Re: Firefox no longer able to play videos on Facebook

2018-10-02 Thread Per Dalgas Jakobsen

On 10/03/2018 04:49 AM, John Crawley wrote:

The extended support firefox-esr is available in Debian Stretch (not 
Buster atm) at version 60.2.1, so enabling sid is not necessary:

Brads solution worked nicely. Neither Sid or Stretch were enabled, so 
one or the other... Although, nice to know for another time, if a Sid 
would require multiple dependencies.


Re: Burn Blu-Ray video on Linux

2018-10-02 Thread Jimmy Johnson

On 10/02/2018 09:02 PM, Bob McGowan wrote:


I have a high def (4K) mp4 video I would like to put on a Blu-Ray disk, 
to play in a standard Blu-Ray player.

So I did the Google search and found several posts, all of which 
mentioned an application tsMuxeR, which is available for Linux and is in 
the Debian repos.

However, it is a 32 bit application, but hey, no problem, I have 
multi-arch configured, and I've been able to run some 32 bit apps 
without issues.

Except this one.  The ldd command (is it ok to use the 64 bit command on 
a 32 bit binary?) says the file is "not a dynamic executable", yet when 
I run it, it complains about libraries not being found (which probably 
answers the question about ldd):

tsMuxeR: error while loading shared libraries:


     $ find /usr/lib* -name libstdc++\*

Only one directory in the above with 32 bit, so I tried adding it to 

     $ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/libx32 tsMuxeR
     tsMuxeR: error while loading shared libraries:

No joy.  And there is no file matching in /lib* or 
/usr/local/lib, either

Have I misconfigured something with multi-arch?  Is there a bug I 
couldn't find a reference too?

Any help or suggestions on other software to try?



This package?
Jimmy Johnson

Devuan Jessie - KDE 4.14.2 - AMD E2-6110 EXT4 at sda1
Registered Linux User #380263

Burn Blu-Ray video on Linux

2018-10-02 Thread Bob McGowan


I have a high def (4K) mp4 video I would like to put on a Blu-Ray disk, 
to play in a standard Blu-Ray player.

So I did the Google search and found several posts, all of which 
mentioned an application tsMuxeR, which is available for Linux and is in 
the Debian repos.

However, it is a 32 bit application, but hey, no problem, I have 
multi-arch configured, and I've been able to run some 32 bit apps 
without issues.

Except this one.  The ldd command (is it ok to use the 64 bit command on 
a 32 bit binary?) says the file is "not a dynamic executable", yet when 
I run it, it complains about libraries not being found (which probably 
answers the question about ldd):

tsMuxeR: error while loading shared libraries:


    $ find /usr/lib* -name libstdc++\*

Only one directory in the above with 32 bit, so I tried adding it to 

    $ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/libx32 tsMuxeR
    tsMuxeR: error while loading shared libraries:

No joy.  And there is no file matching in /lib* or 
/usr/local/lib, either

Have I misconfigured something with multi-arch?  Is there a bug I 
couldn't find a reference too?

Any help or suggestions on other software to try?



Re: Firefox no longer able to play videos on Facebook

2018-10-02 Thread John Crawley

On 02/10/2018 16.37, Brad Rogers wrote:

On Tue, 2 Oct 2018 09:17:52 +0200
Per Dalgas Jakobsen  wrote:

Hello Per,

Until a few days ago, Firefox played videos on Facebook without issues,

v52 is too old.  IDK whether it's being blocked, or sites are using
features not available in v52.  This issue affects not only FB, but also
Spotify and an increasing number of other sites.

Unfortunately, Ff migration from sid to testing is being blocked ATM.
Easiest solution is (temporarily) add sid as a repo and install Ff
60.2.  Once you're done, remove sid as a repo so you don't end up with
anything unwanted added to your system.

The extended support firefox-esr is available in Debian Stretch (not 
Buster atm) at version 60.2.1, so enabling sid is not necessary:


[SOLUCIONADO] Fail2ban y expresión regular

2018-10-02 Thread Diego H. Cancelo
Hola Julher.
Me funcionó perfecto, muchas gracias por tu ayuda !!!
Había que ir a lo más sencillo vergüenza me da :P
Muchas gracias nuevamente.


