Re: recherche un cms pour site statique sans base de données

2018-09-06 Thread dethegeek

Le vendredi 07 septembre 2018 à 05:58 +0200, Bernard Schoenacker a
écrit :
> bonjour,
> je recherche un cms pour réaliser un site statique
> sans devoir installer php et qui puisse être alimenté
> par des pages rédigées en markdown à l'aide d'un lien
> pointant vers un document pdf qui change chaque semaine
> le tout doit pouvoir être facilement employable et 
> configurable et sans base de données
> merci
> slt
> bernard
J'ai pas encore essayé, mais j'ai repéré ça il y a quelques mois. Pour
ma part je cherchais un wiki qui n'utilise pas cette horrible syntaxe
de mediawiki (lourd à maintenir dans les pages au contenu technique). 

Re: recherche un cms pour site statique sans base de données

2018-09-06 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Fri, Sep 07, 2018 at 05:58:21AM +0200, Bernard Schoenacker a écrit :
> je recherche un cms pour réaliser un site statique sans devoir
> installer php et qui puisse être alimenté par des pages rédigées en
> markdown à l'aide d'un lien pointant vers un document pdf qui change
> chaque semaine
> le tout doit pouvoir être facilement employable et configurable et
> sans base de données

sudo apt install ikiwiki ?

Ou alors

Bonne fin de semaine,


Charles Plessy  Akano, Uruma, Okinawa, Japon
Pouète à la maison,
Pouète au travail,
Debian Med packaging team

recherche un cms pour site statique sans base de données

2018-09-06 Thread Bernard Schoenacker

je recherche un cms pour réaliser un site statique
sans devoir installer php et qui puisse être alimenté
par des pages rédigées en markdown à l'aide d'un lien
pointant vers un document pdf qui change chaque semaine

le tout doit pouvoir être facilement employable et 
configurable et sans base de données


NFS mounts failing at boot (stretch)

2018-09-06 Thread Matthew Pounsett
I've got an NFS mount on a Debian 9 box which is failing to mount at boot
time, but mounts cleanly and quickly once the system is up and running.

I've added the _netdev option to fstab, which according to mount(8) should
cause the mount attempt to be delayed until the network is up, but that
doesn't seem to have helped.   /data/pool3   nfs   _netdev,rw,nolock,nfsvers=3   0

I've done some googling on the subject, and all the results I've found are
either assertions that _netdev should do the trick, or reports of it not
working.  The only case I've found of someone making it work is the
unacceptable workaround of adding the mount to /etc/rc.local.

Does anyone know if the _netdev option is actually expected to work in
Debian 9, and if not, what the proper way to set an NFS mount at boot
actually is?


Re: dhcp service problem on stretch

2018-09-06 Thread Joe
On Thu, 6 Sep 2018 17:33:39 +
Bonno Bloksma  wrote:

> Hi,
> Just installed my first stretch server using the 9.5 DVD1, installed
> the normal system environment, no desktop just a ssh server, and
> added the isc dhcp server. I transferred my original dhcpf.conf file,
> stripped what I did not need in the new environment and expected no
> problems. However...
> It seems the dhcp service does not want to start but I have no idea
> why. I have stripped my dhcpd.conf down to barely nothing and a
> regular test gives no errors but the service refuses to start, why?

> No Sep 06 17:47:42 linom1 isc-dhcp-server[1668]: Launching both IPv4
> and IPv6 servers (please configure INTERFACES
> in /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server if Sep 06 17:47:42 linom1

> Who can help me?

I'll have a go. Do what it says about /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server.
I'll make a guess that the ethernet interface(s) now have different
names and you need to modify the file to suit, or the file may even
have no interfaces listed. I'm assuming you've done the same in the

I've just hit the same thing, switching an obsolete drive into an old
machine to boot it for the last few times, and found that it insists on
calling the two ethernets eth2 and eth3, instead of 0 and 1 as in the
previous hardware. Yes, I know why, it's just a nuisance.


Re: dhcp service problem on stretch

2018-09-06 Thread Reco

On Thu, Sep 06, 2018 at 05:33:39PM +, Bonno Bloksma wrote:
> It seems the dhcp service does not want to start but I have no idea why.
> I have stripped my dhcpd.conf down to barely nothing and a regular test gives 
> no errors but the service refuses to start, why?
> Also the logging is not very helpful

I always said that less is more.
You see, the trick with these logs is to know where to look, so ...

> linom1:~# systemctl status isc-dhcp-server.service
> ● isc-dhcp-server.service - LSB: DHCP server
>Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/isc-dhcp-server; generated; vendor preset: 
> enabled)
>Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Thu 2018-09-06 17:47:42 CEST; 
> 12min ago
>  Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)
>   Process: 1668 ExecStart=/etc/init.d/isc-dhcp-server start (code=exited, 
> status=1/FAILURE)
> Tasks: 1 (limit: 4915)
>CGroup: /system.slice/isc-dhcp-server.service
>└─1409 /usr/sbin/dhcpd -4 -q -cf /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf

This is your usual systemd blurb, showing that you have dhcpd running

> Sep 06 17:47:42 linom1 systemd[1]: Starting LSB: DHCP server...


