Re: what's status of support for ntfs?

2019-03-06 Thread Alexander V. Makartsev
On 07.03.2019 3:46, Long Wind wrote:
> freebsd say it can read reliably from ntfs, but write to it unreliably
> i've just checked stretch manual for mount, it seem to support write
> to ntfs?
> early linux can't write to ntfs
ntfs is supported via "ntfs-3g" driver. There could be some caveats and
quirks in terms of compatibility, but at least all basic features like
read\write and journal are supported.
For advanced usage like checking\resizing\shrinking it is better (safer)
to use Windows native tools, like "diskpart.exe" and "chkdsk.exe".

With kindest regards, Alexander.

⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ Debian - The universal operating system

Re: Instalacion de servidor openvpn?

2019-03-06 Thread d1cor
On Wednesday, March 6, 2019 at 6:30:03 PM UTC-3, Debian wrote:
> On Tue, 05 Mar 2019 19:31:45 -0800, d1cor wrote:
> > On Sunday, March 3, 2019 at 1:30:03 PM UTC-3, Debian wrote:
> >> Como no me funciona Openvpn como cliente, y no tengo acceso al servidor
> >> que me conecto, decidi utilizar el ordenador con Buster, como servidor
> >> openvpn!
> >> 
> >> Sorpresa! He instalado Openvpn como servidor, muchas veces, pero esta
> >> vez,
> >> me topo con que ya no existen los How to, con estructura Latina;
> >> escuetos, al punto y funcionan a la primera!
> >> 
> >> He leido muchos documentos basura, que tienen mucho texto, pero no
> >> dicen ni mierda. Ni siquiera existen las carpetas de easy-rsa, o el
> >> script init -pki; ya me canse, he probado muchas veces y no aterrizo.
> >> 
> >> Alguien tiene una guia a la antigua que quiera compartir?
> >> 
> >> Les agradezco su atencion.
> > 
> > Hola! Hay cambios importantes entre el EasyRSA v2 y v3... yo lo he
> > probado en Debian 9 y en ArchLinux. En Debian todavía se mantiene la v2,
> > no se en Buster si habrán cambiado a la v3.
> > 
> > Te paso un artículo que escribí al respecto, donde explico cómo montar
> > un server openvpn usando el easyrsa v3 descargado desde los repos git
> > del openvpn.
> > 
> > Espero te sirva! Saludos!
> > Diego
> Gracias, no veo la guia?

Perdón! Olvidé adjuntar el enlace:

Espero te sirva como a mi.


Re: User rw Permissions on New Hard Drive

2019-03-06 Thread Stephen P. Molnar
I would beg the group's indulgence again, as I want to be sure I get 
this correctly.

I think this is what I want as the fstab:

# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# Use 'blkid' to print the universally unique identifier for a
# device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name devices
# that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).
# / was on /dev/sda1 during installation
UUID=4dc278b7-1792-4e89-b67e-a517fce97d19 / ext4 errors=remount-ro 0 1
# swap was on /dev/sda5 during installation
UUID=acfb9d26-69c6-4489-88fc-12f5c50bda97 none swap sw 0 0

UUID=900b5f0b-4f3d-4a64-8c91-29aee4c6fd07 /sdb1 ext4 
defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 1

UUID=1f363165-2c59-4236-850d-36d1e807099e /Apps ext4 
defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 1

/dev/sr0 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0

in addition I need to have:


  Comments and corrections will be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.



Stephen P. Molnar, Ph.D.
(614)312-7528 (c)
Skype: smolnar1

Re: Disco externo con cortes

2019-03-06 Thread Jorge Sanchez
Si tiene fallo lógico te recomiendo HDDRegenerator, en cambio si el fallo
es físico poco podrás hacer.

El mié., 6 mar. 2019 22:42, Gonzalo Rivero 

> El mar, 05-03-2019 a las 21:26 -0300, Marcelo Eduardo Giordano
> escribió:
> > Hola amigos. Tengo un disco externo el cual presenta fallas, a veces
> > tengo que desconectar el usb y volver a conectarlo porque se congela.
> >
> tenía uno de esos y para arreglarlo conseguí otra caja usb, estos
> discos son discos sata normales de notebook (el tamaño es 2,5'' si no
> me equivoco) y la caja es un conector sata, una plaquita que hace la
> conversión a usb y ya
> > Tengo ganas de formatearlo. Les parece buena solución.
> >
> > Muchas Gracias
> >
> > Uso Debian 9 xfce
> >

Re: Disco externo con cortes

2019-03-06 Thread Gonzalo Rivero
El mar, 05-03-2019 a las 21:26 -0300, Marcelo Eduardo Giordano
> Hola amigos. Tengo un disco externo el cual presenta fallas, a veces 
> tengo que desconectar el usb y volver a conectarlo porque se congela.
tenía uno de esos y para arreglarlo conseguí otra caja usb, estos
discos son discos sata normales de notebook (el tamaño es 2,5'' si no
me equivoco) y la caja es un conector sata, una plaquita que hace la
conversión a usb y ya

