Re: Light web browser for old PC

2015-07-01 Thread Mihamina Rakotomandimby

On 07/02/2015 03:52 AM, Wilko Fokken wrote:

In the past times, depending on a serial modem for internet access,
I preferred Opera, because it allows to switch ANY graphics OFF // ON
through simple menu buttons:

[View]--> [Images]--> { [Show images] || [Cached Images] || [No Images] }

(Any of the three options can be made the default, to be altered according
to one's need while browsing.)

So I had "No Images" as my default, starting Opera in "text only" modus;
this allowed me to move between URLs pretty fast, and when I had reached
an interesting URL, I could easily turn on graphics mode.

As pure text browsers, I prefer both: "elinks" and "lynx".

Displaying images or not has very few things related to the browser 
heavyness and celerity/velocity.
What the OP asked for is a lightweitght browser (memory footprint) and 
potentially velocity in rendering pages (CPU cycle usage).

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Re: Light web browser for old PC

2015-07-01 Thread Stuart Longland
On 01/07/15 16:21, Rodolfo Medina wrote:
> Hi all the listers.
> I have an old Hyundai Notebook too slow for Gnome, in fact I installed openbox
> as Window Manager in it and am happy with it and think I'll be using it for
> good, so simple fast and essential as it is.  As web browser, Midori was
> claimed to be light, but I see almost no difference with Firefox.

What are the specs of this machine?  I haven't tried Chromium, but on
one old laptop (PII 300MHz, 160MB RAM) I tried installing Firefox 35.

Out of the box config on Firefox had the thing rattling its swap
constantly.  There were some options that I could tweak that made it a
little better, but not by much, it was still as slow as a 5-day Ashes test.

I'm not sure if Webkit would fare better, I could dig up those settings
if you're interested.
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

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Re: looking for a sound waveform viewer, but not audacity for reasons explained

2015-07-01 Thread Bob Bernstein

On Thu, 2 Jul 2015, Doug wrote:

And, I have a nice 200MHz Tektronix analog scope!


But if I don't have to hook it up, fine!

Sounds to me, sir, that your motivation to gaze at 
waveforms may leave a lot to be desired! Either hook 
up the gosh-darn thing or put it on a UPS truck 
addressed to me!!

But Wait! You're not the one who actually said he 
wanted to gaze at waveforms! Never Mind.

These are not the droids you are looking for.

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Re: System freeze with multiple ttys in Debian Jessie

2015-07-01 Thread August Karlstrom

On 2015-07-01 20:50, Elimar Riesebieter wrote:

* August Karlstrom  [2015-07-01 08:30 +0200]:

I run Debian 8.1. With X-Windows running in tty1, if I login on tty2
(without X) and then logout, instead of seeing the tty2 login prompt the
system switches to tty1 and X freezes; I cannot move the mouse, not even
switch to a different tty. The only keyboard command that seems to work is
Ctrl-Alt-Delete. Has anyone experienced this?

How did you managed to run X from tty1?

With the startx command. As far as I understand, systemd uses the same 
tty for X.

-- August

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Re: System freeze with multiple ttys in Debian Jessie

2015-07-01 Thread August Karlstrom

On 2015-07-02 00:20, Brian wrote:

Suppose you reboot. You will be on tty1 afterwards. Change to tty2, log
in and then log out with the exit command. Are you still on tty2?

Yes, this works as expected. I then logged in on tty1 and started X. 
Then I logged in and out of tty2 four times and the computer behaved 
differently each time. On the first logout from tty2 I saw X on tty1 
flashing by before ending up on the tty2 login prompt. On the second 
logout from tty2 I ended up in X on tty1 (but with no freeze). The third 
logout was like the first with X flashing by. On the fourth logout I 
ended up in X on tty1 again but now the computer hanged completely.

My ~/.xinitrc looks like this:


#use settings in .Xresources
if [ -f ~/.Xresources ]; then
xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources

#disable system beep
xset -b

#reassign right Command key to right Alt key
setxkbmap -option lv3:rwin_switch

bbkeys &
xscreensaver -no-splash &
exec dbus-launch --exit-with-session blackbox

My computer is a MacMini from 2009 with an NVIDIA GeForce 9400 and I use 
the default Nouveau graphics driver. I had no issues with virtual 
consoles when I ran Debian Wheezy on the same computer.

-- August

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file like README.mirrors.txt recording mirrors not exists

2015-07-01 Thread mudongliang
Today , I want to download mirrors file from!
Suddenly, I found this file not exists! Then , I check the file in !

There is no file has the function of this file!
I found file named README.mirrors.html 
,but it is blank!


Re: looking for a sound waveform viewer, but not audacity for reasons explained

2015-07-01 Thread Doug

On 07/01/2015 11:31 PM, Bob Bernstein wrote:

On Wed, 1 Jul 2015, Joe wrote: could be used if there was nothing better, and it may offer features 
which the OP 'didn't know he needed'.

Speaking of the OP, has he been seen in these here parts since the thread 
began? I've been wanting to ask him why he wants to view sound waveforms.

My spidey sense has been telling me that if we knew the answer to that 
question, then maybe this whole um discussion might take on a refreshing new 
demeanor, as in, say,

"Simply gazing at a visual representation of a sound wave is ordinarily a quite 
unremarkable experience, unless the fine arts of _measurement_ are introduced, in which 
case, however, what's needed, ideally, is a DC oscilloscope."

(Yes, such tools can be "emulated" by a computer, but why settle for emulation?)

Oh well.

A computer should be able to digitize a waveform and display it just like a 
digital oscilloscope. Providing a sufficient sample rate, there should be no 
difference in the reproduced waveform.
I don't know what's out there as an app, and I'm watching here too. And, I have 
a nice 200MHz Tektronix analog scope! But if I don't have to hook it up, fine!


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Defekte Pakete unter Debian aufspüren und reparieren

2015-07-01 Thread diana . bettels

Hallo in die Runde,


mit welchen Befehlen lassen sich unter Debian defekte Pakete aufspüren und reparieren? Wie lautet die genaue Befehlssyntax dazu?

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Einträge aus der entfernen

2015-07-01 Thread diana . bettels
Hallo in die Runde,


mit welchen Befehlen lassen sich Einträge aus der sources.list.d entfernen? Wie ist da die genaue Syntax?


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Re: looking for a sound waveform viewer, but not audacity for reasons explained

2015-07-01 Thread Bob Bernstein

On Wed, 1 Jul 2015, Joe wrote: could be used if there was nothing better, and 
it may offer features which the OP 'didn't know he 

Speaking of the OP, has he been seen in these here 
parts since the thread began? I've been wanting to ask 
him why he wants to view sound waveforms.

My spidey sense has been telling me that if we knew 
the answer to that question, then maybe this whole um 
discussion might take on a refreshing new demeanor, as 
in, say,

"Simply gazing at a visual representation of a sound 
wave is ordinarily a quite unremarkable experience, 
unless the fine arts of _measurement_ are introduced, 
in which case, however, what's needed, ideally, is a 
DC oscilloscope."

(Yes, such tools can be "emulated" by a computer, but 
why settle for emulation?)

Oh well.

These are not the droids you are looking for.

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Re: RAID b/w GPT and NON GPT partition.

2015-07-01 Thread Gary Dale

On 01/07/15 10:12 PM, Don Armstrong wrote:

On Wed, 01 Jul 2015, Gary Dale wrote:

You missed the point that this would require different partition
tables on the two drives.

I saw and rejected the point because you do not need different partition
tables, as is illustrated below from my original message.

% diff -u <(sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda) <(sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb)|wdiff -d
[--- /proc/self/fd/14-]{+++ /proc/self/fd/15+}  2015-07-01 14:20:30.718540414 
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
Disk [-/dev/sda:-] {+/dev/sdb:+} 2.7 TiB, 3000592982016 bytes, 5860533168 
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disklabel type: gpt
Disk identifier: [-something-] {+something else+}

Device StartEndSectors  Size Type
{+/dev/sdb1+} 34   2047   2014 1007K BIOS boot
{+/dev/sdb2+}   2048 5860532223 5860530176  2.7T Linux RAID

[All of the drives in this set look like that.]

However you seem to have conceded the larger point about UEFI which M$
is trying to make mandatory.

I don't use Microsoft Windows.

Doesn't matter if M$ succeed in making UEFI mandatory - meaning there 
will be no compatibility option in future motherboards. Do you intend to 
use only current hardware forever?

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Re: RAID b/w GPT and NON GPT partition.

2015-07-01 Thread Gary Dale

On 01/07/15 07:01 PM, Arno Schuring wrote:

Date: Wed, 1 Jul 2015 18:41:35 -0400

On 01/07/15 03:24 PM, Don Armstrong wrote:

On Wed, 01 Jul 2015, Gary Dale wrote:

The size of the RAID array is set by the smallest partition so if you
want to be able to boot from either drive, then putting the ef02
partition in the free space on the new drive means that you will
either not be able to boot from the old drive should the new drive
fail, or you will have different partition tables on each drive.

This is precisely why you should have the EF02 partition on every single
drive in the raid set and run grub-install on all of them (or at the
very least, one more than the number of drives that can fail and still
assemble the array).

