Re: Debian sur ACER Travelmate ne boote pas

2014-12-04 Thread BERTRAND Joël

Pierre Couderc a écrit :

Merci, la réponse est que dans la doc officielle, il est écrit qu'il
faut passer par wheezy pour installer sid...
Je ne connaissais pas cet installer, je vais essayer mais je suis
inquiet de  prendre le risque que mon PC brutalement ne veuille pas
démarrer un jour de mise à jour.

	Ça me rappelle un truc... Il y a une version du noyau qui est 
complètement bugguée et qui ne renvoie aucune partition bootable lorsque 
la mise à jour fait un update-grub2. Je suis tombé moi aussi sur l'os il 
y a quelque temps.


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Re: Debian sur ACER Travelmate ne boote pas

2014-12-04 Thread Belaïd
juste une précision, sid est la version unstable ce qui n'est pas Jessie
Le 2 déc. 2014 20:02, Pierre Couderc a écrit :

 Merci, la réponse est que dans la doc officielle, il est écrit qu'il
 faut passer par wheezy pour installer sid...
 Je ne connaissais pas cet installer, je vais essayer mais je suis inquiet
 de  prendre le risque que mon PC brutalement ne veuille pas démarrer un
 jour de mise à jour.

 J'essaye et rendrai compte.

 Le 02/12/2014 19:55, Luc Novales a écrit :


 Le 02/12/2014 17:51, Pierre Couderc a écrit :

 J'ai compris ce qui se passe.
 L'installation sous wheezy se passe bien.
 Je boote et je reboote sans problème.

 Puis, je fais une migration à jessie (en suivant les instructions
 officielles), puis une série de
 aptitude upgrade

 Une migration sur un serveur, avec beaucoup de configuration..., encore
 passe, mais là, une install from scratch,  sur un portable, pourquoi pas
 directement avec l'installeur jessie
 debian-installer/ ? Avec toutes les modifications y
 compris dans le démarrage (systemd...), je ne vois pas l'intérêt de passer
 par une installation wheezy suivie d'un upgrade.

 Bonne soirée,

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Re: ssh sur port 22

2014-12-04 Thread Wilson Family

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[HS?] Service libre pour gestion de projet

2014-12-04 Thread Alexandre Delanoë
pour la gestion de projets, des services en ligne sont de plus en plus
fréquemment cités/utilisés/conseillés par mes collaborateurs. Des noms
comme trello ou redbooth apparaissent (pardon pour la pub). 

Ces services en ligne sont gratuits au départ puis payants ensuite
pour certaines fonctionnalités et je n'ai pas de garanties sur
l'évolution future de leur politique commerciale.

Par exemple, en recherchant un peu, redirige vers redbooth et
teambox était à l'époque un projet publié sur github:
Mais les mises à jour publiques ont cessé il y a 3 ans.

Je peux entendre que le projet logiciel nécessite des financements
mais je souhaite aussi avoir accès aux sources comme garantie et
assurance que mon investissement cognitif ne soit pas réalisé en
pure perte.

Ainsi, connaîtriez vous des projets alternatifs qui publient leur code ?
Si ça se trouve il y a des solutions aussi fiables que je ne connais pas
encore. Merci d'avance pour vos idées/partage d'expériences.

Bonne journée,

Alexandre Delanoë

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[HS] Un courriel qui vient du futur...

2014-12-04 Thread Stéphane GARGOLY
Bonjour à tous les utilisateurs et développeurs de Debian :

Ce matin (vers 6 heures UTC donc 7 heures en France  - voir note a) du 
05/12/2014, quand j'ai ouvert mon logiciel de courriel (voir note b) pour lire 
les nouveaux messages venant de notre liste de discussion 'debian-
user_french', je me suis retrouvé avec un courriel qui date du... 06/12/2014 
(à 0 heure 31).

Note a : Je précise que mes systèmes GNU/Linux (Debian Wheezy) fonctionnent à 
l'heure UTC bien qu'ils se trouvent en France.

Note b : C'est plutôt anecdotique mais j'utilise KMail (issu de 
l'environnement de bureau KDE) comme client E-mail.

Évidemment et quelque peu troublé par cette information quelque peu décalée, 
je suis allé à la page suivante :
juste pour voir si ce courrier électronique est présent, ce qui est 
effectivement le cas.

En bas de cette page, je lis The last update was on 02:20 GMT Fri Dec 05. 
There are 35 messages. Page 1 of 1.

J'ai, donc, cliqué sur le lien suivant :
et je lis Date: Fri, 5 Dec 2014 19:31:09 -0500

Le voyage dans le temps de façon rétrograde (c'est-à-dire vers le passé) est-
il possible malgré ce que nous enseignent les lois de la physique (voir note 
c) ? :-D

Note c : Car cela va à l'encontre du principe de la relation de cause à 

En tout cas, cela ouvre d'intéressantes perspectives :  imaginez qu'on puisse 
recevoir, par simple courriel, les (futurs) numéros gagnants d'Euromillions 
avant le tirage...

Cordialement et à bientôt,


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Re: Debian con OpenRC

2014-12-04 Thread Manolo Díaz
El miércoles, 3 dic 2014, a las 19:36 horas (UTC+1),
Camaleón escribió:

El Wed, 03 Dec 2014 17:35:28 +0100, Manolo Díaz escribió:

 El miércoles, 3 dic 2014, a las 15:01 horas (UTC+1),
 Ismael L. Donis Garcia escribió:
Ahora lo que hace falta es que Debian tome también la iniciativa de
Manjaro de
incluir la opción de seleccionar OpenRC en el instalador como opción
 Lo dudo. Actualmente no es posible instalar openrc sin instalar uno
 de las tres opciones: systemd-sysv, sysvinit-core o upstart. 


A ver, init es un metapaquete esencial que tiene como dependencias 
directas los paquetes que indicas más arriba pero ¿qué te hace pensar
que eso impida que se pueda añadir una opción para instalar openRC en
el instalador?

Que lo impida, nada. Pero no la trae.

En un sistema en blanco (sin instalar) sería tan sencillo como marcar 
sysvinit-core y openrc

Sería, pero no lo es. Mira la última parte de este correo.

mientras que en un sistema que ya cuente con systemd tendría que
marcarse systemd para eliminar (con todo lo que arrastre) y añadir
esos dos paquetes.


openRC no reemplaza a /sbin/init simplemente proporciona una 
alternativa al paquete sysv-rc.

Ciertamente. Actualmente openrc está en el mismo ámbito que sysv-rc o

En el instalador de Jessie beta 2 no hay casilla ni opción para cambiar
el sistema de inicio. Para ello hay que editar la entrada del menú de
arranque del instalador o usar un fichero de preconfiguración [1]. Por
ejemplo, para instalar sysvinit-core + openrc basta con editar la
opción del menú de arranque Install y cambiar su valor de

/install.amd/vmlinuz vga=788 initrd=/install.amd/initrd.gz --quiet

a esta otra

/install.amd/vmlinuz vga=788 initrd=/install.amd/initrd.gz 
preseed/late_command=in-target apt-get install -y sysvinit-core openrc --quiet

Claro que no te sale el mensaje de post-instalación de openrc. Tal vez
se pueda corregir eso suprimiendo el -- quiet final.


Manolo Díaz

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Re: minicom y puerto /dev/ttyS0 bloqueado

2014-12-04 Thread Edwin De La Cruz
Minicom es sencillo de usar, lo he usado desde hace tiempo,
precisamente para trabajar con Modems GSM.
Que bueno que hayas resulto el problema por ti mismo.
Mis proyectos de software libre en:
Github - edwinspire

El día 23 de noviembre de 2014, 22:15, Debia Linux escribió:

 Vaya, estoy avanzando... ya pregunto y puedo responder a mi mismo mas
 rapido de lo que contestan en la lista. Tal vez con el tiempo,
 comience a ayudarles a resolver muchos problemas.

 Les explico rapidamente:

 Aunque no me permitia escribir nada, si me permitia ejecutar la ayuda
 con las teclas


 Entre al menu y me aparecieron varias opciones, entre ellas CONFIGURAR
 MINICOM (Configure Minicom) y me decia que presionara la letra O.

 Lo hice y aparecio otro menu y elegi la opcion...


 La ejecute y aparecio otro menu con varias opciones y elegi...


 Como lei el manual del modem, me decia que el modem podia trabajar a
 diversas velocidades que sopotaba, pero la ideal era la de 115200 8n1
 y presione enter y despues enter y llegue al menu donde una opcion

 SALVAR CONFIGURACION COMO DFL (supongo que es la nativa de minicom)

 Posteriormente elegi la opcion...


 Se reinicio automaticamente el modem y ¡magia hecha realidad, pude
 volver a ejecutar mis comandos!.

 Gracias por su atencion


 2014-11-23 21:00 GMT-06:00 Debia Linux
 2014-11-23 20:54 GMT-06:00 Debia Linux

 Estaba haciendo unas pruebas sobre comandos AT instale bien minicom
 sin ningun problema.

 Comence a usar los comandos AT y todo bien.

 Y aqui viene el pero.

 Resulta que al usar el comando


 Me arrojo varios resultados para decirme que velocidades eran
 soportadas. Asi que despues ejecute el comando pero con la velocidad
 que quise (la mas veloz por supuesto).


 Y fue ahi donde la puerca torcio el rabo... (asi se dice en Mexico). A
 partir de ahi, al ejecutar minicom, pues ya no pude hacerlo por la
 sencilla razon de que escribo, pero no aparece nada en la terminal.

 Lei el manual del modem y nada. Asi que decidi iniciar minicom como
 root y ahi me arrojo el siguiente error (mas bien horror para mi).

 El dispositivo /dev/ttyS0 está bloqueado.
 Por alguna razon extraña, ya pude ingresar (no resolvi el problema de
 ninguna manera, solito se resolvio) tal vez estaba ejecutando minicom
 como sudoer y por eso me bloqueaba el puerto.

 Asi que inicie la busqueda en google y encontre algo similar a lo que
 buscaba, me dice que busque en la carpeta /var/lock y que ejecutara el
 comando ls y veria algo similar a LCK..ttyS0 y al ver su contenido
 podria ver que pid estaba ejecutando el puerto.

