Re: Neteja d'spam novembre i desembre 2014

2015-01-15 Thread Xavier De Yzaguirre i Maura
Nens i nenes, catalanins i debianites de pro.
Poso al vostre coneixement que novembre i desembre 1024 han estat vençuts.

*Xavier De Yzaguirre*

El dia 11 gener de 2015, 12:49, Oscar Osta Pueyo
ha escrit:

 Vinga, que avui és diumenge i no donen res per la tele. Queda una
 comprovació per novembre i dues per desembre, així tanquem el 2014

 Oscar Osta Pueyo

Re: Neteja d'spam octubre del 2014

2015-01-15 Thread Xavier De Yzaguirre i Maura
Nens i nenes, catalanins i debianites de pro.
Poso al vostre coneixement que novembre i desembre 1024 han estat vençuts.

*Xavier De Yzaguirre*

El dia 2 novembre de 2014, 17:25, Eduard Selma ha escrit:

 El 02/11/14 a les 14:58, Adrià ha escrit:


 Com que ja estem a novembre, ja es poden processar tots els correus
 brossa de l'octubre de 2014.

 - Fet. Itàlia està molt activa, darrerament...

 Eduard Selma

 Eduard Selma i Bargalló.

 Aquest missatge s'ha enviat des d'un sistema Linux
 i no és probable que contingui programari maliciós.

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2015-01-15 Thread suchod


j'ai besoin d'un pc de plus sous Debian.   D'habitude j'achete un pc pas
cher Carrefour/Auchan/etc... je désinstalle windows XXX et j'installe
Debian.  Il semble que ne marche plus  Quel machine dois je
acheter sur laquelle je suis sur de pouvoir monter Debian


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Re: Duda sobre si mi sistema es de 32 o 64 bits

2015-01-15 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 15 Jan 2015 12:30:31 -0500, Gamaliel Martínez Ibarra escribió:

 Tal vez esta pregunta paresca tonta, pero me he confundido si mi sistema
 es de 32 o 64, tengo debian squeeze con los repositorios LTS, he
 realizado las siguientes pruebas:
 $ uname -a Linux debdev 2.6.32-5-amd64 #1 SMP Sun Dec 21 12:11:28 UTC
 2014 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Hum... ¿ese kernel (debdev) es el oficial de los repos LTS?

 -hasta aqui todo bien, segun la salida el kernel es de 64

Al menos la imagen del kernel parece ser de 64 bits. Ejecuta file /boot/

 realizando esta otra prueba:
 $ file /sbin/init /sbin/init: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386,
 version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux
 2.6.18, stripped
 -segun en la web deberia decir ELF 64.

Pues sí:

sm01@stt008:~$ file /sbin/init
/sbin/init: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), 
dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.18, BuildID
[sha1]=0x8c68a736c6a4e6fadf22d5ac9debf11e79c6bdcd, stripped

 otra prueba que realize fue:
 $ getconf LONG_BIT 32
 esta duda me surgio por que estaba actulizando el java, cuando revise la
 primera vez vi que era amd64 y descargue el jre 8 para amd64, el cual
 cuando lo descomprimi y trate de ejecutar el archivo me decia que el
 archivo no existia, crei que no se habia descargado correctamente el
 cual borre la instalacion y volvi a descargar, y me aparecia el mismo
 error, has que por curiosidad baje el java para 32 bits y el problema se
 soluciono, con todo lo que realize dedusco que el sistema es de 32 bits,
 pero me queda la duda lo del kernel, tengo algo mal? o por que el kernel
 esta a 64.

Nada te impide tener un kernel de 64 bits con aplicaciones de usuario de 
32 bits. Mi teoría de lo que puede haber pasado es que tuvieras un 
sistema instalado inicialmente de 32 bits y hayas instalado manualmente 
un kernel de 64 bits.



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Re: fail2ban

2015-01-15 Thread BERTRAND Joël

Philippe Gras a écrit :

J'observe un comportement étrange sans savoir si ce comportement
est provoqué par le patch IPv6 (mais il n'a rien de complexe) ou si
c'est dû à l'augmentation ces derniers jours des attaques. En effet,
j'ai un /29 et je subis actuellement en IPv4 des attaques sur toutes
les IP à un rythme soutenu.

Ça a rapport avec ça ?

Je ne sais pas. Je constate simplement...

Je n'ai rien vu du tout, c'est bizarre ! Moi qui chope toutes les m…

Heureux homme.


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Re: materiel

2015-01-15 Thread Thierry Chatelet
On Thursday 15 January 2015 18:17:56 suchod wrote:
 j'ai besoin d'un pc de plus sous Debian.   D'habitude j'achete un pc pas
 cher Carrefour/Auchan/etc... je désinstalle windows XXX et j'installe
 Debian.  Il semble que ne marche plus  Quel machine dois je
 acheter sur laquelle je suis sur de pouvoir monter Debian

D'ou tiens tu que ça ne marche plus?

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Re: materiel

2015-01-15 Thread Georges

Le Thu, 15 Jan 2015 18:17:56 +0100,

S a écrit :



 j'ai besoin d'un pc de plus sous Debian.   D'habitude j'achete un pc
 pas cher Carrefour/Auchan/etc... je désinstalle windows XXX et
 j'installe Debian.  Il semble que ne marche plus  Quel machine
 dois je acheter sur laquelle je suis sur de pouvoir monter Debian

 LDLC plein de machine sans système d'exploitation. J'ai acheté le
 moins cher, le vendeur me déconseillait Debian. Et pourtant j'ai la
 dessus une Wheezy, une Jessie, une Sid et pour montrer aux Windosiens
 une Antix. C'est y pas beau les pc sans W$ ;-) avec 11 partitions ;-)

 Après, je ne touche rien de LDLC mais les avis ne mentent pas
 (trop ?) ;-) 

 Le jour où tu découvres le Libre GNU/Linux, tu ne peux plus t'en
passer ;-) # Là, c'est expliqué avec humour

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Re: debian dejo de cargar los videos

2015-01-15 Thread Juansanchez-gmail
On Thu, Jan 15, 2015 at 12:43:44AM +0100, fernando sainz wrote:
 El día 15 de enero de 2015, 0:08, Juansanchez-gmail escribió:
  Hola amigos
  En firefox de un momento a otro en debian dejo de cargar los videos
  Le he buscado por el lado de los complementos
  he actualizado el ultimo en /usr/lib
  pero no lo he logrado. en google las respuestas son muy antiguas
  y tampoco le dan solución. Me podrían dar alguna pista?
 Pues como no aportes algo mas de información no se qué te vamos a decir...
 Versión de Debian, entiendo que estable si no se dice lo contrario.
 Firefox ? en debian está iceweasel, ¿has instalado firefox ajeno a la
 Hace un momento he instalado la última actualización de seguridad de
 iceweasel y sigue funcionando el flash sin problemas.
 Si. Tenia información errada de la ubicación de 
 que es realmente /usr/lib/Mozilla/plugins, y ahí lo ubique y carga 
 ya los vídeos, pero se queda con el primero que cárgue; es decir,
 cuando se pincha en otro vídeo, no cambia el que había antes y hay
 que copiar la dirección en la barra de direcciones para que haga una
 búsqueda nueva para el nuevo vídeo. será problema de youtube?

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Re: Adaptateur USB ethernet sur Wheezy

2015-01-15 Thread andre_debian
On Thursday 15 January 2015 14:29:05 Olivier wrote:
 J'en ai acheté 5 ou 6 différents de toute marque ou catégorie
 (gigabit, ...), sans précaution particulière.
 Tous sauf un, ont fonctionné sans aucune difficulté:
 - on connecte l'adaptateur sur un port USB,
 - udev le détecte et lui attribue un nom (ethN)
 - on configure ce port normalement avec /etc/network/interfaces
 Le seul qui m'ait posé problème est un combiné hub USB/ adaptateur
 Ethernet que j'ai simplement mis de côté à la première difficulté.
 Je ne me rappelle plus si j'avais, avec les autres adaptateurs, fait
 des choses compliquées comme des VLAN ou du bonding.
 J'espère que mon témoignage complétera utilement les autres.

Merci, juste connaitre les marques qui fonctionnent sans difficulté
que tu as testées.


 Le 8 janvier 2015 16:30, a écrit :
  Bonjour à tous,
  Les mini-portables ou netbook sont souvent dépourvus
  de port Ethernet RJ45.
  Il existe des adaptateurs USB =Ethernet RJ45.
  Y a t-il une manipulation à effectuer sous Debian,
  pour que ce port Ethernet via USB soit reconnu
  et bien fonctionnel ?
  Merci d'avance de votre réponse.

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Re: Problem med att få igång nätvverket

2015-01-15 Thread Rolf Edlund
Den 15 januari 2015 17:37 skrev Sven Arvidsson
 Du kan ju dubbelkolla i dmesg om det står om några bekymmer med

Ok, ska kolla.

 Det skulle kunna vara så att dhcp-servern helt enkelt är långsam på att
 svara? Jag har för mig att installationen har en ganska kort timeout.