You missed the point that this would require different partition tables
on the two drives.

Whose point was that? It certainly wasn't the OP's, who asked to have a
GPT partition table on the second disk of a raid array, whilst the
first had MBR.
So we should always do things that will likely lead to confusion or 
mistakes later on?

Moreover, if you ever replaced the original drive
with a larger one, you would have to install LVM to get around the ef02

This makes no sense. There is no "around" if you created the ef02
partition in the first available sectors of the disk, as everyone has
been advocating. Nor would it make sense to "work around" a partition
of less than 1MB, you would only need to "work around" it if you made
it unsensibly large, like the 100MB you seem to favour. And why would
you want identical partition tables across drives of different sizes
in the first place?
This was in response to your suggestion that you put the ef02 partition 
in extra space on the new drive. Your suggestion, not mine. I wanted the 
partitions to be the same on both drives with the exception of the extra 
space on the new drive - which I would normally assign to the last RAID 
array so it can be grown if the smaller driver gets replaced.

[LVM] an added layer of complexity that you shouldn't need.

Sure. Because no one would ever need to resize or migrate volumes
without downtime. Don't patronize people by telling them what they do
or do not need. We have seen more than enough of that already.
That's a rather specific requirement that most people don't need. Adding 
complexity for a feature you don't need is not a good idea. It's just 
one more thing that can go wrong.

However you seem to have conceded the larger point about UEFI which M$
is trying to make mandatory.

The way I read the thread is that people have been trying to correct
your misconceptions, not argue with you. But meh, I'm sure I'm reading
it wrong.
Do you deny that M$ has been pressuring manufacturers to make UEFI 
mandatory or that it would require a larger ef02 partition than you have 
been promoting as the right way to do it? Most distros have been working 
toward existing in a UEFI world. And since we're already in a TB to PB 
world, why fret over things that are so insignificant as 100M? If this 
was the 1980s, you'd have a point but we're three decade past that.

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Re: RAID b/w GPT and NON GPT partition.

2015-07-01 Thread Don Armstrong
On Wed, 01 Jul 2015, Gary Dale wrote:
> You missed the point that this would require different partition
> tables on the two drives.

I saw and rejected the point because you do not need different partition
tables, as is illustrated below from my original message.

% diff -u <(sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda) <(sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb)|wdiff -d
[--- /proc/self/fd/14-]{+++ /proc/self/fd/15+}  2015-07-01 14:20:30.718540414 
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
Disk [-/dev/sda:-] {+/dev/sdb:+} 2.7 TiB, 3000592982016 bytes, 5860533168 
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disklabel type: gpt
Disk identifier: [-something-] {+something else+}

Device StartEndSectors  Size Type
{+/dev/sdb1+} 34   2047   2014 1007K BIOS boot
{+/dev/sdb2+}   2048 5860532223 5860530176  2.7T Linux RAID

[All of the drives in this set look like that.]

> However you seem to have conceded the larger point about UEFI which M$
> is trying to make mandatory.

I don't use Microsoft Windows.

Don Armstrong

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Re: How do I find what drivers are installed

2015-07-01 Thread Seeker

On 6/30/2015 2:27 AM, Bret Busby wrote:

On 30/06/2015, Seeker  wrote:

On 6/29/2015 11:40 AM, Eduardo M KALINOWSKI wrote:

On Seg, 29 Jun 2015, Sven Arvidsson wrote:

On Tue, 2015-06-30 at 00:48 +0800, Bret Busby wrote:

So the computer does not work properly (in terms of the graphics,
anyway) with either Debian 6 or Debian 7, and will not so work,
and until a new driver is created for it, for those operating
so the computer will apparently work best with Ubuntu 12.04 LTS,
unless and until appropriate drivers are available for Debian 6 and

Drivers are available, why don't you try running jessie / Debian 8?

 From what I recall from several long previous threads, because he does
not want Gnome 3, and he doesn't want Mate either because the names of
applications are in Spanish.

Gnome-core doesn't depend on those.

Do you mean that gnome does not depend on gnome 3 or on mate, or do
you mean that gnome does not depend on users who want to use gnome 2?

I meant gnome-core doesn't depend on applications that have spanish 
names, but after hitting the send
button (D'oh) it hit me that not wanting Gnome 3 probably had nothing to 
do with applications that have

spanish names.

Must have been the shock of hearing that someone would reject a whole 
desktop just because a couple of
applications have spanish names. =-O That's my story and I'm sticking to 
it. ;-)

Later, Seeker

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Re: Light web browser for old PC

2015-07-01 Thread Wilko Fokken
In the past times, depending on a serial modem for internet access,
I preferred Opera, because it allows to switch ANY graphics OFF // ON
through simple menu buttons:

[View]--> [Images]--> { [Show images] || [Cached Images] || [No Images] }

(Any of the three options can be made the default, to be altered according
to one's need while browsing.)

So I had "No Images" as my default, starting Opera in "text only" modus;
this allowed me to move between URLs pretty fast, and when I had reached
an interesting URL, I could easily turn on graphics mode.

As pure text browsers, I prefer both: "elinks" and "lynx".

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Re: a simpler printing question

2015-07-01 Thread briand
On Wed, 1 Jul 2015 23:23:36 +0200
Siard  wrote:

> [Settings]
> gtk-print-backends = file,lpr

Thank you so much !

That was the problem.

evinces now prints to lpr.



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Netatalk in Sid

2015-07-01 Thread Paul E Condon
I used Netatalk a few releases ago when Debian offered it in the then
Stable release. I looked today at and there is a netatalk
package in Sid.  My limited ability to interpret the package
information leads me to believe that it won't arrive in Testing
soon. But someone who has been watching for it longer than I have, may
have a better sense of how work on it is progressing.

Thanks for any guesses, on- or off- list,
Paul E Condon

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Re: problem with display breaking up

2015-07-01 Thread David Christensen

On 07/01/2015 01:54 AM, Lisi Reisz wrote:

A client is reporting the following problem:
"The break up of the picture always occurs after I have just logged in
and then click the mouse cursor onto an icon such as icedove or
"When clicking the mouse on an icon eg.for icedove or iceweasel, the
picture fragments sometimes."
We have more or less excluded the monitor.  File corruption is not unlikely,
given that he has been handling a mouse problem by turning the computer off
at the wall.  The computer eventually failed to boot, but that has been fixed
with an fsck.  I have fsck'ed every partition on the hard drive.
Do I try installing another video card?  But it feels like a software problem.
So where next?
The mouse problem has been fixed by using a different usb port.
I have googled and got nowhere.
Any ideas where next, please.  Try a "new" video card to eliminate it as a
possible cause?  And have video card driver problems. :-(

I would:

1.  Backup data and system configuration settings.

2.  Take an image of the system drive.

3.  Test the power supply with a hardware power supply tester.

4.  Test the RAM with BIOS, memtest86+, etc..

5.  Test the hard disk and/or solid state drive(s) with bootable 
manufacturer's diagnostic utilities disc(s).

6.  Remove the system drive and install another.

7.  Test and wipe the new system drive.

8.  Install Debian Wheezy and desired applications.

9.  Restore data and/or system configuration settings.


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RE: RAID b/w GPT and NON GPT partition.

2015-07-01 Thread Arno Schuring

> Date: Wed, 1 Jul 2015 18:41:35 -0400
> From:
> On 01/07/15 03:24 PM, Don Armstrong wrote:
>> On Wed, 01 Jul 2015, Gary Dale wrote:
>>> The size of the RAID array is set by the smallest partition so if you
>>> want to be able to boot from either drive, then putting the ef02
>>> partition in the free space on the new drive means that you will
>>> either not be able to boot from the old drive should the new drive
>>> fail, or you will have different partition tables on each drive.
>> This is precisely why you should have the EF02 partition on every single
>> drive in the raid set and run grub-install on all of them (or at the
>> very least, one more than the number of drives that can fail and still
>> assemble the array).
> You missed the point that this would require different partition tables
> on the two drives.

Whose point was that? It certainly wasn't the OP's, who asked to have a
GPT partition table on the second disk of a raid array, whilst the
first had MBR.

> Moreover, if you ever replaced the original drive
> with a larger one, you would have to install LVM to get around the ef02
> partition

This makes no sense. There is no "around" if you created the ef02
partition in the first available sectors of the disk, as everyone has
been advocating. Nor would it make sense to "work around" a partition
of less than 1MB, you would only need to "work around" it if you made
it unsensibly large, like the 100MB you seem to favour. And why would
you want identical partition tables across drives of different sizes
in the first place?

> [LVM] an added layer of complexity that you shouldn't need.

Sure. Because no one would ever need to resize or migrate volumes
without downtime. Don't patronize people by telling them what they do
or do not need. We have seen more than enough of that already.

> However you seem to have conceded the larger point about UEFI which M$
> is trying to make mandatory.

The way I read the thread is that people have been trying to correct
your misconceptions, not argue with you. But meh, I'm sure I'm reading
it wrong.



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Re: RAID b/w GPT and NON GPT partition.

