Re: Archivo de configuración de xfce4-weather-plugin en ~/

2018-05-27 Thread Galvatorix Torixgalva
Eso de tener 2 distribuciones (Debian Sid por una parte y Ubuntu Studio por
otra) y el directorio /home compartido con ambas distribuciones no me
parece buena idea, creo recordar que el directorio /home no se puede

Firefox 52 (Buster) is grinding my system to a halt

2018-05-27 Thread Borden Rhodes
Since getting my new laptop and clean-installing Buster, Firefox-ESR
keeps locking my computer up so much that I usually have to hard
restart because the system is totally unresponsive. When I'm lucky, I
can drop into a TTY, kill Firefox and regain control.

According to iotop, I think the offending process is preload.js. This
is consistent with my experience that lock-ups happen more frequently
on JavaScript-heavy sites like Google and Facebook.

I'm pretty sure that these problems will go away with FF 60, but does
anyone have any suggestions on what I can do in the meantime to stop
JavaScript from overtaking my system? I already played around with
hardware acceleration to no effect, although things seem marginally
more stable with it disabled. Yes, I have disabled add-ons. Yes I did
create a new profile and cleared my caches. No effect.

Re: Não consigo enviar e-mails para domínios Hotmail/Outlook/Microsoft

2018-05-27 Thread Joao Mandl
Boa noite,

Tenho percebido alguns cenários semelhantes aos seus.
Já busquei muita coisa na internet mas não encontrei nada também.
Vamos ver se mais alguém relata.

O meu caso é somente com e Hotmail.


On Sun, May 27, 2018 at 9:33 PM Henrique Fagundes <> wrote:

> Prezados Colegas,
> Primeiramente saudações “pinguianas” a todos.
> Estou com um problema relacionado ao postfix que está me tirando do sério.
> Eu consigo entregar meus e-mails para todos os provedores, exceto para os
> de domínio Microsoft (hotmail, outlook, msn).
> Meu postfix está ok, tenho SPF configurado e tal. DNS reverso cadastrado,
> não estou listado em nenhuma black list, está tudo funcional. O banner do
> postfix é igual ao nome da máquina/reverso, mas não vai por nada.
> Essa é a mensagem que tenho nos logs:
> May 27 21:21:41 echelon postfix/pickup[14054]: 1C1C742351: uid=0
> from=
> May 27 21:21:41 echelon postfix/cleanup[14462]: 1C1C742351: message-id=<
> May 27 21:21:41 echelon postfix/qmgr[4529]: 1C1C742351: from=<
>>, size=526, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
> May 27 21:21:42 echelon postfix/smtp[14464]: 1C1C742351: to=<
> delay=1.6, delays=0.02/0.01/0.28/1.3, dsn=2.6.0, status=sent (250 2.6.0 <
> [InternalId=13121125108885, Hostname=
>] 6676 bytes in 0.791,
> 8.242 KB/sec Queued mail for delivery -> 250 2.1.5)
> Pelo que eu entendi, é como se a mensagem tivesse sido “enfileirada” nos
> servidores da microsoft para ser entregue ao destinatário.
> Mas a mensagem simplesmente não chega.
> Vocês tem ideia do que pode ser?
> Essa é a configuração do meu postfix:
> Ficarei muito grato se alguém puder ajudar.
> Atenciosamente,
> Henrique Fagundes
> Skype: magnata-br-rj
> Linux User: 475399
> __
> Participe do Grupo Aprendendo Linux
> Ou envie um e-mail para:

Não consigo enviar e-mails para domínios Hotmail/Outlook/Microsoft

2018-05-27 Thread Henrique Fagundes
Prezados Colegas,

Primeiramente saudações “pinguianas” a todos.
Estou com um problema relacionado ao postfix que está me tirando do sério.

Eu consigo entregar meus e-mails para todos os provedores, exceto para os de 
domínio Microsoft (hotmail, outlook, msn).

Meu postfix está ok, tenho SPF configurado e tal. DNS reverso cadastrado, não 
estou listado em nenhuma black list, está tudo funcional. O banner do postfix é 
igual ao nome da máquina/reverso, mas não vai por nada.

Essa é a mensagem que tenho nos logs:

May 27 21:21:41 echelon postfix/pickup[14054]: 1C1C742351: uid=0 from=
May 27 21:21:41 echelon postfix/cleanup[14462]: 1C1C742351: 
May 27 21:21:41 echelon postfix/qmgr[4529]: 1C1C742351: 
from=, size=526, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
May 27 21:21:42 echelon postfix/smtp[14464]: 1C1C742351: 
to=,[]:25, delay=1.6, 
delays=0.02/0.01/0.28/1.3, dsn=2.6.0, status=sent (250 2.6.0 
[InternalId=13121125108885,] 6676 bytes in 
0.791, 8.242 KB/sec Queued mail for delivery -> 250 2.1.5)

Pelo que eu entendi, é como se a mensagem tivesse sido “enfileirada” nos 
servidores da microsoft para ser entregue ao destinatário.