Ok. I Manjaro har jag ställt timeout till 3 sekunder. Så i Debian är
timeout ännu kortare ?

 Har du testat att konfigurera nätverksinställningarna manuellt?

Tänkte att det skulla bli mitt nästa projekt.


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Re: debian-user-digest Digest V2015 #51

2015-01-15 Thread Comer Duncan
Thanks for the suggestions on my problem with a corrupted root pw.  I was
able to get a new root pw via the route of using sudo to change the root
password.  I checked it by bringing up the system in single user mode and
entered the new password and it worked.  I also checked it by issuing su
and gave the new password, which worked. Thanks to all you replied. This
really helped me out!


On Thu, Jan 15, 2015 at 6:40 AM, wrote:

 Content-Type: text/plain

 debian-user-digest Digest   Volume 2015 :
 Issue 51

 Today's Topics:
   Re: Directories changing their side   [ The Wanderer ]
   Re: Directories changing their side   [ Pertti Kosunen
 pertti.kosunen@pp.n ]
   Re: Find obsolete packages without u  [ Fredrik Jonson ]
   Re: Directories changing their side   [ Ric Moore
   problem with corrupted root password  [ Comer Duncan ]
   Re: problem with corrupted root pass  [ Rob Owens ]
   Re: Have I been hacked?   [ Brian ]
   Re: Have I been hacked?   [ Brian ]
   Re: Have I been hacked?   [ John Hasler
   Re: problem with corrupted root pass  [ Gary Dale
   Re: Have I been hacked?   [ Bob Proulx ]
   Re: Disable server so it does not st  [ Bob Proulx ]
   Re: problem with corrupted root pass  [ Bob Proulx ]

 Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 09:25:28 -0500
 From: The Wanderer
 Subject: Re: Directories changing their side when copied!
 Content-Type: multipart/signed; micalg=pgp-sha512;

 This is an OpenPGP/MIME signed message (RFC 4880 and 3156)
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

 On 01/14/2015 at 09:16 AM, Rodolfo Medina wrote:

  Hi all.
  I realized that the same directory, once copied onto vfat pendrive
  with `cp' or also `rsync', have a size (detected with `du') that
  doesn't match with the source.
  Please help.

 This is probably because du reports size on disk - that is, the amount
 by which the available space on the disk would be increased if the file
 weren't present - rather than the actual number of bytes in the file,
 and the difference between those two numbers will vary depending on what
 filesystem the file is sitting on.

 Specifically, FAT-based filesystems have different overhead from EXT*
 filesystems, which are probably what a modern Debian system is using by
 default. Thus, since du reports total size including filesystem
 overhead, the space consumed by a file on a FAT FS will likely be
 different from the space consumed by that file on an EXT FS.

 The principle underlying this has been reported by Windows at least as
 far back as Windows 95. If you right-click on a file in the Windows
 file-manager program (Windows Explorer) and choose Properties, the
 resulting dialog will give you two different file-size values; I believe
 they're labeled size in bytes and size on disk. The latter is what
 du reports, and is what differs depending on what filesystem the file is
 sitting on.

The Wanderer hopes that this is less confusing to read than it felt
 like when he was writing it

 The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
 persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
 progress depends on the unreasonable man. -- George Bernard Shaw

 Content-Type: application/pgp-signature; name=signature.asc
 Content-Description: OpenPGP digital signature
 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=signature.asc

 Version: GnuPG v1



 Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 16:21:46 +0200
 From: Pertti Kosunen

Re: materiel

2015-01-15 Thread Doe John

Le Faucon Millénium tout le monde sait ça ;)
Le 15 janv. 2015 18:51, Georges a écrit :

 Le Thu, 15 Jan 2015 18:17:56 +0100,

 S a écrit :



  j'ai besoin d'un pc de plus sous Debian.   D'habitude j'achete un pc
  pas cher Carrefour/Auchan/etc... je désinstalle windows XXX et
  j'installe Debian.  Il semble que ne marche plus  Quel machine
  dois je acheter sur laquelle je suis sur de pouvoir monter Debian

  LDLC plein de machine sans système d'exploitation. J'ai acheté le
  moins cher, le vendeur me déconseillait Debian. Et pourtant j'ai la
  dessus une Wheezy, une Jessie, une Sid et pour montrer aux Windosiens
  une Antix. C'est y pas beau les pc sans W$ ;-) avec 11 partitions ;-)

  Après, je ne touche rien de LDLC mais les avis ne mentent pas
  (trop ?) ;-)

  Le jour où tu découvres le Libre GNU/Linux, tu ne peux plus t'en
 passer ;-) # Là, c'est expliqué avec humour

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Re: materiel

2015-01-15 Thread Samy Mezani


Le 15/01/2015 18:40, a écrit :

bonjour,mais sa maintenant sa pose plus vraiment de problème

sinon si vous ne voulez pas avoir de problèmes achetez un pc chez un
assembleur c'est pas plus compliqué et en plus généralement il
connaissent linux en plus sa vous évitera de payer une license de
windows inutile pour sa il suffit de préciser chez l'assembleur que le
pc est déstiné à linux debian ou autre .

Pensez aussi au matériel d'occasion reconditionné. Ça coûte pas cher, on 
a souvent du matériel pro robuste. Je n'ai acheté que du portable par 
contre, des Thinkpad R400 et T410, que du bonheur !

Et en plus c'est bon pour la planète toussa. ;-)


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Re: materiel

2015-01-15 Thread

bonjour,mais sa maintenant sa pose plus vraiment de problème

sinon si vous ne voulez pas avoir de problèmes achetez un pc chez un 
assembleur c'est pas plus compliqué et en plus généralement il 
connaissent linux en plus sa vous évitera de payer une license de 
windows inutile pour sa il suffit de préciser chez l'assembleur que le 
pc est déstiné à linux debian ou autre .


alors tout d'abord pour les pc des grands constructeurs le problème 
généralement c'est l'EFI ou UEFI

Le 15/01/2015 18:17, suchod a écrit :


j'ai besoin d'un pc de plus sous Debian.   D'habitude j'achete un pc pas
cher Carrefour/Auchan/etc... je désinstalle windows XXX et j'installe
Debian.  Il semble que ne marche plus  Quel machine dois je
acheter sur laquelle je suis sur de pouvoir monter Debian


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Re: materiel

2015-01-15 Thread
c'est vrais qu'optimus me b les c*** , j'ai un asus R510-CC et 
optimus ne se désactive pas et la c'est 
** .

Le 15/01/2015 18:25, Pascal Obry a écrit :

Le jeudi 15 janvier 2015 à 18:17 +0100, suchod a écrit :


j'ai besoin d'un pc de plus sous Debian.   D'habitude j'achete un pc pas
cher Carrefour/Auchan/etc... je désinstalle windows XXX et j'installe
Debian.  Il semble que ne marche plus  Quel machine dois je
acheter sur laquelle je suis sur de pouvoir monter Debian

Si c'est possible, mais je ferais:

- choix de NVIDIA et vérifier que l'on peut désactiver Optimus
   dans le BIOS (si la carte est Optimus bien entendu).

   - j'ai eu un PC ASUS ou ce n'était pas possible et les pilotes NVIDIA
 pour GNU/Linux ne supportent pas bien cela. Même avec Bumblebee ou
 quelquechose-prime sous Ubuntu.

Je pense que tous les BIOS permettent de désactive UEFI (secure boot)
donc pas de soucis de ce coté là! A vérifier cependant.

De mon coté j'ai toujours acheté des Dell sans rencontrer de soucis.

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Re: problem with corrupted root password

2015-01-15 Thread Jean-Marc
Hi the list,

Wed, 14 Jan 2015 17:51:35 -0700
Bob Proulx wrote :

 Did you get added to the sudo group?  If you are lucky then you did
 and you can use your own password instead of root.
   $ sudo passwd root
   $ su -

Indeed, it is the easiest way.

   $ sudo -l

Using this, you will know what you can do.

Some times ago, I read an interesting article about reseting root password:

You can first try to stop the bootloader in its initial phase and pass /bin/sh 
as initial program instead of /sbin/init or /bin/systemd.

This allows to boot and get full rights to your system.

Nice if you have no Rescue CD.



Description: PGP signature

Re: fail2ban

2015-01-15 Thread Philippe Gras

	J'observe un comportement étrange sans savoir si ce comportement  
est provoqué par le patch IPv6 (mais il n'a rien de complexe) ou si  
c'est dû à l'augmentation ces derniers jours des attaques. En  
effet, j'ai un /29 et je subis actuellement en IPv4 des attaques  
sur toutes les IP à un rythme soutenu.

Ça a rapport avec ça ?

Je n'ai rien vu du tout, c'est bizarre ! Moi qui chope toutes les m…  

Suis-je le seul à observer cela ?