2015-07-01 Thread Gary Dale

On 01/07/15 03:24 PM, Don Armstrong wrote:

On Wed, 01 Jul 2015, Gary Dale wrote:

The size of the RAID array is set by the smallest partition so if you
want to be able to boot from either drive, then putting the ef02
partition in the free space on the new drive means that you will
either not be able to boot from the old drive should the new drive
fail, or you will have different partition tables on each drive.

This is precisely why you should have the EF02 partition on every single
drive in the raid set and run grub-install on all of them (or at the
very least, one more than the number of drives that can fail and still
assemble the array).

You missed the point that this would require different partition tables 
on the two drives. Moreover, if you ever replaced the original drive 
with a larger one, you would have to install LVM to get around the ef02 
partition - an added layer of complexity that you shouldn't need.

Most, if not all, new drives have partition 1 at 2048. Using the space
before it for an ef02 partition will either give you awkward partition
numbers or require removing partition 1 and starting at 34.

You can reorder the partition numbering fairly trivially using the sort
command in gdisk. There's nothing that requires the partitions to keep
the same numbering if you're using RAID and/or LVM and/or UUIDs.

For example:

% diff -u <(sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda) <(sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb)|wdiff -d
[--- /proc/self/fd/14-]{+++ /proc/self/fd/15+}  2015-07-01 14:20:30.718540414 
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
Disk [-/dev/sda:-] {+/dev/sdb:+} 2.7 TiB, 3000592982016 bytes, 5860533168 
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disklabel type: gpt
Disk identifier: [-something-] {+something else+}

Device StartEndSectors  Size Type
{+/dev/sdb1+} 34   2047   2014 1007K BIOS boot
{+/dev/sdb2+}   2048 5860532223 5860530176  2.7T Linux RAID

[All of the drives in this set look like that.]

Point taken. I missed that feature of gdisk.

However you seem to have conceded the larger point about UEFI which M$ 
is trying to make mandatory.

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Re: System freeze with multiple ttys in Debian Jessie

2015-07-01 Thread Brian
On Wed 01 Jul 2015 at 21:54:40 +0200, August Karlstrom wrote:

> On 2015-07-01 20:50, Brian wrote:
> >On Wed 01 Jul 2015 at 08:30:52 +0200, August Karlstrom wrote:
> >
> >>I run Debian 8.1. With X-Windows running in tty1, if I login on tty2
> >>(without X) and then logout, instead of seeing the tty2 login prompt
> >>the system switches to tty1 and X freezes; I cannot move the mouse,
> >>not even switch to a different tty. The only keyboard command that
> >>seems to work is Ctrl-Alt-Delete. Has anyone experienced this?
> >
> >You appear to have two things you regard as issues:
> >
> >1. Logging out of tty2 in some way you do not specify puts you back on
> >tty1 with X. How do you leave tty2?
> With the exit command.
> >2. X is misbehaving.
> >
> >The only way I can think of that you can have X on tty1 is by using
> >startx. Is startx the way you start X?
> Yes, that's correct. I don't use a display manager.
> >The second thing is whether this 8.1 Debian is an upgrade or a new
> >install. Which is it?
> I have freshly installed Debian 8.0 which has then been upgraded to 8.1.

Suppose you reboot. You will be on tty1 afterwards. Change to tty2, log
in and then log out with the exit command. Are you still on tty2?

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Re: problem with display breaking up

2015-07-01 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Wednesday 01 July 2015 22:25:52 Joe wrote:
> On Wed, 1 Jul 2015 22:03:30 +0100
> Lisi Reisz  wrote:
> > On Wednesday 01 July 2015 09:54:00 Lisi Reisz wrote:
> > > A client is reporting the following problem:
> > >
> > > "The break up of the picture always occurs after I have just logged
> > > in and then click the mouse cursor onto an icon such as icedove or
> > > iceweasel"
> >
> > More info:
> > "The picture break up problem only occurs after log-in.Once I have
> > successfully got into icedove or iceweasle I have no further problems
> > navigating anywhere."
> >
> > Any ideas?
> I'd first settle the hardware/software issue with a live CD of some
> kind, my preference, as you know, being Knoppix. I'd guess it's
> software, but you can waste a lot of time barking up the wrong tree.
> Eliminate the easy stuff first.

Thanks, Joe.

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Re: problem with display breaking up

2015-07-01 Thread Joe
On Wed, 1 Jul 2015 22:03:30 +0100
Lisi Reisz  wrote:

> On Wednesday 01 July 2015 09:54:00 Lisi Reisz wrote:
> > A client is reporting the following problem:
> >
> > "The break up of the picture always occurs after I have just logged
> > in and then click the mouse cursor onto an icon such as icedove or
> > iceweasel"
> >

> More info:
> "The picture break up problem only occurs after log-in.Once I have 
> successfully got into icedove or iceweasle I have no further problems 
> navigating anywhere."
> Any ideas?

I'd first settle the hardware/software issue with a live CD of some
kind, my preference, as you know, being Knoppix. I'd guess it's
software, but you can waste a lot of time barking up the wrong tree.
Eliminate the easy stuff first.


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Re: a simpler printing question

2015-07-01 Thread Siard
> Siard:
> > The GTK3 equivalent for ~/.gtkrc-2.0 is
> > ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini.
> > 
> > It should contain this line:
> > [Settings]
> > and your settings below it.
> interesting:
> [Settings]
> gtk-print-backends = "file,lpr"
> causes evince to display no printers.

I found that it does not work with those quotes!
Try this:

gtk-print-backends = file,lpr

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setting up vsftpd

2015-07-01 Thread briand
i've set up vsftpd on a couple of machines

one has a firewall, and one does not.

ftp's to the machine without the firewall work fine.

ftp's to the the machine with the firewall, still from the internal network, do 

easy to test, right ? simply disable the firewall and see if it works.

  iptables -F

but i still get connection refused.

any suggestions ?



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Re: problem with display breaking up

2015-07-01 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Wednesday 01 July 2015 09:54:00 Lisi Reisz wrote:
> A client is reporting the following problem:
> "The break up of the picture always occurs after I have just logged in
> and then click the mouse cursor onto an icon such as icedove or
> iceweasel"
> "When clicking the mouse on an icon eg.for icedove or iceweasel, the
> picture fragments sometimes."
> We have more or less excluded the monitor.  File corruption is not
> unlikely, given that he has been handling a mouse problem by turning the
> computer off at the wall.  The computer eventually failed to boot, but that
> has been fixed with an fsck.  I have fsck'ed every partition on the hard
> drive.
> Do I try installing another video card?  But it feels like a software
> problem. So where next?
> The mouse problem has been fixed by using a different usb port.
> I have googled and got nowhere.
> Any ideas where next, please.  Try a "new" video card to eliminate it as a
> possible cause?  And have video card driver problems. :-(
> Lisi

More info:
"The picture break up problem only occurs after log-in.Once I have 
successfully got into icedove or iceweasle I have no further problems 
navigating anywhere."

Any ideas?


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Re: a simpler printing question

2015-07-01 Thread briand
On Wed, 1 Jul 2015 22:16:20 +0200
Siard  wrote:

> wrote:
> > Brian wrote: 
> > > I think evince uses gtk-3.0.
> > 
> > unclear at this time.  i copied the gtkrc file into the 3.0 director,
> > and i did see the print choices in evince change.  but now they've
> > changed back.
> > 
> > i straced it, and it's definitely not trying to open the
> > gtk-3.0/gtkrc file, but it IS looking for settings.ini.
> The GTK3 equivalent for ~/.gtkrc-2.0 is ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini.
> It should contain this line:
> [Settings]
> and your settings below it.
> This is working, for example:
> [Settings]
> gtk-font-name = Liberation Sans 11
> It affects Evince (indeed, GTK3) and Liferea, to name a few.


gtk-print-backends = "file,lpr"

causes evince to display no printers.


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Re: Serial console over Bluetooth dongle to an android device {Will serial console satisfy my need}

2015-07-01 Thread Stuart Longland
On 30/06/15 22:04, venkat wrote:
> Dear all
> I am trying to display all the boot screen information in a android
> device. For this trial ,
> I notice that serial console is one of the available option to forward
> all display information messages to serial port.
> Before starting this process would like to understand the Pro' and
> cons on this
> setup information:
> Will follow the Link instruction to setup serial console.
> (changing TTYS1 to rfcomm) **Need to know that will that work

I would love to be proven wrong, but I strongly doubt it'll be as simple
as that.

My understanding is that in addition to kernel drivers, Bluetooth serial
requires some userspace utilities in order to configure the stack.

USB Serial has a similar problem, USB initialisation happens so late in
the boot process, for a long time you couldn't use USB serial as a
console.  I understand this has been resolved now, it's worth pointing
out that USB serial doesn't require anything in userspace to work,
unlike Bluetooth.

The kernel would need to buffer output until the rfcomm connection was
established, then send its console output there.

Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

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Re: System freeze with multiple ttys in Debian Jessie

2015-07-01 Thread August Karlstrom

On 2015-07-01 20:50, Brian wrote:

On Wed 01 Jul 2015 at 08:30:52 +0200, August Karlstrom wrote:

I run Debian 8.1. With X-Windows running in tty1, if I login on tty2
(without X) and then logout, instead of seeing the tty2 login prompt
the system switches to tty1 and X freezes; I cannot move the mouse,
not even switch to a different tty. The only keyboard command that
seems to work is Ctrl-Alt-Delete. Has anyone experienced this?