> Sep 06 17:47:42 linom1 isc-dhcp-server[1668]: /etc/init.d/isc-dhcp-server: 
> 50: /etc/init.d/isc-dhcp-server: cannot open /etc/dhcp/dhcpd6.conf: No
> Sep 06 17:47:42 linom1 isc-dhcp-server[1668]: Launching both IPv4 and IPv6 
> servers (please configure INTERFACES in /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server if

Scary, but they are warnings, not errors.
Yes, it takes reading initscript to understand that.

> Sep 06 17:47:42 linom1 isc-dhcp-server[1668]: Starting ISC DHCPv4 server: 
> dhcpddhcpd service already running (pid file /var/run/ currenty

And this shows us that you cannot start what's been started already
(another instance of dhcpcd is using a pidfile).

I assume that your dhcpd.conf is OK, so the problem should solve itself
via simple:

service isc-dhcp-server stop
service isc-dhcp-server start
service isc-dhcp-server status


Re: dhcp service problem on stretch

2018-09-06 Thread Ulf Volmer
On Thu, Sep 06, 2018 at 05:33:39PM +, Bonno Bloksma wrote:

> Sep 06 17:47:42 linom1 isc-dhcp-server[1668]: Launching both IPv4 and IPv6 
> servers (please configure INTERFACES in /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server if

Please edit the file above and place your network interfaces there.

best regards

Re: dhcp service problem on stretch

2018-09-06 Thread Roberto C . Sánchez
On Thu, Sep 06, 2018 at 05:33:39PM +, Bonno Bloksma wrote:
> Sep 06 17:47:42 linom1 isc-dhcp-server[1668]: /etc/init.d/isc-dhcp-server: 
> 50: /etc/init.d/isc-dhcp-server: cannot open /etc/dhcp/dhcpd6.conf: No
> Sep 06 17:47:42 linom1 isc-dhcp-server[1668]: Launching both IPv4 and IPv6 
> servers (please configure INTERFACES in /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server if

I am not sure what is unclear about the message there.  Your
configuration obviously has both IPv4 and IPv6 enabled, but you did not
supply a configuration file for IPv6.  Either supply a configuration
file for IPv6, or disable IPv6.



Roberto C. Sánchez

Re: Bash-Problem with cursor position after calling a function with READLINE_LINE

2018-09-06 Thread Thomas Schmitt

Norbert Gruener wrote:
> after my upgrade to Stretch I got these problems   :-(

Did you already check whether it is a matter of the terminal program ?
If it is a bit rot problem between readline and terminal, then you
might get lucky with a different one.

Have a nice day :)


Re: KDE Bluedevil

2018-09-06 Thread David Wright
On Wed 22 Aug 2018 at 22:58:00 (-0400), Timothy M Butterworth wrote:
> On 8/21/18, David Wright  wrote:
> > On Mon 20 Aug 2018 at 20:12:57 (-0400), Timothy M Butterworth wrote:
> >> In Debian 9.5 KDE Bluedevil is unable to add devices. Is their any fix
> >> for this other then using GNOME Blueman tool.
> >
> > In the absence of other replies, can you explain what you mean by
> > "add devices".
> >
> > I use bluetooth, bluez, bluez-tools and bluez-obexd for what I do,
> > but that might not be all you and others do.

> When I try to pair a new device it fails with Bluedevil. I tried to
> pair multiple devices. I installed GNOME Blueman and was able to pair
> the devices. Now that the devices have been paired I can connect to
> and disconnect from them with Bluedevil.

I don't use GUIs to pair, but run bluetoothctl to pair a new device
in an xterm. Here's a typical conversation:

$ bluetoothctl
[NEW] Controller 0C:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx wren [default]
[NEW] Device 50:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx already
[NEW] Device 0B:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx paired
[NEW] Device 00:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx devices
[bluetooth]# agent on
Agent registered
[bluetooth]# default-agent
Default agent request successful
[bluetooth]# pairable on
Changing pairable on succeeded
[bluetooth]# discoverable on
Changing discoverable on succeeded
[CHG] Controller 0C:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx Discoverable: yes ← pair after this line 
[NEW] Device F8:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx F8-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx
[CHG] Device F8:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx 
[CHG] Device F8:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx ServicesResolved: yes
[CHG] Device F8:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx Paired: yes
[CHG] Device F8:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx ServicesResolved: no
[CHG] Device F8:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx Connected: no
[bluetooth]# quit
Agent unregistered
[DEL] Controller 0C:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx wren [default]

The main use I have is transfer of files (photos, music, etc) back and
forth. I always have a command running (started in ~/.xsession):
$ yes | bt-obex -s /tmp/
The idea is that I don't have to intervene on the PC to transfer a
file to it (or even be in the same room necessarily).
I should point out that the /tmp/ argument is ignored in stretch;
files arrive in ~/.cache/obexd/ regardless.

