Re: Recuperar instalação

2019-04-26 Thread G.Paulo

Obrigado a todos pelas dicas, especialmente a Francisco que enviou esse manual 
logo abaixo, que possivelmente servirah a outro em situacao semelhante.

Decidi instalar o sistema do zero (mas preservando o /home). Tudo certo. Exceto 
pela configuracao do teclado que, como se percebe, ainda nao tem acentuacao :-/

[]'s, G.Paulo.

On Fri, 26 Apr 2019 09:06:26 -0300
Francisco M Neto  wrote:

> Bom dia!
> On Thu, 2019-04-25 at 19:22 -0300, G.Paulo wrote:
> > Olá. Obrigado pela resposta.
> > 
> > O kernel panic ocorre após
> >   /sbin/init: error while loading shared libraries:
> > cannot open share object file: no such file or directory
> >   8.470290] Kernel panic - not syncing: attempted to kill init!
> >   8.470393] Pid: 1, comm: init Not tainted 3.2.0-2-amd64 #1
> >   
>   Antes de mais nada, sinto muito pelo seu imbróglio. É por
> isso que normalmente nesses casos se faz o upgrade um release por
> vez! Claro, isso não ajuda na sua situação atual, mas fica o
> aprendizado para a próxima ocasião.
>   Quanto ao seu problema atual, acho que ainda é possível
> recuperar sua instalação.
>   Pela imagem que você mandou em anexo, você está tentando dar
> o boot com o kernel 3.2.0, que entra em pânico aparentemente porque
> não está encontrando a (que deveria estar
> em /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/, que normalmente é um link
> para o arquivo real, que pode ter sido substituído no upgrade, e por
> algum motivo o kernel não consegue carregar (infelizmente a imagem
> cortou a mensagem, então não dá pra ter certeza de qual o erro).
> > Dúvida: quando você diz montar os discos, significa montar
> > exatamente quais partições? Eu posso acessá-las todas mas, por
> > exemplo /, /boot, /usr etc. já estão montadas pelo live. Logo, não
> > posso montá-las novamente com as partições do HD sem desmontar as
> > outras.   
>   Nesse caso, você pode montar o seu raiz no /mnt, e montar as
> outras relativamente a ele. Então o /boot ficaria em /mnt/boot, e
> assim por diante. 
> > Bem, decidi fazer o seguinte: copiei o kernel do live para a
> > partição /boot do HD. Tentei reiniciar o sistema informando ao grub
> > o novo kernel na forma abaixo (sda7 ẽ a partição do HD onde está o
> > meu /boot): 
> > 
> > insmod ext2 set root='(hd0,7)' 
> > linux /vmlinuz-4.9.0-8-amd64
> > root=/dev/sda7 ro quiet 
> > initrd /initrd.img-4.9.0-8-amd64 
> > boot   
>   Naturalmente isso vai falhar, já que o seu sistema não faz
> idéia do que fazer com esse kernel 4.9. Digo, o kernel se sustena por
> si próprio, mas não necessariamente o seu sistema vai saber conversar
> com ele. Bibliotecas importantes como a libc, por exemplo, receberam
> vários upgrades desde a Squeeze e não serão, necessariamente,
> compatíveis. 
>   A pergunta é: você ainda tem o kernel 2.6 da Squeeze
> instalado? Se sim, tente iniciar por ele, acho que seria a melhor
> chance. Acredito que, se existe chance de recuperar esse sistema,
> será se esse kernel conseguir dar o boot sem pânico. 
>   SUPONDO que você consiga esse boot, o próximo passo é
> recuperar a sua instalação da Squeeze. Para fazer isso, faça o
> seguinte:
> 1) Remova todas as linhas do seu sources.list que não sejam da
> Squeeze. 
> 2) Edite o arquivo /etc/apt/preferences, e adicione o seguinte:
> Package: *
> Pin: release n=squeeze
> Pin-Priority: 1001
> 3) Verifique se o diretório /etc/apt/preferences.d (se existir) não
> contém nenhum outro arquivo que possa entrar em conflito com esse (na
> dúvida, remova os arquivos e coloque de volta depois)
> 4) Faça a sequência normal de upgrade:
>   # apt update
>   # apt upgrade
>   # apt dist-upgrade
> Supondo que isso corra bem, ao final do processo você deverá ter de
> volta a sua instalação da Squeeze. Remova a configuração
> do /etc/apt/preferences, e faça os upgrades em sequência - com
> paciência, de release em release.
> Espero que isto ajude.
> Abraços
> Francisco
> --
> []'s,
> Francisco M Neto
> GPG: 4096R/D692FBF0

Re: Obtaining/compiling/installing python3.7

2019-04-26 Thread Kushal Kumaran
Richard Owlett  writes:

> I wish to try some beta software which assumes python3.7 is
> installed. I have Debian 9.8 installed on a machine dedicated to this
> exercise. I did a web search and got a half dozen on topic hits. There
> were enough differences that I wasn't sure if I was missing something
> important. The last time I compiled something was on a PDP 11/45 in
> approximately 1975.
> Suggestions?


Re: Net::DNS::Nameserver

2019-04-26 Thread Erik Christiansen
On 26.04.19 23:09, mick crane wrote:
> I did wonder if was some scheme I was unaware of.
> I noticed a couple of weeks ago somebody used these "::" between words to
> identify something.
> Like in apt you have
> /var/lib/apt/lists/security.debian.org_debian-security_dists_buster_updates_main_source_Sources
> made me think that these dots was some way of identifying a thing so that
> everything is the same over the whole wide world .
> Or something like that.

More the opposite. i.e. make the tail end of the long::name::thingy
identifiable in a _restricted_ scope. The :: nomenclature first appeared
(to my eyes) in C++ several decades ago. For perl to adopt an existing
convention is a step forward for the language.

Here's a brief exchange describing ::, the scope-resolution operator:


Arguing that Java is better than C++ is like arguing that grasshoppers taste
better than tree bark.   - Thant Tessman

Re: Net::DNS::Nameserver

2019-04-26 Thread mick crane

On 2019-04-26 21:25, Cindy Sue Causey wrote:

On 4/26/19,  wrote:

On Fri, Apr 26, 2019 at 12:19:09PM +0100, mick crane wrote:

can somebody explain generally what this scheme of things with the
dots has to do with ?
seen this in perl as the kind of hierarchy of modules but how is
this to do with the OS ?

~$ apropos nameserver
Net::DNS::Nameserver (3pm) - DNS server class

You mean those double colons ('::')?

If yes: those are just separators for the Perl module namespace, which
conceptually is a hierarchy. At the (right) end you can put some 

(function, variable) living in that module's [1] namespace.

Those are just a device to subdivide the namespace and to organize
file system "places" [1] -- they have no intrinsic "meaning" to perl
(i.e. the language itself has no notion of "Net" or "Net::DNS" -- just
of "Net::DNS::Nameserver").

Cf "perldoc -f require" for the full thing :-)

[1] In Perl parlance, it is a "package".
[2] Typically you'll find the package code in Net/DNS/
   under a suitable "module root", e.g. /usr/share/perl5. The whole
   list of roots is in the special array variable @INC.

I just happened to start noticing the same format being used within
"apt-cache show" query feedback, too. Took a second to find a good
example. This is for "openshot" (video editor):

Tag: implemented-in::python, interface::graphical, interface::x11,
 role::program, scope::application, use::editing, works-with::audio,
 works-with::video, x11::application

I THOUGHT I had searched "apt-cache" using those tags when I first
noticed them. It's not working that way now. It must have been that
the description's author had used the same categories as keywords in
their product description.