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En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

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Duda sobre si mi sistema es de 32 o 64 bits

2015-01-15 Thread Gamaliel Martínez Ibarra

Saludos Lista:

Tal vez esta pregunta paresca tonta, pero me he confundido si mi 
sistema es de 32 o 64, tengo debian squeeze con los repositorios LTS, 
he realizado las siguientes pruebas:

$ uname -a
Linux debdev 2.6.32-5-amd64 #1 SMP Sun Dec 21 12:11:28 UTC 2014 x86_64 

-hasta aqui todo bien, segun la salida el kernel es de 64

realizando esta otra prueba:

$ file /sbin/init
/sbin/init: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), 
dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.18, stripped

-segun en la web deberia decir ELF 64.

otra prueba que realize fue:

$ getconf LONG_BIT

esta duda me surgio por que estaba actulizando el java, cuando revise 
la primera vez vi que era amd64 y descargue el jre 8 para amd64, el 
cual cuando lo descomprimi y trate de ejecutar el archivo me decia que 
el archivo no existia, crei que no se habia descargado correctamente el 
cual borre la instalacion y volvi a descargar, y me aparecia el mismo 
error, has que por curiosidad baje el java para 32 bits y el problema 
se soluciono, con todo lo que realize dedusco que el sistema es de 32 
bits, pero me queda la duda lo del kernel, tengo algo mal? o por que el 
kernel esta a 64.

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Re: Preventing the computer from shutting down.

2015-01-15 Thread Rob Owens
On Fri, Oct 31, 2014 at 04:10:11PM -0600, Mario Castelán Castro wrote:
 Thanks everybody for their help. I will use molly-guard to guard
 from accidental shut down from the CLI. Is there something like
 molly-guard for the LXDE power off/close session button?.
 I must clarify that what I mean by “preventing the computer from
 shutting down” is preventing the operator from inadvertently
 shutting down or rebooting the system while it is undergoing a

I know this is an old thread, but here's something that might work.

I have a Wheezy system running LXDE and if you try to shut down using
the gui while another user is logged in, it refuses.  Actually, I think
it requests the root password.

So if your backup process involves an ssh login of a regular user (uid
of 1000 or greater), other users won't be able to shut down the computer
by normal gui methods.


Description: Digital signature

Re: Problem med att få igång nätvverket

2015-01-15 Thread Sven Arvidsson
On Thu, 2015-01-15 at 15:50 +, Rolf Edlund wrote:
 Ok, la netinstall som har firmware pa ett USB. Startade upp
 installationen. Debian hittade dom firmware som min dator behover.
 Nasta steg var att satta upp natverket automagiskt. Som vanligt, sa
 fick jag meddelande att mitt system inte anvander DHCP:

Du kan ju dubbelkolla i dmesg om det står om några bekymmer med

  Konfigurera natverket
  Automatisk natverkskonfigurering misslyckades
  Ditt natverk anvander formodligen inte DHCP-protokollet. Det kan
 ocksa vara sa att DHCP servern ar langsam eller nagon
  natverksmaskinvarra inte fungerar som det ska.

Det skulle kunna vara så att dhcp-servern helt enkelt är långsam på att
svara? Jag har för mig att installationen har en ganska kort timeout.

Har du testat att konfigurera nätverksinställningarna manuellt?

Sven Arvidsson
PGP Key ID 760BDD22

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: materiel

2015-01-15 Thread Pascal Obry
Le jeudi 15 janvier 2015 à 18:17 +0100, suchod a écrit : 
 j'ai besoin d'un pc de plus sous Debian.   D'habitude j'achete un pc pas
 cher Carrefour/Auchan/etc... je désinstalle windows XXX et j'installe
 Debian.  Il semble que ne marche plus  Quel machine dois je
 acheter sur laquelle je suis sur de pouvoir monter Debian

Si c'est possible, mais je ferais:

- choix de NVIDIA et vérifier que l'on peut désactiver Optimus
  dans le BIOS (si la carte est Optimus bien entendu).

  - j'ai eu un PC ASUS ou ce n'était pas possible et les pilotes NVIDIA
pour GNU/Linux ne supportent pas bien cela. Même avec Bumblebee ou
quelquechose-prime sous Ubuntu.

Je pense que tous les BIOS permettent de désactive UEFI (secure boot)
donc pas de soucis de ce coté là! A vérifier cependant.

De mon coté j'ai toujours acheté des Dell sans rencontrer de soucis.

  Pascal Obry /  Magny Les Hameaux (78)

  The best way to travel is by means of imagination

  gpg --keyserver --recv-key F949BD3B

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Re: monitor conectado a notebook en debian 7

2015-01-15 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 14 Jan 2015 18:50:08 -0400, luis escribió:

 On Wed, 14 Jan 2015 17:06:36 + (UTC), Camaleón wrote:
 El Wed, 14 Jan 2015 12:47:00 -0400, luis escribió:

 Tengo un notebook Fujitsu AH532 cn debian 7 Wheezy a 64 bit, cuando le
 conecto un monitor de 19 WS no la imagen no coge toda la pantalla

 Alguna idea ???

 Sí, intenta ajustar la resolución del monitor externo con xrandr.
 Puedes empezar por ejecutar la salida del comando para ver qué
 información detecta (xrandr -q).

 Muchas gracias... esto es lo que me sale con el comando
 $ xrandr -q 
 Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1366 x 768, maximum
 8192 x 8192 
 LVDS1 connected 1366x768+0+0 (normal left inverted right x
 axis y axis)
 344mm x 194mm
 1366x768   60.0*+ 1360x768   59.8 60.0 1024x768  
 60.0 800x60060.3 56.2 640x48059.9
 VGA1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
 HDMI1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
 DP1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)

A ver... el comando lo tienes que ejecutar con el monitor externo 
conectado, obviamente ;-)

 Ahh cómo saber que tarjeta de video tengo en el notebook ??? con que
 comando o como lo puedo saber ??
 alguna idea ???

Pues hombre... con lspci como te dice Manolo (mejor quizá si añades el 
parámetro -v para que te dé información del driver cargado).

Ejecuta lspci -v como root.



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Re: debian dejo de cargar los videos

2015-01-15 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 14 Jan 2015 18:08:32 -0500, Juansanchez-gmail escribió:

 Hola amigos En firefox de un momento a otro en debian dejo de cargar los

¿Hemos de entender que vídeos son elementos multimedia en flash?

 Le he buscado por el lado de los complementos he actualizado el
 ultimo en /usr/lib pero no lo he logrado. en google
 las respuestas son muy antiguas y tampoco le dan solución. Me podrían
 dar alguna pista?

Lo primero, comprueba que el navegador tiene habilitado el complemento 
(about:plugins) y según resulte vamos probando cosas.

Yo tengo el archivo dentro del perfil del Firefox de 
mi usuario, concretamente en:

sm01@stt008:~$ locate



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Re: Problem med att få igång nätvverket

2015-01-15 Thread Rolf Edlund
(Kom på att jag kan ställa in använda våra svenska åäö från Manjaro live skivan)

Den 15 januari 2015 16:12 skrev
 När du funderade på att köpa en ny laptop rekommenerade jag dig att
 köpa en riktig laptop, inget dyng från någon köplada.

 Kolla här:

 Sortimentet varierar från dag till dag eftersom de handlar med
 begagnade uppfräschade datorer. Jag har nu tre ThinkPad från Nadex och
 är mycket nöjd. En anledning till att jag väljer just ThinkPad är att
 de som nya är såpass dyra att risken att de har varit i en skola är
 ganska liten.

Jo, iss så har jag ångrat att jag köpte den här Toshiba datorn, sen
första dagen. Dumt nog gick jag inte tillbaka med den, och få pengarna
tillbaka. Nu är det för sent.

Skulle jag skaffa en ny laptop idag, så skulle det säkert bli
därifrån. Men nu är jag mer sugen på en desktop. För jag använder min
laptop, enbart som en stationär dator. Så egentligen har jag ingen
speciell användning av just en laptop.

När det gäller skillnaden så har Matthew Moore en video på YouTube om
det. Där han snackar sig varm över hur mycket bättre en riktig
företags laptop är:

Men jag ska iaf fundera på dit tips.


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Re: problem with corrupted root password

2015-01-15 Thread Rob Owens
On Thu, Jan 15, 2015 at 12:47:08PM +0100, mrr wrote:
 On 15/01/2015 01:00, Gary Dale wrote:
 On 14/01/15 04:26 PM, Rob Owens wrote:
 On Wed, Jan 14, 2015 at 03:07:09PM -0500, Comer Duncan wrote:
 I recently got wheezy up and running.  I installed xfce4 and like it.
 However, today in the process of trying to spawn a root terminal (in
 Accessories) and going through a cycle of trying to get authorized but
 being prevented by repeated complaints that the system password I
 used was
 not correct, I now find that I can not get logged in in single-user
 I have thus royally screwed up.  So, how can I get the system password
 changed to something new?
 Thanks for help and apologies for making such an error.
 Boot using a Live CD, then as root:
 mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1 (or whatever device is your root partition)
 chroot /mnt/sda1
 I'd change the chroot command to
chroot /mnt/sda1 bash
 to ensure you get the correct shell. System Rescue CD, for example, uses
 zsh by default so chrooting with specifying the shell will get you a
 not-found error.
 Wouldn't it work too if you delete the root line in /etc/shadow ?
 When I say delete, I mean just the hash, you would leave a line:
I tried this with a test user and it worked.  But there are fields after
the password hash that remain.  My user's line in /etc/shadow looked like 


I was able to login as the 'junk' user without a password.  I wasn't
even asked for a password.  However, 'su junk' from my regular user
account did not work.