To send files from the PC, I use the command
$ bt-obex -p galaxy path/to/file
where galaxy is the bluetooth name of the device. In this case, I
obviously have to remember to turn bluetooth on in the device.
(Leaving bluetooth on will discharge the battery more quickly.)

I haven't had much success with  bt-obex -f  (ie the FTP service)
so I don't bother with that.

One wrinkle when pairing: to get the bluetooth name of the device sent
to the PC, the device should be paired while it is visible to other
devices (rather than hidden). Otherwise it will still pair, but
without setting a name, so to send files to the device you have to
use its MAC (long and unmemorable) rather than its name (memorable
and short).

And finally, this method does not work (on an older laptop) in jessie:
it refuses to make itself discoverable. It still works with wheezy,
which runs using the older method, bluetooth-agent.


dhcp service problem on stretch

2018-09-06 Thread Bonno Bloksma

Just installed my first stretch server using the 9.5 DVD1, installed the normal 
system environment, no desktop just a ssh server, and added the isc dhcp server.
I transferred my original dhcpf.conf file, stripped what I did not need in the 
new environment and expected no problems. However...

It seems the dhcp service does not want to start but I have no idea why.
I have stripped my dhcpd.conf down to barely nothing and a regular test gives 
no errors but the service refuses to start, why?

Testing the config, no error
linom1:~# /usr/sbin/dhcpd -t -cf /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf
Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Server 4.3.5
Copyright 2004-2016 Internet Systems Consortium.
All rights reserved.
For info, please visit
Config file: /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf
Database file: /var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases
PID file: /var/run/

Starting the service, error
linom1:~# service isc-dhcp-server start
Job for isc-dhcp-server.service failed because the control process exited with 
error code.
See "systemctl status isc-dhcp-server.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.

And just for the fun of it, the /etc/dhcpd/dhcpd.conf file

linom1:~# cat /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf
shared-network {
  subnet netmask {
option routers;
option domain-name "";
# Dyanamic range

And the network is definitely in range for this dhcp server

linom1:~# ip addr
1: lo:  mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group 
default qlen 1
link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
inet scope host lo
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet6 ::1/128 scope host
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: ens192:  mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP 
group default qlen 1000
link/ether 00:50:56:8a:3c:ee brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet brd scope global ens192
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet6 fe80::250:56ff:fe8a:3cee/64 scope link
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

Also the logging is not very helpful
linom1:~# systemctl status isc-dhcp-server.service
● isc-dhcp-server.service - LSB: DHCP server
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/isc-dhcp-server; generated; vendor preset: 
   Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Thu 2018-09-06 17:47:42 CEST; 12min 
 Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)
  Process: 1668 ExecStart=/etc/init.d/isc-dhcp-server start (code=exited, 
Tasks: 1 (limit: 4915)
   CGroup: /system.slice/isc-dhcp-server.service
   └─1409 /usr/sbin/dhcpd -4 -q -cf /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf

Sep 06 17:47:42 linom1 systemd[1]: Starting LSB: DHCP server...
Sep 06 17:47:42 linom1 isc-dhcp-server[1668]: /etc/init.d/isc-dhcp-server: 50: 
/etc/init.d/isc-dhcp-server: cannot open /etc/dhcp/dhcpd6.conf: No
Sep 06 17:47:42 linom1 isc-dhcp-server[1668]: Launching both IPv4 and IPv6 
servers (please configure INTERFACES in /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server if
Sep 06 17:47:42 linom1 isc-dhcp-server[1668]: Starting ISC DHCPv4 server: 
dhcpddhcpd service already running (pid file /var/run/ currenty
Sep 06 17:47:42 linom1 systemd[1]: isc-dhcp-server.service: Control process 
exited, code=exited status=1
Sep 06 17:47:42 linom1 systemd[1]: Failed to start LSB: DHCP server.
Sep 06 17:47:42 linom1 systemd[1]: isc-dhcp-server.service: Unit entered failed 
Sep 06 17:47:42 linom1 systemd[1]: isc-dhcp-server.service: Failed with result 
lines 1-17/17 (END)

Who can help me?

Bonno Bloksma

Re: Duvida roteamento

2018-09-06 Thread Paulo Coimbra
Se entendi bem, vc quer acessar uma rede que esta depois do seu roteador?
Se vc tem a rota padrao que aponta para o roteador X e a rota para que aponta para o roteador Y, vc tem que ter as duas rotas.
A default nao teria problema ficar, pq a é mais especifica
que a default.
Se vc tem a rota padrao e a apontando pra o mesmo roteador
X, nao precisaria ter ambas.