Mas a mensagem simplesmente não chega.

Vocês tem ideia do que pode ser?

Essa é a configuração do meu postfix:

Ficarei muito grato se alguém puder ajudar.


Henrique Fagundes
Skype: magnata-br-rj
Linux User: 475399
Participe do Grupo Aprendendo Linux!forum/portal-aprendendo-linux

Ou envie um e-mail para:

Re: OT: Tarjeta de sonido pci, cual compro que funcione en Debian

2018-05-27 Thread Diego Cano
Muchas gracias por decirme el chip que usa, me he comprado una via 
internet, estoy a la espera que me llegue.

Recuerda cuando la pongas que habrá que deshabilitar por hard (vía jumper o vía 
BIOS) o por soft (vía ALSA/PULSE/Archivo de conf.) la placa de la MotherBoard

Si esto actualmente lo tengo deshabilitado (ya que no funciona).


El 26/05/18 a las 01:41, eduardo gil escribió:

El chip que tiene la placa BARATITA que compré es un CMI8738
Salió unos U$S 10,--

Recuerda cuando la pongas que habrá que deshabilitar por hard (vía jumper o vía 
BIOS) o por soft (vía ALSA/PULSE/Archivo de conf.) la placa de la MotherBoard


El vie 25-may-18, diego cano  escribió:

  Asunto: Re: OT: Tarjeta de sonido pci, cual compro que funcione en Debian
  Fecha: viernes, 25 de mayo de 2018, 17:33
  Muchas gracias por la

  >>Hace un tiempo a
  una PC de las que tengo también ha tenido un fallo de
  placa, le puse una BARATITA y genérica de unos U$S 10,-- y
  salió andando y sonando como la mejor
  Me podias decir que chip es el que usa  esa

  tarjeta. Porque las que estoy viendo en internet usan estos
  chip CMI8738, CS4281-CM. Es para
  asegurarme que funciona, ya que en mi cuidad en ninguna
  tienda tienen ya pci, solo pci express 1x.
  Muchas gracias de nuevo
  El 25 de mayo de 2018,

  5:17, eduardo gil 
  cualquier placa de sonido funciona bajo LINUX
  Si lo que ttu quieres hacer es sólo un uso

  "hogareño" de la PC entonces cómprate una placa
  genérica y de modelo antiguo (porque las nuevas podrían
  traer algunas rarezas sólo reconocibles por su driver).
  Si tu placa viene con PCI 3.3/5V entonces tampoco tendrás

  limitaciones por parte del hard.
  Hace un tiempo a una PC de las que tengo también ha tenido

  un fallo de placa, le puse una BARATITA y genérica de unos
  U$S 10,-- y salió andando y sonando como la mejor.
  -- --
  El jue 24-may-18, diego cano 

   Asunto: OT: Tarjeta de sonido pci, cual compro que

  funcione en Debian
   Para: debian-user-spanish@lists.
   Fecha: jueves, 24 de mayo de 2018, 18:18
   Hola, se me ha
   estropeado el sonido integrado que viene en la placa
   Necesito comprar una tarjeta de sonido pci, según el
   manual de la placa base que tengo:  (support 3.3V/ 5V

   bus Interface).
   Mirando por internet todas la que he visto dicen que no
   funcionan para Linux, y la unica que he encontrado

   cuestan muy caro, para mi.
   Yo el uso que le voy a dar es para escuchar el sonido de
   sintonizadora de tv que tengo, escuchar musica,  ver
   vídeos de youtube, hablar por telegram desktop, etc..
   Me podéis aconsejar/decir alguna que sepáis que
   funcionan en Debian.
   Uso Debian testing (buster)
   Muchas gracias

Dell inspiron mini v1012

2018-05-27 Thread Paynalton
Hola a todos. Les comento que estoy intentando instalar debian en una
minilap Dell Inspiron Mini modelo v1012.

Tengo el problema que solo inicia la primera vez después de haberse
iniciado, tanto con stretch como con stretch-nonfree. Esto pasa aunque no
se haga ningún cambio, solo iniciar por primera vez, logguearse como root y
reiniciar. La instalación la estoy haciendo sin escritorio, solo consola y
sin agregar firmware adicional. Sólo debian stretch tan virgen como el
aceite de oliva.