You appear to have two things you regard as issues:

1. Logging out of tty2 in some way you do not specify puts you back on
tty1 with X. How do you leave tty2?

With the exit command.

2. X is misbehaving.

The only way I can think of that you can have X on tty1 is by using
startx. Is startx the way you start X?

Yes, that's correct. I don't use a display manager.

The second thing is whether this 8.1 Debian is an upgrade or a new
install. Which is it?

I have freshly installed Debian 8.0 which has then been upgraded to 8.1.

-- August

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Re: a simpler printing question

2015-07-01 Thread Siard wrote:
> Brian wrote: 
> > I think evince uses gtk-3.0.
> unclear at this time.  i copied the gtkrc file into the 3.0 director,
> and i did see the print choices in evince change.  but now they've
> changed back.
> i straced it, and it's definitely not trying to open the
> gtk-3.0/gtkrc file, but it IS looking for settings.ini.

The GTK3 equivalent for ~/.gtkrc-2.0 is ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini.

It should contain this line:
and your settings below it.

This is working, for example:

gtk-font-name = Liberation Sans 11

It affects Evince (indeed, GTK3) and Liferea, to name a few.

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Re: a simpler printing question

2015-07-01 Thread briand
On Wed, 1 Jul 2015 19:21:36 +0100
Brian  wrote:

> You don't have best of experiences with printing, do you?


CUPS is, theoretically, a wonderful thing, as long as CUPS has a native driver 
for your printer.

i believe that my previous brother (HL-1440) did, not that i didn't have 
trouble setting it up, but it was much more reasonable.

> I feel you've had your money's worth out of our interactions. You appear
> to happy with what you have so stick with it.

i'm going to have to be happy with what i have whether i like it or not.

clearly the gtk-2.0 interface works as proven by iceweasel and claws-mail, it's 
too bad that evince seems to be having problems.

my searches reveal that others have had similar problems with evince, so i 
suspect that something about the way it's supporting printing is buggy.  the 
fact that it comes up with this "port1" printer choice which doesn't seem to 
exist, is not a good sign.


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Re: RAID b/w GPT and NON GPT partition.

2015-07-01 Thread Don Armstrong
On Wed, 01 Jul 2015, Gary Dale wrote:
> The size of the RAID array is set by the smallest partition so if you
> want to be able to boot from either drive, then putting the ef02
> partition in the free space on the new drive means that you will
> either not be able to boot from the old drive should the new drive
> fail, or you will have different partition tables on each drive.

This is precisely why you should have the EF02 partition on every single
drive in the raid set and run grub-install on all of them (or at the
very least, one more than the number of drives that can fail and still
assemble the array).

> Most, if not all, new drives have partition 1 at 2048. Using the space
> before it for an ef02 partition will either give you awkward partition
> numbers or require removing partition 1 and starting at 34.

You can reorder the partition numbering fairly trivially using the sort
command in gdisk. There's nothing that requires the partitions to keep
the same numbering if you're using RAID and/or LVM and/or UUIDs.

For example:

% diff -u <(sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda) <(sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb)|wdiff -d
[--- /proc/self/fd/14-]{+++ /proc/self/fd/15+}  2015-07-01 14:20:30.718540414 
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
Disk [-/dev/sda:-] {+/dev/sdb:+} 2.7 TiB, 3000592982016 bytes, 5860533168 
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disklabel type: gpt
Disk identifier: [-something-] {+something else+}

Device StartEndSectors  Size Type
{+/dev/sdb1+} 34   2047   2014 1007K BIOS boot
{+/dev/sdb2+}   2048 5860532223 5860530176  2.7T Linux RAID

[All of the drives in this set look like that.]

Don Armstrong

I made a bunch of stickers
to put on rooftops, and in secret tunnels.
"If you are reading this,
 then you are awesome"
 -- a softer world #569

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Re: RAID b/w GPT and NON GPT partition.

2015-07-01 Thread Sven Hartge
Gary Dale  wrote:
> On 01/07/15 10:39 AM, Sven Hartge wrote:
>> Gary Dale  wrote:
>>> On 30/06/15 07:04 PM, Lisi Reisz wrote:
 On Tuesday 30 June 2015 23:30:46 Sven Hartge wrote:

> Wow. 100MB for a bios_grub partition wastes about 99.8MB.
 Which used to matter.  But out of 2T???
>>> Agreed. I remember having a 100M /boot partition which was always
>>> running out of space if I didn't remove old kernels manually.
>> Attention: The bios_grub (EF02) partition ist NOT for /boot! This
>> partition has _nothing_ to do with /boot. The bios_grub partition is
>> only needed for a tiny tiny bit of the bootloader GRUB, in most cases
>> smaller than 32KBytes.

> No one said it was. I've been very clear in use ef02 for the bios boot
> and /boot for the Linux boot. The point was that people used to
> recommend a separate /boot partition of perhaps 100M because the
> kernel would never get that big. It's better to give yourself lots of
> space and forget about it than to try to save a few M on a terabyte
> drive.

I (and the thread before me) was always talking about bios_grub(EF02).
/boot is a whole other thing.

My recommendation: you don't need a separate /boot anymore unless you do
full-image-encryption, so don't bother using one. But everything inside
of / without using /boot on its file system and you will be fine. 


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Re: System freeze with multiple ttys in Debian Jessie

2015-07-01 Thread Brian
On Wed 01 Jul 2015 at 08:30:52 +0200, August Karlstrom wrote:

> I run Debian 8.1. With X-Windows running in tty1, if I login on tty2
> (without X) and then logout, instead of seeing the tty2 login prompt
> the system switches to tty1 and X freezes; I cannot move the mouse,
> not even switch to a different tty. The only keyboard command that
> seems to work is Ctrl-Alt-Delete. Has anyone experienced this?

You appear to have two things you regard as issues:

1. Logging out of tty2 in some way you do not specify puts you back on
   tty1 with X. How do you leave tty2?

2. X is misbehaving.

The only way I can think of that you can have X on tty1 is by using
startx. Is startx the way you start X?

The second thing is whether this 8.1 Debian is an upgrade or a new
install. Which is it?

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Re: System freeze with multiple ttys in Debian Jessie

2015-07-01 Thread Elimar Riesebieter
* August Karlstrom  [2015-07-01 08:30 +0200]:

> I run Debian 8.1. With X-Windows running in tty1, if I login on tty2
> (without X) and then logout, instead of seeing the tty2 login prompt the
> system switches to tty1 and X freezes; I cannot move the mouse, not even
> switch to a different tty. The only keyboard command that seems to work is
> Ctrl-Alt-Delete. Has anyone experienced this?

How did you managed to run X from tty1?

 Experience is something you don't get until
  just after you need it!

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Re: a simpler printing question

2015-07-01 Thread Brian
On Wed 01 Jul 2015 at 11:10:29 -0700, wrote:

> On Wed, 1 Jul 2015 18:27:52 +0100
> Brian  wrote:
> > You are on the right track but there is a little way to go. Take the
> > numerical part of that file, multiply it by 4, add 1 and get the square
> > root of the result to one decimal place. No electronic devices such as
> > calculators are allowed. The file is then .gtkrc-. Without the <
> > and > of course.
> > 
> > I think evince uses gtk-3.0.
> unclear at this time.  i copied the gtkrc file into the 3.0 director,
> and i did see the print choices in evince change.  but now they've
> changed back.

You don't have best of experiences with printing, do you?

> i straced it, and it's definitely not trying to open the gtk-3.0/gtkrc
> file, but it IS looking for settings.ini.
> neither filename changes it's  "interesting" behavior.
> it keeps showing a "port1" printer entry and i have no idea why it's
> doing that.
> i think it's bad though, because if i click on it it says "retrieving
> printer information" and then appears to lock up.
> i can always print to postscript and lpr it, so not a huge deal, but
> it's behavior is kind of odd.

I feel you've had your money's worth out of our interactions. You appear
to happy with what you have so stick with it.

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Re: (D7) Xsane not seeing HPAIO on local network segment

2015-07-01 Thread Nicolas George

Le tridi 13 messidor, an CCXXIII, Ron Leach a écrit :
> We have an HP All In One (C7280, includes flatbed/ADF scanner) connected on
> a network segment (192.168.0/24) local to a laptop running Xsane (0.998)
> under Wheezy.  Hplip contains the hpaio backend for Sane and is installed;
> /etc/sane.d/dll.d/hplip exists, and contains the single entry:
> hpaio
> The scanner has previously worked with Xsane across the local network but
> from a different machine; until recently it was used regularly from our
> earliest office server, running Xsane (0.997, I think) under Etch (Debian
> 4).  Sadly, that machine has expired and temporarily I am using a Wheezy
> laptop to host Xsane.
> When Xsane fails to find the scanner (that's the first thing it tries when
> it is started from the XFCE menu) it presents some helpful suggestions,
> which I've followed through; the scanner exists, is switched on, the backend
> has been installed via apt-get and is visible in /etc/sane.d/dll.d/hplip .
> I've read man sane and I think that all the suggestions appropriate to a
> network connected scanner with a backend present seem to be fulfilled.  I've
> tried setting /etc/sane.d/net.conf with, and without, the specific address
> of the HP device; no difference.  I can ping the scanner from the laptop, so
> there are no network access problems on the laptop
> I don't 'have to' use Xsane; I need to scan documents to PDFs and could do
> that from another package but, if I understand correctly, every utility will
> want to use Sane and its hpaio backend, so the scanner access issue would
> continue to arise, wouldn't it? I'd like to use Xsane, though, we're used to
> using it.