 And just for fun (well maybe I'll try this later) if you take your
 user hash in the same file and copy it in the place of the root
 hash, wouldn't root get the same password as the user one?
I tested this too, and it worked for both a login and for su.

Thanks for the ideas!


Description: Digital signature

Re: Problem med att få igång nätvverket

2015-01-15 Thread Rolf Edlund
(Skriver detta fran en live skiva, darfor finns inte vara svenska
bokstaver.. Sorry for det.)

Ok, la netinstall som har firmware pa ett USB. Startade upp
installationen. Debian hittade dom firmware som min dator behover.
Nasta steg var att satta upp natverket automagiskt. Som vanligt, sa
fick jag meddelande att mitt system inte anvander DHCP:

 Konfigurera natverket

 Automatisk natverkskonfigurering misslyckades

 Ditt natverk anvander formodligen inte DHCP-protokollet. Det kan
ocksa vara sa att DHCP servern ar langsam eller nagon
 natverksmaskinvarra inte fungerar som det ska.

Kollade hur det sag ut i /etc/apt/sources.list

Det enda som jag kunde installera fran var USB minnet. Allt annat var
satt med #.

 # Line comment out by installer because it faild to verify

Kollade i /lib/firmware efter installationen, och dar lag dom firmware
som Debian behover.

Sa jag borjar nastan misstanka, att det ar nagot strul med hardvaran i
min skit laptop ? Den som jag beklagat mig over forut i listan.

Konstigt nog fungerar det med Manjaro. Men jag ger inte upp. Jag -ska-
installera Debian, hur svart det an blir.


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Re: materiel

2015-01-15 Thread Pascal Hambourg
Pascal Obry a écrit :
 - choix de NVIDIA et vérifier que l'on peut désactiver Optimus
   dans le BIOS (si la carte est Optimus bien entendu).

Pourquoi Nvidia ?

 Je pense que tous les BIOS permettent de désactive UEFI (secure boot)

UEFI et secure boot sont deux choses différentes. Le secure boot n'est
qu'une option de l'amorçage en UEFI, c'est seulement elle qu'il faut
désactiver. Sur des machines assez anciennes, il était possible de
désactiver l'amorçage UEFI. Sur les machines récentes que j'ai pu voir,
ce n'était plus possible : au contraire c'est le mode CSM/legacy qui
était en option. Mais Debian s'accommode assez bien de l'UEFI, sauf bug
ponctuel du firmware.

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Re: Duda sobre si mi sistema es de 32 o 64 bits

2015-01-15 Thread Manolo Díaz
El jueves, 15 ene 2015, a las 19:38 horas (UTC+1),
Camaleón escribió:

El Thu, 15 Jan 2015 12:30:31 -0500, Gamaliel Martínez Ibarra escribió:

 Tal vez esta pregunta paresca tonta, pero me he confundido si mi sistema
 es de 32 o 64, tengo debian squeeze con los repositorios LTS, he
 realizado las siguientes pruebas:
 $ uname -a Linux debdev 2.6.32-5-amd64 #1 SMP Sun Dec 21 12:11:28 UTC
 2014 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Hum... ¿ese kernel (debdev) es el oficial de los repos LTS?

 -hasta aqui todo bien, segun la salida el kernel es de 64

Al menos la imagen del kernel parece ser de 64 bits. Ejecuta file /boot/

 realizando esta otra prueba:
 $ file /sbin/init /sbin/init: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386,
 version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux
 2.6.18, stripped
 -segun en la web deberia decir ELF 64.

Pues sí:

sm01@stt008:~$ file /sbin/init
/sbin/init: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), 
dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.18, BuildID
[sha1]=0x8c68a736c6a4e6fadf22d5ac9debf11e79c6bdcd, stripped

 otra prueba que realize fue:
 $ getconf LONG_BIT 32
 esta duda me surgio por que estaba actulizando el java, cuando revise la
 primera vez vi que era amd64 y descargue el jre 8 para amd64, el cual
 cuando lo descomprimi y trate de ejecutar el archivo me decia que el
 archivo no existia, crei que no se habia descargado correctamente el
 cual borre la instalacion y volvi a descargar, y me aparecia el mismo
 error, has que por curiosidad baje el java para 32 bits y el problema se
 soluciono, con todo lo que realize dedusco que el sistema es de 32 bits,
 pero me queda la duda lo del kernel, tengo algo mal? o por que el kernel
 esta a 64.

Nada te impide tener un kernel de 64 bits con aplicaciones de usuario de 
32 bits. 

No solo posible, además puede ser más que recomendable. Si tienes 4 GB
o más de memoria RAM la gestión es más eficaz, sin necesidad de PAE,
aunque cada proceso de 32 bit quede limitado a los dichos 4 GB.

Mi teoría de lo que puede haber pasado es que tuvieras un sistema
instalado inicialmente de 32 bits y hayas instalado manualmente un
kernel de 64 bits.


Manolo Díaz

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Mini-Debconf in Lyon, France. April 11-12, 2015

2015-01-15 Thread Ana Guerrero Lopez
--- Version fran�aise � la fin du mail --


The Debian France association[1] is proud to announce the next
Mini-DebConf[2][3]! This year's event will take place on April 11-12 in Lyon
and it's kindly hosted by the Maison Pour Tous-Salle des Rancy[4].

All Debian enthusiasts from far and wide are welcome to gather and
talk about the latest Debian changes, meet new people from the Debian
community and of course, meet again old friends.

This Mini-DebConf will also be at a perfect time to celebrate the release
of Jessie ;)

If you're planning to attend, please add yourself in the wiki [3].

If you're interested in presenting a talk, holding a BoF, workshop, etc.,
please drop us an email at

On the behalf of the organization team



Bonjour � tous,

L'association Debian France [1] a le plaisir de vous annoncer la
prochaine Mini-Debconf [2][3] !
Cette ann�e, l'�v�nement aura lieu les 11 et 12 avril � Lyon et
est h�berg� sera h�berg� par la Maison Pour Tous-Salle des Rancy [4].

Au cours de celui-ci, les d�veloppeurs, les contributeurs occasionnels
ou plus g�n�ralement les utilisateurs provenant de toutes parts se
retrouveront afin d'�changer sur les derniers changements survenus
dans Debian, de la communaut� en soi ou pour rencontrer des anciens
ou nouveaux amis.

Cette mini-debconf sera �galement le parfait moment pour c�l�brer
la sortie de Jessie ;)

Si vous souhaitez y assister, merci de vous ajouter dans le wiki [3].

Si vous souhaitez faire une pr�sentation, organiser un BoF, un atelier,
etc., merci d'envoyer un email �

Au nom de l'�quipe d'organisation.


Description: Digital signature

Re: Problem med att få igång nätvverket

2015-01-15 Thread Sven Arvidsson
On Thu, 2015-01-15 at 21:43 +0100, Rolf Edlund wrote:
 Du verkar ha helt rätt!!
 Gjorde en Avancerad installation, och höjde där timeout från default 3
 sekunder till 30 sekunder. Och i samma stund jag tryckte på Fortsätt,
 så fick jag en uppkoppling. Så nu är Debian 7.8 installerad och

Kul att du fick igång det. Skam den som ger sig! :)

Sven Arvidsson
PGP Key ID 760BDD22

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

upgrade kernel

2015-01-15 Thread Pol Hallen

Hi folks!

a security updates of kernel is available (from apt-get upgrade), so: 
must I reboot my pc (after upgrade) to avoid security problems? Is there 
another way?

thanks for help!


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An experiment in backup

2015-01-15 Thread Kevin O'Gorman
I'm trying to develop a reliable backup method that does not use
proprietary tools or formats, and is free as in beer.  I thought I had it,
but i just tried a restore, and it's a miserable failure.  I wonder if
anyone here can point out the error of my ways.

I have a tar backup of the entire system, excluding /sys, /proc and /dev.
I have a tar backup of a bind-mount of /dev.
These were taken while the system was running, but quiet.  I did it this
way because I cannot get the system to boot into single user mode.  Putting
single on the end of the linux like results in a black screen.

I restored these, created /sys and /proc, and tried to boot the resulting
partition.  It boots, but X does not come up, or even seem to try.  I can
do a console login to my usual account, and stuff is there.

I'm quite clueless as to why this is happening.  I could sure use some help.

Kevin O'Gorman
#define QUESTION ((bb) || (!bb))   /* Shakespeare */

Please consider the environment before printing this email.

Re: fail2ban

2015-01-15 Thread BERTRAND Joël

BERTRAND Joël wrote:

Philippe Gras a écrit :

J'observe un comportement étrange sans savoir si ce comportement
est provoqué par le patch IPv6 (mais il n'a rien de complexe) ou si
c'est dû à l'augmentation ces derniers jours des attaques. En effet,
j'ai un /29 et je subis actuellement en IPv4 des attaques sur toutes
les IP à un rythme soutenu.

Ça a rapport avec ça ?