En cualquier caso, al iniciar por segunda ocasión el inicio se queda en
RFkill y el equipo se congela.

En este momento estoy instalando de nuevo. antes de iniciar por primera vez
voy a sacar una copia de los archivos con un live. Después seguiré y sacaré
otra copia después del error para ver que es lo que ha cambiado entre el
primer y segundo arranque esperando descubrir la causa.

Re: Possible for full-disk encryption to encrypt /boot as well?

2018-05-27 Thread David Christensen

On 05/26/18 23:40, Paul Johnson wrote:

On Sun, May 27, 2018 at 12:43 AM, David Christensen <> wrote:

On 05/26/18 21:16, Paul Johnson wrote:

On Sat, May 26, 2018 at 7:21 PM, David Christensen

Have you considered a self-encrypting drive ...

I'm 99.99% sure (like Dove soap sure) that Symantec full disk
encryption doesn't work this way because I'm just as sure that none
of the Dell models I've ever worked with have this hardware

I have tested Intel 520 Series SSD's with self-encryption in two Dell
laptop models:

- They do not work in Dell Inspiron E1505's (~2007, Core Duo).

- They do work in Dell Latitude E6520's (2011~2012, Sandy Bridge).

  Right, but is the basic system unencrypted or not?  I very, very, very
highly suspect not, since it seems fairly obviously to me (given that all
the Dell hardware stuff has finished and it's handed off to whatever is on
the boot device) it's handing off to encrypted software off the hard drive
to bootstrap the rest by the time anything Symantec gets involved with.

AFAIK self-encrypting drives (SED) have hardware encryption/ decryption 
engines (ASIC's) built into the on-board microcontroller.  When the 
system boots, there is a protocol for the motherboard firmware to 
display a prompt on the console for the SED passphrase, which is then 
passed to the SED.  If the passphrase is correct, the SED then encrypts/ 
decrypts data writes/ reads transparently (e.g. the SED acts like an 
unencrypted drive).  If the passphrase is wrong, the SED will refuse to 
write/ read data, because it cannot encrypt/ decrypt without the 
passphrase.  If someone pulls the platters or memory chips out of the 
SED, puts them into a test jig, and reads the magnetic bubbles/ 
transistors, they will obtain ciphertext.  They must know the encryption 
algorithm, passphrase, and other pieces of information (nonces, etc.) to 
decrypt the ciphertext and obtain the plaintext.

Once the SED has been unlocked, the administrator can build additional 
layers of hardware and/or software encryption on top.  FreeOTFE and 
dm-crypt/LUKS are examples of software encryption.  I believe BitLocker 
is also software encryption, but allows keys to be stored in a Trusted 
Platform Module (TPM).  I am not familiar with Symantec encryption products.


bzflag is slow since nvidia-graphics-drivers 390.59-1

2018-05-27 Thread Harald Dunkel
Hi folks,

after the upgrade of nvidia-graphics-drivers to version 390.59-1 bzflag seems
to use mesa instead of the nvidia libs. Running

dpkg-reconfigure glx-alternative-nvidia

doesn't help. Other games (e.g. tuxracer) are fine, so I wonder WTH? I haven't
found the problem yet.

Every helpful comment is highly appreciated.

Re: Get the external IP address from a Linux box

2018-05-27 Thread Andrew McGlashan

On 27/05/18 22:14, André Rodier wrote:
>> My script also does the Google DNS lookup.
> I have four IP addresses, and Goodle DNS returns the first one,
> although I query from the second one.

Are you sure that isn't a problem at your end?  How your firewall is
identifying and routing the traffic, perhaps?

I've got access to an IPV4 /29 block and did the Google DNS query from
two hosts and got their own IP addresses.

# dig -t txt +short

# dig -t txt +short

Kind Regards

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Thunderbird does not start and freezes

2018-05-27 Thread Pétùr

In sid, trying to launch thunderbird does do anything and freezes the
system (mouse works but cannot act on windows, going to tty works).

dmesg says:

[   13.676445] audit: type=1400 audit(1527426637.518:35): apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="thunderbird" 
name="/sys/devices/pci:00/:00:02.0/vendor" pid=1880 comm="thunderbird" requested_mask="r" 
denied_mask="r" fsuid=1000 ouid=0
[   13.676503] audit: type=1400 audit(1527426637.518:36): apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="thunderbird" 
name="/sys/devices/pci:00/:00:02.0/vendor" pid=1880 comm="thunderbird" requested_mask="r" 
denied_mask="r" fsuid=1000 ouid=0
[   13.676624] audit: type=1400 audit(1527426637.518:37): apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="thunderbird" 
name="/sys/devices/pci:00/:00:02.0/vendor" pid=1880 comm="thunderbird" requested_mask="r" 
denied_mask="r" fsuid=1000 ouid=0
[   13.676692] audit: type=1400 audit(1527426637.518:38): apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="thunderbird" 
name="/sys/devices/pci:00/:00:02.0/vendor" pid=1880 comm="thunderbird" requested_mask="r" 
denied_mask="r" fsuid=1000 ouid=0
[   13.681934] audit: type=1400 audit(1527426637.526:39): apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="thunderbird" 
name="/sys/devices/pci:00/:00:02.0/vendor" pid=1880 comm="thunderbird" requested_mask="r" 
denied_mask="r" fsuid=1000 ouid=0
[   13.682129] audit: type=1400 audit(1527426637.526:40): apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="thunderbird" 
name="/sys/devices/pci:00/:00:02.0/vendor" pid=1880 comm="thunderbird" requested_mask="r" 
denied_mask="r" fsuid=1000 ouid=0
[   14.560466] audit: type=1400 audit(1527426638.402:41): apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="thunderbird" 
name="/home/pierre/.icons/icon-theme.cache" pid=1867 comm="thunderbird" requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r" 
fsuid=1000 ouid=1000

Any idea?

Re: Installing Debian on a Minnowboard Turbot with installer on USB stick?

2018-05-27 Thread Thomas Schmitt

i typo'ed:
> deletion of GPT partition 2 because it overlaps
> with the EFI partition,

Partition 1 needs to be delted. Number 2 is the EFI partition.

Further it comes to me that the gdisk session is best done one the
USB stick with the ISO already copied onto it. This will give gdisk
a chance to install the backup GPT at the real end of the device.

If re-usal of the nearly-GPT in the ISO yields no success, try to
let gdisk convert the MBR partition table to GPT. For that you will
have to copy again the original ISO onto USB stick, because the original
MBR partition table did not survive gdisk's previous conversion effort.

Have a nice day :)


Re: Installing Debian on a Minnowboard Turbot with installer on USB stick?

2018-05-27 Thread Thomas Schmitt

didier gaumet wrote:
> >

Rick Thomas wrote:
> [...] when I dd that same .iso
> onto a USB stick, then plug the stick into the USB slot on the Turbot, will
> not be recognized as a bootable medium.

Point 4 of that tutorial says:

  "NOTE: If your USB device is not listed in the Boot Manager list,
   confirm that it’s GPT formatted and contains a valid EFI boot

The Debian ISOs are not recognizably GPT formatted, although they contain
nearly all the bytes of a valid GPT. Their MBR partition table is not
"protective" to indicate the presence of a GPT.

Needed would be a MBR partition table with only one partition of type 0xEE
and no other partitions, deletion of GPT partition 2 because it overlaps
with the EFI partition, and the specs compliant Type GUID for the EFI

Rick Thomas wrote:
> > > It seems odd that the exact same bits should be seen as bootable when
> > > presented on a DVD, but not when presented on a USB stick…

Pascal Hambourg wrote:
> > The expected boot structures on a DVD and a
> > USB stick (or floppy, hard disk...) are completely different.

> So the UEFI firmware is more forgiving of a partition table that is “invalid
> from a strict point of view” when it’s coming from a physical DVD, than it
> is when it’s coming from a USB stick?

No. A standards compliant firmware ignores any partition table when the
medium is CD, DVD, or BD. It then rather interprets the El Torito boot
record and the boot catalog to find a suitable boot image. In case of EFI
the selected image is then used as EFI System Partition with FAT filesystem
and startup program.

The Debian ISOs for amd64 mark their EFI System Partition by MBR partition
table and by El Torito.

> Can you suggest any way to get around the problem?

Repacking the ISO by grub-mkrescue would produce a GPT.
But the GRUB part of that job is out of my scope.

As said, Debian ISOs are not very far from a real GPT.

Normally i would not trust any partition editor not to go mad on the job.
But changing stuff by hand in GPT means re-computing the CPT checksum.
This would become tricky.

So lets try gdisk. Regrettably partition 1 of the nearly-GPT is ill
beyond repair (at least by gdisk's means). So it has to be deleted.
To our luck it should not be expected by any part of the booting system.

  $ cp debian-9.3.0-amd64-netinst.iso test.iso
  $ /sbin/gdisk test.iso
  GPT fdisk (gdisk) version 0.8.10

  Partition table scan:
MBR: MBR only
BSD: not present
APM: not present
GPT: present

  Found valid MBR and GPT. Which do you want to use?
   1 - MBR
   2 - GPT
   3 - Create blank GPT

  Your answer: 2
  Using GPT and creating fresh protective MBR.
  Warning! Main partition table overlaps the first partition by 64 blocks!
  You will need to delete this partition or resize it in another utility.