El mar., 2 oct. 2018 a las 10:28,  escribió:
> El lun, 01-10-2018 a las 22:12 -0300, Diego H. Cancelo escribió:
> > Buenas...
> > Estoy renegando con fail2ban y las expresiones regulares (no son mi
> > fuerte), a ver si alguien me puede tirar una mano.
> > Estuve mirando varias paginas y los filtros ya creados en el servicio
> > para tomarlos como referencia pero no doy en la tecla.
> > Tengo varios logs como estos que genero mediante IPTABLES:
> >
> > Sep 27 17:50:03 vps371545 kernel: [157374.491843] Flood detectado:
> > IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:16:3e:fb:99:f2:00:0c:db:4b:fd:00:08:00
> > SRC= DST= LEN=48 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=119
> > ID=15669 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=45161 DPT=80 WINDOW=8192 RES=0x00 SYN
> > URGP=0
> >
> > En jail.conf tengo:
> >
> > [flooddetectado]
> > enabled  = true
> > port  = all
> > filter   = flooddetectado
> > logpath  = /var/log/messages
> > maxretry = 10
> > action   = iptables-allports[name=flooddetectado,
> > port="22,25,80,443",
> > protocol=tcp]
> >
> > y en los filtros, dentro de flooddetectado.conf :
> >
> > [Definition]
> > failregex = ^Flood\ detectado:\ IN=*\ OUT\=\ MAC=*\ SRC=$
> Intenta con algo más simple, por ejemplo:
> failregex = Flood detectado: .* SRC= .*$
> Un saludo
> JulHer

Re: Thunderbird 60 ignores LC_TIME environment variable

2018-10-02 Thread Ken Heard

On 2018-10-02 3:07 p.m., Greg Wooledge wrote:

On Tue, Oct 02, 2018 at 02:47:52PM -0400, Ken Heard wrote:

$ LC_TIME=de_DE.utf8 thunderbird

This command doesn't work for me.

You have to generate the locales that you want to use.

dpkg-reconfigure locales >
Check it by running "locale -a" to see which locales are available on
your system.

I had long since already done that.  Among the available locales was and 
still is en_DK.utf8.


Re: Thunderbird 60 ignores LC_TIME environment variable

2018-10-02 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Tue, Oct 02, 2018 at 02:47:52PM -0400, Ken Heard wrote:
> > > > $ LC_TIME=de_DE.utf8 thunderbird
> This command doesn't work for me.

You have to generate the locales that you want to use.

dpkg-reconfigure locales

Check it by running "locale -a" to see which locales are available on
your system.

Re: Thunderbird 60 ignores LC_TIME environment variable

2018-10-02 Thread Ken Heard

On 2018-08-20 3:27 p.m., Stefan Pietsch wrote:

On 20.08.18 11:57, Curt wrote:

On 2018-08-20, Stefan Pietsch  wrote:

Dear list,

after the upgrade from Thunderbird 52.9.1 to 60.0 (Debian sid) it seems
for me that the environment variable LC_TIME is ignored.

I used the following command to set 24h time format in Thunderbird.

$ LC_TIME=de_DE.utf8 thunderbird

This command doesn't work for me.

With Thunderbird 60 setting the LC_TIME or LANG variables will not help.
Can someone confirm this?

I can't confirm anything but this bug report

looks both pertinent, and, after a cursory read (recent posts re 60 toward the
bottom), discouraging concerning your plight (at least for the moment).

Thanks for the hint to that bug id.

I had to set the "Date and Time Formatting" option (exists since TB
version 56) in the Advanced Preferences AND the variable LC_TIME when
starting Thunderbird to get it working.


The date and time option for me has two choices:

Application locale: English (United States)
Regional settings locale: English (Canada)

The result for me is the same for both. It is the ISO 8601 format for 
the date, but for time the format is 12 hour plus AM/PM.

How did you manage to the ISO 8601 time format be setting the LV_TIME 

Regards, Ken

Re: filigranes avec imagemagick

2018-10-02 Thread Bernard Schoenacker

- Mail original -
> De: "Bernard Schoenacker" 
> À: "ML Debian User French" 
> Envoyé: Mardi 2 Octobre 2018 19:11:38
> Objet: filigranes avec imagemagick
> bonjour,
> je rechercher la fonction me permettant de mettre des
> filigranes dans une image 
> #!/bin/bash
> for each in *.jpg
> do
> convert $each -size 10x20 xc:White -background White -append
> -gravity SouthEast -font NewCenturySchlbk-Italic -pointsize 18
> -draw "text 5,5 'Tu écrit ton texte ici   '" $each
> done
> source :
> comment faire pour avoir le texte en filigrane à 45° avec une police
> cursive
> merci
> slt
> bernard


j'ai retrouvé un exemple :

reste plus qu'à l'orienter à 45° avec une police cursive


Re: Firefox no longer able to play videos on Facebook

2018-10-02 Thread Siard
Sven Joachim wrote:
> the issue is that Firefox 52 is not compatible with FFmpeg 4.0
> (libavcodec58).  As a result, there is no H.264 support which breaks
> video playback on numerous sites.