 No he encontrado ni el archivo ni nada que tenga que ver a algo semejante.

 Lo raro es que al ejecutar minicom como sudoer, todo bien, pero no
 puedo escribir ningun comando AT, por lo mismo no puedo realizar las
 tareas que necesito.

 Lo raro es que al ejecutar minicom como sudoer, entra a minicom, pero
 no puedo escribir. Abro otra ventana xterm y ¡vuala! si puedo escribir
 (hasta revise las baterias del teclado inalambrico).

 Alguna sugerencia?.


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Re: Sonido en jessie [SOLUCIONADO]

2014-12-04 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 03 Dec 2014 16:58:39 -0300, Debian GMail escribió:

 El 02/12/14 a las 11:33, Camaleón escibió:
 El Mon, 01 Dec 2014 16:22:59 -0300, JavierDebian escribió:
 Los malos de la película eran /etc/modprobe.d/oss4-base_noALSA.conf
 y /etc/modprobe.d/oss4-base_noOSS3.conf.

 Por algún motivo que desconozco, los módulos del kernel para el sonido
 de la tarjeta (p. ej., snd-*) y los de OSS son incompatibles (o cargas
 uno u otro pero no ambos porque entran en conflicto).
 Es algo de lo que acabo de desasnarme.

Cómo funciona el sistema de audio en linux es algo que nunca he entendido 
por completo. Doy por hecho que el primer eslabón de la cadena son los 
drivers/módulos del kernel que permiten reconocen al dispositivo de audio 
(tarjeta o chipset integrado) y que después está el resto de añadidos que 
se le quiera poner (ALSA, OSS, PulseAudio, ESD, aRTs, Phonom, Jack...) 
pero ahora mismo tengo mis dudas. Por ejemplo, OSS entraría en el primer 
eslabón junto con los módulos del kernel, de ahí que entren en conflicto 
directo y sólo se pueda tener cargado uno de los dos.

 Esta vez me tomé el trabajo de sacar de /etc/modprobe.d/ todos los
 archivos, que son los que siguen


 y reiniciar el equipo.
 Mágicamente, el sonido volvió.

 De mágico nada...
 Toda tecnología lo suficientemente avanzada es indistinguible de la
 magia. 3ª ley de Arthur C. Clarke.

No creo el señor Clarke se refiriera a esta situación exactamente :-)


 Lo que me queda pendiente por averiguar es por qué una instalación
 limpia de Debian, carga tantos blacklist de OSS que impiden la
 correcta ejecución de ALSA.

 La pregunta sería más bien por qué tienes instalado el paquete OSS si
 tienes ALSA y los módulos del kernel detectan la tarjeta de sonido sin
 Esa es la pregunta.
 El sistema lo instalé limpio en octubre, cuando todos los parches que
 había intentado parecían insolubles.
 Lo que hay instalado, se instaló solo. En el área de audio, yo no
 agregué ni quité nada. Hasta este fin de semana.
 El enchastre lo hizo el instalador de Debian solito.


Pregunta al oráculo:

aptitude why oss4-base

 El listadito de blacklist de OSS (sacado de la copia de seguridad).
 Creería que los bloqueadores son:
 oss4-base_noALSA.conf:blacklist snd-hda-intel


Bueno, ahí está. Con que comentes (#) esa línea debería ser suficiente, 
no hace falta que elimines el paquete.



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Re: Puedo hacer wbinfo -u pero no getent passwd

2014-12-04 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 03 Dec 2014 16:29:46 -0500, Denis Morejon Lopez escribió:

 Estoy tratando de instalarme un samba 4.1.13 a partir del código fuente
 sólo para compartir archivos en un entorno mixto Linux / Windows. Uso de
 base un contenedor debian 7. Configuro, compilo e instalo sin errores,
 lo uno al dominio existente también. Con el comando wbinfo -u me lista
 todos los usuarios del PDC (Zentyal) ok. Pero el comando getent passwd
 solo me lista los usuarios internos, no los del PDC.


getent passwd outputs only local users



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Re: usuarios y permisos

2014-12-04 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 03 Dec 2014 23:59:45 -0300, unciegobailando escribió:

 El 03/12/14 a las 13:40, Camaleón escibió:
 El Wed, 03 Dec 2014 13:27:10 -0300, Gonzalo Rivero escribió:

 El mié, 03-12-2014 a las 11:52 -0430, Edward Villarroel (EDD)
 buenas tardes puedo darle a usuarios normales permisos para ejecutar
 una cantidad de comandos especificos

 osea seria como tener un suarios edward que nada mas pueda crear
 usuarios nuevos y modificar sus password

 pero mas nada que nos sea root?

 man sudo

 sm01@stt008:~$ man sudo
 No manual entry for sudo

 Para ver online:


Parece que se te ha pasado el :-P.

No tengo nada en contra de las páginas del manual sólo que cuando se no 
se tiene una aplicación instalada no están disponibles, eso era lo que 
quería decir (recuerda que sudo no siempre se instala de serie en Debian 
dependiendo del tipo de instalación que hagas, por eso yo no lo tengo 

Además, raramente las páginas del manual te explican cómo configurar una 
aplicación, simplemente enumeran los parámetros disponibles y qué hacen 
cada uno de ellos. Si tienes suerte, puedes tener ejemplos de uso pero 
poco más.

La página de la wiki de Debian está muy bien porque te explica cómo 
configurar sudo para que usuarios determinados tengan acceso a ciertos 



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Re: Puedo hacer wbinfo -u pero no getent passwd

2014-12-04 Thread Denis Morejon Lopez

No, esto que me aconsejan tampoco me funciona.

   idmap config DTCF:backend = rid

Veo que si instalo samba4 del repo de debian (en lugar de usando el 
fuente) éste tiene una opción con samba-tool para hacerse servidor 
miembro de un dominio. Veré si aunque sea así puedo servir ficheros sin 
ser controlador (que es lo que quiero al final). El inconveniente es que 
el samba4 del repo no está tan actualizado como el del fuente que es el 

On 12/04/2014 09:38 AM, Camaleón wrote:

El Wed, 03 Dec 2014 16:29:46 -0500, Denis Morejon Lopez escribió:

Estoy tratando de instalarme un samba 4.1.13 a partir del código fuente
sólo para compartir archivos en un entorno mixto Linux / Windows. Uso de
base un contenedor debian 7. Configuro, compilo e instalo sin errores,
lo uno al dominio existente también. Con el comando wbinfo -u me lista
todos los usuarios del PDC (Zentyal) ok. Pero el comando getent passwd
solo me lista los usuarios internos, no los del PDC.


getent passwd outputs only local users


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Re: Puedo hacer wbinfo -u pero no getent passwd

2014-12-04 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 04 Dec 2014 09:49:18 -0500, Denis Morejon Lopez escribió:

(no me he dado cuenta de que estamos secuestrando un hilo, mecachis...)

 On 12/04/2014 09:38 AM, Camaleón wrote:
 El Wed, 03 Dec 2014 16:29:46 -0500, Denis Morejon Lopez escribió:

 Estoy tratando de instalarme un samba 4.1.13 a partir del código
 fuente sólo para compartir archivos en un entorno mixto Linux /
 Windows. Uso de base un contenedor debian 7. Configuro, compilo e
 instalo sin errores, lo uno al dominio existente también. Con el
 comando wbinfo -u me lista todos los usuarios del PDC (Zentyal) ok.
 Pero el comando getent passwd solo me lista los usuarios internos, no
 los del PDC.

 getent passwd outputs only local users

 No, esto que me aconsejan tampoco me funciona.
 idmap config DTCF:backend = rid

Creo que tienes una variable más (idmap config *:backend = tdb), no sé si 
también le afectará a esto :-?

 Veo que si instalo samba4 del repo de debian (en lugar de usando el
 fuente) éste tiene una opción con samba-tool para hacerse servidor
 miembro de un dominio. Veré si aunque sea así puedo servir ficheros sin
 ser controlador (que es lo que quiero al final). El inconveniente es que
 el samba4 del repo no está tan actualizado como el del fuente que es el

El samba4 de wheezy no está actualizado pero tienes el paquete de los 
backports (samba) y también me parece que en la página de samba se podían 
descargar los binarios para distintas distribuciones.

De todas formas, no parece que tu problema sea de los paquetes sino de 



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Re: Debian con OpenRC

2014-12-04 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 04 Dec 2014 12:27:39 +0100, Manolo Díaz escribió:

 El miércoles, 3 dic 2014, a las 19:36 horas (UTC+1),
 Camaleón escribió:
El Wed, 03 Dec 2014 17:35:28 +0100, Manolo Díaz escribió:

 El miércoles, 3 dic 2014, a las 15:01 horas (UTC+1),
 Ismael L. Donis Garcia escribió:
Ahora lo que hace falta es que Debian tome también la iniciativa de
Manjaro de
incluir la opción de seleccionar OpenRC en el instalador como opción
 Lo dudo. Actualmente no es posible instalar openrc sin instalar uno de
 las tres opciones: systemd-sysv, sysvinit-core o upstart.


A ver, init es un metapaquete esencial que tiene como dependencias
directas los paquetes que indicas más arriba pero ¿qué te hace pensar
que eso impida que se pueda añadir una opción para instalar openRC en el
 Que lo impida, nada. Pero no la trae.

Claro, y eso era lo que pedía Ismael L. ;-)

En un sistema en blanco (sin instalar) sería tan sencillo como marcar
sysvinit-core y openrc
 Sería, pero no lo es. Mira la última parte de este correo.

(lo reviso)

mientras que en un sistema que ya cuente con systemd tendría que
marcarse systemd para eliminar (con todo lo que arrastre) y añadir esos
dos paquetes.
openRC no reemplaza a /sbin/init simplemente proporciona una
alternativa al paquete sysv-rc.
 Ciertamente. Actualmente openrc está en el mismo ámbito que sysv-rc o

Y de momento no aspira a reemplazar al viejo /sbin/init sino a hacerlo 
más útil y manejable, o al menos es lo que se desprende de la wiki de 
Gentoo que son los impulsores del aplicativo.

 En el instalador de Jessie beta 2 no hay casilla ni opción para cambiar
 el sistema de inicio. 

