Re: software to do drawings of houses, gardens, etc.

2017-11-22 Thread hdv@gmail
On 2017-11-23 02:05, Emanuel Berg wrote:
> Librecad seems good and I got it working
> instantly on a Debian box.
> Only how do I draw a box and then change the
> properties to specific side lengths?
> For example, if I want to picture a building
> that is rectangular (from above) with one side
> 10m and the other 5m?
> I managed to make an approximate rectangle with
> the "rectangle" tool but how do I bring up
> properties so that I can assign the
> exact values?
> I made a search on Gmane ( for
> "librecad" but apparently no mailing list is
> registered there. Also, on aioe (
> there seems to be no Usenet group dedicated to
> librecad. Now this speaks volumes.
> Aren't people using it?

This was one of the reasons I decided to change to QCAD. If even choose to pay
the € 33 for the Pro version. It works like a charm, has good documentation (I
can recommend the official e-book that can be bought separately), and in many
subtle ways is more user-friendly. My experience with their customer support and
the forum is very good as well. (No I don't have shares, I am just a happy
customer. ;-) )

If you think this type of software is what you need, then I would try out QCAD
instead of LibreCAD. I've been subscribed to their mailing list for almost a
year now and I don't think I've seen more than 3 messages on it. I might be
missing things, but I am inclined to think that LibreCAD is "dead".

Grx HdV

Re: HTML5 problem

2017-11-22 Thread Georgi Naplatanov
On 11/23/2017 12:05 AM, Maureen L Thomas wrote:
> I cannot view any HTML 5 video in Firefox.  I have the latest version
> from just a few days ago and still no HTML 5.  I am so tired of this
> crap.  I have tried various ad ons with no luck.  I have the latest
> Debian version and the newest version of Firefox.  What the hell have I
> done wrong this time?


Firefox supports H.264 and WebM. Just try to install



Kind regards

Re: Problema con conexión a internet

2017-11-22 Thread Emiliano Gabriel Reynoso
Consulta: verificaste el estado de network-manager al iniciar?

El 22 nov. 2017 22:33, "Felix Perez"  escribió:

> El 22 de noviembre de 2017, 19:33, Alan 
> escribió:
> > El 22/11/17 a las 18:38, Felix Perez escribió:
> >
> > El 22 de noviembre de 2017, 15:41, Alan 
> > escribió:
> >
> > Saludos, lista. Desde hace tiempo tengo problemas en un viejo PC. Instalé
> > variedad de distribuciones GNU/Linux y el internet funciona. Apago el PC
> o
> > reinicio y ya no es posible conectarse. La "solución" es desenchufar y
> > volver a conectar para que se arregle.
> >
> > A que llamas "viejo" 1,2,3.. 10 años, ¿Qué hardware? ¿Desenchufar y
> > volever a conectar qué?¿Versión de Debian?
> >
> > Curiosamente en el Windows -que aún no le quité por el problema,
> dejándolo
> > como dual boot- el internet siempre anda bien, pero si entro a Debian y
> > luego de nuevo a Windows, no me es posible usar el internet sin
> desenchufar
> > el PC.
> > El comando "lspci -vmmnn" arroja lo siguiente en cuanto al controlador de
> > ethernet:
> >
> >
> > Slot:00:12.0
> > Class:Ethernet controller [0200]
> > Vendor:VIA Technologies, Inc. [1106]
> > Device:VT6102/VT6103 [Rhine-II] [3065]
> > SVendor:Elitegroup Computer Systems [1019]
> > SDevice:VT6102/VT6103 [Rhine-II] [0102]
> >
> >
> > ¿Están bien instalados los módulos VIA?
> >
> > Esa tarjeta de red funciona muy bien en debian, ¿Supongo es la
> > integrada? ya que creo que también había unas PCI.
> >
> > Busqué información en internet pero no encontré nada que sirviera, y
> otras
> > opciones no las pude probar por necesitar programas que ya no se
> encuentran
> > en los repositorios de Debian (modconf, por ejemplo).
> >
> > ¿Qué hiciste, probaste?
> >
> > ¿Alguien de la lista conoce alguna solución o se le ocurre algo que pueda
> > probar?
> >
> > Perdón pero los poderes psiquicos no los ocupo en la lista.
> >
> > Muchas gracias
> >
> > PD: No sé si tenga que ver, creo que no pero por las dudas lo consulto.
> En
> > la carga del sistema, tanto cuando el internet como cuando no, me
> aparece un
> > mensaje indicando "mpu-401 device not found or device busy".
> >
> > ¿Supongo sabes de que se trata MPU?
> >
> > Debes aportar más datos.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Tendrá como diez años. La aplicación neofetch arroja lo siguiente en
> cuanto
> > a hardware y software:
> >
> > OS: Debian GNU/Linux 9.2 (stretch) x86_64
> > Model: P23G 1.0
> > Kernel: 4.9.0-4-amd64
> > CPU: Intel Pentium 4 3.20GHz (2) @ 3.2GHz
> > GPU: VIA Technologies, Inc. CN700/P4M800 Pro/P4M800 CE/VN800 Graphics
> > Memory: 1940MB (originalmente tenía 512 MB)
> >
> > El comando lpsci (sin argumentos) indica lo siguiente:
> >
> >
> > 00:00.0 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. CN700/VN800/P4M800CE/Pro Host
> > Bridge
> > 00:00.1 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. CN700/VN800/P4M800CE/Pro Host
> > Bridge
> > 00:00.2 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. CN700/VN800/P4M800CE/Pro Host
> > Bridge
> > 00:00.3 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. PT890 Host Bridge
> > 00:00.4 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. CN700/VN800/P4M800CE/Pro Host
> > Bridge
> > 00:00.7 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. CN700/VN800/P4M800CE/Pro Host
> > Bridge
> > 00:01.0 PCI bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8237/VX700 PCI Bridge
> > 00:09.0 Multimedia controller: Philips Semiconductors SAA7130 Video
> > Broadcast Decoder (rev 01)
> > 00:0f.0 IDE interface: VIA Technologies, Inc. VIA VT6420 SATA RAID
> > Controller (rev 80)
> > 00:0f.1 IDE interface: VIA Technologies, Inc.
> > VT82C586A/B/VT82C686/A/B/VT823x/A/C PIPC Bus Master IDE (rev 06)
> > 00:10.0 USB controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82xx/62xx UHCI USB 1.1
> > Controller (rev 81)
> > 00:10.1 USB controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82xx/62xx UHCI USB 1.1
> > Controller (rev 81)
> > 00:10.2 USB controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82xx/62xx UHCI USB 1.1
> > Controller (rev 81)
> > 00:10.3 USB controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82xx/62xx UHCI USB 1.1
> > Controller (rev 81)
> > 00:10.4 USB controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. USB 2.0 (rev 86)
> > 00:11.0 ISA bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8237 ISA bridge
> > [KT600/K8T800/K8T890 South]
> > 00:11.5 Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies, Inc.
> > VT8233/A/8235/8237 AC97 Audio Controller (rev 60)
> > 00:11.6 Communication controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. AC'97 Modem
> > Controller (rev 80)
> > 00:12.0 Ethernet controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT6102/VT6103
> [Rhine-II]
> > (rev 78)
> > 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. CN700/P4M800
> > Pro/P4M800 CE/VN800 Graphics [S3 UniChrome Pro] (rev 01)
> >
> >
> >
> > Lo que hay que desenchufar y volver a conectar es el cable que alimenta
> la
> > fuente del CPU. Sacar y poner la fichita de la conexión a internet no
> sirve
> > de nada.
> >
> OK ahora entiendo.
> > Con respecto a los módulos VIA, no tengo idea si están bien instalados.
> > Tampoco sé de 

Re: Nuevos nombres de interfaces...

2017-11-22 Thread Ricardo Marcelo Alvarez

> Hola colegas,
> Me he instalado la versi'on 9.0 de debian en mi laptop con dos tarjetas  
> wireless y ahora quiero configurar nuevamente los servicios que disfrutaba  
> en la versi'on 7 pero resulta que aparecen nuevos nombres para las  
> tarjetas inal'ambricas,
> # lshw -class network | grep name:
> logical name: enp0s25
> logical name: wlan1
> logical name: wlp12s0b1
>   y me gusta el esquema anterior: wlan0, wlan1, etc
> C'omo puedo cambiar 'wlp12s0b1' por 'wlan0', por ejemplo?


Edita el archivo /etc/default/grub

Y en la variable GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT le agregas esto net.ifnames=0

Por ejemplo te debería quedar de esta forma

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="elevator=deadline acpi=on numa=on iommu=pt 
loglevel=0 net.ifnames=0"

Luego ejecutas


y rebooteas la computadora.

> Reciban mi agradecimiento  :)
> -- 
> Saludos,
> Luis



Description: Firma digital OpenPGP

The Second OS won't run from GRUB

2017-11-22 Thread Elof Huang

My HDD status is below.

(parted) print all
Model: ATA ST3320418AS (scsi)
Disk /dev/sda: 320GB
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
Partition Table: msdos
Disk Flags:

Number  Start   End    Size    Type  File system Flags
 1  1049kB  318GB  318GB   primary   ext4    boot
 2  318GB   320GB  2011MB  extended
 5  318GB   320GB  2011MB  logical   linux-swap(v1)

Model: ATA HDS728080PLAT20 (scsi)
Disk /dev/sdb: 82.3GB
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
Partition Table: gpt
Disk Flags:

Number  Start   End Size    File system  Name  Flags
 1  20.5kB  545kB   524kB
 2  545kB   78.4GB  78.4GB  freebsd-ufs
 3  78.4GB  82.3GB  3964MB

How would I edit /etc/grub.d/40_custom?

Re: OT plain text missing from web mail (was: Installer Can Not Find Root"

2017-11-22 Thread Felix Miata
Dan Norton composed on 2017-11-22 19:09 (UTC-0500):
> 4. This laptop I'm borrowing is notorious for having a hyper-sensitive touch
> pad. You can be typing along in the spot you have chosen for input and 
> suddenly
> it gets a wild hair and relocates the cursor to somewhere else. As a hunt and
> peck typist, I've been victimized many times by this and had to undo and start
> over. The new insertion point is unpredictable AFAICT.

> 5. Anything in the clipboard can be pasted, preferences for no HTML not
> withstanding. If there is an html fragment in the clipboard

> 6. This list proscribes top posting and often I place replies within or at the
> end, then hit send (webmail has a button at the bottom as well as the top)
> without looking at the beginning text. The html-like garbage is at the 
> beginning.

> Currently, my theory is that somehow(tm) due to 4, *IT JUST DID IT. I AM NOT
This one is/was 10.5KB, 100% HTML:

MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
X-Mailer: EarthLink Zoo Mail 1.0
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
l Message-...
"Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. Whatever else you
get, get wisdom." Proverbs 4:7 (New Living Translation)

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

Felix Miata  ***

Nuevos nombres de interfaces...