Am "feeling like" I've seen something where we could search by tags.
Sounds like a handy place for something like that to work.

Those tags would save at least a little bit on the false hits if you
were able to search for any packages with a developer expressed "use"
of "editing". Then you narrow that search to more specific usage needs
by seeking anything that "works with (consumes) audio (files)" which
is, in fact, something that has been a question on this list at some
point. Seems like that "interface" applied to that remembered thread
because the User was wanting something... command line. :D

That X11 tag, my memory's saying it feels like there was a question
where a User was seeking something that needed to specifically be
X11-friendly, too..

There's something to be said for the wide-open wing-it method, though.
Pick any keyword, and see what new find bubbles to the top. I searched
on "dragonfly" the other day while waiting for them to show back up
and start chasing water sprays out in the yard this Spring. :)

Cindy :)

I did wonder if was some scheme I was unaware of.
I noticed a couple of weeks ago somebody used these "::" between words 
to identify something.

Like in apt you have
made me think that these dots was some way of identifying a thing so 
that everything is the same over the whole wide world .

Or something like that.



Re: clé usb bootable mini distributions

2019-04-26 Thread Pascal Hambourg

Le 26/04/2019 à 16:38, fab a écrit :

D'où vient ce /home/fabricer/os/grub et que contient-il ?

il vient de l'install de grub-install sur la clé.
il contient donc:
fabricer@FR-PORT:~/os/grub$ ls
fonts  grub.cfg  grubenv  i386-pc  locale

Impossible puisque tu as dit à grub-install de mettre ces fichiers dans 
/media/fabricer/c4bc2b4d-0882-445f-856c-e71bae6e76ab. Au passage, il 
n'est pas possible que ce soit dans la première partition en FAT puisque 
c4bc2b4d-0882-445f-856c-e71bae6e76ab ne peut pas être un UUID de FAT qui 
est de la forme -.

Re: Why do I need to give the whole key when trying to delete a public keypair?

2019-04-26 Thread Andreas Ronnquist
On Fri, 26 Apr 2019 21:09:33 +,
shirish शिरीष wrote:

>Dear all,
>I am sharing a specific key so it's simple and easy to show -
>$ apt-key list
>pub   rsa4096 2014-11-21 [SC] [expires: 2022-11-19]
>  D211 6914 1CEC D440 F2EB  8DDA 9D6D 8F6B C857 C906
>uid   [ unknown] Debian Security Archive Automatic Signing
>Key (8/jessie) 
>$ sudo apt-key del D21169141CECD440F2EB8DDA9D6D8F6BC857C906
>[sudo] password for shirish:
>Again running the apt-key list tells me that the key is no longer
>I tried it with some different keys if using the short keycode for
>e.g. if just using the first 8 alphanumeric keys it works, but found
>it doesn't.

I am not 100% sure I am understanding you correctly, but the short
keyID for a gpg key is the _last_ 8 characters and not the 8 first -
With the key you describe above, the short keyID is C857C906.

This might be the cause of your confusion.

And in addition to this, see

-- Andreas Rönnquist

Why do I need to give the whole key when trying to delete a public keypair?

2019-04-26 Thread shirish शिरीष
Dear all,

I am sharing a specific key so it's simple and easy to show -

$ apt-key list

pub   rsa4096 2014-11-21 [SC] [expires: 2022-11-19]
  D211 6914 1CEC D440 F2EB  8DDA 9D6D 8F6B C857 C906
uid   [ unknown] Debian Security Archive Automatic Signing
Key (8/jessie) 

$ sudo apt-key del D21169141CECD440F2EB8DDA9D6D8F6BC857C906
[sudo] password for shirish:

Again running the apt-key list tells me that the key is no longer there.

I tried it with some different keys if using the short keycode for
e.g. if just using the first 8 alphanumeric keys it works, but found
it doesn't.

apt-key is part of apt

$ dpkg -S /usr/bin/apt-key
apt: /usr/bin/apt-key

 $ apt-cache policy apt
  Installed: 1.8.0
  Candidate: 1.8.0
  Version table:
 *** 1.8.0 990
buster/main amd64 Packages
unstable/main amd64 Packages
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

I looked at the Debian [BTS][1] but couldn't find a bug and dunno
whether it's a bug or it's a wishlist feature that I need to file. Can
anybody comment ?


  Shirish Agarwal  शिरीष अग्रवाल
  My quotes in this email licensed under CC 3.0

E493 D466 6D67 59F5 1FD0 930F 870E 9A5B 5869 609C

Re: Net::DNS::Nameserver

2019-04-26 Thread Cindy Sue Causey
On 4/26/19,  wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 26, 2019 at 12:19:09PM +0100, mick crane wrote:
>> can somebody explain generally what this scheme of things with the
>> dots has to do with ?
>> seen this in perl as the kind of hierarchy of modules but how is
>> this to do with the OS ?
>> ~$ apropos nameserver
>> Net::DNS::Nameserver (3pm) - DNS server class
> You mean those double colons ('::')?
> If yes: those are just separators for the Perl module namespace, which
> conceptually is a hierarchy. At the (right) end you can put some object
> (function, variable) living in that module's [1] namespace.
> Those are just a device to subdivide the namespace and to organize
> file system "places" [1] -- they have no intrinsic "meaning" to perl
> (i.e. the language itself has no notion of "Net" or "Net::DNS" -- just
> of "Net::DNS::Nameserver").
> Cf "perldoc -f require" for the full thing :-)
> [1] In Perl parlance, it is a "package".
> [2] Typically you'll find the package code in Net/DNS/
>under a suitable "module root", e.g. /usr/share/perl5. The whole
>list of roots is in the special array variable @INC.

I just happened to start noticing the same format being used within
"apt-cache show" query feedback, too. Took a second to find a good
example. This is for "openshot" (video editor):

Tag: implemented-in::python, interface::graphical, interface::x11,
 role::program, scope::application, use::editing, works-with::audio,
 works-with::video, x11::application

I THOUGHT I had searched "apt-cache" using those tags when I first
noticed them. It's not working that way now. It must have been that
the description's author had used the same categories as keywords in
their product description.

Am "feeling like" I've seen something where we could search by tags.
Sounds like a handy place for something like that to work.

Those tags would save at least a little bit on the false hits if you
were able to search for any packages with a developer expressed "use"
of "editing". Then you narrow that search to more specific usage needs
by seeking anything that "works with (consumes) audio (files)" which
is, in fact, something that has been a question on this list at some
point. Seems like that "interface" applied to that remembered thread
because the User was wanting something... command line. :D

That X11 tag, my memory's saying it feels like there was a question
where a User was seeking something that needed to specifically be
X11-friendly, too..

There's something to be said for the wide-open wing-it method, though.
Pick any keyword, and see what new find bubbles to the top. I searched
on "dragonfly" the other day while waiting for them to show back up
and start chasing water sprays out in the yard this Spring. :)

Cindy :)
Cindy-Sue Causey
Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA

* runs with birdseed *

Re: WebRTC software

2019-04-26 Thread Jonas Smedegaard
Quoting (2019-04-26 20:35:36)
> On 2019.04.26 10:43, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> > WebRTC is not one but a range of things.
> > 
> > Since you mention Asterisk, you are probably looking for an SFU - 
> > one of the best SFUs, Janus, is in Debian (maintained by me).  The 
> > contrib package janus-demos can be used as basis for custom 
> > applications around Janus.
> > 
> > You might find my notes on the subject of some use: 
> >
> I have need for a one-on-one video conferencing system.  I find 
> appealing the privacy of hosting my own server, but the big advantage 
> would be that the guy on the other end can just type in my URL without 
> installing a package and configuring it.  This is the first time I 
> have heard of Janus.  I was considering Jitsi Meet, but that package 
> appears to be not yet in the "it just works" category.  My next 
> selection for video conferencing would have been Ekiga, but Ekiga 
> requires installation and configuration on both ends.
> Am I misunderstanding the role and capabilities of Janus, or would 
> Janus would suit my application?