Entiendo que habría que hacerlo como dicen por aquí:

Es decir, tirando de preseed.

 Para ello hay que editar la entrada del menú de
 arranque del instalador o usar un fichero de preconfiguración [1]. 


Sí, eso es. Obviamente esa opción siempre ha sido posible de ahí que 
Ismael se preguntara por otra opción que fuera más accesible que 
permita seleccionar un sistema u otro de los que haya disponibles 
(systemd, systemv, upstart) tal y como se ha hecho con la opción de los 
entornos gráficos que ahora presenta (o debería presentar) un sub-menú 
con las distintas opciones.




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Re: Puedo hacer wbinfo -u pero no getent passwd

2014-12-04 Thread Lacho

Probaste con sernet samba? yo tuve problemas parecidos con samba/zentyal
y con esa versión anduvo muy bien.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

servidor de mapas geograficos

2014-12-04 Thread Ariel
hola lista estoy tratando de implementar un servidor de mapas, he visto 
algunas variantes, pero me haria falta una opinion de aquellos que 
quizas ya tengan algo en concreto o conozcan del tema, aqui tenemos 
hecho a modo de pruebas un sistema de mapas mediante (.map) y generados 
en mapinfo, el cual es privativo, quisiera ver como yo puedo publicar 
esos mapas realizados en mapinfo mediante un servidor web al estilo 
apache por ejemplo, he visto la variante de mapserver pero lo que he 
podido leer al respecto parece que este acepta mapas de tecnologia gis. 
en fin algo enredado el tema pero si alguien tuviera informacion al 
respecto se lo agradeceria.

gracias de antemano y saludos

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Re: servidor de mapas geograficos

2014-12-04 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 04 Dec 2014 11:12:18 -0500, Ariel escribió:

 hola lista estoy tratando de implementar un servidor de mapas, he visto 
 algunas variantes, pero me haria falta una opinion de aquellos que 
 quizas ya tengan algo en concreto o conozcan del tema, aqui tenemos 
 hecho a modo de pruebas un sistema de mapas mediante (.map) y generados 
 en mapinfo, el cual es privativo, quisiera ver como yo puedo publicar 
 esos mapas realizados en mapinfo mediante un servidor web al estilo 
 apache por ejemplo, he visto la variante de mapserver pero lo que he 
 podido leer al respecto parece que este acepta mapas de tecnologia gis. 
 en fin algo enredado el tema pero si alguien tuviera informacion al 
 respecto se lo agradeceria.
 gracias de antemano y saludos

En cuanto a programas, por si te sirve de referencia:

Y relacionado por el tipo de archivo que genera la aplicación actual:



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Re: Debian con OpenRC

2014-12-04 Thread Manolo Díaz
El jueves, 4 dic 2014, a las 15:53 horas (UTC+1),
Camaleón escribió:

tal y como se ha hecho con la opción de los 
entornos gráficos que ahora presenta (o debería presentar) un sub-menú 
con las distintas opciones.

La presenta, con los siguientes escritorios: GNOME (predeterminado),
XFCE, KDE, Cinnamon, MATE y LXDE.

Manolo Díaz

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VirtualBox enviar señal de apagado

2014-12-04 Thread José Betancourt Mondeja
mediante la consola podemos iniciar, salvar el estado de ejecución,
pausar, resumir, reiniciar y apagar bruscamente.
mi pregunta es... no existe una forma de apagar normalmente que no sea poweroff?
estos son los comandos que conozco.

VBoxManage controlvm nombre-de-la-vm savestate
VBoxManage controlvm nombre-de-la-vm pause
VBoxManage controlvm slackware resume
VBoxManage controlvm slackware reset
VBoxManage controlvm slackware poweroff

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Re: VirtualBox enviar señal de apagado

2014-12-04 Thread Lacho

proba esto:

|V/*BoxManage controlvm *//*Nombre*//*-de-la-VM*/ |||/*poweroff soft*/
o se me ocurre por ahí esto: ||/*|||VBoxManage controlvm
|||*//*/*Nombre*//*-de-la-VM*/| acpipowerbutton|| |*/


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: VirtualBox enviar señal de apagado

2014-12-04 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 04 Dec 2014 11:59:09 -0500, José Betancourt Mondeja escribió:

 mediante la consola podemos iniciar, salvar el estado de ejecución,
 pausar, resumir, reiniciar y apagar bruscamente.
 mi pregunta es... no existe una forma de apagar normalmente que no sea
 estos son los comandos que conozco.
 VBoxManage controlvm nombre-de-la-vm savestate
 VBoxManage controlvm nombre-de-la-vm pause
 VBoxManage controlvm slackware resume
 VBoxManage controlvm slackware reset
 VBoxManage controlvm slackware poweroff

VBoxManage controlvm vm poweroff has the same effect on a virtual 
machine as pulling the power cable on a real computer. Again, the state 
of the VM is not saved beforehand, and data may be lost. (This is 
equivalent to selecting the Close item in the Machine menu of the GUI 
or pressing the window's close button, and then selecting Power off the 
machine in the dialog.)

After this, the VM's state will be Powered off. From there, it can be 
started again; see Section 8.12, “VBoxManage startvm”.

Hum... qué mal ¿no? :-?

Se me ocurre que podrías hacerlo en dos pasos:

1/ Apagar la VM vía conexión local/remota (p. ej., mediante ssh) para 
que se cierre el sistema correctamente.

2/ Enviarle a VB la señal de apagado (poweroff) de la VM.



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Re: VirtualBox enviar señal de apagado

2014-12-04 Thread José Betancourt Mondeja
gracias hermano, funcionó con
mil gracias.

2014-12-04 12:30 GMT-05:00, Camaleón
 El Thu, 04 Dec 2014 11:59:09 -0500, José Betancourt Mondeja escribió:

 mediante la consola podemos iniciar, salvar el estado de ejecución,
 pausar, resumir, reiniciar y apagar bruscamente.
 mi pregunta es... no existe una forma de apagar normalmente que no sea
 estos son los comandos que conozco.

 VBoxManage controlvm nombre-de-la-vm savestate
 VBoxManage controlvm nombre-de-la-vm pause
 VBoxManage controlvm slackware resume
 VBoxManage controlvm slackware reset
 VBoxManage controlvm slackware poweroff

 VBoxManage controlvm vm poweroff has the same effect on a virtual
 machine as pulling the power cable on a real computer. Again, the state
 of the VM is not saved beforehand, and data may be lost. (This is
 equivalent to selecting the Close item in the Machine menu of the GUI
 or pressing the window's close button, and then selecting Power off the
 machine in the dialog.)

 After this, the VM's state will be Powered off. From there, it can be
 started again; see Section 8.12, VBoxManage startvm.

 Hum... qué mal ¿no? :-?

 Se me ocurre que podrías hacerlo en dos pasos:

 1/ Apagar la VM vía conexión local/remota (p. ej., mediante ssh) para
 que se cierre el sistema correctamente.

 2/ Enviarle a VB la señal de apagado (poweroff) de la VM.



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Re: VirtualBox enviar señal de apagado

2014-12-04 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 04 Dec 2014 12:35:16 -0500, José Betancourt Mondeja escribió:

 2014-12-04 12:30 GMT-05:00, Camaleón
 El Thu, 04 Dec 2014 11:59:09 -0500, José Betancourt Mondeja escribió:

 mediante la consola podemos iniciar, salvar el estado de ejecución,
 pausar, resumir, reiniciar y apagar bruscamente.
 mi pregunta es... no existe una forma de apagar normalmente que no sea
 estos son los comandos que conozco.

 VBoxManage controlvm nombre-de-la-vm savestate VBoxManage controlvm
 nombre-de-la-vm pause VBoxManage controlvm slackware resume
 VBoxManage controlvm slackware reset VBoxManage controlvm
 slackware poweroff

 VBoxManage controlvm vm poweroff has the same effect on a virtual
 machine as pulling the power cable on a real computer. Again, the state
 of the VM is not saved beforehand, and data may be lost. 


 Hum... qué mal ¿no? :-?

 Se me ocurre que podrías hacerlo en dos pasos:

 1/ Apagar la VM vía conexión local/remota (p. ej., mediante ssh) para
 que se cierre el sistema correctamente.

 2/ Enviarle a VB la señal de apagado (poweroff) de la VM.

 s gracias hermano, funcionó con acpipowerbutton mil gracias.

Ese hermano no soy yo X-)

Asegúrate de que la VM se apaga correctamente y que los sistemas de 
archivos no se corrompan cuando uses esa opción porque por el nombre (no 
la veo documentada) me suena a que emula el apagado del equipo a través 
del botón de encendido y eso no siempre tiene el efecto deseado en los 



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Re: någon som har tid för en newbie

2014-12-04 Thread Erik Kylin
Hej igen.
Min övergång får OSx till debian har gått bra. Och jag kör uteslutande
debian och android när jag inte jobbar med Video då jag kör mitt MacPro
med adobe produkter.

Jag vill verkligen säga tusen tack till alla som hjälpt mig igång. Jag
hade nog givit upp utan den här listan.

Var på Fscons och tog en titt på Gnom 3 som jag tror bli en bra
uppdatering. Tycker det är betydligt trängre än OSx något som gnom
förövrigt sa att dom jobbat mycket med i gnom 3.

Nu några fler frågor.

1. Netbeans grafiska miljö för java funkar inte hittar lite om nätet om
det. Fick det att funka första gången men inte efter det? Har gjort som
föreslagits på detta forum.
Dom grafiska komponenterna laddar bara någon som råkat ut för det?

2. Hur behandlar jag canons CR2 filer bäst. Tycker inte dom blir bra nog
när jag använder Shotwell, Gimp tar dom inte och ja. Dom ser ut som skit.

Vänliga hälsningar Erik

Den 2014-11-09 21:22, Joakim Roubert skrev:
 On 2014-10-29 17:32, wrote:
 När jag installerade Debian så fick det blir med Lilo som väll har med 
 bottning att göra, är det ett problem.
 Inget problem, LILO är prima.
 LILO är lite dinosaurie i sammanhanget; många kör GRUB eller andra, men
 jag gillar LILO eftersom den är enkel och utan problem bootar
 (mjukvaru)RAID-speglar rakt av etc. Jag körde LILO 1995–2004, GRUB
 mellan 2004–2008 och LILO sedan dess. Men egentligen är det strunt sak
 samma; alla gör jobbet och startar ditt system snyggt och fint så är
 bara att vara nöjd och glad och inget du behöver bekymra dig om (såvida
 du inte vill, förstås. ;-) ).