2017-11-22 Thread luisededios

Hola colegas,

Me he instalado la versi'on 9.0 de debian en mi laptop con dos tarjetas  
wireless y ahora quiero configurar nuevamente los servicios que disfrutaba  
en la versi'on 7 pero resulta que aparecen nuevos nombres para las  
tarjetas inal'ambricas,

# lshw -class network | grep name:
   logical name: enp0s25
   logical name: wlan1
   logical name: wlp12s0b1

 y me gusta el esquema anterior: wlan0, wlan1, etc

C'omo puedo cambiar 'wlp12s0b1' por 'wlan0', por ejemplo?

Reciban mi agradecimiento  :)


Re: Problema con conexión a internet

2017-11-22 Thread Felix Perez
El 22 de noviembre de 2017, 19:33, Alan  escribió:
> El 22/11/17 a las 18:38, Felix Perez escribió:
> El 22 de noviembre de 2017, 15:41, Alan 
> escribió:
> Saludos, lista. Desde hace tiempo tengo problemas en un viejo PC. Instalé
> variedad de distribuciones GNU/Linux y el internet funciona. Apago el PC o
> reinicio y ya no es posible conectarse. La "solución" es desenchufar y
> volver a conectar para que se arregle.
> A que llamas "viejo" 1,2,3.. 10 años, ¿Qué hardware? ¿Desenchufar y
> volever a conectar qué?¿Versión de Debian?
> Curiosamente en el Windows -que aún no le quité por el problema, dejándolo
> como dual boot- el internet siempre anda bien, pero si entro a Debian y
> luego de nuevo a Windows, no me es posible usar el internet sin desenchufar
> el PC.
> El comando "lspci -vmmnn" arroja lo siguiente en cuanto al controlador de
> ethernet:
> Slot:00:12.0
> Class:Ethernet controller [0200]
> Vendor:VIA Technologies, Inc. [1106]
> Device:VT6102/VT6103 [Rhine-II] [3065]
> SVendor:Elitegroup Computer Systems [1019]
> SDevice:VT6102/VT6103 [Rhine-II] [0102]
> ¿Están bien instalados los módulos VIA?
> Esa tarjeta de red funciona muy bien en debian, ¿Supongo es la
> integrada? ya que creo que también había unas PCI.
> Busqué información en internet pero no encontré nada que sirviera, y otras
> opciones no las pude probar por necesitar programas que ya no se encuentran
> en los repositorios de Debian (modconf, por ejemplo).
> ¿Qué hiciste, probaste?
> ¿Alguien de la lista conoce alguna solución o se le ocurre algo que pueda
> probar?
> Perdón pero los poderes psiquicos no los ocupo en la lista.
> Muchas gracias
> PD: No sé si tenga que ver, creo que no pero por las dudas lo consulto. En
> la carga del sistema, tanto cuando el internet como cuando no, me aparece un
> mensaje indicando "mpu-401 device not found or device busy".
> ¿Supongo sabes de que se trata MPU?
> Debes aportar más datos.
> Tendrá como diez años. La aplicación neofetch arroja lo siguiente en cuanto
> a hardware y software:
> OS: Debian GNU/Linux 9.2 (stretch) x86_64
> Model: P23G 1.0
> Kernel: 4.9.0-4-amd64
> CPU: Intel Pentium 4 3.20GHz (2) @ 3.2GHz
> GPU: VIA Technologies, Inc. CN700/P4M800 Pro/P4M800 CE/VN800 Graphics
> Memory: 1940MB (originalmente tenía 512 MB)
> El comando lpsci (sin argumentos) indica lo siguiente:
> 00:00.0 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. CN700/VN800/P4M800CE/Pro Host
> Bridge
> 00:00.1 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. CN700/VN800/P4M800CE/Pro Host
> Bridge
> 00:00.2 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. CN700/VN800/P4M800CE/Pro Host
> Bridge
> 00:00.3 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. PT890 Host Bridge
> 00:00.4 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. CN700/VN800/P4M800CE/Pro Host
> Bridge
> 00:00.7 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. CN700/VN800/P4M800CE/Pro Host
> Bridge
> 00:01.0 PCI bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8237/VX700 PCI Bridge
> 00:09.0 Multimedia controller: Philips Semiconductors SAA7130 Video
> Broadcast Decoder (rev 01)
> 00:0f.0 IDE interface: VIA Technologies, Inc. VIA VT6420 SATA RAID
> Controller (rev 80)
> 00:0f.1 IDE interface: VIA Technologies, Inc.
> VT82C586A/B/VT82C686/A/B/VT823x/A/C PIPC Bus Master IDE (rev 06)
> 00:10.0 USB controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82xx/62xx UHCI USB 1.1
> Controller (rev 81)
> 00:10.1 USB controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82xx/62xx UHCI USB 1.1
> Controller (rev 81)
> 00:10.2 USB controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82xx/62xx UHCI USB 1.1
> Controller (rev 81)
> 00:10.3 USB controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82xx/62xx UHCI USB 1.1
> Controller (rev 81)
> 00:10.4 USB controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. USB 2.0 (rev 86)
> 00:11.0 ISA bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8237 ISA bridge
> [KT600/K8T800/K8T890 South]
> 00:11.5 Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies, Inc.
> VT8233/A/8235/8237 AC97 Audio Controller (rev 60)
> 00:11.6 Communication controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. AC'97 Modem
> Controller (rev 80)
> 00:12.0 Ethernet controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT6102/VT6103 [Rhine-II]
> (rev 78)
> 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. CN700/P4M800
> Pro/P4M800 CE/VN800 Graphics [S3 UniChrome Pro] (rev 01)
> Lo que hay que desenchufar y volver a conectar es el cable que alimenta la
> fuente del CPU. Sacar y poner la fichita de la conexión a internet no sirve
> de nada.

OK ahora entiendo.

> Con respecto a los módulos VIA, no tengo idea si están bien instalados.
> Tampoco sé de qué se trata el MPU pero busqué información sobre el error y
> leí que no era importante y además estaba relacionado con la parte del
> sonido, no del internet, por lo que no me preocupé.
> No sé cómo aportar más datos al respecto, pero si me lo indicas lo haré con
> gusto. Como es evidente, mis conocimientos en materia de informática son muy
> limitados.
> Lo que intenté para solucionar el problema fue, en 

Re: software to do drawings of houses, gardens, etc.

2017-11-22 Thread Emanuel Berg
Librecad seems good and I got it working
instantly on a Debian box.

Only how do I draw a box and then change the
properties to specific side lengths?

For example, if I want to picture a building
that is rectangular (from above) with one side
10m and the other 5m?

I managed to make an approximate rectangle with
the "rectangle" tool but how do I bring up
properties so that I can assign the
exact values?

I made a search on Gmane ( for
"librecad" but apparently no mailing list is
registered there. Also, on aioe (
there seems to be no Usenet group dedicated to
librecad. Now this speaks volumes.
Aren't people using it?

underground experts united

Re: OT plain text missing from web mail (was: Installer Can Not Find Root"

2017-11-22 Thread Dan Norton
-Original Message->From:>Sent: Nov 21, 2017 3:37 PM>To:>Subject: Re: OT plain text missing from web mail (was: Installer Can Not Find Root">>Tom Furie composed:>>> On Mon, Nov 20, 2017 at 05:47:55PM -0500, Cindy-Sue Causey wrote: That's weird. I don't see that on my end. The original email looks as>>> normally expected from Debian lists. :)>>> That's weird. The original mail, and all of Dan's mails to the list, have>> only a single html part. An incredibly badly constructed html part at>> that.>>As this will be, it was sent using>>		X-Mailer: EarthLink Zoo Mail 1.0>>with>>		Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8>>The string "Content-Type: multipart" is absent from his message. The only place on Earthlink's web mail site I can find that addresses HTML vs. plain text is in the "Message Display" section of "Preferences", where the label is>>		HTML Message View>>with description>>		" Choose 'off' to view HTML messages as text. ">>which I have set to "off". That said, the page I'm composing on has a link>>		"Use the new WebMail">>I'm not going to click on it and risk not being able to get back to using plain text. I suppose that may be what Dan's using and he hasn't figured out how to not send in HTML.>First, let me apologize to everyone who received some kind of HTML fragment from me simply because they are subscribed to Debian User. I am very sorry to have posted that junk on Debian User. I'm still studying how it happened. Here's what I know so far:1. The preference is still set to use plain text in emails. 2. Going through the archives, my posts appear devoid of html junk. However,3. Looking at the lone entry in my Sent folder I see that it begins "body{font-size:10pt;font-family:arial" ! Where did that come from? Doing a search of the archives for this turns up the following in the thread:/debian-user/2017/11/msg00672.html/debian-user/2017/11/msg00644.html/debian-user/2017/11/msg00633.htmlNot one of these displays junk when I clicking on them.4. This laptop I'm borrowing is notorious for having a hyper-sensitive touch pad. You can be typing along in the spot you have chosen for input and suddenly it gets a wild hair and relocates the cursor to somewhere else. As a hunt and peck typist, I've been victimized many times by this and had to undo and start over. The new insertion point is unpredictable AFAICT.5. Anything in the clipboard can be pasted, preferences for no HTML not withstanding. If there is an html fragment in the clipboard6. This list proscribes top posting and often I place replies within or at the end, then hit send (webmail has a button at the bottom as well as the top) without looking at the beginning text. The html-like garbage is at the beginning.Currently, my theory is that somehow(tm) due to 4, *IT JUST DID IT. I AM NOT KIDDING*"body{font-size:10pt;font-family:arial,sans-serif;background-color:#ff;color:black;}p{margin:0px;}"was inserted at the beginning of this text when I pressed the space bar. I cut it out and pasted it above. The mouse was unresponsive to clicks and I had to use the arrow keys to position the pastedue to 4, 5, and 6 the garbage is being copied to the clipboard and pasted to the bogus insertion point. How this occurs, I don't know.>I can't imagine Dan continuing to choose to use Earthlink web mail once the problems this thread is about have been solved. It's a poor UI, like Yahoo and all other web mail I've ever had to fall back on."Desperate men do desperate deeds." :-) - Dan

Re: cups config for Brother HL-L2340DW

2017-11-22 Thread Ben Caradoc-Davies

On 23/11/17 12:17, arne wrote:

On Wed, 22 Nov 2017 21:27:30 +0100 (CET)
Pierre Frenkiel  wrote:

On Wed, 22 Nov 2017, arne wrote:

Did yo install the file brother-HLL2340D-cups-en.ppd?

   I would be  glad to use it, but it is not listed in the download
page (the is no HL-Lxxx or HLLxx ppd). Where did you find it?
best regards,

It is inside hll2340dcupswrapper-3.2.0-1.i386.deb.
In the /opt/brother/Printers/HLL2340D/cupswrapper directory.
I got this deb-file from:
I guess you have to enable 386 files. I have an AMD64 system.
Hope this helps.

I used to use the Brother i386 CUPS drivers, but when I switched to 
"Generic PCL 6/PCL XL Printer Foomatic/pxlcolor (recommended)" (the open 
source PCL6 driver in cups-filters), and removed Skype 4 i386, I was 
able to remove the entire i386 architecture from my computer.  :-)

Both my MFC-L2740DW and (according to the online specs) Pierre's 
HL-L2340DW have PCL6 emulation.

