device(s).

Not really sure why he needs to do this, as the Huawei box has in integrated
DHCP server/router ... but something like this should work:

1. Set eth0 to have a static IP (e.g.[2]
2. Install DHCP onto the *nix box.
3. Set the IP of eth1 to some other subnet[2] ( or a class A or B
network -- 10.x.x.0/24 or 172.16.x.0/24).
4. Bind DHCP to eth1 (so it answers requests for internal devices)
5. Set up a route from eth1 to eth0, and vice versa.
6. Set up dnsmasq in iptables.
7. hook up internal switch, etc.

Now, the downside to this approach is that devices connected to the Wifi AP of
the Huawei device will not be able to communicate with the stuff behind the *nix
server.  An easier solution (IMO) would be something like the following:

1. Install DHCP server on the *nix box.
2. Set eth0 to a static IP address (e.g.
3. Bind DHCP and DNS to eth0.
4. Connect eth0 on the Huawei device to eth0 of the *nix box.
5. Connect eth1 on the Huawei device to a switch (for the other computers).

A setup like this will then put all devices (wired and wireless) on the same
subnet so they can communicate without any issues.

Please note, this is really high level, and I'm probably forgetting some of the
finer details.


[1]That's what they call it anyway.

[2] Something like this should work:

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
[dns-nameservers]-- these are openDNS, use your
ISP, some other DNS provider, or your internal nameservers if you'd like.

auto eth1
iface eth1 inet static

eth1 might be wrong, like I said, it's been ages.


Dear Dan,

Thanks for your attention.

Let me explain in more detail the situation .

I organized a small network with 6 machines all with static IP and 
centralized log server ( ) with NIS .

This network don't has Internet access, only on weekends I use my mobile 
phone on the server ( ) and through a connection ppp0 share 
the Internet access for other machines on the network .

lan eth0 ppp0 Internet

I described all steps of that network on my page (but are in Portuguese ) :

And I used iptables to control the network.

But recently bought a modem router :

and today I did my first test with this modem .

I just installed another NIC (RTL8139) in the server (eth1) and replace 
the ppp0 to eth1 in the firewall script below .

I just did a test at home and the modem provided the IP for 2 ethernet 
connections without problems.

Tomorrow I'll change the network card of the server and see if the 
problem is on the network card.

Thanks for your attention,.

Best Regards,

# ! / bin / bash

start () {

echo 1  / proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

iptables - A FORWARD -i ppp0 - o eth0 - m state - state ! ESTABLISHED, 
RELATED - j LOG - log -prefix  FIREWALL : . . Tent ext connection 

iptables - A FORWARD -i ppp0 - o eth0 - m state - state ! ESTABLISHED, 

iptables - A FORWARD -i eth0 - o ppp0 - j ACCEPT

iptables - t nat -A POSTROUTING - o 

Re: How to configure eth0 with static ip and eth1 dhcp

2014-02-22 Thread Scott Ferguson
On 23/02/14 13:09, Markos wrote:
 On 22-02-2014 20:11, Scott Ferguson wrote:
 On 23/02/14 09:58, Stephen Powell wrote:
 On Sat, 22 Feb 2014 17:22:16 -0500 (EST), Markos wrote:
 I'm trying to configure a machine with two network cards to share
 Internet access to an internal network

 the /etc/network/interface is:

 # The loopback network interface
 auto lo
 iface lo inet loopback

 auto eth0
 iface eth0 inet static

 auto eth1
 iface eth1 inet dhcp

 The card eth0 is used as gateway on the internal network with static IP and eth1 is connected to the B-890 -53 Huawei modem.

 But the modem do not send an IP during initialization.

 The IP of modem is

 The modem sends the IP address ( to my laptop by wifi
 without problems.

 Any suggestions of what I should check?

 I'm afraid that I don't understand the problem.  Is this a traditional
 async dial-up modem?  If so, I would expect it to be configured with
 its interface name would be ppp0, and it would not be listed in
 /etc/network/interfaces at all.  I don't get it.