  Command (? for help): d
  Partition number (1-2): 1

  Command (? for help): t
  Using 2
  Current type is 'Microsoft basic data'
  Hex code or GUID (L to show codes, Enter = 8300): ef00
  Changed type of partition to 'EFI System'

  Command (? for help): p
  Disk test.iso: 593920 sectors, 290.0 MiB
  Logical sector size: 512 bytes
  Disk identifier (GUID): 52A61562-549F-43BB-805F-66F9583C139F
  Partition table holds up to 208 entries
  First usable sector is 64, last usable sector is 593866
  Partitions will be aligned on 16-sector boundaries
  Total free space is 592971 sectors (289.5 MiB)

  Number  Start (sector)End (sector)  Size   Code  Name
 237604591   416.0 KiB   EF00  ISOHybrid1

  Command (? for help): w

  Final checks complete. About to write GPT data. THIS WILL OVERWRITE EXISTING

  Do you want to proceed? (Y/N): y
  OK; writing new GUID partition table (GPT) to test.iso.
  Warning: The kernel is still using the old partition table.
  The new table will be used at the next reboot.
  The operation has completed successfully.

Now the ISO should have a GPT which marks the EFI System Partition.
Put it onto the USB stick and see what happens.


If this does not work, we could try to erase all partition tables and
set up a new one from info which we learned from the old one.

Have a nice day :)


Re: Installing Debian on a Minnowboard Turbot with installer on USB stick?

2018-05-27 Thread didier gaumet
Le 27/05/2018 à 12:28, Rick Thomas a écrit :
> Thanks!  Yes, that confirmed what I had mostly already found by 
> experimentation.
> What it didn’t explain was why the same .iso (specifically, 
> firmware-buster-DI-alpha2-amd64-DVD-1.iso) when I burn it to a DVD-R and load 
> the disk into a DVD drive that is plugged into the USB slot on the Turbot, 
> will boot into the installer just fine… But when I dd that same .iso onto a 
> USB stick, then plug the stick into the USB slot on the Turbot, will not be 
> recognized as a bootable medium.

- your installer seems an alpha, I would first try with a more robust
one (Stretch)...
- Does your USB stick only fail to boot automatically or does it also
fail to boot when you select it as the boot medium in the UEFI boot
option menu?

> I’m puzzled…  Have you tried to boot the installer from a USB stick on a 
> Turbot?  Or did you always use a physical DVD drive?  What’s the difference 
> between them that causes one to boot and the other to be ignored?

I am sorry if I gave you the false impression that I own or have used
this hardware: that is not the case...

Re: Installing Debian on a Minnowboard Turbot with installer on USB stick?

2018-05-27 Thread Rick Thomas

On May 27, 2018, at 3:57 AM, deloptes  wrote:

> Rick Thomas wrote:
>> Can you suggest any way to get around the problem?
> Sorry to jump in, but I had a similar experience with Pi few years ago.
> I see this board supports network boot - for experimenting it is the one I
> usually prefer. I setup tftp/dhcp server long time ago for other projects
> and just add the image I want to boot there (for Pi arm).
> Advantage is I can do simple install in chroot or for arm with qemu
> (debootstrap) and setup the dhcp so that the client picks this up. 
> This saved a lot of time when playing with Pi.

Jumping in with useful suggestions is *always* welcome!

Do you have a pointer to a step-by-step tutorial on how to set up a tftp server 
and provision it with the necessary files for booting the debian installer?

I’ve got a couple of dhcp servers running dnsmasq.  I seem to recall that 
dnsmasq is capable of serving tftp, but I don’t remember where I read about it.


Get the external IP address from a Linux box

2018-05-27 Thread Andrew McGlashan

On 26/05/18 20:53, André Rodier wrote:
> The code is on github, as part of my small homebox project. I am not
> sure it deserves a dedicated repository ;-).
> oks/roles/system-prepare/files/external-ip

My take from your script is at:  [lose the trailing / for the raw file]

NB: I am deliberately using bash instead of dash for a number of reasons

> It is very simple, but it does what I wanted:
> - Query multiple servers.

My script also does the Google DNS lookup.

> - Count the IP addresses returned, and order them by the most probable
> result.
> - Return the external IP address only if above a certain level of
> confidence (actually 100%).
> - The list of IP addresses is in a separate configuration file.

I've kept the option to use external config file; otherwise it
uses what is known already n the script.

I've used the following for quite some time, but it usually takes too
long (for my liking) to get an answer and it doesn't use https either:

curl -s

Kind Regards

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Installing Debian on a Minnowboard Turbot with installer on USB stick?