Kind regards,

Ben Caradoc-Davies 
Transient Software Limited 
New Zealand

Re: cups config for Brother HL-L2340DW

2017-11-22 Thread Ben Caradoc-Davies

On 23/11/17 07:52, Pierre Frenkiel wrote:

For the first time in my life, I was unable to configure a printer for
Before trying to replace it, I'm curious to know whether
somebody could make it(or a similar model) to work.
I had no problem with the wifi config. and no problem also when printing
from Windows, but no way with CUPS.  Of course, I looked at Google,
and tried several protocols, but none worked. Has anybody an idea?

I have the MFC-L2740DW. I guess that it is similar, but with scanning 
(and fax? Is that still a thing?)?

Mine works fine with these CUPS settings on my WLAN:
Name: Brother_MFC-L2740DW
Description: Brother MFC-L2740DW
Driver: Generic PCL 6/PCL XL Printer Foomatic/pxlcolor (recommended)

After configuration, the CUPS page reads:

Description:Brother MFC-L2740DW
Driver:	Generic PCL 6/PCL XL Printer Foomatic/pxlcolor (recommended) 
(color, 2-sided printing)

Defaults:	job-sheets=none, none media=iso_a4_210x297mm 

For the record (and I do not think you have scanning capabilities), the 
only proprietary driver is the Brother scanner driver (brscan4 0.4.4-2 
amd64). With this installed, I ran the following and the scanner then 
worked fine in XSane:

brsaneconfig4 -a name=Brother_MFC-L2740DW model=MFC-L2740DW ip=

Kind regards,

Ben Caradoc-Davies 
Transient Software Limited 
New Zealand

Re: Pas de ping sur un poste particulier

2017-11-22 Thread Eric Degenetais
Le 22 nov. 2017 8:38 PM, "Stephane Bortzmeyer"  a
écrit :

On Wed, Nov 22, 2017 at 09:48:45AM +,
 Eric Degenetais  wrote
 a message of 72 lines which said:

> Un autre nom sur le même tld devrait fonctionner normalement


> ou est-ce que je rate quelque chose ?

Oui, le fait que le DNS est arborescent (un .lan délégué par la racine
efface tous les LAN en dessous).

Donc un serveur DNS local ne peut que prendre l'autorité sur le tld ? Ce
qui ne permet pas de se prémunir contre les collisions sans acheter un
domaine dont par ailleurs on n'a que faire ?
Dur !

Fwd: Re: Problema con conexión a internet

2017-11-22 Thread 87agpkyni3t4pb6bxaap
Mirate esto:
Loque lleva cierto sofware provativo:
 Forwarded message ---
From: "Alan" )>
Sent: November 22, 2017 11:34 PM
Subject: Re: Problema con conexión a internet
El 22/11/17 a las 18:38, Felix Perez escribió:  

El 22 de noviembre de 2017, 15:41, Alan  
( escribió: 

Saludos, lista. Desde hace tiempo tengo problemas en un viejo PC. 
Instalé variedad de distribuciones GNU/Linux y el internet funciona. Apago el 
PC o reinicio y ya no es posible conectarse. La "solución" es desenchufar y 
volver a conectar para que se arregle. 

A que llamas "viejo" 1,2,3.. 10 años, ¿Qué hardware? ¿Desenchufar y 
volever a conectar qué?¿Versión de Debian? 

Curiosamente en el Windows -que aún no le quité por el problema, 
dejándolo como dual boot- el internet siempre anda bien, pero si entro a Debian 
y luego de nuevo a Windows, no me es posible usar el internet sin desenchufar 
el PC. El comando "lspci -vmmnn" arroja lo siguiente en cuanto al controlador 
de ethernet: Slot: 00:12.0 Class: Ethernet controller [0200] Vendor: VIA 
Technologies, Inc. [1106] Device: VT6102/VT6103 [Rhine-II] [3065] SVendor: 
Elitegroup Computer Systems [1019] SDevice: VT6102/VT6103 [Rhine-II] [0102] 

¿Están bien instalados los módulos VIA? Esa tarjeta de red funciona muy 
bien en debian, ¿Supongo es la integrada? ya que creo que también había unas 

Busqué información en internet pero no encontré nada que sirviera, y 
otras opciones no las pude probar por necesitar programas que ya no se 
encuentran en los repositorios de Debian (modconf, por ejemplo). 

¿Qué hiciste, probaste? 

¿Alguien de la lista conoce alguna solución o se le ocurre algo que 
pueda probar? 

Perdón pero los poderes psiquicos no los ocupo en la lista. 

Muchas gracias PD: No sé si tenga que ver, creo que no pero por las 
dudas lo consulto. En la carga del sistema, tanto cuando el internet como 
cuando no, me aparece un mensaje indicando "mpu-401 device not found or device 

¿Supongo sabes de que se trata MPU? Debes aportar más datos.  
Tendrá como diez años. La aplicación neofetch arroja lo siguiente en cuanto a 
hardware y software: 
 OS: Debian GNU/Linux 9.2 (stretch) x86_64
Model: P23G 1.0
Kernel: 4.9.0-4-amd64
CPU: Intel Pentium 4 3.20GHz (2) @ 3.2GHz
GPU: VIA Technologies, Inc. CN700/P4M800 Pro/P4M800 CE/VN800 Graphics
Memory: 1940MB (originalmente tenía 512 MB)  El comando lpsci (sin argumentos) 
indica lo siguiente:  00:00.0 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. 
CN700/VN800/P4M800CE/Pro Host Bridge
00:00.1 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. CN700/VN800/P4M800CE/Pro Host Bridge
00:00.2 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. CN700/VN800/P4M800CE/Pro Host Bridge
00:00.3 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. PT890 Host Bridge
00:00.4 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. CN700/VN800/P4M800CE/Pro Host Bridge
00:00.7 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. CN700/VN800/P4M800CE/Pro Host Bridge
00:01.0 PCI bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8237/VX700 PCI Bridge
00:09.0 Multimedia controller: Philips Semiconductors SAA7130 Video Broadcast 
Decoder (rev 01)
00:0f.0 IDE interface: VIA Technologies, Inc. VIA VT6420 SATA RAID Controller 
(rev 80)
00:0f.1 IDE interface: VIA Technologies, Inc. 
VT82C586A/B/VT82C686/A/B/VT823x/A/C PIPC Bus Master IDE (rev 06)
00:10.0 USB controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82xx/62xx UHCI USB 1.1 
Controller (rev 81)
00:10.1 USB controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82xx/62xx UHCI USB 1.1 
Controller (rev 81)
00:10.2 USB controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82xx/62xx UHCI USB 1.1 
Controller (rev 81)
00:10.3 USB controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82xx/62xx UHCI USB 1.1 
Controller (rev 81)
00:10.4 USB controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. USB 2.0 (rev 86)
00:11.0 ISA bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8237 ISA bridge 
[KT600/K8T800/K8T890 South]
00:11.5 Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8233/A/8235/8237 
AC97 Audio Controller (rev 60)
00:11.6 Communication controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. AC'97 Modem Controller 
(rev 80)
00:12.0 Ethernet controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT6102/VT6103 [Rhine-II] 
(rev 78)
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. CN700/P4M800 
Pro/P4M800 CE/VN800 Graphics [S3 UniChrome Pro] (rev 01)   
Lo que hay que desenchufar y volver a conectar es el cable que alimenta la 
fuente del CPU. Sacar y poner la fichita de la conexión a internet no sirve de 
Con respecto a los módulos VIA, no tengo idea si están bien instalados. Tampoco 
sé de qué se trata el MPU pero busqué información sobre el error y leí que no 
era importante y además estaba relacionado con la parte del sonido, no del 
internet, por lo que no me preocupé. 
No sé 

Re: cups config for Brother HL-L2340DW

2017-11-22 Thread arne
On Wed, 22 Nov 2017 21:27:30 +0100 (CET)
Pierre Frenkiel  wrote:

> On Wed, 22 Nov 2017, arne wrote:
> > Did yo install the file brother-HLL2340D-cups-en.ppd?
> >  
>   I would be  glad to use it, but it is not listed in the download
> page (the is no HL-Lxxx or HLLxx ppd). Where did you find it?
> best regards,


It is inside hll2340dcupswrapper-3.2.0-1.i386.deb.

In the /opt/brother/Printers/HLL2340D/cupswrapper directory.

I got this deb-file from:

I guess you have to enable 386 files. I have an AMD64 system.

Hope this helps.


Re: Debian 9 tftp issue

2017-11-22 Thread deloptes
Catalin Soare wrote:

> However, I can still not test to get a file, even with the tftp-hpa client
> on the machine where I'm hosting the VM.
> Anyway, thank you guys very much! Maybe with time and experiments I'll
> figure it out :)

I use few virtual and physical machines diskless and they boot via PXE - see
the links below.

1. You have to configure at least dhcp and nfs properly.


 host vmware3 {
hardware ethernet 00:50:;
fixed-address 192.168..;
option host-name "vmware3";
filename "pxelinux.0";
#tftp server

2. you need to setup the kernel boot parameters

3. and of course have a usable initram disk image

good luck

Re: Problema con conexión a internet

2017-11-22 Thread Alan
El 22/11/17 a las 18:38, Felix Perez escribió:
> El 22 de noviembre de 2017, 15:41, Alan  escribió:
>> Saludos, lista. Desde hace tiempo tengo problemas en un viejo PC. Instalé
>> variedad de distribuciones GNU/Linux y el internet funciona. Apago el PC o
>> reinicio y ya no es posible conectarse. La "solución" es desenchufar y
>> volver a conectar para que se arregle.
> A que llamas "viejo" 1,2,3.. 10 años, ¿Qué hardware? ¿Desenchufar y
> volever a conectar qué?¿Versión de Debian?
>> Curiosamente en el Windows -que aún no le quité por el problema, dejándolo
>> como dual boot- el internet siempre anda bien, pero si entro a Debian y
>> luego de nuevo a Windows, no me es posible usar el internet sin desenchufar
>> el PC.
>> El comando "lspci -vmmnn" arroja lo siguiente en cuanto al controlador de
>> ethernet:
>> Slot:00:12.0
>> Class:Ethernet controller [0200]
>> Vendor:VIA Technologies, Inc. [1106]
>> Device:VT6102/VT6103 [Rhine-II] [3065]
>> SVendor:Elitegroup Computer Systems [1019]
>> SDevice:VT6102/VT6103 [Rhine-II] [0102]
> ¿Están bien instalados los módulos VIA?
> Esa tarjeta de red funciona muy bien en debian, ¿Supongo es la
> integrada? ya que creo que también había unas PCI.
>> Busqué información en internet pero no encontré nada que sirviera, y otras
>> opciones no las pude probar por necesitar programas que ya no se encuentran
>> en los repositorios de Debian (modconf, por ejemplo).
> ¿Qué hiciste, probaste?
>> ¿Alguien de la lista conoce alguna solución o se le ocurre algo que pueda
>> probar?
> Perdón pero los poderes psiquicos no los ocupo en la lista.
>> Muchas gracias
>> PD: No sé si tenga que ver, creo que no pero por las dudas lo consulto. En
>> la carga del sistema, tanto cuando el internet como cuando no, me aparece un
>> mensaje indicando "mpu-401 device not found or device busy".
> ¿Supongo sabes de que se trata MPU?
> Debes aportar más datos.
Tendrá como diez años. La aplicación neofetch arroja lo siguiente en
cuanto a hardware y software:

OS: Debian GNU/Linux 9.2 (stretch) x86_64
Model: P23G 1.0
Kernel: 4.9.0-4-amd64
CPU: Intel Pentium 4 3.20GHz (2) @ 3.2GHz
GPU: VIA Technologies, Inc. CN700/P4M800 Pro/P4M800 CE/VN800 Graphics 
Memory: 1940MB (originalmente tenía 512 MB)

El comando lpsci (sin argumentos) indica lo siguiente:

00:00.0 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. CN700/VN800/P4M800CE/Pro
Host Bridge
00:00.1 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. CN700/VN800/P4M800CE/Pro
Host Bridge
00:00.2 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. CN700/VN800/P4M800CE/Pro
Host Bridge
00:00.3 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. PT890 Host Bridge
00:00.4 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. CN700/VN800/P4M800CE/Pro
Host Bridge
00:00.7 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. CN700/VN800/P4M800CE/Pro
Host Bridge
00:01.0 PCI bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8237/VX700 PCI Bridge
00:09.0 Multimedia controller: Philips Semiconductors SAA7130 Video
Broadcast Decoder (rev 01)
00:0f.0 IDE interface: VIA Technologies, Inc. VIA VT6420 SATA RAID
Controller (rev 80)
00:0f.1 IDE interface: VIA Technologies, Inc.
VT82C586A/B/VT82C686/A/B/VT823x/A/C PIPC Bus Master IDE (rev 06)
00:10.0 USB controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82xx/62xx UHCI USB
1.1 Controller (rev 81)
00:10.1 USB controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82xx/62xx UHCI USB
1.1 Controller (rev 81)
00:10.2 USB controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82xx/62xx UHCI USB
1.1 Controller (rev 81)
00:10.3 USB controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82xx/62xx UHCI USB
1.1 Controller (rev 81)
00:10.4 USB controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. USB 2.0 (rev 86)
00:11.0 ISA bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8237 ISA bridge
[KT600/K8T800/K8T890 South]
00:11.5 Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies, Inc.
VT8233/A/8235/8237 AC97 Audio Controller (rev 60)
00:11.6 Communication controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. AC'97 Modem
Controller (rev 80)
*00:12.0 Ethernet controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT6102/VT6103
[Rhine-II] (rev 78)*
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc.
CN700/P4M800 Pro/P4M800 CE/VN800 Graphics [S3 UniChrome Pro] (rev 01)

Lo que hay que desenchufar y volver a conectar es el cable que alimenta
la fuente del CPU. Sacar y poner la fichita de la conexión a internet no
sirve de nada.

Con respecto a los módulos VIA, no tengo idea si están bien instalados.
Tampoco sé de qué se trata el MPU pero busqué información sobre el error
y leí que no era importante y además estaba relacionado con la parte del
sonido, no del internet, por lo que no me preocupé.
No sé cómo aportar más datos al respecto, pero si me lo indicas lo haré
con gusto. Como es evidente, mis conocimientos en materia de informática
son muy limitados.

Lo que intenté para solucionar el problema fue, en primer lugar,
instalar distintas distribuciones 

Re: Debian 9 tftp issue

2017-11-22 Thread Catalin Soare
Thank you for that!
Now I can indeed see the files requested by my tests.

Now the funny part is that I've decided to try a VM again, and boot a file. And that worked!

However, I can still not test to get a file, even with the tftp-hpa client
on the machine where I'm hosting the VM.
Anyway, thank you guys very much! Maybe with time and experiments I'll
figure it out :)

Catalin Soare

On Nov 22, 2017 23:15, "Ulf Volmer"  wrote:

> On 22.11.2017 22:03, Catalin Soare wrote:
> > However, this means that even though tftpd-hpa is running, it's not
> > bound to the port 69? Or at least it's not "listening"; this seems to be
> > what the netstat output is saying (there's no "listening" on the line
> > with tftpd).
> That's normal behavior for netstat and UDP ports. My nameserver for
> example:
> tcp0  0*
>LISTEN  25 13544  3208/named
> udp0  0*
>25 13543  3208/named
> > Any ideas if I might have to do any additional configuration for
> > tftpd-hpa? Or maybe use another tftpd server that has some logging that
> > I could rely on?
> You can add (multiple) -v switches to TFTP_OPTIONS for turning on more
> verbose logging.
> best regards
> Ulf

HTML5 problem

2017-11-22 Thread Maureen L Thomas
I cannot view any HTML 5 video in Firefox.  I have the latest version 
from just a few days ago and still no HTML 5.  I am so tired of this 
crap.  I have tried various ad ons with no luck.  I have the latest 
Debian version and the newest version of Firefox.  What the hell have I 
done wrong this time?


Fwd: Re: Problema con conexión a internet

2017-11-22 Thread 87agpkyni3t4pb6bxaap
Una cosa por que no provaste el comando lspci sin argumentos para saber que 
suelte el tipo de targeta de red que tienes i de modo que se pueda parchear el 

Re: Problema con conexión a internet

2017-11-22 Thread Felix Perez
El 22 de noviembre de 2017, 15:41, Alan  escribió:
> Saludos, lista. Desde hace tiempo tengo problemas en un viejo PC. Instalé
> variedad de distribuciones GNU/Linux y el internet funciona. Apago el PC o
> reinicio y ya no es posible conectarse. La "solución" es desenchufar y
> volver a conectar para que se arregle.

A que llamas "viejo" 1,2,3.. 10 años, ¿Qué hardware? ¿Desenchufar y
volever a conectar qué?¿Versión de Debian?

> Curiosamente en el Windows -que aún no le quité por el problema, dejándolo
> como dual boot- el internet siempre anda bien, pero si entro a Debian y
> luego de nuevo a Windows, no me es posible usar el internet sin desenchufar
> el PC.
> El comando "lspci -vmmnn" arroja lo siguiente en cuanto al controlador de
> ethernet:
> Slot:00:12.0
> Class:Ethernet controller [0200]
> Vendor:VIA Technologies, Inc. [1106]
> Device:VT6102/VT6103 [Rhine-II] [3065]
> SVendor:Elitegroup Computer Systems [1019]
> SDevice:VT6102/VT6103 [Rhine-II] [0102]
¿Están bien instalados los módulos VIA?

Esa tarjeta de red funciona muy bien en debian, ¿Supongo es la
integrada? ya que creo que también había unas PCI.

> Busqué información en internet pero no encontré nada que sirviera, y otras
> opciones no las pude probar por necesitar programas que ya no se encuentran
> en los repositorios de Debian (modconf, por ejemplo).

¿Qué hiciste, probaste?

> ¿Alguien de la lista conoce alguna solución o se le ocurre algo que pueda
> probar?

Perdón pero los poderes psiquicos no los ocupo en la lista.

> Muchas gracias
> PD: No sé si tenga que ver, creo que no pero por las dudas lo consulto. En
> la carga del sistema, tanto cuando el internet como cuando no, me aparece un
> mensaje indicando "mpu-401 device not found or device busy".

¿Supongo sabes de que se trata MPU?

Debes aportar más datos.

usuario linux  #274354
normas de la lista:
como hacer preguntas inteligentes:

Re: Debian 9 tftp issue

2017-11-22 Thread Ulf Volmer
On 22.11.2017 22:03, Catalin Soare wrote:
> However, this means that even though tftpd-hpa is running, it's not
> bound to the port 69? Or at least it's not "listening"; this seems to be
> what the netstat output is saying (there's no "listening" on the line
> with tftpd).

That's normal behavior for netstat and UDP ports. My nameserver for example:

tcp0  0*
   LISTEN  25 13544  3208/named
udp0  0*
   25 13543  3208/named

> Any ideas if I might have to do any additional configuration for
> tftpd-hpa? Or maybe use another tftpd server that has some logging that
> I could rely on?

You can add (multiple) -v switches to TFTP_OPTIONS for turning on more
verbose logging.

best regards

Re: Debian 9 tftp issue

2017-11-22 Thread Catalin Soare
On Nov 22, 2017 22:42, "Ulf Volmer"  wrote:

On 22.11.2017 21:24, Catalin Soare wrote:

> udp0  0 
>*   1117/in.tftpd

> :~$ nc -vz lab 69
>  [] 69 (?) : Connection
> refused

As you can see in the netstat output, tftpd is using UDP but your netcat
tool tries to connect to 69/tcp. add -u to your nc args.

best regards

Ah, yes you're right! Thanks!
I wasn't checking it correctly!

Now it says the port is open. This rules out the firewall.

However, this means that even though tftpd-hpa is running, it's not bound
to the port 69? Or at least it's not "listening"; this seems to be what the
netstat output is saying (there's no "listening" on the line with tftpd).

Any ideas if I might have to do any additional configuration for tftpd-hpa?
Or maybe use another tftpd server that has some logging that I could rely

Catalin Soare

Re: Debian 9 tftp issue

2017-11-22 Thread Glenn English
On Wed, Nov 22, 2017 at 8:24 PM, Catalin Soare  wrote:

> Does anybody know what's happening here? What I should check?


Glenn English

Re: Debian 9 tftp issue

2017-11-22 Thread Ulf Volmer
On 22.11.2017 21:24, Catalin Soare wrote:

> udp        0      0              
>*                           1117/in.tftpd       

> :~$ nc -vz lab 69
>  [] 69 (?) : Connection
> refused

As you can see in the netstat output, tftpd is using UDP but your netcat
tool tries to connect to 69/tcp. add -u to your nc args.

best regards

Re: ny greylisting-demon med några förbättringar

2017-11-22 Thread Per Eric Rosén

Intressant, tack för att du delade med dig :)
Själv kör jag postfix, men jag antar att man kan köra den som ett milter?
Eller ska man avvakta tills postfix är supporterat?


I exim anropas greylisting av olika slag från en ACL genom att skicka en 
rad med data kuvert-data till en socket (lokal eller TCP), och sen få en 
rad till svar, till exempel grey|black|white. Så också för ddgrey.

Det används IIRC för några andra MTA också.

Postfix verkar ( skicka 
ett antal rader med key=value, och sen skicka en rad key=value. Det borde 
gå rätt lätt att en version av och i ddgrey som tar emot data enligt postfix 
support. För bästa stöd bör det också finnas en modul som kan läsa 
postfix händelselogg för att få information om mail levererades, klassades 
som spam, gick till okänd mottagere etc. Alltså en version på

Så det behövs nog lite anpassning för Postfix, men inget oöverkomligt. Jag 
har inte erfarenhet av postfix själv, men skriver upp det på TODO. Om du 
någon mer postfix-van admin vill testa att göra en sådan modul är såklart 
patchar eller pull request välkomna :-)

/Per Eric
^): Per Eric Rosén
/ GPG 7A7A BD68 ADC0 01E1 F560 79FD 33D1 1EC3 1EBB 7311

Re: software to do drawings of houses, gardens, etc.