Janus support several use cases - have a look at the various demos, and 
perhaps in particular

> Is Janus suitable for one-on-one conferencing over a "garden-variety" 
> link (2000 kbit/sec download, 500 kbit/sec upload)?

That seems fine, yes.  You can configure Janus to limit bandwidth.

For optimal results run a gateway for your network which reduces 

 - Jonas

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website:

 [x] quote me freely  [ ] ask before reusing  [ ] keep private

Description: signature

Re: WebRTC software

2019-04-26 Thread Jonas Smedegaard
Quoting Nicolas George (2019-04-26 20:27:54)
> Jonas Smedegaard (12019-04-26):
> > WebRTC is not one but a range of things.
> > 
> > Since you mention Asterisk, you are probably looking for an SFU - 
> > one of the best SFUs, Janus, is in Debian (maintained by me).  The 
> > contrib package janus-demos can be used as basis for custom 
> > applications aorund Janus.
> > 
> > You might find my notes on the subject of some use: 
> >
> Thanks for the pointer. I do not think it what I am looking for, 
> although it may be part of it.
> What I am looking for is the HTML5 video-conference that is presented 
> to the user.
> It will require a web-server, of course; this part I know how to 
> handle. I suppose it will also require some kind of connecting 
> software, possibly Janus or Janus+Asterisk. I expect it to be 
> documented.
> Basically, I would like to know all the software needed to build a web 
> page where a user can click on "call this person" and arrive to a 
> video-conference. This is vague: if I find something interesting, I 
> will be able to see what it can actually do and refine my question.

See this:

And this:

Same are included in the contrib janus-demos package I mention before.

 - Jonas

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website:

 [x] quote me freely  [ ] ask before reusing  [ ] keep private

Description: signature

Re: Obtaining/compiling/installing python3.7

2019-04-26 Thread deloptes
Richard Owlett wrote:

> I wish to try some beta software which assumes python3.7 is installed. I
> have Debian 9.8 installed on a machine dedicated to this exercise. I did
> a web search and got a half dozen on topic hits. There were enough
> differences that I wasn't sure if I was missing something important. The
> last time I compiled something was on a PDP 11/45 in approximately 1975.
> Suggestions?

Try the pip python repositories

I recall I used it with ansible on debian with 2.7 where I needed python3.
I am not sure it will give you exactly what you need, but may be it would.

Re: Obtaining/compiling/installing python3.7

2019-04-26 Thread Cindy Sue Causey
On 4/26/19, Joe  wrote:
> On Fri, 26 Apr 2019 12:42:04 -0500
> Richard Owlett  wrote:
>> I wish to try some beta software which assumes python3.7 is
>> installed. I have Debian 9.8 installed on a machine dedicated to this
>> exercise. I did a web search and got a half dozen on topic hits.
>> There were enough differences that I wasn't sure if I was missing
>> something important. The last time I compiled something was on a PDP
>> 11/45 in approximately 1975.
> You mentioned that you considered LFS. If you have the time, that's
> a real baptism of fire as far as compiling things goes. There were
> automatic systems being developed when I was interested, but as far as
> I can see, there's no point to LFS if you're just going to push a
> button. I did it twice, mainly to learn what I could, with better
> understanding the second time, the first try was basically just
> following instructions. Lots of them. My firewall pseudo-daemon (until
> systemd) was nicked from the basic LFS init script.

Just finished downloading all [tarballs], except maybe 1/2 of the
kernel, just last night. This is Round 2 for me. I got through Chapter
5 then #Life poked its nose into the mix.

Oh, and I just remembered... my brain blew a circuit over working
through the package manager process, too. I think of that frequently
when package manager questions come up here at Debian-User..

The testing part will be where I focus my curiosity this time. Do the
tests, yada-yada, keep on movin' on WHEN they fail. LOL. My memory is
that some of the "it's ok to fail" was that we hadn't installed
pertinent packages yet so there was no way it would ever not fail.

That repetition helps instill each point in the
compilation/installation process. The mantra back in early 2000's was,
"Eh, it's ok not to test, just keep going" That was talking about
compiling a single package on a pre-existing system.

If you follow the Linux From Scratch support list, you see why it's
not so ok. Occasional related user questions show typos and such would
have absolutely destroyed those users' entire install, thus wasting a
TON of time, had they either skipped testing or had they failed a test
and kept going anyway instead of questioning what failed. :)

Makes you a better advocate for doing things the right way.. I never
once md5sum'ed ANYTHING *ALL THESE YEARS*. As simple as the process
turned out to be, I could never find a HOWTO that made sense.

These days, that md5ums list is serving double duty by performing the
chore of instantly advising if packages are expired and need updated
simply because they don't get checked off as OK. Match any fails to
that HANDY wget-list that's also provided, and, chick-a-BOOM, you're
off and running toward Linux knowledge self-empowerment just that
quick (depending on Internet connection speed, of course of
course). :)

Cindy :)
Cindy-Sue Causey
Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA

* runs with birdseed *

Re: Obtaining/compiling/installing python3.7

2019-04-26 Thread Darac Marjal

On 26/04/2019 18:42, Richard Owlett wrote:
> I wish to try some beta software which assumes python3.7 is installed.
> I have Debian 9.8 installed on a machine dedicated to this exercise. I
> did a web search and got a half dozen on topic hits. There were enough
> differences that I wasn't sure if I was missing something important.
> The last time I compiled something was on a PDP 11/45 in approximately
> 1975.
> Suggestions?
If you're beta testing the application, you may need to beta-test the OS
for it, too:

python3.7 is available in testing.

Alternatively, if you want to be able to run python3.7 alongside your
system python, why not run it in a docker?

Re: WebRTC software

2019-04-26 Thread rlharris

On 2019.04.26 10:43, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:

WebRTC is not one but a range of things.

Since you mention Asterisk, you are probably looking for an SFU - one 

the best SFUs, Janus, is in Debian (maintained by me).  The contrib
package janus-demos can be used as basis for custom applications around

You might find my notes on the subject of some use:

I have need for a one-on-one video conferencing system.  I find 
appealing the privacy of hosting my own server, but the big advantage 
would be that the guy on the other end can just type in my URL without 
installing a package and configuring it.  This is the first time I have 
heard of Janus.  I was considering Jitsi Meet, but that package appears 
to be not yet in the "it just works" category.  My next selection for 
video conferencing would have been Ekiga, but Ekiga requires 
installation and configuration on both ends.

Am I misunderstanding the role and capabilities of Janus, or would Janus 
would suit my application?  Is Janus suitable for one-on-one 
conferencing over a "garden-variety" link (2000 kbit/sec download, 500 
kbit/sec upload)?

Re: Obtaining/compiling/installing python3.7

2019-04-26 Thread Joe
On Fri, 26 Apr 2019 12:42:04 -0500
Richard Owlett  wrote:

> I wish to try some beta software which assumes python3.7 is
> installed. I have Debian 9.8 installed on a machine dedicated to this
> exercise. I did a web search and got a half dozen on topic hits.
> There were enough differences that I wasn't sure if I was missing
> something important. The last time I compiled something was on a PDP
> 11/45 in approximately 1975.
You mentioned that you considered LFS. If you have the time, that's
a real baptism of fire as far as compiling things goes. There were
automatic systems being developed when I was interested, but as far as
I can see, there's no point to LFS if you're just going to push a
button. I did it twice, mainly to learn what I could, with better
understanding the second time, the first try was basically just
following instructions. Lots of them. My firewall pseudo-daemon (until
systemd) was nicked from the basic LFS init script.