I am having a similar problem, on a continuously updated Testing. It
happened progressively: the scanner disappeared from different auto-detected
lists but stayed in others (like the XSane and xscanimage menu entries in
The Gimp, at one point one worked and not the other). I did not notice
exactly when, since most my uses are scripted. I noticed recently that it
has got down to the scanner not being detected at all, but still working if
I give the address explicitly, i.e.:

scanimage -d 'hpaio:/net/Photosmart_2570_series?ip='
xsane 'hpaio:/net/Photosmart_2570_series?ip='
xscanimage 'hpaio:/net/Photosmart_2570_series?ip='

It is still annoying for the few cases where I need a GUI because it is not
integrated with the image manipulation programs.

I have not yet had time to fully investigate, I will gladly read the other
replies to this thread. In the meantime, I hope the information that it may
work by giving the full address can be of some help.


  Nicolas George

Description: Digital signature

Re: Light web browser for old PC

2015-07-01 Thread Andrew M.A. Cater
On Wed, Jul 01, 2015 at 09:52:03AM +0300, Mihamina Rakotomandimby wrote:
> On 07/01/2015 09:21 AM, Rodolfo Medina wrote:
> >Hi ... As web browser, Midori was
> >claimed to be light, but I see almost no difference with Firefox.  Please any
> >advice for a *really* light one, suitable for that old machine?

Netsurf? Midori?

I have been very impressed by netsurf and the good people behind it :)

All the best,


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Re: RAID b/w GPT and NON GPT partition.

2015-07-01 Thread Gary Dale

On 01/07/15 05:38 AM, Pascal Hambourg wrote:

Gary Dale a écrit :

On 30/06/15 02:17 PM, Pascal Hambourg wrote:

What I would do is shrink partition 5 by 100M then create a new ef02
partition in the freed space.

Why on earth would you want to do such a dangerous and useless thing ?
As I wrote in a previous message, there is plenty of free space on the
disk to create a new BIOS boot partition of suitable size.

There is, but 2048 sectors is only 1M.

As previously written, 1 MB is plenty enough for a BIOS boot partition.
  It is not an EFI system partition nor /boot. It just contains GRUB's
core image for BIOS. The current size of this image is less than 50 kB
in the worst case, and I don't see it grow bigger than 1 MB any time
soon because it is also designed to fit in the 1 MB MBR gap for
MBR-style disks. GRUB's fancy and heavy stuff is kept out of the core
image, in /boot/grub or other places.

Besides, as previously written, there is a 500 GB unallocated space at
the end of the 2 TB disk so there is really really no need to shrink

Perhaps but most people using RAID like to keep the partition tables the 
same between drives. It makes it easier to identify problems and replace 
drives. The size of the RAID array is set by the smallest partition so 
if you want to be able to boot from either drive, then putting the ef02 
partition in the free space on the new drive means that you will either 
not be able to boot from the old drive should the new drive fail, or you 
will have different partition tables on each drive. Neither situation is 

Most, if not all, new drives have partition 1 at 2048. Using the space 
before it for an ef02 partition will either give you awkward partition 
numbers or require removing partition 1 and starting at 34.

Finally, if the disk was ever going to be used in a dual-boot situation 
with Windows 8 or later, or if you decide (or are forced to) switch to 
UEFI, you need 100M for UEFI. This is the recommendation from 
Microsoft's technet and others.

Trying to save 100M on a 2T disk just isn't worth it.

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Re: a simpler printing question

2015-07-01 Thread briand
On Wed, 1 Jul 2015 18:27:52 +0100
Brian  wrote:

> On Wed 01 Jul 2015 at 08:47:43 -0700, wrote:
> > On Wed, 1 Jul 2015 09:44:32 +0100 Brian  wrote:
> > 
> > > Iceweasel is a GTK application.
> > 
> > iceweasel and claws-mail seem to be linked against gtk-2.0 if you look
> > at the dependencies page.  I wonder if apps linked against 3.0 will
> > still look at the .gtkrc-2.0 file ?
> You are on the right track but there is a little way to go. Take the
> numerical part of that file, multiply it by 4, add 1 and get the square
> root of the result to one decimal place. No electronic devices such as
> calculators are allowed. The file is then .gtkrc-. Without the <
> and > of course.
> I think evince uses gtk-3.0.

unclear at this time.  i copied the gtkrc file into the 3.0 director, and i did 
see the print choices in evince change.  but now they've changed back.

i straced it, and it's definitely not trying to open the gtk-3.0/gtkrc file, 
but it IS looking for settings.ini.

neither filename changes it's  "interesting" behavior.

it keeps showing a "port1" printer entry and i have no idea why it's doing that.

i think it's bad though, because if i click on it it says "retrieving printer 
information" and then appears to lock up.

i can always print to postscript and lpr it, so not a huge deal, but it's 
behavior is kind of odd.


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Re: a simpler printing question

2015-07-01 Thread Brian
On Wed 01 Jul 2015 at 08:47:43 -0700, wrote:

> On Wed, 1 Jul 2015 09:44:32 +0100 Brian  wrote:
> > Iceweasel is a GTK application.
> iceweasel and claws-mail seem to be linked against gtk-2.0 if you look
> at the dependencies page.  I wonder if apps linked against 3.0 will
> still look at the .gtkrc-2.0 file ?

You are on the right track but there is a little way to go. Take the
numerical part of that file, multiply it by 4, add 1 and get the square
root of the result to one decimal place. No electronic devices such as
calculators are allowed. The file is then .gtkrc-. Without the <
and > of course.

I think evince uses gtk-3.0.

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Re: RAID b/w GPT and NON GPT partition.

2015-07-01 Thread Gary Dale

On 01/07/15 10:39 AM, Sven Hartge wrote:

Gary Dale  wrote:

On 30/06/15 07:04 PM, Lisi Reisz wrote:

On Tuesday 30 June 2015 23:30:46 Sven Hartge wrote:

Wow. 100MB for a bios_grub partition wastes about 99.8MB.

Which used to matter.  But out of 2T???

Agreed. I remember having a 100M /boot partition which was always
running out of space if I didn't remove old kernels manually.

Attention: The bios_grub (EF02) partition ist NOT for /boot! This
partition has _nothing_ to do with /boot. The bios_grub partition is
only needed for a tiny tiny bit of the bootloader GRUB, in most cases
smaller than 32KBytes.


No one said it was. I've been very clear in use ef02 for the bios boot 
and /boot for the Linux boot. The point was that people used to 
recommend a separate /boot partition of perhaps 100M because the kernel 
would never get that big. It's better to give yourself lots of space and 
forget about it than to try to save a few M on a terabyte drive.

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Re: a simpler printing question

2015-07-01 Thread briand
On Wed, 1 Jul 2015 09:44:32 +0100
Brian  wrote:

> On Tue 30 Jun 2015 at 21:23:23 -0700, wrote:
> > On Tue, 30 Jun 2015 13:00:34 +0100
> > Brian  wrote:
> > 
> > > NEWS.Debian and README.Debian both have a section on GTK applications.
> > 
> > lol. you surely  know how many NEWS.Debian files there are...
> You've visited /usr/share/doc/lprng before. We wonder whether you can
> find your way back there.

wonder no more !!

cat ~/.gtkrc-2.0 

gtk-print-backends = "file,lpr"

Astounding that it still works given that the note refers to Debian 5.0 !!

> > regardless, there is a print manager for xfce, xfprint, but sadly is
> > only available on sid.
> > 
> > :-(
> > 
> > Meanwhile i can't seem to fool iceweasel into simply looking or
> > directing printout to the default printer- which would work just fine.
> Iceweasel is a GTK application.

iceweasel and claws-mail seem to be linked against gtk-2.0 if you look at the 
dependencies page.  I wonder if apps linked against 3.0 will still look at the 
.gtkrc-2.0 file ?

Thank you,


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Re: Firefox won't open the link from e-mail

2015-07-01 Thread Marc Shapiro

On 06/30/2015 03:03 AM, Man_Without_Clue wrote:

Hi all,

Debian Jessie, 64 bit here.

I have been using Thunderbird (installed in /usr/local/) and working 
perfectly fine with Iceweasel.
Recently I tried to use google hangout and video chatting feature do 
not work with current stable Iceweasel, so I installed Firefox 
separately (in /usr/local/). I set firefox as default internet browser 
but the problem is that when I click the link in the e-mail firefox 
opens new window but it doesn't open the link.

Any way to fix this?


I am still on Wheezy, but I use Mozilla Firefox and Thundrbird in 
/usr/local/ as you do.