The same appears to be valid for Seamonkey. Its latest version 2.49.4
works fine in stable (FFmpeg 3.2), but in testing (FFmpeg 4.0) it has
trouble with html5 audio and video.
For me, this unofficial build, version 2.53, solved it:

filigranes avec imagemagick

2018-10-02 Thread Bernard Schoenacker

je rechercher la fonction me permettant de mettre des
filigranes dans une image 

for each in *.jpg
convert $each -size 10x20 xc:White -background White -append -gravity 
SouthEast -font NewCenturySchlbk-Italic -pointsize 18 -draw "text 5,5 'Tu écrit 
ton texte ici   '" $each

source :

comment faire pour avoir le texte en filigrane à 45° avec une police cursive


Re: Syncing GnuPG between 2 system

2018-10-02 Thread tomas
On Tue, Oct 02, 2018 at 12:11:32PM +0100, mick crane wrote:
> On 2018-09-30 18:39, deloptes wrote:
> >Here is something I do not get - to encrypt I am asked for password - I
> >guess it is for my secret key, no?
> with the mail GPG plugin I never use but tested between 2 email
> identities.
> you can choose to generate a passphrase when you first make key pair
> to encrypt you use the recipient public key and to decrypt they
> enter their passphrase

To complete this: your private key is stored in an encrypted form:
this is to reduce possible damage should anyone with access to
your data to steal your private key (they'd need the passphrase for

If your account is compromised, you have at least the time to
revoke your key while "they" brute-force its encryption...

You have the revocation key, don't you?

-- tomás

Description: Digital signature

Re: WPA error: TLS Alert write:fatal:protocol version

2018-10-02 Thread Dominik George

On Tue, Oct 02, 2018 at 04:08:41PM +0200, Pétùr wrote:
> On debian sid, I have the following error when trying to connect to a WPA2 
> Entreprise network (PEAP + MSCHAPv2) with :
> Tue Oct  2 14:07:43 2018 : Error: TLS Alert write:fatal:protocol version
> Tue Oct  2 14:07:43 2018 : Error: rlm_eap: SSL error error:1408F10B:SSL 
> routines:SSL3_GET_RECORD:wrong version number
> Tue Oct  2 14:07:43 2018 : Error: SSL: SSL_read failed in a system call (-1), 
> TLS session fails.
> Tue Oct  2 14:07:43 2018 : Auth: Login incorrect (TLS Alert 
> write:fatal:protocol version): []

OpenSSL 1.1.1, and pretty much everything using it, is now disabling TLS 1.1
by default. That's probably what you see here, and it means that your RADIUS
server supports only deprecated TLS versions.

You can enable TLS 1.1 in your wpa_supplicant config, but the real fix is to
enable TLS 1.2 on your RADIUS server. That has been enabled by default in
freeradius in Debian since at least jessie, to give you an idea of how
outdated the setup is ;).


Description: PGP signature

WPA error: TLS Alert write:fatal:protocol version

2018-10-02 Thread Pétùr

On debian sid, I have the following error when trying to connect to a WPA2 
Entreprise network (PEAP + MSCHAPv2) with :

Tue Oct  2 14:07:43 2018 : Error: TLS Alert write:fatal:protocol version
Tue Oct  2 14:07:43 2018 : Error: rlm_eap: SSL error error:1408F10B:SSL 
routines:SSL3_GET_RECORD:wrong version number
Tue Oct  2 14:07:43 2018 : Error: SSL: SSL_read failed in a system call (-1), 
TLS session fails.
Tue Oct  2 14:07:43 2018 : Auth: Login incorrect (TLS Alert 
write:fatal:protocol version): []

It is probably a bug with a package. I tried to downgrade openssl and 
libgnutls-openssl27 without any change.