As it happens, the first Linux magazine I bought contained an article on
compiling kernels, so I did. Not until later did I find that it is
thought to be difficult. I didn't understand many of the modules, but
with a kernel, when in doubt say 'yes'. I think that was around Red Hat
5 (*not* RHEL).


Re: WebRTC software

2019-04-26 Thread Nicolas George
Jonas Smedegaard (12019-04-26):
> WebRTC is not one but a range of things.
> Since you mention Asterisk, you are probably looking for an SFU - one of 
> the best SFUs, Janus, is in Debian (maintained by me).  The contrib 
> package janus-demos can be used as basis for custom applications aorund 
> Janus.
> You might find my notes on the subject of some use: 

Thanks for the pointer. I do not think it what I am looking for,
although it may be part of it.

What I am looking for is the HTML5 video-conference that is presented to
the user.

It will require a web-server, of course; this part I know how to handle.
I suppose it will also require some kind of connecting software,
possibly Janus or Janus+Asterisk. I expect it to be documented.

Basically, I would like to know all the software needed to build a web
page where a user can click on "call this person" and arrive to a
video-conference. This is vague: if I find something interesting, I will
be able to see what it can actually do and refine my question.


  Nicolas George

Description: PGP signature

Re: Obtaining/compiling/installing python3.7

2019-04-26 Thread Brian
On Fri 26 Apr 2019 at 12:42:04 -0500, Richard Owlett wrote:

> I wish to try some beta software

Very informative.

>  which assumes python3.7 is installed. I
> have Debian 9.8 installed on a machine dedicated to this exercise. I did a
> web search

For what?

>and got a half dozen on topic hits. There were enough differences
> that I wasn't sure if I was missing something important.

Differences in what? You? Miss something? Surely not?

>  The last time I
> compiled something was on a PDP 11/45 in approximately 1975.



Obtaining/compiling/installing python3.7

2019-04-26 Thread Richard Owlett
I wish to try some beta software which assumes python3.7 is installed. I 
have Debian 9.8 installed on a machine dedicated to this exercise. I did 
a web search and got a half dozen on topic hits. There were enough 
differences that I wasn't sure if I was missing something important. The 
last time I compiled something was on a PDP 11/45 in approximately 1975.


Re: Quanto falta para o Release

2019-04-26 Thread Albino Biasutti Neto
Em seg, 8 de abr de 2019 às 18:01, Francisco M Neto
> Caso se interessem, é só seguir @debian_tracker. Ainda está meio cru e
> estou pensando em outras coisas relevantes para compartilhar por ali, mas por
> enquanto será apenas um tweet diário com o número atual de bugs (às 12:00 
> GMT).

Bom trabalho!

You must be the change you wish to see in the world. -- Gandhi

Re: Comment émettre des courriels d'alerte depuis des sites distants ?

2019-04-26 Thread Olivier
Le ven. 26 avr. 2019 à 16:12, Belaïd  a écrit :

> salut,
> Vérifiez "l'accès Pour les applications moins sécurisées" dans la section
> sécurité de ton compte Gmail.  Je ne sais pas trop ce que Gmail veut dire
> par "applications moins sécurisées " car dans mon cas,  si l'option
> ci-dessus est désactivée,  je n'arrive pas à me connecter depuis tous les
> clients (Thunderbird, Mail d'apple,  claws-mail...)  à part depuis le
> client officiel Gmail 
J'avais moi aussi choisi l'option "applications moins sécurisées", mais
sauf erreur (*), même avec celle-ci, j'ai encore des alertes de sécurité à
la noix matérialisées par des questions orientées ("Oui, je me suis fait
piraté", "Non, je veux changer mes paramètres").

(*) J'emploie le terme "sauf erreur" car je ne peux pas exclure que
certains échecs aient une autre cause que leur politique "tu envoies tes
emails via l'appli Web GMail, je laisse passer, tu envoies via autre chose
et je vais continuer à t'empoisonner la vie jusqu'à ce que tu changes".

J'envoie au grand maximum 1000 alertes par moi vers une seule adresse cible.

1. Que penser d'un prestataire de type MailGun et son relais SMTP ?
Est-ce adapté à l'envoi d'email par SMTP (les applis systèmes ne semblent
pas laisser d'autre choix) ?

2. Si non, quel autre canal ai-je intérêt à regarder ?


ERP CRM B2B Contact List

2019-04-26 Thread mariah . carey

 As cloud is expanding day by day we thought that you would be interested
in ERP Software Users for your Marketing and Sales needs?

*We also have the data intelligence of*: -  Sage ERP, Monday ERP, Dynamics
GP, QuickBooks Online, Xero, SAP ERP, Epicor, Unit 4, QB Enterprise,
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Management, Octiv, WebMerge, Ariba, *Wave and Tradeshift User Contact

*We also provide*: MSPs, MSSPs, ISVs, Sis, VARs and CSPs for your Channel
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Give us your criteria or give us the company names your want to target and
will give you exact counts and sample before you buy the list.

Warm Regards,

*Mariah Carey*

Lead Generation

To opt-out please type “NOT INTEREST” in the subject line.

Re: [HS-encore-que] merge pdf sur mutu ovh

2019-04-26 Thread fw

'jour à tous !

- Comme suggéré ds l'extrait d'article qui suit, procèder en ligne de 
commande, avec des outils standards (de ghostscript, a priori) :

- pré-conversion en PostScript de chaque PDF vers PS (pdf2ps)

- merge des PS en un seul PS (psmerge)

- re-conversion en PDF du PS resultant (ps2pdf)

Il y a de grandes chances que ca concatene les PDF, mais les hyperliens 
seront-ils conservés ? ... (je n'ai pas testé ça!)


Extrait de l'article ...

"... une méthode possible est de combiner l'utilisation des commandes 
suivantes : - pdf2ps pour une pré-conversion en PostScript ; 
- psmerge pour une fusion de fichiers PostScript (attention : 
la version standard comporte un bug, pas forcément bloquant...) ; - 
ps2pdf pour une re-conversion en PDF. C'est notamment la 
manipulation illustrée à l'adresse suivante :>]; [ 
]; , avec la nuance que 
l'on utilise du code sous GhostScript (avec ou sans GhostView pour une 

... tiré de cette page :,282949,282963

Re: apt-cacher-ng's expiry job failing

2019-04-26 Thread David Wright
On Thu 25 Apr 2019 at 13:08:07 (+), Eduardo M KALINOWSKI wrote:
> The daily apt-cacher-ng expiry job is failing in my machine. It refers
> me to a log file, whose contents are:
> ---
> Maintenance task Expiration, apt-cacher-ng version: 2
> Locating potentially expired files in the cache...
> Scanning, found 1 file...
> Scanning, found 2 files...
> Scanning, found 4 files...
> Scanning, found 8 files...
> Scanning, found 16 files...
> Scanning, found 32 files...
> Scanning, found 64 files...
> Scanning, found 128 files...
> Scanning, found 256 files...
> Scanning, found 512 files...
> Scanning, found 1024 files...
> Found 1617 files.
> Checking implicitly referenced files...
> Restoring virtual file
> debrep/dists/testing/contrib/Contents-i386.diff/Index (equal to )
> Restoring virtual file
> debrep/dists/testing/contrib/i18n/Translation-en.diff/Index (equal to
> )
> Restoring virtual file
> debrep/dists/unstable/contrib/i18n/Translation-en.diff/Index (equal to
> )
> Bringing index files up to date...
> Restoring virtual file
> debrep/dists/unstable/contrib/i18n/Translation-en.diff/Index (equal to
> )
> Error at debrep/dists/unstable/45961554550630227606591
> Found errors during processing, aborting as requested.
> ---
> I can also run the expiry from its web interface, and get the same results.
> Unfortunately, it does not make clear *what* is the error that was
> found. The only clue is 'Error at
> debrep/dists/unstable/45961554550630227606591', but there is no such
> file under
>  /var/cache/apt-cacher-ng/debrep/dists/unstable .
> Anyone has any clue on how to fix this problem?