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Re: någon som har tid för en newbie

2014-12-04 Thread Staffan Melin (Oscillator)
On Dec 4, 2014 12:52 PM, Erik Kylin wrote:

 2. Hur behandlar jag canons CR2 filer bäst. Tycker inte dom blir bra nog
 när jag använder Shotwell, Gimp tar dom inte och ja. Dom ser ut som skit.

Har du provat Darktable?

 Vänliga hälsningar Erik

 Den 2014-11-09 21:22, Joakim Roubert skrev:

Re: Canon CR2 (var: Re: någon som har tid för en newbie)

2014-12-04 Thread Michael Kjörling
On 4 Dec 2014 12:52 +0100, from (Erik Kylin):
 2. Hur behandlar jag canons CR2 filer bäst. Tycker inte dom blir bra nog
 när jag använder Shotwell, Gimp tar dom inte och ja. Dom ser ut som skit.

CR2 är ett containerformat; jämför med t.ex. TIFF, AVI eller OGG. Så
din fråga är svårbesvarad. Om du anger vilken kamera du har så blir
det lättare.

Däremot, provat Ufraw? Min erfarenhet är att den är kompetent och ger
bra resultat i de flesta fall.

Michael Kjörling • •
OpenPGP B501AC6429EF4514
 “People who think they know everything really annoy
 those of us who know we don’t.” (Bjarne Stroustrup)

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Re: Canon CR2 (var: Re: någon som har tid för en newbie)

2014-12-04 Thread Per Andersson
2014-12-04 16:20 GMT+01:00 Michael Kjörling
 On 4 Dec 2014 12:52 +0100, from (Erik Kylin):
 2. Hur behandlar jag canons CR2 filer bäst. Tycker inte dom blir bra nog
 när jag använder Shotwell, Gimp tar dom inte och ja. Dom ser ut som skit.

 CR2 är ett containerformat; jämför med t.ex. TIFF, AVI eller OGG. Så
 din fråga är svårbesvarad. Om du anger vilken kamera du har så blir
 det lättare.

 Däremot, provat Ufraw? Min erfarenhet är att den är kompetent och ger
 bra resultat i de flesta fall.

Har du testat darktable?

Vi brukar nöja oss med Shotwell när vi ska skriva ut bilder på papper
och det blir bra resultat.


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Caro usuário

2014-12-04 Thread ADMIN
Caro usuário

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funcionando em 2.30GB, você não pode possível enviar ou receber novas mensagens
dentro das próximas 24 horas, até que você tenha certeza que sua conta de 
e-mail está

Por favor, informe seus dados abaixo para verificar a sua conta:

(1) de E-mail:
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O administrador do sistema 

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Caro usuário

2014-12-04 Thread ADMIN
Caro usuário

Seu e-mail ultrapassou 2GB criado pelo webmaster, você está atualmente
funcionando em 2.30GB, você não pode possível enviar ou receber novas mensagens
dentro das próximas 24 horas, até que você tenha certeza que sua conta de 
e-mail está

Por favor, informe seus dados abaixo para verificar a sua conta:

(1) de E-mail:
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(4) Confirme a senha:

O administrador do sistema 

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Re: Botao POWER

2014-12-04 Thread Antonio Terceiro
On Wed, Dec 03, 2014 at 06:56:18PM -0200, Eduardo Rodrigues da Luz wrote:
 Olá pessoal, gostaria de saber como habilito o botão power para desligar
 meu debian 7. Pelo que pesquisei na internet tenho que ter o arquivo:
 Para a ação funcionar, porem não existe esse arquivo na minha instalação.

eu acho que você quer /etc/acpi/ ...

você tem o pacote acpi-support instalado? se sim, em princípio você não
precisaria fazer nada pro computador desligar quando você apertar o
botão power.

Antonio Terceiro

Description: Digital signature

Re: Botao POWER

2014-12-04 Thread Eduardo Rodrigues da Luz
Não tinha o acpi-support instalado, fiz a instalação porém não posso
desligar o servidor agora, na parte da tarde faço o teste respondo aqui se

Em 4 de dezembro de 2014 09:34, Antonio Terceiro

 On Wed, Dec 03, 2014 at 06:56:18PM -0200, Eduardo Rodrigues da Luz wrote:
  Olá pessoal, gostaria de saber como habilito o botão power para desligar
  meu debian 7. Pelo que pesquisei na internet tenho que ter o arquivo:
  Para a ação funcionar, porem não existe esse arquivo na minha instalação.

 eu acho que você quer /etc/acpi/ ...

 você tem o pacote acpi-support instalado? se sim, em princípio você não
 precisaria fazer nada pro computador desligar quando você apertar o
 botão power.

 Antonio Terceiro

Eduardo Rodrigues da Luz

Great, Fábio now has your contact info. Thanks!

2014-12-04 Thread Brewster
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Squid https

2014-12-04 Thread Rodrigo Cunha
Alguém sabe se da para habilitar a função de bloqueio a websites pelo
protocolo https?
Meu squid é do rep. padrão do debian e em todos os artigos que encontro o
squid as pessoas compilam o squid para habilitar esta função.
O pior é que quase que todos os artigos que leio, existem ou mudanças ou
problemas nos steps.
Tenho duas perguntas, alguém sabe se dá para implementar o squid para
bloqueio de acesso a websites https como proxy transparente.
Teria como eu instalar o squid com esta opção, sem precisar compila-lo ou
um artigo sem falhas que mostre as etapas para compilar o squid3.

Não entendo o motivo do squid não ter está função habilitada por padrão,
será que tem algum tipo de restrição de segurança quando um proxy
intercepta um website https?

Rodrigo da Silva Cunha

Re: Squid https

2014-12-04 Thread henrique
Quando voce fala de bloquear websites pelo protocolo https, voce está 
tentando fazer o que exatamente? redirecionar todo o trafego ssl para uma porta 
X do seu proxy com iptables, ou fazer um controle do que os seus usuários estão 
acessando, comunidades do facebook por ex? 

Teria um destes artigos para postar para analisarmos? 

Sobre compilar o squid, aqui no wheezy acabei de compilar e instalar e deu tudo 
certo. Qual o seu problema exatamente? 



De: Rodrigo Cunha
Para: Debian-User 
Enviadas: Quinta-feira, 4 de Dezembro de 2014 19:47
Assunto: Squid https

Alguém sabe se da para habilitar a função de bloqueio a websites pelo protocolo 

Meu squid é do rep. padrão do debian e em todos os artigos que encontro o squid 
as pessoas compilam o squid para habilitar esta função.

O pior é que quase que todos os artigos que leio, existem ou mudanças ou 
problemas nos steps.

Tenho duas perguntas, alguém sabe se dá para implementar o squid para bloqueio 
de acesso a websites https como proxy transparente.

Teria como eu instalar o squid com esta opção, sem precisar compila-lo ou um 
artigo sem falhas que mostre as etapas para compilar o squid3.

Não entendo o motivo do squid não ter está função habilitada por padrão, será 
que tem algum tipo de restrição de segurança quando um proxy intercepta um 
website https?


Rodrigo da Silva Cunha

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Re: Squid https

2014-12-04 Thread Rodrigo Cunha
No meu caso eu vou redirecionar as conexões da para a porta 80 e 443 para o
squid tratar.
O termo que usam é proxy transparente, mas na verdade consegui um artigo
bom hoje, só não tive tempo de testa-lo por completo.
Consegui compilar utilizando o meu openssl instalado no S/O.

No entanto, a minha reclamação quanto o squid ainda continua, vi que a
entrada http_port porta transparent mudou para http_port porta
intercept, isso na versão 3.x.
Acho isso ruim, uma simples troca de string em uma versão identica do

Vou testar esta semana e posto os resultados.

Em 4 de dezembro de 2014 22:52, henrique escreveu:

 Quando voce fala de bloquear websites pelo protocolo https, voce está
 tentando fazer o que exatamente? redirecionar todo o trafego ssl para uma
 porta X do seu proxy com iptables, ou fazer um controle do que os seus
 usuários estão acessando, comunidades do facebook por ex?

 Teria um destes artigos para postar para analisarmos?

 Sobre compilar o squid, aqui no wheezy acabei de compilar e instalar e deu
 tudo certo. Qual o seu problema exatamente?


 De: Rodrigo Cunha
 Para: Debian-User
 Enviadas: Quinta-feira, 4 de Dezembro de 2014 19:47
 Assunto: Squid https

 Alguém sabe se da para habilitar a função de bloqueio a websites pelo
 protocolo https?

 Meu squid é do rep. padrão do debian e em todos os artigos que encontro o
 squid as pessoas compilam o squid para habilitar esta função.

 O pior é que quase que todos os artigos que leio, existem ou mudanças ou
 problemas nos steps.

 Tenho duas perguntas, alguém sabe se dá para implementar o squid para
 bloqueio de acesso a websites https como proxy transparente.

 Teria como eu instalar o squid com esta opção, sem precisar compila-lo ou
 um artigo sem falhas que mostre as etapas para compilar o squid3.

 Não entendo o motivo do squid não ter está função habilitada por padrão,
 será que tem algum tipo de restrição de segurança quando um proxy
 intercepta um website https?