Paulo  C.

Em qui, 6 de set de 2018 às 14:45, Mauricio Neto 

> Amigos da lista boa tarde.
> Estou com uma duvida boba, mas estou quebrando a cabeça com isso.
> Tenho meu desktop ligado a um switch e este ligado a um servidor
> iptables e tudo funciona sem problemas.
> Um amigo teve dificuldade em configurar um roteador de borda, então
> peguei um que tenho aqui de um modelo parecido para efetuar um
> laboratório. Conectei o mesmo ao switch e como o roteador estava
> configurado com o ip e minha maquina esta com IP
> criei uma rota na minha maquina na forma
> ip route add via
> e para efeito de testes apaguei a rota default.
> Mas mesmo assim não acesso o bendito do roteador.
> Resolvi o problema criando um alias na minha interface de rede com ip
> apenas para solucionar o problema do meu amigo, mas fiquei
> "encafifado" por não conseguir acessar o roteador.
> então duas perguntas:
> Qual a bobagem que estou fazendo?
> Imaginando que tivesse que manter a rota padrão e outra rota para o dito
> roteador teria que definir primeiro a rede do roteador através do
> parâmetro de métricas?
> Obrigado e abraço a todos
> Maurício Neto


Paulo Coimbra

Duvida roteamento

2018-09-06 Thread Mauricio Neto

Amigos da lista boa tarde.

Estou com uma duvida boba, mas estou quebrando a cabeça com isso.

Tenho meu desktop ligado a um switch e este ligado a um servidor 
iptables e tudo funciona sem problemas.

Um amigo teve dificuldade em configurar um roteador de borda, então 
peguei um que tenho aqui de um modelo parecido para efetuar um 
laboratório. Conectei o mesmo ao switch e como o roteador estava 
configurado com o ip e minha maquina esta com IP criei uma rota na minha maquina na forma

ip route add via

e para efeito de testes apaguei a rota default.

Mas mesmo assim não acesso o bendito do roteador.

Resolvi o problema criando um alias na minha interface de rede com ip apenas para solucionar o problema do meu amigo, mas fiquei 
"encafifado" por não conseguir acessar o roteador.

então duas perguntas:

Qual a bobagem que estou fazendo?

Imaginando que tivesse que manter a rota padrão e outra rota para o dito 
roteador teria que definir primeiro a rede do roteador através do 
parâmetro de métricas?

Obrigado e abraço a todos

Maurício Neto

Re: Bash-Problem with cursor position after calling a function with READLINE_LINE

2018-09-06 Thread Norbert Gruener
Hi Thomas,

On 9/6/18 6:28 PM, Thomas Schmitt wrote:
> Hi,
> i replayed this on Jessie.

under Jessie this was working for me too.  But after my upgrade to
Stretch I got these problems   :-(


Re: changing the desktop environment

2018-09-06 Thread Josh Horn
‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
On 6 September 2018 11:20 AM, Patrick Bartek  wrote:

> On Thu, 06 Sep 2018 11:53:19 +0100
> mick crane wrote:
> > hello,
> > It is a long time since I fiddled with the display.
> > is buster.
> > there are the names
> > display manager which is lightdm
> > desktop environment which is mate
> > and window manager which I think is part of mate
> > If I want to change desktop environment do I need a window manager ?
> > I'm not seeing anything looks like a window manager in output
> > of "ps ax"
> > How do I change desktop environment ?
> > Is it
> > "update-alternatives --config x-window-manager"
> > just asking because I don't want to bugger it up
> To change desktop environment, you must install another one. Seems you
> only have Mate installed. Do a search for "Installing Debian Desktop"
> for the details.
> B

There are several desktops to install, KDE - GNOME, XFCE as well as many other 
just "window managers". For example to install XFCE: sudo apt-get install xfce4 
xfce4-goodies, for GNOME: sudo apt-get install task-gnome-desktop, or for any 
one of the window managers. sudo apt-get install twm or sudo apt-get install 
blackbox etc.


Re: Bash-Problem with cursor position after calling a function with READLINE_LINE

2018-09-06 Thread Thomas Schmitt

i replayed this on Jessie.
I get printed lines "aaa" for every F1 i press.
No shell prompts get printed inbetween, but rather the shell prompt
and the text "aaa" stay in the base line of the xterm.
The text "aaa" can be edited and the new text gets printed with F1.

Like after three times pressing F1:
  $ abc

(This brings F1 back to normal:
   bind -x '"\eOP"':

If not your other commands in the script are to blame, then maybe your
terminal ? I use /usr/bin/xterm (which refuses to tell me its version).