Any idea?


Re: SFConservancy misleads in "update" explaining GPLv2.

2018-10-02 Thread Stefan Monnier writes:
[ blabla ]

I see you're probably new here: I think we need more info to be able to
help you; for example you might start by telling us which version of
Debian you're using,


Re: Fail2ban y expresión regular

2018-10-02 Thread julher
El lun, 01-10-2018 a las 22:12 -0300, Diego H. Cancelo escribió:
> Buenas...
> Estoy renegando con fail2ban y las expresiones regulares (no son mi
> fuerte), a ver si alguien me puede tirar una mano.
> Estuve mirando varias paginas y los filtros ya creados en el servicio
> para tomarlos como referencia pero no doy en la tecla.
> Tengo varios logs como estos que genero mediante IPTABLES:
> Sep 27 17:50:03 vps371545 kernel: [157374.491843] Flood detectado:
> IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:16:3e:fb:99:f2:00:0c:db:4b:fd:00:08:00
> SRC= DST= LEN=48 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=119
> ID=15669 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=45161 DPT=80 WINDOW=8192 RES=0x00 SYN
> URGP=0
> En jail.conf tengo:
> [flooddetectado]
> enabled  = true
> port  = all
> filter   = flooddetectado
> logpath  = /var/log/messages
> maxretry = 10
> action   = iptables-allports[name=flooddetectado,
> port="22,25,80,443",
> protocol=tcp]
> y en los filtros, dentro de flooddetectado.conf :
> [Definition]
> failregex = ^Flood\ detectado:\ IN=*\ OUT\=\ MAC=*\ SRC=$

Intenta con algo más simple, por ejemplo:

failregex = Flood detectado: .* SRC= .*$

Un saludo


Re: all files moved to lost+found

2018-10-02 Thread Abdullah Ramazanoğlu
On Mon, 1 Oct 2018 23:18:13 -0700 David Christensen said:
> On 10/1/18 8:40 PM, Abdullah Ramazanoğlu wrote:

> > I'm not sure how an on-disk cache problem could definitively be caught
> > without power cycling. What if on-disk controller is ignoring all cache
> > related commands? (cache bypass, cache invalidate, cache flush)  
> I must depend upon Seagate to get their firmware and their diagnostics 
> right.  If their firmware were so bad as to ignore all cache related 
> commands, we'd probably hear about it.

I am not questioning the quality of the diagnostic tool, but there can
be situations where it is technically impossible to detect a failure. For
instance, a destructive cache test can write some data to disk, flush the
cache, invalidate the cache, and then reread the data just written. But if both
cache flush and cache invalidate don't work, then this scheme will produce a
false positive result.

* Write test data to disk --> OK

* Flush on-disk cache --> Controller returns "OK" but doesn't do it.

* Invalidate the cache --> Controller again returns "OK", without doing it.
  Now, diag tool thinks the data is recorded on media and the cache is clear.
  In fact, it is not recorded and is solely on cache.

* Reread the data --> Success. Controller reads it from cache, while the diag
  tool thinks it is coming from the media.

In such a case, there is no way the diag tool can definitively test on-disk

Only sure way is power-cycling, as far as I can see.

> Then again, as the OP's computer seems to be a newer model, some 
> hardware could be unsupported and/or the supporting device drivers could 
> be incomplete and/or buggy.  I know Intel provides reference FOSS 
> drivers for their stuff; does AMD?  Without a shopping list of the key 
> chips in the OP's computer, there is no way to check support status.


Abdullah Ramazanoğlu

Re: Syncing GnuPG between 2 system

2018-10-02 Thread mick crane

On 2018-09-30 18:39, deloptes wrote:

Here is something I do not get - to encrypt I am asked for password - I
guess it is for my secret key, no?

with the mail GPG plugin I never use but tested between 2 email 

you can choose to generate a passphrase when you first make key pair
to encrypt you use the recipient public key and to decrypt they enter 
their passphrase



Re: (solved) Re: is it possible to install previous mplayer

2018-10-02 Thread Michael Lange

On Mon, 01 Oct 2018 21:04:15 +0200
deloptes  wrote:

> Li Wei wrote:
> > mencoder of jessie doesn't have some feature I need
> > I can't use option vcodec=mpeg4
> > both wheezy and stretch have such option.
> why not try backport from stretch if available?

or maybe, in case some codec is missing from Stretch's default mplayer,
the multimedia version might be worth a try.