In Thunderbird, check Edit/Preferences.  On the Attatchments/Incoming 
tab do you have an entry for 'HTML Document'? Mine is set to 'Use 
Firefox (default)'.



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Re: RAID b/w GPT and NON GPT partition.

2015-07-01 Thread Sven Hartge
Pascal Hambourg  wrote:
> Sven Hartge a écrit :
>> I had an interesting problem once, where I upgraded a server from
>> Squeeze to Wheezy. This server had LVM on MD-RAID and so the core.img
>> has to include the LVM- and MD-RAID drivers in addition to the ext3
>> code.
>> With Squeeze this core.img just so fitted into the 31744 bytes (I
>> think it was 5 bytes smaller) but with Wheezy the resulting core.img
>> was bigger (by 20 bytes) and could not be installed.

> I also experienced this with a root partition using btrfs. GRUB's
> btrfs module was so big that the core image would not fit in 32 KiB.
> Fortunately this won't happen any more with disks partitionned using
> the current 1 MiB alignement.


But if you habe a system which was installed in Squeeze or earlier, you
still habe the old 63-sector alignment and are screwed.


Sigmentation fault. Core dumped.

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Re: RAID b/w GPT and NON GPT partition.

2015-07-01 Thread Sven Hartge
Gary Dale  wrote:
> On 30/06/15 07:04 PM, Lisi Reisz wrote:
>> On Tuesday 30 June 2015 23:30:46 Sven Hartge wrote:

>>> Wow. 100MB for a bios_grub partition wastes about 99.8MB.
>> Which used to matter.  But out of 2T???

> Agreed. I remember having a 100M /boot partition which was always
> running out of space if I didn't remove old kernels manually. 

Attention: The bios_grub (EF02) partition ist NOT for /boot! This
partition has _nothing_ to do with /boot. The bios_grub partition is
only needed for a tiny tiny bit of the bootloader GRUB, in most cases
smaller than 32KBytes.


Sigmentation fault. Core dumped.

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(D7) Xsane not seeing HPAIO on local network segment

2015-07-01 Thread Ron Leach

List, good afternoon,

We have an HP All In One (C7280, includes flatbed/ADF scanner) 
connected on a network segment (192.168.0/24) local to a laptop 
running Xsane (0.998) under Wheezy.  Hplip contains the hpaio backend 
for Sane and is installed; /etc/sane.d/dll.d/hplip exists, and 
contains the single entry:


The scanner has previously worked with Xsane across the local network 
but from a different machine; until recently it was used regularly 
from our earliest office server, running Xsane (0.997, I think) under 
Etch (Debian 4).  Sadly, that machine has expired and temporarily I am 
using a Wheezy laptop to host Xsane.

When Xsane fails to find the scanner (that's the first thing it tries 
when it is started from the XFCE menu) it presents some helpful 
suggestions, which I've followed through; the scanner exists, is 
switched on, the backend has been installed via apt-get and is visible 
in /etc/sane.d/dll.d/hplip .

I've read man sane and I think that all the suggestions appropriate to 
a network connected scanner with a backend present seem to be 
fulfilled.  I've tried setting /etc/sane.d/net.conf with, and without, 
the specific address of the HP device; no difference.  I can ping the 
scanner from the laptop, so there are no network access problems on 
the laptop

I don't 'have to' use Xsane; I need to scan documents to PDFs and 
could do that from another package but, if I understand correctly, 
every utility will want to use Sane and its hpaio backend, so the 
scanner access issue would continue to arise, wouldn't it? I'd like to 
use Xsane, though, we're used to using it.

Can anyone suggest what else I might check?

Grateful for any suggestions,

regards, Ron

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Re: Light web browser for old PC

2015-07-01 Thread Cláudio E. Elicker
On Wed, 01 Jul 2015 07:21:56 +0100
Rodolfo Medina  wrote:

> Hi all the listers.
> I have an old Hyundai Notebook too slow for Gnome, in fact I
> installed openbox as Window Manager in it and am happy with it and
> think I'll be using it for good, so simple fast and essential as it
> is.  As web browser, Midori was claimed to be light, but I see almost
> no difference with Firefox.  Please any advice for a *really* light
> one, suitable for that old machine?  Or maybe the problem is actually
> the in the heavier and heavier web pages in themselves?
> Thanks for any help,
> Rodolfo

Take a look at

EMACS is my operating system; Linux is my device driver.

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Higher organic online promotion for

2015-07-01 Thread Alex Mitchell

Dear Owner of **,

I hope you are the right person to talk about your Website Optimization for
your company.

I would like to update about your website that can improve your search
engine visibility and can convert your visitors to buyer. And I want to
discuss few things why you are not getting more organic (FREE) Search
engine traffic for ** that I observed while visiting.


   - HTML and other on-page errors are present on your website.
   - Need to update fresh contents of your website and blogs as per the
   latest Google guideline.
   - Primary keywords should be added in meta- title, description, keyword
   tag to help identify the topic of your web page to search engine is found
   - Your web site needs quality and quantity Back links. This can be
   increased by proper off page optimization.
   - Social media profile needs to be updated regularly.

*Key Features:*

   - 100% satisfaction guarantee
   - More cost effective than any other way of advertising
   - No setup fees.
   - One stop source to make your website profitable

This email just tells you the factors of things we do, our promotional
methods involve many other technical factors which can be sent to you at
your request. You might also want to take a look at our Clients, past work,
case studies, references etc.

If you would like to explore more, kindly write me back with any queries
you have so we can take this further.

Await for your response.

*Warm Regards,*

Alex Mitchell

Senior Marketing Executive

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all those people whom we find eligible by using our services. To
unsubscribe from future mails you may ask us to "*REMOVE*",
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Website review and analysis for:

2015-07-01 Thread Joe Ricketts

Hi Team,

Hope you are doing well.

We went through your website and got to know few key points,
which needs your attention on priority to transform your SEO efforts.

This might seem irrelevant now but believe me with recent updates from
Google, we think you are losing out the most. We have a complete analysis
report ready with us for along with a checklist.

There are many companies who work only with standard SEO strategies however
we stand out by making directed efforts on research based competitor

Here are few key points where your website needs immediate improvement:

   1. Responsive design to prepare for recent Mobilegeddon update from
   2. Low online presence for many competitive keyword phrases.
   3. Market research based approach in comparison to standard approach.
   4. Fixing errors that prevents your website from being indexed properly
   by search engine.
   5. Providing relevant content to create theme based back links and
   eliminate the bad back links.
   6. Creating and maintaining proper landing page to increase link
   7. Active and regular updates and posts on social media portals to
   increase the popularity and brand awareness.

As a digital marketing company we have grown along with our customers,
because of some key propositions as delivering solution by competent Google
Analytics certified professionals and we don't bind our customers with any
set up fee or contract, i.e. *(NO CONTRACT or NO SET UP FEE)*.

This e-mail provides you with a glimpse of services which we offer. If you
have any queries about our services then kindly contact us back for a *free
website audit report*.

Should you be interested, get in touch with us on the mentioned email
address or contact number.

Best Regards,

Joe Ricketts |DM Consultant

PH. No: +1 (530)-936-5916

Skype: web.solutiondm

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Re: RAID b/w GPT and NON GPT partition.

2015-07-01 Thread Pascal Hambourg
Gary Dale a écrit :
> On 30/06/15 02:56 PM, Pascal Hambourg wrote:
>> You don't need to update the BIOS. All a sensible BIOS has to do is load
>> the boot code in the MBR, regardless of the partition table style.
> That's not true. I have a Dell laptop that needed a BIOS update after I 
> switched it to GPT. It wouldn't boot without it.

As Gene pointed out, the keyword is "sensible". Yes, there are broken
BIOSes around, but it has nothing to do with the GPT format itself.
These BIOSes typically have more requirements about the MBR contents
than the "boot signature" magic number 0xaa55 at the end of the sector,
and this is just WRONG.

I must have been lucky, because the few uncompliant BIOSes I have seen
so far "only" required that the MBR contains a valid MSDOS partition
table (that's fine with the protective MBR of the GPT format) containing
at least one partition with the "boot" flag. So after toggling the boot
flag on the protective GPT partition, the BIOS accepted to boot the disk.

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Re: RAID b/w GPT and NON GPT partition.

2015-07-01 Thread Muhammad Yousuf Khan
Thanks Gary and Pascal and all for your very informative inputs and
support. now it works and my drive is bootable now.

however one thing i have notice which is also off the topic is that i can
not boot my new GPT hard drive with supergrub CD. when i reaches where
kernel loads it restart immediately. can you please throw some light on
this too.
otherwise drive is working perfectly.


On Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 2:38 PM, Pascal Hambourg 

> Gary Dale a écrit :
> > On 30/06/15 02:17 PM, Pascal Hambourg wrote:
> >>
> >>> What I would do is shrink partition 5 by 100M then create a new ef02
> >>> partition in the freed space.
> >>
> >> Why on earth would you want to do such a dangerous and useless thing ?
> >> As I wrote in a previous message, there is plenty of free space on the
> >> disk to create a new BIOS boot partition of suitable size.
> >
> > There is, but 2048 sectors is only 1M.
> As previously written, 1 MB is plenty enough for a BIOS boot partition.
>  It is not an EFI system partition nor /boot. It just contains GRUB's
> core image for BIOS. The current size of this image is less than 50 kB
> in the worst case, and I don't see it grow bigger than 1 MB any time
> soon because it is also designed to fit in the 1 MB MBR gap for
> MBR-style disks. GRUB's fancy and heavy stuff is kept out of the core
> image, in /boot/grub or other places.
> Besides, as previously written, there is a 500 GB unallocated space at
> the end of the 2 TB disk so there is really really no need to shrink
> anything.
> --
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> Archive:

Re: RAID b/w GPT and NON GPT partition.