Have a nice day :)


Re: changing the desktop environment

2018-09-06 Thread Patrick Bartek
On Thu, 06 Sep 2018 11:53:19 +0100
mick crane  wrote:

> hello,
> It is a long time since I fiddled with the display.
> is buster.
> there are the names
> display manager which is lightdm
> desktop environment which is mate
> and window manager which I think is part of mate
> If I want to change desktop environment do I need a window manager ?
> I'm not seeing anything looks like a window manager in output
> of "ps ax"
> How do I change desktop environment ?
> Is it
> "update-alternatives --config x-window-manager"
> just asking because I don't want to bugger it up

To change desktop environment, you must install another one.  Seems you
only have Mate installed.  Do a search for "Installing Debian Desktop"
for the details.


Bash-Problem with cursor position after calling a function with READLINE_LINE

2018-09-06 Thread Norbert Gruener
Hi all,

In my Bash shell (».bashrc«) I have »bind« a command to the »F1« key
   bind -x '"\eOP":"_bash_man"'# F1 man 

The script »_bash_man«  looks like (it is simplified only for test reasons)

   echo "${READLINE_LINE}"

When I type »aaa« and then press »F1«, I see a new line on the screen
containing the string »aaa« and the cursor is positioned behind the
string. The »Backspace« key is doing nothing, and pressing the four
»arrow« keys just give that result


but does not move the cursor in any direction. When I press


then the output on the screen is

  bash: zaaa: command not found

Apparently the cursor position is not set correctly and the cursor
movements are not done on the screen.

Technical detail:
  Debian: Debian GNU/Linux 9.5.0 _Stretch_
  Bash:   GNU bash, version 4.4.12(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)

Any help or any information would be very much appreciated.


Re: Encrypted e-mails?

2018-09-06 Thread John Hasler
Torben Schou Jensen writes:
> A week ago I got mail from google, that they now automatic add
> appointments from my google e-mail to my google calendar.  I had then
> received copy of a hotel reservation from a friend, and suddenly
> google added this as my hotel reservation.  So google in fact monitor
> my e-mails...

Did you think Gmail was a charity?  It costs them *money*.  They offer it
free in order to add value to their advertising services, which are their
main business.  Of course they mine Gmail for data.

"Security" can mean protection against fraud: keeping malware off your
computer, preventing your passwords from being broken.  It can also mean
secrecy: preventing anyone other than the intended recipient from
reading your messages.  Most people aren't saying anything that they
can't bear to have Google's software scan.
John Hasler
Elmwood, WI USA

Re: OpenVPN & Debian Stretch

2018-09-06 Thread Wayne Sallee


I'll install openvpn, and easy-rsa on a test computer and see what it does, 
before installing it on my server.

Wayne Sallee

On 09/05/2018 08:51 AM, Dan Ritter wrote:

easy-rsa is basically a series of scripts to get openssl to do
the right thing for you, consistently.

Decision makers from Financial services industry

2018-09-06 Thread donna . wright


I just wanted to check if you would be interested in a list of Managed  
Service Providers (MSPs) and Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs)?

We also have the data intelligence of:

•Managed Service Providers (MSP’s) – 25,000 unique companies
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•IT Decision Makers – 6million across all industry
•Business Decision Makers – 10 million across all industry
•Value Added Resellers- VARs
•Independent Software Vendors- ISVs
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•VoIP Service Providers.
•Telecommunications Service Providers (TSPs)
•Application Service Providers (ASPs)
•IT Managed Services Providers (ITMSP)
•Storage Service Providers (SSPs)

Kindly review and let me know if I can share more information on this.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Donna Wright
Marketing Specialist

Re: Encrypted e-mails?

2018-09-06 Thread Dan Purgert
Hash: SHA256

Torben Schou Jensen wrote:
> [...]
> But it is still very common to send unencrypted e-mails, open post cards.
> So why not use OpenPGP to encrypt e-mails, it is free, I am trying to find
> out how to?

Thunderbird, plus enigmail (plus gpg, obviously ;) ).

> With OpenPGP you create a personal keypair, a secret and public key.
> You send public key to friends, and they can encrypt e-mails to you, but
> only you can open with secret key.

> My primary e-mail is based on webmail with SquirrelMail on own private web
> server.
> A plugin named G/PGP Encryption is available, but not updated since 2007.
> Written in PHP, interfacing with GnuPG, I found that it not work on Debian
> Stable Linux and PHP 7.0.
> But after hunting bugs, I have been able to fix it to send encrypted
> e-mails between users within my server, not perfect, but working.
> Now thinking about coding a new plugin.

Issue was probably mainly centered around assumptions of GPG 1.x, huh?
Good deal that you got it working :)

> In case I get it working, then I need friends outside my server to use
> OpenPGP also.

Or at least PGP/GPG compliant software of their chosing.

> To my knowledge it is not available very many places.
> You normally get free e-mail without encryption, without encryption easier
> for microsoft or google to look in your e-mails.
> A week ago I got mail from google, that they now automatic add
> appointments from my google e-mail to my google calendar.
> I had then received copy of a hotel reservation from a friend, and
> suddenly google added this as my hotel reservation.
> So google in fact monitor my e-mails, scary, but not easy to have Android
> smartphone without google account.