2017-11-22 Thread Tom Furie
On Wed, Nov 22, 2017 at 01:01:57PM -0500, Doug wrote:

> install some kind of sound, and PCLOS doesn't know what to do with that. If
> there is an Ubuntu version then it should certainly install in Debian, which
> INVENTED the .deb system. Try it--the

The advice to not install an Ubuntu package on a Debian system is not
about any problem with the packaging system, it's about the differences
between the distributions.


Not for human consumption.

Description: Digital signature

Re: cups config for Brother HL-L2340DW

2017-11-22 Thread Pierre Frenkiel

On Wed, 22 Nov 2017, arne wrote:

Did yo install the file brother-HLL2340D-cups-en.ppd?

 I would be  glad to use it, but it is not listed in the download page
 (the is no HL-Lxxx or HLLxx ppd). Where did you find it?

best regards,
Pierre Frenkiel

Debian 9 tftp issue

2017-11-22 Thread Catalin Soare
Hello everyone,

I am trying to setup a PXE server on a computer on which I've just
installed Debian 9.2.

So I've installed tftpd-hpa, and left the configuration as it was:

But, I can't connect to port 69, from other computers. I'm getting a timeout

This seems very strange, since I can see the tftp service in netstat:

:~$ sudo netstat -tulpn
Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address   Foreign Address State
 PID/Program name
tcp0  0*   LISTEN
tcp0  0*   LISTEN
tcp6   0  0 :::22   :::*LISTEN
tcp6   0  0 ::1:25  :::*LISTEN
udp0  0*
udp0  0*
udp0  0*
 465/avahi-daemon: r
udp0  0*
udp0  0*
 465/avahi-daemon: r
udp6   0  0 :::52077:::*
465/avahi-daemon: r
udp6   0  0 :::5353 :::*
465/avahi-daemon: r

The firewall was left with its defaults on this computer:

:~$ sudo iptables -L -nv
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT 968 packets, 96829 bytes)
 pkts bytes target prot opt in out source

Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes)
 pkts bytes target prot opt in out source

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT 525 packets, 129K bytes)
 pkts bytes target prot opt in out source

However, if I check the ports from other computers, it seems that nothing's
listening there:

:~$ nc -vz lab 69 [] 69 (?) : Connection refused
:~$ nc -vz lab 22 [] 22 (ssh) open

But, if I try to connect from localhost, I can get a test file that I've
created in /srv/tftp/:

:~$ echo "get hello.txt" | tftp
tftp> Received 7 bytes in 0.0 seconds

Does anybody know what's happening here? What I should check?
Please help me with any suggestions or ideas you might have.

Thank you,

*Catalin Soare *

Re: traceroute qui se perd

2017-11-22 Thread Étienne Mollier
Erratum :
> on se heurte à

Erreur d'interprétation de ma part, c'est qui ne
répond pas à la dernière sonde. répond bien
puisqu'on sait qu'il est là à la première passe.

Merci pour l'aide involontaire de Ph. Gras qui avec sa remarque
complémentaire m'a mis la puce à l'oreille :

Ph. Gras, le 2017-11-22 :
> J'ai lu quelque part sur le Web que c'est normal, les serveurs
> n'étant pas obligés de répondre à la requête.

À plus,
Étienne Mollier 

[CONTRIBUIÇÃO] - Desabilitar touchpad no Linux sem instalar nada

2017-11-22 Thread Henrique Fagundes


Gostaria de contribuir com a comunidade com essa dica:

Habilitando e desabilitando o touchpad com script + atalho do teclado.

Abraços e obrigado a todos!


Henrique Fagundes
Skype: magnata-br-rj
Linux User: 475399
Participe do Grupo Aprendendo Linux!forum/portal-aprendendo-linux

Ou envie um e-mail para:

Re: cups config for Brother HL-L2340DW

2017-11-22 Thread Ric Moore

On 11/22/2017 02:26 PM, Siard wrote:

Pierre Frenkiel:

[...] but no way with CUPS.

Did you try the CUPSwrapper driver for your model supplied by Brother

I have a similar driver for another Brother model, and it works fine
with it.

Agreed, once you figure out their driver install system, it works just 
fine. But, I'm using USB to avoid adding wifi to the problem. I also 
installed Gutenprint, which it seems to like. Ric

My father, Victor Moore (Vic) used to say:
"There are two Great Sins in the world...
..the Sin of Ignorance, and the Sin of Stupidity.
Only the former may be overcome." R.I.P. Dad.

Re: Pas de ping sur un poste particulier

2017-11-22 Thread Stephane Bortzmeyer
On Wed, Nov 22, 2017 at 01:24:15PM +0100,
 Pierre L.  wrote 
 a message of 70 lines which said:

> Je partage effectivement ce point de vue, un "homeg.lan" devrait
> très largement suffire pour son réseau perso...

Pour un réseau personnel, en effet, je m'en fiche, mais on voit des
gens faire cela pour le réseau d'une école, d'une entreprise ou d'une
association, et ce sera leur successeur·e qui devra gérer cette faute,

> En regardant par curiosité sur OVH, je n'aperçois pas la possibilité
> d'acheter un nom en .lan par exemple.

Oui, enfin, si on veut savoir si .lan est délégué, regarder via OVH
n'est certainement pas la bonne solution. Il y a des tas de TLD qu'OVH
ne vend pas. Il faut regarder la liste officielle
 ou, bien sûr, le DNS :

% dig SOA lan
   N'existe pas
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NXDOMAIN, id: 8568

Rien entre .lamer et .lancaster :
lamer.  10800 IN NSEC lancaster. NS DS RRSIG NSEC

Mais que .lan existe aujourd'hui ou pas est un détail. C'est le futur,
le problème.

Re: Pas de ping sur un poste particulier

2017-11-22 Thread Stephane Bortzmeyer
On Wed, Nov 22, 2017 at 09:48:45AM +,
 Eric Degenetais  wrote 
 a message of 72 lines which said:

> Un autre nom sur le même tld devrait fonctionner normalement


> ou est-ce que je rate quelque chose ?

Oui, le fait que le DNS est arborescent (un .lan délégué par la racine
efface tous les LAN en dessous).

Re: Pas de ping sur un poste particulier

2017-11-22 Thread Stephane Bortzmeyer
On Wed, Nov 22, 2017 at 09:58:26AM +0100,
 Pierre L.  wrote 
 a message of 63 lines which said:

> Si toutefois quelqu'un venait à acheter ce domaine "homeg.lan",

Non, le risque est que quelqu'un achète le TLD .lan (pas délégué à
l'heure actuelle).

> Sorti de cette éventualité qui me parait assez peu probable,

Des collisions se sont déjà produites avec des TLD nouvellement
créés. C'est plus que probable, ça s'est déjà fait !



Re: traceroute qui se perd

2017-11-22 Thread Ph. Gras
Hello :-)

> J'ai un souci avec certains sites depuis ce matin :,, 
> (timed out dans le navigateur)

> 10 (  34.738 ms  34.703 ms  36.468 ms
> 11  * * *

> 29  * * *
> 30  * * *
> Pareil depuis mon serveur et même si je passe par ma box directement en WiFi.
> Sosh me répond qu'il y a un souci chez moi...
> Qu'est ce qui pourrait expliquer le problème ?
> --

J'ai lu quelque part sur le Web que c'est normal, les serveurs n'étant pas 
obligés de répondre à la requête.

Ça m'arrive fréquemment aussi, en particulier quand je demande des trucs qui 
passent par, etc.

Ph. Gras

Re: cups config for Brother HL-L2340DW

2017-11-22 Thread arne
On Wed, 22 Nov 2017 19:52:59 +0100 (CET)
Pierre Frenkiel  wrote:

> hi,
> For the first time in my life, I was unable to configure a printer for
> Linux,
> Before trying to replace it, I'm curious to know whether
> somebody could make it(or a similar model) to work.
> I had no problem with the wifi config. and no problem also when
> printing from Windows, but no way with CUPS.  Of course, I looked at
> Google, and tried several protocols, but none worked. 
> Has anybody an idea?
> best regards,


Did yo install the file brother-HLL2340D-cups-en.ppd?

I have my Brother-HLL2340DW working with it, Debian Stretch.


Re: cups config for Brother HL-L2340DW

2017-11-22 Thread Jape Person
On 11/22/2017 01:52 PM, Pierre Frenkiel wrote:
> hi,
> For the first time in my life, I was unable to configure a printer for
> Linux,

Which GNU/Linux? Debian? If so, you should specify whether
you're using a release or testing or unstable. It could make a
difference, particularly with respect to the drivers available
in CUPS.

> Before trying to replace it, I'm curious to know whether
> somebody could make it(or a similar model) to work.
> I had no problem with the wifi config. and no problem also when printing
> from Windows, but no way with CUPS.  Of course, I looked at Google,
> and tried several protocols, but none worked. 
> Has anybody an idea?

Since you didn't say exactly what you tried, it's hard to know
what to suggest.

I'm sure most people just download and install the drivers that
Brother supplies on their support site. However, those are a
real mess, IMO. But they do work.

Let me suggest an alternate strategy if you wish to avoid using
the Brother drivers. I have a Brother MFC-9340CDW. It, like your
HL-L2340DW, is not listed in CUPS. I just use the CUPS driver
for the MFC-9320CW. Works like a charm, but for the printing
functions only. I use a Brother applet on my Android phone for
handling scanning. This allows me to use the printer and the
scanner without installing the driver package from Brother.

I notice there's a driver for the HL-L2320D or similar listed in
CUPS and in the system-config-printer utility. You could try
setting that as the driver for your printer. Can't hurt to try.

BTW, I'm using Debian testing. If you're using one of the named
releases, then CUPS may have fewer driver choices available for
you to try. Just try the driver whose supported model number
comes closest to your printer's model number.

My printer is actually supposed to be driverless, but Brother
screwed up (apparently) on its firmware so that it reports the
wrong resolution when queried by the system. This functionality
has to be disabled on my printer in order for me to be able to
use an alternate driver without having the printer show up twice
in CUPS or systems-config-printer.

If none of this applies to your situation, you'll probably need
to provide a great deal more information about things like which
OS (exactly) and desktop environment you are using. Also, you
should specify whether you are connecting to the printer
directly or via a router. I'm assuming it's a wireless
connection of one type or the other, since you mentioned
wireless configuration.

> best regards,

Good luck!

Re: cups config for Brother HL-L2340DW

2017-11-22 Thread Siard
Pierre Frenkiel:
> [...] but no way with CUPS.

Did you try the CUPSwrapper driver for your model supplied by Brother

I have a similar driver for another Brother model, and it works fine
with it.

Re: traceroute qui se perd

2017-11-22 Thread Étienne Mollier
Migrec, le 2017-11-22 :
> J'ai un souci avec certains sites depuis ce matin :,
>, (timed out dans le navigateur)
> Pas de ping (paquets perdus) et un traceroute qui ressemble à
> ça :
> michel@basket:/$ traceroute
> traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
> 10 (  34.738 ms  34.703 ms  36.468 ms
> 11  * * *
> 12  * * *
> 30  * * *
> Pareil depuis mon serveur et même si je passe par ma box
> directement en WiFi.
> Sosh me répond qu'il y a un souci chez moi...
> Qu'est ce qui pourrait expliquer le problème ?