 Rodrigo da Silva Cunha

Rodrigo da Silva Cunha

Re: boot fails on jessie on Acer Travelmate

2014-12-04 Thread Pascal Hambourg
Pierre Couderc a écrit :
 One big difference is that after jessie installation boot flag has 
 disappeared : gpt :
 wheezy :
 Model: ATA Crucial_CT480M50 (scsi)
 Disk /dev/sda: 480GB
 Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/4096B
 Partition Table: gpt
 Number  Start   EndSizeFile system Name  Flags
   1  1049kB  512MB  511MB   fat32 boot
   2  512MB   467GB  467GB   ext4
   3  467GB   480GB  12.8GB  linux-swap(v1)
 jessie :
 Model: ATA Crucial_CT480M50 (scsi)
 Disk /dev/sda: 480GB
 Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/4096B
 Partition Table: gpt
 Number  Start   EndSizeFile system Name  Flags
   1  1049kB  538MB  537MB   fat32
   2  538MB   467GB  467GB   ext4
   3  467GB   480GB  12.8GB  linux-swap(v1)

In parted on a GPT disk, the boot flag identifies an EFI system
partition. An alias is esp. As Simon suggested, you can toggle the
flag (with parted, not fdisk) and check whether the system can boot again.

parted /dev/sda set 1 boot on

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Re: Haven't seen this ssh output before

2014-12-04 Thread Jochen Spieker

 This is a tool which lists CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and
 Exposures) that the packages you installed contains.
 I think you might get some hints if you make a diff between the old
 (you said you have un-upgraded systems) and the new (the system
 which gaves you problems) systems.

Debsecan is a great tool, but to find out whether a specific upgrade
contains remedy for a specific CVE the easiest way is usually to just
look at the changelog. I would be very surprised if OpenSSH people close
security holes without mentioning that explicitly.

If I was Mark Chapman I would have shot John Lennon with a water pistol.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

Description: Digital signature

Test only

2014-12-04 Thread Danny
Hi guys,

Please ignore this ... Just testing a few tweaks I made in postfix ... :)

Thank You


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LVM RAID5 with missing disk?

2014-12-04 Thread mad

I wanted to create a RAID5 with lvm. The basic setup is something like

lvcreate --type raid5 -i 2 -L 1G -n my_lv my_vg

which would mean 3 physical drives would be used in this RAID5. But can
I specify that one drive is missing as it is possible with mdadm?


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Re: Debian fork: 'Devuan', Debian without Systemd

2014-12-04 Thread Jimmy Johnson

On 12/03/2014 07:13 AM, Erwan David wrote:

As explained several times on this ML, depending against libsystemd0
package doesn't mean anything about requiring systemd to be used as
PID1 or not. Even Ian's GR was not taking the I don't want any systemd
package on my machine use case into account you know.

Why focus on PID1 ? As I said, systemd-resolved proved to be
vulnerable to a well known attack.  What makes us think that more
quality was put in systemd-logind ? Not wanting systemd means not
wanting it *at all*. I personnally do not trust it for critical system

First Squeeze has to get upgraded to Wheezy without any systemd 
components and then upgrade Wheezy to Jessie without systemd.

Jimmy Johnson

Debian - Wheezy - KDE 4.8.4 - AMD64 - EXT4 at sda1
Registered Linux User #380263

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Re: Replacing systemd in Jessie

2014-12-04 Thread Patrick Bartek
On Wed, 03 Dec 2014, Brad Rogers wrote:

 On Wed, 3 Dec 2014 09:24:03 -0800
 Patrick Bartek wrote:
 Hello Patrick,
 use and no one else's, why distribute it at all?
 Simple:  Ego.

Perhaps.  Or insecurity, and the need for validation.  Or arrogance.
Or all the above.


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Re: LVM RAID5 with missing disk?

2014-12-04 Thread Dan Ritter
On Thu, Dec 04, 2014 at 02:13:59PM +0100, mad wrote:
 I wanted to create a RAID5 with lvm. The basic setup is something like
 lvcreate --type raid5 -i 2 -L 1G -n my_lv my_vg
 which would mean 3 physical drives would be used in this RAID5. But can
 I specify that one drive is missing as it is possible with mdadm?

I don't think so, no. You can create your RAID with mdadm and
put LVM on top of that.

In general I strongly recommend against using RAID5. RAID1, 10,
or 6 are all better options if your data's availability is
important to you.


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Installing Linux on a Mac Mini without OSX

2014-12-04 Thread Brian Sammon
I was recently given a Mac Mini (Intel Mid 2007) that had been wiped.

I tried to install Debian (Wheezy) on it, and the installer reported success, 
when it came time to eject and reboot, Debian didn't boot from the hard drive.

Googling finds me various pages about installing Linux where one of the steps 
is something like Boot into OSX

Is there a way to install Debian/Linux on this machine that doesn't involve 
buying or borrowing (or borrowing) a copy of OSX?  Is it easier to install 
linux on a USB disk and run it off of that?

Two particular subtasks that I may need to do that seem to require OSX:
1) Blessing a partition
2) Checking what version of firmware it has (some versions have BIOS

Any pointers/suggestions?

I'm also looking into PureDarwin as a possible solution.

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Re: Installing Linux on a Mac Mini without OSX

2014-12-04 Thread Jerome BENOIT

On 04/12/14 19:25, Brian Sammon wrote:
 I was recently given a Mac Mini (Intel Mid 2007) that had been
 I tried to install Debian (Wheezy) on it, and the installer reported
 success, but when it came time to eject and reboot, Debian didn't
 boot from the hard drive.

I would consider eject as a comfort at this stage.
The reboot issue is the real issue here.

 Googling finds me various pages about installing Linux where one of
 the steps is something like Boot into OSX

If you do not want a dual boot computer, forget this part and consider your box 
a regular box.

 Is there a way to install Debian/Linux on this machine that doesn't
 involve buying or borrowing (or borrowing) a copy of OSX? 

Take care as this model may be not be supported by last OS X.
You do not need it.

 Is it
 easier to install linux on a USB disk and run it off of that?
 Two particular subtasks that I may need to do that seem to require
 OSX: 1) Blessing a partition 2) Checking what version of firmware
 it has (some versions have BIOS compatibility)
 Any pointers/suggestions?

I will look towards a grub issue, specially if your partition is a gpt 
partition table.
For a gpt partition table, you must have a `bios grub' partition. 

 I'm also looking into PureDarwin as a possible solution.
Debian is definitely better, do not trust the folks on the PureDarwin forums.

Best wishes,


Jerome BENOIT, Ph.D. | jgmbenoit-at+rezozer*dot_net

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-cpu option of qemu

2014-12-04 Thread peter
man qenu has, 
-cpu ? for list and additional feature selection.

peter@armada:~$ qemu-system-x86_64 -cpu ?
Unable to find x86 CPU definition

How should CPU definitions be provided? 
Is there a package to install?

Thanks,Peter E.
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Tel +1 360 639 0202  Bcc: peter at easthope. ca

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Re: Replacing systemd in Jessie

2014-12-04 Thread Brian
On Thu 04 Dec 2014 at 09:33:30 -0800, Patrick Bartek wrote:

 On Wed, 03 Dec 2014, Brad Rogers wrote:
  On Wed, 3 Dec 2014 09:24:03 -0800
  Patrick Bartek wrote:
  Hello Patrick,
  use and no one else's, why distribute it at all?
  Simple:  Ego.
 Perhaps.  Or insecurity, and the need for validation.  Or arrogance.
 Or all the above.

Mmm. I write some programs which perform useful jobs for me. Maybe they
include a browser or a mailer or an init system, I do it to scratch my
itch and because it is fun.

Then I ask myself: maybe they might benefit someone? So I distribute
them, allowing anyone to do the same even after altering them. It could
be some of the changes could benefit my way of working but it doesn't
really matter as I'm happy with what I produced.

So that makes me

  * Egotistcal
  * Insecure
  * Requiring validation
  * Arrogant

It probably also makes my behaviour stupid. But stupidity is in short
supply as you two have a monopoly on it and it doesn't look like you
you are going to do any sharing.

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Re: Installing Linux on a Mac Mini without OSX

2014-12-04 Thread Jon Leonard
On Thu, Dec 04, 2014 at 01:25:37PM -0500, Brian Sammon wrote:
 I was recently given a Mac Mini (Intel Mid 2007) that had been wiped.
 I tried to install Debian (Wheezy) on it, and the installer reported success, 
 when it came time to eject and reboot, Debian didn't boot from the hard drive.
 Googling finds me various pages about installing Linux where one of the steps 
 is something like Boot into OSX
 Is there a way to install Debian/Linux on this machine that doesn't involve 
 buying or borrowing (or borrowing) a copy of OSX?  Is it easier to install 
 linux on a USB disk and run it off of that?
 Two particular subtasks that I may need to do that seem to require OSX:
 1) Blessing a partition
 2) Checking what version of firmware it has (some versions have BIOS
 Any pointers/suggestions?

I saw similar behavior installing on more recent Mac Minis.  There, the issue
was that the Mac firmware's idea of the boot sequence didn't match Debian's.

I wound up solving this by installing rEFInd (from
) , though not always the same way.  You'd presumably need to install it
to the EFI partition if you don't have a Mac partition.  I think it's also
possible to get Grub or even the Linux Kernel set up to boot as the EFI
loader, but I stopped trying that after I got booting to work reliably.

It should be possible to boot the Debian installer in rescue mode, get a
shell, and do the install from there.

Jon Leonard

 I'm also looking into PureDarwin as a possible solution.
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Re: Installing Linux on a Mac Mini without OSX

2014-12-04 Thread Stefan Monnier
 I was recently given a Mac Mini (Intel Mid 2007) that had been wiped.
 I tried to install Debian (Wheezy) on it, and the installer reported
 success, but  when it came time to eject and reboot, Debian didn't
 boot from the hard drive.
 Is there a way to install Debian/Linux on this machine that doesn't involve
 buying or borrowing (or borrowing) a copy of OSX?

If you managed to boot a plain-normal Debian CDROM installer, then your
machine's firmware has full BIOS support and you can boot a plain-normal
Debian install on the harddisk as well, as if the machine were
a normal PC.

 Is it easier to install linux on a USB disk and run it off of that?

Nope.  Most of the Apple machines of that time are simply unable to boot
from USB unless you're using an EFI boot.

 Two particular subtasks that I may need to do that seem to require OSX:
 1) Blessing a partition

AFAIK the only tool for that is `hfspbless' which is not widely
distributed, but if you look hard enough you should be able to find it.

See also

Note that this is only need if you want to boot via EFI rather than via
the BIOS.

 2) Checking what version of firmware it has (some versions have BIOS

Indeed, the BIOS compatibility was not available in earlier machines's
firmware (tho available as a firmware upgrade).  But since you seem to
have booted Debian's installer, it seems your firmware is already able
to handle BIOS.