.-.. .. ...- .   .-.. --- -. --.   .- -. -..   .--. .-. --- ... .--. . .-.

-- The Gorn, "Arena", stardate 3046.2

Re: No sound after installing debian

2018-10-02 Thread tomas
Hash: SHA1

On Tue, Oct 02, 2018 at 07:49:30AM +, Curt wrote:
> [...] (in the case of Gnome where extirpation is
> impossible without taking the kitchen sink, the bath water, and the baby
> along with it).

...which is the path I ultimately took :-)

- -- t
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


Re: Firefox no longer able to play videos on Facebook

2018-10-02 Thread Brad Rogers
On Tue, 02 Oct 2018 10:11:15 +0200
Sven Joachim  wrote:

Hello Sven,

>This has nothing to do with those sites, the issue is that Firefox 52 is
>not compatible with FFmpeg 4.0 (libavcodec58).

Thanks for that, Sven.  Nice to know the root problem.  My searches
weren't designed to find causes, just solutions.  TBH, they weren't even
successful at that.  I ended up installing Ff from sid more or less out
of desperation.  Obviously, it worked.

At least it got the wife and kids off my back.   :-)

 Regards  _
 / )   "The blindingly obvious is
/ _)radnever immediately apparent"
If a thought came in your head it would die of loneliness
I Don't Like You - Stiff Little Fingers

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Firefox no longer able to play videos on Facebook

2018-10-02 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2018-10-02 08:37 +0100, Brad Rogers wrote:

> On Tue, 2 Oct 2018 09:17:52 +0200
> Per Dalgas Jakobsen  wrote:
> Hello Per,
>>Until a few days ago, Firefox played videos on Facebook without issues, 
> v52 is too old.  IDK whether it's being blocked, or sites are using
> features not available in v52.  This issue affects not only FB, but also
> Spotify and an increasing number of other sites.

This has nothing to do with those sites, the issue is that Firefox 52 is
not compatible with FFmpeg 4.0 (libavcodec58).  As a result, there is no
H.264 support which breaks video playback on numerous sites.


Re: No sound after installing debian

2018-10-02 Thread john doe
On 10/2/2018 9:49 AM, Curt wrote:
> On 2018-10-01,  
>  wrote:
>> Hi all,  I am a blind user of Debian and have made several attempts to
>> install Debian both stretch and testing with the same strange problem.  I
>> have speech during the install prosses and the system installs with no
>> problem.  How ever after booting into the new system the speech is not
>> there.  I tried going to alsamixer with root access and razing the sound
>> valume with no luck.  This happens both with the alfa and stable installs.
>> I tried with both isos installing with a gnome install as well as a mate
>> install.  I don't recall ever having this problems with this.  I do not have
>> any bare bones system to try with so using a virtual machine.  Any one here
>> have any ideas on how to rectify getting speech back aftr installing.  
> Some troubleshooting ideas here:
> Apparently pulseaudio is a problem and either must be run as root,
> removed, or disabled (in the case of Gnome where extirpation is
> impossible without taking the kitchen sink, the bath water, and the baby
> along with it).

Regarding Debian stable (Stretch) this bug only happened when switching
from desktop Manager (DM) to the console.
So the OP should have speatch working when booting for the first time
after installation.

To the OP:

Are you able to play any sounds at all?

John Doe

Re: Firefox no longer able to play videos on Facebook

2018-10-02 Thread Brad Rogers
On Tue, 2 Oct 2018 09:46:45 +0200
Per Dalgas Jakobsen  wrote:

Hello Per,

>Well, that worked!

As I knew it would.   :-)

Seriously, though;
We had the same issue here a little while back.  It didn't bother me, as
I don't use FB or Spotify, but it was an issue for the rest of the
family.  I had to find a solution.  Fast.

>I gather then, that it did not have anything to do with installation
>and uninstallation of other software after all!?

Indeed not.  That was just a coincidence.

>Thanks :-)

You're very welcome.