> Tengo ganas de formatearlo. Les parece buena solución.
> Muchas Gracias
> Uso Debian 9 xfce

Mouse middle button issue (more)

2019-03-06 Thread Satellite
Well... Now after reboot middle mouse emulation is enabled 

   |xinput list-props 8 (my mouse ID)
   libinput Middle Emulation Enabled (291):   1|

While the next string from the output 

   |libinput Middle Emulation Enabled Default (292):   0|

Seems that .xsessionrc doesn't work now and that's a bug, I guess. But I 
don't know what package might have caused this issue.

Re: Instalacion de servidor openvpn?

2019-03-06 Thread Debian
On Tue, 05 Mar 2019 19:31:45 -0800, d1cor wrote:

> On Sunday, March 3, 2019 at 1:30:03 PM UTC-3, Debian wrote:
>> Como no me funciona Openvpn como cliente, y no tengo acceso al servidor
>> que me conecto, decidi utilizar el ordenador con Buster, como servidor
>> openvpn!
>> Sorpresa! He instalado Openvpn como servidor, muchas veces, pero esta
>> vez,
>> me topo con que ya no existen los How to, con estructura Latina;
>> escuetos, al punto y funcionan a la primera!
>> He leido muchos documentos basura, que tienen mucho texto, pero no
>> dicen ni mierda. Ni siquiera existen las carpetas de easy-rsa, o el
>> script init -pki; ya me canse, he probado muchas veces y no aterrizo.
>> Alguien tiene una guia a la antigua que quiera compartir?
>> Les agradezco su atencion.
> Hola! Hay cambios importantes entre el EasyRSA v2 y v3... yo lo he
> probado en Debian 9 y en ArchLinux. En Debian todavía se mantiene la v2,
> no se en Buster si habrán cambiado a la v3.
> Te paso un artículo que escribí al respecto, donde explico cómo montar
> un server openvpn usando el easyrsa v3 descargado desde los repos git
> del openvpn.
> Espero te sirva! Saludos!
> Diego

Gracias, no veo la guia?

Buster tiene easy-rsa 3 y openvpn 2.4.7-1
No es por la transicion, es por que la mayoria de los que escriben, han 
adoptado el modelo gringo; que por cierto es de los mas pendejos!

Consiste en, escribir un monton de mierdas, sin ser especificos! He leido 
todo lo que hay en easy-rsa y openvpn y en ninguna parte encontre algo 
concreto; incluyendo la man.

Re: [HS] GAFAM est devenu GAFA

2019-03-06 Thread ajh-valmer
On Wednesday 06 March 2019 21:42:10 Yann Serre wrote:
> Maintenant c'est "les GAFAM", mais j'ai souvent entendu "les GAFAs" :)
> Je complète par ce que j'ai entendu aujourd'hui sur France Inter :
> "Les GAFAM : Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple, et les autres..."
> Et une autre fois, Facebook cité deux fois mais pas M$
> C'est une observation perso, qui vaut ce qu'elle vaut, mais M$ est 
> souvent oublié !
> Sinon le quizz YCU : Yahoo Caramail Uber

On disait toujours GAFAM encore récemment.

Le M (comme Microsoft) a subitement disparu comme par enchantement.
(très probablement pour des raisons bassement financières,
gros chèque remis, mini prix pour l'informatique de nos écoles,
du ministère de la culture, de l'EN, équipement de la défense nationale,
gros siège social porte d'Issy à Paris etc ...).

Ce qui est choquant est qu'aucun média, TV, ni jounaux, magazines,
ne l'ont signalé et adoptent GAFA (sans le M).

B. Lemaire, ministre des finances, se lance dans l'opération GAFA(M),
tiens..., avant les élections européennes.
Et pas sûr du tout qu'il obtienne de pouvoir les taxer...
mais bon, le peuple verra l'intention, pas le résultat.

Certificado ou Declaração de Participação e Organização em evento Debian Day de 2008

2019-03-06 Thread Rafael Rocha
Olá pessoas, boa noite.

Estou participando da seleção de mestrado, no IFPB
um dos itens que eu posso pontuar é sobre a participação em eventos de
tecnologia, conforme item 6.1 desta tabela
O problema é como comprovar isso, conforme o seguinte texto:

*Certificado ou declaração de participação em eventos assinada pela*
*organização do evento*

Em 2008 ajudei a organizar o evento Debian Day, de 15 anos, o qual foi
realizado na UNICAP , em Recife/PE. Esse é um registro
do cartaz que foi anunciado 
na época. Também postei no meu antigo blog
inclusive na wiki do debian

Como testemunho deste fato, algumas pessoas me ajudaram a organizar do
grupo *debian-pe*, tais como: Fred, Marcelo, Celina, Andréa, entre muitos
outros. Talvez estas ainda estejam participando desta lista e, caso puder,
agradeço a confirmação e validade das minhas informações.