One more detail: IIUC when booted via EFI your machine's video hardware
might not be initialized the way Linux and Xorg expect it to be, so Xorg
may fail to start (at least that's the case for my Mac Mini of around
2006).  You can fix that by adding some commands in the grub.cfg
(assuming you use grub-efi) which preload some vesa-bios to your video
hardware (something like loadbios /boot/vbios.bin /boot/int10.bin tho
you also need to put those corresponding files in your boot partition).


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Re: Replacing systemd in Jessie

2014-12-04 Thread Brad Rogers
On Thu, 4 Dec 2014 18:48:31 +
Brian wrote:

Hello Brian,

It probably also makes my behaviour stupid. But stupidity is in short
supply as you two have a monopoly on it and it doesn't look like you
you are going to do any sharing.

We were talking about a subset of developers, not *all* of them.
Re-read the thread, and that should become clear.

 Regards  _
 / )   The blindingly obvious is
/ _)radnever immediately apparent
You suck my blood like a leech
Death On Two Legs - Queen

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: -cpu option of qemu

2014-12-04 Thread Reco

On Thu, 04 Dec 2014 10:14:21 -0800 wrote:

 man qenu has, 
 -cpu ? for list and additional feature selection.
 peter@armada:~$ qemu-system-x86_64 -cpu ?
 Unable to find x86 CPU definition
 How should CPU definitions be provided? 
 Is there a package to install?

Seems to me that #652281 has returned.

Do you have the file such as /etc/qemu/target-x86_64.conf?

What does change if you add to /etc/qemu/target-x86_64.conf strings
from ?


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Re: Installing Linux on a Mac Mini without OSX

2014-12-04 Thread Brian Sammon
On Thu, 04 Dec 2014 19:46:22 +0100
Jerome BENOIT wrote:

  Two particular subtasks that I may need to do that seem to require
  OSX: 1) Blessing a partition 2) Checking what version of firmware
  it has (some versions have BIOS compatibility)
  Any pointers/suggestions?
 I will look towards a grub issue, specially if your partition is a gpt 
 partition table.
 For a gpt partition table, you must have a `bios grub' partition. 
  I'm also looking into PureDarwin as a possible solution.
 Debian is definitely better, do not trust the folks on the PureDarwin forums.


I have not seen any extravagant claims on behalf of PureDarwin.  Mostly just 
apologetic caveats that it's not quite yet ready for primetime.

In any case, my interest in PureDarwin was primarily that it might have a 
bless command and/or a way to query the firmware version.
Other messages in this thread suggest that neither of these two things may be 
fully necessary.

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Re: Replacing systemd in Jessie

2014-12-04 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Thursday 04 December 2014 19:41:44 Brad Rogers wrote:
 On Thu, 4 Dec 2014 18:48:31 +
 Brian wrote:

 Hello Brian,

 It probably also makes my behaviour stupid. But stupidity is in short
 supply as you two have a monopoly on it and it doesn't look like you
 you are going to do any sharing.

 We were talking about a subset of developers, not *all* of them.
 Re-read the thread, and that should become clear.

No, this is what had started that part of the thread:

User's do contrain.  They even dictate.  Always have.  Developers
should, if they are samrt, be developing what customers want or need.
Not the other way around. That's the formula for going out of business.
Listening to your customers as well as your potential customers is just
good business.

A generalised comment.


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Re: Installing Linux on a Mac Mini without OSX

2014-12-04 Thread Jerome BENOIT

On 04/12/14 21:30, Brian Sammon wrote:
 On Thu, 04 Dec 2014 19:46:22 +0100
 Jerome BENOIT wrote:
 Two particular subtasks that I may need to do that seem to require
 OSX: 1) Blessing a partition 2) Checking what version of firmware
 it has (some versions have BIOS compatibility)

 Any pointers/suggestions?

 I will look towards a grub issue, specially if your partition is a gpt 
 partition table.
 For a gpt partition table, you must have a `bios grub' partition. 

 I'm also looking into PureDarwin as a possible solution.

 Debian is definitely better, do not trust the folks on the PureDarwin forums.
I was just kidding.
 I have not seen any extravagant claims on behalf of PureDarwin.  Mostly just 
 apologetic caveats that it's not quite yet ready for primetime.
 In any case, my interest in PureDarwin was primarily that it might have a 
 bless command and/or a way to query the firmware version.
 Other messages in this thread suggest that neither of these two things may be 
 fully necessary.



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Re: Installing Linux on a Mac Mini without OSX

2014-12-04 Thread Brian Sammon
On Thu, 04 Dec 2014 19:46:22 +0100
Jerome BENOIT wrote:

  Two particular subtasks that I may need to do that seem to require
  OSX: 1) Blessing a partition 2) Checking what version of firmware
  it has (some versions have BIOS compatibility)
  Any pointers/suggestions?
 I will look towards a grub issue, specially if your partition is a gpt 
 partition table.
 For a gpt partition table, you must have a `bios grub' partition. 
  I'm also looking into PureDarwin as a possible solution.
 Debian is definitely better, do not trust the folks on the PureDarwin forums.


I have not seen any extravagant claims on behalf of PureDarwin.  Mostly just 
apologetic caveats that it's not quite yet ready for primetime.

In any case my interest in PureDarwin was primarily that it might have a 
bless command and/or a way to query the firmware version.

However, other messages in this thread suggest that neither of those two things 
are completely necessary.

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Re: Replacing systemd in Jessie

2014-12-04 Thread Brad Rogers
On Thu, 4 Dec 2014 20:16:16 +
Lisi Reisz wrote:

Hello Lisi,

No, this is what had started that part of the thread:

I meant from where I chipped in.  Sorry I didn't make it clear.

 Regards  _
 / )   The blindingly obvious is
/ _)radnever immediately apparent
Well well well, you just can't tell
My Michelle - Guns 'N' Roses

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Installing Linux on a Mac Mini without OSX

2014-12-04 Thread Brian Sammon
On Thu, 04 Dec 2014 14:46:09 -0500
Stefan Monnier wrote:

  I was recently given a Mac Mini (Intel Mid 2007) that had been wiped.
  I tried to install Debian (Wheezy) on it, and the installer reported
  success, but  when it came time to eject and reboot, Debian didn't
  boot from the hard drive.
  Is there a way to install Debian/Linux on this machine that doesn't involve
  buying or borrowing (or borrowing) a copy of OSX?
 If you managed to boot a plain-normal Debian CDROM installer, then your
 machine's firmware has full BIOS support and you can boot a plain-normal
 Debian install on the harddisk as well, as if the machine were
 a normal PC.

Hmm... I was able to boot a plain-normal (I assume it is) Debian CDROM 
installer, but now I can't boot the plain-normal (I assume) Debian install that 
the installer said it installed.

The two questions I have:
Can I still assume that I have the firmware version that I want?
What do I do next to troubleshoot/fix this?

Another random question:
The installer gave me the choice of installing Grub on the partition or on the 
Master Boot Record.  Which of these should I choose?

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Re: Replacing systemd in Jessie

2014-12-04 Thread Ric Moore

On 12/04/2014 12:33 PM, Patrick Bartek wrote:

On Wed, 03 Dec 2014, Brad Rogers wrote:

On Wed, 3 Dec 2014 09:24:03 -0800
Patrick Bartek wrote:

Hello Patrick,

use and no one else's, why distribute it at all?

Simple:  Ego.

Perhaps.  Or insecurity, and the need for validation.  Or arrogance.
Or all the above.

Or perhaps to move Linux along where the likes of Google and Amazon has 
moved forwards to? That could be a reason, especially for servers. 
Unifying packaging could be another. If Linux is to have a paradigm 
shift, it could actually be what we need. I remain hopeful that the 
Next Big Thing happens within the Linux camp and not Apple's or 
Microsoft's. Could happen ya know. :) Ric

My father, Victor Moore (Vic) used to say:
There are two Great Sins in the world...
..the Sin of Ignorance, and the Sin of Stupidity.
Only the former may be overcome. R.I.P. Dad.
Linux user# 44256

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Re: Replacing systemd in Jessie

2014-12-04 Thread Ric Moore

On 12/04/2014 03:16 PM, Lisi Reisz wrote:

On Thursday 04 December 2014 19:41:44 Brad Rogers wrote:

On Thu, 4 Dec 2014 18:48:31 +
Brian wrote:

Hello Brian,

It probably also makes my behaviour stupid. But stupidity is in short
supply as you two have a monopoly on it and it doesn't look like you
you are going to do any sharing.

We were talking about a subset of developers, not *all* of them.
Re-read the thread, and that should become clear.

No, this is what had started that part of the thread:

User's do contrain.  They even dictate.  Always have.  Developers
should, if they are samrt, be developing what customers want or need.
Not the other way around. That's the formula for going out of business.
Listening to your customers as well as your potential customers is just
good business.

A generalised comment.

Glittering Generality perhaps? :) Ric

My father, Victor Moore (Vic) used to say:
There are two Great Sins in the world...
..the Sin of Ignorance, and the Sin of Stupidity.
Only the former may be overcome. R.I.P. Dad.
Linux user# 44256

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Re: Installing Linux on a Mac Mini without OSX

2014-12-04 Thread Ric Moore

On 12/04/2014 04:29 PM, Brian Sammon wrote:

On Thu, 04 Dec 2014 14:46:09 -0500
Stefan Monnier wrote:

I was recently given a Mac Mini (Intel Mid 2007) that had been wiped.
I tried to install Debian (Wheezy) on it, and the installer reported
success, but  when it came time to eject and reboot, Debian didn't
boot from the hard drive.


Is there a way to install Debian/Linux on this machine that doesn't involve
buying or borrowing (or borrowing) a copy of OSX?

If you managed to boot a plain-normal Debian CDROM installer, then your
machine's firmware has full BIOS support and you can boot a plain-normal
Debian install on the harddisk as well, as if the machine were
a normal PC.

Hmm... I was able to boot a plain-normal (I assume it is) Debian CDROM 
installer, but now I can't boot the plain-normal (I assume) Debian install that 
the installer said it installed.

The two questions I have:
Can I still assume that I have the firmware version that I want?
What do I do next to troubleshoot/fix this?

Another random question:
The installer gave me the choice of installing Grub on the partition or on the 
Master Boot Record.  Which of these should I choose?