Well, you do kind of allow it by virtue of using their service.  I mean,
sure it's a message "destined(tm)" for you, but it's on *their* servers.
Same kind of "invasion of privacy(tm)" happens in most office
environments -- all the emails that you send/receive are subject to
being read by your IT department if required.

> With we have webmail with focus on encrypted
> e-mails, but it require your friends also have account there to make full
> use of it.

Meh, never bothered with their service, pgp is easy enough; even through
google, etc.

> We try to be secure on Internet, but still not easy to use secure
> e-mails???

Mostly because people don't care.  They see "mail" in the name, and
think it's exactly like reglar mail and no one but the intended
recipient is allowed to look at it.



|_|O|_| Registered Linux user #585947
|_|_|O| Github:
|O|O|O| PGP: 05CA 9A50 3F2E 1335 4DC5  4AEE 8E11 DDF3 1279 A281

Encrypted e-mails?

2018-09-06 Thread Torben Schou Jensen
We have more focus on Internet security now, than 5-10 years ago.
We have smartphones with software from Apple and Google, but we are unsure
if they look in our data.
We use Facebook and we know they sell info we share to other companies.
Each day we use Internet and visit websites, but behind we find trackers
that register our visit.
It is now more common than before to use HTTPS for a website to protect
traffic against data sniffers.

But it is still very common to send unencrypted e-mails, open post cards.
So why not use OpenPGP to encrypt e-mails, it is free, I am trying to find
out how to?

With OpenPGP you create a personal keypair, a secret and public key.
You send public key to friends, and they can encrypt e-mails to you, but
only you can open with secret key.

My primary e-mail is based on webmail with SquirrelMail on own private web
A plugin named G/PGP Encryption is available, but not updated since 2007.
Written in PHP, interfacing with GnuPG, I found that it not work on Debian
Stable Linux and PHP 7.0.
But after hunting bugs, I have been able to fix it to send encrypted
e-mails between users within my server, not perfect, but working.
Now thinking about coding a new plugin.

In case I get it working, then I need friends outside my server to use
OpenPGP also.
To my knowledge it is not available very many places.
You normally get free e-mail without encryption, without encryption easier
for microsoft or google to look in your e-mails.

A week ago I got mail from google, that they now automatic add
appointments from my google e-mail to my google calendar.
I had then received copy of a hotel reservation from a friend, and
suddenly google added this as my hotel reservation.
So google in fact monitor my e-mails, scary, but not easy to have Android
smartphone without google account.

With we have webmail with focus on encrypted
e-mails, but it require your friends also have account there to make full
use of it.

We try to be secure on Internet, but still not easy to use secure e-mails???

Re: wine

2018-09-06 Thread Samuel Lidén Borell

On 2018-09-06 08:38, mattias jonsson wrote:

kör debian via crostini på en chromebook
behöver wine X?

Textbaserade Windows-program går att köra utan X (förutsatt att de inte 
använder grafiska delar av Windows API, vilket de kan göra även om de 
ser ut att vara textbaserade). Däremot så kräver Wine att X-biblioteken 
är installerade.

Wine har också en version för Android också. Har aldrig testat den, men 
det ska tydligen finnas en del buggar.


Re: wine

2018-09-06 Thread Sven Arvidsson
On Thu, 2018-09-06 at 08:38 +0200, mattias jonsson wrote:
> kör debian via crostini på en chromebook
> behöver wine X?

Jag har ingen aning om vad det innebär? 

Du kan köra rena CLI-program med Wine som inte behöver X. Annars
behöver du en X-server av något slag, tex. Xwayland om det nu är det
Chromebook'en använder.

Se för övrigt

Sven Arvidsson

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Samba, client ziet server niet

2018-09-06 Thread Wouter Verhelst
On Mon, Sep 03, 2018 at 12:01:14PM +0200, Paul van der Vlis wrote:
> Op 01-09-18 om 22:45 schreef Wouter Verhelst:
> > On Sat, Sep 01, 2018 at 02:12:41PM +0200, Paul van der Vlis wrote:
> >> Hallo,
> >>
> >> Mijn Windows/Samba kennis is wat beperkt...
> >>
> >> Klant heeft een server en een nieuwe laptop met Windows10. Laptop ziet
> >> server met Samba niet, oudere computers zien hem wel.
> >>
> >> Wat op de server is verantwoordelijk voor de namen tegenwoordig?
> > 
> > Dat hang er van af.
> > 
> >> Vroeger was dat netbios (WINS), maar dat is ouderwets dacht ik.
> > 
> > NetBIOS en WINS zijn twee verschillende protocollen. NetBIOS is een
> > broadcast-based gedoe; WINS is dat niet. 
> Ik dacht altijd dat WINS de Microsoft implementatie van NetBIOS was.

Niet helemaal.