 Je ne sais pas. Je constate simplement...

Je n'ai rien vu du tout, c'est bizarre ! Moi qui chope toutes les m…

 Heureux homme.

Tiens, je viens de m'apercevoir d'un autre truc amusant :

Root rayleigh:[/export/home/bertrand]  iptables -L
Chain INPUT (policy DROP)
target prot opt source   destination
f2b-ejabberd-auth  tcp  --  anywhere anywhere 
multiport dports xmpp-client
f2b-courier-auth  tcp  --  anywhere anywhere 
multiport dports smtp,urd,submission,imap3,imaps,pop3,pop3s
f2b-sendmail-reject  tcp  --  anywhere anywhere 
multiport dports smtp,urd,submission
f2b-sendmail-auth  tcp  --  anywhere anywhere 
multiport dports submission,urd,smtp
f2b-apache-auth  tcp  --  anywhere anywhere 
multiport dports http,https
f2b-sshd   tcp  --  anywhere anywhere multiport 
dports ssh
f2b-ejabberd-auth  tcp  --  anywhere anywhere 
multiport dports xmpp-client
f2b-courier-auth  tcp  --  anywhere anywhere 
multiport dports smtp,urd,submission,imap3,imaps,pop3,pop3s
f2b-sendmail-reject  tcp  --  anywhere anywhere 
multiport dports smtp,urd,submission
f2b-sendmail-auth  tcp  --  anywhere anywhere 
multiport dports submission,urd,smtp
f2b-apache-auth  tcp  --  anywhere anywhere 
multiport dports http,https
f2b-sshd   tcp  --  anywhere anywhere multiport 
dports ssh
f2b-ejabberd-auth  tcp  --  anywhere anywhere 
multiport dports xmpp-client
f2b-courier-auth  tcp  --  anywhere anywhere 
multiport dports smtp,urd,submission,imap3,imaps,pop3,pop3s
f2b-sendmail-reject  tcp  --  anywhere anywhere 
multiport dports smtp,urd,submission
f2b-sendmail-auth  tcp  --  anywhere anywhere 
multiport dports submission,urd,smtp
f2b-apache-auth  tcp  --  anywhere anywhere 
multiport dports http,https
f2b-sshd   tcp  --  anywhere anywhere multiport 
dports ssh
f2b-ejabberd-auth  tcp  --  anywhere anywhere 
multiport dports xmpp-client
f2b-courier-auth  tcp  --  anywhere anywhere 
multiport dports smtp,urd,submission,imap3,imaps,pop3,pop3s
f2b-sendmail-reject  tcp  --  anywhere anywhere 
multiport dports smtp,urd,submission
f2b-sendmail-auth  tcp  --  anywhere anywhere 
multiport dports submission,urd,smtp
f2b-apache-auth  tcp  --  anywhere anywhere 
multiport dports http,https
f2b-sshd   tcp  --  anywhere anywhere multiport 
dports ssh

	Les règles sont réenregistrées autant de fois qu'il y a de RETURN.  Et 
ça enfle. J'ai relancé fail2ban hier soir, ce matin, j'ai déjà quatre 
RETURN par règle. Ce soir, j'en aurais certainement une bonne 
quarantaine... L'augmentation se fait bien un par un.

Bonne journée,


SYSTELLA S.A.R.L., 10, place de l'école, 68000 COLMAR, FRANCE
Tél.: +33 (0) 973870201, GSM: +33 (0) 616018060, Fax: +33 (0) 149297395

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Re: An experiment in backup

2015-01-15 Thread David Christensen

On 01/15/2015 07:19 PM, Kevin O'Gorman wrote:

I'm trying to develop a reliable backup method that does not use
proprietary tools or formats, and is free as in beer.  I thought I had it,
but i just tried a restore, and it's a miserable failure.  I wonder if
anyone here can point out the error of my ways.

I have a tar backup of the entire system, excluding /sys, /proc and /dev.
I have a tar backup of a bind-mount of /dev.
These were taken while the system was running, but quiet.  I did it this
way because I cannot get the system to boot into single user mode.  Putting
single on the end of the linux like results in a black screen.

I restored these, created /sys and /proc, and tried to boot the resulting
partition.  It boots, but X does not come up, or even seem to try.  I can
do a console login to my usual account, and stuff is there.

I'm quite clueless as to why this is happening.  I could sure use some help.

There are two basic kinds of backups:

1.  File system -- e.g. a copy of the files and directories on an 
mounted and operating drive.

2.  Raw binary image -- e.g. a copy of the bytes on a drive taken when 
the drive is powered, but the partitions, volumes, file systems, etc., 
are not mounted.

For system drives, the former won't work; you need the later.  I connect 
a large hard drive (to hold the images), boot Debian installation media 
into rescue mode, and use 'dd' to backup/ restore system drive raw 
binary images.



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Re: An experiment in backup

2015-01-15 Thread Kevin O'Gorman
On Thu, Jan 15, 2015 at 8:41 PM, David Christensen wrote:

 On 01/15/2015 07:19 PM, Kevin O'Gorman wrote:

 I'm trying to develop a reliable backup method that does not use
 proprietary tools or formats, and is free as in beer.  I thought I had it,
 but i just tried a restore, and it's a miserable failure.  I wonder if
 anyone here can point out the error of my ways.

 I have a tar backup of the entire system, excluding /sys, /proc and /dev.
 I have a tar backup of a bind-mount of /dev.
 These were taken while the system was running, but quiet.  I did it this
 way because I cannot get the system to boot into single user mode.
 single on the end of the linux like results in a black screen.

 I restored these, created /sys and /proc, and tried to boot the resulting
 partition.  It boots, but X does not come up, or even seem to try.  I can
 do a console login to my usual account, and stuff is there.

 I'm quite clueless as to why this is happening.  I could sure use some

 There are two basic kinds of backups:

 1.  File system -- e.g. a copy of the files and directories on an mounted
 and operating drive.

 2.  Raw binary image -- e.g. a copy of the bytes on a drive taken when the
 drive is powered, but the partitions, volumes, file systems, etc., are not

 For system drives, the former won't work; you need the later.  I connect a
 large hard drive (to hold the images), boot Debian installation media into
 rescue mode, and use 'dd' to backup/ restore system drive raw binary images.

 I was hoping for some details on why this won't work on system drives, or
conditions under which it just might.  Another user has suggested I read which suggests that
it actually should work.



Kevin O'Gorman
#define QUESTION ((bb) || (!bb))   /* Shakespeare */

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Re: An experiment in backup

2015-01-15 Thread David Christensen

On 01/15/2015 08:47 PM, Kevin O'Gorman wrote:

I was hoping for some details on why this won't work on system drives, or
conditions under which it just might.  Another user has suggested I read which suggests that
it actually should work.

That would require an in-depth understanding of the Linux kernel, which 
I don't have.  (My answer was geared towards practical system 
administration; it works reliably for me.)

If you want to learn everything required to explain why a file system 
level self-backup of an operational system drive won't work, or how to 
make it work (and how to restore it), more power to you.  If you would 
care to post what you find, I'd like to read it.


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Re: Strange webcam failure and 'fix'

2015-01-15 Thread

On 16/01/2015 04:48, Alexis wrote:

Ping. Any thoughts?


On Thu, 08 Jan 2015 18:53:03 +1100, Alexis wrote:

Hi all,

i have a Logitech Quickcam Pro 9000, which i use with the Jitsi
voice/video client. Occasionally it stops working, such that my laptop
- an Asus K53E running 64-bit Wheezy + all available updates - doesn't
appear to detect it at all (as per the output of
e.g. `lsusb`). Leaving the cam plugged in and soft-restarting the
laptop makes no difference, nor does hard-restarting the
laptop. Unplugging the cam and soft- or hard-restarting the laptop
before plugging it back in makes no difference either.

What /does/ make a difference, however, is simply plugging the cam
into a USB port of a desktop machine - an Ipex Augsburg 0431 running
32-bit Wheezy + all available updates - waiting a few moments, then
unplugging it from the desktop machine and plugging it back into the
laptop, whereupon it's immediately detected and available for use.

Can anyone offer any insights as to what might be happening here?



I had one of those and there is a well know, but unfixed, firmware bug 
affecting most Qc Pro 9000. If you search for quickcam Pro 9000 
firmware bug you will see what I mean by well known bug.

I tinkered a lot to get this camera to work and never got a reliable 
behavior, sometimes the bug shows up very quickly, and at other times it 
can run for a while properly before freezing.

When it happens you can try unplugging the cam AND unloading/reloading 
(modprobe) the uvcvideo driver, usually it was doing the trick for me. 
But since I could not script the unplugging part ;-) I ended up buying a 
new cam.

I remember reading that forcing the snd_usb_audio to load before 
uvcvideo is loaded eases the pain. Maybe writing a udev rule or a custom 
.conf file in /etc/modprobe.d, or just a script to unload uvcvideo and 
snd_usb_audio then reload them in the right order would help. But this 
is no silver bullet, with my cam it didn't make the freezes go away 
completely, just gave me more time in between.

My 2 cents.