This probably won't be of great help.

Today's successful run, which removed probably most of the wheezy
packages in my cache¹, had the following error in the log:

Error at

but it didn't stop the run. This file exists, but is actually at
so take a look there perhaps.

The contents of the file look sane. Running a diff against the next
version showed that a fair number of files had been updated, and
the signature was completely different. However, that next version
and the one after that showed that the signature is always different
regardless of content, because there were no update differences in
the rest of the file.

These files go back months, and their timestamps seem to correspond
to the times when my   apt-get update   runs occur. So perhaps you
could try hiding the file and running the web interface again.

¹ I had to decrease ExStartTradeOff from 500m to 10m to give
expiration a push because jessie and stretch have been quite quiet
in the period since I removed all wheezy's apt-cacher-ng metadata.


Re: WebRTC software

2019-04-26 Thread Jonas Smedegaard
Quoting Nicolas George (2019-04-26 17:13:05)
> I would like some advice about good HTML5 WebRTC video-conference 
> software, preferably packaged by Debian, at least Libre and 
> trustworthy.
> Also, I would appreciate if it can do screen-casting too. Probably not 
> with a web browser client: A calls B from browser, B answers with a 
> dedicated client, B can show A their screen instead of their face.
> There will probably be an Asterisk server available.
> Thanks in advance for any suggestion.

WebRTC is not one but a range of things.

Since you mention Asterisk, you are probably looking for an SFU - one of 
the best SFUs, Janus, is in Debian (maintained by me).  The contrib 
package janus-demos can be used as basis for custom applications aorund 

You might find my notes on the subject of some use:

 - Jonas

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website:

 [x] quote me freely  [ ] ask before reusing  [ ] keep private

Description: signature

WebRTC software

2019-04-26 Thread Nicolas George

I would like some advice about good HTML5 WebRTC video-conference
software, preferably packaged by Debian, at least Libre and trustworthy.

Also, I would appreciate if it can do screen-casting too. Probably not
with a web browser client: A calls B from browser, B answers with a
dedicated client, B can show A their screen instead of their face.

There will probably be an Asterisk server available.

Thanks in advance for any suggestion.


  Nicolas George

Description: PGP signature

Re: [HS-encore-que] merge pdf sur mutu ovh

2019-04-26 Thread fab


il me semble qu'il est possible d'assembler simplement des PDF en les 
concaténant simplement, après avoir viré la dernière ligne du 1er 
fichier et la première ligne du  second...
J'ai fait ça mais sans succès. La 1ère ligne est la version du pdf et la 
dernière ligne est toujours %%EOF. L'idée était pas mal pourtant ;)




Re: clé usb bootable mini distributions

2019-04-26 Thread fab


D'où vient ce /home/fabricer/os/grub et que contient-il ?

il vient de l'install de grub-install sur la clé.
il contient donc:
fabricer@FR-PORT:~/os/grub$ ls
fonts  grub.cfg  grubenv  i386-pc  locale

Et le grub.cfg, j'en ai récupéré une 1ère version ici:

Que j'ai modifié à ma sauce, en fonction des iso que je mettais sur ma clé.

Certaines images ISO hybrides ne sont pas conçues pour être utilisées de 


"CD" car il est incapable d'utiliser un fichier image.

Exact! Il faut donc parfois un peu tester (et galèrer ;) )



Re: [HS-encore-que] merge pdf sur mutu ovh

2019-04-26 Thread fab


Il n'y a aucun moyen de monter le disque distant sur la machine de
travail ? (sshfs, NFS, ?)
Sisi, depuis mon serveur, je peux attaquer la machine ovh en ssh (et 
utiliser sshfs) et le contraire m'est impossible. Cependant, comme dit 
plus, c'est dommage de faire transiter autant de Mo pour un simple merge 
de pdf.



Re: Comment émettre des courriels d'alerte depuis des sites distants ?

2019-04-26 Thread Belaïd

Vérifiez "l'accès Pour les applications moins sécurisées" dans la section
sécurité de ton compte Gmail.  Je ne sais pas trop ce que Gmail veut dire
par "applications moins sécurisées " car dans mon cas,  si l'option
ci-dessus est désactivée,  je n'arrive pas à me connecter depuis tous les
clients (Thunderbird, Mail d'apple,  claws-mail...)  à part depuis le
client officiel Gmail 

Le ven. 26 avr. 2019 14:39, Olivier  a écrit :

> Bonjour,
> Je gère des serveurs sous Debian sur de multiples sites.
> Ceux-ci sont configurés pour utiliser un compte Gmail quand ils émettent
> un courriel (alerte, envoi fichiers).
> J'utilise un compte unique pour des dizaines de machine.
> Souvent, celles-ci n'émettent aucun message pendant des mois.
> Quand elles en émettent, j'observe qu'il arrive souvent que ces messages
> soient bloqués et que je reçoive à la place de Google, une alerte de
> sécurité.
> J'ai lu dans [1] que plutôt que configurer mes serveurs avec le login-mot
> de passe du compte Gmail, il fallait utiliser un "mot de passe
> d'application".
> 1. Que conseillez-vous ?
> 2. N'importe quel compte Gmail permet-il l'utilisation d'un "mot de passe
> d'application" ?
> Slts
> [1]

Tworzymy projekty Stron i Sklepów WWW. Silniki WordPress,Prestashop.

2019-04-26 Thread UX Designer | L. Kalinowski

Dzień dobry,

moja praca jest moją pasją, dlatego każdy zrealizowany przeze mnie projekt 
*Strony bądź Sklepu WWW *wykonuję z należytą precyzją.

Nowoczesny Sklep oraz profesjonalna Strona internetowa, stanowią jeden z 
gwarantów sukcesu w biznesie.

Grono zadowolonych klientów doceniło już wyniki moich prac.

Jeżeli jesteście Państwo zainteresowani 
dołączeniem do w/w grupy osób i poznaniem szczegółów związanych ze specyfiką 
mojej pracy, zachęcam do odpowiedzi na tą wiadomość wysyłając "*TAK"*.

Z wyrazami szacunku,
L. Kalinowski UX Designer

Tworzymy projekty Stron i Sklepów WWW. Silniki WordPress,Prestashop.

2019-04-26 Thread UX Designer | L. Kalinowski

Dzień dobry,

moja praca jest moją pasją, dlatego każdy zrealizowany przeze mnie projekt 
*Strony bądź Sklepu WWW *wykonuję z należytą precyzją.

Nowoczesny Sklep oraz profesjonalna Strona internetowa, stanowią jeden z 
gwarantów sukcesu w biznesie.

Grono zadowolonych klientów doceniło już wyniki moich prac.

Jeżeli jesteście Państwo zainteresowani 
dołączeniem do w/w grupy osób i poznaniem szczegółów związanych ze specyfiką 
mojej pracy, zachęcam do odpowiedzi na tą wiadomość wysyłając "*TAK"*.