*Resumidamente*, gostaria de saber como posso obter um certificado ou
declaração da comunidade, de modo que eu consiga comprovar que fiz parte
disto e que ajudei a organizar, como de fato aconteceu.

Eu perguntei em particular para alguns destes amigos e, a confirmação desta
informação ficou centralizada em Marcelo mas, ainda não tive  o seu
retorno. Caso alguém puder me ajudar, fico muito grato.

Amanhã sai o resultado do mestrado e eu tenho até sexta-feira para tentar
enviar algum recurso, caso eles não considerem as informações que passei.


Re: [HS] GAFAM est devenu GAFA

2019-03-06 Thread Yann Serre

Maintenant c'est "les GAFAM", mais j'ai souvent entendu "les GAFAs" :)

Je complète par ce que j'ai entendu aujourd'hui sur France Inter :
"Les GAFAM : Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple, et les autres..."
Et une autre fois, Facebook cité deux fois mais pas M$

C'est une observation perso, qui vaut ce qu'elle vaut, mais M$ est 
souvent oublié !

Autre acronyme : NATU
Netflix, Air BNB, Tesla et Uber


Et puis aussi BATX : Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent et Xiaomi


Sinon le quizz YCU :

Le 06/03/2019 à 15:02, Stephane Ascoet a écrit :

Le 24/01/2019 à 14:17, Yann Serre a écrit :

J'ajoute une observation personnelle :
Depuis le début, cet acronyme c'est GAFA, les GAFA(s)...
Pour la presse généraliste, le grand public.
Des gens mieux informés ont rajouté M$ (et Uber, et...), mais ce n'est
pas forcément passé dans le langage courant ; un peu comme "crypté" et
"chiffré" si vous voyez ce que je veux dire :)
Sur ce, 

Bonjour, as-tu une source de cela? J'ai decouvert l'accronyme via le 
milieu militant(je pensais qu'il avait ete invente par Framasoft) et ce 
fut toujours Gafam. Pour moi c'est Gafamycu ;-) Potentiellement ca peut 
s'etendre presque a l'infini...

Cordialement, Stephane Ascoet

Hacking the troll !!!!

2019-03-06 Thread fg . facteur84
Exit log.ip  no valide 0X1> 0= >valeur is  [IP§ VAR >/> ?
>@BREAK TIME 2 www.microsft-dynamics .com |

Provenance : Courrier pour Windows 10

Mouse middle button issue (probably libinput)

2019-03-06 Thread Satellite

Hello, guys!

I'm running stable Stretch 64-bit and yesterday I upgraded MATE from 
1.16 to 1.20 (from 

   |sudo apt install -t stretch-backports mate-desktop-environment-extras|

I'm experiencing an issue with my mouse buttons. My mouse is Logitech 
M318e (simple gaming mouse with a wheel/button and backward/forward 
buttons on the side).
I wouldn't have noticed that actually but I regularly play 
Openarena/Quake games. Now I simply cannot rocket jump anymore (when 
left+right buttons pressed almost at the same time).

After running the following command I see that now 1) pressing on the 
wheel button and 2) pressing left+right buttons simultaneously are 
handled as the same event - button 

   |xev | grep ', button'|

left button - button 1
right button - button 3
pressing the middle wheel - button 2
pressing left+right buttons simultaneously - button 2

Fortunately I have Jessie installed on another drive. So I tested it 
there and the result is:

left button - button 1
right button - button 3
pressing the middle wheel - button 2
pressing left+right buttons simultaneously - button 1 and button 3

I'm aware that Debian has switched to libinput 
instead of synaptics, but there's nothing libinput related in the APT 
logs  and everything was OK prior to that 
MATE upgrade.

I don't even know what package might have caused this issue in order to 
file a proper bug report.

I'm using now a temporary solution via .xsessionrc:

   |xinput --set-prop DEVICE_ID "libinput Middle Emulation Enabled" 0|

Where your DEVICE_ID can be found via xinput.

*P.S.* I've also found something relevant (but old and archived) in the 
Debian Mail Lists 
 and Bug 
tracker .