Bonjour Migrec,

Je n'ai pas d'explication pour les timeouts dans le navigateur,
mais une hypothèse pour le traceroute.  Par défaut, cette
commande utilise des paquets UDP pour sonder les routeurs
bordant le chemin allant de la machine source à la machine cible.
Or, un certain nombre de matériels sont succeptibles de ne pas
transmettre l'UDP dans leurs règles de pare-feu.

En utilisant la méthode par défaut, on se heurte à,
puis les sondes partent en timeout :

$ traceroute -N1 -z0.5 -w10
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
 1  box (  0.265 ms  0.248 ms  0.236 ms
11 (  12.213 ms  11.867 ms 14.211 ms
12  * * *^C

En utilisant une autre méthode, à base de paquets ICMP par
exemple (ça marche aussi avec TCP), le matériel est
assez aimable pour laisser passer les sondes :

$ sudo traceroute -N1 -z0.5 -I -w10
 1  box (  0.257 ms  0.248 ms  0.262 ms
11 (  13.499 ms  11.823 ms 13.152 ms
12 (  15.084 ms  11.993 ms 13.992 ms

On voit d'ailleurs que est accessible juste après avoir
franchi ce Cerbère.  :)

La lecture du manuel de traceroute est très instructive à ce
sujet :

$ man traceroute

Bonne lecture,
Étienne Mollier 

Re: cups config for Brother HL-L2340DW

2017-11-22 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI
On 22-11-2017 16:52, Pierre Frenkiel wrote:
> hi,
> For the first time in my life, I was unable to configure a printer for
> Linux,
> Before trying to replace it, I'm curious to know whether
> somebody could make it(or a similar model) to work.
> I had no problem with the wifi config. and no problem also when printing
> from Windows, but no way with CUPS.  Of course, I looked at Google,
> and tried several protocols, but none worked. Has anybody an idea?

This printer requires proprietary drivers, but they work well. Did you
try installing the drivers from

Coding is easy;  All you do is sit staring at a terminal until the drops
of blood form on your forehead.


cups config for Brother HL-L2340DW

2017-11-22 Thread Pierre Frenkiel

For the first time in my life, I was unable to configure a printer for
Before trying to replace it, I'm curious to know whether
somebody could make it(or a similar model) to work.
I had no problem with the wifi config. and no problem also when printing
from Windows, but no way with CUPS.  Of course, I looked at Google,
and tried several protocols, but none worked. 
Has anybody an idea?

best regards,
Pierre Frenkiel

Re: (deb-cat) GRUB2, BIOS, LBA, mdadm

2017-11-22 Thread Narcis Garcia
Després de fer diversitat de proves amb els discs com a 32GiB de mida:

- La mateixa distribució amb el sistema de fitxers Ext3 falla igual.
- Amb una sola partició primària Ext4 de 10GB al primer disc dur, FUNCIONA.
- Amb dues particions primàries Ext4 al primer disc dur:
  (/boot de 1GB, arrel de 10GB) Falla amb el mateix missatge.

És a dir, que el problema no sembla tenir a veure amb la mida de les
particions, ni amb el RAID.

I'm using this express-made address because personal addresses aren't
masked enough at this mail public archive. Public archive administrator
should fix this against automated addresses collectors.
El 21/11/17 a les 20:48, Narcis Garcia ha escrit:
> Estic posant a punt Debian 8 en un ordinador amb processador «Intel
> Pentium MMX» a 200MHz.
> La BIOS no reconeix discs més grans de 32GiB, i n'hi he posat 3 de 80GB
> que permeten limitar per maquinari la mida anunciada, a 32GiB. Així la
> BIOS arrenca l'ordinador admetent tots els discs durs.
> Al DebianInstaller, però, el partidor reconeix que els discs són de 80GB
> i els particiona i formateja sense problema. Aleshores he establert la
> següent configuració de disc:
> /dev/sda1: Partició primària d'1GB, ext4, per a muntar /boot
> /dev/sda2: Partició primària de la resta, volum per a RAID
> /dev/sdb1: Partició primària d'1GB, no utilitzada
> /dev/sdb2: Partició primària de la resta, volum per a RAID
> /dev/sdc1: Partició primària d'1GB, no utilitzada
> /dev/sdc2: Partició primària de la resta, volum per a RAID
> /dev/md0: RAID0 amb els 3 volums, formatat a ext4, per a l'arrel.
> La resta de procés d'instal·lació ha estat llarguíssima, evidentment a
> causa del processador. Al final li he fet instal·lar GRUB a /dev/sda
> En reiniciar cap a disc dur, es queda amb:
> error: unknown filesystem.
> Entering rescue mode...
> grub rescue>
> Si provo:
> grub rescue> ls
> (hd0) (hd0,msdos1) (hd0,msdos2) (hd1) (hd1,msdos1) (hd1,msdos2) (hd2)
> (hd2,msdos1) (hd2,msdos2)
> Si provo:
> grub rescue> ls (hd0,msdos1)/
> (hd0,msdos1): Filesystem is unknown.
> [igualment si provo amb qualsevol dels altres volums]
> Ja he provat a iniciar amb el Live-CD (standard) de Debian 8, fer chroot
> i "update-grub" + "grub-install /dev/sda" però el resultat sempre és el
> mateix: GRUB2 és l'únic que no reconeix ni tan sols la partició /boot
> dun sol gigabyte a l'inici del primer disc.
> Algú pot donar idees a provar?
> Gràcies.

Problema con conexión a internet

2017-11-22 Thread Alan
Saludos, lista. Desde hace tiempo tengo problemas en un viejo PC.
Instalé variedad de distribuciones GNU/Linux y el internet funciona.
Apago el PC o reinicio y ya no es posible conectarse. La "solución" es
desenchufar y volver a conectar para que se arregle.
Curiosamente en el Windows -que aún no le quité por el problema,
dejándolo como dual boot- el internet siempre anda bien, pero si entro a
Debian y luego de nuevo a Windows, no me es posible usar el internet sin
desenchufar el PC.
El comando "lspci -vmmnn" arroja lo siguiente en cuanto al controlador
de ethernet:

Slot:    00:12.0
Class:    Ethernet controller [0200]
Vendor:    VIA Technologies, Inc. [1106]
Device:    VT6102/VT6103 [Rhine-II] [3065]
SVendor:    Elitegroup Computer Systems [1019]
SDevice:    VT6102/VT6103 [Rhine-II] [0102]

Busqué información en internet pero no encontré nada que sirviera, y
otras opciones no las pude probar por necesitar programas que ya no se
encuentran en los repositorios de Debian (modconf, por ejemplo).
¿Alguien de la lista conoce alguna solución o se le ocurre algo que
pueda probar?

Muchas gracias

PD: No sé si tenga que ver, creo que no pero por las dudas lo consulto.
En la carga del sistema, tanto cuando el internet como cuando no, me
aparece un mensaje indicando "mpu-401 device not found or device busy".

Re: ny greylisting-demon med några förbättringar

2017-11-22 Thread Jonathan Sélea
Intressant, tack för att du delade med dig :)
Själv kör jag postfix, men jag antar att man kan köra den som ett milter?
Eller ska man avvakta tills postfix är supporterat?


On 2017-11-22 19:00, Per Eric Rosén wrote:
> [shameless plug ...]
> Jag använder som så många andra admin för e-post greylisting - ett
> sätt för att bekämpa spam i ett första led och minska belastningen på
> spamassassin eller andra mer detaljerade senare system för
> klassificering.
> Jag upplevde att befintlig mjukvara är något fyrkantig - den ger samma
> fördröjning innan första mail per avsändare accepteras, oavsett om
> sändande server är betrodd eller ej.
> Därför har jag skrivit ett verktyg - ddgrey - för greylisting som ska
> stoppa fler spam och släppa igenom legitim e-post snabbare. Det
> analyserar e-postloggen och ger kortare eller längre väntetid beroende
> på om e-post klassades som spam. Det använder också några utvalda
> DNS-baserade listor för servrars rykte, och kan använda information
> från spamfällor eller manuella rapporter. Om du har flera
> e-postservrar kan du köra ddgrey på samtliga och dela data mellan dem
> om hur pålitliga olika servrar är.
> Vill du provköra? Vore roligt, och kom gärna med synpunkter / förslag
> / buggrapporter. Du behöver installera med "make install" och redigera
> ett par rader konfiguration enligt instruktioner i README.
> Programmet är inte paketerat som debianpaket, men provat i oldstable
> debian och bör i dagsläget fungera enklast med exim. Det är i tidig
> beta - jag har använt det skarpt med framgång på egna servrar i ett
> halvår, men det lär naturligtvis finnas en hel del att lära av
> användning på andra system eller instruktionerna faktiskt är förståeliga.
> Fri mjukvara enligt GPL 3, och finns att hämta här:
> Tekniska detaljer: skriven i perl baserat på entråds icke-blockerande IO.
> Använder bara vanliga perlmoduler från debian inklusive SQLite.
> /Per Eric
> -- 
> ^): Per Eric Rosén
> / GPG 7A7A BD68 ADC0 01E1 F560 79FD 33D1 1EC3 1EBB 7311

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

upper limit size for loopback storage

2017-11-22 Thread FHDATA


i am creating a test 400mb loopback storage:

# dd if=/dev/zero of=/jnkdsk  bs=400M  count=1
# losetup  /dev/loop1 /jnkdsk
# mkfs.ext4 /dev/loop1
# mount /dev/loop1 /mnt/jnkdsk

in day to day usage of loopback storage
in terms of I/O performance, susceptibility
to data corruption ,etc,etc   what is
the upper limit size after which it's not
recommended to use loopback storage?

thank you,

Re: Identifying needed wifi driver

2017-11-22 Thread Richard Owlett

On 11/22/2017 09:24 AM, David Wright wrote:

On Wed 22 Nov 2017 at 08:06:21 (-0600), Richard Owlett wrote:

I had installed Stretch from a DVD set.
It prompted for a WiFi driver which I did not have.
I made a handwritten which is not completely legible [iwlwifi is legible].
I've not _intentionally_ deleted any log files.
Where would the desired information be?

# grep firmware /var/log/installer/syslog

iwlwifi would be a likely candidate. The firmware packages
contain numerous iwlwifi-*-[0-9].ucode files.

One line of the output is:
Oct 17 17:38:39 check-missing-firmware: missing firmware files 
(iwlwifi-6000-4.ucode) for iwlwifi

That is consistent with the barely legible portion of my handwritten note.

Thank you.

Re: Identifying needed wifi driver

2017-11-22 Thread Richard Owlett

On 11/22/2017 08:15 AM, Jeroen Mathon wrote:

Could you run `lspci` and send us the output?

No mention of anything "wifi".
My reading of the man page suggests that it's information is derived 
from the device driver -- no driver implies information available.

On 11/22/2017 03:06 PM, Richard Owlett wrote:

I had installed Stretch from a DVD set.
It prompted for a WiFi driver which I did not have.
I made a handwritten which is not completely legible [iwlwifi is
I've not _intentionally_ deleted any log files.
Where would the desired information be?

ny greylisting-demon med några förbättringar

2017-11-22 Thread Per Eric Rosén

[shameless plug ...]