NetBIOS is in de eerste plaats een API, en geen protocol. Origineel was
die geschreven voor IPX, maar vandaag wordt het vooral gebruikt over
TCP/IP. NetBIOS biedt veel mogelijkheden, waaronder een systeem voor
naam-resolutie. Dit werkt standaard met een broadcast-systeem: als
iemand zich "LAPTOP" wilt noemen, dan roept die op het netwerk "Hallo,
ik zou mezelf LAPTOP willen noemen, iemand een probleem daarmee?" en als
er geen reactie komt dan heet die machine vanaf nu LAPTOP. Het probleem
daarmee is alleen dat er een timeout moet geïmplementeerd worden, en dat
het in grotere netwerken issues kunnen zijn met te veel broadcasts die
alle bandbreedte opeten, en zelfs broadcasts die verloren gaan omdat er
te veel hosts zijn. Voor kleinere netwerken (tot een paar tientallen
hosts) is de default meer dan genoeg, maar voor grotere netwerken heb je
iets anders nodig.

Er is iets wat de NetBIOS Name Service (NBNS) heet. Dat is een centrale
server; in plaats van een broadcast te doen met een timeout, stuur je
een bericht naar één specifieke server: "Hallo server, ik zou mezelf
LAPTOP willen noemen, is dat OK?" en de server reageert dan met "ok, jij
heet vanaf nu LAPTOP, go ahead" of met "nee, er was al iemand anders die
LAPTOP heet, dat kan niet". De NBNS-implementatie van Microsoft heet
WINS, voor Windows Internet Name Service. Je mag dat gebruiken, maar het
is niet verplicht.

Alles van NetBIOS werkt over poorten 137 en 138.

Windows file shares hebben een evolutie meegemaakt. Origineel was dat
SMB ("Server Message Block"), wat over NetBIOS werkte. Later heeft men
SMB vervangen door CIFS ("Common Internet File System"), wat een ander
protocol is en geen gebruik maakt van NetBIOS, waardoor het ook een
andere poort krijgt (445).

Bij Active Directory hebben ze NetBIOS aan de deur gezet, en de NetBIOS
name service vervangen door DNS. Omwille van backwards compatibiliteit
was het wel zo dat in de eerste machines met AD-support NetBIOS nog
actief stond, zodat oudere Windows-machines nog steeds konden
communiceren met nieuwere machines. Later zijn die zaken geleidelijk aan
uitgezet, zodat in nieuwere machines de NetBIOS-dingen standaard uit
staan. Je kan ze echter wel terug aanzetten met wat registry settings.

Als je geen migratie naar AD doet, dan kan je naar
kijken voor wat informatie over die regsitry settings.

(side note: die pagina raadt wel aan om naar AD te migreren. Als je een
domein wilt, is dat misschien geen slecht idee; anders... nu ja)

> > Op moderne Windows servers
> > wordt inderdaad DNS gebruikt; maar als je dat bij Samba wilt draaien,
> > dan moet je daar Active Directory voor configureren. Voor een klein
> > netwerk is dat uiteraard overkill.
> Aha, dat maakt het wel duidelijker.
> Misschien moet ik eens gaan kijken hoeveel gedoe het is om zo'n AD te
> draaien, geen idee. Wat overkill is niet altijd erg.

Het is in mijn ervaring redelijk veel gedoe. Voor een KMO is dat meestal
niet de moeite.

Het kan wel, als je het wil. Ik heb mensen gezien die consultancy doen
voor grotere bedrijven, en succesverhalen van netwerken met een paar
tienduizend machines. Wanneer ze een klant kregen die naar een paar
honderdduizend wilde gaan, vonden ze dat echter nog wat te vroeg.


Could you people please use IRC like normal people?!?

  -- Amaya Rodrigo Sastre, trying to quiet down the buzz in the DebConf 2008

Sid: pulseaudio & xfce4

2018-09-06 Thread Grzegorz Sójka

Hi there,

I figured out that I do not have sound in some applications because 
pulseadio is not running. To fix the problem it's enough to open 
terminal and issue pulseaudio command.
I'm using xfce4. What is the proper way of automatically start 
pulseaudio? Should I add a new item to the Application Autostart?? Is 
there any package responsible for starting pulseaudio?


Wysłane z kompa wolnego od wirusów Billa Gatesa.

Pbuilder vraag

2018-09-06 Thread Paul van der Vlis

Ik gebruik pbuilder voor het backporten van packages.

Wat niet goed gaat, is het installeren van build-dependencies in de
chroot die uit stable-backports moeten komen.

Dus bij bijvoorbeeld een package zoals "dh-linktree" wat debhelper >= 11
nodig heeft (wat in backports zit) lukt het backporten niet.

Mijn .pbuilderrc is nogal een complex bestand, ik zal het als bijlage
meesturen (zal het overkomen?). Backports staat er wel in.