2018-05-27 Thread Brian
On Sun 27 May 2018 at 03:34:40 -0700, Rick Thomas wrote:

> On May 27, 2018, at 3:12 AM, Pascal Hambourg  wrote:
> > Le 27/05/2018 à 00:19, Rick Thomas a écrit :
> >> Does anyone have experience installing Debian on a Minnowboard Turbot?
> > 
> > Not me.
> > 
> >> I have a dual-core, single ethernet, Turbot.  I’m able to install Debian 
> >> (Buster) from a physical DVD, but when I dd the installer .iso to a USB 
> >> stick, and try to install from the stick, the Turbot’s firmware doesn’t 
> >> see the stick as a bootable medium.
> >> If I install (using the physical DVD in a USB connected DVD drive) to a 
> >> USB stick, that USB stick (the one I installed to) will boot fine.  So 
> >> it’s not that it just can’t boot from a USB stick.
> >> The documentation isn’t entirely clear, but I *think* the Turbot’s boot 
> >> firmware is UEFI-only.  Would that make a difference?
> > 
> > Probably not, if the same image boots from a DVD.
> > 
> >> It seems odd that the exact same bits should be seen as bootable when 
> >> presented on a DVD, but not when presented on a USB stick…
> > 
> > No, it is perfectly normal. The expected boot structures on a DVD and a USB 
> > stick (or floppy, hard disk...) are completely different.
> > The Debian installer ISO images are called "hybrid" because they combine a 
> > DVD layout and a regular hard disk (or USB stick). But this comes at a 
> > price : the partition table layout could be considered invalid on a strict 
> > point of view.
> Thanks, Pascal!  
> So the UEFI firmware is more forgiving of a partition table that is “invalid 
> from a strict point of view” when it’s coming from a physical DVD, than it is 
> when it’s coming from a USB stick?
> That would explain what I’m seeing.  Can you suggest any way to get around 
> the problem?

Successful booting from a USB drive:

Successful booting from a SD card:


Re: Installing Debian on a Minnowboard Turbot with installer on USB stick?

2018-05-27 Thread Rick Thomas

On May 27, 2018, at 3:50 AM, deloptes  wrote:

> Rick Thomas wrote:
>> I’m puzzled…  Have you tried to boot the installer from a USB stick on a
>> Turbot?  Or did you always use a physical DVD drive?  What’s the
>> difference between them that causes one to boot and the other to be
>> ignored?
> I have found out that not all usb drives boot well - don't know why on some
> machines some drives does not boot - same image on another drive boot.
> For example sandisk 4GB do not and Kingston 1GB do on same machine with same
> image

Very interesting… I’ll try a few different USB sticks and see if I can get one 
to boot.

Re: Installing Debian on a Minnowboard Turbot with installer on USB stick?

2018-05-27 Thread deloptes
Rick Thomas wrote:

> Can you suggest any way to get around the problem?

Sorry to jump in, but I had a similar experience with Pi few years ago.

I see this board supports network boot - for experimenting it is the one I
usually prefer. I setup tftp/dhcp server long time ago for other projects
and just add the image I want to boot there (for Pi arm).
Advantage is I can do simple install in chroot or for arm with qemu
(debootstrap) and setup the dhcp so that the client picks this up. 
This saved a lot of time when playing with Pi.


Archivo de configuración de xfce4-weather-plugin en ~/

2018-05-27 Thread Julián Daich

El 26/05/18 a las 17:21, fernando sainz escribió:

> Hola.
> No tengo xfce instalado, pero a veces algunos archivos de
> configuración se agrupan en el $HOME/.config/
> mira a ver si existe un ~/.config/xfce4 donde puedes buscar lo que
> andes buscando.

Hola Fernando,

Gracias. Localicé este ~/.config/xfce4/panel/weather-*.rc donde * es un
número sensitivo definido en

Mi problema es el siguiente. Uso Ubuntu Stduio 14.04 en varios equipos y
esta versión tiene el xfce4-weather-plugin roto. Al instalar Debian Sid
compartiendo /home con Ubuntu Stduio 14.04 el xfce4-weather-plugin
empezó a funcionar también en Ubuntu y ahora quiero copiar el archivo de
configuración en otros equipos. Parece que el truco no funciona o tengo
que buscar más archivos de configuración.



> S2.

Julian Daich 

Re: Installing Debian on a Minnowboard Turbot with installer on USB stick?

2018-05-27 Thread deloptes
Rick Thomas wrote:

> I’m puzzled…  Have you tried to boot the installer from a USB stick on a
> Turbot?  Or did you always use a physical DVD drive?  What’s the
> difference between them that causes one to boot and the other to be
> ignored?