Z wyrazami szacunku,
L. Kalinowski UX Designer

Re: boite mail locale

2019-04-26 Thread Wallace

Sous Debian 6 à 9 en expert install il te demande comment tu veux
configurer le relai local de smtp si tu le choisis dans le tasksel.

Par contre c'est du Postfix qui est mis, je n'ai pas vu passer Exim par
défaut depuis un bout de temps.

Le 25/04/2019 à 15:04, a écrit :
> Bonsoir à tous,
> Quand j'ai installé ma première distribution Debian (Potato), il y
> avait durant l'installation
> des questions qui permettaient de configurer exim.
> Aujourd'hui et peut-être depuis plusieurs versions il n'y a plus de
> question à l'installation concernant la
> configuration exim, soit, mais ce que je ne comprends pas c'est que le
> répertoire /var/mail/ soit vide c'est à dire qu'il n'y a pas la boite
> mail locale d'aucun utilisateur!
> Comment y remédier?
> Je vous remercie pour votre réponse.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Attempting a VERY minimal install (using --no-install-recommends ;)

2019-04-26 Thread Jonas Smedegaard
Quoting Richard Owlett (2019-04-26 14:10:02)
> On 04/26/2019 04:24 AM, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> > Quoting Richard Owlett (2019-04-24 19:36:29)
> >> My base setup was installed by doing
> >> apt-get --no-install-recommends install task-mate-desktop
> >> apt-get install pluma gparted synaptic
> > 
> > I share your interest in installing minimal systems without the 
> > deroute of first installing too much and then removing unwanted 
> > parts.
> > 
> > I understand from your subject that you deliberately chose to 
> > explore first creating a broken system and then attempt to unbreak 
> > it.
> It's not so much that I intentionally "broke" the system but I 
> eliminated the "noise" of a set of sub-optimal permutation of 
> recommends.


> > Personally I use aptitude in fullscreen mode (i.e. run "aptitude" 
> > with no non-option arguments) to explore package relations 
> > (dependencies, recommendations, suggests, and enancements) 
> > interactively.
> "aptitude --show-XXX" may be what I've been looking for. Can you 
> recommend article/tutorial/examples I should read.

Official documentation is good:

> > When I then have a set of explicit package selections possibly with 
> > explicit recommendation suppressions, I save those as classes for 
> > the tool "boxer" for reuse across many different larger system 
> > compositions.
> I found . Is there more extensive 
> documentation/examples?

Formal documentation is sorely lacking, unfortunately.

Best example is... the Tinker project:

> > If anyone is interested in collaborating on that approach, I welcome 
> > you to join the Debian Tinker project: 
> >

...more specifically the boxer nodes most actively developed:

...which corresponds to the images at

 - Jonas

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website:

 [x] quote me freely  [ ] ask before reusing  [ ] keep private

Description: signature

Re: Net::DNS::Nameserver

2019-04-26 Thread Joe
On Fri, 26 Apr 2019 13:09:46 +0100
mick crane  wrote:

> On 2019-04-26 12:48, wrote:
> > On Fri, Apr 26, 2019 at 12:19:09PM +0100, mick crane wrote:  
> >> sorry to be a nuisance  
> > 
> > You are not (not to me, at least :-)
> >   
> >> can somebody explain generally what this scheme of things with the
> >> dots has to do with ?
> >> seen this in perl as the kind of hierarchy of modules but how is
> >> this to do with the OS ?
> >> 
> >> ~$ apropos nameserver
> >> Net::DNS::Nameserver (3pm) - DNS server class  
> > 
> > You mean those double colons ('::')?
> > 
> > If yes: those are just separators for the Perl module namespace,
> > which conceptually is a hierarchy. At the (right) end you can put
> > some object (function, variable) living in that module's [1]
> > namespace.
> > 
> > Those are just a device to subdivide the namespace and to organize
> > file system "places" [1] -- they have no intrinsic "meaning" to perl
> > (i.e. the language itself has no notion of "Net" or "Net::DNS" --
> > just of "Net::DNS::Nameserver").
> > 
> > Cf "perldoc -f require" for the full thing :-)
> > 
> > Cheers
> > 
> > [1] In Perl parlance, it is a "package".
> > [2] Typically you'll find the package code in Net/DNS/
> >under a suitable "module root", e.g. /usr/share/perl5. The whole
> >list of roots is in the special array variable @INC.
> > 
> > -- tom??s  
> thanks, I don't think I'll ever properly comprehend this stuff but I
> do like it when things work.
What you're probably more interested in is getting modules as Debian
packages where possible. Where they exist, they are normally called
something like libnet-dns-nameserver-perl (not a real Debian package,
by the way), adding 'lib' at the beginning, '-perl' at the end and
replacing the doubled colons with hyphens, all lower case. If that isn't
exactly right, a search should find what you want.

But there's a *lot* of perl... and only a subset is packaged in Debian.


Comment émettre des courriels d'alerte depuis des sites distants ?

2019-04-26 Thread Olivier

Je gère des serveurs sous Debian sur de multiples sites.
Ceux-ci sont configurés pour utiliser un compte Gmail quand ils émettent un
courriel (alerte, envoi fichiers).
J'utilise un compte unique pour des dizaines de machine.

Souvent, celles-ci n'émettent aucun message pendant des mois.

Quand elles en émettent, j'observe qu'il arrive souvent que ces messages
soient bloqués et que je reçoive à la place de Google, une alerte de

J'ai lu dans [1] que plutôt que configurer mes serveurs avec le login-mot
de passe du compte Gmail, il fallait utiliser un "mot de passe

1. Que conseillez-vous ?
2. N'importe quel compte Gmail permet-il l'utilisation d'un "mot de passe
d'application" ?



Re: Net::DNS::Nameserver

2019-04-26 Thread mick crane

On 2019-04-26 12:48, wrote:

On Fri, Apr 26, 2019 at 12:19:09PM +0100, mick crane wrote:

sorry to be a nuisance

You are not (not to me, at least :-)

can somebody explain generally what this scheme of things with the
dots has to do with ?
seen this in perl as the kind of hierarchy of modules but how is
this to do with the OS ?

~$ apropos nameserver
Net::DNS::Nameserver (3pm) - DNS server class

You mean those double colons ('::')?

If yes: those are just separators for the Perl module namespace, which
conceptually is a hierarchy. At the (right) end you can put some object
(function, variable) living in that module's [1] namespace.

Those are just a device to subdivide the namespace and to organize
file system "places" [1] -- they have no intrinsic "meaning" to perl
(i.e. the language itself has no notion of "Net" or "Net::DNS" -- just
of "Net::DNS::Nameserver").

Cf "perldoc -f require" for the full thing :-)


[1] In Perl parlance, it is a "package".
[2] Typically you'll find the package code in Net/DNS/
   under a suitable "module root", e.g. /usr/share/perl5. The whole
   list of roots is in the special array variable @INC.

-- tom??s

thanks, I don't think I'll ever properly comprehend this stuff but I do 
like it when things work.



Re: Attempting a VERY minimal install (using --no-install-recommends ;)

2019-04-26 Thread Richard Owlett

On 04/26/2019 04:24 AM, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:

Quoting Richard Owlett (2019-04-24 19:36:29)

I'm attempting a very minimal install because:
1. small size in and of itself is a good goal
2. fending for oneself is a valuable educational experience compared
 to having everything handed to you on a "golden platter" {Debian's
 default installer}

My current experiments revolve around defining my personal take on a
minimal MATE desktop. Part of the motivation is that some recommended
packages clash with ones I wish to use. Just removing offending packages
after the fact is unaesthetic.