Ik heb dit geprobeerd in het configfile, maar dat geeft dezelfde fout:

Ik krijg zoiets als fout:
dpkg-checkbuilddeps: Unmet build dependencies: debhelper (>= 11)
dpkg-buildpackage: warning: build dependencies/conflicts unsatisfied;
dpkg-buildpackage: warning: (Use -d flag to override.)

Iemand een idee hoe ik build-dependencies uit backports kan gebruiken?


Paul van der Vlis Linux systeembeheer Groningen
# onderstaande komt van

# Codenames for Debian suites according to their alias. Update these when
# needed.

# List of Debian suites.
"experimental" "unstable" "testing" "stable")

# Mirrors to use. Update these to your preferred mirror.

# Optionally use the changelog of a package to determine the suite to use if
# none set.
if [ -z "${DIST}" ] && [ -r "debian/changelog" ]; then
DIST=$(dpkg-parsechangelog --show-field=Distribution)

# Optionally set a default distribution if none is used. Note that you can set
# your own default (i.e. ${DIST:="unstable"}).
: ${DIST:="$(lsb_release --short --codename)"}

# Optionally change Debian codenames in $DIST to their aliases.
case "$DIST" in

# Optionally set the architecture to the host architecture if none set. Note
# that you can set your own default (i.e. ${ARCH:="i386"}).
: ${ARCH:="$(dpkg --print-architecture)"}

if [ -n "${ARCH}" ]; then

if $(echo ${DEBIAN_SUITES[@]} | grep -q $DIST); then
# Debian configuration
COMPONENTS="main contrib non-free"
if $(echo "$STABLE_CODENAME stable" | grep -q $DIST); then
echo "Unknown distribution: $DIST"
exit 1


Re: changing the desktop environment

2018-09-06 Thread mick crane

On 2018-09-06 12:14, Eric S Fraga wrote:

On Thursday,  6 Sep 2018 at 11:53, mick crane wrote:

How do I change desktop environment ?

If you are using lightdm, there should be a pull down menu in the login
screen where you can choose a different window manager.

Ah, Ok. I see it now.



Re: changing the desktop environment

2018-09-06 Thread Eric S Fraga
On Thursday,  6 Sep 2018 at 11:53, mick crane wrote:
> How do I change desktop environment ?

If you are using lightdm, there should be a pull down menu in the login
screen where you can choose a different window manager.

Eric S Fraga via Emacs 27.0.50 & org 9.1.11 on Debian buster/sid

changing the desktop environment

2018-09-06 Thread mick crane

It is a long time since I fiddled with the display.
is buster.
there are the names
display manager which is lightdm
desktop environment which is mate
and window manager which I think is part of mate

If I want to change desktop environment do I need a window manager ?
I'm not seeing anything looks like a window manager in output
of "ps ax"

How do I change desktop environment ?
Is it
"update-alternatives --config x-window-manager"

just asking because I don't want to bugger it up



mariadb ldap auth

2018-09-06 Thread mj


I have installed mariadb and configured pam authentication, and 
configured a mysql pam module like this:

auth  required
account   required

which basically gives my samba winbind users access to mysql with their 
windows credentials:

root@mysqlserver:~# mysql -udomain_username -p
Enter password: 
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 6
Server version: 10.1.26-MariaDB-0+deb9u1 Debian 9.1

Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

MariaDB [(none)]> 

So I was happy.

But this seems to work only from the localhost mariadb is running on. 
Trying this from a remote mysql client gives:

user@e7470 ~ $ mysql -udomain_user -p -h mysqlserver.full.address
Enter password: 
ERROR 2059 (HY000): Authentication plugin 'dialog' cannot be loaded: /usr/lib/mysql/plugin/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

and searching for /usr/lib/mysql/plugin/ gives no results:

user@e7470 ~ $ dpkg --search /usr/lib/mysql/plugin/
dpkg-query: no path found matching pattern /usr/lib/mysql/plugin/
user@e7470 ~ $ 

Anyone here with a good suggestion how to achieve this from a remote 
mysql client?



2018-09-06 Thread mattias jonsson

kör debian via crostini på en chromebook
behöver wine X?

Re: (solved) Re: sound card problem

2018-09-06 Thread deloptes
David Christensen wrote:

> I would expect personal computer sound card line-in and microphone
> inputs to use the same design analog-to-digital converter.  So, the
> sampling rates and bit depths should be the same.
> But, microphone inputs are usually monaural. So, if you use a stereo
> patch cable from your television to your computer, you will only hear
> the left channel.
> And, microphone inputs usually have more analog gain. So, you will need
> to turn the television volume down and/or reduce the microphone gain in
> your mixer application.  Either can reduce the signal quality.  Failure
> to do so will result in clipping.
> You will get the best recording if you connect the television line-out
> to the computer line-in and match the signal levels.

He does not know what brand his PC is and no info on the card - it is hard
to say where and how it should be plugged in.