 Regards  _
 / )   "The blindingly obvious is
/ _)radnever immediately apparent"
Looking for something I can call my own
Chairman Of The Bored - Crass

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: No sound after installing debian

2018-10-02 Thread Curt
On 2018-10-01,  
> Hi all,  I am a blind user of Debian and have made several attempts to
> install Debian both stretch and testing with the same strange problem.  I
> have speech during the install prosses and the system installs with no
> problem.  How ever after booting into the new system the speech is not
> there.  I tried going to alsamixer with root access and razing the sound
> valume with no luck.  This happens both with the alfa and stable installs.
> I tried with both isos installing with a gnome install as well as a mate
> install.  I don't recall ever having this problems with this.  I do not have
> any bare bones system to try with so using a virtual machine.  Any one here
> have any ideas on how to rectify getting speech back aftr installing.  
Some troubleshooting ideas here:

Apparently pulseaudio is a problem and either must be run as root,
removed, or disabled (in the case of Gnome where extirpation is
impossible without taking the kitchen sink, the bath water, and the baby
along with it).

> Thanks again.
> Matthew

"Now she understood that Anna could not have been in lilac, and that her charm
was just that she always stood out against her attire, that her dress could
never be noticeable on her." Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina 

Re: Firefox no longer able to play videos on Facebook

2018-10-02 Thread Per Dalgas Jakobsen

Hi Brad,

Well, that worked!

I gather then, that it did not have anything to do with installation and 
uninstallation of other software after all!?

Thanks :-)


On 10/02/2018 09:37 AM, Brad Rogers wrote:

On Tue, 2 Oct 2018 09:17:52 +0200
Per Dalgas Jakobsen  wrote:

Hello Per,

Until a few days ago, Firefox played videos on Facebook without issues,

v52 is too old.  IDK whether it's being blocked, or sites are using
features not available in v52.  This issue affects not only FB, but also
Spotify and an increasing number of other sites.

Unfortunately, Ff migration from sid to testing is being blocked ATM.
Easiest solution is (temporarily) add sid as a repo and install Ff
60.2.  Once you're done, remove sid as a repo so you don't end up with
anything unwanted added to your system.

Re: Firefox no longer able to play videos on Facebook

2018-10-02 Thread Brad Rogers
On Tue, 2 Oct 2018 09:17:52 +0200
Per Dalgas Jakobsen  wrote:

Hello Per,

>Until a few days ago, Firefox played videos on Facebook without issues, 

v52 is too old.  IDK whether it's being blocked, or sites are using
features not available in v52.  This issue affects not only FB, but also
Spotify and an increasing number of other sites.

Unfortunately, Ff migration from sid to testing is being blocked ATM.
Easiest solution is (temporarily) add sid as a repo and install Ff
60.2.  Once you're done, remove sid as a repo so you don't end up with
anything unwanted added to your system.

 Regards  _
 / )   "The blindingly obvious is
/ _)radnever immediately apparent"
This disease is catching
Into The Valley - Skids

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: No sound after installing debian

2018-10-02 Thread didier gaumet
Hella Matthew,

There is a dedicated mailing list for Debian accessibility:

>From what you describe I would surmise that you do have sound after
install but lack accessibility features like an audio screen reader.

Sorry, I have never installed or set up a system for a blind person, so
I do not know what is really important or difficult in this process.

Here are three links that could of help:

- Accessibility in the Debian wiki:

- the accessibility project on the Debian website:

- Orca screen reader wiki (part of the Gnome standard Debian Desktop

Firefox no longer able to play videos on Facebook

2018-10-02 Thread Per Dalgas Jakobsen


Until a few days ago, Firefox played videos on Facebook without issues, 
but now it cannot play the same videos anymore. It may coincide with me 
installing and uninstalling some Industrial Camera software (the only 
major change I remember doing in the meantime). It included make 
install, but I thought I got it cleaned up fine...

I've tried to reinstall Firefox, *codec*, *plugin*, *pepperflash* and 
some other packages, and tried to disable hw-accel in Firefox, without 
any change in luck.

I know it's hard to tell what went wrong, I'm also aware of the 
problematic deb-multimedia, but perhaps you guys can help me find out 
where to punch the system to get it to work again?


1) A few days ago Firefox played FB videos nicely.