Re: [HS] GAFAM est devenu GAFA

2019-03-06 Thread ajh-valmer
On Wednesday 06 March 2019 15:02:48 Stephane Ascoet wrote:
> Le 24/01/2019 à 14:17, Yann Serre a écrit :
> > J'ajoute une observation personnelle :
> > Depuis le début, cet acronyme c'est GAFA,
> > Pour la presse généraliste, le grand public.
> > Des gens mieux informés ont rajouté M$ (et Uber, et...)
> Bonjour, as-tu une source de cela ? J'ai découvert l'acronyme via le 
> milieu militant (je pensais qu'il avait été inventé par Framasoft) et ce 
> fut toujours Gafam. Pour moi c'est Gafamycu. Potentiellement ca peut 
> s'étendre presque à l'infini.

"ycu" = ?

Re: prise en main de Freecad

2019-03-06 Thread BERTRAND Joël
Benoit B a écrit :
>> Et lorsqu'on compile depuis le git, il faut rajouter l'option pour
>> avoir une compilation en mode release et non debug (sinon, le solver des
>> esquisses, entre autres, rame à mort dès que tes esquisses sont un peu
>> compliquées.). C'est indiqué noir sur blanc dans la doc. Par défaut (à
>> moins que cela n'ait changé récemment), c'est une version debug qui est
>> compilée.
> Pour certains paquets debian nécessaires à la compilation, je ne
> trouve pas leur équivalant en python3 et Qt5
> Cf.
> Vu qu'ils recommandent d'utiliser python3 et Qt5 plutôt que python2 et Qt4
> Cf.
> Ex:libqt4-dev Je ne trouves pas d'équivalant  libqt5-dev
> Aurais-tu la liste des paquets debian à installer avec python3 et Qt5 ?

Je l'ai compilé avec python 2.7 et qt4. Ça fonctionne.

Bien cordialement,


Re: pbuilder ou pas?

2019-03-06 Thread Marc Chantreux
hello Bernard,

> > * existe-t'il une doc qui soit encore mieux que le tuto de lucas
> >   nussbaum (et surtout qui prend en compte les aspects interactions
> >   avec la communauté)?

> Lucas Nussbaum avait réaliser un diaporama sur la création de paquets debian 
> ...

merci pour l'info ... la prochaine fois je serais précis et je mettrais
le lien vers ce pdf quand je parle du "tuto de lucas nussbaum"


Re: Archiving content of a directory on a DVD-R.

2019-03-06 Thread Thomas Schmitt
Hi, wrote:
> Media current: DVD-R sequential recording
> [...]
> xorriso : UPDATE :  742.1m content bytes read in 112 seconds = 5.0xD

It seems that next the joy of incremental backups could be explored.


First precondition would be to give up xorriso command
  -close on
to keep the DVD-R writable on its yet unused area.

Next replace -outdev by -dev and -map by -update_r.

  xorriso -for_backup -dev /dev/sr0 \
  -update_r . / \ 
  -commit \
  -toc -check_md5 failure -- \ 
  -eject all 

Now you can write to the DVD-R until it is full. Each run will produce a
complete directory tree of the current state. Data file content will
only be written if the file is new or its content changed since the
previous backup session (if there is such a session on DVD already).
If not many files changed, the add-on session 

When you mount the DVD on GNU/Linux, the youngest session will be used by
default. Older sessions can be mounted by mount(8) option "-o sbsector="
using the numbers told by column "sbsector" of xorriso command -toc:

  $ sudo mount -o sbsector=567890 /dev/sr0 /mnt/iso

Each session shows the complete directory state as it was at the time
when it was written to DVD.

When the DVD-R has not enough room for the upcomming session, xorriso will
fail without altering the DVD-R content. In this case, just insert a new
blank DVD-R to write a new first session.

The update decision is based on the timestamps and recorded MD5s on DVD.
For the comparison, the MD5s of the files in /home/peter/MY0.Bak have
to be computed by reading the full file content. If the storage device
is slow or your CPU runs hot, then consider to bet on device numbers and
inode numbers:

If the device number of the storage device is persistent over unmounting
or reboot, then insert
  -disk_dev_ino on
between -for_backup and -outdev.

If the device number changes, but the inode numbers are persistent, then
  -disk_dev_ino ino_only

Whether those numbers are persistent can be inquired by printing them
with shell command "stat" before and after reboot or re-mounting:

  $ stat --format="device=%d  inode=%i" /.../some_file
  device=2051  inode=3540166

(Device number changes are a matter of the operating system's bus
 management, inode number changes are mostly a matter of the filesystem's
 type. extN should be safe at least with inode numbers.)

Have a nice day :)


Re: Help with video editing with ffmpeg

2019-03-06 Thread rhkramer
On Wednesday, March 06, 2019 05:48:59 AM Gerardo Ballabio wrote:
> I guess my question was too specific. I'll try asking directly on
> ffmpeg mailing list.

If you get it figured out, I (and probably others) would be interested in how 
to do it -- maybe you could post a summary here with a link to the thread on 
the ffmpeg mailing list.


mouse-wheel on a laptop?