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Re: An experiment in backup

2015-01-15 Thread Kevin O'Gorman
On Thu, Jan 15, 2015 at 9:03 PM, David Christensen wrote:

 On 01/15/2015 08:47 PM, Kevin O'Gorman wrote:

 I was hoping for some details on why this won't work on system drives, or
 conditions under which it just might.  Another user has suggested I read which suggests
 it actually should work.

 That would require an in-depth understanding of the Linux kernel, which I
 don't have.  (My answer was geared towards practical system administration;
 it works reliably for me.)

 If you want to learn everything required to explain why a file system
 level self-backup of an operational system drive won't work, or how to make
 it work (and how to restore it), more power to you.  If you would care to
 post what you find, I'd like to read it.

No promises, but I might just take you upon that.  I don't think it will
take any kernel knowledge, but some of the daemons may be an issue.  As a
first step, I may take a self-dump then do a fast reboot to another OS or
partition, restore the dump to a new place and do a compare.  If the list
of suspects (outside of /tmp and such) is huge, I may give up.  If not, I
may learn something.

I care because I like to have a lot of free space in my partitions, but I
hate to use backup time and space on the holes.

Kevin O'Gorman
#define QUESTION ((bb) || (!bb))   /* Shakespeare */

Please consider the environment before printing this email.

Re: Strange webcam failure and 'fix'

2015-01-15 Thread Alexis writes:

 I had one of those and there is a well know, but unfixed, firmware bug 
 affecting most Qc Pro 9000. If you search for quickcam Pro 9000 
 firmware bug you will see what I mean by well known bug.

 I tinkered a lot to get this camera to work and never got a reliable 
 behavior, sometimes the bug shows up very quickly, and at other times it 
 can run for a while properly before freezing.

 When it happens you can try unplugging the cam AND unloading/reloading 
 (modprobe) the uvcvideo driver, usually it was doing the trick for me. 
 But since I could not script the unplugging part ;-) I ended up buying a 
 new cam.

 I remember reading that forcing the snd_usb_audio to load before 
 uvcvideo is loaded eases the pain. Maybe writing a udev rule or a custom 
 .conf file in /etc/modprobe.d, or just a script to unload uvcvideo and 
 snd_usb_audio then reload them in the right order would help. But this 
 is no silver bullet, with my cam it didn't make the freezes go away 
 completely, just gave me more time in between.

Ah, okay. This gives me a few new things to try. :-) Thanks for your
help - much appreciated!


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Re: Can't get sound to work

2015-01-15 Thread Charlie
On Thu, 15 Jan 2015 21:21:55 +0100 Daniel Haude sent:

 Hi all, 
 this is my umptieth Debian installation I've done on various PCs over
 the years, but this time the sound setup really has me stumped. I
 can't hear anything unless I use aplay with -D hw:0,0 but setting
 that in the configuration file doesn't help. No other
 sound-outputting program works. Here's a shell excerpt: 
 bl@dotcom:~$ aplay test.wav   # can't hear nothing
 bl@dotcom:~$ aplay -D hw:0,0 test.wav # this plays sound
 bl@dotcom:~$ cat .asoundrc
 cat: .asoundrc: No such file or directory
 bl@dotcom:~$ cat /etc/asound.conf 
 pcm.!default {
 type hw
 card 0
 device 0
 bl@dotcom:~$ aplay -l
  List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices 
 card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: AD1984 Analog [AD1984 Analog]
   Subdevices: 1/1
   Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
 card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 2: AD1984 Alt Analog [AD1984 Alt
   Subdevices: 1/1
   Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
 bl@dotcom:~$ cat /proc/asound/cards 
  0 [Intel  ]: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel
   HDA Intel at 0xfe9dc000 irq 45

Much the same here. Sound has always been a bit of a mystery in Debian
for me ever since Sarge.

This is a Jessie system.

The time I got it working, I think in Squeeze? Florian Kulzer had me
debugging things with the commands below and managed to see what the
problem was.

Interestingly I had sound working with alsa before one of the upgrades
recently. But I don't use sound all that often, so have no idea when it
was lost.Installed and tried with pulseaudio, It said that the devices
were locked, so have purged that again now.

I have not been able to see from the commands results of the commands
that Florian supplied how I can get my sound working.

Here are my results and those commands, you might compare and if you
have much the same results we will know we both have the same problem:

$ lspci

00:01.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
[AMD/ATI] Wrestler [Radeon HD 7310]
00:01.1 Audio device: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Wrestler
HDMI Audio

$ cat /dev/sndstat
No such file or directory

~$ aplay -l

 List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices 
card 0: Generic [HD-Audio Generic], device 3: HDMI 0 [HDMI 0]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 1: Generic_1 [HD-Audio Generic], device 0: ALC269VB Analog
[ALC269VB Analog]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0

$ lsmod | grep snd

snd_hda_codec_realtek63031  1 
snd_hda_codec_hdmi 45118  1 
snd_hda_codec_generic63107  1 snd_hda_codec_realtek
snd_hda_intel  26327  5 
snd_hda_controller 26727  1 snd_hda_intel
snd_hda_codec 104463  5 
snd_hwdep  13148  1 snd_hda_codec
snd_pcm88662  4 
snd_timer  26614  1 snd_pcm
snd65244  18 
soundcore  13026  2 snd,snd_hda_codec

$ cat /proc/asound/cards

 0 [Generic]: HDA-Intel - HD-Audio Generic
  HD-Audio Generic at 0xf0444000 irq 46
 1 [Generic_1  ]: HDA-Intel - HD-Audio Generic
  HD-Audio Generic at 0xf044 irq 47

$ udevadm trigger --verbose --subsystem-match=sound


$ speaker-test -t sine -c 2

No sound is heard.

$ amixer

Simple mixer control 'PCM',0
  Capabilities: pvolume
  Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
  Limits: Playback 0 - 255
  Front Left: Playback 255 [100%] [0.00dB]
  Front Right: Playback 255 [100%] [0.00dB]
Simple mixer control 'IEC958',0
  Capabilities: pswitch pswitch-joined
  Playback channels: Mono
  Mono: Playback [on]
Simple mixer control 'Digital',0
  Capabilities: cvolume
  Capture channels: Front Left - Front Right
  Limits: Capture 0 - 120
  Front Left: Capture 60 [50%] [0.00dB]
  Front Right: Capture 60 [50%] [0.00dB]

Alsamixergui only shows 3 sliders:

PCM - right to the top
IEC958 - empty
Digital - half way up

All locks open.

$ lsof +c0 $(find /dev/ -group 

Re: Problem med att få igång nätvverket

2015-01-15 Thread Rolf Edlund
Den 15 januari 2015 18:37 skrev Sven Arvidsson
 Det skulle kunna vara så att dhcp-servern helt enkelt är långsam på att
 svara? Jag har för mig att installationen har en ganska kort timeout.

Du verkar ha helt rätt!!

Gjorde en Avancerad installation, och höjde där timeout från default 3
sekunder till 30 sekunder. Och i samma stund jag tryckte på Fortsätt,
så fick jag en uppkoppling. Så nu är Debian 7.8 installerad och

Ska även prova med DVD skivan, och se om att göra en Avancerad
installation, som fixar mina problem med installationen där. Nu vet
jag iaf hur jag ska göra. Så nu kan jag börja testa hej vilt med

Sen ska jag testa hur kort jag kan sätta timout:en till, innan jag får
samma problem med att DHCP inte svarar. Om default värdet 3 sekunder
räcker (vilket det som sagt gör i Manjaro)

Nu måste jag ladda hem drivrutinen för mitt grafikkort, så jag kan
börja köra Gnome.3.

Så du ska ha stort tack Sven, för att du satte mig på spåret !

Btw, kanske om man har en router med någon meters kabel från datorn,
även skulle få en vanlig enkel installation att få igång DCHP
installationen. Får kolla det vid tillfälle.


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Can't get sound to work

2015-01-15 Thread Robert Latest
Hi all, 

this is my umptieth Debian installation I've done on various PCs over
the years, but this time the sound setup really has me stumped. I can't
hear anything unless I use aplay with -D hw:0,0 but setting that in the
configuration file doesn't help. No other sound-outputting program
works. Here's a shell excerpt: 

bl@dotcom:~$ aplay test.wav   # can't hear nothing
bl@dotcom:~$ aplay -D hw:0,0 test.wav # this plays sound
bl@dotcom:~$ cat .asoundrc
cat: .asoundrc: No such file or directory
bl@dotcom:~$ cat /etc/asound.conf 
pcm.!default {
type hw
card 0
device 0
bl@dotcom:~$ aplay -l
 List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices 
card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: AD1984 Analog [AD1984 Analog]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 2: AD1984 Alt Analog [AD1984 Alt
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
bl@dotcom:~$ cat /proc/asound/cards 
 0 [Intel  ]: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel
  HDA Intel at 0xfe9dc000 irq 45

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Re: Can't get sound to work

2015-01-15 Thread Hans
First questions:

Are you running pulseaudio or alsa?

Did you try alsamixer?
Often it is possible, to choose different hardware in the GUI. Did you try 
other ones, too?