If possible the normal route would be to the MBR. If you can boot from 
the CD install disk to a live session as root in a terminal window:

grub-install /dev/sda
... I ~think~ will do the trick. I'd check this link out first though:
One of the above methods should get grub set correctly. Good Luck! Ric

My father, Victor Moore (Vic) used to say:
There are two Great Sins in the world...
..the Sin of Ignorance, and the Sin of Stupidity.
Only the former may be overcome. R.I.P. Dad.
Linux user# 44256

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Random X crash

2014-12-04 Thread Joris Bolsens
I am getting seemingly random crashes of X.

I have 3 monitors (2 external, 1 laptop), and occasionally they will
flash black, and orientation gets reset to default. I have not been able
to find any action that specifically triggers this, although when i look
at dmesg, it seems to somehow be relate to my wifi. I have pasted (what
I think) are the relevant bits of dmesg below, please let me know if I
should provide more info.

dmesg first instance:

[14198.890344] bridge-wlan2: device is wireless, enabling SMAC
[14198.890348] bridge-wlan2: up
[14198.890353] bridge-wlan2: attached
[14198.930206] wlan2: Limiting TX power to 30 (30 - 0) dBm as advertised
by 80:ea:96:ee:dd:0a
[14199.090477] userif-3: sent link down event.
[14199.090481] userif-3: sent link up event.
[16815.766004] [drm:cpt_set_fifo_underrun_reporting] *ERROR* uncleared
pch fifo underrun on pch transcoder A
[16815.766009] [drm:cpt_serr_int_handler] *ERROR* PCH transcoder A FIFO
[16815.767229] [drm:ivybridge_set_fifo_underrun_reporting] *ERROR*
uncleared fifo underrun on pipe A
[16815.767234] [drm:ivb_err_int_handler] *ERROR* Pipe A FIFO underrun
[17129.902962] [drm:cpt_set_fifo_underrun_reporting] *ERROR* uncleared
pch fifo underrun on pch transcoder A
[17129.902966] [drm:cpt_serr_int_handler] *ERROR* PCH transcoder A FIFO
[17129.917635] [drm:ivybridge_set_fifo_underrun_reporting] *ERROR*
uncleared fifo underrun on pipe A
[17129.917639] [drm:ivb_err_int_handler] *ERROR* Pipe A FIFO underrun
[17197.888252] [drm:cpt_set_fifo_underrun_reporting] *ERROR* uncleared
pch fifo underrun on pch transcoder A
[17197.888256] [drm:cpt_serr_int_handler] *ERROR* PCH transcoder A FIFO
[17197.898583] [drm:ivybridge_set_fifo_underrun_reporting] *ERROR*
uncleared fifo underrun on pipe A
[17197.898588] [drm:ivb_err_int_handler] *ERROR* Pipe A FIFO underrun
[17553.192289] [drm:cpt_set_fifo_underrun_reporting] *ERROR* uncleared
pch fifo underrun on pch transcoder A
[17553.192294] [drm:cpt_serr_int_handler] *ERROR* PCH transcoder A FIFO
[17553.196104] [drm:ivybridge_set_fifo_underrun_reporting] *ERROR*
uncleared fifo underrun on pipe A
[17553.196108] [drm:ivb_err_int_handler] *ERROR* Pipe A FIFO underrun

dmesg second instance:
[20155.260197] /dev/vmnet: port on hub 0 successfully opened
[20155.260206] bridge-wlan2: device is wireless, enabling SMAC
[20155.261377] bridge-wlan2: up
[20155.261422] bridge-wlan2: attached
[20155.341711] wlan2: Limiting TX power to 30 (30 - 0) dBm as advertised
by 80:ea:96:ee:dd:0a
[20155.411171] userif-3: sent link down event.
[20155.412149] userif-3: sent link up event.
[20416.556616] [drm:cpt_set_fifo_underrun_reporting] *ERROR* uncleared
pch fifo underrun on pch transcoder A
[20416.556621] [drm:cpt_serr_int_handler] *ERROR* PCH transcoder A FIFO
[20416.556772] [drm:ivybridge_set_fifo_underrun_reporting] *ERROR*
uncleared fifo underrun on pipe A
[20416.556775] [drm:ivb_err_int_handler] *ERROR* Pipe A FIFO underrun
[21122.359725] [drm:cpt_set_fifo_underrun_reporting] *ERROR* uncleared
pch fifo underrun on pch transcoder A
[21122.359729] [drm:cpt_serr_int_handler] *ERROR* PCH transcoder A FIFO
[21122.369766] [drm:ivybridge_set_fifo_underrun_reporting] *ERROR*
uncleared fifo underrun on pipe A
[21122.369771] [drm:ivb_err_int_handler] *ERROR* Pipe A FIFO underrun
[22666.750046] [drm:cpt_set_fifo_underrun_reporting] *ERROR* uncleared
pch fifo underrun on pch transcoder A
[22666.750050] [drm:cpt_serr_int_handler] *ERROR* PCH transcoder A FIFO
[22666.751890] [drm:ivybridge_set_fifo_underrun_reporting] *ERROR*
uncleared fifo underrun on pipe A
[22666.751893] [drm:ivb_err_int_handler] *ERROR* Pipe A FIFO underrun
[22988.645046] [drm:cpt_set_fifo_underrun_reporting] *ERROR* uncleared
pch fifo underrun on pch transcoder A
[22988.645050] [drm:cpt_serr_int_handler] *ERROR* PCH transcoder A FIFO
[22988.645987] [drm:ivybridge_set_fifo_underrun_reporting] *ERROR*
uncleared fifo underrun on pipe A
[22988.645989] [drm:ivb_err_int_handler] *ERROR* Pipe A FIFO underrun

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Installing Linux on a Mac Mini without OSX

2014-12-04 Thread Joel Rees
On Fri, Dec 5, 2014 at 3:25 AM, Brian Sammon wrote:
 I was recently given a Mac Mini (Intel Mid 2007) that had been wiped.

 I tried to install Debian (Wheezy) on it, and the installer reported success, 
 when it came time to eject and reboot, Debian didn't boot from the hard drive.

 Googling finds me various pages about installing Linux where one of the steps 
 is something like Boot into OSX

 Is there a way to install Debian/Linux on this machine that doesn't involve 
 buying or borrowing (or borrowing) a copy of OSX?  Is it easier to install 
 linux on a USB disk and run it off of that?

 Two particular subtasks that I may need to do that seem to require OSX:
 1) Blessing a partition
 2) Checking what version of firmware it has (some versions have BIOS

 Any pointers/suggestions?

 I'm also looking into PureDarwin as a possible solution.

Can we conclude that you have read this page

and followed appropriate links, such as the elilo link? (Even the PPC
link may be useful for background.)

You will probably have to interpret some things, and not expect an exact recipe.

You may also want to ask on the debian boot list.

And, Jerome's kidding around notwithstanding, questions over at
puredarwin are likely to yield useful information, if it takes going
that far.

Joel Rees

Be careful when you look at conspiracy.
Look first in your own heart,
and ask yourself if you are not your own worst enemy.
Arm yourself with knowledge of yourself, as well.

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Re: Installing Linux on a Mac Mini without OSX

2014-12-04 Thread Brian Sammon
On Fri, 5 Dec 2014 08:01:48 +0900
Joel Rees wrote:
 Can we conclude that you have read this page

I have read this page, and I'm hoping to add a If you don't have OSX section 
to it, once I figure out what to add.

 and followed appropriate links, such as the elilo link? (Even the PPC

I'm not sure which links are appropriate, so it's quite possible that I missed 
one.  I got the impression from the MacMiniIntel page that the elilo approach 
was a suboptimal one, so I've not looked into it much, as I'm hoping there's a 
approach that works better (than the MacMiniIntel page suggests the elilo 
approach would)

 link may be useful for background.)
 You will probably have to interpret some things, and not expect an exact 
 You may also want to ask on the debian boot list.

Thanks, I'll look into it.

 And, Jerome's kidding around notwithstanding, questions over at
 puredarwin are likely to yield useful information, if it takes going
 that far.

Yeah, that's on the todo list.

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Re: Debian fork: 'Devuan', Debian without Systemd

2014-12-04 Thread Martinx - ジェームズ
 Jessie isn't Debian.

 So you say. Others have a different opinion.

Absolutely, it is just an opinion, I know.

Also, it seems to be Joey's opinion too: It's become abundantly clear
that this is no longer the project I
originally joined in 1996.

And, Joey's opinion is very, very strong. He can talk about this, more
than anyone.

So, Jessie isn't Debian anymore... Soon or later, everybody will realize that.

Right now, I'm very concerned about Debian's stability, I'm using it
(since Potato) because it is _stable_, release after release, but,
when with systemd, it will not be that stable anymore, it is
impossible to be, mostly because systemd itself it too new and poorly
designed, not ready for production. Maybe in ~2020, who knows...

What is happening with Debian is just crazy.


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Re: Installing Linux on a Mac Mini without OSX

2014-12-04 Thread Jimmy Johnson
On 12/04/2014 01:29 PM, Brian Sammon wrote: On Thu, 04 Dec 2014 
14:46:09 -0500

 Stefan Monnier wrote:

 I was recently given a Mac Mini (Intel Mid 2007) that had been wiped.
 I tried to install Debian (Wheezy) on it, and the installer reported
 success, but  when it came time to eject and reboot, Debian didn't
 boot from the hard drive.
 Is there a way to install Debian/Linux on this machine that doesn't 

 buying or borrowing (or borrowing) a copy of OSX?

 If you managed to boot a plain-normal Debian CDROM installer, then your
 machine's firmware has full BIOS support and you can boot a plain-normal
 Debian install on the harddisk as well, as if the machine were
 a normal PC.

 Hmm... I was able to boot a plain-normal (I assume it is) Debian 
CDROM installer,
 but now I can't boot the plain-normal (I assume) Debian install that 
the installer

 said it installed.

 The two questions I have:
 Can I still assume that I have the firmware version that I want?
 What do I do next to troubleshoot/fix this?

 Another random question:
 The installer gave me the choice of installing Grub on the partition 
or on the

 Master Boot Record.  Which of these should I choose?