I have found out that not all usb drives boot well - don't know why on some
machines some drives does not boot - same image on another drive boot.
For example sandisk 4GB do not and Kingston 1GB do on same machine with same


Re: synaptic install of initramfs-tools fails

2018-05-27 Thread Charles Zeitler
On Sat, May 26, 2018 at 10:24 PM, David Wright  wrote:
> On Sat 26 May 2018 at 21:55:49 (-0500), Charles Zeitler wrote:
>> On Sat, May 26, 2018 at 6:53 PM, Ben Caradoc-Davies  
>> wrote:
>> > On 27/05/18 11:10, Charles Zeitler wrote:
>> >>
>> >> when trying to install initramfs-tools, synaptic froze part way through.
>> >
>> > [...]
>> >
>> >> still freezing:
>> >>
>> >> W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/rtl_nic/rtl8168d-1.fw for
>> >> module r8169
>> >> any suggestions?
>> >
>> >
>> > What do you mean by freezing?
>> stopped producing output before finishing
>> >Does "apt-get install -f" complete?
>> nope:
>> E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure
>> -a' to correct the problem.
>> trying to open synaptic gives the same message- E:dpkg was interrupted.
>> > You should be able to fix the firmware warnings by installing
>> > firmware-realtek from non-free.
> Are the files /lib/firmware/rtl_nic/rtl8168g-3.fw etc present on your
> system? I don't think you've said. There should be about 20 files in
> that directory.
> If not, is the package firmware-realtek installed?


> Also, what was reported when you ran the suggested command?
> # sudo dpkg --configure -a

sudo dpkg --configure initramfs-tools
Setting up initramfs-tools (0.130) ...
update-initramfs: deferring update (trigger activated)
Processing triggers for initramfs-tools (0.130) ...
update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-4.9.0-6-amd64
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/rtl_nic/rtl8107e-2.fw for
module r8169
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/rtl_nic/rtl8107e-1.fw for
module r8169
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/rtl_nic/rtl8168h-2.fw for
module r8169
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/rtl_nic/rtl8168h-1.fw for
module r8169
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/rtl_nic/rtl8168g-3.fw for
module r8169
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/rtl_nic/rtl8168g-2.fw for
module r8169
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/rtl_nic/rtl8106e-2.fw for
module r8169
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/rtl_nic/rtl8106e-1.fw for
module r8169
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/rtl_nic/rtl8411-2.fw for module r8169
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/rtl_nic/rtl8411-1.fw for module r8169
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/rtl_nic/rtl8402-1.fw for module r8169
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/rtl_nic/rtl8168f-2.fw for
module r8169
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/rtl_nic/rtl8168f-1.fw for
module r8169
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/rtl_nic/rtl8105e-1.fw for
module r8169
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/rtl_nic/rtl8168e-3.fw for
module r8169
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/rtl_nic/rtl8168e-2.fw for
module r8169
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/rtl_nic/rtl8168e-1.fw for
module r8169
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/rtl_nic/rtl8168d-2.fw for
module r8169
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/rtl_nic/rtl8168d-1.fw for
module r8169

here it stops (freezes)

> Cheers,
> David.

 The Perfect Is The Enemy Of
 The Good Enough

Re: Installing Debian on a Minnowboard Turbot with installer on USB stick?

2018-05-27 Thread Rick Thomas

On May 27, 2018, at 3:12 AM, Pascal Hambourg  wrote:

> Le 27/05/2018 à 00:19, Rick Thomas a écrit :
>> Does anyone have experience installing Debian on a Minnowboard Turbot?
> Not me.
>> I have a dual-core, single ethernet, Turbot.  I’m able to install Debian 
>> (Buster) from a physical DVD, but when I dd the installer .iso to a USB 
>> stick, and try to install from the stick, the Turbot’s firmware doesn’t see 
>> the stick as a bootable medium.
>> If I install (using the physical DVD in a USB connected DVD drive) to a USB 
>> stick, that USB stick (the one I installed to) will boot fine.  So it’s not 
>> that it just can’t boot from a USB stick.
>> The documentation isn’t entirely clear, but I *think* the Turbot’s boot 
>> firmware is UEFI-only.  Would that make a difference?
> Probably not, if the same image boots from a DVD.
>> It seems odd that the exact same bits should be seen as bootable when 
>> presented on a DVD, but not when presented on a USB stick…
> No, it is perfectly normal. The expected boot structures on a DVD and a USB 
> stick (or floppy, hard disk...) are completely different.
> The Debian installer ISO images are called "hybrid" because they combine a 
> DVD layout and a regular hard disk (or USB stick). But this comes at a price 
> : the partition table layout could be considered invalid on a strict point of 
> view.