My test machine has both a default install from DVD 1 and my minimalist
install. I had done a standard install without specifying any GUI or
extra packages.

My base setup was installed by doing
apt-get --no-install-recommends install task-mate-desktop
apt-get install pluma gparted synaptic

I share your interest in installing minimal systems without the deroute
of first installing too much and then removing unwanted parts.

I understand from your subject that you deliberately chose to explore
first creating a broken system and then attempt to unbreak it.

It's not so much that I intentionally "broke" the system but I 
eliminated the "noise" of a set of sub-optimal permutation of recommends.

[One thing I've not sufficiently explored is the formal procedure/logic 
of recommending a particular package.]

The experiment met a preliminary goal. Using only *depends* does yield a 
"working", if not "productive",  system. Rather than being a "broken" 
system, I think of what I have as a "skeleton" that needs "flesh".

For the record, there's another (at least to me) more sensible approach
of explicitly skipping packages you don't want - e.g. like this:

   apt-get install task-mate-desktop libreoffice- libreoffice-gtk3-

I just re-read the apt-get man page. I assume that is applying:

If a hyphen is appended to the package name (with no intervening
space), the identified package will be removed if it is installed.
I'd read that before but never seen an example of it before. I'll have 
to think on its implications for some vague ideas I've had.

Personally I use aptitude in fullscreen mode (i.e. run "aptitude" with
no non-option arguments) to explore package relations (dependencies,
recommendations, suggests, and enancements) interactively.

"aptitude --show-XXX" may be what I've been looking for. Can you 
recommend  article/tutorial/examples I should read.

When I then have a set of explicit package selections possibly with
explicit recommendation suppressions, I save those as classes for the
tool "boxer" for reuse across many different larger system compositions.

I found . Is there more extensive 

If anyone is interested in collaborating on that approach, I welcome you
to join the Debian Tinker project:

All it lacks is internet connectivity.

Unless you examined _every_ ignored recommendation and confirmed that
indeed you did not need it, you must mean "...known so far"!

 That meant only that  the lack of internet connectivity 
was preventing me from my planned activities. That lack was due to an error.

Re: Recuperar instalação

2019-04-26 Thread Francisco M Neto
Bom dia!

On Thu, 2019-04-25 at 19:22 -0300, G.Paulo wrote:
> Olá. Obrigado pela resposta.
> O kernel panic ocorre após
>   /sbin/init: error while loading shared libraries: cannot
> open share object file: no such file or directory
>   8.470290] Kernel panic - not syncing: attempted to kill init!
>   8.470393] Pid: 1, comm: init Not tainted 3.2.0-2-amd64 #1
Antes de mais nada, sinto muito pelo seu imbróglio. É por isso que
normalmente nesses casos se faz o upgrade um release por vez! Claro, isso não
ajuda na sua situação atual, mas fica o aprendizado para a próxima ocasião.

Quanto ao seu problema atual, acho que ainda é possível recuperar sua

Pela imagem que você mandou em anexo, você está tentando dar o boot com
o kernel 3.2.0, que entra em pânico aparentemente porque não está encontrando a (que deveria estar em /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/, que
normalmente é um link para o arquivo real, que pode ter sido substituído no
upgrade, e por algum motivo o kernel não consegue carregar (infelizmente a
imagem cortou a mensagem, então não dá pra ter certeza de qual o erro).

> Dúvida: quando você diz montar os discos, significa montar exatamente
> quais partições? Eu posso acessá-las todas mas, por
> exemplo /, /boot, /usr etc. já estão montadas pelo live. Logo, não
> posso montá-las novamente com as partições do HD sem desmontar as
> outras. 

Nesse caso, você pode montar o seu raiz no /mnt, e montar as outras
relativamente a ele. Então o /boot ficaria em /mnt/boot, e assim por diante. 

> Bem, decidi fazer o seguinte: copiei o kernel do live para a
> partição /boot do HD. Tentei reiniciar o sistema informando ao grub o
> novo kernel na forma abaixo (sda7 ẽ a partição do HD onde está o
> meu /boot): 
> insmod ext2 set root='(hd0,7)' 
> linux /vmlinuz-4.9.0-8-amd64
> root=/dev/sda7 ro quiet 
> initrd /initrd.img-4.9.0-8-amd64 
> boot 

Naturalmente isso vai falhar, já que o seu sistema não faz idéia do que
fazer com esse kernel 4.9. Digo, o kernel se sustena por si próprio, mas não
necessariamente o seu sistema vai saber conversar com ele. Bibliotecas
importantes como a libc, por exemplo, receberam vários upgrades desde a Squeeze
e não serão, necessariamente, compatíveis. 

A pergunta é: você ainda tem o kernel 2.6 da Squeeze instalado? Se sim,
tente iniciar por ele, acho que seria a melhor chance.
Acredito que, se existe chance de recuperar esse sistema, será se esse
kernel conseguir dar o boot sem pânico. 

SUPONDO que você consiga esse boot, o próximo passo é recuperar a sua
instalação da Squeeze. Para fazer isso, faça o seguinte:

1) Remova todas as linhas do seu sources.list que não sejam da Squeeze. 

2) Edite o arquivo /etc/apt/preferences, e adicione o seguinte:

Package: *
Pin: release n=squeeze
Pin-Priority: 1001

3) Verifique se o diretório /etc/apt/preferences.d (se existir) não contém
nenhum outro arquivo que possa entrar em conflito com esse (na dúvida, remova os
arquivos e coloque de volta depois)

4) Faça a sequência normal de upgrade:

# apt update
# apt upgrade
# apt dist-upgrade

Supondo que isso corra bem, ao final do processo você deverá ter de volta a sua
instalação da Squeeze. Remova a configuração do /etc/apt/preferences, e faça os
upgrades em sequência - com paciência, de release em release.

Espero que isto ajude.



Francisco M Neto

GPG: 4096R/D692FBF0

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Net::DNS::Nameserver

2019-04-26 Thread tomas
On Fri, Apr 26, 2019 at 12:19:09PM +0100, mick crane wrote:
> sorry to be a nuisance

You are not (not to me, at least :-)

> can somebody explain generally what this scheme of things with the
> dots has to do with ?
> seen this in perl as the kind of hierarchy of modules but how is
> this to do with the OS ?
> ~$ apropos nameserver
> Net::DNS::Nameserver (3pm) - DNS server class

You mean those double colons ('::')?

If yes: those are just separators for the Perl module namespace, which
conceptually is a hierarchy. At the (right) end you can put some object
(function, variable) living in that module's [1] namespace.

Those are just a device to subdivide the namespace and to organize
file system "places" [1] -- they have no intrinsic "meaning" to perl
(i.e. the language itself has no notion of "Net" or "Net::DNS" -- just
of "Net::DNS::Nameserver").

Cf "perldoc -f require" for the full thing :-)


[1] In Perl parlance, it is a "package".
[2] Typically you'll find the package code in Net/DNS/
   under a suitable "module root", e.g. /usr/share/perl5. The whole
   list of roots is in the special array variable @INC.

-- tomás

Description: Digital signature

Re: Net::DNS::Nameserver

2019-04-26 Thread mick crane

On 2019-04-26 12:29, Alberto Luaces wrote:

mick crane writes:

sorry to be a nuisance
can somebody explain generally what this scheme of things with the
dots has to do with ?
seen this in perl as the kind of hierarchy of modules but how is this
to do with the OS ?