Installing to the MBR should fix your booting problems.
Jimmy Johnson

Debian - Wheezy - KDE 4.8.4 - AMD64 - EXT4 at sda1
Registered Linux User #380263

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Re: LVM RAID5 with missing disk?

2014-12-04 Thread Gary Dale

On 04/12/14 12:51 PM, Dan Ritter wrote:

On Thu, Dec 04, 2014 at 02:13:59PM +0100, mad wrote:


I wanted to create a RAID5 with lvm. The basic setup is something like

lvcreate --type raid5 -i 2 -L 1G -n my_lv my_vg

which would mean 3 physical drives would be used in this RAID5. But can
I specify that one drive is missing as it is possible with mdadm?

I don't think so, no. You can create your RAID with mdadm and
put LVM on top of that.

In general I strongly recommend against using RAID5. RAID1, 10,
or 6 are all better options if your data's availability is
important to you.


Sorry, but there are good reasons to use RAID 5 and better reasons to 
NOT use RAID 10. RAID 1 and RAID 5 are both immune to single disk 
failures in their most common configurations (1 or more data disks with 
1 parity disk). RAID 10 is also immune to single disk failure but uses 
half the disks for parity.

If you are concerned about availability, with 4 disks (the simplest RAID 
10 configuration) RAID 6 gives you the same data capacity with immunity 
to two disk failures and can increase capacity by 50% simply by adding 
another disk. You need 6 disks to get the same capacity with RAID 10 
while with 6 disks, RAID 6 will give you double the capacity of 4 disks 
or get you immunity to 3 disks failing.

Moreover, while a RAID 10 array can sometimes survive 2 disk failures, 
if it's the wrong 2, you are screwed. For example if A+B are mirrored by 
C+D, RAID 10 won't survive an A  C fail or a B  D fail, but will 
survive A  D or B  C failing.

RAID 0 and RAID 10 are used only when write performance is important. 
Read performance is generally better with any type of RAID. Since in 
most cases you are doing a lot more reads than writes, you are unlikely 
to notice much difference between RAID varieties. If you need RAID 10, 
you probably also need some high-performance hardware RAID controllers.

Of course, I don't know your situation, but for me, data integrity is 
important but so is capacity, so I use with RAID 5. I have the luxury of 
being take the server offline or shut down the GUI on my workstation, 
both of which use RAID 5, so that an array rebuild can proceed rapidly.

Just don't ignore smartctl errors. When you get a failing disk, replace 
it immediately.

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Re: Installing Linux on a Mac Mini without OSX

2014-12-04 Thread Brian Sammon
On Thu, 04 Dec 2014 20:34:22 -0800
Jimmy Johnson wrote:

 Installing to the MBR should fix your booting problems.

This brings to mind another question/issue:  I need to educate myself on how 
MBRs work on EFI machines.
Questions such as:
When it says it's installing Grub to the MBR, is it really installing it to an 
MBR, or is it installing it to EFI's alternative to an MBR?

Any suggested reading?

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Re: Installing Linux on a Mac Mini without OSX

2014-12-04 Thread Jimmy Johnson

On 12/04/2014 09:25 PM, Brian Sammon wrote:

On Thu, 04 Dec 2014 20:34:22 -0800
Jimmy Johnson wrote:

Installing to the MBR should fix your booting problems.

This brings to mind another question/issue:  I need to
educate myself on how MBRs work on EFI machines.
Questions such as:
When it says it's installing Grub to the MBR, is it
really installing it to an MBR, or is it installing it
to EFI's alternative to an MBR?

Any suggested reading?

As mentioned earlier, your machine is currently not using EFI.

In your case grub will be installed to the MBR of sda/sda1
Jimmy Johnson

Debian - Wheezy - KDE 4.8.4 - AMD64 - EXT4 at sda1
Registered Linux User #380263

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Re: Debian fork: 'Devuan', Debian without Systemd

2014-12-04 Thread Buntunub
Laurent Bigonville-5 wrote
 Le Wed, 03 Dec 2014 10:18:36 +0100,
 Martin Steigerwald lt;


 gt; a écrit :
 Am Mittwoch, 3. Dezember 2014, 08:35:00 schrieb Erwan David:
  Le 02/12/2014 23:15, Martin Steigerwald a écrit :
   Am Dienstag, 2. Dezember 2014, 18:47:38 schrieb Renaud OLGIATI:
   On Tue, 2 Dec 2014 14:22:13 -0700
   Aaron Toponce lt;


 gt; wrote:
   It's a waste. They shouldn't have left. I'm pretty neutral
   about systemd as I'm only an end user but I disklike having it
   forced upon me this way.
   # apt-get install upstart
   # apt-get install sysvinit-core
   # apt-get install openrc
   No one is forcing you to stick with systemd. The fork is just
   Another way to look at it is forward planning for the release
   after Jessie, when systemd may well become compulsory...
   Or going beyond what is offered in Debian… like making GNOME
   installable without having any systemd related package installed.
  The systemd package is just a small part of systemd. I'd like to
  remove systemd-logind and lbpam-systemd, sinc I have no clue at all
  that logind is better deisgned and programmed than resolved, which
  showed it was designed without any care for well known attacks.
 I explicetely wrote any systemd related package.
 So you can still choose to what init system to use, but running
 completely without any systemd related packages gives you a really
 crippled system.
 As explained several times on this ML, depending against libsystemd0
 package doesn't mean anything about requiring systemd to be used as
 PID1 or not. Even Ian's GR was not taking the I don't want any systemd
 package on my machine use case into account you know.
 But if you have that special concern, you'll have to start recompiling
 the packages I'm afraid. Start with policykit and network-manager (and
 other package defining a dependency against libpam-systemd) to make
 them use ConsoleKit again, you would at least be able to remove the
 systemd package completely.

And so it comes full circle. This is why there is a need for a Debian fork.
/I/ don't have to do any of those things. You don't either. The good folks
at Devuan will take care of all that for you.

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Re: Random X crash

2014-12-04 Thread Jimmy Johnson

On 12/04/2014 02:56 PM, Joris Bolsens wrote:

I am getting seemingly random crashes of X.

I have 3 monitors (2 external, 1 laptop), and occasionally they will
flash black, and orientation gets reset to default. I have not been able
to find any action that specifically triggers this, although when i look
at dmesg, it seems to somehow be relate to my wifi. I have pasted (what
I think) are the relevant bits of dmesg below, please let me know if I
should provide more info.

dmesg first instance:

[14198.890344] bridge-wlan2: device is wireless, enabling SMAC
[14198.890348] bridge-wlan2: up
[14198.890353] bridge-wlan2: attached
[14198.930206] wlan2: Limiting TX power to 30 (30 - 0) dBm as advertised
by 80:ea:96:ee:dd:0a
[14199.090477] userif-3: sent link down event.
[14199.090481] userif-3: sent link up event.
[16815.766004] [drm:cpt_set_fifo_underrun_reporting] *ERROR* uncleared
pch fifo underrun on pch transcoder A
[16815.766009] [drm:cpt_serr_int_handler] *ERROR* PCH transcoder A FIFO
[16815.767229] [drm:ivybridge_set_fifo_underrun_reporting] *ERROR*
uncleared fifo underrun on pipe A
[16815.767234] [drm:ivb_err_int_handler] *ERROR* Pipe A FIFO underrun
[17129.902962] [drm:cpt_set_fifo_underrun_reporting] *ERROR* uncleared
pch fifo underrun on pch transcoder A
[17129.902966] [drm:cpt_serr_int_handler] *ERROR* PCH transcoder A FIFO
[17129.917635] [drm:ivybridge_set_fifo_underrun_reporting] *ERROR*
uncleared fifo underrun on pipe A
[17129.917639] [drm:ivb_err_int_handler] *ERROR* Pipe A FIFO underrun
[17197.888252] [drm:cpt_set_fifo_underrun_reporting] *ERROR* uncleared
pch fifo underrun on pch transcoder A
[17197.888256] [drm:cpt_serr_int_handler] *ERROR* PCH transcoder A FIFO
[17197.898583] [drm:ivybridge_set_fifo_underrun_reporting] *ERROR*
uncleared fifo underrun on pipe A
[17197.898588] [drm:ivb_err_int_handler] *ERROR* Pipe A FIFO underrun
[17553.192289] [drm:cpt_set_fifo_underrun_reporting] *ERROR* uncleared
pch fifo underrun on pch transcoder A
[17553.192294] [drm:cpt_serr_int_handler] *ERROR* PCH transcoder A FIFO
[17553.196104] [drm:ivybridge_set_fifo_underrun_reporting] *ERROR*
uncleared fifo underrun on pipe A
[17553.196108] [drm:ivb_err_int_handler] *ERROR* Pipe A FIFO underrun

Installing firmware-intel* and intel-microcode from non-free repos 
should fix your problem, I would also install firmware-linux* too, if 
not already installed.

Jimmy Johnson

Debian - Wheezy - KDE 4.8.4 - AMD64 - EXT4 at sda1
Registered Linux User #380263

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Re: Installing Linux on a Mac Mini without OSX

2014-12-04 Thread Brian Sammon
On Thu, 04 Dec 2014 21:39:08 -0800
Jimmy Johnson wrote:

 As mentioned earlier, your machine is currently not using EFI.

I missed that -- and how do I know that for sure?

Is it possible that it's trying to use EFI, but my debian install is trying to 
do something not-EFI-compatible, and that's why it won't boot?

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Re: -cpu option of qemu

2014-12-04 Thread peter
From: Reco
Date: Thu, 4 Dec 2014 23:15:56 +0300
 Do you have the file such as /etc/qemu/target-x86_64.conf?

No.  Not even /etc/qemu/.  Now I've removed qemu and qemu-system 
and installed qemu-system-x86.  That left an empty target-x86_64.conf.

 What does change if you add to /etc/qemu/target-x86_64.conf strings
 from ?

After adding the cited lines to define Nehalem, this.

peter@armada:~$ qemu-system-x86_64 -cdrom /home/peter/MY/*.iso -boot d
qemu-system-x86_64:/etc/qemu/target-x86_64.conf:4: There is no option group 

More than those lines must be needed in the file.  Too late to investigate 

Thanks for the help,  ... Peter E.

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