2015-07-01 Thread Pascal Hambourg
Gary Dale a écrit :
> On 30/06/15 02:17 PM, Pascal Hambourg wrote:
>>> What I would do is shrink partition 5 by 100M then create a new ef02
>>> partition in the freed space.
>> Why on earth would you want to do such a dangerous and useless thing ?
>> As I wrote in a previous message, there is plenty of free space on the
>> disk to create a new BIOS boot partition of suitable size.
> There is, but 2048 sectors is only 1M.

As previously written, 1 MB is plenty enough for a BIOS boot partition.
 It is not an EFI system partition nor /boot. It just contains GRUB's
core image for BIOS. The current size of this image is less than 50 kB
in the worst case, and I don't see it grow bigger than 1 MB any time
soon because it is also designed to fit in the 1 MB MBR gap for
MBR-style disks. GRUB's fancy and heavy stuff is kept out of the core
image, in /boot/grub or other places.

Besides, as previously written, there is a 500 GB unallocated space at
the end of the 2 TB disk so there is really really no need to shrink

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Re: RAID b/w GPT and NON GPT partition.

2015-07-01 Thread Pascal Hambourg
Sven Hartge a écrit :
> I had an interesting problem once, where I upgraded a server from
> Squeeze to Wheezy. This server had LVM on MD-RAID and so the core.img
> has to include the LVM- and MD-RAID drivers in addition to the ext3
> code.
> With Squeeze this core.img just so fitted into the 31744 bytes (I think
> it was 5 bytes smaller) but with Wheezy the resulting core.img was
> bigger (by 20 bytes) and could not be installed.

I also experienced this with a root partition using btrfs. GRUB's btrfs
module was so big that the core image would not fit in 32 KiB.
Fortunately this won't happen any more with disks partitionned using the
current 1 MiB alignement.

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Re: RAID b/w GPT and NON GPT partition.

2015-07-01 Thread Pascal Hambourg
Gary Dale a écrit :
> On 30/06/15 02:36 PM, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:
>> should i create partition 2 of a size of 1 GB. and make it as a boot 
>> partition and install grup on that partition. [...]
> I've stopped using separate boot partitions since wheezy, which allowed 
> systems to boot directly from a RAID array.

To make it clear, we are talking about a "BIOS boot" partition, not a
/boot partition.

> I've found boot partitions 
> provide no real benefit on any computer less than a decade old.

Well, I can list two situations which benefit from a separate /boot.

1) When booting from BIOS on a GPT-style disk larger than 2 TiB, a
separate /boot partition located beyond the 2 TiB limit ensures that the
boot loader, which relies on BIOS functions to access the disk, is able
to read all the required files in /boot when the root filesystem may
extend beyond the 2 TiB limit. This is of course not required when
booting from UEFI. You may argue that no-one is fool enough to create a
root partition of more than 2 TiB and I would agree, but think about an
LVM physical volume spanning over the whole disk and containing the root
logical volume among other logical volumes. Quite a usual layout, isn't
it ? If the PV lays beyond the 2 TiB limit, there is a chance that the
root LV uses blocks beyond the 2 TiB limit and that filesystem meta-data
or files needed to boot are stored in blocks beyond the 2 TiB limit.

2) GRUB 2's core image can include modules to read /boot on RAID and LVM
volumes, so a separate plain /boot partition is not required any more.
However, I have experienced weird behaviour of GRUB 2 with a dangling
RAID 5 member disk : a disk becomes unresponsive, marked as failed on
other RAID members ; after reboot, the disk is back, GRUB finds one more
active disk than expected and refuses to assemble the array, so boot
fails until the disk is actually unplugged or disabled in BIOS settings.

> Partition numbers have no intrinsic meaning. They just identify the 
> partition and, as you have seen, have nothing to do with the layout of 
> the disk (in your case 1,5,3,4).  You can call your new ef02 partition 
> "2" or any other unused single-digit number (yes, you could call it 20 
> or 111, but why bother?).

The partition number is the index of the partition entry in the
partition table.

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problem with display breaking up

2015-07-01 Thread Lisi Reisz
A client is reporting the following problem:

"The break up of the picture always occurs after I have just logged in 
and then click the mouse cursor onto an icon such as icedove or 

"When clicking the mouse on an icon eg.for icedove or iceweasel, the 
picture fragments sometimes."

We have more or less excluded the monitor.  File corruption is not unlikely, 
given that he has been handling a mouse problem by turning the computer off 
at the wall.  The computer eventually failed to boot, but that has been fixed 
with an fsck.  I have fsck'ed every partition on the hard drive.

Do I try installing another video card?  But it feels like a software problem.  
So where next?

The mouse problem has been fixed by using a different usb port.

I have googled and got nowhere.

Any ideas where next, please.  Try a "new" video card to eliminate it as a 
possible cause?  And have video card driver problems. :-(   


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Re: a simpler printing question

2015-07-01 Thread Brian
On Tue 30 Jun 2015 at 21:23:23 -0700, wrote:

> On Tue, 30 Jun 2015 13:00:34 +0100
> Brian  wrote:
> > NEWS.Debian and README.Debian both have a section on GTK applications.
> lol. you surely  know how many NEWS.Debian files there are...

You've visited /usr/share/doc/lprng before. We wonder whether you can
find your way back there.
> regardless, there is a print manager for xfce, xfprint, but sadly is
> only available on sid.
> :-(
> Meanwhile i can't seem to fool iceweasel into simply looking or
> directing printout to the default printer- which would work just fine.

Iceweasel is a GTK application.

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Re: RAID b/w GPT and NON GPT partition.

2015-07-01 Thread Gary Dale

On 01/07/15 02:43 AM, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:

Partition is created and grub is installed as instructed in the thread.
Also Grub is installed now.

should i make any config changes ( or not )in the /boot/grub/ directory?

Number  Start (sector)End (sector)  Size   Code  Name
   12048 7813119   3.7 GiB FD00  Linux RAID
   2  342047   1007.0 KiB  EF02  BIOS boot 

   327344896  1980469247   931.3 GiB   FD00  Linux RAID
   4  1980469248  2930276351   452.9 GiB   FD00  Linux RAID
   5 781516827344895   9.3 GiB FD00  Linux RAID
root@nasbox:~# grub-install /dev/sdb
Installation finished. No error reported.

Short answer is no.

After you have added the various RAID partitions into your arrays, you 
need to do two things:

- update-initramfs -u
- update-grub

Then your system should be OK for now, providing that neither disk fails 
during the rebuild.

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Re: looking for a sound waveform viewer, but not audacity for reasons explained

2015-07-01 Thread Joe
On Wed, 1 Jul 2015 08:27:20 +0100
Lisi Reisz  wrote:

> On Wednesday 01 July 2015 01:28:15 David Wright wrote:

> >
> > Why do "typical audio files" fail your "sound" check?
> > Or are you philosophising? :)
> >
> They don't.  scilab doesn't handle sound.  The page does.  scilab
> doesn't.

 "(It would also be nice
if it could play the wave form, but if it can't that's no deal

OK, it's unlikely to be a good solution, but it appears that it could be
used if there was nothing better, and it may offer features which the
OP 'didn't know he needed'.


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Re: looking for a sound waveform viewer, but not audacity for reasons explained