~$ apropos nameserver
Net::DNS::Nameserver (3pm) - DNS server class

It usually translates to directory separators (/).  In your case, it
points to


Ah OK, I thought it might be some new scheme of things.


Re: Net::DNS::Nameserver

2019-04-26 Thread Alberto Luaces
mick crane writes:

> sorry to be a nuisance
> can somebody explain generally what this scheme of things with the
> dots has to do with ?
> seen this in perl as the kind of hierarchy of modules but how is this
> to do with the OS ?
> ~$ apropos nameserver
> Net::DNS::Nameserver (3pm) - DNS server class

It usually translates to directory separators (/).  In your case, it
points to




2019-04-26 Thread mick crane

sorry to be a nuisance
can somebody explain generally what this scheme of things with the dots 
has to do with ?
seen this in perl as the kind of hierarchy of modules but how is this to 
do with the OS ?

~$ apropos nameserver
Net::DNS::Nameserver (3pm) - DNS server class



Re: boite mail locale

2019-04-26 Thread Stephane Ascoet

Le 25/04/2019 à 18:30, didier gaumet a écrit :

il me semble que ça a changé il a déjà quelques versions, la façon dont
ça marche maintenant est expliquée là:

Bonjour, ou peut-etre juste qu'autrefois l'installeur faisait un 
dpkg-reconfigure systematiquement alors que maintenant il faut le faire 
Pour moi le reglage par defaut est idiot, j'explique pourquoi ici: 
Mais vu que la maintenance du paquet semble etre en dessous du niveau 
minimal, ce n'est pas pret de s'ameliorer.

Cordialement, Stephane Ascoet

Re: Attempting a VERY minimal install (using --no-install-recommends ;)

2019-04-26 Thread Jonas Smedegaard
Quoting Richard Owlett (2019-04-24 19:36:29)
> I'm attempting a very minimal install because:
> 1. small size in and of itself is a good goal
> 2. fending for oneself is a valuable educational experience compared
> to having everything handed to you on a "golden platter" {Debian's
> default installer}
> My current experiments revolve around defining my personal take on a 
> minimal MATE desktop. Part of the motivation is that some recommended 
> packages clash with ones I wish to use. Just removing offending packages 
> after the fact is unaesthetic.
> My test machine has both a default install from DVD 1 and my minimalist 
> install. I had done a standard install without specifying any GUI or 
> extra packages.
> My base setup was installed by doing
>apt-get --no-install-recommends install task-mate-desktop
>apt-get install pluma gparted synaptic

I share your interest in installing minimal systems without the deroute 
of first installing too much and then removing unwanted parts.

I understand from your subject that you deliberately chose to explore 
first creating a broken system and then attempt to unbreak it.

For the record, there's another (at least to me) more sensible approach 
of explicitly skipping packages you don't want - e.g. like this:

  apt-get install task-mate-desktop libreoffice- libreoffice-gtk3-

Personally I use aptitude in fullscreen mode (i.e. run "aptitude" with 
no non-option arguments) to explore package relations (dependencies, 
recommendations, suggests, and enancements) interactively.

When I then have a set of explicit package selections possibly with 
explicit recommendation suppressions, I save those as classes for the 
tool "boxer" for reuse across many different larger system compositions.

If anyone is interested in collaborating on that approach, I welcome you 
to join the Debian Tinker project:

> All it lacks is internet connectivity.

Unless you examined _every_ ignored recommendation and confirmed that 
indeed you did not need it, you must mean "...known so far"!

 - Jonas

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website:

 [x] quote me freely  [ ] ask before reusing  [ ] keep private

Description: signature

Re: [HS-encore-que] merge pdf sur mutu ovh

2019-04-26 Thread Erwann Le Bras


il me semble qu'il est possible d'assembler simplement des PDF en les 
concaténant simplement, après avoir viré la dernière ligne du 1er 
fichier et la première ligne du  second...


Le 24/04/2019 à 21:45, fab a écrit :

salut la liste,

J'ai un soucis pour concaténer des pdf sur un mutualisé ovh sur lequel 
je ne peux pas utiliser ni pdftk, ni pdfunite.

* pdftk car il lui faut java
* pdfunite car le binaire que j'ai recopié sur mon hébergement ne 
fonctionne pas.

J'ai donc utilisé une librairie php pour lire tous les pdf et en 
recréer un gros. Mais dans l'affaire, je perds tous les liens http 
présents dans chacun des pdf. Bref, pas glop.

Et puis je préférerai utiliser des outils "simples" de bricolage de pdf.

Avez-vous une piste vers laquelle m'aiguiller ?

merki ;)


Re: TeamSpeak 3 et variable d’environnement SSL_CERT_DIR ou SSL_CERT_FILE

2019-04-26 Thread Sébastien Dinot
JUPIN Alain a écrit :
> ca-certificates 20180409

Je ne connais pas TeamSpeak, mais le paquet ca-certificates me semble un
peu vieux. Sur mon système (Debian Buster), le numéro de version est
20190110. Ceci explique peut-être cela.

Pour en avoir le cœur net, il faudrait récupérer le certificat TLS/SSL
de TeamSpeak, regarder quelle autorité l'a généré et voir si ce
certificat de cette autorité est fourni par le paquet ca-certificates

Sinon, tu peux aussi tenter de regénérer le fichier
/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt via la commande :

sudo update-ca-certificates -f


Sébastien Dinot,
Ne goûtez pas au logiciel libre, vous ne pourriez plus vous en passer !

TeamSpeak 3 et variable d’environnement SSL_CERT_DIR ou SSL_CERT_FILE

2019-04-26 Thread JUPIN Alain

Bon je sais que cela va être un peu HS car il s'agit d'une problème sous
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (mais basée sur Debian). N'ayant pu trouver de
solutions sur les forums dédiés à Ubuntu je tente ma chance ici !

J'ai depuis de nombreuses années TeamSpeak 3 d'installer sur ma machine
sans aucun soucis. Mais cette semaine, suite à sa mise à jour (de TS3
voire de l'OS lui-même), je n'arrive plus à démarrer ce dernier. J'ai le
message d'erreur suivant :

|Échec du chargement de certificats d’autorité de certification !
Veuillez installer des certificats d’autorité de certification sur votre
système ou indiquer l’emplacement en utilisant la variable
d’environnement SSL_CERT_DIR ou SSL_CERT_FILE.|

Pourtant, ca-certificates est bien installé dans sa dernière version,
donc à jour !

|$ sudo dpkg -l | grep ca-certificates ii ca-certificates 20180409 all
Common CA certificates ii ca-certificates-java 20180516ubuntu1~18.04.1
all Common CA certificates (JKS keystore) ii ca-certificates-mono all Common CA certificates (Mono keystore)|

Dans le script de lancement de TeamSpeak, j'ai rajouté les lignes
suivantes (juste au dessus du lancement de teamspeak)

|export SSL_CERT_DIR="/etc/ssl/certs/" export

Cela ne résout pas le problème, j'ai tenté de faire la même manip dans
le terminal, puis lancer le script de lancement de TS3, idem toujours le
même message.
Idem en ne mettant qu'une l'une ou l'autre des deux lignes précédemment

Comme il me semblait que cela venait d'une mise à jour de TS3, j'ai donc
essayer une version plus vieille (3.2.3 mais aussi 3.1.6) et dans les
deux cas, je me retrouve avec le même problème que celui cité plus haut !

PS : J'ai bien vu cette discussion : [résolu] certificats pour
TeamSpeak3 sous Ubuntu (Xubuntu) 18.04 LTS
, mais la solution
apportée ne fonctionne pas chez moi  !

Merci à vous si certains ont des idées et désolé pour le HS