2019-03-06 Thread Sharon Kimble

I have an Entroware notebook computer, model W950PU, which when it boots shows 
it as a 'style-note', and I can disable the touch pad when I use a USB mouse.

But I can't get the mouse-wheel working!

So how can I get full functions with the mouse please on this laptop?

A taste of linux =
TGmeds =
DrugFacts =
Debian 9.8, fluxbox 1.3.7, emacs 26.1.92, org 9.2.1

Description: PGP signature

Re: Docker and Container Tools Podman/Buildah/Skopeo

2019-03-06 Thread Reco
On Wed, Mar 06, 2019 at 03:32:02PM +0100, Dejan Jocic wrote:
> On 06-03-19, Reco wrote:
> > Hi.
> > 
> > On Wed, Mar 06, 2019 at 12:17:27PM +0100, Dejan Jocic wrote:
> > > On 05-03-19, Reco wrote:
> > > > 
> > > > Canonical's famous for their NIH too. Mir, Unity, LXD - it's a long
> > > > list, although RedHat has longer one.
> > > > 
> > > > Reco
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Mir and Unity I can get, but why would you put LXD in that sentence about
> > > NIH? 
> > 
> > Given the existence of LXC, why would anyone need LXD?
> You do realise that LXD is wrap around LXC, or rather libxlc, which
> improves its functionality, while not taking anything from it?

Yep. And I see nothing that needs to be improved with LXC, security
issues left aside.
LXC has sane configuration format already, and, which is more important,
sane semantics, compared to [1].
It has features, including the arbitrary network configuration (not that
kind of abomination in LXD, or $DEITY forbid, systemd-nspawn or runc),
and arbitrary storage configuration. What's more important, it's easily

> Some of that functionality is live snapshot migration,

CRIU is lightyears ahead here.

> bit improved security,

LOL. [2] says:

[LXD] Containers can be managed over the network in a transparent way
through a REST API.

Every time you add a web interface to a good thing you diminish its
security. No exceptions.

> improved/easier to manage networking,

Nothing comes easy once you start writing your own DSL for the network
Besides, if one has trouble with LXC network configuration, one should
consider a job change IMO.

> overall better management. 

You forgot YMMV, so I'm adding it here.

> Also, while Canonical is not only supporter of LXC, it is practically
> major supporter, as far as I know ( but could be wrong about it ).

... and that's exactly why they could focus on fixing real issues such
as [3], [4], and [5] (last one is a shameless plug) instead of trying
to write yet another Openstack clone.



Re: pbuilder ou pas?

2019-03-06 Thread Bernard Schoenacker

- Mail original -
> De: "Marc Chantreux" 
> À:
> Envoyé: Mercredi 6 Mars 2019 16:14:19
> Objet: pbuilder ou pas?
> cher debian-fr,
> lorsque je veux faire un paquet debian, j'utilise equivs: c'est
> simple
> et ca suffit dans 99% de mes besoins. sauf que aujourd'hui, on me
> demande de faire les choses proprement, dans les regles ...
>  eventuellement
> pour plusieurs archis ... et meme idéalement fait un ITP à un moment.
> moi j'aime pas les règles ...  et là mon coeur saigne:
> * je sais créer un paquet, pas le maintenir de version en version
> * je sais créer un paquet pour *ma machine*, pas un vrai paquet pour
> le
>   deb-src et le multiarch et touti quanti
> du coup je me demande si:
> * dois-je utiliser pbuilder a l'époque ou docker semble etre une
> facon
>   standard de faire des boulots dans un chroot? ou existe-t'il une
>   autre
>   alternative ?
> * existe-t'il une doc qui soit encore mieux que le tuto de lucas
>   nussbaum (et surtout qui prend en compte les aspects interactions
>   avec
>   la communauté)?
> * y'a de la boite de service ou une asso qui fait eventuellement ce
> genre de
>   transfert de compétences et que vous pourriez me recommander?
>   m'accompagner jusqu'a l'ITP et la maintenance d'un paquet debian
>   officiel ?
> cordialement,
> marc


Lucas Nussbaum avait réaliser un diaporama sur la création de 
paquets debian ...

voici le lien :



pbuilder ou pas?

2019-03-06 Thread Marc Chantreux
cher debian-fr,

lorsque je veux faire un paquet debian, j'utilise equivs: c'est simple
et ca suffit dans 99% de mes besoins. sauf que aujourd'hui, on me
demande de faire les choses proprement, dans les regles ...  eventuellement
pour plusieurs archis ... et meme idéalement fait un ITP à un moment.

moi j'aime pas les règles ...  et là mon coeur saigne:

* je sais créer un paquet, pas le maintenir de version en version
* je sais créer un paquet pour *ma machine*, pas un vrai paquet pour le
  deb-src et le multiarch et touti quanti

du coup je me demande si:

* dois-je utiliser pbuilder a l'époque ou docker semble etre une facon
  standard de faire des boulots dans un chroot? ou existe-t'il une autre
  alternative ?
* existe-t'il une doc qui soit encore mieux que le tuto de lucas
  nussbaum (et surtout qui prend en compte les aspects interactions avec
  la communauté)?
* y'a de la boite de service ou une asso qui fait eventuellement ce genre de
  transfert de compétences et que vous pourriez me recommander?
  m'accompagner jusqu'a l'ITP et la maintenance d'un paquet debian officiel ?