2) Now Firefox console says (tried a few videos):
Error: The manifest specifies content that cannot be displayed on this 
browser/platform.  5-rDEXaxCbl.js:393:371
The video on this page can’t be played. Your system may not have the 
required video codecs for: video/mp4; codecs="avc1.4D401E", video/mp4; 
codecs="avc1.4D401E", video/mp4; codecs="avc1.4D401F", video/mp4; 
codecs="avc1.4D401F", audio/mp4; codecs="mp4a.40.5", video/mp4; 
codecs="avc1.42E01E mp4a.40.2", video/mp4; codecs="avc1.4D401E 
mp4a.40.2", video/mp4; codecs="avc1.4D401F mp4a.40.2", video/mp4; 
codecs="avc1.640032 mp4a.40.2", video/mp4; codecs="avc1.640033 mp4a.40.2"

3) Youtube plays fine both before and now.

4) I downloaded the FB Video with youtube-dl and played the video 
through Nautilus on VLC and Totem without problems.

5) Fully upgraded Debian Buster/Sid - Linux 4.18.0-1-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 
4.18.6-1 (2018-09-06) x86_64 GNU/Linux.

deb testing main contrib non-free
deb-src testing main contrib non-free
deb testing/updates main 
contrib non-free
deb-src testing/updates main 
contrib non-free

deb testing main non-free

/var/log/apt/history.log (around the time I installed/uninstalled the 
Cam software):

Start-Date: 2018-09-25  08:13:59
Install: libgirepository1.0-dev:amd64 (1.58.0-1), libzip4:amd64 
(1.1.2-1.1+b1, automatic), libgstreamer1.0-dev:amd6
4 (1.14.3-1), libffi-dev:amd64 (3.2.1-8, automatic), libudev-dev:amd64 
(239-9), libzip-dev:amd64 (1.1.2-1.1+b1), li

btinyxml-dev:amd64 (2.6.2-4), python3-setuptools:amd64 (40.2.0-1)
End-Date: 2018-09-25  08:14:03

Start-Date: 2018-09-25  08:16:11
Commandline: apt-get install gstreamer1.0-tools gstreamer1.0-x 
gstreamer1.0-plugins-base gstreamer1.0-plugins-good
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly libxml2 libpcap0.8 
libaudit1 libnotify4 python3-pyqt5 python3-gi

Install: gstreamer1.0-tools:amd64 (1.14.3-1)
End-Date: 2018-09-25  08:16:12

Start-Date: 2018-09-25  08:22:02
Commandline: apt-get install git g++ cmake pkg-config libudev-dev 
libudev1 libtinyxml-dev libgstreamer1.0-dev libgs
treamer-plugins-base1.0-dev libglib2.0-dev libgirepository1.0-dev 
libusb-1.0-0-dev libzip-dev uvcdynctrl python-set
uptools libxml2-dev libpcap-dev libaudit-dev libnotify-dev autoconf 
intltool gtk-doc-tools python3-setuptools
Install: libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev:amd64 (1.14.3-dmo1), 
libpcap0.8-dev:amd64 (1.8.1-6, automatic), libwebcam
0:amd64 (0.2.4-1.1+b2, automatic), libegl1-mesa-dev:amd64 (18.1.7-1, 
automatic), docbook-to-man:amd64 (1:2.0.0-42,
automatic), libnotify-dev:amd64 (0.7.7-3), highlight:amd64 (3.41-2, 
automatic), libpng-dev:amd64 (1.6.34-2, automat
ic), libcap-ng-dev:amd64 (0.7.9-1, automatic), uvcdynctrl:amd64 
(0.2.4-1.1+b2), docbook-xsl:amd64 (1.79.1+dfsg-2, a
utomatic), liborc-0.4-dev:amd64 (1:0.4.28-2, automatic), 
highlight-common:amd64 (3.41-2, automatic), libwayland-bin
:amd64 (1.16.0-1, automatic), libosp5:amd64 (1.5.2-13+b1, automatic), 
libwayland-dev:amd64 (1.16.0-1, automatic), o
pensp:amd64 (1.5.2-13+b1, automatic), libxml2-dev:amd64 
(2.9.4+dfsg1-7+b1), libgles2-mesa-dev:amd64 (18.1.7-1, auto
matic), python-setuptools:amd64 (40.2.0-1), libgdk-pixbuf2.0-dev:amd64 
(2.38.0+dfsg-6, automatic), gtk-doc-tools:am
d64 (1.28-1), libaudit-dev:amd64 (1:2.8.4-2), python-funcsigs:amd64 
(1.0.2-4, automatic), uvcdynctrl-data:amd64 (0.
2.4-1.1, automatic), liborc-0.4-dev-bin:amd64 (1:0.4.28-2, automatic), 
libpng-tools:amd64 (1.6.34-2, automatic), xs
ltproc:amd64 (1.1.32-2, automatic), intltool:amd64 (0.51.0-5), 
docbook:amd64 (4.5-6, automatic), python-mock:amd64
(2.0.0-3, automatic), python-pbr:amd64 (4.2.0-4, automatic), 
libpcap-dev:amd64 (1.8.1-6)