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Re: Can't get sound to work

2015-01-15 Thread Ric Moore

On 01/15/2015 03:54 PM, Hans wrote:

First questions:

Are you running pulseaudio or alsa?

Did you try alsamixer?

Often it is possible, to choose different hardware in the GUI. Did you try
other ones, too?


He's got an asoundrc file in /etc. I thought that use was deprecated 
some years ago. Maybe if the OP mv;d that file to another name, rebooted 
and ran alsamixer first, then add pavucontrol along with pulse, he might 
have a better experience, IMHO. I happen to love using pulse, although 
years ago I was spitting mad at it. Works a charm for me now, especially 
when using different sound inputs/outputs on the fly. Ric

My father, Victor Moore (Vic) used to say:
There are two Great Sins in the world...
..the Sin of Ignorance, and the Sin of Stupidity.
Only the former may be overcome. R.I.P. Dad.
Linux user# 44256

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How to set up GDM3 for multihead?

2015-01-15 Thread Alexis

Hi all,

Context: Debian Wheezy x86_64 + all available updates.

Some software i'm developing requires me to test it under multiple
desktop environments. To that end, i want to have a multihead X setup: i
want my usual i3-based desktop environment on VT7, but then have GDM3
greeters available on VT8 and VT9, accessible via Ctrl-Alt-F8 and
Ctrl-Alt-F9, which i can use to log in to other desktop environments, as
users other than myself, whilst keeping my i3 session visible on VT7.

The relevant GDM documentation:

seems to me to imply that this is possible, but doesn't describe how.

After doing some Web searches, i tried modifying /etc/gdm3/daemon.conf
to include either:



0=Standard device=/dev/tty7
1=Standard device=/dev/tty8
2=Standard device=/dev/tty9

but neither change made GDM3 greeters available on VT8 or VT9.

(Although i also note that trying to hide a particular non-system user,
call them 'testuser', from the face browser in the greeter via:

# Only include selected logins in the greeter
Include = alexis
Exclude = 

has no effect, so maybe i'm modifying the wrong config file?)

Having spent a couple of hours trying to solve this issue, i installed
KDM and discovered i can achieve the desired result with KDM with a
single line:


i'm happy to use KDM as my login manager, but now i'm curious: is the
setup i want possible with GDM3?


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Re: fail2ban

2015-01-15 Thread Daniel Caillibaud
Le 15/01/15 à 18:33, BERTRAND Joël a écrit :
BJ  Ça a rapport avec ça ?
BJ Je ne sais pas. Je constate simplement...
BJ  Je n'ai rien vu du tout, c'est bizarre ! Moi qui chope toutes les m…
BJ  d'habitude.

P'tet que tu tiens à jour tes machines et applis...

La grande majorité des défacements concernent des sites sur des CMS pas à 
jour, parfois
depuis des années...


Un peuple prêt à sacrifier un peu de liberté pour un peu de sécurité 
ne mérite ni l'une ni l'autre, et finit par perdre les deux.
Benjamin Franklin

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Re: fail2ban

2015-01-15 Thread Philippe Gras

Le 16 janv. 15 à 01:59, Daniel Caillibaud a écrit :

Le 15/01/15 à 18:33, BERTRAND Joël a  
écrit :

BJ  Ça a rapport avec ça ?
BJ  Je ne sais pas. Je constate simplement...
BJ  Je n'ai rien vu du tout, c'est bizarre ! Moi qui chope toutes  
les m…

BJ  d'habitude.

P'tet que tu tiens à jour tes machines et applis...

Bah, non justement ! Je déteste courir derrière les mises à jour.

Le serveur est à jour de Noël, mais pas les CMS actuellement !

Je trouve que je subis beaucoup d'attaques, mais elles ont pour

le moment toutes été repoussées.

Par contre, je scrute mes logs régulièrement. J'ai rencontré pas

mal de gens qui ne se souciaient pas des attaques, parce qu'ils

les ignoraient. Beaucoup ne s'en rendent même pas compte.

Ou trop tard… De ceux-là, j'en ai vu beaucoup aussi !

La grande majorité des défacements concernent des sites sur des  
CMS pas à jour, parfois

depuis des années...


Un peuple prêt à sacrifier un peu de liberté pour un peu de sécurité
ne mérite ni l'une ni l'autre, et finit par perdre les deux.
Benjamin Franklin

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Re: Have I been hacked?

2015-01-15 Thread Frédéric Marchal
2015-01-13 18:13 GMT+01:00 Danny
 Am I right in saying that there is actually nothing new when it comes to
 networking ... hear me out ... the internet (and most networks out there) 
 works on TCP/IP which is 40 odd years old (70's) ... a car mechanic only needs
 to know how an engine works ... you can bolt on many other things onto an 
 and add a pletora of sensors to it but essentially it remains an engine ... if
 you understand the way an engine or an automatic/manual transmission works 
 you can
 confidently service/overhaul any engine/transmission  because they all are 
 made up of the same
 stuff and they all work the same ... and this is my point with TCP/IP ...
 EVERYTHING is dumped on top of TCP/IP ... yet it remains the same ... a black
 hat only needs to know TCP/IP in order to knock on your door ... once he 
 on your door it means that he has found you ... he knows you are there ... 
 all he
 has to do is look at the Matrix screen ... am I making sense? ...

Being a hacker requires a bit more knowledge than TCP/IP.

To build upon your analogy, TCP/IP is more like the path to your
house. If offers no security beyond what you gain by mounting watch on
your doorstep.

Every open port on your server is like a door or a window.

The protocol carried by TCP/IP and recognized by the server
application listening on the open port is the lock on the door or

Your login/credential is the key to the door.

Hackers are like thieves trying to break into your house. A thief
knows about various types of locks, doors and windows. He knows that
some windows break if a pressure is applied on the upper corner
opposite the hinges. Such a type of lock is easily defeated by
drilling just below the barrel. Some kind of door is best attacked by
breaking through the lower panel, and so on.

A hacker can find your server the same way a thief can find your
house. He just walk around and look at what may be a worthwhile

A hacker knows about the protocols and server applications. He knows
their strengths and weaknesses and will attack where it is easier when
he sees an opportunity.

That is the reason you must update your server on a regular basis. It
removes old safety measures the hackers know how to break.

And when the house is properly secured, a thief may knock at the door
and sweet talk the owner into letting him in. Hackers do that too :-)


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Re: Have I been hacked?

2015-01-15 Thread mrr

On 14/01/2015 23:00, Brian wrote:

I can remember TwasBrilligAndTheSlithyToves and associate it with an

Before signing up I do

 echo TwasBrilligAndTheSlithyToves | sha1sum | base64 | cut -c -30

The output is what I give to a site as a password.

Furthermore, before any future logins I can run the command again to get
the same password. Isn't this on-line and off-line cracking taken care

Excellent, combining memno-technique sentence + hashing to get a 
pseudo-aleatory easy to remember password!
Well, that's elegant and efficient, thanks for the idea, that will be my 
new strategy henceforth...


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Re: monitor conectado a notebook en debian 7

2015-01-15 Thread fernando sainz
2015-01-14 17:47 GMT+01:00
 Buenas a todos

 Tengo un notebook Fujitsu AH532 cn debian 7 Wheezy a 64 bit, cuando le
 conecto un monitor de 19 WS no la imagen no coge toda la pantalla

 Alguna idea ???

Una vez conecté un portátil a una pantalla de presentaciones y no me
cogió la resolución de la misma hasta que cerré sesión y volví al gdm,
luego ya usaba la de la pantalla. Puedes hacer la prueba.

Normalmente los escritorios tienen una herramienta para la
configuración de la resolución de pantalla, pero yo no uso
escritorios, solo uso un gestor de ventanas.

Si quieres hacerlo de forma manual puedes mirar los comandos xradr y cvt.


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Re: Have I been hacked?

2015-01-15 Thread mrr

On 14/01/2015 06:00, Bob Proulx wrote:

Trying to hide in an unusual username is obscurity not security.  You
may have heard the term that obscurity is not security.

Well obscurity may help, think about the man who loose his car key 
somewhere in an obscure place but will begin looking for it where there 
is some light because it's easier to see around!

Said otherwise, the black hat may try to hack easy targets (with known 
username) before hacking you (with weird username), no?


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Re: problem with corrupted root password

2015-01-15 Thread mrr

On 15/01/2015 01:00, Gary Dale wrote:

On 14/01/15 04:26 PM, Rob Owens wrote:

On Wed, Jan 14, 2015 at 03:07:09PM -0500, Comer Duncan wrote:

I recently got wheezy up and running.  I installed xfce4 and like it.

However, today in the process of trying to spawn a root terminal (in
Accessories) and going through a cycle of trying to get authorized but
being prevented by repeated complaints that the system password I
used was
not correct, I now find that I can not get logged in in single-user
I have thus royally screwed up.  So, how can I get the system password
changed to something new?

Thanks for help and apologies for making such an error.

Boot using a Live CD, then as root:

mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1 (or whatever device is your root partition)
chroot /mnt/sda1

I'd change the chroot command to
   chroot /mnt/sda1 bash

to ensure you get the correct shell. System Rescue CD, for example, uses
zsh by default so chrooting with specifying the shell will get you a
not-found error.