Re: Archiving content of a directory on a DVD-R.

2019-03-06 Thread peter
*   From: "Thomas Schmitt"fifo 100%  buf   0%0.0xD 
xorriso : UPDATE : Writing: 380133s  100.0%   fifo   0%  buf 100%0.0xD 
ISO image produced: 379983 sectors
Written to medium : 380133 sectors at LBA 0
Writing to '/dev/sr0' completed successfully.

xorriso : NOTE : Re-assessing -outdev '/dev/sr0'
xorriso : UPDATE :  742.1m content bytes read in 112 seconds = 5.0xD
Ok, session data match recorded md5.

sys 0m6.148s

Message composed and transmitted by software designed to avoid the 
complication and vulnerability of antivirus software.

123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789
Pender Is., BC: +1 604 670 0140 Washington State: +1 360 639 0202  Bcc: peter at easthope. ca

Re: [HS] GAFAM est devenu GAFA

2019-03-06 Thread Marc Chantreux
> Je sais pas ce que signifie les ycu mais phonétiquement c'est bien
> trouvé ;-)

ucy aurait quand même été plus classe pour le jeu de mot :)


Re: Docker and Container Tools Podman/Buildah/Skopeo

2019-03-06 Thread Dejan Jocic
On 06-03-19, Reco wrote:
>   Hi.
> On Wed, Mar 06, 2019 at 12:17:27PM +0100, Dejan Jocic wrote:
> > On 05-03-19, Reco wrote:
> > > 
> > > Canonical's famous for their NIH too. Mir, Unity, LXD - it's a long
> > > list, although RedHat has longer one.
> > > 
> > > Reco
> > 
> > 
> > Mir and Unity I can get, but why would you put LXD in that sentence about
> > NIH? 
> Given the existence of LXC, why would anyone need LXD?
> Reco

You do realise that LXD is wrap around LXC, or rather libxlc, which
improves its functionality, while not taking anything from it?

Some of that functionality is live snapshot migration, bit improved
security, improved/easier to manage networking, overall better

Also, while Canonical is not only supporter of LXC, it is practically
major supporter, as far as I know ( but could be wrong about it ).So,
again, I don't really think that it belongs under NIH syndrome.

Thanks for reply,

Re: [HS] GAFAM est devenu GAFA

2019-03-06 Thread Daniel Caillibaud
Le 06/03/19 à 15:02, Stephane Ascoet  a
écrit :
> Pour moi c'est Gafamycu ;-) 

Je sais pas ce que signifie les ycu mais phonétiquement c'est bien
trouvé ;-)


Mieux vaut s'attendre au prévisible que d'être surpris
par l'inattendu.
Pierre Dac

Re: Help with video editing with ffmpeg

2019-03-06 Thread Dan Ritter
Gerardo Ballabio wrote: 
> Hello all,
> I have a video that was filmed under bad lighting conditions, the
> background is too bright and people in the foreground are dark. I'm
> trying to use ffmpeg to correct it. Please kindly help me.

You will probably be happiest with a non-linear editor, most of
which have color correction systems.

Debian packages several -- non-linear is a good keyword.


Re: Docker and Container Tools Podman/Buildah/Skopeo

2019-03-06 Thread Reco

On Wed, Mar 06, 2019 at 12:17:27PM +0100, Dejan Jocic wrote:
> On 05-03-19, Reco wrote:
> > 
> > Canonical's famous for their NIH too. Mir, Unity, LXD - it's a long
> > list, although RedHat has longer one.
> > 
> > Reco
> Mir and Unity I can get, but why would you put LXD in that sentence about
> NIH? 

Given the existence of LXC, why would anyone need LXD?


Re: [HS] GAFAM est devenu GAFA

2019-03-06 Thread Stephane Ascoet

Le 24/01/2019 à 14:17, Yann Serre a écrit :

J'ajoute une observation personnelle :
Depuis le début, cet acronyme c'est GAFA, les GAFA(s)...
Pour la presse généraliste, le grand public.
Des gens mieux informés ont rajouté M$ (et Uber, et...), mais ce n'est
pas forcément passé dans le langage courant ; un peu comme "crypté" et
"chiffré" si vous voyez ce que je veux dire :)
Sur ce, 

Bonjour, as-tu une source de cela? J'ai decouvert l'accronyme via le 
milieu militant(je pensais qu'il avait ete invente par Framasoft) et ce 
fut toujours Gafam. Pour moi c'est Gafamycu ;-) Potentiellement ca peut 
s'etendre presque a l'infini...