End-Date: 2018-09-25  08:22:10

Start-Date: 2018-09-25  09:02:42
Purge: libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev:amd64 (1.14.3-dmo1), 
libpcap0.8-dev:amd64 (1.8.1-6), libwebcam0:amd64 (0.2.
4-1.1+b2), libegl1-mesa-dev:amd64 (18.1.7-1), docbook-to-man:amd64 
(1:2.0.0-42), libnotify-dev:amd64 (0.7.7-3), hig
hlight:amd64 (3.41-2), libpng-dev:amd64 (1.6.34-2), 

Re: all files moved to lost+found

2018-10-02 Thread David Christensen

On 10/1/18 9:07 PM, Abdullah Ramazanoğlu wrote:

On Mon, 1 Oct 2018 21:31:27 -0300 Beco said:

I've done the bootable seagate HD test. It came up 100% ok, all tests. The
HD is new, I wouldn't expect different, but it is always reassuring to do
the real test and see the results.

I am not familiar with seatools, but there are usually destructive and
non-destructive test suites in such tools. I hope you have run a destructive
one (which destroys data on disk) as some marginal errors can only be caught by
destructive tests.

The only destructive test I recall from SeaTools is writing zeros to the 
disk.  Of course, you don't want to do that until the data recovery 
effort is complete. And, the OP seems to be ignoring recovery and still 
trying to use the drive (!).

Is the "swap" partition something that could cause that if turned off by

I don't think so.


I read above from Abdullah, that it is very unlike to have such major FS
fail, and it looks like it didn't "flush" the night I turned off. This is
also my guess, it is the only thing that make sense. Maybe the inode table
was in the memory and got corrupted. But it is strange to figure that,
since the filesystem is EXT4, and it is very stable nowadays.

I'm not sure how much isolation the various parts of the Linux kernel 
now have from each other.  In the bad old days of monolithic kernels, 
everything inside the kernel could touch everything else in the kernel. 
A buggy driver in one subsystem could wreak havoc in any other subsystem.

But the journal is passing through on-disk controller, too. If the drive is
mishandling its on-drive cache, then an FS corruption is still possible. Even
if journal writes are "direct", the drive could be ignoring that (i.e. caches
it nevertheless) without flushing it prior to power-off, corrupting the journal
as well.

If the FS survives through reboots, but falters when the laptop is power
cycled, then a cache flush issue is still probable.

Another test method might be hibernation. If resume from hibernation works,
then that rules out on-disk caching problem.


Hypotheses require experiments to confirm or refute them.

The chicken-and-egg problem is to get some solid data to start with. 
We'll see if the OP responds to my shopping list of requested commands.


Re: all files moved to lost+found

2018-10-02 Thread David Christensen

On 10/1/18 8:40 PM, Abdullah Ramazanoğlu wrote:

On Mon, 1 Oct 2018 19:06:20 -0700 David Christensen said:

If Seagate Seatools is happy with the 2 TB drive, that should eliminate
the 2 TB drive, the cable, and the motherboard port as sources of the

I'm not sure how an on-disk cache problem could definitively be caught without
power cycling. What if on-disk controller is ignoring all cache related
commands? (cache bypass, cache invalidate, cache flush)

I must depend upon Seagate to get their firmware and their diagnostics 
right.  If their firmware were so bad as to ignore all cache related 
commands, we'd probably hear about it.

Every disk that I have seen fail the manufacturer's diagnostic has also 
exhibited bad behavior in whatever computer it occupied.

But, the contrary is not true.  When it is false (e.g. bad behavior, 
passes diagnostic), either I'm confused, some other part of the computer 
is having issues, or both.  (PEBKAC is a common root cause.)

Then again, as the OP's computer seems to be a newer model, some 
hardware could be unsupported and/or the supporting device drivers could 
be incomplete and/or buggy.  I know Intel provides reference FOSS 
drivers for their stuff; does AMD?  Without a shopping list of the key 
chips in the OP's computer, there is no way to check support status.