2015-07-01 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Wednesday 01 July 2015 01:28:15 David Wright wrote:
> Quoting Lisi Reisz (
> > On Tuesday 30 June 2015 22:20:12 David Wright wrote:
> > > Quoting Lisi Reisz (
> > > > On Tuesday 30 June 2015 21:42:16 David Wright wrote:
> > > > > Quoting Lisi Reisz (
> > > > > > On Monday 29 June 2015 02:28:20 Richard Owlett wrote:
> > > > > > > Dan Hitt wrote:
> > > > > > > > Hi,
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > Could somebody please point me to a sound waveform viewer?
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > I'm aware of audacity, which is of course a very fine piece
> > > > > > > > of software.  But its function is more to edit than just to
> > > > > > > > view. So, e.g., if you open a sound file, then it wants to
> > > > > > > > create a project, and when you want to exit you have to tell
> > > > > > > > it not to save the project that it created.
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > I would like to just have something that shows the waveform.
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > Ideally it would do other tasks connected with viewing, such
> > > > > > > > as being able to zoom to the sample level, give actual data
> > > > > > > > readouts [sample value, time, etc], and play nice with other
> > > > > > > > software.  So it would be nice, e.g., if you could pop it
> > > > > > > > open at the command line and maybe even have it scroll to
> > > > > > > > some interesting point. (It would also be nice if it could
> > > > > > > > play the wave form, but if it can't that's no deal breaker.)
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > My vague recollection is that there used to be more than a
> > > > > > > > dozen such viewers, but i can't seem to track any down now.
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > TIA for any leads!
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > dan
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > Unlikely what you were recalling but I would recommend
> > > > > > > investigating scilab, scioslab, and gnuplot
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > They are EXPLICITLY tools rather than SOLUTIONS.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > And there are the answer to the question how?  He explicitly
> > > > > > wanted a SOUND waveform viewer, with playing the sound a bonus. 
> > > > > > I know Maths and sound are linked, but this seems going a bit
> > > > > > far.
> > > > >
> > > > > Well, it's in the list at
> > > > >
> > > > > which might be worth perusing (third hit when googling  
> > > > > interactive waveform plotting   )
> > > >
> > > > From there:
> > > > -
> > > > A situation often occurs, where the user ends up with some sort of a
> > > > large dataset that needs to be visualised and analysed. Examples of
> > > > this include: [snip]
> > > > data from statistical or mathematical analysis (using, say, R or
> > > > scilab); --
> > > > That is  not sound.
> > > >
> > > > Lisi
> > > > PS though the page does indeed also include sound wave plotters.
> > >
> > > Scilab appears in section 2 as a generator of large datasets. Many
> > > authors of such a page wouldn't have bothered with section 2 at all,
> > > but happily this author generated a batch of data to test the software
> > > listed in section 3 (making it easier to try out other ideas we might
> > > have).
> > >
> > > Were one to play the waveform generated, it might not be very
> > > pleasant. It looks to me vaguely like someone trying to tune a
> > > superhet radio while simultaneously turning up the volume to annoy
> > > the neighbours.
> > >
> > > The meat of the page is section 3 which contains, amongst the
> > > competition, scilab.
> > >
> > > Scilab was a legitimate suggestion given that the OP wasn't very
> > > specific about the problem area. For example, what is an "interesting
> > > point"? However, a deal breaker might be the reviewer's inability to
> > > perform synchronous zooms on multichannel data in scilab.
> >
> >  "Sound" seems to me to be pretty specific.
> Yes, and "sound" is specifically mentioned on that page, but you
> snipped it in your quotation above. It says:
> -
> A situation often occurs, where the user ends up with some sort of a
> large dataset that needs to be visualised and analysed. Examples of this
> include:
> typical audio files  ←-- [snipped]
> data from statistical or mathematical analysis (using, say, R or
> scilab); --
> Why do "typical audio files" fail your "sound" check?
> Or are you philosophising? :)

They don't.  scilab doesn't handle sound.  The page does.  scilab doesn't.


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domain based DFS root

2015-07-01 Thread Mimiko

Hello all.

I'm fighting with windows and linux to set-up a domain based DFS on 
Debian server.

There is a domain based DFS root on windows servers. Folders are hosted 
on windows servers too. Now I want to host the shared folders on Debian. 
For this I've setup Debian Wheezy x64 and joined it as a domain member. 
Samba is installed. Server does not act as DC, only a member of domain, 
to allow users to authenticate to shared folders with domain names. I 
don't need to user DFS-R. Replication will be done by other meanings. I 
want that \\\shares are mapped to \\linuxsrv\shares (and in 
future to \\linuxsrv2\shares).

First I've tried to create DFS root by windows gui means. Of course, it 
wasn't successful. When creating DFS root, windows creates on designated 
server the share. Of course windows can not do this on samba, and 
creating of DFS root fails.

Reading Internet I've found that a method to use linux shares is to 
create DFS root on windows server and holding share on windows, but add 
target folders under DFS root to shared folders on any system. This 
worked. So I've linked targeted folder under \\\shares as example:

\\\shares\network -> \\linuxsrv\network
\\\shares\data -> \\linuxsrv\data
\\\shares\op -> \\linuxsrv\op

and so on.

This works and targets are accessible from Windows XP/Vista/7. Also 
smbclient browses. I've wanted to use this manner of DFS root, although 
I've been needing to redirect all shortcuts to new path. But the problem 
raised with mount. In Debian I do `mount -t cifs \\\shares 
/mnt/shares` and when I try to `cd /mnt/shares/data` it cd's, but then 
ls does not work with error: reading directory .: Object is remote

And this is the log:
[3630141.487787] /build/linux-4wkEzn/linux-3.2.68/fs/cifs/transport.c: 
For smb_command 50
[3630141.487797] /build/linux-4wkEzn/linux-3.2.68/fs/cifs/transport.c: 
Sending smb:  total_len 116
[3630141.488266] /build/linux-4wkEzn/linux-3.2.68/fs/cifs/connect.c: 
RFC1002 header 0x92
[3630141.488295] /build/linux-4wkEzn/linux-3.2.68/fs/cifs/transport.c: 
cifs_sync_mid_result: cmd=50 mid=43 state=4
[3630141.488309] /build/linux-4wkEzn/linux-3.2.68/fs/cifs/inode.c: 
cifs_revalidate_cache: revalidating inode 2533274790400209
[3630141.488314] /build/linux-4wkEzn/linux-3.2.68/fs/cifs/inode.c: 
cifs_revalidate_cache: inode 2533274790400209 is unchanged
[3630141.488319] /build/linux-4wkEzn/linux-3.2.68/fs/cifs/inode.c: inode 
0x8800618cc5b8 old_time=5202422881 new_time=5202427668
[3630141.488325] /build/linux-4wkEzn/linux-3.2.68/fs/cifs/inode.c: CIFS 
VFS: leaving cifs_revalidate_dentry_attr (xid = 1728677) rc = 0
[3630146.622248] /build/linux-4wkEzn/linux-3.2.68/fs/cifs/readdir.c: 
CIFS VFS: in cifs_readdir as Xid: 1728678 with uid: 0
[3630146.622259] /build/linux-4wkEzn/linux-3.2.68/fs/cifs/readdir.c: 
Full path: \\\shares\data start at: 0
[3630146.622265] /build/linux-4wkEzn/linux-3.2.68/fs/cifs/cifssmb.c: In 
FindFirst for \\\shares\data
[3630146.622281] /build/linux-4wkEzn/linux-3.2.68/fs/cifs/transport.c: 
For smb_command 50
[3630146.622290] /build/linux-4wkEzn/linux-3.2.68/fs/cifs/transport.c: 
Sending smb:  total_len 148
[3630146.622732] /build/linux-4wkEzn/linux-3.2.68/fs/cifs/connect.c: 
RFC1002 header 0x23
[3630146.622744] /build/linux-4wkEzn/linux-3.2.68/fs/cifs/connect.c: 
invalid transact2 word count
[3630146.622764] /build/linux-4wkEzn/linux-3.2.68/fs/cifs/transport.c: 
cifs_sync_mid_result: cmd=50 mid=44 state=4

[3630146.622776] Status code returned 0xc257 NT_STATUS_PATH_NOT_COVERED
[3630146.622782] /build/linux-4wkEzn/linux-3.2.68/fs/cifs/netmisc.c: 
Mapping smb error code 0xc257 to POSIX err -66
[3630146.622787] /build/linux-4wkEzn/linux-3.2.68/fs/cifs/cifssmb.c: 
Error in FindFirst = -66
[3630146.622792] /build/linux-4wkEzn/linux-3.2.68/fs/cifs/readdir.c: 
initiate cifs search rc -66
[3630146.622796] /build/linux-4wkEzn/linux-3.2.68/fs/cifs/readdir.c: 
CIFS VFS: leaving cifs_readdir (xid = 1728678) rc = -66
[3630146.622981] /build/linux-4wkEzn/linux-3.2.68/fs/cifs/file.c: 
Closedir inode = 0x880075683d98
[3630146.622987] /build/linux-4wkEzn/linux-3.2.68/fs/cifs/file.c: CIFS 
VFS: in cifs_closedir as Xid: 1728679 with uid: 0
[3630146.622990] /build/linux-4wkEzn/linux-3.2.68/fs/cifs/file.c: 
Freeing private data in close dir
[3630146.622995] /build/linux-4wkEzn/linux-3.2.68/fs/cifs/file.c: CIFS 
VFS: leaving cifs_closedir (xid = 1728679) rc = 0

Ok. Let make samba DFS root. Following samba manual on this matter, in 
smb.conf I've mentioned `msdfs root = yes`, `host msdfs = yes`. Although 
samba manual mention that this way can be done domain base DFS root, 
accessing \\\shares (after removing the first one from windows 
gui) does not find it. I think that some how, DCs must be configured 
about where this DFS root is located. In samba manual, there is no 
mention about this, nor I could found in Internet. If someone cou

Re: Debian Jessie and Bugzilla mails problem with utf-8

2015-07-01 Thread Virgo Pärna
On Wed, 1 Jul 2015 06:44:41 + (UTC), Virgo Pärna  
>   And now I discovered, that because my testing values were
> inconsistent. It appears, that mails are actually encoded as UTF-8 when
> they contain characters that are not in iso-8859-1 codepage. So comment
> containing ž is sent as UTF-8. But comment containing ä is sent as
> iso-8859-1 with message header still marking UTF-8.

Using utf8::encode on msg_text and msg_html fixed that issue.

Virgo Pärna

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