Cordialement, Stephane Ascoet

Re: Help with video editing with ffmpeg

2019-03-06 Thread mick crane

On 2019-03-06 10:48, Gerardo Ballabio wrote:

I guess my question was too specific. I'll try asking directly on
ffmpeg mailing list.

probably best. I've only used ffmpeg to extract frames.
The syntax can be a bit daunting.
What I'd probably do is extract a frame of concern and see if there is a 
way to adjust curves by eye in Gimp and get/translate numbers from Gimp 
for use in ffmpeg.



Re: Docker and Container Tools Podman/Buildah/Skopeo

2019-03-06 Thread Dejan Jocic
On 05-03-19, Reco wrote:
> Canonical's famous for their NIH too. Mir, Unity, LXD - it's a long
> list, although RedHat has longer one.
> Reco

Mir and Unity I can get, but why would you put LXD in that sentence about


Re: Help with video editing with ffmpeg

2019-03-06 Thread Gerardo Ballabio
I guess my question was too specific. I'll try asking directly on
ffmpeg mailing list.

Il giorno dom 3 mar 2019 alle ore 18:16 Gerardo Ballabio
 ha scritto:
> Hello all,
> I have a video that was filmed under bad lighting conditions, the
> background is too bright and people in the foreground are dark. I'm
> trying to use ffmpeg to correct it. Please kindly help me.
> Here you can find a snippet:
> video1.mts is the original file. video2.mp4 was created by a friend of
> mine using proprietary software on Windows. I've been trying to
> reproduce that. video3.mts is the best result I obtained (see below)
> but the contrast is still too high and the colors aren't quite right.
> I've tried several of ffmpeg's effects but maybe there are some better
> ones that I missed?
> - "eq=brightness=..." turns black into grey and gives the video a
> "foggy" look, no good
> - "colorlevels=..." I tried many parameter sets but couldn't do much
> better, in the end I concluded that probably linear scaling isn't good
> enough and I need nonlinear
> - "curves=..." was indeed better but when I stretched the curve beyond
> a certain point I obtained distorted colors
> - I tried "geq=..." too but it doesn't seem to work, I always get an
> error like this:
> ffmpeg -i video1.mts -vf geq='r=r(X,Y):g=g(X,Y):b=b(X,Y)' video3.mts
> [Parsed_geq_0 @ 0x55a01bb0aa60] [Eval @ 0x7ffd3d63afb0] Missing ')' or
> too many args in 'r(X'
> [AVFilterGraph @ 0x55a01bb09e80] Error initializing filter 'geq' with
> args 'r=r(X'
> Error opening filters!
> These are the commands that I used to produce video3.mts:
> ffmpeg -i video1.mts -vf colorlevels=romax=0.8:gomax=1.0:bomax=0.9 -b
> 12M temp.mts
> ffmpeg -i temp.mts -vf curves=r='0/0.05 0.1/0.25 1/0.8':g='0/0.05
> 0.1/0.25 1/0.8':b='0/0.05 0.1/0.25 1/0.8' -b 12M video3.mts
> Thanks
> Gerardo

Re: [RESOLU] grisbi ne se lance plus

2019-03-06 Thread Norbert Ponce

Le 01/03/2019 à 18:14, Bernardo a écrit :


la liste de Grisbi :

Le dev est très présent.

Le 01/03/2019 à 18:10, Norbert Ponce a écrit :


Suite à une réinstallation de Grisbi sur Debian 9.8, le programme ne se
lance plus.
Message d'erreur:

norbert@serveur:~$ grisbi
Fri Mar  1 17:17:34 2019 : 9 elements in stack.
     grisbi(+0x28cbe) [0x55e731c64cbe]
     /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f7446ca6060]
     grisbi(+0xab537) [0x55e731ce7537]
     grisbi(+0x4ff81) [0x55e731c8bf81]
     grisbi(+0x3d111) [0x55e731c79111]
     grisbi(+0x3d43d) [0x55e731c7943d]
     grisbi(+0x22d6c) [0x55e731c5ed6c]
     grisbi(+0x22dfa) [0x55e731c5edfa]

Après recherche, la est absente ainsi que la qui
est sa cible.

J'ai essayé comme préconisé dans le message d'erreur de faire un rapport
de bug à, mais Firefox refuse l'accès pour un
problème de certificat non valide.

Que puis-je faire ?

Problème résolu.
Le fichier grisbi.conf était corrompu et a été reconstruit par le 
programme après renommage.