Jag använder som så många andra admin för e-post greylisting - ett sätt 
för att bekämpa spam i ett första led och minska belastningen på 
spamassassin eller andra mer detaljerade senare system för klassificering.

Jag upplevde att befintlig mjukvara är något fyrkantig - den ger samma 
fördröjning innan första mail per avsändare accepteras, oavsett om 
sändande server är betrodd eller ej.

Därför har jag skrivit ett verktyg - ddgrey - för greylisting som ska 
stoppa fler spam och släppa igenom legitim e-post snabbare. Det analyserar 
e-postloggen och ger kortare eller längre väntetid beroende på om e-post 
klassades som spam. Det använder också några utvalda DNS-baserade listor 
för servrars rykte, och kan använda information från spamfällor eller 
manuella rapporter. Om du har flera e-postservrar kan du köra ddgrey på 
samtliga och dela data mellan dem om hur pålitliga olika servrar är.

Vill du provköra? Vore roligt, och kom gärna med synpunkter / förslag / 
buggrapporter. Du behöver installera med "make install" och redigera ett 
par rader konfiguration enligt instruktioner i README.

Programmet är inte paketerat som debianpaket, men provat i oldstable 
debian och bör i dagsläget fungera enklast med exim. Det är i tidig beta - 
jag har använt det skarpt med framgång på egna servrar i ett halvår, men 
det lär naturligtvis finnas en hel del att lära av användning på andra 
system eller instruktionerna faktiskt är förståeliga.

Fri mjukvara enligt GPL 3, och finns att hämta här:

Tekniska detaljer: skriven i perl baserat på entråds icke-blockerande IO.
Använder bara vanliga perlmoduler från debian inklusive SQLite.

/Per Eric
^): Per Eric Rosén
/ GPG 7A7A BD68 ADC0 01E1 F560 79FD 33D1 1EC3 1EBB 7311

Re: software to do drawings of houses, gardens, etc.

2017-11-22 Thread Doug

On 11/22/2017 05:36 AM, Anil Duggirala wrote:

On Tue, Nov 21, 2017, at 10:02 PM, Doug wrote:

On 11/21/2017 05:04 PM, Emanuel Berg wrote:

Kent West wrote:

I've recently discovered sweethome3d, and
have enjoyed designing a new house
for myself.

  CAD Software Free Download | DRAFTSIGHT™ - Dassault Systèmes®
February /2017/: This is a very critical hotfix. All customers who 
downloaded /DraftSight/ between 2012 to /2017/ must install this 
hotfix to avoid usage interruptions .

DraftSight is proprietary software with various limitations. They only 
provide a package for Ubuntu and Fedora, I would not attempt 
installing that on Debian as is. Librecad or Qcad are the best options 
to my knowledge.
The only limitation I know of is against using it for business. For home 
use, no problem. Install on PCLOS (rpm version) works. You must use "no 
deps" in the command, because it wants to
install some kind of sound, and PCLOS doesn't know what to do with that. 
If there is an Ubuntu version then it should certainly install in 
Debian, which INVENTED the .deb system. Try it--the
AutoCad commands may be useful if you ever get into a business situation 
where AutoCad is the primary 2D program. Of course, you CAN use it for 
business--you just have to buy it. It is

VERY MUCH cheaper than any version of AutoCad!

--doug (retired RF engineer)

Does not Debian support mobile broadband anymore?

2017-11-22 Thread wglxy
Hi, everyone,

Since my Debian testing was upgraded on Oct 29, the mobile broadband in my 
laptop could not be used. The mobile broadband is missing in the 
network-manager UI, and wvdialconf can not configure the broadband either. The 
message of wvdialconf is as below,

Editing `/etc/wvdial.conf'.

Scanning your serial ports for a modem.

ttyS0<*1>: ATQ0 V1 E1 -- failed with 2400 baud, next try: 9600 baud
ttyS0<*1>: ATQ0 V1 E1 -- failed with 9600 baud, next try: 115200 baud
ttyS0<*1>: ATQ0 V1 E1 -- and failed too at 115200, giving up.
Modem Port Scan<*1>: S1   S2   S3   
WvModem<*1>: Cannot get information for serial port.
ttyUSB0<*1>: ATQ0 V1 E1 -- [01]
ttyUSB0<*1>: failed with 2400 baud, next try: 9600 baud
ttyUSB0<*1>: ATQ0 V1 E1 -- [01]
ttyUSB0<*1>: failed with 9600 baud, next try: 9600 baud
ttyUSB0<*1>: ATQ0 V1 E1 -- [01]
ttyUSB0<*1>: and failed too at 115200, giving up.

Sorry, no modem was detected!  Is it in use by another program?
Did you configure it properly with setserial?

Please read the FAQ at

My laptop is Thinkpad X1 Carbon 5th, and its mobile broadband device is Sierra 
Wireless EM7455. This function works fine before the upgrading. 

Does not Debian support mobile broadband anymore? Or who known how to resolve 
this problem? Thank you very much!

Best regards,

Re: Identifying needed wifi driver

2017-11-22 Thread David Wright
On Wed 22 Nov 2017 at 08:06:21 (-0600), Richard Owlett wrote:
> I had installed Stretch from a DVD set.
> It prompted for a WiFi driver which I did not have.
> I made a handwritten which is not completely legible [iwlwifi is legible].
> I've not _intentionally_ deleted any log files.
> Where would the desired information be?

# grep firmware /var/log/installer/syslog

iwlwifi would be a likely candidate. The firmware packages
contain numerous iwlwifi-*-[0-9].ucode files.


traceroute qui se perd

2017-11-22 Thread Migrec


J'ai un souci avec certains sites depuis ce matin :,, (timed out dans le navigateur)

Pas de ping (paquets perdus) et un traceroute qui ressemble à ça :
michel@basket:/$ traceroute
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
 1  canoe.homeg.lan (  1.043 ms  1.026 ms  2.092 ms
 2 (  2.104 ms  2.102 ms  2.098 ms
 3 (  14.265 ms  19.098 ms  19.140 ms
 4 (  
19.107 ms  19.105 ms  20.436 ms
 5 (  
36.031 ms  36.038 ms  36.036 ms
 6 ( 
24.117 ms  22.394 ms  24.154 ms

 7 (  26.564 ms  26.525 ms  26.499 ms
(  28.551 ms 
(  33.187 ms 
(  28.220 ms
 9 (  39.929 ms 39.918 
ms  39.899 ms

10 (  34.738 ms  34.703 ms  36.468 ms
11  * * *
12  * * *
13  * * *
14  * * *
15  * * *
16  * * *
17  * * *
18  * * *
19  * * *
20  * * *
21  * * *
22  * * *
23  * * *
24  * * *
25  * * *
26  * * *
27  * * *
28  * * *
29  * * *
30  * * *

Pareil depuis mon serveur et même si je passe par ma box directement en 

Sosh me répond qu'il y a un souci chez moi...

Qu'est ce qui pourrait expliquer le problème ?

Re: Installer Can Not Find Root

2017-11-22 Thread Dan Norton

-Original Message-
>From: Tom Furie 
>Sent: Nov 22, 2017 5:48 AM
>Subject: Re: Installer Can Not Find Root
>On Tue, Nov 21, 2017 at 09:28:55PM -0500, Dan Norton wrote:
>> > ...and all of Dan's mails to the list...
>> All? How far back?
>That was my error, somehow my fingers typed "list" when my brain was
>thinking "thread".

THAT's a relief :-) I will search for the culprits when I get a little more 
Thanks for letting me know.

>BOFH excuse #185:
>system consumed all the paper for paging

Re: Identifying needed wifi driver

2017-11-22 Thread Jeroen Mathon
Could you run `lspci` and send us the output?

On 11/22/2017 03:06 PM, Richard Owlett wrote:
> I had installed Stretch from a DVD set.
> It prompted for a WiFi driver which I did not have.
> I made a handwritten which is not completely legible [iwlwifi is
> legible].
> I've not _intentionally_ deleted any log files.
> Where would the desired information be?

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Identifying needed wifi driver

2017-11-22 Thread Richard Owlett

I had installed Stretch from a DVD set.
It prompted for a WiFi driver which I did not have.
I made a handwritten which is not completely legible [iwlwifi is legible].
I've not _intentionally_ deleted any log files.
Where would the desired information be?

Re: software to do drawings of houses, gardens, etc.

2017-11-22 Thread Emanuel Berg
Anil Duggirala wrote:

> Librecad or Qcad are the best options to my
> knowledge.


QCad has been removed from wheezy for
depending on qt3 and containing non-
distributable fonts, patterns, libraries,
and documentation.

LibreCAD is the community-maintained qt4
port of QCad and has superseded Qcad in
Debian as the package "librecad".

underground experts united

Re: software to do drawings of houses, gardens, etc.

2017-11-22 Thread Emanuel Berg
Anil Duggirala wrote:

> Librecad or Qcad are the best options to
> my knowledge.

Both are in the repos as well.

underground experts united

Re: Pas de ping sur un poste particulier

2017-11-22 Thread Pierre L.
Je partage effectivement ce point de vue, un "homeg.lan" devrait très
largement suffire pour son réseau perso...
En regardant par curiosité sur OVH, je n'aperçois pas la possibilité
d'acheter un nom en .lan par exemple.

Le 22/11/2017 à 10:48, Eric Degenetais a écrit :
> Vu de moi, le risque est de ne pas pouvoir accéder depuis son LAN aux
> noms qui sont en conflit avec un domaine public déclaré. Un autre nom
> sur le même tld devrait fonctionner normalement, ou est-ce que je rate
> quelque chose ? 
> Si c'est si restreint, avec un petit domaine on se rendra probablement
> facilement compte de la source du problème, non ?

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: como executar script em user normal com "poderes" de root

2017-11-22 Thread Antonio Terceiro
On Wed, Nov 22, 2017 at 10:09:31AM -0200, Antonio Terceiro wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 21, 2017 at 04:51:53PM -0200, Luís Cláudio A. Gama wrote:
> >   Minha pergunta é: tem alguma maneira de fixar ACM0 para o meu dispositivo
> > SAT, que deverá estar sempre conectado ao computador.
> dá uma olhada em
> ali fala de dispositivos USB serial, que parece não ser o seu caso. faz
> tempo que não mexo com dispositivos seriais clássicos, mas vê se você
> não consegue fazer algo parecido, usando atributos do dispositivo pra
> identificar cada um e fazer o udev criar links simbólicos com nome fixo
> pra cada um.

nope, reli sua mensagem e pelos nomes (ttyACM*) são USB serial, então
você deve conseguir fazer exatamente o que tem nesse post aí.

Description: PGP signature

Re: como executar script em user normal com "poderes" de root

2017-11-22 Thread Antonio Terceiro
On Tue, Nov 21, 2017 at 04:51:53PM -0200, Luís Cláudio A. Gama wrote:
>   Minha pergunta é: tem alguma maneira de fixar ACM0 para o meu dispositivo
> SAT, que deverá estar sempre conectado ao computador.

dá uma olhada em

ali fala de dispositivos USB serial, que parece não ser o seu caso. faz
tempo que não mexo com dispositivos seriais clássicos, mas vê se você
não consegue fazer algo parecido, usando atributos do dispositivo pra
identificar cada um e fazer o udev criar links simbólicos com nome fixo
pra cada um.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Installer Can Not Find Root

2017-11-22 Thread Tom Furie
On Tue, Nov 21, 2017 at 09:28:55PM -0500, Dan Norton wrote:

> > ...and all of Dan's mails to the list...