Thanks, Pascal!  

So the UEFI firmware is more forgiving of a partition table that is “invalid 
from a strict point of view” when it’s coming from a physical DVD, than it is 
when it’s coming from a USB stick?

That would explain what I’m seeing.  Can you suggest any way to get around the 


Re: Installing Debian on a Minnowboard Turbot with installer on USB stick?

2018-05-27 Thread Rick Thomas
Thanks!  Yes, that confirmed what I had mostly already found by experimentation.

What it didn’t explain was why the same .iso (specifically, 
firmware-buster-DI-alpha2-amd64-DVD-1.iso) when I burn it to a DVD-R and load 
the disk into a DVD drive that is plugged into the USB slot on the Turbot, will 
boot into the installer just fine… But when I dd that same .iso onto a USB 
stick, then plug the stick into the USB slot on the Turbot, will not be 
recognized as a bootable medium.

I’m puzzled…  Have you tried to boot the installer from a USB stick on a 
Turbot?  Or did you always use a physical DVD drive?  What’s the difference 
between them that causes one to boot and the other to be ignored?


On May 26, 2018, at 11:59 PM, didier gaumet  wrote:

> maybe this will help:

Re: Installing Debian on a Minnowboard Turbot with installer on USB stick?

2018-05-27 Thread Pascal Hambourg

Le 27/05/2018 à 00:19, Rick Thomas a écrit :

Does anyone have experience installing Debian on a Minnowboard Turbot?

Not me.

I have a dual-core, single ethernet, Turbot.  I’m able to install Debian 
(Buster) from a physical DVD, but when I dd the installer .iso to a USB stick, 
and try to install from the stick, the Turbot’s firmware doesn’t see the stick 
as a bootable medium.

If I install (using the physical DVD in a USB connected DVD drive) to a USB 
stick, that USB stick (the one I installed to) will boot fine.  So it’s not 
that it just can’t boot from a USB stick.

The documentation isn’t entirely clear, but I *think* the Turbot’s boot 
firmware is UEFI-only.  Would that make a difference?

Probably not, if the same image boots from a DVD.

It seems odd that the exact same bits should be seen as bootable when presented 
on a DVD, but not when presented on a USB stick…

No, it is perfectly normal. The expected boot structures on a DVD and a 
USB stick (or floppy, hard disk...) are completely different.
The Debian installer ISO images are called "hybrid" because they combine 
a DVD layout and a regular hard disk (or USB stick). But this comes at a 
price : the partition table layout could be considered invalid on a 
strict point of view.

Re: Terminal with support for Indic characters

2018-05-27 Thread jayadevanraja
On Wednesday, 27 November 2013 15:30:03 UTC-5, അഖിൽ കൃഷ്ണൻ എസ്.  wrote:
> Konsole of KDE & its frameworks like yakuake works well on Indic Languages. 
> Me using it for Malayalam -ml_IN which is a complex indic script.

Hello All...
I know that this is an old post. But I have a quick question. How did you 
enable Malayalam in Konsole? Konsole says that there are no Malayalam 
Fixed-width fonts.

Re: Why not include an update notifier in Xfce by default?

2018-05-27 Thread chercheur
I gave it a spin in my head. Can PackageKit not be available on all 
architectures and is it a prerequisite?


Re: Installing Debian on a Minnowboard Turbot with installer on USB stick?

2018-05-27 Thread didier gaumet

maybe this will help:

Re: Possible for full-disk encryption to encrypt /boot as well?

2018-05-27 Thread Paul Johnson
On Sun, May 27, 2018 at 12:43 AM, David Christensen <> wrote:

> On 05/26/18 21:16, Paul Johnson wrote:
>> On Sat, May 26, 2018 at 7:21 PM, David Christensen
>>> Have you considered a self-encrypting drive ...
>> I'm 99.99% sure (like Dove soap sure) that Symantec full disk
>> encryption doesn't work this way because I'm just as sure that none
>> of the Dell models I've ever worked with have this hardware
>> capability.
> I have tested Intel 520 Series SSD's with self-encryption in two Dell
> laptop models:
> - They do not work in Dell Inspiron E1505's (~2007, Core Duo).
> - They do work in Dell Latitude E6520's (2011~2012, Sandy Bridge).

 Right, but is the basic system unencrypted or not?  I very, very, very
highly suspect not, since it seems fairly obviously to me (given that all
the Dell hardware stuff has finished and it's handed off to whatever is on
the boot device) it's handing off to encrypted software off the hard drive
to bootstrap the rest by the time anything Symantec gets involved with.