Wouldn't it work too if you delete the root line in /etc/shadow ?
When I say delete, I mean just the hash, you would leave a line:


And just for fun (well maybe I'll try this later) if you take your user 
hash in the same file and copy it in the place of the root hash, 
wouldn't root get the same password as the user one?

All this from a boot cd of course!


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Re: monitor conectado a notebook en debian 7

2015-01-15 Thread Manolo Díaz
El miércoles, 14 ene 2015, a las 23:50 horas (UTC+1), escribió:

Ahh cómo saber que tarjeta de video tengo en el notebook ??? con que 
comando o como lo puedo saber ??

Varias formas. La más sencilla quizá sea ejecutando la orden lspci.

Manolo Díaz

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Re: Have I been hacked?

2015-01-15 Thread Gian Uberto Lauri
mrr writes:
  Well obscurity may help, think about the man who loose his car key 
  somewhere in an obscure place but will begin looking for it where there 
  is some light because it's easier to see around!

Think about the man that comes to steal. He carries a light/night
visor with him.

  Said otherwise, the black hat may try to hack easy targets (with known 
  username) before hacking you (with weird username), no?

The black hat will try to get 0:0 access w/o loggin on first.

 /\   ___Ubuntu: ancient
/___/\_|_|\_|__|___Gian Uberto Lauri_   African word
  //--\| | \|  |   Integralista GNUslamicomeaning I can
\/ coltivatore diretto di software   not install
 già sistemista a tempo (altrui) perso...Debian

Warning: gnome-config-daemon considered more dangerous than GOTO

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Re: Adaptateur USB ethernet sur Wheezy

2015-01-15 Thread Olivier
J'en ai acheté 5 ou 6 différents de toute marque ou catégorie
(gigabit, ...), sans précaution particulière.
Tous sauf un, ont fonctionné sans aucune difficulté:
- on connecte l'adaptateur sur un port USB,
- udev le détecte et lui attribue un nom (ethN)
- on configure ce port normalement avec /etc/network/interfaces

Le seul qui m'ait posé problème est un combiné hub USB/ adaptateur
Ethernet que j'ai simplement mis de côté à la première difficulté.

Je ne me rappelle plus si j'avais, avec les autres adaptateurs, fait
des choses compliquées comme des VLAN ou du bonding.

J'espère que mon témoignage complétera utilement les autres.

Le 8 janvier 2015 16:30, a écrit :
 Bonjour à tous,

 Les mini-portables ou netbook sont souvent dépourvus
 de port Ethernet RJ45.

 Il existe des adaptateurs USB =Ethernet RJ45.

 Y a t-il une manipulation à effectuer sous Debian,
 pour que ce port Ethernet via USB soit reconnu
 et bien fonctionnel ?

 Merci d'avance de votre réponse.


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Re: Duda sobre si mi sistema es de 32 o 64 bits

2015-01-15 Thread Gamaliel Martínez Ibarra

Gracias por la pronta respuesta:

en este equipo instalo todo desde los repositorios oficiales, a 
excepcion de programas que he instalado manualmente el java y el flash, 
son los unicos por el momento.

el debdev, asi se llama mi equipo =)  , falto poner toda la linea de la 


el resultado de $ file /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-5-amd64

/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-5-amd64: Linux kernel x86 boot executable bzImage, 
version 2.6.32-5-amd64 (unknown@Debian), RO-rootFS, swap_dev 0x2, 
Normal VGA

yo creo que inicialmente si era de 32, no me di cuenta en que momento 
se le instalo el de 64; no se si afecte, en esta misma computadora 
tengo instalado en otra particion ubuntu gnome que lo utilizo para 
pruebas, lo unico que comparten es la particion boot, que creo que es 
algo malo por que tambien se me ha hecho otro problema por que me creo 
mas entradas mezcladas en el grub.

El Thu, 15 Jan 2015 12:30:31 -0500, Gamaliel Martínez Ibarra escribió:

Tal vez esta pregunta paresca tonta, pero me he confundido si mi 


es de 32 o 64, tengo debian squeeze con los repositorios LTS, he
realizado las siguientes pruebas:

$ uname -a Linux debdev 2.6.32-5-amd64 #1 SMP Sun Dec 21 12:11:28 UTC
2014 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Hum... ¿ese kernel (debdev) es el oficial de los repos LTS?

-hasta aqui todo bien, segun la salida el kernel es de 64

Al menos la imagen del kernel parece ser de 64 bits. Ejecuta file 


realizando esta otra prueba:

$ file /sbin/init /sbin/init: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386,
version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux
2.6.18, stripped

-segun en la web deberia decir ELF 64.

Pues sí:

sm01@stt008:~$ file /sbin/init
/sbin/init: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV),
dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.18, BuildID
[sha1]=0x8c68a736c6a4e6fadf22d5ac9debf11e79c6bdcd, stripped

otra prueba que realize fue:

$ getconf LONG_BIT 32

esta duda me surgio por que estaba actulizando el java, cuando revise 


primera vez vi que era amd64 y descargue el jre 8 para amd64, el cual
cuando lo descomprimi y trate de ejecutar el archivo me decia que el
archivo no existia, crei que no se habia descargado correctamente el
cual borre la instalacion y volvi a descargar, y me aparecia el mismo
error, has que por curiosidad baje el java para 32 bits y el problema 

soluciono, con todo lo que realize dedusco que el sistema es de 32 

pero me queda la duda lo del kernel, tengo algo mal? o por que el 


esta a 64.

Nada te impide tener un kernel de 64 bits con aplicaciones de usuario 

32 bits. Mi teoría de lo que puede haber pasado es que tuvieras un
sistema instalado inicialmente de 32 bits y hayas instalado manualmente
un kernel de 64 bits.



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Re: upgrade kernel

2015-01-15 Thread Pascal Hambourg

Pol Hallen a écrit :
 a security updates of kernel is available (from apt-get upgrade), so: 
 must I reboot my pc (after upgrade) to avoid security problems?

Usually yes. Until then, the old kernel is still active.

 Is there another way?

You could use kexec-tools to load and start the new kernel, skipping the
firmware and bootloader stages.

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Can't get sound to work

2015-01-15 Thread Daniel Haude
Hi all, 

this is my umptieth Debian installation I've done on various PCs over
the years, but this time the sound setup really has me stumped. I can't
hear anything unless I use aplay with -D hw:0,0 but setting that in the
configuration file doesn't help. No other sound-outputting program
works. Here's a shell excerpt: 

bl@dotcom:~$ aplay test.wav   # can't hear nothing
bl@dotcom:~$ aplay -D hw:0,0 test.wav # this plays sound
bl@dotcom:~$ cat .asoundrc
cat: .asoundrc: No such file or directory
bl@dotcom:~$ cat /etc/asound.conf 
pcm.!default {
type hw
card 0
device 0
bl@dotcom:~$ aplay -l
 List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices 
card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: AD1984 Analog [AD1984 Analog]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 2: AD1984 Alt Analog [AD1984 Alt
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
bl@dotcom:~$ cat /proc/asound/cards 
 0 [Intel  ]: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel
  HDA Intel at 0xfe9dc000 irq 45

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Re: Recent upgrade 'broke' sleep hibernate in KDE Plasma Battery Monitor

2015-01-15 Thread Alex
Thank you very much for the advice regarding Bug#774461 - it worked and 
I will let them know.

It is this sort of help that convinces me more and more that Open Source 
is the only way.

Thanks again.

BTW. I never complain about anything when I hear Truth and sage advice :-) .



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OT - Soporte para teclado retroiluminado y brillo de pantalla desde Consola

2015-01-15 Thread Pablo Zuñiga

Acá les dejo un script ( para los que tengan laptops ASUS
BIOS N46VB.204 y/o similares.

Permite activar/desactivar, y cambiar el brillo para teclado y
pantalla desde consola.

Si tienen feedback se les agradece dejarlo en el canal de bitbucket.


Pablo Zúñiga E | |

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Re: Strange webcam failure and 'fix'

2015-01-15 Thread Alexis

Ping. Any thoughts?


On Thu, 08 Jan 2015 18:53:03 +1100, Alexis wrote:

 Hi all,

 i have a Logitech Quickcam Pro 9000, which i use with the Jitsi
 voice/video client. Occasionally it stops working, such that my laptop
 - an Asus K53E running 64-bit Wheezy + all available updates - doesn't
 appear to detect it at all (as per the output of
 e.g. `lsusb`). Leaving the cam plugged in and soft-restarting the
 laptop makes no difference, nor does hard-restarting the
 laptop. Unplugging the cam and soft- or hard-restarting the laptop
 before plugging it back in makes no difference either.

 What /does/ make a difference, however, is simply plugging the cam
 into a USB port of a desktop machine - an Ipex Augsburg 0431 running
 32-bit Wheezy + all available updates - waiting a few moments, then
 unplugging it from the desktop machine and plugging it back into the
 laptop, whereupon it's immediately detected and available for use.

 Can anyone offer any insights as to what might be happening here?


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