Re: Docker and Container Tools Podman/Buildah/Skopeo

2019-03-06 Thread tomas
On Tue, Mar 05, 2019 at 09:56:50PM +0300, Reco wrote:
>   Hi.
> On Tue, Mar 05, 2019 at 05:07:00PM +0100, wrote:


> > You may dislike Redhat all you want [...]

> Indeed. For instance, RedHat in its infinite wisdom blessed us with
> pulseaudio [...]

Still we'd be far worse off without well-maintained GCC, libc, binutils
et al. We gotta be fair, I think.

> > Actually more than can be said about Canonical [...]

> Canonical's famous for their NIH too. Mir, Unity, LXD - it's a long
> list, although RedHat has longer one.

Still, it's free software. We gotta acknowledge that, and work on
keeping the alternatives viable we deem better. And we can make use
of selected bits & pieces from those solutions... we have the permission,
after all.

> > As for the docker thingies... I get what they are supposed to do. But if
> > I can convince someone else to to the dirty work...
> Hear, hear.

You see, docker et al are targeted mainly at big corps: lots of machinery,
save on capable sysadmins. IMHO it is a mixed blessing (even for them),
because they end up integrating "whatever docker image lies around on
my cloud provider's attic" into their core infrastructure, but hey: I'm
not particularly sad when they fall flat on their faces for that.

In a nutshell: IMHO critical, yes. Unfair, no.

-- tomás

Description: Digital signature

Re: Laptop still extremely slow after replacing msata ssd and putting old one back

2019-03-06 Thread hdv@gmail
On 06/03/2019 02.04, Jimmy Johnson wrote:
> hdv@gmail wrote:
>> On 05/03/2019 04.28, Paul Ezvan wrote:
>>> Le 04/03/2019 à 13:32, deloptes a écrit :
 double check - I had similar observation when trying to setup USB stick 
 for a notebook - it's a company property, so not supposed to do that ;-)

 Well turned out that I had to modify few bios settings to see the usb
 working at acceptable speed. First I was thinking the one stick was a
 problem, but after observing the same with a second one I looked at the
 bios and it did it.

>>> What does "top" show when your menu takes a long time to load? What is the 
>>> CPU
>>> temp? Maybe you accidentaly touched the cooling system while replacing the 
>>> SSD?
>> What I forgot to mention (sloppy, sorry for that) is that the slowness 
>> already
>> happens at "grub" time. I presume that rules out trouble with my DE 
>> (KDE/Plasma)
>> or systemd or something like that.
>> I am thinking hardware trouble too. Not only because the trouble start before
>> the kernel and DE gets loaded, but also because it happens with two different
>> SSDs. It happens with the new one with a freshly installed system, and with 
>> the
>> old one that I never had any trouble with before this and that hasn't been
>> changed (by me that is). In both cases the slowness begins immediately after
>> boot. Possibly after the BIOS has run, but definitely before the kernel gets
>> loaded or otherwise during the earliest stages of loading it.
>> Thanks for the pointer to the cooling. I will check that.
>> Grx HdV
> Is the bios still showing all the installed ram, are there any test you can 
> run
> from the bios...

Yep. All memory is detected. I ran the diagnostics utility of the BIOS and it
found no errors. You'd think that a hardware failure would be detected. ..

However, after that I dismantled the whole machine. I pulled out every connector
and reseated it. I cleaned up all parts (as far as that was possible). And then
ran the BIOS diagnostics again. Still no warnings. Then I rebooted the laptop.
Lo and behold, everything is fine again!

To be honest I still don't know what was wrong. But I am glad I can use this
laptop again for now. This machine is 7 years old, maybe I should start thinking
of buying a new one. I have had my eye on another Thinkpad (the P1) for some
time now. Maybe it is time to bite the bullet...

Thanks all for thinking with me!

Grx HdV

Re: Fail2ban et IMAP

2019-03-06 Thread Sil

Le 06/03/2019 à 08:16, Sil a écrit :

Bonjour la liste,

Depuis quelques jours quelqu'un essaie de trouver les mots de passe de 
mes comptes IMAP.

Extrait des log :
Mar  5 21:10:16 serveur authdaemond: pam_unix(imap:auth): 
authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty= ruser= rhost= 

J'ai enfin trouvé une correspondance dans mail.log :

Mar 5 21:10:18 serveur imapd-ssl: LOGIN FAILED, method=PLAIN, 

Par contre fail2ban ne voit rien car son filtre est le suivant :

failregex = ^%(__prefix_line)sLOGIN FAILED, user=.*, ip=\[\]$

J'ai donc créé un nouveau jail avec le filtre suivant :

failregex = ^%(__prefix_line)sLOGIN FAILED, method=.*, ip=\[\]$

Je vais attendre un peu pour voir si le gars se représente.