> All? How far back?

That was my error, somehow my fingers typed "list" when my brain was
thinking "thread".


BOFH excuse #185:

system consumed all the paper for paging

Description: Digital signature

Re: vlc se para cuando me llaman al movil

2017-11-22 Thread franiortiz hotmail
On Wed, Nov 22, 2017 at 10:04:14AM +, franiortiz hotmail wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 22, 2017 at 02:32:43AM -0300, Walter O. Dari wrote:
> > El 21/11/17 a las 06:32, franiortiz hotmail escribió:
> > >La cosa es que yo no tengo instalado kdeconnect
> > >aptitude search kdeconnect
> > >p   kdeconnect  - connect smartphones to your KDE 
> > >Plasma
> > >Aunque si que uso kde de vez en cuando como escritorio
> > 
> > Bien, pero no será el programa que utilizas para vincular el móvil con la
> > computadora el que produce ese corte ?
> No hay ningun programa que vincule el pc con móvil (al menos que yo sepa)
> cuando los conecto lo hago por cable o por ssh.
Aunque ahora que lo pienso si tengo un remote vlc (fork), no en el movil, 
pero si  en una tablet, sin tarjeta sim, ni posibilidad de recibir o enviar 
conectada con el vlc del pc, creo  a traves de http-lua. Si no recuerdo mal
el problema de los cortes venia desde antes de instalar el remote vlc, 
no creo que tenga  que ver.

Re: software to do drawings of houses, gardens, etc.

2017-11-22 Thread Anil Duggirala
On Tue, Nov 21, 2017, at 10:02 PM, Doug wrote:
> On 11/21/2017 05:04 PM, Emanuel Berg wrote:
>> Kent West wrote:

>>> I've recently discovered sweethome3d, and have enjoyed designing a
>>> new house for myself.
>> sweethome3d is in my repos but it says it is an "interior" design
>> application and what I need is an "exterior" ditto :)  No sign of
>> DraftSight tho so how would one acquire and install that?  Besides if
>> it is heavy on your boxes I don't think it will even run here.
>> Perhaps I should just do ASCII art in Emacs...

> CAD Software Free Download | DRAFTSIGHT™ - Dassault Systèmes®[1]

> February *2017*: This is a very critical hotfix. All customers who
> downloaded *DraftSight* between 2012 to *2017* must install this
> hotfix to avoid usage interruptions .
DraftSight is proprietary software with various limitations. They only
provide a package for Ubuntu and Fedora, I would not attempt installing
that on Debian as is. Librecad or Qcad are the best options to my


Sound with Intel Baytrail device (Lenovo Ideapad 100S)

2017-11-22 Thread Michael Lange

although sound has been reported to work with this device (e.g. here: ) I am not able to
make it work (with Stretch), maybe someone here has managed to do so and
can give me a hint?

I compiled a 4.14.0 kernel with a .config someone who reported sound to
work sent me, so I assume the drivers are all present and functional.
My prime suspect is the firmware, so I tried and removed the debian
firmware packages and installed the latest Ubuntu linux-firmware package
(1.170) instead, which appears to be more complete (and possibly more
to-date) than its debian counterparts, but still no luck. I also updated
intel-microcode to the latest version from Sid, just in case that matters.

Still when I try to play back some audio file with plain alsa I get an
error like:

$ aplay Noise.wav
Playing WAVE 'Noise.wav' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 48000 Hz,
Mono aplay: set_params:1363: Unable to install hw params:

I also tried to use pulseaudio with the ucm files from
that have been reported to do the trick, but still no luck, PA floods the
syslog with messages like

[   82.649840] intel_sst_acpi 80860F28:00: FW Version 01.0c.00.01
[   82.650272]  Baytrail Audio Port: ASoC: no backend DAIs enabled for
Baytrail Audio Port (...)

The card shows up in /proc/asound/cards but I cannot seem to find a way
to make it work, and it is quite hard to find useful information on the
Does anyone have an idea what I could try next? Is still some firmware
missing or is it rather a configuration issue?

Best regards and TIA


.-.. .. ...- .   .-.. --- -. --.   .- -. -..   .--. .-. --- ... .--. . .-.

I object to intellect without discipline;  I object to power without
constructive purpose.
-- Spock, "The Squire of Gothos", stardate 2124.5

Re: vlc se para cuando me llaman al movil

2017-11-22 Thread franiortiz hotmail

On Wed, Nov 22, 2017 at 02:32:43AM -0300, Walter O. Dari wrote:
> El 21/11/17 a las 06:32, franiortiz hotmail escribió:
> >La cosa es que yo no tengo instalado kdeconnect
> >aptitude search kdeconnect
> >p   kdeconnect  - connect smartphones to your KDE Plasma
> >Aunque si que uso kde de vez en cuando como escritorio
> Bien, pero no será el programa que utilizas para vincular el móvil con la
> computadora el que produce ese corte ?

No hay ningun programa que vincule el pc con móvil (al menos que yo sepa)
cuando los conecto lo hago por cable o por ssh.

Re: Pas de ping sur un poste particulier

2017-11-22 Thread Eric Degenetais
Vu de moi, le risque est de ne pas pouvoir accéder depuis son LAN aux noms
qui sont en conflit avec un domaine public déclaré. Un autre nom sur le
même tld devrait fonctionner normalement, ou est-ce que je rate quelque
chose ?
Si c'est si restreint, avec un petit domaine on se rendra probablement
facilement compte de la source du problème, non ?

Le 22 nov. 2017 9:59 AM, "Pierre L."  a écrit :


Si toutefois quelqu'un venait à acheter ce domaine "homeg.lan", seul
celui-ci pourrait éventuellement bugger depuis ton LAN si tu veux
accéder à la "version en ligne". Sorti de cette éventualité qui me
parait assez peu probable, est-ce vraiment la peine de se trouver un nom
de domaine via les registrars ?
Effectivement si l'admin choisit d'utiliser un domaine existant comme, ca risque de lui poser quelques soucis pour son LAN...

Le 21/11/2017 à 20:29, Stephane Bortzmeyer a écrit :
> ddns-domainname "homeg.lan.";

Re: Pas de ping sur un poste particulier

2017-11-22 Thread Pierre L.

Si toutefois quelqu'un venait à acheter ce domaine "homeg.lan", seul
celui-ci pourrait éventuellement bugger depuis ton LAN si tu veux
accéder à la "version en ligne". Sorti de cette éventualité qui me
parait assez peu probable, est-ce vraiment la peine de se trouver un nom
de domaine via les registrars ?
Effectivement si l'admin choisit d'utiliser un domaine existant comme, ca risque de lui poser quelques soucis pour son LAN...

Le 21/11/2017 à 20:29, Stephane Bortzmeyer a écrit :
> ddns-domainname "homeg.lan.";

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: acceso por ssh permite dos claves distintas... [SOLUCIONADO]

2017-11-22 Thread Walter O. Dari

Omití poner SOLUCIONADO en las respuestas anteriores...


Walter O. Dari

Re: vlc se para cuando me llaman al movil

2017-11-22 Thread Walter O. Dari

El 21/11/17 a las 06:32, franiortiz hotmail escribió:

La cosa es que yo no tengo instalado kdeconnect
aptitude search kdeconnect
p   kdeconnect  - connect smartphones to your KDE Plasma
Aunque si que uso kde de vez en cuando como escritorio

Bien, pero no será el programa que utilizas para vincular el móvil con 
la computadora el que produce ese corte ?

On Mon, Nov 20, 2017 at 07:02:12PM -0300, Walter O. Dari wrote:


El 20/11/17 a las 06:58, franiortiz hotmail escribió:


sobre un hp8300 sff (tambien me ocurria con un lenovo m55)
mi movil es un homtom (tambien me pasaba con el anterior un movil bluboo)
El problema es que reproduzco con vlc un archivo de video sea local o red
(wifi) y
todo bien hasta que me llaman al movil, momento en el que vlc se para y no
vuelve hasta que cuelgo el movil, aveces se queda parado y tengo que darle
play. No se si es cosa del vlc, debian, el pc, el movil, ni idea, muy
Pero llevo ya unos años con estos sintomas y queria saber si a alguien mas

Me pasa y el que se ocupa de silenciar el móvil cuando entra o haces una
llamada es kdeconnect, en mi caso me resulta cómodo porque siempre escucho
música a volumen alto. De esta forma puedo hablar tranquilo y cuando cuelgo
sigo escuchando a full.



Walter O. Dari


Walter O. Dari

Re: Pas de ping sur un poste particulier

2017-11-22 Thread Stephane Ascoet

Le 21/11/2017 à 22:32, Migrec a écrit :

Je voulais simplement dire par là que mon réseau perso comprend un petit
serveur mais qui a besoin d'être nommé en interne avec un FQDN... Qu'est
ce que je peux utiliser comme domaine afin que ça reste "interne" sans
acheter de nom de domaine ?

Bonjour, en plus de la reponse de l'ami Bortzmeyer, il y a aussi des FAI 
qui en fournissent en standard quand tu as un acces chez eux(ceux de la 
FFDN en particulier)

Cordialement, Stephane Ascoet

Re: Installer Can Not Find Root

2017-11-22 Thread Gene Heskett
On Tuesday 21 November 2017 21:28:55 Dan Norton wrote:

> -Original Message-
> >From: Tom Furie 
> >Sent: Nov 21, 2017 3:25 AM
> >To:
> >Subject: Re: Installer Can Not Find Root
> >
> >On Mon, Nov 20, 2017 at 05:47:55PM -0500, Cindy-Sue Causey wrote:
> >> That's weird. I don't see that on my end. The original email looks
> >> as normally expected from Debian lists. :)
> >
> >That's weird. The original mail, and all of Dan's mails to the list,
> > have only a single html part. An incredibly badly constructed html
> > part at that.
> All? How far back?
Since your first post I believe.

> >Cheers,
> >Tom
> I *thought* it was fixed. If this one exhibits some kind of html, let
> me know. This should not occur, even on my wife's lappy, which I'm
> borrowing until I get debian re-installed on my desktop. This being
> written using Earthlink Webmail on 'Doze 10.
>  - Dan

This one is fine. No html. Earthlink is one of the better webmail setups.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Genes Web page 

Re: Pas de ping sur un poste particulier

2017-11-22 Thread Stephane Bortzmeyer
On Tue, Nov 21, 2017 at 10:32:55PM +0100,
 Migrec  wrote 
 a message of 15 lines which said:

> Je voulais simplement dire par là que mon réseau perso comprend un petit
> serveur mais qui a besoin d'être nommé en interne avec un FQDN... Qu'est ce
> que je peux utiliser comme domaine afin que ça reste "interne" sans acheter
> de nom de domaine ?

Sans l'acheter ? Prendre un domaine gratuit