 I'm guessing it's a cdc_ether device - probably running a web and dn
 server at  Hopefully the OP will correct my assumption
 (Vendor and Product codes from dmesg?).
 I'm not familiar with that particular model - but I've had to hack Linux
 support for the chipset either side of it (model number).

 Kind regards

 Dear Scot and Stephen,
 I am using this model of modem:

Thanks - yes it's the chipset I was expecting.

 I just tested on another machine and the modem supplied the IP to my
 laptop via wireless and IP to a computer (with 1 NIC) via ethernet
 without problem.


 Tomorrow I'll change the network card (of the machine with 2 NICs) and
 test again to see if the problem is the network card.

OK - I misunderstood - I didn't realise you had a second card installed
and assumed you'd just noticed the USB modem cable is seen as a NIC, or
that networkmanager had autoconfigured it for you (it should, if you
have a recent version of usb-modeswitch installed).
You don't need the 2nd network card unless you want to duplicate the
routing functionality build into your modem/hub/router. Just connect the
modem to that computer with the USB cable. Make sure you have
usb_modeswitch installed and add the extra line I suggest (the gateway

The modem should then be seen as /dev/eth1 by Debian and will be used as
the gateway for your internet. You'll find that resolv.conf will
automagically use the modem as the nameserver .i.e. /etc/resolv.conf
will contain:-

You don't need to add netmask and broadcast stanzas to
/etc/network/interfaces, you do need to change auto to hot-plug for the
modem (yes it's USB but the system will see it as an eth device).

Any other devices you connect to the modem should automagically (via
DHCP) do the same - and by default will all be able to communicate with
each other.

NOTE: the route output I quoted (in the previous post) is from a box
connected to a similar Huwaei modem in the same situation.

# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
# and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).

# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

# The primary network interface
allow-hotplug eth0
iface eth0 inet static
# dns-* options are implemented by the resolvconf package, if

allow-hotplug eth1
iface eth1 inet dhcp
# you could make this static, but more typing would be involved

NOTE: network and broadcast stanzas are optional

 Thanks for your attention,

Kind regards

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Where are the local GVFS mounts?

2014-02-22 Thread Mike Toews

I have mounted a smb share through the convenience clicking through of
Gnome's Nautilus browser. Great! However, I cannot seem to do anything
with it from a terminal. The properties (again, from Nautilus) don't
say where the local mount is, and the Open in Terminal extension is
not available for any of these directories.

Digging though similar questions and the technology behind, I have
discovered this was made possible with GVFS:

which says: The default mount point is /run/user/UID/gvfs, usually
located on tmpfs, with a fallback to the old location ~/.gvfs when not

On my Debian Wheezy 7.4 (amd64) where I'm having this difficulty,
these directories do not exist:


And this directory is empty:

And the smb mount is not found here:

But, from the same terminal, I can see that there is a GVFS mount:
$ gvfs-mount -l
Mount(0): sharedir on wincomp - smb://wincomp/sharedir/
  Type: GDaemonMount

So where is the local mount that I can use with a shell? Why is it so
obscure to find?

This is my same question:


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Re: Re: [OT] KDM No Longer In KDE ?!?

2014-02-22 Thread ghaverla
Trivia really.

Long ago, I tried to set up kdm to run multiple x servers, and it was
too opaque for me, and so I tried gdm and found it easy.  There were
other aspects of gdm I liked.

Then Gnome 3 came along, and its gdm3 couldn't do multiple x servers
(or so I read).  Consequently, I am still running gdm-2.20.11-4.  On
unstable.  With Debian doing so much updating lately (get rid of
deadwood, like old users such as myself), I figured I better download
the 2.20.11-4 source package from oldstable before it goes away.

But, sometime between now and April, I will be moving to Gentoo,
Slackware or beyond.  I guess 15 years of Debian is enough.


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Re: Where are the local GVFS mounts?

2014-02-22 Thread Ralf Mardorf
There are several good reasons to remove GVFS or at least to replace it
by a dummy package and to prefer to mount manually.

GVFS was born to create drama.

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